[00:00] ashbringer: I just thought an automatic install would be a custom install, installing a custom set of applications to an Ubuntu install, therefore it might bear some resemblance to your problem [00:00] Does firestarter have an IRC channel? [00:01] is there something like big dvd iso for ubuntu like debian has ? [00:01] Ergo^: Ubuntu DVD contains all languages. [00:01] !ppagpg > kub1 [00:01] kub1, please see my private message [00:01] to have bluetooth icon you have to install gnome-bluetoot [00:02] hello [00:02] can i get some help please [00:02] mobi-sheep: im looking for dvd that would have a lot more packages than cd has [00:02] yes manny.. [00:02] manny: post your problem [00:02] im running Jaunty and i want to install Adobe Air [00:02] rootlinuxusr: Not an official one anyway. [00:03] Ergo^: Use minimal disc and you can get all packages you desire from Intenret. [00:03] what is adobe air? :) [00:03] Internet* [00:03] what up people? [00:03] mobi-sheep: the point is those computers are cut off from network completly [00:03] im running Jaunty and i want to install Adobe Air [00:04] adobe air is some win or linux program? [00:04] manny: http://tinyurl.com/mut7n2 [00:04] help hp dv7-2185 laptop with no sound. [00:04] fantazam: its cross OS actiually [00:04] !aptoncd | Ergo^ [00:04] Ergo^: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline [00:04] !offline | Ergo^ [00:04] Ergo^: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD [00:05] adobe air packages is not on offical ubuntu repositroy available? [00:05] Ergo^: This answer your question? [00:05] or on medibuntu repo [00:05] fantazam: No. [00:05] mobi-sheep: yeah [00:06] twig11_: you connected [00:06] mobi-sheep: ill be developing a titanium application to ease the process of downloading the debs to hdd and to solve dependency problems [00:06] twig11_: i was afk [00:06] gogeta: does this tell you anything? http://pastebin.com/m262ba0a9 [00:06] here is adobeair .deb package: ? [00:06] http://www.mediafire.com/?x2xymf72k0x [00:06] try maybe whit that [00:07] Ergo^: Ahh, interesting. :) [00:07] if you are running 32bit system [00:07] twig11_: yes you didnt enter your ssid [00:07] gogeta: thanks, the site worked, and my internet seems to be running better now =D === DansTheMan is now known as Mayazcherquoi [00:07] fantazam: "Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-platform runtime environment for building rich Internet applications using Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, HTML, or Ajax, that can be deployed as a desktop application." === cloneproduction is now known as clone [00:07] gogeta: but I *DID* [00:07] Kamokow: i did both the blacklist and that and fixed my issue [00:08] twig11_: its iwconfig wlan0 essid "your ssid" [00:08] ok, well thanks ;) [00:08] Hello, anyone using Livestation? [00:08] thank you [00:08] In my custom keyboard layout, can I have a key press correspond to the same as alt+SOMEKEY? Or is there some way to have altGr act as alt when a 3rd level does not exist? [00:09] was hoping someone could help me with some audio problems ive been trying to solve for 3 days now. i uninstalled pulse, now I get /dev/dsp busy, "no available audio device", under sound settings even the tests produce errors [00:09] mobi-sheep: did you downloaded adobe air now is it working all fine? [00:09] twig11_: sudo of course [00:09] I get this message from the Terminal every time I try to launch it (Livestation) :S : Aborted [00:09] fantazam: I tested it before, yes. I have no use for AIR. [00:10] can i get some help of a pro ubuntu user please ? [00:10] gogeta: plus key (my key) since its a WEP encrypted network, right? [00:10] twig11_: yep [00:10] mobi-sheep you are deweloper? :) [00:10] twig11_: you can do iwscan wlan0 if you forgot the name [00:10] gogeta: and now sudo dhclient... [00:10] twig11_: sudo dhclient wlan0 [00:10] Any one know how to make the panels not sticky? I would like to make them unique to each work space. using compiz on ubuntu 9.04 [00:11] NemesisD: If you have a HP dvx you shoul try this. It didn't work for my dv7 but it might work for yours [00:11] simple issue: need to install flash on 64 ? cant find how to do it... im new to ubunto [00:11] ubuntu* [00:11] i have solution for flash on 64 bit [00:11] fantazam: No. I did develop a little there and there but not really. [00:11] :) [00:11] olimones: not even sure what an hp dvx is but im pretty sure i don't have it [00:11] twig11_: its "mykey" [00:11] not ( [00:11] mobi-sheep: http://apt.alturl.com/ - this should have been taken off the bot, try searching for python-all [00:11] it seems to give wrong results [00:11] midland sec. [00:12] this is on a custom built desktop, sound was working fine under pulseaudio then abruptly stopped [00:12] ive installed myysql but dont remember the name of myql server, how do i find out? [00:12] gogeta: yep that's what I did, but it's still not working. [00:12] ?? [00:12] iwconfigs still not showing the ssid [00:12] ? [00:12] midlandsbassline: open a terminal and type sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree [00:12] midlan http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer- [00:12] download thhat [00:12] and extract [00:13] Ergo^: why do you say it gives wrong results? [00:13] NemesisD: hp laptop model dv4, dv5, dv6 or dv7 [00:13] Ergo^: What results do you get? I get three debs. [00:13] and create folder plugins [00:13] and copy extraced files to plugins [00:13] olimones: oh, yeah not me [00:13] anyone know how to launch nautilus from command line without it taking control of the background? running Fluxbox, but don't want to use MC for file management [00:13] and copy plugins folder to home mozilla [00:13] and voila flash will work [00:13] ok [00:13] :G [00:13] i knew it was a plugin [00:13] berkough: --no-desktop (as in the --help output) [00:13] just most of tuts on www are shit tbf [00:13] twig11_: i would run iwscan wlan0 make shure the ssid is correct [00:14] ive installed mysql but dont remember the name of myql server, how do i find out? [00:14] Ergo^: I see what you mean. [00:14] !lamp > Pirate_Hunter [00:14] Pirate_Hunter, please see my private message [00:14] gogeta: for your information: http://pastebin.com/m46948e7a [00:14] copy folder plugins to home-mozilla or home-firefox not sure [00:14] for sure thanks jrib! [00:15] it is hidden folder [00:15] jrib, i already installed lamp im setting up ISPConfig and it asks for the name of mysql server which i dont know, how would i go finding it out? [00:15] Pirate_Hunter: I don't know what that means [00:15] so you have to: view-show hidden files [00:15] gogeta: command not found [00:15] was wondering is there a way to make the wifi on my wifes lappy autostart with out having to push the button to start it first it a atheros wifi? [00:15] twig11_: unless you hit the disconnect bug then just reoot the machine and try again [00:15] jrib, neither do i [00:16] Pirate_Hunter: if you installed mysql on the same computer, the mysql server hostname would be "localhost" [00:16] so after extraction should be an SO file [00:16] yea [00:16] .so file [00:16] L3dPlatedLinux: What button? [00:16] dont rename it [00:16] twig11_: iwlist wlan0 [00:16] gogeta: what do you mean hit the disconnect bug? [00:16] Pirate_Hunter: #ubuntu-server ? :( [00:16] just make new folder called plugins [00:16] the wifi button on the lappy next to the power button [00:16] twig11_: wireless in ubuntu 9.04 is flaky [00:16] and coppy that file to that folder [00:16] and copy that folder plugins to home-mozilla [00:16] rww, will try that [00:17] and that it [00:17] mobi-sheep, i think rww is right [00:17] takes a couple of min for it to connect [00:17] gogeta: it says iwlist unknown command [00:18] @fantazam: wheres the foler for f [00:18] ffx* [00:18] folder* [00:18] folder mozilla is in home [00:18] hmm :( [00:18] you have to : view-show hidden files [00:18] are you in home folder? [00:18] i hate pulse, i just want it to go awayy [00:18] yea [00:19] up you will see view [00:19] do you see it [00:19] gogeta: is there a way I could clear out all the wireless settings without disturbing ndiswrapper and start over? [00:19] at the top [00:19] i showed huiddens [00:19] hiddens [00:19] ok [00:19] you find mozilla [00:19] folder [00:19] and copy plugins to mozilla [00:19] im an ubuntu newbie, can someone help me with a question ? [00:20] no mozilla [00:20] do you use firefox ? [00:20] midlandsbassline: it's actually .mozilla [00:20] nothing really related to firefox [00:20] yea mozilla or . mozilla sam thing [00:20] sweat :) [00:20] found it [00:20] finaly :) [00:20] twig11_: iwlist wlan0 scan [00:21] !ask | regalia [00:21] regalia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:21] gogeta: I'm rebooting while I wait [00:21] i am a php programmer so not sumbody proper daft lol [00:21] so does your flash works? :) [00:21] you never know:-) [00:21] how do i find out my domain? [00:21] restart ffx nw [00:21] ok [00:21] twig11_: heh [00:22] nope fantazam [00:22] huh very strange [00:22] is it "pluginS" with an s [00:22] mybe you didnt copy it right or something [00:22] go to home mozilla again [00:23] anyone know why #ubuntu-fl is invite only? [00:23] and tell me what you have inside that folder [00:23] /home/jayne/.mozilla/plugins/libflashpleyer.so [00:23] libflashplayer.so [00:23] ok [00:24] that it where should be [00:24] open firefox and go to [00:24] NIOT SHOWING IN [PLUGINS IN FFX ASWELL :( [00:24] *Caps [00:24] ok [00:24] L3dPlatedLinux: Can you pastebin ( or just paste if it's only one line ) the output of "lsmod | grep ath" ? [00:24] Hello. I'm using Jaunty amd64 on laptop. My problem is: CPU frequency manager applet in GNOME is not working anymore - I can't change frequency. I tried to do fallowing things (as result of google search): - sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets and checking to run frequency manager to run as suid of root, also reinstalling gnome-applets, purging cpufreqd, cpufrequtils and reinstalling them. None of there helpt. Anyone could help me [00:24] gogeta: http://pastebin.com/m7ef8f466 [00:24] in firefox it should plugins-libflashplayer [00:24] but it is not? [00:25] how do i find out my domain, settingup ISPConfig? [00:25] ahhh 1 sec [00:25] Im running Jaunty with MS bluetooth keyboard/mouse which stops working after period of inactivity. Used to work fine so feels liek some recent bluez or related update has started the problem any suggestions ? [00:26] exit [00:26] when i used to use windows i used true crypt to encrypt the system partition, is that at all possible with ubuntu? [00:27] Dreki: http://www.google.pl/search?hl=pl&rlz=1G1GGLQ_PLPL295&q=ubuntu+encrypt+partition&btnG=Szukaj&lr= [00:27] gogeta: did you see the results of my scan? [00:28] I have a fresh install of 9.04 server, what would cause CPAN to throw back a "Couldn't untar" error? [00:28] awww man hiatus isn't here [00:29] danl: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=773490 check this out, maybe it will help you [00:30] is there a way to automatically remove recent documents without having to go through the clear recent documents dialog? [00:30] L3dPlatedLinux: Are you still there? [00:30] twig11_: any luck [00:30] how do i switch to kde visual look? [00:31] gogeta: no. did you see the results of my scan at http://pastebin.com/m7ef8f466? [00:31] Klowny: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [00:31] yes [00:31] coz_: maybe you would like to disable it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66821 [00:31] Can someone tell me where Grub should be installed when installing Ubuntu? [00:31] ty socah [00:31] Jordan_U, sure am [00:31] Socah, no I found a few issues with disabling it I was just wanting to disable the Clear recent documents dislog [00:32] dialog [00:32] says it couldn't find that package socah [00:32] Klowny: sec... [00:32] Hay hows everyone doing today?? [00:32] i just want the look like i wanna keep ubuntu on here [00:32] twig11_: its cap sentiv if your using all lower case [00:32] you know [00:32] Klowny: go into synaptic and write Kubuntu, there must be kubuntu-desktop package [00:33] i am sure gnome can look pretty too [00:33] Keranu: Unless you have an exotic configuration the default ( the MBR of the first drive ) should work. [00:33] Can someone tell me where Grub should be installed when installing Ubuntu? [00:33] yes, I know :) [00:33] Keranu: on MBR partition [00:33] Just the drive or on the same directory as the WinXP partition? [00:33] gogeta: no it's not a caps or lowercase problem. [00:33] gogeta: I have to go for supper. [00:33] Keranu, no not ont the winxp parition unless you direct it to do that [00:33] thanks for your help. [00:34] Hello. I'm using Jaunty amd64 on laptop. My problem is: CPU frequency manager applet in GNOME is not working anymore - I can't change frequency. I tried to do fallowing things (as result of google search): - sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets and checking to run frequency manager to run as suid of root, also reinstalling gnome-applets, purging cpufreqd, cpufrequtils and reinstalling them. None of there helpt. Anyone could help me [00:34] what is proxyscan.freenode.net? [00:34] ok it says i need 579mb just for that, no thanks lol [00:34] twig11_: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Elmendorf Hof" key "yourkey" [00:34] Hmm, I've been having problems getting WinXP to dual boot with Ubuntu. I've tried installing it to the MBR drive before too [00:34] I think when I install it to the MBR, my computer still boots straight up into WinXP [00:34] Klowny: it's a desktop environment, so it comes with a lot of extra apps [00:34] twig11 try a sudo dhclient wlan0 [00:35] But if I install it in other spots, it boots up Grub, but doesn't let me boot WinXP from there (error 21) [00:35] Keranu: how many hdd drivers you got? [00:35] bucky: his iwconfig seems to not add the essid [00:35] drives* [00:35] gogeta: ESSID:"Elmendorf Hof" [00:36] Anyone able to help figure out an openssl issue? [00:36] http://www.gnome-look.org/ i'm at that place and frankly it is mind boggling [00:36] i dunno what to look for exactly lol [00:36] I need to check to see if a certificate is signed or not. [00:36] I have two hard drives. At first I was trying to install Ubuntu on the same hard drive as WinXP, but just now I tried installing Ubuntu on my seperate SATA hard drive (which I installed Grub to the Ubuntu directory and PC still boots up just XP) [00:36] bucky: essid isnt cap [00:36] hay, any one here messed with raid arrays before??? and that i could possibly get some advice from ??? [00:36] Keranu: the problem is that [00:36] I've tried every directory when installing on the same hard drive as WinXP [00:36] Klowny: gtk2 for buttons and controls etc; metacity for window borders; gdm for login windows etc [00:37] oh wow vc there isn't any in one big package lol? [00:37] Keranu: you got 2 hdd's, each one got his own MBR, and propalby GRUB is installed on second's disk MBR [00:37] /join #orlug [00:37] so you still got windows loader [00:38] Socah, try here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7136069&posted=1#post7136069 [00:38] how do i mount an hdd in ubuntu that isn't showing up anywhere? [00:38] Klowny: lot of gtk2 also have window borders with metacity and some of the themes have everything; also check this: http://francois.vogelweith.com/?lang=en [00:38] I was thinking the problem lied somewhere with that because when I go to install Ubuntu, it lists my SATA drive (not primary) first [00:38] is the hdd formatted? [00:38] yes [00:38] ty sir [00:38] y7deluxe: Does it show up in "sudo fdisk -l" ? [00:38] holy cow those are beautiful [00:38] simply beautiful [00:39] hello [00:39] Socah, should I install Ubuntu on my SATA drive and install Grub on hd0 or wherever my WinXP is on? [00:39] Jordan_U, i don't know what to look for there [00:39] Jordan_U, it doesn't appear to [00:39] anyone using livestation? [00:40] Keranu: I think yes, you need to install GRUB on first's disk MBR [00:40] ok lol yeah that is not for the average computer user to use haha [00:40] and if it will work, but windows will give grub error [00:40] it's only matter of changing menu.lst [00:40] to get windows work too [00:41] it's a bit complitated with 2 hdd's.... I had same problem 2 years ago [00:41] I think I'll try installing Grub on hd1 next [00:42] But as I've said, I have got Grub and Ubuntu to install on the same drive as WinXP [00:42] you should have a possibility to install grub on for example hda [00:42] The problem is that even though Grub lists XP, it won't boot it and says Error 21: Can't Find Selected Disk (or something like that) [00:42] hda, not hda1 or hda2 [00:42] in firefox, what app should i associate with apt:// protocol? [00:42] just drive without letters [00:43] Keranu: which drive is your bios set to boot? [00:43] brb, reboot [00:44] Well I thought it was set to boot off my IDE drive that WinXP is installed on, but I'm going to try installing it on my SATA drive next [00:44] hello [00:44] Keranu: set your bios set to the drive that has grub [00:44] How can I do that? [00:44] does anyone here know how to compress a 1.3GB file to fit on a 708mb disc? [00:44] in the bios [00:45] Keranu some bios will cascade through the haed drives untill they find one with a boot record, [00:45] Reitz: tar.gz will probably do it, depending on the type of file [00:45] ok [00:45] well its a copy of xp pro [00:45] how do i do that then? [00:46] I'll do some more messing around now. Thanks for the help. [00:46] koshari: dont all bios do that [00:46] Reitz: Right click it and choose "create archive". [00:46] installing powernowd fixed everything :) [00:46] ok [00:46] Hello all, need help with a dhcp issue [00:46] gogeta some sata implimentations are a little odd, with regard to raiding ect [00:46] My parents are using 9.04, the did an update and now eth0 is not accepting a valid dhcp offer [00:46] Jordan_U -1 for telling him the easy way [00:46] it doesnt say creat archive anywhere [00:47] at least thats what it sounds like [00:47] there we go installing themes now [00:47] CyberGlitch2, did they reboot after the updates? or was a reboot reqquired? [00:47] hi i have 8.04lts and i cant watch videos on the daily show site: Error loading stylesheet. RSL http://media.mtvnservices.com/global/flex/rsl/framework_3.2.0.3958.swz failed to load. Error #2046 [00:47] :P [00:47] hay cyberglicher2 try setting your ip address as static ? [00:47] dhclient is seeing an offer, they have a vista box that is working [00:47] how do i compress a file? [00:47] is there an actual firefox branded ff 3.5 on the repos? all i see are shiretoko and abrowser [00:48] coz_: it seems to be working until they rebooted [00:48] Reitz: compres into what [00:48] or will that not occur until karmic [00:48] Reitz, right click the file creat e archive [00:48] they are in GA so kinda hard to see [00:48] CyberGlitch2, mmm [00:48] it doesnt say that anywhere [00:48] Reitz: lol [00:48] Reitz: you talk about compressing into archive? [00:48] CyberGlitch2, i am not the one to talk to about this but if no one can answer in this channel try #linux channel :) [00:48] as .rar .zip .tar.gz? [00:49] what? [00:49] idk [00:49] its a boot disc for xp pro [00:49] i want to get it onto a cd [00:49] Reitz, is it in ISO format? [00:49] idk [00:49] Reitz: you got .iso file and want to burn it or extract? [00:49] matt098: i tried to do a static ip but i could not get route to work [00:49] Reitz: then, what do you know... [00:49] CyberGlitch2: try a sudo dhclient eth0 [00:49] it is a .iso [00:50] Reitz: you wanna make a iso [00:50] ???? [00:50] it already is one [00:50] Reitz, then you need to burn an "image" [00:50] Then burn this with brasero/k3b [00:50] Reitz: you burn it [00:50] well, can i compress it? [00:50] will it work that way? [00:50] Reitz, open applications/ sound and video and open brasero [00:50] bucky: i did and i see an offer from the dhcp server but it never picks it up [00:50] Reitz: no it won't, it's already disc image [00:50] Reitz: xp boot cds dont support cso [00:50] I installed xbindkeys to test, then removed it... now Ctrl+F brings up a terminal window, instead of using the Find function. How do I change it back? [00:50] CyberGlitch2: is this wireless? [00:50] you need to "burn disk image" [00:50] Reitz, click the "Burn Image" button [00:50] bucky: wired [00:50] ok [00:51] and i do have a link [00:51] Reitz, then locate the iso image and then click burn :) [00:51] Reitz: as long as its just a bit over 700mb it will burn fine [00:51] hey guys quick problem I installed java sdk 6 and downloaded the netbeans 6.7 installer but it has no borders and I cant see any content of the installer, abyone know a fix? [00:51] it wont fit [00:51] CyberGlitch2: no nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf ? [00:51] how fast is the ubuntu market share in desktop environment increasing? you guys think? [00:51] Reitz: a dvd iso? [00:51] i can look [00:51] its 1.3Gb and wont let me burn it [00:51] o [00:51] that might be why [00:51] Reitz: it's for dvd then [00:51] ok [00:51] Reitz: insert a dvd -r [00:51] Reitz, do you have a dvd burner? [00:51] i dont have one [00:51] just a cd [00:51] Reitz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:51] Reitz, then you are out of luck [00:52] Reitz: you need to find a cd iso [00:52] Reitz, you need a dvd to burn to [00:52] ok [00:52] nubs [00:52] hey all, i need to figure out how to set up a adhoc so i can share my existing wifi connection any ideas? [00:52] jack lol === jack is now known as Guest43125 [00:53] twisted_: iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc [00:53] basically i have the internet connection on this computer i want to share it by making a adhoc connection [00:53] I installed xbindkeys to test, then removed it... now Ctrl+F brings up a terminal window, instead of using the Find function. How do I change it back? [00:53] twisted_: or you can change it from the gui [00:53] gogeta will it share my existing wireless connection? [00:53] i've got an hdd that i formated in ubuntu, loaded in windows to put data on and then reloaded in ubuntu to pull data off of and the hdd won't pull up.... any ideas? [00:53] When I connect to a server using sftp to transfer files with the GUI tool "Connect to Server..." it places a folder on my desktop which I can then access like any other local folder. The problem is this mount on the drive so I can specify it in other places for use? [00:53] twisted_: in network settings go to the card and set the mode to ad-hoc [00:54] y7deluxe: USB ? [00:54] k [00:54] Jordan_U, firewire [00:54] gogeta im in network connections [00:54] twisted_: i beleve it will look for connections auto even in ad-hoc [00:55] twisted_: slect add [00:55] gogeta done [00:55] hi [00:55] twisted_: from there you should see wireless and modes [00:56] a newbie to ubuntu here [00:56] I installed xbindkeys to test, then removed it... now Ctrl+F brings up a terminal window, instead of using the Find function. How do I change it back? [00:56] can some 1 help? [00:56] gogettai selected adhoc and then security added a wep pass [00:56] shoot [00:56] gogetta i selected adhoc and then security added a wep pass [00:56] firefow keep prompting me to restart [00:56] twisted_: do you use wep in ad-hoc [00:56] it say FF has been updated and prompt to restart [00:56] yep [00:56] after restart still prompt the same thing [00:57] any help is greatly appreciated [00:57] twisted_: never did a ad-hoc in linux soo i just knoe how to change the mode [00:57] crap i just rmed a file i shouldnt have. how can i recover the said file? [00:57] so ssid is wireless shared mode adhoc bssid? mac adress? mtu auto wireless security wep 1111111111 [00:58] pauk: Did you go to file > quit, or just close all of the windows? [00:58] i need a help. How can i copy and paste a folder. i dont have access to copy and paste the folder. [00:58] hay pauk are you talking about firefox? [00:58] (04:52:15 SGT) Jordan_U: [00:58] theres a restart button so i just press that [00:58] Hi! I would like to be able to use my smtp server from everywhere, not just from localhost. What do I need to do? [00:58] pauk: I was able to kick-start firefox into updating everything involved by moving ~/.mozilla/firefox//extensions.rdf and restarting Firefox. [00:58] yup matt098 [00:58] Jordan_U, crappy fireware, i got a new fireware cord and it worked... [00:58] beggineer: You have to change the permissions for who can do what to the folder. [00:58] gogetta, yeah im trying to share a wireless connection with the existing one on my pc. example im connected right now, so i want to create a adhoc that will bridge my existing wireless connection [00:59] lol how do u whisper again ? [00:59] ./notice user? [00:59] pauk: All is caused by incompatible addons [00:59] thc [00:59] hey guys, I have a question about the directory structure of the Ubuntu LiveCD, is this the right place to ask? [00:59] SuspectZero, how did you delete it? [00:59] rm file [00:59] beggineer: In a terminal type: sudo chmod 644 [path to folder] [00:59] twisted_: from what i find just make a ssid and key and mode ad-hoc and it should work [01:00] hypoon: you can always try :) [01:00] Socah how do i do that [01:00] pauk go into dir I told you, and remove this file [01:00] twisted_: and on the other pc use the same info [01:00] sounds good ill try it :) [01:00] Alright then. I want to move almost all of the contents into an "Ubuntu" folder on the cd, all of them except for the "isolinux" folder [01:00] Socah so what should i do now [01:00] I did so, and I edited isolinux.cfg to reflect the changes [01:00] Andorin: i KNOW that but i dont know how to do it. i have install phpmyadmin. and by default it is installed on /etc/ folder i want that forlder to be on www folder. im trying to copy paste on www folder but i cant do it. [01:01] but it doesn't boot [01:01] Could someone help me please? [01:01] whats the directory again?Socah [01:01] i need some help abou this [01:01] Open home folder, click ctr+h to see hidden folders, go into .mozilla/firefox//extensions.rdf and restarting Firefox. [01:01] Instead of booting, it hangs while trying to mount the root filesystem === bogie_ is now known as bogie [01:01] kernel and initrd load fine. [01:02] twisted_: i mean the other pc should see it [01:03] i hope so im going to try now [01:03] Is there a repo that has postgresql 8.4? [01:03] SuspectZero, you ran it terminal then it is gone for ever unless you install a recovery program and try to recover it the terminal is non forgiving when it comes to file deletion [01:04] Does 8.10 fall under LTS updates like in 8.04 === Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_ [01:04] (04:55:38 SGT) Socah: Open home folder, click ctr+h to see hidden folders, go into .mozilla/firefox//extensions.rdf and restarting Firefox.: i only see profiles.ini, cant find /extension.rdf [01:04] ctmjr, ok thts cool. i can get it again i was just wondering if there was an easier way [01:04] I know 8.10 is not technically LTS but does it at least benefit from LTS security fixes? [01:04] pauk: is your number [01:05] pauk: this is mine profile .mozilla/firefox/fuo2nxbv.default [01:05] ok [01:05] your will be named with other numbers or characters [01:05] i try [01:05] karma, sure, except that the LTS releases get sec updates for longer [01:05] just go inside folder with strange name [01:05] how do I tell the livecd where to look for the squashfs file? [01:05] delete that file? [01:05] Madpilot, how longer [01:05] pauk: delete extensions.rdf [01:05] ok [01:06] ok done so start ff now [01:06] karma, non-LTS Ubuntu releases have 18 months of security support; LTS get 3 years for desktop, 5yrs for the server releases [01:06] hypoon: there was a... grub option [01:06] as far as I remember [01:06] Madpilot, icould have sworn 8.10 was just an update from 8.04 [01:07] Socah it still prompt me to restart ff [01:07] after i restarted it [01:07] karma, it's a seperate release, so it doesn't have LTS status like 8.04 does [01:07] Socah: it's not using grub anymore, now it's using isolinux [01:07] has anyone heard if 8.04 lt3 is going to be released [01:07] Socah: which takes the same things as syslinux and all, but still [01:07] hypoon: then I'm totally green at this [01:08] hello...i have a quick newbie question... [01:08] Socah: lol [01:08] has anyone successfully used bfilter? i can't get it to start automatically when I boot ubuntu. [01:08] how do i change something from a .rar file to .iso? [01:08] welltb, just ask, someone will help if they can === Tniffoc is now known as Guest17003 [01:08] socah still the same FF stillprompt me to restart [01:08] Reitz: LOL [01:08] pauk: try this " mv ~/.mozilla mozilla" [01:08] well how do i? [01:08] Socah: when you say grub option, do you mean kernel parameter (that's independent of the bootloader) [01:09] Reitz: sudo apt-get install unrar [01:09] thanks...i have a bunch of music files in separate directories. is there a way to extract all the files out without doing it for each individual directory? [01:09] do i open terminal? [01:09] and run firefox, this will create new firefox settings [01:09] gogeta-what? [01:09] Reitz: then just right click and extract [01:09] pauk: applications > accessories > terminal [01:09] Reitz: open a termel [01:09] a termel? [01:09] socah u mean open termainal and type mv ~/.mozilla mozilla [01:09] hi, I thought something was wrong with my hicolor icon theme and I think I was right. If I enter gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f usr/share/icons/hicolor it returns "blabla/hicolor/.icon-theme.c not found". What can I do about this? I've already tried reinstalling hicolor many times [01:09] pauk: let me guess.. this is some crap you installed with the FF installer instead of with apt-get or synaptic [01:09] hi there, i need to activate javascript on links2, but i do not know how to do that!? [01:09] Reitz: issue the command sudo apt-get install unrar [01:09] hypoon: as far as I remember, I edited grub kernel option and added something that was poiting to squashfs [01:10] Reitz: he means a terminal [01:10] Reitz: its in the menu in acresserys [01:10] bucky i nv install anything with FF yet [01:10] ok [01:10] hypoon: but this can be just my fake retrospection lol [01:10] what? how do i get it? [01:10] pauk: how did you install ff ? [01:10] Hey, im ubuntu 8.10 and I've got this usb drive that df -h claims has 532 megs used however all the files totalled equals 252 megs (including hidden files). The filesystem is fat32. Any ideas as to what's going on here? [01:10] pauk: yes I did [01:10] is there a gnome applet for firestarter? [01:10] Reitz: applications > accessories > terminal [01:10] What am I doing wrong here? http://pastebin.com/m47b59cb6 [01:10] bucky ff come with ubuntu 9.04 [01:10] Socah: that seems like what I need, I just need to figure out what that is. I'm still searching around, but was hoping someone in here might know for sure. [01:10] ok [01:11] then what? [01:11] im trying to install joomla, but when i go to the install page it says missing defines.php file [01:11] twig11: your keys not x is it lol [01:11] it should be their ive tried different versions, unpacked them so i dont know why its missing this file [01:11] twig11: according to that you have no dhcp server on the network [01:11] Reitz: issue the command sudo apt-get install unrar [01:12] gogeta: no :-) [01:12] ok [01:12] Reitz: type the command [01:12] socah i have done that and it default my home page to the default page but it still prompt me to restart [01:12] Reitz: your password is the same as your login password [01:12] ok [01:12] well [01:13] pauk: then I have no damn idea, if removing old configuration doesn't help, then it's too hard to solve for me [01:13] should i wait until i actually have the file downloaded? lol [01:13] gogeta: there is a dhcp server, because I'm using the same network on the laptop I'm typing on now, AND I had the ubuntu machine working earlier. [01:13] ok thx socah [01:13] Reitz: lol [01:13] Reitz: its asking to install it push y and wait for it to finish [01:13] any1 knows y ff keep prompting me to restart? [01:13] joomla anyone ? [01:13] ok [01:13] using ubuntu 9.04 === rwhitby` is now known as rwhitby_ [01:14] bangs head against wall again and again [01:14] who was it having a problem with their wireless router? [01:14] Reitz: when its done it probly now you can extract .rar files with right click [01:14] doesn't wonder why ubuntu hasn't caught on with the masses yet [01:14] pauk: try to do this: sudo apt-get purge firefox and sudo apt-get install firefox [01:14] in terminal [01:14] ok socah [01:15] Kamokow: I'm having a problem with my wireless. I don't think it's the router though. Wanna help? [01:15] sure [01:15] twig11: you're right we need another 1500 people in this channle [01:15] i do lots of work with wireless routers and the like... [01:15] twig11: i dunno whats up with it now it was fine yesterday [01:15] Kamokow twig11 you guys go get a room [01:15] lol === Switch10 is now known as switch10_ [01:16] twig11: lol i see the problem [01:16] twig11: what is the problem you are having? [01:16] gogeta: do you? do you? [01:17] twig11: sudo killall dhclient then sudo dhclient wlan0 [01:17] Kamakow: I accepted your chat invitation, but now colloquy says "waiting for connection" [01:17] yep its aruldy rnning [01:17] runing [01:17] socah i give up [01:17] twig11: really... umm, thats weird D: [01:17] still get the prompt [01:18] pauk: never seen something like this [01:18] pauk, run it in terminal see if you get any error msg's [01:18] ctmjr how do i do that [01:18] open terminal and type firefox [01:18] ok [01:18] not so hard thing to do pauk [01:18] pauk did u use apt-get to purge firefox or aptitude? [01:18] open terminal type firefox [01:19] yup still the same [01:19] matt098: he moved config folder and purged too [01:19] yup matt098 [01:19] pauk: copy this all things from console [01:19] to me by priv [01:19] sorry newbie to this [01:19] twig11: you dead lol [01:19] that showed after you typed firefox [01:20] from terminal* [01:20] I'm with Kamakow [01:20] after i type firefox theres nothing it just start ff [01:21] twig11: try sudo dhclient3 wlan0 [01:21] socah thanks for the help gotta go work now [01:22] pauk: have a nice day [01:22] I hope you will solve ur problem soon [01:22] u have a nice day too [01:22] Hey all, Im trying to install a webserver with Ubuntu Server Edition, OpenSSH (I will be installing LAMP later) and after I select OpenSSH Server, I hit continue and get an error at 85% completion. Can anyone help me? [01:22] yup thanks [01:22] Socah: I think it might be in fstab [01:23] gogeta: no go. now I'm going to see if Kamakow can save me. Thanks for all your help so far. [01:23] !flash === rwhitby_` is now known as rwhitby [01:23] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [01:23] twig11: why isnt it holding the ssid [01:24] twig11: i sware your pc just hates wireless [01:24] xiofire, did you run the 'check this CD' util on the install CD? one of the menu options early in the install process [01:24] gogeta: that's comforting. [01:24] Madpilot: no, Im rather new to this. [01:25] Socah: no luck. "# UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM" [01:25] xiofire, run that, it does an integrity check on the install CD. [01:25] !raid0 [01:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about raid0 [01:25] how can i network share with a windows, i'm using ubuntu [01:25] hi.. i'm not sure if this is the appropriate place for this question.. but does Usplash support animated gifs? [01:25] !raid [01:25] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [01:26] i tried samba and have no clue on how to setup [01:26] hypoon: I had same problems as you, when I tried to make liveusb with... yoper, or zenwalk [01:26] Madpilot: where do I find this? Im deep into installation [01:26] in fact, never made it properly work [01:27] xiofire, I think it's in the very first menu you see after the install CD starts up. [01:27] Madpilot: reboot? [01:27] xiofire, if the install is failing anyway, you might as well. [01:28] twig11: i wonder if you need to reset the chaneel [01:28] gogeta: Gotta be it! uhh...what is that? [01:29] Hi, can someone help me to figure the correct user name & password that I can log to my Squirrel web mail for my ISPconfig on my ubuntu server 9.04? I can't figure the correct user name & password.. [01:29] Anyone have a link to how to make an external drive rw upon mount so I can share it via samba? [01:29] Socah: I'm reading over a bunch of howtos for booting to squashfs roots [01:30] twig11: someone did it like this and got around it [01:30] twig11: [01:30] okay.. [01:30] twig11: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=486444 [01:30] how can i see windows network share folders on my ubuntu!? [01:30] hey if my panel freezes how can I get it back without a restart? [01:30] kill panel [01:30] twig11: looks like he turns off the connection compleatly [01:31] !codec [01:31] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [01:31] jakerue: propably "killall gnome-panel" [01:31] twig11: its at the bottom [01:31] jakerue: and type gnome-panel again [01:31] yeah but I can't get to terminal because panel is frozen [01:31] ctrl+super+Alt [01:31] lol [01:31] * philiptaylor13 is away: Gone away for now [01:31] Socah, gnome-panel will auto-restart, actually [01:31] ctrl-alt-f1 [01:31] jakerue: alt-f2 [01:31] * philiptaylor13 is back. [01:31] Madpilot: nice to know :) [01:31] gogeta: thanks I have that link open now. At the moment I'm waiting for Kamakow to get back from reading my pastebin (i hope) [01:32] hello [01:32] again [01:32] is keyserver.ubuntu.com down??? Will you please check right now? Thx. I haven´t been able to access it ever - meaning for the past 18 hours. I´d greatly appreciate data if it is working, so i´d know if the problem is with it, or at my end. Thanks, & awaiting your confirmation... [01:32] i still need help [01:32] hi [01:32] hi [01:32] twig11: looks like he deletes the olf info [01:32] old [01:32] i just downoaded a copy of and xp boot disc [01:32] how do i change it from a .rar to a .iso? [01:32] maybe iso is in rar? [01:32] lol [01:32] yes [01:33] twig11: so lets try sudo iwconfig essid "bla' key "off" [01:33] unrar [01:33] !piracy | Reitz [01:33] Reitz: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [01:33] Hah [01:33] Paddy_NI: It's legal to download an image if you own the license [01:33] twig11: and see if it saves be running iwconfig [01:33] :P [01:33] jvogel: no.. its not [01:33] Paddy_NI: he downloaded a boot disc. those are not by definition illegal. [01:33] yes. i have the license [01:33] jvogel: read the eula [01:33] Paddy_NI: from microsoft, yes, he didn't specify wher eh got it [01:33] i just needed the disc [01:33] Paddy_NI: i.e. volume license [01:33] mneptok: they are unless he downloaded it from MS [01:34] no they are not. because it came with my computer and i lost it so i need it [01:34] Ya unrar it [01:34] it is the dell one [01:34] did you download it from MS ? [01:34] yes [01:34] I need help [01:34] Reitz: theres a way you can get a copy from Dell [01:34] Paddy_NI: he got it from Dell. that's legit. [01:34] but for some reason it is in rar [01:34] Reitz: theres a form you fill out [01:34] then it would not be a rat Reitz [01:34] *rar [01:34] lol nothing from MS or Dell would be rar' [01:34] haha [01:34] good shot Paddy_NI :P [01:34] how can i see windows network share folders on my ubuntu!? [01:34] mneptok: it would also not be a rar [01:34] when you buy Windows, you buy a license not the software [01:34] Are there any other better scanning utilities other than xsane? [01:34] whatever. how do i change it from a rar to a iso [01:35] as we said [01:35] Reitz: unrar it [01:35] piracy aint welcome here [01:35] J-_: Propably not [01:35] how do i do that [01:35] Reitz: http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/dellcare/en/backupcd_form?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&redirect=1 [01:35] ok [01:35] do that === andree is now known as Guest61688 [01:35] Reitz: google [01:35] i need help getting my wireless card to work [01:35] gogeta: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "mynetwork" key "off" ? [01:35] Paddy_NI: its not pircy to download a iso if you have a legit key [01:35] true [01:35] Reitz: simply telephone dell then [01:35] well i still have another file that i need to convert to an iso. how do i do that [01:35] gogeta: yes.. it is [01:35] twig11: anything for the ssid [01:36] gogeta: technically speaking it is [01:36] gogeta: read the eula instead of making up your own rules [01:36] nope [01:36] Reitz: u don't. An ISO is a cd image [01:36] the piracy discussion is veering into ot territory [01:36] it is [01:36] and it should stop [01:36] you key grants you the right to the softwhere [01:36] what do you mean? [01:36] gogeta: do I have the syntax right above? [01:36] gogeta: not to pirate it though [01:36] twig11: shurre [01:36] disculpen pero alguien sabe Backtracking? [01:37] gogeta: your morals are very loose [01:37] wait a sec [01:37] Paddy_NI: downloading a iso is not pirate unless you dont own it [01:37] gogeta: it's not a legit copy of windows tho, even if it's 1-1 ... that's kinda like buying a US version of a bluray disc then downloading a european version [01:37] mneptok, it started there, really. Windows support is OT for this channel. [01:37] gogeta: and he does not. [01:37] gogeta Paddy_NI: drop it, please [01:37] isnt linux founded on the idea of being free. not that i did anything ilegal or anything [01:37] I agree. Off-topic. [01:38] jvogel: only not legit if its been modded in any way [01:38] Reitz: Linux is, but Windows is not [01:38] gogeta, Paddy_NI, Reitz, whoever else - #ubuntu-offtopic or ##windows, please. Not here. [01:38] Reitz: what does linux have to do with pirating windows? [01:38] gogeta: DROP it. [01:38] nothing [01:38] i didnt pirate it [01:38] :\ [01:38] lol [01:38] who cares if u did or didnt mone of our business [01:38] none* [01:38] this discussion is irrelevant [01:38] Reitz: telephone dell and I *guarantee* that you will not get a rar file ;) [01:38] ok [01:39] ne how back to ubuntu [01:39] Reitz: use link igot you for discs [01:39] !info scantwain [01:39] Package scantwain does not exist in jaunty [01:39] lmao at telephone dell [01:39] mneptok: Are you an op? [01:39] does anyone know how to get wireless drivers working? [01:39] but still. can you i get a rar file to an iso to burn onto a cd? [01:39] thats all that i want to know [01:39] Paddy_NI: does that matter? [01:39] airhead: what's ur wirless card? [01:39] Reitz: iso is probably INSIDE rar [01:39] mneptok: then do your job? [01:39] Reitz: no [01:39] Reitz: extract rar (unrar) [01:39] pfuu [01:39] sudo apt-get install unrar [01:39] Reitz: i gave you unrar for god sakes right click on it [01:40] Paddy_NI: my "job" pays a salary. this does not. [01:40] mneptok: logged and I am on #ubuntu-ops [01:40] gogeta_give it to me again please [01:40] twig11: ok did the info save in iwconfig [01:41] gogeta: it looks like it did. [01:41] what is the package name for avant window navigator [01:41] twig11: kinda got tossed offtopic [01:41] i think its avn [01:41] Reitz: ... you need to unrar the file d00d [01:41] avant-window-manager i think [01:41] gogeta: i noticed [01:41] Reitz: terminal --> unrar file.rar [01:41] ok [01:41] twig11: the essid is still in iwconfig when you type it [01:41] r3l1c, just do a sudo aptitude search avant [01:41] gogeta: ESSID is now off/any [01:41] Reitz: then iso should be in there assuming that's what you wanted to install [01:41] patriconway: there is a way to search [01:41] i mean download [01:41] twig11: crys [01:42] twig11: iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed [01:42] has anyone had any luck installing ophcrack to a usb drive? [01:42] sudo of course [01:42] isn't working [01:42] is there a #ubuntu-wireless / [01:42] using unetbootin [01:42] gogeta: it's already in managed mode [01:42] twig11: whats wrong with wireless [01:42] lets do this [01:43] oh well. it wont work [01:43] i dont need it [01:43] jvogel: it's a long story [01:43] jvogel: it refuses to store the essid [01:43] #wireless is good [01:43] Reitz: lol? [01:43] Reitz: do you have unrarA? [01:43] :D [01:43] patriconway, awn is the name [01:43] Reitz: sudo apt-get install unrar [01:43] no. it doesnt matter. i dont need it [01:43] haha [01:43] Ha [01:43] jvogel: gogeta could tell you better than I if you need to know. I've hardly got a clue what I'm doing. [01:43] let us stay on topic, folks [01:44] hm [01:44] Reitz: you ask how to do this sience 40 minutes, and now you don't need it? [01:44] lol @ Reitz [01:44] gogeta: let's do WHAT? [01:44] twig11: sudo iwconfig wlan0 key off [01:44] typical pirate [01:44] #3on3.et [01:44] ... [01:44] … [01:44] twig11: and sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc [01:45] gogeta: just like you wrote it? [01:45] yep [01:45] Viva ubuntu [01:45] no and [01:45] Can someone tell me how I can change Ctrl+F back to Find? Something changed that makes it open a terminal window now and I don't see an entry for it in Keyboard Shortcuts under Preferences. [01:45] who thinks that there should be linux support for iPod? [01:45] !ot > Reitz [01:45] Reitz, please see my private message [01:45] Reitz: as far as I know, there is? [01:45] Reitz: Rockbox. [01:46] gogeta: okay I did those two. [01:46] how can i monitor the network traffic to my machine? someone was trying to bruteforce my ftp however logins failed, i want to see if they are still trying to hit my machine for anything else [01:46] twig11: ok sudo iwconfig essid "your ssid" [01:46] Anyone here use Deluge Bittorrent coz i have something wrong on configuration? [01:46] Rhythmbox works great too [01:46] oops [01:46] wolf23: I do [01:46] is there a program that will rename a bunch of files for me? I want to add a prefix to a bunch of files... ??? [01:46] man adobe's download servers suck [01:46] Socah and Andorin: there is? [01:46] fwaokda: yes there is [01:46] switch10_, thanx [01:46] twig11: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "your ssid" [01:46] fwaokda, i think its called batch rename [01:47] Reitz: Yes, Rockbox and iPodLinux, for starters. [01:47] Reitz: rockbox is alternate firmware as far as I know [01:47] Reitz: But Apple is a collective jerk and some iPods are unsupported [01:47] gogeta: done [01:47] mattgyver, thats the name of a program or is that like something built into ubuntu and I just do a command? [01:47] twig11: now just iwconfig does the ssid show [01:47] Iphone's are unsupported [01:47] ya. but it prolly isnt no itunes. i have a touch so i doubt id be able to do the whole app thing and stuff [01:47] fwaokda, i dont think its installed by default. search the repos, aptitude search rename [01:48] And iPod touch [01:48] hay guys is there a way to make vlc media player keep its equalizer settings stay the same instead of going back to default every time u open it [01:48] gogeta: it does not [01:48] :-( [01:48] twig11: wtf [01:48] And iPod Nano 2nd gen and above. [01:48] !language [01:48] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:48] I am unable to access keyserver.ubuntu.com through my isp, & someone just checked & told me it is working cause they can access it. My isp blocks most ports except for http. Is there any way i can get the key through https?, and manually add it to the appropriate apt control file? [01:48] what is the preferred driver for Atheros AR2425? Seems the madwifi limits me to 1MB rate, and ath5k works for a time, then acts silly.. Is there a proper driver that just works right? [01:48] soooo panel is back after a reboot....didn't know how to get out of tty...got it now [01:48] twig11: sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed [01:48] anyway my main issue is firewalls [01:49] i dont knoe man [01:49] having issues with bittorrent.....can't get the ports opened [01:49] kub1, just try accessing it via a proxy site [01:49] when installing widgets I get this error: "installation of /tmp/kde-attickid///108198-lastfm-0.4zop" failed" the filename change according to the widget [01:49] fwaokda: Metamorphose [01:49] gogeta: done [01:49] Can someone tell me how I can change Ctrl+F back to Find? Something changed that makes it open a terminal window now and I don't see an entry for it in Keyboard Shortcuts under Preferences. [01:49] Madpilot: You still here? [01:49] Andorin: apple is my favorite computer maker [01:49] I have a question about the live cd. I have a bad hard drive and it tries to read the sectors and takes forever to boot. can I skip this or boot straight to a command prompt? [01:49] xiofire, ya - what's up? [01:49] gogeta: Well I was all excited about Kamokow but Kamokow disappeared just like that. [01:49] xorso: unplug the HDD [01:49] I hate apple [01:50] I check the ports, open them using [01:50] iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT [01:50] then netstat for LISTEN and it's not open [01:50] switch10_: me too [01:50] mattgyver: How do i access it via a proxy site? which proxy site? [01:50] xorso: you should be able to tell the computer to look first at the cd drive....in the Setup at first boot...usually F2 or some such [01:50] Reitz: Well, they heavily encrypted the firmware on their Nanos, making it basically impossible to run alternate firmware, which means you have to use the handful of file formats that Apple's firmware supports. Can't use FLAC or ogg or anything free. [01:50] th0r: that is not what he meant [01:50] mneptok, not in the repos? [01:50] does anybody has a driver for the lovely sim card reader ? [01:51] it starts to boot the live cd and this is on a notebook [01:51] twig11: iwpriv wlan0 authmode 2 [01:51] !info metamorphose [01:51] Package metamorphose does not exist in jaunty [01:51] Andorin: oh well. i still love ipod [01:51] and apple and macs [01:51] fwaokda: grim. it was available for previous releases [01:51] matt098: Are you PMing me? If so, xchat is showing it weirdly... hang on. [01:51] !ot [01:51] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [01:52] kub1, see pm [01:52] gogeta: Invalid command [01:52] authmode [01:52] Although I do own an iPhone [01:52] Madpilot: It told me my disk was perfect, so I began the installation process and now its asking me "Please insert the dis labeled: 'Ubuntu -Server 8.04.2 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20090121.1)' in the drive /cdrom/ and press enter" [01:52] hello [01:52] Socah: duh, fstab can't have anything to do with it; fstab is in the filesystem, if it can't find the filesystem, then it can't find fstab [01:52] twig11: sudo iwpriv wlan0 authmode 2 [01:52] xiofire, assuming that's the CD you've already got in there, what happens when you hit Enter? === nosrepa is now known as aperson [01:53] help with the sim card reader anyone?? [01:53] whats the best way for me to monitor my network traffic? [01:53] matt098: Alright, as I said earlier, there's no section for Ctrl+F or Find in Keyboard Shortcuts. [01:53] hypoon: yes, it's logical [01:53] gogeta: same thing [01:53] Madpilot: takes me back to the same screen [01:53] hypoon: maybe you could ask at knoppix channel, they are quiet specialized in livecds [01:53] Paddy_NI: this is on a notebook. [01:54] xiofire, odd. not sure what to suggest, aside from "try a cold reboot & restart the whole install", which is the brute-force option... [01:54] xiofire: Sorry to interrupt but what is the issue? [01:54] xorso: are you still able to boot the previous OS? [01:54] gogeta: you out of options? [01:54] xorso: sounds like if its windows you should run a chkdsk [01:54] Paddy_NI: unfortunately no [01:54] I wish xsane cropped my photos as well. :( [01:55] edbrian: Im trying to install an openssh server and its not working out [01:55] xiofire: sudo apt-get install openssh-server [01:55] xiofire: So you installed the server package on the server and opened the necessary ports? [01:55] Paddy_NI: I have tried several windows solutions and to no avail. that is why I was trying to use a live cd. [01:55] xiofire: Can you ping the server from the client? [01:56] edbrian: im converting a computer [01:56] xorso: it just indefinitely hangs? [01:56] Do u guys use. Fspot? Just curious, it has always been slow for me. Picass 3 runs great [01:56] twig11: wep might be the problem [01:56] I hear some people love it [01:56] xiofire: (my name is edbian) You're converting a computer? What does that mean? Converting from what to what? [01:56] switch10_, gthumb > f-splat [01:56] gogeta: how would a guy know? [01:57] Gthumb huh [01:57] xiofire: converting it into a gorilla? [01:57] xorso: if you changed the boot order the computer would read the cd first and not hang on the hd, but the net nazi doesn't like that idea [01:57] Piddy_NI: it takes about 15 minutes. I just want to get to the cli [01:57] edbian: Converting from windows XP to a web server [01:57] Kamokow: are you still around? [01:57] th0r: whom is the net nazi? [01:58] xiofire: An ubuntu based web server? (You don't need ssh to have a web server BTW) [01:58] th0r: I can successfully start booting the live cd. it is the live cd that checks the HD. [01:58] xorso: th0r left [01:58] edbian: yeah, ubuntu. I want OpenSSH and LAMP [01:58] xorso thor left [01:58] Paddy_NI: please do not feed the troll. and please acknowledge that you have read my request. [01:58] twig11: try sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Auto [01:58] xiofire: does sudo apt-get install openssh-server not work? [01:59] thers a post saying some cards have issues with essid in managed [01:59] you should be using aptitude not apt-get [01:59] adam7: I'm not even off the install yet. [01:59] xiofire: So you installed the openssh-server package correct? [01:59] gogeta: okay done [01:59] Is there a way/program of getting information on the XY-placement of windows on the screen? There are a few screenlets that won't stay in place on the the sidebar after a reboot, and I thought I could use Compiz to stick them in place. Or would that not work with a cylindrical cube? [01:59] twig11: well you knoe the command to do next lol [02:00] xiofire: so when the install finishes, install the openssh-server package and you're all set [02:00] gogeta: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "myessid" key mykey? [02:00] twig11: yep [02:00] I can't finish the install - errors [02:00] does anyone know why the ubuntu branded firefox doesn't update to 3.5? [02:00] gogeta: makin sure [02:00] xiofire: What are the errors? [02:01] twig11: key "mykey" [02:01] heh [02:01] kaljtgg, Ubuntu only does security updates after release - ff3.5 will be in 9.10 [02:01] ok [02:01] please dont say youv been mis doin g the key all this tome [02:01] lol [02:01] :) [02:01] edbian: I can't recall, im trying again. [02:01] Is there any way to tell the x&y on the monitor so I can put an transparent xterm in the one spot I want [02:01] gogeta: no I've done it both ways. [02:01] xiofire: pastebin them? [02:02] edbian: I will [02:02] twig11: any luck [02:02] fiber_cut: xrandr is off the top of my head [02:02] xiofire: how much ram does that machine have? [02:02] kaljtgg: I always removes ubufox, since it doesn't play nice with some addons I like to have. I have Firefox3.5, and no 3.0.1 anywhere in sight. Maybe that's why? [02:02] ok thanx [02:02] gogeta: no. "ESSID: off/any" [02:02] DVD burn fine with no problem but CDs fail to burn in any application I use..please help [02:02] gtg afk tho :) [02:02] /msg NickServ identify google1 [02:03] adam7: 128MB [02:03] crap [02:03] Ethan: You'll want to change that password [02:03] Ethan, time for a new pw... :) [02:03] twig11: iwlist wlan0 does it say what channel its on [02:03] rofl [02:03] Socah: that's a good idea, I'll head over there [02:03] xiofire: you need 160MB to run the livecd, IIRc, that'll be your problem [02:03] twig11: maybe we have to switch the channel manuly [02:03] xiofire: look at the alternate CD [02:03] hi, is there a way to control individual application sound levels? (outside of the program) similar to windoze's volume control. [02:04] gogeta: I don't see anything about a channel. [02:04] twig11: iwlist wlan0 scan [02:04] what's the "right way" for installing cuda on ubuntu 9.04 ? [02:04] !cuda [02:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about cuda [02:04] Xubuntnoob: I haven't tried it, since it isn't a problem for me, but apparently earcandy is something you might be looking for. [02:05] Socah: although, there's not much going on in that channel [02:05] neone has any ideas? [02:05] i accidentally installed nvidia drivers on a laptop with intel graphics. how do i get it back to how it was? [02:05] OTTI: can i just apt-get it? or is there a repository to add [02:05] twig11: then sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "your" key "yours" channel yournumber [02:05] matt098, if your talking about cuda for nvidia you should check their site [02:05] sudo aptitude purge (nvidia graphiddrivers) [02:06] goge [02:06] gogeta: oops. it's channel 6 [02:06] then channel 6 [02:06] if I have a folder of text files what is the best way to search for text inside all of the files? [02:07] i already removed the drivers, but i can't enable compiz any more... [02:07] dabukalam: as far as I know you need to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf in line "driver" change nvidia to intel [02:07] Xubuntnoob: It isn't the repos, and I don't remember where I found the info on it at the moment. Wait while I look, will you? [02:08] gogeta: okay I did that. [02:08] dabukalam: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [02:08] and later, check if you got direct rendering [02:08] Xubuntnoob: Here's the Launchpad-page: https://launchpad.net/earcandy [02:08] thanks you sir. [02:09] socah, wait should i try your first thing or second thing? [02:09] dabukalam: with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" [02:09] sec dabukalam [02:09] dabukalam: try this first: glxinfo | grep rendering [02:09] I forgot the string to add my external usb drive rw for samba share [02:09] from terminal [02:10] Can someone tell me how I can change Ctrl+F back to Find? Something changed that makes it open a terminal window now and I don't see an entry for it in Keyboard Shortcuts under Preferences. [02:10] gogeta: still not working [02:10] twig11: arg]] [02:10] how do I test to see if my ubuntu installation is 64 or 32 bit? [02:10] What configuration files do I need to restore for evolution to not go through the setup wizard again? [02:10] tsrk: .evolution folder. [02:11] anyone know how to make the logout sound work on GNOME? [02:11] twig11: i dunno try resetting the roughter [02:11] coleys, I copied that but it still wants to go through the wizard [02:12] lowlycoder: uname -a [02:12] Socah: Linux x 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux [02:12] logout sound on GNOME wont work, HELP PLEASE [02:12] then it's 32 bit (i686 arch) [02:12] Socah: gah; no! [02:12] thanks though :-) [02:12] Xubuntnoob: And here's a page promising to deliver .deb-packages in a PPA: http://www.stefanoforenza.com/ear-candy-deb-and-ppa-available/ (Be aware that PPA is not supported software, and adding them and using the software within is at your own risk. If you are unsure, don't do it. Wait for it to come to the official repos, or ask for help on compiling the source from the original developers) [02:13] Madpilot: Im now at the stage "software selection" if I do not choose any software, can I download it at a later date? [02:13] dabukalam: still there? [02:13] no logout sound on GNOME how to fix? [02:13] xiofire, of course. [02:13] xiofire: yea ofc [02:13] nerdy_kid: give me a sec [02:14] Socah thanks [02:14] socah: yup, one sec though [02:14] someone here knows how to install ubuntu on a Macbook? [02:14] nerdy_kid: check this - go to preferences, sound, and in second tab there are defined sound to actions, there should be "logout" action [02:14] you should be able to toggle on/off or change [02:14] thanks otti, that should work nicely [02:14] i'm having trouble with the live installer for 9.04; i put it on a usb stick and it worked the first time, but now it won't start the live distro or the install at all - i can't tell what's happening because usplash or whatever it is hides everything - the only signal i get that something is wrong is the progress bar stops 'night rider'ing and my caps lock light flashes - any ideas what this [02:15] means? [02:15] Socah yup, it plays when i click the play button, the login sound works fine [02:15] Socah: Beat me to it. You must type like an old 40's war-secretary. [02:15] HELP! I need an Ubuntu Wireless Troubleshooting Guru to tell me why my iwconfig won't save my essid information so I can get online. I'm going crazy in 30...29...28... [02:15] Madpilot: error again. "An installation step failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: Select and install software." [02:15] this is the second time ive gotten the error [02:15] kattollikisd: insert the disc into your comp, start the mac while you hold down the alt key. and you can choose the disk. and voila install ubuntu [02:15] twig11: ok another methed [02:15] xiofire, odd. I've never used the server install, but that doesn't sound right [02:15] gogeta: okay [02:15] Socah, is PulseAudio getting killed to soon? [02:16] twig11: sudo iwconfign wlan0 key open [02:16] oops [02:16] nerdy_kid: no idea, but I don't use it [02:16] also, i'd like to learn about compiling from source, is there a good guide i should check out? i tried installing wine from source using the guide on their site, but it didn't work out so well. maybe i could try a more simple program? [02:16] twig11: sudo iwconfig key open [02:16] blarg [02:16] Ziw, i tried that, but mac do not use BIOS, so the cd wont boot [02:16] twig11: sudo iwconfig wlan0 key open [02:16] ubottu, compile | Xubuntnoob [02:16] Xubuntnoob: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [02:16] kattollikisd: it should work, can you select it? .. [02:17] twig11: you use a open style wep key right [02:17] OttifantSir: my english is not such good, to understand what you wanted to say by this [02:17] ndf: When you are looking at the menu you can hit F6 (I think) to get to alternative options. Remove the word "quite" and the word "splash" to see what is going on behind the scenes :) [02:17] hold, i gonna turn it on [02:17] no logout sound in GNOME [02:17] ok thanks [02:17] gogeta: I think so. That's what I set in Network Manager but it didn't work there either. [02:17] hold, i gonna turn it on Ziw [02:18] !codec [02:18] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [02:18] Socah: I think is found it [02:18] Socah: A compliment on your speed of writing. Secretaries during the war in the 40's could typically type about 200-260 words a minute on the old typewriters. [02:18] gogeta: no I remember I changed it to shared in network manager. Before I uninstalled the whole shibang [02:18] Socah:*I think I found it [02:18] hypoon: Great pal! [02:18] twig11: open shared? [02:18] that' is an interesting fact [02:18] twig11: lol we might have found the issue [02:18] and impressive [02:18] nerdy_kid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/229245 [02:18] Socah: it looks like the casper directory is hardcoded to be in the root of the cd [02:18] gogeta: I think it was either open or shared. [02:19] Ziw thanks [02:19] hey guys [02:19] Would any one recommend a graphics card that has 3d support and can do dual dvi monitors? [02:19] s/a/a specific [02:19] gogeta: when I typed your last command I got an error SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument [02:19] nerdy_kid: im not sure exactly but it seems that installing esound helps [02:19] twig11: ok try sudo iwconfig wlan0 key open yourkey [02:19] im using an radeon x700 and ti worksgreat [02:20] Ziw, i turn on ubuntu and i press alt, and i see Macintosh and windows [02:20] OttifantSir: Then, thank you. I can get every single word, but when there comes to interpretation I often makes mistakes, so I prefer to make thing clear, it's a way safer this way. [02:20] Ziw, and then?\ [02:20] gogeta: yourkey quotes or no quotes? [02:20] didn't do anything [02:20] Ziw that bug is to old, they redid the sound server (from what i understand) in Jaunty [02:20] =/ [02:20] twig11: no quotes [02:20] question if i set up a vpn, how do i make sure all my traffic goes over my tap rather than my ethernet? [02:20] hypoon: in fact, you do simple livecd of ubuntu with your apps of choose? [02:20] kattollikisd: the disc will be shown as windows since the mac bios is funky.. just select it. or do you have windows installed via bootcamp? [02:21] gogeta: done and no feedback [02:21] gogeta: another wireless prob? seems to be the going thing now...ha === galant14b|afk is now known as galant14b [02:21] nerdy_kid: ye ok i just googled :p [02:21] Ziw thanks anyway [02:21] :) [02:21] Socah: Of course. It's just my style of giving compliments that doesn't always go well with distance... [02:21] twig11: ok sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "yourssid" [02:21] youseenothing_: an unsolvable wireless problem by the looks of it. [02:22] twig11: and see if it takes [02:22] Ziw, i dont have windows on bootcamp, i just have mac, i selected windows cd [02:22] twig11: no such thing [02:22] twig11: ha! === Socah is now known as Socah|Away [02:22] Socah: no, that's not what I'm doing at all. I'm creating a liveDVD containing several livecds. I've already recoded the bootloader and all, ubuntu's just throwing a fit not finding the casper directory in the root [02:22] youseenothing_: I know. [02:22] twig11: what seems to be the prob? not associating with your ap? [02:22] and i see the ubuntu live now on the screen asking to install o try withoue make change on the computer Ziw [02:23] youseenothing iw not accepting his essid [02:23] kattollikisd: then ubuntu should start, even after you install ubuntu and have no disc inserted . during boot and holding alt it will still be called windows [02:23] gogeta: didn't take [02:23] Deluge freezes when I start it, even after removing and reinstalling it. Please help. [02:23] :-( [02:23] twig11: what is your essid suppose to be? [02:23] and i see the ubuntu live now on the screen asking to install o try withoue make change on the computer Ziw [02:23] twig11: and is it broadcasting or no? [02:23] youseenothing_: Elmendorf Hof [02:23] twig11: ok sudo iwconfig wlan0 key restricted yourkey [02:23] twig11: do this, iwlist wlan0 scan [02:23] Andorin: remove/reinstallijg is 'windows thinking' making a new user and running it - see if it fails to work on a brand new user. if SO.. then its some user setting that may be to blame [02:24] twig11: see if that shows in the list [02:24] youseenothing we knoe the ap essid aruldy [02:24] youseenothing_: it does. [02:24] anyone here a licensing guru? [02:24] oh...is it not associating because of the key? [02:24] twig11: you running wep or wpa? === jay is now known as Guest34961 [02:24] Dr_Willis: I don't know how to create a brand new user. The GUI method apparently won't let me. [02:25] ibbie: licensing guru for what? [02:25] ibbie: Ask your question. Guru or not, if someone knows the answer, they will get back to you. [02:25] gogeta: okay did that [02:25] youseenothing_: wep [02:25] meta questions ftl [02:25] twig11: ok sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "your" [02:25] twig11: and see if it takes that [02:26] Andorin: sudo adduser [02:26] youseenothing_, OttifantSir: thank you. I have software that wants to be free, but am not part of any organization. I wanted to release it under BSD license, but the template has a section for organizations. [02:26] do the current ubuntu kernels support ext4? [02:26] BitWraith yes [02:26] cool [02:26] gogeta: I'm sorry to say it does not. [02:26] does that include arm ubuntu? [02:26] Any idea how to install libSDL-1.3.so.0 ? It says it is not found when i apt-get install it. [02:27] twig11: arg go into the roughter make it open ha [02:27] twig11: so try this, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep Hof [02:27] my live install usb key used to launch into a menu with more options along the bottom (f1 - f6); if you press escape there it would go to a simplified menu without those options, now for some reason it loads straight into the simplified one? also since then i haven't been able to start the live setup or the install - it stops and the caps lock flashes - removing 'quiet splash --' from boot option [02:27] does nothing [02:27] twig11: just for the sake of making sure it sees the ap [02:27] twig11: qwicd might have changed the auth modes for keys messing things up [02:27] youseenothing_: just Hof? [02:28] gogeta: if you uninstalled wicd and rebooted, anything it did is gone === Guest34961 is now known as jayb [02:28] twig11: yeah...that will show the line with the name of your essid [02:28] socah: thanks a lot, it worked like a dream [02:28] adam7 is correct [02:28] Frankly, I have a lot of software I'd like to release, just haven't gotten around to it, and figured I'd shoot for as permissive a license as possible. :D [02:28] adam7: this didnt happon untill hee did uninstall it [02:28] adam7: i had it conencted yesterday [02:28] how do I get a name and not a number i.e. Secret Agent Man? [02:28] adam7: via term [02:28] !register [02:28] Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode [02:29] !register > Guest21310 [02:29] Guest21310, please see my private message [02:29] twig11: does that command return it? [02:29] youseenothing_: the ESSID shows up. [02:29] gogeta: so can't you just run that command now? [02:29] twig11: ok, do this: iwlist wlan0 scan [02:29] adam7: nope it will not accept the ssid [02:29] gogeta: what do you mean? [02:29] twig11: look to make sure that the encryption shows as on and check the channel as well [02:29] exact errors are good [02:29] adam7: iwconfig wlan0 essid "ssid" [02:30] adam7: it will still show as off/any [02:30] gogeta: and what's the error? [02:30] youseenothing_: iwconfig? [02:30] gogeta: using encryption? [02:30] hello [02:30] twig11: no the command itself [02:30] adam7: wep yes it worked untillk he removed wicd [02:30] twig11: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan [02:30] Any idea how to install libSDL-1.3.so.0 ? It says it is not found when i apt-get install it. can anyone find out anything about it? [02:30] how do i setup openvpn on ubuntu so that it automatically connects upon boot up, and retries connections when it gets disconnected? [02:30] arg [02:30] gogeta: so why did you remove wicd then? [02:30] Dr_Willis: Nope. [02:31] twig11: look at your ap's information and you should see something for encryption: on/off and channel [02:31] adam7: i didnt twig did [02:31] adam7: it froze his pc i guess [02:31] gogeta: so did twig11 start wpa_supplicant? [02:31] youseenothing_: encryption is on and channel is 6 [02:31] twig11: goo into your roughter turn off the key for now i think the auths messed up [02:31] adam7: he doesn't need wpa_supplicant...he is using wep [02:32] can I see your wpa_supplicant.conf? [02:32] ok, I guess you don't [02:32] you can use it though if you want [02:32] hypoon: In fact I made something similar, but using USB thumb drive === Socah|Away is now known as Socah [02:32] hypoon: It was Fedora + Ubuntu (both amd64) + Arch i686 [02:32] gogeta: is that possible when I'm connected over the same network to the same router with the computer I'm chatting on now? [02:32] twig11: do this then: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "name" && sudo iwconfig wlan0 channel 6 && sudo iwconfig wlan0 key [02:33] gogeta/ twig11: did you read teh iwconfig man page about the key command? [02:33] twig11: you will have to reconnect to it as open [02:33] gogeta/ twig11: also, you should use WPA2, as WEP is very easy to break [02:33] adam7: i knoe the keey command thats not the problem i tryed every key methed [02:33] I'd suggest you try using wpa_supplicant [02:33] adam7: for now hes going to have to use none [02:34] net.net [02:34] gogeta: what do you mean connect to it as open? [02:34] hypoon: It's very nice, if you want to introduce GNU/Linux to someone. Or have system with persistent home on your pendrive. Pendrives are much better than cd's for live pruposes [02:34] holy cow, nevermind. I just downloaded libevent and saw how they handled it. Doh, I feel silly now. (: [02:34] twig11: did you try that command line i gave you? [02:34] twig11: if you remove the key you will have to reconnect [02:34] brb [02:34] youseenothing_: not yet [02:34] twig11: go ahead and try that [02:35] youseenothing same command i gave him === VanDyke_ is now known as VanDyke [02:35] a ton of times [02:36] !irssi [02:36] Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen [02:36] and it just won't associate? [02:36] !audio [02:36] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [02:36] youseenothing now you get it [02:36] Will someone please help? Deluge freezes when I start it. [02:36] can I install a 32-bit package on 64-bit ubuntu? [02:36] tsrk: possibly, which package? [02:36] hello room [02:37] youseenothing isnt it "k" [02:37] adam7, it's a canon printer driver that i downloaded from the canon website [02:37] Socah: do you remember how you resolved my issue? [02:37] adam7, there's only 32-bit deb packages [02:37] tsrk: your printer doesn't work when you just plug it in? [02:37] hi [02:37] gogeta: doesn't have to be...only if it has spaces in it [02:37] oh [02:37] adam7, no, i need these packages [02:37] no lol [02:37] ha [02:38] tsrk: hm, that's irritating [02:38] gogeta: youseenothing_ : it still didn't associate. [02:38] adam7, i thought there was a way to run 32-bit packages? [02:38] twig11: what kind of card do you have? [02:38] hellon adivalentim [02:38] gogeta: what were you saying about connecting aas open? [02:38] tsrk: there is, sometimes [02:38] how are you [02:38] twig11: he is talking about taking the encryption off [02:38] fine [02:38] tsrk: it really depends [02:39] Will someone please help? Deluge freezes when I start it. [02:39] adam7, ok, on what? [02:39] youseenothing_: Linksys WUSB11v4 usb network adapter [02:39] ALL I did was remove files from my Downloads folder and suddenly it doesn't work. I don't get it! [02:39] tsrk: on the package. I'm just guessing, but it's unlikely that will work [02:39] twig11: what module does that one use? [02:39] twig11: can you rrun a wire to it [02:39] tsrk: you can give a try by running sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture nameofpackage.deb [02:40] youseenothing_: gogeta: and to take the encryption off I would need access to the router which I don't have. [02:40] hypoon: I had no such problem with liveUSB. In fact, it was quite simple - using unetbootin for each distro I wanted to add. When unetbootin made his job, I moved each distribution installed from pendrive, to other folder on my hard disk. After I installed, and moved all distributions I wanted, I splitted all folders to root of pendrive (except syslinux, and this other one for bootin), and then splitted content of syslinux, to hav [02:40] Socah: your message got cut off after to hav [02:40] gogeta: have we checked to make sure his ieee80211 lib was not messed up with something in wicd's removal? [02:40] youseenothing_: you mean what driver module? [02:40] gogeta: no [02:40] gogeta: we can check in dmesg if we remove the kernel module with modprobe and then re-enable it [02:40] twig11: yes [02:41] youseenothing_, gogeta: if you really uninstalled wicd and rebooted, there is nothing from that that is messing it up [02:41] Socah: you got cut off at "and then splitted content of syslinux, to hav" [02:41] adam7: it is possible that the ieee80211 lib was corrupted... [02:41] adam7, ok, i'll try that, thanks [02:41] youseenothing_: not from wicd, wicd doesn't touch that stuff [02:42] hypoon: ve option to boot each distro from loader. That's all - no problems [02:42] Will someone please help? Deluge freezes when I start it. [02:42] adam7, there's 64-bit RPMs, is there a clean way to install those on ubuntu? [02:42] adam7: you check everything involved regardless since the typical things are not working [02:42] tsrk: alien [02:42] Andorin: Have you any started tasks in Deluge? [02:42] adam7: or at least that is what i do sometimes and this might be one of those times [02:42] youseenothing_: feel free, but I'm telling you that Wicd did not corrupt your wireless stack [02:42] Socah: I believe so, why? [02:42] adam7, ok [02:43] someone please help? i'm allways the one who gets ignored =( [02:43] Andorin: they can freez Deluge [02:43] Socah: Okay, so how do I deal with this? [02:43] Socah: interesting. I'm going to have to check that out [02:43] Socah: I've got to go afk for a moment [02:43] ndf: it works better if you tell us the problem :P [02:43] my sound sometimes just goes away... with sound all the way up on the control and speakers, its mute. the speakers are fine [02:43] if I reboot it works [02:43] any idea how to fix this without a reboot??? [02:43] Andorin: let me think [02:44] hypoon: Maybye I will find complete tutorial to this [02:44] my words can be not precise [02:44] hello? [02:44] any ideas? [02:44] any process I could reset??? [02:44] ndf what is your question again? [02:45] adam7: i put 9.04 live on a usb stick. the first time i booted it was fine. now the boot menu is different, more simplified, and i can't boot live or install now, it stops and the caps lock flashes, i can't see whats going on either because removing 'quiet splash' from the boot option actually doesn't do anything [02:45] thansom_: are you running anything like skype, gizmo or other 3rd party program that grabs the audio when you launch it? [02:45] ndf: flashing caps lock light is a kernel panic [02:45] i've tried using it on other compuuters, same thing happens. i've also tried re-imaging with unetbootin [02:45] Andorin: hypoon: I'm sorry, I need to leave now. [02:45] ndf have you checked the syslogs? [02:45] how can i? [02:45] Take care guys, see you later [02:45] bye #ubuntu [02:45] Socah: thanks for your help [02:45] wnstn how can i? [02:46] ndf: I don't know the asnwer, I was just asking you to repeat your question isntead of just telling us you're being ignored :) [02:46] nope [02:46] dmesg i believe [02:46] Scunizi, nope... its random. no programs are running [02:46] wnstn it won't boot lol [02:46] surely there's something I can do to just reset it [02:46] even off live cd? [02:46] otherwise, I guess I'll jyust reboot [02:46] this is the case [02:46] that's what i'm saying [02:46] adam7: youseenothing_ : gogeta : When I downloaded wicd with aptitude it had to uninstall network manager first and I remember seeing an error at the end fo the process. but I don't remember what it was. Later I removed wicd and reinstalled network manager. I had set up the connection manually with the CLI, that's how I could reinstall network manager. using the command line, I installed the network manager applet on the tray, b [02:47] Andorin: cancel your dls and restart deluge [02:47] twig11: your message got cut off at the tray, b [02:47] ndf have you a way to try a memtest [02:47] switch10_: I can't. It freezes when I try to start it. [02:47] twig11: hear [02:47] yea memtest is one of the options [02:47] it's fine [02:47] but it didn't show up so I rebooted. When I rebooted, Network Manager applet asked for access to my key or something like that and I gave permission. Network Manager couldn't connect, and I've had the current problem ever since. [02:47] checked [02:47] he was calling us b like from half-baked [02:47] ha! [02:47] Whenever my wireless goes down, Gnome hangs. [02:47] thansom_: weird.. sorry I don't have any suggestions. skype use to grab audio from everything else and leave alsa inoperable after closing.. alsa had to be restarted to regain audio.. [02:47] Andorin: delete the physical files. Or move them [02:47] packages.ubuntu.com is down [02:47] I can still utilise opened windows, but my panels freeze up [02:47] ndf so you can get to the gdm screen? [02:48] twig11: just install that on your pc [02:48] cyberixae: yeah, I noticed that too [02:48] wnstn no it doesn't go any further than selecting boot options then going to usplash [02:48] Can Ubuntu NBR be installed on non Atom cpu platforms? [02:48] switch10_: Never mind. The deluged process was screwing with it. Killing it fixed it. [02:48] ndf so usplash is what freezes? [02:48] gogeta: I accepted the file but it doesn't seem to be downloading for some reason. [02:49] What package do I need to enable syntax hilighting in vim? I've added vim-runtime, but I'm avoiding vim-full as this is a fairly compact headless/nogui install, so I don't want to pull in gnome libs [02:49] everything does [02:49] gogeta: can I have a url? [02:49] it