
goshawklool: can i disturb you?10:40
goshawklool: yesterday you told me to add console= to the command line10:41
goshawkbut should i add only "console=" or should i put something else after it?10:41
loolgoshawk: See the sample command line I pasted10:46
loolgoshawk: 20:44 < lool> something like http://people.ubuntu.com/~lool/qemu-buildd/run10:46
goshawkcan i add it to the rootfromscratch page?10:46
goshawkin the ubuntu wiki?10:46
goshawki surfed on google and a lot of people have troubles10:46
goshawkwith this console issue10:47
goshawkit works!10:48
loolgoshawk: The rootfs from scratch page is about creating a rootfs not starting a qemu10:48
goshawkthanks a lot lool!10:48
goshawklool: there is a section in starting qemu too10:48
loolgoshawk: You're welcome to start a wiki page about qemu console options10:48
loolgoshawk: That's probably where you want to add the information then10:49
goshawklool: Using a qemu image10:49
goshawkin https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch10:49
goshawki want to add this info there :)10:49
loolgoshawk: Oh sure, that makes sense then10:50
loolOnly the console arg is missing actually10:50
ograapart from the fact that rootfs from scrtch doesnt enable a serial console and the qemu command is supposed to run an SDL login10:51
goshawkogra: i was thinking to add... if you wanna run it in a console do bla bla bla10:51
ogracan you add a completely new section with a proper qemu commandline as well as instructions how to ser up a serial tty ?10:51
ograthere is no serial tty configured by default10:52
ograthough i was planning to att it in the next release of https://launchpad.net/project-rootstock :)10:52
goshawklool: there is a problem, after i see kernel message i just see "Freeing init memory: 136K" and nothing more, no login prompt10:52
ograthats what i meant :)10:53
loolgoshawk: -nographic only supports the serial console, not vts10:53
ograupstart isnt configured to start a serial tty10:53
* goshawk remember that in a debian he just added -nographic to an armel image and it worked... uhm10:54
goshawkogra: so upstart should start a serial tty for it to work10:54
ograright you need to edit the image10:55
* goshawk removes the -nographic option and takes the console= from lool10:55
ograsee the /etc/event.d/ttyS0  in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto ... thats what you need to add10:55
loolgoshawk: Use alt-shift 3 to go to serial console10:56
goshawklool: thx, but i need to exit from the screen program, cuz alt-shift is got by its10:57
goshawkogra: uhm.. so the script to generate the image should add the SerialConsole which is in that page, isn't it?10:58
ograwell or you loop mount the image and add it10:58
ograthe next generation of the script (at https://launchpad.net/project-rootstock) will have an option for it10:59
goshawkogra: is it already implemented?10:59
goshawkok thanks for all the suggestions11:02
goshawknow i gotta go11:02
goshawkthanks again :)11:02
ograecho "start on runlevel 2" >/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograecho "start on runlevel 3" >>/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograecho "start on runlevel 4" >>/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograecho "start on runlevel 5" >>/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograecho "stop on runlevel 0" >>/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograecho "stop on runlevel 1" >>/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograecho "stop on runlevel 6" >>/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograecho "respawn" >>/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograecho "exec /sbin/getty 115200 ttyS0" >>/etc/event.d/ttyS011:04
ograadd that between the "echo LANG=${NEWLOCALE} >>/etc/environment" and the first sed command11:04
ograthen it will create /etc/event.d/ttyS0 by default on your next build11:04
goshawkah :)11:05
goshawkthx a lot ogra11:06
goshawkogra: what aobut editing /etc/inittab?11:07
goshawkand add #T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt10011:07
ograits just a quick hack ... project-rootstock will have it cleaner11:07
ograthere is no inittab in ubuntu since 6.06 anymore11:07
ograjust add the above and you will have a serial tty11:07
