[00:24] whoah [00:24] this is a chennel [00:24] so how far along is ubuntu on arm? [05:04] does anybody know where I can find a version of kexecboot that supports ext4? or am I going to have to install all over again because I used such a new filesystem? :-/ [05:55] That's the reason why people have usually made a separate /boot partitions with an older filesystem. [07:20] dpb, you ca't do that with kexecboot, it passes its own root= option to he kernel forcing it to use the same partition the kernel image was found on [07:22] supposedly they are fixing that in the latest version, but there aren't any ready-to-flash images of it yet, and I haven't figured out how t compile it myself yet [07:24] I see. [11:19] ogra: Hmm we should be here [11:19] heh, yeah [11:21] hmm, identical version in debian [11:21] thats intresting [11:43] ogra: What about the PR 10288 change? [11:44] ogra: I couldn't fetch anything newer than 3rd of July as CVS seems down for m [11:44] me [11:44] i'm just building with that one disabled :) [11:44] Are you bisecting? [11:44] no, i just commented out http://paste.ubuntu.com/216821/ [11:44] s/commented out/reverted [11:45] its at the ld tests ... i'll know in 5 mins [11:45] I doubt it's that change; I'd rather suspect the testsuite [11:45] not being brought up to date with the code you mean ? [11:46] well, ten it should still survive this test now [11:46] *then [11:46] The testsuite was completely rewritten [11:47] between 20090704 and 20090622 ? [11:47] Yes [11:49] i only see two changelog entries [11:49] + * binutils-all/objcopy.exp: Move XFAIL from objcopy_test to [11:49] + copy_executable. [11:49] and another unrealted one pointing to cygwin [11:49] There are multiple ChangeLog file [11:50] ogra: Did you file a bug already? [11:50] yeah, i just see that [11:50] nope [11:50] ogra: You might want to start there [11:50] i was hoping to be able to attach some info [11:50] Start by filing the bug, then collect more info? [11:51] well, the build is near the point of failure ... i'll file after it failed or passed that [11:59] ok, failed [11:59] * ogra files ... [12:02] oh [12:02] * ogra looks at http://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2009-06/msg00289.html [12:10] lool, bug 398732 [12:10] Launchpad bug 398732 in binutils "binutils on armel fails to build due to regression test failure on 64 Bytes alignment test for gas/arm/arm.exp" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/398732 [12:11] feel free to mark it critical if you think its worth it [12:12] Thanks [12:12] ogra: I was thinking of filing it upstream though [12:13] i want to have it at dokos attention first, i'll file an upstream one as well [12:16] sigh, indeed upstream bugzilla needs a new account [12:16] * ogra hates that [12:40] hello [12:40] anyone got kernel config for qemu? [12:44] the linux-image for versatile package contains the qemu config we use [12:47] lool, wow, upstream is quick :) already confirmed [12:48] ogra: Where is that confirmed? [12:48] in the LP bugwatch [12:50] That seems broken, I see no activity in the upstream bug [12:51] yeah, weird [12:56] lool, btw, are you using the packaged kernel in your cloud builder or a self rolled one (and did your chnages get included in our tree already) ? [12:57] ogra: You mean the qemu kernel? [12:57] i'd like to switch rootstock to using the packaged version and new qemu [12:57] so i have a VM matching the HW we support [12:57] I will probably use a custom kernel and qemu, but the Ubuntu ones are good enough for now [12:58] well, i dont want to have to change twice if we switch to v6 [12:58] ogra: We don't have a versatile flavour in karmic anymore [12:59] ugh [12:59] ok [12:59] The problem is that the upstream linux doesn't support arm > v5 versatile by default [12:59] i thought that was carried over [12:59] It was dropped along the "drop all the v5 stuff" commit [12:59] hrm [12:59] we could really have kept that [13:00] I don't have time to fix the kernel build to allow both v5 and v6/v7; if you'd like to chase it, I think it's a good idea [13:00] given that we need it back anyway [13:00] lets see ... if we really skip A3 i migh have time for it [13:01] ../../ld/ldlang.c:1399: error: no previous prototype for ‘next_matching_output_section_statement’ [13:01] for now there are still binutils, banshee, tomboy and a bunch of specs i have to attack :) [13:01] not to forget the ftbfs list :) [13:02] ogra, where is that image? [13:02] in the archive [13:02] ports.ubuntu.com [13:04] sorry looks like i dont know how to use that [13:06] http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.28-14-versatile_2.6.28-14.46_armel.deb [13:10] erm [13:10] package architecture (armel) does not match system (i386) [13:11] i wonder how can i get that open just to the the config file?) [13:11] open it with file roller :) [13:13] ah [13:13] got config-2.6.28-14-versatile [13:13] is that the one you use with qemu? [13:13] can i simply use it with 2.6.30 as well? [13:13] you probably need to make changes [13:13] but its a good base [13:15] im having trouble getting anything into the qemu console on boot [13:27] well [13:27] i managed to build the kernel [13:27] and i get to login [13:28] but my question is: why i dont see kernel boot messages? [13:28] you likely dont use the right console= bootoption [13:29] well [13:29] i've tried many [13:30] console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 should be the right one looking at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/project-rootstock/trunk/annotate/head%3A/rootstock [13:31] ive tried console=ttyAMA0 [13:31] i wonder if ,115200n8 is important, but I