
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger_work
=== RoboNuggie is now known as RoboNuggie|Away
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
doctormopleia2, cprofitt, greg-g: http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/07/09/ubuntu-classes-poster/16:22
pleia2doctormo: is there a fee for this?16:23
pleia2if so, should mention it :)16:23
doctormopleia2: True, I took off the free tag from the previous design16:23
doctormopleia2: Is organiser in american spelt with a z?16:30
cprofittdoctormo, nice poster16:36
cprofittdoctormo, did I show you my new desktop?16:36
Severity1doctormo, can peoplefrom remote location participate?16:36
doctormoSeverity1: In this class no, it's a physical class, but I plan on processing one section at a time and I'll try and get introductions and course materials online if you want to keep up16:37
doctormoOh by course introductions, I mean video16:37
cprofittdoctormo, tell me what you think -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7563229&postcount=22416:38
doctormocprofitt, pleia2: revision 2 btw16:38
Severity1ahhhh thanks! im sure many will be interested! ^^16:38
cprofittI do believe in Amerglish its with a Z16:38
pleia2doctormo: I think an additional attention-grabbing "Free!" tag would be useful, "Free" is too ambiguous a term in that context (could mean that there are training sessions on free-as-in-speech systems)16:40
doctormopleia2: I'm trying to balance, I had an attention grabbing Free tag just a second ago, but advice from other community center teachers has made me rethink it since it'd attract people who are not interested in the course, they just know it's free.16:41
pleia2LUGs don't have that problem16:42
pleia2we put "Free!" on all our stuff16:42
Severity1or Libre16:42
pleia2(and people *still* ask)16:42
pleia2but I think it helps a little :)16:43
zirodaypeople do loove free stuff16:43
pleia2I have just never seen it be a problem in practice16:44
doctormopleia2: I'm not sure what LUGs are like outside of Boston, but here the LUG is doing well if they message their own mailing list, let along others or posters.16:44
pleia2doctormo: the philadelphia lug has about 700 members, 3 meetings per month, we sometimes have events with posters :)16:45
pleia2we're big16:45
pleia2one of the largest and most active in the world16:45
doctormopleia2: My LoCo tends to stay away from the BLU (Boston LUG) it's stuffy, technical, none advocacy, not really interested in fresh blood, but then it is old.16:49
pleia2doctormo: yeah, it helps that I run PLUG16:50
pleia2it's still quite technical, but I have pulled it in the direction of less stuffy, and more advocacy16:50
pleia2(mostly because that's more fun, for me)16:50
cprofittdoctormo, I would not make it free16:52
cprofittdoctormo, the advice I had from some organizers is charge $5 to reserve the seat and then refund the money when they show16:53
cprofittthat way you do not get people signing up and NOT attending16:53
cprofittothers also talk about 'value' - people devalue 'free' things16:54
pleia2yeah, I have heard that argument as well16:55
doctormopleia2: you heard that from me!16:55
doctormocprofitt: Yes I understand that16:55
pleia2doctormo: actually I think the first time was from emmajane :)16:56
doctormocprofitt: It's sometimes worth just pushing the money into refreshments :-D16:58
pleia2mmm refreshments16:58
doctormocprofitt: That screen is bueatiful by the way17:01
Lnsdoctormo: nice =) I still hate how the word 'daemons' has somehow transferred to 'services'..ugh.20:52
Lnssee that everywhere now20:52
doctormoLns: Services and Daemons are not the same thing, services can mean anything from disk space or ldap and doesn't really mean the running process.20:54
Lnsdoctormo: Gnome's "System -> Administration -> Services" app begs to differ20:55
doctormoMeh, close relationship20:55
pwnguindaemon is greek for life21:21
pwnguindaemons are processes that "live" without explicit users running or using them21:22
doctormopwnguin: interesting21:41
=== Severity-Logging is now known as Severity1

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