
FanfareHi @ all00:01
Serpardumissue with samba resolved, was a windows wrong ip issue00:12
neversfeldevenky80: ??00:29
venky80yes neverfelde00:35
Sebastianitohey, im having a problem with my repos and installing packages, this is an example00:42
SebastianitoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:00:42
Sebastianito  firefox: Depends: firefox-3.0 but it is not going to be installed00:42
Sebastianito           Depends: firefox-3.0-branding but it is not going to be installed00:42
SebastianitoE: Broken packages00:42
FloodBotK1Sebastianito: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:42
Sebastianitosorry about that, and a lot of packages dont exist like wine00:43
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wirechief_Sebastianito: try putting your sources.list information in pastebin :  sudo pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list00:48
wirechief_paste the url here.00:48
wirechief_your kidding00:49
wirechief_did you use the command i so nicely pasted for you ?00:50
wirechief_ sudo pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list00:50
Sebastianitosorry didnt understand u mean u want to see the source lise i guess00:51
wirechief_deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org stable main  and deb http://www.geexbox.org/debian/ unstable main  ... idk mixing repos is a very bad idea00:55
Sebastianitoya but i had the problem before i added them00:56
wirechief_Sebastianito: well those i wouldnt of put in but you did and who knows what you got now. you could of put the wrong versions of critical librarys in and borked your system00:57
wirechief_sounds of your errors indicate a system in distress.00:57
Sebastianitoi did a clean install today and i didnt change anything in the sources before i tried to install firefox and nvidia-glx but they didnt work00:58
wirechief_if you use synaptic after you option those too out check for broken packages and try to fix if possible.00:58
Sebastianitofirefox was broken and nvidia-glx couldnt be found00:58
wirechief_well nvidia is proprietary stuff so it needs special attention00:59
wirechief_did you check the integrity of the media before install ?00:59
wirechief_both the download and the media ?00:59
wirechief_and did the md5sum  compare as it should ?01:00
wirechief_another issue is burning, make sure you always burn at least 4x or slower and with good media01:00
wirechief_and with DAO or SAO  options01:01
wirechief_this makes the md5sum come out ok if its really ok. but you can also check the media on the boot up selection in grub01:01
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sebastian_wireshark, i cant install synaptics in the terminal or anywhere else, u got any ideas on how to get it?01:04
wirechief_its in System>Administration>Synaptics01:04
wirechief_Package manager01:05
sebastian_ok thought u meant the one for ubuntu01:05
wirechief_your right01:06
wirechief_wrong channel01:06
wirechief_wrong distro01:06
wirechief_well, i quit using kubuntu, looks like your on your own then. maybe BluesKaj can help you01:06
sebastian_if i had ubuntu it would probably have worked01:06
sebastian_ok thx anyway :01:07
* wirechief_ has too many distros on the fire01:07
sebastian_well im doing another clean install instead01:08
wirechief_but what ever you do get the sources.list straight and before you make changes to it again make a backup01:08
wirechief_check your media on boot01:08
wirechief_dont reinstall until it says its ok01:08
sebastian_does it matter if i make a fresh install?01:09
wirechief_of course.01:09
wirechief_you dont even have to do that01:09
wirechief_just reboot and check the media01:09
BluesKajwhat's the problem gents ?01:09
wirechief_if it tests bad you know you gotta do it all over01:09
sebastian_ya file check01:09
wirechief_he has questionable media BluesKaj01:09
sebastian_i did that coupple of minutes ago and nothing wrong01:09
sebastian_if thats what u mean01:10
wirechief_he has borked his current install with mixed repos in sources.list01:10
sebastian_no it was broken before i changed the sources.list i changed that a coupple of hours ago01:10
wirechief_at least its possible, hes getting wierd error messages and his pastebin of sources.list shows mixed repos with debian01:11
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sebastian_well now i have a new problem and its faster to reinstall then fix it all01:11
BluesKajsebastian_, wirechief_, it is possible to rescue the install01:12
sebastian_now all my applications is gone haha01:12
sebastian_honestly it doesent matter because i installed kubuntu today so i dont have a lot of stuff i need01:12
wirechief_probably but he best check his media integrity as he has trouble right off the bat when he has a new install01:12
sebastian_what do u mean with the media integrity?01:13
wirechief_look at the grub boot menu when it comes up01:13
sebastian_make a disk control?01:13
wirechief_select the integrity check01:13
sebastian_at recovery?01:14
sebastian_i only have recovery, ubuntu, windows01:14
BluesKajedit the sourcesl.list of all but the default debs, sudo aptitude update, then install synaptic and go to edit/fix broken pkges/apply01:14
sebastian_i cant install synaptic its gone from my repos01:14
BluesKajhow can that be , did you strip out all repos ?01:15
sebastian_maby it was something wrong with my kubuntu disk, because its DVD-RW so it can have erased wrong or something, i didnt make a cd check on it01:16
sebastian_i didnt touch my repos before all this happned01:16
BluesKajsynaptic is in the default repos01:16
sebastian_sorry i was wrong, its unmet dependencies01:17
BluesKajsebastian_, sudo dpkg --configure -a01:18
sebastian_still broken packages01:18
sebastian_i cant even install firefox or wine hehe01:19
sebastian_can it be because my comp froze in the middle in the first update after i installed kubuntu?01:20
BluesKajsudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock01:21
LadyNikonrobin0800: are you expecting a reply01:25
pteague_workwtf has been going on with kdesvn development? :)01:26
robin0800LadyNikon: trying to get silence to work in Konversation01:26
LadyNikonjust making sure :)01:27
robin0800LadyNikon: thanks01:27
pteague_workanybody know if the changes in kdesvn between hardy & intrepid from upstream or part of the way *buntu is compiling it?01:30
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wirechief_sebastian_ i just check my kubuntu live 9.04 cd and the second option on grub is to check the cd media you have to use that to verify its ok01:34
wirechief_oh well, hes gone01:35
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zopiachow do i make a shared folder? right click> properties>share seems to do nothing01:42
Fanfarezopiac: share with what?01:45
zopiacshare over network; smb or otherwise01:45
