
Bauldrickits loaded at the moment as im in *30 not 3100:01
yofelBauldrick: ok, then lets try to rebuild the module for 31-2 by hand, use the following commands:00:02
yofelBauldrick: sudo dkms remove -k 2.6.31-2-generic -m nvidia -v 185.18.1400:03
Bauldrickwell - Error! There is no instance of nvidia 185.18.1400:03
Bauldrickfor kernel 2.6.31-2-generic (x86_64) located in the DKMS tree00:03
yofelBauldrick: sudo dkms build -k 2.6.31-2-generic -m nvidia -v 185.18.1400:03
yofelBauldrick: ignore that00:03
yofelbut that means the build failed the last time dkms tried it00:04
yofelwhat does dkms build give you?00:04
yofelBauldrick: check if you have the package linux-headers-2.6.31-2-generic installed00:05
Bauldrickapparently not :)00:06
yofelBauldrick: that should be the reason00:06
Bauldrickyofel: thats just automatically built and installed nvidia for 31-2, thanks - I thought I'd have gotten the headers automaically - cheers again00:11
yofelBauldrick: :)00:11
Bauldricksuppose I better reboot :)00:11
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
andresmhis everyone getting an error message about GDM on login?01:17
BUGabundothe one about the old login ?01:17
andresmhum, not sure BUGabundo, I just upgraded my Karmic, restarted and got two windows saying something like GDM cannot save something01:19
DanaGThe one about "doesn't support 'save current setup'"?01:19
kklimondahow stable is KK for daily use?01:19
andresmhyeah DanaG, i think that's the one01:19
andresmhi should have written it down01:19
DanaGThat's Metacity doing that.01:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 35316 in gnome-session ""these windows do not support save current setup" message questionable" [Low,Confirmed]01:20
BUGabundoDanaG: that one01:20
BUGabundokklimonda: usable01:21
BUGabundono brning cds douh01:21
kklimondaheh, I'll wait for a3 or a4 then..01:21
andresmhnot sure what's the consencuqneces01:21
kklimondahmm.. I don't get why are they writing a parts of gnome-shell in javascript..01:21
DanaGOdd... my gnome-power-manager thingy is showing the "empty battery" pic, even though it's actually showing correct numbers.01:22
kklimondawhat's with the idea to use JS to write desktop apps..01:22
DanaGalso: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-session/+bug/3531601:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 35316 in gnome-session ""these windows do not support save current setup" message questionable" [Low,Confirmed]01:22
andresmhwhy is Firefox 3.5 not part of Karmic repos? or is it?01:22
kklimondaandresmh:  it is in package firefox-3.5 for now01:23
andresmhso it can be found via synaptic kklimonda01:23
kklimondaif you have universe enabled then yes01:23
andresmhok, cool01:23
andresmhoh btw, what's the best way to get all the unfree stuff (flash, dvd codecs, etc)?01:24
* yofel wants gnome-power-manager to use both batteries in the calculation and not to tell me 'critical battery state' when one's emtpy and the other one still charged -.-01:26
DanaGYou may be in luck.01:27
DanaGLook at the changelogs for g-p-m.01:28
BUGabundohey BluesKaj01:28
BUGabundoDanaG: fixing a 10y bug ?01:28
* yofel goes testing01:28
DanaGI make it a policy to always read changelogs before installing packages.  That way I can see if people complain that, "hey, fixing this bug X broke thing Y!"01:29
BluesKajhi BUGabundo01:29
DanaGI also enabled the volume-control thingamajigger at the login screen.01:30
yofelDanaG: I would do that if the changelogs were synced quicker, usually when I check for updates the changelogs aren't available01:30
DanaGHandy hint: while GDM is at login window, switch to a TTY and do: sudo -u gdm gconf-editor01:30
BUGabundoDanaG: what volume?01:30
DanaGAudio volume, I mean.01:30
BUGabundoyofel: apt-listchanges always give me them01:30
* yofel goes installing01:31
DanaGI have it prompt for confirmation, too.  And have it use the gtk frontend.01:31
