[13:03] Hola a todos [13:07] morning facundobatista! [13:07] facundobatista: hola! [13:07] Hola thisfred, verterok [13:13] http://vimeo.com/5313148 [13:13] very interesting (physical) buttons designs === rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride === Chipaca is now known as ChipAway === ChipAway is now known as Chipaca [14:59] Hi all. I have a desktopcouch branch that needs review. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/kill-asyncore-use-twisted/+merge/8597 [15:00] MEETING BEGINS [15:00] Hello, welcome to the Ubuntu One desktop(+) developers meeting. If you are here for the meeting please say, "me". The format for this meeting is TODO/DONE/BLCKED: [15:00] CardinalFang: me too, but i think aquarius is on holiday :) [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] CardinalFang: twsted FTW :_ [15:00] CardinalFang, dobey: I'll take a look [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:01] meh :D [15:01] meh pretty well describe smy enthusiasm toward twisted :) [15:01] rodrigo_ ? statik ? vds ? [15:01] me [15:01] me [15:02] DONE: Not a whole lot, getting reacquainted with the new files UI javascript code. Tried to tame it into some structure. [15:02] TODO: Keep at it, maybe start by writing up a design doc for just what the heck is going on. [15:02] BLOCK: Nada [15:02] jblount: your turn [15:02] DONE: javascript hacking with urbanape, code reviews [15:02] TODO: Get branches for upgrade process and fixing the purchase process [15:02] BLCKED: Kind of waiting for urbanape (who is refactoring the js stuff for /files/new/ but not blocked [15:02] dobey: tag! [15:02] me [15:02] DONE: Tarmac mini-sprint, Made HACKING files for client and protocol, moved u1fsfsm build from setup.py to make, fixed one last lint issue in protocol [15:02] TODO: Get rid of setup.py usage in ubuntuone-client, Look at gnome^H^Hxdg-keyring spec and such [15:02] BLCK: None. [15:02] CardinalFang: rock n roll [15:03] DONE: pushed twistedification of desktopcouch pairing [15:03] TODO: stop trying to type "desktopcouth". Help with 'paste' replacement or fixin [15:03] g. [15:03] BLOCKING: nil [15:03] teknico: tag [15:03] DONE: finished configuring the old notebook for developing (the new one broke down :-/), landed the two web views testing branches [15:03] TODO: refactor the createCouchContacts.py script, add more contacts web tests [15:03] BLOCKED: nothing [15:03] NEXT: rodrigo_ [15:03] DONE: attended GCDS, lots of discussions about couchdb integration into the desktop [15:04] TODO: lots :) like finish up the become-tomboy-friend branch (tomboy syncing), more evo-couchdb work [15:04] BLOCKED: exhausted by last week [15:04] vds: your turn [15:04] DONE: Code review, code review, code review, started a branch with mark to add the funambol ds-server to the sourcedeps of our code base, started one more branch to add the configuration bits to run the ds server in a working env. [15:04] TODO: I've suspended the previous branch I was working on (db contact snapshot) and I will resume it once I'm done with the funambol server [15:04] BLOCKED: no [15:04] I haven't seen any other "me" [15:04] me [15:05] DONE: tarmac sprint [15:05] TODO: fix the wsgi servers with chad and pfibiger [15:05] BLCK: none [15:05] Thanks everyone! [15:05] MEETING ENDS [15:06] thisfred, teknico, vds: i'm desperate to understand what additional python libraries need to be released and packaged for karmic besides desktopcouch. [15:06] for the contacts stuff [15:07] wow, that was a tight meeting [15:08] jan____, nice to see you! the daily standup is status only, then we follow up on any issues raised separately so everyone else can get back to work [15:08] statik: hi :) I might wanna steal that concept [15:09] thisfred teknico statik: what about a quick skype call? we should involve aquarius but I don't see him [15:11] vds: aquarius is not working this week [15:11] vds aquarius is on holiday [15:11] ok [15:11] and it's ok to say that in a public channel because he's already announced it on twitter :) [15:11] the piranha pit *is* activated ;) [15:12] anyhow: python libraries: contacts (perhaps renamed to desktopcouch-contacts) and that's it AFAIK. [15:13] statik: vds ^^ [15:13] * thisfred is thinking if he's missing anything [15:13] statik: couchdb-python itself obviously, but that's done I think? [15:13] skype call is also fine btw [15:14] statik, none that I know of, off the top of my head [15:14] thisfred, so lib/ubuntuone/contacts needs to be released as a separate project and packaged? [15:14] vds, I'm available for a call [15:15] let's statik decide if a call is needed [15:15] i can't do skype right now unfortunately :( [15:15] decided :) [15:16] vds, oh, sorry, I hadn't got that it was about statik's question :-) [15:16] so if it's just lib/ubuntuone/contacts, then i need someone to do a branch adding a proper setup.py to it, and then i can help with setting up the project and getting the license approved [15:16] statik: yes, although it's pitfully empty yet. teknico is adding something right now I believe [15:16] and i'd really like to get it published to the world this week [15:17] statik: does it need to have the distutils.extra stuff, or is a plain distutils setup.py ok? [15:18] statik: vds, teknico markgsaye_: I'd like for the initial