zopiactrying to connect two ubuntu machines, one uses gnome and one uses kde; i cant figure out how to share a folder on kde01:46
FanfareDo u get the share -config dialog after properties share?01:46
zopiacFanfare: ?01:49
cadufpoliszopiac: do you get a dialog asking to install the sharing services where you try to share the folder?01:50
FanfareAfter rightclicking a folder, selecting Properties>Share then u need to click on a button Configure share or so. Then enter root password. and a new dialog appears01:51
cadufpoliszopiac: usually you get a option to install it the first time you try to share something.01:51
zopiacwhen i click  Configure File Sharing it does nothing01:51
Fanfareu have nfs-server installed? u have samba installed?01:53
zopiacsamba, yes, nfs-server, installing now01:54
zopiacok, I have both packages, but still nothing happens.01:54
Fanfarezopiac: non KDE way use /etc/exports to share01:56
Fanfarezopiac: or /etc/samba/smb.conf 4 smb01:57
zopiacare they pretty self-explanatory?01:57
Fanfarekde way maybe kepas could be missing/dependant01:57
Fanfarezopiac: think so :-)01:58
Fanfare/media/Media1/ *(rw,no_subtree_check,sync) fo an nfs share in /etc/exports01:58
Fanfareand mount it on the other machine...01:59
Fanfarezopiac: man:exports in konqi02:02
Fanfarezopiac: did u try installing kepas?02:03
zopiacno, but its installed now02:04
Fanfaretheres also a package kdenetwork-filesharing!02:04
tayfunhey people02:05
tayfuni m lookin for some network tools02:05
tayfunsomething like nmap or some other useful tools for to scan some networks or dns02:05
tayfuncan somebody please help me ?02:06
Fanfaretayfun: kde apps?02:07
Fanfarezopiac: any progress?02:10
zopiacnot in the properties>share, and my other computer isnt detecting this one still02:10
Fanfarezopiac: ok, lets go to the konsole02:14
Fanfareedit /etc/exports as root02:15
Fanfareadd something like /srv/nfs/ *(rw,no_subtree_check,sync)02:15
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zopiacFanfare: i have already added a folder to it02:17
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Fanfare_sry forced disconnect02:22
* revfeuerfrei curses the wiki02:57
revfeuerfreiso, I'm sure I'm not the first to come in and ask this02:57
revfeuerfreibut, I have a wusb54gc, and as a Version3, the wiki also isn't able to assist02:57
=== mikekap` is now known as mikekap
dryfyrewhat are the pros and cons of ubuntu and kubuntu03:07
motis it still safe to enable compositing via the appropriate entry in your xorg.conf?03:09
moti uninstalled/reinstalle my nvidia drivers and re-write my xorg.conf and now in kde's settings i can't enable compositing...03:09
robin0800                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         03:11
MushroomKingdomHow do I run a shell script with sudo03:13
Fanfare_MushroomKingdom: sudo script in konsole!?03:19
MushroomKingdomI need permissions to install03:19
MushroomKingdomalso it doesnt run with just sudo script03:20
Fanfare_MushroomKingdom: What exactly are u trying to do?03:20
DragnslcrTry sudo ./script03:20
MushroomKingdomAh, perfect thank you03:20
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MushroomKingdomErm. I think it's working03:21
MushroomKingdom:/ I cant remove my CD to put in a different one while installing a 7 disk program. How do I do this?03:29
dryfyrehello anyone know how to burn a live cd03:58
Nameless_auhi. what does hubuntu use to automount ntfs? how can i turn it off and instead mount it through /etc/fstab?04:38
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* xweb walks in and waves to every one.05:00
* xweb sensing this place is a morge, turns around and heads for the door05:02
CSS_Guruare there any desktop cam softs for kubuntu 9.04?05:22
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FloodBotK1CSS_Guru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:24
CSS_Guru 05:25
CSS_Guru  05:26
CSS_Guru 05:26
CSS_Guru 05:26
FloodBotK1CSS_Guru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:26
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NoisiaCan someone help me install java on Kubuntu 8.10?05:39
NoisiaI installed JDK with the terminal quite a while ago, but I don't know the names of other Java packages.05:40
michael__can someone help me?05:45
michael__does anyone kno how to run batch files?05:46
jairoanyone here isn't a bot??05:47
mase_workjairo: i am not a bot....or am i?05:49
jairomase_work: your answer is too boty...05:49
jairojust kidding05:49
jairoI mean... nobody here appears to be writing05:50
mase_workjairo: i am a bot, therefore no offense taken.05:50
mase_worki guess everyone is sleeping05:50
hagglei have jaunty installed, but i dont want kde 4. how do you install 3.5?05:50
mase_workhaggle: i don't believe there are 3.5 packages for jaunty05:51
haggle4.x sucks05:51
haggleit destroyed kubuntu05:51
FloodBotK1haggle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:51
mase_workhaggle: each to their own. I quite like it05:51
strife25hi, i recently ran "nvidia-xconfig --no-composite" and restarted my computer, KDE no fails to run and when i type "startkde" i get "$DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to X server", would anyone know how to solve this?05:51
hagglestuff fails and crashes05:51
jairogot an error installing packages05:53
jairoD: D: D:05:53
FloodBotK1jairo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:53
mase_workjairo: now thats a bot!05:53
jairothat bot is crappy ¬¬05:54
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mase_workjairo: feel free to write a better one05:55
jairoxD thx for the proposal05:55
jairoi'm quite lazy05:55
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
jairoeveryone here is from the us?05:57
jairoeveryone: no05:58
jairoi know... but05:58
jairoyou said... everyone's sleeping05:58
jairo(and connected)05:58
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
mase_workthey could be having a nap05:58
jairoor being afk05:59
mase_workmaybe they just don't want to talk to you05:59
jairoand you do always use linux distros?05:59
mase_workwhat me personally ?05:59
mase_workerm i do have some openBSD systems as well06:00
mase_workbut on the desktop i do use linux in some form06:00
jairoi would like to know06:00
jairowhat does linux users think about mac...?06:01
mase_workjairo: well i obviously can't speak for everyone as i am just a single user.06:01
mase_workits probably a bit OT for this channel though06:02
jairobut as a single oppinion06:02
mase_workyou can PM me if you want06:02
barbapaI have update to KDE 4.3 RC2 with this deposit http://www.kubuntu.org/node/89 but now I have lost my Kwin and Plasma07:30
barbapaHow can I restore it?07:30
bjacobhi, i'd like to switch back to kubuntu, question: is 9.10 currently usable? if yes, should i use alpha2 then update? or is there a direct daily image / netinstall?08:03
