
Chipaca__lucio__: ping?02:55
Chipaca__lucio__: ping?03:18
=== Chipaca changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 69, Protocol Revno is 47 | Release 0.90.3
facundobatistaChipaca, ¿se te puede ayudar en algo?03:47
Chipacafacundobatista: no, era para saber si seguía siendo “face”03:47
gartralafter todays update, i still cant get the client to auto connect04:08
Nightrosehey :)08:06
Nightroseafter one of the latest updates i can't start the client anymore08:07
Nightroseit's not showing up in my menu and ubuntuone-client on a console says command not found08:07
Nightroseany ideas what's wrong?08:08
Nightrosepackage ubuntuone-client is installed08:08
verterokNightrose: do you have ubuntuone-client-gnome installed?08:21
Nightrosei'm on kde08:21
Nightrosedo i need it?08:21
verterokNightrose: it's the only UI at this moment, the -gnome package provides the applet and nautilus integration08:22
Nightroselet me check then08:22
verterokNightrose: so, you need it in order to launch the syncdaemon (it could be done via dbus too)08:23
Nightroseverterok: ok.... that was not installed...08:23
Nightrosewhy isn't it a hard dep if it's required?08:23
Nightroseand why did it suddenly stop working for me? :D08:23
Nightrosewas that a recent change?08:23
verterokNightrose: there was a package renaming, and split08:24
Nightroseok that did the trick08:24
Nightrosethx verterok08:24
verterokNightrose: np :)08:24
Nightrosemaybe someone wants to look into that dep problem until there is a kde client08:24
* Nightrose is looking forward to it :)08:24
verterokNightrose: previously there was only two packages, ubuntuone-client and ubuntuone-storage-protocol08:24
verterokNightrose: now the gnome UI is in it's own package08:25
Nightrose*nod* got it08:25
verterokok, I'm off to sleep a few hours08:26
verterokseeya later!08:26
gavinzachi guys, can someone help me try to get ubuntu one up and running?10:27
=== markgsaye_ is now known as markgsaye
markgsayegavinzac: hi, how can I help?10:33
gavinzacwell, i've installed everything as directed10:34
gavinzacand i've tried running ubuntuone-client-applet, both from the menu and the command line... but nothing actually happens10:35
gavinzacI'm not directed to the authorisation page10:35
gavinzacI don't get any crash or feedback from the commandline, it just closes a few seconds after I run it10:36
markgsayegavinzac: is the applet actually running ? you can tell using: ps -ef | grep ubuntuone-client-applet10:37
gavinzacthanks, ill check10:38
gavinzacit seems to be, I get back this: "gavin     9806  8599  2 10:38 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet"10:40
markgsayegavinzac: ok, that's good - do you have the Notification Area widget on your desktop panel?10:42
markgsayegavinzac: i.e. the area where you see x-chat, skype, gtimelog, networkmanager applet icons10:43
markgsayeand others10:43
gavinzacyeah its there10:45
gavinzacthe notification area, i mean, not the ubuntuone applet10:45
markgsayegavinzac: ok, sure10:45
markgsayegavinzac: please could you try running: ubuntuone-client-applet --signup10:49
gavinzacshould i kill the applet thats already running?10:50
markgsayegavinzac: I'm not sure if that's necessary10:50
markgsayegavinzac: I am reading through this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/39381910:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 393819 in ubuntuone-client "I had a problem with. Menu in Application - internet - ubuntuone is not working while clicking " [Undecided,Incomplete]10:51
markgsayegavinzac: you may find some useful info in the directory: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/10:53
gavinzackilling the client first worked! thanks10:55
markgsayegavinzac: great, I'm glad that worked for you10:56
* thisfred created #desktopcouch for specific API discussion (although here is fine too)11:19
gnomefreakshould the browse/upload box stay on screen while uploading something to ubuntuone? its ~690mb12:56
jblountgnomefreak: Right now, the uploader doesn't have a progress meter or something neat like that. Uploading large files is *very* painful with it.12:57
gnomefreakusing the web insterface since i havent figured out how to use other methonds12:57
