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pochubinarymutant: nope00:33
pochuerr, actually it can00:34
pochubut only the version in Debian experimental00:34
pochuthat is, >= 7.300:34
jpdspochu: !00:36
binarymutanthey thanks for the info pochu I'll update it00:37
pochuhi jpds :)00:37
pochuhow's it going?00:37
pochubinarymutant: update what?00:37
jpdsTired at the moment.00:37
pochuyeah me too00:37
pochuI'm gonna go to bed00:38
quentusrexAnyone familiar with ldap-utils00:38
pochuisn't ldap somewhat server related?00:38
quentusrexI need help, the new ldap-utils won't look at the config file /etc/ldap/ldap.conf00:38
pochumaybe ask in #ubuntu-server00:38
quentusrexwell, it's the client side...00:38
pochuI dunno, sorry00:38
* pochu waves good night00:38
binarymutantpochu, debhelper, but thanks for the previous info00:39
Legendarioreviews apreciatted: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/funcoeszz00:58
dtchenkirkland: what are your opinions of tmux vice screen?01:01
kirklanddtchen: dunno what that is01:02
dtchenkirkland: http://tmux.sourceforge.net/ (just merged into openbsd main)01:02
kirklanddtchen: oh, cool, byobu-like, perhaps?01:03
dtchena slightly older version is in debian sid / ubuntu karmic (waiting on a sponsor from debian-mentors)01:03
dtchenkirkland: i was wondering if anyone had looked at adding support for tmux to byobu*01:04
kirklanddtchen: no one has, but it's theoretically very doable01:04
kirklanddtchen: byobu just uses screen as a window manager01:04
kirklanddtchen: to deliver its functionality01:04
kirklanddtchen: first i've seen of tmux01:04
kirklanddtchen: do you use it?01:04
dtchenkirkland: yes01:06
kirklanddtchen: what are the advantages over screen, for you?01:07
dtchenkirkland: i haven't used screen in a while, so i'm not in the best position to speak on that. there are a few bits at http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20090707041154&pid=6 (barring the author's bias)01:09
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RoAkHey guys one quick question. What happens if the source tarball comes in the way of SingleApp.tar.gz and when untaring the source directory is SingleApp. Should I rename the source dir to singleapp and create a new tarball??02:13
dtchenthat's usually not a reason to repack a tarball.02:15
RoAkdtchen: what should be done in such case then?02:15
dtchenbah, silly connection02:27
sn9marnold: ping. i'm trying out building a .deb of conspire-1.0-beta103:37
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marnoldsn9, for revu upload03:43
sn9i was gonna ppa it03:44
marnoldhmm interesting03:44
sn9so far, no changes from 0.20 appear necessary03:44
marnold'cept for the copyright file and some other misc stuff03:45
marnoldi was planing on building it with python and java support03:45
marnoldjavascript rather03:45
marnoldnenolod, wants the package native like dsyslogd and some other atheme projects though so don't revu just yet03:48
sn9i can wait if you'll do it yourself03:48
marnoldas it may conflict with Debian efforts03:48
sn9debian doesn't seem to have a pkg anymore03:49
marnoldor you can assist me03:49
marnoldits in pkg-irc svn03:49
sn9oh? i used the debian svn03:50
sn9background: xchat has been my preferred client for years, but today i found the conspire site, and it seems to address all my long-standing gripes about xchat. i have not actually used it yet03:53
sn9prior to xchat, my preferred client was irssi03:54
marnoldWell your welcome on pkg-irc when upstream decides what they want to do in RE maintianing the Debian branches on atheme.org03:56
marnoldwe are disscussing atm03:56
sn9marnold: but the packaging svn i used is the correct one?03:58
Kaptein_Hello , my name is Marius and have been a user of Linux for the last 4 years , the two last on Ubuntu. Anyway i was wondering if theres any way i can contribute with code? I have acquired some C++ skills over the last year :)04:17
dtchenKaptein_: the topic for this channel has some starting points04:18
dtchenKaptein_: drilling down, you may wish to start with FTBFS packages, as at least some portion necessitate code changes04:19
marnoldsn9, We'll proceed on alioth for now if upstream wants to merge in later upstream will do so04:22
marnoldapply to the pkg-irc and mention i said to do so for conspire04:23
marnoldthat is if you want in04:23
sn9marnold: i am not a DD04:25
marnoldyou still can apply to alioth04:26
