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jonnoron upstreaming bugreports. How _exactly_ do I link to the upstream bugreport?00:25
jonnorjust add a comment with the direct link00:25
jonnoror is there some magic thing I should use?00:25
bdmurrayalso affects project / distribution00:25
bdmurraydepending on which it is00:26
jonnorfreedesktop.org xf86-input-aiptek00:26
bdmurrayproject then00:26
jonnorah, that was the page I was looking for. Thanks!00:27
bdmurrayno problem, thanks for helping out!00:28
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* BUGabundo $ date; $ echo bedtime; $ aptitude why bed; $ echo guud pillow :p01:40
micahgping bdmurray02:14
BT-tuxHi all03:55
bdmurraymicahg: pong05:29
micahgI was wondering if you came up with any solutions for our problem05:35
bdmurraynot yet05:43
micahganything I can help with?05:44
bdmurrayThanks for asking I'll let you know.05:48
micahgdo you want me to keep poking, is this enough?05:48
bdmurrayyes, poking is a big help! ;-)05:53
micahgok, will do :)05:53
micahgmy workaround is to wait until the attachment is gone before making public05:53
micahgbdmurray: do you know how to get the bot to give me a bug link without displaying it in the channel?05:55
micahgI tried msging the bit05:55
bdmurraydon't recall why do you need it?05:58
micahgI guess I don't05:58
micahgit's easy enough05:59
micahgto just use another bug and replace the number05:59
bdmurraythere is also this firefox-launchpad-plugin which is nice06:01
micahgbug lookup is a search engine06:01
micahgI installed it but never really used it :)06:01
micahgBut I am using the gm scripts ext heavily now06:01
micahgI'm trying to clean up firefox-3.5 so it doesn't get like firefox-3.006:02
micahgwe'll see how successful I am once ff3.5 becomes default in karmic :)06:04
dholbachgood morning06:42
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nanomadWho can have a look at bug #21367? That bug can be fixed (again!) in 0-seconds (there is a patch ready)11:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 21367 in linux "Wifi-enabled led is not lit on ipw2200 cards" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2136711:40
KrisCarrHi, im new to the bugscene + thought id say howdy :)11:57
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kklimondahey, anyone from bug control could set a importance of bug 394080 to medium?17:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 394080 in transmission "Night of the Living Dead (removed and deleted torrents keep coming back) ;)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39408017:29
micahgkklimonda: is the new version in a proposed repo?17:34
kklimondamicahg: 1.73 isn't yet released - the "Fix commited" is a really workaround imo to somehow keep track of bugs fixed upstream.17:35
micahgkklimonda: there's a query for fixed upstream17:36
micahgper bdmurray's revised status page, it would seem it should remain triaged until uploaded to karmic17:36
micahgbdmurray: ^^17:36
kklimondamicahg: can I query for "fix released" upstream and !"fixed released && !fix commited" ubuntu?17:37
micahgI think so17:37
kklimondathat was going to be my question for application but if we are already talking about it..17:37
micahgUnder advanced, there is a checkbox for resolved upstream17:37
kklimondamicahg: unfortunately those that are "Won't Fix" upstream also hits this query.. :/17:38
kklimondahmm, it looks kinda like a bug itself..17:39
micahgonce you query, you can address those first or later17:39
kklimondabecause upstream ticket is "Invalid/Unknown" so it isn't really "fixed"..17:39
micahgno, that's a resolved status17:39
kklimondaach, I see17:39
micahgthe idea is, that if it's resolved upstream, then we need to address it17:40
micahgeither by releasing a version17:40
micahgor marking won't fix  or invalid17:40
kklimondathere is a wishlist that upstream developer refused to fix because it's an ubuntu/notify-osd issue17:41
kklimondaso we would have to prepare a patch ourselves..17:41
micahgso someone can take that if they want to work on it (i.e. In Progress state)17:42
micahgor if the bug is elsewhere, move the bug to the appropriate package17:43
plarsbug #396762 - an recommendations for additional information to include, or how to better determine if this is a bug in python, or python-ldtp, or ldtp?17:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 396762 in ldtp "'import ldtp' freezes interpreter" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39676217:57
plarsI suspect this is going to impact a lot of people interested in testing, since LDTP just flat won't work under karmic17:57
bdmurrayplars: using ipython I got some more information18:21
plarsbdmurray: really? They behaved identically for me under ipython18:22
bdmurrayplars: it might have been since I was in a chroot and DISPLAY was not set then18:22
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hggdhkklimonda, ping18:53
hggdhkklimonda, you forgot to state what would be the importance fo the 5 bugs on you application :-)18:56
hggdhkklimonda, can you please forward it to the ML? I would really be happy to give you a +118:57
kklimondahggdh: All bugs I've selected has Importance set already (most of them by you ;) )18:57
kklimondahggdh: forward what? /me is kinda lost when it comes to MLs :)18:58
hggdhkklimonda, even if they were set by me, a part of the application is you stating *why* you thought it was the correct one18:59
kklimondaach, *why*.. damn, Sure - I'll forward it right away.19:00
hggdhand ML is MailingList -- in this case, ubuntu-bug-control@lists.launchpad.net19:00
hggdh:-) Sorry...19:01
dcravenThere is a script for determining the version of a package in Debian repos. Is that correct?21:20
Picidcraven: rmadison21:23
dcravenPici: that's it. Thank you very much.21:25
Picidcraven: its in the devscripts package21:25
dcravenPici: Thanks. I have it, I just couldn't remember the name :/21:26
bdmurrayspeaking of rmadison I'm getting a database error using it for debian21:30
dcravenbdmurray: I was just going to mention that too.21:31
micahgIt's a debian issue21:32
micahgI tried it on a debian etch system21:32
bdmurrayokay, thanks21:33
BUGabundoogasawara: ping I subbmited the new logs ! needed to install grub2 for it to see -31.2 LOL22:26
BUGabundostill a very hot CPU22:26
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