gnomefreakusing the web insterface since i havent figured out how to use other methods12:57
gnomefreakjblount: thanks i guess i just have to wait for a while than12:58
gnomefreakjblount: anyway to delete files from it? i cant find a button for it12:59
jblountgnomefreak: If you click on a file inside the inteface, there should be a large delete button in the right panel13:00
gnomefreakdamn im sorry13:00
jblountgnomefreak: No worries, it's kind of confusing because it's weirdly contextual :)13:01
jblountgnomefreak: Do you need some help getting the client installed on your desktop? I could help you with that, and it should be a lot more fun.13:02
gnomefreakjblount: i have it installed just not sure how to use it yet. would love dput13:03
jblountgnomefreak: It's kind of weirdly obvious, but there should be a folder at ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/13:04
jblountIf you put stuff inside of that, it should start syncing up to the server13:04
gnomefreakjblount: thereis13:04
gnomefreakoh that is way too easy. thanks ill try it13:05
gnomefreakjblount: thanks its working i think13:06
jblountgnomefreak: Nice, let us know if you have any cool ideas (or if you find problems) http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone13:06
gnomefreakok will do13:07
jdobrienI am reviewing a branch and there is no setup.py, am I missing something?13:28
* jdobrien consults the readme13:28
* jdobrien grumbles when seeing all the crap he needs to build13:29
thisfredjdobrien: ./autogen.sh?13:32
jdobrienthisfred: jhbuild13:32
jdobrienthisfred: how do you run the tests?13:32
thisfredjdobrien:  what's this a branch of?13:32
thisfredjdobrien: for me, './autogen.sh && make check'usually does the trick13:33
jdobrienPackage ubuntuone-storage-protocol is not available, but is referred to by another package.13:34
jdobrienThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or13:34
jdobrienis only available from another source13:34
jdobrienE: Package ubuntuone-storage-protocol has no installation candidate13:34
thisfredjdobrien: ah, if all the packages need to be changed, you need to use --prefix=13:35
thisfredI believe13:35
jdobrienguess I need to find out why my sources aint workin no more13:35
thisfredwith the other branches it needs13:35
thisfredjdobrien: did you install ff3.5 by any chance?13:35
thisfredjdobrien: for me, that got rid of all the ubunet dev deps very neatly ;)13:35
thisfredbecaus of a conflicting libmozjs-dev I believe13:36
gnomefreakok maybe it is the webinterface even moving file to the folder isnt updating web interface13:43
gnomefreakjblount: tthat package has changed to ubuntuone-storageprotocol13:43
gnomefreakwithout the - in there13:44
gnomefreakjust install the held back package13:44
jdobriengnomefreak: really? I was able to install it with the -13:45
gnomefreakjdobrien: maybe its just PPA packages than13:47
dobeyjdobrien: python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol is the newer package14:29
dobeyjdobrien: i think "ubuntuone-storage-protocol" is still in the PPA repo though, so it's "installable" but not the latest version14:30
jdobriendobey: thanks14:30
jdobriendobey: hey...I would like to setup my environment like mentioned in the README, Im just not sure about where I should put /ops/extra ...is that the standard folder?14:31
dobeyin which README?14:32
dobeyoh wow14:33
jdobriendobey: ubuntuone-client14:33
dobeyit tells people to install jhbuild14:33
jdobriendobey: oh...that's not from you then :)14:33
dobeyjdobrien: /opt/extra is presumably the prefix where jhbuild-built gnome is installed14:33
dobeyno, i would never tell anyone to use jhbuild :)14:33
jdobriendobey: that answers my next question :)14:34
dobeylooks like rodrigo put all that in there14:35
ThisIsNotChipacaoooh, very nice, this new freenode webchat thing14:41
ChipacaThisIsNotChipaca: indeed14:42
* aquarius laughs14:48
* dobey puts on some Lords of Acid to cleanse himself after seeing that14:58
Chipacathisfred: http://www.blameitonthevoices.com/2009/07/am-i-coming-or-going.html14:58
urbanapeI think that was a Samuel L. Jackson role.14:59