DanaGSucks that update-manager doesn't give stuff the tty, so debconf things can't use a proper pager!01:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 396459 in ubiquity "auto-login settings not migrated" [Undecided,Fix committed]01:33
DanaG"Have also now lost root log in"01:33
andresmhI just intalled Karmic. How do I install Flash?01:37
BluesKajamarok2 keeps crashing so I reinstalled 1.4, but now I have no plugins it seems to play network streams ...any suggestions01:37
yofelandresmh: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer01:39
andresmhyofel: what's the difference between that one and flashplugin-nonfree?01:40
yofelandresmh: check the description, flashplugin-nonfree is the old package, use flashplugin-installer instead01:40
* BUGabundo $ date; $ echo bedtime; $ aptitude why bed; $ echo guud pillow :p01:40
yofelgn BUGabundo :)01:41
DanaGOne is native 64-bit.01:41
DanaGFrankly, I prefer having nspluginwrapper there, to separate the plugin from the browser.01:41
DanaGBUGabundo: $: no such command.01:41
yofelDanaG: might be, but the 64bit plugin hasn't crashed for me once yet, the nspluginwrapper one crashed daily01:42
BUGabundoDanaG: I use 64bit .so. works okaish. much less CPU then nsplw01:42
BUGabundonow bye bye01:42
DanaGhMM, but can you also do "killall -9 npviewer.bin"?01:42
andresmhyofel: E: Couldn't find package flashplugin-installer01:44
andresmhi got that after trying sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer01:44
yofelandresmh: got multiverse enabled?01:44
andresmhyofel: where do i enable it?01:45
DanaGhmm, why is g-p-m showing the empty-battery pic while charging?01:46
yofelandresmh: Sofware Sources (System->Administration->Software sources)01:46
andresmhmultiverse is checked yofel01:47
DanaGgdmflexiserver --xnest01:49
DanaG** (gdmflexiserver:6723): WARNING **: Not yet implemented01:49
yofelapt-cache policy flashplugin-installer gives me:         500 http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic/multiverse Packages01:49
yofelso it has to be there01:49
DanaGoh, and it has an odd option:  --monte-carlo-pi01:49
DanaGwhat the heck is monte-carlo-pi?01:49
andresmhmaybe it's because i am using Australian server. I'll try the Main one.01:50
stikWhere do I report a resume bug? Launchpad?01:52
yofelDanaG: g-p-m indeed seems to be fixed. Yay :)01:54
DanaGmonte-carlo-pi... odd.02:03
yofelDanaG: g-p-m indeed seems to be fixed. Yay :)02:03
DanaGWish I had a second battery for my laptop.02:04
DanaGif I global search-and-replace, I get:02:04
DanaGWish I hthed the second bthettery for my ltheptop.02:04
DanaGreplaced every 'a' with "the".02:05
BluesKajanyone using amarok 1.4 ?02:07
DanaGhmm, volume control for gdm.02:07
DanaGWorks even better now.02:07
DanaGOr rather, the new gdm runs gnome-settings-daemon, and thus can do the volume control.  It's just not enabled by default.02:08
DanaGheh, something I found odd when I had my desktop up for a while: with network cable unplugged, it showed the wireless "no-signal" icon.02:10
DanaG(There's no wifi card in the thing.)02:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 356448 in network-manager-applet "nm-no-connection icon should not be wireless / signal strength if system has no (activated) wireless device" [Low,In progress]02:12
DanaGMy laptop has a (disabled by default) feature, where it can rfkill the wifi card when wired is plugged in.  I leave the feature disabled, of course.02:16
BluesKajcan anyone recommend an audio player that works on network streams in karmic ? amarok doesn't02:20
BluesKajstreamtuner doesn't either02:21
yofelBluesKaj: shouldn't vlc be able to do that?02:22
BluesKajyeah, but where can one srore the URLs so they can be easily opened02:24
BluesKajmaybe a symlink02:24
BluesKajdunno, it's just frustrating that neither of the amaroks don't work02:25
mase_workaudacious ?02:26
BluesKajI'm searching for the so called missing plugins that amarok requires but there no way to configure them anymore , even if I could find them02:27
