
jared__as usual ubuntu saves the day00:00
user_ irc.apropo.ro00:00
unitedpotsmokershey guys, how to bypass firewall? i can't surf certain website like youtube at collage..,what is a special tools or software to change our ip or bypass firewall in ubuntu00:01
Cubeunitedpotsmokers: LOL00:01
Cubeunitedpotsmokers: you probably need to use a proxy00:01
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
ravehi i need to install load runner on ubuntu   need help00:02
Scuniziunitedpotsmokers: If you can surf youtube at home or a wifi spot and not at school then it's probably a restriction the school has put on their network00:02
Halitechunitedpotsmokers, if your college admin has blocked sites like youtube then for us to assist in getting you past the firewall would be wrong00:03
Bigunitedpotsmokers: , try looking up TOR00:03
OttifantSir@unitedpotsmokers: Have the schools of higher edutcation been renamed? I though collEge was school, and collAge was a picture of many pictures pasted together. Have I been wrong for the past 15 years?00:03
Martin31can somebody help me with my wireless usb device ? it works with the preinstalled ubuntu drivers but it transfers slow00:03
ikoniarave: is loadrunner available on linux ?00:03
Cube!english ikonia00:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about english ikonia00:04
ikoniaCube: I'm speaking english00:04
Cubeikonia: no way!?00:05
ikoniaCube: what was the point of giving me an english factoid ?00:05
dijonmustardanyone worked with projectM?00:06
SpacePigeoncan somebody point me to a guide on how to make a windows bootable usb (from linux)00:06
Cubeikonia: lol are you gonna bother me the whole night about it?00:06
MarkopotomusHi hi. Rearding this password for default keyring business, that I have to enter when the computer starts up as it connects to my home wireless network, do I really have to enter it each time or is there a way to get it to remember?00:06
ikoniaCube: no, I'm asking why you gave it me00:06
SpacePigeonthe startup disk creation tool works only for ubuntu bootable usbs00:06
rockohow do I configure where the programs I have icons for in the application menu00:07
HalitechSpacePigeon, look into BartPE00:07
dijonmustardI have a vista pe image00:07
HalitechSpacePigeon, not that windows runs all that well from a USB stick00:07
dijonmustardit runs fine Halitech00:08
Bighere is the pastebin00:08
SpacePigeonHalitech, yeah, i'm just trying to run a chkdsk /f on a windows computer (acer laptop) which has no cd drive00:08
SpacePigeonso i just need the repairing functions00:08
raveikonia yes loadrunner is available for linux00:08
SpacePigeonnot that i will run windows on it haha00:08
* Markopotomus fixed his EeePC using the Ubuntu desktop CD on a USB stick today :)00:08
Halitechdijonmustard, they must have made some changes then00:08
pashello, I've upgraded to karmic with the simple "update-manager -d" , everything went fine, except on restart I've got neither splash (I know it's by design) nor kernel boot messages. any advice? am I alone with this? should I file a bug?00:08
dijonmustardspacepigeon the easiest thing to do is just put another cdrom in it00:08
ikoniarave: can't see any info on the HP website00:08
sebsebseb!karmic | pas00:08
ubottupas: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:08
raveikonia yes loadrunner is available for linux but it is for enterprise red hat linux00:08
dijonmustardeven if temporarily00:08
HalitechSpacePigeon, any option of a floppy?00:08
VCooliorocko: that's kind of an incomplete question but I think rightclick on the menu and then "edit menus" should get you started00:09
ravei have the script and package with me but it says prerequiste not there00:09
ikoniarave: then you'll have a hard time, you'd have to extract the rpm's "hope" they have compatible library sets and then place them in the correct place on your ubuntu box00:09
Martin31hey sebsebseb you helped me earlier, is there a chance you can help me again ? this time regarding my wireless network device00:09
Halitech!alien | rave00:09
ubotturave: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)00:09
raveikonia i have the script and package with me but it says prerequiste not there00:09
SpacePigeonHalitech, nah, it doesn't have a floppy drive either (nor i have a portable usb floppy drive)00:10
ikoniarave: which prerequisites are missing00:10
sebsebsebMartin31: earlier?  you mean the other day with something?00:10
sebsebseb!wireless |  Martin3100:10
ubottuMartin31: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:10
HalitechSpacePigeon, look into a usb boot disk at bootdisk.com00:10
raveubottu it is not a package its a script00:10
edbianrave: ubottu is a robot00:10
sebsebseb!bot |  rave00:10
ubotturave: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:10
Martin31sebsebseb yes but it was a different problem you helped with before00:11
emeryhow would i view what H/D's i have connected via terminal00:11
MidsummerDawnSo iTunes doesn't support on Ubuntu?00:11
Cubeikonia: it wasn't ME actually. i have a seizure that makes me type in random stuff on irc channel. sorry about it00:11
edbianemery: sudo fdisk -l00:11
gogetaMidsummerDawn: thers no itunes linux :(00:11
SpacePigeonHalitech, i am currently trying with unetbooting00:11
Martin31sebsebseb: i am connected with my wireless device but its not working properly00:11
HalitechSpacePigeon, I wonder if k3b would allow to you create a bootable image to put on usb00:12
Scunizi!ipod | gogeta00:12
SpacePigeoni will keep your method in memory in case i fail00:12
ubottugogeta: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:12
jilbert| is invalid ip, host or nickname.00:12
sebsebsebMartin31: I don't do wireless, but the link the bot gave is very good00:12
gogetaMidsummerDawn: but wine can run itunes00:12
daszorzi've installed a second net card, it shows up in lspci but theres no eth1, can anyone help?00:12
HalitechSpacePigeon, doh, forgot about unetbootin00:12
MidsummerDawnDoes Wine support iTouch?00:12
dijonmustardanyone here running xp using vmware?00:12
SpacePigeonHalitech, haha00:12
gogetaMidsummerDawn: donno check google00:12
Martin31sebsebseb: its more of a troubleshooting thing because i already got it to work00:12
SpacePigeonHalitech, i just figured out while looking at community's doc00:12
gogetadijonmustard: i have00:12
sebsebsebdijonmustard: I have used VMware player and server before,  but Virtualbox :)00:12
Scunizidijonmustard: I have for about a year but I prefer virtualbox00:12
gogetasebsebseb: hehe vbox 3 d3d support :)00:13
sebsebsebMartin31: well provide full details and someone else can probably help00:13
dijonmustardi heard virtualbox is buggy00:13
HalitechSpacePigeon, I used it a long time ago to get ubuntu installed on an old compaq that had a dead cdrom00:13
Scunizidijonmustard: nope00:13
emeryhow would i mount . /dev/sdb100:13
sebsebsebdijonmustard: Virtualbox is amazing :)00:13
gogetaHalitech: lol unetbootin is your frend00:13
Halitechemery, sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mount/point00:13
Scunizidijonmustard: if you get it from the repos then you don't have usb support.. get it from thier repos instead..00:13
dijonmustardgrrr i just got done installing vmware server00:13
sebsebsebgogeta: yeah, but how good is it really?00:14
Halitechgogeta, yeah, only downside is you need to have an OS running to use it00:14
sebsebsebgogeta: have you tested?00:14
gogetasebsebseb: what vbox 300:14
sebsebsebgogeta: yep and the Directx  support00:14
dijonmustardthey have directx support now?00:14
gogetasebsebseb: no i did it in vmware thow00:14
Scunizigogeta: dijonmustard yep.. for dx8/900:15
gogetasebsebseb: good for dx apps00:15
* __d3f0__ is away: Ausente por ahora00:15
ikonia!away > __d3f0__00:15
ubottu__d3f0__, please see my private message00:15
gogetadont plan on gaming lol00:15
dijonmustardThink i might just go all kubunt compiz and start running virtual sessions on my desktops00:15
sebsebsebdijonmustard: I read it's slow with some games though, or whatever00:15
daszorzi've installed a second net card, it shows up in lspci but theres no eth1, can anyone help?00:15
Scunizigogeta: if they are older then it shouldn't be a problem00:15
mezquitaleI installed an SSH server in my local lan and can connect to it via ssh -p xxx user@192.168.1.x, how can I connect to the server remotely from the internet?  Would I be able to ssh to my machine just by resolving the IP of my router?? Or something special needs to be done so I can ssh from the internet to my ssh server that's connected via a cable modem and router?00:16
dijonmustardthey got caldega and that other one crossover so games dont seem to be that big of a deal for linux anymore00:16
Cubeikonia: but we cool right?00:16
Cubeikonia: im sorry man00:16
ikoniamezquitale: 192.168 is non-routable, you'll need to nat/portforward your public IP address00:16
gogetaScunizi: vmware makes the card show up as a genric nivida or ari00:16
dijonmustardIve been sittn back for 10 years playing with linux on the side waiting for it to get where I want think it's getting close.00:16
=== Wizzup`NIN is now known as Wizzup
AndorinKatoIs it possible for a wireless card to have trouble with connecting to just /one/ specific network? I'm on my laptop (Jaunty) and when I try to connect to the library's wireless via wicd, it never gets past the "Obtaining IP Address" stage. Others can connect since I see them on their computers...00:17
Scunizigogeta: yep.. that's normal00:17
Halitechmezquitale, you would need to forward ports on your router (if you have 1) and y ou might want to look into a free name service like dyndns.com00:17
bastidrazormezquitale, forward port 22 to your internal IP00:17
sebsebsebdijonmustard: yep it's getting there,  with the help of Wine, and  Virtualbox00:17
Scunizigogeta: probably similar in vbox.00:17
Martin31Okay so I have a wireless usb device to connect to my network, it's a Netgear WG111v2. It works out of the box, but I get max download speeds of 90kb/s, even while transferring files on my lan. Any help ?00:17
OttifantSir@Big: Try running this in a terminal: "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel" (without quotation marks) and log out of your session and back in to restart X. See if that gives you anything. Also, give us any error messages during install of this driver.00:17
gogetaAndorin wicd you have to turn off keys for it to connect to a open00:17
Barridusever since creating a xsession script to use gnome with openbox wm, my sound starts muted upon login.  is there some command i need to add to this script to unmute and set the sound level to max?00:17
dijonmustardi implement microsoft for a living but i say more and more the future is open source00:18
gogetaAndorinor it will try to send your keys and of course fail00:18
mezquitalebastid_razor, i changed the port, i think port 22 is being blocked by my isp, anyone knows if cable internet blocks ports to be used for ssh? im not using the default port00:18
sebsebsebdijonmustard: of course there are some pretty good games for Linux,  just got to know where to get them from,   but  there's still this idea that  Windows gaming is  better, so once  Virtualbox can support it properly :)00:18
ikoniamezquitale: contact your isp00:18
gogetamezquitale: no no isp blocks port 2300:19
bastidrazormezquitale, then forward the port ssh is listening to.. i have the same situation and simply changed the port ssh listens to then forwarded that port in my router00:19
dijonmustardyeah i use to play quake3 in linux00:19
gogetamezquitale: they normaly block 22 to stop ftp servers00:19
dijonmustardand enemy territory00:19
Halitechgogeta, ftp is on 2100:20
daszorzi've installed a second net card, it shows up in lspci but theres no eth1, can anyone help?00:20
mezquitaleHalitech, so basically I would use the ip on my cable modem to reach my ssh server and I would need to redirect the port I use for ssh to the ip on the ssh server?00:20
gogetalol oops00:20
gogetayea 2100:20
Halitechmezquitale, yes00:20
gogetathey dont block 2200:20
Halitechgogeta, ;)00:20
SpacePigeonHalitech, so, this is taking forever.. are those files in that site you linked me to supposed to contain the repair functions of the windows xp cd00:20
rikki_maxhello is there any way to view a terminal if it is running from another process e.g. running on a remote system and u didn't start it00:20
AndorinKatogogeta: What do you mean, turn off keys?00:20
VCoolioBarridus: try adding something like this script to startup apps; it's a workaround, not a solution; http://pastebin.com/f7326ebbe00:20
gogetaHalitech: of couse any smart user just uses a non standerd port lol00:21
=== AndorinKato is now known as Andorin
dijonmustardCan someone send me a working irc proxy? :) socks 5 or proxy...00:21
ikoniadijonmustard: no00:21
Scunizirikki_max: if the terminal was started and you're running screen on the remote machine00:21
ikoniadijonmustard: you'll need to build one yourself00:21
gogetaAndorin: click the little arrow on the connection and go to advaned settings00:21
dijonmustardi have one i guess to use brb now that u got my ip :P00:21
rikki_maxscunizi: the process was started by a script00:21
HalitechSpacePigeon, remind me again, what link did I send you :O00:22
erxini cant login to vnc from a remote pc, can anyone help me out00:22
VCoolioBarridus: that will work only with alsa; for pulseaudio check what command you need to unmute and set to some %00:22
gogetaAndorin: for there can turn off wifi securty or chage it00:22
Scunizirikki_max: In that case I'm not sure.. without screen as a multiplexer (if that's the right word) I don't think you can attach to it.00:22
Martin31Okay so I have a wireless usb device to connect to my network, it's a Netgear WG111v2. It works out of the box, but I get max download speeds of 90kb/s, even while transferring files on my lan. Any help ?00:22
Andoringogeta: Nothing is enabled on this connection...  no boxes are checked.00:22
eagle-eyesHi having trouble with GRUB files on my USB Stick install; keeps looking at the HDD for Ubuntu install when its on the USB stick--what do I need to change?00:22
SpacePigeonHalitech, bootdisk.com00:22
gogetaAndorin: is the libary open00:22
Halitecherxin, do you have a router and have you forwarded the port?00:22
Andoringogeta: I'm there now.00:22
BarridusVCoolio, i'm using pulse, thanks for the point in the right direction00:22
Scunizirikki_max: if you can modify the script to run screen and then the process inside of the screen instance then yes.. you'll be able to attach to it.00:23
HalitechSpacePigeon, ahh, no it shouldn';t take long to download00:23
gogetaAndorin: does it say open or doees it need a key00:23
rikki_maxscunizi: thnks well i thought so, now im going to adding logging to my irc bot thnks to that certain guy00:23
Andoringogeta: Oh, the network? It's unsecured.00:23
SpacePigeonHalitech, i might wait for the bootable usb to be created, but its still below 10%00:23
gogetaAndorin: it will say wep or wpa00:23
mezquitaleHalitech,  I will do that once I get home!  Thanks!  I already have an adccount with dyndns.com, I want to be able to log in using an actual IP first, once I know that works I will use the service for name resolution00:23
fer_q tal00:23
fer_alguien de españa00:23
HalitechSpacePigeon, I think unetbootin is slow writing to a usb stick00:24
Halitechmezquitale, ok00:24
erxinHalitech: does VNC do not configure that automatically00:24
rikki_maxscunizi: it logs currently to the console and of course didn't make it save it. and i needed to c it just wondering if ubuntu could let me c that process terminal00:24
gogetaAndorin: then slect advanced and uncheck use key00:24
SpacePigeonHalitech, yeah, a lot!00:24
SpacePigeonHalitech, any other app00:24
Andoringogeta: It is unchecked.00:24
Halitecherxin, no it won't configure a router00:24
gogetaAndorin: it should connect00:24
SpacePigeonit takes about 30ms writing any file, whether its 700 B or 16 KB !00:24
Scunizirikki_max: if it's running inside of screen yes00:24
HalitechSpacePigeon, not that I can think of00:24
Andoringogeta: K, I'll try it.00:24
VCoolio!es | fer00:25
ubottufer: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:25
SpacePigeonHalitech, if only the usb creator supported any os installation...00:25
rikki_maxscunizi: belive me i can't it started the process form another script so it didn't show output in current window00:25
HalitechSpacePigeon, would be nice00:25
Scunizirikki_max: oh well00:25
wellshi all00:25
can_Hey guys I have some questions about compiz and ubuntu, would somebody mind helping me?00:26
gogetaAndorin: if its working on ever other network they must have something configure diffrent00:26
Scunizican_: only if you ask a questoin00:26
OttifantSir!ask | can_00:26
ubottucan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:26
SpacePigeonHalitech, beause it is indeed fast00:26
gogetaAndorin: maye its just not working00:26
gogetaAndorin: or they use a mac filter00:26
wellsI need help to understand this s tuto http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/fulldisclosure/2004-10/0310.html00:28
dijonmustardQuassel doesnt support proxies what's the best irc client?00:28
HossNeed some help removing WINE.  I apt-get remove, and verified that synaptic didnt have it installed, yet when I issue the command wine --version it returns the version.  Where is it installed and how can I completely remove it?00:28
can_Sorry guys I'm not used to irc, I just migrated to linux from Mac OS, and was wondering if there is way to navigate through all windows in a way that mac os's expose does (all windows fitted onto the screen)00:28
Scunizidijonmustard: irssi probably does00:28
gogetaHoss: apt-get purge wine00:29
AndorinKatogogeta: Nope, it got stuck on "Obtaining IP address" and then just quit. When I said that the box was unchecked, I mean that it was unchecked by default.00:29
gogetaHoss: removes config files00:29
Hossgogeta: why doesnt remove get rid of it?00:29
Scunizican_: if you can activate compiz then it has an expose feature.. cube too!00:29
gogetaAndorinKato: sounds like they filter the network00:29
dijonmustardWhat is the easiest way to cloak your self on irc minus using a proxy?00:29
AndorinKatogogeta: For what?00:29
Hossgogeta:  purge says that wine isnt installed.00:30
Scunizican_: what kind of video card do you have?00:30
gogetaAndorinKato: if every other network works00:30
daszorzi've installed a second net card, it shows up in lspci but theres no eth1, can anyone help?00:30
can_I have compiz, but I couldn't find the expose feature, the cube is amazing though!00:30
AndorinKatogogeta: What could they be filtering out? I didn't know that was possible.00:30
gogetaAndorinKato: they might use mac filters00:30
Scunizican_: if you have the cube then you've installed ccsm .. in there will be the option to turn on expose00:30
gogetaAndorinKato: yea its mac adress filtering00:30
Cubecan_: im amazing?00:30
dijonmustardguess google in my friend or my enemy not sure..00:31
can_I am sure you are =)00:31
OttifantSir@Hoss: Open your home-folder, press Ctrl+H and Shift+Move To Trash after you right-clicked .wine-folder00:31
gogetaAndorinKato: i would ask them how to connect they might have to unblock your pc00:31
ConstantineXVIis it possible to override the linux-splash start page in the chromium nightlies?00:31
AndorinKatogogeta: How do I figure out my MAC address? I know nothing about them.00:31
gogetaAndorinKato: they probly do it to stop wardriving00:31
dijonmustardusermode +x00:32
can_Scunizi do you know what its called, I can't find it in ccsm00:32
VCooliocan_: Expo plugin00:32
Scunizican_: ah there you go.. VCoolio gave it to you00:32
lstarnesdijonmustard: ask in #freenode00:32
gogetaAndorinKato: you tell them you wanna connect they will whitelist your pc00:32
can_Just saw it00:32
gogetaAndorinKato: being aq libary it should be free00:32
HossOttifantSir:  I renamed my old .wine folder in /home/username because I might want to re-install wine at a later time.  Do you think the files in this re-named folder are invoking wine commands?00:32
AndorinKatogogeta: Ok. What information do I need to give them in order for them to whitelist it?00:32
gogetaAndorinKato: they knoe they just gotta look at there roughter and see it00:33
phant0m_why is it that every time and im serious everytime! i install from cmd line it never works not ever#00:33
Cubecan_: lol00:33
AndorinKatogogeta: Okay, thanks a lot. :)00:33
lstarnesphant0m_: what error does it result in?00:33
phant0m_ok jre00:34
phant0m_tbh i dont know00:34
OttifantSir@Hoss: It shouldn't, as it's no longer a part of your PATHS. Try re-install WINE, then apt-get --purge remove wine (or just one -, as in -purge)00:35
phant0m_im tryin to install heritrix00:35
phant0m_i have java and plugin00:35
phant0m_and i try extract jar files 1 worked 1 didnt00:35
HossHas anyone gotten the game Spore to install?00:36
daszorzi think i've got it00:36
daszorzhow do i install sk98lin module?00:36
phant0m_can someone help me through this coz its really starting to wind me up bloody hate command line00:37
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:37
lwellsI am getting this "ACPI: expecting a [reference] package element, found type 0" every time I boot up, what does it mean anyway?00:37
gogetaphant0m_: lol00:37
phant0m_its just not funny anymore gogeta it really aint00:38
coleysphant0m_: What is your problem???00:38
phant0m_im ready to smash state of the art pc00:38
lwellsIt does not stop the boot process, but I seems like a bug to me00:38
Martin31Okay so I have a wireless usb device to connect to my network, it's a Netgear WG111v2. It works out of the box, but I get max download speeds of 90kb/s, even while transferring files on my lan. Any help ?00:38
phant0m_i have jre and wanna install heretrix i unpack .jar in proper dir to install and theres an error00:39
intokanyone know why I can't get K3B to use more then 16 chars when I have selected 103 char limit in advanced00:39
coleysphant0m_: Are you serious? Thats why you want to chuck your state of the art pc out the  window=p00:40
zxrodi'm getting an error in glxinfo00:40
zxrodlibGL error: dlopen /usr/X11R6/lib32/modules/dri//i965_dri.so failed (/usr/X11R6/lib32/modules/dri//i965_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)00:40
zxrodcan anyone shed light on this?00:40
phant0m_yeah but coleys it happens evertime i get tarball and i mean everytime00:40
coleysYou don't install .jar files.00:41
coleysrun them with: java -jar example.jar00:41
pumpkinseedRunning Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with a Sound Blaster Audigy 4. Sound works fine, but when I plug my headphones in my sound is quiet as a whisper (after I raise my volume meter to 100%). I have scoured all sound settings and everything is at 100%. Can anyone help?00:41
phant0m_it dont matter which app it is it just wont do wot i tell it its done the same with klaxon tripwire snort00:41
phant0m_and a whole load of other apps00:41
coleysrun them with: java -jar example.jar00:41
phant0m_i did00:42
phant0m_jre 600:42
coleysDo you have openjdk installed aswell....?00:42
Andoringogeta: Okay, I spoke with the guy behind the counter and he says that they don't filter their network at all... they even leave one of their routers online @ night so people can park outside and use the connection.00:42
gogetaAndorin: oddd00:43
coleysphant0m_: sudo update-alternatives --config java00:43
coleyswhat does that show...?00:43
rockoo  bhey00:43
rockoyou guys know anything about00:43
Dr_Williswow.. thats a very 'specific' topic - isent it...00:44
phant0m_you see no one tells you this on a page on the web in simple terms00:44
lwellsWhen I shut down, I get horizontal orange bars all the way up and down the screen, does that mean anything?00:44
Dr_Willislwells:  as you are shutting down befor the pc powers off? not a big issue.. just how the card/memory is getting reset/displayed i imagine00:44
coleysphant0m_: Honestly you need to calm down, =p ... chmod + x /path/to/jarfile.jar00:44
Dr_WillisYou can make a .jar exexutable? never tried that.00:45
Andoringogeta: Indeed... oh, by the way, I was also unable to connect to the network when I ran Vista on this laptop, so I don't think it's my software.00:45
phant0m_see coleys now theres another problem00:45
gogetaAndorin: have you tryed disconnecting from the first network first00:45
pumpkinseedRunning Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with a Sound Blaster Audigy 4. Sound works fine, but when I plug my headphones in my sound is quiet as a whisper (after I raise my volume meter to 100%). I have scoured all sound settings and everything is at 100%. Can anyone help?00:45
coleysphant0m_: WHAT00:45
phant0m_says nothin to configure00:45
lwellsDr_Willis: It is a normal shut down, happens everytime00:45
coleysphant0m_: You really need to be more clear.... I do not know what your refering too...00:45
gogetaphant0m_: installing java might help :)00:45
Andoringogeta: When I got here the first thing I tried to do was connect to the library's network... I'm on someone's linksys atm. I could try disconnecting and reconnecting if it makes you feel better.00:45
Dr_Willislwells:  quirk of the video drivers/card. ivbe seen it on a few box's00:45
coleysphant0m_: Yeah it seems as if you dont even have java installed.00:46
phant0m_i have mate i have jre its in my prog list00:46
gogetaAndorin: it sounds like a dchp issue00:46
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ubottuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto00:46
gogetaAndorin: the roughter is not passing out a ip00:46
phant0m_chmod: cannot access `x': No such file or directory00:46
lwellsDr_Willis: I have another thing, when I boot up I get "ACPI: expecting a [reference] package element, found type 0"00:46
Dr_Willis'feature rich and user friendly!' - and Buzzword Fortified!00:47
intokanyone know why I can't get K3B to use more then 16 chars when I have selected 103 char limit in advanced00:47
lwellsDr_Willis: Does not stop boot process, just looks funky00:47
coleysphant0m_: chmod +x /path/to/jarfile.jar00:47
Dr_Willislwells:  just a warning about somthing.. not woth worrying about.00:47
Andoringogeta: Okay, thanks, I'll look for further help online. Got to go, though.00:47
lwellsok, thanks00:47
phant0m_damn this is hard lol its like learning a new language00:47
yurimxpxmanI'm trying to use arecord to capture my soundcard output, but it sounds fuzzy and it changes volume in the recording as I change the master volume on my soundcard. Is there a way to make this better?00:48
coleysphant0m_: Lol not really =P You'll get the hang of it.00:48
coleysphant0m_: Your just overwhelmed at the moment.00:48
Dr_Williswith linux it pays to 'learn, think, pause, do, learn more' :)00:48
gogetalol he left befor i could tell him to try using the 3 diffrent dchp in wicd lol00:48
P|kkieI have a problem I have a fresh install of 9.04 and I want to disable pulse audio as it's causing a problem with wine00:48
P|kkiewhat do I do ?00:48
phant0m_too right im not sure where my ass ends and my head begins i literally installed this last week00:48
Dr_WillisP|kkie:  you may want to try upgrading to the latest wine.   From the winehq site first.00:49
coleysphant0m_: Anyways its good to have patience and respect with us in here, we are volunteers. =p00:49
P|kkieI already did that the #winehq send me here00:49
Drekiis there a way to force a program(or in this case a game) to run in windowed mode?00:49
P|kkiethey said to disable pulse audio00:50
gogetaP|kkie: admin go to sound and slect the oss or alisa sound driver00:50
P|kkiebut when I do a search in my add/remove programs I can't find it00:50
phant0m_oh i totally agree its the os im losin the patience here lol00:50
phant0m_with rather00:50
gogetaP|kkie: and set them as defult00:50
Dr_WillisP|kkie:  forget aobut that 'add/remove' programs thing. :) its a limited seletion of packages in there.. and 'disabling' is not the same as 'removing'00:50
coleysphant0m_: Msg me =)00:50
pumpkinseedRunning Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with a Sound Blaster Audigy 4. Sound works fine, but when I plug my headphones in my sound is quiet as a whisper (after I raise my volume meter to 100%). I have scoured all sound settings and everything is at 100%. Can anyone help?00:51
gogetaDr_Willis: lol you can change it in sound00:51
P|kkieOk when I go to my sound preferences it says SI7012 with CMI9739 and they all say OSS00:51
Dr_Willisgogeta:  yep. But amazing enough. ive never had to. :)00:51
gogetaP|kkie: you should see preferd00:51
gogetashould say pulse change that00:52
Martin31Okay so I have a wireless usb device to connect to my network, it's a Netgear WG111v2. It works out of the box, but I get max download speeds of 90kb/s, even while transferring files on my lan. Any help ?00:52
Cajun_Lan_ManHey carter00:53
gogetaMartin31: is its a wireless b card that abought max00:53
P|kkieI do not see preferred it says Sound Events --> Sound Playback: SiS SI7012 with CMI9739 SiS SI7012 (OSS) and than the Test button00:53
carterUbunutu 9.04 has shown poor environment performance with my dell d520. I've heard this is due to the intel graphics. Is this true00:53
gogetaP|kkie: then its not using pulse00:53
Cajun_Lan_Mancarter: can you be more specific as to what you mean by poor performance?00:54
ussercarter, possibly, intel is slow on 9.0400:54
P|kkieok in the #winehq they said to run "pgrep pulse" if it returned a number it was running pulse and it returned a number00:54
Martin31gogeta: no it's g00:54
gogetacarter: yes current intel gma is slow00:54
Martin31gogeta: i used it a couple days ago when i had XP on this computer, and gave me my isp max which is down: 350 kb/s and up: 45 kb/s00:55
BePhantomhi, does anyone have an Acer Aspire One with Ubuntu 9.04? it won't mount my SD memory00:55
gogetacarter: high speed modes are very beta and unstable00:55
pw-toxichi - i'm trying to install amazon mp3 downloader, but i'm running ubuntu on 64 bit... so i want to use force architecture, but i need the command "getlibs" to resolve the conflicts...  but bash cant find the command getlibs.. how can i install it?00:55
extorIf I have a headless box as a CUPS server, will that box auto-detect my printer like a GUI box does or do I need to be in gnome and run that printer wizard to detect and setup my printer?00:56
usserpw-toxic, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479000:56
gogetaMartin31: maybe it was just a slow site00:56
usserextor, you'll need to add printer using cups web interface localhost:63100:56
Martin31gogeta: it's everywhere, even on lan transfers00:56
gogetaMartin31: have you tryed just reconnecting maybe a bad channel00:57
pumpkinseedRunning Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with a Sound Blaster Audigy 4. Sound works fine, but when I plug my headphones in my sound is quiet as a whisper (after I raise my volume meter to 100%). I have scoured all sound settings and everything is at 100%. Can anyone help?00:57
pw-toxicusser, thanks..  how did you find this? ;((00:57
Martin31gogeta: yes ive tried that00:57
extorusser, so I don't need to run gnome on the CUPS server I take it00:57
usserpw-toxic, google00:57
usserextor, no00:57
gogetaMartin31: so you got full preformance and now your not00:57
Martin31gogeta: exactly00:58
gogetaMartin31: maybe your to far00:58
Martin31gogeta: what do you mean00:58
pw-toxicusser, looks like i'm not very good at googling.. i looked about 3-5 minutes ;) thanks00:58
gogetaMartin31: the further from a wifi the slower it goes00:59
Martin31gogeta: it's the same place it was when it worked fully00:59
Martin31gogeta: so thats not the problem00:59
gogetaMartin31: is it showing as 100%00:59
Martin31bastidrazor: yeah im looking at the unrar help in terminal, never done it in terminal before01:05
ScottGWhat is the nme of that program that shows you your computers disk usage in a sort of pie chart?01:05
cabreyScottG, baobab?01:06
Martin31Error: /home/martin/Setup.exe is not supported archive01:06
pumpkinseedRunning Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with a Sound Blaster Audigy 4. Sound works fine, but when I plug my headphones in my sound is quiet as a whisper (after I raise my volume meter to 100%). I have scoured all sound settings and everything is at 100%. Can anyone help?01:06
ScuniziScottG: disk usage analyser01:06
Martin31gogeta: i got an error "Error: /home/martin/Setup.exe is not supported archive"01:06
Titan8990Martin31, looks like you are trying to install a windows program in the wrong os01:07
OttifantSirScottG: The command to launch it is baobab, the name in the menu is Disk Usage Analyser under Accessories01:07
Dr_WillisI love how MS apps always use the inffomative name of 'setup.exe'01:07
Martin31Titan8990: im trying to get drivers out of a Setup.exe file because obviously i cant install that in ubuntu01:07
Titan8990Martin31, what driver?01:08
Martin31Titan8990: for a Netgear WG111v2 wireless network adapter01:08
Titan8990Martin31, what does lspci say the chip is?01:09
Titan8990Martin31, it is doubtful you need ndiswrapper + the windows driver01:09
sephyHow exactly do I get widgets?01:09
Martin31Titan8990: i dont think lspci will work because its a usb device01:10
Titan8990Martin31, lsusb01:10
Titan8990!screenlet | sephy01:10
ubottusephy: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have a compositing window manager such as !Compiz Fusion, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/01:10
sephythanks alot01:11
Martin31Titan8990: this is what it gives me "NetGear, Inc. WG111 WiFi (v2)"01:11
Titan8990metacity (gnome) also supports compositing now01:11
Martin31Titan8990: let me explain what my problem is: i can connect with the device and it works, but the network speeds cut out at a max of 90kb/s, even on lan transfers01:12
Goodiewhois Goodie01:13
r4banare there any tools that can help me recover data from unreadable usb flash sticks01:13
cabreyGoodie, /whois01:13
Titan8990Martin31, yeah, i just checked, terrible linux compatibility01:13
erxinwhats the easiest way to connect to my desktop from another network ?01:13
Martin31Titan8990: so i should get a new usb device ?01:13
pumpkinseedRunning Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with a Sound Blaster Audigy 4. Sound works fine, but when I plug my headphones in my sound is quiet as a whisper (after I raise my volume meter to 100%). I have scoured all sound settings and everything is at 100%. Can anyone help?01:13
Goodiecabrey: Iknow :P01:13
Goodiewindow 101:13
cabreyerxin, what do you mean by connect?01:13
Martin31Titan8990: and where did you check, i searched everywhere01:13
Titan8990Martin31, I would personally01:13
erxini want to take control of my desktop from another location/network01:14
Titan8990Martin31, i found a couple posts on linuxquestions.org01:14
Martin31Titan8990: okay thanks, how can i know what usb device works well with linux ?01:14
cabrey!vnc | erxin01:14
ubottuerxin: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:14
Titan8990Martin31, alfas are usb, and very popular these days01:14
magnetronpumpkinseed: make sure you are setting your output into "headphones" mode and not "line out" mode01:15
Titan8990Martin31, good compatibility, very good reception, and injection support01:15
Bookmansomething weird is happening to my system today and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot.  Everything was going fine when sudenely all froze up.  No mouse, no keyboard.  I hard rebooted and then it would not restart.  The Caps Lock and Scroll lock LEDs just flashed.  I tried again and it rebooted but now it boots to 100% cpu usage.  Also, when I start up XChat, it is blue themed.  Evolution is also blue themed and w01:15
Bookmanill not run. Just starts up and goes grey.01:15
Martin31Titan8990: do you have their website link ?01:15
pumpkinseedmagnetron - could you elaborate01:15
duckwarsis there any way to make an external drive always be a certain /dev/sd?? after a reboot?01:16
magnetronpumpkinseed: usually this is a toggle called "output amplifier" or similar. enable it in the mixer (first enable to display it, then enable to use it)01:16
LewisSharpHi, I have a mail loop problem with Postfix + Gmail relay + majordomo (which works fine). I have pasted my config files (postfix -n and master.cf) as well as log file entries about the mail loop.01:16
Titan8990Martin31, http://alfanetwork.trustpass.alibaba.com/01:16
Titan8990Martin31, they can be found for sale on ebay and amazon01:17
bruenigLewisSharp: protip: anything that is not specifically ubuntu related and also advanced is typically dealt with better on other channels01:17
Martin31Titan8990: okay thanks for the help :)01:17
Titan8990Martin31, no problem01:17
LewisSharpAh, noted. Thanks for telling me.01:18
tronixori installed ubuntu on my usb drive  and now everytime i start the computer i must choose between ubuntu and vista  and if i dont have the ub drive  nothing boots at all it y error how do i change vista to first boot01:18
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l7hmm, is ad-hoc networking supposed to "just work" with 9.04?  because it doesn't01:18
l7ad-hoc wifi that is01:19
Titan8990tronixor, change the boot order in your bios01:19
pumpkinseedI got it. It was not that "External Amplifier" was unchecked, it was because "IEC958 Optical Raw" was checked and needed to be unchecked.01:19
Titan8990tronixor, or if the mbr was actually written to the internal drive, you will need to do some work on the mbrs01:19
bruenigtronixor: editing the menu.lst in /boot/grub will fix the boot order01:20
Titan8990bruenig, if you read close i think the problem actually is that nothing will boot and he is looking at the solution being a changed boot order01:21
harksawI just installed a new sound card, and I went under "Sound Preferences" and set everything to "ICEnsamble ICE1724 IEC1724 IEC958 (ALSA)" This works for most things, like Totem, but for my volume control and for VLC I've tried all the options and none of them work01:21
tronixorkk i try... you mean when i choose  the different os  i can edit them 2?01:21
bruenigTitan8990: he said nothing boots at all when he doesn't have the usb plugged in01:21
harksawThe volume control applet, and VLC do not have the "ICEnsamble ICE1724 IEC1724 IEC958 (ALSA)" option  - How do I get it there?01:22
hamy notebookcan i do?? is asus and i use ubuntu 8 04 no sound or graphic can be displayed on it what01:23
gogetaTitan8990: super grub live cd to fix it?01:24
mazda01i am getting an error in tovid. tovid use to work in Hardy Heron, yhen I upgraded to Jaunty and now I get an error, tovid can't find the .mpg. I can't seem to find anything on gogle01:24
bruenig!pm | tronixor01:24
ubottutronixor: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:24
hamy notebook?? is asus and i use ubuntu 8 04 no sound or graphic can be displayed on it what can i do01:24
BookmanNow evolution finally quite trying to start, but my cpu is still running 100%...after 15 minutes of run time01:24
OttifantSir@ha: Try a live-CD of 8.10 or 9.04 first and see what that does01:25
l7Bookman: did you try running top to see what is using up so many CPU cycles?01:26
hado you think that new versions will fix these problems01:26
Bookmanl7: xorg is the top user01:26
l710% is a little high, but not very abnormal.  what else is running?01:27
OttifantSir@ha: Maybe. If it does, it's a rather easy fix to do an upgrade. If not, there's something else wrong01:27
l7often firefox + flash and javascript will eat up a lot of CPU01:27
Bookmanl7: it goes beyond that.  no firefox, just xchat01:27
Bookmanl7: and why upon reboot is xchat now blue themed01:28
pablo---adobe's flash 10 codec need lot of cpu clock, i have the same issue01:28
pablo---i think that is inevitable01:28
Bookmanl7: evolution lost my email folders completely01:28
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coleysflash just sucks =p nuff said.01:28
l7Bookman: blue themed? maybe it's the KDE theme?01:28
Bookmanl7: i'm in gnome01:28
coleysBookman: Change your gtk theme?01:29
Bookmanjust running along, then total freeze up01:29
Bookmanreboot and all hell has broken loose01:29
cabreyBookman, any I/O errors?01:29
pablo---Bookman, your computer total freeze up?01:30
Bookmanyup, solid01:30
bruenigBookman: can you get to a term?01:30
BookmanNo, it rebooted fine01:30
pablo---try rebooting using alt+petsys and presing R E I S U B01:30
bruenigBookman: can you get to a term?01:30
pablo---too see if kernel is working fine when your computer freezes up01:31
alex_dinamoI have a wifi card and my video card sharing the same IRQ (18)  I suspect that is causing me trouble01:31
OttifantSir@Bookman: You have had something happen that's happened to me too. The blue theme is Tango, the fallback theme when something goes wrong. And you're probably not in YOUR user session, but guest session01:31
bruenigBookman: what happens when you try to launch things from the terminal01:31
bruenigany output?01:31
bruenigI imagine this is gtk oriented01:31
bruenigotherwise, it wouldn't apply to all of these various apps01:31
BookmanOffifantsir: I'm in my session01:32
OttifantSir@Bookman: Then you're slightly better off than I've been.01:32
bruenigOttifantSir: appending things with @ is pretty obnoxious01:33
Bookmanbruenig: I launched nautilus.  launched ok.  no output01:33
BookmanBut it is also "blue themed"01:33
bruenigBookman: launch the problem apps01:34
Bookmanand looks "crude" or ten years old01:34
OttifantSirSo, bruenig, please explain to me why that is.01:34
bruenigalso, try launching apps as root, perhaps there is some strange configuration issues in your home dir01:34
AmerigoIs there any Linux support for Cybernet Touchscreen monitors?01:34
Bookmanbruenig: but how can that be when I was just running along fine?01:34
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alex_dinamoanyone here who knows about IRQs and that stuff?01:34
bruenigBookman: configurations change all the time01:35
OttifantSirbruenig, please get back to me and explain your statement.01:36
karaeskaalex_dinamo: IRQ or IRC?01:36
bruenigOttifantSir: everyone else simply types the name followed by a comma or colon. So yours is obnoxious in that context01:36
alex_dinamokaraeska: IRQs, hardware interruptions01:36
OttifantSirStill don't see why it is a problem. And you are the first to comment on it. I've started recognizing names in this channel, people "always" on, and they haven't said anything about it.01:38
Bookmanok, fresh reboot.  Nothing else started but XChat.  100% cpu usage01:39
BookmanNow I start System Monitor.  Load is 5.2101:39
BookmanEvery window is blue01:40
intokone last time anyone know why I can't get K3B to use more then 16 chars when I have selected 103 char limit in advanced settings?01:40
sephyDoes linux not support split archives or what?01:40
sephyI'm trying to extract these files and CRC keeps failing and I'm getting way annoyed.01:40
OttifantSirintok: As K3b is a KDE-app, maybe try #kubuntu?01:40
manu_are you all english?¿?01:40
OttifantSirmanu: I'm Norwegian01:41
racarterdoes anyone know a good color picker program for linux?01:41
manu_everybody is englis?¿?01:41
racarteras in i want to know what color is on the screen. most likely the hex value of the color01:41
intokcause I'm using it in regular ubuntu as I always have as it usualy is the better burner then brasero and gnome baker01:41
jribracarter: gimp?01:41
jribracarter: take screenshot...01:42
racartermac has a small built in utility for this01:42
racarterthere must be something for linux?01:42
AmerigoNeed help with touchscreens.01:42
jribracarter: what's wrong with gimp...?01:42
racarterit's slow01:43
racarteri don't want to take a screenshot of anything01:43
jrib!who | racarter01:43
ubotturacarter: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:43
OttifantSirracarter: Open Add/Remove and type "color" in the search bar. Among the top 5 is some color pickers01:43
racarterubottu, right01:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about right01:43
yabooother than pidgin what other im software does facebook also?01:43
torshidosorry for the dumb question, but I see that Edubuntu 9.04 is an add-on now? Do I need the CD or can I do apt-get install edubuntu over a Ubuntu Desktop?01:44
Piciyaboo: gwibber01:44
Piciyaboo: although thats not really IM software.01:44
OttifantSirracarter: Or search in Synaptic for color picker01:44
manu_what is better¿? ubuntu or xubuntu¿?01:44
Joker_-_how to change the resolution of an ATI Rage 128??? I'm stuck at 800x600 and it's a 64mb video card. It can defenitly do better than this.01:44
Pici!best | manu_01:44
eidolonhey has anyone ever gotten bluetooth headphones working against an ubuntu  Jauntyu install?  i have a built in BT adapter, and it looks like it 'sees' the headphones, but i can't get sound to route to it.01:44
ubottumanu_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:44
BookmanAnything else to try here, or just install a different O/S.01:44
majnoon<-- has *buntu01:44
Joker_-_I have googled forever but couldnt find anything "up to date"01:44
yabooPici what is IM software then?01:44
intokI even asked in #k3b and for 2 hours now still have no reply, linux community seems to suck at help desk compared to the Mac guys at least, unless you ask them anytihng about OSx8601:45
Piciyaboo: gwibber is for twitter/identica/facebook statuses01:45
OttifantSirmanu: Depends on your expectations and knowledge and hardware. Xubuntu is a little "lighter" than Ubuntu.01:45
koshiHow do I get root on a partition I'm not using? :S01:45
jribkoshi: what exactly do you want to do?01:45
Pici!info gwibber | yaboo01:45
ubottuyaboo: gwibber (source: gwibber): Open source microblogging client for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 185 kB, installed size 1360 kB01:45
koshijrib: remove a package01:46
manu_i have a notebook  1gb ram and 1,6 Gh of cpu?01:46
Joker_-_ATI Rage 128 (r128), stuck at 800x600, need input, thank you very much.01:46
mazda01no one uses tovid? I am getting an error after upgrading. It says it can't find the encoded.mpg file during the multiplexing stage. I found something that says to add the -keefiles and -force options but I am not sure where to add the options. ANy help please.01:46
jribkoshi: so this is on an install different than the one you are currently using?01:46
* Amerigo needs help01:46
koshijrib: I'm running off live cd now01:47
OttifantSirintok: Even though you use it in Gnome, doesn't mean you can't get an answer in #kubuntu if you try01:47
agntdrakeso I upgraded to 9.04 and I've noticed that compiling stuff now takes about twice as long and tends to lock my machine up for brief periods of time01:47
jribkoshi: why can't you just load the regular install and remove it then?01:47
agntdrakewere there a lot of scheduler changed from 8.04 to 9.04?01:47
sebsebseb!details |  Amerigo01:47
ubottuAmerigo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:47
yabooPici ubottu thanks will look at it01:47
xkkcHey there. Any suggestions for speeing up the Flash Player (version 10, not from the repos) on Ubuntu? I'm an experienced Unix user who's mighty afraid they're going to have to install *Windows* for someone who needs flash player. And I don't want to have to do that. ):01:47
koshijrib: I installed a graphics driver, and I can't see anything when I boot it up. Oh, I can get terminal tho01:48
koshiI guess I'll do that01:48
jribkoshi: just use the terminal to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:48
* koshi writes down. 01:48
dethredicHey guys, I just enabled my wireless driver in the hardware manager, but it says "it's activated but currently not in use". How do I use it?01:48
Kalmixkkc, are you running the 32 bit flash player on a 64 OS?01:48
koshijrib: ty very much01:49
Amerigosudo nvidia-settings01:49
hosifiedjoin #ubuntu-server01:49
xkkcKalmi: Uh, no.01:49
OttifantSirdethredic: Have you done a reboot?01:49
Kalmixkkc, no idea than, sorry...01:49
greensimianHey gang01:49
dethredicOttifantSir, yes I have01:50
=== joshthecoder_afk is now known as joshthecoder
* Amerigo needs help.01:50
OttifantSir!ask | Amerigo01:50
ubottuAmerigo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:50
Bookmananyone with ideas on why my system would become so unstable instantly?01:50
AmerigoHow do I get my touchscreens calibrated?01:51
OttifantSirdethredic: Which chipset does the wireless use?01:51
KalmiBookman, new kernel? hw acting funny? hdd dieing? memory errors?01:51
BookmanI don't want to reinstall Linux yet again.  That is why I got away from Windows01:51
dethredicOttifantSir, Broadcom BCM432801:51
OttifantSirdethredic: Which driver did you install? b43-fwcutter or Broadcom STA?01:52
KalmiBookman, you could try an older kernel... What have you changed lately?01:52
BookmanKalmi: nothing new....running just fine then freeze.  Reboot and now a nightmare01:52
KalmiBookman, by nightmare you mean...?01:53
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dethredicOttifantSir, Broadcom STA01:53
koshijrib: that file just looks like this http://pastebin.com/m11b01bfd01:53
BookmanKalmi: theme is all messed up.  Now blue.  Evolution lost my email folders completely01:53
greensimianI am pretty hep to my Unbuntu box, but I am looking for an RSS screensaver like my Mac has.  anyone seen it?01:53
Bookman100% cpu usage upon boot up01:53
fireunCUPS+Gutenprint or Foomatic?01:53
jribkoshi: then it should be using the default video driver afaik01:54
KalmiBookman, blue? that's not even the default...01:54
dethredicOttifantSir, and I have activated it01:54
BookmanKalmi: exactly01:54
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BookmanKalmi: I use the defaults always.  Including the background01:54
KalmiBookman, you are using ext3, right?01:55
BookmanKalmi: yup01:55
OttifantSirdethredic: Strange. I use that on my Broadcom card, and it's working like a charm. Try de-activating it and install b43-fwcutter. If you can't do it in Hardware Drivers, do "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter" (without quotations), then run "b43-fwcutter" (again, no""), see if that solves the problem. If it doesn't ask again, and someone else will help you blacklist the driver (if needed) and troubleshoot further.01:56
KalmiBookman, what process is using the CPU?01:57
gartralI updated Ubuntuone today.. but i STILL cant get it too auto connect on login >.<01:57
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BookmanKalmi: nothing shows up....just xorg01:58
fission6i have windows xp, and no blank disks to burn ubuntu on, is there a way i can download it and install? i have about 7gb partion i am not using01:58
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gartralfission6: you need an ISO burning tool... like cdrtools frontend01:59
jrib!install | fission601:59
ubottufission6: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:59
paracelsusIf you want to Install Ubunut on Windows and have no CD burner you might want to consider Wubi01:59
Kalmi!wubi | fission601:59
ubottufission6: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:59
karaeskafission6: You can try Ubuntu by virtual machine01:59
gartralfission6: www.cdrtfe.sourceforge.net01:59
gartralerm, take the www. part off01:59
paracelsusYea, either wubi or a VM is a good route if you have no burner or want a small footprint, etc.02:00
Kalmior you install from USB (easy)02:00
fission6nah i'd like to offical boot into unbuntu, windows is pissing me off with viruses02:00
OttifantSirHe just hasn't got any media. He's got the hardware, but not the media to burn a CD.02:00
fission6OttifantSir exactly02:00
charlie458hi, every so often in ubuntu when i boot up, the sound is really low, rebooting sets it back to normal, but kinda inconvenient, i tried sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart but it doesn't work02:01
soreaufission6: Booting from usb is an option if your bios supports that02:01
Kalmifission6, have you got a pendrive?02:01
fission6ok so whats my best option here, i'd like to download ubuntu to my partion i am not using, and somehow install there and boot into ubuntu02:02
fission6no external media available02:02
gartralfission6: thats a normal install... grab the iso for your computer type and burn it using cdrtools02:02
paracelsusWell, Wubi will boot indepedent of Windows but runs off a virtual filesystem contained on the NTFS partition. A vm would be easier to move at a later point, but will require (at least for now) you to run it atop windows.02:02
fission6I DO NOT have any cds, unless you mean emulate it02:03
paracelsusWubi is a pretty good option as that way you don't have to start Windows at all.02:03
gartralfission6: ok, ok, no need too yell, sorry :)02:03
sephyWant to know something absolutely LAME02:03
sephyUbuntu bricked my PSP02:03
oakmacmy Sansa is not automatically mounting; how can I mount it manually?02:03
paracelsusSo any instability present in Windows will not plague you as it may if you try running Ubuntu as a VM02:03
gartral!ot | sephy02:03
ubottusephy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:03
fission6id like to have a boot02:04
gartraloakmac: what kind of sansa?02:04
jriboakmac: does other stuff mount automatically/02:04
paracelsusSansa: if it has a UUID can you add a line for it in /etc/fstab?02:04
oakmacSandisk Sansa e200 (i think, it might be a e250)02:04
gartrali had too edit parts of gphoto to get my e250s to mount02:04
oakmacit has mounted previously; the upgrade to 9.04 had this problem02:05
BookmanKalmi: any ideas or am I just beat here.02:05
oakmacjrib: other things mount correctly02:05
KalmiBookman, you could run "sudo top" to find processes not fully listed in systemmonitor02:05
gartraloakmac: were seeing same issue, ok, one sec, let me figure out where the file is02:05
jriboakmac: switch the mode your sansa uses to switch files and try again?02:05
oakmacjrib: it's set in the USB portable storage mode02:05
BookmanKalmi: I do that and the only thing that takes up big cpu cycles (10%) is xorg02:05
jriboakmac: switch the mode your sansa uses to switch files and try again?02:05
gartraljrib oakmac go ahead and try, but i doubt it will help02:06
KalmiBookman, you said that there was "100% cpu usage"02:06
BookmanKalmi: yup.  system monitor shows 100%02:06
BookmanKalmi: hard drive is working like crazy02:07
fission6i think ill try wubi02:07
blackest_knightdoes the gateway address on a router have to be on the wan port or could it be on a lan port  essentially the router would be providing dhcp and wireless services and pointing the other lan clients to the gateway02:07
fission6thanks for the recommedation02:07
KalmiBookman, and top as root shows nothing?02:07
oakmacit's still having the same problem02:07
oakmacswitched to other mode, plugged it in (nothing happens), switched back to USB mode (nothing happens)02:07
oakmacthis used to work fine in 8.10; any ideas?02:08
jriboakmac, gartral: my sansa has always mounted since I had it.  On a firmware upgrade it stopped because the transfer mode had been switched02:08
dethredicOttifantSir, thank man that worked great!02:08
gartraloakmac: ok in termial put locate 20-libgphoto2.fdi02:08
BookmanKalmi: I will try a reboot and try again.  but why is everything blue and crude looking?  In the windows.  Background and icons are fine.02:08
oakmacit's in /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/20-libgphoto2.fdi02:09
gartraloakmac: ok, gksu gedit /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/20-libgphoto2.fdi02:09
jribgartral, oakmac: gphoto shouldn't even be involved if it's being mounted as MSC02:09
oakmacok, i'm in there; it's an XML file02:10
gartraljrib: I know, but it is classified by gphoto as a camera, not a media player... and it causes weird stuff too hapen02:10
OttifantSirdethredic: I'm as surprised as you. Usually Broadcom is a lot harder to do.02:10
gartraloakmac: ctl-f and find Sansa E20002:11
jribgartral: bug 363101 ?02:11
KalmiBookman, it seems that a few things got corrupted... probably just user-level things... because other things weren't open for writing at the time of the freeze...02:11
BookmanKalmi: ok, so the fix is?02:11
oakmacgartral: found it02:11
gartraljrib: i didnt know there was a bug report on it, all i know is oakmac is the 4th person ive helped with the issue :)02:12
gartraloakmac: delete the blovk02:12
KalmiBookman, well... you could delete the gnome releated hidden folders in your home directory to get back the default...02:12
BookmanKalmi: you know what?  I just switched to another user and it is fine02:12
KalmiBookman, told you... user-level02:13
BookmanKalmi: ok, but does that mean that my evolution email is toast?02:13
oakmacgartral: ok02:13
gartraloakmac: ok, now you can save and close the file, and restart your comp (the easy way) or run /ect/init.d/hal restart and replug your sansa02:14
BookmanKalmi: and which are the gnome hidden folders?02:14
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j0kerOh .. there is other server02:14
JPSmanhow do I get SDL.h?02:14
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j0kerIm korea ubuntu user :)02:15
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko02:15
ScuniziTang soo do!02:15
oakmacgartral: i saved the file, restarted hal, and reconnected, still not mounting02:16
blu3_b4ll5what is that..korean?02:16
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko02:16
oakmacgartral: do i need to restart X for some reason?02:16
Scuniziblu3_b4ll5: the way of the open hand02:16
gartraloakmac: no, it wasn't hal, sorry...02:16
blu3_b4ll5the way of eating rotten eggs and threatening global super powers02:17
Scuniziblu3_b4ll5: at least that's one translation.. it's also a form of karate02:17
gartraloakmac: just reboot, i cant remember the command to restart gphoto's detection service right at the moment02:17
oakmacgartral: ok, rebooting02:17
oakmacgrr... i never use gphoto02:17
blu3_b4ll5blu3_b4ll5: thanks for the info02:18
KalmiBookman, I would delete ~/.gconf and ~/.gconfd ...02:18
oakmacback in a few02:18
Scunizigot it02:18
BookmanKalmi: will it rebuild those?02:18
gartraloakmac: it somehow thinks it's part HAL...02:18
KalmiBookman, yes02:18
DulakScunizi: you sure you don't mean way of the intercepting fist?02:18
Drknezz!firefox3.5 > Drknezz02:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3.502:18
BookmanKalmi: lets see!02:18
Pici!ff35 > Drknezz02:18
ubottuDrknezz, please see my private message02:18
Scunizi:) .. also known as flat bloody nose Dulak02:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:18
Drknezzlol Pici, that was fast, nice02:19
Scunizisorry Pici02:19
cjaeSo do I have this right. lvm sort of encases other file systems eg. ext 3/4,  just like extended logical partitions encase the last primary partition to allow more partitions?02:19
KalmiBookman, and these too...: .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity02:20
fireundid everything the brother install doc said, printer still aborts job after warming up02:20
fireunI dont know what installing jaunty did, but I'm pretty upset with Ubuntu02:20
fireunmy camera, printer, and accel 3d is broken02:21
fireunand I had to switch back to bash02:21
ubuntuI have messed up my ubuntu 9.04 install by changing the video card with binary drivers installed (ati) to nvidia card. I have tried running sudo dpkg-configure xserver-org and also -a but it still boots to blank screen.02:21
sam555hello all!02:21
gartralubuntu: sudo aptitude purge fglrx02:21
tsrk_what are the modules in the right column of lsmod?02:22
fireunubuntu: if its an older ati radeon, you're only hope is the open source drivers02:22
sam555just installed ubuntu server 9.04 32 bit version02:22
sam555during the install, I requested that mysql be installed02:22
sam555how does one get mysql to start manuall upon boot up?02:22
ubuntugartral: thank you, will try that now02:22
sam555is there documentation specific for ubuntu server 9.04 re: mysql?02:22
dunksit should by default sam55502:22
gartralfireun: he install an NVidia card without removeing the ATI drivers first02:22
Dr_Willissam555:  thers some service commands to enable/disable services02:22
Dr_Willis!upstart | sam55502:22
ubottusam555: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:22
OttifantSircjae: The way I have understood LVM is that you bunch a group of discs together to make a larger disc of them. Such that if you have 2 500GB drives and want to have 1 800GB drive and 2 100GB drives, the information is spread across the two drives. But there is no redundancy and no safety in LVM. Lose one disc, lose it all.02:23
BookmanKalmi: ok, now everything is still blue and crude looking02:23
sam555thanks dunks and Dr_Willis02:23
KalmiBookman, have you logged off and back in?02:23
kandinskiI copied my /home directory over to this laptop from another computer, and now my keyboard does not work under X (notably the f keys). How can I restore it to default values? I am running jaunty.02:23
Bookmankalmi, it just switched02:23
KalmiBookman, log off and log bakc in02:23
cjaeOttifantSir, thanks for responding02:24
BookmanKalmi: will do02:24
Dr_Williskandinski:    gnome has its settings in .gnome* and .gconf* you coumd move/rename those dirs (but you will loose all ghe gnome settings), as a test you could just add a new user and see if the keyboard works properly for them02:24
fireunhow could 9.04 break basic printing?02:24
OttifantSircjae: Just wish I had had a few more external disks to back up my LVM. I had 3TB of data. All gone after I lost the LVM-config files.02:24
sagaciis there a GUI tool to manage ports?02:25
Dr_Willissagaci:  manage in what ways?02:25
sagaciopen a few ports up02:25
cjaeOttifantSir, shibby02:25
mattgyver[L]Is it possible to temporarily change the window manager from compiz to metacity upon a SSH VNC connection, then switch back after logoff?02:25
Dr_Willissagaci:  they should be open.. if you have a service thats running on them.. theres no firewall rules by default.02:25
mazda01tovid can't finish because it can't find encoded.mpg file. anyone know anything about this error?02:25
Dr_Willis!firewall | sagaci02:25
ubottusagaci: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist02:25
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OttifantSirmattgyver: install fusion-icon. I don't use it, but as I have understood it, it turns Compiz on and off02:26
coleysmattgyver[L]: Or you can just use a script.02:26
BookmanKalmi: ok, theme is good now...thanks, but all needs to be reset, correct?  Like evolution?02:26
adam7mattgyver[L]: you can run metacity --replace or compiz --replace to change the window managers, I think02:27
cellofellowmattgyver: just put a launcher on the panel with `metacity --replace` and label it "Compiz Off", and another launcher called `compiz --replace` and label it "Compiz On".02:27
mattgyver[L]OttifantSir, I use fusion icon however im looking for something i dont have to mess with, coleys ive thought about a script as well, but wasnt sure if something existed02:27
fireunI've looked thru the /var/log/cups/ files and nothing indicates cups has an issue with printing - but after blinking a few times and warming up, my brother 2040 just go back to a solid idle led as if it finished printing02:27
BookmanKalmi: cpu near zero02:27
cellofellowmattgyver[L]: or you can make a sophisticated script that will detect which is running and launch the other.02:28
fireunI've tried reinstalling the drivers, the ones in apt are the same as listed on the brother website - no change02:28
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coleysmattgyver[L]: http://pastebin.com/f1edf678002:28
coleys(That script will work)02:28
phpDEMONguys i have a question02:28
coleys!question | phpDEMON02:29
ubottuphpDEMON: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:29
kandinskiDr_Willis: thanks, I will look inside .gnome* and .gconf*, and replace comonents piecemeal till I get it to work02:29
cellofellowfireun: maybe the proprietary TurboPrint CUPS drivers will work.02:29
KalmiI don't know how Evolution handles corrupted files... If it doesn't start, you could delete its files....02:29
fireuncellofellow: I had it working just fine in Intrepid before I upgraded02:29
cellofellowfireun: :(02:29
mattgyver[L]Those are all very good suggestions but is there a way to incorporate that into running as soon as a client connects via SSH, like an init file that could be edited to run the script02:30
phpDEMONWhy does the xpad driver not sync up with wine on Jaunty02:30
fireuncellofellow: yeah, another strike against Jaunty02:30
BookmanKalmi: yes02:30
cellofellowmattgyver[L]: might be something that ~/.ssh/config can do for that. man ssh_config.02:30
Dr_Williskandinski:  test with a new user.. if the thing dont work with a totally new user.. you got bigger issues02:30
mattgyver[L]cellofellow, great, thanks for the hot tip ';)02:30
KalmiBookman,  I don't know how Evolution handles corrupted files... If it doesn't start, you could delete its files....02:30
oakmacgartral: i removed /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/20-libgphoto2.fdi and it works now02:30
oakmacgartral: thank you for your help :)02:31
coleysBookman: sudo rm -rf ~/.evolution/02:31
mubuAny word on when firefox 3.5 will be released to the ubuntu (jaunty) repositories? Thanks02:31
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for more info | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY02:31
Dr_Willismubu:  it allready is02:31
gartraloakmac: ok, just dont expect some cameras to work now :)02:31
OttifantSircoleys, mattgyver: That script seems halfway there. It stops Compiz, but I think he wants to start an SSH session after stopping Compiz and wake it back up when the session ends.02:31
oakmacgartral: i don't even own a camera ;)02:31
mubuDr_Willis, Thats weird, when i open the update manager and check for updates it doesnt show up in the list... it says my system is up to date...02:31
gartraloakmac: i have one of the Kodak Easyshare crap cams02:32
coleysOttifantSir: For VNC or..?02:32
Dr_Willismubu:  its not a required update.02:32
Dr_Willismubu:  like the bot said...            is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.502:32
Bookmancoleys: or just move to trash in nautilus02:32
Picimubu: its a different package name, see ubottu's message above.02:32
coleysBookman: oy?02:32
OttifantSircoleys: Ask mattgyver. That's just what I seemed to gather was his wishes02:32
sam555sysadmin@Kserver2:/etc/mysql$ mysqladmin -u root password newpassword02:33
coleysmattgyver[L]: What do you want =P? I think we need that cleared up...02:33
sam555mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed02:33
phpDEMONWhen i play a windows game using wine, why isnt the X360 controller layout the same as on windows? i am running Jaunty and have the latest xpad driver. any help would be appreciated02:33
sam555error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'02:33
mubuDr_Willis, do i have to add any repos , or will sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 do the trick?02:33
sam555Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!02:33
sam555sysadmin@Kserver2:/etc/mysql$ cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf02:33
FloodBot3sam555: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:33
coleysphpDEMON: Search "playonlinx" at google.02:33
CyberSixhaha, flooder02:33
phpDEMONok i will, thank you coleys02:34
djlenoirOk, tried the "sudo apt purge fglrx" to remove the ati binary drivers. That did remove them apparently but I still ended up with no display after boot. I am using the the live cd to be on here (got to love that).02:34
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sam555still having problems with mysql and ubuntu server 9.0402:35
sam555any good tutorials on this?02:35
Hilikushow do i replace the icon of ff3.5 ??02:36
djlenoirAs a reminder this was a result of changing from ati to nvidia graphics card without removing ati binary drivers first.02:36
OttifantSirdjlenoir: If you're like me, you've probably deleted all the video-drivers you thought you didn't need, right? If so, do "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all" to reinstall them. It *MIGHT* solve it.02:36
Hilikuswhere do i permanently change mysqld niceness?02:37
djlenoirOttifantSir: worth a try, I will give that a shot now.02:37
djlenoirOttifantSir: thanks02:37
BookmanKalmi: ok, seems to be working fine now!  Thanks for the help.  I have to setup a few things all over again.  I'd love to know what happened and how to avoid it though.02:38
Vantrax|Workanyone know of an open source equivalent to Symantec Ghost?02:38
coleysVantrax|Work: cp ~/ /media/disk/02:38
jribVantrax|Work: guess: partimage since I don't know what ghost does02:38
JPSmanWhat EXACTLY is an API?02:38
TwoToneSpiritHey everybody - does anybody know what software powers ubottu and the other bots?02:39
OttifantSirHilikus: System -> Preferences -> Main Menu -> Internet -> Shiretoko <right-click> <left-click> on the icon, browse to /usr/share/pixmaps/ press Open, and choose an icon02:39
maxmiiimJPSman, you may also try google or wikipedia for this information.02:39
jribTwoToneSpirit: ubottu is a supybot, floodbots are php (gag)02:39
JPSmanmax, I have.  Its still a bit fuzzy for me02:39
sam555how do you know if you already have upstart installed?02:39
coleysJPSman: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=api02:39
JPSmanIs it all the functions that are specific to another kind of program that one can use in a programming language?02:40
Martin31http://i28.tinypic.com/np0sc6.png can someone help me with that ? I want to be able to connect to the network with the linksys adapter02:40
TwoToneSpiritjrib:  THanks.  :-)  Does a supybot also log channel activity?02:40
HilikusOttifantSir: that one already has the right icon, but when you open it it goes back to the other one02:40
Picicoleys: Please don't do that, it is not helpful.02:40
jribTwoToneSpirit: i'm sure it can (they have an irc channel)02:40
coleysPici: More helpful then you think =)02:40
Picicoleys: Not in a support channel.02:41
coleysEspecially in a support channel =o02:41
JPSmanColeys: I have, and the wiki article isn't too explicit02:41
* Aranel I'm back =)02:41
PiciAranel: Please don't do that.02:42
AranelPici: oops, sorry :) just i forgot it and used /ame02:42
coleysPici: Do you even have a say? Honestly this a support channel where people volunteer =P02:42
maxmiiimso actually there is no way to have wireless network working on toshiba nb200 netbook on ubuntu? sad. i was about to try ubuntu studio :(02:43
voxcoleys: so dont volunteer to be the village idiot.02:43
Martin31http://i28.tinypic.com/np0sc6.png can someone help me with that ? I want to be able to connect to the network with the linksys adapter02:43
m4rt11hello can anyone help me with an external hard drive issue?02:43
tsimpsonvox: please keep it friendly in here02:43
coleysvox: Heyy budddd, if you want to go offtopic head over to...02:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:44
JPSmanlmgtfy is also rude and impersonal.  Is it really that much to ask to interact with others?  Start a conversation?  ya know, be a human?02:44
mubuI just installed firefox 3.5 with "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5", hower it doesn`t show up under Applications, Internet... it doesnt seem to replace firefox 3.0.11. What should i do ? Thanks (Im using ubuntu 9.04)02:44
voxtsimpson: i am. he needs to know that whilst this is a volunteer channel, his method of "help" is not warrented.02:44
OttifantSirHilikus: I don't know how I did it, honestly, but my laptop has FF3.5 and no 3.0.11. I downloaded a package from Mozilla with it, tried to install it, but I didn't get it right, I know that much. Next time I started FF, it upgraded to 3.502:44
shamanWMbe a human ??02:44
coleysJPSman: Lol, honestly I help more people then you know here. =P Its not really rude unless you take it that way, and that is your problem =)02:44
m4rt11i connected an external hard drive of mine and it so turns out that not all files are visible02:45
m4rt11i even checked the hidden files02:45
m4rt11and some are still missing02:45
coleysm4rt11: What are you specifically looking for?02:45
Martin31http://i28.tinypic.com/np0sc6.png can someone help me with that ? I want to be able to connect to the network with the linksys adapter02:46
m4rt11coleys: im looking for a solution as to what can help me recover all my files from this hard drive i have02:46
coleysMartin31: lspci |grep -i network (Pastebin results for me) =)02:46
coleysm4rt11: What has been misplaced?02:47
Martin31coleys: will do, 2 sec02:47
Dr_Willism4rt11: Also - what filesystem?02:47
m4rt11coleys: personal files including data from work02:47
coleysm4rt11: hmm, yeah which fs? Fat?02:47
Martin31coleys: http://pastebin.com/m700ed4a602:47
m4rt11im checking right nwo02:47
coleysMartin31: Uhh, hardware drivers doesn't offer a wifi driver?02:48
m4rt11coleys: hfsplus02:48
Martin31sorry coleys, im a noob, just installed ubuntu yesterday02:48
Martin31coleys: do i have to install the linksys wifi drivers in ndiswrapper ?02:48
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:48
Dr_WillisHmm.. ive never seen any tools to 'recover' hfs filesystems/files/repair them02:49
coleysMartin31: No worries, uhh. System > Administration > Restricted Drivers.02:49
coleysMartin31: Check to see if there is Broadcom STA or some sort there.02:49
=== joshthecoder_afk is now known as joshthecoder
Martin31coleys: i dont have that option02:49
Hilikuswhere do i permanently change mysqld niceness?02:49
Martin31coleys: i have hardware drivers02:49
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:49
m4rt11coleys: hfsplus thats the file system i have right now02:49
Martin31coleys: and in Hardware Drivers it says Broadcom B43 wireless driver is installed02:50
coleysm4rt11: Uhh I believe Dr_Willis has more information regarding your situation.02:50
coleysMartin31: Have you restarted?02:50
Dr_Williscoleys:  actually thats about all i know on the topic. My Mac is now a large doorstop..02:50
Martin31coleys: nope, guess i should try that then, be right back :P02:50
coleysDr_Willis: Ubuntu ftw =)02:50
coleysMartin31: =)02:50
coleysMartin31: good luck =P Should be quick and easy fix =P02:50
Martin31coleys: hopefull02:51
m4rt11Dr_Willis: can you help me with my situation?02:51
OttifantSircoleys is working super-pace ATM. Someone should give him a relaxing beverage, such as a beer02:51
Dr_Willism4rt11:  i dont use apple machines any more. if the dirve is mounted and you can access some files.. but not all.. its possible they got moved somewhere.. use the find command to 'search' the whold drive perhaps02:51
mubuI just installed firefox 3.5 with "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5", hower it doesn`t show up under Applications, Internet... it doesnt seem to replace firefox 3.0.11. What should i do ? Thanks (Im using ubuntu 9.04)02:52
Dr_Willism4rt11:  is this a portable hard drive? (what size) or a flash drive?02:52
Dr_Willismubu:  it does NOT replace 3.0.1102:52
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY02:52
coleysOttifantSir: Got one allready =) Another wouldn't hurt though =!02:52
zaltekkdoes the ubuntu desktop kernel have different patches than the server kernel?  maybe preemption is different?02:52
Dr_Willismubu:  and like the bot says the icon name is 'shiretoko'02:52
OttifantSircoleys: All I got is Carlsberg, will that do?02:53
Dr_Willisits under applictions-> internet here.02:53
Hilikusmubu: it does show up, its just not called firefox, for some reason02:53
coleysOttifantSir: I'll stick with my Canadian ;)02:53
mubuDr_Willis, Wow, thanks, thats weird... Shiretoko.. Will, ff 3.5 eventually replace 3.0.11 in jaunty or will we have to wait for the next ubuntu release... ?02:53
Dr_Willis$ firefox<tab> --> firefox02:53
Dr_Willisfirefox      firefox-3.0  firefox-3.502:53
Dr_Willismubu:  no idea..im not really worried about it.. If i want FF3.5 i wull launch ff3502:54
Hilikusmubu it wont be offician il  janty02:54
zaltekkDr_Willis: the binary name is usually the same, it is just "rebranded" in the app and on your desktop icon02:54
coleysDr_Willis: Compile ftw =D02:54
Dr_Willismubu:  for now many of my extensions do NOT work in 3.5 so  i am using 3.0.1102:54
Martin31coleys: thanks, it worked like a charm :)02:54
Dr_WillisIm not sure why everyone is bending over backwards and acting rabbid to get FF3.502:55
m4rt11Dr_Willis: its a 251gb ext hard drive, and i checked each folder including the hidden ones, i did do the 'find' command under terminal and it pointed out the same folders that i see on the hdd. however when i highlighted everything on nautilus it said its about 92mb when it mentions that theres only 92gb left02:55
zaltekkDr_Willis: it has much better performance02:55
coleysMartin31: No thanks necessary =p You did it all ...02:55
lwellsDr_Willis: Firefox 3.5 is still in beta for ubuntu right?02:55
Dr_Williszaltekk:  i cant really tell.02:55
mubuDr_Willis,  Ill tell you why, porn mode baby! haha just half-kidding02:55
coleysYeah, I don't really care about most bleeding edge of firefox, does the same thing =P02:55
Dr_Willislwells:  thats what im hearing.02:55
zaltekki can with windows.  i haven't tried it in linux02:55
Picilwells: no. Its the final version.02:55
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY02:55
Hilikuslwells: its not in beta02:56
th0rDr_Willis: ff35 is much faster than 3.0 in rendering pages02:56
Dr_Willism4rt11:  so you have somehow lost a few 100gb of data?02:56
* Dr_Willis wonders how one actually benchmarks browser speeds...02:56
m4rt11Dr_Willis: excatly02:56
lwellsHilikus: But you cant just upgrade it02:56
coleysFirefox 3.0.1 goes plenty fast enough =P02:56
th0rDr_Willis: by how long it takes to load /.02:57
Dr_Willism4rt11:  you dont have more then 1 partition do you? This was a drive used on an apple machine?02:57
Hilikuslwells: for them technically it's not an upgrade. its a new release02:57
Hilikusso you have both in tandem02:57
m4rt11no there is no other partition on this, also it was used on an apple machine02:57
coleysHilikus: Refering to us =o?02:57
lwellsHilikus: On my Mac it is an upgrade, it is just so confusing02:57
Mike^hi, getting Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1 when trying to update packages, anyone ever see this?02:57
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:57
Hilikuslwells: it is confusing and i'm not very happy with ubuntu's decision, but there's nothing we can do02:58
lwellsHilikus: So that is not going to change in the future?02:58
fission6i am having trouble loading the .iso i downloaded http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/02:58
fission6mount keeps failing in windows02:58
m4rt11Dr_Willis: no other partition on this and it was used on an apple machine but it cannot mount on it, but it so happened to mount on my ubuntu box02:58
coleysfission6: Have you verified its integrity using md5sum?02:58
Hilikusit will, in koala it will be the default one02:58
Hilikusthey only upgrade major releases in new releases of ubuntu02:59
Dr_Willism4rt11:  sounds like some filesystem curruption going on. It may be safest to  check wht the mac peoples on what filesystem repair tools they have.02:59
coleysKoala is next version?02:59
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:59
m4rt11Dr_Willis: can you direct me to a good irc help chat?02:59
Dr_Willism4rt11:  not really.. try #osx or #apple (i am just guessing)02:59
Hilikuswhere do i permanently change mysqld niceness?03:00
Dr_Willism4rt11:  i have very little love for apple.03:00
coleysDr_Willis: =D03:00
coleysYou make me feel good about not buying one +D03:00
sivel27hello all03:01
=== sharperguy2 is now known as sharperguy
Mike^anyone ever see this error code:  Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1?03:02
OttifantSirHilikus: Try taking a look at this site: http://www.forwardyouth.com/ubuntu/set-the-nice-level-of-an-existing-process/ and adjust the command such that you do mysqld -nice <nice-level> on startup.03:02
InFeCtOrSspeak spanish ?03:02
SpacePigeonhi, does anybody know about an application like unetbootin but that is not so slow?03:02
Kalmi!spaish | InFeCtOrS03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spaish03:03
SpacePigeon!es | InFeCtOrS03:03
ubottuInFeCtOrS: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:03
Kalmi!spanish | InFeCtOrS03:03
Dr_WillisSpacePigeon:  pendrivelinux.com has guides on making bootable flash drives from iso's03:03
sivel27this is driving me crazy.... im on jaunty, and everything runs beautifully up until today, when all of my window decorations disappeared. not allowing me to move them nor minimize them. i dont run any desktop effects, and my video is builtin intel g3303:03
SpacePigeonDr_Willis, but for windows?03:03
Dr_WillisSpacePigeon:  i found unetbootin rather speedy. Expecially when compared to the usb-drive-creator tool in ubuntu03:03
Dr_WillisSpacePigeon:  check the url.. it has tutorial for window and linux03:03
Dr_WillisSpacePigeon:  it took longer to copy over the 'persistant save file'  then it todo the 'install' to the flash drive.03:04
Kalmisivel27, could you try starting metacity from a terminal?03:04
sivel27one sec. lemme boot up03:04
fireunI cant believe Jaunty broke my printer support - I swear I'm installing redhat next time03:07
sivel27hmm, from the term, how do i start metacity?03:09
Kalmisivel27, metacity03:09
sivel27hmm, not installed03:09
sivel27unable to open x display03:10
duckwarsis there anyway to get an external USB hard drive to always come up as sdc2 or something after every reboot?03:10
th0rsivel27: what window manager is running?03:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pysqlite03:11
moymoyduckwars: it depends how many devices you have plugged in03:11
th0rsivel27: no...wiindow manager...compiz, metacity, ?03:12
duckwarsI have 2 devices plugged into 2 seperate USB ports, they aren't splitting a USB port03:12
th0rsivel27: you should be able to find it in the process list (ps ax)03:12
moymoyduckwars: they're still devices plugged in03:12
sivel27i just had a random reboot...when i look in03:13
Kalmiduckwars, why do you need this? you could use guids in fstab03:13
moymoyduckwars: i'm guessing you have 2 harddrives and 2 USB's plugged in?03:14
sivel27the bootup is raking FOREVER03:14
duckwarsright, in my fstab I have to say /dev/sdd2 ~/Harddrive03:14
zaltekksivel27: your file systems are being checked for errors03:14
djlenoirback on my netbook this time. no video after installing nvidia graphics adapter without removing ati binary drivers. have removed the binary drivers now but no video. ubuntu is loading (i think) but the screen stays blank.03:14
zaltekkthis is normal03:14
djlenoirat netroot right now03:15
zaltekkdjlenoir: try removing all of the binary drivers and then reinstall the nvidia ones03:15
duckwarsbut the problem is, whenever the computer reboots each hard drive is given a differnt /dev/sd(letter)(#)03:15
zaltekkduckwars: use the guids in the fstab as Kalmi said03:16
djlenoirzaltekk: is there a cmd to remove all binary drivers?03:16
zaltekkthen they won't change anymore03:16
Kalmi!fstab > duckwars03:16
ubottuduckwars, please see my private message03:16
moymoyduckwars: No, they don't change on reboot.. i've never seen it change on reboot03:16
djlenoirzaltekk: did purge fglrx already03:16
zaltekkdjlenoir: you'll need to use a package management tool to remove them03:16
Kalmizaltekk, zaltekk: sorry... they are called UUID and not guid03:16
zaltekkKalmi: ah, well, similar term :P03:17
sivel27hmm... as far as i can tell, its gnome03:17
sivel27lemme check again03:17
djlenoirman, i wish there was just a boot to vga mode with ubuntu... like when it first loads03:17
zaltekkdjlenoir: uninstall the binary ati drivers and the binary nvidia drivers03:18
th0rsivel27: you can't run metacity if, for instance, compiz is running. If metacity is running, and you WANT metacity, you can restart it by just killing it, it should restart automatically.03:18
zaltekkthen install the nvidia ones again03:18
djlenoirzaltekk: i will google how to do that03:18
th0rsivel27: if you don't see either compiz or metacity in the ps ax list, try running metacity with sudo03:19
OttifantSirdjlenoir: there is a "safe graphics" mode on start-up. Google that too, I don't remember how to enable it right now03:19
djlenoirOttifantSir: thanks, will google that also03:19
Kalmith0r, he got no window decorations03:19
sivel27yup, that fixed it! thanks, now how do i add it to startup like that?03:20
th0rKalmi: right, either he isn't running a window manager or the one he is running is corrupted somehow03:20
LLStarkscan someone teach me how to force a compilation to give a resulting binary a certain name?03:20
billybigriggersomeone want to kick/ban erratic ??03:21
billybigriggerthat definitely deserves it :P03:21
billybigriggerno ops alive?03:21
billybigriggertsk tsk, shame to have that kind of material in a family channel03:22
moymoyxD you seem happy03:22
moymoywas that a facebook link?03:22
Mike_lifeguardIs chromium available in a deb package?03:23
billybigriggermikael79_, ppa03:23
billybigriggerMike_lifeguard, ^^03:23
Mike_lifeguardbillybigrigger: sure, but which one? I've never been able to find a sensible way to search for ppas :\03:24
billybigriggeri've just gotten into them in the karmic dev cycle myself03:24
billybigriggeri just look to see which one looks most active, or have them sent to me from other people03:24
Efraindamn that was a nasty link from erratic03:25
nvidiawhat is the difference between pulse-audio and alsa?03:25
th0rsivel27: this link is for changing metacity to xfwm, but it tells you what file to edit and what to change.....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8839303:25
billybigriggerMike_lifeguard, PPA for Ubuntu Chromium Daily Builds  Ubuntu daily builds of the Chromium browser. The PPA is mainta...03:25
billybigriggerMike_lifeguard, https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa03:25
billybigriggerprobably the best choice :P03:25
billybigriggerEfrain, sure was03:26
twois10anyone able to compile ati drivers, fglrx with kernel 2.6.30 yet?03:26
Mike_lifeguardbillybigrigger: thanks; mind adding a !chrome factoid with alias !chromium?03:26
billybigriggernot sure how :P03:26
sivel27excellent, thanks everyone03:26
billybigriggerMike_lifeguard, you want to? you seem to know more about ubotu factoids :P03:26
Jeruvy!package postnews03:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:27
Jeruvy!info postnews03:27
ubottupostnews (source: postnews): Post Usenet articles via NNTP from the command line. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.3-3 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 60 kB03:27
moymoyubottu: you're so smart03:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you're so smart03:27
billybigriggerMike_lifeguard, i must say minefield beats chromium :P03:28
moymoybillybigrigger: can it be found in the repos?03:28
twois10any ati hd series gpu users here03:28
GuiriAnyway to install an indexer like tracker or beagle without GUI/Gnome reqs?03:28
twois10hd4800 series03:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about minefield03:29
blu3_b4ll5I isntalled Chromium by accident yesterday.  I was trying to install that google web browser lol03:29
billybigriggermoymoy, PPA :P minefield is codename for firefox 3.603:29
causasuianyone here good with virtualbox? I'm having a problem installing:  Got this error when installing from the repository, using Ubuntu 9.04 amd64: "Unable to find a precompiled module for the current kernel!" How can I fix this?03:29
moymoybillybigrigger: ahh i see03:30
GuiriIsn't Chromium the only incarnation of Chrome avail on Linux now anyway?03:30
causasuisorry, "the repository" is the virtualbox private repository, not multiverse03:30
GuiriMaybe Chrome Dev has been packaged03:30
moymoyGuiri: yes.. and it's shaping up pretty well03:30
GuiriAnybody on getting beagle/tracker without gnome reqs? Should I just compile the damned thing?03:30
vaylenceheya Peeps, anyone get an iPhone to link up to ubuntu? any luck with emulators Red Wine + itunes?03:30
twois10Let me rephrase, anyone using kernel 2.6.30 and ati hd4800 series gpu, if your are, how did you compile the drivers03:31
DecioGaetaHey everyone. I had a quick question. I would like to install Ubuntu on an older mac laptop (an iBook G4). Which version of Ubuntu is best to install?03:31
OttifantSirtwois10: Yes, much better question.03:31
sebsebsebDecioGaeta: YellowDog  Linux maybe,   Ubuntu maybe,  and so it goeso n03:32
KalmiGuiri, Chromium is an open source browser project. Google Chrome is a browser from Google, based on the Chromium project.This is a build of Chromium. No versions of Google Chrome for Linux will exist until Google makes an official release.03:32
KR8Lcausasui: Think I had this happen once. Details of the error msg said to reinstall, I did, it worked.03:32
th0rDecioGaeta: on older hw you might want to consider xubuntu03:32
causasuiKR8L: The error tells me to "install a kernel module"03:32
sebsebsebDecioGaeta: how much RAM?03:32
DecioGaetaand 512 MB of RAM.03:32
sebsebseb!ubuntu |  DecioGaeta03:32
ubottuDecioGaeta: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:32
sebsebsebDecioGaeta: ok you don't need Xubuntu and that's just a cut down version of Gnome anyway pretty much03:33
th0rDecioGaeta: ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome or kde03:33
sebsebseb!xubuntu |  DecioGaeta03:33
ubottuDecioGaeta: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:33
twois10OttifantSir, [22:26] <twois10> anyone able to compile ati drivers, fglrx with kernel 2.6.30 yet?03:33
UnagiLinuxquick question, i have a Dell Latitude D620 and the entire left side runs very hot running Ubuntu, is there any way i can force the fans to highspeed and keep then there?03:33
twois10that was my first question03:33
DecioGaetaThank in advance everyone.03:33
sebsebsebth0r:  DecioGaeta for   less than 512MB RAM,   or less than 256MB RAM,  I would say Puppy Linux03:33
CorpXdoes ubuntu come with an ftp program by default?03:33
Mike_lifeguardWhat's the package for epiphany called?03:33
DecioGaetaI'm just curious which versions/releases would be best as well.03:33
DecioGaetaDoes it matter?03:33
sebsebsebth0r  DecioGaeta    less than 256MB RAM, and Puppy Linux ype03:34
KalmiMike_lifeguard, epiphany-browser03:34
DecioGaetaCause the distro has to be compatible with the chipset, correct?03:34
sebsebsebDecioGaeta: there is no such thing as a best Linux distribution03:34
sebsebsebDecioGaeta: or a best anything03:34
Mike_lifeguardKalmi: thanks03:34
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:34
th0rsebsebseb: I was thinking more about the video and cpu than the ram03:34
DecioGaetaOk. Thanks everyone.03:34
thatscottfosterhello all03:34
sebsebsebDecioGaeta: http://www.distrowatch.com is a good website for finding out about the distros, and  there are also  at least two good Linux distribution chooser quizes online, that help you pick a distro03:35
thatscottfosteri am having a problem with my install03:35
KR8Lcausasui: Sorry, I don't recall any other details, and don't have VB on this computer.03:35
sebsebseb!details |   thatscottfoster03:35
ubottuthatscottfoster: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:35
Kalmi!question | thatscottfoster03:35
ubottuthatscottfoster: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:35
duckwarshow can I, from terminal, make the gui startup?03:36
OttifantSirDecioGaeta: Compare it with cars. Which is the "best" car? I love the '74 Carrera Slant Nose, someone loves the Hummer, someone the Suburban, someone the Smart, and so on and so on. The "best" would be the car that fills your need and driving habits. As such, there is no ONE "best" car, but MANY "best car".03:36
zaltekkdoes the ubuntu desktop kernel have different patches than the server kernel?  maybe preemption is different?03:36
zaltekkduckwars: type startx03:36
duckwarsthing is, I'm remotely logged in, and I need it to actually put the desktop image on the monitor03:37
sebsebsebzaltekk: I don't know, but  the  server kernel is better for servers, such like the netbook one is better for netbooks, and just like the desktop one is better for desktops03:37
duckwarsjust runnign startx doesn't do that03:37
thatscottfosterwell i installed the new version of ubuntu about an hour ago and ran all of the updates and towars the end of the list the cpu restarted and now i am at the command screenand it will not start up03:37
sebsebsebzaltekk: Desktop Linux as they call it being both  desktops and lap tops that aren't netbooks03:37
macman_whats a good hosting site .. im about to delete this windows but i have to backup some files03:37
zaltekkmacman_: if you want a _real_ hosting site, try nearlyfrespeech.net03:38
zaltekkit is very cheap(cost-wise)03:38
th0rduckwars: you need to use a vncserver, did you install one?03:38
sebsebsebzaltekk: such like, just like,  above03:38
zaltekkduckwars: you aren't going to be able to do that via ssh unless you have an X server on the ssh-client's system03:38
macman_free hosting03:38
zaltekksebsebseb: that oesn't tell me much..03:38
mazda01anyone use tovid?03:38
blackest_knightsebsebseb:  i wouldnt agree netbook kernels are not necessarilly good for netbooks especially if you use reiserfs for example03:38
duckwarsth0r: that's the thing, I want to be able to start a vncviewer so I can control the desktop, but it won't let me unless the actually desktop is showing on the realy physical monitor03:39
zaltekkmacman_: you could always use rapidshare or such03:39
mazda01i am getting an error that it can't find encded.mpg.03:39
twois10 anyone able to compile ati drivers, fglrx with kernel 2.6.30 yet?03:39
sebsebsebblackest_knight: right well I don't have a netbook, but what I do know is that hardly anyone uses that file system on a netbook03:39
macman_zaltekk im about to wipe windows .. i jsut want to upload 5 files that are zipped so when i wipe i can go to the website and just retrive them03:39
th0rduckwars: you start the vncserver on the remote machine with 'vncserver:1' and then you should be able to get in on port 5801 or 590103:39
blackest_knightduckwars:  use ssh duckwars@yourserver -X03:39
bazhangmacman_, how does this relate to Ubuntu03:40
macman_bazhang im going to put ubuntu onto this computer03:40
djlenoirok, i think i removed all the binary drivers but i think my xorg.conf file is not right. my vdieo card is seen as device0 and driver was nvidia but i manually changed it to nv. still did not help though.03:40
