
NafalloPhilip5: pong13:27
Philip5Nafallo: aha, var bara lite nyfiken på om det blivit någon fortsättning på historien om ubuntu.se14:18
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
kubinehello ... one question. the german kubuntu team has a bot for some years now. i just searched for a cloak for this bot because it runs at my personal server since a few month and i would like to hide it. at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks i found that a bot has to be approved to get a ubuntu/bot cloak. how does this work?21:43
kubinemain "problem" should be "The bot owner is trusted by the IRC council and/or the channel admins of the channels it is in" <-- we have some ubuntu members in kubuntu-de team, but i dont think they are officially trusted by ubuntu-irc team or something like this.21:47
=== kubine is now known as TheInfinity
nikoTheInfinity: just idle here, and ping nalioth22:23
naliothniko: ping me? whatever for?22:25
nikoa cloak no ?22:25
nikolike /unaffiliated/theinfinity/bot22:25
naliothTheInfinity: what's the bot's nick?22:25
nikoor something like that i think22:25
naliothniko: oui, j'comprende22:26
naliothTheInfinity: and you wanted an ubuntu/bot/ cloak, correct?22:30
TheInfinityi just had some time to add some features to this bot - and i also wanted to use the time to give it a cloak.22:30
TheInfinitywould be super, yes22:30
naliothi'm just wondering why you haven't asked for an unaffiliated cloak before now22:31
TheInfinityi just did, but they wanted to give me a unaffiliated/theinfinity/bots/kubine cloak which is not thaaat good because its a team bot, not a personal bot22:32
naliothTheInfinity: /whois ubot322:33
naliothTheInfinity: /whois ubot422:33
nalioththose are "team bots"22:33
Nafalloand they still have bot owners :-)22:33
TheInfinityhmm. whats the rule choosing unaffiliated or ubuntu cloak?22:34
nikomine have ubuntu cloak, but take long time unaffliated/bot cloak22:34
naliothTheInfinity: why don't i assign an unaf cloak for now (so your IP will be cloaked) and we'll figure out the ubuntu cloak over time ?22:35
TheInfinitynalioth: sounds like a deal. then you can follow my development and look if its ok.22:36
TheInfinity<-- just codes an alternative for encyclopedia which loves to fail giving results, that might be a reason why its difficult to proof it atm22:39
TheInfinitynalioth: thank you :)22:41
naliothyou're welcome22:44
ubot4In #ubuntu-uk, Nafallo said: !kk is NSFW in Swedish ;-)23:46
DavieyNafallo: Nice factoid suggestion.. :)23:57

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