mase_workbjacob: depends on your version of usable. its pretty stable for an alpha but you really need to be prepared to fix problems08:04
jussi01bjacob: really a question for #ubuntu+1, but I would so no, even if it works atm it will break a lot between now and release day08:04
bjacobok thanks for the warning08:05
mase_workbjacob: i didn't have X this morning on updating :)08:05
bjacoboh ok08:05
mase_workit was easy to fix but if your not familiar with how things work08:05
mase_workit could be annoying08:05
bjacobif it's just X config stuff i can take it. so, for my 2nd question?08:06
mase_workbjacob: it wasn't xconfig, it was a symbols issue08:06
mase_workbut it could be anything08:06
crazy6how do I make WPA work?08:08
abzacan anybody help me with aircrack??08:24
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mase_workabza: just ask your question. if people can help they will08:26
abzai had read the toturial, but it seems i dont understand yet08:27
bazhangabza please /join #aircrack08:29
Freyrhi guys. i have this entry on mu mail.log:   postfix/smtpd[27653]: warning: RBL lookup error: Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name= type=A: Host not found, try again08:52
Freyrcan anyone help me with this ?08:52
lemmahi there! does kubuntu patch kde's help menu to make it use the new crash report wizard instead of bugzilla's built-in bug report one?08:52
[-Haza-]Morning folks. I need an easier way to manage files on a remote computer. At the moment i have to upload files via scp and this can be a bit of a pain when done over and over. Ive read that FUSE/sshfs is pretty good. Any thoughts on the matter? :)08:59
mase_workfuse is good, otherwise you can use sftp:// fish:// in dolphin /konq09:00
[-Haza-]I see there is a range of scp/sftp ect tools out there but in particular i need one that i can specify my own key (the -i option in ssh/scp)09:00
[-Haza-]mase_work: Ive seen Fish in Konquer actually. but then the only problem was using a private key09:01
mase_workyou can add your key to the .ssh key list09:01
mase_workand it should use that09:01
SSJ_GZYes, that's correct.09:01
[-Haza-]mase_work: The ssh key list you say?09:01
[-Haza-]Where about might i find this ? :D09:02
mase_workerm have a look at the docs for ssh , i can't remeber where you add it off the top of my head09:02
lemma[-Haza-]: check the ssh manpage and look for "authorized_keys"09:02
[-Haza-]Okay guys. Thanks. That will get me started :)09:02
mase_worklemma: thanks, thats the word i was thinking of09:03
SSJ_GZ[-Haza-]: In your ~/.ssh/config, you can configure which key and username to use on a host-by-host basis.09:03
SSJ_GZAnd the sftp://, fish:// etc KIO-slaves will use this.09:03
[-Haza-]SSJ_GZ: Ahhh thats very cool! and i sounds exactly what i need09:04
* [-Haza-] hugs his Kubuntu09:04
SSJ_GZHehe :)09:04
mase_workyeh the whole toolchain rocks , all works together nicely09:04
[-Haza-]hmm, maybe i have to generate a default ~/.ssh/config file?09:06
[-Haza-]i only have one file in the .ssh diretory called known_hosts09:06
[-Haza-]Bit messy in there too09:06
SSJ_GZ[-Haza-]: Yes, write it yourself if it's not there already.09:06
lemma[-Haza-]: if you only have one key you want to use, you don't need a config file. I think copying the key to ~/.ssh/(id_dsa|id_rsa) should work09:07
mrSthe Known_host files contains the keys and ip adreses to connect to. It will auto written on every new ssh connection09:07
[-Haza-]SSJ_GZ: Yeah, just reading the man page09:07
SSJ_GZHere's a snippet of the syntax: http://pastebin.ca/149445509:07
mrSif you have trouble with connecting simply delete the file09:07
[-Haza-]SSJ_GZ: I see...09:08
[-Haza-]Can i ask why you name the key id_dsa_kde ?09:09
[-Haza-]Am i bad just calling mine... mysshkey ? :D09:09
mrSbasically ....09:10
* [-Haza-] listens09:10
mrSyou can change settings in IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity | look for ssh_config09:11
SSJ_GZ[-Haza-]: Call it what you like :)09:11
mrSoh dont forget to change settings in sshd_cinfig as weel | -> #AuthorizedKeysFile.ssh/authorized_keys09:12
mrSthat should do teh trick09:12
[-Haza-]I see. I think i am going to need this config file. Just cp'ing over my only ssh key to the ~/.ssh dir fails to connect09:12
mrSyep, i recommend teh following: delete ./ssh/known_hosts | open terminal an type ssh {host} -l {login name}09:15
mrSenter your password and your fine ... :)09:15
[-Haza-]mrS: Worth a shot! 2 secs09:16
mrSthe trick is, that the key will be encrypted, so plaion keys will not be read bu the .ssh/konw_host file\09:17
mrS( and need a new keyboard !)09:17
[-Haza-]The authenticity of host '<HOST> (<IP>)' can't be established.09:18
[-Haza-]If you haven't already guessed i had to replace the host and IP09:18
mrSplease paste teh enrire error message09:18
mrSthe entire ( my keyboard is dying on me )09:19
[-Haza-]mrS: No worries :) You live in Edinburgh? I'll send you a new keyboard :)09:20
mrSdoes the messag e look like this ?09:21
mrS The authenticity of host 'ssh-server.example.com (12.18.429.21)' can't be established.09:21
mrS  RSA key fingerprint is 98:2e:d7:e0:de:9f:ac:67:28:c2:42:2d:37:16:58:4d.09:21
mrS  Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?09:21
FloodBotK1mrS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:21
mrS The authenticity of host 'ssh-server.example.com (12.18.429.21)' can't be established.09:21
mrS  RSA key fingerprint is 98:2e:d7:e0:de:9f:ac:67:28:c2:42:2d:37:16:58:4d.09:21
halfpastzerohey i get this nasty looping beeping sound when i boot up kubuntu now like some system sound is stuck. where can i go or what should i look for to fix it?09:22
[-Haza-]mrS: Thats right09:22
mrSjust answer yes09:22
mrSseems like no ssh cetifiate is valid for the host09:23
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[-Haza-]mrS: Permission denied (publickey)09:28
[-Haza-]So it sadi that it added the key to known hosts09:28
mrSwhat do you mean with add?09:28
Guest57724commen on le mai en francai le programe09:29
mrSoh i see now09:29
mrSlets check on permission issues: delete the known_host file once again | open terminal and type sudo ssh {host} -l {login name} ENTER09:30
[-Haza-]mrS: Okay09:30
mrSlets see if you will need more permissions to add the key file09:30
mrSmake sure your login name is registerd on the remote host09:31
mrSwould yo mind giving me the ssh host adres to check on ?09:32
[-Haza-]mrS: Its is as i can connect fine to the server with the command ssh -i mykey username@host09:32
[-Haza-]That works fine09:32
[-Haza-]just want a way to add  the ssh key for this host to the "list" so i can use something like fish:// :)09:32
[-Haza-]Also... brb in two minutes. I need to grab a coffee09:33
mrSok the issue is solved {SMILE}09:33
mrSah already on tyhe coffee here lol09:33
mrSHaza : have you temperd with ssh_config and sshd_conofig files in /etc/ssh ?????09:34
