
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.500:00
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY00:00
fkmHi there. Is there a way to tell a specific package to use a special APT source instead of telling all other packages that are also included in that source not to use it?00:09
darthanubisfkm: "pinning"?00:10
Kenjirogood night00:11
fkmOk, I'll google that. Thank you darthanubis! :-)00:11
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto00:11
fkmEven better :-D00:11
fkmThank you Pici :-)00:11
Kenjiroanyone running KDE-4.3.0rc2? I think I found a minor bug and I would like to check if someone can reproduce it before I post a bug report at KDE00:11
Freddy2how can i get pgp keys for xmbc on hardy? it seems website's link is broken here http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step#Adding_the_XBMC_Repo00:14
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darthanubisanyone using 4.3rc1?00:27
darthanubisNotice plasma-desktop crashes when windows explode?00:27
fkmHeheh :-) I don't seem to be the first one to want the backports just for Amarok (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports) ;-)00:28
fkmThank you again darthanubis and Pici!00:29
Kenjirodarthanubis: I am running 4.3.0rc2 and having problems with kdemicroblogging, let alone try explosions ;)00:30
Freddy2so.. hmm no amarok1 without manual compilation?00:31
DTi need to istall a .rpm or .bundle file. I already have alien installed, but i can't figure it out00:34
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)00:40
Serpardumwhat is the command in kubuntu to see your own ip?00:41
DragnslcrSerpardum- ifconfig will show it00:42
DTand there any good virturam machine programs that wll work on kubuntu?00:43
Serpardumgettign some weird ip addresses.  and
Serpardumoh, no, that's good00:44
DTba, gotta go00:46
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SerpardumHmm.. how do I access a windows share with samba?01:24
SerpardumI think I got it01:24
viriiwhats the difference between kubntu01:28
viriiand regular gnome01:28
viriikuz i cant tell01:28
Freddy2you mean whats the difference between a gnome based version and the kde based one?01:29
viriii just installed kde based01:30
Freddy2and then.. ? you are now using kde?01:30
viriino difference some new proggies how do i switch between kdm and gdm01:30
PiciYou don't need to switch between kdm and gdm to load gnome or KDE01:31
viriisorry im ust stupid01:31
Serpardumtrying:  smbclient -L JIM-VISTA -uJim-Vista\Jim -plikeidtellyou     Result in: Connection to JIM-VISTA failed (Error NT-STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)01:31
viriihow do u switch betweenghome and kde01:32
Picivirii: do you have both of them installed?01:32
Serpardumhome is a directory, kde is a gui01:32
SerpardumI'm not sure I understand your question01:32
PiciI think it was a typo01:32
Serpardumtry running konsole01:32
Serpardumif that's what you mean01:32
viriii did an apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:32
PiciSerpardum: He means 'hhow do I switch between gnome and kde'01:33
Picivirii: After you log out, pick gnome or KDE from the sessions list on the screen you login at01:33
viriitrying brb01:33
SerpardumHurry, everyone hide before he comes back!01:35
viriigod gnome loads 20x faster01:42
viriitx 4 ur help01:42
viriihow i run windows vista with wine =)01:42
viriilol that would be the bomb01:42
mubuHey guys is there a simple gui way to record the audio of a specific application (preferably) or at least record the audio of everything that comes out of my speakers in ubuntu 9.04? thanks01:46
viriianyone have a bluetooth earpiece headset working in ubuntu 8.04 hardy?01:46
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SerpardumWaht is an "S" in a mode?  -rwxrwSrwx02:14
DragnslcrSUID maybe?02:18
DragnslcrLemme check02:18
DragnslcrThat one might be SGID, actually02:19
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bkhuraijamIn Compiz window manager, action icons (minimize, maximize and close) are missing. How can I fix it?02:47
sseiersenI need help w/ getting VNC to work02:47
sseiersenI did all the install of packages and opened ports.02:47
whaevrany sed saavy people here?02:48
sseiersenAnd all I get from the other comp is "Server not found"02:48
fetusbubblebkhuraijam: are you using metacity or emerald?02:49
fetusbubblecheck to see if your theme is valid02:50
sseiersencan anyone help me?02:52
sseiersenanyone here?02:53
* sseiersen looks around...02:53
bkhuraijamfetusbubble: I am using emerald03:02
fetusbubbledoes the problem persist if you use a different theme?03:04
marcoany new about kde 4.3 RC2 in kubuntu?03:04
marcoany news about kde 4.3 RC2 in kubuntu?03:05
ubuntuI need help with kubuntu03:07
ubuntuI have a low screen resolution, which is keeping me from installing kubuntu :(03:08
whaevryou've come to the right place03:08
ubuntuon Windows I use 1024X800, and on my kubuntu I only get 800X600 or something03:08
ubuntuI need help...03:09
marcoany news about kde 4.3 RC2 in kubuntu?03:10
ubuntucan sum1 help????03:15
dividerwhat do you need help with?03:15
ubuntuwheres the kubuntu resolution settings?03:15
dividerK + apps + utilites03:16
dividersorry K+ apps + system03:16
dividerhit the big K03:18
ubuntuwhich do I click and open?03:18
dividerScreen Resize and Rotate03:18
vogelrlI'm having trouble configuring audio. What is the correct way to configure my sound card ?03:19
ubuntu1024X800 resolution isnt listed, like on Windows XP...03:20
divider@ubuntu; are you running a live CD? if it isn't installed there is no point and trying to configure ubuntu03:21
ubuntuwell I dont want to install it, if thats my max resolution...03:22
vogelrlI have installed it...It's not a live CD03:22
divider@ubuntu  what is your video card?03:23
divider@vogelrl post lspci03:23
ubuntuNVidia GeForce 610003:23
divider@ubuntu you need to install your drivers; just as you would in windows; you can't do that unless you actually install the operating system03:23
divider@ubuntu cont. ubuntu and Nvidia = the best combo for hardware and software so you'll have alot of choices03:24
ubuntuare the drivers available?03:24
dividerah yeah03:24
divideryou can compile them yourself03:25
vogelrllspci is large...should I try to post it all ?03:25
dividerdownload them03:25
ubuntuwhere can I download them? nvidia.com?03:25
dividerinstall your base system first03:25
dividerthen drivers03:25
dividerit won't work if you try to do it off live cd03:25
darivahello i need help03:26
ubuntuim asking as future reference, but kubuntu does turn me on ;)03:26
dividerhello i'll try03:26
darivahow can i chat with ym in ubuntu03:26
dividerkubuntu is awesome03:26
ubuntu@Divider thank you for helping me.03:26
dividerin ubuntu or kubuntu? pidgin = ubuntu; kopete = kubuntu03:27
darivacan i use yahoo messenger in kubuntu ?03:27
divideryou can in both03:27
darivai tried but i can not connect03:27
dividerwhich messenger03:28
dividerpidgin or kopete03:28
divider*hand forhead*03:28
darivastatus is always connecting03:28
dividerbehind router?03:28
darivawhat do you means03:28
binMonkeyhi, guys.  i created a launcher using this path:  ~/tomeNet/tomenet/./tomenet.  the game loads its windows but gives me a lua 'meta display' error.  what am i doing wrong?03:28
divider@binMonkey run it in terminal and see the full error03:29
vogelrlvogelrl@bubuntu:~$ lspci03:32
vogelrl00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 Host Bridge03:32
vogelrl00:01.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (int gfx)03:32
vogelrl00:04.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 0)03:32
vogelrl00:05.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 1)03:32
FloodBotK1vogelrl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:32
vogelrl00:06.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 2)03:33
binMonkeydivider: this is what i get:03:33
binMonkeyRead 41 bytes03:33
binMonkeyRead 754 bytes03:33
binMonkeyRead 0 bytes03:33
binMonkeyXIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"03:33
FloodBotK1binMonkey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:33
binMonkey      after 2041 requests (2035 known processed) with 0 events remaining.03:33
binMonkeysorry about that.03:33
dividerbinmonkey are your drivers correctly configured?03:34
binMonkeydivider: yes.  the game runs correctly when i cd in the dir and ./tomenet to run it.  i just wanted to create a launcher for it.03:35
dividerbinmonkey: how are you pming me lol03:35
binMonkeyi don't think i'm pming you.03:36
dividerbinMonkey when you type my name it pms me lol03:37
divideri think03:37
binMonkeysorry, i thought that just highlighted the message to you.03:37
dividermaybe, what did you type? in quotes please03:39
Guest17712no me funciona el cubo de compiz alguien me puede ayudar03:40
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binMonkeyummm.  i typed "divid [tab complete] msg"03:41
fran_hello my cube it doesnt work can anybody help me03:41
dividerbinMonkey: got ya03:44
dividerfran_: what video chipset are you using03:44
iivv"could not mount New Volume: enclosing drive is locked"03:50
iivvi got this message while opening a newly formatted hard drive: how do i get around this?03:50
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=== Hero-Eater is now known as SlayerOfAll
Guest73861Any program installed which shows disk (partition) usage in pie chart or whatever?04:24
=== Hero-Eater is now known as SlayerOfAll
Guest73861What's an easy way space i've used in root?  I have a seperate  /home partition.   Isn't there a gui app which shows this in chart form?  Not seeing it in dolphin04:29
SlayerOfAllI mean can some person tell me which line/s to change on xorg.config?04:35
CSS_Guruanyone here?04:36
SlayerOfAllhi, can you help me04:36
SlayerOfAllCan some person help me configure xorg.config04:40
tomdavidsonslayerofall: what do you need?04:46
CSS_GuruI need kubuntu resolution help04:48
tomdavidsonwhats up CSS_Guru: ?04:49
CSS_Gurumy max resolution in windows is 1024X600, but when I do kubuntu to try it out, my max resolution is 800X600 :(04:51
Guest738619.04 Anything to see disk usage?  Ubuntu has a disk usage analyser.  I suppose I can type df -Th in a terminal but I was thinking kubuntu would install something to view disk usage graphically.04:52
Guest73861nspluginviewer seems to be a cpu hog, holding at about 20% cpu usage.   konqueror was lightweight before the flash install05:04
tomdavidsonCSS_Guru: sorry i lost it there, you still on?05:05
tomdavidsonare you useing the live cd?05:06
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Guest98976In jaunty, why is kaffeine no longer kubuntu's default media player.  Is it kde 4?06:15
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Guest98976ah kaffeine is kde3,  I think jaunty tries to be kde4 only, no?06:22
Guest98976on the install i mean06:22
BlizzzGuest98976: true06:31
Blizzzthough, somewhere is a kde4 port of kaffeine, meanwhile06:31
Guest98976good, hopefully I'll try it soon.06:32
veckanyone know what this means kubuntu unknown argument --no-floppy?06:40
Guest98976in what context?06:41
frankS2_veck: what are you compiling?06:41
veckfrankS2_: nothing it does it at grub load06:42
veckfrankS2_: im having to use live cd right now06:42
ner0xDoes kubuntu come with the en_US locale by default? I think not.06:43
Guest98976veck I get google hits on that bug... one example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119471406:46
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papabonjour a tous07:33
papaquelqu'un a t il des infos pour installer beryl sous jaunty07:33
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papaquelqu'un a t il des infos pour installer beryl sous jaunty07:38
elkypapa, you might get more response if you ask in english07:39
costinhave pb whit pidgin? don't conect.. on yahoo ,help plzz07:42
veckneed help editing grub 207:43
veckactually already edited it but cant save in kate07:44
veckim on live cd trying to mount root and edit grub07:45
Blizzzveck: did you open it with root privileges?07:46
veckBlizzz: no not sure how to from live cd07:46
Blizzzveck: kdesudo kate07:46
veckBlizzz: ok opened with root now will it let me save or is grub read only?07:48
Blizzzveck: it should let you save it07:49
veckBlizzz: im sry opened kate with privliges07:49
veckkk thnx07:49
veckBlizzz: thnx so much my grub2 kept throwing --no-floppy errors so had to boot from cd and edit it but it worked im back on line thnx07:59
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:06
James_Shi, I installed kubuntu, and have my graphics card up and working, but I can't seem to get compiz to work, I got compiz-kde what else do I need to do?08:10
James_Soops sorry, managed to crash quassel08:14
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James_Sgah, quassel is acting up, anyway the original question was: hi, I installed kubuntu, and have my graphics card up and working, but I can't seem to get compiz to work, I got compiz-kde what else do I need to do?08:29
Captain_HaddockJames_S: I think that you just need to enable desktop effects in system settings08:36
Captain_Haddock(I don't think that's the same as compiz though)08:36
alptürk varmı aranızda ?08:47
tommyanyone here?08:50
tommyI need help with kubunut 4.0608:50
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James_SCSS_Guru: 4.06? is that not... old?08:56
James_Sanyway brb08:56
hemalhi....i need help with an error i am getting when installing sun-java6-jre - 6-13-109:01
hemalthe error is unknown error, but in details there is some info09:01
hemalafter Unpacking sun-java6-jre (from .../sun-java6-jre_6-13-1_all.deb) ..09:02
hemalthe next message is sun-dlj-v1-1 license could not be presented09:02
hemaltry 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf' to select a frontend other than noninteractive09:02
hemali already tried the dpkg-reconfigure and chose Kde09:04
hemali tried installing earlier and it aborted because of wrong password, so there may be some junk left behind by installer?09:04
RurouniJonesEr, which is better suited to KDE, gtk or qt? I have an option on which interface to use09:13
ank123smart failure occured after partitiong hdd with gpart09:18
jussi01RurouniJones: given kde is written with qt...09:24
RurouniJonesThat was what I needed to know, cheers.09:24
RurouniJonesA simple "qt" would have done though, not everyone is intimately familiar with the interface framework of their windowing systems :p09:25
petsoundshello, how can i formatting usb flash drive in kubuntu jaunty? thanks09:26
ank123ive used testdisk to recover the partition table an restore the partiotions..but a smart failure occurs on hdd on booting .09:32
desuank123: ignore it09:36
hemalhi...i need help installing java09:37
hemali get the error that seems to have been reported in past: sun-dlj-v1-1 license could not be presented09:38
hemalthe suggested workaround is to ensure dbconf is configured to use Dialog interface, but i get this error even with that setting09:39
barbapahow can I display all rooms in Quassel? I don't find the option09:45
ultramarinнарода много10:10
ultramarinрусские есть ?10:10
ugurhi everybody. How can i get rid of auto disabling of compositing each time it gets slow10:11
ugurbeause i know that it is not permanent and most of the time it is working fine10:12
ank123desu: it says to press f1 to continue but nthng happens..also i dnt have any op installed because the primary partiton(the bootable one) got lost in partiton recovery10:13
Blizzzugur: Desktop Effects → Advanced → Disable functionality checks10:15
ugurok thanks Blizzz10:16
ugurank123: i think you should try gparted boot cd or any live ubuntu distribution10:17
ugurto check for your partitions first and see whether they are in place10:17
ugurif the partitions are safe and if it is only a boot sector problem then you can reinstall grub easily to recover your partitions10:18
desuank123: in the BIOS?10:21
ugurhi shyam10:25
shyamwhat this place is all about??10:26
shyamits all dead10:26
bazhangshyam, kubuntu OS support10:26
bazhangchat in #kubuntu-offtopic shyam10:26
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cgahi all, what about kubuntu-ppa ?? what does it enable if i put "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main" in sources.list? does it enable experimental and backports?10:38
ank123desu: yes in the bios...it gives the error in bios10:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about key10:44
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.10:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring10:45
ank123ugur: i cant boot with any cd..it gives the error about smart disk failure ..asks me to make backups..tells me to press f1 to continue and when i press f1 nothing happens10:46
ugurank123: i think smart option is enabled in the bios10:47
ugurthe purpose of it is to check againts harddisk failures but it is highly unlikely that a harddisk fails10:48
uguri am not sure whether it is a false alarm10:48
ugurbut it is true you should first change your boot order from the bios10:49
ugurand put cd to a higher level then the hard disk so that bios first tries to boot from the cd10:49
ugurthis may change from bios to bios but you can follow the instructions once you enter the bios screen10:50
ugurthen boot with gparted cd and make a backup of your current harddisk to another media10:51
ugurthen you can try to reinstall grub with ubuntu live cd10:51
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dwidmannDevastating/odd behaviour here today ... When I try to print to a different tray in OOo it just prints to the regular tray ... Jaunty, HP Photosmart C5580 using hpijs ... if anyone knows anything about it get back to me :)11:00
dwidmannHmm, same behavior in Okular, must be a problem with cups and/or the printer drivers in Jaunty11:19
sfdsdhi guy's, could you help me with adjustment kdm autologin user with blank password?11:21
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sfdsdWhat I must customize so as to autologged in system? I use kde and kdm.11:24
rysiek|plsfdsd: have you tried looking in System Settings?11:25
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sfdsdrysiek|pl: no, actually i doing that... sed -i 's/^.*DefaultUser.*$/DefaultUser="myuser"/' /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc11:26
sfdsdsed -i 's/^.*NoPassUsers.*$/NoPassUsers="myuser"/' etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc11:26
rysiek|plsfdsd: just look in System Settings, Advanced Tab11:27
sfdsdbut, unfortunately, it doesn/t work11:27
sfdsdI use kde 3.5.911:28
rysiek|plsfdsd: I hope you have backed-up the kdmrc file before you started to modify it11:28
rysiek|plsfdsd: can you PLEASE look in System Settings, as I have asked?11:28
sfdsdit's into control center?11:29
rysiek|plsfdsd: du you use Kubuntu?11:29
rysiek|plsfdsd: /join #debian11:29
sfdsdnobody can help me there11:29
rysiek|plsfdsd: then /join #kde11:30
rysiek|plsfdsd: in kubuntu you would go to System Settings -> Advanced -> Login Manager11:30
sfdsdand there =(11:30
rysiek|plsfdsd: Debian, with kde 3.5.x, I believe, doesn't have System Settings, so you either get help in #debian  or #kde, or google it11:31
cgahow do i make my kubuntu talk italian instead of english system wide? i'm going to give this laptop to my brother and he doesn't want it in english11:33
cga(without reinstalling it that is)11:33
rysiek|plcga: somewhere in the menu you should find a language selection tool11:34
rysiek|plcga: I'm not currently on kubuntu, so I can't help you, but look there11:35
rysiek|plcga: or search through the kubuntu wiki11:35
* rysiek|pl bbl11:35
cgaok thanks11:35
Out_Coldis wicd a KDE base app?11:38
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ner0xHow do I control the locales of my computer?12:38
login__hi guis12:51
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BB-brasilhello !!!!12:53
=== ner0x is now known as ner0x|away
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vitovthi %)13:25
homyHow do I best install the latest kdevelop 4 in jaunty?13:44
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keopsitoalguien me podria indicar14:04
keopsitocomo cambiarle el idioma14:04
keopsitoa kubuntu_14:04
rysiek|pl!br | keopsito14:06
ubottukeopsito: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:06
rysiek|pl!es | keopsito14:06
ubottukeopsito: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:06
keopsitooh thanks14:06
lorasaironChat with bot?14:06
* rysiek|pl isn't really sure, what is that language ;)14:06
rysiek|pllorasairon: ?14:07
lorasaironrysiek|pl: nothing. joking...14:07
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
lorasaironrysiek|pl: do you know what akonadi does for us?14:08
lorasaironrysiek|pl: I read a lot of materials but still do not know what it is...14:09
rysiek|pllorasairon: it keeps all your personal info (address book, calendar, etc), and exposes a single, coherent API to get to those information14:09
rysiek|pllorasairon: that means you can have your personal data in whatever format (supported by Akonadi) and use it in whichever application (that supposrts Akonadi)14:10
rysiek|pllorasairon: but it's the beginning of the way, really, as the only app that supports Akonadi at the moment is Kontact AFAIK14:10
lorasaironwell, can it back up all my emails to the kde on my another kde system?14:10
rysiek|plwhich isn't that bad, OTOH14:10
lorasaironrysiek|pl: kontact is a start.14:11
rysiek|pllorasairon: no idea :)14:11
* rysiek|pl uses kontact and is very happy with it14:11
lorasaironwell, i really do not want to copy ~/.kde to another system to copy my14:12
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rysiek|pllorasairon: I have no idea. check if the e-mails aren't in some ~/.kde/share/apps/akonadi or ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail or whatever14:13
rysiek|pllorasairon: in Teh Old Days they were in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/14:13
homyHow can I install the latest kdevelop 4 in jaunty?14:13
gamblerhow can I change the look of my KDE window manager - i really dislike i14:13
co-sakiitplease help me14:13
rysiek|plhomy: sudo aptitude install kdevelop4?14:14
lorasairongambler: in systemsettings?14:14
lorasaironco-sakiit: what?14:14
homyrysiek|pl: the problem is that is not the latest kdevelop 4 beta. (and anyway the package is kdevelop-kde4)14:14
rysiek|plco-sakiit: you have to tell us what the prolem is, we do not have crystal balls14:15
co-sakiithow to use window linux14:15
* rysiek|pl noticed how ambiguous that was...14:15
lorasaironco-sakiit: window linux?14:16
rysiek|plco-sakiit: just click it.14:16
co-sakiithow to use kubuntu14:16
lorasaironco-sakiit: window linux. I haven't heard that distros?14:16
rysiek|plco-sakiit: you have to be more specific than that14:17
rysiek|plco-sakiit: if you have a particular problem, we can try to help14:17
gamblerlorasairon,yay ty..14:17
rysiek|plco-sakiit: otherwise you just have to test, check and discover kubuntu yourself14:17
rysiek|plhomy: I have no idea, have you tried googling for it?14:17
rysiek|plco-sakiit: just boot it up, log-in and play?14:18
homyrysiek|pl: yes, there isn't any ppa.14:18
rysiek|plhomy: in that case, if you *really* want to have the latest and greatest beta, you'll have to compile it yourself14:18
lorasaironhomy: well, you might compile it?14:18
homyrysiek|pl: I only find instructions to compile it from source :(14:18
rysiek|plhomy: omigosh, no, compilation is soo scary ;)14:18
rysiek|plhomy: and what are you going to use kdevelop4 for, anyway?..14:19
co-sakiitwhat do mean abaout boot14:19
co-sakiitwhat do you mean abaout boot14:19
lorasaironhomy: search debian repositories. I remember they accepted it.14:19
rysiek|plco-sakiit: I mean either place the LiveCD in the CD tray of your computer and let it load from the cd14:19
homyto compile/dev stuff that does not take 1 hour to compile and needs 20 different special libraries installed, ...14:19
rysiek|plco-sakiit: or, if you already have it installed, just load it from disk14:20
rysiek|plco-sakiit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting14:20
lorasaironhomy: http://packages.debian.org/lenny/kdevelop?14:21
rysiek|plco-sakiit: on the other hand, don't go there, too technical14:21
homylorasairon: is still version 3.5.214:21
co-sakiityes, kubuntu i have is already it installed14:21
lorasaironhomy: sorry, i saw the wrong place...14:21
rysiek|plco-sakiit: great, then power on your computer and let it load kubuntu14:22
* rysiek|pl notes that using debian packages in ubuntu is not supported and may lead to problems14:22
homycan I just download the AMD64 deb and install it in ubuntu jaunty?14:22
rysiek|plhomy: look at what I have said above14:22
co-sakiiti don't now how to use sofware kubuntu14:23
rysiek|plco-sakiit: is kubuntu already loaded?14:23
rysiek|plco-sakiit: have you logged-in into it already?14:23
homyWill the kdevelop package in jaunty be updated (eventually)?14:23
lorasaironco-sakiit: well, you might want to try click everywhere. what did you do14:23
lorasaironwhen you first touch pc. just do that.14:23
homyI mean, the kdevelop-kde4 package14:24
rysiek|plco-sakiit: ok, in that case nobody is able to tell you "how to use all the software"; just try for yourself, experiment and read what's written on the screen14:24
lorasaironhomy: well, i see no debian package of kdevelop-kde4 on google...14:24
homylorasairon: yes, they call it kdevelop, but I mean in jaunty it is kdevelop-kde4. Will it be updated eventually?14:24
rysiek|plco-sakiit: and don't be afraid to test things out, Linux is quite a hardy system, chances that you break something important are near zero14:24
rysiek|plhomy: not in official repos, no14:25
rysiek|plhomy: there will probvably be a PPA somewhere14:25
rysiek|plhomy: and possibly it will go into backports14:25
homyrysiek|pl: but - it is already included as beta14:25
lorasaironrysiek|pl: have you every notice the lgpl license of qt4.5?14:25
rysiek|pllorasairon: syntax error, parse error14:25
rysiek|plhomy: well, then possibly, yes; but it's not granted14:26
* lorasairon said something wrong?14:26
moh_Hi all14:26
moh_I have a problem14:26
co-sakiitok i am to tray to use kubuntu sofware,thank's for info14:26
rysiek|pllorasairon: " have you every notice the lgpl license of qt4.5?"14:26
homyoh well, I'll just use the one contained in jaunty and wait.14:26
moh_I cant connect to other server with this client ;S14:26
lorasaironrysiek|pl: have you ever noticed the lgpl license of qt4.5?14:26
rysiek|plco-sakiit: no problem, go for it; if you encounter some specific problems, just ask14:26
moh_/whois $me14:26
lorasaironmoh_ then you should have another client.14:26
moh_lorasairon: download other ?14:27
moh_I have Kubuntu 8.4014:27
rysiek|pllorasairon: nope, what's wrong with it?14:27
lorasaironmoh_: ha?14:27
rysiek|plmoh_: Konversation works great here on Kubuntu 8.0414:27
lorasaironrysiek|pl: an exception...14:27
rysiek|pllorasairon: an uncaught one?14:27
lorasaironrysiek|pl: there is an exception attached on the qt4.5's lgpl, which is14:28
lorasaironwritten in god-reading english...14:28
moh_rysiek|pl: i know I can connect to this server but I cant to other like undernet14:28
lorasaironmoh_ using what client?14:28
rysiek|plmoh_: well, I have no idea, actually; maybe undernet needs some special settings somewhere?14:28
moh_yes I think that14:29
rysiek|pllorasairon: aaand the exception is of concern to us, because?14:29
rysiek|plmoh_: well, then find some website with info what settings does it need?14:29
moh_ok thanks14:30
lorasaironmoh_: quassel is a better one.14:30
* rysiek|pl dissagrees14:30
moh_is it a client ?14:30
lorasaironrysiek|pl: lgpl's exception might block us using qt under lgpl in some special situation... potentially.14:30
lorasaironmoh_ yes. using qt4.14:31
lorasaironmoh_  well, you choose it. i use quassel under gentoo.14:31
* lorasairon now under windows: talkative irc...14:31
moh_ok I will test14:31
lorasaironrysiek|pl: i should say i think quassel is a better one.14:32
rysiek|plprolly ;)14:32
rysiek|pllorasairon: do you have any link/website concerning this exception?14:32
rysiek|plI'd like to read about it, but am not even sure what I should throw at google14:33
* lorasairon finding...14:33
lorasaironrysiek|pl: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/lgpl.html14:35
lorasaironrysiek|pl: at the end of the page.14:35
lorasaironrysiek|pl: i am very confusing. hope you can explain it to me. thank you.14:36
rysiek|pllorasairon: it's very simple and has no bearing on FLOSS14:36
=== moh_ is now known as crack05
lorasaironrysiek|pl: well, what is the exact meaning of that 5%14:37
rysiek|pllorasairon: thing is, LGPL allows linking to the binary form of the library, and distributing the binary work (derivative work) under any conditions you like14:37
crack05I have other question14:37
crack05what is the best msn client ?14:37
lorasaironcrack05: best, i do not know since i do not use it. emenese amsn kopete pidgin empathy...14:38
rysiek|pllorasairon: but it does NOT allow incorporating (not "linking", but "static linking") any LGPL, unless the work's being published under GPL/LGPL or compatible14:38
lorasaironcrack05: amsn is full-featured but written in atk(?)...14:38
crack05can I install WINE and run windows live messenger??14:39
lorasaironrysiek|pl: and this exception allow incorporating.14:39
rysiek|pllorasairon: Nokia wants to distribute it's programs on a proprietary license, but needs to statically link small portions of the LPGLed code14:39
shadeslayercrack05: see the appdb14:39
shadeslayer!appdb | crack0514:39
lorasaironrysiek|pl: you mean it is lesser than lgpl.14:39
ubottucrack05: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:39
rysiek|pllorasairon: so it's only meaningful and important for proprietary apps14:39
lorasaironrysiek|pl: thank you for your patient explanation.14:39
rysiek|pllorasairon: all FLOSS apps don't even care, as they are distributed under GPL/LGPL or compatible anywah14:39
rysiek|pllorasairon: no problem :)14:40
crack05ok thanks ;:)))14:40
lorasaironcrack05: look, co-sakiit using quassel...14:40
rysiek|plcrack05: that would really be a bad idea14:40
rysiek|plcrack05: I'd use some native client, as lorasairon suggested14:41
lorasaironrysiek|pl: something off-topic: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTEzMDAyNTY=.html (hope you can see it smoothly)...14:41
* rysiek|pl says: STOP! Eating time!14:41
lorasaironrysiek|pl he is offline now.14:41
rysiek|pllorasairon: yeah, noticed14:41
lorasaironrysiek|pl: native client?14:42
lorasaironrysiek|pl: qt4-quassel qt3-konversation gtk-xchat?14:42
rysiek|pllorasairon: as in "linux native app" as opposed to "a windows app running under emulation"14:42
rysiek|pljeez, it's a killer!14:42
rysiek|plbut why all those hundreds of cookies14:43
lorasaironrysiek|pl: ...14:44
FloodBotK1fabricio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:44
bazhangfabricio, stop that14:44
fabriciofala comigo14:44
lorasaironrysiek|pl: i do not know why all cookies.14:44
fabriciopor favor14:44
lorasaironrysiek|pl: i live in an ocean of cookies?14:44
fabricioalguem me ajuda14:45
rysiek|pl!es | fabricio14:45
ubottufabricio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:45
fabricionao consigo14:45
fabricioablas portugues14:46
JuJuBeeIs it possible to open an application on a remote machine from cli and the app open on that computer rather than try to send the output to mine?14:46
rysiek|pl!pt | fabricio14:46
ubottufabricio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:46
rysiek|plJuJuBee: a CLI app or a GUI app14:47
* rysiek|pl bbl14:48
fabriciomy name is fabricio14:48
fabriciono consig fazer update do kubuntu14:49
bazhangfabricio, /join #ubuntu-br or #ubuntu-pt14:49
JuJuBeeGUI app14:51
ugurhi everybody. How can i change the swapiness of my kubuntu system. It says 60. Does that mean much or less swappy?15:04
ugurok thanks i found it on ubuntuforums15:08
homyHi, is there a qt tutorial starting at the *very* basics (i.e. which libraries to link against, which headers have to be included, How to make a Window, ...) for ubuntu/kubuntu?15:08
homyThe official qt tutorial http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/widgets-tutorial.html doesn't start with these things.15:09
Paesbom dia15:15
Paessou iniciante no ubuntu15:16
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:16
Paesme desculpe15:16
homyCan anybody help me getting started with qt15:16
Paesagradeço a orientação15:16
rysiek|pl!br |  Paes15:16
ubottuPaes: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:16
bazhangPaes, /join #ubuntu-br15:16
rysiek|plhomy: you'd be much better off at #qt probably15:16
homyrysiek|pl: ok.15:17
Paeshow i do?15:17
bazhangPaes, type: /join #ubuntu-br   <-------15:18
=== thomas is now known as Vlaam
BluesKajHi folks15:50
n8whey,after addin an additional source to the repository i get this error: The package list needs to be rebuilt.15:52
n8wThis should have been done by the backend automatically.15:52
n8wive got no idea how to fix it15:53
BluesKajn8w, sudo aptitude update15:53
n8wBluesKaj: nope,ive tried that...it gives me this:  E: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)15:54
n8wE: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)15:54
n8wE: The list of sources could not be read.15:54
n8wE: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)15:54
n8wE: The list of sources could not be read.15:54
FloodBotK1n8w: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:54
n8wE: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)15:54
BluesKajn8w, post your sources.list in pastebin15:55
takoskican i have the track to install nvidia driver (173)?15:55
takoskifrom terminal15:55
n8wBluesKaj: how do i do that?:)15:55
BluesKajtakoski, sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-17315:57
BluesKajn8w, alt+F2 , your pw , then , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list15:58
n8wBluesKaj: yep,got it..what next?16:00
BluesKajn8w, use the edit tab select all , copy from the highligted text , then paste in http://paste.ubuntu.com16:00
BluesKajn8w, then copy the generated URL from pastebin and paste it in here16:01
n8wBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/215533/16:02
n8wBluesKaj: did u get it?16:05
racecar56why does it lag when i resize my menu?16:06
BluesKajyeah, line 54 the launchpad ppa is the culprit16:06
BluesKajn8w either delete it or place a# in front16:06
BluesKajn8w, , don't think that's a proper source , plaing a # infront is known as 'commenting out ' a line .16:08
n8wBluesKaj: ok,but what do i have to delete?16:11
n8wBluesKaj: shall i delete the entire file or what?16:11
BluesKajn8w , no16:11
BluesKajn8w , the last line - it's the culprit , you didn't copy the whole line16:12
BluesKajn8w, which kubuntu version are you running ?16:13
n8wBluesKaj: 9.0416:15
n8wBluesKaj: last line in the file is: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/samrog131/ppa/ubuntu16:16
BluesKajn8w, in the launchpad page https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa follow the tutorial there , and choose both sources in the box for jaunty16:17
BluesKajn8w, the whole line with in the brackets must be copied  , (deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/samrog131/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main)..same goes for the one below it16:20
n8wBluesKaj: ye sure,i know that...but i can add only one of the sources,not both16:22
BluesKajcopy and paste the sources to your sources.list , after paste the line in , hit the enter key to make space for the next one16:24
BluesKajn8w, after pasting the line in16:24
n8wBluesKaj: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)16:27
BluesKajn8w, after pasting the lines in , save the file , close it, and in the terminal do : sudo aptitude update16:27
BluesKajn8w, click in open space in the text , to unhighlight the text16:28
=== ptl_ is now known as ptl
veckhow can i edit software sources if package manager wont let me16:38
BluesKajveck, alt+F2 , your pw , then , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list16:40
Hartkeranyone here can help to upgrade vom kde3 to 4 ?16:40
BluesKajHartker, maybe #kde can16:40
Hartkerive ask at kde but they dont16:41
Hartkerbecause its specific to kubunut16:41
=== bakuriua is now known as Baku
Hartkeri thought about apt-get install kde4 but im not sure16:41
n8wBluesKaj:  ok im bak,sry i just had to do smth16:42
HartkerBluesKaj how did you do ?16:42
BluesKajHartker, what's vom ?16:42
Hartkervom ?16:42
n8wBluesKaj: ive added both sources to the repository via package manager but ik keeps givin me the same error16:42
HartkerBluesKaj vom ?? whats that ?16:43
BluesKajn8w, don't use the package manager16:43
n8wBluesKaj: aight ill do it manually16:43
BluesKajn8w, close the package manager : alt+F2 , your pw , then , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list16:44
n8wBluesKaj: im workin on it..16:45
BluesKaj!pm | Hartker16:45
ubottuHartker: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:45
n8wBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/215559/16:45
BluesKajHartker, which kubuntu version are you on ?16:46
n8wBluesKaj: it looks like it has been updated correctly16:46
Hartkeris tried now with apt-get upgrade kde416:46
Hartkerwhat do you think ?16:46
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BluesKajn8w, nope you need to start over , lines 54 and 55 are wrong , go back to the launchpad page and recopy the lines from there again.16:48
n8wBluesKaj: ye isee it now16:49
BluesKajn8w, the rest of it is fine16:49
n8wBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/215562/16:49
BluesKajHartker, no , that won't upgrade to kde416:49
Hartkerokkk fuck...16:50
Hartkerwhat shall i do ?16:50
BluesKajn8w, what did you do ?16:50
n8wBluesKaj: sry my bad... here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/215565/16:51
n8wBluesKaj: ive deleted lines 54 n 5516:52
BluesKajis that it ?16:52
n8wBluesKaj: here u go with the entire file : http://paste.ubuntu.com/215567/16:53
n8wBluesKaj: is that ok? or is there anythin else i should change?16:55
BluesKajadd jaunty main to the end of line 5416:56
BluesKajit has to know which OS you are using, n8w16:56
BluesKajwhich repository to find the apps16:57
n8wBluesKaj: like this? deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/samrog131/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main16:57
BluesKajn8w,yes, then you should be ok , save the file and do sudo atitude update in the terminal16:57
n8wBluesKaj: ok,gonna try it16:58
BluesKajerr n8w  sudo aptitude update16:59
n8wBluesKaj: done..16:59
BluesKajlet's see it16:59
n8wBluesKaj: wow, it works:)))16:59
n8wBluesKaj: thx a lot m8...especialy for your patience with me...17:00
BluesKajok now n8w , wait17:00
n8wBluesKaj: the only thing which has gone wrong is this :W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A47958D42B7E03A717:01
n8wBluesKaj: shall i run apt-get update?17:02
BluesKajyou still have some sources that are commented out , that you will be able to use in the future for media apps mostly ..see the ones starting wit deb that have the # in front like lines38 and 39 . take the # out17:02
BluesKajalso 46 & 4617:02
BluesKaj45 &4617:02
n8wBluesKaj: ok..gonna do it now17:03
BluesKajsave again , then do the update17:03
veckhow do you get hardware drivers to work in karnic17:03
BluesKajveck whay hardware ?17:04
n8wBluesKaj: done17:04
n8wBluesKaj: i did the update after those changes17:04
veckBluesKaj: couse thats what i have in my computer17:04
veckBluesKaj: not much good without hardware17:05
n8wBluesKaj: well everythin seems to work aight17:05
n8wBluesKaj: thx man:)17:05
BluesKajn8w, ok , now you're ready to upgrade , do sudo aptitude safe-upgrade17:05
homyHow do I install qt oxygen theme without installing all of kde?17:06
n8wBluesKaj: only amarok is bein updated17:06
BluesKajhardware as in ethernet card, graphics card , soundcard ... ?17:07
veckBluesKaj: yes17:07
BluesKajveck ?17:07
n8wBluesKaj: done...amarok has been updated n a lot of python stuff have been removed17:07
BluesKajok n8w , have fun17:08
n8wBluesKaj: cheers:))17:08
veckBluesKaj: also software sources wont open from gui17:08
n8wBluesKaj: thx again:)17:08
veckBluesKaj: any help is appreciated17:09
BluesKajnp n8w :)17:09
n8wguys what kind of app do u use from managin your cell phone?ie.SE k80017:09
veckBluesKaj: I will be on all day so no hurry17:09
BluesKajveck, software sources wont open from gui ? pls explain your problem with an example17:10
veckBluesKaj: when i go to kmenu and open add remove software it wont open software source nenu were you chage the third part and ay=uthentication key and such17:12
veckBluesKaj: sry typo's17:13
BluesKajgawd , that package manager is a PITA in jaunty17:14
veckBluesKaj: also when i click on hardware drivers it starts to open then dissapears17:17
BluesKajveck, in the konsole/terminal , sudo aptitude update , then sudo aptitude safe-upgrade17:26
veckBluesKaj: allright its updating17:29
=== kb is now known as Guest47095
veckBluesKaj: probly have to edit my grub again after this17:30
veckBluesKaj: grub 2 throws --no-floppy errors after update17:32
BluesKajveck , sudo update-grub17:33
ubuserIs there a better reliable wireless network manager that replaces the plasma widget that is easy to find and install?17:34
BluesKajubuser, yes , wicd17:34
BluesKaj!info wicd | ubuser17:34
ubottuubuser: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB17:34
ubuserHow do I get it?17:34
BluesKajubuser, sudo aptitude install wicd17:35
ubuserThank you17:35
BluesKajwicd will be in your internet apps list in the k-menu17:36
=== ubuntu is now known as Alex_Rain
veckBluesKaj: thnx man that seems to have fixed all myproblems17:41
BluesKajnp veck :)17:42
BluesKaj ok BBL ..gotta mow the lawn before it rains , again17:46
ubuserI've installed it. Then launched the front-end. I put in my security code. It says connecting. It says validating authentication. It then says not connected.17:46
=== micke is now known as micke__
BluesKajubuser, wlan0 for wifi in preferences, wext and external in advanced17:49
=== tupac is now known as Tupac
BluesKajgotta go17:50
=== dharman is now known as dharman_away
n8wkpackage or synaptic?18:07
n8wwhats better?18:07
veckhow do i open kate as root18:14
bazhangkdesudo kate veck18:15
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:18
Xnet0im having problems installing netbeans18:18
Xnet0could anyone help18:18
Xnet0i used sudo apt-get install netbeans, and it says setting up netbeans. but there seems to be no activity..18:18
