
qixcomhi, I noticed a strange issue and was wondering whether anyone else has noticed... When I open synaptic and it asks for the root password it keeps telling me that the password is wrong when its not... I know that for a fact, whats stranger is that when I open an application with the sudo command and enter the password it works00:23
douglasawh-work2is it actually asking for root or sudo?00:24
douglasawh-work2those are two different things00:24
douglasawh-work2though, root would be odd00:25
bcurtiswxwhats the proper command line way to upgrade from jaunty to karmic00:26
yofelqixcom: do you have all updates installed? I remember some talk about a gksu bug that was fixed a few hours ago00:26
qixcomWell I just upgraded a few hours ago so it might have updated when I was upgrading00:26
qixcomjust installing firefox3.5 and empathy(thank god for the terminal) :)00:27
yofelqixcom: check update-manager for updates on libgksu00:27
yofelor apt-get if update-manager won't work ;)00:27
yofelbcurtiswx: why do you want to update per cli?00:28
qixcomWhen is firefox supposed to get proper branding?00:29
bcurtiswxyofei: just wondering.. i know of the update-manager -d, but last time i tried that when it installed the new GDM it restarted my session and i think parts of the install got screwed up00:30
bcurtiswxyofel: ^^00:30
qixcombcurtiswx - I just performed an update-manager -d a few hours ago and gdm works :)00:30
yofelbcurtiswx: oh, *that* bug is fixed now if that's what's holding you back, other than that I only know about editing sources.lst and upgrade with apt-get dist-upgrade or better with aptitude00:31
bcurtiswxqixcom, cool.. this could be a system specific problem00:31
bcurtiswxyofel: ok thx00:31
qixcombcurtiswx - doubtful, I would assume the bug would be related to the greeter00:31
yofelthe fault was a broken postinst script that restarted gdm during the update -> *bad* idea ;)00:32
qixcomactually, was kinda warm and fuzzy inside when I saw that ubuntu made the switch to the new gdm00:32
qixcomyofel - ouch00:32
qixcomyofel - any idea whether the new greater is in development yet?00:33
yofelqixcom: what do you mean? The message that says something about simple-greeter settings not saved?00:33
qixcomyofel - no, I had a convo with macslow quite some time ago about the facebrowser and the requirements for it.. apparently the greater needs some work post migration to the new gdm00:34
qixcomso we are at least half way there00:34
yofelno idea abou that, *I* want a new gdmsetup fast, fiddling around with gconf is annoying :P00:36
qixcomyofel - I was surprised when I found out there was still no new gdmsetup considering how long its been on fedora00:38
isamarhi folks...00:46
isamaranyone here knows ubuntu's debian-installer deeply ?00:46
molochHow can I enable ati binary drivers if they are not showing up in the restricted drivers00:47
yofelmoloch: what card do you have?00:48
molochmobile x200m. I can use the prop ati in mepis00:48
molochI just installed ubuntu for the first time today00:49
yofelmoloch: which ubuntu version?00:49
molochCould it be because I installed it through wubi?00:50
yofelmoloch: this is the support channel for ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala. ubuntu 9.04 support is in #ubuntu00:50
molochoh, sorry.00:50
DanaGgrr, damn "memblock.c: pool full" spam... then PA dies.02:26
DanaGAnd then QuodLibet spams notify-osd with track-change notifications... which notify-osd then takes its sweet old time in showing, one...............at......................a.....................time..................like.....................this.02:27
bcurtiswxhey, so i can't load the 2.6.30-2 kernel02:29
bcurtiswxit stays at "starting up"02:29
DanaGugh, and ntfs-3g really sucks, too... nowhere else does copying SATA->SATA go at a measly 12 megabytes per second.02:30
DanaGdamnit, why does pulseaudio keep dying?02:30
bcurtiswxanyone know of anyone else having my problem?02:31
DanaGWhat is up with that?02:42
DanaGThat's the first major issue I've had with PulseAudio in quite a while.02:53
oldude67your lucky...it gives me fits everyday...hates my sound card02:54
Bezowcannot install nvidea 180 graphics drivers  any way to do thiss through the terminal?02:56
billybigrigger_Bezow, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18002:59
* DanaG needs-eth help-eth.03:02
oldude67has anyone had any luck at fixing the gdm issue?03:06
billybigrigger_which one? :P03:06
DanaG"the gdm issue"?03:06
oldude67yeah about a week ago i did a stupid partial update and it hasnt worked right since.03:07
billybigrigger_whats wrong?03:07
oldude67no matter how i try to change it from kdm it defaults right back to it.03:07
oldude67when booting it says in an error window to configure it manually and i have done that several times.03:08
billybigrigger_ya ya, thats fixed03:09
billybigrigger_at least its coming03:09
oldude67oh ok..so its not just me?03:09
billybigrigger_no, its being held back for me right now03:09
billybigrigger_it'll come03:09
billybigrigger_be patient :P03:09
DanaGCOnfigure it manually?  whaddaya mean, configure it manually?03:10
oldude67oh i just thought maybe i wasnt doing something right or something stupid03:10
DanaG"Reopen windows manually" you mean?03:10
DanaGsorry, the wording you used was a bit odd. =þ03:10
oldude67no it says gdm has to be configured manually and defaults back to kdm03:10
* DanaG hopes rebooting will fix the damned audio.03:10
oldude67i said it right03:10
DanaGAh, different issue than I have, then.03:10
billybigrigger_oh, maybe something different then what im thinking too03:11
oldude67audio working fine for now....fixed alsa03:11
billybigrigger_but in any case, search launchpad for a bug, and if you find it subscribe to it03:11
bcurtiswxhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30-rc8/ how do I add that PPA to my software sources?03:11
billybigrigger_or make a new one03:11
billybigrigger_and wait for a fix :P03:11
oldude67i just did a alsa reload and mine came back..but i have rebooted since then too.03:12
oldude67im just on a play machine so im just testing things so i can see if they are going to break before i put them to use on the main machine..lol03:13
DanaGah, rebooting fixed my audio.03:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 268506 in linux "Cannot configure Synaptics TouchStyk settings (e.g. sensitivity, tapping, press/select)" [Undecided,New]03:22
bcurtiswxhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30-rc8/ how do I add that PPA to my software sources?03:25
billybigrigyou probably need the apt key03:55
billybigrigor not04:01
DanaGhmm, I'm curious when we'll see a 2.6.31-3-generic (i.e. RC3).04:21
DanaGI need some of the fixes that are in git right now.  =þ04:21
rskimost like wlan :>04:25
DanaGLike, fixing hp-wmi rfkill.04:25
billybigrigi built todays daily kernel from kernel.org and it fixed my network manager problem of not auto-connecting my wired connection on gnome login04:26
billybigrigbut not my webcam like i wanted04:26
billybigrigstupid gspca04:28
DanaGah, so when'll we see an ubuntu one?04:36
ghindoDanaG, I'd guess a few days.04:39
ghindoNo rush :)04:39
DanaGhah, it was released... tomorrow?04:43
DanaGah, 2009-07-14 01:28 UTC04:43
DanaGI'm at -8 hours.04:43
DanaGhah, stupid update-manager... says package info was last upgraded 10 days ago.05:31
DanaGIt's wrong.05:31
DanaGIn fact, I ran package upgrades about one HOUR ago,.05:31
DanaG10 days, my ass.05:32
johnf1Anyone noticed anything strange with the system load05:49
johnf1I have processes eating 90% cpu, the laptop feels sluggish but my load is mestiriously 0.0005:49
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ripps_well, I now get a segmentation fault in aptitude, I'm not how I'm suppose to remedy this without the ability to make updates07:45
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kklimondaripps: if there is an update that fixes this issue you can install it with dpkg07:45
rippskklimonda: how do I figure out what updates are available?07:49
nhasianhello everyone08:24
JonDoe297nhasian: hello :)08:25
nhasianJonDoe297, how's karmic treating you these days?08:25
JonDoe297well, everything is OK, but I have encountered with some mysterious GIMP freeze yesterday08:26
nhasianhmm i dont use gimp much except to resize photos ^_^08:26
JonDoe297I can't use it - after opening image, and trying to do something with instrument on it, X freezes08:27
nhasianlet me see if i can duplicate the issue.08:27
JonDoe297I think you will not have this issue08:27
nhasianif i can use the crop tool on the picture, will that be enough?08:27
JonDoe297yes, try crop tool08:27
nhasiani did not have any freezes so i guess thats a good thing :)08:29
JonDoe297just as I said :)08:29
JonDoe297I think that's because I'm using Sarvatt's PPA for Xorg Testing (https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/xorg-testing)08:29
nhasiandid you see if there were any similar bugs?  or file a bug yourself?08:29
nhasianah that could make a difference...08:30
JonDoe297I've found some bugreports on red hat's bugzilla08:30
JonDoe297https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=505823 - like this, for example08:31
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 505823 in xorg-x11-server "xserver crash with gimp" [Medium,Closed: duplicate]08:31
JonDoe297there were some suggestions, like trying to disable "vnc" module in xorg.conf file08:31
JonDoe297I tried that, but no luck :(08:31
rippsHey, my aptitude and apt-get get segmentation faults, How am I suppose to update anything without them. I suppose I can still use dpkg, but I don't where and what to install to fix this.08:52
[[MindVirus]]ripps, do you know why they segfault?08:53
[[MindVirus]]Oh, this is Karmic's channel. Nevermind, I can't help.08:54
|ns|nR8sudo apt-get clean08:54
|ns|nR8rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin08:55
|ns|nR8then id try change sources and apt update08:56
ripps|ns|nR8: removing the *.bin did the trick. thanks09:11
|ns|nR8no worries09:15
ctphi folks. would you recommend karmic for daily work for someone beeing linux user for more than 10 years? so i'm expecting _some_ bugs but need a system which is stable enough to work with ;-)10:01
hifiI run karmic, have since the repository went online10:01
hifiI think it depends what kind of software are you running10:02
hifimy home desktop runs only openbox and on top of it rxvt-unicode and firefox so the combination is pretty solid, not too many moving parts that might broke10:02
ctphifi: i wanna run kde 4.3 ;-) never touched kde before (except for some tests ;-)). but 4.3 seems to rock ;-)10:04
umask001ctp: what features are new in kde that are cool?10:06
ctpumask001: i began coding qt. the widget framework is really cool. i need a vis widget for mesh networks which i'll code on 4.310:08
ctpumask001: qt seems to make coder's life easier.10:09
reto`I don't understand why KDE/GNOME are not joining forces to create a new GUI. It doesn't help much to have two "competing" major window managers. Linux would be advancing much faster like that.10:11
kklimondareto`: because KDE and GNOME has different views at Usability10:12
reto`kklimonda: hmm... what are those differences?10:13
umask001it's strange.. I used windowmaker for years.  Switched to Gnome because it was somewhat like CDE which I was using at work.  I liked CDE because it was unobtrusive (even though it was ugly as hell).  I've always disliked KDE, but now it's much more like CDE than Gnome ever was10:13
kklimondareto`: franky speaking, I don't remember as I don't follow the issue.10:16
