
Ahmuck_where is "windows" stored on in a .wine installation on *ubuntu01:26
knomeAhmuck_, "drive C:" is at ~/.wine/drive_c01:30
Ahmuck_nothing system wide?01:31
knomeif you mean where the wine *binaries* and *files* are located, that's a completely different story, but why would you like to know that...01:32
pteagueany ideas on detecting an MCP79 high definition audio device?  says driver should be hda intel, but gstreamer can't find it01:41
slurpeehow do I share a directory in xubuntu over my network?01:42
knomewindows or linux network01:44
slurpeexubuntu -> ubuntu01:44
knomepteague, can you see the device in with "lspci" ?01:44
knomeslurpee, i'd recommend using ssh01:44
knomeslurpee, if you don't need to move *huge* amount of stuff.01:45
slurpeei want to be able to view mp3 files01:45
knomeyou mean listen to?01:45
slurpeeit seems stupid I can see another directory on another computer01:45
knomeor list the files01:45
slurpeein ubuntu...I want to open a specific directory on my xubuntu machine01:45
slurpeehow do i do this?01:45
knomeslurpee, what are you trying to achieve? do you want to see the directory listing or do you want to *play* the files01:46
knomefor listening, i'd recommend looking at mpd01:47
knomebut i still recommend installing ssh server on the machine with the files01:47
knomeand connecting via ssh01:47
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:47
slurpeek i got it01:49
slurpeessh is the best way01:49
knome!info openssh-server01:49
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-5ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 278 kB, installed size 764 kB01:49
aldebrnThere's a lot of dated information about installing Ubuntu on PS3, but I managed to find the Xubuntu 9.04 Playstation 3 desktop CD and am downloading it. I'm unable to ascertain at this moment what exactly I'd do after having the PS3 create a 10G partition for Xubuntu03:47
Ahmuck_knome, because i'm on a ltsp system, and need gdiplus.dll in c:\windows04:35
RoarkSo, i just upgraded to jaunty, and now my firefox cannot go back or forward, and it will not save my history. I've tried removing with from the command line with the --purge swtich, and manually uninstalling through the synaptic gui. No matter what i do, the problem re appears when i intall again. what gives?05:48
Roarki googled and tried all solutions, still no joy.05:49
Roarkand to top it off, i have a pretty small penis.05:51
DDaygoldi'm trying to use the remote desktop viewer packaged w/ xubuntu to see my desktop downstairs, but when i click on any thing, the image dosent refresh... how can i get it to05:57
Roarkis the other comp running linux?05:59
DDaygoldya, ubuntu 9. whatever were on now05:59
th0rDDaygold: did you install vncserver on the downstairs desktop?05:59
Roarktry turning off compiuz on the downstairs one. i had a similar prob and that solved it06:00
Roarkalso, set the client to refresh more often...its in there somewhere06:00
DDaygoldth0r, no, i thought that the thing packaged with ubuntu would work06:01
DDaygoldRoark, i do have compiuz running... where is that refresh option?06:02
Roark*compiz. not sure06:03
Roarkbut turn it off and it should refresh fine06:03
DDaygoldk, its kinda late to eff around downstairs tho so i'll do it tomm. thanks alot... btw to disable compiz (thats what i thought it was but you know u confused me) i would just go into the 'appearance' settings menu and disabiling all the fun wiggling right?06:06
DDaygoldth0r, does it need vncserver?06:07
Roarkexactly. im no expert, but iwas using vnc on an iphone, and it wasnt refreshing...but everything was wine without desktop effects06:07
th0rDDaygold: vino is the vncserver in gnome...so if you installed it you have a vncserver. Vino is not installed by default in jaunty06:07
Roarksdorry, one hand...im jerking off to this weird ava devine vid06:07
Roarkruins my typong06:08
th0rDDaygold: what I was getting at was to determine how you are trying to access the downstairs computer (vnc, ssh -X, NX, ??)06:08
DDaygoldRoark, LOLZ06:15
Roarkher assyhole fell out.06:16
Roarkit FELL OUT06:16
Roarkand she even says "oh yeah fuck me baby....ooooh my asshole fell out, and she just stuffs it back in and keeps going06:16
Roarkthat is nastay06:16
Roarkso, have you disabled compiz?06:16
DDaygoldi dont really want to go downstairs right now, seeing as my parents will prob kill me for being up a 12:2006:18
RoarkIf you want your parents to stop hassling you, just go on a hunger strike. Make them worry. They will do what you want. Also, if you were to maybe poop on the kitchen floor mid-way through dinner, you may also manage to gain some leverage on them. You've got to keep them guessing. That's a winner's strategy.06:22
RoarkSo asnyway, all of the compiuz eye candy can be a bit much for your wifi. I'm guessing you are using 802.11b? G would surely be able to handle it.06:23
planetarysomeone is here06:25
planetaryim new to using this06:26
planetaryI am trying to get some help and I found the xubuntu one06:26
planetaryanyway I am having some trouble with 9.0406:27
Roarkok, shoot.06:27
Roarkso whats the trouble?06:30
planetaryi have compiz running and its working fine. I have the task list set to all workspaces. If i have a window selected (firefox) and then when i click a window that is on another workspace (another firefox or whatever) it doesnt do anything. it doesnt jump to the window on another workspace06:30
Roarkoh no.06:30
planetaryi know getting a little annoying. plus i cant seem to find the compiz thing that brings all the windows on the screen and float around to select06:32
planetaryi forget what its called.06:32
Roarkhold the windows key and tab06:33
Roarkfor that effect06:33
