
kaddino, that should be ok00:00
kaddido you know how to use a terminal?00:00
Undeadi was using it a while ago to try and connect through it00:01
ByronThis is getting annoying. I can't seem to install Ubuntu Server 9.0400:01
kaddiok, go to the folder in which the deb-file is and type this "sudo dpkg -i nameofthe.deb" it should try to install the file.00:02
kaddiif it fails it should give a more detailed error message00:02
kaddiplease post it here00:02
Undeadhow do i direct it to the folder00:02
kaddiok, when you open the terminal, you find yourself in your home directory00:03
=== amyd2007 is now known as amyfu
kaddiuse cd <foldername> to get into any folder that is in your home-folder00:04
kaddiuse cd .. to move from a folder to the folder containing it. ( so if your are in /home/name/example and you do cd .. you will be in /home/name)00:04
Guest11720Byron: what are you having issues with?00:04
=== Guest11720 is now known as sleepy
=== sleepy is now known as happy
Undeadone second00:05
ByronInstalling LAMP, Mail and OpenSSH server options from the server CD of ubuntu 9.0400:05
Undeadi did it00:06
Undeadit says it conflicts with network manager00:06
happywhat part are you having trouble at?00:06
happyByron: what part are you having trouble at?00:07
Undeadi installed kubuntu inside windows using the iso i downloaded00:07
Undeadi mounted using daemon00:07
kaddiyou're using wubi?00:07
Undeadi guess so00:07
Undeadif i uninstall kubuntu00:07
Undeadinstall ubuntu and the install kde would it work?00:07
Byronhappy: It loads tasksel and gets my packages, but won't install00:08
ByronIt appears they are not available.00:08
Undeadsince all im doing is changing the desktop manager00:08
Byronhappy: I'm in ubuntu-server00:08
happyByron: next time, use alt+f4 to get more info on falures00:08
happythen alt+f1 to get back to normal00:09
happywhat do you mean just stopped? red screen of death?00:09
Undeadwell kaddi i have to go for a bit are you going to be here much longer?00:09
ByronThere appears to be 3 packages which are not being found00:09
Byronlibnewt0.52, ext2-modules and efi-modules00:10
happyand this is when it is installing the base system?00:10
happyis it connected to the internet when it does this?00:11
ByronYes, it is connected.00:11
happythis was when it was "installing the base system"?00:11
kaddiUndead no I won't but other people will be. You could simply uninstall Netowrkmanager before installing wicd, but you should be able to do this with one command .. I'm lucking at the how right now00:11
Undeadalrighty, if this doesnt work ill just go back to ubuntu00:12
kaddiUndead yeah sadly networkmanager has a lot of problems with kubuntu, but as said, wicd has been running great for me :)00:13
Byronhappy: No. Select and install software00:13
Undeadwhats the uninstall command00:13
Undeadjust "uninstall networkmanager?00:13
happyByron: what you could do is install nothing extra, then install lamp and ssh manually00:14
happyit is not that hard to do00:14
kaddimaybe someone else can confirm: I think you need to remove more then just networkmanager, you want everything related to nm gone00:14
Undeadwell i have to go00:14
Undeadthanks for the help00:14
Byronhappy: So just install Mail server?00:14
kaddiok, see you00:15
happyByron: sure, I do not know how to install that :-)00:15
Byronhappy: That failed, too00:16
BluesKajkaddi, it's not necessary to remove widget-network-manager, insalling wicd autoremoves it00:16
ByronCouldn't find package language-pack-en00:16
kaddiBluesKaj: thanks :) The thing I was trying to find out was if forcing install of wicd would have uninstalled nm, or if forcing install would try to install wicd with nm still present?00:17
happyByron: I am not sure what is happening :-\00:18
Byronthe language pack is in the repos, but the installation doesn't seem to find it00:20
ByronAll other packages are fine, except for these00:20
happyare you sure it found internet?00:20
happydo you have multiple network cards?00:21
Byronhappy: What the deuce? I guess it just died because it's not able to ping google.com00:21
ByronNo, just one card00:21
happyByron: when you get internet, it should work00:21
happyByron: you need to tell it to query dhcp again00:21
Byronhappy: How do I do that?00:22
happyyou have 2 choices00:22
happy1. start over :-(00:22
happy2. I think it is one of the options on the menu you get when it red screens00:23
* happy has not messed with the debian installer in a while00:23
ByronNope, not an option for dhcp00:24
happysomething having to do with networking?00:24
ByronI think I'm online now00:24
ByronWhat's another word for cave and lair?00:25
happyByron: so try agian :-)00:25
Byronthat works00:25
Byronfor the domain, do I have to put den.com or just 'den'?00:26
happydo you own den.com?00:26
happyI think your best bet is to leave domain blank00:27
ByronI don't think you can leave it blank00:27
happyI think so00:27
happyByron: just leave it blank00:28
Byronkeeps failing00:30
Byronrebooting to start over00:30
happythis time make sure it has internet00:30
ByronDo I want LVM?00:32
ByronInstalling Base System00:35
Byronsqlite-3 appeared to be corrupt. I'm doing it over00:38
david_how do i install a geforce 6200 graphics card?00:41
david_drivers first then install?00:42
high-rezjust stick it in the machine ?00:42
david_high-rez: when i do that it freezes00:42
high-rezWhere at?  Starting X?00:43
david_high-rez: no at boot screen00:43
high-rezLike inside of grub or after grub?  Inside of the linux splash screen?00:44
david_high-rez: after grub00:44
david_high-rez: thought maybe install drivers then try install?00:45
david_anyone know y my system would freeze everytime i install my graphics card?00:47
high-rezWell I think the bootsplash will be framebuffer still.  I assume you know for fact that this card is good?00:47
david_high-rez: yes sir00:48
david_high-rez: just took it out of my windows pc00:48
high-rezI don't know you could possibly try the driver - though if the machine is crashing at the splash screen it may not get that far.  Perhaps try disabling the vesa frame buffer - and see how it behaves ones it starts X.00:50
david_high-rez: how do i disable the vesa?00:51
david_high-rez: thanks in advance for the help!00:52
david_high-rez: been trying for two days to install ubuntu on my sons pc00:52
david_high-rez: finally figured out its something to do with graphics card00:53
high-rezI can't speak much to kubuntu stuff myself, only installed for the first time yesterday (long time gentoo user - i perhaps enjoy pain).00:54
david_high-rez: lol me too00:55
rubyisti'm trying to get kdm to start at boot, /etc/init.d/kdm exists, it is set to run for 2,3,4,5 run levels, but for some reason - it never starts.01:01
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
vismadhi, I need help, if someone could you give a advice?01:03
vismadhola necesito ayuda01:04
vismadalguien q me ayude¿?01:05
vismadpor favor es urgente01:05
Dragnslcr!es | vismad01:05
ubottuvismad: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:05
rubyistno one has any idea for my problem? :o(01:06
=== jon is now known as Guest65032
rmrfslashDoes (K)Ubuntu use CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM=y by default?01:09
=== login_ is now known as Diogow
Diogowalguem sabe porque aqui eu nao consigo conectar no aMSN ?01:20
rmrfslashDoes anyone think it's worth moving to kde 4.3 on jaunty?01:20
rmrfslashNow that it's a RC?01:20
rmrfslashOr is it still buggy?01:20
=== kgee is now known as darkdigitaldream
DragnslcrSeems to be working well enough for me01:20
rmrfslashIs it better/less buggy than 4.2.4?01:20
Diogowi'm trying to join amsn since i brought this pc01:20
=== darkdigitaldream is now known as crappingRainbows
rmrfslashAh what the hell....I'm gunna upgrade01:24
rmrfslashLet's see what happens :)01:24
rmrfslashbtw Ksplice is cool01:24
=== crappingRainbows is now known as DarkDigitalDream
rmrfslashand chromium is wicked fast01:25
rmrfslashif it had flash I'd switch now01:26
KrispyKremeEverytime I login to kubuntu, it asks for a keyring password to access my internet. How can i remove this if possible?01:29
=== fran is now known as Guest11447
=== Guest11447 is now known as fran_
fran_can anybody help me to install a printer with line commands01:34
fran_there are anybody who speaks english01:35
fran_hello there01:37
fran_cualcuno parla italiano01:42
fran_alguien me puede ayudar a configurar una impresora con lineas de comando01:43
yurimxpxmananybody have a recommendation for a linux-compatible PCI wireless card?01:48
AizawaI don't know of a good PCI one, but Syslink's WUSB54GC (And the whole series) work very well, but are USB. I'd recommend them, although I know it's not what you asked for.01:51
