
thumperjames_w: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghostscript00:06
thumperjames_w: new layout00:06
thumperLumiere: ok, a few quick questions:00:13
thumperLumiere: what version of bzr do you have, and which format were you upgrading to?00:13
Lumiere19:13:31 jstraw@shipon:~ 1$ bzr version00:13
LumiereBazaar (bzr) 1.13.100:13
LumiereI was just doing bzr upgrade without flags00:13
thumperLumiere: is your local copy upgraded?00:15
LumiereI couldn't get it checked out to me00:15
Lumierebut the person I am working with had branch type 6 vs 5 on lp00:15
Lumierethumper: which seemed odd to me00:16
thumperare you using checkouts?00:16
thumperare you a member of the team that owns the branch?00:17
Lumiereusing branches00:17
Lumiereand I am jasonstraw in that team00:17
Lumierethe person who had the upgraded one is jelkner00:17
thumperhave you done a `bzr lp-login`?00:18
Lumiereon other projects00:18
thumperbzr should remember00:18
thumperso you should have been able to do a checkout00:18
Lumiereit times out halfway through00:18
thumperalthough we recommend branches00:18
thumperbzr branch lp:gasp-lessons00:18
thumperthat'll give you a complete local copy00:19
thumperwhich you can upgrade00:19
Lumiereit was a network issue00:19
thumpermthaddon: how about we just run upgrade for Lumiere?00:19
Lumiereand thank you00:19
mthaddonthumper: sure - leave dirs as is and just run upgrade?00:20
Lumierethe branch was taking so long to do it00:20
thumpermthaddon: you'll need to (re)move the current backup.bzr00:20
Lumierethat it timed out/crashed00:20
thumpermthaddon: and just a vanilla bzr upgrade00:20
mthaddonLumiere: ok, that's done00:20
Lumierethank you00:20
thumpermthaddon: thansk00:21
Lumiere19:21:01 jstraw@shipon:~/compile/gasp 24$ bzr branch lp:gasp-lessons00:21
Lumierebzr: ERROR: The branch lp:gasp-lessons has no revision None.400:21
mthaddonthumper: any ideas? ^00:23
thumpermthaddon: can you run check on the branch?00:23
thumperLumiere: what do you have in ~/compile/gasp ?00:24
thumperLumiere: no existing .bzr?00:24
mthaddonthumper: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/214009/00:25
thumpermthaddon: that was the broken upgrade :(00:25
mthaddon:( didn't give me any errors when doing it00:25
mthaddonso what now?00:26
thumpermthaddon: did you keep the old backup.bzr?00:26
thumperdelete the existing .bzr00:26
thumpermove the oldest backup.bzr to .bzr00:26
thumperand do a check00:26
thumper(pre upgrade .bzr hopefully)00:26
thumperfailing all this, we can grap the mirrored copy00:26
mthaddonok, should be all good now00:27
mthaddonbzr check worked fine before and after the upgrade00:27
thumpermthaddon: check was good?00:27
thumperLumiere: try now?00:27
Lumiereit is branching00:28
* thumper afk, bbs00:30
james_wthumper: I saw, thanks00:40
james_wlooks great00:40
micahgwhere would I file a bug to request ppa build cancellations?01:06
micahgas a feature01:06
thumperif in doubt, choose launchpad01:07
Turl1how much time does it take to import svn into launchpad's bzr?03:35
lifelessdepends on the project03:36
Turl1lifeless: it's a small project, it's been 8 hours and it's still pending review :/03:38
mwhudsonTurl1: what's the branch?03:38
Turl1mwhudson: https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/autoptimize/trunk03:39
mwhudsonTurl1: approved03:44
Turl1thanls mwhudson :)03:46
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wgrantCan somebody please look up OOPS-1287EC164 in a few minutes? It's repeatedly crashing one of my scripts.07:12
mwhudsonwgrant: looks like something to do with an unsigned publication07:43
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks.07:46
* wgrant will poke Soyuz people when they appear.07:46
noodles775wgrant: Have you got a minute to help me understand the context of bug 37887608:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378876 in soyuz "Superseded binaries shown as FULLYBUILT_PENDING" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37887608:11
wgrantnoodles775: Sure.08:12
noodles775wgrant: so from what I can understand in cprov's comments, the later upload is cruft because there was already a source published that superseded it right?08:13
noodles775In which case, why isn't the later upload *marked* as superseded?08:13