planetaryalso I played around with the number of workspaces and desktops06:33
planetaryoh that one isn't bad but the one i am talking about brings them all flat, its like expose in mac06:34
Roarkwell, maybe you shoud go fuckyourself06:34
Roarkhow about that?06:34
Roarkwhat do you think of that06:34
Roarkim sorry...i have the devils curly hair06:34
Roarki didnt mean it06:34
Roarki dont know the answer06:34
Roarkim googling it now06:34
planetaryhaha ok06:34
Roarkbut im not finding much06:35
Roarkyou fucking asshole.06:35
planetarythe effect ill figure out06:35
Roarkhmm i dont know06:36
Roarkyou should buy a new compyter06:36
Roarksorry...the last few msgs were someoneelse...being a jerk and stealing the kayboard06:37
planetaryyou should buy one06:37
Roarkso sorry about that06:37
planetaryno problem06:37
Roarkits this kid that lives here06:37
planetaryim sure06:38
Roarki keep him in the basement. i took him06:38
Roarkfrom a lady with nice boobies.06:38
Roarkher name was ava devine06:38
planetaryi see06:38
Roarkand his name is dracula williams06:38
Roarkmy name is Tony Bennet06:39
Roarki like big boobies on old ladies.06:40
planetarythats cool06:40
planetaryok so i guess ill come back when i can get some more help06:40
planetaryi has another computer problem06:41
Roarkso, anyway, go ahead and fire up your terminal, and type 'sudo compiz -w -t -f output -v -v system -q'06:41
Roarklet me know what that tells you06:41
Roarkwhat's wrong?06:42
planetarythat command seems goofy06:42
maduserit is06:42
planetaryor made up06:42
Roarkthen dont do it. you asked for help06:42
planetaryhey another person06:43
Roarkthe -v switches are for more verbosity, so it tells me more about hat is going on with your compiz06:43
maduserRoark what the fuck are you doing06:43
Roarkok shoot06:43
Roarkwhy are you all mad at me? Im so sorry.06:43
Roarkplease dont hate me06:43
Roarki bring you love06:44
planetarymaduser what are you doing06:44
maduserI'll help you with your problem06:44
planetarylol wtf06:45
maduserhe had troll writen all over him06:45
madusereven in his whois06:45
planetaryoh ya06:46
planetaryi assume that command was bad06:46
maduseryeah thats not a comand06:47
maduserdo you have the compiz setting manager installed06:49
maduserand what is the problem06:49
planetarythe task list doesnt work right06:49
maduserwell, I'm not running compiz right now06:50
maduserbut i'll take a look06:50
maduseris this it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/38568506:51
planetaryi have this chat window on one workspace, if i click a window in the task list taht is on another workspace it doesnt go there, it does nothing06:51
planetaryno, though what is empathy06:53
maduserdoes the key switchers work?06:53
planetarywhats that06:53
maduserpress ctrl+alt and move the mouse or use the keys on the keyboard06:54
planetaryya it jumps to another workspace06:54
maduserok, so theres no issue compiz06:55
planetaryif i dont have that window selected then it will jump to the other window on the other workspace06:55
planetaryya i think its xfce not working with compiz06:56
planetaryalso do you know the compiz window switcher that brings all the windows up and spreads them out like expose in mac os. i cant seem to find it again06:57
maduserworkspace switcher?06:58
planetaryi dont think so06:59
planetaryill find it, its not that important07:00
planetarymy biggest problem is Open Sound System.07:00
planetarydont know if you know much about that07:01
maduseran alsa problem?07:01
maduseri know some stuff07:02
planetaryno, I tried to switch to oss4 for better sound quality for my real nice sound card. osstest works, listen music player works but nothing else07:03
maduserI use alsa so i don't know07:04
planetaryi may go back to that. it seems that sound isnt linux's strong point07:05
planetarydo you have any suggestions about these problems, like where to look07:06
planetarywell thanks for trying to help07:07
planetaryi need to go sleep07:07
csongorI have problem with the "keyboard layout" settings. I set "hu" as default instead of the "us" but itforgets it after shutdown... Should I modify some config gile manually?08:05
owen1_(i lost connection)08:10
owen1_i try to boot from usb (with unetbootin) and get this on boot: "could not find kernel image linux". and i am in a terminal that greet me with "boot:". any ideas?08:10
psycho_oreosdid you verify the image file?08:12
owen1_with md5, yes. btw, it's xubuntu-alternate08:12
owen1_btw, in the usb i see file called md5sum.txt. what is this?08:13
psycho_oreosthat is the checksum for image verification08:15
owen1_psycho_oreos: all i did is md5sum my_iso_file. and compared it to the one on xubuntu's site.08:20
owen1_do i need to do something with the md5sum.txt?08:21
psycho_oreosshouldn't need to do anything with it08:21
owen1_btw, i formatted my usb to 83 (linux). should it be FAT32?08:21
owen1_(it's old ipod)08:21
psycho_oreosunetbootin I believe prefers fat3208:21
psycho_oreosipod won't work08:21
owen1_psycho_oreos: even if it's formatted?08:22
owen1_do u know why?08:22
psycho_oreoswhen ipod boots up, it loads its own OS and what not, then it enables usb storage08:22
psycho_oreosmeaning that the usb storage mode is emulated and thus may not work at bootable level08:23
psycho_oreosI believe you have asked this question awhile ago on another channel :p08:23
owen1_psycho_oreos: i have heard about mac-fdisk.  can it help?08:23
psycho_oreosits a problem at hardware level, period08:23
owen1_psycho_oreos: wow, thanks for saving me hours...08:23
psycho_oreosgo buy yourself an usb stick, will serve you well :p08:24
owen1_psycho_oreos: will do, thank08:24