yofelBluesKaj: you should be able to store the urls in a playlist02:27
andresmhI can't seem to find how to replace Firefox 3.1 that comes with Alpha 2 with FF3.502:35
Sarvattsudo apt-get install firefox-3.5  ?02:36
Sarvattdo you mean 3.0.11 that comes with alpha 2? firefox 3.1 should upgrade to 3.5 seamlessly02:37
andresmhah yes, i meant 3.0.1102:38
andresmhcool. FF3 is being installed Sarvatt02:39
BluesKajyofel , I have the URLs stored in a playlist in amarok ,but amarok can't play them , I keep getting the same demux plugin error02:39
yofelBluesKaj: store it as a .m3u file?02:40
Sarvattahh ok no worries, its just that firefox 3.5 used to be called firefox 3.1 up until 2 months ago or so so it was a little confusing :)02:40
andresmhwhat was the name of the package that has the MS fonts, codecs, etc?02:45
yofel!medibuntu | andresmh02:50
ubottuandresmh: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:50
Sarvattubuntu-restricted-extras w32codecs and wine1.2 are probably what you want02:50
andresmhyofel: medibuntu is not on synaptic02:57
yofelandresmh: medibuntu is a repository, not a package02:58
yofelwell, I'm off to bed too, gn folks02:59
Sarvattsudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/`lsb_release -cs`.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list; sudo apt-get -q update; sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring; sudo apt-get -q update03:00
Sarvattpaste that into terminal :)03:00
andresmhcool, did that and it worked03:03
billybigrigSarvatt: any word on when a fix for usb devices and udev is on the way?04:05
Sarvattwhy do you ask like I know what the problem is or would be able to fix it? :D04:10
billybigrighonestly, i thought you were a dev04:10
Sarvatti havent seen anything though, been busy fixing x stuff and it hasnt bugged me enough yet to look into it04:11
greghey everyone - anyone know the best kernel for iwlagn for a 5100 to get N speeds?04:12
gregI've tried backports as well as 2.6.30-31beta2....04:12
greg65Mbps fastest I can get, but same laptop in same spot in windoze gets over 20004:13
iamtechnoHaving graphics issues after install 9.10. Can't install fglrx from the repos.04:39
Sarvattfglrx isnt working on 2.6.31 yet04:42
Sarvattinstall the 2.6.30-10.12 kernel and headers for now if you need fglrx04:43
iamtechnoSarvatt, okay will try. Uname -a says that I'm using 2.6.27, which I thought was 8.10? I don;t quite understand what's going on.04:46
DaskreeCHhigh-rez: okie :)04:46
high-rez<--- grabbing a nightly04:47
DaskreeCHhigh-rez: what are you testing?04:48
high-rezDaskreeCH: Are you asking me if I'm unit testing a specific component?  ;)04:49
DaskreeCHOr looking out for something specific04:50
high-rezWell I'm curious about stability improvements in the bluetooth stack - but also just in gneral04:50
DanaGBiggest thing you can do for bluetooth on even Jaunty: install Blueman.04:51
DanaGThe default Gnome bluetooth thingy is literally useless.04:51
high-rezThere are frankly a number of ugly bugs in 9.04 - and i'm interested in see what has been addressed.04:51
high-rezDanaG: I should add, for your entertainment, i'm actually using kubuntu.  :)04:52
DanaGDoes KDE even have a bluetooth thingy?04:52
high-rezYeah - works about as well as the gnome one.04:53
DanaGCan you do more than just "pair"?04:53
DanaGTO me, the Gnome one is useless.04:53
high-rezBoth tell me my E71 has no services.  And I've tried several 3G cards that just don't seem to work either.04:53
DanaGOkay, I've paired the device.  .... now what?04:53
DanaGGnome thingy has no way to now DO anything with those devices!04:53
high-rezwell the gnome one at least allows you to browse the devices filesystems - i tried that and it worked.04:53
DanaGTry doing that with headphones.  =þ04:54
high-rezyeah, well i dont blame them there.  the a2dp profile is a real pita - and is also adapter dependant.04:54
high-rezHeck pairing headphones doesn't even work well in OS X in my opinion.04:55
DanaGWorks fine with BlueMan.  =þ04:55