marnoldyou just have -guest appended to your username04:26
sn9i registered on alioth the other day for an unrelated reason04:26
marnoldsn9,  join us on oftc #debian-irc04:59
astronouth7303this doesn't pertain to universe. How can I adjust which packages are installed by a Live flash drive?05:13
astronouth7303i'm trying to make the netbook remix fit into 2GB05:13
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* Hobbsee eyes this MOTU thead with distaste06:04
ScottKHobbsee: The overgod one?06:04
HobbseeScottK: yes06:04
HobbseeI'm wondeing how long it's going to take befoe a Muslim o a Buddhist o some othe eligion equests that all the bible texts get eplaced with othe religious liteatue that bette suits thei eligion.06:05
Hobbseefair's fair, right?06:05
Hobbseeand that the athiests equest that all the religious bits get taken out.06:06
ScottKHobbsee: That's why I said what I said in the thread.06:06
HobbseeScottK: indeed.06:07
Hobbseebut why stop at religion?06:07
micahgHobbsee: that's why I love America06:07
micahgnot what it's become06:07
micahgbut what it was founded on06:07
* Hobbsee is sue that flash could be requested to be emoved, and the music playes, fom people who disagree with pornogaphic stuff.06:08
micahgHobbsee: what about GUI browsers06:09
Hobbseemicahg: pecisely06:09
micahgwe should all go back to lynx and company....06:09
micahgPC drives me up the wall06:09
Hobbseei'm sue that the intollerant people can cetainly find a disto that does cate to thei wishes06:10
Hobbseei fail to see why that needs to be ubuntu06:10
HobbseePC be damned06:10
micahgHobbsee: +100006:13
dholbachgood morning06:42
AnAntjames_w: nice dh 7 class ! thanks ! I converted about 4 packages so far !06:46
dholbachhey AnAnt06:48
marnoldthat overgod thingis still going07:13
marnoldI've predictably been a bit under the weather yet again07:14
dholbachsoren, geser, persia, nixternal, nhandler, jpds: you guys around?07:28
nixternalI am, why?07:28
dholbachMC meeting in 32m07:28
nixternalyowsers, doubt I will be awake for that one07:29
dholbachlet's hope we get quorum together :)07:29
dholbachwe have 2 applicants AFAICS07:29
nixternali can't believe I am up this late honestly07:29
* dholbach hugs nixternal07:30
dholbachhi noodles775, hi al-maisan07:30
al-maisanmoin dholbach07:30
nixternali am on some weird sleep schedule...in bed usually by 11pm, up between 6am and 7am07:30
nixternalI think all of this cycling has changed it, as I am completely spent07:30
emgentgood morning! http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=676007:31
nixternaldholbach: I cannot stay awake any longer, sorry :( I am exhausted and falling asleep at the keyboard07:39
nixternalno more 2am meetings :)07:39
dholbachnixternal: sleep tight07:40
sorendholbach: o/07:47
dholbachhey soren!07:47
geserdholbach: yes07:48
dholbachhey geser!07:48
dholbachonly one missing :)07:48
gesergood morning07:49
dholbachpersia, nhandler, jpds: you guys around? :-)07:58
raywanghi, anyone have time to review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/strongwind09:09
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gaspaLaney: have you already tried to use haskell-pkg-infos.py on ubuntu ?09:56
gaspa( if not, I can give a try this morning )09:56
Laneygaspa: No, I started rewriting it in Haskell though :)09:57
Laneybut you can try that. I imagine it would need some porting09:57
Laneyfor example the wanna-build stuff you probably want to rip out09:57
gaspaLaney: debian_bundle exists in haskell?09:57
Laneygaspa: debian on cabal09:58
Laneyit's not packaged yet09:58
Laney(I don't think we have all of the deps)09:58
gesergaspa: in case you wonder why the FTBFS is slight out-of-date: bug 39773210:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397732 in soyuz "Getting an SPPH through the API crashes if the SPR is unsigned" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39773210:02
raywanghi, gaspa10:04
gaspageser: thanks.10:06
LaneySPPH and SPR are?10:08
dholbachpersia, nhandler, jpds: you guys around?10:10
geserLaney: SourcePackagePublishingHistory and SourcePackageRecord (but I'm not sure with the last one)10:10
gaspaI confirm10:11
geserLP API/soyuz terms/abbreviation10:11
gaspageser: do you really remeber all these acronyms? :)10:12
gaspaI have to check every time.10:12
gesergaspa: it will come with time10:13