urbanape"Gospel, motherfucker, do you sing it!?"14:59
thisfredubottu: downloading that album from amiestreet now'14:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:59
thisfredehh urbanane, not ubottu14:59
jblounturbanape: Nice15:00
thisfredChipaca: yeah, funny ad that ;)15:00
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountOH HAI HACKERZ15:00
jblountWelcome to the desktop+ standup, format is DONE / TODO / BLOCKED. Can the people here for the desktop+ standup please respond with me?15:00
jblountvds, urbanape, aquarius ?15:01
jblountCardinalFang: You're up!15:02
CardinalFangDONE: Replaced all of asyncore with Twisted, with only one bug that I know of.15:02
CardinalFangTODO: Fix that one bug.  Try to get SSL added today.15:02
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:02
CardinalFangjblount, back to you15:02
jblountDONE: Got lazr popups working! Found pfibiger's js code in html template! Started thinking about nicer Oauth redirecting stuff for initial signup!15:02
jblountTODO: Sort weird z-index issues for these popups to make things clickable, figure out the best way to communicate to people that they need a subscription before authorizing their computer, tell mattgriffin that we really don't need any copy for "upgrade path" stuff15:02
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:02
jblountteknico: And now, your turn :)15:02
teknicoDONE: investigated the alternatives to Paste for WSGI app deployment, more work on unit testing the contacts web views15:02
teknicoTODO: writing the unit tests for the contacts resetting web views15:02
teknicoBLOCKED: nothing15:02
teknicoNEXT: dobey15:02
=== aquarius_ is now known as aquarius
dobeyDONE: Open dialog for OAuth xdg-open failure, More bug triage, Fixed little bug in Tarmac branch (Land ho!), Requested backport of python-oauth to jaunty and hardy15:03
dobeyTODO: Get rid of setup.py usage in ubuntuone-client, Look at gnome^H^Hxdg-keyring spec and such15:03
dobeyBLCK: None.15:03
dobeystatik: jene sais quoix15:03
statikDONE: Published desktopcouch. Finished script to update project management spreadsheet by querying launchpad bugs API, lots of discussion about wsgi servers, some bug triage.15:03
statikTODO: keep trying to sort out which WSGI server we will use, figure out whether south could be made to work with storm. Tarmac sprint tomorrow!15:03
statikBLCK: None.15:03
statiket tu, urbanape15:03
urbanapeDONE: More hacking on Bindwood, but nothing committed15:03
urbanapeTODO: Deletion tokens15:03
urbanapeBLCK: None15:03
urbanapeEnd of Line15:03
urbanapeoh, all right then15:03
aquariusDONE: planning OSCON presentation; being annoyed about having no internet; reviewed include-everything Bindwood branch15:04
aquariusTODO: more planning and write OSCON presentation15:04
aquariusBLOCKED: still using the horror of lsof to find CouchDB port until the print-the-port logfile patch goes in15:04
statikaquarius, the bug report couchdb-400 and yours about the port have some very interesting solutions for making the port discovery work15:04
jblountMEETING ENDS15:05
* jblount hugs 5 minute standups and gets back to work15:05
aquariusstatik: really? I haven't seen any interesting solutions :(15:06
CardinalFangaquarius: what's blocking the print-the-port branch?  Can I help?15:06
dobeyaquarius: avahi would be an interesting solution for that i guess15:07
aquariusstatik: there's some notes about how it might be nice to build some clever rpc server thing that allows you to interrogate couch for this sort of information15:07
statikaquarius, i saw a comment in the bug report explaining the exact rpc call that needed to be added to retrieve the port that mochiweb is using, and supposedly couchdb-400 is a prereq for it to work (haven't looked at that report yet)15:07
statikit seemed awful promising tho15:07
statikurbanape: what are deletion tokens?15:08
aquariusCardinalFang: the patch (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-393) either needs to go into upstream couchdb (which may happen and may not) or it needs to go into our private packaged couchdb (which I think statik is working on)15:08
aquariusdobey: erm? how?15:08