release to also include the first version of the contact schema, in text. We can just take what Stuart wrote and dump it in a text file in there. [15:19] thisfred: +1 [15:19] thisfred, plain distutils is ok [15:20] statik: I can do those things today [15:20] thisfred, awesome! [15:20] statik vds teknico markgsaye_ what do we think of naming it desktopcouch-contacts? [15:20] any tips on how to get the menu icon to stop spinning? it says it's still 'working'. [15:21] thisfred, fine with me [15:21] thisfred, if it manages contacts-specific records in desktopcouch, it seems an appropriate name :-) [15:21] python-desktopcouch-contacts will be the package name in debian then [15:22] ok, will do that then === markgsaye_ is now known as markgsaye [15:25] mattgriffin: "kill -TSTP ...", har har. What does the .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log file say? [15:30] mattgriffin: the end of syncdaemon.log would help (as CardinalFang mentioned) We do seem to have occasional status issues with the applet [15:30] cool. i'll check it out. [15:30] thanks [15:30] hey rodrigo_, thanks for the review on the enable-translations branch! [15:30] * CardinalFang looks for a bug about status in the UI. [15:31] dpm: you're welcome, and sorry for the delay, I was flying back from Gran Canaria [15:31] CardinalFang: they're definitely there. We should add the status thing to the "frequently reported bugs" master list for linking dupes to (someone mentioned doing this last week) [15:31] rodrigo_: np [15:35] Ah yeah, bug 330769 [15:35] Launchpad bug 330769 in ubuntuone-client "Upload/Download Status Information" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/330769 [15:38] jblount, pfibiger: I'm about to ask shipit for a bunch of 9.04 CDs, unless you have some already. [15:42] CardinalFang: No la tengo, all I have left is Kubuntu CDs (which are still valuable and worthwhile) [15:42] i guess we need to create a "faq" about the keyring too [15:43] * jblount notices his bad spanish influnced by pfibiger 's taste in music. [15:43] (says you!) [15:44] heh [15:46] jdobrien: Jacob Kaplan-Moss just posted this on his blog about authentication / session / other stuff in Django http://jacobian.org/writing/django-internals-authen/ [15:46] jblount: uh? ok [15:47] grr [15:48] jdobrien: Sorry, I just thought it might be interesting considering how much you seem to think about account related stuff :) [16:02] statik: dobey: the tests in desktopcouch depend on testtools, which is probably not a good idea. Should I rewrite them to use plain unittest.TestCase? I think they don't use much of testtools anyway. [16:05] thisfred, testtools is packaged for karmic already [16:05] i believe it is in universe already, let me check [16:06] thisfred, yep python-testtools is in karmic universe so it's fine to build-depend on it (so the tests can use it). http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python-testtools [16:08] statik, thisfred: we should get it backported to jaunty and hardy [16:08] yeah [16:09] i think there is even a backports team [16:09] there is [16:12] statik: dobey oh ok, that's even better, I can leave them in contacts as well then :) [16:15] dobey, can you review the MIRs for ubuntuone-client for kenvandine? there are a couple of things that need to be tweaked on the wiki pages and then I think the packages can go into main [16:15] dobey, i will send them to you in a sec [16:33] thisfred, dobey: just in case you haven't seen it yet, here is how you would request backports of python-testtools for hardy and jaunty https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports (of course it goes faster if we do the work, but this is the process to follow) [16:34] statik: yep. i've already requested backports for python-oauth :) [16:34] great! [16:34] which reminds me that i need to test james_w's changes to it, on hardy [16:37] statik: thanks [17:14] mail sent to BenoƮt Chesnau, creator of couchdbkit to see if it makes sense to make that speak couchdesktop [17:25] thisfred: he's benoitc on freenode [17:26] jan____: I know: see #couchdb a few minutes ago ;_ [17:26] statik: I'm a little stuck between stations: I've created the setup.py and renamed contacts, but now of course the imports don't work, and I'm not sure how to fix them, should I go the distance, and bzr mv desktopcouch-contacts into packages, and symlink from lib into its package directory? [17:29] thisfred: hehe === dpm is now known as dpm-afk [17:48] 2009-07-13 12:46:15,754:754.17804718 UbuntuOne.Client.Applet Failed to execute program /usr/bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon: Success [17:48] I got that error ^^^ .... but isn't it supposed to be /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon [17:50] jdobrien: hmm [17:50] jdobrien: you don't have some kind of frankensteined mixed-bag install again, do you? [17:50] rmcbride: 'again'? [17:51] rmcbride: how can I tell? [17:51] jdobrien: last week, when you were having similar issues, and it had to do with having some things pointing to old paths [17:51] jdobrien: first thing would be "which ubuntuone-client-applet" [17:52] jdobrien: it might be you have an old client in the old path and its being exec'd in place of the installed client [17:52] apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client-applet [17:52] W: Unable to locate package ubuntuone-client-applet [17:52] no [17:52] it's not a package. We want to know which one is execing . 