kklimondareto`: also the other important factor is a GTK+ vs. QT debate.10:16
ctpreto`: linux is a basaar. it's good that it offers 3-4 big desktop environments, dozens of window managers, 10 web servers, 6 smtp servers, cvs/svn/git/mercurial, dozens mailers etc. it's hard enough to manage kde with maybe hundred developers ;-)10:16
kklimondactp: why is it good wrt desktop environments (and ui toolkits)?10:18
ctpreto`: what's important is to share the underlying usability approaches. but that's not sharing code but concepts10:18
kklimondactp: I agree that it's good we have a few different web servers, a ton of vcs software etc..10:19
kklimondabut imo having two DE and two (ok, even more) competing toolkits isn't the best situation.10:19
ctpqt and gtk are going completely different ways. kde e.g. is portable enough for win32 and qtopia apps but it's heavy weight10:20
umask001thats like asking two artists to paint your picture, then telling one of them to put their brush down after a few minutes.  Nothing can be done that won't offend one side or the other, so they both compete and they both share when it benifits them10:21
kklimondactp: do they? I was always thinking that both qt and glib/gtk has similar goals (and only gtk is a bit behind..)10:22
ctpkklimonda: did you ever see gtk on a mobile device?10:22
* ctp is away for 10 minutes10:23
kklimondactp: but afair gtk devs were targetting mobile devices too..10:23
cgeHas anyone installed from nightlies recently? I'm wondering if they're decent right now.10:37
Ngcge: I did so last week10:39
cgeNo major failures?10:39
Ngnothing massive so far, but I'm quite used to running unstable debian-ish distros10:39
cgeI used to run unstable+experimental10:40
cgeI was primarily concerned that there might be a major problem with the nightly itself; I've had times when I've downloaded them and haven't had them work at all, which can be annoying.10:40
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
bushwakkois it possible to install the newest 2.8 intel drivers on my kubuntu?12:58
yofelbushwakko: use https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates (stable) or https://edge.launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa (unstable/experimental)13:00
gnomefreakbushwakko: useing upstream drivers im sure but atm the drivers in karmic dont support opengl2.0 or 2.1 dont remember. AFAIK the xorg-edgers PPA does, but i had issues reverting back to standard x packages after using it.13:00
gnomefreakati has same lack of support as well atm13:01
gnomefreakits the mesa 7.6 packages you need for opengl 2.113:03
gnomefreakPPA has them13:03
gnomefreaksorry we were talking about this 20 or so minutes ago and had to look at the logs13:04
bushwakkoI have an intel 915 btw, whats the status for those compared to the regular karmic I now have?13:04
bushwakkointel 910GL actually13:04
gnomefreak1 sec let me see i know ati is 3-6 months13:04
gnomefreakbushwakko: not sure about that chipset13:05
gnomefreakthe PPA might have it fixed but that is a might. noone i know uses that chipset13:06
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bushwakkoit's not that there is something wrong with the ones i|m using now though, would be fun to see if there is a speed upgrade or something ;)13:08
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* gnomefreak couldnt tell you :) we were only talking about this because of o3d support ")13:10
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Supersaiyan_IVExperience with xmms2 + equalizer plugin? If so, is the equalizer helping much, or just barely?13:39
Le-Chuck_ITAHi, do some of you know how to redirect the *current* standard output to a file in bash?13:41
Le-Chuck_ITAor, better, in /bin/sh which is dash I think=?13:41
BluesKajHiyas all13:42
Le-Chuck_ITAI have to debug the new firefox 3.5 script seems broken13:42
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: define broken13:42
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: thunderbird launches it correctly, but the firefox window does not appear13:42
Le-Chuck_ITAif I put "date >> /tmp/file" at points in the script I see it's run13:43
Le-Chuck_ITAit is runned13:43
Le-Chuck_ITAwhatever :)13:43
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: ok what script? is this one you wrote?13:43
Le-Chuck_ITAno it's the ubuntu /usr/lib/firefox-3.5/firefox.sh script13:43
Le-Chuck_ITAif only I could see its output13:43
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: hold on a second13:44
Le-Chuck_ITAperhaps launching it from another script13:44
* BluesKaj dumped FF in favour of chromium-browser13:44
Le-Chuck_ITABluesKaj: too in love with firefox :)13:44
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: something like command 2>&1 | tee log.txt sorry in middle of something but what do you mean? ff doesnt launch for you without linking?13:45
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: did you set it as default in preffered apps menu?13:46
BluesKajLe-Chuck_ITA, I was too but it began to be slow and cumbersome ...now that chrome has flash and java working , I'm in , so to speak13:46
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: firefox does not open, and I can't see the output but now I wrote a script to redirect the output13:46
Le-Chuck_ITABluesKaj: will try chrome13:46
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: yes I did13:46
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: it worked two days ago13:46
Le-Chuck_ITAit does not work right now13:46
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: daily builds?13:46
Le-Chuck_ITAI am using karmic so I'd like to eventually report any bug in shell scripts13:46
Le-Chuck_ITAno no13:46
Le-Chuck_ITAkarmic :)13:46
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: we havent updated ff-3.5 in last few days13:46