macman_i want to backup whats on there right now03:40
th0rblackest_knight: can you fetch the entire desktop via X forwarding? I only used it for individual windows03:40
blackest_knightsebsebseb:  I do i also use nano which someone thought was good to drop from netbook version as wel03:40
bazhangmacman_, that is offtopic here. please ask elsewhere03:40
sebsebsebblackest_knight: really it's not in the netbook version03:40
djlenoiris there a way to manually create xorg.conf file?03:41
Devon_Chey guys, I'm having some trouble with opening my ports and Transmission. I went into my router configuration using my default IP in my browser and opened both the listening port and the browsing port but it still says its closed. is there anything else I have to do?03:41
zaltekkmacman_: again, you could use rapidshare.03:41
tech0007macman_: www.adrive.com03:42
sebsebsebblackest_knight: well I used to use  shut down and log out  in the system menu, really happily  since the   second  release of Ubuntu in 2005,  but also in Fedora Core 2  and 4 in 2004,   but  then they thought it would be a great idea to remove those and have only the thing on  the top right of the panel03:42
blackest_knightsebsebseb:  it was dropped out the version i tried i just use std desktop ubuntu now , just like i used on my 1.4 celeron laptop with 756meg , on my 1.6 1.5 gig netbook03:42
Jeruvythatscottfoster: did you upgrade from command line, or did you reinstall?  Can you explain more detail?  What error is showing when it didn't start properly?03:43
ctmjrdjlenoir, did you remove the nvidia driver?03:43
sebsebsebblackest_knight: nano dropped in netbook version that's a bit odd I think,   since it's just a command line app03:43
zaltekkdjlenoir: you probably want to create the xorg.conf file by running "X -configure" as root03:44
djlenoiri think i did, i ran sudo apt-get remove fglrx03:44
zaltekkfglrx is not the nvidia driver03:44
ctmjrdjlenoir, that is for ati what video card do you have03:44
blackest_knightsebsebseb: it was just an apt-get away but the reiserfs support that needed a new kernel03:44
histois there a way to restart the sound system?03:44
histoOr do I have to restart X03:44
zaltekkctmjr: i believe he just changed out with ati card for an nvidia card.  he said that he installed the nvidia binary drivers without first removing the ati binary drivers, and is having problems getting X started03:45
zaltekkwhat he needs to do is remove both and then reinstall the nvidia ones03:45
Kalmihisto, kill pulseaudio and than start it in a terminal03:45
djlenoirctmjr: i have an nvidia card now. i originally had an ati card and did not remove the binary drivers first. thought that cmd removed them manually.03:45
ctmjrzaltekk, ouch yes i believe your correct03:46
sephyDo I need a special lib or something to open split rar files?03:46
hermano__alguem aqui de joao pessoa?03:46
sebsebseb!es Z|  hermano__03:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es Z03:47
sephyEverytime I open a rar file it'll extract for awhile03:47
sephythen fails03:47
sebsebseb!es  |  hermano__03:47
ubottuhermano__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:47
sephyand I've downloaded the files 2 times now03:47
djlenoirii was using nano to look at my xorg.conf file and i don't think it is right.03:47
hermano__alguem aqui fala portugues?03:47
sebsebseb!pr |  hermano__03:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr03:47
ctmjrdjlenoir, how did you install the ati driver and the nvidia driver03:47
Jeruvysephy: no, what failure?03:47
zaltekkdjlenoir: did you generate one with "X -configure"?03:47
sebsebseb!br  |  hermano__03:47
ubottuhermano__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:47
jared__When I type: mysql -u root into terminal i get this error: "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)03:47
sephyIt's always a CRC failure, Jeruvy03:48
djlenoirctmjr: downloading the ati file from ati.amd.com and running it basically.03:48
histoKalmi: pulseaudio isn't runnning and there is no pulseaudio03:48
Jeruvysephy: then something is happening to the file during download that is corrupting them. the only option is to delete and try again03:48
hermano__como entro no canal brasileiro03:48
zaltekksephy: if you have a split rar and try to extract just one part of the split, you will get CRC errors on the files that spand past the beginning or ending of the split file03:48
djlenoirctmjr: downloading the ati file from ati.amd.com and running it basically./03:48
Jeruvysephy: or the rar is corrupt to begin with03:48
Kalmihisto, what are you trying to restart than?03:48
OttifantSirsephy: Is it rar-files with extensions like .part1, .part2, etc? If so, there's usually one with an extension of .rar you should open and extract from, then it will do the the rest as follows03:49
sephythen how can I extract them both so i dont get the crc failed..03:49
djlenoirzaltekk: you mean running sudo dpkg-config xserver-xorg?03:49
Kalmihisto, restarting X won't restart ALSA03:49
histoKalmi: I'm trying to get my sound working again with out restarting the whole machine.03:49
zaltekkno djlenoir03:49
zaltekki mean to run03:49
zaltekkX -configure03:49
m0u5ehey guys, how do I install only one package from ubuntu proposed (ff3.5)03:49
Kalmihisto, try this: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart03:50
zaltekkstop your X server, and run that command as root03:50
SpacePigeonhow do i mount a drive forcing it to be read-write instead of read-only? I can see no switch on the drive to choose between03:50
sephys0325.part1of2.rar and s0325.part2of2.rar03:50
m0u5ei don't want to enable the entire repos, only install firefox3.503:50
djlenoirzaltekk: trying that now03:50
Jeruvysephy: the compress tool is smart enough to seek out the proper files, so the error is telling you something is missing03:50
th0rm0u5e: via synaptic03:50
Dulakenabled the repo, install the package, disable the repot03:50
zaltekksephy: usually split rars are named .rar and .rXX03:50
Dulakrepo even03:50
m0u5eth0r: but wont i have to enable to repository?03:50
tsimpsonm0u5e: enable it, install the package, then disable the repo03:50
m0u5etsimpson: theres no easy way? like downloading the package from the web?03:50
th0rm0u5e: yup, proposed03:50
histoKalmi: thanks worked like a chram.03:51
sephyIm way annoyyed... It's 1.1gb and I've downloaded it twice03:51
sephyto try and fix it03:51
m0u5eth0r do you know the url?03:51
tsimpsonm0u5e: not unless you want to resolve all the dependencies manually03:51
zaltekksephy: rename them properly03:51
Jeruvysephy: been there.  Best to try a different source.03:51
zaltekkif it is a real split archive, it won't be detected in that way03:51
th0rm0u5e: proposed is in the list in synaptic if i remember right03:51
djlenoirzaltekk: it ran and i ran X using the .new file that was created. now i have a blinking cursor in top left corner.03:51
sephyhow exactly should I rename them?03:51
zaltekkokay. just press Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace03:51
zaltekkthen type mv /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:52
OttifantSirsephy: The first one should be .rar , the second one should be .r0103:52
zaltekkthen as a normal user type startx03:52
jared__Hey guys, I'm getting an error when I type: mysql -u root into terminal, the error reads: ERROR 1045 (2800): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)03:52
djlenoirzaltekk: ok will do that03:52
sephyok. ill try this03:52
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.03:52
th0rm0u5e: look under updates in synaptic03:52
paul____I have a problem...03:52
m0u5eth0r: list?03:53
zaltekksephy: like OttifantSir said.  and with the name before the .rar and .rXX being the same03:53
zaltekkas in a.rar and a.r0103:53
OttifantSir!ask | paul____03:53
ubottupaul____: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:53
m0u5eth0r: do i need to enable jaunty-proposed to do this?03:53
sephyextracting... -crosses fingers-03:53
th0rm0u5e: I think that is where it is....03:54
ctmjrzaltekk, if he installed the drivers from the ati web site he needs to uninstall them with their uninstall script03:54
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY03:54
paul____oh okay sorry I'm not getting audio on crunchbang linux.  I know it's not exactly ubuntu but it's based on ubuntu so I'm wondering if you guys could help me out03:54
jared__Hey is there another channel to get help with Ubuntu I don't think anyone here knows the answer to my question.03:54
mothdragonhey guys, can anyone tell me what the white x on an icon in the file browser mean?03:54
zaltekkctmjr: correct.  the package management tools will only remove pacakges they installed03:54
bazhangpaul____, you should ask in crunchbang channels or forums03:54
sephy7-Zip  4.58 beta  Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Igor Pavlov  2008-05-0503:55
sephyp7zip Version 4.58 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,1 CPU)03:55
m0u5ewhen i click firefox, it will startup FF3.1 i want 3.5 to be my primary browser03:55
sephyProcessing archive: /home/sephy/Desktop/s0325.rar03:55
sephyExtracting  SAK_SETUP0325.exe     CRC Failed03:55
sephySub items Errors: 103:55
FloodBot3sephy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
bazhangjared__, what question03:55
paul____alrighty then.03:55
ctmjrzaltekk, i must have joined in the middle of you helping him sorry03:56
zaltekkctmjr: i told him in general what to do, and i think he tried something and then came back.03:56
jared__Bazhang, when I type "mysql -u root" into terminal. I get the following error: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)03:56
djlenoirok, did that and rebooted but it looks like black screen still. i appreciate the help you guys are giving me. wife needs me now, bbiab03:56
jared__I am relatively certain that for whatever reason, it's letting me sudo as root without a password03:56
gartralGaleon, Kazehakase, Firefox, and Seamonkey all crash after an hour or so... and its anying >.<03:56
jared__and this is causing me to not have access03:56
m0u5ehmm so firefox 3.5 isn't even in jaunty-proposed03:57
jared__I need to be able to put my password in for my temporary root session instead having it just let me do it with no password03:57
ARMENIAN1when i run airoscript it tells me that airodump isn't available even though i installed aircrack-ng03:57
zaltekkjared__: i think ubuntu disables the root account and as such doesn't have a password for root.  although i'm not 100% sure what they actually do.03:57
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:57
jared__I currently do have a password set so I don't know how it's even possible that it's bypassing the need of a password when i type "sudo -i", it used to require one03:57
zaltekkyou might want to google how to fix the root account and see if that fixes your problem03:57
jared__Well earlier when I did it (like earlier today)03:58
zaltekkjared__: that is controlled by the sudoers file03:58
jared__it did require a password03:58
Kalmijared__, what you are lookijng for is "sudo -s"03:58
tsimpsonsudo -i and sudo -s are similar in function03:58
zaltekkit determines if you need an sudo password, if that password is the root password or your user password, and for how long you can go without having to retype the password03:58
sephyOk, so all those time it fails03:59
sephyto I install winrar under wine03:59
sephyand it extracted just fine03:59
poseidon I can't seem to get the wireless card to work03:59
Jeruvy!enter | sephy03:59
ubottusephy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:59
zaltekksephy: there is a rar program for linux from rarsoft(who makes winrar)03:59
jared__would the fact that i don't currently need to type the password matter03:59
poseidonIt's a d-link dwa-13003:59
jared__as far as access goes03:59
zaltekkjared__: that would depend on _why_ you don't have to type in the password03:59
jared__I don't understand why I am denied access as 'root'@'localhost' I mean it seems like i should have the privelages03:59
zaltekkdidn't it tell you the password was the reason?04:00
djlenoirok, did that and rebooted but it looks like black screen still. i appreciate the help you guys are giving me. wife needs me now :P04:00
jared__That's my opinion of the error message04:00
OttifantSirStrange. I have had problems with files in WinRAR, but they've opened in archive-manager04:00
djlenoirdarn this netbook can be irritating at times... weird key layout04:00
Mike_lifeguardjared__: also, if you provide a password for sudo/gksudo, it will remember it for a time - that's configurable somehow04:01
Kalmijared_: google: mysql ubuntu root password04:01
djlenoirmeant to say back, didn't want to irritate the wife because i would never get my video fixed04:01
poseidonDoes anyone know of a way I could get my wireless card to work?04:01
Jeruvy!wifi | poseidon04:02
ubottuposeidon: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:02
TheNewGuy1I am using the latest ubutu, how can I tell how much hard drive space I have left on my linux partition?04:02
n8tuserfdisk -l04:02
blackest_knightposeidon:  ndiswrapper madwifi ect04:02
OttifantSirTheNewGuy1: Open your home folder and look at the lower status line. Usually says how much space is left04:03
djlenoirctmjr: i saw you mention that i needed to remove the ati drivers. can that be done from a command prompt or is the purge fglrx enough?04:03
gartralTheNewGuy1: fdisk -l (thats an L) or just open your Home dir and check the status bar at the bottom of nautilus04:03
TheNewGuy1What is fdisk-L?04:03
TheNewGuy1do I type that in terminal?04:03
KB1JWQTheNewGuy1: Depends upon what you're attempting to destroy. :)04:04
dewwfdisk -l, not fdisk-L04:04
gartralTheNewGuy1: fdis -l (case sensative) is a command to put into terminal the reports trhe free space availible on your partitions04:04
ctmjrdjlenoir, no not if you installed from the ati web site you need to cd /user/share/ati then      sudo   sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh04:04
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TheNewGuy1UM....  fdisk in windows formats the drive... you guys messing with me? :-(04:05
OttifantSirTheNewGuy1: Just open Places -> Homefolder and check the status line at the bottom04:05
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TheNewGuy1ok, so fdisk-l will reformat the disk?04:06
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mazda01gartral, it's sudo fdisk -l. and it shows you the partition table. df -h will show you free space.04:06
OttifantSirTheNewGuy1: It will list your drives and partitions. Open Places -> Homefolder and check the status line at the bottom of the windows04:07
mazda01TheNewGuy1, no i wont04:07
mazda01TheNewGuy1, it won't.04:07
djlenoirctmjr: hmm, so this is why open source is preferred :P04:07
TheNewGuy1ok, thnaks... I guess04:07
ctmjrdjlenoir, did you remove it?04:08
jared__Just so you guys know the solution to my error issue is to tyoe mysql - u root -p to force a prompt for a password04:08
djlenoirworking on it now04:08
Kalmijared__, yes04:08
digitalfizwhats a good webcam monitoring program? I tried to use cheese to basically monitor but it freezes the camera after awhile04:09
JeruvyTheNewGuy1: 'df' will show free space..04:09
digitalfizone with a gui and alerts or something04:09
TheNewGuy1next question.  I need to run - cough, joke, cough - internet explorer....  man I hate saying that... but I gotta run it for a specific website.  How can I do that with linux?04:09
Jeruvy!wine | TheNewGuy104:09
ubottuTheNewGuy1: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:09
TheNewGuy1thanks Jeruvy and everyone.. I got my space.04:10
Kalmijared__, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Set%20mysql%20root%20password04:10
djlenoirctmjr: well it ran i think... said "restore of system environment completed" and "Uninstall fglrx driver complete..."04:10
felix_how to see a full list of channels starting by 'h'?04:10
Kalmijared__, read that "Note" part too04:11
Jeruvydigitalfiz: I haven't seen anything worthwhile yet, but if you dig up something let me know.04:11
ctmjrdjlenoir, ok did you install any nvidia drivers and if so how?04:11
kitche!ies4linux | TheNewGuy104:11
ubottuTheNewGuy1: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!04:11
TheNewGuy1Thanks jeruvy... don't mind If I do...  have some wine.  ... its been a hard day I need something stronger.. but after I get my browser going.04:11
djlenoirctmjr: no, i have not installed any nvidia drivers04:11
jared__Thanks for the help Kalmi and others.04:12
TheNewGuy1thanks kitchen!  you really know how to cook!04:12
mubuHey guys, whats the best way/the most streamlined way to create my own ubuntu 9.04 live cd (I want to add a few apps)? Thanks04:12
gartral!wine > TheNewGuy104:12
ubottuTheNewGuy1, please see my private message04:12
felix_mubu, dowmnload remastersys04:12
bazhang!remaster > mubu04:12
ubottumubu, please see my private message04:12
digitalfizjeremy_c, i found one that was command line but id like a gui to pop in front of my screen when motion is detected04:12
TheNewGuy1Thanks Gartral, I will get a glass!04:13
mubufelix_, thanks. Do you think that is better than Reconstructor?04:13
ctmjrdjlenoir, ok run this in terminal then reboot the computer  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg make sure you reboot and not just restart X04:13
digitalfizerr i ment Jeruvy lol04:13
felix_mubu, you only have to install a freh ubuntu/debian system, then install apps, then run remastersys. then you got a bootable and installable iso04:13
duckwarsanyone familiar with x11vnc?04:13
djlenoirctmjr: ok ran successfully, rebooting now... and crossing fingers04:14
felix_mubu, i dont know reconstructor, but i have been long time trying to do a linux system and im sure it fix your needs04:14
mubufelix_, Thanks, i might try bothç04:14
bazhangfelix_, install from where? uck is in the repos04:14
AncientSocrateshello wrong channel but more people. Does anyone use win7 on a laptop? my subwoofer has no sound04:14
felix_mubu, you can trye gnewsense builder too #gnewsense04:14
bazhangAncientSocrates, ##windows04:14
bazhangfelix_, please recommend Ubuntu solutions first04:15
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Jeruvydjlenoir: ya, I haven't found anything I can say isn't crap atm...sorry.04:16
felix_bazhang,  mubu http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/remastersystool.html04:16
djlenoirctmjr: oh man, it sort of worked... i actually saw the screen for a moment, then got this message "Your sessions only lasted less than 20 seconds. If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of disk space. Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem."04:16
felix_it is a ubuntu solution, but its not in the repo04:16
bazhangfelix_, that is not necessary. Ubuntu has remastering tools in the repos04:16
felix_oh, didnt know04:16
bazhang!remaster > felix_04:16
ubottufelix_, please see my private message04:16
TheNewGuy1downloading win via synaptic and drinking a nice cheap but very tasty cab.  Thanks for the help.04:18
kyjawhat directory is java installed?04:18
johnjayhow do I tell apt to not upgrade/install a version of a package? IE don't install any xorg greater than 7.0.1104:18
johnjaykyja: /usr/lib/java04:18
JeruvyTheNewGuy1: cheers :)04:18
ctmjrdjlenoir, do you have a login screen or does it login automatically?04:18
TheNewGuy1I meant to say that I am down loading wine.04:18
trevorI know this is going to be a stupid question, but I'm having some difficulty locating a package.  It contained a small wallpaper switching app for a minimal system.  I believe that the name was an element...  Can anyone help me out?04:18
kyjathank you johnjay04:18
djlenoirctmjr: i have a login screen04:18
anomolyI'm attempting to run an .exe in wine, and I'm getting "Unable to find a volume for file extraction. Please verify that you have the proper permissions"04:19
OttifantSirjohnjay: right-click the package and mark lock version04:19
trevorKinda like hsetroot, or wallp04:19
anomoly.wine and all recursive directories are owned by me04:19
TheNewGuy1thanks jeruvy, you kitchen and gartral rock!04:19
OttifantSirjohnjay: or for force version if it's already installed a higher version, and choose the one you want04:19
ctmjrdjlenoir, there should be a option or session tab look for failsafe gnome and see if that works04:20
gartralanomoly: is your disk full?04:20
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OttifantSirjohnjay: Ooopppsss... That's Synaptic, not apt directly04:20
trevoranomoly, I know that WoW does that if the installer is run from the disk.  Try putting the installer on the volume that you want to install to.04:20
TheNewGuy1anyone hear use sea horse web browser?  is it any good?  better then firefox?  thanks04:20
Kalmianomoly, try google: Unable to find a volume for file extraction wine04:20
djlenoirctmjr: unfortunately, the pc was locked with that msg so i rebooted into recovery mode again04:20
trevorTheNewGuy1, You mean Seamonkey?04:20
anomolyKalmi: I've done some searches but everything I saw just mentioned file permissions.04:21
TheNewGuy1LOL... yes... sorry I am down loading Wine and I think I am getting a little tipsy.04:21
anomolygartral: no, the disk isn't full04:21
OttifantSiranomoly: You have to configure wine04:21
johnjayOttifantSir: right but there must be an underlying apt aspect to it?04:21
Jeruvytrevor: I've found many a custom script but this is the documentation, maybe something will put you on the right path:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:22
anomolyOttifantsir: as in run winecfg? I looked at that but didn't see any thing for permissions04:22
gartralOttifantSir: not so, basic disks should be laid out by default... anomoly even with that being said, go to Applications>Wine>Configure and have a look at your Disks tab04:22
Kalmianomoly, the first hit for me suggests using the latest wine (which works for him) and/or winetricks to install idunnowhat04:22
Kalmianomoly, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96684804:23
trevorTheNewGuy1, Seamonkey is just the new open source version of the Mozilla suite.  If you want a single application that has a web browser, email client, chat client, and web page creator, then you might want to go with it. I recommend the Beta for 2 if you can use it though, as it sports a more recent build of Gecko.04:23
TheNewGuy1thanks Trev04:23
TheNewGuy1ok, I got wine, should I manualy install it?04:24
trevorTheNewGuy1, You're welcome! :D04:24
gartralTheNewGuy1: you'll have to either add a PPA repository, or compile it yourself though04:24
OttifantSirjohnjay: Synaptic is a graphical frontend to apt. It just seemed to me that with X in question and you asking about apt, you might be stuck in terminal, and then I couldn't have helped you. If you can get to Synaptic, that's the easiest way to do it04:24
TheNewGuy1um... never compliled.. my have to save that for another day.04:24
ctmjrdjlenoir, i have had that error but it was from tweaking my window manager the wrong way, let me google and see if i can find out something04:24
gartralTheNewGuy1: why arent you using sudo aptitude install wine?04:24
trevorJeruvy, Thanks for the link.  I think that I'm skipping the part that I'm building the desktop from a CLI.  I've found the package before, but cannot remember the name for the life of me...04:25
trevorJeruvy, Which is silly, cause I'm 99% sure that it's the name of an element04:25
anomolyKalmi: ok, I'll check out the link. I'm running the latest version but I'll take a look at winetricks04:25
Jeruvytrevor: I'd be glad to know also, I couldn't find anything specific unfortunately :(04:25
TheNewGuy1Gartral.... um... what?  I just down loaded wine via synaptic.  was that wrong?04:25
trevorJeruvy, Give me a few minutes, and a periodic table, and I'll come back with an answer...04:25
djlenoirctmjr: thank you for your help. i don't want you to have to spend more time with me than you have already. i can just wipe and reload it to save everyone trouble. just have to reinstall a bunch of stuff.04:25
OttifantSirtrevor: Element as in the 4 elements, or element as in the periodic table?04:26
gartralTheNewGuy1: ohh, no, I though you meant you downloaded the source from winehq ;) nvm me04:26
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trevorOttifantSir, Periodic Table.... Am I crazy?04:26
TheNewGuy1eeeewwww that sounds messy.  nope.. I a NOOB.04:26
Jeruvytrevor: no, there is a periodic table app called something like that iirc.04:26
TheNewGuy1OK, I got WINE.  down loaded... now what?04:27
johnjayOttifantSir: apt-get hold <pkg>04:27
Kalmianomoly, by latest you mean wine-1.1.25?04:27
trevorJeruvy, OttifantSir  FOUND IT!  Nitrogen!04:27
gartralTheNewGuy1: if your using synaptic, then it already installed as well04:27
fireunin case you all have any doubts - I've decided to downgrade to Intrepid, I've tried to get Jaunty to do just what Intrepid did, and it SUCKSASS, so screw it, back to Intrepid.04:27
trevorI swear, I can be an idiot sometimes!04:27
OttifantSirtrevor: with the 4 elements it would have been easier to come up with suggestions. GOOD FOR YOU!!04:27
gartraltrevor: welcome too the Human Condition ;)04:27
TheNewGuy1cool.  does it need to be configured?04:27
ctmjrdjlenoir, it's not a problem you can reinstall if you want but i am curious as to why you get that error04:27
needhelp1rythmbox wont play mp3's04:27
PhantalI upgraded from Ubuntu 8.04 to the latest [released] version, and now wireless doesn't work.  I can use iwlist to find wireless networks, iwconfig to choose settings, but when I use dhclient to obtain an IP address, there's never a dhcp response04:28
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Jeruvyer my bad its a java tool...http://www.gnu.org/software/kawa/api/gnu/kawa/xml/KElement.html04:28
needhelp1it wont play my podcasts either04:28
=== ck311 is now known as chakku
Phantaleverything worked fine before I upgraded04:28
djlenoirctmjr: i will stick to it if you are willing04:28
needhelp1and fspot is messing up04:28
gartralTheNewGuy1: it shouldn't unless you want ies4linux, winetricks, or some other "special" function04:28
OttifantSirneedhelp1: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:28
TheNewGuy1um... what is ies4linux?  and what is winetricks?04:28
needhelp1OttifantSir: i installed amarok04:29
needhelp1OttifantSir: that should work right?04:29
gartral!ies4linux | TheNewGuy104:29
ubottuTheNewGuy1: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!04:29
gartral!winetricks | TheNewGuy104:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winetricks04:29
gartralTheNewGuy1: winetricks is a script that automatically grabs a few redistributable packages for windows, and installs them too wine (it has been known to both add, and break functionality in the past)04:30
trevorSorry about that...  I'm just trying to throw together a cookbook recipe for a simple desktop starting with X and JWM, and any small applications that a user may need...04:30
legend2440trevor   http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2008120303335OSDTSW04:31
TheNewGuy1gart, why would I want it?04:31
anomolyKalmi: no, I don't have the dev release, just the stable.04:31
OttifantSirneedhelp1: Still doesn't have MP3-support because MP3 is a proprietary format. You need to install ubuntu-restricted-extras, or kubuntu-* or xubuntu-* depending on what you use04:31
gartralTheNewGuy1: winetricks allows you too run *some* games for Windows labeled games... beyond that, I've never found a viable use for it04:31
anomolyKalmi: I see on that link that it looks like he got the dev. I'll have to check try that04:31
Kalmianomoly, good luck, bb04:32
TheNewGuy1ok, thanks.. I'll pass on that.04:32
legend2440trevor: oh i see you found it already04:32
trevorlegend2440, That's it right there!  I've used it before... Had a REALLY underpowered desktop that I was using full time, so I figured out a couple of apps that are very good on very low end systems...04:32
gartralTheNewGuy1: ok.. so all that's left is too try out a windows based program in wine :)04:32
TheNewGuy1ok, going to try ies4linux.04:32
moymoybillybigrigger: how is launch speed for minefield?04:33
jmoncayo_hey guys, could anyone here help me with an iptables problem http://pastebin.ca/148913604:33
needhelp1OttifantSir: what all is in the restricted package04:33
billybigriggerpretty quick04:33
billybigriggermoymoy, haha i don't now how to time it exactly04:33
trevorjust trying to throw it back together, and I appear to have lost my JWM configuration file, and the list of applications...  So, I'm making a cookbook for stuff like this in the future...  It's something I need to get into the habit of...04:33
TheNewGuy1ok, will try that first04:33
moymoybillybigrigger: nothing exact, just relative to the default firefox that comes with ubuntu-desktop04:33
gartral!restricted | billybigrigger04:33
ubottubillybigrigger: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:33
billybigriggermoymoy, oh way quicker, almost instant for me04:34
moymoybillybigrigger: takes forever to launch, when chromium seems to launch instantaneous (as if it were just minimized before)04:34
billybigriggerminefield is the same, instant04:34
moymoybillybigrigger: that's good to hear04:34
Hilikuswhats the most common IDE in ubuntu for c++?04:34
OttifantSirneedhelp1: There's really nothing IN the restricted package. It's more like a script, installing the codecs for the proprietary formats. Or you could go to category5.tv and find the Perfectbuntu script under Resources -> Scripts and run that. It installs even more support.04:34
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moymoybillybigrigger: wish more apps launched like that... transmission is pretty quick to launch too, but i prefer deluge04:35
billybigriggerme too04:35
moymoybillybigrigger: and breaks my heart that  deluge isn't that quick =]04:35
gartralneedhelp1: the ubuntu-restricted package is a metapackage that "04:35
duckwarsubuntu 8.10 uses kdm, gdm, xdm?04:35
alkasmolikhey everyone!04:35
gartralneedhelp1: "depends" on a few others at installation time04:35
Phantalany comment on my wireless problem?04:36
OttifantSirduckwars: ubuntu use gdm, kubuntu kdm and xubuntu xdm04:36
TheNewGuy1gart, I got wine going.. well, I got note pad working.  do I need to confirgure wine?04:36
alkasmolikI know that ext4 seems to be the way to go for filesystems. I'm working on an converting an NTFS drive to a linux file system.  I have large movie sized files and smaller mp3 sized files.   should i consider resier? for the movies and leave half my 500gb partition resier for movies files? and ext4 for everything else?04:36
billybigriggeranyone know how to run a java .jar file?04:37
duckwarsthank you04:37
gartralTheNewGuy1: again, you shouldn't not unles you wwant som really advanced things too work04:37
bazhangOttifantSir, what is this perfectubuntu script04:37
TheNewGuy1ok, well, I will deal with it later, I need to get ie working now.04:37
needhelp1TheNewGuy1: what are you trying to achieve?04:37
TheNewGuy1I have ie on my system.04:37
TheNewGuy1I am tring to get IE working on my umbuto machine04:38
Jeruvybillybigrigger: I may be wrong but doesn't 'java file.jar' work?04:38
needhelp1most people dont use IE on a windows machine04:38
needhelp1much lest a Nix machine04:38
billybigriggerits java -jar jar.jar04:38
alkasmolikahha jar jar04:38
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@cabo:~/Desktop$ sudo java -jar GoogleVideoUploader.jar04:38
alkasmolikok sorry.04:38
billybigriggerException in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/xawt/libmawt.so04:38
billybigriggerbut i have java6 jdk and jre installed04:39
billybigriggeri don't know where to go from here04:39
djlenoiranyone dual boot with osx? wondering if chameleon 2 can see ext4 drives?04:39
billybigriggermaybe i should just get scp working, im trying to upload a video somewhere, thought i could do it with google04:40
billybigriggerill have to host it myself04:40
keystr0kI've used visudo to give a user ALL sudo privs... when I run commands, they show up like:    sudo: visudo: command not found04:40
TheNewGuy1Gart, I down loaded ies4linux... what do I do with it?  how do I get it installed?  I really am the new guys.04:40
bazhangTheNewGuy1, wine help in #winehq04:40
Hilikuswhat happens if i add a custom repo to install something new that's not available in the ubuntu repos and in the future it gets added to the repos, what will ubuntu do?04:40
Jeruvybillybigrigger: ya beware of flooding...no worries you just get muted for a bit.04:40
billybigriggerwhats a quick and dirty way to transfer video.avi from on users home to others in scp?04:40
jmoncayohey guys, i am having a bad time with iptables, is it a different implementation in ubuntu?04:40
TheNewGuy1ok, goign to winehq.  thats another room right?04:40
needhelp1TheNewGuy1: why do you want to use IE?04:40
Jeruvyjmoncayo: you use ufw04:40
cilipadiTheNewGuy1 > the ues4linux does not excatly emulate ie04:40
needhelp1why not use firefox04:40
petsoundshello, my webcam are detected in cheese but not in kopete or amsn. did i miss something? thank you.04:41
OttifantSirbazhang: Perfectbuntu is a bash-script that installs proprietary codecs, flash-support and other things. Made by Robbie Fergusson of www.category5.tv also a video-clip of him in the example-content of Jaunty Jackalope.04:41
frewsxcvi just compiled vlc in a folder in my desktop...but for some reason the unix command 'locate vlc' will not detect the vlc binary in ~/Desktop/vlc.....why does it do this?04:41
Hilikusfrewsxcv: you need to update the db04:41
frewsxcvHilikus, how?04:41
c0l2eI tried to share folder in ubuntu 9.04 but it doens't show in Places -> Network -> Windows Network04:41
Hilikusfrewsxcv: sudo updatedb04:41
c0l2ehow can I fix this?04:41
frewsxcvthank you Hilikus04:42
Hilikusfrewsxcv: np04:42
jmoncayoJeruvy: what is it?04:42
Jeruvy!info ufw04:42
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.27-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 61 kB, installed size 436 kB04:42
Hilikusjmoncayo: it's jus a wrapper for iptables04:42
jmoncayoJeruvy: i already have my iptables script04:43
jmoncayoJeruvy: :(04:43
Hilikusjmoncayo: what do you want to do04:43
Jeruvyjmoncayo: what is your question then?04:44
Hilikuswhat happens if i add a custom repo to install something new that's not available in the ubuntu repos and in the future it gets added to the repos, what will ubuntu do?04:44
OttifantSirHilikus: If the version in the custom repo is newer than the one in the official repos, that one will be used. And the other way around. But usually it's a higher version in a custom repo.04:44
TheNewGuy1thanks clipad!04:44
Guest48544bullgard4, hi, im the guy you spoke to yesterday about the wacom device; could you help me configure it (it already works just not the right way)04:44
billybigriggerdoes this video open for anyone? http://www.thefrozencanuck.ca/burnout.avi04:44
bazhangOttifantSir, Please do NOT recommend that here.04:44
TheNewGuy1I need to run the latest version of ie explorer is that possible?04:44
jmoncayoJeruvy: Hilikus: i have this script http://pastebin.ca/1489136 but under ubuntu it is giving me the errors posted in the paste04:45
OttifantSirbazhang: I did not recommend it. I answered a question posted by Hilikus some 80+ lines back.04:45
spectoTheNewGuy1: run a VM.04:45
TheNewGuy1Ok specto... whats is that04:45
bazhangOttifantSir, private message please04:45
acp_hi need help I have a server seems the slot for my other lan is not working and my requirement is 2 lan, Im planing to replace the board with same model, would I be having a issue my setup is raid 1 and runing ltsp Im using 9.04?04:45
spectoTheNewGuy1: a virtual machine, look up vmware player, it's free, you can do it, google is your friend04:45
linuxi forgot how to open the rpm files can someone help?04:45
HilikusOttifantSir: i know, but in 6 months were my current version gets to the official repo, will ubuntu try to update it to the same version, or in 1 year when an even newer version makes it to the official repo, cause AFAIK the versioning scheme in ubuntu is different so how would it know really what a newer version is?04:45
acp_Im afraid that it wont boot when I do the swaping04:46
TheNewGuy1do I use that with wine?04:46
bazhangHilikus, do not run that script04:46
Hilikusbazhang: what script??04:46
OttifantSirHilikus: I will PM you with this. No more in official channel about un-official updates. I've been warned, now you've been warned.04:47
bullgard4Guest48544: Good morning. --  I am afraid I cannot help you much. I have never used any Wacom device and never configured one.04:47
josh_93Hey, i was wandering if anyone here could help me with installing VBA (Visual Boy Advanced, a gameboy advanced emulator) for linux. http://vba.ngemu.com/downloads.shtml is the programs homepage. i downloaded the file and extracted it, but when i try and tell it to "make" it tells me this: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop." how do i install this file?04:47
spectoTheNewGuy1: http://tinyurl.com/lahezh04:47
TheNewGuy1Can I just open a MS windows window in linux?  Then I could just run ie in a window in a ms98 window on my linux machine.  Duel core.04:47
josh_93its a .gz file04:47
rgrasellis there any way to update my firefox in ubuntu to the new 3.5?04:47
thinkertinkerhi i just configured wvdial to connect via a nokia phone after connecting my firefox and pidgin act like i have not connected to intrnt04:47
Phantalany comment on the wireless problem I mentioned earlier?04:48
bazhangOttifantSir, don't offer that script as a solution in #ubuntu .  Thanks.04:48
Hilikusbazhang: what script are you talking about???04:48
Guest48544bullgard4, :( k, thanks anyways, im just so desperate because nobody in 3 forums is answering or in irc channels04:48
TheNewGuy1Specto.. that was the coolest thing !  wow, you did that fast.   WOW!04:48
bullgard4TheNewGuy1: No, not 'just'. You'll need to install wine. A complicated procedure.04:48
TheNewGuy1i got wine, and synaptic downloaded it and installed it.04:49
josh_93rgrasell: http://linux.com/news/software/applications/24655-mozilla-advances-the-web-with-firefox-3504:49
HilikusOttifantSir: i don't know what he's talking about04:49
bullgard4Guest48544: I know this desperate feeling. It helps best that you put the question repeatedly in not too short intervals.04:49
michta35anyone have issue with installing ubuntu on an AM3 asus mobo and get the error that the firmware does not support k8 powernow or recogonize pss tables acpi etc04:49
duckwarsHow do I change X permissions. When I type startx I get "X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting..."04:49
rgraselljosh_93: but that doesnt give me a .deb or a repo?04:49
specto!offtopic | josh_9304:49
ubottujosh_93: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:49
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Hilikusrgrasell: just install it. it's not an update though, its a separate package04:50
michta35Anyone with similiar issues that know of with asus motherboards? I can't install ubuntu or linux mint on either of my newer AM3 asus mobos04:50
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:50
Hilikusrgrasell: so you will have both versions at the same time04:50
michta35centOS and the like install fine04:50
Hilikusrgrasell: firefox-3.504:51
cilipadiTheNewGuy1 > you can have Sun's virtualbox running with simple WinXp04:51
rgrasellHilikus: but there isnt a .deb anywhere?04:51
Hilikusrgrasell: its in the ubuntu repos already04:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:51
_gedhi guys, i think i've asked this yesterday but i just need more clarifications before i do this stuff, the situation is i wanted to DELETE the panel (top and bottom panel)...then is there a workaround on how can i RETRIEVE it back again?04:51
Jeruvyjmoncayo: ACCEPT isn't a valid target for one, there are other errors in the iptables commands, you should look at reviewing this (whether this is ubuntu specific I'm not certain I don't play with iptables at this level).04:51
rgrasellHilikus: ooohhh ok.  thanks!04:51
Hilikusrgrasell: np04:52
TheNewGuy1OK, I may have a simple solution.   Anyone know why my nework card stopped working in windows after I installed ubutu?  works fine for uutu, but will not work for windows 98 and it worked fine before I did the ubutu install.   if I could fix that, i would be golden.04:52
sebsebseb!panels |  _ged04:52
ubottu_ged: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:52
lenswipehey guys04:53
_gedsebsebseb: thanks, i'll try it naw04:53
lenswipedoes apache have execution privaliges denied by default?04:53
Guest48544bullgard4, lol, k thanks, i might just do that :D04:53
sebsebsebTheNewGuy1: Why are you using Windows 98, it has been years now with it not being supported by Microsoft04:53
sebsebseb_ged: np04:53
bullgard4Guest48544: I wish you good luck.04:53
spectolenswipe: privaliges are delegated by the owner and access of the particular file04:53
Guest48544bullgard4, thanks04:53
TheNewGuy1sorry.. I have xp04:54
lenswipespecto, right, so how do i check if apache has exec on my /var/www04:54
thinkertinkeris there an issue with applications not recognising internet connection that was not configured via network manager04:54
OttifantSir_ged: I followed what I read yesterday, and simply copy-moved gnome-panel from /usr/bin to a folder in my home-folder. If I want it back, I'll copy-move it back to /usr/bin. The lower panel is apparently as easy as right-click and add panel04:54
linuxi recently downloaded a graphics driver card for my laptop but the download came as an rpm file how do i install that?04:54
rgrasellHilikus: I installed firefox 3.5.  it's a shiretoko beta?  where can I get the full release?04:54
specto!permissions | lenswipe04:54
ubottulenswipe: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:54
sebsebsebTheNewGuy1: possible hardware issue or something like that,   Ubuntu  dosn't  cause things to not work in Windows04:54
bazhanglinux, which graphic card04:54
Hilikusrgrasell: it's not beta04:54
_gedOttifantSir: ahm, how did you copied the gnome-panel?? is there a dir or folder of gnome?04:55
Hilikusrgrasell: that's the full release04:55
Guest48544can somebody please help me configure my wacom tablet? i am VERY desperate04:55
linuxATI Xpress 1100 bazhang:04:55
rgrasellHilikus: why is it beta?04:55
acp_ I'm replacing my motherboard with same model cause the 2 slot for lan is not working, I'm running raid1 and ltsp using 9.04, any unexpected issue should I be expecting?04:55
Hilikusrgrasell: i just said, it's not beta04:55
alkasmolikGuest48544,  google it04:55
TheNewGuy1seb I don't think that is the case.04:55
alkasmoliki can always google my problems04:55
bazhanglinux, have you first checked in hardware drivers? how new is the card04:55
rgrasellHilikus: why does it have beta tag?04:55
alkasmolikexcept this one!!!04:55
Hilikusrgrasell: where??04:55
Kreatorsup guys04:55
sebsebsebTheNewGuy1: Ubuntu support here not Windows support,  with an exception  of setting up dual boots.   Windows issues  take them to ##windows04:56
linuxThe computer i've had a few years now04:56
rgrasellHilikus: in the application menu.  its called a beta.  and when you run it it says beta too04:56
Hilikusrgrasell: did you update the repos before installing it?04:56
LeftmostIs it possible to do something like apt-get upgrade that will only touch packages with security updates?04:56
OttifantSir_ged: I did something dangerous, and used Nautilus as superuser. sudo mv /usr/bin/gnome-panel /backup/folder is preferred04:56
TheNewGuy1The system is newer and worked fine until I loaded ubutu.  now i cant get the net card working in windows but works fine in linux.04:56
_gedOttifantSir: well, just as u said, its in the /usr/bin ^_^ thanks thanks04:56
rgrasellHilikus: let me check...04:56
Hilikusrgrasell: apt-get update04:56
Kreatoranyone here running xubuntu 9.04??04:56
sebsebsebTheNewGuy1: I think ##windows  and even ##hardware are better channels for your issue04:56
* specto falls asleep.... zZzZzZzZ (goodnight)04:57
alkasmolikSometimes, my windows dissappear when i click on them. only way to get them back is, i change desktops, then they reappear. NOW... they are sitting there in the window, title bar JUST out of screen. i cannt click on it to move them. so i THEN have ot right click on window in "task bar" and choose move and move with keyboard until windows becomes normal again.  any suggestions to fix this?  try googling that!@!04:57
TheNewGuy1are you telling me now one has had this problem?04:57
bazhangKreator, please ask a question to the channel04:57
duckwarsCan anyone help me, I can't run "startx" without being root...04:57
JeruvyGuest48544: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2515104:58
TheNewGuy1i tried them, they said that since is begain when I installed ubutu it a ubutu problem.04:58
linuxbanzang: am i right to say most downloads for ubuntu are good for deb but not rpm?04:58
alkasmolikany takers on my problem? slight annoyance04:58
bazhanglinux, correct. you should install from Ubuntu repositories, and not 3rd party websites.04:59
rgrasellHilikus: its still called shiretoko.  not beta though :)  so its jus ta re-branding?04:59
sebsebsebTheNewGuy1: I have read something about hardware  and  then Internet not working  in  Ubuntu, but working in Windows,  or whatever04:59
sebsebsebTheNewGuy1: ,but not the other way round04:59
linuxbanzang ok thanks i see if i can find another download in deb or something for ubuntu04:59
bazhanglinux, how old is the card05:00
TheNewGuy1yea... actually it is the other way around.05:00
Geoffrey2rgrasell, i take it you're also having fun with the rather quirky FF 3.5 in the repositories05:00
TheNewGuy1I saw something on it to, but can't find the post again.   it was from ubutu.05:00
Hilikusrgrasell: you got it. it's not beta but its rebranded cause the official ff for jaunty is 3.005:00
linuxbanzang: maybe 5 to 10 years (i think)05:00
sebsebsebTheNewGuy1: Ubuntu  is just one of many Linux distributions,  and  for your particular issue you may  even  get some good help in ##linux05:00
bazhanglinux, then the open source driver is what you need.05:01
rgrasellGeoffrey2: quirky? all I see is a different name :P05:01
TheNewGuy1ok, thank05:01
Hilikusand different icon05:01
sebsebsebTheNewGuy1: ok good luck05:01
Hilikusthe icon in killing me, i keep not finding my browser05:01
linuxbazhang thanks05:01
michta35no bios incompatiblity issues known with ubuntu out there?05:01
rgraselllol I know.  im just gonna change the menu entry to make it the firefox icon :P05:01
Geoffrey2rgrasell, my install didn't leave me with any means of launching it, i had to drop to command line and manually rebuild all the links05:02
bazhanglinux, the proprietary driver for ati won't support that card most likely, and fglrx for ati right now is not good05:02
HilikusGeoffrey2: me too, but the icon is still the weird one05:02
rgrasellGeoffrey2: really? mine didn't either, but when I checked the menu a few minutes later it was there as shiretoko web browser05:02
Geoffrey2Hilikus, the earth instead of the familiar fox logo05:02
Jeruvymichta35: well thats not a very good question.  Since the kernel will be the most affected, you should look at linux for issues, ubuntu is just built on that :)05:03
sml12261is there an AMD-64 version of skype?05:03
michta35Every distro but debian based ones work on both the servers mobos so far05:03
michta35linux mint and ubuntu get same errors05:03
duckwarsHow do I change X permissions?05:03
robertr994I changed from Windows to Ubuntu this morning,  at that time I didnt know about lamp. I have version 8.04LTS  and have apache installed and working.   What mysql package do I dl for install ?05:04
Jeruvymichta35: again, that doesn't mean much...if your mobo's need non debian distro's aka ubuntu then stick with them, whats the question?05:04
Kalmi!lamp | robertr99405:05
ubotturobertr994: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:05
robertr994well Im past that,  installed apache already.  I just need to know what format of mysql do install05:06
robertr994I still dont know anything about Linux  lol05:06
Geoffrey2do keep in mind, LAMP is a great educational and developmental tool, but it's not really suited for a server that's going live.....05:06
robertr994my server is already live05:07
_gedthanks for the help about the gnome-panel thing ^_^05:07
robertr994looking at the mysql site, Im unsure what package to install05:07
Jeruvyrobertr994: use apt-get or synaptic to install mysql.05:08
Deevzhow can I change the environment variables?05:08
robertr994ok,  but its not there.....is it??  didnt see it05:08
Ahadielrobertr994, apt-cache search mysql05:09
Jeruvyrobertr994: ^^05:09
robertr994in terminal?05:09
Ahadielrobertr994, of course05:09
robertr994ok, cool05:10
sml12261my apache server is working on my home network but outside networks can't see it, what am I doing wrong?05:10
robertr994see lots of code05:10
robertr994sml, sounds like a firewall or router issue05:10
sml12261robertr994 opened ports and allowed it through all firewalls05:11
Ahadielsml12261, Did you forward the correct ports?05:11
Ahadielsml12261, check /etc/hosts.allow05:11
sml12261probably my POS router05:11
robertr994bypass your router05:11
robertr994for test05:11
Deevzwhere can I edit the ld_library_path variable?05:11
thinkertinkeri am connected to internet but firefox says it is working offline??is it the default mode to start??05:11
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AhadielDeevz, Just set it before the command you want to run, ie. ld_library_path="blargh" command05:12
zirodaythinkertinker: File > Untick Work Offline05:12
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sml12261robertr994 you mean direct to modem then get on outside net?05:12
blackest_knightthinkertinker: not usually untick work offline and try again05:12
AhadielDeevz, or put it in your .bashrc05:12
JeruvyDeevz: http://blogs.sun.com/ali/entry/avoiding_ld_library_path_the05:12
sml12261I was up at 3 2 days ago05:12
robertr994usually that will let you see if its a port forward or DMZ issue05:12
robertr994if it works it is05:13
sml12261wrong spot05:13
thinkertinkerblackest_knight:it works but all other applications using internet behaves similarly(pidgin -awaitong ntwrk conncn)05:13
skellingtonxhi, recently ive been having trouble with ubuntu. whenever i choose it from grub bootloader, it goes to the ubuntu boot menu, loads a little, then hangs. to remedy this i created a flash drive that i thought would boot(i made a bootable flashdrive before, thats how i installed ubuntu). however, the flash drive wouldnt boot, so i formatted in and tried a different image. same story. however,...05:13
skellingtonx...this time when i went to format my flash drive, i could only format it to the size of the image i had written to it. now here are my questions: does anybody have any idea as to what is going on with my computer? can i save my flashdrive? and is there any way this is the flashdrives fault?05:13
wdyrtthinkertinker, you must of accidently turned that option on, its in the file list near the bottem05:13
Ahadielskellingtonx, is it a laptop?05:14
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thinkertinkerwdyrt:nope,firefox always startrs this way05:14
skellingtonxyes, an asus eepc 1000ha05:14
sml12261robertr994 I got an error with my ps3 straight to modem so maybe whole net is screwed up05:14
WIGGMPk1Why wont "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y" install the new version of Virtualbox-3.0 and remove Virtualbox-2.2?? Just curious (not complaining)05:14
wdyrtoh, may i suggest wiping your settings?05:14
Ahadielskellingtonx, the next time you try booting it, hold down "enter" when it "freezes"05:14
blackest_knightthinkertinker:  i'd try pinginga few places see if your really connected05:14
Ahadielskellingtonx, if that fixes it, I know what to do.05:15
robertr994apt-cache search mysql worked,  now how do I get the install?05:15
OttifantSirsml12261: This is something I pulled off a video about IPtables: Your server doesn't start with a sudo-command, so it doesn't get access to port 80 (TCP), but instead ie 8080. You need to forward incoming request to port 80 to port 8080.05:15
Ahadielrobertr994, sudo apt-get install package_name05:15
skellingtonxok ill try it right now. ill be back to report my results.05:15
Ahadielskellingtonx, sure thing05:15
MT-what port is sftp?05:15
freteranyone having problems with yahoo on kopete still?05:15
robertr994ok, let me figure out the package name  lol05:16
wdyrtthinkertinker, the settings are in ~/.mozilla/firefox05:16
thinkertinkerblackest_knight:i am currently connected and using the same to chat here05:16
OttifantSirsml12261: That was an example. Your ports may be different05:16
Ahadielrobertr994, the first word on each line of "apt-cache search" is the package name05:16
Ahadielrobertr994, just pick the one you want05:16
dmsupermanI'm trying to determine the stability of the zfs-fuse package. Can I reliably assume that my data will be safe on it?05:16
FSWolfhey happy gang im tryin to find where the config file for ubuntus grub bootloader is stored05:16
FSWolfany one tell me ?05:16
freteranyone have a working yahoo setup on kopete at the moment05:16
jmoncayohey guys, how can i completely clean the iptables?05:17
blackest_knightthinkertinker: thats wierd  it must think your offline initially i guess05:17
HilikusFSWolf: /boot/grub05:17
wdyrtblackest_knight, i find it weird, how it would assume that05:17
FSWolfok thanks05:17
blackest_knightjmoncayo:  reboot maybe05:17
HilikusMT-: you can google that or look in /etc/services05:17
wdyrtit must be some setting getting left over05:17
WIGGMPk1jmoncayo: not to dismiss your question.. but you should check out gUFW after you clear out iptables.. Its a GUI for Uncomplicated Firewall and its very easy to use05:18
FSWolfim tryin to add a nother windows install to the grub bootloader  file05:18
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: wait..i am not using network manger to connect..05:18
FSWolfthe default file is seeming empty05:18
JesusedIm from a phone with ubuntu05:18
Hilikusjmoncayo: i tried gufw and i wasn't impressed. i recommend learning the command line syntax. it's nothing compared to iptables05:19
blackest_knightthinkertinker:  could it be connecting on demand maybe05:19
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: is there something like ubuntu failing to tell my applications that i am connected to internet??05:19
HilikusFSWolf: what do you mean it's empty05:19
robertr994good lawd  this is easy05:19
Guest48544can somebody please help me configure my wacom tablet? i am VERY desperate05:19
Ahadielthinkertinker, some gnome applications check with networkmanager to see if one is connected to the internet.05:20
robertr994thanks for the help on this05:20
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: i dialup using wvdial and i edited wvdial.conf manually.. does that raise a prob??05:20
Ahadielrobertr994, glad you got it installed05:20
jmoncayoi already made the script and it works just fine, but i want to start fresh05:20
dmsupermanI'm trying to determine the stability of the zfs-fuse package. Can I reliably assume that my data will be safe on it?05:20
MT-Hilikus: oooh - nice file, thanks05:20
thinkertinkerahadiel: then what if i use wvdial to dial up??05:20
robertr994well, installed is one thing, configured  .....  lol05:20
HilikusMT-: np05:20
Ahadielthinkertinker, what application is giving you trouble?05:21
freterno one has any thoughts on yahoo?05:21
FSWolfnm thanks i found it :)05:21
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blackest_knightthinkertinker:  that could be it , takes a while to establish connection dns server ect if your rushing it may not have fully established connection05:21
duckwarsCan anyone help me run an X11 display through ssh?05:21
robertr994I just need to learn how this system works.   it seems to run 10th of the memory usage vs 2003 server05:21
duckwarsI can do it at the physical machine, but not while ssh'ing in05:21
Ahadielthinkertinker, other internet apps work?05:21
Hilikusduckwars: from another linux box?05:22
Ahadielduckwars, you want to run apps via ssh and have them show up on your screen?05:22
wileyfoxdoes anyone know if there is an irc command analogous to "whois"05:22
duckwarswell I want to run a vnc server on a remote machine, but I can't because I can't run startx05:22
thinkertinkerahadiel: i am installing vlc player now..with add/remove applications.. that works..05:22
duckwarsI don't have the permission to run startx05:22
MustardTigerhello all. I'm very new at this & have a install question.    I'm trying to dualboot & during the install it freezes at 5% when it says "creating ext3 file system. any help appreciated05:22
blackest_knightduckwars:  sudo startx05:23
skellingtonxahadiel, no luck.05:23
Ahadielskellingtonx, hrm05:23
Ahadielskellingtonx, so the progress bar just freezes?05:23
HilikusMustardTiger: how do you know it freezes05:23
Ahadielthinkertinker, what account in pidgin isn't working?05:23
MustardTigercause i left it over night05:23
Hilikusare you sure it's not taking its time05:23
skellingtonxyes, at about 7% i would say.05:23
Ahadielskellingtonx, and holding enter did nothing?05:24
freteranyone having yahoo messenger problems?05:24
thinkertinkerblackest_knight:how to know if connection compleetly connected! from wvdial?05:24
HilikusMustardTiger: did you run from a livecd?05:24
skellingtonxahadiel, absolutely nothing.05:24
OttifantSirMustardTiger; That's frozen allright.05:24
Ahadielthinkertinker, I'd imagine it's just gtalk that doesn't work then.05:24
MustardTigerI ran the installer off the CD & then restared & chose Ubuntu from load up.05:24
Ahadielthinkertinker, Someone else was complaining about it not working either.05:24
blackest_knightthinkertinker:  do you start it from terminal ?05:24
Ahadielskellingtonx, hrm05:24
MustardTigerIt then started to install & keep stopping at 5%05:25
duckwarseven as sudo it says Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keygiving up05:25
skellingtonxahadiel, my thoughts exactly.05:25
Ahadielskellingtonx, how do you get it to boot?05:25
skellingtonxahadiel, grub bootloader05:25
thinkertinkerblackest_knight:yes i start wvdial from terminal05:25
freterive changed my page server setting several times in the last month, keep getting it to work for a bit then it quits, any thoughs ref. kopete05:25
Hilikusduckwars: what system are you ssh'ing FROM?05:25
Ahadielskellingtonx, I mean, how do you get past the freezing?05:25
blackest_knightduckwars:  google that msg05:25
duckwarsOS x05:25
OttifantSirMustardTiger: Did the liveCD installer finish completely?05:25
thinkertinkerahadiel:it worked on my suse!!05:25
Ahadielskellingtonx, you mentioned a usb device05:25
Ahadielthinkertinker, check the connection settings for gtalk05:25
Ahadielthinkertinker, maybe they're different05:26
Hilikusduckwars: i don't know if your ssh client in mac will let you, but try adding -X as an argument05:26
blackest_knightthinkertinker: doesnt it give you any feedback ?05:26
Hilikusso ssh -X <host>05:26
robertr994ok, php and mysql is installed, way to easy. guess I should reboot?05:26
skellingtonxahadiel, ive never had freezing before. and i wanted to use the flash drive(the same flash drive i used to install ubuntu) to reinstall ubuntu. it wouldnt boot.05:26
Hilikusduckwars: that should forward X05:26
thinkertinkerblackest_knight:yes it shows upto my secndry dns adrress.05:26
duckwarsi'll tell you if it works, the system is restarting now05:26
dunhamAnybody know where i can find epiphany. I just installed it using add/remove apps, it says it's installed but it's not under app -> internet. ANybody have any clue?05:26
Ahadielskellingtonx, try adding acpi=off to the end of your kernel line05:27
freterlog out then back in05:27
OttifantSirrobertr994: If you're finished installing and want to start them, sure. If not, then keep them stopped and keep configuring.05:27
ctmjrMustardTiger, sounds like you might have a bad cd try running the check cd utility at startup05:27
Ahadielskellingtonx, when you get to grub, press "e", and add that05:27
freternot sure why, but works lol05:27
mikelhi someone can help me to do an install script to install ubuntu by the minimal cd with the command line ?05:27
skellingtonxwhat would that do exactly?05:27
Ahadielskellingtonx, disables acpi05:28
Ahadielskellingtonx, that could be what's hanging it05:28
blackest_knightthinkertinker:  i use dialup with phone modem aand run a script pppd call gprs often the server doesnt allocate an address  and it fails but if you instlled network monitor aplet and set it to ppp0 you would see it connect and get an address05:28
robertr994yeah, have my php site online with a html backup in its place,  should restart.  any idea if I need to edit apache or did it do it?05:28
dunhamty, it's up05:28
duckwarsstartx -X doesn't help05:28
Ahadielduckwars, I think he meant to start ssh with -X05:28
duckwarsI also get xauth: error in locking authority file /home/username/.Xauthority05:28
dunhamfirefox was to slow loading pages... figured i'd try epiphany05:28
Hilikusduckwars: no, i said ssh -X, this is not to start X, its to forward it to your client05:29
freterwelcome dunham, anyone  have any thoughts on yahoo messenger settings for kopete?05:29
Ahadielduckwars, did you set "DISPLAY" prior to running startx?05:29
thinkertinkerblackest_knight:..hmmm... should i make changes in my network manager??05:29
OttifantSirrobertr994: I think you need to configure apache. From what I know, if you don't the site it will show is "It Works!"05:29
duckwarsi tried ssh -X05:29
robertr994http://www.kwtfstudio.com/asx/Screenshot.png  this rocks05:29
Ahadielduckwars, try DISPLAY=:0.0 startx05:29
Ahadielduckwars, but not with ssh -X05:30
duckwarsand error in locking authority file /home/username/.Xauthority05:30
blackest_knightno add to panel network applet you might need to install it05:30
robertr994ok apache is no biggie to configure05:30
MustardTigerokay, I'll try that. thanks.05:30
thinkertinkerblackest_knight:.and how after that??05:30
Deevzok, someone suggested I type in a new line in /etc/bashrc to set the ld_library_path variable, now what would be the syntax of that line?05:31
duckwarsdisplay=:0.0 startx doesn't work, I get like 5 errors along the lines of05:31
blackest_knightonce its on the panel change the device to ppp0 then you'll see when its connected05:31
duckwarsxauth: error in locking authority file /home/username/.Xauthority05:31
Ahadielduckwars, check if .Xauthority is owned by you05:31
duckwarsand then "X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting"05:31
OttifantSirrobertr994: If you have experience in hosting, maybe not. For me, it's something I fear deep down in my heart.05:32
Ahadielduckwars, ohhhh, hold on, I think I know05:32
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: "NetworkManager Applet"is in my panel currently05:32
LeChacalhey, is it just me being dumb or something but I can't the find the acroread package in the repositories anywhere, can anyone confirm or tell me what repositories it is in, thank you.05:32
Hilikusduckwars: did you configure X to start automatically?05:32
duckwarsnot that I know of05:32
mezquitaleanyone here has used dyndns.com for IP resolution?  I am trying to find out what the interface should be if your machine is using a cable modem and behind a router?  Using eth0 uses the router IP not the routable IP from the cable modem05:32
robertr994been hosting since 2003 on windows,  today is my first try on linux05:32
blackest_knightthinkertinker: what device is it set to show05:32
legend2440duckwars: right click .Xauthority and choose properties>permissions  make sure its not root and read write atre checked05:32
duckwarsjust read write for owner05:33
joseluis_Something know a ide to python???05:33
duckwarsit's root root though05:33
robertr994I love the way the machine is running now even though I cant get my video and sound installed.....  no biggie its a server05:33
mezquitalerobertr994, what's it like hosting on windows?  ever had your sites hacked a lot and had code injected to your sites?  how about reliability?05:33
freterno one having any issues with kopete and yahoo messenger?05:33
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: sorry not sure!! it shows an icon for wi-fi netwrk range.05:33
legend2440duckwars: it should not be root root  bur yourname:yourname05:33
Ahadielduckwars, are you trying to startx as root?05:33
robertr994hacked all the time,  reliable???  only if I babysit05:33
mezquitalefreter, pidgin cant login to yahoo, someone has a work around but who cares, no more yahoo for me05:33
benjimixhi everyone05:34
duckwarseven when I try to startx as root I get problems05:34
blackest_knightthinkertinker:  install a 2nd one and then right click it for properties05:34
duckwarsFatal server error: Server is already active for diplay 005:34
freteris there another chat client for yahoo messenger that is working ? i just need it thats all05:34
Hilikusduckwars: why do you want to start X manually???05:34
duckwarsIf this server is no longer running, remove /temp/.X0-lock and start again05:34
Severity1mezquitale, its just a server mapping issue.05:34
Ahadielduckwars, maybe try DISPLAY=:0.1 startx05:34
djlenoiri am trying to backup some files off my bad ubuntu load to usb drive using the live cd and getting locked files in my home folder. how can i get around this to unlock them so i can copy them?05:34
duckwarsbecause my vncserver software requires it running05:35
benjimixhey would anyone in here be able to answer a question that i have about getting Tomcat6 set up on Hardy Heron?05:35
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: do i get it from "add to panel"?..can u pls say the name of applet??05:35
Hilikusduckwars: are you sure it's not running already?05:35
blackest_knightdjlenoir:  sudo nautilus05:35
duckwarsdidn't seem to work05:35
ctmjrLeChacal, it is in the medibuntu repo  acroread-fonts - Fonts for Acrobat reader - Medibuntu package05:35
robertr994im just very happy seeing this AMD64 run like its supposed to on Ubuntu compared to windows running 1.5 gig of ram on idle05:35
djlenoirblackest_knight: ok thanks05:35
mezquitaleSeverity1, that's what I thought but i dont want to waste time configuring something i use once every blue moon, i chat more on freenode way more than on yahoo05:35
gartralI can't get winff to encode... it keeps saying I don't have encoders05:35
duckwarswell at the actual physical computer there is no desktop05:35
budocomputer reports cant find a package and it should be there..the package is listed on the Jaunty' standard package list05:35
Hilikusduckwars: that doesn't mean X is not running05:36
blackest_knightadd to panel network monitor05:36
mezquitalemy AMD 64 bit is quite happy with ubuntu studio 8.1005:36
Ahadielduckwars, maybe this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15170305:36
Hilikusduckwars: can you ssh to the machine?05:36
OttifantSirgartral: Search for ffmpeg and install all of them that you need.05:36
jeffsany one know of any good dssi synths for ubuntu??05:36
mezquitaleanyone here has used dyndns.com for IP resolution?  I am trying to find out what the interface should be if your machine is using a cable modem and behind a router?  Using eth0 uses the router IP not the routable IP from the cable modem05:36
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: i cant find it there.05:37
budohow can i scroll thru the package list or search through it on command line?05:37
djlenoirhmm, sudo nautilus apparently is not enough... getting permission denied to copy the files05:37
freteris there another chat client that is supporting yahoo messenger?05:37
LeChacalctmjr, that is just fonts i have that installed but that isnt acroread, i just reinstalled janunty and i had it installed before i reloaded my system05:37
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: i cant find it there.but when i installed jaunty it came along.05:37
gartralOttifantSir: I did.05:37
blackest_knightok you need to install it with synaptic search network applet  to find it05:38
robertr994mez, some of the cheaper modems will not port forward even though the options are there.  try bypassing the router to see if this is the case for you05:38
Hilikusmezquitale: what do you mean? dyndns just translates to you ip, your router doesn't need to know about it05:38
blackest_knightfreter other than pidgin or amsn ?05:38
LeChacalctmjr, and apt wont let you just install acroread-fonts because it has acroread as a dependency05:38
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: i cant find it there is it beacuse it has been added once?05:38
OttifantSirgartral: Did you get the ones from Medibuntu?05:38
gartralOttifantSir: it shouldn't matter... Im going from Theora too Theora05:38
robertr994gonna reboot, thanks all for the help !05:38
benjimixwhen i try to start tomcat6 on ubuntu it does not seem to be able to find any JARS that are in my WEB-INF/lib directory (eg: i get a NoClassDefFoundError) - the JARs are there, CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE are set and the WAR file works in my local (Windows) tomcat instance. would anyone here be able to shed some light on this?05:39
jeffsi've been trying to find some good synth plugins for my ubuntu studio thats not listed on the dist. page..any one know of any?05:39
budois there a way to search the package list?05:39
blackest_knightno you can add as many as you want i tend to have 1 per interface05:39
gartralOttifantSir: its throwing Unknown encoder 'mpeg2video' on exit05:39
Hilikusbudo: apt-cache search05:39
budofrom a command line05:39
pinoyskullthis is OT: anybody knows of an antenna supplier for 3G usb modems?05:39
duckwarsWell here's the overall problem.  When I start the vnc server at the terminal on the physical VNC server machine, already in a GUI, the vnc server works, BUT when I try to launch it from a foreign machine while ssh'ing in, it doesn't work05:39
gartralpinoyskull: that question belongs in ##hardware or ##electronics05:40
pinoyskullah, thanks gartral for the direction05:40
Hilikusduckwars: why don't you just forward X, do you really need vnc?05:40
blackest_knightduckwars why do you need the remote desktop ?05:40
Severity1hi pinoyskull05:41
duckwarswhat is forwarding X? I need to work with the gui desktop a lot of the time because I can't really do EVERYTHING through command line05:41
mezquitaleHilikus, dynsdns.com needs to update your dynamic IP, I have to use a client on my machine to update my IP, however when you configure the client you have to specify an interface, I thought it was "eth0" however eth0 is the local IP provided by the router and is non-routable, I need the interface for the cable modem which has a routable IP05:41
pinoyskullSeverity1:  hi05:41
ctmjrLeChacal, your welcome05:41
skellingtonxahadiel, *sigh*05:42
Polux_someone can help me ?05:42
Hilikusduckwars: one thing is controlling the remote desktop (VNC) other is forwarding X which will open windows from the remote machine as if they were local05:42
blackest_knightduckwars: right its simple enough ssh duckwars@ -X and then start the graphical program and it will pop up as  a window on your local system05:42
OttifantSirgartral: I'm sorry, I'm too tired to remember anything right now. It's gettling close to 7am and I need to get some sleep. I seem to remember having the problem myself once. Try the forums. That's where I usually get my answers.05:43
blackest_knightduckwars: obviously replace that address with your remote machine ip05:43
Hilikusmezquitale: what client are you using? mine doesn't ask for that05:43
mezquitaleHilikus, im using ddclient, it uses ssh to update my IP, are you also using a modem(cable/dsl) and a router?05:44
duckwarsoh, okay.  What is a graphical program I can use with os x?05:44
duckwarsdoesn't seem to work just typing ssh username@xxx.x.x.xxx -X05:44
blackest_knightduckwars: try nautilus see if it works05:44
Hilikusmezquitale: yes, server behind a firewall behind a router/modem with NAT05:44
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Hilikusmezquitale: try inadyn05:44
gbear14275I'm confused about the difference between paravirtualization and hypervisors (baremetal virtualization).  I would like to try out running xen as a hypervisor on my machine and with ubuntu as a domU (or Dom0... not completely sure how it all works yet).  Anyone done this before or have a pointer to a good howto?05:45
gartralthanks OttifantSir05:45
Hilikusduckwars: try putting -X before the host05:45
Hilikusand then start anything graphical like emacs or gedit05:45
budowget program. thats what i needed !05:45
budothanks Hilikus05:45
mezquitaleHilikus, that's OK, thanks, I already made my choice and it's working, I just have to figure out what interface I should use, I think the interface is "web" but I guess I'll find out later on when I get a new IP05:46
blackest_knightduckwars:  provided username is a valid a/c on the remote system it should ask for your password within about 30 secs05:46
djlenoircan the ubuntu install cd create a guid partition?05:46
djlenoiror just mbr05:46
Hilikuswhats the most common c++ IDE in ubuntu?05:47
duckwarswhen i do the -X a program in os x comes up called X11, but it doesn't seem to show me the desktop05:47
Hilikusduckwars: you won't get the desktop, but the apps that you open05:47
gartralduckwars: X11 user in Mac is... strange..05:47
blackest_knightHilikus: eclipse or netbeans05:47
Jeruvydjlenoir: um yes.05:47
Hilikusblackest_knight: really? for c++?05:48
Hilikusi use those in windows for java05:48
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duckwarsI won't et a desktop?05:48
blackest_knightthey have c++ plugins05:48
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: no hope to add another netwrk monitor applet.. i looked around but cant find it05:49
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JohnnyZeroI have a question guys. Is the Optiarc AD 7240 Series compatible with Jaunty?05:50
JohnnyZeroAnd why can't wodim fixate the disc?05:50
blackest_knightthinkertinker: gnome-netstatus-applet05:52
ROOT78sAcer aspire one can I get linux on it05:52
HilikusROOT78s: of course05:52
blackest_knighti have :) i'm using it05:52
gbear14275anyone here used secure delete before?05:53
DulakROOT78: I'm on an acer d150 running ubuntu just fine05:53
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gbear14275I'm actually wondering if I run the command srm -R from the / directory... what would happen?  Would the whole disk get wiped because the file will execute and its in RAM, or will it delete and eventually delete itself?05:53
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guillaumeHello everyone. I just installed an ubuntu Jaunty on an ibook g3 (powerpc) and I'm unable to read movie with mplayer neither totem because of some altivec flags... How can I solve that ?05:54
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: wel now how to put it there?? need i install gnome-netstatus-applet??05:55
blackest_knightthinkertinker: sudo apt-get install gnome-netstatus-applet05:56
blackest_knightonce its installed you can add to panel05:56
JohnnyZeroguillaume have you installed all the plugins?05:56
JohnnyZerogood, bad and ugly?05:56
zoqueteanyone knows anyone on xubuntu that can support me?05:57
thinkertinkerblackest_knight: lemme try it..05:57
ROOT78sI have a 160 g net book05:57
zoqueteI've xubuntu 9.0405:57
zoqueteand it's really slow05:57
zoquetei can't work :S05:57
JohnnyZeroguillaume: Try going to synaptic and installing all the plugins.05:57
gogetazoquete: err new pc?05:57
zoquetei've a Lenovo SL400 laptop05:58
Hilikuszoquete: what's slow?05:58
guillaumeJohnnyZero: which plugin ? mplayer does not have any and the needed for gstreamer segfault05:58
zoqueteand two days ago installed xub05:58
jumentoushey, i'm playing around with packaging and at the moment using it to deploy a couple of .conf scripts on a new comp, however i get the error 'trying to overwrite X, which is also in package Y', which is fine, is there a setting that i can use to allow this from within the package05:58
zoquetei use Eclipse PDT05:58
zoqueteand Firefox05:58
zoqueteand Open Office05:58
gogetazoquete: and05:58
fornixzoquete: those 3 are enough to kill processor!05:58
zoquetethe three programs are slow05:58
zoqueteand a terminal05:58
JohnnyZeroguillaume: There should be 3 sets of plugins for gstreamer. Good, Bad and Ugly05:58
zoquetei've a core 2 duo05:59
gogetazoquete: all 3 at once05:59
guillaumesorry, I need to be more precise in my request. Every multimedia application crash with illegal instructions because they are compiled with altivec that my g3 does not support.05:59
Hilikuszoquete: run top and see what's slowing it05:59
zoquetetyping in the terminal uses a lot of processor05:59
gogetaguillaume: vlc05:59
JohnnyZeroYeah vlc is good05:59
zoqueteXog uses over 20% the 90% of the time06:00
JohnnyZeroOr you could always get wine or buy crossover and use Windows Media Player or Winamp06:00
gogetaguillaume: not only osx defently ppc06:00
SuspectZerohow do i disable the feature to restart programs that were left on before reboot?06:00
DrDerekyou don't06:00
SuspectZerowhy :S06:00
Hilikuszoquete: 20% is not that much06:00
gogetaguillaume: used to have it on my osx g306:00
zoquetechange tabs in firefox 2secs06:00
zoquetechange desktops 2 secs06:00
JohnnyZerogillaume: I used Windows Media Player on Ubuntu for a bit there. Worked out fine for me. But I also spent alot of money for Crossover. It does get pricey.06:01
Hilikuszoquete: what video driver are you using06:01
zoquetechange aplications 3 sec06:01
zoqueteit's really unconfortable06:01
Hilikusand when you do that xorg goes up?06:01
durtzoquete, how much mem?06:01
gogetaJohnnyZero: and you could have used winetricks and installed it for free06:01
fornixmy X uses 1% cpu06:01
JohnnyZerooh...yeah at the time I didn't know that lol06:01
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zoquete509MB of 2GB ram and 2GB swap06:02
WindPowerHi people, I just bought this Asus laptop and am using Kubuntu 9.04-bits on it right now, but the Ethernet controller doesn't work. I tried on Ubuntu as well, and its 32-bit version. I'm using the wireless right now but it slow, unstable, and in a few days it won't be available anymore cause I'll be moving, so I need the ethernet controller to work. It's a SiS 191 Gigabit ethernet controller. I've googled around for 2 days now a06:02
WindPower read dozens of forums posts and mailing list messages, some of them going back to 2005, and most of them ending without solution. Any suggestions?06:02
oyenkcan some one help me....?06:02
guillaumegogeta: vlc same problem, it use altivec flags06:02
jeffsany one use ubuntu to produce music?06:02
fornixwindows media player?? why would anyone use that? i use mplayer. even when i am on windows06:02
durtoyenk, just ask06:02
zoquetevideo driver?06:03
gogetaguillaume: unfortanly ubuntu has no real ppc support06:03
zoquetethe xorg.conf file have defaults values for all06:03
legend2440gbear14275: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4fzInlyYQo&feature=related06:03
skellingtonxahadiel, you there?06:03
JohnnyZerofornix: this was before I realized that vlc works a hell of alot better06:03
gogetaguillaume: yellow dog linux is best for ppc macs06:03
xim_is there a somewhat simple way to slow down a cp command, like so it doesnt overheat my drive, or gives periodic rests or something?06:03
zoquetethe video is a Intel 4500MHD onboard06:03
Hilikuszoquete: yes but you still need a driver to talk to you video card06:03
JohnnyZeroRight now I am on PCBSD but I am thinking of going back to Jaunty assuming I can get my CD Burner working on Jaunty.06:03
gogetaguillaume: or even osx06:03
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Hilikuszoquete: mmm then i don't know. never used intel video cards06:04
guillaumegogeta: osx is not a solution, I don't want an os which is 10 years old, and the newest release of osx does not run on that laptop06:04
zoquetei understand that Intel are automatic recognized (sorry my english, i speak spanish)06:04
JohnnyZeroI want wodim to be able to fixate my discs and for it to actually work as a DVD burner like it should. Not just as a CD Rom.06:04
gogetaguillaume: osx tiger does06:04
MustardTigerHello again,  I check the CD & it's fine.   I tried installing (duelboot XP) from live CD. I slide the partition size for Ubuntu to 18GB,  when it tries to "resize partition" it stays at 0% and come back with error.06:05
gogetaguillaume: unfortanly ppc is just dead06:05
JohnnyZerogogeta: Well unless you count the Cell chip. But thats really only used in PS3s06:05
MustardTigerI then ge the option to "prepare partion" and it list my current drives but I don't know what to do. Any help?06:05
zoqueteok, thanks06:05
zoquetei try on xubuntu forum but is nothing here06:06
guillaumegogeta: not for me. I have a pretty good laptop and until I found a better one, I'll want to keep that one06:06
gbear14275legend2440: this is fun to watch... I'm actually getting nervous06:06
oyenki have problem when instaLL virtual box.."Error: Wrong architecture 'amd64'"06:07
oyenkany suggest bout that..?06:07
JohnnyZeroguillaume try vlc and see what happens.06:07
guillaumeJohnnyZero: same thing, it crashs06:07
Ahadieloyenk, paste the output of uname -a06:07
JohnnyZeroWhat is the error message. I'll google it for you.06:07
gogetaguillaume: http://us.fixstars.com/support/downloads/06:07
gogetayellow dog06:08
JohnnyZeroAh too late lol06:08
gogetathats a ppc linux06:08
gogetaubuntu ppc is third party only06:08
gogetait was droped years ago06:08
guillaumeJohnnyZero: Illegal instruction ;) I allready googled it... There is lots of people talking about it on internet, but noone give a solution except "buy a new computer"06:08
guillaumegogeta: it was working on edgy06:08
JohnnyZeroLOL oh sorry06:08
gogetaedgy i beleve was the very last one06:09
legend2440gbear14275: you want to remove Ubuntu?06:09
gogetaedgy had ppc support even thow it got droped06:09
guillaumegogeta: thank for yellowdog, but I prefere compile my own mplayer rather than installing a new system06:10
JohnnyZeroDoesn't arch linux have PPC support?06:10
mlissnerHi, I'm trying to write a clever script using the mail command, but it's prompting me for a CC, and I have to press ^D for it to send the message. Does anybody have any ideas how to turn these off?06:10
oyenki try to instaL build essential06:10
Dulakit's all g4 or better, the g3 is kinda SOL06:10
gbear14275legend2440: terminating a managed server service on an unfriendly basis (they suck, i'm changing my cc number)... I want to wipe the hard drive06:10
Ahadieloyenk, paste the output of uname -a06:10
JohnnyZeroguillaume, theres always the wine option too06:10
guillaumeHey, I don't want a new system... If there is no solution out of the box, i'll build from source mplayer and ffmpeg...06:10
JohnnyZeroIf you haven't tried that already06:10
guillaumeJohnnyZero: wine ?06:10
Hilikusmlissner: i think if you send the whole message in 1 command it wont ask for it06:10
MustardTigeri get stuck (error) at the partition part with installing either from the LiveCD or after the Installer. Can I do the partition manually & how?06:11
oyenkbut there`s some error too...>>build-essential: Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.3.1) but it is not going to be installed06:11
mlissnerHilikus, is there a trick to doing that that I'm missing?06:11
JohnnyZeroYeah you can run wine and try out Winamp or Quicktime.06:11
Hilikusmlissner: what are you currently doing06:11
Jeruvyguillaume: its only supported in community now, which pretty much means rollyourown :)06:11
mlissnermy command is something like: mail -s"subject" email@example.com06:11
guillaumeJohnnyZero: have you any ideo how wine work ?06:11
Dulakguillaiume: your only real option is to compile your own media player without the multimedia extensions, the g3 breaks the hell out of extension detection06:11
gogetaDulak: yellow dog seems to still have g306:11
Hilikusmlissner: where do you write the body?06:11
mlissnerHilikus: No body. Just a subject.06:12
JohnnyZeroguillaume: well I use Crossover and it kinda just runs the exe files I need it to06:12
mlissnerHilikus: Though a blank body, or a space, or whatever is fine.06:12
guillaumeDulak: yeah, I know it is a solution, I was wondering if there is something simpler without the time of the compilation ;)06:12
JohnnyZeroI just double click, install it and there it is.06:12
guillaumeJohnnyZero: you are on x86 ;)06:12
oyenkLinux oyenk 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux06:12
JohnnyZeroguilaume: yeah.....I guess you're right06:12
Ahadieloyenk, You can't install AMD64 Virtualbox on that06:13
Dulakguillaume: not really06:13
Ahadieloyenk, download the 32-bit version06:13
JohnnyZeroand you are somewhat correct guillaume. I am on an x86_6406:13
guillaumeDulak: ok... and you think it can be possible to ask for a .deb without the altivec extension ? Btw i'm not the only one in this situation...06:14
gogetaguillaume: compile it from source make a deb06:14
Dulakguillaume: it's pretty simple to make your own deb06:14
JohnnyZeroguillaume: Unless you can find an old rpm and convert it with alien.06:15
gogetaguillaume: thers a program that will do it for you the name i forgot lol06:15
Hilikusmlissner: try echo " " | mail -s HEAD <address>06:15
guillaumegogeta, Dulak, the idea is to avoid doing it myself, if I run an ubuntu it's because a gentoo take too much time. If i must start compiling myself, I'll install a gentoo ;)06:15
oyenkok tq :)06:15
gogetaguillaume: well ubuntu isnt a legicy distro06:16
JohnnyZeroguillaume: Have you tried searching for an old rpm file that will install?06:16
mlissnerHilikus: Brilliant.06:16
Dulakguillaume: compiling one package to solve your problem is hardly gentooish.  If you don't want to take the time to solve your own problem, I don't see why anyone else should.06:16
mlissnerHilikus: Thank you kindly for your creativity.06:16
JohnnyZeroand converting it with alien06:16
Hilikusmlissner: np06:16
Guest58516Hi. I want to clone a 160GB disk onto a 500GB disk from the live cd. Would this command do the job? dd if=<drive 1> of=<drive 2>06:16
guillaumeDulak: because anyone can have a computer faster than mine ;)06:16
gogetaguillaume: becides you fix others to spreding the love06:17
Dulakguillaume: you start the compile right before you go to bed, it's done by the morning.  You won't notice the time.06:17
gogetaguillaume: if he conpiled it on a non g3 it would compile badly and be slow06:17
voxGuest58516: it'll do it, but you'll end up with 160gb accessable on the 500gb disk06:17
JohnnyZeroLemme search around for a proggie guillaume06:17
Dulakguillaume: I have no sympathy, I remember compiling kernels on a 38606:17
voxGuest58516: use 'gparted' on the live cd06:17
Guest58516vox, will i be able to expand the disk afterward?06:18
gogetaguillaume: thats how optmisied compiles work06:18
Guest58516with gparted?06:18
voxGuest58516: it will do exactly what you're looking for06:18
oyenkwhy..sometimes when i update my pacckage...there`s error  GPG error: http://dl2.foss-id.web.id intrepid-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>06:18
guillaumegogeta: you can optimise compilation for different targets06:18
Guest58516You mean skip dd entirely?06:18
voxGuest58516: yes06:18
voxGuest58516: just run 'gparted'06:18
gogetaguillaume: its not the same using emulation06:18
Guest58516Oh OK06:18
* JohnnyZero shrugs06:18
Guest58516Thanks a lot.06:18
voxGuest58516: no probs06:19
guillaumegogeta: why are you talking about emulation ?06:19
moymoyGuest58516: i can't see why you can't expand it.. but according to the ubuntu release notes, expanding an ext4 partition may cause lots of data loss06:19
gogetaguillaume: if you compile for ppc on a x86 its compiling on a totaly diffrent arc06:19
Guest58516That's what I'm using too.06:19
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Guest58516Good thing I checked. Thanks again.06:19
gogetacross compling06:19
guillaumegogeta: yes, it's like crosscompilation work.06:19
gogetaand its worse then nativ06:20
guillaumegogeta: I'm wondering why...06:20
gogetaguillaume: igts going to use genrec calls then looking at a real one and making the optmisions06:21
JohnnyZeroguillaume: have you looked at this?06:21
gbear14275here goes nothing... secure delete root :)06:21
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JohnnyZeroMeh that has nothing on it06:23
guillaumeJohnnyZero: it does not help06:23
JohnnyZeroguillaume: only other thing I can suggest is really delve into google to search for a deb06:24
phorensicAnyone know if I uninstall phpmyadmin and reinstall phpmyadmin, will my databases still be there?06:24
guillaumegogeta: what are you calling genrec call ?06:24
wired22I need some help with Ubuntu...06:25
phorensichi terry06:25
moymoywhat help do you need?06:25
wired22It has a ton of trouble loading flash content and anything that takes up the full screen06:25
JohnnyZeroguillaume: Its possible someone already did compile it from source.  Check here http://code.google.com/06:26
wired22Even when it does load it is extremely laggy06:26
Hilikuswired22: are you using the open source flash or the proprietary one?06:26
VarthHey, I'm running Skype on 9.04, on a Lenovo S10 netbook, and sometimes the other chatter's video dies and then won't redraw. Anyone know what the problem might be?06:26
WindPower_Help, anyone? My connection died at some point cause the wireless is unreliable, so I might have missed some messages during that time06:27
phorensicIf I uninstall phpmyadmin and then reinstall it, will my mysql databases still be there untouched?06:27
gogetaJohnnyZero: knothing beats trying to eexplane how compiling works in lamemns terms06:27
wired22Hilikus: Proprietary06:27
Hilikusphorensic: they should be, yes06:27
Hilikuswired22: mmm then idk06:27
JohnnyZerogogeta: I usually just follow a wiki. I do it the "for dummies" way06:28
phorensicHilikus: do you know how to back up my databases just in case?06:28
gogetaJohnnyZero: lol i knoe a nativ ssmokes a cross thats abought it06:28
Hilikusphorensic: mysqldump --all-databases > backup   i believe06:28
Nameless_auwhen one does a sudo reboot from a terminal, does the session still get saved?06:28
zaltekkI can't get myself associated to a wireless network.  My wireless card uses the ath5k driver.  Here( http://paste.linuxassist.net/214937 ) is the output from ifconfig, iwconfig, and iwlist.  Any ideas what I am doing incorrectly?06:29
gogetaNameless_au: i beleve so i have done it06:29
JohnnyZerogogeta I've had to compile before. I had to actually on Arch Linux.06:29
JohnnyZeroNever really on Ubuntu though06:29
Hilikusphorensic: but make sure you do it with a user that has full rights, like root06:29
Hilikusphorensic: actually you might be able to do it from phpmyadmin before you remove it06:30
gogetaJohnnyZero: thats becouse ubuntu has debs for everything even kernel patches06:30
skellingtonxquick question: how do i make my flash drive bootable>06:30
JeruvyNameless_au: I use shutdown -r, and it seems to save the session ok06:30
guillaumegogeta: still does find what are you calling "genrec call" ?06:30
phorensicHilikus: haah well thats the problem. My friend changed the permissions somewhere so we cant get into it06:30
Nameless_augogeta: by "i have done it" are you implying you can do it by adding certain arguments/switches or that it does it automatically upon reboot, just like through the gui?06:30
gogetaguillaume: non optmised06:30
Hilikusphorensic: permissions or password?06:31
Rat409skellingtonx: try syslinux06:31
Guest97480Hilikus is there a file where the database is located that can be copied and pasted?06:31
gogetaNameless_au: sudo reboot that i did everything semmed saved06:31
mubuHey guys, how do I have my ubuntu 9.04 pc shutdown after a certain amount of minutes. when i use "sudo shutdown 30", after 30 minutes it doesnt shut down, its like i get logged out and go to this weird almost text only rescue menu. Thanks06:31
Nameless_augogeta: k tnx06:31
guillaumegogeta: and still wondering why compiling on the same arch that target arch optimise better ?06:31
skellingtonxoh sorry, should have been more specific: how do i make my flash drive bootable in windows xp?06:31
Hilikusguest, it depends what kind of tables, but mysqldump is preferred06:31
phorensicHilikus: permissions.. I believe they are permissions of the symlink or folder in the /var/www folder?? Im not at his computer to see the exact setup06:31
Scunizimubu: try sudo shutdown -P 3006:32
gogetaguillaume: i dunno it just does06:32
Hilikusphorensic: but the problem is you can get to phpmyadmin or that it won't let you in?06:32
JohnnyZeroskellingtonx set the flag to boot06:32
JohnnyZeroYou can use GPart for that06:32
mubuscunizi, ill try it out thanks06:32
phorensicHilikus: yes, gives error messages saying permission denied and wrong permissions...06:32
gogetaguillaume: you can recompile on the same arc on a diffrent pc and get better preforance06:32
Scunizimubu: I typically use sudo shutdown -P now when logged in via ssh..06:32
dotblankhey guys... I just found out ubuntu is FREAKING AMAZING. plug and play wicom tablet worked awesome when used with gimp...06:33
Jeruvymubu: -P will power it down but the 30 means 30 minutes06:33
Hilikusphorensic: but is the error from phpmyadmin or apache??06:33
Scunizimubu: yep..06:33
guillaumegogeta: ok, and if it just does, you have some references which can help me in my quest to understand ?06:33
JohnnyZeroskellington: just be careful with G Part though. Make sure you get the right drive.06:33
JohnnyZeroGo to the drop down menu and look to see what your Flash Drive is known as06:34
phorensicHilikus: it is for phpmyadmin . i checked the permissions of apache.conf and everything was fine06:34
poomalaiHi all, I am using linpopup to send messages to windows machines in my network. Sending messages are fine. but i cant receive messages from windows machines. Can anybody helpme?06:34
rleedsI started using aptitude a while back because I heard it does auto-removal of orphaned dependencies (though I hear apt-get does also now). I was wondering if using the graphical update-manager breaks that functionality for aptitude.?06:34