'which ubuntuone-client-applet' at a terminal [17:52] jdobrien: is what we need [17:53] rmcbride: tell me what to type and I can give you an answer [17:53] jdobrien: what I typed in ' quotes is exactly what you need to type [17:53] which ubuntuone-client-applet [17:53] /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet [17:53] jdobrien: that's what I needed. One sec. [17:54] jdobrien: that's the right path. Now do 'ls -l /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet' [17:54] so we can look at the date on that file [17:54] ls -l /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet [17:54] -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 23K 2009-07-09 10:25 /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet* [17:55] jdobrien: that's very strange [17:55] jdobrien: you're correct that it looks like it's going to the wrong path for the syncdaemon... but that does appear to be the right date stamp [17:55] rmcbride: this is why we keep getting people reporting that it is not starting [17:56] jdobrien: actually in those cases I think it's to do with the dep stuff. [17:56] jdobrien: I'm looking at a couple things on a test box to make sure we're headed down the right path. one sec (or so) [17:58] rmcbride, jdobrien: syndaemon is started via DBus, take a look to the dates in: /usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service [17:58] verterok: you're a step ahead of me. I was almost there :) [17:58] rmcbride: :) [17:58] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 99 2009-07-09 10:23 /usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service [17:59] jdobrien: that's it. cat that file [17:59] [D-BUS Service] [17:59] Name=com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon [17:59] Exec=/usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon [17:59] OK that's just bizzare [17:59] it should not be trying to start it from /usr/bin with that entry there [17:59] rmcbride: it doesn't exist in usr/bin [18:00] jdobrien: I know [18:00] jdobrien: hence the error message you got [18:00] jdobrien: the question is WHY did client-applet think that's where it was? too strange. [18:01] statik: solved, I think. Running tests now, then I will propose and assign a specific review to you. [18:02] rmcbride, jdobrien: locate com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service [18:02] verterok: how? [18:02] jdobrien: execute: 'locate com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service' [18:02] jdobrien: type exactly what he put there [18:02] :) [18:03] jdobrien: and pastebin the result. SHould be a wall of text [18:03] rmcbride: it's 3 lines [18:03] jdobrien: OK it's a wall of text on my machine [18:03] jdobrien: probably because I have 16 tabs of bugs open [18:03] /home/john/wireitup2/configs/dbus-session/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service [18:03] /home/john/wireitup2/packages/ubuntuone-client/data/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service [18:03] /usr/local/share/dbus-1/services/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service [18:03] /usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service [18:03] ahah [18:04] jdobrien: cat the copy in /usr/local/share [18:04] jdobrien: I'm betting that's the problem [18:04] rmcbride: yes [18:04] I have no idea how it would GET there, but that's almost certainly it [18:04] should that exist...and where did it come from [18:04] No it should not exist. [18:05] rmcbride: how do i get rid of it without breaking something else [18:05] jdobrien: it won't break anything else if you just remove /usr/local/share/dbus-1/services/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service [18:05] Very very interesting. I wonder if that was the path we used at one point [18:06] and somehow with the renaming and such it didn't get cleaned up durign upgrade. None of my upgrade machines are having that issue... [18:06] rmcbride: hard to tell [18:06] but it could be something that was cleaned up by a build that didn't get installed on your machine for whatever reason [18:07] rmcbride: I wonder what I need to restart in order for that to change [18:07] jdobrien: and then subsiquent builds didn't work... [18:07] jdobrien: once you've removed that, it should work (if I understand dbus correctly) [18:07] jdobrien: otherwise a relog is probably necessary [18:07] or at least a restart of the client [18:08] ha! I had a renamed folder come back! [18:08] wow I really need to clean up my local branches, That's why I saw so many entries. [18:08] jdobrien: heh [18:09] well now we know to check /usr/local/share in some of these "won't start" cases, should the current packages not resolve [18:10] We should create some kind of clean up script or something [18:11] rmcbride: that seems to have corrected my problem [18:11] jdobrien: it should be handled when the package is upgrade if it moves. In all cases on my test machines it has been. Why it happened is a puzzle [18:12] jdobrien: cool. Once we saw teh copy in /usr/local it was clear what was happening. [18:19] Could I get some people to test this bug #375011? I