csongorI have problem with the "keyboard layout" settings. I set "hu" as default instead of the "us" but itforgets it after restart... Should I modify some config file manually?08:28
owen1_psycho_oreos: btw, if i buy big usb, will i be able to use it also for storage, or is it dedicated to my ubuntu/xubuntu install?08:30
psycho_oreosowen1_, no you can use it as storage.. I have a 32GB usb, I first use unetbootin to create whatever iso file I want it bootable on usb and then resize that whole partition so I get the remaining (of course unetbootin prefers fat32 and the second partition could be ext3 for example) to use as storage08:32
psycho_oreoscsongor, not quite sure how to do it ubuntu's way but xorg.conf is the file I think08:35
owen1_psycho_oreos: got it. every 6 months i might change to newer version of xubuntu, do i need to resize it or can i override the partition with the previous ubuntu?08:35
psycho_oreosowen1_, you can overwrite the previous ubuntu on that stick but when you first resize the fat32 partition, don't resize it to really small partition, give maybe 6 gigs so that it would have room to grow should you want to make knoppix-dvd for example bootable on usb08:37
owen1_wow. knoppix requires so much space?08:38
psycho_oreosprobably better idea is to format before new bootable usb stick install on that fat32 or unetbootin will complain about files that are on the stick under fat3208:38
psycho_oreosnot really, I think knoppix dvd stands at around 3-4 gigs08:39
psycho_oreosdo remember that amount is in its compressed form, much like ubuntu's casper setup08:39
owen1_so before i override the ubuntu, i should reformat to FAT3208:40
psycho_oreosyes before every new install I reckon reformat is ideal08:41
owen1_do u use gparted for this?08:41
psycho_oreosits more faster than rm -rf anyway08:41
psycho_oreosanyone got cdemu to work well under xubuntu jaunty?08:48
pteagueany idea why wmweather+ isn't reporting weather anymore?  it was working, but not it's just giving 'no data'08:57
pteaguei haven't changed anything on the firewall08:57
psycho_oreoscheck the remote host to see if the remote host is giving any outputs08:58
psycho_oreoslike with lsof -i08:59
pteaguelsof -i only shows my ssh connection to another computer09:02
pteaguehmm... & also shows my computer's current name as ubuntu... how do i change that?09:02
pteaguei did a whois on 'thisshouldhopefullynotexistatall.com & got a reply that that domain does not exist...  using nslookup to find out info about it gives me my external ip address... forcibly using my isp's ip address to do the nslookup gives me my external ip address... using traceroute on that dns shows going out past my router09:14
pteaguemaybe that's why wmweather+ isn't working... they've rerouted where whatever it's trying to connect to back to me <.<09:14
xerox1yesterday i've tried devilspie to map applications to desks; now i have serious trouble to see any desk the proper way; any alternatives for devilspie (i removed it allready)?09:38
owen1_i really like awesome as window manager, but also want to enjoy the goodies of xfce. did anyone here managed to make awesome work nicely with it?09:50
MrNazis it easy to specify when a given user can and can not log in?13:31
_Pete_MrNaz: usermod -L <account>13:37
_Pete_man usermod13:37
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
MrNaz_Pete_ so i assume I use that with cron ? is there no other way to do it ?14:45
MrNazi.e., there's no way within the user management mechanisms to do it?14:46
_Pete_usermod and other cmds are management mechanisms14:59
_Pete_or what do you mean?14:59
poopuserGentleman how can i change window manager?18:43
poopuserI am using 9.04 by the way.18:44
om26erplz any1 tell me how to add a launcer in the applications menu18:49
charlie-tcaom26er: what version of Xubuntu?18:49
charlie-tca2. [for 4.6] You can also create desktop entries in '~/.local/share/applications' to override the existing applications (change or hide) or add new ones.18:50
charlie-tcaor http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu18:50
charlie-tcaIf you place the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications, it will be picked up when you log out/log in again18:50
om26ercharlie-tca: plz help i cannot understand the link u gave me18:56
poopuserHow can i change window manager?18:57
th0rpoopuser: what window manager are you using now, and which one do you want to run?18:57
poopuserth0r, default xfce4 now and i want to switch to 9wm.18:58
th0rpoopuser: I think 'sudo killall xfwm4 && 9wm'...but I am not sure about the 9wm.18:59
th0rpoopuser: if 9wm is a complete wm it will be in the Sessions list. Try logging out, and before you log in again click on Sessions on the login screen and see if 9wm is in the list19:00
poopuserth0r, I have already checked that - it is not.19:00
th0rpoopuser: just a sec19:01
th0r poopuser ok...try that command line...and here is the 9wm man page if you want to tinker with the command http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man1/9wm.1.html19:03
poopuserWell thx th0r but i was looking something more universal like 'how to change wm's in xubuntu'19:04
th0rpoopuser: once you have changed the wm, just save the new session at logout and that should make the change 'permanent'19:05
poopuserThx again th0r. Can you tell me where can i find line that i responsible for invoking the xfce wm?19:07
KittyKattpoopuser: I don't know how you would do it otherwise, but I love compiz, so I installed the compiz-fusion icon and its dependencies. There is an option if you right click on the icon in the notification area to change WMs.19:07
KittyKattDunno if that helps at all.19:07
om26erhow to install gnome windows manager and remove xfwm19:08