rubyistive got kdm to start at boot, but it doesn't start at the resolution set by xorg - it starts at its own predetermined res, and as a result, it goes out of range01:53
rubyistive tried setting the res from kde, to 1280x800, 60 sync rate.. same thing everytime01:54
rubyistis there anything i can do?01:54
rubyisti need to restart the xorg server everytime, to get it back to a res that works01:54
BluesKajyurimxpxman, it may not be your card , try installing wicd , it works much better thab the default on jaunty01:57
yurimxpxmanBluesKaj: I don't have a wireless card. I'm trying to buy one compatible with kubuntu.01:58
AizawaMost are compatible, really01:58
AizawaAs far as I've experienced01:59
BluesKajyurimxpxman, i'm using a belkin usb , works well and it's portable02:00
BluesKajusb wu=ifi cards are handy on the road when hotel wifi sucks as most do , the belkin has more sensitivity than most builtins02:06
pepeehello, i want to control the cpu fan, i tryed with pwmconfig, but it doesn't work02:12
pepeeit means that my mobo doesn't support fan control, or there's some software issue?02:12
=== amyd2007 is now known as amyfu
high-rezWow, Koala seems more stable than Jaunty02:13
DarkDigitalDreamI have a shared drive on a server I would like to access from outside the LAN. I have been looking into NFS. Is there a secure way to authenticate valid users with NFS? Is NFS a suitable solution?02:14
=== crackstore is now known as rC
rC<Crackstore> hye02:33
rC<bugsbee> ermm02:34
Byronbazhang: IT'S ALIVE!!!02:40
bazhangByron, success?02:41
ByronOh yeah!02:41
* Byron starts tearing and choking up...02:42
bazhang!yay | Byron02:42
ubottuByron: Glad you made it! :-)02:42
Byron"It's just do beautiful"02:42
ByronThis is slightly the best moment of my life. Please don't tell my girl I said that.02:43
DarkDigitalDreamI figured out my question earlier. If it interests anyone, sshfs is real quick (and I'm assuming fairly secure) solution to accessing entire filesystems as if they were right on your machine02:43
spinfusorAnyone know of a good/great video editing software for Kubuntu?02:43
spinfusorHigh Definition02:44
spinfusor!video editing02:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about video editing02:45
spinfusor!high definition02:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about high definition02:45
ubottuCinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu02:45
Byronbazhang: Thank you so much for your help yesterday and today.02:47
Byronhappy: If you're reading this, thank you for your help. I got my Ubuntu server 9.04 running now02:48
bazhangByron, glad you got it going02:50
Byronbazhang: Me too. I'm hoping to learn so much from this installation and that of what the server itself can teach me.02:51
seektherapycan someone point me to a tutorial for installing  Sound Blaster X-Fi Linux 64-bit Driver using terminal02:52
rCKampungChat Crackstore sets mode +m on02:56
rC<Crackstore> hye all02:58
rC<Crackstore> !voice Xchat03:00
DaskreeCHbazhang: What was Byron doing?03:03
bazhangDaskreeCH, he was setting up a web server (9.04)03:04
DaskreeCHah. ok that doesnt seem that hard03:04
bazhanghad a lot of troubles with bad iso or bad burn/media though03:05
DaskreeCHAh that sucks03:05
bazhanggot the iso from isohunt.com or some such03:06
=== DarkTim is now known as DanMorgan
OkayI just installed sunbird and I screwed up the calendars. How do I completely uninstall it and erase those settings?04:06
rC<Crackstore> !voice KC81804:24
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu <losher> mobi-sheep: got it, thanks....04:24
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu <Kaptein> ok thanks for the help, i'll find my self a project to assist :)04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu <mobi-sheep> losher: Why? Do you remove stuffs too?04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu * jacob1234 (n=james@ Quit (Client Quit)04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu <gjndxmalcolm> a bot sent be a massage04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu * epicreviews (n=lyle@pool-71-177-61-237.lsanca.btas.verizon.net) has left #ubuntu ( )04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu * FergatROn (n=marc@adsl-176-39-161.asm.bellsouth.net) Quit ("Leaving")04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu * Kaptein (n=Marius@ Quit ("Leaving")04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu * jean-claude (n=jean-cla@bas8-quebec14-1168081391.dsl.bell.ca) Quit ("Ex-Chat")04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu * jean-claude_ (n=jean-cla@bas8-quebec14-1168081391.dsl.bell.ca) Quit ("Ex-Chat")04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu <rainwalker> how do I set keyboard shortcuts using the function key?04:25
FloodBotK1rC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu * climatewarrior (n=quassel@66-90-151-156.dyn.grandenetworks.net) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))04:25
bazhang!ops | rC04:25
ubotturC: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, tsimpson, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu <mobi-sheep> !shortcut04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu <ubottu> rainwalker: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts04:25
rC<KC818>  #ubuntu <gjndxmalcolm> a bot sent me this :: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility04:25
FloodBotK1rC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:25
bazhangthanks vorian04:26
vorianno problemo04:26
DOOM777is rC a bot?04:26
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
high-rezWhat's the proper way to upgrade releases?04:33
bazhang!upgrade > high-rez04:33
ubottuhigh-rez, please see my private message04:33
high-rezYeah, I guess I sho9uld really rephrease my question.  I'd like to udpate to 9.1004:38
DaskreeCHhigh-rez: More or less asking that question disquialifies you from using 9.1004:39
DaskreeCHor more explictly kubuntu+104:39
murrywhys that?04:41
high-rezI've got plenty of experience with other distributions - i'm just trying to see where kubuntu 9.10 is at today. Not sure one needs a special badge of knowledge to try things out.04:41
bazhanghigh-rez, discussion of karmic in #ubuntu+104:42
DaskreeCHhigh-rez: If you just want to see where it's at today grab a daily Live CD04:42
DaskreeCHIf you want to keep it installed it's going to break from hour to hour sometimes very badly If you don't know how to manage packages you'll basicaly have to wipe and reinstall04:43
DaskreeCHThe alpha state of Ubuntu Distros is well deserved. Things break in magnificent manners04:43
high-rezright, thanks for the advice - i had no intention of playing with it on a production machine.04:44
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr04:44
high-rezthat said, i've already been there with the live cd (alpha2) far enough to know how pretty broken it is (sits in a loop trying to mount my 9.04 fs).04:45
bazhanghigh-rez, please move discussion of karmic to #ubuntu+1 thanks04:45
DaskreeCHyeah well when X or the kernel or grub breaks and the hasty fix clashes with your other packages and you don't know how to override stuff it's going to get frustrating quickly04:46
happyhola tonoito05:32
kalphi ppl05:32
kalpneed help05:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:33
kalpi hav a kubuntu sys on a 2 gb partition05:33
happykalp: and?05:34
kalpi hav a kubuntu sys on a 2 gb partition , i did a update after a ling time, there was 600mb free space which came down to around 400mb after the package manager downloaded the upgrades, when it started installing, it got stuck at a point where it wanted to take backup of an onder kernel for upgrade, it just couldnt, and now it doesnt install anything, jus comes to same problem when i start package manager05:36
happykalp: open up a konsole, then type sudo apt-get upgrade05:37
happypastebin the output05:37
happydo you know what pastebin is?05:37
happy!pastebin > kalp05:37
ubottukalp, please see my private message05:37
felipe__Hi everybody05:38
happyhi felipe_05:38
fetusbubblehi felipe__05:38
felipe__I use ubuntu but i Installed KDE ....05:38
kalpok, i wil start that system and came back to this room05:39
felipe__I would like to change the theme because it's ugly....05:39
felipe__the folders...nautilus....05:39
felipe__Can you help me because I try but I couldn't05:39
KmxysHello Hello could some help me out... my computer dont want to reconize my YP-U3 mp3...05:40
fetusbubbleisn't nautilus for gnome?05:40
Kmxysit reconized it before...05:40
Kmxysyeah, nautilis is for gnome05:41
felipe__so ...what could I do to change....05:41
fetusbubbleKDE uses05:41
fetusbubbleKDE uses Dolphin05:41
Kmxystry the sudo dolphinxD05:41
fetusbubblei don't know if you can change the theme of gnome apps on KDE, i only used KDE for a week before it half melted my system05:42
Kmxysyes you can05:42
