
jribPirate_Hunter: « man screen », then press: /scrollback mode<enter>n00:00
blzOut_Cold:  i haven't had any issues00:00
f00dn00bso is linux ubuntu just called ubuntu then?00:00
jlarocheOttifantSir - yes. Didn't work00:00
coleysf00dn00b: Yes.00:00
Visualanteanyone know why ATi drivers don't support 1680x1050?00:00
VCooliofwaokda: look for how to disable usplash (shouldn't be too difficult, it breaks easily;)00:00
syslq78f00dn00b, tehnicaly linux is not operating system it's just a kernel. "just"00:00
MystaMaxquestion, I'm currently running 8.10, and I'm about to use clonezilla to image my /home partition, and migrate to a new hard drive. I'll be installing 9.04 on the new drive. What happens to my permissions?00:00
blzf00dn00b:  ubuntu is one "flavor" of linux00:00
glitsj16safruhani: i suggest checking both your /etc/mpd.conf settins and the output of launching mpd from a terminal window to see any warnings or errors00:00
coleysf00dn00b: Linux is the general term, and then there is... distributions like Fedora, Ubuntu, gentoo, etc...00:00
Out_Coldi was going to try it... but the klvm doesn't support it yet..00:00
jribOut_Cold: I lost data on a conversion, does that count!?00:00
blzso to speak00:00
fwaokdaVCoolio, breaks?00:00
Out_Coldjrib, that would be an issue lol00:00
coleysf00dn00b: Windows is the general, then there is... Vista, Xp, 2000, etc.00:00
jribOut_Cold: backups of course :)00:00
safruhaniglitsj16: thanks i'm gonna do that00:00
OttifantSirhornets: The one I know of is a third-party app for the screenlets package. But that's a lot of eye-candy if you just want an app to show bandwidth.00:01
Out_Coldjrib, i lost all my data during a backup lol00:01
Out_Coldon resiserfs though00:01
foul_owldoes anyone know how to fix grub error 2 without fiddling with the BIOS?00:01
jribOut_Cold: erm, you must have a terrible backup policy :)00:01
f00dn00bbut following that philosophy, shouldn't the windows line just be called "xp, 2003, vista" rather than having windows at the beginning?00:01
VCooliofwaokda: I mean, I tried to change themes for it and got the text because it was little difficult to set up; but you get the hang of it; it doesn't really 'break' things00:01
blzI'm having trouble installing samba-common at the command line.  Here are the errors I'm getting... can anyone help?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/215855/00:01
OttifantSirOut_Cold: Been running it for a few months on a Dell Inspiron 9400 with no problems.00:01
Out_Coldjrib... implementing a new one lmao00:01
blzf00dn00b:  windows is completely different00:01
syslq78coleys, not really true, since you are talking different kernel versions, you have 50 distros all runing same kernel....00:01
hornetsOttifantSir: i know screenlets00:01
f00dn00bblz: but they're both operation systems00:01
blzf00dn00b:  but saying linux in lieu of ubuntu is like saying "NT Kernel" instead of windows00:01
safruhaniglitsj16: before, i move /etc/init.d/mpd to somewhere, than i get it back, may it be happen becaouse of that?00:02
coleyssyslq78: Being completely... easy to understand =P00:02
hornetsbut yes, too much of an eye candy.00:02
=== Jguy| is now known as Jguy
blzf00dn00b:  well mopeds and cars are both motor vehicles...00:02
coleyssyslq78: Not in the mood to explain kernels=P00:02
blzbut good luck comparin htem00:02
mcr_cairo dock also has a bandwidth monitor add on00:02
f00dn00bblz: so i should call it windows nt kernel vista?00:02
fwaokdaVCoolio, I just would like it to boot up without images... so it would load its stuff and show that and then ask for a login/password without going to the ubuntu login gui thing either00:02
jribf00dn00b: people say "ubuntu", "ubuntu linux" and "ubuntu gnu/linux" but they all refer to the same thing00:02
hornetsI'm searching for something running as a service.00:02
glitsj16safruhani: very likely so yes, without that it won't daemonize00:02
blzf00n00b:  no it's windows vista.  this is ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope00:02
usr13f00dn00b: f00dn00b How about MS for short?00:02
f00dn00bi hate it when people say gnu/linux00:02
f00dn00bits really annoying00:02
blzVista runs the NT kernel00:02
blackest_knightblz: do what it says copy samba.conf00:02
Andorinf00dn00b: It's the proper name for Linux.00:02
SkapareI'm sure there is a package that can put music on an iPod shuffle (1G) ... anyone know what package can do that?00:02
blzUbuntu runs the Linux kernel00:03
=== Dreki is now known as Guest89460
f00dn00bAndorin: no it isn't. it's richard stam00:03
hornetsOttifantSir: anyway.. what's the software to use with screenlets?00:03
syslq78f00dn00b, windows it's not so much different, if you stick to linux you'll get shitloads of general knowledge that will help you in all areas of IT, since it does not hide details, linux I mean.00:03
coleysf00dn00b: Why..? gnu/linux = Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope =P00:03
Out_Coldi went to go copy from the CLI with Ctrl + c00:03
=== Dreki_ is now known as Dreki__
VCooliofwaokda: also no gdm then, that's more complicated. Don't know that, never had the slightest intention of doing that00:03
Out_Coldwhile i was dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sageworks/root00:03
f00dn00bAndorin: * no it isn't. it's richard stallmans retarded name for it00:03
=== Dreki__ is now known as dreki
Andorinf00dn00b: The GNU project's official name for the operating system is GNU/Linux.00:03
syslq78coleys, yeah, I know :), you could spent years discussing that stuff and never get anywhere00:03
MaT-dgAndorin: how do you see that? in the network preferences?00:03
jefincSkapare: I use gtkpod00:03
coleyssyslq78: exactly =P00:04
f00dn00bAndorin: since when was the Gnu project in charge of linux, eh?00:04
AndorinMaT-dg: No, I have Deluge test the active port.00:04
blzblackest_knight:  oh damn  I should read more carefully.  lol thanks00:04
* Andorin sighs @ f00dn00b00:04
usr13f00dn00b: gnu/Linux is accurate, shouldn't be annoying.  But we could call it opensource or opensource software and be just as accurate.00:04
Skaparejefinc: OK, I'll look for that one, thanks00:04
treetopjanyone know why my wireless on ubuntu if as good as it is in windows00:04
fwaokdaVCoolio, k ty00:04
hornetsOttifantSir: well.. i need something with command line. lol00:04
f00dn00bit isn't accurate00:04
hornetsi dont have X on my server box.00:05
usr13f00dn00b: Why not?00:05
f00dn00bit is a judgement based on "lines of code"00:05
drekiis there a program that will mount CD images in the mds/mdf fromat for ubuntu?00:05
coleysf00dn00b: It really is. =P00:05
OttifantSirhornets: No software apart from Screenlets itself. It's in the repos actually. Latest version even. Though the team behind it are now working on Universal Applets: Applets that integrate with Avant Window Navigator. NetMonitor is the one I'm talking about. You have to go to www.screenlets.org and look for it in Third-Party Apps. The version you want is 0.8.00:05
LjLit's offtopic, too00:05
blackest_knightblz:  np00:05
hornetshum ok :/00:05
syslq78f00dn00b, it's not retarted it means GNU NOT UNIX since linux and unix have completely different bacground implementation but look and feel the same since they both adhere to posix standard (portable operating system) which defines utilities needed, system calls etc to look&feel the same00:05
MaT-dgAndorin: yes, that's what I meant. I have tested it here (with my current router, not the linksys) and when I forwarded the port deluge noticed it right away so the problem is with the router00:05
blzf00dn00b:  it's the code's legal licence...00:05
syslq78treetopj, what's with wireless?00:05
f00dn00bfollowing the same philosophy, we could call windows "microsoft/windows/oemcrapware vista"00:05
coleyshornets: there also is SuperKaramba =) But its kde.00:05
coleyshornets: Or Conky...00:05
OttifantSirhornets: I can see what I find in Synaptic, but I don't know one off the top of my head.00:06
f00dn00bfine, go ahead and be rms's little sheep00:06
usr13f00dn00b: This discussion is OT00:06
blzf00dn00b:  there's nothing that it needs to be separated from though00:06
Andorinf00dn00b: You're done. Please. The people at the FSF and GNU project know more about Linux than you.00:06
f00dn00bit's foss - we can call it what we like00:06
blzthey see me trollin... they hatin...00:06
jribgnu/linux discussion ----> #ubuntu-offtopic please00:06
usr13don't feed the trolls00:06
treetopj<syslq78> brother i dont know it seems to pick my router up fine on my windows tower but in ubuntu is does not pick up very good at all00:06
f00dn00bit isn't offtopic - it is ubuntu related00:06
blzNot to mention at #ubuntu00:06
hornetscoleys: I need something in command line.00:06
VisualanteATi and Canonical fail00:06
jribf00dn00b: it's not ubuntu *support* related00:06
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:06
blackest_knightusr13:  i think ott00:06
coleyshornets: For...?00:06
syslq78treetopj, very good or at all?00:06
coleyshornets: tell me specifically what you need?00:06
syslq78treetopj, do you even see your router?00:07
hornetscoleys: to run in my ubuntu-server.00:07
hornetssomething to history my bandwitdth usage.00:07
MaT-dgAndorin: can you config your machine in the DMZ of the router?00:07
hornetsfrom internets.00:07
syslq78Ufff, my neck just broke :)00:07
AndorinMaT-dg: If I need to set DMZ, I can.00:07
treetopjvery good it will pick it up but if i walk by it it will drop it00:07
usr13f00dn00b: But you are not talking about Ubuntu.  If you have questions reguarding Ubuntu, you are welcome, but apparently you do not.00:07
Out_Coldi know more about linux than all of you!!!!!!00:07
coleyshornets: Still don't know what you want :p?00:07
hornetsto see how much bw i'm using.00:07
MaT-dgAndorin: yes, just for testing purpose00:07
Out_Coldwait.... what's a kernel?00:07
coleyshornets: oh00:07
syslq78treetopj, what driver are you using?00:07
coleyshornets: ntop00:07
f00dn00bso, can i run school days in "gnu/linux" *winces at having to say that* ubuntu?00:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntop00:07
hornetstoday i uploadex X and donwloaded Y00:07
dryfyrehey anyone know of a mac emulaor00:07
jefincf00dn00b: #linux stop trolling00:08
lstarnesf00dn00b: normally, we just call it ubuntu00:08
OttifantSirhornets: The first one that looks promising to me is iperf, but listen to other suggestion from people who know what they're talking about.00:08
coleyshornets: ntop00:08
Out_Coldf00dn00b, just try it instead of asking us about you trying it00:08
Visualanteanyone running an ATi card at 1680x1050?00:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about giver00:08
f00dn00bjefinc: ok - once you tell me what "trolling" is00:08
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel00:08
lstarnesf00dn00b: you might need to run it using wine though00:08
f00dn00boh thanks ubottu00:08
anom01yanyone here know an alternative to giver, or, how to use giver..00:08
hornetscoleys: ntop saves how much bw i'm using?00:08
hornetslike.. everyday00:08
syslq78treetopj, you could increase TX power of your wifi card, linux isnt really best at wireless but you can get it working with little effort but you'll need open source drivers for that00:08
jlarocheI'm running ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 on an eee pc (model 1000HE). After installing and removing (purging) a program (eeepc-acpi-utilities) my compiz / desktop effects / maybe my video drivers were broken.... can anyone help?00:08
jribf00dn00b: you already have the wine appdb page, and have also been pointed to vbox as an alternative00:08
syslq78Ah, he quit :\00:08
anom01yI see both computers in the giver program, but when I try sending a file to the other user, nothing happens00:08
coleyshornets: Yes, and I think you will be able to view it from an external browser. So you can view it from another location.00:09
f00dn00b!school days in wine or virtualbox00:09
AndorinMaT-dg: DMZ set.00:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:09
OttifantSirVisualante: I run an ATI Radeon HD 3450 in FullHD, but not 1680x105000:09
hornetsoh cool00:09
coleysAre you joking lol =P00:09
f00dn00b!school days run under wine or virtualbox00:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:09
LjLf00dn00b: how about you just stick to the channel's topic, which is technical support of Ubuntu00:09
LjL!botabuse | f00dn00b00:09
ubottuf00dn00b: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:09
MaT-dgAndorin: okay, let's see what deluge thinks about the port now00:09
hornetscoleys: ssh ftw.00:09
hornetsno browsing.00:09
usr13f00dn00b: Please quit it.00:09
f00dn00bthis is technical support: i'm trying to get a program running00:09
blzf00dn00b:  have you tried winehq for that info?  you might find it there00:09
coleyshornets: AmEN :)00:09
jribf00dn00b: what is your question?00:10
VisualanteOttifantSir: my Catalyst Control centre only goes up to 1600x1200, can i manually override this?00:10
thefedsWindows 7 is nice.00:10
usr13f00dn00b: no you are not.00:10
syslq78f00dn00b, which programm?00:10
thefedsWho has win7?00:10
f00dn00b"can i run school days (an 0verflow game) in ubuntu?00:10
treetopj<syslq78> see how i just timed out i dont know wtf is going on with it but i cant keep it connected00:10
coleys!ot > thefeds00:10
ubottuthefeds, please see my private message00:10
hornetscoleys: thanks dude.00:10
blzthefeds:  i do!00:10
jribf00dn00b: read my last response to you.00:10
hornetsand OttifantSir.00:10
syslq78treetopj, you could increase TX power of your wifi card, linux isnt really best at wireless but you can get it working with little effort but you'll need open source drivers for that00:10
coleyshornets: Np =) enjoy.00:10
hornetsfor your time.00:10
Hilikushow can i remove the available drives to mount that are on the left menu on nautilus?00:10
usr13f00dn00b: no00:10
Hilikusor remove some of them00:10
coleysHilikus: Right click, and choose HIDE?00:10
blzf00dn00b:  try looking it up in winehq00:10
afvquick question: at gnome how can i choose the default apps? i can't remember where is that option.. :s (want to set firefox-3.5 instead of firefox..)00:10
f00dn00bif not, why not? and is there a way to rectify that?00:10
treetopj<syslq78> i looked alittle for that but do you thin nk that is what it is ?00:10
jrib!defaultapp | afv00:10
ubottuafv: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.00:10
AndorinMaT-dg: Still registers as closed. Perhaps I should set my modem to DMZ as well?00:11
syslq78treetopj, I think it is, I had the same problem on my laptop00:11
f00dn00bwow wine's directx support is getting good! *ot*00:11
Hilikuscoleys: i don't see that option00:11
blackest_knightafv:  have you got ff3.5 working ?00:11
MaT-dgthefeds: I have the ISO and want to replace vista in my duall-boot setup, but I can't because windows will erase my bootloader... xD00:11
legend2440afv: system>preferences>preferred apps00:11
syslq78treetopj, now it's fine00:11
afvnot in nautilus but in "everything".. say at update manager, for example, to see the changelogs..00:11
treetopj<syslq78> can you direct me in the right direction so i dont wait more time than i have to please ;p00:11
treetopj<syslq78> id be really geatful00:11
afvthanks legend2440 :)00:11
glitsj16hornets: have you seen iftop yet? that shows bandwith usage info i believe00:11
afvblackest_knight, yes.. why?00:11
syslq78treetopj, what's your wireless NIC?00:12
mcr_Is it possible to turn off the URL catcher in xchat?00:12
blackest_knightafv:  i set up ff3.5 but i get 3.011 come up in the about so i figure i must have both00:12
coleysHilikus: do you want it to automount? or...00:12
OttifantSirVisualante: Catalyst is proprietary software, so you'll have to ask ATI for that, or someone else. I'm perfectly fine with mine. Which card is it? Good info to know as you move along.00:12
Hilikushow can i change the process icon for ff3.5. i changed it in the menus already00:12
afvbeen there and didn't find it :p00:12
Hilikuscoleys: in my laptop i have a recovery partition that i don't want to list there00:12
Visualanteit's a HD4850 card00:12
afvblackest_knight, you're not opening the 3.5 then..00:12
lstarnesmcr_: try /set auto_save_url OFF00:12
jlarocheI'm running ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 on an eee pc (model 1000HE). After installing and removing (purging) a program (eeepc-acpi-utilities) my compiz / desktop effects / maybe my video drivers were broken.... can anyone help?00:12
VisualanteOttifantSir: i don't really mind what software i use, but the open source ones were shit for me fo00:13
coleysHilikus: if it automounted to say /recovery it wouldn't be listed. Would that be acceptable?00:13
jlarochehow do I check if my video drivers are installed properly?00:13
blackest_knightafv:  thats what i thought any idea where the real 3.5 is00:13
glitsj16blackest_knight: try firefox-3.5 as start command00:13
Visualantejlaroche: can you see things on the screen?00:13
Visualante:D all systems are fine!00:13
MaT-dgAndorin: I don't think so, your modem just passes everything to the router... unless your modem has a built-in router00:13
f00dn00bi have a question: is it possible to get windows viruses in wine?00:13
jlarocheis that the "linux preferred method" ?00:13
jribf00dn00b: with some work, sure00:13
safruhaniglitsj16: update-rc.d -f mpd remove00:13
Hilikuscoleys: it's not even mounted unless i double click it, but i don't want to have that option there00:14
Visualantejlaroche: just kidding with you. i'm not sure to be honest00:14
safruhaniis it possible to change "remove" to "add" ?00:14
safruhaniglitsj16: ^^00:14
OttifantSirVisualante: This isn't so much about personal preference as the community's ability to help you. As it is proprietary software, it's closed-source, meaning it might not be possible to override the settings you already get. And again: What's your card?00:14
f00dn00bjrib: so is there anything i should watch out for?00:14
blackest_knightafv: thanks for that00:14
syslq78jlaroche, well glxgear should give you some usefull info00:14
erickhablar español00:14
afvblackest_knight, just run "firefox-3.5" from a terminal, for example00:14
AndorinMaT-dg: I could check.00:14
epicreviewshey everytime I start Ubuntu, I get the keyring login thing. Is there a way I can have it automatically log in?00:14
coleysHilikus: I know... =P Do you care if it was to be mounted automcatically?00:14
jribf00dn00b: ask #winehq, I don't know about that00:14
syslq78f00dn00b, no00:14
LjL!es | rick00:14
ubotturick: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:14
usr13Anyone have experience with a Acer Aspire AOA150-1635?00:14
LjL!es | erick00:14
ubottueplease see above00:14
VisualanteOttifantSir: it's a 4850 card.00:14
usr13Any advice?00:14
epicreviewshey everytime I start Ubuntu, I get the keyring login thing. Is there a way I can have it automatically log in?00:14
syslq78f00dn00b, wine is just an api translator and you can not endanger your linux system trough it00:14
Hilikuscoleys: no, i want the UI to be completly unaware of that partition00:14
f00dn00bhooray!!!! school days is running! wowee! in all its anime glory!00:15
glitsj16safruhani: i think it is added by default, so my guess is that woudn't work but no hurt in trying it00:15
AndorinMaT-dg: I don't think it does.00:15
MaT-dgAndorin: check the linsys status page and see what IP Adress you find there (pm it to me)00:15
Hilikuscoleys: if i mount it it's going to be mounted somewhere. mnt, media, etc00:15
jlarochesyslq78 - i guess I don't have glxgear installed... i get command not found00:15
anom01yhi, I have two computers with ubuntu installed to both, I need to transfer files from one to the other, how do I set up file sharing ?00:15
f00dn00bis it possible to play drmed media in ubuntu?00:15
theTroyany help please? how to access a desktop of a user in a terminal window (both users are on the same box)00:15
usr13Anyone have any experience installing on an Acer Aspire AOA150-1635?  Any pointers?00:15
epicreviewshey everytime I start Ubuntu, I get the keyring login thing. Is there a way I can have it automatically log in?00:16
Visualantef00dn00b: sure, i can't see why not.00:16
theTroynot SU, as it gives you cmd access, but actual video access00:16
Hilikusepicreviews: yes00:16
jlarocheso again, this should be a simple one - how do I check if my video drivers are installed properly?00:16
f00dn00bis there any way to "un-drm" media files?00:16
jefincanom01y: you need to install the samba packages00:16
blackest_knightanom01y:  can i suggest sshfs00:16
syslq78jlaroche, well if your compiz works in all it's glory they are :)00:16
pelmenepicreviews: just create an empty password for keyring00:16
Visualantef00dn00b: of course, most DRM can be broken00:17
binarymutanthow do I get nm-applet to stop trying to automatically connect to wifi when I login?00:17
jlarochewell they are not00:17
Raviousanyone know of a way to add a sub directory to the sysfs?00:17
f00dn00bis it legal to un-drm files?00:17
jribf00dn00b: ask your lawyer00:17
anom01yblackest_knight, do I need sshfs on the client or server or both ?00:17
Hilikusf00dn00b: i doubt it00:17
mcr_f00dn00b no, and this isnt an ubuntu problem, its a "buying drm infested files" problem00:18
Hilikusany idea how to remove icons like xchat from the top right menu? it's already in the task bar, i don't want to have it twice00:18
Hilikusalso the NM logo. this is a desktop and it's always connected00:18
blackest_knightsshfs works on any computer that is running ssh server ( if you have more than one pc you want that anyway sshfs can easily access any folder you have rights too it requires no advance configuration hense i have over a terabyte of storage on a netbook :)00:18
coleysHilikus: What partition is it, and what file system? Ill post in a sec what to do.00:18
jlarocheI'm running ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 on an eee pc (model 1000HE). After installing and removing (purging) a program (eeepc-acpi-utilities) my compiz / desktop effects / maybe my video drivers were broken.... can anyone help?00:19
Hilikuscoleys: it's fat3200:19
epicreviewshey everytime I start Ubuntu, I get the keyring login thing. Is there a way I can have it automatically log in?00:19
blackest_knightanom01y:  sshfs is run on the client open ssh server runs ons the server00:19
jlarochehow does one check if their video drivers are installed properly?00:19
Hilikusepicreviews: yes00:19
arflebarfleHi.  I am trying to figure out what is wrong with cheese or my kernel.  It seems that when I use Cheese to record video that the uvc video driver for my webcam fails after I close Cheese.  The next time I open Cheese the webcam driver has failed, so I see a test image.  How can I reset the uvc driver state?00:19
epicreviewsHilikus... how?00:19
pelmenepicreviews: yes00:19
Hilikusepicreviews: can't remember, let me check00:19
blackest_knightanom01y:  after years of getting fed up with samba shares and nfs sshfs is simply easy and secure00:20
Hilikusepicreviews: system/admin/login window00:20
glitsj16jlaroche: one way would be to read the /var/log/Xorg.0.log and check for warnings (lines starting with (WW) and/or errors (EE)00:20
arflebarfle-- Oh, and I know the webcam driver has a problem, because the dmesg lists a uvcvideo problem.  I think the webcam still works with skype usually, but for some reason Cheese makes the driver fail.00:20
epicreviewsno I'm talking about the keyring thing00:21
foul_owlcan ubuntu create and install to jffs2 out of the box?00:21
safruhaniglitsj16: so what will i do ?00:21
epicreviewsit brings up a keyring thing to connect to my wireless network00:21
Hilikusepicreviews: ooh after you login?00:21
dryfyrewill wine work with mac programs00:21
coleysHilikus: sudo gedit /etc/fstab add the following line '/dev/sda# /mnt/recovery cfat noauto,users,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=007 0 2'00:21
arthur_question? i installed jaunty during instalation i checked no password required to log in option, is there a way to enable a user login now? so it takes user name and passwd to log in?00:21
safruhaniglitsj16: the web site u have given before not include about this situation00:21
OttifantSirVisualante: I googled your card and problem and found an archive-post in the forums that seems to deal with your problem. It's long, and it seems the first steps aren't correct, so read the entire thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-893937.html00:21
coleyssda# being the partion #, it might be sdb or something change accordinglty.00:21
Raviousanyone know of a way to add a directory to sysfs?00:21
Hilikuscoleys: why would i need an entry in fstab??00:21
Hilikusthat'll remove it from the menu?00:22
dryfyreany way i can work mac like i can with ubuntu w/ windows inside ubuntu00:22
coleysHilikus: its the noauto that will do its magic, it will be hidden from nautilus and not mounted due to noauto00:22
glitsj16safruhani: can you pastebin your /etc/mpd.conf and /etc/init.d/mpd somewhere? i can take a look, and so can others00:22
jschiffdryfyre: not legally00:22
f00dn00bmy x server just bastardised00:22
Hilikuscoleys: there must be a way to disable it without making it mountable in fstab00:22
jlarocheglitsj16 - i have a few WW's but no EE's00:22
hornetscoleys: DUDE00:22
hornetsthat app is teh shit.00:23
owen1i created a 2GB partition on my usb-drive and put ubuntu via usb-creator. when i reboot i see frozen black screen with blinking cursur. any clues?00:23
arthur_question? i installed jaunty during instalation i checked no password required to log in option, is there a way to enable a user login now? so it takes user name and passwd to log in?00:23
dryfyreoh well thats a bust00:23
syslq78f00dn00b, dunno, I dont have any problem with any of my ubuntu installations and there are several of them00:23
dryfyreyas thru users00:23
glitsj16jlaroche: than things look fine :) ... do you experience any quirks?00:23
the9a3eediHi. Am I the only one who seems to be getting a lot of totoally random X crashes? It's pretty annoying. I think it's either caused by firefox, or by compiz fusion, or perhaps a glitch?00:23
safruhaniglitsj16:  /etc/init.d/mpd  http://pastebin.com/f272c297800:23
f00dn00bi suppose thats what i get for upgrading to the development branch of karmic =S00:23
coleyshornets: Oh yeah =)?00:23
safruhaniglitsj16: /etc/mpd.conf  http://pastebin.com/f4d8796e300:23
mcr_or a memory problem00:23
jlarocheglitsj16 - I'm running ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 on an eee pc (model 1000HE). After installing and removing (purging) a program (eeepc-acpi-utilities) my compiz / desktop effects / maybe my video drivers were broken.... can anyone help?00:23
coleyshornets: Just what you were looking for?00:23
arflebarfleI gather that no one knows what is wrong with Cheese and uvcvideo, or how to reset the driver.  Do you know of a better program than Cheese that will record audio and video?00:23
glitsj16safruhani: okay, i'll take a look and report back00:23
blackest_knight anom01y example   sshfs me@ /home/me/sshfs/ (mounts the home folder of me on the remote system in home/me/sshfs  (this folder could be called anything just make sure its empty)00:23
jlarocheglitsj16 - my UNR GUI is running slow as molasses and my desktop effects are off (and won't let me turn them on)00:24
sadrisIs there anyway I can skip the Paritioning step in the Ubuntu installer? I have a special way that I want my XFS partition done and I had already done it ahead of time.00:24
glitsj16jlaroche: not familiar with netbook remix, but have you tried to reinstall eeepc-acpi-utilities yet?00:24
coleyssadris: Custome Partition. Is what you will want.00:24
anom01yblackest_knight, I have the server running (sshd), but I can't use sshfs.. I keep getting "missing host" when I use sshfs
coleyssadris: Custom Partitioning*00:25
arflebarflethe9a3eedi: I have heard of a lot of X crashes from others.  In recent times I have mostly been experiencing network problems, and now the webcam driver problem.00:25
dryfyreany way i can expand to two monitors00:25
jlarocheglitsj16 - yes... did that way before I groveled to IRC for help00:25
arthur_question? i installed jaunty during installation i checked no password required to log in option, is there a way to enable a user login now? so it takes user name and passwd to log in? ???00:25
arflebarflethe9a3eedi: what driver are you using with X.org?00:25
the9a3eediarflebarfle, official nvidia drivers00:25
VCoolioarthur_: system > administration > login window, there an option there to check00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Mixer00:25
glitsj16jlaroche: only suggestion i have is to check launchpad for possible bugs on that --> bugs.launchpad.net00:26
darkhammhey people, i only want to know if for gnu/linux we have something like the remote control for the iphone, but for symbian and others....00:26
the9a3eediarflebarfle, speaking of network, I seem to have wierd wireless issues.. but I doubt it's the problem with X00:26
the9a3eediit just crashes totally randomly00:26
dryfyreany way to expand to two monitors00:26
foul_owlanyone know how to fix grub error 2?00:26
the9a3eediwell, seemingly randomly00:26
arflebarflethe9a3eedi: oh, well I am using nvidia hardware too, but I am using older nvidia hardware for the most part.  One machine is using a newer Ubuntu than the other though.  I avoid upgrading Ubuntu because every upgrade is like 2 steps forward and 1 step back.00:26
coleysglitsj16: Yes. =o00:26
coleysdarkhamm: Yes&00:26
sadriscoleys: I believe I am already using that; I set up the LVM and raid1 with the Manually Partition option in partman, for the XFS, I am going to another terminal and making the partition00:26
jlarocheglitsj16 - so basically, if a package breaks something essential in Ubuntu you basically just have to reinstall your entire OS?00:27
dryfyreis there a hackers irc channel00:27
coleyssadris: You need to specifiy the install locations from the installer. It is a mandatory step.00:27
blackest_knightanom01y:  you need your user name eg anom01y@ <-example mounting remote root /home/anom01y/myremoteroot/00:27
coleyssadris: Otherwise you are not specifiying where to install everything.00:27
watinoIf I dd an iso of a live cd  to a partition and flag it as boot, should it work?00:27
darkhammcoleys: tell me more00:27
coleysdarkhamm: Bluetooth? Infrared00:27
darkhammcoleys: bluetooth00:28
arflebarflethe9a3eedi: someone told me that the Intel video cards have better support, and the drivers are open source, but from what I have seen there are bugs there too, and the OpenGL support may not be as good for gaming or CAD in some cases.00:28
sXeChrisguys what is a good program for recording videos?00:28
coleysdarkhamm: Bluetooth is preinstalled if available on computer, so you have the icon in your system tray, and you can pair devices quite easily.00:28
safruhanithanks for your patience glitsj1600:29
Drekievery time i mount an ISO image every file on the image has ;1 behind it, anyone know why?00:29
blackest_knightsXeChris:  depends on the source00:29
coleyssXeChris: gtkRecordMyDesktop?00:29
the9a3eediarflebarfle, Intel drivers are probably the best out there from what I heard. Too bad their cards suck00:29
sXeChrisany other one?00:29
sXeChriscuz that one lags00:29
the9a3eediguess I really can't do much about this00:29
nellmathewhey guys i was wondering, is there a vm or something similar that allows me to run a virtual machine or install an operating system to a partition from within ubuntu (key: to a PARTITION, not to a "virtual disk")00:29
glitsj16safruhani: going to reply to your paste, please give me a few minutes, can i PM you on this?00:29
danbhfive!screencast | sXeChris00:29
coleyssXeChris: It depends on your graphics chipset, of course. =o00:29
ubottusXeChris: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.00:29
the9a3eedithough I also think it seems to crash when I open websites that use flash00:29
the9a3eedistupid flash :/00:30
darkhammcoleys: yes, all right, but what can i use on a phone like n70 nokia for the remote control?00:30
f00dn00bhas anyone has any serious x server issues in karmic alpha?00:30
lstarnesnellmathew: I know that kvm/qemu can.  I think virtualbox might be able to as well00:30
f00dn00bmine keeps dying every 10mins or so00:30
f00dn00breally annoying!00:30
arflebarflenellmathew: I think that qemu can do that.  I seem to recall it has the ability to directly access a partition, amongst the virtual disk image formats.00:30
coleysdarkhamm: does it have bluetooth?00:30
darkhammcoleys: yes,00:30
sudo_killall_troshutit f00dn00b00:30
coleys!bluetooth | darkhamm00:30
ubottudarkhamm: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:30
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:30
blackest_knightf00dn00b:  not that serious but i've had ffox crash and reset my desktop00:31
Drekievery time i mount an ISO image every file on the image has ;1 behind it, anyone know why?00:31
nellmathewlstarnes, arflebarfle: thanks! i'll check out qemu00:31
f00dn00blol same here00:31
jlarochecompiz broken - I have error messages I can share - please help00:31
danbhfive!karmic | f00dn00b00:31
ubottuf00dn00b: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:31
f00dn00bpretty much anything that can happen has happened to my x server lol!00:31
coleysDreki: How are you mounting it?00:31
f00dn00band dont worry i know what karmic is danbhfive lol!00:31
arflebarfleIs there a good way to restore the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace behavior in Ubuntu?  I would like the ability to restart X sometimes, and it seems that I lost that recently.00:31
coleysf00dn00b: doubt it.00:31
coleysarflebarfle: !dontzap00:32
f00dn00bi've been using it for the past few days00:32
coleys!dontzap | arflebarfle00:32
ubottuarflebarfle: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.00:32
f00dn00byes i know about dontzap00:32
Drekicoleys right click and open with archive mounter00:32
danbhfivef00dn00b: yeah, but you should bring it's discussion to #ubuntu+100:32
nmatrix9anyone know Fezie?00:32
OttifantSirjlaroche: in terminal, do "dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-intel" and see if you have that driver. I believe that's the correct one for your graphics card.00:32
f00dn00bi always disable dontzap cos its annoying not to be able to reset the x server00:32
sudo_killall_troshut up f00dn00b00:32
sudo_killall_troyou are a troll00:33
=== ^Einstei1 is now known as ^Einstein
sudo_killall_trof00dn00b is a troll!00:33
LjLcalm down00:33
arflebarflewhy was the support for Ctrl-Alt-Backspace removed from Ubuntu?00:33
LjLf00dn00b: karmic is for discussion in #ubuntu+1, not here00:33
jribarflebarfle: that was an xorg decision00:33
arflebarfleerr, I mean in the default install00:33
danbhfivef00dn00b: I think there is another x kill command: SysRq+k00:33
f00dn00bapparently, people used to commonly accidentally knock ctrlaltbs by mistake00:33
f00dn00bso it became disable by default00:34
darkhammcoleys: the ubuntu pages means articles for sony ericsson... nothing more?00:34
f00dn00bi know about srq+k, but c+a+bs is like second nature to me lol00:34
_Apple_can I get some help setting up dual monitors?00:34
Drekicoleys: any idea what ;1 at the end of a file means?00:34
blackest_knightarflebarfle:  probably to stop people instantly resetting desktop and crashing any apps running( and worse if using ext4)00:34
sudo_killall_trof00dn00b, you are trolling00:34
sudo_killall_troplease leave *at once*00:34
jribsudo_killall_tro: stop please00:35
coleysDreki: sudo mount file.iso /location/ -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop000:35
sudo_killall_trooh, sorry00:35
sudo_killall_trof00dn00b, i think we should continue this in /msg00:35
f00dn00bum... how about no...00:35
_Apple_Dual Monitor set up? any takers?00:36
epicreviewshow do I kill plasma/kde ?00:36
blackest_knightsudo_killall_tro:  your gettin too stressed for little reason.00:36
coleysdarkhamm: No if you have bluetooth it will work =P00:36
sudo_killall_troas if i am00:36
darkhammcoleys: oh great, i try00:36
sudo_killall_trostop being so o/o/o00:36
Drekicoleys thank you i will try that00:36
jribf00dn00b: it would be a shame if sudo_killall_tro got banned don't you think?00:36
sudo_killall_troi just said he was a troll00:37
f00dn00bi'm not a troll00:37
arthur_question? i installed jaunty during installation i checked no password required to log in option, is there a way to enable a user login now? i went to /system/admin/login window but not sure excatly to check? i see where i can enable automatic login for a user...help00:37
arflebarfleIf trolls have no one to speak to, and no one reacts, do they continue?00:37
sudo_killall_trofine, i'll stop00:37
coleysarthur_: Login Window > Security00:37
epicreviewshow do I go back to Gnome desktop? I accidentally started KDE00:37
f00dn00bi'm not a troll00:37
rskiepicreviews: logout00:37
coleysepicreviews: Log out, click Sessions > Gnome00:37
rskiepicreviews: and login00:37
coleysepicreviews: Then relogin.00:37
arflebarfleI have never in my life seen any good come from someone saying "don't feed the trolls" or calling someone a troll.00:37
owen1can i boot a live CD from a usb hard-drive? (not flash)00:38
halberdis there a guide for using ubuntu without the command line?  I want to set my mom up with ubuntu00:38
coleysowen1: Yes, unetbootin.00:38
coleys!unetbootin | owen100:38
ubottuowen1: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:38
halberdubuntu for nontechnical people00:38
stroyanDreki: The trailing ";1' is an iso9660 standard file version number.  It is normally suppressed by linux unless you mount the iso with a "map=off" option.00:38
rskihalberd: remove all shortcuts for firing up the terminal?00:38
owen1coleys: are u sure it support HARD DRIVES?00:38
arthur__i went to security tab but not sure wich option to check...00:38
coleysowen1: Yes.00:38
K99Brainarthur_, you are in the right place. disable automatic login if you want to be asked for the login pass00:38
afvarthur_, System > Administration > Users and Groups00:39
mzzhalberd: worked for me (although I do still do a bit of maintenance and tend to resort to the commandline for that because I'm used to it)00:39
BigJackHow do i change the "login:" prompt in sshd ?00:39
halberdlike for example, mounting an external hard disk00:39
blackest_knightarthur_ go to system admin login window and lok under the security tab00:39
halberdhow do you do that in ubuntu without the mnt command?00:39
mzzhalberd: connect hard disk, wait for it to automount :)00:39
coleysowen1: You can install unetbootin from command line if you have jaunty.00:39
halberdmzz it doesn't seem to have done so00:39
=== Paddy_NI_ is now known as Paddy_NI
coleysowen1: sudo apt-get install unetbootin00:39
peeingforlifeyo peeps wah gwan g?00:39
halberdmzz but it mounts fine with sudo mount /dev/sdc1 <destination>00:40
mzzhalberd: worked for me last time I tried it, although that wasn't an actual hard disk, it was flash storage (that *might* matter)00:40
marks256i have a terminal network setup. Is it possible to "pipe" program to other users?00:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cp00:40
trendwhen I do apt-get install ahtwever i get: 404 Not Found [IP: 80]00:40
mzzhalberd: also, there's a gui fstab editor that may be of use. I forgot the name, sorry.00:40
coleystrend: sudo apt-get update00:40
halberdmzz so it has to be in fstab?00:40
mzzhalberd: like I said: last time I plugged in an external drive it just mounted. Internal drives are a bit different.00:41
Raydiationis there a way to find mp3s with missing id3 tags?00:41
Raydiationlike no title?00:41
lstarnestrend: which version of ubuntu are you using?00:41
trendand it tells me to apt-get update.. which I do, but that errors out to w/: http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php00:41
coleysRaydiation: Beagle?00:41
BigJackhalberd: you need to edit /etc/fstab00:41
mzzRaydiation: there are utilities for that, but I haven't used any of them recently, sorry.00:41
alexander_HEllo all!00:41
arflebarfleIf I want to reset the webcam driver to restore the working driver state, so that cheese works again, is there any potential problem with unplugging the USB cable, and plugging it back in?00:41
owen1coleys: the title say FromUSBStick not usb hard drive..00:41
alexander_I really love ubuntu!00:41
trendIstarnes how can I tell :/00:41
danbhfivetrend: that link was bad00:41
blackest_knighthalberd:  easiest way is add diskmounter to your top panel right click top panel and add diskmounter all other drives will show up on there and you can mount from there00:41
coleysowen1: It works for harddrives, it specifically has an option for harddrives. =o00:42
mzzhalberd: if you do need to edit fstab for some reason there's some gui thing out there to do it with, but that isn't actually much more convenient than opening it in your favorite editor running as root.00:42
lstarnestrend: lsb_release -r00:42
alexander_ubuntu!!! (L)00:42
marks256i have a terminal network setup. Is it possible to "pipe" program to other users? say if one user was running a program, could that user just pipe the program to another user?00:42
mzzhalberd: so if this really is an external drive you'll probably want to figure out why it's not automounting and fix that.00:42
Raydiationcoleys: thats not the same as tracker right?00:42
K99Braintrend, paste us the file /etc/apt/sources.list00:42
halberdmzz the thing is, that is not a problem for me00:42
coleysRaydiation: Beagle is search utility for gnome desktop00:42
halberdbut it might be a problem for my mom00:42
coleys!beagle | Raydiation00:42
ubottuRaydiation: Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)00:42
mzzmarks256: I'm pretty sure you could do that via a named pipe (or netcat if the users aren't on the same system)00:42
lstarnestrend: ubuntu 7.10 is no longer supported00:43
BigJackhalberd:  i just had to do this for a server i built with extra hds.  google "ubuntu mount hard drives on startup fstab" they'll tell you how to add lines for each drive00:43
lstarnestrend: change the mirror that you're using to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com and upgrade00:43
marks256mzz, how does that work? all users are on the same central server00:43
sadrisanyone know how i can specify custom format options to mkfs in the Ubuntu installer?00:43
halberdBigJack, I know how to do that00:43
trendoh, ok.. thanks!00:43
halberdbut it would intimidate my mom00:43
mzzmarks256: try "man mkfifo"00:43
BigJackoh..  just set up ssh for yourself00:43
K99Braintrend, ok, gutsy is NOT a LSB release and the support and security updates i think are finished00:44
blackest_knighthalberd: just add the diskmounter applet to the top panel00:44
K99Braintrend, upgrade to hardy, al least00:44
imnotgayjustlesXChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occur00:44
imnotgayjustlesred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has00:44
imnotgayjustlesoccurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error00:44
FloodBot3imnotgayjustles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:44
imnotgayjustles has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal error has occurred. XChat: A fatal00:44
lstarnesK99Brain: LTS, not LSB00:44
K99Brainlstarnes, LOL, sorry00:44
mzzmarks256: you create one of those, making sure the target user can read it and the source user can write it, then the source user runs their pipeline ending in "> thatnamedpipe" and the target user runs "< thatnamedpipe" into their end of the pipeline.00:44
mzzmarks256: I'd expect that to work, but it's not like I've done it recently.00:44
dhqi have a dell m1530 now i have 3 jacks which support 5.1 channel. the problem is i cant get kubuntu to work with i00:45
marks256mzz, woh that is confusing :) all these new terms :D00:45
K99Brainlstarnes, i was thinking to the lsb_release command, lol00:45
meoblast001my mom's computer is acting extremely weird.... after so long, her cursor won't click nor change states.... i reinstalled her system and it didn't fix it00:45
meoblast001any idea of what could be wrong?00:45
trendhow can I upgrade by the command line? edit http://pastebin.com/m65eb7a31 to what?00:45
owen1coleys: is it possible to install .iso into my usb hard drive? or do i have to burn a CD?00:45
lstarnesmeoblast001: sounds like a hardware problem00:45
mzzmarks256: they take a little getting used to, and they're not that useful if you're a single user and have a nonancient shell.00:45
Quatrokinghey there00:45
Hilikusmeoblast001: maybe the mouse?00:46
BigJacktry a new mouse00:46
coleysowen1: Unetbootin.00:46
marks256mzz, what exactly is a pipe? i just know the word. honestly i got this idea from the TV show 24... :$00:46
BigJackor check your memory?  that does weird stuff00:46
meoblast001Hilikus: no... because the cursor state doesn't actually change (wait, ready, resize)00:46
QuatrokingI've got a 64-bit CPU, but from Intel and not AMD. Do I need the 64-bit iso or the i386?00:46
Drekicoleys i tried what you said to mount that iso and got "/dev/loop: No such file or directory"00:46
coleysowen1: Unetbootin installs iso to usbs/harddrives, aswell as a bootloader for them, so at boot of your computer you will have the option to boot that device.00:46
rskiQuatroking: both work00:46
Hilikusmeoblast001: this is in ubuntu?00:46
meoblast001lstarnes: is there actually a specific piece of hardware dedicated to clicking and changing the mouse state?00:46
lstarnesQuatroking: use either00:46
meoblast001Hilikus: yes00:46
coleysDreki: sudo mount file.iso /location/ -t iso9660 -o ro,loop00:46
owen1coleys: ok. sudo unetbootin.  i'll try it now. btw, i have 2GB partition on my usb drive. it's FAT32. is it ok?00:46
mzzmarks256: a "pipe" or "pipeline" is a frequently used term for a sequence of two or more commands with output from one being input to the next00:46
Raviousanyone know how to add an empty directory to the sysfs?00:46
lstarnesmeoblast001: the button of the mouse itself has something to do with it00:47
bewarea pipe as i know it is a conceptual object which a data stream goes in on one end, and comes out at the other00:47
Quatrokingrski: so the AMD64 iso just works on intel cpu's too, as long as they're 64-bit?00:47
coleysowen1: Yes.00:47
meoblast001lstarnes: well.. it won't change states (ready, wait, resize)00:47
coleysQuatroking: Yes.00:47
rskiQuatroking: yes00:47
mzzmarks256: (so when you're using "|" in a shell command)00:47
QuatrokingThen the description is awfully confusing.00:47
coleysowen1: And the command is... sudo apt-get install unetbootin00:47
marks256mzz, oh ok...00:47
rskiQuatroking: report it as a bug then00:47
HilikusQuatroking: agree00:47
seeksSo, does anyone here use samba at all?00:47
mzzQuatroking: historical reasons.00:47
OttifantSirQuatroking: do as rski said.00:47
meoblast001Hilikus: lstarnes: i'm thinking about just downgrading her to 8.10, is there a chance that will work?00:47
coleysHilikus: Work for yeah :)?00:48
marks256mzz, i've only used the | command once or twice but i think i know how it works. basically it takes the output of one program and puts it into the input of another, right?00:48
lstarnesmeoblast001: possibly, but I;m not sure00:48
K99Braintrend, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades00:48
Raviousseeks: samba&nfs00:48
mzzQuatroking: I'm probably oversimplifying, but roughly it's intel adopting an architecture first used by amd in their athlon64 cpus.00:48
BigJackseeks: i use samba00:48
mzzQuatroking: (for extra confusion: intel has an older 64 bit architecture that's completely different)00:48
seeksRighto, well, I've got at a pretty simple question about it00:48
Hilikuscoleys: no, i don't really want to add an fstab for that. there must be a way to tell it to just ignore it00:48
mzzmarks256: yep00:48
seeksRegarding the "get" command, how do I use wildcards?00:48
danbhfivetrend: try: sudo do-release-upgrade00:48
majnooni usually just back up important stuffs and do a CLEAN install00:48
meoblast001ok.... i have a Hardy 64-bit live cd... i'l try that00:48
marks256mzz, sweet i'll look into mkfifo and play around with it :)00:48
seeksI've got some long, convoluted filenames, haha.00:49
coleysHilikus: there isn't in nautilus. Dolphin has the option to hide. (If you like KDE)00:49
bewareamd64 == em64t == the normal 64 bits architecture supported by modern i386 based PC's00:49
trenddanbhfive cool.. thanks!00:49
mzzmarks256: oh, and another option is to use sudo inside a regular pipeline.00:49
SHOOT3Ryou guys care to help me with this install of ubuntu? I'm getting an error message on install00:49
trendK99Brain thanks :)00:49
owen1coleys: i am doing it now. last time a tried (usb-creator) i got black frozen screen with blinking cursur..00:49
danbhfivetrend: let me know if it works00:49
beware(as opposed to ia64 which is an older architecture for some server CPU's)00:49
marks256mzz, and how is that done?00:49
coleysowen1: unetbootin is awesome, I expect sucess. =)00:49
mzzmarks256: but to do that you need root (or at least need to convince root to give you the necessary sudo privs)00:49
mzzmarks256: you know what sudo does?00:49
lstarnestrend: try http://pastebin.com/d1a9f609300:49
owen1coleys: btw, i've been told it's only working with live cd, so alternat-CD will not work.00:49
marks256mzz, lol yes :)00:49
Hilikuscoleys: well nautilus is getting the info that there is a device that can be mounted from somewhere, so maybe not nautilus but a system setting to hide that device as mountable00:50
lstarnestrend: after doing that, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:50
BigJackseeks: i'm a samba noob too. but if you're trying to access a path in command line use quotes ""  cd "/path/to file with spaces.whatever"00:50
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lstarnestrend: then you should be able to upgrade to 8.04 using sudo do-release-upgrade00:50
BigJackthat's all i can help with that00:50
_Apple_can some one please help me?00:50
coleysHilikus: If you search google, there is weird changes you can make.00:50
cobra-the-jokerhey there guys ...i have got 2 issues here with a laptop00:50
trendlstarnes cool.. i'm doing do-release-upgrade right now00:50
coleys!question | _Apple_00:50
ubottu_Apple_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:50
mzzmarks256: well, if you have a pipeline that generates output for a command that needs to run as root, you can do "blah | sudo command", if you know what I mean, and "blah" runs as you while "command" runs as root. "sudo" can take -u to switch to a non-root user.00:50
sXeChriswhy does my computer start lagging like crazy whenever i open gtk-recordmydesktop?00:50
cobra-the-jokerone .....i cant get the wireless working in the pavilon HP00:51
seeksBigJack:  Nah, I'm actually just copying files from one area to another in the terminal.  In linux, I can just type "cp *avi" to get an avi00:51
_Apple_can some one please help me set up my monitors00:51
owen1coleys: see u soon, i am rebooting00:51
coleyscobra-the-joker: lspci | grep -i network00:51
Drekicoleys thanks that worked00:51
mzzmarks256: but that only works if the user typing that is allowed to sudo to the other user. The mkfifo approach I mentioned doesn't need any special privs like that.00:51
coleysDreki: =)00:51
mzzmarks256: so they're different use cases.00:51
coleysowen1: Okay!00:51
cobra-the-jokercoleys ....i dont have it right now ..its for my freind00:51
Ravious_Apple_: Whats the problem your having setting them up?00:51
cobra-the-jokerit seem to be working00:51
seeksBigJack:  But with the samba thing, I have to use "get," and the wildcard doesn't work with that.  I'm just curious if there's something I'm missing00:51
safruhanisometimes i see phy0 process on running, but i couldn't find what it is doing ... ?00:51
coleyscobra-the-joker: I need to know his chipset to be able to help.00:51
cobra-the-jokerbut i cant enable the switch ...its touch00:52
Hilikuscoleys: ill try that, thanks a lot man00:52
BigJackseeks:  ah.  no idea abou that one. sorry00:52
mzzseeks: err? just mount the partition?00:52
coleysHilikus: No problem =)00:52
seeksBigJack:  Ha, no prob.  Thanks anyway.00:52
marks256mzz, ok. would you be kind enough to step me through how to do something basic? i just want to see it work, then i can play with it myself00:52
cobra-the-jokercoleys  , is there is any way to force the wireless switch00:52
seeksmzz:  Well, I'm really quite the samba newbie.  I actually haven't gotten that far yet00:52
coleyscobra-the-joker: Bios?00:53
seeksmzz:  It gives me problems trying to mount it, but no problems if I just use "smbclient," for whatever reason.00:53
_Apple_Ravious: I've spent the past 5 hours trying to set up Dual monitors00:53
_Apple_and I have no thing show for it00:53
coleysDreki: to unmount after using that command type: sudo umount file.iso OR sudo umount /location/00:53
mzzseeks: try "mount -t cifs '\\\sharename' /mnt" iirc00:53
jlaroche_Apple_ - sounds like a typical Ubuntu moment00:53
jlaroche_Apple_ - spending more time fixing then doing00:53
Ravious_Apple_: how far have you gotten? issues? whats going on with them?00:54
mzzmarks256: like what?00:54
cobra-the-jokercoleys , i think00:54
_Apple_Ravious: I've gotten numerous errors and finally got some of them to go away but still can't get the resolutions to differ00:54
marks256mzz, oh i don't know. about send a simple gedit window to another user?00:54
marks256mzz, how about* lol00:54
mzzmarks256: err, what? How do you "send" a window?00:55
Ali_nzhiya peoples00:55
Ravious_Apple_: Are these monitors on sep video cards, or on the same one like a twinview00:55
Drekicoleys: i was just about to ask that00:55
_Apple_Ravious: same card00:55
Drekicoleys thanks fot the help00:55
Ravious_Apple_: What kinda video card?00:55
coleysDreki: Figured it would come up =) No problem.00:55
sXeChriswhy do i lag so much whenever i start GTK-recordmydesktop?00:55
Ali_nzin the gui, ubunutu should have native support for NTFS drives right?00:55
saifthe wmv is not working00:55
saifi have ubuntu 8.100:55
_Apple_Ravious: ones an VGA the other is  a composite00:55
mzzAli_nz: works for me00:56
coleysAli_nz: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g00:56
marks256mzz, that's what i'm asking. If i had one user that had gedit up, could they send that running program to another user.00:56
Ali_nzcoleys: yeah I have done that00:56
sXeChriswhy do i lag so much whenever i start GTK-recordmydesktop?00:56
sXeChrisPlease someone?00:56
sXeChrisi really need help00:56
BigJacksXeChris:  hardware too slow for it?00:56
coleysAli_nz: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config00:56
FloodBot3sXeChris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
Ali_nzI can double click on the drive (nothing happens) or click mount00:56
mzzmarks256: err, why would that involve a pipeline? Just save it somewhere and make sure the other user can read the file00:56
Ali_nzand and says can mount file (from memory)00:56
K99Brainsaif, install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package00:56
sXeChrisbigjack my hardware can't be better! i have quad core with 4 g ram00:56
transMIssioni read the article how to change cpu freq but i cant set the cpu_min_freq... or if i do it doesnt change. What did i do wrong?00:56
marks256mzz, i'm using a LTSP setup. So i'm wondering if i can "route" a window from one user's terminal to another user's terminal00:56
Ravious_Apple what make? nvidia ati?00:56
mzzmarks256: I don't think I understand what you're trying to do00:56
marks256mzz, yeah i know, but that's no fun00:56
BigJackthen i dunno. i'm a noob00:57
_Apple_Ravious: I can  get it to display if im in like low graphics mode but them I"m running at 8x6 on both monitors00:57
marks256mzz, Ok. i'll do another example00:57
saif<K99Brain>: how is that done00:57
sXeChriswhy do i lag so much whenever i start GTK-recordmydesktop?00:57
seeksmzz:  Welp, nothing yet, but I'm getting closer to it anyway.  Thanks for the tip.00:57
saif<K99Brain>: i tried vlc and mplayer00:57
migueli deleted my panel, how do i restore it please00:57
mzzmarks256: your original question was "Is it possible to "pipe" program to other users", so I thought you meant the shell pipeline kind of "pipe", with one half running as a different user00:57
mzzseeks: failed how?00:57
saif<K99Brain>: only voice no picture00:57
=== miguel is now known as Guest95262
transMIssionmiguel: every panel?00:57
coleysmiguel: Right click, Add Panel?00:57
Guest95262the top panel00:57
_Apple_Ravious: when I open up the Nvidia settings the both show up but the one wont display regardless of what I do00:57
Guest95262i restored a new one but i want the original one00:58
_Apple_and I usually get an error after I try adjusting the settings00:58
marks256mzz, i'm running xchat right now. my user name is dusty. Say if i there was another user on my terminal server, could i send my program to them, without logging out and logging back in.00:58
transMIssionGuest95262: you have to customize00:58
Ravious_Apple_ you on ubu 9.04?00:58
K99Brainsaif, try to install that package with synaptic or with this terminal command: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:58
mzzmarks256: I seriously doubt it00:58
marks256mzz, so instead of the program showing up on MY x window session, it would show up on theirs00:58
owen1_coleys: didn't work. i chose the drive from the bios, hit F10 (save and exit) and after 10 secs i had black screen with blinking cursor. here is my partition: /dev/sdf2   *       19197       19457     2096482+   b  W95 FAT3200:58
_Apple_Ravious: 8.04 :/00:58
Guest95262ok well how do i get the setings back in there00:58
seeksmzz:  It just freezes and I have to control+c in the terminal, mostly.  I've tried a few different ips (198.162xxx, 127.0xxx, etc).00:58
Guest95262oh nevermind i will just make a new account00:59
marks256mzz, aww :( ok :) i was just curious00:59
Guest95262it is fresh so i javew nothing to loose00:59
K99Brainsaif, if it's a codec problem, this should solve00:59
coleysowen1_: You chose to boot from the drive?00:59
mzzmarks256: you might be able to hack something up involving nx or the like, but moving windows across X servers is tricky, even if the two servers run as the same user.00:59
transMIssionGuest95262: k00:59
Ali_nzcoleys: any ideas?00:59
mzzmarks256: I can't think of a pretty way to do this offhand, but I'm tired, so I could easily be wrong.00:59
sXeChriswhy do i lag so much whenever i start GTK-recordmydesktop?00:59
owen1_coleys: i moved the drive with + sign.00:59
Drekicoleys if i try to mount to a point that isnt there i get "mount: mount point /media/cdrom1 does not exist"  is there a way i can make a new mount point so that i can have more than one iso mounted at a time and such?00:59
coleysAli_nz: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config00:59
jonex_how can i check what graphic card i have00:59
owen1_coleys: (in the bios)00:59
Ali_nzcoleys: i have done that00:59
saif<K99Brain>: thank u very very very much00:59
Ali_nzstill get the error00:59
mzzseeks: err? It shouldn't freeze if the ip you're targetting is reachable00:59
marks256mzz, ok. what should i be looking up?01:00
saif<K99Brain>: i `ll install it and tell u the result01:00
coleysDreki: sudo mkdir /mnt/name/01:00
coleysAli_nz: Open it01:00
K99Brainsaif, ok01:00
transMIssioni read the article how to change cpu freq but i cant set the cpu_min_freq... or if i do it doesnt change. What did i do wrong?01:00
marks256mzz, i'd be more than happy to do some reading. i just need to be pointed in a direction ;)01:00
owen1_coleys: i can try it on another machine.01:00
coleysowen1_: do that.01:00
coleysowen1_: it should work.01:00
mzzmarks256: nah, too tired to give you anything particularly useful for that one, sorry.01:00
Ali_nzcoleys: "Unable to mount location / cant mount file"01:00
Ravious_apple_ could you post your xorg.conf file to pastebin? I'll take a look at it01:00
marks256mzz, understandable ;) thanks for the help anywya01:00
Drekicoleys:  oh well that makes sense...  sry im still figureing a lot of this out lol01:00
seeksmzz:  Yeah, I figure there's some weird thing I'm going to have to deal with.  This is going to take me a while, but oh well.01:01
coleysDreki: No worries =P01:01
jonex_how i know what graphic card i have01:01
lyrai burned the 8.04 to dvd but i FORGOT 8.04 has some crappy acpi settin that wont boot for me01:01
coleysDreki: Everyone goes through this point at sometime +p01:01
lyraso i need to download 8.1001:01
mzzseeks: if it really gets stuck that sounds like the other system has something enabled firewall-wise that's interfering01:01
_Space_Case_i have an old 600 mhz computer / and /home on  same drive.. swap is on a 4gb drive.. my question would i benefit or gain preformance by adding more partitions on sepert drives like /temp /var ... ect?01:01
K99Brainjonex_, lspci | grep -i vga01:01
transMIssionlyra: indeed01:01
lyrashouyld i just run it with nocpi01:01
mzzseeks: (but if I'm right you should get that in everything that speaks smb or cifs, not just mount)01:01
meoblast001lstarnes: Hilikus: i booted into the 9.04 install, tried to do updates, and got "Could no grab your mouse." as the mouse started doing that thing01:01
coleysAli_nz: Message me.01:01
Ali_nzcoleys: does it matter that its a SATA drive hooked up via a USB-SATA bridge?01:01
lyratransMIssion, duh?01:02
lyrawhat the hell was i thinking01:02
seeksmzz:  Could be.  I can still connect with smbclient and all that.01:02
mzzseeks: what os does the target run?01:02
seeksmzz:  Windows 701:02
seeksmzz:  RC.01:02
mzzseeks: huh, then I'd expect cifs to work. Sorry, not sure what's going on there.01:02
lyraif i do disable acpi, what am i missing exactly01:02
_Apple_Ravious: alright gimme a coupe01:02
seeksmzz:  No problem man, thanks for the help.  One last question... are wildcards even possible with the "get" command?01:03
jlarochecan anyone help me reinstall my video drivers and compiz in Ubuntu (netbook remix 9.04)? I am running an eee pc model # 1000HE.01:03
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mzzseeks: beats me, I haven't touched the cli utils in ages.01:03
transMIssionlyra its a power management service, nothig severe i guess01:03
* meoblast001 wonders if they left01:03
seeksmzz:  Haha, alright.  Thanks again.01:03
yezidw do i delete an account with all the files01:03
yezidi deleted it but the files are still there01:04
transMIssioni read the article how to change cpu freq but i cant set the cpu_min_freq... or if i do it doesnt change. What did i do wrong?01:04
sXeChriswhy do i lag so much whenever i start GTK-recordmydesktop?01:04
th0ryezid: userdel -r username01:04
lstarnessXeChris: first of all, be patient.  Second, it requires a lot of processing since it has to intercept and process video signals from X01:04
gogetayezid: delete its home folder01:04
th0ryezid: that is 'sudo userdel -r username'01:04
mzzyezid: "userdel -r" sounds promising, but if the account is already gone I'd just wipe their homedir manually.01:04
owen1_coleys: on the other machine i moved 'usb hard drive' in the bios to the top. F10, than i hit esc, to see the grub, but chose the first option. the machine booted as usual, ignoring my usb drive. am i suppose to choose it from grub?01:04
jlarochecan anyone help me reinstall my video drivers and compiz in Ubuntu (netbook remix 9.04)? I am running an eee pc model # 1000HE.01:05
spencehey ubuntu, how can i get better media support for VLC? i'd like to be able to be able to play an entire album in VLC01:05
coleysowen1_: Yeah01:05
sXeChrisistarnes, so what do i do? because it doesn't stop lagging and my hardware is more than applicable for it to work01:05
spenceit seems to temperamental01:05
transMIssionspence: use the playlist.01:05
mzzsXeChris: recording (and encoding) video is a bit cpu-intensive. I'm not surprised things get a little laggy.01:05
owen1_coleys: so it was in the grub, maybe at the middle/bottom of the list?01:05
danbhfivespence: I think there are a bunch of vlc plugins packages you can install01:05
jonex_need helppppppppppppppppppppppppp01:05
jonex_Gathering information about your system...01:05
jonex_ Distribution:          Ubuntu 9.0401:05
jonex_ Desktop environment:   GNOME01:05
jonex_ Graphics chip:         Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)01:05
jonex_ Driver in use:         intel01:05
FloodBot3jonex_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:05
JagosixHello People01:05
lstarnessXeChris: are you using visual effects?01:05
_Apple_Ravious: http://pastebin.ca/149217101:05
sXeChrisi turn them off?01:05
JagosixI'm very noob to ubuntu01:06
lstarnessXeChris: try that01:06
yezidit doesnt let me01:06
spencei do use that, transMIssion. but if i select an album in nautilus and open all in VLC the album will play half way through01:06
Jagosixmy 1st time ....01:06
Bob__so, I have a Via Chrome 9, and GLX gears on full screen gives me 15 FPS, is there anyway to make the Chrome 9 perform any better?01:06
lstarnessXeChris: visual effects also require a lot of processing01:06
JagosixHAving trouble with the video resolution01:06
gamerchick02cabra-the-joker: what's up? maybe i can help01:06
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:06
yezidsays .thumbnails cannot be handeled01:06
Jagosixright now it won't go beyond 1024x76801:06
transMIssionspence: strange... never happend to me. Why use vlc if there are better player for music?01:06
gamerchick02cobra-the-joker: what's your question? maybe i can help01:06
Jagosixneed to go beyond that01:06
marks256does anyone know how to list all the x server sessions opened on a machine?01:07
Jagosixhell even 1280x1024 would suffice01:07
spencetransMIssion: well i wanted to use Sonata but i could't get the MPD working. i tried their support channel but they don't speak English that well01:07
gogetatransMIssion: xmms2?01:07
Switch10Jagosix: u have ati video card right?01:07
yezidi want to delete the home folder but wont let me, i already deleted the user name01:07
spencecan i not just right click a selection of files in Nautilus and get it to play in order like Windaz?01:07
Jagosixi installed the nvidia drivers01:07
gogetaspence: xmmm2 is like winamp01:08
woakushaving problems with network manager - currently cannot select "enable wireless" - wireless is available on other systems - help, please?01:08
transMIssiongogeta: tell spence, not me, lol01:08
Jagosixthey work great, but I need a higher resolution01:08
rskigogeta: it's not01:08
gogetai did01:08
marks256does anyone know how to list all the x server sessions opened on a machine?01:08
transMIssionsry too late01:08
Bob__woakus, not every wireless card is supported, you know01:08
marks256does anyone know how to list all the x server sessions opened on a machine?01:08
transMIssiongogeta: what about rhytmbox?01:09
danbhfivemarks256: maybe you could just search the running processes?  I really don't know01:09
njh_marks256: does ps aux | grep X help?01:09
Switch10I like rhythmbox01:09
cobra-the-jokergamerchick02 , i cant enable the wireless switch in HP pavilon as it is touch ..not a physical switch01:09
Bob__Does anyone know how to repeat the same question 50 times in a short span of time? How about you, marks25601:09
gogetamarks256: its you01:09
transMIssionSwitch10: :-)01:09
hornetsSwitch10: exaile ftw01:09
gogetamarks256: did you get yor subnet conflict fixed01:09
owen1_coleys: i tried again, chose to boot from usb hard drive and it ignored it and load my xubuntu as usual.01:09
woakusnetwork manager doesn't pick up anything - had network selectable, until I did something correcting a different problem and aquired this problem01:09
coleysowen1_: Okay, give unetbootin a try.01:10
marks256Bob__, is that sarcasm?01:10
owen1_coleys: btw, i loaded xubuntu-desktop on unetbootin01:10
marks256gogeta, yes i did!01:10
jonex_chekea komo c meneaaaaaaaaaaaa01:10
Bob__marks256: Yes, I'm glad you recognized it.01:10
gogetamarks256: was i correct01:10
owen1_coleys: maybe something with primary/secondary?01:10
marks256Bob__, just trying to get help like everyone else.01:10
Switch10I don't think rhythmbox is coming with ubuntu 9.1001:11
Bob__marks256: I was meaning to say, repeating yourself 50 times in a row IS NOT APPRECIATED. some people will ignore you before helping if you do it.01:11
marks256gogeta, guess what the problem was! I wasn't specifying my dns sever. once i manually configured that, all worked great!01:11
jonex_q diba birtuallllllllllllllllll01:11
Switch10I think it comes with banshee01:11
gogetamarks256: you can do ps-A | grep xsession01:11
transMIssionSwitch10: no gotta use the mint distro01:11
gogetaps -A01:11
Bob__at least wait for your question to move off a fullscreened window, marks25601:11
owen1_coleys: btw, before using netbootin i did rm for all files on the partition.01:11
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
kevdogI thought rhythmbox development had stopped?01:11
gogetashould list all running xsessions01:12
njh_kevdog: I was not aware it was going01:12
marks256Bob__, oh crap i guesss id idnt' think about full screen... :$ sorry. i will do that from now on01:12
Switch10I hope not01:12
transMIssionkevdog: says who?01:12
coleysowen1_: Give it a try, again. BUt before verify the .iso's md5sum01:12
Jagosixcan some-1 help me with the video settings01:12
owen1_coleys: already did. it's verified01:12
Switch10I don't like banshee01:12
MindVirusIs there any way to get a list of top-level packages (those without dependencies)?01:12
howiegogeta: hey was i supposed to recompile my kernal after i added that line ipv6=off ?01:12
kevdogcvs sources haven't been updated in along while01:12
MindVirusI mean.01:12
MindVirusThose that are not dependencies.01:12
marks256gogeta, njh_, yes it seems that doing the ps command does show information. i'll test it on my server in a minute01:12
transMIssionkevdog: hm yeah thats right ...01:13
kevdogor svn -- or whatever they use --01:13
gogetahowie i found more info on it ipv6 is no longer a module it caant be disabled01:13
coleysowen1_: okay well remove all from partition again, and then install.01:13
Bob__So...Chrome 9 still, and forever more, shall have cruddy support?01:13
owen1_coleys: ok...01:13
Jagosixi just want to change the resolution to 1280x102401:13
kevdogunless someone is doing some stealth development behind the scenes01:13
transMIssioni use rhytmbox only second, first is foobar-emulation with wine ;-)01:13
transMIssionfast as hell01:13
howiegogeta, O so is there another solution? cause i cannect even get a connection with it anymore01:13
MindVirusAnyone know?01:14
MindVirusPros with APT?01:14
gogetahowie only fix is to uupgrade to ther 2..3.30 kernel01:14
kevdogapt get?01:14
MindViruskevdog, is there any way to get a list of top-level packages (those that are not dependencies)?01:14
Switch10transMIssion: u ever try media monkey with wine?01:14
gogetahowie but you lose restreted extras01:14
danbhfiveMindVirus: top level to what?  like tasksel --task-packages ubuntu-desktop  ?01:14
MindVirusdanbhfive, what?01:14
jonex_don omar01:14
jonex_julio voltio01:14
jonex_luny tunesssssssssssssss01:14
kevdogMindVirus: what do you want to do?01:14
gogetahowie 2.6.3001:14
transMIssionSwitch10: nope im fine with foobar...01:14
danbhfiveMindVirus: jigga what?01:15
Switch10transMIssion: haven't tried it01:15
howiegogeta, i see, so to enable my wirless i loose funtionality01:15
njh_kevdog: I do wish that people would just pick one music system and stick with it.01:15
Bob__later, I got another PC to try and figure out01:15
MindViruskevdog, danbhfive: I want to get a list of packages that were installed that are not dependencies. I will use this list to see what programs I have installed but don't need.01:15
gogetahowie yes the bug is a big one01:15
MindViruskevdog, danbhfive: for example, if a library is in that list, either I installed it and still use it or I need to remove it.01:16
gogetahowie unless you can find a kernel for junty compiled without ipv601:16
transMIssionSwitch10: you dont have to. but its a great player which i colundt leave behind in my windows times01:16
kevdogMindVirus: Yeah that would be a cool idea01:16
gogetahowie or recompile yourself01:16
MindViruskevdog, danbhfive: any ideas?01:16
gogetahowie i tryed every methed even blacklisting ipv6 to disable it knothing works01:16
danbhfiveMindVirus: I dunno, but maybe you want to look into deborphan to clean up orphaned packages instead  (I use gtkorphan)01:16
transMIssionHow do i set the scaling_min_freq for cpu?01:16
_Apple_Ravious: http://tinypic.com/r/2vba9as/301:16
Switch10transMIssion: does foobar write the album covers to tag?01:17
kevdogMindVirus: How did you install your stuff?01:17
howiegogeta, id be willing to do it but i dont know how01:17
MindViruskevdog, apt-get.01:17
MindVirusdanbhfive, what is the definition of orphan?01:17
Switch10I'm gonna have to get it01:17
Switch10To try01:17
danbhfiveMindVirus: any package that has no other package depending on it01:17
MindVirusdanbhfive, that's exactly what I need.01:17
RamonsterHehe.. finally got Ubuntu working + Xchat :)01:18
kevdogI think aptitude is more fully featured but I would have to look into it01:18
transMIssionSwitch10: mine doesnt but there are loads of plugins. Mine only writes rating and playcout into the tags.01:18
``y7my graphics/video drivers in ubuntu seem to be messed up. all of the video is lagged and youtube.com videos play in 5fps (this is a guess, but they are super slow when they've already buffered 100%). where can i begin to trouble shoot this issue?01:18
Switch10transMIssion: right on. And it's faster than rbox?01:18
transMIssionSwitch10: dont expect too much. the basic version look really clean. but its very usable.01:18
RamonsterI got samba up now, but if I make a new folder in the shared samba folder, it doesnt show up on the ubuntu machine.. anyone could help me?01:18
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as ProphetOfNight
transMIssionSwitch10: with a huge library like mine...01:19
icedtea``y7, what type of video card do you have01:19
Micro2GBdose any one use Xubuntu on paralles?01:19
kevdogtransMIssion: I'm sure you have a "huge" library :)01:19
Switch10transMIssion: ya I got like like 170gig01:19
transMIssionHow do i set the scaling_min_freq for cpu?01:19
K99Brain``y7, check which version of the flash player you have01:19
``y7icedtea: the asus ax850xt platinum01:19
``y7K99Brain, how do i do that?01:19
RamonsterI got samba up now, but if I make a new folder in the shared samba folder, it doesnt show up on the ubuntu machine.. anyone could help me?01:20
transMIssionSwitch10: yeah try it. im shure youll like it01:20
K99Brain``y7, go in firefox and type:  about:plugins01:20
lyrais intrepid ibex 8.10 part of the LTS cycle01:20
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04)01:20
quidnuncHow do I restart network manager? I use to do '/etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager restart' but that seems to no longer be available on Jaunty.01:20
kevdoglyra: No its 8.0401:20
owen1_coleys: i had to enable 'external hard disk' in bios, and now i see black screen with 'boot:'01:20
Switch10I don't need anything pretty01:20
owen1_coleys: i guess it's some progress..01:20
transMIssionDoes anybody know how do i set the scaling_min_freq for cpu, pls?01:20
lyrahm 8.04 doesnt work for me01:20
darkhammcarey: are you the author of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothRemoteControl ?01:20
JagosixHello People01:20
kevdogsudo services networkmanager restart?01:21
lyra8.10 does 3~hoerver.01:21
``y7K99Brain, i have shockwave flash, is that the same thing?01:21
kevdoglyra: so stick with 8.10  for now01:21
lyra /j #ubuntu+101:21
coleysowen1_: Then press enter01:21
RamonsterAnyone with some knowledge of samba?01:21
K99Brain``y7, which version?01:21
howiegogeta, so how do i load the new kernal 2.6.3001:21
coleysowen1_: And you should see the unetbootin grub,01:21
=== lyra is now known as karma
owen1_coleys: wait..it works..01:21
``y710.0 r2201:21
coleysowen1_: Woo =)01:21
JagosixI've just installed ubuntu 9.04. (1st time btw) It works great, but there's 1 small problem.....01:21
K99Brain``y7, ok, it's right01:21
JagosixThe video settings are a pain to change01:22
K99Brain``y7, try to disable compiz01:22
transMIssionallright good night....01:22
karmakevdog, might that be a bad idea01:22
``y7K99Brain, how?01:22
quidnunckevdog: I don't seem to have a 'services' command.01:22
coleysowen1_: You'll notice its alot faster then a live cd. live usb ftw =)01:22
owen1_coleys: i didn't click on anything. so now i am in the live cd. i can do whatever, right? nothing is being saved.01:22
JagosixI've installed the nvidia drivers01:22
coleysowen1_: exactly.01:22
K99Brain``y7, system -> preferences -> apperance -> effects01:22
kevdogLet me look something up01:22
owen1_coleys: and when i'm done i can click install?01:22
K99Brain``y7, select none01:22
coleysowen1_: You can choose to install or... Just do everything live.01:22
Jagosixit still won't do 1280x102401:22
RamonsterAnyone with some knowledge of samba?01:22
meoblast001maybe this is an Ubuntu bug?01:22
quidnunckevdog: Never mind, its service01:22
quidnunckevdog: Thanks.01:22
Jagosixcan some 1 please help me out ?01:23
``y7K99Brain, i changed it to "none"01:23
owen1_coleys: thank you, so i had to enable this option from the bios, that's the trick. it's not enough to move it to #1.01:23
kevdogquidnunc:  So what was the command?01:23
coleysowen1_: Yeah, woo have fun.01:23
K99Brain``y7, ok, try if it's already slow01:23
RamonsterAnyone with some knowledge of samba?01:24
saif<K99Brain>: are u there ??01:24
Micro2GBI need help with ftp01:24
K99Brainsaif, yes01:24
kevdogsudo service networkmanager restart.   Does that work?01:24
``y7K99Brain, seems to have done the trick01:25
saif<K99Brain>: it reached to asetup for sun "configuring sun java6"01:25
``y7ty sir ;)01:25
* kevdog says I hate samba01:25
OttifantSirRamonster: A little, what's the problem?01:25
MindVirusWhat is an orphaned package and is it safe to remove them?01:25
coleysMindVirus: Packages that are not needed by any application this is installed, and yes they are safe to remove.01:25
danbhfiveMindVirus: orphaned libraries should be ok to remove.01:25
kevdogOrphaned package means it there -- its not being used -- its lost -- it can be killed01:26
RamonsterOttifantSir: I got samba installed now. But if I get into the samba folder from my XP Machine and put some files/folders in it, I cant get to them on the ubuntu machine01:26
MindViruscoleys, you mean packages that are not dependencies?01:26
danbhfiveMindVirus: other orphaned packages are NOT sage to remove01:26
coleysMindVirus: Were dependencies, but now are no longer needed due to removal of program, etc...01:26
matumy monitor it limited at 1024x768 in ubuntu01:26
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matubut it s a 1280x102401:27
OttifantSirRamonster: On which machine is the samba-folder? The Ubuntu? Or the XP?01:27
matudo i need to create a xorg.conf ?01:27
RamonsterOttifantSir: On the Ubuntu machine01:27
kevdogis sysvconfig package installed by default?01:27
matuwhat am i supposed to do ?01:27
OttifantSirRamonster: Where is it placed?01:27
RamonsterOttifantsir: /srv/samba01:28
=== io is now known as Guest84027
fwaokdaI just recently activated the fglrx (or whatever its called) drivers and now when i try to boot up it gives me all sorts of static black and white image... how can i fix this? i can't get into ubuntu without the usb drive....01:28
saif<K99Brain>: r u there ?01:28
kevdogRamonster: what are permissions on the file or folder01:28
RamonsterKevdog: Chmodded to 77701:28
klownI've searched all over ubuntus forums, and checked the faq, im having a issue with login screen font size, and also in teamspeak, its the only two places I've noticed it.  Ubuntu Jaunty.01:28
klownanyone got any ideas on how to fix it?01:29
kevdogRamonster: did it work?01:29
afvpartiu! :o01:29
OttifantSirRamonster: The files too?01:29
afvolá zottel01:29
RamonsterKevdog: Yes...01:29
KeranuI, too, am having problems :\ . Anyone care to help another n00b?01:29
afvhey aurilliance01:29
coleys!question | Keranu01:29
ubottuKeranu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:29
RamonsterOttifantSir: Just need to chmod the folder right? Dont need to chmod every file?01:29
kevdogRamonster: Im sensing a but01:30
KeranuProblem lies with the boot manager01:30
_Apple_Ravious: any luck?01:30
aurillianceafv: hithere... that was quick01:30
afvnão :P01:30
aurilliancehmm bot?01:30
coleys!br | afv01:30
ubottuafv: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:30
Ramonsterkevdog: No, I just found it a rather strange question. Why shouldnt it work? :P01:30
aurilliancemonring all. q: can anyone suggest a bible program for ubuntu? is ESword the best bet?01:30
kevdogRamonster:  Ususally you don't end sentences with yes ...01:31
afvsorry, it wasn't "me"... just enabled a bot (at another network but it seems it worked on all networks/channels01:31
KeranuWhen asked in the Ubuntu installation where you want Grub installed, my system will either end up not showing Grub when I boot up my computer or it does show Grub, but gives me Error 21 when trying to boot my WinXP partition01:31
RamonsterKevdog: Understood01:31
kevdogis sysvconfig package installed by default?01:31
OttifantSirRamonster: Check the permissions on one of the files. I believe the command for changing the permissions on folder and files within them are chmod -R uga+rwx/777 /dir/to/01:31
ubuserRamonster: You need only do the folder but if this is the first time and you have sub folders do a -r01:31
coleysKeranu: Did you resize your XP partition using ubuntu?01:31
aurillianceafv: ok01:31
coleysKeranu: If so, you could have possibly damaged it.01:31
KeranuNo, I made seperate partitions before installing Ubuntu01:32
saifi am installin the restricted packages for ubuntu linux and now it show a sun agreement for package configuration01:32
kevdogOttifantSir:  Whats wrong with chmod -R /dir/to/01:32
saifno how to agree on it ??01:32
Ramonsterubuser: like wat OttifantSir said? :)01:32
coleyssaif: press space until you get to bottom, then agree01:32
kevdogOttifantSir:  Whats wrong with chmod -R 777 /dir/to/01:32
``y7i know how to login to my remote desktop via a windows computer with realvnc viewer, but how do i connect to another remote desktop from my ubuntu machine as my ubuntu machine being the viewer?01:32
OttifantSirkevdog: I see.... no ending /01:32
saif<coleys>: did not work01:33
KeranuI've tried installing Grub during the Ubuntu installation to different directories. The only one I haven't tried was installing it onto the partition with Ubuntu on it01:33
ubuserRamonster: That is not what I was referring to01:33
kevdogIm bored01:33
matui m bored to01:33
majnoon<-- is nuts01:33
K99Brainso i01:33
chris0I'm un-bored01:33
OttifantSirkevdog: Sorry. Getting off now. 02:33 here, and I got work tomorrow. Sorry for the confusion.01:33
matuanyone with a benq in 1280x1024 with ubuntu working ?01:33
klownI'd rather be bored, than annoyed.01:33
bazhang!ot > majnoon01:33
ubottumajnoon, please see my private message01:33
kevdogIm hungry01:33
ubuserRamonster: Sudo chmod 777 folder -r01:33
``y7how do i connect to another remote desktop from my ubuntu machine as my ubuntu machine being the viewer?01:33
kevdogI think I might be out of here as well --01:34
RamonsterKevdog: I did: sudo chmod -R 777 /dir/to/01:34
kevdogor OK ...01:35
matuOK ,,,01:35
klownI've searched all over ubuntus forums, and checked the faq, im having a issue with login screen font size, and also in teamspeak, its the only two places I've noticed it.  Ubuntu Jaunty.01:35
klownanyone got any ideas on how to fix it?01:35
* kevdog is surprised I haven't been booted to the offtopic channel01:35
meoblast001what could be causing the cursor to only work when it's clicking certain things01:35
KeranuAnyone have any ideas regarding my boot problem?01:35
meoblast001i can't move windows around, nor change appearance settings01:35
meoblast001but i can right click and go into the appearance settings01:36
chris0klown: you're trying to make it smaller?01:36
meoblast001i think Apps Places System is still working01:36
kevdogLater guys :)01:36
matuOK àéè01:36
klownchris0:  larger.  it is so small, I can't even read it.01:36
RamonsterStill cant see any files/folders in /srv/samba/downloads/01:36
meoblast001some windows are working now01:36
matuOK ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!01:36
pelmenso... lesnar or mir ?01:36
klownchris0:  also, teamspeak menu is blurry.01:36
matuOK ÆıØ↑®01:36
howie apt-cache search kernel-image01:37
howiecomedi-source - Comedi kernel module source01:37
Ramonster!ru matu01:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ru matu01:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:37
Ramonster!ru | matu01:37
ubottumatu: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:37
matubut OK Æ§ÐªÆŁ&J too01:37
bazhangkevdog matu stop that01:37
howiewhat version is comedi?01:37
meoblast001and now it completely broke01:37
matuOK ¥¥¥$01:37
kevdogmaybe ♀4,01:37
meoblast001damn it01:37
RamonsterOttifantSir&Ubuser: Still cant see any files/folders in /srv/samba/downloads/01:37
chris0klown: hm...google 'make gdm font smaller'. It should tell you how to make it smaller, I think from 120dpi to 96dpi, and then just do the opposite. That ought to solve the gdm thing. I'm not sure about teamspeak...01:37
owen1coleys: it's not working on my desktop machine. i was looking at the bios for 'enable external harddrive' option but could'nt find it. i did manage to move the usb hard drive to the top of the boot list. what do u think?01:38
majnoonhe say he bored and i get !ot for saying i'm nuts :) ok :)01:38
ubuserRamonster: Under samba from the viewpoint of a windows xp box even if you don't have permissions you will still see files and folders01:38
klownchris0:  thank you, I'll try it for gdm, maybe it will fix the teamspeak issue as well.01:38
jonex_K99Brain where r u01:38
owen1coleys: maybe i can google for the bios version to see if it's supported.01:38
chris0klown: many people complain that the GDM font is too big, so there is documentation about that. if yours is too small, just do the opposite of what they say01:38
RamonsterUbuser: Yes, but i can see them in XP. But I need to get access to them from my Ubuntu Machine01:38
ubuserRamonster: you are saying you Linux box doesn't see the files on a windows xp box?01:39
jonex_need help with compiz-check01:40
MaT-dghow can I play flash content like games in ubuntu (not FF)01:40
RamonsterUbuser: No, my Linux Box doesnt see the files in the Linux Box :P01:40
th0rMaT-dg: vlc can play saved flash videos01:40
ubuserRamonster:  the same computer?01:40
chris0MaT-dg: I just save the .swf file and then play it in my favorite web browser01:40
MaT-dgth0r: I know, but I mean interactive flash content like games01:40
miguelinit wont let me put desktop effects01:41
RamonsterUbuser: Yest01:41
KeranuAnyone have any ideas regarding my boot problem?01:41
RamonsterUbuser: I made a samba shared-folder on a ubuntu machine. Dropped some Files in there from my XP Machine and cant see them on my ubuntu machine01:42
jonex_my compiz-check says        Rendering method:      None01:42
OttifantSirRamonster: I like to use ugoa+rwx instead of 777 as I can never remember the values, so in your case, the command would be: sudo chmod -R u+rwx /srv/samba. If you don't know what that means, ask me, and I'll explain.01:42
miguelinhow do i add desktop effects, because it doesnt let me, and on my other computer i can01:42
RamonsterOttifantSir: What does that mean? :P01:42
jonex_my compiz-check says        Rendering method: None01:43
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ubuserRamonster: can you see other files in that folder that you put there with the file system?01:43
=== jonex_ is now known as jonex
jonexmy compiz-check says        Rendering method:      None01:43
IcehawkIs there a difference between the server and desktop installations other than a GUI?01:43
RamonsterUbuser: Could you explain that?01:43
Keranumiquelin: Do you have your video drivers installed?01:43
sebsebsebIcehawk: yes,  no GUI  in the server, and it has a kernel which is for servers01:43
ubuserRamonster: Think about it for a second and it will come to you01:44
OttifantSirRamonster: -R = recursive, includes all files and sub-folders and files in sub-folders. u = user, you +rwx = Read,Write,eXecute. And of course the folder you wish to perform the operation on.01:44
owen1i want to know if my bios support boot from external usb hard drive. how do i find the bios i have?01:45
RamonsterUbuser: You mean with File system the program whats called explorer in windows? (just made the switch from windows to linux today)01:45
ubuserRamonster: Test and copy a file into that folder using the file system01:45
jonexmy compiz-check says        Rendering method:      None01:45
Ubunterobuenas...alguien sabe como se puede añadir el plugin nieve a ubuntu 8.04?01:45
te_owen1: go into your bios settings and see for yourself.01:45
ubuserRamonster: No do it on the Linux box01:45
owen1te_: ok01:46
Dulak!es | Ubuntero01:46
ubottuUbuntero: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:46
RamonsterUbuser: did that, but cant see the folder if I try to access it from my xp machine01:47
ubuserRamonster:  just copy some file into that folder. Turn off your windows box. Tell us if you get error messages01:47
RamonsterOttifantSir: Thanks for explaining.01:47
Icehawksebsebseb: Can a desktop installation be run as a server?01:47
RamonsterUbuser: No, I dont get error messages01:47
sebsebsebIcehawk: yes you can  do servers in the desktop version as well01:47
meoblast001:/ what's the quickest way to reinstall every gnome component?01:47
meoblast001or, easiest01:48
KeranuWhen asked in the Ubuntu installation where you want Grub installed, my system will either end up not showing Grub when I boot up my computer or it does show Grub, but gives me Error 21 when trying to boot my WinXP partition01:48
fwaokda_can someone please tell me how i can disable fglrx drivers?01:48
te_Icehawk: Yes01:48
Ramonstermeoblast001: rm *01:48
OttifantSirRamonster: No Prob. I just wish I had thought of IRC the first day I switched from Windows to Linux. I'd be so much farter ahead than I am now... :-(01:48
ubuserAnd a dir of that folder from Linux box shows the file?01:48
chris0does anyone else have problems with the firefox java plugin dying on load? I'm trying to talk to a computer over the GoToMyPC Universal (java) viewer, and it keeps dying. Weird part is, if I try playing a java game, such as radicalplay.com's Need for Madness, it works fine. Any ideas?01:48
danbhfivemeoblast001: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome* maybe01:48
te_Icehawk: You only need to install the server applications as needed.01:48
Ramonsterubuser: yes01:49
Icehawkte: I'm mostly concerned about the server and server apps starting and running as soon as I turn the system on, without needing it to be logged in or anything01:49
te_Icehawk: Only thing is, you will have a lot of un-needed software that only a desktop user would need, but you can pick and choose and uninstall.01:49
gogetaIcehawk: then remove them from rc.d01:49
te_Icehawk: Each application you install will be turned on by default.01:49
Ramonstermade 1 test folder with just right-clicking in the box and 1 with the terminal, they both show up under linux, but cant see them in windows01:49
gogetaIcehawk: or use the alt cd install base only apt-get what you whant01:49
ubuserRamonster: Your destination folder for windows is a different folder than that for Linux01:50
RHorseIcehawk mk a dir off init.d/Removed to  move the scripts you don't want to  run.01:50
IcehawkAlright, sounds good. Thanks.01:50
th0rIcehawk: don't remove the scripts from rc.d, remove th elinks from rcx.d01:50
te_Icehawk: That is the the way Debian / Ubuntu server applications are configured by default, to be turned on and running when installed.01:50
ubuserRamonster: Your share name seen in windows is not the folder you just placed the files in via linux01:51
chris0any ideas why the GotomyPC Universal viewer might be crashing under jaunty in firefox? Other java applets seem fine...01:51
gogetath0r: some apps ask of you wanna have them start defult but yes most dont01:51
Ramonsterubuser: You're right. Forgot I also made a shared folder in /home/ with the same name :|01:51
kevdog4 What the heck?01:52
RamonsterThen how DO I access the right folder under windows?01:52
kevdog What the heck?01:52
PiperManjesus hates linux01:52
PiperManhe advocates for windows01:52
Pirate_Hunteri think i cleaned all the xubuntu packages from 8.04 (not fun at all specially when doing it manually) now how do i go about getting the server, or should i ask if there is such a package option as ubuntu server?01:52
gogetaPiperMan: no only you01:52
rskiPiperMan: no trolling please01:52
PiperMandont u men know that?01:52
s_hola Predicadora :D01:53
PiperManim just willing to talk nicely01:53
PiperManhello pals01:53
* RHorse sighs01:53
ubuserRamonster: You have to set up a share that points to the correct folder01:53
rskialso a zombiejew would't know about linux or windows01:53
RamonsterUbuser: Yes, but how?01:53
gogetaPirate_Hunter: only diffeent with server and desktop is a gui01:53
s_pues hoy es dia de diablos ... hoy es sabado :P01:53
codethief_hey guys01:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:53
Ramonsterubuser: What is the correct link to that folder?01:53
Ramonsterubuser: since\downloads isnt the samba folder01:54
kevdog 9_901:55
wfiuewfewHi! I need to connect and remotely view the desktop of my machine. I know vnc can do this. but the problem is that my machine is in a physically insecure location, and with vnc anyone would be able to plug in a display, since I need to be logged in while using vnc. Are there better options?01:55
th0rgogeta: right, but you shouldn't delete the script from /etc/rc.d, you should delete the link to that script in the appropriate run level /etc/rcx.d01:55
bazhangkevdog, take that elsewhere please01:55
kevdog 9_9 ok sorry01:55
KeranuWhen asked in the Ubuntu installation where you want Grub installed, my system will either end up not showing Grub when I boot up my computer or it does show Grub, but gives me Error 21 when trying to boot my WinXP partition01:55
th0rgogeta: oh...the scripts are in /etc/init.d01:55