raywanggaspa, hi, i have seen your comments and advise on strongwind in revu, and i have updated it. could you please look at it again? thanks :)10:15
raywanggaspa, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/strongwind10:15
gasparaywang: just put on todo list... :)10:15
slytheringeser: got my mesage about review?10:16
raywanggaspa, awesome! thank you! :)10:16
geseryes, seen it10:16
gasparaywang: note that I didn't say how long is my todo list ;)10:17
raywanggaspa, haha, no worries, take your time :)10:17
gesergaspa: you didn't tell either if it's a stack or queue :)10:19
gaspait's more likely a mess, really...10:19
geserah, a random access todo list10:20
gaspageser: :)10:24
cjwatsongeser: SPR => SourcePackageRelease, FWIW10:48
cjwatsone.g. upstart_0.6.0-210:49
Apple92Hi everybody10:52
LaneyHTTP error 500 with requestsync --lp11:21
geserLaney: it's due to bug 39773211:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397732 in soyuz "Getting an SPPH through the API crashes if the SPR is unsigned" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39773211:24
geserLaney: it should be fixed in the next edge update11:25
Laneyoh cool, I didn't know what the actual impact of that bug was11:26
geserLaney: it only happens for synced packages, using the LP API function getPublishedSources() on such a package results in an OOPS as the synced package has no signed-by field. and requestsync uses this function to find out the current package version11:29
slytherinLaney: drop '--lp' and try again. :-)12:09
geserslytherin: Laney used the IRC option instead :)12:09
slytherinany of the revu hackers here?12:33
ajmitchslytherin: vaguely familiar with it, why?12:35
slytherinajmitch: just wondering if there is any plan to develop a pull-revu-source script. :-D12:36
slytherinsimilar to pull-lp-source and pull-debian-source12:36
ajmitchslytherin: funny you should ask, I think it was hyperair who said he had something for that earlier today12:37
hyperairindeed, that was me =p12:38
hyperairslytherin: the script's a one-liner: dget http://revu.ubuntuwire.com$(wget -qO- http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/$1 | egrep -ho /revu1-incoming/\[^\"\]+dsc)12:38
ajmitchah good, you can handle that, time for me to go & sleep :)12:38
hyperairyou can even stick it in a bash function in ~/.bashrc =\12:38
ajmitchnearly midnight here12:39
slytherinhyperair: that is cool.12:39
hyperairthat's early =)12:39
hyperairslytherin: thanks =)12:39
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Laneyrequestsync --ask-an-archive-admin works surprisingly well :)13:00
Laneyhyperair: you should stick that in ubuntu-dev-tools13:12
hyperairLaney: good idea. i'll file a bug sometime13:28
Laneyjust do a merge request13:29
Laneyprobably needs a man page and some error handling though :(13:29
jpdsbug #38989513:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389895 in ubuntu-dev-tools "pull-revu-source" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38989513:29
jpdsIt should be called, pull-revu-sauce13:30
slytheringeser: did you find any time to review excalibur-logkit?14:40
gesersorry, not yet14:41
slytheringeser: I wouldn't have bother you if it was not java package. :-)14:47
pochuDktrKranz: where'd bluekuja so that I can congratulate him? :)15:12
geserslytherin: will try to squeeze it in for today15:14
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slytheringeser: thanks15:28
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DktrKranzpochu: /query bluekuja15:34
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DktrKranzScottK: any chance to backport quilt 0.46-7 to jaunty? More and more packages do use of --with quilt15:37
ScottKDktrKranz: What else is in the change?15:38
ogradirecthex, halp15:39
DktrKranzadd perl as b-d and some minor adjustments15:39
DktrKranzit's targeted mainly for that15:42
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_andrei created 3 packages for submission, opened the bugs in launchpad and uploaded them to REVU16:30
_andreis there anything else i should do, or should i just wait till someone takes a lookt at them?16:31
pochu_andre: you can paste some links here, maybe someone is interested in the packages16:35
_andrethey're all related16:36
_andrehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/397443  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/397445  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/39745316:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 397443 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] watchcatd" [Wishlist,In progress]16:36