agathodaimonanyone knows here about dual-booting?09:35
mrShere is the dfeault thing: all ssh connections will be auyto written to ./ssh/know_host | sftp and fish will read this file only to get the key09:35
mrSin order to get the key into known_host, the ssh command in teh terminal will write on successfull connection to know_host.09:36
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:36
mrSThis means -> copying the plain key will not work unless you cereate the same file structure and ssh will09:36
stepzhi, has anyone encountered a bug with digikam-0.10.0 where digikam doesn't show any images in albums09:37
stepzthe images are still in the folders and also in the digikam database, they just don't show up in the UI09:37
agathodaimoni would like to dualboot ubuntu 8.10 (wich i already have installed) with DSL 4.4.1009:37
stepzthis is with 9.04 and the kubuntu-ppa backports repo09:37
agathodaimonso can anyone help me?09:41
ryshagathodaimon: i think that question should be asked in a DSL group09:42
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ryshi do not know anything about DSL09:43
ryshDoes it have an instalelr ?09:43
agathodaimoni knw lots about DSL, it should have ill show you know09:44
agathodaimonthis should ne the steps how to install it http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_to_the_Hard_Disk but i dont know hot to create second partition for it09:45
agathodaimontho i installed partition editor09:45
ryshagathodaimon: If it has an installer it maybe also has an os-prober which will find your ubuntu and will add it automatically in your menu.lst from grub09:45
agathodaimonhow to i found out that?09:46
mrShi there09:47
ryshWell ... i am not familiar with this installation program from DSL ... so i can not say how the partitioning part works09:47
agathodaimonrysh: alright tell me how does it work and ill try and give it a shot09:49
ryshagathodaimon: if you do not have free space on your HD you should shrink your ubuntu partition ... but i don't know if that is posible with the DSL install program09:49
ryshThats why i recommend to ask these things in a DSL group09:50
mrSHaza : need to go | take a look at this : http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/180609:50
agathodaimonrysh: i have left like 12gb ,where do i find this DSL group ? :)09:51
ryshon IRC ? ... not sure how it is called ... #damnsmalllinux or # dsl09:52
rysh12 GB should be enough :-) for DSL09:53
agathodaimonrysh: ty m809:53
agathodaimonrysh: i knw i wanna install after windows 3.1 and puppy :P09:53
ryshSo you won't have to shrink09:53
ryshjust use this free space09:54
ctphi folks. which experienced did you make with karmic (_k_ubuntu)? i wanna install kde 4.3rc and am not sure: jaunty+ppa backports vs karmic09:54
ryshagathodaimon: Seems you just can use the install function from the LiveCD ... be sure to write down the important part of your pressent Ubuntu /boot/grub/menu.lst09:55
bigjoolsanyone seeing the 4.2.4 network management widget failing to connect to wifi networks?09:55
agathodaimonrysh: i still have to get there lulz, i was reading about that but still didnt really get it09:57
ryshagathodaimon: Then you probably also have seen this link  http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/dsl-hd-install.html09:59
agathodaimonrysh: yeah i have10:01
ryshagathodaimon: by reading that article they want you to use a lilo install script ... which also will make the neccessary initrd file ... :-(10:03
ryshi would not recommend to use that script ...10:04
ctpno one here can give me suggestion karmic vs jaunty+ppa?10:05
ryshctp: ... i am using karmic now ...10:09
ctprysh: kde 4.3?10:09
ryshYes ... kde 4.3 rc 210:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:10
ctprysh: stable enough? ;-) i wanna 4.3rc2 but i'm not sure if it's a good idea to take karmic for this or jaunty with 4.3rc2 backports10:11
agathodaimonrysh: wats lilo install cript?10:11
ryshctp: Everything in karmic is in full development ...10:13
ctprysh: well, i see ;-) i think i'll take jaunty ;-)10:14
ryshagathodaimon: lilo is an older boot manager ... the script will replace grub and will put lilo on it's place ... but i guess it will be a lot of work to get ubuntu to work then10:14
stepzctp: I'm currently having issues with jaunty+ppa10:14
stepzdigikam doesn't show images and flickr export doesn't work from gwenview10:15
agathodaimonrysh: so i guess dualbooting dsl with ubuntu isnt gonna be that easy as i thought so10:15
wizkoderhy everybody10:16
wizkoderfirst: kde 4.3 kicks ass! :-)10:16
ryshagathodaimon: You need to find that "mkliloboot" ... see if you can extarct the command to make this initrd10:16
kenhi, if some website need an Window media plugin, but ubuntu doesn't support that plugin, how can i use it?10:17
wizkoderYesterday I encountered a strange problem. When I insert a usb bluetooth stick a device pan0 exists. But my internet is not working anymore :-(10:17
wizkoderken: install vlc with mozilla plugin10:18
agathodaimonrysh: i quess ill leave it for abit latter maybe month or two when i read enof, bnw do you maybe if its easier to dualboot the ubuntu 8.10 with puppy 4.2.1 by any chance?10:18
ryshken: Go to medibuntu, follow the howto to add a repository ... and install the w32codecs package10:18
kenok, thank you wizkoder and rysh10:19
ryshagathodaimon: it depends on how these installation programs work ... :-)10:19
wizkoderhow can I remove the pan0?10:19
ryshwizkoder: why you want to remove it? .. Does it bother you?10:20
agathodaimonrysh: why is this all complicated :S (and the wors thing is i cant find tutorials on google anywhere)10:20
wizkodermy internet is not working right now. Just inserted the stick once. But now its removed and inet is still not working10:20
ctpstepz: hm, ok. what was the reason for you to take 4.3?10:21
ryshagathodaimon: Is this link not helpfull http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-558952.html10:21
kenCould not initialize the application's security component. The most likely cause is problems with files in your application's profile directory. Please check that this directory has no read/write restrictions and your hard disk is not full or close to full. It is recommended that you exit the application and fix the problem. If you continue to use this session, you might see incorrect application behaviour when accessing security features. what is this talking10:23
stepzhad some trouble with desktop effects10:24
keni don't have any desktop effect10:24
ryshagathodaimon: maybe you can try things out in virtualbox ;-) ... and see how it works10:25
agathodaimonrysh: i dont want an virtual box thats the thing10:26
agathodaimonrysh: so what he is trying to say is that if i make an partition for the DSL and install it there with LILO of grub it will atomaticly apear on the boot and if it doesnt i can just add it right?10:28