Xnet0could anyone help me here??18:19
MetaMorfoziSHi folks18:19
MetaMorfoziSCan anybody tell me why netcat dies with "invalid connection to xxx" while i try to make a simple tcp connection between them? (shell1: netcat -l localhost -p 6000 shell2: netcat localhost 6000) ?18:20
Xnet0has anyone had the problem of downloading an application, installing it, then not beaing able to find it anywhere in the system?18:20
Xnet0both the package manager and terminal say that it is installed18:21
Xnet0any help on this issue?18:21
enriquetanta gente escribe aqui18:26
Manu_Zacharia_Xand3r: did you try which?18:26
enriquealgun español cerca18:27
Manu_Zacharia_sorry addressed to Xnet018:27
James_S_the only xorg conf information that is used by ubuntu is at /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... I ask because that file seems to be fairly empty :S18:29
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=== Testing is now known as Just_lok4
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=== Zorael is now known as Zorael^2
dwarder_1when i plug in my headphon to my notebook i still hear sound from notebook speakers, is there any way i can switch them off?18:55
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darthanubisWhen is the PPA going to get KDE4.3RC2?19:00
jitsooack. I just "accidentally" discovered the mousewheel desktop switching19:03
=== bakuriua is now known as Baku
josemotahi guys. i'm having an error updating with apt-get. I'm getting the following error: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A19:19
josemotaW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems19:19
ptljosemota: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2836CB0A8AC93F7A19:25
josemotaptl under sudo or # ?19:25
ptlthis will fix your error.19:25
ptlunder sudo19:25
josemotaor is that irrelevant :P19:25
ptlsorry, it's just that I just use root when I issue these commands... I don't like sudo'ing all the way around19:25
josemotai understand19:26
josemotacan you tell me the cause to this?19:26
ptlyes. You added a third-party repository. To verify it's legit, it needs a 'public key', something that allows to cryptographically verify each package. The command I gave you gets this 'public key' automatically from ubuntu's "public key server"19:27
josemotaoh, so that's why...! you see, i added the kde repository because of KDE 4.319:28
josemotaand right now i want to install its fresh RC219:28
ptl(I think that all repositories from ppa.launchpad.net have their public keys in this repository)19:28
josemotacuz there are some things funny on my macbook 3,119:28
ptlI see19:28
ptlKDE was showing so many problems on my install that I was forced to switch to gnome19:28
josemotado you use a macbook yourself..?19:29
ptlmore than a dozen bugs misteriously do not occur when I am on gnome.19:29
ptlno... plain PC19:29
josemotawhat kind of bugs? perhaps i can relate...19:29
ptlI was tired or reporting, so I just reported a few and couldn't afford the time to get into the details of each bug. But you can see some here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~patola19:30
EDinNYUsing kubuntu 9.04.  How do I put a button on the panel to launch my favorite apps?  like firefox, etc?19:30
josemotai understand19:30
josemotathanks ptl19:31
ptlyw dude19:32
EDinNYCan I put a button on the panel to launch firefox?19:32
ptlyes you can19:32
ptlbut as I am not in KDE I don't remember the procedure.19:32
ptlit's simple, though.19:32
EDinNYI used to just drag it there from the desktop...in last kde verson19:33
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ptlhave you tried to drag from the collapsable menu?19:33
ptlI think it works, can't recall19:34
EDinNYptl, thanks!  worked!19:34
EDinNYused to have to drag to desktop and from desktop to panel I think.  this works19:35
ptlI know, I used that way before too19:36
Xnet0hey, is anyone here familiar with either netbeans or eclipse IDE?19:44
adeusthe latter19:45
EDinNYdoes multiverse still have w32codecs?19:45
veckhow do you install nvidia 185.18.14 driver?19:53
Captain_Haddockveck: look for Hardware Drivers in Kmenu19:54
veckCaptain_Haddock: for some reason my hardware drivers will not work19:54
Captain_Haddockveck: what happens?19:54
veckCaptain_Haddock: any way to install from terminal19:55
veckCaptain_Haddock: it just sits there after i choose to activate19:55
Captain_Haddockveck: it should be called jockey something19:55
Mehrabhey guys19:56
Captain_Haddockveck: that's very likely because it's downloading stuff.19:56
veckCaptain_Haddock: run that in terminal?19:56
veckCaptain_Haddock: waited like 1/2 hour and it weas still sitting there19:56
Captain_Haddockveck: if the menu item is not working well, then you can try it, I guess.. you might get some info on why it's not working from the terminal output19:57
veckCaptain_Haddock: would be better if i could run in terminal so i can see whats going on19:57
MehrabI'm using KDE 4.3 RC, after a crash and reboot I can't login to my desktop and I get an error like this: "Starting Timidity++ alsa midi emulation...   Bus error"19:57
veckeh thats not good19:58
Mehrabwhat's wrong with it?20:00
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naouri_hiii all20:13
jarleI have added the http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/experimental/ubuntu repo, but the packages there does not seem to be available (I only see the old version of digikam for example) Am I missing something?20:14
Zorael^2Is there an environment variable to set to make all qt apps run with -graphicssystem raster?20:16
Mehrabanyone can help?20:19
Mehrabwhat does "bus error" mean?20:22
secretevening. can somebody please tell me how i find the broadcast from a ip?20:32
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veckwhats the command to see wich kernal i have?20:53
desuuname -r20:53
ptldesu is right, but uname -a will give you all information, though.20:54
ptlor you can cat /proc/version20:54
secretevening. can somebody please tell me how i find the broadcast from a ip?20:58
averyHow do i Get rid of the flickering while typing on KUBUNTU20:59
calamariavery: sorry, I haven't noticed any flickering21:03
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dividerRequesting assistance with Kubuntu Jaunty; Any takers?21:08
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BluesKaj!ask | divider21:09
ubottudivider: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:09
dividerhow can i restore the kde taskbar after i removed it by mistake in kubuntu jaunty?21:11
Pliskindivider : add a widget > taskbar21:12
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BluesKajdivider, open the widgets /cashew in the rt hand corner of the panel , then add widgets and look for taskbar21:12
dividerBluesKaj: Thank you; how can I dock that with the main bar at the bottom?21:13
dividerBluesKaj: Nevermind figued it out. :P Thanks21:13
naourihow to install Glib on Kubuntu21:14
dividerHaving trouble with 2 remaining objectives; Sound interuptions cause media playback to halt and prevent sound playback; and in need of recommendation with catalyst and ati radeon 4870 driver version for 3d accel; attempting to remove flicker when running wine applications.21:16