orange_hi there. I have a packaging problem17:04
orange_I rebuild a package and all works fine but a certain file gets pacakged as foo.distrib instead of foo17:04
orange_could someone tell me why this is?17:05
orange_/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check gets packaged as /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check.distrib17:05
Quintasanorange_: check *.install files in debian/17:05
orange_manually renaming foo.distrib to foo works but this is certainly not desired17:06
Laneytry building with export DH_VERBOSE=117:06
LaneyI don't know of any tool which would do that if your .install file is right17:06
orange_the install script is correct17:07
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orange_Quintasan, update-notifier.install lists the right path but it's not installed that way17:08
Laneyrebuild it and save the log17:08
Laneywe can look at that17:08
orange_I just introduced a "backport" from jaunty to intrepid version of update-notifier and rebuild17:08
cody-somervilleWhats the best way to do deal with an upstream who released an rc and actual release (note there are changes between the two releases) but don't change the version (so the tarball name is different but naturally have different md5sums)?17:09
Quintasanorange_: maybe it's in a different *.install file17:09
orange_one second please17:09
Quintasancody-somerville: if there is an actual release we don't need rc, do we?17:09
Laneycody-somerville: the RC was uploaded?17:09
cody-somervilleLaney, yes17:09
Laneywithout putting ~rc1 or similar in the upstream version I presume17:10
orange_Quintasan, there are only two .install files and none of them list the wrong install destination17:10
ramviBuilding ubiquity works when building amd64, but complains about missing gtk+-2.0 when building i386, any idea why?17:11
LaneyI guess you have to make it 1.0+final-0ubuntu1 and put a uversionmangle in the watchfile17:11
Laneygtk was just uploaded today17:11
orange_Laney, I have to admit that this is my first rebuild - what logs do you need?17:11
Laneyprobably half broken17:11
Quintasanorange_: do as Laney said, I think log will be much more helpful17:11
Laneyorange_: put export DH_VERBOSE=1 in the rules file near the top17:11
orange_logs in /debian as well?17:11
Laneyand then build it in pbuilder17:11
Laneyand save all of that output to a file17:11
orange_I used "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b" for rebuilding17:12
orange_what's pbuilder?17:12
orange_sorry, packaging newb here17:12
Laneyok, that'll be good enough17:12
cody-somervilleLaney, aye17:12
Laneycody-somerville: LART upstream and then just uversionmangle it :(17:13
Laneyhow can an RC have the same version as final anyway?17:13
orange_Laney, so what logs do you need? something in /debian?I have two .debhelper.log files17:13
orange_is that what you're looking for?17:13
Quintasanorange_: I suppose you would be interested in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto17:13
Laneyorange_: no17:14
ramviAnyone know why when building ubiquity works when building amd64, but complains about missing gtk+-2.0 when building i386?17:14
Laneyall of the output that you get when you build it17:14
Laneywith verbose turned on17:14
orange_Laney, http://pastebin.com/m756dc01917:17
Laneyyou didn't turn verbose on17:17
orange_sorry, no verbose17:17
orange_damn me17:17
orange_export DH_VERBOSE=117:18
orange_where to put this?17:18
orange_just write the export command to the terminal before building?17:19
orange_I'm sorry, I've never done this before17:19
Quintasanorange_: you put this to debian/rules17:21
cpscottiHey there, some motu there could advocate the harpia package ( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/harpia ). It is a python app to generate computer-vision/image processing c code from block diagrams. It has already been uploaded to archive but got rejected due to some dependencies issues that were already fixed.17:23
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hyperairwhat's responsible for compressing stuff in /usr/share/doc/<pkg>?17:24
hyperairnow i see.17:25
hyperairmore than 4k17:25
hyperairno wonder half of them were compressed and the other half not =.=17:25
Laneythey're different?17:25
orange_I'll start over again17:27
orange_will come back later17:27
