
wgrantHas it appeared in your PPA yet?00:00
smo__i just finished sending my 4 signed deb...00:02
smo__waiting now00:03
wgrantYou uploaded .debs as well?00:04
wgrantYou'll get an email of rejection in a moment, then.00:04
smo__received somemails00:06
smo__i check00:06
smo__Unable to find distroseries: stable00:06
wgrantThat's not what I was expecting.00:06
smo__deb not well done "normal"00:06
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smo__this was my first debian packages00:07
wgrantThe error about the distroseries is because 'stable' is a Debian series. You need to upload to an Ubuntu one - 'jaunty', for example.00:07
wgrantAnd how did you build the package? debuild?00:07
smo__hum, dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc00:08
wgrant'-us -uc' means "don't sign this!"00:08
wgrantso omit those.00:08
wgrantOmit -D too; it's a default option.00:09
smo__best is debuild?00:09
wgrantIt doesn't really matter.00:09
wgrantI build with 'debuild -S -sa'00:09
wgrantThat does a source-only build, and signs it.00:09
smo__ok i try00:09
wgrantYou might need -kKEYID as well, if your key doesn't match your package.00:10
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smo__wgrant, a small question, when i use debuild -S -sa i dont have .deb00:57
wgrantsmo__: Correct. You can only upload source packages to Launchpad - it will build the .debs there.00:58
smo__ah nice00:59
smo__i try00:59
smo__Successfully uploaded packages.01:03
smo__i think this one we ll be good ^^01:04
wgrantGot the email yet?01:05
smo__no, waiting01:05
smo__[PPA s-lagui] [ubuntu/jaunty] gstyle 0.1 (Accepted)01:05
smo__thx a lot wgrant01:05
wgrantNow to see if it builds.01:06
smo__i have to upload and redo sources for missing perl libraries missing in ubuntu...01:06
smo__(sorry for my english..)01:07
wgrantWhat do you mean?01:07
wgrantWhat's missing?01:07
wgrantAha, it built.01:07
smo__some perl libraries i use are not in ubuntu repository01:07
jmlwhat's the deal with all the bug mail?03:36
SamBjml: I only sent one today...03:37
wgrantjml: I got annoyed with some of my bugs waiting in 'launchpad' for 6 months. So I redirected mine and a few others, as CHR people don't seem to be doing it for months at a time.03:38
wgrantNobody triages those bugs :(03:38
SamB... and that was a bzr bug03:38
SamBwgrant: you need more medical personel, maybe?03:39
jmlwgrant, it's not listed as a CHR task -- which goes some way to explaining why CHR people haven't been doing it :)03:39
wgrantI'm sure somebody told me it was.03:41
jmlwgrant, anyway, thanks for JFDIing it. I'll mail the dev list to see what's going on & avoid a backlog in future.03:41
wgrantjml: It takes about 10 seconds a bug, and it seems similar to processing Answers, so IMO it would fit well with CHR.03:42
SamBwhat's CHR?03:45
SamBsome kind of synonym for RTS?03:45
SamBor do I mean RSD?03:45
lifelesscommunity help roster03:46
wgrantRotation, actually.03:46
mwhudsonnearly at 400k bugs ...04:56
wgrantLate tomorrowish, I suspect.04:57
ajmitchwgrant: mass bug-filing time?05:22
wgrantajmitch: I've already filed ten bugs today :(05:25
MT-how many bugs are in launchpad total?05:28
ajmitchbug numbers are approaching 400k05:29
ajmitchwhich includes the hundreds of duplicates people file, etc05:30
wgrantAnd only a few of the intermediate numbers are missing.05:30
wgrantBug #1000 was hit 4 years ago yesterday.05:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000 in ubuntu "There are too many bug reports in Malone" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100005:31
wgrantI'm a month off.05:32
* wgrant can't count, see.05:32
ajmitchwhat worries me is that I remember mpt filing that bug at the time05:33
* wgrant is glad to see all of the bugs he retargeted into sinzui's domain this morning already triaged.05:39
micahgalmost 400k05:52
micahgare the karma recalculators not working?07:18
spmwgrant: you'll be pleased to note we have successfully updated edge :-)07:20
wgrantspm: Excellent. Thanks.07:22
wgrantInline bugtask editing... shiny.07:23
wgrantAnd my scripts no longer crash. This is good.07:26
spmmicahg: they should be working. the latest runs should be finishing any minute now.07:30
micahgI noticed the new update, status is AJAXy07:31
wgrantWhy do the status/importance popups not have the usual header styles?07:37
wgrantThey look pretty strange now with the unbold title and large gap at the top.07:37
poolie!!!! inline status omg07:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:41