noodles775I'm not sure I understand why the front-end code should be checking 'should I really be superseded'... that should be done by the publisher... but I'm probably missing something.08:14
wgrantnoodles775: The problem is that the binaries are superseded, not the source (that's called cruft, in the Debian world)08:17
* noodles775 tries to wrap his head around the source *not* being superseded, but the binaries generated from that source being superseded...08:18
noodles775wgrant: ok, I think I've got it... thanks for the help!08:19
wgrantnoodles775: While you're here - is OOPS-1287EC164 likely to have been caused by bigjools' recent addition addition of package_signer to the webservice export of ISPPH?08:20
* noodles775 looks08:20
MaWaLemorning folks : do someone knows when LP will be released to be donwloadable?08:20
wgrantThat SPPH doesn't OOPS any moe.08:21
wgrantProbably because it's published.08:21
wgrantA different unpublished one OOPSes now.08:21
wgrantMaWaLe: Late July or early August is the latest word.08:21
noodles775MaWaLe: see the link in the subject08:21
MaWaLethx wgrant08:22
MaWaLenoodles775: i'm asking just to have a confirmation08:22
MaWaLeas a coordinator of the Web&Tech team of our LoCo, we are planning to hold a classroom on it08:22
noodles775MaWaLe: Cool! But that link is *the* authority on the subject... you might be able to chat with kfogel (who edits it) when he's around...08:24
noodles775wgrant: hmmm... so the SPR isn't signed... in primary... I'm not sure whether it's bigjools' change or not, but definitely log a bug for it (if you haven't already)08:26
wgrantnoodles775: That was my suspicion, but I don't see why the SPR wouldn't be signed.08:27
wgrantA sync.08:27
wgrantOf course.08:27
noodles775wgrant: actually, is it possible that you might be grabbing the SPPH as soon as it's been published...08:27
noodles775before it has been signed?08:27
wgrantNo, the SPR should be signed on creation.08:27
noodles775OK, so what did you mean above by sync?08:27
wgrantBut some of them aren't, because they're not really uploaded.08:27
noodles775Ah ok.08:28
wgrantsync-source.py (as used by the Ubuntu archive admins) doesn't actually use real Soyuz copying. It generates a new source package, and uploads it unsigned from cocoplum.08:28
* wgrant files a bug.08:28
wgrantnoodles775: Thanks.08:29
noodles775wgrant: Thanks. Also, with the cruft bug above...08:29
noodles775wgrant: I'm assuming that if the second source package generates 10 binaries, and only one of them superseded, that the summary for the SPPH should be FULLYBUILT_SUPERSEDED?08:30
wgrantnoodles775: I am running away screaming now.08:30
wgrantnoodles775: I don't know. Nobody has done this sort of thing before.08:30
noodles775wgrant: it seems strange to summarise the SPPH as FULLYBUILT_SUPERSEDED when it might only be one binary... OK, I'll comment on the bug and see what the others think...08:31
wgrantnoodles775: Sounds good.08:32
wgrantBug #39773208:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397732 in soyuz "Getting an SPPH through the API crashes if the SPR is unsigned" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39773208:34
noodles775Great, thanks wgrant08:35
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
nfiluscan anybody help me in getting the import of .pot files reviewed?09:15
noodles775henninge: ^^^^ Is that something you could help with?09:18
henningenfilus: All files will be reviewed eventually. When did you upload them?09:19
nfiluslast friday09:19
henningeok, a week is a lot09:19
henningenfilus: what's the project's name?09:20
nfiluswhat kind of review is needed?09:20
henningenfilus: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/ImportPolicy09:20
nfilushenninge: I know this page09:21
nfilushenninge: the technical criteria are met09:21
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henningenfilus: cool09:21
nfilushenninge: a simple ACK would be enough :)09:22
nfilushenninge: I uploaded 2 templates for stable and trunk. the language files will be added one by one, when we understand the process and advantages of rosetta better09:24
nfilushenninge: is this ok? or would it be better to upload everything including the requested directory structure?09:26
henningenfilus: yes, it would be much better to upload them all in one go09:27
henningenfilus: either as a tarball or from a bzr branch09:27
henningenfilus: most of all it would be much easier for you ...09:27
