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ryanakcayuriy: can you look at bug 389245 please?00:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389245 in kubuntu-website "[wiki] top title doesn't have separators and is redundant" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38924500:10
ScottKRiddell: Any chance you'll find the dot file at home or is it gone?00:38
nelleryneversfelde: hi, is bug 398516 ready for sponsoring?01:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398516 in plasma-widget-fancytasks "new upstream version available (0.9)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39851601:43
neversfeldenellery: yes01:49
jjesseanyone tried running the live cd in vmware workstation?01:53
ScottKIs PrntScrn working for anyone else in KDE 4.3?02:14
shtylman_ScottK: nope :)02:15
ScottKshtylman_: Yes, but nothing's working for you, right?  I don't think that counts.02:15
ScottKAny suggestions on which piece of KDE to file a bug against?02:16
ScottKI checked and the proper key code is being emitted.02:16
shtylman_ScottK: well..I mean...older kernels boot...I think printscreen is independent of my kernel problems02:17
jjessehrm trying to install karmic daily in vmware workstation and unable to use mouse also can't get past "detecting file systesM" in the installation phase02:17
ScottKjjesse: ext4 is default in Karmic.  You might try advanced partitioning and pick ext3.02:23
jjessethanks ScottK02:24
jjesseany ideas on mouse?02:24
* JontheEchidna is back from vacation02:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: Welcome back.02:35
ScottKI'm seriously trying to figure out why we thought arora was a good idea.02:36
neversfeldeit is not a good idea as long you cannot import ssl certs02:38
rgreeningarora -1002:38
neversfeldethere is also no hint for kleopatra without konqueror02:39
ScottKWell they had a list of stuff to fix, so it may be premature to judge.02:39
ScottKQuassel improved a lot during the last cycle.02:39
neversfeldeyes, that was excellent upstream/downstream work02:40
* ScottK is seriously thinking about Firefox for netbook.02:41
neversfeldeFirefox 3.5 is incredibly fast and reliable, imo the best browser02:43
ScottKrgreening: It's the most compatible with web sites, it's fast, it's already supported, and if people only know one FOSS package name, it's Firefox.02:44
ScottKArora's going to have to get some serious juice to compete.02:45
ScottKArora also lacks KDE integration comparably with Firefox, so that's no reason to favor it.02:45
ScottKOn the Karmic netbook today I clicked on a PDF in FIrefox and it knew to use Okular to open it.02:46
neversfeldeI probably use the wrong websites, but konqui never failed and when I am giving support I get no positive feedback for arora02:48
ZoraelWasn't there a firefox-qt in the works?02:50
firephotoarora works good here but you need the latest webkit from the latest released qt for the best experience. just js and cookie quirks is all i notice wrong.02:52
neversfeldewe are famous for beeing a vanilla KDE distro, but we are willing to not ship the default KDE browser. That is really bad promo.02:52
ZoraelArora aims to be portable so not sure to what extent it'll ever *get* KDE integration02:53
Zoraelas compared to Rekonq02:53
neversfeldearora is not a bad browser, but imo not the best choice for Kubuntu02:53
firephotorekonq is a bit misleading since it really is just the qt-demo browser like arora with some different kde integration done.02:54
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* JontheEchidna sends his thoughts on the raster graphicsystem to k-d03:26
shtylman_Riddell: finally started moving new theme ideas over to actual codebase...will also do a cleanup of that codebase while I am at it. Besides the UI improvements I planned to change the keyboard selection screen (time permitting)...anything else you want tackled? or fixed?04:34
\shseele: I forgot to say "Congrats"  (Re: KDE e.V.) :)05:08
jmthomasblargh, X crash05:25
jmthomasduring an upgrade05:25
jmthomasnot much of a backtrace in /var/log/Xorg.0.log tho05:26
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* _Sime thinks Kubuntu should just bite the bullet and ship Firefox and keep everyone happy.06:21
ScottK_Sime: We can't ship it for Kubuntu desktop because we don't have room for all the depends on the CD.06:24
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ScottKFor netbook we aren't constrained.06:24
\sh!vote firefox+qt +106:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:36
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lemmamorning! does kubuntu patch kde's help menu to make it use the new crash report wizard instead of bugzilla's built-in bug report one?09:04
lemmaI got this bug report which doesn't seem to be vanilla kde: https://bugs.kde.org/20014209:04
macognome in ubuntu is heavily patched like that...lemme check konq09:07
macoyes, that's ubuntu's bug reporter09:07
macolemma, ^09:08
lemmaI think it might not be konqueror but some dependency/kdelibs part09:08