=== michael__ is now known as mickspace
Kmxysyou just have to install the GMONE desktope lib05:42
Kmxysand some other packages that I just dont remember...05:43
Kmxysthen in the log in screen, option...05:43
Kmxyschoose the GNOME desktop05:43
fetusbubbleyeah, i originally had gnome05:43
fetusbubblei installed kubuntu-desktop and KDE and every thing after05:43
Kmxysme too xD actually im using gnome...05:44
Kmxysthe un install them xD05:44
felipe__can you say me step by step what I should install?05:44
KmxysI dont remember... let me check05:46
Kmxysgnome desktop05:47
Kmxyssorry dont you want to check it on google???05:48
Kmxysnautilus pack05:49
Kmxysthere are like a few that I just cant find xD nor remember05:49
fg56lxHow do i get kubuntu to display a preview when i hover over a picture?05:52
OkayI accidentally deleted the bottom taskbar. how do i bring it back?05:56
MTughanI'm trying to update packages, but the last time, the OS froze up, and left perl-modules in a bad state. The dpkg command I got from the GUI says I should reinstall perl-modules, but I can't find how to do that in the dpkg man page. Is there a command for installation?05:56
felipe__Now I installed kubuntu-desktop05:59
happyMTughan: sudo apt-get --reinstall install [package]05:59
MTughanLooks like it's going. Thanks happy.06:00
fg56lxOkay: Right click on the desktop and click "add panel"06:01
Okayit's the default taskbar one06:01
Okaywhere it stores all the open/opened windows and applications06:01
fg56lxOkay: Right click on the panel and click "add widget" and add "task manager"06:03
Okaygot it! Thanks a lot fg56lx06:04
fg56lxNo problem.06:04
=== ghost is now known as Guest53894
Okayfg56lx, do you happen to have one of those Mac os x like docks for kubuntu?06:06
fg56lxOkay: I don't.06:07
fg56lxOkay: If you're trying to find one, I believe Compiz Fusion(or w.e they are calling themselvs these days) has one.06:08
OkayI will look into it fg56lx06:09
Okaythanks again man06:09
ner0xQuestion, there are four blocked packages, anyone want to tell me why? :)06:12
ner0xAlso, which firefox package will install 3.5 for me?06:13
happyner0x: they are probably kernel upgrade06:14
ner0xhappy: They all are, but why are they blocked?06:14
happyI never figured that out. I think it is because they want to install other packages06:14
fg56lxner0x: You can make them update/install if you do it from a terminal.06:14
happyI overrid it in the terminal06:14
ner0xfg56lx: Alright, but are they suggested to be updated?06:15
fg56lxI don't see why they wouldnt be.06:15
=== kb is now known as Guest64753
ner0xI'm new to *package management* what application do I use to override?06:16
fg56lxner0x: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:18
ner0xThat's a command line package manager?06:19
ner0xDoes it auto upgrade?06:19
ner0xOr does it give me the list of freatures?06:19
fg56lxYes, dist-upgrade will uodate all packages.06:19
ner0xSo it's a script?06:19
ner0xWill aptitude do the same thing?06:21
happyner0x: apt-get is pretty much the cli package manager06:21
happy(dpkg is actually the package manager. But it does not do the cool stuff like check online for updates)06:21
happyner0x: I think aptitude can also do a dist upgrade06:22
ner0xI believe so too. I'll have to read the docs.06:23
ner0xMy clock is never right, how do I fix that on kubuntu? lol06:23
ner0xAlso, which firefox package do I choose for 3.5?06:23
agathodaimonhey guys am new to ubuntu just installed it cople of days ago and the only think so far that i dont understand is how do i install .tar.bz2 files can anyone help me plz ? :)06:23
happyner0x: have you tried left or right clicking on the clock?06:24
ner0xhappy: Yeah, it's on the correct timezone, just the wrong time.06:24
happy!compile | agathodaimon06:24
ubottuagathodaimon: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:24
ner0xhappy: aptitude does install the kernel updates, I'm doing it now. :)06:25
agathodaimonso u can update the kernal aswell by typing sudo apt-get upgrade right?06:26
happyner0x: to fix the clock, go into system settings06:26
happythen time and date06:26
happyagathodaimon: I don't think so06:26
happyaptitude upgrade does it (not sure)06:26
ner0xagathodaimon: In aptitude type "shift+u" or "U" to set it to upgrade. Then press "g" to commence all the changes.06:28
happyner0x: aptitude is a cli program06:28
happythat does not make sense :-\06:28
agathodaimonhow can i get it?06:28
ner0xhappy: Well that's how you do it.06:28
ner0xagathodaimon: Aptitude?06:28
ner0xShould be installed as part of the basesystem06:29
agathodaimonner0x: wer do i find it ?06:29
ner0xagathodaimon: Ever used linux before?06:29
agathodaimonner0x: no i just said am new to it coz i got sick of windows ( and i really dont want to go back to it)06:30
happyagathodaimon: typing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a konsole should work06:30
agathodaimonhappy: thanks m806:30
ner0xagathodaimon: What happy said will work. If you want more management open up a shell "konsole" and just type "aptitude"06:30
ner0xagathodaimon: And get used to reading docs, you'll be doing it a lot. :)06:31
happyner0x: wow, I have never used aptitude like that06:31
ner0xhappy: But it works correct?06:32
agathodaimonner0x: i am all the time i downloaded 50 book, its my second day today on linux and i managed to install 200 updates, learned how to install .bin use perfectly wine - am running already 5 windows games etc :)06:32
ner0xBlah, use windows for games. :)06:32
ner0xUse linux for everything else. :)06:32
happyner0x: I have no idea how to use it. So I will not recommend it. If it works, it works.06:33
ner0xhappy: Well it did work. :)06:33
ner0xI'll be right back, odd how kubuntu makes you reboot to use the new kernel.06:33
agathodaimonner0x: sorry m8 got sick and tired of it, not to start talking bout viruses too... so microsoft doesnt exist for me anymore :)06:33
ner0xagathodaimon: Yeah, viruses are a pain.06:33
ner0xagathodaimon: But you can forget about those. :) For the most part.06:34
fg56lxHow do i get kubuntu to display a preview when i hover over a picture?06:34
noaXessgood morning... my plasma-desktop eats allways 20-30% of my cpu power.. have kde 4.2.95 (kde 4.3 RC1), anybody has same problem?06:36
fg56lxnoaXess: Im running 4.2.95, and plasma-desktop never takes more than 5% of mine.06:37
noaXessfg56lx: hm... i don't know why.. is there any way to get more information about plasma-desktop?06:37
fg56lxIm not sure.06:38
Cylon7hi can anyone tell me how to add a software authentication key in kubuntu? i know where it is in ubuntu...06:39
yogaIf I want to install Firefox 3.5, which package should I install?06:39
happyyoga: firefox-3.506:43
agathodaimoni still dont understand hwo to install .tar.bz2 files :S06:46
noaXessagathodaimon: you can't directly install .tar.bz2, you need first extract them... in dolphin just doubleklick it.. and i think in it there is the source of the package.. and then you need to compile it..06:47
happyagathodaimon: do you know anything about the vmd line?06:47
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html06:47
happynoaXess: wrong one06:48
happyyou wanted !compile06:48
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:48
noaXesshappy: jep :)06:48
noaXess!compile | agathodaimon06:48
ubottuagathodaimon: please see above06:48
happyagathodaimon: what are you trying to install?06:50
agathodaimonguys i read all these websites yestruday too :S06:53
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happyagathodaimon: what are you trying to install?06:54
agathodaimonhappy: neverball atm06:54
agathodaimonhappy: and after i wanna install glibc so i can intall ati cataclys for my graphics card06:55
happyagathodaimon: type sudo apt-get insall neverball in a terminal06:55
happyagathodaimon: for someone who can not compile neverball, they may be difficult...06:55
agathodaimonhappy: but isnt there like a row of codes i should use for installing those files?06:56
happyagathodaimon: ubuntu has a package for neverball. that means you do not need to compile it. All you need to do is tell ubuntu you want neverball06:57
agathodaimonhappy: coz i tryied ./configure and etc and just didnt work06:57
happyso sudo apt-get install neverball will work06:57
agathodaimonhappy: yeah thanks alot it works :), but how am gonna install other .tar.bz2 files?06:57
happyagathodaimon: depends on what it is06:58
Cylon7okay i found my own answer guys, in case someone else asks... you can use apt-key from the command line, there are instructions on each launchpad.net ppa page06:58
happyagathodaimon: most software does not require you to compile it. Ubuntu has most of the stuff you need06:59
agathodaimonhappy: yeah but i cant find glibc version 2.2 or 2.3  and XOrg from 6.7 till 7.1 in .deb that i can automatically install i found only .tar.gz and .tar.gz207:00