orange_thx a million for ya support so far17:27
hyperairLaney: what?17:38
Laneywhat what?17:38
Laneythe source package ships different readme files?17:38
Laneyi see17:38
hyperairi'm working on packaging that, now that it's been released17:38
Laneynice one17:38
hyperairi had to hack up a bash loop to call dh_installchangelogs per-package, since each ChangeLog is different, heh.17:39
Laneypackage.changelogs file?17:39
hyperairdoes that work? O_o17:39
hyperairthe manpage says that'll end up being favoured over debian/changelog17:39
hyperairoh and it's debian/package.changelog17:40
Laneythat's what you want I think17:41
hyperair=\ no17:41
hyperairi want to have a different upstream changelog for each package17:41
hyperairdebian/package.changelog overrides the package's debian changelog.17:42
hyperairrather than the upstream changelog.17:42
LaneyI thought it let you specify which changelogs to install17:43
hyperairnope it doesn't.17:43
hyperairwhat do you think would happen if someone were to pass more than one upstream changelog per package?17:43
Laneyuse dh_installdocs then17:44
LaneyI think it would break17:44
Laneymy $upstream = shift;17:44
hyperairwell dh_installdocs doesn't rename the ChangeLog17:45
hyperairit'll end up as /usr/share/doc/pkg/ChangeLog.gz rather than /usr/share/doc/pkg/changelog.gz17:45
* hyperair wonders if that was a vim command creeping into irc or an emoticon17:47
Laneythe former17:47
rrittenhouseHow do I go about replacing Firefox 3.0 with Firefox 3.5 on jaunty? I see it's in the repos but its not replacing 3.0.17:48
Laneyit's not supposed to17:48
Laneyyou install 3.5 and uninstall 3.017:48
micahgrrittenhouse: !ff3517:48
rrittenhousebut then nothing works it seems17:48
rrittenhousethings try to open "firefox" and it doesn't exist17:48
micahgrrittenhouse: firefox in jaunty is 3.017:49
micahgfirefox-3.5 is what it says it is17:49
Laneyhyperair: meh I thought dh_installchangelogs did what I wanted it to do. Sounds like a reasonable feature for it to have imho17:49
* hyperair dpkg-diverted /usr/bin/firefox and manually linked it to firefox-3.617:49
rrittenhouseIs it supposed to say "Minefield 3.5 Web Browser" ?17:50
hyperairLaney: i thought so too, but the manpage disagreed. oh well =\17:50
Laneyfile a feature request!17:50
* hyperair is lazy17:50
hyperairthe shell loop does fine17:51
Laneyyou could just copy the code from _installdocs17:51
hyperairdpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/geany-plugin-addons/usr/lib/geany/addons.so contains an unresolvable reference to symbol strchr@GLIBC_2.2.5: it's probably a plugin. <-- i can't figure out what's going on here =(17:52
RoAkSoAxHey guys. What should be done when a tarball comes like SimpleApp-0.1.tar.gz, and when untaring, the source directory is SingleApp-0.1. Should I rename the source directory and create a new tarball or what should be done?17:52
micahgrrittenhouse: it should be Shiretoko Web Browser for 3.5 with the release version17:52
rrittenhousemicahg, That's what I meant. Sorry :)17:53
LaneyRoAkSoAx: doesn't dpkg-source take care of this?17:53
rrittenhousemicahg, What is the reasoning behind not just calling it "Firefox 3.5" ?17:54
rrittenhouseIt really threw me off thinking I had the wrong version lol.17:54
hyperairrrittenhouse: firefox unstable builds are known as "Minefield"17:54
hyperairrrittenhouse: and firefox 3.x is known as Shiretoko17:55
hyperairi think17:55
micahg!ff3.5 | rrittenhouse17:55
ubotturrittenhouse: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:55
* hyperair is considering packaging microemu. is debian-java alive, i wonder =\17:55
RoAkSoAxLaney, how so?17:56
rrittenhousethx micahg.17:56
hyperairRoAkSoAx: dpkg-source's manpage says that it untars and renames it17:56
RoAkSoAxhyperair, ok cool, will take a look :)17:56
hyperairhave fun17:57
* hyperair falls asleep on his keyboard17:57
macohi. ive got 6 debdiffs on bug 389751. some are universe, some main. are a couple sponsors available?17:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389751 in kdesdk "Change "abort" to "close" or "cancel" in default KDE apps" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38975117:57
hyperairwhy do you have six debdiffs?17:57
macoaffects 6 packages17:58
hyperairsix different packages?17:58
hyperairdid you subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors and ubuntu-universe-sponsors?17:58