th0rpoopuser: there is no line for that...it is part of the saved session. I think it is saved as .xsession someplace in ~/.local if I remember right. But those session files are not editable....or edible...you just save a new session19:08
orthodoc_unable to boot into a xubuntu live cd19:08
poopuserKittyKatt, no but thx for the effort <319:08
orthodoc_amd64 system19:08
charlie-tcaom26er: go into Thunar (places), click on your name, Then click on .local19:08
charlie-tcathen click on share19:08
th0rom26er: gnome's default wm is metacity...just type 'killall xfwm4 && metacity' in a terminal19:09
charlie-tcathen click on applications19:09
orthodoc_can anyone help with this one?19:09
charlie-tcaIf it doesn't exist, use File -> Create Folder and create it19:09
charlie-tcaThen copy a file from /usr/share/applications to there and modify it for the application you want to add to the menu19:09
th0rom26er: don't forget to save your session at logout so it comes back in metacity and not xfwm419:10
charlie-tcaorthodoc_: Which live cd19:10
om26erth0r: ok19:10
* KittyKatt uses emerald.....19:10
orthodoc_xubuntu live cd for 64 bit systems19:10
* KittyKatt is a bit out of his depth here19:10
orthodoc_charlie-tca, 9.0419:10
charlie-tcaand it won't boot? Did it pass the cd check?19:11
KittyKattGoing to a friend's house. Bringing laptop. Be back in a bit.19:11
orthodoc_won't allow me to do that as well!19:11
charlie-tcaexplain that please19:11
orthodoc_charlie-tca, erratic...19:12
charlie-tcaIt won't even boot to the cd?19:12
charlie-tcaSounds like a bad burn, then19:12
orthodoc_charlie-tca, correct19:12
charlie-tcadid you set the bios to boot to cd first?19:12
orthodoc_charlie-tca, no becasue it did boot into it once and was able to install xubuntu19:12
om26erth0r: i got this message19:12
om26erWindow manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager19:12
orthodoc_charlie-tca, but thereafter no more of booting either into the cd or the hard drive19:13
charlie-tcaSo try setting it in bios, first. If it still won't boot to it, you have a bad disc or cd-drive19:13
th0rom26er: just a sec...let me check19:13
orthodoc_charlie-tca, in the verbose mode it stops at :PCI: VIA PCI bridge detected. Disabling DAC19:13
orthodoc_   pci 0000:00:10:4: EHCI: unrecognised capability 0019:14
orthodoc_charlie-tca, like i said i was able to install from the cd just this one instance19:14
charlie-tcaDoesn't mean it is not a bad cd19:14
th0rom26er: you are trying to stop xfce and start gnome?19:15
charlie-tcaI have installed 14 times, only to find the disc was bad19:15
orthodoc_charlie-tca: ok why am i unable to boot into the system then?19:15
charlie-tcaIf the disc is bad, the installation is bad, too19:15
orthodoc_charlie-tca: hold a second. i used the sytem thereafter, made partitions, browsed the net...19:16
orthodoc_charlie-tca: would you say its a bad install even after that?19:16
charlie-tcaI don't know. What partitions did you make? What changed ?19:17
orthodoc_charlie-tca: hard drive had ntfs partitions...19:17
orthodoc_charlie-tca: freed up space to make way for ext4 partitions...19:17
charlie-tcaIt may be something you changed causing it not to boot19:17
om26erth0r: yes19:18
charlie-tcaJaunty doesn't use ext419:18
charlie-tcaIt is buggy in it19:18
orthodoc_charlie-tca: so whats the way out?19:18
om26ercharlie-tca: ext4 works great 4 me in jaunty19:18
charlie-tcadid you check the bios settings, yet?19:18
orthodoc_charlie-tca: therr u go...19:18
orthodoc_charlie-tca: check what?19:19
charlie-tcaom26er: it does that for some. It may be only a matter of time until it dumps, though19:19
th0rom26er: sorry...that one is too easy...just log out and before you log back in choose gnome from the Sessions menu19:19
charlie-tcaIs the bios set to boot to the cd?19:19
orthodoc_charlie-tca: i set the bios to default settings, in fact thats the only time i was able to install from thelive cd19:19
orthodoc_charlie-tca: yes  indeed19:20
charlie-tcaand when you turn it off and turn it back on, will it now see the cd?19:21
orthodoc_charlie-tca: unfortunately thereafter i was unable to boot into the live cd or the hard drive19:21
orthodoc_charlie-tca: yes it can19:21
charlie-tcathen do the cd check from the menu19:21
orthodoc_charlie-tca: i select the installation mode, hit f6, edit the line to turn off quiet flash19:22
orthodoc_and then it stops at the error messages i typed sometime back...19:22
orthodoc_charlie-tca: sorry it doesn't do the cd check19:22
charlie-tcaThen the cd is bad19:23
orthodoc_charlie-tca: ok so what do i do now?19:23
charlie-tcaYou have a faulty disc, and probably a faulty installation19:23
charlie-tcaburn a new cd19:23
orthodoc_charlie-tca: ok i burnt a new cd a second time and same problem again...19:23
orthodoc_charlie-tca: now what?19:24
charlie-tcaburning cd-r?19:24
orthodoc_charlie-tca: yes cd-r19:24
charlie-tcaIf the cd won't pass the check, the install will fail to work right. Try downloading from a different site, and if it still fails,19:25
charlie-tcayou might have a bad drive19:25
orthodoc_charlie-tca: whoa there! hold your guns...19:25
charlie-tcayou asked19:25
orthodoc_charlie-tca: the win xp works fine here...19:25
om26erhow to replace window manager19:25
orthodoc_charlie-tca: and the drive's fine...19:26
charlie-tcaThat doesn't mean the download and the burned cd is fine19:26
om26erplz any1 tell me how to replace window manage19:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about windowmanager19:26
charlie-tca!info windowmanager19:26
ubottuPackage windowmanager does not exist in jaunty19:26
orthodoc_charlie-tca: ok, so suggest a propah site from where i can download the propah iso file19:26