aquariusCardinalFang: we have the code, it's just making it arrive that would be good :)15:08
aquariusstatik: ah, 400 is just to make couch run distributed. If an rpc server were to be implemented, the thing posted to 393 would be how to use that rpc server to get at the mochiweb http server. But there is no rpc server to use that code *in* yet, and it's not clear to me whether it'll ever graduate from "this would be cool if it existed" to "I have implemented it"15:10
urbanapeStatik: So, my idea is this: Clients A & B are fully synced with Couch. Client A deletes a bookmark, that currently gets deleted in Couch. Client B doesn't become aware of it on pull, and the next time it is restarted, pushes that deleted bookmark back up to Couch, where it will be recreated on Client A. We need some way of marking that a bookmark has existed, and should no longer exist on any Client. Hence a document of 15:10
urbanapeI've been calling it a deletion token15:10
dobeyaquarius: well, broadcasting mdns on the loopback interface?15:10
urbanapeEventually, aquarius assures me this will be unnecessary when we've got some other history to work with.15:11
dobeyaquarius: or even on a lan it would be an interesting solution to syncing multiple PCs on the same network15:11
aquariusdobey: that's how we're advertising the port, yes. The patch is to find out which port couch is running on, which you need to know in order to advertise it :)15:12
dobeyso couch is already using avahi?15:13
dobeyor the avahi bit is a separate piece in our code?15:13
* CardinalFang pokes at Launchpad wonkiness.15:14
aquariusdobey: separate bit in our code. We don't advertise the port unless you ask for it (so there's no open port by default, until you pair with another machine). This is the pairing stuff that CardinalFang wrote15:15
vdssorry, connection problems15:15
vdsstatik: I missed the standup I guess15:15
CardinalFangstatik, I can't reach your code page on launchpad.  Where is the desktopcouch stuff?15:16
aquariusstatik: when you put desktopcouch into its own project, did you not remove it from u1 trunk deliberately?15:16
dobeyaquarius: right. so i was more suggesting couch itself advertise itself using avahi on the loopback interface. although i guess dbus session bus would be fine as well.15:16
CardinalFangaquarius: I saw files disappear.15:17
dobeyaquarius: i believe that's his next upcoming branch15:17
aquariusdobey: ah, that might be cool, but that's some advanced couch hacking, and for now we're just firing a separate thing to do it15:17
statikaquarius: I just need to send the removal branch to PQM; I had to do it in two steps to get sourcedeps updated15:17
statikCardinalFang, https://launchpad.net/desktopcouch15:17
dobeyaquarius: right, but lsof sucks :)15:17
aquariusstatik: ah, that's fine then, I was just checking I didn't have b0rked trunk :)15:17
aquariusdobey: I know! this is why I keep mentioning it :) All we need is that little patch into couchdb, and then the lsof code can be removed and replaced with a one-liner to parse the couch log15:18
thisfredhttp://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/Site/Home.html what now?15:31
CardinalFangTake *that*, Google.15:33
dobeythat not only infringes on copyright, but moral decency as well15:37
dobeyrmcbride: nice. the PPA builder doesn't seem so latent today :)15:38
rmcbridedobey: yea :)15:38
teknicoand it requires bittorrent for download, so considerate of the poor sourceforge infrastructure :-)15:38
* dobey needs to move the rest of his stuff off sourceforge15:39
aquariusdobey: why? my daughter would love a Hannah Montana themed machine. I've been thinking for a while that an ubuntu-for 10-year-old-girls thing would be a great idea. You could put loads of stuff in that specifically targets that market niche, Microsoft and Apple can't do it, and you'd sell a shitload of netbooks.16:11
rmcbrideaquarius: problem is you'd need to heavily sedate QA to get any testing on such an abomination16:13
dobeyrmcbride: that's why you find a group of 10 year old girls to beta test it.16:13
aquariusrmcbride: *grin* could do it as a private project. Or employ a QA team *of* 10 year old girls.16:13
