
goshawkogra: ping14:10
goshawkafter the change we did yesterday14:10
goshawki don't see anything more than * Starting kernel log daemon...                                         [ OK ]14:10
goshawk * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                             [ OK ]14:11
DGMurdockIIIhi dose ubuntu support arm laptops/ netbooks18:06
goshawkDGMurdockIII: yes18:07
DGMurdockIIIin ubuntu netbook remix18:08
goshawkbut i think yes18:08
goshawkyou just18:08
goshawkinstall ubuntu in that arm18:08
goshawkand install the same packages of ubuntu netbook remix18:08
goshawkdunno if there are ready images for ubuntu netbook remix (arm version)18:09
goshawkDGMurdockIII: have a look here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM18:11
DGMurdockIIIhey so if i am working on a custom distro that based on ubuntu netbook remix distro is there a way i can add arm support easly19:01

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