gogetaguillaume: thats gentoos entire theme compilig from source on the target pc is better06:34
JohnnyZeroskellingtonx, Because your hard drive also shows up in G Part06:34
Hilikusphorensic: i don't think reinstalling phpmyadmin will fix it, i might be wrong06:34
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Hilikusphorensic: can you get in using the CLI mysql client?06:35
guillaumegogeta: sources of you assertion ?06:35
dsdeizhmm let me see if i got this correctly06:36
phorensicHilikus: I imagine I could...I haven't tried yet06:36
gogetaguillaume: gentoo emerge is just souced compiled for your pc using gcc and emerge06:36
Scuniziguillaume: I think that gogeta 's statement isn't his assertion but what gentoo followers believe..06:36
dsdeizso gtk+ provides the interface? :S06:36
EagleScreenrleeds, update-manager won't probably autoremove orphaned packages, but you will do it later with aptitude or synaptic06:36
dsdeizis qt another alternative to gtk+ ?S06:36
JohnnyZerosorry skellingtonx its known as GParted06:36
JohnnyZeroNot GPart06:36
Guest41294тут Русские есть?!06:36
dsdeiz<--- kinda confused :D06:36
Hilikusphorensic: try that and maybe try to fix the permissions from there06:36
gogetaScunizi: gentoo and slackware both beleve that06:36
dotblankdsdeiz: qt is a diffreant api for gui stuff. but it is similar to gtk06:37
Hilikusphorensic: mysql -u root -p06:37
JohnnyZerodsdeiz: KDE people will tell you to use qt because it works better with KDE06:37
gogetaScunizi: hes whats someone to cross compile for g3 and he dont understand it will preform badly better to do it nativly06:37
skellingtonxJohnnyZero:yeah, i know. i just didnt know they had it for windows. ive used it in ubuntu before.06:37
rleedsEagleScreen, My question is whether update-manager will mark automatically installed packages in such a way that only aptitude or apt-get will get it or if either one (or synaptic) would be able to autoremove for me.06:37
dsdeizoh ok.. on the hand, gtk+ for gnome?06:37
Rat409!ru | Guest4129406:37
ubottuGuest41294: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:37
Scuniziguillaume: gogeta there is some merrit to it.. optimized kernel and programs for your specific system..06:37
rleedsEagleScreen, I was under the impression apt-get and aptitude had different databases of what is auto-installed06:37
dsdeizis there like a lightweight ui? :S06:37
guillaumeScunizi: gogeta assert that compiling on the same arch as the target arch optimise better, which is (as far as i know) a false assert. Gentoo users think that compiling with specifics optimisations for a specifis arch is faster than a generic build, which can be true06:38
Scunizidsdeiz: xfce4 which is what xubuntu is.06:38
dotblankdsdeiz: There are usually 2 guis that most apps use. all the apps on kubuntu (usually) run qt while the apps on ubuntu (gnome) use gtk06:38
JohnnyZeroskellingtonx, http://www.brunolinux.com/01-First_Things_To_Know/Windows_Tools_-_Gparted.html06:38
JohnnyZeroTheres the version for Windows I believe06:38
dotblankI think gtk is pretty lightweight06:38
dsdeizdotblank: basically, how are they called? just plain "user interfaces"?06:38
gogetaguillaume: i said cross compling a arc is bad06:39
gogetacouldent even test the build06:39
Scuniziguillaume: apples / oranges.. it's an ongoing battle .. and off topic here..06:39
phorensicHilikus: well I think the permissions that are wrong are in the /var/www folder and I couldn't find any docs on what they should be set to. I think something like this happened: $var/www: sudo chmod 777 phpmyadmin.. or chmod -Rf 777 phpmyadmin06:39
sagaciyou know how you go into a terminal session using alt+F2 etcetra, can you change the screen resolution to make more stuff fit on the screen06:39
guillaumegogeta: but why ? I'm unable to understand why it's bad...06:39
gogetaScunizi: yea if he whont help himself why bother keep going06:39
Hilikusphorensic: you said the problem is not apache and that you can get to the login screen fine06:40
guillaumeScunizi: it's not off topic if I think that gogeta told false assertions about compilations.06:40
Hilikuswhy would the problem be in /var/www then?06:40
dotblankdsdeiz: They are 2 different libraries that a program will use to draw gui elements.06:41
phorensicHilikus: Hilikuswhen i try to login to phpmyadmin, it gives me the permission error: either world wide permission no supposed to be set or forbidden06:41
JohnnyZeroWell anyways guys what I came here for it doesn't look like anyone can help me with so I'll try to help you guys with other issues.06:41
Scuniziguillaume: it is because it's not ubuntu specific help.. much easier to go to #ubuntu-offtopic and discuss the specifics06:41
guillaumeScunizi: ok, no problem for that ;)06:41
Jeruvyno, I'd concure building is OT here, but tolerated heavily...so if you don't go too far it's ok.06:41
guillaumegogeta: you come to offtopic ?06:41
dotblankdsdeiz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTK%2B06:41
gogetaJeruvy: well i end it when i get ot so i am but yes they do let us  fly off for a bit06:42
oh_noesdoes this cron job run at 9pm everyday? 0 21 * * * /bin/foobar06:42
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dotblankJohnnyZero: What was your issue06:42
Jeruvygogeta: :) I wouldn't get too pissy about it but now I'm ot :)06:42
JohnnyZerodotblank, my issue was that my cd burner wasn't burning CDs. Everytime I tried and with each program I tried it said it couldn't fixate the disk. Many people in here said my CD Burner is probably broken.06:43
Hilikusphorensic: only after you enter login/pass in phpmyadmin?06:43
dotblankJohnnyZero: does it work in windows?06:43
phorensicHilikus: no that login doesn't even come up06:44
JohnnyZerodotblank, I actually haven't tried it in windows06:44
Hilikusphorensic: so the problem is with the web server, not the database06:44
JohnnyZeroI haven't used it in a long time. I was using Ubuntu for about 1 to 2 years and then randomly decided to try burning CDs and it just wouldn't work.06:44
ScuniziJohnnyZero: quite possible.. the only other thing to check is to see if the country peramiters have changed for some reason.. That unfortunately I don't know how to do.06:44
dotblankJohnnyZero: I would try it on a windows box and if it doesn't work.. then I guess the drive would be broken06:44
gogetaman that guy whont let it go06:45
JohnnyZeroIt reads CDs and DVDs but it just doesn't burn them06:45
dotblankI ussually have no issues at with cd burning06:45
Hilikuscheck the permissions of everything under /var/www/phpmyadmin06:45
JohnnyZerodotblank, thats what everyone in here said. Thats why they told me to run hardware tests on the burner somehow.06:45
phorensicHilikus: No, the permissions for phpmyadmin and messed up somewhere... do you know what the permissions are supposed to be there?06:45
Hilikusit should be owned by root and be 64406:46
phorensicHilikus: great I will have him try that06:46
dotblankJohnnyZero: cd burners I believe have 2 different lasers06:46
JohnnyZerodotblank, well my brother is a tech I think he can check it out. You guys are prob right. It is likely broken.06:47
dotblankJohnnyZero: try changing the drives position in the IDE controller..06:47
ScuniziJohnnyZero: replacements are cheep these days.06:47
dotblankJohnnyZero: Yea burners are very cheap.. I even have a blu ray drive06:48
gbear14275for those that always wanted to completely obliterate their root dir but couldn't..: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213438/06:48
Jeruvydotblank: is there a burner that support BD?06:48
JeruvyScunizi: Blue-ray Discs06:49
ScuniziJeruvy: ah. I was thinking BR06:49
dotblankJeruvy: Well im using a CD/DVD burner that has the ability to play BD06:49
Jeruvydotblank: I'm only interested in burning...thanks.06:50
dotblankJeruvy: Im pretty sure there are several of them06:50
Jeruvydotblank: I'll have to test it out, I wasn't aware of any.06:51
Guest97480Hilikus  Firefox said "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server. when typed into the address line06:51
Polux_Hi, I have a probleme: I'm unable to open my trash can and all the icons on my desktop disapeared06:51
jared__Who here has installed sql-server on their ubuntu distro?06:52
jared__How do I test if it worked properly06:52
dotblankPolux_: lol I almost thought you said  "real" trashcan06:52
redsoxkingff is maxing out my cpu any help on how to fix that?06:52
dsdeizhow do i make xsetbg set the small wallpaper to stretch out?06:53
Hilikusguest whos the owner and what are the permissions?06:53
Jeruvyredsoxking: killall firefox06:53
dsdeizi used "xsetbg -onroot -fullscreen /path/to/wallpaper" but to no avail.. :(06:54
redsoxkingJeruvy, whats that, an add on or in the system manager kill all processes with ff06:54
Jeruvyredsoxking: kills all firefox processes06:55
MontelEdwardswhat is the command to extract tar.gz06:56
HilikusMontelEdwards: tar -xzvf06:56
MontelEdwardsHilikus, thanks. Im brain dead today :P06:56
redsoxkingJeruvy, is that a command promt06:56
Jeruvyredsoxking: yessir :)06:57
Kirlyini have a dual boot computer (win xp and ubuntu), Ubuntu is on a separate drive (USB), however every time i start up the computer GRUB loads in order for me to select the OS i want to use, my question is, if i were to wipe out the ubuntu partition, would it also take out grub?06:57
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HilikusKirlyin: i don't think so06:57
HilikusKirlyin: grub is usually not in the ubuntu partition but on the MBR06:57
redsoxkingJeruvy, thanks, but that will stop the browser to, do the add-ons take up cpu usage?06:58
Kirlyinon master boot record on my main drive?06:58
S_AHi! Is there any GUI app available for ping,traceroot,dnslookup ?06:58
Kirlyineewww ouch...ok...so how do i take out grub?06:58
ScuniziS_A: system>admin>network tools06:59
HilikusS_A: network tools06:59
Apollo2366Hey, I'm trying to open a .swf file in Firefox, but when I do, it just prompts me to open it with Totem, which doesn't play .swf's. What bothers me is that I could do this just fine at one point... And it magically broke itself. Help?06:59
S_Agreat man! Thanks06:59
apersonI've been having problems with synergy and the shared clipboard07:00
Jeruvyredsoxking: ya everything dies with it07:00
apersonsometimes when I copy/paste between machines, I get japanese text07:00
badeaglein ubuntu, how to i prepare to compile for a platform other than my own? (i.e. a64 on my i386)07:00
ganjanauthas anyone used electricsheep?07:01
Hilikusganjanaut:  i have in windows07:01
Apollo2366ganjanaut, I attempted it at one point, but I could never get it to work07:01
badeagleganjanaut: i tried that on vista a month or so ago and it crashed on startup07:02
ganjanauti've been trying in ubuntu, but i can't get it to work07:02
apersonganjanaut, how is it failing?07:03
dsdeizanyone using xsetbg?07:04
=== dunham is now known as lolcash
oyenkanyone can give mu suggest with thizz.Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libqt4-network (>= 4.5.0~+rc1)07:05
shay27mHello , does anyone knows where mozilla firefox save cookies ?07:05
Scunizishay27m: do you want to delete them?07:05
apersonshay27m, in your profile folder ~/.mozilla/firefox07:05
shay27maperson: thanks07:05
jumentoushi, there is a program/script in apt that generates metapackages based on giving it a list of dependencies - does anyone know what its called07:06
apersonshay27m, though you'll have to find them in a sub folder there, if you just want to delete them, firefox can do that itself07:06
dsdeizwho's using xsetbg here?07:06
Apollo2366Anyone know why Firefox would refuse to open .swf files?07:06
CorpX does ultamatix work on the latest ubuntu?07:07
badeagleApollo2366, which flash player package did you install?07:08
oyenkwhy..sometimes when i update my pacckage...there`s error  GPG error: http://dl2.foss-id.web.id intrepid-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>07:08
Apollo2366badeagle, h/o07:08
badeagleApollo2366: what's 'h/o' ?07:08
dsdeizwho's using xsetbg here?07:09
wapkoim having problems with ff3.5/shiretoko. it has no clue what to do with filetypes. i cant even rightclick a download and open containing folder. and if i tell it to use nautilus for folders. it uses nautilus for everything07:09
Apollo2366badeagle, means "hold on" I installed ver 10.22.87-1 from the intrepid repos. Thing is though, Firefox was working perfectly with .swf's until recently.07:10
madsjhasn't firefox been upgraded to 3.5 in ubuntu ? "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" doesn't find any new firefox07:11
apersonmadsj, it hasn't yet07:11
wapkomadsj: its called fireforx-3.5 just apt-get that07:11
dsdeizwho's using xsetbg here?07:12
badeagleApollo2366: you're using firefox 3.0 and intrepid still?07:12
wapkomadsj: firefox-3.5 not fireforx :P07:12
madsjwapko: ok; it's not that important; I was just wondering why it wasn't updated07:12
Apollo2366badeagle, I've been meaning to upgrade, but I'm lazy.07:13
JabberWalkieis there a program that will tell me how frequently I use various programs?07:13
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badeagleApollo2366: only reason i can think of is some non-backwards-compatible update broke it.07:13
Apollo2366badeagle, any way I can see recent updates and maybe roll them back?07:14
badeaglei dunno, anyone else know the answer to that question?07:15
administrator__hi anybody know how to do wireless PXE over n/w07:15
grendal_primeok whats the trick in gnome to make gmplayer the default dvd player?07:16
linuxi downloader and ran this ati-driver-installer-9-6-x86.x86_64.run for my ATI Xpress 1100 card on my laptop it seemed to work OK but how will i know?  If i try aticonfig i have display problems07:16
grendal_primei right click on the dvd icon but there is no "open with" dialog option. I removed totem (wtf? no dvdnav capabilites?)07:17
administrator__has anyone installed pxe over wireless networks07:17
grendal_primeIm trying to set this laptop up for my motherinlaw.  But i need the dvd to work really easy.07:17
Chris8hey room help pls -- trying to install MadWifi but getting weird errors during <make> in terminal...07:17
grendal_primelike drop it in, it fires up.  but that is not happeing.07:18
administrator__has anyone installed Ubuntu over wireless networks07:18
grendal_primei dont see a place..prefered apps..is not working for me ither.07:18
grendal_primeadministrator__:  i would not do that07:18
grendal_primeits porbably possible...but i mean com on..plug the bitch into the wall for the install...save a few thousand possible things that could go wrong.07:19
* badeagle likes grendal_prime's language. :D07:20
madsjhow do I see the description of a package using aptitude ?07:20
grendal_primepeople...i need the scoop on gnome and changeing the default dvd player....this is a MOTHER IN LAW issue.!!!07:20
grendal_primeI dont know gnome07:20
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: do you mean the dvd playing app?07:21
administrator__why so07:21
grendal_primethe "Prime" is not in the know on the gnome.07:21
badeagleadministrator__: i have definately felt the hurt trying to upgrade over wireless, wound up burning a disc a friends house and reinstalling.07:21
dsdeizmadsj: aptitude search <package> ?07:21
Chris8help installing MadWifi?   errors are returned in terminal <make> command... posted http://pastebin.ca/148930707:21
grendal_primeadministrator__:  your joking right?  everyone tell me he is joking.  Ive not had enough alcohol for him not to be jokeing.07:21
administrator__what would be ideal07:21
madsjdsdeiz: thanks :-)07:21
dsdeizwho's using here xsetbg? :D07:22
grendal_primeplug it into the wall with a dsl box between it and the wall.07:22
madsjdsdeiz: just post your question!07:22
dsdeizi'm using xsetbg to set the background image although it doesn't stretch if the image is not of the same width and height as my screen resolution :(07:22
dsdeizi used xsetbg -onroot -fullscreen /path/to/wallpaper07:22
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: do you mean the dvd playing app?07:23
grendal_primethere is is straight up vodoo that goes on with wireless connections.  administrator__...just plug it into the wall tell its up and working with a desktop.  Then you can start shaking a dead bloody chicken over the thing and its wireless card.07:23
Chris8do i need a dead chicken to install MadWifi?07:24
grendal_primeActionParsnip: ya. totem blows...and sucks(at the same time even)  Blucks...if you need a word for it.07:24
badeaglegrendal_prime: something to do with mime types in .desktop files is my guess07:24
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33371407:25
grendal_primeChris8: it never hurts to have a dead chicken around...especially when there is going to be voodoo involved.07:25
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: if you want help, you need to reply to questions to get further info07:25
grendal_primemake sure its a fresh dead chicken.07:25
bazhang!ot > grendal_prime07:25
ubottugrendal_prime, please see my private message07:25
grendal_primeActionParsnip: sorry.07:25
Chris8<mental note -- one dead chicken>07:26
grendal_primenever hurts..07:26
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: no worries duder07:26
Apollo2366Fixed the Firefox thing, Problem and solution: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/42967 I should've Googled first07:26
administrator__it hurts07:27
* ActionParsnip preys to the VM gods07:27
grendal_primeok... ActionParsnip here is the situation..07:27
Chris8http://pastebin.ca/1489307  What should i do?!?!?@BBQ07:27
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: yeah, its in gconf-editor, its laid out there07:27
CatEateri'm trying to install 9.04 but the screen is too big and i have to keep scrolling07:27
CatEatercan i turn the screen size down?07:27
grendal_primeby the way ActionParsnip im a vcp (taking test this quarter)  soooo if you need help with vm issues...ill be your beotch if you can help me out with this simple little...well dvd issue07:28
badeaglegconf-editor = pot of gold07:28
grendal_primegconf-editor? never seen this magic-ness...07:28
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: i have a team if i can't get them up07:28
oyenkwhy i cant install virtual box..there`s always error i get07:28
Scunizioyenk: is it the download from teh vbox site?07:29
NevakCan anyone direct me to a page that tells me an exact way of getting LotRO working in Ubuntu? I've been searching for a while, but I haven't come up with any good results.07:29
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: do you know a way to sequentially boot guests on a host, at present we reboot all and they don't always come up07:29
grendal_primeActionParsnip: personally...vbox is faster..but you cant beat virtualcenter with a shotgun.07:29
administrator__challenge to Ubuntu07:29
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: this is a company's VMs, not just for laughs07:29
madsjdsdeiz: have you tried "-full" ?07:29
Scunizioyenk: sudo apt-get install build-essential might help07:29
grendal_primeActionParsnip: on vmware?07:29
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: 8 CPU cores + 16b ram + RHL host + 10 Win2K3 Citrix guests07:30
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: x 15 hosts x 6 domains07:30
administrator__any one who can help with wireless pxe07:30
grendal_primeActionParsnip: but whats the vm beast at the base of it.  man we run 3 sun's 32 procs a piece. fat beast.07:31
oyenkscunizi : i stIll get error build-essential: Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.3.1) but it is not going to be installed07:31
dsdeizmadsj: i'm not quite sure if there's a -full option. i only see -fullscreen07:31
administrator__can any one help on wireless installations over network07:31
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: RedHat host + silly ram + SAN07:31
Scunizioyenk: this is after installing build-essential?07:31
jmoncayohey guys could someone please help me with an iptbles script? http://pastebin.ca/1489314 i can comunicate from lan to internet, dmz to internet, but i cant lan to dmz07:31
grendal_primewhats the san?07:32
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: is there a way to sequentially reboot them by the host?07:32
CatEateranyone know if vbox can scale the display? this installer for ubuntu is REALLY HUGE07:32
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: storage attatched network07:32
Scunizioyenk: open synaptic package manager and search for g++ see what it finds07:32
grendal_primealso...i still don understand if its vmware or "other" vm solution.07:32
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: gives us about 200Tb of space to play with07:32
grendal_primeActionParsnip: i know what a san is.  but who makes it...we use netapps....07:33
administrator__Ubuntu PXE wireless networks07:33
Chris8help... installing... Madwifi... getting errors after <make> function in terminal... posted http://pastebin.ca/148930707:33
bazhangadministrator__, dont repeat07:33
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: i think its 1vault07:33
administrator__i didn't get the answer07:33
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: i don't have much to do with it really07:33
Drekidoes anyone have experance with ATI drivers? my friend downloaded ubuntu 9.04 64bit and tried to install the ATI proprietary drivers and now his system boots to a terminal07:33
grendal_primehmm.... i was just currios, ya thats not going to have anything to do with your issue.07:34
ActionParsnipadministrator__: wifi pxe is a pain unless your device works out of the box07:34
bazhangadministrator__, repeating every ten seconds wont get you an answer faster. every 20-30 minutes will do07:34
oyenki find g++:07:34
oyenk Depends: g++-4.3 but it is not going to be installed07:34
ActionParsnipoyenk: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:34
linuxhow do i test my graphics card  to see if it is working properly?07:34
oyenki have done it07:34
Scunizioyenk: you're going to get LOTS of hits.. instead look on vbox's site and list their repo in synaptic.. then refresh.. then search for virtualbox and the version you want.. there may be several listed..07:34
CorpXplay some porn07:34
ActionParsnipoyenk: then you hav g++07:35
oyenksget error build-essential: Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.3.1) but it is not going to be installed07:35
madsjdsdeiz: http://rpiscrews.us/dept/acm/packages1/openbox/tmp/openbox-2.1.3-sgi/util/bsetbg07:35
grendal_primeis it an actual "VMWARE" HOST though is what im driving at.  or are you usine like suns version of virtualbox. or osx of virtual box...or...qemu...or...hell, ms vitual for that matter?07:35
Drekidoes anyone have experance with ATI drivers? my friend downloaded ubuntu 9.04 64bit and tried to install the ATI proprietary drivers and now his system boots to a terminal07:35
ActionParsnipoyenk: sounds like you have some serious dependancy issues, are you running jaunty?07:35
bazhangCorpX, stay on topic07:35
badeagleChris8: your linux kernel up to date?07:35
CorpXdid i get kicked07:35
grendal_primeand let me get this straight you need the boxes to fire up in a certain order?07:35
iMatterExcuse me how would i go about with my Home on a Partition to its own?07:36
Scunizioyenk: they have a repo for most ubuntu releases07:36
grendal_primecause that would be possible with vmware if you are running virtual center.07:36
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome07:36
iMatterim installing the newest official OS and i want to do the separate home thing07:36
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: no we just have a theory that rebooting 10 guests at the same time kinda hammers the system a bit, so we want to stagger the reboots07:36
oyenkwhat must i done07:37
Scunizioyenk: are you on Jaunty 9.04?07:37
badeagleChris8: try "sudo aptitude install linux-headers" then make again07:37
grendal_primeya but...dude...again..are you running "vmware" or...other07:37
administrator__i 'm new to this07:37
Chris8Desktop/madwifi-0.9.4/net80211/ieee80211_power.c:240: error: implicit declaration of function '__skb_append'07:37
ActionParsnipiMatter: copy the data to the other partition then add a line to /etc/fstab to do the mounting07:37
Travis-42I have a file full of mixed ascii and octal values.  Is there any way to convert just the octal values?07:37
Chris8BadEagle: sorry was AFK07:37
Chris8Beagle: trying the install07:38
badeagleRepeat question, go AFK, come back repeat question, go afk again, put gun in mouth, pull trigger.07:38
Scunizioyenk: go to the download page and below the file listing for the .deb files is the repo lists and the how to.. also #vbox07:38
Drekidoes anyone have experance with ATI drivers? my friend downloaded ubuntu 9.04 64bit and tried to install the ATI proprietary drivers and now his system boots to a terminal07:39
Arv3nbadeagle, wat is probem???07:39
SlartTravis-42: what kind of file is it?07:39
ActionParsnipadministrator__: few wifi adapters will work without a lot of work (I personally buy only the ones that do) so if you PXE boot the wifi may not be usable due to drivers etc07:39
dsdeizmadsj: uhm, i'm kinda confused.. what's that about? :S07:39
Travis-42ah, never mind, I found a way07:39
ActionParsnipDreki: depends which ATi card, if its older then the open driver can be better07:39
ScuniziDreki: not all ati cards work with the new Xorg system.. the latest drivers have eliminated some of the older cards.. thanks ATI!07:39
phase_shift314whats the best motherboard to run ubuntu on? any suggestions?07:39
ActionParsnipDreki: if you boot to recovery mode you can select fix graphics to get your x server back07:39
DjoefHi, suddenly when i plugin my external hard drive, it doesnt mount automatically anymore, I hear it start, but it doesnt mount, on other pc's it still does, any idea what i can do about that ?07:39
Slart!hardware | phase_shift31407:40
ubottuphase_shift314: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:40
administrator__what 's the solution like07:40
badeagleArv3n, i don't know.07:40
CatEaterwhy does the ubuntu installer think it's 9 hours ago?07:40
Arv3nbadeagle, why don't you know?07:40
badeagleArv3n: i didn't know there was one.07:40
ubuntuim scared to do the actual install07:40
ubuntu9.04 just randomly restarted X07:40
ubuntu(the live CD)07:40
Drekisaphira 4850 1gig07:41
Slartphase_shift314: I don't think there is *one* model that is better than the rest.. there are hardware compatibility lists to look at.. and you could go to a store and ask them to put an ubuntu live cd into a machine with the motherboard you want to try07:41
Arv3nis anyone running team fortress 2 on wine?07:41
administrator__my boss demands wifi pxe in one hour07:41
Chris8BadEagle: no updates with headers... tried <make> again; errors posted http://pastebin.ca/148931807:41
grendal_primei dont see this gconf-editor anywhere (even though  it looks as though it is installed07:41
Arv3ngrendal_prime, hidden automatically methinks07:42
badeagleChris8: is there a configure script? ./configure07:42
Slartgrendal_prime: run gocnf-editor from a terminal07:42
ActionParsnipadministrator__: use wired is easier, new wifi adapter that works out of the box, or stuggle setting up the wifi in terminal (if you are unfamiliar) to get it working07:42
CatEaterwhy does the ubuntu installer show a time exactly 9 hours ago?07:42
Arv3ngrendal_prime, or press alt + f2 and type in gconf-editor07:42
DrekiActionParsnip Scunizi ActionParsnip 2 saphira 4850 1gig cards07:42
Arv3nCatEater, what does your time say in the top right panel?07:42
ActionParsnipadministrator__: will you also ta complete my name at the start of lines so I know you are addressing me07:42
administrator__i have a wireless network07:42
ActionParsnipDreki: huh?07:42
phase_shift314thanks for the info everyone07:42
CatEaterit says "Prepare disk space", since i'm past that step already07:42
grendal_primeya gconf-editor does nothing..i already tried that07:42
grendal_primenot from a term anyway07:43
administrator__earlier installed each seperately07:43
badeagleChris8: if you toss me a link to the source archive i'll poke at it, see what i can find out07:43
Arv3ngrendal_prime, when you run it in a terminal whats it say?07:43
ActionParsnipadministrator__: you can have 40 wireless networks, if the device isnt working you can't connect to anything can you07:43
Arv3ncommand not found?07:43
grendal_primewow werid...now it worked07:43
grendal_primewell the tab complete was not finding it07:43
grendal_primefor watever reason....bizzar.07:43
ActionParsnipadministrator__: theres roads all over the place, if you havent got a car they are useless arent they07:43
administrator__ActionParsnip _: quite right07:43
Chris8BadEagle: no config dir... there's a scripts dir but only a .sh a .mk and two .bash07:44
badeagleActionParsnip: i ride a bicycle, on roads, daily.07:44
Scunizianyone know how to close a running vbox guest while logged into the host via ssh?07:44
madsjdsdeiz: the script seems to be a wrapper for xsetbg; so for -full,07:44
DrekiActionParsnip 2 saphira 4850 1gig cards u said it depends on the card07:44
ActionParsnipadministrator__: so if your wireless network adapter is not automagically configured you will need to get it setup before you can pxe boot07:44
ActionParsnipDreki: check the hcl07:44
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:45
grendal_primehmm this looks like a windows registry editor of some sort...kinda kreepy...07:45
jerroomehello, I've trouble with some network configuration, I always get the same error while trying to set up the network, the error message is : SIOCSIFADDR: No such device eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device Failed to bring up eth0. I changed the network card, but the error is the same. lspci shows me Realtek Semiconductor RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ as Ethernet controller.07:45
ActionParsnipDreki: that will tell you but judging by the age I'd say the proprietary is for you07:45
madsjdsdeiz: -tile ?07:45
doktoreasanyone can suggest a working client for twitter?07:46
DrekiActionParsnip how do i boot to recovery mode and restore graphics like u said?07:46
defryskdoktoreas, gwibber07:46
administrator__ActionParsnip: I see only RealTeK in PXE in bios07:46
ActionParsnipDreki: esc when grub loads07:46
grendal_primeya wow...this sure looks like a windows regeditor for...gnome.07:47
doktoreasthx defrysk..I'll check it out07:47
ActionParsnipadministrator__: boot to live cd and run: sudo lshw -C network07:47
grendal_primeim not feeling the love with this sort of crap.07:47
Chris8BadEagle: please help me BadEagle-Obi... you are my only hope07:47
grendal_primei use this to set the default dvd player app?07:47
defryskdoktoreas, there is also mitter, but its not supported by ubuntu and you'll have to google for it07:47
linuxDreki i had to reboot and press Esc after the bios load that gave me a menu of options07:48
grendal_primeim staring to feel like it would be more fun shoveing butter knives into power sockets here.07:48
badeagleChris8: try "sudo aptitude install wireless-tools", see if that installs anything07:48
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: i don't use gnome or autoplay so I am unsure of setting dvd autoplay07:48
administrator__ActionParsnip: that would only show in terminal07:48
doktoreasdefrysk: is it working for you?07:48
ActionParsnipadministrator__: yes07:48
doktoreasI have got connection problem07:48
ActionParsnipadministrator__: but you'd know what you had07:48
grendal_primeActionParsnip: i iuse vlc, but its a bit persnikity about certain things.07:49
administrator__ActionParsnip : Can i see in bios07:49
Hilikushow do i get ahold of this?07:49
Chris8BadEagle: 0 upgrade 0 install :S07:49
grendal_primehmmm tryining to make it ...simple.07:49
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77097007:49
defryskdoktoreas, I use gwibber, but i also tried and used mitter , gwibber is more polished imo07:49
Hilikusdo i need to enable the karmic source repos?07:49
doktoreasdefrysk: right now for you is fine?07:49
defryskgwibber is fine07:50
ActionParsnip!karmic | Hilikus07:50
ubottuHilikus: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:50
doktoreasconnection failed to me07:50
apersonhow do I disable changing desktops by scrolling on the desktop07:50
c0mp13371331337defrysk: Have you found a way to get gwibber to display a bit more of a history?07:50
defryskc0mp13371331337, nope unfortunately07:50
defryskc0mp13371331337, one of the things mitter does better07:51
administrator__ActionParsnip_:  How to see my Wireless adapter in the bios07:51
c0mp13371331337defrysk: That's sad, it's an otherwise perfect app, IMHO.07:51
ActionParsnipadministrator__: if its onboard it won't say what it is i bios. It will simply be known as "wifi"07:51
apersonI have compizconfig-settings-manager, but I can't remember what setting it is07:51
ActionParsnipaperson: search for 'wall'07:52
administrator__ActionParsnip_: its pci07:52
ActionParsnipaperson: i believe its something like that07:52
Rat409administrator__: the driver,firmware depend on chipset not the model as it can vary07:52
ActionParsnipadministrator__: then the bios doesnt know07:52
ActionParsnipaperson: or ask in #compiz07:52
doktoreasdefrysk: my fault now is ok07:52
administrator__ActionParsnip_: then should bios be upgraded07:53
=== zerone is now known as Guest5736
AlexKpowWhy isn't Firefox updating to 3.5 for me? (Jaunty)07:54
ActionParsnipadministrator__: no because the bios only gets the pci bus started, the devices therin re known after that so the basic bios you setup will never know07:54
ActionParsnip!ff3.5 > AlexKpow07:54
ubottuAlexKpow, please see my private message07:54
badeagleChris8: i've got it and i'm getting the same error, gimme a while to work with it.07:54
ActionParsnipadministrator__: the only way it could is if it loaded and scanned the pci bus when you went into setup07:55
administrator__ActionParsnip_: can i conclude that my bios doesn't support wireless pxe07:55
lufisMy friend has an internal hard drive that has a partition he created post-install. Ubuntu mounts it, but it's mounted automatically as ro (or something similar -- he can't write to it, "access denied".) Any ideas?07:55
AlexKpowOkay, so I just install 3.5 via apt-get then?07:55
Chris8BadEagle TY TY TY07:56
AlexKpowPardon my French, but that's stupid07:56
ActionParsnipadministrator__: it may do, depends on the motherboard, it may only support wired pxe. it may have extra functionality to scan the pci bus for network adapters07:56
lufisAlexKpow: C'est stupid?07:56
mase_workAlexKpow: what is stupid07:56
administrator__ActionParsnip_: how to make it scan07:56
ActionParsnipAlexKpow: its not at all, the repo manages are testing it for compatibility. it wil then come down as a normal update07:56
AmoTiernoHola buenos días07:57
AmoTiernoAlguien me puede echar una manita??07:57
ActionParsnipAlexKpow: i'm sure your 3.0.1 is running fine, you won't die if you don't get it. it will come soon07:57
Rat409!es | AmoTierno07:57
ubottuAmoTierno: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:57
AlexKpowSo it will be a normal update when the next version comes out ? :-p07:57
ActionParsnipAlexKpow: i believe it wil be a normal update in jaunty07:57
ActionParsnipAlexKpow: i could be wrong07:58
c0l2ewhat else application that has gui for saned in ubuntu... other than xsane07:58
AlexKpowActionParsnip: It would make sense for it to be07:58
mase_workAlexKpow: you can always download and install it yourself if you can't wait07:58
FlannelActionParsnip, AlexKpow: 3.5 is in the repos, firefox-3.5 is the package.07:58
yvonnehello everyone07:58
Flannelmase_work: ^^07:58
forbiddenwho are you07:58
ActionParsnipAlexKpow: there you go, flannel has given the answer07:58
FlannelAlexKpow: It's a separate package, firefox 3.0 won't upgrade to 3.5 automatically in Jaunty07:59
mase_workFlannel: k.07:59
AlexKpowYou have to install it as Shiretoko07:59
guntbert!welcome | forbidden07:59
ubottuforbidden: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.07:59
linuxdoes shadow store login password?07:59
forbiddenAnyone know how to use gtkterminal?07:59
FlannelAlexKpow: firefox-3.5 is the package, and it installs firefox 3.507:59
ActionParsniplinux: yes but encrypted07:59
FlannelActionParsnip: hashed, not encrypted07:59
forbiddenprob both08:00
ActionParsnipFlannel: well its not plain text, so its kinda encrypted ;)08:00
administrator__ActionParsnip: I have G31 INTEL BOARD 945 CHIPSET08:00
linuxActionParsnip thanks i thought so08:00
FlannelActionParsnip: no, encryption is reversible08:00
ActionParsnipadministrator__: go see if it will do it08:00
AlexKpowLook at add/remove, and search for 3.5. It shows that 3.5 is still in beta08:00
Flannel!info firefox-3.5 | AlexKpow08:00
ubottuAlexKpow: firefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 907 kB, installed size 3524 kB08:00
forbiddenjust use john08:01
forbiddenif ya know how08:01
administrator__ActionParsnip_:  scan funtion is not there08:01
FlannelAlexKpow: It's final.  Do you have jaunty-updates and/or jaunty-security enabled?08:01
ActionParsnipFlannel: the text is not immediately readable, and what is read is not the actual password so some kind of data transformation must have occurred, which is a form of encryption08:01
grendal_primeya that didnt work very well08:01
guntbert!who | forbidden08:01
ubottuforbidden: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:01
forbiddenanyway.. anyone know what the best way to connect to cisco term port is?08:01
kklimondacan ubiquity test a new disk before installing a system?08:01
AlexKpowI have updates enabled08:01
forbiddenanyway.. anyone know what the best way to connect to cisco term port is?08:01
forbiddenin ubuntu?08:02
FlannelActionParsnip: #ubuntu-offtopic for further discussion, but no. encryption is reversible.  What is stored is a hash, which is not reversible.08:02
grendal_primebasically,  it fires up vlc alright...but with some bad codec, and it doesnt play the vid. If i start up vlc first and browse to the dvd it works fine.08:02
grendal_primegrrrrrrrrr i dont see why this would be this difficult.08:02
forbiddenanyway.. anyone know what the best way to connect to cisco term port is in ubuntu?08:02
forbiddenanyway.. anyone know what the best way to connect to cisco term port is in ubuntu?08:02
FlannelActionParsnip: then you'll get 3.5 final, if you'd like to double check, sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy firefox-3.5 (pastebin the output)08:02
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: log a bug08:02
guntbert!repeat | forbidden08:02
ubottuforbidden: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:02
forbiddenanyway.. anyone know what the best way to connect to cisco term port is in ubuntu?08:03
linuxActionParsnip i just asking in case i ever forgot password maybe i can backup shadow and reinstall another08:03
forbiddenanyway.. anyone know what the best way to connect to cisco term port is in ubuntu?08:03
ActionParsnipFlannel: my 3.0.11 works fine, it aint broke so I ain't fixing it :)08:03
forbiddenanyway.. anyone know what the best way to connect to cisco term port is in ubuntu?08:03
grendal_primeforbidden..you got screen installed?08:03
Flannellinux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword08:03
Flannellinux: That'll allow you to set a new password08:03
forbiddenwhats screen?08:03
ActionParsnipforbidden: ssh or the rollover cable08:03
grendal_primeyou have a serial cable connected to the cisco equipment right?08:03
FlannelAlexKpow:: then you'll get 3.5 final, if you'd like to double check, sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy firefox-3.5 (pastebin the output)08:03
linuxFlannel im looking08:04
forbiddenof course I just need to install the corect term08:04
=== jay is now known as Guest83294
ActionParsnipforbidden: it will be telnet08:04
Guest83294is anyone here running a bunch of desktops with NFS mounted home directories ?08:04
forbiddenwithout knowing the ip08:04
grendal_primeforbidden:         screen -r [[pid.]tty[.host]]08:04
ActionParsnipGuest83294: i use samba shares but same kinda deal08:04
forbiddenis there a protocol term in ubuntu?08:05
Guest83294ActionParsnip : Samba shares for /home ??08:05
Guest83294mounted by fstab ?08:05
codered1444can someone help me with my prob08:05
grendal_primei think screen is installed by default..man screen.08:05
ActionParsnipGuest83294: yeah, using smbmount08:05
forbiddenit is installed08:05
Guest83294huh ok... why SMB over NFS ?08:05
grendal_primei have not found a piece of equipment i couldnt connect to with screen08:05
quibbler!ask | codered144408:06
ubottucodered1444: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:06
Chris8BadEagle: I love you08:06
forbiddenI have 9.1008:06
linuxFlannel that helps ty08:06
grendal_primeand its nice to have on a server so you can split out what your doing all in one ssh connection.08:06
administrator__ActionParsnip_: how is 9.0408:06
ActionParsnipadministrator__: fine08:06
codered1444my torrents speeds were really high in windows but when i made the switch ithey are horrible08:07
grendal_primeforbidden: i have 8.04.  it shouldnt matter.  ( i know how to fly a plane as well still shouldnt be a factor.)08:07
forbiddenNo.. you can't activate a admin user08:07
administrator__ActionParsnip_: any issues wireless08:07
forbiddenin 9.0408:07
ActionParsnipGuest83294: so my girlfriend can access the share from her win lappy08:07
ubuntuExcuse me08:07
ubuntujaunty live cd08:07
codered1444i tried different clients but no success08:07
grendal_primeActionParsnip: use a cifs server for that if you can.08:07
ubuntujust stopped working with my external monitor and my laptops monitor is broken so i have this window all the way at the left side of screen barley can see anything08:07
ubuntutryng to figure out how i can fix this08:07
Guest83294ActionParsnip : ahh ok.. so its only a few PC's ... sorry I meant more like an office of desktops ( 20 odd boxes ) with NFS mounted homes ..08:07
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: its been running without reboot for 3 years, its not getting touched by anyone08:08
forbiddenanyway.. anyone know what the best way to connect to cisco term port is in ubuntu?08:08
Severity1codered1444, have you tried transmission?08:08
grendal_primecant argue that08:08
codered1444yeah that was first08:08
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: gentoo fileserver ftw :)08:08
ubuntuSo excuse me if i  say stuff repeatedly or anything08:08
codered1444i test it by d/l something with alot of seeds08:09
ActionParsnipGuest83294: yeah like 2 systems08:09
ubuntucan only see about 4-5 words on this section of working screen08:09
Severity1codered if you want a windows torrent client youcan download wine then installutorrent or bittorent08:09
KB1JWQforbidden: minicom08:09
grendal_primeya, im a huge debian fan myself, the only thing i didnt like about gentoo is that it literally took me a week to compile a desktop on it.08:09
Severity1codered1444,  if you want a windows torrent client youcan download wine then installutorrent or bittorent08:09
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P08:09
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: took me a while as its an old pc but its in now and i never have to touch it, doesnt even have web access08:10
grendal_primeseverity wine? whats wrong with a virtual box?08:10
codered1444tried that with utorrent but it doesnt open a message pops up saying utorrent is already running close that first08:10
Severity1grendal_prime, codered1444 or that08:10
forbiddenDoes anyone here work with cisco?08:10
grendal_primei do08:10
grendal_primeon ocation.08:10
Severity1personally i use vbox08:10
forbiddenwhat works best with a console to configure in ubuntu?08:11
grendal_primevirtualbox.  Oracle owns it now.08:11
grendal_primeforbidden: screen08:11
forbiddenscreen is just profile08:11
ActionParsnipwine as you still need windows bloating your ram, plus some apps run awesome in wine08:11
grendal_primeat a terminal type      man screen08:11
codered1444*sorry it says its running but not responding08:12
Spirits-Sighthow can I uninstall asterisk completly?08:12
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»08:12
grendal_primeread the results of that. it will explain how to connect to anything on the planet. (and reachable crap in space as well)08:12
indusgrendal_prime: its true,space has lot of crap now08:13
grendal_primejesus i love "bot opinions"08:13
ubuntuHello, anyone im under my desk in a cramped area with full blown fan heat on me trying not to hit my head because my monitor stopped working ._.08:13
badeagleChris8: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213467/08:14
grendal_primeScreen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical ter‐08:14
grendal_prime       minal between several processes (typically interactive  shells).08:14
Chris8BadEagle: you're loverly08:14
ActionParsnipubuntu: have you tried the fix graphics option in the grub menu?08:14
badeagleChris8: once you have it built, then what will you do with it?08:15
ubuntuActionParsnip: im in a live cd in the middle of copying and editing partitions08:15
ActionParsnipubuntu: i see08:15
forbiddenIs it through IP?08:15
Mayfair2005can some one help, my laptop froze while upgrading to 9.0408:15
ubuntusorry for being so stressed but this is not the most comfortablest place to be08:16
forbiddengrendal Is it through IP?08:16
codered1444well i tried using deluge and ktorrent but when i start the torrent the speeds are really high but go back down within a matter of seconds08:16
grendal_primeor com.08:16
grendal_primedo you need to connect via an ip address?08:16
Spirits-SightDoes any one know the cmd to use to uninstall asterisk completly?08:16
grendal_primethe cisco device has an ssh or telnet server on it?08:17
ubuntuActionParsnip: So yea, monitor says nothings there to connect to...basically...08:17
badeagleHaha! Computer Janitor recommends remove the app I made. :P08:17
forbiddenNo..trying to connect through term console only08:17
ubuntui giove up...im rebooting..08:17
ubuntuhopefulyl i don't damage anything08:17
icerootSpirits-Sight: sudo apt-get purge programname-you-want-to-remove08:17
forbiddenI don't want to ssh yet08:17
* ober hunts for makeinfo.08:17
ActionParsnipiceroot: s/pure/--purge08:18
forbiddenthats after I connect through the console first08:18
kingsofleondoes anyone here know anything about zcat?08:18
forbiddentelnet is not an option..have to have ip08:18
kingsofleonit seems to hang for ages08:18
icerootActionParsnip: yeah, thx08:18
codered1444well i tried using deluge and ktorrent but when i start the torrent the speeds are really high but go back down within a matter of seconds can i remove iptables or something08:18
jerroomekingsofleon man zcat08:18
ActionParsnipforbidden: the default config for cisco is telnet enabled08:18
icerootSpirits-Sight: sudo apt-get --purge programname08:18
forbiddenwithout ip08:19
FlannelActionParsnip, iceroot: purge is an actual command now (as of 8.04), or it's remove --purge08:19
jerroomekingsofleon : isn't there a verbose mode ?08:19
Chris8BadEagle: make, then make install?08:19
forbiddentrying to find term08:19
Spirits-Sightthis iceroot08:19
grendal_primeok forbidden you ither have a serial cable pluged into the thing...or its on the same network.  or your using something from startrek (in wich case you need a tackeon translator and those have not been invented yet)08:19
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
Mayfair2005can some one help, my laptop froze while upgrading to 9.04 please08:19
kingsofleonjerroome: yeah thats the problem, I'm using -v and it's not giving any output, just hanging08:19
ActionParsnipforbidden: the default is dhcp on all active ports08:19
kingsofleoni got it working before but this time it's just taking ages and hanging08:19
badeagleChris8: lol, i hope for your sake that is all you must do08:19
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kingsofleon(trying to move a .gz image onto a usb stick)08:19
CorpXwhat port does ubuntu remote desktop use by default08:19
ActionParsnipforbidden: you will need to use the rollove cable at the system to setup some basic stuffs then you canconnct via telnet / ssh / web08:20
forbiddenDon't make me say it08:20
badeagleChris8: i don't jack about kernels and modules and junk, but i can dork around a compiler a little08:20
forbiddenWindows has it08:20
Spirits-Sightdone iceroot it did not remove to folders it seems to told me /var/spool/asterisk and another subfolder of the same path08:20
ActionParsnipforbidden: try the windows app with wine08:20
Chris8BadEagle... i'm getting some weird returns after the make...08:20
ActionParsnipforbidden: i havent done it under linux08:20
forbiddenthank you08:20
Chris8i'll post08:20
jerroomekingsofleon : are you trying to unzip directly onto the usb stick ?08:21
Guest5736forbidden: what are you doing??08:21
Guest5736you need an IP to connect to a remote host08:21
jerroomeif yes, that might be the problem, writing on flash drives isn't so fast08:21
ActionParsnipCorpX: try 5800 and 5900, i think the default is VNC08:21
forbiddentrying to connect a cisco swith through console08:21
kingsofleonjerroome: yes, there's a .gz file which contains an image for acer aspire one recovery08:21
oskar-forbidden:  use minicom08:21
forbiddenwithout the ip08:21
Guest5736locally or remote???08:21
ActionParsnipjerroome: is if itsfirewire ;)08:21
kingsofleonthe command is zcat aa1_usb_recovery_image.gz > /dev/sdb108:21
ActionParsnipfirewire *08:21
kingsofleonas i say it just hands for about half an hour with no output08:22
Guest5736but its a swith!!08:22
Guest5736it just rellays packets!08:22
ActionParsnipGuest5736: based on logic08:22
Spirits-SightTHanks, iceroot!!!08:22
forbiddenI am trying to configure it without booting into windows08:22
jerroomeActionParsnip : writing onto a flash drive is slow, that has nothing to do with the connection you use although it can be a bit faster with firewire ...08:22
codered1444can anyone help me with my torrent problem i try my download speeds wetn way down when i switched tried all clients cant really get clients to work with wine either08:23
badeagleChris8: i got the same ones, it just means the programmer was a sloppy A-hole like me. no biggie.08:23
ActionParsnipjerroome: true08:23
forbiddenI am trying to configure it without booting into windows08:23
Guest5736use your browser and type the adresse of your ROUTER if thats what you are talking about08:23
forbiddenand without doing that08:23
oskar-forbidden:  you want to configure a cisco switch with an ubuntu system via console cable? where is the problem?08:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:23
forbiddenI need a terminal08:23
Chris8BadEagleL okies i'll make install and cross my nuts08:23
Guest5736use elinks with curl08:24
ActionParsnipforbidden: whats the app in windows called08:24
oskar-forbidden: what about minicom?08:24
CTShadowi've got an ubuntu 8.10 server with 2 nic's sharing the same subnet and ltsp installed. on eht0 i've got my production network and on eth1 are my ltsp clients. the server leases ip's with dhcp via both interfaces, but does not respond on arp requests on eth1 (the ltsp interface). how can i fix this?08:24
forbiddennever heard of minicom08:24
guntbert!prefix | forbidden, and you want a "terminal emulator", right?08:24
ubottuforbidden, and you want a "terminal emulator", right?: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:24
=== MartyMacFly is now known as Guest90802
codered1444can anyone help me with my torrent problem i try my download speeds wetn way down when i switched tried all clients cant really get clients to work with wine either08:24
forbiddenyes terminal emulator08:24
forbiddenyes terminal emulator08:25
forbiddenfor cisco08:25
forbiddenfor cisco08:25
oskar-forbidden:  minicom is a terminal emulator.08:25
FloodBot3forbidden: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:25
jerroomekingsofleon : can't give you any hint on that ...08:25
iMatterOk i am back, i was the ubuntu guy08:25
iMattera restart fixed it not sure what damage i did by the force reboot..08:25
guntbertforbidden: there is mincom, ckermit,... (I use mincom)08:25
codered1444can anyone help me with my torrent problem i try my download speeds wetn way down when i switched tried all clients cant really get clients to work with wine either08:26
iMatterwell.. How would i go about installing Home to a separate partition than the OS08:26
Chris8BadEagle: grrr... cannot create regular file... Error 1 etc... http://paste.ubuntu.com/213480/08:26
oskar-iMatter:  while installation or afterwards?08:26
guntbert!repeat | codered144408:27
ubottucodered1444: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:27
oberus.archive down?08:27
iMatteroskar-: before, i already have ubuntu installed but im planning on upgrading to 9.04 so i thought i'd set it up now so i won't have to loose an arm and a leg to upgrade or if something goes wrong and i need a fresh install08:27
l0C0Chris8: sudo make install?08:27
FlanneliMatter: during install? or have you already installed?08:27
iMatterFlannel: what do you mean..?08:28
CTShadowi've got an ubuntu 8.10 server with 2 nic's sharing the same subnet and ltsp installed. on eht0 i've got my production network and on eth1 are my ltsp clients. the server leases ip's with dhcp via both interfaces, but does not respond on arp requests on eth1 (the ltsp interface). how can i fix this?08:29
codered1444if i were to dual boot with vist(where my speeds were high) would that work08:29
Chris8IoCO: will try... thought08:29
forbiddenThank you! will keep tryin08:29
FlanneliMatter: Are you looking to move your home folder to a separate partition after you've already installde it? or are you trying to figure out how to do it while installing?08:29
guntbertCTShadow: maybe you'll have better success in #ubuntu-server08:29
iMatterFlannel: move home folder to a separate partition after its already installed (8.04) not the new 9.04 im trying to upgrade to08:29
Flannel!separatehome | iMatter08:30
CTShadowguntbert: thanks, ill try that08:30
ubottuiMatter: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome08:30
Wazzzaaa_Hi, is there an environment var for the /home dir ?08:30
guntbertCTShadow: good luck :)08:30
=== Guest83294 is now known as jayb
codered1444*sorry i meant vista if i dual booted with vista08:30
FlannelWazzzaaa_: Why do you ask?08:30
agent_jober: you mean the gov site?08:30
Wazzzaaa_because I need that path for a script08:31
oskar-iMatter:  so you want to do it afterwards, although before the upgrade? log in as user, "cd /", "sudo -i", create a partition in free space, "mkfs....", "mount ... /mnt/newhome", "cp -ax /home/* /mnt/newhome/", edit fstab (new partition/fs -> /home), remove the contents of /home/ on the root fs, if you are sure, that everything was ok08:31
=== Wazzzaaa_ is now known as Wazzzaaa
FlannelWazzzaaa: it's $HOME08:31
Wazzzaaano, that is /home/currentuser08:31
FlannelWazzzaaa: that's the homedir of the current user08:31
WazzzaaaI need the dir where the homedirs are stored /home08:31
FlannelWazzzaaa: that's /home08:32
iMatteroskar-: interesting was kinda lost after a certain point...How much space would i need for just ubuntu, is 10GB good?08:32
WazzzaaaBut it's not always /home08:32
iMatteroskar-: and instead could i do this from a Live CD08:32
WazzzaaaSo there is no environment var for it ?08:32
iMatteroskar-: the copying of home via all GUI...08:32
oskar-iMatter:  you can do that from a live cd. be sure to make a backup before, as mistakes can lead to a desaster08:32
FlanneliMatter: That page explains it all in more detail than you could get here in this channel, follow it, and you'll be fine.08:33
guntbertWazzzaaa: the admin can set for every user where her homedir should be (its in /etc/passwd)08:33
l0C0Wazzzaaa: I've never come across one, as there's no reason under normal circumstances for something needing to access it08:33
iMatteroskar-: ok thats why i wanted to do it all GUI...terminal is easiest way to make small mistakes that end in disater.08:33
iMatterFlannel: Ok08:33
l0C0Wazzzaaa: you could always do something like $HOME/../08:34
oskar-iMatter:  gui hides the mistakes ;)08:34
guntbertWazzzaaa: and so the short answer is no08:34
Wazzzaaayeah, thnx08:34
=== Invisible_Porn is now known as noidea
iMatteroskar-: easier to tell for me though..08:34
S_AHi! I want to make my application pam aware. e.g. various apps e.g. system-config-date asks for root password before taking user to actual functionality. I need to know how it is done. Any hints ?08:34
l0C0S_A: are you referring to gksudo?08:35
iMatteroskar-: kinda lost just looking at the section where terminal goes..08:35
iMatterFlannel: how would i figure out names of the volumes?08:36
iMatterOld and new08:36
Chris8BadEagle: sorry man, was in root directory first make, make install try :S08:36
Chris8BadEagle: looks like success when done in Desktop directory08:37
Chris8BadEagle: gonna reboot and see...08:37
S_Al0C0: is it the one called by apps everytime an application is supposed to called with root authentication ?08:37
oskar-iMatter:  "cat /proc/partitions" or "blkid"; you should try to understand, what that is all about before doing it. upgrading normally does not need a separate home, so you should consider to do it later08:37
iMatteroskar-: i know...i chose to do it now because i finnally got the guts and backups to kill windows and have enough space08:38
Wazzzaaaok, thnx all for your reaction. I asked this because a script needed some users and red them from /home/ But now I realize when it only give the users in /home SO if I want all, the best option is to get them from  the passwd file?08:38
l0C0S_A: yes, just try starting an app with gksudo and have a look, eg. gksudo gedit08:38
S_Asu puneet08:38
S_Aoops! sorry08:38
zhoujingruiwhen i use computer janitor  it said failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock   why i canot clean up?08:39
zhoujingruiwhen i use computer janitor  it said failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock   why i canot clean up?08:39
Guest5736S_A::it's ok your PW just shows up as *****08:39
S_AGuest5736: Ha ha ha08:40
iMatterPermission denied08:40
iMatteron tons of that command " find . -depth -print0 | cpio --null --sparse -pvd /new/ "08:40
Chris8BadEagle: Back, no success... error on Network Manager says SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device08:40
jerroomezhoujingrui : 2 possibilities, first is that another program has already set the lock, or you're not allowed to, try that action as root to find out08:40
FlannelGuest5736: Please don't08:41
iMatteroskar-: , Flannel, Permission Denied on This command " find . -depth -print0 | cpio --null --sparse -pvd /new/ " for like everything it  tries...08:41
oskar-iMatter:  have you run it with root privileges?08:41
iMattersudo yes08:41
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
mechdaveiMatter, make sure that apt-get or update manager isn't running08:42
Chris8BadEagle: lshw still shows *-network <UNCLAIMED> for wireless network controller :(08:42
oskar-iMatter:  "sudo" before "find"? or also befor "cpio"?08:42
Saruji_sanhi everybody, question, I have just installed ubuntu 9.04 server, trying to update and getting a dependency error08:42
Saruji_santhe update is for kernel
iMatteroskar-: its before find , mechdave apt-get nor update manager is running (On Live CD08:43
Saruji_sanand the restricted modules....how can I troubleshoot this?08:43
iMatterOk ill try it with two sudos08:43
iMatterOk there we go its working now i beileave08:43
=== Saruji_san is now known as Saruji
mechdaveiMatter, sorry I had wrong nick08:43
oskar-iMatter: in a pipeline every command needs its own sudo in front08:44
Sarujiany help would be greatly appreciated08:44
iMatteroskar-: its working now with the two sudos08:44
mechdaveSaruji, have you run sudo apt-get update?08:44
iMatteroskar-: didn't know that never used anything that needed root priviledges more than once08:44
Sarujino let me try it now thank you08:44
Saruji@ mechdave, should I add -f?08:45
arnoldhey anyone knows terminal PDF viewer?08:45
mechdaveSaruji, not yet, I am a firm believer in not forcing installs unless absolutely necessary08:45
oskar-arnold:  pdftotext $1 | less08:45
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Sarujiit read all the packages, seeing if it resolved the problem08:46
iMatterOk im exiting everything that doesn't need to be open08:46
iMatterso nothing crashes08:47
Sarujistill says that I have 2 broken packages08:47
lolcashduck tape ?08:47
MindVirusHi. My sound is extremely quiet and I can't raise the volume up any higher.08:47
mechdavezhoujingrui, have you got apt-get or update manager running?08:47
MindVirusI can only hear if I turn my sound up all the way.08:47
MindVirusAny suggestions?08:48
mechdavezhoujingrui, sorry, accidently hit the enter key too soon :)08:48
zhoujingruii update from 8.10 to 9.0408:48
SarujiI ran sudo apt-get update in terminal08:48
popartinMindVirus: perhaps got an intel HDA audio device?08:48
pelegHalo. Is 7.10 not supported any more?08:48
MindVirusNo, Karajan audio module using nVidia CK8-04.08:48
MindVirusIt's an onboard audio device for DFI boards.08:49
zhoujingruithen i has  a menu computer janitor08:49
mechdaveSaruji, what did you get when trying to update kernel now?08:49
zhoujingruibut i canot use it08:49
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:49
pelegI am trying to install something and I get Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com ...08:49
Chris8BadEagle: you there?  i had to reboot... may have missed yer last msg :S08:49
mechdavelolcash, what was that for?08:49
MindVirusYou're getting banned.08:49
Flannellolcash: Please don't do that.08:49
codered1444my torrent speeds were perfect in vista but now in ubuntu they suck tried different clients but none work the speeds start out high and in seconds are really low cant install windows clients with wine they dont work for some reason08:50
elkylolcash, off you go then.08:50
oskar-peleg:  no, support for 7.10 is over08:50
pelegoskar-, so what can I do in the meanwhile to install a specific software?08:50
MindVirusOh. So you're not getting banned.08:50
* MindVirus is impressed.08:51
* Chris8 is pressing imps08:51
oskar-peleg:  you are free to work around the package system (not recommended!)... i suggest to upgrade first08:51
pelegoskar-, thanks08:51
cehrhey, lately my firefox has been randomly closing and now it has suddenly refused to open.  when I try it at a terminal it says "cannot open XPCOM".  it's the latest 3.0.x, but I tried installing 3.5 in the past, could that be the cause?08:51
Flannelpeleg: If you need to install a package before you upgrade, use http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/08:51
pelegFlannel, thanks08:52
nirlywhen using some programs from the terminal (interpreters), I can't use the arrow keys (i get ^[[A,.. etc.), however the arrow keys work fine in the shell itself. How can I fix it so that I can use the arrow keys in all programs?08:52
Sarujithe same error, "You have two broken packages on your system" at first, then after attempting to update I get "update incomplete" I can post the details somewhere?08:52
Myrttilolcash: what's up?08:52
sar_lispHi, I have a filename called '-1.txt' but using cp -1.txt 1.txt         The problem is the '-'.    it says cp: invalid option --108:52
Flannelpeleg: but again, you really ought to upgrade to 8.04 (and then might as well stick on LTS, since it seems to suit you)08:52
oskar-peleg:  maybe you can get a deb package with the software, that has only few dependecies, and install it with "dpkg -i ...deb"08:52
elkyMyrtti, he was baiting attention.08:52
lstarnessar_lisp: try cp -- -1.txt 1.txt08:52
ananth_anybody help me 2 install bin file08:52
popartinMindVirus: well perhaps you can find a solution on this page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/13832208:52
sar_lisplstarnes: ty08:52
Chris8BadEagle: gonna be afk few minutes... will post on return08:52
Myrttielky: should he given some?08:52
CoontactsIf you are sick and tired of dealing with black people AKA NIGGGGGERS then you will love Chimpout.com!  Chimpout.com is not a White Supremacist website.  We welcome all human races that despise the Feral Negro Beast.  All races are welcome except for NEGROIDS!  Learn amazing facts about the Negro brain and typical behavior.  Don't knock us until you try us!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum  The alliance of all human races against NIGGGGERS! http://www.chi08:53
popartinMindVirus: this guy tried the  model=3stack param and it worked08:53
MindViruspopartin, what's that?08:53
mechdaveSaruji, you can paste your errors at http://paste.ubuntu.com08:53
Sarujiok thanks08:54
popartinMindVirus: the module has to be started with this parameter08:54
popartinlook at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/138322/comments/508:54
MindViruspopartin, I'll try it, thanks.08:55
MindVirusShall I update you with success/failure?08:55
popartinMindVirus: sure08:55
nirlywhen using some programs from the terminal (interpreters), I can't use the arrow keys (i get ^[[A,.. etc.), however the arrow keys work fine in the shell itself. How can I fix it so that I can use the arrow keys in all programs?08:55
mechdaveSaruji, then paste the url of the paste to the channel08:56
pelegFlannel, after changing to old-releases, I don't have the pdftk package any more...08:56
Sarujihow can I copy the terminal error?08:56
redsoxkinghelp with installing ff 3.508:57
Sarujiit does not support ctrl-c08:57
Flannelpeleg: It should be an exact copy of the last state of the 7.10 mirrors08:57
Sarujigot it nevermind figured it out08:57
pinnerupredsoxking: Add the universe repository and do 'sudo aptitude install firefox-3.5'08:58
mechdaveSaruji, run the command again, but this time use the redirection operator > to redirect it to a file like this --> sudo apt-get blah > ~/error.log08:58
PhantalI'm trying to get wireless working in ubuntu 9.04.  I upgraded last night from 8.04 and things aren't working anymore08:58
Phantalwhen I run "iwconfig wlan0 ap <mac address of the access point>", then iwconfig wlan0, the 'access point' setting says "not associated"08:58
pelegFlannel, well, I did have pdftk before...08:58
PhantalAnyone seen this before?08:58
pelegand the .deb tells me I have unsatisfied dependency -- libc6. But I do have libc6 installed.08:58
mechdaveSaruji, that will save the buffer to a file, after that just simply open the file with Gedit and paste in to http://paste.ubuntu.com08:59
cehrhmm, after trying to install dillo to figure out why firefox stopped working, everything I do in apt-get or aptitude gives me a segfault :/  what's going on?08:59
Chris8hey room Help with wifi driver... i've installed Madwifi, but my network controller is still <unclaimed> in lshw... any ideas? please?09:00
mechdaveSaruji, if you type my nick first it will highlight the line in my xchat and I can see your messages much easier09:01
heimdalHello, Ubuntu.09:01
Ethixhi all09:01
MikeGuoheimdal: hello, Ubunto say hello to you.09:01
PhantalI'm trying to get wireless working in ubuntu 9.04.  I upgraded last night from 8.04 and things aren't working anymore.  when I run "iwconfig wlan0 ap <mac address of the access point>", then iwconfig wlan0, the 'access point' setting says "not associated".  Anyone seen this before?09:02
mechdaveChris8, what card do you have and what errors is it giving you?09:02
mechdavePhantal, are you running gnome desktop?09:02
Chris8mechdave: AR928X09:02
Phantalmechdave: nope, but I'd really rather avoid using gui tools for this if possible09:03
heimdalI was wondering if it was possible to have grub load a daemon. Ie (Command Line Ubuntu) as one choice and then (GNOME Ubuntu) as another? (All I would need to do is run GDM in GNOME UBUNTU)09:03
Chris8mechdave: errors from what command?  Network manager is showing no connection and says SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device09:03
wapkoheimdal: if you dont want gdm to load. just ad 'text' to a kernel line in grub09:04
Chris8mechdave: the last entry in lshw is disabled, for an ethernet device pan0; could be issue?09:05
wapkoheimdal: but what about the daemon stuff ? what do you mean ?09:05
heimdalwapko, rephrase that please09:05
mechdaveChris8, can you paste the output of dmesg?09:05
Sarujimechdave ok thank you, here is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/213494/09:06
mechdavePhantal, what card do you have?09:06
wapkoheimdal: add the word 'text' to the end of a kernal line in grubs menu.lst. and ubuntu will not load gdm/X/gnome09:07
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cehroh no, not only does apt-get give me a segfault, but using sudo does as well.  how do I find out what's causing these?09:07
Chris8mechdave: the return is too long; can i stall it somehow?09:07
heimdalThank you wapko09:07
mechdaveSaruji, Ah yes, if you run sudo apt-get -f install it should fix it all, sorry my mistake... I thought there for a moment that -f = --force-yes09:07
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mechdaveChris8, yes just redirect the output of dmesg to a file like this --> dmesg > dmesg.txt09:08
mbnoimihi all, where I can find Linux/ubuntu references for develpoing native applications (just like MSDN in windows)?09:08
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=== zer0 is now known as Guest78759
mechdavecehr, maybe you could look at the file /var/log/messages it may give you an idea as to what is going on09:10
shay27mHello , how can i set wget to save downloaded file specific folder ?09:10
redsoxkingpinnerup, that only installed ff 3.009:10
Chris8mechdave: thanks for the heads-up... contents at http://pastebin.ca/148936409:10
heimdalAnyone use irssi? Just wondering09:10
Sarujimechdave ok but i still get an error message when doing update in the gui09:10
Mark-RJdoes anyone knows how to make mic to work in skype 2.0 at ubuntu 9.04?09:11
Flannelheimdal: Yes09:11
Guest78759heimdal:: i do09:11
wapkoheimdal: i do09:11
Sarujimechdave i cant get the "detailed" message copied so I took a screenshot and uploaded it on photobuck, ok if I post it here?09:11
codered1444my torrent speeds were perfect in vista but now in ubuntu they suck tried different clients but none work the speeds start out high and in seconds are really low cant install windows clients with wine they dont work for some reason09:11
mechdaveSaruji, did the -f repair the broken packages?09:11
Guest78759trying :P09:11
heimdalXD All right well, wapko, Flannel, and Guest78759 how does one come back from /away?09:11
mechdaveSaruji, sure, post the url09:11
Sarujimechdave ok thank you09:11
Sarujimechdave http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v722/Saruji/Screenshot-Changesapplied.png09:11
Guest78759ha i have the same problem09:12
Flannelheimdal: You weren't "just wondering" then, you should've just asked your actual question.  But, "/away" gets you back from away09:12
wapkocodered1444: is it maybe a port forwading issue ?09:12
heimdalI was just wondering, but then just wondering became a question... Since there was more than just like 1 person who also used Irssi...09:12
heimdalAnyway, I will leave you all be for now. Guten Nacht09:13
Guest78759ty flannel09:13
codered1444well in my client it says that its port 6881 and i learned thats not a good port but how would i go from ther09:13
Mark-RJany sugestion to make microphone work with skype 2.0 for linux?09:13
wootinis there a package that has a vnc init scripts?09:14
rodwellhello all09:14
wootinlike how red hate etc has a vnc service09:14
wootinred hat even09:14
shwouchksterIs there a way to make a certain connection default in network-manager? (i.e. I have a mobile broadband connection via my phone, and I want it to be used if both it and wifi are available)09:14
MindVirusI can barely hear any sound when my volume's turned up 100%. Any suggestions?09:15
Sarujimechdave sorry I am highly noob09:15
mechdaveChris8, this is a pci card or usb card?09:15
rodwellI need some help, sorry I'm new using ubuntu09:15
Chris8mechdave: pci09:15
viseshwouchkster, Make it connect automatically...09:15
rodwellis anyone available?09:15
cehrmechdave, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/213499/ from using a few a different commands.  no idea what it really means.09:15
quibbler!ask | rodwell09:15
ubotturodwell: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:15
MindVirusIs there any way to boost volume past 100%?09:15
wapkohow do i get irssi to highlight all instances of my nick?? it doesnt seem to work when my nick i used at the end of a sentence..09:16
Mark-RJshould i try ALSA to make skype to work?09:16
mechdavecehr, looks like your libc6 may be crook09:16
viseMindVirus, Use VLC.. it allows up to 400%.09:16
lstarneswapko: try /hilight wapko09:16
viseMindVirus, Alternatively, open volume control and turn up all internal volumes too.09:16
MindVirusvise, I dd.09:16
phase_shift314vlc is a really good player to have09:17
codered1444well in my client it says that its port 6881 and i learned thats not a good port but how would i go from there09:17
wapkolstarnes: thx. could you try using my nick in the last word of a sentece ?09:17
mechdavecehr what happened right before everything started segfaulting?09:17
rodwellI have a C700 and my audio is working fine but the fn keys are not working at all, when I try to use them they show on the screen but have no effect on the audio at all09:17
lstarneslike this, wapko?09:17
wapkolstarnes: great. thank you :)09:17
MindVirusvise, I mean system-wide.09:17
mechdaveSaruji, Don't apologise, we all were noobs at one stage :)09:18
drazakwell some of us were born gurus!09:18
pinnerupredsoxking: If you press ALT-F2 and type in "firefox" (whithout pressing enter), don't you get two browsers in the window below?09:18
viseMindVirus, Nope.. I haven't found a way to do that.. But you need probably a sound post-processor which will have a preamplifier...09:18
Hetor`Hi. I'm looking for software which can convert mkv into 3gp. Any suggestions?09:18
MindVirusvise, what do you recommend?09:18
Guest78759rodwell: maybe the wrong mixer is selected in your sound settings09:18
=== jigpe_ is now known as jigp
Sarujimechdave thanks, any ideas?09:18
mechdaveSaruji, what happens if you try to install dictionaries-common from command line?09:18
viseMindVirus, I will search for one. I don't know.. If i find, i'll let you know..09:18
rodwellhow can I change that09:18
MindVirusvise, oh, thanks!09:19
drazakMindVirus: buy a headphone amp, if it's for headphones09:19
Hetor`any ideas?09:19
MindVirusdrazak, it's for my 5.1 system.09:19
mechdaveChris8, it isn't reporting any cards there, try lspci09:19
redsoxkingpinnerup, nope only one I don't know what its deal is09:19
cehrmechdave, firefox has been randomly closing and then earlier just refused to open, in a terminal it gave the message "Couldn't load XPCOM." so I installed dillo since I couldn't think of anything else, through aptitude, and it segfaulted everything after that09:19
azlonwhen i go to the Visual Effects tab of Appearance Preferences and select Normal or Extra, I get the error: Desktop effects to not be enabled09:19
azlonhow do i fix this?09:20
drazakMindVirus: well the premise is much the same09:20
drazakMindVirus: you want to boost signal out09:20
drazakMindVirus: aka increase gain09:20
pinnerupredsoxking: When you installed the package "firefox-3.5", did it install other packages as well?09:20
MindVirusdrazak, right, but shouldn't there be a preexisting way using software?09:20
redsoxkingpinnerup, yep09:20
MindVirusI mean, it shouldn't be this quiet.09:20
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY09:20
mechdavecehr, try and un install dillo by apt-get remove dillo09:20
drazakMindVirus: 100% is 100%, I'd ask in #alsa09:20
wapkoHetor`: try ffmpeg.09:20
drazakMindVirus: why card do you have?09:21
MindVirusYou got it.09:21
MindVirusdrazak, it's onboard.09:21
mechdavethen run firefox safe mode from terminal09:21
wapkoHetor`: http://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2007/02/13/convert-avi-to-3gp-using-ffmpeg/09:21
Chris8mechdave: it's on here http://pastebin.ca/148936909:21
pinnerupredsoxking: What happens, when you type 'firefox-3.5' in a terminal?09:21
MindVirusIt's a Karajan audio module using nVidia CK804.09:21
shwouchkstervise: what If I want it to connect automatically to 2 networks?09:21
phase_shift314i like swiftfox09:21
viseshwouchkster, Select both to automatic..09:21
redsoxkingI'll try again pinnerup will it remove my other ff?09:21
chronographerhello. can I log two users in at the same time, with one of my two displays active for each user?09:21
cehrmechdave, segfault.  how do I run firefox in safe mode?09:21
pinnerupredsoxking: No.09:22
shwouchkstervise: and what if I want one of them to be preferred over the other?09:22
Sarujimechdave this error message comes up http://paste.ubuntu.com/213501/09:22
pinnerupredsoxking: Just try opening up a terminal and typing 'firefox-3.5'09:22
neo8848hi, does anyone around here ever try installing packages without using apt?09:22
pinnerupneo8848: Yes, I use aptitude ;)09:22
chronographerneo8848: synaptic sometimes09:22
viseshwouchkster, Change the one you don't want to not-automatic. I don't think you can automate further.09:22
grawitypinnerup: That's still an interface to apt.09:22
grawityneo8848: dpkg -i?09:22
pinnerupgrawity: I know, was makink joke ;)09:22
chronographerneo8848: virtualbox .deb files09:22
areelswhen ubuntu will have a big leap?09:23
neo8848hehe, i meant... using dpkg / make-config09:23
chronographeranyone know if you can log two users in at the same time one on each display?09:23
mechdavecehr, firefox -safe-mode09:23
shwouchkstervise: that does not help at all, but thanks...09:23
viseshwouchkster, I think you could try searching for how the network manager works.. and try to automate it using a shell script probably.. if you are all that motivated.. :)09:24
neo8848i know it's probably against what ubuntu is... but in my case, with no net connection at home... i'm desperate for ways to setup my linux box without using apt/synaptic etc.09:24
awkhi, any idea when ubuntu will introduce php 5.3 into its packageS?09:24
cehrmechdave, still "couldn't load XPCOM"09:24
chronographerok. another question. why does DISPLAY:=0.1 vlc ... file work with one user and not another?09:24
redsoxkingReading package lists... Done09:24
redsoxkingBuilding dependency tree09:24
redsoxkingReading state information... Done09:24
redsoxkingReading extended state information09:24
redsoxkingInitializing package states... Done09:24
FloodBot3redsoxking: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:24
mechdaveSaruji, sorry I meant remove09:24
redsoxkingThe following NEW packages will be installed:09:24
shwouchkstervise: would require way too much time09:24
Sarujimechdave ah ok hang on09:24
Hetor`wapko: I need to convert a mkv, not avi09:25
mechdaveredsoxking, please use a paste bin and not flood the channel09:25
wapkoHetor`: didnt think the input mattered. have you tried ?09:25
Hetor`I'm going to try09:26
richardcavellAnyone here know anything about the Mactel PPA?09:26
Hetor`It failed09:27
kgxwhats a good program for making ERDs on ubuntu?09:27
Sarujimechdave here it is, http://paste.ubuntu.com/213503/09:27
mechdavecehr, Hmmmm now I am getting hazy on what to do next... Any one else got any ideas what is causing cehr's SEGFAULTs?09:28
Chris8gypsy curse09:28
helloimmeHey, I have a question for you guys. I'm pretty much a newb in Ubuntu (with little prior experience): I installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my HP G60-244DX, 3GB RAM, and a Geforce 8200M. I closed the laptop so that it could suspend, when I opened the lid it crashed... entirely09:28
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mechdaveSaruji, what started this problem?09:28
Sarujimechdave, I just now installed ubuntu 9.04 server edition09:29
helloimmeI was wondering if anyone could help with this problem, i'd appreciate it a lot.09:29
dyfwhat is the difference between hal and udev?09:29
cehrmechdave, a few days ago I installed firefox 3.5 through proposed, but soon removed it.  could that have caused anything?09:30
Sarujimechdave I could have fudged the install I guess, it gave me a little trouble but seemed to go through fine09:30
amineHello, why does the command time -o file ls   , give me an error trying to execute -o as a command?09:30
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areelswhy the hell flash is slow on ubuntuÜ=?09:31
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viseMindVirus, While there are no programs I could find for sound post processors, are you sure you have turned up all the controls after right clicking volume icon and selecting "Open volume control" ?09:31
mechdavecehr, try and re name your $HOME/.mozilla folder to something else09:31
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mechdaveSaruji, what problems did you have installing?09:31
MindVirusvise, yes.09:32
Sarujimechdave when I go into my synaptics manager and goto broken dependencies, I see "linux-image-server" and linux-restricted-modules-
helloimmemechdave, could you please help me out with my current dilemma? as soon as you can- of course09:32
mechdaveamine, try ls -o file09:32
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viseMindVirus, Okay.. Gimme a few more minutes..09:32
mechdaveSaruji, have you tried sudo apt-get -f install linux-image-server09:33
Sarujimechdave during installation it told me that it couldnt install the packages that I had selected, so I just installed LAMP and then went back to install (during the installation) and selected the rest, like ssh, dns09:33
Sarujimechdave no I haven't let me give it a shot09:33
FlannelDon't force anything09:33
aminemechdave: I am trying  to execute time with a parameter -o file , with a command (for ex : ls or wget)09:33
aminebut it tries to execute -o09:33
Flannelwith apt.  If there's a problem--find the problem and fix it.  don't just push harder.09:33
mechdavehelloimme, what happened when you restarted it by pressing the power button?09:34
Sarujimechdave it says that it could not get a lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock09:34
administrator__anybody with wireless PXE network boot experience09:34
Sarujimechdave i ran sudo,,,hmm?09:34
FlannelSaruji, mechdave: Don't force things with apt.  If there's a problem--find the problem and fix it.  Don't just push harder.09:34
cehrmechdave, no dice, firefox still errors even in safe-mode and doesn't try and make a new .mozilla or anything either... hmm09:34
mechdaveSaruji, maybe if you reboot it and then try again09:35
helloimmeit wouldn't respond... I had to force it shut. (by holding the power button)09:35
mechdaveFlannel, the -f according to man is for fix broken09:35
Sarujimechdave ok doing so now09:35
administrator__anyone with wireless pxe network boot experience09:35
Chris8mechdave: oh honey, oh sweetie pie... i know you're a busy man, but did you forget aboot me?09:36
mechdaveadministrator__, you need to get your wireless card configured by drivers at BIOS level, I don't know of any way of doing that09:36
mechdaveChris8, Nah mate, getting there09:36
Chris8mechdave: you're loverly09:37
mechdaveChris8, looks like your card is recignised by the system but there is no interface associated with it09:37
dyfwhat is the difference between hal and udev09:37
Chris8mechdave: yeah i've installed madwifi driver but it's not taking :S09:38
helloimmemechdave: I should get ubuntu installed once more to elaborate on the issue, i'll be back as soon as I have more information- thank you very much for your time09:38
administrator__ mechdave  : thank u09:38
mechdavecehr, I reckon you could try and re install all the packages that are seg faulting starting with libc609:38
administrator__can onboard  wireless doit   mechdave09:39
azlonhow do i enable restricted drivers in Jaunty? ubuntu's site only talks about 8.10 and it says System >Administration > Hardware Drivers then check a box... i dont have a box to check09:39
mechdaveadministrator__, I have zero experience with wireless pxe, I always used ethernet pxe09:39
viseMindVirus, Download this package called gnome-alsamixer. It will give you a lot of volume controls. Try tweaking all of them and see if you get the volume you deserve...09:39
Sarujimechdave thank you for your help, I"m going to try and reinstall it again09:40
MindVirusvise, alright. I'll tell you about it in a second.09:40
amineany idea on the syntax of time command with parameters please?09:40
hateballamine: man time ?09:40
mechdaveSaruji, no worries, sorry we couldn't fix it... good luck :)09:40
mechdaveChris8, does madwifi web site tell you your card is compatable?09:41
administrator__Installation problems with HP SCANJET G241009:41
cehrmechdave, the problem is that apt-get, aptitude and synaptic all segfault.  is there an alternate method?09:41
aminehateball: examples given give an error (trying to execute the first option as a bash command...09:41
mechdavecehr, Uuuummmmm09:41
Chris8mechdave: checkin... think so...09:41
akSeyahi there..09:41
akSeyaguys.. now with the new upstart, how one can change default runlevel to startup?09:42
administrator__how to resolve hpscanjet G4210 scanner installation09:42
cehrmechdave, could I do it through the ubuntu livecd, maybe?09:43
mechdavecehr, I don't know... There has to be something changed to make it all segfault, but what?09:43
administrator__any one with hpscanjet installations done09:43
MindVirusvise, that did not help -- same options as with the default volume control.09:44
viseMindVirus, Okay.. one last method.. Go to System->Preferences->Sound and select different devices in the sound playback drop down and test each one to find out which one gives you the maximum volume..09:45
aminehateball: can you try please an example given in the man of time?09:45
aimany one know how to solve Dolphin file manager won't mount Ntfs partitions?09:45
mechdavecehr, there may be a way, try booting the livecd as you suggested and then mounting the / partition and then chroot to it and then try the apt-get --reinstall the packages that are affected install09:46
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mechdaveadministrator__, try this site --> http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html09:47
mechdaveChris8, How did you go?09:47
MindVirusvise, all of them give the same volume. Some could not be used for playback, but one COULD be used for playback but gave NO sound (as opposed to very quiet).09:47
viseMindVirus, Hmm.. Im stumped!09:47
MindVirusMe too. :(09:48
azlonhow do i enable restricted drivers?09:49
cehrmechdave, alright, I will try that and come back here if there are any issues. thanks a lot :)09:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:49
mechdavecehr, no worries... hope it works09:49
indusazlon: go to system>administration>hardware drivers09:49
azlonindus: im there09:49
indusazlon: ya good just tick whatever you see09:50
indusand enable09:50
azloni dont see a checkbox that says enable restircted drivers09:50
mechdaveadministrator__, about your wireless pxe boot, if your BIOS has the option to pxe boot on the wireless card then it will work09:50
indusazlon: can you paste the image09:50
indus!paste | azlon09:50
ubottuazlon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:50
indusi need a screenshot09:51
richardcavellAnyone here on a Macintosh Intel laptop?  I need some advice. I'm maintaining an installation guide and I need some advice on the Mactel PPA.09:51
indusmechdave: hello09:51
aimnautilus mount ntfs no problems but dolphin won't, unless "sudo dolphin" is that still a bug in ubuntu or dolphin09:51
administrator__mechdave: i have but that doesn't show me wifi adaptor it shows ethernet09:51
mechdaveG'day indus09:51
aimIs there a fix for dolpin on ubuntu09:51
indusmechdave: long time. been busy?09:51
mechdaveadministrator__, Then pxe boot will only work with ethernet09:51
ikoniaaim: that's dophin not being hooked into hal09:52
mechdaveindus, yeah mate flat out... my window here is a sea of red tonight :)09:52
indushow do i monitor cpu activity when playing a game? I need to check how much cpu is being used09:52
richardcavellindus, how about gkrellm09:52
administrator__mechdave_: I want it the other way09:52
ikoniaindus: tons of monitoring tools available ranging from nice graph tools to ncusres tools like top09:52
indusrichardcavell: will it show me time of registering cpu activity?09:52
azlonindus: how do i get a screenshot? i thought it was ctrl+print screen09:53
indusazlon: alt prtscrn09:53
administrator__mechdave do u work for any company09:53
richardcavellindus it keeps a history and shows you a graph. gkrellm is the most sophisticated monitoring software I know of for Linux.09:53
viseapt-get is telling me that there are a few packages that had been installed automatically and are no longer required. Should i trust it ans use apt-get autoremove? I have installed stuff from sources too. I don't always use the package manager.09:53
richardcavellvise, why wouldn't you trust it?09:54
mechdaveadministrator__, if you can find a boot disk to activate your wireless card and configure it with an ap and then connect to a pxe server and download an image, then it will work09:54
mechdaveadministrator__, I do this for fun :)09:54
indusrichardcavell: the thing is , system monitor also shows this,but does gkrellm save this data so i can check whats going on when i was running an application?09:54
viserichardcavell, Since i have installed packages using sources too. That means it might not have the correct information. right?09:54
progre55hi everyone! I want to do an update of packages, but I shouldn't reboot the machine.. how do I specify apt to install only those updates that do not require a reboot? :)09:54
indusikonia: could you list a few tools in synaptic?09:54
azlonindus: http://imagebin.org/5515909:54
ikoniaindus: just search for monitoring09:55
ikoniaindus: there are many options09:55
richardcavellvise, if you downloaded the sources as a package it shouldn't make any difference09:55
administrator__mechdave: any idea how to do09:55
aimazlon> how do i enable restricted drivers?  have you check this web link https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video-dvd.html09:55
jim__what command can I use to list all the files in a directory and all its sub directories ?09:55
indusrichardcavell: aah you did mention it saves history,sorry i missed it09:55
Chris8mechdave: best i can find is that there WAS a version of madwifi that supported this chipset09:55
mechdaveazlon, your driver is already in use09:55
ikoniajim__: ls -R09:55
viserichardcavell, I downloaded few softwares in the tar.gz/tar.bz2 form and did configure, make, make install on them without concerning the package manager.09:55
richardcavellindus, it only saves history as a graph09:55
mechdaveChris8, was?09:56
Chris8mechdave: sigh09:56
richardcavellindus, it'll keep your CPU history for about 2 minutes09:56
jim__ikonia, thanks09:56
azlonmechdave: is that the restricted driver?09:56
richardcavellvise, then how does your package manager know that they exist?09:56
mechdaveazlon, Yep, you are using it09:56
indusrichardcavell: naah i need mor ethan that time09:56
aim<ikonia> aim: that's dophin not being hooked into hal /// sorry I don't understand "hal"09:56
richardcavellindus, I'm running it right now. I use it mainly to monitor bandwidth09:56
areelswhy flash apps are slow on ubuntu? how can i make them fast?09:56
Chris8mechdave: can you suggest a driver for my PCI network adaptor?  ath9k was really spotty...09:56
mechdaveChris8, If you can chase down the version that supported your card and install that, then there is a good chance it will work09:57
richardcavellAnyone here running Ubuntu on an Intel Macintosh?09:57
Chris8mechdave: it was poop09:57
azlonmechdave: basically i cant run compiz... i get an error when i try to enable Normal or Extra... i thought it had to do with my drivers09:57
indusrichardcavell: iam trying to monitor cpu usage in a game, and i want to troubleshoot my lag09:57
viserichardcavell, It doesnt.. These packages it mentions that are no longer required, have been installed with packages that i installed from the package manager. But what if the source installs were using them.. I might be confusing you.. If so. never mind.. I will just do an autoremove if the disk space is critical..09:57
mechdaveazlon, you need to paste the errors please09:57
indusrichardcavell: whether gkrellm can save 30 min?09:57
richardcavellindus, it would still work as long as you exit the game and look at the graph within a couple of minutes09:58
indusrichardcavell: ok ill try it tonight09:58
richardcavellvise, I understand what you mean. But it shouldn't make any difference.09:58
mechdaveChris8, what was the card again?09:58
indusmechdave: what is a sea of red?09:58
richardcavellindus gkrellm doesn't save that much09:58
Chris8mechdave: AR928x09:58
mechdaveindus, when ppl use my nick in message the whole text they type turns red so it stands out09:59
aimazlon: and this link https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video-playback.html09:59
Chris8mechdave: and i'm running jaunty09:59
indusoh how come09:59
azlonmechdave: http://imagebin.org/5516109:59
mechdaveChris8, you are a3qp?10:00
richardcavellDoes anyone know - why did the Firefox 3.5 update use a blue Earth logo without the fox?10:00
ubuntistashow can i restore discarde documents or deleted files any clue?10:00
Chris8mechdave: a wha? a3qp?10:01
indusrichardcavell: to distinguish between 3 and 3.510:01
viseubuntistas, trash?10:01
mechdaveazlon, try tail -20 /var/log/messages > ~/messages.txt and paste the contents of messages.txt to pastebin10:01
Pokesomii have a question10:01
Flannelrichardcavell: It has to do with legal/trademark issues10:01
Chousukerichardcavell: it's not mozilla-branded so they're not allowed to use the official logo.10:01
richardcavellis that the normal FF 3.5 logo?10:01
mechdaveChris8, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89417710:02
moncky!ask | Pokesomi10:02
ubottuPokesomi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:02
vise!ask | Pokesomi10:02
ubuntistasvise i just not saved an important document and i cannot restore it now10:02