rmcbridepop music makes my head spin and pea soup spew from my mouth16:13
dobeyaquarius: sure. i don't think disney would be developing via sourceforge though16:13
aquariusseriously, if you could make it the "cool" thing in that demographic then you'd sell a pile of stuff16:14
dobeypop music is fine. well it was until i heard 3000 michael jackson songs this past week16:14
aquariusdobey: I concede that the hannahmontana guy is due a nuclear boot of mass destruction from the Disney people ;)16:14
rmcbridedobey: pop music does the above to me. MJ music makes blood shoot from my eyes16:14
dobeyMJ music is ok, in moderation16:15
dobeyand as long as Chris Tucker isn't involved16:15
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 71, Protocol Revno is 48 | Release 0.90.3
teknicoaquarius, oh, from *disney*, I was thinking about copyright infringement of *Kubuntu* ;-D16:28
rmcbrideteknico: as I live in the city that sleeps in the shadow of the Rat, disney infringement is very much a concern here. I had forgotten that billy ray cyrus' hellspawn was a puppet of that organization (I do try to block it from my mind)16:30
dobeyah crap. i guess the xdg branch didn't make it in time16:41
aquariusdobey: xdg?16:48
aquariusdobey: have we been moving folders around?16:48
dobeyaquarius: my xdg-open-fail branch16:48
aquariusdobey: oh, xdg-open, gotcha16:48
dobeyaquarius: yeah, i made it pop up a dialog with the error message from stderr when xdg-open fails in the oauth stage16:49
* dobey ponders what to get for lunch16:50
aquariusdobey: ooh, nice, I didn't know you'd done that. clever16:51
dobeyaquarius: yeah. at least i will get more informative bug reports with that, instead of "failed to launch the browser" or "applet doesn't start"16:52
dobeydoesn't fix the problems, but makes them visible at least16:53
rmcbridedobey: I'm about to do lunch myself. I'll re-run nightlies again when I get back. That will at least get teh xdg branch there.16:59
wzkmy ubuntuone's icon is spinning infinitely and the message to link the computer doesn't appear.. any idea to fix it?17:09
wzkits on a Jaunty 64bit17:09
markgsayewzk: can you run the command "u1sdtool --current-transfers"17:10
wzkjust a sec17:10
wzkmarkgsaye: yes, it runs17:12
wzkbut no current up/down17:13
markgsayewzk: and what about "u1sdtool --list-shares" ?17:13
wzkmarkgsaye: "no shares"17:16
markgsayewzk: do you have a Launchpad account?17:22
wzkmarkgsaye: yes17:23
markgsayewzk: great - please could you file a bug for this at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client17:23
wzkmarkgsaye: the same situation as mine - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/37536317:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 375363 in ubuntuone-client "sync daemon spinning indefinitely" [High,Triaged]17:25
wzkbut no solution17:25
markgsayewzk: I did that bug, but I'm not if it related to the same problem - that one is about the sync-daemon using up CPU and memory - yours (relating to the applet icon spinning) may be quite different17:27
markgsaye^did _see_17:27
markgsaye^but I'm not _sure_ if it's related17:27
wzkmarkgsaye: oh yes, its true.. my cpu consumption is normal17:27
wzki agree17:27
wzkmarkgsaye: have you found a solution for your problem?17:29
markgsayewzk: which problem? bug 375363?17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375363 in ubuntuone-client "sync daemon spinning indefinitely" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37536317:30
wzkmarkgsaye: yes17:30
markgsayewzk: that bug has not been assigned yet, so I'm not sure that a solution has been found yet17:32
wzkmarkgsaye: and you don't have an idea about my problem? =D17:33
markgsayewzk: not personally - I'm not involved in the actual code for the file sharing17:34
wzkmarkgsaye: anyway, thanks for the help17:34
markgsayewzk: the best thng to do is file a bug, and then it can be assigned to one of the developers who can fix it17:34
wzkmarkgsaye: i'll do this, specially because it's different from the CPU and memory bug (375363)17:35
markgsayewzk: great, thanks17:36
dobeyrmcbride: cool17:54
dobeydpm_: you don't need to use "resubmit" every time. i just suggested it the first time since the changes would be pretty large17:58