wiretappedwfiuewfew: you can run Xvnc01:55
Ramonsterwfiuewfew: Get NX01:55
wiretappedxserver only for vnc01:55
Ramonsterwfiuewfew: NX is SSH with GUI01:56
chris0wfiuewfew: google around for how to pipe VNC through SSH. That's about as secure as you're going to get01:56
gogetawfiuewfew: windows remote login01:56
kevdogbazhang: Having a bad day :-?01:56
gogetawfiuewfew: unlike vnc the display will still be at the login screen01:56
Pirate_Huntergogeta: I doubt the only difference is gui i am guessing the packages included are also different01:56
kevdogI think freenx is faster than tunelling VNC through ssh01:57
wfiuewfewgogeta: can I use windows remote login w/ ubuntu01:57
wiretappedwfiuewfew: the desktop sharing in the GUI shares your real xserver... vncserver/Xvnc runs a different server that isn't connected to a video card01:57
gogetawfiuewfew: lets find out01:57
codethief_i'm having a problem with audio configuration: i have a usb headset + speakers (via onboard sound). i set the default sound input and output in the audio preferences. when i had just installed ubuntu everything worked fine (music in exaile, other audio/video players), but, suddenly, it all stopped. mumble is still doing its job (there're special hardware settings there like which hardware to use and stuff)  but i cant get sound working in 01:58
gogetawfiuewfew: with video http://ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/05/howto-login-to-windows-nt2000xp-remote-desktop-within-ubuntu-linux.html01:58
Pirate_Hunterwhat is the difference between desktop and server install, i dont believe that having no gui is the only difference, what about the packages which are intended for servers?01:59
chris0*retracts questions about gotomypc, but wonders why it's so slow*01:59
epicreviewsis there a screen capture VIDEO tool?02:00
coleysPirate_Hunter: Kernels are modified for the server build.02:00
danbhfive!screencast | epicreviews02:00
ubottuepicreviews: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.02:00
epicreviewsthank you :)02:00
twig11What are the steps to take to see if a wireless network adapter is working correctly and configure it to connect to a wireless network? I just used ndisgtk to install the wireless drivers for a Linksys WUSB11v4 USB wireless network adapter, and I'm not sure where to go from here.02:00
coleystwig11: iwconfig (to see if its recognized)02:01
te_twig11: iwconfig02:01
SuspectZeroanyone here use Iodine the dns tunnel tool?02:02
te_twig11: also: iwlist02:02
Pirate_Huntercoleys: is there a way for me to install that type of kernel manually?02:02
chris0twig11:  1) sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, 2) iwconfig. If it's recognized in iwconfig, the easiest thing to do is gksudo gedit /etc/modules, and add 'ndiswrapper' to the end, and then reboot02:02
coleysPirate_Hunter: Search synaptic?02:03
cobra-the-jokercan i make a USB wireless indicator work in ubuntu 9 ??02:03
kevdoglshw -C network will tell you if the driver is loaded02:03
kevdogalso lsmod will list all loaded kernel modules -- which is what ndiswrapper is02:03
Pirate_Huntercoleys: i dont have synaptic cli only if you tell me the kernel type i can search for it or even better install it02:03
* afv is Away, Reason: ( tired ) | Since: ( Sunday, July 12, 2009. 02:04:30 )02:04
bazhang!away > afv02:04
ubottuafv, please see my private message02:04
duckwarshow do I find the UIID of a harddrive?02:04
trendhow can I test my raid1 array to see if I can make it fail via software rw?02:04
arandPirate_Hunter: linux-image-xxx.xx-x-x-xxxx-server (instead of -generic)?02:05
twig11chris0: It was recognized in iwconfig after I set it up, but now after a reboot i ran sudo modprobe ndiswrapper then iwconfig and I don't see it.02:05
Pirate_Hunterarand: ahhhh i shouldve thought of that grrrrrr thanx02:05
th0rduckwars: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=deternine+uuid+of+hard+drive&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&emsg=NCSR&ei=wDZZSquvJqSceILGga4J02:05
kevdogtwig11: is ndiswrapper loaded and associated with the card?  lshw -C network02:06
chris0twig11:  did you put 'ndiswrapper' in a separate line in /etc/modules? That should make it autoload when you boot up02:06
MindVirusHow do I get a list of packages installed, arranged by date installed?02:06
[texas]how do i fake myself being in a domain name?02:07
twig11kevdog: It doesn't seem to be.02:08
th0r[texas]:  man hostname02:08
kevdogtwig11: what is listed?02:08
=== howie is now known as howie1
twig11chris0: gksudo gedit /etc/modules?02:08
RamonsterUbuser/OllifantSir: Thanks for your help! But its kinda late here now, so I'm out. Hope to see you guys soon :)02:08
te_MindVirus: ls -ltr /var/lib/dpkg/info/02:08
chris0twig11: yes02:08
wfiuewfewRamonster: Can NX allow you to end your session and continue at some other time (like VNC does)?02:09
twig11kevdog: it looks like just two Ethernet interface listings.02:09
=== howie1 is now known as howie
iG9can some kind soul help me mount an sdmc card?02:09
rockyyouseenothing_, are you there?02:09
kevdogOh wait -- are you talking about a usb device?02:10
iG9if that was for me02:10
iG9dmesg says scsi 14:0:0:0: Direct-Access     USB 2.0  SD MMC Reader         PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS02:10
afvbazhang, sorry. i did use /away <reason>.. found now it was from xlack. "/xsa off" disabled channel announcement. :)02:10
kevdoglsusb -V02:11
kevdoglsusb -v02:11
ianm_anyone want to help test out a new multiplayer 3d audio-only game world?  (you'll need to be running ubuntu and know how to use bzr and have basic compiling stuff setup) ... join me in #audioverse02:11
IceWindiG9 it should mount the card automatically as soon as you insert it.02:11
bazhangianm_, dont advertise here02:11
=== ScissorHands is now known as SH|Away
twig11kevdog:  Is that for me? It's a Linksys WUSB11v4 USB network adapter02:11
iG9dmesg talks about it but i don't see it on the desktop. how do i tell where it mounted?02:12
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz02:12
IceWindiG9, do mount in the shell02:12
ianm_bazhang: I'm asking for help from the ubuntu community, so...02:12
kevdogok -- usb devices are a little harder.02:12
IceWindit would mount it under /media/02:12
SaKuRaGood night for all! I have a problem. :s02:13
twig11chris0: I added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules. Should I do anything else before I reboot?02:13
kevdogtwig11 -- does lsmod | grep ndis   show anything02:13
iG9i don't know what it's called, like sdc or what have you02:13
chris0twig11: no, that should do it. HOWEVER, before you reboot, did you have any problems installing the INF file with ndiswrapper, or did that go ok?02:13
SaKuRaI edit the default file of apache, /apache2/sites-available/02:14
twig11kevdog: ndiswrapper   193436   002:14
AndorinI downloaded a theme.xml file for guifications for Pidgin. Does anyone know off the top of their head where I would place this file?02:14
kevdogsudo ndiswrapper -l I think shows the wrapped driver!!02:14
IceWindiG9, yes it should be sd something. check in desg for the proper name02:14
IceWindsorry dmesg02:14
iG9ehci_hcd wouldn't be it would it?02:14
twig11chris0: I used ndisgtk and it seemed to work fine.02:14
chris0twig11: ok02:15
twig11chris0: rebooting02:15
chris0twig11: try rebooting and see if wireless works02:15
rockycya later02:15
kevdogtwig11 -- What does ifconfig show?02:15
Twilojust got my new server! w00t think i got a good deal too02:15
IceWindit must say somethign like this -> [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk02:15
Twilo167$ shipped for an old dual opteron sever02:15
AVWCan you install an ISO image while using the live CD?02:17
iG9IceWind thanks I'm looking02:17
soreauAVW: What do you mean by that?02:18
chris0kevdog: twig11 is rebooting02:18
twig11kevdog: just rebooted02:18
bazhangAVW, to the hdd?02:18
chris0twig11: how does the wireless look?02:18
AVWMy situation is I've download 9.04 because I want the new filesystem (I've heard good things about it) and I only have my 8.10 CD02:18
AVWand yes bazhang02:18
twig11chris0: kevdog: iwconfig shows wlan0 now02:19
kevdogtwig11 -- good02:19
twig11IEEE 802.11b ESSID:off/any02:19
chris0twig11: what happens if you try to connect with the wireless util in the taskbar on the Desktop now?02:19
bazhangAVW, do you have some sort of download cap?02:19
iG9IceWind I thought it was scd but trying to mount it gives "/dev/sdc is not a valid block device" no guess not02:19
twig11chris0: I confess I removed that, thinking I could plop it back up there when I needed it. Do I have to reinstall something to get it back?02:20
IceWindiG9, try specifiyng a partition like sdc102:20
AVWbazhang, no02:20
twig11chris0: I just removed it from the taskbar.02:20
chris0twig11: you just removed it from the traay? ok all you should have to do is right click in the tray and go 'Add to Panel...'02:21
soreauAVW: So you don't have a cd to burn 9.04 onto?02:21
IceWindiG9,  you may also do the followinf use fdisk to list any existing partition in it like: fdisk -l /dev/sdc02:21
chris0twig11: there should be a wireless applet in there. You could do it without, in the command line, but it gets messy. I've found that the applet is the easiest.02:21
AVWsoreau I only have one disc drive and that has the live cd in it02:21
twig11chris0: I tried that but I don't see the wireless applet in that list.02:22
gogetachris0: thers a few choices for a wireless aplett02:22
kongmingHey ubuntu, I am running ubuntu studio and I can't connect to the internet with my Belkin Wireless G Dongle.02:22
chris0twig11: two seconds., lemme look at it02:22
twig11chris0: can I install it fromthe liveCD?02:22
gogetatwig11: wicd02:22
soreauAVW: So you don't have an OS installed to the hard drive right now?02:22
gogetatwig11: install that02:22
AVWA broken Windows one. =/02:23
chris0twig11: gogeta, it's wicd? cool. I can never remember the name of it.02:23
AVWre-migrating back to Linux02:23
chris0twig11: just do a sudo aptitude install wicd then.02:23
twig11gogeta: from the liveCD? because unfortunately I have no wired network available.02:23
gogetachris0: wicd is a wireless app that work on any x envirment02:23
lordkelvinno use apt-get insted of apatuide02:23
lordkelvinit wont freeze n lock02:23
twig11I'm connecting wirelessly from another machine02:23
soreauAVW: Well, not sure if it's a good idea but you can try to start the iso burn process and switch the cd for a blank one02:24
gogetatwig11: ok then ubuntu has one02:24
twig11gogeta: where can I find it?02:24
gogetatwig11: just right click on it it should show any wireless avable02:24
soreauAVW: Or, you could install 8.10 and then update, upgrade, dist-upgrade to 9.04 right away02:24
chris0gogeta: neat...I've always used the gnome net applet, even in other environments, like blackbox...good to know that there are others out there....02:24
AVWsoreau: I know I can do the second one02:24
gogetatwig11: you should see it when you login ubuntu02:25
AVWI just wanted to see if there was an easy and fast way to do what I wanted02:25
kevdogsudo iwlist scan at the CLI will also show you wireless networks02:25
kongmingHey, how do I install drivers from the Ubuntu Live-CD to my Ubuntu Studio OS?02:25
gogetatwig11: sorry its left click itts on the top right corner02:25
soreauAVW: Not sure it will work, but you could try the first one02:25
gogetatwig11: looks like 2 monoters02:25
bazhangAVW, best bet is to get a minimalist version that lets you load everything in ram; you would be pushing it with Ubuntu livecd; how much ram do you have btw02:26
twig11gogeta: I removed that one and its not in the list  on Add to Panel. I have no idea why.02:26
iG9IceWind, can I message you the dmesg output, I think it's having problems02:26
IceWindiG9, yeap02:26
chris0twig11: it doesn't show up on mine either...dunno why. Try saying gnome-netstatus-applet into a terminal. That should get it back for you02:27
bazhangAVW, as soreau says you can try it; if that does not work then a minimalist distro would be the choice02:27
gogetatwig11: then add it back its called network-manager-applet02:27
IceWindAVW, if you have a spare usb pen you can also use usb-creator and make a usb installer with the downloaded iso02:27
meoblast001why doesn't ubuntu work?02:27
=== Iomega is now known as Scissorhands
Switch10It does02:28
rskimeoblast001: because you can't use it or it's broken. most likely.02:28
chris0gogeta: twig11 THANKS....I was trying to remember that name. gogeta has the right name for that applet. Don't do what I said02:28
=== Scissorhands is now known as Iomega
darkhammcoleys: nokia n70 have bluetooth but not HID.... nothing about "mouse mode"?02:28
bazhangmeoblast001, define doesn't work02:28
AVWThe livecd disallows unmounting the disc02:28
te_meoblast001: What is broken?02:28
=== r_ is now known as rnoz
chris0hey that was a feature...my irc client just segfaulted02:29
kongmingCan someone help me?02:29
arandAVW: do you have a usb stick which you could use to live boot from instead?02:29
twig11gogeta: chris0: It tells me Command not found02:29
te_kongming: Ask your question(s).02:29
meoblast001well... i reinstalled 2 times already, and regardless of what i do (other than ditch gnome) the dang cursor stops working02:30
gogetatwig11: add it back to the pannel using add apple02:30
bazhangAVW, unetbootin if your computer allows boot from usb02:30
meoblast001and i have to do updates in CLI or it complains about not being able to grab the mouse02:30
te_meoblast001: What type of mouse are you using/02:30
AVWarand + IceWind: I'll try that02:30
AVWIf I can find one of my often lost flash drives ^^02:30
Paulo39hi guys, i've installed virtualbox from virtualbox repositories. then i virtualized fedora 11 under my jaunty and i'm having problems with the resolution of the virtual guest screen02:30
meoblast001i don't think that's the proble honestly although everyone doesn't understand02:30
meoblast001te_: the cursor doesn't work.. the mouse works fine02:31
SteveHillI saw a reference to "karmic" as if it were a new version than "Jaunty".  Any info that someone can share about release date, etc.?  I've not heard anything.02:31
Pici!karmic | SteveHill02:31
ubottuSteveHill: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:31
twig11gogeta: sorry, I'm puzzled. I'm pretty new at this.02:31
bazhangmeoblast001, then be more precise in your explanation02:31
kongmingte_ How can I install my driver for my Wireless Dongle (Belkin G) from the standard Ubuntu Live CD X64 (Jaunty) to my  Ubuntu Studio 64X (Jaunty) that doesn't have the driver02:31
meoblast001te_: when i move the cursor over a link, it doesn't change into the hand.... or when i move it near a window border, it doesn't change to the resize icon02:31
twig11something like add applet network-manager-applet?02:31
te_meoblast001: What type of mouse are you using?02:31
gogetatwig11: right click on the panel and slect add02:31
Paulo39i think i have guest uttillities added, and when i go to menu devices > add guest utillities, it does nothing02:31
=== Iomega is now known as MidsummerDawn
fooserhi all02:31
twig11gogeta: I already did that and for some reason that applet isn't in the list.02:32
meoblast001te_: some generic one02:32
twig11I'm sure I didn't remove it from there02:32
te_meoblast001: What type of mouse are you using?02:32
meoblast001te_: what does that have anything to do with the cursor not changing then?02:32
meoblast001te_: some generic one02:32
meoblast001te_: what does that have anything to do with the cursor not changing then?02:32
fooserwho knows ubuntu's analog of debian's "dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config" ?02:32
te_meoblast001: Sorry, can't help you.02:32
meoblast001maybe fedora will prove better luck02:32
meoblast001thanks.. bye02:32
gogetatwig11: hears how to do it from command line02:33
The_Rufusis there anyone who can help me set up an icecast server on my ubuntu 6 server?02:33
gogetathen you can install wicd02:33
twig11gogeta: would it be easier to add the wireless applet from the desktop CD?02:33
te_trolls abound02:33
gogetatwig11: doing to from command line isnt hard02:34
chris0twig11: gogeta: try going in synaptic and seeing if the CD is one of your software sources, and then installing the wireless applet from there02:34
fooserwho knows ubuntu's analog of debian's "dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config" ?02:34
gogetatwig11: scan for your ssid02:34
twig11gogeta: chris0: I'll try it from the command line.02:35
gogetatwig11: look at that link on coomand line02:35
=== w4ett|afk is now known as w4ett
twig11and I already scanned for my ssid and it showed up so it looks good so far.02:35
Drekii need to unzip an ace02:35
linduxedim running mpd as a music backend. it seems to have severe problems to run alongside flash videos. I'd guess this is another one of those "different mixers" problems.02:35
linduxedplease tell me, is it pulseaudio again?02:35
Dreki.ace file what program can do that02:35
te_Dreki: an ace?02:35
Drekisorry i pushed enter to fast...02:36
gogetaDreki: a ace wow i havent seen one of those in years02:36
AVWHello again -- now the LiveCD won't recognize my flash drive02:36
te_Dreki: Try unzip02:36
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser02:36
chris0has anyone ever played around with hdaps on a ThinkPad T61 in Jaunty? I can't get mine to work, because it says that /sys/block/sda/queue/protect doesn't exist02:36
gogetaDreki: i think you install unrar and it can do a ace02:36
treetopcan you share internet connection in ubuntu ?02:37
gogetatreetop: yep02:37
youseenothing_treetop: yes02:37
linduxedim running mpd as a music backend. it seems to have severe problems to run alongside flash videos. I'd guess this is another one of those "different mixers" problems.02:37
linduxedplease tell me, is it pulseaudio again?02:37
treetopok ty ill find it just making sure i figured but yoiu know02:37
The_Rufuscan anyone help me with icecast?02:38
te_Dreki: Did it work?02:39
te_Dreki: What type of file is it?02:39
AVWso how do I make the Live CD recognize the flash drive (I've never had this problem in Ubuntu before)02:39
woakusnetwork working on other computers but is disabled on laptop - how do I enable network for laptop usinjg ubuntu 8 1002:39
te_Dreki: file file-name.ace02:40
twig11gogeta: per the instructions, I ran ifconfig "Elmendorf Hof" up and got "ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device02:40
te_woakus: What do you mean?02:40
AVWWill anyone help me, please?02:41
te_woakus: Can you elaborate?02:41
gogetatwiig11 ifconfig ath0 up02:41
gogetatwig11: or whatever your cards name is02:41
te_woakus: ifconfig02:41
TuxedoBondWhere is Opera located in the repositories?02:42
JohnWittleTuxedoBond: wat02:42
gogetatwig11: we dont connect to the wireless with ifconfig just start the card read them again02:42
JohnWittleopera is not open source02:42
JohnWittlenot in repositories02:42
woakusnetwork manager, where you normally click to "enable wireless", the block to check for "enable wireless" cannot be checked (is in shadow)02:42
SuspectZeroanyone here use Iodine the dns tunnel tool?02:42
AVWCould you guys at least give me a no?02:43
AVWThe suspense is killing me02:43
LjLthat's a trick question!02:43
LjLtoo late.02:43
darkhammwhat can i use for bluetooth remote control on ubuntu, and on a phone like nokia n70?02:43
chris_lenz123feel better?02:43
gogetatwig11: once you got your ssid its iwconfig ath0 essid key02:43
ZidaneRickhey guys02:44
twig11gogeta: Oh I get it now.02:44
AVWI'd feel even better with a little help02:44
gogetatwig11: then finnly dhcpcd ath002:44
gogetati get a ip02:44
chris_lenz123hey, is taking off my firewall do anything?02:44
AVWBecause I'm sure I'm missing something simple and stupid02:44
Paulo39hi guys, i've installed virtualbox from virtualbox repositories. then i virtualized fedora 11 under my jaunty  and i'm having problems with the resolution of the virtual guest screen02:44
Paulo39hi guys, i've installed virtualbox from virtualbox repositories. then i virtualized fedora 11 under my jaunty  and i'm having problems with the resolution of the virtual guest screen02:44
twig11gogeta: but I replace ath0 with the name of my wireless card?02:45
FloodBot3Paulo39: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
Paulo39hi guys, i've installed virtualbox from virtualbox repositories. then i virtualized fedora 11 under my jaunty  and i'm having problems with the resolution of the virtual guest screen02:45
te_Try:   sudo network-admin02:45
bazhangPaulo39, don't repeat please02:45
twig11gogeta: and is my essid the name of the network as it shows up in a typical network scan?02:45
gogetatwig11: yes just type ifconfig alone to see the card name02:45
gogetatwig11: yes and if its scanning its aruldy up02:45
bastidrazorPaulo39, setting screen resolution is from the guest OS.. the host OS doesn't set a VM's resolution.02:46
gogetatwig11: so you can skip right to iwconfig02:46
OkayIs the battery charge monitor accurate because I've unplugged my laptop for 2 minutes and it says that I have 95% charge left....?02:46
gogetatwig11: ath0 is common but in  my case its wlan002:46
youseenothing_ha gogeta!  command line!02:46
gogetayouseenothing he deleted his applet02:46
twig11gogeta: okay, mine is wlan002:47
bastidrazorgogeta, isn't that the nm-applet? or am i repeating something someone else has said?02:47
gogetatwig11: then iwconfig wlan0 essid wepkey if many02:47
TuxedoBondHow do I get the exit and mini/max icons back on the window bars?02:47
Paulo39bastidrazor: the guest OS just give me maximum of 800x640 resolution02:47
twig11gogeta: the network essid is two words with a space. Put it in quotes?02:48
bcurtiswxis there an audio decoder for .wma files?02:48
youseenothing_twig11: iwconfig wlan0 essid <SSID>02:48
bastidrazorPaulo39, then in the guest OS you have to do some configuring.02:48
rskibcurtiswx: mplayer02:48
youseenothing_twig11: yes02:48
=== w4ett is now known as w4ett|afk
bcurtiswxrski: im using it, but it says it can't find a decoder for .wma02:48
gogetatwig11: i assumw bla\ bla02:49
Drekite_ uhh im still havving trouble...02:49
rskibcurtiswx: pastebin full output of mplayer file in #mplayer02:49
bastidrazorTuxedoBond, in ccsm check the 'window decorations' plugin02:49
youseenothing_twig11: just do iwconfig wlan0 essid "My ESSID"02:49
bcurtiswxrski: so run it in terminal and paste what that says?02:49
Drekite_ unrar, unace dont seem to do anything when i run them..02:49
gogetayouseenothing isnt it essid (myssd)02:50
OkayIs the battery charge monitor accurate because I've unplugged my laptop for 2 minutes and it says that I have 95% charge left....?02:50
gogetatwig11: if you have a wep key you need to add that to02:50
treetop_can anyone PLEASE walk me through the step on making my tc POWER MAX on my wireless card so i can stay connected to my router ...02:50
treetop_tx - tx *02:51
bastidrazorTuxedoBond, compiz can be a blessing and a curse all in one. it pays to toy with it a lot to figure all the in's and out's02:51
youseenothing_twig11: iwconfig wlan0 enc <wepkey here>02:51
te_Dreki: file file-name.xxx02:51
youseenothing_twig11: iwconfig wlan0 key <wepkey here>02:51
youseenothing_ok, time for me to go bowl02:51
youseenothing_talk at you guys later02:51
th0rtreetop_: the power level isn't adjustable...if the signals aren't good wifi will step down the speed to compensate, not up the power02:51
te_Dreki: What does it tell you about the file?02:51
The_Rufusis there a command line in ubuntu to automatically pastebin output?02:52
th0rThe_Rufus: you can install pastebinit02:52
bastidrazorThe_Rufus, install pastebinit02:52
gogetaThe_Rufus: i beleve there is02:52
treetop_<th0r> do you have any idea what i can do to make my signal better ?02:52
twig11gogeta: I did iwconfig and so on with the wep key and I get "Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A): SET failed on devide wlan0 ; Operation not permitted."02:52
twig11on device02:53
Okaytreetop_, yeah, ubuntu has weak wifi signals for some reason. is there a way to increase this?02:53
gogetatwig11: sudo02:53
Drekite_ the file is name devmw430.ace i dont understand what u just said02:53
gogetatwig11: sorry02:53
MindVirusSo I just installed xubuntu-desktop.02:53
MindVirusThen I uninstalled xubuntu-desktop.02:53
twig11no prob02:53
MindVirusBut all of the deps are still there.02:53
The_Rufusthankyou th0r and bastidrazor and gogeta02:53
MindVirusIs there any quick way to remove the deps?02:53
MindVirusth0r, I didn't like it too much -- doesn't seem very unified.02:53
Drekite_ name is*02:54
th0rMindVirus: you mean after removing the app? apt-get autoremove02:54
MindVirusth0r, doesn't do the trick.02:54
treetop_err it just did it ...02:54
bazhangMindVirus, you want to get puregnome?02:54
MindVirusbazhang, pardon?02:54
treetop_err it just did it ...02:54
bazhangMindVirus, /msg ubottu puregnome for link02:55
treetop_can anyone help me with my wireless card i need the signal stronger or something ....02:55
te_Dreki: What?02:55
twig11gogeta: Okay, it says my WEP key is an unknown command. shall I follow youseenothing's instructions?02:55
MindVirusbazhang, no, I tried Xubuntu.02:55
The_Rufushow can i make pastebin it pastebin straight to pastebin then give me a url? I've done it on sabayon before02:55
gogetatwig11: so its sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "your ssd" key "yourkey"02:55
Drekite_ what are you asking?02:56
Okayis there a way to increase my wifi signal without soldering/etc?02:56
MindVirusOkay, get a better antenna!02:56
bazhangMindVirus, understood. and now you want to remove all of it. please follow what I said a moment ago02:56
The_RufusOkay: aluminium foil02:56
MindVirusbazhang, I did.02:56
twig11gogeta: not quite. let me try it like that.02:56
OkayMindVirus, that's it?02:56
fetusbubbleThe_Rufus: can you rephrase that?02:56
Out_ColdOkay, you should be able to mod the Tx power02:56
MindVirusOkay, you can increase it twofold by getting one of those cans.02:56
OkayMindVirus, why is windows wifi signals stronger than ubuntu's? do you know?02:56
gogetatwig11: your ssd and youkey are your real info ofcourse02:56
OkayMindVirus, a cantenna?02:57
IceWindThat is odd i get better signal in Linux than in windows...02:57
twig11gogeta: No feedback! does that mean it worked?02:57
The_RufusI want to ./configure | pastebin <arguments> so that it automatically pastes it to pastebin and gives me a url02:57
MindVirusOkay, one of two things: Windows sends more power (unlikely), or Ubuntu reads it differently.02:57
ovnicrafthi folks, anyone can help me with the duration time of Ubuntu certification on LPI?02:57
MindVirusOkay, yes.02:57
The_Rufusi don't know the arguments02:57
IceWindbut it may have to do with the driver02:57
treetop_if someone walks by it i loose my connection its driving me nutz. it doesent do it on my windows oOS02:57
gogetatwig11: type ifconfig and see if its connected02:57
icedteaOkay: some linux wireless drivers have options to increase the signel strength02:57
OkayIceWind, what? that's weird02:57
ZidaneRickim about to make the leap and install ubuntu on my netbook outright :D02:57
IceWindtreetop_, what's your card?02:57
treetop_linksys wmp54g or something02:57
gogetatwig11: it will show your ssid and stuff on wlan 002:58
twig11gogeta: it looks right.02:58
IceWindexternal usb right? a blue square?02:58
The_Rufuslinksys wmp54g has a whopping great big aireal02:58
OkayOut_Cold, do you know how to mod the Tx power and are there risks?02:58
The_Rufusshould be good signal02:58
=== w4ett|afk is now known as w4ett
ZidaneRickDoes anyone know if there is an alternative to Windows Media Centre or Windows Media Player on ubuntu so I can still stream to my xbox's?02:58
gogetatwig11: ok last step dhcpcd wlan002:58
treetop_<The_Rufus> what do you mean ? conflicts ?02:58
woakusnetwork manager has "enabled networking", "connection information", "edit connections" and "about" in dark color & can be clicked on - "enable wireless" is not dark nor can it be selected - ethenet connection works fine as other systems on wirelss work fine - help, please02:58
The_RufusZidaneRick: Look into XBMC02:58
jrib!afk > w4ett02:58
ubottuw4ett, please see my private message02:58
te_Dreki: What is this file supposed to do?  What is it supposed to be?  Why are you wanting to open it/02:58
ZidaneRickThe_Rufus: XBOX 36002:59
Out_ColdOkay, you can google it. I'm not sure if mod-ing the tx power can burn out a card.. but you can set it via command line02:59
th0rZidaneRick: vlc02:59
The_RufusXBMC = X Box Media Center02:59
ZidaneRickThe_Rufus: XBMC only runs on XBOX102:59
IceWindoh jsut checked is internal and have a big antenna. It should be able to even fry stuff nearby! :)02:59
mobi-sheepI think he just want to stream stuffs to his Xbox.  Not watching stuffs on the computer/laptop.02:59
The_RufusZidaneRick: Wrong. I have it on 1 linux install and also on windows02:59
ldaughertyxbmc can run on any02:59
twig11gogeta: Arrgh. dhcpcd is currently not installed. and of course I'm not online with that computer so what should I do?03:00
JeruvyZidaneRick: not anymore it works on many platforms...still crap, but it does work.03:00
nsadminOut_Cold sure it can, especially if heat is not handled appropriately03:00
The_RufusZidaneRick: www.xbmc.org03:00
mobi-sheepZidaneRick: XBMC runs on all platforms.03:00
Drekite_ its an archive .ace file id like to extract the files inside it so as to use it, but the regular archive manager doesnt seem to want to reaad it03:00
ldaughertyits running my "porn" server on a lenovo laptop underneath my tv03:00
treetop_<Out_Cold> you know the commands03:00
jrib!ace | Dreki03:00
ubottuDreki: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:00
The_Rufustreetop_: I just want to know the command I have to type in to send the output of a command to pastebin03:00
Out_Coldnsadmin, i was thinking it could.. but i'm not knowledgeable enough to say one way or the other03:01
treetop_<The_Rufus> sorry i dont know ...03:01
Out_Coldi just know it can be done03:01
bazhangThe_Rufus, install pastebinit03:01
ZidaneRickhmm doesn't look like it will run on the XBOX 360 guys03:01
ldaughertyall the other mce's are too picky on graphic cards and hardware...it's available live edition try it out you'll be impresssed03:01
rskiZidaneRick: what wont run?03:01
gogetatwig11: sudo dhclient wlan003:01
bazhangThe_Rufus, command | pastebinit  -->url03:01
Cryptorchildmy battery could not be identified by Ubuntu 9.04, anyone can solve this problem?03:01
Okaydoes anyone think that's a go?03:01
ZidaneRickrski: XBMC03:02
CryptorchildI'm using MSI Megabook S27103:02
Out_Coldand no treetop_  i don't know the codes... it's just something further down the road i will learn once i get my high gain antenna03:02
treetop_can anyone please help me with my wireless card i lose connection if someone just walks by andyway i can fix this ?03:02
solexiousCan any one recommend a godgraphics card to run 2 dvi monitors?03:02
treetop_ok OC03:02
mobi-sheepZidaneRick: You only need UPNP (I think) to stream stuffs to your Xbox.  Assuming that's your goal in first place.03:02
solexiouss/godgraphics/good graphics03:02
AmerigoHow do you get ubuntu to do 3d effects like turning a window sideways?03:02
racecar56does anyone know of a good batch image converter?03:02
Okaytreetop_, what card do you have?03:03
jribracecar56: imagemagick03:03
mobi-sheepracecar56: convert --help03:03
gogetatwig11: heh did you get that03:03
gogetatwig11: should be connected03:04
klownI'm having an issue with the login page and teamspeak (in gnome), and every window in blackbox.  All my window menus are too small to read.  I've tried reading the faq, and tried the "my login window is too small to read" threads.03:04
klownAll with no help.  I'm running ubuntu jaunty.03:04
twig11gogeta: it looks like it is. Let me see if I can browse.03:04
klownanyone have any idea how to fix this.03:05
``y7i have an external hdd that cannot mount because i didn't properly export it in windows... is there any way to get this hdd up and running on ubuntu?03:05
gogetatwig11: the command line shoud have said and shown you the ip03:05
th0rklown: you need to choose a larger font for the menus and such03:05
racecar56mobi-sheep: it just spams, i don't see anything about converting foo to bar03:05
thiebaudesebsebseb: wassup03:05
twig11gogeta: It works! You guys are great!03:05
gogetatwig11: and first thing sudo apt-get install wicd lol so you dont gotta do it the hard way03:05
klownth0r: choose it where?  download it, or in the xml file, or what?03:06
=== Krikit is now known as Krikit_
twig11gogeta: I'll do that, but the command line is more fun for a newbie. :-)03:06
message144Hi, would anyone recommend the Dell Inspiron 15n laptop (preinstalled with Ubuntu)? I am considering getting one.03:06
mobi-sheepracecar56: Err. Spams?  What do you mean.03:06
Okay"Installing linux-backports-modules-jaunty along with wicd did the trick. No longer losing the signal and the strength is much greater." Wifi gurus, is this worth a try and are there risks?03:06
gogetatwig11: well if all else fails command line lol03:07
th0rklown: I am not in gnome so I can't tell you exactly...but it will be where you set the theme and such for gnome...there is an option to customize the desktop and you should be able to change it there03:07
myk_robinsonfor Firefox 3.5 users, how can i make it start on the home page every time instead of restoring the last page(s) i was on?03:07
th0rklown: customize the windows...not the desktop03:07
mobi-sheepracecar56: "sudo aptitude install imagemagick ; convert --help"03:07
racecar56mobi-sheep: it just says everything about it except what i want to know03:07
gogetatwig11: its acully only 3 commands but if you dont knoe em it can be a pain03:07
klownth0r: When I change it there, everything gets changed.  Right now, some of the windows are fine, but the login screen, and the teamspeak menu both are unreadable.03:08
racecar56mobi-sheep: no i already have convert03:08
mobi-sheepracecar56: By the way, the site describe more and give more examples and such.  Better than manual, lol.03:08
racecar56mobi-sheep: ok03:08
stroyan``y7: If the hdd has an NTFS filesystem on it then you are safer to use a windows system to chkdsk it.03:08
twig11gogeta: and if you always have a typo on the first try like I do. :-)03:08
racecar56mobi-sheep: so, how would i tell it to convert * to * but it has .png instead of .jpg03:09
mobi-sheepracecar56: Bunch of files?03:09
racecar56mobi-sheep: yes03:09
racecar56mobi-sheep: every jpg in sight i want converted to png in one folder03:09
sebsebsebthiebaude: hi03:09
ldaughertybigger fonts?  jk!03:09
mobi-sheepracecar56: Let me find something.  I did this recently to convert all png to bmp a week ago or so.03:10
galant14bracecar56: phatch will do what you need03:10
racecar56mobi-sheep: k03:10
treetopOMG !!!03:10
TuxedoBondHow do I get the 3D cube feature of Compiz to work?03:11
fbc-mxstroyan,  There is a way to do it from the command line too, I just can't recall it. I know that when I tried to do a resize on an ntfs one time with gparted, it gave the command line to try to fix the problem.03:11
TuxedoBondI ran compiz --repalce in the run box03:11
TuxedoBondSelected Desktop Cube already.03:11
stroyanracecar56:   for f in *.png ; do convert $f ${f%.png}.jpg;done03:11
twig11gogeta: I get an error installing wicd because it conflicts with network-manager so that means network-manager is installed. How do I uninstall network-manager?03:11
racecar56stroyan: i want jpgs to pngs not pngs to jpgs but i can fix that myself :P03:12
racecar56stroyan: oh, im nuts03:12
mobi-sheepracecar56: What format to format?03:12
klownth0r: any other ideas?03:13
jon5000Hi, can anyone help me get my "extra" visual effects back?  I used to have that setting working fine, with comiz and everything.  Yesterday I installed mac4lin, and now I get "desktop effects could not be enabled" when selecting the radio button under appearance/visual effects.  help!03:14
racecar56mobi-sheep: jpg to png03:14
th0rklown: nope...that was my only one03:14
drakonim getting an error when trying to boot off livecd. ACPI: Aborted because invalid compressed format (err=1) i've made two copies of the cd .03:14
blackest_knighttwig11:  try sudo aptitude install wicd03:14
klownth0r: ok, thanks :)03:14
mobi-sheepracecar56: imagemagick got thousand of builtin commands and mogrify is one of them. "Use the mogrify program to resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more. This tool is similiar to [convert] except that the original image file is overwritten (unless you change the file suffix with the -format option) with any changes you request."03:14
racecar56drakon: you have a cd drive like my dead laptop maybe03:14
drakonperhaps, it works with other distros03:14
drakonand previous versions of ubuntu03:15
mobi-sheepracecar56: mogrify -format png *.jpg03:15
mobi-sheepracecar56: You might want to check for *.jpeg too03:15
stroyanracecar56: for f in *.jpg ; do convert "$f" "${f%.jpg}.png"; done       (The quotes help with filenames containing spaces, etc.)03:15
racecar56mobi-sheep: thanks03:15
TuxedoBondI want to know how to get Compiz to work and show 3D features.03:15
racecar56mobi-sheep: i don't have spaces in them :P03:15
racecar56mobi-sheep: it's a bunch of imgXXX03:15
racecar56mobi-sheep: i always avoid spaces when possible03:16
mobi-sheepracecar56: That's fine.  * is wildcard and will replace everything in the directory you ran the command in.03:16
ArsinHey guys, I used this command 'sudo killx' or something related to that to terminate a program, I clicked the start bar by accident and it close that and since me not knowing what to do to get it back I powered off, and how when I try to boot into Ubuntu after I login I just get a blank screen. Any idea how to fix this?03:16
blackest_knightTuxedoBond:  all depends on what graphics card you have03:16
racecar56mobi-sheep: k, well mogrify did it all03:16
gogetatwig11: it should ask yoou if its ok to uninstall it03:16
=== Twilo is now known as Twilo|away
mobi-sheepracecar56: Err... *.jpg (as in all wildcard and .jpg)03:16
racecar56mobi-sheep: all i have to do now is rm *.jpg and im done03:16
racecar56mobi-sheep: thanks for your help03:16
mobi-sheepracecar56: Yup.  That's right.  Easy, ain't it? :)03:16
mobi-sheepracecar56: No problem.03:17
racecar56mobi-sheep: yes03:17
=== Twilo|away is now known as Twilo
treetopcan someone please help me with my wireless connection if someone walks by it will go out PLEASE anyone know wtf is wrong with it03:17
OkayArsin, try pressing alt +f203:17
twig11gogeta: blackest_knight: it worked but it still doesn't show up on the taskbar.03:17
racecar56mobi-sheep: it's a LOT easier than going into GIMP 250 (yes, seriously) times to save as03:17
mobi-sheepimagemagick is a powerful image manipulation tool.  +1 for imagemagick. :)03:17
OkayArsin, then type in "nautilus"03:17
gogetatwig11: it will on rebiot03:17
racecar56+1 for imagemagick here03:17
twig11gogeta: thanks. I won't worry then03:18
TuxedoBondblackest_knight: Intel Integrated graphics.03:18
TuxedoBond945 I beleive.03:18
ArsinWhere would I type nautilus03:18
klownI'm having an issue with the login page and teamspeak (in gnome), and every window in blackbox.  All my window menus are too small to read.  I've tried reading the faq, and tried the "my login window is too small to read" threads.03:18
OkayArsin, after holding alt and pressing f203:19
klownAll with no help.  I'm running ubuntu jaunty.03:19
ArsinOk thanks, let me go try that03:19
klownanyone have any idea how to fix this.03:19
stroyanfbc-mx: Perhaps you were thinking of "ntfsresize" as suggested at http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsck03:19
OkayArsin, let me know if there are problems03:19
blackest_knighttwig11:  true suo aptitude install wifi-radar ~(that usually works well)03:19
Okayklown, what's your problem exactly?03:19
fbc-mxstroyan, yeah.. that's it.03:19
gogetablackest_knight: he has wicd now its all good03:20
buzzmandtmy brothers computer has an intel graphics card and I couldn't get compiz to work on it either, worked with hardy but intrepid wouldn't do it.03:20
klownOkay: From startup, the textbox to enter my username & all the options for session change/language and such are too small to read03:20
twig11gogeta: blackest_knight: thanks for the help! Logging off here.03:21
klownOkay: Also, in the teamspeak window, the menu is too small to read as well.03:21
mtcsupport html-5 video03:21
J_DahmerHow do I join Foobar and Grill03:21
klownOkay: I don't know if this information has anything to do with it, but I am running my 36" tv as my "monitor"03:21
Okayklown, maybe system>preferences>appearance and change it there03:22
klownOkay: I tried that, but the stuff thats not affected by the small font size doesn't change, and everything else does.03:22
bazhangJ_Dahmer, foobar? the windows app?03:22
Okayklown, it's under the fonts tab03:22
FloodBot3J_Dahmer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
FloridaGuyfinaly got 3rd party usplash screens to work in 9.04...thanks to a script called usplash maker03:22
bazhangJ_Dahmer, watch the language03:22
OkayJ_Dahmer, ditto.03:23
J_DahmerOkay I am sorry03:23
J_DahmerTell me how do I do it?03:23
Okayklown, have you tried it with an external monitor yet?03:23
klownOkay: I do not have an external monitor.03:23
blackest_knightTuxedoBond: as far as i can tell preferences appearance then select visual effects (extra is most noticable)03:23
J_DahmerHey Jag offs03:24
=== forrest is now known as forrestv
Okayklown, hmm03:24
stroyanklown: It is likely that your X server is confused about the dots-per-inch of the display.  The login font is affected by that.  "xdpyinfo | grep resolution" will tell you what it thinks you have.03:24
FloridaGuybut when someone calls me an a** hole...i say would rather be an a** hole then a hole a**....lol03:24
Okayklown, yeah, I think stroyan knows what he's talking about more than I do.03:25
J_DahmerFloridaGuy gives free handjobs03:25
klownstroyan: It's telling me 32x4303:25
pentanewbehow r u people?03:26
FloridaGuyHE RAN AWAY03:26
ldaughertysince when does asshole flag you?  its a perfect word when used at right times03:26
pentanewbewell, I need a little help with my ubuntu 8.0403:26
quentusrexCan someone give me a hand? I'm having trouble with tls certificates....03:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:26
quentusrexI'm trying to get openldap tls working03:26
pentanewbeI have a genius webcam and I can't configure yet03:26
FloridaGuydident mean the caps03:27
ldaughertyi prefer douchebag .... but that's just me03:27
Shamounpentanewbe, it doesn't sounds so genius to me03:27
jribldaugherty: let's try to stick to support please...03:27
bazhangldaugherty, no need for the language please03:27
ArsinOkay that command didn't work03:27
gogetaFloridaGuy: sstop the crying a**03:27
klownstroyan: how would I correct the resolution?03:27
quentusrexAnyone familiar with ca certs?03:27
nivekc1anyone know why my sound doesn't work in flash and i get no startup sound but it does work in rythmbox?03:27
Okaypentanewbe, sudo apt-get install cheese03:28
pentanewbewell wen I do lsusb it's appears like a Pixart03:28
FloridaGuygogeta, i not crying...lol03:28
pentanewbeokay .... and then ....03:28
ArsinOkay: that command you told me, it said it could not find, bas : natilus cannot find command03:28
Arsinor something like that03:28
mobi-sheepArsin: nautilus.03:28
ArsinAlright one sec03:29
OkayArsin, yup, it's nautilus03:29
stroyanklown: You could add a DisplaySize line to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  With recent releases there may not be a handy line to add that to.  Or you could try using "xrandr --fbmm WxH" and see if it will stick.03:29
mobi-sheep!tab | Arsin03:29
ubottuArsin: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:29
pentanewbeOkay, I think the problem is with drivers03:29
mobi-sheepArsin: You can do that for filenames.03:29
ldaughertydeal...spanking taken...ouch!03:29
pentanewbeI have the following drivers modules loaded in my kernel03:29
klownstroyan: do I just use the screen resolution, or do I need to find another?03:29
gogetastroyan: you still can add lines to xorg.conf it acts as a override to auto03:30
pentanewbeusbcore               146412  7 gspca,snd_usb_audio,snd_usb_lib,hci_usb,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd03:30
pentanewbeand lsusb show me Bus 003 Device 008: ID 093a:2622 Pixart Imaging, Inc.03:30
stroyanklown: You set the physical size in millimeters for those options.  (Normally the monitor can tell the graphics card and X server how big it is.)03:31
pentanewbeand after connect my webcam dmesg shows [11796.604138] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, address 703:31
pentanewbe[11798.685334] usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 803:31
pentanewbe[11798.725745] usb 3-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice03:31
blackest_knightpentanewbe: try search google for the vid and device id shown by lsusb for your cam and the word linux or ubuntu03:31
nivekc1anyone in here know anything about not getting sound in flash and also getting no sound from ubuntu as far as system sounds and startup music but for whatever reason if i play a song in rythmnox it works fine?03:31
klownstroyan: so the physical side of my tv, in mm..correct03:31
pentanewbethanks blackest03:32
stroyanklown: That's right.  Get out the tape measure. ;-)03:32
gogetanivekc1: its a own issue uninstalling it and getting the deb from the flash site fixes it03:32
klownstroyan: ok, I will try that.  thanks.03:32
klownOkay: Thanks for the help as well.03:32
MustangMattHello, How can I force my laptop into ondemand power mode on boot regardless of if it's plugged in or not.03:32
nivekc1gogeta: i have done that however the issue is not with the flash plugin itself as that seems to be working fine i also get no system sounds only audio from media players03:33
mehdiکسی هست03:33
RoikarHELLO WORLD!!03:33
bazhangmehdi, #ubuntu-sa for arabic03:33
OkayI just installed wicd and my wifi icon on the taskbar disappeared. How can I get it back?03:33
blackest_knightnivekc1:  try muting and unmuting sounds in volume control03:33
gogetanivekc1: go to prefs and sound and switch them from pulse to alisa03:34
Roikarhey guys how do you completely remove KDE session from ubuntu03:34
mehdino Im not it that you say03:34
jrib!puregnome | Roikar03:34
ubottuRoikar: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal03:34
jribmehdi: what language then?03:34
Roikardo i really have to type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?03:34
OkayRoikar, yes.03:35
jribRoikar: to ensure you have a working, complete gnome system, yes03:35
mehdihow do  can I install yahoo messanger in ubutu03:35
nivekc1well actually that is something i cant wuite figure out.. i am using HDMI for my sound so when i go to audio and select all of the options that i can hear the test sound witheverything seems to be right except i have no volume control that allows me to change anything.. the only way to adjust the volume is from the media player itself.03:35
jribmehdi: I believe pidgin can use yahoo's network03:35
mobi-sheepmehdi: Use Pidgin.03:35
bazhangmehdi, use pidgin03:35
buzzmandtpigdin works good on yahoo03:35
Okaymy wifi icon on my taskbar disappeared when I installed wicd. How do I get that icon back?03:36
mobi-sheepOkay: Try nm-applet03:36
mehdisend link me for problem03:36
mobi-sheep!pidgin | mehdi03:36
ubottumehdi: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete03:36
gogetaOkay: REBOOT03:36
gogetaOkay: wicd uninstalles the gnome manager03:37
blackest_knightOkay:  that icon was from  network-manager which you uninstalled03:37
mobi-sheepmehdi: To update Pidgin to latest version (2.5.8), see http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/03:37
nivekc1see if i select pulse audio in my sound prefs.. i get no audio at all03:37
Okayso is there an icon I can put there like the previous one with wicd instead?03:37
zer0neOkay: call start wicd with command wicd or wicd-client, can't remember03:38
Okayso I can't keep both wicd and network manager?03:38
gogetaOkay: alt f2 for the run windows type wicd-client03:38
gogetabring it up03:38
mehdiso thank you very very very much03:38
Okaygogeta, woo! the icons there03:38
Okaywill it stay there from now on whenever I reboot/bootup ?03:39
gogetaOkay: it starts at boot by defult03:39
nivekc1and like right now i am playing a song and if i bring up the pulse audio volume meter it it jumping around but i cant hear anything.03:39
m0r0nThanks, Okay, it worked sorta.. it gave me some errors but I rebooted and it worked somehow03:39
wolf23hello friends03:39
m0r0nm0r0n - Arsin03:39
MustangMattMy laptop always starts up in performance mode even though /etc/rc2.d/S99ondemand is setup.03:39
mankashhow to open iso in ubuntu directly and play video out of it03:39
ForzaPalermohey guys im getting -hdd error {DRDY} errors on my second SATA HDD03:39
wolf23Anyone here friend with Ktorrent?03:40
ForzaPalermoi cant see the files but i cant access them03:40
ForzaPalermoit freezes up, and spews up these errirs03:40
gogetaForzaPalermo: tansmission 4 life03:40
mattanonewbie question: does anyone know of an app to view the files in the partition like im trying to figure out which partition on this old drive has the files i want, ill tear down the other partions and just resize the one I want.03:40
ForzaPalermogogeta: whats that03:40
ahuronwhat's files you want has03:40
ahuronin ktorrent03:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about transmission03:40
wolf23ahuron,  yes03:40
klownstroyan: Mind if I pm you?03:41
=== icedtea` is now known as icedtea
gogetaForzaPalermo: its a relly good bt client03:41
ForzaPalermoanyway i have tried e2fsck03:41
ForzaPalermobut still no luck03:41
mehdiany body tell me weher is here03:41
ahuronwhats files, you want ?03:41
ForzaPalermoahuron: all of them03:41
ForzaPalermoi have EVERYTHING on there03:41
ctmjrnivekc1, spdif does not have volume control you can try using oss-mixer and enable digital it might work,03:41
=== john is now known as Guest57229
ForzaPalermopics music games etc03:42
Roikarhey guys which nvidia driver is better? the 177 driver or 173 version?03:42
ahuronone minute wolf03:42
wolf23ahuron,  oK03:42
mehdihello guys03:42
RoikarI'm currently using the 173 version03:42
fretegihey guys, can u use ubuntu server on a server that runs nothing but windows workstations?03:42
fretegiwould seem so... just curious tho..03:43
ForzaPalermowould a e2fsck -c run a risk of me corrupting those files03:43
mehdiI want install yahoo massenger for chat in ubutu.please help me03:43
zer0nemehdi: use pidgin03:44
fretegimedhi use pidgin or kopete03:44
sagemodemehdi: use pidgin03:44
TuxedoBondWhere are my apps stored?03:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pidgen03:44
Roikarhey guys which nvidia driver is better? the 177 driver or 173 version?03:44
jimdbi have a /usr/share/samba folder with smb.conf and I have a /etc/samba folder with smb.conf.  which one of these is the correct one? how do I determine that?  and how do I create what is called a global "create mask" for folders and files created by anyone creating or altering a file/folder in any share?03:44
TuxedoBondAt /usr?03:44
sagemodeTuxedoBond: /usr/local/03:44
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete03:44
sagemodeTuxedoBond: /opt/03:44
mehdiwhat's pidgin!!!!!03:44
mehdiI dont know03:44
kurouAn IM client bundled with ubuntu.03:45
sagemodemehdi: a im client03:45
fretegipidgin is a multi use chat client, go to applications>internet03:45
Okayis the latest build of transmission stable?03:45
gogetamehdi: look in your intenet menu03:45
ForzaPalermowhy does e2fsck -c take so long.... look how long its taking Checking for bad blocks (read-only test):   0.61% done, 3:49:49 elapsed03:45
ForzaPalermothis is a 500gb hdd03:45
Okaycuz I still have 1.5103:45
Roikarhey guys which nvidia driver is better? the 177 driver or 173 version?03:45
ForzaPalermothis will take DAYS to finish03:45
fretegiim not sure if pidgin is working on yahoo well at the moment, i had to change my paging server, but i use kopete03:46
Roikarhey guys which nvidia driver is better? the 177 version or 173 version?03:46
kurouI'd go with the latest.03:46
mankashhow to open iso in ubuntu directly and play video out of it03:46
zer0neRoikar: none is better. depends on your use...03:47
ctmjrRoiker use the newer one03:47
sagemodemankash: u can open iso by rightclick and archive manager03:47
gogetamankash: sudo mount iso.iso /media/cdrom03:47
kuroumankash: Try opening it with Brasero.03:47
Roikarwhats the difference? of both of them, stability? performance?03:47
zer0nethe newer nvidia did,nt work for me. I had to use an older one. depends....03:47
fretegianyone here tried arch linux, looking for a comparison regarind speed/security/hardware compatiblity03:48
jimdbi have a /usr/share/samba folder with smb.conf and I have a /etc/samba folder with smb.conf.  which one of these is the correct one? how do I determine that?  and how do I create what is called a global "create mask" for folders and files created by anyone creating or altering a file/folder in any share?03:48
sagemodegogeta: sudo mount -o loop iso.iso /media/cdrom0/03:48
WIGGMPkIm having trouble mounting a ISO file.. Can someone give me some help03:48
gogetayea forgot loop03:48
FloridaGuymy system..in services has 3 action schedulers runing....anacron...atd and cron...are they needed?03:48
sagemodejimdb: the /etc/samba/03:48
mankashok thx03:49
gogetaWIGGMPk: sudo mount -o loop iso.iso /media/cdrom003:49
Okayoh dang. I got 255% wifi connectivity.03:49
jimdbsagemode:  there are no shares listed in that file.  there's a folder somewhere in the file system that points to files that correspond to each folder.  do you happen to remember where they are?03:49
TuxedoBondI'm looking for the Gdebi package I installed. What is the Ubuntu equivavlent of a .exe?03:49
zer0nejimdb: /share does not mean you share that folder03:49
fretegiokay howd u do that?03:49
ctmjrRoiker you might get better answers in #nvidia if anyones is awake like zer0ne said it's what works for you03:49
jimdbzerOne:  i have many shares already working.  i'm just trying to create a global create mask03:50
OkayI opened wicd and that's what it told me fretegi03:50
gogetaOkay: its jusy becouse you havent rebooted yet03:50
fretegimy wireless card doesnt have the same range in ubuntu as it does with vista, pretty sure its a driver issue but not sure what to do with it03:50
Travis_I've been searching for hours now, so I turn to you IRC.  Could someone please tell me how one would simply echo a 57,600 baud 8 databit 1 stop bit no parity serial input on ttyS1?03:51
sagemodejimdb: you have to manually put it on the conf file03:51
gogetafretegi: there just estmates03:51
Okayfretegi, yeah, we're in the same boat. do you have an atheros card?03:51
cklordsanyone have exp getting amarock to load samba network drives?03:51
fretegihang on lemme check, pretty sure its a realtek03:51
ricardo_i have a weird problem03:51
fretegirtl8101E realtek03:51
sagemodericardo_: ?proble03:51
fretegitahts what i got03:52
jimdbsagemode:  actually there are a number of files in a folder somewhere in the file system which correspond to each share I have set up.  I just can't remember where that is.  each file is laid out like a share entry in the smb.conf file.  but I am trying to ensure that I can have anyone in any group create a file or folder that anyone else in any group can alter, delete, etc.03:52
Okayunder wpa supplicant driver in wicd, what are all those options such as wext, hostapp, madwifi, atmel, ndiswrapper, ipw, ralink legacy?03:52
ricardo_i've installed ubuntu so many times, but yesterday i've installed in a toshiba satellite notebook, and then when the user selected windows in grub menu, the system freezes in a black screen with "starting up..." message and sounds a beep03:52
gogetaOkay: diffrent wap drivers it uses wext by defult03:53
ricardo_i really dont know what could be failing03:53
Okaygogeta, is that the best choice?03:53
icedteaTravis: have you looked at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Serial-HOWTO.html03:53
gogetaOkay: if it works lol03:53
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:53
Okayfretegi, I have an atheros 5007eg card03:53
fretegiwhat if it works with limited range03:53
Okaygogeta, lmao03:53
fretegiperformance is great on mine, just gets half the range of my vista setup03:54
gogetafretegi: those are estmates03:54
gogetafretegi: or its not using n03:54
rockyyouseenothing, are you online yet?03:54
rockyguess not03:54
fretegiits a G card, but what i mean is i can log in from across the street from my house with vista, however in linux i must be much closer to acquire the network03:54
Okayfretegi, I used sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty03:55
OkayI have no idea what that does, but people say it works03:55
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gogetafretegi: strange03:55
rockyMichaelsTest, are you the michael that I know?03:55
fretegiis there one for intrepid?03:55
fretegithe really strange part is i get better network speed from linux, within its operating range than with vista03:55
fretegihas me pondering why lol03:55
gogetafretegi: oh i rember to boost your range you gotta incrase its power via iwconfig03:55
ricardo_wiseman, hola03:55
wisemanI continue to  have graphics issues here in ubuntu...03:55
wisemanhey ricardo03:56
zer0nefretegi: sorry, i did not get if you are using atheros or not...if atheros, maybe go for latest madwifi driver.03:56
m0r0nHow can I check which version of Ubuntu I have03:56
rockym0r0n, go to system>help03:56
fretegizerone i am using a realtek RTL8101e card03:56
Okayfretegi, yeah, same here! I get really fast speeds on linux, but bad signals and on Windows xp, I get low speeds but good signal03:56
rockyor wait03:56
wisemanm0r0n: system > about ubuntu03:56
fretegiwierd isnt it lol03:56
sagemodejimdb: Im confuse did you lost the folders? or something? that you shared?03:56
chris___i read in a wiki about a defrag tool, for ext4, wich can convert ext3 format completly to ext4 format data... but it says its currently under development. does anyone know something about that tool? because it would be real handy03:56
wisemanso does anyone have the time to take me under their wing for a bit to sort out the scary intricacies of xorg.config?03:56
freteginow how do i change power setting in lwconfig?03:56
ricardo_m0r0n, you can check with the commando         cat /etc/issue03:57
mehdihello guy s03:57
gogetafretegi: nope i rember you gotta boost the power03:57
mehdiyou are best freand s03:57
AThorn1Can someone help me change kernels, when the kernel is a deb, through command line? The Kernal I need to use is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1138363&highlight=update+manager+studio+freeze&page=303:57
fretegilol right, but how?03:57
fretegii am loving linux tho...03:57
wisemanI cannot seem to actually get my proper screen resolution03:58
jimdbsagemode:   samba has some serious faults.  It is quite convoluted.  but the gist of what I want is to allow any user from any workstation anywhere on my network, be they on a windows machine, a linux box, a macintosh, whatever,  and have them create files on the linux server on the appropriate shares where all users, where any user can alter the file or folder created by any other user.03:58
wisemanit won't go over 1024x76803:58
mehdime in iran whit iranian, we are loving to you.03:58
fretegiwiseman what ubuntu u running?03:58
wisemanI think it can be fixed with modelines in xorg.config03:58
fretegion what type of machine?03:58
wisemanbut I don't know how to do that03:58
mehdithanks and good bye03:58
wisemanfretegi: Hardy03:59
RudyValenciaHi, I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 on a Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop. Why are sounds choppy on all sound devices (occurs on both the built-in Intel 82801CA-ICH3/Cirrus Logic CS4205 and a separate C-Media USB headset)?03:59
fretegiati graphix card?03:59
SeaPhorwiseman, what vid card u have and how long ago u install ubuntu?03:59
m0r0nI know this is somewhat un-related, but if anyone has ordered anything from the Ubuntu site, how long does it take to get to Toronto?03:59
AThorn1Can someone help me change kernels, when the kernel is a deb, through command line? The Kernal I need to use is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1138363&highlight=update+manager+studio+freeze&page=303:59
fwaokdaMy displays are all effed up resolution wise and stuff can someone attempt to help me plz :( ???03:59
OkayRudyValencia, choppy as in youtube videos?03:59
RudyValenciaI don't know. I don't have Flash installed so can't test03:59
ricardo_mehdi, all people loves all people in the world, the thing is that our governors wants to hate us , so they can "take care" of us, (im nor american neither iranian)03:59
wisemanSeaPhor: I installed ubuntu a little over a year ago.  I have an ATI Radeon HD2400 mobile04:00
osirisis there anywhere to adjust the scroll speed, or number of lines you scroll with the mouse wheel ?04:00
rockym0r0n, last time I ordered it, I forgot that I had ordered it before it came04:00
SeaPhorwiseman, what vid card u have and how long ago u install ubuntu? and fwaokda04:00
RudyValenciathings like Pidgin have noticeable 'pops' in the sound that they shouldn't04:00
fretegiwiseman, have u tried running the proprietary driver ?04:00
m0r0nSo far it's been about 5 weeks or more I think more04:00
fwaokdaSeaPhor, ati radeon 4850 and just installed04:00
wisemanSeaPhor: I tried both.  Actually, trying to install the proprietary driver is what messed everything up.04:00
rockym0r0n, well, idk04:00
rockyit might take awhile04:00
wisemanAnd I can't seem to put it back.04:00
Okaybrb later04:01
RudyValenciaI've tried removing pulseaudio to see if it's causing the problem, happens both ways.04:01
rockym0r0n, do you REALLY need it?04:01
SeaPhorfwaokda, have you activated the restricted drivers?04:01
gogetafretegi: sudo gedit /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/wireless-ipw-power.conf04:01
wisemanI tried resetting xorg in the recovery mode on startup, no luck04:01
gogetayou can boost the card setting there04:01
zer0nefretegi: focus! Do you wan't to change your iwconfig or not??? terminal : man iwconfig ....04:01
fwaokdaSeaPhor, it was working until i tried the restricted drivers... then i disabled them when they ran slow... after disabling them now I have horrible resolution choices04:01
wisemanI've been dicking with this on and off for a couple months04:01
AThorn1Can someone help me change kernels, when the kernel is a deb, through command line? The Kernal I need to use is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1138363&highlight=update+manager+studio+freeze&page=304:01
m0r0nNo but I've been running to the mailbox after the first 4 weeks expecting it lol04:01
rockydon't get too excited now04:01
fwaokdaSeaPhor, btw I have dual displays don't know if that matters04:01
fretegilol yea, just trying to help contribute :) finally getting to wear i know a bit around linux wanna help as u all have helped me04:02
ZidaneRickhey guys, ok im running UNR and everytime i boot the system i get a prompt to enter password for "default keyring to unlock"04:02
SeaPhorfwaokda, ATI is way behind when it comes to dual displays in linux04:02
fretegiare there any downsides to boosting power to wireless?04:02
ZidaneRickis there anyway to stop it?04:02
gogetafretegi: less battery life04:02
fretegino biggie, anyway to turn off the wireless card completely, the external power switch doesnt seem to work with linux04:03
fwaokdaSeaPhor, well what can i do?04:03
brian1i just installed "super ubuntu" aka super os  and i gotta say its pretty good,, all it is , is just a suped up ubuntu 9.04 but its solid04:03
SeaPhorfwaokda, if you just installed and all was ok, i'd go back to that by re-installing, and not enabling the restricted04:04
fwaokdaSeaPhor, if I can only use the generic ones that worked after install I'll use them... would like to use compiz but if i can't at least would like to get back to the regular ones04:04
gogetafretegi: hardware switches  always work04:04
wisemanso fretegiq, SeaPhor, I've also tried using envy to install the newest drivers, and that moved me ahead a bit, but now I can't get my resolution all the way back up to 1280x80004:04
RudyValenciaI'm using Ubuntu 9.04 on a Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop. Why are sounds choppy on all sound devices (occurs on both the built-in Intel 82801CA-ICH3/Cirrus Logic CS4205 and a separate C-Media USB headset)?04:04
tommostRudyValencia: How is CPU usage?04:04
fretegijust turned the hardware switch off04:04
ZidaneRickhey guys, ok im running UNR and everytime i boot the system i get a prompt to enter password for "default keyring to unlock"04:04
fwaokdaSeaPhor, there isn't a way to just re-enable the drivers I was using before activating the restricted ones?04:04
fretegion this lappy, still working lol04:04
fretegii dont get it04:04
RudyValenciatommost: CPU usage while playing sounds04:05
brian1choppy how so??04:05
SeaPhorfwaokda, uncheck it the same way you checked it04:05
tommostRudyValencia: Yeah.04:05
fwaokdai did but that didn't work :(04:05
RudyValenciatommost: I'm new to Linux, how do I check that?04:05
gogetafretegi: odd04:05
brian1when you say choppy like , idstortion, laggin04:05
fretegithats what i said... i dont get it, will boosting power increse connectivity and speed as well?04:06
tommostUh, System -> Administration -> System Monitor is the menu, I think.04:06
RudyValenciabrian1: choppy like parts of the sound are missing, or pops occur04:06
wisemanaccursed ubuntu gods!04:06
mobi-sheep!sounds | RudyValencia04:06
ubottuRudyValencia: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:06
SeaPhorwiseman, ATI+compiz = nogo, i mean it somewhat works but is officially not supported by ATI as of yet04:06
brian1hmm i wonder if there is a wire grounding out inside04:06
wisemanSeaPhor: That's the thing, It USED to all work perfectly04:07
RudyValenciabrian1: the problem didn't occur in WinXP before04:07
wisemancompiz, resolution, etc04:07
edbianwiseman: What card do you have?04:07
SeaPhorin 8.04 wiseman ?04:07
brian1im a noob too so dont listen to me, i just wanted to sound smart. lol04:07
wisemanyes SeaPhor, 8.0404:07
gogetafretegi: to boost the card use iwconfig txpower 3004:07
gogetasudo iwconfig04:07
SeaPhorwiseman, then go back to 8.04...04:07
wisemanedbian: I have an ati radeon HD 2400 mobile04:07
wisemanSeaPhor: I do h ave 8.04....04:08
edbianwiseman: With what driver?04:08
gogetafretegi: sudo iwconfig ath0 txpower 3004:08
tommostRudyValencia: My thoughts are that it is an issue with PulseAudio, which can have issues when there is high CPU usage in my experience.04:08
SeaPhorwiseman, i am still on 8.04 on 3 of my 8 boxes04:08
wisemanedbian: I've tried the proprietary driver fglrx and the open source driver04:08
tommostRudyValencia: If it works in XP we know it's not a hardware problem.04:08
pengo-ubuhey guys how do i find what driver and the version jaunty is using?04:08
pengo-ubufor wireless04:08
tommostRudyValencia: And since it happens with two devices it's probably not a driver issue.04:08
edbianwiseman: And neither one allows hardware acceleration?04:08
tommostRudyValencia: How old is this laptop?04:09
edbianwiseman: Do you know about the compiz check script??  http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check04:09
wisemanedbian: I seemed to get the proprietary driver to kind of sort of work, but I cannot get my resolution back to 1280x80004:09
RudyValenciatommost: I got it second-hand so I can't say how old it is04:09
tommostWell, what CPU does it have?04:09
RudyValencia1.8GHz P4-M04:09
wisemanedbian: It seems to be working, but i can't get my resolution up so everthing is big.04:10
tommostRudyValencia: Could you open the think I suggested before?04:10
mobi-sheep!ati | wiseman04:10
ubottuwiseman: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:10
edbianwiseman: Hang on.  I'm reading the xrandr man page.  It is a utility that can set the screen size via command line.  I'm assuming the GUI Screen Resolution app isn't working.04:11
brian1what would be the best/easy way to upgrade to firefox 3.504:11
gogetafretegi: you should check out man iwconfig thers alot of options tp crank up your card04:11
tommostbrian1: I found using swiftfox pretty easy.04:11
RudyValenciatommost: the CPU usage is between 27 and 60% at idle04:11
wisemanmobi-sheep: looking.04:11
SeaPhorwiseman, whatever you do,, Envy is only the very LAST resort04:11
fretegido these effect speed as well?04:11
brian1tommost: is that a app?04:11
ricardo_what can i do with my problem)04:11
gogetafretegi: well a weak single is a weak single04:11
brian1oh its a add on04:11
jeffshi, could someone show me how to install the jack realtime server?04:12
edbianwiseman: type (and give me a brief synopsis of) this command: xrandr -q04:12
ricardo_when i select windows in grub, i get a black screen with "starting up..." and then i get a beep04:12
ricardo_and nothing more else04:12
gogetafretegi: to high can slow things up04:12
fretegiwell that is true, have u ever used arch linux gogeta?04:12
tommostbrian1: http://getswiftfox.com/04:12
RudyValenciatommost: it doesn't go up when a sound is playing04:12
tommostIt's a repository you add.04:12
=== forrestv is now known as forrest
gogetano ubuntu user04:12
TuxedoBondIf I want to try Xfce, do I need to uninstall Gnome-core first?04:12
jeffshi, could someone show me how to install the jack realtime server?04:12
gogetafretegi: i do a arch is a very basic install and you build from there04:13
mobi-sheeptommost: Faster?04:13
gogetado knoe04:13
ctmjrTuxedoBond, no04:13
gogetafretegi: text only04:13
tommostmobi-sheep: It's not really for me, but I'm on a 64-bit machine.04:13
tommostI imagine there could be a significant difference for a 32-bit machine.04:13
brian1im a little confused as to exacly what it is04:13
fretegiright thats what i hear, just curiuos, looking for a faster oad for work, playing with linux as a potentional replacement for work machine, but i have 1 app that is windows based i must run04:13
mobi-sheeptommost: Only asking just because it have 'swift' in it does't necessarily mean it's faster,04:13
wisemanedbian: It shows a variety of resolutions from 320x200 to 1024x768, with a star by the 1024x76804:13
TuxedoBondWill using Xfce with Gnome installed keep the Gnome files running in memory?04:14
gogetafretegi: google that app and wine see if it runs in linux04:14
fretegiim gotta run for a bit, cable guy here, gotta disconnect some coax stuff04:14
brian1i got it04:14
edbianwiseman: This is my basic understanding thus for.  Some software in the system (probably X11) looks at your monitor's available resolutions and your video cards resolutions and give you a list of what the two have in common (acceptable configurations) which is what shows up in the GUI screen resolution app.04:14
fretegioh i got it running just fine in wine, just a bit slow, trying to speed it up04:14
fretegispeed imperative with it04:14
ktAnyone know of a secure way to initiate an FXP handshake using LAMP?04:14
tommostmobi-sheep: Yeah, I was just using it to get 3.5 easily.  I know people who use it on 32-bit systems to good effect.04:14
cxamerI have a hdd that was in a ubuntu system, I recently did a fresh install with the drive I wanted to save out of the system, I just hooked the drive back up .. How do i find it / mount it ?04:15
brian1tommost: thanks ill have to try it04:15
edbianwiseman: xrandr -q lists what the video card is capable of.  Is the output accurate information for your video card?04:15
wisemanedbian: well I know for a fact my monitor was running at 1280x800 earlier.04:15
gogetafretegi: wines not perfect lol04:15
RudyValenciawell, what's happening?04:15
wisemanedbian: it runs 1280x800 in windows04:15
phpgunnermaybe you need to get the driver?04:15
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
fretegiit runs damn well now, after some tinkering, just learned today that compiz screws with it, gonna make another user with no compiz settings and try next week, see if faster04:16
edbianwiseman: So 1024 x 768 is not the highest resolution your card can output but it is the highest listed by xrandr?  Is this correct?04:16
wisemanedbian: 100% correct.04:16
tommostRudyValencia: Hmm... well, so it could be PulseAudio, or it could be something wrong at the ALSA level (PulseAudio is a "sound server" that all of your apps talk to to which in turn talks to ALSA, which is a lower-level interface).04:16
edbianwiseman: Are you on the fglrx driver right now?04:16
gogetafretegi: or just turn it off in prefs aperance04:16
tommostRudyValencia: We can try killing PulseAudio and seeing if ALSA works alone.04:16
wisemanedbian: I'm not sure....I think so04:16
RudyValenciatommost, I removed PulseAudio and it still has the same issue04:16
wisemanhow do I see for sure?04:16
fretegiu mean "sero effects"04:16
edbianwiseman: lsmod, will list all of the modules currently loaded (being used)04:17
gogetafretegi: yya none04:17
brian1tommost i dont think i can use it cause im on a aspire one atom, no installer for it, i think04:17
edbianwiseman: lsmod | grep fglrx  will show if the fglrx module is loaded.04:17
gogetafretegi: thats conmpiz off04:17
tommostRudyValencia: I don't know then.  I've dealt with PA issues, but I really don't know how to debug ALSA.04:17
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: Try "sudo alsactl init"04:17
edbianwiseman: If you don't want to search through the whole list04:17
fretegifunny thing is nothing is checked and i got all kinds of compiz stuff running ATM04:17
edbianwiseman: the open source driver is called "radeon" so lsmod | grep radeon to check if that one is loaded.04:17
wisemanagpgart                34760  2 fglrx,ati_agp04:18
gogetafretegi: go to prefrences aperance effects and slect none04:18
wisemandoes that mean it is loaded?04:18
gogetafretegi: hit apply04:18
gogetafretegi: compiz is now off04:18
fretegihafta wait till monday to try tho, cant see the application work live time till them04:18
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: "Unknown hardware: "ICH" "Cirrus Logic CS4205 rev 3" "AC97a:4352595b" "" "" Hardware is initialized using a guess method"04:19
tommostbrian1: I don't know, then.04:19
cxamerI have a hdd that was in a ubuntu system, I recently did a fresh install with the drive I wanted to save out of the system, I just hooked the drive back up .. How do i find it / mount it ? I am running Jaunty Minimal.04:19
edbianwiseman: run lsmod and if the module shows up it is loaded (being used).  If you add "| grep <something>" it will take the output of lsmod and print only the lines that contain the phrase <something>.04:19
edbianwiseman: Do you understand?04:19
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: Problem solved now?04:19
RudyValencialemme see04:19
jwjzacxamer: it should be a /dev/sdX device04:19
wisemanedbian: yes04:19
edbianwiseman: So which module is loaded?04:20
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: What hardware?04:20
wisemanand it says agpgart                34760  2 fglrx,ati_agp04:20
RudyValenciaI'm playing the Ubuntu startup sound through the Sound control panel, and it's missing parts.04:20
brian1anyone know what a easy way to upgrade to firefox  3.5 is04:20
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:20
RudyValenciaer, it sounds like it's missing parts.04:20
brian1like sudo apt-get install firefox3.504:20
lstarnesbrian1: firefox-3.504:20
fretegigotta run guys, thanks alot for ur help gogeta, ill be back in a bit04:20
edbianbrian1: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.504:20
brian1ubottu thanks04:20
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:20
cxamerjwjza: I have alot of /dev/sdx showing up I cant figure out which one is the new drive that I want to mount, THere is sda sda1 sdb sdb1 sdb2 sdb5 sdc sdd sde sdf04:21
brian1how did you summen the bot04:21
fretegifirefox 3.5 better?04:21
tommostHey, awesome.04:21
brian1i think so04:21
edbianbrian1: use "!" to talk to the bot04:21
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: What do you mean by "what hardware"?04:21
edbiancxamer: run fdisk -l to get information on all of them :)04:21
zer0necxamer: run lshw, find your drives /dev04:22
jwjzacxamer: it's going to be trial and error then. look in your /etc/fstab to find out which drive ubuntu is already installed on and work from there04:22
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: Make/model.04:22
edbianjwjza: sudo fdisk -l ;)04:22
jwjzahey true04:22
edbianwiseman: Hello?04:22
SeaPhorwiseman, try this, let us know if anything is there,,, less /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep EDID04:22
TuxedoBondHow do you update installed applications?04:22
wisemanedbian: hello04:23
edbianTuxedoBond: Use the update manager :)04:23
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: lspci says 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)04:23
RudyValenciafor the onboard audio04:23
mobi-sheepTuxedoBond: "sudo aptitude full-upgrade" will update your world.04:23
edbianwiseman: What driver (module) is loaded?04:23
wisemanedbian: I posted what your command outputted04:23
wisemanagpgart                34760  2 fglrx,ati_agp04:23
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: Err, your computer/laptop.04:23
wisemanedbian: I don't know if that means it is loaded or not04:23
ctmjredbian wiseman try this to get the graphics driver that X is loading   egrep "Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers" /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:23
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: Dell Inspiron 820004:23
edbianwiseman: O sorry, I missed it.  Ok so the fglrx module is loaded then :) (not the radeon driver)04:24
RudyValenciawith add-in BCM4306 WiFi card04:24
wisemanso it seems, edbian04:24
edbianwiseman: because lsmod reported somewhere in its output "fglrx" that means that fglrx is loaded.  lsmod only return a list of modules that are loaded.04:24
wisemanctmjr: it seems it is in fact loading the right driver04:24
wisemanedbian: bitchin04:24
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: It's a laptop?04:25
edbianwiseman: Do you know how to load another driver?  Also are you sure about the output of xrandr I just noticed on my system that the resolutions listed are not exactly in order.  My current resolution is listed above several that are actually higher.  Did  you notice the same thing?04:25
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: http://ubuntu-inspiron.blogspot.com/04:25
wisemanedbian: I noticed the same thing.  800x600 is at the top04:26
coffeemanI need help installing gspca to get my webcam working04:26
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: that's not the problem I'm having04:26
wisemanedbian: I don't know how to load another driver, except when the computer is all fuxo4ed and it says it doesn't know what driver to load and I load it manually.04:26
zer0necoffeeman: did you try cheese first?04:27
edbianwiseman: ok.  We have two options.  Option 1: load the open-source driver and see if the higher resolutions are listed.  Option 2: just run the xrandr command to set the resolution to the one you want and see what happens.04:27
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: What problem then?04:27
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: Making noises or... ?04:27
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: sounds are skipping or making slight 'pops'04:27
edbianwiseman: What do you want to do?  It doesn't really matter which we do first.04:27
soreauwiseman: Using envy is not recommended and using the proprietary driver is definitely not recommended if your card is supported by the open radeon driver. Unfortunately, envy can make your system so messed up that it is beyond repair04:27
wisemanedbian: as I understand, there is option 3 that allows me to edit xorg.config to add an additional resolution.04:27
AThornHow can I install the generic ubuntu kernel?04:28
brian1easy way to get firefox3.5 goto add/remove and add shiretoko its firefox 3.504:28
wisemansoreau: It got me a lot further than I did without it04:28
coffeemanzerOne: no, nothing showing in /dev/video.  shows up as usb device, though04:28
tuxFanguys computer janitor broke my box04:28
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: Meh, I wouldn't know how to handle that.04:28
edbianwiseman: very true!  I can help you do that too but I am weary because I believe that different drivers can overwrite xorg.conf :(  We can take that approach too if you'd like.04:28
wolf23Anyone here friend with Ktorrent?04:29
watson516How does one go about installing an nvidia card if the restricted drivers tool doesn't work?04:29
wisemanedbian: well, let's try that xandr04:29
wisemanit seems less intrusive04:29
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: aplay -l04:29
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: That's your hardware.04:29
AThornHow can I install the generic ubuntu kernel?04:29
soreauedbian: Of course in order for the radeon driver to work, fglrx must be completely removed from the system and the machine cold booted04:29
SeaPhoredbian, wiseman has he ever done a aticonfig --initial and then restart x?04:30
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: lemme paste its output, brb04:30
edbianwiseman: sure.  the xrandr man page says that the flag for setting the resolution is: --fb widthxheight so xrandr --fb widthxheight  :)04:30
ctmjrsoreau, is 100% correct04:30
wisemanSeaPhor: tried that, didn't work04:30
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: http://pastebin.com/d3f88bf6c04:30
edbiansoreau: I would use modprobe and worry about removing modules once we know which one we want :)04:30
soreauedbian: It doesn't work like that04:31
edbiansoreau: modprobe lets you choose a module to use manually without removing the other options or rebooting doesn't it?04:31
SeaPhorwiseman, do you have envy installed?04:31
ehondaHow to use XDMCP via SSH?04:31
ehondaWhat sintexe for SSH command?04:31
edbianSeaPhor: I am not aware of aticonfig.  What does it do?04:31
wisemanedbian: it says it can't go over 1024x768 which is nonsense04:31
wisemanSeaPhor: I do have envy installed04:32
ctmjrwatson516, can you explain alittle more about does not work?04:32
edbianwiseman: Ok.  I kinda expected that.  Some other people have suggestions.  Do you see them?04:32
wisemanhang on a minute, brb04:32
coffeemanzerOne: cheese doesn't detect a camera and then crashes...04:32
soreauedbian: Yes, but fglrx uses an entirely different libGL.so and the open drivers will not work at all with fglrx still installed on the system.04:32
SeaPhoredbian, he said he tried and didnt work, but wiseman has envy installed, prolly blocking all u do04:32
edbiansoreau: Even using modprobe?  I can switch freely on my system.04:32
zer0necoffeeman: camarama?04:32
edbianSeaPhor: What does envy do?04:33
zer0necoffeeman: camorama?04:33
watson516ctmjr: I open up the 'Hardware Drivers' tool in 8.10, select the recommended display driver and it downloads it (sometimes) but doesn't seem to install04:33
soreau! envy04:33
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver04:33
edbianwiseman: You're the topic of much debate!  Can you see what we're all talking about?  SeaPhor soreau and I ??04:33
SeaPhoredbian, it takes over your box, invades un-necessarily all- i found no good in it04:33
zer0necoffeeman: maybe this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96693204:34
wisemanSeaPhor: edbian: I could uninstall if needed04:34
watson516ctmjr: After I do this and restart the x, it will come up with an error along the lines that the x wouldn't start up and I get the option to use low res mode or use the default settings04:34
edbianwiseman: I suggest it.  SeaPhor What do you think?04:34
edbianwiseman: That is, I suggest uninstalling it.04:34
soreauedbian: envy is a script which attempts to install drivers without regard to the package manager and can really screw things up04:34
wisemanedbian: KABOOM04:34
TuxedoBondWhat is the difference between the Firefox and Firefox 3.0 listings in Synaptics?04:34
SeaPhorwiseman, when i had it, uninstalling did no good04:34
edbianwiseman: ha ha ha ha.  Meaning your removing it?04:35
edbianwiseman: purge it.  Do you know how to do that?04:35
SeaPhorwiseman, edbian if you do then do sudo apt-get remove --purge envy*04:35
wisemanedbian: you mean complete removal in synaptic, or is there something MAS FUERTE?04:35
soreauenvy is like a graphics driver virus for linux04:35
edbiansoreau: What happens on your system if you modprobe the other ati driver?  Does it fail?  Does lsmod report the change correctly??04:35
soreaunightmare even04:36
gogetaedbian: i always use deborphin hehe04:36
edbianwiseman: I think that complete removal is the same as purging.04:36
* SeaPhor agrees with soreau 04:36
edbiangogeta: What does deborphin do?  purge packages?04:36
wisemanedbian: ARMING MISSILE04:36
soreauedbian: Sure, you can load and unload modules all day long. That doesn't mean they'll work when other installed components are conflicting04:36
SeaPhorwiseman, edbian if you do then do sudo apt-get remove --purge envy*04:36
ctmjrwatson516, run this in a terminal it will reset xorg to default sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then reboot your box and what nvidia card do you have?04:37
wisemanSeaPhor: reading database, preparing to blast envy to hell04:37
gogetaedbian: finds orphined libs purges old configs removes old packages that got installed allongside a install04:37
edbianwiseman: I also suggest the terminal command.  It will remove all packages with "envy" in them04:37
=== Cryptorchild1 is now known as Cryptorchild
laymansnerdCan not write openvpn server sysinit script here:04:37
laymansnerd <--getting this error in openvpn....any suggestions?04:37
edbiangogeta: Interesting :)04:37
wisemanedbian: i used the command line04:37
gogetaedbian: yes usefull for cleaning out a system04:37
edbiansoreau: So loading a module doesn't mean that it's being used by the system?  (You're turning my world upside-down here)04:38
wisemanlooks like it finished04:38
soreauwiseman: The only thing you can do is use envy to uninstall the proprietary driver and hope it does actually undo what it did. Removing envy itself means you'll be left with whatever you currently have04:38
edbianwiseman: Out of curiosity since envy is gone now.  Run xrandr -q again and see if things changed.04:38
soreauedbian: Sorry, man ;)04:38
edbiansoreau: How can I ensure that I am using a module that I've loaded?04:38
SeaPhoryes wiseman do what edbian said04:38
wisemansame shit, edbian04:39
edbianwiseman: damn that xrandr!!!!  What a jerk it's being.04:39
SeaPhorwiseman do sudo locate envy04:39
tuxFancant move , or reside any window ,, any ideas ?04:39
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: I was wandering away.04:39
soreauedbian: I'm saying that there are other components, libs, files, etc in addition to the modules that make the driver work. It's not just rmmod this and modprobe that simple for graphics drivers04:39
RudyValencianeed the URL for the paste output again, mobi-sheep?04:39
wisemanSeaPhor: done, what am I looking for?04:40
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: Try this -- "sudo alsactl init 0 ; sudo alsactl init 1"04:40
watson516ctmjr: I actually have no idea what video card I have...its a laptop (compaq presario v3000), I checked the specs on a website and it says Intel 945GM..Is that any help?04:40
wisemanSeaPhor: they're all in var/lib/dpkg/info04:40
SeaPhoredbian, soreau is exactly right04:40
mobi-sheepRudyValencia: Na. I'm good. I have separate window for highlights.04:40
edbianwiseman: Anything having to do with envy on your system04:40
edbianSeaPhor: soreau: so should I have only 1 driver installed on my system for a graphics card at any given time to be sure what driver is being used?04:40
SeaPhorwiseman, there should be NO results04:40
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: it's still skipping04:41
wisemanSeaPhor: OH NOES04:41
edbianwiseman: locate is just a system wide search.  It's searching for anything with "envy" in the name.04:41
soreauedbian: For 3D acceleration to work, generally speaking, yes04:41
edbiansoreau: IC.  Thank you for the tip!04:41
rsa_md5Hi I followed this guide to install OSS v4 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound but the problem now is Skype doesn't work with OSS04:41
rsa_md5any help?04:41
edbianwiseman: purge the shit outta it!04:41
ctmjrwatson516, we need to be sure run this lspci | grep VGA it more than likely is that04:42
SeaPhorwiseman, do lsmod |grep fglrx04:42
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:42
edbianwiseman: I love your sense of humor.04:42
wisemanJawol, mein furher04:42
* wiseman braces for impact04:42
edbianSeaPhor: We did that before the envy purge and it was loaded (fglrx that is)04:42
watson516ctmjr: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2)04:43
wisemanhang on04:43
SeaPhoryes edbian but was the xorg-driver-fglrx-envy04:43
carlitos__hi all guys04:43
SeaPhoredbian, thats the one we need to purge04:44
carlitos__in  virtualbox  is  possible  to reconigze a  tv  card tunner ?04:44
edbianSeaPhor: Yeah.  I was just mentioning.04:44
fertechwhat do i need to setup a mail server04:44
RudyValenciamobi-sheep: it not only doesn't fix the problem, it also says: "Unknown hardware: "ICH" "Cirrus Logic CS4205 rev 3" "AC97a:4352595b" "" "" Hardware is initialized using a guess method Unknown hardware: "USB-Audio" "USB Mixer" "USB0d8c:000c" "" "" Hardware is initialized using a guess method"04:44
jwjzaa post for the mailbox04:44
edbianwiseman: Was that fglrx-envy package the only thing that locate envy returned?04:44
SeaPhorlots of stamps04:44
wisemansearching for envy in synaptic, gonna purge like bullemic gymnast04:44
ctmjrwatson516, so you do have an nvidia not intel04:44
wisemanedbian: that and several variations thereof04:45
watson516apparently so yes04:45
fertechany one04:45
_Space_Case_how do i share an Internet connection ?04:45
edbianwiseman: As if it wasn't already obvious...  We need to purge all traces of this envy package from the system.04:45
_Space_Case_i have frestarter04:45
soreauedbian: Also, locate is dependent upon the database being currently updated with 'update-db' otherwise, it will return old files no longer on the system04:45
fertechanyone knows how to setup mail server04:45
_Space_Case_dont i need to sudo apt-get install dhcp something?04:45
edbian_Space_Case_: You need to configure iptables :)  You need to turn on "packet masqurading" or NAT (network address translation) two different words for the same thing.04:46
wisemanedbian: so I already did a purge, and synaptic shows nothing04:46
edbiansoreau: I didn't know that!04:46
wisemanhang on04:46
zer0ne_Space_Case_: a router?04:46
gogeta_Space_Case_: dhcclient is built in04:46
edbianwiseman: Take your time.04:46
linux_ubuntuwhat's the plugin to play .mpeg,.mpg file ? gstreamer ?04:46
jwjzafertech: an smtp server, a pop/imap server, something to run all this on, or alternatively a post office and a lot of paper/stamps... but i think this is not ubuntu-specific04:46
gogetalinux_ubuntu: should be mpeg rdy04:46
ctmjrwatson516, when you ran the ubuntu restricted driver app you got no errors?04:46
soreauedbian: Instead, use 'dpkg -l|grep fglrx' to return possibly installed packages for instance (the ones with 'ii' next to the entry is an installed package)04:46
_Space_Case_i have a router and its hard wired, my internet is ppp0 cdma card...04:47
watson516ctmjr: No04:47
michael__i cant watch videos on my pc also on youtube04:47
SeaPhorwiseman, edbian soreau i wish good luck, i (in my ignorance) had to do a fresh install after trying to get rid of envy..04:47
newb2linuxAny one have a good link on how tio install linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh in ubuntu terminal ?04:47
michael__java script is missing04:47
edbianSeaPhor: O god :(04:47
michael__wat will i do04:47
gogetamichael__: sudo apt-get install flash-nonfree04:47
coffeemanzerOne: no camera04:47
ctmjr!media | michael__04:47
ubottumichael__: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs04:47
SeaPhoredbian, well i was really green then04:48
linux_ubuntucan totem play .rmvb file ?04:48
edbianSeaPhor: So hopefully that's not necessary.04:48
gogetalinux_ubuntu: no04:48
gogetalinux_ubuntu: mplayer can if you add the mediabuntu repos and the win32codecs04:48
gogetalinux_ubuntu: or real player linux04:49
linux_ubuntugogeta: i think totem can too04:49
michael__how about yahoo mesenger?? can this app work in linux?04:49
gogetalinux_ubuntu: maybe with the w32codecs04:49
rockohow do I set what the default application to open a webpage is04:49
RudyValencia!pidgin @ michael__04:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:49
linux_ubuntugogeta: yes i also think so04:49
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete04:50
rocko(on pidgin, xchat, etc.)04:50
michael__i already try that but when im online all of my buddies is gone04:50
linux_ubuntugogeta: can you what's the plugin to play .mpeg and .mpg files ?04:50
SeaPhoredbian, but again, that was back when if you even mentioned envy here you got jumped on by the ops saying to not even bring it up on this channel,,, now its in the repos, go figure04:50
gogetai beleve pidgin has issues with yahoo04:50
bastidrazorgogeta, they've been fixed.04:51
gogetalinux_ubuntu: should be able to out of the box04:51
=== hi is now known as Guest47269
gogetamichael__: then just do a upate04:51
linux_ubuntugogeta: What do you mean ?04:51
ctmjrwatson516, run this and see if you get an error nvidia-settings are you running in low graphics mode now or terminal?04:51
gogetalinux_ubuntu: mpeg support is in ubuntu04:51
michael__and the driver of my a4 tech camera is exclusive for windows wat will i do to install it??04:51
wolf23helpers, i am using scientific atlanta model: dpc2203 cable modem / emta , and ktorrent didnot work the speed fast why, i am using 2 mb speed connection04:52