goshawkah so the page about serial console is outdated11:07
ograyou read it to sloppy :)11:07
goshawk--- Configuring inittab (Dapper and older) ---11:08
goshawki didn't read this line11:08
ograshould be a proper header then it would be bold11:08
loolOh Debian has instructions to cross debootstrap too11:10
loolhttp://wiki.debian.org/ArmEabiHowto didn't see these until now11:10
* goshawk creates a new image11:10
goshawklool: i used it before11:11
goshawkis has networking configured too11:11
goshawkon qemu11:11
goshawkwe were based on it on mer development11:11
ograis https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto clearer now ?11:11
goshawkogra: thx, now it's better11:12
ogragood ...11:12
ograthe evil is that it needs a completely new section for karmic since yesterday11:12
ograso it will become more confusing11:12
goshawkwhat happened yesterday?11:12
ograupstart changed completely11:12
goshawknew upstart version?11:12
ograno more /etc/event.d11:12
* goshawk hopes it changed better11:13
loologra: upstart is madness11:19
ograonce it works as it should it will be sexy i guess11:19
Stskeepsno more event.d? what does it use -then-?11:19
ograthe years long transition is madness, i agree11:20
lool/etc/init?  I'm not sure11:20
ogra /etc/init/11:20
ograand a new file format11:20
ografiles have .conf suffixes now and the command syntax in them changed11:20
ograogra@osiris:/var/build$ cat /etc/init/tty1.conf |grep -v ^#11:21
ograstart on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]11:21
ograstop on runlevel [!2345]11:21
ograexec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty111:21
goshawkit's quite the same11:21
goshawktime to add to the serial console page?11:22
ograwell, even though i assume you only need to change the getty line it should be tested before being added to the wiki :)11:23
loologra: I think uboot also supports ext2 (marvell's does); could we perhaps use that to avoid a separate /boot if the host is installed with ext2/3/4?11:27
ograwell, we default to ext411:27
* goshawk I: Unpacking the base system...11:28
ograis that ext2 backwards compatible ?11:28
ogralike ext3 ?11:29
* ogra thought it wasnt11:29
goshawkas far as i know there is a tool to switch from ext3 to ext411:29
goshawkbut i've never used it11:30
ograyes, but can you mount etx4 as ext2 ?11:30
loologra: I don't know11:30
goshawkyou can mount any ext2 or ext3 filesystem as ext4 without any changes11:30
goshawkfrom google11:30
loologra: But perhaps uboot logic will work with ext2+?11:30
ograno idea :)11:31
loologra: Might be worth investigating for your fsl spec perhaps?11:31
ograsheva seems to be able to use ext411:31
loologra: I think we also want to find a way to allow upgrades from jaunty11:32
ograso it might be possible11:32
ograugh, shudder11:32
ograthat might get hairy11:32
ograreplacing the botloader and all11:32
loolI think we can manage with flash-kernel.conf being present or not11:32
ograwe dont do that on x8611:32
loolI don't think we want to replace it11:33
ograthough grub1 will still work there11:33
ograoh, you want to boot .31 on B1 with old redboot ?11:33
ograhmm, i wonder if that will work11:33
loolIt depends whether the proto (which should be fairly stable) changed or not between 28 and 3111:35
loolDunno what broke between 26 and 2811:35
ograamitk, did you try booting .31 on B1 ?11:35
loologra: Could you cleanup the whiteboard in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/banshee/+bug/39158811:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 391588 in banshee "banshee fails to run on arm" [High,New]11:36
loolrelease team meeting today11:36
ograyou mean rip out the stuff from the description ?11:37
loologra: Make it an attachment or something11:37
loologra: Don't forget this stuff is copied on ALL emails11:38
loolIt would also be nice if you could get a new backtrace11:38
ograripped out11:38
ograi'll attach the LVDS to my pegatron after lunch and try to get a proper backtrace together11:38
ograsadly you cant run banshee remotely ...11:39
ogradies becaue of dbus11:39
goshawkwell ogra, after the changes you told me11:55
goshawki built a new image11:55
goshawkand booted with11:56