Captain_Haddocknaouri: I think it's part of "build-essentials"21:20
OkayWhat's a good usb encryption for flashdrives? I want something like rohos mini drive for kubuntu21:20
Captain_HaddockOkay: never used it, but look up truecrypt21:22
Okayproblem is that I want to use truecrypt on another computer, but has restricted access like at school21:23
ShaMMaNBuenas a todos !!21:23
Okayone more question, when I start up kubuntu, all the icons that I dragged to the upper taskbar are not there, but when I go "re-drag" those icons to the taskbar again, they appear. Is there a fix?21:27
the_madmanOkay: KDE 4.2.4, I presume?21:28
Okaythe_madman, yeah21:29
the_madmanOkay: Well, there is one instance where I've had that happen, but only if you try to drag something next to the system tray. Is that what you're doing?21:29
OkayI put three icons together, with a separator21:30
Okayand then three more icons, and another separator.21:30
racecar56why does it lag when i resize my menu?21:31
the_madmanOkay: So you had to drag each icon twice?21:31
Okaythe_madman, you know the application/places/system bar, well, I put 1 separator after that then my three icons then another separator, then three more icons, then finally one more separator. And after each bootup they're "invisible" and when I go to re-drag one on, they all appear again21:33
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Okaythe_madman, it just loops and never shows21:34
the_madmanOkay: Are you sure the panel is unlocked?21:34
kubinehello ... i'm from german kubuntu team. is it possible to get a kubuntu/bot/kubine cloak here or does kubuntu group does not exist at all?21:34
Okaythe_madman, I have all the separators and icons locked21:34
the_madmanOkay: You will need to unlock them if you want to drag more icons next to them. Right-click anywhere on the panel (except the system tray) and click, "Unlock Widgets".21:35
Okaythe_madman, so unlocking them will actually make them appear on bootup?21:36
the_madmanOkay: Oh, I see what you mean. I mis-understood, sorry.21:36
Okaythe_madman, I don't need to add more icons21:36
the_madmanOkay: So say you've just logged in, are you saying that the icons simply don't appear?21:37
Okaythe_madman, no need to be sorry21:37
Okayyeah, that's the problem21:37
the_madmanOkay: Not everyone is as tolerant as we would like ;)21:37
the_madmanOkay: Right. Can you check your Qt version, please?21:37
Okayversion 4.521:38
administratorhey guys21:38
the_madmanOkay: If you do a search in System Settings --> Add/Remove programs (or something like that), by name only, you can see the exact version.21:38
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zuzcan someone tell me how to get the original kubuntu wireless manager back?21:39
the_madmanOkay: And it's important to know whether it's version 4.5.0, 4.5.1 or 4.5.2, because problems like that don't occure after
zuzi was trying to use a wpa one and deleted it off my taskbar21:39
Okaythe_madman, it's version 4.5.021:39
the_madmanOkay: Right, you should try to upgrade it. Do you know your way around the package manager?21:40
Okaythe_madman, I should update qt then?21:41
Okaythe_madman, I am lagging badly. lol21:41
the_madmanOkay: Yes, the newer Qt versions don't have those problems and tend to be much faster as well.21:42
ricmacasHey guys, using kubuntu, really happy. You really made it user-friendly this time.21:42
zuzits awesome21:42
Okaythe_madman, can I just do sudo apt-get install qt?21:42
the_madmanOkay: You should allow suggested upgrades and backports first.21:43
zuzand it runs faster with a 512mb ram 1.8ghz laptop then my 1gb ram 2.6ghz spare desktop21:43
the_madmanThen, you can run, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade".21:43
zuzcan anyone help me?21:44
Okaythe_madman, so i run sudo apt-get install qt then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?21:44
the_madmanOkay: No, because Qt is already installed.21:44
Okaythe_madman, okay so I just run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade first and then what comes after that?21:45
the_madmanOkay: Go to System Settings --> Add/Remove programs, then to, "Edit sources"...21:45
the_madman... damn, it's been a long time since I used Kubuntu.21:45
the_madmanOkay: I'm sure there's a page on kubuntu.org that explains it, I'll go have a look for you.21:46
Okaythe_madman, that's okay. I will search around and report back if successful or i have a problem21:46
Okaythe_madman, have to go now. Thank you for all the help!21:47
the_madmanAh, he left.21:47
the_madmanOh well.21:47
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JoesephI was hoping someone could point me to a place that I could download the startup sound for Kubuntu?  I want to use it in Ubuntu, but I don't want to download the kde-desktop package just to get it....22:16
sacredlorehello, is it possible, to view the list of pathches applied to specific package in released Kubuntu distro ?22:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mts22:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avchd22:30
spinfusorCan anyone help me with mts2avi... trying to install something that will convert mts files to avi22:31
jitsooIs there a keyboard shortcut to open the kmenu?22:36
BluesKajspinfusor,  http://slacy.com/blog/2008/02/transcoding-avchd-mts-or-m2ts-files-using-mencoder-on-linux/22:37
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spinfusorThank you BluesKaj... looking in on it.22:41
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dwarder_1what do you play on linux?22:46
dwarder_1well nevermind i'm going to sleep22:47
jaumahi all22:48
nikitisCould someone please tell me how to disable the alt+left click function in kde?22:56
nikitiskde 4.222:57
nikitisnm figured it out22:58
farchordThat was easy....22:58
farchordYou're welcome!22:58
nikitisOne more22:58
nikitishow do I enable num lock on boot?22:58
farchordIf I'm not mistaken, that's a kernel argument22:59
farchordnot 100% sure tho22:59
nikitisI'm sure there's an option22:59
farchordOne google search wielded the answer: http://techie-buzz.com/tips-and-tricks/how-to-enable-numlock-key-to-be-on-when-linux-boots.html22:59
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wizard_does anyone know how to install the blackberry to ubntu?23:12
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wizard__Im new to ubuntu...im still getting around i need some help.23:15
motdoes kde 4.x have an equivalent of quanta?23:30
moti notice it's no longer in the jaunty repos23:30
kurosanyone know much about manually installing grub?23:33
CSS_Guruhow come my kubuntu 9.04 doesnt detect my Sansa E280R mp3 player?23:49
jitsooHow do I map 'k' menu to a shortcut key in kubuntu 9.04? (like windows-space)23:53
CSS_GuruJitsoo: right click on your K menu23:55
CSS_Guruclickapplication launcher settings23:55
CSS_Guruthen click hotkey, and set what youd like :)23:55
CSS_Guru` aaroncampbell_23:57

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