happyagathodaimon: what do you need them for?!07:01
happythose are very advanced07:01
happythere is no way anyone could step you through compiling those. Neverball would be alot easier :-)07:02
agathodaimonso i would be able to install ATI full drivers for linux07:02
happyagathodaimon: playing with both of those is like juggling mines. What are the chances you survive?07:03
agathodaimonhappy: have any sugestion on wat book or wat should read to get me to be able to compile or install wat ever i need to do there07:03
agathodaimonhappy: wat do u mean?07:03
happyagathodaimon: first of all. Do you need the drivers? Second, can you install them using the restricted drivers manager?07:04
happyagathodaimon: I mean beginners do not play with xorg or glibc (especially the last one)07:04
agathodaimonwell to play games yeah its helps alot, and i tryed installing thought there and i needed to reinstall ubuntu coz it simply didnt work07:05
happymessing with them is asking for trouble, and you do not know the basics yet07:05
happyagathodaimon: did you try the restricted drivers manager?07:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:05
agathodaimonthe best way ever1 sais is this https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.28.8-inst.html07:06
agathodaimonubottu: ty ill check it now07:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:06
happyagathodaimon: messages starting with ubottu or ! start the bot07:07
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.07:07
sudhirE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-14-generic_2.6.27-14.35_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-14-generic' before installing new version07:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about botsnack07:07
sudhirE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version07:07
happysudhir: I assume you were running an update?07:08
sudhirfor kernel07:09
happysudhir: I have no idea on that one :-\. I have never seen it before07:09
sudhircan it be coz i hav less space on drive : 290 m?07:10
happysudhir: that is probably the problem07:10
happyit would make sense07:10
sudhirbut kernels are not more than 10mb, isnt it?07:11
happyI don't know07:11
agathodaimonsome times they are i think07:11
* happy needs to get some sleep07:11
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narg_what would be the reccomended way to convert a desktop installation into a server installation (ie remove all X programs and related stuff). Remove X and then kill random daemons that are floating around?07:26
noaXessmy update-manager doesn't automaticaly update, but it is configured to do so.. any idea how to fix that?.. now i need to manually run sudoa pat-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:35
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noaXesshow to get update-manager back t automatically check for updates, daily?07:57
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Byronbazhang: You around?08:00
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gmvI just downloaded kubuntu-alternativ iso imade08:59
gmvivn't blank cd atm to burn it09:00
gmvis there any solution to mount it as CD?09:01
DarkArcare you on windows09:01
gmvi want to instal kubuntu desktop on gnome09:01
DarkArcthen use the iso to usbdrive thing09:01
DarkArcit's installed on gnome by default09:01
gmvi'm on ubuntu09:02
DarkArcthat's why i said use the usb tool :P i can't remember where it is09:02
gmvI mounted it with "iso mount" but It cannot be added as source09:02
DarkArcsystem > Administration > USB startup...09:03
DarkArcyou can "burn" it to a usb pen09:03
gmvoh thanks09:03
ioangmv -why didn't you installed kde directly from gnome without downloading the iso ?09:04
ioanyou can have both gnome and kde09:05
gmvioan: because i downloaded iso, why i must download it again?09:05
ioani see09:05
DarkArcit might still be a better idea to do it their way... command line and type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"09:06
DarkArcgmv ^09:06
gmvDarkArc: i know...but it beat my bw09:07
ioani installed gnome and xfce on a kubuntu pc using that way09:07
gmvioan: how is xfce?09:08
gmvfaster than gnome?09:08
DarkArcit's the fastest :P but it has the least functionality... doesn't it09:08
ioani took me a while to get used with the new look of kde that's why i choosed to have some alternatives09:10
DarkArcto be honest i don't like the new KDE... there's too much... but i'm still using it09:10
gmvbut i love gnome09:10
gmvit's....it's hot09:11
ioani was a fan of kde almost since the beginning -and i don't want to give it up so easy now09:13
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ioanhi oom_puber209:14
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gmvI created a USB kubuntu startup disk, can i install kubuntu-desktop from that on ubuntu?09:41
DarkArcyou should be able to go into your package manager and use it to install the packages yeah09:43
DarkArcbut it's designed to be used from boot or windows09:43
DarkArcgmv ^09:45
gmvDarkArc: is not a way to add iso to repo?09:45
DarkArcyeah in  system > Admin > Software sources09:46
DarkArcit should be addable as a CD09:46
gmvDarkArc: it must be mounted?09:47
DarkArcyou may aswell do it the way the other person already said09:47
DarkArcin the console09:47
gmvi did, but not work09:47
gmvin the console?09:48
DarkArcsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?09:48
gmvno, i cannot add iso to repo:(09:48
DarkArcyou'll need to insert your admin password (or your password)09:49
gmvi do.09:49
gmvi'm system admin09:49
DarkArctype that in and if i didn't get the package name wrong it will come up with a long list of things to install, tap Y and enter and go get coffee09:49
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gmvDarkArc: the first problem is adding ISO file to repository!09:50
DarkArcyou don't need it the kubuntu stuff is in the online repo09:51
gmvDarkArc: i want to install from kubuntu-alternative iso.09:51
gmvonline repo beat BW09:51
DarkArcif you want to run the multiple desktops the only thing you can do is install the kubuntu-desktop packages... it doesn't matter where they're from really although the ones on the repo will be more uptodate09:53
gmvDarkArc: i found the solution: sudo synaptic --add-cdrom /media/iso/10:02
gmv"iso" is the mounted .iso file name10:02
DarkArci figured... but if you install it will still use the online repo (it looks for the most up to date)10:02
gmvDarkArc: it downlaods new pakages that it needs10:04
gmvbut use older one from iso10:04
sczgilaeanyone know what i have to configure to connect two monitors in my kubuntu?10:08
rysiek|plsczgilae: try System Settings -> Display10:10
MarcoPauhello, is kde4.3rc available in some repos?10:13
rysiek|plMarcoPau: read the topic10:15
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giampaoloho scaricato skype nella console ma non so dove trovarlo ora11:22
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galvaoGreetings. When can we expect upgrades such as Firefox 3.5, PHP 5.3 and VirtualBox 3.0 for Kubuntu Jaunty?!12:19
rts_userkubuntu 9.04 is good linux?12:20
rts_userhow are wippies router all ?12:21
rts_usersaunalahti production ?12:21
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Carutsuwhen will rc2 arrive in backports?12:33
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Gargoyle76Need some help here!13:16
Gargoyle76got a crashing system...can't get it back up13:16
DarkArcdescribe the problem and if someone has the answer they'll give it13:16
Gargoyle76kubuntu 9.04;  KDE4.1;  gets to login screen;  after login HD icon appears then immediatly resets to login screen13:17
Gargoyle76comp doesn't reset...just session13:18
Gargoyle76like the session crashed13:18
Gargoyle76leave msg...I'll scroll back...gotta go!13:19
The-Jesushello... sorry, but is this a general help channel?13:29
kaddi_Gargoyle76: have you tried to install on command line? press ctrl+alt+f2 and you'll get a command line login. Can you login on that? If so try to start "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" to start the gui. maybe you'll get a error message that'll help13:30
hemalpandyaHi I need some help booting from a USB drive13:30
kaddi_The-Jesus: this is the official support channel for kubuntu :) So any problem you have with kubuntu will be attended here, if your problem isn't related to kubuntu we aren't the right people to talk to ;)13:30
hemalpandyaI am hoping the experts here can help me identify why my desktop now gives me Boot error when i try to boot from USB drive13:31
hemalpandyait used to boot. then i started an install, realized i don't have free partition on the hard-disk so decided to reboot so i can free up space13:31