macomain is subscribed, not universe..i...hmmm actually im not sure there are any universe ones. 5 are definitely main17:59
rrittenhouseOne last FF question: So that programs launch the right firefox do I make a symbolic link to /usr/bin/firefox that links to the 3.5 executable ?17:59
macooh, kdegames is main. theyre all main18:00
macosorry for the confusion18:00
RainCTnhandler: I'm doing the stats stuff you asked for on REVU.18:34
RainCTnhandler: Is week supposed to be "last 7 days" or "since monday"?18:34
nhandlerRainCT: I would think last 7 days18:35
nhandlerAnd thanks a lot RainCT. I'll keep my eyes on the bug report18:36
RainCTOkay. That's one (or maybe three) extra queries then18:37
RainCTnhandler: uhm, the "X +/- than less week" part isn't possible18:47
RainCTas REVU doesn't know when stuff was archived18:48
nhandlerRainCT: Ok, no problem.18:49
RainCTnhandler: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/stats.py18:55
hyperairwhat's the difference between ${source:Version} and ${binary:Version}? @_@19:25
hyperairi previously thought source:Version was the version minus the debian revision.19:26
RainCThyperair: I think there's some way to release binaries with a different version than the source package, and that ${binary:Version} may be used in that case (don't take my word thought, I've heard something like this but never seen it myself)19:27
ScottKRainCT: Only in Debian.  We don't do it.19:27
hyperairhuh O_o19:27
hyperairhow do you do something like that?19:27
hyperairisn't the version taken straight out of debian/changelog?19:27
ScottKThey have a concept of binary NMU which is a binary only rebuild.19:27
hyperairi see.19:28
ScottKIt gets auto added to the changelog in the .deb19:28
hyperairso the one i was looking for was actually ${source:Upstream-Version}19:30
RainCTScottK: ah, so that's only for rebuilds?19:30
ScottKRainCT: Exactly.19:30
* hyperair thought that rebuilds rebuild the entire package from source19:31
hyperairso it's only binary-arch eh..19:31
ScottKhyperair: In Ubuntu they do.  In Debian they don't.19:32
hyperairi see19:32
hyperairthere are more differences between debian and ubuntu than i thought =\19:32
ScottKYokoZar: Looks like maybe a decent target for ubuntu-mid: http://kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/ssh_to_debian_chroot_on_palm_pre/19:39
YokoZarScottK: thanks19:39
majikmanwhy in the world does tomcat log error messages into syslog?????19:55
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hyperairto allow people like me to lol at people like you who suddenly discover tomcat error messages in your syslog =p20:06
majikmansigh.... can't they revert it back to normal operation? tomcat errors should go in their own log file20:11
majikmanif i wanted a consolidated log file, i'd use syslog-ng or one of those apps20:11
rohitkgcan anyone help me on debian-packaging20:36
rohitkgactually, i have written a C program,and a makefile for it20:37
rohitkgnow, i want to create a debian package, out of this20:38
Picirohitkg: have you read the packaging guide yet?20:39
* hyperair grumbles about his malfunctioning dvdrw drive20:40
rohitkgyeah, i'm using cdbs20:40
Picirohitkg: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide20:40
rohitkgactually, i'm having problem in understanding the rules file20:41
maxbrohitkg: In my opinion cdbs is more complexity than you need, and you'd be better served avoiding it, especially for a simple C program20:41
maxbrohitkg: *specific* questions are the key to getting effective help on IRC20:42
rohitkgi tried to build using just debhelper20:42
rohitkgbut of no help20:42
rohitkgthe problem is that i'm unable to add my own commands to the rules file.20:45
rohitkgmaxb:actually i'm not able understand this portion20:46
maxbrohitkg: I'm sorry, but you're not communicating what your problem is.20:51
Picirohitkg: I'm not a packager, just someone trying to be a little helpful, sorry.20:51
rohitkgmaxb:it'll be better if u explain me the way of converting that C program into a package20:52
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rohitkgi have gone through that20:54
maxbThere is perfectly good documentation that explains the generalities, I'm not going to rewrite it all on the fly into IRC20:54
rohitkgmaxb:that one is much more complicated one20:57
slytherinrohitkg: what are you trying to do?20:58
rohitkgslytherin:look i have written a simple C program, and want to create a package out of this20:58