high-rezIntereting - i'll def give that a try04:56
DanaGBlueMan tells PulseAudio to connect to the device; that's how it does it.04:56
DanaGWorks way better than the old way, that used to give me kernel BUGs and Oopses and PANICs, oh my!04:56
high-rezI'm pretty darned impressed how far the linux desktop has come.  Especially kde.  Its UI is beautiful these days.04:57
DanaGCan't say I've tried the recent KDE versions.  I tried KDE 4 and 4.1, and found it too "bulky".04:57
DanaGNote that bulky != bloaty.04:58
high-rezreally? i think it makes better use of screen real estate and gnome.  the two bars by default are just a waste (not to mention the asthetics)04:59
DaskreeCHDanaG: What is bulky then?05:00
high-rezi think back in the keramilk timefame that might have been arguable.  i dont know - today I think its one of hte nicest desktops out there, exceeding its two commercial competitors in terms of asthetics.05:01
DanaGMy theme: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/Screenshot.png -- note, it's 1920x1200.05:02
kklimondaheh, my desktop is still default ;)05:03
billybigrigDanaG: you should give gnome-do and docky a try05:05
billybigrigget rid of that bottom panel05:05
high-rezi liked awn as a gnome dock05:06
DanaGI haven't liked any of the docks I've tried.05:06
DanaGA panel ends up taking up less vertical space.05:06
DanaGOh yeah, and my fonts are big because I set DPI correctly: 147 DPI display.05:06
billybigrigi think i have mine at 8605:08
rippsSo, what exactly is keeping upstart back?05:08
Stikpower management working fine for you all?05:08
rippspowermanagement is fine, I just want my wacom tablet to work at boot and the leds on my keyboard to light up correctly05:09
rippsOh, and I want my autologin back, I haven't been able to get it to work with the new gdm05:10
Stikswitching from battery to ac and back is really slow here... once I suspend and come back it doesn't even recognise I have a battery lol05:10
DanaG1920x1200, 15".  Badassery.  Sheer badassery.05:10
DanaGLike, try zooming in on the image... you can zoom in quite far before it becomes pixelated.05:11
rippshmm... upstart wants to remove apparmor... that's not right05:14
Sarvatti didnt notice because i removed apparmor long ago since it hasnt even been in the karmic kernel :D05:31
DanaGHmm, it also wants to remove ubuntu-minimal.05:34
nandemonaiHi guys.07:13
nandemonaiWhat's the recommended upgrade method for the Alpha?07:13
rippsokay, totem-video-thumbnailer is unacceptably slow. It causes my nautilus to use up all my ram and it grinds my computer to a halt for several minutes. It does this even if it's thumbnailed everything, and it only starts to overfill my ram after it's done thumbnailing. this smells of leak to me.07:14
Ian_nandemonai: update-manager -d07:18
nandemonaiThanks Ian_07:42
rippsDammit, not all of us have gigabytes of ram to handle a memory leak in Nautilus, I"m switching to thunar until somebody fixes this08:38
dupondjehaay :)10:45
dupondjesomebody awake that has brasero ?10:45
Ian_i have it buyt my dvd-writer is not connected :p10:46
ghindoAny reason why libcompress-raw-zlib-perl is being held back?11:21
=== Sakarias_ is now known as Sakarias
holzmodemhow can i enable desktop-switching via the mouse scroll-wheel ?11:50
* gnomefreak knows why its held back yes there is a reason (depends issues) but hes gone12:19
gnomefreaklooks like its not held back here12:21
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
eagles0513875hey indus13:12
eagles0513875hey guys im having an issue compilling koffice from source in repos13:12
eagles0513875./configure works but when i come to run amake it says no targets specified and no makefile found is something missing in the source or something else13:13
induseagles0513875: hi13:17
induseagles0513875: do i know u?13:17
eagles0513875hoes goes it13:17
induseagles0513875: maybe i do13:17
eagles0513875indus: dont think so13:18
induseagles0513875: so how is karmic? stable? does it look any different13:18