Le-Chuck_ITAbtw does anybody know how to get the close buttons on tabs back?13:47
gnomefreakwell outside of daily13:47
Le-Chuck_ITAor at least a close button on the right13:47
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: disable ubufox13:47
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: that should fix it all13:47
gnomefreakbut dont remember if asac pushed new ubufox13:47
gnomefreakill ask him to make sure13:47
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: join us in #ubuntu-mozillateam if you like13:49
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: thanks. I am now trying to run my custom script13:49
Le-Chuck_ITAnow the firefox window appears13:49
Le-Chuck_ITAbut without the right page in it :)13:49
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: what version of ubufox do you have?13:50
flasbang73how do i install karmic with wubi13:53
rskinot possible afaik13:53
rskivia any supported way13:54
flasbang73are you talking to me?13:54
rskii hope so13:54
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:54
flasbang73rski: are you sure there is no way is there a beta wubi i can get?13:55
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:55
BluesKajflasbang73, not until karmic is official13:56
flasbang73BluesKaj: so is there a way i can manualy do what wubi does?13:56
BluesKajflasbang73, you have no option in wubi, as far as I know, to choose an alpha or beta (k)ubuntu release13:58
BluesKajthe latest is jaunty13:58
flasbang73BluesKaj: i tried to just upgrade from my wubi 9.04 install but it just messed up my mbr13:58
flasbang73BluesKaj: what if i make it skip the md5 sum check and change the file name to the 9.04 one13:59
BluesKajflasbang73, it would . Do you know how to edit grub ?13:59
flasbang73BluesKaj: no i don't13:59
flasbang73BluesKaj: im new to ubuntu and i really like it but i don't want to do a full blown install14:00
BluesKajflasbang73, I run jaunty in wubi on my laptop and karmic on my desktop ...there's not a lot of difference , believe me.14:01
Le-Chuck_ITAdo you know what's the standard way to clean the environment in a bash script?14:01
BluesKajflasbang73, then leave karmic alone ...it's only in it's development phase14:02
flasbang73BluesKaj: so it's mostly just a gnome differance14:02
flasbang73BluesKaj: well upgrade14:02
Le-Chuck_ITAclean your environment14:02
Le-Chuck_ITAsave the pelikans14:03
BluesKajflasbang73, dunno.I run kde (kubuntu)14:03
flasbang73BluesKaj: ok well thank you anyway14:04
umask001Le-Chuck_ITA: unset `env | cut -d= -f1`14:04
BluesKajflasbang73, I recommenf you stivk with jaunty for now14:04
flasbang73BluesKaj: just a random question can you use compiz in kde14:04
Le-Chuck_ITAumask001: that's the standard way ?!?14:04
Le-Chuck_ITAscripting is a strange world :)14:05
Le-Chuck_ITAumask001: is it the same as env -i?14:05
umask001Le-Chuck_ITA: no idea what the standard way is.. I've never really thought about doing it before.  I know some programs like sudo do it as a security measure but I don't know how they go about it14:05
umask001Le-Chuck_ITA: hrmm.. env -i might be new or something.  That looks more appropriate14:08
Le-Chuck_ITAumask001: a pity it doesn't do anything14:08
umask001Le-Chuck_ITA: It seems to.  If you run "env -i sh" it'll start a new shell with no environment variables.  So it's a one-off command14:09
Le-Chuck_ITAyes but i need it to work "inside" the shell script14:11
Le-Chuck_ITAit's karmic's firefox-3.5 startup script14:11
Le-Chuck_ITAif ran from thunderbird it inherits too many "MOZILLA-*" variables and it does not work14:11
umask001Le-Chuck_ITA: try changing the #! line at the top to say "#!/usr/bin/env -i /bin/sh"14:12
Le-Chuck_ITAumask001: nope14:14
Le-Chuck_ITAI am discouraged :)14:15
Le-Chuck_ITAwill retry tomorrow14:15
dhqi have a dell m1530 now i have 3 jacks which support 5.1 channel. the problem is i cant get kubuntu to work with it please help me14:16
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq do you have a 5.1 test file14:18
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: and, did you try using mplayer to play it14:18
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA: i dont get the option for surround or anything14:18
dhqit doesnt detect the jack14:18
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: hmm, I don't know where that option should be, but the gnome mixer in my 5.1 system shows 6 sliders14:19
Le-Chuck_ITAI don't have any "surround" option thoug14:19
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: how many volume sliders in the gnome mixer?14:19
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA: i am using kubuntu karmic kola14:19
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: I suppose the kde mixer applet should be similar14:19
Le-Chuck_ITAdo you have just two sliders for the master volume?14:20
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dhqmaster,pcm, headphone, headphone2 these are the sliders i have14:20
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA: ^^14:20
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: but master is stereo14:20
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA: i have no idea14:21
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: you can see two sliders in the master14:21
dhqno just a single one14:21
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq try alsamixer from the command line?14:21
Le-Chuck_ITAalsamixer will show you all the controllers in any case14:22
Le-Chuck_ITAyou navigate with arrow keys and use spacebar to toggle buttons14:22
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: from what I read around, yes you are supposed to have  a surround switch but it is not visible by default in the gnome mixer, one needs to use the mixer preferences to enable it, perhaps it's the same in kde14:23