skyhunterHi, can someone help me to install my Webcam (WB-5400;Trust)10:28
skyhunterI have Kubuntu 9.0410:28
bazhangskyhunter, check the list of supported webcams10:29
agathodaimonrysh: coz i dont want to install DSL and not to be able to enter into my ubuntu lulz. that be hell id kill by self if i'd have to go through all the installations and drivers and etc million of this i did :P10:29
bazhang!webcam | skyhunter10:29
ubottuskyhunter: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:29
skyhunterits not listed there but in the forum are a few guys that use my cam with 9.04 kbuntu10:30
skyhunterbut i cant install this micromedia10:30
bazhangskyhunter, and they had success?10:30
skyhuntermom i search the entry10:30
bazhangskyhunter, got the link?10:30
skyhunteroh he had 8.04 but heres the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52532210:32
skyhunteri cant install the microdia :S10:33
bazhanghttps://groups.google.com/group/microdia/web/testing-microdia-driver-draft seems you need to compile for it skyhunter10:37
bazhangskyhunter, instructions on how to do so on that link10:37
skyhunteri followed them but i get erroe 12710:38
skyhunterhmm now its error 210:39
bazhangskyhunter, please keep it in channel; ie not PM10:43
bazhangskyhunter, pasting long lines of text go to paste.ubuntu.com10:43
bazhangskyhunter, please don't Private Message with your pastebin10:44
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freyproblem in virtualhost in django10:58
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ColBerrisI'm trying to upgrade to the latest KDE 4.3 RC... Added the source and the Kubuntu site says to save the key "to a file" and import it with KPackageKit... But it doesn't say what sort of file ?11:15
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts11:17
ColBerrisWhat sort of file do I save a GPG key as thats on a webpage so I can import it into KPackageKit ?11:22
wizkoderColBerris: did you try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?11:23
ColBerrisThe Kubuntu page says I should add the key first11:23
wizkoderColBerris: Upgraded yesterday but ran into no problems with keys. do you?11:23
pucko-ColBerris, the key is just text, so you can save it anyway you want.11:24
ColBerrisBut KPackageKit doesn't see it11:24
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gobnutsColBerris: you can save the key as a textfile (I usually use the .asc extension). To add the key, navigate to the directory it is in and start typing the name of the file.11:36
gobnutsit should find it and start the autocompletion11:36
gobnutsI have no idea why the files are not shown in the picker dialogue and it's really annoying but it works11:37
ColBerristy gobnuts I'll have to restart now because my system has suddenly lagged so bad its like Vista...11:45
ColBerrisIt doesn't import it11:54
ColBerrisNothing happens11:55
gobnutsColBerris: well, it should. Normally the dialogue just closes but the key is being imported.12:01
xocolatealguem do brasil online?12:02
xocolatepreciso de ajuda para configurar o X no Kubuntu (mudar para 1024x768)12:03
xocolateI need change my resolution to 1024x768 at X12:03
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Nameless_auis there a way to control synaptics in kubuntu?12:33
ColBerrisgobnuts: oh ok12:45
MamarokNameless_au: what do you mean by "control synaptics"?12:47
skyhunterok my cam works now; now i have a second problem: is there a way to activate echo cancelling?12:51
Nameless_auMamarok: the synaptics touchpad12:54
MamarokNameless_au: if you have the driver installed, you should see it in the system settings -> keyboard & Mouse section, no?12:58
Mamarok!synaptics | Nameless_au13:00
ubottuNameless_au: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad13:00
Nameless_auit works, but there is no options for synaptic pad in that section13:00
Mamarokthis might help also13:00
Nameless_aui now im reading it13:00
Nameless_autrouble is it refers to packages that aren't installed13:00
Nameless_aui dunno if thats cos i have kubuntu or what13:01
skyhunteris there a tool that can activate echo cannceling?13:01
MamarokNameless_au: it also refers to a lot of pacakges that are obsolete AFAICT13:01
Nameless_aubrb, reboot13:02
xocolateI need change my resolution to 1024x768 at X13:14
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type0negativedoes anybody know of a really good back up program for kde?13:32
type0negativesomething that can do full and incremental backups?13:32
Dragnslcrtype0negative- I just set rdiff-backup on a cron job13:40
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type0negativeDragnslcr: thanks ...have you ever used acula13:41
type0negativeDragnslcr: I meant bacula13:41
BluesKajHiyas all13:42
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n8wafter addin parameters(for 2 partitions) to my fstab for an auto-mount, only one of the partitions is mounted,why?14:08
dhqi have a dell m1530 now i have 3 jacks which support 5.1 channel. the problem is i cant get kubuntu to work with it please help me14:12
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arcolinuxhey i need help14:44
arcolinuxwhen i try to attach or in a program like firefox or thunderbird i try to open my home folder suddenly these programs closes14:44
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arcolinuxif i run these programs in konsole when i try to open my folder i get "Segmentation fault"14:45
arcolinuxany idea14:45
arcolinuxplease help me14:45
hedgomi have both KDE and Gnome desktops, but they both show all applications - is there a way to change it, so that on ubuntu only ubuntu stuff is showed and on kubuntu only kubuntu's?14:46
elemeNt_Miketry this: dmesg | tail14:52
elemeNt_Mikewhet some of your programs crash14:52
elemeNt_Mikewhen some of your programs crash14:53
bigjoolsanyone else seeing the 4.2.4 plasma network management widget failing to connect to wifi networks?14:58
KrossBeauxhaving problems connecting to a wireless network on kubuntu. can anyone help?15:02
BluesKajbigjools, yes ...  install wicd network manager .. the widget network manager is flaky and unstable ...installing wicd will autoremove the widget one15:04
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BluesKajKrossBeaux, read above15:05
bigjoolsBluesKaj: ok interesting, thanks.  I've never had a problem with it before, I wonder what's changed?15:05
BluesKajbigjools, dunno15:06
KrossBeauxthank you will let you know how that works in a couple of hours15:06
bigjoolswoa - wicd wants to remove network manager completely15:06
BluesKajbigjools, not reall it will still be in the 'widgets" list , just not installed15:07
bigjoolsBluesKaj: it wants to remove the "network-manager" package in addition to the plasma-widget-network-manager package15:08