hemalpandyathe reboot worked, but konsole was showing just a blank screen so i rebooted again13:32
The-Jesusthanks kaddi, just ditched windows on all of but one my pcs (dual boot though) about a week ago so i'm a total noob.13:32
hemalpandyanow all I get is Boot error13:32
hemalpandyai know the usb drive is ok because i am able to boot another laptop with it13:34
hemalpandyaplease help13:34
The-Jesusproblem is, i can't read commercial dvd movies - can't even mount the drive, all i get is 'no medium found'13:34
kaddi_hemalpandya: I have never done this before, so I can't help, did you google the error, maybe you'll find something?13:35
DarkArcthe-Jesus: not a kubuntu issue but if you install the restricted extras you should be able to play movies and mp3's etc13:35
The-Jesusoh, srry about that, where would be the place to ask? i have installed the restricted extras and libdevcss but it just refuses to mount the dvd. Home made dvds work just fine13:37
kaddi_The-Jesus: which player are you using?13:37
hemalpandyakaddi_: i didn't think boot error is a good search term. but i just checked and don't see anything useful13:37
kaddi_The-Jesus: have you tried other players?13:37
The-Jesusdragon, same result13:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:38
kaddi_hemalpandya: Oh i thought you were just circumscribing the message you got as "a boot error". If you actually only get "boot error", I agree that google won't get you far13:38
hemalpandyai searched for Ubuntu boot error, one page that says live CD boot error raised my hoped but it turned out to be about general boot errors, not the message "boot error"13:38
FreeFoxwhats the difference between this and ubuntu?13:38
DarkArcubuntu uses the gnome desktop while kubuntu uses kde (looks better but is a little slower)13:39
FreeFoxslower? dang i was thinking faster13:39
hemalpandyakaddi_: yes. all i get is a Message "Boot error", sorry i wasn't quite clear earlier13:39
tsimpsonKDE is not slower than Gnome, hasn't been for a long time13:40
FreeFoxKDE is way slower for me13:40
tsimpsonthey both preform about the same these days13:40
The-Jesusthanks a lot, will check those links...13:40
hemalpandyafunny thing is i /used to/ boot13:40
DarkArcMy laptop seems a little slower (not by much)_ since i switched to KDE but not much13:40
tsimpsonit depends on your hardware and specific options/functions enabled, but they are generally the same13:40
kaddi_hemalpandya: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=732621813:41
kaddi_maybe this can help?13:41
hemalpandyakaddi_: i followed the similar http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-kubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows as other poster. i doubt there is a problem with the files on drive since i was able to boot previously13:44
kaddi_hemalpandya: can you boot that pc normally otherwise? does it run with a live-cd? my guess is that the usb is trying to start the half finished install or looking for files it can't find. can you delete what you where installing and start over?13:48
hemalpandyakaddi_: i cannot boot from hard-drive right now and the cd rom drive is also hosed13:49
hemalpandyakaddi_: i agree, this seems the effect of half-finished install13:50
sancho21_How to browse my bluetooth phone in KDE 413:50
sancho21_so that I can upload my file into specific directory on my phone13:51
sancho21_What package should I use?13:51
kaddi_hemalpandya: the easiest thing would be to purge that partition and restart from scratch. in my opinion.13:53
kaddi_don't know how a usb-boot works, can you tell it to show the install-options again?13:53
hemalpandyakaddi_: i can do that, but to do that i first need to boot :-)13:53
hemalpandyakaddi_: just like a CD, it shows initially a meny with Run Persistently, Install, etc13:54
kaddi_hemalpandya: I think I really don't get your problem. lol. "boot error" is a message you get from where? your bios? ubuntu?13:54
hemalpandyakaddi_: but that is when it boots. right now it comes back with Boot error before getting there13:54
hemalpandyakaddi_: yes, i guess its from bios13:54
kaddi_what is the boot-order in bios?13:55
hemalpandyakaddi_: but i asked it specifically to boot from usb13:55
hemalpandyakaddi_: when it goes to the HD to boot it gives me that windows your last shutdown was not normal message13:55
kaddi_so you are sure it's booting from usb, but it doesn't contact the usb stick?13:56
hemalpandyakaddi_: yes, Boot USB Devices first is enabled13:57
hemalpandyakaddi_: the blue light on the USB glows, so i think it contacts the USB. but i can't be sure13:58
hemalpandyakaddi_: it booted !14:00
ActionParsnip1hemalpandya: how about selecting it from the F12 boot screen14:00
kaddi_hemalpandya: now, why would it do that?14:00
hemalpandyakaddi_: i changed the USB emulation type from Auto to all hard disk (or something)14:00
hemalpandyakaddi_: i also diabled booting from optical media14:01
hemalpandyakaddi_: one of them did the trick14:01
kaddi_hehe, ok :) I'd never suggested that, so it's good you found that on your own. lol14:02
Machtinhey guys. i just wondered whether there's replaygain for JuK? and maybe a last.fm-plugin?14:02
hemalpandyakaddi_: you made me rake my brain, told me the error was from bios. i was just staring at the darn monitor so far14:03
hemalpandyakaddi_: now i gotta go free up space, and install. thanks a lot for your help. have a good day and good bye14:03
kaddi_hemalpandya: good luck with your install :)14:07
The-Jesusafter a cup of coffee and two cigs, gotta reboot. If anything happens i'm afraid i'll be back (this was the most helpful channel - thanks a lot).14:08
kaddi_you can even come back if nothing happesn ;)14:09
kaddi_I learned a lot just by hanging around and seeing other people solve their problems :)14:09
kaddi_too slow :P14:09
podstavskyhello everyone! does anybody knows when the 4.3RC2 will appear on backports?14:11
hemalpandyaoh i am sure i will back :-)14:17
etfbHas anyone here ever managed to install Mono 2.x and MonoDevelop on a Kubuntu system?14:24
eagles0513875hey guys i need some help trying to recompile iptables with certain libs so i can use snort in inline mode. i ran ./configure just fine when i run make install-devel to install a particular lib for it it doesnt seem like it can be found and its not in the repos14:30
eagles0513875the problem im having is that when i try and run make it cant find the libiptc to make with or something14:31
MarcoPauI'm upgrading with PPA to 4.2.95. is it gonna be a pain in the ass to downgrade in case of problems?14:33
eagles0513875!language | MarcoPau14:36
ubottuMarcoPau: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:36
partubunSimple questions on  manual partitioning single disk (all for ubuntu) for install.  I just want swap root and home.  Which do I make logical? which do I make primary?  In what order do I do it?14:37
partubunPS  I read the help files. The answer to these 3 questions were not clear to me.14:38
tsimpsonpartubun: you don't need to make any logical, you can have, at most, 4 primary partitions14:38
DarkArcthey can all be primary...14:38
tsimpsonthe order is also not important14:39
partubunswap primary too?14:39
DarkArcpointless making logicals with so few partitions14:39
DarkArcSwap being the first partiton would technically increase efficiency but only by nanoseconds14:40
partubunI might add one more partition for multimedia.  Good idea?14:40
DarkArcyour home drive would be multimedia?14:41
bobbob1016For some reason, plasma seems to crash every now and then.  My panel looses it's contents, and my desktop plasmoids (widgets?) lose their frames.  Anyone else have this problem?14:47
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herrspockhello, has anybody tried kubuntu in a vaio tt21wn?15:05
MarcoPauhey guys, just upgraded to 4.2.95 but the desktop is broken, e.g. no frames around the windows, only one desktop, alt-tab to switch is not working, the panel is messy etc... guess there's a few things missing or to be reinstalled. any hint?15:07
firestarter1is there a way to automatically remove from myFolder files that are older than 6 days ?15:09
MarcoPaualso did mv ~/.kde ~./kdeold in order to restart from scratch with the configs but nothing really changed15:09
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rgreeningMarcoPau: it's not all uploaded it seems. still a couple of packages to upload. give it till tomorrow15:18
rgreeningMarcoPau: nevermind...15:18
rgreeningMarcoPau: I read the wrong version... rc23 is almost ready15:18
rgreeningrc2 i mean15:18
firestarter1hi. how can I launch kcron ?15:19
rgreeningMarcoPau: if you wait a couple of days, try new version when its pushed15:19
MarcoPaurgreening: to downgrade?15:22
MarcoPaurgreening: just remove PPA and re apt-get upgrade?15:22
rgreeningnot sure waht best way to downgrade is...15:23