wgrantpoolie: Yes! It is awesome!07:41
pooliesadly it comes to an abrupt end when you want to target a milestone but anyhow07:41
wgrantAlthough it'll stuff up the inline activity log :(07:41
poolieit won't update til you reload?07:42
poolieoh and it doesn't seem to group them07:42
wgrantOn both.07:42
wgrantBut the latter is the main problem.07:42
wgrantIt seems to only group changes and comments that happened at the same instant.07:42
pooliei think there's a separate bug saying it should group as much as possible?07:42
wgrantThere is.07:43
poolieooh, fail07:43
wgrantIdeally using the same algorithm as email batching, I suppose...07:43
poolieif you then unfold the thingy to set the milestone it undoes your status changes07:43
poolieso sad07:43
wgrantAh, the good old midair collision bug. But colliding with yourself.07:44
wgrantAlthough I suppose this one is fairly easily fixable by just setting that widget as well.07:44
wgrantAnd I guess the expandy bit might go away entirely once everything's inline-editable.07:44
spivThe email batching is pretty unsophisticated, really :)07:45
spivOff the top of my head I would think the web presentation of updates could do better than that.07:45
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macothank you launchpad people for adding the ajaxy bug status stuff!07:49
mvothe new bug status change is really nice, well done!08:22
macoooooh im gonna start counting to see how many come in to say that.08:22
wgrantmaco: You missed three from before you arrived.08:25
macowow, popular feature08:25
macoso 5 so far then08:25
yurikoleshow report a bug in ppa package?09:00
macoyurikoles, can't09:01
=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: danilos | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
mptbug 17987309:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 179873 in malone "Can't report bugs on PPA packages" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17987309:38
bigjoolsjames_w, wgrant: is getPublishedSources() behaving today?10:05
james_wbigjools: it appears to be, yes10:06
james_wthank you10:06
bigjoolsjames_w: sorry it took so long to push out, edge updates were stopped for a security fix cherry pick.  I'm going to see if we can get a more stable api service put on lp.net as well.10:09
wgrantbigjools: Working fine for me too.10:09
bigjoolsgood good10:09
wgrantIs it actually defined when the API will be un-beta?10:10
wgrantPresumably it will never actually be stable.10:10
bigjoolsthere's a not insignificant amount of work to do to support multiple API versions10:10
bigjoolsbut we can put an api service on lp.net for now which will prevent you from having to QA our changes for us :)10:10
wgrantBy 'when' I don't mean time, but other criteria.10:11
bigjoolsnot my area, but I think it's known what needs to be done, it's just not scheduled10:11
james_wbigjools: I think I would still run against edge, but having lp.net as a fallback would be useful10:11
james_wif we just run against production then we have no recourse when the changes land there10:12
bigjoolsjames_w: there's a slight risk that you'll start using edge features before they are ready on lp.net10:12
james_wso, I support your proposal, but I for one will continue to QA :-)10:12
bigjoolsjames_w: awesome, can you fill out my QA wiki as well :D10:13
james_wpresumably there will be a lp.net/+apidoc to go along with edge.lp.net/+apidoc10:13
geserhow hard would it be to add to +apidoc a TOC with a list of all objects? I've to use the Firefox page search for navigation10:20
wgrantI generally edit the URL, so +110:20
intellectronicageser: not hard. if you are not afraid of XSLT you'll even be able to do it yourself soon ;)10:21
bigjoolsthanks for filling my inbox with bugmail today wgrant :)10:22
wgrantintellectronica: We can do it ourselves now, it seems. It's in lp:launchpadlib10:22
intellectronicaoh of course, forgot that it's there10:23
wgrantIt seems like a very strange place to have it.10:23
wgrantbigjools: Sorry.10:23
bigjoolswgrant: heh, it's fine, I appreciate you taking the time10:24
intellectronicai actually rather it didn't change. i also use firefox search-as-you-type, and if every item will be mentioned twice on the page i'll have more to type before i find the real definition10:24
intellectronicawgrant: and yes, thanks for the help with moving all those bugs. reading through them now10:24
wgrantintellectronica: But they're already mentioned many times, as methods say something like "Returns a collection of _foo_bars_"10:24