just stops half way, caps lock flashing [02:49] twig11: i grabbed it off apt [02:49] ndf: that could b a bios code [02:49] hmm [02:49] switch10_ it worked before, but now the boot option menu thing isn't even the same [02:49] Bad memory or something [02:50] it's like [02:50] simplified [02:50] twig11: ill upload it [02:50] ndf: When you are at the menu you can press F6 to set kernel options. Do you know what I'm talking about? [02:50] like when you press esc [02:50] gogeta: kind of you [02:50] edbian no [02:50] that menu has gone [02:50] it wont load that graphical boot menu [02:50] ndf: Is this off a CD or usb? [02:50] usb [02:50] it loaded it the first time [02:50] but now it won't [02:50] Try in a different comp [02:50] i just get the simplified textmod menu [02:50] tried [02:51] same thing [02:51] ndf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:51] i need to reinstall my windows partition, which im sure is gonna wipe grub, how do i reinstall grub after that happens? [02:51] Will Netbook Remix work on AMD platforms? [02:51] Same thing? [02:51] is there a reason there are only a few photo viewers that can display animated gifs? what's the point in displaying .gif if they can't show the animated version too? [02:51] yep [02:51] there just put that on the pc [02:51] ndf check this thread https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/41710 [02:51] So you can boot from the usb stick but you get stuck before even the ubuntu menu launches? (The one that asks if you want to install or run ubuntu or run memtest+86 etc etc) ?? [02:51] edbian; no that menu has changed to the simplified one now [02:51] hi people [02:51] ndf: you might need to make a new bootable USB. Sounds like something got corupted [02:52] edbiam how are you [02:52] no i've done the integrity check it says it's fine [02:52] and also i have redone unetbootin image [02:52] how can I use find to find all folders in a particular directory? i can't find the flag to specify just directories [02:52] ndf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Install2StartUp.png not like this anymore? See the F4 option? [02:53] edbian: if you press escape at that menu; it loads a simplified one. that's all i get now. [02:53] ndf: So you do see the menu I screen-shotted? [02:54] no not anymore [02:54] hi, does fglrx works on latest ubuntu? fedora 11 has some problems with the latest 2.6.29 kernel and fglrx [02:54] just the simplified one [02:54] diegoviola: nope [02:54] the one you screenshotted only worked once [02:54] diegoviola: some ati cards will work. A lot don't including mine [02:55] twig11: hope wifi radar fixes you up [02:55] how much will ati take to release that update [02:55] ndf: Can you get a screen-shot of the simplified one? Maybe google image search it? [02:55] ndf: I don't think I've ever seen it [02:55] gogeta: I'm finding out right now, thanks. [02:56] if you can load the live on a vm just get to that and press esc [02:56] i don't think i'll find a screenshot of it [02:56] gogeta: should I set it to open or restricted? [02:57] diegoviola: I don't think ati plans on releasing any updated drivers for their older cards. There was a post on the ubuntu forums about it. [02:57] ndf: I don't have a live CD. Is there anyway to set kernel options in this menu? Have you scoward the whole thing? What you need to do is turn off the splash and quiet options so that you can see the errors during your boot. [02:57] Last ati card I buy thTs for sure [02:57] how can I change risulision? [02:57] gogeta: mode Managed? [02:58] I think one of the HD died in my RAID array --> http://pastebin.com/m5ada0895 [02:58] How can I tell? [02:58] edbiani've allready said loads of times, removing quiet splash does nothing [02:58] ndf: I'm sorry I didn't see that *sheepish* [02:58] diegoviola: u can use fedora 10 or ubuntu 8.10 without any probs [02:58] sorry :P [02:59] try gentoo if your not happy with ubuntu [02:59] lol what [02:59] !graphics [02:59] adam7: The admins are working on it [02:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about graphics [02:59] !nvidia [02:59] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [02:59] ndf: Then I suggest you check the filesystem of the usb stick. Do you have a working ubuntu install or a live CD ? [02:59] hello, i'm having a little problem, i stay without sound without no reason, it seems the device becomes locked by another app, can anyone help me finding what and why it is becoming locked ? [03:00] twig11: yea should be fine [03:00] how can I change normal risulitioan in monitor? [03:00] how do I install Pidgin Screenlets? Screenlets is already isntalled. [03:00] mulambo187: you shoulda said slackware heh [03:00] edbian: this worked the first time, and i've re-imaged and integrity checked the live on the usb stick a couple of times to make sure it's fine [03:01] ndf: That is strange. Do you have faulty hardware somewhere in your machine? i know that live CD's won't boot if you have a fried network card or something. [03:01] edbian: no it does this on every machine i put the stick in [03:01] doing an "lsof | grep pcm" i get 3 pulseaudio processes [03:01] how can I change normal risulitioan in monitor? [03:01] how can I change normal risulitioan in monitor? [03:01] how can I change normal risulitioan in monitor? [03:02] dude dont spam [03:02] someone can help? [03:02] ndf: I have no idea. Perhaps the stick is physically damaged? [03:02] ndf: Sorry I'm not more help :( [03:02] twig11: any luck [03:03] edbian: surely the integrity check (md5 on each file) suggests there's no damage? [03:03] k im goin out, brb word of advice : install gentoo [03:03] mehdi: system>prefs>screen res [03:03] ndf: It was just a shot in the dark. a good md5 checksum does seem to mean the disk is fine. Like I said. I don't know what the issue could be :( [03:04] someone help me [03:04] =((((( this is so frustrating prely because it worked once =( [03:04] *purely [03:04] i don't understanddddddddd [03:04] >=[ [03:05] gogeta: I was away for a little. No luck. Could not get ip address [03:05] ndf: that is weird. Even tho the integrity test said all was good I would still try to make a new bootable USB. Maybe a different stick? [03:05] DoI need the 64 bit edition if I want to have more than 3gigs of memory? [03:06] solexious: no [03:06] twig11: i say just format the entire dam thing [03:06] solexious: more than 4 gig [03:06] switch10_ i'm redoing unetbootin now [03:06] more than 3.2gb actually [03:06] twig11: lol its annoyed me that mutch [03:06] gogeta: me too [03:06] nickrud: thanks 3.2 [03:07] twig11: and dont remove the defult manager this time [03:07] lol [03:07] For a server, is there a way to know when an upgrade requires a restart? === Guest21310 is now known as IndicamGuy [03:08] switch10_ will I run in to problems running the 64 bit edition if need it for over 3.2 gigs? I hear pople complain about 64 bit editions [03:08] 64 bit work fine [03:08] s/pople/people [03:08] solexious, mostly with closed source stuff like flash. [03:08] to [03:09] i need to reinstall my windows partition, which im sure is gonna wipe grub, how do i reinstall grub after that happens? [03:09] solexious, switch10 got disconnected [03:09] !grub > Dreki [03:09] Dreki, please see my private message [03:09] !sound [03:09] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [03:09] !mouse [03:09] Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [03:09] nickrud, but I take it I can dual boot with a 32 bit edition if I need it [03:10] I'm back stupid shotty iPhone connection [03:10] ndf: what OS are you using to record the USB flash drive with? [03:10] solexious, mostly people would install a 32bit firefox alongside the 64bit; but I'm not sure that's even necessary any more [03:10] nickrud, know if I would run into problems sharing a /home directory on a partition with a 32 and 64 os sharing it [03:11] I've had a lot of headaches with 64 bit. Mainly with bluez and my printers drivers [03:11] solexious, now that I can tell you won't be a problem. I share /home between all my ubuntu versions [03:11] edbian: lol after re-imaging again this time i didn't even see a boot menu at all, it was entirely replaced by unetbootin's own implementation, and it booted right away! what the fffffffff? [03:12] solexious, never had a problem with it [03:12] nickrud, great :) was thinking of having another partition with ubuntu studio on it [03:12] ndf: Maybe a bug in unetbootin? I have no clue [03:12] solexious, I'd be cautious between distros [03:12] Ya prolly a bug [03:12] bizarre. [03:12] -_- [03:12] unetbootin: has a few bugs ... but there are also issues with what it leaves behind can be corrupted on windows [03:13] nickrud, ah,ok [03:13] ndf: what OS are you using to record the USB flash drive with? [03:13] ndf: no cd drive? [03:13] hello, i meant to change the password for my account, but did sudo passwd instead, does doing sudo passwd -l root restore everything to how it was before? [03:14] gogeta: I got cut off. did you get my question? Is there a way to reinstall Ubuntu and still keep my data without having to bring it all in from a backup? [03:14] Skaperen: the first time it worked normally with the proper ubuntu boot menu i did it with unetbootin on intrepid 8.10, then since it didn't work again i'd allready erased intrepid so i been using unetbootin on xp on another laptop, same .iso though (external hdd) [03:14] ndf: but what OS? Windows? [03:15] Skaperen: ya he said xp [03:15] re-read [03:15] twig11, you can move all your stuff from /home to a /data directory, delete all other directories by hand, then when you install don't reformat the disk. [03:15] move anything back from /data that you wanted. [03:15] Can Ubuntu be reinstalled without losing the contents of the home folder? [03:15] ndf: it seems a USB drive created with unetbootin, and then touched by certain windows machines, becomes corrupted even if unetbootin worked [03:15] hello i have a little question... :) I need to add ".tor_aliases" to the bashrc file, but i find 2 one is /etc/bash.bashrc and the other is /usr/share/base-file/dot.bashrc, what is the file i should add the line ".tor_aliases" ??? thx in advance [03:16] ndf: I don't know if a virus does this, or windows itself [03:16] twig11, I've never trusted it that much :) [03:16] ufo_, either /etc/bash.bashrc or ~/.bashrc [03:16] nickrud: I don't trust it at all [03:17] switch10_, I've done the move data to /data and reinstall many times though [03:17] ndf: I think the issue is that the USB drive is in FAT format, and Windows can access that [03:17] but can not find the ~/.bashrc [03:17] ufo_, it would be in your home directory. you need to show hidden files [03:17] Skaperen: i just did a little more testing; it seems to be something to do with the way you unmount on windows - if you 'eject' the usb drive, i get the same problem., but if i just pull it out it's fine lol, a bit contradictory to ideal practice to say the least [03:17] nickrud: I've def lost data. I reinstall quite a bit tho [03:17] ok [03:18] ndf: oh yea that's right [03:18] ndf: actually not contradictory ... by just yanking it, you deprive it of the opportunity to flush out the viral infections [03:18] ok i find it :) thx you guy's [03:18] flush out -> to the USB drive ... that is [03:19] how can I keep fairly up to date with applications.. and yet not run a risky system.. I don't want to run experimental stuff.. but I hate being far behind with many packages.. Suggestions? [03:19] Can Ubuntu be reinstalled without losing the contents of /home? [03:19] ndf: so I recommend using flashnul or other raw sector writer and just put a straight image on the USB drive [03:20] bonez46, run ubuntu for 3-9 months old; you'd need another distro to keep up any better. Like gentoo [03:20] twig11_: just back up to ext hard drive [03:20] ndf: Windows won't mount it, and viruses won't know it's worth infecting [03:20] i have restored my ~/.evolution directory from a backup, but evolution wants me to go through the setup wizard again. why is that happening? where does it store the information about whether it needs to run the setup wizard? [03:21] tsrk, it keeps some config info in ~/.gconf [03:21] Skaperen: stop lying [03:21] nickrud, oh yeah, i also got ~/.gconf/apps/evolution [03:21] ndf: eh? [03:22] windows does mount it, and viruses have no need to 'infect' files in a linux system - because they are not designed for linux [03:22] nickrud do you run any back stuff or just play it safe? [03:22] ndf: if it's in some other format, Windows won't mount it ... if it's a hard drive (USB flash drives are) then Windows won't mount an ISO on it [03:22] they won't be looking to 'infect' those files [03:22] what [03:22] you are talking crap [03:22] just shut up [03:23] ndf: sure windows does mount it ... I'm saying *IF* windows cannot or won't mount it ... [03:23] ive seen virusis thta just 'trash' files.. :) [03:23] bonez46, I used to run a mx of debian's unstable/experimental. I switched to ubuntu as soon as it came out because it was a stable unstable :) [03:23] what [03:23] no you aren't [03:23] you're just talking [03:23] nickrud I need to run Mailman.. if I just compile from source.. and run that .. I assume that doesn't pose much risk, right? [03:23] ndf: it's in FAT format ... viruses have no idea it's for Linux ... to them it's just some new disk to infect [03:23] no. running from source is the safest way in general [03:24] that doesn't matter [03:24] Skaperen: exactly [03:24] the point is [03:24] a virus will be looking for a certain file to 'infect' [03:24] ndf: read up on how unetbootin works ... it installs a boot loader onto a FAT drive and copies all the files from the source ISO [03:24] generally, it's not going to look for something like vmlinuz or whatever [03:24] i know, dick [03:25] ndf: depends on the virus ... many viruses see a new filesystem mounted and will add what they want to it to make it be infected whether it was bootable before or not [03:25] ?register [03:25] what? that doesn't even mean anything [03:25] stop talking [03:25] ndf: they do things like add autorun and boot sectors [03:25] tsrk, not sure, been looking [03:26] ndf: you need to learn how booting works, and how viruses do their nasty deeds, how unetbooting works, and about some alternatives that work better [03:26] no i don't [03:26] i understand [03:26] you're just telling me everything i allready know [03:26] and patronising me telling me i need to learn something [03:26] nickrud, ok, thanks, I found something that says it store passwords in ~/.gnome2_private/evolution, but my .gnome2_private is empty (I assume it mounts it from somewhere and it didn't get copied with the rest of my backup). Is that what I need? [03:26] just shut up [03:26] ndf: then fix it yourself and do it right now without whining or asking for any help [03:26] bonez46, especially for something like mailman that's pretty discrete [03:26] !attitude | ndf [03:26] ndf: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [03:26] nothing needs fixing, i'm not asking for help. you're just spouting crap at me [03:26] interesting. [03:27] ndf: you xp box is infected, and you can't get your USB to boot always [03:27] what [03:27] no [03:27] what made you think that [03:27] Um..... [03:27] tsrk, interesting. I have nothing in .gnome_private either [03:27] ndf: and you are in denial [03:27] lol you don't even know [03:28] nickrud, ok [03:28] i'm not 'in denial'; i'm telling you the problem is fixed and you just keep going on about how you know my xp box is infected and some virus is doing something. just shut up! nothing is wrong, infected or anything [03:28] ndf: windows infections are the cause of failure of the vast majority of boot failures when unetbootin itself actually works right (which does not always happen) [03:29] whoopdy doo! [03:29] hmm [03:29] i don't care [03:29] ndf: xp is a virus [03:29] Aarchon don't you start as well [03:29] I will too [03:29] why do you all insist on winding me up and then warning me for attitude [03:29] This is rediculous [03:29] ndf: then quit telling us it won't boot ... if it's fixed it boots every time and you don't have trouble [03:29] just fuck off! [03:29] Skaperen [03:29] i'm not! [03:29] you are going on [03:29] i'm telling you the problem is FIXED [03:29] ndf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:30] See, not the inevitable but how it really is [03:30] grrrrrrr [03:30] mildness is generally better :) [03:30] sit back and relax... we are making new systems [03:30] I'm using ubuntu 8.04 on dell mini 9. I would like to upgrade to OpenGL 2.0. How can I do this? [03:31] well actually i want to tority evolution any one know where i can find the howto ? [03:32] noric: copy the home folder including hidden folders to an external hard drive and install then copy over the files you want from your home folder [03:33] ndf: why did you feel a bit upset earlier if i may ask ? [03:33] switch10_: but what do I install?? I don't understand what "intsallinig opengl 2.0" is [03:34] ufo_, you don't really need a howto; just fill in the questions in the wizard and it'll hook you up. Using it is almost too close to outlook [03:35] ok [03:35] so google is coming up with an os? why? [03:36] cool [03:36] phase_shift314: because they can, and they're confident they can do it right [03:36] phase_shift314: everyone else does ... I'm surprised they hadn't sooner [03:36] and its very likely they can do it right. [03:36] I for one, like it [03:36] Android is google [03:36] phase_shift314: Skaperen: and competition is good :) [03:36] Aarchon: i was telling Skaperen that i had fixed the problem and he insisted on repeating useless information about irrelevant and incorrect information about how windows mounts usb sticks. then he went on about how a virus has infected my stick and is now taking over the files on the live install, which is complete rubbish, nothing is wrong, i fixed the problem and it most certainly wasn't [03:36] caused by a virus [03:36] moymoy: of course [03:36] so i told him to shut up [03:37] and i got warned for abusing people [03:37] i'm sticking with ubuntu [03:37] phase_shift314: this is linux.. use wht you like.. :) [03:37] 'linux: Your OS, Your Way!' [03:38] anyone know if NFS works outside of your own LAN (assuming your exports settings support connections from any hostname) [03:38] Folks, chat about Google's new OS elsewhere, pls. #ubuntu-offtopic or PM. [03:38] moymoy: using nfs over the wild and dangerous Internet.. is not a good idea. [03:38] hey there guys, I reinstalled 8.10 because ATI dropped my video card - and now the restricted device manager isn't working properly [03:38] ndf: Well, windows is crap on mounting usb stuff because if, say E: exists itll not even try to mount the drive as F: because it felt! like not doing it or something (garbage) [03:38] moymoy: now ssh and the 'sshfs' are proberly a better idea. [03:39] I try to activate the driver - and it just gives me a big red X [03:39] when using vim -f http://somesite.com/ vim invokes elinks and loads the formatted page instead of the HTML source. is there a way to prevent this? [03:39] ndf: do you like windows at all ? [03:39] Dr_Willis: just wondering xD .. i was reading that old school ways of computing had every computer linked to the same server with an identical home folder (NFS mounted) [03:39] join #archlinux [03:40] Aarchon: I was about to offer him an alternative that has been more reliable ... just not quite as easy to do [03:40] and never come back crgre :) [03:40] moymoy: thats rather easy to setup. :) [03:40] shazbotmcnasty, what graphic card do you have? [03:40] radeon x800 [03:40] ndf: Place a document file on your right side of the desktop. Rightclick on it and then edit it, save it and see where it ends up. [03:40] moymoy: i tend to export the /home to some location like /NFS/homes for accessing other machines on the lan via nfs. [03:40] it's worked fantastically before on 8.10 and I've never before had problems with interpid. [03:40] ndf: Well, windows is crap on mounting usb stuff because if, say E: exists itll not even try to mount the drive as F: because it felt! like not doing it or something (garbage) [03:40] but for some reason it's not working :< [03:40] now you're doing it too [03:40] if only there were free hardware [03:40] just shut up [03:40] Skaperen: In the end itll be as good. [03:41] Is there a way to make thunderbird only load a limited number of messages? I keep all my messages in my inbox and there are 8000 of them now which it isn't liking. [03:41] Dr_Willis: just wondering what the limitations were =p and sftp is my prefered way of filetransfer over the internet.. and much easier than FTP.. [03:41] moymoy: in the past some programs had issues with nfs mounted homes. not noticed or heard of any issues with it lately [03:41] moymoy: if nfs server goes down... you are stuck.. :) [03:41] ndf: No, listen please. [03:41] Aarchon: he doesn't like to have his infinite wisdom challenged [03:41] what [03:41] Aarchon, Skaperen please drop the issue, ndf seems happy [03:41] moymoy: and nfs is perhaps not as 'secure' as it could be. [03:42] nickrud: i am, i have no problem but those two insist on telling me stuff that isn't true [03:42] how can I create a link on my desktop to a network folder on another machine? [03:42] Skaperen: My girlfriend is like this too, "Oh noo... no matter how crappy windows is ill still use it". Is it because its called "Microsoft windows" - Yes [03:42] this is a brand new install, I just installed like 10 mins ago [03:42] bonez46, places -> connect to server [03:42] maybe I should reboot, I haven't done so yet. [03:42] I think I'll try that... [03:42] brb [03:42] I'll be back if it doesn't work. [03:43] Aarchon: well at least she's honest about it [03:43] Skaperen: Drones [03:43] Yes [03:43] Dr_Willis: even so, i still prefer it over SAMBA .. mounting smbfs makes nautilus hang when the server's down.. and horrible shutdown hangtime [03:43] hey guys, is there a way to enable syntax highlighting (c/c++) for gedit? [03:43] Skaperen: They do as they are told essentially [03:43] whats a good html editor, like wysiwyg [03:43] I dont like that [03:43] Aarchon, Skaperen please stay on topic [03:44] moymoy: ive noticed the shutdown issues.. of course nautilus is a littl brain dead about samba at times...... [03:44] bonez46 have you tried finding your folder on the network, then doing the old right click make link [03:45] nellmathew, should be there already views->highlight mode [03:45] nellmathew, open gedit then view highlite mode then sources [03:45] nickrud: would you suggest ext3 for / and xfs for /home ? [03:45] nickrud: ah! i was looking around for a plugin or something, didn't even realize that, thanks! [03:46] ndf, no opinion really. I blindly use ext3 [03:46] hm ok [03:46] nickrud: For the next run youll please be not saying anything at the end ? [03:46] Dr_Willis: is it possible to use more than one ssh private key? .. i have one with the name id_rsa .. but i want to add more keys to access different servers.. i tried putting a renamed key in my .ssh folder, but it doesn't seem to work that way... [03:46] stay on topic, and don't talk about other users here and sure [03:47] moymoy: you can use multiple ... just list them in the config file [03:47] moymoy: proberly is.. but ive never had to mes with ssh that much. id have to say check some of the many ssh books. [03:47] ? i didn't say anything [03:47] hi [03:47] n [03:47] i just asked you about filesystems :/ [03:47] not you ndf :) [03:47] oh, k [03:47] how do i fix this from startupmanager update-alternatives: Cannot find alternative `/usr/lib/usplash/gnucube-theme.so' [03:47] moymoy: be aware they all get tried and servers will drop connections after so many failures, so too many keys is bad [03:47] i figured im leet enoguh because i figured out how to get logins to the one ssh server with no password prompt. :) [03:47] moymoy: err, too many ids [03:47] okay, I'm back, I rebooted with no avail. [03:47] !find gnucube-theme.so [03:47] the restrcited device manager still isn't working. [03:48] Package/file gnucube-theme.so does not exist in jaunty [03:48] nickrud: i made that file [03:48] am i supposed to make a deb out of it? [03:48] meoblast001, ah :) is that a link to the actual file? [03:49] jmigel: I'll give that a try [03:49] nickrud: no.. gnucube-theme.so is the actual file [03:49] it's at /usr/lib/usplash === marko_ is now known as marko-_- [03:50] no, a deb is not needed. you have a link to that file in /etc/alternatives? (I'm slowly remembering alternative systems here) [03:50] meoblast001: it's complaining about an incorrect update-alternatives command, not about the file missing [03:50] has anyone had any luck with RuneScape HD, FireFox 3.5, and Ubuntu 9.04? [03:50] rww: so do i just run update-alternatives? [03:50] jmigel: I try that make link and it reports this >> the target doesn't support symbolic links [03:50] i have been trying to get savage working [03:51] Skaperen: config file meaning the one for sshd? but i thought that one was for the ssh server .. though i'm not sure [03:51] meoblast001: I don't know, I don't use usplash [03:51] oh [03:51] Skaperen: there IS an entry on there "HostKey" [03:51] moymoy: for the ssh client [03:51] i switched to linux cuz my windows was attacked [03:51] moymoy: you were referring to IDs, right? [03:51] Skaperen: yup [03:51] im still new and getting settled [03:53] Good Night [03:53] if you need any help, just ask ;) [03:53] if i start usplash from my console.. how do i close it? [03:53] shazbotmcnasty, your card is no longer supported by ati in linux see here http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/AMD-Provides-Legacy-Driver-for-Old-ATI-Cards/%28kategorie%29/0 you can install the open-source drivers or an older one from ati's website i think [03:53] would i have to control+alt+f1? [03:53] i need help for card sound ATI Technologies Inc RS780 Azalia controller [03:53] does any one know any good linux games? [03:53] but it says there's a driver to be installed. [03:53] bonez46 weird, try right clicking on your desktop, and say 'create launcher', then for a command put 'nautilus pathtonetworkshare' [03:54] eh yo [03:54] :) [03:54] and that was for 9.04, the Xorg version is to new -but this has an older Xorg, and it gives me a driver to install, it just won't install it. [03:54] Naater: sure.. take a look at www.getdeb.net or www.playdeb.net for a good look [03:54] Naater: Applications > Add/Remove.... switch to All OpenSource (free) [03:54] Naater: Nexuiz is pretty good [03:54] nelimathew, did you check synaptic for a plugin? [03:54] Naater: then click Games in the side [03:56] I'm trying to upgrade an ubuntu server from 7.10 to 9.04, an apt-get update gives me a bunch of 404 errors. I downloade a new sources.list file from the web, same errors... anybody got any ideas? [03:56] Does anyone here use Exaile? [03:57] b4cchus: 7.1 is depreciated and the repos are deactivated.. best to reinstall [03:57] okay - I got an error now from restriced-device-manager, here it is: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock [03:57] b4cchus, skipping releases in upgrades is not supported (exception is LTS->LTS, but 9.04 isn't an LTS...) [03:57] I'm trying to upgrade an ubuntu server from 7.10 to 9.04, an apt-get update gives me a bunch of 404 errors. I downloade a new sources.list file from the web, same errors... anybody got any ideas? [03:57] !7.10 [03:57] Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. [03:58] so does that mean that I can only do a cd upgrade? [03:58] !upgrade [03:58] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [03:58] b4cchus, there is no supported way to go straight from 7.10 to 9.04 [03:58] shazbotmcnasty, are you certain you don't have any other apt program running? synaptic, aptitude, etc? [03:58] now I do, I noticed that [03:59] k thnx all [03:59] b4cchus: I think you're going to find that to upgrade you'll need to reinstall.. for server it's best to always stick with LTS [03:59] can i install xp on ubuntu with virtualbox? [03:59] I didn't before though [03:59] shazbotmcnasty, only one app can access the package management system at a time, that's what the lock file is fore [03:59] back [03:59] my usplash didn't change [03:59] phase_shift314, yes [03:59] yes - that was an accident, I forgot I was installing the ubuntu-restriced-extras [03:59] no ship [03:59] but last reboot I could not get it, and I wasn't installing anything [04:00] ubottu, vm | phase_shift314 [04:00] phase_shift314: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [04:00] deos anyone understand: update-alternatives: Cannot find alternative `/usr/lib/usplash/gnucube-theme.so'. [04:00] ubottu, virtualbox | phase_shift314 [04:00] phase_shift314: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [04:00] shazbotmcnasty, ok, make sure no other package manager is running [04:00] i've used wine, and it works pretty well for about 70% of what i've tried [04:00] how can I prevent vim from invoking elinks when opening http://something/? [04:00] restriced-device-manager has frozen [04:01] jmorgan: https://engineering.redhat.com/trac/ContentServices/wiki/InterviewSchedule [04:01] crgre: vim is an editor, not a browser. [04:01] sorry, wrong channel [04:01] there [04:01] one sec lemme restart the device manager [04:01] crgre: Did you mean something besides vim [04:02] I'm running it from terminal to get a output [04:02] I got the WMP54G card.. I tried installing windows drivers with ndiswrapper, I used the Ubuntu disc as a repo and tried hardware devices (just gives me the same thing).. i tried this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx (it's under "No Alternate Internet Access".. I don't want to have to resort to ethernet and install restricted drivers.. Network Manager doesn't list any connections as of ye.. Help. [04:02] installing 9.04 server, i'm making a software selection. iif my webserver aspirations extend to a couple of static pages, should i pick the LAMP option, or should just install a lightweight webserver down the road? [04:03] StrangeCharm, lamp won't waste anything but space, but you're right it's not necessary [04:03] /j #crunchbang #wreck_room [04:03] fuck [04:03] usr13: I know that vim is not browser, thanks. I want to open the HTML source, not the formatted text [04:03] just wanna see if they have any ideas - I like 'dem [04:03] first time trying to install virtualmin, working on ubuntu 8.04 [04:03] got stuck at installing apache2-suexec-custom [04:04] nickrud- except that it's another net-facing service that cout develop a vulnerability [04:04] crgre: Ok, well vim is very good for editing html documents. Not sure what the problem is you are having. [04:04] doesn't seem to be in the repositories? [04:04] *could [04:04] RocketLauncher: Were there any errors when you used fwcutter? [04:04] StrangeCharm, it's fairly easy to lock Apache down so that it doesn't know the actual web exists, actually. I had a 'locked' LAMP install on this desktop machine for ages. [04:04] !bittorrent [04:04] Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P [04:04] Jordan_U Nope [04:05] usr13: try it then you see: vim -f http://somesthing/ [04:05] RocketLauncher: Are there any errors if you run "sudo modprobe b43" ? [04:05] it work now [04:05] later [04:05] Jordan_U never tried that yet.. [04:05] Jordan_U and i'll have to switch to ubuntu if i want to [04:06] i tried modprobe with ndis though [04:06] Madpilot- more work for me, and more things to get/go wrong. besides, i'm trying to put together a vm to runn on several machines, and having spare software lying around is just messey [04:06] crgre: vim is not an internet browser. [04:06] RocketLauncher: Did you try fwcutter before using ndis, the steps to use ndis generally disable / conflict with the b43 driver [04:07] crgre: vim is a text editor [04:07] Jordan_U I don't think so.. [04:08] Jordan_U, I could try.. it all again but I don't know the exact steps.. [04:08] still not working [04:08] usr13: have you actually tired what i suggested, or just keep repeating yourself [04:08] crgre: You need to first download the file and then open it with the vi editor. vim index.html [04:09] usr13: no, what I need to know how to get vim to use wget instead of elinks and that what I am asking about [04:10] crgre, start with wget in terminal, and pipe it's output straight into vim? [04:11] how does one change the target of a symlink? [04:11] brb [04:11] crgre: wget www.host.name/index.html ; vim index.html [04:12] Madpilot: yeah I can think of a few workarounds but I want it work properly [04:12] meoblast001: ln -s /new/target/here /symlink/location/here [04:13] Madpilot: if I don't have elinks around that it works as expected loading the HTML [04:13] meoblast001: might need to rm the old symlink before doing that. i forget ln's obscurities. [04:13] rww: symlink vs hardlink... which would i want for /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so [04:13] meoblast001: symlink, hence the -s [04:14] so the question is where is this action defined [04:14] ok.. time to reboot i guess :X [04:14] wish me luck [04:14] meoblast001: in general, if you don't know which you need, you need a symlink [04:14] Hey guys, I need some help, I am trying to get a USB headset working in Ubuntu, its made by creative. === mlazos is now known as Mike_LaMar [04:14] I'm currently on ubunutu 8.10, got nothing against upgrading to 9.04 real soon. I also have a CRT monitor,and the max Ubuntu is letting me set the resolution to is 640x480.this is MUCH too low. [04:15] how do I set it higher? [04:15] Ive tried setting all defaults and everything I could find on the net, But wasn't able to fix anything. === saulus_ is now known as SauLus [04:15] kiaas, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [04:16] bloody x2x keeps stops working, starts great then just stops afer some random (always different) amount of time, cursor wont move off to the other screen anymore. it does this whether im using the ssh -X method or invoking x2x directly on the primary [04:16] Madpilot, thanks [04:16] usr13: see me reply to madpilot. by the way I am no really using command line, vim is invoked from a browser on a URL === pepito_ is now known as metal1369 [04:16] didn't work [04:17] Does anyone know how to get a Creative USB headset working on 9.04? Ive tried just about everything I could think off, and did everything people recomended on the net. [04:18] how to use windows based aps on ubuntu? [04:18] i have an interesting problem.had to reboot to fix it.i got bored and started paying runescape again.my audio dies after awhile(mplayer & firefox videos). [04:18] metal1369: wine but i don't recommend it [04:18] which better to use wine or play in linux? [04:18] metal1369: most windows apps don't respect your freedoms [04:18] <_Apple_> or a virtual windows machine [04:19] its just the games im after [04:19] <_Apple_> hey I need some help with my dual monitors....any takers? [04:19] Hi everyone [04:19] crgre: I've never invoked vim from a browser. I just download the file edit it and upload it again. [04:19] x2x hates my dual monitors [04:20] I need some help : With lspci, my WiFi is listed, but it's not in Network Manager. Why ? :( [04:20] Raphi974: Probably because the driver software is not loaded or does not exist. [04:20] Raphi974: what chipset? [04:21] coleys, Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8187SE Wireless LAN Controller (rev 22) [04:21] usr13: some times you just want to see the source code of the current page in your browser, but not in the browser but in a proper editor [04:21] !jp [04:21] 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい [04:21] What is the name of the daemon that handles automatically mounting stuff in /media? [04:21] ezyang, hal [04:21] crgre: Ctrl-U [04:22] coleys, any idea ? [04:23] usr13: by an external editor not inside the browser [04:24] Ok. I manually umount'ed something in my /media directory, and running '/etc/init.d/hal restart' didn't seem to bring it back [04:24] How can I make it bring it back? [04:24] crgre: Well, you have to make sure the url points to the actual file. [04:24] <_Apple_> help with dual monitor resolution and colour [04:25] cwek-imoetzzz [04:26] ezyang: try a `sudo mount -a` [04:27] how does one create a link or mapping to a folder on a networked xp folder, when in the link there are folder names with spaces in them? [04:27] moymoy: no change [04:27] Since it doesn't exist in fstab [04:27] bonez46: escape the spaces with a backslash .. so if the folder name is "what happened" then you should have /what\ happened [04:27] usr13: try this command in a terminal: vim -f http://www.vim.org/ [04:28] ezyang: hmm .. have any idea what you umounted? [04:28] moymoy: thanks [04:28] moymoy: umount /media/VERBATIM [04:28] bonez46: no problem [04:28] crgre: It says " Illegal file name " [04:29] ezyang: is there an entry for that in your fstab? [04:29] No. [04:29] usr13: what is you shell, vim version, system? [04:29] Because HAL did something magical to cause it to exist [04:29] I know how to deal with normal mounts [04:29] crgre: And rightfully so, because there is not even a file name designated. [04:29] !hal [04:29] Hal is in the process of being depreciated. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info. [04:29] moymoy: so this link >> smb://lytecproclaim/proclaimc/My%20Images/filescan/scott would be listed as //lytecproclaims/proclaimc/My\ Images/filescan/scott is that correct? [04:29] Wot... [04:30] I thought they swapped out much of X.org configuration for HAL... [04:30] running tcpdump in ubuntu 9.04, tcpdump -w foo.log, I get tcpdump: foo.log: Permission denied [04:30] as ROOT [04:30] I got my internet working. Now I want to know how to fix my cursor. It's all stuck and messed up.. I think it's a video problem. I can move it but it's just all strange....... My card's an ATI HD4670. [04:30] can anyone else try that? [04:30] bonez46: it depends what you're using that link for... that link will work in the nautilus browser, but it won't work in the terminal or in scripts [04:30] snejk: What is the working directory? [04:30] moymoy: a nautilus link is fine.. [04:31] oh i found drivers i'll try em out [04:31] FrozenFire, anywhere [04:31] usr13: what shell are you using? [04:31] open("foo.log", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied) [04:31] snejk: What I mean is, have you tried executing it in a different directory? [04:31] FrozenFire, yes I did [04:31] must be a bug [04:31] crgre: If you have a question, I'll answer it, but as I said before, vim is a text editor, if you download the file you want to edit, and open it with the vi editor, you will accomplish what you are wanting to do. Otherwise, I just don't know what to tell you. [04:31] or apparmor? [04:31] jono bacon talks about jaunty jackalope - http://twit.tv/floss77 [04:32] bonez46: are you trying to put that entry into your fstab by any chance? [04:32] snejk: Works fine for me on 9.04 in root [04:32] hmm [04:32] !lustre [04:32] Sorry, I don't know anything about lustre === |Zippo|_ is now known as |Zippo| [04:33] !hpc [04:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about hpc [04:33] crgre: I'm usgin bash. What about you? [04:33] !cloud [04:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about cloud [04:33] moymoy: no, not in fstab.. I scan documents frequently on my xp machine and store in a folder there. and then I want to be able to easily link to that folder from my ubuntu box. to paste those documents into emails, etc.. [04:33] FrozenFire, that is weird [04:33] !msgthebot > axisys (Please see the private message from the bot) [04:33] I just got a new monitor. I know there is software under Windows to test it for things like dead pixels. Is there this software for Linux? [04:33] /dev/sdb1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro) [04:34] crgre: If you just want to look at the source code from your browser, try Ctrl-u [04:34] id [04:34] uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) [04:34] rww: i dont see one .. [04:34] can anyone else try tcpdump -w foo.log as root in 9.04 ? [04:34] geh, really? did i mess my aliases up again? [04:34] !msgthebot | axisys [04:34] axisys: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [04:35] rww: thanks [04:35] DCC SEND C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ [04:35] usr13: looks I could not get through my problem. that is fine, thanks. I use zsh, there might be some magic involved ... [04:35] bonez46: tell me how it goes [04:35] moymoy: still not quite sure how to get this done [04:35] samba share? is that best? [04:36] crgre: but you have to designate the actual file, not just a domanin name. e.g. firefox http://www.vim.org/index.html and then do, Ctrl-u [04:36] im unable to open a tar.gz file in the archive manager [04:37] how do I set up shares.. with ubuntu? [04:37] bonez46: what kind of shares? [04:37] crgre: If I want to use the vi editor to look at it, I'll simply do: wget http://www.vim.org/index.html ; vim index.html [04:37] samba shares? [04:37] crgre: Is that not acceptable? [04:38] karatekickz: You may need to decompress it first, (if it IS in fact a compressed file). [04:39] kniht: I am looking for Samba but I don't see it . or network shares configuration.. how does ubuntu handle network share setup.. either to share folders on ubuntu or to establish shares on other networked machines? [04:39] what program would you recommend to convert audio files? [04:40] bonez46: 'places' menu, connect to server for outgoing [04:40] usr13: as I said before no. in my browser I want to open the source of the current page in an external editor (vim). It works if elinks is not installed. [04:40] bonez46: had found a nice program for managing local shares, but now I can't remember it [04:41] <[R]> endo42: waht kind of audio files... what is it and what do you want to convert it to? [04:41] songs [04:41] i want to convert it to flac [04:42] <[R]> endo42: from... [04:42] applications>system>shared folders [04:42] for you local samba share [04:42] in xfce at least [04:42] what do you mean from [04:42] i downloaded them [04:42] endo42, What kind of files to you want to convert into FLAC? [04:42] and i need to convert them to .flac [04:42] curl or wget is used and piped to vim. but when elinks is around it formats it and pipes the result. I want to know where is this behaviour is set up [04:42] endo42: the "audio converter" app in the repos should work fine.. but why do you want to convert to flac? there's no increase in quality *converting* to FLAC [04:43] kniht: ok, my xp machine is named 'LYTECPROCLAIM' .. but I click connect to server. in place and it errors, says it can't connect [04:43] no reason, just reading and i saw it suggested flac [04:43] should i convert it to something else? [04:43] <[R]> endo42: why do you want to convert? [04:43] endo42, Unless the files you downloaded are lossless, then you shouldn't convert to FLAC [04:44] bonez46: can you ping that computer? [04:44] usually mp3 or ogg is fine.. good compression for the audio.. [04:44] are the libraries for gtk C++ included by defalt in ubuntu ? how can i check if it is there or not ?? [04:44] endo42: flac is lossless, that means people usually encode to flac to preserve quality.. but converting TO flac doesn't help you gain any quality [04:44] <[R]> rameshwor: which libraries are you talking about? === pvl1 is now known as pvl [04:45] [R]: for gtk+ gui development....to use within C/C++ [04:45] bonez46: make sure you have the samba (smb) packages installed from the repos [04:45] <[R]> rameshwor: C or C++... make up your mind [04:45] [R]: C++ . [04:45] hey whats with ultimatrix never connecting its like it cant see my internet connection? === pvl is now known as pvl1 [04:46] 굿나잇! [04:46] looking for some reference on lustre for ubuntu .. anyone know of one? [04:46] <[R]> rameshwor: ok... so which library are you tlaking about [04:46] moymoy: I see both 'samba' and also 'samba4' .. do I want both? [04:47] [R]: i'm not an expert but i want like API for gui [04:47] bonez46: usually, ubuntu will automatically select one to install when you try to "share" one of your own folders [04:47] <[R]> rameshwor: huh? [04:47] it showed samba already installed [04:47] bonez46: okay [04:47] [R]; doesn't my question make sense ?? [04:47] Setting up a mail server on ubuntu server. This dovecot page[1] has two conflicting values for "mail_location". Anyone know which is correct? [1] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dovecot [04:48] <[R]> rameshwor: you gotta know what you want before we can tell you if its in ubuntu [04:48] bonez46: mind if i pm you? [04:48] It says both "mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir" and "mail_location = maildir:/home/%u/Maildir" [04:48] Hey all - quick q that's trying my patience. I've mounted a drive (owned by guy:group) with perms 774. Why, then, can a non-"guy" user in the group "group" not write to it? [04:48] [R]: i want to develop programs with GUI ..C++ [04:49] moymoy: please do [04:49] <[R]> Phrogz: that really means the same thing [04:49] <[R]> fade__: ls -l /mnt/point [04:49] [R]: Well then, no conflict I suppose. Thanks :) [sheepish grin] [04:49] <[R]> rameshwor: develop with gui c++? huh? [04:50] [R]: developt GUI using C++ [04:50] [R]: Is the former more correct/flexible, or is there pretty much zero chance that a home location won't be under /home? [04:50] [R] -- Ok, everything is rwsrwsr-x [04:50] Hi. [04:50] <[R]> rameshwor: ok... well you still need to tell me what you want to know if its in ubuntu [04:50] anyone know, it is possible to install ubuntu without any DE? [04:50] <[R]> Phrogz: home dir can be anywhere you want... but by default its in /home [04:51] <[R]> fade__: huh? [04:51] [R]: Thanks again. [04:51] <[R]> sergiu: of course [04:51] [R]: by ubuntu server?) [04:51] I've got wallpaper on my GNOME desktop. But, I want no wallpaper so I can just have a solid color back there. Anybody know how to set it to "No Wallpaper". I'm in the 'Appearance Settings' dialog, but don't see an option to do that. [04:51] [R] I ls'd and it came back with the directory list of the root of that drive, and everything was "rwsrwsr-x" in the permissions [04:51] <[R]> sergiu: huh? [04:52] [R]: how? [04:52] <[R]> fade__: i dindt ask you to tell me what 1 random thing in the output was [04:52] Oh no, it's 'Appearance Perferences'. [04:52] levander: in gnome nautilus handles the desktop, so tell it not to and use something like xsetroot to get the solid background [04:52] <[R]> sergiu: you can do a text mode install andd select whatever yo uwant [04:52] [R]: you mean ubuntu alternate version [04:52] ok, i'll try [04:52] thanks [04:52] what is the x11 support channel my xchat list is not displaying any results [04:53] karatekickz: those aren't really related... [04:53] :jrib what isnt related? [04:53] karatekickz: x11 and xchat [04:53] jrib: Do you have to do it like that? I'd be so much easier just to say, 'No Wallpaper'. [04:53] I know [04:53] <[R]> fade__: and your problem is... [04:54] what is the x11 support channel because the /list feature in my xchat is not working [04:54] levander: the easy way to do that then is probably to just create a solid black wallpaper [04:54] two different problems ;) [04:54] karatekickz: "because" implies relation [04:54] [R] A user in the "users" group can't write into these directories -- I can't see what I've missed [04:54] karatekickz: #xorg, though you should likely ask in #ubuntu before going upstream. [04:54] jrib: I need several colors to check for dead pixels. How do I tell nautilus not to handle the desktop background... [04:54] they are related bro... i have to ask because /list is broken [04:54] levander: gconf setting [04:54] so what is it? [04:54] !icons | levander [04:54] levander: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) [04:55] <[R]> fade__: why are they +s? they should be 755 [04:55] karatekickz: ok, but this isn't the information channel [04:55] Ok, I'll set that [04:55] chirst man.... u cant tell me then? [04:55] karatekickz: no [04:55] can you tell me why xchat wont give me a proper /list? [04:55] karatekickz: if you have an actual ubuntu issue, I'd be happy to try to help [04:56] jrib: 'gconf: command not found', apt-cache search doesn't find a package for it either [04:56] x11 isnt a ubuntu issue? [04:56] levander: gconf-editor [04:56] karatekickz: you haven't actually stated any issue. [04:56] jesus christ dude [04:56] [R] -- setting them 755 made them "drwsr-sr-x" ...? [04:56] karatekickz: please stop with that [04:56] I don't know where that s is coming from [04:56] <[R]> fade__: i actually meant 775 [04:56] fade__: it's setuid [04:57] jrib: in gconf-edit, setting picture_filename to nothing does the trick, thanks [04:57] <[R]> fade__: but what kind of crazy settings do you have on that filesstysem that its putting the +s [04:57] xchat is not giving me a proper /list ... I am getting zero results [04:57] That's what I'm wondering... it's mounted with "LABEL=UNIXSHARE /media/unixshare ext4 defaults,gid=100 0 0" [04:58] <[R]> karatekickz: you right click then select "server" and "list of channels" then you have to type a serach and hit the button [04:58] <[R]> fade__: well for one, there is no gid option for ext4 [04:59] karatekickz: as I've said already, #xorg is the discussion channel for the X11 implementation Ubuntu (and most other distros) use [04:59] Ok, so I can can that option. Still won't let me write (after removing setuid) [04:59] ty rww === sergiu is now known as [S] [05:00] When I go to Display Settings.. everything's all sluggish and crap.. It happened after I installed ATI drivers in Hardware Devices, which I needed. I have two screens, and rigbht now my second one is just mirroring. I want to have my desktop extend to my second screen.. but display settings stops responding...... [05:00] <[R]> fade__: ok so are you sure you are in the groups group? [05:00] <[R]> fade__: the users* [05:00] is there anything similar to gnump3 that doesnt have as many bugs? [05:00] anyone know how to get sound working on an LTSP client? [05:01] "usermod -a -G users fade", and /etc/group shows me in the list [05:01] jrib: or, maybe not, try something else now [05:01] <[R]> fade__: and what does the 'groups' command say [05:01] levander: xsetroot -solid black [05:01] Ahh... odd, it's not in there. Do I have to relog? [05:01] <[R]> fade__: yes [05:01] Ah! [05:02] Works now, LOL. Thanks for being patient with me [05:02] And for fixing it :) [05:03] all the tutorials i have found are pretty much worthless and out of date. there seem to be no LTSP support for ubuntu [05:04] i just install ubuntu 9.04 amd64; how do I get nvidia drivers? [05:04] !nvidia | lowlycoder [05:04] lowlycoder: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:05] lowlycoder, system > administration > device drivers [05:05] hi i just installed xubuntu 8.04 does anybody know the package etc. i need for firefox+flash? [05:05] lowlycoder, hardware drivers rather [05:05] marks256: i only see the wireless crap, not nvidia drivers [05:05] !flash | slimjimflim [05:05] slimjimflim: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash === soreau is now known as coz_ [05:05] slimjimflim: firefox is installed by default [05:05] brb === coz_ is now known as soreau [05:05] marks256: i only see the wireless crap, not nvidia drivers; which is weird since i used to see it when i installed ubuntu 9.04 32bit y accident [05:05] jrib, ty [05:05] scroll up and answer my question when i return :D [05:05] lowlycoder, i'm not sure then. that's how i've always done it [05:05] lowlycoder, have you done updates? === [S] is now known as root === root is now known as sergiu [05:06] guys, why is disabling the system beep such a cryptic process? [05:06] heck, it shouldn't even be enabled by default. [05:06] marks256: yes; but not reboot [05:06] LLStarks, just black list it [05:06] lowlycoder, does it say it needs to reboot? [05:06] marks256: yes; but it's for stuff that was updated [05:07] hello world, im a complete noob, is this the right place to ask random questions about problems with display im having. [05:07] ah, what the heck, i'll reboot [05:07] lowlycoder, i'd restart [05:07] anyone know how to get sound working on an ltsp client? [05:08] what is ltsp [05:09] hello [05:09] sergiu, Linux Terminal Server Project [05:09] I need a cool xml editor [05:09] =] [05:09] I'm suing gedit, but gedit looks like lacks formatting the xml, I need look easier to modify xml files [05:09] any recomendation ? [05:10] marks256, maybe #ltsp ? [05:10] changed my resolution-- cursor wont go beyond certain part of screen, anyone know what is going on???? [05:10] sergiu, that channel is dead. i can never get any help there [05:10] Hello ? [05:10] yeah [05:11] help?? [05:11] yxz97 have you googled ubuntu xml editor? [05:12] pullus313_, restart x? [05:12] everytime i try to do anything in firefox, it goes to offline mode [05:12] anybody? [05:12] On 9.04 (Jaunty), when I move any file to my Trash (I put a Trash icon on my desktop via gconf-editor) the file (any file) is *not* showing up in my Trash. Why is this? I like to verify what I am deleted from my Trash sometimes...early versions had this. [05:13] yxz97, try conglomerate. it is in your add/remove applications [05:13] complete noob, how do i do that === Kyon0 is now known as Kyon`Away [05:13] pullus313_, what version of ubuntu are you running? [05:13] Phew, just got Xchat. :D Brb [05:14] 9.04, Downloaded from super OS [05:14] Anyone have the Super OS / Ubuntu wallpaper [05:14] [R] sorry, a little precisation, how to select whatever i want to install in a text mode installation ? === Kyon`Away is now known as Kyon0`Away [05:15] r696, i don't use gnome anymore but i do recall a gconf option to skip moving the file to trash when it is 'deleted' - maybe it is enabled for you? [05:15] pullus313_, you're going to have to restart the computer then. control alt backspace it the normal way to do it, but it was disabled in 9 [05:15] .04 [05:15] oh [05:16] Display Settings slugs and.. freezes? when I start it. I want to extend my screen onto my second monitor rather than mirror it... Any other way to do this? [05:16] unop: let me try that. I am suprised it would do that by default but might be the issue, didn't think of that. thanks. [05:16] pullus313_, alt sysrq k will restart now [05:16] u can restart x with right alt+sysrq+k now [05:16] !dontzap [05:16] To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect. [05:16] r696, it's not a default [05:16] !trash | r696 [05:16] r696: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [05:17] ubottu, i'm not sure he will be restarting x more than once. he will have to restar the machine anyway [05:17] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [05:17] hello world [05:17] col, i will try and let you know [05:17] can ubuntu cause a laptop to emit a high pitch sound? [05:18] Hey, can anyone help me? I can't seem to get Ustream.tv to work in linux. [05:18] dontzap: command not found [05:18] charlotte_aux_fr: () {} [05:18] cattellar: a beep? [05:18] install the "dontzap" package [05:18] switch10_, more like the sound you get in your head after a loud concert [05:18] hey if I have the ubuntu netbook remix but I want the regular gnome interface is it easy to swap? [05:18] been a while since I did this ... so whats the best route for getting flash videos to work in firefox [05:18] Display Settings stops responding when I start it. What's another way to extend onto my secondary monitor? [05:19] donavan: install flash [05:19] im thinking ubuntu 64 just messe my computer [05:19] !flash [05:19] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [05:19] cattellar, In Soveit Russia, computer mess you [05:19] cattellar: ya the 64 bit is weird sometimes [05:19] thanks all [05:19] brb [05:20] cattellar: when are you getting this noise? [05:20] in an install with an encrypted lvm, can the disk passphrase be changed? [05:20] Twerpling: i get no video here.. i did get audio on one stream [05:21] Oh? Does it not work for everyone? [05:21] switch10_, sometimes even at grub ... i think it starts when it stops loading stuff from the hard drive [05:21] Flash seems to work since youtube seems to work fine [05:21] unop: ...still looking...*but* what I did was simply enable gconf-editor to show a Trash bin on my desktop. It should show my deleted files regardless if the Trash is located I would think...still looking to see if it's bypassing the Trash bin. This is a new install, maybe a week old... [05:22] also my power jack got stepped by someone so it got deformed, and I had to push harder to insert it, could that have messed my computer and be the source of the sound? [05:22] quick question... running 9.04 and have a ATI radeon xpress 200 video card, do the fglrx drivers work? [05:22] Twerpling: ive seen videos sites break stuff on their own. :) [05:22] Hrmph. [05:22] Does anyone here use Exaile? [05:22] How annoying [05:23] IT WORKED [05:23] THANK U ALL [05:23] sterilegenie: try them but I have a xpress 600 and they only work up to 8.10 [05:23] Twerpling: ive seen cbs (i think) have working vidoes of startrek.. then the next day they added comercials.. and broke the thing working in firefox. (even under windows it broke) but Opera under windows and liux worked. [05:23] ahh. I was afraid of that [05:24] hi, i keep getting 'firefox is in offline mode' except for my homepage: http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/ [05:24] Twerpling: in some other channels. the guys say that site has worked in the past with linux. [05:24] can anyone help? [05:24] icons in panel are messed up but i can move em back [05:24] thank you [05:24] Hi. Is it possible to create some sort of link or reference to a file (e.g. ~/pointer -> ~/target) in such a way that when an unsuspecting person or program tries to delete ~/pointer, ~/target gets deleted? Ideally, the ~/pointer file would thereafter be hidden (truly hidden, not just prefixed with a dot) until some person or program tries to create it again. The ~/target file would then be... [05:24] ...created again, and the ~/pointer file shown. [05:25] cattellar: that could be. Try a live cd [05:25] off to newegg to find a Nvidia card I guess [05:25] Twerpling: aha - if i tell it to 'pop out the video' out of the browser.. one DID work.... [05:25] Twerpling: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-popup/liz-draws-stuff [05:25] In my custom keyboard layout, can I have a key press correspond to the same as alt+SOMEKEY? Or is there some way to have altGr act as alt when a 3rd level does not exist? [05:25] Display Settings stops responding when I start it.. since I installed ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver in Hardware Drivers, which I needed.. [05:25] What's another way to extend onto my secondary monitor? Or how do I fix display settings? It just slugs and then stops responding. [05:26] RocketLauncher: you're on 9.04? [05:26] hello, I'd like to get help with krfb and tightvnc. My mother lives about 20 miles away and I've open the appropriate ports to accept inbound connection but she's never able to share her desktop with me... why is that? [05:26] switch10_ yes [05:26] last Question, Promise. when i enable the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver my resolution does not go up to its maximum, if its enabled then the desktop effects can't be turned on. why [05:27] Dr_Willis, it just flashes some widgets [05:27] is there a mirror for packages.ubuntu.com? [05:27] rxKaffee I want to know this too.. the damn site is down [05:27] Twerpling: been trying other videos.. gotten 2 working now... [05:27] last Question, Promise. when i enable the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver my resolution does not go up to its maximum, if its NOT enabled then the desktop effects can't be turned on. why** [05:28] RocketLauncher: try 8.10 or earlier. Ati won't give you drivers for even slightly older ceres [05:28] Twerpling: this one works also --> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/dpr-ball-pythons (just not a lot to see) [05:28] I have a quick question: I'm running latest version of ubuntu (amd64) with ext4 filesystem, I downloaded the latest version of Limewire, everything works fine except that every time I close LimeWire the whole program freezes. Can anyone help me fix this, or point me to an article that would be able to help me? [05:28] oh no the graphics question again [05:29] *cards [05:29] RocketLauncher: I'm guessing their entire network is lagged from the mad rush to get 9.10 [05:29] ShaunL: try using Frostwire instead, it has the same features [05:29] :D [05:29] oh no the graphics question again??? [05:29] gabe_: I agree frostwire is better [05:29] noooooz. how do i fix it?!?! ^^^ [05:30] gabe_: Does it have the same amount of results as LimeWire would? [05:30] RocketLauncher, try aticonfig | less it will show the options to do what you want but like switch10_ says it would be much better on 8.10 [05:30] Oh hey [05:30] I got it working [05:30] anybody that knows how to configure krfb and tightvnc to work on two different networks? [05:30] swfdec apparently doesn't like ustream [05:30] ctmjr I dont want to resort to that though :( [05:31] slimjimflim: you guys are gonna have to downgrade to 8.10. I have it and it's fine. [05:31] ShaunL: absolutely, besides Frostwire is the open source version of Limewire (sort of) you can get it all through it [05:31] ctmjr in aticonfig, what do I have to do to make it so I'm dual screenin instead of mirroring? [05:31] It's pretty long === fairy is now known as Guest19009 [05:32] RocketLauncher: aticonfig has an optional switch for big-desktop [05:32] switch10_, i'm using 8.04.3 ...i was thinking about upgrading [05:32] Ati cards suck. Do not buy in the future [05:32] Hi. Is it possible to create some sort of link or reference to a file (e.g. ~/pointer -> ~/target) in such a way that when an unsuspecting person or program tries to delete ~/pointer, ~/target gets deleted? Ideally, the ~/pointer file would thereafter be hidden (truly hidden, not just prefixed with a dot) until some person or program tries to create it again. The ~/target file would then be... [05:32] ...created again, and the ~/pointer file shown. [05:32] RocketLauncher: you can also use xinerama [05:32] switch10_: the cards are awesome. the support/drivers is a nightmare [05:32] slimjimflim: do not. The ati drivers should work with your kernel [05:32] yeah what he said [05:32] rxKaffee: yes [05:33] the nvidia drivers lack just as much feature in linux, they just have a nicer config tool :) [05:33] switch10_, how do i *downgrade* from 8.0x to 8.1.x? [05:33] rxKaffee: their drivers are great for windows [05:33] hmm, well, 'gconf-editor > apps > nautilus > preferences > enable_delete' is *not* checked which means my deleted files are suppose to stay in Trash. For a temporary workaround I'll just enable it so all files will bypass the Trash bin. I wonder if that bypasses 'root trash' as well. [05:33] rxKaffee is that for gnome? [05:33] xinerama [05:34] Hey guys, I had an NTP Server up and running, but the machine was rebooted over the weekend and now it's not working. The server is started, syslog tells me it's listening on the right interfaces and ports and netstat -a tells me the box is listening on the ntp ports, but when it's queried it doesn't reply. I did a scan using nmap and it didn't show up in the ports list either. Any ideas where I can look from here? [05:34] slimjimflim: you can upgrade to 8.10? [05:34] rxkaffee oh nope ........hm [05:34] slimjimflim, switch10_: it's 8.04 (eight point oh four) and 8.10 (eight point ten), but yes, 8.04 to 8.10 is an upgrade. [05:34] semantics [05:34] but yea that's what i thouht [05:34] RocketLauncher: xinerama is a featureset of xorg, it should work with most desktop environments. I've personally used it with openbox and lxde [05:35] RocketLauncher: *personally used it with openbox(via lxde) and KDE [05:35] rxkaffee mind if i show you a pastebin? I'm having solme problems now === sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick [05:35] slimjimflim: do not upgrade to 9.04 if you have a slightly older ati video card === karma is now known as ayahuasca [05:35] rxkaffee john@john-desktop:~$ aticonfig --xinerama=on [05:35] No layout section was found in the file: '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'. [05:35] Please run 'aticonfig --initial' first or modify your configurationfile manually and run aticonfig again. [05:35] aticonfig: parsing the command-line failed. [05:35] john@john-desktop:~$ aticonfig --initial [05:35] RocketLauncher: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:35] Found fglrx primary device section [05:35] switch10_, i never said anything about video cards [05:36] i'm upgrading to 8.10 atm [05:36] whoops [05:36] pasted the wrong thing [05:36] rxkaffee http://pastebin.com/d439f1144 [05:36] i dont have AIT, i have Nvidia. when i enable the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver my resolution does not go up to its maximum, if its NOT enabled then the desktop effects can't be turned on. why [05:36] help [05:36] slimjimflim: sorry. Nevermind [05:36] slimjimflim ... I just upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 with a HD 4350 ... not that old of a card and it completely killed my x-windows and finally had to reinstall from scratch [05:37] I have VMware installed with a couple other OSs, can someone help me create a script to start and stop the vmware deamon? [05:38] Its the new kernel. All distros are affected. This is why i will never buy another ati card again [05:38] Hoss: if its a normal service/deamon - 'sudo service WHATEVERITSCALLED stop' should stop it. [05:38] can anyone give me help with my sound ... working from a fresh install of 9.04 [05:38] hi, guys. swiftfox3.5 won't play sound on youtube but shiretoko will. why the difference and how can i fix it? [05:38] cant get my linksys wireless card to work on 9.04 [05:38] Dr_Willis: is there a command to list running services? [05:38] Beems what card :D [05:38] Hoss: proberly is.. ive never noticed.. [05:39] !upstart | Hoss [05:39] Hoss: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [05:39] RocketLauncher: wmp54g with speedboost [05:39] anyone? pls? [05:39] switch10_: which kernel? we've been seeing patches (for catalyst) in archlinux for each new kernel, even up to 2.6.30 [05:40] RocketLauncher, try this sudo aticonfig --initial -f [05:40] Beems I have the same thing. are you on ethernet right now [05:40] ctmjr ok [05:40] Dr_Willis: ubottu's discription was a bit vauge, can you explain to me what Upstart is? [05:40] RocketLauncher: yup [05:40] ctmjr aticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor. [05:40] RocketLauncher: and also, checkout #ati might get a slightly less-distracted audience for aticonfig help [05:40] Hoss: ubuntu no longer uses the sysv init system.. it uses upstart.. follow the url the bot gave for more info. [05:40] RocketLauncher: that sounds like some filesystem type error though, did you run out of disk space? [05:40] with nautilus, can I control what image is used for an icon in a window? [05:41] nope [05:41] anybody that knows how to configure krfb and tightvnc to work on two different networks? [05:41] neil_d: for an icon for what exactly? a prgram/files icon? thats changeable.. [05:41] exit [05:41] hi guys .. ubuntu newbie here. Ive got my own cross platform allegro game compiling on ubuntu, but it has no sound. according to forums, building statically will fix it. however, I dont know if I have l liballegro4.2.2 installed, or in the right place... as I getthis error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lalleg-4.2.2 ..where do I search for gcc linker libs? I dont understand the lnux filesystem structure yet.. Im mainly an xp user [05:41] neil_d: properties -> click on the icon in the properteris dialog. and select a different icon [05:41] gabe_: are you having some error? do you have control of both networks? do you really mean on two different "subnets"? do you have a router to route between those two subnets? [05:42] how can i get swiftfox to play sound? sound works fine for other browsers and applications. [05:42] RocketLauncher: yes im connected through auto etho [05:42] Dr_Willis: thanks! [05:42] neil_d: people overlook that the icon IS a button :) [05:42] binMonkey: check in your preferences [05:43] well I'm talking about two different subnets. I'm 15 miles away from the pc I'm trying to connect to [05:43] binMonkey: in swiftfox [05:43] strange, seems like the Trash icon on the Desktop is useless. Only way to truly empty trash is through 'gksudo dbus-launch nautilus' and navigate to .local and Trash folders to get rid of useless files. Regardless, looks like a temporary fix. Thanks again for the info. [05:43] I've turned of the router's firewall and the pc's firewall and still doesn't work [05:43] cant get my linksys wireless card to work on 9.04 any help appreciated [05:43] oops its in usr/libs/ [05:43] Dr_Willis: I did, maybe something should be done to make it more obvious. [05:44] /usr/lib/ .. I need to point at it somehow [05:44] hi, how can i change my display resolution? "detect monitors" in the display resolution dialog doesn't work, and the only options it gives me is 800x600 and 640x480. i just wiped the previous owner's installation of jaunty, but before that i could definitely get the real resolution of my display === daarthtuvok is now known as darthtuvok [05:44] Beems: Can you pastebin the output from "lspci" or tell us the exact chipset of the card? [05:44] Dr_Willis: It looks like I have Upstart installed, but issuing Upstart does nothing. Is this not how the prg works? [05:44] Hoss: - err.. you did follow/read the docs the bots url pointed to? [05:44] !upstart [05:44] Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [05:44] damn_headache: no, the filesystem does not provide anything to do that. some applications resolve a symlink to its target first, and then will act on the target instead of the symlink [05:45] Anyone here got a Intel 4500 integrated graphics card ? [05:45] Dr_Willis: Yes, the page doesnt yeild any documentation on how to use it, just release notes, and links to other distros. [05:45] hdon_: Have you checked System > Adminsitration > Hardware Drivers to see if there are proprietary drivers your GFX card might need? [05:45] <[R]> rogst: i have a mobile 4500 [05:45] switch10_: thanks. i've tried that and they're the same as shiretoko settings. shiretoko plays sound, though. [05:45] Hoss: hmm.. used tobe a link to some tutorials also.. most of the sysv tools do work with upstart. but i havent messed with them in ages [05:45] [R]: have you tried connecting an external monitor ? [05:45] <[R]> rogst: no [05:46] Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/m5ca60768 [05:46] Jordan_U: ugh... i hadn't thought about that :( [05:46] * hdon_ hates nvidia [05:46] [R]: ok, I cant choose any higher resolution then 1280x1024 on the external monitor which supports 1600x1200 :( [05:47] rxKaffee: thx [05:47] Hoss: a quick google for 'upstart tutorial' finds this one thta looks good --> http://fosswire.com/post/2008/2/managing-upstart/ [05:47] rxkaffee i did.. not.. add.. sudo.. to.. it.. [05:47] hdon_: dont switch to ati [05:47] <[R]> rogst: well everythign i have that has a vga input is only 1280x1024, so can't help you there [05:47] RocketLauncher: well that explains why you got a filesystem related error ;) [05:47] I'm following this guide on setting up a mail server http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-users-domains-postfix-courier-mysql-squirrelmail-ubuntu8.04-p4 and I'm at the top of this page and my telnet test here is just not working. [05:47] [R]: ok thanks anyway :D [05:48] !anyone | rogst [05:48] rogst: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [05:48] rxkaffee so what exactly and how exactgly does xinerame work/do [05:48] xinerama* [05:48] I don't get the welcome 220 message and of course the server doesn't respond to the ehlo command [05:49] RocketLauncher: big-desktop is preferable... there's a few odd gui applications that do not play nice with xinerama... I'm not sure how/what it does, but its just another alternative to big-desktop, twinview, and randr12 for setting up dual-monitors with the ability to move windows between the two monitors [05:49] rxkaffee so how do i use big-desktop [05:49] !info big-desktop [05:50] Package big-desktop does not exist in jaunty [05:50] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo [05:50] damn_headache: You could setup a program to delete it using inotify as a trigger === MakX is now known as Mak\iPhone [05:50] RocketLauncher: look for options in amdcccle/aticonfig that have to do with "left of" or "right of" (describing the relationship of one monitor to the other) === Mak\iPhone is now known as MakX [05:50] RocketLauncher: if you get a basic clone-display setup with aticonfig, you can use the GUI amdcccle application to setup big-desktop more easily [05:50] cant get my linksys wireless wmp54g to work on 9.04 any help appreciated [05:50] what is the package for 32 bit libs> [05:51] Hey all! This is more of a grub related than Ubuntu related question, so feel free to redirect me if there is a better place to ask it, but...: I recently installed Ubuntu to a computer which already had Vista on it. I used the GUI installer on the live disk. When Grub comes up, both Ubuntu and Vista appear on the list. Ubuntu works just fine, but when I try to boot to Vista, the computer starts booting again from the beginning. Any ideas? [05:51] Beems: which ver. is it? [05:51] Beems: What is the exact chipset ( sorry if you already answered, I'm on a flakey connection ) [05:51] Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/m5ca60768 [05:51] rxkaffee 1. Setting up fglrx for the first time. Single head:aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf Dual head:aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=above This command will generate a dual head configuration file with the second screen located above the first screen. [05:51] Beems: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/ [05:52] Jordan_U: i'll look into that, thanks [05:52] I should've used pastebin for that, but it doesn't look long [05:52] how can I check what swap partition I am using? [05:52] Beems: Have you tried System > Administration > Hardware Drivers? [05:52] CleanLaundry: try swapon -s [05:53] Pytlask: no error before it reboots? [05:53] Dr_Willis, k thanks [05:53] whoops === MakX is now known as MakX\iPhone [05:53] CleanLaundry: i did a swapon --help to discover thatg. :P [05:53] Jordan_U: yes the driver is installed and in use but still no connection? === MakX\iPhone is now known as MakX [05:53] switch10_: Not that I can see. The screen goes blank for a moment, and it reboots. Is there a way to delay the reboot process so that I may see errors appearing? [05:53] Dr_Willis, :) I know, I need to use man's more, but wasn't sure exactly what commnd [05:54] Beems: Do you see any wireless networks? Is the light on the card on? [05:54] CleanLaundry: apropos is a nice command "apropos foo" will tell you any commands with "foo" in their man page [05:54] is this good for my needs? sudo aticonfig --desktop-setup=horizontal --sync-vsync=on --add-pairmode=Width0xHeight0+Width1xHeight1 [05:54] I found it in this thread; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301941 [05:55] Pytlask: no you would see the errors. Do u still have your windows recovery disk? [05:55] Jordan_U, nice, thanks [05:55] CleanLaundry: np [05:55] switch10_: Yup [05:55] switch10_ I tried running bootrec.exe /fixmbr, but that just put the Vista loader over Grub. I also tried /fixboot, but that didn't help [05:55] BRB [05:56] Pytlask: i would try that. There is an option on there to fix you master boot record [05:56] Jordan_U: boy i must be tired i didnt have my antenna hooked up thnks its workinh now DUH HUH! [05:56] Pytlask: hm [05:56] Beems: :) [05:56] quick frustration: i need to install the nvidia cuda driver. to do so i must be at a command prompt without X running. when i stop x via /etc/init.d/gdm stop the computer hangs on a black screen. what am i missing? [05:57] nsgn: could be the framebuffer or X is some how messing the console up. Try booting straight to the consoel, or use the 'nofb' option to disable the framebuffer [05:57] nsgn: Go to a tty you can login with with ctrl+alt+F1 [05:57] Well the distro I use right now is on /dev/sda6. the swap I am using is on /dev/sda7. but I want to delete /dev/sda5 which is a unused swap, but it says I cant because I have to unmout logical partitions higher then /dev/sda5. what can I do? and is it right to use a livecd in this case ? [05:57] nsgn: yea see if alt-ctrlf1 throgu f6 give a useable terminal .. they should [05:57] Jordan_U: i'll give that a shot. i'll be back if it doesnt work, as i'm gonna loose this IRC session when i kill X [05:58] thanks [05:58] Pytlask: i have no idea what would cause that [05:58] hello, is there a way that i can reset my modem via terminal or software? Thanks! [05:58] CleanLaundry: delete? you could use fdisk and 'delete' it - but what are you going to put in its place? [05:58] Nis2k: dialup modem? [05:58] switch10_: Alright. Thanks for your help anyway :) I found another possible avenue, so hopefully I can get this working [05:58] Dr_Willis: no a router [05:59] i need help with my os :( [05:59] What is the package for libxml2 ? [05:59] Dr_Willis, lol why not? just to make allocated space, and eventually add it to this partition. I am using gparted which isnt letting me [05:59] Dr_Willis: so i get a new ip [05:59] arrghhhh ... gnome-panel's autohide is so retarde [05:59] d [05:59] CleanLaundry: You shouldn't change extended partitions if any of the other extended partitions are mounted. Using a LiveCD would be ideal [05:59] I have an ATI HD4850, a recent ubuntu update caused my system's display to be corrupted. Anyone know if a bug has been filed about this issue? [05:59] when i dual boot my uburtu it says some things, then then i can type here. [06:00] it says something like [06:00] CleanLaundry: fdisk can delete it.. but resizing other partiions to use it.. would be a job for gparted. some layouts can be tricky to resize due to how the things get laid out. I tend touse all primaries. [06:00] What is the name of the open source ati driver? [06:00] buttons840: if you're using any advanced fglrx features, and xorg got updated... you're most likely having a conflict from the new randr12 features that are enabled by default [06:00] me? [06:00] CleanLaundry: try using fdisk to delete it.. reboot.. see if gparted likes it better that way.. perhaps [06:00] buttons840: "ati" [06:00] buttons840: there's also radeonhd [06:00] Dr_Willis, Jordan_U now that I realize it, I DIDNT realize I had an extended partition, shoot [06:01] I'm following this guide on setting up a mail server http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-users-domains-postfix-courier-mysql-squirrelmail-ubuntu8.04-p4 and I'm at the top of this page and my telnet test here is just not working. [06:01] I don't get the welcome 220 message and of course the server doesn't respond to the ehlo command [06:01] Bogus8: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:01] Dr_Willis, Jordan_U is there a way to make in not extended anymore? [06:01] rxKaffee, how can i resolve these conflics? [06:01] i tryed re-installing uburtu and it doesnt help :( [06:02] anyone use mencoder? [06:02] CleanLaundry: If you want more than 4 partitions, and you aren't on a mac ( or want to be really weird and have a PC with GPT ) you need to use an extended partition [06:02] Dr_Willis: any help? [06:02] Jordan_U, i see [06:02] noting? [06:02] sigh [06:03] damn a lot of people are on :O [06:03] buttons840: check your xorg logs to see if its saying anything about randr12, if so google's saying something like "aticonfig --set-pcs-str=DDX,EnableRandR12,FALSE" [06:03] so mencoder... tryin to set it up to do multiple files in one run? like a batch? [06:03] buttons840: there's also an xorg.conf option that does the same as the aticonfig line [06:03] Skipper: this is nothing, there usually are 1400+ ppl on === darthtuvok is now known as darthanubis [06:04] ls -lah [06:04] buttons840: I'm not sure if the xorg in ubuntu is recent enough to be doing the randr12 stuff though, so verify it in your logfile first [06:04] has anyone here done simple video editing with linux? [06:04] oop sorry [06:04] wow [06:04] hmm [06:04] buttons840: [06:04] rxKaffee, i'm on a fresh install, so i don't know how much information the log file will provide [06:04] buttons840: http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Linux/Q_24343429.html [06:04] Nis2k: no idea on routers doing that trick. sorry [06:04] Skipper: try re asking your question [06:05] buttons840: the xorg logfile is overwritten with new data each time xorg starts up, so age of installation is no matter [06:05] blkdg: what kind of operations? [06:05] arrrghhh: the menucoder docs have examples.. then you could use the find, or xargs commands to 'automate' things.. [06:05] Dr_Willis: you just have to manually reset it to get a new ip, i was just wondering if there was a way i could do it with a software.. [06:05] Nis2k: ive never had to get a new ip that often.. [06:06] buttons840: last comment on that experts-exchange links to another site that describes disabling randr12 in xorg.conf [06:06] rxKaffee, the radeonhd open source driver wont help with the hd4850 will it? [06:06] When i boot up my uburtu after installing on windows... i boot it up with dual boot, and then some text about press TAB for commands and ESC for other things and then under all of that theres text, i think its "" and then after i can type after it and uburtu dont boot at all [06:06] Dr_Willis, hrm... i read thru the man page, but and i think i figured out conversion (although i'd like to figure out how to convert videos and keep the same file size/quality) [06:06] MaT-dg, i am adding subtitles to .mov files using subtitleeditor (gtk app), they're visable in mplayer and in the app. how do i embedde the subtitles in the .mov? do i email my intended viewers (family members) the .mov and the subtitle file? [06:07] buttons840: not sure if that specific card is in the radeonhd driver or not. my hd3300 onboard is and several other of the newer HD [06:07] Skipper: Could it be "GRUB" ? [06:07] yes i think thats it [06:07] i just don't get how to have it troll thru a folder. i tried passing *.avi *.ogm, and that seemed to work but always pumped out *.avi as the file name :S [06:07] Skipper: the GUI doesn't boot? Do u have a command line? [06:07] yea i think it is a cmd line [06:07] blkdg: sec, I'll do some research on the .mov [06:08] Skipper: Has this install ever booted properly? [06:08] Is there a panel applet that shows you the space usage of different partitions? [06:08] MaT-dg, btw, i'm using .mov because that's the format the camera produces. [06:08] it installed properly on my other computer. [06:08] Was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me how to go abouts getting my computer to read dvd disks, cant get it to work on my ubuntu os, new to ubuntu [06:08] Skipper: this is an install with wubi? [06:08] whats wubi? [06:08] lostxion, does your machine boot from dvd? [06:08] FrozenFire, i think gparted would do what you're asking... [06:09] no [06:09] arrrghhh: I'm looking for something to put on my panel that will monitor disk usage. [06:09] Skipper: nevermind. Try typing startx [06:09] says i dont have to proper plugins [06:09] lostxion, i mean does it have a dvd reader which is bootable? [06:09] when i get to the cmd line? [06:09] FrozenFire, have you seen conky? [06:09] I don't want to have to open a tool to check. I could just as easily df -h [06:09] Skipper: yup [06:09] very customizable. you can even see disk usage [06:09] arrrghhh: Can't say I have [06:09] ok let me go try that [06:10] arrrghhh, try gkrellem, it's like conky [06:10] yes [06:10] arrrghhh: If it's a major desktop modification, that wouldn't do. [06:10] Skipper: Has it ever booted properly on the machine you are now having problems with? [06:10] blkdg: do you want to hardsub them or use softsubs? [06:10] I just need a simple indicator on my panel === iceblock is now known as reqon [06:10] lostxion, in the bios of the machine, is the dvd drive set to the first priority? [06:10] FrozenFire, it's not. i've never heard of gkrellem, blkdg - you could look into that as well FrozenFire ? i found conky to be very easy to use, extremely customizable, and had no footprint. [06:11] yeah once i put a disk in it trys to read it [06:11] i don't know the terms MaT-dg [06:11] it's not part of gnome - or kde for that matter, it's in the repo's. [06:11] it works on my windows os [06:11] want to get rid of windows though [06:11] paradoxx - cause im your nightmare <----rocks! [06:12] lostxion, what happens after it reads? [06:12] lostxion, did you verify that the disk was downloaded properly. check the checksum.... [06:13] my ubuntu disk? [06:13] MaT-dg, google to the rescue i want hardsub [06:14] blkdg: with hardsub the subtitles are part of the video, with softsub they are overlayed on top of the video by the player [06:14] !dvd | lostxion [06:14] lostxion: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [06:14] k sounds good, ill be right back [06:15] Can someone tell me why my asus eee pc 700 would not be booting from a usb drive that has been set up to boot eeebuntu (which does work on another machine)? [06:15] I'm following this guide on setting up a mail server http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-users-domains-postfix-courier-mysql-squirrelmail-ubuntu8.04-p4 and I'm at the top of this page and my telnet test here is just not working. [06:15] I don't get the welcome 220 message and of course the server doesn't respond to the ehlo command [06:15] MaT-dg, i would like to hard sub this. [06:15] blkdg: well the method of using a seperate file (.srt .ssa .sub ...) is softsub, but u can also embed 1 or more subtitle files in the video-container itself [06:16] davidguard: make sure your bios supports booting from USB [06:16] why do i have 2.6.28-13-server in /lib/modules when I am running the Desktop of Jaunty? [06:16] blkdg: then u have 1 video file, and can select wich subs u want to display or no subs at all [06:16] davidguard: also make sure it's before your hard disk in your boot order in bios [06:16] blkdg: sure u still want hardsub? [06:18] ok, how do i embed my subtitle file with my mov file so that the folks on the other side can 'just double click' [06:18] I put my system packages for update and now each my terminal gets a wall message after each minute. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 [06:18] switch10_: I have done this already. I made the usb pen the first boot choice, but it keeps booting to the default os. I have even tried removing the HD from the list altogether but then a get an error saying something about an error with the drive === inovsky is now known as [aslema] [06:19] blkdg: well, hardsub is the easiest for the viewer: no config att all and no possibility of subs not showing up because of codec problems [06:19] WIGGMPk: Not sure why you would, but check if linux-image-2.6.28-13-server is installed ( with synaptic or "apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.28-13-server" ) [06:19] switch10_: "Error loading operating system" [06:19] MaT-dg, ok, so how do i softsub in one file? [06:20] davidguard: How did you create the flash drive? [06:20] switch10_: Using the tool that comes with Ubuntu [06:20] davidguard: is there an option in your bios to enable or disable legacy devices? [06:21] switch10_: and it works when I try booting from a different laptop [06:21] davidguard: ya the USB drive is fine I'd bet [06:21] blkdg: install mkvtoolnix [06:21] davidguard: Have you been able to boot from other USB devices successfully with that machine? [06:21] i'll look [06:21] hello, can someone tell me how I could enter more than one command on one line in the command line? For instance: sudo chmod 770 -R file AND chgrp www-data -R file [06:21] blkdg: and mkvtoolnix-gui [06:21] switch10_: Not that I can see [06:22] Jordan_U: never tried [06:22] bdelin88: use ";" so "sudo chmod 770 -R file ; chgrp www-data -R file" [06:22] Jordan_U: thanks! [06:23] how con I test my graphics card to see if its working properly? [06:23] bdelin88: np :) [06:23] MaT-dg, why do i want a matroska file ? [06:23] didnt work :( [06:23] it aid uknown cmd [06:23] <[R]> Beems: do you see something on the screen? it's working [06:23] said* [06:23] switch10_: problem is the standard os that the eeepc comes with seems to be corrupted somehow... it loads up to x but doesn't display the desktop properly and doesn't respond when I click on any of the icons in the system tray [06:23] blkdg: because it is a recent and very flexible video container wich allows soft subtitles [06:23] Beems: One test ( not complete ) would be to run "glxinfo | grep direct" and if it returns "direct rendering: yes" it's working [06:23] i typed startx in grub> thing [06:23] and it said: [06:24] but what format will i be emailing people MaT-dg ? === [aslema] is now known as [Proxy-sfary] [06:24] it says unrecognized cmd [06:24] davidguard, have you tryed hitting esc. at boot and selecting temp. boot to USB [06:24] wolfram alpha <----prolly the best serach engine out there "for the g33k" [06:24] .mkv [06:24] blkdg: .mkv [06:24] Jordan_U: thnx [06:24] Beems: np [06:24] Equs: I've tried hitting Esc but it doesn't seem to do anything [06:25] any other ideas? [06:25] Skipper: Is Ubuntu installed on the first partition of the first drive? [06:25] no [06:25] its on the 2nd [06:25] Equs: just tried then... I got to choose what to boot from but I still get "Error loading operating system" [06:25] MaT-dg, ok i see where you're going with this. how would you hardsub them ? [06:25] hey [06:26] blkdg: with avidemux [06:26] im using ubuntu 8.10 and dualbooting XP with it [06:26] davidguard, is there a button like "F12" that forces your computer to a 'boot-menu' that lets you pick which device (hdd, optical, usb, etc)? [06:26] but when my PC starts up i cant choose which OS to boot as my keyboard wont work on my bios [06:26] so how do i make it choose XP by default [06:26] does avidemux create subtitles from scratch? [06:26] Skipper: Second partition or second driver? ( respond with the partition number and drive number) [06:26] hello [06:26] Jordan_U: it shows this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d379cbe30 [06:26] MaT-dg, does avidmeux create subtitles from scratch the way subtitle editor does? [06:27] Jordan_U: ok I have dirst rendering but it will not let me turn on destop effects? [06:27] <[R]> jazzyy: in /boot/grub/menu.lst you can select what the default should be [06:27] davidguard, that's strange personaly I always use Unetbootin to create live USB and works fine on my eee700 [06:27] MaT-dg, i thought that avidemux was an editor. [06:27] arrrghhh: Esc does that. But when I pick the USB drive it gives me the same error "Error loading operating system" [06:27] Jordan_U: direct rendering came back yes [06:27] uhhhhhhh. idk, its a laptop, vista, 2 partions "i guess if thats what u call it" (C:\ and D:\) 1 dvd drive. [06:27] Beems: If it's an intel chip try updating your machine then trying again, an intel bug fix was recently released [06:27] blkdg: avidemus doesn't create subtitles. It hardsubs them from a separate subtitle file into the video [06:28] davidguard, sorry if i missed it, but how did you create the usb key? [06:28] Jordan_U: no its nvidea 6200 [06:28] blkdg: you said you already had the subtitle file? [06:28] awesome thanks [R] [06:28] Equs: Like I said above the drive works fine on another computer. Also I've done an install like this before on another eeepc700 which worked fine too [06:28] Jordan_U: running 180 proprietary drivers [06:28] ok, so i take the .ass file that subtitle editor made and then avidemus will hard sub it for me. [06:28] davidguard, the fact that your usb drive shows up is promising. [06:28] any one else can help me? [06:29] MaT-dg, so i take the .ass file that subtitle editor made and then avidemus will hard sub it for me. right? [06:29] arrrghhh: I used the tool that comes with Ubuntu [06:29] blkdg: that's correct [06:29] jazzyy: Move the lines pertaining to windows so that they are before the section that says "automagic kenel list" [06:29] hello [06:29] anyone there? [06:29] Yup [06:29] umm, MaT-dg will avidemus help in a softsub? [06:30] :( [06:30] davidguard, hrm. did you create the usb key from the installer? hrm. has this laptop ever booted a usb device? have you tried another method? [06:30] /cl [06:30] blkdg: as far as I know it can;t do softsubs [06:30] does anyone know how to convert an image in openoffice draw to a more common format such a .jpeg? [06:30] davidguard, does the main SSD still boot [06:30] Beems, not sure then. Can you try "dpkg -S /lib/modules/2.6.28-13" ? [06:30] <_Apple_> any one know how I can fix the colour on my secondary display? [06:30] Jordan_U: does that mean its installed? [06:30] can someone help meh? [06:31] ok thanks for your help MaT-dg [06:31] good night folks [06:31] WIGGMPk: No, that means it's not installed [06:31] arrrghhh: no I don't think the eeepc I'm working on now has ever been booted from a usb. [06:31] Jordan_U: hmmm, than is it alright to get rid of the /lib/modules than? [06:31] davidguard, does it not have an optical drive? [06:31] Skipper: you're dual booting [06:31] can someone help me? [06:31] blkdg: wait, are u sure it's ok? can u work with avidemux? [06:31] i know... [06:31] Equs: yes but when it gets to x the desktop doesn't load properly and it doesn't respond when I click on the icons in the system tray. [06:31] I'm asking [06:31] but ubutru dont boot [06:31] ???? [06:32] arrrghhh: no there is no optical drive [06:32] it just shows a grub> cmd line [06:32] how do you convert images? [06:32] so like this? http://pastebin.com/m161ddebb [06:32] ?? [06:32] WIGGMPk: The command I just gave you will check if there are any packages you have that install that directory. If none are found then I would say it's safe to rename the folder ( so it can't be found automatically ), reboot, then if nothing blows up delete it :) [06:32] Reitz: try imagemagick [06:32] ?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 0 [06:33] sigh [06:33] Reitz: search google for convert . File type to .file type [06:33] davidguard, sounds like it needs a complete overhaul ..... [06:33] Jordan_U: which command? [06:33] Did anyone actually test the zope 2.10 package in Ubuntu 9.04? [06:34] Equs: how would I do a complete overhaul? I was planning on installing eeebuntu on the machine but booting from the usb isn't working [06:34] ??? [06:34] Skipper: sorry dude. I don't really understand your question [06:35] Skipper: are u getting into GRUB. Or is it a command line? [06:35] davidguard, do you have access to any sd cards [06:35] WIGGMPk: "dpkg -S /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-server" also check "uname -a" to be sure that you are currently booted into the -generic kernel [06:35] No [06:35] switch10_: my uburtu dont boot when i click uburutu in my dual boot screen, it just shows me a grub> (a cmd line) [06:35] Equs: could you boot from an sd card? [06:35] Jordan_U: why would virtualbox need it? [06:36] switch10_, the eee does [06:36] WIGGMPk: It wouldn't. I am not sure why you are asking that. [06:36] how do i give my permission to change menu.lst? [06:36] Equs: is it necessary to format the drive with a particular FS? I mean it does work on the other machine [06:36] myself* [06:36] Equs: Skipper: oh ok [06:36] I had set up synchronization on Tomboy using a local folder. I reinstalled Ubuntu and I pointed Tomboy to the same folder and it fails synching. Error message is empty. ANy ideas? [06:36] Jordan_U: cause it returns this: virtualbox-3.0: /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-server [06:36] is there a way to display an app on a different x screen? [06:37] Skipper: what does it say before the $? [06:37] after creating a lvm snapshot, is the new data stored in the snapshot or in the original volume? [06:37] jazzyy: "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" Be carefull editing though, you probably want to back up the file with "sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst-bak" first [06:37] switch10_: there is $ [06:37] davidguard, I use unetbootin and it is fat32 file system [06:37] Hey guys, I had an NTP Server up and running, but the machine was rebooted over the weekend and now it's not working. The server is started, syslog tells me it's listening on the right interfaces and ports and netstat -a tells me the box is listening on the ntp ports, but when it's queried it doesn't reply. I did a scan using nmap and it didn't show up in the ports list either. Any ideas where I can look from here? [06:37] switch10_: i mean no === mordocai_ is now known as mordocai [06:38] switch10_: there is no $ [06:38] Hi - after re-installing a hp f4210 printer - mein fax-server/printer has dissapeared - i use efax-gtk but now there is not fax printer listed any more. I have re-insalled efax-gtk with snaptic but the fax server has not showed up - what to do - urgent!? [06:38] Skipper: grub is your dual boot screen. I don't understand. [06:38] ugh [06:38] WIGGMPk: Ahh, virtualbox probably contains modules for any of the possible Ubuntu kernels so that you don't need a different package for desktop vs server [06:39] I'm really frustrated because i used to have great perfromance from fglrx and my hd4850, but after a recent update i cannot use fglrx without having total video corruption (using jaunty) [06:39] Jordan_U: hmmm so would it be safe to get rid of the server modules? [06:39] buttons840: yup. And ati I hear won't be releasing any updated drivers for their older cards [06:39] switch10_: Grub has failed to load the menu and has dropped him to its command line, I think I can help him from there if he tells me what partition number and drive number ubuntu is installed to [06:40] switch10_: NO no.... after i boot it from the dual boot...... ubrutu dont boot..... it just shows GRUB4DOS 0.4.4 thing, and after all this info text, it shows grub> [06:40] hi I got a new server (ubuntu server) I need to have a raid5, it ask me if I want to have an LVM it would be nice to have an LVM BUT I am not sure if I should do an LVM and THEN a Raid5 [06:40] WIGGMPk: Yes [06:40] or if I should just do the LVM per disc to enable raid5 === Symphony is now known as optimus [06:40] Jordan_U: thanks much [06:40] hd4800 is there most recent line switch10_ so will they not be supporting it? [06:40] Jordan_U: i think its 2 [06:41] whats the fastest way to get ubuntu to my computer [06:41] download the iso and place it on a cd [06:41] download i think [06:41] buttons840: your best bet is to downgrade it to 8.10 [06:41] Skipper: What drive and what partition ( second partition on the first drive? ) [06:41] hey im serious [06:41] Jordan_U: shouldnt Virtualbox be attached to the generic modules as well? running the same command on that yeilds nothing [06:41] Jordan_U: the 2nd partition [06:42] rTk_cool: ya put it on a cd and install it [06:42] Skipper: Ok try running these commands, if it works after the last command Ubuntu should boot... [06:42] Jordan_U: ok.... [06:43] Skipper: root (hd0,1) [06:43] k [06:43] ok.. [06:43] switch10_, for ubuntu's sake i hope your wrong, downgrading is a poor solution [06:43] think i can get 64 bit on a 5900xt video card lol [06:43] hi all i have stuck wit a problem [06:44] Skipper: Now type "kernel /boot/vmlinuz" and before hitting enter hit the tab key, hopefully it will complete the file name ( if it doesn't tell me and don't hit enter yet ) [06:44] buttons840: it's not ubuntu. It's the newer Linux kernel. Ati isn't going to help us out. Check the forums if you don't believe me [06:44] Hi - after re-installing a hp f4210 printer - mein fax-server/printer has dissapeared - i use efax-gtk but now there is not fax printer listed any more. I have re-insalled efax-gtk with snaptic but the fax server has not showed up - what to do - urgent!? [06:44] can anyone help me tether an iphone 3g in ubuntu 8.04 ? [06:45] i dont have an internet connection besides potentially tethering [06:45] my problem is , i need to send mail for more than one person how can i send using this plone_utils.sendto( **variables )..please help me ... [06:45] jpa--: u need a jailbroken iPhone I believe [06:46] Skipper: Still there? [06:46] /cl [06:46] switch10_, i guess it could have something to do with the newer kernel, but using the older kernel fails as well, the older kernel used to work, but now does not, thanks to a update [06:47] <{SD}> hi, i installed gtk-chtheme a few days back [06:47] it says file not found [06:47] once installed how easy it is to get from ubuntu to xp [06:47] <{SD}> now it has messed up the theme appearances [06:47] Jordan_U: it says file not found [06:47] <[R]> rTk_cool: when you install ubuntu, it puts a boot menu that you can use to select if you want windows or ubuntu [06:47] buttons840: that is weird. I have a slightly older ati card and I am all up to date (except for the new kernel) and mine works great [06:47] Skipper: Did anything happen when you pressed tab? [06:48] Jordan_U it says error 15: file not found [06:48] how much space do i need to run ubuntu, someone please guide me [06:48] I really want to try this [06:48] <[R]> rTk_cool: 5 or 6 gb is adequate [06:49] rTk_cool: at least 10 gigs I'd say [06:49] switch10_, i think i need to do as prescribed here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6929926 [06:49] anyone know how to get amorak to work? [06:49] eve, that is a vague question [06:50] wont play music [06:50] will stream radio [06:50] tends to cras [06:50] h [06:51] buttons840: try it. Can't go wrong [06:51] hello all, i did read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#Using%20the%20Ubuntu%20Alternate/Install%20CD but i am still confusing [06:51] my edubuntu 7.10 upgrade isnt working, how do I upgrade my repository sources list [06:51] Just upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 and I've got everything working great EXCEPT how to get drivers for my ATI mobility X1400. [06:51] I used EnvyNG on 8.04, but I've read that'll hose things on 9.04 [06:51] Anyone know what needs done here? [06:51] Jordan_U: you still there? [06:51] d_rwin: 7.10 isn't supported anymore, you should upgrade to hardy. You'll need to move (temporarily) to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ in order to do so [06:51] !upgrade | d_rwin [06:51] d_rwin: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [06:51] i dont have an internet connection besides potentially tethering [06:52] can anyone help me tether an iphone 3g in ubuntu 8.04 ? [06:52] Skipper: Yes [06:52] Skipper: Can you try running "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic" [06:52] Jordan_U: it says file not found [06:52] Jordan_U: ok [06:52] What is meant by 'NET/ROM' in 'man netstat'? [06:52] Okay... So, remastersys has apparently taken my 4.9 gigabyte system partition, and "compressed" it to 21 gigabytes for the iso... And, of course, it doesn't work now... Am i doing something wrong? [06:53] Man graphics card questions like crazy. I'm really starting to hate ati [06:53] Jordan_U: still not found [06:53] Skipper: Is this an Ubuntu 9.04 install? [06:54] i only want to restore boot loader after installing Windows but someone in here gave me a link which make me confusing because it wants me to go in boot using Live CD. I put in Live CD it takes me to Installation Menu, I am not able to get into Terminal, any help? [06:54] Skipper: Ahh, we might have the drive or partition wrong [06:55] Jordan_U: its a 8.10 cd [06:56] Exor, select try ubuntu without changing my computer [06:56] Exor be sure the live cd boots to default [06:56] Skipper: Just a second [06:56] Anyone know if the new release of Ubuntu supports Linksys Wireless-N usb600 ? [06:57] <_Apple_> any one know how to fix a "blue tinted" screen [06:57] Lopin did you have about 16 gb of files [06:57] Skipper: Try "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic" [06:58] Equs, I used the dist option... I've got two partitions, one mounted as / and another as /home/. [06:58] hi all,is this the right channel for a xubuntu question..fresh install and x chat came here [06:58] <_Apple_> _Apple_:mutters [06:58] dj_: Here or #xubuntu [06:58] Equs, The / partition only has 4.9 gigs of files on it... [06:58] <_Apple_> _Apple_*mutters [06:58] thanks jordan [06:58] <_Apple_> *mutters [06:58] Equs, But for some reason, filesystem.squashfs is 21 gigs... [06:59] dj_: np [06:59] Lopin I ask cause I made that mistake [06:59] I have a simple Q .or should be [06:59] Jordan_U: still file not found [06:59] Equs, What mistake? [06:59] I am having problems finding my other hdd using thunar [06:59] <_Apple_> help with Blue tinted screen [07:00] Hi. I recently reinstalled Ubuntu 9.04 on my HP TX2500Z Tablet PC. I have no audio. I followed the instructions at http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html and have rebooted twice, but no go. Can anyone help? Thanks, [07:00] i am using the "try without change my computer" i went into terminal and i typed in "fdisk -l" nothing happen [07:00] Jordan_U: Skipper: maybe a reinstall? [07:00] How do I setupUbuntu to auto-connect to network of choice? [07:00] Lopin tryed to save all my / home about 200 gb [07:00] switvh10: already tried [07:00] Skipper: Can you boot from a liveCD? [07:01] Equs, And it got it down to 16?! It looks like it's inflating my data like 4 times over.... [07:01] hello [07:01] Jordon_U: yes. [07:01] hi. is it possible to do an install with the ubuntu dvd on a usb stick? [07:01] Sephy__: delete all of the other connections you made [07:02] goodevening. i have installed the 185 series 64bit cuda 2.2 drivers for ubuntu only to discover they are incompatible with my specific needs. i need to obtain a 180.xx series cuda 2.2 driver but can't seem to find the older download. help? [07:02] Sephy__: u can always get them back [07:02] Well, It doesn't auto-connect to the one I have always connected too either [07:02] Skipper: Please do, then pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst [07:02] only thing I do not like about ubuntu is that it will not read my phone's micro sd card while phone is hooked up using usb [07:02] @Flannel Upgrading Ubuntu to version 8.04 LTS : right [07:02] i guess no help for me tonight then, later all [07:03] d_rwin: correct [07:03] Skipper: (From your hard drive, not the CD) [07:03] jordan_U: copy, then paste it where [07:03] Skipper: No [07:03] <_Apple_> any one know how to fix a blue tinted screen? [07:03] @Flannel my apt sources is old 7.10 will it mater [07:03] !paste | Skipper [07:03] Skipper: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [07:03] Lopin no it said no can do [07:04] Equs, Yeah... Well, thanks for the help... [07:04] @Flannel: its fetching file 32 of 65 [07:04] BRB [07:05] Lopin you said you used the selection : make dist. to share ??? [07:05] basically where can i find an nvidia driver version older than the current (ONLY) one nvidia offers? [07:05] <_Apple_> mutters* [07:05] * D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora [07:05] nsgn: there isn't a driver archive at their site? [07:05] Equs, Yeah, I just need a way to back up the system itself... Ubuntu, and the packages I have downloaded. I'm thinking I'm going to have to go with APT on CD, but I've yet to actually get that to work... [07:06] !clone | Lopin [07:06] Lopin: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate [07:06] Slart: i cant find it [07:06] ugh this is no help [07:07] Slart: the site just seems to show the current one [07:07] Lopin sorry I have no answer some of these programs are a bit flakey [07:07] nsgn: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_archive.html [07:07] Slart: correction: i can't find CUDA drivers. i need CUDA [07:07] sorry [07:07] Equs, It's okay, I'll figure something out... [07:07] wasnt clear === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [07:07] I'm bored and have an old Pentium3, what are some cool projects to try with it. Already running web/file/torrent/music server and game emulation. [07:08] ping lfaraone [07:08] Jordan_U, Thanks for the info! I think that might just be the same thing as backing up the selections though. I'm going to have to go with something like APT on CD, so I won't have to download the packages again... [07:08] PrimoTurbo, target shooting??? === viley is now known as vph [07:10] Is there a different channel I should go to for an audio question? [07:10] nsgn: Is there a separate CUDA driver? doesn't the regular linux display driver support CUDA? [07:10] PrimoTurbo: Expirement with unstable projects, like btrfs [07:12] Slart: i'm almost positive you have to have a CUDA specific driver [07:12] <_Apple_> fix blue tint on LCD tv display [07:12] Slart: http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_get.html [07:13] nsgn: because when you click on the download cuda driver link you're redirected to the regular display driver.. or that's what it looks like [07:14] Equs just figured it out... [07:14] is there an alternate address for ubuntu's keyserver? [07:14] Slart: by god it looks like i am. why the f.... [07:14] i guess i'll give that a shot. geez [07:14] is there any good media player for playing High Definition Movies? [07:14] Slart: so cuda is just built in all the drivers? [07:15] Cryptorchild: vlc? [07:16] switch10_, which one? Ubuntu package or from VLC official website ? [07:16] nsgn: I would think so.. I have no idea when they started with CUDA though..might be a break off point at some time in history [07:16] Slart: argh, my next issue is that the drivers on that page are x86 [07:16] Cryptorchild: sudo apt-get vlc [07:16] What is the best math software for a college linear algebra course? I am considering Sage Math. Any other suggestions? [07:16] <_Apple_> is there a way to manually take a print screen with out using the KeyBoard? [07:16] nsgn: Anything wrong with Ubuntu's packaged drivers? [07:16] Cryptorchild: i've played a lot of hd movies with mplayer smoothly.... [07:17] _Apple_: You can ssh in from another computer and run gnome-screenshot === aaron__ is now known as TiMiDo [07:17] chrishaum1: have you tried octave, it does almost everything... [07:17] _Apple_: Or just use gnome-screenshot's timer [07:17] nsgn: you choose that on the same page.. linux 32bit or linux 64bit.. just above the actual link [07:17] <_Apple_> Jordan_U, ? [07:17] Slart: from the driver archive? i'm not being offered choice [07:18] #pup I haven't. Does it have nice pretty formatting and a nice GUI? [07:18] <_Apple_> Jordan_U, never heard of this [07:18] nsgn: http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_get.html [07:18] Is there any wireless cards supported right off the install so you don't have to ndiswrapper or build a custom kernel? [07:18] right now i have 3 gigs of ram with a 2.4 pentium 4 LOL with a 5900xt video card, im about to get a new harddrive..can anyone recommend a good one for runing ubuntu :) [07:18] chrishaum1: yes, you'll find it under Add/Remove programs, there's a back end (command line) and a GUI also... [07:19] chrishaum1: have you used MATLAB? [07:19] Slart: ah, finally found a special 64 archive [07:19] switch10_: FYI... i used unetbootin to reinstall eeebuntu on the usb pen and now it works [07:19] <[R]> rTk_cool: a good... hard drive? [07:19] Jordan_U: FYI... i used unetbootin to reinstall eeebuntu on the usb pen and now it works [07:19] yeah [07:19] <[R]> vph: tons of stuff [07:19] <[R]> vph: linuxwireless.org [07:19] Equs: FYI... i used unetbootin to reinstall eeebuntu on the usb pen and now it works [07:19] davidguard: right on man. [07:19] <[R]> rTk_cool: anthing will work [07:19] _Apple_: The default application for taking screenshots is called gnome-screenshot, if you go to Applications > Accessories > Take Screenshot one of the options is to have it take the screenshot in X seconds [07:19] a cheaper one that is good [07:19] R: Thanks [07:19] well i know there are some faster ones [07:19] any recommendations? [07:20] <[R]> rTk_cool: it make absolutely no difference [07:20] <[R]> rTk_cool: i doubt you'll notice anything [07:20] Thanks for all your help guys [07:20] k [07:20] @chrishaum1, are you there? === redsoxking is now known as redsoxking|sleep [07:22] rTk_cool: just make sure your power supply can handle it [07:22] I'm sure it will [07:22] whats a good keyboard? [07:22] Unless it's a notebook. [07:23] joejc: they are all pretty good [07:24] joejc: a USB one [07:24] Does anyone here use Exaile? [07:24] i just decided programming with a wireless keyboard is a bad idea [07:24] whats the coolest interface for ubuntu [07:24] like the rotating screens one or something [07:25] rTk_cool: compiz-fusion [07:25] joejc: it's also bad for playing games [07:25] do i need a good computer to run it [07:25] works fine [07:25] unless i need batteries [07:25] joejc: why would it be bad for programming in particular? [07:25] rTk_cool: sort of. U need 3d graphics [07:26] batteries [07:26] rTk_cool: one not older than 3-4 years, and 3d capabilities (nvidia) should be just fine [07:26] joejc: my wireless uses rechargable 4xAAA and lasts for over almost two months :P [07:26] im using the ones from my remote after these r dead im stuck using the onscreen one [07:27] how do i update ubuntu to latest version? [07:27] s/over // # just realized it wasn't over [07:27] arooni-mobile__:use update manager! [07:27] arooni-mobile___: update manager under system [07:28] Prefs or admin [07:28] arooni: if you have turned on updates only for LTS, you won't see upgrade to Jaunty [07:28] swiatOFF, do i need do anything to make this work? [07:28] switch10_, i mean. i have turned on some 3rd party sources [07:28] i've asked this question many times here but never got an answer. I *think* something about my Kubuntu may be encrypted. I remember seeing this option on install *but* I could have sworn I unchecked it. anyhow, when I log into tty 1 -6, I keep seeing this message -> cannot examine encrypted directory... why? [07:29] are files like window's xp files or mac files [07:29] vbgunz: Do you have a directory ~/private ? [07:29] Jordan_U: one sec [07:29] <_Apple_> I need help with my secondary display [07:30] rTk_cool: what do you mean? [07:30] Jordan_U: no. no ~/.private OR ~/private [07:30] rTk_cool: awesome files [07:30] arooni-mobile___: it will save all of that. I would back up your home folder and your sources.list to b sure tho [07:30] I'm trying to play a DVD through mplayer, it won't start playing, and I'm a lot of errors from libdvdread [07:30] i don't know mac is just weird i don't like it [07:31] Geoffrey2: Have you installed libdvdcss? [07:31] <[R]> Geoffrey2: did you install libdvdcss? [07:31] yes, from medibuntu [07:31] rTk_cool: mac is like unix/linux [07:31] libdvdcss2 [07:31] rTk_cool just worry about stuff in /home and youll be fine till you learn about everything else [07:31] <[R]> Geoffrey2: and its a good dvd? [07:32] true [07:32] the only linux expierence i have is with my g1 [07:32] rTk_cool: Files are pretty much the same on every OS. Macs used to be different with recource fork crayzyness but that went away with OSX [07:32] Geoffrey2: try to play it with vlc [07:32] ahh alright [07:32] last question [07:33] if i resize a partition it wont format it automatically will it [07:33] <[R]> rTk_cool: no [07:33] true ok [07:34] i just need a new hard drive so i can have a lot more space and i'll finally clean up my computer [07:34] there's files everywhere lol [07:34] vlc says it has no idea how to read a DVD [07:34] anybody get this encryption message when they log into terminals 1 - 6? what is it and why? I really dont want encryption anywhere on my drive, disk or partitions :/ [07:34] Geoffrey2: my vlc [07:34] vbgunz: Can you quote the exact error? [07:35] Plays DVDs great [07:35] someone with a dell notebook out here ? [07:35] Jordan_U: "Cannot examime encrypted directory" ... its the last message after log in :/ [07:35] !anyone | disco_stu [07:35] disco_stu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [07:35] ext2 partition or ext3 [07:36] ubottu, shut up =P [07:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about shut up =P [07:36] Hahaha [07:36] <[R]> rofl [07:36] to install ubuntu, ext2 right? [07:36] ext3 imo [07:36] yeah man, the bot needs a leash. I quoted my exact error twice so far. it would be helpful if someone actually took a minute to help out. Im grateful [07:37] need hel with hal and keycodes, but its late [07:37] help* [07:37] this message has been bugging me and double quote searching for it on google says absolutely nothing. I have no idea whats encrypted at this point :/ [07:37] when im making powerpoint slides, is it possible to embed a web page into the slide? kinda like using iframe [07:38] ext 2,3,4 used for ubuntu? [07:38] Edbian: are you here [07:38] gonna be running 9.04 [07:38] is there a way to control the fans? [07:38] ext 3 because i forget what they added to 4 === NewFAQsEEE1000H is now known as callum_ [07:39] Hmmmn [07:39] does ubuntu 9.04 have mono 2+ installed? [07:39] ok thanks neo [07:39] @cattellar CPU fans? [07:39] rTk_cool: ya ext4 is too new for me [07:40] <[R]> gleeb_: i'm seeing 1.0 and 2.0 i think [07:40] anything i should know before formatting to ext3 and installing ubuntu [07:40] besides im wasting time asking the question [07:40] <[R]> rTk_cool: no [07:41] haha k [07:41] be back [07:41] rTk_cool: ha good luck [07:42] [R]: theres no reason to keep bouth... i actualy had to compile the 2.4.2 from source on the 8.1 for development. but was just wondering [07:42] d_rwin, any fan possible [07:43] cattellar: CPU fans control from BIOS [07:43] [R]: actualy if you could keep bouth that would be cool... i bet that would create massive imbigues (dont know how to spell it) functions [07:43] imbiguous? [07:44] d_rwin, ok [07:44] vbgunz: Does "mount | grep ecryptfs" return anything? === Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U [07:44] cattellar: change the boot menu settings === pepito_ is now known as metal1369 [07:45] Jordan_U: no. I just uninstalled ecryptfs-utils [07:45] A little off topic, but I saw a new microsoft virus that shuts down CPU fan causing it to over heat and shut down. Popped in a livecd and all was well. The guy thought his computer was done for. [07:45] any yahoo messenger clone aside from gyache? [07:45] hi, Im experiencing an annoying sudden high pitch sound on my asus laptop , it started just after installing Ubuntu 64 bit version, but also during ubuntu's installation I had to insert the power adapter jack with extra force since it got a bit deformed, probably I stepped on it. So Im not sure which one could be the cause. The thing is I can still hear the sound while the bios is loading, I even installed ubuntu 32, which didnt give me this issue [07:45] before, but the sound persists. I guess it's a fan, or something related to the hard drive because the sound starts as soon as the hd stops loading things. Any ideas of what can I do? [07:46] metal1369: are you unhappy with pidgin? [07:46] i need to use webcam and voice [07:46] hi [07:46] pidgin doesnt support it [07:46] metal1369: pidgin does both [07:46] metal1369: yes [07:46] does ubuntu support *.iso? [07:47] new to linux here [07:47] SnaX: sure does [07:47] switch10_: pidgin supports video now? [07:47] switch10_: it does? i thot that's the biggest downside to pidigin, no webcam/voice [07:47] I have a question about addition of new Hard Disk [07:47] where can I set the distance between the icons on the desktop? [07:47] SnaX: of course it does... [07:47] yeah, [07:47] how hard is it to install/setup ubuntu 9.04 to run a php server? [07:47] cattellar: u hv any exp in hardware troubleshooting ? [07:47] pup: sorry I guess I was using amsn [07:48] SnaX: just right click on the .iso and mount it, or burn it... [07:48] <[R]> mejobloggs: how hard is it for you to read instructions? [07:48] <[R]> mejobloggs: cuz thats all it takes [07:48] LOL [07:48] mejobloggs: Trivial [07:48] Amsn is good tho [07:48] LOL [07:48] <[R]> mejobloggs: and there is no such thing as a 'php server' [07:48] hi.. how can i mount ext4 partition in intrepid? [07:48] I've configured Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.04 on the first drive. [07:48] d_rwin, not really [07:48] switch10_: thanks for the clarification! i was shocked for a moment.. [07:48] Where can I set the distance between the icons on the desktop? [07:48] mejobloggs: It's an option during install if you install with the server CD [07:48] I can't find it anywhere in the control panel... [07:48] I was running several programs, I shut some of the down, now htop is reporting that 316/956MB swap used.... how do I reset the swap figures to represent what is currently being used? [07:49] Jordan_U: yeah ive already installed server, but i didnt choose it at the time. How do i select it now? [07:49] does anyone know how I could get a minimal install of ubuntu to boot into XBMC on boot ? [07:49] pup: I get those 2 mixed up all the time. [07:49] <[R]> neil_d: that IS what is being used [07:49] using X ? [07:49] But whenever I attach the second Hard drive (ntfs parted), It shows "missing OS" [07:49] where can I set the distance between the icons on the desktop? [07:49] cattellar: u can open the cabinet and check if something obstructing the fan [07:49] [R]: so once used swap is never freed? [07:50] cattellar: just rotate and check [07:50] what should i chmod my music folder in my home directory to allow access to all users on my pc to the folder /music which is a symlink to the music folder on my home folder.( [07:50] <[R]> neil_d: it'll be freed when it needs to be [07:50] d_rwin, hmm it's a laptop so I'm not too confident on doing that [07:50] <[R]> neil_d: it doesnt hurt to have stuff in there [07:50] where can I set the distance between the icons on the desktop? [07:50] cattellar: u hv dell? [07:50] d_rwin, asus [07:50] <[R]> csaba: are you just going to say the same thing over and over again every minuite? [07:50] yes [07:50] !repeat | csaba [07:51] csaba: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [07:51] d_rwin, do you think me inserting the power jack has something to do with it? I just had to push a bit harder [07:51] NOBODY knows how to set the distance between icons?? [07:51] Jordan_U: I hope I dont kill myself here but I got rid of the message. I renamed ~/.ecryptfs to ~/.ecryptfs__backup and then used apt-get to autoremove ecryptfs-utils. I logged back into terminal and didn't get the encrypted message [07:51] csaba: I don't [07:51] [R]: anway to flush it... the programs using have been terminated. [07:51] <[R]> csaba: or you have just annoyed everyone that they dont want to answer [07:51] <[R]> neil_d: and the point is? [07:52] how difficult can it be... [07:52] csaba: google it [07:52] <[R]> csaba: well... it could also be that no one knows what you are talking about [07:52] [R]: I wan't a current figure on swap usage, not something hours old. [07:52] cattellar: no, u gonna hv to call the h/W engineer [07:52] <[R]> neil_d: that IS the swap usage [07:52] <[R]> neil_d: that is how much stuff is currently7 in it [07:52] this is all I found: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7516961 [07:52] and nobody answered to that guy either [07:52] hi there, are the mirrors down? [07:52] d_yeah probably [07:53] mejobloggs: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/php5.html [07:53] I know how to change icon spacing [07:53] Any idean on how to have a minimal install of ubuntu auto boot to a program using X ? ? ______ [07:53] Jordan_U: thanks man [07:53] cattellar: try limiting the fan speed if it helps! [07:53] hold the left mouse button and move them [07:53] Good Morning [07:53] mejobloggs: Np, the rest of the server guide documentation is pretty good as well :) [07:53] dj_: yes but is there some overall settings that would change the entire grid? [07:53] so the distance would not be 50 pixels but less [07:54] [R]: ok, to put it another way, can I move data from the swap back to main memory? [07:54] <[R]> neil_d: if the kernel need something in ram... it'll put it there [07:55] Any idean on how to have a minimal install of ubuntu AUTOBOOT to a program using X ? ? ----______----______----______----______----______ :) [07:55] newb2linux: please don;t do that [07:55] hi everyone is it safe to remove evolution mail from ubuntu 9.04 [07:55] i dont need it - [07:55] k. . [07:55] callum_: yes very safe [07:55] <[R]> callum_: you can remvoe wahtever you want [07:56] callum_: just make sure it's not taking the ubuntu-desktop metapackage with it [07:56] changing the zoom level to less than 100% will also not reduce the spacing between icons [07:56] switch10_ i cant find it in the synaptics manager and when using add/remove it says to use syn [07:56] callum_: I don't live evolution. Never have [07:56] [R]: no. some apps are a dependency of ubuntu-desktop [07:56] <[R]> mneptok: and? [07:56] [R]: and that removes GNOME, all GTK apps, X11 ... [07:56] mneptok: ubuntu-desktop is perfectly fine to remove, as long as you don't autoremove it you are fine [07:56] callum_: it's in there. Search installed programs [07:57] <[R]> mneptok: it most certainly does not [07:57] mneptok: that's only an issue if you autoremove afaik [07:57] Dulak: if so, that's new as of Jaunty. [07:57] csaba: I can't test right now as I'm not using gnome, but try apps > nautilus > icon view > default_use_tighter_layout [07:57] #w3af [07:58] What is 9.10 going to be called ? [07:58] mneptok: No it's not [07:58] mneptok: nope been like that at least since dapper, I always remove that package [07:58] Jordan_U: that's already set (use compact layout) and still not good :( [07:58] !ubuntu-desktop | mneptok [07:58] mneptok: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. [07:58] hi.. how can i mount ext4 partition in intrepid? [07:58] from what I can see it's not possible to set the icon spacing [07:58] Jordan_U: the upgrade will cause issues, as ubottu says [07:58] ugh. [07:59] nautilus has such wonky clicking behavior in list mode. [07:59] i search evolution mail and evolution and nothing... comes up under evolution mail [07:59] mneptok: I think update-manager re-installs it before upgrades automatically [07:59] callum_: on the bottom left in synaptic there are filters. You will find evolution by only showing installed apps [07:59] callum_: and just search for evolution [07:59] Or you should anyway [08:00] there is a evolution labelled mail and organizer app? [08:00] installed [08:00] so do i click remove - or completely remove [08:01] how can I make firefox 3.5 get all the branding in jaunty? [08:01] yo. [08:01] callum_: I do completely remove. [08:01] currently it's called shiretoko [08:01] can anyone confirm this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7607475 [08:01] ok.. [08:02] guys... i opened several programs that was needed to use Swap memory. But now i closed almost all but there is still things on Swap (even with free ram), slowing the pc. is there a way to force the migration? === Darnn is now known as Darn [08:03] ok now that's done - i amm a noob at ubuntu 4x days now lol i can't get flash working in OPERA - I dont' like firefox [08:03] hi [08:03] what's the use of wine??? [08:03] brmassa: turn off the swap with swapoff then you can turn it back on, it'll force it to page in [08:04] <[R]> em056: to run windows programs [08:04] !wine [08:04] I've found gconf-editor which sets everything in gnome, except the icon spacing... [08:04] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [08:04] where can i download it??? [08:04] <[R]> em056: its in apt... [08:04] good morning good evening whatever the case may be =) [08:04] Does anyone know how to test for dead pixels when you're using GNOME? [08:04] So does anyone know hot to get flash working in Opera - [08:05] And will there ever be a ShockWave ADOBE Player made for linux based systems? [08:05] callum_: does it work in firefox? [08:05] apt? [08:05] switch10_ yeah it does - [08:05] i have an install question, feel free to pm me or respond on here, i will await a response and not bug you [08:05] em056: Go to applications add/remove and search for it - [08:06] ah ok tnx [08:06] Dulak: thanks a lot. it seems to work nice [08:06] callum_: good call. I always forget about add/remove [08:07] Pluxii: callum_: what is your question [08:07] Pluxii: just ask your question [08:07] !xine [08:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about xine [08:07] :/ [08:07] My question was does anyone know how to get flash working in opera, when i insstall firefox it seems to work, on that [08:08] HOHO [08:08] is there a way to install older packages in ubuntu? [08:08] i have previously only used ubuntu inside of my VMware, i decided i wanted to go ahead and actually install it, i went ahead and partitioned 50 gigs off my HDD, to be honest, i'm not sure how to install it to where i can dual boot my OS's [08:08] im trying to get to install mysql 4.0.16 [08:08] callum_: I meant just the other guy sorry [08:08] but i dont know where to start [08:09] the source wont compile [08:09] get source code [08:09] nafta: if you can get hold of the deb you can install it using gdebi or similar.. from repositories... I'm not sure [08:09] do i still need to install my drivers hardware in ubuntu??? [08:09] why is my sound fuzzed? [08:09] <[R]> Pluxii: its all automatic [08:09] as of now that partition is unallocated, shold i leave it that way? [08:09] <[R]> Pluxii: when you install it i'll find your other operating system and automatically allow you to boot into it [08:09] Like when it makes a computer error or sound the speakers become blurred and make static noise [08:09] <[R]> Pluxii: thats what it has to be [08:09] :-( [08:10] Slart: is there a way to access older repositories? [08:10] say jaunty? [08:10] Any idean on how to have a minimal install of ubuntu auto boot to a program using X ? ? ______ [08:10] lovely, thanks all! i'm in my first semester of my ISS degree so i'm trying to learn different OS's, but obviously i'm not terribly good at this yet [08:10] why i cant play movies? [08:10] <[R]> nafta: installing old package is only going to help you break your system [08:10] I need mysql 4.0.16... [08:10] nafta: I'm not sure if the older packages are still kept in the repos or if they are removed once they are replaced by a new version.. but you can always have a look in the old-releases.ubuntu.com repository [08:11] <[R]> nafta: you NEED? [08:11] *sigh*.... [08:11] yes.. [08:11] nafta: but I would suggest compiling it from source instead of using the older package.. they are updated for a reason.. might be a serious reason [08:11] em056: type this into terminal: sudo apt-get install vlc [08:11] is that hard to understnad? [08:11] how to activate my compiz? [08:11] <[R]> nafta: so compile it [08:11] Slart: hrmm..i spose...thanks a lot man [08:11] <[R]> em056: its under system -> prefs -> appearance [08:12] but the compiler is throwing an error....about Linuxthreads [08:12] thanks again, and hopefully all will go well, if not i'll be back [08:12] not been found [08:12] nafta: you're welcome.. hope you get it figured out [08:12] <[R]> nafta: sounds like you're not comliing it properly [08:12] Any idean on how to have a minimal install of ubuntu auto boot to a program using X ? ? ______ [08:12] newb2linux: use autologin, put the program in the session part in X [08:12] !session | newb2linux [08:12] newb2linux: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [08:12] OK EVERYONE [08:13] kizza: caps.. please [08:13] TELL ME WHAT APPS U ALL USE [08:13] lol === desti_T2 is now known as desti [08:13] kk [08:14] kizza: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ [08:14] has to be done from erminal ubottu [08:14] hi could anyone possibly tell me the latest kernel available in 'intrepid'?, its more compatible with my system and as im using another distro i would like to use that one :), much appreciated [08:14] newb2linux: using ubuntu server? [08:14] Not to sure. [08:14] Its aXBMCLive [08:15] how to install compiz fusion??? because its not yet installed [08:15] I think its just a minimal jaunty install. [08:15] that did not help' [08:15] <[R]> em056: compiz is instlaled by default [08:15] is there a way I can tell ? [08:15] i want to know all the good apps to install [08:15] <[R]> kizza: whatever you want [08:16] What would I want the mount point to be for a dvd-iso? [08:16] lol [08:16] newb2linux: you downloaded the iso from the xbmc site? [08:16] yep . [08:16] but wat will i do to have some effects like the cube? [08:16] what apps do u all use' [08:16] Does anyone here use Exaile? [08:16] =) [08:16] i recently compiled SVN of XBMC [08:16] !anyone | Andorin [08:16] Andorin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [08:16] sutoboot feature stoped working after that ? [08:16] kizza: the popularity contest makes statistics about what packages people have installed.. you won't find a better source of what the community thinks is "good software" than that [08:16] em056: install compiz [08:16] Hehe. [08:17] I think that the autoboot is setu for XBMC-live and the SVN isnt live . [08:17] kizza: of course, you could ask a real sensible question [08:17] is there an ubuntu-annoyances page somewhere? [08:17] I don't really have a technical problem; I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any good skins for Exaile, since there aren't many out there. [08:17] i can't seem to find one. [08:17] then? [08:17] slart: whats that question [08:18] lol [08:18] !lol | kizza [08:18] kizza: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [08:18] use LULZ. [08:19] kizza: there is an offtopic channel for the kind of stuff you're asking.. try it [08:19] /b/ is that way >> [08:19] hi. how do i unlink an accidental "open with"? [08:19] Also, how can I change the menu text color in 9.04? [08:19] LLStarks: right click on a file, select properties. I think there is something in there somewhere [08:19] is there a virtual pc software for ubuntu [08:19] !vm | mralexandro [08:19] how do i use aircrack-ng [08:19] mralexandro: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [08:19] rootlinuxusr: Have you poked around Preferences --> Appearance, Customize button, Colors tab? [08:19] what will i do when i use my virtual box my cd drive and usb are cannot be detected on my windows os on virtual box [08:19] slart: do you have any understanding on how autoboot works ? [08:20] kizza: you read the documentation on their site.. this channel won't help you with it [08:20] thanks [08:20] newb2linux: autoboot? can't say I do.. sorry [08:20] Slart, there must be one that is the most stable right? :P [08:20] Thanks . [08:21] Yeah I have, I've changed all of them - nothing seems to change them [08:21] mralexandro: I wouldn't really know.. I've only used virtualbox, which works nicely for me.. I run some MS systems on that.. and a couple of ubuntu systems [08:21] Hey, guys. Say I have an .iso file of a DVD movie that I'd like to watch without burning said file to a dvd. I installed an image mounting program, but I still have a question. Is there any specific place that I need to mount the image to watch the movie? Thanks in advance. [08:21] what is the best software to use for having another operating system like wine? [08:21] <[R]> Apollo2366: any where you want [08:22] virtualbox? [08:22] <[R]> Apollo2366: but i know like mplayer supports playing an .iso directly [08:22] Apollo2366: vlc will play it directly === chaky_ is now known as chaky [08:22] Slart, ok i apreciate your help. do you remember if virtualbox let you add usb "slot" for the virtual machine, so that it would be excactly like having it in the virtual machine? [08:22] but what is the easiest to use? [08:22] em056: wine isn't an emulator.. you might want to try virtualbox.. but it's a different beast compared to wine [08:22] [R], switch10_, thanks guys [08:22] how do I delete an old kernel after an update to a new kernel? [08:23] what is the use of wine? [08:23] mralexandro: if you download the install package from the virtualbox website it does... the one in the repos is the OSE version.. that means no usb and possibly some other small differences [08:23] !wine [08:23] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [08:23] how about vmware? [08:23] alright Slart thanks:D [08:23] em056: to run windows binaries on a linux system.. there is no emulation or such [08:23] I'm running jaunty (9.04) 64 bit version. I'm compiling some c source files. Is there anything I should know in regards to this? For example, I do a 'printf("%lu", sizeof(int));' which returns 4...shouldn't it be 8? [08:23] same with vmware too right? [08:23] <[R]> em056: vmware is a virtualization environment [08:23] Does Awn have an IRC channel? [08:24] em056: vmware does the same thing as virtualbox.. neither is useful for running games, if that's the plan [08:24] Need some halp setting up the water ripple effect with awn. [08:24] <[R]> poiuy: no [08:24] em056: In my opinion Virtualbox has better performance for running 1 or 2 machines on your desktop computer the vmware [08:24] rootlinuxusr: isn't that a compiz effect? [08:24] Slart, not at all [08:24] poiuy: the memory space is doubled, not the size of a language type [08:25] why doesnt virtual box cant be use in gaming? [08:25] <[R]> poiuy: an int * would be 8 [08:25] em056: to slow [08:25] How the F do i get to my desktop when in Terminal [08:25] <[R]> em056: 3d isn't very good in virtualbox [08:25] [r], dulak, shouldn't int's be size of the word length of the computer? [08:25] <[R]> SnaX: huh? [08:25] em056: graphics performance.. they still emulate a graphics card, sound card etc.. that takes power [08:25] SnaX: starts [08:25] why is my xinitrc not read when my system boots? i am using jaunty [08:25] <[R]> poiuy: they don't have to be [08:25] SnaX: ctrl+f& [08:25] f7 [08:25] mralexandro: huh? [08:25] em056: Well there is an option in virtualbox to enable 3D acceleration in the virutal machine, but I dont know how good it is yet [08:25] SnaX: startx [08:25] Slart, you said if gaming was the plan, i replied not at all:D [08:26] mralexandro: ahh =) [08:26] but if your bios support hardware virtualisaton, shouldnt it then let you use your graphic card better? [08:26] ok [08:26] Im in ubuntu. i am in the graphic interface and all [08:26] [r], dulak, thanks [08:26] but i open terminal from Accessories [08:26] but how do i navigate in terminal to the desktop. [08:26] rogst: not very good at all =/ but it's a start I guess [08:26] rogst, how do you think it is in vmware compared ? [08:27] im switching over from windows. so its all basically new to me [08:27] <[R]> SnaX: the desktop is in /home/blah/Desktop [08:27] do i still install my nvidia driver? for my vcard? [08:27] dpkg -P is the same than in synaptic select "uninstall completely"? [08:27] Snax: ~/Desktop should work [08:27] mralexandro: i don't think so... I think the virtualbox people even says their implementation is faster than using the hardware supported extensions [08:27] doesnt jaunty need an xinitrc or xsession? [08:27] Snax: cd Desktop is the exact command. You can type `man cd` to read the manual of the cd command [08:27] mralexandro: Vmware does not have 3D acceleration in hte virtual machines, expect in Vmware Fusion for Mac [08:28] The_Warlock: it doesn't need it, it will let you use system default sessions, or you can force a session with xsession [08:28] em056: in virtualbox? no.. the virtual machine will have an emulated graphics card.. of some other generic brand.. same thing with network cards, sound cards etc [08:28] ah worked. thanks large! [08:28] Slart, rogst so you guys are saying virtual pc softwares are more developed in mac and pc world? [08:28] for now.. [08:29] ? [08:29] Didn't the new virtualbox make a big thing about 3d accelerated graphics? [08:29] mralexandro: I have no idea.. I haven't tried virtualbox or vmware on a windows/mac machine [08:29] but when i try it it cant detect my usb and cd drive..... what maybe the problem [08:29] mralexandro: but I don't think there is much of a difference [08:30] Dulak: i am using some configs for my urxvt which i need to be loaded at startup [08:30] Slart, ok:) guess i can check it out on all of them, it could be my new blog article. ill check it out guys [08:30] I'm assuming Mr. Warlock....but Don't you have a Xsession running? Gnome / KDE / etc... maybe this site will help.... http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/docbook/en/html/a802.html [08:30] but only two! vmware and virtualbox [08:30] thats it, unless there is one i should try as well [08:30] ok i f'd up bad [08:30] mralexandro: on my mac I play wow under parallels and I get decent fps [08:31] very very bad, i need help im on my phone [08:31] em056: u have to set it up in settings. There are 2 different versions of virtualbox. The one from their website supports USB [08:31] I have problem getting rtcwake work. When I run it like: sudo rtcwake -s 120 nothing happens. [08:31] Dulak, well i have played age of mythology in wine so:) everything works i guess:) [08:31] mralexandro: They are not more developed, Vmware's enterprise product is still for pc, but their desktop product for Mac Vmware Fusion allows the virutal machine to use the graphics card for 3D [08:31] it that the latest one? [08:31] em056: sure [08:31] When I use sudo rtcwake -s 120 -m mem the computer suspend and then restart but without showing the desktop. [08:31] i was partitioning my hard drive and i didnthave a cd burner in for the ubuntu iso..and i tried to plug one in and it shrted the circuit lol [08:32] em056: 3.0 is the latest [08:32] anyone know how can i force the dpkg -i to stop trying to meet the dependencies? [08:32] ...and sudo rtcwake -s 120 -m disk restart but stop at the progress bar where Ubuntu loads. [08:32] now i get interrupted operation insert recovery cd or other recovery media [08:32] rogst, so you are saying no point of even testing the 3d feature? after what dulak says i kind of get the feeling something is under development? [08:32] i dont have a windows cd or a ubuntu cd or a recovery cd.. [08:32] can someone please help me [08:32] Why does rtcwake stop working? [08:32] i think wine is very difficult to use because it have many commands to type to open windows app... what can you say [08:32] mralexandro: the newest version of virtualbox claims 3d accelleration, I have not played with it at all yet [08:33] Please! [08:33] anyone have an idea [08:33] what.. i cant get this thing to install [08:33] mralexandro: the 3d feature is being developed.. last year it didn't even exist.. now it's an experimental feature in virtualbox, at least... who knows.. perhaps in a year or two we'll have full hardware acceleration =) [08:33] k [08:33] rTk^cool, what os are you in now? [08:33] myphone [08:33] android lol [08:33] mralexandro: I have not tried how good the 3D acceleration is in virtualbox so that one could be worth a try, but since vmware's products for pc dont offer that functionallity (yet at least) its hard to try :D [08:33] my computer wont start [08:34] rTk^cool: dude you might be sol. U r gonna need a live cd. [08:34] rTk^cool: you're typing pretty fast on your phone [08:34] i have a keyboard [08:34] I'm on my phone [08:34] wtf. [08:34] If your comp will not start...You may have burnt the board by trying to plug in a drive while it was running. [08:34] Slart, :D that would be cool, but i think it will take more time, first they will have to fix the feature so that it can be optimized be supported hardware, that is supported from the "root"(bios":D [08:34] dont say that. [08:35] it starts i just get an error [08:35] Kk, then there is something to work with. [08:35] i was partitioning my hd [08:35] rTk^cool, only computer in house? [08:35] then i shrted the circuit [08:35] now i start up and it saysinterrupted operation [08:36] rTk^cool: man I bet it's just the hard drive then [08:36] mralexandro: I'm not actually sure they are aiming for the full thing.. just having accelerated graphics would be a big advantage.. sound cards, network card and other stuff isn't so important... they might even just be aiming for ati and nvidia cards and ignoring the rest.. but even that would be a big thing [08:36] well my bitchass step mom has a pw on hers [08:36] it wont let me get into system recovery [08:36] is there a block file in ubuntu??? [08:36] mralexandro: but this is getting offtopic for #ubuntu , go try the 3d acceleration stuff in virtualbox.. don't expect to much though [08:36] i have two hard drives in this computer [08:36] rTk^cool, language, thanks. Also, trying to hotpllug a drive = not too clever... [08:36] both with windowsxp [08:36] Slart, yup i guess.. but that is a feature i think needs to be supported form bios [08:36] hi people. anyone have a clue where I can find the logs for networkmanager? [08:36] Slart, ok i will stop that discussion:D [08:37] lol yeah i am an idiot [08:37] rTk^cool: try to boot from other drive [08:37] i did [08:37] gamla_kossan: it might just log its stuff to the syslog.. if there is a log it's probably somewhere in /var/log/ [08:37] one says no boot foundor whatever [08:37] rogst, will try it in ubuntu first then,,, [08:37] the othersaya interrupted operation [08:38] this sucks [08:38] Slart: thanks, but I've already checked messages and well whatever I can think is even half reasonable unde r/var/log/ :/ [08:38] i knew ubuntu was a bad idea tonight [08:38] because when i install ubuntu then i try to format it to windows my PC is keep on restarting but when i try to install again ubuntu it stop restarting.... what may be the problem? [08:38] Slart: you wouldn't happen to have used the openvpn-plugin for netowrkmaanager? [08:39] gamla_kossan: there isn't a configuration option for logging in the network manager? [08:39] rTk^cool: always have a few live CDs around in the future [08:39] gamla_kossan: nope.. never messed with vpn.. sorry [08:39] yeah [08:39] Slart, rogst not to be off topic, but the virtualbox has a driect line to download spesific package of latest version for the three latest ubuntu versions!:D [08:39] thats coool [08:39] can I get some from a computer store for free? or from best buy? [08:40] rTk^cool: does your stepmom use the Administrator account? or does she use a separate account? (i'm assuming she uses windows) [08:40] mralexandro: yes.. I use them myself..works great [08:40] I know this isn't the right channel to ask but I'm hardware illiterate and I couldn't find a proper channel so I'll go ahead, I've removed the left side case of my pc (pentium q6600) and the temps are like 10C lower even though the case has a fan attached to it, is there any use for that fan ? Also is it a good idea to leave the computer without the left side case attached ? [08:40] only one account which is the admin [08:40] rTk^cool: ubuntu is a live cd [08:41] nah-o: it won't hurt anything, one of my computers has always run hot and I've left the side off for over 2 years now without any problems, except a bit more dust inside there than normal. [08:41] nah-o: yes, offtopic.. #hardware might be better.. .. but if you count out pets, small children and so on, I don't think there is a problem with having the case open.. it might look ugly though and get a bit dusty in there.. but what computer doesn't get dusty [08:41] I know can I get one from a store or only downloaded or offline [08:41] rTk^cool: download ISO and burn to disk when you can [08:41] that's what I was. doing [08:42] lol until I tried. to hotplug my cd burner [08:42] rTk^cool: you can buy them online. I've never seen them in a store [08:42] alright, ill. wait until tomorrow [08:43] thanks guys [08:43] but what about the fan attached to the case [08:43] Slart, i cant find the "exectuable" in the bin folder *embarrased* [08:44] mralexandro: for virtualbox? [08:44] yup:) [08:44] nah-o: ya the fan on the case helps cool it. What's the question? [08:44] When I click on the ubuntu menu - is there a way to get that sub-menu transparent? [08:45] mralexandro: /usr/bin/VirtualBox on my machine [08:45] can someone tell me how to get to #tor at irc.oftc.net using pidgin? I know its a dumb question but i dont know what to google on [08:45] do all distros and systems use the same module for firewire? if so, whats it called? [08:45] Slart, mine too:) but not just /bin hehe:D [08:46] rootlinuxusr: you mean with compiz? [08:46] mralexandro: =) [08:46] Trijntje: click join chat on the top left menu and type in the name of the irc channel [08:46] @moymoy with anything, but compiz would be cool. [08:47] stealth-: lsmod there you will find something like ieee [08:47] stealth-: there are too many distros, and wayyy alotta systems... so, I dunno :) but what if you describe the situation YOU are experiencing directly [08:47] heyho.. how to get rid of an old module? (libpurple).. i installed it once manually, but now my messenger keeps using this old version, though i got a new one [08:47] rootlinuxusr: you have the compiz settings manager installed right? [08:47] yup. [08:47] Machtin: sudo apt-get remove programname [08:47] iceroot: hm, not really [08:48] the aptitude one is the correct version, but the messenger keeps using another one (in another directory) [08:48] nsadmin: well I looking to explain to a general audience how to blacklist firewire [08:49] first expierence with ubuntu was negative due to my own stupidity [08:49] #join maths [08:49] hello. i'm using karmic and have a problem booting the 2.6.31-* kernels, i get an error message like "ata1: illegal qc_active transition".. anybody who knows about this error? [08:49] stealth-: ahh... so in addition to your other info sources, ##linux could help too [08:49] !karmic | Alocado [08:49] Alocado: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [08:49] rTk^cool: you didn't even get it on a cd [08:49] what i dont get is why my c:/ isnt working when i was partitioning my d:/ [08:49] rootlinuxusr: alright open it up go to -> Opacity, Brightness and Saturation -> click new -> put in 'PopupMenu' without the quotes and it's case sensitive.. then use the slider to determine how transparent you want it [08:49] nsadmin: thanks, ill ask them === slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic [08:49] haha thanks switch [08:50] anybody here who can help me with a gnome do problem? when I let gnome-do launch at startup the docky bar does not show up and I cannot summon it to enter commands (although the notification icon shows up and I can go into the preferences menu, etc.) But when I close it through the system monitor and then start it normally after boot it works just fine...anybody know what causes this? [08:50] rootlinuxusr: also, if you want to make menus from the gnome-panels transparent, you'll have to set one for 'gnome-panel' also [08:50] rootlinuxusr: Gnome-panel [08:50] switch10_: pidgin then says no such channel [08:51] salut [08:52] Salut kaka, this channel is english only.. #ubuntu-fr for french speaking support [08:52] Trijntje: how did you get here? Follow the same steps but replace #ubuntu with whatever channel you are trying to get to [08:53] @moymoy the lower the number the less you can see right? [08:53] rootlinuxusr: yup === MadMax is now known as Guest28222 [08:54] Anyone knows why rtcwake wakes the computer immediately even when I write: sudo rtcwake -s 120? [08:55] switch10_:I've got it now, thanks a lot for your help [08:55] Why does it then answer: rtcwake: wakeup from "standby" using /dev/rtc0 at Mon Jul 13 07:51:49 2009 directly? [08:55] @moymoy Okay, I've set both to 5% - No effect still has the normal grey background. === margaret is now known as barbara [08:55] Trijntje: no [08:56] Trijntje: *np [08:56] rootlinuxusr: you're trying to make your menus transparent right? [08:56] what programs could automatically udpate hosts.deny on their own? [08:56] yup. [08:56] Slart, where is a channel i can ask for virtual pc quesitons? [08:56] rootlinuxusr: did you remember to check the box to enable "Opacity, Brightness and saturation" ? [08:57] mralexandro: #vbox [08:57] Slart, thanks:D [08:57] mralexandro: you're welcome === viwz is now known as cha [08:57] @moymoy yup, opacity, brightness and saturation is checked - should opacify be checked? [08:58] !nvidia [08:58] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [08:58] Does anyone know if there is a ardour channel? [08:58] rootlinuxusr: nope.. opacify doesn't need to be checked... okay. it's still not working? [08:58] rootlinuxusr: by menus, you mean the right 'click' right? === ripps_ is now known as ripps [08:58] rootlinuxusr: the 'right click' * [08:59] Nope, those are opacified, I mean like applications - places - system [08:59] Hi, is there an how-to for localizing ubuntu? I would like to change the charset utf-8 to iso-8859-15 [09:00] rootlinuxusr: okay, in addition, you add another entry for 'alacarte', see if that helps === uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam [09:01] Nope, neither alacarte or Alacarte does nothing. [09:01] petrolman: I don't know if there is a howto.. but I'm pretty sure there is a localization irc channel.. #ubuntu-loco perhaps? [09:01] !irc | petrolman [09:01] petrolman: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [09:02] how do you get a framebuffer resolution greater than that which vesa offers? I would really like the framebuffer to match my monitors native resolution of 1920x1080 *but* wow, I am overwhelmed by failure. anyone got some hints and clues about this? [09:04] how can I delete a directory named ~ ? [09:04] <[R]> Kartagis: \~ [09:05] [R], it goes back to ~ [09:05] Kartagis: rm ./~ doesn't work? [09:05] <[R]> Kartagis: what are you doing? [09:05] <[R]> what do yuou mean it "goes back" [09:05] rootlinuxusr: hmm.. are you sure? try changing up the numbers... i only have 'Gnome-panel' , 'PopupMenu' entries... and my menus are transparent [09:05] Kartagis: or simply use the full path.. that might work too [09:06] [R], when I type rm -rf \~ and hit Tab, it is completed to /home/username [09:06] Kartagis: it seems rm '~' works too.. at least on my computer [09:06] Kartagis: don't press tab [09:06] <[R]> Kartagis: what does ls -d \~ say? [09:07] Slart, I want to make sure I don't remove the wrong folder [09:07] moin [09:08] Kartagis: I just tried rm /~ and it worked nicely [09:08] Kartagis: my home folder is still there [09:08] damn! rm ~ removed some of MY files [09:08] cwek_manja [09:08] Kartagis: can you move it out of your home folder and then do a rm -rf ~/folder/path/\~ ? [09:08] Kartagis: yes.. rm ~ will do that.. but not rm /~ [09:09] morning... I'm missing the recording tab in teh mixer window, but I see microphones i nthe HDA Intel Tab... any ideas on whether a recording tab should be there? [09:09] I'm having some serious boot problems with Ubuntu [09:09] Kartagis: ~ always points to your home directory... you have to escape it with the backslash! [09:09] I think the problem lies with my BIOS and the way it's detecting my hard drives [09:10] Kartagis: if you're worried about loosing files do a mv instead of rm ... that way you'll still have the files, even if something goes bad [09:10] So here's the problem: [09:10] Kartagis: i just used \~ to delete a folder named ~ ... it works [09:11] why in my streamtuner the live 365 no channels? [09:11] thanks [09:11] Hello [09:11] I've tried installing Ubuntu with Windows XP many times and I end up either being able to boot up straight to XP with no sight of Ubuntu or I'll be able to boot up GRUB but when I click on XP, it gives me error 21 (selected disk does not exist, I think) [09:12] install xp first then reinstall ubuntu? [09:13] @moymoy http://rootlinuxusr.com/images/Screenshot.png [09:13] Keranu: is that possible? if you can boot into GRUB, then GRUB should have already written over the MBR, but it seems like you have two loaders loaded in the MBR? [09:13] I tried installing Grub from the Ubuntu installer on every possible path when I made partitions for Windows XP and Ubuntu on the same hard drive [09:13] Now I am trying to install Ubuntu on my second hard drive instead [09:13] When I tried this, I installed Grub to (hd1), but now when I try to boot my system, it says Grub Hard Disk Error [09:13] hi, if i downloaded the kernel source for a ubuntu kernel would it already be mostly preconfigured without copying a .config file across?? [09:13] Settings as they stand. maybe there's a different name for gnome-panel? [09:14] <[R]> Keranu: you shoudl install grub to your first rrive [09:14] <[R]> drive* [09:14] Keranu look in /boot/grub/menu.lst and see if everything there is correct for XP. Google that, and you'll find a lot of help [09:14] hello, i seem to have a problem after installing, i created a 50gb partition for this to install to, and i let it select where it was installing, long story short somehow it missed it's mark and i only have 96mb of free space, how do i uninstall and try again? [09:15] Just run through the install again? [09:15] will that uninstall this installation? [09:16] Pluxii: it will. you can also use gparted to resize partitions [09:16] fortunately I removed it, and none of my crucial files were removed [09:16] If you set it to delete the partition. [09:16] Pluxii: run gparted from a live cd though, if you need to change the size of the root partition [09:16] At this point I am running the live CD and reformatted the second hard drive that I installed Ubuntu on but I'm still getting the Grub Hard Disk Error [09:16] Luckily I can still access my Windows files, so I'll have those backed up before I try anything else [09:16] hmm' [09:16] rootlinuxusr: hmm .. try changing 'Gnome-panel' to 'class=Gnome-panel' [09:16] can anyone recommend me what is good webcam software to take images on ubuntu [09:17] so pop in the live CD while the os is up? [09:17] Keranu: playing with grub shouldn't kill anything [09:17] <[R]> yaboo: cheese... i'm pretty sure its installed by default... [09:17] to run the gparted? [09:17] =] that's better. Now just to perfect it [09:17] Pluxii: there's no such thing as uninstalling an OS .. all you have to do is delete the partition and start over =] [09:18] i see i see =) thanks much [09:18] It's causing me problems right now, nonetheless. So I'm gonna do fixmbr on my Windows CD after I back up my files. [09:18] hey guys [09:18] how do I use my mic on linux? [09:18] Pluxii: as far as i understand the problem, you just need to resize the partition [09:18] How do I use a microphone on linux [09:19] SyphonSilent: repeating yourself is just annoying [09:19] if someone knows how, they will help you [09:19] kdub: use bots to dirty your hands [09:20] SyphonSilent: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html [09:20] moymoy: ? [09:20] hi, if i downloaded the kernel source for a ubuntu kernel would it already be mostly preconfigured without copying a .config file across when compiling? [09:21] When installing Grub from the Ubuntu installer, should I only install it on the hard drive (hd0 or whatever hd used), or should I install it in a specific directory like the ones that say sda/windows? [09:21] kdub: this "!repeat" [09:22] where r u ? [09:22] anyone use denyhosts? host do you purge teh list of hosts being denyed? [09:22] CraigGB: no, the configs live in debian/config/ [09:22] cat together the ones that apply to you [09:23] indus [09:23] kdub: thanks, where would i find the configs if i wasn't in ubuntu?, are they on the net anywhere? [09:24] how can i remove an old module? i installed it manually.. but now i want to use the one supplied by aptitude [09:24] que ondas ca [09:24] that's the one i want to remove: /usr/local/lib/libpurple.so [09:24] CraigGB: no, you generally have to make them yourself. and yes, its a giant pain [09:24] bom dia [09:24] can someone help me detect my mic and get it working? [09:24] nfs-kernel isn't recognizing hostnames i put in my exports file.. using IP's work though... but i don't want to have to set static IP's for computers i wantto share with =[ [09:25] Machtin: how did you install it? tell me the method [09:25] i think by compiling pidgin. [09:25] kdub: okay, thanks, been using the ubuntu kernel in debian and it works really well but i end up spending ages having to make them :( [09:25] Hi everyone - just wondering im trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 I think PPC Version to my IMAC G4 and when i load disk it says a bunch of junk and press enter or type live video=off only [09:26] actually, would a a debian config work? [09:26] I press enter and it sits on a black screen, but first goes to a white screen and loads some graphic thing. [09:26] Machtin: the installation was probably handled by the package management system... so using the system's package manager should remove it... just remove it in synaptic [09:26] CraigGB: if you arent developing, or getting some bleeding edge hardware to work, i'd stick with the distro's kernel [09:26] uh.. hm. [09:26] why my compiz fusion is not working [09:26] ? [09:27] em056: be specific. did it STOP working? or has it never worked before? [09:27] never worked before... i already check some effects but nothing happens [09:27] kdub: the distros kernel doesn't work basically, wheras i been using the ubuntu one for some time and it works perfectly :) [09:27] em056: what video card do you have? [09:28] nvidia riva tnt2 [09:28] em056: is that card capable of 3D? there might be a driver for you.. lemme send you the driver page [09:28] moymoy: i removed and reinstalled it via aptitude.. and the new version does exist, but is not used.. the old version is used instead [09:29] and there is no old version to remove in my package manager. [09:29] em056: nvidia.com/object/unix.html see if your card is supported by one of these drivers [09:29] Just let you all know that i found two fixes for Nvida Gforce 6 6200 series cards and Glx [09:29] on ubuntu 9.04 [09:30] rob__: probably better to describe them in a bug report, or at least put them on ubuntu-forums [09:30] Machtin: do you still have the source? have you tried 'make uninstasll'? [09:30] i dont :/ [09:30] 1st dont use Envy N , download 185 driver from Nvida [09:30] Ok K [09:31] rob__: yeah, the whole 'dont use envy' issue is already known ;) [09:31] I'm trying to configure lirc, and it works fine, until i reboot, then i have to unplug and replug my USB reciever to make it work (there is no /dev/lirc0 only /dev/lircd), anyone know how to make it work? [09:31] Machtin: does pidgin show up as installed in synaptic? [09:32] moymoy: yup [09:33] but i installed pidgin via aptitude as well [09:33] Hey, how can I move a directory to another dir that is not empty? [09:33] <[R]> daglees: mv [09:34] Also one other hint, is that i was useing a KVM switch , , remove the switch and insert the vga cable directly and all resolutions are available [09:34] [R], mv and what parameters? [09:34] <[R]> daglees: if you don't know how to use a program, you should read it's man page === VanDyke_ is now known as VanDyke [09:35] satria fu150 ccc [09:35] askum [09:35] I did and I tried mv -f but that still didn't work [09:35] there is so many drivers i dont know what will i pick.,. what will i download? my driver is nvidia riva tnt2 model64... [09:35] chan how are u? [09:36] chan [09:36] asu bajinfuxxx [09:37] ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [09:37] ls [09:37] allo [09:37] whoops, wrong window [09:38] yes [09:38] lu les gens [09:38] :) [09:38] Machtin: maybe you can download the source again, but this time do a 'checkinstall' so the package manager handles it... and it should overwrite all of the files during installation, then you can use the package manager to uninstall it again [09:39] em056: is that an old card? [09:39] is pulse and alternative to alsa? [09:39] yes its only 32mb [09:39] can that worked? [09:40] em056: you might need one of the legacy ones.. but first, press ALT+F2 and run jockey-gtk [09:40] hey everyone [09:40] hi people [09:40] lu callum [09:41] then [09:41] umm i accidently removed the pidgin mail icon near my wifi bar that hides the window how do i get it back? please [09:41] em056: does recommend any drivers for you to install? [09:41] em056: or "activate"? [09:41] kaella [09:41] none........ [09:41] umm i accidently removed the pidgin mail icon near my wifi bar that hides the window how do i get it back? please [09:42] sa parle frenchie ici????** === drean_ is now known as drean [09:42] does my vcard not compatible with this OS [09:42] !fr | knoppix [09:42] knoppix: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [09:42] how do i find the version of an ap with apt-get? [09:42] mejobloggs: apt-cache policy [09:42] fyjk [09:43] anyone know how to restore the mail/envelope icon for pidgin messenger? that sits near wifi bar [09:43] callum_: is piding still running? [09:43] no [09:44] callum_: tried restarting it? [09:44] hey moymoy? wat will i possibly do? [09:44] but when i minimized it used to sit on the mail envelope icon next to wifi bar, [09:44] :( [09:44] em056: it's compatible .. but jockey isn't recommending any drivers.. either you're already using an open source one in the kernel already or your vcard isn't capable of 3D effects (i think it's ulikely though) [09:44] run in background [09:44] em056: let me see which one you should use [09:45] em056: what card did you have again? [09:45] nvidia riva tnt2 model 64 [09:45] Slart: thanks [09:45] mejobloggs: you're welcome [09:46] how can i send text to a unix socket file? [09:46] hello everybody.....am trying to register my nick & am on http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup looking at instructions for this & it tells me...../msg nickserv register ......... where do I enter this info ?? in a terminal or here ?? [09:46] em056: aren't Riva and TNT two different things? [09:46] em056: two different product series [09:46] confusious: here [09:46] thank you slart [09:46] confusious: or even better.. in the channel window where the server stuff appears [09:46] its in the information.... of my vcard [09:47] confusious: that way it wont get sent to the entire channel if you forget the / [09:47] i have a driver of it but compatible only in windows [09:47] NVM I FIGURED IT OUT [09:47] thank you very much everybody [09:47] In pidgin/preferences - always show and minimize to status bar - [09:47] ;) [09:47] i won [09:48] em056: alright .. i'm gonna PM you the instructions.. kay? [09:48] i love my eee pc 1000h! and ubuntu [09:48] it's so sexy [09:48] is it possible to set a remote desktop connection to a computer which on a different subnet and does not have a static ip? [09:48] ok thank u very much........ [09:48] <_Apple_> so...any one here know how to fix a blue tinted scrreen? [09:49] hi there, am using ubuntu 9.04.. my wifi was working perfect. but now when i click the network manager aplet it is showing under wireless networks device not managed. can anyone know how to fix this problem? [09:49] _Apple_: blue tinted screen? can you explain? [09:49] apple replace the screen or get a magnet? [09:49] apple: are you using a CRT? try degaussing! [09:50] <_Apple_> yeah, I'm running my LCD as a secondary display [09:50] <_Apple_> and finally got it to display at the proper resolution [09:50] <_Apple_> (running separate X) [09:50] ew [09:50] pup: it is possible, you just have to know its IP address. :P [09:50] hi there, am using ubuntu 9.04.. my wifi was working perfect. but now when i click the network manager aplet it is showing under wireless networks device not managed. can anyone know how to fix this problem? [09:51] !repeat | adhil [09:51] adhil: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [09:51] kdub: but what if the other terminal is on dhcp? i'll never know it's global ip [09:51] <_Apple_> Slart, every thing is in colour until Nvidia Loads then it goes to a tinted blue everything is blue and I just can't seem to get it to change [09:52] Slart, ubottu am sorry.. i have a fluctuating net connection.. i thought my msg doesnt reached [09:52] <_Apple_> it's running off an S-vid to Component [09:52] anyone here used UNetBootin [09:52] ? [09:52] adhil: no worries [09:52] after installing pulse audio chooser to get working my to soundcards ( Headset and Onboard ) working properly, i can see a server or sink / source devices. Any idea? [09:52] adhil: since when did this happen? did u change any settings? [09:52] _Apple_: hmm.. never heard of anyone with this problem.. let me google a bit.. I'll let you know if I find anything [09:53] pup: are you trying to ssh into a computer over the internet, or to one on a LAN [09:53] the internet... [09:53] pup i noticed that problem this morning.. i dont know what happened.. my brother used the machine [09:53] kdub: the internet [09:53] <_Apple_> good luck.. I've been googleing for hours lol, but I would be what you call a "noob" in the linux world :p [09:53] adhil: so you are unable to detect the wireless network now... [09:54] _Apple_: is this the same problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-450734.html [09:54] pup: you can use a service called dyndns to associate the dynamic IP with a url. [09:54] hmmm am i still here ? [09:54] pup: your router must support it, most do [09:54] hmmmmmm guess i'm still here [09:55] <_Apple_> Slart, YES it's so friggin annoying [09:55] kdub: is it similar to what no-IP dot com gives me? [09:55] howdy do everybody [09:55] <_Apple_> it's a little brighter though [09:55] pup no. actually i use a ad hoc network to ssh to my iphone [09:55] pup: I think no-ip.com does almost the same as dyndns.com [09:55] well,at least I know this works for now [09:55] <_Apple_> but essentially the same [09:55] how do i search a bunch of files for some text? [09:56] cat file.txt | grep 'searchterm' === chaky_ is now known as chaky [09:56] kdub: grawity: ok i did registered no-IP thing. now can i use ubuntu's remote desktop agent? how? [09:56] Where is it set in gnome that /home/$USER/Desktop is where the Places -> Desktop links to? A friend of mine has managed to drag his desktop icon to /home/$USER/Music/Arctic Monkeys/Desktop, he has a /home/$USER/Desktop, but it doesn't link to the places thing. Any ideas? [09:56] joejc: or, just use grep [09:56] <_Apple_> Slart, but it's just the LCD, I took a screen of the LCD and it shows up fine on the comp monitor [09:56] joejc: or just grep 'searchterm' filename [09:56] how? [09:56] .......... [09:57] all my desktop icons and fonts are looking blurred, can any one help me to rectify??? [09:57] i want to search a bunch of files === alicia is now known as Guest54903 [09:57] _Apple_: mm.. I'm guessing it's because you're using svideo output.. perhaps there are some configuration settings you can add in xorg.conf ? [09:57] Shtl: try autoset option on your Lcd [09:57] joejc: grep PATTERN * [09:57] joejc: man grep will tell you about all the options you have [09:57] Shtl: or auto-image adjust [09:57] thanks [09:57] joejc: but grep is the tool you want, definately [09:57] <_Apple_> Slart, I've played with some stuff [09:57] em056: you there? [09:58] Shtl try going into System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts, and changing the rendering.. for lcd's using subpixil smoothing is generally the best [09:58] <_Apple_> I don't know a whole lot about what Im doing int here >< [09:58] whats a good app to play dvds ? whats the stuff about permissions, Ive read the faqs and all that but I cant work it out,, [09:58] _Apple_: I'm not sure anyone does =) [09:58] iwobbles tried VLC? [09:58] Shtl: what kind of monitor do you have? [09:58] ce VLC koshri ? [09:58] no I havent [09:58] gonna take my leave from this place for now. see you guys/gals when I have another problem.gotta get up & go ta work in the morn [09:58] <_Apple_> Slart, I've picked that up...lol [09:58] _Apple_: there might be some stuff here http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/ComponentOut [09:58] moymoy: its LCD AL1702W [09:58] <_Apple_> anything specifically you might recomend? [09:58] iwobbles you should [09:58] vis synaptic ? [09:59] via I mean [09:59] iwobbles *tick* [09:59] ok ta [09:59] _Apple_: check the tv out options.. that's where I would start [09:59] <_Apple_> done that [09:59] Shtl: do what nyaa suggested.. i was going to say the same thing [09:59] _Apple_: things like "TVStandard" and such [09:59] <_Apple_> ?? [09:59] pup i tried to connect broadband net through wifi yesterday at my friends home..i run pppoeconf. whether that make any probs? [09:59] <_Apple_> my bad I thought you ment the LCD's options >< [09:59] <_Apple_> lol [10:00] _Apple_: ah.. no.. in the xorg.conf file you can add options for the drivers, screens and such [10:00] i never had to do the pppoeconf thing... mine just worked, plugged and played... [10:00] adhil: i never had to do the pppoeconf thing... mine just worked, plugged and played... [10:00] How can I add link to a program to be opened by entering its name (like firefox, vlc, etc..) [10:01] _Apple_: things like Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M" [10:01] * _Apple_ finds no such option in xorg file [10:01] justfil: use "cp -s" or "cp -l" [10:01] pup oh i see [10:01] _Apple_: nope, it isn't there.. but you can add them yourself [10:01] helo... how to use more than 4gb of ram on 32bit ubuntu system with nvidia drivers... my concerns is about this drivers... its availible for server kernel in ubuntu? i dont want to compile/install manualy nvidia drivers... [10:01] justfil: depending on whether u want a soft/hard link [10:01] !drm [10:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about drm [10:01] justfil: you mean making a launcher? [10:02] <_Apple_> Slart, I've been adding stuff for the past few days it's messy in there lol [10:02] <_Apple_> where might I add this? [10:02] _Apple_: google for "xorg.conf nvidia options svideo" you'll find lots of examples.. perhaps one of them works [10:02] I'm not shure, moymoy, I mean i want it to open when i press alt+f2 and enter its name [10:02] <_Apple_> wow that's sad of me lol [10:02] <_Apple_> it's 2 am over here and I'm running off a few hours sleep as it [10:02] <_Apple_> is [10:02] adhil my password is stored in the router, so i don't worry about that too :) [10:02] <_Apple_> lol [10:03] anyone here know how I can make a service under /etc/init.d/ autostart? [10:03] _Apple_: there probably is some documentation on all of this somewhere.. perhaps on nvidia site.. but I haven't found anything so far [10:03] justfil: you might want to change the path variable then [10:03] <_Apple_> neither have I [10:03] I find it a hassle to have to manually start/stop things everytime I need to reboot [10:04] justfil: oh .. is it a script you wrote? ... binaries/scripts that are put into your PATH are executed when you type their name .. to find out what your PATHs are type in $PATH in the terminal, it should give you a couple of directories, separated by ":" [10:04] moymoy, i agree :) [10:04] pup: lol took me forever to type that [10:04] pup: nice of you to join in on the fun =] [10:05] justfil: or u may create a link in the /bin directory which is always there in the PATH [10:06] Why does rtcwake -s 120 -m mem return a black screen when the computer wakes up? [10:06] pup: justfil, i like keeping all of my custom things in my home bin folder... located: ~/bin .. that way, it's separated from all of the system binaries and such, and is organized into one folder [10:06] moymoy: good idea... [10:07] And why does rtcwake -s 120 -m disk hang when Ubuntu shows the progress bar on startup? [10:07] nfs-kernel isn't recognizing hostnames i put in my exports file.. using IP's work though... but i don't want to have to set static IP's for computers i want to share with =[ [10:07] I can't get my computer to wake up using rtcwake. [10:07] When I try nvram-wakeup then my mobo isn't supported. [10:08] !punctuation [10:08] Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability: Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences. See also !enter [10:08] I'm trying to link Firefox 3.5, i copied the link in /bin, also tried /usr/local/bin but when i type firefox nothing happens [10:08] Evelina: have you tried a different mode? [10:09] i just had a quick question. any one here know about installing freeside? [10:09] something is wrong..my mouse wheel is not scrolling very got on ubuntu that happend in the last few days [10:09] justfil: nothing happens? or do you see an error? try that in the terminal.... [10:09] i need to scroll alot more to scroll [10:09] unetbootin doesnt seem to want to work :( [10:09] i select ubuntu netinstall [10:10] and the usb drive ends up empty [10:10] lol [10:10] anyone maybe know what the problem is? [10:10] where can i download the latest vmware software??? [10:10] pup: I have tried: sudo rtcwake -s 120 -m mem and sudo rtcwake -s 120 -m standby and sudo rtcwake -s 120 -m disk and -m disk suspend and then startup my computer but Ubuntu hangs showing progress bar and -m mem doesn't show up my desktop at all, only a blank screen. [10:10] moymoy, isn't it possible to use an alias also? in case i don't want to change my PATH... [10:10] hey moymoy [10:10] shaullx mine as the option under system [10:11] em056: search for a torrent :P [10:11] i think [10:11] let me look [10:11] can i direct download it.... i mean im using ubuntu os now [10:11] i use logitech G9 if that metters [10:11] it says Cannot find Firefox runtime directory. Exiting. [10:11] em056: ubuntu supports torrents! [10:12] hey [10:12] When I try nvram-wakeup instead then it says my mobo isn't supported. [10:12] shaullx perhaps i was wrong sorry [10:12] :( [10:12] thats anoying i cant scroll like that [10:12] please give me a site.... [10:12] justfil: have u created a link in /home/bin/ ? [10:12] pup: nope.. an alias isn't a file in the PATH, so it's not interpreted by bash or sh ... so typing it in the ALT+F2 prompt won't work... the reason it works in the terminal is because people usually load their aliases into their .bashrc file [10:12] what site can i download vmware?? [10:12] em056: hey back? [10:12] em056: www.torrentz.com [10:13] yez [10:13] i just had a quick question. any one here know about installing freeside? [10:13] !piracy [10:13] Maybe a graphic card issue? That the progress bar hangs on wakeup? [10:13] piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [10:13] hey people im having trouble with my sound [10:13] em056: you can download a virtualbox from the repos [10:13] yes, i guess. With cd /etc/firefox ; cp -l ./firefox /home/bin [10:13] when it makes a noise the speakers go all static and fuzzy [10:13] moymoy do u know where can i download vmware.... [10:13] em056: you can download a virtualbox from the repos [10:13] moymoy: oh, ok. but for someone like me who always uses the terminal, it's fine... i never use alt f2 [10:13] Can someone help me ?? [10:13] but i think vmware is more efficient to use [10:14] justfil: are u sure u copied it? are you root? [10:14] where is the application path ex:Program Files in Ubuntu? [10:14] hey moymoy do you already know whats the problem of my vcard? [10:14] Cryptorchild: there are several [10:15] em056: oh yeah [10:15] !lhs [10:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about lhs [10:15] !lha [10:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about lha [10:15] bah [10:15] yes, i typed sudo before the commands [10:15] How can I script in G++ ? [10:15] Slart, I'm listening [10:15] <_Apple_> Slart, would it be "normal to have 2 Section "Device" listings in your xorg file? [10:15] ubuntudan anlayan türkçe bile birisi?? [10:15] how? [10:15] !file | Cryptorchild [10:15] Cryptorchild: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview [10:15] what will i do [10:16] _Apple_: I'm not sure.. perhaps you need one device for each output? [10:16] yes, now it works, thank you :) [10:16] em056: i'm sending you a file.. press ALT+CTRL+F1 -> log in -> execute the file i'm sending you [10:16] justfil: what i have done is created an alias for "firefox3.5" as /etc/firefox/firefox in my bashrc file... [10:16] HOW can I script in G++ is there any program for ?????? [10:16] !turkey [10:16] Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [10:16] so when i type firefox3.5 on the terminal, it's done [10:17] my sh was wrong [10:17] how [10:17] justfil: so when i type firefox3.5 on the terminal, it's done [10:17] <_Apple_> oooo my bad I've got 3... [10:17] iide orda kimse yardýmcý olmuyoki [10:17] <_Apple_> lol [10:17] i already press alt ctrl f1 [10:17] What a BULLSHIT in here [10:17] pup: you made an alias for that? .. i just made a sym link firefox-3.5 -> firefox [10:17] Lollating: you're welcome to rant about it in #ubuntu-ops or #ubuntu-offtopic.. not here though [10:17] How to display hour and minutes in bin/sh? [10:17] moymoy: when i type firefox, it opens the older 3.0 version [10:18] Slart, thanks [10:18] moymoy: i wanted both :P [10:18] How to display current time (hour:minutes) in bin/sh? [10:18] kbp: date might work.. with some options [10:18] thank you Slart [10:19] pup: ahh i see.. xD [10:19] pup: i just love sym links .. <3 [10:20] moymoy: :) [10:21] I am trying to watch TV on linux, but I keep getting "no device found", and I do have a Hauppauge 1250, so I feel I need to do some kind of "modprobe" but I am not sure how? [10:21] hi all. am back [10:21] hi. I have a folder ("myfolder") with php files. I created a ftp user (with useradd -d myfolder -G ftp myuser). If I set 755 permissions on myfolder/subfolder, seems like myuser can't change the "subfolder" directory name because of no permissions. If I set 777 I enable writing also for php that I don't want. What am I missing? [10:21] <_Apple_> Slart, you are a freakin' genius. [10:21] how do i run midp games on ubuntu [10:21] any suggestions? [10:22] _Apple_: huh? for suggesting google? go me! =) [10:22] is there an easy way to have more than one version of a package installed? [10:22] <_Apple_> lol [10:22] I can't get rtcwake working. I get this message running sudo rtcwake -s 120: rtcwake: wakeup from "standby" using /dev/rtc0 at Mon Jul 13 09:24:06 2009 [10:22] clank: afaik, no [10:22] <_Apple_> Slart, the combination of words is what did it lol [10:23] how do i run midp games on ubuntu??? [10:23] Is rtcwake restarting immmediately or why do I get that message? [10:23] _Apple_: ah.. so what was it? NTSC/PAL? something else? [10:23] mjj [10:23] wakeup from standby, I havenät even got into the standby mode yet? [10:23] I remember once you could go modprobe* and that would work they seem to have changed modprobe [10:24] <_Apple_> Slart, I realized I had 3 Section "Device" and I added 2 lines to the right one and I was in business lol [10:24] anyone know how to modprobe my tv tuner? [10:24] _Apple_: sweet [10:24] hi everyone!! [10:24] hello icaru5 [10:24] my tvtuner is there, and it is compatible with Ubuntu, the OS just isnt detecting it [10:25] <_Apple_> Slart, thank you lol [10:25] _Apple_: you're welcome === MadMax is now known as Guest59847 === ara_ is now known as ara [10:28] I have a screen resolution problem. I'm using an Envision monitor. the nvidia drivers are installed, and I can set the resolution to 1024x768 without any problem. However, when I reboot, the screen resolution goes back to 640x480. The resolution is correct on the login screen, but after I enter my username and password, I'm back to 640x480. I can run nvidia and reset it to 1234x768 ok, but again, after boot, it's back to 640x480. [10:28] doublem: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? [10:29] doublem: looks like the settings aren't writing to your Xorg.conf ... `sudo su nvidia-settings` (just using sudo won't work, you need to use su) [10:30] Slart: Not at the moment. I'm on my laptop which works fine. The problem is with my wife's computer. [10:30] <_Apple_> stupid question...I need to add a lower resolution to my LCD how might I do this? [10:30] moymoy: I'll try that. Thanks. [10:30] moymoy, doublem: never use sudo with gui apps... gksudo [10:30] !gksudo [10:30] If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [10:30] * _Apple_ is exhausted from the day and googeling is being more and more difficult [10:31] doublem: hmm, I've never of heard anyone else with the same problem so I don't really know what is wrong..sorry [10:32] _Apple_: you can add MODE lines to your xorg.conf.. [10:32] Slart: Thanks for the help. googling was not enlightening. [10:32] _Apple_: or rather.. not modelines.. but resolution lines.. [10:33] <_Apple_> yeah I got lucky and remembered I had this problem back in 7.10 and had the page book marked lol [10:33] _Apple_: but go to bed.. fixing xorg problems isn't something you want to do when you're half-asleep =) [10:33] hello [10:33] <_Apple_> Slart, you'd be surprised what I do when I'm half asleep lol [10:34] my weather update panel applet is showing "no data", can you help me troubleshooting? [10:34] I'm trying to mount ntfs partition at startup, using ntfs-3g so i placed "ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /media/archive -o force" in Sessions but when i restart nothing happens. [10:34] justfil: why not use /etc/fstab? or there are several users on the computer? [10:35] I tried fstab but the line that worked in Ubuntu doesnt seem to work in Debian [10:35] justfil: and I would use "mount" instead of ntfs-3g... or that command works when you run it from a terminal? [10:35] justfil: you're running debian? [10:35] yes but in #debian there i find less support [10:36] hi [10:36] i have a file with this permission: drwxrwx--T, what T stay for ? [10:36] justfil: not really an excuse.. the #debian people are usually very good at solving stuff.. but try the command in a terminal first.. if that works you can try putting it in the sessions stuff.. [10:37] I am trying to send a file via bluetooth from Ubuntu to a windows machine [10:37] are the weather update servers down? [10:37] it works in terminal but it didnt in Sessions, that's the point [10:37] I get the error device does not support Obex File Transfer [10:37] ech0s7: sticky bit [10:37] I am having problems getting my built-in microphone on my web-camera to work under CrossOver Professional. [10:37] What I want to do is to use to the microphone under Ventrilo. [10:37] I don't care about soundsystem, as long as it works. [10:38] justfil: hmm... put it in a script, add a pause command to the script at the end.. call it with "gnome-terminal bla bla bla" so you can see what it does.. or save the output to a log file and see if you get any error messages [10:44] How do I set it so that network shares and mounted devices do not get shown on my desktop? [10:45] rootlinuxusr_: you can mount them in /mnt and they won't show on the desktop [10:45] !icons [10:45] Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) [10:45] rootlinuxusr_: either mount them at /mnt or make directories in /mnt [10:46] rootlinuxusr_: or just click a checkbox in gconf-editor [10:46] Why does /mnt make the difference - It's an easy solution, just curious... [10:46] Hey, how can i "install" KDE desktop in my ubuntu (gnome) if i have the Kubuntu CD? [10:46] rootlinuxusr_: because gnome only checks for mounted drives in /media .. I think it's hardcoded somewhere [10:47] But what if it's a networked drive - how do i mount drives in /mnt then? [10:47] rootlinuxusr_: not sure what the rationale behind it is though.. someone thought it was a good idea? [10:48] Eh, it's really not much of an issue, actually a few less keystrokes...was just curious. =] [10:48] rootlinuxusr_: you can still mount network drives in /mnt [10:48] sorry for asking an apache question, but I can't find anyone to help :( Does anyone know where/what file i create a virtual dir/alias in? [10:48] rootlinuxusr_: what kind of network drive is it? ... i'm going to make sure you get helped! [10:48] rootlinuxusr_: you can mount network drives whereever you want.. just put them in your fstab.. it's only the point'n'click way that puts them in /media [10:49] so i could edit /etc/fstab or is there a way to mount it via terminal smbmount? [10:49] external maxtor on an ubuntu server. [10:49] rootlinuxusr_: you can mount via terminal... use /hostname/sharedfolder i believe [10:50] <[mu]keiserr> btw, with apt-get can i remove all dependancies related to a package when i remove an application installed from apt ??? [10:50] is there a doctor linux in here [10:50] rootlinuxusr_: your server's running ubuntu? Then why not use NFS instead of Samba? [10:50] Okay, well then how would I mount it via NFS? [10:50] I've only used samba. [10:50] same way I'd suppose. [10:51] rootlinuxusr_: samba is horrible for nautilus.. (more like nautilus just acts up with samba) [10:51] rootlinuxusr_: basically, you need to edit the /etc/exports file on your server and export the paths you want to share over the network [10:51] heh. Im all for easier solutions. === oobe_ is now known as oobe [10:52] rootlinuxusr_: there are some great guides and examples if you look on google [10:52] [mu]keiserr: you can do a "sudo apt-get autoremove" after you've uninstalled the app [10:52] /etc/exports is a new file though >_> [10:52] Hello good people! :) How can I find out which version of Compiz is installed on my Jaunty Jackalope and if there is an update to be had? [10:52] rootlinuxusr_: really? does your server have nfs installed? [10:52] that's what I was just about to check xD [10:53] It might not. [10:53] Dekko: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" should do it [10:53] why do i have pidgin's regular 'system tray' icon and then an enbelope with a drop down menu containing pidgin? [10:53] Dekko: apt-cache policy compiz-fusion or whatever the package is called to see the version [10:53] rootlinuxusr_: sudo aptitude install nfs-server nfs-kernel-server [10:53] Dekko: what feature or thing are you looking for as far as upgrades for compiz? [10:53] <[mu]keiserr> thanks slart [10:54] Thing is I can not get RealVNC server to update the screen if I use Compiz. If I switch it off then it works. [10:54] I've never got vnc to work on a server that had compiz running. [10:54] Dekko: that sounds more like a realvnc problem than a compiz problem.. have you tried any other vnc servers? [10:55] Hey, how can i "install" KDE desktop in my ubuntu (gnome) if i have the Kubuntu CD? [10:55] Dekko: age old compiz bug... VNC works by detecting breakage in the screen so that it doesn't send images that are redundant to save bandwidth, but compiz doesn't play nice with it [10:55] Slart: Which ones are available? [10:56] Unhackmee: go to your software sources and select your CD as a repository, and install kubuntu-desktop [10:56] Moymoy: Is there a way to force it to update? Its a pain having to switch off the eyecandy just to remote the machine (as I am doing right now) :D [10:56] i got itunes in linux:D [10:56] mralexandro, what version? [10:56] aurilliance, virtualbox :D [10:56] evening all. q: What is the name of the windows drivers that allow you to see your linux partition? [10:56] mralexandro, lol that doesn't count XD [10:57] :p [10:57] Dekko: nope, there isn't a way to do it i'm afraid... the only work around is to use another vnc client or disable breakage [10:57] Dekko: but i don't really use VNC .. i prefer to use ssh with X forwarding [10:57] Dekko you could try fiddling in the general options, maybe something like force indepentend output painting? I know there are others [10:58] moymoy: I run RealVNC on Windows, OSX and now Linux box, so would like same system on all machines. :) [10:58] How can I disable breakage? [10:58] Dekko also maybe sync to vblank? [10:58] Dekko: well.. there are realvnc, tightvnc, the old vnc and probably lots more [10:58] nyaa: All suggestions are good, but I don't know how to go about doing that [10:58] Dekko: I'm not sure which ones are available for both windows and linux though [10:59] i [10:59] aurilliance, http://www.fs-driver.org/ ???? === mr is now known as Guest11649 [10:59] helo [10:59] <_Apple_> can some one assist me in getting a 1600x900 resolution mode to run in my xorg? [11:00] dekko open a terminal and type in ccsm this should get you to the compiz options screen or tell you to install the options program [11:00] mralexandro, yep that looks like the one. thanks. [11:00] hi all, any warnings about using Ubuntu 9.04 server for a LAN NFS server? am presently using PCLinuxos that works great for a few hours but then just dies [11:01] JamesArthur: I use a mini-itx board.. running xubuntu as a nfs server.. works nicely [11:01] JamesArthur: I haven't tried running ubuntu-server on it though [11:02] Slart, the 3d acceleration thing must be in beta:D [11:02] <_Apple_> does anyone have a 1600x900 mode line I can "borrow"? [11:02] mralexandro: mm.. I think they call it "experimental".. but still [11:02] it even says experimental under guest operative system when install that addition [11:02] Slart, hehe yeah [11:02] Slart: what do you run on your servers anyway? i never understood why people had their own home servers. please enlighten me =] [11:02] * __d3f0__ is away: Ausente por ahora [11:03] Okay, NFS is installed how do I access the drives? [11:03] _Apple_: google might help you.. there are sites that can create modelines and such for you [11:03] _Apple_: if i have any trouble with xorg i just remove all options except the one i want ( giving it no choice ), cheap maybe but it works :-) [11:03] moymoy: not a lot, really.. file server for me and my wifes personal files.. with backup... all of our mp3's.. so we can stream them about the house.. === EugenMayer is now known as EugenMayer`aw [11:04] what should i do if a broken package reported during installation from synaptic? [11:04] Mine serves to mame arcade machines =] [11:04] can i mount a remote ftp server in my home folder? [11:04] jony123, yes, with fuse === Mud|brb is now known as Mud [11:04] Slart: i see... i always thought my desktop was sufficient for that though.. then again, i don't have massive amounts of data and not a lot of things in my house are linux-enabled === mr is now known as Guest26621 [11:05] how i can compile a file as 64 taget using gcc ? [11:05] !o4o [11:05] Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct [11:05] moymoy: if it was just me I wouldn't have a server.. but either I setup backups and stuff for both me and wife.. or I tell her to use the server for personal stuff and set things up at one place [11:05] hi, I got problem with pidgin-guifications. I have added new themes, but it's not listed in theme chooser. any sugestions ? [11:08] There a way to automate moving select file types to a backup server - (cron usage maybe?) from multiple desktops? [11:08] !backup | rootlinuxusr_ [11:08] rootlinuxusr_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning === EugenMayer`aw is now known as EugenMayer [11:08] is there a way to start a program and have it start in virtual desktop #2 or 3 etc [11:08] rootlinuxusr_: but sure.. you can do it "find" or some other bash stuff as well [11:09] instead of me dragging it there everytime I start it. [11:09] sorry. has anyone reply to my question about guification ? [11:09] well specifically like images on the desktop or music files in x location... mv *.mp3 //location and the such. [11:10] you could start it from desktop 2 or 3...but thats probably not what you want. [11:10] a good idea to start program in different desktop [11:11] hello [11:11] Daft question... what on earth is this symbol called... ` and is there an escape sequence for it on bash? [11:12] anyone there ? [11:12] i need help on nubuntu ... [11:12] is there a possibility to assign a process to a specific core? [11:12] ctrl-c [11:12] Lantizia: It's the backtick [11:12] No idea on what it's called though. [11:12] is ssh keys are necessary for real security is it okay to have things like transmission/ebox web interfaces accessible with a simple username and password? [11:12] dominique, wow... now I know it's name maybe I'll have it's power [11:13] s/is/if [11:13] dominique: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/setting-processor-affinity-certain-task-or-process.html [11:14] has anyone else had trouble compiling the libpng library from source? [11:14] I got problem with pidgin-guifications. I have added new themes, but it's not listed in theme chooser. any sugestions ? === mr is now known as Guest21953 [11:14] deany check out a program called devil's pie [11:14] Lantizia: you can use it for stuff like " sudo apt-get install `uname -r`-headers" ... it will then first run the command between the ticks and replace it with the output.. then do the rest of the command.. it can be quite handy === papul__ is now known as papul [11:15] i need help on nubuntu ... === pacman is now known as forchify [11:15] what kinda help. [11:15] !help [11:15] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) === Super is now known as SUPERKIWI [11:15] deany I found it in synaptic but it seems to work under "devilspie" so I bet you can apt-get install devilspie [11:16] thx Slart [11:17] can someone give me a copy of their /usr/include/linux/wireless.h ? I have a fully updated system if that helps [11:17] okay so no other option than to use another VNC to get it to play nice with compiz..... [11:17] Slart, oh I know it's purpose.. just wanted to know it's name so I can google how to escape it === Guest21953 is now known as yu [11:18] Lantizia: ahh.. ok.. nevermind then =) [11:18] Slart, want to make a bash script by using echo -e "blah `command`" > script.sh [11:18] create another desktop instance? [11:18] but need to escape the ` [11:18] need help farallon skyline on nubuntu [11:18] plees help [11:18] !derivatives | SUPERKIWI [11:18] SUPERKIWI: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang) [11:21] hello dear ubuntus [11:22] hamid, hello [11:22] if ssh keys are necessary for real security is it okay to have things like transmission/ebox web interfaces accessible with a simple username and password? [11:22] laeg: I would say no [11:22] If I can use DISPLAY=:2 to start a new app on screen 2, how can I move an already running one to screen 2? [11:23] Slart: do you have a work around? [11:23] hello [11:23] I am facing a problem [11:23] laeg: nope.. I don't quite agree with your first statement.. but assuming the first one is true I would say no to the second oen [11:23] Hi. I have a problem compiling a C program which was written on FreeBSD and compiles there with gcc 4.2.1, but on my Ubuntu (Hardy) with gcc 4.2.4 I get errors like "undefined reference to `__stderrp'". Any idea where to start with that? [11:24] is someone listening me? [11:24] j #aircrack-ng [11:24] laxmi: you haven't told your problem yet. [11:24] !ask | laxmi [11:24] laxmi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:24] Slart: you don't think ssh keys are necessary when running a ssh server? [11:25] when I minimize any running program there is no shortcut in taskbar [11:25] ysis: that looks like it's some freebsd-specific symbol [11:25] ysis: or maybe not. hmm [11:26] laxmi: it looks like Window list is missing. Right click on the panel and select "add to panel" Find window List there and add it [11:26] I am using ubuntu 9.4 [11:26] laeg: I don't think usernames and passwords are entirely hopeless.. so I don't agree with "ssh keys are necessary for real security" [11:26] laeg, if the -only- way to reach that box is ssh, then absolutely any downstream passwords don't need complexity [11:26] ok [11:26] laxmi: right clocik on the panel 'add to panel' Look for 'Window list' [11:26] i need the ubuntu 9.04 on dvd [11:26] i use keys to login quicker ') [11:26] Chousuke, I mean, can it be a version problem? I guess I can't easily install gcc 4.2.1 (so to speak downgrade) on my system? [11:26] ok it works now === |nightrid3r| is now known as nightrid3r [11:27] thankyou [11:27] ysis: I doubt it's that. [11:27] ysis: apparently, on freebsd __stderrp is defined in the libc [11:27] ysis: so if it's not in gnu libc, you'll need to find some library that defines it. [11:28] Are people still looking for a way to make applications start on a certain desktop? [11:28] hamid: shipit.ubuntu.com [11:28] laxmi: no problem. (By the way, if you say the name of the person that helped you in you thanks they are more likely to notice) [11:28] I am using the Open-source driver for a radeon, but open-source radeon driver is not capable of providing direct rendering on multiple X sessions. So my question is. Is there a way that i can get ubuntu to boot with out starting xserver, Only starting it for my program, then shutting down, and restarting for when i actully want to use linux? [11:28] I'm creating a web control panel to manage my users and websites, but creating and deleting users requires SU rights, so i thought of creating an account and giving it access to only the user related functions, via /etc/sudoers - but does this user need to be a "real" account or a system account? [11:28] Chousuke, so it doesn't only depend on gcc but also on (random) libraries installed on my system? [11:29] ysis: well, most programs depend on the c library... :P === slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic [11:30] ysis: I don't think you'll find one that doesn't, actually [11:30] ysis: but if it compiles fine on freebsd with no dependencies on additional libraries, chances are it's using some FreeBSD-specific api [11:32] natschil, Chousuke, so how to resolve that? Can I compile on the FreeBSD system and just copy the executables or do these still depend on this libc? [11:32] ysis: what application are you trying to compile? [11:32] ysis: no, you can't do that [11:32] ysis: no. Are there any other errors than the one you mentioned? [11:33] but I must go now [11:33] Is the default user by default in the "root" group? [11:34] Give me a second. I'll upload it to pastebin [11:35] i am here because i want to [11:35] say that i am here [11:35] Hey, anyone could lend me some wisdom on lirc? [11:35] God LCDproc up and running, but cant get the remote to work [11:35] !ask | TSlackM [11:35] TSlackM: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:37] Slart: i don't think regular username and passwords are entirely hopeless but ssh keys are much much much more secure, right? [11:38] Working on Imon Lcd/ir got the lcd working but cant get the remote to work, lirc0 and lirc1 in therminal is black and yellow, somehow i feel like they are not started, i also get the error when i run irw connect: No such file or directory, followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IMON_VFD_and_LCD [11:38] laeg: "much more secure".. not sure about "much much much more secure" =) [11:38] can someone pastebin the contents of their /usr/include/linux/wireless.h ? for an updated 9.04 system? I was a klutz editing mine and didn't back it up beforehand [11:38] Slart :) [11:39] qe2eqe: define downstream password please [11:39] heyy baby [11:40] i put on my hat and wizard robe? === Kyon0`Away is now known as Kyon0 [11:41] Chousuke, natschil: I'm confused now. I just reextracted the source code from the archive again and I get different errors. Maybe I copied the source code folder over from the FreeBSD before... Here is the new error: http://pastebin.org/1318 [11:42] slart: i could restrict access to all webservices to the local host and whenever i access them only do so through an ssh tunnel [11:42] laeg: sounds like a plan.. but I'm sure there are other people in the channel that know more about this than me [11:43] laeg, If the -ONLY- way to access program x is through ssh, which verifies that noone is listening and that the client is good... then any security within program x may be overkill. [11:43] ysis: I think there might be syntax errors in the code...could you paste dialog.c? bbiab [11:43] laeg, oh yeah, there's also #ubuntu-hardened and ##security [11:43] my firefox browser keeps randomly shutting can anyone tell me how to fix that? [11:43] natschil: bbiab? [11:44] micah, have you tried a fresh session? [11:44] whats a fresh session? [11:44] Slart, qe2eqe: ty, food for thought [11:44] ysis: be back in a bit [11:44] * natschil is back [11:44] But the code compiles fine on FreeBSD. I'm not feeling like posting the source, because it's my professor's program... [11:44] micah, when firefox crashes, and starts again, it tries to restore what you were doing at the time of crash, i.e, your session. [11:45] yeah ive done that but it keeps closing randomly everytime i go back [11:45] i have a t link usb webcam how can i interface it with ubuntu [11:45] ? [11:45] micah, instead of telling it to restore tabs, you can tell it start new... hm. How randomly? [11:46] like ill just be using it and all the sudden it will close and i never know when its gonna close or why it just does [11:46] same with other applications like my movie players and stuff [11:46] ysis: I don't know what could be wrong....are you sure exactly that code compiles fine on freeBSD? also, maybe the ubuntu gcc is stricter than the freeBSD one... [11:46] micah, did you install any new plugins? is it just firefox that crashes? [11:47] micah, tell me more about which apps crash, maybe when they tend to crash? [11:47] yeah i have installed all the updates but it has been doing this since i have been using ubuntu and no alot of my other applications will close randomly [11:48] okay, totem, rhythmbox, vlc media player, most my games just about everything at one time or another randomly closes and my games are really slow and lagging [11:48] natschil, I try again. [11:48] yo yo yo [11:48] micah, well, shucks. It sounds like your video driver, or a really, really bad setting somewhere, but prolly the former [11:49] how do i get an updated video driver? [11:49] nvidia.com [11:49] micah, do glxinfo | grep render -- tell me if that says yes. Then do lspci, find out which one is your card, and google that line, minus the system specific bus id (0:0 kind of numbers) [11:49] why not use the repo, micah [11:49] micah, hold on! [11:50] lol im new to this i dont know what that ment [11:50] repo? [11:50] okay ill hold on [11:50] micah: you use repos when you use apt-get or synaptic [11:50] "repositories", actually [11:50] what? [11:50] shaullx: what nvidia card does s/he have? [11:50] micah, the easy, ubuntu way to try out the proprietary drivers, is to go into your menu, and find the option for hardware drivers. [11:50] natschil, on FreeBSD it compiles fine (only some warnings). [11:51] kevdog [11:51] I guess I have to dive into the actual code (It's a pity that I ain't speaking C.) [11:51] micah: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga please [11:52] Hi everyone... Link Aggregation or Port Trunking in 8.04 LTS. I've followed this guide (http://blog.brightbox.co.uk/posts/howto-do-ethernet-bonding-on-ubuntu-properly) but I'm getting inconsistent results [11:52] My switch is a Netgear GS724T which supports 802.3ad and my motherboard is a Tyan s5211 with 2 Intel 82573 GbE ports. I assume these ports support 802.3ad trunking because it's pretty recent. Do I need any motherboard/chipset specific Linux drivers to get this going or should it just work by following the above guide? [11:52] okay im in hardware drivers and it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system [11:52] micah, then you click to accept the funny, non-gpl licenses behind the drivers ubuntu thinks you need, and it's done. If that doesn't work, then do the google the lspci identifier of your card, (open a console, type lspci, google the non system specific bits) [11:52] ysis: I would try to compare compiler versions as well [11:52] micah: if you get me the output of the code we can get you some [11:52] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266].............is the output [11:52] Will Ubuntu not boot if there is not a monitor attached while booting? [11:52] micah: then its not an nvidia [11:53] Hi, there was 2 lan cards in my ubuntu 9.04 i386, (eth0, eth1), i removed one lan card and put other, now my linux gave the name as eth2 to the new lan card, How can i change this eth2, back to eth1, [11:53] icehawk78: it will boot fine [11:53] natschil: How should I compare? I know that on FreeBSD it's gcc 4.2.1 and on Ubuntu it's 4.2.4. [11:53] icehawk78: ubuntu will boot, but perhaps you mainboard not (?) [11:53] any "daemon tools" tool for linux? [11:53] ActionParsnip then how do i update if its a prosavage? [11:53] shaullx: you can use mount [11:53] micah, yes, good! the 0:1:00.0 part wont be googlable, but the last half is perfect [11:53] shaullx: mounting iso file systems ist supported natively [11:53] okay [11:53] shaullx: you dont need a tool [11:53] oh ok [11:54] how do i mount [11:54] without a tool [11:54] i googled that before and i havent been able to find updates for linux [11:54] shaullx: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/iso [11:54] shaullx: try the 'gmountiso' package [11:54] shaullx: btw, daemontools has spyware you may want to consider magicdisk ;) [11:54] ActionParsnip: that works, but gmountiso provides a clean gtk interface for it that doesn't confuse people [11:55] TheStarLion: hardly confusing imho [11:55] oskar: It's a repurposed headless laptop, and seems to boot with no problems if I have a monitor plugged in, but doesn't appear to ever fully boot without one. [11:55] anyone know where to get a prosavage update for linux? [11:55] How can I add unallocated disk space to a partition inside an extended partition? [11:55] ActionParsnip: I was thinking of the people who have trouble with the terminal, or aren't used to such commands [11:55] TheStarLion: infact its pretty plain english, if ou forget he -o loop the mount command even tells you to put it in [11:56] TheStarLion: true but it is really good to get used to the terminal [11:56] icehawk78: in many bios settings there is a switch "halt on:", where you can select "no errors" [11:56] with gmount i get this error [11:56] 'panel-menu=24,24 [11:56] panel=20,20 [11:56] gtk-button=18,18 [11:56] gtk-large-toolbar=24,24' [11:56] shaullx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:56] TheStarLion: plus irc is a text based system so I give text based solutions [11:56] VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] update anyone? [11:56] anyone else have a problem with the banshee ppa? index is missing. :( [11:56] fair points, I hadn't thought of that [11:57] micah: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103842 [11:57] okay thanks this should help ActionParsnip [11:57] hey! [11:58] ysis: maybe ask on #gcc for differences between the compilers [11:58] could someone tell me the # for the wine channel? [11:58] how do i set timeout for gnome "connect to server"? i just can`t connect to FTP because of timeout... [11:58] myxo: #winehq [11:58] thanks DJones [11:59] shaullx: the command i gave will mount any iso to /media/iso, just sbstitue the iso file name and it will work [11:59] can anyone plz tell me how to install a usb web cam [11:59] !webcam | rick_2047 [11:59] rick_2047: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [11:59] Actionparsnip when i enter the address for the website to update it says page load error [11:59] natschil, thanks. I'll try. :o) [12:00] it worked tnx [12:01] micah: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11400 [12:01] micah: looks like you need to use xorg.conf to specify the driver. You will use the savage driver [12:01] I need help installing the libpng library; can't compile from source [12:01] whats xorg.conf? [12:01] is it a program or something [12:02] Anyone here want to take a shot at a WINE issue in Ubuntu or should I keep it out of here? The WINE channel is deserted. [12:02] micah: /etc/X11/xorg.conf [12:02] micah: man xorg.conf it's a config file [12:02] michaelforrest: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [12:02] cl0vvn: which error msg, why compile it yourself? [12:02] michaelforrest: sorry dude, bad tab [12:02] does anyone have a working source, or a working binary? [12:02] micah: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf === root is now known as Guest74196 [12:02] can't find it using apt-get, or the package manager [12:02] micah: the configuration for the x server [12:02] cl0vvn: libpng-dev ? [12:03] micah: you will need to copy the video card section, monitor section and screen section from that link [12:03] cl0vvn: libpng12-dev for me [12:03] micah: well, most of it [12:03] okay cool [12:04] micah: you will be wrestling that file til you get a nice display [12:04] i tried libpng12, but the program i'm trying to compile that needs libpng still doesn't go [12:04] micah: every time you change it, save the file and press alt+printscrn+k [12:04] micah: if you dont get a display you will need to reboot to recovery mode (ESC when grub loads) [12:04] micah: then select fix graphics [12:04] aha [12:05] and there it works. [12:05] Thanks tarzeau [12:05] why cant you view attachments on ubuntuforums.org without loggin in? [12:05] lol im sorry but i think this stuff is over my head i just started using ubuntu and a linux operating system === Mud is now known as Mud|afk [12:05] Trijntje: no, you need to be logged in [12:06] micah: then you have much to learn quickly [12:06] okay [12:06] micah: that file tells the system how to display stuff as well as mouse and keyboard settings [12:06] okay [12:06] micah: a lot of it is abstracted now [12:07] micah: but some video cards still use xorg.conf [12:07] micah, take a look at this [12:07] Hi everyone. I'm having trouble getting port trunking / link aggregation working following this guide (http://blog.brightbox.co.uk/posts/howto-do-ethernet-bonding-on-ubuntu-properly). Do I need to install the proper Intel Ethernet drivers for the 2 Intel 82573 network sockets? Or should it just work without installing any chipset/motherboard specific drivers? [12:07] micah: you can also specify settings for mice / keyboards there that HAL may not detect / be able to set [12:07] okay [12:08] so do i copy and paste stuff from this text file into my terminal? === selven__ is now known as [mu]keiserr [12:08] micah, keep in mind ubuntu is based on debian, when looking at that totally outdated hardware chart... [12:08] qe2eqe whats debian? [12:08] micah: no, into the text file I told you to open [12:08] okay im in the text file [12:09] micah: you will then need to copy quite a lot of text from websites into yours to flesh it out with the right options [12:09] GAYCAMPANIA [12:09] okay so i erase stuff on this text file and replace it with what stuff from websites? [12:09] micah, Ubuntu is a fork of Debian... they're both full featured linux distributions. You could say 2009 is to ubuntu as 2002 is to debian, but that's a broad analogy.... [12:10] okay gotcha [12:11] qe2eqe so with this website what im i looking for on it and what do i click on? [12:12] micah, you're looking for who reports what about the video cards compatibility. One way to find a working configuration, is to find someone else who found a working configuration for the same stuff... [12:12] CIAO [12:13] okay [12:13] hd [12:13] hallo [12:13] micah, anyway, you'll see that the PClinuxOS 2007 i586 did a good job with the card, out of the box [12:13] yes [12:13] micah: you need to copy the ines that you dont have in each section [12:14] micah: you need to specify driver which will be the line saying: Driver "savage" as well as a whole host of others [12:14] mellow_enemy: Hi, there are 1350 people in this room, if they all say hi it would become a mess. [12:14] its not that they don't like you ;) [12:14] micah: its going to be near impossible to tell you every line you will need, unfortunately [12:14] micah, I say, go ahead and give fixing it the old college try if you want to. But if it seems like it'd be easier, especially if you're the new user you say you are, to migrate to a distro that is known to work for you [12:15] haha thanks for the help guys but i dont know jack shit about this kinda stuff and its complicated so i will just have a friend come check it out [12:15] micah: you will need to play and see what you can generate, most of the link I gave is what you need but you can omit all the wacom stuff and anything about ice and keyboards as those are handled by hal [12:16] micah: no one does initially, its a learning curve you must walk [12:16] micah, =) If you don't have vital data on that computer, i recommend switching from Ubuntu to PClinuxOS, just to see if it works. It should be pretty easy [12:16] its amazing how many ystems ive installed ubuntu on - and not had to do any tweaks/hacking/changeing on :) [12:16] Live cd's are great for testing with also. [12:16] Dr_Willis: depends on how smart you shop ;) [12:17] ActionParsnip, shopping smarter means working harder making linux like it. [12:17] Dr_Willis: acer aspire one works 100% (including webcam) out of the box with UNR [12:17] Dr_Willis: usually the problems arise when people want to customize. dual head monitors of different dimensions on ati gfx card etc.. the vanilla install usually works without hitches but just isn't enough for advanced users [12:17] qe2eqe: just use onboard sound, nvidia gfx and atheros 5000X wifi, job done [12:19] qe2eqe: true its not ideal, but some companys support for linux is better so I support them. If more linux users did then the other compaies would start supporting it to get the revenue back [12:21] ActionParsnip, =) You show me a $15 dollar 775 mobo, I'll show you $15 and figure it out later. =(. [12:21] 775, gimme a sec [12:21] * joejc gives ActionParsnip [12:22] joejc, disable that script [12:22] ActionParsnip, the bottom line of the reverse pin chips [12:22] ActionParsnip, *for intel === dysfunctionaldci is now known as dysfunctional [12:24] ActionParsnip, not to mention, I got about 20 pcs for $150, and making crappy old hardware work is the new hobby [12:24] qe2eqe: been doing that LOONG time. All my home PCs are circa 1992 [12:25] hi. i need some help with grub in centos. i just did a gui netinstall of ubuntu. all went well until i came to the grub bit. some error occured and i didnt install it at all. LILO also wouldn't install properly. i am sharing the primary partition to mount /boot for both centos and ubuntu. in the lvm i have a shared swap and seperate volumes for both distros. grub is installed in centos' partition and boots fine. can i get ubuntu t [12:25] !centos | Nameless_au [12:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about centos [12:25] Nameless_au: this is ubuntu support [12:25] hi [12:25] everybody's doin fine ? [12:26] ActionParsnip and it's a question about grub in ubuntu [12:27] qe2eqe: ASRock G31M-S looks ok [12:27] fine ok, this question then: how do i repair ubuntu's grub to load? [12:27] !grub | Nameless_au [12:27] Nameless_au: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [12:28] thanks ubottu [12:28] Nameless_au: install GRUB using ubuntu liveCD [12:29] Nameless_au: Nice grub/Live CD howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 [12:31] Is there an IRC channel for PulseAudio (similar to #alsa)? [12:32] is anyone able to help me with a wireless driver? [12:32] CyberCen: Please put here a more specific question. === mr is now known as Guest82577 [12:33] ActionParsnip, yeah, but that's 1) new and 2) not dirt frikken cheap [12:33] basically im trying to diable my current driver and enable a different one, but the monent i do my sys freezes n i have to hard boot [12:33] disable* [12:33] !wireless | CyberCen [12:33] CyberCen: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [12:33] CyberCen, ooh, that sounds special. [12:33] ive gone by a tut, and still the prob persists [12:34] CyberCen, how are you disabling driver? [12:34] CyberCen: you can blacklist drivers [12:34] sudo modprobe -r iwl3945 [12:34] CyberCen: have you shut down the interface first? "ifconfig wlan0 down" or similar? [12:35] negative euston... [12:35] (no ive not) [12:35] im guessing i should then [12:36] ifconfig wlan0 (permission denied) [12:36] ifconfig wlan0 down (permission denied) [12:37] Hi, I'm wondering how to install a Screenlet? I already have the program installed but can't figure out how to install the screenlet "Pidgin Screenlet", simply pressing install in the program Screenlet and browsing to the "Pidgin Screenlet" folder doesn't work, and there is no file associated with the program in that folder. I'm clueless. :S === EugenMayer is now known as EugenMayer`aw [12:37] CyberCen: you need: sudo ifdown wlan0 [12:37] connect w-irc.com [12:37] yeh [12:37] lol [12:37] just fig that out [12:37] CyberCen: good lad [12:37] (noob btw) === lb_ is now known as lb [12:38] If I have a c program that exits with return 0; or return 1; how do I capture this value from a bash script? [12:39] guyvdb_: you run the program, then echo $? [12:39] tarzeau thx [12:40] hi. any good suggestions for intel gma950 problems...i google'd a lot, but not sure what to do now [12:40] how do I input an \0 character into the standardIO of the terminal? [12:40] guyvdb_, well, if i remember right 0 is good and 1 is bad, maybe vice versa. If you run it both ways, I bet one will leave its status in terminal [12:40] qe2eqe: abit aa8 maybe? [12:40] qe2eqe: why not buy amd stuff, its cheaper [12:40] ppl, u r genius'! [12:41] ActionParsnip, I found some p4's for $10 apiece and mobo [12:41] or maybe its \n [12:41] Actions, mobos* for around $17... if you can beat that, go. [12:41] qe2eqe: nice [12:41] qe2eqe: free from schools chucking old stuff out ;) === adhel is now known as COW_MAU_ISEP_COW [12:42] well, installed ubuntu server 9.0.4 but on reboot it could not find itself, so much for ubuntu for today [12:42] ActionParsnip, =) I just got two towers free from a guy I work with... total reminder that it would be disrespect not to at least inspect the hardware [12:42] How do I input a \n character into a standardIO of a nix terminal? [12:42] my computer is http://www.intel.com/products/desktop/motherboards/D945GCLF2-D945GCLF2D/D945GCLF2-D945GCLF2D-overview.htm havin the 'INTEL GMA' issue. what is the best method to resolve performace/freeze? [12:43] dORSY: there's this that may help: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/reverting-xorg-video-intel-driver-of.html [12:43] JPSman, you mean, escape it? [12:43] yes [12:46] JPSman, I don't actually know, just trying pass off a good google keyword [12:46] dORSY: dude thats awesome [12:46] ActionParsnip: so downgrading could be better than testing kernel/drivers? [12:46] Is there an IRC channel for PulseAudio (similar to #alsa)? [12:46] ActionParsnip: thy i give it a try === adhel is now known as cow_cakep_mau_co [12:46] bullgard4, /msg alis list help [12:46] bullgard4: try #pulseaudio ? [12:46] dORSY: try both, see what you get === EugenMayer`aw is now known as EugenMayer [12:47] ActionParsnip, speaking of free hardware, I just soldered a paperclip onto an hdd to replace the broken pin (I broke it, but I'm not the one who bent it 90 degrees in the 1st place) [12:47] bazhang: '/msg alis list help' does not return useful output. === Vobine is now known as Psychoholic [12:48] qe2eqe: i'd just chuck it, get new, restore from backup [12:48] bullgard4, /msg alis help list ; in future ask in #freenode not here [12:48] qe2eqe, please keep chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic [12:50] Ziw: Thank you for your help. [12:50] qe2eqe http://codepad.org/QpHoAbeC its line 26 that's looking for a \n character [12:51] enter doesn't work [12:51] Hi all [12:51] for some reason the custom gnome-keyboard-shortcut i designed (mpc next) works on XF86AudioPlay key but not on XF86AudioNext (or ....Prev for that matter either) [12:51] Hi [12:52] can anyone tell me the fundamental difs between ubuntu and kubuntu [12:52] hi [12:52] FatsoJetson{eire: ubuntu uses gnome while kubuntu bases on kde? [12:52] just the desktop environment I guess [12:53] just like xubuntu uses xfce [12:53] I run Jaunty on my PC and I've got an ATI 3D Rage Pro video adapter. Direct Rendering is enabled but the "OpenGL Renderer String" reports, "Software Rasterizer". Any help on this? Thanks... [12:53] i'm trying to find how to install a minimal installation of ubuntu on ps3 (only the base system like en x86) but i just can't find how to do it .... [12:53] does anyone has a clue as how to do it? [12:53] JPSman: i is uninitialized [12:53] Thanks guys [12:53] JPSman: stop, wrong ;) [12:53] in the for ;) [12:53] sorry [12:54] m_101, support in #ubuntu-ps3 === Ongacska is now known as Ophacc [12:54] yeah but nobody there bazhang ..... [12:54] or 8 peoples mostly ...... === pia is now known as andree [12:55] can the server preconfigured bundles (dns server, lamp, mailserver &c) be installed later? [12:55] can any one tel me how to install icon packages === andree is now known as Guest26639 [12:56] cryo 64 icon packages [12:56] plz help [12:56] gnome-look.org Bala [12:56] can somebody help me changing the sound output adapter from the speakers to a USB connected headphone? [12:56] .... [12:57] bazhang: thr r nothin shown [12:57] StrangeCharm__, yeah you can do that with apt-get or synaptics [12:57] oskar, this comes from Kernighan and Ritchie's ANSI C Programming Language book - they know what they doing [12:57] im just looking for the bash's key stroke to tell standard in i mean a \n or \0 character [12:57] Eledran: system > preferences > sound .. if it is compatible u can change [12:57] yes, of course ;) [12:57] m_101- for the full bundles, or do you have to install and configure them individually [12:57] JPSman: tried a ctrl+d? [12:57] k [12:58] StrangeCharm__, full bundles [12:58] sweet, cheers m_101 [12:58] anyway .... nobody here seem to have a clue as how to make a base-system (minimal) install of ubuntu on a ps3 so i'm gonna drop off and search more ..... :( [12:58] http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Cryo64-Mixed?content=107287 Bala === Guest26639 is now known as andree [12:59] (ps3 as a desktop system .... meh .... server yeah :) ) [12:59] !ff35 [12:59] Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY [12:59] ziw, thanks, I will try that out [12:59] oskar, nope, doesn't send a \n === andree is now known as Guest92653 [13:00] i've installed jdk6 but javac can not be found [13:00] JPSman: \n? Press enter, no? for EOF, you use ctrl-d [13:00] audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: The sound adapter could not be opened for playback. :( [13:00] I guess I will have to get ndiswrapper [13:00] i've installed jdk6 but javac can not be found [13:00] bazhang: see thr nothing to tel procedures :( [13:01] jrib, yeah EOF thats the name, and no it doesn't seem to work....lemme work with that hang on a bit [13:01] JPSman: what are you actually trying to do? [13:01] !java | freeburn [13:01] freeburn: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [13:01] jrib - learn code from K&R C manual http://codepad.org/QpHoAbeC [13:01] Is it possible to use parted to resize an extended partition? [13:02] bah, it is meant for wifi adapters, not any driver [13:02] i've installed jdk6 but javac can not be found [13:02] i've installed jdk6 but javac can not be found [13:02] JPSman: ok, but what's the issue? [13:02] Hello everyone. Using apt-mirror, I have mirrored jaunty main restricted universe multiverse, jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse and jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse. Which repos do I replace in my client's /etc/apt/sources.list to use these mirrors? [13:02] !repeat | freeburn [13:02] freeburn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [13:03] i've installed jdk6 but javac can not be found [13:03] freeburn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1562890 [13:03] freeburn: quit repeating, it achieves nothing and floods the channel [13:03] jrib - the program doesn't continue because I can't send an EOF or \n [13:03] JPSman, wow, I just don't know C well enough to figure out what's going on with this program, but apparently C has special treatment of newline character. Exactly what /n is made of is a feature set in compiler, whatever your end of line variable is, maybe... " also, the second mode of I/O supported by the C library, no translation is performed, and the internal representation of any escape sequence is output directly." [13:03] JPSman: press enter to get a new line. Press ctrl-d for EOF [13:04] JPSman: do you expect the program to terminate on a empty line ended with \n? [13:04] jrib - enter just "goes to the next line" and ctrl-d does nothing [13:04] qe2eqe: could try some altgr+ fun [13:04] JPSman, this is a script to format things smartly, right? [13:04] JPSman: ok hold on, let me compile this... === chancegarcia_ is now known as chancegarcia [13:06] qe2eqe - it outputs the longest line of anything you input [13:06] JPSman: that is, what it does for me [13:06] JPSman: could try altgr+013 maybe (dec 013 = CR, or 0xD in hex [13:06] JPSman: how are you executing it exactly? [13:07] oh NOW ctrl-d is working [13:07] weird glitch [13:08] :/ [13:08] oskar, jrib, ActionParsnip - Thank you :OD [13:08] JPSman: ctrl+d only produces a EOF after a newline. that should be because of the terminal... [13:09] JPSman: out of curiousity, how did you compile that without renaming "getline", gcc complains about conflicting types because of the declaration of getline in stdio.h [13:10] jrib gcc kandr.c -o kandr then run ./kandr [13:10] what do u guys think: for running vmware with 6gb ram, would x86_64 be much faster than i686 + PAE server kernel? [13:10] JPSman: fails for me without s/getline/getlin, but ok [13:10] jrib - are our stdio.h different? [13:10] JPSman: oh it still compiles, just complains, meh. Possibly [13:11] JPSman: you should fix the bug in that program by the way. It doesn't work properly if there are two or more lines with the longest length! [13:13] jrib - thanks for looking and the homework...this bit of code is from chapter 1 so I got a ways to go [13:13] hi , I have problem with Pidgin [13:14] I can't connect to yahoo messanger [13:14] any help please , thank you [13:15] how can i arrange icons on desktop in ubuntu? [13:15] http://tinyurl.com/pidgin-yahoo ubuntunewbie [13:16] oh i got it === T-virs is now known as T-virus [13:16] clean up by name thingie [13:16] i can go to google.com and search for something using site: operand, is there any firefox search addon, that would insert site: automatically into query? [13:16] a program i'm compiling tells me im missing the ogg vorbis dependency; doesn't that come included in ubuntu' [13:16] ? [13:17] cl0vvn: what are you complinig? [13:17] * jrib fixes fingers [13:17] warzone 2100 [13:17] !info warzone2100 | cl0vvn [13:17] cl0vvn: warzone2100 (source: warzone2100): 3D real time strategy game. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-1 (jaunty), package size 978 kB, installed size 2556 kB [13:17] cl0vvn: usually, the "development" part of a library is in a separate package ending with -dev [13:17] janisozaur: Yes there is. Go into the search line of google.com for example, '?right click' set keyword.' [13:17] cl0vvn: no need to compile, use APT [13:18] oh [13:18] wow. [13:18] thanks [13:18] hi all [13:18] janisozaur: I use the keyword goo for google for example. For a google search I do l goo wifi jaunty for example === andree is now known as Guest53086 [13:19] ok having a little problem with setting up a samba share on my ubuntu box, well I can access it ok, just having problems with adding a secondary account to access the same external HDD [13:20] minimec, thats nice, but i can't think of a way this could insert site: into the query without me entering it by hand [13:20] the account is setup but it can not access the external drive like my account can [13:20] and I am not 100% sure why [13:20] minimec, like i'm browsing ubuntu.com, type "something" in search box and it would go to google with the query: "something site:ubuntu.com" [13:21] * Unicron2 scratches head [13:21] janisozaur, thats a great idea, and I know theres firefox internal variables that will have the domain of the current URL sorted out for you... I just don't know where it's been done [13:22] so is there any smb gurus out there? [13:22] janisozaur: So you would like to search ubuntu.com for the keyword 'something'? [13:22] minimec, that was just an example, but yes [13:23] minimec, http://www.google.com/support/websearch/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=136861 [13:23] qe2eqe, you mean about:config ? [13:24] janisozaur: You can add a keyword for all searches you want. So if ubuntu.com had a 'search engine' (it has), you could give that the 'ubu' keyword and do a 'ubu something' search. [13:24] janisozaur: That's the best option I can give you. [13:24] anyone know a really simple open source java music player? [13:24] minimec, i want to use it for sites that do not have search engines, thats the point [13:24] stupid question alert: Exim4 and Postfix are both MTA's right? So in this tutorial... it says pick an MTA if I have postfix setup, I can just use it? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mailman [13:24] !give me a test [13:24] Oh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users! [13:24] * joejc gives me a rugby ball [13:25] joejc, disable that script [13:25] how? [13:25] sorry to ask about the smb stuff guys, just really lost and have followed all I can on the forums === andree is now known as Guest35333 [13:25] hi, i'm using opera on hardy, once in a while it gets stuck and then i can't kill it. that is i can xkill it but i still see with top. if i kill or sudo kill the pid, opera is still there, is there a better way to kill a process? [13:25] heu bonjour je suis nouveau est -ce que il y a quelqun de français ? [13:25] janisozaur: I see what you mean. So what's the problem of typing l iraq site:cnn.com [13:25] !fr | gami [13:25] gami: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [13:25] itai_michaelson: kill -9 the pid. [13:25] gami, #ubuntu-fr pour francais [13:25] how would I do that site thing, say I wanted to search ebay for couch, would I just type in site: www.ebay.com couch? [13:26] grawity, thank, will try [13:26] merci [13:26] itai_michaelson: -9 (SIGKILL) should kill pretty much anything. [13:26] oh I had it backwards [13:26] grawity, thank you ,it worked, i learned something today! [13:26] nyaa: site:www.ebay.com couch -- the ordere doesn't matter, just don't put a space after the : [13:27] *order [13:27] aah [13:27] * Unicron2 taps [13:27] janisozaur, you can embed javascript in the bookmark keywords. You can use that to grab your domain name. [13:27] itai_michaelson: next lesson is pkill (pkill -9 opera) :) [13:27] minimec, it's at least 13 letters to type more for that short an url [13:27] janisozaur, barring any pitfalls of course [13:28] grawity, what the difference between kill and pkill? [13:28] qe2eqe, i guess that would require me to click something more? [13:28] itai_michaelson: kill takes a pid, pkill takes the process name. Try with "pgrep opera" [13:28] !mozilla [13:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about mozilla [13:28] !firefox [13:28] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.5 [13:28] !psubuntu [13:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about psubuntu [13:28] grawity, thanks [13:28] is there any firefox-specific channel? [13:29] anyone? [13:29] janisozaur, No... go here http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/firefox/kws.htm -- and look at the linked: bookmark. You can use a similar function with some parsing to get the domain out of the current URL [13:29] javascript:(function() { location = "http://www.google.com/search?q=" + escape("site:" + location.host + " " + prompt("Enter your search query:")); })(); [13:29] Here's one. [13:29] ?? [13:30] Unicron2: whats up? [13:30] janisozaur, great scott! Exactly what you want is spelled out in detail on that page! [13:30] hello [13:31] janisozaur, http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/firefox/kws.htm#gsite --- case closed. [13:31] qe2eqe, great, i'll check it out [13:31] qe2eqe, thank you very much [13:31] i speak french not english but tenkiou for ubuntu frensh [13:32] disco_stu: pong [13:32] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=343113 m_101 [13:32] !fr | gami [13:32] gami: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [13:32] hey, can anyone tell me the easiest way to download the source of a particular package? [13:32] confusedBob: website? If you want binarys sudo apt-get install packagename [13:33] grawity, it's really useful if you type the nickname of the person you talk to, as i just simply ignore the messages that don't highlight [13:33] coleys, is there a way i can just download the source, rather than the binary using apt? [13:33] coleys, well, by law if ubuntu provides the binaries they have to provide the source, so there wouldn't be a need for third party [13:33] confusedBob: Go to the website, of said application, and grab the source. [13:33] confusedBob, sudo apt-get source xxxxx [13:33] works =) [13:34] thanks kaini [13:34] janisozaur: yeah, I know that :/ [13:34] thx bazhang but already found that and it isn't the best way to do it ...... why removing it when you can install a base system by default? [13:34] kboot : cli [13:34] :) [13:34] janisozaur: Again I see what you mean. All I can say is, that the firefox keyword feature is one of the most important for me and I see not a hugh difference in searching for 'iraq sites: cnn.com' and 'cnn iraq', using the keyword feature in combination with the cnn search engine. If thete is no search engine, indeed you would have to 'iraq sites:somepage.net [13:34] i assumed there must be a way to do it via apt. [13:34] hi [13:34] m_101, no idea, as don't have it; best is to wait for an answer from those that do (the channel I referenced before) [13:34] are the ext4 bugs fixed in ubuntu jaunty? [13:35] :) yup, i had an answer bazhang, thanx for your consideration anyway :) [13:35] it's installing the minimal thing, now I'll have to look as how to configure wifi in console [13:35] dduck: I'd suggest you stick with ext3 =) [13:35] minimec, there is a difference between "PSHUFD" and "PSHUFD site:http://www.ews.uiuc.edu/~cjiang/reference/" [13:35] which here can be explained? :) [13:35] coleys: why? [13:36] Can u help me connecting to my hidden wpa secured wlan? Wext is crashing and atmel doesnt connect. Im using acx drivers with xubuntu 2.62.8-13 [13:37] ActionParsnip: downgrading did not work, tuxracer 800x600 is about 2,5 fps :S [13:37] my computer is http://www.intel.com/products/desktop/motherboards/D945GCLF2-D945GCLF2D/D945GCLF2-D945GCLF2D-overview.htm having the 'INTEL GMA' issue. what is the best method to resolve performace/freeze? (jaunty) [13:37] dORSY: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:38] is ext4 still a danger with electrical cuts? [13:38] moymoy... are you there??? [13:39] I have a script that I'm running from /etc/network/if-up.d/ that starts a few programs. It starts all but one. I have the display exported and I'm running the programs as my user. anyone have any ideas? [13:40] hi [13:40] Hi everyone - I need help with the radeon-driver and a white-screen-of-death. [13:40] dduck: I think they patched the jaunty kernel to get rid of that problem. That's Also the reason why they deactivated the backspace command. So they shouldn't be a major problem. [13:41] icebaer: ati is evil. Control + alt + f1 [13:41] I was able to circumvent it by uninstalling libgl1-mesa-dri, but now no theme will work correctly. [13:41] coleys: no shit, but unfortunatly I have to live with it for now. ;) [13:41] dduck: I am on ext4 on a productive system. [13:41] How do I start metacity? [13:41] icebaer, no cursing please [13:41] icebaer: =) Feel for ya man =) [13:42] uqs, from compiz? [13:42] everything worked fine, even with the fglrx-driver. But since I deactivated it, I can't get the radeon to work properly as it did before fglrx [13:42] bazhang, I'm a novice, please elaborate :9 === CyberNeT is now known as CyberCen [13:42] bazhang: sorry, I'll behave. [13:42] uqs, you are using gnome? with compiz (3D effects enabled)? [13:42] I'm even unable to run the server with the vesa-driver. [13:43] icebaer: You could try a fresh install, always a safe way =P (Just backup your data) === chaky__ is now known as chaky [13:43] bazhang, yes I am. Currently Emerald is on though [13:43] uqs, if so then alt f2 metacity --replace [13:43] coleys: not that easy with FDE and dualboot with truecrypt - that would take me about a day. [13:43] bazhang, there we go! [13:43] bazhang, thank you :) [13:44] icebaer: ahh different circumstance =) hmm.. I don't know what to say for your situation. D= [13:44] coleys: thanks anyway. ;) [13:44] anyone else with a hint where to debug the problem? [13:44] bazhang, one mroe thing, is metacity on by default or do I need to add it to startup apps? [13:45] Is there another wpa-suplicant working with an pcmcia card then atmel or wext? [13:45] How well does wpa2 plays with Ubuntu? [13:45] amuridi: got it running without problems so far [13:45] amuridi: wfm [13:45] amuridi, with the backport modules very well [13:45] wfm? [13:46] icebaer: / kaini I see, thanks! [13:46] amuridi: works for me [13:46] jrib: thanks [13:46] amuridi: your welcome [13:46] amuridi: you're welcome (bit rusty with english ;) ) [13:46] does it work with wpa2 by default, or do you have to use wpa_supplicant ? [13:47] amuridi: wfm by default [13:47] amuridi: it should work right out of the box, AFAIK [13:47] amuridi: (you should just try) [13:47] and with wpa psk? How can i connect when wext crashes and atmel doesnt connect? [13:48] I'm trying to use wpa2 under ubuntu (friends-box) .. edited /etc/network/interfaces and added wireless-key KEY_HERE , saved it, restarted the wlan0 interface, and keep getting no dhcpoffer received. [13:49] amuridi: why aren't you just using network manager? [13:49] cause I'm doing it through ssh. [13:49] amuridi: you can forward the x-server to your box [13:49] amuridi: why can't your friend just use network manager? [13:49] amuridi: probably easier than with ssh [13:50] amuridi: and your settings might be overriden by network-manager anyways. [13:50] I'm more of a cli guy, and he's currently afk. [13:51] amuridi: you want to use network manager [13:51] It's going to be the same thing thou. [13:51] amuridi: no it's not, network manager knows about all the kludge that needs to happen for different cards [13:51] amuridi: well, is his box GUI-less or not? [13:52] amuridi: Use wicd =) [13:52] jrib: but the machine has a single card :) === sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick [13:52] amuridi: I gave up on wpa2 on my laptop manually after messing with it for a few minutes, because it doesn't "just work" like it does with network manager [13:52] icebaer: gnome. [13:52] amuridi: so? [13:52] amuridi: Ethernet or wifi? [13:53] I changed ACPI setting from S3 to S1 in BIOS and now rtcwake suspend my computer. The problem is that the desktop still stay on. When I used the S3 setting everything suspended but then I couldn't get the desktop back. Why is suspend only working when I use S1 not S3? [13:53] amuridi: Then you should try to use the network-manager through the gui then. I believe that your cli-settings will be overriden by it anyways. [13:53] amuridi: just forward the x-session to your box through ssh. [13:55] hi, my laptop can't boot from cd after some kernel update. does anyone have a solution for this one? [13:55] icebaer: thanks. [13:55] Hi [13:55] amuridi: your welcome [13:55] i can not even enter bios [13:55] coleys: wifi, and I'm well-aware of wicd. :) [13:55] gokhan: that has nothing to do with a kernel-update [13:56] icebaer: what tool do you use for that? .. xstart? [13:56] Can somebody help with recovering GRUB after Windows 7 install? grub-install says "the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly" and I've no idea what to do about it :/ [13:56] amuridi: startx, but you'll have to set some settings first, since the forwarding will be disabled by default. [13:56] amuridi: you'll have to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config first [13:56] icebaer: i know, but i think kernel update couse that problem [13:57] rapha: you'll need a livecd for that - got one nearby? [13:57] gokhan: The Bios is loaded before any kernel interaction. You should always be able to access the bios. [13:57] rapha, : boot on live cd, then mount your drive [13:57] gokhan: I couldn't see how. what have you tried to boot from cd? [13:57] icebaer: i'm booted from the livecd and chroot'ed into the installed ubuntu [13:57] and : [13:57] grub-install /dev/drive [13:57] rapha: did you mount the boot-partition and /dev, /proc and /sys correctly? [13:57] m_101: that [13:58] m_101: that's what gives me "the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly" [13:58] icebaer: i tried to boot ubuntu live cd [13:58] icebaer: /dev yes, proc and sys not - lemme try that [13:58] anyone know how i can change gnome fonts via the command line? [13:58] i have a dual boot system and i use a usb keyboard and mouse but i need to plug in a ps2 keyboard to select the os's in the boot menu any solution to this minor problem? [13:58] gokhan: does your bios give you specific keys (usually F2 or F12 or TAB) to choose the boot-device? === josh` is now known as josh| [13:59] icebaer: even with /proc and /sys mounted it still gives "the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly" [13:59] yea [13:59] FatsoJetson{eire: there sometimes are options for that int he BIOS-settings (under USB-Keyboard and -Mouse) [13:59] icebaer: yes, normally i boot like that. but after that update these keys do not work [13:59] FatsoJetson{eire, most BIOS have an option to emulate them [13:59] rapha: is the /bios mounted correctly? [13:59] tis the fact it wont recognise the usb [13:59] gokhan: are you on a laptop or desktop? [13:59] icebaer: laptop [13:59] desktop [13:59] srry [14:00] Anyone knows how to disable servermessages (joins, leaves) in IRSSI? [14:00] ok rapha ... then no idea [14:00] !quietirssi | icebaer [14:00] icebaer: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi: /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS [14:00] What is the best way to find out the time of last shutdown? [14:00] nice bot! *pats* [14:00] mobi-sheep: syslog [14:00] icebaer: i dont have a /bios entry in neither, live nor installed system [14:00] rapha: do you have an own boot-partition? [14:01] Pici: thanks for that tip! [14:01] icebaer: NICKS is an addtional option, google irssi levels for a full list [14:01] icebaer: oh that you mean ... got confused as you said /bios, not /boot. No, no separate /boot part. [14:01] mobi-sheep: last may show it as well, check the manpage for details [14:01] kbrosnan: thx [14:01] FatsoJetson{eire: I had that problem once too. The solution for me was simple. I had a 2nd pci USB card inserted in the computer. That didn't work. I had to use the USB ports of the motherboard and even then not all of the ports were working. The front ports of the desktop were not working. [14:02] is there a program named avant arriere windows?? [14:02] rapha: ah, sorry. well, you still need /proc, /sys and /dev mounted into the chrooted environment before chrooting. You did that? [14:02] Pici, icebaer: I'm reading syslog at the moment. Will notify you if I find it. [14:02] Anyone knows why rtcwake work when I set ACPI to S1 in BIOS but not when I use the S3 option in BIOS? Why does rtcwake -s 120 work using ACPI S1 but not ACPI S3? [14:02] Can someone help me to fix my repositories list? I'm getting this error: Could not download all repository indexes === klown is now known as kLown [14:02] icebaer: yes, i did that [14:02] i think i have a problem with bios. if i update it, i will solve my problem. but i can not update it from linux [14:03] rapha: is there a stage1 under /boot/grub ? [14:03] AceKing, what version of Ubuntu [14:03] moreover i can not boot my laptop from cd or usb because of that problem [14:03] bazhang: 9.04 [14:03] minimec thanks man but the problem isnt the ports its the fact it wont recognise the usb keyboard in the os selection menu [14:03] icebaer: yes, 512 bytes in size and seemingly of binary content [14:03] AceKing, please paste.ubuntu.com with sources.list (NOT here) [14:04] I'm having an issue trying to mount a WD netcenter harddrive on ubuntu jaunty. I keep getting the error mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting [14:04] Anyone got an advice/prediction for me? I re-installed and started Compiz while running Moovida, which doesn't play well together. To get out of Moovida after Compiz started, I tried restarting the X-server, both old and new way, and tried Ctrl+Alt+Del (Windows). Somehow, I hibernated the machine. Pushed Reset-button on the machine, then it said "Waking up Ubuntu". For the past 14 hours the screen's been garbled and an external disk's been working. [14:04] on peut utiliser le français?? [14:04] Does anyone know/think/predict that my system may be gone now? That I have lost 1600 movies and about a year's worth of fine-tuning? Or could I possibly just turn off the power and be up and running again? [14:04] FatsoJetson{eire, theres bios settings, more often than not, called 'support legacy usb' or 'legacy usb keyboard' or somesuch [14:04] gokhan: depending on the age of your motherboard, there might be linux-tools to upgrade the bios. you should hav a look on the url of the vendor. [14:04] bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216913/ [14:04] nfs is enabled on the drive, and I've attempted to restart nfs-kernel-server/nfs-common, and portmap [14:05] rapha: that can't be right... did you try to dpkg-reconfigure grub? [14:05] OttifantSir, define disk working -- clicking or spinning? [14:05] FatsoJetson{eire: exactly. After boot it recognizes it, because 'HAL'and the 'xserver' is loaded! When grub starts, there is no xserver. I recommend to check all your USB ports. [14:05] qe2eqe thanks i thought so dude i have a bios password i didnt put there so now i have to find away around it === niki77 is now known as nikola77 [14:05] cheers [14:05] FatsoJetson{eire, wait [14:06] fatface, you can get out of bios password easy as heck. [14:06] FatsoJetson{eire, ^^ line above [14:06] qe2ege: It's a WD MyBook Essential, with a green circle that blinks when it's accessed. And it's been blinking like that for the past 14 hours. [14:06] AceKing, try commenting out ( # in front ) of the 2nd line and updating [14:06] rapha: /me might crash, brb in a sec then [14:07] qe2ege: I thought it might be checking the drive, but it usually doesn't take 14 hours to do that, so.... I'm hoping I'm not s**t out of luck here. [14:07] icebaer: rgr [14:07] bazhang: Ok, thanks, I'll give it a shot and let you know [14:07] OttifantSir, plesae no cursing [14:07] FatsoJetson{eire, read your motherboards manual for where and how to do the clear cmos jumper. (clr_cmos might be silkscreened onto the board, and all you do is move the jumper for about one second and then move it back, making sure everything's unplugged.) [14:08] FatsoJetson{eire, anyway, read your motherboard manual if you can, makes that operation super easy/smooth [14:08] bazhang: Sorry, I didn't think it would be considered as such when masking it. I'll take the advice to heart in the future. [14:08] bazhang: just to make sure, in front of this? #Added by software-properties [14:08] FatsoJetson{eire, supposing there isn't one, you can just leave battery out for an hour [14:09] AceKing, the 2nd line, in front of the beginnning [14:09] qe2eqe dude im just gonna remove the battery for about 30 secs [14:09] lol [14:09] jumpers [14:09] FatsoJetson{eire, =) Well I heart jumpers [14:09] i'll check it out anyway [14:09] cheers [14:10] !give me a test [14:10] Oh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users! [14:10] FatsoJetson{eire, though you can blow your chip doing jumper wrong, i don't know how bad you can screw up a battery in and out deal [14:10] this radeon-problem is really unnerving.. :/ [14:10] not very much screwing up to be done lol [14:10] qe2eqe: It's a WD MyBook Essential, with a green circle that blinks when it's accessed. And it's been blinking like that for the past 14 hours. I thought it might be checking the drive, but that usually doesn't take 14 hours, so.... I'm just hoping my system isn't "fried" right now... [14:11] bazhang: forgive me for not understanding.. Do you want me to ADD a # in the beginning of line 2? [14:11] I'm having an issue trying to mount a WD netcenter harddrive on ubuntu jaunty. I keep getting the error mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting [14:11] nfs is enabled on the drive, and I've attempted to restart nfs-kernel-server/nfs-common, and portmap [14:11] Hi, I managed to persuade my gandpa to use Ubuntu, and he is definitely not disappointed, despite the fact that he has to reconnect to his wlan access point after some time, as the network doesnt react anymore then. IP address is set, and the wlan if says its connected, but in fact one cannot ping anything. Driver: NDISWrapper, Device: AVM Fritz [14:12] AceKing, right; that is called 'commenting out' be sure to save, close and sudo apt-get update afterwards === slaytani2 is now known as slaytanic [14:12] OttifantSir, I bet you subtracted from the devices lifespan a bit. I've had behavior like that and survived, have you tried trying it? [14:12] anyone know a program to burn cd for DVD player? [14:12] rex__: clarify that a bit more? [14:12] rex__, brasero, gnomebaker amongst others [14:12] bazhang: Thank you for explaining. I am still new to this. [14:13] I noormal burn DVD video for dvd players... [14:13] babamelone, are you using encryption? [14:13] aaaaaah [14:13] qe2eqe: nope, normal wep [14:13] need help, where i can download "USB startup disk creator" for linux 8.04? [14:13] rex__, if you refer to burning avi to dvd for external use, then devede [14:13] qe2eqe: Just trying to shut off the power and restart? No, because I though Ubuntu was checking the drives, and I don't wanna interrupt that process, but I'm getting close to doing that now, as it has been 14 hours on the same drive. So, no hint on whether or not I fried the system? [14:13] icebaer: m_101: windows installation moved the ubuntu part from sda1 to sda3 but /etc/mtab still had sda1 [14:13] the grub install during my ubuntu netinstall failed, i am unable to boot into it. i have vista and centos running fine. what's the fastest way to reinstall grub into the mbr and have it recognise vista, ubuntu and centos? [14:14] anyone knows where gnome saves the applications to start, if you activate the "remember started applications on exit"-option in the sessions-menu? [14:14] bazhang ,. devede is the name of program ? === ReX_ is now known as ReX0r [14:14] gemilang: if you cant find it.. you could always use 'unetbootin' it does basically the same thing. or the docs/guides at pendrivelinux.org walk you throgh doing it also. [14:14] rapha: well, that doesn't explain why there's binary data in /boot [14:14] btw, I was looking for something different than vlc or totem to play DVD files in one fell swoop [14:14] without doing it file by file [14:14] ok, nice rapha that you solved you problem :) [14:14] .vob and such [14:14] rex__, for that purpose (external dvd use) yes [14:15] ReX0r: DeVeDe - converrts video files and can gernate a dvd iso image you then burn. [14:15] rapha: or was that really the problem? [14:15] ReX0r: its a little basic in ways.. but it does a good job. [14:15] @Dr_willis, unetbootin to long for made it [14:15] thanks === false_ is now known as false [14:15] bazhang: I did that and saved.. went into Synaptic Package Manager and hit reload and still got errors. I pasted the errors I got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216926/ [14:15] gemilang: Huh? [14:16] qe2eqe: I have that problem with a siemens wifi usb stick. Check the dmesg after the connection breaks. You will have some error messages. [14:16] ReXor: VLC can play .vob-files like they were a DVD, with menus and such. As long as the files are in a VIDEO_TS-folder, you just choose open DVD, then point it to the folder that has the VIDEO_TS-folder in it. === rex__ is now known as reginaldo [14:16] qe2eqe: my encryption is woa [14:16] AceKing, seems you may have an old sources.list.d with feisty on it [14:16] still no idea why x2x stops working after a random amount of time. and synergy doesn't work at all, for all it's supposed to be better. [14:16] qe2eqe: wpa [14:16] wont even switch monitors at all like x2x does [14:16] bazhang: is there a way to fix that? [14:17] hello! i need some help with pidgin. I can receive files, but i can't send. Firewall is stoped [14:17] minimec: what does dmesg tell you? [14:17] !wireless | minimec [14:17] minimec: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [14:17] hej hej [14:17] !pidgin [14:17] ;] [14:17] The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete [14:18] icebaer: /boot/grub/stage1 being a binary file is alright. that was never the problem. the problem was only that /etc/mtab wasn't up-to-date after windows had moved the ubuntu partition [14:18] AceKing, cd into the directory and take a look [14:18] if I start my gnome with radeon and uninstalled libgl1-mesa-dri, I have no menubar above the windows. Anyone an idea how to fix that? [14:18] babamelone: I am not on this computer now, but the error messages come from the driver. That driver doesn't seem to be a 100% stable until now. [14:18] i made a script to run the steam client in wine, and it's not doing what i want it to. it executes the command 'pasuspender wine /home/admin/.wine/drive_c/steam.exe' just fine, but i'd like to redirect the error messages into a log file ie '&> /home/admin/game.logs/steam.log', but the messages come up in terminal still, what'd i miss? [14:18] minimec, open a console, type msg. Post the results at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ [14:18] ubottu: PING (Pidgin Is Not Gaim) [14:18] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:18] bazhang: I'm still a little new.. How do I do that? [14:18] rapha: aaah, okay, misunderstood you there. :) [14:19] demona, please /msg ubottu (ie NOT here) [14:19] Xubuntnoob: pastebin your script [14:19] icebaer: no prob - thanks for your help! [14:19] AceKing, cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d then ls and take a look [14:19] pastebin.com? [14:19] Xubuntnoob: sure [14:20] OttifantSir, I don't think your system is fried... I don't think it's healthy to leave it on. You may risk damaging one file if you turn it off, but you got a basket of eggs to think about =) [14:20] rapha: you're welcome [14:20] bazhang: never mind, not helping anyway [14:20] qe2eqe: I am not on that computer now, and I am a longtime debian/ubuntu user. This stick has always been a problem for stability. But it is bettig better. I powered up the antenna on my router. [14:20] I'm having an issue trying to mount a WD netcenter harddrive on ubuntu jaunty. I keep getting the error mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting [14:20] im looking polish channel [14:20] any advice [14:21] bye! [14:21] http://pastebin.com/dad9efbd [14:21] what is the location of java6 JDK installation? when installed through synaptic? [14:21] Roland: which [14:21] ritter_, #ubuntu-pl [14:22] THX ;) [14:22] hi all [14:22] mobi-sheep, sun-java6-jdk [14:22] Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I'm having a little bit of trouble using FOG(Free Open Ghost) on the latest stable Ubuntu. I have it working to the point it PXE boots the clients and the fog web UI works but when I boot a client to upload an image from it I get an error saying "Rename failed." and "unable to move /images/dev/{MAC ADDRESS} to /images/{ImageName}" [14:22] I have a screen resolution problem. I can run nvidia, set resolution to 1280x960, save config file, everything is fine. When I reboot, the login screen comes up in 1280x960, I login in, and then the resolution goes back to 640x480. Here are the last two lines of /var/log/Xorg.0.log:(II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "640x480" [14:22] (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "CRT-0:1280x960_60@1280x960+0+0" [14:22] Alright, my laptop isnt finding any wireless networks, namely my own, while booted to linux. [14:22] Roland: Run "which sun-java6-jdk" in the terminal. [14:23] qe2eqe: Okay, here goes nothing.... Rebooting it now..... [14:23] bazhang: I did that and this is what is said: iplist.list iplist.list.save [14:23] minimec, babamelone , my only idea on the topic is to see how stable it is without encryption, because I imagine hardware crypto is one of the stability issues you can circumvent. Anyways, if it works unencrypted, use a VPN to get around things, if you can. [14:23] mobi-sheep, nothing shows up [14:23] OttifantSir, Just a reminder, NotReponsible(tm). [14:23] AceKing, those are files? take a look inside them [14:23] where to post screenshots for the channel? [14:24] !imagebin [14:24] Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it. [14:24] icebaer, ^^ [14:24] thx, bazhang [14:24] mobi-sheep, and sun-java6-jdk isn't a command [14:24] Roland: which java6-sdk -- might do it. [14:24] bazhang: I know I sound stupid, but do I go to the folder and open it? [14:24] <[Lemmy]> anyone here got a moment for a poor ubuntu newbie? [14:25] qe2eqe: Good guess. Maybe I try that once. I will do a WEP encryption too once, just to see if it influences stability. [14:25] qe2eqe: I know. Noone is responsibe for a botched job on my computers, and I wasn't asking anyone to become it. I just wanted some reassurance if at all possible. System is up again, and it seems fine. No errors. Thanks for answering me though. [14:25] [Lemmy], ask the channel, all on one line [14:25] OttifantSir, I've had that happen internal and external, and I know my external is especially prone to bug up sometimes, and only some of those times the disk is spinning, but it is, and a power cycle fixes it. [14:25] Nevermind on that. [14:25] <[Lemmy]> how/where do i configure different locale for different users in ubuntu? [14:26] Think I got the problem - no windowmanager active. duh... [14:26] OttifantSir, replace 'spinning' with 'moving heads' and that's a better statement [14:26] [Lemmy], system administration language support ? [14:26] I can't use compiz due to the problems with opengl and metacity is installed - how to activate the latter? [14:26] mobi-sheep, nothing [14:27] alt f2 metacity --replace [14:27] <[Lemmy]> bazhang, tried that, and that doesnt "do it" on the ubuntu variant i'm using :/ [14:27] [Lemmy]: at the login screen, clikc on "options" [14:27] [Lemmy], what variant [14:27] <[Lemmy]> its easypeasy (8.04-based) on an asus eeePC 701 [14:27] Roland: You did install it? [14:27] minimec, babamelone, I also resolved wifi stability issues by replacing the firmware on my router, though that can be a risky procedure. [14:27] <[Lemmy]> i can only set one global locale for the whole system, but i want german locale for my useraccount and canadian english for my wife [14:28] [Lemmy], no idea about ubuntu-based; please seek help on their channel and/or forums [14:28] <[Lemmy]> i guess i'll set global to english and put LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 in my .bashrc [14:28] qe2eqe: I never had this problem fortunatly. [14:28] [Lemmy]: at the login screen, clikc on "options" [14:28] mobi-sheep, synaptic says: installed version blablabla [14:28] bazhang: when I typed, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , and then typed ls it just said, iplist.list iplist.list.save, nothing opened [14:29] <[Lemmy]> bazhang, i've been trying that for almost a week, and i doubt that "... has left the channel: ping timeout" is of any help ;) [14:29] does anybody know where gimptool has gone? [14:29] AceKing, those are files or directories [14:29] Roland: Well, do you know what command you want to find the path for? sudo aptitude show sun-java6-jdk will list those packages. [14:29] Roland: Err, sudo isn't necessary. [14:29] in gimp 2.6 apparently gimptool is no longer available. [14:29] qe2eqe: my pc can perfectly connect to the ap [14:29] [Lemmy]: bashrc wouldn't work anyway for the desktop environment [14:30] only the ndis wrapped interface of my grandpa's notebook doesnt [14:30] icebaer: Do you need a compositing manager? If so, MetaCity has an experimental setting for it: gconf-editor -> apps -> metacity -> general -> compositing_manager -> check the box. Or download the unsupported Ubuntu Tweak from www.getdeb.net and find it in Desktop -> Windows -> Enable Metacity's Compositing Feature. Disregard this, if it isn't what you need. [14:30] [Lemmy]: You should be able too add languages in the system menu. Then on the login screen each user can choose his language end even his window manager. I see no reason why that shouldn't work. [14:30] fredl: refresh our memories.. whats gimptool? [14:30] babamelone, via wifi? [14:30] after booting the device isnt connected, than i reconnect and internet works [14:30] <[Lemmy]> jrib, you think? i'd say LANG="en_US" should switch ANYTHING to english [14:30] after some time the connection is broken again [14:30] yeah, wifi [14:30] Dr_Willis, it's a tool that lets you install script-fu plugins in gimp see http://www.lefinnois.net/aquabouEN.php on how to use it [14:30] ndiswrapper [14:30] OttifantSir: Thanks for the comment, I'll try it [14:30] [Lemmy]: nope, but you can try my earlier suggestion... [14:30] babamelone, ah, well lord knows, I'm assuming you've tried the not-ndis-wrapped route [14:31] strange about all this is, that the driver always announces to be connected and the if always has an ip [14:31] <[Lemmy]> minimec, thats the problem, choosing a language on the login screen switches the _global_ locale on that system... so it'd be a constant back and forth between locales [14:31] Sorry to butt in. Anyone have any ideas on my screen resolution problem? [14:31] whats the not-ndis-wrapped route [14:31] [Lemmy]: it should not switch global locale, it should set it in the user's ~/.dmrc [14:31] mobi-sheep, aptitude... gives a list of programs and 'which doesn't locate it [14:32] what's the command to list all the usb ports? [14:32] * [Lemmy] shrugs [14:32] <[Lemmy]> easypeasy is ... cute, but strange [14:32] I remember it starts with l or f. [14:32] AceKing, what does cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d iplist.list show [14:32] SingAlong, lsusb [14:32] !find gimptool [14:32] File gimptool found in gimp-dbg, libgimp2.0-dev, libgimp2.0-doc [14:32] qe2eqe: what d'you mean by the not-ndis-wrapped route [14:32] bazhang: oh ya right! thanks! I forgot that [14:33] OttifantSir: I activated it, but I still have no header above the windows. :/ [14:33] bazhang: Ok, I went in and opened that file in "Text editor" http://paste.ubuntu.com/216936/ [14:33] [Lemmy]: Never happed to me. When I do this in gdm, gdm asks me to reload the gdm-manager in the choosen language. There i normally say no. My changes only count for the user I am logging in with. [14:33] !java | Roland mobi-sheep [14:33] Roland mobi-sheep: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [14:33] part === Vobine is now known as Psychoholic [14:33] babamelone, well, ndiswrapper is for using windows inf to drive the wifi. Often, there's a native linux module for you wifi card. [14:34] <[Lemmy]> minimec, that works that way on easypeasy as well... but what i want is a way to set the locale once per user, then never having to bother again [14:34] fredl: a quick google says --> it can be obtained installing libgimp2.0-dev, via apt-get or Synaptic. [14:34] AceKing, that was iplist.list or iplist.list.save [14:34] qe2eqe: no, there is no native driver. [14:34] icebaer: Header? You mean title-bar on the windows? [14:34] Dr_Willis, Hmmm, googling more and more becomes an art in itself I guess :) thanks [14:34] bazhang: iplist.list.save [14:35] [Lemmy]: what does your ~/.dmrc look like for the user you changed the language for? [14:35] I'm having an issue trying to mount a WD netcenter harddrive on ubuntu jaunty. I keep getting the error mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting [14:35] fredl: 3rd hit on 'gimptool ubuntu' :) [14:35] AceKing, what about iplist.list [14:35] Roland: /usr/lib/jvm/java-Something. [14:35] fredl: and that !find gimptool said the same package name :0 [14:35] Roland: Check it and see if you find something. [14:35] !find gimptool [14:35] File gimptool found in gimp-dbg, libgimp2.0-dev, libgimp2.0-doc [14:35] babamelone, I'd say test it non encrypted, if that's gravy, do a workaround with that. If not, try searching apt for wifi tools that might be appropriate for testing real connectivity and doing something about it, or maybe a script to restart it when a ping that goes out every 15 seconds fails [14:35] OttifantSir: yeah [14:35] bazhang: I just connected an IC via a port and while coding the program for it I need to specify the port for it. I did lsusb and I found this "Bus 006 Device 002: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC" [14:35] [Lemmy]: ok. When I am doing that for a user the first time, it asks me if I want to make the change permanent. Try to switch language for your wife once to german, and then to the other language again. It should ask you that 'permanent' question. [14:36] Now how do I specicy the port path while connecting? [14:36] <[Lemmy]> jrib, i dont have any idea right now, i'm about one hour drive from the netbook in question... and it is switched off... and i didnt get around to enabling sshd on it yet ;) [14:36] *specify [14:36] <[Lemmy]> minimec, i'll try that [14:36] bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216938/ [14:36] babamelone, are you sure? Lots of cards share chips, and are rebrands of other cards... [14:36] there actually is a driver, but only for older kernel versions [14:36] its really strange, everything seems to work fine, despite this connection losses [14:36] if its really connection losses, actually i just cannot ping anything anymore, the device is connected and theres an ip [14:37] i am 100 % sure [14:37] really [14:37] babamelone, My router needs a 2.4 kernel to work =) and it works. [14:37] do I specify /dev/tty6 ? [14:37] AceKing, anything else in /etc/apt/ ? its weird that feisty would show up as its not in any of those [14:37] theres an ubuntu wiki page for this specific if, and it says i have to use ndiswrapper [14:38] babamelone, well, I give up. Make sure you have the right version of the inf is my last idea. [14:38] bazhang: there is one that says "sources.list.backup" [14:38] AceKing, pastebin it please [14:38] babamelone: I had a hard time getting wifi working on my Acer 5020 laptop (I think i still remember the model number) [14:38] qe2eqe: Mine too ;) Mine is an ASUS ;) It would even run on a 2.6 if Broadcom would release the driver source... :( [14:39] babamelone: that was only because the acer guys had used an obselete wifi chip on that laptop. otherwise I've had no problems with wifi on other laptops. [14:39] bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/216939/ [14:40] hello [14:43] Is there anywhere to find the Intrepid liveCDs currently? (DVDs are on ubuntu's servers but not CDs) [14:43] AceKing, how did you get those #added by software properties? I am stumped where the feisty repos are being referenced === Floops[w]1 is now known as Floops[w] === slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic [14:43] arand: cdimages.ubuntu.com should have them [14:43] what recording app will have the bigger chances of recording a dvd(Rw) of satux .. with performance? [14:44] with reliability [14:44] do dvd(Rw) stay ok.. and work ?:S [14:44] arand: or releases.ubuntu.com [14:44] jrib: like I said, I only saw the DVDs there. [14:44] bazhang: I don't know [14:44] arand: no, you didn't say where is "there" :) [14:44] Is anyone here good with network in Ubuntu? [14:44] I'm having an issue trying to mount a WD netcenter harddrive on ubuntu jaunty. I keep getting the error mount.nfs: access denied by server while trying to mount. Any ideas on how to fix this? === andrew_ is now known as Guest89806 [14:45] <_ruben> wbc & kLown : ask the ubuntu people :) [14:45] _ruben: This *is* the Ubuntu support channel [14:46] * _ruben kicks his irc client and hides in a corner [14:46] I had to reread the channel after that comment ;x [14:46] How may I setup a wireless device in infrastructure mode, and not ad-hoc [14:46] So it shows up as a normal infrastructure connection on other devices [14:46] jrib: ah, I took "ubuntu's servers" as implying that, as opposed to "ubuntu's homepage"... but anyways, so they're gone then? [14:47] arand: Try using http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#mirrors and selecting one of the download mirrors near to you [14:47] arand: ftp://mirror.switch.ch/mirror/ubuntu-cdimage/intrepid/ [14:47] arand: did you check the second link I gave you (they are there)? [14:47] jrib: um yes, stupid me nevermind... [14:48] Any good with wireless networking? [14:48] Anyone* [14:48] jrib: Why is cdimage and releases different and unlinked? hmm... [14:48] jrib, have you had a chance to peek at that script? [14:48] <[Lemmy]> is there a good place to read about packaging for debian based linux anywhere? [14:48] wbc, ask the channel, all on one line [14:48] Hi! [14:48] bazhang: Should I just backup my stuff and do a re-install? [14:48] <[Lemmy]> like "making .deb packages for rpm folks" or such [14:48] AceKing, that is too drastic === dipplum_ is now known as dipplum [14:49] [Lemmy]: Take a look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide [14:49] mobi-sheep, ok thnx located the correct folder... it wasn't marked as jdk/sdk or anything [14:49] <[Lemmy]> *click* === uqs is now known as UQs [14:50] Roland: Was it under /usr/lib/jvm/java-- * ? [14:50] AceKing, try commenting everything out (or deleting) the stuff in sources.list.d and .backup saving and running update again. if that does not work, then try removing the #added -etc from the sources.list and updating [14:50] I just reinstalled ubuntu (decided to change partitions layout) and I have a list of the packages installed before and after. How can I get a CLEAN (uncommented) difference between the two files, so I see clearly what I had added, edit this and give it back to dpkg for installation? Thanks! [14:50] mobi-sheep, the folder was called... /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun [14:51] AceKing, ie just the words #added by etc (not the whole line) [14:51] Roland: Ahh. Good. :o [14:51] bazhang: Ok, I will try that [14:51] I want to setup a wireless device in ad-hoc mode, but want other devices to see the wireless point an infrastructure device, and at the same time, bridge between the wired and wireless device [14:51] ackbahr: diff file1 file2 [14:52] AceKing, if none of that works then a plain vanilla sources.list (minus the PPA) and we'll try again; something this minor should never require a re-install [14:52] wbc, share the internet connection? load balance? something other? [14:53] bazhang: Ok, I appreciate your helping me [14:53] Hey all, I have a quick question. After I connected an external monitor to my MSI Wind for the first time, when I go back to normal, my display is still messed up. As in I know it's powerful, but I can't load any special effects, compiz manager doesn't change anything, and I can't add or remove desktops. Anyone know why that might be? [14:53] how long does it take for a cd to get to Australia? [14:53] Hello WOrld [14:53] :Pici: This is what I meant by CLEAN : with diff I get a list with lots of comments, plus I'd like to see only the additions in the previous install, not what is there now and wasn't before I reinstalled everything.... [14:53] CAZ_au, differs for different folks [14:54] Sl4ck: Hello lonely one [14:54] best to contact #ubuntu-au [14:54] * icebaer back [14:54] yes bazhang, that is what I want to do, but I do not want the wireless to show as ad-hoc to other devices, but as a normal infrastructural device, f.ex. the same way a router shows up to other wireless devices [14:54] ok, ive already tried kubuntu-au :P [14:55] exit [14:55] Does jaunty have some sort of firewall enabled by default? [14:55] GoodBye to all [14:55] Pici : This is what I meant by CLEAN : with diff I get a list with lots of comments, plus I'd like to see only the additions in the previous install, not what is there now and wasn't before I reinstalled everything.... === sivel_ is now known as sivel [14:55] okay, for the record: I mananged to get the fglrx-driver working again by uninstalling all xserver-xorg-video-*, installing fglrx again and running 'aticonfig --initial -f --adapter=all --tls=1'. [14:55] The configfile's a mess, but at least everythings working again now. [14:56] Hey all, I have a quick question. After I connected an external monitor to my MSI Wind for the first time, when I go back to normal, my display is still messed up. As in I know it's powerful, but I can't load any special effects, compiz manager doesn't change anything, and I can't add or remove desktops. Anyone know why that might be? [14:56] more information on http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu [14:56] ackbahr: Do none of the diff arguments do what you want to do? [14:56] I feel like Ubuntu broke down my settings to accomodate the external screen and doesn't know how to switch back [14:57] ackbahr: Also, if you specify extra packages to apt/dpkg that are already installed, its not going to complain [14:57] icebaer: I would at least install the opensource vesa ant ati driver again, because if you fglrx once fail to load, you cannot switch to anything else ;) [14:57] bazhang: Is what I am asking for even possible? [14:57] Back to problem Nr.2: I activated the "remember my open programs"-option in the sessions-menu and now everytime I login, my configuration from back then is activated again. I can't get rid of this configuration. Any idea, where to delete it? [14:57] Is there a panel alternative that actually looks good if you put all panels vertically? I want to save space on my widescreen but i can't find any good sollutions toget rid of the vertical bars without looking ugly [14:58] why is that my pidgin is very hard to connect [14:58] minimec: I'll try that next. ;) [14:59] my pidgin dont connect [14:59] what will i do [14:59] appologies if someone already answered this. my router just flaked out. Does jaunty have a firewall enabled by default? [14:59] sivel: iptables [14:59] !iptables [14:59] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist [15:00] if ive got 240Gb of space and want to do a clean install on it. i intended going for two partitions, /home and /. The questions are: [15:00] Should i go for more partitions? how big does / need to be? [15:00] anyone ever tried wattos? [15:00] wbc: appreciated. I don't remember previous version of ubuntu shiping with iptables on [15:00] Pici : Haven't found anything satisfying in the diff options.... The idea of filtering the not-yet-installed packaged is to be able to read through them and forget some stuff that I fianlly don't need (I do try a lot of stuff here a there....) [15:01] hi i deleted my linux partition from inside winxp and now when i try to boot my computer i get grub error 22. my computer wont boot anything from usb, does anyboyd have any ideas whatsoever on what i should do? im dying here. [15:01] bazhang: that didn't work. What do you mean by a plain vanilla sources list? [15:01] I'm having an issue trying to mount a WD netcenter harddrive on ubuntu jaunty. I keep getting the error mount.nfs: access denied by server while trying to mount. Any ideas on how to fix this? [15:01] linduxed1: You can leave 20Go for / (nowadays, a full full full install of Ubuntu only uses up around 10Go). [15:02] ackbahr: oh [15:02] kLown: http://www.google.com/search?q=mount.nfs+access+denied+by+server+while+mounting&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a [15:02] linduxed1: What I just did was 25 Go for /, SWAP 4 Go and the rest split between /home and a FAT for easy sharing between users. [15:02] ackbahr: isnt then the 20Gb a bit excessive? [15:02] icebaer: what was that 2nd problem? [15:02] http://pastebin.com/dad9efbd i made a script to run the steam client in wine, and it's not doing what i want it to. it executes the command 'pasuspender wine /home/admin/.wine/drive_c/steam.exe' just fine, but i'd like to redirect the error messages into a log file ie '&> /home/admin/game.logs/steam.log', but the messages come up in terminal still, what'd i miss? [15:03] linduxed1: You don't know what's going to happen in the future, and anyway you can still us the space if you really need it.... [15:03] wbc: I appreciate the help..but I wouldn't be sitting here reposting if it was that easy :) [15:03] Xubuntnoob: It's >& [15:03] Xubuntnoob: Not &> [15:04] ackbahr: well, 20 it is then [15:04] kLown: have you tried the solutions on the search I linked to? [15:04] Xubuntnoob: > and 1> redirect stdin. 2> redirects stderr. >& redirects both. [15:04] wbc: Yes, I have. [15:04] ackbahr: btw, if ive got 4 gigs of RAM, how much swap should i have? [15:04] minimec: Some while ago I activated the "remember currently running applications"-option under preferences->startup programs->options. Since then, on logging in, it always starts openoffce (what I don't want). I'm unable to find the place where to delete these startup programs. Any hint? [15:05] Xubuntnoob: what's the link? [15:05] wbc: Most, if not all of those are directed at mapping pc/pc/, using /etc/exports [15:05] wbc: and from reading, that will not help me. [15:05] icebaer: ok. Never did that. Let me see. [15:06] Hi [15:06] minimec: could please check, which files change upon activating that option? [15:06] Xubuntnoob: use bash, not sh, it probably doesn't like your &> [15:06] How do I change the name of a usb mount for good ? (eg, so each mount, it will come up with the right name ?) [15:06] http://pastebin.com/dad9efbd [15:06] Is there a way to access and retrieve files from a windows backup using linux? [15:07] grawity - it's backwards in scripts? [15:07] kLown: Sorry, I haven't played around with remote filesystems yet, but it seems weird that no one is able to answer your question though [15:07] Try the forums [15:07] Meaning, I have a HD drive, it always comes up as "My Book" but I want it to be "mybook" ... how do I change that permanently ? [15:07] Xubuntnoob: No. [15:07] if i do wine steam.exe &> steam.log it works === joe___ is now known as CyD_work [15:08] Xubuntnoob: &> actually is an invalid redirection, so the shell takes it as separate & and > [15:08] icebaer: You have the option to activate this in that settings-manager. Why don't you try to close down all these applications after login (leaving the optioin activated) After next login, the Desktop should be clean. Then you try to inactivate that option. Maybe you tried that... [15:08] AceKing, you are using gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list et al to edit these? and then saving them and updating first? the vanilla one would be to remove any references to #added by software properties,a nd commenting out the PPA [15:08] ïèäàðàñû [15:08] hi Hitler [15:08] )) [15:08] EXCLUSIVE, stop that [15:09] bazhang >> blb yf [eq [15:09] bazhang >> blb yf [eq [15:09] minimec: yeah, already tried that [15:09] bazhang: thanks [15:09] minimec, after changing resolution the X crashing and now im using low resolution, when i want to change into higher res there is no more higher option in the Display manager? [15:10] so in a terminal should it be posted as ' >& .log ' ? [15:10] How do I change the name of a usb mount for good ? (eg, so each mount, it will come up with the right name ? ). Meaning, I have a Western Digital HD drive, it always comes up as "My Book" but I want it to be "mybook" ... how do I change that permanently ? [15:11] bazhang: I found the lines with that referenced fiesty and removed them.. They were way down at the bottom! about 75 lines of blank space between them [15:11] Cryptorchild: Low resolution mode is a basic 'vesa' mode. Try to reboot that machine, or switch to a console and do 'sudo killall gdm', then 'sudo gdm && exit' [15:11] AceKing, nice eye [15:12] bazhang: I updated and got this message. http://paste.ubuntu.com/216958/ [15:13] grawity what does the & part of that standfor? assuming (because i'm a noob) that > = redirect [15:13] https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system AceKing (if you want to keep the ppa) [15:13] Xubuntnoob, background the process, so you'll get your shell back [15:13] minimec: any luck yet? === mohan is now known as Guest12732 [15:13] AceKing, otherwise just # comment it out and update [15:13] Installed Ubuntu 9.04 on Vbox. Created Primary Slave (dynamically extended) in Vbox for Ubuntu...Permanently mounted the pri.slave HDD my making entry in /etc/fstab...NOW how can i give Permanent access to Read/Write..? i have to run sudo nautilus from terminal everytime for this.. [15:14] minimec: I'll logout to check something, brb [15:14] Xubuntnoob, check out $man bash [15:14] bazhang: Ok [15:14] icebaer: o. [15:14] Xubuntnoob: Hmm, maybe it doesn't ... &> seems to be correct [15:14] minimec, any line to add to xorg.conf? [15:14] !quietirssi [15:14] To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi: /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS [15:14] to use xserver-xorg-video-ati [15:15] maybe because it's a script, i dont' need the & , because it's already in the background? [15:15] blackpearl1, there's a few ways, you can add yourself to sudoers, change the group permissions or change the file permissions [15:15] minimec, how to knowing the current wrapper im using? [15:15] Cryptorchild: wait... pastebin me your /etc/xorg.conf first and tell me what kind of card you are using. [15:15] Xubuntnoob, what's the issue? [15:15] how much swap do i need if ive got 4 gigs of ram? [15:15] Cryptorchild: /etc/X11/xorg.conf [15:16] frostburn: i have no idea how to do it...thats why i am here [15:16] linduxed1, if you want to hibernate, 8gb [15:16] minimec: for some reason, it worked this time. Perhaps the service that updated the sessions crashed the last time or something.. thx for the help anyways! :) [15:16] frostburn, when i run a script http://pastebin.com/dad9efbd , my output doesn't go into a log, it stays in terminal [15:16] linduxed1, you want to hiibernate? [15:16] Xubuntnoob: nope, &> seems to be exactly the same as >& [15:16] Xubuntnoob: sorryu. [15:16] icebaer: So are we lucky... ? ;) [15:16] grawity: thanks [15:17] ToXBoT_, hi [15:17] minimec: back on track! =) [15:17] Xubuntnoob, redirect to your log, then background it command > to_file & [15:17] Hi I just bought a new wireless PCI card. I was wondering if I install it will I have to re-install the system or will it be able to find it on its own? [15:18] blackpearl1, what's the original issue, usually you shouldn't need to mess with /etc/fstab if you want any other users to modify the file, you'll want to do a chmod 646 /etc/fstab but this isn't recommended [15:18] !give me a test [15:18] Oh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users! [15:18] Installed Ubuntu 9.04 on Vbox. Created Primary Slave (dynamically extended) in Vbox for Ubuntu...Permanently mounted the pri.slave HDD my making entry in /etc/fstab...NOW how can i give Permanent access to Read/Write..? i have to run sudo nautilus from terminal everytime for this.. [15:18] whileimhere, what chipset [15:18] what should i use to visualise diff? [15:19] frostburn: bazhang: nope i wont hiber [15:19] I am not sure its a card from walmart [15:19] I have not bought it yet [15:19] minimec, http://pastebin.org/1344, Im using ATI Xpress 200M [15:19] worried I would be wasting time [15:19] join ##alientrap [15:19] whileimhere, check the outside of th package? [15:19] anyone know if it is possible to get the mouse scrolling function you see in windows -- Where when you press the middle mouse button on a website you can then scroll up and down by moving the mouse up and down? [15:19] sarahmac, /join #channel === rwhitby` is now known as rwhitby_ [15:20] bazhang right if its compatible will it just pnp? [15:20] fwaokda_: in firefox you go into preferences and turn on auto-scroll [15:20] linduxed1, thanks [15:20] icebaer: Sorry I didn't follow up. I got a call from the neighbour asking which laptop to keep and which to sell. I've had the same problem with no title-bar on windows myself. I remember I had to do something in System -> Preferences -> Appearance, but don't remember now what. It was 1.5 years ago, and haven't had the problem since. You still searching for the answer? [15:20] Cryptorchild: You never tried to install the fglrx ati driver, did you? [15:20] blackpearl1, oh i see, you need to be able to write to the drive as your user, you'll need to change the file permissions of the mounted drive, right now it's most likely root:root I don't know where it's mounted but if you want to be able to write to it without using sudo, do a chown -R yourusername:yourusername /mount/yourdiskhere [15:20] frostburn, http://pastebin.com/d146002f9 gets me the same results? [15:21] OttifantSir: No problem, I fixed it now by getting the fglrx-driver to work. Thanks for the help anyways! :) [15:21] whileimhere, well finding out the chipset before buying is a must [15:21] Xubuntnoob, what's the output you're seeing? are you sure that it's stdout and not stderr? [15:21] hey all ubuntu'ers [15:21] Xubuntnoob, check out this guide here: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html [15:21] bazhang oh well they will take it back if it does not work they said [15:21] minimec, i did and you told me yesterday to install the wrapper from website you've pointed me [15:21] OttifantSir: the fglrx is better for the laptop anyways, because it supports the energy-saving features, which the FOSS radeon driver doesn't. [15:21] icebaer: Glad it worked out for you. [15:21] whileimhere, is this an internal? a pcmcia? a usb? [15:22] if i have no intention to hibernate and have 4 gigs of ram, is swap necessary? [15:22] linduxed1, a bit sure [15:22] bazhang its a internal pci card not usb [15:22] minimec, it's working great but after i change resolution i have X crashing and have to restart the system [15:22] Cryptorchild: We talked yestarday, but I guess it was about other thigs. [15:22] who can recommend a webcam that works well with ubuntu? [15:22] frostburn, http://pastebin.com/d46ede235 is the output i get in terminal with the script [15:22] poing, check the list [15:22] eu sou baby precisa me amar [15:22] !webcam > poing [15:22] poing, please see my private message [15:22] How to Give PERMANENT Read/Write permission to my Primary Slave HDD in Ubuntu???? [15:22] thanks [15:22] bazhang: 1 GB? [15:22] frostburn, to be clear ** the program actually runs just fine [15:23] i just don't want to see the output [15:23] Xubuntnoob, that looks like stderr, if you want to redirect that as well, use the guide i pasted and redirect stderr [15:23] minimec, oh..well i'm sure it is [15:23] blackpearl1, i provided you the answer above, you need to use chown [15:23] Cryptorchild: I see in the xorg.conf that you use standard default settings set by ubuntu. The xserver is handling everything. Now... [15:23] bazhang: I added the key from that link but it didn't work [15:23] linduxed1, should do, that or 2GB depending on how you are for space [15:24] minimec, ok now what to do to have ati wrapper working? [15:24] frostburn, thanks i'll have a look [15:24] AceKing, then try commenting it out, unless that is a crucial ppa for you [15:24] bazhang: well ive got 220GB to spare... [15:24] Cryptorchild: I remember now. We were talking about the ppa ubuntu repo of the opensource ati driver, right? [15:24] minimec, correct [15:25] Cryptorchild: OK. Which distro are you running? jaunty? [15:25] i have a 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) audio card and the volume is SO LOW using Pulseaudio in Jaunty. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the sound louder? [15:25] bazhang: will do. Thank you for you help and being so patient! [15:27] what program to use for burn DVD of pictures and video for DVD player? [15:27] data disc for pictures? [15:27] reginaldo, devede should do that [15:28] Mystic, hi [15:28] What the heck? [15:28] reginaldo, or K3B [15:28] what happend here? [15:28] bazhang, I used devede and I burned only the video, [15:28] netsplit? [15:28] yep [15:28] What is netsplit? [15:28] bazhang, i want to burn the video and pictures together. do you know? [15:28] !netsplit | wbc [15:28] wbc: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [15:29] wtf? I was on hubbard and I did not get affected by the netsplit :S [15:29] reginaldo: you can use devede to generate a iso image, or dvd iso 'files' then burn them all to dvd.. and then also burn whatever image/data files you also want to the same dvd. [15:29] "just relax and enjoy the show", lol [15:29] i've been informed that i need a zlib before i can make something. what package should i be looking at? === andrew_ is now known as Guest59021 [15:29] I wasn't aware of that, as I ignore joins and parts. I lost my chatpartner ;) [15:29] !info zlib [15:29] Package zlib does not exist in jaunty [15:29] reginaldo, perhaps join the pictures together into a video, or just listen to Dr_Willis :) [15:30] StrangeCharm__: try apt-cache search zlib [15:30] minimec, sorry disconnect from server??? [15:30] reginaldo, i chekced out kdenlive the other day and it seems very promising. it can do a whole mess of things. check it out. it's mainly like a windows movie maker program for working with captured video from a video camera but can work with everything I am pretty sure. [15:30] is it netsplit? [15:30] btw, how do you guys do to hide your real IP adress? [15:30] Cryptorchild1: Yeah. You were victim of a netsplit, it seems. [15:30] !cloak > Eledran [15:30] Eledran, please see my private message [15:30] reginaldo, otherwise I use tovid_gui or devede. [15:30] Eledran: look at freenode sites [15:30] linduxed1: Sorry : you should have as much swap as RAM, but I found that for some things in Blender, for example, more could be nice.... [15:30] I made a dvd 'slideshow' movie.. for the faimly and also put the images in jpg format on a dir - on the dvd. [15:30] Cryptorchild1: Are you using jaunty? [15:30] Dr_Willis- sadly, that returns a fair few results [15:30] Eledran, inquire in #freenode [15:30] frostburn, thanks. this works fantastic. i'm trying to troubleshoot another problem i have with similar issues, can i create filters to separate the different error messages? [15:31] ok i will try . thanks [15:31] how can I tell what processor I have in my machine? [15:31] minimec, yes im using Jaunty [15:31] uouch, forgot to read the freenode manual :( [15:31] :D [15:31] * by similar issues, i mean similar output [15:31] anyone not being seen to? [15:31] reginaldo, i chekced out kdenlive the other day and it seems very promising. it can do a whole mess of things. check it out. it's mainly like a windows movie maker program for working with captured video from a video camera but can work with everything I am pretty sure. [15:31] StrangeCharm__: thats when you read the decriptions and fiture out what you need.. 'somthing needs zlib' is a little vague :0 [15:31] i have a 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) audio card and the volume is SO LOW using Pulseaudio in Jaunty. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the sound louder? [15:31] Cryptorchild: Let's check you got the right driver. https://launchpad.net/~tormodvolden/+archive/ppa [15:31] Xubuntnoob, sure, you can use grep, some command |grep -i "text your're searching for [15:31] " [15:31] Dr_Willis- apparently [15:32] zlibc - An on-fly auto-uncompressing C library [15:32] zlibc - An on-fly auto-uncompressing C library [15:32] looks like a winner [15:32] Dr_Willis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:32] Cryptorchild: There are two solutions. [15:32] http://drop.io/dr_willis/media/moviezlib1g - compression library - runtime === akgraner_ is now known as akgraner [15:32] mazda01 , ok I will install it [15:32] minimec, I've download and install the driver xserver-xorg-video-ati_6.12.99+git20090629.bb04b450-0ubuntu0tormod_i386.deb [15:32] or... zlib1g - compression library - runtime [15:32] minimec, i just don't know how to reconfigure the X to use this driver [15:32] Cryptorchild: THat's what I would say ;) [15:32] frostburn, sorry, what's -i? [15:33] Xubuntnoob, ignore case [15:33] Cryptorchild: You don't have to, as the Xserver handles everything. [15:33] ping lfaraone [15:33] nvidia drivers problem: Guys, I think that my gfx card might be cursed or something. I've downloaded the newest nvidia drivers and after restarting the X server, the only thing that happens is black screen. I am not even able to ctrl-alt-f1-6 or anything. All I see is just black screen and I have to reboot. [15:33] minimec, how to do that? [15:33] And damn, I would love to use nvidia drivers [15:34] Cryptorchild: So you downloaded that package? [15:34] jbk`: so the drivers in the repos did or did NOT work? [15:34] minimec, yep [15:34] Dr_Willis: did not [15:34] Cryptorchild: ok. open a terminal [15:34] jbk`: and your card is a ? [15:34] after installing them I've got a black screen [15:34] nvidia geforce 6600 [15:34] minimec, proceed.. [15:34] Cryptorchild: /cd Desktop [15:34] hi all [15:34] seems that people always have issues with 6600 and 8600 (or was it 6800) cards.... [15:34] sudo dpkg -i xserv [15:34] 6600 that card should work fine with the drivers in the repo's [15:35] lostson: thats what i was thinking also [15:35] I configure apt-get as like this tutorial: http://hamacker.wordpress.com/2006/12/13/configure-seu-ubuntu-para-usar-proxy-quando-estiver-usando-terminal-apt-get-e-wget/ [15:35] lostson: well, my 6600 seems to be cursed or something [15:35] :/ [15:35] yeah its the 8600's and up that are a problem [15:35] but now it won't work [15:35] minimec, can't get any completion.. [15:35] what are the paste rules for this channel? if it's 1 line of code can i paste it? [15:35] minimec, any clue? [15:35] my 8800gtsxxx works good :) [15:35] Xubuntnoob, one is fine [15:36] well, did anyone solve this problem ? [15:36] thanks :D [15:36] Cryptorchild: Maybe you stored it in your /home directory... ;) type cd .. [15:36] I tried googling, but didn't find anything out [15:36] synaptic it works... but apt-get don't... [15:36] Cryptorchild: sudo dpkg -i xserv [15:36] it's on home dir yes ;) [15:36] frostburn, would this work? wine eve.exe | grep -i "fixme" > /home/logs/eve.log if i want to ignore the fixme errors and have everything else goto the log? [15:37] I'm having trouble installing ubuntu 9.04 on a RAID1 setup, it doesn't seem to install grub on my disks, after a reboot I get a blinking cursor for a while and then a no bootable devices found, no grub error or anything [15:37] minimec, ok proceed... [15:37] Xubuntnoob, if you want to ignore "fix me" use grep -v "fixme" [15:37] Cryptorchild: Logout/login. That was it ;) [15:37] eeee, that simple [15:38] Cryptorchild: We will see now, how good that goeas ? [15:38] minimec, ok logout now... [15:39] Bazhang: I found this about that wireless card Linksys - 802.11g Wireless Desktop Card Model: WMP54G | SKU: 5333445 [15:40] I would love to find a cheaper wireless PCI card but this is about $45.00 USD and that is the best so far I can find [15:40] how can i change my updatemanager to look for development releases instead of stable releases (in particular the wine package) [15:40] wWales, add the wine repos [15:41] wWales, help in #winehq [15:41] minimec, ok still got the 1024x768 res and still slow in windows [15:41] Hi [15:41] bazhang: thanks and sorry for wrong channel [15:41] what's the name of the german ubuntu channel? [15:41] juiCeppe, #ubuntu-de [15:41] Any have a suggestion for a wireless PCI card that is Ubuntu safe and under $45.00USD? [15:41] thx bazhang [15:41] I'm trying to install via the network following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot [15:42] <^rumput_kering^> assalamualaikum [15:42] whileimhere ... linksys has good ones [15:42] whileimhere, I can't recall the chipset of that card; a quick check on ubuntuforums should tell you chipset (ie not model name) such as ralink, atheros etc [15:42] Cryptorchild: So Karmik Koala will probably be your friend, as there are lot of changes going on... Are you using HDMI? Try VGA if you can once [15:42] hi i deleted my linux partition from inside winxp and now when i try to boot my computer i get grub error 22. my computer wont boot anything from usb, does anyboyd have any ideas whatsoever on what i should do? im dying here. seriously, anything. [15:43] whileimhere ... rt73 chipset should work fine with ubuntu [15:43] at the step where I am to paste the folder called "pxelinux.cfg", I am not able to because there is already an (empty) file (not folder) with that name [15:43] im on laptop [15:43] i bought one right yesterday [15:43] Cryptorchild: OK. I see. Do you get 3D acceleration and are you using compiz? [15:43] skellington: boot the xp install disk, choose recovery mode, and at the prompt type 'fixmbr' [15:44] minimec, nope [15:44] I'm having trouble installing ubuntu 9.04 on a RAID1 setup, it doesn't seem to install grub on my disks, after a reboot I get a blinking cursor for a while and then a no bootable devices found, no grub error or anything [15:44] so -> Is there anyone who solved the black screen problem or is it unsolve-able ? [15:44] Can I just delete the empty file? If thats so, why is it even there? [15:44] Cryptorchild: And before you installed the ppa version the last days after your talk. How performance? [15:45] jbk`, with ati fglrx? [15:45] similar to this one [15:46] What's the best way to back up the user data on an Ubuntu 9.04 system I'm going to reinstall from the desktop CD? I have a wireless problem which I'm spent hours on this board trying to solve and I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu since I did have wireless working at one time on this system. Do I just back up the users' home folders to another drive? [15:46] minimec, do i have to remove the driver and then install it again? [15:46] twig11: yup....just back up the home directory [15:46] bazhang: with nvidia gforce 6600 [15:46] twig11, i've done several migrations that way, back up /home and copy it back after the new install [15:46] Cryptorchild: I am somehow a victim too of amd/ati support policy, but I can tell you, that karmic koala will probably help both of us. [15:46] do I need libdvdcss2 to play DVD's in Ubuntu (in for example VLC)? [15:47] Cryptorchild: No need. If the driver works, check for updates from time to time ;) [15:47] uqs, should do yes, go to medibuntu.org and follow the instructions there [15:47] jbk`, not sure, how did you install the drivers [15:47] minimec, but current performance is too low, even i cannot play movies with normal fps [15:48] twig11: if you had put /home in a separate partition you wouldn't even have to do that. Since you are doing a new install consider doing that as well [15:48] and the resolution is only maxed at 1024x768 [15:48] bazhang: using ubuntu's "hardware update" or something like that [15:48] frostburn: th0r: I'm not completely comfortable with the way permissions work; are permissions going to need lots of fiddling with when I reimport the data? [15:48] it offered me a few versions of drivers, so I downloaded the 180 one [15:48] minimec, is there a way to override the X to use the driver? [15:48] I'm getting a mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting trying to mount a NAS, anyone have any ideas how ti fix this issue? [15:49] jbk`, which one was recommended for that card [15:49] th0r: can i put the recovery disk on a usb drive> [15:49] 180 [15:49] twig11: if you are going to back it up to an ntfs or fat drive probably. If you back it up to an ext3 or ext4 drive then the permissions shoujld be ok [15:49] skellington: not that I am aware of...xp requires the cd [15:49] jbk`, and you have run nvidia-settings after a reboot? [15:49] Cryptorchild: You have to search the net then for your specific card. I don't knos your card. I have a x1250, which starts to be better (even good on media play). www.phoronix.com is a good start. [15:49] yes [15:49] twig11, they may, you may want to copy out your /etc/passwd and take note of the user ids so they'll line up in the new install [15:49] after running nvidia-settings, it overwrites the xorg.conf [15:50] th0r: I actually backed up the two users' home folders individually. And I think it's probably a fat drive. [15:50] and after the overwriting of xorg.conf, I restart the X server, but when I start it again, all I see is a black screen [15:50] and I can't go to any terminal anymore [15:50] jbk`, when that happens, i usually ssh in and restart the service [15:50] twig11: I have had to do a chown -R before even thought the username ect were the same, but that in iteself is not a big hassle [15:50] Standard 9.04 install, recently booted was playing sounds just fine for an hour or so and after a couple of volume changes (master via panel app) has now stopped. All volume settings are on full, but still no sound, Suggestions for (re)starting it? [15:51] frostburn: well, I am able to restart the service, but I have to use the old xorg.conf [15:51] frostburn: you're saying copy all the contents of /etc/passwd and replace the user ids in it after the system's reinstalled? [15:51] with disabled driver "nvidia" [15:51] and enabled driver "nv" [15:51] AJC_Z0, try a sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart [15:51] im gona kill yafray [15:51] whos with me [15:51] minimec, ok thanks for the help [15:51] AJC_Z0 try typing alsamixer into terminal and see if there is anything on mute [15:51] AJC_Z0: have you tried reloading ALSA [15:52] jbk`, how old is the video card? Older cards arent supported by the newer nvidia binaries [15:52] frostburn: it's nvidia geforce 6600 [15:52] ok then [15:52] lets !killll!||| [15:52] Hello? [15:52] it's not that old and it's even written in the description that 6600 is supported [15:52] Hi, I'm trying to build mesa in Jaunty to rectify a prob, but when I try "make linux-dri-x86" it returns "make: Nothing to be done for `linux-dri-x86' ". Any help? [15:52] twig11, yes, if worse comes to worse, you can recursively set the owner/group by doing a chown -R username:username /home/username [15:52] join/#yafray [15:53] join/#yafaray [15:53] jbk`, the default restricted driver didn't work? [15:53] exactly [15:53] I'm getting a mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting trying to mount a NAS, anyone have any ideas how ti fix this issue? [15:53] Cryptorchild: No Problem. Remember. You are using the 'bleeding edge' developper snapshot of the opensource ati driver now. No need to step bakc. Maybe you can configure it a little better. [15:54] jbk`, hmm, that's pretty odd, i'd check out the ubuntu forums to see if anyone else is having the same issues that you are with that videocard/chipset [15:54] aaronvarghese, stop that [15:54] minimec, sure, i'll keep searching for further dev [15:55] anyone? [15:55] frostburn: I'm pretty new to this. Do you mind giving me the command for printing the contents of /etc/psswd to a file if that's what I should do? [15:55] Can anyone help me? [15:55] frostburn: No effect with "sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart" while playing the sound test in System > Sound [15:55] Ti-dev, is there a config file? ./configure [15:55] twig11: less /etc/passwd [15:55] bazhang, thank you for the tip about medibuntu :] [15:55] twig11: that won't do any good...the passwords are hashed [15:55] Oceanic: Nothing muted or down in alsamixer [15:56] moncky: How do I reload ALSA? [15:56] !ask |UnderSampled [15:56] UnderSampled: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [15:56] twig11: that will just print to screen [15:56] sonism: I did [15:56] th0r: frostburn said I needed the user ids. They aren't hashed are they? [15:56] frostburn, I'm following a howto and in that I did use "./configure" I'm like half way through and it says to make "linux-dri-x86" after configuring it. I did so but i get that error :( [15:56] twig11, cat /etc/passwd you'll want to check out the man page as well for this man passwd [15:57] twig11: true....those are clear [15:57] frostburn: you probably mean man 5 passwd [15:57] I'm trying to install via the network following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot at the step where I am to paste the folder called "pxelinux.cfg", I am not able to because there is already an (empty) file (not folder) with that name. Can I just delete the empty file? If thats so, why is it even there? [15:57] th0r, twig11, they are hashed [15:57] Only passwords are hashed. [15:57] hey all [15:57] grawity, yes, twig11 man 5 passwd [15:58] (And hidden in /etc/shadow.) [15:58] twig11: no they are not, its username:x:UID:GID::path [15:58] I'm getting a mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting trying to mount a NAS, anyone have any ideas how ti fix this issue? (i hate to keep asking, but im out of ideas) [15:58] frostburn: the userid isn't hashed it is clear text, but the group id isn't in there. [15:58] What keyboard command will change the value of 'Card:' in the ncurses display of alsamixer? [15:58] I am runing Juanty, but need for a software package an older version of libssl. Juanty has 0.9.8, but for the app I need 0.9.7. Is there a way to install 0.9.7 with out killing the 0.9.8 install? [15:58] th0r: it _always_ is there. [15:59] th0r: can you paste one line from /etc/passwd? [15:59] steve:x:1000:1000:Steve Nye,,,,:/home/steve:/bin/bash [15:59] Ti-dev, which howto are you following? can you paste the error message that you're seeing? [15:59] anyone know about a error installing war3 on ubuntu 9.04 error "0x00000015: Not ready" (it cant read cd after starting install proccess) [15:59] th0r: so username is "steve", password is in another file, UID is 1000, GID is 1000, real name is "Steve Nye", homedir is /home/steve. [16:00] ^rumput_kering^ : wa 'alaikumsalam warrahmatullahiwabarakatuh [16:00] th0r: Both UID and GID are 1000. [16:00] anyone able to help me install ubuntu from USB? [16:00] frostburn: so the line I need looks like "anthony:x:1000:1000:Anthony,,,:/home/anthony:/bin/bash? [16:00] need alt cd [16:00] sonism, ^rumput_kering^ english here [16:00] bazhang: it didn't. eventhough I have VLC and libdvdcss2 the image is scrambled and the movie won't play correctly [16:00] but the wiki only provides directions for the normal cd ;( [16:00] twig11: what do you need, anyway? [16:00] * grawity scrolls up. [16:01] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats uqs please read this [16:01] amsn he dont have plus like live messenger pilus ? [16:01] plus*? [16:01] bazhang: sorry man just answaring this guys hello :) [16:01] grawity: yeah, forgot there is a group [16:01] Ahmad: no. [16:01] ok 10x [16:01] hi [16:01] grawity: I'm backing up my home folder to a fat drive and frostburn says I might want the userids in order to get permissions working when I import from the backup. [16:01] frostburn: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/Building | Error = "make: Nothing to be done for `linux-dri-x86' " [16:02] anyone know how to add gnome-panel. after update it was dissapeared [16:02] twig11: why are you backing up to fat???? [16:02] twig11: when you copy something to a FAT drive, it loses all permissions and owner and group. [16:02] twig11: unless you use 'tar' or something like that, of course. [16:02] mcphail: newbies don't know any better. [16:02] UbuntuUser: do you currently have a panel? [16:02] bazhang, I alreadu have the ubuntu-restricted-extras package installed [16:02] twig11: honestly, do use something else to save a wrold of pain [16:02] no i have not. [16:03] UbuntuUser: can you open a terminal window? [16:03] I'm getting a mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting trying to mount a NAS, anyone have any ideas how ti fix this issue? [16:03] frostburn, in the mesa dir, I executed a file called "autogen.sh" and it seems to have compiled [16:03] in ktorrent RSS how do I exclude a "String Matching" [16:03] UbuntuUser: Check if you can start it with F2 gnome-panel === hacklab is now known as Sonja [16:03] uqs, and libdvdread3 is installed? [16:03] twig11: anyway, when you restore the files, you can just do "ls -l" on a user's directory, note the UID shown, then just add a new user with the same UID. [16:03] minimec: I dont think alt+f2 works unless there is a panel to begin with [16:03] yes i can [16:04] ah then type gnome-panel [16:04] Ti-dev, ah ok... are you in the correct directory for compiling? [16:04] Paddy_NI, sure it does [16:04] Paddy_NI: Compiz has Alt+F2 too. [16:04] UbuntuUser: If not... F2 gnome-terminal, then sudo apt-get install gnome-panel [16:04] grawity: ah cool [16:04] why does ubuntu have seizures? [16:04] UbuntuUser: So you can do F2? [16:04] UbuntuUser: type gnome-panel [16:04] Paddy_NI: It's in CCSM's "Gnome Compatibility" section. [16:04] bjorkintosh, elaborate [16:04] mcphail: I don't have much choice at the moment. The drive I'm backing up to has other things on it and I can't empty it and reformat. [16:04] it seems to be doing something with my harddrive and won't let me do anything else. [16:04] well the mesa dir happens to be in my home folder... [16:04] bjorkintosh, open a terminal and type : top [16:05] twig11: how much data are you backing up? [16:05] grawity: excellent.. glad to hear it does not depend on having a panel any more [16:05] Ti-dev, you'll also want to check in with xorg on compiling these modules. [16:05] bazhang, it will not let me do ANYTHING! [16:05] including opening a terminal to type 'top' [16:05] sonism: is absent in system [16:05] Paddy_NI: It does - if Compiz crashes :) [16:05] frostburn, oh ok..thanks :D [16:05] twig11, backup /home using tar and file permissions will be saved [16:05] UbuntuUser: If not... F2 gnome-terminal, then sudo apt-get install gnome-panel [16:05] grawity: of course :) [16:05] mcphail: only about 30 Gig [16:06] bjorkintosh, when did this start [16:06] * grawity once had to write "compiz --replace" by copypasting with the mouse ._. [16:06] twig11: too big for a single file/tar archive then :( [16:06] approximately 10 minutes ago. [16:06] UbuntuUser: try to install it back [16:06] PLEASE [16:06] the last time it happened i rebooted. [16:06] i need help [16:06] my ubuntu has shut down [16:06] please [16:06] help me [16:06] aaronvarghese: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:06] oh please help me please [16:06] aaronvarghese, dont flood [16:06] Cannot register the panel shell: there is already one running. [16:07] bjorkintosh, what preceded the problems in question [16:07] aaronvarghese, all good things come in patience :) [16:07] bazhang, nothing. [16:07] !helpme | aaronvarghese [16:07] UbuntuUser: gnome-panel --replace [16:07] aaronvarghese: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [16:07] it just seems to do that whenever i'm not looking. [16:07] Hi could someone help me please? I'm trying to record stuff with my microphone but everytime i tick capture and go back into volume controls it's unselected again. :( [16:07] bjorkintosh, sounds like an overheating issue then [16:07] perhaps it doesn't like the 640M ram i've given it. [16:07] my system has only 5 secs to stay at ubuntu im using wubi please help [16:07] my system has only 5 secs to stay at ubuntu im using wubi please help [16:08] bazhang, i've had the machine for 5 years and i have NEVER encountered an overheating issue [16:08] Impy: what software are you using to capture, and what audio card? [16:08] i'm using audacity [16:08] UbuntuUser: ok. F1, login normally, then sudo apt-get install gnome-panel, then exit, then F7, logout graphic session. [16:08] bjorkintosh, well without more info, no real way to help; 'having seziures' is not descriptive [16:08] bazhang, libdvdread4 is installed [16:08] i can't get into it to find out what's going on or i'd have more info. [16:08] how do i change lots of file names fast? [16:08] grawity: What I've done so far is to individually back up the two user directories from /home. Will I be able to bring them back and drop them in /home after I reinstall? or do I have to back up /home as a whole? [16:09] it takes 5 minutes to move the mouse 1 inch [16:09] uqs, all dvd's or just a select few [16:09] bjorkintosh, what about running a livecd [16:09] write2copy i'm using audacity (http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=43cc11c74bf474b04b68f28b9c41cfaedb41bbff) [16:09] I'm getting a mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting trying to mount a NAS, anyone have any ideas how ti fix this issue? [16:09] livecd works fine, but it won't tell me what triggers these seizures. [16:09] Impy: known problem in audacity, also the volume controls of line-in are in conflict with those of the original OS audio controls [16:09] atleast it's like that on XP [16:10] bazhang, I have only tried with one. so others may work? I'll try some others [16:10] i was wondering if there were some disk i/o services i might look to kill [16:10] klown, it looks like it's not authenticating [16:10] write2copy the thing is it was working the other day :( [16:10] frostbite, I compiled the "autogen.sh" file and it generated a "configure" file within the mesa folder as you asked. I compiled that and then tried make and then make linux-dri-x86 and it's working! :D Thanks...coz you mentioned the "configure" I thought of trying autogen :D Now I just have to pray it comes the way it's supposed to :) [16:10] frostburn: theres no password, or username required. [16:10] uqs, that is odd; very few dvd's have a new copy/protection scheme that will not allow play [16:10] Impy: are you trying to record through line-in? [16:10] bjorkintosh: are you running tracker or beagle? [16:10] *frostburn [16:10] i don't know. i'll find out shortly after the reboot. [16:10] what are those? [16:11] bjorkintosh, try restarting in safe mode [16:11] Ti-dev, most excellent, lets hope the module works [16:11] write2copy nope through the microphone, the microphone plays back sound if i blow into it or tap it [16:11] bjorkintosh: indexing services. [16:11] yup :D [16:11] if it's part of the default install, then i most likely am. [16:11] anyone know i can change lots of files names fast [16:11] hi, question about webcams: so, if i want a simple webcam that "just works (tm)" with ubuntu, what would I get? any personal recommendations? (i know there's a compatibility list for webcams out there, but i was hoping for some individual recommendations) [16:12] hello [16:12] i need help.. [16:12] kelli: rename [16:12] Impy: is the mic built-in ? [16:12] write2copy nope it's a plug in one [16:13] Impy: ok, go to audio controls and see if the line-in / microphone is set to max (if not, set it to max) [16:13] kelli: "man rename" for details [16:13] bazhang, very weird. The Matrix worked just fine, but another pretty old DVD (The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury) didn't work at all [16:13] !ask | Impy [16:13] Impy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [16:13] i reinstalled my root partition including ssh and openssh-server and now when i try to ssh to localhost i'm told: RSA host key for m.y.i.p has changed and you have requested strict checking. - how can i remedy this? [16:13] Impy: sorry, mistab [16:13] test [16:13] ILman: shoot... [16:13] * UnderSampled asks again [16:13] ILman: Just ask your question (on one line!) to the channel and someone will answer. [16:13] I'm trying to install via the network following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot at the step where I am to paste the folder called "pxelinux.cfg", I am not able to because there is already an (empty) file (not folder) with that name. Can I just delete the empty file? If thats so, why is it even there? [16:13] write2copy they're turned up max [16:13] nanotube, i have 4 folders and wont to merge into on but have same names [16:13] i would like [16:13] laeg: this time, run ssh-keygen -R m.y.i.p [16:13] private talk [16:13] its okay ? [16:14] uqs, could be a scratch or dust (if very old) [16:14] ILman: best to ask in the channel [16:14] well [16:14] ILman, ask here on one line [16:14] laeg: next time, backup /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* [16:14] Impy: are you sure the 'Record on sound' option is turned off in Audacity? [16:14] i have just installed [16:14] the Ubuntu [16:14] frostburn: without a username and password being required..is there any reason i would be getting that nfs error? [16:14] !enter | ILman [16:14] ILman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [16:14] and i am using it [16:14] write2copy yeah it's off [16:14] ILman, ONE line [16:14] okay [16:15] klown, not sure, i haven't used nfs in a long while, what's the exact error you're seeing? [16:15] guide me, what should i do now ? [16:15] bazhang: ILman :D [16:15] kelli: are the files with the same names the /same file/, and you want to remove duplicates, or are they different, and you want to rename them? if they are dupes, you can use "fdupes" to find duplicate files. if they are not the same and you want to rename... i'm afraid you have to resort to some basic shell scripting. [16:15] how can i check my free space ? [16:15] frostburn: mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting [16:15] ILman: df -h [16:15] how i get the shell ? [16:16] ILman: ah, so you are looking for some ubuntu tutorials, then :) [16:16] grawity: i have the public and private key saved, can i import them or is that what your command will do? [16:16] no [16:16] bazhang, no. I've used the DVD maybe once or twice before. Oh well, won't watch many dvds when in ubuntu anyway. Thanks for the help bazhang [16:16] I've purged networkmanager from my system and put it back, YET the settings are still there - does anyone know where nm keeps it's settings so I can blast them to pieces!? [16:16] klown, is the nfs server set up correctly? does it have an allow from all or that ip? [16:16] i would like to talk with someone on private [16:16] ILman: to start a shell, go applications -> accessories -> terminal [16:16] laeg: the _server_ has its own set of keys, located in /etc/ssh [16:16] ILman: command to check disk space is "df" [16:16] df -h [16:16] Impy: hmm, I can't really see where the problem lies, can you try to do the same under winXP? [16:16] uqs, you may consider ripping then [16:16] frostburn, Oceanic, moncky: Thanks for your suggestions. Any other things worth trying? FWIW, in the past logging out and back in has caused sound to start working [16:17] i am getting alot of numbers === Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat [16:17] which one is my total free space ? [16:17] I would prefer not to have to do that [16:17] bazhang, sure. if I feel the urge to watch that particual movie and can't get it from the net :9 [16:17] frostburn: in my /etc/hosts.allow I have 'ALL:LOCAL" [16:17] ILman: free space is listed in the "available" column [16:17] frostburn: I'm not sure if this