henningeand for us because we see the whole situation at once09:28
henningenfilus: but I can approve the templates now09:28
nfilusthe whole sources are outside of launchpad in svn und the director structure is different09:28
henningenfilus: what do you mean different?09:29
henningenfilus: that is missing some directory ...09:31
henningedon't see that in your svn09:31
henningenfilus: I am at http://svn.centreon.com/trunk/centreon/09:31
nfilustranslations have a seperate svn09:31
nfilusor ...09:32
nfilus http://svn.modules.centreon.com/centreon-translations/trunk09:32
henningeI see09:33
nfilushow can we integrate both structures better?09:33
henningeyes, that will need some scripting or so anyway09:33
henningenfilus: I am sorry, Launchpad does not support that format directly09:34
henningenfilus: for an automatic approval and import you would have to rename the files to de.po etc...09:36
nfilushenninge: no problem. currently I can do it manually, but would like to know how to map the structures onto each other09:36
nfilushenninge: ok09:36
henningenfilus: so, de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po -> centreon/de.po09:36
henningeplease avoid the locales like de_DE or es_ES or el_GR.09:37
henningept_BR is okay, pt_PT should just be pt09:37
nfilushenninge: I will discuss this with the core devs and must have a look at the needed code changes09:37
nfilusthe naming scheme is inconsistent09:38
henningenfilus: I could approve your templates now but that might get people starting to translate before you upload the translations thus causing double work.09:39
henningenfilus: or you set the permission to "closed" for now.09:40
* henninge goes to file a bug09:40
nfilusso should I upload the current translations?09:40
henningenfilus: you can do that but to have them approved automatically (that is quickly) they need to be renamed as described.09:41
henningenfilus: also, I saw that your templates are named differently but I guess they are really the same, right? It is just for a different series.09:42
wgrantnoodles775: You seem to have misunderstood the issue in bug #378876. I've replied.09:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378876 in soyuz "Superseded binaries shown as FULLYBUILT_PENDING" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37887609:42
henningenfilus: also!09:42
henningenfilus: We have message sharing in place now!09:42
noodles775Thanks wgrant.09:42
* wgrant fails.09:43
nfilushenninge: how to setup translations for different series?09:43
wgrantTwo step 3s! And a typo in the first step 3.09:43
henningenfilus: you did that right09:43
henningenfilus: you uploaded the files to different series.09:43
nfilushenninge: ah, ok - I will have a targz ready in 3 minutes to upload everything09:44
henningenfilus: I am just saying they don't need to be named differently and in fact shouldn't if you want to take advantage of message sharing09:44
henningenfilus: we take the name and translation domain from the file name.09:45
noodles775wgrant: so perhaps I misunderstood when cprov wrote "the later source is cruft"..09:46
wgrantnoodles775: I suspect he meant the former.09:47
noodles775wgrant: yes, I guess he did. Thanks!09:47
wgrantnoodles775: And there are actually two cases here - the display and handling of the situation needs to differ depending on whether any binaries remain.09:48
noodles775wgrant: do you mean when the earlier source has some binaries that have been superseded, but others that are not? If so, yes, that's the issue I tried to highlight on the bug...09:49
lamalexHow do I revert a backedup .bzr dir on launchpad?09:49
lamalexI have a botched bzr upgrade, and need to put the backup.bzr back as .bzr09:50
wgrantnoodles775: Right.09:50
wgrantlamalex: Use lftp or lp:hitchhiker.09:50
* wgrant -> dinner.09:50
noodles775Enjoy :)09:50
lamalexwgrant: it tells me I can't rename something to .bzr09:50
lamalexalso can't rename .bzr to /anything/09:52
nfilushenninge: please have a look at the new uploaded trunk templates09:55
henningenfilus: looks very good!09:57
henningenfilus: btw you have a broken locale09:57
henningenfilus: zn_TW should be zh_TW09:58
henningeor we don't know that language ... ;)09:58
nfilusoh :)09:59
nfilushow to exchange that?09:59
nfilusupload again?09:59