dpm_dobey: ah, ok, sorry for the extra spam, what's the normal workflow?17:59
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
dpmin this case, just submit the changes and reply to the reviewer's comment?18:01
dobeydpm: yeah. just pushing the changes to your branch and replying to the comment would have been sufficient18:02
dobeydpm: doing the resbumit is useful for larger changes because it gets the diff to be regenerated on the proposal, which makes reviewing easier. but for smaller changes it's not worth the overhead of a new proposal18:03
dpmdobey: oh right, ok. I'll now know it for next time. Thanks.18:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Nghow does the .conflict stuff work?18:37
NgI added ubuntuone to my new laptop and most of my files have a matching, empty foo.conflict18:38
dobeyNg: i think it's supposed to be similar to bzr, but i think there might be a few bugs at the moment as well18:42
Ngcan I just remove them and forget it ever happened? ;)18:42
dobeyi think so18:43
gnomefreakfor some reason moving the file into the ubuntuone folder never posted it to the web interface18:55
dobeydpm: still around?19:12
dpmdobey, yes, but I'll soon have to go. Anything else needs changing?19:12
dobeydpm: ah, no. just wanted to check that you made the changes i suggested. and then i just now saw the new revision with the changes :)19:13
dobeyof course, rodrigo is not around it seems19:14
dpmdobey: ah, cool :). I did hit the reply button too early, though. I replied to rodrigo and then I saw you had exactly wrote the same :)19:14
dobeyheh, no worries :)19:15
dpmyeah, when I saw the e-mail I wanted to catch up with rodrigo, but I saw he was gone already19:15
dobeywhenever i have a problem where the're too much communication, i'll let you know :)19:15
dobeydpm: oh, looks like there's a conflict with trunk. can you merge trunk into your branch and fix the conflict (the OptionParser stuff got removed19:37
jblountYour welcome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V-6j1uTNZk (Andrew WK - She is Beautiful)20:09
jblountI'm like Mr. Spelling Error20:09
dpm_dobey: ok, done, merged trunk to enable-translations20:12
dobeydpm_: great! :)20:13
JamalFanaianHi, I'm having a very strange issue.. I can't find the ubuntuone-client binary and it isn't not listed in my Applications menu20:33
JamalFanaianI made sure it was installed and have tried apt-get update, upgrade and reinstall20:33
dobeyJamalFanaian: you have ubuntuone-client-gnome installed?20:34
JamalFanaianNvm, I must be an idiot.. just did another upgrade and there's a few packages for ubuntuone there.. let me try that :)20:34
JamalFanaiandobey, Ah! I installed ubuntuone-client, I will make sure that package is installed too20:34
JamalFanaiandobey, thanks :)20:35
dobeyJamalFanaian: no problem :)20:36
JamalFanaiandobey, ahh taht was it! thanks :)20:39
JamalFanaiani think i was trying to upgrade it so i removed it and reinstalled it, and it didn't add ubuntuone-client-gnome back when i did it... silly me20:39
JamalFanaiannow is it smart to use ubuntuone to sync preferences? say for gwibber, if i put my ~/.gconf/apps/gwibber dir in u1 and symlink it to the right place20:41
jblountJamalFanaian: We are in beta, which in our definition means BUGS! But you should be ok doing stuff like that.20:42
jblountdevendra: Yo!20:42
JamalFanaianjblount, Heh, I had asked in #ubuntu-us-fl instead of here by accident and statik said to not rely on u1 for now20:43
JamalFanaianjblount, so I will just give it some time and play with CouchDB instead :)20:43
jblountJamalFanaian: :)20:44
JamalFanaianjblount, thanks for input as well though :)20:44
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
jblountJamalFanaian: No worries, have fun poking around. I've kept a set of desktop backgrounds syncd across four laptops through about 6 months, so my experience has been pretty good.20:45
JamalFanaianjblount, ah i guess i should start with something less critical like that... frankly, i have yet to actually use ubuntuone for much20:46
JamalFanaianjblount, i tested dropping some files in there and seeing them on the web client.. but that's as far as i have gotten20:47
