
=== asac_ is now known as asac
* BUGabundo off to bed01:16
rob2Hello. I just triaged bug #394430. However I don't seem to have write access to the Importance property. Is this normal? The wiki indicates that Importance should be set when the bug is confirmed.03:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 394430 in x11-apps "xclock -twentyfour option ignored" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39443003:45
nelleryrob2: you need to be in bugcontrol to set importance04:01
nellerysee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl04:01
rob2Thanks nellery, I did end up reading that and understand the requirements for joining that group.04:52
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BUGabundoboas tardes20:02
charlie-tcaGood evening, BUGabundo20:05
BUGabundohey charl20:06
BUGabundohey charlie-tca20:06
BUGabundoahh took me a while :)20:06
charlie-tcaWe all get there  ;-)20:07
BUGabundoits hard to balance a 13" laptop in two nees :)20:10
charlie-tcaEven harder to only use 1, though ;-)20:17
BUGabundonot if you have square nees eheh20:18
charlie-tcaGood point20:19
kamusinHow can I mark some report that has reported an error for a package that was installed manually and is not in main repository (package is skype)21:11
charlie-tcaReport it directly to the application developers21:12
charlie-tca!info skype21:12
ubot4charlie-tca: Package skype does not exist in jaunty21:12
kamusinexists if you have medibuntu sources21:13
kamusinbut is not the case21:13
BUGabundoif the package was instaled from medibuntu repos21:14
charlie-tcaYes, you should report the bugs as indicated:21:14
charlie-tcaPlease report any bug to our bug tracker instead:21:14
charlie-tca https://bugs.launchpad.net/medibuntu/+bugs21:14
kamusinbecause this user download from website21:14
BUGabundothen it's a bug for the medibuntu LP BTS accouny21:14
BUGabundonot ubuntu one21:14
charlie-tcaTells me that in Synaptic Package Manager21:14
BUGabundocharlie-tca: yeas21:14
charlie-tcaBugs in launchpad will be invalid21:14
BUGabundono need to invalidate... just MOVE it21:15
BUGabundothat makes it send less noise to ubuntu subscrivers21:15
BUGabundokamusin: what website? skype oficial? then its not *our* bug21:15
charlie-tcaOh, yeah, that too21:15
kamusinwas download from skype website21:16
* charlie-tca slaps head; got to remember to save work instead of creating noise21:16
BUGabundokamusin: mark it as invalid and explain it to the user21:16
Zylstra555Hello, I would like to report a bug, and quite frankly I am just too lazy to register to post it somewhere...21:38
Zylstra555In the Ubuntu 9.04 Add/Remove Application, the package: "Filezilla" can not be added, it claims that the program is incompatible with the system (i386). I manually downloaded and ran it, and it works fine.21:39
BUGabundoZylstra555: please visit #ubuntu channel, and try to find another user having the same prob, and that want to report it21:41
BUGabundoZylstra555: plus having and Launchpad account my be useful for you next time, to allow you to report more bugs, or keep track of already submitted bugs21:42
BUGabundoand it also entitles you to a Ubuntu One cloud account ;)21:42
cabreyZylstra555, I get the same thing21:43
Zylstra555BUGabundo: Personally, I'd rather just not have another account somewhere else... Why did Ubuntu switch to Launchpad? (I've never used the old bug system, which I think was the forum, right? Or Launchpad)21:43
BUGabundoZylstra555: launchpad has been here since I joined21:43
Zylstra555BUGabundo: Hmm... I still don't recall.21:44
BUGabundoits the de facto plaform for us to track the project21:44
Zylstra555I'm surprised that FileZilla isnt working, and probably hasnt been in a long time.21:45
cabreyZylstra555, I had it installed before21:45
cabreyon 9.0421:45
Zylstra555It is one of the best FTP clients out there, I tried nearly every single other FTP client in the Ubuntu Repositories... none of them even compared.21:45
Zylstra555cabrey: I downloaded the executable and just ran it from there, how distressing! (I rely on Synaptics far too much)21:46
Zylstra555BUGabundo: Well, if you think its worthwhile getting an account on Launchpad, I shall do so. I really want to see this fixed.21:46
cabreyit's probably a packaging error21:46
BUGabundofilezilla works for me, in karmic21:46
cabreyaptitude download filezilla d/l's the actual deb21:47
BUGabundoI remember having some trouble with filezilla during jaunty devel cycle. and then it got fixed21:47
Zylstra555I wonder, will Linux be around for the next 100 years?21:49
cabreynothing wrong with the control file as far i see21:49
BUGabundohope so21:49