rgreeningMarcoPau: did you try apt-get install -f to ensure no broken packages during upgrade?15:24
MarcoPaudidn't notice them, but lemme give it a try15:24
rgreeningand also if there's any kde packages held back (i.e. you need to apt-get dist-upgrade instead of just upgrade)15:25
MarcoPauwhat an idiot. I forgot dist-upgrade15:25
Moryddthe print screen key doesn't seem to be doing anything for me.15:25
MarcoPauI had just noticed that. there's a whole bunch of packages pending15:25
MarcoPauI'm already dist-upgrading15:26
MarcoPaurgreening: itsn't rc1 anyway said to be ok?15:26
BluesKajHiyas all15:26
rgreeningMorydd: it no longer runs ksnapshot, but it does copy to the buffer and you can paste an image15:26
rgreeningMarcoPau: yeah. it's fine. nsplugin viewer (flash) still causes high CPU hoggin at times with plasma-desktop...15:27
Moryddrgreening: is there a way to associate it with a program like shutter, or to auto-open with Gimp?15:27
rgreeningMorydd: sure, any key can be bound in system-settings/region & language/keyboard settings15:28
MarcoPaurgreening: great. are we supposed to continue using that ppa repo till the final release?15:28
rgreeningMarcoPau: yep. remember to report bugs :)15:28
MarcoPaudo you know if skype support in kopete is already there?15:28
homyI installed koffice-kde4 from jaunty-backports to try the new koffice 2 !15:29
homyBut: kpresenter, kword and kspread won't start :(15:29
rgreeningMarcoPau: dunno15:30
MarcoPaurgreening: will discover in a few minutes hopefully. just curiosity :)15:31
homyDoes anybody also have this problem about koffice 2 not starting?15:33
Moryddrgreening: I'm not seeing that there. In system settings/keyboard & mouse/global keyboard shortcuts/khotkeys  I see several items that say PrintScreen one of which says "Print" under Global15:33
homyBecause I can't try Koffice Version 2 :(15:33
homyCan anybody help me or will I have to wait until karmic releases to try koffice 2?15:35
rgreeningMorydd: it's the PrintScreen I guess that needs remapping15:35
MarcoPaurgreening: can I use my old ~/.kde (it acually still comes from old kde3) or do I better start with a new one?15:36
Moryddrgreening: I'm not sure I understand how to do that. To start with there are about 30 instances of PrintScreen there, and it seems my options are "Default: None" or "Custom: Input..."15:39
rgreeningMarcoPau: during upgrade it would automigrate. So, theoretically, you could use old. I prefer fresh though...15:39
rgreeningMorydd: not sure...15:39
BullaroWill ISO9660 (Bootable), Joilet work for a Kubuntu disc?15:48
homyHi, I can't start koffice 2.15:48
homyinstalled from jaunty backports15:49
MarcoPaurgreening: up and running :-)15:50
BullaroAre there any virus scanners available for Kubuntu 9.04?15:51
aftertafhey all15:52
aftertafanyone got a working wireless applet in kde 4.3 ?15:53
aftertafi can never get it even to scan, and i get 'wireless: unmanaged' dum.my.ip.addr in applet15:53
aftertafi have to play around each time with iwconfig and iwscan but it dont memorise (so i #! it)15:54
vigbmakхтось говорить по українськи/русски?15:54
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:54
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Guest60214anybody having any luck with jaunty on an Nvidia e-GeForce 6200?15:57
sXeChrishey guys15:57
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rmrfslashCan I switch off desktop effects from the command line?16:03
rmrfslashI researched this for a while once and it involved a number of commands and files to be edited. Not sure if this was made easier recently.16:03
rmrfslashI'm looking for a $ desktop-effects [stop | start]16:04
rmrfslash(wouldn't that be nice)16:04
BullaroGuys, does Linksys Wireless-G Usb adaptor work on Kubuntu 9.04?16:07
BluesKajGuest64753, most nvidia cards work with the nvidia-glx-180 driver , look in your package manager to see if it's installed16:11
brad_Hello, I was wondering how to edit my grub configuration for some reason grub keeps trying to boot into the wrong kernel and I want to remove the options16:18
noop08Doesn't the default clock have 24h option?16:20
brad_noop08, ?16:21
noop08brad_: It's to the lower right of your screen.16:21
brad_noop08, no it doesn't have a 24 hour option16:23
noop08how odd...16:25
bobbob1016Whenever I copy files between drives, my Kubuntu slows to a crawl, I'm using ext4 and ext3, but it does the same thing between ext3 and ext3, any ideas?16:33
noop08bobbob1016: Might be one of your drives drops from DMA mode to PIO.16:45
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Gargoyle76have daemon crash...powerdevil?...i think...system won't start16:52
Gargoyle76anyway to disable a deamon?16:52
Gargoyle76and pin down the error16:53
bobbob1016noop08: PIO?  It isn't the transfer that is slow, it is the computer that becomes slow.16:55
aladinhye every body17:04
BluesKajbobbob1016, check which app is gobbling up your cpu speed17:08
Machtinheyho.. how to get replaygain into JuK?17:11
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bobbob1016BluesKaj: I have, I've had top running while I transfer, and I don't see anything17:16
bobbob1016and I don't see anything taking up more than 20% or so*17:17
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dwarder_1can anyone help me make my amarok play online radio?17:24
dwarder_1how can i disable alt-tab cube effect from kde? it is kind of slow on my intel video card17:24
DThow do i install a .bundle or .rpm file?17:26
BluesKajbobbob1016, check out system monitor , it shows a bit more than top or htop17:26
dwarder_1rpm -hiv your.rpm17:26
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)17:27
dwarder_1why my amarok doesn't play .pls files (internet radio)17:28
dwarder_1it looks like playing, but i can't hear anything17:28
DTok...how about bundle files?17:29
BluesKajdwarder_1, rpm files usually have an ubuntu equivalent if you look for it17:29
dwarder_1BluesKaj: huh17:29
DTBluesKaj: wrong guy :P17:29
DTi'm using VMWare Player, it only has .rpm and .bundle files17:30
maniheeris kubuntu still rubbish for KDE?17:31
dwarder_1DT: chmod +x .boundle; ./.boundle does work?17:31
DTwiat, type that as jsut the command17:31
DTnot sure what's command and what's a question17:31
BluesKajsorry DT17:31
dwarder_1DT: i mean maybe boundle is a binary file17:32
BluesKaj DT , the rpm file will usually have a dpkg (deb) file equivalent but mostlty they are compressed in gz or bz217:33
dwarder_1DT: do you want to install vmware tools or something?17:33
DTvmware player17:33
DTand they only have those two files17:33
fetusbubbleVMware still hasn't made a proper package? ;x17:33
fetusbubblei remember having to convert to .deb using alien17:33
dwarder_1so, how can i listen to the di.fm internet radio on my kubuntu17:34
DTno the haven't :P17:34
dwarder_1amarok don't want to do that17:34
DTwill fiddle with alien later, have to go to work, now thank for getting me started in the right direction at least17:35
dwarder_1nobody listens to the internet radio?17:35
DTmine worked right out of the box, so i don't know what to tell you17:35
DTbye now17:35
BluesKajdwarder_1, amarok is broken on my setup , I can't listen to internet radio either , so I switched to VLC17:38
noop08Amarok is broken by design.17:38
dwarder_1BluesKaj: oh thanks17:40
dwarder_1apt-get install vlc will work?17:40
[-Haza-]Hey folks. If i use multiple desktops can i get an application to span those multiple desktops?17:54
[-Haza-]I have an application that will not fit on the sinlge desktop but if i can stretch it over multiple desktops then i will be happy17:54
[-Haza-]Any idea's guys and girls17:55
noop08X is like spiderman. It can spin a desktop of any size.17:58
[-Haza-]noop08: i see18:01
liz_is it possible to remove the updated kernel and revert to a previous one?18:02
noop08AFAIK you can select the old on in the GRUB boot menu.18:03
noop08~ one18:03
liz_yes I know but can the new one be removed if it's giving problems?18:04
noop08What use is error messages that you can't copy-paste?18:06
Dragnslcrliz_- yes, you can remove the package for the new kernel when you boot into the old one18:07
noop08I thought I was escaping the ineptness of Gnome by upgrading... but so far all I've gotten from Kubuntu is shit.18:07
liz_Dragnslcr: ok thanks18:07
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liz_this is not related to linux but to the actual pc, if desktop has a sata drive, can only a sata drive be bought to replace it?18:13
noop08IDE drives aren't priceworthy, so you'll want a SATA drive anyway.18:14
Dragnslcrliz_- if your motherboard only has connectors for SATA drives, then yes18:15
liz_ah ok, thanks guys :)18:17
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lordofthepigsHello, does anybody know if there is a utility that allows tagging arbitrary files for KDE18:26