goshawksudo qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz-2.6.28-versatile -cpu arm926 -hda qemu-armel-200907101210.img -m 256M -append "root=/dev/sda mem=256M" -nographic11:56
goshawkstill no login11:56
amitkogra: yes I did. Fail. But please feel free to try it again.11:56
goshawkadding the console= settings from lool11:56
ograyeah, you need to tell the kernel to use a serial console11:56
loolgoshawk: Use graphics or setup a serial console11:57
loolgoshawk: Which upstart version in your image?11:57
goshawklool: wait i see in the log11:57
ograby default the script still builds jaunty11:58
loologra: Are you still planning to deal with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bug-zapper/+bug/392094 ? I don't see an assignee, but if you don't intend to work on it that's fine11:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 392094 in bug-zapper "needs search option for bugs a team is subscribed to" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:58
ogralool, i will, but its not on my high prio list11:58
goshawklool: yep it's jaunty version11:58
ograthough given the babbage situation i might have a lot of spare time :P11:58
loologra: Hmm you're assigned to the karmic task in https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-keyring/+bug/32816711:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 328167 in gnome-keyring "[arm] gnome-keyring-daemon eating 100% CPU at login in Jaunty" [High,Fix released]11:59
ograright, i need to set up a jaunty on my B112:00
ograits just a confirmation for upstream though12:00
ogranot sure we need to target it to karmic12:00
loolamitk, bjf_afk: Whenever you're updating imx51's udebs, could you please address https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/359049 ?12:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 359049 in linux "imx51 udeb hardcodes linux version in vmlinuz binary name" [High,Won't fix]12:01
* goshawk creates a new image with --seed openssh-server since he can ping the last image but he can't connect.12:01
ogradid the serial console not come up ?12:02
goshawkogra: no12:02
goshawksame behaviour as before12:02
ogranot even with proper console option?12:02
goshawkneither with console=ttyAMA0 console=tty012:02
goshawkand -nographic of course12:03
goshawkok trying12:03
ograthats what the build script uses :)12:03
goshawkyep i'm starting to see something more12:04
ograso if you see it building after "I: Switching to Virtual Machine for second stage processing" that should work12:04
goshawkreeing init memory: 136K12:04
goshawk * Filesystem type 'fusectl' is not supported. Skipping mount.12:04
goshawk * Setting preliminary keymap..12:04
goshawkyep it's working12:04
goshawkwell finally we have a working version ^__^12:04
loologra: poke13:07
loologra: I reviewed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/ArmelSubarchitectureImageBuilds and it looked ok13:07
* ogra falls over13:07
ogracjwatson gave his ok as well already, david approved it13:07
ograrootstock just grew a --serial and a --dist option13:08
ograhmm, i made 10 commits to the rootstock branchbut LP only gives me 7 points as top committer13:30
* ogra wonders how these numbers correlate13:31
ogradid anyone of us ever try to run wine on armel ?13:34
playyasqrt(commits) + 413:34
playyashould be impossible13:35
ograwould be funny if it worked ...13:35
playyabecause wine is x86 only13:35
ograto run office 2000 install ubuntu and wine on your arm device :)13:35
ograyeah, likely not working13:35
playyamaybe you can start a project: wine embedded13:36
ograwhy embedded ?13:36
ograwe dont do any embedded stuff :)13:36
playyaor mobile, ...13:36
* ogra wishes that team name could be changed since a long time13:36
playyaif you want to run wine on arm the acronym fails ( wine is not an emulator)13:37
playyayou can ask sun to port virtaul box to arm13:38
ogranah, they would probably only give me qemu-sparc :P13:39
=== cbrake_away is now known as cbrake
L84SupperDEC had a x86 emulation layer for the Alpha's, if there was one for ARM cortex 8, the x86 apps would probably run about K6 speeds15:01
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
=== bjf_afk is now known as bjf
=== cbrake is now known as cbrake_away

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