mobi-sheepazlon: I feel sorry for you.  106F. :|10:02
indusrichardcavell: you can of course change teh logo10:02
jcadamIs there any Emacs expert here? I got an error of CEDET with emacs-snapshot. Could you please help me?10:02
richardcavellokay, I understand the Firefox issue. I run it alongside 3.0.11 anyway, so I prefer it to have a different logo.10:02
azlonyeah, its still morning too... it will probably get up to about 130 or 14010:02
Pokesomii would like to start a dedicated server for COD4 on ubuntu and I have read that i need files from the windows version, however, i have a mac.  will those files work also or am i screwed10:02
richardcavellPokesomi, I'm looking for people who are running on a Mac10:03
jcadamI have gooled it and find this completely described what happened.10:03
mechdaveChris8, and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87409710:03
Pokesomireally richard, what for?10:03
azlonmechdave: http://pastebin.com/m19d6879610:03
administrator__mechdave _ : I found on http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-HEWLETT-PACKARD the list of unsupported scanjet10:03
clankPokesomi: if the files are just data files, maybe. if they are executable, no10:03
richardcavellPokesomi, I maintain a set of Mac-Intel Ubuntu installation instructions and I need people to verify what I've said against different Mac models10:04
ubuntistashow can i restore discarde documents or deleted files any clue?10:04
Pokesominot that i know of.  but i dont know10:04
indusazlon: whats the problem? sorry, i cant open the image my con is too slow10:04
hateball!undelete | ubuntistas10:04
ubottuubuntistas: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel10:04
Chris8mechdave: i saw those but they all have red warning banner <outdated: do not use> :S  ignore?10:04
administrator__machdave:  i found on www.sane-project.org the list of unsupported scanners10:04
mechdaveChris8, What are they warning of if you do use it?10:04
richardcavellPokesomi, I have a MacBook2,1 and my instructions are designed to work with all Intel Mac laptops10:05
mechdaveadministrator__, but isn't your machine a HP multifunction centre?10:05
aimikonia: how to hook dolphin to hal then, I look to ubuntu doc and understand a bit about "hal" now10:05
azlonindus: when i try to enable compiz with Normal or Extra i get a error dialog: Desktop effects could not be enabled10:05
administrator__mechdave_: plain desktop intel10:05
Chris8mechdave: that i won't spend hours bugging people for help on #ubuntu :P10:05
moymoyubuntistas: try this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/recover-deleted-files-with-foremostscalpel-in-ubuntu.html10:05
mechdaveadministrator__, I have a C5100 and the scanning works on that10:05
administrator__mechdave: I'm wrkg for college10:05
indusazlon: paste output of glxingo | grep render10:06
Chris8mechdave: ok, i'll try back on the ath9k driver...10:06
Pokesomiok i now have version 9.04 and i seem to be getting a lot of I/O errors on trying to use the live cd before i do the install10:06
mechdaveChris8, not a problem, that is what we are here for :)10:06
administrator__mechdave: c 2100 doesn't10:06
ddfgdfgДрузья выручайте! много манулов скушал уже а время поджимает. Как в 9.04 самбу поставить в автозагрузку?10:06
Pokesomithe latest version10:06
indusddfgdfg: cool fonts10:06
Chris8mechdave: wha's easiest way to uninstall madwifi?10:06
Myrtti!ru | ddfgdfg10:07
ubottuddfgdfg: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:07
azlonindus: bash: glxingo: command not found10:07
richardcavellPokesomi, what sort of Mac do you have?10:07
administrator__mechdave : sorry c2400 doesn't  work10:07
lstarnesazlon: glxinfo10:07
indusazlon: sorry10:07
indusazlon: paste output of glxifgo | grep render10:07
richardcavellHey I'm using Chatzilla. Is there a short way to reply to people by including their name and a colon, or do I just type it?10:07
indusazlon: glxinfo | grep render10:07
mechdaveadministrator__, and you are running the hplip software?10:07
lstarnesrichardcavell: you could try typing a couple letters of the nick then pressing tab10:07
moymoyrichardcavell: can you tab-autocomplete?10:08
kosharirichardcavell can you highlight and drag it?10:08
Drekii talked my frind into trying ubuntu, and he is havving a lot of driver issues, he has an "ATI radeon 4950" and when he installs the proprietary drivers under "system>admin>hardware devices" it messes up his Xserver and he boots to a terminal, i tried having him go into recovery mode but that didnt work, he ended up reinstalling to fix the problem, we tried again and same thing, is there anyone that can help?10:08
richardcavelllstarnes: test10:08
azlonindus: direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)10:08
azlonOpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer10:08
administrator__mechdave: i tried it10:08
lstarnesrichardcavell: success?10:08
richardcavelllstarnes: yes, success10:08
indusazlon: ok driver not enabled10:08
indusazlon: restart PC now10:08
mechdaveadministrator__, no good... not even latest?10:08
azlonuhmm... ok... brb10:08
richardcavellI used to use IRC about 10 years ago and I'm surprised that these IRC programs haven't improved much since then10:08
administrator__mechdave   2 months back10:09
azlonrichardcavell: think about how much email has changed in 40 years10:09
mechdaveadministrator__, what was the version number... there has been a new version number in the last few weeks10:09
administrator__anyone has configured backup server on ubuntu 8.1010:09
richardcavellazlon: lol10:09
administrator__mechdave let me see10:09
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: What are you looking for?  Smiley feature? :)10:09
drazakI hear 8.10-->9.04 is gonna mess me up10:09
Pokesomiok now the ubuntu live cd is stalled10:10
Pokesomihas stalled rather10:10
indusPokesomi: cooll10:10
moymoyrichardcavell: can you tab to autocomplete in chatzilla?10:10
Drekirichardcavell: i like the IRC programs the way they are, direct easy enough to use, and not a billion little dumb smileys all over the place10:10
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I still find it difficult to find a channel that suits me, see whether users are active in the channel, there's still a whole lot of technical text to read10:10
Drekii talked my frind into trying ubuntu, and he is havving a lot of driver issues, he has an "ATI radeon 4950" and when he installs the proprietary drivers under "system>admin>hardware devices" it messes up his Xserver and he boots to a terminal, i tried having him go into recovery mode but that didnt work, he ended up reinstalling to fix the problem, we tried again and same thing, is there anyone that can help?10:10
iMatterOk ive moved home to a new partition10:11
richardcavellmoymoy: yes, I can tab - complete10:11
iMatterhow would i go about updating from Live CD10:11
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: You're using Chatzilla?  Try using different IRC clients and themes.10:11
indusPokesomi: how do you know its stalled10:11
indusPokesomi: try booting in safe graphics mode10:11
iMatterand how much space would i need to leave for Ubuntu10:11
richardcavellmobi-sheep: different clients and themes?10:11
koshariwhat will the upcoming google chrome window manager mean for linux hardware support? do you think because google are pretty high profile more vendors will offer linux drivers?10:11
azlonindus: hey, that's pretty swell! thanks!10:11
Pokesomiits not.  i am trying to get it installed10:11
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Sure.  Paste screenshot.  I'll paste mine. :)10:12
Chris8help -- i'm getting permission denied errors while trying to "make uninstall <madwifi> in its own dir on my desktop10:12
mechdaveadministrator__, what is the printer is it a scanjet?10:12
Pokesomibut its hanging on something10:12
moymoyrichardcavell: and what do you mean they haven't improved? .. used to not be able to send files!10:12
iMatterChris8, did you put sudo first10:12
Chris8Imatter nope i'll try10:12
moymoyazlon: have you Google Wave'd yet? .. that's what email is going to become10:12
iMatterChris8, usually stuff like that requires root privledges10:12
administrator__mechdave: this is what i get when select single function scanners "Sorry, HP Scanjet single function scanners are not supported by HPLIP. For possible Linux10:13
indusazlon: i know :)10:13
azlonyeah, thats where i stole my "email hasnt changed in 40 years" line from10:13
richardcavellmobi-sheep: How do I post my screenshot?10:13
Chris8iMatter: woot woot10:13
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: ImageShack10:13
azlonmoymoy: wave looks really amazing10:13
moymoyazlon: have you signed up for testing?10:13
iMatterChris8, your welcome be right back trying out the separate home setup..10:13
azlonmoymoy: loving how google is doing all open source products recently too10:13
administrator__anyone with network backup experience on 8.110:13
mechdaveadministrator__, well then you are sorta stuck then :(10:14
UbubeginHi I have perl installed in my system.. how do i find which directory is perl in....10:14
kigougfuck perl10:14
moymoyazlon: open sourcing everything even when the economy's bad10:14
Pokesomii decided to do an integrity check of the cd i burned10:14
moymoyazlon: truly a friendly giant..10:14
lstarnesUbubegin: the binary is most likely /usr/bin/perl10:14
azlonmoymoy: no not yet... are they actually giving invites? im still waiting for my google voice invite10:14
mechdaveadministrator__, I don't know of any other drivers except maybe try HP themselves10:14
kigougno shit it is ist?10:14
administrator__hi anyone with backup server experience10:14
mechdavekigoug, Watch your language please10:15
ubuntistashow can i open foremost?10:15
kigougwell i would consider /usr/bin/perl a corrupt binary and probably a virus so i would watch out, thx mechdave10:15
kigougi will10:15
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:15
Ububeginlstarnes: thanks..10:15
indus!who | Pokesomi10:15
ubottuPokesomi: please see above10:15
azlonmoymoy: well they only became the giant because of open source. unix made them what they are today. imagine if they had to buy copies of windows server for every server they had...10:15
mechdavekigoug, why would you consider that?10:15
lstarneskigoug: perl is a legitimate language and interpreter10:15
Pokesomisorry just thinking out loud10:15
richardcavellmobi-sheep: http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/6237/screenshotgze.png << My screenshot10:15
administrator__mechdave: i can''t clean pendrives virus with clamav why so10:15
Ububeginhi mod, seems like kigoug is some troll...10:15
moymoyazlon: i think i remember seeing a page to sign up for wave testing.. and there was a field you can write anything in.. i wrote a huge "thank you" to Google.10:15
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
kigougwhen language is reduced so10:16
mechdaveadministrator__, not sure, never used it10:16
moymoyazlon: i think i remember seeing a page to sign up for wave testing.. and there was a field you can write anything in.. i wrote a huge "thank you" to Google.10:16
Ububeginkigoug: can you kindly leave this channel and head to #windows10:16
Pokesomican someone pm me about the live cd please10:16
Pokesomii have and error in 1 file10:16
lstarnesUbubegin: as for the directories that perl looks for libraries in, try using this command: perl -e "print join(\"\n\", @INC)"10:16
richardcavellPokesomi: I'm sending PM10:16
mechdavePokesomi, what is the error?10:16
indusPokesomi: please use some nick so yourmessagedont get lost10:17
richardcavellI think Pokesomi just had a bad burn10:17
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Here you go.  You didn't customize anything to your likings. :)10:17
administrator__anyone ! dual boot with winxp and ubuntu requires license10:18
Drekii talked my frind into trying ubuntu, and he is havving a lot of driver issues, he has an "ATI radeon 4950" and when he installs the proprietary drivers under "system>admin>hardware devices" it messes up his Xserver and he boots to a terminal, i tried having him go into recovery mode but that didnt work, he ended up reinstalling to fix the problem, we tried again and same thing, is there anyone that can help?10:18
kigougsry k10:18
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I don't know how to customize it10:18
richardcavellWhat I want is that when someone speaks to me, the message is highlighted10:18
Ububeginlstarnes: nice tip...10:18
indusrichardcavell: ask mechdave10:18
indusrichardcavell: his messages are all in red10:19
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: You ever try XChat?  It's an IRC client.  Use that instead of Firefox Addons. :)10:19
moymoyazlon: that's true.. but many companies take advantage of open sourced material and don't contribute10:19
richardcavellmobi-sheep: you said you'd post your screenshot, now where is it?10:19
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Let me send you ... Yeah that.10:19
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I was using xchat before but it hangs on me when updating channel list10:19
moymoyazlon: but even Apple, the most proprietary of them all contributes to opensource!10:19
administrator__anyone! do we required license for winxp if put on dual boot with ubuntu10:19
mechdaverichardcavell, all you do is type their nick first, some chat software has tab completion10:19
lstarnesadministrator__: yes10:19
richardcavellMicrosoft is the most proprietary of all10:19
lstarnesadministrator__: you need a license to use windows in any case10:20
richardcavellmechdave: yeah, I've figured that out now10:20
Ububeginadministrator__: of course, u need a license to even install it10:20
administrator__lstarnes : thx10:20
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: http://tinyurl.com/koshx810:20
administrator__lstarnes: r u in to sysadmin10:20
lstarnesadministrator__: what about sysadmin?10:21
mechdaverichardcavell, if you use xchat it will have tab completion10:21
_yoklxfb 0000:00:01.1: can't find IRQ for PCI INT A; please try using pci=biosirq, what does it mean?10:21
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:21
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administrator__lstarnes: system administration10:21
lstarnesadministrator__: it depends on which aspects of system administration10:21
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: I find XChat better than Chatzilla IMO.  It still run in background.  You're depending on Firefox. :010:22
administrator__pxe network boot10:22
administrator__lstarnes: wireless network boot10:22
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I was using XChat before but it hangs on me when I go to update channel lists on freenode10:22
Drekii talked my frind into trying ubuntu, and he is havving a lot of driver issues, he has an "ATI radeon 4950" and when he installs the proprietary drivers under "system>admin>hardware devices" it messes up his Xserver and he boots to a terminal, i tried having him go into recovery mode but that didnt work, he ended up reinstalling to fix the problem, we tried again and same thing, is there anyone that can help?10:22
lstarnesadministrator__: I don't really know anything about that10:23
oberI love iwconfig...10:23
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Give it a try now.  I doubt it would occur.10:23
administrator__lstarnes : what about backup10:23
monckyadministrator__: never experiemented with wireless pxe10:23
monckyadministrator__: what are you wanting to know?10:23
lstarnesadministrator__: I don't usually do much with backup10:23
richardcavellmobi, I'll reconnect through xchat10:24
administrator__moncky: I would like my n/w to boot with wireless adapters10:24
monckyadministrator__: i dont quite understand how pxe comes into that, wireless drivers are loaded after the kernel10:25
kigouganyone knows whats up with the intel drivers on 830's that'd be cool, kernel version 2.6.29 doesn't fix anything10:25
monckyadministrator__: so you cant invoke them during POST10:25
administrator__moncky: ur right but how can we do it other way10:25
whobodytoo bad i had to leave ubuntu :(10:25
monckyadministrator__: well you cant, you can only do it over a wire10:26
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monckyadministrator__: even then if you pxe boot everytime you are going to reinstall the machine10:26
whobody!ATi |Dreki10:27
ubottuDreki: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:27
administrator__moncy : ya but for one time10:27
monckyadministrator__: indeed, but you still cant do it wireless, you need a physical connection10:28
administrator__moncky : is it possible with on board wireless m/cs10:29
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mechdaveadministrator__, try this --> http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/WirelessLTSPClientsUsingAnEthernetBridge10:29
monckyadministrator__: how are you going to invoke the wireless before post?10:29
laegif i have an ssh server running should it be visible in ps aux?10:29
monckylaeg: should appear as sshd10:29
laegps -aux even10:29
EvelinaIs it possible to run a bash script that contains other bash scripts using a cron job or is there a better way of solving this issue? How do I run several bash scripts at the same time using only one a cron job?10:29
mechdaveadministrator__, Look at the alternative approach10:30
ubuntistasi just discarded a document accidentally in word how can i restore it?10:30
EvelinaI want to run a bash script called update_script.sh and then inside is have a lot of other bash script. Is this possible or have I got it wrong?10:31
mobi-sheepubuntistas: Undo Button?10:31
administrator__moncky: how about if bios has inbuilt drivers10:31
mobi-sheepEvelina: Possible.10:31
ubuntistasmobi-sheep i closed word10:31
c0l2eHow can I share scanner in ubunut 9.04?10:32
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administrator__moncky: how about if bios can read wifi adapter10:32
mechdaveadministrator__, try this --> http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/WirelessLTSPClientsUsingAnEthernetBridge10:32
c0l2ei did the old  /etc/saned.d/saned.conf ... adding the subnet10:32
laegmoncky: it's there ty. yesterday i input 'ssh laeg@my.internet.ip' but i'd like to now add a dynamic port and encryption - if i input 'ssh -C -D laeg@my.internet.ip' will it overwrite what's there already or will i need to undo it first?10:33
mobi-sheepubuntistas: Is it in your clipboard memory?  That is why I have clipboard manger to keep memory of last 40 copies.  Also, if you didn't save.  It's gone.10:33
monckyadministrator__: can it operate it?  I have never seen an example of wireless working before the os is running10:33
c0l2ebut in my client there's segmentation fault when I added the IP of saned server on the client's /etc/saned.d/net.conf10:33
laegmoncky: s/encryption/compression10:33
Evelinamobi-sheep: Ok, will it work if I need sudo for some of the scripts inside the "original" bash script? I mean, will the script work even if they need sudo and I run the first script (that have all other scripts inside it) using sudo?10:33
mobi-sheepEvelina: Dunno.  You might want to ask experts in #bash10:34
monckylaeg: that looks like you just did the command so the short answer is yes but it wont store, you would need to look at editing your .sshconf file10:34
Evelinamobi-sheep: Ok, thanks anyway!10:34
laeglaeg: so it's running now in ps -aux not because of the command, but because it runs by default?10:35
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ubuntistasany software for restoring pdf files?10:35
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ubuntistasin general files10:35
richardcavell_Forgive the n00b question here, but I currently have the Freenode server up, channel #ubuntu, and I also have "Ubuntu Server" - which I guess was installed by default in XChat - and they appear to be the same. Is "Ubuntu Server" an alias or something?10:37
JuliaI am starting gnome without xorg.conf because X -configure generated one that didn't start gnome at all. Is there some temporary xorg.conf file generated by X?10:37
Flannelrichardcavell_: yes, irc.ubuntu.com (or chat.ubuntu.com or whatever) points to freenode10:37
richardcavell_okay, then I'm in XChat. I can't update the channel list or else my computer hangs10:38
richardcavellhere i am10:38
richardcavellI was logged in as both richardcavell and richardcavell_10:39
administrator__moncky: thanx for your website it is so...................much useful10:39
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Enjoying the highlights so far?10:39
richardcavellIs there any IRC server that is better for discussing Ubuntu, or is this the best one?10:40
richardcavellmobi-sheep: Mine doesn't look as good as yours10:40
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: This is Ubuntu Support Channel.  There also are Ubuntu Offtopic Channel where you can discuss just about anything.10:40
mobi-sheep!ot | richardcavell10:40
ubotturichardcavell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:40
laegmoncky: no worries, i found a great guide for it. ty10:40
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: I know.  I used a theme.10:40
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: http://t0x.in/xchatthemes.html10:40
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I appreciate that this is the official channel, but I don't know my way around IRC much. Is this the best Ubuntu IRC channel out there?10:41
Flannelrichardcavell: This is Ubuntus technical support channel.  There are a number of other channels for other purposes.  For general chatting, you'll want to see #ubuntu-offtopic10:42
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mobi-sheeprichardcavell: This is Ubuntu Offical Support Channel (only in English).  There are several languages but yes, this is "best" Ubuntu IRC channel (as in this is the only one0.10:43
ubuntistaswhat does that mean to uncooment line?10:43
lstarnesubuntistas: to remove a # at the beginning of the line in most cases10:43
MindVirusAll sound is extremely quiet on my system. I have to turn my hardware knob all the way to hear a bit of sound. Any suggestions?10:43
lstarnesubuntistas: sometimes the comment character is ; or // instead of #10:43
richardcavellMindVirus a default installation of Ubuntu is quiet. Turn all your volume settings up10:44
mobi-sheepMindVirus: Adjust your sound settings?  Right-click on that Volume applet and edit it.10:44
MindVirusrichardcavell, it's not a default installation, and all volume is 100%.10:44
yurikolessh autogen.sh10:44
yurikoles/usr/bin/m4:configure.ac:214: ERROR: cannot flush diversion to temporary file: No space left on device10:44
yurikoles/usr/bin/m4:configure.ac:214: cannot clean temporary file for diversion10:44
yurikolesautom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 110:44
MindVirusmobi-sheep, all volume is 100%.10:44
FloodBot3yurikoles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
mobi-sheepMindVirus: Run alsamixer and see if it's all 100% ?10:45
MindVirusmobi-sheep, yes.10:45
MindVirusNothing's muted.10:45
mobi-sheepEverything is up?10:45
yurikolesohb66, its server kernel dont actiavated swap again10:45
johnibanezHello, I need help. You see I installed Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 last week and I'm in love with it. However, just this morning I tried to wake up my machine from hibernation (I forgot to turn it off), but it wont. So what I did was I forced it to turn off by holding the power button for around 5 secs. When I turned it on, it works fine, however when I'm already at the login screen, the Keyboard and mouse just freezes, but I can see the login text bar still fl10:46
MindVirusmobi-sheep, yes.10:46
mobi-sheepMindVirus: Hmm.  I dunno.  Additional information for you coming up soon.  Sorry.10:46
mobi-sheep!sound | MindVirus10:46
Drekiis there a command to start x-server in termianl?10:46
ubottuMindVirus: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:46
johnibanezIm now using the Live CD (On pidgin for IRC) and everythig works fine.10:47
MindVirusmobi-sheep, it's all good.10:47
yurikoles/etc/init.d/gdm start10:47
moymoyi had no idea how to IRC on pidgin10:47
yurikoles/etc/init.d/kdm start10:47
yurikolesadd accaount and select irc10:48
MindVirusDoes anyone else have any suggestions?10:49
johnibanezHello, I need help. You see I installed Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 last week and I'm in love with it. However, just this morning I tried to wake up my machine from hibernation (I forgot to turn it off), but it wont. So what I did was I forced it to turn off by holding the power button for around 5 secs. When I turned it on, it works fine, however when I'm already at the login screen, the Keyboard and mouse just freezes, but I can see the login text bar still fl10:49
nickhoyI'm having trouble with getting my netgear wpn111 to work on ubuntu10:52
indusjohnibanez: hmm10:52
yurikolesi have dranatically small /tmp10:53
johnibanezhave any idea sir indus?10:53
indusjohnibanez: now what is the status10:53
yurikolesoverflow              1,0M  988K   36K  97% /tmp10:53
emerya few apps are giving me this error "Can't locate NetPacket/UDP.pm in @INC" which is related to a missing perl package i believe .. any ideas ?10:53
ubuntistashow to uncomment these lines?  pdf     y       5000000 %PDF  %EOF\x0d  REVERSE10:53
ubuntistas     pdf     y       5000000 %PDF  %EOF\x0a  REVERSE any clue?10:54
moymoyjohnibanez: open up Partition editor (gparted) on the liveCD and do a disk check on your drives10:54
johnibanezwhen ever I boot to my Ubuntu installation, when ever I reach the login screen my mouse and keyboard wont work @ indus10:54
Pokesomihey richard are you there10:54
moymoyjohnibanez: that's the first thing you should do after improperly shutting down your computer10:54
indusjohnibanez: what is your graphics card10:54
johnibanezOkay moymoy, I'll do that right now. Im on my live CD.10:54
cehrMindVirus: are you running 64-bit ubuntu?10:54
johnibanezI dont have a graphics card indus. Im running on a laptop. It's onboard i think.10:55
yurikoleswhy use gparted? fsck it!10:55
indusmoymoy: my pc shuts down improperly 2 daily, i neve do it10:55
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I am running xchat with a theme now10:55
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot10:55
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Nice!  XChat Black?10:55
indusjohnibanez: see that message10:55
richardcavellmobi-sheep: XChat-white-color10:55
richardcavellmobi-sheep: how do I list all the users at the right like you have it?10:56
indusjohnibanez: sudo shutdown -F -r now10:56
yurikoleshow to increase /tmp ?10:56
mobi-sheepCTRL + F710:56
johnibanezokay let me try that10:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tmp10:56
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: CTRL + F7.  It's also in View -->10:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tmpfs10:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about overflow10:57
mobi-sheep!botabuse | yurikoles10:57
ubottuyurikoles: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:57
richardcavellmobi-sheep: no it's not10:57
moymoyindus: it isn't infallible.. it only does a quick check to see if the fs is marked clean .. because i've experienced lockups and did a manual fsck only to find errors in my fs even though fsck, at bootup, marked it as clean10:57
indus!info tmpfs10:57
ubottuPackage tmpfs does not exist in jaunty10:57
yurikolesvery stupid bot10:57
MindViruscehr, yes.10:57
indusmoymoy: i agree, but i feel its generally overhyped shutting down things cleanly10:57
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: What do you mean?  It's not therre?  View --> User List ?10:57
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indusmoymoy: for a month i used to shutdown pc from power direct :P10:57
cehrMindVirus, that's interesting, after searching a bit it looks some of the others that have this problem are also running 64-bit10:57
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Flannel!away > redsoxking|sleep10:58
ubotturedsoxking|sleep, please see my private message10:58
moymoyindus: that's very daring of you... and the results are good, i assume10:58
moymoyindus: though, i like watching words scroll down my screen as i'm shutting down anyway10:58
MindViruscehr, I see.10:58
indusmoymoy: yep actually in india power failures are common, now where i stay it goes every day twice,10:58
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I don't have that in my view menu10:59
indusmoymoy: things have been fine last 3 years with system :)10:59
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:59
lipolevresj/ fcp10:59
richardcavellI'm on 64-bit ubuntu, running xchat 0.26.1.  Are you?10:59
amineany one knows a good tool to monitor web latency?10:59
indusmoymoy: i hope i dont jinx it with that statement :)10:59
moymoyindus: i hope so too10:59
ActionParsnipamine: ping, simple yet effective10:59
indusmoymoy: i know it can mess the drive though am iam thinking of buying an ups10:59
moymoyindus: linux tends to load everything onto RAM and hardly uses the HDD if it doesn't need to.. i guess that allows it to be improperly shutdown11:00
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: 2.8.6-2.1ubuntu411:00
amineI mean a tool for web pages for example11:00
qe2eqeI need to run a python program with enough privilege to modify all my user files. How?11:00
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: I think you have xchat-gnome -- not same thing as xchat11:00
ActionParsnipamine: polymon 100%11:00
indusmoymoy: well,windows too loads everything into ram11:00
richardcavellmobi, I think you're right11:00
defryskxchat-gnome is ugly11:00
indusrichardcavell: install xchat side by side and compare feature11:00
ActionParsnipamine: its awesome, we use it loads were i work to monitor our web interfaces11:00
richardcavellwell, I want to change it if possible because my xchat hangs if I try to update my channel list11:00
indusrichardcavell: lets you select color etc11:00
ActionParsnipamine: plus its free :)11:01
ubuntistashow can i11:01
ubuntistas uncomment these lines? pdf y 5000000 %PDF %EOF\x0d REVERSE11:01
indusrichardcavell: give it time and it will unhang itsled11:01
ubuntistas<ubuntistas>pdf y 5000000 %PDF %EOF\x0a REVERSE any clue?11:01
mobi-sheepindus: xchat-gnome is plain silly. ;)11:01
amineActionParsnip: thans , i'm gonna give it a look11:01
indusmobi-sheep: why, its more than enough for me11:01
moymoyindus: i watched a demo of AmigaOS and apparently, the powerbutton is the "shutdown" .. no need to shutdown cleanly, and it boots up in a few seconds too11:01
richardcavellindus: I've given it a good 5 minutes each time. I have a bandwidth monitor, and it does appear to be downloading, but it doesn't unhang11:01
indusmoymoy: well,power button is shutdown for my system also? why?11:02
ActionParsniprichardcavell: anything in dmesg when it hangs?11:02
administrator__hi everone11:02
moymoyindus: but windows tends to swap a lot and uses pagefiles with the files are fragmented11:02
qe2eqeSo if a script has a permisison that the script interpreter doesn't, will it jive?11:02
richardcavellActionParsnip: um... what is that and how do I tell?11:02
indusmoymoy: its amother board feature11:02
indusmoymoy: yeah swaps a lot more true, hdd Noisy11:02
mobi-sheepindus: It just is.  It took xchat and turned it into something silly. (eg branding it xchat-gnome).  Gnome do that to improve if they think it need to be improved.11:02
hrgaanyone having troubles with installing/configuring Compiz try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion11:03
ActionParsniprichardcavell: its the kernel messages, when whatever it is hangs, load a terminal and run: dmesg | tail11:03
defryskxchat-gnome is a useless xchat spin11:03
cehrMindVirus, try running 'sudo alsactl store'11:03
richardcavellActionParsnip: thanks for the info, I'll remember that but for now I'm going to download xchat proper11:04
moymoysmuxi has such a good UI.. only thing xchat has over smuxi is file transfer11:04
moymoybut now i use weechat over xchat11:04
ActionParsniprichardcavell: try a few clients, see which you like11:04
ubuntistashow to uncomment pdf file lines any clue i don't get it11:04
richardcavellActionParsnip: I quite like Chatzilla11:04
CosmicChaoslol funny im banned on #ubuntu+1 but every day, when entsplit comes, i log in :D11:05
ActionParsniprichardcavell: then use that :) i use pidgin11:05
administrator__has anyone used ppts  done in MS in open office or mozilla11:05
moymoyrichardcavell: tried smuxi yet?11:05
richardcavellmoymoy:  no11:05
ActionParsnipadministrator__: not me11:05
The-IThi could anyone please give some good reasons on why i should swich to Ubuntu?11:05
richardcavellall I want is a client that lets me chat with a minimum of clutter11:05
qe2eqeThe-IT, We love you11:05
CosmicChaosThe-IT: MS11:05
ActionParsnipThe-IT: depends what you want from your OS11:06
defryskThe-IT, no11:06
administrator__i can't display ppts in mozilla11:06
ActionParsnipThe-IT: and if you are happy with what you are currently using11:06
moymoyrichardcavell: truthfully, i just picked up IRC today... so i'm new to all this, but i found smuxi to have a very developed UI.. sadly, it lacked some of the features i'm after. Now i'm using weechat11:06
ubuntistashow to uncomment pdf file lines any clue i don't get it11:06
qe2eqeThe-IT, you can install apps from the command line, i.e., apt-get install openoffice.org will do most everything that happens when I buy a $150 piece of MS software and put the cd and click ok, ok, ok, (type name), ok, ok, ok.11:06
richardcavellmoymoy: I'm downloading xchat, so we'll see how we go11:06
The-ITActionParsnip, i was just wander why one would choose Ubuntu over windows11:06
The-ITqe2eqe, thats cool11:07
richardcavellThe-IT, I like Ubuntu because all the software is free and easy to install11:07
CosmicChaosThe-IT: the problems switch from every week reinstalling windows to every day inform yourself how to get the problems solved11:07
ActionParsnipThe-IT: personally I only chat and web browse so I can use any OS. I don't pay for Linux but have topay for windwows, so I save cas11:07
monckyThe-IT: I use Linux because I prefer the enviroment compared to windows11:07
ddmcould anyone check if .yml files are being displayed in gedit file browser. It stoped being shown today, maybe there some buggy update11:07
The-ITrichardcavell, all sofwaer is free you say11:07
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th0rplease don't feed the trolls11:08
CosmicChaoswell i just use it because i hate melinda11:08
ActionParsnipThe-IT: there is some paid stuff, like crossover office, cedega and nero for linux11:08
moymoyrichardcavell: xchat's pretty good at letting you distinguish messages from other activity.. but that's about all it's good for... smuxi lacks that, but everything else about it is good11:08
cehrMindVirus, if the previous command doesn't work then try running alsamixer as root and make sure everything is up 100%, then run 'sudo alsactl store' again.  if that doesn't work then I don't know11:10
moymoywhat the blip just happen?11:12
arandmoymoy: netsplit?11:13
ubuntistashow to uncomment pdf file lines any clue i don't get ithttp://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/03/recover-deleted-files-in-ubuntu-debian.html11:13
moymoyarand: netsplit?11:14
richardcavellHow come my list of users just went down to 118?11:14
Hetor`lol, a netsplit11:14
=== Qtpaxa is now known as Guest93841
CosmicChaosmobi-sheep: yeah but in world of linnux you are nothing but a woman without man :D11:14
CosmicChaosman aptidtude11:14
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:14
poomalaiHello friends, Can anyone help me to receive linpopup messages from windows machine?11:14
ActionParsniplooks like a biggy11:14
ubuntistas how to uncomment pdf file lines any clue i don't get it http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/03/recover-deleted-files-in-ubuntu-debian.html11:14
The-ITCosmicChaos, well ye but why would any swich if windows is just so much simpler?11:14
shaullxmy xmms is crashing when i click "double size" is it only me?11:14
CosmicChaosThe-IT: yes, intelligent people!11:15
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CosmicChaosThe-IT: who want to extra features, seacurity, better environment, open source codes, whatever11:15
CosmicChaosThe-IT: anyone that is interested into learning11:16
spudCakePiehi, i want to install netbeans so it uses the sun JDK, since open-jdk causes it to look horrible. Any advice?11:16
shaullxanyone here have xmms? :/11:16
CosmicChaosThe-IT: if you reject learning linux you can forget it11:16
Hetor`Xmms sucks.11:16
The-ITCosmicChaos, well why dident you just say that b4 when i aske why i should wsich?11:16
shaullxxmms rocks11:16
ActionParsnipThe-IT: its all a matter of taste. All I can say is install it to a USB stick and give it a try11:16
shaullxu suck11:16
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Machtinzomg flamewar.11:16
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.11:17
ActionParsnipshaullx: xmms isnt devloped anymore11:17
* spudCakePie gets an aerosol can and a lighter11:17
shaullxso what it can still be downloaded11:17
CosmicChaosThe-IT: why i didnt say that? actually im still saying that, still answering your question11:17
ikoniaspudCakePie: please get a grip on your comments, this is for ubuntu support only11:17
shaullxits a good player11:17
ActionParsnipshaullx: true but any bugs will never get fixed11:17
Hetor`If you want a good winapm-ish player, use audacious.11:17
mobi-sheepThe-IT: What are you trying to accomplish though?11:17
ActionParsnipshaullx: oh it is a great player11:17
Hetor`But I prefer MOC.11:17
Flannelshaullx: Please stay courteous while in this channel, thanks.11:17
poomalaidoes anybody using linpopup? is it working fine to receive messages from windows?11:18
ActionParsnipvlc because I can control it with my g1 phone :)11:18
arandThe-IT: I'd say windows is simpler, provided you have used it a lot, all things being equal ubuntu and windows are probably about the same in "complexity" (although things are never equal, everyone knows windows and hence finds it easier...)11:18
CosmicChaosThe-IT: i mean you didn't at least say from with os you would switch, windows, macos, unix....11:18
shaullx«Hetor`» tnx ill try11:18
richardcavellI'm lagging from time to time11:19
Pokesomirichardcavell:  pm me please11:19
ActionParsnipThe-IT: give it a go, expand your horizons11:19
technomatkayn chi marroki hna11:19
spudCakePieyeah sorry, ive gone to #ubuntu now, thanks anyway11:19
bazhangtechnomat, english please11:19
CosmicChaosarand: i know people claiming simplicity is usefull. whell what the mean is simple visualisation... but windows does not only visualisize simple... it IS simple, and that from my point of view means it is not usefull for any complex thing, and i do ver complex stuff, so windows is not an option11:20
ActionParsniparand: i hardly know windows at all11:20
ActionParsniparand: i got a vista msdn dvd and it took me an hour to install sound drivers and crank the page file11:21
mobi-sheepMy opinion:  Being linux user is easier than Windows user and I truly believe that people have balls to be a Windows user.  Reinstalling OS, programs, reconfiguring settings and stuffs all times.11:21
koshariarand its an OS whats to be hard about it?11:21
CosmicChaoscome..vista...come, put put.. steve they wont eat my shit.... wenn bill, actually the gained to much xp...11:22
richardcavellI'm using xchat. There's a marker that's supposed to indicate how far down I've read. How do I move that marker down to indicate that I've read more?11:22
ActionParsnipkoshari: see above..11:22
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: That only happen when you switch tabs.11:22
The-ITthank you all for your opinions.11:22
bazhanglet's take Windows vs. Ubuntu chat to #ubuntu-offtopic CosmicChaos mobi-sheep The-IT et all11:22
shaullxi don't like xchat i use mirc :O11:22
The-ITbazhang, ok11:22
CosmicChaosbazhang: i will not, but i stop it at all, i apologize11:22
koshariActionParsnip from a users perspective all the hard stuff has been done by the sys admin11:22
moymoyshaullx: you use mIRC in WINE? crashalot?11:23
shaullxi didn't use it for a long time but no it doesnt11:23
richardcavellmobi-sheep: Okay. Now how do I make messages to my nickname stand out more?11:23
moymoyshaullx: dcc transfers work?11:23
shaullxhaven't tried11:23
ActionParsnipkoshari: true but i was setting it up how I did 2000/98. Just took longer, really hard to use but Ive been using linux pure for about 8 years.11:23
richardcavellmobi-sheep: at the moment they're in red but I'm color blind and I'd prefer it to flash or something11:23
ActionParsnipshaullx: doesnt the nag drive you nuts, or did you pay for something you can get for free on the repos?11:24
koshariActionParsnip so in reality it was infamiluarity that was the difference11:24
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: I'll look up something for you.11:24
shaullxmomoy you got dcc?11:24
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shaullxfrom me?11:24
moymoyrichardcavell: the messages with your nick are considered "highlighted text" .. there's probably a setting somewhere in the preferences that lets you bold it or something11:24
shaullxwhat nag11:25
ActionParsnipkoshari: exactly, and thats what many new linux users experience11:25
shaullx«ActionParsnip» what nag?11:25
ActionParsnipshaullx: the "register now" nag11:25
shaullx«ActionParsnip» u can patch it11:25
ActionParsnipshaullx: thats illegal11:25
moymoyshaullx: yah.. outkast xD11:25
shaullx«ActionParsnip» so what lol11:25
ActionParsnipshaullx: sad but...oh well11:26
dcnstrctI want the Samsung NC20 pretty damn bad but I just know as soon as I buy it they'll release the 3G version =/11:26
dcnstrctwhat should I do ?11:26
richardcavellmoymoy: I can only change the color11:26
shaullx«ActionParsnip» i download movies and games with p2p its more illegal11:26
richardcavellmoymoy: but I can get it to beep11:26
viseWhere do i get the sources for programs like /sbin/init for ubuntu?11:26
ActionParsnip!ot | dcnstrct11:26
ubottudcnstrct: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:26
ActionParsnipshaullx: again...sad11:26
moymoyshaullx: i got the dcc request, but it doesn't connect .. probably because i'm lagging though11:26
juniechoHi, cannot access windows share with host name using smbmount. when i specify ip address it works okay, but with hostname it gives me 'permission denied' error. what's wrong?11:26
shaullxmomoy i canceled it11:27
shaullxwait ill try again11:27
kosharii think it gets confused that it shouldnt be the users responsibility to install backup ect, that jsut happens to be that case mose linux users are the sys admin as well.... you dont need to know how to load the OS on an ATM or a Calculator11:27
bazhangkoshari, not clear what your question is11:27
richardcavellmoymoy: pm me just to test it11:28
moymoyrichardcavell: you can give weechat a shot.. it runs in the terminal though, so it takes a little getting used to, but here, you can press ALT+P or ALT+N to scroll through messages to your nick11:28
ActionParsnipjuniecho: can you use IP address?11:28
mobi-sheepCheck out libnotify.   It can do audio / notification popup. :)11:28
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: ^^11:28
ActionParsnipoh man i hate libnotify11:28
juniechoActionParsnip: yes when i use IP address it works perfectly11:28
ActionParsnipjuniecho: then add an entry for the name to ip conversion in /etc/hosts11:29
ActionParsnipjuniecho: and set the file server to use a static ip11:29
moymoyshaullx: still no .. lol11:29
shaullxthen it doesnt11:29
shaullxis it just me or did like 50 guys just logged out11:29
ActionParsnipjuniecho: gksudo gedit/etc/hosts11:30
bazhangnetsplit shaullx11:30
ActionParsnipwith a space11:30
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ActionParsnipgksudo gedit /etc/hosts11:30
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moymoy!netsplit | shaullx11:30
ubottushaullx: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:30
juniechoactionparsnip: but doesn't that mean i have to disable dhcp in my wireless router?11:30
mobi-sheepshaullx: I think it is just you.11:30
zzxxhow general user can bind privilleged tcp/udp port ?11:31
ActionParsnipjuniecho: no, you just set the server box to static ip. The rest of the computers will be able to use dhcp11:31
ActionParsnipjuniecho: if a system is using a static ip it will never request an IP from the pool, provided its IP address falls into the subnet mask then it can communicate11:31
laegi'm following a guide and have been asked to check that i have Nvidia 180.44 Drivers installed, how can i do this?11:31
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bazhanglaeg, check in hardware drivers11:32
laegnvm i have them11:32
laegbazhang: ty11:32
juniechoactionparsnip: i think that will cause problem because that file server is my laptop and i take it with myself everywhere :(11:32
ActionParsniplaeg: gksudo nvidia-settings11:32
laegbazhang: checked in nvidia x server settings11:32
laegActionParsnip: ty11:32
ActionParsnipjuniecho: then it may change ip address if you use dhcp11:32
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ActionParsnipjuniecho: hmm11:32
artur_jest tu ktoś z poland?11:32
ActionParsnipjuniecho: you could add the IP address of your router to /etc/resolv.conf11:33
bazhangartur_, #ubuntu-pl11:33
laegActionParsnip, bazhang: is there anyway to check if they're the proprietary or open source version?11:33
ActionParsnipjuniecho: follow the same format as what is currently in there11:33
mechdavejuniecho, can you assign a static ip address from the router based on your MAC address?11:33
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: You see it?11:33
bazhanglaeg, that would be the proprietary ones11:33
ActionParsniplaeg: if you run: lshw -C display | grep nv11:33
ActionParsniplaeg: if you see 'nv' its open, if you see 'nvidia' its proprietary11:34
juniechomechdave: i've never tried it but i think that may be possible11:34
shaullxwhere is audacious folder :(11:34
mechdavejuniecho, what is the brand and model of your router?11:34
zzxxso can anyone help me with not-root user and binding network port <102411:34
juniechomechdave: linksys wrt54g11:34
laegbazhang, ActionParsnip: ty11:35
ActionParsnipjuniecho: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf11:35
ActionParsnipjuniecho: add a line         nameserver <ip of your router>11:35
ActionParsnipjuniecho: e.g.    nameserver
juniechoactionparsnip: i'm on it, you mean
ActionParsnipjuniecho: if thats it's address then yes11:36
ActionParsnipjuniecho: once its added, save the new file and close gedit, then run: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:36
Drekithe server kicked me off a few  min ago saying i was flooding, but i had the window min and wasnt even useing it...11:36
ActionParsnipjuniecho: then try pinging the name11:36
mobi-sheepDreki: You may be a part of a recurring netsplit awhile ago.11:36
ackehey i have a problem, when i get to the loggin window, and select sessions, the text is so small so i cant read what to chose. any ideas on how to get the size larger?11:37
ackeon the text?11:37
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I'm currently experimenting11:37
qe2eqeI want to send a window to a remote X display. Halp?11:37
richardcavellmobi-sheep: my current theme is difficult to read on laptop screen11:37
shaullxwhere is .local folder?11:37
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Windows Flag + M (If that help you).11:37
bazhangshaullx, all .folders are hidden11:38
juniechoactionparsnip, it says... ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0. should i reboot this system?11:38
ActionParsnipjuniecho: worth a go, check the file once you are booted round11:38
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I'm on a Mac11:38
bazhangalieuj, hi11:38
alieujhow are u11:39
richardcavellmobi-sheep: all I want is all black text on white but if a message contains my nickname it stands out11:39
bazhangalieuj, do you have a support question? here is support; #ubuntu-offtopic is chat11:39
NET||abusewhat the jeebus,,11:40
NET||abusei can't post in #apache?11:40
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: You might have to edit colors for that one.  Mac?  If you're running Ubuntu, there are "negative film" effect on SUPER + M.  You would have to edit colors and that's hassle in XChat. You could opt for seperate message tab.  (See @highlight tab?)11:41
lstarnesNET||abuse: try #httpd11:41
mechdavejuniecho, doesn't look like you have that functionality, maybe you could use a interface alias11:41
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I'm just going to change all the colors manually11:41
mechdavejuniecho, depends on what happens when dhcp runs11:42
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NET||abuseand just now all the icons vanished off my desktiop and i can't see any nautilus window if i'm connecting to a smb share on a server?11:42
NET||abuselstarnes, thanks #httpd is what i need, cheers11:42
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Alright. :)11:43
moymoyrichardcavell: there's a little checkbox in the preferences "strip colors" i assume that does what you want11:44
shaullxis it possible to resize audacious?11:44
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bazhangshaullx, you can downsize it to a thin strip11:45
juniechomechdave, is there any way that i can make it work without IP? isn't smbmount supposed to work with hostnames?11:45
cyberixaeNautilus seg faults, but Ubuntu does not show me the crash detection window11:46
kunalhello guys11:47
richardcavellhi kunal11:47
kunali am trying to use my cellphone to connect to the internet with my laptop. what files should i be looking at for that?11:47
Pokesomiwhat is the comman to find out my graphics card in terminal?11:47
NET||abuseso what's the beef here, i tried to open a samba share on our server here, nautilus vanished whe i did that and all the icons on the desktop too. i have a blank desktop.... rest of my apps are still here though?11:47
moymoykunal: are you trying to make your laptop use your phone to connect to the internet?11:48
kunalvia bluetooth11:48
OttifantSirPokesomi: lshw -C video11:49
moymoyNET||abuse: press ALT+F2 and type in nautilus and press enter .. your nautilus crashed11:49
amigamiadoes anyone know about linux asknetwork install ?11:49
moymoykunal: that's called tethering .. look for any tethering applications for your phone11:49
NET||abusemoymoy, oh? is that it? does that restart all nautilus instances?11:49
shaullxi want to make it larger11:49
NET||abusemoymoy, weird.11:49
bazhangshaullx, then no11:49
moymoyNET||abuse: it won't restart all instances, but it will restore your desktop and all11:50
kunalmoymoy, : thanks, does ubuntu come with default tethering applications?11:50
NET||abusemoymoy, actually i'm getting it again, i just did that, got a nautilus window up, the icons seemed to reappear, then i clicked on the bookmark for the smb mounted folder, it died and icons vanished again??11:50
moymoykunal: i don't think ubuntu comes with any.. do some google searches..11:50
kunalok. thanks moymoy :)11:51
moymoykunal: pretty sure your phone needs a tethering app installed also11:51
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moymoyNET||abuse: hmm.. nautilus should handle smb shares just fine.. is the share mounted on a folder? or is it mounted using gvfs-mount11:52
NET||abusemoymoy, gvfs i think11:52
moymoyNET||abuse: did you mount using fstab or with a 'sudo mount'?11:52
NET||abuseyeh, it's in bookmarks, used places to make link11:52
NET||abusethe connect-to server wizard or just browsing network through nautilus and bookmarking11:52
NET||abusehas worked fine for ages,11:52
NET||abusejust started crashing right now..11:52
moymoyNET||abuse: are you able to ls your mounted directory? or does it freeze the terminal?11:53
NET||abusemoymoy i'll check, one note, i have a vista vm and it's able to open the same share no probl11:53
NET||abusethe share is on a linux server with samba, also it's nfs mounted across from another server with big batch of drives..11:54
moymoyNET||abuse: why can't you just mount with nfs then?11:54
NET||abuseso it's me connect to samba on server A, the share points at /mnt/data/shares/Sharename where /mnt/data is an nfs mount point to Server B :)11:54
humanhey all11:55
NET||abusemoymoy, cause i couldn't be arsed fecking around with portmapper and such on my laptop when it's already doen for me on the server and all i have to do is use gnome11:55
JoeMhow do I change a simlink again?11:55
spudCakePieive installed the sun java jdk using apt-get install sun-java6-jdk, how do I find where it installed to?11:55
NET||abusemoymoy, oh and also the servers are on a different network segment behind a router, and only the server running samba is visible11:56
humanIs there any way to check the permission of particular folder/file ?11:56
spudCakePiels -a11:56
spudCakePieer, -l11:56
JoeMspudCakePie easiest way I know of is to open up synaptic, look for that package and look at the package details11:56
Slarthuman: ls -l11:56
Slarthuman: or just right click in nautilus11:56
moymoyNET||abuse: xD okay.. well gvfs mounted shares are usually mounted on folders in the ~/.gvfs directory.. have you looked in there? try with nautilus too11:56
humanand how to change the permission11:56
Slarthuman: chmod11:57
NET||abusemoymoy, just went in on terminal, .gvfs/Public Share on blah blah, no problem11:57
moymoyhuman: type in "man chmod" to get details on how to use it.. if you don't want to use the terminal, you can just right-click and click on properties, permissions11:57
NET||abusemoymoy: can list that dir and subdirs no prob11:57
Slarthuman: there is a long list of switches and stuff for chmod.. man chmod will tell you more.. or google for chmod, I'm sure there are lots of small tutorials out there11:58
laeghow do i add mem=750 to the kernel boot parametres?11:58
duryhi there all :)11:58
moymoyNET||abuse: i see.. delete the current bookmark you have and make another bookmark pointing at the folder in ~/.gvfs =]11:58
humanokay Slart11:58
Slartlaeg: in the grub configuration file, I would guess11:58
JoeMI want to change /etc/alternatives/xinput-all_ALL to point to scim-bridge, how do I do that?11:58
Slartlaeg: it's /boot/grub/menu.lst11:58
spudCakePieno, its not helpful, it lies. it says it installed the jdk in /usr/share/menu11:59
chazcoAnyone know how to upgrade to wicd 1.6?11:59
mobi-sheepspudCakePie: locate sun-java6-jdk11:59
laegSlart: so i just add mem=750mb anywhere?11:59
NET||abusemoymoy, just ps aux | grep home and i find /usr/lib/gvfs//gvfs-fuse-daemon running.. worth giving this a restart?11:59
NET||abusemoymoy, not sure how to do that though, if you have any ideas?11:59
bazhangchazco, current version is 1.5.9, why do you need the latest version11:59
Slartlaeg: no, it's a big file, with instructions in the actual file.... open it by running "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"12:00
laegSlart: ty12:00
chazcobazhang - Few slight bugs in the current version which are fixed in 1.6.0. 1.5.9 in the repo is now out of date.12:00
Slartlaeg: make a backup before you start changing things around.. in case something bad happens.. oh.. and after you've edited that file you have to run "sudo update-grub" in a terminal12:00
bazhangchazco, installing outside of the package management system is not a good idea for such a trivial issue12:01
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I've installed the blue theme now. It's working much better!12:01
Guest84409Please help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7586566#post758656612:01
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Yay! <312:01
richardcavellmobi-sheep: yeah. The blue theme looks much better on my laptop screen.12:01
laegSlart: thanks. i searched the file for the string mem and it's only found in relation to memtest, there are no instructions on manually setting the memory12:02
chazcobazhang - I would agree, but some of them arent so trivial... network manager is unable to use my wifi, wicd 1.5.9 can, but sometimes cannot connect which can cause issues12:02
axos88hello! If I removed ipv4 support for the kernel, why is it still compiling it? And yesterday I removed a *lot* of stuff from the kernel, and got the exact same size of the image12:02
moymoyNET||abuse: hmm there's a file that stores bookmarks, but i can't find it right now.. you can't add using places?12:02
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lstarnesaxos88: ipv4, or ipv6?12:03
eykosiouxhi, i'm connected to a network with two public gateways to the internet. is it possible to set up a both routers as gateways and use one for everything except *only* the apache http server?12:03
Slartlaeg: there is a line in there where you set what kernel options you want to use.. it doesn't have all the possible options available so you have to add it manually, the line starts with "defoptions="12:03
axos88lstarnes, both actually, i don't need networking at all12:03
laegSlart: tyvm12:03
moymoyNET||abuse: browse to your samba share in the ~/.gvfs directory and click Places; Add to Bookmarks12:03
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Got anything else you might want to know about?12:03
lstarnesaxos88: a lot of services use ipv4 for internal networking12:04
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I'm still testing this12:04
NET||abusemoymoy, will have a look now.12:04
Slartlaeg: at the moment my line is "defoptions=splash vga=771" ... on my computer I would change that to "defoptions=splash vga=771 mem=500".. then run "sudo update-grub"12:04
richardcavellmobi-sheep: how do I make it go some color other than red when someone mentions me?  I'm color blind and red looks weird to me12:04
Slartlaeg: or whatever you wanted the mem switch to be12:05
NET||abusemoymoy, just checked the .gvfs dir from within nautilus, i try to click on the mounted share in .gvfs and same thing as before happens, it just vanished and takes icons off desktop... i'll try wha tyou say, delete and remake book mark now.. hold on 2 secs12:05
axos88lstarnes, oh shit... right... have to think about it, but I don't really have much right now besides busybox and the kernel. however the wierd thing is it is building for a very long time (2,4 Ghz, 256 RAM, about 1h30), and produces the same binary if i remove a lot of stuff12:05
axos88i use make bzImage12:05
bazhangaxos88, please no cursing12:05
lstarnesaxos88: a lot of stuff is still compiled but kept in separate modules instead of in the bzimage12:06
NET||abusemoymoy, woah,, ok, even clicking on Network in nautilus makes it do the same thing, i deleted the share bookmark then tried to click network to go bookmark the share again, vanished12:06
axos88lstarnes, even if they are unchecked completely (not M, empty box)12:06
lstarnesaxos88: in that case it wouldn't be built unless something else being built required it12:07
axos88lstarnes, ok, so maybe that's why it is building so long, but why is it producing the same binary?12:07
moymoyNET||abuse: hmm this is why i hate samba shares.. and they cause hangs at shutdown12:08
moymoyNET||abuse: for me, nautilus always crashed or froze when my samba share was down12:08
moymoyNET||abuse: but your server is still up and running, right?12:08
spudCakePieyeah, nautilus always hangs while waiting for a samba share to respond12:08
NET||abusemoymoy, yeh, i can browse and read, edit, create new stuff on my vista vm12:09
spudCakePiei thought it was just me12:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext412:09
NET||abusemoymoy, so the server is running away no prob12:09
moymoyNET||abuse: do you keep your vista vm running all the time?12:09
lstarnesaxos88: I'm not sure12:09
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axos88lstarnes, my config file shrung from 80kb to 60kb, so i did remove a lot of stuff... i made a make clean, and rebuilding, see what happens, but it's been running for an hour now12:10
moymoyNET||abuse: i don't understand.. the ~/.gvfs directory was working a moment ago, but now it doesn't?12:10
ubuntuhi all12:10
axos88i suspect that for some reason it builds EVERYTHING12:10
lstarnesaxos88: I don't think it builds everything12:10
moymoyNET||abuse: try umounting it and then mounting it again12:10
axos88lstarnes, i don't understand... last time i got a 2MB binary, now I get 7MB12:12
ubuntui want to ask how i can repire my /dev/sda, yeasterday i make debian boot form flash, this required to make changes to /dev/sda and currently i not have access to my old grub options. I now use livecd but i cannot see my hdd12:12
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Sorry.  Didn't see you there.  It's in Options.  (Highlight color).12:12
bazhangubuntu, debian?12:12
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Preferences*12:12
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I've changed it but it's still red12:12
ubuntubazhang: yes i make debian installer from flash12:13
bazhangubuntu, and how does this relate to ubuntu12:13
ubuntui make this in ubuntu12:13
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: How can you tell?  Lol.12:13
ubuntuinstalled ubuntu12:13
bazhangubuntu, usb-creator?12:14
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Take a screenshot and I'll tell you?12:14
ubuntubazhang: i use zcat debian_zip > /dev/sda12:14
richardcavellmobi-sheep: hang on a tic I'm making it play a sound when my nick is mentioned12:14
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Use libnotify (it's in link I sent you).  It's really nice.  I'm testing it too.12:15
alasdairsimHey,I have a problem with wireless connecting on Ubuntu 9.04? Can anyone help me?12:15
spudCakePiesheeps are scared of tics12:15
Myx0x3is it possible to change that memory shows MB insted of K in top?12:15
bazhangbening, #ubuntu-id12:16
SlartMyx0x3: man top doesn't mention a switch/parameter?12:16
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I don't need to. It can play a sound when a message is highlighted.12:16
ubuntui just want to recovery this problem how is it possible12:16
mobi-sheepMyx0x3: Use "free -m" ?12:16
=== Crazy is now known as Julia
Myx0x3mobi-sheep:  well i want top to show ;P12:17
EagleScreenall people have problems12:17
ubuntuonly fdisk see that  i have partitions on this hdd12:17
mobi-sheepMyx0x3: I use htop, not top. :312:17
ubuntuEagleScreen: i am sure12:17
mobi-sheepMyx0x3: It got... colors!  *gasp*12:17
moymoyNET||abuse: you still there?12:18
Myx0x3mobi-sheep:  well peaple talks about htop :P12:18
kyjaHow would I get gnome-system-monitor to open pressing ctrl-alt-backspace? I cant seem to get the keyboard hot key panel to cooperate12:18
JoeMtrying to fix something with my typing (ComposeKey is permanently stuck) and I somehow broke xsession... last line of .xsession-errors says: export: 2: -d: bad variable name  What is wrong?12:18
SlartEagleScreen: life would be boring without problems..=)12:18
richardcavellmobi-sheep: do you have any nice alarm sounds I can use? I'm searching the net but can't find any good ones12:18
EagleScreenmany people have problems here12:18
EagleScreenso this is finny12:18
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: You're color-blind.  I'm deaf. :X12:19
=== Filbert is now known as Guest20567
bazhangEagleScreen, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic12:19
alasdairsimanyone? Ubuntu 9.04 and wireless?12:19
richardcavellmobi-sheep: currently I have the MIB theme playing every time my name is mentioned, so every time you mention me, Will Smith starts singing12:19
EagleScreenin ubuntu-offtopic i cannot help to fix real problems of the people12:19
ubuntuso, is it possible to recovery mbr12:19
kyjanever mind I figured it out.12:20
popartinalasdairsim: tell us the problem12:20
* kyja face red12:20
bazhangEagleScreen, then stay on topic here.12:20
Slartrichardcavell: they don't have sounds on gnome-look.org? or just graphics stuff?12:20
ubuntualasdairsim: what problem you have with wireless12:20
rdakini can't seem to figure out how to install jre on my hardy distro...12:20
alasdairsimMy wireless connection shows up, with signal strength but it won't connect. The LAN works fine12:20
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: You could use sleep, I think.  "sleep 3h && vlc MIB.avi"   Sleep for 3 hours and it'll start running MIB movie.12:20
=== Crazy is now known as Julia
EagleScreenalasdairsim, are you ising WPA or WEP?12:20
richardcavellmobi-sheep: seriously, every time you talk to me Will Smith starts singing and I have to turn him off manually12:21
ubuntualasdairsim: you can show what problem have in logs12:21
EagleScreenubuntu, what did you di with your MBR?12:21
rdakin"apt-get install sun-java6-jre" returns E: Package sun-java6-jdk has no installation candidate12:21
JoeMplease.... I cant login anymore12:21
rdakinany ideas?12:21
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Pick a small audio.  Not a song. :012:21
ubuntuso, /dev/sda is occorupted EagleScreen12:21
alasdairsim"SIOCSIFNETMASK: Cannot assign requested address12:21
alasdairsimSIOCADDRT: Invalid argument12:21
alasdairsimUnsupported driver '-P'."12:21
alasdairsimthat came up =s12:22
alasdairsimi'm a total noob at Linux12:22
JoeMcould someone at least tell me what runs during the login sequence for X that writes to .xsesson-errors so I can try and figure it out myself..12:22
EagleScreenalasdairsim, nm-applet sometimes give problems in WPA12:22
SlartJoeM: can you explain your problem again, please?12:23
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:23
linduxedalasdairsim: are you using Jaunty?12:23
linduxedalasdairsim: ok thats a good start12:23
EagleScreenin my university there is WPA connecition, I cannot connect to it with nm-applet-gnome but yes I can with networkmanager-kde12:23
mobi-sheepActionParsnip: Yo yo yo!12:24
ActionParsnip!wpa | EagleScreen12:24
ubottuEagleScreen: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:24
JoeMslart: In trying to fix a different problem I appear to have broken X.  When I try to login (GUI, GNOME) I get session lasted less than 10 seconds... the last line in .xsesson-errors reads "export: 2: -d bad variable name"12:24
Boohbahrichardcavell: you should use the fresh prince theme instead :)12:24
becomingGuruHi, I am trying to install hamster-applet using aptitude install and it is using Python3.0 rather than python2.6 how do i change it; This is of course causing many bugs12:24
ActionParsnipBoohbah: is he from belle air?12:24
alasdairsimnetworkmanager-kde. I'll give it a go12:24
JoeMslart: I THINK whatever that line is SHOULD read scim -d, but I have no idea where to look12:24
NET||abusemoymoy, sorry, i'm trouble shooting an apache problem at the same time.. you were saying?12:24
EagleScreenalasdairsim, install it with "sudo aptitude -R install networkmanager-kde"12:25
ActionParsnipbecomingGuru: you will need to upgrade python to 3.012:25
iMatterI Did The Install option from the LiveCD does it mean the install is done when the UI starts?12:25
NET||abusemoymoy, trying to sort out modrewrite and using a location block to password protect a url12:25
jribbecomingGuru: did you check bugs.ubuntu.com?12:25
iMatter(Live CD UI)12:25
becomingGurujrib, No I dint12:25
NET||abusemoymoy, anyway.. unmount the .gvfs is an idea, gimme a sec12:25
SlartJoeM: hmm... sounds odd that one failed export line would kill X..12:25
EagleScreenalasdairsim, you will need to close the gnome applet12:25
Dr_WillisbecomingGuru:  you can install python 2.6 - and if the applety be call it as 'python2.6' instead of just 'python' it should work then.. or you may need to edit the applet code to call  the older python12:26
ActionParsnipiMatter: did you run through the install process, like specify username and partitions etc12:26
becomingGuruI am trying to rename the 3.0 into 1.0, and thinking that it looks for the latest version of python on the system12:26
jribbecomingGuru: that doesn't make sense to me...12:26
alasdairsimdo you mean, uninstall it?12:26
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Dr_WillisbecomingGuru:  ive seen a few other python programs that dont like the newer python.12:26
NET||abusemoymoy, not sure how to unmount this by hand?12:26
becomingGuruDr_Willis, I have python 2.5 2.6 3.0 and 3.1 on my system, but it is by default using python23.012:26
jribbecomingGuru: why don't you pastebin what led you to your current conclusions?12:26
moymoyNET||abuse: if it's mounted using gnome, then you just click the eject button, no?12:27
Dr_WillisbecomingGuru:  so you need to edit that program then to call Python 2.5 not 'python'12:27
GeorgeJHello, i've run into some problems with mdamd :(12:27
iMatteriMatter: yes12:27
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: sudo umount /mount/point12:27
becomingGuruDr_Willis, Call to python calls python2.612:27
NET||abusemoymoy, yeh, got that ;)12:27
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SlartJoeM: can you pastebin you .xsession-errors  ... and perhaps /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:27
ActionParsnipiMatter: then shutdown the pc, take out the cd and power up12:27
JoeMslart before that happened I ran two commands, im-switch -s scim-bridge, and sudo update-alternatives --config xinput-all_ALL12:27
iMatterActionParsnip: Yes, and it was on the % part ( i chose the install option from the first-boot part thing)12:27
becomingGuruBut on installation i get the following error message INFO: using unknown version '/usr/bin/python3.0' (debian_defaults not up-to-date?)12:27
SlartJoeM: there's nothing relevant in var/log/syslog?12:27
NET||abuseActionParsnip, gvfs daemon is mounting it, i tried sudo umount on it and it said not allowed for block devices12:27
GeorgeJis there any way of stopping it from syncing? i only wish to format the software array raid i've maid12:28
NET||abuseActionParsnip, or sorry, block devices not permitted on fs12:28
iMatterActionParsnip: then screen went blank for a few minutes then the Live CD UI came up and it made the sound12:28
BlizzerandGeorgeJ : ??12:28
JoeMslart let me look, I managed to get into a failsafe gnome login12:28
ActionParsnipiMatter: hmm, sounds like its done to me, give it a whirl12:28
iMatterActionParsnip: Ok then12:28
ActionParsnipiMatter: you can always rerun12:28
NET||abusehmm, moymoy just unmounted it in nautilus, the .gvfs subdirectory for it was gone, then i tried to just browse the network again, still crashing nautilus?12:29
NET||abuseso not even mounted and it still crashsed12:29
moymoyNET||abuse: if it's mounted using gvfs, the umount command probably won't work.. and mounts mounted using 'sudo mount' can't be umounted using gnome12:29
moymoyNET||abuse: what are you clicking when it crashes? or does it just crash by itself?12:29
GeorgeJI've managed to set up mdadm. Made myself a software raid array. Now its syncing for some reason even if the paritions are blank. Is there any way to stop it from syncing and make both member partitions blank?12:29
NET||abusemoymoy, yeh, they're seperate systems. i saw that.12:29
iMatterOh wait im not done yet..12:29
iMatterneed to add space to /home12:30
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JoeMslart in syslog I keep seeing an error about gdmgreeter not finding theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks" around the time I tried to login, then a12:30
Guest28658is this where I can ask questions about ubuntu?12:30
lstarnesGuest28658: yes12:30
NET||abusemoymoy, i click the "network" item on the left in nautilus.. and it immediately just closes and icons vanish12:30
NET||abusemoymoy, desktop icons that is.12:30
Guest28658How do I upgrade Firefox to ver. 3.512:30
lstarnes!ff35 | Guest2865812:30
ubottuGuest28658: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY12:30
NET||abusemoymoy, i havn't rebooted yet, but i don't have time to reboot right now.12:30
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Dr_WillisGuest28658:  you 'install' it :) its not technically a upgrade.12:31
NET||abuselstarnes, Guest28658 3.5 is sooo annoyingly not better on amd64 arch12:31
JoeMslart: errors file: http://pastebin.com/m7132a87212:31
Guest28658what is the UI you refered to?12:31
moymoyNET||abuse: if you don't have to reboot, you can use a temporary fix12:31
JoeMslart Xorg.0.log is clean, no errors and only warnings are about type112:31
lstarnesNET||abuse: I've seen noticeable improvements on amd6412:31
moymoyNET||abuse: instead of using gvfs, you can try mounting using sudo mount12:31
ActionParsnipGuest28658: you can rename the current /usr/bin/firefox and make /usr/bin/firefox be a symlink to whatever runs the new one12:31
Dr_WillisGuest28658:  its in the normal package manager tools.. it makes a menu item called shiretoko12:31
NET||abusemoymoy, meh, well screw it, i was just frustrated by gnome being annoying.12:32
linduxedhave we gotten any word on whether it will eventually ship as an upgrade?12:32
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GeorgeJAny clues on how to save mdadm from syncing the 2 mirrored partitions? I'd like them both blank12:32
NET||abusemoymoy, i'll have to leave it for now.12:32
Dr_WillisI found that most of my extensions for firefox do not work in 3.512:32
moymoyNET||abuse: sudo mount //IP-ADDRESS/share /folder12:32
linduxedor will it stay as a separate install?12:32
JoeMslart relevant time period from syslog: http://pastebin.com/m67bd325012:32
moymoyNET||abuse: giving up?12:32
NET||abusemoymoy, for now i have some other issues that need to be worked on.12:32
linduxedDr_Willis: well yeah thats what i feared12:32
Dr_Willislinduxed:  i imagine it will not be forced on people.12:32
NET||abusei can access what i need for just this second throug the vista vm,12:32
Dr_Willislinduxed:  till the next release :)12:33
moymoyNET||abuse: understood.12:33
JoeMslart ignore last, copied wrong, this is right: http://pastebin.com/m6325669612:33
linduxedDr_Willis: hmmm, i'll most definately move to 3.5 when its in the official repos12:33
ActionParsniplinduxed: if 3.0.11 works, don't fix it12:33
Dr_Willislinduxed:  its in the repos now. :) its just optional.12:34
NET||abusemoymoy, grand, but thanks for all the advice,, it's just a bit of a thing with me, i like trying to understand why gnome or other aspects of thelinux desktop go glitchy, and try to nail down a fix, then document and post bugs if i can understand enough of the problem12:34
SlartJoeM: hmm.. the only thing I can find is that error about export12:34
Dr_Willislinduxed:  i got them both installed.. i dont see much need for me to use 3.5 yet.12:34
linduxedActionParsnip: its not a fix, i want tracemonkey among other things12:34
JoeMslart same, and 2 -d makes me thing something is messed up and it SHOULD be scim -d12:34
moymoyNET||abuse: that's a good habit though.. xD12:35
moymoyNET||abuse: model linux user ;)12:35
JoeMslart but I have no idea where (or how) a 2 got in there... so not sure where to look for it12:35
NET||abuseDr_Willis, there's nothing in it on the 64bit side of use, i was interested in the new javascript engine, but they've not built it with 64bit support as i understand. something to do with not using proper styles of library linking12:35
NET||abusemoymoy, haha, hardly, i ask stupid questions sometimes...12:35
VinnnnnHey Guys12:36
NET||abusemoymoy, but i try to make up for it by participating in bug tracking a little12:36
SlartJoeM: mm.. google isn't very helpful either12:36
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  not noticed. Ive just played with it on this 64bit box a little. Toyed whith that new video feature it has..  other then that.. not even noticed any new features12:36
JoeMslart yeah, I tried there first12:36
jribbecomingGuru: are you going to pastebin or have you solved your issue?12:36
JoeMslart Im basic with grep... how would I search every file from root up for that string?12:36
SlartJoeM: grep -R "blablabla" *    might work12:37
VinnnnnHey im really sorry, I just have a quick question, Im trying to install a theme which is just png's and an xml, and I was wondering how to install it?12:37
NET||abuseDr_Willis, what did they say, tracemonkey is meant to be 20 to 40 times faster than the old JS vm,, it just falls backto the old one in 64 bit i believe12:37
AlexJi broke the apache config fiel and i want to make a fresh install of apache212:37
ActionParsnipJoeM: cd /; sudo grep -R "stuff" *12:37
AlexJi did an apt-get purge apache2 and then an apt-get install apache2, but it wasn't resinstalled12:37
SlartJoeM: sorry... that will only search from the current directory    grep -R "blablabla" /*    would search from root12:37
ActionParsnipJoeM: the sudo just suppresses access denied messages12:37
NET||abuseDr_Willis, so we're deprived of imrpoved js, which still isn't even as fast as opera's js vm, V8 or the IE8 js engine12:38
* Akiva is seriously considering killing GNU Cash12:38
AlexJi deleted the contecnts of /etc/apache2... and now nothing new will install12:38
JoeMactionparsnip right, thanks12:38
ActionParsnipAlexJ: sudo apt-get --reinstall install apache212:38
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  i just like the message on some video sites now that says --> "Thanks to the new HTML 5 <video> tag, your cutting-edge browser is playing this video12:38
JoeMslart going to try that... might take a few minutes, heh12:38
NET||abuseDr_Willis, i'm not sure about what safari uses.12:38
AkivaCan anyone recommend a good accounting app for a small freelance business that doesn't take 4 years of accounting classes to use?12:38
Dr_Williswithout the help of a proprietary plugin."12:38
SlartJoeM: hehe... indeed it will12:39
NET||abuseDr_Willis, haha, yeh, true.12:39
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  down with flash. :)12:39
AkivaI have searched the Ubuntu forums and other places... Lots just seems a mess or for personal budgetting12:39
Severity1Akiva what kind of accounting program?12:39
NET||abuseDr_Willis, yeh, damn proprietary technology,,12:39
AlexJActionParsnip: nope..still nothing12:39
AkivaI run a web development firm and am looking for alternatives before I just use a spreadsheet ... I need to track expenses, income, etc12:39
Severity1i believe sourceforge have tons of accounting program12:40
NET||abuseDr_Willis, though, as a web dev, the ability to build a custom player in flash and deliver related or advertising content along with the video is a powerful positive mark in flash's direction, i'm not sure how i'm gonna do that with the video tag...12:40
AkivaSeverity1: I know, but most seem just as terrible as GNU Cash... I know of some web apps, but they are membership-for-fee based12:40
JoeMslart we'll see how fast this SSD really is, heh12:40
VinnnnnHey guys, anyone know how Id go about installing that theme? I tried looking around on google, but didn't really get a straight answer.. its just a few pngs (session_on.png, etc) and an xml12:40
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  i find the comercials in flash annoying.   and most of the otehr new flash features even more annoying. :)12:41
NET||abuseDr_Willis, still, it's fun and you never know where these concepts are gonna go.12:41
jribVinnnnn: "that theme"?12:41
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  they always manager to get the comercials in the worst places of a video12:41
* G69 deseja um bom dia a todos12:41
AkivaSeverity1: Do you have any experience? Even if I could find a simple tutorial on how to use GNUCash... I entered a bunch of stuff last night and had a hell of a time. The docs are close to 200 pages12:41
sidewalkhow does one upgrade the openssh-server in Ubuntu to the latest?12:41
sidewalkubuntu 8.10 sorry12:41
VinnnnnOh yeah, I asked a few minutes ago but everyone was in the middle of a conversation12:41
NET||abuseDr_Willis, yeh, but it's a reality of running content sites, you gotta monetize to a certain degree.12:41
VinnnnnI don't want to be rude or anything, aha12:41
jribsidewalk: sudo apt-get install openssh-server will give you the latest version of the package in the repositories12:41
jribVinnnnn: you have never said what theme it is...12:42
NET||abuseDr_Willis, well that's just down to the style of advertising delivery..12:42
JoeMslart do you know what all runs during login, might narrow down my search12:42
GeorgeJAnyone familliar with mdadm, and could help me out please?12:42
sdcanyone with an i7 cpu?12:42
sidewalkdoesnt 8.10 have a secured openssh-serveR?12:42
NET||abuseDr_Willis, and they're things that can be managed in different ways..12:42
moymoysidewalk: most of the time, the latest in the repos are good enough12:42
sidewalkwhich isnt vuln to the latest sploit12:42
ActionParsnip!anyone | sdc12:42
ubottusdc: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:42
Vinnnnnjrib, its called Acemone12:42
jribsidewalk: check the changelog.  Usually security fixes are isolated and patched12:43
SlartJoeM: not really... I would search in /etc and in your home folder.. those two will contain most of the configuration files..12:43
moymoysidewalk: 'ssh localhost' to test if you already have one running12:43
NET||abuseDr_Willis, we were looking at a way to register custom bookmarks in video streams to pause and suspend playback and deliver commercial video inbetween, allowing proper editorial control on where the stuff gets insrted.12:43
jribVinnnnn: link...12:43
sdcActionParsnip: learn to read.12:43
=== Crazy is now known as Guest97460
kellidose any one know how i can set up automatic up date on my computer12:43
zeitsofahello :) i like to use psad. It's installed and deamon are running. psad sends me an email, i have to setup an iptables rule with "iptables -A INPUT -j LOG" but the command prints error "iptables: No chain/target/match by that name". how can i fix this?12:43
jribsdc: please don't do that.  You need to ask an actual support question12:43
SlartJoeM: but there might be other stuff around... but at least it will give you a start.. and you won't have to search through /usr12:43
JoeMslart hmm, I tried grepping for it and it didn't even find that string in .xsesson-errors12:44
Myx0x3noobquestion, new window in screen is? CTRL+A + ?12:44
Severity1Akiva have you tried this? http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/12:44
Vinnnnnjrib, http://siddolosopenlab.altervista.org/blog/?p=97. Download button is about half way down12:44
=== nperry is now known as h4wk
SlartJoeM: hmm.. what command did you use?12:44
lstarnesMyx0x3: ctrl+a c12:44
GeorgeJI've managed to set up mdadm. Made myself a software raid array. Now its syncing for some reason even if the paritions are blank. Is there any way to stop it from syncing blank partitions?12:44
=== h4wk is now known as nperry`
jribVinnnnn: it's a gdm theme.  Uses System -> Administration -> Login Window12:44
JoeMslart: sudo grep -R "2 -d" *12:45
moymoyMyx0x3: new window is F2 i believe12:45
Vinnnnnjrib, do I load the XML?12:45
=== nperry` is now known as nperry
ActionParsnipsdc: well your question is pointless. DO you want a simple "yes"12:45
ActionParsnipsdc: i'm sure lots of people use them.12:45
jribVinnnnn: no you just install the tar.gz using the Login Window interface12:45
sdcif anyone has an i7 cpu, could he paste me in pm his cat /proc/cpuinfo output? thanks12:45
ActionParsnipsdc: why didnt you just put that?12:45
ActionParsnipsdc: thats why ubottu has that factoid12:46
iMatterOMG _dies_12:46
JoeMslart I think I might have found something... a few files set XIM_ARGS="-d" so that might be anotehr thing I need to look for12:46
kellihow do i set up updates on my computer?12:46
Vinnnnnjrib: Fantastic, thanks a lot. Can't believe how good the support is on ubuntu, can't wait until I learn the ropes a little more and can join in12:46
AkivaSeverity1: Yeah, that is the one that is like 200 pages to print. I mean, GNU Cash seems complete enough, but perhaps it's too much overkill for my needs12:46
=== Guest97460 is now known as Julia
ActionParsnipsdc: and in reply. "Thank you. I can read very well"12:46
iMatterI booted error 22 -.-12:46
=== Julia is now known as Crazy_
Crazy_Please help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7586566#post758656612:46
sdcActionParsnip: sorry then12:46
iMatterIs jaunty supposed to be about 2.44GB installed? ActionParsnip12:46
duryhi there channel :)12:46
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lstarnesiMatter: that seems about right12:46
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ActionParsnipiMatter: sounds about right12:47
iMatterI got error 22 when I tried to boot12:47
Vinnnnnjrib: is that the GtkRC?12:47
=== Guest10387 is now known as Julia
sidewalkso, can anyone tell me how i upgrade to the latest version of openssh-server in Ubuntu 8.10?'12:48
iMatterActionParsnip: Hmm grub gave me an error 22 .. How woufl I fix12:48
Vinnnnnsudo apt-get install openssh-server sidewalk?12:48
duryI've got this iso -> ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso  is it possible to burn it in a dvd?12:48
ActionParsnipsdc: maybe this: http://fr.pastebin.ca/147592512:49
Severity1Akiva, have you tried Grisbi or Eqonomize!12:49
ActionParsnip!grub | iMatter12:49
ubottuiMatter: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:49
sdcActionParsnip: thanks!12:49
pokesomirichard are you there?12:49
Vinnnnndury: I think you can only burn it to a cd12:49
OttifantSiriMatter: A forum thread with a solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46483612:49
Slartdury: I'm not sure but I think so.. there are dvd-images available too12:49
Vinnnnndury: :p who doesn't have CD's laying around.12:49
duryor I have to download an special one for dvd?12:49
ActionParsnipiMatter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46483612:49
Dr_Willisive never had luck burning a cd image onto a 'dvd' disk12:50
Dr_WillisI also tend to use unetbootin to just burn/install  the cd image to a bootable flash disk12:50
Vinnnnndury: Maybe you could rip the iso and burn the whole thing to a dvd, hmm12:50
moymoyiMatter: error 22 is "file not found" right?12:50
AkivaSeverity1: I was told both of those are for personal money management, not invoicing clients and payments received. Is that wrong?12:51
ActionParsnipyou could mount the cd and then make a dvd iso from the data, not sure if it would work12:51
bazhangdury, of course you can burn to dvd; will waste some space is all12:51
Vinnnnnbazhang: I don't think you can, I tried with a backup copy of office12:51
Vinnnnnbazhang: since its an ISO12:51
ActionParsnipi've started doing usb installs now, much smoother12:51
bazhangVinnnnn, iso of course you can12:51
JoeMslart could it be that some of the... hell with it, I have an idea12:52
Vinnnnnbazhang: If you can, I've never had any luck with it12:52
JoeMslart I'm positive the problem is with scim, i will just remove scim12:52
durybazhang: sure?12:52
SlartJoeM: that might fix it =)12:52
bazhangdury, alternately , to not waste space, you could get the dvd.iso12:52
Vinnnnnbazhang: but whether it's the cd version or the dvd version wouldn't it use the same amount of space?12:53
iMatterActionParsnip: Error 15 file not found.12:53
JoeMslart easy enough to reinstall later12:53
SlartJoeM: sure12:53
ActionParsnipiMatter: i'd reconfigure grub. Sounds like the install didnt complete.12:54
iMatter!!!!! I feel like dieing 4th tries the charm -.-12:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:54
durybazhang: it's for a PIII, 131MB RAM, 30 GB HD12:54
iMatterActionParsnip: How would I go about that ...12:54
JoeMslart well... that didn't work either12:54
bazhangdury, what is? the install iso?12:55
ActionParsnipiMatter: the grub factoid will help12:55
ActionParsnip!grub > iMatter12:55
ubottuiMatter, please see my private message12:55
durybazhang: which ubuntu will fit in that PC,  8.04 maybe12:57
Dr_Willisdury:  most will fit.. but that machine may be a bit sluggish with the full kde or gnome desktops.12:57
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
bazhangdury, 131MB of ram? that won't be a pleasant experience12:58
Dr_Willisdury:  you may want to go with xubuntu, or some other uber-light disrtos12:58
=== Siv is now known as Sivrullirmiut
ActionParsnipdury: use lxde and you'll be fine12:58
Dr_WillisHow do you even get 131mb of ram..12:58
duryI friend of mine give me that pc12:59
duryold pc12:59
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: 128Mb + 64Mb + 61Mb onboard video (?)12:59
ActionParsnipthats mathswang!!!12:59
bazhangdoubtful the live installer could even show up with that amount of ram though13:00
ActionParsnipbazhang: me too, think its gonna be an alternate install13:00
mobi-sheepdury: Just use it for something.  Small server or torrentbox.13:00
Severity1Akiva well Grisbi is almost the same as GnuCash13:01
bazhangActionParsnip, thought it took 192MB or so for the livecd13:01
Dr_Willisdury:  puppylinux wouldbe very useable on that machine. :) but its somewhat 'quirky' in ways. heh13:01
JoeMslart well, not working... but now .xsession-errors only has two lines: /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...  then that line13:02
bazhangdury, alternate or minimal installer, add lxde or another very lightweight wm13:02
ActionParsnipbazhang: not sure tbh13:02
SlartJoeM: hmm.. but you still can't login normally?13:02
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu13:02
ActionParsnipbazhang: i've started doing that, minimal install then apt-get install lxde13:03
JoeMslart no, after the begining session... line I get that export error13:03
durymobi-sheep: it's for the use of teenager and kids13:03
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tonynihi all13:03
JoeMslart only thing I can see that runs in that file with a 2 in it is umask 02213:03
JoeMslart which is in /etc/profile13:04
tonynii have a question regarding firestarter and gufw13:04
SlartJoeM: doesn't sound like what you're looking for..13:04
tonynii tried to switch to gufw, but apparently firestarter has priority over gufw13:04
iMatterActionParsnip: Cross your fingers...13:04
tonynianyway to fix this?13:04
JoeMslart nope13:04
bazhangrequirements says 64MB of ram, but that's hard to believe13:04
areelsWhy flash applications are running slow on ubuntu?13:05
moymoynautilus has been having lots of memory leaks recently13:05
moymoyso has gnome-do13:05
linduxedmoymoy: ive always found thunar more worthwhile13:06
jercosIs there any way to share a device with another computer and have it work at a reasonable speed? I'd like to watch a movie on one computer playing off a DVD-rom drive in a computer in another room on the same network...13:06
velcroshoozHeya, anyone know offhand if any linux music apps support AVRCP with wireless headsets?13:06
iMatterOMG -really dies- ActionParsnip im at. Grub prompt now13:06
areelsmount it as a local drive from share jercos13:06
ryanakcaIs it possible to install packages under one's home directory?13:07
iMatterAfter restarting, ActionParsnip13:07
jercosareels: elaborate?13:07
moymoylinduxed: true.. thunar is pretty fast also, but i like the gnome/nautilus integration13:07
Dr_Willisjercos:  i wired or wireless network?13:07
moymoylinduxed: but i do use thunar when i'm in a fluxbox session ;)13:07
linduxedmoymoy: the integration is really the only reason to use nautilus13:07
duryDr_Willis: could you drive me to the iso of puppylinux to download13:07
Dr_Willisryanakca:  not that i have ever seen a way to do that.13:07
jercosDr_Willis: wired13:07
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linduxedmoymoy: and of that integration i really only use the mounting stuff13:08
Dr_Willisdury:  puppylinux.org see #puppylinux also13:08
JoeMslart I am completely out of ideas13:08
moymoywhat WM does puppylinux use?13:08
roey_hello, how do I make it so that the kernel source winds up under /lib/modules/(kernel version)/source?  I'm trying to build the ATI proprietary kernel module and the installer script keeps complaining about that (DKMS-related)13:08
moymoylinduxed: yeah me too.. and gtk looks nice13:08
SlartJoeM: mm.. I've been googling for anything related to scim and login problems.. but all I've found are really old threads..13:09
Dr_Willisjercos:  Hmm.. ive watched movies that way befr i think. but i tend tojust rip/encode the dvd to  avi format  i also have gigibit networking setup13:09
linduxedmoymoy: ok the looks are a factor too13:09
ActionParsnipiMatter: i'd just reinstall. Did you MD5 check the ISO you used? Did you make the CD verify itself?13:09
moymoylinduxed: how do you put things on your desktop without using nautilus?13:09
comatsui need to format a drive partition (/media/sda3) what the command to use?13:09
Slartcomatsu: mkfs ?13:09
richardcavellcomatsu, mkfs13:10
JoeMslart me too13:10
jercosDr_Willis: yeah, if I was a patient person I'd just ssh in and run the DVD through mencoder then drop in into an NFS-exported area13:10
richardcavellcomatsu: mkfs.ext3 /media/sd313:10
ryanakcaDr_Willis: Thanks13:10
coz_moymoy,  looks like it is jwm13:10
linduxedmoymoy: i dont think you do... but on the other hand i hate having stuff on my desktop... now i dont even have one (i use Awesome)13:10
coz_moymoy,  or joe's window manager13:10
Dr_Willisjercos:  you can copy the files from the dvd to hard drive and play them from there also :) with the right player13:10
Slartcomatsu: but I think you need to give it the  device name.. not the mount point.. ie /dev/sda3 instead of /media/sda313:10
roey_clockwork_alex: nice nick13:10
jercosbut I'd kinda like to be able to slap in a DVD in one room and have it start playing on the other computer13:10
moymoycoz_: wow, i asked that question a while ago! how did you spot that?13:10
Dr_Willisjwm - is a neat little window manager.13:10
jercosDr_Willis: ripping is thus, too slow.13:11
coz_moymoy,  I saw and then googled :013:11
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richardcavellcomatsu: Actually, Slart said what I was going to say13:11
richardcavellcomatsu: I think you have to unmount and give it the /dev13:11
clockwork_alexthnx :P13:11
coz_moymoy,    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JWM13:11