lordofthepigsand that also happens to work on removable media?18:26
DragnslcrThat would probably be a function of the file system, and I don't think ext3 has that ability18:26
DragnslcrSome more exotic file system might support it natively, though18:27
lordofthepigswell, nepomuk kind of does this with dolphin, but it's a pain in the ass to use18:27
lordofthepigsspecifically, it doesn't seem to be possible to select a bunch of files and apply the same tag to all of them18:27
DragnslcrI dunno, I've never used it18:27
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BullaroAnyone knows how to install a Linksys Wireless-G USB Adapter on Kubuntu?18:32
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BluesKajBullaro, install wicd , it will recognize the driver required . It installs in the k-menu under internet.18:35
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arcolinuxi have a problem with kubuntu 9.0418:40
fetusbubbleno one can help you unless you ask ;o18:41
rmrfslasharcolinux: we all have problems18:42
arcolinuxwhen i try to attach a file in some programs like18:42
rmrfslasharcolinux: in fact, I just filed another bug which will likely be addressed in 201118:42
arcolinuxfirefox o thunderbird18:42
arcolinuxsuddenly these programs closes18:42
arcolinuxwhen i try to attach a file in some programs like firefox o thunderbird suddenly these programs closes18:43
arcolinuxany idea why18:44
arcolinuxit is always happening when i try to enter to a file in those programs18:44
arcolinuxplease help me18:44
FloodBotK1arcolinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
arcolinuxany idea18:48
arcolinuxwhen i try to attach a file in some programs like firefox o thunderbird suddenly these programs closes18:48
adeus 9281 lahtela   20   0  666m 430m  616 S  0.0 42.6  35:41.30 dbus-daemon19:01
adeusany ideas what's going on?19:01
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n8whey guys19:05
n8wive tried to install java runtime envi n my entire package db fcked up....i keep gettin this error: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)19:06
n8wbefore it started doin this, it was screamin smth about dependencies n stuff19:07
n8wive also tried to run apt-get -f install19:07
n8wbut after that, i get  E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)19:08
n8wE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:08
d_edn8w: you have two instances of "apt" running19:08
d_edthat includes ksynaptics19:08
d_edor adept19:08
d_edor kpackagekit19:08
n8wi laso did killall aptitude && killall apt-get19:09
d_edwhatever, you can only have one application installing stuff at once19:09
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Rasmushow to connect to another server19:10
d_edRasmus: there are many different protocols to connect to another server, you might need to a bit more specific19:11
Rasmusi made it you can forget it19:11
RasmusHow to get to the Windows channel in swedish language19:12
nitrohaxok stupid question needing a great answer, how does one put java on kubuntu?19:32
adeusone installs sun-java6-jre?19:34
adeusone installs sun-java6-jdk for the entire thing19:34
nitrohaxyes, one shall go do that immediately. thank you other one19:35
ubuntu_this is my first time trying kubuntu19:39
ubuntu_longtime fedora user19:39
trappistubuntu_: welcome19:40
ubuntu_as a good start I see my 3 year old wireless network card is recognized by kubuntu - that's a big step over fedora19:40
darkhammhey people, something about 4.3.0 rc2 on ppa?19:40
ubuntu_can someone walk me through how to connect to a wireless network?19:40
ubuntu_I can't seem to find anything19:41
Gargoyle76ok...can anyone help with a daemon crashing19:41
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:42
* nitrohax is still compiling19:42
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darkhammsomeone knows when kde 4.3.0 rc2 will be available on ppa?19:45
Gargoyle76Or anyone know where to start looking?19:45
ubuntu_is there a way to install kwifimanager without going to a prompt?19:45
trappistGargoyle76: you might have better luck with something more specific, like which daemon, when does it crash etc.19:46
Gargoyle76x Error19:46
trappistubuntu_: oh, those docs may be out of date, I'm not so sure kwifimanager still exists19:46
Gargoyle76XSyncBadAlarm 15219:47
Gargoyle76Extension: 14319:47
ubuntu_well I found something that scans for wireless networks but it doesn't see any19:47
Gargoyle76Minor Oncode: 1119:47
ubuntu_well one thing I learned with this kubuntu live CD19:50
ubuntu_is that I need to download quassel for windows, this is nice19:50
ubuntu_as for kubuntu19:50
ubuntu_no video drivers, no wireless networking19:51
darkhammsomeone knows when kde 4.3.0 rc2 will be available on ppa?19:56
ugurhi everybody i lost my kde 4.2.2 compositing after a waking up from a sleep and now i cannot change it from system settings19:56
d_edugur: right click on a window title and select "cnonfigure window behaviour"19:57
ugurok d_ed now i see the desktop effects19:58
d_edall fixed?19:58
ugurenable effects is already checked19:58
ugurbut compositing doesn't work19:59
gobnutsugur: if compositing was suspended try reactivating it with alt+shift+F1219:59
ugurand i cannot uncheck and check it again19:59
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ugurok that worked19:59
ugurthank you very much19:59
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cristianoAlguem do Rio para teclar?20:03
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happy!pt | cristiano20:05
ubottucristiano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:05
happycristiano: /j #ubuntu-br20:06
martienDoes someone uses Kubuntu in teh Indonesian language?20:09
carolijapt | cristiano20:17
carolija!pt | cristiano20:17
ubottucristiano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:17
carolijano i dont speak portugues20:17
cristianoSpeak english?20:18
carolijacristiano:  don't spam me with sex, age etc question's on pm, if you need help ask, if nood idle in here or go away and leave me alone.20:19
carolijaRead again.20:21
cristianoI dont `d understant english very well. sorry, You can repeat20:22
carolija!pt | cristiano20:22
ubottucristiano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:22
Picicristiano: This is a support channel, not a discussion channel and please do not pm people here without first asking if you can.20:23
cristianoAll right20:23
cristianoNow understant20:24
cristianoIt s channel of the suport?20:24
carolijaglad to here that20:24
cristianoIt s correcty?20:24
ign0ramuscristiano: yes for help with kubuntu20:24
carolijabut not support channel for sex like you asked me on pm cristiano .20:25
ign0ramusthat is a different channel :P20:26
cristianoIt is my fist way20:26
carolijacristiano: you don't speak english so go to channel whre you will understand them like #ubuntu-br .20:28
=== TMKCodes is now known as TaMonKein
agathodaimoncan someone please help me with installing .tar.gz , .tar.bz2 files20:49
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ign0ramusagathodaimon: http://martin.ankerl.com/2007/04/19/how-to-install-anything-in-ubuntu-condensed/20:52
aleksandarhi al20:54
agathodaimoni type the first comand and its doesnt work20:55
agathodaimoncan someone please help me20:56
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fetusbubblewhat do you mean it doesn't work?20:59
fetusbubblefirst you "cd" to the directory the tar is in20:59
agathodaimonone sec please20:59
agathodaimonfetusbubble: yeah am set on desktop21:00
fetusbubbleokay, the tar file is in the desktop?21:00
kalpnothin to do with kubuntu, but a hardware question: i hav 1gb ram, usually around 0.6gb ram is used and max 0.8 gb is used. i find my system a bit slow, will adding ram help?21:00
kalpbeyong 0.8gb, swap is used21:01
agathodaimonfetusbubble: yes its on desktop21:01
fetusbubblego to your terminal and cd to your desktop21:01
fetusbubbleusually cd ~/Desktop/21:02
agathodaimonagathodaimon@agathodaimon-desktop:~$  (i said am there already :)21:02
agathodaimonfetsububble: wat do i do next21:03
fetusbubblewhat format is it? bz2, gz?21:03
agathodaimonfetsububble: well i want to install a file with .tar.gz extension and with .tar.bz221:05
fetusbubbleyou have to untar them first21:05
kalpnothin to do with kubuntu, but a hardware question: i hav 1gb ram, usually around 0.6gb ram is used and max 0.8 gb is used. i find my system a bit slow, will adding ram help?21:05
agathodaimonkk how do i do that?21:05
kalpbeyond 0.8gb, swap is used21:05
fetusbubbleuntarring bz2: tar -xvjf [file]21:06
agathodaimonkalp: how fast is ur cpu?21:06
fetusbubbleand untarring gz is tar -xvzf [file]21:06
kalp1.6 ghz21:06
vitovt<kalp> More ram will help. But better add line     vm.swappiness=10   to /etc/sysctl.conf21:06
