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rawlercjwatson: exactly how does popularity-contest work?00:05
rawlerdoes it actually track "usage" of packages somehow, not just which packages is installed?00:06
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, should I remove them?00:06
cjwatsonrawler: err, probably best to look at its documentation or source or whatever; I haven't looked at it in ages. It does attempt to track usage via atime, though.00:11
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: if they already exist in a Debian package, removing them would create an unnecessary delta00:11
rawlercjwatson: oki.. :)00:11
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: if it's entirely your own package, then it's up to you; they're unnecessary if you don't use emacs00:11
cjwatson(and personally I think that sort of thing belongs in .emacs so that it applies to */debian/changelog, not in each individual file)00:12
rawlercjwatson: I don't know if you saw my original question, but I'm pondering a way to auto-detect unused packages, and suggest them for removal, I.E. in cruft remover..00:12
cjwatsonbut if it's somebody else's package, leave them be00:12
cjwatsonrawler: I did, but it's after midnight here and I'm about to go ... ;-)00:12
rawlerso, I guess I'll just keep looking.. :)00:12
rawlerme too.. see you all.. I'll probably check back in when I have something more concrete.. :)00:12
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, Ok. Since they were introduced in the Ubuntu changelog I guess I'll just remove them. Thanks :).00:12
rawler(IF I can come up with something more concrete)00:13
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xMrKrnlxKernelCheck - tool for an automated build of a kernel from the latest source - up for reviewing: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kernelcheck02:54
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AnAntHello, I am trying to convert a package 'dico' to use dh 7, the issue is that dico got subfolders where I'll have to get into myself & build (ie. I got to override dh_auto_build), now those subfolders got python scripts/modules (ie. setup.py is there), now I wanted to see how dh_auto_build handles setup.py files so I found that it simply runs: python setup.py build03:59
AnAntsimilarly dh_auto_install runs: python setup.py install03:59
AnAntshouldn't it be doing something like this: $(subst $(PYDEF),python,$*) setup.py build/install ?04:00
* AnAnt thinks: why did I say this very long intro ?!04:02
ScottKAnAnt: Why are you trying to convert it?04:18
AnAntScottK: good question04:33
ScottKI generally go by the motto if it's not broken, don't fix it.04:33
AnAntScottK: well, most packages that I converted looked simpler after conversion, that's all, so I'm seeing if the same can be done for dico04:33
AnAntScottK: ok, regardless of the conversion, is what I noticed correct ?04:34
ScottKAnAnt: IMO "looks simpler" is exactly that.  It isn't simpler, it's just the more of the complexity is hidden.04:34
ScottKAnAnt: I don't know.  I haven't messed with DH 7 stuff much yet.04:34
AnAntshouldn't dh_auto_build/install be doing a $(subst $(PYDEF),python,$*)04:34
AnAntScottK: btw, although the motto 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' is usually correct, yet sometimes it is nice to cleanup (and sometimes simplify) code for easier future maintainance05:02
ScottKCertainly.  Preventative maintenance has it's value05:07
StevenKI like the debhelper 7 stuff for simple packages05:11
cpscottiAmpelbein, warp10 : Could you (or some other motu) review/advocate the harpia package, it got rejected by the archive by some minor (now solved) dependencies issue. ( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/harpia ). (python app, opencv, computer vision)..06:41
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or4n9ehi there. could it be that casper introduces some local diversions to dpkg-divert --list on every reboot?09:38
or4n9eI removed a local diversion of /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check and once rebooted this diversion is automatically restored09:39
or4n9eis there a way to adjust this - I permanently need to get rid of the diversion09:39
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slytheringeser: ping10:27
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rohitkgto everyone:i have written a C program, and i wanted to create  a package out of it.11:09
rohitkgi have done all the steps to create it, but there is a problem during cleaning11:09
rohitkgcan anyone help me out?11:09