charlie-tcahttp://xubuntu.org/get and pick one that you did not use the last time19:27
orthodoc_charlie-tca: no no, tell me the one that you usually download from!19:27
orthodoc_charlie-tca: cos i don't remember from where i did the download last time...19:28
charlie-tcajust a minute, let me look. I rsync all the development images daily, myself19:28
charlie-tcaI am running karmic here19:29
charlie-tcaTry this one: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/9.04/release/19:29
orthodoc_charlie-tca: no probs, if you are running a good karmic it must be hosting a good jaunty as well19:29
orthodoc_charlie-tca: thanks a lot! i'll try that out19:30
charlie-tcaNo, my images come from canonical servers, they aren't available to all the mirrors yet19:30
orthodoc_charlie-tca: shal i try an alternate cd? would that be better?19:31
charlie-tcaorthodoc_: also, I replaced about 5 cdrom drives in the last 6 months19:31
charlie-tcaI prefer the alternate cd, but it won't run as the live cd.19:31
orthodoc_charlie-tca: why is that?19:31
charlie-tcawent bad19:32
orthodoc_charlie-tca: went bad just like that...19:32
charlie-tcaI even had one go out when I was testing the final release of jaunty19:32
orthodoc_charlie-tca: mine's been going strong for 5 yrs now...19:32
charlie-tcajust like that...19:32
orthodoc_charlie-tca: wow!!19:33
charlie-tcaYeah, I had one that failed a single install out of 16, like right in the middle of the run.19:33
charlie-tcaBut, a bad drive is still bad, even when it did work 15 out of 16 times19:34
orthodoc_charlie-tca: how did u find out it was the drive and not the cd?19:34
charlie-tcabug reports19:34
om26erplz tell me how to install metacity???19:34
charlie-tcaIt installed 8 times, failed once, installed 7 more times.19:34
charlie-tcaom26er: don't actually know. I use Xubuntu with xfwm419:35
charlie-tcaYou don't like xfwm4?19:35
orthodoc_charlie-tca: one last question...19:35
charlie-tcago ahead19:36
charlie-tcaom26er: I show metacity as installed by default19:36
orthodoc_charlie-tca: do you think i can use my laptop drive to burn the iso i downloaded, do a cd check to see if its working and then try the install on the desktop before i download a fresh iso file formt eh address you gave?19:36
charlie-tcaperhaps they would know in #ubuntu, om26er19:37
orthodoc_charlie-tca: alrighty! thanks a lot buddy!19:37
charlie-tcaorthodoc_: You should be able to run the check on any machine. But, you still need to get it to pass on the desktop19:37
orthodoc_charlie-tca: i'll do that before i hit bed.19:38
charlie-tcaGood luck19:38
orthodoc_charlie-tca: sorry i didn't get that one19:38
charlie-tcaEven if it passes on the laptop, it still has to pass the cd check on the desktop19:38
om26ercharlie-tca: ok thanx19:38
orthodoc_charlie-tca: it may pass the cd check on my laptop, but still fail a cd check on the desktop..19:38
charlie-tcaIf it won't, I would lean towards a bad drive19:38
orthodoc_charlie-tca: ok i got it...19:39
orthodoc_charlie-tca: thanks and bye!19:39
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:39
poopuserHi. How can i install relatively new version of opera? I am using 9.04.20:27
hhh2from it's site20:28
hhh2there is a .deb version20:28
hhh2Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron20:29
poopuserhhh2, Well thank you sir!20:32
ocsivanI set the Ctrl-Shift-X to vertically maximize the currently used window. But pressing this combination for the second time does not changes back the dimension to the original one... Why? How to fix it?20:44
charlie-tcaI use maximize twice to get the window back to the size I started at20:46
charlie-tca(should be Alt+F10 two times)20:47
charlie-tcaI don't actually know why it doesn't work, the mouse does.20:49
ocsivanAlt-F10 works as expected (for the second pressing it changes back)... but not the Ctrl-Shift-x hotkey of the vertically maximized windows20:51
ocsivanIs there a command to get information on the montherboard I have?20:53
charlie-tcaif it is installed20:54
charlie-tca!info hwinfo20:54
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.3-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 43 kB, installed size 112 kB20:54
charlie-tcalspci might give some, too, and it is already installed20:54
ocsivanOK thanks! ... and lshw also seems to be pretty detailed. :-]20:59
charlie-tcano problem21:01
owen1i created a FAT32 partition in my usb drive, marked it as boot and install xubuntu with unetbootin. i reboot, changed the bios to boot from the usb but i see black screen. nothing loads.  any clues?21:46
vinnlowen1, no, but did you know Xubuntu itself also includes a utility to install it to a USB drive?21:46
owen1vinnl: no!21:47
owen1let me see21:47
charlie-tcaSounds like an incomplete usb drive install21:47
owen1charlie-tca: when i mount the partition i see 615M of stuff, so it look ok..21:48
vinnlI got about 7xxMB I believe21:48
vinnlOh wait, that's Ubuntu, sorry21:48
owen1vinnl: it's xubuntu-alternate21:48
vinnlowen1, you want to create a USB install of that?21:48
owen1btw, the md5 is ok21:48
owen1vinnl: i have the iso file, and with unetbootin i chose it and it looked ok.21:49
vinnlowen1, what unetbootin does is modify a LiveCD to run from your USB drive21:49
owen1vinnl: do i need to choose debian from the menu of unetbootin? i did not.21:50
charlie-tca9.04 live is 617MB for 32 bit21:50
vinnlusb-creator (the utility in Xubuntu) also does that (though with a different method I think), and also allows you to set it to save anything you do to the USB drive21:50
vinnlowen1, not sure, it's been a long time since I tried unetbootin and I don't think it even worked21:50
owen1vinnl: my drive has 150 gb. i partitioned it to have 2 gb of FAT3221:50