macowell they said it in konq, so i figured id check there ;)09:08
macobut yes,that's apport, ubuntu's bug reporter. and it says ProblemType: Bug, not Crash, when i run it...09:08
lemmaah, alright :)09:08
lemmathen I'll just send him to your bugtracker09:09
lemmathanks maco09:09
macoby the way, while you're here09:09
macoreviewboard seems to be remembering what change # i set for the first patch i submitted to reviewboard09:09
macoi cant figure out how to make it forget that. i even tried using a different browser. it seems the box to change it only shows without javascript and the submit button only works with javascript, so i cant figure out how to change things09:10
macogiving me an issue since that change # doesnt exist yet in kdesdk09:10
lemmauhm.. sorry, no idea. I'm not that experienced on reviewboard.. but I know it has some bugs :) so maybe that's one of them09:11
macofun fun09:11
macothanks anyway09:11
lemmayw :) later09:11
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ctphi folks. would you recommend karmic for daily work for someone beeing linux user/admin for 12 years? ;-) i like kde 4.3rc and am not sure to install jaunty+ppa or karmic09:49
QuintasanDid anyone made a package for Star Field wallpaper?10:29
Troublectp: Use the PPA to install KDE 4.3 RC2 - it's one hell of a lot safer than using Karmic10:43
Trouble(with Jaunty)10:44
Quintasanhmm guys, how should I deal with package that uses a src? directory? When you untar the package there is only install.sh src/ and README. Pbuilder complains about missing CMakeLists.txt.11:13
smarterQuintasan: if all that is needed to build is in the src dir, just put DEB_SRCDIR = src in the debian/rules11:15
smartercheck install.sh to see if it does any special stuff11:15
Quintasansmarter: thanks11:15
seele\sh: thanks12:19
seelewhoo, got one shipit from powerdevil.. now we only need 5 more to get all the aborts out of kde12:23
seeleanyone know what is going on with the printing dialog?12:33
seeleRiddell is still away today I think12:33
seeleRiddell: bug 39739912:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397399 in hundredpapercuts "kubuntu no printer browsing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39739912:39
ryanakcaScottK: How's https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Header ?13:02
ryanakcaseele: I think I fixed all of the wiki related bugs, did you want to take a quick look at http://wiki.ryanak.ca/kubuntu/ before I start prodding the sysadmins?13:04
seeleryanakca: do you have a test login?13:20
ryanakcaseele: I can make you one if you want, just a sec13:22
ScottKryanakca: Great. Thanks.13:29
ScottKrgreening: Any idea how we're coming with getting USB creator uploaded?  It'd be really nice to have it in place before Alpha 3.13:46
rgreeningCHecking with evand now13:48
rgreeningover in ubuntu-installer13:48
rgreeningScottK: do you know anyone familiar with programming devicekit-disks? If so, and they have some time, we propbably could use some extra hands (python backend is being re-written for this...). Still waiting for evand response.13:58
rgreeningshtylman: ping14:04
rgreeningshtylman: hows ubiquity installer feature parity with ubuntu coming along?14:04
ScottKrgreening: evand was who I would think of.  tseliot probably knows some stuff about it too.14:11
rgreeningok. ty14:11
ScottKPitti would probably be a good person to ask about who might be able to help.14:14
smarterhmm, it looks like kdelibs/karmic and kdelibs/bzr are out of sync: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/k/kde4libs/kde4libs_4.2.96-0ubuntu3/changelog http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/changelog14:17
rgreeningScottK: I convinced evand to release 0.2.0 with the HAL back-end for alpha3.14:19
rgreeningScottK: he said he'd upload today... hopefully14:19
rgreeningScottK: there will be HAL bugs reported. We will have to redirect those reports to wait for new devicekit-backend release.14:20
rgreeningthe HAL issues will not be fixed/addressed in this release as HAL will be going the way fo the dodo.14:20
ScottKrgreening: Sounds good.14:21
ScottKDon't change everything all at once is generally a prudent plan anyway.14:21
nhnHi guys! I am one of the amarok devs. I just upgraded to Karmic on my laptop. I managed to get Amarok built from svn, but when running it it just hangs with what seems to be some QUniqueApplication foo. ITs really ahrd to debug as everything just dies as soon as it created the app object.15:11
nhnis there a known bug in Qt or other packages that would cause this?15:11
nhnoh, I also had issues with strigi and phonon devel packages not being found even though they were already installed. removing them and reinstalling them fixed that.15:12
seelewhat is the kubuntu equiv of /usr/local/share/config/? i need to find all the .knsrc files15:14
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JontheEchidnawell, this is no fun15:21