eagles0513875some issues i have run into but nothing serious mostly with the plasma-widget-network-manager on kde 4.313:18
indusi hear it wont have a brown window border finally13:18
indusaah kde thats gorgeous13:19
=== nanomad_ is now known as nanomad
holzmodemhi, sometimes it occur that karmic disable my display (not idling). the last entries of Xorg.0.log <snip>disable LVDS  disable LVDS enable LVDS </snip>, the big question ist WHY?13:56
nanomadholzmodem, same here13:57
nanomadholzmodem, do you have an ati card?13:57
holzmodemati 9700 (mobility)13:57
nanomadmobility X700 here13:58
nanomadso i guess it could be a radeon-driver problem13:58
holzmodemi think this is the same series rv35013:58
nanomadwould you mind posting this issue on the forums?13:59
=== corenominal is now known as help
holzmodemdo have filed a bugreport? any solutions?13:59
=== help is now known as corenominal_
nanomadi'm filling one right now13:59
holzmodempaste the number here, so i can confrim it...13:59
nanomadok. Since we are here, what happens if you put your PC to sleep? (Suspend 2 Ram)14:00
nanomaddoes it work?14:00
holzmodemsince gutsy the suspend 2 ram doesnt work (black screen)14:01
nanomadmhh, here it worked (until the last updates)14:01
nanomadbut i guess it is another issue14:01
holzmodemwhat AccelMethod are you using? EXA or XAA ?14:03
holzmodemXAA have to switch, because of random hard freezes14:05
nanomadholzmodem, ok. I'm opening a bug against xserver-xorg-video-ati14:06
nanomaddescription: Screen randomly goes off in karmic14:06
nanomaddoes it sound right?14:06
Bmw1000cnanomad sorry man what are you talking about?14:07
Bmw1000csometimes my screen just go off14:07
Bmw1000cand then on14:07
nanomadmhh, ok14:07
nanomadradeon card?14:07
Bmw1000coh yeah14:07
nanomadwhat card do you have?14:07
nanomadmhh ok14:07
nanomadwhat does grep LVDS /var/log/Xorg.0* say?14:07
holzmodemBmw1000c, look at the last entries <snip>disable LVDS  disable LVDS enable LVDS </snip>14:08
Bmw1000cbmw@bmw-desktop:~$ grep LVDS /var/log/Xorg.0*14:08
nanomadwould you mind posting /var/log/Xorg.0.log somewhere?14:09
holzmodemis it a laptop?14:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:09
nanomadBmw1000c, try grep disable /var/log/Xorg.0*14:09
nanomadBmw1000c, did this happen since you logged in?14:10
Bmw1000cyeah i think14:10
Bmw1000ci'm 95% sure :P14:11
nanomadBmw1000c, post /var/log/messages14:11
nanomadBmw1000c, i do not see anything strange in your logs14:13
nanomadmaybe it is a different problem14:13
Bmw1000cthis happens like 2 times per day14:13
bmungerIs there a reason on Karmic that it wants to remove parts of upstart and apparmor on dist-upgrade?14:13
nanomadbmunger, just don't do a dist-upgrade yet14:14
nanomadit is beign worked on (new upstart packaging incoming)14:14
bmungeralright thats what I thought, for now I did a regular upgrade which takes care of some of that14:15
Bmw1000cbrb booting in jaunty because i cant burn any dvd with karmic <_<14:17
nanomadbmunger, you are welcome14:19
nanomadholzmodem, #39783914:19
holzmodemnanomad, i search launchpad, the last update of ati driver was 2009-06-30, maybe it is a issue of xserver core https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati14:19
nanomadholzmodem, well, looking at the latest xorg changes, there is nothing related to this bug14:21
nanomadholzmodem, are you using gnome or kde?14:22
nanomadit could be a bug in gnome-power-manager: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager14:23
nanomadholzmodem, what does ls /proc/acpi/battery say?14:25
holzmodemi have no battery in laptop, on ac14:26
nanomadbut how battery does ACPI report?14:27
nanomadholzmodem, i've downgraded gnome-power-manager to see if that helps14:39
nanomadholzmodem, if you want to try, here it is: https://edge.launchpad.net/~macslow/+archive/ppa/+build/108414714:40
nanomadholzmodem, would you mind running /usr/share/gnome-power-manager/gnome-power-bugreport &> gpm.log14:46
