
icarus901cjwatson, hm that hack didnt work -> 'lilo-installed failed for unknown reasons'00:07
* icarus901 moonlights as orbitus00:07
cjwatsonerr, you might try (echo '#! /bin/sh'; echo 'exit 0') > /var/lib/dpkg/info/lilo-installer.postinst00:08
cjwatsonI guess00:09
cjwatsonoh, no00:09
cjwatsonlet's try a different approach00:09
cjwatsond-i preseed/early_command string ln -sf /bin/false /var/lib/dpkg/info/lilo-installer.isinstallable00:09
cjwatsonthat's closer to what you want anyway00:10
icarus901i did actually try that, though in concert with the first00:10
icarus901ill try alone now00:10
cjwatsonor (echo '#! /bin/sh'; echo 'exit 1') > /var/lib/dpkg/info/lilo-installer.isinstallable00:11
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icarus901that may have done it; i'll know in a moment00:21
icarus901cjwatson, excellent! problem solved00:30
icarus901apologies for popping up yet again with annoying questions00:31
cjwatsonglad it's sorted00:33
cjwatsonwhich version worked?00:33
icarus901cjwatson, your last suggestion00:35
icarus901cjwatson, guess who's back03:05
icarus901console-setup model=skip was long after dapper as far as i can tell, but if there's a good way to skip it without human interaction that would be ideal03:06
cjwatsonrefer to the dapper documentation - it didn't use console-setup, there was a different method03:07
cjwatsond-i console-tools/archs select skip-config03:08
cjwatsonfrom a quick glance at the current Debian documentation, anyway03:08
NCommanderis Wubi known to work w/ WIndows 7?09:50
NCommanderevand, ping?12:07
evandNCommander: pong12:07
NCommanderevand, I'm working on adding UNR to wubi, but I ran into a bit of a snag12:07
evandNCommander: not sure if you saw my response before.  Yes, Wubi should work in Windows 7.12:07
NCommanderevand, Oh, I didn't.12:07
NCommanderevand, How can I force it not to download via bittorrent12:08
NCommanderIts trying to pull a non-existent torrent12:08
evandDo you mean how do you force it to use the CD?12:08
NCommanderI'd like it to autodownload the ISO if possible12:08
* evand pokes12:08
NCommanderwubi really doesn't handle a 404 too well12:09
evandI imagine xivulon welcomes bug reports :)12:09
evandand patches, of course12:09
NCommanderOh, I was pointed to you as the wubi guy12:09
NCommanderObviously there's a pointer error somewhere12:09
evandI help with it, but xivulon is the main upstream author12:09
* NCommander also found another bug12:10
NCommander--nobittorrent seems to be what I want12:10
evandah, good deal.  What was the other bug?12:10
NCommanderGraphical bug12:11
NCommanderA title with a space breaks the first screen12:11
NCommanderI get12:11
NCommander"You are about to install Ubuntu Netbook"12:11
NCommanderNo remix :-)12:11
NCommandercool, its grabbing the ISO12:11
NCommanderNow to see if this works as expected12:11
evandNCommander: if you fix anything along the way, I'd be happy to merge it in on your behalf.  We're trying to build the developer community around Wubi this cycle, among other things.12:14
NCommanderevand, your bazaar tree doesn't check out on windows ;-)12:14
NCommander(symlinks are an evil thing on Windows)12:14
evandyeah, I noticed that one as well12:14
evandin wubi.trunk, make runpy12:15
NCommanderMeh, I rather develop windows apps on windows12:15
NCommanderBut that's just me12:15
evandyou can always winscp the directory over12:15
NCommanderI used to be a Windows programmer before I jumped ship to Ubuntu12:15
NCommanderBut I never touched python on it :-/12:15
NCommanderMostly at the time because you couldn't (easily) get a .exe out of it; although wubi proves that changed12:16
evandindeed, it's got some wonderful bits in there that I fully intend to steal for usb-creator12:16
evandstill, I'd love Python support in Visual Studio or MonoDevelop12:17
evandI'll have to keep dreaming though, as they appear to have ceased efforts on the Python add-in for the latter.12:17
NCommanderevand, there is ironpython12:27
NCommanderevand, stupid question, is there a way to --verbose wubi?12:27
NCommanderits stuck on checking installation files12:27
evand--verbose :)12:27
NCommanderwhere's the output come out?12:29