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA: no surround and the alsa mixer and kmix are the same14:23
dhq< Master >      Headphon       Headphon         PCM          Front Mi         IEC958        IEC958 D       IEC958 P       Digital        PC Beep14:24
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: out of ideas :(14:25
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA: damn i need my 5.114:26
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq at worst report a bug, did you google it hard?14:26
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: did it work in jaunty?14:26
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA: i tried so manythings but no luck14:26
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA:  yes it worked in janunty14:26
dhqLe-Chuck_ITA: thanks for your help though14:33
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: if it worked in jaunty it's certainly a bug14:33
Le-Chuck_ITAreport it, mark it as regression-potential14:33
dhqi dont know how14:34
Le-Chuck_ITAand try to get it triaged by somebody if you really need it :)14:34
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: it's easy, but you need to subscribe to launchpad14:34
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: point is that you need to do it in first person because you'll need to cooperate with developers when they will ask you to gather some debug info14:34
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: but try14:34
Le-Chuck_ITAmodinfo -p YOUR_CARD_MODULE14:34
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: which you have to guess from lsmd14:34
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: all of the above in a root shell14:35
dhqhmm ok14:35
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: modinfo -p will show your driver's options14:36
Le-Chuck_ITAmaybe surround has been disabled by default for some reason14:36
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: in the end you could try the kernel development irc channel14:37
Le-Chuck_ITAfor ubuntu14:37
Le-Chuck_ITAbut I don't remember the name, anybody???14:37
yofelwasn't it #ubuntu-kernel?14:37
Le-Chuck_ITAit is14:38
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq try to ask in that channel, good luck :)14:38
Le-Chuck_ITAdhq: mention it's a regression14:38
dhqi will thats alot14:39
oldude67UnderSampled, what types of problems are you having?14:42
UnderSampledkernel error14:42
oldude67which kernel are you using?14:42
UnderSampledoldude67: default 9.0414:43
oldude67and whats the error?14:43
UnderSampledit breaks as it starts, even from the live cd14:43
UnderSampledWARNING at /build/builddd/linux-2.6.28/kernal/smo.c:333 smo_function_mask+0x1d4/0x1e0()14:43
oldude67well you can try the 9.10 and see if it will help..what type of machine is it going on?14:44
UnderSampledoldude67: desktop with a pentium 414:44
oldude67thats odd what video card are you using?14:44
UnderSamplednvidia geforce 7600 gs14:45
oldude67have you tried the alternative cd?14:46
UnderSampledI have not, but I have tried the internet install from unetbootin, and also just installing 8.10 with an immidiate upgrade to 9.0414:47
UnderSampled8.04 works fine14:48
drs305UnderSampled: FYI, I am running 9.04 with a 7600 GS with no problems.14:49
BluesKajUnderSampled, I have the nvidia geforce 7600GT, which is very similar , so yours should work without a hitch with the nividia-glx-180 driver14:49
drs305UnderSampled: ver 180 hardware driver14:50
oldude67hes getting a kernel panick14:50
oldude67panic ugh cant type today..not awake yet14:50
UnderSampledhow does this have anything to do with the video card? it displays the boot sequence just fine. its the boot itself ;)14:50
BluesKajright ..sorry i should have scrolled up ..looks like a HW problem alright14:53
drs305UnderSampled: I don't think it would, but I provided the info since it was mentioned.14:53
oldude67so far 9.10 isnt to bad just minor issues14:53
UnderSampledif it help any, I have http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157106 as my mother board14:54
BluesKajUnderSampled, hmmm maybe upgrade to 8.10 first then to 9.0414:55
oldude67UnderSampled, you went from 8.04 straight to 9.04?14:55
UnderSampledno, it was 8.1014:55
UnderSampledwell, my statement was true (8.04 works fine), but misleading. 8.10 works fine14:56
UnderSampledyes, it was a mistake14:56
oldude67well you could always try the 9.10 and see if it gives you the kernel panic as well.14:58
BluesKajUnderSampled, did you try an internet upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04. Use apt or aptitude : sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade15:02
UnderSampledBluesKaj how would this be different?15:10
UnderSampledBluesKaj: yes, I used the official updater15:11
UnderSampledBluesKaj: however, both the live cd and the internet installer failed15:11
UnderSampled(in the same way)15:11
BluesKajUnderSampled, dunno what to tell , it sound serious ...we need some heavyweights in here for help on this one15:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:15
BluesKajoops :)15:15
eagles0513875hehe BluesKaj15:16
eagles0513875BluesKaj: you try out grub2 on karmic yet15:16
eagles0513875UnderSampled: have you tried upgrading from jaunty to karmic15:16
BluesKajwell eagles0513875 , any suggestions ?15:16
eagles0513875for me what i did to get karmic installed was upgrade from jaunty and it worked15:16
UnderSampledeagles0513875: I wouldn't be able to. it doesn't get past boot15:16
BluesKajyeah, i'm on grub2 , eagles051387515:16
eagles0513875strange mine seems to be able to get booting BluesKaj15:17
eagles0513875UnderSampled: O_O15:17
BluesKajmethinks a HW problem15:17