BluesKajbigjools, yes wicd replaces the widget , it's a network manager as well, just a better one15:09
bigjoolsthanks for the help15:10
abzahow to install vlc player??15:13
bazhangabza, which version15:13
bazhangabza, 1.0?15:14
n8wabza: kpackageKit-->vlc15:15
PiciThe newest version is not in the repositories15:15
n8wohh k15:15
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.15:15
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PiciYes, that is how we install software in Ubuntu15:15
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:15
abzaso, solution??15:16
bazhangabza, there is a PPA for it15:16
abzai'm still new15:16
n8wabza: as pici said, the newest verison has not been added to the repo yet15:16
abzai dont know notihing15:16
bazhang!ppa | abza15:16
ubottuabza: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.15:16
n8wabza: in fact, u dont need the newest one:)15:17
bazhangthe newest one does have everything in one window though15:17
n8wabza: just grab the one bein in the repo15:17
n8wbazhang: ye man:)) i could use it...hate havin 2 separated wins15:17
n8wbazhang: well its managable:)15:18
n8wbtw ru guys good in editin fstab?15:18
n8wcoz ive got some problems with auto-moutin  my ntfs drives15:19
picketfencesDoes anybody use a USB GamePad to play on emulators such as ZSNES?15:32
KrossBeauxwicd works BluesKaj15:33
BluesKajKrossBeaux, yes , i use it on both linux machines ...the laptop especially benefits due to the better wifi sensitivity and stability15:39
KrossBeauxhaven't got the wifi set up :( but it works with the ethernet card15:40
BluesKajn8w, does the NTFS Volume show up on Dolphin, in the places column ?15:41
BluesKajyeah KrossBeaux , i have a belkin USB wifi card that we use on the bedroom pc which has no ethernet cat5 connection15:43
KrossBeauxok kool15:44
Dario_AndresAnyone using KDE4.3 packages could try the "Report Bug" option in the Help menu of some KDE-apps ?15:48
Dario_Andresit seems that a kubuntu specific patch (forcing that option to use apport) is not working properly15:49
n8wBluesKaj: hey:) ,well my prob is with the auto-mout process...ive made some changes in my fstab,these changes work on partly,meanin that only of the two win partitions get mounted automaticaly15:54
taavikkoDario_Andres: tried it on "kate" apport kicks in, but error dialog is present that "Package 16784" does not exist15:54
gosianorry polak jestem nie rozumiem15:54
taavikkowhich seems to pe the pid15:54
Dario_Andrestaavikko: which kde packages version do you havE?15:55
n8wBluesKaj: i can send u my fstab,together with lshw15:55
Dario_AndresI was about to file a new launchpad report :-\15:55
taavikkout-to-date karmic15:55
taavikkosorry for the typos15:55
n8wBluesKaj: coz i dont rly understand whats wrong with it...the line ive added works, otherwise none of partitions would get mounted15:55
BluesKajn8w, pastebin it15:55
BluesKajbut as i asked earlier , does dolphin show the ntfs ?15:56
Dario_Andresmmm.. launchpad is giving me an error.. agh15:57
n8wBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/218008/15:58
n8wBluesKaj: ye it does15:58
n8wBluesKaj: no prob with that...15:58
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BluesKajok n8w , can you access the ntfs files ?15:59
n8wBluesKaj: but i always have to insert my pw in order to access it...so editin fstab might bypass the insert password process15:59
taavikkoDario_Andres: #kubuntu-devel would be also good place to tell15:59
Dario_Andrestaavikko: oh, thanks for the hint!!15:59
n8wBluesKaj: sure, i can work with both of them with no prob(after insertin my pw)16:00
taavikkoDario_Andres: no worries :)16:00
Dario_Andres:), thanks, see you later16:00
BluesKajn8w, giving your pw is a safety measure / runlevel but why worry if you have access?16:00
n8wBluesKaj: it doesnt mout until i insert my pw16:01
n8wBluesKaj: i dont want that...16:01
BluesKajn8w, a small price to pay IMO16:01
n8wBluesKaj: ye but it should work...lest stop talkin whenever its good or bad....16:02
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n8wBluesKaj: i wanna b able to have both of my windows partitions mouted without havin to insert my pw16:02
n8wBluesKaj: thats whats up16:02
n8wBluesKaj: The line moutin system NTFS partiton  works, so my question is why the second line moutin data NTFS partition doesnt16:03
n8wBluesKaj: those r identical...but only one of them works...weird?16:04
BluesKajwell n8w i have the same situation , but giving my pw isn't bothersome and i don't know how to change that because i haven't tried to find out :)16:04
Picin8w: Does /media/winSystem exist?16:04
n8wPici: ye..i know what ur pointin at...:)16:05
n8wPici: the thing is that the line moutin C drive works....16:05
n8wPici: but the one moutin D drive doesnt16:05
n8wPici: thats it16:05
n8wPici: this one works well: /dev/sda1   /media/winSystem   ntfs   user,rw,auto   0   016:06
n8wPici: no needs to insert my pw16:06
Picin8w: Do you have sda1 mounted right now?16:07
n8wPici: but this one doesnt: /dev/sda2   /media/winData   ntfs   user,rw,auto   0   016:07
Picin8w: Or rather, /dev/sda2 mounted right now?16:07
pablozHi guys, the "software updates" window seems to have stuck in the middle of an update. I'm afraid of what can happen if I force it to close, any ideas?16:07
n8wPici: ye both of them16:07
n8wPici: but if wanna access sda2 partition, ive to insert my pw16:08
Picin8w: Can you unmount the one that wasn't working. I want to see if it gives an error if we try to mount it with fstab16:08
BluesKajpabloz, how long has it been "stuck' ?16:08
pablozHi BluesKaj, I'd say, for about 1hr16:08
n8wPici: ok hang on16:09
BluesKajpabloz, try , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock16:09
BluesKajthen sudo dpkg --configure -a16:09
pablozok, will see16:10
n8wPici: umount: /dev/sda2: not mounted16:10
Picin8w: Okay. Do: sudo mount -a16:10
n8wPici: weird, its bein mouted rite now16:10
pablozBluesKaj fuser returns nothing16:11
pablozis that ok?16:11
n8wPici: NTFS signature is missing.16:11
n8wPici: n some other stuff16:11
Picin8w: Is there data on this disk? Have you been able to access recently?16:13
n8wPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/218025/16:13
n8wPici: i dont think u uderstand what im sayin....ive got no problem with accessin the partition...16:14
n8wPici: i just want to skip that "insert password" process...n that could b done by addin those lines to my fstab16:15
Picin8w: Could you try modifying fstab to use /dev/sda5 instead of /dev/sda2 and see if it works when you do sudo mount -a ?16:15
BluesKajpabloz, yes that's fine16:15
pablozyes, I saw later that I've sent a kill signal with the command...16:16
pablozok, time to restart16:16
pablozbye and thanksç16:16
BluesKajok pabloz do the sudo dpkg --configure -a16:17
BluesKajpabloz, wait !16:17
pablozI'm here16:17
pablozI did that too16:17
pablozand then, aptitude update & safe-upgrade...16:18