moymoylinduxed: i like being able to draw boxes with the little highlight clicks on my desktop ;)13:11
comatsurichardcavell and slart ok thanks will try that13:11
Dr_Willisjercos:  i always rip befor i reencode anyway. dosent seem to take me more then a few min to get the dvd to a iso file.13:11
coz_moymoy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppy_Linux#GUI13:11
areelsis there any tool to track what an application is doing on ubuntu? i wonder why my flash applications are running slow?13:11
linduxedmoymoy: i like to not use the mouse at all13:12
CosmicChaosHallo i have a problem with Ubuntu and my USB-Devices, powertop tells me to enable usb-suspend for my mouse, keyboard and tv-stick, so i added the correspandant kernel parameter in menu.lst permanently and rebooted. powertop still wants me to do so or to press U, but it will not activate usb-suspend, any ideas?13:12
jercosDr_Willis: oh thee of fast DVD players :P guess it's time to upgrade my half-broken 4x drive.13:12
linduxedmoymoy: Awesome as WM, vimperator as browser, keybindings for everything13:12
moymoylinduxed: i used to play starcraft, so i developed a habit of drawing boxes with my mouse13:12
CosmicChaospowertop keeps notifieng on and on13:12
moymoycoz_: thanks.. puppylinux looks nice.. but i'm anticipating LainOS when they finally reach their goal13:13
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comatsuactually - whats the command to unmount a drive?13:13
Dr_Willisjercos:  a new dvd drive costs less then a new dvd movie at many places :)13:13
jercoscomatsu: umount13:13
coz_moymoy,   have you thought of  opensolaris13:13
moymoycoz_: LainOS is pretty much dead right now save for 2 developers still working on it13:13
velcroshoozanyone know offhand if any linux music apps support AVRCP with wireless headsets? or another app to add it globally or what have you so i can use it with current music apps13:13
T3raI am having problems with host names .... i have edited my /etc/hosts but still they dont show up ? (i have tired restarting networking )13:13
JoeMslart putting scim back since that didnt seem to do it... maybe putting it back will fix it :P13:13
moymoycoz_: thought of it.. but didn't think UNIX had anything over Linux13:14
SlartJoeM: hehe.. one can always hope =)13:14
coz_moymoy,  open solaris is extremely fast and cool  if your hardware doesnt give13:14
coz_you issues13:14
coz_moymoy,  it also comes with compiz13:14
moymoymaybe i'll install it over my vista partition13:14
coz_moymoy,  just try the live13:14
moymoyhow big is the ISO?13:15
jercoswait a sec, DVD drives on a APATA bus use ATAPI which just tunnels SCSI... maybe I can convince an iSCSI initiator to work!13:15
coz_moymoy,   the live cd... you will see how fast it is jut from the live cd13:15
coz_moymoy,  it fits on a cd13:15
JoeMslart nope13:15
moymoycoz_: hate downloading block images of devices... so huge, and my connection isn't fast =[13:15
SlartJoeM: that other command you ran? was that for scim too?13:15
T3racan someone please help me with hostanmes ?13:15
coz_moymoy,  i would be using it now but it doesnt have scsi drivers included13:16
chuxxsssI hate ubuntu update as there is no freedom to stop pulse audio reinstall itself now my dragon Naturally speaking 10 does not work again good way to pull people off using ubuntu guys.13:16
JoeMslart was trying to fix the last issue I have after the install... that one should have changed my default input method to scim-bridge (same thing the other one should have done, which it did)13:17
iMatterPLEASE HELP: its not even booting from live cd now its just going directly to grub prompt13:17
bazhangchuxxsss, dragon has a linux version?13:17
linduxedchuxxsss: they should dump pulse in favour of gstreamer13:17
Dr_Willisi think hes mad because wine is breaking it.13:17
moymoycoz_: what filesystems does UNIX support?13:17
coz_moymoy,  open solaris is zfs13:17
coz_moymoy,  way better :)13:17
roey_Dr_Willis: heya! long time no see!13:17
coz_moymoy,  google zfs13:17
chuxxsssBazhang no I had it work on my machine with some limitions13:17
bazhangchuxxsss, via wine?13:18
roey_hola maco13:18
coz_moymoy,    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZFS13:18
chuxxsssyes and playonlinux using scripts13:18
comatsuhow do i mount /dev/sda3?13:18
moymoycoz_: yeah.. lots of people talk about zfs13:19
moymoycoz_: are you using ubuntu or some other linux?13:19
coz_moymoy,  ubuntu13:19
chuxxsssI was using it with MSoffice on ubuntu but some out there think they can play god again in ubuntu updates.  I wish I still had the amiga OS it work but to old now days... I had contrl over it13:20
JoeMslart any idea what is different between a normal login and gnome failsafe?13:20
laegis there a way to make ifconfig display the gateway?13:21
bazhangchuxxsss, add it to brainstorm, or chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:21
SlartJoeM: not really sure what the difference is.. failsafe works when the normal one doesn't ;)13:21
JoeMslart heh, that part I know :P13:21
Slartlaeg: I think the gateway is set using... uhm... route?13:21
OttifantSirWith AWN, no panels and no fast-user-switch-applet, how do I simply log out to the GDM? The only option I have in AWN is Shut down computer and Restart computer.13:22
SlartOttifantSir: open a terminal and run "shutdown -r now" ?13:22
SlartOttifantSir: or.. wait.. log out.. nevermind13:23
moymoycoz_: hmm .. seems the same.. just has a cooler filesystem13:23
laegSlart: i have it set in the network connections gui, i'm just wondering if i can have ssh display it13:23
coz_moymoy,  very cool file system13:23
moymoycoz_: runs GNOME and UNIX platforms use Bash now, and take things from Gnu13:23
coz_moymoy,  well its worth a live cd test none the less  but  I also wont give up ubuntu13:24
moymoycoz_: i'll try it.. i'll have to wait for it to download though13:24
chuxxsssremove pulse audio it sucks13:25
coz_moymoy,  yeah i dont think you will be dissapointed   unix  configures hardware just little better than linux in my opinion I can do things from the live cd better and faster than on installed ubuntu13:25
velcroshoozanyone know offhand if any linux music apps support AVRCP with wireless headsets? or another app to add it globally or what have you so i can use it with current music apps13:25
moymoycoz_: hardware vendors make UNIX drivers, but people install those on Linux, because UNIX drivers also work on linux13:26
coz_moymoy,  yes  but still give it a try   ...why are you looking for another distribution anyway?13:27
JoeMslart grr... this is pissing me off, I bought new hardware on Monday...it'now Thursday and I still don't have a working system13:27
=== Crazy is now known as Guest62875
Titan8990JoeM, were you sure to buy compatible hardware?13:28
ActionParsnipTitan8990: +1 there dude13:28
digitaloktay_hi people13:28
ActionParsnipShop smart. shop s-mart13:28
ActionParsnip!hi | digitaloktay_13:28
ubottudigitaloktay_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:28
JoeMtitan8990 yes, all my problems have been software related13:28
moymoycoz_: i just want to see what else there is besides ubuntu13:29
moymoycoz_: and i always see people complaining about ubuntu being slow and how fast all the other linux distros are13:29
ActionParsnipmoymoy: www.distrowatch.com13:29
coz_moymoy,  oh well quite a few but I have tested them all and still go back to ubuntu13:29
JoeMtitan8990 and a lot just getting configurations and hotkeys, etc back the way they were before... last issue I had was that ComposeKey appears to be on PERMANENTLY, in trying to fix that I can no longer login (only failsafe mode works)13:29
Drekiis there anything like maybe a device manager or somthing along those lines i can use to look at hardware config and drivers?13:30
indusDreki: install hwinfo13:30
richardcavellmobi-sheep: Okay, I think I'm set up now13:30
digitaloktay_Wow Ubuntu 8.04 LTS runs great13:30
ActionParsnipmoymoy: mandriva is decent imho, and suse, puppy13:30
moymoyActionParsnip: thanks, action13:30
Titan8990Dreki, sudo lshw13:30
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Good.  You can see my message better?  Heard my song too?13:30
coz_moymoy,  ubuntu can be a bit resource intensive sometimes  but if you want a linux that you can set for you hardware specifically I would go gentoo   you have to configure for your hardware   fedora and suse also thed to hog at times and if the window manager is KDE 4.3  then there goes more resources13:30
ActionParsnipmoymoy: a stock install of ubuntu is quite slow, there are steps you can take to get more horsepower13:31
richardcavellmobi-sheep: I can see your message much better now. It's in yellow. You now make a doorbell sound13:31
Titan8990coz_, NO.... gentoo is not for low hardware13:31
richardcavellmobi-sheep: hey can you pm me just to test?13:31
roey_mobi-sheep: hehehe nice nick13:31
Titan8990coz_, have you ever tried to compile openoffice on a pentium 3?13:31
coz_Titan8990,  oh!  well I was under the impressioin it can be configures for the onborad hardware13:31
coz_Titan8990,  oh lol13:31
moymoyActionParsnip: i have the ubuntu minimum iso, but i can't get over how much of a waste it would be to burn an iso that is a few megabytes onto a CD13:32
dpreacherhello has anyone set up smokeping on their server? I am unable to see the new hosts that I've added under Targets13:32
Titan8990coz_, you CAN build it for low maint systems but it is an enthusiast source compiled distro13:32
moymoyActionParsnip: the minimum install was what you were referring to right?13:32
coz_Titan8990,  yeah i generally never sugges gentoo to anyone13:32
Titan8990coz_, and all that compiling takes some hoursepower13:32
coz_for sure13:32
ActionParsnipmoymoy: its only a disk but it offers greater potential than say an ubuntu disk or a kubuntu disk13:32
=== Crazy is now known as Guest51949
Flasbang73My ubuntu 9.04 desktop 64-bit installation has been extremely slow lately13:32
civixierIs there a way to change icon size depending on how much memory it takes? Such as a 1gb directory or file is bigger than a 100mb directory or file?13:33
Titan8990coz_, Linux boole 2.6.27-gentoo-r8 #8 Tue Jun 9 06:41:14 EDT 2009 i686 Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU 420 @ 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux <----- 24hrs to compile kde13:33
mobi-sheepmoymoy: I burn minimal disks all times.  Don't worry about blank discs.  They are dime a dozen.13:33
coz_moymoy,  you will be please with opensolaris  if for nothing else it's speed13:33
coz_Titan8990,  ah ok :)13:33
civixierIn both desktop and nautilus I mean13:33
Slartcivixier: it might be possible but I've never seen it done13:33
ActionParsnipmoymoy: thats one thing yes. you can also take these steps: http://digg.com/linux_unix/How_to_make_Ubuntu_extremely_fast13:33
johnrdavisjrHas anyone had any problems with a Ubuntu 9.04 32bit edition using excess CPU usage in pidgin?13:33
richardcavelljohn on 64-bit 9.04 my pidgin hangs13:34
civixierSlart: Ah, okay. Would be a nice feature though :)13:34
ActionParsnipmoymoy: you can also play with hdparm (with caution) to get more data from your slow hard drives13:34
hrgaIs this bug in Ubuntu? When I open window to change desktop background, the window is not drawed with titlebar?13:34
EledranI have no problems with pidgin13:34
moymoyActionParsnip: arch-like install for ubuntu.. i like that. But without the ubuntu-desktop pakage being installed, what happens during distribution upgrades?13:34
indus_richardcavell: hey i have 64 bit but pidgin is fine13:34
velcroshoozanyone know offhand if any linux music apps support AVRCP with wireless headsets? or another app to add it globally or what have you so i can use it with current music apps13:34
ActionParsnipjohnrdavisjr: try closing pidgin then renaming ~/.purple13:34
indus_richardcavell: happens everytime?13:34
Titan8990hrga, sounds like your window manager has crashed or is not running13:34
ActionParsnipmoymoy: you will need one of the desktop packages installed (really annoying)13:34
richardcavellindus_: yeah13:34
Slartcivixier: afaik there is an app that is responsible for creating the icons for each file.. depending on the filetype it can extract text, make a thumbnail etc ... I guess you could modify that so it takes into account the file size13:34
ubuntuhi all13:34
Titan8990hrga, or in the case of compiz, "window decorator"13:35
=== ubuntu is now known as Exor
johnrdavisjrActionParsnip: Why wil lrenaming help that situation?13:35
ActionParsnipjohnrdavisjr: if its still no ood, you can rename back. If its better then you know its the profile13:35
indus_richardcavell: did u run it from terminal and see?13:35
moymoyActionParsnip: so my desktop needs to be stripped down again after every upgrade?13:35
Exordoes anyone know how to do remote assistance from ubuntu to windows xp ?13:35
johnrdavisjrActionParsnip: 10-4. I could always install 64bit edition and see if there is a problem. lol13:35
ActionParsnipjohnrdavisjr: when you rerun you will get a stock profile which will hopefully be faster, if it is then there is an issue with your profilr13:35
richardcavellindus_: no but I can do it if you're really interested13:36
SlartExor: I would use vnc13:36
indus_richardcavell: iam really interested :) really13:36
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ActionParsnipmoymoy: no, you shouldnt need to.13:36
civixierSlart: Sounds like it wouldn't be that hard to figure out then, thanks :D13:36
Exorvnc works on windows ?13:36
SlartExor: yes13:36
ActionParsnipExor: yes13:36
wdyrti use tightvnc on windows13:36
ActionParsnipExor: it sucks, but yes13:36
indus_wow so many people to help :D13:36
Exormuauha :D13:36
Slartindus_: we like the easy questions =)13:37
indus_ya i figured that out :P13:37
richardcavellindus_: Okay, I'm loading it now13:37
johnrdavisjrWhat is ubuntu's stance on using ext4?13:37
richardcavelljohnrdavisjr: there's a post about it on ubuntuforums.org. It's considered potentially unstable but they're thinking of putting it in 9.1013:38
Flasbang73My ubuntu 9.04 desktop 64-bit installation has been extremely slow lately13:38
DEBUNTU73WHERE DOES IST LIVE ? - Is there a shell command that would show me on which filesystem a given file or dirname "lives" on (resides) ? something like   where-u-from /home/somedir  that points me to / or /home or /dev/sdb6 etc ??13:38
ActionParsnipjohnrdavisjr: i wouldnt use it in a production system personally13:38
johnrdavisjrActionParsnip: I have not personally used it, but was curious.13:38
ActionParsnipDEBUNTU73: you can run: mount13:38
richardcavellindus_: it works now. I notice that there was an update since last time I used it13:38
enzosomeone knows where are stored crontab for users ?13:39
indus_richardcavell: hmm13:39
johnrdavisjrDoes anyone have any experience with zfs and ubuntu server?13:39
ActionParsnipDEBUNTU73: then you can work out which of those mount points the file lives, which will give the fs13:39
SlartDEBUNTU73: I haven't seen anything that does that.. it might be useful though13:39
Myth_can i use coreldraw in ubntu or some similar app13:39
indus_easy question 2 coming up13:39
linduxedrandom banter - drop pulse in favour of gstreamer13:39
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vegombreianyone tried google chrome yet?13:39
Kartagishow can I change the system sounds? When I go to System > Preferences > Sound, it says Default and doesn't let me change13:39
ActionParsnip!cron | enzo13:39
ubottuenzo: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm13:39
Slartvegombrei: for linux?13:39
binarymutantMyth_, have you tried gimp?13:39
ActionParsnipMyth_: it may run in wine13:39
Slartvegombrei: I thought it was windows only..13:39
Exori installed team viewer using wine :S13:39
vegombreiSlart: yeah13:39
ActionParsnip!appdb | Myth_13:39
ubottuMyth_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:40
Flasbang73can someone help me my ubuntu installation has been extremely slow lately13:40
=== jamie is now known as Guest14200
Exorit's possible that it works ?13:40
vegombreiSlart: it says linux based operating system13:40
SlartFlasbang73: more details.. what is slow, examples.. what kind of system.. any special hardware?13:40
ActionParsnipFlasbang73: try running top  and watching a while13:40
indus_Flasbang73: try using htop13:41
enzoActionParsnip: those links always explain cron without indicating where there are stored...13:41
moymoyvegombrei: i'm using the Chromium build for Linux .. so far it's been great13:41
hrgaok, I solved it. It was compiz13:41
vegombreiSlart: http://www.dailytech.com/Google+Unveils+Linuxbased+Chrome+OS/article15632.htm13:41
C-S-B_moymoy: does it have flash yet?13:41
indus_enzo: /etc/crontab13:41
moymoyvegombrei: you can get it from the Fabien tassen PPA13:41
digitaloktay_Wow Ubuntu 8.04 LTS runs great, which version is the next LTS ??13:41
richardcavellindus_: I'm glad you asked me about pidgin, because that last update got it working13:41
enzono it's the system wide cron13:41
moymoyC-S-B_: nope.. no flash yet13:41
Flasbang73when you send a message to a specific person do u put there name like this "name:" or like this "name"13:41
vegombreimoymoy: check out the link i pasted13:41
DEBUNTU73ActionParsnip: yep.. that's the problem.. I need to work it out :) need to hack several commands like mount, ls -d and more to actualy find out where a path is actualiy comning from.13:41
Slartenzo: I've found them in the past.. they are in some weird place.. /usr/lib perhaps.. I can't remember13:42
indus_richardcavell: iam always glad when something works :)13:42
C-S-B_moymoy: whens the projected release date?13:42
indus_enzo: /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly13:42
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enzothe name contains cron start ?13:42
richardcavellindus_: well, I guess so am I13:42
enzono indus_, not the place for user cron13:42
moymoyvegombrei: what link?13:42
enzoI'm talking about the crontab -l -u lambda13:43
moymoyC-S-B_: no release date, they just have a mailing list on google... but chromium is shaping up pretty good13:43
Flasbang73nobody is helping me13:43
vegombreimoymoy: http://www.dailytech.com/Google+Unveils+Linuxbased+Chrome+OS/article15632.htm13:43
C-S-B_moymoy: so Ive heard, what do you think about chrome os? Google linux :)13:43
indus_enzo: aah for user lambda13:43
jneveshow to unlock a file?13:43
richardcavellFlasbang73: put their name and a colon13:43
bazhangFlasbang73, which irc client13:43
Slartvegombrei: thanks13:43
enzoyou know where they are indus_ ?13:44
Flasbang73thank you13:44
C-S-B_moymoy: I'm hoping manufacturers will be more inclined to build linux drivers when googles on board!13:44
indus_enzo: wait 1 sec google knows13:44
Flasbang73bazhang: im using pidgin13:44
indus_enzo: aah /var/spool/cron/crontabs13:44
bazhangnot certain if pidgin offers tab-complete Flasbang7313:44
ActionParsnipDEBUNTU73: sounds like a project, you could grep the mount against the output of the full path of the file, see if any match13:44
enzoah yes ! thanks indus_13:45
Flasbang73tab complete?13:45
bazhangFlasbang73, such as baz <tab> to complete my name13:45
indus_enzo: most welcome13:45
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04)13:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm13:45
JoeMslart ok... got another idea then13:45
Flasbang73bazhang: ummmm what other client could i use13:45
indus_anyone know why i should use 9.04 and not 8.04?13:45
SlartJoeM: oh? let's hear it13:45
richardcavellhey, what does it mean when ubottu puts a bang in front of things, like !Hardy?13:46
Picirichardcavell: They are also bot triggers13:46
indus_Flasbang73: what is it you are looking for?13:46
JoeMslart make another user and see if they have the same issue... that will at least tell me if it's in /etc or users config13:46
Slartindus_: for a production system where you don't need the latest and greatest of everything.. but something that is stable for a longer time13:46
SlartJoeM: excellent idea..good thinking there13:46
Flasbang73indus_: my ubuntu installation has been extremely slow13:46
bazhangFlasbang73, there are a large number: weechat irssi, xchat, and others13:46
richardcavellPici: So it's just letting me know that I can ask ubottu about those topics?13:47
JoeMslart and new user has no problems13:47
indus_Slart: any idea if ff 3.5 is backported to hardy? I dont like the ff 3.0 , its too sluggish13:47
Slartrichardcavell: it means you can write !hardy in the channel and ubottu will tell you about it13:47
phant0m_need help movie player has a library error13:47
indus_richardcavell: you can pm ubottu direct and ask so u dont flood the channel13:47
Picirichardcavell: Yes.13:48
SlartJoeM: so it's a user preference thing.. then it should be in your home folder13:48
phant0m_any suggestions?13:48
geremysomebody knows which skin is used in screenshoots at http://greg.geekmind.org/eee-control/#requirements13:48
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OttifantSirI have deleted all panels and use AWN. I would like to know how I can log out of my session to start a new one, not shut down or restart my computer13:50
Slartgeremy: it has a small eee logo thing on it.. so I guess it's specially made for the eee-pc.. have you asked in the eee channel?13:50
Slart!eee | geremy13:50
ubottugeremy: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC13:50
phant0m_can someone help me please i have a library error with movie player13:50
SlartOttifantSir: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41517413:50
AzeemC-S-B_: hey sorry, got disconnected13:51
Slartphant0m_: details.. a good start would be actually telling us what the error is13:51
phant0m_slart it says library error thats it13:51
phant0m_it doesnt give any details13:51
indus_phant0m_: what file ae you trying to play13:51
Slartphant0m_: are you running it from the terminal?13:52
indus_phant0m_: a flash video?13:52
JoeMslart any ideas of where to start looking?13:52
DexterFjust saw that my user is not in the "users" group - is that supposed to be like that?13:52
phant0m_at the same time as usin the player? yes13:52
phant0m_yes shock wave13:52
moymoyC-S-B_: sorry, disconnected13:52
geremySlart: thank a already ask there but no response till now maybe latter :)13:52
phant0m_it was fine last night13:52
indus_phant0m_: with all flash files? or only this one13:52
OttifantSirSlart: Apparently, that does what I DON'T want to do, namely shut down the computer13:52
moymoyC-S-B_: Any OS that google makes, i'd use it (or i'd test it at least)13:52
SlartJoeM: I don't know what files are used for user settings.. isn't there a .gnome folder?13:53
JoeMslart already looked in obvious places like .xsession, etc13:53
moymoyC-S-B_: and it's open source, it's free, no reason NOT to test it13:53
phant0m_all and my other films are glitchy when yesterday it was smooth sailing13:53
Flasbang73my ubuntu installation has been very slow lately13:53
indus_I was about to ask a stupid question >> is google chrome availablefor linux :D13:53
jnevesFlasbang73: how is memory/swap usage?13:53
SlartOttifantSir: oh.. oops.. didn't read the last post.. sorry13:53
mercyshipdudechrome can be run under WINE13:53
phant0m_lol indus13:53
indus_its the same name as their browser13:54
Flasbang73jneves:sorry im kind of new how do you check that in ubuntu13:54
indus_so not really my fault13:54
melvin_HI. how can i change the behavior of privoxy on booting? if wlan connection is established after login, privoxy stops on boot13:54
SlartOttifantSir: what aboud "gnome-session-save --logout" ?13:54
indus_so who here knows how to fix problems with flash13:54
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ShortWavethat depends upon the problem13:55
ShortWaveIf it's a problem with memory leaks while using youtube, you're outta luck13:55
OttifantSirSlart: That seems better. Thanks.13:55
ActionParsnipmercyshipdude: theres a native beta for linux but its not great13:55
phant0m_is there another player i can get ?13:55
indus_Scrolling is very jerky,flash video and audio out of sync13:55
indus_phant0m_: try vlc13:55
SlartOttifantSir: there are more switches listed in "man gnome-session-save" if you want to customize stuff13:55
ActionParsnip!player | phant0m_13:55
ubottuphant0m_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs13:55
mercyshipdudehas anyone gotten Boxee to work on ubuntu?13:55
phant0m_sweet why the hell didnt i think of tht13:56
mercyshipdudeI like the boxee interface, but I couldn't get it to install13:56
jnevesFlasbang73: in a terminal, run top13:56
moymoyindus_: i found that scrolling is smoother in epiphany than in firefox when flash is involved13:56
moymoyindus_: and you can use VLC or totem to play your flash videos13:56
Slartmoymoy, indus_: I read somewhere that you could renice the npviewer process to make scrolling smoother in firefox13:57
Flasbang73jneves: what information do you want to know from that13:57
jnevesFlasbang73: 4th and 5th lines (more or less) will tell you how much memory and swap you're using - also check (3rd line) if the CPU is spending a lot of time waiting13:57
phant0m_ok just one more thing updates. does my update manager update my ubuntu os and all the software on the computer as a whole?13:57
Slartmoymoy, indus_: haven't tried it myself though.. but it should be easy enough to test13:57
jribphant0m_: everything you installed through APT, yes13:57
Slartphant0m_: any software you installed from the repos + the os itself13:57
indus_Slart: npviewer? who says iam on 64 bit?13:57
mercyshipdudegotta love ATP13:57
phant0m_great ok guys ty cya13:57
indus_Slart: butits true, iam on 64 bit , but i use the alpha 64 from adobe13:57
Slartindus_: ah.. that's not used on 32-bit? my bad..13:58
JoeMslart how's this sound, I'll take everything in ~ that starts with . and back it up, then I'll take the test accounts ~/. files and copy them over... if I can login move things out of backup one by one13:58
mercyshipdudewhat's up13:58
SlartJoeM: there is a command to reset all the gnome settings too.. if you just want to do that13:59
JoeMslart ooh, that might be easier13:59
bayari need some help14:00
ShortWaveJoeM: You know that "everything that starts with ." INCLUDES the current directory right?14:00
dayo!help | bayar14:00
ubottubayar: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:00
bayarto make a chroot environment14:00
indus_yes bayar14:00
SlartJoeM: hang on... let me find it14:00
indus_damn a chroot14:00
JoeMshortwave obviously not something I would copy14:00
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)14:00
ShortWaveJoeM: Just pointing that out.14:00
bayarindus_, i want to chroot users14:00
bayarnot applications14:00
Flasbang73jneves:do you just want me to copy a fame of it and put it in patebin?14:00
indus_bayar: sorry cant help there14:01
jnevesFlasbang73: that would help14:01
ShortWaveJoeM: Just saying, if you're trying to automate something or use a batch command, that will bite you on the nose and hard.14:01
indus_bayar: but can you tell me,why you want to chroot users?14:01
Flasbang73jneves: ok hold on a second14:01
ShortWaveindus_: Keeps them outta trouble, mainly14:01
bayarindus_,  i whant to make a virtual environment for a user14:01
ohletmeinnowjesuhey guys i need help with openoffice and theres no one active in the oo chatroom + google wasnt too helpful: OO keeps crashing when I try to access Tools>Options from any of its apps(word/spreadsheet)14:02
Slart!info gnome-reest14:02
Slart!info gnome-reset14:02
ubottuPackage gnome-reest does not exist in jaunty14:02
ubottuPackage gnome-reset does not exist in jaunty14:02
bayarindus_, this user can use shell and application like sed cp rm ...14:02
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: arre you using 64 bit?14:03
bayarindus_, and to use sftp/scp14:03
Flasbang73jneves: here are the top five lines http://paste.ubuntu.com/213602/14:03
indus_bayar: ok thanks,but i dont know this subject14:03
SlartJoeM: here's one thread about it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14047314:03
wm_eddieMan, trackerd is a whole lot of suck.14:03
mnemonicPlease help me! My EXT3 filesystem keeps corrupting. I have pasted my dmesg output here: http://pastebin.com/m6eb13f1514:03
lf4does sudo automatically keep a log in 9.04?14:03
SlartJoeM: there was another way of doing it but I can't find it any more.. something about gconf-tool unset bla bla14:03
=== mnemonic is now known as Mnemonic^
bayarindus_, ok thanx14:04
wm_eddieMnemonic^: What do you need help with?14:04
Slartlf4: check in /var/log/ .. something with authentication I think14:04
indus_Mnemonic^: bad hard drive?14:04
Mnemonic^wm_eddie: I need to know what is going on and why this happende every other day..14:04
bayarthere is no one here who to help me?14:04
wm_eddieMnemonic^: Your Hard drive is dying?  Get a new one?14:04
indus_!patience | bayar14:04
ubottubayar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:04
coz_JoeM,  are you trying to reset gnome?14:05
Mnemonic^wm_eddie: I just check my HDD with SpinRite, and it is flawless14:05
Slartbayar: if you don't get an answer to your question just repeat it.. but wait at least 15 minutes before repeating14:05
indus_Mnemonic^: have you run fsck14:05
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: yeah 64bit14:05
indus_Slart: that ubottu message doesnt say repeat after 15 min :)14:05
Mnemonic^indus_: Yes, I need to at next boot when this happends.14:06
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: its a problem with java14:06
Slartbayar: while you're waiting you can think of information to add to the question so that it's easier to answer.. !details will give you some idea of what to include14:06
Slartindus_: nope.. the ops do =)14:06
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: what do i do to fix it?14:06
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: sudo update-alternatives --config java14:06
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: output14:06
Slartindus_: and since the bot rarely kick you I feel their oppinion carries some weight =)14:06
lf4Slart: Thanks Auth.log is what I was looking for. :)14:06
indus_Slart: heh14:06
Slartlf4: ah.. greast14:07
Slartbah.. *great14:07
indus_my xchat cursor is at the end of box damn14:07
Mnemonic^wm_eddie: If it was my disk, woulden't I have I/O errors in my log aswell?14:07
gartralI can't make ffmpeg encode... it keeps saying "Invalid encoder 'video2mpeg'"14:07
jnevesFlasbang73: load, memory usage seems fine - you're machine is not trashing - what do you feel slow?14:07
coz_gardar,  do you also have mencoder installed?14:07
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: http://pastebin.com/m27e0ef1e14:08
indus_Mnemonic^: is this a standard install?14:08
JoeMslart FOUND IT!14:08
wm_eddieMnemonic^: Maybe.  The problem with disks is that they fail in different places.14:08
SlartJoeM: oh.. what file was it in?14:08
JoeMslart .gnomerc14:08
Mnemonic^indus_: Jep 9.0414:08
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: click on tools/options/java and disable it for now14:09
SlartJoeM: ahh.. .gnomerc  (makes a mental note of that file)... never even seen that file before14:09
JoeMslart now I just have to move everything else back14:09
Mnemonic^wm_eddie: SpinRite is a preatty prof tool, I would suspect it to tell me if something at all was amatter with my disk after a 15 hour test.14:09
whalesaladIS anyone else having problems with Ubuntu's archive servers right now? I'm getting tons of 404s from slicehost14:09
JoeMslart had something to do with scim14:09
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: tools in open office?14:09
lstarneswhalesalad: which version of ubuntu are you using?14:09
whalesalad7.10, trying to upgrade it14:10
bayari added  in /etc/ssh/sshd_config14:10
wm_eddieMnemonic^: Then perhaps it was just a 1 in a million chance bit flipping in the wrong place.14:10
indus_whalesalad: change server14:10
baluvixhello everyone....14:10
lstarneswhalesalad: you will need to switch the repositories to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com14:10
bayarSubsystem sftp internal-sftp14:10
JoeMslart after I moved all the .* folders I still had a problem, so I went through the .* files and noticed the other account didn't have it, looked and it was about scim (which is what I thought originals was the problem) so deleted it and logged back in no problem14:10
phant0m_ Checking `bindshell'... INFECTED (PORTS:  1524 6667 31337)14:10
whalesaladindus_: I'm having a hard time finding the right sources list14:10
indus_!who | bayar14:10
ubottubayar: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:10
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: well umm i cant access tools>options because thats whats crashing my system14:10
Mnemonic^wm_eddie: But it happends every second day.14:10
SlartJoeM: yay =)14:10
JoeMslart now back to the original problem... grumble14:10
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: damn it , ok run openoffice from terminal14:10
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wm_eddieMnemonic^: Then somthing must defnitely be wrong with the hard drive.14:11
indus_whalesalad: just select a german server or something14:11
JoeMslart copying at only 65.6MB/s could have sworn these spinpoint F1's could do more than that14:11
phant0m_what does this mean guys>>> Checking `bindshell'...  INFECTED (PORTS:  1524 6667 31337)14:11
Mnemonic^wm_eddie: BUT WHAT !! :) Just kidding.. But I am getting desperate..14:11
baluvixam not sure if this is the right place to ask this, i have installed jaunty on my system. Scrolling on firefox and playing videos appear jumpy, can anyone suggest a fix pls14:11
indus_Mnemonic^: what is the make of the drive? i14:11
lstarnesphant0m_: what gave you that message?14:11
Mnemonic^indus_: Cant remember.. How can I check whitout taking it out?14:12
phant0m_removal method?14:12
lstarnesphant0m_: see if you can find a logfile from chkrootkit14:12
indus_baluvix: its a flash problem14:12
indus_Mnemonic^: well in boot it will say14:12
SlartJoeM: sounds like they should be able to do a little better than that14:12
OttifantSir!image > OttifantSir14:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about image14:12
indus_Mnemonic^: bios14:12
OttifantSir!paste > OttifantSir14:12
ubottuOttifantSir, please see my private message14:12
JoeMslart they're in an LVM, that's probably the overhead14:13
SlartJoeM: that might be it14:13
lstarnesphant0m_: let me run chktoorkit on my own machine so that I can figure out where it would store its logs14:13
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: umm whats the command for oo again?14:13
phant0m_ok ty14:13
indus_Mnemonic^: do we need to take out our teeth to count them ? :P14:13
iamcalledrobdoes anyone know the ssh command off-hand that I could use to forward all my web traffic (port 80) over a remote connection?14:14
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: JUST type openoffice14:14
iMatterOk I finnally got it installed...14:14
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iMatterBUT i had to use the alternate OEM install...how do i get to a real install?14:14
JPSmanhow can I make my window move above the top panel?14:14
JPSmanIm running compiz14:14
JoeMslart so... my original problem, ComposeKey appears to be permanently on, any idea how to fix that?14:14
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Mnemonic^indus_: If it helps :)14:14
gartralI can't make ffmpeg encode... it keeps saying "Invalid encoder 'video2mpeg'"14:15
SlartJoeM: after installing scim? or just on a default install? you've checked the options in system, preferences, keyboard, layout options?14:15
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_:  The program 'openoffice' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:14:15
ohletmeinnowjesusudo apt-get install openoffice.org-common14:15
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: lol14:15
lstarnesphant0m_: try running sudo netstat -alp --inet --inet6 | grep 152414:15
Eledranis there any ubuntu-es.org server admin on the channel? user kangarooo is reporting a server failure on #ubuntu-es channel14:15
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: i know i have it cause i can launch it via gui14:15
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: hehe thats strange14:15
phant0m_ok brb14:15
OttifantSiriMatter: An OEM install is like a real install, except when you start it up it will ask you for username and password and such that you normally do during installation14:15
lstarnesphant0m_: replace 1524 with 6667 and 31337 to check those two ports14:16
lstarnesphant0m_: it should tell you which processes are using those ports14:16
gartralcoz_: yes14:16
whalesaladUpgrading from 7.10 is failing miserably... I modified my sources to use old-releases instead of archive.. managed to install the update manager... but do-release-upgrade fails miserably14:16
Mnemonic^indus_: It is a Seagate ST9250421AS14:16
moymoyohletmeinnowjesu: the command to open openoffice is openoffice.org14:16
indus_Mnemonic^: cool. 1 TB?14:16
moymoyohletmeinnowjesu: type openoffice.org into the terminal14:16
=== Crazy is now known as Guest57253
Mnemonic^indus_: No just 250 GB14:17
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: type ooffice -writer14:17
ohletmeinnowjesumoymoy: kthnx; indus_ still: crashes14:17
indus_Mnemonic^: do you have any issues with windows?14:17
moymoyohletmeinnowjesu: you open it in the terminal because it displays error messages before the crash14:18
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: ooffice -impress , ooffice -calc14:18
ruhaanhow do i get ubuntu to auto connect to a wifi network?14:18
Mnemonic^indus_: ??? Windows .. I dont use Windows14:18
Piep000rI've got a problem with the uck i can't create images wich have a size over 4GB14:18
phant0m_just goes back to root doesnt give any details14:18
indus_Mnemonic^: use another tool to check hard disk health, install smartmontools14:18
ruhaanhow do i get ubuntu to auto connect to a wifi network?14:18
indus_!info smartmontools14:18
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.38-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 322 kB, installed size 804 kB14:18
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: http://pastebin.com/m5b8d2f2f  for crash in writer14:18
moymoyruhaan: you're running GNOME right?14:18
ruhaanmoymoy: yes14:19
lstarnesphant0m_: it's possible that the bindshell check might return false positives.  I run an irc server and it sometimes causes bindshell to be detected falsely on port 666714:19
gartralcoz_: yes I have mencoder installed14:19
moymoyruhaan: on your laptop right now?14:19
ruhaanmoymoy: yes14:19
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: change the theme you are using14:19
coz_gardar,  mm   I am not sure then did you check man ffmpeg?14:19
lstarnesphant0m_: I forget what normally uses 31337 and 152414:19
Mnemonic^indus_: I am going to try that eventhough I allready ran SpinRIte..14:19
Mnemonic^Booting now.14:19
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: disable compiz14:19
moymoyruhaan: rightclick on the the network icon at the top panel14:19
kunalhey. does anyone here know any good countdown timer application? something like a desklet or applet which list  tasks/jobs and shows a countdown sequence?14:19
Piep000rI've got a problem with the uck i can't create images wich have a size over 4GB need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:19
moymoyruhaan: edit connection14:19
ruhaanmoymoy: done14:19
ruhaanmoymoy: done14:20
phant0m_when i do netstat on its own it doesnt even register tht those ports are in use14:20
moymoyruhaan: there should be a wireless tab or something right? well just find the network you're currently connected to14:20
lstarnesphant0m_: did you do netstat or netstal -alp --inet --inet6?14:20
lstarnesphant0m_: you may want to replace the -alp with -lp14:20
phant0m_i did tht but it just went to root again didnt bring any details up14:20
moymoyruhaan: edit that connection and there should be a checkbox there that says automatically connect14:21
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: its on metacity now14:21
ruhaanmoymoy: i have already selected connect automatically on the network i connect to but when u turn on my computer it doesnt connect to it14:21
ShortWavekunal: There's a couple of those that are written in Adobe AIR14:21
phant0m_oh lol total noob14:21
ShortWavekunal: if you don't mind AIR.14:21
kunalwhats AIR?14:21
gartralcoz_: yea, both for mencoder and ffmpeg14:22
moymoyruhaan: strange.. i don't know then.14:22
whalesaladWhile doing a 'do-release-upgrade' I get the following error: No valid mirror found14:22
ruhaanhmm thnx anyway14:22
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: try reinstall the package gtk2-engines-pixbuf and see if it works14:22
OttifantSirIm using AWN, Compiz and Screenlets on Ubuntu 9.04. Here is a screenshot of how it looks after login: http://www.1pic2.com/out.php/i5102_Notrightatall.png I want these, and a few others to be docked to the Sidebar in Align Right Reserved mode when I reboot. At the moment, I can't even move them from their position in the top-left corner. As you can see from the screenshot, I've got no panels at all. I can change the properties of behaviour of these s14:22
mobi-sheepkunal: "sleep 3m && firefox http://www.google.com/"14:22
kunali get it .14:23
kunali am reading it14:23
coz_gardar,  i am at a loss then    I generally try to find front ends for these things14:23
FloodBot3kunal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:23
mobi-sheepkunal: That's a possibility right there.14:23
Piep000rI've got a problem with the uck i can't create images wich have a size over 4GB need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:23
flashbang73jneves: i was just discussing the performance of my computer with you earlier but my internet timed me out14:23
mobi-sheepkunal: "sleep 5h && <the command you want to do here>"14:23
ActionParsnipgod work is dull14:23
indus_ActionParsnip: do u know stuff about chroot?14:24
jnevesflashbang73: load, memory usage seems fine - you're machine is not trashing - what do you feel slow?14:24
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: do i need to restart x?14:24
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: for what? nope14:24
ActionParsnipindus_: i know of it, only used it in gentoo installs to swich from booted system to the system on hdd when it isnt bootable14:24
phant0m_istarnes just to let you know i am using metasploit on my other os it could be something to do with tht avg went nuts when i downloaded it although obviously its not a trojan but avg would say so no matter which pc you use14:25
indus_ActionParsnip: some user here wanted to chroot users thought you could help14:25
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: nope still crashes14:25
ahmoshi, how i can get the list of my paritions with terminal console?14:25
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: hmm14:25
Piciahmos: sudo fdisk -l14:25
ActionParsnipahmos: sudo fdisk -l14:25
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: reinstall open office, trust me it works well14:25
flashbang73jneves: my max download speed today and yesterday was 20kb/s and it takes a long time to load web page and vidoes14:25
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: did u reinstall the package i told u?14:26
jnevesflashbang73: how's your internet connection? wireless/3g?14:26
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: ive tried both14:26
ActionParsnipindus_: not sure dude, what is the desired result?14:26
flashbang73jneves: wireless router14:26
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:26
gartralcoz_: in my case, both are throwing same error (WinFF and ffmpeg)14:26
Pici!ot | yurikoles14:27
ubottuyurikoles: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:27
richardcavellmobi-sheep: why are you advising people to sleep and then load firefox?14:27
flashbang73jneves: my computer when im on widows is above average ill show you one of my speedtests14:27
jnevesflashbang73: any more computers on your network? adsl from the router?14:27
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: not sure14:27
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: It can be used as a timer.14:27
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: It was just an example.  You can use it to run audio for wake-up calls and such. ;314:28
flashbang73it's not really a network we just use it for the internet and no we ususally never have both on at the same time14:28
BoohbahPiep000r: ulimit -a |grep 'file size'14:28
BoohbahPiep000r: is this on a local ext3 filesystem?14:28
richardcavellmobi-sheep: yeah, I realise14:28
richardcavellmobi-sheep: anyway, mobi I have xchat all set up now14:29
usr13mobi-sheep: or to tell you when to take the roast out of the oven.14:29
jnevesflashbang73: how's the router connected to the internet?14:29
moukaHi all14:29
Piep000rbut i can't build it...14:29
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: maybe it has to do with this rootzilla@rootzilla:~$ X-Error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)14:29
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: ill try restarting14:29
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: ok install openjre from synaptic,then i terminal type sudo update-alternatives --config java, then select this java option14:29
richardcavellMy chat window is white on blue, messages that mention me are in yellow, and any time I'm mentioned I get a beep, and any time someone PMs me I get a doorbell14:29
mobi-sheepusr13: Or to kill off deluge-torrent. :)14:29
moukaanybody can help with arabic fonts?14:29
Piep000ri know that mkisofs has something like -udf -allow-limited-size14:29
flashbang73through my comcast modem14:29
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_:  lemme restart real quick14:29
indus_mouka: hmm yes14:29
moukaI am using firefox and the arabic fonts display properly but they look terrible14:29
flashbang73jneves: through my comcast modem14:29
SarujiHello everybody, I'm setting up a squid proxy server, upon following the instructions I came accross this: sudo ufw default DENY14:29
Sarujisudo ufw ALLOW 808014:29
Sarujisudo ufw enable14:29
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Sreenshot!14:29
Piep000rbut i don't know where uck does that...14:29
indus_mouka: which site are you viewing?14:30
jnevesflashbang73: what router do you have? have you tried using other DNS servers?14:30
flashbang73jneves: my computer performs great on vista look at my speedtest http://www.speedtest.net/result/511341864.png14:30
SarujiHello everybody, I'm setting up a squid proxy server, upon following the instructions I came accross this: sudo ufw default DENY14:30
Sarujidoes anyone know what this means and how can I reverse it, as it seems to have killed my ssh conneciton14:31
indus_mouka: looks fine to me14:31
phant0m_istarnes i figured it out14:31
usr13mobi-sheep: sleep 12000 ; play /usr/share/sounds/k3b_success1.wav14:31
indus_whats the problem with them mouka14:31
flashbang73jneves: i have a linksys wireless-g 2.4ghz14:31
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Upload it.  ImageShack.  :314:31
moukaindus: the fonts look terrible14:31
moukanothing compared to what I see when I use windows14:31
Boohbahmouka: try some different fonts. sudo apt-get install language-support-fonts-ar ttf-arabeyes ttf-kacst ttf-sil-scheherazade xfonts-intl-arabic14:31
indus_mouka: did u try this site in windows?14:32
moukayes I did14:32
moukaand the fonts are fine14:32
moukabut I installed ubuntu yesterday14:32
flashbang73jneves: 54mbps broadband14:32
moukaand tried it, and the fonts are ugly14:32
indus_mouka: try selecting character encoding in firefox views14:32
moukaindus: I did, but nothing has changed much14:33
moukathey look as ugly as they did before14:33
indus_mouka: does the website offer fonts to download?14:33
jnevesflashbang73: what's the difference in the speedtest? and which wireless card do you have? do you notice a difference when connecting a cable directly to the router?14:33
OttifantSirSaruji: It means that the default action of incoming connections is to deny them access. You have to make a rule for SSH that allows incoming connections14:33
dAnonwhy I always run into low graphics mode after trying to instal nvidia 185 driver14:33
gartralI can't make ffmpeg encode... it keeps saying "Unknown encoder 'video2mpeg'"14:33
moukaI don't think so14:33
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: ok that didnt work14:33
zenklyshi everybody14:33
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: what did you want me to do ?14:34
richardcavellmobi-sheep: (and everyone else) my screenshot is at http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4248/screenshotasx.png14:34
freeanshucan any one tell me how the "Leave messages" are stored when we suspend the system?14:34
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: ok install openjre from synaptic,then i terminal type sudo update-alternatives --config java, then select this java option14:34
freeanshuwhere can i find them?14:34
SarujiOttifantSir: thank you for your response, is there a conf file that I can change this in?14:34
dAnonhow do I uninstall 185 nvidia driver?14:34
Rocko1if anyone has problems like me installind the ubuntu and it says: Invalid argument... IT's A BUG! - https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/366350 ... can anyone help me with finding another way or smth.. ?14:34
indus_mouka:these things happen when sites use non unicode fonts14:35
Boohbahmouka: also 'sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts'14:35
Mnemonic^indus_: Hi .. What was the disk tool called again?14:35
freeanshucan any one tell me how the "Leave messages" are stored when we suspend the system?14:35
freeanshuwhere can i find them?14:35
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: openjre doesnt show up on synaptics package manager14:35
flashbang73jneves: i just tried to do a speed test but the needle isn't even mooving14:35
indus_Mnemonic^: smartmontools14:35
Mnemonic^indus_: Thanks14:35
OttifantSirSaruji: Yes, but I don't know that route. I know Firestarter is a front-end for ufw, as is also gufw. Try sudo apt-get install <one of those>14:35
moukaindus: what would be a solution?14:35
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: just search for the package openjre or something14:35
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: yeah14:35
zenklyscan someone explain me why wireless access point works perfectly on ubuntu and shits totally on vista? =)14:35
Boohbahmouka: once you have all the fonts installed you can get firefox to use them in Preferences > Content14:35
dAnonare you people able to install 185 nvidia driver properly or you're using 18014:35
flashbang73jneves: how do i check my wireless card?14:36
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: thats what i did, no result14:36
SarujiOttifantSir ah ok thank you14:36
Picizenklys: Please mind your languag here.14:36
Slartfreeanshu: my guess is somewhere in /var   why not leave a message with some special string and grep for it?14:36
jnevesflashbang73: pastebin a lshw14:36
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: open jdk sorry14:36
ohletmeinnowjesusun-java-jre on the other hand is installed14:36
jnevesflashbang73: but cheking with a cable would be more useful14:36
freeanshuslart:grep in /var ?14:36
zenklysPici, k sorry14:36
moukaBoohbah: Thanks, I will try your solution14:36
dAnonhow do I uninstall 185 nvidia driver?14:36
dAnonhow do I uninstall 185 nvidia driver?14:36
Slart!repeat | dAnon14:36
ubottudAnon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:37
flashbang73jneves: hold on i bleneed to find a spare ethernet ca14:37
flashbang73jneves ethernet cable14:37
EledrandAnon: system>>administration>>hardware controllers14:37
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: ok so i found openjdk-6-jdk install that?14:37
zenklysdAnon, System -> Administation -> Drivers // Unistal14:37
mobi-sheeprichardcavell: Nice!14:37
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: yes14:37
Eledranyou shuld find your nvidia drivers there14:37
indus_Mnemonic^: then follow this tutorial http://www.captain.at/howto-linux-smartmontools-smartctl.php14:38
ActionParsnipdAnon: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18014:38
indus_dAnon: are you still having issues with display?14:38
dAnon185 are just not working14:38
Mnemonic^indus_: I will14:38
dAnonjust can't install 18514:38
freeanshuslart:grep in /var ?14:38
dAnonalways low graphics mode14:38
indus_dAnon: 185 is not from repos14:38
ActionParsnipdAnon: 180 installs 18514:38
dAnon180 is good14:38
Pici!enter | dAnon14:38
ubottudAnon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:38
indus_ActionParsnip: no it doesnt14:38
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-glx-18014:38
Eledran180 is the recommended one14:39
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: its installing, do i need to uninstall sun-java-jre/14:39
ubottunvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.44-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 8682 kB, installed size 26188 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)14:39
zenklyscan someone tell me the why access point works on ubuntu and doesn't on vista?14:39
Slartfreeanshu: mm.. lock computer, leave a message such as "awayawayaway", run "sudo grep -R "awayawayaway" /var/*14:39
zhoujingrui1113hi why my streamtuner canot use live36514:39
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: no you dont,just select this java with the command i gave you14:39
Picizenklys: If it doesn't work on Windows you should ask the Windows folks in ##windows14:39
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: ok its still going14:39
flashbang73jneves: while i get the cable here is lshw http://paste.ubuntu.com/213629/14:39
indus_ActionParsnip: its 180.4414:39
dAnonwhy is it all so slow, there is already 190 comming and repos are ignoring it all14:39
zhoujingrui1113and also canot use shoutcast14:39
Eledranzenklys: it is a winwdows problem, not linux ;)14:39
diddyIs there a command that tells you what boot loader is used in a system (LILO/GRUB)?14:40
zhoujingrui1113there is no channle14:40
EledrandAnon: drivers have to be tested14:40
ActionParsniptheres this: https://launchpad.net/~voria/+archive/archive/+build/109618214:40
zenklysPici, Eledran, linux people always no much better how things work than windows folks14:40
moukaBoohbah: I can't find the fonts I have installed in firefox14:40
dAnonEledran how long can testing last? half a year, over a year?14:40
ActionParsnipdAnon: linux comes with no sla and no garuntees14:40
EledranIDK, just untill nvidia folks want14:41
Picizenklys: And yet we have a channel here just for Windows issues, we do not fix Windows issues in #ubuntu14:41
ahmoshow i can unmount ntfs partition please?14:41
Eledranthen they have to submit the drivers to cannonical14:41
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_:  so now i "sudo update-alternatives --config java"?14:41
zhoujingrui1113is there anyone use streamtuner?14:41
ActionParsnipdAnon: try this repo, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/voria/archive/ubuntu jaunty main14:41
Titan8990ahmos, sudo umount /dev/sdxx14:41
moukaindus: I just finished installing several fonts, but they don't appear under firefox14:41
ActionParsnipdAnon: they have amd64 packages for 18514:41
Titan8990ahmos, where xx is the letter and number of the partition14:41
jribzhoujingrui1113: best to just ask the channel your question and find out14:41
moukaI restarted firefox14:41
moukabut nothing happens14:41
flashbang73jneves: i cannot find a spare ethernet cable but i can connect it directly to the modem instead14:42
ActionParsnipTitan8990: you can umount from the mount point too14:42
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: so its done installing, i do this now: sudo update-alternatives --config java ?14:42
indus_dAnon: adding new stuff as soon as it comes affects stability14:42
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: yes14:42
Eledranahmos: or secondary click on your computer at nautilus when you list the hdds and unmount14:42
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: and choose open jdk14:43
zhoujingrui1113my question is streamtuner live 365 no channels14:43
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: yep14:43
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: done14:43
flashbang73jneves: i don't think you know how bad it is this is my speedtest now http://www.speedtest.net/result/513620877.png14:43
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: now what14:43
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: now open office14:43
zenklysPici, okay, thanks for help14:43
Rocko1if anyone has problems like me installind the ubuntu and it says: Invalid argument... IT's A BUG! - https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/366350 ... can anyone help me with finding another way of installing or smth.. ?14:43
geremycan someone tell me the command to reveal info about hdd usage? pls i cant remember it14:43
darnellDoes anyone know of a way to import IE favorites to Firefox?14:43
jnevesflashbang73: with the cable or the atheros card?14:43
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: lol, still crashes14:43
Cubeif i do: alias irssi='screen irssi' will it stay that way forever and ever? coz i feel like it gets reset every time i login/off or something14:43
usr13geremy: df14:44
ahmosthank you all :)14:44
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: hmm sorry then i tried to help14:44
ActionParsnipgeremy: df -h14:44
ZiberCube: in ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile14:44
jnevesflashbang73: yes, that's awful14:44
ZiberCube: personal, ~/.profile is what i use14:44
geremydarnell export it and import to firefox :)14:44
iMatterUbiquity Failed AGAIN14:44
ActionParsnipgeremy: -h makes it (h)umanly readable14:44
indus_ohletmeinnowjesu: file a bug i suggest,also ask this question in the forums14:44
OttifantSirIm using AWN, Compiz and Screenlets on Ubuntu 9.04. Here is a screenshot of how it looks after login: http://www.1pic2.com/out.php/i5102_Notrightatall.png I want these, and a few others to be docked to the Sidebar in Align Right Reserved mode when I reboot. At the moment, I can't even move them from their position in the top-left corner. As you can see from the screenshot, I've got no panels at all. I can change the properties of behaviour of these s14:44
flashbang73jneves: the ethernet cable14:44
ZiberYou really should do: alias screen='screen -RU irssi' tho14:44
PiciOttifantSir: You may want to try asking in #awn if you aren't getting an answer here.14:45
iMatterActionParsnip: Ubiquity failed again....-.-....and the thing was saying "less than one minute remaining"14:45
indus_Rocko1: try installing from live cd14:45
flashbang73jneves: i only have one so i cant connet it to the router but i can connect it to the modem14:45
=== Nicolas_ is now known as Guest74565
ActionParsnipiMatter: did you check the cd? did you check the iso?14:45
indus_Rocko1: but good you filed a bug14:45
mrpinkyhey, how can i use the "grep" tool to only display lines beginning with "blah"?14:45
CubeZiber: i can pick either one?14:45
darnellgeremy: I need to export it from IE first? I am trying to load the favorites on a machine running only Ubuntu14:45
usr13flashbang73: Bypassing a router and plugging directly into modem should not make a difference in thruoghput.14:45
iMatterActionParsnip: yea i checked the cd no errors14:46
llutzmrpinky: grep ^blah file.foo14:46
ZiberCube: yes, but like i said, ~/.profile is what I use. In theory, ~/.bashrc should work too :P14:46
OttifantSirPici: I am just saying what I have done as changes to the desktop. AWN isn't the problem, the screenlets are14:46
iMatterActionParsnip: the ironic part is i just did an OEM install but didn't have any idea how to use it from the OEM point (OEM one worked and fully installed...)14:46
mrpinkyllutz, aargh i was swapping the argument and the input file :D thanks!14:46
CubeZiber: ok :P and which line should i add if i want irssi to alias to screen irssi?14:46
iMatterso i installed over that WTF is happening to me ActionParsnip ..14:46
ActionParsnipiMatter: ok i'd try some boot options like noacpi noapic etc. Press F6 on the first cd boot screen then select some boot options to add14:46
ZiberCube: alias irssi='screen -RU irssi'14:46
CubeZiber: -RU?14:47
ZiberCube: force reattach and use UTF-814:47
Cubeah :D14:47
ZiberUTF-8 will only work if you set up your terminal/ssh client and irssi to use it tho14:47
CubeZiber: and just put exactly that line somewhere in ~/.profile?14:47
indus_iMatter: try disconnectin internet14:47
ZiberCube: yeah. just add it to the end if you want.14:47
CubeZiber: ok thanks mate!14:47
Zibernp :)14:48
albechis there a flash player for 64 bit?14:48
indus_iMatter: is it stuck at 82 %?14:48
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:48
ActionParsnipiMatter: and head into bios and disable sound hardware if it is onboard14:48
Slartfreeman_: from looking at the source code it seems that it just sends the note to libnotify.. so it's possible that it isn't saved at all14:48
indus_albech: yes labs.adobe.com14:48
ActionParsnipiMatter: stuff like that can help installs14:48
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava14:48
flashbang73jneves: it doesn't let me use a cable directly14:48
geremyhow y distribute your disk when installing lin? for example 8gb sd card?14:48
iMatterActionParsnip: Why'd it work with the OEM alternate install?14:49
flasbang73jneves: if you said anything in the past 5 min i might of missed it14:49
ActionParsnipiMatter: alternate install is a different install method so can give different results14:49
flasbang73jneves: internet doesn't even work from cable14:49
CubeZiber: do i have to restart or something? its not working14:49
iAuSTERIXLANDlittle test, sorry!14:50
iMatterActionParsnip: if i do an OEM install again can you walk me through how to get to end-user..14:50
Boohbahi have run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales' and i get 'Generating locales... en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date Generation complete.' however when i run 'locales' all of them are set to POSIX and not en_US.UTF-814:50
Boohbahis there something i missed?14:50
SlartiAuSTERIXLAND: there is a channel for tests.. #test.. they even have bots that does things to you14:50
flasbang73jneves: i plugged it in and turned the wireless off14:50
indus_albech: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/14:50
CubeSlart: like what things?14:50
geremydarnell: and where is the IE? on which pc?14:50
ActionParsnipiMatter: the alternate install is the same as the desktop, just not a graphical install14:50
flasbang73jneves: my computer detected it but then told me i was not connected14:50
iMatterActionParsnip:  and the annoying thing is it goes all the way through to the point where it says "less than 1min of copying until finished" THEN the installer crashes..14:50
SlartCube: pms, saying things in the channel etc14:51
iMatterActionParsnip: Alternate OEM was graphical14:51
iMatterbut when i booted it was temporary user with an excuteable on the desktop14:51
ActionParsnipiMatter: have you checked your ram and hard drive using the checking tools/14:51
usr13jneves: sudo dhclient14:51
darnellThe PC it was on crashed. I was able to hook the drive up to USB and get the Favorites folder off14:51
magnetronhi! my computer crashed while deluge was running, now it won't start again. how do i reset the deluge state without loosing all my torrents?14:51
iMatterActionParsnip: no...didn't think i'd need to14:51
JoeMarg, fsck on a 2TB partition takes FOREVER14:52
Slartmagnetron: try starting it from a terminal.. see what it's complaining about14:52
ActionParsnipiMatter: http://www.madirish.net/images/virt/ubuntu_install.gif14:52
ActionParsnipiMatter: well you are getting issues, so its good to test14:52
SlartJoeM: yes, I think other fs might be quicker.. xfs for example14:52
ActionParsnipiMatter: thats how the alternate install looks14:52
geremydarnell: i use add-on that synchronize my bookmarks and pass in firefox on my desk and book also, maybe u can use it14:52
iMatterActionParsnip: could disabling compiz help..i just realised its enabled by default on Jaunty live cd14:52
magnetronSlart: it only displays the version number, then quits without explanation or other output14:52
ActionParsnipiMatter: very possibly yes14:53
darnellgeremy: Do you know what the add-on was called?14:53
Slartmagnetron: hmm.. no verbosity switch you can add? does it keep a log somewhere?14:53
ActionParsnipiMatter: its a good sign though. Your video is configured out of the box :)14:53
magnetronSlart: no verbosity switch, the log is empty14:53
iMatterActionParsnip: My alternate OEM install looked more like a fullscreened Installer app than that14:53
Slartmagnetron: it's not running in the background?14:53
dAnonglx fails to work after installing 180 again, didn't know how to uninstall 185 :(14:53
geremydarnell: it is addon xmarks14:54
richardcavellanyone here running Ubuntu on an Intel Mac?14:54
CubeZiber: you there?14:54
iMatter:P i guess so that explains the fancy manuvers that happen while moving windows and using scroll thingy... ActionParsnip14:54
SlartdAnon: how did you install the 185 driver?14:54
darnellgeremy: Thank you.. I'll give that a shot14:54
magnetronSlart: no.14:54
ActionParsnipiMatter: thats the alternate ISO install, its punchier than the X one as it doesnt have to mess around running an x server14:54
Slartmagnetron: hmm.. then I'm not sure what to do.. odd that it doesn't give you any error message.. nothing in the syslog either?14:54
dAnonSlart uninstalled the 180 sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx-180 nvidia-common nvidia-96-modaliases nvidia-71-modaliases nvidia-180-modaliases nvidia-173-modaliases14:55
JoeMok... I can't remember how to do this, I have scim set up and the right packages for chinese and korean installed, but when I click on the keyboard (or press the IM switcher keys) it doesnt give me the list of input methods...14:55
jnevesflasbang73: disconnect the modem from the power for 30+ seconds, and try again - it memorizes the router network card address (mac address)14:55
geremydarnell: i do this: export from IE import to FF install xmarks on FF in windows and also on FF in linux14:55
suwrohello, I'm using ubuntu 8.10 - what can I use to preview fonts? eventually in nautilus14:55
dAnonSlart then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential AND THEN sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`14:55
magnetronSlart: none14:55
darnellgeremy: Ok, Thanks14:56
flasbang73jneves: after that should i plug it into my computer or keep it in the router?14:56
dAnonSlart downloaded the driver then sudo chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.14-pkg1.run STOPPED X and installed it14:56
Slartmagnetron: well.. then I'm out of ideas.. sorry14:56
=== T0m is now known as t0m
geremydarnell: y r welcome14:57
jnevesflasbang73: plug it in your computer14:57
SlartdAnon: I think that run file comes with an uninstaller.. something like "NVIDIA-Linux-blablabla    --uninstall"14:57
magnetronhi, my computer crashed and deluge won't start again. how do i reset the state of deluge without having to re-add all my torrents? it gives no error messages at all.14:57
jnevesflasbang73: (you'll need to do the same later for pluging it back on the router)14:57
dAnonSlart need to give it a try, thanks14:57
flasbang73jneves: ok im doing it now14:57
mrpinkywhen an application freezes up the whole system, what's the hot key combination for the "task manager" equivalent? :D14:58
iMatterActionParsnip: And Wi-Fi Worked out of the box XD14:58
ubuntunewbiehi wanted to ask , what should I install to get gnomenu theme ?14:58
ActionParsnipiMatter: mine does too ;)14:58
Slartmrpinky: I don't think there is one.. ctrl+alt+f1 might work though14:58
ActionParsnipiMatter: good times :)14:58
Slartmrpinky: use alt+f7 to get back14:58
Slartmrpinky: there is also REISUB and some other things you can do14:58
Slart!dontzap | mrpinky14:59
iMatterActionParsnip: but it has always worked out of the box...its one of those Atheros Cards err AR5006 or something like that been a couple months since i checked..14:59
Slart!reisub | mrpinky14:59
mrpinkySlart, if i go to another terminal, can i use some process manager to list and kill processes?14:59
ubottumrpinky: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.14:59
ubottumrpinky: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:59
suwrowhat can I use to preview fonts in gnome?14:59
suwrospecimen show only the installed ones14:59
Slartmrpinky: sure, should work nicely..14:59
iMatterActionParsnip: Lol, i just realised my iPhone was infront of me...me not noticing my iphone thats when you know im out of it and thats bad >.>..i think i'll play a game to pass the time..14:59
mrpinkyokay, thanks!14:59
Slartsuwro: there are some font viewers.. have you searched in synaptic?14:59
ActionParsnipiMatter: iphone is not a worry, thats why15:00
ActionParsnipanyhoo im outa here15:00
iMatterActionParsnip: LOl THanks!15:00
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: hey15:00
suwroSlart: yes fontmatrix and specimen - none of them on dbl click or calling htem from console open the font for preview15:00
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: it was my theme15:00
ohletmeinnowjesuindus_: LOL15:00
felidaehi! please help: on ubuntu 9.04 and openoffice 3.1 (from ppa), how can I install the writer2latex plugin?15:01
jedilinkHello there15:01
flashbang73jneves: im back it helped here is my new speedtest http://www.speedtest.net/result/513636579.png15:01
Seveasfelidae, ask the person whose ppa you are using.15:02
flashbang73jneves: im using cable now15:02
Boohbahi'm trying to setup en_US.UTF-8 locale on an ubuntu 8.04 OpenVZ container. i installed language-pack-en-base but running 'locale' shows everything set to POSIX. any ideas?15:02
ubuntunewbiehi wanted to ask , what should I install to get gnomenu theme ?15:02
linduxedis there a difference between the domain and the hostname?15:03
jnevesflasbang73: so the problem is either driver/nic for the wireless or the router15:03
SeveasBoohbah, edit /etc/environment, make sure the locale is available in /var/lib/locale/supported.d15:03
=== Crazy is now known as Guest42266
Seveaslinduxed, for the name foo.bar.google.com, 'foo' would be the hostname and 'bar.google.com' the domain15:03
flashbang73jneves: how do i find out which one15:03
JoeMnever mind, figured it out15:03
JoeMslart and the problem in ~/.gnomerc was that it was missing " around the string that said scim -d15:04
usr13jneves: What was difference in speeds?15:04
flashbang73jneves: oh ya i wasn't have this problem when i first installed ubuntu15:06
jnevesflasbang73: get another ethernet cable, try behind the router - if it works ok, it's the wireless (most likely the atheros driver/firmware15:06
linduxedSeveas: ok but the thing is that the router at my place has got a domain set up (lets say foo.bar.com) and then there's my server which i want to setup. now one can set it up with both hostname and domain. the domain set up on the router may be foo.bar.com .... but is that the domain that should be input into the server?15:06
neeblyhey. does anyone want to try my new web-service i just created?15:06
flashbang73jneves: ok it may take a bit for me to find one though15:06
SlartJoeM: ah15:06
linduxed!offtopic | neebly15:07
ubottuneebly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:07
usr13flashbang73: What was the difference in speeds?15:07
neeblyah! so sorry! thank you linduxed.15:07
JoeMslart always the stupid little things15:07
linduxedneebly: np15:07
flashbang73usr13: a drastic differance15:07
JoeMcan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120811015:08
usr13flashbang73: What was the signal report from iwconfig?15:08
frostburnlinduxed, your domain is bar.com in your example15:08
jnevesusr13: 30Mbps agains 0.1Mbps15:09
Rocko1What do you mean with live cd? What's meant by that15:09
jnevesRocko1: the default desktop CD that starts and runs without installing15:09
usr13jneves: flashbang73 Wow!  Yea, something is sure enough wrong.15:09
molqrhello all...15:10
jnevesusr13: it's an ath5k: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213629/15:10
jnevesusr13: vista was faster, that was a dead giveway of something seriously wrong15:10
molqri am reading a pdf and it says that the pdf is secure ... which means that i can't edit it... how can i unsecure it ?15:10
subsnapcan anbody help me with seting up lkl15:10
jnevesmolqr: print to file15:11
usr13jneves: flashbang73 Is encryption enabled onnn the router?15:11
BoohbahSeveas: hmm, i have added LANG and LANGUAGE="en_US.utf8" to /etc/environment but I don't have a /var/lib/locale/supported.d ... do you know which package contains this or how i should create it?15:11
jnevesusr13: it's flasbang73 (he keeps changing :))15:11
molqrjneves .... thanks don't quite understand your solution but lets see15:11
phant0m_anyone got a link for an outofthebox ubuntu you know all setup15:11
usr13flasbang73: Is encryption enabled on the router?15:12
piscoooHi. Does anyone know a live cli/gui monitoring for data which is piped to the application? There is _no_ good applications for live monitoring under windows, and I'm thinking of running somehting under linux and pipe the data from the windows server.15:12
SeveasBoohbah, /var/lib/locales/supported.d sorry :)15:12
jedilinkHello all. Does anyone knows where can I find information on building an Ubuntu/Jaunty system from scratch? (That is, compiling all of its packages from source code...)???15:12
linduxedfrostburn: but is it necessary that the one set up in the server is the same as the one in the router?15:12
phant0m_jedilink google m815:12
molqrjneves ... from xpdf i printed the pdf to file.. its a .ps file so i should convert that to pdf right ?15:13
usr13flashbang73: jneves I bet it is a problem with the router.15:13
Piciphant0m_: Google is not an answer in this channel. Please try to be more helpful.15:13
jnevesmolqr: if you want to? yes15:13
molqrmany thanks jneves15:13
Boohbah# cat /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local15:14
Boohbahen_US.UTF-8 UTF-815:14
frostburnlinduxed, not at all15:14
phant0m_yeah bu ive seen a fair few sites tht have hoards of info telling you just how to do it15:14
jedilinkgoogle has some hints on a project called "Linux From Scratch" (LFS) ... but ... not much information on Ubuntu from scratch ... :(15:14
phant0m_and thts where it came from google15:14
Piciphant0m_: Then share one of them.15:14
jribjedilink: what exactly do you want?15:14
JoeMhow do I turn off, or better yet completely remove, ComposeKey?15:14
wdyrtubuntu from scratch? wtf15:14
phant0m_ok brb ill get a link15:14
jedilinkjrib, I want to compile my own ubuntu15:14
jribjedilink: why...?15:15
jedilinkjrib, I am an operating system teacher at college15:15
Boohbahphant0m_: http://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals15:15
jribjedilink: and?15:15
jedilinkwant to check some things, as such counting lines of code15:15
jrib!source > jedilink15:15
ubottujedilink, please see my private message15:15
jedilinkto measure Ubuntu's complexity on several subsystems15:15
phant0m_http://www.linuxtopia.org/index.html jedilink15:15
Slartjedilink: I don't know what a "apt-get build ubuntu-desktop" would do..15:16
Slart!info apt-build15:16
ubottuapt-build (source: apt-build): frontend to apt to build, optimize and install packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.37 (jaunty), package size 35 kB, installed size 208 kB15:16
phant0m_sorry boobah i wasnt paying attention whats the link for15:16
flasbang73_jneves: im back and it work fine going through the back of router15:17
jnevesflasbang73_: wireless or wired15:17
usr13flasbang73: jneves I had a similar  problem with a netgear router. I replaced it with a Trendnet15:17
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jnevesusr13: that's usually just dns ;)15:18
flasbang73_jneves: i said it was in the back so it's wired15:18
Nameless_aui used the gparted live cd to resize/move my vista ntfs partitions. no probs. i also used gparted to resize the filesystem of my xubuntu 9.04 install. it is now rendered unbootable. I was worried about gparted stuffing my ntfs up, but seems i shouldve been worried about my ext3 :( any help?15:18
dmsupermanI want to compare 2 directories to ensure that they're exactly the same (file attributes as well as data and actual filenames), any suggestions?15:18
jnevesflasbang73_: so, thru the router, is ok15:18
richardcavelldmsuperman rsync15:18
dmsupermanrichardcavell: I just want to compare15:19
mezquitalewho here has an openssh server using a dynamic address?  Will a new entry to known hosts be entered every time the IP changes in your server?15:19
flasbang73_jneves: ya its just the wireless thats not working15:19
dmsupermanrichardcavell: rsync -ncrtpogxv --progress -l -H15:19
dmsupermanrichardcavell: Would you say that covers everything?15:19
richardcavelldmsuperman rsync has a simulation option15:19
usr13jneves: flasbang73_ Might try setting the router to factroy defaults and start over.15:19
Rocko1jneves where can I get the live cd.. any help ?15:19
richardcavelldmsuperman: I use grsync which has a graphical user interface. Much easier than learning man rsync15:20
jnevesdmsuperman: rsync -av - if there are differences, it'll show the filename15:20
SlartRocko1: the regular desktop install cd is a live cd15:20
flasbang73_usr13: ill try that after seeing what jneves has to say15:20
Rocko1Slart thats the one I've been using now15:20
jnevesRocko1: download.ubuntu.com15:20
=== Nicolas_ is now known as Guest33647
ubuntunewbieHow to install gnomenu ?15:20
Rocko1and it throws me out the error.15:20
Slart!info gnomenu15:20
ubottuPackage gnomenu does not exist in jaunty15:20
MobiHi Guys, ive got a lil problem.15:21
jnevesflasbang73_: ok, ath5k issues, give me a sec15:21
mezquitaledmsuperman, i use unison, by far the easiest to use and I use it with ssh so I can update my files with my laptops and desktop from anywhere and it's a breeze15:21
usr13flasbang73_: jneves It would be interesting to see what signal report iwconfig gives.15:21
SlartRocko1: you get an error message? what is the error message?15:21
error404notfoundhow can i list devices attached to serial port? and how can i find which device is attached against which dev id?15:21
Slart!cn | righteye15:21
ubotturighteye: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:21
molqrjneves a 5 mb pdf when printed to ps by xpdf changed to 700mb file and when i read the ps file its all screwed up....  any ways thanks for the info15:21
jnevesflasbang73_: usr13 is right: can you pastebing a iwconfig?15:21
ubottuMobi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:22
flasbang73_jneves: ya hold on15:22
phant0m_does anyone have a link for a pretty much ready to use ubuntu os or linux mint either will suit15:22
jnevesmolqr: it's slower - but I don't know another way to work around a password on the pdf15:22
Slartphant0m_: the normal ubuntu install doesn't work for you?15:22
molqrjneves: no problems mate :) i learnt something new in the process.. thanks15:23
phant0m_yes it does slart but i have no idea how to use it15:23
flasbang73_jneves: here is my iwconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/213646/15:23
MobiAnd well, lets make it quick ---> The xorgwizard sets the native resolution automatically, since idk when... and well what if it chooses the complettly wrong resolution for your screen, and you want to setup the right resolution manually ? I can remember that this was included in the xorg.conf a while ago... But now there isnt such a string anymor15:23
Titan8990Mobi, xorgwizard?15:24
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flasbang73_jneves: i still don't have it in wireless thats why it says no wireless15:24
Titan8990Mobi, are you referring to xorg's support for HAL?15:24
Slartphant0m_: uhm.. you mean ubuntu is hard to use? or am I missing something?15:24
Mobiumm not sure, whats hal ?15:24
phant0m_thing is slart is i dont quite know what packages are needed to run certain software etc15:24
phant0m_been under windows to long lol15:24
jnevesflasbang73_: sorry, move to wireless, please15:25
flasbang73_jneves: ok15:25
jnevesflasbang73_: and paste again15:25
Slartphant0m_: ahh.. well.. you've got some "relearning" to do then =).. there is a book you can download a pdf of.. hang on let me get you the url15:25
Slartphant0m_: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html15:25
=== vorian_ is now known as vorian
LuciusMarewhen i want to build a package - ./configure ; make ; sudo checkinstall -Dy --install || it tells me "dpkg-deb - errror: (upstream) version (`src') doesnt contain numbers15:25
LuciusMaredpkg-deb: 1 error in file control"15:25
tehborizhow do i update my distro? there;s a konsole command15:25
Slartphant0m_: but the easiest way is to just use it.. this channel will help you if you get stuck with anything (or at least we'll try)15:26
phant0m_ty thats good but i still need the outofthebox thing to help while i get used to my new os15:26
Rocko1Slart, the error is: Invalid argument...15:26
Slartphant0m_: what do you mean "out of the box" ?15:26
SpacePigeonphant0m_, what do you mean with out of the box thing?15:26
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SpacePigeonSlart, haha15:26
phant0m_all setup ready to go15:26
=== techp is now known as purvesh
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY15:26
SpacePigeonphant0m_, yeah, but in which terms?15:26
SpacePigeonphant0m_, depending on your computer ubuntu will be pretty much an out of the box os15:27
mezquitalephant0m_,  i recommend you download ubuntustudio, you will need a DVD burner however, download the image, burn it to a DVD and try running it from the DVD so see if you like it15:27
Slartphant0m_: I think ubuntus is one of the most "ready to use" distros out there..15:27
JoeMfianlly, figured it out, thanks guys15:27
Zigzak :)15:27
SlartRocko1: hmm.. never heard of that error before, sorry15:27
LuciusMarewhen i want to build a package - ./configure ; make ; sudo checkinstall -Dy --install || it tells me "dpkg-deb - errror: (upstream) version (`src') doesnt contain numbers dpkg-deb: 1 error in file control"15:27
phant0m_ty mez15:27
phant0m_ty guys for your help and suggestions ill look into all of them i think im just overwhelmed15:28
Slartphant0m_: is there anything special that didn't work for you with the regular desktop install?15:28
phant0m_quite a few things15:28
SpacePigeonphant0m_, I would recommend you either ubuntu or fedora, but i think ubuntu is a lot easier also15:28
=== Crazy is now known as Guest49903
geremyhi, how can i hide drive icons on desk in ubuntu?15:29
JoeMActionParsnip, adam7, slart, scunizi... and everyone else that helped me over the last few days, thanks a lot!15:29
mezquitalephant0m_, one thing you need to know about linux is that almost all distributions will need a little customization due to licensing issues, for example you might have to install video and mp3 drivers manually because those drivers are propietary and to avoid legal issues linux distributions dont have them installed out of the box however theyre quite easy to install in ubuntu15:29
SpacePigeongeremy, run gconf-editor15:29
bloupotlood_What is ubuntus?15:29
MobiWell if i start the xorg-wizard in the console( dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ) it first asks me for the keyboard-layout... and so on, but i can remember that some time ago it was possible to choose the right resolution out of a list15:29
=== bloupotlood_ is now known as mcfarlane
SpacePigeongeremy, (or the configuration editor on the menus)15:29
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Slartgeremy: in a terminal run this "gconf-editor", go to apps, nautilus, desktop, there are options for hiding drives, trashcan, computer etc15:29
phant0m_ok understood15:29
Slartgeremy: it should work right away, no need to save anything15:29
flasbang73jneves:here is my new iwconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/213648/15:30
geremyf2 to run app is not functioning?15:30
SlartJoeM: you're welcome15:30
jnevesflasbang73: check this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33731115:30
=== Crazy_ is now known as Guest5889
Slartgeremy: alt+f2 will work too15:30
SpacePigeongeremy, then go to apps/nautilus/desktop/15:30
phant0m_right im gona go guys i want to take a look at some other stuff see whats out there thanks again for the help15:30
SpacePigeongeremy, and unclick the volumes_visible option15:31
richardcavellwhen I try to play some .wav files, it says that it doesn't have the appropriate software. Is there an easy way to download all codecs/libraries?15:31
JoeMslart finally have all my old settings from the last 5 years moved over to brand new (i7, GTX 260, etc) machine15:31
=== gamphani is now known as denzel
LuciusMarewhen i want to build a package - ./configure ; make ; sudo checkinstall -Dy --install || it tells me "dpkg-deb - errror: (upstream) version (`src') doesnt contain numbers dpkg-deb: 1 error in file control"15:31
jnevesflasbang73: link quality of 107/100 - seems like someone screwed up15:31
SpacePigeonrichardcavell, you should get a prompt to download the required codecs each time your system does not have them15:31
SpacePigeonrichardcavell, don't you?15:31
geremySlart, thanks a lot man15:31
SlartJoeM: nice.. I usually just reinstall and pretend I had a disk crash or somethnig =)15:31
mezquitale!mp3| richardcavell15:31
ubotturichardcavell: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:31
SpacePigeongeremy, so, did you hide them already?15:32
geremySpacePigeon, thanks too15:32
=== SpacePigeon is now known as Wolter
SlartJoeM: the GTX 260 works ok with linux? I'm thinking of upgrading15:32
JoeMslart heh, I've gotten so used to how I do things...15:32
Woltergeremy, np :)15:32
mezquitalerichardcavell, you can also go to "add/remove" and in search type "wav" or "mp3" and it should give you a list of files you can install, just choose one and voila, youll be able to play wav files with your favorite multimedia player15:32
JoeMslart works great, the 180 series drivers run it fine (I think 185 is the latest, but I'm on intrepid and 180 is all that is offered)15:32
geremyuff it is ok now i do that before but it was very very far :)15:33
flasbang73jneves: i read it so where do i get the update to fix it?15:33
JoeMslart I have a 260 as my main card and a 8800 as my secondary... one issue (pretty sure it's due to using those two different cards) is I can't set up Compiz (get the RANDR error), but I doubt you use 4 monitors so not an issue for normal people15:33
jnevesflasbang73: apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty15:33
mezquitalei think SpacePigeon has a ring to it15:33
geremywolter, np?15:33
Woltergeremy, no problem15:34
flasbang73jneves: does that require a restart?15:34
geremyok ;D15:34
=== JamalFanaian is now known as OrlandoPHP
SlartJoeM: hmm.. how's the 260 compared to the 8800.. I have an 8800 at the moment15:34
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flasbang73jneves: ill come back when it's done and tell you if it worked or not15:34
JoeMslart I notice a difference with HD stuff, haven't tried any games yet... I was going to go with 8800 but ended up with a little extra cash so I said what the hell15:35
geremyit is ok too see drives but when i connect to my desktop with win each directory i was visited has it own icon on desk uff :)15:35
flasbang73jneves: should i use the sudo command in front of it?15:35
jnevesflasbang73: yes15:36
FFEMTcJany idea why my list of wireless networks looks like this? and more keep getting added http://twitpic.com/9s9dc/full15:36
SlartJoeM: mm, thanks.. I think I can live with the 8800 a little longer =)15:36
TsuRyu-join polska15:36
richardcavellany Intel-based Mac laptop users here?15:37
JoeMslart I would, unless you do some massive gaming and really want to see a little extra detail (or folding/seti)15:37
flasbang73jneves: this won't mess up my windows mbr will it? when i tried to upgrade to 9.10 alpha 2 it did15:37
jnevesflasbang73: no, just update some drivers15:38
PRH57Unbuntu Remix on AA1.15:38
PRH57Why does a reinstall from CD not always give me the same apps and settup on reboot15:38
iMatterHow would I recover a lost login password15:38
flasbang73jneves: do i have to reboot?15:39
jnevesflasbang73: safer way, yes15:39
usr13!password | iMatter15:39
ubottuiMatter: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords15:39
SlartiMatter: you can't.. or I really hope you can't.. you can reset it though15:39
nyashHi. I removed ruby 1.8.7 , installed 1.9.1 from source, but the files went to a different folder and as a result when I try to open a ruby program in terminal I get a message saying ruby wasn't found. How can I link ruby to a different folder?15:40
Cisshello! Can allocate more memory for my ext3 partion? i wanna resize this partition with my Ubuntu! I try do this in Windows, but Acronis can not do this =(15:40
austincan anyone here help me with a problem im having with wine? just touched linux about 30 minutes ago so things are still pretty confusing>.>15:40
usr13Ciss: Use gparted15:40
EvilRoeywhat'st he package name for restricted-driver-maanger?15:41
usr13!gparted | Ciss15:41
ubottuCiss: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:41
austinor.. where can i find a driver for nvidia gtx 285 graphics card, and how would i go about installing it?15:41
JoeMhmm... there was a work around for 8.10 broken session manager... anyone remember what it is?15:41
usr13JoeM: You can restart gdm15:42
its_me1897How do I restrict one of my ubuntu user from accessing Internet?15:42
usr13JoeM: But not sure what you mean by session manager.15:42
usr13its_me1897: MAC filter15:42
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
JoeMusr13 remembering what applications were open when you logged off (not worried about that part) and adding start up items (System -> Preferences -> Sessions)15:43
iMatterHow would I go about listing users cause apparently my user doesn't excist15:43
JoeMusr13 in intrepid those didn't save15:43
CissUbotto thanks! i can do resize-actions with Gparted only using livecd?15:43
its_me1897usr13: Thanks for reply, how to use MAC filter?15:43
usr13its_me1897: On the router / AP, use MAC filtering.15:43
Slartits_me1897: so, several users on the same machine, some should not be able to use the network and some should?15:44
flasbang73jneves: thank you it worked I appreciate your help so much15:44
its_me1897Slart: Yes15:44
usr13its_me1897: WHat kind of router do you use?15:44
jnevesflasbang73: please report that in the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33731115:44
its_me1897usr13: I am using an ZTE Modem.15:44
nyashHi. I removed ruby 1.8.7 , installed 1.9.1 from source, but the files went to a different folder and as a result when I try to open a ruby program in terminal I get a message saying ruby wasn't found. How can I link ruby to a different folder?15:44
jnevesflasbang73: and thank Gregory Smith ;)15:45
Slartits_me1897: tricky.. but interesting.. never thought about that.. let me google a bit, I'll let you know if I find anything15:45
flasbang73jneves: is he on this channel?15:45
jnevesflasbang73: you can thank him in the bug - he's the one who wrote the solution that worked for you15:45
its_me1897Slart: Thanks, i will be waiting for your reply.15:45
flasbang73jneves: ok thank you bye15:46
jnevesnyash: where did you install ruby?15:46
mezquitalenyash, you could try creating a link from where ruby is supposed to be installed to where it's actually installed15:46
usr13its_me1897:  I don't know about ZTE modem, refer to manual.15:46
nyasha symbolic link? How to do it?15:46
Slartits_me1897: this looks useful http://sanaulla.wordpress.com/2008/02/07/disable-internet-access-for-particular-user-in-ubuntu/15:46
visenyash, link --help at terminal15:47
Slartits_me1897: but use gksudo for gedit.. not sudo as that page suggests15:47
nyashRuby's originally been at /usr/bin. After installing 1.9.1 the files have been moved to /usr/local/bin15:47
its_me1897usr13: Is thier something that we can do that does't involves Modem?15:47
microtechHello all, shouldn't my apache2 logs be rotated every day automatically?  Changed from access.log to access.log.115:47
microtechIt has been 4 days since it last rotated for some reason15:47
its_me1897Slart: Thanks I will go through that page right away.15:47
mezquitaleits_me1897,  you dont have a router? just a modem?15:48
usr13its_me1897: We would need to know more about your LAN.15:48
its_me1897mezquitale: Yes I only have a Modem.15:48
Slartits_me1897: here are some other ways http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40772415:48
antoranzGuys, where can I find a "bin/read"?15:48
antoranzI need a read binary for use on a csh script15:48
usr13its_me1897: On the server itself?  What exactly do you need to do?  Restirct it from all traffic?15:48
flasbang73jneves: sorry but what was the command that fixed it i'm going to put it in the bug15:49
mezquitaleits_me1897,  and more than one machine can use your modem??  you mean you have more than one machine attached to your modem?15:49
MobiNobody knows "how to setup the resolution" in Ubuntu 9.04 manually ?15:49
its_me1897usr13: I don't have a LAN connection, I want to Restrict one of my user from accessing Internet?15:50
Piciantoranz: read should be a shell builtin15:50
Cissin preference :))15:50
iMatterFinnally i got logged in but now it isn't using my home it made a new home dir..15:50
antoranzit's not on csh15:50
iMattererr Home folder15:50
areelsflash slow why15:50
iMattercan i just make a new user called son952415:50
pokesomioy.  why does getting an nvidia geforce 6100 working so hard15:50
its_me1897mezquitale: I have only one computer and my modem can be connected to only one computer at a time.15:51
antoranzso I need a binary15:51
antoranzis there a place to find the src so I can build it?15:51
Rolandoh my god... rhythmbox uses 730mb of ram when listening to Jamendo? is this normal?15:51