PiciNo, its a kernel issue. The kernel panics on boot.15:17
UnderSampledits a kernal panic due to hw incompatibility. these are fresh installs15:18
BluesKajPici, why tho, what's causing the prob if there's no kernel/HW conflict15:18
PiciBluesKaj: A 'HW problem' to me is a hardware defect.15:19
eagles0513875Pici: would the alternate installer have the same issue15:19
Picieagles0513875: It probably would, but it wouldn't hurt to try.15:20
BluesKajto me it's like UnderSampled says , incompatibility15:20
eagles0513875UnderSampled: give the alternate install a shot15:20
eagles0513875BluesKaj: first time you ran grub 2 did it take a while to boot15:20
BluesKajhmm, don't recall eagles051387515:20
eagles0513875took a while guessing finding stuff on my hdd but it eventually booted15:21
eagles0513875things are fine now like nothing happened15:21
BluesKajeagles0513875, did you do , sudo update-grub ?15:28
eagles0513875ya i did it once i booted by default to run level 1 for some reason after booting into init 1 it seems to default constantly to init 115:29
eagles0513875hey SKB15:44
UnderSampledyou guys can chew on this http://yfrog.com/5fdumpij15:46
eagles0513875UnderSampled: what is15:50
BluesKajUnderSampled, not me :)15:51
UnderSampledits a picture of my kernel panic15:52
* BluesKaj waits for Pici or some other more knowledgeable ppl to analyse that message15:53
eagles0513875the kernel version currently in karmic is 2.6.31 which is normally a dev kernel15:54
eagles0513875UnderSampled: that doesnt look like a kernel panic15:55
eagles0513875UnderSampled: you might also want to try in ubuntu-kernel regard to ur issue they might be able to help ya better since its a kernel issue which u seem to be having15:56
ryanncan anyone help troubleshoot this please?  http://pastebin.com/d6169d6c916:20
ryannit's not so much that i want that package, it's that this error appears regardless of the packages i upgrade or install via apt.16:21
yofelryann: does the same happen when running 'dpkg --configure -a' ?16:22
ryannyofel, yes.  http://pastebin.com/d7e66050d16:23
BluesKajryann, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock  ,then , sudo dpkg --configure -a16:25
ryannhrm, no output from fuser, but same errors from dpkg.  http://pastebin.com/d1333bf3016:26
yofelryann: what does 'sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/synaptic.postinst' give you?16:27
ryannjust returns a new line16:28
BluesKajryann,  maybe sudo aptitude purge synaptic , the try to reinstall it16:28
ryannno output16:28
BluesKajreinstall ?16:29
ryanni'll try to reinstall now16:30
ryanndpkg: error processing synaptic (--configure):16:30
ryann subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 13916:30
yofelryann: purge it with 'dpkg -P synaptic' then reinstall it with apt16:31
BluesKajyofel, right , din't think of that ...should work16:32
mvo139 means segfault - could you enable apport to check if that catches what is crashing?16:32
BluesKajmvo, dmesg | tail ?16:35
yofellooking at the post* scripts it should be either scrollkeeper-update or update-menus16:35
mvoBluesKaj: yeah, that works as well :) apport gives the benefit of a crashfile though16:36
BluesKajok , not real familiar with apport , how does one use it ? just apport in the konsole ?16:37
ryannunfamiliar with apport, i've pasted the last few scroll-keeper lines from dmesg here http://pastebin.com/df0a565116:37
yofelBluesKaj: enable it in /etc/default/apport and it should catch crashes by itself ;)16:37
BluesKajyofel, thanks :)16:38
BluesKajplasma keeps crashing here and I'm getting tired of it16:39
yofelryann: enable apport in /etc/default/apport and then run '/etc/init.d/apport start' and then run dpkg again16:40
ryanni was just about to ask how to start apport16:40
ryanndpkg --configure -a runs without any output16:42
ryannapt-get install synaptic returns Segmentation fault (core dumped)16:42
BluesKajyofel, will the enable stay as default in init.d/apport or do i have to link it to runlevels ?16:43
yofelBluesKaj: once it's enabled in /etc/default/apport it will stay enabled, S20apport is already in the default runlevel ;)16:44
BluesKajyofel, cool :)16:44
yofelBluesKaj: afaik apport will be enabled by default once alpha3 is out16:45
ryannsame issues with aptitude http://pastebin.com/d780b368a16:45
yofelryann: do you have anything in /var/crash ?16:45
ryannyes, yes i do16:47
yofelryann: didn't apport come up?16:47
ryann212K 2009-07-14 11:10 update-manager.0.crash and there is another from today for evolution-docu..-en16:48
ryannno front-end appeared after the seg fault, if that's what you're asking16:48
yofelryann: run '/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c <crashfile>'16:49
ryannfantastic, apport-gtk is not installed16:52
ryannand it won't install since apt is crashing over this evolution crap16:53
yofelok, then install apport, but first try to reinstall 'rarian-compat'16:53
* gnomefreak doesnt get apt crashes16:56
yofelneither do I :P16:56
ryannpackage wasn't installed..16:56
BluesKajit doesn't help ryann tho16:56
gnomefreakBluesKaj: it will once we figure out why16:59
UnderSampledI tried the alternate install, but it went blanck with the blinking caps/scroll lock lights16:59
yofelryann: did you upgrade from jaunty since you had scrollkeeper installed? It doesn't exist in karmic anymore16:59
gnomefreakryann: sudo apt-get -f install   no package name, just as i typed it17:00
gnomefreakryann: see if it fixes evo doc problem17:00
yofelgnomefreak: the evo doc problem comes from scrollkeeper-update segfaulting17:01
gnomefreakyofel: i know17:01
gnomefreakyofel: it will remove scrollkeeper and install the other one (name excapes me)17:01
* gnomefreak thought it was demoted not removed17:02
gnomefreaknope it was removed17:02
SarvattJonDoe297: thats a gimp problem with XI217:06