Zylstra555...how do I actually report the bug in Launchpad?21:50
cabreyok it's definitely a synaptic issue21:50
cabreyi can install the deb manually via gdebi/dpkg21:50
cabreyand it starts up fine...21:51
Zylstra555cabrey: It works fine as well.21:52
cabreyi'm talking about the deb coming down from the ubuntu repos21:52
BUGabundoZylstra555: best way: $ ubuntu-bug filezilla21:52
Zylstra555JFTP, "FTP", KFTP, Kasablaca, all of those clients... none of them were able to successfully transfer 54GB of data. Granted, FIleZilla hasnt finished yet, but its off to a good start.21:52
cabreyit's not a filezilla bug tho21:52
cabreyi would say file it under synaptic21:53
BUGabundocabrey: Zylstra555 please try : $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install filezilla and pastebin any errors21:53
BUGabundocabrey: synaptic is just an APT GUI21:53
cabreyyea i know21:54
BUGabundothe bug is most prob on apt or pdkg21:54
BUGabundobut MVO is not here21:54
cabreynot dpkg, because i just used dpkg21:54
BUGabundotry aptitude21:54
BUGabundopurge it, clearn your cache, and try again21:54
cabreygotta be synaptic, just tried aptitude21:55
Zylstra555BUGabundo: It seems to be working under Aptitude21:56
BUGabundodid you clean your cache?21:56
cabrey& purged21:56
cabreyZylstra555, if you post the lp bug url here I'll try to confirm it (if I can)21:57
BUGabundoZylstra555: best way to report a bug: $ ubuntu-bug filezilla21:58
Zylstra555BUGabundo: Thats what I did :)21:59
* BUGabundo ok I'm getting my self an ice cream. back in a few minutes22:03
Zylstra555BUGabundo: Cabrey:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/filezilla/+bug/39826722:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 398267 in filezilla "FileZilla cano not be added by Add/Remove Applications program" [Undecided,New]22:06
Zylstra555* (Space Typo) BUGabundo: Cabrey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/filezilla/+bug/39826722:06
BUGabundocano not22:07
Zylstra555I can confirm it myself, it appears22:07
cabreyi just did :)22:08
charlie-tcaZylstra555: Please don't confirm your own bugs, wait for someone else to22:08
BUGabundoyep. don't do it!22:08
cabreyi did22:09
cabreyi'm going to upload a screenshot of the dialog22:09
Zylstra555charlie-tca: I know, I was just saying... (I just thought it was kind of an odd thing, allowing someone to confirm their own bugs..)22:09
cabreyZylstra555, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28919861/screenshot1.png22:09
cabreyis that what you're getting?22:10
charlie-tcaIt is allowed, but will only create extra messages since someone else will then unconfirm it and someone else will have to confirm it22:10
charlie-tcaLaunchpad doesn't have brains to say you reported this, and you should not confirm it. Devs are allowed to confirm some kinds of bugs when they report them.22:11
cabreylaunchpad is self aware22:11
charlie-tcaIt does get smarter every day ;-)22:12
cabreythat can only lead to one thing.22:12
cabreyfree pie.22:12
Zylstra555well, Ubuntu is being a pain to me right now... a file transfer crashed from Gnome, or Nautalis, or whatever, and now it won't do any other file transfers until it thinks it has transfered the first files... what a paradox.22:22
kklimondafrom LP: "The certificate expired on 07/12/2009 12:37 AM."  ;)23:39
charlie-tcakklimonda: for launchpad?23:48
BUGabundokklimonda: check your PC clock23:48
BUGabundolast time someone said that HERE he had a bad CMOS date23:48
charlie-tcaI don't get that notice23:48
* charlie-tca remembers that now23:48
kklimondaBUGabundo: well, everything else is fine :)23:49
BUGabundokklimonda: $ date23:49
charlie-tcakklimonda: is it already the 12th there?23:49
kklimondait's for edge LP23:49
kklimondaand from what I see e.l.n cert has just expired23:50
kklimondathe one from stable LP is valid for another year23:50
charlie-tcaMight tell them on #launchpad23:51
BUGabundoedge here says 201023:51
kklimondagood idea23:51
Nafalloexcept #launchpad isn't the ones handling the certs...23:51
kklimondaBUGabundo: interesting23:51
BUGabundoits *.launchpad.net23:52
BUGabundoNafallo: so who is?23:52
kklimondaBUGabundo: I got a *.edge.launchpad.net23:52
NafalloBUGabundo: the sysadmins23:52
BUGabundono one works on sundays at canonical :)23:52
BUGabundokklimonda: interesting23:52
BUGabundoNafallo: do you know one we can poke to check on this ?23:53
NafalloBUGabundo: nope, but it's flagged in nagios for when they start on Monday :-)23:54
kklimondadamn, we are gonna get dozens of bug reports till then ;)23:54
BUGabundoNafallo: that will be a bit late :)23:55

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