lwellsI have set up proftpd but cannot seem to connect to it remotely, keeps saying permission is denied on the other computers trying to connect to it, here is the config file for proftpd http://paste.ubuntu.com/216007/04:52
linux_ubuntugogeta: So we don't need to install any plugin for .mpeg and .mpg file ?04:52
gogetalinux_ubuntu: i dont beleve so04:52
gogetagsstreamer is insteed and suppports it04:52
fwaokdawhere do i set which applications are used by default with certain files?04:52
carlitos__virutalbox  with   tv  card pls  :(04:53
linux_ubuntugogeta: What's the plugin to install ?04:53
watson516ctmjr: When I ran that it errored: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run nvidia-xconfig as root), and restart the X server04:53
gogetalinux_ubuntu: there installed04:53
watson516ctmjr: When I run that command I get another error saying somethine along the lines of a line in my config file is missing04:53
watson516ctmjr: I reset it to default so its running normal, not low res or text04:54
linux_ubuntugogeta: What's the name ?04:54
linux_ubuntugogeta: What's the name of that plugin ?04:54
michael__how to configure the compiz fusion04:55
michael__i already install it on add/remove programs but i dont know wat to doo then04:55
ubottudeborphan is a program used to clean up packages that are no longer needed (install from Synaptic/Adept).04:56
michael__how to config my compiz fusion04:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkdeborphan04:56
watson516ctmjr: If I close the xserver and sh a .run driver file for nvidia and then restart the xserver, would that work?04:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkorphan04:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about orphan04:57
dam0is a Intel®  CoreTM  i7 processors Extreme better then  Intel Core 2 Duo, Quad, and Extreme Processors?04:57
ctmjrwatson516, try this first  this gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and under device it should say either configured driver or vesa if it says vesa change it to nvidia if not put this in there    Driver       "nvidia"04:57
ricardo_i have a problem of dual boot....    when i select windows in grub, i get a black screen with "starting up..." and then i get a beep04:58
michael__me also04:58
michael__my windows OS is not appearing on grub04:58
donavanim about to download 9.04 cause the upgrade from 8.10 killed my video drivers and x windows ... so should i get 64bit or stick with 32bit ... running pentiumD with 3gb of ram and a ati radeon HD435004:58
SeaPhorwiseman, edbian soreau are we doing anything?04:58
mividaendigitali bought a acer aspire one 751h with an intel card but i cant get a widescreen resolution. im using #! 9.0404:59
soreauSeaPhor: I don't think wiseman understands enough what he's doing to fix the problem. He is looking for an easy way out, and there's no easy one answer solution to this problem04:59
watson516ctmjr: All it said under the Device section was Identifier      "Configured Video Device"04:59
watson516ctmjr: I added the driver line, shall I restart xserver and hope for the best?05:00
ctmjrwatson516, yes05:00
qwyethmichael__: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+add+windows+to+grub&l=105:01
SeaPhorsoreau, i agree,,, and when i last experienced this, my only/best option was to re install....05:01
watson516ctmjr: Okay, thanks for the help. Muchly appreciated. Have a great night (if it doesn't work, I shall continue on it tomorrow). Thanks.05:01
jedi06when you watch some video at 1.5x in vlc the voice goes higher is there a way to modulate them back down?05:01
=== ^Einstei1 is now known as ^Einstein
jon5000can someone help me get my advanced desktop settings and compiz back? see errors here http://pastebin.com/m6a688a5b05:02
soreauSeaPhor: The thing is, the open drivers work right OOTB so there's no reason to install anything (of course, I do not even know what his chipset/card is)05:02
wisemanSeaPhor: edbian: Yo dawgs05:02
edbianwiseman: HI!05:02
wisemanedbian: OH HAY05:03
wisemanso where were we05:03
wisemanoh yes, you were going to make all my problems vanish@05:03
wisemanor something05:03
edbianwiseman: a ha ha ha I wish05:03
SeaPhorsoreau, with much work i was able to get operational again, but not to the point i could play my games or do anything that required the graphics.. so i re-installed and used the restricted, which work great05:04
wisemanedbian: and i just remembered something that may be a crucial issue here.  I think my computer thinks there is a different monitor attached than there actually is.05:04
mividaendigitalhelp. i bought a acer aspire one 751h with an intel card but i cant get a widescreen resolution. im using #! 9.0405:04
michael__how to use my compiz fusion???05:04
fwaokdawhere do i set which applications are used by default with certain files?05:04
jedi06when you watch some video at 1.5x in vlc the voice goes higher is there a way to modulate them back down?05:04
soreauSeaPhor: Which card was that on?05:04
michael__MY CCSM have no optiions05:04
ctmjrsoreau, i agree with you on the open-source drivers but his card being a 2400 is on the r600 chip and he cannot get 3d yet (they are getting closer)05:04
TuxedoBondIs there a way to run a text based installer like with the minimal Cd but with the regular Instal cD?05:04
SeaPhornvidia soreau05:04
wisemanedbian: when I first tried to install my driver, I restarted and the comp went "OH SNAP!  we don't know what graphics card and monitor you have" so I selected them, perhaps I selected the wrong ones?05:04
SeaPhorsoreau, he has ATI05:04
wisemanwell, the driver is right, but maybe I have the wrong monotir.05:05
soreauctmjr: Ah yes, it's an r6xx? Then yes, he needs fglrx for anything 3D as of right now05:05
edbianwiseman: Well it is probing wrong if you're getting the wrong resolution05:05
MindVirusI want to partition a hard drive. Its main purpose will be long-term storage. Speed is not the biggest issue. What is the best format for this?05:05
soreauSeaPhor: I got that far.. I meant the model05:05
wisemanedbian: ok, is there a way to reconfigure that?05:05
donavan32 or 64 bit ... is there any performance difference besides amount of memory it can access05:05
MindVirusThe hard drive will be storing and seeding torrents.05:05
SeaPhorsoreau, at that time it was the 860005:05
edbianwiseman: There is a way to tell the system what monitor you have but I don't remember.  I have to google it.05:05
edbianSeaPhor: soreau: wiseman: dpkg-reconfigure X11  ??05:06
soreauwiseman: Can you state what you're ultimately trying to accomplish? Just increased resolution of 1280x1024?05:06
wiseman1280x800, but yes soreau05:06
wisemanwidescreen laptop05:06
SeaPhoredbian, soreau wiseman add sudo to that05:06
michael__i still cant watch videos on youtube05:07
Out_Coldhow can i tell if my device has been randomly filled with /dv/urandom?05:07
soreauwiseman: Have you tried amdcccle , the ati catalyst control center?05:07
michael__how to activate the java script05:07
edbiansoreau: wiseman: SeaPhor: Join me in #wiseman-monitor05:07
ctmjr!java | michael__05:08
ubottumichael__: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver-xfree8605:09
mividaendigitalhelp. i bought a acer aspire one 751h with an intel card but i cant get a widescreen resolution. im using #! 9.0405:09
TuxedoBondWhat is xserver-xfree8605:09
mividaendigitalhelp. i bought a acer aspire one 751h with an intel card but i cant get a widescreen resolution. im using #! 9.0405:09
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
fwaokdawhy can't i play a dvd in ubuntu after just installing vlc?05:09
soreaumividaendigital: Posting multiple times is quite unnecessary05:09
Out_Coldfwaokda, some dvds with copy protection don't work well in linux05:10
fwaokdamividaendigital, i still love you ;)05:10
soreaumividaendigital: Which resolution are you trying to achieve?05:10
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:10
fwaokdaOut_Cold, what the hell? so there are dvds that just don't work?05:10
Out_Coldthat's correct05:10
rocko nprotect your neck05:10
fwaokdaOut_Cold, thats lame05:10
Out_Coldblame microsoft05:11
soreaumividaendigital: Have you tried looking in Sys>Prefs>Display yet?05:11
mividaendigitalill try now05:11
CatEaterhow do i make ubuntu display at 1024x600? it's running on vbox, and i installed the guest additions thing, but it's still at 800x600 instead of 1024x60005:11
agentturtcan someone recommend a good web site for ubuntu news, other than planet ubuntu?05:13
ctmjrOut_Cold, how is microsoft responsible for the mpaa encrypting dvd's?05:13
coffeemanI am having trouble booting linux on an nVidia geforce2 card05:13
TuxedoBondHow do I select my LVM partitions when installing from the full live cd?05:13
=== Captain`P is now known as Hasbro
SuperMiguel im following this guide: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-5.html05:13
SuperMiguelbut the mkraid command doesnt work05:13
soreauCatEater: Have you tried looking in Sys>Prefs>Display yet?05:13
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: most of those howtos are really old05:14
Out_Coldctmjr, who do you think gets proprietary rights??05:14
SuperMiguelhow do i use to set software raid?05:14
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: use mdadm thats detailed like a bit below it05:14
soreaucoffeeman: What do you mean 'booting'? What does the graphics card have to do with it?05:14
agentturtSuperMiguel, when i was setting up RAID, i found a really good howto from a .fi web site, IIRC05:14
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: thier example for mdadm looks acceptable: mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=linear --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb6 /dev/sdc505:15
SuperMiguelagentturt, link?05:15
CatEatersoreau: it only offers 800x600 and 1024x768 and some others, not 1024x60005:15
CatEaterwhat was vbox additions supposed to do?05:15
agentturtSuperMiguel, i'm looking... one sec05:15
mividaendigitalsoreau: check and says a already have that resolution. i think is the driver05:15
coffeemansoreau: not sure. it hangs during boot, but only when the nvidia card is used.  boots wonderfully - using it now - with the factory card.  doesn't seem to matter whether or not the drivers are activated...05:15
SuperMiguelWindowsUser, so mkraid doesnt work any more just sue mdadm?05:15
soreauCatEater: 1024x600 is a nonstandard resolution. Why would it offer that? I guess you could try xrandr to manually force it in that mode..05:16
CatEatersoreau: cool how do i do that?05:16
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=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
soreaucoffeeman: That's weird. Are you sure that video card is actually good hardware?05:16
agentturtSuperMiguel, try this: http://kuparinen.org/martti/comp/ubuntu/en/raid.html05:16
soreauCatEater: Sorry, but 'man xrandr'05:16
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: yea05:17
SuperMigueldo i need to format the drives first?05:17
coffeemansoreau: runs fine under XP... which I'm trying to get my wife to dump05:17
soreaucoffeeman: With the nvidia card.. from where are you booting linux?05:17
coffeemansoreau: what do you mean?05:17
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: you might have to partition it depending on what you want, like you can boot off of raid1, but not raid505:18
curious478I am considering buying an external harddrive and I know this is considered a Mac drive but do you think I can get this working on linux?  http://www.wdc.com/en/products/Products.asp?DriveID=62105:18
soreaucoffeeman: Live cd, from disc, usb stick etc05:18
AD__there's a lot of people here05:18
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: you'd format the /dev/md0 device05:18
WindowsUserAD__: always is05:18
SuperMiguelWindowsUser, i dont want to boot from it. Just file file drive05:18
WindowsUseralso, windows rules!05:18
coffeemansoreau: any and all.  same problem no matter what source05:18
CatEateri tried what man xrandr said and it just game me the listing of what switches it accepts05:18
soreaucoffeeman: And which version of ubuntu?05:18
coffeemansoreau: 9.0405:19
=== Captain`P is now known as Hasbro
soreaucoffeeman: at what point does it hang?05:19
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: partition the drives, and set the raid parts to have a type of "fd" which is auto-detect raid05:19
edbianCatEater: What are you tyring to do?05:19
AD__I need software advisory if you people can help me05:19
soreau! ask | AD__05:20
ubottuAD__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:20
Out_Coldcan i run an install off of a live cd without booting into the live cd??05:20
SuperMiguelWindowsUser, is mdadm is the same used in the installer?05:20
AD__I need something similar to SAM broadcaster for ubuntu05:20
jon5000help!! compiz and advanced desktop not working all of sudden.  compiz --replace produces many errors.  they are here http://pastebin.com/m7c6c7107   please help05:20
CatEateredbian: i'm trying to run ubunto on virtualbox05:20
CatEaterer spelling but whatever05:21
edbianCatEater: using xrandr ??05:21
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: depends on how hardcore the installer team is, but I'd assume so05:21
soreaujon5000: Looks like you need to disable metacity compositing05:21
kacendai'm trying to use my built-in webcam on a dell inspiron 1525 laptop with jaunty just installed, running `webcam` at the terminal just says 'no grabber device available' -- wondering where to start setting up this webcam?05:21
pouchedfoxcheese ?05:22
Out_Coldkacenda, sudo apt-get install cheese05:22
soreauAD__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76261905:22
WindowsUserSuperMiguel: the installer mucks with fdisk, runs mdadm and formats the resultant /dev/mdX device when you click go05:22
CatEateredbian: sure, why not? someone else said xrandr, i didn't05:22
kacendapouchedfox - cheese says 'no camera found!' and the 'camera' dropdown box in preferences is just greyed out05:22
Scunizikacenda: have you tried "cheese" to see if it works?05:22
edbianCatEater: xrandr is used to configure your video settings :)  Resolution size etc etc.05:23
CatEateryeah i know, that's why i'm confused05:23
Scunizikacenda: I was a little slow on the typing..05:23
pouchedfoxgstreamer-properties ?05:23
coffeemansoreau: any ideas?05:23
CatEateri don't know why anyone would even suggest it05:23
CatEateri installed vbox-additions, so that thing should adjust my resolution, right?05:23
jon5000soreau, thanks. i will look into that05:23
edbianCatEater: More specifically what is your problem then?  (Forget about xrandr)05:23
soreaucoffeeman: I didn't see your response to my last question05:23
CatEatermy problem is that ubuntu only runs at 800x600 and i want it at 1024x60005:24
pouchedfox(you can use "gstreamer-properties" to select the video input source)05:24
michael__my removable devices like usb is not appearing on my Windows OS virtual box05:24
michael__wat wil i do05:24
edbianCatEater: Than we do need xrandr!!  funny funny.05:24
CatEateredbian:cool, what do i type?05:24
edbianCatEater: in ubuntu run "xrandr -q" to see what the virtual card supports.05:24
kacendapouchedfox -  thanks i ran that command, when clicking 'test' under 'default input' in the 'video' tab i get 'video for linux 2: cannot identify device /dev/video0'05:24
ScuniziCatEater: I came in late.. you have vbox installed and you can't get more than 800x600? right.. is it a windows guest?05:24
ScuniziCatEater: or ubuntu guest?05:25
CatEater"xrandr -q" doesn't list 1024x600, just 5 others05:25
pouchedfoxkacenda: none of the other choices in the pulldown sources menu works?05:25
CatEaterwin host, ubuntu guest05:25
coffeemansoreau: sorry, i missed your last ?  kernel seems to run fine, but hangs with tty processes terminating05:25
CatEaterif i could do ubuntu native, i would05:25
edbianCatEater: What is the max listed?05:25
edbianCatEater: What is preventing you from doing that?05:26
ScuniziCatEater: can you drag the edges of the window for the guest and have it resize automatically?05:26
soreaucoffeeman: at what point is that? when booting?05:26
kacendapouchedfox - nope, all the same thing & the 'device' menu is grayed out...  seems like it's just not being detected, maybe there's a module i'm not loading that i need to be?05:26
CatEateredbian: max listed is 1360x76805:26
pouchedfoxkacenda: if that doesnt see it, then you might need to check to see if theres drivers for the webcam05:26
CatEaterScunizi: no, it stays at 800x600 in the guest's view05:26
edbianCatEater: That is an odd size huh.  Do you want to switch your resolution or do you want me to help you install ubuntu to the HDD natively?05:26
nogagplzCatEater, installed the guest additions?05:26
CatEatersoreau: after logged in, i can't select 1024x600, only others05:27
CatEaternogagplz: yes05:27
SpenceKidhey guys, i'm trying to install Windows 7, with the install disk i have, but i'm not sure how to do it with linux. can anyone help?05:27
kacendapouchedfox - yeah that makes sense, i wonder do you have any tips on getting the name of the device so i can look up drivers/modules? it's a built-in thing in this laptop so i don't know what hte hardware is called05:27
ScuniziCatEater: do a Ctrl+G while focus is on the guest and then try again05:27
CatEateredbian: i want to run ubuntu in a vm, at 1024x60005:27
soreauCatEater: That is quite the strange resolution TBH05:27
CatEater^G and try what again?05:27
dsdeizhello, is there like a list of lightweight linux packages?05:27
coffeemansoreau: yeah, during boot.05:27
edbianCatEater: Is that resolution listed in xrandr -q ??05:28
CatEatersoreau: "Acer Aspire One"05:28
CatEateredbian: not listed05:28
=== wiseman is now known as Envy
andres_hi everyone, can someone tell me how to install a video driver in ubuntu 9.04... I had to reinstall compiz and now the video driver doesn't appear :( I've already serched in System-Settings-Hardware Drivers05:28
kacendapouchedfox - yeah thx, i'll have to dig thru this & find the right device :)05:28
soreaucoffeeman: On some slower pc's, I think I may have seen this before.. sounds like you're using a live cd05:28
robertr994my Hardy keeps dropping the apache server connection followed by locking up.  not on the computer when this happens,  have error log here http://www.kwtfstudio.com/105:28
soreauandres_: Which graphics card model?05:29
edbianCatEater: Not looking good man :(.  I don't know how to change the hardware of a virtual machine :(.  That command lists what the graphics card is capable of.05:29
ScuniziCatEater: ctrl+g and then try to drag the guest box bigger.. you might also try ctrl+F for full screen and see if that works05:29
=== cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow
=== Envy is now known as Wiseman_hates_ev
edbianCatEater: Try what Scunizi said.05:30
CatEaterScunizi: ^G in what now?05:30
=== TrueYomic is now known as Yomic
=== Wiseman_hates_ev is now known as I_hate_everythin
coffeemansoreau: actually, it happens after install, as well.  just this afternoon, in fact05:30
andres_soreau, Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics05:30
soreaucoffeeman: What's the pc specs?05:30
SuperMiguelto create a ext3 partition i type mkds.ext3 -b 4096 /dev/md0 ?05:31
ScuniziCatEater: click the guest box so it has focus.. ie. the ubuntu window.. then ctrl+G .. then grab a corner and drag it bigger and see if it resizes itself..05:31
soreauandres_: Then the drivers should already be working. What does 'glxinfo|grep render' say?05:31
qwyethCan't you just add the resolution to your x config file?05:31
soreauqwyeth: Yes, and the X server can just as easily reject it05:32
qwyethOh, was that already done?05:32
qwyethI apologize if I didn't read up far enough05:32
coffeemansoreau: 1.2GB Ram, 30gig hd + a 40G with XP, celeron processor05:32
soreauqwyeth: Nah, that was not already done afaik ;)05:32
ubuntufreakI have Ubuntu 9.04 installed in my DELL studio 15 laptop and the hardware shows only 2.9GB or memory instead of actual 4GB. What could be the problem ?05:33
soreaucoffeeman: Namely, what is the speed of the celeron?05:33
michael__hi guys wat is a "swap area"?05:33
soreau! swap05:33
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info05:33
Out_Cold!swap | michael__05:33
ubottumichael__: please see above05:33
Scuniziubuntufreak: typically you'd get 3.2 with a 32bit system.. any system.. having less is probably overhead05:33
nomad77ubuntufreak: for more than 3gb you need to run 64bit os iirc05:34
qwyethubuntufreak: Here's why: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.polywell.com%2FUS%2Fsupport%2Ffaq%2F4GB_Rev1.pdf&ei=m2dZSvmTNIGltge-1NXdCg&usg=AFQjCNGjI7jpVeKFrToIIShGSKezrIGYHA&sig2=KZ2SxIaLSeNYcf461bPDvQ05:34
qwyethOops, wrong url05:34
qwyethsorry for the spam05:34
FloodBot3qwyeth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:34
lf4Could anyone suggest drivers for an Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)? I did a fresh install of ubuntu on this system and audio does not work it seems.05:34
robertr994my Ubuntu 8.04 keeps dropping the apache server connection followed by locking up.  not on the computer when this happens,  have error log here http://www.kwtfstudio.com/1  specs are AMD64 3.5  4 gigs ram05:34
soreau! audio | lf405:34
ubottulf4: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:34
qwyethThank you FloodBot3 for holding me accountable ;)05:34
ubuntufreakSo do i have to update my system to 64-bit one ?05:34
qwyethThat PDF explains it nicely05:35
andres_soreau, rendering: Yes; renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM GEM 20090326 2009Q1 RC2 X86/MMX/SSE205:35
qwyethit's not neccessary05:35
SpenceKidcan someone help me install windows, i know how, just not with linux..05:35
qwyethyour system is using all the memory05:35
qwyethbut there are a lot of things your board needs it for05:35
ScuniziCatEater: well? did it work?05:35
earthmeLonMy friend doesn't have a CD rom drive.  I am trying to figure out how to get ubuntu onto his machine.  Can he use WUBI to install and then have WUBI install a legit copy of ubuntu?  Is there any other way?05:35
donavanmy desktop wigged out on me ... so im trying to get a 9.04 iso on to my usb thumb drive using eeebuntu but it doesnt have the program that lets you make the thumb drive bootable from an iso ... what is the program call so i can install it05:35
michael__because when i format my pc i select my windows os partition for swap area... so i thought maybe dats why my windows OS dont appear on grub.....05:35
qwyeththe physical size is always inaccurate to what the system has to some extent05:35
Out_ColdSpenceKid, you don't use linux to install windows05:35
ubuntufreakqwyeth: so you mean that only it displays it as 2.9GB05:35
SpenceKidthen how can i install windows? i do not have it anymore, but i do have a restore disk05:36
soreauandres_: Done, You do understand that only ATI and nVidia cards offer proprietary drivers that you have to install? ATI and Intel has open sourced drivers that are already working by default (so you don't have to install anything)05:36
ScuniziSpenceKid: you mean with Virtualbox? so you can run windows inside of Linux?05:36
soreauandres_: In short, your drivers are already installed and working05:36
qwyethdifferent systems will report different sizes... that intel whitepaper explains many things your hardware appropriates memory for that your system won't have access to05:36
earthmeLonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows < My answer.  Ty05:37
SpenceKidno, i want to set up a dual boot, with linux and windows 705:37
michael__yeh me too how to make a dual boot05:37
soreauSpenceKid: So install win7, then install ubuntu. What's the big deal?05:37
andres_ok, thank you soreau for your help! take care... o/05:37
ScuniziSpenceKid: you can't install from a restore disk unless you want to wipe out your entire ubuntu install... A restore disk isn't like a normal install cd.. it will partition and reformat the entire drive. then install just like it came from the factory.05:37
jon5000soreau, that did it!  thanks05:38
soreaumichael__: Install windows first, then install ubuntu. It will detect windows and help you make a dual boot system05:38
=== wiseman is now known as Envy_is_So_Cool
ScuniziSpenceKid: install the restore cd.. then win 7 then ubuntu..05:38
coffeemansoreau: how do i find that in ubuntu?05:38
SpenceKidi get an error, because i have a .exe file to open to put windows 7.05:38
michael__dats wat i did but only my ubuntu os is recognize05:38
soreauandres_: No problem \o05:39
SpenceKidi get an error inside wine..05:39
robertr994http://www.kwtfstudio.com/1/error  anyone have any idea whats causing this machine to lock?05:39
NeoTubNinjaso i have a problem where text input in the input boxes is all while with a white background05:39
robertr994am I being hacked?05:39
soreaucoffeeman: cat /proc/cpuinfo05:39
=== rp3__ is now known as rp3
Scunizirobertr994: why do you think that?05:39
NeoTubNinjathought at first it was only firefox but now it doesnt appear so05:39
NeoTubNinjachanging .gtkrc-2.0 doesnt fix it05:40
robertr994because only thing running is apache, only locks when Im not on it05:40
coffeemansoreau: 2.4ghz05:41
Scunizirobertr994: not sure.. if no one here knows try #ubuntu-server05:41
r00t77Need JACK help. It reports cannot connect to JACK server as client - what solutions are there?05:41
robertr994Scunizi did you see the error log?05:41
soreaucoffeeman: So I'm lost now. You said the pc hangs when booting but now you're giving me info from this pc???05:41
Scunizirobertr994: yes. but it didn't mean much to me05:42
soreau! jack05:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jack05:42
robertr994ok thanks05:42
dsdeizhello, is there like a list of lightweight linux packages?05:42
Scunizidsdeiz: for what?05:42
coffeemansoreau:  it boots fine on the stock intel card.  it only hangs when booting using the nvidia card...05:42
earthmeLonI have a question regarding adding entries to grub and running multiple kernels.  If you have knowlege about this, please check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=760183305:43
PhrogzI have an ubuntu server with hwinfo installed, and I'm trying to find out what kind of P4 it has in it. Anyone know how I can tell if it's Northwood/Prescott/etc, with/without HT?05:43
Scunizidsdeiz: word processing. windows manager what?05:43
Dr_Willisdsdeiz:  you may want to rephrase that?05:43
soreaucoffeeman: oh ic05:43
Dr_Willisdsdeiz:  most linux apps are fairly light :) compared to windows apps... heh.05:43
arquebusdsdeiz- some of these distros will run on a floppy disc: http://www.linux.org/dist/list.html05:44
=== Envy_is_So_Cool is now known as Wiseman
ScuniziPhrogz: sudo lshw will give you lots of info05:44
r00t77menuet Os?05:44
PhrogzScunizi - thanks, will investigate05:44
lemayI am getting Permission Denied errors when building an application ... Iḿ a ubuntu newbie. Anyone have any suggestions?05:44
df00z1is it possible to determine what configure flags werre used for an ubuntu package05:44
df00z1when it was built05:45
soreaucoffeeman: Well that's strange man but not sure what to tell you. If it's working with windows, then it's not likely a hw issue. Maybe some weird kernel bug, idk05:45
=== tommy is now known as Guest40115
=== Guest40115 is now known as CSS_Guru
qwyethPhrogz:  cat /proc/cpuinfo  will give you the model number, which you can look up here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Core_2_microprocessors05:47
PhrogzScunizi: thanks, this is way more info than hwinfo provides, but I'm still not sure how/if I can tell if it's a hyper-threading CPU and/or what core it is based off of. (I'm trying, among other things, to determine what the approximate power usage of the CPU is so I know what I can swap it for without cooling issues.)05:47
Phrogzqwyeth: thanks, checking05:47
coffeemansoreau: thanks.  I'm as confused as you are!  thanks for trying!05:48
dsdeizScunizi: not really specific - just wanted to browse05:48
Phrogzqwyeth: you seem to have assumed I am not running on a box with 6 year old hardware. This is a P4, not Core 2 Duo :)05:48
coffeemansoreau: only makes it more maddening that it's properly identified in lspci, and jockey pulls the right driver...05:49
CSS_Guruare there any kubuntu'ers here?05:49
soreaucoffeeman: I think I remember this problem on my very old 700mhz celeron with nvidia (but had no onboard VGA so forced to use the card) and I just used a different version of ubuntu that worked05:49
qwyethwrong wiki page, I just automatically gave you the one for my system05:49
qwyeththere is an appropriate one I'm sure05:49
=== blake_ is now known as n1gg3r
Dr_WillisCSS_Guru:  a few hang out in both channels #kubuntu and here05:49
Futanyone know if unreal tournament 3 is supported in linux yet?05:49
qwyethscroll to the bottom of that page05:49
CSS_Guruwill I be able to install photoshop cs4 using wine?05:49
n1gg3rdamn, i'm drunk05:49
qwyethand you'll see all the processor lists05:49
soreaucoffeeman: Wait now... how are you getting to jockey when it's freezing on boot? You are so confusing me05:49
ScuniziPhrogz: sorry.. I don't have the answer05:49
FutCSS_Guru, I don't think CS4 is fully supported with wine yet.05:49
FutMatter of fact im using photoshop 8 due to that reason.05:50
PhrogzScunizi - no problem, thanks for the introduction to more info nonetheless.05:50
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
soreauCSS_Guru: Try #kubuntu05:50
CSS_Guruhey Dr willis: how come  some inchin in mah browser?05:50
qwyethPhrogz: did you find the right list?05:50
CSS_Guruits actina little funny with me, like last nights peppers :P05:50
richardcavellCSS_Guru: Have you looked it up on the AppDB?05:50
Phrogzqwyeth - I've found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_4  but the issue is how to differentiate the exact CPU from the info ubuntu knows about.05:50
Dr_WillisCSS_Guru:  care to speak english? or in other words.. HUH?05:50
soreauFut: I got ut2k4 working, np's05:50
qwyethcan you put the output of /proc/cpuinfo in a pastebin for me?05:51
CSS_Guruplease excuse my bad grammar...05:51
Futsoreau, nice, how so? Where's the software, link?05:51
Scunizisoreau: in wine or natively?05:51
coffeemanhaha...  the card is detected whether or not it's the primary option.  i'm booting with the stock card, but it's still detecting the nvidia card as installed and is giving me the ability to install the nvidia driver for it...05:51
soreauScunizi: Natively05:51
Fututk4? I didn't know they had 4 out, lol bit out of style here05:51
Phrogzqwyeth - http://pastie.org/54286805:51
bastid_razor!appdb > CSS_Guru05:51
ubottuCSS_Guru, please see my private message05:51
soreauScunizi: Fut: Sorry, but the unofficial links are classified  :P05:52
dsdeiz!appdb > dsdeiz05:52
ubottudsdeiz, please see my private message05:52
qwyethPhrogz:  It looks like the only cpu that's 2.0ghz with a 512k cache is a Northwood.05:53
Futsoreau, are you referring to UTK 2004?05:53
Phrogzqwyeth - damn you and your deductive reasoning. Thanks :)05:53
coffeemansoreau: on the same page now?  If you're confused, I've only been on ubuntu for a month or so...:)05:53
Futsoreau, that's fully supported.05:53
FutIm referring to UTK 3 the newest release.05:53
qwyethYep!  And the wiki page says that one has no HT.05:54
rockoplaying music is very choppy on ubuntu for me05:54
rockoam I doing something wrong?05:54
Futrocko, have to, unless you're using a super old CPU or something?05:54
richardcavellrocko, for me too05:54
rockocore2 duo05:54
richardcavellI think it's just context switching - it's not paying enough attention to the guest OS05:54
Futrocko, try using a different player...?05:54
rockoit's on all of them05:54
CSS_Guruyup u is05:54
CSS_Gurulol damn, I jus farted so hard my back cracked! XD05:55
wizzo50How do you hook a HD with a parrell port to a SATA port05:55
Phrogzqwyeth - any thoughts on why lshw says "capacity: 2400MHz" when the hardware is socket 478 which theoretically goes up to 3GHz (and a bit more)?05:56
PhrogzHardware: http://www.aberdeeninc.com/ABCATG/mb6869.htm05:56
Dr_Williswizzo50:  you mean an 'ide' port? there exists ide to sata adaptors..05:56
howieis there a way to get pidgin to auto identify ur nick? in irc05:57
wizzo50Is there. I just updated my Motherboard and was wondering if I can get a cable for it to hook the old HD up to it with all my info on it05:57
dsdeizhow is ncmp+mpd compared to moc?05:57
Out_Coldhey Dr_Willis you think i could install from a live cd without booting the live cd?05:57
qwyethHuh... No, I don't, but it's interesting.  I'll look into it.05:58
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  if you knew what you were doing yes.. since you have to ask if its doable.. :) i doubt it.05:58
CSS_Guruanything I could use to run photoshop cs4 on my kubuntu system?05:58
coffeemansoreau: do you at least understand what's happening?05:59
qwyethWait... did you say it's reporting the capacity as a speed rather than storage?05:59
CSS_Gurusoreau is my buddy05:59
nowimprovedmy 360 controller blinks in ubuntu05:59
ScuniziCSS_Guru: if you're lucky it will run really slow in wine.. have you tried the gimp or gimpshop? gimpshop has the menu's rearranged to mirror photoshop05:59
Out_Coldfigured as much lol.. can't afford a reboot this late in the urandom format05:59
Phrogzqwyeth - no. "size: 2GHz\ncapacity: 2400MHz".05:59
wizzo50Dr. Willis, Do you know about how much them IDE cables are?06:00
soreaucoffeeman: No I do not, sorry man06:00
Phrogzqwyeth - just trying to figure if I can/should get a hyper-threaded cpu, and if so if I can bump beyond 2.4GHz06:00
Dr_Williswizzo50:  check 'tigerdirect.com' perhaps. ive seen them - under $20 i think06:00
CSS_Guruwell GIMP is crappy imo06:00
n1gg3ri want pizza06:00
n1gg3rsomebody order it for me06:00
n1gg3rwith a credit card06:00
Dr_Williswizzo50:  its a little bracket/thing that goes on the end of an ide drive i recall..06:00
coffeemansoreau: no worries, man.  i'm out.  it's making my head hurt.  thanks for trying06:00
soreaucoffeeman: Best of luck, gnite06:01
soreaucoffeeman: FWIW, I recommend ATI ;)06:01
Peaches491_SO, i need help with graphics drivers and my ATI card06:01
wizzo50Dr_Willis: When I search for them, the exact name of it is 'ide' port adapters?06:01
soreauPeaches491_: Which card?06:01
Peaches491_after i install the restricted drivers, ubuntu fails to boot06:01
Dr_Williswizzo50:  try ide sata converter06:02
Peaches491_ATI Radeon HD 3870 x206:02
wizzo50Dr_Willis: Thanks06:02
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:02
CSS_GuruIm thinkin about gettin one of dem com puters....06:02
CSS_Gurui wanna get one of dem fancy com puters06:03
soreauPeaches491_: I've noticed when having multiple outputs plugged into my radeon 9600, the proprietary drivers will not start X06:03
Shortguy109I've no idea how to work the USB headphones I just got, I put them in but how do I choose to hear from them instead of the laptop?06:03
rockyI know this is kinda off topic, but the people over at debian couldn't help me.... I am having a problem with my ps/2 mouse. it worked fine on Damn Small, but not on puppy, or ubuntu.... no, I'm not running ubuntu, I'm running debian 5.02... the hardware is 11 yrs old... so idk06:03
Peaches491_i think thats my problem06:03
Peaches491_soreau: So what sould i do?06:04
rocky*or debian06:04
soreauPeaches491_: Try only plugging the primary monitor and see if it works06:04
Peaches491_okay. if not, ill be back06:04
Peaches491_any other ideas06:04
CSS_Guruhey peaches, you know bout fancy com puters?06:04
CSS_Guruthe ones with that big ol windows06:04
wizzo50Dr_Willis: I tried that and no results, ide sata converter06:05
mubuHey guys. Could someone please tell me how well ubuntu runs on the new mac book pros? Are there any driver issues? How does vmware run under ubuntu natively running on a mbp? Thanks06:05
zer0ne[quote] CSS_Guru 0 :: well GIMP is crappy imo >> no, you are, imo06:05
Dr_Williswizzo50:  try other terms and search the site i guess..  perhaps ide sata converter06:05
Shortguy109I've no idea how to work the USB headphones I just got, I put them in but how do I choose to hear from them instead of the laptop?06:05
Dr_Williswizzo50:  try other terms and search the site i guess..  perhaps ide sata adaptor06:05
CSS_Guruis there a program to install nad run my photoshop cs4 under kubuntu 9.04?06:05
Scunizimubu: the macs are intel based.. ubuntu typically runs fine.. vmware will work tool but you might also look at virtualbox.. easier and fast06:05
echosystmuse windows CSS_Guru06:06
echosystmlinux is crap for designers06:06
CSS_Guruzer0ne, GIMP is crappy, dont blame me cuz ur poor06:06
Scunizimubu: boot the live cd and see if it runs your hardware.06:06
wizzo50Dr_Willis: I tried just Sata converter and some showed up on it06:06
Shortguy109I've no idea how to work the USB headphones I just got, I put them in but how do I choose to hear from them instead of the laptop?06:06
wizzo50Dr_Willis: Like Vantec06:06
digitaltaoo_O has anyone ran ettercap or gehttotooth on the G1 yet?06:07
CSS_Guruechosystem: I like linux cus its faster06:07
ScuniziCSS_Guru: you're off topic and argumentative.. stop06:07
bonez46how do I switch to, or add virtual screens, i.e., desktops 2, 3 and 4.. currently I only work in one desktop.. on 9.0406:07
echosystmwell, you can't have your cake and eat it too CSS_Guru06:07
digitaltaobonez, just use your scroll wheel anywhere on the desk top06:07
CSS_Guruthank ya buddy06:07
Scunizibonez46: with compiz running or in normal mode.06:07
CSS_Guruyall are some crocks, i dont like you06:07
n1gg3rdomino's pizza is amazing!06:07
zer0necss guru... wtf is there to gru about css??06:07
Shortguy109I've no idea how to work the USB headphones I just got, I put them in but how do I choose to hear from them instead of the laptop?06:08
Scunizi!ops | CSS_Guru he's trolling, off topic and argumentative06:08
ubottuCSS_Guru he's trolling, off topic and argumentative: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:08
CSS_Guruzer0ne, do yuo know what -moz-border-clip does? NO , what about -moz-background-clip? NO06:08
CSS_GuruI do06:08
echosystmapparently there were some big optimisations of bootup in 9.0406:09
zer0neer, yes i do....do you know dick-size: .1em;06:09
echosystmis this specific to ubuntu, or will they still apply if i do a commandline install?06:09
MadpilotCSS_Guru, cool it. zer0ne, don't encourage him.06:09
CSS_Guruim not trollin06:09
CSS_Guruim patrolin06:09
zer0nei shut up now, srry all06:09
naliothlet us be civil06:09
Peaches491_Is there a command line thing i can use to boot ubuntu without X, the graphical interface?06:09
richardcavellyes there is Peaches06:10
n1gg3ryou guys are funny06:10
CSS_Gurui gotta pooh06:10
n1gg3ri love pizza06:10
Peaches491_well what is it?06:10
df00z1is it possible to tell what a package was built with06:10
Dr_WillisPeaches491_:  disable the 'gdm' service - thtas what starts up X.06:10
df00z1i want to see if openldap was configured with sasl support06:10
bonez46Scunizi: just normal mode.. I have to upgrade my video adapter before I can run compiz06:10
Madpilotn1gg3r, find a new nick right now, please06:10
df00z1and kerberos06:10
echosystmthis channel is f.ed06:10
rockoword up echosystm06:10
zugiartall, how do I record sound in Cheese? I am recording video, but no sound. I can record sound using audacity, and I can use skype, so my mic works. I just need to wire cheese somehow, but I can't find the option. Anyone got sound working in cheese ?06:10
PhrogzLearn /ignore06:10
Scunizibonez46: to add more desktops then point at them and right mouse click, properties.. you'll see where to increase/decrease.  the mouse wheel will sometimes switch between desktops but also ctrl+alt+right or left arrow06:11
richardcavellPeaches491_: sudo aptitude remove gdm06:11
richardcavellPeaches491_: that will permanently stop it06:11
CSS_Guruwhoever keeps talkin bout pizza needs to stop, or lose weight, get a life, or die06:11
bonez46Scunizi: thank  you06:12
naliothCSS_Guru: off topic chatter is welcome in #ubuntu-offtopic06:12
Scunizibonez46: np. :)06:12
echosystmi want to install a ubuntu from command line with just xmonad06:12
soreauPeaches491_: Don't remove gdm. That will only complicate things. Just unplug all monitors but your primary one and reboot06:12
Peaches491_how can i start it again after>06:12
Shortguy109I've no idea how to work the USB headphones I just got, I put them in but how do I choose to hear from them instead of the laptop?06:12
ertanhi everyone i got problem with updating synaptis anyone can help me pls? thx...06:12
echosystmwill all the boot optimisations of desktop ubuntu still apply?06:12
ricardo_a question... /dev/sda0 is (hd0,0) ?06:12
echosystmim curious as to what has changed06:13
echosystmlike howcome 9.04 boots faster06:13
Peaches491_ricardo_: yes06:13
richardcavellPeaches491_: sorry, your chat request didn't work06:13
ricardo_Peaches491_, thanks06:13
richardcavellechosystm: they made it a priority for the 9.04 release06:13
echosystmyeah but what has changed richardcavell?06:13
=== n3gr0 is now known as p1zz4
echosystmall you can really do is change the order of initialisation06:13
echosystmand make things more paralell06:14
CSS_Guruwhats the point of multiple dektops on kubuntu?06:14
raheemShortguy109: i believe you have to select the sound device by right mouse clicking on the sound icon .. try06:14
richardcavellechosystm: for the technical details, look at launchpad.net06:14
=== p1zz4 is now known as pepper
CSS_Guruboth desktops have the same program open anyways...06:14
PhrogzShortguy10 - http://tinyurl.com/ubuntu-usb-headphones06:14
echosystmis this order specific to the stock ubuntu/xubuntu/etc distros?06:14
peppersantarpio's has the best pizza06:14
echosystmor does it still apply if you installed from cmd line06:14
naliothCSS_Guru: your question is welcome in #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic06:14
hornetshey, do you guys know a good datacenter to lease VPS?06:14
echosystmi dont really know how bootup works in linux :/06:15
Phrogzhornets - define "good"?06:15
hornetsat least 50gb, no limit of bw06:15
naliothhornets: that's a bit off topic here.  please try #ubuntu-offtopic or another channel06:15
ertanhi everyone im having problem with sudo aptitude update06:15
hornetsoh ok.. np06:15
scotlfsHey, I am having a problem with my mouse. It appears it's function is stuttering. I am having trouble grabbing stuff to move it as well as sometimes I get a double click when I try to grab or even sometimes when I single click, I get a double click response. It's as if the Interrupt is being shared, but not properly. Can anyone help me with this?06:15
CSS_Gurunalioth stfu fag06:15
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
Phrogzertan - please provide more details?06:16
soreauertan: Can you pastebin the message it gives?06:16
Scuniziscotlfs: this isn't in a vm is it?06:16
scotlfsScunizi: no sir06:16
soreau! paste | ertan06:16
ubottuertan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:16
owen1scotlfs: he gets's 40406:16
Scuniziscotlfs: that shoots my idea down.. sorry06:16
Peaches491_richardcavell: upon boot, ubuntu locks up before i can even get to command line. Can i add that script to the startup line and how?06:16
linuxI just have to ask:  How did OS know the correct time after i installed ubunto did it get the time off the internet cause i never set the time?06:17
owen1scotlfs: he opened his sources.list and it was empty. i helped him fill it up.06:17
richardcavellPeaches491_: you've tried recovery mode, right?06:17
Scunizilinux: it does do that and looks at the cmos too06:17
ekeagleanybody here?06:17
Peaches491_all of the different recovery options i believe06:17
scotlfsowen1: I don't know what you are talking about....06:17
richardcavellPeaches491_: What I gave you was a command for the Terminal that will permanently remove your GUI boot sequence06:17
soreauPeaches491_: I don't understand why you don't try one thing at a time. If you have more than the primary monitor plugged into the card, it may fail from my experience06:17
owen1scotlfs: (-:06:17
owen1scotlfs: ertan's issue.06:17
scotlfsowen1: why are you addressing me directly?06:18
Peaches491_i'll try that and get back to you06:18
richardcavellAnyone here on an Intel Mac?06:18
owen1scotlfs: sorry...i thought u r helping him06:18
Phrogzrichardcavell - yes, though through OS X, not ubuntu06:18
scotlfsowen1: no I came in here for help myself on a mouse issue :)06:18
richardcavellPhrogz: you mean you're virtualizing?06:19
owen1scotlfs: maybe i can help?06:19
Phrogzrichardcavell - no, ubuntu has no part of my Mac at the moment. I'm here for a different box running ubuntu. So probably I'm of no help to you, but technically on an intel mac atm.06:19
wiretappedWindowsUser: 306:19
Peaches491_richardcavell: my problem is, the restricted drivers after installation cause my system to lock up just as X initalizes06:19
Peaches491_richardcavell: im sorry, im just a bit scattered at the moment06:20
richardcavellPhrogz: do you have any experience of ubuntu on Intel Macs?06:20
PhrogzNone, sorry.06:20
scotlfsmy mouse isn't working right, it stutters...meaning when I grab something with the mouse to move it, it often just drops it if I can even pick it up. Sometimes when I single click, I get a double click response. It's like the interrupt of my mouse is screwed up.06:20
ZooneGood night! ostaria your help in a test on my site. Please access www.brindesgratis.com and clicks on Google ads. Thank you.06:20
richardcavellPeaches491_: Okay, that's disappointing06:20
ZooneGood night! I would like your help in a test on my site. Please access www.brindesgratis.com and clicks on Google ads. Thank you.06:20
lf4Do you have to have a domain besides WORKGROUP set when sharing a folder?06:20
scotlfsowen1: my mouse isn't working right, it stutters...meaning when I grab something with the mouse to move it, it often just drops it if I can even pick it up. Sometimes when I single click, I get a double click response. It's like the interrupt of my mouse is screwed up.06:20
Phrogzscotlfs - just to be certain: are you sure that this isn't just a dirty mouseball and/or laser sensor?06:20
Peaches491_richardcavell: The boot problem, or me being scattered? lol06:21
mike_wickeguten morgen06:21
soreauPeaches491_: If you try other things first, it may do more harm than good then you may be left without a working system at all06:21
owen1scotlfs: try it on another mouse first.06:21
* Phrogz suspects that Phrogz and Peaches491 boh start with P, causing autonickcomplete misfires.06:21
WindowsUserwiretapped: what what?06:21
richardcavellPeaches491_: LOL. Sounds like you need to get to a command-line and just manually get rid of the faulty drivers.06:21
=== nelson is now known as nelsonc
soreauPeaches491_: I wouldn't be this adamant about a suggestion without prior experience in the matter06:22
s_ya fue06:22
s_me siento mal06:22
s_me siento super mal06:22
ricardo_s_, hola06:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:23
=== ravigehlot is now known as raviucf
Peaches491_probably. But it's not the drivers. I've tried both the restricted drivers that ubuntu throws at me, and the ones that ATI provedes. Both end in the =same dissapointment06:23
lf4What would be the cause of a shared folder prompting me to enter a password? I have tried the user account and password yet it keeps reprompting me right when I press return?06:23
scotlfsowen1: Phrogz: It's not the mouse....I was just hoping someone might know the issue offhand. If not I can troubleshoot it on my own. Thanks guys...06:23
Peaches491_soreau: I understand. I promise i will try with just one monitor FIRST06:23
soreauPeaches491_: It *is* the drivers. As a general rule of thumb, proprietary drivers suck06:24
Peaches491_That';s what i figures06:24
Peaches491_That's what i figured06:24
ricardo_i dont understand a thing in my grub06:24
cyberghoser1Good morning everybody06:25
ricardo_# on /dev/sda106:25
ricardo_titleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional06:25
FloodBot3ricardo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:25
ricardo_oh, ok sorry for flooding06:25
ricardo_i dont understand, why it says sda1 and hd0,006:25
ricardo_i though that hd0,0 is sda006:25
lf4ricardo_: there is no sda006:26
Peaches491_soreau: i've also used the drivers provided by ATI and have gotten the same result06:26
=== Dr_Willis is now known as help
Peaches491_soreau: are there any alternatives?06:26
ricardo_Peaches491_, there is no sda006:26
Scuniziricardo_: hd0,0 is sda106:26
soreauricardo_: hd0,0 is the first partition on the first drive in bios lang. sda1 is ubuntu lang (to put it loosely)06:26
ricardo_ok, thanks Scunizi06:26
=== forrest is now known as forrestv
=== help is now known as Guest61874
=== Guest61874 is now known as Dr_Willis
ricardo_i did os-prober, and i got /dev/sda1 windows...06:27
ricardo_how can i know which (hd0,..) is windows? so i could reconfigure successfully my grub06:27
soreauPeaches491_: I already made my suggestion to you about 6 times now, many more times than I usually make a suggestion. by you asking for other help is basically telling me you either don't understand what I'm saying in plain english or want some other easier solution that does not exist06:27
richardcavellricardo_: In ubuntu, type df -h06:27
Scuniziricardo_: that would make sense considering what grub has listed for windows..how do you want to reconfigure it?06:28
soreau! grub | ricardo_06:28
ubotturicardo_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:28
Scuniziricardo_: I should actually ask, Why do you want to reconfigure it?06:28
ricardo_i understand soreau , but the problem is that i select windows and i got a beep and "starting up..." message06:28
ricardo_ok, ill check that website06:29
soreauricardo_: Yikes06:29
ricardo_this thing had never happened to me06:29
ricardo_is windows xp btw06:29
Scuniziricardo_: do a "sudo fdisk -l" .. it will list the partitions and drives.. look for the one with windows on it and see what the drive designation is.. ie sda1 etc..06:30
soreauPeaches491_: If you do not need 3D working, then you could remove all fglrx packages and use the "radeon" driver instead of "fglrx" in xorg.conf06:30
ricardo_ill do06:30
Peaches491_soreau: i understand what you are saying. And i intend to try that. Now, this is not my first run in with faulty graphics drivers. I am just trying to find many alternative solutions to my problem, because in order to try them, i will need tp end this chat in order to restart my system and try06:31
Peaches491_SO, on that note, i bid you all a fond farewell06:31
richardcavellFarewell, Peaches06:31
lf4Freak why does it keep prompting me for a password when I try to access my shared folder on my other computer? the username and password are correct.06:32
Scunizilf4: it's a samba thing.. not sure how to solve it though.06:33
lf4Scunizi: Is this normal/running issue for Ubuntu?06:33
Scunizilf4: also it might be the computer you're trying to access.. I've see that when using ubuntu to access a winxp box.06:33
Scunizilf4: sometimes its a windows thing06:34
lf4This is Ubuntu to Ubuntu lol both fresh installs. XD06:34
Scunizilf4: which user name and pass are you using ?.. the one on the box you're accessing from or the one belonging to the machine you're accessing?06:34
lf4Scunizi: Its my username and password (which are the same for both systems).06:35
ricardo_Scunizi, is sda106:35
ricardo_Scunizi, in grub it appeared as i pasted few seconds ago here.06:36
Scunizilf4: try creating a new user on the machine you're accessing from and see if that works.06:36
lf4ricardo_: what is your issue with grub?06:36
zer0nelf4: through what protocol?06:36
Scuniziricardo_: looks like it's right.. I don't have a solution sorry.06:36
soreauricardo_: hd0,0 = sda1 hd0,1 = sda2 hd1,0 = sdb1 hd1,1 = sdb2 and so forth06:37
ricardo_lf4, i cannot enter to windows, i get starting up... and  sounds a beep06:37
ricardo_thank you soreau , it seems to be right in grub06:37
lf4Scunizi: Will do. zer0ne I'm going to guess that ubuntu uses the standard SMB protocol when I selected "sharing options".06:37
Scunizisoreau: he has an issue with windows "spinning" when he tries to load it.06:37
soreauricardo_: When did this start happening?06:37
ricardo_maybe, windows partition was corrupted :S06:37
lf4ricardo_: mind showing your menu.lst file?06:38
ricardo_when redimensioned the partition and installed ubuntu 9.0406:38
soreauScunizi: Ah, I know very little about the monster that is MS06:38
zer0nei think ubuntu to ubuntu is through ssh and sftp06:38
ricardo_lf4, i pasted it a few minutes ago here06:38
ricardo_the windows's paragraph06:38
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ricardo_(sorry for my english)06:38
lf4ricardo_: alright checking for it...06:38
Scuniziricardo_: you can paste again but use pastebin.com and provide a link here06:38
zer0nemake sure openssh are installed both sides and port 22 is accessible06:39
ricardo_ill do06:39
newb2linuxanybody know how to compile ?06:40
soreaunewb2linux: No, why?06:40
soreau! anybody | newb2linux06:40
ubottunewb2linux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:40
zer0nenewb2linux: ./configure  >> make >> make install ??06:40
bastid_razorricardo_, possibly you'll need the xp cd and do a restore from it. when resizing a windows partition sometimes files are erased.06:41
Jordan_Unewb2linux: Chances are you don't really need to, what are you trying to do?06:41
lf4ricardo_: that is all your menu.lst has? lol how did you boot to linux?06:41
ricardo_lf4 is only the windows part06:41
ricardo_maybe boot.ini was erased durante resizing06:41
lf4ricardo_: yeah it sounds like part of the partition got corrupted.06:42
newb2linuxsorry ..06:42
ricardo_oh too bad06:42
newb2linuxWas wondering if anybody would have time to help me compile XBMC for ubuntu ?06:42
lf4ricardo_: its rare but can happen.06:42
Jordan_Uricardo_: What problem are you having?06:42
newb2linuxI have a few questions about the .configure part.06:42
soreaunewb2linux: Why compile? Just install it from the medibuntu repos, IIRC06:42
ricardo_Jordan_U, i cannot enter to windows, my grub is ok, i only get "starting up" and a beep06:43
Scuniziricardo_: unless they changed something between 8.04 and 9.04 in grub then it looks wierd.. check out mine.. http://pastebin.com/f6563f41e06:43
newb2linuxWoudl taht bing me to the latest version ? ?06:43
ricardo_Jordan_U, but, it seems to be that windows booted was corrupted :S06:43
newb2linuxKinda interested in learning to copmile ..06:43
soreaunewb2linux: Not the very latest, but at least it would work06:43
newb2linuxI have it working. .06:43
newb2linuxjust enjoying breaking it and fixing it .06:44
soreaunewb2linux: So if you want to compile, great. break away ;)06:44
bonez46Is a VGA video connector the same cable as would be a serial cable?06:44
Jordan_Unewb2linux: http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step06:44
CatEaterdoes anyone know how to paste text ionto vbox06:44
CatEaterdoes anyone know how to paste text into vbox?06:44
CatEatersorry for enter key06:44
ricardo_Scunizi, its pretty similar to mine06:44
Scuniziricardo_: look closer to the windows section06:45
ricardo_makeactive :O06:45
silv3r_m00nis there any accounting /ERP software there in synaptic ?06:45
lf4Scunizi: nothing has changed with grub, http://pastebin.com/d234f7b23 it just depends on the system.06:45
soreaunewb2linux: What question did you have about configure?06:45
zer0nenewb2linux: what is the problem with configure06:45
Jordan_Uricardo_: Is windows the first partition on the drive?06:45
ricardo_Jordan_U, yes, it is /dev/sda106:46
newb2linuxIm getting an error.. hold on I paste pin it. .06:46
ricardo_Scunizi, ill try to boot adding makeactive06:46
newb2linuxIm sure Im doing it worong.06:47
Scunizilf4: wow.. even that was different from the other two.. I'm not referring to the partition/drive references just the different line items that are present or not present when compairing06:47
nomad77newb2linux: try this  http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step06:47
newb2linuxcan i PM you ?06:47
soreaunewb2linux: Use './configure --prefix=/usr'06:47
newb2linuxnomad77: thats no good..  thats how my 6 year old would install it. .06:48
newb2linuxbut thanks.06:48
lf4Scunizi: Yeah my system is a little crazy haha.06:48
lf4ricardo_: Is this a fresh install of ubuntu?06:48
ricardo_yes lf406:49
ricardo_Scunizi, check pls http://pastebin.com/m2d08287606:49
newb2linuxso do i have to be logged in as that user ?06:49
Jordan_Unewb2linux: You have a pragmatic 6 year old ;)06:49
soreaunewb2linux: No06:49
ricardo_Scunizi, is that ok?06:50
newb2linuxyour a god!!06:50
newb2linuxthanks. .06:50
lf4ricardo_: you might just have to recover the partition with a windows cd.06:50
mubuHey guys, is crossover linux relevant? Can it replace wine? Thaks06:50
* soreau goes to bed06:51
Scuniziricardo_: if you want to try that then you need to put "#" 's in front of every line of the old one to comment it out.. otherwise you'll have 2 instructions active for grub to figure out.06:51
krammer__anyone using thunderbird06:51
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Scunizikrammer__: please ask the next question06:51
ricardo_yes, i'll comment the old lines, so if that doesnt work i can recover the old configuration06:51
krammer__I cannot connect for my mail06:51
Scunizikrammer__: gmail?06:52
Phil_Ewerthello together, I am looking for a simple backup solution just for my Notebook on an external harddrive with the least configuring06:52
newb2linuxcan you explain the command you set so I can use it in the future ?06:52
Jordan_Umubu: Crossover is based on wine and helps fund wine development. AFAIK there is no downside to using crossover except the price06:52
Scunizikrammer__: don't use the thunderbird defaults for port numbers etc.. check google for the right setup.. it will show you06:52
krammer__so then you dont use thunderbird then why say next question06:53
SkyRocknRollwhat is the good iDE for python06:53
newb2linuxsoreau: can you explain the command you set so I can use it in the future ?06:53
Scunizikrammer__: because your real question was why you couldn't get your email.. there are lots of people here using thunderbird.. once you got someone to answer yes you would have asked the next question.. It's much easier if you get right to the point.06:54
krammer__SkyRocknRoll, Eclipse06:54
Phil_EwertA simple backup solution for ubuntu : Anybody ?06:54
SkyRocknRollkrammer__, size of that ide ?06:54
nomad77Phil_Ewert: SimpleBackup ? http://simplelinuxbkup.sourceforge.net/06:54
krammer__Scunizi, that was why I ask is anyone is using thunderbird, you shouldnt have responded06:54
Phil_Ewertnomad77, thx.06:54
zer0nePhil_Ewert: tar06:54
SkyRocknRollkrammer__, if it is small then its appreciable :)06:54
Scunizikrammer__: stop.. I gave you the answer..06:55
Scunizi!ask | krammer__06:55
ubottukrammer__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:55
bastid_razorkrammer__, i don't use thunderbird either but Scunizi has given you the correct answer.06:55
soreaunewb2linux: ./configure invokes the configure script in the CWD (current working directory) and --perfix=/usr means to configure the build so the target is /usr (the standard prefix, usually the default is /usr/local)06:55
krammer__ok I am at google i cant still connect so why next06:55
afvkrammer__, but you can't connect now or never could?06:55
krammer__fresh install06:56
Scunizikrammer__: use firefox to access gmail and click the help button..06:56
zacekhi there06:56
krammer__SkyRocknRoll, google size of IDE06:56
afvkrammer__, http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=7766206:56
SkyRocknRollkrammer__, done it :)06:57
albechwhy is virtualbox taking up 100% CPU utilization on one CPU, even when nothing happen on the guest OS06:57
Phil_Ewertzer0ne: thx, I 'll take a look at it06:58
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zacekhello, im newbie using Ubuntu, anyone can help me?06:58
nomad77!ask | zacek06:59
zer0ne!ask | zacek06:59
ubottuzacek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:59
MeaghedelicI just had the most violent, explosive, hot diarrhea. It was like megadeth inside my anus, and the sounds of a Dave Mustaine solo were pouring out.06:59
Jordan_U!ops | Meaghedelic06:59
ubottuMeaghedelic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:59
zacekthnsk! =)06:59
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ricardo_Scunizi, nothing happened07:00
ricardo_Scunizi,  i thought that i must to reinstall win07:00
Scuniziricardo_: well.. it was worth a shot.. do you play games on the win side? is that why you're dual booting?07:01
bastid_razorricardo_, try the xp cd and a restore first.. windows partitions have files scattered all over.07:01
ricardo_no, is the computer of a "switcher" xD07:01
ricardo_Scunizi, he wanted to try ubuntu07:01
ricardo_(well, this weekend is the only thing he will try XD)07:02
Jordan_Uricardo_: If you do decide to re-install windows remember that your data is still acessable from Ubuntu07:02
`bozhi all anyone know how to tell what system your machine is running i.e 32 bit or 64 bit (ubuntu)?07:02
Jordan_Uricardo_: So copy anything important before you whipe it out07:02
ricardo_yes Jordan_U , i think ill try the fixmbr thing with the windows cd07:02
Scuniziricardo_: ah.. somebody elses computer.. if he has a normal install cd for win. you could install virtualbox and then install windows there.. run windows inside of ubuntu :)07:02
Jordan_U`boz: uname -r07:02
Jordan_U`boz: I meant "uname -a"07:03
ricardo_Scunizi, i think it could be fine, but before ill try to do the fixboot and fixmbr thing07:03
karatekickzwhen I run a tar.gz  in the archive mounter my system seems to do nothing07:03
ricardo_with the recovery tools of windows cd07:03
digitaltaohey quick question, how would i format a microsd card that i have mounted to fat32?07:03
ricardo_if that doesnt works, then... i'll do that you say, Scunizi07:04
Jordan_Uricardo_: Realize that Fixmbr will remove grub. it's easy to put restore grub though07:04
`bozthanks jordan07:04
Jordan_U`boz: np07:04
zacekI just used Wubi to try Ubuntu on my laptop, but battery performance is very bad when im working on Ubuntu, is it posible to improve it?07:04
ricardo_yes Jordan_U , i already know how to recover grub :) thanks for the suggestion07:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lkl07:04
`boz2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux07:04
`bozis that 32 or 64?07:05
legend2440boz 3207:05
pronoyanybody used lkl ??07:05
pronoyor thc-vlogger ?07:05
`bozis that an optional upgrade to 64?07:06
sn00zer`boz: 64 bit looks like: 2009 x86_6407:06
Jordan_Uzacek: Possibly, what gfx card does your laptop use ( not having proper drivers can waste power ) and try the program "pwertop".07:06
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afv`boz, i686 = 32 bit / x86_64 = 64 bit07:07
zacekok Jordan, i'll try07:07
`bozok thanks, just out of curiosity is it possible to change to 64 bit?07:07
Scunizi`boz: only with a reinstall07:08
digitaltaohey quick question, how would i format a microsd card that i have mounted to fat32?07:08
legend2440`boz: you cant upgrade to 64 you would have to download ubuntu 64 and do fresh install07:08
Jordan_U`boz: It's not at all easy to change to 64 bit in place07:08
pronoyguys can anyone tell me a good keylogger for ubuntu ?07:08
`bozoops sorry arm in plaster , hit the caps lock key07:09
tracyannedoes anyone know how to change the install configuration for Ubunu, so that i can have it default to 3 partitions root/swap/home instead of the current 207:09
Scunizi`boz: unless you do a lot of compiling or video work or want to take advantage of more than 3.2gigs of ram.. no.. not as far as I'm aware..07:09
kpkeerthi[jaunty]something weird about cpu freq scaling is happening to me. I noticed that my cpu stopped scaling a few days back. (after trying many other option that didn't work) I reinstalled kernel and after a reboot it fixed the problem.07:09
kpkeerthiBut the problem recurrred today and went away after reinstalling the kernel.07:10
kpkeerthianyone has any clue why this is happenning?07:10
howieso how do i upgrade to kernel v2.6.3007:10
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sn00zerpronoy: Ubuntu considers keyloggers hacker tools and won't discuss them, you'll have better luck in another channel, and only be ignored and kicked here.07:10
Scunizikpkeerthi: do you have dkms installed and any programs that have a kernel mod that's needed to run? other than that I don't know.07:10
kpkeerthiScunizi: Yes. I have dkms installed (needed for the nvidia binary driver)07:11
pronoysn00zer: no..keyloggers are not hackers tools...and they are deifintely supported if a valid reason is available...otherwise the package lkl would have been removed from the universe repos...secondly the question of why isn't debatable since i have a very legitimate reason for doing so...so thank you for your comment but i think i'll ask again...07:12
pronoydoes anyone have any experience with a keylogger in ubuntu ?07:13
Scunizikpkeerthi: that might be it but no guarantees.. try uninstalling dkms and reinstalling the kernel again as a test.. you can always put dkms back..07:13
sn00zerpronoy: I agree they can have useful purposes, just relaying what I've seen in the past :)07:13
* Dr_Willis tries hard to think of a valid reason.07:13
`bozcurrently experiencing difficulties with my graphics, thinking of upgrading my motherboard from foxconn to asus any thoughts?07:13
vosspronoy, why not just use lkl?07:13
pronoysn00zer no problem...07:13
Jordan_U`boz: What problems and what GPU?07:14
pagefault`boz, why would you change your motherboard to fix your graphics?07:14
pronoyvoss: i need to know how to make my own keymap for that...not all use km_us layout07:14
kpkeerthiScunizi: Why would dkms affect cpu freq scaling? Me wonders.07:14
WIGGMPk`boz: yea.. here's my first though.. dont use a freaking ` in front of your name.. makes it harder to tab your name lol.. second thought.. ASUS makes a good product and they stand behind it.. I have used them many times and currently run an ASUS laptop (and some desktops built for friends)07:14
pronoyDr_Willis try a cheating fiance :)07:14
`bozgraphics are direct off the motherboard07:14
Scunizikpkeerthi: no idea.. I use the nvidia driver as well. but never noticed anything like that..  in fact..how do you check freq scaling?07:15
`bozcan't seem to get any support for linux ops from foxconn site07:15
kpkeerthiScunizi: I have conky to monitor it07:15
WIGGMPk`boz: why not just buy a graphic card? instead of using integrated (which are usually crap compared to addon cards)07:15
vosspronoy, are we speaking hypothetically or actually07:15
karatekickzim logged into x atm is it possible to log in with a another user at the same time and run a different session simultaneously ?07:15
ricardo_too bad... at monday ill help the guy, thanks a lot all people that helped me07:15
`bozlot of applications in wine not functioning07:16
Jordan_U`boz: What problems and what GPU?07:16
nomad77kpkeerthi: what chipset/cpu?07:16
pronoyvoss about the reason ? or the keymap ?!?07:16
sn00zer`boz: I have an old ASUS desktop with an AMD 2800+ It's worked fine on at least 4 major distros and multiple live cd's07:16
vossThe cheating fiance example :)07:16
olimoneshello. does anyones know how to fix a sound problem with kubuntu 9.04? i am new at it. i have a dv7 hp laptop07:16
Jordan_Ukaratekickz: Yes, if you are using gnome then just switch users with the applet in the top right of the screen07:16
nztal-how can i verify i'm using madwifi and not ath5k on jaunty ?07:16
kpkeerthinomad77: its a dell xps m170 laptop - intel centrino07:16
afvolimones, what problem?07:16
pronoyvoss haha...no actually its more of a cheating in exam thing....but the fiance one always hits hard :D07:16
Scunizikaratekickz: not sure if this will work. but ctrl+alt+F2.. log in as the 2nd user then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start and see where it lands you. :)07:17
olimonesmy laptop do not have any sound07:17
karatekickzrunning xfce07:17
olimonesafter installing kubuntu 9.0407:17
`bozamd dual athlon 775007:17
howieso can anyone tell me how to install kernel v2.6.3007:17
Nitrodisthey, quick question here07:18
`bozgoogle earth doesn't run smoothly07:18
pronoyvoss so any experience with lkl or uberkey or thc-vlogger?07:18
NitrodistI'm about to install ubuntu 9.0407:18
`bozmost apps in wine not working correctly07:18
Nitrodistproblem is07:18
karatekickz<Scunizi>:I assume that means I should be able to run a gnome session a kde session at the same time.. after I find where to log in another user?07:18
Scunizipronoy: if you're trying to map a keyboard there are other tools..07:18
Jordan_Ukaratekickz: XFCE should have an option to "switch users" , that will do what you want07:18
pronoyScunizi please continue...what tools are you reffering to ?07:19
Jordan_Ukaratekickz: Yes07:19
`bozand just tried flight gear flight simulator07:19
Nitrodistunder Step 4 of 7, it doesn't let me specify which disk to use if I want to install them side by side07:19
ertanhi anyone know about airmon commands? i have a some problem..07:19
Scunizikaratekickz: I've heard of it.  use kdm instead of gdm to start x07:19
`bozyes ricardo07:19
karatekickzim running mythbuntu and cant find where to log another user on.... xfce07:19
Jordan_U`boz: What GPU?'07:19
afvolimones, you checked it's not muted and that stuff? and what sound card do you use?07:19
sn00zerkaratekickz: There is also a 'startx : session' command that will start another gretter screen. Thats not the exact command, can't remember it, sorry.07:19
vossboz, Wine even for stuff that works requires settings to be set. I use Wine for eve online and WOW and it works well enough that I havent touched my windows pc in over a month07:19
Scunizipronoy: hang on and I'll look.. they are pretty typical when trying to map a keyboard espicially one with multimedia keys etc..07:19
`bozhow do i find that out jordan?07:20
DysfunctionalHmm is there anyway to stop a xserver completely?07:20
llutzsn00zer: startx -- :107:20
olimonesi did. let me see my card information...07:20
Nitrodistso can anyone tell me how the ubuntu installer works with partitioning?07:20
pronoyvoss you're experienced with compiling things from source right ?07:20
karatekickzI have seen the screen to log other on before but I think that is when I am logged off07:20
Jordan_U`boz: "lspci | grep VGA" in a terminal07:20
Rashidcan I directly upgrade from 7.10 to 9.04 directly?07:20
NitrodistI don't feel comfortable hitting next and it deleting my other, important, partition07:20
ricardo_Dysfunctional, ctrl+alt+f107:20
vosspronoy, Ive done it but I dont do it often enough to help youi07:20
ricardo_and then kill the process corresponding to x server07:21
nomad77Dysfunctional: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:21
karatekickzlike if I say logoff ... is it possible to pull that up whilelogged on?07:21
Jordan_URashid: no07:21
ertandoes anyone know what does it mean Found 5 processes that could cause trouble.07:21
RashidJordan_U: what should I do?07:21
ricardo_.... or you could do that nomad77 says :P07:21
pronoyvoss its just that i tried to install thc-vlogger and i get wierd errors...care to take a look at the outupt ?07:21
DysfunctionalNomad77: yea i have tried that, i still get the error that xserver is running on display )07:21
vosspronoy, I wouldnt even know what I was looking at07:21
sn00zerllutz: Thanks, I haven't used it in at least a year.07:21
pronoyvoss ok no problem ...worth a shot :)07:22
Nitrodistok, so apparently I'm supposed to use some software to partition the disk by my self before I even go to the ubuntu installation disk?07:22
purpleposeidonHello. The disk that provides /usr is corrupt, but I've got a liveusb. How can I get a list of packages that were installed, for reinstallation?07:22
tracyanneIs there anyone on here who can help me change the default partitioning on Ubuntu07:22
Jordan_URashid: upgrade to 8.04, then 8.10, then 9.0407:22
nomad77Dysfunctional: reboot to single user or try sudo telinit 2 maybe07:22
vossUbuntu has spoiled me so much that I rarely even need to use the CLI07:22
ertandoes anyone know what does it mean Found 5 processes that could cause trouble.07:22
losherNitrodist: if you have existing partitions you want to keep, you need to select the manual partition option during install07:22
SkaperenNitrodist: you can do that if you want, or leave it unpartitioned07:22
redsoxkingwhat is the short cut on the keyboard for the terminal07:22
Nitrodistlosher: can I trust ubuntu to partition it correctly without data loss?07:22
rohani have a core2duo system, with 4GB ram. i have install 32bit version of ubuntu 8.04. how do i ensure that all the 4GB ram i utilised? "free" currently shows total mem as "3098500". i am not so keen on installing 64bit distro.07:23
vossAnd most of my CLI stuff these days I can cut and paste :)07:23
NitrodistI have acronis disk director07:23
Jordan_URashid: Or upgrade to 8.04 and wait untill the next LTS release ( you can upgrade directly from one LTS release to the next )07:23
Nitrodistso it's not a problem to do it that way07:23
RashidJordan_U: Thank you.07:23
Jordan_URashid: np07:23
SkaperenNitrodist: do you have files or partitions you want to keep?  if so, where?07:23
losherNitrodist: frankly, any time you mess with partitions, if you don't have a full backup beforehand, you risk losing it all if you get something wrong....07:23
karatekickzanyway to force my monitor into a different resolution its not finding my proper res even though  it id my lcd perfectly07:23
Nitrodistmeh, it'd be a earache to fix, but nothing too serious07:24
=== Deshiken is now known as Ioryu
vossIs it terrible of me to admit that I dont even use the CLI much in ubuntu?07:24
Dysfunctionalhmmm better yet whats the command to give a process higher priority?07:24
NitrodistSkaperen: just windows XP07:24
NitrodistI want to dual boot :P07:24
Jordan_Urohan: The server kernel can support up to 16 GIG of RAM, though any one app can only access 4 GIG at a time07:24
WIGGMPkkaratekickz: i would prolly say its not your monitor... what kinda graphic card do you have?07:24
Dysfunctionalor is there a GUI that i can use for that07:24
ertanwhen i hit the "sudo airmon-ng start wlan0." im getting this message [Found 5 processes that could cause trouble.07:24
rohanJordan_U: ah ok, so server kernel has PAE enabled, but not the generic kernel?07:25
Jordan_Ukaratekickz: What GPU?07:25
pronoyvoss a bit yes :) you see CLI is the actual thing that unix/linux is powered by07:25
karatekickznvidia with proper drivers installed07:25
Jordan_Urohan: Yes07:25
SkaperenNitrodist: you have a partition you want Ubuntu to not touch ... you have a special case ... you need to select the partitions to install on to manually07:25
Nitrodistso I'm guessing it's probably safer to use acronis to repartition than to let ubuntu do ti?07:25
karatekickzit has the resolution in xp07:25
Scunizipronoy: keymapper is one (repo), keytouch, .. what kind of keyboard are you trying to use.. language difference? or what07:25
vosspronoy, but the ubuntu gui is so functional I dont need to use the CLI for much07:25
Nitrodistthanks guys07:25
karatekickzthink its a 620007:25
pronoyScunizi i have one which's in a different language yes07:25
WIGGMPkDysfunctional: "sudo cpufreq-selector -c # -g <governor>"  -c 0 (Core 0) -g (Performance)07:25
Nitrodistbe back later if I have any more problems07:25
nomad77karatekickz: try nvidia-settings07:25
Scunizipronoy: which one..07:25
ertanwhen i hit the "sudo airmon-ng start wlan0." im getting this message [Found 5 processes that could cause trouble.07:25
losherNitrodist: if you partition by hand, you know exactly what you'll get. I think that's a plus, but you have to have some idea what you're doing07:25
olimonescan't find where the info is. i'm looking it up07:25
SkaperenNitrodist: if XP already takes up the whole disk (factory installed XP will) then you MUST repartition the XP in a way that keeps it safe using the appropriate tool07:25
pronoyScunizi  but i have an english one too which i think i'll use most...but with excessive multimedia keys07:26
rohanJordan_U: are there any disadvantages of using the server kernel on a general "desktop" system?07:26
afvolimones, lspci07:26
Jordan_UNitrodist: Partitioning with Ubuntu is as safe if not safer than any other method, but repartitioning always carries some risk07:26
* xine waves hello07:26
Skaperenlosher: another doomed user07:26
karatekickzused the gui's applications and found nothing btw... I spot to change the monitor but my resolution wasnt listed07:26
karatekickzwill try that command07:26
vossI dont even need to use the cli to install graphics drivers anymore or network drivers , ubuntu just sees them.07:26
sn00zerertan: it means those processes are probably using your wifi card in some way and might not like airmon changing the wifi mode to monitor.07:26
legend2440tracyanne: http://easierbuntu.blogspot.com/2008/03/setting-up-your-home-directory-on.html07:26
pronoyvoss well cheers for the great job on gnome or kde or whatever ur using :)07:27
Scunizipronoy: synaptic shows a special appelate to switch keyboard layouts on the fly.. if both keyboards work plugged in together and you only need to switch between the layouts that might be the answer.07:27
SkaperenJordan_U: unfortunately, making a dual-OS box increases the risk of those partition disasters07:27
pronoyScunizi ah didn't know that..i'll check it out07:27
ertansn00zer so what should i do?07:27
tracyanneI'm looking for help to change the default partitioning when installinh Ubuntu07:27
legend2440tracyanne: http://easierbuntu.blogspot.com/2008/03/setting-up-your-home-directory-on.html07:27
ertansn00zer so what should i do? im very noob for linux..07:27
`bozback again, thanks ricardo07:28
sn00zerertan: for example, I can't be in monitor mode and connect with wpa_supplicant at the same time, I have to choose, monitor or internet, can't do both.07:28
`bozgpu 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon 210007:28
RashidI can't upgrade to Hardy from Gutsy now. The repositories are not available anymore... I guess. Should I download 9.04 and install it over gutsy? will I lose data?07:28
pronoyScunizi btw i am trying to compile thc-vlogger form source and i get the error of not having [/lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/build   which happens to be the linux source build directory07:28
karatekickznvidia-settings just gave me the gui I already looked at07:28
ertansn00zer : so i must disconnected isnt it?07:28
sn00zerertan: Check out the five processes with conflicts, find out what they are doing and if its an acceptable loss for starting airmon07:28
Skaperentracyanne: what do you want the partitioning to be like?  are you preserving existing partitions?  resizing them?07:28
pronoyScunizi how to rectify this ?07:28
Jordan_Urohan: None that I know of, PAE itself slows things down if you don't need it ( though obviously you do ) and there may be other tweaks that are slightly detrimental to Desktops but I don't think there is anything that won't work with -server and the performance difference is probably negligable07:29
Scunizipronoy: sudo apt-get install build-essential might take care of it.07:29
olimonesit says: Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc R700 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4000 Series07:29
karatekickzthis is a bigger problem because the resolutionis listed for my monitor... its a bit of a strange res07:29
olimonescan it helps/07:29
karatekickzresolution isnt listed that07:29
pronoyScunizi already to its newest version07:29
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rohanJordan_U: ok, thanks a lot, i will try the server kernel then.07:30
afvolimones, just a sec07:30
Scunizipronoy: sorry .. I'm stuck07:30
=== Nasra is now known as Maximo
RashidI can't upgrade to Hardy from Gutsy now. The repositories are not available anymore... I guess. Should I download 9.04 and install it over gutsy? will I lose data?07:30
pronoyScunizi thanks for helping with the keymapping though07:30
tracyannelegend2440 that's not what I'm after. I do that on every install I do. It gets tedious after the first 10007:30
nomad77karatekickz: maybe your driver then. or your xorg.conf dunno my nvidia on laptops fine07:30
Scunizipronoy: np.. I tried to map a logitec once and ran into a couple of tools to do it.. it's been over a year though. good luck07:31
legend2440tracyanne: you wan root swap and seperate home partition?07:31
afvolimones, can you 'play' with the volume bar? increase and decrease the volume?07:31
Jordan_Urohan: If you don't have your heart set on Ubuntu Fedora 11 actually uses a 64 bit kernel on 64 bit CPUs even in the 32 bit version, which is the ideal thing to do ( 64 bit kernels work fine with fully 32 bit userland )07:31
pronoyScunizi thanks07:31
* Skaperen has /boot / swap & /home07:31
tracyanneSkaperen I want to create a custom Ubuntu installer that creates 3 partitions root swap home instead of the current default root swap07:31
olimonesI tried that and didn't work07:32
* Skaperen didn't need /boot but it was fun to do07:32
`bozDoes anyone know of any issues with 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon 2100?07:32
ubuntunewbieI have something wanted to ask , firefox sometimes grey out but I am able to open a new page , and do everything well but it just grey out07:32
afvolimones, try running this one: aplay -l07:32
`bozwith resect to ubuntu07:32
WIGGMPkHow come things (applications) keep disappearing from my "Open with" section under properties of a file07:32
Skaperentracyanne: you can install that way ... but I don't know about making an installer that defaults to that07:32
pronoythe commands that run in rc.local are not gdm related right ? i mean it gets executed at boot right ?07:32
DysfunctionalWell.. see my problem has been getting Wine to run in it own Xserver.  I keep getting, Xserver on display 0 already running, when i use the xserver shutdown commands..07:32
olimonesi did. What should I look for?07:33
legend2440tracyanne: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization07:33
WIGGMPkI used to be able to just double click on an .exe and it would open with WINE.. not WINE isnt available and when I try to "add" from the open with menu its not even there.. what happended?07:33
losherSkaperen: re: doomed users, sometimes it takes my breath away when I read about users running servers etc. without seeming to have the faintest idea how anything they're running works....07:33
newb2linuxwhats is the best terminal command to find out how much space I have left  on my drive ?07:33
afvolimones, did it list anything?07:33
tracyannelegend2440 yes, but I want it by default, which means a cutom install07:33
Skaperentracyanne: if I was going to be installing 100 machines, I'd first install a master, then replicate it07:33
sn00zerubuntunewbie: I used to have that problem. If I left it alone sometimes it would catch up and recover, sometimes it crashed and I had to kill it. I always had the problem when I opened too many tabs.07:33
olimonesyes it did07:33
Jordan_U`boz: ATI cards don't have great support right now ( though it's getting better ). If System > Administration > Hardware Drivers shows proprietary drivers available they will probably give you better performance07:33
loshernewb2linux: try 'df -h'07:33
afvcard 0: ... ?07:33
owen1how to install only dependencies of a package?07:34
newb2linuxthnks .07:34
nomad77newb2linux: df -h but only shows mounted partitions07:34
afvcan you copy/past the first line of "card 0: .." ?07:34
Skaperenlosher: I was just referring to him running away before he gets answers ... but yeah, too many people think they are leet because the found ubuntu07:34
ubuntunewbiesn00zer: It's weird , it seldom having this kind of problem .Able to browse and do all stuff but still it's grey out07:34
WIGGMPkSkaperen: think they are "leet" and who are you? are you "leet"? or just 12?07:35
tracyannelegend2440 I've looked into that I didn't see anything about changing default partition07:35
`boztried that jordan and no drivers available hence my upgrade to new motherboard with linux support as first step07:35
`bozfoxconn mboards have no linux support07:35
Skaperenlosher: to use a computer with any OS properly, one has to do some learning ... the trouble is, the easier the user interface gets, the more it lures people in to their doom ... Windows is the worst ... Ubuntu can do this more and more, now, too07:35
tracyanne Skaperen not all the same hardware07:35
ubuntunewbiesn00zer: I am not even opening any flash page or heavy graphic website , hopefully it recover , i still can open another firefox and run well with it.Just asking it's kinda annoy while reading and grey out07:36
SkaperenWIGGMPk: I'm leet enough for you to not worry07:36
sn00zerubuntunewbie: I don't know, my issue was lack of resources I suppose. An upgrade to newer release of OS helped, when FF had a new release it was entirely fixed. (This was with FF 2 back in Fiesty)07:36
imsI want to lan-cable-connect 2 xubuntu pc's: How can I do this?07:36
dotwhy can't I watch a bought dvd on ubuntu?07:36
olimonesafv: Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc R700 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4000 Series07:36
Skaperentracyanne: if they differ by disk size, of course they need different partitioning07:37
Jordan_Uowen1: You could run "sudo apt-get install packagename --no-act" and copy the dependencies that it lists to be installed, then run "sudo apt-get install" with that list of packages07:37
ubuntunewbiesn00zer: weird , I am using firefox 307:37
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Scuniziims: through your router?07:37
WIGGMPkSkaperen: its that mentality that stunts the growth of intelligence...07:37
olimonescarte  0: Intel [HDA Intel], périphérique 1 : STAC92xx Digital [STAC92xx Digital]07:37
C-S-Bims:with a crossover cable or hub/switch?07:37
sn00zerubuntunewbie: I understand, I was so annoyed I used alternate browsers for awhile.07:37
losherSkaperen: I'm not sure it has to be that way, or even that it should be. After all, I don't have to have the faintest idea how my car works to be able to drive. Of course, then I have to accept that if anything at all goes wrong, I have to take the repairman's word for it & pay thru the nose...07:37
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P07:37
afvolimones, thanks07:37
owen1Jordan_U: thanks07:37
Jordan_Uowen1: np07:37
ubuntunewbiesn00zer: anyway thanks for telling that I am not alone having this problem. :-) , I still can open another browser07:38
SkaperenWIGGMPk: sounds fine to me ... I never said I was the most leet ... I'm just leet _enough_ for my needs ... and for you to not worry about me07:38
owen1Jordan_U: someone told me to do aptitude install foo -R07:38
SkaperenWIGGMPk: thank you for caring07:38
sn00zerubuntunewbie: np07:38
afvolimones, could you try this? http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1139700&page=207:38
imsscunizi,c-s-b, One directly on cable modem and the other thru the cable connected.07:38
ubuntunewbiesn00zer: thank you again , ;-)07:38
tracyanneSkaperen yes. That's why I want to create a custom installer that will 1) partiton by default and 2) install the extra applications i usually install07:38
afvolimones, 2nd post of that page (2nd page)07:38
WIGGMPkSkaperen: the fact that you attach a title "leet" to yourself just shows you are arrogant and most likely condescending towards other.. meaning.. YOU stunt the growth of intelligence (in my opinion)07:39
Skaperentracyanne: so you have some kind of parition rule logic, such as "this for /boot, that for swap, all the rest for /home" ?07:39
Scuniziims: if you have a router, not cable modem, plug both machines into the router.. otherwise you'll need a crossover cable to tie the two together.07:39
afvolimones, do you have a dell laptop, by the way?07:39
C-S-Bims: so you want to filshare or do a ics of sorts?07:39
`bozthanks for the help jordan...07:39
olimonesno it is a hp07:39
SkaperenWIGGMPk: if that's how you want to define your virtual world, who am I to say that's wrong07:39
Scuniziims: some cable modems are also routers.. if they have connections for more than one computer then most likely they are also a router.07:39
newb2linuxIs there a command to increase the size of a partition in linux ?07:39
tracyanneSkaperen usually 12 gig root 2 to 4 gig swap depending on netbook or notebook the rest home07:40
olimonesdv7 2185dx07:40
losherSkaperen: 10G for root, twice the amount of ram for swap, and the rest /home.07:40
afvolimones, what is the output of "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0|grep -i codec" then?07:40
nazgulnewb2linux: you can use gparted if you'd like to resize using a GUI app.07:40
imsscunizi,c-s-b, Is it possible to make one my server(the 1 connected to cable)?07:40
dotwhy can't I watch a bought dvd on ubuntu? It gives an error all the time07:40
dotubuntu 9.0407:40
Skaperentracyanne: but you'd have some kind of logic that determines what the partition sizes should be, based on scanning hardware configuration like disk size, memory size, etc07:40
tracyanneSkaperen I've never need more than parity for RAM swap07:40
newb2linuxhmm.. Im running XBMClive.07:40
Scuniziims: yes but I don't know how.07:40
SkyRocknRollhttp://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ in that page which one should i download for python prgramming ?07:40
imsI don't have a router.07:41
newb2linuxwould need to be terminal . .07:41
josh_93Hi. I have a horribly noob question to ask. How do i use terminal to send a file via ftp? I want to transfer it to my /public_html/ DIR, but it keeps transferring it to the "/" home directory.07:41
Jordan_Uowen1: That will install the package, it just won't install recommended packages with it ( only neccisary dependencies )07:41
tracyanneSkaperen Ubuntu already do that07:41
C-S-Bims: loosely guiding, you'd need to install dhcp, dns, etc07:41
Scunizijosh_93: you're trying to upload a file to a remote server?07:41
losherjosh_93: there is a cd command in ftp to change the remote directory...07:41
owen1Jordan_U: that was my question07:41
Skaperentracyanne: actually, I've done my swap sizing based not on how much RAM I have, but based on how fast my disk is ... how fast to read the whole swap space ... I generally configure 30 seconds worth of swap space07:41
olimoneslet me see07:42
imsc-s-b, any http for that?07:42
nazgulnewb2linux: this should have good info to help you along to do it at the command line: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions07:42
C-S-Bims: the other pc would get an address from the servers dhcp.07:42
Jordan_Uowen1: Oh, I misunderstood. Yes, "sudo aptitude install -R packagename" will do what you want07:42
tracyanneSkaperen I use the Mandrake/Mandriva rule of thumb, used to be a MDK user07:42
Skaperentracyanne: so you have your logic to size partitions coded up and ready or even already running?07:42
josh_93losher: like i said.. horrible noob question, its 3AM here and im sleepy.. i have no idea why i did not think to use the CD command.. i kept trying to use the DIR one.. thanks though lol >_<07:42
owen1Jordan_U: np07:42
richardcavellSkaperen: how much is about 30 seconds?07:42
losherjosh_93: no problem...07:43
Skaperenrichardcavell: varies by machine ... was a lot more on SATA07:43
C-S-Bims: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85792807:43
tracyanneSkaperen The default Ubuntu install already works that out I just need to modify it for 3 instead of 2 partitions07:43
Skaperenrichardcavell: but on my 2 new machines, I make swap ZERO07:43
olimonesCodec: IDT 92HD75B3X507:43
C-S-Bims: this seems to be a thread around your desirs07:43
imsc-s-b, ok thanks for that!07:43
tracyanneSkaperen But I don't know how07:43
Skaperentracyanne: well, I have zero experience making a new installer with different defaults for Ubuntu ... I've done it for other distros, but that was more just writing some big script07:44
losherSkaperen: tracyanne: you guys know about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq, right?07:44
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages07:44
E05can anyone see this07:45
Skaperenlosher: no I don't, yet ... thanks07:45
tracyanneSkaperen OK thanks If I could work out how they do it, then no prob, they use gparted07:45
ScuniziE05: I seee youuu07:45
E05thanks scunizi07:45
afvolimones, hmm.. please try going to System > Preferences > Sound07:45
tracyannelosher No looking now07:46
Skaperentracyanne: search around the ubuntu wiki ... might be explanation how to rebuild a customized ISO07:46
loshertracyanne: the install scripts are publicly available. I suppose you could read them....07:46
E05anyone here got ubuntu running on a k9a2 platnum07:46
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility07:46
tracyannelosher I already have my own rule of thumb for swap that I'm comfortable with07:46
afvolimones, at devices instead of autodetect can you select other options? and do they work if you click on the "play" button?07:46
Skaperenlosher: thanks again07:47
Skaperenlosher: I think that's just what tracyanne needed07:47
loshertracyanne: that's fine. Just offering more options...07:47
tracyanneSkaperen There are, but I haven't found any that answer this question07:47
olimonesi'm there07:48
vossI have ubuntu running on pcchips a15g :)07:48
Skaperentracyanne: the remaster is the framework to make custom installs ... dig into the components to see what you can change07:48
afvolimones, the next step is some lines above this ^07:48
dabbillUbuntu just updated GDM, now i dont have the normal ubuntu login window. Any way to fix this?07:48
tracyanneALL I've been throw all those customisation wikis, I haven't found anything that deals with changing the deafult partitioning07:49
afvdabbill, what is the normal ubuntu login window?07:49
afvdabbill, and what ubuntu version?07:49
dabbillafv, where you type in username, then password07:49
Skaperentracyanne: and if it helps, I made a script that can convert an Ubuntu ISO into a special hybrid-ISO that can dual purpose as both an ISO and as an image for flash drives07:49