intellectronicasure, that will be just one more time. anyway, i don't really care that much, and i appreciate many users do prefer more traditional navigation :)10:25
wgrantRemind me never to go near XSLT again.10:42
geserwgrant: that bad?10:42
intellectronicawgrant: it is one of the more perverse languages out there, indeed10:42
wgrantIt was easy enough to work out, but it's horrendously ugly and verbose.10:43
intellectronicawgrant: bear in mind, the resulting code is probably less verbose than it would be had you wanted to do the same xml->xml transformation using other languages10:44
wgrantAnd I'm not sure I like how the for-each looks at its first children for stuff to us in its calculations.10:44
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* mpt goes on a bug-reporting bender12:19
wgrantmpt: Have you been double-clicking on statuses of some of my bugs?12:29
mptwgrant, only two, I'm sorry, the change wasn't on staging yet12:30
mptreported bug 399236 about it12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399236 in malone "Double-clicking status or importance value usually changes it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39923612:30
wgrant... and there's the email about that bug.12:30
wgrantHopefully staging will update tonight.12:31
mptah, bother, did it by accident that time :-/12:34
wgrantcprov: Is depwait retrying really in launchpad-buildd territory?12:53
cprovwgrant: as I understood the bug, it would be easier if the buildd identifies the situation itself and return the appropriate depwait value.12:55
wgrantcprov: That wouldn't work. If the buildd knew what the solution was, there would be no problem.12:55
cprovwgrant: maybe it has implications in both sides, I'm not entirely sure.12:55
wgrantcprov: Nothing provides the virtual package at that point, so the buildd can't know what will in future.12:56
wgrantThe build log there is from a successful build.12:56
cprovwgrant: I was under the impression that 'apt' would know better than soyuz how to deal with virtual packages.12:59
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wgrantcprov: Well, of course. Soyuz doesn't know how to do it at all.13:00
wgrantBut the problem here is that apt doesn't know it's a virtual package at the time of the build.13:00
wgrantIt just knows the package doesn't exist.13:00
cprovwgrant: no, the model doesn't know about 'provided' packages13:00
wgrantRight. That's the problem.13:01
wgrantIt cannot be solved in launchpad-buildd.13:01
wgrantcprov: How does the code work now? The cron job just checks each depwait build's missing name and version against published binaries?13:09
cprovwgrant: yes, it should also check for virtual packages13:10
wgrantcprov: And I think you do have that information at least somewhere, because BPR pages show lots of fields.13:10
cprovwgrant: right, BPR.provides would list virtual packages13:12
cprovwgrant: published BPR providing X ... probably13:12
wgrantcprov: Right, it needn't be any more complicated than that, because it's for apt to work out.13:13
wgrantAnd there's no versioning to worry about with Provides.13:13
cprovwgrant: yes, if a matching 'provided' package was found we re-dispatch the build and let apt work again, if there is any version-issue it will come back.13:14
wgrantcprov: No, better than that. If the dependency is versioned, a virtual package cannot satisfy it.13:16
cprovwgrant: good point, because Provides: elments are not versioned (or are they? let me check debian policy)13:18
wgrantcprov: Debian Policy 7.513:18
wgrantcprov: Provides are unversioned.13:18
cprovrighto, thank you.13:19
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apwif i am not going mad, i think ppa uploads have stopped being processed17:06
apwor at least taking over an hour17:06
bigjoolsapw: I will check17:10
apwbigjools, thanks17:10
bigjoolsapw: it looks ok, did your upload take a long time to get processed?17:11
apwi still don't have either a yes or a no in email from it17:11
bigjoolsapw: did you sign it with a key known to Launchpad?17:12
apwin theory yes17:12
apwbut perhaps i am stupid will go check17:12
bigjoolsyou might want to double check :)17:12
apwbigjools, somehow i managed to produce it unsigned at all, which i don't even know how to do17:15
apwthat goes in history as a mad thing, same tools same keypresses, no signature17:16
apwhmmm no idea what i did there different from normal, thanks for humoring me17:16
bigjoolsnp, we're all human17:17