usr13its_me1897: THat  will need to done on the router / modem.15:51
Speckalhow do you get the keyring to "forget" remote share credentials so you can log in as a different user?15:51
jnevesRoland: virtual or resident?15:51
usr13its_me1897: I am assuming the modem is also a router?  Or do you have a separate router?15:52
pokesomiis forum user beasttrace91 on here15:52
visepokesomi, no15:52
its_me1897usr13: No, I have only a single Modem.15:52
pokesomiok just checking15:52
mezquitaleits_me1897,  ahhh.... so different users use your machine and you want to restrict internet usage to one user?  You want to filter what internet sites theyre able to see and you want to deny the user internet access?15:52
usr13its_me1897: and that modem also acts as router for the LAN?15:53
mezquitalehe wants to restrict internet use to one of his users on his local machine15:53
Piciantoranz: No... its part of bash/zsh/whatever, if csh doesn't provide its own facility for doing something like that then you may be out of luck, or perhaps you are using the wrong command.15:53
its_me1897mezquitale: I don't want that user to access Internet at all, so their is no question of filtering.15:54
usr13its_me1897: You need to give a detailed discription of your LAN.15:54
jedilinkFortunately, "read" bash internal command functionality is quite simple... just making a pause. In that situation, I would write a little C program15:54
jnevesflasbang73: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty15:54
CissHow i can update 9.04 to 9.10?15:54
usr13its_me1897: If you can ssh into the PC in question, you could do it there....15:55
MaT-dghow can I open Hjsplit archives in ubuntu?15:55
its_me1897usr13: ok15:55
SlartCiss: ask in #ubuntu+1 , that's the support channel for 9.1015:55
Speckalhow do you get the keyring to "forget" remote share credentials so you can log in as a different user?15:55
mezquitaleits_me1897, there is a way of doing that but it's painful, it looks like you have to use iptables15:56
antoranzPici: well... I'm also seeing on an AIX box and it does have a read binary so I thought that the source code could be out there15:56
antoranzthanks anyway15:56
its_me1897mezquitale: ok, lets try it.15:56
mezquitaleits_me1897, http://sanaulla.wordpress.com/2008/02/07/disable-internet-access-for-particular-user-in-ubuntu/15:57
usr13its_me1897: If you ssh into the machine in question and add ifdown eth0 to /etc/rc.local and then issucommand eth0 down that would block  it from network connection, (if eth0 is the NIC that is connected).15:57
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its_me1897usr13: Where do I specify which user to block from accessing Internet connection?15:58
iMatterSo, what can i do to use that own-partition home on this computer?15:58
SnowRaptorHey there! How can I access the settings menu in the livecd without a mouse?16:00
TheFuzzballHow do I list loaded modules in Ubuntu?16:00
Wolteri nees help creating a windows xp boot usb16:00
PiciTheFuzzball: lsmod16:00
SnowRaptorTheFuzzball: sudo lsmod16:00
viseWolter, This is #ubuntu16:00
mezquitaleSnowRaptor, try hitting tab16:00
Woltervise, i know but people at ##windows don't work16:01
SnowRaptormezquitale: I did it, after a lot of tab presses, didn't seem to habe selected tyhose menus ever16:01
mezquitaleSnowRaptor, try alt-tab16:01
viseWolter, Use forums16:01
PiciWolter: be patient16:01
SnowRaptormezquitale: didn't seem to work either16:01
SlartWolter: looked at syslinux?16:01
usr13its_me1897: Oh you are talking about a user on the same machine? If so;  mezquitale has a good possible solution.16:02
viseWolter, It's unlikely that any one will know here...16:02
mezquitaleWolter, why would you want an usb xp boot disk? rofl  try ubuntu usb16:02
viseHeh.. yeah.. ubuntu rocks16:02
Woltermezquitale, why are you rofling? i am trying to repair my sister's computer.16:02
WolterSlart, what about syslinux?16:02
pokesomijedilink: its not working16:02
mezquitaleSnowRaptor, usually tab works, try hitting ESC and hitting the arrows, and try pressing ALT and see if any letter lights up16:03
Joker_-_Any idea why a sound card would be detected (lspci shows the card) but unusable (not in the drop-down list in xfce's mixer)?16:03
its_me18971usr13: mezquitale: Sorry I was temporarily disconnected.16:03
SlartWolter: it can't be used to create a dos boot disk? or it just works with the linux kernel?16:03
SnowRaptormezquitale: nice, brb16:03
usr13iMatter: What do you mean own-partition?16:03
erxini opened a port 5900 for testing, when i netstat -l , it shows me it is listening, but i cant ping the port from another remote computer16:04
SnowRaptormezquitale: negative16:04
mezquitaleWolter, because a USB windows boot disk would be useless compared to an ubuntu USB disk16:04
WolterSlart, I don't know, I tried unetbootin to copy a windows xp cd into my usb, but it installed some weird debian boot loader16:04
Wolterif i knew the commands to boot the windows out of the usb i would like that :)16:04
iMatterusr13: my home is on its on partition i just moved it there on LIve CD and did a fresh install/upgrade to jaunty on its own partition16:04
Xpistos|workHey can someone give me a hand gettting a file deleted from my system.16:04
SlartWolter: what are you trying to do, btw? install windows from an usb drive?16:04
Woltermezquitale, you do not get the point16:04
mezquitaleSnowRaptor, i suggest goggle, ive never had a problem like that one before16:05
WolterSlart, i just want to run chkdsk /f to fix the hard drive16:05
Wolterit went corrupt16:05
mezquitaleWolter, what's wrong with the machine?16:05
MustardTigerhello,  I'm trying to install (dualboot XP) but get error when partition is being resized.  The Wubi installed complete,  I restart the computer and go through a couple steps but then get error "failed to create file system" "The ext3 file system in partition #1 of loopback (loop2) failed"16:05
viseWolter, Get ultimate boot cd... google it...16:05
stratocasteri must install a vnc server on my ubuntu 9.04 64 bit....I don't want use vino....anyone can help me?16:05
SlartWolter: oh.. hmm.. I would take a look at freedos.. perhaps it can do it16:05
SlartWolter: not sure if it does ntfs though16:05
TheFuzzballHow would I add a wireless card in Ubuntu Server?16:06
jedilinkdamaged Vista? Vista repair ? ... perhaps it is better to reinstall Vista16:06
usr13iMatter: If you have created a new partiton for /home, you will first need to copy the contents from the existing /home/user to it and then create a mount point for it and make an entry in fstab for it.  etc...16:06
jedilinkand use ubuntu to recover data16:06
mezquitaleWolter, you just need to run chkdsk /f on her machine, use a boot disk from bootdisk.com to boot up to the machine, go to a DOS prompt and run chkdsk /f, that will fix any corruption on her machine16:06
iMatterusr13: i did a fresh install the partition is already working for home16:07
stratocasteri must install a vnc server on my ubuntu 9.04 64 bit....I don't want use vino....anyone can help me?16:07
usr13iMatter: But we would need to know exactly what you have done and exactly what  your goal is.  (At this point, I'm not sure)16:07
iMatterusr13:  so theres no way to just leave that file there and use it with this account16:07
iMatterusr13: my goal is to use my home with this account ubuntu made even though i specified son9524 it made son9524-laptop16:07
Woltermezquitale, the problem is that unetbootin (the app i used to create the winxp boot cd) installed a linux boot script16:07
Woltermezquitale, and i don't know the commands to make it boot the windows from the usb16:08
usr13iMatter: if you used the same user name, it should just be there.  It depends on what you did in the install.16:08
=== Tetracomm is now known as fuzzypotato
iMatterusr13: the directory is there but ubuntu changed the username i chose to -laptop16:08
iMatterusr13: during installation16:08
wildc4rdafternoon all16:08
powdermilkWolter: I don't think unetbootin works with windows16:09
Wolterpowdermilk, yeah, me neither16:09
mezquitaleWolter, easy solution, go to bootdisk.com to create yourself a boot CD in a few minutes youll be fixing that HD16:09
usr13iMatter: Well, I don't know. I suppose you could just copy all that stuff to the new home dir .16:09
iMatterusr13: not enough space16:09
EvilRoeyericindc:  nice nick.  In DC too.;16:09
Woltermezquitale, the problem is how do i make the usb bootable with windowx?16:10
powdermilkWolter: are you trying to make a bootable windows usb drive?16:10
bazhangWolter, please ask in ##windows ; it is offtopic here16:10
MustardTigerhello,  I'm trying to install (dualboot XP) but get error when partition is being resized.  The Wubi installed complete,  I restart the computer and go through a couple steps but then get error "failed to create file system" "The ext3 file system in partition #1 of loopback (loop2) failed"16:10
pumpkinseedhow do you run a .elf file?16:10
jedilinkmmm How to restrict internet access from an specific user? iptables has a uid/gid filter ...16:10
mezquitaleWolter, what youre basically asking me to do is to show you how to bring a knife to a gun fight16:11
viseWolter, Don't you have a cdrom?16:11
Wolterpowdermilk, yes16:11
Wolterpowdermilk, i think i found a link at the bootdisk.com site16:11
Wolterbazhang, people at ##windows are not useful enough16:11
stratocasteri must install a vnc server on my ubuntu 9.04 64 bit....I don't want use vino....anyone can help me?16:11
bazhangWolter, then be patient, and read some forums. it is offtopic here.16:12
erxinstratocaster: i want the same, im trying for 3 days now, its frustrating, i cant login from a remote pc to my desktop16:12
RolandHow much memory should rhythmbox use when listening to jamendo? mine shows virutal memory: 1.5GB and resident 760MB. Seems quite a lot doesn't it?16:12
geremywolter: windows xp or windows seven?16:12
Woltergeremy, xp16:12
ikoniaWolter: geremy please take this elsewhere16:13
bazhangWolter, please stop16:13
PiciWolter: ##windows is the correct place to ask, #ubuntu is not. If you continue here you will find yourself outside the channel.16:13
geremywolter, i know how to that i do that few day before16:13
usr13iMatter: Then I suppose you could change the name of the other /home/username dir to match the new user name and add a line to fstab to mount it correctly, but then you'd need to change ownership on it as well, chown -R new-user-name /home/new-user-name16:13
stratocastererxin: nobody on the chat has hel you?16:13
mezquitalestratocaster, try nx, I was going to install nx on my machine but all I needed was openssh server to sync my files but i hear nx is a good option to remotely login to your machine16:13
TheFuzzballWhere can I find a list of modules included in Ubuntu Server 9.10?16:13
Woltergeremy, mezquitale, please join me at #woxe-studios16:13
geremyyou must have image of instalation cd and set of tool called16:13
Woltergeremy, mezquitale to talk about this, of course16:13
ikoniaTheFuzzball: #ubuntu+1 for 9.10 discussion please16:14
stratocastermezquitale: i neeed to help to configure it...you can help me?16:14
econdeanyone having DNS issues out there?16:14
mezquitaleWolter,  you have to go to bootdisk.com if you continue this you will get a lot of rofls and then you will be ignored16:14
ikoniaeconde: just tell us your proble16:14
usr13iMatter: But it is a bit complicated.  You would need to read a how-to on it.16:14
ikoniaeconde: you're problem sorry16:14
mezquitalestratocaster, configure what? nx?16:14
Woltermezquitale, i am trying to take the offtopic out of here, i am not talking about bootdisks or rofls now16:14
iMatterusr13: chown -R son9524-laptop:son9524-laptop /home/son9524-laptop i did that now would a reboot or a log out make it use the old home now, wait what about the new preferences etc from the newer one?16:15
stratocastermezquitale: yes...is the first time that i use it16:15
geremywalter , usb multiboot 1016:15
pokesomii am still having a hard time getting the nvidia drivers to install16:15
Picigeremy: stop16:15
ikoniamezquitale: STOP16:15
Picimezquitale: stop16:15
Slartahem.. yea.. what they said.. =)16:15
mezquitalepokesomi, you have jaunty installed?16:15
pokesomimezquitale: yes16:15
usr13iMatter: You need to change the name of teh /home dir too....16:16
iMatterusr13: i did16:16
MustardTigerhello all. can anyone help with partition issue on install16:16
iMatterusr13: will it just regenerate them?16:16
usr13iMatter: You will also need to create an entry in the fstab file too.16:16
SlartMustardTiger: what is the problem?16:16
iMatterusr13: huh? why's that both of the homes are on the same partition16:16
MustardTigerhello,  I'm trying to install (dualboot XP) but get error when partition is being resized.  The Wubi installed complete,  I then restart the computer and go through a couple steps but then get error "failed to create file system" "The ext3 file system in partition #1 of loopback (loop2) failed"16:16
mezquitalepokesomi, which drivers are you using, the ones labeled "new"???16:17
usr13iMatter: If it is on a separate parttiion, you need to designate it properly.16:17
stratocastermezquitale: can you help me?16:17
SlartMustardTiger: no idea.. never used wubi, sorry16:17
MustardTigerWhen I try doing the installing from the live CD I get a similiar error16:17
pokesomimezquitale: i do have the 9.04 ubuntu16:17
Nameless_aulinux in windows... smells full of fail to begin with16:17
iMatterusr13: hmm... maybe i didn't ask right... i have my OLD home and my NEW home on the SAME partition its already known by ubuntu that they're on that partition16:17
usr13iMatter: if they are both on the same partition and you have renamed it, then the other one no longer exists.16:17
PiciNameless_au: I don't see how that is helpful.16:17
mezquitalestratocaster, if you want to install nx the first step is to install openssh on your machine and configure an ssh client16:18
Nameless_auPici sorry just commenting on the wubi install issue16:18
usr13iMatter: ls /home16:18
stratocastermezquitale: and can you help me to configure x11vnc?16:18
MustardTigerdoesn't seem to be a issue with Wubi, it's a partition issue.16:18
iMatterusr13: what i was mostly worried about the newer stuff... my home has configuration files etc from Hardy and this is Jaunty16:19
mezquitalestratocaster, ive never used vnc16:19
stratocastermezquitale: ok...thanks16:19
SnowRaptorin this case, what's the name of the keyboard setting program, so I can tun it from a therminal?16:19
usr13iMatter: ls -l /home  # to see what ownership is16:19
MustardTigerit wasn't helpful16:19
stratocasteranyone can help me to configure x11vnc server?16:19
mezquitalepokesomi, what video drivers are you using?  are you using the "new" drivers or older drivers?16:19
Slartstratocaster: there isn't a lot to configure..16:20
pokesomithe default that get installed16:20
MustardTigerI guess I'll post in the forums later.16:20
Slartstratocaster: x11vnc uses the currently running session.. you might want to set a password.. that's about it16:20
Nameless_auMustardTiger sorr y i cant help never used wubi16:20
rameshworwhat actually is done when i do Alt+F2  and then compiz --replace16:20
MustardTigerLive CD though?16:20
Nameless_auonly under VM in vista16:20
pokesomimezquitale: the defaults that come with 9.0416:21
stratocasterSlart: i must give access to my pc at another pc...i must give it the gate, usurname and password, or not?16:21
Nameless_aurameshwor - you replace your DE with compiz16:21
robertjhey all, I want to install a ttf font and fonts:/// is apparently not the cool way to do things anymore, how do you go about i?16:21
mezquitalepokesomi, first uninstall all your drivers, purge the software and clean your system:16:21
mezquitalesudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*;16:21
pokesomimezquitale this is a clean install.  only added xchat16:21
Slartstratocaster: on the server you set a password.. on the client you need the ip of the server and that password.. no usernames needed16:21
mezquitalesudo apt-get --purge autoremove;16:22
mezquitalesudo apt-get clean; gksudo jockey-gtk16:22
Slartstratocaster: you might also need the port number.. but there is a default setting (5900 I think)16:22
mezquitalepokesomi, before you do that find out which drivers you have installed16:23
pokesomithere are none.  just what comes with the base install.  thats it16:23
stratocasterSlart: i must install the x11vnc, set a password and open on router the gate 5900. For give access at my pc i must login in ubuntu? I don't have understood how it access on my pc16:24
mak1hey not able to install the freeglut3-dev for opengl.... i need help.... i am running a jaunty jackalope16:24
pokesomimezquitale: what ever comes with ubuntu is what i am using.  i havent installed any drivers16:24
SnowRaptorWhy can't I get the keyboard right when acessing the livecd via vnc?16:24
mezquitalepokesomi then you dont have a problem with your nvidia drivers LoL  what youre trying to do is to install the drivers, go to "system-->Administration-->Hardware drivers"16:24
Slartstratocaster: ah, if you have a router you'll have to forward that port, yes. The server has to have a user logged on, I think16:25
CapaHI had Ubuntu Jaunty installed on a 300 GB partition, I just finished installing Windows Vista on a 200 GB partition on that same drive - unfortunately when I reboot the computer, I am not given a choice between Vista and Ubuntu --- Vista just takes ovver. how can I fix that?16:25
pokesomimezquitale:  i have a geforce 6100 which one do i use?16:25
iMatterusr13: hmm....after doing that stuff on my Desktop from the old home disappeared... i had stuff there..16:25
Slartstratocaster: but I have to run, so ask the channel about using x11vnc again, someone else will help you16:25
bazhangmak1, ask a question to the channel16:25
CissCan i resize my Ubuntu partion? I try to do this operation with Windows Acronis, but no result. Acronis tells me what i cant do any actions with this partion =( i have no any CD/DVD-rom, and this is problem, instead of this i can try to make some operations with console? but i need to un-amount my ubuntu ext3 partion and this is impossible16:25
SnowRaptorstratocaster: you must styart the server on your machine via the vncserver command16:25
mak1hey not able to install the freeglut3-dev for opengl.... i need help.... i am running a jaunty jackalope16:26
stratocasterSlart: thanks16:26
mezquitalein my experience the "new" ones did not work on my machine but you can pick whichever you like and pray that it works, I would choose the one below "new, I think it's 17716:26
iMatter!livecd | ciss16:26
ubottuciss: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.16:26
iMatterCiss: see above use that and you can resize it16:26
Cissi dont have any cd/dvd ROM!)16:26
pokesomi173 in this case16:26
stratocasterSnowRaptor: i must give access at my pc. i want install x11vnc16:26
mezquitalepokesomi, of you can be adventerous and try the new ones specially if you have a 32 bit machine16:26
mak1bazhang: hey16:26
slack1howto add for file menu.lst  boot slackware16:26
pokesomii tried the 180 and near nuking of my install.  i am going to try 17316:27
stratocasterSnowRaptor: i must set a password and give it and my ip at the guest, right?16:27
mak1bazhang: hey not able to install the freeglut3-dev for opengl.... i need help.... i am running a jaunty jackalope16:27
EvilRoeyericindc:  hi again16:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about live-usb16:27
bazhangmak1, paste.ubuntu.com with the error message (DONT paste here)16:27
mobi-sheep!usb | ohir16:28
ubottuohir: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:28
SnowRaptorstratocaster: thhe steps are: install x11vnc or tightvnc-server or whatever; then you msut set your router (if any) to forward the port correctly; then you msut set a password using the command "vncpasswd"; then start the server via "vncserver".16:28
SnowRaptorstratocaster: "vncserver" will return a display number, probably ":1"16:28
mezquitaleCiss, as ohir mentioned your next option is to create a live usb ubuntu and boot to the usb stick to use gparted16:28
SnowRaptorstratocaster: your party must then connect to your.ip.add.ress:1, for examplo16:29
SnowRaptorstratocaster: and supply the password you set via vncpasswd16:29
stratocasterSnowRaptor: but the guest will see only the command line or all the screen?16:29
pisseHi! I'm trying to get my mysql and phpmyadmin to function and I get the same problem as in this thread: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,9689,131127#msg-131127 it seems like loads of ppl have the same problem and I don't know where to start.. =/ can anyone help me with this?16:29
ohirCiss: read16:29
ohirmobi-sheep: it was for Ciss :)16:29
mak1bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213684/16:29
geremyohir every distribution have its own usb version or you can create it with unetbootin but in windows in linux there is another way16:30
SnowRaptorstratocaster: your guest will be given a desktop just like the one you get when you log in16:30
SnowRaptorstratocaster: you can try this accessing your own machive via vnc16:30
ltcabral_how do i read an enviroment variable like KRB5CCNAME?16:30
SnowRaptorltcabral_: echo $KRB5CCNAME16:31
stratocasterSnowRaptor: I don't understand if i must do the gdm login or not16:31
bazhangmak1, where are you installing this from? the repos? have you tried to install those other packages16:31
ltcabral_SnowRaptor: thanks16:31
mezquitalemak1, first try sudo apt-get update16:31
ohirltcabral_: env command lists all your env variables, try it in terminal16:31
mak1bazhang: yes from the repos...16:31
SnowRaptorstratocaster: no16:32
bazhangramiz, you have a question?16:32
mezquitalemak1, sorry first go to software sources and make sure all the repos you want to use are activated then do a sudo apt-get update16:32
SnowRaptorstratocaster: once you started the vncserver, it weill be available to access until you kill the server16:32
SnowRaptorstratocaster: it creates an idependent desktop16:33
ramizhow to get windows exploding or burning16:33
mak1mezquitale: all the repos are activated ..and the update also is done16:33
pokesomimezquitale:173 did the same thing as 18016:33
SnowRaptorramiz: enable special desktop effects16:33
slack1how to edit grub16:33
stratocasterSnowRaptor: than i can use my pc, during use it guest too?16:33
mezquitalepokesomi, you want to completely purge nvidia before you try 17316:33
SnowRaptorstratocaster: yes, independently16:34
pokesomithere was no previous install16:34
pokesomibut now i have to do that16:34
SnowRaptorstratocaster: try thios:16:34
bazhangramiz, using compiz; install compizconfig-settings-manager16:34
bazhang!ccsm > ramiz16:34
ubotturamiz, please see my private message16:34
SnowRaptorstratocaster: ster you created the server using vncserver, connect to it using vncviewer <yout ip address>:116:34
mezquitalepokesomi, fire up synaptic and try installing the software using synaptic16:34
ramizthank you ill try16:35
SnowRaptorstratocaster: ster = after16:35
stratocasterSnowRaptor: now i cannot, i'm sorry16:35
slack1howto edit grub for add slackware16:35
mezquitalepokesomi, dont fire up synaptic LoL that post wasnt for you16:35
bazhangramiz, you will need the 3d drivers installed for your card; help for special effects in #compiz16:35
pokesomioh ok16:35
mezquitalemak1, fire up synaptic and try installing the software16:35
SnowRaptorstratocaster: okay, but when you create the server,m try connecting to it before giving your guest the password16:35
mak1mezquitale: i did man the errors are pasted here http://paste.ubuntu.com/213684/16:36
SnowRaptorslack1: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst16:36
stratocasterSnowRaptor: yes, of coirse16:36
SnowRaptorslack1: and follow the instructions given in slackware16:36
slack1i want add boot slackware16:36
usr13slack1: Here is what I used once:  http://pastebin.ca/148973916:37
mezquitalepokesomi, you have to purge the nvidia software like i showed you before then try the hardware ddrivers again, if you dont have an option to install them then go to "add/remove" an install the drivers, make sure you dont have 180 installed then install the older drivers, this will only install the drivers, then go to "Hardware Drivers" and you should be able to use the drivers you just installed using "add/remove"16:37
usr13slack1: You will have to change to suit your configuration / partitions etc.16:37
pokesomimezquitale:  the drivers i just tried have been removed16:38
mezquitalemak1, can i see your /etc/apt/source.list file??16:38
mak1ok ill paste it there16:39
mezquitalepokesomi, and you purged the drivers as well, right?  now install the older drivers using "add/remove"16:39
pokesomidrivers are gone.  removing software now16:39
pokesomilooks like i need to get some older drivers16:40
pokesomimezquitale: can you walk me through this really quick in private chat?16:40
ramizok thank you16:40
mak1mezquitale: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213705/16:42
jagjrhow can i fix a grub bootloader after installing windows16:42
mezquitalemak1, when you do a sudo apt-get update, what is the last lines that you get?16:43
bazhangmak1, are those dell repos?16:43
SnowRaptorwhat's the name of the user manager, so I can call iot from the command line>?16:43
eldenzis there an unstable repository for packages?16:44
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub jagjr16:44
mak1bazhang: no i had searched for all the repos to install any package ..i found this.. as complete repos list16:44
guylewinI am using SliceHost and running Hardy on it16:44
guylewinAnd my Swap usage is really high16:44
jagjri dont understand that link16:45
guylewinI am only running Apache and MySQL (and more basic stuff like sshd and more)16:45
guylewinHow do I know what app takes all of the swap16:45
jagjrcan someone go through ti command at a time16:45
yesudeepHi.  I'm trying to install Firefox 3.5 using instructions from http://www.wahlau.org/firefox_35_jaunty and I did get Firefox 3.5 installed, however, Firefox doesn't seem to start for me.  On one of my computers *no* version of Firefox starts except Minefield.  I'm getting a "segmentation fault" when I start Firefox 3.5 from the terminal.  How does one solve this?16:45
yesudeepAlso, firefox-3.5 -SafeMode still results in a segmentation fault.16:46
=== Crazy is now known as Guest98787
mezquitalemak1, did you install the public key for the last repo youre using??16:46
mak1no i dint16:46
mak1mezquitale: wat do i do16:47
mak1mezquitale: i need to install freeglut3 for opengl projects16:47
edmontwhen i started my laptop this mornig neither the keypad and the mouse where working16:48
edmontdo you know what it can be?16:48
edmontthey work in grub16:48
edmontand in windows16:48
mezquitalemak1, what software are you trying to install??16:48
gangilblack magic ?16:48
BlackHawkhello ... I installed ubuntu 9.04 (with the ALTERNATE install cd) on an external usb hd and want to boot it on a computer, that doesn't support booting from usb ... so I made a 'usb boot cd' following this tutorial: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-boot-cd-for-ubuntu-904/ ... when booting from this cd I hoped it would boot the usb hd, but instead every 5 seconds these messages appear: 'kjournald starting. commit interval 5 seconds.' and 'ext3fs: mounte16:49
BlackHawkd filesystem with ordered mode' ... I already asked google for those error messages and what they should mean and looked for help in the german irc channel, but without success ... hope anyone of you can help me!16:49
FloodBot3BlackHawk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:49
wdyrtFloodBot3 is very sensitive16:50
wdyrta bit too sensitive16:50
BlackHawk:D I think so too^^16:50
Padhuanybody help me to customize fluxbox in ubuntu16:50
domohey - when do you think php5.3 will be in the official repository ?16:51
Yesuok, this is my issue16:51
erxinwhere can i find the iptables config file in ubuntu ?16:51
whatvnPadhu, I think fluxbox has its channel16:51
Padhuwhatvn: Ok. THanks16:51
specto!iptables | erxin16:51
ubottuerxin: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist16:51
jagjrcan anyone help me with fixing grub after installing windows16:51
jilbert| is invalid ip, host or nickname.16:51
icerootdomo: maybe with 9.10?16:52
Yesumy friend has a wireless mouse and keyboard that communicate with one usb port; when he boots from cd, they both work; however, when he boots from the harddrive, they do not work; what appears to be the problem!?16:52
FlatsI can't seem to find the right combination of search terms to find how I can see my ubuntu disk from windows. I have a winXP box upstairs and an ubuntu downstairs. I want to be able to see files on ubuntu from my windows box16:52
FlatsHope that made sense16:52
defibHello, I have broken dependencies and can't install or remove anything.16:52
whatvnYesu, maybe drivers were not install16:52
stringsflats : use ext2fsd16:53
icerootFlats: use samba or sftp16:53
FlatsTY very much16:53
Yesuwhatvn how would he go about installing them if they both will not work? is there somehow to do it from the cd?16:53
Yesuif he boots from cd?16:53
whatvnYesu, pastebin lsusb output16:54
Yesuwould he need to boot from cd and go into a terminal to do taht?16:54
edmontwhen i started my laptop this mornig neither the keypad nor the mouse were working. They work in windows and during grub selection. I only installed official 9.04 updates. what can be happening?16:55
whatvnYesu, nope. just do lsusb on current system16:55
Yesuhe can't type though16:56
Yesuwireless keyboard is not working16:56
whatvnYesu, tie my hand :-p16:57
mezquitalemak1, one last suggestion is to see where xlibmesa-gl-dev is supposed to be installed from?  maybe that one needs a repo as well?16:57
whatvnYesu, tell him plug out and plugin again16:57
whatvnhope it works16:57
mak1mezquitale: can u tell the repos i need for it...16:58
rebelactually.. its me that needs help :)16:58
rebelim his friend16:58
wildc4rdanyone recommend a decent gmail notifier?16:58
mezquitalemak1, sorry I do not16:58
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:59
invisibledThe taskbar gmail notifier always has worked well for me wildcard16:59
rebelI can get ubuntu installed but then on first bootup my keyboard and mouse will not work causing me to not be able to login..16:59
bastidrazor!info xlibmesa-gl-dev | mak1 ?17:00
ubottumak1: xlibmesa-gl-dev (source: xorg): transitional package for Debian etch. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.4~5ubuntu18 (jaunty), package size 0 kB, installed size 24 kB17:00
rebelit does work when im booted from the live cd though17:00
whatvnrebel, did you reboot?17:00
rebelyes, many times..17:01
rebelIt has been an on going process for about 15 hours now.. of reinstallin and what have you17:01
rebelon first boot I did receive two different errors which went away after reboot17:01
whatvnrebel, sometimes hal and dbus cannot start, not drivers was not installed.17:01
mak1ubottu: I DIN GET UR POST17:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:02
PoindextraI'm having a problem with flash in Mozilla Firefox, where the embedded media won't load and all I get is a little grey play (>) button.17:02
rebelwhatvn: so is there a way to fix that?17:02
PoindextraAfter clicking the button I get nothing, or sometimes the embedded media flickers but won't execute.17:02
PoindextraAny tips?17:02
defibI have broken dependencies and can't install or remove anything; here's the pastebin of what I've tried. http://www.pastebin.org/76917:02
jpds!caps | mak117:02
ubottumak1: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:02
bazhangrebel, this a bluetooth keyboard?17:03
rebelwhatvn: these are the errors I received after first boot, but went away after second boot, SRST failed (errno=-16), and EXT3-fs error17:03
rebelbazhang: its a wireless usb kb/mouse17:03
whatvnrebel: I just recommend booting in to livecd and find what cause that problem17:03
mak1ubottu:i am not souting..it was mistake17:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:03
jpds!bot | mak117:03
ubottumak1: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:03
=== vorian is now known as JSwormbot
stringsi am also having same problem as poindextra ? any help..17:03
rebelwhatvn: well when I boot into the live cd everything works fine.. and im kind of new to ubuntu so im not sure how to troubleshoot it17:03
whatvnrebel, Ext3-fs is not in this case17:04
visemak1, Talk with the ones who are making ubottu talk.. in the format "<whatever> | mak1".. lol17:04
PoindextraI've tried downloading and reinstalling flashplayer on my laptop, but it hasn't worked.17:04
wizard_i need help with me video card..i don't understand which driver is the right one.....im on a low mode look at this error17:04
wizard_X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)17:04
wizard_  Major opcode of failed request:  143 (GLX)17:04
wizard_  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)17:04
FloodBot3wizard_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:04
wizard_  Serial number of failed request:  1017:04
=== sean is now known as Guest48042
whatvnrebel, you dont have another keyboard or mouse?17:04
whatvnyou need it to fix this problem17:04
=== JSwormbot is now known as vorian
edmontwhen i started my laptop this mornig neither the keypad nor the mouse were working. They work in windows and during grub selection. I only installed official 9.04 updates. what can be happening?17:05
ballooozaI wonder if the floodbot can stop ubottu...?17:05
wizard_how do i copy the error with that17:05
rebelwhatvn: I do, but even when I plug them in after bootup they dont work.. should i try plugging them in before boot up?17:05
=== MartyMacFly is now known as Guest16433
viseballoooza, Only if ubottu floods.. or is made to flood.. hehe17:05
whatvnrebel, you should try :D17:06
jpdsballoooza: No, it can't.17:06
bazhangrebel, before boot for sure17:06
PoindextraI'm also having a problem with ca-certificates-java, which will give me many results including error code (1), error exit status 127, and error exit status 130.17:06
rebelok, I am trying that now.. keep the fingers crossed17:06
defibI have broken dependencies and can't install or remove anything; here's the pastebin of what I've tried. http://www.pastebin.org/76917:06
PoindextraI'm running on Ubuntu 9.04, if that helps.17:06
PoindextraThis I've also tried reinstalling and marking for upgrade, to no avail.17:07
erxinmy remote desktop configuration says my computer is only reachable from local network, how can i make it reachable from public networks ?17:07
wizard_someone tell me what do i do now?!!!!17:07
mcfarlaneHow do i kill all progresses in bash?17:07
FlatsIs there a way to make the remote desktop active prior to logging in in Ubuntu so I don't have to run downstairs everytime I reboot? I know, I know, I'm lazy17:07
wapkodefib: have you tried the suggested -f parameter or is that not an option ?17:07
=== PR0N-RIAA is now known as wiz4rd
rebelwhatvn: it is still not working with a PS/2 kb/mouse17:07
wizard_i can't configure my video card...it's ati radeon 9200...17:07
mcfarlaneHow do i kill all active processes in bash, like pings etc?17:07
JediMasterAnyone used "pound" or "haproxy" reverse proxies? Am considering using them or apache with mod_proxy_balancer, to do load balancing/failover on several virtual sites spread over several machines (they all host each virtual site) any suggestions?17:07
wiz4rdanyone able to help out with a quota question?17:07
Guest48042my wireless keyboard and mouse, both through one usb port, worked fine in the boot cd, but does not work after installation and booting from harddrive, why is that and how can I remedy this problem?17:07
ballooozawireless problems anybody, sound problems, cedega/wine (sound on cedege/wine?) i can help...17:08
defibwapko: I have done that before, but it doesn't fix anything. I'll post up the results of it17:08
whatvnrebel, so I think hal and dbus not working. dont know why17:08
DysfunctionalWell... hmm17:08
Dysfunctionalhows it going folks17:08
rebelis there a way to fix it whatvn?17:08
phant0m_is linux mint rpm or debian?17:08
ballooozaphant0m: deb, it is ubuntu17:09
PoindextraI'm having a problem with flash in Mozilla Firefox, where the embedded media won't load and all I get is a little grey play (>) button.  After clicking the button I get nothing, or sometimes the embedded media flickers but won't execute. Help?17:09
defibhttp://www.pastebin.org/770 its in the end17:09
=== joh_ is now known as joh
phant0m_so whats linux mint?17:09
wiz4rdi have a partition /dev/sdb5 which is a logical drive (ext2) on /dev/sdb1 which is extended partition, what entry to make in /etc/fstab to enable the quota in ubuntu(/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb5 do not appear there yet)17:09
defibpoindextra: are you running x64 or x86?17:09
bastidrazor!mint | phant0m_17:09
ubottuphant0m_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)17:09
bazhangphant0m_, ubuntu-based, NOT supported here17:09
diddyHow can I disable the apache service so it doesn't start up after the computer has bootet. I rename the s91apache2 script to k91apache2 in the /etc/rc5.d/ dir. But it doesn't have any effect. :(17:09
PoindextraI believe it's x86, but how would I check that?17:09
ballooozaphant0m: it is like ubuntu (at the core) with the codecs and flash installed, to make it easer17:09
whatvnrebel, you need to boot in to live cd, then mount your filesystem, then chroot to work on your current system, and start hal and dbus or add it to default run level.17:09
laegwhen i use webmin's http tunnel is says www.google.com cannot be found but i can access google no problem server side?17:10
rebelohhh my... that's a lot of googling on how im gonna do that17:10
defibpoindextra: well when you intalled ubuntu, did you use the x64 edition or the 32bit?17:10
whatvnrebel, but in this case, I'm not sure if it works or not, I never did it on ubuntu before17:10
Joker_-_lspci lists my sound card as: Ensoniq 5880B but it's not listed in /proc/asound/cards... sup with that?17:10
mstefanyone know of a CD burning app that actually works? gnomebaker fails every burn and brasero crashes whenever you add music tracks...17:10
bakarati have an annoying problem where eclipse's "ctrl + 1" for quick fix isn't working, the shortcut simply isn't getting to eclipse i think, is it possible the OS is intercepting it for another program (compiz...?) if so, can i find out where and disable it?17:10
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate17:10
ballooozaphant0m: you can allways get mint help on ubuntu channel, it is so simeler.17:10
Poindextradefib: O dear, I don't remember.17:10
rameshworCAN I INSTALL X64 edition in my 32 bit ??17:10
jpdsrameshwor: No.17:10
PoindextraI think x64.17:11
viserameshwor, x64 ubuntu you mean? which processor?17:11
defibpoindextra: well there is no 64bit flash, so thats your problem17:11
whatvnrameshwor, nope17:11
ballooozamstef: k3b is supposed to work, it dose require some extera librarys (13 MiB or so)17:11
rameshworvise: yes ..  i've got X64 server edition . i want to try it but mine is 32 bit box.17:11
rebelis there a way to check if hal/dbus are running already?17:12
wiz4rdi have a partition /dev/sdb5 which is a logical drive (ext2) on /dev/sdb1 which is extended partition, what entry to make in /etc/fstab to enable the quota in ubuntu(/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb5 do not appear there yet)17:12
rebelwhen im in live cd17:12
viserameshwor, which processor do you have. We need to find out if your processor can go 64 bit..17:12
Poindextradefib: Thing is, flash was working fine yesterday (which probably means I'm in 32bit), but when I ran a computer janitor it might have gotten rid of a .deb file or something, which killed my flash.17:12
spectoHow do you silence parts/joins from irssi?17:12
whatvnrebel, see your PM17:12
ballooozathat was wierd, I just anwsered the guys question and he left...17:12
diddy How can I disable the apache service so it doesn't start up after the computer has bootet. I rename the s91apache2 script to k91apache2 in the /etc/rc5.d/ dir. But it doesn't have any effect. :(17:12
PhantalI upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 2 nights ago, afterwhich wireless stopped working.  I booted from the older kernel and wireless works again, so I suspect it's a driver issue, but I'm not altogether familiar with resolving these issues ... can someone point me in the right direction?17:12
rameshworvise : well not sure. but it is intel....   so i have some little hope for it to work..17:13
ballooozaPhantel: I can help with wireless17:13
defibpoindextra: okay, go into sympatic and look for ubuntu-restricted-extras17:13
Phantalballoooza: cool, I appreciate it17:13
usr13edmont: What type of keyboard and mouse?17:13
=== _Siegfried is now known as Siegfried
PoindextraFound it defib.  Mark for install?17:13
Phantalballoooza: basically, if I boot using the kernel I upgraded to, the wireless driver won't let me associate the card with an access point17:13
ballooozaphantel, so you say you loaded up the old kernel, do you mean the live cd? or did you compile th old kernel17:14
viserameshwor, Intel processors can go 64 bit. for example the core 2 duo.. so do this: cat /proc/cpuinfo and tell me which processor you have..17:14
defibpoindextra that should fix it17:14
PoindextraIf it doesn't I'll PM you,if that's alright.17:14
Phantalballoooza: it doesn't remove the old kernel from the boot menu17:14
=== |404NotFound| is now known as error404notfound
Phantalballoooza: so I just went back to (I think -- I can double check if needs be)17:14
ballooozaphantel: that is strange, not to sound condecendding, but are you sure that you upgraded?17:15
bakaratis there a central repository of all the key shortcuts known by/intercepted by the OS before it reaches a regular program?17:15
ballooozaphantel: how bout' a PM, it is noisy in here.17:15
Phantalballoooza: sure17:15
Poindextradefib: it didn't work :s17:15
defibpoindextra, did you reboot firefox?17:15
defibI have broken dependencies and can't install or remove anything; here's the pastebin of what I've tried. http://www.pastebin.org/77017:16
* Poindextra facedesks.17:16
Joker_-_is that channel loged somewhere for future information?17:16
PoindextraI just did, and still nothing.17:16
maniheerhow can I exit xorg and go just to console from ubuntu?17:16
bazhang!logs > Joker_-_17:16
ubottuJoker_-_, please see my private message17:16
maniheeri mean xubuntu17:16
Joker_-_thx bazhang and whoever programmed ubottu's script17:17
bazhangmaniheer, 9.04?17:17
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:17
visemaniheer, CTRL+ALT+F1 and CTRL+ALT+F7 to come back17:17
bazhang!dontzap > maniheer17:17
ubottumaniheer, please see my private message17:17
maniheerokay thanks17:17
wiz4rdwhat are the two numbers at th end of the fstab entry represent17:17
rameshworvice; is  1.73 ghz   T2080  is it enough ?17:17
Joker_-_!dontzap > Joker_-_17:17
ubottuJoker_-_, please see my private message17:17
bazhangah maniheer never mind the dontzap17:18
PoindextraHm.  I'm wondering why it's not working properly.17:18
rameshworvice : is the information enough . or i should post more ??17:18
maniheerthat didnt work17:18
Joker_-_lspci lists my sound card as: Ensoniq 5880B but it's not listed in /proc/asound/cards... sup with that?17:18
maniheerI need to kill the current x session17:18
emerywhat do i need to make alsaconf work ?17:19
bastidrazormaniheer, gnome?17:19
Joker_-_maniheer: /etc/init.d/gdm stop17:19
bastidrazormaniheer, when you get to tty1 type sudo /etc/init.d/xdm stop17:19
scuniziHow do you alphabatize the programs listed in the menus under "Applications"?  Right click, edit, manually use arrow selection to move items is not an option.17:19
Murchadhchorus dns server17:19
viserameshwor, Nope.. your cpu doesnt support 64 bit..17:19
clearscreenmaniheer: if for some reason you have some defunct X processes going, you can always 'ps aux' and manually kill them with 'kill -9 (process id)'17:20
asmarini installed on my system locale es_ES how i can install es alone?17:20
rameshworvise: :(         :(17:20
viserameshwor, It's no better.. 64 bit is only good to some extent for speed, and using memory if you have more than 4 gb.. Otherwise 32 bit is the best...17:20
viserameshwor, Further 64 bit has compatibility issues... IMHO17:21
rameshworvise; yes but i wanted to try a server edition whichi get in 64 bit and canonical. doesn't ship server edition in 32 bit...17:21
Joker_-_lspci lists my sound card as: Ensoniq 5880B but it's not listed in /proc/asound/cards... sup with that?17:22
Joker_-_the problem being that the card isnt working, of course...17:23
Poindextradefib: after restarting firefox I only get partial embedded media function.17:23
viserameshwor, 32 bit server is available.. But i am not sure.. Anyway..17:24
pronoyvise what is IMHO17:24
maniheerstopping GDM worked17:24
maniheerbut then17:25
visepronoy, In My Humble Opinion17:25
maniheerit couldnt find any screens17:25
maniheerto start x again17:25
maniheerso I had to restart17:25
rameshworis there difference betn sudo apt-get remove  and sudo apt-get uninstall ?? remove will remove the packags from computer also ??17:25
maniheerno difference at all17:25
maniheerI think17:25
maniheeri use remove coz its quicker lol17:26
rameshwormaniheer : will both of them work ??17:26
defibI have broken dependencies and can't install or remove anything; here's the pastebin of what I've tried. http://www.pastebin.org/77017:26
maniheeryes both will work17:26
Lint01are there DC++ clients for Ubuntu?17:26
visemaniheer, rameshwor I don't think sudo apt-get uninstall is valid..17:27
maniheerive used it before17:27
emeryLint01, i dont think they disguss P2P in here17:27
f00dn00bi have a problem17:27
maniheerwhen I was on 8.04 anyway17:27
grawityLint01: yes, there are Linux DC++ clients.17:27
vise!ask | f00dn00b17:27
ubottuf00dn00b: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:27
Igg-manis there a way to get xterm shells to launch the scripts in /etc/profile.d ?17:27
fccfdefib: uh you cannot run noxpm and xpm at the same time they are incompatible17:27
PoindextraI'm still having the problem with embedded flash media in Firefox, where all I get is the grey play (>) button.  Upon clicking, the media will either flicker or just show a grey screen area.  Some media will work and play properly, others will not.  Help?  Is there anything within Firefox that might be doing this?17:27
f00dn00bwhere is internet explorer?17:27
grawity. . .17:28
bazhangf00dn00b, in windows17:28
maniheerur either a troll17:28
visef00dn00b, Its on windows.. this is ubuntu...17:28
defibfccf: well can you help me fix my issue?17:28
maniheeror uve never heard of firefox17:28
bazhangmaniheer, no need for that17:28
f00dn00bi know this is ubuntu17:28
grawityf00dn00b: Ubuntu's web browser is called Firefox, it's in Applications -> Internet.17:28
rameshworf00dn00b: it's inside mozilla firefox..17:28
f00dn00bi don't like firefox - i've heard it contains viruses17:28
Igg-manthat, or is there a place that aliases should be set so that they are set when you run no matter what type of shell is used?17:28
bazhangf00dn00b, Firefox for Ubuntu17:28
defibobvious troll is obvious17:28
f00dn00bnice boat is nice17:29
maniheerif firefox has viruses then Internet Explorer is a virus17:29
* scunizi set's /ignore f00dn00b 17:29
visef00dn00b, No way.. ie has viruses.. Anyway.. no comparisons17:29
bazhangdefib, not necessary17:29
rameshworwhat's a good C/C++ ide for newbies in linux or better for ubuntu ??17:29
scunizivise: do feed him17:29
bazhangf00dn00b, please take chat elsewhere17:29
scunizivise: *don't17:29
visescunizi, K k.. you didnt have to correct... your first one was a sarcasm anyway.. hehe17:29
noelferreirawhich are repositories to have firefox 3.5?17:29
fccfdefib: are you needing to install g++?17:29
bazhang!ff35 | noelferreira17:30
ubottunoelferreira: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:30
Picinoelferreira: It is already in the standard repositories17:30
viserameshwor, I think anjuta is good.. (universe)17:30
Joker_-_f00dn00b: you can install internet explorer trough wine. Google is your friend.17:30
defibfccf: Well I have a broken package, those errors I get when I try to install anything17:30
marco_hi. what should I do to run a bin file?17:30
noelferreiraPici, just need an update?17:30
bazhangmarco_, which file17:30
marco_bazhang , AdobeAIRinstaller17:31
grawitynoelferreira: In Ubuntu Jaunty, Firefox 3.5 is a separate package  -- firefox-3.5, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation17:31
scunizimarco_: is this file available in the repos?  you should check first before running a program that you've downloaded17:31
emerynoelferreira, or downloading it from the site.17:31
f00dn00bis internet explorer better than firefox, or is it the other way round?17:31
fccfdefib: I believe the broken package to be g++-4.3? if you remove it it should clear up your apt17:31
jagjrhow can i get windows to show up at the choose OS sysetm menu17:31
grawityf00dn00b: Firefox is better.17:31
defibfccf: sudo apt-get remove g++-4.3? I'll try17:32
emerygrawity, matter of preference17:32
fccfdefib: ok17:32
marco_I've dowloaded Adobe AIR but I dont know how to execute a bin file17:33
scuniziHow do you alphabatize the programs listed in the menus under "Applications"?  Right click, edit, manually use arrow selection to move items is not an option.17:33
fccf!dualboot |jagjr17:33
ubottujagjr: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:33
defibfccf: http://www.pastebin.org/77217:33
rockhoI'm trying to remove something with Synaptic, (pidgin) and it freezes17:33
grawityemery: Well, I still associate "IE" with MSIE 6, which was really bad ... (IE 8 is kinda nice though.)17:33
rockhoso doesn't apt-get remove17:33
rockhoand it seems to do it at the exact same place17:33
defibfccf: it's at the bottom17:33
viserockho, Wait for it..17:34
bastidrazormarco_, ./filename.bin .. you have to be in the same directory for that format to work17:34
viserockho, Atleast for 5 minutes17:34
emerygrawity, well i aint a windows user, i use Debian .. but i don't really like FF17:34
Poindextra I'm still having the problem with embedded flash media in Firefox, where all I get is the grey play (>) button.  Upon clicking, the media will either flicker or just show a grey screen area.  Some media will work and play properly, others will not.  Help?  Is there anything within Firefox that might be doing this?17:34
viserockho, Are you killing it before 5 min?17:34
lavidaanyone can help me with suggestion how to set my wireless card working17:34
marco_bastidrazor , thanks17:34
rockhook thank you vise17:34
fccfdefib: remove libgraphviz4 and libstdc++6-4.3-dev17:34
PoindextraThe website in question is Gaia Online, if that helps when it comes to preferences.17:34
f00dn00bwhat happened there?17:34
erxini have no advaced tab in my remote desktop configuration, how can i allow non local users to connect to my vnc ?17:34
f00dn00bit said i had been asked to leave?17:34
grawityemery: There's Opera, there's SeaMonkey, there's IE 8, there's Epiphany... but admit, IE version 6 was crap.17:35
defibfccf: trying now17:35
lavidai have new wireless card alfa awus036h17:35
rockhoie * was awful17:35
f00dn00bcan someone help me with the internet.17:35
bazhangf00dn00b, this is not the chat channel; you were removed. #ubuntu-offtopic for chat17:35
lavidaand also laptops integrated wireless card17:35
bazhangrockho, what error message17:35
f00dn00bi wasn't trying to caht17:36
grawityf00dn00b: Just use Firefox, dammit17:36
Joker_-_f00dn00b: stop trolling17:36
bazhanggrawity, no need for that17:36
f00dn00bi just wanted to know whether i should use internet explorer or firefox17:36
fccf!guidelines | f00dn00b17:36
ubottuf00dn00b: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:36
f00dn00bcould someone tell me the benefits of each17:36
emerygrawity, yes ie6 is crap but that's like years and years old17:37
bazhangf00dn00b, #ubuntu-offtopic17:37
f00dn00bit isn't offtopic - i need help17:37
bazhangf00dn00b, please take it there17:37
Joker_-_f00dn00b: stop trolling, second time.17:37
defibfccf: http://www.pastebin.org/77317:37
fccff00dn00b: internet explorer is windows... firefox in standard in ubuntu... what more do you need to know17:37
viseWill f00dn00b ever get kicked?17:37
f00dn00bto whoever keeps sending me messages - i am not "trolling"17:38
defibfccf: it's near the bottom again17:38
lavidacan someone tell me how to uninstall drivers on ubuntu17:38
marco_bastidrazor, it says 'permission denied'17:38
f00dn00bi am just a new user to linux ubuntu and would like to know a few things17:38
Cube_____lol is this really the biggest channel on freenode?17:38
Joker_-_f00dn00b: trolling: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. == f00dn00b17:38
viseCube_____, Yes17:38
grawityCube_____: Apparently it is. (But ##linux is much nicer)17:39
fccfdefib: we are getting there... remove libmagikcore1 then the others17:39
f00dn00bi heard the support for ubuntu was good, so i came on here17:39
bastidrazormarco_, sudo ./file.bin .. installing applications in this way can be dangerous.17:39
stringsmacro_ : right click ->properties , under permissions tab , check allow file to be executed17:39
viseWhy is there just one op here? That too a floodbot?17:39
fccf!forums | f00dn00b17:40
ubottuf00dn00b: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.17:40
defibfccf: E: Couldn't find package libmagikcore1          should I install it?17:40
fccfdefib no17:40
Picif00dn00b: This is not a discussion channel though, as you've already been told.17:40
defibf00dn00b: check your PM17:40
fccfdefib: hold on17:40
defibfccf okay17:40
marco_bastidrazor, now it says 'command not found'17:40
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Cube_____grawity: lol why?17:40
f00dn00bJoker: why would i post "controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant, or off-topic messages"? there are really more interesting things for a guy to be doing17:40
Cube_____f00dn00b: hahahah17:40
grawityCube_____: Less, um, newbies.17:40
fccfdefib: version?17:40
defibfccf: 9.0417:41
bazhang!ot > Cube_____17:41
ubottuCube_____, please see my private message17:41
Joker_-_f00dn00b: I eard BMW offer great support too. But they wont help you out with a ford. Use firefox or any provided web navigator, or listen to what I previously told you (as to install Internet Explorer in ubuntu). That would be learning/looking for answer. By staying and keeping asking the same stupid (excume me but Asking for "help me with the internet is stupid), you are a troll.17:41
bastidrazormarco_, you're typing something incorrectly.17:41
Picif00dn00b: So if you would please join #ubuntu-offtopic if you plan on continuing this discussion.17:41
strings macro_ : right click ->properties , under permissions tab , check allow file to be executed17:41
Pici!ot > grawity17:41
ubottugrawity, please see my private message17:41
Joker_-_f00dn00b: yes, I'm actually looking for help debugging a problem with a sound card, fyi17:41
bazhangJoker_-_, stop that17:41
fccfdefib: do you have the updates repos enabled17:41
defibI think so, I'll check17:42
marco_bastidrazor, I copied and pasted the filename. This is what I've done: AdobeAIRInstaller.bin17:42
bastidrazormarco_, strings may be right.. chmod +x filename.bin17:42
marco_bastidrazor: sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller17:42
defibfccf: I have security and recommended updates checked17:43
bastidrazormarco_, notice you're missing .bin17:43
viseIs there any shortcut to switch tabs in gedit editor?17:43
ltcabral_how can i run a command as an specific user?17:43
grawityvise: You could try Alt-1, Alt-2...17:43
grawityltcabral_: sudo -u user command17:43
marco_bastidrazor, i forgot to paste .bin  . It was included17:43
grawityltcabral_: or, if it's a graphical app, gksu is better.17:44
visegrawity, Hmm.. that works.. But not as good as CTRL-TAB in firefox..17:44
edbianltcabral_: su is the command to switch user.  Be more specific.  Are you writing a script??17:44
parapanghelescuhi there anyone knows by chance the graphical interface for mkvextract ????17:44
ltcabral_grawity: its just a perl script... thanks17:44
grawityvise: Yeah, that's what I liked in Windows :/17:44
grawityvise: I think there's Ctrl-Alt-PageUp/PageDown17:44
fccfdefib: ok, not sure but you have alot of repositories in you update list .. ppa's ... rit.edu? and etc... these could (probably are) causing the wrong version of things to be installed, you may have alot of work to do to get things back to square117:44
grawityvise: And you can set your own shortcuts, apparently.17:45
ltcabral_i want to run this command as an specific user: system("kdestroy"); because its being run as root17:45
kpkeerthisu <userid> -c '<command-in-quotes'17:45
defibfccf: Okay, I'll uncheck all my ppa17:45
marco_bastidrazor, still the same error: command not found17:45
defibfccf: and resort to the default server17:45
grawityltcabral_: from what programming language?17:45
ltcabral_grawity: perl17:45
edbianltcabral_: That is a kernel process.  It is supposed to be run as root.  Why do you want it to be run as somebody else?17:45
grawityedbian: kdestroy is NOT a kernel process17:46
grawityedbian: it simply destroys the Kerberos ticket cache of the current user.17:46
bastidrazormarco_, you're either not in the same directory or you have not done the chmod +x or you're typing it wrong. one of those 3.17:46
ltcabral_edbian: because it runs a kerberos authentication for the user17:46
visegrawity, Where? in gedit or system-wide.. since i can't find a setting in gedit..17:46
edbiangrawity: OOO.  I googled it.  You're right.  Sorry about that.17:46
maniheerI need some help17:46
ltcabral_edbian: and it creates a cache file owned by root17:46
fccfdefib: it may be a last resort for you, but it is the reccommended why to go about it, unless you are testing/developing using 3rd party stuff there really is no reason to have ppa's17:46
grawityvise: There's a system-wide option "Allow editing of menu shortcuts" in appearance.17:46
parapanghelescuhi there anyone knows by chance the graphical interface for mkvextract ????17:46
maniheersomebody that knows how genisoimage works17:46
edbianltcabral_: I wish they didn't use the same naming convention for both KDE desktop things and kernel things.17:47
e4rthw0rmcan anyone help me with grub loader problem?17:47
MonsieurBonhas anyone installed a funambol server yet? It seams it doesn't start (no Error...) as I can't access it over localhost:8080/funambol17:47
defibfccf: I have them to keep some packages (like gnome-do and ubuntu tweak) updated and such17:47
axos88hello! I am making a custom live USB disk with syslinux, but the boot-loading process (loading the kernel and initramfs) is extremely slow. Do you know what might be causing syslinux to be so slow? (about 30-40s until booting the kernel begins (and finishes in 1s))17:47
ltcabral_so it would be better: system("sudo -u myuser kdestroy") or system("su myuser -c 'kdestroy'")?17:47
defibfccf: I reverted17:48
grawityltcabral_: probably sudo.17:48
fccfdefib: apt-get update17:48
RolandAny easy way to install Rhythmbox 0.12.3 on 9.04?17:48
marco_bastidrazor, is this correct? sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin17:48
maniheeranybody who knows how to use genisoimage?17:48
visegrawity, I enabled that setting, but how do I edit shortcuts for gedit?17:48
kpkeerthiRoland:check www.getdeb.net17:48
edbianltcabral_: They're pretty much the same.17:48
fccfdefib: apt-get -f install17:48
fccfdefib: and pastebin17:49
bastidrazormarco_, if you are in the same directory and that is the exact filename and it has been chmod +x .. then  yes17:49
defibfccf: okay17:49
grawityvise: open the Window menu, select the "Previous window" item (do NOT click), and press the new shortcut.17:49
kpkeerthiRoland: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Rhythmbox17:49
lavidahow to uninstall drivers on ubuntu?17:49
e4rthw0rmgrub loader doesn't load even though I manually re installed it through Ubuntu Live cd. can anyone help me?17:50
marco_bastidrazor, i'm in the same directory, it is the exact filename and it has been chmod. but I get the same error17:50
edbianlavida: You can "insert" and "remove17:50
marco_don't know whats wrong17:50
littlefishcan anyone tell me how to update firefox to 3.517:50
scunizie4rthw0rm: if you have more than one drive then you probably put it on the wrong one .. or wrong partition17:50
Pici!ff35 | littlefish17:50
ubottulittlefish: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:50
defibfccf: http://www.pastebin.org/77517:50
lavidaedbian, i was installed it using command make17:50
Rolandkpkeerthi, do i need to uninstall the old version before installing the new one?17:50
=== MartyMacFly is now known as Guest1512
edbianlavida: You can "insert" and "remove" modules (linux drivers) in the kernel using the modprobe command.  Drivers come in packages but finding out the driver name and what package it's in is the tricky part.  What are you trying to do more speicifcally?17:51
littlefishmy ubuntu version is 8.1017:51
Picilittlefish: See the link at the end of that message from ubottu then17:51
e4rthw0rmscunizi: that's the weird thing! I only have one drive!!!17:51
edbianlavida: Did you download source code from somewhere?  What is the driver and what is the driver for??17:51
f00dn00bhi - i'm back17:51
lavidaedbian, i want to uninstall rtl8187l drivers for wireless card with that chipset17:51
scunizie4rthw0rm: dell?17:51
fccfdefib: ok remove g++-4.317:52
kpkeerthiRoland: no. just dowload the .deb file to your desktop and double-click on it to launch the installation.17:52
=== hDy` is now known as hDy
e4rthw0rmscunizi: no17:52
lavidaedbian, i installed ones from realtek official site17:52
edbianlavida: Do you know the name of the driver?  Where did you get the driver?  Can you give me a link?17:52
scunizie4rthw0rm: is it a machine that has one of those "rescue" partitions?17:52
lavidaedbian, i will give u the link17:52
defibfccf: http://www.pastebin.org/77617:52
littlefishokay thanks.17:53
littlefishi will try.17:53
edbiane4rthw0rm: sudo fdisk -l will list all harddrives and partitions (useful little tool) :)17:53
f0sterhow I can add more desktops in kde, it only has 2 by default17:53
edbianlavida: Is this a video card?17:53
f00dn00bok, i found something called eis4linux, is that what i want?17:53
e4rthw0rmscunizi: no, it is a rack with 2 quad processors that i want to use for mpi implementations, and i tried installing the server edition, grub loaded fine. after formatting and trying regular ubuntu it all went wrong...17:53
fccfdefib: ok remove libgraphviz417:54
lavidaedbian, http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8187L17:54
f00dn00bit says i need "wine" - can someone tell me where to get that?17:54
edbianf00dn00b: The repos of course!@17:54
lavidaedbian, Linux driver for kernel 2.4.X and 2.6.X17:54
fccfdefib wait17:54
f00dn00bsorry - i'm quite new to ubuntu, how does that work?17:54
lavidaedbian, wireless card alfa awus 036H, with rtl8187l chipset17:54
bazhangf00dn00b, sudo apt-get install wine17:54
defibfccf: okay17:54
Carnicalis this a support channel?17:54
defibcarnical: eyah17:55
bazhangCarnical, for Ubuntu yes17:55
Carnicalalright, I've got an interesting problem that google can't help me solve17:55
e4rthw0rmedbian: i know my drive and partitions and grub loader seems to identify them but it doesn't load17:55
marco_anyone knows of a client for twitter?17:55
f00dn00bbazhang: where do i do that? in command prompt?17:55
scunizie4rthw0rm: you can always reinstall the server version then just "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" to get the full graphical environment..17:55
fccfdefib: do an apt-get upgrade17:55
CarnicalI did "sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*.*" in order to get something to install, but now nothing will install, always gives me the same error message17:55
e4rthw0rmscunizi: didn't think of it... thnx!17:55
bazhangf00dn00b, yes, in the terminal17:55
fccfdefib: I think there are some versioning problems going on and I want those to be fixed before we continue17:56
lavidaedbian, im on ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-13-generic, i have one more wireless card with atheros chipset, im using Network manager, and now when i try to connect with both card turn on OS freez17:56
f00dn00bok, i have the terminal open17:56
scunizie4rthw0rm: :)17:56
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kpkeerthiCarnical: You should have done 'sudo apt-get remove'. Thats the safest way to clean the downloaded deb file17:56
defibfccf: http://www.pastebin.org/77717:56
f00dn00bok, now it wants a password - it says "enter password for f0000d:" - should i do that17:56
bazhangf00dn00b, then type in the command followed by your password (which will not show on the terminal screen)17:56
Carnicalwell it wasn't installed yet, some perl thing had problems installing via apt-get due to corrupted archive17:57
iMatter(06:56:35 PM) iMatter: Is it normal to have reduced Wi-Fi speeds in Jaunty17:57
iMatter(06:56:59 PM) iMatter: usually its at 500KB/s or more...right now its below 30KB/s17:57
fccfdefib: open synaptic17:57
edbianlavida: I'm going to give a command but first I will explain each part.  sudo (gives root power) modprobe (program to handle modules (linux drivers) -l (flag to list drivers) | (pipe you just need it) grep (command to pull strings) rtl (string pattern to match).  The whole command again is "sudo modprobe -l | grep rtl"17:57
f00dn00bnow it wants y/n17:57
kpkeerthiCarnical: The /var/..../archives folder contains subfolder and non .deb files too. .You killed them all and render your package management system useless17:57
e4rthw0rmscunizi: oh now i remember, i have to first install ubuntu so as to set up an internet connection... :-(17:57
Carnicalah fuck17:57
Cube_____f00dn00b: give it a y17:57
edbianlavida: Are you on the system with the issue right now??17:57
Carnicalis there a way to repair this?17:57
f00dn00bok - done17:57
bazhangCarnical, no cursing17:57
PiciCarnical: Please mind your language here.17:57
Cube_____LOOOL haha17:57
Picif00dn00b: I think you can follow the rest of the install yourself.17:57
scunizie4rthw0rm: server should do that17:58
lavidaedbian, yes i am17:58
Carnicalsorry about the langauge, I am too ribald for my own good17:58
f00dn00byep - thanks!17:58
edbianlavida: Run the command.17:58
kpkeerthiCarnical: hang on17:58
lavidaedbian, kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8180.ko17:58
FloodBot3lavida: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:58
kpkeerthiWhat happens when you run 'sudo apt-get update'17:58
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ f00dn00b read this free pdf17:58
Rolandkpkeerthi, thnx about getdeb.net17:58
f00dn00bit says "unable to fetch some archives"17:58
edbianlavida: Ok ok ! :)  Don't flood.  That tells me that you're currently using the rtl8180 module.17:59
kpkeerthiRoland: Did it 'upgrade' properly?17:59
defibfccf: okay?17:59
Rolandkpkeerthi, yes17:59
specto!pastebin | lavida17:59
ubottulavida: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:59
edbianlavida: If the command had no output it would mean you're not using any modules that have "rtl" in the name.  Do you understand?17:59
lavidaedbian, im right now going on the net via atheros card17:59
edbianlavida: ??  Yeah so?18:00
kpkeerthiCarnical: What happens when you run 'sudo apt-get update' in a terminal? Any errors?18:00
fccfdefib: look for libgd2-xpm18:00
Carnicallet me link you to a pastebin18:00
=== fuzzypotato is now known as Tetracomm
f00dn00bcan someone help me out - when i did the sudo thing, it says unable to fetch some archives18:00
blu3_b4ll5Does anyone have a suggestion for the best model of printer that will work with ubuntu(9.04)?18:00
slaytonkpkeerthi, aptitutde updates its cache of availble packages18:00
edbianlavida: Just to be sure you're trying to remove the rtl8180 driver from your system correct?  That is what I'm attempting to help you do.18:00
mneptokblu3_b4ll5: http://openprinting.org18:00
bazhangf00dn00b, this is on an installed system?18:00
=== Tetracomm is now known as fuzzypotato
derenrichf00dn00b: well looks like your copy of office is pooched sir18:00
f00dn00bbazhang: yes18:00
defibfccf: okay, i see it. it's unchecked18:00
blu3_b4ll5@ mneptok  thanks18:00
Rolandkpkeerthi, at least the amount of memory used while listening to yamendo dropped 70-80%18:00
bazhangderenrich, ??18:00
f00dn00bderenrich: i don't know what you mean, sorry18:01
fccfdefib: what version is available?18:01
davide_hi everyone18:01
edbianderenrich: pooched ??18:01
scuniziblu3_b4ll5: the openprinting link mneptok gave you works but might be out of date.. generally speaking look at a printers website and see if they have linux support.. HP, Brother, Samsung and other.18:01
lavidaedbian, yes18:01
Carnicalthat error occurs no matter what I try to apt-get install18:01
lavidaedbian, well my main goal would be to make this card to work with any driver18:01
edbianlavida: That's a bit more tricky :)18:01
defibfccf: 2.0.36-rc1-dfsg-3ubunyu118:02
blu3_b4ll5scunizi: thanks I'll check around18:02
mneptokscunizi: many printers claim to support Linux, but hardly do so. the OpenPrinting DB is well maintained.18:02
slaytonCarnical, file a bug report on launchpad18:02
lavidaedbian, i heard that it would work with driver that came with ubuntu18:02
fccfdefib: install it18:02
defibfccf: okay18:02
edbianlavida: You have 2 wireless network cards?  Which uses this rtl8180 driver?  Does the rtl 8180 driver work?18:02
scuniziblu3_b4ll5: mneptok do your comparrison between what the website says and the openprinting DB..18:02
kpkeerthiCarnical, Try this: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'18:02
lavidaedbian, its beautiful card, its shame that i cant work on linux... now when im isntall all things i need to use it conformly18:02
kpkeerthiand 'sudo apt-get install -f' after that18:03
vvvvsombody knows a hardware problems irc channel?18:03
defibfccf: failure, i'll take a screenshot18:03
scunizimneptok: good to compare. last time I looked at the DB it was dissappointing.18:03
lavidaedbian, alfa should use rtl 8187 driver18:03
Carnicalno output, and didn't fix the problem18:03
MaticHi guys, can someone please tell me which is the stable version of ubuntu to use, I currently use Hardy(8.04) and I believe so far there is 8.10, 9.10. I normally use ubuntu for webdevelopment and java development.  Thanks18:03
edbianlavida: alfa??18:03
spectoMatic: 9.0418:03
lavidaedbian, alfa wireless card full name is alfa awus 036H18:03
edbianlavida: Please list all of your cards, which ones work, what drivers you are using / have tried/18:04
lavidaedbian, it uses rtl8187l chipset18:04
loshervvvv: try ##hardware18:04
edbianlavida: Alright and the other one?18:04
B3rz3rk3rmatic: latest stable is 9.0418:04
edbianlavida: Is the only problem with the rtl8180 driver on the alfa card that it freezes when you try to use 2 cards at once?18:04
f00dn00bok, i have to go for now, but i'll be back in about an hour18:05
lavidaedbian, nah i can use it when i shot down atheros card... with sudo ifconfing wlan0 down18:05
fccfMatic: 8.04 is Long Term Support - if you want stable .. Hardy is the way to go18:05
johas anyone else had problems with openoffice causing a total kernel panic/reboot?18:05
kpkeerthiCarnical, Do you recollect what you did lately when the apt broke?18:05
Flimmi'm trying to get the headphone and microphone jacks to work on my laptop18:05
visegrawity, Sorry if im being noobish, but i did not find any "edit shortcut" in the gedit menu. I clicked on Document, and there is "Next document" with a ctrl+alt+pgup shortcut. But it doesnt seem editable...18:05
lavidaedbian, pardon i cant use18:05
FlimmI've tried to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting , no luck18:05
jhfordwhat is the official standing on http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/Site/Home.html18:05
Flimmsound works, but the jacks don't18:05
FlimmI've even tried upgrading to a newer version of ALSA, any ideas?18:06
grawityvise: It might be that gedit simpy doesn't accept the shortcut you try to set.18:06
edbianlavida: Let me get this straight.  If you shut down the atheros card then the alfa card doesn't work either?18:06
lavidaedbian, yes!18:06
lavidaedbian, sorry for confusing :D18:06
visegrawity, But i didn't try to set any.. They don't still seem editable..18:06
Carnicalkpkeerthi: fresh install, I let it update, then it reported a broken package related to perl, I remembered something telling me to clear my archives of *.bin, but command didn't work, so I assumed *.* would be ok18:06
defibfccf: http://imagebin.ca/view/SzwnLTD.html18:06
edbianlavida: If you don't "shut down" the atheros card then they are both up and running?18:06
Carnicalkpkeerthi: I'm wondering if just a new install would be a faster resolution18:07
grawityvise: They don't seem editable until you try to set one.18:07
lavidaedbian, when i turn off atheros card, network manager say that alfa is also disabled18:07
visegrawity, How do you set one?18:07
lavidaedbian, yeah thats true!18:07
kpkeerthiCarnical: Did you install any package that was not in .deb format?18:07
visegrawity, Ok.. nvm.. il google..18:07
grawityvise: Simply press the new shortcut while the menu item is selected18:07
edbianlavida: I don't understand.  Why not just leave them both running?  Why do you need to shut down the atheros card at all?18:07
Carnicalkpkeerthi: well I assume not, at least, if anything, all I did was apt-get (are they all .deb?)18:08
fccfdefib: in synaptic remove libstdc++6-4.3-dev18:08
kpkeerthiCarnical, before you reinstall, try reinstalling the offending package 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall libssl0.9.8'18:08
lavidaedbian, in frist place i did that but then when it connect 1sec after that OS freez18:08
gnatahi, is someeone running an up to date karmic i386? on my box it is fully broken (wrong perms on /dev)18:08
visegrawity, Dude but there is no "new shortcut" to press when the menu item is selected...18:08
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kpkeerthiCarnical: Yes, if you install using apt-get they all ought to be deb18:09
gangilare there any issues with ubuntu 8.10 on DELL inspiron 1420?18:09
Carnicalkpkeerthi: same error related to libssl... even in the reinstall18:09
fccfgnata: ask your question in #ubuntu+1 ... we don't support bleeding edge here18:09
edbianlavida: So if you connect either card then the system freezes after one second?  And if you shut down the atheros card then the alfa card goes down with it?  What if you shut down the alfa card?  What is the alias?  wlan1 ??18:09
gnatafccf: oups...sorry...18:10
lavidaedbian, im not sure i give u strait answers because my english is as u can see not good for these things18:10
kpkeerthiCarnical, Sorry. I guess I'm out of options.18:10
edbianlavida: Sorry if this is taking forever but I want to get a solid grasp on the issue :)18:10
edbianlavida: Your english is holding up well enough :)18:10
Carnicalkpkeerthi: ah it's cool, I'm not losing anything by re-installing, thanks a ton though! you made my day18:10
Carnicalkpkeerthi: GL and perhaps I'll see you again18:10
lavidaedbian, hehehhee tnx... yeah u have whole picture, alias of alfa card is wlan118:11
defibfccf: http://imagebin.ca/view/Uv8OF25.html18:11
kpkeerthiCarnical: sure.18:11
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marco_would you try to install adobe AIR in your system and tell if everything went well and what steps did you accomplish? this is the site: http://get.adobe.com/air/18:11
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edbianlavida: So everything I said is correct.  You want to use the alfa card cause it's a better card right?18:11
lavidaedbian, when i shut down alfa card everything working well18:11
fccfdefib: getting less errors .. good... remove g++-4.318:12
edbianlavida: You wouldn't happen to know the driver for the atheros card would you?18:12
lavidaedbian, yeah, it is more powerfull card... 500mW18:12
marco_would someone try to install adobe AIR in your system and tell if everything went well and what steps did you accomplish? this is the site: http://get.adobe.com/air/18:12
ziniIs it possible to configure gedit so that it does open files in new windows instead of new tabs (when opened from nautilus)? And if not, is there a similar editor, that has this feature?18:12
lavidaedbian, atheros card work with ubuntu drivers18:12
lavidaedbian, i dont use madwifi drivers18:12
edbianlavida: Do you know the name?18:12
lavidaedbian, no i dont know ;(18:13
lavidaedbian, can i see that somohow18:13
mneptokedbian: ath5k, IIRC18:13
defibfccf: okie18:13
edbianlavida: Did the alfa card not use the ubuntu drivers and that's why you had to download the ones from the site?18:13
mneptokedbian: MadWiFi is deprecated, as Atheros freed all their drivers.18:13
fccfdefib: are you error free?18:13
edbianmneptok: Is that the driver name?  ath5k?18:13
defibfccf: no, i'm working on finding it hah18:14
[t0rc]how can I check the version of a library if I have say only a libglui.a and a glui32.lib file?18:14
mneptokedbian: yes18:14
Clodomiroquiere coger a Chuck Norris y meterlo en la lavadora.18:14
edbianlavida: try this: "sudo modprobe -r ath5k"  This will remove that module.18:14
defibfccf: okay I can't find it in symantic18:14
lavidaedbian, well i was going one step forward... didnt check does it work with ubuntu drivers18:14
fccf!es | Clodomiro18:14
ubottuClodomiro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:14
lavidaedbian, i hope i will not loose network :D18:15
stringsmacro_ : its installing properly18:15
fccfdefib: on the right hand side click all then click somewhere in the list and type g++18:15
edbianlavida: Did the alfa card work out of the box when you installed the system?18:15
lavidaedbian, im using right now atheros card18:15
lavidaedbian, nop.. didnt trie18:15
visezini, Nope..18:15
edbianlavida: Then you will loose connection when you run that command :) lol18:15
lavidaedbian, i want to say i dont know, didnt try it18:15
EgyCoder09hi all .. how to update my ubuntu's firefox to the last version 3.5 with my same settings ( history , sessions , passwords , bookmarks , etc .. ) ???18:15
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lavidaedbian, hm is it smart? :D18:16
defibfccf: okay, theres g++, g++-4.318:16
edbianlavida: Try removing the ath5k module and then try using the alfa card.18:16
lavidaedbian, ok i will come soon :D i hope with alfa card18:16
fccfdefib: keep g++ .. and remove g++-4.318:16
edbianlavida: Hopefully :)18:16
defibfccf: complete removal or just removal?18:16
defiband g++ isnt installed18:16
fccfdefib: thats fine .... complete removal will be cleaner... should be good to go18:17
zichodoes anybody use tuxguitar?18:17
fccfdefib: something tells me you don't do any actual compiling so I wouldn't expect you to need those ever18:18
edbianlavida: I'm going to lunch.  I'll be back in about an hour.  Good luck! :)18:18
nickhoyhey, 1440x900 no longer shows as a choice of screen resolution, what should i do?18:18
defibfccf: point taken   http://imagebin.ca/view/Uv8OF25.html18:18
joall i want to know is why my system keeps rebooting itself with no message in the logs other than "reboot."18:18
joalways while attempting to save a file in openoffice.18:18
joblame sun?18:18
stringsmacro_ : right click the file ->properties , then under permissions tab , check allow executing file as a program18:19
fertechim try to setup my mail server.  but i dont know what i really need18:19
parapanghelescuhi there > is there any similar command in Ubuntu as for CTRL+ALT+DEL in windows ?18:19
fccfdefib: close synaptic .. then sudo apt-get -f install18:19
josudo reboot now?18:19
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nickhoyso how can i fix my screen resolution to be 1440x900?18:20
stringsmacro_ : in terminal go to the directory which contains the file and give ./<filename>.bin18:20
defibfccf: http://www.pastebin.org/77918:20
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fccfdefib: what is trying to install g++? what did you add just before you got errors?18:22
defibI was trying to install a package "Reconstructor" when my computer shit off in the middle of it18:23
MonsieurBonis it possible to get my monochrome vi back? those colors hurt my eyes! :-)18:23
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fccfdefib: I wouldn't try that on 9.04 but anyway... sudo apt-get remove reconstructor18:24
lavidasomeone see edbian?18:24
defibfccf: okay18:24
lavidaim not sure am i on wrong channel18:24
lavidacant find him18:25
walterboyhello everybody18:25
burkmatUsing the System > Preferences > Screen Resolution tool I change to VGA output on my Eee in order to connect it to a screen. Now this task is getting quite annoying and I'd love to automate it, preferably through a shellscript... The question is: How do I perform this task through the terminal?18:25
specto!hate > lavida18:25
ubottulavida, please see my private message18:25
fertechpostfix or exim418:25
Picilavida: He is no longer online18:25
Picispecto: ?18:25
fccflavida: he went to lunch18:25
[t0rc]how can I check the version of a library if I have say only a libglui.a and a glui32.lib file?18:25
fertechhow what r the software i need18:25
fertech do i need both18:25
lavidafccf, thanks18:25
lavidadoes anyone can help me to make my new wireless card to work18:26
fertechcan i just use mailman18:26
fertechlavida i can18:26
lavidafertech, tnx mate18:26
fertechwhat kind of card u have18:26
PerryArmstronghey like paste.ubuntu.com, where can i paste images18:26
FlannelMonsieurBon: :syntax off18:26
lavidafertech, alfa awus 036H usb card18:26
bazhang!imagebin | PerryArmstrong18:27
ubottuPerryArmstrong: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.18:27
defibfccf: it couldn't find the package18:27
fertechwhat ver u have18:27
fertechin linux18:27
lavidafertech, im using ubuntu 9.04 Jauntu, and kernel is 2.6.28-13-generic18:27
PerryArmstrongbazhang; thanks18:27
MonsieurBonFlannel, thx18:27
nin93why is ubuntu such a ditch pig when it comes to wifi18:27
fccfdefib: was that in a ppa?18:27
lavidafertech, im not sure what version is18:27
TwoToneSpiritnin93: what is a ditch pig?18:27
defibfccf: no it was a downloaded .deb18:28
lavidafertech, i know it using rtl8187L chipset18:28
jo.... so no one else is having issues with sudden reboots while using OO.o? i can't find anything via google.18:28
join jaunty.18:28
marco_when I do : sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin   , I get sudo: ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin: command not found. What's wrong?18:28
fccfdefib: ok... look in synaptic an see if it is installed there?18:28
fertechthen i might not support that card18:28
fertech i need to buy i card the linux support18:29
fertech i know cause i have 3cards18:29
lavidafertech, can u use my name, its very difficult to track what u are write18:29
fertech only 2 work18:29
Picimarco_: Are you in the same directory as that file?18:29
fertechi using a wireless connection right now18:29
marco_Pici, yes. And I did sudo chmod -x first18:29
Picimarco_: you need to do +x18:30
fertechsorry lavida18:30
lavidafertech, this card has linux driver... it has realtek chipset18:30
viseAnyone used csound?18:30
defibfccf: it's not there18:30
lavidafertech, im using also wireless right now, but one with atheros chipset18:30
Hylianhey guys i was wondering if you could point me towards a really easy cross platform way of transferring files via the internet..?? i want to transfer files from my father's machine to mine and vice versa...18:30
fertechlavida what realtek chipset u have18:30
marco_Pici,  :) Thanks a lot18:31
lavidafertech, rtl8187l18:31
fertech lavida theres a few18:31
bastidrazorHylian, scp for ubuntu to ubuntu18:31
fertechoh i dont know about that one18:31
lavidafertech, nevermind mate18:31
Hylianyeah, but my father uses windows and i use ubuntu, actually he uses 2 machines, and one is windows...18:31
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bastidrazorHylian, or winscp for while on windows to ubuntu.. you could install a ssh-server on windows and use scp from both sides18:32
fertechlavida look it up18:32
fccf defib: er, ug, um, something is still calling g++-4.3 as a reqmt .. I am a little stumped at this point and my services are needed elsewhere, so I will refer you back to the room at this point18:32
Hylianif the machines where physically here i would just network them, but18:32
lavidafertech, hopefully i will find solution18:32
defibfccf: okay, thanks for trying!18:32
VCoolioHylian: there is woof (commandline only, we're working on a gui version)18:32
fertechlavida did u try to connect to it18:33
jedilinknin93: what problems have you had with WIFI on Ubuntu?18:33
lavidafccf, i see u u are helping ppl18:33
Hyliani could just set up a ftp server, but that's soo funky, he isnt very computer literate.18:33
lavidafccf, can u try to solve my mate18:33
fertechlavida there some bars on ur desktop18:33
fccflavida: yes, but wireless cards are not my forte18:33
lavidaferdostar, yes i tried but OS freez when it connet to AP18:33
fertechlavida click on it and then connect to ur wireless router18:34
Hylianthe idea is for me to give him a call and for it to be drag and drop and push button, my father is smart, but not with pc's18:34
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=== kamil_ is now known as Guest24847
nin93jedilink i got bored and decided to do a bit of playen around with diffirent OS"s when it comes to using wifi. i use a yagi and had bt3 on a lappy, ubuntu on another lappy and xp on a tower. i have 1 cable coming into the house and i noticed bt3 comes in last with xp first on getting the best signal, is it the kernel in nix that causes such a crap wifi connection ? any brains here have any clue ?18:34
fertech lavida if that dont work then look it up18:34
bastidrazorHylian, winscp for him and get ssh-server on the windows box so you can scp files18:34
Guest24847Hey, I can't drag applications from the menu to the desktop or launcher on ubuntu 8.0418:34
lavidafccf, can u tell me how to uninstall driver for this wireless card18:34
bastidrazorHylian, winscp is point and click18:34
Hylianohh good, that's what he needs, thanx guys18:34
jedilinknin93 ... there are several things to consider18:35
fccflavida: the ath5k driver?18:35
jedilinkmy own laptop uses the b43 WiFi18:35
fertechhow do i setup mailman18:35
jedilinkand there are two versions of b43 ... one totally open source, and other18:35
lavidafccf, edbian catch whole picture but hes went to eat18:35
lavidafccf, that is driver for my first card with atheros chipset18:35
jedilinkI must use the non-free version of the b43 Wifi driver, and it works perfectly18:35
diddyWhat the heck is this? cat /etc/inittab -> cat: /etc/inittab: No such file or directory ???18:35
lavidafccf, the 2nd one is rtl8187l for realtek chipset18:36
fccflavida: google is your friend ... learn about blacklisting18:36
diddyWhere is the inittab on Ubuntu?18:36
lavidafccf, yeah but i cant locate them on my sistem18:36
lavidafccf, system18:36
haroelcabothe screen of my notebook does a strange pause or blink or flicker when using the full screen firefox feature. Is annoying. Is there a way of optimizing things so that it smoothes away ?18:37
lavidafccf, edbian said it is a little bit tricky18:37
PokesomiI need the proper instructions for using the nvidia drivers with an emachines c6537 and the nvidia geForce 610018:37
fccflavida: look at this....18:37
fccf!blacklist | lavida18:37
ubottulavida: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »18:37
Picididdy: Ubuntu uses upstart in place of init. See /etc/init.d/ and /msg ubottu upstart for more info18:38
bazhangaibav, hi18:38
aibavbazhang: Go away.18:38
Guest24847I cant drag Applications to the launcher in Ubuntu 9.0418:39
jedilinkfollows different sintax now, but the same idea18:39
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kamil_I cant drop icons into the launcher in ubuntu 9.04, using compiz18:40
Pokesomican someone assist me.  I have ubuntu 8.10 and need to get the nvidia drivers up and running18:40
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lavidafccf, i got this error Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream"18:41
rockhoI've been trying to remove pidgin for the last 45 minutes18:41
flasbang73does anyone know how to get aim on ubuntu not gaim or pidgin the original aim18:41
fccflavida: huh, what where.... has nothing to do with blacklist18:41
sebsebsebflasbang73: I tried that once with  Ubuntu 8.10 or something,  got it from offical website,  didn't get that far with it,  but interesting terminal output18:42
Beldingflasbang73: you have to install WINE from the repos and run AIM that way18:42
sebsebsebBeldgin  flasbang73  there is a native version for Linux18:42
EgyCoder09i want to update my ubuntu's 9.04 firefox without change any of my settings18:42
flasbang73sebsebseb: what is it?18:43
sebsebsebflasbang73: you should be able to find it18:43
Beldingoh there is?18:44
sebsebsebBelding: only tell people to run stuff in Wine, when you know there is no native Linux version18:44
flasbang73sebsebseb: ya but there is no .deb and i tried alien but it didn't work18:44
sebsebsebBelding: in fact Wine should always be a last resort really after native stuff :)18:44
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sebsebsebflasbang73: is there a .tar.gz?18:44
flasbang73sebsebseb: let me check18:45
sebsebsebflasbang73: if so you can compile it18:45
flasbang73sebsebseb: i don't know how to18:45
flasbang73sebsebseb: im a t of a noob18:45
sebsebsebflasbang73: I must of had a tar.gz  or some such when I tried, because I remember nothing about  RPM,   plus  I remember interseting terminal output18:46
sebsebsebflasbang73: a what of a noob?18:46
flasbang73sebsebseb: soort i meant18:46
Hylianhello again, say i am also looking to set up a ftp server, but i dont want to be using terminal, can you guys suggest a good gui ftp server? thanx18:47
flasbang73sebsebseb: they have 2 .deb on the official website for debian will that work?18:47
sebsebsebflasbang73: that might work, but  those DEBs and such will be old18:47
diddyOn Ubuntu what is the runlevel for multiuser+network+x? Is it not 5 like on RedHat/CentOS?18:47
flasbang73sebsebseb: ill try it should i tell you if it works?18:47
diddyPici: Thx18:48
Hylian! ftp server18:48
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP18:48
pokesomican someone help me out here.  i cant get the nvidia drivers to work.  all i get is a blank screen on reboot18:48
flasbang73sebsebseb: oh ya i forgot im running 64 bit18:48
sebsebsebflasbang73: what's wrong with Pidgin anyway?   In fact originaly that was meant to be an alternative to AIM,  and then later  networks  came later.   Also  it used to be called Gaim  which I assume stood for  GTK AOL Instnat Messenger,  AOL didn't like the name and sued over it,  which  stopped development for a while untill the name change.18:48
tim167hello, i try to install ubuntu netbook remix, but the partitioner can't see my eeepc's internal drive, any idea how to fix this? thanks18:48
Joker_-_Sound card isnt working (Not listed in alsa mixer). lspci lists my sound card as: Ensoniq 5880B but it's not listed in /proc/asound/cards... sup with that?18:48
sebsebsebflasbang73: above that was   support for other networks came later on18:49
Hylianso is GProftpd any good?18:49
ubottupokesomi,: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:49
flasbang73sebsebseb: ya but pidgin doesn't have all the feature that i like for the real aim18:49
pokesomiubottu: doesnt help18:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about doesnt help18:49
sebsebsebflasbang73: such as?18:49
Hylianwell im gonna try it, see yas18:50
fccfHylian: ftp isn't reccommended on ubuntu - for security reasons... sftp or ssh is the reccommended way to go18:50
flasbang73sebsebseb: i like the special chats and customized sounds18:50
sebsebsebflasbang73: well pretty sure the  version for Linux is old,  so  fine  Wine it18:50
ctmjrpokesomi, how did you install the driver?18:50
hoban hello. can someone please direct me to some documentation on how to configure kdump for ubuntu to capture a kernel dump on panic?18:51
flasbang73sebsebseb: ok thanks anyway thats what i was going to do if i couldn't find one18:51
pokesomictmjr the hardware devices panel18:51
fccfhoban: that question might be better answered in #ubuntu-kernel18:52
pokesomictmjr: it seems i dont know how to read that page the bot gave me.  could you clerify it please18:52
Rad-8.10 no sound after restart yesterday. help?18:52
hobanfccf: thanks18:53
IvisHello,i got problem with flash plugin in opera,when i visit page where is flash content i got only blank area,in mozilla works fine.18:54
ctmjrpokesomi, you say you get a black screen on login?18:54
=== gs_ is now known as gs
pokesomiyeah but just the top line of pixels work.  plus my screens osd is showing refresh at 59MHz18:55
pokesomisorry HZ18:55
pokesomiright now it shows 55Hz18:55
wogoleam having problems during the suspension and hibernation18:55
fccf!details | everybody18:56
ubottueverybody: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:56
hobanwhen I did my install, I opted not to install grub (I used grub from my other install (archlinux)) so now I don't have a menu.lst. I've ditched the other install and want the ubuntu to be my only one. how would I get the menu.lst for ubuntu so that it's auto-updated on kernel updates and so forth?18:57
pokesomictmjr: sorry the refresh shows up as 59Hz but the screen runs at both 55Hz and 60Hz18:57
starcraftHello folks, anyone here a LAN networking expert? I've got a fairly involved problem, details here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120853718:57
ctmjrpokesomi, you need to boot into rescue mode and run this sudo  nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make sure you have nvidia as the driver under device18:58
Cube____my startup time is kinda slow, used to be MUHC better, i think it might be related to the sendmail package i installed18:58
pokesomictmjr: i have a geforce 6100 what would the correct entry be for that18:58