nanomadand posting your gpm.log?14:46
holzmodemhmm, Distro version:       squeeze/sid ???14:48
nanomadholzmodem, thats ok14:49
nanomadalso run lshal -m > lshal.log.txt14:50
nanomadand post lshal.log.txt when the problem occours14:50
BluesKajHiyas all15:26
charlie-tcaHello, BluesKaj15:28
BluesKajhi charlie-tca15:30
=== chrisccoulson is now known as chrisccoulson_
BluesKajwell, amarok2  loses for radio streams , it's broken pretty badly on my setup. VLC is the definite alternative ..too bad that amarok1.4 won't run on karmic either .15:35
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
Ian_eww amarok15:39
* BluesKaj streams Little Feat-Dixie Chicken15:43
Zorael^2Will the Karmic flashplugin-nonfree package install the native 64-bit flash on 64-bit systems, or still the wrapped 32-bit one?16:20
itswhatevZorael^2: not sure but you can read all about it here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/amd64/flashplugin-nonfree/
dupondjegvfs broken ?17:10
SeveredCrossWORKSFORME, I'm current as of sometime yesterday.17:16
Q-FUNKhm.  is the new upstart that entered karmic today missing components or transitional packages, by any chance?17:18
dupondjeI get 'Invalid Argument' when I try to copy files from a share :(17:18
dupondjeextremely annoying17:18
natewiebe131with the bug in alpha 2 not being able to install with other operating systems already installed, is it possible to update karmic while running the live cd, then installing?17:24
natewiebe131would that work?17:24
ZoraelI just used a daily live17:27
natewiebe131where are they located?17:28
natewiebe131http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ that where they are?17:28
natewiebe131how about the new gdm.. it got updated right?17:35
dupondjeis there a way to debug gvfs ?17:45
Zoraelnatewiebe131: I used unetbootin to download it to a usb stick, that link looks about right though17:50
natewiebe131Zorael: i heard that the gdm got updated17:52
natewiebe131Zorael: how is it different17:52
Zoraelnatewiebe131: I run Kubuntu so can't help you there17:52
natewiebe131Zorael: okay.. thanks17:52
natewiebe131anyone know if the gdm got updated?17:54
Zoraelnatewiebe131: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/g/gdm/gdm_2.26.1-0ubuntu5/changelog17:58
dupondjesomebody knows how to debug gvfs ?18:14
dupondjecause file copy is broken here18:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelhi folks18:43
charlie-tcaHello, yofel18:49
BUGabundobun nuit19:42
yofelhi BUGabundo19:45
BUGabundohey yofel BluesKaj DanaG19:45
BUGabundohow the heck do I get read of GRUB2 splash?!??!!?19:45
* BUGabundo is going nuts19:45
BluesKajhi BUGabundo19:45
charlie-tcaGood Afternoon, BUGabundo19:46
charlie-tcaGreat question!19:46
BluesKajamarok is really broken on my setup , but not toworry ..good ol' VLC to the rescue :)19:46
BUGabundohey charlie-tca [[]]19:46
charlie-tcaI had to go to .30.10 kernel myself.19:47
BluesKajBUGabundo, http://blogs.koolwal.net/2008/12/16/how-to-grub2-and-grub-pc-installing-splash-images/19:47
BUGabundoBluesKaj: it's the oposite: I want it removed!19:48
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I need to teste -31.2 for leann!19:48
BUGabundomy cpu is always at max clock speed :((19:48
kklimondahey BUGabundo :)19:48
BUGabundohey kklimonda19:48
BUGabundomiss you guy! what have you been up to?19:49
BUGabundowanna a pizza slice?19:49
charlie-tcaWhat a deal! I can't get -31.2 to read any blank cd-r's. Makes image burning really bad19:49
BUGabundoI needed to get grub2 to _see_ -31.219:49
BUGabundogrub1 would not see it LOLOL19:49
charlie-tcaamong other minor inconveniences19:49
BUGabundoonly 31.319:49
BluesKajin other words just take the splash image in this line for ex ,/Plasma-lamp :  for i in {/boot/grub,/usr/share/images/desktop-base,/usr/share/images/grub}/Plasma-lamp.{png,tga}19:49
charlie-tcasame thing19:50
* BUGabundo misses how easy it was on grub-legacy19:50
kklimonda-31.2? 31.3? Is that some kind of code? :)19:50