tracyanneSkaperen Yeah, I guess I'll have to keep on digging Thanks07:49
dabbillafv, running 9.1007:49
afvdabbill, but why isn't it normal now? :p07:49
bonez46How can I get the correct driver source for this mobo video adapter >>  VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890CE/K8N890CE [Chrome 9]07:49
loshertracyanne: I think default partitioning is handled by the install scripts, called ubiquity? written in python...07:50
mmm4m5mHi. Anything like program for heritage or agelong tree (not sure about the english word)?07:50
afvyes, gdm has been updated.. do you need the older version?07:50
dabbillafv, it lists my name, then enter mypassword after i click on my name07:50
tracyannelosher Yes it is. I was trying get some help in understanding it07:50
olimonesi have 3 options and non of them seem to work when i test them07:50
Scunizimmm4m5m: geneology? yes.. gramps07:50
dabbillafv, also under preferences i can no longer edit the login screen07:51
mmm4m5mScunizi: looks that is it :), thanks a lot, will check it :)07:51
afvdabbill, the new preferences it's not yet implemented: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120284307:51
afvmore info there07:51
loshertracyanne: might have better luck on one of the developers lists. Is there a current maintainer? Sometimes they answer questions...07:51
afv41 pages to read :p07:51
bonez46Scunizi: hi again. hoping to get drivers installed for my system, I just switched monitors. and can't get anything higher than 800x60007:52
afvolimones, let me see..07:52
dabbillafv, so i just have to wait for more updates?07:52
Scunizibonez46: ati or nvidia?07:52
olimonesafv: not really. I am just tire of using win2 and want to use linux but as a new user i am having some troubles07:52
bonez46Scunizi: these are VIA Technologies..07:52
tracyannelosher It can't hurt to ask, any lists I should try?07:52
bonez46 VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890CE/K8N890CE [Chrome 9]07:53
afvolimones, sure, i'm trying to find someone with the same problem07:53
afvdabbill, yes, they'll come ;)07:53
dabbillafv,  thanks, that all i needed to know =p07:53
Scunizibonez46: via is beyond my experience.. chrome can be a pain in the ...... best to www.google.com/linux and search chrome 9 ubuntu07:53
SkaperenOK I did have a question ... why I dropped by ... I installed 9.04 (not UNR) on a new netbook ... after installing and rebooting, I added a new user ... but the new user does not show up in the list of users I can manage in the "users and groups" tool ... BUT ... the user actually works fine ... I can login and all seems to work ... I just can't administer it like delete it07:53
tracyanneSkaperen I've had that happen too, I couldn't work out why it happened, so I backed up the user removed the user and recreated the user07:54
loshertracyanne: I see #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-installer. I've never used either. Archives at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com07:55
dabbillI am just happy that my built in wifi finally works.07:55
afvolimones, can you follow this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7299632&postcount=6007:55
Skaperentracyanne: I can't remove the user ... unless I edit /etc/{groups,passwd,shadow} ... :-(07:55
dabbillsignal strength is a little low, but it works07:55
tracyannelosher Thanks, I'll give them a try07:55
afvolimones, instead of "sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base" you can use "gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base". you may find it easier ;)07:56
sn00zerafv: It may be easier, but vim is always an adventure :)07:56
tracyanneSkaperen Try creating the user in the Users and Groups, then assign them a different home directory, then edit the user and assign them the same name directory07:57
Skaperenlosher: is there a channel for Ubuntu on ARM developers?  A friend and I are interested in that ... when we can get one of those machines07:57
bastidrazorSkaperen, deluser for user removal07:57
afvsn00py, :p07:57
Skaperentracyanne: can't creat it again ... already exists ... unless I wipe and re-install (I could do this ... it's a new machine)07:58
piscoooHi. How can I solve this problem: http://pastebin.com/m691035ad07:58
piscoooDon't want to upgrade kerner :(07:58
ubuntunewbiesn00zer: just to inform it's gone now , all things goes back to original. ;-)07:58
Skaperenbastidrazor: yeah, that's a fallback ... but I wanted to investigate this first ... why the GUI tool missed it07:58
piscoooand now I cannot complie php as the compiler is fucked due to log in pastebin07:58
losherSkaperen: I see #ubuntu-arm listed in http://irclogs.ubuntu.com....07:58
sn00zerubuntunewbie: Thats good.07:58
bazhangpiscooo, please no cursing07:59
Skaperenbastidrazor: more likely I'll just leave it ... don't really have a desire to delete it ... just curious WTF it's doing07:59
piscooobazhang: huh?07:59
lstarnespiscooo: which version of the linux kernel do you use?07:59
Scunizipiscooo: sudo apt-get -f install .. will fix dependancy problems.. then when it tries to update after that if you don't want the kernel then unckeck it.07:59
Skaperenlosher: OK, thanks07:59
tracyanneSkaperen I'm pretty sure I just deleted the directory as root07:59
piscooolstarnes:  2.4.27-3-38607:59
ubuntunewbiesn00zer: yeh , I just leave it and come back it gone.It'll eventually recover as you said , :-) hehe07:59
tracyanneSkaperen and then started again07:59
balleyneI'm trying to help a friend who's installed some Qt libraries that conflict with applications in Ubuntu -- how can we wipe Qt and reinstall from the repos?07:59
lstarnespiscooo: you are using ubuntu, right?07:59
piscooowell, debian in this case.08:00
lstarnespiscooo: this channel is for ubuntu, not debian08:00
bazhangpiscooo, #debian08:00
piscoooyes, but #debian is sleeping :(08:00
sn00zerubuntunewbie: Strange isn't it? I think its just you working faster than firefox, or possibly the machine. A RAM upgrade could help?08:00
lstarnespiscooo: that doesn't mean that you can ask here08:00
Skaperentracyanne: the user is complete ... entries in /etc/{groups,passwd,shadow} and its /home directory ... so I'd have to clean up all that or use deluser ... but this is curiosity not a real desire to delete08:01
howiei thought ubuntu was practically deb...?08:01
Skaperentracyanne: wherever this tool keeps its database of what it manages, it failed to add it there08:01
lstarneshowie: it's based on debian, but it isn't debian08:01
vosshowie, no debian is almost ubuntu ;-)08:01
howiei thought ubuntu was just easier to install :008:01
Skaperenubuntu stole code from debian (legal, it's open source) ... and improved it08:02
tracyanneSkaperen OK, I actually had to back the user up, it was on a clients machine, and I didn't notice until I was giving her some lessons, and she had already downloaded a bunch of Music and Photos08:02
tracyanneSkaperen but I don't recall any issues with  /etc/{groups,passwd,shadow}08:03
Skaperentracyanne: ah, yeah, then you would have to08:03
howiepiscooo: try asking in #linux its not distro specific?08:03
vossskap, its not that simple...ubuntu takes code from debian but also contributes code to debian08:03
Thorn1Can someone help me trouble shoot my audio? The guide on the Ubuntu Forums wasn't helpful08:03
TigerStylehi, I dont thing my laptop likes Ubuntu08:04
Skaperenvoss: it's all open source ... lots of code goes around to other distros from each ... for example, some distros are based on ubuntu, too08:04
TigerStylethe CD drive has failed08:04
TigerStyleand my bios doesnt seem to want to boot from USB08:04
SkaperenTigerStyle: use a flash drive08:04
SkaperenTigerStyle: hmmm ... what CAN it boot from?08:04
afvolimones, how is it going?08:05
TigerStyleinternal hard drive :P?08:05
Thorn1Can anybody help me troubleshoot my audio issues?08:05
vosstiger, replace the cd-rom drive?08:05
TigerStylethat costs money :(08:05
vosshow do you know the cd-rom drive has failed?08:05
TigerStylebecause I cant burn cd's08:06
TigerStyleplay DVD's and music CD's anymore08:06
SkaperenTigerStyle:  I had a similar problem with my brother's laptop, but his BIOS ... which could NOT boot USB DVD ... could boot USB flash drive ... and Windows XP on it was hosed ... it now runs Ubuntu installed from flash08:06
vossYou can always borrow someones external cd-rom08:06
rogstThorn1: what issues do you have ?08:06
TigerStyleSkaperen, I am trying to boot from a flash drive08:07
SkaperenTigerStyle: sounds like you are hosed ... bad BIOS + no devices BIOS knows of = screwed08:07
Thorn1rogst: it doesn't work.  I did aplay -l and Ubuntu recognizes my hardware, but nothing plays08:07
olimonesI am trying to open the file with a therminal08:07
TigerStylethe thing is, there is a USB flash option AND its placed to boot before internal HDD08:07
SkaperenTigerStyle: does it let you put USB flash drive in a boot order list?08:07
olimonesand see what happends08:07
SkaperenTigerStyle: oh ... so it thinks it can boot USB flash ... and just fails?08:08
vosstiger, what are you boot options in bios with the flash drive attached?08:08
TigerStyleit just boots into windows08:08
rogstThorn1: has it not worked ever or does it work first and then after a while stop ?08:08
balleynehow can I figure out what version of Qt I have installed?08:08
Thorn1rogst: It doesn't work.  It works on my Windows rig, so I know there is no hardware issues08:08
TigerStyleflash, floppy, internal optical, internal HDD, network08:08
SkaperenTigerStyle: disable the HDD altogether frm the boot list (boot it back later)08:08
nomad77 /cl08:09
rogstThorn1: okay, are you using pulseaudio ?08:09
SkaperenTigerStyle: if it fails the first device it is falling back to the 2nd device (windows)08:09
Ali_nzdo ntfs volumes not auto mount in ubuntu>08:09
SkaperenTigerStyle: so maybe the problem is no boot record, or broken boot record, on flash device08:09
TigerStyleI used unetbootin08:09
vosstiger, what are you using to make your usb bootable08:09
Thorn1rogst: according to Sound Preferences program, I'm using ALSA08:09
SkaperenTigerStyle: and I've known of many cases of unetbooting failing08:10
losherTigerStyle: There's HOWTO: Install Ubuntu Linux without burning a cd http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2894808:10
vosstiger, what image are you using with unetbootin08:10
SkaperenTigerStyle: try reformatting the flash and re-record with unetbootin08:10
TigerStylevoss, ubuntu server08:10
rogstThorn1: ok, I usually experience problems with my audio when using pulseaudio which is default in ubuntu, so I like to disable pulseaudio and only use ALSA08:10
olimonesafv: it seems that i have to install install "nautilus-open-terminal" from the Synaptic Package Manager)... first08:11
afvhmm.. you can go from the terminal08:11
Thorn1ROGST:How can I know I'm not using it for you sure?08:11
ricardo_im gonna sleep, thanks to all, byee08:11
rogstThorn1: if you run ps aux | grep pulseaudio do you see if pulseaudio is running ?08:11
afvif you can navigate through folders.. (cd /home/olimones/Desktop/etc..)08:12
TigerStyleThornl, have u tried running alsamixer and turning everything to full?08:12
afvricardo_, pt?08:12
SkaperenTigerStyle: if that fails, and if you can install a windows program to do the same as "dd" (there are a couple such programs around as described on how to put UNR on flash) ... I can make an ISO you can dd to the flash08:12
ricardo_afv, what?08:12
Thorn1rogst: Well,  stuff came up so I assume its running08:12
afvricardo_, you have a portuguese name :p08:12
TigerStyleSkaperen, whats "dd"? lol08:12
olimonesi didn't read that option... i'll do that08:13
ricardo_afv, spanish name too08:13
Skaperendd = raw sector copying08:13
ricardo_im from Chile08:13
afvright ;)08:13
afvolimones, it's not written there :p08:13
SkaperenTigerStyle: you want the server edition?  I've only made these special images for desktop edition, but I can make for server08:13
TigerStyleI want a CLI install :(08:13
rogstThorn1: I need to go.. but I you can read on my wiki where I have put together a guide on how to disable pulseaudio.. try that and se if it works here is the address http://rogst.homeip.net/wiki/index.php/Disable_PulseAudio_in_Ubuntu_9.0408:14
TigerStyleits becoming a pain08:14
Thorn1rogst: thanks08:14
TigerStylewhen I did run ubuntu mini.iso08:14
SkaperenTigerStyle: a CLI install from Ubuntu?08:14
TigerStyleit couldnt connect wirelessly to my router08:14
gnubieThorn1;  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html    working though this worked for me08:14
TigerStylebecause I couldnt use iwconfig for some stupid reason08:14
afvolimones, you just have to go to the folder you extracted, do "./configure --enable-dynamic-minors" and the following instructions from the page08:14
olimonesthe commandas i saw are the next step i guess then08:15
ricardo_TigerStyle, try ubuntu alternate08:15
TigerStyleSkaperen, going to restart and see what happens08:15
SkaperenTigerStyle: g/l08:15
TigerStylericardo_, I have.......08:15
silv3r_m00nhi there08:17
ricardo_ok see you, bye08:17
afvc ya08:17
silv3r_m00nafter a few updates from synaptic ...my gnome desktop doesn't come ...the panels come though08:17
silv3r_m00nany ideas ?08:17
TigerStylestill failed....08:19
TigerStylemust be something wrong with unetbootin08:19
BitWraithI updated the machine and now I cannot use bluetooth. I am apparently not the only ubuntu user effected by this issue. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bluetooth/2009-February/003665.html How would I go about reinstalling the older version of my bluetooth stack?08:22
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Ali_nzcan you format a disk for ntfs in ubuntu>08:23
howiewhat kinda of progams are there for remote desktop in ubuntu?08:23
grawityAli_nz: yes, but you probably will need ntfsutils (or something similar)08:23
BitWraithroot: if you're going to IRC as root, at least change your name so it takes a bit longer for you to get hacked. :-P08:23
Ali_nzgrawity: ahhh08:23
grawityhowie: VNC, RDP (Remote Desktop), and X over SSH (this one is probably not what you want).08:24
afvhi TigerStyle08:24
TigerStylehi lol08:24
afvops, you've been here before08:24
afvthought you entered now.. :p08:24
howiegrawity:  vnc works in linux?08:24
TigerStyleit does08:24
grawityhowie: of course it does.08:24
bdjgtashaI've installed nmap - but I notice using smb-enum-shares script I get an access denied error and it can't enum all shares. Using the same version of nmap on a leopard box I can see all of the shares. Any thoughts?08:24
howielol its opensouce.....08:24
TigerStylethats a window manager08:24
SkaperenTigerStyle: are you only able to use Windows to create the flash device?08:25
olimonesafv: should i write model=hp-dv5 as it says? or should I write dv7 (my model)08:25
grawityhowie: are you connecting *from* Linux, or *to* Linux?08:25
grawityTigerStyle: no, vnc is not a WM.08:25
TigerStyleawesome is08:25
howiefrom windows to linux desktop for linux to linux i use ssh08:25
quentusrexCan someone help me with an issue I'm having with openssl and gnutls08:25
afvolimones, try dv508:25
TigerStyleSkaperen, i can boot into a xubuntu live cd environment (but cant install that either08:25
paintedlotta people here08:26
quentusrexI have generated multiple CA's and multiple keys with TinyCA2 and openssl but openldap which is using gnutls, can't handle the CA certs nor the keys...08:26
grawityhowie: then try VNC first. (there is a Remote Desktop server too)08:26
grawitypainted: yeah, it's a big channel. Do you have a question?08:26
paintedi love ubuntu, but v sync doesn't work very well08:27
howiegrawity: vnc wouldnt happen to be in the package manager?08:27
SkaperenTigerStyle: the xubuntu boots, but ubuntu and kubuntu do not?08:27
SkaperenTigerStyle: which OS are you using to record the bootable flash device?08:28
TigerStylei can get anything to boot if I use unetbootin to install to my HDD instead of my USB08:28
grawityhowie: yeah, apt-cache search vnc -- I think GNOME uses 'vino' by default.08:28
TigerStylebut then I cant install anything08:28
howiegrawity:  sweet got it thank you08:28
SkaperenTigerStyle: I need to know the OS in order to tell you what to try next08:28
TigerStylewindows XP SP308:28
BitWraithTigerStyle: obviously that's because you're installing the equivalent of a livecd08:29
SkaperenTigerStyle: see this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR/Installation/Easy ... scroll down to "from Windows Command Prompt using flashnul" ... get the flashnul program08:29
BitWraithI used wubi on this box and it worked great, I totally recommend it :-)08:29
SkaperenTigerStyle: then download this image:  http://slashusr.net/ubuntu/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.img08:30
TigerStyleSkaperen, can I use server?08:30
SkaperenTigerStyle: follow the instructions on that page, but using the image I pointed to instead of UNR08:30
phpgunnerI have a 8200m g video card and have used the nvidia 180.44 driver version. However, it wont let me use like the appearance and display settings of ubuntu, just the nvidia panel, why?08:30
SkaperenTigerStyle: I'd have to make a server version of that ... will be a little while to upload it08:31
TigerStyleSkaperen, tell me how to do it08:31
TigerStylewill save both of us loads of time08:31
TigerStyleif I can do it within windows08:31
SkaperenTigerStyle: building it now08:32
silv3r_m00nhi there08:32
silv3r_m00nthere are no icons on my gnome desktop08:32
howiegrawity: i see the rdv but i dont see the server..08:32
silv3r_m00nI did a few updates from synaptic and this issue has come up08:32
jcadamHello. I lost my mouse receiver when I connect it to USB downstream. Would you please help me?08:33
grawityhowie: huh?08:33
TigerStylesilv3r_m00n, start terminal and type nautilus and press enter08:33
grawityTigerStyle: Alt-F2 would be better for GUI programs.08:33
silv3r_m00nTigerStyle: a nautilus comes up but like a hanged window... all white08:33
silv3r_m00nand hard disk keeps working08:33
howiegrawity: i installed vnc and i dont know how to launch the vnc server08:33
afvsilv3r_m00n, do you use avant window navigator?08:33
silv3r_m00nI checked using top command and nautilus consumes most of the cpu08:33
silv3r_m00nafv: no08:33
afvsilv3r_m00n, try a 'killall nautilus'08:34
silv3r_m00nmore nautlius come up automatically08:34
cattellaris ubuntu like debian testing?08:34
grawityhowie: what package did you install?08:34
TigerStylecattellar, no08:34
afvsilv3r_m00n, are you using karmic?08:34
TigerStylecattelar, think Ubuntu as something seperate from Ubuntu08:34
TigerStylei mean Debian08:34
unopTigerStyle, eh?08:34
silv3r_m00nafv: 8.0408:34
SkaperenTigerStyle: server-i386 right?08:35
cattellarTigerStyle, which do you think is more stable?08:35
grawitycattellar: Both.08:35
TigerStylethey are both stable08:35
=== hackoo is now known as unixguru
unopcattellar, every six months or so there is a merge between ubuntu and debian testing .. so it is in a way08:35
* Skaperen will make the amd64 one later then08:35
silv3r_m00nafv: this issue has come up after I applied some updates from synaptic08:35
silv3r_m00nnow what do I do ?08:35
unopcattellar, define stable.08:35
TigerStylechuck gnome out the window and use a REAL window manager :P08:35
afvhmm.. can you use the menu, etc? is just nautilus that is broken?08:36
silv3r_m00nmoreover gnome loading has become very slow after that08:36
howiegrawity: vnc4serer, xvnc4viewer, vnc4-common08:36
grawityTigerStyle: Why? GNOME is nice.08:36
cattellarunop, no apps crash, no packages broken, it runs smoothly 24/708:36
=== unixguru is now known as hackoo
grawityhowie: hm, try installing vino instead :/08:36
silv3r_m00nany ideas ?08:36
grawitycattellar: Both, then.08:36
unopcattellar, I'd be inclined to say debian is more stable (for that definition of stable)08:36
afvsilv3r_m00n, can you use synaptic?08:36
TigerStylecattellar, for max stability, install cli and a basic DE or window manager08:37
Geoffrey2can anyone explain how one actually goes about installing ff 3.5, the current install method is pretty pathetic......08:37
silv3r_m00nme on kde now08:37
howiegrawity: i just donno how to start it... didnt show up in aplications08:37
grawityhowie: Servers usually start automatically.08:37
cattellarTigerStyle, im running openbox right now and im actually getting a lot of crashes and bugs08:37
redsoxkinghas anyone heard of a program called bottler? u can download movies08:37
TigerStyle!ff35 > Geoffrey208:37
ubottuGeoffrey2, please see my private message08:37
silv3r_m00nafv: what do I do in there ?08:37
SkaperenTigerStyle: building checksums now, will start uploading shortly08:37
howiegrawity: ah that might be it08:37
afvsilv3r_m00n, hmm.. File > History. (does that exist in 8.04? lol)08:37
TigerStyleok thanks Skaperen08:38
TigerStyleu could have told me what to do....08:38
TigerStyleI wudda learned something08:38
afvsilv3r_m00n, can you see the packages? you may try to downgrade someones.. :\08:38
cattellarwhat doesnt make sense about ubuntu, is that you build your system and make it perfect, then after 6 months you have to start over again, because making the upgrade is not recommended08:39
afvhow much of them did you update before that started?08:39
whileimhereI am re-partitioning my 40 gig HD. I have a gig of ram with an older celeron. I was wonder how much swap I need AND how much room for the  root partition is recomended.08:39
Geoffrey2TigerStyle, I did install the Firefox 3.5 package, which proceeded to insist on installing ff 3.0 at the same time, and now clicking on the start menu item loads up firefox 3.0.1108:39
olimonesafv: could you give the the web page again? when i rebooted i lost it and don't know what's next08:39
Slartcattellar: who says upgrades are not recommended?08:39
afvolimones, yes: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7299632&postcount=6008:39
cattellarSlart, the internetz08:39
afvolimones, but there's no next.. it should work now :\08:39
silv3r_m00nafv: that won't be possible... I have been doing many many upgrades... and since I mostly use kde I don't know after which update did gnome become like this08:39
afvsilv3r_m00n, ah i see..08:40
unopcattellar, I think you've been reading some nonsense then :)08:40
SkaperenTigerStyle: uploading now08:40
afvi thought it was recent08:40
TigerStyle!ff35 > TigerStyle08:40
ubottuTigerStyle, please see my private message08:40
silv3r_m00nnow what08:40
cattellaryou all distupgrade with no problems?08:40
Thorn1My audio isn't working, can anyone help me?08:40
silv3r_m00nI don't find any more gnome- packages remaining to be updates08:40
TigerStyleGeoffrey2, it said it would be called Shiretoko08:40
Slartcattellar: bah.. don't listen to the internetz... upgrades were finicky in version 7 or so... these days I don't think it's a problem.. I haven't had any at least08:40
Thorn1Anybody? Audio doesn't work, come on here....08:40
Skaperenoooh ... 31.87MB/s upload speed08:40
unopcattellar, well, i'm not going to say a dist-upgrade is flawless, sure there are teething problems .. but they're usually quite insignificant08:40
BitWraithcattellar: updates are recommended for a reason... they do cause issues every now and then but08:40
Geoffrey2TigerStyle, nope, no such listing....08:40
afvsilv3r_m00n, hmm.. maybe you can try killing some thinks to see if it comes normal? :\08:40
BitWraithoops, wrong button]08:41
TigerStyleThornl, type alsamixer in ternminal and put all bars at full08:41
SkaperenTigerStyle: http://slashusr.net/ubuntu/ubuntu-9.04-server-i386.iso.img08:41
silv3r_m00nlet me try that08:41
BitWraithtiny netbook keyboard, pardon me X-D08:41
afv!ff35 afv08:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff35 afv08:41
afv!ff35 > afv08:41
ubottuafv, please see my private message08:41
Geoffrey2TigerStyle, last time I installed it, I had to go and manually move files around and create symlinks so ubuntu would even admit it was there08:41
Thorn1TigerStyle: They're already up08:41
SkaperenTigerStyle: remember, use the special flashnul instructions to record that image onto flash media08:41
fantomasDoes anyone use aswesome?08:42
TigerStylewow u have quick upload speeds ol08:42
sn00zerfantomas: I have, but very little08:42
losherwhileimhere: 10G for root (7G at a pinch), between 1 & 2G for swap, the rest for /home08:42
Thorn1Can somebody help me with my audio issues08:42
imgoofygooberI just installed ubuntu on my computer yeah now i'm confused as to what to do next08:42
octane_8i don't know but i'm pretty awesome08:42
TigerStyleGeoffrey2 press F2 and type firefox-3.508:42
TigerStyleand press enter08:42
piscoooWhat cli-application can you recommend to resize multiple images? (.jpg)08:42
fantomassn00zer: are you using it as wm for gnome, or standalone?08:42
olimonesafv: thanks for your help. it didn't work. I'll do some research tomorrow morning.08:42
Geoffrey2Then today I start up and it's mysteriously disappeared, and when I try to install it again, it installs ff 3.0 at the same time, and 3.0 is the only thing available from the start menu08:42
afvolimones, just one more thing..08:42
sn00zerfantomas: stand alone08:42
unoppiscooo, resize or convert from the imagemagick package08:42
Thorn1Can somebody help me with my audio problems?08:43
TigerStyleSkaperen, U WERE UPLOADING IN MB's, HOLY poo?08:43
nightshadei'm having trouble getting ubuntu to detect my wireless chipset if someone can lend a hend08:43
nightshadehand even08:43
fantomassn00zer: hm... I just try to understand what advantages of using awesome with Gnome? :) Do I really need it08:43
nightshadei've been trying all day08:44
SkaperenTigerStyle: with rsync ...08:44
Skaperenubuntu-9.04-server-i386.iso.img 614031360 100%   31.87MB/s    0:00:18 (xfer#4, to-check=1/27)08:44
sn00zerI don't think so, but then again I'm not really a fan of gnome, I use old school xfce, lxde, or flux/openbox myself08:44
whileimhereLosher: does Ubuntu really take up that much space?08:44
TigerStylenightshade, which one is it?08:44
nightshadeworks with my laptop but not on my desktop pc08:44
nightshadeits an atheros08:44
TigerStyleexact model?08:44
SkaperenTigerStyle: took longer to rebuild the checksums than to upload ... no one around here using the net right now08:45
Geoffrey2TigerStyle, ok, thanks, it's running now08:45
sn00zerfantomas: * old school kde as in 3.5, not sure what happened there, hit the keys but it didn't make it to the screen.08:45
afvolimones, sorry, 1 sec.. i'm not founding it! just red it some seconds ago but i can't find it.. here in the chat..08:45
TigerStylenightshade, are u sure?08:45
nightshadeyeah it's a wireless gateway08:45
piscooounop: resize is not valid08:46
nightshadeso i'm connecting through the nic08:46
nightshadeit is definately atheros chipset08:46
jopljuI just installed ubuntu and I'm needing help with a few things. Any one not busy willing to help?08:46
afvolimones, try just this: <TigerStyle> Thornl, type alsamixer in ternminal and put all bars at full08:46
TigerStyleTG585 comes up with a Thompson Speedtouch Router08:46
TigerStylewhich is weird08:46
knightonwhiteHello , i am trying to use wget to save cookie from website (the website required referer) , when i use the browser : mozilla firefox and i open the website mozilla creating the cookie good, but when i use wget (with referer) i get empty cookie ? any idea ?08:46
Thorn1Ugh.  Can anyone help me fix my audio?08:46
nightshadeTigerstyle thatd be it08:47
nightshadewireless router08:47
unoppiscooo, it's probably called 'convert' with the ubuntu package then08:47
afvThorn1, what's the problem of your audio?08:47
TigerStylenightshade, then I have no idea lol, sorry08:47
whileimhereI have a desktop PC without a wireless card. I also have a laptop with working wireless. If I hook them up via a D-Link 5 port switch will I be able to use the internet via the laptop from the desktop?08:47
SkaperenTigerStyle: if you have a way to do an MD5 checksum of that server image, it's bb97bcbb6945dd6582c048bb7f6eca5208:47
Thorn1afv:  It doesn't work.  aplay shows my hardware, but there is no sound.  I adjusted the settings alsa to max, but still no sound08:48
nightshadeusing airmon-ng theres nothing, on the laptop i get ath0 and wifi008:48
TigerStyleSkaperen, im only on 6%, very slow server u have :P08:48
nightshadefor the interfaces08:48
Sativacan you guys help me out?08:48
Sativaim not spamming dudes08:48
Sativai just wanna see her..08:48
FloodBot3Sativa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:48
TigerStylebut if ur connecting to ur router via a ethernet cable, u dont need a wireless thingy majingy08:48
TigerStyleit shud configure itself08:49
nightshadei want to connect to a friends08:49
Thorn1avf: Got any ideas?08:49
TigerStylenightshade, uve lost me08:49
afvThorn1, do a "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 | grep codec"08:49
nightshadei'm trying to scan for other wireless networks08:49
TigerStyleusing a desktop?08:50
afvand google for it.. you may find something08:50
nightshadea desktop pc as opposed to my laptop08:50
Thorn1afv: nothing happens08:50
losherwhileimhere: it depends how many packages you install. Currently my root partitions vary from 3G to 6G in use. For swap, you might look at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq08:50
TigerStyledoes this desktop have wireless?08:50
afvThorn1, what does aplay -l say?08:50
nightshadeit does now that i've plugged the router in.08:50
vicespress the windows key+n to see something interesting08:51
nightshadewhat i'm saying and people can't seem to get passed it is i've connected to the router through the laptops nic and successfully scanned for other networks08:51
nightshadenow i want to do the same with the desktop pc nic08:51
nightshadeif that makes any sense08:52
Thorn1afv: whats the command I say on irc to open that website to post terminal outputs08:52
ikoniaThorn1: pastbine.ubuntu.com08:52
TigerStylenightshade, one wireless router cannot connect to another.....08:52
afvpastebin.com ?08:52
afvor that08:52
nightshadeTigerStyle, thing is that on the desktop pc it can't even detect the router08:52
Thorn1Oh yeah08:52
nightshadeso that would be a nice start, just detect the router08:53
olimonesafv: i didn't work eather08:53
nightshadewell no08:53
nightshadeit has08:53
afvolimones, everything from the steps went well?08:53
TigerStylenightshade, can u use the internet on the desktop right now or not?08:53
Thorn1afv: http://pastebin.com/d16eeabc908:53
nightshadeTigerstyle when i type in airmon-ng i get nothing08:53
nightshadeyes if i use my wired connection08:54
olimonesI have alsamier 100 on all the options08:54
afvolimones, i don't know then :(08:54
nightshadeTigerstyle, i'm sitting here with both computers in front of me, currently using xp on laptop08:54
nightshadewireless router is plugged in, not wired. so theres no internet on there at the moment.08:55
olimonesnver mind. i'll do something tomorrow. thanks very much. i learned some from you tonight08:55
afvThorn1, and the output of "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0|grep -i codec"? (sorry, forgot the -i before..)08:55
afvolimones, no problem :)08:55
TigerStylenightshade, explain the whole scenario08:55
vijaycould u plz help me webcam not working08:55
Thorn1afv: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0|grep -i codec08:55
TigerStylepm it08:55
x2nightshade try to crack wep keys?08:56
afvThorn1, me? pm you the command? :s08:56
TigerStylex2, I think so lol08:56
Thorn1afv:Codec: IDT 92HD75B3X508:56
pXdwebcams and ubuntu can sometimes be hard to get going, especially with skype ive noticed08:57
vijayhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/216077/ see this and help me plz08:57
nightshadeTigerStyle, i will try to put it across as straight as i can. I'm trying to use aircrack to scan for wireless networks, when i type airmon-ng or iwconfig i get no feedback from the wireless router08:57
SNAXim in the same boat with the wep key crackage...08:57
SNAXaircrack is a joke08:57
nightshadeit should indicate Interface Chipset and Driver08:57
SNAXhow can someone gather 413k packets in under 5 minutes08:57
nightshadewhich it does on the laptop, but not the desktop pc08:58
x2sudo airodump-ng Interface08:58
afvThorn1, try http://www.google.com/search?q=92HD75B3X5+"no+audio or http://www.google.com/search?q=92HD75B3X5+"no+sound08:58
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nightshadeTigerstyle, the nic is detected but not the wireless router.08:58
nightshadex2 it doesn't do anything08:59
TigerStylelisten to SNAX and x2 nightshade, I have no idea08:59
SNAX... aircrack is a hoax... imo... but only because it ALWAYS seems to have SOME issue08:59
nightshadex2 it just says no interface specified08:59
x2aircrack works fine08:59
nightshadeno it does work, i had it running08:59
SNAXwhere did you have issues08:59
x2works for me08:59
nightshadewhy it's an issue on my desktop pc is a damn annoying mystery08:59
SNAXwhat chipset do you have?09:00
A4TechHey all, who knows what you can edit the firmware in your phone to Ubuntu?09:00
TigerStylebecause the laptop is using its own wireless card?09:00
Thorn1 afv: lol.  Look at this, and scroll down to the 4th post.  I made me laugh http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119227409:00
ikoniaA4Tech: you cxan't do that09:00
nightshadethat i did not consider09:00
SNAXyou want a link to a laptop card that may have atheros? its $20 and free shipping09:00
SNAXbut i THINK it has atheros. not too sure09:00
A4Techikonia On W<offtop>s, I did it successfully.09:00
SNAXit son neweggg.. meh im lazy right now baaaaah09:01
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ikoniaA4Tech: on W ?09:01
x2nightshade type this, "sudo airmon-ng"09:01
x2what interfaces listed?09:01
SNAXtahts it.. im getting my linux hdd out09:01
nightshadelaptop i get ath0 and madwifi09:01
A4Techikonia Used far + a few plugins for it09:01
ikoniaA4Tech: what are you talking about ?09:02
TigerStylex2, nightshade is trying to use his router to connect to another router that isnt i his house09:02
x2ath0 ok so then use that09:02
knightonwhiteHello , i am trying to use wget to save cookie from website (the website required referer) , when i use the browser : mozilla firefox and i open the website mozilla creating the cookie good, but when i use wget (with referer) i get empty cookie ? any idea ?09:02
TigerStyleisnt in*09:02
SNAXmeh.. this box has THREE HDDs in it.. which one has the linux...09:02
x2sudo airmon-ng stop ath009:02
ikoniaknightonwhite: wget is not a browser09:02
nightshadeok i think Tigerstyle may be right09:02
ikoniaknightonwhite: think "ftp"09:02
SNAXhmm. one of thse is a little broken tho.. thich one is THAT... omg omg09:02
x2ifconfig ath0 down09:03
nightshadeand i feel all the more wiser now after spending a day discovering this09:03
x2and so on ;)09:03
afvThorn1, lol, just been in that thread moments ago, while helping olimones with the same problem..09:03
knightonwhiteikonia: can i make wget to act like browser in order to save to cookies to file ?09:03
ikoniaknightonwhite: it's not a browser, it won't work like that09:03
nightshadeand thus that concludes my first wireless endeavour unless i establish it isn't in fact the laptops wireless card09:04
TigerStylei think it is nightshade09:04
* nightshade facepalm09:04
A4Techikonia I ask about whether there is in the Ubuntu program or utility such as windows to edit the firmware of your phone.09:04
x2well type "sudo airodump-ng ath0"09:04
nightshadewell thank you for your time anyway all09:04
ikoniaA4Tech: ok - so you want to flash the firmware, not put ubuntu on your phone09:04
TigerStylenightshade wait, we can check09:04
ikoniaA4Tech: there are very few phone applications that will allow that on Linux, it very much depends on your phone make and model, but the short answer will be "probably not"09:05
nightshadex2 it says no such device09:05
TigerStyledo u know the ip adress and username and password for ur TG585 router?09:05
BitWraithwhich package do I need to downgrade to revert back to the jaunty kernel09:05
pXdA4tech. why not try your windows progz under wine... but not sure that will work with phones09:05
A4Techikonia ok, thx09:05
nightshadeTigerStyle yes09:05
TigerStylego on ur laptop and try using those details09:05
A4TechpXd brrr :)09:05
nightshadei can access that from desktop pc09:06
TigerStylenot the laptop?09:06
bazhangnightshade, x2 TigerStyle please take this to #aircrack09:06
nightshadeyes from both09:06
A4Techbazhang hello :)09:07
chrisleesA4tech: if you try the program in Wine, you will probably need to run it as root in order for it to be able to access the phone09:07
nightshadeok bazhang09:07
TigerStylenightshade, then it is connected the way u want it to09:07
TigerStylelets go to #aircrack lol09:07
A4Techchrislees aga09:07
unwell_13how do i get my blackberry to work in ubuntu?09:08
pXda4tech better yet just setup virtualbox09:08
jackbauerHello world.  I caused an error on my server.  Here's the shindig: i have ubuntu intrepid that had wordpress running on apache2.  I installed ispcp but then I couldn't access phpmyadmin or my site.  My solution was to configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf and /etc/apache2/ports.conf to serve ispcp on another port and an appropriate vhost on port 80.  However, now php isn't working out of the site i set to port 80.09:09
bullgard4What device does /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c designate? My audio device is a Intel 82801 (ICH6 family).09:10
n2diybullgard4: maybe lshw and/or lspci could help you?09:13
howieanyone know where the config file for vncserver is?09:13
bullgard4n2diy: Why should they? I am using them often.09:14
pXdsigh, why is google bothering create its own open source OS...09:15
howiecause google is going to take over the world.09:15
pXdthat much i know09:16
TigerStylecue evil laugh09:16
bullgard4pXd: Why don't you sigh in #ubuntu-offtopic?09:16
pXdim not too sure how to change channels etc09:16
howieha@ TigerStyle09:16
TigerStylethere is a #google channel lol09:16
n2diybullgard4: who said they should? I said maybe they could?09:16
bullgard4pXd: Then you better read first the topic of this channel.09:17
bullgard4n2diy: Thank you very much for your help.09:17
sn00zerDoes anyone know why my syslog would be full of this command? "/USR/SBIN/CRON[26340]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)"09:17
pXdlol, loser, was just a comment when no one else was talking.09:18
sn00zerI checked my user and root's crontabs, both are empty.09:18
ohletmeinnowjesuwhats ubuntu's off topic chatroom?09:18
chrisleessn00zer: I don't know, but I've got it too. I've also got some "MOTD" updater09:20
x2sn00zer you use xchat>?09:21
sn00zerx2: irssi09:21
sn00zerchrislees: MOTD is an irc thing, mode of the day?09:21
TigerStylemessage of the day09:21
TigerStyleI think09:21
x2sn00zer use xchat ;) you wont get tagged09:21
mb_againwhen you log in to a terminal and motd is active it gives you a little fortune cookie09:22
sn00zerx2: tagged?09:22
x2i like cookies09:22
TigerStylechocolate chip ones09:22
mb_againused to be important for communicating whe all  the users just had terminals09:22
chrisleesYeah I'm not worrying about the MOTD, I quite like the information it gives you when you log into a text terminal09:22
sn00zermb_again: So if I disable MOTD, I won't get these in my syslog?09:23
mb_againsorry, what in syslog?09:23
grawitysn00zer: I don't think this is related to motd at all.09:24
sn00zerI also have --MARK-- in there every 30 minutes.09:24
TigerStyleor the #ubuntu channel :|09:24
unwell_13what driver do I need for a blackberry 8100?09:24
chrisleessn00zer: if you disable MOTD you won't get any MOTD log entries. The log entries that you are complaining about, however, are unrelated to MOTD09:24
chrisleessn00zer: I believe --MARK-- is normal too, it indicates that the machine is up09:25
x2unwell_13 rim software?09:25
sn00zermb_again: I have the cron command "(root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)" in my syslog09:25
ikoniax2: blackberry ?09:25
unwell_13x2: yes09:25
TigerStyleim downloading an iso at 90 kB/s09:25
unwell_13x2: blackberry 810009:25
TigerStylethis is sloooowwwww09:25
bazhang!ot > TigerStyle09:25
ubottuTigerStyle, please see my private message09:25
grawitysn00zer: I think it just runs all the crontab scripts in /etc/cron.hourly, it's normal09:25
buckysn00zer: you also have that in cat /etc/crontab09:26
mb_againoh i see, you got crontab recording it ran once an hour, and you got the logger putting in marks to show that it is up. You may be able to turn off the logging for crontab on its config. You can tell syslog to junk the commands with its filter system instead. and the MARK s can be turned off in the loggin system conviguration09:26
x2unwell_13 im to lazy to look but have you checked the forums?09:26
grawitysn00zer: You can make syslog write cron messages to another log.09:26
sn00zergrawity: But there aren't any crontabs to run09:26
unwell_13x2: yes  I have...09:26
grawitysn00zer: There might be, so it checks anyway.09:26
buckysn00zer: and you want the MARK entries because if your logs get shorter it means you've been hacked09:26
grawitysn00zer: Just make syslog write it to another log file.09:26
sn00zergrawity: Ok, thanks, I'll look into that09:27
bullgard4What device does /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c designate? My audio device is a Intel 82801 (ICH6 family).09:27
buckysn00zer: what's the matter... running out of disk space ?09:27
sn00zerbucky: Whats to stop the attacker from editing the logs and adding/deleting their own --MARK-- messages?09:27
x2unwell_13 are you trying to use it as a tethered modem?09:27
buckysn00zer: go ahead and try it09:27
Pirate_Huntermy box can't connect to the internet as it can't find the host, how do i fix this?09:28
unwell_13x2: no I am not.... that doesn't work on the pear09:28
SandGorgonanybody know how to install Daggerfall on dosemu in ubuntu jaunty ?09:28
sn00zermb_again: Thanks for the info, makes it much less concerning09:28
abe3khi guys, is there a way of knowing which mouse cursor image is being used from the terminal ?09:28
bazhanghttp://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/59477 SandGorgon09:29
* sn00zer tries to add --MARK-- to his syslog file09:29
n2diysnOOzer, Read and write permissions?09:29
mb_againif you want safe logs and you dont trust the local system, you can remote syslog into another system you do trust. going in circles about whether some hacker faked the marks is fairly pointless. they could. none really would, they just wipe the log to empty.09:29
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buckyyou can't really effectively fake MARKS09:31
grawityYou can fake everything.09:31
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sn00zern2diy: my user doesn't but sudo does09:31
SandGorgonbazhang, between dosbox and dosemu - should I be using dosbox ?09:31
mb_againpirate hunter: sounds like no dns resolution. do you know how to debug that?09:31
bazhangSandGorgon, dosbox09:31
sn00zerbucky: I just did, at least it appears the same to me09:31
buckysn00zer: now you have less than 30 minutes between two MARKS in your file right..09:31
RebekaHey folks, I need some help.09:31
FrogzooRebeka: request denied!09:32
mb_againgo on line 209:32
n2diysnOOzer, so how does the attacker get sudo's password?09:32
TigerStyleignore Frogzoo rebeka09:32
sn00zerbucky: no, I copied and inserted one line, then deleted the one i copied09:32
x2n2diy from arp poison lol09:32
TigerStylerebeka, just ask the question09:32
Pirate_Huntermy box can't connect to the internet as it can't find the host, how do i fix this?09:33
buckysn00zer: i'm not going to match wits with an unarmed man09:33
Frogzooit's unnecessary to ask permission to ask a question09:33
Rebekaokie folks, here's my question:09:33
maroyhi, I have an issue with dbconfig, maybe someone can help09:33
maroythis is what I get:09:33
SandGorgonbazhang, thanks09:33
maroydbconfig-common: writing config to /etc/dbconfig-common/cacti.conf09:33
maroy*** WARNING: ucf was run from a maintainer script that uses debconf, but09:33
maroy             the script did not pass --debconf-ok to ucf. The maintainer09:33
Frogzoogah! rebeka - that's 3 lines where 1 would suffice09:33
maroy             script should be fixed to not stop debconf before calling ucf,09:33
FloodBot3maroy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:33
maroy             and pass it this parameter. For now, ucf will revert to using09:33
maroy             old-style, non-debconf prompting. Ugh!09:33
RebekaSorry, can I get a minute here?09:34
bazhangRebeka, need an actual question09:34
SlartRebeka: just ask your question09:34
FrogzooRebeka: just state your problem - no more09:34
TigerStylejust ask the question09:34
bucky!welcome | Rebeka09:34
ubottuRebeka: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.09:34
sn00zerbucky: Unless my editing the file throws off the MARK timing later on, I don't see how it would solve anything. yes I am assuming the attacker has compromised my account, then used privilege escalation to compromise root.09:34
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buckysn00zer: you got hacked already?09:35
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buckyRebeka: we can't hear you09:36
Rebekaok, I'm posting from my computer, which is ubuntu 9 (something), but I have another computer which is also ubuntu, but not connected to the internet, and is just used for running computations.   I would like it to boot up everytime without bothering me for a login/password.  How do I get it to just boot up?  Thanks!  Reb,09:36
sn00zerbucky: no, at least I'm pretty sure I haven't been, but I saw all the cron logs and decided to investigate. I was saying theoretically if the attacker compromised my account then escalated to root. (in response to my account not having read/write permissions)09:37
SlartRebeka: in system, administration, login window there are settings for autologin09:37
RebekaI tried that, and it does not work.09:37
RebekaEven after rebooting multi times09:37
SlartRebeka: are you using an encrypted partition for ubuntu?09:37
Rebekait's on a Dell Vostro Laptop09:38
SlartRebeka: it's a regular, normal install?09:38
buckyRebeka: here's a couple of ways http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81919809:38
RebekaWell, it has Vista on it, on a small partition, just to keep it there, for the company's sake...09:39
sn00zeranyway, Thanks to all who added to my crontab question09:39
TigerStyleeverytime someone join a channel im in09:40
TigerStylei get a WHOis from them09:40
TigerStylea bit annoying09:40
FrogzooRebeka: on gnome: system -> administration -> login -> security -> automatic login09:41
RebekaI've tried everything in the forums, and I really need it to just boot because it runs a program which tends to crash the OS09:41
Dayofswordswhat vlient are you using?09:41
Out_Coldif i have a /home directory.... and i mount say /dev/sdf4 to /home where does the old /home go???09:41
Pirate_HunterTigerStyle, offtopic please ask questions09:41
Pirate_Huntermy box can't connect to the internet as it can't find the host, how do i fix this?09:41
Rebekawhoa, whoa, can I get some time here folks?09:41
TigerStylego on just ask the question lol09:41
sn00zerOut_Cold: Nowhere, because it isn't mounted, or if it is, /dev/sdf4 won't mount.09:41
chrisleesRebeka: on gnome: system -> administration -> login -> security -> automatic login09:42
SlartRebeka: people will continue asking questions.. it isn't a "only one user helped at a time" service09:42
SlartRebeka: what happens when you try the automatic login option? you don't get any errors or anything?09:42
Uweexactly, Rebeka, but usually you get many helpfull suggestions09:42
Out_Coldsn00zer, what if you mounted a new disk to /home right now... where does the old /home go? if it was a part of /09:42
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SlartPirate_Hunter: it sounds like a dns problem.. can you ping something by name? ie ping www.google.com09:43
RebekaYes, I've checked "Enable Automatic Login", and it still prompts a login09:44
sn00zerOut_Cold: If you have something mounted at /home, you can't mount your new disk at /home, it will not let you. First you'd have to unmount /home, in which case it would need to be on its own partition, or the OS would deny the unmount (I think) In any case, if something is there currently, you can't mount a new drive over it, if you unmount the current /home, it stays on its own disk area waiting to be mounted again.09:45
RebekaBloody hell, is there a less busy place where I can get some help (although thanks all, I just can't follow all of this mess)09:45
richardcavellRebeka: you can go to ubuntuforums.org09:45
mzzsn00zer: hmm? sure you can, the thing mounted last will just hide the thing below it, if I'm not completely mistaken. Doublechecking...09:46
sn00zerRebeka: The channel is kinda slow right now actually :)09:46
bullgard4What device does /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c designate? My audio device is a Intel 82801 (ICH6 family).09:46
RebekaI have, but there does not seem to be any help there for my problems,09:46
mzzsn00zer: just checked, the kernel lets you09:46
sn00zermzz: Crazy... Well, I stand corrected09:46
Out_Coldsn00zer, sounds good09:47
mzzOut_Cold: the old /home is hidden and will reappear if you umount the new one09:47
buckyRebeka: go to a linux users group meeting and they will fix it for you09:47
Out_Coldyea mzz ty09:47
mzzsn00zer: it's really a special case of that mount points do not have to be empty (and whatever's there gets hidden behind the mounted drive)09:47
newb2linuxhey guys ..09:47
Pirate_HunterSlart,  nope ive done this too many times to be dns problem, the box had different hosts in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts/ corrected it already (thats what happens when you format your server at 3am)09:47
newb2linuxHow can I have a program auto run when I turn on my computer? Ex XBMC09:48
sn00zermzz: Hmm, seems like an interesting way to hide some files in plain sight09:48
mzzsn00zer: if anyone's actually looking they'd find them soon enough09:49
mzzsn00zer: (if I was looking I'd boot off something else and mount all your partitions separately, for example)09:49
buckythe FBI could find them09:49
RebekaI have gone to System>Admin>Login Win>....But it does not fix the problem on this box...  I really need this box to reboot without needing a login, because the programme I'm running for my thesis crashes linux all the time.  Yes, it's programmed badly, but we have no cash to make it perfect.  So I need ubuntu to reboot perfectly, and without questions, and the answers you've given me are not helping...09:49
SlartPirate_Hunter: what does "cat /etc/resolv.conf" tell you?09:49
Pirate_HunterSlart, but here is an honest question i installed 8.04 desktop however i have installed the server images without deleting the generic images. If I delete the generic images will the system update the server images?09:49
mzzsn00zer: also, you can play games with bindmounts to get at the hidden files without unmounting the thing on top09:50
sn00zermzz: It still get a windows user :)09:50
buckyRebeka: is the program that starts automatically one that you wrote?09:50
sergiumihaihi, anyone know, it is possible to install enlightenment DE on ubuntu with package manager09:50
SlartPirate_Hunter: afaik yes09:51
TigerStyleunless u want e1609:51
bazhangsergiumihai, sure it is09:51
RebekaNaw, it was done by the hacks in CS09:51
sn00zerbucky: The feds would just confiscate your pc after a raid which destroyed your house, throw the pc in a warehouse for 4 months, plant some evidence and call it good09:51
bazhangTigerStyle, dont answer unless you know09:51
buckyRebeka: does it have to start automaticall... can you just start it manually by hand after you log in?09:51
Rebeka(who are good folks, but we're all broke and underfunded these days)09:51
TigerStylebazhang, thats adding unstable repos though......09:51
Pirate_HunterSlart, that command just tells me that ive created a static ip through networkmanager (got lazy) yah thats what i wanted to know so the server images will be used that is great09:52
marcus_aureliushello, does anyone know if i can burn lightscribe labels in brasero?09:52
Rebeka...and it's a mishmash, I did the COBOL in it, but there's a tonne of crap in it, I just need to know how to make sure that UBUNTU always reboots without a prompt!09:53
bazhangTigerStyle, that is not correct. please stop09:53
buckyRebeka: can you press the escape key in the three second grub gives you to enter the boot up menu and boot up in single user mode.. I think that will keep the program from starting then disable it somehow so you can boot up normally and sort this out09:53
Rebeka@baz - pardon?09:53
buckyRebeka: boot into single user mode at the grub menu09:54
Rebekaand then...?09:54
buckyRebeka: once you're in stop the program from starting at boot up09:55
buckyRebeca did they put an init script in /etc/init.d ?09:55
buckyRebeka:  if so update-rc.d -f <bad_program-name> remove09:56
Rebeka@bucky...how would I check that on the ind. box?09:56
m477what program to defragmentation do you  recommend ?09:57
bazhangm477, none needed09:57
Frogzoom477: ext doesn't need defragging09:57
buckyRebeka: ls /etc/init.d09:57
m477why ?09:57
buckylook for the program09:57
Frogzoom477: just don't mess with the default free allocation09:57
Rebekarad, cool, justa sec,09:57
m477sounds cool09:58
buckyRebeka: they may have it  started with sessions tho09:58
Rebekaokie, cool, I think I just found the answer ;)09:58
Rebekaokie folks, 'yer rad, and never touch COBOL, it's the fucking devil!09:58
Ali_nzok, one more time, for fun, how do I mount a ntfs drive with ntfs-3g?09:58
FrogzooRebeka: on gnome: system -> administration -> login -> security -> automatic login09:58
buckyRebeka: call those hackkers at 3:00 AM09:58
RebekaTHE DEVIL09:58
bazhangRebeka, watch the language09:58
TigerStylebazhang, tone down the admin a bit09:59
Frogzoobazhang: you can't be serious09:59
Rebekaheh, sorry, but it really is the devil, darn legacy code09:59
Frogzoowow, bazhang is serious lol09:59
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TigerStyleill take that as a no...10:00
marcus_aureliusis there any application that will burn a lightscribe label to a disc?  pls don't say k3b, i know it's a good program, but i'd like to avoid the kde overhead, since i'm running gnome10:00
mzzI'm hunting for a gtk-based music player that can give me just a filesystem tree without reading any tags. Pretty sure I saw one earlier but can't find it again.10:00
TigerStylemzz, tried exaile?10:00
Out_ColdAli_nz, mount /dev/sd** -t ntfs-3g /path/to/new -o force10:00
mzzTigerStyle: not recently, but I shall :)10:00
mzzTigerStyle: the thing is I have my mp3s behind a slowish sshfs link currently, so I need it to not read tags on things it's not currently playing.10:01
Rebekaokie, cool, yeah, so I think I've seen a way to get around the basic run-around on that box, it will be ugly, bit it'll work.  rock on folks10:01
TigerStylemzz, there is one really basic player10:01
TigerStylecant remember the name at all10:01
Ali_nzOut_Cold: ok - no errors came up - how to test it worked?10:02
mzzTigerStyle: yeah, same here. Heh, perhaps I should just throw something together myself, or use the cli.10:02
Out_ColdAli_nz, cd /place/to/new10:02
Ali_nzyes, but the drive is empty anyway....10:02
TigerStylemzz, xmms10:02
Out_ColdAli_nz, ls -la /place/to/new10:02
TigerStyletried that?10:03
milo_hi. Please can someone explain me why i can't watch some videos on facebook? It tells me video unavailable but it works in windows...10:03
mzzTigerStyle: no thanks10:03
TigerStylelol why?10:03
TigerStyleits quite good10:03
mzzTigerStyle: don't like that style of ui10:03
bazhangmzz, xmms no longer exists, the replacement is audacious10:03
mzzbazhang: or beep media player, iirc.10:03
Out_ColdAli_nz, mount10:03
bazhang!xmms > TigerStyle10:03
ubottuTigerStyle, please see my private message10:03
Ali_nzOut_Cold - ?10:03
Out_ColdAli_nz, type mount10:04
toomaimilo_: I might be very well mistaken, but is a facebook film not youtube in the end? and does youtube not have a beta website which requires new flash?10:04
kizzawhat apps are the best on ubuntu10:04
Ali_nzyeah its in the list10:04
Out_Coldkizza, all of them10:05
TigerStyleI know its not being developed, its still nice for crappy pc's10:05
Ali_nzOut_Cold: and in theory can I send a ddrescue *.bin to the ntfs mounted drive?10:05
* TigerStyle goes back on topic10:05
milo_toomai: in fact i have uploaded the video from youtube...10:05
Out_Colddunno bout that..10:05
kizzathe good ones10:05
toomaikizza: that is a question NO ONE can answer...;)....for what purpose? and even if we know the purpose there are mostly several apps doing quite a good job10:05
toomaikizza: FOSS is about choice...:)10:05
mzz!best > kizza10:05
ubottukizza, please see my private message10:05
toomaimilo_: as I said...it is not a facebook problem, it might be a youtube problem....can you watch the same movie on youtube?10:06
Rebekaokie, so I'm back,10:06
Ali_nzOut_Cold: well its happening10:06
toomaiRebeka: yes, you are...:)10:06
buckyRebeka: ls /etc/X11/Xsession.d/  and see if they put a file in there.. if so move it out with mv ls /etc/X11/Xsession.d/<the_devils_cobol>  ../10:06
Rebekaok, sorry folks ;)10:06
Out_Coldwell good luck..10:06
Ali_nzin the gui, file explorer is their a way to include file sizes10:06
milo_toomai:yes. but hw can i fix that? :)10:07
kizzawho here plays diablo 2 lol10:07
kizzaon ubuntu10:07
mzzAli_nz: you mean the usual gnome nautilus one?10:07
Rebekaok,I figured a workaround, but I'm not that smart, so I need some more help...10:07
toomaimilo_: yes? so you can play the very same movie on youtube?10:07
Ali_nzyer  think that what it caled10:07
mzzAli_nz: switching to list view is one way10:07
milo_toomai: yes10:07
Ali_nzahh, i see10:07
mzzAli_nz: zooming in a bit in icon view is another10:07
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toomaikizza: diablo 2 can only be played using WINE (a program that fakes a windows enviroment for installing and using windows apps)10:08
Ali_nzwell, heres a little experiment with ddrescue underway :-)10:08
RebekaOK: So the box needs a potential for 'net connect,10:08
toomaimilo_: then I am sorry...I am out of ideas...:(10:08
THBhi I need some help with my ubuntu laptop10:08
THBI need to run gparted on this but it wont let me install it10:09
toomaiTHB: what is the error message when you try to install it10:09
zetheroo1I am just wondering if when in Appearance prefs I have Desktop Effects turned to "none" if that is actually switching off the display adapter from using its own proccessing power?10:09
milo_toomai: thanks anyway. Now i know that it's not fcbk's prblm. thks dude10:09
buckyTHB: it's not already installed?10:09
toomaimilo_: not a problem10:09
zetheroo1just that on "none" it seems to be more sluggish than when i have it on "Normal"10:09
THBI think because I havent used ti in so long the repositories I used to connect to dont exist anymore10:09
THBone moment guys10:09
mzzzetheroo1: on "none" it runs no compositing manager. I've had that actually be slower due to driver oddities a while ago.10:09
Rebekabut when the box boots, it pops up a box which says "Enter password for default ..."  what's up wih that?  I though I got it to just boot?10:10
chrisleeszetherool: No, it just turns off the desktop effects. It might feel more sluggish due to no acceleration of window movements10:10
mzzzetheroo1: as an experiment you could try installing and running xcompmgr (a very basic compositing manager) by hand10:10
mzzzetheroo1: if that speeds things up you hit a similar driver oddity10:10
zetheroo1mzz: what will I be able to do with that?....10:10
THB@toomai: http://pastebin.com/d568d90fb10:11
mzzzetheroo1: it's a very basic compositing manager. If running that by hand (with desktop effects set to "none") makes things go faster you hit a similar driver oddity (where running any compositing manager helps)10:11
buckyRebeka: linux generally requires a passwd... it's because of all those stupid people who invented unix 40 years ago10:11
mzzzetheroo1: that's definitely not supposed to be the case though.10:11
YuboI want to have a server running a few script on serveral times, like 08:00, 12:00, 18:00 and so on, but be in idle/suspend between those times. Idon't want the server to be up and running all the time. Is there a way to achieve this?10:11
THB@ bucky: I dont think it is installed because I cannot run it10:11
zetheroo1mzz: oh I see10:11
mzzbucky: err? you can turn them off just fine (in general, haven't tried specifically in ubuntu recently)10:12
buckyTHB is this a jaunty install disc?10:12
banditpowerHello world.  I caused an error on my server.  Here's the shindig: i have ubuntu intrepid that had wordpress running on apache2.  I installed ispcp but then I couldn't access phpmyadmin or my site.  My solution was to configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf and /etc/apache2/ports.conf to serve ispcp on another port and an appropriate vhost on port 80.  However, now php isn't working out of the site i set to port 810:12
Rebekayeah, I know that, but I need it to run without one!  It's just sitting there, and I need it to work,10:12
toomaiTHB: that sounds like a network problem rather than an application problem10:12
YuboHow can I have a Ubuntu Server boot/resume on some times like 08:00 and 12:00 and then run a couple of scripts, then shut down?10:12
mzzRebeka: is this thing running a gui? gdm has an "autologon" feature you may be interested in.10:12
toomaiTHB: can you install something else to verify...try installing gftp (if you havent installed that one yet)10:12
THBI already have ubuntu on an old laptop that oesnt get much use10:13
THBk toomai will try now10:13
mzzRebeka: is it running the usual ubuntu gnome desktop?10:13
buckymzz: RECAP:  it won't let it boot up into gnome because it's choking on some auto start program for class10:13
RebekaLook, I need ubuntu to just open and run, without a PW, without any BS, just run, and just work.  Can it do it?10:13
Out_ColdYubo, wake on ethernet?10:13
mzzRebeka: that depends on what it's currently getting stuck on.10:13
THBsame thing toomai it complains it cant connect to the repositories10:13
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toomaiYubo: RESUMING from shutdown must be done either by BIOS (afaik there was an option once) or wake on lan10:14
buckymzz i told her to boot into single user mode... prolly requires her password.. QUESTION: does she know her passwd?10:14
mzzRebeka: for example you may simply be looking for system -> administration -> login window -> security -> enable automatic login10:14
toomaiTHB: ah, so you have troubles much likely with your /etc/apt/sources.list10:14
mzzbucky: why single user mode? What does this thing need to run?10:14
THBsounds like it10:14
om26er1plz any1 tell me how do i know which driver version i am using of any device10:14
buckymzz: RECAP:  it won't let it boot up into gnome because it's choking on some auto start program for class10:14
Yubotoomai: Ok, can I set a time in BIOS? Like wake the computer up on 12:00?10:14
toomaiTHB: it is not a problem with gparted itself...maybe that repository does not exist anmyore10:14
surfhi can some1 help me with gparted live?10:14
Rebekawell, I just need it to open and run, with no problems, with no PW, just open and start.  It's running on out lab's Dell Vostro, which normally runs Linux with 0 problems10:14
Yubotoomai: Or do I have to use WOL?10:14
mzzRebeka: clarify, please. Exactly what is it getting stuck on, and how far along the boot process does it get?10:14
THBtoomai: I dont really remember how to change them and where I should point to now10:14
surfI boot from cd and then it sees only unallocated space10:14
om26er1is there a utility like device manager10:15
surfhow can I edit the partition tables?10:15
grawitysurf: gparted10:15
toomaiYubo: well, I can not say for sure...it depends on the BIOS...I can remember on certain BIOS you had the choice...otherwise you might want to use WOL...or...suspend...and let the server wake up itself...but I have no experience in that10:15
surfI know but how?10:15
toomaiTHB: hmm...feisty....was that 7.04?10:15
RebekaYarg, if our crap win box can start and run, and Ubuntu can't, I'm not sold, this is garbage,10:15
surfgravity: I booted from gparted live and there´s only unallocated space10:15
surfhow can I edit it?10:16
ruudHello everyone10:16
ruudgparted won't start10:16
buckyRebeka: if you can't remember a passwd then you need to go back to windows10:16
ruudit says "hal-lock: symbol lookup error: hal-lock: undefined symbol: libhal_acquire_global_interface_lock"10:16
buckyand be an MCSE10:16
mzzRebeka: the entire os is open source. If you can figure out what's asking questions you can almost always hack it up to not do so, even if there's no "normal" way to make it not ask :) you just need to figure out what's asking questions10:16
THB@toomai: yes 7.0410:16
grawitysurf: um, create partitions?10:16
RebekaHar.  Yeah, that's right, if Linux can't meet the needs of a modern lab, then obviously I'm the problem.10:17
mzzRebeka: so again: *what* is the question/prompt you're trying to bypass?10:17
buckyunix take a password.. the whole security model is built around this fact10:17
toomaiTHB: well well well...:)...it might very like be that those repos where deleted. 7.04 is not supported anymore10:17
grawityRebeka: One question. What IS your problem?10:17
ruudI tried reinstalling hal , libhal and gparted10:17
ruuddoesn't work10:17
toomaiTHB: you might need to upgrade (new install or actually upgrade=10:17
buckyRebeka: what's your GD password?10:17
THB@toomai: I see10:17
RebekaI just need Ubuntu to open without any prompts, with no login prompts, with nothing, just to start:10:17
ruudeverything is up-to-date10:18
THB@toomai: well I cannot upgrade because it has a different error10:18
THBone moment10:18
om26er1plz tell me is there any device manager like utility for ubuntu10:18
buckyRebeka: your auto start program choked it10:18
nsadminRebeka: define "open"10:18
mzzRebeka: there is no single switch for "do not prompt me for anything at all" that I know of, but if you ask about *specific* prompts I may well be able to disable them.10:18
toomaiTHB: 7.04 is only supported 18 months....if I recall correctly (I am not sure) I have seen a mail saying that thing is out of support and therefore the repos are moved10:18
RebekaYeah, it's the latest U. distro, with all of the upgrades,10:18
Ali_nzhmm, i would have thought I could watch the file size in nautilus explorer get bigger but it aint10:18
grawityRebeka: Where exactly does it stop?10:18
Out_Coldnsadmin, she wants auto-login10:18
Yubotoomai: Ok, thank you very much anyway.10:18
toomaiTHB: hmmm....do you have your /home on a seperate partition?10:18
buckyShe can't log into gnome long enough to get to the Admin menu and check the auto login box10:19
THB@toomai: when I try to update to 7.10 it says the following: Could not find the release notes, the server may be overloaded10:19
buckyShe forgot her password and now it's all linux's fault10:19
RebekaIt stops after it bypasses login, and then prompts for "Enter Password for Default..."10:19
mzzRebeka: so far all I can give you is system -> administration -> login window -> security -> enable automatic login. If that doesn't disable the prompt you want disabled: what prompt is that?10:19
ruudhow can I check what the device names of my partitions are?10:19
ruudlike (hd0,0)10:19
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bullgard4What device does /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c designate? My audio device is an Intel 82801 (ICH6 family).10:19
Out_ColdRebeka, the default keyring?10:20
[R]bullgard4: an alsa pcm device10:20
THB@ toomai: no my home dir is not on a seperate partition, but there is nothing really important on this laptop, I could wipe it and start over10:20
buckyWindows doesn't need a password... it works10:20
[R]bullgard4: with alsa you don't care ab out the /dev devices10:20
toomaiTHB: hmmmm....well....I personally would download the iso from either 8.04 or 9.04 and install it from scratch (if my /home is on a separate partition)...but I can not make that call for ypu10:20
mzzruud: can't be done 100% reliably without actually booting into grub10:20
grawityAuto-login cannot unlock the keyring automatically. It's impossible unless you remove the keyring's password.10:20
grawityAnd to do that, use Seahorse.10:20
nsadminhow is windows relevent in this situation?10:20
ruudthen how can I check it in grub?10:21
nsadminnevermind, don't answer that10:21
THB@ toomai thank you for your advice, I dont think I'll go ubuntu again, because I would hate to be in the same situation with my newest install in 18 months ;)10:21
toomaiTHB: I personally would recommend that...it might be a lot easier to start over with maybe jaunty. If you wait another couple of weeks maybe the beta of karmic might be a good choice, too10:21
mzzRebeka: what grawity said. That password's used to actually decrypt the keyring, so you can't just use a checkbox to bypass it.10:21
buckynsadmin: <Rebeka> Yarg, if our crap win box can start and run, and Ubuntu can't, I'm not sold, this is garbage,10:21
toomaiTHB: well, Ubuntu offers LST`(Long Term Support) with certain releases10:21
Out_Coldnsadmin, i think it was dragged in to compare about the easy clicky-ness10:21
grawityRebeka: If it asks for your keyring password, go to Seahorse and change the password to a blank one. (Might work, or not.)10:21
toomaiTHB: Ubuntu 8.04 will be supported THREE years on the desktop10:21
THB@ toomai: how do I find out which releases have LST?10:21
buckyRebeka: i feel sorry for your lab partners10:22
toomaiTHB: every other release is supported 18 months only until the next LTS release is...well...released (what might be 10.04 or 10.10)10:22
ruudmzz: I tried to add opensuse to my menu.lst, copied right from my menu.lst of the opensuse partition but grub says it can't mount10:22
gribouilleI've installed firefox 3.5 and it really sux10:22
toomaiTHB: on the website of ubuntu there should be some information about the LTS releases...but....8.04 is LTS...10:22
grawitygribouille: In what way?10:22
mzzruud: are you sure grub is saying that, not the kernel? What's the error message?10:22
buckyhow does it suck?10:22
toomaiTHB: and will be supported until Apirl 2011 on the desktop10:23
ruudgrub is saying that yes10:23
gribouillegrawity, I've taken a snapshot.10:23
mzzruud: can you pastebin both menu.lsts?10:23
ruudI don't recall the exact message10:23
nsadminRebeka correct me if I'm wrong... but you seem to just want more convenience10:23
grawityRebeka: On Windows, auto-login is performed by using a stored password, so the password can be used to decrypt private keys. On Linux with GDM, auto-login is done by simply changing to the wanted user ID, so there's no known password that could be used for unlocking the rest.10:23
afvruud, lol, that remind me of "computer says nooo". lol, nvm10:23
grawitygribouille: Can you upload it somewhere?10:23
THB@toomai: I just need to use gparted to partition an SD card for a linux device, its all a bit much to have to jump through so many hoops, but thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated10:23
gribouillegrawity, where ?10:23
banditpowerHello world.  I caused an error on my server.  Here's the shindig: i have ubuntu intrepid that had wordpress running on apache2.  I installed ispcp but then I couldn't access phpmyadmin or my site.  My solution was to configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf and /etc/apache2/ports.conf to serve ispcp on another port and an appropriate vhost on port 80.  However, now php isn't working out of the site i set to port 810:23
mzz!pastebin | ruud10:24
ubotturuud: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:24
grawitygribouille: Tinypic?10:24
THB@toomai I will look at 8.0410:24
toomaiTHB: you are welcome and I am sorry that you are in this situation....hope it will help in the future10:24
grawitygribouille: And, how did you install firefox -- using Ubuntuzilla?10:24
bullgard4[R]: Your answer is not precise enough: I'd like to know it more precisely. According to lspci I have got one audio device (82801 family) but in /dev/snd/ there are 6 different sound devices having 'pcm' in their names. (One I told you.)10:24
Ali_nzif a program/command has stopped resopnding how do you kill it?10:24
gribouillegrawity, using ppa10:24
Cube_hello world10:24
Rebeka@mss - Yes, we have done that, we mentioned that we had done that before we started coming on here and started bothering you fine, helpful and very nice folks.  The problems is, is that said does nothing, and that after engaging that, nothing changes, and I still get a prompt when the box re-boots.  Like I said, I can't have a prompt after restart, because it kills the programme we're running, and that wallys our programme (which is kinda crashy....)  So C10:24
Rebekaan no-one tell me how I can kill the "Enter Password for Default..." prompt I get after a crash?10:24
[R]bullgard4: yes... alsa is a very complicated system10:24
mzzgribouille: is the problem with fonts?10:24
afvhi Cube_10:24
gribouillemzz, no10:24
[R]bullgard4: and 1 device will have multiple dev files10:24
Cube_Ali_nz: "killall <program name>"10:25
grawityRebeka: For default *what*? Give the *full* message.10:25
mzzgribouille: ok, then I'll just wait for the screenshot :)10:25
Cube_afv: sup10:25
Ali_nzCube_: where would i find a list of programs running?10:25
ronniehoodhi, can someone help me to add tinyxml, i get an error when i try to compile vdr 1.7.810:25
grawityAli_nz: ps ax10:25
afvgribouille, what problems are you having with ff?10:25
Cube_Ali_nz: in the system monitor10:25
mzzAli_nz: "ps -feH" or gnome-system-monitor10:25
bullgard4[R]: And I could re-word my question: What is the pcmC0D0c device file for?10:25
Out_ColdAli_nz, ps -aef10:25
[R]bullgard4: its just a part of alsa10:26
gribouilleafv, you'll see soon10:26
[R]bullgard4: read the source code for alsa lib10:26
afvgribouille, i'll see soon the problems you're having?10:26
ruudmzz: my ubuntu menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/216119/10:26
mzzbullgard4: are you trying to fix some problem or are you just curious?10:26
owen1how to kill x?10:27
gribouilleafv, yes, I'm uploading a screenshot10:27
afvah ok10:27
afvowen1, shoot him10:27
toomaiowen1: restartion X can be done by pressing ctrl-alt-backspace (unless you run 9.04)10:27
Cube_owen1: lol good luck10:27
Cube_toomai: huh? they changed it in 904?10:27
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.10:27
grawityowen1: sudo service gdm stop, usually works.10:27
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ruudmzz: and my opensuse menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/216120/10:28
toomaiCube_: they disabled that nice combo in 9.04...you need to reenable it first10:28
bullgard4mzz: My Ekiga 3.2.0 loads my processor (centrino Mobile Technology) with 82% of its time.10:28
owen1i am in tty1, xfce (used) to run, and i am trying to run startx and use awesome instead of xfce.10:28
Cube_toomai: oh coz people did it on accident? did they remap it to something less common though?10:28
owen1and i can't run startx since x is still running, somewhere..10:28
mzzruud: ok. Is there more than one hd in that system (is opensuse on a different drive, not just a different partition)?10:28
afvCube_,  Alt+SysRq+K10:28
gribouilleok, guys, the scrreenshot is available at http://i25.tinypic.com/8yar2b.png10:28
ruudmzz: I have three drives, opensuse is on the same as ubuntu but a different partition10:29
laeg_when i booted ubuntu this morning it doesn't load the GUI, doesn't give any errors and instead appears to stay in what i would call a term (white on black text) and i just get a login prompt - seems to stay in tty1, another tty seems to be stuck on checking battery state. i've tried all the options in recovery mode except the disk check because it said it would damage my mounted volume. yesterday i edited some sshd options, sudo taskel install (and later remove10:29
toomaiCube_: well, they CLAIM people did it on accident...I can not figure out HOW you can do that by accident...but...well, no remap...they actually disabled it...if you reenable it, it is still ctrl-alt-backspace10:29
ruudmzz: I use my bios to boot from the second hdd on which grub is installed10:29
gribouilledid you see it ?10:29
respectingplease help me i have a big problem.I have windows XP installed and i want to install Ubuntu so i can make dual boot(boot on windows or on linux).Can i made this?10:29
[R]respecting: just run the ubuntu cd and install it10:30
ruudmzz: normally it just boots from the first hdd and windows loads, only if I explicitly tell to boot from the second hdd grub starts10:30
mzzruud: then try replacing "hd0" with "hd1" or "hd2"10:30
grawitylaeg_: if you run 'sudo service gdm start', does it work?10:30
mzzruud: (not sure which, depends on bios magic)10:30
grawityrespecting: Just boot from the Ubuntu CD, install it, and that's it10:30
toomairespecting: yes you can...;)....you need unallocated disk space on your harddisk however. There are plenty of good tutorials for dual boot on the net10:30
mzzruud: there was also a command that may be useful if you can get to a grub prompt, sec...10:30
ruudmzz: but why does the suse menu.lst say hd0 then?10:30
grawitytoomai: Ubuntu can now resize the Windows partition automatically.10:30
ruudmzz: ok I have a grub terminal10:31
toomaigrawity: true...but that still leads into unallocated space which is needed...;)10:31
mzzruud: if you boot to a grub prompt (*not* the "sudo grub" one, actually boot into grub) you can try "geometry (hd0)" (and the same for hd1 and hd2) to figure out which drive is which. Getting you a link for more information...10:31
ronniehoodanother good idea is to reserve space for a ghost image when you test a lot ;)10:31
grawitytoomai: On 9.04, everything is done automatically by the installer.10:32
gribouilleafv, mzz, grawity : the scrreenshot is available at http://i25.tinypic.com/8yar2b.png10:32
ruudmzz: ok thanks10:32
RebekaOK: So sorry to spend everyone's time so badly here.  Here's the last question, if I can't get an answer then I'll leave you to let you take other folk's questions. ;)10:32
toomaigrawity: well, yes...that tool lets you make unallocated space which is then needed for the installation of ubuntu...:)10:32
nsadminRebeka: ask away... you're not taking up resources10:32
afvgribouille, hmm.. that page opens normally here... did you try using a new/blank profile?10:32
toomaigrawity: but on a personal note...I hate "automatically"...but that is just me...:)10:33
gribouilleafv, no10:33
ruudmzz: going to try right now, also changed hd0 to hd1 to test10:33
toomaigrawity: at least in this context of manipulation the harddisk for dual boots (which I stopped using since new harddisks are very cheap)10:33
mzzruud: see the top of http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall.html#Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall10:33
Rebekaok, so after the box boots, it says "Enter Password for default keyring to unlock" and the normal usr password unlocks it.  I just need the box to boot!  Is there any workaround to get past this thingy!?10:33
mzzbleh, timing10:33
nsadminbtw, the autologin thing is pretty much at the application level, it's nowhere near the kernel10:33
gribouilleafv, how can I create a new profile ?10:34
grawityRebeka: I already told you, remove the password from the keyring !@$10:34
nsadminthe box doesn't boot without this?10:34
Rebeka(it prompts outta usr/bin/nm-applet)10:34
mzzgribouille: I saw, sorry, was multitasking. Renders just fine in 3.5 here. Does it work in firefox safe mode (exit it completely and use "firefox-3.5 -safe-mode" to start it again) or in a temporary fresh profile?10:34
afvgribouille, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_Manager10:34
howiehow can i install kernal?10:34
grawitymzz: I think he means the ugly interface, not the page itself10:35
ikoniaRebeka: you can make gnome-keyring remember passwords, there is normally a checkbox for this10:35
Rebeka@grawity, sorry, how would one do such a thing?10:35
grawityikonia: But there's still the password of keyring.10:35
mzzgribouille: wait, grawity has a point. You *are* complaining about the content, not the firefox interface?10:35
mehdihi to all guys10:35
gribouillemzz, let's try it10:35
grawityRebeka: Go to the password manager (Seahorse).10:35
ikoniagrawity: I thought there was a checkbox on the prompt for that too10:35
buckyikonia grawity those nice gui admin tools are nice if you can log in10:35
afvyes, it's the content.. http://fr.news.yahoo.com10:35
grawitybucky: She can.10:35
ikoniabucky: she didn't say she couldn't log in10:35
grawityikonia: If you login normally, then your password is used to unlock the default keyring.10:36
bullgard4[R]: There is no such thing as "the alsa lib". Rather, there are > 10. So what filename do you mean exactly?10:36
Rebeka@grawity: Forgive my ignorance, but where is Seahorse?10:36
grawityRebeka: Accessories -> Password Manager, probably.10:36
mehdihow can I install best proxi in my ubunto10:36
mzzbullgard4: are you sure this is alsa-related? did you profile it or something?10:36
ikoniagrawity: interesting so the auto login isn't "your" password so the keyring is not unlocked, interesting senerio10:36
grawityikonia: But if you use autologon, there's no known password, so it has to ask you for one, otherwise the keyring cannot be unlocked.10:36
mzzbullgard4: also, the files below /proc/asound probably tell you what's what in /dev/snd/.10:36
ikoniagrawity: yes, I see where you are going10:36
gribouillemzz, what do you mean ?10:37
buckyikonia: is that a bug or a feature10:37
grawityikonia: With autologon, gdm simply uses its rootness to switch users.10:37
ikoniabucky: neither10:37
grawityIt's just how Linux works.10:37
gribouillemzz, I'm complaining about the way firefox diplays a page10:37
mzzgribouille: you're in kde, and getting the stock gtk theme, so the firefox user interface looks a bit clunky.10:37
ikoniagrawity: yup, I can see how that would cause her an issue10:37
grawity(On Windows, autologon is performed by using a password that is stored in the Registry.)10:37
bullgard4mzz: I am not sure. I am trying to find out why this happens. I do not know what the verb "to profile" means. Can you elaborate.10:37
laeg_grawity: i'll have to reboot into ubuntu to try it - is there anything else i should try?10:37
mehdiI need a proxi that be anti filter10:37
ikoniamehdi: squid10:37
ruudmzz: the error message was "error 17: can not mount selected partition"10:38
mzzbullgard4: sorry, nontrivial, can't walk you through that10:38
grawitylaeg_: use 'tail' on /var/log/syslog and /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:38
HawttDawggi need a proxy10:38
gribouillemzz, the problem is not the interface10:38
bullgard4mzz: Ok.10:38
mzzruud: ok, that's definitely grub then, and given what you're doing I'm pretty sure using a different value for X in (hdX,Y) will help10:38
OttifantSirI have a (hopefully) quick question: I have "deleted" all panels, using AWN in its place. This has, however, disabled Alt + F2 Run Dialog. Any idea on how to re-enable it?10:38
fretegihey guys, anyone know how to make a restorable ISO of a linux Hardrive?10:38
fretegipreferably bootable?10:38
Rebeka@grawity: I cannot see such a thing in 9.04.  App>Accs>Password and Encryption Keys ... just brings up a window10:38
ruudmzz: ok, I'll try10:38
SlartOttifantSir: are you running compiz?10:38
OttifantSirSlart: Yes.10:39
laeg_grawity: tail /var/log/syslog - tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log? what will that do? unfortunately irssi has also stopped working so i have to keep logging into windows to come back here :(10:39
chervacan someone help me with this d-bus error in Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/216127/ this leads to various X crashes10:39
grawityRebeka: Yeah, that's Seahorse -- go to the last tab, it should show one keyring "login"10:39
Buletincool things to do on ubuntu?10:39
Rebeka(sorry, I'm not a linux person, gimme some time)10:39
grawitylaeg_: 'tail' shows the last few lines of the specified file.10:39
mehdisquid... what is this I dont know about this10:39
RebekaSolid, I'll give it a try,10:39
mzzruud: the trick is grub accesses drives through the bios while linux accesses them more directly. By the time you're booted into linux grub can no longer figure out what order the bios puts them in, and that order may change depending on the boot order configured through the bios.10:39
SlartOttifantSir: can't you map alt+f2 to something from there? I'm not sure what the dialog is called that pops up when you press alt+f2 with the panels there10:39
laeg_grawity: and what will i do with these lines?10:39
gribouillemzz, don't you see the thick black lines on the screenshot ?10:40
mzzruud: so you really need to actually boot into grub to be able to tell what order it gets the drives in.10:40
grawitylaeg_: You read them. And see if they tell anything about why X fails.10:40
mzzgribouille: yes, but mainly you're getting a completely different page style than I'm getting here.10:40
ruudmzz: geometry returned four partitions on hd0 of which two are ext2fs10:40
mehdiI need help for squid...10:40
ruudmzz: the other ones are unknow10:40
mehdiwhat is this10:40
gribouillemzz, what do you mean by page style ?10:40
mzzgribouille: err, no, wait. I didn't scroll down far enough.10:40
banditpowerHello world.  I caused an error on my server.  Here's the shindig: i have ubuntu intrepid that had wordpress running on apache2.  I installed ispcp but then I couldn't access phpmyadmin or my site.  My solution was to configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf and /etc/apache2/ports.conf to serve ispcp on another port and an appropriate vhost on port 80.  However, now php isn't working out of the site i set to port 810:41
ruudmzz: I'll try the second partition10:41
OttifantSirSlart: I guess I can map it, but as you pointed out: To what?10:41
afvOttifantSir, open CompizConfig Settings Manager, Gnome Compatibility, and map the keys10:41
houhouI use kubuntu 8.04 the list of program in ADEPT is not complete10:41
SlartOttifantSir: I'm looking around.. I'll let you know if I find something10:41
grawitygribouille: Sometimes, Ctrl-F5 (or clearing the cache) helps with such problems.10:41
afvSlart, just fount it already10:42
mzzgribouille: huh, not sure what's going on there :(10:42
gribouillegrawity, I never had such a problem with firefox10:42
mzzgribouille: (unless it's some pretty weird cairo/driver interaction)10:42
mzzgribouille: I've seen vaguely similar corruption but only on very tall pages10:42
mehdiplease get me proxi that worked10:42
OttifantSirafv, Slart: Gnome Compatibility is running, and Alt + F2 is mapped to Run-dialog already. Seems like it's more to it than I have time for now. Off to work in five minutes. Thanks for trying anyhow;-)10:43
Slartafv: that works even when the panels aren't loaded?10:43
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY10:43
afvno panels at all? i don't know :|10:43
houhouhow can I update the list of program in ADEPT?10:43
afvi use the top panel10:43
SlartOttifantSir: I'll keep looking.. catch me later and ask me how the search went =)10:43
Buletincool things to do on ubuntu?10:43
afvBuletin, ?10:44
SlartBuletin: I hear that chatting in #ubuntu-offtopic is supposed to be awesome.. have you tried it?10:44
OttifantSirSlart: I turned on a binding for opening a terminal. It will do for now.10:44
afvi'll try that one myself :p10:44
Buletinno i mean cool things to do on ubuntu machine10:44
ronniehoodg++: tinystr.c: No such file or directory i don't know how to add it, http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml/ , if i unpack the downloaded file then i still don't have the correct files10:44
mehdiI need a best proxi for firefox10:45
gribouillehow do I clear private data in firefox 3.5 ?10:45
janisozaurhow can i check if a compiled program uses SSEx extensions?10:45
SlartBuletin: ok, to put it a little more bluntly.. ask in #ubuntu-offtopic , this is the support channel..10:45
grawitygribouille: Tools -> Clear Recent History10:45
grawitymehdi: Tor.10:45
SlartOttifantSir: ok, if it makes you happy =)10:45
buckyronniehood: tinystr.c is not in jaunty10:45
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks10:46
gribouillegrawity, does it also clear the cache ?10:46
ronniehoodi have to upgrade to 9.04 ?10:46
ruudmzz: booting opensuse worked, but then it switched to text mode and stopped half way (after recognising my mouse)10:46
buckyronniehood: tinystr.c is not in jaunty 9.0410:46
grawityYeah - click the button next to "Details".10:46
ruudmzz: kernel settings wrong or something like that?10:46
mzzruud: if it's mounting your root partition I blame opensuse for that one, not grub :)10:47
mzzruud: failed how, though?10:47
grawitygribouille: And choose "Everything" for time range.10:47
ronniehoodi use 8.10 at the moment10:47
ruudmzz: it just stopped booting10:47
ruudmzz: I got some kind of terminal10:47
mzzruud: ask your favorite opensuse support channel?:P10:47
buckyronniehood: are you sure you did a make install on tinyxml ?10:47
ruudmzz: but I couldn't log in10:47
mehdi<ubottu> tanks10:47
ruudmzz: I think this is related to grub10:48
mzzruud: why/how?10:48
ruudmzz: grub passes some things to the os, like the kernel and some other options10:48
mzzruud: if it mounted / grub's job is pretty much done. There's a slim chance you need to make some change in fstab, but it should fail pretty obviously if that is the case.10:48
ikoniaruud: once the kernel is starting to boot, grub is out of the equasion10:48
ronniehoodmake: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.10:48
laeg_grawity: i'm going to try now and right down the results - ty10:48
stuarticusCan anyon advise on a tricky install?... Laptop, CD drive seems to be goosed. Can't boot any Live cd, not even UBCD! And no boot from USB option... Have external HD encosure and another machine though.... Advice?10:48
ikoniaronniehood: what are you trying to build ?10:48
der_OnI've just run a distro update and now my nautilus is gone. I use ubuntu hardy. I also cannot reinstall nautilus as some dependencies are not allowing me to install certain packages needed by nautilus.10:49
ikoniastuarticus: buy a usb cdrom is the simple/most effective option10:49
ronniehoodvr 1.7.8 , it goes wrong with tinuxml10:49
mzzstuarticus: does the regular hd still boot?10:49
grawitystuarticus: How about boot over LAN?10:49
fretegiboot network?10:49
ikoniastuarticus: buy replacement laptop drive, as netbooting is more effort than it's worth for one machine10:49
grawity(PXE boot)10:49
ikoniastuarticus: plus you will need a cdrom in the future10:49
stuarticusDoes have netowrk boot, not sure how to set it up10:49
stuarticusIt reads cds okay, seemingly, just seems to fail on boot10:50
stuarticushave tested ram, seems ok10:50
Slartis there a command where I can click on a window in X and get properties for it?10:50
mzzstuarticus: it has to boot off something to install ubuntu, but as long as it still boots at all you may have options.10:50
ikoniastuarticus: what is the problem on boot ?10:50
mzzstuarticus: (you can install ubuntu from an existing linux install, for example)10:50
stuarticusIt's a windows install at the mo, critical stop10:50
gribouillehow can I know what diplay drivers are used on my system ?10:50
stuarticuslsass or winlogon10:50
ikoniastuarticus: you can't boot a windows install ?10:50
ruudmzz: could this be the problem? kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_HD501LJ_S0MUJ1CQA24672-part310:50
stuarticusCan't boot anything!10:51
mzzruud: not if you copied that from the other grub correctly.10:51
ikoniastuarticus: ok - so swap the drive then10:51
RebekaHey folks!  I just logged in from the hog-box,10:51
ruudmzz: I had to change the partition number also though it was copied directly10:51
mzzruud: that root=... bit is just passed as-is by grub to the kernel. Grub doesn't process it.10:51
Rebekaand you totally helped me fix the problem!10:51
ikoniastuarticus: you'll need a cdrom drive for normal computer use, so swapping it out seems sensible10:51
stuarticuslaptop, can't see hot ro remove, Vaio, maybe non standARD?10:51
ruudmzz: that is exactly the problem I think10:51
ikoniastuarticus: sure it is standard, take it to a hardware shop to get it replaced if you are not comfortable yourself10:51
mzzruud: no, it isn't.10:52
ruudmzz: as suse did load, but with the wrong commands I think so it couldn't continue10:52
RebekaIt only took a few minor tweaks,10:52
stuarticusComfortable, just can't find the screws!10:52
mzzruud: again: grub doesn't process that string. Neither your working opensuse grub nor your failing ubuntu grub does.10:52
ikoniastuarticus: manuals available online10:52
ruudmzz: I know10:52
stuarticusHow about a good source for network boot info? Is it easy?10:52
mzzstuarticus: if you have another system you can plug the laptop drive in you can install ubuntu there (chrooted) then swap the drive back10:52
ruudmzz: but the os that grub loaded does, right?10:52
RebekaSo you're all fine folks, and I wanna thank you 'fer your patience with my problems and questions, thanks again,10:52
stuarticusHmm, is it pretty easy?10:53
mzzruud: grub needs to locate and load a kernel image and (optionally) an initrd, pass a string of arguments to the kernel, and boot it. That's all it does here.10:53
boraklavunhi there I ve a question about google earth10:53
ikoniastuarticus: I'd advise you to deal with your drive as without one you'll have problems in the future10:53
mzzruud: your kernel boots. Therefore grub is not the problem, unless you pasted the string of arguments over wrong.10:53
boraklavunneed hel about that would you please10:53
RebekaTake care all,10:54
stuarticusyes, if i was sure i was going to use the thing i wouldn't mind paying for new cd10:54
mzzruud: please ask your favorite opensuse support channel to help you figure out what opensuse is actually getting stuck on.10:54