is correct, I am still trying to learn. [16:17] AJC_Z0, i've experienced the same thing with sound [16:17] can someone talks with me on private ? [16:17] klown, what about /etc/exports ? [16:18] i got it but where is the sum ? [16:18] total free space ? [16:18] ILman: if you have multiple partitions, each partition gets its own number [16:18] ILman: df -h / [16:18] i did it [16:18] ILman: ehrm... add them up yourself. :) [16:18] frostburn: if it isnt another pc, is a line in /etc/exports required? if so, how exactly would I put it in there. [16:18] ILman: do it again with a slash after it [16:18] nanotube: bad idea, as there are a few tmpfs and similar filesystems that share space. [16:19] and now what ? [16:19] df -h\ [16:19] grawity: true... would the "df /" show sum for all filesystems, even if there are other mount points? [16:19] frostburn: the reason I ask, is because im not "exporting" to another device, im trying to "import" i guess. [16:19] ILman: df -h / [16:19] ILman: forward slash [16:19] ILman: NOT df -h\ [16:19] okay [16:19] its written [16:19] 203mb [16:19] but its impossible [16:20] * grawity leaves before his IQ drops more. [16:20] klown, afaik, yes it's required, check out man exports and I hate doing this, but check out the google http://www.google.com/search?q=nfs+exports&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a like i said, it's been a long while since i've used nfs, i've used samba for security [16:20] ILman: why would that it be impossible? [16:20] grawity: just want to know if I'm going to be really really sorry if I copied my two user directories separately out of /home to a fat drive or should I start over? The filesystem on the drive isn't really able to be changed right now unless I partition it, which I don't know how to do. Can I just go ahead as I am and come back here for help with permissions afterward or is that asking for trouble? [16:20] frostburn: afaik? I will attempt to re-read what I can, see if the /etc/exports will help me out [16:21] cause i should have somehting like 70G free [16:21] twig11: no problem...you can copy the directories back into /home when you are ready. But you will have problems with p;ermissions since you are using a fat drive [16:21] ILman: copypaste your full output of just plain "df -h" into the pastebin [16:21] klown, afaik, as far as i know. last time i set up nfs, /etc/exports needed to be configured on the host server [16:21] ILman: you didn't partition right, you mounted the wrong partition to / or logs filled you drive [16:21] ILman: pastebin is at paste.ubuntu.com [16:21] ILman: i can't understand you, pastebin pls.... [16:21] frostburn: Glad I'm not alone. I've had problems with sound not working in feisty which turned out to be one the umpteen volume controls being too low, but not seen (heard?) sound just stop working like this [16:22] i use 2 pc's [16:22] then i cant much past it [16:22] th0r: are the problems I have likely to be fixable by a newbie with a little coaching from the friendly board? [16:22] frostburn: thanks for the help :) [16:22] but it works faster [16:22] well how can i here music ? [16:22] listen to * [16:22] twig11: yeah...they shouldn't be too hard. But consider making /home a separate partition when you reinstall so you avoid this in the future [16:23] hello [16:23] twig11: are you sure /home is NOT separate now? [16:23] th0r: Pretty sure. But how do I find out? [16:23] Can anyone help me? [16:24] !anyone [16:24] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [16:24] twig11, mount [16:24] helow [16:24] twig11: in a terminal type 'df -h'. There should be an entry for '/', and if /home is a separate partition there will be a separate line for /home [16:24] if it's separate it'll display there [16:24] elo [16:25] why would ndiswrapper break my soundcard? [16:25] jest tu kto? [16:25] i don't now :)) [16:25] marek__, #ubuntu-pl [16:25] arf_stoned [16:25] what? [16:25] I am trying to format and external hard drive to NTFS in ubuntu and i seem to be running into a wall. The hard drive is currently formatted to ext3. I tried gparted but i'm not seeing an option to format. There is a "Format to" option but it's greyed out. [16:25] marek__, /join #ubuntu-pl [16:25] ILman: i think that's not relevant with your previous question. one question at one time pls.... [16:26] nickolaus: You have to unmount the partition first. [16:26] th0r: frostburn: doesn't look like /home is a separate partition. I did the default install to start with. [16:26] nickolaus: try deleting the ext3 partition and then defining a new ntfs partition [16:26] Help [16:26] !ask | Rabbitssoftworks [16:26] Rabbitssoftworks: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [16:26] Rabbitssoftworks, need a question [16:26] twig11: then the copies you have will be ok...just require a little tweaking once you get them back in place [16:27] th0r: so I'll pop in my shiny 9.04 disc from Canonical... [16:27] Is there a way I can boot to a command prompt from a Live CD? === Mud|brb is now known as Mud [16:28] o czym wy tu gadacie? [16:28] twig11: you can reinstall, define yourself as a user just like you did before, and make sure to install xchat so you can get back here [16:28] marek__, english here; #ubuntu-pl for Polish [16:28] th0r i got it to allow me to use "Format to" but NTFS is also greyed out. [16:28] marek__, /join #ubuntu-pl [16:28] nickolaus: you might not have ntfs-3g installed. [16:29] th0r: actually, I can stay here the whole time. I'm online with my laptop, not the ubuntu system. [16:29] nickolaus: do you have a windows partition on the computer as well....would actually be better to format ntfs in windows if you can [16:30] dlord: what command promt? of the installed system? [16:30] th0r i do [16:30] nickolaus: you might also prefer to settle for vfat instead of ntfs [16:30] sonism: Instead of booting into the gui I would like to go to the command line. [16:31] th0r: That's the reason I'm reinstalling, actually. I hit an impasse where iwconfig wouldn't save my ESSID for a wireless network no matter what I did. I had kevdog and gogeta at the end of their ropes. gogeta said reinstall the #*/@%& thing and I really don't know what else to do. I spent hours and hours on it and it seems like something's corrupted. [16:31] th0r i have to do alot of windows backups so i thought i would just go with ntfs to avoid problems. [16:32] nickolaus: probably a good idea....but I would do the format in windows if that option is available [16:33] twig11: You could configure it the old debian way in /etc/network/interfaces with the iwconfig commands. Your choice... [16:33] dlord: just press CTRL+ALT+F1 at the gui logon [16:33] Hello? [16:34] does anyone knows how to edit $PATH ? [16:34] I want to remove some addresses from the $PATH variable [16:34] sonism: My problem is I can't get that far. The video driver is not loading, and for some reason the Live CD is trying to use my Hard Drive which I need to re-partition because it got hosed. [16:34] \join #ubuntu-br [16:34] minimec: Don't worry, I DID do it with iwconfig commands. and more iwconfig. and dhclient. over and over. doesn't work. And I did have it working earlier. I've given up. [16:34] does anyone knows how to edit the $PATH ? [16:35] charnel: you don't edit it, you redefine it. If you want to remove some portion, you just set PATH= [16:35] so... reinstall the #*/@%& thing ;) [16:35] charnel, PATH is defined in your .bashrc or .bash_profile [16:35] i dont have a .bash.profile === Sonja is now known as hacklab [16:35] th0r: I'll need some help on configuring /home as a separate partition, I think. I'm booting from the desktop cd now... [16:36] twig11: how much disk space do you have for ubuntu, and how much memory [16:36] twig11: when it gets to the partitioning choose to do a custom partition [16:37] th0r: about 70 Gig, nothing on it but ubuntu, I think 512 M RAM [16:37] where can i find the .lircrc file i need to edit to get rhythmbox to work with lirc? [16:37] twig11: ok....I would suggest 15G for /, 1.5G for swap (a little large but what the heck) and the remainder for /home [16:38] yo [16:38] I'm trying to back up a website which is encoded in utf-16, The obvious choice, wget, does not seem to be able to deal with non-ascii encoded html, any leads would be appreciated. [16:38] twig11: actually, make that 1G for swap [16:38] th0r: okay [16:38] it's still loading [16:39] dlord: so, you get stucked when using LiveCD? [16:39] twig11: np [16:39] This board is awesome, by the way. [16:39] dgandhi1, try curl [16:39] test [16:39] sonism: Right. I select the "Try Ubuntu" Selection then it starts throwing errors that it can't access the /dev/sda4 [16:40] . [16:40] dgandhi1: try it using rsync [16:41] th0r: okay, the option I want is "Specify partitions manually (advanced) ? [16:41] twig11: right [16:41] twig11: first set up a 15GB partition with a mount point of '/' [16:41] frostburn: I didn't see options for recursion in the curl man page [16:41] twig11: you can use either ext3 or ext4...your choice. I used ext4 with no problems, but some people are still a little gunshy about it and prefer ext3 [16:42] sonism: can I rsync over http? [16:42] one more question . editing .profile is just for editing the $PATH right ? Does it do anything more . Iwant to make the cakephp console running in Ubuntu. I installed the package but it is out of date . [16:42] So I am trying to install it manually [16:42] th0r: New partition table? [16:43] twig11: the whole drive is for ubuntu, right? [16:43] dgandhi: you can rsync using the combination of rsync server and ssh server [16:43] th0r: yep [16:43] twig11: then yes, new partition table [16:43] dgandhi1, i'm not sure if there is one [16:44] sonism: the site in on a server without shell access, I'm trying to back it up to my local ubuntu machine. [16:44] CharelB, .bash_profile is invoked whenever a new bash shell is opened, it can control any aspect of the shell such as environmental variables, like path, or run scripts [16:44] twig11: you realize that as we speak there are three or four others trying frantically to keep up, and half a dozen more taking notes furiously for when they install ubuntu [16:44] hey guys, whats the difference between alsa and pulseaudio [16:44] th0r: fun [16:45] th0r, twig11, log #ubuntu, grep later =] [16:45] twig11: second partition will be 1GB for swap, so no mount point is defined [16:45] th0r: okay location beginning, ext3, type Primary, mount point / [16:46] hey all - i need some help with my computer... my sound is not working - i am new to this.... but i cannot get any sound at all to work [16:46] hello, i want to enable anonymous user access to my cvs server, how can i do this? [16:46] twig11: sounds good [16:46] twig11: 15gb, right? [16:46] I am editign the $PATH but it stil does not work [16:46] twig11: just got dropped...hope you are still there [16:47] th0r: 15000 M? [16:47] dgandhi1: well, that's to bad... rsync is the tool you want for good reliability in backup operation... try other mirror that serve rsync.... [16:47] twig11: right [16:47] minerva: That doesn't sound good... Is that a clean install you did? And what Distro? Jaunty? [16:47] twig11: close enough [16:47] is there a way to convert a normal 9.04 install over to the lpia architecture? [16:47] marcel_: read this howto http://bobbyallen.wordpress.com/2006/12/29/how-to-setup-anonymous-cvs-access-on-ubuntu-server-606/ [16:48] th0r: new partition. size in M [16:48] twig11: second partition is swap...rules say 1.5 times ram size, but make it an even 1G [16:48] fccf, i tried that but that doesnt work [16:48] th0r: That isn't exactly 1000 Mb is it? [16:49] hi [16:49] twig11: and all you need to do is define it as swap...everything else will be taken care of [16:49] :) [16:49] twig11: right...1024M is 1G [16:49] hi [16:49] da-playaz: hi [16:49] balloooza: nice to meet you [16:49] th0r: Use as: swap area [16:49] twig11: right [16:50] th0r: beginning [16:50] its my first time here [16:50] I am not able to burn a picture dvd for dvd player, I got all the burners programs already [16:50] twig11: yeah should be oik [16:50] th0r: okay done [16:50] who can help me to configure my ubuntu on my laptop [16:50] twig11: third partition is whatever is left for /home...again, either ext3 or ext4, your choice [16:50] yes a clean install but i dont know what distro or jaunty are... sorry im a noob with this on all levels [16:50] I need help [16:51] da-playaz: I can help [16:51] Hi everyone ! [16:51] marcel_: you can't log in as anonymous user from a remote host? [16:51] th0r: Mount point: /home [16:51] twig11: right. and on the next screen make sure everything is ok...there won't be another chance to get this right [16:51] bucky, i have my own cvs server, i want to enable anonymous access [16:51] balloooza: it would be very friendly if you could help me [16:52] marcel_: so you don't have anonymous access from localhost? [16:52] anyone can help me to burn a picture dvd? [16:52] da-playaz: do you mean configure as in install, or get the drivers, software et ceter [16:52] whats the difference between alsa and pulseaudio [16:52] th0r: [16:52] bucky, no [16:52] oops [16:52] and which one is better [16:52] I'm planning to convert my home pc into a web server. How much would it affect my computer's performance. Any idea ! ? [16:52] I let install ubuntu on my computer 3 days ago but I need programms [16:52] shivek: depends on traffic probably [16:52] software etc. and everything what I need [16:52] shivek: depends how popular your website is [16:52] minerva: Can you open a terminal F2 gnome-terminal and type lspci | grep audio in it? [16:52] marcel_: is the cvs server running? [16:53] hi can anybody help me to install nmap [16:53] da-playaz: so you are talking about windows alternitives [16:53] shivek, not hard at all, performance loss would be dependent on what you're hosting and to how many people access it at the same time [16:53] I dont know to use ubuntu [16:53] bucky, yes, i can login with a user and password, but not with anonymous [16:53] shivek: and what kind of website [16:53] shivek: and what kind of hardware [16:53] no I am now ubuntu irc [16:53] http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ da-playaz read this then [16:53] frostburn, Oceanic, moncky: What part of this fixed it I can't say, but I added "options snd-hda-intel model=laptop enable=1 index=0" to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and ran "sudo alsa force-reload", then sound came back [16:53] and I use ubuntu now [16:53] newuser007: sudo apt-get install nmap [16:54] Does anyone here know how to deal with Ebooks? I have one without a clickable table of contents (index) and I really can't deal with that. [16:54] da-playaz, ask a question then, all on ONE line [16:54] da-playaz: so, what is your question, [16:54] sonism: its not work [16:54] th0r: /dev/sda1 ext3 mount point / size 15002 MB; /dev/sda5 type swap, size 1019 MB; /dev/sda6, type ext3, mount point /home, 64000 MB. [16:54] bazhang: ok I am just reading [16:54] AJC_Z0, excellent, you may want to document that in the forums or wiki [16:54] frostburn, I compiled linux-dri-x86 but got some error messages. So I tried linux-dri. No go :( [16:54] Tetracomm: the program lablelled "ebook reader" on the UNR handles .epub files with TOC fine [16:55] Hi likus: I've a custom Pc .2gigs ram 160 gigs hard disk core2duo2.53 And i plan to host a personal website. [16:55] newuser007: what did it say? [16:55] mcphail: This is a PDF. :( [16:55] Tetracomm: not at that computer just now so I don't know the name of the package [16:55] ok - nothing happened... [16:55] my netstat is showing tons of ports established/listening to python. How can I find out what program that is? [16:55] my desktop is so simple and I want have an exciting desktop [16:55] twig11: looks good, but let's talk about it a minute. I set aside 35GB for my / but now am really sorry. With all my -devs and everything I am only using about 6.5GB. So 15GB should be fine...but if you want to make any changes now is the itme to do it [16:55] and I want have fun with my ubuntu [16:55] Tetracomm: most PDF readers should be able to click on links from a PDF if it has been constructed correctly [16:55] !themes | da-playaz check here [16:55] da-playaz check here: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [16:55] the usb-creator confuses me [16:56] so tell me please how can I get my fun on ubuntu [16:56] mcphail: Well Evince and Adobe don't. [16:56] da-playaz: Try compiz fusion [16:56] !details | purefusion [16:56] purefusion: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [16:56] Tetracomm: the PDF prob hasn't been created with hyperlinks [16:56] could someone please help me with installing over the network? [16:56] What is wrong with the person that created it. [16:56] shivek: you'll be fine then [16:56] how to make picture dvd? [16:56] shivek: what kind of website [16:56] 5 [16:56] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/usb-creator - it doesn't say how to tell it which usb drive I want to use [16:56] shivek: ok I will try it but I dont know how to install this themes or software on ubuntu [16:57] shivek: specifically, mysql access? php? [16:57] minerva: use my nick at the beginning of your post... So type lspci in the terminal and use paste.ubuntu.com to copy paste the results. [16:57] shivek: I think that is overkill, I use a 800 MHz 368MB memory, it is fine for web server, and I run ubuntu server 8.04, with this web administration called ebox, if you would like, we can take this to server (#ubuntu-server) [16:57] th0r: What sort of things would I be doing that could fill up the space on / ? [16:57] da-playaz, then you need to do some reading first. [16:57] Tetracomm: the PDF file would have to be created with links/anchors like a web page for that sort of thing to work. Sounds like your file hasn't been [16:57] Hilikus: do you think that is best for ubuntu-server? [16:57] th0r: remembering that I'm not what you'd probably consider a power user. [16:57] https://help.ubuntu.com/community http://wiki.ubuntu.com da-playaz [16:58] frostburn, make[3]: *** [dri2.o] Error 1 | make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/hat3t0b3idl3/mesa/src/glx/x11' | make[2]: *** [subdirs] Error 1 | make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hat3t0b3idl3/mesa/src' | make[1]: *** [default] Error 1 | make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hat3t0b3idl3/mesa' | make: *** [linux-dri] Error 2 [16:58] twig11: not much....all the software you install via synaptic goes there, but all your personal stuff goes in /home...so like I said...with everything I installed I still only used 6.5GB so for you 15GB should be plenty [16:58] balloooza: Yes take it to that server [16:58] diddy, what's the exact line? [16:58] when I am pinging an ip address I am getting result but I am unable to ping site such as google.com [16:58] balloooza: what is? [16:58] (I use the pipe "|" as line break) [16:58] frostburn: Too many to list. [16:58] Ti-dev, that means it didn't compile, the line above that should tell you what file it failed on [16:58] diddy, can you paste bin one or two? [16:58] Anirban1987: Sounds like your DNS server is not set up properly [16:59] ok I want to get as theme azanis gnome and I pressed on bottom but it opens only the pic there is no download link [16:59] frostburn, you mean the line above the whole thing I printed now? [16:59] Anirban1987: or not responding, or something like that [16:59] tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 1000 1917589 20210/python [16:59] th0r: but you're saying it's unlikely I'd even use up 10 GB. And my HD is cramped. can I make it smaller? [16:59] how can I get this theme [16:59] frostburn, tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 1000 1917589 20210/python [16:59] frostburn: well, above that there's a LOT [16:59] ping: unknown host techdarpan.com [16:59] twig11: if you want to make it smaller now is the time...you can't go back later and change it. That is why I brought it up now [16:59] 1/4 terminal I'd suppose :D [16:59] Ti-dev, yeah, for compile errors you'll want to refer to the the provider of the code, xorg, dri [17:00] oh...ok [17:00] Anirban1987: What about a more... wellknown hostname? ping google.com ? [17:00] twig11: 10GB would be fine for now....I always plan two or three releases down the pike [17:00] ping: unknown host google.com [17:00] th0r: Maybe I'll stick with 15. so here goes. [17:00] Anirban1987: What do you get when you do "dig google.com" ? [17:01] twig11: I am really comfortable with those numbers [17:01] frostburn: If I knew the right thing to write and the right place to write it, I would. In this case it was a stab in the dark based on advice found via Google and I don't even know what actually fixed it [17:01] twig11: if you need more space for music, photos, etc you can always use a usb drive [17:01] -bash: dig: command not found [17:01] diddy, anything pop up on ps -ef|grep python ? [17:02] th0r: yep, and I have a 500 GB one: that's what I backed up to. [17:02] Does anyone know where the extension->program associations are stored for bash's completion? [17:02] minimec: correct? alright I brought up the screen... typed in lspci - hit run and the screen just goes away - nothing happens or comes up. [17:02] 500,000,000,000 wrong places to put something! [17:02] da-playaz, download, drag tar.gz to appearances (theme tab) then choose [17:03] Anirban1987, install the package "dig" (sudo apt-get install dig), as it will help greatly in resolving your DNS problem === happosade is now known as ubuntulaiset [17:03] th0r: :-/ Now is there anything important about the details I enter for my user information, that might make it easier or harder to import my backups? === ubuntulaiset is now known as happosade [17:04] I am all out of ideas, anyone want to provide any insight to updating my /etc/exports file [17:04] anyone setup rosegarden with qsynth and jack? i don't have a midi hardware support. So im using qsynth. But i don't get any sound.. [17:04] twig11: just define yourself for now, and make sure you define yourself just as you did last time...same username [17:04] twig11: did you backup the entiriety of your old home folder? === [2]Sergeant_Pony is now known as Sergeant_Pony [17:04] frostburn: Yes, I got it. Thx! Great trick! [17:04] fccf: no [17:05] vise: are you controlling jack with qjackctl? [17:05] E: Couldn't find package dig ... Seems unable to reach any http servers [17:05] hope that's nota disaster [17:05] fccf: he backed up both users...jsut didn't get /home itself [17:05] mcphail, Yes.. i pressed the "start" button on the jack control... [17:05] th0r: same password? [17:05] minerva: I don't understand what you mean by 'brought up the screen'... [17:05] ok i have a fresh dualboot install of kubuntu and vista. grub is in the mbr, vista loads, all is good. for this kubuntu install i have a primary partition 500MB for /boot, then a big LVM partition. in the LVM i have a swap part. and one for this filesystem. How do i install another distro, and let it use the same swap and /boot partition without fail? also, what do i do regarding grub? thanks [17:05] twig11: if you like...not important one way or the toher [17:05] vise: is jack running properly? [17:05] th0r: same machine name? [17:06] twig11: again...up to you [17:06] mcphail, I think so.. since i directed audacity output to it, and it played nicely on jack instead of alsa... [17:06] in case anybody wanted to know how to suck down a website in utf-16, I used httrack, which is in the repositories under webhttrack. [17:06] minimec: you said hit alt + f2 correct? that brings up a run application pop up [17:06] vise: have you connected the outputs from qsynth to your souncard in qjackctl? [17:06] th0r: okay, installing. [17:07] twig11: ok....now comes the hard part....waiting [17:07] dgandhi1, cool, thanks for sharing, i'll keep it in mind [17:07] Anirban1987: cat /etc/resolv.conf [17:07] th0r: yep. [17:07] :( [17:07] it doesnt work [17:07] minerva: yes. that's ok. Then you have to type gnome-terminal in it. That starts the gnome-terminal. Then lspci | grep audio [17:07] I cant configure my desktop [17:07] looooool [17:07] twig11: what username did you use? [17:07] minerva: That normally gives you one line containing all info aobut your soundcard. [17:07] th0r: anthony [17:08] !enter | da-playaz [17:08] da-playaz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [17:08] !guidelines | da-playaz [17:08] da-playaz: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [17:08] reginaldo: What do you mean by a picture DVD? A DVD that plays a picture slideshow when you pop it in a DVD-player? [17:08] there isn't any such file :( [17:08] Hello #Ubuntu [17:09] twig11: then once the install completes, reboot into ubuntu, mount the usb drive and copy the home folders in place. Then you need to open a terminal and type 'sudo chown -R anthony:anthony /home/anthony' === TABASCO_ is now known as TABASCO [17:09] Hi, i have an Sony VIO VGN-FZ31M. Problem is that when i plug in headphones the sound still comes out from speakers and there is no sound in headphone jack. [17:09] twig11: you said there was a second user...so you will need to do the same for the second user [17:09] mcphail, I did not configure anything, but by default, in the Audio section, in qsynth(readable clients), the "l_00" and "r_00" are connected to playback_1 and playback_2 on the right pane (writable clients) === ubuntu is now known as _CommandeR_ [17:09] vise: have you loaded a soundfont into qsynth? [17:09] if a web page in firefox for example contains an applet, witch plays sound, sound does not work anywhere else, how to turn sound in java applets off? or how to solve this issue? [17:10] da-playaz, sure it works; just drag and drop it === Socah is now known as Socah|Away === kandinski is now known as jill === jill is now known as jilldaw [17:10] <_CommandeR_> Hi, i have an Sony VIO VGN-FZ31M. Problem is that when i plug in headphones the sound still comes out from speakers and there is no sound in headphone jack. [17:10] mcphail, Yes, "HS magic techno drums.SF2" for testing, which i downloaded from hammersound.com .. Not a full fledged one, but yes, it's loaded... === jilldaw is now known as kandinski [17:11] th0r: I accidentally dropped out of the chat. Can you give me those last couple instructions again so I can copy them down? I haven't figured out how to make a satisfactory transcript of a complete discussion in Colloquy. [17:11] everybody of my friends told me ubuntu is a very performed system [17:11] but it is very difficult [17:11] this sux [17:11] I need a proffesional friend who is very on ubuntu [17:11] and who is willing to help me to configure my ubuntu on my laptop [17:11] da-playaz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:11] bazhang : can you login yourself in my laptop and do all the configuration life so that I can watch you and learn to use ubuntu [17:11] Anirban1987: sudo apt-get install net-tools [17:11] bazhan: please [17:11] twig11: then once the install completes, reboot into ubuntu, mount the usb drive and copy the home folders in place. Then you need to open a terminal and type 'sudo chown -R anthony:anthony /home/anthony' [17:12] icqn: Apparently, what you need is earcandy. There's info on it here: https://launchpad.net/earcandy It's not in the repositories, and as far as I've found, there's no official PPA for it. So you'll need to research it a bit. [17:12] how to burn a jpg dvd ? [17:12] twig11: you said there was a second user...so you will need to do the same for the second user [17:12] vise: should be working ok then. have you tried controlling qsynth from the virtual keyboard program? [17:12] sorry [17:12] da-playaz, stop flooding. it is drag and drop very very easy [17:12] net-tools is already the newest version. [17:12] why can't I write in NTFS [17:12] th0r: thanks [17:12] mcphail, It's in rosegarden? Ill try that.. [17:12] OttifantSir, me, why would i want earncandy? [17:12] on one partition I can, on the other one I can't write in NTSF [17:12] da-playaz what are the things u need to configure? [17:13] da-playaz, right click on desktop, choose change background appearance, then go to the theme tab and drag the tar.gz file there and choose it [17:13] vise: no - not the one in rosegarden. There is a standalone vkeybd package which is quite good for testing [17:13] When I plug in my external monitor into my laptop and run xrandr -q the highest resolutions listed for VGA is 1280x1024, but the monitor is a 23" widescreen that can do 1680x1050. Why cant I get any higher resolutions, my laptop got an Intel x4500 graphics card ? [17:13] Anirban1987: and you can't dig? strange === simon_ is now known as Guest38354 [17:14] here i can duel? [17:14] rogst: what version of ubuntu are you running? [17:14] hawuuuu [17:14] fccf: Ubuntu 9.04 [17:14] fccf : Nope [17:14] twig11: now in the future if you want to reinstall just reformat /, do not format /home. you can reinstall the whole of ubuntu and still have all your data in /home intact [17:14] icqn: earcandy gives you configuration options for PulseAudio, and apparently solves your problem. Sorry if I didn't understand you correctly. [17:14] to mod bash aliases, do i go under ~home/username/.bashrc and edit that file ? [17:14] twig11: I always do a reinstall instead of an upgrade....saves a lot of headaches [17:14] rogst: there is a regression in the intel video drivers see !intel [17:14] !intel [17:14] Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. [17:14] th0r: That's comforting. Wish I had done that in the first place. [17:15] !info earcandy [17:15] Package earcandy does not exist in jaunty [17:15] twig11: yeah...would have saved a lot of problems [17:15] fccf: okay will read them, thanks [17:15] my battery state could not be recognize, any clue? [17:15] twig11: well...not a lot...but would have been easier [17:15] OttifantSir, well, it is too risky, it can break my system... do you use it? [17:15] what is the different between visualization (vmware) and (virtual box) ? [17:15] mcphail, I got vkeybd and ran it.. But keys don't play anything.. Configuration required for it? [17:16] th0r: If I do a renstall in the future, will I have to also reinstall any software I've installed afterward? [17:16] !info acpi [17:16] acpi (source: acpi): displays information on ACPI devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 14 kB, installed size 88 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64 lpia) [17:16] rogst: you may consider using an earlier version... I have intel running 8.04 and Hi-Res is no problem [17:16] ubuntunewbie, virtualization not visualization === dazman is now known as Guest26280 [17:16] vise: just connect it to qsynth in the qjackctl connection manager [17:16] ubuntunewbie, vmware and vbox are examples of virtualization [17:16] bazhang: oh... [17:16] I have an Asus Eee 1000HE - when I leave it alone for extended periods of time, the screen just goes blank and nothing restores it and forces me to restart. === kandinski is now known as jillzilla [17:16] fccf: It it possible to only downgrade the video driver part to get 9.04 and higher res ? [17:16] twig11: yes...you will. Gives you a chance to get rid of all the stuff you really didn't need [17:16] anyone have issues with ubuntu 9.04 and hibernation, suspend, wakeup modes ? === jillzilla is now known as kandinski [17:17] bazhang: so what's the different between them ? not same company ? [17:17] rogst: nope - the only way to do what I am saying is to reinstall [17:17] fccf: okay [17:17] icqn: No, I don't have the need to. I have just read some info on it, and heard people saying it solved their problems. [17:17] th0r: But the prefs for that software would still be stored in /home, right? [17:17] mcphail, Alright! Thanx! So this is what i was missing.. Do i do the same for rosegarden? (connect rosegarden to fluidsynth)? [17:17] ubuntunewbie, one is in repos virtualbox-ose and the other choice is to get virtualbox from the makers website, similarly for vmware [17:18] vise: yes! [17:18] th0r: bookmarks, for instance [17:18] phew! [17:18] twig11: right, and all the data files too if you keep them in your /home directory [17:18] vise: consider installing the realtime kernel or the full ubuntu-studio package [17:18] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox ubuntunewbie [17:18] th0r: okay that should be no problem for me then. [17:19] mcphail, Yes for the realtime kernel.. But why ubuntu-studio? [17:19] anyone know to burn pictures dvd/cd for dvd players? [17:19] how do I change a user's home directory's location? [17:19] th0r: installation complete. restarting... [17:20] vise: it's more or less an "all you need" solution [17:20] i had downloaded some software from repositories.. in ubuntu 8.10 but i'm thinking to move to Xubuntu 9.04 will that packags work for the Xubuntu 9.04 also ? or some will work and some may not ?? [17:20] Travis-42: usermod [17:20] twig11: that is why we put most of the drive in /home. When you are working in linux, actually doing work, your world should be /home...there should be no place else [17:20] if a web page in firefox for example contains an applet, witch plays sound, sound does not work anywhere else, how to turn sound in java applets off? or how to solve this issue? [17:20] rameshwor, there are version for 9.04 [17:20] vise: not essential [17:20] thanks jrib [17:20] bazhang: yes.. but if i don't want to download it again ? will it work ? [17:21] Im' looking for the deb package 2fc for ubuntu 64bits, anyone can tell me the link of the repository where i can download the deb? [17:21] twig11: after you have changed the ownership of your files, you will have to go through them changing permissions...we will have to see how bad that part is messed up [17:21] mcphail, Okay.. Now the sound fonts i loaded consist of drums.. But they show up as unlabeled piano keys in the matrix editor.. Is it possible to indicate the names in rosegarden? (im used to FL.. :)) [17:21] rameshwor, which packages [17:21] th0r: That's one of the few concepts I've already mastered. :-) [17:21] th0r: storing stuff in home only, I mean [17:21] bazhang: which ?? some softwares.. that i downloaded ... [17:21] bazhang: oh .... now I know more , so if I had a window install on other partition , can I use the existing window or I need to install a new window to use it ? [17:21] vise: not very familiar with rosegarden tbh. I use hydrogen for drums and apart from that stay away from sequencers [17:21] rameshwor, from 3rd party sites? PPA's? or just the repos [17:22] I was just reading shuttleworths post about the need to replace the old files and folders way of finding a file. http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/223 [17:22] Im' looking for the deb package 2fc for ubuntu 64bits, anyone can tell me the link of the repository where i can download the deb? [17:22] twig11: yeah...sometimes folks have a hard time getting their head around that [17:22] Is there some project that has a sort of daemon that monitors a folder, say /home/user/find and when a user browses to for example /home/user/find/dogs, it does a search, perhaps using an index and creates a folder full of links? [17:22] bazhang : repos. [17:22] FlyingSquirrel31, plesae discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here [17:22] twig11: are you familiar with the permissions for files and directories? [17:23] rameshwor, then yes there will be suitable versions for 9.04 [17:23] i have a 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) audio card and the volume is SO LOW using Pulseaudio in Jaunty. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the sound louder? [17:23] my screen keeps flickering and its getting pretty annoying [17:23] stratocaster what is 2fc? [17:23] mcphail, Yeah.. got hydrogen too.. [17:23] fccf: a library [17:23] th0r: Not really. I mean I think I understand how they work but I don't automatically know what permissions should be applied to what files, and I haven't memorized the commands involved. [17:23] hello i need help with wake on lan and a Bootloader [17:24] bazhang: what if i downloaded .deb packages for 3rd party ones.. i hope they are not version specific.. === all is now known as Guest18349 [17:24] twig11: ok...when you have /home/anthony copied let me know [17:24] bazhang: sry [17:24] Hello! trying to dual boot Ubuntu here with Vista. I made a seperate partition, K, for ubuntu, but i am having difficulty i nstalling ubuntu in that partition, can someone tell me how i can do this [17:24] rameshwor, they are not supported so no idea (use at your own risk) [17:24] bazhang: ok.. [17:24] i need a Bootloader that can send a magicpaket [17:25] vise: i think there is some reasonably easy way to tweak rosegarden, but i'm not at my desktop at present [17:25] th0r: Since I've already got /home/anthony, will it just let me overwrite it? [17:25] if a web page in firefox for example contains an applet, witch plays sound, sound does not work anywhere else, how to turn sound in java applets off? or how to solve this issue? [17:25] twig11: yup [17:25] pleas help me its very importend [17:26] do I have to re-partition K in order to install ubuntu? [17:26] th0r: merge or skip? [17:26] mcphail, tbh, rosegarden has the most intuitive GUI i have ever seen. [17:26] twig11: if in the next day or two you run into problems running a program or doing something, make sure you mention the permissions issues. [17:26] twig11: merge [17:26] mcphail, (among music sequencers) [17:26] merge all [17:26] I am trying to disable desktop icons on Juanty 9.04 and I know the command is something like this: gconftool -t bool -s /apps/nautilus/desktop/"something" , but I can't figure out the actual value that handle all desktop icons not just mounted external drive, etc.. any help would be great? [17:26] vise: i found it quite unstable, but that was a couple of years ago. haven't used it seriously for some time [17:27] stratocaster: I am quite certain that you will not find any debs for that package... you will probably have to compile from source... unfortunatly [17:27] replace all [17:28] arkts1: note that in linux, your partitions won't be refereed to as C:, K:, etc. When you ran the installer, were you not able to select the partition you wanted to install ubuntu onto? [17:28] can u say me wher i can get help with my problem? [17:28] mcphail, I was sick of FL anyway.. This seems to be better.. [17:28] frankenst91: here if it is ubuntu-related (after asking a question) [17:28] jrib, i was confused as to how to do that [17:28] !ask | frankenst91 [17:28] frankenst91: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [17:28] vise: enjoy! [17:28] arkts1: do you see a list of partitions to choose from? [17:29] jrib: i went into the advanced section of installing, and i can see the partitions [17:29] hi there, does any one know a linux equivalent for apple iTunes in which i can connect to my iphone and also convert videos into .mov file? [17:29] arkts1: what's the issue? You don't know which one is K? [17:29] i have ask but i think no one knows a [english for "Lösung"] [17:29] frankenst91: how is that "ubuntu-related"? [17:29] jrib: i do, but do I have to repartition it in order for ubuntu to let me install it in it? [17:29] if a web page in firefox for example contains an applet, witch plays sound, sound does not work anywhere else, how to turn sound in java applets off? or how to solve this issue? [17:30] ka [17:30] th0r: okay I have anthony copied into /home [17:30] neodragon: in terminal gconf-editor browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop/ and check or uncheck boxes depending on what you want visible or not [17:30] it is a Ubuntu server? [17:30] i have a 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) audio card and the volume is SO LOW using Pulseaudio in Jaunty. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the sound louder? [17:30] arkts1: you need at least 2 partitions. One for / and one for swap. In the installer, I would just delete the partition K and tell the installer to use the freespace wisely [17:30] jrib: if i click on the partition, all i can do is edit partition or delete it [17:31] mazda01: Try "sudo alsactl init" [17:31] twig11: ok...first thing is the chmod command 'chmod -R anthony:anthony /home/anthony' [17:31] mobi-sheep, what does that do? [17:31] th0r: not chown? === shazam is now known as palomer [17:32] twig11: yup...sorry...chown....good thing one of us is awake [17:32] is there an application that will print whatever I type on the keyboard? [17:32] If I have a service starting up (vsftpd in this case) and NOT going through a superserver ((x)inetd), how do I stop it from starting anymore? [17:32] mazda01: init tries to initialize all devices to a default state. If device is [17:32] not known, error code 99 is returned. [17:32] mobi-sheep, i got this back:L E: core-util.c: Home directory /home/daniel not ours. [17:32] that works in the background [17:32] <|Kael|> hi all. I am trying to install linux on a usb stick to use it as a recovery system later. I'm stuck at installing grub on the stick, with the message here: http://paste.debian.net/41763/ Can someone help ? [17:32] palomer, you want to create a keylogger? Wrong channel, bud. [17:32] ascheel, nono [17:32] fccf: I followed the links about the Intel card and tried to upgrade to the preview of the 2.8 driver :D now I got full res on my external monitor, but glxgears didnt show any graphics.. well life aint perfect ;) thanks for the links [17:32] but thx for help [17:33] bye [17:33] ascheel, I'm making a demo video of my application, and I want the users to know what I'm typing [17:33] palomer, command line app or GUI? [17:33] th0r: "cannot access /home/anthony/ .gvfs' : Permission denied" [17:33] jrib: [17:33] http://i26.tinypic.com/2luszdt.png [17:33] mazda01: You can "alsamixer" and set everything high. Also, if you see 'm' -- It's muted. Press m to unmute. [17:33] i feel so stupid.. ive installed ubuntu before.. [17:33] legend2440: hey that was alot easier. Sorry I am so used to doing certain thing on the command line that I did not even think to look for a graphical tool for this in ubuntu, thanks [17:33] anyone know to burn pictures dvd for dvd player? [17:33] ascheel, whichever, but if its command line I'll stick it in an xterm [17:33] arkts1: oh, so you already have a swap setup? [17:33] mobi-sheep, here's all of it. http://pastebin.com/f2e5bf93d [17:33] palomer: apt-cache show lkl [17:33] ;-( [17:33] i think it is from a previous installation, yes [17:34] mobi-sheep, I have set everything really high. I just get an annoying hissing noise. [17:34] arkts1: ok, then in "Use as", what are your options? [17:34] neodragon: your welcome [17:34] mazda01: Err, that's hard to figure out why. [17:34] th0r: ? [17:34] bucky, but I changed my keymap to dvorak [17:34] twig11: no problem....get the big stuff out of the way and then address minor things one at a time [17:34] jrib: let me list them [17:34] twig11: that shouldn't change anyway I think [17:34] if a web page in firefox for example contains an applet, witch plays sound, sound does not work anywhere else, how to turn sound in java applets off? or how to solve this issue? [17:35] th0r: so what's next? [17:35] and I want it to print the character in real time [17:35] I just gave my freind the 9.04 desktop CD -the Live part works a treat -but when installing she get's flummoxed: it recognizes the windows partition but then asks her to det up a Linux partition (again, no prob.) -but then wants her to set up a linux swap -she get;s confused here -and I'm not there to help her -is there any advise I can give her over the phone to make that part easier? -pm me if it's innapropriate [17:35] to discuss in here -thanks. [17:35] twig11: if you now do 'ls -l /home/anthony' you should see everything that is in your home directory...all owned now by you [17:36] th0r: looks right. [17:36] hi guys [17:36] <[T3]Chak> Anyone have any experience with webcam mics? I've got a selection for Alsa & Pusleaudio for the camera, pusleaudio won't mute the mic, Alsa won't unmute it. the mic wont capute in sound recorder. It shows sensitivity in ventirlo (wine) but i haven't found anyone on a server to confirm recieving voice from me yet [17:36] Anybody able to tell me how to stop a service (vsftpd in this case) from starting on boot anyhow? [17:36] twig11: also note there are ten letters on the left side of the screen....like 'drwxrwxrwx' [17:36] mobi-sheep, i know. I have been goggling for the last 14 hours. I can't believe that no one has the same audio card as me and it running pulseaudio [17:36] th0r: I don't see any [17:37] twig11: do you see ten little dashes? [17:37] Is it in /etc/init.d ascheel ? [17:37] anyone here with knowledge of ISPConfig if so, could i get help, trying to figure out why I the browser interface doesnt work even knowing it installed correctly? [17:37] sorry for he holdup jrib [17:37] http://i26.tinypic.com/10gcv0w.png [17:37] Should be able to take it out of there [17:37] th0r: you mean in Terminal? [17:37] mazda01: You looked in Ubuntu community according to your hardware? [17:37] twig11: it might be a combination of the two...like -rw-r--r-- [17:37] twig11: yeah...in terminal [17:37] twig11: the ls -l printout [17:37] arkts1: ext3, format, mount point: / [17:37] th0r: yeah I get it now. [17:38] and yes I know what permissions settings look like [17:38] twig11: ok...those are the permissions...they will probably have to be adjusted. [17:38] when I type sudo dkms status it otputs this http://pastebin.com/m5193589d does this mean there are two drivers installed? === linduxed1 is now known as linduxed [17:38] twig11: all directories have to be 'execute'....or you won't be able to get into them. All 'normal [17:38] jrib: ok [17:38] palomer: have you seen this... tells you how to use lkl with a keymap file [17:39] palomer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120782 [17:39] twig11: oops....all normal files should probably be '-rw-r--r--' [17:39] palomer: the FBI has a real good one for windows [17:39] th0r: and do I have to do that manually on every level? [17:39] is there a pdf viewer for ubuntu that can annotate and highlight? [17:39] !pdf | odla [17:39] odla: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) [17:39] twig11: unfortunately...yup. [17:39] pwd [17:40] :-( [17:40] wrong window, sorry [17:40] Hello. I am having trouble installing Subversion. it says there is no installable candidate. :( [17:40] mobi-sheep: yes i know about pdf apps ... evince doesn't allow what i want ... so i am asking about other viewers [17:40] <|Kael|> hi all. I am trying to install linux on a usb stick to use it as a recovery system later. I'm stuck at installing grub on the stick, with the message here: http://paste.debian.net/41763/ Can someone help ? [17:40] so i don't have to install them all and find it out they don't work [17:40] twig11: could probably write a script to do it,but then you would have to correct all the exceptions [17:40] bazhang: oh .... now I know more , so if I had a window install on other partition , can I use the existing window or I need to install a new window to use it ? === mordocai_ is now known as mordocai [17:40] th0r: okay, anthony is drwxr-xr-x is that right? [17:40] odla, what about pdfedit [17:40] twig11: yes, most all directories should be that [17:40] mobi-sheep, no, where is that. also, i just noticed that mplayer can't access pulseaudio. it returns this error: http://img249.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshoty.png [17:41] ubuntunewbie, not sure there, perhaps #vbox can help [17:41] mazda01; http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html have you looked here? [17:41] hey all [17:41] sportman1280: Subversion with an upper case S ? [17:41] bucky: lower [17:41] how do I get lkl to display on screen? [17:41] bazhang: I neverthough there's a channel for it thanks :) [17:41] how do I tell ubuntu to stop trying to install a failed package? I can't add/remove anything else without it trying to finish the install [17:41] How do i tell it to stop trying to install that package? [17:41] minerva: --> see private message [17:42] dragonbyte: find the package in synaptic, right click on it and 'lock' it [17:42] bucky: apt-get policy shows that its on a ubuntu server. however its not showing any version you can install [17:42] jrib: thanks a million! everything seems to be going on track now [17:42] th0r: gotta run for lunch. Thanks for your help. I'll work on the rest of this later. [17:42] im trying to setup a print sharing system, so i can with my linux pc share a printer for a couple other windows pc. i'm following a tutorial but it's outdaded and a lot of stuff don't match. can anyone help? [17:42] th0r, is there a way to do this on the command line? [17:42] hi my 9.04 yestaerday totally collapsed, no desktop envroment is able to start [17:42] sportman1280: it shows up when i apt-cache show subversion [17:42] th0r: can I import the other home folder before I create a user? [17:42] th0r, everything I do is trying to make me run apt-get -f install to finish the borked install and I want apt to ignore that until I am done with other things [17:42] bucky: like i said. its a package. but i dont have any version installable :( [17:43] dragonbyte: sorry...it isn't right click...it is in the package menu [17:43] sportman1280: in jaunty? [17:43] twig11: not sure but you can try...worst case it erases the dir when you define the user and yhou haave to copy it again [17:43] bucky: yes [17:43] th0r, no gui [17:43] does this mean that there are two different drivers installed http://pastebin.com/m5193589d [17:43] th0r: okay [17:43] is it wise to share /boot with another distro? is there a way to set this uo so there are no conflicts? [17:43] sportman1280: your repos aren't complete [17:43] th0r, the package is not installed yet, it is trying to install and failing [17:44] dragonbyte: don't know how to do it from command line [17:44] uo=up [17:44] <[T3]Chak> Why the heck does ALSA perpetually mute my capture? [17:44] request -easy to use podcast aggregator to capture mostly CBC/NBR -typt podcasts: I often miss my favourite radio shows -any suggestions? [17:44] buky: yet they update fine [17:44] anyone here with knowledge of ISPConfig if so, could i get help, trying to figure out why I the browser interface doesnt work even knowing it installed correctly? [17:44] bucky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/217101/ [17:44] (nbr=npr) [17:44] bucky: three different locations. all fail [17:44] i need of f2c.h file included in deb package of f2c library at 64bits in the repo of jauntry...anyone can help me? [17:45] stratocaster: it's likely in a -dev package for that library [17:45] how do I permanently stop logrotate on an Ubuntu system ? I have tried everything I can think of, and log files are still rotated. even symlinking /usr/sbin/logrotate to /bin/true somehow hasn't stopped it [17:45] bucky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/217102/ [17:46] sportman1280: looks like you got a mirror down [17:46] mobi-sheep, i am getting: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "lib32asound2-plugins". is that going to be a problem? [17:46] <|Kael|> is there anyone familiar enough with grub? Installing it on an usb stick is driving me nuts as it insists on this: grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdf1. Check your device.map. [17:46] bucky: all 3 mirrors ?? [17:46] twig11: let me know when you are in business...need to take the dog for a walk and get lunch [17:46] bucky: i dont see how that would happen? [17:47] stratocaster: libf2c2-dev looks like it might have what you're looking for [17:47] is ext4 safe against electrical cuts? [17:47] lstarnes:thanks [17:48] dduck, No fs is totally safe against power cuts.. [17:48] stratocaster: for future reference, you can search for which package contains a given file using apt-file search filename [17:48] dduck, Though ext4 might be betta === WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch [17:48] better than ext3? [17:48] stratocaster: but you do need to install apt-file and run apt-file update regularly for that to work [17:48] dduck, yep [17:49] hi people! I have this little problem.. on my laptop, I was using an external display, and my laptop display was off. and suddenly the system crashed, and now on startup it says that "ubuntu is running on low graphics mode" and when I choose "run on low graphics this time" it start okay, the resolution is okay, but it doesnt detect the monitor, and after a restart again says it's running on low graphics. How can I [17:49] detect the laptop monitor? any help truely appreciated! [17:49] vise, have folks been using ext4 on production boxes? [17:49] dduck: don't know of anything that is safe against power interruptions...if it is a problem in your area a ups would be a wise investment [17:49] lstarnes: i don't find it in dev [17:49] yes.. it's stable.. many ppl here probably use it [17:49] sbook [17:50] thanks vise, was curious myself, thinking of converting my ext3 drives to ext4 [17:50] sbook, ppl here advised me that that is not advisable.. you should do a clean install... [17:50] yes true no filesystem would resist with thousends of cuts.....they usually don't happen here but yesterdsay i had 2, and i just wondered wihich filesystem would be more resistent [17:50] bucky: this is very annoying. i would like to get his resolved! [17:50] dduck: it isn [17:51] i am getting an error when trying to play a dvd in mplayer. it can't access pulseaudio. i am in all the pulseaudio groups so I am not sure what's going on. : http://img249.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshoty.png === Steinar is now known as steinar [17:51] lstarnes: i don't find it in dev [17:51] vise: i should be able to rsync from ext3 to ext4, right? [17:51] th0r: what? [17:51] dduck, To be safe, you might want to tweak the caching parameters of linux in general.. I don't know about linux, but sometimes i used to disable the write caching completely on my windows box.. making it fool proof... [17:51] dduck: it isn't the number of power interruptions...if you get one at the wrong moment as the drive is writing it could be catastrophic [17:51] stratocaster: I saw [17:51] stratocaster: what is the full path of the file you're looking for? [17:52] i need help configuring alsa to use my soundblaster audigy 2 [17:52] sbook, No idea [17:52] th0r: also for the hardware itseld or only for the data/filesystem ? [17:52] lstarnes: ok...thanks. I'm looking for f2c.h into the package [17:52] twig11: we good? [17:52] <\\`oot> Hi - has anyone ever seen an error after install where you get "Gave up waiting for root device." [...] ALERT! /dev/mapper/wiley-root does not exist. Dropping to shell!" BUT when I type "exit" at the initramfs prompt the server boots fine??? [17:52] are there any alternatives to lkl? [17:52] stratocaster: libf2c2-dev [17:53] buchy: i have open it...but i don't have find the file [17:53] stratocaster: f2c.h is in libf2c2-dev [17:54] buchy: i don't see it [17:54] stratocaster: install libf2c2-dev with aptitude or what ever [17:54] buchy: how you have do to see it? [17:54] stratocaster: install libf2c2-dev with aptitude or what ever [17:54] hi people! I have this little problem.. on my laptop, I was using an external display, and my laptop display was off. and suddenly the system crashed, and now on startup it says that "ubuntu is running on low graphics mode" and when I choose "run on low graphics this time" it starts okay, the resolution is okay, but it doesnt detect the monitor, and after a restart again says it's running on low graphics. How can I [17:54] detect the laptop monitor? any help truely appreciated! [17:54] Hello. I am having trouble installing Subversion. it says there is no installable candidate. :( [17:55] buchy: i need of the file for open it whit gedit [17:55] bucky: *with [17:56] palomer: http://distrojockey.com/2005/ultimate-linux-keylogger-uberkey.190.linux [17:56] bucky: I'm not interesting to install it [17:56] sportman1280: i can't even ping http://mirror.lcsee.wvu.edu [17:57] The following partitions are going to be formatted: [17:57] partition #5 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) as ext3 [17:57] partition #6 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) as swap thats the installation summary at the end, should it not say sda5 since that is the partition it is supposed to be, instead of sda alone [17:57] arkts1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:57] I got problem with pendrive , it do not mount more and I can't format , I don't have permision for it. [17:57] hello all [17:57] buchy: news? [17:57] bucky: i just went there in firefox [17:57] is there a command to ouput to the terminal a specific line from a file? [17:57] like print line 1030 from this text file [17:57] arkts1: I can't remember. It definitely should say that since it's confusing. Do you have backups just in case? [17:58] jfernandez: you can use sed... [17:58] sportman1280: so you can't sudo apt-get install subversion ? [17:58] >< no i don't. i think im just going to use wubi instead... [17:59] jfernandez: for example: sed -n '2p' FILE will print line 2 of FILE [17:59] i have no sound at all, latest kernel, and booted with livecd, sound worked there, but not in regular sydtem [17:59] arkts1: k, but you should have backups anyway even if you don't install ubuntu to a partition :) [17:59] bucky: nope. [17:59] dont know where else to go/do., any help would be greatly appreciated, and i cant find anything on google about the issure [17:59] issue [17:59] i do, but the backups aren't recent >:] [18:00] progre55: Sounds like your xorg.conf is messed up, try moving it something like xorg.conf.old and restart X so that it does its autoconfiguration [18:00] sportman1280: there's something on google about enabling a repo.. you don't seem to have an official repo so you might have to do that [18:00] bucky: where on google. dont see it [18:01] sportman1280: i just saw it about an hour ago when i was searching for something else [18:01] !repositories [18:01] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [18:01] stupid frostwire lol [18:01] bucky: the official repo has the same problems [18:02] hi [18:02] 'can not use the specified folder for saving files' [18:02] oh joy [18:02] hi irocksu [18:02] sportman1280: this is a user error [18:02] bucky: wheres the error then [18:02] sportman1280: between you and your keyboard [18:02] does someone know where to get ati drivers for a thinkpad w500? on the ati page there is no firegl V5700 [18:02] bucky: ? [18:03] !repositories | sportman1280 [18:03] sportman1280: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [18:03] what is a reasonable size of /boot? [18:03] size of sevral kernel + initrd [18:03] bucky: please stop telling me about the repos im perfectly aware. I have tried them. same result. [18:03] Fallenou: which is.... [18:03] <_Apple_> any one know of any good IRC Clients for BlackBerry? [18:03] jrib: http://i28.tinypic.com/2ujo39k.png [18:03] i usually put 1 Go to be sure to be ok [18:04] sportman1280: System>Administration>Software Sources [18:04] i guess 512 Mo would suffice [18:04] Fallenou: !!! [18:04] arkts1: even if it said sda5 and sda6 I would advise you not to proceed without backups [18:04] Fallenou: all ive read goes along the lines of 50-200 [18:04] Fallenou: and 200 is then extreme [18:04] so go for 200 [18:04] i have a 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) audio card and the volume is SO LOW using Pulseaudio in Jaunty. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the sound louder? [18:04] thiebaude: im not a freakin newb. please stop with the how to change repos [18:05] arkts1: as it is, I haven't used the install to partition in a while so can't tell you if that's normal or not. You could try installing in vbox and see if the same happens [18:05] i put 512 because i had trouble with too tiny /boot [18:05] Fallenou: hmmm, think i will [18:05] when i did apt-get update and is installed new kernels, it failde because there was no space left on /boot [18:05] jrib: well, ill just cancel the install and retry again with a backup of my stuff [18:05] bucky: i need other ideas. because thats not the fix. [18:05] so by now i put a big space in /boot [18:05] jrib: thanks though, i appreciate it [18:05] sportman1280, please paste.ubunt.com with sources.list [18:05] !atitude [18:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about atitude [18:06] mazda01: you might consider removing pulseaudio and just using the alsa ( or in your case [ I am guessing ] oss ) drivers [18:06] but basically as i said, it's just size of several kernel + initrd + grub config [18:06] err paste.ubuntu.com sportman1280 [18:06] thiebaude: sorry. ive said it 3 times and was getting flooded with the same stuff i know over and over. haha. [18:06] what is the command to format a pendrive ? [18:06] sportman1280: either your network isn't working, your dhcp, you proxy, you firewall or your repos arent' set up [18:06] bazhang. I'll get a new one [18:06] buckY; nope. apt-get update works fine [18:06] bucky: and im on the machine now [18:06] oh look, it isnt just x2x [18:07] x2vnc fails the same way [18:07] reginaldo, I think you should be able to format a pen drive with gparted coz it too registers like an hdd [18:07] sportman1280: hey i just got in here, i didn't know if your trying to enable third party repositories [18:07] is there any way to show both UTC and local time in the panel? [18:07] arkts1: random bug report with same output so it's probably normal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/ubiquity/+bug/289663 [18:07] just dies at random [18:07] buchy: i have see it...thanks! [18:07] reginaldo: oh yeah I just remembered, I've done it that way :D [18:07] adhil: da [18:07] ti-dev , i dont have privileges for gparted. why ? [18:07] sportman1280: have you gone into System=>Administration=>Software Sources and run that happy gui BS ? [18:08] reginaldo: you need to open it as root [18:08] fccf, i did that for awhile but I figured if pulseaudio is the new thing, there has to be a solution for it somewhere. here's the tail end of /var/log/messages: http://img269.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1stw.png [18:08] bazhang. http://paste.ubuntu.com/217117/ [18:08] ti-dev , how to open as root ? [18:08] mazda01: actually IMHO pulse is crap [18:08] thiebaude: its all good man :). thanks for trying. im completely stumped on this haha [18:09] does hulu work on jaunty using swfdec or does it require the adobe plugin? [18:09] reginaldo: it's a GUI tool right? so on a normal ubuntu install you've gotta install it separately. Then you can fire it up from the "Administration" menu. When you do that it'll ask you for your password... [18:09] bucky: yes. GUI shows the subversion package, however no version available beside it [18:09] bye [18:09] sportman1280: np, hope you get it sorted out [18:09] jrib: thanks for that [18:09] sportman1280: did you enable all your repos! [18:09] is ANYONE here running x2x or x2vnc successfully? [18:10] bucky: minus proposed and backports. yes. [18:10] and by "successfully" i mean for more than 60 seconds [18:10] sportman1280, what error are you getting trying to install subversion? it's in component main; there are a number of repos in your sources.list I don't recognize, such as LOUD etc [18:10] or more than 30 swaps back and forth between screens, whichever comes first [18:10] demona: I use x2vnc between my ubuntu box and windows using ultra vnc server on the windows side [18:10] sportman1280: what the crap is http://mirror.lcsee.wvu.edu/ [18:11] bazhang: LOUD just adds extra packages for our software in our department [18:11] Is there a way to have my web mail account checked with evolution but now have evolution open all the time? [18:11] bucky: department server. [18:11] sportman1280: stay away from those hillbillys [18:11] fccf: im trying to link the displays on two linux machines, and both x2x and x2vnc just stop working very quickly - the cursor no longer moves off the primary screen [18:11] sportman1280, what does apt-cache subversion show in the terminal [18:11] bucky: im not a hillbilly. lol [18:11] demona: I have noticed that the terminal window for x2vnc has to be kept in the foreground of the desktop ... or you will get those problems [18:11] diddy: can have a firefox addon for that [18:11] sportman1280, err apt-cache search [18:11] bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/217101/ [18:12] fccf: can you run it as a background process without that happening? [18:12] DasEi, but then Firefox would have to be open. :( [18:12] the linux system never work with me, bye all [18:12] fccf, that's what I am reading. a lot of people turn it off, but then how do you listen to more than 1 audio program at a time? [18:12] bazhang: subversion - Advanced version control system [18:12] DasEi, some kind of evolution demon that only checks for new email on the webmail providers pop3 server without having the full Evolution program open. [18:13] sportman1280, yes I am aware, apt-cache search subversion should give some results [18:13] <_Apple_> any of you guys know of any good IRC Clients for BlackBer [18:13] <_Apple_> y [18:13] bazhang: that was search. there were a lot. but thats the trimmed version :-P [18:13] mazda01: thats often a limitation ... there is always JACK [18:14] sportman1280: apt-cache search is different than apt-cache policy [18:14] fccf, yeah. i do want to resolve this however. i am sure someone has to be running the same audio card as me and using pulse. [18:14] bucky: well aware [18:14] bucky: i just put the one line result in IRC [18:14] sportman1280: so far i've only seen you post apt-cache policy [18:14] _Apple_: thats pretty offtopic... ask in #ubuntu-offtopic... this channel is spacific to ubuntu related support questions === Socah|Away is now known as Socah [18:15] sportman1280, not sure how to advise here; perhaps a conflict with some of the non-standard repos is all I can think of [18:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/217125/ [18:15] bazhang: i remove the repos and get the same results :( [18:16] sportman1280: have you apt-get update lately? [18:16] ping lfaraone [18:16] bucky: every like 5 minutes in hope for a change :-P [18:16] mazda01: I imagine you have checked through modprobe to make sure the right modules were loading for your card.. yes? [18:16] diddy:using gmail ? [18:16] DasEi, no I am not using gmail. [18:17] <\\`oot> Hi - has anyone ever seen an error after install where you get "Gave up waiting for root device." [...] ALERT! /dev/mapper/wiley-root does not exist. Dropping to shell!" BUT when I type "exit" at the initramfs prompt the server boots fine??? [18:17] sportman1280: either the path in sources.list is hosed or the repo server is hosed [18:17] Is there a way in Ubuntu to use Windows-style keys for file tree navigation? This Enter/Backspace crap instead of Left and Right is driving me nuts... [18:17] bucky: its official repos?! sooo confused [18:17] ! info mail-notification | diddy [18:18] anyone knows about eject key on dell notebooks ? [18:18] nope, still failing [18:18] !info mail-notification | diddy [18:18] diddy: mail-notification (source: mail-notification): mail notification in system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.4.dfsg.1-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 393 kB, installed size 1516 kB [18:18] works, then quietly stops working [18:18] bucky: hell i built the package myself and put in our internal repo and it STILL doesnt work right [18:18] this is one of those rage-inducing testical-removing problems [18:18] bazhang: is there a way to see what might conflict? [18:19] DasEi, Thx! [18:19] np [18:20] sportman1280, perhaps disabling the other non-standard repos, checking for things in /etc/apt/sources.list.d [18:20] bazhang: just did. same results. only thing left is something installed right? [18:22] I am having a network problem, whenever i set static ip [no conflict with DHCP range] I get the in the route -n command and i cannot access internet, it does seem to me that ubuntu still trying to get DHCP ip even after i set the static ip [18:22] sportman1280: seems you're serious about fixing your problem ... would you like me to do some diagnostics ... perhaps even re-create the problem virtually here [18:23] fccf: ya, i gotta get this strange bug figured out. we cant net install machines with a missing package! [18:23] and synergy doesnt even work AT ALL [18:23] just cycles on the same screen without ever switching [18:23] redonkulous [18:23] fccf: i tried the repo u said thursday. same result [18:24] sportman1280: that's not so strange [18:24] does anyone know how to get /whois functionality working in xchat? [18:24] hey does anyone know why 3D doesn't work with the xserver-xorg-mach64 package in Jaunty for mach64 chips? [18:25] sportman1280: it has to match up with Contents-i386.gz [18:25] sportman1280: what I'd like to do is have you save your package list in synaptic and send it to me ... I will then install everything you have and see if there is a problem there [18:25] bucky: then why have we not gotten an answer haha [18:25] fccf: sounds good [18:25] sportman1280: i told you your hillbilly repo was hosed [18:25] sportman1280: starting virtual environment now [18:25] ten80p: Do you have a router, and does that router have DHCP-server enabled? Personally, I set a static DHCP-IP in the router, which may not be something you can do with yours, but if the router has a DHCP-server, it might conflict with static IPs set on the machines connecting to it. [18:26] DasEi, can one not use SSL with mail-notification ? :( [18:26] buckY: please stop with that. repo is fine. other repos are not working also. [18:27] hello there [18:27] i ve problem with installation .bin files on ubunutu [18:28] is there anybody to help me [18:28] fccf: how do you save it in synaptic? i see a save markings, but not a save list option [18:28] !synaptic | aytekin [18:28] aytekin: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [18:28] aytekin, .bin indicates a binary, .deb are ubuntu installers [18:28] diddy: I haven't tried (gmailer), choose right ports ? [18:28] sportman1280: open synaptic and goto file>save markings ... at the bottom there is a checkbox for save full state [18:28] I'm having an issue when trying to copy files from a dying hard drive to a new one. It will copy several files and then start throwing up exceptions and I/O errors that I don't really understand. I know the drive has been overheating so I'm worried about continuing to try if it may result in a loss of data. Any ideas? [18:28] fccf: ah so it is the save markings. hah [18:28] anybody? does hulu on jaunty require the adobe plugin or can it somehow be made to work w/ swfdec? [18:28] aaron, freeze the drive [18:28] aaron, literally [18:28] How do I copy a user home folder from a usb drive backup into /home? I get a message that I don't have permissions to copy into that directory. [18:29] !sudo > twig11 [18:29] twig11, please see my private message [18:29] sportman1280: may I PM you ? [18:30] aaron: first try to make a 1:1 backup, if you got another driver or partiton that size, then try to dave [18:30] fccf: yep [18:30] Titan8990: I've done that. [18:30] jrib: so sudo mv /media/myusbdrive/userfolder /home/userfolder? [18:30] twig11: sure [18:30] DasEi: How do I create a 1:1 backup? [18:30] anyone? [18:31] aaron : dd [18:31] aaron : like you have a partiton same size as hd, let's say /dev/sdb.... === cloneproduction is now known as clone [18:32] And I can do that from one physical drive onto another? Do I need to create a partition specifically for this, or do I can I create the backup onto an already existing partition? [18:32] Also... what are the chances of that succeeding when a simple 'cp' fails? [18:32] I have installed ubunut 9.04 in dell optiflex 360 desktop and tried to restart the pc...no use only i need to manually turn the power off and on...any soln...for this [18:32] aaron : if the hd contains the OS, boot in live, then in terminal : sudo dd if =/dev/brokenHD off=/dev/sdbX [18:32] OttifantSir: The router's DHCP range is set from to 200, the static IP i want to set is, I do not think this is conflicting unless i am missing something [18:33] even i have loaded the ubuntu 8.04 and 9.04 ...still same issue...then tried using the command sudo shutdown -r now...still shutdowns and while restarts hangs-up [18:33] aaron: whatever could be saved from that drive dd will do it, as it copies sector per sector, a cp stops at corrupt files [18:33] DasEi: I'm running linux from a brand new hard drive... the damaged hard drive is separate [18:34] DasEi: Ah. [18:34] aaron: so no need for live then [18:34] Actually I wanted to use cp not mv. It's a 50GB+ directory. Can I cancel it without messing something up? [18:34] Is it ok to backup a home folder while user is logged in ? [18:34] okay... but do I need a new partition the exact size, or will dd let me backup to a larger existing partition (my /home) [18:34] hello! any soltuion for me ...for ubuntu not restarting [18:34] how do i run an executable from the command line? [18:35] ./ [18:35] StrangeCharm_: ./file [18:35] I did a sudo mv on a 50GB+ directory from a backup. can I stop it before it's done or do I have to let it complete? [18:35] I wanted sudo cp === MobileMyles6o7 is now known as TwoToneSpirit [18:35] aaron:will also work, though it overwrites anything in the destination, so own partiton is safer [18:35] aaron, if you are backing up just your /home partition .. dd might be a little too expensive, tar or rsync would be better [18:35] cheers fetusbubble [18:35] unop: I'm trying to save files from a dying hard drive... from both the Windows and the Linux partitions. [18:36] how to watch mov file? === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:36] !info vlc | os11 [18:36] os11: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1652 kB, installed size 3660 kB [18:36] any ideas? [18:36] ten80pp: Does your router have the possibility of doing static DHCP-IPs? Mine works by assigning a specific IP to a MAC-adress each time the network card asks for an adress. It may, or may not be able to set IPs outside the normal DHCP IP-range like that. Look at the interface of your router, and read the manual on it's DHCP-server. [18:36] vlc doesnt work [18:36] will using LVM result in a performance hit, and will encrypting the LVM result in an even bigger performance hit? [18:36] unop : broken, corrupt drive, aaro.. [18:36] in my desktop i can watch but not in my netbook [18:36] aaron, can you mount the harddrive at all? and view files on the partitions? [18:37] Is there any way of cancelling a sudo mv command before it's complete? [18:37] twig11: ctrl-c for most commands [18:37] twig: that might break your data [18:37] twig11: that might break your data [18:37] some1 can recomend some program to defragmentation ? [18:38] !defrag [18:38] The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. [18:38] m477, not needed [18:38] m477: depends on the filesystem type [18:38] unop: Yes. And I can copy some files from it but then it will stop and throw I/O exceptions. [18:38] recommend ofc [18:38] DasEi: right, and it's my only copy, so I better leave it alone. [18:38] aaron, if you do use dd .. but you will have to resize the filesystems later if the source and destination partitions are not the same size [18:38] bazhang: but i want def. nfs [18:38] twig11: yup [18:38] m477, ntfs? [18:38] bazhang: yeap [18:38] DasEi: that's why I wanted to do cp. don't know why I did mv instead. [18:38] m477, from ubuntu, or windows [18:39] aaron, well, go ahead and use dd then (and cross your fingers) [18:39] DasEi: is there any way to watch the progress of the file operation? [18:39] bazhang: for ubuntu [18:39] Dear ALL,Deubuntu 9.04 not restarting by itself...everytime i need to manually turn the power off and on...any solution [18:39] SORRY UBUNTU 9.04 [18:39] m477, ubuntu does not use ntfs; it can read and write to it though [18:39] bazhang: i got system on ext but also i got ntfs partition [18:39] twig11: especially for such large files it's much safer cp, and then rm from the destination, a simple current failure and you are.. unlucky ;-) [18:40] m477, defrag from windows install [18:40] bazhang: it is only way ? [18:40] even i have loaded the ubuntu 8.04 and 9.04 ...still same issue...then tried using the command sudo shutdown -r now...still shutdowns and while restarts hangs-up [18:40] fccf, how do I check modprobe? [18:40] m477, help for such in ##windows [18:40] unop: I don't really understand the partitioning thing.... [18:40] DasEi: I know. Is there a way to see the progress? [18:40] twig11: too late now, there are options in mv and cp to have such a thing, watch size of destination file [18:40] aaron : even i have loaded the ubuntu 8.04 and 9.04 ...still same issue...then tried using the command sudo shutdown -r now...still shutdowns and while restarts hangs-up [18:40] bazhang: ok i got windows [18:41] m477, ask in that channel [18:41] fccf, here's lsmod | grep snd: http://pastebin.com/f67a70ab5 [18:41] twig 11 :even i have loaded the ubuntu 8.04 and 9.04 ...still same issue...then tried using the command sudo shutdown -r now...still shutdowns and while restarts hangs-up [18:41] aaron, well, a partition houses a filesystem .. and the filesystem has a size which is <= the size of the partition .. so if you clone your partition to a new one which is bigger, the filesystem will have the same size as it did on the older partition [18:41] DasEi: if the operation fails and I lose the data some family members are going to be more than a little annoyed. two hours of holding my breath... [18:42] aaron, that doesn't mean the filesystem won't work, it will but it won't occupy 100% of the partition - you will need to resize it later [18:42] twig11: is it sata at least ? [18:43] unop: Right... I understand partitioning. I guess it's dd that I don't understand. I don't need it to occupy the whole partition, I just need to be able to save the files on it, you know? [18:43] DasEi: It's a usb drive. [18:43] Once I get the files saved to the new hard drive, I have no need to save the backup that dd creates. [18:44] DasEi: I think it's a usb enclosure with a sata drive inside. Does that make sense? [18:44] hello everybody kind attention plz....has anybody got any idea for my solution or not [18:44] if not...let me know [18:44] even i have loaded the ubuntu 8.04 and 9.04 ...still same issue...then tried using the command sudo shutdown -r now...still shutdowns and while restarts hangs-up [18:44] !anyone [18:44] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [18:44] aaron, it depends on how you use dd .. if you use dd on a block device (such as /dev/sda1) .. dd does a byte-for-byte copy of the device (and has no concept of files, etc) .. so the resulting output is just an image (of the filesystem) as opposed to an archive containing files [18:44] heloo... I need help my GDM won't back normally after I change xorg.conf. I am using Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M on laptop Compaq Presario 2500 [18:46] twig11: yes, not the worst scene then, if internal is also sata, should get ~ 20g transferrate [18:46] unop: So what does the resulting image look like? How would I access the files on it? Just mount it? [18:46] all xorg.conf was actually back from beginning with command sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [18:46] aaron, it's because dd does not know about file boundaries, etc, etc that it copies free space too (which can be inconvenient) .. if you have 10G of files on a 40G partition .. your image is 40G in size, not 10G [18:46] DasEi: 20GB/hour? [18:47] aaron, the image will be a binary file .. yea, you can mount it - against the loopback device and then access files [18:47] DasEi: I don't know what the internal one is. [18:47] DasEi: but I think it takes over an hour to transfer 50 GB. [18:47] unop: Okay... so it wouldn't be a bad thing to dd a 40gb partition onto my /home partition that is 200gb, right? It would end up being a single, 40gb file, correct? [18:47] hi all, [18:47] (looks for thunderstorms) [18:48] hi [18:48] any gparted experts about tonight? [18:48] heloo... I need help my GDM won't back normally after I change xorg.conf. I am using Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M on laptop Compaq Presario 2500. all xorg.conf was actually back from beginning with command sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [18:48] yes [18:48] is it possible to unmount a volume while in use? [18:48] anyone use the new version of vlc to play blueray in ubuntu? [18:48] twig11: sorry,typo , least 20MB/s [18:49] aaron, hmm, well, yea, it will either be a 40G file or a 40G filesystem depending on how you use dd. [18:49] what is best current practise to install graphic drivers? [18:49] i have to install ati drivers [18:49] !ati [18:49] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [18:49] Mr-Woof: not recommended, data-loss expected [18:49] The last time I used Ubuntu 9.04, it had a significant decrease in preformance. I want to try it again, was there an update to improve preformance on that? Sabayon Linux supports my wireless much better than Ubuntu, as the content is loaded faster, haha. Are there any improvements on wireless speed? [18:49] get the catalyst package from ati [18:49] I don't mind about data loss [18:50] Any one here know of a ubuntu blackberrys users channel? [18:50] DasEi: I think it gets more like 10MB/Sec [18:50] basically, i've got an old laptop that was quad boot. I'm trying to wipe them all and start off, the fecking thing now won't boot from a cd [18:50] any cd [18:50] but will play a cd when in mint [18:50] Scenario. I have a new computer with Ubuntu on it. My old computer has a drive with Windows XP. I want to see if I can install the old drive in this computer to test whether or not the programs can run under wine. I am not going to try to use windows since it is a Dell version of windows. Does anyone know if IE can be accessed through wine cause I have some apps that will not work with IE6 on here. [18:50] aaron, i would use dd anyway for now and worry about things later [18:51] Mr-Woof: look an man umount, force-option [18:51] unop: hmm... I'd prefer whichever is the simplest and hopefully most effective way of doing it. So if I want to use dd to backup /dev/sdb1 to my /home folder....? [18:51] but the problem is, why after I put xorg.conf back to beginning, my gdm still won't start? It only can be started in low graphics res. [18:51] if i do that dasei, will i be able to format it while it's unmounted? [18:51] hi [18:51] Mr-Woof: no, won't [18:52] :( [18:52] Mr-Woof: or did you mean partitoning ? [18:52] aaron, well, the best way is to use tar or rsync - but as you are experiencing IO errors, dd might be your only option (and even then it isn't guaranteed to work) [18:52] nope format it [18:53] Mr-Woof: to partion it, got to unmount, for formatting > mount [18:53] unop: So are you able to tell me what command/options I should use for the situation I mentioned? [18:53] aaron, is the destination partition you want to backup to empty or not? [18:53] evenin' all [18:53] unop: No. Its my /home/ partition and as such, contains my current install's home files. [18:54] Could someone help me setup python on apache2 ? [18:54] aaron, right, that's the partition you want to backup .. but what about the partition you want to write the image to? is that empty? [18:54] thanks for the help, i've got another idea :) [18:54] unop: That's what I want to backup TO... my current /home/ partition. [18:55] hi iam trying to setup bind9 for IPv6 on a LAN, i could use some help [18:55] The files I need to backup are on my old Windows partition on a separate hard drive. [18:55] aaron, so what are you backing up? [18:55] is www-data a user? [18:55] (well, there are also files on my old linux partition that need to be saved too, on the same drive as the Windows files) [18:56] aaron, right, then, this should do. dd if=/dev/sdb bs=32k > ~/backup.img [18:56] aaron, where /dev/sdb is your old drive [18:56] sudo lshw -C video [18:56] [sudo] password for amin: [18:56] *-display UNCLAIMED [18:56] description: VGA compatible controller [18:56] product: Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M [18:56] ataufik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:56] vendor: ATI Technologies Inc [18:56] unop: Thank you so much. [18:56] tavish, yes, if you have installed the apache package [18:57] howdy... my USB mouse doesn't work on my laptop... I've got 9.04 installed but although dmesg says it is recognised as a mouse, the cursor doesn't move in X [18:57] hi im trying to install ubuntu on a sd but the installer dont show the card i have a netbook whit 2g disk so i want to use my 8g sd card for the system any ideas [18:57] unop: how can give it permissions to run a command, for example 'fortune' [18:58] btw - did anyone see my question? I'm a little unsure if the +z stopped me talking or not :) [18:58] tavish, it should already have the permissions [18:58] tavish why dont you just use su or sudo to run the app? [18:58] GnomeKing: I can see ya [18:59] what would I need to do to be able to run php scripts on cron? [18:59] Anyone ever use an old Drive with windows programs on it? [18:59] Thanks DasEi [18:59] PerryMason, make a shell script that runs them, and add that to cron [18:59] FLJohn: in which manner ? [18:59] unop: Okay, I'm running that, but I see no output at all...should I? [19:00] aaron: no, patience XD [19:00] aaron: finished when cursor is back [19:00] aaron, you won't see any output until it has finished .. but you can check progress with. kill -USR1 $(pidof dd) [19:00] dd: reading `/dev/sdb1': Input/output error === kb is now known as Guest17887 [19:01] unop, DasEi: dd: reading `/dev/sdb1': Input/output error [19:02] aaron, doesn't look good - i'm afraid your drive's really on its last knees [19:02] If I need network authentication, which is the most simple way to achieve that? [19:02]  DasEi: I am going to throw my old hard drive in this computer to run as an extra drive. I want to see if Wine will be able to read the drive and run programs. [19:02] unop: So... take it to a professional, huh? [19:03] Maybe I can designate the whole drive as a C-Drive [19:03] aaron, hmm, yea .. I had a similar problem some years ago -- what i did was put the drive in a polythene bag and put it in the freezer for 48 hours or so :) [19:03] FLJohn: k, but you know you got to install them again in wine, nor ? [19:04]  DasEi: I can not just add wine to the drive? [19:04] FLJohn:no [19:04] PerryMason: You can make a php script that can be exec'd from cron by using a "#!