Sarvattgnomefreak: i915 will never support opengl 2.1 in hardware regardless of the mesa version, its a hardware limitation...17:10
gnomefreakSarvatt: 915 maybe not but im not up on my intel cards. i just know intel is working on it17:11
Sarvatttheres nothing to work on, the card itself doesnt support the features, only intel cards that do are 865+17:11
Sarvatt965+ sorry17:11
* gnomefreak tried to stick to nvidia cards but that may change soon too since i want to use o3d17:11
=== macvr is now known as mac_v
* gnomefreak lunch17:12
eagles0513875gnomefreak: i am on nvidia no problems wiht 3d rendering both on desktop cards as well as on laptop17:13
gnomefreakeagles0513875: 5200 has moved to legacy and is not updated to fixed in repos yet and o3d supports 6200+17:14
eagles0513875my laptop card is a go 6150 video card and nvidia chipset no problems with 3d there17:14
eagles0513875desktop is 880017:14
BluesKajgnomefreak, too bad ryann left  : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=756504217:16
ryann..sorry about that17:18
ryanni really ought to know better than to troubleshoot on my own17:18
BluesKajryann,  : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=756504217:21
ryanni'm cautious to remove scroll-keeper17:22
ryannbut ok17:22
yofelryann: rarian-compat replaces scrollkeeper17:22
soc1hi, i'm experiencing problems with dpkg update ...17:31
soc1i didn't find any buf for it on launchpad17:32
gnomefreakSarvatt: paste the output of command and output to pastebin.com17:32
gnomefreaksoc1: that was for you17:33
Sarvattwhat command?17:33
Sarvattah okie17:33
gnomefreakSarvatt: sorry17:33
Sarvattno worries :)17:33
* gnomefreak thought i was a dad 17:34
protector1981/msg nickserv identify janine198417:35
protector1981AEWAHVdfsvn df17:35
protector1981why i can type /msg? oO17:36
protector1981empathy sucks17:36
BluesKajprotector1981, wrong textbox, use the server textbox17:36
protector1981ah ok17:37
gnomefreaksoc1: ah ok that should be an easy fix if mvo gets time :)17:37
protector1981/msg Nickserv help17:37
protector1981Invalid command. Use /msg NickServ help for a command listing.17:37
gnomefreakprotector1981: lower case17:37
gnomefreakprotector1981: /msg nickserv help17:38
soc1gnomefreak: do you know the cause?17:38
protector1981did it...have nickserv in query -.- :D17:38
protector1981now i must change my password :(17:38
gnomefreaksoc1: i would think a link in debian/postinst but off hand no17:38
gnomefreakprotector1981: help can nbe found in #ubuntufreenode17:39
protector1981ah done17:39
protector1981is changed :) thx for help17:39
gnomefreakprotector1981: help can be found in #freenode17:39
yofelgnomefreak: upper/lowercase should make no difference, empathy broken?17:39
protector1981so....have gdm problem :(17:40
soc1gnomefreak: should i ping mvo about it?17:40
gnomefreakprotector1981: most are fixed in ubuntu7 but not all17:40
protector1981thanks the error17:40
gnomefreaksoc1: you just did but he may be gone17:40
protector1981have ubuntu7 installed17:40
ryannok so removing scrollkeeper17:41
gnomefreakprotector1981: i remember people seeing that before however not sure if fixed or not or what the issue was17:41
protector1981bugreport is posted, but nobody has replied :(17:42
gnomefreakyofel: it shouldnt but i dont know the client he is useing, never used it17:42
ryannyofel, http://pastebin.com/d931b10717:42
gnomefreakprotector1981: than it hasnt been fixed i would guess17:42
ryann(i think)17:43
protector1981gnomefreak: :(17:44
ryannBluesKaj & yofel .. thank you17:44
ryannreplacing scrollkeeper with rarian-compat seems to have resolved my apt issues17:45
gnomefreakprotector1981: comment on it other than that just have to wait.17:45
protector1981yes...i can only wait...or dont using karmic ;)17:46
ryannanyone know anything about plasma-widget-network-manager?!.. version 0.1~svn951801-1 works, but anything newer (from the repositories) fails to work with wpa.  there was a bug about this, which i thought was resolved.17:47
BluesKaj!info wicd | ryann17:49
ubotturyann: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2484 kB17:49
gnomefreakryann: its known at least i hear it from eagles051387517:49
eagles0513875ryann: i reported a bug it seems to have resurfaced again but wicd and gnome network manager work fine with wpa connections17:50
eagles0513875not sure what is being done about it17:50
yofelBluesKaj: last time I tried wicd here on gnome it didn't set andy DNS :(17:50
BluesKajryann, the widget-network-manager is flaky and unstable . WPA is np on wicd17:51
eagles0513875yofel: you have to sent it in regards to dns or u can set dns in the resolv.conf17:52
eagles0513875im out for now17:52
gnomefreakeagles0513875: have fun17:52
yofeleagles0513875: yeah, but NM does that over dhcp17:52
yofelwicd not it seems17:52
eagles0513875installing wicd removes nm and the widget17:53
eagles0513875if im not mistaken17:53
yofeleagles0513875: it removes them17:53
BluesKajwicd is a network manager17:53
eagles0513875yofel: under preferences you can set the ip of the dns servers17:53
yofeleagles0513875: that would defy the purpose of dhcp...17:54
eagles0513875ahhhhh wait i misunderstood17:54
eagles0513875yofel: im using dhcp for wifi and it works just fine here17:54
yofelwith wicd /etc/resolv.conf is empty here :/17:54
yofelhm, well, then I guess I'll get my LAN cable and try wicd again :P17:55
eagles0513875yofel: BluesKaj is wicd expert lol17:56
BluesKajeagles0513875, not an expert , it just works fore me both on wifi and ethernet17:57
eagles0513875ethernet no issues with the plasma widget17:57
eagles0513875only wifi17:57
BluesKajwell, i've seen som,e probs with ethernet on widget17:58
eagles0513875im out17:58
BluesKajwicd is much better on laptop wifi cards than the widget , more sensitive and stable17:59