ortsvorsteherboraklavun: just ask, tell us complete details10:54
ruudmzz: yes my kernel boots, and it worked partially like I said10:54
banditpowerHello world.  I caused an error on my server.  Here's the shindig: i have ubuntu intrepid that had wordpress running on apache2.  I installed ispcp but then I couldn't access phpmyadmin or my site.  My solution was to configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf and /etc/apache2/ports.conf to serve ispcp on another port and an appropriate vhost on port 80.  However, now php isn't working out of the site i set to port 810:54
mzzruud: "it just stopped booting" doesn't help me at all, and even if you told *this* channel what the last few messages before that were we wouldn't necessarily know what they meant.10:54
stuarticusmzz: can you clarify chrooted install?10:54
ruudmzz: I changed the partition, I'm checking if it works now10:55
mzzstuarticus: sec...10:55
owen1is there a terminal that can zoom in/out other than terminator?10:55
grawityowen1: gnome-terminal?10:55
laeg_grawity: sudo service gdm start asks for my pass and then just gives the bash prompt. syslog lists failures starting and then de-activating etho. xorg talks only about the mouse - what now?10:55
boraklavunI installed google earth on ubunutu  9.04 64 bit but unfortunately  ; it is not working there is give te error about firewall and authentication10:55
owen1grawity: i'll try it. thanks.10:55
owen1grawity: what about xfce-terminal+10:56
boraklavunI check firewall and also I did not use  firewall10:56
Ahadielowen1, xfce's terminal is "terminal"10:56
mzzstuarticus: best explanation I can find offhand is the "Without CD" at the bottom of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux10:56
grawityowen1: Haven't tried that.10:56
GorodVQ: is there netcat on ubuntu 9.04 liveCD?10:56
grawityAhadiel: No, it's xfce4-terminal10:56
mzzstuarticus: I haven't actually done this with ubuntu though, I think.10:56
boraklavunI dont know anything about that can anyone advice for that10:56
Ahadielgrawity, You sure? I could've sworn it's /usr/bin/terminal10:57
acke_gribouille: what does it say if you run fglrxinfo?10:57
grawityAhadiel: http://packages.debian.org/lenny/i386/xfce4-terminal/filelist10:57
damianosHello! I have 2 (small) technical problems with my xubuntu ...1)Although sound was enabled now i can hear nothing (indicators show master 100% -my speakers have no problem- my soundcard seems to be recognized...)   2)at sites like youtube I can not actually see the videos and my cpu works over the top....10:58
damianosany idea??!!10:58
Slartdamianos: have you installed the proprietary flash from adobe?10:59
stuarticusmzz: thanks, looks doable, will try10:59
ruudmzz: chatting from suse right now11:00
ruudmzz: I was right11:00
laeg_grawity: sudo service gdm start asks for my pass and then just gives the bash prompt. syslog lists failures starting and then de-activating etho. xorg talks only about the mouse - is there anything else i can try?11:00
damianosslart: let me see...11:00
FreeFullHey, when I try to run "sudo apt-get install firefox" to upgrade my firefox, I get this error: E: Nie udało się uzyskać blokady /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable). I checked and there are no other processes running that would have to do with package management.11:01
mzzruud: about what?11:02
ruudmzz: it was the parameters grub passed to suse11:03
mzzruud: changed from what to what?11:03
ruudmzz: I changed -part3 to -part211:03
mzzruud: that makes no sense, unless you moved partitions around11:03
mzzruud: (did you remove a partition in front of the one opensuse is on?)11:03
Pirate_Hunteris there a command that removes old linux headers or leaves just the one i want?11:04
ruudmzz: I changed this " kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_HD501LJ_S0MUJ1CQA24672-part2"11:04
ruudmzz: as far as I know I didn't remove a partition but it looks like it yes11:04
mzzFreeFull: output of "sudo fuser /var/cache/apt/archives/lock"?11:04
FreeFullmzz: /var/cache/apt/archives/lock:  535911:05
ruudmzz: anyway it works now, thanks very much mzz.11:05
FreeFullI did miss a process that was using it11:05
mzzruud: semi-related: lvm is pretty nice for avoiding this kind of glitch, since it gives you more persistent partition names instead of relying on ordering for numbers11:05
ruudmzz: what is lvm?11:05
mzzruud: let's see if I can find you an introduction. It looks rather intimidating at first, but if you only use a small subset of its features it's actually *easier* than oldfashioned partitioning, imho11:06
ruudmzz: ok11:06
linux_linuxhow can i know the version of chatzilla ? chatzilla --version does not work11:07
enigmassCiauzzz XD11:07
mzzruud: bleh, can't find a particularly great introduction offhand. Just google.11:07
bazhangCube_, ??11:08
ruudmzz: ok, thanks again11:08
stuarticusmzz: the drive currently has xp on it, will chroot install install grub for me?11:08
mzzruud: basically you end up with one or more "normal" partitions merged in a (named) volume group, with (named) logical volumes inside that.11:08
fretegiso anyway to burn a bootable iso of a linux partition for restore purposes?11:08
linux_linuxwhat's the command to know the version of chatzilla ?11:08
gribouillelinux_linux, dpkg -s mozilla-chatzilla11:08
mzzruud: the useful thing in this case is that you can just refer to (say) /dev/main/root without having to worry about partition numbers changing (it finds all physical volumes on boot, if the partition number those are on changes that doesn't affect the /dev/main/root name)11:09
mzzstuarticus: for the trick I had in mind you'd need a linux install, although there are some options if all you have is a (working!) windows.11:10
gribouillelinux_linux, dpkg -s mozilla-chatzilla | egrep Version11:10
mzzstuarticus: I don't know what the most convenient option is there11:10
stuarticusI have another linux install11:10
diddyDoes the old Firefox 3.0 have to be uninstalled manually after installing Firefox 3.5?11:10
gribouillediddy, no11:10
mzzdiddy: you can just keep both installed, they shouldn't bite.11:10
ruudmzz: does grub support that?11:10
mzzruud: no, that's the main downside. You need a separate /boot for grub to use.11:11
diddyBut I don't need the 3.0 anymore. Why should I keep it?11:11
FreeFullIt's easier to write firefox and have 3.5 start up11:11
mzzdiddy: I haven't checked if it lets you uninstall.11:11
linux_linuxgribouille: Package `mozilla-chatzilla' is not installed and no info is available.11:12
gribouillediddy, you can remove it if you xant11:12
linux_linuxUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,11:12
linux_linuxand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.11:12
grawityI just used ubuntuzilla to update 3.0. (It did create some temporary font problems though)11:12
linux_linuxgribouille: Package `mozilla-chatzilla' is not installed and no info is available.Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.11:12
laeg_grawity: sudo service gdm start asks for my pass and then just gives the bash prompt. syslog lists failures starting and then de-activating etho. xorg talks only about the mouse - is there anything else i can try?11:12
grawityI don't know :/11:12
gribouillelinux_linux, do you have the chatzilla program on your system ?11:13
laeg_was really hoping to ssh home from work today11:13
FreeFulllaeg_: sudo X and see what happens11:13
linux_linuxgribouille: if i click chatzilla from Internet>chatzilla and then   ps aux  isee a process like seamonkey-bin11:13
laeg_FreeFull: ok brb - i'm on windows and have to reboot into ubuntu because irssi can't connect11:13
laeg_grawity: ty anyway man11:13
linux_linuxgribouille: it's /usr/lib/seamonkey/seamonkey-bin -chat11:14
gribouillelinux_linux, normally, if you start the program, there should be a menu entry that gives the version of the program11:14
=== MadMax is now known as Guest97757
ruudmzz: ok I'll just stick with this11:15
linux_linuxgribouille: yea it's ChatZilla ,but is there any command to display that ?11:15
gribouillelinux_linux, there is no general command to display the version of a program11:16
Cobaltgribouille: program --version ususally works. Or dpkg -l | grep programname. Something like that.11:17
linux_linuxgribouille: firefox --version  ,isn't a general command to display the version of firefox ?11:17
diddyHow can Firefox 3.0 be removed. sudo aptitude remove firefox doesn't do it for me.11:17
gribouillelinux_linux, it may work for firefox, but not for any program11:17
Cobaltdiddy: Isn't the package name firefox-3.0 rather?11:17
FreeFullWhy does firefox 3.5 call itself shiretoko?11:18
diddyHow did you find that out?11:18
diddyCobalt, How did you find that out?11:18
linux_linuxgribouille: yea11:18
laeg_sorry, who was it that asked me to try sudo X?11:18
FreeFulllaeg_: What happened?11:19
Cobaltdiddy: It tells you when you install it. Your package manager of choice should also list it as such.11:19
linux_linuxgribouille: dpkg -l | chatzilla   got this   ii  seamonkey-chatzilla                        1.1.15+nobinonly-0ubuntu2                 Seamonkey Chatzilla IRC client11:19
laeg_some text flashed for a split second11:19
laeg_FreeFull: then the screen want blank11:19
laeg_left it for 30 seconds, nothing happened, completely black screen11:19
linux_linuxgribouille: is chatzilla different or built in for different program ?11:19
gribouillelinux_linux, i don't know, I don't use it11:20
FreeFulllaeg_: Definitely an X problem then11:20
linux_linuxgribouille: for mozilla and for seamonkey ,is chatzilla different ?11:20
kane77hi, I don't know if anyone will be able to help, but I have an e-book in pdf and I would like to increase font so that I will be able to read it better on my cell phone, any ideas how to do it?11:20
FreeFulllinux_linux: no11:20
laeg_FreeFull: isn't it strange etho doesn't work though?11:20
FreeFulllaeg_: you mean eth0?11:20
linux_linuxexcept pidgin,xchat  what else for irc ?11:20
laeg_yeah sorry11:20
diddyFirefox 3.5 is beta software?11:21
bazhanglinux_linux, weechat irssi konversation11:21
laeg_FreeFull: syslog lists it failing and then deactivating - when i try bash with network support from recovery it tries to config DHCP but i've a static internal/external ip11:21
diddyDamn, I already removed 3.011:21
laeg_FreeFull: so do i just re-install x, and if so how?11:21
Shamounhi guys, i was wondering how easy it is to configure new hardware in ubuntu? if i add a new pci card to a system, can i configure it entirely through gui? or do i need to open up a terminal and load modules myself?11:22
CobaltShamoun: A lot of hardware is autodetected afaik.11:23
mzzShamoun: depends on the card. For properly supported stuff it'll just work.11:23
der_OnWell I've figured out my problem starts with the libgail18 package. I need that one to reinstall nautilus, But if i want to install libgail18 it want's to remove dozens of usefull applications. Does anybody know a solution?11:23
Shamouncobalt, after installation correct?11:23
linux_linuxis there any irc client except pidgin,xchat,chatzilla ?11:23
CobaltShamoun: Of course, after you plug in whatever hardware.11:24
owen1i get "Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting." when running gnome-terminal11:24
Cobaltlinux_linux: For the command line, there is also irssi.11:24
Shamounbecause in the past that used to be the weakness of linux distros that were easy to install for non linux users, the initial setup went smooth but any additions to the system weren't handled very well11:24
CobaltShamoun: How long ago are you talking about here?11:24
Shamounlinux_linux, tons11:24
ShamounCobalt, a few years ago11:25
CobaltThat's quite a long time back :). I think things have evolved a little since.11:25
Shamounthe days before HAL11:25
skiwithpetecan anyone tell me how to find out what vid card I've got?  I'm having problems with 9.04 displaying slowly11:25
mzzskiwithpete: try "lspci | grep -i vga"11:25
linux_linuxShamoun: what is tons ?11:26
skiwithpetecheers mzz11:26
Shamounlinux_linux, i have personally used the 3 you mentioned as well as irssi and epic4 there are plenty of others, you should start by determining what kind of interface you want and going from there11:27
Shamounie kde / gnome / terminal11:27
linux_linuxShamoun: is epic4 a teminal based client ?11:27
Shamounlinux_linux, yes11:28
Cobaltlinux_linux: If I remember correctly though, irssi is more recent.11:28
skiwithpeteok, I've got a radeon11:28
linux_linuxi'm looking for a chatclient with graphical interface ,not terminal based11:29
skiwithpeteare there known problems with "ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY"11:29
mzzskiwithpete: looks like that's an oldish chip that should work ok using the "radeon" driver11:30
Starcraftmazterhello, i have a problem reading a 4.3gb file from a dvd on ubuntu11:30
Cobaltlinux_linux: Try this in a terminal: apt-cache search irc | grep -i client11:30
skiwithpetemzz, where do i get the latest radeon driver?11:30
grawityirssi <311:30
mzzskiwithpete: you should already have it11:30
laeg_FreeFull: so do i just re-install x, and if so how? someone in #xorg said sudo X is supposed to black out the screen?11:30
Starcraftmazteranyone know why it doesnt work? no particular error messages, just says it fails to read it11:30
skiwithpetelike I say its running slow on 9.0411:30
mzzskiwithpete: what's the actual problem again, and can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?11:30
skiwithpetemzz, I was afraid you'd say that11:31
mzzskiwithpete: heh, yeah, sorry.11:31
skiwithpetemzz, sorry, I don't know what you mean?11:31
gilleslinux_linux: You can use Pidgin, it's under Applications > Internet11:31
CobaltStarcraftmazter: Corrupt file? Corrupt DVD/filesystem?11:31
skiwithpetewhat's pastebin11:31
mzz!pastebin > skiwithpete11:31
ubottuskiwithpete, please see my private message11:31
owen1linux_linux: irssi is better than any gui-based clients, imho11:31
linux_linuxCobalt: thanks11:31
mzzskiwithpete: specifically "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" should work11:31
linux_linuxgilles: except pidgin ,xchat,chatzilla11:32
Cobaltlinux_linux: A lot of those will not be what you want, but it does give you a starting point and an idea of what might be available.11:32
mzzowen1: mmm, matter of taste, but irssi+screen is hard to beat11:32
linux_linuxCobalt: yea ,thank you11:32
StarcraftmazterCobalt: no, im sure it worked fine on my other ubuntu pc11:32
gilleslinux_linux: Oh must've missed that11:32
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CobaltStarcraftmazter: Also, check syslog/dmesg. Might be something useful in there. Could also be a faulty drive/cabling issues?11:33
nikolas23hey, hello there11:33
nikolas23I have a problem11:33
owen1i get "Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting." when running gnome-terminal. any ideas?11:33
nikolas23with dkms11:33
skiwithpetepastebin command not found11:33
Cobalt!pastebin | skiwithpete11:34
ubottuskiwithpete: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:34
StarcraftmazterCobalt ill check now, but the drive works fine11:34
skiwithpetemzz, I'm not sure how to get the info you want11:34
skiwithpetewhat do I punch into terminal?11:34
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damianosHello I still have a problem...I may have installed an older abobe plugin...so the videos at you tube doesn't play...I can see the preview and tha bar loading but the video doesnt flows...11:35
arand!pastebin | skiwithpete11:35
ubottuskiwithpete: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:35
damianosany idea???!!11:35
nikolas23υπαρχει κανεις ελληνας εδω παιδια;11:35
linux_linuxCobalt: i installed irssi ,now how can i see the list of channels/room ?11:35
linuxeksplorerI just successfully setup an IRC for the first time using Xchat-Gnome and Ubuntu help documentation. Straightforward and easy.11:35
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nikolas23ρε γαμωτο τα χω μπλεξει εδω περα11:35
linux_linuxCobalt: i ran irssi typing irssi in the terminal11:35
nikolas23με την nvidia και το dkms11:35
arand!english | nikolas2311:35
ubottunikolas23: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:35
bazhangnikolas23, english here #ubuntu-gr for Greek11:35
Cobaltlinux_linux: As a matter of fact, I use Xchat myself, and have never used irssi; but a lot of people like either one of those. Which is why I mentioned it to you.11:36
mzzskiwithpete: "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"11:36
arand!gr | nikolas2311:36
ubottunikolas23: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes11:36
respectingplease very urgent help.I have windows xp installed and i have NTFS.Now i'm using norton partition magic to make a new partition to install on it ubuntu.It told me to choose EXT2 or EXT3 file system.What must i choose please please?11:36
nikolas23ok ok, sorry11:36
StarcraftmazterCobalt: i got some errors, sense key: medium error, I/O error, dev sr0, secontor 91....11:36
linux_linuxCobalt: :)11:36
bazhangrespecting, ext311:36
respectingAre you sure?11:36
fretegiext 3 for root and ext2 for boot11:37
Madpilotrespecting, ext3 - but the ubuntu installer can partition & format as well.11:37
bazhangrespecting, yes sure11:37
respectingokay i will use ext3 thank you11:37
respectingvery much11:37
CobaltStarcraftmazter: IO error sounds like hardware. Not sure though. Medium error... well, problem with the DVD, at a guess.11:37
skiwithpetejust had the comp freeze on me11:37
damianoscan someone help?11:37
mzzrespecting: I'd just use the ubuntu installer's partitioner (you can use that norton thing to create empty space for it to use if you like)11:37
skiwithpeterestarting then will11:37
Muiske /join #ubuntu-nl11:37
alfacatcan we have ext3 and ext4 on Jaunty?11:37
mzzalfacat: yes11:37
skiwithpetemight be a bigger prob11:37
mzzalfacat: the installer defaults to ext3 but does allow you to create ext4 partitions.11:38
arandalfacat: yes, advanced partitoning allows ext411:38
arandalfacat: or if it's called "manual"11:38
mzzalfacat: I forgot what the exact option was but it's fairly obvious11:38
* PeruLinux i'm looking for chat in spanish, please, help me11:39
bazhangPeruLinux, #ubuntu-es11:39
nikolas23i'd like to ask you, I have a problem. Whenever I install dkms package, I get a disk error at startup (UNC error). I need dkms in order to use nvidia drivers. If I don't install them, my computer graphics suck!11:39
PeruLinuxthank you bazhang11:40
alfacatwhy does X fails to recognise my CRT? and, how can I patch it so it lets me use higher def then 800x600?11:40
nikolas23can I make synaptic install dkms at another part of the disk, which is not ruined?11:40
arandnikolas23: I though you didn't have to install dkms normally, it works with just pulling in the the nvidia driver...11:41
arandnikolas23: If the disk is defective, run fsck (sudo touch /forcefsck  and reboot)11:42
nikolas23arand: I tried to run fsck but when it finds the bad sector it stops11:43
nikolas23arand: synaptic says dkms is needed to get nvidia drivers installed11:43
arandnikolas23: ok, does fsck say anything else (at that point you might have to boot up on a livecd and run fsck with some parameters)11:44
nikolas23I run it now and says that /dev/sda5 is clean11:45
arandnikolas23: hmm, I guess dkms is installed by default per standard...11:45
nikolas23arand: it says something about cleaning orphaned i node #####11:46
arandnikolas23: then hopefully no disk errors...11:46
der_OnI've managed to solve my problem with atitude. There was an dependency error and some packages had to be downgraded. now Nautilus is back.11:47
nikolas23arand: but at startup, the bar for ubuntu loading freezes and I get errors11:47
pete_mzz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/216157/11:47
pete_sorry am skiwithpete, just having probs with connection11:47
der_Onfarewell now11:47
nikolas23arand: {DRDY ERR} and then error:{UNC}11:48
damianosHello I still have a problem...I may have installed an older abobe plugin...so the videos at you tube doesn't play...I can see the preview and tha bar loading but the video doesnt flow...11:48
nikolas23arand: I don't know if this helps, but I had Vista and formatted the partition. Is there any chance Ubuntu used windows files that now don't exist?11:48
nikolas23arand: It was a dual boot11:49
pete_is mzz still here11:49
Cryptorchildpete_, search mzz nickname on the sidebar11:49
Cryptorchildpete_, or type the first character then press tab if your irc client support it11:50
pete_guys, I've found this suggestion for my card on the forum, ive had problems with the radeon driver. I recommend using the DRI11:51
pete_driver. (You could try the glx driver if the dri for somereason doesnt11:51
pete_how do I use the DRI driver?11:51
Cryptorchildpete_, what is your graphic card?11:52
pete_"ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY"11:52
pete_its drawing really slowly in Jaunty11:52
pete_menus take a long time and scrolling in FFx sucks11:53
arandnikolas23: very unlikey I think... I'd still say you could try running fsck from a livecd (fsck -f to force even if it's marked as clean)11:53
pete_Cryptorchild, any suggestions?11:53
Cryptorchildpete_, yeah ATI is shit in Jaunty, not all type working with ATI restricted driver11:54
pete_so what do I do?11:54
pete_how do I switch to DRI driver?11:54
pete_or something else?11:54
pete_sorry, am noob11:55
diffredhow do I play 3gp videos in 9.04¿?11:55
nikolas23arand: I will try what you said. It will sound funny, but if I moved the partition (with a livecd) to other disk sectors, will the disk errors dkms generated disappear?11:56
pete_Cryptorchild, sorry, those questions were for you11:56
pete_Cryptorchild, what am I meant to do now?11:56
f1uxdudeI am quite impressed by the way ubuntu catches commands that do not exist and tells you what package you need to install. I have found the func that does this but can't see how it is called, anyone know?11:57
arandnikolas23: possibly, I don't really know... maybe the errors crop up in another application then... *really has no idea*11:57
hhhCan anyone know how to install matlab in ubuntu 8.0?11:58
jribf1uxdude: read your /etc/bash.bashrc11:58
grawityf1uxdude: I think it is called automatically by bash as long as it has that name.11:58
arandnikolas23: If fsck runs good, I'd suspect something else than disk fail though...11:59
bazhangf1uxdude, command-not-found ?11:59
nikolas23arand: oh, you think? I'm pissed off because I desperately wanted to get rid off Windows and all its problems, and now I think linux destroyed my hard disk and I may have to change it **pay**! god!11:59
f1uxdudegrawity: cool, thanks11:59
jribnikolas23: linux doesn't destroy hard disks...11:59
f1uxdudebazhang: yes I found it and it's func, but was not sure how bash actually called it when a command didn't exist11:59
nikolas23arand: to speak the truth, I think I had tried fsck but it couldn't run because of disk errors. However, i'll try it again12:00
nikolas23jrib: r u sure?12:00
nikolas23jrib: in fact, i am total newbie and I may say nonsense12:00
Fretegihey guys, can someone look at my rkhunter results?12:00
mzzpete_: sorry, was distracted. Looking now.12:00
jribnikolas23: yes.  I really really doubt your hard drive is physically damaged because of linux.  Do you mean it destroyed data?12:00
pete_thanks mzz12:00
Fretegigot 3 suspicious file types, look ok, but would like a second opinion if no one minds12:00
arandnikolas23: That's when it's good to run fsck from the outside, so to speak, livecd or otherwise.12:01
pete_mzz, can you private message me when you look through it?12:01
nikolas23jrib: at startup there are errors say ata1.00 status: {DRDY ERR}12:01
mzzpete_: I heavily prefer staying on this channel12:01
mzz(was there a factoid for why? I think so)12:02
linduxedfor some reason the keyboard shortcuts dialog lets me set custom commands to XF86AudioPlay (and other media keys like that), lists the correct key bound to the command, but the command never works when i actualli try to execute it12:02
PromilleHi. Does anyone know the reason why VLC isnt in the reps for ubuntu ? I'm on 64 bit though12:02
Myrtti!pm | mzz , pete_12:02
ubottumzz , pete_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:02
Fretegican anyone help me with rkhunter?12:02
nikolas23arand: i'll try it and i'll see what happens12:02
Promillesorry i meant VLC 1.012:02
mzzMyrtti: ah, thanks12:02
jrib!sru | Promille12:02
ubottuPromille: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates12:02
pete_mzz, I don't want to repeat myself, but I've seen that DRI is suggested to improve the situation12:02
pete_but I don't know what DRI is, nor how to implement it12:03
mzzpete_: yeah, and you seem to be low on dri. Do you know if the 16MB it detects is accurate?12:03
geophysicshi,  how to make XP default on grub screen , editing sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:03
mzzpete_: err, low on video ram12:03
nikolas23jrib: I'm disappointed because ubuntu are well-known for their speed of starting up and my computer makes about 5 minutes to enter gnome12:03
shivekIs there anyway I can change the appearance of panels?12:03
jribgeophysics: yes, look at the "default" line12:03
mzzgeophysics: there should be a "default" in there somewhere, change the number after that12:03
pete_mzz, I think so, but it might be 32meg, can't really remember12:03
geophysicsdefault 012:03
mzznikolas23: that's unusually slow, unless it's a pretty old system.12:03
jrib!themes | shivek12:03
ubottushivek: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:03
mzzpete_: can you pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.0.log too while you're at it?12:04
T3Roarsomebody help! i'm stuck in workspace 2 and I can't switch  back to the normal one :\12:04
mzzpete_: sorry, /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:04
pete_sure, 2 mins12:04
mzzT3Roar: iirc the default binding is ctrl+alt+arrow left12:04
T3Roarmzz: i've tried that, but it's not working12:04
geophysicsjrib: default line is  012:04
nikolas23mzz: it's a pavilion dv5, bought at 200812:04
jribPromille: you can probably find a few ppa's with it though...12:04
T3Roari'm not sure what's happened to my workspace settings12:04
mzzT3Roar: or you can click in the pager thing on the panel (add one if it's not there)12:04
jribgeophysics: change it to the number that corresponds to windows xp (or move windows xp to first in the list)12:05
T3Roarmzz: my panel has disappeared too!12:05
mzznikolas23: there are ways to figure out where it's spending time (like "bootchart") but I can't walk you through them12:05
mzzT3Roar: start a new one12:05
T3Roarmzz: how?12:05
geophysicsjrib:  how can i know what number is related to xp12:05
mzzT3Roar: do you still have a terminal or a way to get one? Does alt+f2 still work?12:05
jribgeophysics: on your menu, count the lines starting at 012:05
T3Roarmzz: yes, i have the run box12:06
geophysicsjrib:  it sounds logical =)   thanks12:06
jribgeophysics: it's probably better to make windows first though since the number of ubuntu options may change12:06
mzzT3Roar: run gnome-panel12:06
pete_hey mzz my xorg.conf is empty12:06
mzzpete_: that's ok12:06
mzzpete_: reading your log more thoroughly now12:06
T3Roarmzz: it doesn't bring up the panel12:07
mzzT3Roar: ugh. sec.12:07
jribPromille: for example: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html12:07
=== fhuizing is now known as Error323
T3Roarmzz: it did run the command, but i'm quite sure this workspace is not working how it should be, i think it's something to do with compiz-config12:08
mzzT3Roar: yeah, sounds like your wm is confused (the panel's still running, you just can't see it). Perhaps run "compiz --replace" or "metacity --replace"?12:08
kizzahow do i use aircrack-ng12:09
ge2xhow to make ntfs partitions automount?12:09
Priceykizza: Have you looked for a guide?12:09
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:09
pete_mzz, find anything?12:09
mzzpete_: is that an internal or external panel?12:09
pete_mzz, laptop, so internal12:10
T3Roarmzz: i did and now it lets me switch between workspaces, but the panel is still hidden12:10
kizzabut i get diffrent errors12:10
T3Roarmzz: is there a command to show the panel?12:10
mzzpete_: mmm, I wonder if a Virtual line forcing your max resolution to the panel's native (instead of 1600x1200) would help12:10
mzzT3Roar: I don't use gnome enough to find that one quickly12:10
T3Roargrawity: i've tried gnome-panel, nothing happens :(12:11
grawityTry with --replace?12:11
mzzT3Roar: can you check if gnome-panel is running (launch gnome-system-monitor to check)12:11
pete_mzz, how do i do that?12:11
T3Roarmzz: yes it is12:11
mzzT3Roar: the problem is I normally get at its configuration by right-clicking a blank spot on the panel, which is hard if there isn't one :)12:11
grawitypete_: ps ax | grep panel12:11
mzzpete_: sec, let me try to write one12:12
T3Roarmzz: it's just empty space and nothing happens when i right click anywhere on the background12:12
T3Roarmzz: i've just done gnome-panel --replace and it worked12:13
Fretegianyone willing to look at a rkhunter log for me?12:13
arandFretegi: post the log at pastebin and someone might jump on it.12:14
mzzpete_: untested: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216165/12:15
T3Roarmzz: my desktop's gone now, i can't see my icons12:16
T3Roarwhat a mess12:16
T3Roaris there anything i can reinstall to reset this stuff?12:16
jribT3Roar: restart nautilus12:16
T3Roarcompiz really screwed my over12:16
Fretegihey guys, anyone wanna look at that log for me, has 3 files that show up suspicious,12:16
Fretegidont look bad to me, however... still rather new12:17
ronniehood3i had that also a time ago, i deleted one folder, then you can get everything back in origin state, you have to use google for the folder name, i forgot12:17
T3Roarmzz: i'm just going to restart and see what's going on then, thank you for your help :)12:17
linduxedfor some reason the keyboard shortcuts dialog lets me set custom commands to XF86AudioPlay (and other media keys like that), lists the correct key bound to the command, but the command never works when i actualli try to execute it12:17
T3Roarjdrib: thanks :)12:17
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
mzzFretegi: those pulse ones are ignorable12:17
mzzFretegi: if I read that correctly that's rkhunter not liking/knowing about shared mem sitting there12:18
Fretegiok great, thanks for the confirmation, what are they caused by?12:18
Fretegioh ok12:18
jriblinduxed: what does xev say about that key?  If you set that key to that keysym using xmodmap does it then work?12:18
mzzFretegi: google for "rkhunter /dev/shm/" for a second opinion12:19
Freteginow, does rkhunter do anything  if it finds anything?12:19
nsadmindustybin: probably that discussion would be more effective if the maint were involved... it's probably brandon robinson12:19
mzzlinduxed: is the problem with the media key or with the command? If you bind the command to something simple like ctrl+alt+m does it work?12:19
mzzFretegi: sorry, I'm not actually familiar with it, so no clue12:20
Fretegijust finally came across a link on google that explained it a bit12:21
Fretegiapparently ur right, shared memory addressing and its a good thing, now worries, thanks tho12:21
linduxedmzz: jrib: the command is correct (mpc next) and if i bind it to something "non-XF86......" then it works12:21
jriblinduxed: ok, but that's not really what I said to do is it?12:22
mzzlinduxed: that's very weird (you are binding by simply hitting that key, right?)12:22
mzzjrib: no, it's what I said to do. Sorry about that :)12:22
linduxedjrib: will check then12:22
zzzis there any command to know the nameserver ip address ?12:22
Fretegiis there a difference between ubuntu and ubuntu server?12:22
mzzlinduxed: it's possible some running media player eats the key, but I don't understand why the keybinding manager still does pick it up12:22
jribzzz: cat /etc/resolv.conf, there may be a better way...12:22
zxdHi I am looking for a  DHCP plugin for ppp12:23
mzzFretegi: only in the default package set. You can convert one to the other post-install, I'm pretty sure.12:23
jribmzz: that's a good guess12:23
linduxedmzz: yupp12:23
gleeb_hey guys good afternoon... i got some simple question about ls command if someone can help me :)12:24
mzzgleeb_: just ask12:24
gleeb_gimmi a sec to write :)12:24
zzzjrib, it's not displaying anything if i type cat /etc/resolve.conf12:24
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:24
jribzzz: because that's not what I told you to type12:25
Fretegiodd, system monitor says intrepid, which i thougth i had, then my xorg.0.log says kernel 2.6.24-15 server12:25
Fretegithat normal12:25
linduxedjrib: ok xev does pick it up (the XF86 keys in question have keycodes and keysyms), how do i set the "the key to that keysym using xmodmap"?12:25
gleeb_when i do ls -l i get alot of information... if i add the -s attribute (which says that it gives me the size in blocks) i get another colums in the start with nubers that dont really match the "size in blocks they say" i can paste it if you would like to see12:25
ActionParsnipFretegi: what does: lsb_release -c    say?12:25
jriblinduxed: you don't have to if xev shows that, I think mzz is right12:25
linduxedmzz: nope, no media player eating keys now12:25
zzzjrib, i did this cat /etc/resolv.conf  nothing happens12:25
Morteza_K‏hi,anyone can help me to make my wireless driver?‫make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic/pwd/Makefile'.  Stop12:26
jriblinduxed: check for daemons/music players, kill them, see if it then works12:26
jribzzz: really?12:26
ActionParsnipgleeb_: sure: install pastebinit then pipe the output to pastebinit12:26
Fretegijust plain old intrepid, nice command, makin note of that one thanks12:26
lat_Hi everyone!12:26
mzzjrib: if that's it I really don't understand why the keybinding editor still sees the key12:26
ActionParsnipgleeb_: e.g.   ls -ls | pastebinit12:26
linduxedjrib: mzz: the only musicplayer that could eat the keys would be rhythmbox, and its not even on12:26
Morteza_Khi anyone can help me to make wireless driver?12:27
gleeb_ls -ls > example.txt?12:27
paintedanyone wanna play yandere game?12:27
gleeb_wont be better?12:27
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: is it internal or usb?12:27
Fretegimake a driver? folks in here do that?12:27
zzzjrib, yes, there is nothing in /etc/resolv.conf12:27
ActionParsnipgleeb_: if you want, you are only going to paste bin the file so why not cut out the middle man12:27
jribzzz: are you able to resolve domain names anyway?12:27
lat_I have a printer driver I can't delete. Is there a solution12:28
gleeb_sorry for the ignorance but what do you mean by "pasr bin"12:28
ActionParsnipgleeb_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit;  ls -ls > ~/example.txt; pastebinit ~/example.txt; rm ~/example.txt12:28
gleeb_"past bin" sorry12:28
ActionParsnipgleeb_: well you dont paste huge swathes of text in irc rooms12:28
Morteza_KActionParsnip: actually it is an make error ,i did it before with a patch,but i cant now,cant find the patch12:28
gleeb_i know... i'll just check it out see what i get :)12:29
ActionParsnipgleeb_: so you use a pastebin, you can then fill the page with text and give us a very small link12:29
zzzjrib, no12:29
gleeb_ohhh ok12:29
gleeb_1 sec then12:29
jribzzz: ok, how are you connecting to the internet?12:29
zzzjrib, sudo pppoeconf12:29
ActionParsnipgleeb_: if everyone pasted the text for people to view it would scroll the channel like crazy and be totally useless12:29
jribzzz: hrmm, I know nothing about that.  Does that use dhcp somehow?12:30
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: then pastebin the error you get, maybe someone can advise12:30
zzzjrib, i think so ,how do you connect to internet ?12:31
arandgleeb_: dunno if it's still relevant but ls -s seems to show in KB per default12:31
jribzzz: I use a static ip with my router12:31
Morteza_KActionParsnip: morteza@Moris:~/wdriver$ make -C /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/build M='pwd' clean12:31
Morteza_Kmake: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic'12:31
Morteza_Kscripts/Makefile.clean:17: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic/pwd/Makefile: No such file or directory12:31
Morteza_Kmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic/pwd/Makefile'.  Stop.12:31
Morteza_Kmake: *** [_clean_pwd] Error 212:31
Morteza_Kmake: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic'12:31
FloodBot3Morteza_K: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:31
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: i said pastebin12:31
zzzjrib, is your pc a router ?12:31
jribzzz: no12:31
zzzjrib, is it broadband ?12:32
gleeb_http://pastebin.com/f689705e2 the first row :)12:32
jribzzz: yes... try running the dhclient commands manually (I don't remember how exactly, but I'll look it up if you can't find it)12:32
gleeb_first column sorrt12:32
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: imagine if say 10 people did that, the channel would be useless. Think next time12:33
Morteza_KActionParsnip: sorry,http://paste.ubuntu.com/216176/12:33
ActionParsnipgleeb_: see what Morteza_K just did, and how it scrolled the channel  ;)12:33
gleeb_i did paste mine :)12:33
gleeb_<gleeb_> http://pastebin.com/f689705e2 the first row :)12:34
zzzjrib, do you use System>Preferences >Network Connections to connect to internet ?12:34
jribzzz: no12:34
jribzzz: (but you should)12:34
zzzjrib, where do you put static ip address ?12:34
ActionParsnipgleeb_: mine shows 4 for the totals as well12:34
gleeb_1 block = 1024b?12:35
ActionParsnipgleeb_: http://pastebin.com/f681c543a12:35
jribzzz: I'm not on ubuntu atm12:35
zzzjrib, what do you mean ? aren't you in ubuntu now ?12:35
arandgleeb_: Like I said; ls -s seems to show in KB per default12:35
jribzzz: I'm using a different distribution, but my setup is not really relevant here12:36
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: the kernel source is already referenced, try just running   make clean12:36
mzzzzz: just add a wired connection, the ipv4 tab has an option to enter a static ip12:36
saifubuntu8.1 host +geust winxp on virtual box but cant make anetwork12:36
gleeb_yep i see that12:36
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: if you run:   file /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic12:36
zzzjrib, which distribution ,fedora ?12:36
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: does it say it is a folder?12:36
gleeb_thanks i guess i was wrong when i checked it out... i see my mistake now. first column is the size in kb12:36
gleeb_thanks you guys12:37
Morteza_KActionParsnip: do u mean enter"make clean"?12:37
ActionParsnipgleeb_: no worries fellah12:37
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: makes sense, yes12:37
zzzmzz, where is the ip4 tab ?12:37
adantehow do i install security updates only?12:37
mzzzzz: to the right :)12:37
mzzzzz: are you using jaunty?12:38
Morteza_KActionParsnip: make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.12:38
saifwho use virtual box12:38
mzzMorteza_K: that normally means you're sitting in the wrong dir12:38
mzzsaif: me12:38
saifmzz : can u help me12:38
lat_When I try to delete an unused printer driver I get "403 Forbidden". Why12:38
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: have you read the install and readme files in the archive you extracted?12:39
mzzsaif: lemme read scrollback12:39
zzzmzz, jaunty ,12:39
diegotilleralguem ai fala portugues?12:39
zzzmzz, to the right top ?12:39
ActionParsniplat_: are you deleting it with sudo?12:39
jrib!pt | diegotiller12:39
ubottudiegotiller: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:39
saifmzz :  iwant to make anetwork between ubuntu8.1 host and xp geyst12:39
mzzzzz: in the "Network connections" window make sure you're on the "Wired" tab and hit "Add"12:39
Morteza_KActionParsnip: yes12:39
mzzzzz: the new window that appears should have an "IPv4 Settings" tab, among others12:39
blackest_knightFretegi: well make , make install :)12:40
mzzzzz: if you switch to Method: Manual there you can manually configure ip addresses for the connection and dns12:40
lat_ActionParsnip, no. How/12:40
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: where did you get the archive, i'll have a look at it12:40
`deadI tried to install it from Iso image using wubi.12:41
* mzz actually thinks this network manager thing isn't terrible, even though he tends to use the cli himself so isn't quite the obvious target audience12:41
ActionParsniplat_: just add sudo to the front of the command you are issuing and it will be removed.make sure the printer has no waiting jobs12:41
`deadIt says.. Input/Output error :/12:41
diegotillerfala portugues ???12:41
Morteza_KActionParsnip: i ask it someone in #kernel,M=$pwd instead of M='pwd',and it worked,thanks12:41
mzzsaif: in what direction?12:41
alfacateu falo12:41
mzzsaif: outbound connections should just work. Inbound ones take a little more setup.12:41
saifmzz  : in both12:41
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: you may want to tell the person who made the guide12:41
zzzmzz, i'm using automatic dhcp12:41
jribdiegotiller: /join #ubuntu-br12:41
Fretegiwhats make make install?12:41
mzzzzz: oh, then I misunderstood the question.12:41
ActionParsnipMorteza_K: so it can be updated to be correct12:41
diegotilleralfacat sabe usar as opções de rede do biglinux?12:42
Fretegioh reference drivers?12:42
mzzsaif: can the guest browse the internet?12:42
zzzmzz, i don't use broadband connection12:42
saifmzz : outbound = host to geust ?12:42
saifmzz : no12:42
zzzmzz, it's dial up connection12:42
mzzsaif: weird, that should be working by default.12:42
saifmzz : i dont need internet on the guest12:42
mzzsaif: the guest should be able to connect to the host and to anything the host itself can access, but by default the host and th outside world see the guest as sitting behind a NAT firewall12:43
mzzsaif: the virtualbox manual covers this. What are you actually trying to do?12:43
diegotillerai tu sabe usar as opções de rede do big linux?12:43
mzzdiegotiller: english please12:43
saifmzz : i read it done every thing in it no use12:43
lat_ActionParsnip, I've been using the cups web page utility.  How do I determine what command to use from the command line/12:43
mzzsaif: what are you actually trying to do? What command or app is failing?12:44
saifmzz : simply aconnection between the host and geust12:44
zzzsaif, what's the problem ?12:44
mzzsaif: what kind of "Connection"? ssh? netcat?12:44
ActionParsniplat_: gksudo firefox http://localhost:63112:44
zzzsaif, are you using broadband conneciton ?12:44
mzzzzz: this is a virtualbox question, the entire thing's local12:44
saifmzz: no commands12:45
mzzsaif: what program then?12:45
saifmzz : just the network manager12:45
mzzsaif: I'm pretty sure you shouldn't need to mess with network manager on the host, and I don't think XP has a thing called network manager12:45
mzzsaif: again, what are you actually trying to accomplish? Transfer files? ssh connection?12:46
saifmzz: ping is not workin12:46
mzz"a connection" is horribly vague, a net connection is a means to an end12:46
mzzsaif: that's normal, see the manual.12:46
saifmzz: i want to assign static ip to host and gues t12:46
lat_ActionParsnip, I still get 403 Forbidden12:46
* mzz gives up12:46
Dam0how do i install the system info script for xchat?12:46
saifmzz :thanx12:47
mzzsaif: (re)read the manual to see what your various options are. I can't debug if you won't tell me what task you're actually trying to accomplish.12:47
* mzz is assuming you're not trying to communicate between the two by morse over ping :)12:47
saifmzz : i `ll read again and comeback12:48
saifmzz : thanx12:48
ActionParsniplat_: weird12:48
ActionParsniplat_: is it not removable from the printer section i gnome settings12:49
Dam0ow do i install the system info script for xchat?12:50
uqs_How do I install the latest version of linux-ubuntu-modules?12:52
kavehhas anyone ever heard of installing ubuntu on one hard disc screwing up the resolution of a windows installation on a separate hard disc?12:52
kaveha friend of mine had to reinstall his graphics drivers for windows after installing ubuntu on a second hard disc, i had not heard of this before i thought he probably did something very wrong12:53
gilleskaveh: Maybe some of his drivers were storedon the second hD12:55
lat_ActionParsnip, sudo system-config-printer does not give me a delete choice. Same with gnome settings. That is true for this one driver only. The others I can delete.12:55
grue9hi guys. i'm about to connect possibly broken hard drive into my pc. can it possibly damage mainboard?12:56
Pidgin_is there any command to exit from irc ?12:56
adantehow do i apply security updates only from the command line?12:56
blackest_knightkaveh:  thats extremely unlikely the only thing which could happen is if the windows sys had c,d, and e drives and d was nuked to put ubuntu on the e drive would now be seen as d and that could confuse windows with paths being wrong12:56
Pirate_Huntercan someone tell me what is wrong with this command - sudo tune2fs -i 1m, trying to get tune2fs to check disk every month?12:56
Tim183hi all, looking for some help configuring twinvior, can someone help pleaseew with a second monit12:56
arandPidgin_: /commands12:57
arandPidgin_: sorry nvm12:57
ActionParsniplat_: try a reboot with the printer not attached12:57
Night-HorseI was wondering if it's possible to capture the audio input as raw bytes, something like cat /dev/audio > rawfile ??12:57
kavehhmm thanks gilles and blackest, i thought it would be along the lines of what gilles said, but when i checked it wasnt like taht, blackest what youre saying may be the case ill have a look for that12:57
kavehthank you two12:57
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grue9Night-Horse, i think so. just how do you play it afterwards12:59
lat_ActionParsnip, I did. It didn't help. The driver is not for my printer. I don't know how it got installed.12:59
grue9i'm about to connect possibly broken hard drive into my pc. can it possibly damage mainboard?12:59
Tim183every time I try o configure the monitors i get either the top or the bottom panel on one screen and the other on another screen13:00
Pirate_Huntergrue9, it can possibly do "possibly"13:00
Night-Horsegrue9: It won't be actually media. I have a signal with 96k frequency that i wanted to see if i could capture it on my pc directly13:01
lat_ActionParsnip, it just appeared one day, and has been causing problem ever since.13:01
Tim183I would like both panels on one screen abd the other screen to just be extra space13:01
Pirate_Huntercan someone tell me what is wrong with this command - sudo tune2fs -i 1m, trying to get tune2fs to check my hard disks every month?13:01
grue9Night-Horse, got an idea. i think you can replay it by catting it back into /dev/audio13:02
uqs_how do I install the newest version of linux-ubuntu-modules for x64?13:02
grue9'kay, if my computer gets broken i'm blaminhg you.13:02
lat_ActionParsnip, it is not set as default printer, but is always the driver pre-selected.13:02
adantehow do i apply security updates only from the command line?13:02
Night-Horsegrue9: That's true, if i could forward it to the actually receiver and it recognized it then i am in the right path. :)‮13:03
Night-Horsegrue9: Just another question. what is the difference between /dev/audio and /dev/dsp ?? Cause i have seen some acting with /dev/audio and some with /dev/dsp13:04
adantehow do i apply security updates only from the command line?13:05
ActionParsniplat_: can you remove the driver with apt-get ?13:06
arandPirate_Hunter: I'd guess you need to put down the device (/dev/sdx#) as well13:06
mehdihi guys13:06
mehdiI need a proxi13:06
ActionParsnipadante: you woul dhave to comment out the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list that didnt relate to security   then run sudo ap-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:06
ActionParsnip!proxy | mehdi13:07
ubottumehdi: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks. If you're using mibbit, please try joining #ubuntu again. Mibbit takes a long time to connect, so you may have missed a message to do this.13:07
Pirate_Hunterarand, thanks even knowing the man file doesn't state that *sigh*13:07
adanteActionParsnip: wow, kind of heavy handed there, ok13:07
ActionParsnipmehdi: you can use squid if you want to configure a proxy server13:07
ActionParsnipadante: its the only way I can think to do it13:08
jribPirate_Hunter: it does :)13:08
ActionParsnipadante: why not just install all the stuff from apt-get upgrade?13:08
arandPirate_Hunter: well it kinda does, since the synopsis gives "device" as non-optional parameter...13:08
ActionParsnipadante: you can use apt to lock version numbers of packages you want left13:08
bullgard4Where is the contents (format) of /proc/asound/pcm described (explained)?13:09
adanteActionParsnip: it's a work server, working fine so would prefer not to fix it except where necessary :]13:09
ActionParsnipadante: good call :)13:09
BesogonI undestand when we use wpa_supplicant we should disable Wifi in NetworkManager.I've tried to star wpa_supplicant for mounth.13:10
adanteActionParsnip: mainly i'm afraid of the verbal (& maybe physical) beatings if i do break something13:10
amikropHello. How can I set RapidSVN not to ask me my passphrase for my SSH key each time I want to SVN update?13:10
ActionParsnipadante: i wish more folks had your mentality rather than "oh a new one exists. i need it"13:10
Pirate_Hunterjrib, arand, yes it does right at the end, hmmm didnt notice it until i expanded my terminal :s13:10
lat_ActionParsnip, sorry. I don't what to type to do that.13:10
ActionParsniplat_: have a searc in synaptic, see what relates to your printer13:11
lat_ActionParsnip, the driver is for the Epson 285.13:11
TheFunkbombhaving internet problems13:11
ActionParsniplat_: ok then search for epson, if not then I am unsure13:12
lat_ActionParsnip, I did. I see nothing there.13:12
ActionParsniplat_: how did you install the driver?13:13
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lat_ActionParsnip, I didn't install it. It just appeared one day---very irritating.13:14
lat_The correct driver was already installed.13:15
ActionParsniplat_: I'd log a bug. If random printers are popping up then it sound like a bug to me13:15
* deany `s epson sx400 all-in-1 works out the box :)13:16
lat_OkropNick, ActionParsnip , thanks. You are a great guy. You always try to help me, and usually succeed!13:17
ronniehood3http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1126258&page=4 i have the same problem, but the answer is not posted :( g++: tinystr.c: No such file or directory13:17
ronniehood3tinyxml is installed13:18
C-S-Band with a name like ActionParsnip, how can he go wrong?13:18
amikropHow can I set RapidSVN not to ask me my passphrase for my SSH key each time I want to SVN update?13:20
C-S-Bamikrop: maybe this is beyond my scope of knowledge but can you not use a sharedkey for auth?13:21
Morteza_Khi,can anyone help me?http://paste.ubuntu.com/216185/13:21
C-S-BMorteza_K: do you need the wl driver?13:22
amikropC-S-B: I don't know, it probably has to do with the keyring.13:23
C-S-Bwhat chipset are you using?13:24
Morteza_KC-S-B: bcm4312,chipset 431513:24
C-S-Bhave you tried using b43 instead?13:25
C-S-Bthats what i use.13:25
Morteza_KC-S-B: do u have this wireless card?13:25
C-S-Bsupports injection and monitor mode if you like the whole wifi hackery thing.13:25
C-S-Bi have a b43 chipset card.13:25
=== JaSMaN is now known as Pasbar_Team
Morteza_KC-S-B: do u have a link to help me?13:26
C-S-BNetwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)13:26
Morteza_KC-S-B: i didnt test,i dont know if it work13:27
C-S-BMorteza_K: what is it you're trying to do? compile in the wl module?13:27
Morteza_KC-S-B: yes i got a driver from broadcom.com,and doing the README ,but this error occured,once i did it with a patch but i forgot that and cant find it now!13:28
Pirate_Hunterfor adding users what is recommended adduser or useradd?13:29
C-S-Byou shouldnt need to patch it. does it not work if you just do a modprobe wl13:29
elf__hi all13:29
jribPirate_Hunter: adduser13:30
Pirate_Hunterjrib, ok will go with that instead13:31
C-S-BMorteza_K: well whatever your patch did, it broke the source. could you not just modprobe wl or modprobe b43 (after intall b43-fwcutter)13:31
noMasteranybody know some program like Deamon Tools for Linux?13:32
Morteza_KC-S-B: what can i do?13:33
jrib!mount | noMaster13:33
ubottunoMaster: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount13:33
jribargh, sorry13:33
jrib!iso | noMaster13:33
ubottunoMaster: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:33
C-S-BMorteza_K: whats does lspci -vv display about your wifi ?13:33
noMasterok, I'll try13:34
SingAlonghow do I add a path to a system path?13:34
SingAlongis there anyway to edit the $PATH variable?13:34
Pirate_Hunterjrib, weird it didnt ask me about groups hmmm or is that different command for adding users?13:35
Morteza_KC-S-B: kernel driver and kernel module are wl13:35
C-S-Band the wifi isnt working?13:35
Morteza_KC-S-B: no13:36
GillagalWhat is the best way to background a script so if I loose my connection it will finish?  Also, is there a way for me to see what it's doing when backgrounded?13:37
Morteza_Kit was working first,but after update nomore,and it is so intersting that before it even doesn work first!13:38
C-S-Bhave you tried disabling it in hardware drivers and enabling again?13:39
Morteza_KC-S-B: yes13:39
C-S-BMorteza_K: maybe try sudo rmmod wl && sudo modprobe wl13:40
C-S-BMorteza_K: then see whats in dmesg | tail13:40
mzzGillagal: I tend to use screen for that13:40
Pirate_HunterI have just made a user with command adduser, however how do I add them to groups and limit the account?13:41
daviWhat is the sudo password in the last Ubuntu distribution?13:41
grawitydavi: Sudo always asks for _your_ password.13:41
daviah, thanks grawity13:42
L3dPlatedLinuxI was wondering about my hp lappy and if there was a way to make the wifi activate at boof with out having to pass the wifi button ( its atheros)13:43
edgar402Hallo, somehow I´ve deleted my gnome and now I hope someone can tell me how to install it from the terminal and if it´s possible.13:43
grawityedgar402: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:43
grawityah, add sudo before it13:43
edgar402only wifi and it´s buggy.13:44
Morteza_K1C-S-B: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216214/13:44
Morteza_K1C-S-B: it seems sth is interrupting,for a while it show me wireless network but gone soon!13:45
edgar402buggy as I don´t know if it will work, is there a possiblity to do it offline.13:45
Ramonsterany chance anyone knows how to setup an arcemu server on ubuntu?13:46
MarcoPausince I made a major upgrade under jaunty I don't have emacs command any more. I installed emacs22 and can launch it with emacs22-x, but it won't read bbdb and .Xresources rules. do you know what packages are missing?13:46
kawunois splitting stdout and stderr to different terminal emulators is hard ?13:47
kawunoi mean with existing app via cli13:47
nalysGreetings, quick question: It doesn't really matter if I accidentally deleted the contents of my opt folder right? Since it stands for "optional"...right? 8^)13:48
Pirate_HunterI have just made a user with command adduser, however how do I add them to groups and limit the account?13:48
C-S-BMorteza_K if you do sudo iwlist scan13:48
C-S-BMorteza_K do you get any ssids?13:48
Morteza_K1C-S-B: no:(13:48
edgar402thanks anyway13:48
MindVirusI'm looking at System Monitor. What's the difference between Free and Available? I'm looking at File Systems.13:48
kainikawuno, that works: type into the stderr terminal tty and copy the path. In the stdout terminal enter the command with a 2> /path to your stderr terminal13:49
Morteza_K1C-S-B: yes,it now answers!13:49
C-S-BMorteza_K oh goog13:49
parapanghelescuhi there is there anyone using Googlew earth 5 on Ubuntu 9.04 ??13:49
kawunokaini, clever, thank you13:49
Morteza_K1C-S-B: but no in network manager113:49
Pirate_Hunteranyone knows how to check groups through cli?13:50
done365Is there anyone that can help me access my old vista files from my new ubuntu install ver9.0413:50
C-S-BMorteza_K ok well can you connect to the wifi using cli?13:50
Morteza_K1C-S-B: let try13:50
done365I've mounted everything that shows up after fdisk13:51
Morteza_K1C-S-B: is it for ever?or every time i have to run those commands?13:51
rubystallionHow can I hide empty folders in Nautilus?13:51
C-S-BMorteza_K im not sure, you could always try the b43 module if you wanted to?13:51
MindVirusAnyone know?13:51
done365but even with kdiskfree I am unable to use the file manager on these mounted drives13:51
C-S-BMorteza_K i have no trouble with my card, but its a 4311 not a 431213:52
guntbertPirate_Hunter: step 1) id <newuser> to see what is the matter13:52
davigrawity,   In Jaunty I am typing my account password to execute  "sudo ls" and it ask again to try. That is to say, it is not working!  Is it possible?13:52
gabkdllyMindVirus: not sure, but it may have to do with the 5% (or so) reserved for root on the filesystem13:53
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, nothign is the matter the user is new i just to add them to groups so they have access to audio etc but remove access to things like sudo etc13:53
Morteza_K1C-S-B: your key is WPA?13:53
gabkdllyMindVirus: available is probably what you are interested in13:53
C-S-BMorteza_K yes, Ive also used open and wep.13:53
MindVirusgabkdlly, that's a brilliant point.13:53
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, the thing is adding a user was easy its the other parts that i am finding difficult13:53
MindVirusgabkdlly, thanks.13:53
C-S-Bmorteza_K if you left click the nm-applet is the enable wireless box ticked?13:54
gabkdllyMindVirus: you can actually configure this at the time of partition13:54
done365If anyone could help me find the kids pictures before the wife wakes up that would be great13:54
MindVirusgabkdlly, I don't really mind -- I was just curious. They seemed like the same damn thing.13:54
guntbertPirate_Hunter: to prevent him from using sudo remove him from the admin group13:54
MindVirusgabkdlly, now, I can't configure it?13:54
guntbertPirate_Hunter: where he shouldn't be by default anyway :-)13:55
Morteza_K1C-S-B: no13:55
ubuntufreakAnyways to install the drivers for my ATI Mobility radeon HD 4570 in DELL Studio 15 laptop for Ubuntu 9.013:55
Morteza_K1C-S-B: sorry yes13:55
gabkdllyMindVirus: I don't think so. Anyway, I think there are good reasons to have the 5% reserved13:55
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, yup but i dont know how to do that through cli i thought command adduser would give me these options13:56
MindVirusgabkdlly, of course.13:56
MindVirusgabkdlly, the deal is, I have a drive that is not for root at all.13:56
LInuxhow do i rip dvd's that are 6.7gb into avi format on ubuntu?13:56
guntbertPirate_Hunter: is he in the admin group?13:56
LInuxplease and thanks13:56
Morteza_K1C-S-B: i got an ip via my wireless card13:57
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, dont know how do i check how do i list all the groups in my box?13:57
deanyLInux, k9copy13:57
daviIn Jaunty I am typing my account password to execute  "sudo ls" and it ask again to try. That is to say, it is not working!  Is it possible, or it is sure I am doing some typing mistake?13:57
C-S-BMorteza_K and can you ping inside your network?13:57
LInuxdeany:where do iget it?13:57
deanyLInux, or dvdrip13:57
deanyLInux, repo13:57
LInux''dvdrip''? thats the name for it13:58
guntbertPirate_Hunter: thats what id is for :-), try id <user> and look for (admin) in groups13:58
MindVirusFor some reason, pulseaudio is not starting with my session. Should I add it to Startup Applications?13:58
nalysGreetings, quick question: It doesn't really matter if I accidentally deleted the contents of my opt folder right? Since it stands for "optional"...right?... Yes or no would suffice...thanks...13:58
Morteza_K1C-S-B: command line13:58
Morteza_K1C-S-B: i restart,will coma back13:58
deanyLInux, yes.13:58
LInuxoh i found it thanks13:59
done365Should an install of Ubuntu delete all of my windows user files13:59
deanyLInux, I prefer k9copy, seems more advanced, more options.. tho thats not always a good thing :)13:59
LInuxlol but what adoubt acid dvdripped?13:59
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, ooooh id is handy nope not in root still would i be able to log into my account through that account if i needed to do something in root without being forced to logout14:00
done365I checked the wiki's before making the switch and they all said no, but the baby pics are gone...I think14:00
attorianzoHi all, is there any menu or preferences file for ubuntu segnalations? I mean that dark squares up-right of the screen..14:00
guntbertPirate_Hunter: sorry, your last statement didn't make sense to me, there are several groups, one of the is admin, another is audio14:01
triplcHi all. Can I use Unbuntu 32 bit on a 4GB RAM computer? Currently feel that I cannot because "free -m" does not show 4G. :-(14:02
C-S-Bdone365: if you go to /media/ is there a mounted filesystem?14:02
LInuxdeany:can i use k9 copy to rip a 6.7gb dvd into x3, 700mb avi files (that cant be burnt)?14:02
guntbert*one of them is14:02
deanyLInux, yes14:03
LInuxis it simple??14:03
done365C-S-B: I can see the drive in kdiskfree, but cant navigate it in file manager14:03
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, what i meant is i aint in root but if i ever need to use root access could i do it through that account either by using sudo -u [user with root access]14:03
deanyLInux, depends on your knowledge14:03
LInuxhow do i make it avi it dooesnt give me the option14:03
MindVirusAny suggestions, anyone?14:03
deanyLInux, its a gui, so is simple enough..14:03
MindVirusFor some reason, pulseaudio is not starting with my session. Should I add it to Startup Applications?14:03
done365C-S-B: it also will not let me do a cd to get to it in the terminal14:03
triplcHi all. Can I use Unbuntu 32 bit on a 4GB RAM computer? Currently feel that I cannot because "free -m" does not show 4G. :-( ----- Must I have to use Ubuntu 64bit ???14:03
deanyLInux, it has a "Wizard" too14:04
mobi-sheeptriplc: Hating 64-bit?14:04
LInuxwere do i find the magician/wizard14:04
triplcmobi-sheep: no hate. I just have 32-bit installation disk in hand.14:05
mobi-sheeptriplc: The easiest solution would be using 64bit if your machine are capable of it.  Or install server/PAE kernel.14:05
edgar207I have only w-lan which i´m not able to use from the terminal-only, I´ve deleted my gnome somehow, and no I´m searching for someone who can tell me how to install it from the terminal.14:05
LInuxalso u no in windows...that thing when u right click and it says ''refresh'' were do i find this on ubuntu??14:05
mobi-sheeptriplc: Issues about 32bit memory addresses.14:06
mobi-sheeptriplc: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/14:06
triplcmobi-sheep: Oh. So installing package "linux-image....-server" is ok?14:06
guntbertPirate_Hunter: for that you could use su pirate_h (with your password, and then sudo....)14:06
ubuntufreakmobi-sheep: whats the difference bw 32-bit and 64-bit14:06
triplcok, let me read the webpage you give me and see how14:07
Morteza_KC-S-B: hi,it doesnt work14:07
mobi-sheepubuntufreak: You take full advantage of your processors.  I'll get you link.14:07
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, thats what i needed to know, I aint too sure which groups to add my new user to, audio, disk etc are fairly simple but what about daemons would users need access to that?14:07
ubuntufreakmobi-sheep: yeah sure14:08
edgar207is there a possiblity to install gnome from the terminal in offline mode?14:08
ikoniaedgar207: not without a cd14:08
mobi-sheepubuntufreak, triplc: If you're running 32bit when your machine is 64-bit capable.  You're just robbing the half of the treads.  There are 64bit treads in 64bit-processors and you'd be only using half of it.   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit14:08
edgar207and with cd14:08
ikoniaedgar207: then yes14:09
gabkdllyMindVirus: if, for example, you have a 1TB drive dedicated to /home/, or so, you can probably allocate less than 5% to root14:09
oskar-ubuntufreak:  64 instead of 32 bit word width, which means more addressable memory, but: larger executables, less efficient cache usage, slower execution of the same programs14:09
MindVirusgabkdlly, I have an 80GB drive dedicated to being my ~/Downloads folder.14:09
guntbertPirate_Hunter: I suppose the most important groups are already there - but to add more groups you have two ways: user chmod (look at the man page) OR edit /etc/groups (each group has the accounts listed which are mebers of it)14:10
gabkdllyMindVirus: keep in mind, though, that if you go with 0%, and your drive fills up, there will be a lot fragmentation, which will affect read/write times14:10
cemcI have Juanty running with dual head and gnome, with two screens :0.0 and :0.1 (no xinerama). why do windows keep appearing on the first display even when I start them on the second?14:10
cemcit used to work14:10
ubuntufreakoskar: if i install a 64-bit os, is it possible to install apps as in 32-bit one ?14:10
MindVirusgabkdlly, good point, again.14:10
edgar207and how do I install it with the CD14:10
ikoniaedgar207: just enable the cd as repo in system->administration->software sources and install it as normal14:11
oskar-ubuntufreak:  i have not yet used a 64 bit os14:11
ubuntufreakoskar: ok14:11
edgar207I only have Terminal (secure-mode)14:11
ikoniaedgar207: then enable the cd in /etc/apt/sources.list and install as normal14:11
=== gabkdlly is now known as gabkdlly-afk
mobi-sheep!away | gabkdlly-afk14:12
ubottugabkdlly-afk: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»14:12
mobi-sheep!away > gabkdlly-afk14:12
ubottugabkdlly-afk, please see my private message14:12
Pirate_Hunterguntbert ok14:12
edgar207what exactly do enable CD in ... and "how do I normaly install"?14:13
ikoniaedgar207: do you know how to install packages using apt-get ?14:13
edgar207not really14:13
guntbertPirate_Hunter: just make *certain* NOT to remove pirate_h from the admin group!!! CAUTION14:13
ikoniaedgar207: how did you remove gnome ?14:13
C-S-BMorteza_K: Im not sure what to suggest just yet, eating dinner atm14:14
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, dont think ill be doing that anytime soon errh even if im running as root14:14
edgar207somehow in synaptic I think14:14
edgar207"It was gone"14:14
Morteza_KC-S-B: thanks a lot14:14
edgar207after I Install some Stuff14:14
Morteza_KC-S-B: have a good time14:15
ikoniaedgar207: if you look in /etc/apt/sources.list at the top you should see a line that says something like "14:15
guntbert!root | Pirate_Hunter14:15
ubottuPirate_Hunter: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:15
ikoniaedgar207: something like "#deb cdrom:[ubuntu 9.04 blah blah"14:15
guntbertPirate_Hunter: don't "run as root", its not necessary14:15
ikoniaedgar207: do you see that line ?14:15
done365nice matrix ref ubotto14:15
TwoToneSpiritWhat does failsafe gnome do differently from regular gnome?  Suddenly I can only login with failsafe.14:16
edgar207At the moment I´m in windows14:16
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, yup i know but it became frustrating deleting 8.04 desktop packages to get server only that i had14:16
ikoniaedgar207: ok - well, find that line, remove the "#" symbol from the line, do "sudo apt-get update" , then do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"14:16
edgar207how do I edit the sourcelist14:17
ikoniaedgar207: any text editor you are comfortable with14:17
guntbertPirate_Hunter: its ok with me, as long as you are aware of the risks...14:17
edgar207never used one before14:17
grawitysudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list14:17
guntbertdone365: ubottu is a bot :-)14:17
edgar207ed ist one, right?14:17
ikoniaedgar207: before you try then I suggest you read up on a simple editor like "nano" as grawity suggested14:17
grawityI really wouldn't recommend ever trying ed.14:18
Pirate_Hunterguntbert, oh yeah definitely14:18
guntbertPirate_Hunter: ;-)14:18
grawityedgar207: nano is the easiest. (the most popular ones are vim and emacs, but they aren't installed by default, and they aren't that easy to use)14:18
edgar207thanks a lot.14:19
shivekHi everyone14:21
shivekI've just downloaded a package. Its something related to icon appearance(mashup..something) can anyone tell how to install it ??14:22
ikoniashivek: what is the package name14:22
C-S-BMorteza_K: ok, back for the moment14:23
supersashohello.. is there a gui application for managing ftpserver, something like filezilla server?14:24
shivekikonia: its "[ubuntu.hamdi.web.id]-Mashup-MaXo1.1.tar.gz"14:24
ikoniashivek: that's not a package, thats a tar file14:24
ikoniashivek: if you untar it (think zip file) you'll normally find install instructions inside it in a README file14:24
ikoniashivek: it's quite important that's it's not a package so not "whatever" - if you don't think it matters, get on with installing it14:25
ForzaPalermohey guys should checking for bad blcoks (read only test) take days to finish?14:25
ForzaPalermoim at 1.73% done and 15 hours have elapsed14:25
shivekok Its not "whatever" I'm sorry14:25
ikoniaForzaPalermo: wow that is slow, is it still going up14:25
ikoniashivek: what ever14:25
ForzaPalermobut takes forever14:25
done365I finally got the area I thought contained the lost files to mount using "gksudo ntfs-config" but it shows up empty.14:25
ForzaPalermoi have a 500GB drive14:25
ikoniaForzaPalermo: ride it out then, that is very very slow though14:26
shivekIkonia: hhh14:26
ForzaPalermoproblem is that ive ben getting errors with that drive, and i can no longer access the files, though i can see them14:26
ForzaPalermohddr errors i think14:26
ForzaPalermoEVERYTHING is on that drive, and i really need to retain it14:27
ikoniaForzaPalermo: not much can be done if the drive has errors then14:27
ikoniaForzaPalermo: take backups to prevent this happening in the future14:27
syrinxhi all14:27
mariuszkis someone from poland in here ??14:27
ForzaPalermoi kow bt i have stuff i NEED to retrieve14:27
ForzaPalermoits not an old hard drive14:27
ForzaPalermojust like 1 year14:27
ikoniaForzaPalermo: if the drive is bad it maybe lost, contact drive recovery specialists14:27
shivekikonia: it was a simple theme file. And don't use .zip thing. I hate Microsloth Windows14:27
ForzaPalermoi think it just has bad sectors14:27
ikoniaForzaPalermo: the time doesn't make a difference14:27
ikoniashivek: how much you like/dislike microsoft windows has nothing to do with anything14:28
syrinxHas anyone been able to get Firefox 3.5 yet through the repositories?14:28
ikoniashivek: a lot of people have pulled it down14:28
ikoniashivek: sorry - not you14:28
ikoniasyrinx: a lot of people have pulled it down14:28
Pirate_Hunteris there a command to check what users are in a group instead of checking the groups that a user is in?14:28
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: id $user14:28
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: or use the user admin gui14:29
syrinxthanks ikonia... I've been waiting for the update mgr to say it's available14:29
shivekbut .zip is a wndows format I suppose. !14:29
ikoniashivek: it's not a zip file14:29
C-S-Bprobably install via the theme menu14:29
ikoniashivek: I told you what type of file it is and you said "what ever" so therefore - do your own research14:29
TenkawaAnyone seen a kernel module for this pci:id yet?14:29
Tenkawa05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. Device 1062 (rev c0)14:29
Pirate_Hunterikonia, that shows the groups a user is in, what i want is to just choose a group and check the user that belong to that group instead of the other way around14:29
shivekikonia:But you said think it as its a zip file.14:29
Pirate_Hunterikonia, server no gui14:29
ikoniashivek: no I didn't14:29
done365ikonia: perhaps you can help me find these files, your help would be greatly appreciated14:29
ikoniadone365: what files ?14:30
shivekikonia: hey you did!14:30
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: look at /etc/group14:30
* Tenkawa checks google hit on ubuntuforums14:30
ikoniashivek: no, re-read what I said14:30
ikoniaTenkawa: don't need pointless noise in the channel please.14:30
done365ikonia: when I installed 9.04 on a machine that was vista most of my data is gone14:30
mobi-sheepForzaPalermo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery -- As ikonia suggested, start making backups.  You never know the HDD could die out anytime now.14:30
shivekikonia: look here  [<ikonia> shivek: if you untar it (think zip file) you'll normally find install instructions inside it in a README file]14:31
ikoniadone365: is your vista partition still there14:31
ikoniashivek: the line before I told you it was a tar file14:31
shivekikonia: 9think zip file) ??14:31
ikoniashivek: and to be exact it's a compressed tar file14:31
ikoniashivek: best of luck14:31
shivekikonia:yes you're right.14:31
shivekBye Bye eveyone  Good Luck  Happy Linux ""D14:32
done365ikonia: that is what I am having difficulty determining.  The partition had 2 windows installs, as one had failed.  the old one windows.old is gone, but the new one windows is there(somewhat)14:32
ikoniadone365: is the windows partition there, yes/no14:33
ikoniadone365: open gparted and see if you have a windows partition14:33
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
noobecan anyone help me ? I would like to generate a list of installed packages (this I already made )   ,  and redownload the packages I have installed from that list.  Just download14:34
izibihow can i change the audio settings for empathy?14:34
ikonianoobe: dpkg -l generates the list, then do a while loop to apt-get them on the next install14:34
noobeikonia but that way they will install again .... :(14:35
noobeI would just like to download them14:35
noobeikonia I would just like to download them14:35
mobi-sheep!clone | noobe14:37
ubottunoobe: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:37
arandnoobe: apt-get install -d14:37
done365ikonia: three on one drive, but none shown on the drive that it was on14:39
=== BigJB_ is now known as BigJB
noobetnks guys.   I'm going to study those comands14:40
tonsofpcswhat is the "home screen" on jaunty jackalope netbook remix?14:41
tonsofpcs[what app?]14:41
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ikoniadone365: what are you talking about 3 on one drive but doesn't show on the drive it was on14:42
ikoniadone365: I'll ask again. "Are there any windows partitions on the drive"14:42
ubuntuhow to activate java script?14:43
SuperMiguelenable java14:43
ikoniaubuntu: you need to install the java plugin14:43
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository14:43
ubuntuhow to get a driver of my a4tech cam???14:44
oskar-javascript and java have nothing in common14:44
ikoniathat's very true14:44
ikoniaI assumed he actually meant java - as java script is enabled by default14:45
ubuntuis there a camera compatible in linux14:45
done365Ikonia: no...two hard drives had a total of four windows installs on them I see one, have some data from another, am given the option to boot a third on restart.  But the fourth and most valuable seems to be completely gone.  No, there are no windows partitions on the drive where the data was located.  but I have data from another partition that was located on the same drive.14:45
mikkahello please i have a problem.I want to know what's my fileysystem.Is it NTFS,EXT2 or EXT3?How can i do that?14:45
grawitymikka: type 'mount'14:45
SuperMiguelfdisk -l14:45
ikoniadone365: I can only assume that you lost this when you partitioned your drive for ubuntu then14:46
ikoniamikka: it will be ext314:46
ikoniamikka: most likley14:46
ikoniaSuperMiguel: fdisk won't show a file system14:46
oskar-ubuntu:  there are many. afaik, it mostly depends on the camera chip, that has to be supported14:46
mikkai did not see nothing14:47
ikoniamikka: pastebin the output of mount14:47
mikkai'm using ubuntu and not windows xp14:47
ikonia!pastebin > mikka14:47
ubottumikka, please see my private message14:47
done365ikonia: I thought that was not suppossed to happen?14:47
ikoniadone365: depends how you tell it to partition14:47
oskar-ubuntu:  there are hardware databases on the web, where you can see, what cameras are likely to work with linux14:47
done365any chance of recovery14:47
mikkaplease i'm new.What must i tape on Terminal?14:47
ikoniadone365: doubtful14:47
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=== mikka is now known as respecting
ikoniamikka: how can you not know what to type when you just said you tried it and saw nothing14:48
ikoniarespecting: what did you type before when you saw nothing ?14:48
respectingfdisk -l14:48
respectingi have taped fdisk -l14:48
ikoniarespecting: ok - type "mount"14:48
dude_I saw what you did there!!14:48
SuperMiguelikonia, yes it will..14:48
napzterGuys...... do u know where can I join GIMP in IRC?14:49
ikoniaSuperMiguel: no it won't, it will show partition types14:49
ikonianapzter: this is ubuntu support read the gimp website14:49
respecting/dev/sd5 is EXT214:49
respecting/dev/sda5 is EXT214:49
SuperMiguelikonia, it will say system... if it is ext will be linux, if it is ufs will say freeebsd and if it is ntfs/fat will say windows14:49
respectingis that mean that my file system is EXT2.?14:49
ikoniaSuperMiguel: that is not a file system - that is a partition type14:50
SuperMiguelikonia, but thye match anyways14:50
ikoniaSuperMiguel: no they don't14:50
respectingI think it's EXT2 because i have read /dev/stda5 is ext214:50
respectingThank you ikonia14:50
ikoniaSuperMiguel: mine say "linux" but I'm using xfs14:50
ikoniarespecting: correct14:50
respectingthank you very very much14:50
respectingEnjoy your day brother14:51
watson516Would anyone be able to help me out with an Nvidia driver installation?14:51
done365ikonia: thank you, had to take a small profanity break14:51
arandwatson516: state the problem14:51
watson516arand: Thanks. I have tried to use the Hardware Drivers tool in the system->admin but that doesn't work...doesn't error, just doesn't work14:52
watson516arand: I tried to manually download a .run file from nvidia which I am just about positive is the correct one for me, stopped gdm and attempted installation...it worked but after restart it errored14:53
whadarwhy RAID 3 write operation works without prior read and RAID 5 doesn't (all the blocks in the stripe are read before each write)14:53
thomask_Hi all, I'm trying to set up my synaptics trackpad on a fresh 9.04 install, and I'm having trouble getting the FDI policies to run. I initially tried to set up the whole trackpad, and now am just aiming for turning on shared memory at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig but despite reboots/logouts/gdm restarts it seems to be ignored14:53
thomask_Does anyone have any suggestions for how to check if the policy files are being used, or what I might have missed, other than putting them in /etc/hal/fdi/policy?14:54
arandwatson516: what kinds or errors? Does /var/log/Xorg.0.log show anything related?14:54
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watson516arand: the Xorg.0.log file is roughly 200 lines long and I have no idea what any of it means14:55
legend2440watson516: which nvidia card you have?14:56
watson516arand: the error was something along the lines of the header module couldn't be found (nvidia created it I think...during installation)14:56
watson516legend2440: Geforce something Go14:56
arandwatson516: look for messsages prepended by (EE) talking about nvidia.14:56
arandwatson516: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE14:57
watson516arand: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)14:58
respectingPlease i'm posting here because guys from C don't want to listen to me.I'm a newbee at C Programmation language and i want an IDE to start developp Opengl programs under Ubuntu.Any good IDE please14:58
RamonsterI got a problem with phpmyadmin. I got phpmyadmin in /var/www/ now but if I try to login its gives the error: #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)14:59
soreaurespecting: geany is one15:00
mobi-sheep!ide | respecting15:00
ubotturespecting: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans15:00
soreauwatson516: Your drivers aren't installed correctly, how do you install them?15:00
arandwatson516: ok, so the driver was not able to install correctly...15:00
RamonsterI got a problem with phpmyadmin. I got phpmyadmin in /var/www/ now but if I try to login its gives the error: #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)15:01
arandwatson516: When installing manually from *.run do you get errors similar to the last section of this question: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+question/5979515:01
JestemPierwszyRahello evrybody, sameone speak polish here?15:02
mobi-sheepJestemPierwszyRa: You tried polish channel?15:02
tonsofpcsnot really, but i think there's a polish channel for ubuntu... #ubuntu-pl or -po maybe?15:03
soreauwatson516: You probably want to make sure linux-headers package for your kernel is installed before attempting the nvidia driver installer (.run)15:03
mobi-sheep!poland | JestemPierwszyRa15:03
ubottuJestemPierwszyRa: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:03
watson516arand: I got no errored during installation of the driver (except that it couldn't connect to the internet to download the header module...or something along those lines)15:03
JestemPierwszyRathank you tonsofpcs15:03
RamonsterI got a problem with phpmyadmin. I got phpmyadmin in /var/www/ now but if I try to login its gives the error: #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)15:03
watson516soreau: I did.... apt-get install linux-headers-common and it installed fine15:04
arandwatson516: did it succed in compiling it by itself after that?15:04
damagednoobRamonster, is your mysql server up?15:04
watson516arand: yes15:04
heroidthe real truth about WindowsWWIIsta http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/6085/windowsvistalogowallpap.jpg15:04
Ramonsterdamagednoob: yes15:04
damagednoobwhat port is it on?15:04
soreauwatson516: Do you have a working internet connection on the box you're trying to install the driver?15:05
watson516soreau: yes, but I booted up to the recovery tool and then dropped to shell because when I did /etc/init.d/gdm stop it appeared to not be doing anything (I forget what it was working on but I waited about 5 minutes)15:06
arandsoreau: watson516 if installing from the *.run file you won't need it anyways, something else is awry... And I'm not sure I got any idea what...15:06
mehdiwhere is animation in ubuntu 9.415:07
watson516arand: I have installed it about a year ago on an older version of ubuntu with no troubles15:07
tonsofpcswhat app runs the "home screen" in netbook remix?15:07
arandmehdi: animation?15:07
soreauwatson516: Did you change the Driver in the Device section to "nvidia" in xorg.conf?15:07
mehdianimation add on15:08
watson516soreau: I dont want to sound like an idiot, but where do I find that file?15:08
soreauwatson516: /etc/X1115:08
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me identify the problem, i just followed this tutorial on setting up bind9 but it wont startup, http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts-p4, under heading DNS server?15:09
watson516soreau: I was on here last night and a guy told me to add driver "nvidia" to some file but it didn't work15:09
arandmehdi: whathowwhen?? Animation add-on for what?15:09
arandwatson516: What does "lspci | grep VGA" give you?15:09
mehdifor insert effect on windows ubuntu15:09
tonsofpcswindows ubuntu?15:10
tonsofpcscompiz fusion?15:10
watson516arand: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2)15:10
watson516soreau: thats the file he told me to add the driver line to15:10
U2GBPirate_Hunter, ask your question on #ubuntu-server15:10
watson516soreau: its not there anymore though15:10
mehdiyes windows ubunto15:11
soreauwatson516: Well it needs to be. Add the following to the Device section of xorg.conf: Driver "nvidia"15:11
[Ramy]planet.ubuntu is not updated since 9th of July is there any problem there ?15:11
mehdiadd effect on desktop manegment15:12
soreauwatson516: Alternatively for a failsafe session without direct rendering, you can use "nv" or even "vesa" if you just want to start X15:12
_Space_Case_question? anybody use there computer to watch DTV, the new digital format... any of the usb tv tuner's work in linux?15:12
soreaumehdi: System>Preferences>Appearance>Visual Effects tab>Extra15:12
_Space_Case_or tv tuner cards15:12
watson516soreau: Ok, thanks...I added the line to the xorg.conf15:12
C-S-B_Space_Case_: theres been alot of dev in the kernel relating to this stuff, check video4linux15:12
soreauwatson516: Now make sure to save the file and reboot15:12
mehdiadd effect on desktop manegmen.exampel fire15:12
napzterhi guys is there such room for Script-Fu users?15:13
uqscould someone help me with this? :S http://paste.ubuntu.com/216247/15:13
watson516soreau: Ok, I may be back...15:13
watson516Thanks everyone15:13
mehdiadd effect on desktop manegmen.exampel fire15:13
soreauuqs: Looks like it's trying to probe a module not compatible with your kernel15:14
mehdihow can I add effect on desktop manegmen15:14
uqssoreau, so there is no way to install those drivers? :/15:14
soreaumehdi: In your terminal 'ccsm'15:14
soreauuqs: There may be, but I have no idea what you're trying to do exactly15:14
parapanghelescuso' is there anyone using google earth on ubuntu ?15:15
uqssoreau, I'm trying to install some x-fi drivers from creative. make works finde but make install gives me that error message15:15
soreauuqs: Before running sudo make install, you should do: make clean && make15:15
ortsvorsteher!anyone | parapanghelescu15:15
ubottuparapanghelescu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:15
uqssoreau, still get the same problem15:16
soreauuqs: make clean && make should give a different error if any.. pastebin it15:16
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me identify the problem, i just followed this tutorial on setting up bind9 but it wont startup, http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts-p4, under heading DNS server?15:17
parapanghelescuI have installed google earth on ubuntu 9.04; program works fine, but when I want to see pictures from different locations the display area is blinking few times ...showing the pictures for 0,5 secs and then the display area is white15:17
gazhi when downloading large files via wireless in ubuntu hardy my connection seems to drop off without actually disconnecting and i have to manually force it to reconnect anyone else experienced similar issues?15:18
uqssoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/216257/15:18
Pirate_Huntercan someone here please help me understand the problem i have pasted the output of syslog, http://paste.ubuntu.com/216255/15:18
bullgard4Where is described (explained) the file format of proc/asound/pcm?15:18
watson516soreau: When I restarted, it went to a black screen and stopped doing anything15:19
gazapologies i mean jaunty15:19
bullgard4Pirate_Hunter: I cannot find your question there.15:19
soreauuqs: That's the same pastebin as before15:20
homovitruviuswhich channel would be best for metacity help?15:20
SuperMiguel#metacity :)15:20
soreauwatson516: Hardware Drivers (jockey) should have installed the driver for you but now that you're manually installing no telling what it's doing. Use Driver "nv" in xorg.conf to get into a 'failsafe' X session so you can easier fix it15:21
homovitruviusyep, I've founded that one by going there this morning, but it seems like it would be only me. Is there a real metacity channel on freenode?15:21
uqssoreau, no it's a different one. I tried a second time with make clean && make and I get the same result still15:21
Pirate_Hunterbullgard4, can someone help me identify the problem, i just followed this tutorial on setting up bind9 but it wont startup, http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts-p4, under heading DNS server?15:22
watson516soreau: Ok15:22
soreauuqs: Yes, but did make succeed?15:22
uqssoreau, no. got the same error as before :/15:23
soreauuqs: Can you pastebin the output of 'make clean && make'?15:23
johnwhi...i need codec for ubuntu 9.10, for youtube, and more internet video...thanks:-)15:24
uqssoreau, sure, here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216262/15:25
soreaujohnw: Install flashplugin-nonfree package15:25
soreauuqs: What does 'uname -r' say?15:25
mobi-sheepPirate_Hunter: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto15:25
tim__kernel info15:25
uqssoreau, 2.6.28-13-generic15:26
der_Onhello again. Does anybody know why I can't save any settings in any application? Seems like it has something to do with permissions.15:26
soreauuqs: I must say, I don't think it's standard for make to try and probe a module while installing it.. does 'sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/kernel/drivers/ssound/ctxfi.ko' give the same error?15:27
legend2440Pirate_Hunter: looks like permissions problem did you use sudo with the command?15:28
noMasterI have ISO image in /home directory. How to mount it and use for Wine?15:28
uqssoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/216263/15:28
parapanghelescuI have installed google earth on ubuntu 9.04; program works fine, but when I want to see pictures from different locations the display area is blinking few times ...showing the pictures for 0,5 secs and then the display area is white15:28
Pirate_Hunterlegend2440: yeah i did, why?15:28
soreauder_On: It's probably because your home folder is owned by root. This should fix it: sudo chown $LOGNAME -R ~/15:29
janwilhi all ... I just upgraded 8.04 to 8.10 and now I can get no network connections working :( any ideas what might have gone wrong?15:29
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der_Onlegend2440: was that directed to me or Pirate_Hunter?15:29
janwilthe box is ThinkPad T4215:29
der_Onsoreau: ah tanks. will try that right now15:29
soreauuqs: Then something's wrong with the source to the package you have apparently15:29
soreaujohnw: In here please15:29
uqssoreau, so it's creative's screw up... great... thanks for all the help anyway :)15:30
soreauuqs: Usually, that error means the module was compiled against a different kernel from that of what is running currenty15:30
soreaujohnw: In here please15:30
soreau! pm | johnw15:31
ubottujohnw: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:31
watson516I have set the driver to nv in xorg.conf, I tried the Hardware Drivers again to enable the recommended nvidia driver, it downloaded and installed and says I need to restart...I restarted and I get the error and I have to reset the xorg.conf file15:32
soreauuqs: That source may be intended for a different kernel version from that of which you're using15:32
soreauwatson516: the error?15:32
watson516soreau: It just told me to check to make sure I have an nvidia card installed15:32
uqssoreau, I see. Well there weren't any option for different kernels. and since my on-board audio refuse to work aswell I guess I still have many hours of searchin to do until I get this to work15:33
soreauwatson516: What told you this?15:33
der_On soreau: thanks allot. worked like a charm15:33
watson516soreau: a box popped up when the xserver failed to load15:33
soreauuqs: Sorry man, wish I could help more15:33
soreauwatson516: Since you already tried to install manually, you probably need to undo whatever it did. I think the command is with the 'nvidia-blah-blah.run --uninstall' then use ubuntus installer15:34
boozlerHow do I hide partition mounts in the side menu of nautilus15:34
uqssoreau, no it's ok. Thanks for taking your time anyway :]15:34
watson516soreau: Ok, I will try that now15:35
jinxxHi, I'm having a problem very frequently when I try to start my Ubuntu machine... basically before it gets to GDM, the machine locks up unless I go into recovery mode and do xfix before going to GDM (and sometimes even that fails)... is there any way to fix this?15:36
watson516soreau: It says, bash: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.29-pkg1.run: command not found15:36
soreauwatson516: You're not running it right. Prefix the command with sh15:37
watson516soreau: right, sorry15:37
bullgard4Where is described (explained) the file format of proc/asound/pcm?15:38
Ramonsterwhat folder is the SVN folder in?15:38
soreaubullgard4: Probably your best bet is to look at the driver kernel code15:39
testiHow can I monitor how fast in bytes per second a file grows?15:39
ScottGIs there any cli tool I can use to send output of another command to my clipboard?15:39
nickkontoshelp! my /home partition (ext4) is corrupted! i've used fsck but it loops indefinitely - restarting from the beginning - used also photorec but it recovered my file without their original filenames! i have an external 500gb with 230gb free space - the data that i want to recover are about 140gb15:39
soreauRamonster: There is no one and only svn folder. What are you trying to do?15:39
Ramonsterneed to get to the svn/trunk folder15:39
soreauScottG: That's a good question ;)15:39
kawunoScottG: xclip15:40
ScottGsoreau: Fo sho15:40
ScottGkawuno: Sounds fake. You made that up15:40
soreauScottG: Probably get better response in ##linux though15:40
Ramonstersoreau: used the command: svn co svn://www.arcemu.info/svn/ -r 2337 - now i need to get into that folder15:40
kawunoScottG: why should I15:40
kawunoScottG: xclip - command line interface to X selections (clipboard)15:40
Ramonstersoreau: never mind. found it :)15:40
ScottGkawuno: haha im just messing with you, ill look around for it15:40
soreauRamonster: That command downloads to CWD, the Current Working Directory15:41
ScottGkawuno: Thanks!15:41