/usr/bin/php" first line and making the file executable. Look at the "TIPS" section of "man php". [19:05]  DasEi: Here is the problem. I tried wine and I downloaded IE6 and I did not like the fact that when I opened up ie, it used 25 percent of my quad core constantly [19:05] FLJohn: to use more then one OS a time, consider : [19:05] !virtualization [19:05] There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu. See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [19:06]  DasEi: Currently I use 3-5% of my resources even when I am streaming music [19:06] unop: Alright... maybe I'll try the freezer trick over the next few days. Freeze it over night, copy a bunch of files, repeat? [19:06] aaron, yea, i suppose you could do that, yea [19:06]  DasEi; I do not want to run other op systems. i just want to be able to use my stock market software [19:06] unop: Alright. Thanks for the help! I appreciate it. [19:07] unop: any solution for me [19:07] My main hard drive is only 30 gigs (solid State) [19:07] what is the fastest way to back up the current configuration of a system to .iso? [19:08] why .iso ? [19:08] FLJohn: so ask in #winehq, alos visit their website, to check if that app is listed there , see [19:08] !wine [19:08] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [19:11] thank you allo [19:12] It would be interesting to use the network card as a plain radiometer, i.e. reading off a time series of radiation intensities. this would require low-level access to the network card. is there a suiltable interface available, or will I have to write my own driver for it? [19:14] hello, i defined new variable in my ~/.bash_profile caller CUSTOM_PATH then i make PATH=$PATH:$CUSTOM_PATH but my new path did't appear when i do echo $PATH. what could be the problem? [19:14] export it [19:15] asfjio: "source ~/.profile" === Bishop is now known as b1shop [19:16] the user on my laptop that im trying to SSH into doesnt have a password, but it prompts me for one, so what do i use? [19:16] any GUI tools for managing raid/lvm? console GUI is sufficient [19:16] in fact, console GUI is preferred [19:17] the user on my laptop that im trying to SSH into doesnt have a password, but it prompts me for one, so what do i use? [19:18] !patience|ghostknife [19:18] ghostknife: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [19:18] Sub-Zero5: you have a user wihtout password, and allow ssh passord authentication? ouch [19:19] it wont allow login without passwords [19:19] i cant belive it would [19:19] Ah ok, thats 1 out of 2 questions resloved [19:19] mobi-sheep: do i need to do anything else i mean it won't be only for the current session, right? when i restart? [19:20] Finnally how could i use the SCP command on windows? [19:20] Sub-Zero5: there is pscp from putty or winscp if you want a gui [19:20] Sub-Zero5, winscp [19:20] I'm having a problem replacing exim4 with postfix on a hardy server install. When I attempt to install postfix I am prompted that exim4 will be removed (ok so far) but then the removal fails. The output looks like this: http://pastebin.com/d694e1920 [19:20] Sub-Zero5: I didn't repeat my question? [19:21] Sub-Zero5: in fact, I'm very patient and am busy going a google run [19:21] asfjio: It is permanent when you put that in. I could tell you to close the terminal and start a new one instead of the command. [19:21] !sorry|ghostknife [19:21] ghostknife: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand... [19:21] lolers [19:21] it appears as though apt-get is removing exim4-base and exim4-config before exim4-daemon-heavy. But when I attempt to remove exim4-daemon-heavy I'm forced to install exim4-daemon-light. Evidently exim4 needs the daemon. [19:22] mobi-sheep: so do i need the definition CUSTOM_PATH in my ~/.bash_profile or not? [19:22] asfjio: It depends on preferences. What are you trying to do? [19:23] bottom line is: if I attempt to just remove exim4 I get dependency issues with a number of apps such as logwatch, logrotate and mailx. I've tried removing them, but then further dependency issues are unresolved. Any idea how I can replace exim4 with postfix? [19:23] mobi-sheep: to have this custom path when i restart or somehing. ok i will leave my CUSTOM_PATH variable as it is now. [19:23] What is the difference between ubuntu and Kubuntu? [19:23] wizzo50: kubuntu uses KDE instead of gnome [19:24] zanberdo: it looks like that the exim4-heavy is actually failing to remove [19:24] wizzo50: that's about the only difference I know of [19:24] asfjio: If you're trying to have your own script folder, you could just create 'bin' folder on your home directory and that'll be it. [19:24] ok, thks [19:24] mobi-sheep: i don;t need to define anything else just create the dir and put my stuff there? [19:25] Hi. I have problem with NetworkManager. It has a faulty resolv.conf as default. It has mixed my VPN resolv.conf with my default and its not good. Everytime I restart my computer or do anything with NetworkManager, it defaults to this faulty one. How can I change this behavior? === Ookazoo is now known as Interphase [19:25] Blinkiz, there's probably a more elegant solution, but i did a chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf [19:25] Blinkiz: you use vpnc? [19:25] asfjio: That's right. Yup. bin is generally used for personal scripts. I have 9 scripts at the moment. Check .bashrc and look for bin code. You may need to uncomment it out first. [19:25] hio @ all [19:26] it never undoes its resolv.conf changes for me [19:26] realy annoying [19:26] mobi-sheep: ok, thank you very much for the answers, bye [19:26] mgolisch, No, "network-manager-openvpn" [19:26] hm [19:26] ok [19:26] danbhfive, yes. and when I originally had exim4-daemon-light installed (which is evidently installed by default for exim4) I was getting the same errors concerning exim4-daemon-light. This is what prompted me to install exim4-daemon-heavy. Oddly enough, installing 'heavy successfully remove 'light... [19:27] can someone help me - I'm trying to set up Evolution to work with my microsoft outlook exchange server at work... I get it to the point it shows me all my email folders, but has errors once it tries to access anything in the folders. [19:27] brodymcd, yeah i have the same issues, i do a pkill evolution and restart it [19:27] frostburn, Using chattr is not good for me. Then NetworkManager can't change resolv.conf when am using my VPN connection. No good [19:27] frostburn - pkill? [19:28] brodymcd, kills all processes named evolution [19:28] Slart: Which is better to use KDE or Gnome? [19:28] !best | wizzo50 [19:28] wizzo50: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [19:28] frostburn - still lost, sorry... is that like force quit? [19:28] wizzo50: I would say it comes down to taste.. is strawberry icecream better than vanilla icecream? =) [19:29] what does ubuntu do [19:29] ubottu: What is the difference between the 2? [19:29] brodymcd, yes =] === Tetracomm is now known as fuzzypotato [19:29] gogo, its an OS [19:29] brodymcd, i've also had issues where the mail was corrupt and had to delete all local files and reconnect/download [19:29] wizzo50: ubott-- is a ro-bot [19:29] what is a OS [19:29] i want to add a drive and make the 2 drives raid1. can the ubuntu installer do this? [19:29] gogo: it does all you want... what do you want to do? [19:29] anyone provide a reference or approx costs for a custom lice-cd? [19:30] wizzo50: :D [19:30] !ot | Bishop [19:30] Bishop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [19:30] gogo, an Operating System, much like Windows XP or Apple OS X [19:30] Bishop: ? [19:30] run as a surver [19:30] Bishop: do you want to burn ur own live cd? [19:30] yes. with customizations [19:30] gogo: there's an ubuntu server edition [19:30] frostburn - this is just starting for the first time - I have never connected and seen any email - just a folder structure [19:30] !remaster | Bishop [19:30] Bishop: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility [19:30] is there a channel to ask about english language? i need to make some translation from portuguese [19:31] pup: what [19:31] i have used remantersys... [19:31] zanberdo: mmm, I dunno. See lines 18 and 19? Its saying that 'heavy is failing to remove. That can't be the same error, since you say that 'light succeeded to remove. Anyway, I can tell you how to break it so it proceeds anyway: just remove the 'heavy.prerm script, and then run the command again. At least that will get your further... [19:31] ltcabral: You can try to use babelfish (google for it) [19:31] gogo: you said u want to use ubuntu on a server right? [19:31] pup: yes [19:31] gogo: then install ubuntu server edition [19:31] pup: ok how [19:32] !br | Itcabral [19:32] Itcabral: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [19:32] brodymcd, ack, i'd check with the evolution channel, it's been pretty flaky for me too, you might get more debug information if you run it from the command line [19:32] GilJ: thats not very trustable is it? [19:32] frostburn - what is that channel? [19:32] pup: how do i do that [19:33] gogo: download it! [19:33] where from [19:33] gogo: you'll find the iso on ubuntu website [19:33] gogo: burn it on a cd and install it like any other OS [19:33] pup:thanx [19:34] brodymcd, Discussion of Evolution (development and otherwise) takes place in #evolution on irc.gimp.org. [19:34] is their a way i can automate a SCP job via a windows batch file? [19:34] Sub-Zero5: how about asking that on #windows [19:35] is there a package I can download that is same as shockwave? [19:35] cwna, no shockwave for linux [19:35] for india which is nearest download option [19:35] !shockwave | cwna [19:35] cwna: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave [19:36] MyTechGuru: doesn't matter, some times closer ones are slower! [19:36] hi i need to change my screen res from 800x600 to 1024x786 [19:36] kuneli: go to display properties! [19:36] MyTechGuru: you can use synaptic > find fastest mirror [19:36] ok [19:36] system > pref display kuneli [19:36] fccf, sorry. I was away from my computer. did you resond? I can't see back that far as this channel is very active. here's lsmod | grep snd: http://pastebin.com/f67a70ab5 [19:37] thanks ubottu i will try the link. [19:37] danbhfive, thank you, that solved my problem. I was able to use apt-get to install postfix which automatically removed exim4 and it's dependencies without the error. Tell me, what is a .prerm file anyway? [19:37] how can I watch the progress of a file operation using cp? [19:37] cwna: ubott-- is a ro-bot [19:37] i dont have display on sys pref [19:37] DasEi: i don't see that option for fastest mirror... where's it exactly? [19:38] twig11, you can use -v [19:38] theres no bar [19:38] its srceen res [19:38] kuneli, gnome-display-properties - type it in terminal [19:38] kuneli: that's correct [19:38] . If I format a usb stick as ext3, give it a bootable flag, debootstrap the system at the mountpoint (/mnt), then shouldn't "grub-probe /mnt" show something proper and not an error message ? [19:38] twig11: try rsync instead, easiest, (man rsync) [19:38] twig11: I'm not sure if you can.. you can use rsync if you want a nice progress bar.. [19:38] i have a 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) audio card and the volume is SO LOW using Pulseaudio in Jaunty. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the sound louder? [19:38] i tried to connect irv from pidgin but i couldnt so i am using firefox chatzilla [19:39] irc [19:39] mazda01: sorry i've been in another chat, and working - cannot multi--multi--task [19:39] mazda01, remove pulseaudio, or type... alsamixer -c 0 [19:39] zanberdo: its the pre-removal script. Its was returning an error, so apt was stopping. You deleted that, so apt just proceeded. The downside is that the package may not have been removed properly [19:39] mazda01, and try to set mixer for highter values [19:40] mazda01: do you have any control in the gnome-volume applet caleld PCM? [19:40] DasEi: Slart: thanks [19:40] !info pavucontrol [19:40] pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 64 kB, installed size 376 kB [19:40] mazda01: try pavucontrol [19:40] danbhfive, excellent information. thank you. I'm sure that I can follow-up on exim4-daemon-heavy to verify that it was in fact removed properly. thanks again. [19:41] wher is the termanil im a newbe [19:41] PCM Marine Engines? [19:41] kuneli, atl+f2 and type terminal [19:41] kuneli, or programs->accesories->terminal [19:41] zanberdo: yw [19:41] [19:41] twig11: there is a way to put a script for cp, adding the progress-function, but rsync does from itself [19:41] kuneli: it's also under accessories [19:42] kuneli, if you want to use by alt+f2, you need to type gnome-terminal* [19:42] kuneli: alt+F", gnome-terminal [19:42] DasEi, progress-function for cp? [19:42] whatvn: yes [19:42] DasEi, more details, please :D === eric is now known as talntid [19:43] is anyone here using irssi or any other terminal chat client ? [19:43] okay iv don it [19:43] DasEi, can you pastebin this script? [19:43] DasEi: it looks like rsync would be the app to use for backups then. [19:43] artistxe: yes [19:43] whatvn: moment, looking up [19:43] artistxe: I am, do ask the question. [19:43] DasEi, ok [19:44] What is the name of the Ubuntu telephony private branch exchange (PBX) program? [19:44] artistxe: weechat is terminal/curses-based [19:44] arand / mcphail . what would be the command to join a particular network . like freenode ? [19:44] bullgard4: asterisk? [19:44] whatvn, maybe cp -v ? verbose will show you each copierd file [19:44] bullgard4: asterisk? [19:44] twig11: rsync does a lot, but can also be used for just copying [19:44] Socah, no [19:44] I tried connect command [19:44] rickest, Pici Yes. Thank you very much for your help. [19:45] artistxe: /connect irc.gnome.org for example worked on irssi [19:45] or maybe I cannot be connected to more than one network at a time ??? [19:45] artistxe, you may join multiple networks using irssi [19:46] frostburn . do I need a script to do ? [19:46] artistxe, http://irssi.org/documentation/startup no [19:46] but iv dont have 1024x768 in my system at all [19:46] Help in #irssi too [19:46] is there a smarter way to do "cat ./* | grep foobar" [19:46] ? [19:46] iv check it [19:46] linduxed1: grep foobar ./* [19:46] linduxed1, grep "foobar" * [19:46] linduxed1: grep foobar ./* [19:46] thanks for the help everyone . [19:46] Hi. I'm trying to build a custom kernel with a patch to support the latest winbond watchdog. I run `fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers` and everything works great except the /lib comes out to be 1.1GB. Compare that to the 100-200MB that the server image creates in lib. Does anybody know how to make my image smaller? Whats the magical incantation to make? [19:47] Pici: frostburn: LordLandon: ok that worked [19:47] that bring me out screen res panel [19:48] i need to update it [19:48] How do I setup my Terminal [19:48] so how [19:48] DasEi: so my command would look like rsync /sourcefile destination file; and that automatically includes progress indicator or is there an option that needs to be included for that? [19:49] twig11, -av option [19:49] hi, is there a way to create bootable floppy images? (I have no floppy drive) I want to test my bootloader I wrote in assembly but having trouble creating a 'virtual floppy drive' [19:49] i have grait anger [19:49] twig11, man rsync === marko_ is now known as marko-_- [19:50] whatvn: thanks; sudo rsync -av sourcefile destinationfile. I read man rsync but some of it is over my head and I must have missed that. [19:50] anybody help, pls, i need to instal ati radeon xpress 200m drivers under ubuntu 9.04... [19:50] HELP! How do I setup my Terminal Server Client: Domain? Client Hostname? and Protocol File? [19:50] twig11, short answer: yes [19:50] Hi, how can i change this routing table http://paste.debian.net/41773/ that pakets for doesn't be encapsulated by tap0 and ppp0 [19:51] ok, I'm out of CDs so I used this method to extract the iso to a bootable flash drive, but it's not getting picked up even with the bios set to load usb drives first [19:51] can somebody help? [19:51] :( I figured someone by now would've cracked the zune to be used within ubuntu... still sad I have to have part of my hdd for windoze still /cry [19:51] HELP! How do I setup my Terminal Server Client: Domain? Client Hostname? and Protocol File? [19:51] anybody help, pls, i need to instal ati radeon xpress 200m drivers under ubuntu 9.04... Can you help? [19:51] fwaokda, i've found that virtualbox/vmware workstation work great in those instances for windows only usb devices [19:52] wizzo50, what are you trying to connect to [19:52] whatvn: and what I gather from man is that it automatically sends only changes if some of the files in the destination match files in the source. Correct? [19:52] weechat [19:52] cubaz, the atifree drivers work with the M200 [19:52] frostburn, ya I've tried it but I didn't like it - BUT that was before I had 4gb of ram... hmmmm interesting [19:52] frostburn: Weechat [19:52] Oceanic, how do i find them? [19:52] wizzo50, windows box, linux? what's weechat? [19:53] sounds a bit urinal for me [19:53] cubaz, they are already installed [19:53] frostburn, can you still play games through windows in virtualbox? [19:53] !weechat [19:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about weechat [19:53] cubaz they should be working [19:53] fwaokda, yes! they just implemented directx9 in virtualbox, i've yet to try it though [19:53] A chat program I saw someone else asking about, so I was checking it out too, so am not sure [19:53] Oceanic, well, i can onlu use system w/o effects or anything [19:53] wizzo50, terminal service client is used for remotely connecting to other desktops [19:54] i dont see a 1024x768 in my system how [19:54] tch, seems like using my network card as a radiometer would require rewriting both the firmware and driver. I think I'll give up [19:54] whatvn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=316707 [19:54] frostburn, well looks like I might be reformatting... one last question: Can I delete my windows partition and then expand my current ubuntu partition? so i dont have to reinstall/reformat? [19:54] it only have 600x800 [19:54] i`d like to restore grub but my file system is read only. have it any meaning? [19:54] fwaokda, yes, you'll need to boot with a livecd and use gparted (partition editor) [19:54] hello [19:54] hello [19:54] cubaz, whats the output of "glxinfo | grep direct" [19:55] frostburn, alright sweet then that's what I'm gonna do today thanks a bunch! ;) [19:55] ubuntuUSR, boot with a live cd and reinstall grub [19:55] hello! is it meee you're looking foooor [19:55] hahahahahah [19:55] !resolution | kuneli [19:55] kuneli: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [19:55] frostburn: 1) Run './configure' [19:55] (./configure --help so see options) [19:55] 2) Run 'make' [19:55] 3) As root, run 'make install' [19:55] 4) Enjoy ! :-) [19:55] wizzo50: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:55] That is what it is asking to do, so when I open Terminal it is asking for what I mentioned earlier [19:55] DasEi1, ok [19:55] your tees ing me [19:55] yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [19:55] !paste [19:55] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [19:56] i`m using live cd already but my filesystem where grub is located is read-only [19:56] frostburn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/217180/ [19:56] wizzo50, weechat is packaged in ubuntu, sudo apt-get install weechat [19:56] hello [19:56] hello [19:56] !repeat | kuneli [19:56] 911 [19:56] kuneli: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [19:57] ubuntuUSR: so make it readable [19:57] hi [19:57] Socah, yes, I have already set everything really high in gnome-alsamixer. I get a horrible hissing when I turn them too high but volume is still very low. i have everything cranked to? [19:57] ubuntuUSR: so make it .. err, writeable [19:57] ubuntuUSR: grub loads to the master boot record, the grub files in /boot/grub are not written to when reinstalling grub [19:57] soooooooooooo tell me that okay [19:57] hello everyone !!! ;) [19:57] that okay. [19:57] i have tried pvaucontrol, didn't help either. I have read everything about pulseaudio but nothing seems to help the low volume? [19:58] floodBot Did you remove me from here [19:58] Oceanic, what whould be the output? It's hard to say:-) [19:58] DasEi: how? [19:58] wizzo50: It was a mute, you're unmuted now. [19:58] if I turn down the mic boost and mic, the hissing goes away but then I have to turn master and PCM to their highest levels to even hear barely anything. there has to be a config file change or something. === arianit_ is now known as arianit [19:58] BRB [19:59] wizzo50: that was a temporary mute ... in the future use a pastebin for multi line posts [19:59] I am using emacs and when I keep C-f pressed, at random times fs are inserted in the buffer. Investigating the problem with xev I found out that the key CTRL is, at random times, pressed and released, even though I am pressing it. Has someone experienced this same problem before? [19:59] fccf: so i shoul or not make it writable? [19:59] Pici: I don't even have my volume on or up on here [19:59] ubuntuUSR:you can't wrtite to /boot/grub ? try as root, like gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [19:59] wizzo50: muted in IRC means that we can't see what you type. It was because you flooded the channel with text. [19:59] hi, does anyone want to help me configure/install my display and graphics card drivers? [19:59] !paste | wizzo50 [19:59] wizzo50: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [20:00] DasEi can`t do that [20:00] ubuntuUSR: you don't need to ... just do sudo grub from the live disk [20:00] fccf: I couldn't remember what it was called at first, now do that you and others told me [20:00] how does gksudo differ from sudo? [20:00] ubuntuUSR:why / I'm not getting your question [20:00] !gksudo | pup [20:00] pup: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [20:00] Sengupta: welcom! [20:00] pup, gksudo pops up a gtk modal [20:01] well i've been using sudo gedit without any hassles! [20:01] pup, i do the same thing [20:02] !worksforme | pup , thiebaude_ [20:02] pup , thiebaude_: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ [20:02] I accidentally removed myself from the admin group, now I can't use sudo to get myself back in. [20:02] kuneli is spseeking [20:03] andre_pl: uh ... thats why we have recovery mode [20:03] i was hoping there was a way without rebooting [20:03] sudo apt-get install weechat [20:03] Does anyone know where and what plugins I could get that will allow me to burn music files (mp3) to dvd? [20:03] andre_pl: go into recovery mode and run gpasswd -a USERNAME admin [20:03] can you ssh in as root? [20:03] i executed commands find /media/disk/boot/grub/stage1 and find /boot/grub/stage1 [20:03] no i cant :( [20:03] "burn | sylvanus_ [20:03] !burn | sylvanus_ [20:03] sylvanus_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [20:03] sylvanus -- I think brasero is the default Ubuntu app [20:03] final result is Error 15: File not found [20:04] so gpasswd is the way to JUST add someone to a group? because using usermod is how I removed myself in the first palce. [20:04] andre_pl, you need to boot into recovery mode and then do some editing. look vi sudo on goggle i think. [20:04] andre_pl: then I'd do the reboot thing and add yourself back to admin and make sure you are in the sudoers list [20:04] nero for linux [20:04] is it possible to install ubuntu on raid+lvm. My question is basically whether the installer has a gui for setting this up? [20:04] anyone know if it's possible yet to play blu ray/hd dvd movies in ubuntu if I have a drive for it? [20:04] hi...does anyone knows about ERROR 5 during Ubuntu installation?? [20:04] frostburn: I have reinstalled ubuntu on my new computer and now need to get the Terminal setup so I can use it to put what you told me for WeeChat? === didi` is now known as didi [20:04] sylvanus_ : brasero works best for me, too, or if you got a license, can also use nero (else time-based trial) [20:05] nero & trial? whats that :+ [20:05] yes but it will not let me burn mp3's to disc, It says not with current set of plugins [20:05] *kuch* k.e.y.g.e.n *kuch* [20:05] :+ [20:05] Mud: check their HP [20:05] not dvds anyway [20:05] DasEi : hot porno? [20:06] sylvanus_ : they do both, cd and dvd [20:06] :+ [20:06] frostburn: I have reinstalled ubuntu on my new computer and now need to get the Terminal setup so I can use it to put what you told me for WeeChat? [20:06] i do not getting. file stage1 and eve stage2 exists on my hdd but comman fid can`t fin it [20:06] yes it will burn both but will not let me burn mp3's to a DVD! [20:06] Mud: do you have an ubuntu support question? [20:06] guntbert no :P [20:07] I am always idleing here [20:07] it tells me not supported with current set of plugins [20:07] sorry, not fid=find eve=even [20:07] Mud: please stop your off topic comments [20:07] sylvanus_: try to start brasero from teminal, to get more detailed output [20:07] anyone know where to tell CUPS to always print a custom footer on all pages? thanks! [20:08] sylvanus_: do you have mpg123 and mpg321 installed? [20:08] guntbert: 50 euro's, special prizeee for you )) [20:08] could some help me with ERROR 5 - ubuntu installation?? [20:08] I am not really terminal savy [20:08] frostburn: I have reinstalled ubuntu on my new computer and now need to get the Terminal setup so I can use it to put what you told me for WeeChat? [20:08] fluitfries: localhost:631 [20:08] hi [20:08] I dont think so [20:08] cubaz, in terminal [20:08] how so I get them [20:08] i've got an acer extensa 5220, do you know if the bluetooth is supported? [20:08] fccf: ok, i will poke around there. thanks! [20:09] * Mud careless guntbert [20:09] its ok :) [20:09] sylvanus_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [20:09] frostburn: Frostburn must be gone [20:09] I have reinstalled ubuntu on my new computer and now need to get the Terminal setup so I can use it to put what you told me for WeeChat? [20:09] sylvanus_: search for them in synaptic package manager ... or sudo apt-get install mpg321 mpg123 from terminal [20:10] wizzo50 i am using weechat right now [20:10] could some help me with ERROR 5 - ubuntu installation?? [20:10] seeds: I have reinstalled ubuntu on my new computer and now need to get the Terminal setup so I can use it to put what you told me for WeeChat? [20:10] flaviosnm: where exactly do you get that error? [20:10] wizzo50: you want to use weechat ? [20:10] anyone help me restore my grub? even super grub disk was useless [20:11] I just want to get my Terminal Client setup so I can run sudo on it [20:11] Oceanic, it returns tons of text... I'm trying envy now. I'll see what happens and let you know [20:11] sudo and whatever after it [20:11] The word that is [20:11] click on accessories [20:11] wizzo50: so open terminal and use sudo ?! [20:11] It says I have the latest version of ubuntu restricted extras [20:11] wizzo50: applications > accessoires > terminal ? [20:11] you will see it on the drop down list [20:11] siemka [20:11] lstarnes: i got it during the ubuntu install!! [20:11] wizzo50: sudo apt-get install weechat [20:11] wizzo50, what are you trying to do? use a term server or weechat [20:12] i've got an acer extensa 5220, do you know if the bluetooth is supported? [20:12] sa polacy?? [20:12] flaviosnm: wt which part of the install? [20:12] *at [20:12] weechat [20:12] !terminal | wizzo50: [20:12] wizzo50:: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [20:12] cubaz, pm me if you have more problems [20:12] wizzo50: can also alt+F2 , then gnome-terminal [20:12] lstarnes: when the installation has 24% the message error pop up [20:13] flaviosnm: does it tell you anything else? [20:13] ubuntuUSR:so even sgdisk can't find your stages ? [20:13] fccf: i set an "Ending Banner" for one of my printers and tested it... what it did was printed an entire separate page with some information. what i would really like to do is just have a small footer on the bottom of each page that says the info instead. is there a setting for this? [20:13] can someone help with an ubuntu command that woudl search my apache files for a reference to "phpmyadmin" ? [20:14] lstarnes: No. i have been tried install in two pc, but i can't [20:14] DasEi that`s true [20:14] i've got an acer extensa 5220, do you know if the bluetooth is supported? [20:14] alexnet: just use grep [20:14] asdjkasdfas: try searching it on google, but my gues would be yes [20:15] flaviosnm: which version of ubuntu? [20:15] asdjkasdfas: first buy external bt module then ask [20:15] ubuntuUSR:none is found (you chosed repair linux, gnu.. and so on) ? [20:15] i tried Sh3r1ff, but i didn't find anything [20:15] evry option was useless [20:15] is someone here using the jaunty-rhythmbox and listening to podcasts? [20:16] ,lstarnes: both Kubuntu 9.04 and ubuntu 8.10 [20:16] evry-every sorry [20:16] hi, If i change the volumen with the hotkeys of my keyboard, i can see the change in the top right corner of my desktop, but the volume doesnt change at all! [20:16] !hardware | asdjkasdfas might be helpful [20:16] asdjkasdfas might be helpful: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [20:16] Sh3r1ff, do you know how to check if the bluetooth is correctly installed? [20:16] How many ressources consumes the program Siproxd? [20:17] how do i make a public key for open ssh? i followed a tut online but it still asks me for a password [20:17] asdjkasdfas: look at dmesg (pipe it to a file for more convience or use grep), or look in syslog === cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow [20:18] Sub-Zero5, if you don't want a password, just press enter [20:18] DasEi: is any cure over there? [20:18] i have a 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) audio card and the volume is SO LOW using Pulseaudio in Jaunty. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the sound louder? [20:19] ubuntuUSR:did you try to start from sgd-disk ? [20:19] did* [20:19] DasEi: no [20:19] hi folks! does anyone know if is it possible to move openvpn CA and client certificates from ipcop to a ubuntu openvpn server? [20:19] Sub-Zero5: have a look at http://suso.org/docs/shell/ssh.sdf [20:19] hello [20:19] myth10, yes, they are the same x509 certificates [20:19] fluitfries: look at this http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/doc-1.4/spec-banner.html [20:19] Sub-Zero5, if you made the key with a passphrse than it will ask you for the passphrase. [20:19] Sub-Zero5, ssh-keygen then ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rsa.pub user@server: [20:20] frostburn: when i created the id_dsa file i dident use a passphrase, now when i use that to SCP a file to my pc,i get some sort of error [20:20] ubuntuUSR: check that too, else try server-live cd > repairconsole [20:20] wer are you from guys [20:20] Sub-Zero5, it will ask for password once, then after that it wont. [20:20] fccf: yea, i have seen that. unfortunately because it only applies to "Banner" pages it just always wants to do this on a separate page. :( [20:20] I am from the internet. [20:21] frostburn: great thanks for the info! [20:21] !ot > kuneli [20:21] kuneli, please see my private message [20:21] is there a way to configure aptitude to never delete .deb packages from /var/cache/apt/archives? [20:21] ubuntuUSR: in harder cases, there is less busy (and often less pesponsive) #grub, I guess you already tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub [20:21] myth10, you may need to convert them to a different form, but that's not too hard... iirc ipcop has both the CA and cert in one file [20:21] fluitfries: how about this http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/doc-1.4/spec-ipp.html#page-label [20:22] DasEi: i remember that one day grub was completly destroyed. even xp won`t run. but i used fixmbr and another one windows-like command, and from that day i can run only windows [20:22] I have to rsync that directory regularly just to keep the files. it seems overkill for a reason that seems valid for a feature [20:22] ghostknife: in preferences > files > leave all files in cache [20:22] !grub| ubuntuUSR: [20:22] ubuntuUSR:: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [20:23] ubuntuUSR: fixmbr removes grub, try the link from DasEi [20:23] Sh3r1ff: where is this preferences in the terminal? [20:23] is someone here using the jaunty-rhythmbox and listening to podcasts? [20:23] fccf: yes this does seem to be the right track. (saw this one too) but from here i am not sure how to alter the IPP settings. that is kind of what i am working on i guess! [20:23] Sh3r1ff: I'm about 30km away from the machine [20:23] could some help me with ERROR 5 - ubuntu installation?? [20:23] anyone | KEBA1 [20:23] frostburn: I feel stupid now [20:23] wizzo50, it happens =] [20:23] frostburn: LOL! [20:23] !details | flaviosnm: [20:23] flaviosnm:: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [20:23] guntbert: youre right :) [20:23] ghostknife: got a graphical interface? [20:23] is anybody here using the jaunty-rhythmbox and listening to podcasts? [20:23] thx a lot [20:23] Sh3r1ff: that's what I'm trying to say I don't have [20:24] How can i restart sound in 9.04 without restarting [20:24] guntbert: is the tense right btw? *g* [20:24] frontburn: ok [20:24] I reinstalled Jaunty after backing up the home folders of two users (individually, not the entire /home directory) to a usb fat drive. When I set up the first user I used the same username as the previous administrator user. Now I've imported both user folders back into /home and I'm going to set up another user with the same name as the second user folder I imported. Is there a better way of preparing to connect the user accoun [20:24] Eek! I updated to Jaunty Jackalope / 9.04 and now I can't get online at all. Network Manager shows an available connection (auto eth0) but can't connect to it. [20:24] hope it can restore my grub [20:24] KEBA1: if that is your *real* question it is off topic here, this is a support channel [20:25] guntbert: kay :) [20:25] ubottu: After all step of install procedures i just got 24% of installation [20:25] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:25] ubottu: i tried several times, but it doesn't work [20:25] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:26] ghostknife: http://www.linuxjournal.com/video/access-remote-gui-programs-using-ssh-forwarding [20:26] flaviosnm: are you certain that your CD is not defect - maybe the iso image wasn't ok, did you check it? [20:26] flaviosnm: you meant DasEi ;) === linkd_ is now known as linkd [20:27] is anyone using rhythmbox and 9.04 here and wants to test whether podcasts work? [20:27] im getting a unable to use key file "id_dsa.pub" (not a private key) [20:27] How many ressources consumes the program Siproxd? [20:27] flaviosnm: ubott-- is a ro-bot; did you verify the installer cd ? [20:27] KEBA1: i'd love to test podcasts if I could get online! [20:27] same thing for the id_dsa [20:27] moreia: you are online ;) [20:28] Cute. [20:28] guntbert:the imagem it is ok. The cannonical sent me! ubuntu 8.10 [20:28] I'm on my laptop. [20:28] moreia have you rebooted since the upgrade? is there anything in dmesg that might indicate that there's a kernel mod error? [20:28] KEBA1 I use streamtuner or amarok for it, works fine [20:28] Sh3r1ff: I know X11 forwarding, but firstly, I can't forward the top menus (at least not simply), and secondly: it's far too slow. I just ended a very long X11 forwarded session, and to wait 20 seconds just to open the file menu, and 15seconds to wait for an entry to be highlighted when hovering the mouse over it is far to slow to be acceptable. There has to be an alternative on the terminal (a config file or console program) [20:28] guntbert: and i have installed in others pcs [20:28] I did reboot, though only once. [20:29] I imported two user folders into /home from a fat drive backup. I want to set up a user with the same name as one of the folders, but I can't do it because a home folder with that name already exists. I want the existing home folder to be the home folder of the user I'm creating; how should I go about accomplishing this? [20:29] DasEi: hm, amarok... mabye i should start using it, its nice :) [20:29] Reading /var/log/dmesg ... I don't see anything noteworthy except maybe "mtrr: no MTRR for f8000000,2000000 found [20:29] " [20:29] moreia, do you see your ethernet card when you do a ifconfig ? [20:29] Hey what's new with ubuntu [20:29] ghostknife: just open a remote terminal and open synaptic from that terminal, you don't need the whole graphic [20:29] frostburn: yes [20:29] Sh3r1ff: another problem with X11 forwarded session is that I can't just click on something, go away and do something else, because when I shift back to the process it has to reload things over the network. So I'm forced to sit and wait [20:29] flaviosnm: I see, but I've never heard of error 5... [20:30] Sh3r1ff: exactly, that's what I'm looking for. where in synaptic [20:30] KEBA1 : nice app yes, little heavyx on system ressources, though; if you got the url and need no searching interface, vlc is fast n slim [20:30] \join irc.freenode.net [20:30] !ot > ma5t3rw1tt [20:30] ma5t3rw1tt, please see my private message [20:30] I've got WinXP running in VBox on Jackalope (so much more cache than Jaunty!). I've got a MySql server running on host. I haven't been able to get WinXP to see the MySql server. Any suggestions? [20:30] ghostknife: settings > preferences > files > leave all files in cache [20:31] guntbert: i already have heard about it and i know exit a way to repair but i don't know how [20:31] moreia, i'd try manually setting a static address using network manager just to verify that it's able to communicate, then i'd investigate dhcp server [20:31] Sh3r1ff: arg. synaptic can't run on the terminal [20:31] DasEi: yes, it is.. and because of this point, i am not using it NOW... but rhythmbox (the intrepid version...) cannot play podcasts really (it can, but it really sucks) :/ [20:31] Is it really true that if u have the new version of ububtu on a flash drive it boots super fast? [20:31] frostburn: thanks. [20:31] fccf: gtg, thanks for your help! [20:32] That's what I am bein told [20:32] I can't get youtube videos to work; getting as error that I don't have the newest flash installed [20:32] ma5t3rw1tt: faster than older ubuntu versions, right... but booting on a flash drive is never that fast... [20:32] KEBA1 : which hardware do you use ? [20:32] tried using [20:32] eoraptor013, is windows running a firewall? not sure if windows mysql auto adds a rule [20:32] I'm using GKrellM to display sysinfo, it is showing GPU A, GPU 0, GPU 1.... but I only have two GPUs... what's going on? [20:32] apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [20:32] and apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [20:32] but still nothing [20:32] DasEi: 2*1.8ghz cpu, 2 gig ram. yes, that is enough, but amarok was not fast, the last time i tested [20:32] How do I set the mouse dpi? [20:32] Joe_: onboard ? [20:32] No u can Do This [20:33] the flashplayer website only offers the i386 version, and i have an x64 [20:33] No u can Do This [20:33] KEBA1: Oh. Someone waa tellin me it boots insanely fast [20:33] ghostknife: synaptic is a graphical tool you know, or do you mean apt-get? [20:33] I just bought a 1000 dpi mouse and the mouse pointer moves much too fast. I have already set the mouse sensitivity to the minimum. [20:33] !flash64 | cl0vvn [20:33] ma5t3rw1tt: test it out ;) [20:33] cl0vvn: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [20:33] System -> administrations - > System Package Manager [20:33] I imported two user folders into /home from a fat drive backup. I want to set up a user with the same name as one of the folders, but I can't do it because a home folder with that name already exists. I want the existing home folder to be the home folder of the user I'm creating; how should I go about accomplishing this? [20:33] and u have those there to install [20:33] dasei nope, no onboard video [20:33] Will so [20:33] Check and Select the packages [20:33] Sh3r1ff: you said: 21:26 < Sh3r1ff> ghostknife: just open a remote terminal and open synaptic from that terminal, you don't need the whole graphic === SliMM1 is now known as SliMM [20:33] KEBA1 : well on that, only coming up should lack, unless you run out of mem whitch other apps [20:34] ok, thanks ubottu [20:34] ghostknife: in the terminal type synaptic and then enter ? ;) [20:34] cl0vvn: you checked so you don't have other flash packages installed? [20:34] Sh3r1ff: yes. it complains about not being able to open a window [20:34] Sh3r1ff: X11 forwarding is not an option [20:34] How do I set the mouse dpi? [20:34] go go power ranger [20:35] !support [20:35] The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org [20:35] frostburn: no dice [20:35] flaviosnm: how much ram do you have? [20:35] damn [20:35] Ubuntu is cooler than i thought. [20:35] Network Manager doesn't think I'm connected either. [20:35] !language >Meteor``` [20:35] Meteor```, please see my private message [20:36] ghostknife: What are you trying to install? [20:36] well, i had downloaded what i figured were the newest ones [20:36] Hadn't thought of that. Thought it was a NAT or bridge problem. Thanks, I'll give it a try. [20:36] from synaptic [20:36] what i typed wrong :o [20:36] ghostknife: You can use apt-get or aptitude to install packages using only the terminal [20:36] aright sorry, if i said anything against the rules. [20:36] Pici: so [20:36] guntbert: 512MB in one and 1024MB in another one [20:36] Pici: I'm not trying to install anything [20:36] ghostknife: I'm sorry, I just caught the end of the conversation. [20:37] Pici: i'm trying to configure the cache to never delete .deb files [20:37] moreia, familiar with wireshark or tcpdump? I'd start tracing the packets in and out during a dhcp session [20:37] frostburn: I ran it and it says this http://paste.ubuntu.com/217212/ [20:37] Sh3r1ff: besides, X11 forwarding on synaptic ends with a blank message dialog [20:38] I really need some help here with backups and permissions on Jaunty. [20:38] wizzo50, you can install weechat from the repositories, sudo apt-get install weechat [20:38] moreia: Wat does "sudo dhclient eth0" do for you? [20:38] ghostknife: I don't believe that it does delete them unless you do apt-get clean. Take a look at the apt.conf manpage to see how to set the caching limits though. [20:38] oh [20:38] flaviosnm: should be enough... - so back to step 1: at what point in the install do you get that error? did you answer the questions already? (what Harddisk to use and so on) [20:38] what is the best cd/dvd burning software for ubuntu? Something compared to nero ect.? [20:39] i have a 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) audio card and the volume is SO LOW using Pulseaudio in Jaunty. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the sound louder? [20:39] TheLinuxMoron: Brasero works well [20:39] How should I set up a user account if I already have the user folder in /home? [20:39] Pici: it deletes those for packages which are no longer available. it definitely deletes them. packages come and go often [20:39] ghostknife: if X11 forwarding is not an option, i'm afraid you might have to drive 30km, cause I don't really see a configuration file for synaptic [20:39] TheLinuxMoron: brasero and k3b are the main ones afaik. === pu1 is now known as pup [20:39] ghostknife: out of /var/cache/apt/ you mean? [20:39] ok thx.. [20:39] whats better brasero or k3b [20:39] twig11, create user then add that home directory to new user [20:39] hi [20:39] arand: if I do sudo dhclient eht0 I get "can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: Permission denied" among the messages. [20:40] !best | TheLinuxMoron [20:40] TheLinuxMoron: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. === kal is now known as kalg [20:40] moreia: its eth0 not eht0 [20:40] lol [20:40] I displayed the difference between 2 files for a replace or keep prompt using "D" and it shows me the difference but I don't know how to go back O_O [20:41] (googling that now ..) [20:41] Pici: exactly [20:41] guntbert: this error occur after last step and when the installation reach 24% the message error pop up and i have to reboot the machine [20:41] when i upgraded dads ubuntu to 9.04 (keeping the /home) the Places -> Home Folder stopped working. OpenOffice splashscreen shows up and disapears [20:41] ok a rephrased questions, whats more like nero burning rom out of the 2.. [20:41] ideas how to reset it? [20:41] guntbert: even using wubi the error appear [20:41] frostburn: So when I want to run a progam on here, I just used the command sudo apt-get and then its install filename? [20:41] guntbert: thanks. I did type it right at the shell. I'm not cutting and pasting here on account of the desktop being offline and all. === pup is now known as pup_ [20:42] wizzo50, yes, you can also do this graphically by going to system > administration > synaptic package manager [20:42] flaviosnm: I'm really fishing here - is there enough space on the disk? === pup_ is now known as pup [20:42] Sh3r1ff: hmmm. I even copied etc, changed it on my local machine, copied again and ran a diff -r, no differences :/ [20:42] whatvn: Okay, but I don't really want to wait for 50GB to copy over from the backup, and I already have the user directory in /home. What's the best procedure from here? would it work to just rename the user directory, create the new user, and then sudo mv /renameddirectory /existing-homedirectory of new user? [20:42] Im so much liking ubuntu. [20:42] Sh3r1ff: wonder where it stores these settings [20:42] moreia: did you meddle with file permissions? [20:43] How many ressources consumes the program Siproxd? [20:43] moreia: that's strange, permission errors with sudo... [20:43] ghostknife: that makes two of us ;) [20:43] Sh3r1ff: ~/.synaptic/synaptic.conf [20:43] gunbert: nope. [20:44] Sh3r1ff: which would be /root/.synaptic/synaptic.conf [20:44] OK, ive given up on using SSH to copy a files to one pc to another, apart from FTP whats another way i could get a file to 1 pc to another? [20:44] although: i have a quirky setup with /var on a separate partition and symlinked [20:44] guntbert: yes, there is space enough. The curious is that i already use the same cd to install in others pc with sucess! [20:44] TheLinuxMoron: I'd guess k3b, but it all depends [20:44] because I screwed up in my initial install partitioning [20:44] Sub-Zero5, whats the problem with scp. [20:44] moreia: that's probably the badger... [20:44] frostburn: oh, ok. Now after running it Where is it now or to run the program istelf? [20:44] twig11, no [20:44] deany: public key isent working [20:45] Sh3r1ff: AutoCleanCache "true"; [20:45] Sub-Zero5, you have a key generated? [20:45] what are keys? [20:45] whatvn: do you understand my situation though? [20:45] deany: hold on let me open a new window [20:45] whatvn: what do you recommend? [20:45] pup: keys as in cryptography. ever hear about PGP for example? [20:45] twig11, useradd blah blah blah -d /existingdirectory [20:45] moreia: still - pastebin the output of ls -l /var/lib/dhcp3 please === kaffeetante is now known as Guest10690 [20:46] encryption keys? [20:46] arand: thx [20:46] !who [20:46] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [20:46] wizzo50, either alt f2, weechat, or applications > internet >weechat (if it's there) [20:46] whatvn: Over my head, sorry. Can you explain it with more detail? [20:46] pup: keys are what you use to encrypt/decrypt. you have 2 keys a public/private. you send people your public. then they send you a message encrypted with your public, which only you (who has the private key) can decrypt [20:46] flaviosnm: I'm looking for the fault on the PCs not on CD - thats why I asked about disk space [20:46] whatvn: I don't know anything about using useradd [20:47] pup: ingenius discovery [20:47] ghostknife: good to know [20:47] moreia: are you using fstab for mounting /var then? (symlinking sounds odd to me, although I might be wron there...) [20:47] guntbert: I understood! the disk has 80GB and 120GB [20:47] if some one knows how to configure lcd4linux buttons pm me please ^_^ (or knows where to get help) [20:47] jeez, ext4 has impressive performance benchmarks [20:48] ghostknife: is that what i see under system>pref>encryption and keyrings? [20:48] especially with large files [20:48] pup: yup [20:48] is there a swedish ubuntu channel? [20:48] ghostknife: what can i do with those? [20:48] flaviosnm: still fishing: did you give the complete disk to ubuntu? [20:48] !sw [20:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about sw [20:48] bonsoir à tous [20:48] !se | ncopa_ [20:48] ncopa_: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se [20:48] ncopa_: #ubuntu-se [20:49] pup: manage keys to sign/encrypt/decrypt messages/files [20:49] twig11, useradd -g groupname -s /shellname -d /homendirectory nameofuser [20:49] !fr | papa [20:49] papa: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [20:49] ghostknife: does key sharing help? [20:49] pup: to start having fun with it, get yourself a key, and start signing your e-mail messages with this [20:49] thanks. im alone there [20:49] pup: yes. if you make your "public key" [20:49] frostburn: This is what it said and I don't see it anywhere where you said to look. http://paste.ubuntu.com/217223/ [20:49] oh im not... [20:49] thanks! [20:49] oo-dragon http://ssl.bulix.org/projects/lcd4linux/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/lcd4linux/support [20:50] pup: yes. if you make your "public key" public on a key server, then people can look it up to verify messages you send, and to also encrypt messages they send to you [20:50] wizzo50, type weechat in that terminal [20:50] ghostknife: how do i get myself a key? [20:50] guntbert: i tried create a partion and use the complete disk too and install inside windows trough wubi [20:50] weechat [20:50] !pgp | pup [20:50] pup: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts [20:51] pup: because people need your key to verify your messages and to encrypt messages they send to you. so you need to either send it to them, or make it public (which is safe). as long as you keep your private key secure, you can give your public key to anyone [20:51] shouldn't the apache web server binaries be named httpd and not apache2? [20:51] guntbert: but anyone of those option working good [20:51] Whenever I'm unraring something my system slows down to a halt almost -- some programs because unresponsive and others sluggish is performance. How can i fix this? I have 4gb of ram and a fast processor etc etc so I don't think its a lack of hardware issue... ??? thanks [20:51] !info gpgp 1 | pup [20:51] pup: '1' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner [20:51] wizzo50, in your bash terminal, wizzo50@ubuntu:~$ weechat [20:51] !info gpgp | pup [20:51] flaviosnm: I don't know about wubi, did you run the "check CD" from the start menu? [20:52] i would like to ask someone who has also tries ubuntu. what except better performance offers arch? (compared to ubuntu) [20:52] or gentoo [20:52] !ot | AncientSocrates [20:52] join #blafasel [20:52] AncientSocrates: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [20:52] pup: goto Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys [20:53] is there a convenient commandline way to get a list of files in a package I do not have installed? [20:53] fwaokda, I have same trouble, unraring from-to same hard-drive makes my system very unresponsive, always has in every ubuntu since dapper. Windows has no such issue. My system is fast otherwise. [20:53] guntbert: sure! and it is ok. [20:53] frostburn thanks, but I need specific advice that isn't clearly stated on their site [20:53] weird, he just vanished [20:53] !info seahorse | pup [20:53] pup: seahorse (source: seahorse): A Gnome front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1068 kB, installed size 7884 kB [20:53] AncientSocrates it depends on what you want to do, for a desktop, ubuntu is great, for one off projects or microkernels, gentoo is great [20:53] deany, man sucks... I'll post something in the forums and hopefully someone can give some answers [20:53] oo-dragon, join their mailing list [20:53] fwaokda, The only thing you can do is change the scheduler// [20:53] guntbert: ok my friend! thank you for a while, i need to go now [20:53] in thie middle of a conversation. how rude. heh [20:54] deany, whats the scheduler? [20:54] frostburn: do you know if ultimate edition is good? [20:54] its based on ubuntu [20:54] guntbert: i will try one more time. [20:54] flaviosnm: hmm, I just wanted to say that I'm at the end of ideas - good luck to you [20:54] damn. I took a typing class. I used to type at 100wpm with a 96% accuracy. now I type at 48wpm with a 92% accuracy. damnit [20:55] guntbert: ok don't worry :) [20:55] AncientSocrates, never heard of it, i only use gentoo, ubuntu, debian, rhel, centos, fedora on a regular basis [20:55] ghostknife: what's measuring? just curious :) [20:55] rather, I took a typing class means 'I purchased and used typing instructor software' [20:55] guntburt: pastebin. easier said than done. But it is at http://pastebin.com/m115ba2df [20:55] frostburn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/217227/ I have done it and still no luck on running Weechat. [20:55] * mzz has yet to figure out how long a "w" in the "wpm" metric is [20:55] fwaokda, google a guide to change the scheduler from cfq to deadline [20:55] mzz: Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing and KTouch [20:55] I cant remember at this moment [20:55] mzz: in general it's 5. [20:56] seeds: How did you get weechat to run? I have done all this and no luck. http://paste.ubuntu.com/217227/ [20:56] moreia: I'll have a look, in the meantime look what you get from /msg ubottu tab :-) [20:56] mzz: though it's just like the metric system, where 1km is 1000m. 10characters/minute = 2words/minute [20:56] fwaokda, it did nothing for me really. making a large static vbox hard disk image for instance completely makes my pc unusable till its done making it. sad but true. [20:56] mzz: so it's just a more friendly way to say characters/minute or /second [20:56] wizzo50: it's weechat-curses [20:56] AncientSocrates: Ultimate Edition is quite good, but personally I think Mint is better. Anyhow, discussion of "best" is to be taken in #ubuntu-offtopic. [20:56] deany, i'll look into it thanks [20:56] wizzo50, i am mistaken, it's weechat-curses [20:57] AncientSocrates, OttifantSir: And we do not provide support for either of those Ubuntu variants here. [20:57] ghostknife: http://pastebin.com/m7dca5673 [20:57] I wanted to increase my accuracy. Not I screwed up my muscle memory for key locations or something. touch typing. pffft [20:57] sorry meant that for guntburt [20:57] guntburt: http://pastebin.com/m7dca5673 [20:57] deany: you could lower the priority of it, though it takes longer to finish then, but pc will remain more usable [20:58] guntbert: http://pastebin.com/m7dca5673 [20:58] frostburn: ok there it is. THks [20:58] DasEi2, more info on how? [20:58] my terminal is on a display of the difference between 2 files and says (END) at the bottom. how to I exit this display and go back to where I was? O_O [20:58] jrib: ok thks [20:58] guntbert: I don't see any msg from any bots. === kaffeetante is now known as Guest2908 [20:58] Gadu: q [20:58] Gadu: sounds like it's less, so just hit q [20:58] thanks [20:58] Gadu: ctrl + c? ctrl + d? q? [20:58] deany: for example nice 15 virtualbox; see man nice [20:59] ctrl+c = bad in this case [20:59] q worked [20:59] deany: if it's stuck doing io you'll want ionice, not nice. [20:59] deany: see "man ionice", specifically the idle priority class. [21:00] :) [21:00] mzz: though smarter typing sotware like Mavis Beacon has clever measurements, where you're wpm is adapted using your accuracy. so it gives a more reliable measurement (which assumes you made corrections). So if you typed 100characters, backspaced 5 and typed those 5 again (a correction), you typed a bit slower. Haven't given much thought to the actual method of adaption though. [21:00] tell me some player which can play every format, as i used KLite codecs in windows [21:00] im going to make some modifications with kblocks (which is in kdegames), should i get the bzr version or the one you get with apt-get source? [21:00] Meteor```, vlc [21:00] Meteor```: mplayer > everythig [21:00] whatvn: so in my case, when I've already got a directory called "family" in /home, I would use sudo useradd -g family -s /bash -d /family family ? [21:00] Meteor```: mplayer > everything [21:00] no permanent fix like the scheduler? dont wanna have to run programs like that. [21:00] moreia: got it, it seems strange that most files are old and empty, so maybe your symlinking did something bad [21:00] Meteor```, you need codecs, not player [21:01] Socah: o [21:01] ghostknife: I've used (and partially written) such software, but it simply measures characters, not words. Words seems a bit confusing here, unless the time you take for the space bar is very significant :) [21:01] Meteor```: w32codecs? [21:01] Meteor```: or w64codecs [21:01] twig11: is there a reason you don't just use adduser? [21:01] twig11, group family must exist [21:01] racecar56, Meteor```, vlc has them all compiled in, no need for external w32codecs [21:01] I tried playing different formats by the default ubuntu movie player. [21:01] I use ninan for instance, binary newsgroup downloader, and it auto unrars the files, its a java app and run with "nohup etc" [21:01] mzz: well, spacebar is very quick. check the wikipedia article for WPM [21:01] guntbert: not inconcievable. I partitioned poorly when I first installed, and there's no going back without repartitioning the whole beast. [21:01] Its downloading, for everything. === shazam is now known as palomer [21:02] frostburn, but vlc is not such good as having codecs and using mplayer imo [21:02] jrib: you mean the graphical interface? [21:02] mzz: spacebar is the quickest key, since you're thumb is always very quick to the key (being it's only purpose in touch typing) [21:02] twig11: nope, I mean the "adduser" command [21:02] Pici: I really don't see why I got the warning about UE and Mint. Please, I REALLY don't. Can you possibly give me a short explanation? [21:02] anyone else here have trouble connecting to passworded samba shares? [21:02] jrib: Yeah the reason would be that I don't know the command. I'm a newbie. [21:03] estet [21:03] Interphase, are you connecting to windows if so what version, or another linux box? [21:03] I need something, after installing which I can play formats such as, mp3, mkv, avi, mpeg [21:03] twig11: if you want to add a user with adduser, you just do: adduser name_of_user. It sets everything up for you [21:03] moreia: lets have a look at your partitioning scheme, please pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l and of mount [21:03] frostburn: [21:03] Meteor```: vlc [21:03] frostburn: oops [21:03] ghostknife: which actually agrees that CPM is a "common measurement for typing programs" [21:03] jrib: I already have the user directory in /home. The issue is now how to create a user with the name the directory already carries. [21:03] !mp3 | Meteor```: [21:03] Meteor```:: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [21:03] guntbert: do you (anyone?) have a secret to pastebinning from an offline machine? [21:03] frostburn, I am connecting to samba running on a debian server [21:03] from ubuntu [21:04] thanx dase [21:04] twig11: you want the user to have a different name than the name of the directory? [21:04] Meteor```, vlc, smplaye both good programs. there is the latest vlc 1.0.0 in a ppa. [21:04] moreia: why don't you use the live CD? [21:04] deany: yay 1.0 is out [21:05] guntbert: well, for one thing because I don't have one. [21:05] guntbert: I don't have a CD burner either. [21:05] Meteor```:as mentioned above, vlc is easiest n quickest way, else install totem,xine,mplayer and ubuntu-restricted-extras [21:05] guntbert: which is, I guess, my failure to plan coming back to haunt me. I thought bringing in my laptop would be enough. [21:05] How do I mount a hard drive so that whenever I start my system it automatically mounts? [21:05] hi ppl! [21:05] moreia: I see ..., how did you install ubuntu then? [21:05] DasEi2: totme is installed by default ;) === sol is now known as Guest88649 [21:05] im going to make some modifications to kblocks (aka kdegames), which repo should i be modofying? the apt-get source repo or the bzr repo? [21:06] question: i need to sync two dirs, but transferring only files that in IN THE DESTINATION have mtime < some_time, what would be the best way to do that? [21:06] *modifying [21:06] fwaokda: put in /etc/sfatb [21:06] jrib: No. I backed up the user directory, then reinstalled Jaunty. Afterward, I brought this user directory (family) back from the backup into /home before I created the user "family". Now I need to create the user, but it doesn't want to do it because the directory with that name already exists. [21:06] !fstab | fwaokda [21:06] fwaokda: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [21:06] DasEi2, sweet thanks alot [21:06] Interphase, you should be able to authenticate ok, I don't use the built in connect to server, i use a bash script check this: http://pastebin.com/m70a1cb8 [21:06] racecar56, Meteor``` http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2009/07/how-to-install-vlc-10-from-ubuntu-ppa.html [21:06] what's the difference between the epiphany-browser and epiphany-gecko packages? [21:06] jrib: does it make sense now? [21:06] twig11: so rename the directory, create the user, delete new directory, rename old directory, right? [21:07] fwaokda : np, just one internal drive drive ? let's set up .. [21:07] jrib: simple as that? I didn't want to mess something up. [21:07] Interphase, http://pastebin.com/m540adafa that's creds.ro [21:07] twig11: don't see how you can mess anything up [21:07] twig11: chown afterwards [21:07] ya just one internal drive... the other already auto-mounts [21:07] jrib: I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. a moment while I set up the new user. [21:08] !who | fwaokda : open a terminal .. [21:08] fwaokda : open a terminal ..: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [21:08] DasEi2, I opened /etc/sfatb but it is a blank document should it be? [21:08] !mint > OttifantSir (sorry, was afk) [21:08] OttifantSir, please see my private message [21:08] fwaokda : (in trml) : sudo apt-get install pastebinit [21:09] fwaokda, you should open it with sudo/gksu [21:09] fwaokda, with root privilages [21:09] fwaokda: try /etc/fstab [21:09] jrib: sudo mv /family /notfamily? [21:09] fwaokda : no, it was a typo ; /etc/fstab is correct [21:09] DasEi2, ok thanks [21:09] fwaokda : (in trml) : sudo apt-get install pastebinit [21:09] guntbert: http://pastebin.com/m2f2b2543 [21:09] fwaokda : sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit [21:10] fwaokda : give url here [21:10] guntbert: This isn't a new install. I just upgraded from 8.sumfin to 9.04 [21:10] http://pastebin.com/f2decac97 [21:11] Am I right in my understanding that if I use an "old" version of Ubuntu such as 8.04 LTS, I will never have access to newer packages, such as PHP 5.3? === syl is now known as Guest78317 [21:11] moreia: doesn't matter, you can use the old live CD too, but you can transfer files from one PC to the other with a flash thumbstick too [21:11] Assuming that a PHP 5.3 package even exists, if not it's not relevant, it's just an example [21:12] Verschwindet alle, ihr seid blöd! [21:12] Los! [21:12] Hopp, hopp, hopp! [21:12] Wirds bald? [21:12] DasEi2, you see the link i posted? [21:12] Bilge: normally not, there are backports available for some, and you can always install the newer debs & dependencies at your own risk. [21:12] fwaokda: yo, sec [21:12] DasEi2, forgot to attach your name to it ;( [21:12] jrib: I don't think I better do anything to the name of that directory yet; it's still being copied to a backup by rsync. I need to wait for that operation to complete, don't I? === Skippy_ is now known as f2knight [21:13] Ne, hat er nich. Und jetzt hopp, hopp, raus hier! [21:13] !de > Trolly [21:13] Trolly, please see my private message === mordocai_ is now known as mordocai [21:13] fwaokda: is why it came late, anyway, you want to add the 500gb ? [21:13] guntbert: I'm thumbsticking. I don't have a livecd anyplace around here. I brought it in two years ago when I installed the first time. Haven't needed it since. :( or maybe :) [21:13] DasEi2, no it's already added... I think I want to add the 400gb one [21:13] !ot > Trolly [21:13] Trolly, please see my private message [21:13] god I feel the need to say how much I love this os [21:13] arand: I don't know how to do any of that. I usually install a package just to see if it does what I want, and maybe steal the config, after which point I remove said package and compile from sources so that I can use latest versions of software. [21:14] DasEi2, i see it's a NTFS disk hope thats not a problem? Because I don't know where I'll be able to back up the data atm [21:14] Am I doing it right? [21:14] fwaokda:(trml) gksudo gedit /etc/fstab , ntfs no problem [21:14] LALALALA [21:14] (trml) [21:14] Trolly: Please stop. This is a support channel. [21:15] moreia: still reading... [21:15] has anyone used scientifix-linux? [21:15] Bilge: compiling from source changes everything... if you want the latest that is the way to go, however any bugs that might be in the newer version are yours to use [21:15] wie gehts euch so, leute? [21:15] DasEi2, already opened :) [21:15] !de | Trolly [21:15] Trolly: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [21:15] AncientSocrates: that is totally offtopic [21:15] alles fresh in Dänemark? [21:15] Bilge: It seems rather complicated, but you do ensure getting the very bleeding edge I guess... [21:15] !de | Tro [21:15] Tro: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [21:15] guntbert: I'm going to run out for a minute. [21:15] fccf: you're implying that the older versions don't have bugs [21:16] how do i start a program from the terminal but not [i]in[/i] the terminal? [21:16] fwaokda: scroll down to the end, add a line : [21:16] fccf: the only difference is that if I use an old version from a package, I'll know WHICH bugs it has, whereas if I use the newest version I won't (if it has any) [21:17] Bilge: I am also Implying that the newer version may have more bugs .. or is incompatible with your current versions of some librarys, you might need the newer libraries as well, which again you would have to compile [21:17] arand: this whole backports thing seems more complicated that compiling to me. Compiling isn't complicated. ./configure && make and you're usually done. [21:17] Trolly: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:17] /dev/sdb1 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,user,rw 0 0 [21:17] hello peops :) [21:18] /dev/sdb1 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,user,rw 0 0 , fwaokda [21:18] Bilge: But you kinda miss out on the benefit of packages that way right? [21:18] why my downloadspeed is only 12kb/s first 20sec its 150kb/s [21:18] What is the benefit? [21:18] Bilge, check to see if its not in your main repos.. Mysql5.0 is default in jaunty but mysql5.1 is available... [21:18] DasEi2, does it need to be spaced out like the others? [21:18] my problem is Kernel 2.6.31* and compiling ... an know this ist devel staging .. who can help me? [21:18] twig11: yeah [21:18] aatee_: optical illusion [21:18] fwaokda: no [21:18] Bilge, mysql for example... [21:19] Oh yeah I was wondering what to do if I went to install kwlan and it removed the gnome network manager and I couldnt get the kwlan to work and since it broke my network interfaces no internet hence I couldnt d/l gnome network manager to reinstall it how would one go about fixing this? [21:19] Bilge: easy management, updating, uninstalling... [21:19] twig11: well then use useradd, it just means you have to read its documentation [21:19] xantian: #ubuntu-kernel [21:19] DasEi2, okay I'm gonna test it after I have this virtualbox set up thanks alot! :D [21:19] thx [21:19] aatee_: that's usually just the download software having a minor miscalculation on a small time scale [21:19] fwaokda: but makes file more convient to read, finish fstab with a empty line (enter) SAVE it [21:19] aatee_: it;s a common phenomena === test is now known as Guest68053 [21:19] fccf:thx [21:19] fwaokda:one second.. [21:19] hi all, i've got a brightness setting on one of my panels, however it doesn't seem to save settings. Can anyone offer any suggestions? [21:19] no! everytime i reboot connection it does the same [21:19] DasEi2, okay [21:19] deany: I'm not using Jaunty, I'm using 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) [21:20] Hi! Where to start with solving suspend and hibernate (neither works) with 9.04 ? === LordLandon is now known as ` [21:20] Hardy Heron doesn't have any software released in the past year === ` is now known as LordLandon [21:20] it is really faster first [21:20] L3dPlatedLinux: either try to get online using command-line, or download the packages and dependencies for n-m otherwhere, and install the manually [21:20] fwaokda:sudo mkdir /media/windows [21:20] Being as that is the case, I don't really understand this LTS thing at all [21:20] DasEi2, done ;) [21:20] !lts | Bilge [21:20] Bilge: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04) [21:20] hi all [21:20] jrib: I have an admin account called anthony and I've replaced its user directory with the directory anthony from the backup. Do I need to do something with chown to set it up properly? [21:20] fwaokda:if you want to aces it now, we can mount manually, else it' there at next reboot [21:21] Bilge: Hardy heron has had updates recently which fix bugs and security issues... Do you have hardy-updates enabled? [21:21] jrib: or is the owner already correct? [21:21] twig11: if the uid/gid is different, then yes [21:21] I do a manual update from time to time [21:21] jrib: how do I find out? [21:21] twig11: ls -ld DIRECTORY [21:21] moreia: are you back? [21:21] arand, thanks for the input [21:21] Bilge: LTS means updates, relevant bugfixes etc. not new versions [21:21] guys, please tell, how can I turn on automounting of removable devices in u8.10? I'm using windowmaker [21:21] DasEi2, well I mounted the drive through the disk mounter applet is that the same thing? [21:22] So LTS is only really useful to me if I'm happy using archaic software [21:22] (which I'm not) [21:22] fwaokda:yes, manual mount by GUI [21:22] script used to work on this machine. I don't know when it [21:22] > stopped. The actual cdrecord command was: [21:22] I've tried to add rules for HAL to /usr/share/hal/fdi, but with no luck [21:22] jrib: should it give me a six-digit number? [21:22] Bilge: LTS is for people that want a stable system supported for a long period of time [21:22] i try to burn ubuntu and get: Burn run failed (0) [21:22] Segmentation fault [21:22] twig11: nope, use chown [21:22] fwaokda:next reboot can acces your files at /media/windows [21:22] Bilge: I don't understand what you mean by archaic, to me any thing but LTS is cutting edge if not bleeding edge [21:23] hi, i'm trying to compile djvulibre to view djvu files, and it requires qt, for djview viewer, so i compiled qt-x11-opensource-src-4.5.1 with --prefix to /root/qt/qt_build and when i try to compile djvu, i do ./configure --with-qt=/root/qt/qt_build/ and i still get checking for Qt root directory... no \ configure: WARNING: Qt support is disabled [21:23] oh ok cool thanks [21:23] jrib: can you give me the command? [21:23] fccf: I'm using LTS [21:23] Bilge: pretty much, LTS is if current version of applications works and you want them to continue working, with very low likelyness of changing and/or breaking... [21:23] i try to burn ubuntu and get: "Burn run failed (0) Segmentation fault". any clues? [21:23] Will the command 'sudo tasksel install lamp-server' give me the default LAMP stack (Apache, PHP, and MySQL)? Is this the preferred method? [21:23] twig11: sudo chown $USER: ~ where $USER is the user in question, and ~ is the path to his home directory [21:23] Bilge: and you are trying to patch it with 'new' untested software, good luck [21:24] twig11: sudo chown -R $USER: ~ where $USER is the user in question, and ~ is the path to his home directory [21:24] I'm not trying to patch anything [21:24] I merely install what it is that I wish to use [21:24] Bilge: what is your question? [21:24] jrib: mind my asking what -R does? [21:24] twig11: recursive [21:24] It's possibly to cast off the chains of LTS and upgrade my distro to the latest version isn't it? [21:24] possible* [21:24] !upgrade > Bilge , yes [21:24] Bilge, please see my private message [21:24] jrib: [21:25] I don't receive PMs [21:25] Bilge, ubuntu in general only has 1 version of software in its repos. it only provides updates to those versions, which is quite bad when it doesnt provide feature based updates for its default installed programs like pidgin, that do benefit from upgrades, but then its down to you to manually update them yourself. try looking for some ppa`s ? [21:25] I don't know what a PPA is [21:25] How do you prevent Ubuntu Desktop from booting to the GUI and instead stay at the CLI login prompt? [21:25] Is anyone around that is familiar with x509 certs and gnutls? [21:25] !upgrade | Bilge [21:25] Bilge: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [21:25] !PPA | Bilge [21:25] Bilge: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. [21:25] народ, всем привет, слушайте поставил оперу вручную как теперь удалить её [21:25] ascheel: permanently? [21:25] Does a distro upgrade generally work or is there a significant chance of catastrophic failure? [21:26] jrib, yes permanently. [21:26] !ru | sadasdasd [21:26] sadasdasd: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [21:26] ascheel: system -> administration -> services, disable graphical login [21:26] jrib: sudo chown -R $anthony: /home/anthony ? [21:26] Not sure why I should use all of a sudden start using tasksel but anyway... [21:26] twig11: no $ [21:26] Thanks for the links [21:27] how do I setup ubuntu as the jumpstart server ? [21:27] Bilge: generally works if you stick to official repositories [21:27] jrib: sudo chown -R anthony: /home/anthony [21:27] Bilge: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [21:27] twig11: yeah [21:28] can anyone help me with the brightness panel application