henningenfilus: yes, you can always upload again, entries with the same file name just get replaced.09:59
henningenfilus: also09:59
henningenfilus: please change the following locales while you're at it:10:00
henningept_PT -> pt, es_ES -> es10:00
henningenfilus: we don't you those and thus they are likely to be missed by translators.10:01
henningenfilus: I'll set the others to "Deleted"10:01
nfilushenninge: ok10:01
henningenfilus: ok, I approved the trunk templates, the translation files will get approved and imported automatically now10:04
henningegive it 30-60 minutes, the overall queue is quite big.10:04
nfiluswoow, thanks10:05
nfilusshould I upload now only the renamed ones or the whole tar.gz again?10:05
henningenfilus: use the tar.gz to keep the path10:06
henningenfilus: single file uploads lose the path information (HTTP limitation)10:06
nfilushenninge: but all files included or the changed ones?10:06
henningenfilus: yes, you can always upload again, entries with the same file name just get replaced.10:06
henningenfilus: all files is fine.10:06
mariuzi have an issue with firebird code import in bzr https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/firebird/trunk10:08
nfilushenninge: thank you very much!10:08
henningenfilus: np, poke me when you need the template for the other series approved.10:09
wgrantlamalex: Allowed names are .bzr, backup.bzr, and .bzr.backup. I'd just remove .bzr, and rename backup.bzr to .bzr.10:13
lamalexwgrant: yah, i got it10:13
wgrantbigjools: What time does edge update these days? I'll turn off my scripts until then, lest my inbox fill with errors.10:15
bigjoolswgrant: I need to check10:17
wgrantIt had been 4am UTC, but that doesn't seem to have held lately...10:17
bigjoolsI might push out a cherry pick to edge, it will be breaking james_w as well10:18
bigjoolsyes, that's why I need to check :)10:18
wgrantThat would be good, thanks.10:18
bigjoolsit won't be for ~6 hours minimum if that happens though10:18
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wgrantUm. Who stole all of the widgets from +filebug?10:39
wgrantOn the second step, after you choose to report a new bug, only the summary, description and checkbox widgets appear.10:39
wgrantThe rest have labels and descriptions, but the actual widgets are missing from the HTML.10:40
henningewgrant: you mean under "extra options"?10:41
henningebecause that WFM10:41
wgranthenninge: Yes. Hmmm.10:42
* wgrant tries some non-Launchpad projects.10:42
wgrantOh, maybe it is Firebug after all. I just noticed the widgets are in the HTML, but I missed them because it's all wrapped in tables.10:44
DeSianyour system in translation, everytime with anew version from software, do XXXX problem for us10:48
DeSianwe have translated wordpress 2.7 completlly and now is 2.8, you have imported the 2,7 in 2.8, but we must tranlate every line again.10:49
DeSianwhat is that for Bugy system you have?!!10:49
DeSianwe must edit every page and select the correct line10:51
DeSiancan any one tell me, if you import the last translated version, why make you this mistake ever?10:51
nfilushenninge: something went wrong, german is translated in 100% (but some are fuzzy), but launchpad shows 0%10:54
nfilushenninge: same goes for french10:54
nfilushenninge: what could be the reason?10:54
wgrantOoh shiny. Inline bugtask editing is arriving?11:00
henningenfilus: German isn't imported yet.11:01
henningenfilus: French looks fine now11:02
nfilushenninge: ok, I though every appearing lang is already imported11:02
henningenfilus: wait until all files are "Imported".11:02
henningenfilus: do you have "German" as a preferred language for your Launchpad account?11:02
nfilushenninge: no11:03
* henninge looks11:03
henningenfilus: ah, now11:03
henningenfilus: the reason is: the language is created when the file is approved.11:03
nfilushenninge: I'm doing most things in english11:03
henningenfilus: just wait for the imports to complete.11:03
nfilushenninge: that wasn't clear to me11:03
henningenfilus: Aber du hast auch Deutsch in deinem Konto stehen ... ;-)11:04
henningenfilus: You always see your preferred languages in a template.11:04
nfilushenninge: you mean the menus "Templates" or "overview" or messages.pot template?11:06
henningenfilus: I meant this page: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/centreon/trunk11:07