armenceSo, where can I download the source code for my kernel?15:41
kawunoScottG: np15:41
kawunoarmence: kernel.org ?15:41
soreauarmence: Install the linux-source package15:41
armencesoreau: thanks15:41
Ramonstersoreau: Oh, allright. thanks15:41
icehawk78If I run the memtest and my computer immediately reboots after less than a second (too fast for me to see anything on screen) does that mean my memory is broke?15:41
soreauarmence: It will download a tarball and place it into /usr/src for you to extract15:41
bullgard4soreau: It is not so easy to determine "the" driver kernel code. There are several which I could think of. Which driver do you mean exactly?15:42
armencesoreau: thanks15:42
soreaubullgard4: This really has nothing to do with ubuntu directly. Try ##kernel or ##linux15:42
soreauicehawk78: Not necessarily, but that's probably not a good sign unless you have a super fast computer with little or no memory installed :)15:43
oskar-icehawk78:  perhaps, but also the memtest image could be corrupted15:43
ahattarhi, question I have 9.04 and having problem connecting to the internet, inside 192.168 segment is fine15:43
ahattarany ideas?15:43
soreauahattar: How are you trying to connect?15:43
sgeoHi all15:43
nickkontoshey! anyone? I've lost all of my friends pc personal files! And think that i got to install ubuntu in his laptop for better perfomance than xp..15:44
sgeoIs there any way for Ubuntu installed via wubi to access Window's files?15:44
oskar-ahattar:  is the default route set? dns resolution working correctly? does the router actually route for you computer?15:44
ahattarI can not even ping an IP outside my
damagednoobsgeo, http://wubi-installer.org/faq.php15:44
nickkontosat least tell me were can I get help!15:44
damagednoobsgeo, "Yes, the Windows partitions will be available within the directories /host and /media."15:45
sgeodamagednoob, tyvm15:45
soreauahattar: idk, try ##networking maybe15:45
soreaunickkontos: What happened exactly?15:45
icehawk78soreau: Not so much. I borrowed a 1 GB stick from my girlfriend over the weekend and am trying to get my laptop to boot up now with my own memory (either two 256 MB sticks, or a 1 GB stick that I think is dying), and it won't boot past grub (sits there indefinitely at a blinking _).15:46
ahattaroskar, dns is fine, I can use other computer with my router fine15:46
soucyhi, can anyone tell me how i can change that the command "firefox" to start the command "firefox-3.5" ? :>15:46
soreauicehawk78: It wont even boot ubuntu?15:46
nickkontosI did lots of resizes in all of the partitions15:46
kevdoghello boys >-)15:46
kawunosoucy: alias15:46
soreausoucy: Make firefox a symlink pointing to firefox-3.515:47
nickkontosand then when somethings crashed - like kernel panic crash - i hard reseted a few times15:47
oskar-ahattar:  another point: is the netmask set correctly?15:47
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icehawk78soreau: I can boot into a live CD, but the first hard drive just sits there at a blinking cursor. I've left it sit for at least 15 minutes, which I assumed was long enough to determine if it was going to work or not.15:47
damagednooblol, thanks soreau, been wondering how to do that :P15:47
soreauicehawk78: After booting live, have you tried reinstalling fresh again?15:48
icehawk78soreau: Not yet, since I literally just installed fresh last night. That was with the other memory in. That's the only difference between now and last night.15:49
parapanghelescuwhat software you use for converting .flac to mp3 ???15:49
soreauicehawk78: Well? I think you should try some things with the new memory in (like reinstalling fresh)15:49
nickkontossoreau: I did lots of resizes in all of the partitions15:49
nickkontossoreau: and then when somethings crashed - like kernel panic crash - i hard reseted a few times15:50
soreaunickkontos: And? what else happened after that?15:50
linduxedparapanghelescu: http://tinyurl.com/m6oc9815:50
icehawk78soreau: Darn. I was hoping to avoid that :P. Thanks, though.15:50
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damagednoobparapanghelescu, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79058715:51
coz_icehawk78,  yes indeed ,,, if you installed new memory after you already installed ubuntu  reinstall .. it will work better15:51
damagednoobparapanghelescu, install lame library and then sound converter app15:51
soreaucoz_: You mean s/work better/work? ;)15:51
bullgard4How can I determine what driver determines the contents of /proc/asound/pcm?15:51
nickkontossoreau: My ubuntu kept booting but they could not read from /home - my / partition was in excellent shape. unfortunately I reinstalled ubuntu, this time all in the / partition15:52
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soreaunickkontos: So you nuked the windoze partition?15:52
soreauwatson516: Please tell us in here what you did to get it working15:53
nickkontossoreau: my windows partition is fine15:53
soreaunickkontos: I thought you said you deleted some files?15:53
nickkontossoreau: my /home is messed/unreadable15:53
nickkontossoreau: no i didn't delete nothing15:54
icehawk78Is there a security risk at having a PC that's acting as a web server log in automatically if I'm not worried about the box physically being accessed?15:54
soreaunickkontos: So you put /home on a separate partition?15:54
soreauicehawk78: That's how I have mine setup :p15:55
grawityicehawk78: Since the autologin only works for local logins, and the computer is physically safe, it shouldn't be bad.15:55
icehawk78Thanks, just wanted to make sure.15:55
miguelhey guys i just installed ubuntu 9.04 and i have sound outside of firefox but not in firefox15:56
=== miguel is now known as Guest70291
nickkontossoreau: i have an 320gb hard disk  in wich the first 60gb is the windows ntfs partition, the second partition is 140 gb and is (was) the /home partition, and the last partition is my / (I also have a swap 3b in the end of the disk)15:56
Guest70291like i can play mp3s and movie videos, but when i try play a flash video in firefox it doest make any sound15:56
parapanghelesculinduxed / damagednoob > thanks for your answers; I usually put the questions in order to find out the best software I can use; also normally I am in a rush so I do not have the time to test 3-4-5 pieces of software to find out which one is best suited for my momentary need :d15:57
dsdeizhi when i checked top there are like 3 processes running apache2, is this normal? :S15:57
theTroyI just got banned from ##apple for saying that I managed to get rid of MacOS and install ubuntu instead.15:57
soreaunickkontos: Apparently then, you had access to /home initially.. what happened to make it stop working?15:57
soreautheTroy: LOL15:58
nickkontossoreau: what do you mean 'initially'?15:58
theTroy(15:53:33) mode (+o Branes ) by ChanServ15:58
theTroy(15:53:36) mode (+b *!*@cpc4-cmbg3-0-0-*.cmbg.cable.ntl.com ) by Branes15:58
theTroy(15:53:37) You have been kicked by Branes: (G'bye, traitor.)15:58
soreautheTroy: That just goes to show you what kind of self centered people they are15:58
parapanghelescutheTroy > that's the coolest thing I heard lately :D15:58
grawitydsdeiz: Apache2 has a module that launches several processes (5 or so) of itself, to make it more easily handle lots of requests.15:58
jbk`that should be on the bash.org15:58
jbk`or somewhere15:58
gonzoismdad installed upstart.  now it won't boot.  i booted from cd and chrooted.  how do i remove upstart now ?15:58
FloodBot2jbk`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:58
Scixdoes it exists a fancs pancs gui for creating virtual networks? Like the VMware Network Editor :)15:59
Scix*fancy pancy15:59
soreaunickkontos: You said you need to access files on /home, yes? Apparently, you had to have pout those files there at one point or another, right? So I assume it was working and now it is not. I'm asking what happened between now and then15:59
parapanghelescuis there any channel I can get a kick + ban for not using Windows of about 5 weeks in favor of Ubuntu 9.04 =))16:00
KennieHi, I'm running Ubuntu server 8.10... since it's not up2date, do you recommend a dist-upgrade? or will it only break things16:00
fwaokdaI am about to install a new display driver, but I was wondering what files can I backup to put the driver&settings I'm using now atm (that are working) back to use if the new driver doesn't work?16:00
LInuxhow do i get firefox 3.5 for ubuntu?? its out!!16:01
Cryptorchildfwaokda, i think xorg.conf is enough16:01
theTroyLinux just get the tarfile and unpack it16:01
LInuxthen wat?16:01
theTroyand then in options in preffered applications set it to your browser16:01
mobi-sheep!ff35 | LInux16:01
ubottuLInux: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY16:01
FiReSTaRTfwaokda, Cryptorchild, not if the driver itself is screwed16:01
fwaokdaCryptorchild, so just save the current one as a different name?16:01
fwaokdaFiReSTaRT, then how do i backup the current driver?16:02
LInuxthats wierd..16:02
CryptorchildFiReSTaRT, then remove the driver and do dpkg-reconfigure16:02
andreo_how to set environment variable to all users and root? i can set in /etc/environment but it isn't applied to root16:02
theTroyanyways, again, for all of those interested, me getting banned from ##apple for saying that I installed ubuntu onto MAC :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216281/16:02
dsdeizgrawity: got it.. thanks ;)16:02
nickkontossoreau: I don't really know... the system was crashing many times and after the last crash I could't load ubuntu correctly, i found out that it could't read the /home partititon any more...16:03
LInuxdo i get rid of the older version and then go to add/remopve appls16:03
soreaunickkontos: Almost sounds like a bad disk from what you're telling16:03
Cryptorchildfwaokda, copy to xorg.conf.backup would be a good start16:03
oskar-andreo_:  how do you get root?16:03
FiReSTaRTfwaokda: Cryptorchild just answered your question.. i wish i had remembered to do that during the early days of hardy16:03
Cryptorchildit's different then :D16:04
andreo_for example: sudo bjam --v216:04
fwaokdaCryptorchild, FiReSTaRT , okay I'll try those things then16:04
Cryptorchildwell, no pain no gain16:04
FiReSTaRTfwaokda: good luck :)16:04
fwaokdaty :)16:04
Maximocan any1 help me with a little problem regarding "plugin" ...why when I want to play some radio stations is asking that I need the software to play with it?16:04
Guest70291i just installed ubuntu 9.04 im using a usb sound card. Im able to get sound everywhere but in firefox flash videos :( any suggestions?16:05
andreo_oskar: i set variables in /etc/environment and run for eaxmple: sudo bjam --v2, it sais that BOOST_ROOT isn't defined...16:05
blackest_knightGuest70291:  uninstall flash and then go get adobes version from their site16:06
edbianGuest70291: Seach synaptic.  There is some package / problem regarding sound in flash.  I'll do a google search to get you an article.  There is a known fix to the problem.16:06
Guest70291blackest_knight, how do i uninstall flash16:06
Guest70291edbian, thanks16:06
edbianGuest70291: The problem appears to be with adobe flash 9.  Go get adobe flash 10 from the repos.  Do you know how to do that?16:06
Guest70291edbian, no16:07
stephansthis information is quite outdated, who maintains this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Intel_iMac16:07
legend2440theTroy: i just went int ##apple and asked   <legend2440> how do i uninstall os x and instal linux ubuntu instead?16:07
legend2440<Branes> Don't. Ubuntu kills Apple hardware.16:07
basslinerGuest70291: interesting to finally find someone using a usb sound card with ubuntu16:07
edbianGuest70291: Open synaptic (System -> Admin ->  Synaptic)  Do you know what the repos are?16:07
basslinerGuest70291: greetings.16:07
pronoyhi i tried lkl keylogger on ubuntu and its working but keyboard input goes nuts....how can i fix this16:07
theTroylegend2440 just tell him that there are modules for ubuntu that make the fan run properly16:08
basslinerGuest70291: with 9.04 i dont have any problems anymore with sound in flash/firefox16:08
oskar-andreo_:  sudo removes environment variables and does not read them newly. try "sudo -i <command>"16:08
Guest70291bassliner, hey16:08
Guest70291edbian, yes i know what they are16:08
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legend2440theTroy: lol. i better stop he might have a stroke16:08
theTroy:) I dont mind16:08
theTroyI am putting that log into bash.org16:08
stephans<legend2440> actually I installed Ubuntu fin on an Mac Mini.16:09
edbianGuest70291: Synaptic is a GUI app that is sort of your window into the repos :)16:09
bazhangGuest95478, watch the language16:09
Guest70291edbian, what do i look for?16:09
stephansOK it was n -2 versin.16:09
Guest95478bazhang: sorry!16:09
edbianGuest70291: search "flash"16:09
andreo_oskar-: i'll try16:09
bazhangtheTroy, take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic16:09
nickkontossoreau: photorec managed to rescue my files saving them in my external disk, I could actually see my pictures, video and hear my mp3s but it did't restore their filenames (personaly i can't understand why a program that is so powerful that can restore files from a bad partition doesn't restore their filenames..)16:09
theTroysorry, will do, was not aware of such a channel16:09
pronoyhi i tried lkl keylogger on ubuntu and its working but keyboard input goes nuts....how can i fix this16:09
Guest70291edbian, ok then?16:10
nickkontosis there any other prog that I can use?16:10
soreaunickkontos: Yea, really sounds like a bad disc16:10
edbianGuest70291: The funny thing about flash is you have to remove all the flash related packages (the free and non free and old) in order to ensure that the one you want is running.  "completely remove" everything that's listed and installed.16:10
edbianGuest70291: Give me a quick list of what those packages are as well.16:10
Guest70291edbian, should i go to theadobe website and install theiirs?16:11
andreo_oskar-: cannot execute binary file error16:11
edbianGuest70291: I don't think you need to.  Let's use the adobe flash 10 that's in the repos first and if that doesn't work go to the website.  Always try and use repo software first.16:11
edbianGuest70291: Did you purge all the flash packages?16:11
ahattarhi there have a problem with 9.04 {SIOCADDRT: No such process}16:12
andreo_oskar-: /usr/bin/emacs-snapshot-gtk: /usr/bin/emacs-snapshot-gtk: cannot execute binary file16:12
Guest70291edbian, yup16:12
pronoyhi i tried lkl keylogger on ubuntu and its working but keyboard input goes nuts....how can i fix this. I think this is due to the function called iopl(), I have no clue what this does...can anyone help me with this issue ?16:12
ahattarany idea?16:12
edbianGuest70291: Alright the one we want to install is called "flashplugin-nonfree"  There is a meta package called "flash-plugin installer" or something which simply points to flashplugin-nonfree.16:12
edbianGuest70291: Install either one cause they're the same thing.16:13
Guest70291edbian, k16:13
Guest70291edbian, testing16:13
ahattarhi there have a problem with 9.04 {SIOCADDRT: No such process} can not route out of my NAT16:14
edbianGuest70291: Don't forget to restart firefox completely16:14
Guest70291edbian, still no sound :(16:14
Guest70291edbian, i did16:14
Guest70291edbian, video plays but no sound :(16:14
legend2440ahattar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57551216:14
pronoyedbian why not adobeflash-plugin ?16:14
oskar-andreo_:  sudo -i env | grep BOOST_ROOT16:14
oskar-andreo_:  the rest should be application specific...16:14
edbianGuest70291: Oh no! :(  Look what firefox says under Tools->Add-ons->Plugins16:14
edbianpronoy: What is the difference between that package and adobeplugin-nonfree ??16:15
FloodBot2pepper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:15
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:15
pronoyhow stupid ..16:15
iluminator101Hi, I cannot connect to yahoo on pidgin, i upgrade to 2.5.8 still same problem?16:15
edbianjrib: Thank you :)16:15
Guest95478Would anybody mind making me a line little list of apps that run from the command line. I've just done a server installation and would like a few apps to play with. I've got finch, elinks, midnight commander, irssi and rtorrent.16:16
pronoyiluminator101: read #pidgin topic16:16
Guest70291edbian, i have firefox (en-GB) and Xulrunner16:16
iluminator101 read #pidgin topic16:16
Seeker`whois shadowwolf16:16
pronoyedbian i am guessing the adobe-flashplugin is latest and i can't run either of them on firefox...so i set my plugin directory in opera16:16
nickkontossoreau: look, as i can see here, It isn't a bad disk, it's rather a bad partition... and if you know please, tell me what can i do now?..16:17
pronoyedbian hang on i'll give you the patch16:17
oskar-Guest95478:  vi, awk, grep, sed16:17
edbianGuest70291: Look under plugins.  You should see shockwave flash somewhere in there16:17
lookerhi, what do i need to set / configure, so that when i connect remotly using "ssh -X server", my DISPLAY in the server gets set to my local machine display, so i could launch programs in server, and get their appearance on my local screen16:17
edbianpronoy: Give it to Guest7029116:17
Pirate_Hunterhow do i create a symlink while preserving permission and all other attributes?16:17
ubuntunewbie2hi , I wanted to install asian language pack which also able to display on openoffice fonds which is formally from ms words.16:17
Guest95478oskar: thanks!16:17
Guest70291I actually do have sound but is not being sent to my speakrs16:17
Guest70291let me recap16:17
ubuntunewbie2what kind of langauage pack and fonts I need to get ?16:17
ubuntunewbie2thank you16:17
edbianGuest70291: Say that again?16:17
soreaunickkontos: It can be a bad section on the disk even, thus a bad partition. I'd boot a live session and then try mounting it to see what happens16:18
Welshy-Robhi can someone help im trying to set up a spread sheet which will monitor my gaming progress e.g win/loss and i was wondering if i could change the cell from text or number and have a radio button instead16:18
ahattarhi there, have a problem with 9.04 {SIOCADDRT: No such process} can not route out of my NAT16:18
ahattarany idea?16:18
pronoyGuest70291 ok go to your plugins and where you find flash content click on it and select the path : /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree16:18
odderubuntunewbie2: did you try system --> preferences --> languages?16:18
oskar-ahattar:  where is the error message from?16:19
lucia232Hi ive been looking for a way to limit things like changing the desktop background, deleting history and removing panels to make Ubuntu more office friendly, anyone know of a good program or resource?16:19
Pirate_Hunterhow do i create a symlink while preserving permission and all other attributes?16:19
ubuntunewbie2odder : I dont have that at preferences16:19
pronoyWelshy-Rob how is this an ubuntu issue again ?16:19
odderubuntunewbie2: let me check it, w8 a sec16:19
jriblucia232: read the admin guide at library.gnome.org16:19
edbianpronoy: The videos are playing.  Just no sound.  So the plugin is def. running16:19
ubuntunewbie2odder : ok :)16:19
pronoyGuest70291 there you should find a .so file..click on that16:19
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: try ln -s16:19
pronoyGuest70291 or do what i did...switch to opera16:20
odderubuntunewbie2: aah, system --> administration --> languages16:20
Welshy-Robpronoy, yes becuase im using open office16:20
oskar-Pirate_Hunter:  the permissions of symlink's target apply16:20
odderubuntunewbie2: then tick a box and install appriopriate language pack16:20
pronoyWelshy-Rob no wait..lemme check that again16:20
matt__hi, how do i change the number of bars in the brightness and volume popups?16:20
geophysicson linux which IM do you use instead of windows live messenger ??16:21
ubuntunewbie2odder : saw thanks , so am I able to read a .doc file which have asian language ?16:21
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, oskar- i amand everytime it does it changes permission to root:root instead of keeping it to bind:bind16:21
grawitygeophysics: Pidgin.16:21
triplcHi all. How to setup nvidia? I run "nvidia-xconfig" but apparently this command is no longer there in Jaunty.16:21
bazhangtriplc, nvidia-settings16:21
pronoyWelshy-Rob /join #openoffice.org16:21
odderubuntunewbie2: I have never installed such a language pack, but do think some fonts will be included16:21
pronoyWelshy-Rob they'll be happy to help16:21
geophysicsgrawity: but pidgin is not enough for me, i look for a visiual one16:22
ubuntunewbie2odder : thanks will update if I finish isntalled16:22
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: when you create a link, always the user which creates it, will be the owner.16:22
jrib!nvidia > triplc16:22
ubottutriplc, please see my private message16:22
grawitygeophysics: aMSN? Empathy?16:22
pronoyi tried lkl keylogger on ubuntu and its working but keyboard input goes nuts....how can i fix this. I think this is due to the function called iopl(), I have no clue what this does...can anyone help me with this issue ?16:22
grawityortsvorsteher: Do symlinks even have owners?16:22
pronoytriplc try nvidia-settings16:22
geophysicsgrawity:  ok i'll try Empathy16:22
geophysicsthank you16:22
grawitygeophysics: I think aMSN has video.16:23
triplcok, let me try16:23
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, i dont want that, i wish to preserve the group bind:bind with its settings isnt there a way to do this16:23
pronoytriplc you need to have this package installed btw16:23
Guest70291I just installed ubuntu 9.04, i have a usb sound card, i get sound outside of firefox, but no sound in firefox, i just pluged a headset on the computer headphone jack and i hear sound. So firefox is not sending the signal to my usb sound card, it is sending the signal to mine mb sound card16:23
geophysicsgrawity:  i liked emesene  but it is still same as it distrubuted, no updates no new add-ons16:23
meowwwHello, everyone i need help16:24
ortsvorstehergrawity: i hope so :) yes, they have an owner and a group16:24
pronoy!ask | meowww16:24
ubottumeowww: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:24
SeaPhortriplc, sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings  then do nvidia-settings16:24
pronoyguys any ideas about the keylogger issue ?!?!16:24
triplcSeaPhor: I already do that.16:24
matt__guest70291 you mean from flash right? i fixed this by removing pulseaudio16:24
meowwwone of my hard drive, has gone nuts, i cant format it with a boot cd, no boot cd boots when the hard drive is connected16:24
triplcSeaPhor: thanks16:25
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: i dont know a way to preserve ownership. only you can try a chown to bind:bind on the link if you like...16:25
Fazer2hey, what is that "I AM NOT AFRAID OF PEOPLE WRITING CODE" meme all about?16:25
bazhang!ot > Fazer216:25
ubottuFazer2, please see my private message16:25
meowwwi instaled ubuntu on another harddrve, ubuntu works fine as long as the other harddrive is not connected, as soon as it is connected and i boot , i get this errors http://i27.tinypic.com/qpq975.jpg16:25
oddermeowww: this might sound silly, but have you checked your bios settings?16:25
Welshy-Robpronoy, ta16:25
oskar-Pirate_Hunter:  permissions of symbolic links are not used. the owner should be that user, that is permitted to create and change the symlink16:26
pronoyWelshy-Rob what ?16:26
edbianmeowww: Are you on a CRT monitor?!!  That's awesome!16:26
meowwwyep, both the drives are sata, the old one is 120GB and the new one is 320GB, i made the one which has ubuntu the first disk16:26
Welshy-Robpronoy, for giving me the adress thing xD16:26
edbianmeowww: Also looks like a bad HDD (errors) Does the system ever work through the errors?16:26
meowwwyeah I am on a CRT monitor edbian16:26
pronoyWelshy-Rob oh ! :) cool...np16:26
oskar-Pirate_Hunter:  if it must be bind, then simply chown it to bind. else it is just cosmetics16:27
iluminator101Whats a pidgin yahoo server that works?16:27
Pirate_Hunteroskar-,  ortsvorsteher, i have but than the the read n write settings comes all messed, how do i go about changing permission to the link to look like the original16:27
nickkontossoreau: when trying to mount /dev/sda2 with sudo :  mount: can't find /dev/sda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab16:27
pronoyiluminator101 did you check the #pidgin topic ?!?!16:27
meowwwedbian, they just keep coming in loop, no end, windows is installed on that harddrive and it works fine, i thought of clean formatting the harddrive, but gparted live also doesnt boot as long as the harddrive is there, infact no bootable cd/dvd/pendrive boots16:27
Maximoquestion guys, do you know which suitable plugins I need to play & support media files?     I want to listen a few and is asking me for suitable plugins....thanks16:28
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ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: did you tried using chmod on the link?16:28
oskar-Pirate_Hunter:  symbolic links have no permissions16:28
bazhangMaximo, ubuntu-restricted-extras16:28
oskar-read the manpage...16:29
bazhangMaximo, also a couple of packages from medibuntu.org ; instructions on the site16:29
Maximobazhang: from terminal or sypnaptic?16:29
edbianmeowww: You can boot windows?16:29
bazhangMaximo, either will do16:29
meowwwedbian, yeah it boots fine16:29
nickkontossoreau: i've already tryed everything i could with a live sesion cd16:29
meowwwi am on windows right now16:29
Maximobazhang: will try that...thanks16:29
matt__hi, how do i change the number of bars in the brightness and volume popups?16:30
edbianmeowww: Run a chkdsk (or whatever it's called) in windows.  Look for errors, bad sectors, everything and attempt to repair.  The most in depth scan possible.  Do you know how to do this?16:30
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, i did but the file still couldnt be used by the system, this how the original looks -rw-r--r-- and the siymlink once i chown just becomes bid:bind rwrwrwrwrw which is incorrect16:30
nickkontosi'm looking for a filescavanger ubuntu/linux equivalent..16:31
meowwwedbian, yeah i will do that16:31
iluminator101yes i check the topic16:31
MK13edbian, whaty is meowww trying to do?16:31
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: i just read the man page of ln. but still, i cannot follow you why you want to change anything of an symbolic link16:31
iluminator101can someone tell me whats server they using for pidgin yahoo16:31
nickkontos*for ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions16:31
edbianmeowww: I think you have errors on the disk.  Windows usually will boot ignoring them (which is stupid) but if you stumble upon the files that were / are corrupted the system will crash.  Often times windows system files are corrupted and the system won't boot.  You're lucky.16:32
meowwwedbian, i will run a checkdisk and report back16:32
edbianMK13: When he plugs in his second HDD he can't boot linux (on his first drive)  Or from a CD or DVD or a USB key.16:32
pronoyiluminator101 dude the folks at #pidgin will be able to help you...but if you insist this works for me scsa.msg.yahoo.com16:32
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=== aMoDaX is now known as MoDaX
edbianMK13: http://i27.tinypic.com/qpq975.jpg16:32
edbianmeowww: alright :)16:32
edbianMK13: Those are his errors ^16:33
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, because bind9 wont work when it tries to access the file from /etc/bind/, this is from ssylog http://paste.ubuntu.com/216255/, and if i ls -l the permissions ddont match the original file16:33
edbianI g2g now though16:33
edbianMK13: Maybe you can help him when he gets back?16:33
soreaunickkontos: You have to mount it to a target. For instance 'sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt' will attempt to mount /dev/sda2 to /mnt16:34
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: can you tell me the original permissions? what umask you have?16:35
nickkontospeter@turbo-x:~$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt16:35
nickkontosmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,16:35
nickkontos       missing codepage or helper program, or other error16:35
nickkontos       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try16:35
nickkontos       dmesg | tail  or so16:35
FloodBot2nickkontos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:35
sage_dicks everywhere16:36
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, /var/lib/bind9/etc# ls -l drwxr-sr-x 2 bind bind 4096 2009-07-12 14:44 bind and the inside files are -rw-r--r-- except for -rw-r----- 1 bind bind   77 2009-07-12 14:44 rndc.key16:37
matt__third times a charm: guys, how can i change how many bars there are in the brightness popup?16:37
nickkontossoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216301/16:37
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, the problem happens when i sudo ln -s16:38
soreaunickkontos: You created /home as ext4?16:38
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: may you make an su to user bind. after that, set your umask to 0002 and then create the link. first, try it to link something in /tmp or to /tmp as an test16:39
bazhangsage_, stop that16:39
soreaunickkontos: ext4 is still experimental.. you should still use ext3. That may be your core issue16:39
MK13!wtf | sage_16:39
ubottusage_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:39
sage_diks everywhere16:39
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, huh could you guide me through that (pm maybe) this is all based on this tutorial http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts-p416:40
ecko2056hello all16:40
toxicQuelqu'un aurait-il la possibilité de m'envoyer une invitation pour jolicloud ?16:40
nickkontossoreau: yeah.. i got that, i've read about it.. i wontdo it again i promise:)16:40
nickkontossoreau: now, what else?16:40
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: wait, with umask i ran into wrong direction.16:40
bazhangtoxic, #ubuntu-fr pour francais16:40
soreaunickkontos: Live and learn16:40
matt__well, at least sage_ got attention. what do i have to do to get acknowledgement around here?16:40
richardcavellMay I ask, what does FloodBot2 do here?16:41
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: let me read your link at first...16:41
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, ok check out the tut under the heading dns server i really dont understand why it doesnt work16:41
bazhangrichardcavell, stops flooding16:41
toxicCould anyone here give me an invitation to jolicloud ? (I could give you some arguments on why to give me an invit i you want...)16:41
richardcavellbazhang: So if someone started spamming the channel with rubbish, what would FloodBot2 do?16:42
ikoniatoxic: offtopic for here16:42
Skaperenwhy would you want jolicloud?16:42
bazhangrichardcavell, mute them16:42
ecko2056can anyone help me out with my Radeon x1950 Pro card in Ubuntu 9.04, I have 2 DVI outputs and an svideo. Ubuntu only displays on the DVI, how can i change that?16:42
ubuntistasdoes anyone know a good notification software fro mail clients?16:42
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damagednoobmatt__, what brightness popup?16:42
Balahi everyone :)16:42
nickkontossoreau: i would like to learn how to fix this for this time only16:42
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: the problem is on this step? ln -s /var/lib/named/etc/bind /etc/bind16:42
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, yup how can i go about it16:43
soreaunickkontos: I don't think you can learn how to fix something that isn't repairable16:43
Baladvd disc can't play dvd media help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzz16:43
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, this was supposed to be an easy to follow guide on setting up a working server with essentials grrrrr16:43
bazhang!dvd > Bala16:43
ubottuBala, please see my private message16:43
axos88hello! I have a little bit older system (750MHz duron, w/ 756MB RAM), and it runs ubuntu 8.04 very very slowly. What do you recommend me to do? upgrade to a newer version, or it would be better to downgrade?16:44
bruenigaxos88: different distro16:44
matt__when altering laptop brightness or audio volume, popups appear (presumably using gnomes new notification system). but they have a predetermined amount of levels. i want to reduce this number.16:44
ikoniaaxos88: upgrading should be fine, just disable services you don't need16:44
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: there is nothing described as which user you have to do the step. is there a user bind in /etc/passwd ?16:44
ecko2056axos88: Slackware16:44
ubuntistasdoes anyone know a good notification software fro mail clients?16:44
SkaperenSlackware is KDE based16:45
soreaunickkontos: You might try running fdisk to check and possibly repair it manually16:45
ikoniaubuntistas: most mail clients have task bar notification in, can you be more specific16:45
nickkontossoreau: but it is! i've seen it! i've done it! I what i didn't manage to rescue is the filenames of my files... only that is missing. I bet there is the technology/knowledge outhere16:45
ikonianickkontos: what do you want to know /16:45
damagednoobmatt__, sorry, not sure how to do that16:45
axos88bruenig, ecko2056, my mother uses the computer, so I can't really change distro, she accomodates to new things very slowly16:45
bruenigubuntistas: shouldn't mail clients themselves have notification16:45
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, there is a user bind in that file and in groups which is what ive been looking in16:45
twig11How can I troubleshoot a USB wireless card that was up and running until a reboot. I installed windows drivers with ndiswrapper, iwconfig shows me wlan0 with the correct ESSID, but sudo dhclient wlan0 isn't getting me on the network. What next?16:45
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: did you see at the next steps after creating the link, you have to change ownership on the directorys?16:45
nickkontossoreau: already used fsck - it just looped indefenetly restarting all over again16:46
grawity'mutt' doesn't have notifications :/16:46
ikoniaaxos88: stay on 8.04 - it has lts support16:46
ubuntistasi mean notification for mail like gmail notify16:46
ecko2056axos88 i understand16:46
ikoniaubuntistas: most clients have that built in16:46
ubuntistasas well i want for msn and yahoo16:46
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, i followed it to the end its on init.d start command that it fails with wrong permission due to ln-s16:46
richardcavellaxos88: I reckon downgrade or go to a different distribution16:46
matt__damagednoob: thanks anyway. i've tried google searching my problem, but dont really know how to phrase to bring up anything relevant.16:46
nickkontossoreau: I want to know what rescue programs are there for ext4 so i can test them16:46
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, bind:x:106:115::/var/cache/bind:/bin/false that is how it looks in passwd16:46
coolbhavistrange problem http://pastebin.com/m23761330 but look at this: http://pastebin.com/m46a52f4116:46
ikonianickkontos: if you don't have the knowledege to research them, you certainly won't have to use them16:47
soreaunickkontos: fdisk is the rescue program. You could try mounting it without the -t ext4 to let it guess itself16:47
axos88richardcavell, ecko2056  ikonia , i heard jaunty was made for speed, or it only applies, for newer systems?16:47
coolbhaviI ve imported the keys16:47
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: okay, so you cannot su to user bind cause of false shell. but, do you know which permissions the link has to have?16:47
coolbhaviyet its saying not found16:47
ikoniaaxos88: it won't really effect your resources,16:48
nickkontossoreau: yeah, already done that.. : mount: you must specify the filesystem type16:48
ecko2056Any help? Trying to set up a ATI Radeon x1950 Pro in 9.04, I have 2 DVI outputs and an svideo. I can only get my desktop displayed on the DVI outputs. How would i change this to SVideo?16:48
soreaunickkontos: Then I don't know what else to tell you, sorry16:48
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, nope i was thinking it would've been the same of when i moved the folder from /etc/bind to /var/lib/bind9/etc/16:48
nickkontossoreau: I have some knowledge to research them - the problem is I don't have the time! I have to deliver this laptop this evening!16:49
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: sorry, i forgot which permissions /var/lib/bind9/etc has. can you repeat them to me?16:49
nickkontossoreau: so that's why I here..16:49
ikonianickkontos: then use pay for support16:49
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, i will paste it in bin one sec16:50
zeee_anyone have issues with dual display and compiz? any workarounds for it to work ok?16:50
ikoniazeee_: works fine out of the box, no work arounds needed16:50
ikoniazeee_: explain YOUR problem instead of bothering how others are doing16:50
neldorethhello, did anyone of you get the driver rt2860sta on ubuntu 9.04 netmix running correctly (concerning wpa)? or is the latest working solution to downgrade so far?16:51
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, http://paste.ubuntu.com/216309/16:51
ubuntunewbie2hi , what kind of plugin for firefox to download all file from the website ?16:51
Slartubuntunewbie2: something based on wget might work? or just use wget directly16:51
damagednoobubuntunewbie2, downthemall16:51
ikoniaubuntunewbie2: check out the firefox plugins website16:51
twig11How can I troubleshoot a USB wireless card that was up and running until a reboot. I installed windows drivers with ndiswrapper, iwconfig shows me wlan0 with the correct ESSID, but sudo dhclient wlan0 isn't getting me on the network. What am I missing?16:51
KennieHi, I'm running Ubuntu server 8.10... since it's not up2date, do you recommend a dist-upgrade? or will it only break things16:52
ubuntunewbie2damagednoob: i tried download them all but it still can't list all the file , i too feeling weird16:52
joaopintoKennie, I would do a reinstall instead, if you do want to upgrade, the command is: do-release-upgrade16:52
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* TwoToneSpirit suddenly can only run gnome in failsafe mode. Not sure where to look for reasons why this might occur.16:53
ecko2056Im Trying to set up a ATI Radeon x1950 Pro in 9.04, I have 2 DVI outputs and an svideo. I can only get my desktop displayed on the DVI outputs. How would i change this to SVideo?16:53
neodefhi, my X session hung up, how can i restart it ?16:54
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sorry not towards you i read one of the feedbacks apparently apparmor had to be removed did it and it works, after all that not one of my best moments16:54
ctmjrecko2056, you need to configure tv out in aticonfig to get it to work aticonfig | less will show you the options (if your using the fglrx driver)16:54
ubuntunewbie2downthemall not working16:54
ikoniaTwoToneSpirit: just ask your question - stop doing silly "/me" commands16:54
fccf!info atitvout | ecko205616:54
ubottuecko2056: atitvout (source: atitvout): ATI TV Out Support Program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-12ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 92 kB (Only available for i386 ia64)16:54
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: np, did you removed now apparmor? and does it work?16:55
ecko2056thank you both ctmjr, fccf16:55
zeee_when i connect my displays and use xorg-options-editor-gtk to set its res, everything works. but i see some glitches in screen, and after a while i loose the screen completely. doing this on a eeepc with i950 and can get up to  1920x1080 res working for about 30 mins. after this happens when i log out lost compiz. can enable it again if i get back to xorg... and set the res like my internal monitor. Anyone with this issue?16:55
Pirate_Hunterortsvorsteher, yup it does had to scroll down just to find this out and syslog picks it up sorry for taking your time16:55
neodefis there sth like 'stopx' or 'killx' ?16:56
Slartneodef: there is xkill16:56
neodefSlart: thank you16:56
Slartneodef: it will kill a process responsible for a certain window... basically you kill the app by clicking on it's window16:56
ortsvorsteherPirate_Hunter: no problem :) next time i also will know more about installing bind9 ;)16:56
krylehej everyone, could anyone help me? i have created a starter on the desktop that runs a sudo terminal command, but i have to enter the sudo password, is there anything i could do so it enter password by it self?16:56
neodefSlart: i want to kill X session16:57
ubuntistasi cannot open mail notification any clue?16:57
grawitykryle: you could add "NOPASSWD:" to the sudoers file.16:57
Slartneodef: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop   ?? or that's not what you want?16:57
krylehmm, is it safe ? =)16:57
neodefSlart: goint to try it16:58
Slartneodef: it will stop X entirely16:58
Slartneodef: ie gnome shuts down, Xorg shuts down.. you end up with a text prompt16:58
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ecko2056ctmjr, I must not be using fglrx drivers. I ran ATIconfig and "No supported adapters detected" was returned. i remember xorg having a config file... it has been about a year since i used it16:59
the-vavahow to see which vga mode is right ? i tried some but it just hang up on boot16:59
neodefSlart: yup, went fine16:59
neodefSlart: thanks again17:00
Slartneodef: you're welcome17:00
=== soni is now known as Guest52547
twig11How can I tell if ndiswrapper is running after a reboot?17:00
maxagazis there a gnome application for text file comparison ?17:00
richardcavellkryle yes, look at sudoers file.  Google for it.  Is it safe? No, of course not. Why do you think you have sudo in the first place?17:00
djlid7hey, my sound is totaly breaking up, what can I do??17:00
ikoniamykii: gdiff17:00
ubuntistasi cannot open mail notification any clue?17:00
ikoniaubuntistas: what do you mean you can't open it17:01
ikoniaubuntistas: please be more specific17:01
richardcavelldjlid7: are you virtualizing or running natively?17:01
ctmjrecko2056, type this in a terminal it will tell you what graphics driver is loaded egrep "Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers" /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:01
ubuntunewbie2any help?17:01
richardcavellIs anyone using Radeon 4550 graphics card here?17:01
ubuntunewbie2hi , what kind of plugin for firefox to download all file from the website ?17:01
ecko2056(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//radeonhd_drv.so17:01
Slartubuntunewbie2: just repeat your question.. every 15 minutes or so17:01
ubuntistasikonia i mean i click the icon and the software doesn't open at all17:01
ikoniaubuntistas: visit the firefox plugin page and search17:02
ikoniaubuntistas: sorry - not your17:02
ortsvorsteher!anyone | richardcavell17:02
ubotturichardcavell: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:02
ikoniaubuntunewbie2 visit the firefox plugin page - ubuntu doesn't make firefox plugins17:02
ecko2056ctmjr: looks like ive got the radeonhd driver should i uninstall that, i have fglrx installed as well17:02
ubuntunewbie2ikonia: ok17:02
ikoniaubuntistas: which package did you install17:02
richardcavellI want to know whether it is possible to run two Radeon 4550s simultaneously on the same computer. Google returns no documentation one way or the other.17:02
ubuntistasit's not a plugin ikonia17:02
ikoniaubuntistas: I said "not you "17:03
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ikoniaubuntistas: it was meant for ubuntunewbie217:03
richardcavellNote: I'm not talking about Crossfire/SLI, I mean running 4 monitors (2 on each card)17:03
ubuntistasmail-notification ikonia17:03
twig11I've installed driver with ndiswrapper for a USB wireless network adapter and it was up and running until I rebooted. Now I can't get it to connect to the network. Where should I start troubleshooting?17:03
coleystwig11: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper17:04
ikoniaubuntistas: have you configured it ?17:04
ikoniaubuntistas: you need to have a mail account setup for it to work with17:04
ubuntistasi told you ikonia it doen't open at all17:05
mike_shi...i am trying to connect my acer aspire 1694wlmi notebook with my wlan router!? when i enter iwlist - the router is listed correctly...when i use iwconfig - mac protocol reads unassociated?? its the driver of my poor config or poor wlan knowldge?? ;-)17:05
Slartubuntunewbie2: try starting it from a terminal, you might get an error message17:05
ikoniaubuntistas: you may be able to configure it at the config file level17:05
coleysmike_s: Whats your chipset?17:05
ubuntistashow ikonia?17:05
coleysmike_s: lspci |grep -i network17:05
ikoniaubuntistas: http://www.nongnu.org/mailnotify/17:06
mike_sintel pro wireless 2200 bg17:06
coleysmike_s: Run that command and paste your wireless info pleaes.17:06
coleystwig11: How did that work?17:06
twig11coleys:  I did that and all I get is two warnings, one of which reades, WARNING: all config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release. What does that mean?17:06
ctmjrecko2056, you really should not have both installed they do not play nice together but you can try changing the driver to fglrx in /etc/X11/xorg.conf under the device section or just run sudo aticonfig --initial and reboot17:07
mike_sNetwork controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)17:07
coleystwig11: sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf17:07
twig11coleys: Sure that's safe?17:08
viniciushi! im trying to cd boot a computer, and all i get is busybox...17:08
viniciuswhats happening?17:08
coleystwig11: Yes.17:08
custardcreams58nova boys?17:08
twig11coleys: did it.17:09
bazhangcustardcreams58, ??17:09
twig11coleys: now what?17:09
Skaperenvinicius: something is not finding your CD drive or the CD is not recorded properly17:09
coleystwig11: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper17:09
viniciusSkaperen, is this problem common around here?17:09
Skaperenvinicius: try check media for errors17:09
coleysmike_s: Try Wicd. According to this it worked... for someone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96583717:09
ubuntistasikonia what am i suppose to search in this site u gave me?17:10
Skaperenvinicius: I've had it personally while I was experimenting with using the ISO on USB flash media17:10
Maximohello bazhang:17:10
Skaperenvinicius: I eventually made it work17:10
twig11coleys: one more warning: "All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release."17:10
viniciusSkaperen, ok... does it say something like "use bus_type method" on dmesg before crashing into busybox?17:10
blah569On this window: http://www.jtupload.com/uploads/1556_reso.png if I drag the "Sony" to the left side and if I set alter the resolution from "Off" to an actual size, and click on "Apply," whenever I go to reopen the window, its back to the original settings, as if I did not even click on "Apply"17:10
legend2440after years of using dapper gutsy etc i got used to shutting down ubuntu by clicking System>Shut down but the shutdown is gone from there in jaunty. any way to get it back?17:11
Skaperenvinicius: I've seen that error in other contexts ... it isn't the cause of dropping into busybox17:11
coleystwig11: eh?17:11
Skaperenvinicius: well, probably not ... never was for me17:11
bazhanglegend2440, top right corner? top panel?17:11
viniciusSkaperen, yes... it sound like a harmless warning message17:11
ubuntistasi cannot open mail notification any clue?17:12
Maximohi guys, question I want to listen to a few radio stations and is asking for suitable plugin but it says is MMS (microsoft media server) it says protocol source plugin not installed, can you help me solve this problem?17:12
Skaperenvinicius: I always got into busybox because the startup script could not find the squashfs image on the media17:12
legend2440bazhang: yes its there but any way to get System>Shutdown icon back?17:12
twig11coleys: I had both warning messages at first, now only the one I didn't address is left17:12
Skaperenvinicius: and that was usually because I formatted it wrong, had the filesystem sectors offset wrong, or something like that17:12
adam35413_Quick question:  I am trying to use smbclient to connect to a windows share from my ubuntu box.  I can connect to my laptop fine, but my desktop gives me a "session setup failed: SUCCESS - 0" error.  Does anyone have a suggestion for debugging?  I tried looking at samba specific help but had no success17:13
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fccfvinicius: I initailly had that problem with this computer... Turns out the SATA controller acts like a IDE controller.. adding all-ide-generic to the boot prompt fixes this17:13
bazhanglegend2440, not sure; the odd thing is my upgraded jaunty has it still, but fresh jaunty install has the red button17:13
Ahmadpoker in facebook is not working on firefox  any one can help?17:13
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coleystwig11: allright, well we can change it to .conf. ... sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper.conf17:13
Skaperenvinicius: fccf's description is very plausible ... give that a try17:13
=== sven11 is now known as sbomer
legend2440bazhang: yes i did clean jaunty install so its gone17:13
coleysAhmad: Got flash?17:13
coleysAhmad: Does it use java?17:14
Ahmadi have java17:14
bazhanglegend2440, maybe by editing the menu with alacarte? not sure there sorry17:14
Maximobazhang: not succesful in solving problem with media files ...went to medibuntu.org ....and also installed a few suitable plugin and still no successful...any suggestions?17:14
coleysMaximo: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:15
bazhangMaximo, playing what please elaborate17:15
coleys!question | meowww17:15
ubottumeowww: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:15
Skaperenvinicius: if your computer can (BIOS knows how) boot from USB, maybe that would be a work around for you17:15
supersashohi.. i've installed pureftp, but the pureadmin won't start.. can someone help me please?17:15
ikonia!info pureftp17:15
ubottuPackage pureftp does not exist in jaunty17:15
ubuntistasi cannot open mail notification any clue?17:16
ikoniasupersasho: where did you get that package ?17:16
legend2440bazhang: ok i got it. if i remove the red logout applet from top right panel it returns the  System>Shutdown  icon17:16
bazhanglegend2440, nice eye17:16
supersashoikonia: synaptic17:16
fccf!info pureftpd17:16
ubottuPackage pureftpd does not exist in jaunty17:16
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Slartubuntistas: did you try starting it from a terminal?17:16
adam35413_Anyone able to help with the samba question?17:16
Maximobazhang: just to listen to some media radio stations that I used to...but now can't like .www.z10fm.com....etc.....etc.....etc....17:16
ikoniasupersasho: what is the package name, as it doesn't show up17:16
Slartadam35413_: just repeat the question but wait at least 15 minutes before repeating17:17
ubuntistasyeah doesn't open slart it's taking too long and no respond from terminal17:17
bazhangMaximo, did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package? what player to listen to those streams17:17
meowwwha, so one of my harddrive is acting funny, no boot cd/dvd/ pendrive boot unless the hdd is removed, I removed the harddrive and installed ubuntu on my other 320GB harddrive, ubuntu works fine, but as soon as connect the harddrive when booting I get this17:17
pronoyguys need help with lkl the keylogger..... !!17:17
adam35413_slart: Ok, i'll repost in a 10 or so.  thanks17:17
ikoniapronoy: just ask17:17
mike_scoleys: thank you!!!! that a perfekt, fast solution for my problem!! :-)17:17
ubuntunewbie2Slart , ikonia : thanks I got the plugin which is flashgot thanks :)17:17
bazhangpronoy, why would you need a keylogger17:17
supersashoslart ikonia.. it gives me this error GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized once. aborting...    btw. i've got intrepid not jaunty17:17
blah569Does anyone have an idea for the dual monitor?17:17
meowwwwindows is installed on the other harddrive, it works fine when booted from it.17:17
coleysmike_s: woo =)17:17
pronoyikonia i have already ...7 times17:17
ikoniasupersasho: what is the synaptic package name17:17
ikoniapronoy: I've not seen it17:17
Skaperenmeowww: give the hard drive to your cat17:18
Ahmadpoker in facebook is not working on firefox  any one can help?17:18
ikoniaAhmad: contact facebook17:18
bazhangSkaperen, not helpful17:18
lieyanwhat are you say17:18
supersashoikonia: pure-ftpd pure-ftpd-common pureadmin17:18
stefgmeowww: the controiller of that hd seems broken... if it's connected, it pulls the whole bus down. hardware failure IMHO17:18
Slartubuntunewbie2: do you have a task tray? ie a place on the gnome panel where running program show up with small icons17:18
ikoniaAhmad: make sure it's not a problem with facebook17:18
deanyits a bit silly that firefox 3.5 needs firefox 3.0 and related pkgs to install.17:18
pronoysorry...once again my issue is when i start lkl keylogger the keyboard input goes haywire..i think it has something to do with a iopl() function..but that's just a gues....so how can i fix this issue with the keyboard ?17:18
ikonia!info pure-ftpd17:18
ubottupure-ftpd (source: pure-ftpd): Pure-FTPd FTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.21-11.4ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 147 kB, installed size 464 kB17:18
ikoniaahhh that's more like it17:18
ubuntistasyeah doesn't open slart it's taking too long and no respond from terminal17:18
Skaperenbazhang: oh, right ... he needed to know not to connect a bad hard drive to his computer17:19
ikoniasupersasho: what happens when you try to start it17:19
pronoyikonia posted again...plz take a look17:19
ikoniapronoy: what's the name of the synaptic package for lkl keylogger17:19
ikoniapronoy: so I can see what version / setup ubuntu uses17:19
ubuntunewbie2Slart : the top one ? yeh17:19
pronoyikonia used apt to get lkl17:19
pronoyikonia lkl17:19
ikonia!info lkl17:19
ubottulkl (source: lkl): userspace keylogger for x86 architecture. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-1 (jaunty), package size 9 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386)17:19
Slartubuntunewbie2: sorry.. wrong nick17:20
ubuntunewbie2Slart : I am also finding some download manager , firefox downloadthemall need to open firefox to run17:20
supersashothe server starts fine.. just the gui application doesn't and gives me this error message GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized once.aborting...17:20
meowwwstefg, the harddrive works fine, when it is the first harddrive, windows boots from it fine , i am right now on windows , when I make the other harddrive where ubuntu is installed the first harddrive, ubuntu shows those errors, I did a full checkdisk, still no good17:20
Slartubuntistas: do you have a task tray? ie a place on the gnome panel where running program show up with small icons17:20
ikoniapronoy: can you pastebin your config file for it please17:20
ubuntunewbie2Slart : oh ok :)17:20
supersashoikonia: the server starts fine.. just the gui application doesn't and gives me this error message GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized once.aborting...17:20
pronoyikonia where is it located ?17:20
ubuntistasyup slart17:20
Depechehello, can someone help me? :P17:20
pronoyikonia doesn't even have a man page17:20
Skaperenmeowww: IDE?17:20
ikoniapronoy: no idea, you must have configured the keylogger before you strarted it17:20
Slartubuntistas: what happens if you run    "mail-notification -p" in a terminal?17:20
Slartjust ask, Depeche17:21
ubuntistasit doesn't show up at all slart and it doesn't open as i told u17:21
ikoniasupersasho: Hmmm it's suggesting it's already running as I'm reading that error17:21
lieyandepeche what?17:21
Skaperenmeowww: if IDE, sounds like a master/slave conflict17:21
pronoyikonia actually if you check..there's no need only...to specify the keylogging be initiated and specify a log file17:21
DepecheI'm a girl and i wanna have linux17:21
bazhangDepeche, then install it17:21
Slartubuntistas: ok.. try this then "sudo apt-get purge mail-notification; sudo apt-get install mail-notification" then try starting it again17:22
Depechebazhang, i cont ;x17:22
lieyani like17:22
twig11coleys: Now I don't get any warnings when I run sudo modprobe ndiswrapper; what next?17:22
stefgmeowww: chkdsk doesn't help if the hd-controller is acting funny... it's not a /logical/ problem with the filesystem, but a /physical/ problem with the harddisk AFAICS17:22
ikoniapronoy: I'm just reading now17:22
bazhangDepeche, explain the issue clearly17:22
memiuxhow can i label (aliasing) the hostname when run `tcpdump -n` (normal resolve hostname is really slow)17:22
meowwwSkaperen, both are sata, the 320GB one which has ubuntu is on sata0 while the other 120GB on sata317:22
axos88Depeche, why not?17:22
Depechebecause i cant connect to network ;x17:22
coleystwig11: ndiswrapper -l17:22
Maximobazhang: realplayer, movie player, mp3 audio(streamed) and nothing is just says (playback of this movie requieres MMS (microsoft media server)....don't get it before never said that...17:22
supersashoikonia: yup, but it is not, i've checked top, and it wasn't there17:22
axos88Depeche, you are connected now, aren't you?17:22
ubuntistasslart yeah it did open withthis command but it isn't shown up in the task tray17:22
Depechebtw. ktos mowi po polsku? bedzie latwiej :P17:22
ikoniasupersasho: top only shows top "in use" programs, check with ps17:22
bazhangDepeche, #ubuntu-pl17:22
axos88Depeche, no polsku, english17:23
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:23
stefgmeowww: how old ist that disk in question ?17:23
twig11coleys: it lists two drivers installed and a device present17:23
Guest48964kurwa polska.17:23
Skaperenmeowww: and the CD is on sata1 or sata2 ?17:23
meowwwstefg, Its 3 yrs old now17:23
viniciusfccf, nice... ill try it17:23
Depecheaxos88, "polski", no polsku :D17:23
viniciusfccf, its an old box17:23
twig11coleys: one of the drivers I installed for another wireless card I never got working.17:23
Maximobazhang: was thinking uninstall everything and start from scratch, what you think?17:23
axos88Depeche, you understood what I meant didn't you? :P17:23
meowwwSkaperen, no cd drive, booting from unetbootin bootable ubuntu17:23
bazhangMaximo, give the .pls link to me I will try17:23
=== sbomer is now known as nitwit88
Skaperenmeowww: on USB?17:23
twig11coleys: and the other is the one for this network adapter.17:24
Depecheaxos88, im connecten but on windows ;x17:24
fccfvinicius: old box.. how old ... if it doesn't have a sata controller all-ide-generic won't do anything17:24
axos88Depeche, click here: http://ftp.wcss.pl/ubuntu-releases/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso17:24
axos88then burn it to a CD17:24
axos88or DVD17:24
memiuxHi, How can i label (aliasing) the hostname when run `tcpdump -n` (normal resolve hostname is really slow)17:24
viniciusfccf, maybe 5 years or more17:24
meowwwSkaperen, I made a bootable USB installer for ubuntu, also i hv gparted live boot usb pendrive, both dont boot when harddisk is connected17:24
coleystwig11: ndiswrapper -r whatever.inf (Remove the one that didn't work)17:24
Depecheaxos88, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/17:24
axos88Depeche, then put it in the drive when you boot the computer (when you start it)17:24
viniciusfccf, it can boot from CD, so it can obviously read a cd17:24
Maximobazhang: sorry naive thingy...but what is that --->.pls link.....thanks17:24
ikoniapronoy: there isn't much info on it17:24
stefgmeowww: hmm... that's not too old. But i'd still check the cabling, jumpers anf all the hardware related stuff. a bad cable or broken controller chip can pull down the whole bus, so other (working) drives are not working, too17:25
Skaperenmeowww: your BIOS has some strangeness in its boot order arrangements (many do)17:25
supersashoikonia: ps aux | grep pureadmin  .. no result so i asume it is not started..17:25
pronoyikonia i know..it works but the keyboard input gets stuck or keeps repeating itself17:25
bazhangMaximo, or whatever site you are trying to listen to; typically playlists will have format .pls17:25
ikoniasupersasho: a reasonable assumption17:25
axos88Depeche, why did u send that to me?17:25
fccfvinicius: mine will boot from cd ... then drop to busybox... unless I use the generic ... not sure ... do you know if you have SATA or IDE harddrives?17:25
ikoniapronoy: log a bug then17:25
adam35413_I am trying to use smbclient to connect to a windows share from my ubuntu box.  I can connect to my laptop fine, but my desktop gives me a "session setup failed: SUCCESS - 0" error.  Does anyone have a suggestion for debugging?  Random thought: the user name of the windows machine that doesn't work is the same username of the linux machine I am connecting from.  Could that be an issue?17:25
pronoyikonia there is however another software called uberkey which has almost the same code as lkl...can you take a look at that..i'll pastebin the code if you want17:26
ikoniapronoy: no thanks17:26
axos88Depeche, gtg17:26
supersashoikonia: i've just installed pureftp, and started it for the first time and it has given me this error, so yes a reasonable one :)17:26
Skaperenmeowww: can you try connecting the other hard drive on sata1 or sata2 to see if that affects it?17:27
ikoniasupersasho: does "ps -ef | grep ftp" show anything ?17:27
twig11coleys: deleting it doesn't seem to be working, but is that really going to cause a problem, since I have been online with this card already? It's just quit working since reboot.17:27
pronoyikonia btw where i can find my keyboard device file ? i can't find it in /dev/input/even(all of them)17:27
stefgadam35413_: is that jaunty? the 'ufw' firewall package is known to set up some stupid firewall rules preventing samba servers to show up17:27
viniciusfccf, not sure... ill check on the bios17:27
meowwwSkaperen, it was previously connected to sata1, it was not working, so shifted to sata3, no good17:27
ikoniapronoy: depends on the tyupe of keyboard device it is17:27
pronoyikonia ps/217:27
meowwwi dont understand the errors also, pretty weird errors17:27
coleystwig11: Well anyways, check to see if your wireless is up.17:27
ikoniashould be in /dev/input/event17:27
Skaperenmeowww: so linux has trouble with the 120G drive no matter where it is connected?17:28
Maximobazhang: if we fix this the others will play   (www.z101fm.com)17:28
twig11coleys: sudo dhclient wlan0?17:28
bazhangMaximo, testing now17:28
adam35413_stefg: No, I'm using hardy (8.04)17:28
meowwwSkaperen, any bootable pendrive cd/dvd has, even windows bootable pendrive doesnt boot, when its connected17:28
pronoy!bugs > pronoy17:28
ubottupronoy, please see my private message17:28
coleystwig11: You don't have gui?17:28
Skaperenmeowww: what if you put 120G on sata0 and 320G on sata1 and boot from sata1 (can your BIOS do this in the hard drive selection menu?)17:28
twig11I have wicd, recommended to me last night.17:29
adam35413_stefg: I can see and access the samba share on my linux box from my windows computer, but I can't connect to the windows box from the linux system.17:29
c3ohow to unistall apache2 on ubuntu 8.1017:29
ikoniac3o: remove the apache2 package17:29
adam35413_stefg: I CAN connecto to another windows laptop on the same network.  Both running windows 717:29
c3ohow to17:29
c3ohow to ikonia17:29
ubuntunewbie2hi anyone know or can teach me how to do smart printing ?17:29
twig11coleys: wicd was hanging this morning though when I tried to use it.17:29
coleystwig11: and... open... wicd, and refresh?17:29
fccfc3o: sudo apt-get install apache217:29
meowwwSkaperen, i can select the first harddrive from the bios, the problem i think can be solved if i full format the harddrive, i dont know how to , i am ready to format17:29
supersashoikonia: 1000     20790 11321  0 18:29 pts/0    00:00:00 grep ftp .. so it shows just the grep search, as i understand it17:29
c3othanks you fccf17:29
grawitysupersasho: yes17:29
ikoniac3o: open the package manager find apache2 and mark for unintsll17:30
ikoniasupersasho: seems pretty solid that it's not running then17:30
stefgadam35413_: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=806000 helps ?17:30
Skaperenmeowww: the 120G is windows, right?  it shouldn't be reformatted17:30
c3othanks to ikonia and fccf17:30
c3oam have done17:30
meowwwi cannot format when windows primaray partition, since windows has already booted, cant format with any live iso like gparted since nothing boots when its connected17:30
c3oand how to unistall mysql to17:30
Skaperenmeowww: when you have trouble booting from other devices with the 120G connected, that can still be the same issue17:30
supersashoikonia: yup, so is it a bug, or shell i just try to reboot and hope? :)17:30
c3ohow to unistall phpmyadmin to17:30
ikoniac3o: same way as apache17:30
fccfc3o: uh uninstall or install?17:31
twig11coleys: When I started wicd the window faded to gray for about 20 seconds and vanished.17:31
ikoniasupersasho: is there another gtk application that could be confusing it ?17:31
Skaperenmeowww: does linux ever come up at all when 120G is connected?17:31
meowwwSkaperen, yeah 120GB has windows, 320GB has ubuntu, if i format 120GB somehow, i think it will work, but I have no idea how to accomplish that17:31
c3oyou fccf17:31
twig11coleys: and it didn't show my network.17:31
supersashoikonia: i doub it17:31
c3oyou give me install apache217:31
FloodBot2c3o: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
icerootc3o: man apt-get17:31
ikoniac3o: no - open your package manager, find apache2 and mark for uninstall17:31
meowwwSkaperen, it used to, i have been using it for 3 years now with ubuntu, it started when windows crashed one day, since than the problem17:31
supersashoikonia: i'll try to restart X and find out :) brb17:31
coleystwig11: yeah... sudo dhclient wlan017:32
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ikoniasupersasho: good idea17:32
c3oyou right ikonia17:32
phpgunner1is there a program in ubuntu to control fan speed on laptop?17:32
adam35413_stefg: I don't have any iptable rules set, or ufw17:32
c3oam will try you step17:32
meowwwhow to format it, i am not able to understand17:32
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adam35413_stefg: If it was a firewall rule on ubuntu, I shouldn't be able to access the laptop right?17:32
Skaperenmeowww: you might get errors if the partition table is corrupt on that drive ... what was windows doing when it crashed?17:32
supersashoikonia: hmm.. i just found this http://osdir.com/ml/debian-bugs-dist/2009-06/msg04902.html .. it says its a bug :(17:32
Skaperenmeowww: or windows maybe crashed because the drive has gone bad?17:32
Maximobazhang: you liked the music and went to sleep...17:32
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Skaperenmeowww: if no linux will boot when 120G drive is attached, you can't use linux to diagnose it17:33
ShNaYkHsdo you know an other soft like recordmydesktop ?17:33
bazhangMaximo, the site loads, but it is just waiting to stream (ie at 0%)17:33
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bazhang!screencast > ShNaYkHs17:34
Maximobazhang: ummm17:34
ubottuShNaYkHs, please see my private message17:34
meowwwSkaperen, it was once when power failure occured, there are 2 windows partitions, one has windows XP and one has windows &, win XP didnt boot after the failure, from than working with windows 7, since win XP is the primary, cant format it.17:34
supersashoikonia: but it is not releated to purefpt at all17:34
ikoniasupersasho: what isn't ?17:34
c3owe have probllem again17:34
Skaperenmeowww: so buying a replacement for 120G is not an option? ... you can get 500G for $60 these days (shop around)17:34
bazhangc3o, what problems17:34
c3o1. how to install opacial on ubuntu with xampp17:34
ikoniasupersasho: oh, I see the bug report17:34
c3othat so cool it think17:34
twig11coleys: it appears to be doing the same as before; 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 0ms. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.17:34
ikoniac3o: you have been told how to use the package manager17:34
bazhang!xampp > c3o17:34
ubottuc3o, please see my private message17:34
meowwwSkaperen, ok, but is there any way i can full format this harddrive?17:34
icerootc3o: man apt-get17:34
ikoniac3o: you install/uninstall each package the same17:35
ShNaYkHs!screencast > ShNaYkHs17:35
ubottuShNaYkHs, please see my private message17:35
c3othanks ikonia17:35
stefgadam35413_: actually true. have you already  tried using the ip intsead of hostname ?17:35
c3oam new for linux17:35
Skaperenmeowww: sure ... but if only Windows will boot with the drive attached, then you have to use Windows to do it17:35
Maximobazhang: try this one    http://www.superkfm.net/   and click shaded picture top right..17:35
adam35413_stefg: yup.  I can hit both the name and the ip fine with ping17:35
meowwwSkaperen, ok will try that, thanks for your help :)17:35
fccfc3o: what is your native language?17:35
adam35413_stefg: (I have an entry in the etc/hosts file for the ip)17:35
stefgadam35413_: but the samba name resolution might not work...17:36
c3osorry all17:36
viniciusfccf, how can i enable the generc mode?17:36
adam35413_stefg: if that were the issue then using the IP would remove that step17:36
adam35413_stefg: And the IP fails17:36
c3osorry fccf, am not clear with english langued...17:36
Skaperenmeowww: I have no idea how to make Windows do that ... I'd be trying harder to make it work in Linux if I had it ... and I'd be doing a lot of ways such as putting the SATA drive in a SATA/USB interface box, so it shows up on the computer as USB17:36
adam35413_as well17:36
Skaperenmeowww: then I could plug it in after Linux is up17:37
fccfc3o: what Language???17:37
stefgadam35413_: ok, so that's ruled out17:37
c3obrother.. am looking a tutor for install opacial on linux (ubuntu) with xampp17:37
c3oam used indonesia languad17:37
twig11coleys: this is very frustrating; before I rebooted, everything was working. gogeta coached me through setting up ndiswrapper to run on startup and everything else that should be necessary. Unfortunately I forgot to save a transcript of that chat so I can't go back and consult it.17:37
becomingGuruwhat is the simple bash ftp command to ftp a folder.17:37
adam35413_stefg: "home-server:~$ smbclient -L -U test1%test17:37
adam35413_session setup failed: SUCCESS - 0"17:37
fccfvinicius: when you get to the pretty page where it asks for language you can add other options to the boot line ... add all-ide-generic17:37
bazhang!id | c3o17:37
ubottuc3o: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:37
billeniumHow to i enable all the repos in ubuntu (CLI)17:38
meowwwSkaperen, I want to make it work with ubuntu, I think its a case of  partition going when the power failed, I am ready to full format it, just that no bootable cds dvs booted, will try windows installation disk to format it, lets see if it boots atleast17:38
c3othanks borhter thanks17:38
adam35413_stefg: Is there a log I can check?  I didn't find any that seemed veyr helpful, but I might not have been looking in the right place17:38
viniciusfccf, pressing F6 right?17:38
c3oyou coool brother17:38
neldorethc3o: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP17:38
ikoniabillenium: put them in your /etc/apt/sources.list file17:38
ikoniabillenium: you'll find it easier if you use the gui17:38
billeniumCan't, server :\17:39
fccf!id |c3o17:39
ubottuc3o: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:39
fccfvinicius: Yep17:39
=== krinkle is now known as Guest64839
c3ofccf on #ubuntu-id no have a people17:39
c3onot aktif like this forum17:39
Skaperenmeowww: how long did you allow a boot to wait ... sometimes things start working after a LONG wait time (for example a dozen bad I/O requests each doing a 3 minute timeout ... system comes up after 40 minutes)17:39
c3oam love this chanell than ubuntu-id17:40
meowwwSkaperen, i waited for about 4-5minutes, will try that also, will wait for about 15 and check it out17:40
grawityc3o: well, speak English then.17:40
c3oi will try brother...17:40
stefgadam35413_: nothing particular coming to my mind.... i simply used ebox to do all the samba setup for me (and having a webgui for my server), so i never dove down deep into samba conf on hardy17:40
Skaperenc3o: people in this channel do not know the indonesia language ... if they knew it they would be on #ubuntu-id17:40
adam35413_stefg: Ebox?17:41
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox17:41
ctmjrmeowww, is this an external drive?17:41
c3oem.. am know english language a littel17:41
stefgadam35413_: http://ebox-platform.com/17:41
Skaperenc3o: I understand ... communication will be bad17:41
bazhangc3o, here is support only; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here17:41
amathisare external usb hard drive's supported by ubuntu?17:41
c3obut not so good, am need for update my ubuntu, am need teacher for build user for used ubuntu17:41
ftab I am trying to create a private key of my local host, and then copy the id_dsa.pub to the remote server .ssh/authorized_keys folder, but its not working17:42
coleysc3o: what language?17:42
c3oon my proviece17:42
meowwwctmjr, internal17:42
Skaperenc3o: just wait on #ubuntu-id17:42
adam35413_stefg: So it steped you through the setup of samba?17:42
c3oindonesia language brother..17:42
bazhangc3o, open a terminal17:42
coleys!id | c3o17:42
ubottuc3o: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:42
c3oon thare not aktif like this forum17:42
supersashoikonia: i've uninstalled pureftpd and installed back proftpd, anyway thanks for help :)17:42
billeniumThere wouldn't be a terminal command to enable multiverse/universe would there?17:42
coleysc3o: Anyways, ill try to help best I can, what you need bud?17:42
c3oam have open a terminal bazhang17:42
ikoniasupersasho: a most interesting problem you found17:42
amathissorry, i'm not sure if anyone caught my question but.. are external usb hard drive's supported by ubuntu?17:42
adam35413_stefg: Oh, its an actual OS based on ubuntu17:43
stefgadam35413_: it's a complete server solution for hardy... apt-get install ebox-samba .... have a samba-server ready :-)17:43
bazhangc3o, then type this: sudo apt-get update17:43
Skaperenc3o: wait for people to come to #ubuntu-id later17:43
coleysamathis: Yes.17:43
amathiscoleys, thanks17:43
stefgadam35413_: but use the ppa from the developer17:43
ftab I am trying to create a private key of my local host, and then copy the id_dsa.pub to the remote server .ssh/authorized_keys folder, but its not working17:43
c3oam have done brother bazhang for sudo apt-get update17:43
adam35413_stefg: I'll try installing the ebox-samba and see what happens.  ppa?17:43
c3obut for what17:43
Skaperenc3o: if everyone leaves #ubuntu-id when they see no people, then everyone will see no people ... so stay there until someone comes in17:44
bazhangc3o, you want to install lamp right?17:44
chupyi buy a eeepc 100he i installed ubuntu but now i want to sell it so i put the recovery mode and it gives me now grub error 22 what can i do?17:44
stefgadam35413_: personal package archive ... the developer maintains newer packages that are in the default hardy repo17:44
c3oam have install lampp on ubuntu17:44
c3obut am not clear for intall opacial17:44
c3o/help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.17:44
bazhangc3o, so what is your question; all on ONE line17:44
stefgadam35413_: http://trac.ebox-platform.com/wiki/Document/Documentation/InstallationGuide17:44
bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28/sound/core/info.c calls itself an "Information interface for ALSA driver". What do I have to visualize as an 'information interface for ALSA driver'?17:44
Guest64839need help installing Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Chipset gfx in jaunty17:44
c3oam need install http://library.panteion.gr/opacial/index.php?language=en on ubuntu with lampp17:45
supersashoikonia: but unfortunate one for me :(17:45
adam35413_stefg: Is there an easy way to get the ppa's form the developer without downloading the IOS?17:45
adam35413_stefg: ISO*17:45
vashkagaMy sound is not working, and I have no idea why. Could anyone help?17:45
c3obut have troble... am need make some catalog for ubuntu with indonesia17:45
bazhangc3o, just a minute while I check something17:45
c3ooke bazhang17:45
stefgadam35413_: yup, just add the ppa to your software sources17:45
bazhangc3o, what do you need with opacial? ie what does it do17:46
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adam35413_stefg: Is there an issue with installing ebox-samba ontop of samba?17:47
adam35413_stefg: or should I uninstall samba first17:47
viko_que hay de nuevo17:47
twig11coleys: I'm still not getting anywhere. I'm not experienced enough to know where the problem lies. If iwconfig shows wlan0 with the correct ESSID then my wireless card is working correctly, right?17:47
bazhangviko_, #ubuntu-es17:47
tbtrojCan anyone help me to install Tahoma and Helvetica fonts on Ubuntu? (They are not included in the msttcorefonts)17:47
Maximobazhang: you have some good news for me...if I will dashit17:48
stefgadam35413_: no, the ebox-samba package will pull smab anyway as dependency... it's just that you need to configure it again with ebox's webgui17:48
viniciusfccf, ok... that actually didnt work17:48
bazhangMaximo, that site would not load17:48
coleystwig11: lspci |grep -i network (pastebin output for me)17:48
fccfvinicius: worth a try17:48
viniciusfccf, but now at least  dmesg stops in a different level17:48
viniciusfccf, when it detects usb slots17:48
Maximobazhang: second one gave you http://www.superkfm.net/    click picture top right to listen17:49
viniciusfccf, i had to add generic.all_generic_ide=117:49
bazhangMaximo, that site did not load at all.17:49
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fccfvinicius: different ways of saying the same thing17:49
twig11coleys: I can if I need to but it will take awhile. the machine with the issue isn't online so I'd have to transfer the output to this one.17:49
adam35413_stefg: is it possible/smart to just install the webgui and samba?17:49
Guest18139hello my name is jon'and i like to know if i need to downlound all the thing's that come witch the ubuntu linux synaptic package manager17:49
viniciusfccf, ok... =)17:49
ikoniaGuest18139: download what you want to use17:50
coleystwig11: Well its up to you, I need to know what im working with17:50
fccfvinicius: not sure what to tell you, and I have to go,,, good luck17:50
Padhu_1I installed wbar. How can i configure it?17:50
bazhangGuest18139, download codecs? or what17:50
c3othis am need for this > http://pastebin.com/m4389f3ca17:50
Maximobazhang: thanks for all  your help....will dash it17:50
viniciusfccf, ok... thankf for the help17:50
c3oyo maximo, bazhang is cool brother..17:50
Guest18139well i am not sure what thay are all for so i was just asking17:50
bazhangc3o, what is opacial17:50
twig11coleys: is that command lspci-space ell-grep or pipe-grep?17:51
c3othe catalog cms17:51
bazhangGuest18139, ubuntu-restricted-extras for codecs17:51
Maximoc3o: did not say any different (agreed)....17:51
stefgadam35413_: yes, that's why i suggested to just install ebox-samba ... it's modular, so installing ebox will give you a mail-server and the kitchen-sink, but just installing ebox-samba will give you a file-server, and nothing else17:51
coleystwig11: lspci | grep -i network17:51
adam35413_stefg: Cool.  Have you used the ebox backup?  How does it compare to something like backuppc?  The whole reason I am spending 5 hours on this is for backups17:52
niiayiteyi want to know if i can share my partion disk on my virtualbox17:52
stefgadam35413_: i use rdiff-backup over nfs .... twice as fast over the net than samba, but that depends on what you want to doo17:53
c3ohave some people can help me for fix this error http://pastebin.com/m4389f3ca17:53
twig11coleys: no output at all.17:53
bazhangc3o, this is for setting up a kiosk? to lockdown the system?17:54
coleystwig11: lsusb  (output at pastebin)17:54
c3owhat mean bazhang17:55
c3ocan you install it17:55
stefgadam35413_: if you need to backup windows boxwn over the net i rather look at setting up a ftp server and use something like acronis true image for the win boxen to dump their stuff17:55
wildc4rdevening all17:55
c3oevening wildc4rd17:55
niiayiteyi want to share my drive in between my windows and ubuntu using virtual box17:55
adam35413_stefg: Its just over a local network, so I don't need anything complicated.  I would prefer to just use rsync, but I don't want to have to install cygwin on the windows boxes for ssh17:56
stefgadam35413_: smb is slow.... if you can avoid it, do so17:56
kevdogebox -- is this a specific distro?17:56
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niiayiteydo u have another option?17:56
stefgadam35413_: ubuntu ftp-server > true image for the win boxes17:56
kevdogadam35413_: what's wrong with cygwin?17:57
adam35413_kevdog: Nothing, I just don't want to install a large piece of software to get backups working17:57
kevdogThere are other ssh alternatives on windows, however they dont give you the same security of windows17:57
adam35413_kevdog: The goal was to have backups without any software installation on my windows boxes17:57
stefgkevdog: that you probably have to 'pollute' minimal workstation setups with cygwin just to be able to talk to a linux server17:58
bazhangc3o, this is for a public library? cms and opac?17:58
kevdogadam35413_: Honestly that would be impossible, unless you plan on using ftp or something. However even in that case you would need some scripting or something17:58
neldorethanyone here who got an rt2860 running under ubuntu 9.04 (-> eee 1000h)? ive updated everything, tried the solutions in the web, which just dont work here and i have no idea what i can do :?17:58
kevdogthere is always the putty client you could use -- there is a putty portable app that can be run from a USB stick17:59
adam35413_kevdog: scripting is fine, but I don't want to install cygwin.  That is why I was trying to use samba17:59
niiayiteyhow do i use the ftp server for virtual box17:59
bazhangc3o, yes or no17:59
c3owe can't install it on ubuntu brohter bazhang17:59
c3oand yes17:59
kevdogsamba in my experience just really stinks -- its unreliable17:59
bazhangc3o, wait a moment17:59
stefgadam35413_: if you just need file backups (as opposed to partition images) you might look at unison17:59
kevdogYou cant count on the drives staying mounted17:59
bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28/sound/core/info.c calls itself an "Information interface for ALSA driver". What do I have to visualize as an 'information interface for ALSA driver'?18:00
kevdogunison runs on top of ssh -- you need an ssh sever and client18:00
triplcHi all. Howto sepecify the "font order"? I mean, when linux need to display some char that does not have in the default font, it'll find another font set to display it. The problem is my default font is true type and q18:00
adam35413_stefg: Thats all I need.  Howd eso it talk to the windows systeM?18:00
stefg!info unison | adam35413_18:00
ubottuadam35413_: unison (source: unison): A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.27.57-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 516 kB, installed size 1232 kB18:00
triplcHi all. Howto sepecify the "font order"? I mean, when linux need to display some char that does not have in the default font, it'll find another font set to display it. The problem is my default font is true type and when it select the other font, it display not good18:00
c3ooke bazhang18:01
kevdoghello boys >-)18:01
bazhangc3o, what internet browser? firefox? opera? or other18:01
c3oam used firefox18:02
oskar-hi, i deleted a partition in between and now want to resize the one before the free space. would the new layout allow the filesystem in sda6 to be read? http://pastebin.com/m690e1e8818:02
c3oMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060311 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.1118:02
kevdogunison runs ontop of ssh -- its a glorified version of rsync that allow two way synchronization -- its more of a mirring utility compared to rsync which is a one way sync18:02
c3oam blank for ubuntu, but am love ubuntu18:02
adam35413_stefg: unison is using ssh though, which takes me back to having ot install cygwin on windows machines18:02
twig11coleys: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6450d00418:02
grawityBitvise WinSSHd is kinda nice.18:03
kevdogputty can be the client -- but you need an ssh server.18:03
adam35413_kevdog: Putty is a great client. but its not the server, right18:03
Guest84733need help installing Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Chipset gfx in jaunty18:03
kevdogright -- windows does not have a built-in ssh server -- so you do need additional software18:04
kevdogDepending on what you want you could use samba as one method, but also ftp, ssh (rsync,unison)18:04
adam35413_I think I'm going to try winsshd and go back to rsync18:04
adam35413_see how that works18:05
coleystwig11: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3071574&postcount=418:05
kevdogI think ssh windows software besides cygwin are copssh or freesshd18:05
twig11coleys: I'm off18:05
twig11going there, imean18:05
stefgadam35413_: there's a prebuilt binary for windows... no need to deal with cygwin18:06
=== tonii_ is now known as tonii
kevdogThe one advantage of a cygwin sshd setup, is that the sshd_conf file is the same as in cygwin as in linux -- hence once you configure a cygwin server -- you could always configure a linux ssh server18:06
adam35413_stefg: for unison or winsshd?18:06
kevdogUnison is additionally a client/server program.  You need to install unison ontop of the ssh server/client18:07
twig11coleys: unfortunately, no wired connection in this building. so I can't install wifi radar on that machine until I have it online.18:07
kevdogtwig11:  Use the command line to configure wireless and connect18:07
bazhangc3o, seems you would want to use Koha for your library kiosk cms; this means understanding how to set up lamp and integrating with koha http://koha.org/download18:08
nclundtoftI've got a problem using ubuntu 9.04, after installing it won't recognise my cd-rom drive, eventhough I used a cd to install it in the first place. Any suggestions as to how to make this work? Google has so far been unhelpful18:08
stefgadam35413_:   http://alan.petitepomme.net/unison/index.html18:08
Houba1986hi, i had a question. i tried connecting my laptop to my 46" hdtv using s-video, but my max resolution available was 1024x768.... i usually use 1280x800 on my laptop. Since i don't have hdmi on my laptop or vga on my tv, if i were to connect my laptop to tv using a vga to component cable, would that allow me to keep my 1280x800 resolution??18:09
twig11kevdog: I would, but I forgot to save the transcript for the chat I had last night when I got all that advice from you and gogeta.18:09
c3oam do it brother...bazhang > wget http://download.koha.org/koha-3.00.02.tar.gz18:09
c3oand how to i install it brother... ?18:09
bazhangc3o, good luck; also read the lamp documentation as well18:09
kevdogis the network you want to encrypt -- is it encrypted?18:10
bazhang!lamp > c3o18:10
ubottuc3o, please see my private message18:10
neldorethok this f* is working with the array.org kernel - thank god18:10
c3oyup thanks very much borhter bazhang18:11
c3oam wil try it frst18:11
=== Inc`_ is now known as Inc`
johnjaywhere can I get apache2-dbg (jaunty)?18:12
oskar-i want to enlarge a logical partition by moving its end while leaving the filesystem in it untouched (and later resize2fs). which way is recommended?18:12
twig11kevdog: you talking to me there?18:13
johnjayThe default repos do not seem to have it.18:13
johnjayEven though I see it documented18:13
kevdogtwig11: is your wireless network encrypted?18:13
twig11kevdog: yes, WEP18:13
nclundtoftI've got a problem using ubuntu 9.04, after installing it won't recognise my cd-rom drive, eventhough I used a cd to install it in the first place. Any suggestions as to how to make this work? Google has so far been unhelpful18:13
twig11kevdog: and I had it online last night, but it didn't work on reboot18:13
edgar170I want to install ubuntu-desktop from the terminal without internet with apt-get, I´ve changed the sources.list already but it still doeasn work (i want to use the CD), I think the cdrom isn´t monted but "mount cdrom/cdrom0" doesn´t work, need help.18:13
kevdogTake a look at this tutorial I wrote: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118818:14
grawityedgar170: did you use apt-cdrom?18:14
Dr_Willisedgar170:  mount cdrom/cdrom is incorrect  for starters18:14
kevdogtwig11: the ndiswrapper problem again?18:14
bazhangedgar170, could we see your sources.list ; also was this aptoncd or just the installer cd18:14
kevdogsudo apt-cdrom add18:14
Dr_Willisedgar170:  so you did a 'server' install? and now want to install ubuntu-desktop over it?18:14
=== Edijus is now known as Edijusz
twig11kevdog: I'm not smart enough to know if it's ndiswrapper or not.18:15
edgar170I´ve deleted GNOME somehow, that´s why18:15
bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28/sound/core/info.c calls itself an "Information interface for ALSA driver". What do I have to visualize as an 'information interface for ALSA driver'?18:15
Dr_Willisedgar170:  it takes a bit of effortd to do that.. perhaps you can clarify that issue.. and it may be easier to fix.18:16
EdijuszI was not able to talk via Skype. I removed something, installed something new, now, there is no sound at all. Google wont help me. :/ Can you?18:16
twig11kevdog: okay I added the cdrom18:16
kevdogtwig11: plug in the usb devic18:16
kevdogtwig11: forget that -- it wasnt for you18:16
edgar170There was no Gnome after a reboot18:16
twig11kevdog: okay18:17
kevdogtwig11: no apt cdrom for you18:17
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
th0rEdijusz: well, the simple answer to that question is to remove something else and install something else18:17
twig11kevdog: the device is plugged in18:17
Dr_Willisedgar170:  so there was no gdm login screen? it just went to the console? or what exactly?  its possible its a driver issue.18:17
kevdogtwig11: plug in the usb device, sudo ifconfig wlan0 down, sudo rmmod ndiswrapper, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up18:17
edgar170A logginscreen and everything but no Gnome to choose.18:17
kevdogtwig11: Use each of those commands on a separate line18:18
Edijuszth0r: If I would know what to remove and what to install. I do not want to screw things again.18:18
edgar170I´m only able to login with a console and "xserver" (or something like this but it´s good for nothing18:18
twig11kevdog: in other words, run them individually18:18
th0rEdijusz: well, no one is going to be able to help unless you tell them what you did.18:18
kevdogtwig11: yes18:18
nclundtoftAnyone here who knows how to detect a cd-rom drive in Ubuntu 9.04? I am pretty new to linux, and now I need to burn a cd, but my linux won't recognize my cd-rom drive18:19
Dr_Willisedgar170: err..  try running 'gnome-session'  to start gnome.. but i guess you can try ti reinstall gnome-desktop from cd.  Ive never done it that way.18:19
Edijuszth0r: I told. I removed.. pulseaudio? Or I installed it. I dont know. Sorry, I am new in Linux.18:19
twig11kevdog: done18:19
twig11now what?18:20
edgar170Thank you.18:20
kevdogOk -- does sudo iwlist scan show anything?18:20
Dr_WillisEdijusz:  normally one just has to 'disable' pulse audio - not remove it.18:20
guntbert!welcome | stones18:20
ubottustones: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.18:20
stonesCan I run transmission without X? I want to just use the webUI.18:20
EdijuszDr_Willis: Whats the solution now?18:20
Dr_WillisEdijusz:  im not even sure what your problem is.. but people are constantly trying to 'remove pulse audio' to get wine or somthing working.. when all they really need to do is disable the specicif app from using pulse audio. not UNINSTALL pulse audio.18:21
twig11kevdog: yes it shows my my network ESSID and everything looks good.18:21
kevdogtwig11:  Those commands I gave you, just bring down the interface, removes the kernel module (driver), reloads the kernel module, and then brings the interface back up18:22
EdijuszDr_Willis: I tried to get Skype working.18:22
billeniumis irssi not in the repos?18:22
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grawitybillenium: It should be18:22
kevdogtwig11:  Those commands are useful and sometimes I do these when I get a hiccup with my wireless -- its a hidden gem nobody talks about!18:22
edbianstones: I don't think you can control transmission without a GUI but you can simply get a bittorrent client that is CLI based.18:23
billeniumgrawity: is it in yours? If so could you be so kind and send me your source.list?18:23
guntbertstones: I never used transmission, but as it is a gtk client, it will need X18:23
multiverseAnybody successfully use Ubuntu  9.04 to liberate PDFs in Adobe Digital Editions?18:23
twig11kevdog: Okay, I'll save it for future reference. Should it be working now?18:23
=== Edijusz is now known as Edijus
kevdogtwig11:  You can now connect using network manager or via the command line if you follow the instructions in the link I provided.  Either or should get it working.18:23
RamonsterI got an FTP server up, but how Do I get it to direct to /var/www/ ?18:23
devmandoes anyone have any tips on getting a plug and play mic working with linux? It's connected to the mic jack, sound out works perfectly, and according to the product page it works with linux...when I turn up mic boost in the mixer I can hear myself, but skype doesn't want to work with it. Of course, there are like, 5 sound devices in skype that are possible to use18:23