pabloz(plasma hanging all the time in the middle)16:18
BluesKajok good , because that cleans up the umet dependencies of the apps not yet installed16:18
BluesKajplasma is kinda flaky right now for me too16:19
pablozok, thanks again16:19
n8wPici: ye i see it now...lshw says sda2 but sda5 as well16:19
n8wPici: nice...it works..thx m816:24
Picin8w: np16:25
n8wPici: it was sda5 n not sda2,coz the other one is extended partition with id sda516:25
n8wPici: damn im stupid:))i should have noticed it16:26
n8wPici: thx again16:26
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Ultalihi can anyone help me to upgrade from feisty from behind a proxy? I get Version upgrade appearing in Adept but as far as I can tell its failing to see my http proxy settings in the upgrade application that starts up17:12
* Ultali googles some more whilst he waits17:13
uzmani have a problem17:14
bazhangUltali, feisty is end of life17:15
uzmani was install ubuntu17:15
uzmanbut i dont hear any sound17:15
Ultalibazhang: hence the wanting to upgrade the hell out of it17:15
bazhangUltali, check the upgrade info (though backing up and installing fresh would be easier at this point)17:15
bazhang!upgrade | Ultali17:15
ubottuUltali: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:15
bazhanguzman, no sound at all? even when starting up? what version of kubuntu, more info please17:17
bazhanguzman, please answer all the other questions as well17:19
Ultalihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#7.04%20to%207.10  this is no go since do-release-upgrade fails with a load of python bugs :'(17:19
uzmanbut sound lost17:20
* Ultali starts to sob17:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconfig17:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:20
uzmanits enable17:20
Kovertalsa config17:20
uzmanalsa is instaklled17:20
uzmanand alsamixer17:20
Kovertuzman whats your native language17:21
uzmani was removed pulse audio but problem is not resovlved17:21
uzmanmy english is bad. i am sorry17:21
uzmanmy language is turkish17:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tk17:22
uzmanmy laptop is hewlett packard17:22
uzmandv6 1144 et17:23
Kovertis there a turkish channel?17:23
Kovertlike !es17:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:23
uzmanı will try it17:23
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.17:23
Kovertthanks genii17:23
geniiKovert: Welcome17:24
BluesKajhey genii , how goes it ?17:24
geniiBluesKaj: Pretty good, thanks :)17:24
Ultaliok a direct problem that I imagine is not limited to Feisty, how can I get do-release-upgrade to notice I am behind a proxy, its ignoring all KDE settings and environment variables17:31
BluesKajUltali, use a http download17:33
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uzmanmy sound card is not running on jaunty, i tried all method in net, but problem was not resvolting17:44
uzmanmy sound card intel hda17:45
uzmanlaptop is HP DV6 1144 et17:46
uzmanplease help me17:47
KrossBeauxkde rocks!17:47
bazhang!hdaintel | uzman17:50
ubottuuzman: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:50
Ultalithanks for the help17:58
shivekI have converted my pc into a web server. Now how to add files and all ?18:07
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:36
TinCanhello everybody18:37
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xpecshello out there19:32
rmrfslashI've just decided, KDE 4.3 is infinitely better than 4.219:34
rmrfslashI mean, they really polished it up19:34
rmrfslashSome weird flickering bug when using Konsole, but I filed a bug and hopefully it's solved.19:35
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ciaba83ciao come va?19:49
ciaba83ciao luis19:50
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:50
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Brian__This is probably the wrong place, but I'll toss it out anyway.20:02
Brian__I just built a brand new system, new and nice everything, and I keep having problems with the graphics driver. Often when I reboot, it comes back with everythnig all scrambled. Bottom line, I'm ready to toss my current card, and I just want to know a card that works GOOD and out of the box20:03
BluesKajBrian__, what's your current card20:04
Brian__simple, just works, no hassles with drivers, or whatever, and supports the 9.04 and the latest whiz-bang desktop20:04
Brian__yah, I knew you'd ask that. hold on, let me get the box (I built it 2 months ago)20:04
Brian__Ok, I bought it OEM, the box just says HD 465020:06
Brian__Really though, I don't care if I toss this card in the trash. If I can buy a card that is widely used, well supported, that would be fine20:08
BluesKajBrian__, lspci | grep -i vga20:08
Brian__ANd, if possible, I'd love dual monitor, but if I had to, I could live without that20:08
Brian__hold on, I have to reboot that machine to get back to safe mode20:08
Brian__ok, tells me ATI Radeon HD 465020:10
HexchHi, what is the command to clear all typed command in terminal, and I don't mean clear svreen20:11
HexchI mean so user after me can't use up arrow to se prevoius commands20:12
Brian__I know its hard to believe, but back in the day I used to be a real nerd, used to thrive on learning all the deepest most arcane computer stuff. But now I just want to buy it, plug it in, and it works20:12
HexchBrian__: but if you learn then U just can't forget it like that. The same as bicycle20:13
Brian__I know there's a list (somewhere) of all hardware that's supposed to be compatible (to a lesser or greater extent) with unbuntu/kubuntu. but I don't need to know EVERYTHING that might work, I just need to know 1 graphics card that works GOOD. Very simple ;-)20:14
Brian__Hexch, yes, you're right... when you're younger. but I find myself forgetting too many things now20:14
HexchThey are wright to much crack does that :)20:15
Brian__Lol -- or too many years out of the tech game20:15
Brian__In the late-80's and early 90's (pre-win 95), there wasn't nothing you could teach me that I didn't already know at least a little something about. ... but then I dropped out for about 12 years, went and lived under a rock in a dark cave, and when I came back, I discovered that I'd forgotten too much, and cant seem to remember the new things I learn20:17
BluesKajBrian__, ati install /drivers can be a hassle , that's why I bought nvidia20:17
BluesKajanyway , gotta go for a few mins . BBQ setup time20:17
Brian__BluesKaj, great. Then tell me an Nvidia card that works GOOD20:17
Brian__BluesKaj, thanks for the suggestion. Didn't mean to dump my problems on you. I appreciate your idea about nvidia.20:19
BluesKajI'm no expert on graphics cards , but the MOR nvidias will work very well on linux20:20
Hexchwell all new nvidia should work20:20
Brian__Thank Blues20:20
Brian__Hexch, but let me ask....20:20