vinnlBut really, you'll want to use a Desktop CD and usb-creator21:50
vinnlAh, wait21:50
vinnlEhm, so it's just an external hard drive? That's not really my cup of tea but I don't think you'll need to use Unetbootin for that. Though then again, if you want to stuff it in 2GB...21:51
owen1vinnl: i want to have an external usb, so i can install xubuntu on machines.21:51
charlie-tcaShouldn't that just be a normal installation as a hard drive?21:52
vinnlowen1, don't those machines have a CD drive?21:52
owen1charlie-tca: i don't know. it's http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-2-5-inch-Passport-Portable/dp/B000J1HPXK21:53
owen1Western Digital 160GB 2.5-inch Passport USB Portable Hard Drive21:53
charlie-tcaDon't know either. I don't actually use usb drives21:53
charlie-tcavinnl is my expert on them21:53
vinnlYeah but I only use <4GB USB flash drives...21:54
charlie-tcaYeah, I think hard drive is a hard drive21:54
owen1vinnl: so mine is not flash?21:54
vinnlThis is an interesting use case though... I think for this reason you'd want to use something like unetbootin (but not with an alternate CD), but just burning the image to a CD would be way more logical :P21:54
vinnlowen1, I think (but again, not my cup of tea) that it's just an external hard drive that you happen to connect through USB21:55
charlie-tca5400 RPM hard drive – almost 24% faster than 4200 RPM drives.21:55
charlie-tcaIt is just a 2.5 inch hard drive21:55
charlie-tcaA notebook hard disk drive in an external case, not a flash drive21:56
owen1ok. so it's not flash drive but a regular hard drive.21:56
vinnlowen1, again: why aren't you using a CD? :P21:56
owen1vinnl: i got tired of burning many cds. i sometimes want ubuntu, xubuntu etc. and every 6 months i am burning new ones.21:57
owen1and decided to try using my usb drive.21:57
vinnlHeh, well you'd have to do the same process all over again every six months as well :P21:57
charlie-tcaTry google; there is a way to just put the iso images on there and install from it21:57
owen1charlie-tca: so unetbootin is not going to fly since it's not flash usb?21:58
charlie-tcaAfter all, I do it daily using VirtualBox. It uses the images from my hard drive21:58
charlie-tcaI don't think it will, by itself. You may need a boot loader or something.21:58
charlie-tcaOTOH, I do burn over 100 cd's a month21:59
* charlie-tca does a lot of image testing21:59
vinnlKudos to you for that :)22:00
charlie-tcafrom the community help: Thumbdrives and memory cards can be made bootable with UNetbootin for Windows or Linux.22:01
owen1i am reading about usb creator.  i need to burn xubuntu on CD....bummer.   i want to avoid it.22:01
owen1charlie-tca: is my usb drive = thumbdrive+22:02
charlie-tcaMaybe you could use cd-rw's and just replace the image every 6 months?22:02
vinnlowen1, if you have a working installation of Xubuntu you don't need to22:02
charlie-tcaNo, your usb drive does not equal thumbdrive; they are flash/ssd drives22:02
vinnlYou can just install usb-creator from the repositories and use a .iso file22:02
vinnl!info usb-creator22:02
ubottuusb-creator (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu USB desktop image creator. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.16 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 556 kB22:02
owen1let me try.22:04
poopuserI installed latest opera and cp'd all the flash etc. files from mozilla plugins directory to analogical one in opera still no flash for me. Anybody have idea what am i doing wrong?22:07
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser22:07
vinnlpoopuser, there's something about Flash in that page, but you shouldn't have to copy anything for Flash to work AFAICS22:08
poopuserThank you vinnl, what bugs me is the fact that flash windows are just empty. Opera is not even complaining about it.22:10
vinnlHmm sounds like a bug22:10
* owen1 waiting for usb-creator to finish22:12
* owen1 rebooting. see you guys in a few mintues and thanks@22:14
owen1for the help22:14
vinnlyw :)22:14
owen1i still got blinking cursor and frozen black screen. do you guys think i can't use alternate cd and must use desktop cd?22:20
owen1since there is no live cd in the alternate.22:20
vinnlowen1, yes I'm sure of that22:20
vinnlIn essence, it's a version of the LiveCD running from your USB drive22:21
owen1ok. so there is no easy way to do it with alternate..22:21
owen1i'll try it with ubuntu cd, i think i have a desktop version somewhere.22:22
owen1i can't unmount my cdrom. it say it's busy. any clues how to overcome this?22:27
owen1i want to eject it and i can't.22:27
maduserare there any programs on the comp using the cd?22:27
owen1maduser: not that i am aware of.22:28
maduserwhat type of files on are the cd?22:28
owen1suppose to be xubuntu install.22:28
maduserare you in live right now?22:29
owen1i wanted to see if it's not currupted.22:29
maduseris it spinning?22:29
owen1not sure.22:29
owen1i hear something.22:29
maduserwell i got to go, look around google for an answer22:30
owen1the error message said to run lsof22:30
owen1sure. thanks22:30
vinnlWell, why don't you run lsof? :P22:30
owen1i did.22:30
owen1not sure what to look at..22:30
charlie-tcaright click the cd on the desktop, left click eject22:31
vinnlowen1, the CD is at /media/cdrom0?22:31
owen1using awesome wm, not xfce22:31
owen1let me see22:31
owen1i mount it by: mount /dev/cdrom22:32
owen1but can't find where it is22:32
charlie-tcaAlso works here if I open a terminal and type eject22:32
vinnlowen1, what do you see in /media?22:32
charlie-tcaOh, might need to do umount /dev/cdrom22:32
owen1vinnl: in media i have cdrom and cdrom0. both empty22:32
owen1charlie-tca: i try, but get the error.22:33
