
joeyI just started the stub for 4.0.  https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionFourDotO00:04
joeyfor the community members on channel00:04
wgrantIs there a definite timeline for 3.0 yet?00:05
joeykfogel's been handling that (I've been off on temporary assignment)00:05
joeyI saw something today in passing which seems to indicate it's gotten more solid but I haven't seen anything yet00:05
joeyi.e. official00:06
joeyThe anticipation is building though so I am hopeful we'll see something really soon now. ;-)00:06
wgrantI think the anticipation is more for the open-sourcing, though.00:07
joeyand we're running out of July :-)00:07
joeyyes! That's what I meant.00:07
joeyanticipation and excitement00:07
wgrantJuly is no deadline any more...00:08
wgrantWhy aren't the team hierarchies on the dev wiki consistent? Registry's test plans live at 'Registry Team/Registry Test Plans', Soyuz at 'Soyuz Test Plan', Code at 'Code Team Test Plans', Translations at 'Translations/Test Plans', and a few other variants for the other teams.00:12
joeywgrant: they were organic I think.  I certainly didn't prescribe what it should be, only that there should be test plans. :-)00:21
joeywgrant: I'll pass it on to matsubara and ursinha. Maybe they might tackle the inconsistency.00:21
joeyok, I'm going to bugger off for the day00:22
joeyhave a good one00:22
wgrantjoey: Thanks.00:22
wgrantYou too.00:22
jtvdanilos: https://pastebin.canonical.com/19696/13:21
danilosjtv: thanks13:22
danilosjtv: I've emailed you the RT number if it doesn't get done by the end of the week14:36
jtvdanilos: as if I don't have enough trouble getting losa attention :)14:36
jtvdanilos: branch just landed on devel btw14:37
danilosjtv: to be honest, who doesn't? note that Tom is on vacation this week, which means it's harder for everyone, especially with him being the most responsive of them all IME :)14:37
danilosjtv: this is for bzr commit stuff, right?14:37
jtvdanilos: I wouldn't know, I rarely start work that early.  :)14:38
jtvdanilos: for that and other QA.14:38
daniloswell, Tom would usually show up in a few hours from now14:38
jtvdanilos: in my language you're saying "just before midnight."  :)14:39
danilosjtv: so, have you started on the bzr commit QA? (you'll get other QA done I know, but this one probably requires a few hours of constant presence with a LOSA which is harder for you)14:40
jtvdanilos: just did a bit of preparation.  Not so sure it requires constant LOSA attention though.14:40
danilosjtv: I didn't say constant LOSA attention, I said it requires you being constantly there when you've got LOSA at hand14:41
jtvah ok14:41
jtvwell, I'm working on it.  :)14:41
danilosjtv: btw, has bug 383610 landed?14:43
ubot3Malone bug 383610 in rosetta "Message-sharing migration script allows duplicate TranslationMessages" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38361014:43
jtvdanilos: yes14:44
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danilosjtv: I don't see it on devel14:44
jtvdanilos: it's on db-devel, because it depends on a trigger change.14:45
danilosjtv: is it only on db-devel?14:45
jtvdanilos: hang on, working with herb14:45
danilosjtv: ah, ok, so that's not something we can CP14:45
danilosjtv: sure, go on, that's fine, thanks14:45
henningedanilos, jtv: Does this mean that staging's data is as of Friday, 16:25 (whatever TZ)?14:46
daniloshenninge: most likely, yes14:46
jtvhenninge: yes, it's Friday's data with later code.14:47
daniloshenninge: there are enough import failures from before that date as well, so it shouldn't be hard to reproduce :)14:47
henningeActually, there aren't that many in the logs on devpad, just 5.14:48
daniloshenninge: right, it seems logrotate has messed it up, let me look up older ones and how they behave14:49
henningedanilos: don't bother right now14:50
henningedanilos: I will try the oldest I find there, first.14:50
sinzuiflacoste: I am confused about where I need to /also/ merge the DateMarshaller fix. I think you said lp:lazr.restful and to update the changelog, but this tree does not have a changelog.20:57
flacostesinzui: it should21:58
flacostesinzui: in src/lazr/restful/CHANGES.txt i think21:59
sinzuiflacoste: lp:lazr.restful AKA lp:~lazr-developers/lazr.restful/trunk does not. I can create one22:00
flacostesinzui: hang on, i'm sure there is on22:01
flacostesinzui: src/lazr/restful/NEWS.txt22:01
sinzuiI see that22:01
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