can try [13:31] first im enabling preempting in the kernel.. [13:32] yes, it is [13:32] nope, that didnt help === cbrake_away is now known as cbrake [13:49] oh wait [13:49] now i do gte the boot messages if i switch to ctrl-alt-3 [13:49] i wonder - can I get that to the default, ctrl alt 1 console? [13:52] Rebuilding latest binutils under jaunty gives a passing testsuite, so it builds with gcc 4.3 [13:53] lool, well, given it finishes fine in debian i wouldnt have doubted that [13:55] fsvo fine :) there are tons of error messages from gcc in their log [14:42] ogra: http://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2009-07/msg00038.html [14:42] (thanks to doko) [14:42] yeah [14:44] i dont see the patch anywhere though [14:45] ah [14:45] found it [14:46] http://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2009-06/msg00289.html [14:46] That's the one you mentionned earlier [14:46] Just Matthias reported the issue already [14:46] yep [14:46] ok, but didnt open any bugs [15:08] For some reason I can't build that very well from tip [15:17] Hey doko [15:19] I reproduce the failure after adding the patch [15:19] doko: So you spotted the right patch, thanks1 [15:19] ! [15:24] lool: yes, but Daniel Gutson wasn't able to reproduce it [15:38] doko, do you think its not gcc version related at all ? i dont see him building with 4.4 [15:38] * ogra had the impression its the combo of patch and gcc version [15:38] doko: Could you bounce me his message so that I can reply to it not breaking the thread? [15:38] doko: I'm sub-ing to the list [15:39] lool: how do you bounce from thunderbird? [15:40] * ogra thinks TB needs a special plugin [15:41] mail redirect plugin it seems [15:45] doko: I don't know :) [15:45] doko: forward as an attach? [15:54] doko: So shall we just push a binutils without that patch? [15:54] doko: I confirmed that this single patch is causing the regression by building tip + that patch [15:54] lool: which regression exactly do you mean? [15:55] doko: The one from the testsuite [15:55] the newly added test? [15:55] Yes [15:55] Or do you think we should fix the test ourselves? [15:55] would be good to have a working ld :) [15:55] one way or the other [15:55] well, that patch is a patch for as, so why is ld broken? [15:56] doko: I'm just fixing the binutils build so that we have latest binutils [15:56] probably the ld issue i see in the upstart build is just a fallout [15:56] lool: please let my build finish [15:57] doko: Sure, so you're building a binutils without that patch? [15:59] I'm currently checking current trunk with this patch, and trying to find out why it's not seen by Daniel. plus building on Debian as well [16:00] and we did turn on ssp recently on arm as well ... [16:20] lool, ogra: please could you check if you see the ld failure with the 20090620 binutils? This one doesn't fail the test [16:22] now building the debian binutils with the align patch on unstable. it's a slow machine ... [16:22] will doo, but it will take a while, SD filesystem on my build machine here === bjf_afk is now known as bjf [16:30] doko: Isn't that the one we have now? we have 20090622 [16:30] doko, 20090620 ? 20090622 doesnt fail it either i think [16:30] heh, snap [16:31] doko: I see you did upload a 20090620; I guess I could try that [16:31] though 22 did build fine ... [16:31] (but breaks in ld for the upstart build) [16:32] so 22 either didnt have the test or passed it [16:42] lool: got it, changed objdump output, which breaks the comparision with the expected output [16:47] doko: aha [16:48] doko: But I only see it with the patch [16:54] lool: the testcase is added with the patch [17:01] doko: So I guess we should close the upstream bug and send an updated patch to Daniel Gutson? [17:02] doko: I need to reboot my B2; the upstart build hung it; I guess OOM [17:04] ouch, ok, not sure if I had something building on it [17:05] lool, your B2 ? [17:05] where did you get a B2 from ? [17:05] * ogra thought we only had one left [17:05] ogra: Just like you did?! [17:05] oh, you didnt send yours to the kernel team [17:05] * ogra forgot [17:06] 3954 lool 20 0 135m 126m 6216 R 92.9 26.8 0:38.71 cc1 [17:06] you were hiding for so long on that spanish island that i actually forgot about yours :) [17:06] it hangs in cc ? not in ld ? [17:06] wow, thats weird [17:09] 16750 nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_node.c [17:10] It's just a stupidly large file [17:10] it builds in less than 5min on x86 [17:10] the whole of upstart [17:10] But it might be using a huge amount of memory [17:11] hmm, i didnt check that [17:11] i think Keybuk said something about 16000 LOC [17:18] o___________O; [17:34] ogra: Did you sub ubuntu-armel on that upstart bug? [17:34] * ogra thought he did [17:34] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.4/+bug/398403 [17:34] yep [17:34] Launchpad bug 398403 in gcc-4.4 "gcc-4.4 fails to build upstart 0.6 on armel due to an internal compiler error" [High,New] [17:35] Oh good thqnks [17:36] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.4/+bug/398403/comments/1 is on a lange btw and errors out at the same point the buildd does ... [17:36] Launchpad bug 398403 in gcc-4.4 "gcc-4.4 fails to build upstart 0.6 on armel due to an internal compiler error" [High,New] [17:36] the confusing part was the testbuild on the other board [17:36] which failed at totally random places [17:52] doko: Is there a bug requesting the merge of the patch which broke our binutils bug? [17:54] lool: no, binutils doesn't use issues for bug tracking. lets wait for Daniel's reply now === j_ack_ is now known as j_ack === cbrake is now known as cbrake_away