owen1(busy error)22:33
vinnlowen1, OK... And when you browse the CD? (i.e. press the name of the CD in the left pane of the file manager)22:34
owen1i use cd/rm/cp , not using file manager22:34
vinnlOK so what tells you you can't eject?22:34
owen1the eject button not responding.   i did 'eject /media/cdrom' and it works! thanks22:35
owen1that's why i think of going back to xfce...22:36
owen1or maybe installing thunar will solve it?22:36
owen1all the mounting issues.22:36
charlie-tcaIt is easier to help you if you use xfwm and xfce22:36
vinnlYeah true. Also, you'll have to mount and unmount stuff before you can/should remove it22:37
owen1charlie-tca: i wish i had a good way to use awesome with xfce.22:37
owen1vinnl: what true? if i use xfce and xfwm?22:37
vinnlThat it's easier to help ^.^22:37
owen1i would do it if i can find a way to integrate it with awesome wm.22:38
owen1i love multiple terminals22:39
owen1and it's not easy without tiling wm.22:39
charlie-tcaYou could use Terminator and have multiple terminals open in one window22:39
owen1charlie-tca: i'll give it a shot. i use 10 apps at once. sometimes more.22:40
owen1and the tile wm organize it nicely22:40
charlie-tcaTerminator lets you split the screen into as many terminals as you want, and see them all at once22:41
owen1interesting. i'll take a look.22:41
owen1i started usb-creator and inserted a cd in the cdrom. i don't see anything. should i mount it?22:45
vinnlI suppose so22:46
vinnlI think it'll work, but until now I've only done it with running LiveCD's and .iso files22:46
Ben_Csis there a python repo so i can install version 2.6.2 on xubuntu hardy?22:47
owen1sudo mount /media/cdrom   mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only.  is it normal?22:47
vinnlBen_Cs, I suppose you could Google for "python 2.6.2 PPA" or something ;-)22:47
vinnlSounds normal, normally you can't write to a CD if it's not blank anymore22:48
Ben_Csvinnl: ppa?22:48
owen1ok. i still don't see it in usb-creator.22:48
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.22:49
owen1if i click 'other' i see the cdromo icon. but clicking on it do nothing.22:49
vinnlBen_Cs, they're private repositories developers can create, which often contain such bleeding edge stuff22:49
owen1(since it's looking for iso files maybe)22:49
vinnlowen1, yeah, if it recognizes the CD it should already be listed22:49
vinnlI'd just download the .iso file22:50
Ben_Csvinnl: will check. thanks22:50
owen1vinnl: ok. before doing it i'll try the unetbootin..22:50
Ben_Csi can't find python 2.6.2 in launchpad. what am i doing wrong?22:55
vinnlWell, it might be the case that nobody's packaged it22:56
Ben_Csor that i can't search launchpad properly :)22:57
* vinnl takes a stab22:57
charlie-tcaor they went right to 3.022:57
Ben_Csi need python greater than 2.6.2 for hardy22:58
vinnlOw, for Hardy22:59
vinnlI don't think anybody's packaged that22:59
Ben_Csi can't use str.format()    :(23:00
vinnlHmm, this page says something about 2.6.2 being built for Jaunty, but I can't find it in the named PPA: https://launchpad.net/~doko/+archive/ppa/+build/95310423:00
Ben_Csi see23:01
charlie-tcaThe best I can find is 3.023:02
owen1charlie-tca: terminator looks nice. do u use the 'workspaces' feature?23:02
Pirate_Hunterhow do i quickly remove and purge all xubuntu packages and only have ubuntu/xubuntu minimum?23:02
charlie-tcaI don't use terminator at all23:02
owen1maybe workspace can be similar to 'tag' in awesome23:02
owen1charlie-tca: ok. let's say you have 10 apps open. do u open them on the same workspace?23:03
charlie-tcaBen_Cs: http://ppa.launchpad.net/doko/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/p/23:03
charlie-tcano, owen1. I use 10 workspaces myself, all the time23:04
vinnlPirate_Hunter, you want to remove Xubuntu and keep just Ubuntu>23:04
owen1great, and what key do u use to move between workspaces? is it possible to map them to keys?23:04
charlie-tcaowen1: I have email, web browser, news, calendar, virtualbox, terminal, places open all the time23:04
Ben_Cscharlie-tca: thanks. and wheres the link to that? i'm looking for the deb....... strings23:05
Pirate_Huntervinnl: i want to remove xubuntu so i can install the server packages23:05
Pirate_Huntervinnl: ddint have anymore blank cds to burn so just installed the desktop version and removing all of xubuntu 8.0423:05
charlie-tcaBen_Cs: I don't know, I just found the directory23:05
Ben_Cscharlie-tca: i see. ok23:06
vinnlPirate_Hunter, hmm... Well, here is a command for removing Xubuntu-related stuff meant for getting back to pure Ubuntu, I suppose it will also work for you: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnomehardy23:06
vinnlThough I'd install the -desktop package you want first23:07
charlie-tcaowen1: the shortcuts are Ctrl+Alt+left and Ctrl+Alt+right23:07
charlie-tcaor to jump, Ctrl+f<workspace>23:07
charlie-tcaas in ctrl+f1 to the first one23:07
owen1charlie-tca: can u change it to something else (let's say window key + number)?23:08
Pirate_Huntervinnl: ok, errrh wont be using gui much or at all icewm will be more then enough or any other low end wm, still will use cli for everything (at least will try)23:08
charlie-tcausing Applications -> Settings -> Window Manager, keyboard tab23:09
vinnlPirate_Hunter, if you can manage that then I suppose this method will work fine for you, if it removes anything you feel you need you'll be able to reinstall it, right?23:09
owen1great. i'll try it out.23:09
charlie-tcaowen1: changed my mind, apparently I can't23:09
epictetus4c24c2<sobel> URLLIST = [ ' http://www.greatestate.com ' , ' http://www.efactusa.com23:10
epictetusignore that, accidental cutpaste23:10
owen1ctrl+F1-F12 is also ok23:10
