
loolMacSlow: Heya, I think you're picking up plymouth?  (not sure)  there is this merge request to fix plymouth lp:~marceloshima/plymouth/ubuntu11:21
SiDiMacSlow: hello, back from Gran Canaria ?11:41
MacSlowlool, I think we're not using plymouth11:50
MacSlowSiDi, yeah... and sorting out stuff11:51
SiDiMacSlow: let me know when you have ~15/20 minutes for me please ;) i've got 2 bugs i wanna talk to you about11:52
loolMacSlow: Are you still planning work on it though?11:55
loolMacSlow: I think we decided it was not worth it in karmic11:56
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MacSlowSiDi, I see13:26
MacSlowSiDi, btw bug-numbers13:26
SiDiand 33538313:32
SiDior one of its duplicates, MacSlow 13:32
SiDidamn no ubottu13:33
SiDihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/335383 https://bugs.launchpad.net/notify-osd/+bug/38209413:33
* SiDi is back15:25
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MacSlowSiDi, we'll probably have some gconf-keys for notify-osd for things like fg/text-color, bg-color and title/body text-size15:45
SiDiMacSlow: ok, i'll see if i can write a little gui for it then, keep me in touch15:46
MacSlowSiDi, but atm I'm still busy with blur/surface-cache, text- and bubble-grow-animation15:46
SiDiis it possible to add auto detection of the xfce font / dpi ?15:46
SiDii can give you the API to use if you want15:46
MacSlowSiDi, I don't know... I only know how this works under gnome15:47
SiDiit's not hard to do :) its just that its called xfconf instead of gconf15:47
SiDiMacSlow: want me to write pseudo code for it in the bug report ?15:49
MacSlowSiDi, with all the pending work I'd prefer a patch :)15:50
SiDiMacSlow: i'll write a patch then XD15:50
MacSlowSiDi, best would be a compile-time option (defaulting to gnome/gconf like it is now)15:50
SiDibut it will take a little more time15:50
MacSlowand if you pass e.g. --use-xconf switching to well the XFCE-variant15:51
SiDiok, then i suppose we would ship another notify-osd package with xfce settings ?15:51
MacSlowSiDi, that's the xfce-maintainers decision not mine :)15:52
SiDiokey then, thanks15:52
SiDihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/notify-osd/+bug/382094 would you also accept a patch for the changes described here ?15:52
MacSlowSiDi, there you mainly request the "reformatting" of the output we provide in the ~/.cache/notify-osd.log right?15:54
SiDiand addition of priority (apparently trivial) and image when possible (requires more work)15:55
SiDiits just much easier to parse that way and reduces the amount of particular cases / restrictions of content in title / body15:55
MacSlowpriority ?= urgency-level I assume15:55
MacSlowSiDi, "icon" is very hard15:55
MacSlowI'd just say it'll be filled with a filename if one is provided15:56
SiDiwhen its given to you via the path, you directly get the pixbuf and dont store the path ?15:56
SiDii want the filename when it exists, otherwise gtk-missing-image is fair enough15:56
SiDiif i notice people ask why i cant provide the image in the notification history i'll add a FAQ/Help entry in my app explaining it15:56
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