
sbalneavEvening all04:01
ograGEEEZ ! an upload from highvoltage16:26
=== vorian is now known as OldSchool
highvoltageogra: lol, miracles do happen!17:35
ogragreat to see that17:35
highvoltageogra: I've learned a lot recently, stgraber is great.17:36
ograyeah, definately17:36
highvoltagehmm, I can't remember getting opped17:36
sbalneavMorning all17:44
highvoltagemorning sbalneav18:13
stgraberhighvoltage: btw, did you change that small bit in lbagent's changelog + uploaded to REVU ?18:40
highvoltagestgraber: I ran into a problem, I think I can figure it out myself, I'll look again in about 30 minutes. will you be around/18:43
stgraberhighvoltage: sure18:43
stgrabercurrently following a few conferences at the Linux Symposium 2009 so I can IRC without any problem this week ;) (lot easier than from the office)18:44
highvoltagestgraber: heh18:47
juliux3/w 3518:52
highvoltagestgraber: my internet has been dog slow this afternoon but I managed to get lbagent into revu20:35
=== OldSchool is now known as FurieuxV
=== FurieuxV is now known as Effexor
=== Effexor is now known as vorian

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