JontheEchidnathat X crash during the upgrade caused my keyboard and mouse to stop working :/15:22
JontheEchidnaand it turns out that now every other bootable partition I had except the windows recovery partition had is unbootable15:22
* JontheEchidna is on a temp Ubuntu install downloading karmic alpha2 for a reinstall15:23
e-jatJontheEchidna: :(15:23
smarterseele: they're in /usr/share/kde4/config/ according to "locate knsrc" :)15:35
smarterseele: btw, <ScottK> seele: We had a new user send in a very long and rambling feedback to ubuntu-devel yesterday.  The one (I think) actionable point in his mail was he'd accidentally removed his kicker widget from his panel and could not figure out how to get it back short of reinstalling.  smarter has come up with a patch to ask the user to confirm removal of selected widgets from the panel.  Any thoughts from a usability perpsective?15:40
jjessei think something would be nice as i've removed my panels and don't remember how to get them back15:42
seeleor being able to add an entire panel and provide a kubuntu default panel15:43
seelepanel themes or something15:43
smartersomeone suggested a way to restore default settings, that could work too15:44
smartera "restore default settings" button somewhere15:44
smarterjjesse: right-click on the desktop --> add panel?15:44
rgreeningrestore default settings would be awesome... in addition to the "are you sure you want to remove"15:58
rgreeningalso, can't remember, are widgets locked by default? If not, we should pout this in kubuntu default settings15:58
jjessethere aresome default settings buttons, but they don't restore to the acutal default, they restore what was saved last15:59
rgreeningMy father keeps accidentally removing stuff cause widgets were unlocked. I told him to lock them to prevent this :)15:59
jjesselike in system settings, it restores to the last saved settings, not the default, or initial settings15:59
Dario_Andresis this reported at launchpad: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199972 ?16:00
ubottuKDE bug 199972 in general ""Report Bug" in all applications broken" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]16:00
taavikkoconcerning Dario_Andres:s message, seems that apport tries to use the PID instea of package16:01
taavikkoshould arora be --{add,install} to alternatives? if one set the default action to open application on based on the contents of the link, KDE launches konqueror...16:02
seelemaco: yo.. if you are interested in working on KHotNewStuff (bug 390226) jpwhiting said he would mentor you. he is the current maintainer16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390226 in hundredpapercuts "Make KDE Get Hot New Stuff button labels consistent" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39022616:07
seelemaco: i think the goal woud be to improve his class so apps don't use custom buttons16:07
seelergreening: i thought widgets were supposed to be locked by default16:08
rgreeningpossibly. thats why i asked (wasnt sure)16:08
seelehe's offline now but should be back later tonight16:09
macoim messing with a little bug in jockey at the moment, but yeah16:09
macoseele, he's online16:36
macojust talked to hinm16:36
macoanyone know how this external-editor-in-kontact thing works?16:36
macoto test whether a save option is given, i set it to use kate then tried to create an email....and it doesnt open kate16:37
rgreeningarora sukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks16:40
rgreeningso annoyed16:40
rgreeningcan't handle mime stuff correctly16:41
rgreeningtrys to download a .php file!16:41
macousually that's the server f'ing up16:42
rgreeningand flash only works half the time. just as bad a Konqueror16:42
rgreeningmaco: well, everything in arora requires, download and save this file... quite annoying16:43
macoi just think its sloooooow16:43
macosad that crufty old gecko was rendering sites faster than shiny new webkit16:44
rgreeningmaco: and I just tested the .php issue under konqueror. works as expected.16:45
rgreeningits an arora issue16:45
macooy ok16:45
rgreeningserver opens a dynamically created php in a new window. aorora thinks "user must download this"16:46
rgreeningour user base will not be able to handle this, assuming arora does not get fixes in time.16:46
rgreeningand no recent updates to arora?16:47
seelemaco: fyi there is now a usability group in review board if you want to add that tag to your requests16:47
seelei think it is comma delimited16:48
smarterrgreening: there's a bug in QtWebKit (fixed in 4.5.2 iirc) that makes it download pages which serve content as application/octet-stream instead of asking for saving them16:49
smarterrgreening: what do you mean by no recent update? There is continuous activity in the git repo and a new release will appear in less than a week16:50
rgreeningsmarter: thats what I mean. we havent had even any snapshots to test :P16:50
rgreeningI'm being cranky16:51
rgreeningI hate when my browser doesn't do what I ask16:51
smarterwell, package new snapshots :p16:52
smarteror use a ppa that already does that16:52
rgreeningyou aren't helping my crankiness. :P haha16:53
macoseele, reviewboard wont let me submit my kdesdk one :(16:53
rgreeningsmarter: we are running qt4.5.2 in karmic.16:54
rgreeningso, if it's fixed, we have an issue still16:54
smarterit's a different issue16:54
smarter(I guess)16:55
smarterbtw, what are you waiting to backport 4.5.2? :p16:55
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rgreeningsmarter: 4.5.2 is not going into jaunty backports17:04
rgreeningif thats what you were asking17:04
smarterand kubuntu-ppa/backports ?17:05
rgreeningnot at all afaik17:05
rgreeningtoo many other things to work around17:06
Quintasannhandler is on Hall of Fame :D17:33
Quintasankubotu: order cookies and beer for nhandler17:34
* kubotu slides cookies and beer down the bar to nhandler17:34
macoumm.....the "thank" button takes me to lp openid login then to internal server error 50017:40
Mamarokclaydoh: Happy Birthday!17:49
jjessemaco i had no problems w/ the thank button17:51
macomaybe a hiccup17:51
claydohMamarok: thank you!17:51
nhandlerThanks a lot Quintasan17:54
Quintasanclaydoh: Happy Birthday!17:55
Quintasankubotu: order cookies for claydoh17:55
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to claydoh.17:55
claydohQuintasan: thanks, I love cookies17:57
claydohcongrats nhandler!17:58
* Quintasan wants into MOTU17:58
macoQuintasan, have you applied yet?18:01
Quintasanmaco: nah, I think my contributions are not enough yet :P18:02
maco(i mean about me :P)18:02
macohave you set a goal for when you want to apply by? mine's end of the year18:02
Quintasansame here :D18:03
macoheh alrighty then18:03
QuintasanI think there is a problem with me :P No matter what I do I think it's not enough :D18:03
macohave you heard of "Impostor Syndrome"?18:04
Quintasannot really18:04
Quintasanoh :D18:05
macothis link from the bottom looks interesting http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_development/previous_issues/articles/2008_02_15/caredit_a080002518:07
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seaLneplasma-widget-nm has started working again with wireless for me today18:45
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ryanakcaseele: Did you find anything?19:17
seeleryanakca: no, looks ok to me19:22
ryanakcaseele: lovely, thanks19:22
_SimePyQt 4.5.2 out with an important fix for Python plasmoids.19:45
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macoanyone that understands python/distutils/packaging around?22:05
a|wenmaco: a little ... what do you need to know?22:06
macoi grabbed the debian/ directory from karmic's jockey and then grabbed upstream jockey bzr. put the two together and did a bzr builddeb. dpkg-builddeb is saying that python-distutils-extra (>=2.4) is not satisfied. makes sense since ubuntu has 2.4~ubuntu1 and that ~ sorts it as older than 2.4....however, this leaves me wondering how the heck jockey got built in ubuntu in the first place22:08
a|wenmaco: 2.4 got uploaded 12 hours ago22:19
a|wenat least according to LP22:19
* maco tries updates22:20
macoapt-cache policy wasnt showing it, but lets see...22:20
a|wenmight still be lacking from your local mirror ... but should work soon22:22
macoyeah, looks like i just need to apt-get update22:23
macoyoure all perceptive22:23
* a|wen is in any case just running around packing for tomorrow22:24
CIA-76Kubuntu: apachelogger * r122 kdebase-workspace/debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs):22:48
CIA-76Kubuntu: Remove kubuntu_74_kickoff_default_favourites.diff, the favorites are22:48
CIA-76Kubuntu: controlled via kickoffrc in kubuntu-default-settings22:48
CIA-76Kubuntu: apachelogger * r293 kubuntu-default-settings/ (debian/changelog kde-rc-files/kickoffrc): Make Arora default browser via kickoffrc22:49
apacheloggerbug 20935823:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209358 in qt4-x11 "fonts in Qt4 look ugly because it uses Nimbus Sans L instead of Deja Vu Sans for Sans-Serif" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20935823:06
seeleis jockey just for drivers or for codecs too? is there something that already exists in kubuntu for an app to install a codec?23:47
* seele is looking at but 346246 and wonder how hard it is to fix23:47
seele*bug 34624623:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346246 in amarok "Amarok in Ubuntu 9.04 does not offer to install restricted codecs (like MP3)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34624623:47
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JontheEchidnaseele: yes, update-notifier-kde, which does such things as codec installation for kubuntu but not ubuntu23:55
seeleis this something we can address as a papercut or is it too big to add an update-notifier-kde call and add support for installing codecs like 1.4?23:58
JontheEchidnathe thing is that Ubuntu users won't usually have update-notifier-kde installed23:59

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