capiirahi all anyone know how to install the newest firefox 3.5 on ubuntu 64bit ?19:00
pokesomictmjr: there is no devices listed19:00
pokesomictmjr: there are*19:00
Cube____capiira: i got it installed19:01
ctmjrpokesomi, can you paste your xorg.conf file19:01
Cube____capiira: what ubuntu do you have19:01
coz_capiira,   http://www.kabatology.com/07/01/a-single-command-install-of-firefox-3-5-on-ubuntu/19:01
GhoCan I install Ubuntu without burning a CD?19:01
Cube____Gho: yeah19:01
ubottupokesomi,: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:01
pokesomictmjr: yeah give me a sec19:01
Rad-Gho: USB19:01
Cube____!unetbootin Gho19:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin Gho19:01
Rad-can anyone help with my sound problem?19:01
Cube____!usb Gho19:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usb Gho19:01
Gho!unetbootin | Gho19:01
ubottuGho, please see my private message19:01
Cube____!unetbootin | Gho19:01
ubottuGho: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:01
GhoThanks Cube____19:01
Cube____Gho: welcome :)19:01
capiirai just found that mozilla security source that adds firefox named shizzlewizzle19:02
Cube____capiira: NOOO shizzlewizzle haha people are seriously running out of names lol19:02
capiiraand websites dont recognize it as firefox too19:02
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:02
capiirashirotoko what ever :)19:03
ulbhow do I define terminal colors (ic the colors of files and folders on the command line)?19:03
Pici!ff35 | capiira19:03
ubottucapiira: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY19:03
sportman1280hello:  subversion will not install from the ubuntu servers.  i was wondering if this was a known problem, or more isolated19:03
alexnetWhat IRC client do people like? (im in windows)19:04
capiiranot very userfriendly19:04
Rad-but windows, mirc probably19:04
zinakei use pidgin19:04
disappearedngHow come when I switch to pidgin I can't trigger scim for input?19:04
slaughtermaniaslaughter's in da house19:04
ulbzinake: pidgin for irc?19:04
iMatterMeh Voice/Sound doesn't work on Skype..19:05
Out_Coldslaughter.. this is the help page... maybe someone here can explain your busybox problem19:05
pokesomictmjr: its located at  http://paste.ubuntu.com/213795/19:05
Flannelsportman1280: What error are you getting?19:05
hypn0disappearedng, try #pidgin19:05
slaughtermaniahuh... i see you're not Tux anymore.. lol19:05
trippssssI still find myself stumbling on ubuntu servers compared to centos/redhat/fedora, especially in the area of managing daemons. chkconfig, service <daemon> start|stop, etc., are really quick and useful. has ubuntu done something in this regard as of yet?19:05
=== nehal is now known as Guest49783
Out_Coldtux is registered on here lol19:05
zinakei'm on it now19:05
intokwhat was that app that can record any sound output from the box without needing to have a cable going from the line out to the line in?19:05
pokesomictmjr: do you want to see the one nvidia tried to use19:05
slaughtermaniaGuys, anyone can help me on something?19:05
Rad-...this is the ubuntu help channel isn't it/ why did someone post: ubuntu link to irc..19:05
Out_Coldslaughter just ask....19:06
pokesomii dont know how to use the ubuntu paste thing19:06
Flanneltrippssss: service foo start|stop|etc is in Ubuntu, yes.19:06
Rad-can no onehelp me on my soudn issue?19:06
trippssssFlannel, oh well, hell! when did that happen?19:06
sportman1280Flannel: Package subversion is not available, but is referred to by another package.19:06
sportman1280This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or19:06
sportman1280is only available from another source19:06
sportman1280E: Package subversion has no installation candidate19:06
FloodBot3sportman1280: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:06
Flannelsportman1280: Alright, please pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get update`19:06
sportman1280gah. sorry. that was not on purpose :(19:06
Flanneltrippssss: Over a year ago I believe.19:07
Rad-guess no one can help me with my sound problem..19:07
Out_ColdRad-, what was the problem?19:07
trippssssFlannel, hmm. guess it's time to upgrade some ubuntu server boxes ;)19:07
usr13!sound | Rad19:07
ubottuRad: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:07
capiirahmm I dislike that version freezing stuff19:07
Flanneltrippssss: but even before that you could accomplish the same thing with /etc/init.d/[foo] start|stop|etc19:07
Rad-@ Out_Cold: I have no sound after I restarted yesterday. I tried restarting alsa or whatever19:08
slaughtermaniaI have an Ubuntu 9.04 Live CD, i insert it into my laptop or desktop pc, i restart it, it loads Ubuntu's cd... I choose "Run from CD without any change to your computer"... It shows Ubuntu's load screen, and in the end, instead of taking me to Ubuntu's desktop, it shows me somethin called BusyBox... So I haven't been able to actually try it19:08
Rad-still doesn't wor19:08
DulakFlannel: never used invoke-rc.d?19:08
sportman1280Flannel: pastebin wont accept it. labels it spam19:08
MrSteinHi! What is the simplest way to fix the useless font rendering of Firefox (fresh Ubuntu 9.04 install) ? I installed msttcorefonts, but it does not seem to change anything.19:08
Flannel!paste | sportman128019:08
ubottusportman1280: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:08
pokesomiok can anyone tell me whats wrong with this -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/213799/19:08
Out_ColdRad-, try alsamixer and make sure nothing is muted19:08
shani^Hello friends, I need some help19:08
Flannelsportman1280: Meh.  paste.ubuntu.com will work, that factoid got long19:08
capiiraNo OOo 3.1, No FF3.5 :/... failed19:08
sportman1280Flannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213801/19:09
Flannelcapiira: firefox 3.5 is in the repos, yes.19:09
Rad-nothing is muted, out_cold19:09
Flannelcapiira: Just install th firefox-3.5 package19:09
shani^Every time i restart my ubuntu 8.10 machine, It get into problem, and donot reach desktop, I have to restart in recovery mode and have to re mount /dev/sda1, kindly tell me what is the problem19:09
Out_ColdRad-, speakers unplugged?19:09
capiirabut as shizzlewizzle browser that websites dont even know19:09
usr13pokesomi: What is wrong?19:09
capiirano branding19:09
=== shwouchkster is now known as shwouchk
ctmjrpokesomi,  put this in the device section   Driver          "nvidia"  and reboot19:10
Rad-yes, speakers unplugged (using laptop speakeers are sufficient) @ Out_cold19:10
natbarye is it19:10
pokesomictmjr: just stick it in the first one?19:10
natbarcool me to19:10
Flannelsportman1280: alright, this all looks good.  Please pastebin the output of apt-cache policy subversion19:10
capiirahmmm looks like i need an os that is more flexible19:10
ctmjrpokesomi,  yes beneath the identifier line19:11
Out_Coldsorry rad i dunno bud19:11
shani^Every time i restart my ubuntu 8.10 machine, It get into problem, and donot reach desktop, I have to restart in recovery mode and have to re mount /dev/sda1, kindly tell me what is the problem19:11
Flannelcapiira: Correct, there's no branding.  That's because of licensing/trademark issues with mozilla.  Is there something else we can help you with today?19:11
sportman1280Flannel: theres a hardy line in there for some reason? "Hardy/main"19:11
capiiranah thanks i will look else where thanks19:11
pokesomictmjr: now just reboot and see what happens?19:12
Rad-sok out_cold, i'm going through the link ubottu posted.. i've passed every test so far19:12
capiiragood luck with bug #1 :D19:12
Flannelsportman1280: Yeah, there is.  You should probably clean up your sources.list, but that line won't cause a problem19:12
sportman1280Flannel: its not in my sources.list?19:12
ctmjrpokesomi,  yes if the nvidia driver is installed it should work19:12
sportman1280Flannel: lol19:12
Flannelsportman1280: check in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*19:12
Out_ColdRad-, do you get the start up sounds?19:12
dethrayIs there a way to adjust brightness settings while running in battery mode on a laptop?19:12
Flannelsportman1280: but again, won't cause problems now.  What about that apt-cache policy subversion?19:13
Rad-@ out_cold, no. that's how i got worried in the first place19:13
usr13pokesomi: have you tried sudo nvidia-settings ?19:13
Out_Colddethray, use your built in contrast on the keyboard19:13
laegat the moment i launch irssi from a shortcut in my apps menu running the cmd "gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi19:13
pokesomictmjr: i removed should i reinstall it the same way i did before?19:13
pokesomisame version19:13
lcamaleonayuda: quiero actualizar mi ubunto 8 a 919:13
starcraftAnyone reading my networking issue?19:13
dethrayIt always tends to revert back to a dimmer setting, Out_Cold19:13
linuxninjaDoes anyone know about an ubuntu event happening in October? I think local teams were going to do something.19:13
laegat the moment i launch irssi from a shortcut in my apps menu running the cmd "gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi" - how would i amend this to make it start in screen so it would look as normal ubuntu side but when i ssh to my box from work i could attach and dettach it?19:13
Agent11hey, been trying to install my video drivers all night, using a gtx285, can anyone help me out here?19:13
Out_Colddethray, as a battery saver it will go back after you leave the kb for a few secs.19:14
fccfstarcraft: I read it and am as stumped as you are19:14
Rad-out_cold: does this help? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/213764/19:14
sportman1280Flannel:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/213807/19:14
dethrayAhh, can I adjust that setting?19:14
linuxninjaThis event allows Ubuntu users to give feed back to the developers.19:14
intokwhat was that app that can record any sound output from the box without needing to have a cable going from the line out to the line in?19:14
diddyWhat does Administration/Computer Janitor doe?19:14
diddyIt even lists programs that I use frequently.19:14
Flannelsportman1280: alright, that says that it should be available.  Does sudo apt-get install subversion still give you an erro?19:14
ctmjrpokesomi,  i thought you said you had them installed yes reinstall the driver then reboot19:15
Agent11can anyone help me out with getting my video cards drivers working?19:15
fccflinuxninja: uh, there are things going on all the time, depending on your intent there are different paths to take19:15
Out_Coldnot really Rad-19:15
Rad-..............i just got the same thing as when i restarted. my thing maically says muted19:15
pokesomictmjr: i used version 177 should i try that again or 18019:15
Rad-except nothing is really muted19:16
sportman1280Flannel:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/213808/19:16
linuxninjafccf: I know... There's an event I forgot about. I'm trying to search for it but I don't remember what it was called19:16
ctmjrpokesomi,  try with 18019:16
Flannelsportman1280: Odd indeed.  Unfortunately I have to run now.  Someone else should be able to help.  I've never seen that before.  Try cleaning up your sources.list (including .d) and see if that helps?19:16
Out_ColdRad-, try pressing the multimedia mute button19:17
pokesomiwill switch to my other computer to continue chat19:17
Rad-@out_cold, what multi media mute button? for ten seconds linux said i didnt have a soundcard =|19:17
Agent11..can someone help me setup my video cards drivers? been trying for a while, not working. have 1 nvidia gtx285, tried off of the nvidia website, with envyng, nothing =s19:17
Robert106hello...got a question on Ubuntu or Citadel, not sure where the problem is...when I send an email it addresses it from my computer name instead of from my domain name, so it is user@computername instead of user@domainname.com. This is prob real easy for you guys but I am not sure where the problem is19:17
TrizicusDoes anyone have a Presario CQ60 200 series laptop?19:18
sportman1280Flannel:  thank you :)19:18
Out_ColdRad-, on my laptop... i have a play, rewind, fast forward, volume up, down and mute... try the mute..19:18
natbarwhere is the most relialble source of ubuntu19:18
Rad-@ out_cold, don't use that function because i have to press a fn key19:18
fccflinuxninja: was it ubuntu open week?19:18
Out_Coldwell press the fn key19:18
shani^Every time i restart my ubuntu 8.10 machine, It get into problem, and donot reach desktop, I have to restart in recovery mode and have to re mount /dev/sda1, kindly tell me what is the problem19:18
sportman1280hello.  can anyone help me get subversion installed im getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213808/19:18
Rad-i did just now, no go19:18
fccflinuxninja: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek19:18
ctmjrpokesomi, after you install it run this before you reboot just to make sure sudo nvidia-xconfig19:18
TrizicusDoes anyone have a CQ60 200 series laptop that works with Linux (suspend does not work on Ubuntu)19:18
usr13Robert106: man mail19:18
natbarwhere is the most relialble source of ubuntu19:19
linuxninjafccf: Thanks!19:19
Agent11could someone help me out with video drivers, have been trying for a while now. using a nvidia gtx 28519:19
Rad-ubuntu.com, natbar?19:19
Pokesomictmjr: ok i am using the 180 version and awaiting reboot19:19
usr13whois Robert10619:19
redbacknatbar: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download19:20
Rad-@ ubottu "Once you've done the basic troubleshooting listed above, if things still aren't working, you may have found a bug in Ubuntu"19:20
Rad-it's never failed before19:20
FloodBot3Rad-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
Rad-sorry floodbot?19:20
=== firebird is now known as Guest3144
Agent11could someone help me out with video drivers, have been trying for a while now. using a nvidia gtx 285.. tried with EnvyNG and the official download off of nvidias site but nothing seems to be working.. =s19:21
sportman1280hello.  can anyone help me get subversion installed im getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213808/19:21
fabei want to install ubuntu on my box but it wont load X on the live cd (i think) this is all the output i have19:21
szczymhelo all, i have problem with letters, that change into squares on my ubuntu 9.04 system. here is screen shot http://parch.bzzz.net/sites/parch.bzzz.net/files/zrzut_ekranu.png any one could help me, please ? thanx19:21
cdecarlocan you resize a software raided partition?19:21
fabeany idea?19:21
BenC_windowsif i run: apt-get remove grub :and then install ubuntu on a seperate partition to my current install, will that keep all my files/settings on my current install and make a new install of grub?19:21
Rad-meh i'm going to plug in my hard drive and start backing up19:22
fccfsportman1280: uh... do you mean svn?19:22
Agent11could someone help me out with video drivers, have been trying for a while now. using a nvidia gtx 285.. tried with EnvyNG and the official download off of nvidias site but nothing seems to be working.. =s19:22
sportman1280fccf: yes its svn19:22
fccfsportman1280: what version of ubuntu?19:23
RolandHow to make ubuntu log in process faster? for example preloading some applications while on the login screen (single user computer)19:23
ctmjrAgent11, what exactly is not working?19:23
Agent11it just wont.. install.19:23
diddyWhat does Administration/Computer Janitor do? It even lists programs that I use frequently.19:23
sportman1280fccf: jaunty19:23
linuxninjaThis is the event I was looking for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam19:24
fccfsportman1280: I am quite certain that subversion is installed by default on jaunty19:24
fccf!info subversion19:24
ubottusubversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.4dfsg1-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 332 kB, installed size 4172 kB19:24
fccfnot so certain19:24
=== lupine_85 is now known as bmbot
natbarwhat is ubuntu19:24
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:24
=== bmbot is now known as lupine_85
sportman1280fccf: im quite certain that it is not installing19:24
linuxninjaubottu 19919:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 19919:24
linuxninjaubottu certification19:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about certification19:25
sportman1280fccf: hence why i am here19:25
shani^I am having strange problm, my system on restart goes into read only , and gives many errors, I have rebooted into recovery mode, and remount the harddisk, now i can access my system at init 5 after remounting, but on restart ubuntu 8.10 aain gave me same error, can any one help me ?19:25
jawootaubottu mark shuttleworth19:25
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com19:25
natbarwhat is ubuntu19:25
b3nwhi, how come when I type my password into the wireless applet, it changes into a ton of random numbers & letters and then fails to authenticate, for WPA219:25
Pici!ubuntu | natbar19:25
ubottunatbar: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:25
Agent11could someone help me out with video drivers, have been trying for a while now. using a nvidia gtx 285.. tried with EnvyNG and the official download off of nvidias site but nothing seems to be working.. =s19:25
shani^Pici : can you help me ?19:25
Pokesomictmjr: where is the xorg.conf file located19:25
Robert106USER13: ...when i did man mail it said "na manual entry for mail"19:26
BenC_windowsif i run: apt-get remove grub :and then install ubuntu on a seperate partition to my current install, will that keep all my files/settings on my current install and make a new install of grub?19:26
ctmjrAgent11, by not installing what kind of error do you get19:26
Picishani^: What error do you get?19:26
sportman1280hello.  can anyone help me get subversion installed im getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213808/19:26
natbarubottu thanks19:26
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:26
ctmjrpokesomi, /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:26
Pokesomictmjr: it doesnt show in root shell19:27
Agent11ctmjr, it doesnt give an error really. it just doesnt do anything. with envyng it just gets stuck at 71% for installing the drivers and freezes up. off of the official sites download it says to terminate x server or something, i looked into it and.. probably did something wrong, because it didnt go well.19:27
fccfsportman1280: would you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please?19:27
cdecarlocan you resize a software raided partition?19:28
natbarubottu: so can i just get it then19:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:28
BenC_windowsnatbar, sure19:28
sportman1280fccf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213812/19:28
Pokesomictmjr: i cant get into the safe mode19:28
trippssssFlannel, is there an equivalent to chkconfig for ubuntu to quickly set runlevel daemon settings?19:28
natbarubottu: cool is it free19:28
redbacknatbar: ubuntu is freely downloadable by anyone if thats what you mean19:29
BenC_windowsnatbar, ubuntu is completely free and community developed19:29
BenC_windowsopen source too :)19:29
Picinatbar: ubottu is a bot, so you can ignore the message from it.19:29
ZzeissQuestion on SSD's: I put an Intel SSD into my laptop, and now for some bizarre reason the touchpad is "wedging up" for short periods of time.  I have no clue why.  Any suggestions?19:29
ctmjrpokesomi, it won't boot at all or just into rescue mode?19:29
natbarPici:what is a bot19:29
Out_Coldbot = compute rcode19:30
redbacknatbar: a robot, an automated program19:30
fccfsportman1280: whats with all the extra mirrors... uh ... do sudo apt-get update19:30
alexnetHello, can someone tell me how I would xfer files to my Ubuntu box from Vista via Cygwin+SSH (if such a thing is possible?19:30
Chousukealexnet: cygwin should contain scp19:30
Pokesomictmjr recovery mode.  the screen only shows 1 line of pixels19:30
Chousukealexnet: though you can just use any of the windows scp clients.19:30
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/19:30
fccfalexnet: use filezilla to access ssh19:30
sportman1280fccf: i just disabled them all.  we run our own packages. and they are on the other repos19:31
Robert106hello...got a question on Ubuntu or Citadel, not sure where the problem is...when I send an email it addresses it from my computer name instead of from my domain name, so it is user@computername instead of user@domainname.com. This is prob real easy for you guys but I am not sure where the problem is19:31
Agent11could someone help me out with video drivers, have been trying for a while now. using a nvidia gtx 285.. tried with EnvyNG and the official download off of nvidias site but nothing seems to be working.. =s19:31
sportman1280fccf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213814/19:31
fccfsportman1280:then try apt-get install subversion again19:32
BenC_windowsif i run: apt-get remove grub :and then install ubuntu on a seperate partition to my current install, will that keep all my files/settings on my current install and make a new install of grub?19:32
alexnetChousuke, fccf, thank you19:32
sportman1280fccf: same thing. E: Package subversion has no installation candidate19:32
Chousukeisn't it called subversion-client or something?19:32
fccfsportman1280: that should be impossible ... start synaptic please?19:33
alexnetisnt it called svn19:33
Agent11could someone help me out with video drivers, have been trying for a while now. using a nvidia gtx 285.. tried with EnvyNG and the official download off of nvidias site but nothing seems to be working.. =s19:33
sportman1280fccf: agreed done19:33
fccfsportman1280: look for subversion in that list... make sure you reload first19:33
alexnetsudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn19:33
ctmjrpokesomi, you have bigger problems than just a graphics card if you cannot get into a recovery console19:33
Xtevenhello, is there an application that can upload the pictures of my digital camera directly to facebook ?19:33
blu3_b4ll5svn = subversion19:33
sportman1280fccf: i reloaded. its listed but thers no version numbers19:34
Pokesomii can get to the consloe but the login for ubuntu just fails19:34
fccfsportman1280: hold on while I look a something19:34
Agent11could someone help me out with video drivers, have been trying for a while now. using a nvidia gtx 285.. tried with EnvyNG and the official download off of nvidias site but nothing seems to be working.. =s19:35
ctmjrAgent11, to install the driver from nvidia you need to go into a terminal crtl + alt + f1 then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop then run the installer19:35
Cube____hey where my xorg.conf??19:35
Lint01how can I tell GNome do not trash files across subsystems19:36
supersashohi.. could anyone help me with my audio problem? time to time one of my audio devices doesn't work.. like usb webcam or tvcard.. wierd part is that just the audio doesnt work, the video is fine19:36
Lint01Cube____, /etc/X1119:36
Agent11and, ctmjr, what does ctrl+alt+f1 do in the terminal?19:36
zichodoes anybody use tuxguitar?19:37
Cube____Lint01: thanks19:37
=== CQ_ is now known as CQ
fccfsportman1280: you can get the .deb's here http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/devel/subversion19:37
ctmjrAgent11, sorry that is how you get into the terminal19:37
Juliahow can I disable that volume image that appears when I change volume using laptop19:37
redbackif I 'tar -zcvpf' excluding mnt, proc and the directory I am using to save into will it traverse into mounted directories too?19:37
Julialaptop's volume buttons19:37
sportman1280fccf: we can not use that step. we need to be able to download from the mirrors19:37
natbaris ubuntu a cmd based19:37
andreas_Hi all, could someone help me with a sound card problem (complete ubuntu noob here ^^)19:38
sportman1280fccf: i trying to figure out if this is our issue or ubuntu issue19:38
Pokesomictmjr: the xorg.conf has everything setup correctly but the login screen for normal boot is only one line of pixels19:38
Agent11ctmjr, yea pretty bad about this. that is the same terminal as applications>accessories>terminal, right?19:38
natbaris ubuntu a cmd based19:38
Picinatbar: It has a terminal, but you can do most things from the graphical environment. see http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/desktopedition19:38
fccfsportman1280: I figured that, give me a few min and I will bring up a virtual machine of jaunty for testing to see if it is on your end or ubu's19:38
Lint011) how can I make Gnome not to move files from other filesystems to my Trash;19:38
redbacknatbar: it gas a GUI (graphical user interface), although you can use the console or terminal to run commands via a cli19:38
ctmjrAgent11, no19:38
Lint012) and when I'm switching desktops, my panels are there too, are desktops a fake?19:39
redbacknatbar: be more patient before repeating your questions19:39
Agent11ctmjr, well ctrl-alt-f1 doesnt seem to be.. doing anything, as far as i see at least19:39
Rolanddoes the app preload improve login speed?19:40
natbarso when u say graphical baced is thet like windows then19:40
ctmjrpokesomi, change the driver to vesa then reboot see if you can get in login19:40
Lint01natbar, please stop trolling19:40
Picinatbar: Did you look at the url I gave you? There are screenshots.19:40
Pokesomictmjr: to what?19:41
shani^^I am having strange problm, my system on restart goes into read only , and gives many errors, I have rebooted into recovery mode, and remount the harddisk, now i can access my system at init 5 after remounting, but on restart ubuntu 8.10 aain gave me same error, can any one help me ?19:41
Agent11ctmjr, should i be seeing something when i hit Ctrl+alt+f1?19:41
supersashohi.. can someone help me please with my audio problem? time to time one of my audio devices doesn't work=> like usb webcam or tv card19:41
=== root is now known as Guest27115
Guest27115how to blacklist driver?19:42
Lint01Agent11, you'll shall see 'Ubuntu 9.04 on tty1 Login:'19:42
natbarred back19:43
natbarrong button19:43
Guest27115i found i need edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist19:43
Agent11lint01, when i hit ctrl-alt-f1 i dont see anything =s19:43
Guest27115but what is blacklist some kind of file, directorium19:43
Lint01Agent11, does your monitor switch to text mode? do you see text cursor blinking?19:43
Guest27115edit is a command or hmmm just say that i need something to edit19:43
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redbackanyone used tar to backup an entire server before?19:44
=== Guest27115 is now known as lavida
Agent11no, when i hit ctrl-alt-f1, nothing happens at al19:44
profanephobiahey all how can i decrease the duration time of jaunty's notifications?19:44
dayoredback: BackupPC on !rsync | redback19:44
ctmjrpokesomi, in the xorg file change nvidia to vesa then reboot19:44
dayo!rsync | redback19:44
ubotturedback: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync19:44
redbackdayo: ty19:45
Agent11Lint01, when i hit ctrl-alt-f1, nothing happens at all, no text mode19:45
dayoredback: u're welcome19:45
Ramon_Firehallo at all pinguses19:45
Lint01Agent11, that''s strange19:45
ctmjrAgent11, reboot into rescue mode then run the installer19:45
Pokesomictmjr: that got me down to 640x48019:46
Lint011) how can I make Gnome not to move files from other filesystems to my Trash;19:46
Agent11ctmjr, will i still need to run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop or just run the installer?19:46
Lint012) and when I'm switching desktops, my panels are there too, are desktops a fake?19:46
Ramon_Firehow ca in burn a dvd film from the audio_ts and video_ts folder?19:46
ctmjrAgent11, just the installer19:46
corporal_clegghello, I have a question to ask you, on network-manager. I would like to start wifi connection before I do the login. How can I do that?19:46
Ramon_Firehow can i burn a dvd film from the audio_ts and video_ts folders?19:46
Agent11ctmjr, alright, trying that now.19:46
profanephobiahey all how can i decrease the duration time of jaunty's notifications?19:47
ctmjrpokesomi, but you are logged into gnome right?19:47
Pokesomictmjr: yes19:47
Robert106anyone have a few minutes to help with an email problem? I think I need to change somethig in a cfg file but not sure.19:47
andreas_Hi anyone around that could help me with a soundcard problem?19:47
sportman1280fccf: any luck?19:47
dethrayJust ask. :)19:47
Robert106pls open priv window with me19:48
fccfsportman1280: currently looking through my backups for the right virtual machine to test19:48
sportman1280fccf: haha ahh19:48
andreas_OK, the sound does work while I'm using the DVD image to install. Though it doesn't work at all under the final system.19:48
Pokesomictmjr: ok what do i do next?19:48
andreas_complete ubuntu noob here :D19:48
ctmjrpokesomi, you installed and removed both drivers in the hardware driver tab and neither one worked correct?19:49
Cube____hey, how do i fix that: GSynaptics couldn't initialize.19:49
Cube____You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics19:49
Pokesomictcjmr i will try removing the new one19:49
masanorihey guys is there a default folder to store theme/splash screen archive i downloaded?19:49
fccfsportman1280: copying now ... still be 5 - 10 before I know anything for sure19:50
Pokesomictjmr: i am removing the new one now19:50
=== juan_ is now known as monostone
ctmjrpokesomi, after you remove it restart the computer19:51
alexnetCould someone point me in the direction to adding an ftp rule to my IpTables?19:51
JosshillCan someone help me get Skype working on Jaunty? I keep getting Problem with Audio playback when I start a call.19:51
Pokesomictmjr: i am rebooting now19:51
comatsui am trying to connect and clone a HD, but when i connect it i get various errors such as 'Dev sdf: unable to read RDB block 0' and trying to dd gives me errors too 'dd: reading `/dev/sdf': Input/output error' anyway to force dd to clone anway?19:52
Ramon_Firehow can i burn a dvd film from the audio_ts and video_ts folders?19:52
monostonehi, I need help implementing bogofilter with qmail, i have a virtual user setup and i would like to set up the filtering on a per .qmail file basis, but i can't seem to get it right19:52
ScottGCan someone help me with getting this sort of prompt? http://www.gilesorr.com/bashprompt/prompts/sergio.html19:52
Devon_Chey guys, I'm having some trouble with Transmission and opening my ports. I opened both the listening and browsing port by opening my router configuration in my browser but it Transmission still says they're closed19:52
sportman1280fccf: thanks man19:52
JosshillCan someone help me get Skype working on Jaunty? I keep getting Problem with Audio playback when I start a call.19:52
Pokesomictmjr: ok reboot complete19:53
linuxninjacomatsu: mand dd... There is an option to force dd to continue even if there are errors. However, I think your drive is bad....19:53
ScottGI don't so much want it to be like that, I just want to be able to put that title bar at the top. I have a 2 line prompt now but that kinda wastes screen relastate19:53
linuxninjacomatsu: Make that "man dd"19:53
profanephobiahey all how can i decrease the duration time of jaunty's notifications?19:53
comatsulinuxninja the drive was part of a RAID 0 array could that be the reason for the errors, or does it seem the the drive is actually dying?19:54
Cube____hey, how do i fix that: GSynaptics couldn't initialize.19:54
Cube____You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics19:54
linuxninjacomatsu: Hmm... can you do a "fdisk -l" and see the drive in the list?19:54
JosshillCan someone help me get Skype working on Jaunty? I keep getting Problem with Audio playback when I start a call.19:54
linuxninjacomatsu: You need to do all these commands as root19:54
Ragnarok857hey :)19:54
Pokesomictmjr: should i purge the nvidia stuff from /proc/module?19:55
cattellarwhats the command to start oo-writer?19:55
sandenmal hallo sagt19:55
ehazlettgreetings... i am trying to run a dpkg-reconfigure on boot with rc.local -- it fails with "failed to open terminal.debconf" -- if i run sudo /etc/rc.local start -- it works, any ideas?19:55
ctmjrpokesomi, ok if the drivers ubuntu recommends do not work you can try the one from nvidia make sure you follow the directions http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us19:55
comatsulinuxninja no it does not seem to be listed with fdisk -l19:56
massidove trovo il server italiano di linux??19:56
JosshillCan anyone help me with Skype on Ubuntu?19:56
ghindoCould somebody confirm a bug/help me file one please?19:56
massiporco dio?19:56
Pici1it | massi19:56
Pici!it | massi19:56
ubottumassi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:56
massigrazie mille19:56
=== sanden is now known as saklnden
saklndenhallo wer da??19:57
majikmanwhich directory in my java path am i supposed to be setting my JAVA_HOME env variable to?19:57
Pici!de | saklnden19:57
ubottusaklnden: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:57
=== saklnden is now known as sulnden
sulndenwas meinst du damit?19:57
ScottGCan someone help me with getting this sort of prompt? http://www.gilesorr.com/bashprompt/prompts/sergio.html19:57
schmiedcsulden hier im channel nur english bitte19:58
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:58
sulndenhi mariele19:58
linuxninjacomatsu: hmm... it could be a raid issue... but it should show you the drive. I think...19:58
sulndenich will kein english19:58
redbackwe have continental all of I sudden I see19:58
schmiedcdann join ubuntu-de oder ubuntu-at die deutschprachigen channels19:58
linuxninjacomatsu: try "mdadm -D /dev/md0"19:58
andreas_sulnden tippe /join #ubuntu-berlin19:58
linuxninjacomatsu: I don't think that command will do anything but ya never know19:59
comatsulinuxninja if it makes any difference this was a hardware raid (asus motherboard), the motherboard died a while ago and im trying to clone the 2 drives in hope of recreating it through software19:59
GFH[Work]Is there a tool to build dependency trees for deb's? something like "a depends on b and c, b depends on d" rather than "install a, it needs b, c, d"19:59
JosshillCan anyone help me please?..19:59
Pokesomictmjr: running the installer now20:00
linuxninjacomatsu: Hmm... That could be your problem. What kind of hardware raid?20:00
=== sysdoc_ is now known as sysdoc
fccfsportman1280: jaunty is now booting on my laptop in a virtualbox20:00
comatsulinuxninja i only know it was RAID 0... thought i could perhaps work my way up from there by trying stuff if i manage to clone the drives20:00
shani^^how to disable fsck scan on ubuntu 8.10 ?20:00
linuxninjacomatsu: Oh20:00
Pokesomictmjr: should i use the included xconfig setup that comes with the installer or no20:01
shwouchkIs there a way to make a certain connection default in network-manager? (i.e. I have a mobile broadband connection via my phone, and I want it to be used if both it and wifi are available)20:01
linuxninjacomatsu: If it's raid 0 then you just lost everything. Well, that would be my guess... Raid 0 goes bad when 1 drive fails20:01
linuxninjacomatsu: You need both drives working for raid 0 to work...20:01
bobslaedeanybody ever use DVDStyler to create dvds?20:01
comatsulinuxninja yeah i think thats the case..  well thanks for your help anyway :)20:01
goldinshello, I'm using 9.04 and I'm having a weird issue where iptables -L and iptables-save don't show the same thing...20:01
linuxninjacomatsu: in any case, good luck...20:02
=== l337 is now known as Guest67487
Guest67487is Ubuntu the best Linux OS?20:02
intangirGuest67487: probably the easiest to get into20:03
Guest67487Can I partition that on my Windows 7 system?20:03
intangirGuest67487: it has a windows based ubuntu installer20:03
Guest67487in the main download?20:03
intangirjust put it in your drive on windows, and it should even autorun and ask you if you want to install20:03
Agent11i believe i need to boot into rescue mode to install my video drivers, however i see that i do not have a option to boot into rescue mode from my install/boot disc. what other way is there to do this?20:04
sportman1280fccf: any lucky?20:04
Robert106can someone tell me where i need to enter my domain name so it picks it up on outgoing mails instead of my computer name? is it the hostname file?20:04
intangirAgent11: when you boot, just press ctrl-alt-F120:04
supersashohi.. can someone help me please with my audio problem? time to time one of my audio devices doesn't work=> like usb webcam or tv card20:04
intangirAgent11: it will goto a text mode only screen20:04
racecar56i have a firewire cable plugged in between my 2 computers, i want to share the internet from one computer to the other, how do i do that20:04
Agent11alright, gonna try that now20:04
fccfsportman1280: getting there, had to hack my way into this machine give me about 10 min to get everything I need20:05
Guest67487intangir: will it partition the drive for me, or would I have to partition it then point to what drive to install it on20:05
profanephobiahey all how can i decrease the duration time of jaunty's notifications?20:06
intangirGuest67487: it has a partioner in the installer i believe, i havent ysed it though20:06
Guest67487Nice thank you :)20:06
intangirGuest67487: youll just have to give it a try, it wont do anything without you telling it to though, just be careful you dont use your whole drive20:06
masanorihey guys is there a default folder to store theme/splash screen archive i downloaded?20:07
Pokesomito whome ever was helping me, thanks.  it seems to be working now20:07
Exorhello all20:07
JosshillHey can anyone help me with skype on Ubuntu?20:07
intangirmasanori: for? to use it? you just drag and drop it into the themeing app20:08
k4rt33kHello Guys Wassup?'20:08
intangirJosshill: what about it?20:08
masanoriintangir yeah but once i did it can i delete the archive,20:08
Cube____eh i cant get gsynaptics to start!!!!!!!!!!!!20:08
JosshillJosshill: Every time I make a call I get this error20:08
Guest67487why when I try the 64bit it picks AMD when I download it20:08
intangirmasanori: ya20:08
JosshillJosshill: It says "Problem with audio playback"20:08
masanoriintangir ok thank you very much20:09
Josshillintangir: Opps sorry, It says "Problem with Audio playback" Every time I start a call.20:09
Guest6748764bit Ubuntu is only AMD compadible?20:09
fccfsportman1280: works fine here ... but it is using deb http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main to get it20:09
frostburnJosshill, chose a different audio playback device20:09
sportman1280fccf. ok thank you20:09
Josshillfrostburn: Where would I do this?20:10
thiebaudeGuest67487: any 64bit system20:10
fccfsportman1280: add the repo and you should be alright20:10
frostburnJosshill, in the skype options20:10
intangirJosshill: i recall having a bit of trouble getting it all to work for me too, .. honestly i dont remember how i got it all working , just remember theres 3 sound systems you may have to think about while stting up the audio.. if skype is trying to use oss, you might need to use 'padsp' before the skype command, if its not, you wont ;) alsa should be setup to use pulse automatically now20:10
Guest67487but it says AMD in the download20:10
Guest67487I have a Intel20:10
Cube____eh i cant get gsynaptics to start!!!!!!!!!!!!20:10
sportman1280fccf. making note of it20:10
fccfactually hold on while I pastebin my sources.list20:10
dethrayWhats the easiest way to delete my windows partition and merge it with my linux? :P20:10
Guest67487unbuntu 9.0.4-desktop-amd64.iso20:10
thiebaudeGuest67487: if its 64bit then thats the one to use20:11
frostburnGuest67487, amd64 is the spec name for x86_64 architectures, it's just the name20:11
Josshillintangir: So I should try using Pulse as my audio playback?20:11
intangirGuest67487: the amd install is just for 64bit i think? im using the 386 one on a 64bit amd processor, its simpler, id just use that if i were you20:11
marcowhat is better? opera or firefox?20:11
Guest67487ah okay20:11
Guest67487thanks guys20:11
intangirJosshill: if it supports pulse, ya try that20:11
intangirJosshill: should be simpliest20:11
Josshillintangir: Yea Its pulse20:11
masanoriGuest67487 it will work odnt worry its just a name used to mention both amd and intel 64bti20:11
Josshillintangir: Thanks much20:11
defryskmarco, whatever you think is better is better20:11
Guest67487cool thanks :)20:11
fccfsportman1280: http://pastebin.com/f5514b36920:11
oldgeezerhow do you delete linux totally off your hard drive?20:13
intangiroldgeezer: you can delete the partition, that should be pretty final ;)20:13
dakarnoldgeezer: i can think of a command but pasting it is bannable20:13
oldgeezero.k. thankx20:13
Exori have a question, i reinstalled windows xp and boot loader is gone, i am not able to switch between windows xp and ubuntu at boot loader, what can i do?20:13
dakarn!grub |exor20:14
ubottuexor: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:14
intangiroldgeezer: i think his command would still leave the disk partitioned for linux, so you wouldnt be able to use it on windows20:14
vigoGuest67487: I see AMD and I386 and X86-64, wich is kinda universal.20:14
chocoboserver /irc.globalgamerscenter.net20:14
losheroldgeezer: actually, it depends on how linux got on your hard drive in the first place....20:14
oldgeezerno problem i'll figure it out and thankx20:14
dethrayIs using gparted to merge unformated space into my  root linux partition pretty safe?20:15
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
losherdethray: it is if you backup your linux partition first...20:15
fccfdethray: reasonably safe... backups are a good idea20:15
vigoGuest67487: Is kinda here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-April/072323.html but there are alot more up to dates in Ubuntu Documentation.20:15
dethrayGah, no room fer a backup :P20:16
dethraymaybe rsync to other pc20:16
Guest67487ah thanks vigo but I think Im going to install the 32 bit I heard it was easier and not that much of a performance boost20:17
racecar56why don't i have an ochi1394 module...20:17
hellburnerwhat package is 'pstocanonij' in?20:17
rchurchillHowdy folks, am trying to setup Ubuntu as a kiosk machine.  It's working pretty well but I can't figure out how to prevent the screen from turning off.  screensaver has been disabled, gnome_power_manager is not running, any suggestions?20:17
hellburnerrchurchill, have you tried turning off dpms?   xset -dpms  (or use your xorg.conf)20:17
vigoGuest67487: Here is another: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/hardware-supported.html is 8.04, maybe that is the scheme to take.20:18
losherGuest67487: fewer problems with 32 bit....20:18
rchurchillI'll give dpms a shot, thanks helburner20:18
vigoI agree with losher on that.20:18
Exormuch appreciated, ubottu, ill do them later bookmarked :)20:19
fccfsportman1280: any luck?20:20
f0sterdoes anyone know how to add more desktops in kubuntu ?20:21
sportman1280fccf: i have not tried that solution yet. im  trying something else first20:21
vogti1hey guys! :)20:21
supersashoHello, can someone help me please with my audio problem? time to time one of my audio devices doesn't work=> like usb webcam or tv card20:21
sportman1280fccf: but i  will let you know20:21
f0sternevermind i figured it out20:21
Guest67487I have Windows 7 Im going to burn the ISO and restart my computer hopefully its an easy process to partition it for Ubuntu so I can boot in either or whenever I need too20:22
vogti1i just deinstalled virtualbox 2.2 and installed 3.0. since that the screen of my client is semitransparent... any ideas?  http://twitpic.com/9ss5o20:22
thefallingHey wazzup faggots20:23
Lint011) how can I make Gnome not to move files from other filesystems to my Trash;20:23
Lint012) and when I'm switching desktops, my panels are there too, are desktops a fake?20:23
fccfvogti1:  that question would be better answered in #vbox20:23
thefallingLint01: ur mom is a gnome20:23
vogti1hm... ok20:23
Lint01thefalling, orc, actually20:24
profanephobiahow can i decrease the duration time of jaunty's notifications?20:24
Piciprofanephobia: I don't believe any customization of the noticiations are available at this time20:24
profanephobiaPici: darn.. thanks20:24
vigosupersasho: What architecture is the hardware? i.e. Asus , IBM etc.20:24
PiciLint01: 1) is a known issue, 2) Panels are on all desktops, what are you expecting?20:24
wrektjetvery basic linux command question: in the terminal how to you go to a directory and back up. i forget the command20:24
Piciwrektjet: cs ..20:25
Piciwrektjet: er, cd  and cd ..20:25
Pici!cli > wrektjet20:25
ubottuwrektjet, please see my private message20:25
PropaneHow can you go to the terminal?20:25
PropaneSorry, noob to linux20:25
PiciPropane: Applications>Accessories>Terminal20:25
Pokesomihow do i login as root so i can add files to /var/www20:25
wrektjetoh rite cd20:25
Pici!sudo | Propane20:26
ubottuPropane: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:26
loa_dudehi. my 9.04 system doesnt want to remember volume settings between reboots?  why is that?20:26
aaronPokesomi, you have sudo20:26
vigoPropane: Or use or make a shortcut to it,20:26
PiciPropane: sorry. Pokesomi see the message from ubottu20:26
losherwrektjet: there's also pushd and popd which remember where you've been on a stack so you can 'pop' back20:26
Ryan1How can I view the Custom Command I have created after using Open with... ?20:26
sephyDaemon tools run on linux?20:26
Pokesomii want to use the standard login screen to do it but it wont let me20:26
sebsebsebsephy: no20:26
Picilosher, wrektjet: cd -, will go to the last directory you were in too.20:26
spectosephy: no20:26
NobleIs there a tool to check a HDD for hw faults in linux?20:26
sebsebsebsephy: ,but there are other ways you can mount an ISO,  and also even into Wine, not sure how though20:26
wrektjetahhhh. that is what i need! thnx losher pici20:26
spectosephy: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-iso-image-under-linux.html20:27
sephyWell shoot, I need to mount an image to install a game20:27
sephythank you <320:27
vigoNoble: Yes, but I have to look for it, whoops20:27
Picisephy: Well, see the other responses thenn20:27
becomingGuruI would like the top panel to be hidden and unhidden using keyboard shortcut; How to achieve it20:27
jthomas_Has anyone gotten Team Fortress 2 working in Wine with good FPS? It seems this is an Ubuntu-only problem as PCLinuxOS works fine.20:27
losherNoble: there are, but the very best diagnostics come from downloading & running the manufacturer's test disk20:27
Pici!appdb | jthomas_20:27
ubottujthomas_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:27
jthomas_Pici, I've already looked, they all have bad FPS.20:28
jthomas_nice try though.20:28
Noblelosher: This is some kind of rebranded OEM crap I think ^^20:28
Guest67487vogti1: does that happen in IE too or just FF?20:28
Picijthomas_: Ask in #winehq then, they will be of more help than us :)20:28
Jerry__hey i need help getting ubuntu to recognize my labtop's internet connector20:28
sebsebsebjthomas_: you could  add the repo  for Ubuntu from  http://www.winehq.org  for Ubuntu and then always  get the latest version of Wine, or well beta version20:28
jthomas_Pici, I have. 3 times. They're all afk or something20:28
jthomas_sebsebseb, that's what I've done -- no difference.20:28
ARMENIANis firefox 3.5 coming out anytime soon? It's been over a week that it's been released, everytime i ask it's always said that it's in testing20:29
Lint01Pici, 1) what do you mean, and 2) how 1 window can be on different desktops20:29
Guest67487ITS OUT20:29
sebsebseb!ff35  |  ARMENIAN20:29
ubottuARMENIAN: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY20:29
vogti1vogti1: it doesnt depend on the browser...20:29
Guest67487does virtualbox take your partitioned operating systems and but it in different windows?20:30
ARMENIANsebsebseb: ok, thanks, but is this the official release? I mean if it is why isn't it in the ubuntu repo?20:30
sebsebsebARMENIAN: see the bot links20:30
supersashovigo: the tvcard's chip is conexant cx88 (the name is MSI tv@nywhere) and the usb webcam is logitech zoomwebcam.. both video is fine and working all the time.. just the sound sometimes doesnt work20:30
ExaviornARMENIAN:I read it was comming soon20:31
ac1dhey all, i am having trouble mounting a partition. it says it's busy or already mounted, but it's not.  any ideas?20:31
ARMENIANExaviorn: the thing is that's what I've been told for a week here :P20:31
Pokesomii just need to drop a couple of php files into /var/www but ubuntu wont let me do it20:31
losherNoble: you can apt-get install smartmontools but you'll have to do some reading to make it work. You're still better off with the mfctr's diag disk20:31
vigosupersasho: Pulse is installed?20:32
k4rt33kac1d: Can you tell the exact problem?20:32
schmiedcPokesomi: have you checked your rights for the www folder20:32
supersashovigo: yes20:32
ARMENIANsebsebseb: yeah this doesn't seem to be the official release but thanks20:32
ac1d# mount -t ext3 /dev/sda5 /media/sda5rnmount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /media/sda5 busy20:32
ExaviornPokesomi--you need root access to edit that folder normaly20:32
Noblelosher: ok ty20:32
Pokesomischmiedc: yeah they are both root.  i need to access that from the ubuntu login20:32
ac1d# umount /dev/sda5rnumount: /dev/sda5: not mounted20:33
specto!flood | ac1d20:33
ubottuac1d: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:33
Lint01pici, care to elaborate?20:33
sebsebsebARMENIAN: it is pretty close to the offical release20:33
PokesomiExaviorn: i know, thats why i need to access the root superuser from the login20:33
schmiedcPokesomi: copy per shell our nautilus ?20:33
vigosupersasho: All drivers and hardware check out ok?20:33
losherac1d: what does 'df -h' say about it20:33
Pokesomischmiedc: Huh?20:33
ExaviornPokesomi:go terminal//sudo nautilus and you will have root file access20:33
ac1dlosher: nothing at all.20:33
Pokesomioh duh20:34
Ryan2Hi there, how do I view an "Open with.." custom command I just created?20:34
schmiedcPokesomi: sudo nautilus in the commandshell should open your filemanager in rootmode20:34
ac1dand btw, specto, ubotu's advice was longer than my flood..20:34
Lint01if a window may be present on several desktops, are they real?20:34
schmiedcso you should be able to write in a root direktory then20:34
Pokesomiok then what20:34
guntbert!gksu | Exaviorn Pokesomi20:35
ubottuExaviorn Pokesomi: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:35
supersashovigo: anything else works.. also the tvcard and webcam works, but just somtimes (like know) the one or other doesn't "make" any sound20:35
losherac1d: and20:35
ExaviornPokesomi:ok you can use alt f2 and type gksudo nautilus instead20:35
losherac1d: and the 'mount' command just by itself?20:35
supersashovigo: i've got this problem maybe 1 of 3 times i start PC, but it is anoying to reboot again and again just to have tvcard and webcam sound working20:36
schmiedcExaviorn: oh didnt knew it that way20:36
ac1dlosher: no mention of /dev/sda5 in `mount`20:36
ubuntucan some one help me i have a problem i carnt rip ubuntu on to a disc why ????20:37
Exaviornsrry ubottu I didnt think there was a difference!20:37
guntbertExaviorn: ubottu is a bot :)20:38
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
zanberdowhat is the cli command that is used to mount a usb device in the same way that hal automounts when the device is plugged in?20:38
alexnetIs there a way to transfer files via SSH using commands? (cygwin)20:38
hatter243alexnet, scp20:38
deanyalexnet, scp20:38
Besogonwe like talking with bots20:38
guntbertExaviorn: np :)20:38
deanyor sftp20:38
hatter243alexnet, No, regular scp... type "man scp" in cygwin20:38
alexnetoo, thank you20:39
vigosupershasho: Ok, sounds like a thing in the startup module, that is not Linux talk, but it is, there is a start up manager widget that loads and unloads drivers and devices, System>Preferences>Startup Applications, find the needed devices in there and tick them to always start at boot, that may help if they are not set that way.20:39
yodatorhey all, you must see this http://www.sexy-lena.com/?uid=34569020:39
wrektjethow do u cd into a directory that has a blank space in the name20:40
wrektjeteg "my docs"20:40
wrektjetcd /home/my docs doesnt work20:40
ac1dwrekjet put a \ before the space20:41
amcsiwhere is $HOME?20:41
wrektjetforwad slash u mean?20:41
spectowrektjet: use a \ to escape the space ex: my\ docs20:41
vigohome is /home20:41
alexnethatter243, does my ssh connection in cygwin need to be closed to use the scp command? i noticed the scp command contains the address of my server20:41
kainiHi. When I booted ubuntu my usb headset was plugged in. I plugged it out but ubuntu doesn't send any sound to my other output device. How can I tell to do so? Thanks.20:42
ac1damsci.. it's your homedir, ex. /home/amsci  you can find out for sure by typing echo $HOME20:42
k4rt33kspaces wont work in the command line use - instead in your file names20:42
vigohome is also /etc/usr/home , depends on a few things,20:42
fccfkaini: System>Preferences>Sound - is the control panel to change outputs20:42
spectoalexnet: shouldn't20:42
Picivigo: Generally not...20:42
Max007I already use a bridged squid proxy but I'd want to do some traffic shaping with it too. What should I use ?20:43
specto!ubuntu-server | Max00720:43
ubottuMax007: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support20:43
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ubunturedback:r u there20:43
vigoPici: Thank you, I have been playing with MC and other fun stuff for way too long.20:43
kainifccf, yep I tried that but all of them are quiet (when I press the Test button)20:43
Max007specto: i'm already using ubuntu server... i guess i'm not on the right channel20:44
fccfkaini: have you tried rebooting without the headset plugged in20:44
Ryan2Hi there, how do I view an "Open with.." custom command I just created?20:44
spectoMax007: exactly20:44
supersashovigo: i've got intrepid not jaunty , so where could i found it? in system>preferencies>session aren't any devices like the tvcard or the webcam20:44
spectoMax007: sorry20:44
Redeuxxhi, what permissions do should I chmod a home directory so that the owner can do everything, but no one else can, even list files is it 700?20:45
kainifccf, no, and I think that will work but I don't want to do that everytime.20:45
aaroncan someone explain why firefox freezes up when i play a youtube video?20:45
Max007specto: no problem !20:45
Max007my bad20:45
kainiBtw I have got the same issue with my external boxes20:45
vigosupersasho: Let me find the command .20:45
scott_inokarmic koala mirror20:46
Pici!karmic | scott_ino20:46
ubottuscott_ino: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:46
alexnetwhen i use cygwin, does my windows computer take on a linux-like filestucture??20:46
causasuiwhen will firefox 3.5 be in the repository?20:46
l337you can install Ubuntu like an application?! Is that like an emulator?20:46
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kainicausasui, it is20:46
causasuikaini: it seems that doing an upate doesnt change my firefox :(20:47
kainicausasui, sudo apt-get install firefox-3.520:47
vigosupersasho: It is udev, here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbDriveDoSomethingHowto20:47
causasuikaini: right, I did that, but firefox 3.0 is still my default browser20:47
causasuiboth are installed...20:47
ubuntubye 2 all20:48
kainicausasui, system -> settings -> defaul applications (don't know the exact names in english)20:48
Iron_Butterflyi'm having this problem with clam av20:48
alexnetCould someone walk me through moving a file from my Vista computer to my Ubuntu computer via SCP?20:48
Iron_Butterflyit wont update signatures or gui updates20:48
Iron_Butterflyhow do i fix this?20:48
causasuikaini: The english is "preferred applications". thanks!20:48
vigo!update gpg20:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about update gpg20:49
HeinzHaraldWhats los here in the fresh ubunuchannel?20:49
BookmanI don't seem to be able to get samba to work between two Ubuntu 9.04 machines.  Only one is visible on both machines.20:49
HeinzHaraldWhat is Ubuntu eigentlich?20:49
supersashovigo: ok thanks, this may help with the webcam i'll try that, but unfortunately i forgot to tell that the tvcard is pci not usb :(20:49
Pici!de | HeinzHarald20:50
ubottuHeinzHarald: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:50
causasuikaini: Worked like a charm. now how do I get rid of the old firefox? :)20:50
HeinzHaraldHey! I have you what questioned!20:50
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:50
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:50
Metallushello everyone!20:50
BookmanI have no windows machines so samba should no be needed, but nothing else seems to work20:50
vigosupersasho: All oke dokee,I hope that official documentation helps a bit.20:50
Metallusis there anyone I can talk to about a missing XP partition>20:50
kainicausasui, i guess sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.020:50
causasuiBookman: If you are not using windows, I strongly recommend NFS, it's much easier20:50
=== dwarder is now known as dwarder_
=== dwarder_ is now known as dwarder
kainioh sry20:51
Bookmancausasui: how to setup though?  does it not work "out of the box"?20:51
HeinzHaraldHey! Can you me mal something answeren?20:51
=== dwarder is now known as dwarder_1
dwarder_1пластических и энергетических веществах.20:51
Metallusafter a kernel update grub does not boot windows...help pls20:51
vigo!update key server20:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:51
causasuiBookman: No, you have to edit a config file, but it's quite easy20:51
dwarder_1ohh sorrt20:51
Pici!ru | dwarder_120:51
ubottudwarder_1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:51
Pici!msgthebot | vigo20:51
ubottuvigo: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:51
causasuiBookman: 1sec20:51
Metallusom me pls20:51
HeinzHaraldчесчеергет луста посите ния помощи20:51
Bookmancausasui: pm20:51
vigoThsnk you, I forgot that one20:52
causasuiBookman: Go ahead and PM me20:52
dwarder_1HeinzHarald: :)20:52
OsamaKisn't Icecat available through the official software channel?20:52
HeinzHaraldWhats los here in ubuntu?20:52
HeinzHaraldEverything fresh with you ising?20:52
PiciHeinzHarald: This channel is english only, I do not understand what you are asking.20:52
dwarder_1how can i install windows like fonts? can i?20:52
HeinzHaraldHey i am you only goodly englisch Questions asking!20:53
Metallushelp pls anyone...grub doesn't boot windows20:53
buckyhi Bruno!20:53
HeinzHaraldWhen you can it not understanden, that is not my problem am sein!20:53
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
PiciHeinzHarald: Yes, it is your problem, please stop.20:53
Iron_Butterflyit does but it lists it as other depending on if you set it up right20:53
Metalluspiciule esti roman?20:53
guntbert!de | HeinzHarald20:53
ubottuHeinzHarald: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:53
moymoyBookman: have you tried using NFS?20:53
OsamaKMetallus: That's nice :P20:53
PiciMetallus: No20:54
MetallusPM me pls20:54
=== redsoxking|sleep is now known as redsoxking
mneptokMetallus: da, #ubuntu-ro20:54
fccfOsamaK: do you mean icecast?20:54
Metallusmultsam frate20:54
moymoy!nfs | bookman20:54
ubottubookman: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:54
Metallus.j #ubuntu-ro20:54
dwarder_1anyone tried to set windows fonts in ubuntu?20:54
HeinzHaraldOkay, then answer me times one question: What is ubuntu being?20:54
guntbert!ot | HeinzHarald20:54
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:54
ubottuHeinzHarald: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:54
dwarder_1does package with windows fonts exist for ubuntu?20:54
OsamaKfccf: No, I mean GNU IceCat20:55
buckyHeinzHarald: it's a debian clone20:55
HeinzHaraldWHAT IS UBUNTU?20:55
fccfOsamaK: not standard hmm20:55
scott_inodwarder_1: install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:55
HeinzHaraldWhat is DEBIAN?20:55
HeinzHaraldWhat is CLONE?20:55
Metallusomg spammer20:55
OsamaKHeinzHarald: low caps20:55
Bookmanmoymoy: thanks....working on it.20:55
scott_inoand it will give you ttf fonts package20:55
buckyHeinzHarald: or an african fertility rite20:55
dwarder_1scott_ino: thanks, will try now20:55
fccf!ops | HeinzHarald spam20:55
OsamaKfccf: what do you mean?20:55
ubottuHeinzHarald spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:55
guntbertHeinzHarald: hör doch auf20:55
alexnetWhats the easiest way to move a file from my Vista machine to my Ubuntu box?20:55
jpdsHeinzHarald: Please stop.20:55
HeinzHaraldWhat for afrikanischet Zeugs?20:55
amcsiis there a difference between vi vim and gvim?20:56
mneptokMetallus: cu placere20:56
K99Brainalexnet, you can mount your vista partition and move any file you want20:57
fccfOsamaK: look at this https://wiki.edubuntu.org/InstallIceCat20:57
btnzis there a way to make an actual phone call  with a modem connected?20:57
K99Brainamcsi, vim is vi improved and gvim is a graphical editor20:57
vigo!sip | btnz20:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sip20:58
=== Jerry__ is now known as hasket
btnzi'm not talking about voip20:58
thefallingI voiped ur mom20:58
OsamaKfccf: it's *really* old.20:58
vigobtnz: Yes, Ekiga is installed and does work, choice is yours,20:58
thefallingOsamak ur mom is really old20:58
fccfOsamaK: yes, however the instructions should follow about the same for any version of ubuntu20:59
alexnetIn Cygwin, how does one reference a different windows drive.. something like /cygwin/D/files ?20:59
dwarder_1alexnet: yeah20:59
K99Brainbtnz, a modem is not a phone. it can be used only for digital data transfers20:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thethering21:00
Picialexnet: This is the Ubuntu support channel, not cygwin.  A more on-topic place would be ##Linux, or #cygwin21:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thether21:00
Pici!msgthebot | moymoy21:00
ubottumoymoy: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:00
fccfK99Brain: not true - a modem can be used as a phone/fax/voicemail21:00
Gh057hun73rhow do I check my GPU speed? and overclock it, I have a gma95021:01
btnzalright, so if i put a sim card into my huawei 169 and want to make a call, however you want to call that (i'd go for phone call/modem), how do you do that with ubuntu 9.04?21:01
K99Brainfccf, fax IS data. for the rest, modem = modulator demodulator. not analog voice21:01
porter1<Gh057hun73r>, overclocking inter gfx cards I don't believe anyone has tried21:02
Gh057hun73rI at least want to know what speed it is running at.. how do I get that info?21:02
fccfK99Brain: ever heard of a voice modem ... most newer cards are ... regardless21:02
porter1Gh057hun73r, there is a program called gma950boot for windows,  might see how it works and if you can get the same result in linux21:04
Gh057hun73rwill it run under wine?21:04
porter1Gh057hun73r, that was for improving netbook speeds though, so who knows21:05
lavidaedbian, hello mate21:05
porter1Gh057hun73r, probably not21:05
vprm how do i change my domain name for my ubuntu from 'workgroup' to 'newone' ??21:05
btnzso? any way to make a call over a phone net?21:05
lavidaedbian, hope u dont watch some football match :D21:05
Gh057hun73rthis is like a netbook, it big brother I guess.. its an atom 330 dual core cpu21:05
lavidaedbian, and have enough nerv to help linux noob to uninstall drivers21:05
K99Brainfccf, uhm, maybe i'm wrong but, voice modem aren't that with a connector for an external phone?21:05
edbianlavida: I'm here :)21:06
porter1Gh057hun73r, here's the forum thread: http://forums.msiwind.net/internal-hardware/boost-your-gma-950-speed-166-200-250-400-mhz-t8130-140.html21:06
edbianlavida: Did you sudo modprobe -r ath5k ???21:07
lavidaedbian, yeah21:07
fccfK99Brain: sometimes, but often a voicemail capable modem only has a rj-11 on it21:07
lavidaedbian, good memory21:07
matthewhorriganI just inatalled ubuntu and my other monitor is flickering21:07
lavidaedbian, and happened same thing... os freezed21:07
dwarder_1scott_ino: what shoud i do after i did "apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" to make my firefox shot text with windows font?21:07
=== matthewhorrigan is now known as l337
lavidaedbian, i think i need to uninstall this rtl driver and try with the fresh one21:08
edbianlavida: Removing the module made the OS freezE?21:08
amcsican I make the ctrl+alt+f2 terminal unicode?21:08
=== l337 is now known as Guest67590
wrektjethow do you change what "writes the desktop? i want to switch back to nautilus21:08
Guest67590how can I make my other monitor stop flickering21:09
lavidaedbian, no removing module and after i connected with alfa card on the net instantly OS freeze21:09
wrektjethit it21:09
alltaxHowdy folks. I am having problem with my Xfig 3.2.5 alpha 5 on Ubuntu 8.10. xfig crashes with a "buffer overflow" error message. I have found the source of the problem on a web page that says something about a 7 characters long string when it only can be 6 characters. Now what do I do? Can I maby reverse to an older package some how. I need my beloved xfig!21:09
humitoalguien para ayudarme ???21:09
dwarder_1es! humito21:09
wrektjetenglish please21:09
Pici!es | humito21:09
ubottuhumito: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:09
edbianlavida: I think the real issue is the alfa driver as well.  You should try removing that package entirely.  Unfortunately I don't know how to purge a package that was installed by hand.21:10
wrektjetj #compiz21:11
bp0how to edit the bookmarks in the places menu?21:11
lavidaedbian, thats the problem, i dont know to do that too :(21:11
Picibp0: Open a nautilus window, go to the bookmarks menu, there should be a way to edit from there21:11
lavidaedbian, also i have 64 bit version of ubuntu, maybe thats the problem too21:12
edbianDoes anybody know how to remove a package that was compiled from source?21:12
lavidaedbian, too many variables21:12
bp0Pici: thanks21:12
edbianlavida: Possibly.  Maybe it's a 32 bit driver (That really shouldn't matter though).21:12
gangilapt-get remove ??21:12
grkblood13sometimes when i tr to view videos online i have this weird player that never loads, heres a screenshot http://joeshowradio.com/images/player.png how do i get rid of this21:12
qwyethIn general, packages compiled from source are copied to directories in /usr somewhere21:12
edbianUsually the extra 32 bits a just 0's and 64 bit software can handle 32 bit software well.21:12
amcsimy xterm scrolls through the typed commands instead of xterm (mouse scroll). how do I fix this?21:13
lavidagangil, we are talking about removing drivers are u sure it can be done with apt-get remove21:13
qwyethLook over the makefile21:13
gangillavida: nope , was guessing :D21:13
fccfgrkblood13: good to see you alive and streaming... good question.21:13
edbiangangil: It was a package installed by hand :)21:13
dwarder_1nevermind i found out21:13
grkblood13and streaming?21:13
qwyethedbian:  if you read the makefile thoroughly you can see what directories it touched21:14
lavidaqwyeth, if i find them what i should do, just to remove them by simply deleting them21:14
K99Brainfccf, i have searched.. you're right about voice modems :) sorry21:14
=== resno is now known as qwerty
edbianqwyeth: It's actually lavida with the issue.21:14
qwyethOh, ok ^_^21:14
gangilAFAIK , just make clean an delete the src21:14
lavidaqwyeth, thats true!21:14
=== qwerty is now known as Guest45506
grkblood13fccf, you have the same player?21:14
qwyethWas it installed with sudo or as root?21:15
Picigangil: make clean does not uninstall. It only removes the compiled objects from the source directory, not the install directories.21:15
btnzk then k99brain, any suggestions towards my problem then?21:15
qwyethIf so, you will have to be very careful21:15
fccfgrkblood13: I actually don't use flash on this machine... I use my winbox for that21:15
Picigangil: make uninstall or make remove may work, but not all developers include those make targets.21:15
gangilthen even I would like to know the rt way :)21:15
K99Brainbtnz, so, what kind of modme you have?21:15
btnzhuawei 16921:16
btnzworks fine for connecting to the web21:16
qwyethlavidia:  what package is it?21:16
dwarder_1can i listen .pls files with amarok?21:16
grkblood13sometimes when i tr to view videos online i have this weird player that never loads, heres a screenshot http://joeshowradio.com/images/player.png how do i get rid of this21:17
fccfbtnz: this might be overkill but I think asterisk will do what you want21:17
K99Brainbtnz, ok, it's a umts modem. i don't think it's possible to use it for voice. maybe sms21:17
btnzas i can just select it as téléphone mobile à large band internet is easy..21:17
lavidaqwyeth, the question is how to read what is in Makefile21:17
lavidaqwyeth, cant do that with text editor21:17
btnzwell it is capable of doing that21:17
dwarder_1yes i can ..21:17
fccfK99Brain: that's technically not a modem, it is a cellphone, and no you cannot make voice calls with it21:18
btnzi tried it under windows vista with the application that comes with it21:18
edbianI got booted21:18
dwarder_1or can't21:18
btnzand you can easily connect to the internet or make a phone call or send a text21:18
dwarder_1can i?21:18
btnzor if you want to you can do it all at the same time21:18
guntbertedbian: does it hurt? ;-)21:19
=== l337 is now known as Guest82100
amcsimy xterm scrolls through the typed commands instead of xterm (mouse scroll). how do I fix this?21:19
Guest82100Do you know why Ubuntu recgonizes 2 monitors when booting up but in the OS the other one flickers it doesnt seem to recgonize it in the OS21:19
K99Brainbtnz, but, why you don't want to use skype, for example? with the skypeout option you can call everywhere at low cost21:19
edbian*Rolls eyes21:19
dwarder_1i have taken pls file from di.fm and amarok looks like opened it, but i can't hear anything?21:19
KhelbenI have a question about bash and autocompletion, I know there is a parameter that shows all possibilities after 1 tab, instead a double tab, but I forgot it, does any of you know?21:19
dwarder_1should i use xmms?21:20
btnzso technically i am pretty damn sure it is capable of doing it, i just cant quite find any 'interface' or whatsoever to use it's classical  _phone_ features21:20
ballooozaGuest82100, you need drivers, what video card do you have21:20
edbianlavida: Do you have the original files your downloaded (the rtl8180 files) ??21:20
Guest82100not sure21:20
dwarder_1i remember it worked with *.pls files21:20
qwyethUm... afaik the makefile should be text.  You can also look at the ./configure script21:20
ballooozaGuest82100: pm?21:20
btnzwell i have a lot of credit left on that sim card that i could use to call friends not actually connected to the internet21:20
Guest82100Im on an intel Mac21:20
wrektjethow do u reatrt nautilus21:21
wrektjetw/o shuttin down21:21
Guest82100how can I tell balloooza21:21
ballooozaGuest82100: pm = private message, it is quite noisy in here21:21
helperis mt use with the backup ?21:21
edbianwrektjet: killall nautilus21:21
guntbert!pm | balloooza , Guest8210021:21
ubottuballoooza , Guest82100: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:22
edbianwrektjet: It doesn't need to be running all the time like windows explorer21:22
edbianwrektjet: Although it does draw the icons on your desktop.21:22
ballooozaGuest82100: ok,so do a lspci21:22
K99Brainbtnz, i'm not 100% sure, but i don't think you can use the huwaei e169 for phone calls21:22
=== CyberSix_ is now known as CyberSix
Guest82100in the terminal?21:22
wrektjetyea i am workion with that atm so i wanna restart it. so sudo killall and then sudo nautilus to start up?21:23
Guest82100ah okay21:23
K99Brainbtnz, the simplier thing is to move the sim card on a cell phone21:23
ballooozaGuest82100: the command is lspci (and by the way, ubottu is a bot, but knows so much, it is cool21:23
jerknextdoor8.10 started crashing on me yesterday afternoon.  any ideas on what to check to see why?  and how to force a disk check?21:23
lavidaedbian, sorry mate i was googling21:23
Guest8210008:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7300 GT] (rev a1)21:23
ballooozaGuest82100: yes, in a terminal21:23
edbianwrektjet: killall to stop it yes.  you don't need sudo to start it.  Sudo nautilus would make it like root starting it.  Just do nautilus.21:23
btnzK99Brain: as far as linux is concerned or in general?21:23
edbianlavida: Did you find the makeuninstall or makeremove??21:23
K99Brainbtnz, in general21:23
wrektjetk thnx done21:24
moymoywrektjet: you don't have to be root to kill or to spawn nautilus21:24
lavidaedbian, its rtl8187L drivers... i made one more stupidity, i installed one more drivers from aircrack site21:24
dwarder_1how can i make my soundcard work with amarok? i'v got intel. and i see speaker in my "taskbar"21:24
btnzK99Brain: thing is - i have done it, but that was on a windows machine21:24
moymoywrektjet: actually, you SHOULDN'T spawn nautilus as root21:24
edbianlavida: "You made one more mistake" is better english :)21:24
pointhello, i was wondering if someone could help me with my MBR issue. im getting the error 17 when trying to boot. it all started after getting an an IO error from the CD i was using. now i cant even boot into windows (which is on another disk)21:24
ballooozaGuest82100: ok, so then, there is a thing in system >administration called hardware drivers, that will allow you to add a driver21:24
lavidaedbian, im trying to find that... but for now i havent lucky21:25
Guest82100so just look for the driver online somewhere21:25
K99Brainbtnz, with which software? maybe you can try to use it with wine21:25
edbianlavida: Do you have the folder you originally downloaded from the site?21:25
Guest82100Ah it does it automaticall21:25
lavidaedbian, mistake is too softly for my work :D21:25
btnzK99Brain: of course i could simply put the sim card back into my mobile but that'd mean that i couldnt go online on my notebook21:25
qwyethpoint: www.supergrubdisk.org21:25
lavidaedbian, yes i have21:25
lavidaedbian, u want to read something from there?21:26
edbianlavida: IS there a makeremove or makeuninstall in there?21:26
ballooozaGuest82100: I guess there is a chance it might not be there, in that case, you will need to get it from the nvidia website, I should also ask, do you use the ubuntu install for audio/jack related things (esspecialy the rt kernel) if you do not know what that is, then don't mind it21:26
|unjustice|Hi, I am trying to update my friend's system. He had gutsy gibbon, so I changed his sources.list to include Hardy, and I did a full update to Hardy. Unfortunately, i could not load anythign but failsafe GNOME, but the next day I tried to load it again adn it won't. I can get into a shell, but I cannot change sources.list to intrepid to further update. Also, his system won't boot a live cd to insta21:26
fccfbtnz: perhaps you should get a teatherable phone ... Iphone or Android will do it21:26
btnzK99Brain: the proprietary software it came with 'umts modem manager' or something alike21:26
lavidaedbian, just a moment, ill look21:26
edbianlavida: That's where it would be :)21:26
btnzfccf: i'm really looking forward to getting myself an android phone21:27
btnzjust still waiting for one so suit my needs to be released21:27
qwyeth|unjustice|:  if the system won't boot to the live CD to install, how did he install it in the first place?  Do it that same way again :D21:27
edbianbtnz: Are there any besides the t-mobil G1 ??21:27
edbianbtnz: That one is ugly21:27
fccfbtnz: best of both worlds .. opensource and will do teathering while making a call21:27
btnzthat new sony ericson sounded really very promising21:27
fccfedbian: T-moblie is releasing the My-Touch 3G in august21:28
lavidaedbian, no i havent anything like that21:28
btnzG1 ain't quite sexy, plus the camera's pretty crappy21:28
lavidaedbian, unfortunately21:28
guntbert!ot | btnz21:28
ubottubtnz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:28
edbianlavida: Then IDK :(21:28
edbianLets ask around more21:28
amcsihow do I make my terminal windows faster?21:29
amcsithey seem to be extremely fast with ctrl+at+f221:29
|unjustice|qwyeth: it doesn't work21:30
btnzguntbert: if you have a better suggestion for making the huawei e169 usable that discussing alternative devices to be used with ubuntu, please go ahead : \21:30
fuzzypotatoDoes anyone know free software alternatives to Google Earth?21:30
jardihi all21:30
lavidaedbian, suppose it means I Dont Know :(21:30
qwyeth|unjustice|:  You already told me it doesn't work, that wasn't my question.  The question is:  How was Gutsy installed in the first place?21:30
dayoa cron's spawn a truck-full of chown and chmod commands. how do i kill them all in one go. tried killall and pkill and kill -921:30
|unjustice|qwyeth: via install disc21:31
edbianlavida: IDK = I don't know :(21:31
qwyethIf it was installed via a bootable CD before and you cannot boot via CD now, then you either have A: a hardware problem or B: you're doing it wrong.21:31
jardidoes anyone know how to know the mime type of a file on the disk (automaticaly, it's for a script) ? Or at least if a file contains text or binary datas ?21:31
|unjustice|qwyeth: agreed, that is not very helpful21:31
qwyethDid you enter the bios and verify the system is set to boot to CD?21:31
eddie595Hello, speaking of distcc. Once setup, how do I make sure the computers are using the same gcc compiler version and setting it to use the same version if different?21:31
|unjustice|qwyeth: yes21:31
qwyethThen have you booted the CD on another computer to make sure it's a good image?21:32
|unjustice|qwyeth: yes21:32
qwyethHave you booted the computer to a different CD to rule out hardware failure?21:32
lavidaedbian, ah there is one solution, to reinstall whole ubuntu, but still i will not know how to remove drivers from the system21:32
k4rt33k|unjustice|: sometimes the cd might be scratched or the cd rom might be old21:32
mimickguys, I have a problem here, need some help21:33
mimickI wrecked my X21:33
|unjustice|I tried 4 cds21:33
edbianlavida: You could use the find command and manually remove the drivers so they can't possibly be used.  I don't know if this is the correct way to do things though.21:33
lavidaedbian, if something similar happened21:33
mimickand recovery mode does not give me network support21:33
guntbertbtnz: not quite :-), but I got a ZTE MS628 and found a lot of forum entries for the huawei during my search for the ZTE, so maybe the forums are a better alternative then21:33
judgenmimick: how di you mess it up21:33
|unjustice|even different OS's, the computer will not boot from a disc21:33
moymoymimick: how? don't you have Xorg.conf backups?21:33
k4rt33kmimick: what happened?21:33
btnz1.5k ppl here and no1's ever tried to access a connected 'phone'/modem's capabilities to make a call?21:33
mimickI installed the wrong driver21:33
mimickI think that if I get a shell w network I can fix it21:34
mimickbut I can't get that21:34
lavidaedbian, its interesting that i cant find such vital information on the net easy21:34
k4rt33kbtnz: I use a broadband21:34
mimickrecovery won't give me network over wifi21:34
judgenbtnz: ofcourse people have used it... it depends on hte phone and comp of the phone.21:34
lavidaedbian, :(21:34
edbianlavida: I'm sure there is a way.  I'll google as well.21:34
mimickhow can I boot w/o X?21:34
Lunar_Lampbtnz: what phone/modem are you talking about?21:34
judgenmimick: just change the xorg.conf to use the driver that you need...21:35
btnztalking about a huawei e16921:35
mimickjudgen, that's an option for sure21:35
|unjustice|is there a way to update via package manager? I cannot get computer to run anything but a shell, but I had failsafe GNOME for a little while21:35
lcabrinimimick: surely you don't need x to boot?21:35
edbianlavida: Go to the file that you ran the initial make command in a terminal21:35
wrektjetanyone here using adobe air on 64 bit januty21:35
wrektjetpm please21:35
christiaaanhi, i need help, how can change the port of my remote desktop ? i need change the defaut 5900 for another where can change?21:35
judgenbtnz: does not ALL huawei stuff has linx drivers in their memory? Atleast i thought so.21:36
mimicklcabrini, I don't need X, I just need my shell and network21:36
Lunar_Lampbtnz: hmm, I have two e156s and they were both plug and play.  Do you get any output in /var/log/messages when you plug yours in? What's the output of lsusb?21:36
guntbert!pm | wrektjet21:36
ubottuwrektjet: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:36
judgenmimick: do you have a ubuntyu CD?21:36
Serg_Hi! I have a problem - does not start the camserv , although the skype  launch as follows: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so skype. What is the problem? It does not starts.21:36
mimickjudgen, yes21:36
judgenmimick: excuse my spelling21:36
christiaaanhi, i need help, how can change the port of my remote desktop ? i need change the defaut 5900 for another where can change?21:36
Lunar_Lampbtnz: you might need to do a "modeswitch" which I needed to get one working on an old redhat server.21:36
wrektjetfair enough. so does anyone use adobe air?21:36
btnzthe thing is - it does work as a internet modem plug-and-play wise, amazingly fine (really to my surprise)21:36
maniheerlinux has failed on me again but I wont swear and give up this time21:36
mimickI have my Ubuntu alternate disk21:36
Lunar_Lampbtnz: oh, what do you want to do with it then?21:37
edbianmaniheer: What's your problem?21:37
moymoymimick: it's easy to log into GNOME to get networking than trying to set up networking in the terminal.. so change the driver in your Xorg.conf to "vesa" instead of whatever driver you're using now21:37
edbianlavida: Hello??21:37
btnzLunar_Lamp: i'd want to use it to make an actual phone call21:37
mimickmoymoy, I will try to use the vesa driver21:37
lavidaedbian, yes yes21:37
btnzor send a text, if you like21:37
mimickmoymoy, that's a good idea21:37
dabukalamhi all i'm trying to install my wireless drivers using ndiswrapper. I'm using the bcm4318. I keep getting an error when I modprobe,"WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release." and "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release." Why do I get these errors?21:37
lavidaedbian, i think i found something interesting21:37
judgenmimick: just boot and select partition as normal, press alt+F2 and use "nano /target/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and just select the proper driver.21:37
Serg_есть тут кто русский?21:37
mimickI will go and try21:37
edbianlavida: What did you find?21:37
lavidaedbian, pls can u see it too21:37
frostburnhas anyone installed sqlalchemy 5.4? if so how did you resolve the dependency hell?21:38
uninverted_I'm trying to install 9.04, but I keep getting this error: missing modules( cat/proc/module /s dev) /dev/disk/ly-vvid/406c642-fd  etc —— initrambs21:38
Lunar_Lampbtnz: ok, first things first you will want to try sending a text message. This is fairly simple to do - one moment and I'll pastebin how to do it as I worked it out so that I could do it from servers.21:38
badeagle!ru | Serg_21:38
ubottuSerg_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:38
edbianlavida: Give me a link?21:38
guntbertwrektjet: please just ask your *real* question21:38
judgenmimick: Dont format the drives though =P21:38
lavidaedbian, http://vpoint7.wordpress.com/2009/04/04/ubuntu810-with-aircrack-ng-rtl8187/21:38
mimickjudgen, no...21:38
maniheerI installed xubuntu using wubi, and used it for a couple of hours, but after a reboot, I can not even start xubuntu, GRUB says that it cannot find a file21:38
lavidaedbian, pls read about third step21:38
buckymoymoy what kind of ethernet card do have and is the driver showing for it showing up in lsmod? if so just dhcient eth021:38
|unjustice|anyone know how to help me to update from Hardy shell to jaunty w/o a disc?21:38
judgenmimick: best to atleast mention it so you dont get mad at me if you format the stuf21:38
btnzLunar_Lamp: ty21:38
yonaroxr freenode21:38
Serg_on ubuntu-ru my dont help21:38
Lunar_Lampbtnz: ARGH, I deleted my notes earlier today.  However, first things first you need to install minicom if you don't already have it.  Do you know how to use minicom?21:39
T3kn0m0nk3Yhello all21:39
cristoferspeak sànisj21:39
qwyeth|unjustice|:  it sounds like the packages are now corrupted due to your failed attempt at upgrade... It's probably possible but it would be a lot easier for you to resolve the hardware problem and install jaunty clean21:39
maniheerI installed xubuntu using wubi, and used it for a couple of hours, but after a reboot, I can not even start xubuntu, GRUB says that it cannot find a file21:39
K99Brainbtnz, just some clarifications. the voice capability of the e169 is optional and not available anywhere. i have a e169 and i've never seen that option because here (in italy) is not available.21:39
badeagleSerg_: we can't help if we can't understand you21:39
qwyethYou said you tried 4 CDs.  Were they 4 different distros?  Or 4 burns of the same image?21:39
T3kn0m0nk3YI have a question about winbind/ads/pam if anyone is up for it21:39
btnzLunar_Lamp: to be quite frankly, never heard of minicom. what is it about?21:39
dabukalamhi all i'm trying to install my wireless drivers using ndiswrapper. I'm using the bcm4318. I keep getting an error when I modprobe,"WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release." and "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release." Why do I get these errors?21:40
|unjustice|qwyeth: I agree, but the cdrom is not broken, it just will not boot cds21:40
Lunar_Lampbtnz: ok, it's a terminal program that lets you connect to serial ports.  When the USB device is plugged in it pretends to be a serial device, basically.21:40
dethraywhy not use a usb stick/21:40
guntbertdabukalam: there seems to exist a development decision about the naming of config files - I'd say at the moment no problem for you, maybe you file a bug against the package using that conf-file (without .conf)21:40
K99Brainbtnz, i have searched on the huwaei web site and there is the downloadable software to do voice calls, but it's only for win/mac21:40
btnzK99Brain: what system have you tested it on?21:40
|unjustice|qwyeth: I tried ubuntu 32 and 64 twice, and debian 32 and 64 twice21:40
edbianlavida: According to that site ubuntu comes with drivers that work with your card.  Are you aware of this?21:40
K99Brainbtnz, i use it with win and ubuntu21:40
|unjustice|qwyeth: computer can read discs, but not boot them21:40
K99Brainbtnz, mainly in ubutnu21:40
Lunar_Lampbtnz: so what you need to do is "sudo aptitude install minicom" firstly, and then run "sudo minicom -s".21:40
qwyeth|unjustice|:  just because you can read CDs doesn't mean the CD drive isn't broken.21:41
dabukalamguntbert: so it doesn't affect me? the drivers don't work though... how can i solve that?21:41
lavidaedbian, yes but know its is too late21:41
qwyeth|unjustice|: in fact, I just replaced 6 cd drives last week with that issue at my office21:41
guntbert!es | cristofer:21:41
ubottucristofer:: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:41
btnzK99Brain: also with the green-GUI software (win)21:41
lavidaedbian, i will run command make to see where it writing files21:41
edbianlavida: Ok are you in the file that you ran the make command in initially (in a terminal)21:41
qwyeththey would read cds fine but not boot, and replacing the drive fixed it21:41
btnzLunar_Lamp: what is the '-s' part for?21:41
Lunar_Lampbtnz: serial port setup > A > /dev/ttyUSB021:41
Lunar_Lampbtnz: it puts it into setup mode.21:42
edbianlavida: Wait don't do that yet (good strategy but I have an idea)21:42
|unjustice|qwyeth: yuck, well I think that may be the problem, is there a way to test it?21:42
maniheerI installed xubuntu using wubi, and used it for a couple of hours, but after a reboot, I can not even start xubuntu, GRUB says that it cannot find a file21:42
lavidaedbian, put it on the table mate :D21:42
T3kn0m0nk3YI added my 8.04 server to a windows AD successfully, but when i log in to my domain admin account it tells me "the administrator has locked your account" and logs me back off21:42
qwyethYeah:  install another drive21:42
Lunar_Lamp(btnz once yo've set it up once, you can omit the -s)21:42
guntbertdabukalam: I don't know about ndiswrapper, but the lines you saw are definitely only warnings, no errors21:42
btnzkk ic21:42
cristoferhello wath is ubuntu21:42
Vincemanhow can you set in the save document dialog window to not show hidden directories?21:42
qwyethAnd you're SURE you know what you're doing to set it to boot in the BIOS, right?  Not to be condescending, I just want to make sure.21:42
edbianlavida: try "make uninstall"  I read that the make file probably includes this command.  Many of them do.21:42
moymoymaniheer: if you installed using WUBI, you shouldn't use GRUB, since your ubuntu install is just a file on your windows partition, the wubi install should add the entry to your WINDOWS bootloader21:43
guntbert!ubuntu | cristofer21:43
ubottucristofer: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:43
Lunar_LampYou might want to do an ls -l /dev/ttyUSB[tab] just to check that it's come up as USB0 - sometimes when you plug it in and out a lot it will come up as /dev/ttyUSB1 or even higher numbered sometimes.21:43
maniheermoymoy, it uses windows bootloader first, and then tries to load as normal, and then comes to GRUB4DOS21:43
edbianmaniheer: With all do respect.  Wubi is a shoddy linux install.21:43
K99Brainbtnz, my only suggestion is to try to use win software via wine, but i think will be hard that it will work.21:43
lavidaedbian, rgr that21:43
|unjustice|qwyeth: the first boot device is set to cdrom21:43
edbianlavida: rgr ??21:44
maniheeredbian, my cd/dvd drive doesnt work anymore21:44
|unjustice|qwyeth: but for you, I will double check21:44
T3kn0m0nk3Yanyone have any ideas?21:44
maniheeri have no other choice21:44
moymoymaniheer: it says "file not found" ??21:44
guntbertVinceman: you tell nautilus not to show them (under view...)21:44
btnzLunar_Lamp: it would also be listed as a higher number if i had plugged in another usb device before, wouldnt it?21:44
edbianmaniheer: Try unetbootin  !!  It lets you boot from an ISO without a CD (or a CD drive :) )21:44
qwyethsometimes I think I saved that setting in the bios and didn't21:44
moymoymaniheer: that probably means your menu.lst points to a wrong drive or partition .. i'm not all that sure how wubi works though21:44
Lunar_Lampbtnz: most USB devices won't show there as a tty device, but it's possible.21:44
MilliganI just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a new machine that has an Nvidia ION card in it. However, ubuntu didn't list the nvidia driver as a possible propri driver. Any ideas why ?21:44
maniheerit worked before though21:45
lavidaedbian, roger that :D21:45
maniheerlets try unetbootin21:45
lavidaedbian, using in simulations21:45
maniheerand make a new distro ALL OVER again21:45
btnzK99Brain: haven't really gotten down with wine so far as I'm pretty new to linux but i'll defenitely also give that one a try once i find the time to, thx21:45
maniheerive lost my work :(21:45
edbianlavida: ic :)21:45
edbianmaniheer: Sorry bud :(21:46
lavidaedbian, well done mate, that was great idea, i think it went good21:46
moymoyMilligan: you can go here to check which drivers are suited for your nvidia ION card nvidia.com/object/unix.html21:46
edbianlavida: yay!21:46
edbianlavida: no errors?21:46
maniheerunless I install linux without touching the wubi partition, and then try mounting it?21:46
lavidaedbian, on those site i gave u, u could find kernel driver directory path... there i found few drivers rtl with todays date21:46
edbianmaniheer: I think it is possible to download windows software to view the file that wubi uses as a harddrive and read / write it.  To get you lost work :).21:46
Cubegosh this irssi theme is driving me crazy21:46
K99Brain!wine | btnz, try to take a look here21:46
ubottubtnz, try to take a look here: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:46
lavidaedbian, no errors21:47
moymoymaniheer: you can try backing up your virtual ubuntu.. afterall, it's just a file on your windows partition21:47
Milliganmoymoy, that means I have to install from nvidia drivers, and not ubuntu supported ones ?21:47
moymoymaniheer: reinstall using wubi, then replace it again21:47
Lunar_Lampbtnz: if you're new to Linux you're about to get scared probably.  We're about to delve into AT commands.  These aren't really Linux, but it's how digital phones etc communicate. And quite frankly, they're INSANE and immensely cryptic.  I was going to ditch you with an AT commands sheet and hope you could work it through yourself to be honest.21:47
edbianlavida: try modprobe -l | grep rtl  and see what shows up.21:47
lavidaedbian, now i will take a look there too see are they deleted21:47
qwyeth|unjustice|:  Anyway, if the BIOS is set right then problem could either be the motherboard or the drive. The next thing I would do is replace the drive.  If you don't have another drive available, you could try making a bootable Ubuntu install USB key, which would work exactly the same as a CD.  Not all BIOSes support boot from USB though.21:47
badeaglebad K99Brain, bad21:47
edbianlavida: In the directories from the site?  Or using modprobe ??21:47
Cubejojownik: !english21:47
maniheerill see what I can do21:47
Cubejojownik: witam21:47
Cubewitam witam21:47
jojownikno polish??21:47
K99Brainbadeagle, what's bad?21:47
moymoyMilligan: there's no difference, the drivers offered by jockey-gtk or through the repos are the same drivers on the nvidia page, no modifications whatsoever.. the NVIDIA drivers are closed source, so they can't be modified21:47
Cubego to linux-pl21:48
|unjustice|qwyeth: okay, he has no boot setting for disc, he has boot from networks, and via stat raid utility, and boot num lock21:48
jojownikja tu pierwszy raz21:48
guntbert!pl | jojownik21:48
ubottujojownik: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:48
badeagleK99Brain: don't bring up wine, evil21:48