* NCommander can't figure out why this is stalled12:29
NCommanderevand, ?12:30
evand%TEMP%/wubi-rXXX.log if memory serves12:31
CIA-8partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1216 ubuntu/ (5 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)12:36
CIA-8partman-lvm: Rearrange LVM configuration per the12:36
CIA-8partman-lvm: foundations-karmic-server-installer-improvements specification. Instead12:36
CIA-8partman-lvm: of requiring partitions to be set for use as LVM physical volumes first,12:36
CIA-8partman-lvm: we now offer all partitions that could be used as PVs, and automatically12:36
CIA-8partman-lvm: set them up that way on request. This allows us to offer our main menu12:36
CIA-8partman-lvm: option more or less all the time, and should require many fewer12:36
cjwatson(phew. now I just need to figure out how to do the same for RAID and crypto ...)12:37
evandvery cool12:38
NCommander+1 cjwatson :-)12:39
* NCommander is trying to figure out why UNR doesn't have an initramfs ...12:42
NCommander.lz ...12:43
* cjwatson ponders the partman-md/mdcfg separation12:52
cjwatsonin some ways it's awfully tempting to try to merge them first12:57
NCommanderevand, I'm posting a bazaar branch right now, but I can't successfully install; Wubi choked on parsing .disk\info, but it did download the ISO and it did properly show up in the list13:10
NCommander(still pushing though)13:11
evandthanks, I'll review and merge in a few minutes13:11
CIA-8wubi: evand * r139 wubi.trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs):13:25
CIA-8wubi: * Added support for UNR13:25
CIA-8wubi: * Modified isolist.ini to represent new casper filename; capser.lz for lzma13:25
CIA-8wubi:  compressed initramfses13:25
StevenKHow did it choke on the .disk/info? It doesn't like daily images?13:42
NCommanderStevenK, yeah13:43
NCommanderStevenK, I'm going to file a bug on it once I reboot the PC13:43
StevenKNCommander: Please subscribe ubuntu-unr to the bug.13:45
NCommanderStevenK, that isn't a UNR specific bug13:46
NCommanderStevenK, (the graphical glitch one is though)13:46
StevenKNCommander: No, but it does affect UNR.13:47
NCommanderStevenK, alright, I shall13:48
* NCommander needs coffee and breakfast though first13:48
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davmor2evand1: wubi on hardy.3 is throwing up an invalid cd dialogue21:51
davmor2I think it might be down to wubi being versioned?21:52
davmor2version specific might of been a better description21:52
cjwatsonI've committed a fix, but I'd like evand or xivulon to sign off on it22:06
cjwatsonevand1: ^- when you see this22:06
cjwatsonevand1: I'm confused about the status of Xubuntu; it's currently on 8.04.2, but it never had a .2 release22:07
cjwatson(I think Evan needs to upload this anyway, I don't know the runes)22:07
davmor2cjwatson: ta22:13
CIA-8partman-md: cjwatson * r929 mdcfg-merge/ (8 files in 5 dirs):22:47
CIA-8partman-md: * Merge mdcfg, making partman-md stand-alone. Bugs fixed along the way:22:47
CIA-8partman-md:  - Talks about "software RAID" or "multiple device" rather than22:47
CIA-8partman-md:  "multidisk" (closes: #387696).22:47
CIA-8partman-md:  - Uses partman locking mechanism (closes: #499285).22:47
evand1cjwatson: any idea if it's going to have a .2 release, or if I can bump it back down to .1?22:58
evand1same question for kde22:59
davmor2evand1: I thought kde had a .223:00
evand1ah, so it did23:01
CIA-8partman-md: cjwatson * r930 mdcfg-merge/finish-install.d/65partman-md: no need for this guard; the [ ! -s "$CF" ] test is enough23:01
cjwatsonevand1: Kubuntu had .2 but won't have later ones per slangasek, at least as far as I know and as long as that hasn't changed lately; Xubuntu won't have anything after .123:03
cjwatson.1 was done across the board due to the OpenSSL vulnerability; it was a special case23:03
CIA-8wubi: evand * r510 hardy/ (data/isolist.ini debian/changelog): Put Xubuntu back at
evand1okay, uploaded to rookery23:09
evand1should be on the next CD roll23:09
evand1I have to head to bed though23:10
cjwatsoncool, thanks23:10
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