
ubottuOttifantSir called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:53
elkyoh *yay*. apparently i'm a 'pete file'03:57
bazhangugh. step away for 5 minutes, and it devolves03:58
elkyit's even worse when you fall asleep, so dont go doing that.04:02
bazhangheh had some strong tea this morning, no chance of that :)04:03
ubottubazhang called the ops in #kubuntu (rC)04:25
bazhang<shadowwolf> whats more important in looks chest or butt05:03
bazhangso much for behaving.05:03
elkyoh, ot?05:03
bazhangjust unbanned an hour or so ago05:04
Picino, he was unbanned about 12 hours ago05:37
Picialso... sleep time05:38
bazhangah whoops my bad05:44
elky_work1 or 12, i dont really care if he's asking asinine questions like that06:10
rwwHola :). It might be a good idea to remove the final . from !ppa. Lots of IRC clients will add it to the URL, so you get a 404 error if you click it.06:43
ubottuIn #ubuntu, jony123 said: !ask who is ubott10:22
ikoniaban list full again11:23
elkyMyrtti, if you're around, could you pop into #u and run your script please :)11:28
jussi01Myrtti: could you share that script so we dont have to ping you everytime?11:37
Myrttijussi01: might happen on sunday, I'm home then and don't have work or life to intervene :-/11:40
jussi01Myrtti: can you not just quickly pastebinit?11:41
Myrttijussi01: it's in two irssi aliases and two sed scripts11:45
Myrttiit's not as fast as you'd think11:45
* Myrtti goes back to work11:45
* jussi01 prods ikonia... are you alive?12:20
ikoniahonestly, I message him and he signs ou12:28
elkyhe didn't sign out. he timed out.12:32
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Picitsimpson: ping14:34
tsimpsonPici: pong14:34
Picitsimpson: Do you have a few moments to talk about the bantracker?14:34
ubottuIn ubottu, [Unhackmee]1 said: who is this?15:14
bazhang<j03> indus, PieSpy on my VPS, and JamesThePirate as a bot on this channel15:43
jribit doesn't talk so it's fine, right?15:43
bazhangthought they needed permission first15:44
Myrttidid you see in #ubuntu jn47ks15:54
bazhangyep what was that15:54
PiciYes, but hes not there anymore so...15:54
Picinor is the person he was messaging.15:54
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:56
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:56
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:56
Brack10Can someone test me for the d/c exploit?18:00
MyrttiBrack10: you've been tested already18:05
Myrttiand you can enter the channel'18:06
Brack10Myrtti: Thanks18:07
XchatZwhy i cannot join channel ubuntu?18:07
XchatZplzz help me18:07
MyrttiXchatZ: read the exploit help page again18:07
* XchatZ newbie18:08
XchatZi try18:09
spectoThisUseris, is quite annoying.  He isn't asking support related questions.18:14
Picigoing afk, could someone else tend to Guest2841320:58
Picithanks 20:58
ikoniaspecto: hey, what's up21:08
spectoplease kick Guest28413... he has been trolling for long enough?21:08
ikoniaI'm on it21:08
ikoniahe's had is last warning21:08
ikonia@mark #ubuntu maniheer rude, insulting, offtopic, wants to row cause problem. resolved in pm, removed ban his first comments are offtopic21:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:21
ikoniamaniheer: yes ?21:30
maniheercan i be unbanned please?21:30
maniheerI promise not to go offtopic in the future21:30
ikoniayour attitude and behaviour is not in keeping with the guidlines of the ubuntu rules21:30
maniheermy attitude is one from a position of power, not the end receiver of power21:31
ikoniamaniheer: I banned you, explained the problems, unbanned you and your first line back in was "I'm going to pawn noobs on my PS3" - you've been kicked 4 times in 5 minutes, I don't trust that you won't missbehave again21:31
Seeker`maniheer: what do you mean by that comment?21:31
maniheerbasically what Im saying is im an arrogant "insert rude word here" person21:31
maniheercant help it :321:32
maniheeron the internet anyway21:32
ikoniamaniheer: then that attitude does not fit with #ubuntu so you won't be unbanned21:32
maniheerfair enough :p21:32
ikoniasuper, 21:32
maniheerhow come I get redirected here21:32
maniheermakes no sense...21:33
ikoniaI put a redirect on, I'll change it to s straight ban21:33
maniheerbtw ikonia, after the PS3 line, I was about to say bye, when I got banned.....21:33
ikoniamaniheer: if there is nothing else please leave the channel21:33
* maniheer waves21:34
ikoniaI'll change that to a ban now21:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, magnetron said: !bing is <reply> bong!23:54

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