spaaaartahello, I was told to download and install Ubuntu 8.11 yesterday by the IT guy in our company. All I can find is ubuntu 8.10 ISO files. Will Ubuntu 8.10 upgrade itself to 8.11? or is there a 8.11 ISO. Thanks in advanced 8)21:48
deanyATF0, ATZ:)21:48
kamilkawitajcie nocą Marki ;)21:48
|unjustice|qwyeth: I am setting boot device to cdrom again21:48
moymoyspaaaarta: there is no 8.11, the IT guy lied.. but there IS 8.10.1 because it's an LTS version21:48
K99Brainbadeagle, sometimes it's necessary..21:48
lavidaedbian, can u give me again method how to dont make flood here21:49
qwyeth|unjustice|:  Good luck!21:49
maniheerunetbootin confused me :%21:49
deanywhat was nymber of rings before answer?  ATS=x ?21:49
FloridaGuytry to open firefox...says firefox is already runing but not responding21:49
badeagleK99Brain: ...to be evill.21:49
guntbert!paste | lavida21:49
ubottulavida: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:49
spaaaartathanks moymoy :)21:49
moymoymaniheer: save your wubi file first21:49
maniheerits nothing important on ther21:49
moymoyspaaaarta: no problem.. glad i can help21:49
jollyrogerguys, does somebody know when the firefox-dialog "open with" will be finally brought from the year 1986 to this year?21:49
FrEaKmAn_any tutorials how to update php to 5.2.9?21:49
maniheerill do it again tommorow21:49
edbianlavida: use lsmod to view all of the loaded (currently being used) modules.  "lsmod | grep rtl" to see all the ones that have "rtl" in the name.21:49
btnzLunar_Lamp: well then please go ahead, i came to learn and actually i find the whole mobile phone part pretty exciting (although i wouldnt find it too bad if i could get things working in the end)21:49
edbianRun it and tell me what comes up (vaguely) but don't copy / paste.21:50
deanyI used to know the whole AT command set, ah the old days of 2400baud high speed action21:50
jollyrogercurrently, it doesn't let me choose from all that stuff which is in my gnome-menu under applications......instead i have to go and look for it under /usr/bin21:50
Lunar_Lampbtnz: well, save the config and then exit.  If you're back on a shell run "minicom" without the -s option.21:50
jollyrogerwhich is a fuckin catastrophy21:50
guntbert!ohmy | jollyroger21:50
ubottujollyroger: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:50
Lunar_LampHopefully you should see something that allows you to type "AT[enter]" and get a response of "OK"21:50
sebsebseb!language |  jollyroger21:50
ubottujollyroger: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:50
spaaaartaI dont know about you guys, but Ubuntu makes me feel Alive and sexy!! :D21:51
maniheerspaaaarta, get a girlfriend......21:51
lavidalavida@vrag:~/rtl8187L_linux_26.1038.0626.2009.release$  modprobe -l | grep rtl21:51
FloodBot1lavida: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
sebsebseb!ot |  spaaaarta21:51
ubottuspaaaarta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:51
deanyspaaaarta, try getting out more21:51
lavidathis wasnt work21:51
edbianlavida: use lsmod21:51
lavidasorry ppl21:51
maniheercan somebody help me with unetbootin21:52
edbianlavida: modprobe -l lists all of them available on the system.  lsmod shows what is actually being used.21:52
edbianlavida: lsmod | grep rtl21:52
cudevHey, can anyone help me to get my preseed finished?21:52
cudevI'm stuck on one step21:52
vasslerIs there any way to turn off tooltips in ubuntu???21:52
jhow the ... do you understand who you are talking to?21:52
btnzafk 4 1 sec21:52
Lunar_Lampj: prefixing the nick of the person you are talking to makes things easier.21:52
moymoyj: the messages directed to you with your nick in it are highlighted21:53
lavidaedbian, didnt get anything after lsmod | grep rtl command21:53
edbianlavida: Then that module is not being used :)(21:53
qwyethj: lots of people who have used irc for a long time get used to it.  Unfortunately, if they don't use your name, you just have to learn to deal with it.21:53
edbianlavida: Which is good! We did it!21:53
maniheerand since j is a common letter, alot of lines must be getting highlighted21:53
edbianlavida: ha ah ha :)21:53
qwyethmaniheer:  lol, I didn't think of that21:53
vasslerIs there any way to turn off tooltips in ubuntu???21:53
moymoyqwyeth: but everyone's names are displayed in a different color anyway, so spotting that person shouldn't be that hard..21:54
Lunar_Lampmoymoy: it depends upon which client you are using.21:54
badeaglei'm starting to feel really whacked out....21:54
qwyethmoymoy:  what client are you using that is configured that way?21:54
badeaglecan ranch dressing go bad?21:54
maniheerdoes anyone know how to use unetbootin21:54
maniheerim desperate :'(21:55
TuxedoBondI want programs to be on a seperate partition.21:55
TuxedoBondHow would that be done?21:55
edbianlavida: Does your alfa card show up in the nm-applet anymore??21:55
moymoyqwyeth: weechat21:55
ubuntu__fucking autoconnecting piece of shit21:55
lavidaedbian, i was checking what we done21:55
Speckalhow do you get the keyring to "forget" remote share credentials so you can log in as a different user?21:55
lavidaedbian, i think u made a good job mate21:55
edbianlavida: I think we did a good job ;)21:56
lavidaedbian, now i will connect a bastard21:56
maniheeredbian, u suggested unetbootin, HELP ME, PWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZ21:56
lavidaedbian, u was the head :D21:56
edbianmaniheer: ?21:56
edbianmaniheer: Be more specific :)21:56
K99BrainTuxedoBond, you can do separate partitions for /home and /21:56
moymoyLunar_Lamp: just realized that.. and looked at screenshots of other clients21:56
edbianlavida: Which wifi cards show up in the nm-applet?21:56
maniheeredbian, how do i install Xubuntu using unetbootin, I need a step by step tutorial, and why it says that it makes live USB disks.....21:57
ji can see there is a lot of wild emotions going on gotta go earn a living bye you all21:57
lavidaedbian, there is just atheros card... alfa is dead :D21:57
lavidaedbian, the question is are there kernels original drivers21:57
kkjhello, i did a 'apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5' and all installed great however, running php from console is not found and browsing to a php file ends up in it being downloaded, if i try redo a 'apt-get install php5' it tells me its already installed. any ideas?21:57
edbianlavida: Good.  Now we need to find a driver for your alfa card that doesn't crash the system :)21:57
edbianlavida: ask around while I help maniheer21:58
edbianmaniheer: Do you have unetbootin downloaded / installed for windows?  Are you on the target computer right now?21:58
sdfgi have two hard drives on master one slave is there a way to boot into vista on primary and install ubuntu on slave?21:58
maniheeredbian, yes and yes21:59
spaaaartasdfg: it depends on you motherboard21:59
lavidaedbian, thanks mate!21:59
edbianlavida: NP!  Good luck !21:59
WhiteStarEOFAnyone familiar with the TightVNC key mapping issue?21:59
btnzconcerning the highlighting of messages containing one's nic - does pidgin do that by default or is it just me (dont see that)?21:59
edbianmaniheer: Do you have a xubuntu iso ??21:59
TuxedoBondK99Brain, but arn't most of the program files installed to USR?21:59
edbianmaniheer: We'22:00
lavidaedbian, ill go to reboot system and to make few good moves here :D22:00
edbianmaniheer: We'll need that.  do you know where to get it?22:00
edbianlavida: :)22:00
bnmrrsIs there anyway to search all users crontabs?22:00
sdfgmaniheer: cant install using cd for some reason any advice?22:00
K99BrainTuxedoBond, yes, most of them.22:00
mauHello. Can I boot ubuntu from a ramdisk like when I do "knoppix toram"?22:00
edbianmaniheer: Obviously that takes a bit.  Let me know when it finishes.22:00
xim_i have an external hard drive that is failing, its usb, and when i plug it in my computer wont even POST and when i plug it in after it works for a few minutes and then gives input output errors, or the worse problem now, it freezes my desktop, are there diagnostic tools i can run on it?22:01
maniheer35 minutes remaining22:01
K99BrainTuxedoBond, however, usually it's a good thing to separate the user files from system files, non only the programs22:01
Khelbeni've install dpkg-www which puts a dpkg file in the /usr/lib/cgi-bin/dpkg but when i browse from another host, I don't have access whereas another tool (dwww) gives me no problem, is this an apache config problem?22:01
edbianmaniheer: :(.  Patience22:01
wapkokkj: try apt-get install php5-cli22:01
|unjustice|qwyeth: so I got the disc to boot, and I checked it for errors however, once I begin the install the screen freezes with a bunch of nonsense22:02
sdfgmaniheer: can you help me install ubuntu onto my slave drive?22:02
WhiteStarEOFxim_: If you're hardware-savvy you might consider taking the actual hard drive out of the enclosure (generally they're just standard IDE hard drives) and plugging it in inside your computer and see if you have the same problem.22:02
TuxedoBondK99Brain, in that case if I want to have the program files on a separate partition I'll need to move /usr.22:02
xim_WhiteStarEOF: yeah ill probably end up doing that i was just hoping to try running some diagnostics first22:03
TuxedoBondHow would I do that?22:03
Zopiacproblem! my new webcam was just working perfectly fine, but now Cheese says that it cant find it...22:03
WhiteStarEOFxim_: Oh, sorry. The only diagnostics program I use on hard drives these days is Spinrite. I don't know if that can see USB drives or not. Sorry. :(22:03
|unjustice|everytime I try to boot from the jaunty install disc it freezes22:03
sdfg|unjustice|: try safe graphics mode22:04
|unjustice|sdfg: that is not an option on the disc22:04
|unjustice|sdfg: I cannot boot failsafe GNOME w/o disc eitehr22:04
sdfg|unjustice|: do you get to the first load screen?22:05
K99BrainTuxedoBond, uhm, first you need an empty partition with enough space. than i suggest you to use a live cd to move all the content of your /usr to that partition and to modify the fstab file to indicate to the system where is /usr22:05
|unjustice|sdfg: you mean the login gui?22:06
intokdame, well looks like the canon pixma ip6000d drivers are no good for the ip6600d22:06
bnmrrsWhere does ubuntu store it's cron files?22:06
intoktest page printed well, but an actual print rsulted in messed up colors22:06
sdfg|unjustice|: yes22:06
|unjustice|sdfg: I can only boot into a shell, otherwise it freezes22:06
K99BrainTuxedoBond, but maybe it's better if you ask also to someone else because i'm not sure if i'm forgetting something22:06
intokblotchy and the wrong colors in some places22:06
maniheer30 minutes remaining22:06
xim_right now my desktop is frozen, is it compiz? the window manager? i can still type in my irc window because its in focus, but i cant drag the window or click the taskbars or desktop22:06
|unjustice|sdfg: but the disc will boot into a gui, it just freezes during install, I did an error check, disc is fine22:06
|unjustice|sdfg: now I am trying to boot ubuntu without installing22:07
sdfg|unjustice|: do you have another pc to try the disk in?22:07
|unjustice|sdfg: yeah22:07
=== SpacePigeon is now known as Wolter
|unjustice|sdfg: it loads in the other one22:07
orgelv_anyone have success installing jaunty on a dell inspiron 1300?22:07
Wolterhow do i copy a cd's boot sector?22:07
edbianmaniheer: Well when you're finished (I probably won't be here) open unetbootin and point it to your ISO file.  Ask around here for help.22:07
Igg-mangood question22:07
OttifantSirxim: Try also askin in #compiz22:08
sdfg|unjustice|: some players are picky about the type of media you are using22:08
Bookmanmoymoy: nfs is too complicated compared to samba, thanks for the tip though, appreciated22:08
Igg-manWolter: try checking for a boot looking file, like boot.img or something22:08
|unjustice|sdfg: that crashed too, um do you have any ideas how I can get the disc to install without crashing?22:08
maniheerok edbian22:08
Igg-manWolter: it might be 1.44MB or 2.88MB22:08
edbianmaniheer: What you're trying to do is "dual-boot" windows XP and xubuntu.  It's easy to do :)22:08
|unjustice|sdfg: oddly enough there seems to be no option for non-gui install22:08
maniheerI can do all that22:08
WolterIgg-man, are you talking about a floppy?22:08
maniheerits simple with a CD22:08
maniheerbut ive never used unetbootin before22:09
Igg-manWolter: Some CDs use floppy images for booting22:09
Igg-manWolter: are you trying to make your own bootable CD?22:09
WolterIgg-man, i see22:09
edbianmaniheer: Once you reboot using unetbootin and the ISO is running there is no difference :)22:09
sdfg|unjustice|: sry cant help22:09
bullzeye95hi, I can't get my wireless adapter to work on my x64 ubuntu.. is it possible to run just the driver (or ndiswrapper, or whatever I need to make it work) in an x86 environment?22:09
maniheeredbian, fair enough22:09
WolterIgg-man, no, i am rather trying to copy windows xp's bootsector into my usb22:09
Gravitron_anyone know how to installl the theme aqua dreams?22:09
maniheerthanks again22:09
Wolterbut i didn't want to make it offtopic22:09
edbianmaniheer: Have you ever installed a dual boot before?22:09
Wolterpeople start whining22:09
Igg-manWolter: Oh, cool.  Sorta like a bartpe CD, only on a USB drive?22:10
WolterIgg-man, if i do an exact copy of the cd, will it contain the boot sector?22:10
WolterIgg-man, i guess22:10
Igg-manWolter: I think so22:10
Gravitron_anyone know how to installl the theme aqua dreams?22:10
Igg-manWolter: Are you trying to do an installation on a computer that doesn't have a CD drive on it (like a netbook, for example)?22:10
Wolterlike acer aspire 1? yes22:10
Carnicalhey guys, I've got an odd problem... everytime I try to install via apt-get, I encounter http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/213941/ and http://wiki.eeeuser.com/howto:unable_to_tparse and similar fail to solve the problem22:11
|unjustice|can anyone assist me in an ubuntu install from disc, it keeps freezing, but disc has no errors22:11
edbianmaniheer: Do you know how to use gparted to partition your drive during the install?  Have you ever installed a dual boot system before?22:11
shmegma123Hello, should ubuntu automatically detect my wireless nic. WPN 311 rangmax22:11
prem1um`SupportUm. i could use some help.22:11
shmegma123I cant find the drivers22:11
prem1um`SupportWith xchat.22:11
WolterIgg-man, so, should Bootable_NoEmulation.img do it?22:11
edbianprem1um`Support: Be more specific22:12
lich0rshmegma123,  all you need is the windows driver :)22:12
Igg-manWolter: I'm not sure, that sounds right though22:12
prem1um`SupportIm in ubuntu i want to connect to the server "irc.gamesurge.net"22:12
deanyWolter.  You just need to use usb-creator or unetbootin22:12
prem1um`Supportits not in the server list.22:12
shmegma123lich0r, seriously? how do you do that?22:12
igorrrhi everyone22:12
lstarnesprem1um`Support: /newserver irc.gamesurge.net22:13
edbianthen just type "/join irc.gamesurge.net" in the text box and hit enter :) :)22:13
prem1um`Supportthank you22:13
lstarnesprem1um`Support: you could also add it manually to XChat > Network List22:13
Igg-manWolter: Keep in mind that USB to IDE adapters tend to be around $20, you could hook a CD drive up to your netbook just to start the install22:13
amee2khi everyone22:13
edbianprem1um`Support: NP!22:13
WolterIgg-man, yeah, i'm just trying to make a bootable usb22:13
amee2kanyone else experienced problems with epiphany not cleaning up its mess in the tray area after downloads?22:13
deany!usb | Wolter22:13
ubottuWolter: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:13
amee2kit leaves "dead tray icons" behind. i.e. an empty space the size of the tray icon that won't disappear until i close all browser windows22:13
Igg-manWolter: But you want to boot to windows?22:14
WolterIgg-man, going to eat, now, please tell me everything through pm now, i don't want to scroll back meters and meters of text :)22:14
shmegma123! wireless nic22:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wireless nic22:14
shmegma123! wireless22:14
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:14
edbianshmegma123: You need ndiswrapper to use the windows driver.  Do you have the windows driver on hand?22:14
Igg-mandeany: I think he's trying to install Windows22:14
deanyIgg-man, then he`s in the wrong place22:14
edbianshmegma123: I am not sure BTW that your card works under ndiswrapper.  I do however know how to set up ndiswrapper :)22:14
BookmanIn nautilus, clicking on Sharing Options does not bring up a NFS option, just Samba22:14
kalcifuranyone deal alittle bit in voip/skype stuff have a quick sec to answer a few questions?22:14
Kalmi!ask | kalcifur22:15
ubottukalcifur: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:15
amee2kthe problem is that every time i download something, those dead icons accumulate and fill up my task bar22:15
Igg-mandeany: I think so.  My guess is he got a Ubuntu netbook, now wants to put linux on it22:15
shmegma123well its not just a windows driver.  It comes with the netgear software.  It wouldnt let me manually install only the driver.  I had to find an exe file22:15
Ward_YDoes anyone have boxee running on ubuntu 9.0422:15
deanyIgg-man, ubuntu is linux22:15
shmegma123and disable netgear from starting22:15
Igg-mandeany: Yes, I'm just saying22:15
skintythe1andonlHi does anyone know how to disable the ethernet port on a laptop. According to powertop it is using a lot of my power i think it is causing the extra heat from my laptop since upgrading to jaunty22:15
KoltorIs there setting somewhere to have xchat start minimuzed to the system tray?22:15
deanyIgg-man, if he wants windows on it, he should goto #windows22:15
jerknextdoorwhat's the best way to find out why 8.10 just started crashing on me ever few minutes?22:16
KalmiKoltor, there is a command line switch...22:16
Igg-manIs there a #windows ?  Would anyone actually support someone there?22:16
edbianshmegma123: If you open the CD in ubuntu and poke around the files you should be able to find it.  Drivers end in .sys and .inf Google your card name + linux + driver to find out what name you're looking for.22:16
deanyIgg-man, thats their problem.22:16
KoltorKalmi, something I can add after xchat in the command to run the program?22:16
lstarnesIgg-man: it's actually ##windows, but it does exist22:16
Igg-mandeany: Windows is too hard to install, Ubuntu is so much easier22:16
edbianshmegma123: To use ndiswrapper you'll need but the .inf and the .sys files when we do put them into ndiswrapper down the line.22:17
deanylstarnes, oops22:17
Igg-manlstarnes: ##windows, on irc.freenode.net?22:17
* Igg-man laughs22:17
lstarnesIgg-man: yes22:17
deanyforgot the double hash22:17
shmegma123There is no .inf or .sys, but maybe i can swipe it from the installed driver already on my windows partition?22:17
Igg-manhe should try ##windows on irc.freeload.net22:17
kalcifuri have a remote box, runs 8.04 i have a skype phone(usb) rather than run xp in a vmware to use the phone (cause the monitor app is windows only) i attempted to run both the monitor app and skype 2.5 under wine. I got all that working the helper program says both are running. my next step which brought me here is I need to try and make the ubuntu recognize the usb device outright.-22:17
deanyyou always have to do things twice for windows :)22:18
BookmanIs there no way to specify NFS as the share method for a directory in Nautilus?22:18
edbianshmegma123: I don't know where it is in the windows filesystem but yeah it's probably in there somewhere22:18
kalcifurthe vmware does pass along the device just fine, so im not entirely sure if its not being correctly recognized but in the hardware section it was missing information about the device.22:18
kalcifuror i could just be up against a hard place as the helper program might be coded only for windows placement of the hardware, anyone have any ideas?22:18
magnetronkalcifur: what "missing information"? you can use it as an extra soundcard, right?22:19
deanyBookman, its a bit sad when you can select ssh, ftp, webdav and even samba and not the "linux prefered" nfs in nautilus22:19
victorpundekHi, I need some help here... My computer sound just wento off... Iḿ hearing some kind of weird static instead... do you know what it may be? thanks22:19
Bookmandeany: exactly my point22:19
rdzhow to set the gateway on ubuntu, when connected with vpnc?22:19
deanyBookman, just man nfs and man export22:20
edbianBookman: deany NFS is set up with config files and then just works seamlessly (like a hardcore native linux app usually does).22:20
deanyBookman, and set it up in fstab22:20
rdzi would like all the the traffic go through the vpn tunnel instead of through the default gw22:20
Ward_Yvictorpundec: does your computer have a microphone?22:20
kalcifurmagnetron: im not sure about using it as an extra sound card, the helper program actually does some control to the skype program, so im not sure if its just simply a extra usb audio device22:20
Bookmandeany: you have to go through command line hoops to make it work!22:20
magnetronkalcifur: could you try?22:20
oldude67is this a bad thing lol....mount: can't find /dev/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab22:20
tom-xfcei had som error upon installation about "syslog" crashing but the OS seems to be running fine something i should be worrying about?22:20
deanyedbian, he was just commenting on the lack of nautilus option in "connect to server"22:20
Carnicalanyone proficient at troubleshooting synaptic?22:20
victorpundekI do not have mic22:21
deanyedbian, which I agree with.. why not, its got samba there.22:21
edbiandeany: I know.  I think there should be one as well.  I was just making sure you guys knew how to use it :)22:21
kalcifuryes, would that simply be setting the different outputs in the skype settings correct?22:21
Kalmi_<Kalmi> Koltor, yes... run "xchat --help" from a terminal and it will tell you22:21
deanyedbian, I used to know.. I forgot it been so long22:21
K99BrainCarnical, what's the problem, exactly?22:22
linuxguy2009Hey guys in nautilus its great that it remembers my view settings for each folder, but I wonder if and where the setting is to revert them back to default on each new opening?22:22
Ward_Yvictorpundek: is computer on while it makes noises?22:22
Bookmandeany: I just hate to use a Windows protocol....might as well use Windows.  Defeats the purpose here.22:22
deanyedbian, i know its /etc/exports but the actual parameters are gobbledegook to me now22:22
edbiandeany: Bookman there is JFTP in the repos.  I just did a search and found it.  "Graphical network and file transfer client"22:22
KoltorKalmi, thanks22:22
=== balloooza is now known as balloooza|snapin
CarnicalK99Brain: everytime I try to install via apt-get, I encounter http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/213941/ and http://wiki.eeeuser.com/howto:unable_to_tparse and similar fail to solve the problem22:22
deanyBookman,  google is your friend22:22
Kalmi_Koltor, np22:23
=== balloooza|snapin is now known as balloooza|taknpi
TuxedoBondHow does this sound: 1st partition - Windows System, 2nd - Windows Program Files and data storage for Ubuntu and Widnows (NTFS), 3rd - Ubuntu, 4th - /Home, 5th - Swap.22:23
Bookmandeany: Yes, I can use google and use FTP....just doesn't seem native or easy.22:23
=== balloooza|taknpi is now known as balloooza|away
CarnicalK99Brain: and google reveals nothing :(22:23
edbianTuxedoBond: What from ubuntu would go on NTFS?  What is data storage for ubuntu that isn't in / and /home ??22:23
vladimirboydafter installing lxpanel and lxnm my wifi card stopped working, can anyone help me?22:24
Kalmi_Bookman, deany: FTP/SFTP/Samba is quite nicely integrated into nautilus22:24
TuxedoBondDo you think it would be a good idea to make a another partition for the Windows Swap file only to minimize fragmentation?22:24
kaddihow can i find out which version of x-server i'm running?22:24
edbiankaddi: man xorg22:24
BookmanKalmi_: yes, understood, but why use a windows protocol....in Linux by default?22:24
shmegma123research says this card wont work.22:24
shmegma123madwifi is down22:25
deanyBookman, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-ubuntu-nfs-server-configuration-howto/22:25
edbianshmegma123: sorry to hear that! :(  No linux support in any way?22:25
m4rkwhat  is an easy-to-use video editor for ubuntu?22:25
linuxguy2009Like I have a desktop folder with multiple recursive folders inside and some I have at different view settings list view, larger icons in some.How can i recursively set them all to default icon view without going through each and every one? That possible?22:25
edbiankaddi: Scroll down waaaaaaaaay to the bottom :)22:25
Kalmi_Bookman, samba is quite nice actually... it's the easiest imho... and the samba server can do really cool things... and it's cross-platform22:25
K99BrainCarnical, try this command in a terminal: sudo apt-get update22:26
BullaroHi guys22:26
BookmanKalmi_: I have to agree that a Windows protocol is the best in this case.  Sadly22:26
deanynfs is easy, its just the options I always forget.22:26
K99BrainCarnical, and then: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:26
kaddiedbian: hehe, I thought you wanted to point me to the "-version" parameter that is documented in man :p22:26
BullaroI was wondering if anyone could help me out with installing Linux 9.04 or 8.0422:26
CookieGood Evening Guys^^22:26
tanquiolasterisk ?22:27
Bookmandeany: no, nfs is not easy or integrated.22:27
tanquiolalquien me puede ayudar con ASterisk22:27
CookieGuys? Maybe someone could give me support?22:27
CookieIn my "little" problem^^22:27
edbiankaddi: :)22:27
icerootwhat is the best method (rar, zip, tar.gz and so on) to compress 14GB of files (iso, jpeg, png and mdf)?22:27
icerootfor getting the minimum file-size22:27
edbianCookie: Depends.  What's the problem?22:27
CookieMy ubuntu boots22:27
mudparkiso, jped, png and mdf are already compressed files, so copmpressing them further wont do much of anything22:28
Cookieand i just can login via terminal22:28
Igg-maniceroot: I think bzip2 is a bit better than gzip, however I'm not sure about the other formats22:28
edbianiceroot: I think that .tar.gz is the highest compression.22:28
Kalmi_Bookman, deany: and not really cross-platform... There is an implementation by MS, but it's not well-known...22:28
Cookiei guess i destroyed my gnome? :X22:28
buckyBookman: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html22:28
BullaroCould anyone help me aswell? :)22:28
edbianCookie: Do you get the graphical login screen when you boot?22:28
CarnicalK99Brain: doesn't help ><22:28
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
skintythe1andonlanybody know how to disable a network port on a laptop?22:28
Kalmi_!question | Bullaro22:28
ubottuBullaro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:28
edbianCookie: Or does it just dump you at a CLI22:28
Bookmanbucky: I have no windows machines on my network.22:28
mudparkCan anyone help me with a forum issue? For some reason my username (same as IRC) cannot create new threads or post in exsiting ones, and I have no idea why.22:28
BullaroThanks ubotto22:29
edbianCookie: login and type "startx" and see what happens :)22:29
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
buckyBookman: i like to install swat, back up smb.conf and start swat and use it in a browser22:29
Cookieexec: 5: /usr/bin/X11/X not found22:29
Cookiexinit: server error.22:29
BullaroIf I try to install Ubuntu(8.04 or 9.04) I get a problem when its on 9% with formatting22:29
edbianCookie: You removed xorg?!22:29
buckyBookman: it's an IBM protocol and it will work even with no windows machince22:29
CarnicalK99Brain: even doing the sudo apt-get update gives me E:: Unable to parse...22:29
Cookie....i dont know seriously22:29
Cookiei tried to isntall gnome-network-manager22:29
Cookieand it always said that hal isnt installed22:29
maniheertry sudo apt-get install xorg22:29
Bullaro If I try to install Ubuntu(8.04 or 9.04) I get a problem when its on 9% with formatting... For some reason it gives an error with the disc and/or the drive22:30
icerootIgg-man: you mean tar.bz2?22:30
Bookmanbucky: Ok, I just want to understand that Samba is the best way to link computers over a local network.  The best integrated.22:30
edbianCookie: no matter :)  Type: sudo aptitude install gdm to install the graphical display manager (graphical login) That should depend on xorg (the X server) and gnome I believe22:30
buckyBookman: shutdown swat after you configure it and make sure it doesn't start nest reboot22:30
maniheeror what edbian said22:30
Cookie...i need internet connection for it?22:30
Igg-maniceroot: Yep, use "tar tjvf" instead of "tar czvf" to get bzip2 instead of gzip22:30
K99BrainCarnical, uhm, try to move that file somewhere (for backup) and than to redo the update22:30
Igg-manerr.. "tar cjvf"22:30
maniheerur using the internet now cookie....22:30
Cookieyour jooking!22:30
icerootIgg-man: i will use gnomes gui :)22:30
Cookie...on my pc with wlan.22:30
edbianCookie: Yeah, but you're online now!22:31
edbianCookie: How the hell do you think you're talking to us?22:31
deanyBookman, nfs is faster22:31
Kalmi_Bullaro, sounds like a hardware problem... Could you md5 check the iso... just to be sure?22:31
Igg-maniceroot: That works, but I don't know how to do it, so I won't be able to help :-)22:31
CookieIm online with my PC22:31
Igg-maniceroot: You could always do some small tests yourself and see which format is smaller for a small subset of your file(s)22:31
Cookieand the problem is on my notebook22:31
Bookmandeany: not what I said.  Easiest and most integrated by default.22:31
deanyBookman, really its not that hard (says me who forgot most of it )22:31
Cookieand my pc got wlan22:31
buckyBookman: yes but if you just want to transfer a file or two then scp is plenty22:31
shmegma123Netgear uses a atheros chipset. Does anyone know where to get the driver for that.  Madwifi is down :(22:31
maniheertry using an ethernet cable cookie22:31
Kalmi_deany, Bookman: yeah... samba is quite CPU-intensive...22:31
edbianCookie: The computer you're using right now is definitely online.22:31
deanyBookman, ok then22:31
icerootIgg-man: i will do some tests, thx22:31
Bullarouhm.. never realy done that :P but downloaded it from ubuntu.com22:31
shmegma123google sucks at finding my stuff22:31
propaneIs there any supported bittorrent programs on ubuntu?22:31
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P22:32
maniheertransmission shud already be installed22:32
Cookiehm... DHCP should setup in ifconfig22:32
Cookieso i try it22:32
Bookmandeany: Thanks, thought so.  I appreciate the feedback.22:32
icerootIgg-man: its also a good cpu-test i see... to compress 18GB22:32
Cookiebrb, ran down to router^^22:32
Ward_YPropane: you could use vuse22:32
Kalmi_!md5 | Bullaro22:32
ubottuBullaro: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:32
Igg-maniceroot: No doubt.  Do you have a dual core (or more) system?22:32
maniheerpropane, look in the network menu, transmission shud be installed22:32
icerootis there a way to see the day of a ubuntu-installation?22:32
icerootIgg-man: c2d, yes22:32
Slarticeroot: there is a log file in /var/ something..22:33
m4rkdoes anyone know?22:33
Slarticeroot: something like install.log22:33
propaneOk, so I'm just gonna do a full install and format both my drives22:33
Bookmandeany: It's like pulling teeth to get someone to admit that!22:33
Igg-maniceroot: Hmm... I can't see any options for making gzip use several cores, but it might be to your benefit to get it to do some of that22:33
CarnicalK99Brain: this is what happens with sudo apt-get update after I removed that file http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/213946/22:33
Kalmi_propane, why?22:33
propaneOr should it be better to restart to factory default, then install?22:33
Igg-maniceroot: You might also run into a file size limit on your filesystem, I'm not sure what the max is22:33
buckyiceroot: http://wubi-installer.org/22:33
Slarticeroot: /var/log/install/casper.log22:33
propaneBecause I have problems with Ubuntu, Kalmi22:34
icerootIgg-man: i need the other core for firefox right now, so it is good, that only one core is used22:34
Slarticeroot: sorry /var/log/installer/casper.log22:34
icerootbucky: what?22:34
icerootSlart: thx22:34
propaneUbuntu says my HDD is not formatted, Windows says it is formatted22:34
metalfan_what do u use to manage services at boot on the command line?22:34
Kalmi_propane, like you can't find transmission?22:34
deanyBookman, just add the share to /etc/exports and mount with mount command, or fstab.22:34
buckyoh the day!22:34
iderikhello, how do I change between the channels (windows) in irsii? please22:34
metalfan_what do u use to manage which services start at boot from the command line?22:34
Bookmandeany: why?  Easier in Nautilus22:34
icerootIgg-man: i guess/hope that ext3 can handel 17GB files22:34
Kalmi_propane, what program says that?22:34
Igg-maniderik: /window [number]22:34
propaneNo, not about that, I was going to download windows vista and use my product key(Legal22:34
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:34
icerootIgg-man: ntfs can handel it also22:34
Igg-maniderik: or, try alt+1, 2, 3, etc22:35
Slartiderik: alt+1, alt+2 and so on22:35
buckyiderik: ctl+n22:35
iderikIgg-man: thanks22:35
Ward_YI installed boxee, and when I run it nothing happens. I put the output at http://pastebin.com/m68324ca422:35
propaneI'm trying to install Ubuntu to a specific drive22:35
propaneBut I can't without Ubuntu saying it's full, when I formatted it22:35
CarnicalK99Brain: I'm guessing that list was corrupt or something, and whatever host is down22:35
deanyBookman, just thought you might wanna get familiar with something new.22:35
K99BrainCarnical, uhm, it seems a server issue22:35
Kangarooowho know how to install LAMP in ubuntu?22:35
K99BrainCarnical, try to change server22:35
Igg-maniderik: np22:35
CarnicalK99Brain how?22:35
Bookmandeany: easy is best....just frustrated that windows is the best22:35
buckyKangarooo: the bot just told you ^^22:36
Kangaroooinfo in !lamp is old .. who is maintaining this bot?22:36
K99BrainCarnical, system -> administration -<22:36
Cookiedoesnt work22:36
Kangarooolink doesn't have info about installing for JJ22:36
Slart!bot | Kangarooo22:36
ubottuKangarooo: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:36
Cookiebut i got another idea :o22:36
Igg-manKangarooo: Have you tried ebox before?  It makes that stuff easy.22:36
FloodBot1Cookie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:36
maniheergo on Cookie22:36
maniheerbtw edbian has to go22:36
alex_dinamois anyone here running an ATI card in Jaunty with binary drivers 9.3?22:36
buckyKangarooo: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html22:36
maniheerill be trying to help u know22:36
SlartKangarooo: you can update it yourself.. there is a !no blabla is something else22:36
CookieI can download it to my USB Stick22:36
Cookieand install it from there?!22:36
TuxedoBondedbian, the NTFS partition would be to store all the data, such as audio, video, documents, etc.22:36
K99BrainCarnical, sorry, system -> administration -> repository (or something like, i have the italian menu)22:37
maniheerCookie, its possible22:37
blopopanybody know how to set dma on the drive channel?22:37
maniheerbut quite long22:37
BullaroI think the iso doesnt have problems since ImgBurn does check them, what could the other problem be? I Tried to install Windows and that does work22:37
TuxedoBondWhich I'm assuming Ubuntu can access an NTFS partition22:37
CarnicalK99Brain software sources?22:37
Igg-manblopop: hdparm can do it, I think22:37
CookieWhat you mean with quitelong?22:37
maniheercookie, what version of ubuntu are u on?22:37
=== lotu is now known as lotu_
K99BrainCarnical, yes22:37
=== lotu_ is now known as lotu
CarnicalK99Brain also, when I click on that OR synaptic, it brings up a blank box >,<22:37
maniheerhave u got a jaunty CD?22:37
m4rkblopop: do you know about video editor?22:37
Cookieorginal :)22:37
Igg-manblopop: check the -d option, that might be what you are looking for22:38
maniheercan u put it in the netbook?22:38
Cookieits a noteboke22:38
maniheerput it in22:38
amanda__my GDM wont start22:38
Cookiesecond pls22:38
Igg-manmaniheer: There is a special netbook iso, if I remember right22:38
K99BrainCarnical, ok, so you can try to modify by hand the file /etc/apt/sources.list22:38
CookieI did.22:38
maniheerigg-man, he said its a notebook, not net22:38
xiongright package to encrypt folders?22:38
KangaroooIgg-man: will ebox work in JJ and KK ? maybe I misheard but something not working now with ebox?22:39
Kalmi_Bullaro, how much ram do you have? Are you using the alternate cd?22:39
maniheerok Cookie22:39
maniheernow try Sudo apt-get install gdm22:39
Igg-manmaniheer: Did he?22:39
Igg-man< maniheer> can u put it in the netbook?22:39
CookieIgg, its a notebook22:39
BullaroGot about 4gigs of ram, what u mean with the alternate cd?22:39
hlm-have anybody idea how to visgrep *.pat with 3d animated object?22:39
Igg-manI didn't scroll back far enough22:39
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:39
Gravitron_how do i re-access the partioner?22:39
Cookiedamn, now he boot from the cd^^ second.22:40
Cookiewill reboot without22:40
Cookieshould i login as root or loglal user22:40
Bullarops, does anyone know Brupje?22:40
akSeyahello friends.. generally I use xorgcfg to configure xorg-server, now I tried xdebconfigurator, dexconf, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg... but none write a complete xorg.conf file... and I only get a 800x600 resolution... what am I missing?22:41
deany!root | Cookie22:41
buckyBullaro: you're not trying to install / to your swap partition are you... did you partition at all ?22:41
ubottuCookie: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:41
usr13akSeya: What video card do you have?22:41
CarnicalK99Brain, is there a list of replacement servers for jaunty universe?22:41
K99BrainCarnical, try to substitute all the http:/ca.archive.ubuntu.com links with http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/22:41
akSeyausr13, its a trident22:41
Igg-manKangarooo: I think ebox is missing a few things in JJ, but I'm running it here for proxy only22:41
Cookieit say22:41
Cookiegdm is already the newst version22:41
akSeyausr13, Trident Microsystems CyberBlade XPAi122:42
CookieIm not joking ^^22:42
maniheerare u in a console?22:42
BullaroI tried to install it on an excisting partition and even tried to install it as a dual boot with windows22:42
Bullaroboth aint working22:42
maniheertry sudo apt-get update22:42
Kalmi_!prefix | Bullaro22:42
ubottuBullaro: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:42
CookieSays that he cant connect to internet.22:42
maniheersomebody tell me where the repos are written22:43
maniheerthe location of the text file22:43
Slart/etc/grub/sources.list or something like that22:43
maniheernot grub lol22:43
Igg-manmaniheer: /etc/apt/sources.list22:43
Igg-manthat one?22:43
maniheerye that one22:44
buckyBullaro: did you format the existing partition, did you asign the mount point /   .. how big it the partition?22:44
CookieI should open it?22:44
Slartoops.. sorry.. /etc/apt/sources.list22:44
amanda__Does anyone know where i can look to get GDM working22:44
maniheerCookie, type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list22:44
xionganybody have a preference for folder encryption?22:44
Kalmi_Bullaro, I would suggest md5 checking the cd and if it's ok... Try the alternate cd... That might help...22:44
Kalmi_!alternate | Bullaro22:44
ubottuBullaro: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal22:44
Igg-manamanda__: Does your X work, before you try to get GDM working?22:44
BullaroBucky: The error occurs while formatting the partition, the partition is 500gb22:44
Kangarooo@now timezone22:44
amanda__Igg-man: how can i tell22:44
CookieWhat u need from it?22:44
buckyBullaro: not big enough22:44
Igg-manamanda__: does 'startx' start x?22:44
maniheerwe are going to add the CD as a repo22:44
amanda__Igg-man: cant read lock file /tmp/.X0-lock22:45
Cookiei should add at the last line something i guess, or?22:45
akSeyausr13, this is my current xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/d6924153622:45
Kalmi_bucky, Bullaro: not big enough... are you joking?22:45
BullaroBucky: Yeah it should be big enough to atleast install ubuntu :P22:45
Igg-manamanda__: so, you see text only, right?  No mouse?22:45
CarnicalK99Brain well I replaced in vi, but it's readonly, and even though I sudo, a :wq! doesn't overwrite the read-only22:45
buckyKalmi_: not for gnome and crap22:46
amanda__Igg-man: right22:46
Kalmi_bucky, gb22:46
amanda__Igg-man: as root i cannot remove that lock file22:46
Kalmi_Bullaro, error? I thought you said it gets stuck...22:46
amanda__Igg-man: as root permissions say ?????????22:46
Igg-manamanda__: What type of Video card do you have?22:46
buckyBullaro:  http://wubi-installer.org/22:46
Kalmi_Bullaro, What is the error?22:46
akSeyaand this is the xdebconfigurator exit http://pastebin.com/d535fbfaf22:46
usr13akSeya: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:46
maniheerCookie, I dont know how to add the cd as a repo via text22:46
akSeyausr13, ok22:47
BullaroKalmi_: Yeah it gives like an error window while formatting22:47
K99BrainCarnical, your sources.list is read-only? uhm, you have closed the graphical repository program?22:47
Igg-manamanda__: you might try checking your /etc/X11/xorg.conf just to make sure X starts before you try to get GDM working22:47
maniheerCookie, have u tried just reinstallking?22:47
usr13akSeya: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart22:47
Kalmi_Bullaro, what does it say?22:47
Igg-manamanda__: there are binary drivers for nvidia cards, installing one of them might help22:47
BullaroKalmi_: I said : If I try to install Ubuntu(8.04 or 9.04) I get a problem when its on 9% with formatting... For some reason it gives an error with the disc and/or the drive22:47
CookieUbuntu or a single programm?22:47
Bullarolet me check22:47
Cookieso delete it and reinstall?22:47
maniheernothing important on there I hope22:48
akSeyausr13, when my xorg.conf was blank, I still had only 800x60022:48
Cookieergh.... =D22:48
CarnicalK99Brain, yeah, it's not open, unless the process is still running (but I can't even start system monitor....), I think I'll restart and report back22:48
Cookiethen i would prefer the way with USB Stick^^22:48
CarnicalK99Brain unless there is an easy way to kill it22:48
Kalmi_Bullaro, What is the exact error? or is it a general error?22:48
maniheersuppose u could try22:48
Igg-manamanda__: something like "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nv", but someone will correct me if I'm wrong22:48
buckyK99Brain: can't you add it in System -> Administration -> Software Sources ?22:48
amanda__Igg-man: if i remove the conf will X rewrite it22:48
maniheerbut there is something wrong22:48
Igg-man(I think)22:48
dewdudeHi. I'm interested in trying the ATI Propritary driver for my Radeon Xpress 200. In the various instructions I've read it says to enable it under Restricted Drivers, but I don't see an option. Does this mean I have to use the Binary install from ATI or is there something I can do to get the option to install the restricted binary driver through synaptic/other methods?22:48
philipphey guys... i cant se my indicator-applet allthough it is installed22:48
maniheerif gdm is installed, that error should not come up22:48
Igg-manamanda__: I don't think it will, but you could rename it instead22:48
philippcan anyone help me out?22:48
K99Brainbucky, he told he can't22:48
Cookiewell i could tell u what i did22:48
akSeyausr13, well.. gonna try again.. be back soon22:49
Carnicalbucky, yeah, for some reason I can't open anything atm...22:49
maniheerok then Cookie22:49
CookieI guess then i will call me a idiot, but okkay :D22:49
maniheernot really22:49
buckyK99Brain: then he's fucked22:49
BullaroKalmi_: I need to start the installation all over again :P... need to get another monitor and22:49
Igg-manamanda__: Did you do a full ubuntu install?22:49
Igg-manamanda__: it usually comes by default with some sort of X startup manager running already22:49
K99BrainCarnical, ok, try to restart, it's simplier than searching the process that own it22:49
Cookiei tried to install the gnome-network-monitor22:49
amanda__Igg-man: Igg-man no this just all of a sudden happened22:49
CarnicalK99Brain alright, brb22:49
Cookiebut it always said i would miss HAL22:49
|unjustice|is there a way to test the efficacy of a cd/dvd via terminal?22:49
CookieAnd i was like "hum?"22:49
xiongdoes anyone ever encrypt anything?22:49
Igg-manamanda__: after some updates?22:49
Cookieso i did"sudo apt-get install --reinstall hal"22:49
|unjustice|I keep getting cd/dvd related errors when I boot from disk22:49
Kalmi_dewdude, amd dropped support for that card22:49
Cookieand it run.22:50
dabukalamhi all, i'm having problems using my wireless card (BCM4310). The drivers are installed, and my lshw shows this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213958/. Does this mean it's a driver problem or a connection problem or either? the second network is the USB one i'm using to connect to the internet.22:50
BullaroKalmi_: Could we go private? wouldnt be able to find your chat if I have to run upstairs and restart the install22:50
amanda__Igg-man: no i had to hard shutdown the laptop22:50
CookieAfter the ~middle i couldnt do anything22:50
spiralis there anyone here that could explain me how on earth Ubuntu 9.04 usplash is killing a J2EE server on startup ?22:50
Kalmi_Bullaro, ok22:50
Cookieso i rebooted22:50
amanda__Igg-man: was sending it to sleep mode22:50
Cookieand then this shit came^^22:50
amanda__Igg-man: it failed22:50
CookieSo the problem is HAL i guess?22:50
dewdudeI'm aware it was put in to legacy status. But they still give a binary driver download for legacy devices.22:50
Igg-manamanda__: so, you've done a reboot since then, just to verify it didn't resume a suspended state?22:50
usr13akSeya: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-trident/+bug/18544022:50
maniheerur configuration bit probably failed22:51
maniheersince u rebooted22:51
Cookiei can fix it ? :X22:51
amanda__Igg-man: yes sir, and I just found an old xorg i had backed up before the nvidia driver22:51
maniheerbut I have no idea how to fix it22:51
amanda__Igg-man: im gonna try it22:51
spiralI added a glassfish server... & update-rc.d'd it, it's starting correctly but just dies a few seconds later without wirting anything in glassfish log, as if it caught a SIGKILL...22:51
buckyxiong: you mean like with gpa ?22:51
maniheersudo apt-get remove gedit22:51
maniheerand see what happens22:51
spiralI aptitude purged usplash, & now it doesn't get killed anymore...22:51
Igg-manamanda__: sweet.  There could be other things wrong too, like the nvidia kernel module, stuff like that22:51
spiralbut I really can't see how on earth this is related22:52
Cookieit ask me if i realy wanna do it^22:52
CookieSo i want? =p22:52
Kalmi_dewdude, I don't think the old driver works with the newer xorg... see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113746722:52
=== schanuel is now known as akSeya
maniheeruninstall it lol22:52
amanda__Igg-man: just replaced it just waiting for the reboot22:52
Igg-manamanda__: cool22:52
xiongbucky, i mean like encrypting anything at all -- i want to encrypt folders on my own machine; i'd like to know if i have any choices and which might be best22:52
akSeyausr13, still the same...22:52
CookieRemiove geedit...22:53
milligan__Ive got this box connected to my tv though and hdmi cable. Everything is working fine, except for the fact that the screen seems to be a bit bigger than my physical tv. Meaning the two bars are out of reach, etc. Changing the resolution doesn't work. suggestions ? Im using the latest nvidia driver.22:53
usr13akSeya: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-trident/+bug/18544022:53
maniheerso gedit is gone?22:53
Cookieseems like removed22:53
buckyxiong: you didn't install an encrypted partition when you installed?22:53
Igg-manamanda__: not good22:53
amanda__What log file contains why X is broke22:53
maniheernow try startx22:53
Igg-manmaniheer: good idea22:53
Ward_YakSeya: did you run X -configure22:53
Cookieexec: 5: /usr/bin/x11/X not found22:53
xiongbucky, i didn't22:53
buckyxiong: why?22:53
akSeyaWard_Y, hum.. not yet..22:53
Cookieno such file ior directory errno 222:53
Cookieunable tco connect to x server22:54
Igg-manmaniheer: wait, which conversation are you in?22:54
Kalmi_amanda__, the ones in /var/log starting with a big X...22:54
Cookieand xinit: no such rpocess: server error.22:54
maniheerigg-man, with cookie lol22:54
Igg-manamanda__: try following their directions, the "X -configure" thing sounds sueful22:54
Igg-manmaniheer: it sounds applicable for amanda__ also22:54
kaddiwhat, besides lm-sensors, could be used to read temperatures from my machine? lm-sensors gives me wrong results.22:54
Igg-manamanda__: I'm not sure about the log file22:55
akSeyausr13, huuuum.. yeah.. i'm on a toshiba laptop.. gonna try that ;)22:55
maniheercookie, so x is installed22:55
dewdudebummer...the performence of the open-source driver is horrible22:55
xiongbucky, several reasons: (1) didn't think of it (2) new to linux and enough to do at the beginning without adding to the job (3) difficulty with encrypted volume being fixed storage allotment &c.22:55
amanda__looks like HAL is the issue22:55
maniheermust be ur drivers22:55
Cookiehum :o22:55
amanda__How can i fix this22:55
maniheerim confuzzled22:55
Igg-manmaniheer: Do you know how to get the nvidia x drivers to reinstall from the command line?  I think her drivers or xorg.conf are messed up22:55
CookieDont worry, im too xDDD22:55
maniheerI have no idea igg-man22:55
propaneWhenever I try to activate a driver, it's stuck at 0%.22:55
Igg-manno biggy22:55
=== balloooza|away is now known as balloooza
Cookiei got a idea.22:56
Cookiei try to install gnome from usb stick?22:56
Cookieand see what happens?22:56
propaneShould I wait a second for it to work, or is it a problem?22:56
buckyxiong: did you install with  lvm ?22:56
maniheercookie, getting all the right packages in the right order wud be hard22:56
amanda__Igg-man: can i install basic X server or switch off nvidia22:56
Cookieit dont give a basic package?22:56
maniheerno cookie22:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuzilla22:57
xiongbucky, i don't know what 'lvm' is ... searching...22:57
coleysxiong: Logical Volume Management.22:57
Igg-manamanda__: I think so, it's probably a xorg-server-xyz-something package22:57
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:57
CookieIt give maybe a repairinstallation in ubuntu?22:57
buckyxiong: if you did, then you can do something like this http://blog.gnist.org/article.php?story=EncryptedSwapAndHomeUbuntu22:57
maniheeryes u shud try that22:58
maniheerbut I have no ideas left22:58
xiongcoleys, so google tells me... i have no idea if i did or didn't, or how to find out22:58
Igg-manamanda__: try apt-get install xserver-xorg22:58
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde422:58
coleys!lvm | xiong22:58
ubottuxiong: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:58
amanda__Igg-man: already newest version22:58
Igg-manhmm, I wonder if there is a different X server file for each driver22:58
Kangaroooso who know how to install lamp? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP doesn't have info about installing LAMP on JJ22:58
CookieIt would help when i say u what it says when it boot up22:59
Cookieat the loginscreen?22:59
buckyxiong: or this http://pupeno.com/blog/encrypted-home-in-ubuntu22:59
Everthi.. i'm a linux beginner who has just installed ubuntu.. i want to know if there is some sort of place where i can see which drivers are supported?22:59
maniheerCookie, dont think so, im hopeless otherwise lol, I have no ideas left22:59
CookieOkay, but thanks for yourhelp22:59
CarnicalK99Brain, it worked! thanks, the CA repo is down22:59
Igg-manamanda__: Hmm, not too sure.  I have to go, sorry I couldn't help more22:59
K99BrainCarnical, good22:59
maniheerno problem cookie22:59
maniheerim gone now22:59
Carnicalfor ubuntu, how would one best update to firefox 3.5?23:00
Kalmi_!firefox-3.5 | Carnical23:00
ubottuCarnical: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY23:00
akSeyausr13, :P that solved my problem..23:01
akSeyathanks a lot23:01
xiongbucky, too much information -- i can't possibly absorb it all -- and way too complex solutions ---- when i right-click a folder in nautilus, i see an option to encrypt it... that's all i mean to do23:01
CarnicalI see23:01
Evertbecause i can't get my atheros WLAN driver up and running..23:02
Carnicalis there a way to replace the Firefox entry in Applications>Internet with ff3.5?23:02
Cookiehow i can check which packages are installed?23:02
usr13akSeya: Very good... glad we found a solution.   (google is your / our friend!)23:02
Cookieerm, mani?23:02
usr13akSeya: NP23:03
=== redsoxking is now known as redsoxking|
=== redsoxking| is now known as redsoxking|away
milligan__anybody ? I can23:03
poningrumilligan_, hmm?23:03
CarnicalCookie, you can open Synaptic or Applications > Add/Remove?23:03
camillosjest ktoś z polski?23:03
milligan__Anybody ? My panels are outside the TV, which is a bit annoying.23:04
Kalmi_Carnical, I replaced the /usr/bin/firefox symlink to point to firfox-3.523:04
Kalmi_Carnical, sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/firefox-3.5 /usr/bin/firefox23:04
CookieI cant even boot on my GUI? XD23:04
milligan__poningru, Ive got this box connected to my tv though and hdmi cable. Everything is working fine, except for the fact that the screen seems to be a bit bigger than my physical tv. Meaning the two bars are out of reach, etc. Changing the resolution doesn't work. suggestions ? Im using the latest nvidia driver.23:04
frostburnCookie, dpkg --get-selections23:04
CarnicalKalmi_, awesome, thanks23:04
Cookieand maybe somebody could tell me what this means?23:04
Cookiemaybe its the reason why i cant boot on my gui23:04
poningrumilligan_, hmm I dont know how to do this in a tv, but usually in a monitor thats a monitor setting23:04
CookieStarting up....23:04
CookieIO APIC Resources could be not be alloacted"23:05
insignegood nigth!!!!23:05
Cookieloading, please wait23:05
milligan__poningru, I checked the tv, and its internal menus and all are in place ... :-\23:05
poningruas in one has to go into the menu and change the edges of the tv23:05
poningruoh hmm23:05
camilloscould you tell me, how install headphone on usb?23:05
Cookiekinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by/-uuid/(long string) = dev(8,5)23:05
CarnicalKalmi_, but now if I type "firefox" in terminal it brings up 3.5 rather than 3.0.1 or w/e23:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apic23:06
buckyCookie dpkg -la23:06
Cookiewhat u mean?23:06
poningruCookie, hold on23:06
buckyCookie that will list them all23:06
buckyCookie dpkg -la23:06
CookieAh okay thanks.23:06
usr13Evert: you mean what hardware is supported?23:06
Kalmi_Carnical, I thought that that was what you wanted...23:06
Cookiekinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/[long string]23:06
Cookiekinit: no resume image, doing normal boot23:06
Cookieand then i can boot just from terminal23:07
Evertusr13: yes, my WLAN doesn't work anymore since ie installed ubuntu23:07
poningruCookie, is this on normal boot? or from resume?23:07
usr13Evert: What is it?23:07
ctmjrmilligan_, do you have a scaling option in nvidia-settings?23:07
Cookienormal boot :X23:07
Cookiethats the probleme23:07
buckyEvert: it doesn't work in windows anymore?23:07
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»23:07
CarnicalKalmi_ lol, nvm, thanks23:07
usr13Evert: lspci23:07
milligan__ctmjr, under which option should it be located ?23:07
Evertbucky: yes, it does, but it doesn't work in Ubuntu anymore23:08
usr13Evert: iwconfig23:08
flasbang73i need a tutorial on how to make a persistant instal of 9.04 on a flash drive23:08
Kalmi_Carnical, you could start 3.0 with this command: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.11/firefox.sh23:08
poningruCookie, ok you have to either put either noapic or apic=no at the end of your kernel option23:08
bruce89sebsebseb: bye23:08
ctmjrmilligan_, in the main window under your tv/monitor23:08
Cookiehow i can do this ? :o23:08
Kalmi_Carnical, a firefox upgrade will probably undo our change...23:08
PrimozicRoHI I need help with installlation, I have installed windows XP on my D: disk and booot ini and ntdlr are located on C:, I wanna install ubuntu on C: disk (with windows XP together in my pc23:08
stratocasteri'm looking for a site that resolve mi ip address23:08
PrimozicRobut in setup23:09
usr13Evert: lspci |grep ireless23:09
Kalmi_stratocaster, google: my ip23:09
PrimozicRoit shows only D:23:09
poningruCookie, when your computer boots up press escape when it is counting down23:09
milligan__ctmjr, nope :-\ model, configuration and resolution is all it has.23:09
poningruCookie, (you are pressing escape to get into grub)23:09
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare-Laptop
CarnicalKalmi_ apt-get remove firefox seems to have removed the old one, leaving the new one intact23:09
PrimozicRoHERE IS CHAOS23:09
quentusrexCan someone point me in the right direction for openldap and nfs? with ubuntu clients?23:09
Evertusr13: i should type these commands in the terminal, right?23:09
Kalmi_Carnical, that's a good idea, thanks23:09
ctmjrmilligan_, what card do you have?23:10
Cookieokay, im in.23:10
CarnicalKalmi_ err or not23:10
usr13Evert: Yes.  Tell us what lspci says about your wireless card. And tell us what iwconfig says too.23:10
milligan__ctmjr, its an nvidia ion23:10
CarnicalKalmi_ it's still in my file structure23:10
quentusrexI need all of my ubuntu clients to login to the openldap auth, and map the nfs drives.23:10
Evertiwconfig says this: lo        no wireless extensions.23:10
Everteth0      no wireless extensions.23:10
Evertpan0      no wireless extensions.23:10
Kalmi_Carnical, but?23:10
Cookiei can choose between 5 options23:10
buckyflasbang73: there's about 50 ways of doing it.. how about from windows with a KDE desktop on it?23:10
poningruCookie, choose the latest (usually the one on top) and hit the e keyboard ( you are going into edit mode, read the stuff at the bottom for all the details)23:10
milligan__ctmjr, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 087d (rev b1)23:11
Evertusr13: Ispci doesn't work23:11
CarnicalKalmi_ oh, does apt-get remove not delete?23:11
usr13Evert: L not I   lspci23:11
lwellsI am getting the message "proftpd[] /etc/shutmsg present: all incoming connections will be refused", how can I correct that??23:11
poningrunow I think you have to press e again to edit into the kernel line23:11
flasbang73bucky: i'd prefer a gnome desktop23:11
poningruCookie, do you see what I am saying?23:11
CarnicalKalmi_ I'm somewhat unfamiliar as to how the package manager actually works23:11
usr13Evert: lspci |grep ireless ; iwconfig23:11
Cookiei can choose uuid23:11
Cookieinitrd and quiet23:11
poningruyeah kernel thats it23:11
Cookieso choose kernel?23:11
FloodBot1Cookie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:11
Cookieand at end i should add what?23:12
flasbang73bucky: i also have another question what is the command to update drivers?23:12
poningruCookie, now go to the very end and add apic=no23:12
Evertusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213967/23:12
poningruor was it noapic23:12
poningruI dont remember exactly23:12
clearscreen in ubuntu, do I use .bashrc or .bash_profile?23:12
Cookiehm, i dont find the = on american keyboard, so i try noapic :D:D23:12
poningruit was one or the other23:12
poningrudont edit anything else23:12
lwellsIs that a file I can just delete?23:12
poningrujust go to very end23:12
CookieIts now23:13
Cookiea long string23:13
Kalmi_Carnical, "remove" leaves config file intact.... "remove --purge" removes them too...23:13
Cookiero quiet splash no apic23:13
Cookienow enter?23:13
flasbang73does anyone know the command to update drivers?23:13
poningrunow hit enter and then hit b to boot23:13
CookieOkay. i did^^23:13
Cookielets wait ;p23:13
Ward_Yflasbang73: Google is your friend23:14
usr13Evert: Is this a laptop or desktop computer?23:14
Evertusr13: a laptop23:14
CookieSame error.23:14
poningruflasbang73, just update the laptop23:14
Kalmi_flasbang73, what drivers and why?23:14
poningruerr the package*23:14
Evertusr13: the WLAN driver is built in23:14
poningruCookie, what was the error again?23:14
poningruapic? or acpi?23:14
Kalmi_Evert... usually...23:14
usr13Evert: Try the keyboard keystrokes to toggle the wifi card on / off.  (It appears to be off)23:15
Cookieand at the end23:15
usr13Evert: lspci |grep ireless ; iwconfig23:15
Cookiekinit: no resume image, doing normal boot23:15
poningruthen do apic=no23:15
Cookieokay, sek23:15
Cookiemust reboot^^23:15
flasbang73kalmi_: wireless drivers cause it needs an update to work properly23:15
Kalmi_flasbang73, what kind of card? run this command to find out:  lspci |grep ireless23:16
CarnicalKalmi_ alright, but apt-get remove firefox left ALL of the firefox files23:16
CarnicalKalmi_ rather than just the config23:16
SkyXi have nforce2 chipset on motherboard abit nf7-s and i have a problem with sound 5.1 i change in daemon.conf on 6 and remove; then update Alsa on 1.0.20 and still not working any idea what can i do ?23:16
Evertusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213969/23:16
Cookiethe thing what i has added23:16
Cookieis removed?23:16
Kalmi_Carnical, try installing and then apt-get remove --purge firefox23:16
flasbang73kalmi_: atheros23:16
Kalmi_flasbang73, run that command pls23:17
usr13Evert: Did you try to toggle it on?23:17
flasbang73kalmi_: hold on i'll get back to you in 3 minutes23:17
usr13Evert: Do you know the keystrokes to turn it on?23:17
CarnicalKalmi_ thanks, didn't do anything different, but I'm going to restart my computer23:17
poningruCookie, hold on23:17
luckyonehello ubuntu!23:18
riddleboxdoes anyone know if I can look at the properties of a vox file, and convert another vox file to match the first one?23:18
luckyonedoes anyone know how to make audio work through TOSLINK? (optical audio out)23:18
Evertusr13: there is a switch on the left side of my laptop, i've tried switching it off and on multiple times23:18
Cookiehow to make a = on a american keyboard23:18
Cookiei got a gemran one^^23:18
usr13Evert: lspci23:18
KangaroooI have dual boot. I haven't booted windows for 1/2 year since installing ubuntu but now I wanted to take importand files .. last time boot windows but its not working.. in grub I selected Windows Xp and it shows Starting up.. and doesn't move.. what to do?23:19
Evertusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/213971/23:19
MejborgHi! Problem: Cant play WMA files in Songbird 1.2, im using Ubuntu 9.04. I HAVE TRIED GOOGLE, but the guides does not seem to apply to my problem. Help, anyone? Thanks!23:19
scunizi!restricted > Mejborg23:19
ubottuMejborg, please see my private message23:19
poningruCookie, its right next to the backspace23:19
Dr_Willisdoes songbird even use the codecs and stuff? i though it was pretty much a stand alone app. (i do tend to use teh binary from the songbird web site)23:20
Cookiefound it, thanks :)23:20
Evertusr13: it's exactly the same as the previous log, i believe..23:20
Cookiei try to boot again23:20
usr13Evert: Doesn't seem to be showing  up.  It must be turned off or dissabled somehow.23:21
ergZayis there a version of ubuntu i can download that is complete?23:21
CookieIO APIC resources could be not be allocated...23:21
buckyEvert: is it usb ?23:21
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Evertbucky: no, its built-in23:21
usr13Evert: If we knew the make and model we might know what to do, but.... ??23:21
losherergZay: complete in what sense?23:21
durtergZay, you mean the DVD version?23:21
Dr_WillisergZay:  define complete.23:21
flasbang73kalmi_: ok i'm back what was the  command to find out  my wireless card again23:21
buckyEvert: is it turned off in the bios23:22
Evertusr13: i only know the brand is atheros23:22
phpDEMON@ergZay: do you mean newest? if so get Jaunty23:22
ergZaymy requirements: 1. it needs a out of the box good software firewall (default on many systems) 2. needs a complete development environment with all the "normal" packages that are in many other distros and 3. comes with many of the other standard defaults23:22
Evertbucky: how can i turn it on?23:22
ergZaywhat most people would call a bloated install23:22
ergZaythere are lots of distros based of of ubuntu so im wondering if any of those are it23:22
phpDEMONergZay: why not modify it and make your own "boated Ubuntu"?23:22
durtergZay, no ubuntu has a default devel enviroment.23:22
usr13What is the make and model of the laptop?23:23
amanda__Whats the process of removing the X server gui and reinstalling23:23
mezquitaleanyone has experience fixing windows xp ntfs hard drives using ubuntu?  What utilities would you recommend to repair corruption in a hard drive?23:23
buckyEvert: does it work in windows23:23
Evertbucky: yes23:23
Dr_WillisergZay:  a 3 line scriopt can install most all that stuff if you wanted.23:23
buckyEvert: right now it works in windows23:23
ergZaydurt: devel environment means that for every package that is installed the -devel package is also installed23:23
Evertbucky: it works in windows23:23
ergZayatleast fo rme23:23
Dr_WillisergZay:  there is firewalling features allready there.    so #1 is done.,23:23
ergZayfor me*23:23
Evertbucky: this is ubuntu23:23
ergZayDr_Willis: not in jaunty23:23
jagjrhi, im having trouble with grub23:23
ergZayDr_Willis: with default install23:24
durtergZay, that would be gigs and gigs of data23:24
buckyEvert it's an integrated card on the motherboard?23:24
Mejborgscunizi: I have tried those sites (i have installed the ekstra package) - they don't help me23:24
Evertbucky: yes23:24
fedoradaveIs anyone running Crunchbang Linux?23:24
ergZaydurt: which is why many distros do proper dvd releases23:24
buckyEvert: which motherboard?23:24
poningruCookie, have to go to dinner, will talk later23:24
jagjrhi, im having trouble with grub23:24
jester-mezquitale: install ntfsprogs and fix it using ntfsfix /dev/sdxx23:24
mezquitalefedoradave, most people here are running a variant of ubuntu23:24
CookieHm okay, bb and thx23:24
ergZaywhen i installed ubuntu it took me several days of installing and downloading software to get it "working"23:24
Evertbucky: is there some way to find out in Ubuntu?23:24
Dr_WillisergZay:  there is a firewall.. just not enabled by default.. dont expect everyoen to bend over backwards to include what 'you' think is needed in a default system. Ubuntu has limited itslef to fit on a 700mb media. if you want more 'stuff' try some of the variants that include more things. thers a few out.23:24
ergZaythats not a big plus23:24
mezquitalejester-, have you used ntfsfix yourself?23:24
usr13Evert: Atheros is fully supported.  It should work.  BUT if it is not showing up in the output of lspci, well, I don't know what you tell you.23:25
ergZayDr_Willis: do you know of any?23:25
jester-mezquitale: it work propely23:25
losherergZay: the live cd installs contain most everything you need to be up & running. You can optionally upgrade them via an internet connection after installation. It isn't essential that you do so, but most people will want to. For a first timer, 8.04 is a good distro to start with23:25
mezquitalejester-, thanks!  I will try that one tonight23:25
tyler_dhow do I take the extension(including the . from a file-name23:25
Evertusr13: could it be the BIOS bucky mentioned before? what do you think about that?23:25
ergZaylosher: the live cd install is the most barebones linux system i have ever used23:25
Dr_WillisergZay:  check distrowatch. Most of the 'uber-big-ubuntus' are 'not' supported here.23:25
MejborgHi! Problem: Cant play WMA files in Songbird 1.2,  Ubuntu 9.04. I HAVE TRIED GOOGLE. Help, anyone? Thanks in advance!23:25
jagjrcan someone help me with a grub problem23:25
ergZayDr_Willis: ok thx23:26
mezquitale!ask| jagjr23:26
ubottujagjr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:26
milligan__ctmjr, out of ideas?23:26
jagjri cant load up windows from the choose OS menu, ive recenly installed windows23:26
Dr_WillisergZay:  i find the live cd to be one of the most complete systems ive used.  If theres anything i need normally - i make a script that installs it all.  and copy the script over to the ovher machines/run it - to get teh stuff on them also.23:26
flasbang73can someone tell me the command to update wireless drivers23:26
usr13Evert: Use the prescribed kestroks to enter bios at boot up and see if you can find the settings for the wireless card.23:27
mezquitalejagjr, so you mean you installed linux first and then windows???23:27
usr13Evert: Is your system fully updated?23:27
phpDEMONjagjr: for windows to be recognized, i believe you must have vista or higher23:27
alexnetAnyone have experience uploading to an Ubuntu using winscp?23:27
usr13Evert: sudo apt-get upgrade23:27
jagjrerm.. is there a way to backup all of my ubuntu stuff23:28
jagjrthen do a fresh install of windows23:28
ggordonos[Linux 2.6.28-13-generic - Debian 5.0] up[ 10 hours, 32 minutes] cpu[AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+, 1000.000 MHz (1999.84 bogomips)] mem[ 1213.69/1485.26 MB (81.7%)] video[ at 1280x1024 (32 bits)]23:28
Dr_Willis   !backup | jagjr23:28
jagjrthen ubuntu23:28
ubottujagjr: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:28
losherergZay: perhaps you used the minimal install cd, which is deliberately tiny? I used the live dvd and it was pretty complete, though there were things I added...23:28
CookieGuys? On which key i can scroll up in terminal? :X23:28
ergZaylosher: i used the "normal" cd23:28
ergZayoh a big question23:28
n2diyDr_Willis: I don't even do that, I just use Synaptics "save markings" option, and keep that file on a usb disk. So with a new install I just "read markings" from the usb drive, and let Synaptic do its thing.23:28
ergZaywhy doesnt ubuntu support LVM?23:28
ergZayi found it very strange23:29
jiffealright, I'm trying to get lustre going, looking at http://www.pdsi-scidac.org/repository/debian/index.html#inst-testing I ran 'apt-get install linux-image- lustre-utils lustre-modules-' and this installed fine, but it doesn't boot, it panics right after the grub menu23:29
durtCookie, shift-PgUp23:29
Evertusr13: thanks, i'll try both options..23:29
Cookietjhx :>23:29
jagjrerm, how do i backup all files/folders/pictures/installed programs?23:29
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:29
flasbang73how do i updat wireless drivers?23:29
alexnetWhen i attempt to upload a file to my Ubuntu box using scp i get the error "Permission denied" can someone help me?23:30
usr13Evert: sudo apt-get upgrade23:30
Dr_Willisjagjr:  backing  up your 'users' files - copy their /home/username dir somewhere...   as for installed programs.. you would backup the whole system some how.23:30
phpDEMONflashbang: if there is an available update, would it not appear on the Update Manager23:30
ergZayi was trying to change my father's system to ubuntu but he had it all set up with LVM's so when we tried to switch from fedora to ubuntu we couldnt really without using that horrible ubuntu-alternative disk23:30
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering about  making the firestarter gui and moblock gui start at boot and how to go about doing it?23:30
losherergZay: then try another distro. Mint, Suse, Fedora, Mandriva....23:30
MejborgProblem: Cant play WMA files in Songbird 1.2. I have tried guides in google, but they don't apply to my situation. Help, anyone?23:30
mezquitalejagjr,  if you hard drive is big enough i would create another partition using gparted and backup all my data there, then create a partition for windows 5~10 gigs would be more than enough and then create patitions for linux23:30
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: Hi!23:30
usr13flasbang73: sudo apt-get upgrade23:30
jiffeanyone have lustre running on ubuntu?23:30
jagjrif i installed windows again over my ubuntu then install ubuntu will it be normal again?23:30
Dr_WillisergZay:  i find the alterntive cd very handy. to each their own. I dont find LVM worth the hassle on a home system either.23:30
edbianGo to System -> Preferences -> Do you see something in there about start-up ?23:30
Evertusr13: i'm using System > Administration > Updatemanager, that's the same, right?23:30
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: Go to System -> Preferences -> Do you see something in there about start-up ?23:31
losherergZay: lvm is supported. just not used by default. I *like* that about Ubuntu....23:31
Dr_Willisjagjr:  'normal' in what way? if you reinstalled ubuntu - it will be a new clean install of ubuntu.23:31
jagjryer i know23:31
n2diyergZay: why update a working Fedora box to Ubuntu?23:31
flasbang73usr13: are you sure because i was have problems with my drivers before and it was differant23:31
L3dPlatedLinuxedbian,  yes23:31
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: Open it :)23:31
L3dPlatedLinuxedbian,  thank you23:31
edbianDo you know how to launch firestarter via command line?23:31
usr13flasbang73: What is your wireless card?23:31
usr13Evert: Yes, updatemanager23:32
L3dPlatedLinuxedbian,  not yet23:32
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: NP btw :)23:32
flasbang73usr13: im pretty sure atheros but how do i check23:32
Dr_Willisedbian:  try 'firestarter' ?23:32
phpDEMONjagjr: i recommend using a partition manager to wipe your whole hdd if you dont have any important data. you would then be able to install win+ubuntu23:32
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: Is it an icon in the menu?23:32
lwellsI keep getting a permission denied when I try to connect to proftpd, not sure how to correct this?23:32
jagjrwhat should i install first?23:32
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: Under applications some where?23:32
usr13flasbang73: lspci |grep ireless23:32
phpDEMONinstall windows23:32
phpDEMONthe n ubuntu23:32
Dr_Willisjagjr:  i tend to install windows to one hard drive.. then linux to its own seperate hard drive23:32
L3dPlatedLinuxed yes in the internet23:33
jagjri dont have two hardrives23:33
phpDEMONpartition the hdd23:33
Dr_Willisjagjr:  or windows to the first partition of a hard drive, leaving the rest unallocated.. then let ubuntu allocate/parttiun the unallocated stuff23:33
losherergZay: btw, I totally agree with Dr_Willis re lvm on a home system not worth the trouble....23:33
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: Drag it onto the desktop.  Right click it, hit properties23:33
buckyi tend to install linux on my parents' computer and erase all their files23:33
flasbang73usr13: these were the results lspci |grep ireless23:33
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edbianL3dPlatedLinux: Go to launcher23:33
Dr_Willisbucky:  this is what externalusb hard drives are good for. :)23:33
usr13flasbang73: What do you mean, you had problems with your drivers before and it was differant?23:33
flasbang73usr13: soory wrong thing23:33
clearscreenI have the following repo in my /etc/apt/sources.list https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/+archive/ppa, but apt still only sees eclipse 3.2 of the official repositories (apt-cache showpkg eclipse returns: 3.2.2-5ubuntu3 (/var/lib/apt/lists/nl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic_universe_binary-i386_Packages))23:33
clearscreenWhat am I doing wrong? :P23:33
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: launcher tab that is.  Follow me so far?23:33
ergZayn2diy: because fedora's once every few months update stream was too fast23:34
jagjrso, is there a way to get into XP23:34
MejborgProblem: Cant play WMA files in Songbird 1.2.. When using guide in google, error shows: " 'songbird.jar' does not exist " . Help, anyone?23:34
ergZayalso because they force you reinstall using disks every time23:34
ergZayno software-only system update23:34
ard1anhow to install apache ?23:34
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: Ed is my name but xchat doesn't highlight it so I sometimes don't notice if you call me that :)23:34
david__cant get ubuntu to boot from hard disk or cd any advice?23:34
Dr_Willis!lamp | ard1an23:34
ubottuard1an: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:34
flasbang73usr13: no i have problems on a usb version and i need to update drivers on that23:34
losherergZay: do you not have a good internet connection, is that why you want a 'complete' distro? Or something else?23:35
ergZaylosher: well i dont like LVM personally either23:35
buckydavid__: what kind of hardware23:35
ergZaybut it was my father's work system23:35
flasbang73usr13: and i did have problems on another computer too23:35
BugsCrashHelp: Hp TouchSmart (Multitouch) drivers for Ubuntu 9.04?23:35
ergZaynot mine23:35
Dr_WillisergZay:  and what does he gain by using lvm exactly?23:35
L3dPlatedLinuxedbian,  there is no launcher tab23:35
flasbang73usr13: these were my results 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)23:35
phpDEMONi agree with Willis23:35
phpDEMONi dunno if Ubuntu recognizes NTLDR though23:35
ergZaylosher: because i dont like having at every turn suddenly finding im missing software23:35
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: You sure?23:35
david__bucky: pentium4 2.0ghz with 512 mbs ram and feforce 6 series graphics card23:36
ergZayso i keep having to go back into package manager and getting more things23:36
ergZayover and over and over23:36
L3dPlatedLinuxedbian,  but what if  i add the cmd line to startup apps23:36
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: What tabs do you have?  Maybe it's cause I'm on an older version of gnome23:36
Dr_WillisergZay:  gee.. i rarely have that issue. of course i do tend to install a few things.. but to each their own i guess.23:36
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: O there is a command line?  That is what we're looking for23:36
* Dr_Willis does a sudo apt-get install *23:36
ergZayDr_Willis: im not quite sure why he does use it, but you cant really reverse convert an lvm system to normal partitions23:36
ergZayatleast not without a many day conversion23:37
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: That's exactly right!  Put the "command" into a new "start-up" entry :)23:37
usr13flasbang73: sudo modprobe ath_pci23:37
buckydavid__: it's not set to boot from the cd in the bios or what's the problem?23:37
MejborgProblem: Cant play WMA files in Songbird 1.2.. When using guide in google, error shows: " 'songbird.jar' does not exist ". How to fix that problem?23:37
ergZayso kind of a moot point23:37
flasbang73usr13: thank you23:37
educomSpeak Spanish???23:37
Cookiehow i can setup via terminal that eth0 connect via dhcp?23:37
L3dPlatedLinuxedbian, thanks alot23:37
buckyflasbang73: did you use iwconfig like was suggested earlier?23:37
Cookieifconfig eth0...?23:38
Koltor!info nautilus23:38
ubottunautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.26.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1113 kB, installed size 2972 kB23:38
usr13flasbang73: Did that get it  going?23:38
edbianL3dPlatedLinux: NP!23:38
david__bucky: it starts to boot and gets to 1/4 of the way on the progress bar then stops23:38
flasbang73i don't know yet23:38
ergZayeducom: #ubuntu-es23:38
usr13flasbang73: iwconfig23:38
losherergZay: well, that's done to keep the size of the CD down. I find once I'm past the initial stuff, I'm not *constantly* downloading new programs either, and when I do, Ubuntu usually has it all packaged & ready....23:38
buckydavid__: ctl-esape to get to the console and see where it's stuck23:38
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david__bucky: whats weird is that it stops in the same spot no matter if i boot from cd or hard disk?23:39
ergZayeducom: #ubuntu-es Canal Oficial de Soporte de Ubuntu en Español23:39
hermanoola galera23:39
hermanoalguem aqui pode me ajudar23:39
Flare183!es | hermano23:39
ubottuhermano: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:39
need_helphey need help what does this facility local7.* in syslog.conf refer to ! thx23:39
Flare183(I think)23:39
flasbang73usr13: the wireless on this computer is fine http://paste.ubuntu.com/213980/23:39
clearscreenI have the following repo in my /etc/apt/sources.list https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/+archive/ppa, but apt still only sees eclipse 3.2 of the official repositories (apt-cache showpkg eclipse returns: 3.2.2-5ubuntu3 (/var/lib/apt/lists/nl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic_universe_binary-i386_Packages)) - what am I doing wrong?23:39
losher!br | hermano23:39
ubottuhermano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:39
buckyflasbang73: did you use iwconfig like was suggested earlier?23:40
hermanoalguem aqui fala portugues?23:40
david__bucky: do i type that or press the keys and when do i press them?23:40
usr13flasbang73: So it's working now?23:40
bp0how can i tell ubuntu not to change any permissions of a file it saves over a smb share?23:40
flasbang73usr13: i just need to update the persistant install drivers on my flash drive23:40
losher!br > hermano23:40
ubottuhermano, please see my private message23:40
hermanoalguem me tira duvidas do biglinux23:40
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usr13flasbang73: Oh, well,... ok.23:40
flasbang73usr13: i just need to know the command i was given earlier by jneves23:41
lleccHow do i get my terminal to be "really" transparent? I mean, i only see the desktop background... if i open a browser, and then put the terminal on "top" of the browser, is shows the desktop background instead of the browser...23:41
CookieSomebody could explain me23:41
mezquitalenadie habla portugues, solo ingles y edspanyol23:41
Cookiehow i can say in the /etc/network/interfaces data23:41
Dr_Willisbp0:  i was thinking that was a reason to use 'cifs' instead of 'smb' but i suggest checking out the various samba docs/books - I only use it for limited cases23:41
flasbang73usr13: sorry i messed up a few times typing that so it took a bit23:41
Cookiethat eth0 should choose dhcp to connect?23:41
erUSULllecc: you need compositting (compiz) for real transparency (at least with gnome terminal)23:41
clearscreenllecc: that's called 'fake transparency', like erUSUL states you will need compositing23:42
lleccerUSUL: i have compiz installed... how do i get it running23:42
losherergZay: if you have a list of programs you use on Fedora, you can preload the Ubuntu equivalents up front....23:42
buckyCookie: that's what System->Administration->Network is for23:42
CookieI just got a terminal23:42
Dr_Willisllecc:  compiz has a feature to adjust the transparancey of any window on the fly. some key+mousewheel  can controll it. i reall23:42
erUSULllecc: first make sure you hace 3d accel working then simply enable effects in System>Admin>Preferences>appearance||Effects Tab23:42
Cookieand i must setup DHCP that i can get internet23:43
david__bucky: it says init excited preemt count 1 or something23:43
edbianllecc: Go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance23:43
buckyCookie: dhclient eth023:43
buckyand google23:43
K99Brainclearscreen, you are sure that the package in the karmic repo isn't more up to date than that in that ppa?23:43
edbianllecc: You there?23:44
erUSULCookie: sudo dhclient eth023:44
clearscreenK99Brain: confirmed bug/wishlist that eclipse has not been updated on ubuntu repositories in 2 years23:44
lleccedbian: ok. No it's working23:44
edbianllecc: Did you go to Apperances or whatever?23:44
xiongi'm starting to get frustrated... why is everything so obscure?23:44
clearscreenK99Brain: I just checked, and even though launchpad states 3.4 is available on that repo, the only package found is eclipse-bootstrap (adds ant control, whatever that is)23:44
buckydavid__: can you try another kernel in the grub menu?23:44
edbianllecc: Be more specific.  What isn't working?23:44
lleccYup, went to appearances and enabled there23:44
lleccused the "normal" option23:45
clearscreenK99Brain: guess I'll just manually download it, might as well grab 3.5 :/23:45
alexnetCan my entire Ubutnu filesystem be exposed via FTP?23:45
david__bucky: let me go see23:45
edbianllecc: And it says "cannot be enabled?"23:45
K99Brainclearscreen, apt-get update give you some errors?23:45
dunksif setup in that way yes alexnet23:45
Dr_Willisalexnet:  proberly can - but proberly not a good idea23:45
lleccno. It successfully activated and now i get "real" transparency23:45
bp0Dr_Willis: i dont understand23:45
clearscreenK99Brain: nah, it fetched it just fine23:45
erUSUL!yay | llecc23:45
ubottullecc: Glad you made it! :-)23:45
MejborgProblem: Cant play WMA files in Songbird 1.2.. When using guide in google, error shows: " 'songbird.jar' does not exist ". How to fix that problem?23:45
edbianllecc: So it is working! :)23:45
bp0Dr_Willis: can you point to a link that explains the differentc?E23:45
spiral'bye tlm, 'nuit, toussa23:45
flasbang73usr13: ok i have it now what would be the command to install linux-backports-modules-jaunty package23:46
alexnetDr_Willis, how about if i had an iptable rule to only allow ftp connections from 192.162.*23:46
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Dr_Willisbp0:  samba only supports a subset of the full linux filesytem permissions.  smb has been replaced by cifs - i think it has more/better support for that stuff.23:46
Dr_Willis!samba | bp023:46
ubottubp0: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:46
K99Brainclearscreen, uhm, maybe the package name has changed?23:46
flasbang73usr13: im posative thats it23:46
=== nvidia is now known as tomjohnktyle
Dr_Willisbp0:  also check the 'samba-doc' package it has books on the topic.23:46
Dr_Willisalexnet:  i dont see the need for ftp much at all these days.. so no idea.23:46
Dr_Willisalexnet:  i just use ssh.23:47
clearscreenK99Brain: http://pastebin.com/d9509d7c23:47
alexnetDr_Willis, how do you do that? scp?23:47
CatEaterthe display control panel is taller than the screen, how do i view the parts at the bottom that are covered up?23:47
jeffsany one here ever used rosegarden before?23:47
Dr_Willisalexnet:  ssh yes.. has replaced the need for ftp. in most every case i can think of...23:47
alexnetDr_Willis, i need to move a couple folders worth of stuff to my ubuntu machine23:47
Dr_Willisalexnet:  so? scp can do that.23:47
Dr_WillisCatEater:  hold down alt-key. click in window. drag it around.23:48
bastidrazoralexnet, if you're behind a router you may need to forward 22 to your internal IP23:48
Dr_WillisCatEater:  but gnome by default dont let you drag things up past the top panel. Theres some setting to change that. but i forget where.23:48
alexnetDr_Willis, the thing is im using cygwin and every time i run the scp.exe -r <stuff> command i get Permission denied... i also downloaded winscp and i get the same error.. i dont know how to fix it23:48
flasbang73what would be the command to istall linux-backports-modules-jaunty package23:48
Dr_Willisalexnet:   using cygwin on windows?23:48
alexnetDr_Willis, yes23:48
david__bucky: kernal pani not syncing?23:48
Kalmi_alexnet, why don't you use winscp... that's a lot easier23:49
Dr_Willisalexnet:  why? heh. I tend to use xming, and putty on windows.  and winscp.23:49
Dr_Willisalexnet:  i was thinking cygwin was a bit .. old also...23:49
alexnetKalmi_, i cant see to get it working... Permission denied for everything23:49
david__bucky: tried alternate install and everything went well until restart and first boot23:49
alexnetDr_Willis, Kalmi_, well i have winscp installed.. if i could debug my permissions problem...23:49
Kalmi_alexnet, where are you trying to move the files to?23:49
alexnetKalmi_, /home/somefolder/somefolder/23:50
Dr_Willisalexnet:  permission problems with scp/ssh? it would be the ownership of the files then..23:50
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buckydavid__: i don't know.. seems like you have common hardware.. is your install cd corrupted?23:50
Dr_Willisalexnet:  what files are you trying to copy?23:50
Kalmi_alexnet, sounds ok as long as its your own home directory...23:50
alexnetDr_Willis, /cygdrive/d/somefiles/*23:50
jeffsI cant figure out how to get the rosegarden helper file to work?? can anyone show me how?23:50
K99Brainclearscreen, but... you have jaunty or karmic???23:50
david__bucky: no i booted the pc im on with it23:50
buckyhmm dunno23:51
alexnetKalmi_, i'm a bit of a linux noob.. how could i make sure its my own home?23:51
buckyalexnet: pwd23:51
Dr_Willisalexnet:  so you are copying files from the windows cygwin 'install' to somewhere else? You could use winscp on the windows end and upload the files perhaps...23:51
buckyalexnet: what does pwd say23:51
giaco I'd like to ask you a very general question. I've been using linux + xorg for quite a long time, but actually I've never asked this question before: "why x systems appear slow and generally stuttering while win gui or mac gui is very very smooth?23:51
Robyhey people =)23:51
alexnetbucky, from ~/test, pwd says home/neuron/test23:52
Dr_Willisgiaco:  video card makers put forth much more effort for drivers for MS and APple. :)23:52
alexnetbucky, so maybe i need to upalod to /home/neuron/somefiles?23:52
Kalmi_alexnet, /home/your_user_name_here is your home directory23:52
Dr_Willisgiaco:  i find X works better for me in most cases then windows does.23:52
alexnetkalmi, bucky thanks i'll try that23:52
Robyjust a quick question, if i want to use webcam with a messenger, which msn application would fit best with CAM?23:53
mezquitalegiaco, i would say that has to do with your video card and the settings you use, my laptop kicks ass with default vga drivers23:53
giacoDr_Willis, but window movements are so slow23:53
Dr_Willisgiaco:  sounds like you dont have the proper drivers installed.23:53
buckyalexnet: type whoami   what does that say?23:53
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SeaPhortry cd ~/23:53
clearscreenK99Brain: Meh, I just grabbed 3.5 now from the official website23:53
alexnetbucky maybe im not doing this right.. im not actually connected to the box when i run scp23:53
K99Brainclearscreen, if you have karmic, as i see from the apt-cache showpkg command you have pasted above, the ppa you have inserted is wrong because is for jaunty23:54
alexnetbucky, im running scp.exe from the root prompt of cygwin23:54
Kalmi_Roby, amsn has webcam support23:54
giacoDr_Willis, I've an intel vga on the laptop, and an ati and an nvidia system as desktop pc23:54
buckyalexnet: what does that have to do with ubuntu?23:54
alexnetbucky, scp then connects to the box.. and gets rejected x60 (im running a recursive copy)23:54
EgyCoder09hi all .. mmm i have a bash file i created to run notepad2 using wine ... when i open the files from shell i have to write the fullpath of the bash file .. how can i make a short command pointing to it ??23:54
Robyhanks Kalmi_23:54
alexnetbucky well im having issues with ubuntu permissions.. can i ssh into the ubuntu box and run the scp command from there but it will still know my windows filesystem maybe?23:55
K99Brainclearscreen, download the deb, if you can. because i see that thare isn't a karmic version of the ppa repo23:55
infinitewtfhello, if i change the defaultdepth to 16 in xorg.conf then all my 3d apps are in 16 bit depth, but i wonder why my desktop seems to still use 24 depth?23:55
uknowncan anyone help me set up my wireless card on ubuntu23:55
clearscreenK99Brain: shouldn't it update regardless since eclipse hasnt been updated in karmic either? I have good experiences with using jaunty repos for getting updated versions of software in karmic (skype / wine / etc)23:55
EgyCoder09can i make a shortcommand for a bash file to run it fast without typing it's full path ??23:56
buckyalexnet: i think your issue is how to type out the windows filesystem in linux23:56
jester-uknown: what kind of card?23:56
SeaPhorEgyCoder09, try man alias23:56
bastidrazorEgyCoder09, add the file to /usr/local/bin and it will run on its name23:56
EgyCoder09bastidrazor: Thanks man ...23:56
buckyalexnet: do you have something against putty on windows23:56
EgyCoder09SeaPhor: thanks 4 help :)23:57
alexnetbucky no, in fact its open right next to my cygwin... do u know how i can access the windows filesystem from putty in order to copy a file from windows to ubuntu via that?23:57
K99Brainclearscreen, but this time seems that the trick don't work23:57
Kalmi_!winscp | alexnet23:58
ubottualexnet: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/23:58
jerknextdoorcan anyone help me with 8.10 crashing every few minutes.  just started yesterday.23:58
bastidrazoralexnet, winscp would be the easiest way.23:58
buckyalexnet: dunno.. did you google it23:58
K99Brainclearscreen, i don't see anything else wrong23:58
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alexneti have both googled it, followed tutorials, and installed and used WinSCP - when i copy a file it tells me Permissiosn Denied and i dont know why..23:58
clearscreenK99Brain: alright thanks anyway.. I'll just grab 3.5 as download and wait till ubuntu maintainers add 3.5 to karmic repo23:58
SpawnrpgI have a fresh Jaunty install for a HTPC that I'm trying to put lirc on for an Anyware GP-IR02BK remote.  I've installed lirc, but I not having any luck getting it to function.  Would anyone care to help?  I've not had much luck with available online sources as I seem to be too new to Linux to understand what they are doing.23:59
badpenguin86I am on a fresh install of 9.04, and right off the bat, it told me my broadcom driver was enabled, but it doesn't work. What is wrong?23:59
Dr_Willisalexnet:  check teh ownership of the directory you are copying to and from perhaps.23:59
Dr_Willisalexnet:  try witn some other files.. see if you can copy anything.. then explore from there.23:59
uknod-link dwl 52023:59
buckybadpenguin86: wireless?23:59
uknod-link dwl 52023:59
uknodam my interntet23:59
bp0ok where is the samba-doc docs23:59
FloodBot1ukno: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:59
badpenguin86bucky: yeah23:59

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