yofelBUGabundo: if you want to get rid of the grub2 splash image then edit /etc/grub.d/05_... and change the image filename into something nonexistant19:50
BluesKajBUGabundo, i repeat, just take the splash image in this line for ex ,/Plasma-lamp :  for i in {/boot/grub,/usr/share/images/desktop-base,/usr/share/images/grub}/Plasma-lamp.{png,tga}19:50
rippsthe gecko mediaplayer plugin keeps resetting my volume to max whenever it starts playing, does anybody know how to remedy this?19:51
charlie-tcakklimonda: shoort for kernel19:51
DanaGI switched back to grub1.19:52
DanaGGrub2 refuses to install to a partition.19:52
BluesKajBUGabundo, take the image reference out that fits in the same place in that line as /Plasma-lamp is in the one above19:53
DanaGugh, damned notify-osd.19:54
* charlie-tca nods19:55
DanaGSomething temporarily broke my audio, and made my music player skip 5 tracks at once.19:55
BUGabundoBluesKaj: still it's an hack!19:55
BUGabundoI want a option on the conf!19:55
DanaGAnd it tooks a really frickin' annoyingly long time to show all the bubbles.19:55
yofelBUGabundo: grub2 doesn't have that :(19:55
BluesKajan hack ?19:55
yofel(yet I hope)19:55
DanaGI also have a hotkey to toggle ambient light sensor, and I have it use notify-send... and the damned bubble stays up for 10 SECONDS!19:55
DanaGUgh, still going on the track-change.19:56
BluesKajBUGabundo, it's not a hack , it's an edit :)19:56
BluesKajDanaG, which music player?19:56
* BUGabundo wants to file an wishbug on grub2 splash option19:57
BUGabundowhere is upstream ?19:57
DanaGBut they ALL do that skipping multiple tracks if, say, PulseAudio dies.19:57
BluesKajDanaG, if it's amaork , consider yourseldf lucky that it works at all19:58
LademordOkay, I'm jumping aboard the Karmic train now. See you guys on the other side!20:03
BUGabundowelcome abroad Lademord20:04
charlie-tcaOh what fun we are having now! ;-)20:05
BUGabundoOT: was anyone done an whois on microsoft.com ? ROFL20:06
yofelhey cool, now that g-p-m finally correctly recognizes both of my batteries it crashes every time I plug the power supply in -.-20:07
LademordI'm praying for the ALSA upgrade to work with my Creative X-Fi sound card as promised by the gods20:08
BUGabundook PIZZA time! back in 3020:14
billybigrigola all20:57
BUGabundoguys quick21:26
BUGabundoheard something about the latest update messing21:27
BUGabundowith GDM?21:27
BUGabundoI'm just upgrading21:27
BUGabundoshould I abort?21:27
ikoniawhat have you heard ?21:30
BUGabundoikonia: Bmw1000c told me he can't reach his desktop21:30
BUGabundoit hangs after login21:30
BUGabundoonly a few panel icons show up21:30
BUGabundognome-panel (1:2.26.3-0ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low21:31
BUGabundoI have this update waiting to install21:31
BUGabundocould be it! :s21:31
ikoniaBUGabundo: when was this, mine booted fine earlier21:31
BUGabundoBmw1000c: ^^^^21:32
Bmw1000csorry my highlight is disabled here21:33
BUGabundois it? how did you do that?21:33
BUGabundooh wait.... irissi lol21:33
Bmw1000canyways, i did an apt-get upgrade and my problem is solved21:33
BUGabundook then21:33
BUGabundolet me isntall my updates21:34
Bmw1000cuh oh lol my mouse just froze21:34
Bmw1000csystem frozen21:34
BUGabundohey hggdh21:36
BluesKajBmw1000c, alt+shift+F1221:37
Bmw1000ctoo late, hard reset21:37
BluesKajwell, remember it :)21:37
Bmw1000cthanks anyways21:37
Bmw1000cyeah eheh21:37
Bmw1000coh, BUGabundo21:38
Bmw1000cafter all, it is not solved21:38
Bmw1000ci can click in the desktop items, but it is very very slow21:38
BluesKajbbl , gotta stop this piggybacking :)21:39
Bmw1000cyeah it is taking a lot of time to respond21:39
DPicis today's liveCD broken?21:40
BUGabundoDPic: aren't they all ?21:40
DPicBUGabundo, i've never had a problem with any of them21:40
DPictoday's the first time it didn't work21:40
BUGabundoDPic: define: "didn't work"21:42