nfilushenninge: I see 9 languages, which several of them are neiter prefered nor spoken by me :)11:08
nfilushenninge: maybe because I'm project admin?11:08
henningenfilus: No, I meant "your preferred languages in addition to those for which there are translations."11:08
henningenfilus: for example, I see ten languages.11:09
henningenfilus: I have Esperanto as a preferred language and so I see a line for it. Untranslated, of course.11:09
nfilushenninge: ok :)11:10
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wgrantIArchive.newComponentUploader seems to not work on PPAs, even though it's meant to now... when I specify a component_name of 'main', it gives me a 400 stating that the component name must be 'main'.13:39
bigjoolswgrant: that's err, less than optimal13:58
bigjoolsI am going for food now, I'll play with it when I get back13:58
wgrantbigjools: Thanks. And why are PPA package-specific uploaders not possible?14:00
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VK7HSEHi... just got the following...  (Error ID:OOPS-1287EB598)   when attempting an edit on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/me-tv/+edit-packaging15:08
VK7HSEand on a second attempt... (Error ID:OOPS-1287EC593)15:11
james_wbigjools: hey, was the problem you were talking about earlier an issue with OOPS from getPublishedSources?15:12
bigjoolsjames_w: yes15:12
bigjoolssorry for the cockup15:13
bigjoolsit will right itself next time edge is updated15:13
geserjames_w: see bug 39773215:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397732 in soyuz "Getting an SPPH through the API crashes if the SPR is unsigned" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39773215:15
bigjoolsjames_w: I don't know how it manifested itself externally, but it oopsed when serialising sources with no signer15:15
james_wthanks for the quick fix15:17
james_wI'll assume it's the same15:17
james_we.content just gives 'AttributeError' and nothing else, which is a bit odd15:17
james_wbut it is the same error that the Oops shows15:17
holzmodemhey, I will rename my account, I can only change the Displayname, not the "Name": This user has a PPA and may not be renamed., I dont need this ppa, its empty. How Can i delete this?15:25
kikocprov, ^^ holzmodem15:25
bigjoolsholzmodem: file a question on soyuz please, and we'll deal with it15:25
kikoVK7HSE, so that problem you're getting is because there's already a packaging entry with the data you're inputting. it's a bug, though15:25
kikosinzui, does a bug already exist on https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1287EB59815:26
VK7HSEkiko: thanks, I was attempting to change the development to stable...15:26
sinzuikiko: no, infact we have a opposite bug requesting that they no be unique15:27
cprovholzmodem: did you upload any packages to your PPA ?15:27
holzmodemyes, but i deleted all (or copied to a team ppa)15:27
kikosinzui, I guess you can just lump it in then :)15:28
sinzuikiko: I see there is a recent bug: bug 35237415:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352374 in launchpad-registry "IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "packaging_uniqueness"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35237415:29
sinzuikiko:  and bug 34437615:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344376 in launchpad-registry "in +addpackage in a project, it oopses if the "Source Package Name" is left blank" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34437615:29
cprovholzmodem: cool, but unfortunately it doesn't suffice, we can't purge the history in your PPA.15:29
sinzuikiko:  both of these bugs can be fixed with a name field or a validator15:29
cprovholzmodem: for now file a question and we will deal with the required renaming involved.15:30
holzmodemcprov, the ppa is not the problem i want only change the name15:30
cprovholzmodem: right, but changing the account name implies in changes to the PPA repository path, and that has to be done manually right now.15:31
cprovholzmodem: no worries, file a question on soyuz and we will deal with it asap.15:32
holzmodemok, filing question, thx15:32
james_wthe dependencies of launchpadlib have ballooned somewhat15:55
holzmodemcprov, #76597 ^^15:57
cprovholzmodem: thank, I'm on it, will move the PPA repo path and rename your account.15:58
cprovholzmodem: 'raa' is taken -> https://edge.launchpad.net/~raa16:00