in 9.04? [21:28] Bilge: With a system that's installed a lot of "unsopported" versions things might be less simple though... [21:28] Am I right in thinking that to upgrade from 8.04 LTS I would have to do a two-stage upgrade through 8.10 to reach 9.04? [21:28] is their a way to use/see webcams on ubuntu? like a website, or something to download [21:28] Bilge: yes [21:28] jrib: chown: cannot access /home/anthony/ .gvfs': Permission denied [21:28] fwaokda:so we're done then, you might want to install ntfsprogs [21:28] whenever i try to enable my nvidia graphics card it says. SystemError: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock [21:28] !webcam | Sic_Mick [21:28] Sic_Mick: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [21:28] arand: I fail to see how any applications I might have installed would have anything to do with a distro upgrade [21:28] twig11: did the rest update ok? [21:29] DasEi2, I forgot to ask... how can I rename the drive name... it's currently named "New Volume" but I'd like to change it to something else if possible... [21:29] DasEi2, oh ok I'll do that now [21:29] * stat_eno saluta [21:29] Bilge, aint that bad, server doesnt have as many packages to upgrade than desktop [21:29] jrib: haven't done anything with the other user yet if that's what you mean. [21:29] Bilge: some people like to install their own version of libc and such... [21:29] so I made a live "flash drive" using http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ [21:29] What clipper manager do you recommend for 9.04? [21:29] but it won't boot [21:29] twig11: I mean check the permissions [21:29] I even set usb first in the bios [21:29] DasEi2, installed ;) [21:30] hi there. I have to re-create my /boot partition, and I already reinstalled the kernel image and grub. but there are still some files missing in /boot/grub, how may I reinstall/rebuild them? [21:30] fwaokda:gparted is an easy GUIway [21:30] !gparted [21:30] twig11: just delete the .gvfs and let it get recreated [21:30] gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [21:30] DasEi2, alright I'll try it [21:30] I installed the daily build of 9.10 on my netbook. Can I use synaptic update to stay current from now on? [21:30] Bilge, is reinstalling an optjon? [21:30] option* [21:30] No [21:30] Bilge, ok ... [21:31] !karmic | erisa__ [21:31] erisa__: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [21:31] jrib: that's safe? by the way, permissions look okay on /home/anthony [21:31] fwaokda:man ntfsprogs tells you more about it (not the labeling, but possibs of ntfs in linux) [21:31] It's a server machine with a lot of higly configured applications running [21:31] twig11: yeah [21:31] erisa__: 9.10 isn't supported yet; if you have problems you are essentially on your own [21:31] thanks ubottu [21:31] erisa__: having said that, yes, I believe using synaptic update should keep you up to date [21:31] On all versions of Ubuntu previous to 9.04, I have been able to enable the advanced effects in appearance, and all of the effects in Compiz, etc. Before I installed 9.04 I wanted to make sure that I could, however I receive this message: http://www.jtupload.com/uploads/1574_extra.png [21:32] Bilge: if you have a program which dist-upgrade wants to upgrade, it might cause problems if it's not using the standard package manaegement systems, but I do not know anything for sure... [21:32] blah569: what graphics card are you using? [21:33] has anyone used hannah montana linux? [21:33] ^ what? [21:33] jrib: I can't delet .gvfs: device or resource busy [21:33] Hi. I have an Asus Eee and want to reinstall Ubuntu. I booted from a live usb stick (easypeasy 1.1) and now I want to copy some files I had in my desktop to another USB drive. The files are locked and I cannot copy them because of permissions issues. Can anyone explain me how to do this? Thanks! [21:33] Slart: On this notebook (note my main computer for computing, so it's not the greatest for cards, haha, but it's Intel-based ? [21:33] AncientSocrates: I heard they were discussing it in #ubuntu-offtopic [21:34] DasEi2, that 400gb drive that we just set up also has unallocated space before and after the current allocated(used) portion... I remember the drive failed and I ran software on it to do something to the bad sectors... is it possible that the unallocated space is the bad sectors that it doesn't want the drive using? [21:34] hi all. I am trying to get a netgear wifi pcmcia card working. so far have used ndiswrapper to install driver, modprobe to activate... its coming on (green light) but wifi isn't working. the second light doesn't come on blinking. no wifi networks detected... not sure what to try next [21:34] !intel | blah569 [21:34] blah569: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. [21:34] !ot > AncientSocrates [21:34] AncientSocrates, please see my private message [21:34] Hi, can anyone point me to an article about how to nominate a package for inclusion into multiverse? [21:34] ola boa tarde [21:34] twig11: you aren't logged in with the user right? Is anything using the files? [21:34] Slart: I remember trying 9.04 on the release date with the similar error, but I wanted to attempt again [21:34] tudo bem [21:34] !pt | ponto_ [21:34] ponto_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [21:34] убунту ру [21:34] there is a new driver that fixes problems, apparently [21:34] fwaokda: yes, can be [21:34] intel that is. [21:34] Hi. I have an Asus Eee and want to reinstall Ubuntu. I booted from a live usb stick (easypeasy 1.1) and now I want to copy some files I had in my desktop to another USB drive. The files are locked and I cannot copy them because of permissions issues. Can anyone explain me how to do this? Thanks! [21:34] blah569: I'm not sure if it's fixed yet... from what you're experiencing I guess not =/ [21:35] !ru | wishmaster [21:35] wishmaster: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [21:35] fwaokda: how big are the unallocated ? [21:35] DasEi2, alright thanks then I'm gonna leave it alone... about 1mb a piece [21:35] jrib: yes I am. I have to do that from another account? [21:35] спасибо [21:35] deany: me? [21:35] With Ekiga, can I go webcam to webcam to somebody on msn? [21:35] Does anyone want to solve(or point me in the right direction for) an extremely slow printing problem? [21:35] j0nr, no , sorry.. blah569 [21:35] twig11: I assumed you were using another account since we were updating the permissions [21:36] Sic_Mick: ekiga doesn't talk to msn, icq or similar clients, afaik [21:36] Ubuntu can't boot today. It is installed with wubi on Windows XP.Try hd(0,0): NTFS5: No wubildr [21:36] fwaokda: most likely then, testdisk is a linuxtool for ntfs, but carefull with that, , in this case I would leave it alone [21:36] hi all. I am trying to get a netgear wifi pcmcia card working. so far have used ndiswrapper to install driver, modprobe to activate... its coming on (green light) but wifi isn't working. the second light doesn't come on blinking. no wifi networks detected... not sure what to try next [21:36] Hi all. I have an Asus Eee and want to reinstall Ubuntu. I booted from a live usb stick (easypeasy 1.1) and now I want to copy some files I had in my desktop to another USB drive. The files are locked and I cannot copy them because of permissions issues. Can anyone explain me how to do this? Thanks! [21:36] !msn | Sic_Mick [21:36] Sic_Mick: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete [21:36] Somebody know howto fix? I tried reinstall and chkdisk [21:36] Hey Slart, is their anyway I can use my webcam with someone on msn? [21:36] DasEi2, ya I figure its working so I'll let it be ;) after all its only 2MB haha [21:36] !repeat | keewee [21:36] jrib: I haven't updated any permissions yet. This is painfully slow for me, I'm learning as I go. [21:36] keewee: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [21:36] Sic_Mick: perhaps amsn [21:37] twig11: didn't you say you ran chown? === MadMax is now known as Guest34497 [21:37] blah569, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/new-intel-graphics-drivers-for-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty.html [21:37] I downloaded an msn before on ubuntu, and it didn't give me the webcam feature [21:37] keewee: either change permission of destination or cp with sudo [21:37] jrib: yes, and it gave me an error. [21:37] twig11: so how can you be logged in as the user if you don't have ownership of home? [21:38] * D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora [21:38] !away > D3f0 [21:38] D3f0, please see my private message [21:38] DasEI2, which permissions should I set to the folder/files? [21:39] keewee: let's gues you have /dev/sdc1 as your external usb... [21:39] DasEi2: files should never be locked from being copied unless they were -r... [21:39] jrib: that tells you how much I know about permissions. I created this user, then imported another user folder from a backup and overwrote the existing one while logged in. isn't that supposed to be possible? [21:39] keewee: mounted at /media/usb [21:39] I just purchased a iomega drive that is formatted for os x. I need to format it first on the Mac before I can use gparted?? [21:40] jrib: I suppose that automatically makes me owner. [21:40] keewee: make a dir there, like /media/usb/copydir [21:40] jrib: since i copied from a FAT disk. [21:40] twig11: you can do that [21:40] DasEi2 yes, I'm doing it. === RonaldH is now known as Ronald [21:41] keewee: then own that dir to the regular user, like chown -R keewee /media/usb/copydir [21:41] twig11: paste the actual ls output you got before [21:41] lwells: I don't think gparted really cares how it's formatted [21:42] anything faster than devede ? [21:42] jrib: it will take a bit; the machine in question isn't online. [21:42] keewee: sudo chown * ^ [21:42] hi, has anyone got counterstrike to work under ubuntu? [21:42] Slart: I just do not see it in gparted utility [21:42] Sinister: not really.. converting movies takes time.. [21:42] twig11: I'll be back later [21:42] keewee: now you should be able to copy there [21:42] lwells: hmm.. you plugged the drive in before starting gparted? [21:43] Sinister, got multiple computers laying around the house? dvd::rip can trasncode on multiple machines if you set it up [21:43] Slart: Yes, and it shows in my file system when I go into places [21:43] lwells: that's odd.. never had that happen to me before [21:43] DasEi2 it says: chown: invalid user: `rsilves' [21:44] Slart: It is formatted Mac OS Extended [21:44] DasEi2 remember I'm booting from a live usb drive, the only user is root === cloneproduction is now known as clone [21:44] ah thanks for the links, I followed one of the guides however I am unable to enable the advanced effects. [21:44] guntbert: I'm back. It doesn't look like I missed anything, but maybe? [21:44] keewee: you should be able to see in terminal, the correct username [21:45] moreia: No, I think we should tackle you issue from a totally differnt angle - you primary problem was "no net access" right? [21:45] hi all. every time i log in, my display resolution drops down to 800x600. the gdm login screen is the correct resolution. what can i do? === bruenig is now known as evary0nt [21:45] keewee: else can copy with sudo, like sudo cp /dev/sda1/blah/Desktop/somefile media/usb/copydir [21:46] Hi people [21:46] DasEi2 Doesn't the destination folder need to be the owned by the same username that owned the locked folder? [21:46] Can any one help me i have a problem with audio in ubuntu 9 === evary0nt is now known as bruenig [21:46] vadi, what's up [21:47] we need to know what audio controller you have though [21:47] hi scott [21:47] hello, after i followed this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 to fix my intel drivers, last night I have made upgrade of my system and my graphics are set in to "safe mode" is there a solution for this? [21:47] keewee: sudo cp -R for folders n subdirs ;; no, if you can watch the files, it's the write permission on destination that stops you [21:47] My mother board is Gigabyte [21:47] hi all [21:47] moreia: you can set your nic configuration manually [21:47] DasEi2 I cannot open the desktop folder [21:47] hi alone [21:48] how can i find audio controller [21:48] guntbert: how? [21:48] Does anybody know WHAT port is opened when Ubuntu allows inbound connections for remote desktop? [21:48] what tells mount (in terminal, no args) about the mountpoint of the internal hd ? [21:48] moreia: what do you know about your network? [21:48] scott, how i can find audio controller name [21:49] vadi: lspci | grep audio [21:49] DasEi2 I suppose I need to identify myself as the owner of that folde [21:49] r [21:50] scott, 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) [21:50] keewee: no, mountpoint ? [21:50] any recommendations for a simple, lightweight mailserver that supports pop with ssl/tls? [21:50] guntbert: thankfully very little. Except in moments like this. I'm on it wirelessly on my laptop (which is how I can be here chattering) so I can look things up. [21:50] DasEi2 sorry I don't know what mountpoint is [21:50] * D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora [21:51] vadi, give me a sec [21:51] keewee: just type : mount in trml [21:51] ok [21:51] sure [21:51] vadi, is this a desktop or laptop [21:51] is the official release of firefox 3.5 ever coming out? [21:51] desktop [21:51] guntbert: I'm finding some things on the googles and I think I get how to manually configure my nic [21:51] Can I install both, fglrx and nvidia, drivers? [21:51] scott, desktop [21:52] moreia: ok, so please pastebin (from your laptop) the output of sudo ifconfig and of route -n [21:52] !firefox-3.5 | ARMENIAN [21:52] ARMENIAN: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY [21:52] what was the channel that the ubuntu packagers hang out in? [21:52] ARMENIAN: it'll go there [21:52] DasEi2: but is it not gonna be put into the repos? [21:52] moreia: but if you want I'll let you try alone :-) [21:53] ARMENIAN: it'll go there [21:53] Hi all [21:53] guntbert: oh, no, I have no cumpulsion to learn here! i'll take help! [21:53] DasEi2: ? yeah i know clicking it will go there :) but like i heard this release didn't support addons, is this true? [21:53] keewee: so where is the internal hd mounted ? [21:53] guntbert: 'scuse my spelling [21:54] moreia: np, mine isn't too good either :) [21:54] does hulu not work for anyone? am I missing an essential firefox plugin? [21:54] should the /boot partition have the bootable flag on? [21:54] ARMENIAN: though this no ff-support here, some addons are not compatible yet, most are [21:54] Interphase: i haven't hulu'd recently, but it always worked for me in epiphany [21:54] guntbert: sudo ifconfig http://pastebin.com/m19d34cd [21:54] ok, I'll try that [21:55] DasEi2: ohh ok, do u have any idea when it'll be in repos and why it's not in repos yet? [21:55] What word would describe these three: Player, NPC, Monster? [21:55] keewee: let me have alook : sudo apt-get install pastebinit [21:55] Thought I'd ask that in the biggest channel I'm in [21:55] I'm not sure what to call those three... entities? [21:55] hello\ [21:55] Interphase: you need to be in the US and have adobe's flash plugin [21:55] guntbert: http://pastebin.com/m51773fbd [21:55] Lifeforms? [21:55] !ot | atomiku [21:55] atomiku: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [21:55] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated fgrom 8.10 to 9.04 [21:55] I would tell them guntberts [21:55] DasEi2 sorry, accidentally restarted it. wait a min. [21:56] can anyone help me? [21:56] keewee: sure, gonna get some hot coffeine XD [21:56] moreia: got it, and on your PC: are we talking about wired? [21:56] anyone have a link on how to run a windows installation from virtualbox through terminal? I'm wanting to make a shortcut that skips the VB window and goes straight to my installation [21:56] kbrosnan, I am both [21:56] vadi, has your sound never worked? [21:56] What clipper manager do you recommend for 9.04? [21:56] !ask | quincy [21:56] quincy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:56] scott, never worked [21:56] Pupeno: clipper ? [21:57] could anyone help me fix my broken compiz? [21:57] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated fgrom 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone help me? [21:57] ikonia: do you mean gclipper? [21:57] scott, in xp its working [21:57] should the /boot partition have the bootable flag on? [21:57] ikonia: err, glipper? [21:57] Pupeno: no, I'm asking what you mean by clipper manager ? [21:57] scott, i installed ubuntu today and sound don't work [21:58] guntbert: yeah. the offline machine is wired. [21:58] ikonia: a clipper manager let's you copy previous clipper copies and cuts. [21:58] Hi I am trying to install ubuntu 8.04 onto an intel pc. When I boot from CD and selct "Install Ubuntu", it drops into a Busybox Built in Shell.. Is there a reason for this? [21:58] I installed emesnee messenger.. its not working. [21:59] I want to remove it but cant find it in add/rem [21:59] :/ [21:59] Pupeno: oh, I see [21:59] moreia: ok, right click on the network manager applet, select Edit connections [21:59] keewee: let me have alook : sudo apt-get install pastebinit [21:59] keewee: mount | pastebinit [21:59] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated fgrom 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone help me? [21:59] moreia: how many computers are in your network? [21:59] ok. [21:59] keewee: give url from terminal here [22:00] message144: don't install unless you've tried out the LiveCD to test for compatability issues.. are you able to run Ubuntu from the LiveCD? [22:00] DasEi2 http://pastebin.com/f4elaa259 [22:01] guntbert: < 50 [22:01] moymoy: i will try livecd and let you know [22:01] DasEi2 after I restarted the drives are not mounted ^^ [22:01] guntbert: when I try to add manual settings w/in network manager the "apply" button greys out and I can't save anything. [22:02] DasEi2 only the usb drive. [22:02] could anyone help me fix my broken compiz? [22:02] * D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora [22:02] moreia: it doesn't grey out unless you entered something invalid [22:02] keewee: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit [22:02] HOw can i download drivers for my Nvidia 8500 [22:02] jlaroche: exactly what happened? [22:02] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated fgrom 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone help me? === avinson is now known as docta_v [22:03] DasEi2 f71876ad2 [22:03] What app should I use to extract the files from an exe driver file for ndiswrapper? [22:03] Use the Restricted Drivers [22:03] moymoy: When trying the livecd, it just drops into the BusyBox built in shell with a prompt saying "initramfs" [22:03] moymoy - not sure. I think installing a package and then purging it did the trick. I am running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 on an asus eee 1000HE pc. [22:03] DasEi2 (there I mounted the drive) [22:03] meteor```: first check, hardwaredrivers, or propis from Nvidiahomepage [22:03] Scott, you there [22:03] twig11: fileroller [22:03] moreia: you have to fill in the details, then "apply" should work, we'll give it a try [22:04] message144: do you have a dell computer by any chance? which version of the LiveCD are you using? [22:04] ARMENIAN: the command would look like what? [22:04] System...Administration...Hardware Drivers [22:04] jlaroche: it's working now? [22:04] moymoy - so the gui for the netbook remix runs SLOW like molasses and I can't turn on desktop effects (it won't let me) [22:04] keewee: the mount paste is a false one [22:04] moymoy: yes it is a dell, and the error is "ata1.00 revalidation failed" [22:04] keewee: mount | pastebinit [22:04] moymoy - no.... thats why I'm here......... [22:04] twig11: the program is file roller, let me see if i can find the command :) [22:04] vadi, take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1052754 [22:04] moreia: click edit on your wired connection [22:04] moymoy: i am running it off the ubuntu 8.04 desktop x386 disk [22:05] So, someone here who knows why Xorg would start on CRT-0 when my monitor is connected to CRT-1 port? (using nvidia driver) [22:05] thanks scott [22:05] DasEi2 I want to copy from sda1 to sdc || mount: f3ab9fd30 [22:05] moreia: deselect "connect automatically" [22:05] i have some custom packages i've built and i'd like to authenticate them using apt... just wondering what the best method is to deal with trusted.gpg [22:05] twig11: run file-roller [22:05] message144: i've heard there were some problems with booting from dells.. but i think that's been fixed already (by 9.04 at least) try checking the disk for errors before doing anything else [22:05] i was considering either... making my own package to replace this file wholesale... or running a script on every system to add the new key. there doesn't appear to be an easy way to deal with this issue [22:06] anyone have a suggestion? [22:06] moreia: apply [22:06] guntbert: not an option. [22:06] moymoy ? [22:06] guntbert: okay [22:06] jlaroche: if your gui runs slow without compiz enabled, then it might be a gtk theme causing problems, installed anything custom? [22:07] keewee: sudo mkdir /media/usb [22:07] Make sure your computer can run compiz first... [22:07] moymoy: so i should try 9.04? [22:07] DasEi2 then? [22:07] guntbert: not sure why it was greyed out. But it let me apply when I tried again. [22:07] keewee: sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /media/usb [22:08] message144: depends what you're using it for.. it's generally better to stick to LTS releases for servers since they're supported for longer [22:08] moymoy - the only thing I installed was eeepc-acpi-utilities [22:08] moreia: now click , there you select manual, click again [22:08] i lost sound suddenly [22:08] moymoy: this is just personal use [22:08] moymoy - then I purged it [22:08] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated fgrom 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone help me? [22:08] keewee: moment , fault [22:08] message144: yeah, then switch to 9.04 .. it works beautifully on my dell... i used to have the busybox problem too [22:08] DasEi2 but I want to copy to sdc1 [22:08] keewee: sudo umount /dev/sdd1 [22:08] moymoy: ok thanks [22:08] #ubuntu.it [22:09] what would be the implications of raising my ulimit -n [22:09] DasEi2 sdd is the live usb from which I booted [22:09] moymoy: ill let you know how that works out [22:09] jlaroche: is just the gui slow? or are cpu cycles being eaten up? [22:09] keewee: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb [22:09] is there a video converting channel on this network? I need some helpers lol [22:09] TheLinuxMoron: it's normally application specific help try http://www.freenode.org [22:09] guntbert: netmask is right? same as "subnetmask" on the working machine? [22:10] what do i have to do when i want to connect from a virtual machine guest to the host via tcp/ip? [22:10] keewee: so we are little hassle, but the sda, 4gig is the internal of the netbook, right ? [22:10] Hi, my Add/Remove , synpatic package manager and apt-get install stopped working , as well as my update manager. How would I fix this issue ? [22:10] synaptic* [22:10] moymoy - only the gui. I checked the cpu and ram usage in the system monitor and they are okay... [22:10] ikonia: its mkv2avi program [22:10] TheLinuxMoron: check the channel list on the website [22:10] Can I simultaneously install drivers for ATI and NVidia? [22:10] the both os cannot have the same ip? [22:11] legendary: reinstall your Ubuntu [22:11] f7ee_: why would you do that ? [22:11] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated fgrom 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone help me? [22:11] DasEi2 yes. and sdc is destination usb drive. [22:11] ikonia: k thx let me look [22:11] ikonia: I need some packages for offline PC [22:11] wizzo50 , you mean there's no other way to get around it ? [22:11] moreia: yes, now write in the first column, and in the third (gateway), [22:11] freeman__: then why do you need to install ? [22:11] oops [22:11] I've forgotten how to use unzip to extract the contents of a .exe driver file. What is the syntax of the command? [22:11] keewee: cd /media/usb [22:11] f7ee_: then why do you need to install, you just need to download [22:11] legendary: What error is it giving you? [22:11] keewee: ls [22:12] ikonia: ok [22:12] keewee: can see your files ? [22:12] yep. but I was able to see this before [22:12] ikonia: I dont see anything about channel list I see something about $freenode [22:12] #freenode rather [22:12] DasEi2 yep. but I was able to see this before [22:12] W00t. [22:12] TheLinuxMoron: thats network chat, work askiung though [22:12] guntbert: I'm in. [22:13] DasEi2 and not I can access the desktop folder [22:13] keewee: k, then cd to where /what you want to copy [22:13] guntbert: so I could quit now, or I coudl try to figure out what the problem actually is. [22:13] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated from 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone PLEASE help me? [22:13] moymoy ? === keanu is now known as [keanu] [22:13] ikonia: so join the freenode server then right and then look for what I need? [22:13] How do I add the 9.04 Desktop CD to my sources and install ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper-utils? [22:13] TheLinuxMoron: you're on the freenode server [22:14] keewee: cd /home/InternalUsername/Desktop (beware, it's case sensitiv) [22:14] !nvidia > meteor``` [22:14] meteor```, please see my private message === Tintin is now known as Anita[TW] [22:14] Hello [22:14] ikonia: thats what I thought, so what exactly did you send me that website for to see if the channel i need is on it? I never saw a channel list if so.. [22:15] twig11:repos are better, uncomment your sources.list [22:15] TheLinuxMoron: where are details of the channels and how to list them on the website [22:15] TheLinuxMoron: this chnnel is for ubuntu support only [22:15] moreia1: yes you could do either :-), but the problem with fixed IP addresses is, that the network administrator might disapprove!!! so its only a temporary workaround. please ask the admin about the ip address you choose, maybe he'll tell you to use another one [22:15] DasEi2: I can't get online until my wireless is working, hence ndiswrapper from CD. :-( [22:15] twig11: synaptic > softwaresources, for additional (like cd), also : [22:15] !ndiswrapper [22:15] Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [22:16] how can I get an external mouse working on my laptop? it is recognised as "usb mouse with wheel" but it doesn't move the cursor when I wiggle it!! Any clues? [22:16] guntbert: he'll tell me to use Windows like everyone else does. [22:16] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated from 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone PLEASE help me? [22:16] Hi, can someone help me to change a gigabit nic to 1gbps ? i'm getting this problem : http://pastebin.ca/1494023 [22:16] guntbert: so I should probably figure out why dhcp is croaking. [22:16] hi all, i had a bad crash with my jaunty system yesterday (during upgrade, had to run fsck afterwards ...) now neither x nor the network work. any hints how to get the network back working? [22:16] DasEI2 I used the cp command, it says: cp: cannot stat `/media/usb/home/rsilves/Escritorio/IMG_0891.jpg': No such file or directory [22:16] ikonia: I know that, but where on that page does it list channels to see if I can find what I need.. [22:17] keewee: did you cd there ? [22:17] TheLinuxMoron: it doesn't it tells you info on freenode about how to get help [22:17] keewee: seems like wrong dir given [22:17] DasEi2 yes, and ls, and the file is there [22:17] hi [22:17] anyone uses ldap + samba? [22:18] DasEi2 yes, I checked and the path is ok. [22:18] ikonia: ehh not that I can see. all I need to know "is there a video help channel on this network lol [22:18] cant ANYONE help me with my problem?? [22:18] Hi ll. [22:18] *all [22:18] TheLinuxMoron: this channel is for ubuntu support only - that web page will explain how to get help [22:18] keewee: sudo cp IMG_0891.jpg /media/disk [22:18] DasEI2 whop.. it was JPG :) [22:19] I'm running Jaunty, and my X session just froze. I have a gedit open with about 20 unsaved files. Is there some way to save them remotely over SSH? [22:19] DasEi2 Thanks. :D [22:19] D: [22:19] does openbox support automonting? [22:19] When I try to start Synaptic from the menu, it crashes instantly. a permissions problem? [22:19] guntbert: I think, though, that I'll save that troubleshooting for another day. Thanks for getting me online. [22:19] keewee: safe best pictures, np [22:19] could anyone help me fix my broken compiz? [22:19] cat: dcc.txt: No such file or directory [22:19] DCC SEND "ffɦʞɔfɟ" 0 0 0 [22:19] moreia1: thats not the point, you don't use manual in a dhcp configured net without the consent of the admin, and its never a question of windows or linux [22:19] how to reconfigure the network from the console? [22:20] Anyone know where I can get some help with gedit? [22:20] DasEi2 :P thanks thanks.. bye... [22:20] what do you need help with? [22:20] Retype: I'm running Jaunty, and my X session just froze. I have a gedit open with about 20 unsaved files. Is there some way to save them remotely over SSH? [22:20] what is the application at the far right (the icons)? http://omploader.org/vMXgyNQ [22:21] Like do they live somewhere temporarily like ~tmp files? [22:21] so noone can help me?D: [22:21] could anyone help me fix my broken compiz? [22:21] someguy1: Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [22:21] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated from 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone PLEASE help me? [22:21] SiON42X: oo, now they live in RAM (static) [22:21] SiON42X 'scp {file} {server.name.com} [22:21] hi [22:21] DasEi2: Of course they do. =P [22:21] DasEi2: So it sounds like I'm borked. =D [22:21] Is the recommended approach for adobe flash on 64 bit 9.04 to use the alpha 64 bit version or using ndiswrapper stuff to run the 32 bit version? [22:22] GnomeKing: 32bit [22:22] SiON42X: doesnt sound like there is much you can do [22:22] Why would Synaptic crash instantly when I launch it from the menu? [22:22] GnomeKing: install the flashplugin-nonfree package and it will do it all for you [22:22] so this is the place where a newbie can ask questions right? === ripps_ is now known as ripps [22:22] twig11: It doesn't crash instantly if you run it from the command line with sudo? [22:22] nice help here D: [22:22] thanks ikonia - I'll try it. [22:22] ? [22:22] SiON42X: if it's really frozen, you won't ssh to, then, any way to reduce systemload ? disconnect network .. huggle it .. erm [22:23] SiON42X: I didn't try that. [22:23] can anyone help me in here im completely new to ubuntu [22:23] SiON42X: gksudo synaptic? [22:23] DasEi2: The system isn't frozen, just X. I have this problem sometimes (have since Hardy) having to do with pulseaudio I think. [22:23] Kenny:go ahead [22:23] kenny you should just ask [22:23] hey was wondering if theres a place i can find some codecs to play newer movies, [22:23] could anyone help me fix my broken compiz? [22:23] twig11: I'd check for sure but my X is frozen. ;) [22:23] twig11 : yes [22:23] darkangel_: You tried VLC? [22:24] or if i just have to wait for some to come out when a update does [22:24] no, what is vlc?? [22:24] ok so i have a 300 gb hard drive but the system wont let me dl anything or put it on my file system? [22:24] DasEi2: It opened the graphical password prompt, then when I entered my password it crashed. [22:24] could anyone help me fix my broken compiz? [22:24] @Kenny: What do you mean it won't let you download anything? [22:24] goddamn it [22:24] what is the application at the far right (the icons)? http://omploader.org/vMXgyNQ [22:24] DasEi2: Is that likely a permissions problem? [22:24] Hi! I need to control fan speed in an ubuntu shuttle node machine. Is there some utility? [22:24] @darkangel_: Pretty much the ultimate movie player. Knows nearly every single format. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ [22:25] twig11 : just can use synaptic, get auto-prompted [22:25] it says there isnt enough space but that doesnt make any sense cuz i have over 200 gb empty [22:25] I am waiting for some time now and no help at all D: [22:25] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated from 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone PLEASE help me? [22:25] darkangel, with VLC i dont have any problem playing newer codecs/movies it plays x264 and even wmv (spit) [22:25] DasEi2: Sorry, I don't understand that. [22:25] ikiona perhaps? [22:25] quincy: yes ? [22:25] Kenny : create a folder to d/l to and own it to the regular user [22:25] I just used gparted to make a partition in ext 4 format, but now I cannot access the contents, do I need to do a chmod? [22:25] can you help me? [22:25] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated from 8.10 to 9.04, can anyone PLEASE help me? [22:25] quincy: what chipset is it ? [22:26] DasEi2: ok so how do i do that exactly ive been a windows user forever [22:26] twig11 : just enter synaptic in trml [22:26] idk,only thing i now its USB [22:26] my USB cardreader does not work since i updated fgrom 8.10 to 9.04 [22:26] shit [22:26] Kenny: open a terminal [22:26] quincy: what is your problem? [22:26] ok [22:26] quincy: please control your language [22:26] owen1: I don't know, I can make AWN look like that...could be Wbar [22:26] ok, i will check that out now [22:26] could anyone help me fix my broken compiz? [22:26] quincy do you see it when you run a lsusb [22:26] owen1: http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/05/08/the-best-and-worst-docks-for-ubuntu/ [22:26] know of anything for totem? [22:26] Bus 002 Device 004: ID 058f:9360 Alcor Micro Corp. 8-in-1 Media Card Reader [22:26] SiON42X: thank you [22:26] Once you use VLC, you'll never use totem again. =D [22:26] I opened the terminal [22:27] already did that but i said **** because i pasted wrong thing [22:27] could anyone help me fix my broken compiz? [22:27] Kenny: sudo mkdir ~/the_downloads [22:27] jlaroche: A better question would be the actual one you have regarding Compiz. [22:27] SiON42X: can i use them with awesome? [22:27] DasEi2: It put up a message that I'm starting it without administrative privileges, and it started fine. [22:27] no crash [22:27] ikinoa: Bus 002 Device 004: ID 058f:9360 Alcor Micro Corp. 8-in-1 Media Card Reader [22:27] I did a chmod 777 on the partition , is that not correct? [22:27] DasEi2: what's with that? [22:27] ikonia* [22:27] quincy, if you have a card in it, do you see it show up when you run dmesg ? === zachorr is now known as Guru [22:27] quincy: does it show up in an lsusb [22:27] yes [22:28] DasEi2: ok i did that and it asks me for sudo password [22:28] Kenny: replace Kenny with regualr users name : sudo chown -R Kenny ~/the_downloads [22:28] Kenny: just put in your regular password [22:28] SiON42X - when I try to explain a problem by explicitly stating all the circumstances revolving around it I tend to never get any help [22:28] ikonia, does that flash script get the latest version of the plugin? there are several things that don't work with it :/ [22:28] DasEi2: Then put your password in [22:28] jlaroche: And your current method is working better, is it? =) [22:28] dmesg gives heaps of stuff [22:28] shouldi paste it for you guys> [22:29] twig11: no pw-prompt ? close synaptic, sudo synaptic [22:29] GnomeKing: it gets the best supported/compatible in ubuntu [22:29] ok now it says kenny@kennydesktop [22:29] SiON42X - I don't think any method works in here [22:29] jlaroche: Touche. [22:29] frostburn and ikonia (pastie.org time?) [22:29] wizzo50: nickmess ;-) [22:29] quincy, sure [22:29] SiON42X - Look at this place. Its a clusterf--k of people shouting for help, hoping that people who have no reason to help them will. [22:30] DasEi2: Gtk warning: cannot open display. [22:30] is it normal for the alternate installer to fail on the tasksel? === Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam [22:30] i just get a red screen [22:30] jlaroche: C'est la vie. The internet is chaos, IRC doubly so. [22:30] what is Kommander? [22:30] http://pastebin.org/1413 frostburn and ikonia there ya go [22:30] jlaroche: please control your language, people get helped as and when possible [22:30] twig11: if you just start synaptic via menu ? [22:30] lol [22:30] linduxed- i'm pretty sure that it is not normal for any of the installers to fail ever (unless you want them to do something they can't) [22:31] jlaroche: people who help others in here do it to give back to the community, not everyone is a programmer can can contribute that way. [22:31] hello, i've installed both KDE4 and gnome on my machine, how do I remove kde4= [22:31] ? [22:31] StrangeCharm_: well i just came to the step where you choose the software... and it tells me that the step fails [22:31] If you want info about Kommander I'd probably go to #kubuntu [22:31] Dulak - I know that. I am not brain dead. [22:31] StrangeCharm_: and then i get a full stop [22:31] metatagg: Uninstall it [22:31] have you tried again linduxed? [22:31] héy [22:31] DasEi2: it takes my password then crashes no matter how I start it. (unless I run without admin priveleges, apparently.) [22:32] StrangeCharm_: 4 times [22:32] wizzo50 apt-get remove kde4 ? :O [22:32] Does anyone know what commander is supposely it has to do with kde which im using gnome.. anyone? [22:32] kommander rather [22:32] linduxed- have you checked the disk for errors? [22:32] Kenny: now you should be able to save there [22:32] StrangeCharm_: hmmm, no [22:32] DasEi2: i still don't seem to be understanding very much [22:32] wizzo50: what to remove? [22:32] sorry [22:32] TheLinuxMoron- kommander is a a graphical filesystem browser [22:33] twig11: and that machine still has no network ? not wired, also ? [22:33] metatagg: I am not sure [22:33] hi, i have a dvd video ripped in both ISO and video_ts formats and i need to break it up into three chunks for uploading to youtube. is there a program in the ubuntu repos to do this pretty easily, without transcoding/quality reduction? [22:33] strangecharm_: does ubuntu gnome have it? [22:33] DasEi2: right [22:33] Kenny: where are you stuck? [22:33] linduxed- i recommend that you try that, to be sure. and - what the heck, if you're really worried - check your ram and hdd too [22:33] TheLinuxMoron: no, but you can use it on gnome with kde libraries [22:33] Kenny: you now have a dir ~/the_downloads where you can save to [22:34] ikonia: ok so just install kde then [22:34] TheLinuxMoron: it will do it for you [22:34] steve: well it is saying that i dont have room in my file system but my file system includes my 300 gb hard drive [22:34] TheLinuxMoron- gnome has a different file browser. why not use that? [22:34] Kenny: to gather information about space, do : [22:34] hey guys, I want to test my websites on IE in ubuntu - what are my options? [22:34] Kenny: cd ~/the_downloads [22:34] quincy, ikonia it looks like it's not able to mount the usb drive for whatever reason (-62) not sure what that is, would have to look through the code... there's numerous hits on google regarding this issue and ubuntu ranging from hub ports failing and bad cables, i used this search http://qurl.com/d8tvf [22:34] codeshah: browsershots is a good site for that [22:35] Kenny: df [22:35] DasEi2: what do u mean do : [22:35] fragalot, thanks [22:35] codeshah: yw [22:35] codeshah- virtual machine, or wine? [22:35] Does Ubuntu support wireless keyboards/mouse from HP? [22:35] Kenny: last to lines to be entered in trml [22:35] two * [22:35] ikonia: I went to synatpic and typed in kde, but under the list of stuff it will install kommander isn't listed why? [22:35] DasEi2: so what exactly do i have to enter in terminal from start to finish? [22:35] anchovy00- should do. what's broken? [22:35] what package do you normally get mpeg2video from? [22:36] TheLinuxMoron: install kommander, kde will get installed by default with it [22:36] frostburn,i think its a driver issue,uin wondows and in 8.10 it works correctly [22:36] StrangeCharm_, one of my friends is at Fry's and called me to see if it was supported. [22:36] quincy: does it show up with lsusb ? [22:36] ikonia: will I need to switch out of gnome into kde or can I use kommander with in what im doing now.. man this linux stuff is crazy just to get one thing working [22:36] Kenny: you set up that dir and gave write permission to the regular user, so you can save stuff there [22:36] quincy, most likely [22:36] ikonia,yes [22:36] Kenny: cd ~/the_downloads [22:36] TheLinuxMoron: no - just install it, it will work [22:36] Bus 002 Device 004: ID 058f:9360 Alcor Micro Corp. 8-in-1 Media Card Reader [22:37] Kenny: ^^ brings you there (empty for now) [22:37] TheLinuxMoron, you can use any kde app in gnome and vice versa [22:37] it also has a usbport that does work suprisingly enough [22:37] kk [22:37] TheLinuxMoron: What's wrong with Nautilus? [22:37] are there any programs which can help me prepare videos to upload to youtube? [22:37] anchovy00- i would be very surprised if it were not supported. wireless usb keyboards are pretty much totally standard. however, the crazyinsane advanced features may not be the same [22:37] quincy: can you pastebin the output of lsusb [22:37] juse [22:37] sure [22:38] Kenny: (cd = changedirectory, like win) df (diskfree) tells you about space [22:38] panfistmx: doesn't youtube convert videos automatically? [22:38] si0n42x: a proggy I wanna use, uses a script made only for kommander and it won't run or do nothing.. === Azeem is now known as moymoy [22:38] azeem what if they are over ten minutes? and everything i read says you cant upload iso files [22:38] DasEi2: ok so i went to terminal and entered cd ~the downloads then it said kenny@kenny-desktop:~/the_downloads$ [22:38] all hail pastebinit : http://pastebin.com/f370bab1c [22:38] trying to connect via RDPv5 to a remote PC on local internet, (linux to XP) samba wont pick up the other PC even if Windows Firewall is off-----PLEASE HELP [22:38] grrrrr [22:38] DasEi2: ok so cd means change directory [22:38] ok [22:39] panfistmx: iso file? you ripped it off of a cd/dvd? [22:39] panfist isos are not an appropriate format for short videos. you want to extract the video files from the disk image [22:39] trying to connect via RDPv5 to a remote PC on local internet, (linux to XP) samba wont pick up the other PC even if Windows Firewall is off-----PLEASE HELP [22:39] nerdy_kid, is it vista? [22:39] moymoy yes it's a video of my wedding that our resort gave us in dvd format [22:39] ok. netgear pcmcia wg511v2 card working, can see networks, but have a problem connecting... keeps refusing/restarting. like it doesnt like the passkey. Perhaps something to do with installing driver using ndiswrapper. Any ideas how to connect? [22:39] frostburn, no its XP [22:39] nerdy_kid, oh xp, check to see if uh your user has a password set [22:39] Kenny: right, you should also be able to save to your Desktop, or now in that downloadfolder [22:39] ikonia: the name of the file is mkv2avi-2.kmdr I installed kommander even.. and I click on it and run in terminal and nothing happens why? I got the files and installed them that it needed libmediainfo and libzen0 [22:39] ikonia: http://pastebin.com/f370bab1c [22:40] metatagg: did you try that, sudo apt-get remove KDE4? [22:40] strangecharm well its not a short video, its half an hour. i need to extract it into three chunks [22:40] DasEi2: ok but how do i tell the updater where to save to it never asks? [22:40] TheLinuxMoron: ok? [22:40] panfistmx- you want to mount the the media and extract the video file first [22:40] metatagg: I just did for my KDE and it did [22:40] quincy: interesting [22:40] panfistmx: do you have the iso file on your computer right now? [22:40] ikonia: it won't run though how do I get it working :( [22:40] whats interesting bout it?:p [22:40] frostburn, i am using the gui under 'Places/Networking' on gnome menu, it should pick the domain up [22:40] i have the video in ISO but also in extracted format as well already [22:40] hi all... I got a usb touch panel, I get input from /dev/hiddraw1, how can I map these input to /dev/usb/hiddev0 ?? [22:40] TheLinuxMoron: ask the guy who created it ? [22:41] strangecharm_ so what do i do once it's extracted [22:41] moymoy yes [22:41] Kenny:the updater is run with superprivilegs and so can write on protected dirs, don't have to care about it [22:41] DasEi2: What do you make of this: http://pastebin.com/d75f68198 [22:41] quincy: it see the usb hub, and the 8-1 card reader [22:41] ikonia: ok well tell me this how do you get most .kmdr script files to run [22:41] ikonia,to me its just a heap of blah [22:41] panfistmx- beyond my ken [22:41] trying to connect via RDPv5 to a remote PC on local internet, (linux to XP) samba wont pick up the other PC even if Windows Firewall is off-----PLEASE HELP [22:41] !sudo | Kenny [22:41] Kenny: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [22:41] panfistmx: we'll work with the iso file for the sake of this program i'm about to link you to [22:41] ikonia,the hub is included with the 8 sorts of cards === yoni is now known as CRC-error [22:41] come on guys need some help here [22:41] greetings. My laptop sound controll no longer controlls the sound [22:41] 7 cards(SD MMc MSP XD CF SM MS USB) [22:42] quincy: that makes sense, [22:42] nerdy_kid, i use a script to mount my smb shares, check out this, http://pastebin.com/m70a1cb8 http://pastebin.com/m540adafa [22:42] panfistmx: download handbrake http://handbrake.fr/?article=download -> then `sudo mount -o loop /your/iso/file /media/cdrom0` [22:42] and a USB port xD [22:42] DasEi2: yea but when i hit "intstall updates" it says {The upgrade needs a total of 365M free space on disk '/'. Please free at least an additional 295M of disk space on '/'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.} [22:42] frostburn checking [22:42] i do have 2 ports on the front of my pc and 6 on the back tho [22:42] TheLinuxMoron: no idea, I don't use kommander [22:42] StrangeCharm_, okay, thanks! [22:42] thank you moymoy [22:42] i guess the two on the front are seen as a hub* ikonia) [22:42] quincy: when you plug a card into it, does anything appear in the syslog ? [22:43] Please I'd like someone to look at this and tell me what it might mean: http://pastebin.com/d75f68198 [22:43] Kenny: what does df say about your filesystem ? [22:43] panfistmx: no problem.. xD .. you can use handbrake to rip/convert from DVD's, so mounting your iso on /media/cdrom0 should trick it into thinking a DVD's inserted [22:43] frostburn wait, sorry i want to remote connect to the system via RDPv5 sorry [22:43] moymoy: Do you know if handbrake can make DVD ready files from AVI? === j_ack_ is now known as j_ack [22:43] DasEi2: [kenny@kenny-desktop:~/the_downloads$ df [22:43] Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on [22:43] /dev/sdb5 2403420 2212896 68432 98% / [22:43] tmpfs 642424 0 642424 0% /lib/init/rw [22:43] varrun 642424 104 642320 1% /var/run [22:43] Kenny: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:43] varlock 642424 0 642424 0% /var/lock [22:44] Poor Kenny. [22:44] SiON42X: nope.. you need another application for that.. a good one is Tovid [22:44] why does apt-get upgrade hold back 3 updates? it says 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 3 not upgraded, but it is those three that i need to upgrade! :( any ideas how to make it install them? [22:44] frostburn i am assuming since samba cant pick it up neither can the RDPv5 [22:44] omg you killed kenny! [22:44] moymoy: Thanks. I do it on windows but trying to make a/v mix right in Vista gives me the screaming heebie jeebies. [22:44] nerdy_kid, not necessarily, does the user you're connecting as have a password? [22:44] ikpnia,wheres the syslog located? [22:44] ikonia * [22:44] frostburn no [22:45] Kenny: so you're really filled up , just 2 % free on root ! [22:45] nerdy_kid, set one, try again [22:45] !trash | Kenny [22:45] Kenny: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [22:45] quincy: /var/log [22:45] lemme see [22:45] quincy, either dmesg, or cat /var/log/loghere [22:45] frostburn ok, now that i think thats probaly it... [22:45] DasEi2: yea but i have a 200 gb free hd hooked up? [22:45] Weird, weird feedback message. I have no idea what it means. http://pastebin.com/d75f68198 [22:45] SiON42X: the dvd maker that comes with Vista seems pretty neat though.. get to make nice little DVD menu screens =p [22:45] SiON42X thanks for the program [22:45] greetings. My laptop sound control no longer controls the sound master. anyone know how to configer teh volume controll on a laptop keyboard [22:45] moymoy: I use DVDFlick for Windows usually...worked great on XP, sometimes good on Vista. [22:46] Kenny : a now I get you, and which size has the hd ubuntu is on ? [22:46] twig11, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114377 [22:46] ikonia,what logfile od i need xD [22:46] DasEi2: i didnt understand that what do u mean? [22:46] hello, does anyone know where i can find drivers for my nforce4 motherboard? [22:46] can anyone tell me if LTS -> LTS upgrades could give alot of problems ? [22:46] quincy, ikonia messages or dmesg i don't remember what all gets logged to messages [22:47] Having troubles getting sound work on all wmv files on 9.10 x64. using mplayer (smplayer, if that makes a difference) [22:47] frostburn nope doesnt work [22:47] uiqsyslog [22:47] quincy: syslog [22:47] Kenny: you have one disk quite full and an additional 200 gig, right ? [22:47] SiON42X: just so you know, Tovid isn't capable of making complex menus.. all it does is display an image before the movie starts.. might wanna look for another app.. but tovid works with a lot of video filetypes, so i'm happy [22:47] frostburn this is wierd i routinly logon to my XP back home... [22:47] why does apt-get upgrade hold back 3 updates? it says 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 3 not upgraded, but it is those three that i need to upgrade! :( any ideas how to make it install them? [22:48] moymoy: I just need 1) a tool to encode it WELL without weird sync issues, and 2) something to make it go to DVD so my kids can watch it. =D [22:48] DasEi2: kind of. what ubuntu calls the "file system" isnt an actual hd that i have anywhere? [22:48] DasEi2: yet it says that it is full [22:48] nerdy_kid, what kind of error are you receiving? verbatim [22:48] ikonia,nothing appears [22:48] frostburn 'unable to connect' [22:48] Kenny: it can't be in the air, which medium did you install ubu to ? [22:48] ! audio | PerryMason [22:48] PerryMason: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [22:49] SiON42X: the sync issues come from ffmpeg i think ... it's unfortunate because using ffmpeg to encode is LIGHTNING FAST! [22:49] DasEi2: i have ubuntu installed to a seperate partition alongside windows xp [22:49] nerdy_kid, trying pinging it and then do an nmap -P0 (orwhatever the ip is) [22:49] frostburn ive tryed using the IP the pc name, the public IP my firewall is leting him through... [22:49] odd [22:50] sounds like some weird auth issues, i have no problem logging into any of my xp boxes/vms [22:50] moymoy: You got it right. Vista x64 doesn't run ffmpeg right, I think. [22:50] Kenny: which size has this party ? [22:50] hmm ikonia,this just showed up: [22:50] Jul 13 23:50:02 quincy-desktop /USR/SBIN/CRON[18520]: (root) CMD ([ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/dev/null) [22:50] ubottu: no, I get sound on some wmv and all avi files. It seem's I need windows media audio decoder 9 [22:50] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [22:50] frostburn sorry how to ping? [22:50] soreau: no, I get sound on some wmv and all avi files. It seem's I need windows media audio decoder 9 [22:50] SiON42X: gonna go eat.. starving! [22:50] DasEi2: do u mean how big is the partition? [22:50] Kenny: yes [22:51] DasEi2: how do i find that out cuz i cant remember what i made it [22:51] Kenny: sudo fdisk -l [22:51] PerryMason: So your drivers are working, you just need codecs. Try installing ubuntu-restricted-modules (?) [22:52] nerdy_kid, ping [22:52] frostburn lol didnt know is was a command, hang on [22:53] DasEi2: it does nothing when i enter "sudo fdish -|" [22:53] frostburn: You have the patience of a saint. [22:53] Kenny: sudo fdisk -l [22:53] Hello ubuntu people [22:53] KB1JWQ, have to [22:53] PerryMason: Sorry, I meant ubuntu-restricted-extras [22:53] DasEi2: what is that last character? [22:53] KB1JWO, that why this is called a help center lol [22:53] Kenny: sudo fdisk -l (-l is a small L) [22:53] Anyone uses lvm here? [22:53] how do I add the systray back to my panel? [22:54] Kenny: sudo fdisk -l (l for list) [22:54] frostburn ping returned tons of stuff [22:54] DasEi2: ok im reading the stuff just a min [22:54] so ikonia,any use for that? [22:54] syslq78 yup [22:54] ! anyone | sysdoc [22:54] sysdoc: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [22:54] D'oh [22:54] ! anyone | syslq78 [22:54] syslq78: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [22:54] Why does apt-get hold back some upgrades? i installed a repo to to upgrade pulse audio, but it is holding that upgrade back. "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded." why? [22:54] frostburn 67 packets transmited, 67 received [22:54] DasEi2: how can i show u what it says without overflow [22:54] @psyco right click on panel -> add to panel [22:54] RoboJoint, I did but I cant find it, what is it called? [22:55] marks: might be unresolved dependencies, to keep sys stable [22:55] nerdy_kid, k, and the nmap? [22:55] marks256: Those upgrades may conflict with other installed packages [22:55] Kenny: sudo apt-get install pastebinit [22:55] frostburn nmap returned port 135, 139, and 445 all open [22:56] @psyco notification area [22:56] Kenny: just for now, let's empty youur trash to avoid a freezong due to overfilling [22:56] DasEi2: invalid operation install? [22:56] I set my username 'xyz' and its showing XPRESSP3 ? why [22:56] nerdy_kid, yeah it's port 135 [22:56] While installing [22:56] DasEi2: where is the trash located at? [22:56] !trash [22:56] The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [22:57] Kenny: in trml : cd [22:57] Kenny: cd ~/.local/share/Trash [22:57] Kenny: ls [22:57] Kenny: ^ any files in trash ? [22:57] soreau, well I'm making friends [22:58] * Dekko needs help with something.... Is it possible to have Ubuntu Linux NOT show certain harddrives in 'Computer' or otherwise? [22:58] DasEi2: i entered ls and it said "files info" [22:58] Hi, can someone help me? I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 32-Bit version, and I go to System|Administration|Hardware Drivers and I find the correct driver, click Activate, but it hangs at "Downloading and installing driver..." [22:58] soreau, I dont need any help at the moment, actually I rarely need help with ubuntu, it works great. Really great, my full switch to linux was easy with it [22:58] Kenny: cd files [22:58] ls [22:59] Kenny: anything in ? [22:59] syslq78: Make friends in #ubuntu-ot [22:59] frostburn how to connect to open port? i think i did it right but not sure really sorry, i am practicly ignorent when it comes to interneting stuff [22:59] DasEi2: nothing shows up [22:59] anyone know how to reconfigure tomcat so that it stops logging into syslog? [22:59] Kenny: just for now, let's remove some ballastic stuff : [23:00] Kenny: sudo apt-get remove gnome-games [23:00] nerdy_kid, so it's most likely a permissions issue or an auth issue, try using the old rdp protocol rather than the v5 one. you don't specify the port, ms rdp runs off of port 135 by default, i just wanted to make sure that it was accessible from your location, and it is [23:00] Any help would be much appreciated. [23:00] Anyone sure how to fix this and install the correct Drivers for my NVIDIA card?> [23:00] Kenny: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit [23:00] majikman: probably, in tomcat.conf ... there is a line that tells the server where to log... if it is anything like apache2 [23:00] frostburn thanks for your help [23:00] Dekko, what is the output of cat /proc/partitions? [23:00] fccf, its nothing like apache [23:01] Kenny: last cmd returned a url, give it here [23:01] syslq78 wait please [23:01] Dekko, dont worry I have insomnia [23:01] syslq78: A heck of a lot :) [23:01] majikman: that's why I like apache, but erm, there should be a config somewhere that allows you to change the logging [23:02] DasEi2: im not seeing anything [23:02] I have many partitions and harddrives in this machine. [23:02] Dekko, paste it on private if you like? [23:02] hi all [23:02] so ikonia, any help? XD [23:02] fccf, i HATE tomcat. i loath it. its like sticking plastic spoons in my eyeballs [23:02] anyone know how to unzip .rar files? [23:02] !paste | Kenny: [23:02] Kenny:: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [23:02] fccf, and there are log files to configure logging... but i can't find the one that controls tomcat's logs [23:03] gwynnde [23:03] yes? [23:03] try to open it with Archiefbeheer [23:03] How to change my computer name? [23:03] ld/belg Ubuntu [23:03] nld* [23:03] jep [23:03] belg [23:03] DasEi2: Okay, I rebooted and synaptic works. Now I want to install ndiswrapper from the cdrom. sorry to bother you guys, but I can't find the specific information I need elsewhere. how do I add the Desktop CD to my sources? [23:03] en die stomme nick moet Gwynned zijn niet Gwynnde.. :) maar hij verandert niet [23:04] maargoed open je rar eens met archiefbeheer? [23:04] DasEi2: heres the paste of my partition http://paste.ubuntu.com/217329/ [23:04] !hostname | Meteor``` [23:04] Meteor```: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab === richard is now known as Guest77411 [23:05] fccf, i found it... i have to modify the /etc/init.d/tomcat6 file. ps shows this option.... -outfile SYSLOG -errfile SYSLOG [23:06] !nl | Gwynnde [23:06] Gwynnde: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [23:06] DasEi2: I will be back in just a second please dont leave you are helping sooo much [23:06] DasEi2 hi again ^^ . Do you know which is the easiest way to "merge" the 2 drives of my eeepc? They were merged when I bought it and I want that back. [23:07] guntbert KOFFIE:D [23:07] quincy: I beg you pardon? [23:08] DasEi2: ok im back have you looked at my paste? [23:08] !nl | Gwynnde [23:08] Gwynnde: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [23:08] oh sorry it was ubottu [23:09] Kenny: just reading it, looks like you took a far too small partition for ubuntu, for a standard install shall be least 4 gig, better more [23:09] DasEi2: ok so how do i change that? [23:09] Kenny: hang a sec, using calculator [23:09] k [23:09] quincy: what is your point? [23:10] is it possible to update the "installshield" engine in linux (to install things with WINE) or am i going down an unrelated path? [23:10] i want the coffee!!!!!!! [23:11] Hi all. I have an EeePC with a 4GB drive and a 16GB one. I want to merge them to install Ubuntu. Can you recommend me the easiest way to do it? [23:11] ubottu is my friend [23:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about is my friend [23:11] ubutto but i love you... [23:11] ubottu but i love you... [23:11] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:12] Kenny:damn, this are 2 gig, oo [23:12] ubotto you're just being modest. [23:12] !msgthebot | myxo [23:12] myxo: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [23:12] DasEi2: wait i only have a 2 gb partition!! [23:12] myxo: you might want to ask you question in #winehq [23:13] fccf only problem with that is winehq can go for hours without a response, lol [23:13] Kenny: I'd suggest you save any files on that ubuntu sys, then reinstall and give it more space, you're trying to build a house on size of 1 squaremeter [23:14] myxo: still might be faster than asking in here ... which would be offtopic [23:14] fccf yarrrrrgh matee [23:14] DasEi2: ok so i just installed this yesterday. can i just write over all this with a new installation with a much bigger partition? === cloneproduction is now known as clone [23:14] Kenny : didn't you say you have another hd with 200 gig free ? [23:14] DasEi2: yes [23:14] myxo: pirates be ware... there be dragons here [23:15] hey i just wanted to hop on and thank those who helped me last night, i was able to get everything up and going just fine! [23:15] Kenny: so why not install to there, and add the old space back to win again ? [23:15] DasEi2: wow thanks you have helped so much. [23:16] DasEi2: how do i put the space back to win? [23:17] fccf i've got a sword with +9 to ogreslaying.... (you're not there!! you're at the bar!! getting drunk!!) roll the dice to see if i'm getting drunk!!... http://www.cybermoonstudios.com/8bitDandD.html [23:17] Kenny: diskmanagement in windows does, or gparted in ubuntu; also could use the internal 30 you have [23:17] fccf sorry couldn't resist lol [23:17] DasEi2: yea but the 30 hd on has about 4 gb left [23:18] Kenny : migrate the existing win to one, either the 30 or 320, let install ubuntu on the (other) whole disk, easiest way === becca is now known as tsaotsao [23:19] hello everyone. [23:19] DasEi2: Ok thanks a lot DasEi2. [23:19] soreau, thanks [23:19] :-D === ubuntu is now known as hoboman [23:20] Kenny: first seps are always horrible, welcome [23:20] steps* [23:20] DasEi2: yea i think ill start to get the hang of it eventually. i mostly switched over to start learning more programming. Was that a good move? [23:20] hello, i have had instability issues with ubuntu for a long time, my hardware is just crappy... i have a problem now, i've re-installed windows to the harddrive, but, it doesnt re-write the boot loader... i've looked at the hdd, its one partition, all ntfs... [23:21] how do i get rid of grub and have it work properly to boot my winxp install? [23:21] hoboman: can you boot windows xp alright? [23:21] no [23:22] i'm trying to, i had PURELY ubuntu 8.10 on it... [23:22] does anyone have any knowledge on why Firefox 3 would randomly erase all of my settings, bookmarks, saved passwords, etc., unprovoked? [23:22] and then... basically i installed windows xp overtop using gateway recovery cd, and... it shuts off at the end, and then [23:22] Magichal: sounds like you got yourself a profile problem and firefox created a new one for you [23:22] it says grub error... [23:22] hoboman: you can boot the winxp cd in rescue mode and do a "fdisk /mbr" to wipe out grub and fix the master boot record. [23:23] Magichal: run firefox from a terminal.. try "firefox --help".. there is a switch to start with a profile selector.. something like firefox --profilemanager [23:23] Slart: alright, I'll check out the profiles real fast. I literally got up from my computer, left it for an hour, came back, and all my settings were erase.d and I know that no one used my computer while I was up. [23:23] how do i boot rescue mode? maybe this gateway cd is screwy, i guess i should try to boot the other xp install cd in rescue mode... [23:23] thanks alot. [23:24] Magichal: I don't think they are erased.. they are just not being used (if I'm correct) [23:25] Slart: I ran "firefox -profilemanager" like the help file referred to, but nothing regarding profiles came up. just an about:blank screen as I've been experiencing when I would open Firefox normally, without the -profilemanager tag. [23:25] Magichal: What are the permissions for your ~/.mozilla directory? ( Google earth's installer idiodically starts firefox as root to display a help page, after which firefox doesn't have permission to read ~/.mozilla since it's owned by root ) [23:25] Jordan_U: sigh... silly silly google earth [23:25] Could anyone here help me with an xfce question??? [23:25] Jordan_U: I just checked and my permissions are normal. I can access them without root. [23:26] er, modify them without root. [23:26] Magichal: check permissions using ls -l ... I'm guessing you need both read and write permissions or firefox might get upset [23:27] Magichal: when you started firefox using the profile manager you didn't get a small dialog window for selecting which profile to use? [23:27] Slart: no, I didn't. it just came up as a blank window. [23:27] I backed up two user folders to a FAT drive and reinstalled Ubuntu9.04. Then I imported both user folders back into /home, and I need to set up a user with one of those folders as his home directory. In other words, /home/family exists, but user family which is supposed to have that directory hasn't been created yet. How do I set this up? some of you were helping earlier, but I was in the middle of a file operation and had to w [23:28] Slart: no toolbars, no firefox toolbar bookmarks, no homepage, absolutely nothing. just a blank white screen. [23:28] how do i get permissions to extract something to the themes folder? [23:28] Magichal: try shutting down all running instances of firefox first [23:29] Slart: and when I press the Home button, despite my Edit --> Preferences setting to google, it goes to mozilla.org. [23:29] Magichal: run a "pkill firefox" just to be sure [23:29] Please if possible will someone who was helping me before and is familiar with my situation assist me on the question I posted above? [23:29] http://jk.loo.mybrute.com/cellule [23:29] funny game try it out [23:29] how can i re-add my systray to my panel? [23:29] Slart: Okay, Firefox is killed, let me try the profilemanager again. [23:30] ah hah [23:30] thre it is [23:30] there it is.* [23:30] Slart: got the window. the only profile listed is default, which is the only one I created. [23:30] Magichal: hmm.. there goes that theory.. [23:30] Slart: I started it with the default profile, and still nothing. same as before. [23:31] has anyone here installed xubuntu on a Dell Mini 10? [23:31] it keeps saying i am not the owner so i can not change permissions, anyone know why? [23:31] so far everything works but the sound [23:31] Magichal: then I don't really know what to try... sorry [23:32] Slart: Okay, well thank you for your help. At least I know I tried the common solution. [23:32] the sound cards are listed, so the drivers are running, and I heard a system beep once, but other than that I don't hear anything [23:32] Slart: if I figure out why my Firefox is being wiped, would you like me to report it back to you? [23:33] Magichal: I'm off to bed in a minute or so.. but thanks anyway [23:33] Slart: oh alrighty. well thank you again. =) [23:33] hi all [23:33] hi amaretto4u [23:33] oi [23:33] oh man this is making me aggravated [23:33] I'd be grateful if somebody who is a little familiar with what I was doing a couple hours ago could help me on this one. I backed up two user folders to a FAT drive and reinstalled Ubuntu9.04. Then I imported both user folders back into /home, and I need to set up a user with one of those folders as his home directory. In other words, /home/family exists, but user family which is supposed to have that directory hasn't been creat [23:34] i only have one single user account associated with ubuntu and it keeps saying ia m not the owner and therefor can not change the permissions of a folder, anyone have any idea? === hdc_ is now known as Guest52374 [23:34] twig11: I was not helping you before but adduser should use an existing home directory rather than overwiring. That said you will probably have some problems ( if nothing else security problems ) since fat does not preserve permissions on files. [23:34] amaretto4u: you wouldn't happen to know anything about troubleshooting sound would you? [23:34] Klowny: use sudo [23:34] !sudo | Klowny [23:34] Klowny: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [23:34] fccf i'm too blonde to do that [23:34] is SIGQUIT the equivelant of clicking the X at the top right? If not, what is? [23:34] lol ty [23:34] Jordan_U: Thanks! can you give me the actual syntax of the command? [23:34] erisol: maybe i can help you [23:34] twig11: maybe you should create the home directory and then copy the files [23:35] erisol: I've already got the home directory with the files in it in /home. [23:35] twig11: "sudo adduser username" [23:35] Klowny: hair color is not a requirement for superuser [23:36] yeah but this is still confusing coming from windows [23:36] twig11: did you run into problems? [23:36] twig11: I meant create the user with the properly named folder, and then replace it with your folder [23:36] what i want is to make the permissions for usr/ [23:37] twig11: To be extra safe you might want to add --no-create-home but it shouldn't be neccisary [23:37] this explains why my frostwire was not working correctly [23:37] th0r: yeah, some, but I got rid of them on reboot. I couldn't actually mess with that user folder for a couple hours because I was copying it to somewhere else. now I'm ready. [23:38] twig11: Once you have created the user you need to run "sudo chown -R username:username /home/username" [23:38] twig11: did you get the /home/anthony all straighened out? [23:38] amaretto4u: the devices are listed by aplay -l, but I don't hear anything, though I think I got a system beep once. I checked the volume, and it isn't muted. [23:38] Klowny: what are the present permissions? (ls -ld /usr) [23:38] th0r: Jordan_U: can I just go sudo adduser username --no-create-home ? [23:38] one sec let me look at the properties of the folder [23:38] th0r: I think it's good. I'm just leaving it and if I have any trouble I'll mess with it then. [23:39] Klowny: ls -ld /usr [23:39] twig11: I don't think so...would be better to create the directory and then overwrite it [23:39] twig11: Yes ( then the command I gave to make the files have the correct owner ) [23:39] i aint sure what you are saying nsadmin lol [23:39] twig11: you might have one or two minor issues, but the thing should be just abouit done [23:39] HI guys, how can I see if my apache is using prefork module or worker module ? [23:39] oh, then you are not aware of the command line shell? [23:39] i looked in the properties of the folder and all it says is root under permissions [23:39] i'm somewhat aware of the sudo thing in terminal [23:40] but i've only been using ubuntu for 2 days lol [23:40] Klowny: What are you trying to do? [23:40] simply trying to install a theme [23:40] Klowny: in terminal, type: ls -ld /usr | cut -f2 [23:40] and i need my permissions granted to me [23:40] err -f1 [23:40] Jordan_U: I am thinking about the link you see between the user and the user's home directory when you open Users and Groups. If he creates the user without a home dir I don't think that link will exist [23:40] can you explain what that does to me so that i will be able to do that to other folders if needed? [23:41] Klowny: If it's a gnome theme then just drag it into System > Preferences > Appearance [23:41] jordan it is but that isn't the only problem i wasn't even able to save anything in the music folder lol [23:41] it's nuts [23:41] erisol: what about sound libraries (ALSA). was installed? which verion of ubuntu You have? [23:41] Klowny: frankly, it would take more time/energy than I have... man ls [23:41] k [23:41] amaretto4u: xubuntu 9.04 [23:42] drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 2009-07-12 17:23 /usr [23:42] that's the reply the terminal gave is that ok? [23:42] th0r: The wording in the man page for adduser suggests otherwise, though it doesn't say it explicitly so you might be right to err on the side of caution [23:43] erisol: strange, i have no problems with sound since 6.10 [23:43] Klowny: That is normal and you should not change it. Where were you trying to save music to? [23:43] yeah, the first "word" is the permissions... the root root is "owned by user named root" and "owned by group named root" [23:43] erisol: what kind of sound card you have? [23:43] to the music folder [23:44] hi, any idea where i can find the godamn libtag-extras0 so i can install the freakin amarok so i can use that obsolete script? [23:44] amaretto4u: % aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 0: ALC269 Analog [ALC269 Analog] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 3: INTEL HDMI [INTEL HDMI] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 [23:44] Klowny: What is the output of "ls -ld ~/Music" ? [23:44] the thing is /usr is manipulated by ubuntu packaging, and it will get confused if you put stuff in there [23:44] amaretto4u: % aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 0: ALC269 Analog [ALC269 Analog] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 3: INTEL HDMI [INTEL HDMI] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 [23:44] whoops [23:45] th0r: Jordan_U: Sorry I was away for a bit. I err on the cautious side and I think I'll try the renaming thing. What's the best way to do that in terminal? [23:45] Klowny: you want to save things in /home/username/ not /usr .... /usr is userspace programming and not a good place to F with [23:45] oh [23:45] twig11: what exactly do you want to do? [23:45] FOUND IT ;D [23:46] ahaha, or maybe not. [23:46] th0r: sorry. I want to rename /home/family to something else, then create a user named family, then overwrite the user's home directory with the one I renamed. [23:46] ok there we go lol [23:46] sorry about that [23:47] it's fixed now [23:47] i needhelp getting ubuntu on a ext3partition i have set up [23:47] twig11: ok...no problem. rename the original with 'mv /home/family /home/newname' [23:47] th0r: I can't just right-click >rename because it's inactive [23:47] Klowny some things you should do: 1, figure out what each dir off of / is for... get more familiar with the shell... learn these commands: cd ls mkdir rmdir cat more [23:47] th0r: okay [23:47] see i picked ubuntu because i thought it was very user friendly, as close to windows is lol [23:47] erisol: lspci | grep -i audio [23:47] th0r: sudo, right? [23:47] i didn't know i'd have to learn things like that [23:47] twig11: right sudo [23:48] i am installing right now, i already have the ext3 set up. [23:48] Klowny: well you don't have to do anything... [23:48] i choose specify partitions manually [23:48] I thought the same to Klowny. [23:48] amaretto4u: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) HD Audio Controller (rev 06) [23:48] but you'll be glad you did [23:48] twig11: "sudo mv /home/family /home/family-bak && sudo adduser family && sudo mv /home/family-bak /home/family && sudo chown -R family:family /home/family" [23:48] Its worth learning it. [23:48] twig11: sorry...missed your question. Yes, you could have used right click [23:48] then select it and it says no root on the partition? [23:48] hi [23:48] twig11: then create the new user [23:49] i just think this is overwhelming lol [23:49] someone please [23:49] th0r: Jordan gave me the commands up there. [23:49] going from a stupid windows user to an even dumber ubuntu user :P [23:49] Klowny: I can understand that... just take one thing at a time [23:49] twig11: ok...let me know if you need something more [23:49] jesus why r u ignoring me [23:50] th0r: thanks a million you guys. I'm sure i'll be back with some wireless questions in a little. [23:50] im trying to install ubuntu on an ext3 partition i have set up [23:50] i get nor root file system is defined [23:50] rTk^cool: go into the partitioner, [23:50] erisol: alsaconf? [23:50] go into the ext3 partition you set up, [23:51] thanks everyone [23:51] see like even though my music folder has permissions set frostwire says i am not allowed to save files there [23:51] see if you can say "use this as /" [23:51] ok [23:51] amaretto4u: is that a file or a command? [23:51] command [23:51] from the installation boot? [23:51] amaretto4u: hmm, isn't working [23:51] use as ext3 journaling file system [23:52] rTk^cool: ask you this question... do you have just that one machine? or do you have another you can irc with? === marko_ is now known as marko-_- [23:52] is it possible to run a program from windows that is already installed via WINE? like, I have photoshop or bitcomet in my windows partition, can I let ubuntu access it and could WINE work fine with it? [23:52] Jordan_U: Enter new UNIX password? [23:52] erisol: and alsamixer? [23:52] Jordan_U: that's for the user family? [23:52] rTk^cool: howbout "mount point" [23:52] <_Apple_> can any one take a look at my xorg file and tell me if every thing looks ok? [23:53] alsamixer works. They're all at 50% and unmuted [23:53] arkts1: yes.. but you need to redefine C: and all that other stuff for WINE .. and i've heard in the past, WINE had issues reading from NTFS [23:53] moymoy: ohh, i see [23:53] i'm currently trying to install linux on an ancient laptop without network/cd/floppy booting support; it has windows 95 on it.. Any suggestions? [23:53] im really just looking to play a couple of games that i am not sure if they are compatible via WINE [23:53] arkts1: looking at the launchers created by launch should give you some insight on how to set the parameters [23:53] Is there any difference between installing 8.10 and then immediatly updating to 9.04, and just installing 9.04? [23:53] I have external methods for all three but their not supported for booting through bios :S [23:53] thanks [23:54] was that it? [23:54] yeah [23:54] arkts1: search those games on the WINE website.. they have a whole database of compatible software .. winehq.org i believe [23:54] and what are you planning to use this machine for [23:54] zenxr: use puppy Linux [23:54] i tried /home [23:54] as a computer [23:54] switch10_: I don't have any way to install it.. [23:54] do you want a separate /home? [23:54] zenxr: super lightweight [23:54] yeah, i've checked, i've read people get them to work, but i've tried in the past and i can't get them to work [23:54] i dont know im new to ubuntu [23:54] iu have windows mastered [23:55] zenxr: no cd drive? [23:55] arkts1: maybe the databases are updated.. your games are probably better supported now [23:55] ha ha. ok, funny dude :) server? games? work? on your desktop? ship it to a colo 39843 miles away? [23:55] I just ran adduser and sh is giving me a prompt Enter new UNIX password: is that the password for the user I'm creating? [23:55] very little linux knowledge from setting up my g1 [23:55] moymoy: thanks, you've been helpful! [23:55] twig11: Yes [23:55] switch10_: No, it's old and they wanted it lightweight I guess. [23:55] twig11: yeah.. [23:55] do you know if there is a gaming channel for Ubuntu? [23:55] thanks [23:55] arkts1: no problem [23:56] games and desktop [23:56] arkts1: why not just try some linux games? [23:56] can someone help me? [23:56] ok, do you want /home separate from /? [23:56] zenxr: I installed puppy on a machine that was running w95 [23:56] Ubuntu hangs on "Downloading and installing drivers..." in hardware drivers [23:56] I want the cube [23:56] It won't download or install the drivers. No error, just hangs [23:56] switch10_: I know how, I just don't have any way to install without a floppy/cd/network drive :( [23:56] barqers: What drivers is it trying to install? [23:57] zenxr: well, mainly because i am part of a group that play windows games, and we are planning on making a website about the games we play, but we all want to switch to ubuntu, but we can't if our games are not compatible [23:57] <_Apple_> can any one take a look at my xorg file and tell me if every thing looks ok? [23:57] people: anyone? can tell me were to grab libtag-extras0 - please?! [23:57] or do you want everything on / (I personally have lots of separate partitions) [23:57] arkts1: you can either dual-boot or use wine/cedega/playonlinux; that's really the only options :S [23:57] Jordan_U: Nvidia Accelerated graphics driver (version 180) [Recommended]. I have an Nvidia 9500GT 1GB pci-e2 graphics card. [23:58] people: anyone? can tell me were to grab libtag-extras0 - please?! [23:58] rTk^cool: did u fix your fried machine? [23:58] barqers: I have one that I haven't installed, it is any good? :] [23:58] i know >| currently im dual-booting, but we want to be completely in linux, its going to to take a while [23:58] haha yes [23:59] zenxr: It's working fine, but it won't allow me to use compiz without installing this driver [23:59] ubuntu is. 63% [23:59] rTk^cool: I don;'t understand "I want the cube" [23:59] two xp boot drives [23:59] ffs... -.- [23:59] the rotating cube [23:59] nsadmin: He wants the cube from compiz [23:59] just say "yes" or "no" [23:59] you fuckin cunts! [23:59] Jordan_U: I just got this error: Sorry, the Jockey backend crashed. Please file a bug at: [23:59] ubuntu-bug jockey-common [23:59] Trying to recover by restarting backend. [23:59] rTk^cool: install compiz-fusion [23:59] !language >MoshMage