slytherinrohitkg: what program is that? How is it compiled? Where is the tar.gz for this program?20:59
rohitkgslytherin:this one is a simple hello,world program, i'm compiling it using a makefile21:00
rohitkgand it's stored in directory named myhello-1.021:00
rohitkgto go with the naming standards21:01
slytherinrohitkg: you need to have a tar.gz file that contains both the c source file and the makefile.21:01
slytherinyou can simply do 'tar -zcvf myhello_1.0.tar.gz myhello-1.0'21:01
rohitkgok, wait21:02
slytherinsorry, name of tar should be myhello_1.0.orig.tar.gz21:02
rohitkgactually, while using the command dh_make --createorig21:03
rohitkgit's creating one21:03
rohitkgslytherin:what next21:04
slytherinrohitkg: next follow the instructions in the packaging guide.21:04
rohitkgslytherin: i have done that, but i'm facing problems while building the package,and the packaging guide uses an older version of debhelper21:06
slytherinrohitkg: what problem?21:06
rohitkgslytherin:the problem is i don't know to use that build section to build my package21:07
rohitkgint he build-stamp portion21:08
rohitkgsorry,in the21:08
slytherinrohitkg: How about simply 'make' (without quotes).21:09
rohitkgslytherin:can you explain, what's that CFLAGS used for21:10
slytherinrohitkg: Frankly, if you don't know how autotools based build systems work then I don't see the point in trying to package something. Even if it is a program you wrote.21:11
rohitkgslytherin:from where can i know about it?21:12
slytherinrohitkg: google21:13
rohitkgslytherin:ok i'll go through it,anything else you suggest21:15
slytherinnothing comes to my mind.21:16
rohitkgok thanx21:16
nhandlerRainCT: The text activity log looks great! Thanks a ton21:16
RainCTnhandler: no problem :)21:18
macoslytherin, why autotools and not cmake?21:19
macokde just went all-cmake21:19
slytherinmaco: he is already using a makefile, so I just assumed it was autotools based.21:19
slytherinI don't know much about c programs.21:20
ScottKDealing with KDE packaging is SOOOOO much easier now that their build system is cmake based.21:20
macoslytherin, autotools is difficult to use and way overcomplicated for a hello world21:22
macofor simple things, Makefiles are a matter of typing 3 lines into a file and naming it "Makefile"21:23
slytherinmaco: I know, for the person who doesn't know what CFLAGS are, what other documentation would you suggest?21:23
macoif it really is a hello world, he doesnt even need CFLAGS :P21:23
macobut id say look up info about gcc rather than about autotools21:24
macoi learned to write Makefiles from the O'Reilly book "Practical C Programming" ...though i've forgotten most of it by now21:24
slytherinI love java and ant. :-P21:26
slytheringeser: I didn't see the build failure for excalibur-logkit that you noticed. Is you pbuilder chroot updated?21:29
RoAkSoAxHey guys why would something like: Local variables: +mode: debian-changelog +End: is added to the end of the debian/changelog?21:40
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rawlerone question I'm pondering: is it possible to have Ubuntu auto-detect unused packages?23:05
rawlerI'm pretty sure there are packages in my system that have not been used at all for a great while.. now when I'm about to go wild-and-crazy and try Karmic, I wonder if I can shave a bit of time from the upgrade-process by removing old cruft first.. any ideas?23:06
reto`rawler: so you mean something beyond autoremove?23:08
rawlerfor instance, I know I've installed quite a bunch of packages over the years, just for testing something, or -dev packages for building something to test, and then just forgot about it..23:09
rawlerI used to run without relatime, so maybe recurse through installed packages and checking atime on the files would have been a start.. unfortunately, now I run relatime, so no luck there..23:10
Kangarooorawler: sudo aptitude purge *packag-name*23:10
rawleryeah, I wasn't asking about REMOVING packages.. that's not a problem.. the problem is FINDING which packages I don't use..23:11
rawlerquick sifting through synaptic found some 386 pkgs I don't have immediate use for, but it got me thinking, shouldn't there be an easier way?23:12
reto`rawler: the problem is... how can the system know if you use a dev package for instance, or not?23:12
Kangaroooand this also removed all very old unusable packages for me.. try- delete one unusable programm23:12