can't reproduce this [18:19] Launchpad bug 375011 in ubunet "Email Newsletter AJAX requires you to click the "yes" box twice" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/375011 [18:22] we have an e-mail newsletter? [18:22] dobey: not yet, but I was told to add that to the site [18:22] it works fine here [18:24] meh, I had join/part turned off and missed that he left. [18:24] dobey: it worked fine here, or so I thought. Once I moused over the checked box, it cleared teh checkbox. Then selecting a second time seemed to work [18:25] can't make it do it again though [18:26] i made it turn red [18:27] but it still enables/disables properly [18:27] at least in the ui [18:27] the rapid succession of clicking might have broken something else [18:28] re [18:28] dobey: I can reproduce it by deselecting it, clearing my cache, and going back to the page again. Same sequence of events. Adding that to the bug report and moving on :) [18:32] restatik: prepackaging branch proposed, and review specifically requested of you === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:40] thisfred, ok looking now [18:41] statik: no hurry, *unless* I did something wrong and have to fix it today ;) [18:42] https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+activereviews is handy when dealing with reviews across a bunch of projects [18:42] thisfred, we normally don't put any code under bzr control in sourcecode [18:42] statik: oh nice. That doesn't show the reviews you *could* do because of groups you're in though, right? [18:42] that directory is for external branches [18:43] thisfred: yeah, +activereviews needs to also show reviews I could do [18:43] statik: yeah I realize, it was a temporary hack to get the fixed imports working ahead of packaging... [18:43] statik: if it's too dirty, I'll undo it [18:44] thisfred: i think it will bite us when people try to update to the next version. could you just move the stuff from sourcecode to packages/, then once it's published separately we can move the symlink to point into sourcecode/ at the external branch? [18:45] thisfred: also, do you think this needs to be a totally separate project, or should we just stick it into the desktopcouch project as a separate module somehow? [18:46] so python-desktopcouch-contacts would still be a separate package, and still have a separate setup.py... [18:46] statik: sure, and yes, that sounds like a good suggestion [18:47] i guess the module namespace would be desktopcouch.contacts ? [18:47] statik: yeah, that would be an improvement even: I though plain 'contacts' was a little presumtuous [18:47] +p [18:48] cool. i'll write all this on the code review. thanks for working on it! [18:48] statik: ok, I'll start with moving it to packages [18:49] statik: done [18:50] thisfred, if you feel like adding the LGPLv3 headers (you can copy from desktopcouch) that would make things even easier at the next step :) [18:51] statik: sure [18:51] statik: that's just those files with all caps names, right? [18:51] thisfred: no, it's just looking at the comments at the top of any of the python source files in desktopcouch and putting the same header/copyright on the stuff in desktopcouch.contacts [18:52] statik: ah ok [18:55] statik: also pushed [18:56] statik: for the moving into desktop couch is there anything I can do? [18:56] thisfred, awesome! can you resubmit the merge proposal to get a new diff generated? [18:56] statik: will do [18:57] statik: 'request another review' will do that, right? [18:58] thisfred: i think it's changing the top-level merge proposal status to 'resubmit' [18:58] thisfred: don't let me talk you into working too late tonight. i think the next steps for getting this into desktopcouch is simply to propose a branch adding the contacts dir and code to the desktopcouch project [18:59] thisfred: since desktopcouch is already a sourcedep...the only other thing to do would be change the imports in ubunet as you have already [19:00] statik: nah, my wife's away, so I have time ;) (although if you have no further need of me, I'll switch to desktopcouchification of my autoqueue plugin) [19:00] statik: resubmitted [19:14] thisfred, contacts-prepackaging is approved if you want to land it [19:14] statik: cool, pqm submitting now! [19:31] statik: and re-submitting: trunk was conflicting [19:35] thisfred: you don't need a re-review just for fixing conflicts unless you feel like you want a review to be sure you solved the conflicts the right way [19:36] statik: ah, no, I meant re-pqm submitted ;) [19:36] I have confidence in me :) [19:37] cool [19:45] bom fim de tarde :) [19:50] hiya BUGabundo [19:50] hey rmcbride [20:12] v [20:36] I have *too much* confidence in me. The tests in contacts itself still imported from the wrong place... :( re-re-pqm-submitted [20:40] heh [21:16] Good evening all [21:17] is there a way of seeing how a sync is prgressing? [21:17] I can see the applet-icon spinning, but would like to know how it is getting on :) [21:18] sheepeatingtaz: u1sdtool --current-transfers [21:19] sheepeatingtaz: If you throw that into a terminal, it'll give you a bit of data on what's transferring :) [21:19] jblount: that'll do for now, cheers! [21:23] statik: it finally landed === BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo