
boozlerhow do i open a file from the terminal using the default application?07:54
boozlerie os x has open foo.txt and windows has start foo.txt07:55
Flanneldidn't even stick around long enough for the answer, let alone the "this isn't a support channel"07:59
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
chrisccoulsonhi, am i in the right place to request a cloak?:)14:59
Myrttidepends on what kind of cloak you want15:01
Myrttiand are you an Ubuntu member15:01
chrisccoulsoni am: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson15:01
Picichrisccoulson: Can you confirm that you have an active email on your nickserv account? /msg nickserv info      should tell you15:06
chrisccoulsonHi Pici - (15:08:28) NickServ: (notice) Email      : chrisccoulson@googlemail.com (hidden)15:09
tsimpsonwell, it's not hidden any more ;)15:18
chrisccoulsonlol - yeah, but it was never really hidden anyway - it's displayed on my LP page;)15:18
Picinalioth: Do you have a moment to cloak chrisccoulson here? He has an email set (I'm following the new freenode nick guidelines, so not requiring an alternate nick), and I have the add to lp group page open if you give the goahead.15:21
Picichrisccoulson: Could you make sure that you've followed setp #4 here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup . Or check /msg nickserv info   it should list at least 2 nicks under the nicks section15:29
=== chrisccoulson is now known as chrisccoulson_
chrisccoulson_Pici - that's done now15:31
Picinalioth: ping ;)15:31
naliothPici: pong?15:31
* nalioth is paying attention15:31
PiciI'm sure15:32
nhandlerNice cloak chrisccoulson_15:34
chrisccoulson_cool, thanks;)15:34
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
Philip5Nafallo: ping21:16

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