kalpcitovt; what does that do?21:07
agathodaimonfetusbubble: bash: untarring: command not found21:07
fetusbubblethe command is "tar"21:07
vitovtNormally ubuntu start use swap when 60% of ram uses. You set to use swap only when 90% of ram uses (10% free)21:07
fetusbubbleto untar bz2, use the options -xvjf.. so the command would be "tar -xvjf [filename]21:08
agathodaimontried that to ages ago but doesnt work look21:08
fetusbubbleto untar gz, use -zxvf21:08
agathodaimontar: SDL-1.2.13/: Cannot read: Is a directory21:09
agathodaimontar: At beginning of tape, quitting now21:09
agathodaimontar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now21:09
agathodaimongzip: stdin: unexpected end of file21:09
agathodaimontar: Child returned status 221:09
FloodBotK1agathodaimon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
agathodaimontar: Error exit delayed from previous errors21:09
fetusbubbleokay, sorry, i don't think i can help you then21:09
agathodaimonkk thanks anyway21:10
kalpvitovt: i dont see vm.swapiness in the mentioned file21:11
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racecar56anyone know a good screen capture program that can handle 3D?21:15
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dwarder_1ok. i was here about 2 hours ago21:17
dwarder_1my notebook hanged21:17
amber_hello all21:17
dwarder_1how can i remove 3d effects from my kde21:18
amber_i was wondering if oyu can help me with a prolem?21:18
dwarder_1cube with alt-tab ...21:18
dwarder_1remove=swithc off21:18
amber_i am trying to get kubuntu in 1024x76821:19
racecar56yay gtk-recordmydesktop can handle 3D! just sound don't seem to work, this program is in wine, what do i do? i have the wine alsa driver on21:19
racecar56if it's impossible i don't care21:19
amber_everything i tried so far hasnt worked21:19
kalpdwarder: go to system settings> desktop: disable desktop effects21:20
dwarder_1where does 3d effects setup located21:20
dwarder_1kalp: thank you21:21
dwarder_1how can i see why my pc hanged last time?21:21
kalpdwarder : i think u should try /var/crash folder21:22
dwarder_1kalp: it is empty21:23
kalpdwarder: i dont know then21:25
Serpardumhow do I set up a mount in fstabs like: mount -t vboxsf edrive /media/EDrive21:25
kalpdwarder : there will be many files in  /var/log21:26
kalpdwarder : there will be many files in  /var/log , try them21:27
Serpardumwould it be... umm.. -t vboxsf edrive /media/EDrive auto ?21:28
kalpserpardum: this is what i have done :21:28
dwarder_1kalp: thank yoll21:28
kalpUUID=E4846B10846AE510 /media/windowsE ntfs-3g  rw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000,sync   0   021:29
n8whey,i just installed kgrubeditor via the package manager but i cant find a way to run it...when i type in the run window "kgrubeditor", nothins shows up21:29
n8wdo i have to log off n log on again in order to update the system?21:30
Serpardumwhere didy ou get the UUID kalp?21:30
kalpserpardum: i dont remember, sorry21:31
Serpardumn8w, hav eyou looked in the programs?21:32
amber_you can edit grub through system settings21:33
Serpardumapplicatiohns that is21:33
n8wSerpardum: fcourse i have...21:33
Serpardumand when you run it in konsole anythign?21:33
Serpardumkonsole will tell you the errors, the alt-f2 won't21:33
n8wSerpardum: command not found:)21:33
amber_sustem settings > advanced tab > grub editor21:34
n8wSerpardum: thats what happens when i try to run it from a konsole21:34
Serpardumwhat amber_ said21:34
n8wamber_: nope,nothins there21:34
n8wamber_: that was the first place i went to21:35
amber_its there on ver 9.0421:36
n8wamber_: ive got 9.04,its not there...21:36
dwarder_1can i make language switching with ctrl+shift like in windows?21:36
dwarder_1is it possible?21:36
n8wdwarder_1: u can define your own shortcut21:37
dwarder_1n8w: yeah but not ctrl+shift21:37
n8wdwarder_1: im not sure that its possible to use crtl+shift...21:37
n8wdwarder_1: ye then its not possible:))) use smth else then:)21:38
dwarder_1n8w: they require to use extra button ...21:38
=== walider is now known as walider_
dwarder_1n8w: ok :)21:38
dwarder_1but this sux21:38
n8wdwarder_1: ye ive got alt+shift+a21:38
walider_hello all the world21:38
n8wamber_: so?any other suggestions?21:38
walider_can 1 give me a small tuto for programming shell21:39
amber_i dont know, it is there in mine21:39
n8wamber_: hmmm...do u think that log off will help?21:40
dwarder_1is it possible to set winkey+d to minimize all windows?21:43
n8whmm ok so it did help21:44
dwarder_1what do you use to download torrent?21:51
C4ptain_Haddockdwarder_1: ktorrent21:52
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=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
dwarder_1so, what do you use to listen to internet radio? plc files?22:18
dwarder_1i remember i was answered here, but i hanged right after that22:21
dwarder_1something like vls ...22:25
dwarder_1yes, will donwload it now22:29
dwarder_1tonii_: are you using vls?22:30
dwarder_1how is it?22:30
sebastien_il y en qui cause français ici? j'ai des questions!!!22:32
tonii_dwarder_1: no idea what vls is22:32
ubottusebastien_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:32
ubottusebastien_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:32
sebastien_it is ok thx22:33
sebastien_my first time with quassel22:33
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=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
=== sean is now known as Guest89692
Guest89692hello everyone22:41
Guest92148sry, got a problem installing ubuntu. When booting from the cd the boot loader stops at "Loading, please wait ..." and nothing else happens except the two LEDs for scroll lock and caps lock are blinking. Anybody an idea?22:43
MarcoPauhey guys, just installed 4.2.95, but it's complaining that I don't have support for transparency. do you know which packages are missing?22:47
dwarder_1ok insted of sound i hear crack22:47
gnuboyNever thought Karmic Koala Alpha 2 could be so stable on eee pc :]22:54
elliotthi all22:55
gnuboybye elliott ;]22:56
gnuboyI've decided to switch to kde from ubuntu because of this whole "mono" thing :/23:00
hexchMy kubuntu tells me that there is 8 updates avaliable but when I check there is only 4 but these are locked23:01
hexchWhat can be wrong ?23:02
SerpardumGAH!  Bad! Bad!23:02
hexchSerpardum: what is bad ?23:02
SerpardumI have a windows vbox share mounted.  I have some source code in there.23:02
SerpardumI installed kdevelop, edited one of hte source files, wouldn't let me save23:02
Serpardumwhen I left the backup ~, the orignal and one I tried to save as were all size -023:03
hexchpermission problem23:03
SerpardumI lost my source file :(23:03
Serpardumpermission is rwxrwxrwx23:03
Serpardumand if it was a permission problem, why would it delete it?23:04
hexchthe is it on ntfs system ?23:07
Serpardumit just let me echo blah >> multiboot.h~  and when I catted it it had when I echoed23:07
Serpardummaybe I have it mounted worng in my ftab23:08
hexchtry sudo in front23:09
Serpardumhexch: it just let me echo without sudo and worked23:09
SerpardumI don't understand your suggestion23:09
SerpardumI think it might be fstab problem23:09
Serpardumcuae I umounted it then mounted it23:10
SerpardumI think I have it wrong in fstab23:10
Serpardumyeah, cause now it's working.  damn23:11
Serpardumcan anyone see what is wrong with this line in fstab? edrive          /media/EDrive   vboxsf  rw,exec,suid,dev          0       023:11
SerpardumI got that from virtualbox suggestion23:11
=== skynet is now known as Guest47313
Serpardumthe working mount is shown in mount as: edrive on /media/EDrive type vboxsf (rw)23:13
Serpardumwhich was mounted with sudo mount -t vboxsf edrive /media/EDrive23:13
hexchwell try logs to see what went wrong23:15
Serpardumoh, wait, it's not exactly ntfs, no, it's a virtualbox share23:17
SerpardumI have no /etc/log antyhing23:19
SerpardumI have /var/log but not sure what to look for there, many entries23:19
hexchtry grep23:20
hexchexample: grep <filename> mainlog23:20
Serpardumoh.. hmm23:21
hexchwell it will show you log over the file23:22
Serpardumgrep "multiboot" *23:23
Serpardumcame up with nothing23:23
Serpardummultiboot.h was the file I was editing23:23
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hexchsorry but I don't think I can help you23:27
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noaXesswhat about kde 4.3 rc2 in kubuntu?23:33
rysiek|plnoaXess: I think it's in backports, check the topic23:35
noaXessrysiek|pl: have enabled backports.. but seams that they are not ready.. no rush, no problem :)23:39
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noaXesshave now installed firefox-3.5 package.. why does it call Shiretoko Browser???23:59

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