holzmodem:-( maybe; "ra"  or "raaa" ?16:02
james_wit really requires all that zope stuff now?16:03
cprovholzmodem: you tell me, pick one of your preference.16:04
holzmodemcprov, if ok "ra"16:05
holzmodemelse "raaa"16:05
james_wah, it's for testing apparently16:06
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cprovholzmodem: 'ra' is also taken, going to https://edge.launchpad.net/~raaa. Please confirm that it's what you want in the question.16:06
holzmodemwhat i have to do? aking question for "raaa"? (sry english is not my native language)16:11
cprovholzmodem: nothing special, just post a new comment to the existing question.16:15
cprovholzmodem: thank you.16:16
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tumbleweedquestion about branch merge requesting:16:56
tumbleweedwhen you request on the web interface, it automatically requests review16:57
tumbleweedwhen you bzr send or resubmit a merge request, it doesn't16:57
tumbleweedis there any reason for this difference?16:57
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holzmodemcprov, how long does the change approximately took?17:23
LarstiQtumbleweed: where are you `bzr send`ing it to?17:32
tumbleweedcocooncrash: that'd be you17:33
tumbleweedLarstiQ: I tend to use the web interface, cocooncrash tends to bzr send17:33
bigjoolsholzmodem: you need to wait for an admin to pick up your question, it should be within a day17:40
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
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cocooncrashLarstiQ: merge@code.launchpad.net18:42
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LarstiQcocooncrash: and what is the submit branch?18:43
cocooncrashLarstiQ: lp:ibid18:43
LarstiQcocooncrash: because afaik, for the bzr project, it does work fine18:43
cocooncrashLarstiQ: The merge request is created fine -- it just doesn't set the reviewer.18:43
LarstiQcocooncrash: yeah, I meant it setting the reviewer to bzr-core, sorry18:44
cocooncrashOh, right.18:44
* LarstiQ checks bzr project settings18:44
LarstiQcocooncrash: looks similar to me18:46
* LarstiQ leaves it up to an lp dev18:46
cocooncrashLarstiQ: Thanks18:46
Hamarynsping gmb18:48
rockstarcocooncrash, you'll need to set the default review team of the target branch18:50
rockstarcocooncrash, or, you can type the following in your email18:50
rockstar reviewer rockstar18:51
rockstar...if you wanted me to review it.18:51
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DnaXhi, someone LP admin can change an project name (id, not title)?19:21
jpdsDnaX: File a question here: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion about it.19:24
cocooncrashrockstar, LarstiQ: Apologies, bzr send isn't a problem19:27
cocooncrashBut resubmiting merge requests doesn't assign the default reviewer.19:28
cocooncrash(And you also can't resubmit with bzr send, but I've filed a bug for that.)19:28
tumbleweedcocooncrash: cool19:30
tumbleweedyou also can't resubmit with e-amil19:30
cocooncrashtumbleweed: bzr send is via email.19:31
tumbleweedcocooncrash: hmm, I suppose yes19:31
* tumbleweed leave outta here for now19:32
DnaXthanks jpds19:44
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BUGabundoguud evening23:06
BUGabundoI'm experiencing timeouts on Edge23:06
BUGabundosending emails to contacts from their profile page23:06
beunoBUGabundo, could you file a bug with the OOPS ids?23:11
RenatoSilvawhat's the difference bewteen SSH and OpenPGP keys?23:12
RenatoSilvaAren't they both just RSA key pairs?23:12
BUGabundobeuno: I just get a blank page :(23:15
maxbRenatoSilva: an OpenPGP key contains more than just a single keypair23:22
maxbsigned user ids, subkeys, potentially other extended information23:23
RenatoSilvamaxb: wouldn't it be easier to just have two key pairs and everytime you want to send signed content you just sign it?23:26
RenatoSilvamaxb: sorry23:26
RenatoSilvamaxb: I don't get the sense23:26
maxbWhat would be easier? What would it be easier than? I don't understand the reasoning behind your previous question.23:27
RenatoSilvamaxb: let's go abck to the question23:28
RenatoSilvamaxb: I mean, huh for you heheh23:28
RenatoSilvamaxb: why more than a key pair? for what?23:29
RenatoSilvamaxb: I can't imagine what else than a key pair would I need to send signed content out there.23:30