deanystones, there is the transmission-cli package to try18:23
guntbert!info irssi | billenium18:24
ubottubillenium: irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-6ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1057 kB, installed size 2908 kB18:24
SaladinHiya, I'm having a telnet problem: While I can connect to my telnetd via 'open localhost' I can't when using my IP address, and neither can anyone else. I have used ufw to open the necessary ports, but it isn't working at all and just won't connect. Any ideas on a solution?18:24
RamonsterI got an FTP server up, but how Do I get it to direct to /var/www/ ?18:24
kevdogtwig11:  If you are running a wired connection, you may want to bring down the wired connecton first with sudo ifconfig eth0 down.  That way things won't get confused with packet routing and such18:24
grawitybillenium: http://sprunge.us/LiBb18:24
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twig11kevdog: Okay, I'll try it. I had to uninstall network manager in order to install wicd and wicd crashes for some reason when I start it up.18:24
twig11kevdog: I don't have any wired connection here.18:25
grawitySaladin: Don't use telnet. (I'm serious)18:25
kevdogtwig11: then reinstall network manager.  Again if you know how to connect from the command line, you can always get online even if nwm or wicd is installed.  Its a great backup solution18:25
RamonsterSaladin.. open the right ports in your router?18:25
kevdogI love telnet18:25
kevdogI also like the finger command18:26
kevdogNo one has a .plan or .project file anymore18:26
Edijusth0r: Will you help me to get sound back?18:26
brummbaer456telnet's good for testing connectivity, incredibly insecure in implementation.18:26
RamonsterI got an FTP server up, but how Do I get it to direct to /var/www/ ?18:26
stonesdeany: I don't get how to get the webUI work with the cli.18:26
twig11kevdog: you talking to me? I'm going to try to follow that tutorial now.18:26
kevdogtwig11:  Ok just connect from the command line -- its incredibly easy.18:27
RamonsterI got an FTP server up, but how Do I get it to direct to /var/www/ ?18:27
twig11kevdog: Okay, can you explain?18:27
kevdogtwig11:  then once connected just uninstall wicd and reinstall network manager18:27
dtownherocould anybody help me with installing a tarball? I'm getting a "make file doesn't exist" message18:27
devman does anyone have any tips on getting a plug and play mic working with linux? It's connected to the mic jack, sound out works perfectly, and according to the product page it works with linux...when I turn up mic boost in the mixer I can hear myself, but skype doesn't want to work with it. Of course, there are like, 5 sound devices in skype that are possible to use18:27
guntbert!repeat | Ramonster18:27
ubottuRamonster: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:27
kevdogtwig11:  just read the tutorial -- its really easy18:28
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twig11kevdog: yours? I'm on my way.18:28
kevdogtwig11: yes I wrote that!18:28
Houba1986Hi, I have a laptop with no hdmi/dvi ports. I want to connect it to my 46" hdtv so my only options are svideo or vga. since my tv doesnt have vga, i used svideo, but im only getting a max resolution of 1024x768. i saw that there are vga to component cables for sale, if i were to purchase one and use that, do you thing that would give me a higher resolution?18:28
Kenniedtownhero: what you trying to install and does it have a Makefile in it?18:28
dtownheroKennie, mtpfs, there is Makefile.in and Makefile.am but no Makefile18:29
RamonsterI got an FTP server up, but how Do I get it to direct to /var/www/ ?18:29
Kenniedtownhero: isn't mtpfs in the universe repo? - just wondering18:30
SaladinAh, problem solved: Telnet connected to the address NOT the one showing in my firefox 'what is your ip' extension18:30
dtownheronot to my knowledge, I'll peek and check though18:30
stonestransmission-remote --auth username:password is that rigth?18:30
llmlanyone: what does the dot "." command do?18:30
dtownheroKennie, it is not18:30
grawityllml: "." is the same as "source"18:30
guntbert!info mtpfs | dtownhero18:30
ubottudtownhero: mtpfs (source: mtpfs): FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-1 (jaunty), package size 14 kB, installed size 92 kB18:30
unopllml, it runs a script in the current shell18:31
grawityllml: and for that, "help source"18:31
dtownhero?? why isn't synaptic listing it?18:31
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd18:31
dmeadhey channel18:31
llmlgrawity, unop: i see. thx.18:31
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP18:31
dmeadi'm having trouble with audio18:31
Titan8990dtownhero, most of the time the Makefile is generated by the configure script18:31
dmeadcan someone tell me a tool to use that replaces alsaconf?18:32
dmeadi read that alsaconf was removed (for what absurd reasons i can only speculate)18:32
dtownheroI'm looking in add/remove and searching in each option for mtp and don't see it :(18:32
Titan8990dtownhero, and often the configure script is generated by autoconf, you should view the documentation that came with the code18:32
Titan8990dtownhero, aptitude search mtp18:32
dtownheroahh! there it is18:33
dtownherothanks guys18:33
dapper-danielhej! I have a problem with my bluetooth remote control18:33
dmeadhow do you configure audio ?18:33
dapper-danielit doesn't reconnect automticly18:33
unop!sound > dmead18:33
ubottudmead, please see my private message18:33
twig11kevdog: do I go sudo apt-get uninstall wicd?18:34
RamonsterI got an FTPD server up, but how Do I get it to direct to /var/www/ ?18:34
dapper-danielin /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf i have e section for the device, but it just doesn't want to work :-(18:34
twig11kevdog: I guess not. I don't think I've ever uninstalled anything from the command line.18:34
dmeadunop,  i've tried all that18:35
deanyRamonster, which ftp server are you using18:35
Titan8990twig11, sudo aptitude remove wicd18:36
Ti-devHi there, I'm new to IRC and I need some tips with Jaunty...Thanks...18:37
twig11kevdog: you still there? Your advice worked I'm online now, but how do I set it up so it automatically reconnects at startup?18:37
ScuniziI'm confused.. I just poped an XP disk in the driver and right mouse clicked. There was an option to "copy" then "to ISO".. (archival backup of legit copy).  Now I try the same with a win2kpro disk and my only option is copy/paste  .. no iso creation.. what am I doing wrong and is there an alternative (not dd please) ?18:37
twig11Titan8990: Thanks. :-)18:37
deanyRamonster, which one.  vsftp, pureftp, proftpd?18:37
devmanwith audio, since the ports are right next to each other and often go hand in hand, will the sound input and output both be marked as ALSA: HDA NVidia:AD198x Analog (hw:0,0), or should then be different?18:37
KennieTi-dev: just state your question18:37
Ramonsterdeany: any idea's?18:38
TwoToneSpiritI still can't boot gnome without failsafe.  I have no ~/.gnome/session file.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the video driver package for my ATI Mobility.  Very odd.  Any suggestions?18:38
Ramonsterdeany: proftpd18:38
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unopdmead, have you gone through the troubleshooting page?18:38
Ti-devsorry, multi-tasking...As you know there are probs with the mach64 drivers on Ubuntu and 3D accel is unavailable. I've found that it's possible to manually compile the driver. Is this okay on a general jaunty installation? Do I need to make any changes? Thanks...18:39
deanyRamonster, sudo pico /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf18:39
dmeadunop, i'm doing it again18:39
dmeadit seems odd to have removed alsaconf18:39
dmeadfrustrating actually18:39
deanyRamonster, find DefaultRoot and change to DefaultRoot /var/www18:39
kevdogtwig11:  You need to make sure the USB stick is plugged in and that ndiswrapper is listed with /etc/modules.  If none of those solutions work then you can just write a script and just run the script whenever.18:40
devmanmy god getting this barebones mic working is impossible18:40
unopdmead, alsaconf was getting to be old, buggy and unmaintainable ..18:40
Ramonsterdeany: testing now18:40
dmeadunop, it works fine on all my other linux machines18:40
dmeadAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)18:40
deanyRamonster, OR, make a new user and make home folder as /var/www.   sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart to apply changes18:41
Ramonsterdeany: I still connect to the user's /home folder18:41
Ramonsterdeany: and how do i make that new user with home dir as /var/www ?18:41
Dr_WillisTwoToneSpirit:  if you can get to X with just a terminal going, you could try running 'gnome-terminal' and look for error messages18:41
Dr_WillisTwoToneSpirit:  also try making a new user, and see if they have the same issue18:42
stonesWhere is the setting file for transmission-daemon?18:42
TwoToneSpiritDr_Willis: In the F7 terminal, how can I see underlying errors?18:42
deanyRamonster, are you sure DefaultRoot says DefaultRoot /var/www and not DefaultRoot ~18:42
twig11kevdog: ndiswrapper is listed, but it was before and my wireless didn't connect on reboot. The default ubuntu network applet is network-manager, right?18:42
kevdogtwig11: correct18:43
deanyRamonster, check if there is a duplicate DefaultRoot line with "DefaultRoot ~" and remove it.  Its to jail users to their home folder.18:43
Dr_WillisTwoToneSpirit:  not sure what you mean by F7 terminal.. in the 'consoles' on alt-cctrl-F1 through F6, you could login and check your x log files perhaps.18:43
Ramonster DefaultRoot                    /var/www18:43
unopdmead, well, lots of obsolete software still works fine but doesn't play well with others, anyway ..18:43
=== Ti-dev is now known as tidev
deanyRamonster, it would be easier for you to set the default root for apache to your home folder..18:43
unopdmead,  does this command spit noise to your speakers.   speaker-test18:43
=== tidev is now known as Ti-dev
deanyRamonster, assuming you are using apache18:44
virtxif i want to add some debian repository in ubuntu intrepid, what version of debian i've to use? etch?18:44
kevdogtwig11: Again using usb devices are far more unreliable than pci bus devices.  Simply put those commands in a script and then just run the script after you log in.  Its not a perfect solution, however it works.  The problem has to do with the order of loading the modules by the kernel.18:44
Dr_WillisTwoToneSpirit:  the file .xsession-errors might have some info also.18:44
deanyRamonster, and want to upload files to the apache document folder18:44
dmeadunop no18:44
unopdmead, is the snd-hda-intel module loaded?   lsmod | grep -i intel18:44
Ramonsterdeany: You mean.. creating a /www/ folder in my home directory and change apache to there?18:44
Ramonsterdeany: But how do i change the apache config then? (Im rather new to linux)18:45
unopdmead, it'll probably be listed as snd_intel8x0 in the output18:45
dmeadunop it is18:45
=== Odin is now known as Guest33320
deanyRamonster, yes.  there is a public_html folder on default install of ubuntu desktop18:45
llmlanyone: pid file is general generated by a server process? is it there for the server process to identify itself?18:45
virtxcan i add "deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org etch main" on ubuntu intrepid?18:45
dmeadunop is that the module?18:45
bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28/sound/core/info.c calls itself an "Information interface for ALSA driver". What do I have to visualize as an 'information interface for ALSA driver'?18:45
dmeadunop i maually loaded the hda one18:45
Ramonsterdeany: where is that public_html folder?18:45
deanyRamonster, are you using ftp server to send files to the apache server?18:45
Dr_Willisllml:  thats often the use for a 'pid' file. yes.18:45
earthmeLonI have ubuntu desktop installed but I would like to have it act like server version.  I would like to turn my laptop on and it load ubuntu automatically and run all of my services at startup without me having to login.  I would also like to keep x from starting.  Could someone help me where to start?18:46
Ramonsterdeany: yes18:46
Ramonsterdeany: well, thats what I want18:46
llmlDr_Willis: is there any suggested docs about pid file?18:46
Dr_WillisearthmeLon:  most all services allready start befor you login.. and to stop X from starting up.. disable the gdm service.18:46
twig11kevdog: thank you. The commands would be the ones for taking down, removing, and putting up the interface, then entering the ESSID and key, correct? And I've never written a script before. Where's a good place to get the basics on that?18:46
unopdmead, ok. unload all the sound modules with this command.   sudo alsa --force-unload   #then load your module again.   sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel18:46
Dr_Willisllml:  not really that ive seen or noticed.. google perhaps.18:46
TwoToneSpiritDr_Willis: .xsession-errors is blank.18:46
unopdmead, then check if speakers work with   speaker-test18:46
llmlDr_Willis: thx:)18:46
Dr_WillisTwoToneSpirit:  try making a new user. see if it affects them.  or try gnome-session in a terminal18:46
earthmeLonDr_Willis: Right now if I turn my laptop on it sits at a login screen.  If I try to ssh into it, I cannot until I login18:47
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TwoToneSpiritDr_Willis, et. al: Where do I look for those scripts that run upon standard gnome loading but not failsafe?18:47
deanyRamonster, so just edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default18:47
Dr_WillisearthmeLon:  then you got somthing weird going on.. I definatly CAN ssh into my desktop machines without logging in locally first.. and from what ive seen ssh does NOT just 'start' when a user logs in...18:47
=== aaron is now known as TiMiDo
TwoToneSpiritDr_Willis: gnome-session in a terminal gives me: warning **: Cannot Open display:18:48
twig11kevdog: aptitude says it failed to fetch network-manager-gnome because of a bad header line.18:48
dmeadunop sec18:48
Dr_WillisTwoToneSpirit:  faisafe just starts a terminal i belive and thats it.. try 'gnome-session' in that terminal and look for error messages..   NOT from the console.18:48
earthmeLonDr_Willis: That makes sense.  I will look into that and stopping gmd from starting.  Will that have to do with gdm's run level?18:48
Dr_WillisearthmeLon:  GDM dosent use runlevels.. its just another service18:48
Dr_Willis!upstart | earthmeLon18:48
ubottuearthmeLon: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:48
Ramonsterdeany: I gotta change document root and directory to /home/public/www/ ?18:48
velcroshoozI am trying to reinstall grub after a windows install and am getting this error - http://www.pastebin.org/1198 can anyone help?18:49
deanyRamonster, edit both instances of /var/www at the top of the page to whatever you want. and /etc/init.d/apache2 restart18:49
TwoToneSpiritDr_Willis: There are two failsafes - terminal and failsafe gnome.  I'm working with failsafe gnome.18:49
Ramonsterdeany: ok thanks18:49
marks256I have a DAAP share on a computer connected to a switch. I also have a wireless router connected to the same switch. How to i see that DAAP share over my wireless?18:49
Dr_WillisTwoToneSpirit:  try 'terminal' then...   and try 'gnome-session' in the terminal and look for error messages about whats going on.18:49
marks256using a WRT54g18:49
dmeadthank you ubuntu, for fucking up alsa18:50
dmeadunop let me restart18:50
earthmeLonDr_Willis: Is there any reason I would want to also run server kernel?  Is it more optimized or anything?18:50
TwoToneSpiritDr_Willis: OK, I'll try that and be back.  Thanks. :-)18:50
kevdogtwig:  Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list  -- get rid of anything in the file that has anything to do with the cd rom18:50
Dr_WillisearthmeLon:  no idea.. i doubt if it will gain you much for a home machine.. some server kernels do NOT work on all normal home hardware.18:50
kevdogtwig11:  Then run sudo aptitude udpdate18:51
Ramonsterdeany: please see my private message18:51
virtxcan i add "deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org etch main" on ubuntu intrepid?18:51
twig11kevdog: udpdate?18:51
Dr_Willisvirtx:  its a BAD BAD idea to install debian packages on ubun tu18:51
Myrttivirtx: preferably no18:51
unopvirtx, it's not recommended you do that - you can break your system18:51
kevdogtwig11: update18:51
virtxi need one package from debian-multimedia18:52
twig11:-) Hey I'm a newbie.18:52
virtxwhat version of debian is compatible with intrepid?18:52
lstarnesvirtx: what package?18:52
unopvirtx, medibuntu provides most of the debian-multimedia packages ..18:52
lstarnesvirtx: none18:52
unop!medibuntu > virtx18:52
ubottuvirtx, please see my private message18:52
Dr_Willisvirtx:  try it then... we reccomend against it.. there is no debian compatiable....18:52
virtxdarkice-full is only on multimedia-debian18:52
dmeadunop: the only options i have for volume playback is null18:52
kpkeerthiConky fans. Need to make conky stay on 'top' of open windows. See this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120762018:52
Dr_Willis!info darkice18:52
ubottudarkice (source: darkice): Live audio streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.19-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 117 kB, installed size 352 kB18:52
velcroshoozI am trying to reinstall grub after a windows install and am getting this error - http://www.pastebin.org/1198 can anyone help?18:52
earthmeLonAh, Dr_Willis the problem with me being unable to ssh in is because the laptop doesn't connect to wifi until I login18:53
virtxDr_Willis, the ubuntu pkg doesn't support MP3, debian pkg yes18:53
Dr_WillisearthmeLon:   that makes sence...18:53
unopdmead, well, i would go over the troubleshooting page again and make sure i've tried everything18:53
Dr_Willisvirtx:  perhaps some extra support package is needed...18:53
JediMasteranyone know of a program that will listen on every port so you can test an ISP is not blocking any ports?18:53
virtxDr_Willis, no, the pkg is compiled withput mp3 support18:53
Dr_Willisvirtx:  thers always the PPA reposistories also.18:54
twig11kevdog: I've got a huge string of bad header line messages from aptitude update18:54
virtxDr_Willis, ppa?18:54
Dr_Willisvirtx:  or compile from source.. id suggest that befor trying debian packages18:54
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.18:54
stratocasteri have downloaded the iso of ubuntu 9.04 64bits one month ago, or most. tomorrow i must install in a pc...i can use this iso or it has been update (kernel and other packages)?18:54
lstarnesvirtx: there is a darkice package in medibuntu that might be equivalent to the debian-multimedia darkice-full18:54
zz_TalhaHello fellow nerds.18:54
virtxDr_Willis, yeah, the solution is to recompile18:54
kpkeerthi!info nmap > JediMaster18:54
virtxlstarnes, can you take me the .deb link?18:54
Dr_Willisvirtx:  thats one possible solution..or check the PPA repos.. or check MEDIBUNTU repos...18:54
virtxlstarnes, or repository?18:54
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JediMasterkpkeerthi: no read the question, I want to LISTEN on all ports so I can nmap all ports and see which ones are blocked upstream18:55
Ti-devI've looked up on http://dri.freedesktop.org/ on how to build the driver for mach64. I run Jaunty. What's the version of X in Jaunty btw? And do I need to do any additional changes to my installation for the DRI? Thanks18:55
kevdogtwig11:  do a google search. sounds like your /etc/apt/sources.list may be corrupted18:55
unopvirtx, what does darkice-full provide?18:55
virtxunop, mp3 support18:55
JediMasterkpkeerthi: afaik nmap doesn't listen on any ports18:55
unop!info darkice | does this sound like the same package?18:55
ubottudoes: darkice (source: darkice): Live audio streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.19-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 117 kB, installed size 352 kB18:55
unopvirtx, ^^18:56
stratocasteri have downloaded the iso of ubuntu 9.04 64bits one month ago, or most. tomorrow i must install in a pc...i can use this iso or it has been update (kernel and other packages)?18:56
dmeaddmead > sound18:56
dmeaddmead < sound18:56
unop!sound | dmead18:56
ubottudmead: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:56
lstarnesdmead: please /msg the bot next time18:56
Dr_Willisstratocaster:  there were updates out for it befor you even downloaded the thing.. :) yes.. a new install will have some updated..18:56
lstarnesvirtx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu has the instructions for enabling the medibuntu repo, but those packages can't be included in ubuntu's official repos for lefal reasons18:56
virtxunop, this pkg doesn't support mp318:56
brawler74Hey, I have a problem with (I think) my graphics driver. Do we just ask here, or do we start a private chat?18:56
lstarnesbrawler74: just ask here18:56
Myrtti!pm | brawler7418:57
ubottubrawler74: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:57
Seeker`dmead: btw, please watch your language in here18:57
Ti-devanyone? :D18:57
=== Odin is now known as Guest4502
virtxlstarnes, then? i cant use darkice-full on ubuntu?18:57
guntbertvirtx: according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/darkice/+bug/120851 (last entry) it does...18:57
dmeadanybody know what module i need for this? Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)18:58
lstarnesvirtx: the darkice package in the medibuntu repo is most likely the same as darkice-full in debian-multimedia18:58
stratocasterDr_Willis: then you advice me to download it now, right?18:58
virtxlet me see18:58
bjorkintoshdoes ubuntu have a gui for fdisk?18:58
devmandoes anyone know if there is any way to get the audio device HDA NVidia working?18:58
erUSUL!gparted | bjorkintosh18:58
ubottubjorkintosh: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:58
brummbaer456bjork: gparted is the bomb18:58
dmeadbjorge, apt-get install ntfsprogs qparted18:58
bjorkintoshah okay.18:59
bjorkintoshthank you.18:59
brawler74Alright, well every once in a while my screen will entirely glitch up (random rectangles of static, GUI being drawn in random and incorrect places, etc) and I can't do anything except restart and hope it doesn't happen again. I have tried out both of the NVIDIA drivers available but the problem occurs in both of them.18:59
dmeadunop what module did you say i need to load?18:59
stonesHow can I get the output of transmission-daemon -d into a text file?18:59
unopvirtx, try this package here - http://packages.medibuntu.org/jaunty/darkice.html18:59
bjorkintoshon freebsd it's a simple matter of running sysinstall18:59
Dr_Willisstratocaster: the iso files do not normally get updated to include new updates.. except every one in a while you would see for example a ubuntu 9.04.1  THAT one might have some updated...18:59
unopdmead, umm,  snd-hda-intel18:59
knihtstones: redirect it to one? transmission-daemon -d > filename.txt19:00
newserI have a eeepc and would like to knoow how can I invert the colors on screen?19:00
dmead# aplay -l19:00
dmeadaplay: device_list:217: no soundcards found...19:00
kevdogCan someone pastebin there native unaltered /etc/apt/sources.list?  I have a corrupted file in my midst19:00
dmeadthats after i did modprobe snd-hda-intel19:00
stratocasterDr_Willis: I don't understand, sorry. you advice to download it now or not?19:01
newseranyone knows how can I invert the screen colors? I used to press win+m, but dont know how to enable this feature19:01
brawler74Anyone have any suggestions or ideas?19:01
kevdognewser: invert screen color in what application?19:01
knihtnewser: there's a compiz plugin that can do that19:01
mshafiullahcan anyone tell me what's the significance of passwd- , group- and shadow- files?19:02
knihtnewser: the only way I know to get to it is through the compizconfig settings manager19:02
Ti-devdmead: If you have a prob loading your soundcard, try running sudo alsamixer in a terminal after probing the right module. If that works then you need to check your user priviledges19:02
dmeadTi-dev, i've loaded the correct module19:02
kevdogpasswd is where all the login password, UID, home directories are kept -- you hose that file you can't login19:02
Ti-devdmead: what happens when you try "sudo alsamixer" in a terminal?19:03
mshafiullahno I meant the files with the dash at the end like passwd-19:03
grawitymshafiullah: The ones with the dash are simply backups.19:03
dmeadTi-dev, alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory19:03
brawler74Can anyone help me with my graphics problem?19:03
mshafiullahso I can simply copy the original over the backup manually19:03
grawitymshafiullah: You can safely delete them, just make sure you don't remove the originals.19:03
mshafiullahow good to know19:04
n8tusermshafiullah-> you can cat the backup and compare first to make sure19:04
grawitymshafiullah: I think the 'adduser' programs creates those backups.19:04
Ti-devdmead: are you sure that you append "sudo"?19:04
mshafiullahgrawity: thanks19:04
dmeadi'm logged in as root19:04
fwaokdaIf I have a dvd that isn't playing after installing the ubuntu-restricted then what else can i try installing to get it working (im in jaunty) ???19:04
grawitymshafiullah: If you want to see the differences, use diff: diff passwd- passwd19:04
newserkniht, I have a eeepc, is it possible to use it?19:04
Ti-devdmead: oh ok19:04
kevdogCan someone pastebin there native unaltered /etc/apt/sources.list?  I have a corrupted file in my midst19:05
grawitykevdog: I guess enabling multiverse counts as "altered"?19:05
unopkevdog, does apt-get or similar report any errors with the file?19:05
kevdogNo its more than that!!!19:05
* grawity could pastebin his19:05
newserhow can I enable the compiz features?19:06
Ti-devdmead: well just to be sure, try enabling "audio devices" for your user in "user priviledges" and then check what happens?19:06
kevdogbad header line messages -- Im guessing it the sources.list19:06
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering why not put a uninstall in the right click opetion on the menu like in linux mint in ubuntu or is there a way to do it manually?19:06
grawitykevdog: http://sprunge.us/QBFB -- just remember to change to your local mirror19:07
kevdogShould have made a backup first dammit!19:07
unopkevdog, that could be from the server too .. what's the exact error message?  pastebin it19:07
dmeadTi-dev, haha it's not enabled19:07
dmeadTi-dev, good call19:07
kevdogLet me try the new file first19:07
=== MobileMyles6o7 is now known as TwoToneSpirit
velcroshoozI am trying to reinstall grub after a windows install and am getting this error - http://www.pastebin.org/1198 can anyone help?19:07
Ti-devdmead: It's not by default at each of my encounters...that worked for me on an older PC :D19:07
geophysicswhen i install compiz my sound is breaks down but  when i delete compiz it is working, what is the connection between compiz fusion and my audio :S  ??19:07
Shortguy109Does anyone know how I can get my USB headphones to work? I've no idea how to use 'em.19:08
dmeadbrb etc19:08
mshafiullahgrawity: I am trying to reset a password for an account and I am getting the error: "passwd: Authentication information cannot be recovered ... password unchanged". what causes this?19:09
grawitymshafiullah: are you doing it as root?19:09
AncientSocratescan unetbootin be used with ntfs format?19:09
AncientSocratesfor the usb19:09
dmeadTi-dev, fail19:09
grawitymshafiullah: hmm, does the account have entries in passwd and shadow? getent passwd theuser; getent shadow theuser - do they return anything?19:10
=== Odin is now known as Guest79638
maxx_where can I disable environment variable LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT?19:11
linduxedAncientSocrates: well, as long as you manage to make it bootable19:11
mshafiullahgrawity: yes they do19:11
linduxedAncientSocrates: dunno about that though19:11
velcroshoozI am trying to reinstall grub after a windows install and am getting this error - http://www.pastebin.org/1198 can anyone help?19:11
knihtnewser: I don't know19:11
unopmaxx_, in your ~/.profile  .. add a line at the end like so.   unset LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT19:12
L3dPlatedLinuxthis is way off I know (but feel free to tell me again) but I have dd-wrt on my linksys wrt54g v6 router and  I cant figure out how to remove it (flash) it  to be able to put something else on there19:12
newseranyone knows if desktop effects can be enabled on a eeepc19:12
AncientSocrateslinduxed : i installed win7 using ntfs usb19:12
unopmaxx_, you'll need to log out and log back in for this to take effect19:12
linduxedAncientSocrates: well then it is possible19:12
newserAncientSocrates, how is win7?19:12
Shortguy109Does anyone know how I can get my USB headphones to work? I've no idea how to use 'em.19:12
TwoDI'm trying to get a Wacom Graphire Bluetooth working in Jaunty, which I've had before, but it refuses to pair with my computer. I found a forum thread linking to the wiki, which was linking back to a forum thread, which had been moved to the wiki and the loop was closed... I followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=674738&p=7156808 and I'm still trying. Any info on pairing appreciated.19:13
swayedHey I have this folder I can not figure out how to delete - It has a lock on it - If anyone can point me in the right direction would appreciate it - http://bayimg.com/OACdJAaCH ?19:13
newserAncientSocrates, how  did you manage to install it from usb? Can you run directly from usb?19:13
AncientSocratesnewser: its good, ms has made applications more responsive, and at games benchmarks show it is very good for a beta19:13
maxx_unop: thank you, trying19:13
AncientSocratesnewser: use unetbootin, with an iso of the os you want to install . to make a bootable usb with that os19:14
AncientSocratesthen choose to boot from usb19:14
mshafiullahgrawity: the entry in shadow for the account I am trying to reset the password of has a ! in the password hash field. Could that be it?19:14
TwoDswayed, right-click -> Properties -> Rights19:14
[Ramy]how can I compress a folder to tar.gz ?19:14
jrib[Ramy]: sure19:14
jrib[Ramy]: right click -> create archive19:14
devmancould someone take a look at this screen: http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/571/snapshot1d.png , and maybe tell me why my mic still refuses to work? When I turn mic boost up, I can hear myself, so the mic works, it's just that applications refuse to see it19:14
[Ramy]jrib, using the command line ?19:14
mshafiullahgrawity: doesn't that mean it is locked?19:14
newserAncientSocrates, does it really work using unetbootin, cause sometimes it does not work19:14
grawitymshafiullah: the ! simply means "account is locked and has no password", but it should not prevent resetting it.19:14
jrib[Ramy]: tried the EXAMPLES section of « man tar » ?19:15
n8tuserswayed look into lsattr and chattr  to perhaps change the attributes19:15
[Ramy]jrib, thanks I forgot :)19:15
mshafiullahgrawity: that's what I thought . Maybe something with my pam common-passwd file setup?19:15
AncientSocratesnewser : for me it works fine19:15
billeniumHow do i install PCRE library?19:15
AncientSocratesand most people19:15
grawitymshafiullah: might be, pastebin?19:15
ajamison5579yeay no more looping i had a continous loop of Robbie saying "and then"19:16
=== krinkle is now known as Guest43438
mshafiullahgrawity: password sufficient pam_unix.so nullok use_authtok md5 shadow19:16
mshafiullahpassword sufficient pam_krb5.so use_authtok19:16
Shortguy109Does anyone know how I can get my USB headphones to work? I've no idea how to use 'em.19:16
newserAncientSocrates, do you know if there are compatibility issues on software like xp apps on vista?19:16
mshafiullahgrawity: sorry kinda new to irc19:17
ajamison5579i thought you were gonna sing and dance for the test19:17
bullgard4Evolution shows sender' name and address  and subject together with a symbol "open letter envelope with a yellow asterisk." What does this symbol mean?19:17
mshafiullahgrawity: how do I paste something?19:17
pide-qqun a un apple time capsule svp ?19:17
AncientSocratesnewser: i dont know, but in 7 right now maybe19:17
mshafiullahgrawity: password sufficient pam_unix.so nullok use_authok md5 shadow19:18
=== Tniffoc is now known as Guest90362
grawitymshafiullah: http://dpaste.com/ -- or there's a command 'pastebinit'19:18
Guest90362Is it illegal to reverse engineer something even if you don't copy anythign out of it?19:18
bullgard4pide-: Svp Englais.19:18
geophysics1how can I reduce number of my desktops19:18
Dr_WillisGuest90362:  depends on the laws/licensing i imagine..19:18
Dr_WillisGuest90362:  not really a Ubuntu specific topic. :) more of a legal thing.19:19
FlannelGuest90362: Try #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.  (actually, there might be better channels other than that, but this certainly isn't one of them)19:19
=== nelson is now known as nelsonc
Guest90362alright. sorry19:19
papapepgeophysics: just click with the alternate button upon the virtual desktop applet and modify its settings19:19
grawitymshafiullah: by the way, here's the standard common-password of Ubuntu Jaunty: http://sprunge.us/MDcc19:20
mshafiullahgrawity: http://dpaste.com/66256/19:20
ajamison5579did you tell they you use the hell out of manny cam19:20
velcroshoozI am trying to reinstall grub after a windows install and am getting this error - http://www.pastebin.org/1198 can anyone help?19:21
ajamison5579Bonus features19:21
ska178ok. I'm an ubuntu noob. I've tried to install wow with every guide i've come in contact with. i fail..can anyone help? lol19:21
=== roman_ is now known as _rot_
Flannelajamison5579: Is there something we can help you with today?19:21
lupin__No , thanx19:22
Dr_Willisvelcroshooz:  i normally install grub to the mbr of the hard drive.. ie: /dev/sda  NOT /dev/sda519:22
mshafiullahgrawity: I'm using hardy server 8.04.319:22
ajamison5579opps wrong chat room19:22
mneptokska178: "lol" is not a period.19:22
ajamison5579to many chat rooms19:22
Spike1506is it possible to switch of the visuel effects via command line? i wanna play a game via wine but the visual effects have to be turned of for that (performance loss)19:22
velcroshoozDr_Willis: well that makes sense. let me try that19:22
* velcroshooz crosses fingers19:23
Dr_Willisvelcroshooz: you may want to reread the '!fixgrub' factoid/urls also.. and the grub docs Its worth learning the ins and outs of grub19:23
ajamison5579those comments ment to be posted at #category519:23
ska178mneptok: i appreciate the comment but i'm actually looking for help19:23
Dr_WillisGrub is a very... interesting tool.19:23
swtaarrsis there a way to get an official firefox 3.5 build for 64-bit ubuntu, not shiretoko?19:23
maxx_still the same problem with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT :( unset LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT in ~/.profile didn't help :( any other ideas?19:24
mneptokska178: you'll get better help faster if you avoid such things, IME19:24
* Dr_Willis changes his icon name from shiretoko to 'Firefox3.9' and laughs!19:24
bjorkintoshdoes resizing a partition automatically delete data?19:24
bjorkintosh... i'm using gparted.19:24
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:   there are tools that can resize without data loss (but alwyas have backups)19:24
Devon_Cdoes anyone know if there's a function for wiping rewritable CD roms?19:24
mneptokska178: also, you might want to tell people what steps you have taken. what error messages (if any) you are getting. etc etc.19:24
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  gparted can do that.19:24
Devon_Cit won't let me just erase the files19:25
Jhacker/:mono develop//project: Ubuntu Command replacement spyware: for more information contact me at www.bori1517.webs.com19:25
Jhackerubuntu users:19:25
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  i find vista/win7 MUCh faster at resizeing NTFs filesystems then gparted. as in 20x+ times faster19:25
papapepbjorkintosh: nop, it resizes the partition. But be carefull to leave enough room for the data, of course :)19:25
bjorkintoshokay. it's a live disk... and i had some extra space19:25
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=== xomas_ is now known as xomas
bjorkintoshso i thought i might expand it via the cd installer.19:26
_rot_hey! i have a problem concerning a eee901 - i lost sound on the internal speakers with the last update i made - there is some kind of "ispeaker" switch in alsa but it does not change anything if i set it - sound on the headphone jack is ok... strange thing but could not find any posts that helped me19:26
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  expand what exactly?19:26
papapepbjorkintosh: you can19:26
earthmeLonDr_Willis: I am messing with wpa_supplicant and can connect to the router when I run the command, but when I try to up/down it with ifconfig, it will not connect.  Is this still valid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo#Final%20installation%20(Ubuntu%206.10%20(Edgy)) ?19:26
mneptokJhacker: is there a question you want to ask? or are you just going to spam?19:26
Dr_WillisearthmeLon:  i know very little about wireless..  other then that mine works...19:26
bjorkintoshdr willis, i have two partitions...19:26
comicinkerwhat's up with planet.ubuntu.com?19:26
bjorkintoshand i'm trying to merge the two.19:26
bjorkintoshone constaining no data, the other containing my ubuntu install19:27
Flannel!ff35 | swtaarrs19:27
ubottuswtaarrs: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY19:27
Junius_rot_: are you using the right audio device sound works fine on my 901 after updates19:27
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  so one is empty? you can delete the empty one.. then enlarge the other.19:27
ubottuPlanet Ubuntu (blogs of Ubuntu developers and members) can be found at http://planet.ubuntu.com19:27
Flannelswtaarrs: See the explanation of why we don't call it 3.5, if you're really in need of the official branding, you'll want to get the binaries from mozilla.19:27
bjorkintoshthat's precisely what i did. i just wanted to make sure no data would be lost.19:27
mshafiullahgrawity: only other thing I can remember of is that I once manually edited the shadow file. Would that screw up things?19:27
grawitymshafiullah: possible19:28
_rot_Junius: it worked fine till today sometime - it works under windows and it works on the headphone jack19:28
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  it alwyas a good idea to have backups.. and what filesystem are these?19:28
_rot_Junius: its quite strange i think...19:28
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  the UUID might change on  the one getting enlarged. (ive never figured out what gparted actions change the UUID. but i know some can change the UUID)19:28
Junius_rot_: if you go into the volume control doe sit say HDA Intel (AlsaMixer) and are both PCM and lienout turned up?19:29
bjorkintoshand then i added a swap partition.19:29
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  so you may want to jot down the current UUID to verify after its done.19:29
brummbaer456anybody have experience with TimeVault in Jaunty? i'm looking for a good back-up util, and TimeVault seems pretty slick if it works as well as it looks19:29
comicinkerseams like packages.ubuntu.com is down and planet.ubuntu.com doesn't refresh anymore since a couple of days. what's up with all those sites?19:29
bjorkintoshhopefully it would help speed ubuntu up a tiny bit.19:29
MyrttiToXBoT: hi19:29
bjorkintoshfreebsd was so much faster, but the linux depends were too annoying.19:29
swtaarrsFlannel: ok, is there a way to get 64-bit builds from mozilla? I haven't found any on their ftp site19:30
fwaokdahow can i watch dvds through vlc media player? in jaunty ??19:31
Flannelswtaarrs: I have no idea, sorry.  You might ask #ubuntu-mozillateam, they'd be more familiar with the way mozilla does stuff by me19:31
swtaarrsFlannel: alright, thanks19:31
suaiizanyone wanna suck my dick?19:31
Junius_rot_: did you do update from 8.04 to 9.04 or something - you may need to install the new kernel from array.org if you haven't done so19:32
fwaokdahe must have been looking for #apple19:32
RamonsterWhat is needed to support php? I got MySQL-server5.1, PHP5 and Apache2 running but If I got to my website the browser just downloads the php files and doesnt actually show them19:32
mneptokRamonster: you need to tell your apache config file how to handle .php files19:32
Ramonstermneptol: How do I do this?19:32
Myrtti!tab | Ramonster19:33
ubottuRamonster: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:33
Flannelfwaokda: That's not really necessary19:33
grawityRamonster: if you installed PHP from apt, then it should've set up everything -- try sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload19:33
Dr_Williswow - firefox popped up a tab suggesting i upgrade.. :)  http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/upgrade.html19:33
mneptokRamonster: you edit your apache config file and tell it to interpret .php files through the PHP interpreter rather than just serve them19:33
grawityRamonster: try installing libapache2-mod-php519:33
fwaokdaFlannel, my apologies sir19:34
Ramonstergrawity: did that19:34
_rot_Junius: yes i think i have the current array.org kernel installed - i did not change much since yesterday - only the regular security updates  - i don't really understand it why iit should suddely stop wqworking19:34
Poincare101HOla from telnet19:34
Ramonsterthanks guys, its working19:34
Ramonstergrawity: turns out I just had to restart the server19:34
Poincare101shit this is cool19:35
Junius_rot_: your right it is strange. sounds stupid but have you restarted the 901. sometimes ALSA locks up if more than 1 app tries to use sound at the same time.19:35
mneptokRamonster: before you start serving PHP you should reallt take some time and learn how Apache is configured. you don't want to fly a jet without knowing what the joystick is for. ;)19:35
_rot_Junius: yes sure i restarted it19:36
mobi-sheepmneptok: That's what the parachutes are for. :)19:36
icehawk78I'm trying to assign my computer a static IP, but I can't get it to both accept a static IP and be able to load external websites for some reason. If I have it automatically get info from the DHCP it connects fine, and local network can connect with a static IP. Any suggestions?19:37
=== goose|afk is now known as goose
Myrtti!away > goose19:37
mneptokmobi-sheep: sadly, most people trying to access your webserver don't like the "sudo invoke-rc.d httpd stop" parachute19:37
ubottugoose, please see my private message19:37
youseenothing_icehawk78: are you setting dns servers as well?19:37
mshafiullahgrawity: I fixed it! I had the use_authok option to pam_unix.so in my common-password which once removed let me reset the password19:37
jerroomeicehawk78 : that probably is because of the gateway or dns19:37
TwoDMy Wacom Graphire refuses to pair with my computer. I even got it to pair with my phone, but my computer just says it's unable to connect as soon as I select the wacom for pairing.19:37
icehawk78youseenothing_: I... don't think so? Where would I need to set those at?19:38
gooseoh shove it Myrtti, it's a nick change, it's less annoying that your highlight and get a bot to send me a PM19:38
jerroomedns should be inside the file /etc/resolv.conf and the gateway inside /etc/network/interfaces19:38
=== jamie is now known as Guest63700
youseenothing_icehawk78: right-click on your network-manaer icon in the top right19:39
goosegoing to spam jamie too, Myrtti? he did just change nicks to guest, after all19:39
mneptokgoose: wrong answer.19:39
icehawk78youseenothing_: In /etc/network/interfaces, I set the address, netmask, network, broadcast and gateway to the same settings that recently worked.19:39
youseenothing_icehawk78: select edit connections19:39
dduckare the ext4 bugs fixed in ubuntu 9.04 ?19:39
youseenothing_icehawk78: select your interface and click edit19:39
Junius_rot_: Is the headphone setting at 100% if so turn it down and restart the eee19:39
youseenothing_icehawk78: select ipv4 settings19:39
youseenothing_icehawk78: set them there19:39
=== r_ is now known as FabParma
icehawk78youseenothing_: eth0 doesn't show up in the network connections, I'm guessing because when I look at it, it shows it as"device not managed"19:40
TravizAlgum brazuca pra me ajudar com um servidor dns19:40
youseenothing_icehawk78: if you want to do it from the cli:  sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf19:41
youseenothing_icehawk78: the syntax would be:  nameserver
jerroomeicehawk78 : pastebin /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces ...19:41
dduckor: is it OK to install ubuntu 9.04 on ext4?19:41
_rot_Junius: the only thing that really happened is that it fell on the ground (which trashed my brand new 500gb external wd hd but did not hurt my eee) but as the speaker is working under windows it can be only software - well anyway i just wish tere would be soome kind of diagnostics i could do  - to what level should i turn it - sometging like eg 50%19:41
youseenothing_icehawk78: or sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf19:42
Junius_rot_: anything that isnt 100% i remember that on my ee if it was at 100 it would think it was at 0 -- also its a good idea to go through the list of devices in volume control and just make sure nothing is muted19:42
youseenothing_icehawk78: depends on what you feel confortable editing with19:42
mobi-sheep_rot_: Try "sudo alsactl init" and see if that helps.19:43
henkboomdoes anyone know what package I need to install to get the opengl man pages19:43
_rot_junius: ok thx ill try that19:43
icehawk78resolv.conf appears to be completely empty19:43
jerroomehenkboom : if you installed manpages-dev, they should be automatically added on install19:44
jerroomeicehawk78 : you need to fix it inside that file19:45
henkboomjerroome: I only installed manpages-dev recently, do I need to reconfigure the mesa package or something to get them?19:45
icehawk78youseenothing: I'm guessing that rosolv.conf should have... well, anything at all, in it? Is there somewhere I can look to figure out what my DNS servers should be for my network - it's all DHCP everywhere else, I just need static IP on this computer19:45
arooni_____on firefox 3.11 (or latest not 3.5) version on ubuntu ibex, flash video is really jerky ... even though i have plenty of ram and cpu.  ideas?19:45
Nameless_aui am using the kubuntu live cd on a usb. i boot off it fine (usplash comes up) but then x doesnt start - instead i go into some cheap terminal shell. what am i doing wrong?? this is very annoying...19:45
jerroomehenkbooé : I don't think so ...19:45
santanu_while adding space into gtk text view continuously the textview size is expanding even if i set the wrapping mode. Can any body help me to fix this?19:46
jerroomehenkboom : sorry for your name :)19:46
grawityNameless_au: does it say anything before dropping to the shell? (it's busybox, btw)19:46
_rot_mobi-sheep: gives Unknown hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Realtek ALC269" "HDA:10ec0269,1043831a,00100004" "" "" Hardware is initialized using a guess method - does not sound too good i guess19:46
henkboomjerroome: hmm, I don't get anything when I try "man glOrtho" though19:46
geophysics1papapep: BUT there is no settings about desktop number,  columns and rows19:46
Nameless_augrawity yeah it states some .dev file failed to load19:47
jerroomeicehawk78 : have a look at a pc configured with dhcp ...19:47
geophysics1papapep:   just columns and rows are there i mean19:47
mobi-sheep_rot_: that command initialize driver to a default state.19:47
santanu_continuously the textview size is expanding even if i set the wrapping mode. Can any body help me to fix this?19:47
papapepgeophysics1: in mine there are...are you using Gnime or KDE?19:47
twig11Why would I keep getting a bad header error when I try to install anything under 9.04?19:47
geophysics1papapep:  gnome19:47
mobi-sheep_rot_: It have helped my situation and other people I helped by resetting.19:47
icehawk78jerroome: I've got plenty of those handy, I'm just not sure where to look, or what exactly it is I'm looking for.19:48
grawitytwig11: can you pastebin the entire error message?19:48
_rot_mobi-sheep: but "unknown hardware" hm is that ok?19:48
papapepgeophysics1: in mine it says "workspace number"19:48
papapepgeophysics1: or something like that, that's a translation from my language19:48
jerroomeicehawk .19:48
mobi-sheep_rot_: Probably okay.19:48
geophysics1papapep:  so do you use kde19:48
papapepgeophysics1: nope19:49
jerroomeicehawk78 : usually it's the IP of your router19:49
evelyetteI have a  problem with my sound19:49
evelyetteit doesn't work19:49
geophysics1papapep:  hmm so what may be my problem?  i installed and unisntaled  compiz fusion befaore19:49
jerroomeif you're behind one19:49
evelyetteand I don't know why19:49
FloodBot2evelyette: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:49
mobi-sheep_rot_: "aplay -l" will list all your audio hardwares.19:49
papapepgeophysics1: got no idea19:49
twig11grawity: http://pastebin.com/me338e2a19:49
geophysics1papapep:  ok my friend thank you19:49
jerroomehenkboom : I don't know19:50
papapepgeophysics1: can you paste a snapshot of your workspace setting in imageshark or similar?19:50
henkboomjerroome: that's ok, thanks for the help19:50
grawitytwig11: that's strange, can you open any of those URLs in your web browser?19:50
devmanis there a known problem with recording devices in the mic jack with hda nvidia cards?19:50
_rot_mobi-sheep: well this gives me the "ALC269 Analog"19:51
devmanbecause I have tried EVERYTHING19:51
papapepups, I meant imageshack19:51
mobi-sheep_rot_: There usually are Ubuntu Community Hardware Supports for popular specs.  You might want to try your search there and see if anything turns up.19:51
geophysics1papapep:   http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/3003/screenshotbfg.png19:51
bjorkintoshgood. it was succesful.19:52
Zorael^2What's typical of fonts labeled "UI"? For instance, there's "Andale Sans", "Andale Sans Mono" and then "Andale Sans UI"?19:52
ktneis there any way i can run some sort of virtual X session to which i can disconnect and reconnect later?19:52
L3dPlatedLinuxi put my laptop in hibernation and cant get it out.any ideas on how to fix ?19:52
grawityZorael^2: I think the "UI" ones are designed to be used for user interfaces - menus, buttons, etc.19:52
papapepgeophysics1: uh...wich ubuntu version do you use?19:52
Zorael^2grawity: That seems logical, but what qualities would such a font have that normal fonts don't? I mean, it makes sense, but at the same time it doesn't :)19:53
L3dPlatedLinuxall i see is the boot splash19:53
grawityZorael^2: Don't know. Compare them and see - gnome-specimen19:54
Junius_rot_: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=74916&p=2   an arch user has the same problem as you, the solution there on page 2 may not work on ubunut but it might be worth a shot19:55
djlid7help, my sound is all crazy.. it goes like a cassett tape.. totaly messed up...19:55
djlid7what to do?19:55
djlid7total torture... can't play back anything19:55
OttifantSirdjilid7: Don't spell out your question on more than one line, or the floodbots may kick you.19:56
djlid7anyone have an idea why the sound distorts like that?19:56
papapepgeophysics1: http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/2084/captura.png look at my settings...fair differents...19:56
Svish|eeeWhy does the Ubuntu install suggest USA keyboard in Step 3 when i JUST chose Europe\Oslo in Step 2 as my timezone? Wouldn't a better suggestion then be Norway?19:56
djlid7OttifantSir: ok19:56
ceyhanIntel 82801FB headphone jack not working19:57
jribSvish|eee: file a bug19:57
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:57
y7deluxehow do i reformat an hdd from the gui?19:57
y7deluxeor is it easy to do from a terminal?19:57
icerooty7deluxe: gparted19:57
geophysics1dont you use gnome 2.2619:57
y7deluxewhat's that mean iceroot?19:58
jerroomey7deluxe : try gparted19:58
papapepgeophysics1: 2.26.119:58
OttifantSirSvishJee: Which install are you running?19:58
y7deluxei type gparted into the terminal? and then select the hdd from there or something?19:58
geophysics1papapep:   same with minei  interesting :)19:58
papapepbut this settings appear from long time ago...19:58
twig11grawity: if i just enter one of those URLs in my browser, it does a google search on it and displays results19:58
Svish|eeeOttifantSir: desktop ubuntu 9.04 x64 install19:58
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:58
jerroome!gparted > y7deluxe19:59
ubottuy7deluxe, please see my private message19:59
icerooty7deluxe: sudo apt-get install gparted   to install gparted and then run it with gksudo gparted19:59
icerooty7deluxe: or start it from the application menu19:59
y7deluxeis there any way to view the hdd to confirm there are zero files left on the hdd before i reformat it?20:00
OttifantSirSvish|ee: Never heard that one before, and I haven't run any 64-bit installs, so I don't know what happens there. Let me see if I can hunt down how to post a bug unless someone else beats me to it. Don't have to do it very often, really.20:00
Svish|eeeCould someone point me to an ok guide on how to set up raid 1 during ubuntu 9.04 install?20:00
icerooty7deluxe: yes, you can mount the hdd, to see what it contains20:00
Svish|eeeOttifantSir: already got a link to launchpad or something. so Im posting a bug now :)20:00
y7deluxedoes that show hidden files and whatnot iceroot?20:00
iceroot!mount | y7deluxe20:00
ubottuy7deluxe: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount20:00
banditpowerHello world.  I caused an error on my server.  Here's the shindig: i have ubuntu intrepid that had wordpress running on apache2.  I installed ispcp but then I couldn't access phpmyadmin or my site.  My solution was to configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf and /etc/apache2/ports.conf to serve ispcp on another port and an appropriate vhost on port 80.  However, now php isn't working out of the site i set to port 820:00
billeniumhow can i adda second user with root permissions?20:01
icerootbillenium: system-administration-user and groups20:01
devmanbillenium, system, admin, users and groups20:01
devmandang, ninja'd20:01
icerootbillenium: there you can add a user in the root-group20:01
unopbillenium, just make sure the second user is in the 'admin' group20:01
icerootbillenium: its a normal user which can use sudo20:01
unopiceroot, there's a difference between the 'root' and 'admin' groups tho ..20:02
icerootunop: then its the admin-group20:03
unopiceroot, i'm assuming if he wants the user to be able to use sudo - he wants the 'admin' group20:03
icerootunop: billenium | how can i adda second user with root permissions?20:03
needhelp1does anyone here use GRAMPS?20:03
icerootunop: this sounds for me like the root-group20:03
iceroot!anyone | needhelp120:03
ubottuneedhelp1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:03
unopiceroot, well, we know how people word questions in here - they usually want B when they ask for A20:04
icerootunop: yes, you are right20:04
billeniumor they ask C when they want 420:04
icerootunop: but if i am correct you can only choose desktop user and admin user20:04
needhelp1I need help with GRAMPS20:04
L3dPlatedLinuxis there anyway to use a live cd to repair from hibernation ?20:04
DhavaL_I need help, please.20:04
iceroot!ask | needhelp120:04
ubottuneedhelp1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:04
DhavaL_My screen freezes;20:04
DhavaL_I login, and it freezes20:05
unopiceroot, from the users-admin menu - i dunno really, it's been a while since i used it or gnome20:05
mdkessHi, is there any way to make Synaptic always sort my searches by package name? It seems to sort them randomly now.20:05
DhavaL_I pressed ctrl+alt+F1 and...20:05
DhavaL_I logged in as root20:05
icerootunop: normaly ubuntu is not using root, so i geuss there is only admin and not root20:05
FabParmaDoes exist a GUI program to backup windows shared into a Lan? I need to automate the backups and get a log when finished via email. On m$ platforms there is a program that does this, his name it is "Cobian Backup". I hope to find one equal or better then this. Thank you for help me20:05
DhavaL_I logged into root, and typed gdm start, and then went to ctrl+alt+F7 and I get a black screen!20:06
DhavaL_Help me, somebody.20:06
jerroomeDhaval : have a look at your xorg log file, you will find it inside the /var/log/ and named Xorg.X.log20:06
DhavaL_Yeah and what should I do?20:06
unopiceroot, well, again that's not strictly true - the root user is always being used (without it a lot of daemons wouldn't run) -- it's just that the root user is not allowed a logon (the account is locked)... but then again, he's interested in the groups - not the users - a different story altogether20:06
DhavaL_what should I look for in the log file?20:07
UTZXUBIRUhello i have xp guest running on ubuntu host, one partition ext3 for ubuntu, another one for swap and two other left untouched now i d like to move the .vdi to another partition which file system should i use?20:07
jerroomeif Xorg has difficulty to start, it will probably be written there why20:07
icerootunop: you know what i mean :)20:07
Bogus8anyone have a good guide/how to or even just the programs I would/should use to set up an email server (eventually to go live on a linode with a couple of domains, pop3 and webmail)?20:07
unopiceroot, errm, do i? :)20:07
icerootunop: i hope so :)20:07
[R]UTZXUBIRU: it doesnt really matter20:08
unopiceroot, i wasn't sure the way that was worded :)20:08
DhavaL_It's called 'The Black Screen fo death'. I uninstalled compiz, and it still did not work20:08
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: As long as Ubuntu can mount it and read it, choose whichever you like, then move the vdi there and change the settings in VirtualBox.20:08
Svish|eeenobody has any good pointers on how to set up raid 1 during ubuntu install?20:09
callum_hey everyone - im just wondering if anyone knows of a goood irc server that people use and alot of uses20:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about raid120:09
Svish|eee!raid 120:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about raid 120:09
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:09
needhelp1callum_: google IRCD20:09
UTZXUBIRUis it safe to run xp guest .vdi image from a fat32 partition, that way i think i could save file from xp in fat32 and use tehm in both ubuntu and xp20:09
jerroomeDhaval : make a backup of your xorg.conf file and then use the command sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg20:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ircd20:09
callum_what is it?20:09
needhelp1callum_: or are you asking for a popular server to chat on20:09
[R]UTZXUBIRU: fat32 can only hold 4gb files... i'm sure your vdi is larger than that20:09
needhelp1or are you wanting to start your own server20:09
jerroomeDhaval : /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:09
callum_needhelp1: a popular server that people chat on please.20:09
icerootunop: i have looked up, there is only administrator, desktop user and unprivilleged20:10
needhelp1this server20:10
DhavaL_I know jerroome20:10
UTZXUBIRU[R] what should i do then?20:10
DhavaL_Just one question: What does dpkg do?20:10
OttifantSirUSZXUBIRU: At least NTFS is required. ext3 seems to fit your needs best.20:10
y7deluxei downloaded a file with firefox... i can't find it... how do i perform a search?20:10
callum_needhelp1: How do i get a room list using XCHAT On Ubuntu please.20:10
jerroomeman dpkg20:10
ktneanyone here can help me with xinetd?20:10
needhelp1type /list20:10
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.20:10
edbianDhavaL_: dpkg is the base leve package manager.  It is the backend to apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, and add/remove20:10
[R]y7deluxe: its probably in ~/Desktop20:10
UTZXUBIRUubuntu doenst let me format to ntfs20:10
callum_Thankyou so much x20:10
billeniumwhat is the package that is like building essentials?20:11
CorpXwhere's proftpd.conf? ive looked in /etc/ and /usr/local/etc/20:11
billeniumbuild essentials maybe..?20:11
UTZXUBIRUand xp doenst safely read ext3 does it?20:11
DhavaL_so its like a previous version of apt?20:11
edbianCorpX: use locate!  locate proftpd.conf20:11
y7deluxe[R], it's not there... is there a way to perform a search?20:11
UTZXUBIRUor write20:11
Bogus8anyone have a good guide/how to or even just the programs I would/should use to set up an email server (eventually to go live on a linode with a couple of domains, pop3 and webmail)?20:11
jerroomebillenium : build-essential20:12
CorpXit doesnt do anything20:12
CorpXthe local command that is20:12
DhavaL_I have a (girl)friend coming tomorrow man. I want to show her the power of compiz20:12
[R]y7deluxe: in the firefox preferences, it'll tell you where it downloads files20:12
Bogus8UTZXUBIRU: there are some drivers for windows that read/writes ext20:12
OttifantSiry7deluxe: try running find and locate with the filename from terminal: find foobar.file20:12
papapepCorpX: first type "sudo updatedb" and repeat the locate20:12
BullaroI got a problem with NX:NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 551220:12
BullaroNX> 285 Enabling check on switch command20:12
BullaroNX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files20:12
BullaroNX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options20:12
Bullarossh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused20:12
FloodBot2Bullaro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
Nameless_auDhavaL_ that'll get u some!20:12
y7deluxeOttifantSir, [R] , thanks for the help.20:12
DhavaL_I hope so... I sure do hope so.20:12
callum_ineedhelp1: what is a room you would reccomend for a 19 year old male who's into tech etc20:13
JuniusUTZXUBIRU: do you want to install ubuntu on an NTFS partition because you can't20:13
Nameless_auDhavaL_ LOL20:13
vikCan anybody tell me if there is an other solution to browse audio streams than Streamtuner?20:13
DhavaL_But f0ck that now.20:13
icerootvik: vlc20:13
JuniusUTZXUBIRU: there is only support for ext2/3/4/xfs&jfs20:13
OttifantSirJunius: He wants to move a VM-drive onto an unused partition, and read and write from that partition in both Ubuntu and Windows.20:13
needhelp1callum_: what are you trying to accomplish ?20:13
callum_Oh Btw i have a small issues, I deleted firefox and installed opera and got the sudo apt-get command to get flash but youtube isn't working still.20:13
BullaroMy ubuntu machine is refusing connections from Putty/NX... why is this?20:14
DhavaL_I am gonna jack off right now , maybe chill on some channel, and then go to bed.20:14
UTZXUBIRUi want to move a .vdi to another partition, this image runs win xp so i thought of which files ystem would suit me better20:14
callum_ineedhelp1: Oh Btw i have a small issues, I deleted firefox and installed opera and got the sudo apt-get command to get flash but youtube isn't working still.20:14
DhavaL_Can I be called a linux noob?20:14
jerroomeBullaro : do you have a ssh server running ?20:14
papapepBullaro: which user are you trying to connect with?20:14
callum_Any Help or ideas would be appreciated x20:14
needhelp1callum_: so reinstall firefox20:14
Bullaropapapep: the main user20:14
Nameless_auDhavaL_ it'll be cheaper and less time taken than your other option :)20:14
callum_i dislike firefox...20:14
needhelp1applications : add/remove20:14
papapepBullaro: which is the "main" user, root?20:14
OttifantSircallum: You deleted or purged/removed completely Firefox?20:15
DhavaL_Meh, I'm off. Thanks people. I'll be back if it doesn' work ok? If it does, I'll be back to thank you guys.20:15
papapepBullaro: or you mean the regular main user, that is not root20:15
needhelp1callum_: im not sure what else you should use, firefox is as good as it gets20:15
Bullaropapapep: no, ramon. But i get: Connection refused right after Connecting to
callum_ottifantsir: hi i deleted it using synaptics manager - not add.remove20:15
nsahoois it possible to make a window borderless?20:15
s1gmab3tadoes anyone know how to build mame from source?20:15
OttifantSircallum: Did you use Remove, or Remove Completely?20:15
Bullaropapapep: its still accepting connections form html/ftp20:16
callum_does opera work on flash on ubuntu20:16
CorpXhow do i connect to the ftp?  it only has a lan address right now?20:16
CorpXjust type in the local ip for server name?20:16
callum_ottifantsir i used completely remove - and delted the extras20:16
UTZXUBIRUBogus8: UTZXUBIRU: there are some drivers for windows that read/writes ext --- you mean hard disk?20:16
papapepBullaro: as somebody said, are you sure there is an ssh server listening?20:16
[R]s1gmab3ta: you download it and then follow the directions20:16
cyberghoser1why the sound applet in gnome come always with pcm as default? i changed it to master and it's ok now bu i just guess why20:16
s1gmab3ta[R] there are next to no directions20:16
legend2440callum_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-flash-working-in-opera-920.html20:16
Bogus8UTZXUBIRU: windows software drivers that read/writes to ext partitions20:16
psmurfettekdpcan someone help me please20:17
UTZXUBIRUlike ext2ntfs20:17
needhelp1does anyone know a way to create a family tree on ubuntu20:17
loner269can someone help me with sound please?20:17
[R]s1gmab3ta: i'm sure it comes with directions20:17
callum_thanks legend2440 x20:17
psmurfettekdpmy icons disappeared and i dont know how to get them back20:17
papapepBullaro: type "ps -e|grep ssh", and there should be an sshd process running, at least20:18
Bogus8UTZXUBIRU: I guess... I don't remember, haven't used it in a while... sounds right20:18
Bullaropapaped: The connection just disconnected. And after that i couldnt reconnect :S20:18
callum_i recenttly installed ubuntu 9.4 desktop on my asus eee 1000h and im loving it compared to windows20:18
papapepBullaro: well, but is the process still alive?20:18
geophysics1hey, in compiz fusion  i selected 4 desktops  and i activated  desktop cube and also rotate cube,  BUT  when i try to rotate my desktop  i just rotate two desktops like a pape,  what is problem20:18
loner269can someone help me on getting my sound rite please?20:18
legend2440needhelp1: there is a channel  #gramps    only 4 people in there now though20:18
nsahoois it possible to make a window borderless?20:18
OttifantSircallum: Right. Not too smart, then. Opera automatically uses the plugins downloaded for Firefox, and if you installed Flash before completely removing Firefox, you deleted Opera's bindings to Flash. Reinstall Firefox, close it, reinstall Flash. Open Opera, delete, not Remove Completely, Firefox. That should make it work again. Or probably do what legend2440 told you in his link.20:19
callum_i didnt like the netbook remix of ubuntu and when switching to desktop classic mode it has a bug that removes the start and icon bars. making it useless20:19
needhelp1legend2440: if you noticed i was one of those four lol20:19
legend2440needhelp1: oh ok20:19
needhelp1gramps isnt allowing me to add addition spouses or simplings20:19
needhelp1so i was looking for another way20:19
legend2440needhelp1: never tried gramps  sorry20:19
Bullaropapapep, restarted my server 10 mins ago, still cant reconnect20:19
howie when i log into my server it gives me load avg and # of system process and #users ect.. is there a cmd to show that at will?20:19
UTZXUBIRU[R]: UTZXUBIRU: fat32 can only hold 4gb files... i'm sure your vdi is larger than that -- THX20:20
Ti-devhi, what's the version of xorg in Jaunty?20:20
papapepBullaro: you mean it's a remote server? you can't access locally?20:20
needhelp1callum_: you know that opera is proprietary software right?20:20
Bullaropapapep, yeah20:20
mobi-sheepcallum_: You can add a Menu applet to your panel if bug took it off.20:20
[R]Ti-dev: 1.6.020:20
callum_ottifansir ill try and reiinstall firefox it looks a bit hard that link lol20:20
callum_thanks x20:20
Ti-dev[R]: Thanks!20:20
papapepBullaro: well, that adds some complications to the problem... :/20:20
Bullaropapaped: well, i could get to it locally. But its connected downstairs near the router without a monitor/keyboard and mouse20:21
Bullaropapapep: but I could get it up, cept.. it hast got any inet connections then20:21
OttifantSirneedhelp1: It's proprietary software that works better than Firefox IMO. It's also got an added advantage for me personally: It's Norwegian. Meaning, there aren't any "strange" translations in it like there is in Firefox and the other browsers.20:21
Bullaromaybe thats the problem... maybe the inet cable fell out20:21
papapepBullaro: then you should go and verify what happens to the sshd process...20:22
Bullaropapapep: brb... checking the cables :P20:22
callum_ineedhelp1: what is propriatary meaning i am a noob sorry x20:22
FabParmaDoes exist a GUI program to backup m$ shares to a linux? I need to automate the backups, data verification (like crc) and get a log when finished via email. On m$ platforms there is a program that does this, his name it is "Cobian Backup". I hope to find one equal or better then this. Thank you for help me20:22
UTZXUBIRUwhen running xp virtualization in ext3 partiton in which filesystem are the files being svaed ntfs or ext3?20:22
y7deluxehow do i use the remote desktop viewer in ubuntu?20:22
dunksUTZXUBIRU: ntfs20:22
mobi-sheepBullaro: "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh status" ---> sshd running?20:22
Bullaropapapep: Nope, that aint the problem (ofcourse since the HTTP/FTP does work)20:23
KirkHello~does anyone have an idea why 9.04 install hangs @ 82% "Configuring apt" with "scanning the mirror" displayed?20:24
papapepBullaro: what's not the problem, the cables?20:24
jerroomeBullaro : http and ftp don't have to do anything with ssh ...20:24
callum_ottifantsir: i installed firefox again and flash is working now what do i again please x just re-checking20:24
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: The files you save in the .vdi is saved in Windows-format. A way around your problem, as I understand it, is to make a folder besides the .vdi on the partition and share it with Samba. That way you don't have to worry about not being able to format NTFS on the partition from Ubuntu. You can just format it with ext3 or any of the other filesystems.20:25
Bullaropapapep: yes20:25
callum_WHY IS UBUNTU SO GOOD?20:25
Bullarocallum_ it isnt20:25
callum_I mean it's so much nicer than a windows OS.20:25
papapepBullaro: and also http and ftp depend on different services, so you HAVE to verify what happens with the ssh process...20:26
mobi-sheepcallum_: Linux is good.20:26
callum_Bullaro I think it is x and it beats my Imac G4 lol20:26
Bullaropapapep: but how do I do that? :P20:26
callum_Does anyone know if i can install ubuntu on my mac osx imac?20:26
OttifantSircallum_: If you REALLY don't want Firefox, go to Synaptic and delete it, but don't choose Remove Completely. That way, the config-files are still there.20:26
edbiancallum_: Yes you definitely can.20:26
jerroomeBullaro : ps -ef | grep ssh20:26
papapepI've told you before: go downstairs, and type "ps -e|grep sshd"20:26
callum_edbian omg really?20:26
edbiancallum_: I don't know about dual booting but I would guess probably20:26
Bullarojeroome: what does that do?20:26
edbiancallum_: Yeah.  Are they power pc or intel based?20:27
callum_imac g4 - power pc20:27
papapepBullaro: or the other order that jeroome has told, that does the some in another way20:27
callum_867mhz 1 GB Ram20:27
jerroomeBullaro : ps prints a list of running processes20:27
Bullaroallright.. but.. SSH is just supposed to start when the server starts right? cus I did restart my server and it still doesnt work :s20:28
jerroomeBullaro : and the pipe with grep just greps the string behind out of the list20:28
mneptokcallum_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/jaunty/release/20:28
CleanLaundryis there any advanced traceroute apps out there that shows more information?20:28
papapepBullaro: can you connect? no, then you have to find the reason, now do what you want..20:28
edbiancallum_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/PowerPC20:28
UTZXUBIRUOttifantSir ok, and i d like to use an iomega usb disk to save my NTFS files to. is it safe  to use it with xp virtualization running from ext3 right?20:28
bronsonI have: User has_many Friendships20:29
xosefestas en san ciprian cervo de 16 a 1920:29
bronsonsorry, never mind20:29
bronsonwrong channel20:29
lucaszephi all, i'd like to know about updates in ubuntu 9.04, if i should install all packages at the same time20:29
Bullaropapapep: brb20:29
edbiancallum_: Ignore that it is for ubuntu 5.  It should work with 9.04 as AFAIK20:29
OttifantSirGorram! I re-installed Compiz on my HTPC, forgetting Compiz and Moovida doesn't play very well. Somehow I put it in hibernation. Now it's running a disk-check on the internal drive, two 750GB externals and one 1TB external. It takes forever.....:-(20:29
cpdhello brazil20:29
jerroomeBullaro : sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:29
callum_edbian: can i use my 9.04 Disk on the g4 imac like now what do i do just put it in the drive i dont like mac osx20:29
xosehelou galiza20:30
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: As long as the disk is mountable inside the .vdi, it's safe. Or, as safe as the NTFS.20:30
cyberghoser1!ubuntu-es | xose20:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es20:30
papapepxose: this is not the place to talk in spanish20:30
UTZXUBIRUmoutby mountable you mean if i can access it from xp? yes.20:30
jerroomeBullaro : if it's already installed, just run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart20:30
edbiancallum_: According to the tutorial yeah.  Ubuntu should auto-detect the architecture.  It says you need to hold down the "c" key when booting with the disc in the drive.20:30
papapepxose: puedes ir a cualquier otro canal en castellano20:30
s1gmab3tadoes anyone know how to build MAME from source? the zip marked "all platforms" comes with no build instructions and running make in the folder containing a makefile results in make clearly looking for windows executables (mkdir.exe)20:31
edbiancallum_: "or else Command+Option+Shift+Delete"20:31
erpoI have ~20 ods files that I want to convert to csv. How can I do this?20:31
Bullarojerroome: thanks.. cant do it right now tho.. will do it tonight/tomorrow. For now I'm out. Did save your commands tho. Thanks for your help.. pappapep: Same for you^^20:31
lucaszephi cpd, im new on ubuntu20:31
callum_edbian: you rock my world today x haha thanks so much ill go try now x20:31
edbiancallum_: If you plan on installing over Mac OS X and giving ubuntu the entire harddrive I'm sure it's a very easy install.20:32
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: Yes, that's what I mean. If you can access it, it's as safe as NTFS.20:32
UTZXUBIRUhow do i remiove this msg from pidgin? "(08:31:36 PM) xxploit_ [n=xxploit@pool-71-176-186-195.hgrtmd.east.verizon.net] entered the room."20:32
edbiancallum_: NP20:32
woakusa network configuration shows the wireless connection but says "never" - what do I need to do to get rid of the "never"? help, please20:32
UTZXUBIRUOk man thx a lot20:32
edbiancallum_: Have fun!20:32
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: Do you mean, "How do I remove message like this one?" or do you mean "how do I remove this particular message?"20:33
UTZXUBIRUthat kind of msh20:33
=== Sinnerman is now known as Cobalt
UTZXUBIRUi know there is a waty but cant remenber...20:34
y7deluxei have 3 computers behind a switch. ubuntu ( windows XP (.102) and windowsXP (.105) my ubuntu machine can ping .102 but it cannot ping .105... yet my 102 machine can ping .101 and .105.... and my router detects all three. what could be causing my ubuntu machine to not be able to ping .105?20:35
loner269i need help with sound please20:35
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: Try pressing Ctrl + U, and see if you find a preference for Join/Part Hiding (or similar. I have it in Norwegian, and translating isn't always accurate) and enable it. You won't be rid of all of them, but most of them20:36
jerroomey7deluxe : are you sure the three IP's are 192.168.1.xxx ?20:36
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: You may need to be in the main/Contacts-window.20:36
y7deluxemy router is
UTZXUBIRUyes that it thnaks20:36
callum_edbian: are you here20:37
youseenothing_y7deluxe: is the windows firewall turned on for .102?20:37
edbiancallum_: yeah :)  What's up?20:37
y7deluxeyouseenothing, it's turned off for both, .102 and .10520:38
jerroomey7deluxe : can you ping from 105 ?20:38
callum_edbian: i know this might sound dumb but my mac has no dvd drive and my ubuntu copy is on dvd can i move the ubuntu on the dvd to my windows desktop and put it on a cd20:38
y7deluxejerroome, let me go try. one second20:38
callum_edbian: or can i burn the dvd to cd using one disk drive - dvd writable? on windows20:39
edbiancallum_: Depends.  Did you download an ISO of a DVD or an iso or a CD and simply burn it to a DVD.20:39
edbianor an iso of a CD*20:39
thestarlionI need a bit of help. I need to resize the main partition on my ubuntu computer, the active one, but I can't because it's mounted. I can't use a live cd because there's no cd drive, and the usb port is dead. is it possible to resize the active partition somehow20:39
Bogus8UTZXUBIRU: I guess... I don't remember, haven't used it in a while... sounds right20:39
callum_edbian: i got the iso of the ubuntu site and burnt it to a dvd coz cd wasn't working for me20:39
deanyUTZXUBIRU,   set irc_conf_mode ON20:39
Bogus8UTZXUBIRU: oops, disregard... typo20:39
y7deluxejerroome, i was wrong about .102 being able to ping .105... i cannot ping .105, but my router detects it.20:39
pw-toxichow can i find out which datarates my network card does support?20:40
Bogus8anyone have a good guide/how to or even just the programs I would/should use to set up an email server (eventually to go live on a linode with a couple of domains, pop3 and webmail)?20:40
callum_DVD-R 4.7GB20:40
=== Ursinha is now known as unemployed
disco_stuHi all20:40
deanyUTZXUBIRU,   and put it in connect command for the server20:40
soreauy7deluxe: Try deleting the ubuntu rules with 'iptables -F'20:40
Bogus8would you guys say this is a good article?  http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/20:40
edbiancallum_: You need an iso of a CD to burn an ubuntu CD.  A dvd iso will only fit on an iso.  How large is the DVD if you put it in the drive?20:40
y7deluxealright, i'll work on it. thanks for the help20:40
edbiana dvd iso will only fit on a DVD*20:40
youseenothing_y7deluxe: the ubuntu iptables rules would not by default block icmp replies20:40
jerroomey7deluxe ; so only your windows machines can ping each other ?20:40
thestarlionI need a bit of help. I need to resize the main partition on my ubuntu computer, the active one, but I can't because it's mounted. I can't use a live cd because there's no cd drive, and the usb port is dead. is it possible to resize the active partition somehow20:40
=== unemployed is now known as Ursinha
youseenothing_y7deluxe: if your linux box can ping 102 (winxp) but can't with 105 (winxp) i would check firewall first20:41
callum_edbian: 3.8GB remaning on dvd-r20:41
edbianthestarlion: get unetbootin.  It will allow you to boot from an ISO on your harddrive.  It doesn't always work perfectly but it usually works pretty well.20:41
youseenothing_y7deluxe: firewall on the 105 machine20:41
y7deluxejerroome, my ubuntu (.101) and windowsXP (.102) can ping each other.... my other windowsXP machine (.105) cannot be pinged by either of them.... but it can ping my router (
youseenothing_y7deluxe: because you said that 102 can't ping it either20:41
edbiancallum_: So was it a 1.2 GB file?  I don't know how big a DVD is20:41
y7deluxeyouseenothing, it's disabled... i promise20:41
youseenothing_y7deluxe: can your 105 machine ping 101?20:42
Nis2khello, can anyone help get my laptop tv out to work on my tv? Thanks!20:42
callum_edbian: dvd is 4.7GB And it was a 697MB Download ubuntu 9.0420:42
youseenothing_y7deluxe: and windows is known for turning the firewall back on after a reboot for updates20:42
soreauNis2k: Which graphics chipset?20:42
edbiancallum_: a 697MB file will fit on a CD :)20:42
Nis2ksoreau: nvidia20:42
viceshow to install input for asian languages?20:42
jerroomeyouseenothing : no he can't, you're probably right with the firewall on 10520:42
y7deluxeyouseenothing, i'll go test now.... gonna need a minute since i usually vnc into the machine... i gotta hook up a keyboard... the machine that usually vnc's into .105 is .100(but it's down right now due to hardware failures)20:42
soreauNis2k: Try nvidia-settings20:42
UTZXUBIRUi have a 30gb swap partiton because i thought i could use the extra space... now i d like to reduce it how large should it be?20:42
edbiancallum_: Do you have the original iso on your computer still?  I don't know how to make an iso from a CD but I"m sure it's possible.20:43
dunksUTZXUBIRU: about the size of your ram :p20:43
thestarlionedbian: thanks, going to try that now20:43
dunksor twice as much20:43
Nis2ksoreau: what should i look for there?20:43
youseenothing_y7deluxe: ok...and please make sure that the firewall is off and didn't suddenly get enabled20:43
dunksSo 30Gb is a bit much :D20:43
youseenothing_y7deluxe: for my sanity!20:43
soreauNis2k: Your tv display, to enable it20:43
dunksUTZXUBIRU: 2Gb would be about right20:43
callum_edbian: I know it just wouldn't burn for me, the ISO - to CD so used DVD and it worked? and i dont have the image, it deleted when i installed over windows20:43
UTZXUBIRUi have 3gb ram20:43
edbiancallum_: Get gnome-baker from the repos20:44
UTZXUBIRUshould i use 3 or 6gb20:44
UTZXUBIRUok ill go with 320:44
callum_edbian: so maybe i can rip thee dvd-r? copy whats on the dvd to my desktop and burn it to cd-r20:44
edbiancallum_: You can use it to make an .iso from a CD and you can use it to burn an iso onto a new blank CD :)20:44
dunksUTZXUBIRU: you'll only use swap if you go over 3Gb of RAM usage,20:44
youseenothing_y7deluxe: and why wouldn't you be able to vnc in from any other machine on your network?20:44
dunksand even then you'll probably not use much20:44
callum_ok ill get it now edbian20:44
youseenothing_y7deluxe: unless there are firewall rules blocking on 10520:44
youseenothing_brb...gotta run to the grocery store...20:45
edbiancallum_: Let's worry about burning it to a CD when we get to that step.  If you don't know why you couldn't do it before then there isn't much use trying to fix the problem before we get there.20:45
sephyI'm having trouble running oblivion" Shivering isles. I can get it open and ran, I'll hit New Game and it'll load and show the intro but after the intro is over all I get is a black screen. is there a fix to this or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be awesome.20:45
Nis2ksoreau: i see my tv on the layout but can get it to display any image20:45
soreausephy: Sounds like a graphics driver issue. Which one are you using?20:45
UTZXUBIRUwhat kind of software would make such use?20:45
callum_edbian: Ok thanks so much, It's installing Baker now20:45
Klownyhi guys20:45
sephyIf I knew the command to tell you, I would =/ soreau20:46
edbiancallum_: NP!20:46
Klownyi'm kind of ashamed to ask the question that i need to ask lol20:46
soreauNis2k: I'm not an nvidia user, so I don't know what else to tell you20:46
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UTZXUBIRUdoes watching videos requir a lot of ram? or simple dj software?20:46
callum_edbian: ok just opened baker program20:46
=== employed is now known as Iwasjoking
juanbond_hey guys, reading: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles,  confused on using the command line util for installing from img files.  i plugged in my usb key and tailed the last of dmesg, but don't understand how to get my device node...20:46
soreausephy: Well, which card do you have? ('lspci|grep VGA' in your terminal should tell you)20:46
y7deluxeyouseenothing, .105 can ping my router ( but it cannot ping .101 or .102...... and the firewall is still disabled in windows services20:46
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sephyIntel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)20:47
edbian callum_: Ok get your DVD in the drive and select "copy DVD" and select "only create image"20:47
jerroomey7deluxe : isn't your router denying access to 106 ?20:47
jerroome105 sorry20:47
twig11How do I get network-manager-gnome to show up on the tray? I know I have it installed, but it doesn't appear in the list when I right-click on the panel and select Add.20:47
edbiancallum_: And browse to a good place to put it ;)20:47
gognulinuxhi , why ubuntu is not using grub2 by default ?20:48
banditpowerHello world.  I caused an error on my server.  Here's the shindig: i have ubuntu intrepid that had wordpress running on apache2.  I installed ispcp but then I couldn't access phpmyadmin or my site.  My solution was to configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf and /etc/apache2/ports.conf to serve ispcp on another port and an appropriate vhost on port 80.  However, now php isn't working out of the site i set to port 820:48
zartanDoes anyone know what the nvidia glx envy package is for?20:48
edbiancallum_: Once you have the image on your harddrive then put a blank CD in the drive and select "burn CD image"20:48
y7deluxejerroome, i have my router setup to deny access for .105 to access the external internet... but my network goes router>switch> .101, .102, .105.... so .105 is behind the same switch as .101 and .10220:48
edbiancallum_: All of those are in the "tools" menu20:48
arrigonfr_!themes > arrigonfr20:49
Klownymy question is... i installed the 9.something of ubuntu as a windows application basically,while i was in xp... now how can i managed to explore to the windows files area so that i can take an iso that was on that of ubuntu (i had a virus and it made my cd burner not work but now it is under ubuntu) so that i can burn it in ubuntu20:49
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sephy@ soreau - Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)20:49
Schoen|Attichow can i disable bluetooth?20:49
legend2440Nis2k: you see tv in nvidia-settings?20:49
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n2diycan you determine your DNS server from the CLI?20:49
soreausephy: Do you have desktop effects enabled? If so, try disabling them20:49
arrigonfr_how can i get ubottu to tell me about themes, docks, widgets, etc?20:50
sephyOk. I'll try.20:50
callum_edbian: everytime i try and click somethng in gnomebaker the screen window is moving :(20:50
jerroomey7deluxe : in that case, I'm probably out of ideas  ...20:50
edbiancallum_: The screen window?20:50
y7deluxejerroome, my last shot is going to be changing .101 to .100 since it worked on that and test it to see if that works20:50
sephysoreau:  Let me test and see if it runs so il lbrb.20:50
Nis2klegend2440: yes20:50
callum_edbian: yeah the window on the screen for baker is moving everytime i click and goes back to this20:50
woakusnetwork connection shows the wireless connection but says "never" - how do I eliminate the "never", please help20:51
edbiancallum_: That's very odd.  You could try k3b.  It is a similar program for KDE.20:51
legend2440Nis2k: can i pm?20:51
Nis2klegend2440: i see my desktop on my tv now.. im trying to configure it to make it fit my tv screen20:51
Nis2klegend2440: yes20:51
Klownylol i am soooo lost right now20:51
twig11How do I get network-manager-gnome to show up on the tray? I know I have it installed, but it doesn't appear in the list when I right-click on the panel and select Add.20:52
arrigonfr_!enhancement > arrigonfr20:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enhancement20:52
n2diycan you determine your DNS server from the CLI?20:52
callum_edbian: it's working!20:52
UTZXUBIRUafter resizing a partiton to 3gb im left with 5 partions and one unsed of 25 gb i d like to merge it with another partition but im stuck in the resize dialog, i cant seem to be able to meve the whole 25gb i need to leave at least 1 mib in free space preceeding or 1 mib in free space following20:52
callum_edbian: i am buring image to DESKTOP XD20:53
edbiancallum_: So you get gnome-baker to work?20:53
jerroomen2diy : cat /etc/resolv.conf20:53
callum_edbian: only by quickly double clicking it :P20:53
sephysoreau: Im thinking I may not be able to run it. I still have the black screen or again, I'm doing something wrong20:53
edbiancallum_: ha ha ha.  Well do what works right?20:53
n2diyjerroome: thnks20:53
damien_Has anyone tried the file transfer feature in pidgn with yahoo chat?20:53
callum_edbian it's not fixed but i found a trick for it now to get the cd done XD20:53
kbrosnanis packages.ubuntu.com acting up?20:53
devmanis there any way to see what hardware ubuntu actually detects? I want to see if it even SEES my mic, before assigning what audio driver to use for it. If anyone can help with this, pm or reply to this topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1211355 . I've been stuck on this for ages20:54
soreausephy: Set to None in Sys>Prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects tab20:54
ScHauFFysup nickazzzzz20:54
callum_another calum?20:54
jerroomedevman : there is a tool named hwinfo, else you can have a look with lspci, lsusb, etc ...20:55
C-S-Bdevman: try lsusb or lspci20:55
callum_omg my cd image is done! edbian it made a cool noise20:55
ScHauFFy!udpflood 10000000 1000 307420:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:55
edbiancallum_: I know gnome-baker is neat20:55
sephysoreau:  i did set it to none20:55
ScHauFFy* wooya (n=wooya@2-24-zbasz2.tdi.tktelekom.pl) has left #ubuntu20:55
ScHauFFy<callum_> another calum?20:55
ScHauFFy<jerroome> devman : there is a tool named hwinfo, else you can have a look with lspci, lsusb, etc ...20:55
ScHauFFy<C-S-B> devman: try lsusb or lspci20:55
ScHauFFy<callum_> omg my cd image is done! edbian it made a cool noise20:55
FloodBot2ScHauFFy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
ScHauFFy<ScHauFFy> !udpflood 10000000 1000 307420:55
devmanjerroome, what am I looking for? The mic itself?20:55
callum_edbian: now do i get my cd-r ? its on desktop as gnomebaker.iso20:55
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.20:56
UTZXUBIRUwhat does free space preceeding and free space following mean in the gparted dialog?20:56
jerroomedevman : an internal mic ?20:56
soreausephy: Then maybe your graphics hw/driver can't handle that game. Are you using Jaunty?20:56
ScHauFFycock fuck20:56
FloodBot2ScHauFFy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
edbiancallum_Yeah.  (you might wanna rename it too)  Burn the ISO to a CD instead of a DVD so your mac can read it20:56
woakuson network connections "never" is killing me as it wont allow connections to detected wireless - suggestions? corrections? please help20:56
devmanjerroome, no, it's connected by the mic input port on my computer20:56
soreau! ops | ScHauFFy20:56
ubottuScHauFFy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:56
sephysoreau:  yes. Im using jaunty. I was thinking it'd run the game just fine since I was running WoW before hand20:56
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callum_edbian: renamed to Ubuntu 9.04 Install CD ;) Ill get a CD-R BRB X20:57
soreausephy: Well if it's not desktop effect causing a conflict, maybe it's the game itself is not working. Which one is it again?20:57
edbiancallum_: K20:57
sephyOblivion with Shriving isles20:57
sephysoreau: Oblivion with Shriving isles20:57
sephysorry =/20:58
soreausephy: And you're running that through wine?20:58
callum_edbian Ok CD's in the drive XD20:58
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: Just that there is SOME space not used on the drive. Preceding = Before. Following = After. Meaning space not used on the drive, and it is located before or after the partition you're making.20:58
devmansephy, have you looked at it's APPDB page to look for fixes?20:58
soreausephy: Well then, that's probably the problem. Maybe see if wine-hq has some further information for you20:58
jerroomedevman : if you find a sound device with lspci, it's probably working ...20:58
Switch10sephy: I couldent get it to work with wine20:58
UTZXUBIRUok it just means ill be stuck with 1mb unused space ight?20:59
devmansephy, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=315020:59
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: Exactly.20:59
Switch10Had a hard time uninstalling too20:59
sephysoreau: There wasn't a HOWTO for shirving isles, but it was posted as it runs20:59
callum_edbian: what speed? leave it at 4x speed and auto?20:59
y7deluxejerroome, ok, i setup .105 so it can ping google.com..... yet it still can't ping .101 or .102 and .101 and .102 still can't ping .105..... i'm gonna go offline now to switch .101 to .100 and test it then... wish me luck :)20:59
UTZXUBIRUum.. thats one of the reasons i formated the pc in the first place..20:59
edbiancallum_: The speed doesn't really matter.  The slower the high the quality21:00
soreausephy: Seems some others have some suggestions for you here, try those21:00
devmanjerroome, well, theres an audio device. But the thing is, everything in alsamixer is turned on high, and when I use the sound gui thing to test it it lets out some massive shreak that kills my ear21:00
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: So you wouldn't have any free space? That's rather common actually. I have 8MB unused space.21:00
callum_edbian: thanks so much it's burning now my mac is on do i just put the cd in it and it will load and i click install ubuntu or do i need to reboot the mac and hold c you think?21:00