rohitkgthese are the pastebin links11:10
rohitkghttp://pastebin.com/d4893c87d for makefile11:10
rohitkghttp://pastebin.com/d1fd60256 for rules11:10
rohitkghttp://pastebin.com/dd0a1060 while package building11:10
rohitkgmaxb:can you look at my problem given above ^^^^^11:11
slytherinrohitkg: did you actually read the errors?11:28
rohitkgyeah, it said,there was no such directory as Hello11:29
slytherinrohitkg: so?11:31
slytherinfix that error11:31
rohitkgslytherin:how should i correct that,should i make a change in the makefile?11:31
slytherinrohitkg: check the clean target in your debian/rules file11:32
rohitkgslytherin:can you mention,which location it should point to,i'm not gettin it11:42
rohitkgthe source files and the debian directory is under myhello-1.011:43
slytherinrohitkg: I don't know. It is your program.11:43
rohitkgslytherin:can you please go through that pastebin links?11:44
slytherinrohitkg: sorry, I am busy11:44
rohitkgthanx anyway11:44
pochuRainCT: hey, you're doing it wrong (pkg-gnome) :)12:02
pochucan you join #gnome-debian on GimpNet?12:02
RainCTpochu: yeah, I asked several times how to do it some time ago but nobody answered :/12:03
pochuguess I wasn't around ;)12:03
RainCTpochu: and now I couldn't even remember the name of the channel lol (why not #debian-gnome like anyone else?)12:04
pochu'couse we're special =)12:05
RainCTDktrKranz: uhm, I can't build that kupfer thing. Maybe it's becoming time I upgrade to Karmic.. :P12:33
DktrKranzRainCT, probably. I install files in a private location, that is supported with latest pysupport and distutils, I think12:34
RainCTDktrKranz: well, it fails at the build dependencies already :)12:34
DktrKranzyou need keybinder12:34
DktrKranz(also uploaded)12:35
RainCTDktrKranz: yep, and that one needs a new debhelper and python-gnomeapplet or sth which my apt doesn't find12:35
RainCTah but there are screenshots at the website, that's all I wanted to see :)12:35
DktrKranzI can provide one myself, I've currently installed (Debian box, but it's the same)12:36
DktrKranz debhelper | 7.0.17ubuntu4 |        jaunty | source, all12:37
DktrKranzand yes, you require 7.0.5012:37
sebnerRainCT: pfff, jaunty. pfff. karmic karmic karmic12:45
RainCTDktrKranz: nah don't worry, was just curious how it looks12:49
DktrKranzit's much similar to early gnome-do12:49
DktrKranzwell... it's intended to do the same job, so I think it's normal ;)12:50
RainCTsebner: are you also like this when your X doesn't start? :D12:50
RainCTDktrKranz: well, it hasn't a dock, so no fun *g*12:50
DktrKranzRainCT, do you need X? use framebuffer!12:50
DktrKranzRainCT, my gnome-do won't have dock, compiz and I don't fit well12:51
sebnerRainCT: my X always starts up. You just have to punch it hard enough :P12:51
RainCTbtw, do you also have to press space for your system to boot?12:52
RainCT(I have the .31~rc2 kernel here and it says something about unsupported video mode 303 -or maybe 606?- and press space to continue or enter to see list of modes)12:52
sebnerRainCT: nope12:53
sebnerRainCT: it just needs 28 seconds to boot up instead of 18 with jaunty ^^12:53
RainCTsebner: ah, i think here it's faster12:59
DktrKranzRainCT, what about passing vga=something to grub?13:00
DktrKranzScottK, mind rejecting kupfer package in karmic/NEW? I have to reupload a fixed version13:15
ScottKDktrKranz: I can do that.13:16
ScottKDktrKranz: Rejected.13:17
ScottKNo problem.13:17
slytherinasac: When is xulrunner-dev likely to depend on xulrunner-1.9.1-dev in karmic?14:23
geserslytherin: pong14:49
slytheringeser: I didn't get any build failure again, but build fails in PPA. What do you suggest?14:49
geserif it fails in PPA, I assume that it will also fail in the main archive14:50
geserslytherin: I can advocate it if it helps you in someway14:51
slytheringeser: So should I disable the test case and upload, or should I take chance by uploading right now and if it fails I will disable the test later.14:51
slytheringeser: I packaged it as it is essential build-dep for jmeter. I have been working on jmeter for past 4 months at least. :-)14:52
LaneyI think I broke something on my system14:53
Laneypbuilder tarballs take *ages* to extract/update now14:53
Laneylike 5 minutes14:54
geserslytherin: advocated as I'm sure you will deal with the FTBFS14:56
geserso you can upload it now (too busy right now to do it myself)14:56
geserand the PPA build error is the same I get in my pbuilder14:56
sebnerLaney: seems so. here it takes 1.5 minutes for the whole procress (updating 10 packages from today)14:57
slytheringeser: uploading. I guess it will take some time to come out of new queue14:57