BluesKajmy dumb neighbour won't use a pw and WPA on his wifi router and ppl are piggy-backing on his cable connection..I've told hm several times21:42
DPicdidn't boot in vitrualbox-- gdm was all screwy21:42
BUGabundoBluesKaj: LOLOL but OT21:43
ghindoIs there any reason that the package libcompress-raw-zlip-perl is being held back when I run updates?21:43
bmw1000c_lol80% awn22:11
bmw1000c_lol100% compiz22:11
BUGabundohow does the new GDM do auto login??22:13
billybigrigbmw1000c_lol: you tried gnome-do & docky?22:13
BUGabundomine stop working22:13
bmw1000c_lolwhat do you mean billybigrig22:13
billybigrig bmw1000c_lol kicks awn's bum22:13
BUGabundobut bmw1000c_lol says his does it22:13
bmw1000c_loli never tried22:13
billybigrigi tried awn for a few minutes, then tried gnome-do's dock and never went back22:14
billybigrigthat was a few weeks ago22:14
SeveredCrossDocky is win.22:15
bmw1000c_lolit SEEMS that removing awn solved my problem22:17
bmw1000c_lolhell yeah22:17
bmw1000c_lolxorg 0%22:17
bmw1000c_lolawn bug?22:17
BUGabundobillybigrig and who have you to thank !?!?22:17
bmw1000c_lolmy name is bmw1000c_lol22:18
BUGabundobmw1000c_lol: I never used awn22:18
BUGabundobut I have DO and DO is eating a lot of CPU22:18
bmw1000c_lollet me install it again22:18
BUGabundobut I can't leave without it ! :(22:18
billybigrigBUGabundo: thanks to you! :)22:18
SeveredCrossBUGabundo: What graphics card?22:19
SeveredCrossDo here hardly uses any CPU with a Mobility Radeon X1400 (R500 I think, uses the free radeon driver w/ 3D).22:19
bmw1000c_loloh yeah, i reinstalled AWN and my system is broken again22:19
bmw1000c_lolshould i open a bug report? :P22:19
bmw1000c_lolcan anyone confirm it?22:19
yofelBUGabundo: cpu usage is ok here, but using >1GiB RAM not -.-  (can't live without it either though :P)22:19
BUGabundoSeveredCross: nvidia22:20
BUGabundobmw1000c_lol: please do22:20
SeveredCrossThough I use Do from the Do PPA.22:20
BUGabundobmw1000c_lol: $ ubuntu-bug awn22:20
BUGabundoSeveredCross: me too22:20
BUGabundo *** 0.8.2+dfsg-0~9.10~ppa1 022:21
SeveredCrossDo does use a fair bit of memory (6.7% of 2 GB) but it's not really excessive22:21
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy gnome-do | pastebinit  http://paste.ubuntu.com/215101/22:21
BUGabundo$ top | grep do22:21
BUGabundo 8685 bugabund 119m  23m 459m  20   0 S  1.0  3.0   1:20.51 /usr/bin/cli /usr/lib/gnome-do/Do.exe22:21
BUGabundo 8528 654728    154        843K 957.4M 238.9M 957.4M 238.9M   6% pidgin22:22
BUGabundo12940 374173     80         82K 800.0M 210.3M 800.0M 210.3M   5% firefox-3.622:22
BUGabundo13315 169283      0       2106K 639.3M 155.1M 639.3M 155.1M   4% gwibber22:22
BUGabundo 8685 919681     42       2444K 578.7M 119.3M 578.7M 119.3M   3% gnome-do22:22
BUGabundoDO doesn't even come close to the others22:22
SeveredCrossHoly crap.22:23
SeveredCrossMy top 5 are MonoDevelop, Firefox, Do, Xorg and Banshee (in that order).22:23
SeveredCrossMD is using something like 400 MB, but it's a full IDE with lots of tabs and things, so I expect heavy memory usage.22:24
BUGabundoso is pidgin22:24
BUGabundowith 16 accounts22:24
BUGabundoand several HUGE logs cached22:24
BUGabundofirefox is a bit heavy for 4 tabs alone22:24
bmw1000c_lolbug #39800822:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398008 in avant-window-navigator "awn uses 100% cpu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39800822:26
BUGabundoBmw1000c The following partially installed packages will be configured:  libpam-gnome-keyring22:41
BUGabundothis must be the guilty one22:41
Bmw1000cbug #39801822:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398018 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install hangs in "Loading Universal Access"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39801822:54
mobhas karmik fixed the problem with intel 82830m gcc in xorg?23:37
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=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo

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