maxbFor starters, associating the keypair with an identity, and cryptographically signing that association23:30
maxbAnd not just a self signature - other people can sign the association to assert that the user id is genuine23:31
maxbThis is the basis of the "web of trust"23:31
RenatoSilvamaxb: if you have signed content in your openPGP key, then it's a mix of priv key + pub key + signed content, right?23:31
maxbAnd then you can have subkeys - secondary keypairs with delegated authority23:32
RenatoSilvamaxb: I can't figure out why would I need this default signed content23:33
RenatoSilvamaxb: do you have an example?23:33
RenatoSilvamaxb: and I'd appreciate too if you point me to a tutorial you it's good23:34
maxbMy key asserts that I am Max Bowsher, and that I own a variety of email addresses, and moreover carries the certification of various people that I have met face-to-face that they believe that I, the owner of the key, are that person23:34
RenatoSilvamaxb: humm, ok then would that be kind of a "default signed message for basic questions"?23:35
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maxbum. that's kind of a weird way of describing it, and I don't know how to answer that23:36
RenatoSilvamaxb: such as dose this email belong to him, or does he trust in this guy's public key...23:37
maxbEssentially yes, though it's less of a "message" and more a core part of the way the keys are defined and used23:38
RenatoSilvamaxb: I've found explanations in lp and ubuntu wiki, but they don't introduce the idea, and they don't point out a clever way to keep your priv key secure, whcih I think it's a very important step.23:39
maxbYou're right, it's a vitally important step, since it potentially may be important to you for your entire lifetime23:40
RenatoSilvamaxb: how to keep it secure? the question is for any pub/priv key pair I think23:41
maxbExactly, it's in no way specific to PGP keys23:41
maxbAnd really it comes down to being sensible about where you put it23:42
RenatoSilvamaxb: and how about creating many OpenPGP keys? For example, I need one to become an Ubuntero, and set up PPA etc. I want to create an OpenPGP key only for that use, in Launchpad. How about it?23:43
maxbCertainly doable23:44
maxbYou might choose to indicate in the user id comment if the key is intended for a restricted purpose23:45
RenatoSilvamaxb: I wonder if there are any specific steps, because anyone with physical access to the machine containing your private key would be able to access it23:45
maxbonly if you keep it unencrypted, which would be foolish23:45
RenatoSilvamaxb: encrypt with a password-based algorith?23:46
maxbHowever, you are right that you shouldn't keep high value keys on a machine to which others have physical access, even if they *are* encrypted23:46
maxbIt is normal to keep your pgp key protected with a passphrase - preferably a fairly long one23:47
maxbmine is > 30 characters23:47
RenatoSilvaI wonder if crypted .zips woud be enougth23:48
maxberm, what?23:48
RenatoSilvamaxb: you can put the key in a zip file, protected by pasword23:49
RenatoSilvamaxb: when you want to extract the file, you must type the right password. I don't know if the algorith is trustable tough.23:49
maxbNo, you don't do that - the program you use to sign/encrypt/verify stores it encrypted and decrypts on the fly when using it, never storing it on disk at all23:50
RenatoSilvamaxb: I wonder if such encryption of the key-manager is enough too. PuTTY for example.23:52
RenatoSilvamaxb: are pass_word_-encrypted files enougth? Or do you really need a pass_phrase_ greater than 30 chars?23:53
maxbI like to be comfortable that I'm well beyond the possibility of a brute force search *and* sufficiently complex that someone couldn't feasibly watch me type it either23:54
RenatoSilvamaxb: PuTTY is a Windows SSH client, it can generate a key pair. You can protect the private key with a pasword, but I wonder if that is really secure. Are password/phrase-based encryption really secure, enougth, as secure as or more than assimetric algorithm23:55
maxbAn asymmetric algorithm is irrelevant here. The aim is to secure data using a memorized key. Asymmetry serves no purpose.23:57
RenatoSilvamaxb: I was jsut wondering how they compare, as it is standed that symetric algorithms are "better"23:59

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