Laneydoes anyone use sbuild/lvm on karmic?14:57
LaneyI get "FATAL: Module dm_snapshot not found.14:57
slytheringeser: In case you have nothing better to do, can you also take a look at swtcalendar. I have already advocated it.14:58
LaneyFATAL: Module dm_snapshot not found.14:58
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slytherinLaney: probably not available for the kernel version you are running14:59
Laneyany specific reason why it wouldn't be?14:59
slytherinLaney: no idea, never used sbuild.15:00
geserslytherin: perhaps later, I hope to finally do the task I wanted to get done the whole week already :(15:09
slytheringeser: no issues. :-)15:09
gaspaLaney: do you have a minute?16:09
directhexhe's at the supermarket16:11
jpdsdirecthex: Waitrose?16:23
cpscottiSomeone there with time to review/advocate the harpia package, it got rejected by the archive by some minor (now solved) dependency issues. It already got one advocate! ( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/harpia ). (python app, opencv, computer vision).16:26
RainCTcpscotti: out of curiosity, what can it be used for?16:31
cpscottiRainCT: Computer Vision and Image processing applications16:32
kecskebakCan anyone suggest a good example of a PyGTK package with yelp help? I'm trying to figure out how to get F1 working in a PyGTK app.16:32
cpscottiRainCT: For instance, you could generate a "person detector" with a few blocks (3 or 4), set your webcam as input and a shell command as an output (for, lets say, "speak hi" or "shoot").16:34
cpscottiRainCT: Also, you could easily apply video effects to any home video of yours, images...16:34
cpscottiIn the app's help menu u can find a few examples16:35
RainCTcpscotti: the README isn't interesting to users of the .deb16:42
RainCTcpscotti: and the path to the GPL must be "../GPL-3" as the license isn't "or later"16:45
cpscottiRainCT: could I just remove that readme (I agree with u)16:46
RainCTcpscotti: sure, just removing debian/docs may do, if it doesn't youll need some special CDBS_ line in debian/rules (I can look it up if you need it)16:47
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cpscottiRainCT: is it all right to add build-essential to Build-Depends ? debuild seems to need it..17:00
RainCTcpscotti: no, that's always installed17:01
Laneyjpds: asda17:01
cpscottiRainCT:so... I just uploaded the fixed version17:01
Laneyand now I'm back.... with toffee yum yums!17:01
Laneygaspa: hi!17:01
RainCTcpscotti: the README is still being installed17:21
cpscottiRainCT: could I just remove it?17:24
* cpscotti leaving for lunch 17:26
RainCTcpscotti: no, there's a proper way to do it, a DEB_DOCS_ALL variable or something like that but I can't recall the exact name :/17:26
RainCTcpscotti: ok, enjoy your meal17:26
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jacobany MOTU want to do a quick review of gfire? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=574418:54
thermanyone out there likes reviewing my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/swtcalendar18:55
thermit has been advocated one time18:55
jacobactually, seems my previous link should be http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=600418:58
slytherindoes uscan save the new upstream version number in some environment variable after it finishes the scan?19:01
hyperairuscan is a child process.19:01
hyperairit can't change the parent's environment variable19:02
hyperairunless i'm mistaken19:02
slytherinhmm, I want to write the get-orig-source such that I can use the version number found out by uscan. I can not use uupdate because the upstream source needs repacking.19:05
jmarsdenslytherin: See an excerpt from a rules file I created that does this... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/215622/19:18
james_wslytherin: get-orig-source is not for that19:18
cpscottiRainCT: Any ideas on how to eliminate the README, or where can I find docs about that "DEB_DOCS_ALL" var or something?19:57
pochucpscotti: cdbs?19:57
RainCTpochu: yes19:58
cpscottiI found DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_ALL, is it that?20:00
RainCTcpscotti: yeah, that's it20:00
RainCTtry adding "DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_ALL=" to debian/rules20:01
cpscottibuilding it20:02
cpscottiRainCT: just uploaded the fixed version20:08
RainCTcpscotti: have you tried it it works?20:10
RainCT(yeah it does)20:16
RainCTcpscotti: uploaded20:17
cpscottiRainCT: yep, I build the binary and it didn't install the readme20:32

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