dobeyJamalFanaian: i would not store any relatively important data in it yet... there are bugs we're trying to get sorted out20:47
JamalFanaiandobey, by that you mean that there is a possibility of losing my data? or are you referring to something even worse like .. hm .. my data being leaked out or something?20:47
dobeyJamalFanaian: more likely you might lose the data than it being spied on20:48
=== dpm__ is now known as dpm
statikyeah, no leaks yet, but the occasional file that won't die or is deleted when it shouldn't be20:48
JamalFanaianstatik dobey: ah ok, that's not as scary then :).. i was going to put my gwibber config there, and it would suck for the xml files to get spilled all over the net considering passwords are stored in plain-text in them20:49
jblountJamalFanaian: Have you poked at http://launchpad.net/desktopcouch yet? I'm really excited about that stuff, when CardinalFang showed it to me, I thought it was magic.20:50
jblountAlthough I'm not sure I can get used to saying ZeroConf instead of Bonjour20:50
dobeyjblount: wasn't it called something else? :)20:51
JamalFanaianjblount, no, it was shown to me just today so i am going to start playing with it tonight... :)20:52
JamalFanaianZeroConf is much easier to say than Bonjour... I usually have to give it a few tries when I'm trying to pronounce Bonjour :\20:52
CardinalFangjblount, that tool doesn't do anything yet.  We haven't decided what it has to do in the DB end.20:52
CardinalFangJamalFanaian: ^20:52
JamalFanaian"and the code to help it happen" Haha, that's cute..20:53
CardinalFangSo far, just "O HAI! Pair?"  "Yisplz"20:53
jblountCardinalFang: That's my favorite part!20:53
JamalFanaianCardinalFang, Ahh, well the idea counts too! What I meant was to play with CouchDB altogether... I would've tried to find some code in that project too though20:53
CardinalFangI have a huge patch coming up.  asyncore went into Python in 1996 and hasn't changed much since then.  Not because it is perfect.20:56
statikwhats that saying, that the stdlib is a library for dead code?20:58
CardinalFangNo, most is pretty great -- as long as you don't actually look at the source code for it.20:59
dobeyjblount: they should rename it to Bonsoir21:03
CardinalFangstatik, Skype?  I have a snazzy new headset.21:03
CardinalFangNo hurry, though.21:03
statikCardinalFang, yep, starting skype now21:04
flipphi there21:22
jblountflipp: Yo!21:26
KR8LCan anyone explain the function of the "Shared With Me" folder?22:21
KR8LBy default it is read only. (?)22:22
tcoleit's where folders other people have shared with you show up22:28
KR8LOoooooh. Thanks very much.  That had me stumped.22:29
tcoleyou're welcome22:29
tcoleyou aren't the first person to ask22:29
tcoleare there any hints we could add as to its purpose that you might have found helpful?22:29
KR8LLet me think about that.  Just been trying U1 a couple of days and was focused mostly on "cloud" storage and syncing between my own computers.  Hadn't been thinking along the lines of sharing with others yet.22:31
KR8LMaybe "Shared with Me" isn't the best name ... "Shared by Others"?  "Shared With Me by Others"?22:33
tcole"Shared by Others" sounds pretty good actually22:34
KR8LYeah, now that I know the "secret" it's completely obvious.  Can't modify files in that folder but I can copy them to another location and then modify. Very nice.22:36
* tcole nods22:38
tcoleI'm not sure we'll be keeping the separate folder hierarchies in the long-term22:38
tcoleI'll go ahead and file a bug suggesting the name change though22:39
KR8LThanks! Whatever the final configuration, it is a great tool. I've been experimenting with Window$ Live Skydrive (free 25 GB of storage, why not?) but uploading and downloading is tedious. The U1 client is very convenient and easy.22:41
KR8LThis is my first experience with IRC. Seems easy to use. (Using xchat-gnome.)22:42
BUGabundoola ppl22:45
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
statikgoodnight hackers23:01
BUGabundohey statik23:04
BUGabundodid you manage to get the bug reporter to calm down and come back?23:04

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