owen1i have .disk file in a partition i created. can i remove this folder?23:10
charlie-tcavinnl: ^ ^23:11
vinnlAnyway, I'm off, good luck with whatever problems everybody's experiencing ;-)23:14
Pirate_Hunteris there a command to find out if certain version of a package are installed i.e. libaiksausus?23:17
charlie-tcaPirate_Hunter: apt-cache policy <packagename>23:17
charlie-tcaor look in Synaptic package Manager23:18
knomecharlie-tca, damn, you beat me!:)23:18
charlie-tcaAre you tired?23:18
knomeno, i had to check if i recalled the command correctly23:19
knomeand by the time i was back at this window, you already had answered23:19
charlie-tcaah, yeah. I got that one in use everyday23:19
Pirate_Huntercharlie-tca: yah that would work if there was only one package for that, i want to search for all packages installed with that name23:19
charlie-tcaPirate_Hunter: no easy way to find all the versions then. Use Synaptic Package Manager, You can see them all together then23:20
charlie-tcaYou can hi-lite one package, then type the name you want. Synaptic will automatically go to the name as you type.23:21
owen1charlie-tca: do u add the item on the panel that shows you the workspaces?n23:21
Pirate_Huntercharlie-tca: i would if i hadnt just removed xubuntu desktop and most of its packages :s23:21
charlie-tcaTakes too much space, owen123:21
charlie-tcaThen you are back to typing one name at a time, Pirate_Hunter23:22
owen1so how do u know what spaces have stuff in them?23:22
Pirate_Huntercharlie-tca: awwww guess so, guess so, annoying i tell you sadly i aint that good with aptitude23:22
charlie-tcaOn the bright side, all the packages should be the same version23:23
charlie-tcaowen1: all my computers use the same apps in the same workspaces23:23
owen1charlie-tca: can u tell xubuntu to open appA in workspace 2?23:24
charlie-tcaI am very careful to keep them that way23:24
charlie-tcaOnce you open them, just save the session. It will open the same way each time. You can use "devilspie" to tell it specifically what to open where,.23:24
charlie-tcaI just know if I use Synaptic, I switch to workspace 1 first, then start it23:25
owen1charlie-tca: nice! did u ever try tiling wm instead of xfce?23:26
owen1u might like it23:26
charlie-tcaMakes testing Xubuntu too hard to switch it around23:26
owen1what do u mean testing?23:27
charlie-tcaI do iso and image testing daily for xubuntu23:27
charlie-tcaI also test all the applications to see if they work23:27
charlie-tcaI check all the menus for extra items added23:27
owen1charlie-tca: why is this related to xfce? mount?23:27
charlie-tcaxfce is the desktop environment used by xubuntu23:27
owen1are u working for canonical?23:28
charlie-tcaIt includes xfwm4r23:28
charlie-tcano, I don't work anymore23:28
charlie-tcaI have a major disability23:29
owen1can't u work from home?23:29
knomecharlie-tca, which is, you are too damn kind to ask money from anybody23:29
charlie-tcaCan't actually depend on anything working day to day23:29
owen1wow. try creating your own business maybe23:30
charlie-tcasome days my arms and hands don't work, some days I can't read this **** screen23:30
charlie-tcaMore often than I like, too23:30
owen1sorry to hear this23:30
charlie-tcaThat too, knome23:30
charlie-tcaowen1: don't be. you don't know me at all. It is just my turn in life to have this disease23:31
charlie-tcaCould be worse. The pain could be a lot higher, or so I have been told23:31
charlie-tcaAnd, I think I wake up on the green side of the dirt, too23:32
owen1yeah, that's a healthy way to look at things23:32
knomewe all love charlie-tca :)23:33
* charlie-tca blushes now23:34
knomei've really rarely seen as positive guys as charlie-tca is :)23:34
knomeand i think it's really great he's working with us, as accessibility is something that is really hard to work on if you're not disabled yourself23:34
* charlie-tca and now turning purple23:35
knomebrings a really fresh point of view to any design issue :)23:35
knomenah, don't turn purple23:35
charlie-tcaThank you23:35
charlie-tcaJust try to do a little bit to help.23:35
knomeyou've done more than a little bit :)23:35
owen1no need to fight kids23:36
charlie-tcaI got to get the bugs down again. We are up to over 15023:36
charlie-tcanew ones, that is23:36
knomeowen1, if you think this is fighting, you're totally wrong :D23:37
* charlie-tca nods23:37
knomewe've had much more spicy arguments, but they're always been productive in the end :)23:38
knomecan you even abbreviate it like "they've" ?23:38
owen1will i be able to run live cd from my usb (unetbootin or usb-creator) or is it only for installing?23:43
charlie-tcayes, knome. That is the correct abbreviation for 'they have'23:46
owen1from some reason, i can't open my cdrom. it's empty now. any clues?23:46
charlie-tcaI think it is only for installing, owen1. But am not sure23:46
charlie-tcaclues here.23:46
charlie-tcaIt won't open in jaunty23:46
owen1btw, i installed thunar, to see if it will mount automaticaly23:46
charlie-tcaYou have to use the eject command to open the cd23:47
charlie-tcaIt is a minor bug23:47
owen1bug? it was ok i minute ago.23:47
owen1what path should i give eject? i try /media/cdrom and /media/cdrom023:48
charlie-tcaThat should have worked23:49
Pirate_Hunterhow do i copy lines of text in w3m without a mouse and than paste it?23:53
igsenI have both "Mixer" & "Volume Control" under App>>Multimedia menu. How do I remove Volume Control which is a duplicate of the former?23:53
charlie-tcaPirate_Hunter: I think ctrl+H or Alt+H for help23:54
Pirate_Huntercharlie-tca: ive looked in the help function and man and didnt see it23:56

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