geofftrawler: You could try to list the packages that are not recursive depends of ubuntu-desktop23:12
ScottKI think the cruft cleaner is supposed to maybe help with this.  Not sure.23:13
rawleratime would perhaps partially work (provided I do not run relatime, which I do), but the real problem I'd say, is how should the system separate actually using some resource from /usr/share, from just some indexing process indexing it?23:13
rawlergeofft: how would I do that?23:14
rawlerKangarooo: what do you mean?23:14
Kangarooorawler: do this just once try. install something like sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo aptitude purge pastebinit23:14
rawlerKangarooo: yeah, but that only removes old deps, right?23:15
rawlernot old explicitly installed packages?23:15
rawlerI've also looked at deborphan, which helps a bit, but I wonder if it shouldn't be easier..23:15
geofftyeah, 'locate' will scan all files on your system nightly, so atime may not help.23:15
rawlerScottK: cruft cleaner removes some packages, but doesn't do this..23:16
geofftrawler: when I needed this recently, I scripted something to parse apt-rdepends' output23:16
geofftand use comm(1) to compare that with the set of packages on the system23:16
rawlergeofft: oh.. :) I could probably script something through python-apt, then.. :)23:16
geofft(or in my case, another apt-rdepends -r)23:16
ScottKrawler: Perhaps you could discuss your use case with liw and he might include it.23:16
rawlerScottK: liw?23:16
Kangaroooweek ago I removed one package with aptitude purge and it also deleted 128mb of something else but programm with sudo apt-get purge wanted only to remove 2mb.. witch was the size of that programm.. and remove only removes and purge removes and purges settings.. so purge is cooler for cleaner system but aptitude purge is more cooler couse it checked other things also what's not needed..23:16
rawlerScottK: the problem is, I don't think there are any clear attributes to go by when deciding what is an "unused app"..23:17
rawlerKangarooo: aptitude purge only does automatic "apt-get autoremove" AFAIU23:17
ScottKI suspect you are right, but if you get him excited about the idea, then he has to figure it out, not you.23:18
rawlerdoes someone here have any reasonable guesstimate on how much system resources would be consumed by having a constantly running daemon running in the background, recording file-accesses, and storing it in a database? like, ' strace | grep open ' ... then you could get away from the problem with atime updated by indexers (by blacklisting indexers), and perhaps get the access-data you need?23:20
geofftralwer: er, you want inotify for that.23:20
rawlergeofft: doesn't inotify only react on file-alteration?23:20
geofftIf for no other reason than strace changes properties of apps (e.g., setuid)23:20
geofftIIRC it reacts on access as well.23:20
geofftyeah, the manpage talks about an IN_ACCESS or IN_OPEN watch23:21
Kangarooorawler: if questions in launchpad can be asked one for many groups then im asking does someone know is it possible to ask one question for many groups of launchpad with one question id?23:21
rawlerKangarooo: was that really meant for me?23:22
Kangarooorawler: yes. couse your question maybe will be too complicated to answer so it needs to be stored.. and asked for bigger group of ubuntu users. but I dont know if its possible to ask with one question id to many launchpad groups. so question to everyone- is it?23:24
rawlergeofft: cool.. i wonder if inotify can connect changes to a certain PID, though.. :S23:24
geofftnot as far as I can see, but you can do lsof or something equivalent23:26
geofftThe real problem is that you want to run this for a month or so.23:26
rawleryeah.. I'm thinking whether it COULD be implemented as a system-service, for use with the cruft-removal tool, for instance..23:27
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: those are formatting instructions to emacs23:43
cjwatsongeofft: I'd have thought that locate would only look at directory contents and thus would not cause atime updates on files. Of course there may be other things that cause spurious atime updates, but I wouldn't expect very many given that popularity-contest relies on atime23:44
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cjwatson(at least partially)23:44
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