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TheeMahnColin Watson can I get your attention?02:40
ScottKTheeMahn: Probably not right now.  It's the middle of the night in his TZ and the odds of him being awake and at the keyboard are rather small.02:42
TheeMahnThanks, I was here to point our errors & yes I know launchpad is there.02:43
Seeker`TheeMahn: why not report them on launchpad then?02:45
TheeMahnHe wiped out 1 he shold have re-considered, I was testing it as he did his hanywork.02:45
Seeker`"wiped out"?02:45
TheeMahnWell you won't find on launchpad anymore ;)02:46
ScottKWiped out what?02:46
Seeker`what was the error?02:46
TheeMahnI also build an alternative02:46
TheeMahnsearch my name02:47
Seeker`what was the error?02:48
TheeMahn33## he fixed, I think it is wrong he removed it from launchpad02:49
TheeMahnit introduced another error02:49
TheeMahnI wanted to speak with him personally02:50
TheeMahnI will not fill in the blanks02:50
Seeker`why not?02:50
TheeMahnIt does not exist on launchpad02:51
Seeker`why not explain what the actual problem is instead of being cryptic02:52
TheeMahnThat is between him & I02:52
Seeker`TheeMahn: you wont say what the bug you think was introduced was?02:54
TheeMahnsure I could tell you, are you theUbiquity man02:54
Seeker`is there any reason not to tell me?02:55
TheeMahnI know what is going on02:55
TheeMahnit is between me & him02:55
TheeMahnI won't "try" to help you again is that the attitude I need to have?02:58
TheeMahnare you a dev?03:00
Seeker`no, just interested03:00
TheeMahnyeah, sit in those shoes just once.03:01
PiciUm. okay then.03:01
Seeker`WHAT. THE. ....03:01
ScottKUnfortunately he left before I could warn he he was about to get thrown out.03:05
wgrantHe's the Ultimate Edition guy.03:05
wgrantUltimate Edition and Ultamatix03:06
wgrantThat should give an example of the sanity we should expect.03:06
ScottKRight.  Got it.03:06
wgrantColin is powerful indeed to remove bugs from Launchpad.03:06
pamasac: Is a non stripped version of firefox available somewhere? (trying to debug a segfault on Jaunty)03:18
wgrantpam: Debug symbols for most Ubuntu packages are on ddebs.ubuntu.com.03:31
pamwgrant: yeah, I just saw that on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs03:31
pamI got confused because firefox-3.5-dbg is present in the normal repos03:31
pamBut https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mozillateam-bugs/2008-June/047318.html says you don't bulid them anymore?03:31
wgrantSo it seems.03:32
wgrantThere's little (but not no) reason to have -dbg packages now we have automated symbol extraction.03:32
pamoh - not aware of that03:33
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peerlesshello any one here?07:04
ubuntuellaHey peerless.07:04
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asacpam: we build them again because dbgsym was a mess ;)10:54
asacxulrunner-1.9.1-dbg + firefox-3.5-dbg10:54
pochuasac: what's the problem with dbgsym?10:56
asacpochu: bit problem: we dont get any for security updates (and i think also not for -proposed/-updates bits)11:03
asacso for firefox they are in general useless for stable releases ;)11:03
asacs/bit/big/ ;)11:04
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wgrantasac: That'll be fixed soon...11:05
pochuasac: oh I see11:06
asacthe other reason is that we use ppa quite heavily for dailies etc11:13
* Keybuk is starting to think there's a gcc armel bug11:43
* Keybuk got the 150 minutes of inactivity on the exact same source file again11:43
ScottKKeybuk: About half the KDE packages hit that too.  In our case it turns out that lzma compression takes a LONG time on armel.  NCommander rebuilt some of them by hand and they do eventually finish.  There is some discussion about raising the timeouts.11:52
KeybukscottK: this is just gcc compiling a C file11:53
Keybukit's only 16,000 lines too11:53
ScottKOK.  So maybe its slow and bugged then.11:53
ograKeybuk, i also dont think its actually the lzma stuff, especially since there is no output at all during these timeouts and there is definately no uncompressing involved at that time in some of the packages12:05
ograKeybuk, i'm doing an upstart testbuild locally now ...12:14
Laneyhas something happened to the dm_snapshot module in karmic?12:15
Laneylike... it disappearing? "FATAL: Module dm_snapshot not found."12:15
ograKeybuk, seems you are right ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/215454/12:33
ograthough the build goes on afterwards here (using dpkg-buildpackage)12:34
ograand rolls a deb :)12:34
ogra»upstart« in »../upstart_0.6.0-3_armel.deb«.12:35
Keybukthe build should continue, it's just the test suite :)12:38
ograi dont get why the buildd produces a timeout though12:38
KeybukI || true it, but it's useful to have the results in the log12:38
Keybukdunno, assumedly nothing reaped gcc's attempt to crash12:38
ograits true that it takes a while especially in that test that the former one12:39
ograbut neither took more than 5 min here and my system is very slow (running off a micro SD card)12:39
ogra*that test 'and' the former one12:39
jacquesdupontdi have a question someone is available for me ?13:15
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jacquesdupontdok i see :)13:18
jacquesdupontdstill nobody awake ?13:28
Ampelbeinjacquesdupontd: just ask, maybe someone knows the answer.13:48
jacquesdupontdok the thing is i'm on jaunty and have an old ati 7000 igp card14:11
jacquesdupontdthe opensource drivers are working perfectly except it doesn't have 3d14:11
jacquesdupontdas you all know i think14:12
jacquesdupontdi know we are far from the time ati release something for us, but there's patch here and there14:12
jacquesdupontdmay someone know more about this14:12
Ampelbeinbryce: ^^ can you look at jacquesdupontd's comments?14:15
jacquesdupontdthx Ampelbein14:17
ScottKjacquesdupontd: There is also an #ubuntu-x channel where you might get a better result.14:26
jacquesdupontdi go smoke a cig14:35
jacquesdupontd(i know that's very bad)14:35
ograhrm, through upstart not building but having the seed change /sbin/runlevel is missing on armel systems :(15:32
ionOuch. ubuntu-minimal probably should have had a versioned dependency.15:34
ograits no issue for already installed systems15:35
ograand i have a selfbuilt package for my freshly bootstrapped ones15:35
ograbut indeed its an issue15:35
pamasac: heh :) thanks15:54
jetienneq. im doing a livecd, compressing squashfs use a significant time at each try, is there a way to avoid this ? like booting on it without this compression17:34
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cjwatsonjetienne: mksquashfs has various options to control compression, although you may find the work is dominated more by the I/O time to write out the single big file (which you do have to do, one way or another) than it is by the CPU time of compression; you'd have to experiment to determine that19:29
cjwatsonjetienne: man mksquashfs19:29
jetiennecjwatson: thanks i will look19:51
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KeybukI like it when the Upstart test suite finds kernel bugs23:00
legend2440hi does jaunty support acpi 2.0?23:36
legend2440is there another channel i should ask in?23:41

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