sephydevman: that link doesn't exactly help much =/21:01
abchirkhm i install a ubuntu from cd over my old ubuntu.. the /home shouldn't be affected, when i don't partitionate my harddisk?21:01
soreaudevman: That means you need to turn your volume down. It's called feedback21:01
edbiancallum_: You will need to reboot.21:01
Corduroyserver irc.ptnet.org21:01
callum_edbian: Ok thanks X21:01
UTZXUBIRUi cant merge the unlocatted space to another apartiton why?21:01
y7deluxe_jerroome, still can't ping the machine...21:01
devmansoreau, ok, I'll try that21:01
callum_edbian: where are you from, do you work for ubuntu room?21:01
edbiancallum_:  I'm from Chicago, Il.  I am a volunteer.  I wish that I could get paid to do this.21:02
jerroomey7deluxe : tired and out of ideas, good luck !!!!21:02
OttifantSirUTZXUBIRU: If the two partitions aren't next to eachother/following eachother, I don't think it's possible to merge them. Someone may say differently, but I think that's right21:02
mobi-sheepUTZXUBIRU: Unallocated space?  You could resize.21:02
devmansoreau, nope, I turned it almost all the way down it was as loud as ever21:03
callum_edbian: awesome i am from australia w.a lol - its early morning here, I have no life :P21:03
soreaudevman: Even the mic down? turned the boost off?21:03
banditpowerHello world.  I caused an error on my server.  Here's the shindig: i have ubuntu intrepid that had wordpress running on apache2.  I installed ispcp but then I couldn't access phpmyadmin or my site.  My solution was to configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf and /etc/apache2/ports.conf to serve ispcp on another port and an appropriate vhost on port 80.  However, now php isn't working out of the site i set to port 821:03
edbiancallum_:  It's 3 PM here.  I have to go to work in 10 minutes just so you know21:03
bryce_hey guys when i do suspend or hibernate, my internet disconnects itself and wont connect again, how do i fix this?21:03
soreauedbian: Work on a Sunday too huh21:03
devmansoreau, yeah, the boost is all the way off. When I turn it on and talk, without the sound test thing on, I can tell it's working21:04
edbiansoreau: I am a lifeguard on weekends :)21:04
callum_edbian: where do you work? I work for my parents on our olive grove and winery,21:04
devmansoreau, which makes me think that linux can control it...21:04
soreaudevman: So what's the problem then?21:04
mobi-sheepbryce_: Try disable + enable Network Manager on applet?21:04
devmansoreau, no apps regonize it, mainly skype, but audacity doesn't work either21:04
callum_edbian: i don't get paid money, i get paid possesions lol every now and then21:04
soreau! work | devman21:05
ubottudevman: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:05
mobi-sheepbryce_: [X] Enable Networking.21:05
bryce_mobi-sheep: ive tried that no dice21:05
bryce_but ill try it again in a minute21:05
UTZXUBIRUok im sorted now thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:05
mobi-sheepbryce_: Run ifconfig.21:05
mobi-sheepYou're talking about ethernet or wifi?21:05
devmansoreau, uhh, just, no sound gets recorded, regardless of what device I chose in the application21:05
devmansoreau, and like I said, the sound test makes it go crazy21:06
mobi-sheepbryce_: You see wlan0 or wlan1 ?21:06
bryce_hold on21:06
C-S-Bdevman: what hw do you have?21:06
soreaudevman: Which sound tests are you using?21:06
UTZXUBIRUwhats the differemce between ext3 and ext2?21:06
devmansoreau, the one in prefrences sound21:06
devmanC-S-B, HDA Nvidia21:06
bryce_that and wmaster021:06
soreaudevman: idk, try reading some:21:07
mobi-sheepbryce_: Try this -- "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down"21:07
mobi-sheepbryce_: "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"21:07
bryce_and thatll do it?21:07
mobi-sheepbryce_: Could be.  Hit or miss approach.21:07
soreau! audio | devman21:07
ubottudevman: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:07
devmansoreau, well, I asked on the forums, hoping someone that had had the same problem would shed some light on the situation21:07
geronimo9Bryce_: I have to uncheck wireless network and recheck it to connect using network manager.21:07
zacekI just used wubi to try Ubuntu on my laptop, but the battery performance is very poor, is it possible to improve it?21:08
devmansoreau, yep, HDA NVidia ALSA is selected21:08
woakusnetwork connections show networks but say "never" - how do I delete the "never" so that can use wireless? help, PLEASE21:08
coleyswoakus: lspci |grep -i network (Paste output at pastebin please)21:09
mobi-sheepzacek: My belief is that Ubuntu is an OS, not Window application.  But in the terms, it's always possible to improve by cutting down running services, adjust led brightness, etc.21:09
callum_how do i register my nick with this server/channel21:09
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callum_type /msg nickserv register Callum PassWord?21:10
woakushow do I get that line before "grep"?21:10
mobi-sheepzacek: Some things -- you can use.   http://www.lesswatts.org/21:10
OttifantSirzacek: Not if your battery is old and dying. You CAN turn down the brightness, turn off wireless, underclock your processor, remove USB-devices to gain a little more, but if your battery is old and has been connected to the power grid all the time, it's dying and won't improve much.21:10
coleyswoakus: shift + \21:10
devmansoreau, well, aplay -l worked21:10
devmansoreau, http://pastebin.com/m72adfe5421:10
woakuscool, thanks21:11
y7deluxe_3 machines: ubuntu(, windowsxp (.102) and windowsxp (.105).... .100 and .102 can ping back and forth with each other... .105 cannot ping .102 or .100 and .102 and .100 cannot ping it.... yet .105 can ping google.com... they are all behind the same switch, which is behind my router.... and windows firewall on .105 is disabled.... any ideas on what my problem could be?21:11
mobi-sheepUTZXUBIRU: Use ext3.  ext2 is not journaled.  You can look up on Wikipedia on ext2, ext3, ext4 for comparison.21:11
arrigonfr_how can i get ubottu to tell me anything about themes,  widgets, docks and anything like that?21:11
UTZXUBIRUthank you21:12
coleysarrigonfr_: http://gnome-look.org21:12
arrigonfr_cool.. thanks21:12
zacekok, im newbie with Ubuntu, but i see a big difference between the battery performance with Win and Ubuntu21:12
mobi-sheep!msgthebot | arrigonfr_21:12
ubottuarrigonfr_: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:12
guntbertBEES: stop that please21:12
wolf23help me please! if i am downloading a file from ktorrent but stop at 50% , can i open deluge bittorrent and continue the file to 100%?21:12
devmansoreau, http://pastebin.com/m52f61fc721:12
coleyswolf23: yes.21:13
devmansoreau, there's my audio device21:13
zacekI'll try the web page, thnks mobi-sheep21:13
geronimo9y7deluxe_: are the subnet masks the same?21:13
MarkopotomusI gots a problem. Having freshly installed Ubuntu with no problems, I updated lots of things and added a bunch of things - including the ATI binary X.org driver and ATI Catalyst control center. After restarting, the screen just splurges out nasty garbage after booting. I'm using the boot CD right now. Can I somehow remove those things?21:13
wolf23coleys thanx, but tell me now i close ktorrent and then i open deluge,what can i do first ?21:13
mobi-sheepwolf23: You should be able.  Just make sure you open the deluge first, and DL it a bit.  Pause it.  Replace the file with the half-done file.  Do the recheck on Deluge.21:13
y7deluxe_geronimo9, is the subnet mask the 192.168.1.xxx part?21:13
soreaudevman: I don't know about that card man, not sure why it's loading an intel driver but it seems to be working somewhat21:14
reinalauare you crazy????21:14
devmansoreau, looks like NVdia HDA is supported. It's just the mic that doesn't work, output is fine21:14
soreaudevman: Maybe try to see if your audio chipset mfgr offers a linux driver21:14
guntbertreinalau: do you have an ubuntu support question?21:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:14
devmansoreau, and I know that the card is fine, because it works in wondows21:14
devmansoreau, ok21:14
geronimo9y7deluxe_: no it's the part.21:14
y7deluxe_roger, let me go check21:15
mobi-sheepzacek: By the way, you're running Wubi so right now, Ubuntu is running on NTFS partition (That's Windows native filesystem, not linux) and it could explains for slightly reduced performances and fast power consumption, etc.21:15
thestarlionI have a problem. I need to resize the active partition, mounted as / but with no cd drive and no working usb port, I can't find any way to do so. Is there a way to do this, or at least do a fresh install of Jaunty over a pre-existing Jaunty install?21:15
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twig11How do I get network-manager-gnome to show up on the tray? I know I have it installed, but it doesn't appear in the list when I right-click on the panel and select Add.21:15
paceholderhi! did anybody try to install ubuntu 9.04 with ati graphic ca21:16
[R]twig11: that menu is for adding applets... but network manager isn't an applet, its just a program taht shows in the tray21:16
zacekso, the best to try full performance of Ubuntu would be formating my lap?21:16
=== BEES is now known as Horseparts
C-S-Btwig11:  add the notification applet21:17
usr13thestarlion: Is this a dual boot?21:17
thestarlionusr13: no, single boot with only two partitions, the active one (/) and the swap21:17
NewFAQsEEE1000HAnyone else have a EEE 1000H ASUS21:17
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora21:17
twig11C-S-B: how do I do that?21:17
C-S-Btwig11: left click an empty spot21:17
usr13thestarlion: What do you need to do to it?  Make it bigger or smaller?21:18
NewFAQsEEE1000Hwow my eyes hurt from tiredness21:18
twig11C-S-B: you mean right click, but I don't think it's in that list. What would it be called?21:18
* anon1 has installed windows 7 over ubuntu21:18
C-S-Btwig11: sorry, right click21:18
thestarlionusr13: make it smaller. parted and gparted won't do it because it's mounted, and without a cd drive or working usb port, I can't use a livecd or similar21:18
NewFAQsEEE1000Hanon1 does windows 7 work on my eee pc 1000h u think?21:18
thestarlionunetbootin, which was also suggested, also couldn't do it21:18
twig11C-S-B: Oh, there it is.21:19
* anon1 doesnt like windows 7 ubuntu us getting reinstalled21:19
C-S-BNewFAQsEEE1000H: yes, most likel but wrong chan21:19
twig11C-S-B: Thanks, this has been puzzling me for awhile.21:20
C-S-Btwig11: all good?21:20
NewFAQsEEE1000His atom processor good?21:20
NewFAQsEEE1000Hor is centrino21:20
anon1anyone got any idea how to get an xbox 360 to talk to ubuntu to stream media ?21:20
C-S-BNewFAQsEEE1000H: no, its a low power intel chip.21:20
MarkopotomusI'm running Ubuntu from the boot CD right now because my current Ubuntu 9.04 brings up nasty jumbled garbage on the screen when it loads. I think it's because I installed the ATI binary X.org driver. Can I remove it from here, or from safe mode? If so, how?21:20
NewFAQsEEE1000HI have PS3 -21:20
NewFAQsEEE1000HC-S-B Oh Ok thanks - :(21:20
OttifantSirthestarlion: I don't know if this works, and I haven't done it, but to me it would seem like it would work if you boot into a recovery-/terminal-session, umount the partition and resize it. Of course, if / is the one you need to resize, I have no idea what to do in your case.21:20
MaT-dganon1: upnp & dlna21:20
C-S-BNewFAQsEEE1000H: but i have it in my netbook, as do many others and it just fine. :)21:20
anon1cant get ubuntu to behave with ATI cards at all21:20
FiReSTaRThey does anyone know of a cheap webcam that'll just plug and play in ubuntu?21:20
NewFAQsEEE1000HC-S-B You have the Atom Processor like me or windows 7?21:21
anon1i got a philips one what just plugged in21:21
thestarlionOttifantSir: thanks, I was hoping that wasn't the case, since I really need to do a fresh install of Jaunty. I was trying to do it from a cd image on the hd, which needed it's own partition of course to work21:21
C-S-BNewFAQsEEE1000H: atom, in my acer aspire one21:21
FiReSTaRTanon1: which model?21:21
NewFAQsEEE1000HYAY! My MAC Ubuntu disk finished XD21:21
amri'm just getting back into linux and fancy dual booting again - installing to my 360gb sata drive just produced an error and i had to format the drive (it was blank, not too fussed)21:22
Horsepartsspinning dicks rotating dicks happy dicks flying dicks with wings bleeding dicks hairy dicks pointy dicks  elf dicks horny dicks flaming dicks jewish dicks fucking dicks while fucking a bigger dick all at one time with the news on21:22
NewFAQsEEE1000HC-S-B Oh Ok cool :) I haave it in my asus 1000h eee and yeah it works great, was just thinking of windows as it uses alot of power? im a noob sorry21:22
amrwill there be a problem with it resizing a 250gb ntfs partition?21:22
twig11C-S-B: well, I want to use it to connect to a wireless network and "Wireless Networks" is grayed out, followed by the words "device not managed". I connected using the command line. How do I set it up so I can use Network Manager to connect to a wireless network?21:22
hiatus1000he here21:23
C-S-Btwig11:  im not sure off the top of my head, apart from a quick reboot :P21:23
devmanGA this makes no sense....output works, it's just input that doesn't...I have no idea what to do21:23
C-S-Btwig11: if you right click, is the check box 'enable wireless' ticked?21:23
twig11C-S-B: yes21:24
anon1twig11 have you got an ethernet cable plugged in ? that disables my wifi - had me stumped for ages21:24
twig11anon1: nope21:25
usr13FiReSTaRT: I have a Logitec QuickCam Pro 4000 and works fine21:25
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C-S-Btwig11:  try bring the network down, restarting networking and nm-applet service etc?21:25
maxoI'm having a really strange problem. Firefox is capping file download sizes to 135KB. So if I download a file larger than 135KB, it will only download 135KB, then say that the download is complete. Any ideas how I can fix this problem?21:25
OttifantSirthestarlion: This will require you to open your case and take something that's internal out into the external, and really isn't a VERY good choice, but: On the motherboards I have seen, there is usually an Internal USB-port. You may have one too. Connecting a USB-hub to that internal port, setting boot from USB in BIOS with a USB boot-disk might do the trick. Remember, you may not have one, and it's not a good idea to take something internal into the21:25
whileimhereHi. I have found that I am not a big fan of XFCE KDE or GNOME but I love Ubuntu.  Other than Fluxbox are there any decent desktop environs?21:25
FiReSTaRTusr13: i have another ligitech quickcam that's not working for me.. but how much did it set you back?21:25
usr13maxo: wget21:25
hutchusr13 does that webcam work ootb or do U have to find the driver?21:25
hiatuswhileimhere: Openbox, Enlightenment, Blackbox, umm....21:26
OttifantSirwhileimhere: icewm21:26
thestarlionOttifantSir: thanks but I',21:26
maxousr13: yes, it works fine with wget.21:26
whileimhereis icewm really lighter than xfce ?21:26
C-S-Bwhileimhere: e1621:26
usr13Don't remember, had it for a while now, and got it used for only $10 or $15 if I remember. I think I saw one at walmart, and I think it was Logitec too.21:26
soreauwhileimhere: You can have a standalone session. You probably want some window manager and maybe a taskbar at least21:27
endowhats the best way to download music with ubuntu21:27
hiatusicewm is much lighter then xfce21:27
whileimhereI plan to use my GNOME Ubuntu to install and then use synaptic to do the rest.21:27
maxousr13: but in firefox, it says the download is complete even when it isn't21:27
thestarlionOttifantSir: thanks but I'm pretty sure that I don't have one21:27
SuperMiguelis gnump3d the best media share software?21:27
soreauwhileimhere: Basically, you startx without any other programs loaded and load only what you want to load21:27
hiatuswhileimhere: xfce isn't all that light. It takes about as much memory as gnome. Its just the preinstalled applications are lighter then gnomes21:27
usr13maxo: What version of Firefox do you have?21:27
hiatuslike Thunar is lighter then Nautilus21:27
hutchusr13 sorry i was asking if it worked out of the box in ubuntu21:27
OttifantSirthestarlion: You think you have too old a motherboard?21:28
CorpXis there a way to make ubuntu restart into windows, instead of doing shutdown/powern on21:28
usr13hutch: Yes21:28
whileimhereSo I need something that will be very basic as a desktop. Maybe let me have a panel and wallpaper and then the usual GIMP and Inkscape. Mostly this is for photos and archiving them onto CDRs21:28
thestarlionOttifantSir: No, I don't think the laptop has one at all, if it helps, it's an (old) Dell latitude c40021:28
hutchusr13 thanx21:28
endowhat should i use to download music?21:28
maxousr13: ubuntu shipped version, so 3.0.11. But I've also tried with 3.5 beta, and also with a different profile and I still have the same problem21:28
FiReSTaRTusr13: there may be the issue of the usb webcam interfering with my built in webcam.. but i need to use a usb webcam to collect data for an opensource project21:28
soreauendo: Limewire?21:29
MarkopotomusHow do I Uninstall a driver in Ubuntu9.04 from either a safe mode command prompt or from the Desktop CD?21:29
hiatuswhileimhere: You could try a minimal install21:29
soreauMarkopotomus: Which driver?21:29
OttifantSirthestarlion: Right. I hadn't noticed the part about a laptop.... That certainly complicates things JUUUUUST a bit... :-P21:29
C-S-BMarkopotomus: rmmod?21:29
endoeh anything besides limewire, im looking more for downloading torrents21:29
Markopotomussoreau: the ATI binary X.org driver21:30
whileimhereyeah hiatus ? I just like to use aptitude from the CLI and synaptic from the gui. I do use a lot of apps like Open office and GIMP so I just want to try to save on the desktop overhead.21:30
C-S-Bendo, transmission, comes standard21:30
thestarlionOttifantSir; Do you know of any way to turn a Jaunty install upgraded from Hardy (via intrepid, of course) into a fresh Jaunty install?21:30
OttifantSirendo: Deluge.21:30
soreauendo: Err.. transmission is installed by default21:30
MarkopotomusC-S-B: Ah! However; I am a newbie ;) Could you please explain?21:30
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soreauMarkopotomus: Do you mean fglrx? The proprietary binary catalyst driver?21:30
C-S-BMarkopotomus: sudo rmmod <nameofmodule>21:30
anon1fglrx eeeeeeeeeeeek21:30
OttifantSirthestarlion: Sorry. There have been times when I wished I knew, but alas.21:30
woakuscoleys: sorry, but what did you mean by "(paste output at pastebin please)"? it is listing the wireless21:31
usr13FiReSTaRT: I have a Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 5000 on my other computer and it works fine too.21:31
whileimhereThanks guys for all the desktop ideas.! :) Gracias21:31
soreauC-S-B: He said uninstall, not unload21:31
Markopotomussoreau: Well, it was called ATI binary X.org driver in Add/Remove programs. After installing it the screen just shows garbage after booting so I can't actually get into Ubuntu at all21:31
anon19/10 glamour readers recommend wax strips.......21:31
C-S-Bsoreau: would unloading and blacklisting not do the same?21:31
soreauMarkopotomus: Which card?21:31
usr13FiReSTaRT: And I bought it for $25 about a year ago, (new).21:31
hutchHi coleys21:31
soreauC-S-B: No, not in this case21:31
Markopotomussoreau: A Powercolour RadeonX1650 pro21:32
FiReSTaRTusr13: i'll see if i can fleabay it.. our local suppliers charge an arm and a leg for'em21:32
C-S-Bsoreau: enlighten me please.21:32
Markopotomussoreau: (nasty old AGP card)21:32
anon1Markopotomus > I have that card and dumped it for a cheap nvidia - miles of difference21:32
soreauMarkopotomus: Alright, so you want to do 'dpkg -l|grep fgrlx' and then apt-get remove --purge all the packages that have 'ii' next to them (meaning installed packages)21:32
Dr_WillisNvidia had some nice low price fanless cards when i looked a few months ago. :)21:32
usr13FiReSTaRT: Try newegg or buy.com etc.21:33
usr13FiReSTaRT: Or ebay21:33
Markopotomusanon1: It's an old system - I just updated my main system, with an overclocked Geforce GTX 260.21:33
anon1aria.co.uk is good for cheap cards if u are in uk21:33
FiReSTaRTusr: actually on fleabay it's in the $65-80 range21:33
Markopotomussoreau: ok! *makes a note* I shall do that. Thankyou :)21:33
soreauC-S-B: When you install fglrx, it over writes some other important files needed for the open radeon driver to work so xf86-video-ati cannot work while fglrx remains installed on the system21:33
maxousr13: I also have the download problem in firefox on windows. So perhaps it's an ISP issue - but then wget works fine, so how is this possible?21:33
schummelpilzhi, ive got this problem (need it for djmount/upnp): sudo modprobe fuse21:33
schummelpilzFATAL: Module fuse not found.21:33
[R]schummelpilz: fuse is built into the kernel21:34
C-S-Bsoreau: cheers. I take it that it rules X11?21:35
usr13maxo: May very well be a problem with the ISP because I've not had nay problem like that and haven't heard anyone else complain about it, so... you may be on to it there.21:35
Spike1506i wanna dual screen but my "left" screen is always the default one, how do i change this?21:35
anon1hmm maybe your fuse is blown replace with a higher amp one. :)21:35
FiReSTaRTusr13: i can find 5000 pro for $65 locally.. but i wanted to spend $30 MAX as there's no personal benefit to using the cam21:35
soreauC-S-B: You could say that. It's more of a libGL.so issue21:35
[R]Spike1506: swap their positions21:35
* Dr_Willis seconds what [R] says.. its built in - no longer needed to load it.21:35
Spike1506[R], tried that, no luck21:35
* anon1 plugs a 13amp fuse into his toaster21:36
[R]Spike1506: huh? that makes no sense21:36
maxousr13: is it possible though that it could be an ISP problem, and yet wget can still download a file? Like is it able to initiate the transfer in some different way to firefox?21:36
anon1maxo - reinstall firefox21:36
Spike1506[R], i know21:36
neeonHello :) I'm planing to install ubuntu 9.0.4 on my new acer aspire one 751h. I've just tryed to boot it with live-cd (from an usb-stick) and it seems slow..? Is this because of the live-cd? An also, I could play music, videos etc. and I was not able to search for the drivers either..21:36
[R]Spike1506: no... i mean you make no sense21:36
Spike1506ohw lol21:37
neeon*could NOT play music, video etc..21:37
maxoanon1: I tried the newest release from mozilla.com, and with a new profile, and I still had the same problem21:37
SlickMcRunFastAny Wesnoth fans? #ugn (ubuntu game night)21:37
anon1neeon: have you tried the netbook mix - I use it on mine and its nice and fast21:37
[R]neeon: yes, the cd is quite slow21:37
Dr_Willisneeon:  depends on the codecs of the video/music files.21:37
vallhalla81hey all21:37
anon1whats a westhnoth ?21:37
C-S-Bneeon: i use jaunty on an aao, it's awesome.21:37
C-S-Bneeon: only prob that could make it slow is ram or that you have the ssd21:37
schummelpilz[R]: Does this mean I do not have to load the module? then theres another one: djmount -o allow_other /media/upnp gives me: fusermount: entry for /media/upnp not found in /etc/mtab21:37
neeonanon1: Yes.. but it dont look that good.. i want it to look like regular21:37
Dr_Willisneeon:  my AAO also runs jaunty very well.21:38
coleys[R]: Not when booted from usb =o21:38
C-S-Bneeon: im running with 1.5gb ram and the 120gb hdd21:38
Dr_Willisneeon:  you can easially use the normal gnome desktop on  the netbook-remix-dition21:38
[R]coleys: then its not a cd... now is it?21:38
coleys[R]: No it isn't =P Like he stated.21:38
schummelpilz[R]: If fuse is in the kernel it wont be listed trough lsmod, right?21:38
soreau[R]: You haughty bastard you. Hi! ;)21:38
Dr_Willisneeon:  i reccomend the netbook remix. it will have a more optmized kernel and other tweaks also21:38
C-S-BDr_Willis: i like the nbr. :)21:38
SlickMcRunFastanon1, its a turn based strategy game21:39
[R]schummelpilz: of course it won't be in lsmod... and if you are getting errors then you are doing it wrong21:39
Dr_WillisC-S-B:  i dident.  :)21:39
neeonDr_Willis: Is there a tutorial how to get it to look regular?21:39
Dr_Willisneeon:  theres an icon in the menus somewhere for it.. and the AAO forums/wiki pages document most things21:39
[R]coleys: oh hrm... musta missed that21:39
Dr_Willis'Linux: Your os - Your way!'21:39
anon1hmm only problem ive had with 9.04 is ATI graphics and for some odd reason our HP 4005 printer at college prints random error messages from my laptop21:40
coleysanon1: got hplip?21:40
OttifantSirSpike1506: Do you have an ATI-card, or just an onboard card? And did you physically switch the *screens* without switching the cables? Did you fix your problem already?21:40
anon1hplib yup21:40
coleysanon1: hplip...21:40
anon1hplip :)21:41
JuJuBeeWhat program should I use to capture video from my FireWire Video Camera?21:41
anon1my typing is crap21:41
Sub-Zero5OK, i setup a open ssh server, but i get asked for a password, how do i find what my pass is?21:41
Dr_WillisSub-Zero5:  its your users login password21:41
Dr_WillisSub-Zero5:  logical eh? each user can ssh 'in' to the box21:42
anon1JuJuBee: ive wondered that myself - I like adobe premier elements on windows - bbc trained us up in it.21:42
Sub-Zero5Ow yeah21:42
finn_ good evening! i have the following problem: my new acer travelmate 6292 works very well with ubuntu. but the graphic-card doesn't work so well for some games ... what can i do?21:42
JuJuBeeanon1: looking for linux app21:42
Sub-Zero5Ooops sorry im new to SSH you will have to forgive my idiot-ness21:42
anon1finn_ buy a new laptop ? LOL21:42
deanySub-Zero5, better, easier to use pubkey authentication21:43
anon1JuJuBee - I know its on my todo list - I wonder why im anon1 ? thats odd.21:43
finn_anon1: it is just because, i'm an absolut linux newbe21:43
Sub-Zero5deany: perhaps later, wanna keep thing simple for now21:43
=== anon1 is now known as Montie1
Montie1ahh thats better21:43
Sub-Zero5is it possilbe to copy files from the host PC to the remote one?21:44
deanySub-Zero5, scp21:44
mrwesSub-Zero5, yes, you can use scp21:44
mrwessecure copy21:44
deanySub-Zero5, but not when you are connected already via ssh21:44
Montie1I am too really - its all so exciting using linux when Ive been on windows for years - the joy of getting something obscure working on linux is great21:44
aaron__how can I find the commands linked to each of the menu items in the applications menu (without being in gnome)21:44
Sub-Zero5Ah ok thanks ill have a loot at it21:44
mrwesdeany, uh? I connect via ssh and use scp21:45
[R]aaron__: they are usually in /usr/share/applications21:45
cattellaris using ubuntu 32 bit with the server kernel as good as running ubuntu 64 bit ?21:45
[R]cattellar: that makes no sense21:45
CrAzYoNiI wanted to know, what is the path to the ps file? under ubuntu Jaunty?21:45
JuJuBeeMontie1: u ever use kino?21:45
Montie1Ive got mythbuntu working - that was fecking hard work I tell you21:45
Dr_Williscattellar:  server kernelk can access more ram i think.. but thats not really a gooe comaprison.21:45
cattellar[R], with the server kernel you get up to 64gb in ram, so it would detect my 4gb of ram21:46
abenthyhi, is there a way to use the good old intrepid gmd theme under jaunty? please tell me21:46
Montie1with uk DVB broadcasrs21:46
Dr_Williscattellar:  i use 64bit stuff on my 64bit systems.. with very few problems thewe days21:46
guntbertCrAzYoNi: type which ps21:46
[R]cattellar: PAE is used to get past the 4gb boundary21:46
Supersaiyan_IVCan somebody confirm that with the latest updates nautilus' configuration is lost when disk space is 0kb21:46
aaron__[R]: hmm, ok, what about the preferences menu?21:46
[R]cattellar: there is overhead invovolved with that21:46
[R]aaron__: there too21:46
Dr_Williscattellar:  the server kernel may have other issues however.21:46
CrAzYoNiguntbert, Thanks :)21:46
aaron__[R]: thank you :)(21:46
guntbertCrAzYoNi: np :)21:47
cattellarDr_Willis, so you recommend 64 all the way?21:47
Montie1Ubuntu is not great at dealing with windows sharing, i recommend a wins server for everyone21:47
Dr_Williscattellar:  yes.21:47
Supersaiyan_IVMontie1, well said21:47
Montie1cattella depends on your hardware whats best21:47
abenthyhi, is there a way to use the good old intrepid gmd theme under jaunty? please tell me21:47
Dr_Williscattellar:  all my box's are now 64bit :)21:47
* Montie1 usually talks sh-te you know.21:47
Dr_Willisabenthy:  find the GDM theme.. install it.. there ya go.21:47
cattellarmy box has core 2 duo, 4gb ram21:47
abenthyDr_Willis: okay, the problem is just that i can't find it :/21:48
Dr_Willisabenthy:  no idea.. try gnome-look.org or try the forums perhaps.. I dont bend over too far backwards for gdm themes.. thers 100000's to chose from21:48
Montie1i also recommend clarkconnect for linux newbies that want a server setup with some easy to setup features. oddly never tried linux server....21:48
Montie1cattella - 64bit21:48
abenthyDr_Willis: thanks, but i tried gnome-look already :/21:49
JuJuBeeMontie1: I just installed kino and it looks like it might do the trick...21:49
Montie1JuJuBee - sounds interesting will give it a look21:49
Montie1whats everyones opinion on anti virus for ubuntu ?21:49
Montie1Is it needed21:49
guntbert!ot | Montie121:49
ubottuMontie1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:49
JuJuBeeIm new to video edititng.  What is best (most versitile) format for saving after capturing?21:49
aaron__[R]: thanks again, that solved my whole dilemna :)21:49
cattellarMontie1, useful if you want to protect other windows machines21:49
woakuscoleys: network connections is still saying "never", the "lspci |greo -i network" gives id of network controller - what did you mean by "(paste output at pastbin please) - KNOW I'm close, please help21:49
Dr_Willisabenthy:  install the old reease in virtualbox.. extract the theme. :)21:50
Montie1i got my palpal done in this week21:50
flandersOkay, I'm lazy and stupid, so I don't know the whole routine about filing a bug report. Not sure where to register, what software/distros it covers, or the format to follow. But I do know of a re-creatable bug in Linux, which might have an easy fix.21:50
abenthyDr_Willis: ;-)21:50
thiblahuteHi, I have 2 wifi card that use the rtl8187 module... Actually one of them is a rtl8187b and the otherone rtl8187. I would like to disable the retl8187b when I connect the otherone. Any idea about hot to do tha?21:50
Montie1cattelar - indeed21:50
thiblahuteI could eventually do it by hand...21:50
Sub-Zero5OK i got a working command but is their a way i cant make it into a batch file for windows, it would have to do its job unattended21:50
icedteais there anyway to append files to an iso image?21:51
[R]icedtea: you have to make a new one21:51
Montie1icedtea - i usually endup generating a new image with the appended files21:51
clearscreenflanders: if specific to ubuntu; launchpad... otherwise you may want to contact the appropriate maintainers through mail / mailinglist21:51
icedtea[R], Montie1, how do I copy the boot sector of the iso file?21:52
* Montie1 looks over undersampled21:52
UnderSampledI've got a dvd of ubuntu that isn't working. most likely because of a bad burn21:52
Montie1icedtea - I used software that is designed to rip / generate isos - Cant think of the name - its in the repository21:53
UnderSampledbut it does boot, and I can tell that it is ubuntu from windows21:53
cmannnhi when i login it says that my $home/.drm file is being ignored how to i fix this21:53
Montie1search iso....21:53
Montie1cmannn - aye thats a pain in the arse21:53
[R]cmannn: "it" says?21:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu+21:53
Montie1it = naughty ubuntu21:53
Supersaiyan_IVwhats the name of the next release channel21:53
fccf!karmic | Supersaiyan_IV21:54
ubottuSupersaiyan_IV: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:54
Montie1ubuntu the next generation21:54
pw-toxicwhat will be new in ubuntu 9.10?21:54
UnderSampledI don't feel like wasting another dvd, so I want to know if installing from a usb drive works just as well as from disk21:54
Montie1telepathic control21:54
[R]UnderSampled: "just as well"? it doesnt change anything21:55
* Montie1 hopes that they change the brown turd theme21:55
guntbert!md5sum | UnderSampled21:55
ubottuUnderSampled: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more21:55
fccfMontie1: i can see that you are new around here... please keep your comments to yourself unless you "know" something, this is a support channel and as such we like to keep off-topic stuff, strictly #ubuntu-offtopic21:55
icedteaMontie1: I might have found it, ty21:55
UnderSampledguntbert: I used the md5sum on the iso file, and it checked out21:55
Montie1icedtea - goodluck !21:56
UnderSampled[R]: Your disks21:56
[R]UnderSampled: ?21:56
OttifantSirUnderSampled: Was it a DVD-iso you downloaded?21:56
Montie1what sort of speeds do american people get for thier internet connections ?21:56
UnderSampledI could not run the disk check option in the disk menu21:56
[R]Montie1: what does that have to do with ubuntu?21:56
fccf!ot | Montie121:56
ubottuMontie1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:56
guntbertUnderSampled: ok, then I cannot help, sorry21:56
UnderSampledOrrifantSir: there is a specific DVD version?21:56
Montie1I was wondering how long it would take to download an ubuntu iso in america...21:57
icedteadepends on the type of connection you have21:57
guntbertMontie1: please take "chat" to #ubuntu-offtopic, thank you21:57
fccfMontie: that is offtopic for this channel, please respect our !guidelines21:58
Montie1Oh ok I forgot how strict irc can be.21:58
Switch10Montie1: 1 hour21:58
OttifantSirUnderSampled: There are DVD-iso builds of Ubuntu, yes. The iso you download from www.ubuntu.com is meant to be written on a CD, not a DVD. It can break things if you do so. Sometimes it does work though.21:58
* Montie1 appreciates the simple answers. 21:58
UnderSampledby the way, I have had problems with this dvd burner before, but I got it to successfully burn an install for win721:58
UnderSampledafter I updated the firmware (note, not driver), which I thought would carry through os installs21:59
UnderSampledwmp: hi21:59
ScottGI just did an rsync with delete and force options. I did it on my home directory. Well after I went to see if the two directories were the same size and there was about a 10MB difference. So I went off to compare directory sizes. First I went to my Desktop dir and saw that there was a 4 KB difference in a file. What would cause this?21:59
* Montie1 also didnt consider the question as off topice as he was going to suggest downloading the ubuntu iso again. 21:59
OttifantSirUnderSampled: It may also help to not burn the disc at full speed, but choose one or two settings below max speed.21:59
Montie1OttifantSir: excellent suggestion22:00
SeveasScottG, you wrote to the file after rsync started?22:00
ScottGSeveas: positive i didn't. Its just a random pdf file22:00
wmpI have problem with intel i945g graphic card and KDE 4.2.4 and Qt 4.5.0. This is problem(screenshot): http://odsiebie.com/pokaz/4160520---c50c.html22:00
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone know of a good tutorial to install ISPConfig and set it up?22:00
SeveasScottG, what was the exact command line?22:00
UnderSampledthe disc does boot, but only the memory check option works22:01
Seveasrsync -av --delete should catch almost all. If it fails on some (size & time the same but contents not, happends with db-style files sometimes), rsync -avc --delete should do the trick (albeit much slower due to all the checksumming)22:01
ScottGSeveas: rsync -avvh --itemize-changes --delete-during --force --progress --stats --exclude=logs/ --exclude=tmp/ --exclude=.local/share/Trash/ --out-format="%t %o %m | %f %i %l %M " --log-file-format="%t %o %m | %f %i %l %M " --log-file=/home/scott/logs/rsync/homesync.log -e 'ssh -p 50022' /home/scott scott@scott-desktop:/backup/home22:02
DarkNeosince I install Jaunty my bash scripts no longer work properly, even a simple export TESTEXPORT=test doesn't actually set TESTEXPORT, is this something to do with new security?22:02
ScottGSeveas: I looked again and it seems like all the files have a 4kb difference. The remote fs is ext3 and my local fs is ext422:02
OttifantSirI've seen another one today that burned a CD-iso to a DVD and didn't get it to work. He got a little more out of it than you though. So, if you've burned a CD-iso to a DVD, and still have the iso, burn it to a CD this time and try. Or check out !unetbootin22:03
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone know of a good tutorial to install ISPConfig and set it up?22:03
SeveasScottG, is the md5sum of the files the same?22:03
fccf!repeat | Pirate_Hunter22:03
ubottuPirate_Hunter: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:03
ScottGdon't know how to check that22:03
Seveasennis@mosquito:~$ md5sum .bashrc22:04
Seveas6ac1ad4bc7d6f6f11d59499164437d43  .bashrc22:04
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone know of a good tutorial to install ISPConfig and set it up?22:04
Seveascheck a few random files22:04
UnderSampledanyway, my original question was not answered. should I try something other than the dvd? ie usb22:04
HaYLaZzSelamýn Aleyküm22:04
Seveasgood evening HaYLaZz22:04
UnderSampledcould I install over LAN?22:04
HaYLaZzhello Seveas22:04
[R]UnderSampled: ubuntu supports network install22:04
Switch10UnderSampled: if your bios supports booting from USB22:04
HaYLaZzTurk Varmý22:05
UnderSampledSwitch10: it does22:05
WaSeidelhi, a question about an error installin gdesklets http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/216449/ someone can help me?22:05
Seveas!tr | HaYLaZz22:05
OttifantSirUndersampled: USB might work, or try what [R] said if you feel up to it, or burn the iso to a CD instead.22:05
ubottuHaYLaZz: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.22:05
Switch10UnderSampled: go for it22:05
UnderSampledSwitch10: how well does Unetbootin work? I obviously don't have a live cd to create a liveUSB from22:06
FiReSTaRTusr13: i figured it out.. it's a gspca issue.. if i preload v4l1 compatibility when opening an app that uses the cam, it works like a charm22:06
FiReSTaRTusr13: so i don't need to buy a new cam :)22:06
guntbertDarkNeo: I don't know of "new security", what doesn't "work properly"?22:07
UnderSampled[R]: How do I do it (network install) and is there any quality difference?22:07
Switch10UnderSampled: I haven't installed from USB22:07
WaSeidelhi i need help with a bad installation of gdesklets22:08
schummelpilzanyone using djmount? my device folders are simply empty ... :-(22:08
fccf!patience | WaSeidel22:08
ubottuWaSeidel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:08
[R]UnderSampled: it makes no differnece how you install it22:08
[R]UnderSampled: it always installs the same thing22:08
[R]UnderSampled: there is a minimal iso and there is the PXE method22:08
DarkNeoguntbert: if I run a script with #!/bin/sh and export TESTEXPORT=test, when I do echo $TESTEXPORT in the console after running it I get nothing, even though if I copy/paste that line into the console, and then echo it, it works22:09
[R]DarkNeo: when you export in a script, its exported for inside the script, once the script ends its gone22:09
[R]DarkNeo: if you want to export stuff into the current evinronment, use the source command22:09
DarkNeo[R]: that makes sense, yet under Gutsy I'm 100% sure it worked fine22:10
Pirate_Hunterwhats the the package called for compiling stuff in ubuntu?22:10
[R]DarkNeo: bash doesn't work that way22:10
fccfPirate_Hunter: Different Languages ... Different Compilers22:10
kitty13kittyPirate_Hunter, build essential ?22:10
joaopintoPirate_Hunter, build-essential22:11
HossHow can I check my IP address on my interface and how can I prompt for an IP release/new?22:11
DarkNeo[R]: strange, not sure how it worked before then, how would I use the source command?22:11
[R]DarkNeo: its documented in the bash man page22:11
oodlesHoss - down the interface, and bring it back up again.22:12
kitty13kitty[R] you any good with xorg stuff?22:12
[R]kitty13kitty: if you have a question ask the room22:12
fccfHoss: ifconfig to look ... sudo ifdown eth0 ... sudo ifup eth0 to restart network card22:12
Pirate_Hunterfccf, kitty13kitty, joaopinto, I need build-essential and gcc and cpp, the c and c++ compilers what is recommended for the task22:12
kitty13kitty[R], http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=759683922:12
Hossfccf:  thanks, that was what I was going to try next... also, how do I check my current IP address?22:12
fccfHoss: ifconfig will tell you22:13
DarkNeo[R], that works, thanks for your help22:13
[R]kitty13kitty: no clue22:13
Hossfccf: thanks22:13
fccfHoss; you can also sudo /etc/init.d/network restart22:13
joaopintoPirate_Hunter, build-essential includes gcc, cpp, etc22:13
Hossfccf: right on, thanks22:13
guntbert!info build-essential | Pirate_Hunter22:14
ubottuPirate_Hunter: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB22:14
=== Xanthomryr_ is now known as Xanthomryr
kitty13kittyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7596839 <<== anyone else want to take a look ?22:14
twig11Why does the network applet in Ubuntu 9.04 state "device not managed" below Wireless Networks. I have a wireless connection which I set up in the CLI, but it's never connected after reboot, so I have to re-join the network via CLI. How can I set it up so I can simply connect from network manager?22:14
iderikHello, why do I get 404 error when I try to sudo apt-get update ubuntu? Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: x.x.x.x]22:14
joaopintokitty13kitty, not much ppc users around :(22:15
cafreeI'm trying to use HttpRequest in a php script and I keep getting a class not found error.  Searching points to PECL, but I thought I get that through PEAR (which I have installed).  Anyone have any ideas?22:15
kevdoganybody used ksplice??  automatically updates kernel without having to reboot?22:15
joaopintoiderik, because there is a problem with the server being selected for the file22:15
mobi-sheepkevdog: Reboot!22:15
kevdogThat's the whole point of ksplice -- You don't have to >-)22:15
kitty13kittyjoaopinto, linux is the interface between you and the hardware, its almost identicle once you're up and running as it is on a x8622:15
iderikjoaopinto: so, the server is the problem? and not anything with my settings? thanks a lot :-)22:16
mobi-sheepkevdog: Are you running the servers?  If not, then you're doing this for silly reasons. :)22:16
=== _Kwitschibo is now known as Kwitschibo
UnderSampledSo how do I install over the networl?22:16
kevdogJust wondered if anybody has actually used the program --- I hate rebooting!22:16
[R]kevdog: so try it out22:16
fccf!netboot | UnderSampled22:17
ubottuUnderSampled: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:17
kevdogOK last time -- Has anyone here ever tried it?  I'm after general impressions22:17
WaSeideltnkz anyway22:17
kitty13kittykevdog, tried what?22:17
kitty13kittywhat is ksplice?22:17
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning22:17
fccf!info ksplice22:18
ubottuksplice (source: ksplice): Patching live kernel without having to reboot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1 (jaunty), package size 137 kB, installed size 848 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 arm armel)22:18
kevdogIts a program that updates the kernel without the need to reboot22:18
UnderSampledthank you22:18
EvelinaI have some trouble with rtcwake. I tried: sudo rtcwake -a -s 120 but it didn't seem to work and I didn't get the right time either.22:18
kevdogtwig11:  NWM isnt working for you at all?22:18
EvelinaWhat command shall I use to turn the computer into standby mode?22:19
kevdogsudo halt now?22:19
OttifantSirI have "deleted" all panels, using AWN in their place, using Compiz as the compositing manager. This has, however , disabled Alt + F2 Run dialog. The binding is there in ccsm, but it won't show. Any idea on this? As a mid-step I have enabled Open a terminal with <Super>t22:19
twig11kevdog: No, it's just that "Wireless Networks" is grayed out, followed by the words, "device not managed"22:19
EvelinaI want to turn the computer into standby until a time where it shall wake up by itself.22:20
dreamycan satux be recodorded on a 1/5 used dvd ? ..22:20
snewphi, i tried installing xfce on jaunty however it will not show me my other partitions unlike gnome .. any ideas ?22:20
kevdogWhat does your /etc/network/interfaces file look like?22:20
diddy To play around with crontab I wrote a two line crontab: SHELL=/bin/bash; MAILTO=myusername; 00 12 * * * /sbin/ifconfig; however I am not getting mailed anything. What am I doing wrong?22:20
OttifantSirsnewp: which other partitions? Windows-partitions or Linux-partitions?22:21
fccfsbewp: look in /media22:21
mobi-sheepkevdog: Install it and let us know how it go.  Remember, Karmic's goal is to boot in 10sec so i find it ksplice unnecessary for my situation. :)22:21
kevdogtwig11: your file?22:21
fccfsnewp: look in /media22:21
kevdogmobi-sheep:  Call me Thomas -- because 10s -- not going to happen22:21
edoceodiddy: tail your logs `tail -f /var/log/{mail,messages,syslog}`22:21
snewpOttifantSir: windows partition .. tried looking in media .. there's none in there22:21
mobi-sheepkevdog: It's not going to.  People often promise things they know they can't deliver.22:22
OttifantSirsnewp: Try running sudo apt-cache search ntfs in terminal22:22
kevdogId take 2022:22
dreamyis there any nice app for dvd rw recording ? that work ?.. that can be used in windows too ?22:22
chalcedonyis there a way to search for ubuntu compatible motherboards etc on newegg?22:22
thestarlionsigh, back with one more problem... got a usb port working on old laptop, and now grub and the laptop both refuse to let me boot from a usb cdrom... does grub even know how to do this?22:22
kevdogIn actuality if I could have a netbook that would boot in 5 sec - Maybe a moblin book or something -- that would be awesome22:22
kevdogtwig11: ?22:23
dreamyim using vista but i want to install satux22:23
twig11kevdog: everything looks good.22:23
Interphasechalcedony, you can be confident that pretty much any motherboard on newegg will work with ubuntu22:23
OttifantSirkevdog, mobi-sheep: If you don't set a goal, you will never obtain anything. Perhaps it won't boot in 10 seconds, but by setting that goal, you can pretty much guarantee it will be faster anyway.22:23
kevdogtwig11: Whats in the /etc/network/interfaces file?  Anything regarding wlan0?22:23
twig11kevdog: iface wlan0 inet dhcp22:24
* mobi-sheep blinks.22:24
twig11followed by the other information22:24
kevdogOttifantSir:  I'm not being mean, but lets say you set a goal of 10 seconds and in reality its 60s -- Does it really matter -- I say its pointless to promise things you can't deliver22:24
chalcedonyInterphase,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/216454/22:24
mobi-sheepkevdog: Motivation. :O22:25
warnerMy Ubuntu is all fucked up and when i run apt-get update i just get 40422:25
OttifantSirkevdog: Let's continue in OT, shall we?22:25
kevdogtwig11:  Try commenting out the lines with wlan0 -- put a # in front of them22:25
warneranyone know what the proplem could be ?22:25
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:25
kevdogOttifantSir: Fine with me22:25
mobi-sheepwarner: Try different mirror.22:25
warnerI have like 50 mirrors..22:25
thestarlionalright... problem rephrased better - I have one Jaunty LiveCD, connected to a now working usb port, and the computer and grub on it won't boot from it. How to get it to boot on startup?22:26
mobi-sheepwarner: Select one of them.  You have a list of mirrors and it does not mean you're using them all. :O22:26
twig11kevdog: Done22:26
warneryeah, but I've tried many of them22:26
VCooliowarner: what version of ubuntu?22:27
warnerso i figured there might be some other stuff going on..22:27
kevdogtwig11:  Try rebooting:  Now that you may have to still cycle the interface as we discussed before!22:27
kevdogtwig11:  Know instead of now!22:27
twig11kevdog: okay, rebooting.22:27
=== J_- is now known as J-_
kevdogtwig11:  Get back to me when your back on22:29
fccfwarner: VCoolio asked a question... we ask questions and need your answer to make a informed decision22:29
guntbertwarner: choose a mirror geographically close to you; deselect prereleased and unsupported updates22:30
thestarliondoes anyone know how to make grub boot an usb cdrom?22:31
fccfthesatrlion: no ... the bios has to to that22:31
fccfto do*22:31
VCooliowarner: are you using a version of ubuntu that is no longer supported? that could be a cause for 40422:32
thestarlionthe bios won't, that's why I wanted grub to... the problem is I need to overwrite the current Jaunty with a fresh install, the only way I know of to do that is from CD, but it isn't letting me boot the livecd22:32
warnerguntbert: Okey, Ill try that.22:32
stroyanjoaopinto: Actually, iderik's problem with gutsy-updates is that gutsy when end-of-life April 18th.  It is to bad iderik didn't hang around.22:32
mobi-sheepShould had thrown the "lsb_release -r" command at him. ^^22:35
AndorinHey, guys. I installed Keytouch to help configure my multimedia keys for my keyboard. I have them set properly, but instead of the key performing the function it's supposed to, it starts Keytouch.22:36
chris_lenz123 22:37
fccfAndorin: doesn't keytouch have to be running for the key''s to work22:37
Andorinfccf: It'll just open a new Keytouch window, even if it's already running.22:38
fccfAndorin: strange ... sorry I cannot help further ... I have no hardware for that22:38
AutoMatriXHi folks22:39
Drekii have a .key file i need to add to the wine registry to get a program i use to work, is that possible?22:39
AndorinHistorically I've had a huge pile of trouble getting multimedia keys to work on Ubuntu22:39
Evelinartcwake doesn't turn my computer into standby, it wakes my computer immediately independent on the time chosen. Why?22:39
=== redsoxking|sleep is now known as redsoxking
twig11kevdog: when I rebooted, network manager applet asked permission to access a network password file or something ( I can't remember the specifics) and after I gave permission, it tried to join the network, but hung for a long time before asking me for a key. after I entered the key, it hung again for awhile and didn't connect. Now CLI trick doesn't work either, so I'm online with my laptop again.22:41
kevdogtwig11:  So at least it tried!!!22:42
kevdogtwig11: Cycle the driver once again and see if you can connect22:42
twig11kevdog: Well, yeah you could look at it that way.22:42
Pirate_Hunterwhich signature algorithm is better RSA or DSA, which will give better security?22:42
FloridaGuyi have a 17 inch LCD tv...with svideo..my nvidia card has svideo on it...how well would that work as a monitor...or i can by an svideo vga adapter22:42
FloridaGuyfor a few dollors22:43
twig11kevdog: I cycled the driver once already since it failed.22:43
[R]FloridaGuy: it'll owrk good enough, and no22:43
twig11kevdog: and it still doesn't work.22:43
FloridaGuy[R], whats the an no?22:43
[R]FloridaGuy: you asked two things22:43
kevdogPirate_Hunter: that is a loaded question -- RSA allows for SHA2 family of hashes unless you specifically enable dsa2 which isnt backwards compatible in some systems22:43
FloridaGuyso no to the adapter22:44
CleanLaundrywhats the command to show error messges,22:44
kevdogtwig11:  Does iwlist scan show a signal strength22:44
kevdogCleanLaundry: dmesg?22:44
Pirate_Hunterkevdog, to tell you the truth i aint sure what to choose but ive been given the option of either of them so what would you choose?22:44
CleanLaundrykevdog, yup thanks, forgot what it was :p22:44
CleanLaundrykevdog, what file does that print out from?22:45
looishow can I update to karmic kernel + intel drivers exclusively?22:45
kevdogPirate_Hunter: RSA is now (as of the last 3 months -- the de-facto GPG standard)  RSA used to be patent encumbered -- but now its not.  DSA has always been free.  I'd go with RSA if I were you!22:45
twig11kevdog: I'm waiting on dhclient after cycling it again. one upside: I've memorized the commands needed. :-)22:46
kevdogtwig11: See how easy it really is?!22:46
Pirate_Hunterkevdog, ok will do so22:46
twig11kevdog: yeah not bad22:46
}else{anyone know how to get the audio to come through the internal speakers and have output to headphones if I plug them in on an HP dv4 series notebook?22:46
kevdogPirate_Hunter: using gpg?22:47
}else{it's always one or the other, and to change it I have to go into confs and restart22:47
Pirate_Hunterkevdog nope setting up ISPConfig22:47
kevdogPirate_Hunter: Does that use hashes such as sha1?22:47
EvelinaDoes Resume by Alarm need to be enabled in BIOS to get the rtcwake work?22:48
giaco_whenever it starts an embedded video in firefox, the screen turns black and the system becomes unresponsive: CTRL-ALT-CANC not working22:49
kevdogo▐MAÄ╚█τx○‼╞‼╞y♂▬!B7,MXcc`ba^A ▼▼ 6A«22:50
Hossis there any incentive for me to upgrade my kernal from 8.04 to 8.10?22:50
[R]Hoss: 8.04 and 8.10 aren't kernel versions22:50
Hoss[R]: explain the difference then pls22:50
[R]Hoss: those are versions of ubuntu22:51
carpediem1giaco_: try installing libflashsupport and seeing if that helps22:51
Pirate_Hunterkevdog, not sure but here is the site link http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads.htm22:51
Hoss[R]:  is an upgrade from .04 to .10 possible and if so, why would be the benefits?22:51
Hoss[R]: *what would be the benefits.22:52
[R]Hoss: yes its possible22:52
[R]you would get newer versions of thigns22:52
[R]bug fixes22:52
[R]why upgrade anything in the computer world22:52
twig11kevdog: Here's my output from iwlist scan: http://pastebin.com/ma04495522:52
Hoss[R]:  is there a guild for this process and is there potential for older programs that I currently have installed not working after the upgrade.22:53
giaco_carpediem1, it's already installed. Probably I've to point out that I'm not talking to embedded videos like youtube (flash) but embedded videos where the player is not flash but comes from the OS ( actually I don't know which one, but it looks like totem )22:53
Hoss[R]: *guide22:53
SlickMcRunFastAnyone want to play Wesnoth with us? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120827322:53
SlickMcRunFastLook for the game Ubuntu Game Night #122:53
[R]Hoss: what do you have installed thats not part of the ubuntu repository?22:53
[R]and yes... there are tons of guides on the ubuntu websites22:53
AndorinDoes anyone know why Songbird and Exaile would play some music files quieter than others, but Amarok plays them all at equal volume?22:53
kevdogtwig11:  Why is the ESSID listed twice?  Did you do a sudo iwlist scan?22:53
carpediem1Andorin: perhaps Amorok does normalization ?22:54
twig11kevdog: no22:54
twig11just iwlist scan22:54
kevdogTry sudo iwlist scan -- It refreshes the cache22:55
dysfunctionalOk, So i think i messed up my ubuntu.  When i start it up... it doesnt go to the log in screen22:55
rainwalkertrying to view the "processes" tab in System Monitor closes it...what should I do?22:55
dysfunctionalit goes to another screen, saying something about not being able to connect to a session on the localhost22:55
twig11kevdog: looks like the same result.22:55
Andorincarpediem1: Normalization... a function that sets track volumes?22:56
dysfunctionali have been messing around with the xorg.conf file lately22:56
HidendraHas anyone ever experienced gcc reporting `gcc: /usr/lib:: No such file or directory`? :322:56
kevdogtwig11:  Do me a favor -- because something is jacked up -- go reset your router -- or turn it off and then plug it back it -- something screwed up22:56
carpediem1Andorin: yes.  A player with normalization (not sure if amorok does) would make the volume roughly the same for all tracks22:56
VCooliorainwalker: run gnome-system-monitor from a terminal, do the same and check if there is a comprehensible error message22:57
twig11kevdog: I'm not the network adminstrator and I'm not sure I can even get access to the router. Is the second essid a result of trying to manually enter that network in network manager earlier?22:58
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giaco_carpediem1, it's the mplayer plugin22:59
Ademananyone know why the ubuntu package for eclipse is so far behind?22:59
nsgnhello all. i've got a new Dell Vostro 1320 notebook. I've loaded it with 9.04 and am enjoying getting to know the (new to me) OS. Hardware support is pretty much flawless save for one item....the microphone. I've been googling periodically over the week i've owned the machine and find little info on getting the 1320's mic working under ubuntu, so I'm here in hopes that someone knowledgeable could share some useful information with me.22:59
nsgnComing from BSD so my knowledge of *nix is decent, but still a bit fresh on ubuntu itself.22:59
twig11kevdog: there's a wireless bridge between me and the router. I'll go cycle that at least.22:59
kevdogtwig11:  No its not -- Ive seen that happen before -- Was that output the same before the reboot?22:59
carpediem1giaco_: could always uninstall that plugin.22:59
twig11kevdog: no, before the reboot there was just one listing.23:00
kevdogtwig11: notice how the addresses are different?23:00
Ademannsgn: it's possible that pulseaudio is interacting badly with your microphone, but that's about all i can say, i don't know squat about sound really...23:00
edgar062Hallo, I´m  trying to instal the gnome-desktop from the terminal only with a CD but when I use apt-cdrom add, the cdrom can´t be mount.23:00
giaco_carpediem1, do you know the name of the package?23:00
cafreeI'm (trying to) install a perl extension and am asked for a zlib directory.  How do I find this?23:00
twig11_kevdog: yeah23:00
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kevdogtwig11:  I think there is a way manually to connect by bssid instead of essid (address vs name)23:01
nsgnAdeman: i can find people reporting the issue and taking stabs at it, but having no success in resolving it. it seems to be poorly supported hardware...but this is a fairly mainstream notebook23:01
twig11_kevdog: sounds scary.23:01
Ademancafree: probably /usr/lib  (that should be where zlib.so or libz.so is23:01
carpediem1giaco_: probably mozilla-mplayer23:01
kevdogtwig11_: let me look it up23:01
lstarnescafree: do you have the zlib1g and zlib1g-dev packages installed?23:01
jribIn my custom keyboard layout, can I have a key press correspond to the same as alt+SOMEKEY?  Or is there some way to have altGr act as alt when a 3rd level does not exist?23:01
cafreelstarnes: yes I do23:02
edgar062could someone help me please.23:02
Ademan!ask | edgar06223:02
ubottuedgar062: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:02
lucaszephi all, could anyone help me with this website: "www.sharedtalk.com" ?23:02
edgar062Hallo, I´m  trying to instal the gnome-desktop from the terminal only with a CD but when I use apt-cdrom add, the cdrom can´t be mount.23:03
giaco_carpediem1, thanks23:03
arandjrib: look in layout options in keyboard prefs23:03
bonobonsgn you may miss the specific driver for your micro, so why not try to download it from the constructor's site and go to ubuntu's forum to check how you can install a driver23:03
giaco_carpediem1, do you know any alternative?23:03
giaco_for mozilla-mplayer23:03
twig11_kevdog: now i just ran sudo iwlist scan again and I see two listings, one for each of two wireless networks that I know I'm in range of. That looks the way it should.23:03
Ademanlucaszep: what sort of help do you need? i doubt it's relevant to ubuntu support unfortunately, which means it's off topic, there's a channel #ubuntu-offtopic where you could discuss that23:03
[R]i'm getting 2.5MB/s on my wifi... is that good?23:03
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Ademan[R]: totally depends on your distance from the access point23:04
lucaszepAdeman, my problem is I can't go on it, I don't know why, I installed all flash plugins23:04
kevdogtwig11:  Here is an example of the syntax: iwconfig eth0 ap 00:60:1D:01:23:4523:04
bluebird421I found a conkyrc. I want to use but it's horseshoe-shaped and I want it straight. I've tried but can't do it. Help?23:04
nsgnbonobo: how might i identify the specific driver required? sorry to be uninformed on ubuntu, but what is the constructor's site?23:05
[R]Ademan: i'm in a 1bedroom apartment and i'm on the otherside of a wall of it23:05
kevdogtwig11: Cycle the driver then do a manual connect without typing the essid command but rather the above command but use wlan0 and the address of the AP with the highest quality as reported by sudo iwlist scan23:05
Ademanand the interference in the local area (for instance my access point is sitting on top of a computer, below a tv, and next to a printer, my connectivity SUCKS)23:05
jribarand: okay, I'm there, which option should I try?23:05
nsgnbonobo: i can deal with installing it if i can actually come across it23:05
[R]Ademan: so back to my question of... is it good?23:05
VCooliobluebird421: "horseshoe-shaped"? Have a screenshot?23:05
edgar062What can I do when the cdrom don´t mount when I use apt-cdrom add?23:06
rainwalkerVCoolio: when I launch it with the terminal, it says "SELinux was found was but is not enabled." and when I click the processes tab it tells me there was a segmentation fault23:07
Ademan[R]: well, i don't know anything about the interference of your setup, but i think i'd be pretty happy with that speed, given what i normally get at home...23:07
fantazamhi did anyone used remastersys tool -(for your own custom ubuntu cd-dvd)??23:07
Ademanlucaszep: what happens? what do you mean you can't access it?23:07
GiJHey guys, I was wondering what the fastest Ubuntu based distro is23:07
guntbert!best | GiJ23:07
ubottuGiJ: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:07
bluebird421VCoolio, yes. Perhaps a url would be easiest. It's http://conky.linux-hardcore.com/?page_id=125823:07
[R]Ademan: but 2.5 is like 20mbits... and wireless is supposed to be like 50 i thought23:07
kevdogGiJ:  I don't know but id take a look at crunch bang23:08
lucaszepAdeman, yes, the website replies me: "loading" and I can't access it23:08
VCooliorainwalker: that's not really helping. Sorry. Use top or htop in terminal; you'll need to install the latter but that´s the easiest to use.23:08
Ademan[R]: indeed, but that's in an absolutely ideal setup with no obstructions23:08
fantazammy modified updated ubuntu  hardy is fastest :)23:08
darkwindHeya folks. =)23:08
AdemanGiJ: like kevdog said, crunchbang is designed for speed, whether or not it's actually the fastest, i have no idea23:08
[R]Ademan: i should move the laptop into the room with the AP and see23:08
bluebird421I haven't tried fluxbuntu but I've heard it's fast. Also Xubuntu.23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crunchbang23:08
darkwindSo, I've tried installing 8.10 and 9.04 (both of which fail with a "panic: early exception" error, however 8.04 works.23:09
fantazamtry mint xfce or fluxbox or Pc-Os23:09
cachedon my server, it seems i only have internet access as root. whta could the problem be?23:09
darkwindAnyone know what could be causing these panics?23:09
kevdogHey I just threw it out there23:09
darkwind(panic happens at the initial point of installation)23:09
VCooliobluebird421: ok, I see. Aren't there a lot of ${goto xx} tags? Remove those of give them the same value to have it straight23:09
GiJAnd is Fluxbuntu an official release?23:09
Ademan[R]: i suppose, i wouldn't concern myself with it too much though, unless you need more than what you're getting23:09
GiJLike with an update every 6 months23:09
AdemanGiJ: i don't believe so, and they haven't released a 9.04 version if i remember correctly23:10
[R]Ademan: no, because my internet is only 200KB/s23:10
dysfunctionalDoes anyone know why I dont get to my log in screen, but to a screen asking to connect to a session of some sort in ubuntu?23:10
cachedand only google seems to work23:10
fantazamso did anyone used remastersys for ubuntu i have 1 question..??23:10
darkwindAlso... installed 8.04, did a dist-upgrade to 8.10, and got the early panic there... it has to be something with the kernel.. I'm running a new i7 setup, 12gb ram, x58 chipset...23:10
kevdogCrunchbang released a 9.0423:10
GiJso the fastest distro (without any new apps installed) would be Xubuntu? Thanks23:10
owen1(xubuntu) i run gnome-terminal and get: "Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting." any clue?23:10
bluebird421VCoolio: thanks, I'll try that. But will I need some kind of labels, to tell it where to be?23:11
kevdogGiJ: I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate23:11
[R]GiJ: no, the fastest would be not running X23:11
Ademanowen1: yeah, your gconf-daemon isn't running haha...23:11
fantazambtw apps doeent affect on system speed like on winblows23:11
fantazamno registry no bloat23:11
fantazamonly libs23:11
owen1Ademan: how to run this?23:11
Pirate_Huntercan someone tell me the name of the package that holds mysql header files?23:11
GiJHow do you mean [R]23:11
kevdogWhats the most bloated lib?23:11
[R]GiJ: i mean console23:11
Ademanowen1: try running   'gnome-settings-daemon &' then gnome-terminal23:11
rTk_coolhere's a noob question, whats the fastest way to get from xp to ubuntu while keeping xp incase i don't like ubuntu or just so im not lost if i can't figure ubuntu out23:12
darkwindPirate_Hunter: apt-cache search mysql | grep -i dev ?23:12
GiJOh yeah, should've said I meant the graphical distro's :)23:12
anka-arDid they see this http://new.flyupload.com/?, it is the ubuntu emblem23:12
Ademangnome-terminal requiring gconf is just silly though...23:12
kevdogdual boot!23:12
fantazammost bloated lib.. hm i dont know but there are some programs that autostart whit ubuntu some big programs maybe but just can disable it whit rcconf23:12
guntbertrTk_cool: test it with the live CD for a while23:12
[R]rTk_cool: just install ubuntu and select the otpion to keep windows23:12
VCooliobluebird421: it's all the ${offset } things btw, not ${goto}; and it's not really required, just a newline will put everything straight23:12
AdemanrTk_cool: dual boot, it's rather easy to do23:12
owen1Ademan: will try. thanks23:12
Ademanowen1: no problem23:12
fantazamrcconf is must have tool23:12
WAVINhi, I've ubuntu 9.04, is it possible to install KDE 4.3 rc1?23:12
fantazamapt-get install rcconf23:12
bluebird421Thanks so much!23:12
Ademanyou may not have installed though23:12
rTk_coolyeah but should i download ubuntu to a flash drive or to a cd23:13
GiJWhat does rcconf do?23:13
th0rPirate_Hunter: there are a number of them....all start libmysql and all end -dev23:13
kevdogGiJ: I still think the openbox window manager might be faster than xcfe --23:13
GodfatherofEirehavin a slight problem with installing a deb file23:13
rTk_coolim actually gonna eat dinner, hopefully u can help me when i get back23:13
[R]rTk_cool: the standard ubuntu installer is a cd23:13
fantazamdisable or enable autostarted apps23:13
rTk_coolor tomorrow actually23:13
GodfatherofEirejust restarted, tried to install, says to close all the other ones first23:13
kevdogWAVIN: yes it is23:13
GiJkevdog How do I install another WM then?23:13
fantazamwhen you install rcconf type in terminal sudo rcconf23:13
fantazamit is like 50kb program lol23:13
GodfatherofEireis it dpkg the command to fix that or something?23:13
AdemanGiJ: i second that, openbox would be faster.  HOWEVER, xfce is plenty fast, unless you're on a 386....23:13
twig11_kevdog: still not working.23:13
twisted_hey all, i need to figure out how to set up a adhoc so i can share my existing wifi connection any ideas?23:14
Pirate_Hunterth0r, darkwind, the ones im looking for are supposed to be in something like - MySQL header files which normally come in a package called mysql-devel, mysql-dev, libmysql-devel or something similar23:14
kevdogtwig11: sucks!23:14
twig11_kevdog: I followed that command by sudo iwconfig key XXXXX23:14
fantazamor install BUM  bootup manager same ike rcconf but in GUI23:14
twig11_kevdog: was that correct?23:14
kevdogtwig11: then did you ask for a dhcp?23:14
edgar062What can I do when, apt-cdrom add doesn´t mount the cdrom?23:14
fantazamis there some grup configuration program that is in gui??23:14
kevdogsudo aptitude install openbox23:14
twig11_kevdog: yep sudo dhclient23:14
kevdogsudo dhclient wlan023:15
kevdogtwig11: Dont install openbox23:15
WAVINkevdog: whats the best way to install it safely23:15
kevdogtwig11: sudo dhclient23:15
JBarcelonaGermany http://www.chelariu.de/23:15
fantazamopenbox sucks dont use that use xfce :)23:16
fantazamor icewm23:16
kevdogWAVIN:  I'm not sure about that one but its possible just23:16
kevdogfantazam: I prefer enlightenment -- but thats me23:16
guntbertJBarcelona: not here please23:16
WAVINthanks kevdog23:16
fantazamicewm is superlight23:16
JBarcelonaok, i go23:16
kevdogfantazam: Whats wrong with openbox23:16
VCooliokevdog: e17 +123:16
fantazamit is damn ugly :))23:17
GiJWhats wrong with openbox? It's fast and looks nice (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Openbox_desktop.png)23:17
twig11_kevdog: can't install anything as long as I'm not connected. :-)23:17
kevdogWAVIN:  for example sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop23:17
VCooliofantazam: startup-manager to configure grub with gui23:17
fantazamtnx vcoolio23:17
fantazami will check it now23:17
[R]GiJ: who said anything was wrong with it?23:17
kevdogtwig11: I'm not certain -- try to connect standard way then adding the new line under the essid statement23:18
owen1Ademan: after running it i see blue line at the bottom and alt keys, ctrl, page up/down stopped working. also my layout turn to query (i use dvork).23:18
mobi-sheepfantazam: Blackbox?23:18
GiJ[R] fantazam:)23:18
kevdogGiJ: openbox is ok -- asking around here which is the best window manager is just walking into a mine field.  Although e17 is sexy!23:18
[R]GiJ: lol23:18
owen1Ademan: maybe xubuntu is not suppose to use gnome-terminal?23:18
fantazamfluxbox is not bad it is fast and it can be pretty but you have to remove xfce or gnome and all gnome libs23:19
GiJOk, one more question then: How do I install another WM?23:19
owen1GiJ: try awesome23:19
[R]fantazam: you don't "have" to23:19
th0rowen1, Ademan xfce should use xfce4-terminal23:19
owen1GiJ: install it with aptitude and change your .xinitrc23:19
fantazamwhy do you want to have fluxbox and gnome23:19
kevdogfantazam:  How do you remove all of the gnome libs?23:19
Dantixhi all, I've succesfuly configured my cellphone connection using bluetooth, but I' don't know how can I access the cellphone's folders, can anyone help me?23:19
fantazambest to choose some fluxbox based distro23:19
fantazamlike mint fluxbox23:20
VCoolioGiJ: via synaptic or apt-get; then in your login screen click "sessions", choose your wm and login23:20
Peter_.Xauthorizations - packge manager can't find it. Who creates it and what permissions?23:20
owen1th0r: i am looking for termainl that support font increase on the fly23:20
twig11_kevdog: after the essid statement AND the key?23:20
owen1th0r: terminator can do it, and i wanted to try gnome-terminal23:20
th0rowen1: if  you want gnome-terminal you are best off to just run gnome23:20
GiJOk thanks guys23:20
kevdogtwig11: sure -- we are just trying things out -- Im not certain -- trial and erro23:20
owen1th0r: over my dead body (-:23:20
fantazamcrunchbang is not bad but littebit unstable not 100% stable distro23:21
fantazammint fluxbox is very stable23:21
kevdogGiJ: openbox is wierd at first.  you have to configure it to look sexy which isnt hard -- but at first it seems difficult.23:21
GiJkevdog Yeah shouldn't be a problem23:21
owen1kevdog: can it handle 2 monitors nicely?23:22
arandjrib: sorry for delay, the "key for 3rd level"-options might make something happen...23:22
gogetaowen1: nope lol23:22
fantazami prefer hardy over interpid much faster and more stable for me,jaunty is great but my g card doesent work whit it and some more things23:22
kevdogowen1:  I have no idea -- Ive never tried23:22
Dantixhi all, I've succesfuly configured my cellphone connection using bluetooth, but I' don't know how can I access the cellphone's folders, can anyone help me? Is that possible? Do I need to "mount" it in some way? :S23:22
Nameless_auhi there. i have done a successful netinstall of centos5.3 , and i would like to install kubuntu9.04 as well. I don't want to stuff it up. here is a shot of what paragon shows of sda: http://imagebin.ca/view/Fn4yc2.html  The LVM contains a 2 or 3 gig swap and a 5 gig filesystem with / mounted. obviously, /boot is in the device before the lvm. can i instal ubuntu with this configuration and not stuff it up?23:22
edgar062how do I add a cdrom to /etc/fstab?23:23
kevdogtwig11:  Waz up23:23
fantazamvcoolio: startup-manager great app just that i was looking for23:24
VCooliofantazam: ok nice23:24
twig11_kevdog: still not working23:24
th0redgar062: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=add+cdrom+to+fstab&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g1&fp=KxYPMM6r3XA23:24
mobi-sheepDantix: Check My Places?  It may be under there.23:24
KamokowI have Ubuntu 9.04 hooked up to a wireless network VIA a wireless bridge using a Cat. 5 cable. It works for awhile, then will randomly disconnect from the internet, it has a static IP different from the computer it is bridged with and it does work for awhile before disconnecting (then will sometimes reconnect awhile later), how can I make it always stay connected, because sometimes I get disconnected from pidgin conversations and such.23:24
kevdogtwig11:  do you get anything from the end of dmesg that might provide a clue?23:24
gogetaKamokow: blacklist ipv623:24
jribarand: I have my right alt  as the third-level-chooser (not using this dialog though) but I am trying to make it so that if I hit right-alt and some other key it still acts as alt plus that key23:25
Dantixmobi-sheep: thanks23:25
rootlinuxusrNeed halp configuring firestarter for samba shares, what ports do I need to enable? With firestarter off it works like a charm, with it on it denies me access to my shares.23:25
gogetaKamokow: its a bug in junty23:25
jribarand: when there is no third level of course23:25
karamellahi all friends i have logitech usb camera and the ubuntu didn't configure why?23:25
twig11_kevdog: but the network manager applet is still displaying a half-finished progress bar next to the ESSID. Does that have anything to do with what's happening?23:25
Kamokowso, blacklist ipv6?23:25
kevdogtwig11:  Its waiting for the dhcp address23:25
twig11_kevdog: what's dmesg?23:25
Kamokowhow do I do that in ubuntu? (Sorry, I havent ever done alot of network stuff with linux)23:26
kevdogdid you do a sudo dhclient -r wlan0 somewhere?23:26
Supersaiyan_IVKamokow, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv423:26
Kamokowthanks :)23:26
OttifantSirDantix: I can do it when I install obex-data-server. That gives a little Bluetooth-icon in the systray. Right-click it and select Browse files on device, then connect to your cellphone.23:26
viceslets say i have made a mistake, and public/public/filesiwant23:26
twig11_kevdog: yes I did.23:26
kevdogdmesg: system log (I think its the kernel log -- can someone clarify)?23:26
karamella hi all friends i have logitech usb camera and the ubuntu didn't configure why?23:26
viceshow do i move it so that it's public/filesiwant ?23:26
vices(from command line)23:27
gogetaKamokow: i did it myself my wireless hasent died in 2 days even thow ubuntu says its still enabled23:27
fantazamkaramella: what model of camera23:27
twig11_kevdog: you sure network manager isn23:27
GiJTo return to the WM discussion for another second: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_window_managers is really usefull23:27
twig11_kevdog: isn't involved in the problem somehow.23:27
vicesnm got it~23:28
Mike_lifeguardIs there any way to see what outgoing network traffic is? I have a seeminly-frozen firefox session that looks (from network stats) like it's still uploading a (large) file... I want to see if the traffic I'm seeing is going to a certain domain.23:28
kub1Hi:  Trying to Telling Ubuntu how to authenticate the PPA , via launchpad.net instructions, when I do the ¨sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8AC93F7A¨ I get ¨gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host¨ - is this a know error with a fix? Is the host down for everyone? Could it be my ISP firewall (I have to add an ISP proxy for /etc/apt) - do i need to put in proxy info to get the keyserver t23:28
kevdogtwig11: I have no idea -- try uninstalling it!23:28
gogetaKamokow: Edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add a line:23:28
gogetaKamokow: blacklist ipv623:28
Dantixmobi-sheep: I'm on a netbook, I can't find My Places... should have other name?23:28
En0ch_R00tsamba port 13923:28
mobi-sheepDantix: Err... Places.23:28
Dantixmobi-sheep:  (y)23:29
Supersaiyan_IVgogeta, thats not recommended, "blacklist.local" should be used in case root needs to modprobe, sudo sh -c 'echo blacklist ipv6 >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local23:29
mobi-sheepDantix: (y)?23:29
bazhanghttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system kub123:29
IFAILATLIFEType that23:29
bazhangIFAILATLIFE, stop that23:29
FloodBot2IFAILATLIFE: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
jrib!language | IFAILATLIFE23:29
ubottuIFAILATLIFE: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:29
IFAILATLIFErm -rf23:29
Dantixmobi-sheep: sorry that is an emoticon, still not find Places :S23:30
yaris123456789......the same guy is running botnets to attack multiple freenode channels....no point in banning his nicks23:30
IFAILATLIFEI am back in23:30
harjotguys help with kubuntu 9.0423:30
jrib!ask | harjot23:30
ubottuharjot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:30
harjotyes i cant goto kubuntu cause no ones replying23:30
harjotjrib: i was about to go into it!"23:31
harjotthis 9.04 kubunutu computer23:31
Dantixmobi-sheep: my windows manager is a Netlauncher23:31
harjotkeeps crashing and hanging23:31
harjoton processw intensive things i.e virtual box23:31
jribharjot: *one* line please23:32
harjotalso doesnt let synpoatic or anything start not even apt due to a ''family segementation fault''23:32
harjotany help?23:32
mobi-sheepDantix: You *may* be looking for something in "Computer" where there are list of devices.  If a new device didn't show up, then well, I don't know.  Not sure how one would work with bluetooth.  I couldn't access my bluetooth phone from my laptop but I could (with my friend's bluetooth phone).23:32
jribharjot: have you run a memtest?23:32
OttifantSirDantix: run sudo apt-cache search obex-data-server in a terminal and see if you have it installed. If not, sudo apt-get install obex-data-server It will give you a Bluetooth-icon in the systray which you can right-click, then select Browse files on device. Then you choose the device you want to connect to.23:32
harjotits a fault23:32
harjotwith a file or something23:32
harjotnot in memtest23:32
jribharjot: please stop using enter as punctuation23:33
Nameless_auhi. i have succesfully installed kubuntu live cd on a bootable usb stick using unetbootin in vista. it boots to usplash fine, but then goes to the terminal thing (partybox or something??) I get the following on the screen: modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory. what is going on and how can i get the gui up for an install?23:33
Switch10harjot: sounds like a memory prob23:33
harjotit didnt happen on 8.04?23:33
Dantixmobi-sheep: thanks a lot23:33
mobi-sheepDantix: Found it?23:33
DantixOttifantSir: thanks a lot too23:33
Switch10harjot: memory fails over time23:34
Supersaiyan_IVharjot, what is your graphics vendor, driver, and model23:34
harjotok so what do i do?23:34
harjotplz w8 5 mins im busy soz23:34
mobi-sheepOttifantSir: obex-data-server?23:34
Switch10harjot: try a new stick of ram23:34
jrib!english | harjot23:34
ubottuharjot: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat23:34
Switch10Or run memtest23:34
kevdogtwig11:  Im out for now -- catch back up later23:35
Switch10To b sure23:35
* Dekko has a question: I'm trying to remote control my linux box from my windows box using RealVNC. I am on Ubuntu 9.04, running the x0vncserver .... I CAN connect to the linux box, and I do get the desktop on screen, but it doesn't update the screen automatically. So completely useless.....23:35
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DekkoI have NO idea what gives.23:35
coz_hey guys.. out of curosity...when you go Places..Recent documents the "Clear recent documents" dialog opens...is it possible to disable that dialog while still deleteing the recent documents/23:35
KamokowSo on the page I got sent to, it only had directions for upto 8.04, i tried looking for the file to comment out net-pf-10 as well as adding net-pf-10 off, however the file isnt there... is there any instruction methods for Ubuntu 9? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4)23:36
Out_Coldif i set this in my /etc/crypttab as per instructions "/dev/mapper/cryptoswap /tmp swap sw 0 0" is this not just mounting swap to /tmp?? is that line correct?23:36
OttifantSirmobi-sheep: There are parts of the Bluetooth protocol missing from an install of bluez. obex-data-server is what makes you able to send files to ie. a cellphone and browse the files on it via Bluetooth. Without it, you can only pair a device and receive files from it, not send to it.23:37
mobi-sheepOttifantSir: It's already installed.  I'm testing this on my phone at the moment.  I think I did it last time in Jaunty.23:38
Morteza_Khi anyone can helo me?http://paste.ubuntu.com/216176/23:38
Nameless_auok ok, how can i install kubuntu from a live usb using the stupid terminal that comes up?23:38
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zacekhow can make my laptop webcam work?23:39
kub1What is the irc command to tell my irc cliect (webchat.freenode.net) to not show nic joins & departs messages on my screen? thx :)23:39
OttifantSirWell, I had to install it, but that may be due to not having a built-in Bluetooth radio, just a Hama USB-Bluetooth mini-dongle.23:39
dive-oIs there a .img download for installing ubuntu 9.04 on netbooks without going with the netbook remix?23:39
CALVBolá pessoal...23:40
dive-oI can only find .isos23:40
brokenpixeli dont think so23:40
gogetaKamokow: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html23:40
gogetai did that and blacklisted it23:40
dive-oguess i can pxe it23:40
Kamokowthanks :)23:40
erxini just have installed kde desktop on my ubuntu, but it is still auto loggin in to Gnome, i want to change it to a manual login, how can i change it23:40
gogetaKamokow: ubuntu still says its there but my network is stable so its not using it23:40
dive-oI don't mind the netbook distro as long as there's a non terrible way to switch it to xubuntu after install really23:40
Kamokowok ;)23:40
En0ch_R00tuse unetbootin to get the iso on a thumbdrive23:41
Morteza_Khi anyone can helo me?http://paste.ubuntu.com/216176/23:41
Nameless_auEn0ch_R00t: if ur talking to me, i did23:41
En0ch_R00tNameless_au: Did it work?23:42
Nameless_auit boots fine. usplash comes up, but then loads into the partybox terminal or whatever it's called23:42
Nameless_auand i get the error stated above23:42
OttifantSirerxin: Go to System -> Admin -> Login Screen -> Security and disable Automatic Login if it's enabled. If it isn't, try asking again.23:43
twig11_Help! I'm learning a lot about Ubuntu networking but I had my machine online and after trying to set up the network in Network Manager, it's broken and I don't know how to fix it! I can give you output if you need it for troubleshooting. My longsuffering mentor appears to have gone to sleep.23:43
syslq78What do you guys think of upstart?23:43
AzizLighthi everybody23:43
mobi-sheepOttifantSir: It's connected now.  I don't see anything.  That could be the issue.   On my friend's bluetooth, it'd show up on the desktop.23:43
AzizLighthow can I make a video dvd from an avi file please?23:43
mobi-sheepOttifantSir: Works with some phone... I don't think my phone is cable of "accessing files" -- but rather for... headphones and nothing more.23:43
gogetaKamokow: that will manuly disable it23:44
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twig11_why does sudo dhclient tell me "no working leases in persistent database"?23:44
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MaT-dgAzizLight: with the tools 'ManDVD' or 'DeVeDe'23:44
gogetatwig11_: you having iissues again23:44
crazy2kIs there a way to tell NetworkManager what's my default connection?23:44
twig11_gogeta: Still! :-(23:44
OttifantSirmobi-sheep: Did you right-click the icon and Browse files? The phone needs to be obex-ftp capable, so it may be that your phone isn't capable of that protocol.23:44
zacekmy lap's webcam is not working after I installed Wubi, is it possible to make it work?23:45
gogetaKamokow: i would make a script out of step 2 so you can easy disbale it the menu list command doesent work23:45
MaT-dgAzizLight: try them both, DeVeDe is easier to use and has a slightly nicer GUI (gnome) but ManDVD is more advanced23:45
gogetatwig11_: i gave you wicd use it23:45
mobi-sheepOttifantSir: Nothing shows up even although it's connected.  Probably not capable.23:45
ashbringerCan anyone clarify the "Modify pool structure to include more packages" section of the InstallCD Customization guide (here: <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization#Modify%20pool%20structure%20to%20include%20more%20packages>)? Specifically, do following the relevant instructions get the packages selected automatically? I'm sort of new to this, and unsure if I'm asking {the right questions,in the right place}, so any help is appreciated.23:45
twig11_gogeta: I used the manual method of taking the interface down, removing wlan0, putting it up again, then manually entering the essid and key. and it worked.23:45
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hans_I have problems with wifi with a  broadcom adapter. latest ubuntu whit latesr updaits. using system>hardware drivers does not found broadcom driver, but it does others...23:46
twig11_gogeta: wicd froze and crashed on my system, so I uninstalled it.23:46
AzizLightMaT-dg: ok thanks a lot, checking out DeVeDe atm23:46
gogetatwig11_: outchy23:46
crazy2kIs there a way to tell NetworkManager what's my default connection? Or a way to remove that "ifupdown (eth0)" connection.23:46
bazhangSyphonSilent, without caps23:46
adam7twig11_: did you set the correct interface in Wicd's preference's dialog?23:47
twig11_adam7: I doubt it. I never had a chance. it froze as soon as I started it up.23:47
erxinis it possible to login to KDE from CTRL ALT F6 and Gnome from CTRL ALT F7 ?23:47
SyphonSilentHow do I get my mic to work on ubuntu?23:47
dreamyhow many times a dvd rw works ..?23:47
OttifantSirashbringer: What is it about that part you don't understand? I haven't done this, but am pretty good at gleaning information from such things, so ask the question, and I'll read it and see what I can do.23:48
brokenpixelwhen using the dvd install of debian it hangs up at he google earth bit what can i do to fix this23:48
coz_Symmetria,  open a terminal type in    alsamixer   make sure the mike is not  muted23:48
gogetatwig11_: ifconfig up wlan0 && iwconfig wlan0 essid "your ssd" key "your key" && sudo dhclient wlan023:48
bazhangbrokenpixel, debian?23:48
coz_Symmetria, and if it is just hit the "m" keyboard button23:48
bazhang#debian brokenpixel23:48
coz_Symmetria,  aqnd then the arrows for volume23:48
gogetatwig11_: forgot something23:48
ashbringerOttifantSir: Does the extras repository get installed automatically, specifically.23:48
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twig11_gogeta: so don't type the command?23:48
y7deluxehow do i format an hdd with an ntfs partition in the ubuntu terminal?23:49
r3l1chi room23:49
gogetatwig11_: yea forgot sudos23:49
hans_I'v found others whit this problem, but after update it became solved, but not for me. -now I'm stuckt next to a modem with my UMPC =D hehe....23:49
blahDoes anyone know anything about goobuntu?23:49
SyphonSilentHow do I get my mic to work on ubuntu?23:49
bazhangblah, ubuntu-based23:49
brokenpixely7 delux you can use gparted23:49
bazhangblah, ie not the real thing23:49
twig11_gogeta: the double ampersands represent what?23:49
r3l1cSyphonSilent:  what kind of mic?23:49
y7deluxebrokenpixel, i lcicked on it on my computer and its telling me that it can't be mounted...23:49
r3l1cSyphonSilent:  internal?23:49
y7deluxehow do i go about mounting it?23:50
OttifantSirashbringer: Like, after you have installed the system, does the extras repository you create on your custom CD install automatically?23:50
ashbringerbasically yes23:50
Barridustwig11_, && means 'if the previous command succeeded do the next one'.  it will stop if the first command failed23:50
blahchrome os?23:50
SyphonSilentits a philips mic23:50
brokenpixelhow do install debian23:50
soreauNameless_au: coz_: In here23:50
gogetatwig11_: sudo su && ifconfig up wlan0 && iwconfig wlan0 essid "your ssd" key "your key" && dchclient wlan023:50
bazhangbrokenpixel, ask in #debian23:50
OttifantSirashbringer: hang on...23:50
Nameless_augrunts reporting23:50
r3l1cSyphonSilent:  what kind of connection?23:50
bazhangblah, offtopic for here23:50
y7deluxehow can i mount an hdd that is telling me it cannot be mounted?23:51
brokenpixelok thanks23:51
gogetatwig11_: it makke a qury of commands23:51
MaT-dgdreamy: depends on the brand and the quality, I see people in forums telling numbers from 10 to 200 times23:51
gogetatwig11_: && will tell it go to the next command on sucess23:51
r3l1cSyphonSilent:  Also which version of ubuntu and have you checked volume controls?23:51
olimonesHello. I have a hp pavillon dv7-2185dx laptop. i bought it a few days ago and want to have linux on it but i have a problem... i have no sound. can anyone help me?23:51
hans_can I force or set the places to search for hardware drives app?23:51
uvstudioshey everyone i dont have a questions realted to ubuntu but everyone here i've met has been very helpful, i was wondering if anyone knew where to go to get support for pureftpd ftp server?23:52
gogetatwig11_: sudo su makes you a full super user so you dont need to keep typing sudo23:52
AzizLightMaT-dg: looks like it's working thanks23:52
lstarnesgogeta: sudo -i, not sudo su23:52
hans_olimones: did you try the System>Administration>HardwareDrivers ?23:52
lstarnesgogeta: and we recommend not being logged in as root23:53
gogetalstarnes: sence when23:53
bazhanggogeta, please dont advise sudo su23:53
y7deluxehow can i mount an hdd that is telling me it cannot be mounted?23:53
bazhanggogeta, since forever23:53
olimoneshans: I did and it didnt work. i also tried alasa mixer23:53
r3l1cy7deluxe:  what filesystem?23:53
gogetabazhang: well thats not system wrecking not with that command set23:54
y7deluxer3l1c, i was just trying from the gui... i didn't try any terminal... but i'd like to use ntfs23:54
coz_Nameless_au,  well  I am not sure how this will deal with centos   but it should be fine using the ubuntu live cd and the partitioning  section there23:54
bazhanggogeta, its not the way ubuntu does it; dont recommend it here23:54
r3l1cy7deluxe:  is it an ntfs drive?23:54
twig11_gogeta: I forgot that was what sudo su is. when I'm done being root how do I log out of it again?23:54
bazhang!sudo > gogeta23:54
ubottugogeta, please see my private message23:54
lstarnestwig11_: exit23:54
y7deluxer3l1c, it's got nothing on it right now.... somebody else on here told me to put all 0's on it23:54
r3l1cy7deluxe:  private chat23:54
OzFalconAre there any known problems/solutions to sata DVD burning?23:54
lstarnestwig11_: btw, we prefer sudo -i over sudo su23:54
coz_Nameless_au,   I generally  like to do all of this at one shot  ,,,deciding what OS  is going to be included in the install and then finally installing ubuntu   all in one sitting so to speak23:54
olimoneshans: this is the last thing i tried: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7299632&postcount=6023:54
gogetatwig11_: exit23:54
gogetatwig11_: exit leaves root mode23:55
OttifantSirashbringer: I'm sorry, but from what I can see, they aren't automatically installed. But, the whole point of making a custom CD is to get a personalised system up and running at once, right? So, probably, somewhere further along in the guide, it will explain how to do that. (Assuming you haven't read all of it yet) If you read through it, and there's no mention of it, try asking again.23:55
twig11_gogeta: I understand.23:56
ashbringerOttifantSir: I have read through all of it. It isn't mentioned.23:56
ashbringerSo then, how can I preseed an arbitrary repository from the liveCD?23:56
mannyhi manny running jaubty jackalope, i need help installing adobe air23:56
hans_olimones, i'm not in coding :/ and i have the same problem with wifi on a pavilion.... im stuckt to my modem now...23:56
OttifantSirashbringer: If you hadn't asked the question, I would probably have made a custom install-CD and just assumed they were automatically installed. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.23:56
twig11_gogeta: I actually did all those commands before, and I keep getting the message "No working leases in persistent database"23:56
OttifantSirTry also typing !automate > ashbringer in this channel23:57
ashbringer!automate > ashbringer23:58
ubottuashbringer, please see my private message23:58
ashbringerOttifantSir: I'm less interested in automatic install and more interested in adding packages to be installed by default.23:58
twig11_gogeta: the commands quit working after I put the Network Manager applet in the tray and rebooted. It asked for access to passwords and I gave it, then it hung. I removed Network Manager and rebooted. that's where I am now.23:58
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olimonesi'll keep searching and report as soon as i get something23:59

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