Brian__it has been my understanding that if you get too far ahead of the developers, you end up regretting it until the drivers catch up20:21
BluesKajmines  2-3 yr old geforce 7600gt ... it does everything , 3D directrendering etc20:21
Brian__so, although I'd love the lastest greatest graphics card, I'd rather have one that is widely used, and very very well supported20:21
Brian__Thank Blues20:22
BluesKaj<---not a gamer , so if you're into that then consult with the guys on #WOW or some such :)20:22
Brian__Offhand, anyone know a good nvidia that would support dual monitors at 1600x1080?20:22
Brian__nah, no gaming here20:22
Brian__I have an 8400gs in this machine, but it doesn't support both monitors at 1600x1080... it will let one be 1600x1080, then the other has to be 800x600 (or at least, thats what happens in windows20:24
Brian__OK, well, anyway, bottom line is, I need to go out and do my own research on nvidia cards, and which ones fit my needs20:25
Brian__That's a good enough answer for now20:25
Brian__I really appreciate your suggestion Blues20:25
BluesKajnp Brian__ good hunting :)20:26
zopiac_how do i make it so that the kde wallet doesnt ask me for a password? i hate having to type in a password all of the time20:28
bjsnideris kde3 still being packaged in karmic as an alternative to kde4?20:42
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Dragnslcrbjsnider- definitely not officially. There might be some unofficial repositories for it20:48
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bjsniderDragnslcr, the problem i'm having is that kaffeine 1, which is not nearly ready, is being packaged in karmic as if it is as stable as kaffeine 8.821:08
bjsniderso it upgrades kaffeine 8.821:08
ShuraHi there21:09
geopolHello all, Have a question, just noticed that my directory tree has many x11 directories under usr/bin/ any ideas?21:10
ShuraSince 4.3 RC, I can't have one activity for each desktop :( It worked fine with 4.3 Betas21:11
Guest23595i am running KDE 4. It initially had a transparent window containing my desktop icons in it, but that has disappeared. Any ideas on how to retrieve it?21:11
ShuraGuest23595 : Add widget « Folder view »21:12
Guest23595ok, let me try21:12
geopolGuest 23595. It's a widget right click desktop and select widgets and install FOLDER VIEW21:14
Guest23595Shura: thanks, that's it21:14
Guest23595geopol: yup, thanks21:14
geopolopps sorry about the caps21:15
Guest23595also, i can't enable Desktop effects21:15
geopolHello all, Have a question, just noticed that my directory tree has many x11 directories under usr/bin/ any ideas?21:16
geopolsystemsettings in kickstart21:16
Guest23595the error message i receive is: Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, expecially consider changing the compositing type.21:18
ShuraGuest23595 : Have you installed graphic card drivers ?21:20
Guest23595Shura: yes, i had an issue with that but finally installed a driver that i thought was working21:21
Guest23595i bought a graphics card just to run kde4 desktop effects21:22
Guest23595Radeon HD 2400 XT is the Card i have21:23
ShuraSorry, I can't really help you :/21:24
Guest23595ok,, thanks anyways21:24
* leaf-sheep sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop.21:32
leaf-sheepSo... Is it any good? :>21:32
geothom_hello everyone21:53
Guest23595geopol: you still in?21:54
Guest23595geo,, i have numerous repeats of the X11 folder in usr/bin as well21:55
Guest23595no idea why21:55
geopolhello geothom21:55
geothom_hello geopol21:55
geopolwell that's comforting to know, i'm not alone21:55
Guest23595must be normal21:55
geopoli stoppped clicking the plus dir at 3021:56
Guest23595hehe,, i gave out sooner21:56
DragnslcrThat's because it's a symlink to /usr/bin21:56
geopolmust be normal?? not sure, it must be relative to sessions or some other events not known to me21:57
Guest23595Dragnslcr: ,, ok,, so it is always pointing back to itself?21:57
geopolDragnslcr,, how many links are variable or static?21:57
Dragnslcr /usr/bin/X11 just points to /usr/bin21:58
Guest23595geopol: so it would be a long evening trying to open all of them21:58
DragnslcrSo going from /usr/bin to /usr/bin/X11 doesn't really change your cwd21:58
geopolGuest23595, Nah, you can have at it ;)21:59
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Guest23595Dragnslcr: ,, does the small arrow on the icon of Dolhin signify a symlink?21:59
DragnslcrI would assume so22:00
DragnslcrThe tooltip will also say "Link to ."22:00
OkayI want to install vlc 1.00, so how do i use ppa or that stuff and the keys needed?22:08
geopolokay,, from terminal>>$sudo apt-get install vlc22:15
firecrotchOkay:  Add the ppa to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, then add the key by doing: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.comn --recv-keys KEYGOESHERE22:16
firecrotchOh well. I won't even bother correcting my typo :(22:16
ekahow to delete swap partition and create new one??22:17
Dragnslcreka- may need to boot from a LiveCD to do it. I'm not sure if you can unmount the swap partition22:19
qvcwhats the command to see how many people are in a channel?22:23
leaf-sheepqvc: 298 at the moment.22:25
qvcyes but whats the / command?22:25
leaf-sheepqvc: I don't know. I use Xchat. :o22:26
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veckhow do i install adobe reader?23:02
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Adolahi!  I want to format an ipod, how can I do it with Kubuntu?23:17
AdolaThe ipod will be used as a flashdrive.23:17
ubuntui need help23:20
ubuntuquite urgent23:20
FloodBotK1ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:20
what_ifI have installed "flashplugin-installer" but flash is still not working in firefox or in konqueror. How do I troubleshoot ?23:20
what_ifubuntu: nice nick ;) what is the problem ?23:21
ubuntuim using kubuntu from livecd and i need to get into some directories that are blocked, how can i get into them23:21
what_ifblocked how? what is the error given ?23:22
ubuntuthe icon have a lock23:22
ubuntuand it just doesnt let me see the files that are into23:23
what_ifhmmm could try running the file manager as root. Will have to google the livecd password though23:24
what_ifaccording to google, the password is blank and the username is ubuntu23:26
what_iffor the kubuntu livecd....23:26
AdolaUm, what is the terminal command to delete a file?23:30
Adolalike how do I delete /foo/bar.txt?23:31
what_ifrm = delete23:31
aleksiogood day. have little question: I try to convert mkv-file to avi via ffmpeg. but mkv have 3 audio streams. how i can use for convertation only video (#0) and one of all (#3) audio stream?23:46
AlexZionhi everyone, I have a strange effect of dekorator after I update KDE to 4.3, I mean , the rounde corner doesn't have anymore trasparency , how I can fix it ?23:47
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