apwsome of us more so than others :(17:20
MT-What's this? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ubuntu-drupal-planet/trunk-6x17:22
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maxbbigjools: In reference to the build-score increasing with time, and your most recent comment mentioning the source urgency header - the fact that time-on-queue rescoring is now active means the utility of the source urgency header is decreased, since urgency=emergency is approximately the same score boost as 1 hours's on-queue time. What do you think about the possibility of reopening the bug, noting that time-on-queue rescoring only accomplish17:55
maxbes making the urgency header less useful, and proposing to fix it by turning rescoring off again and amending the BuildScores wiki page appropriately?17:55
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bigjoolsmaxb: good point17:56
bigjoolsit depends on exactly what we want to achieve, does urgency always trump time in the queue, the opposite, or a mix?17:57
maxbI don't think many people know about / use urgency17:59
maxbAbout the only usecase being relevant that I can think of would be using urgency=medium for a build that a real person was interactively waiting to finish, to bypass daily-build queues18:02
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RenatoSilvabug 399398, bug 39939218:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399398 in launchpad "Diff highlighting in mail body" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39939818:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399392 in bzr-email "HTML Support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39939218:28
SamBhmm ... I'm getting an FOAF parsing error:18:53
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salsamanhey, what happened to the "last translation time" in launchpad ?19:25
salsamanis somebody working on a fix ?19:26
kikodanilos, henninge?19:27
MT-kiko: you're my hero19:28
henningesalsaman: I am not sure what you are referring to. Can you please give me an URL?19:29
MT-So.. when Launchpad is open sourced, will it be available on launchpad itself? that'd be pretty cool19:30
henningeMT-: It'll be on github, actually.19:34
MT-where's that?19:34
henningeMT-: I am kidding.19:34
MT-and now I know what you're talking about19:35
henningeMT-: https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/19:35
henningeis that page private? I don't think so ...19:35
MT-that's a whole lot of karma19:36
henningewhere, who, me?19:36
henningeoh, you mean danilos!19:36
MT-all over19:37
henningecomes with the job.19:37
MT-A lot handed out in specs, but not overall19:37
henningeI'm outta here ...19:46
thekorncongrats everybody for the ajax way of changing task status and importance19:55
micahgis someone still keeping count on the complements? :)19:56
CaptTofuhi all!20:00
CaptTofuanyone here handle the launchpad website? I have a problem with 'create milestone' - clicking on it, nothing happens20:01
joshuahooveranyone know if it's possible to find bugs assigned to "Nobody" using launchpadlib?20:01
salsamanhenninge: https://translations.launchpad.net/lives20:09
salsamanfor example20:09
salsamanor anybody20:09
salsamanwhat happened to the "last translation time" in launchpad ?20:09
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Ampelbeinjoshuahoover: searchTasks(assignee=None)? (untested)20:16
salsamanam i looking at the wrong url ?20:17
joshuahooverAmpelbein: that'll do it!20:23
joshuahooverAmpelbein: thank you!20:23
salsamanlast translation time seems to be missing in translations20:26
* jblount hugs inline triage prettiness20:34
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salsamanis nobody going to even take a look ?20:47
salsamanthats real sloppy20:49
salsamanthanks for nothing20:49
qballfile a bug on the propper launchpad page. you cannot expect the right person be on 24/7 call in the channel20:49
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simon-oHi, when I set a Remote Bug Watch to an Email address, are there any automated emails going to be sent to that address?21:06
simon-obecause it says: The information about this bug in Launchpad is automatically pulled daily from the remote bug. This information hasn't been pulled yet.21:07
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pooliewgrant: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28872946/run-awaaaaay.png <---- the grease-stain of quality? :)23:58

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