BluesKajmy dumb neighbour, across the street is running an unsecured network ...I told him about it but he still hasn't done anything about it and I can piggyback on his network from my basement music room18:01
yofelBluesKaj: what do I need to tell wicd to set a DNS server over dhcp?18:02
yofelmy /etc/resolv.conf is empty18:03
yofelthe only dhcp client that's available in the settings dialog is dhclient18:03
BluesKajyofel, dunno i don't run a dns server...I'm just using all the automatic settings18:05
yofeland why am I the only one in my neighbourhood that uses WPA o.O18:06
BluesKajwep and unsecured ?18:07
yofelwell, at least all wep18:07
yofelnot that I count that as secured18:07
BluesKajwell, it's bit better than unsecured18:07
BluesKajmaybe 1minute better18:07
yofeland does Alt+F2 still work for anybody with gnome+compiz ?18:11
BluesKajyofel, i just right click on a space on the desktop and choose the runbox from there18:13
yofeldoh, could have thought of that myself -.-18:14
BluesKajyofel, btw my /etc/resolve.conf has some info in it , domain gateway , search gateway and nameserver18:14
yofelhm, maybe I should restart... It still says that it was generated my networkmanager in there18:15
BluesKajyeah , mine is "modified"18:16
ryannthanks eagles0513875 , BluesKaj18:27
ryanni will try wicd18:27
ryannoh i see they cannot co-exist?18:28
ryannnetwork-manager and wicd?18:28
=== iPoRn is now known as o_portista17
scriptxdoes wicd-client start w/the system?18:31
o_portista17i have a problem for quite some time now, i can't use teamspeak because when i speak, the other people, can't hear me...but i can hear them, i've tried with pulseaudio, and alsa...what could be wrong? besides me ;x18:32
BluesKajscriptx, yes wicd does , if installed of course...and it is a network manager on it's own18:34
scriptxi'll check it out at next reboot, but it's working now.18:34
scriptxcan it work from console do you know?18:34
scriptxif i were to boot into single user mode or something, can i use the wicd daemon to connect to a saved (or new) wireless connection?18:35
BluesKajscriptx, you may need to do a bit of wicd configging with the router/gateway in preferences18:38
=== scriptx is now known as ryann
ryannawesome.  thanks BluesKaj18:39
BluesKajryann, it's a great app18:39
ryannhelpful when something breaks after a package upgrade18:39
ryanni actually like the plasma-widget.. but the new version is buggy and i can't rely on it18:40
BluesKajdunno why the network management seems almost an afterthought application as a widget18:41
ryanndo you use kde4 bk?18:41
BluesKajthe old knetworkmanager was more difficult to setup with ndiswarapper etc , but once done it was pretty stable18:42
BluesKajyes ,kde  4.318:42
ryanni used to just script wpa_supplicant from the terminal after having logged in18:45
ryanni was elated when kde4 introduced the network-management widget interface18:45
BluesKajheh, too bad it's so flaky18:49
BluesKajBBL ..stuff to do18:53
yofelhm, does ubuntu-vm-builder work for anybody?19:03
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yofelwtf? parted tells me that 'linux-swap' isn't a valid fs type o.O19:44
yofelreported as bug 39942819:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399428 in parted "[karmic] parted can't create swap patitions in vm images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39942819:50
yofeltypo -.-19:50
MrSteinHi! Since I don't do much else than beta test 9.04, does it make sense to just install 9.10 and report issues there ? (for example suspend and hibernate do not work for me in 9.04)20:20
reto`MrStein: beta test 9.04?20:21
MrSteinwell, "final test"20:21
MrSteinThat is : not doing anything else but reporting bugs20:21
reto`MrStein: actually it might be better to test 9.10 and report bugs there20:21
MrSteinI thought so20:22
MrSteindo alpha update from one to next ? Over the regular update manager ?20:22
MrSteinalpha=alpha releases20:22
reto`I think that might have a better impact on the next ubuntu to get your bugs fixed :)20:22
reto`MrStein: yeah... you can update to the alpha through the update manager and updates you'll get like that too20:23
reto`MrStein: see here > http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha220:25
reto`actually you'll get regular updates it's not tied to a certain "alpha"20:28
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:30
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:36
MrSteinoff to install alpha220:42
* Twigathy kicks udev - why don't you stop when told? [had to sudo kill it before the latest batch of updates would take...]20:43
robin0800MY BRAIN HURTS.20:56
tbtroj"update-manager -d" upgrades to a devel release. Is there something like Fedora's "rawhide" repository for Ubuntu? So you're always at Ubuntu +1?21:03
billybigriganyone around?21:05
yofelbillybigrig: pong21:06
billybigrigyofel: i can't seem to build nvidia modules in dkms21:09
yofelbillybigrig: huh? got headers installed?21:10
billybigrigheaders, source, and image21:10
billybigrigall from custom built kernel21:10
yofelgot the error message?21:10
billybigrigdiggin it up21:11
yofel*sigh* I can't view a changlog *again*21:13
yofelE: Couldn't fetch URL http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/u/udev/udev_145-1/changelog21:13
tbtrojTo stay in the "devel release" stage, do I have to "update-manager -d" every time a new devel-release is available?21:13
billybigrigi think i had the wrong kernel name21:15
billybigrigcause its working nwo21:15
tbtrojbillybigrig, was that "nope" to me?21:16
billybigrigbuild fails21:18
billybigrigno to yofel21:18
mvotbtroj: you have to do that every 6 month when the new devel release is opened21:23
tbtrojmvo, okay, thank you.21:23
yofelbillybigrig: sry, was gone for a moment, you mean the auto dkms-build fails when installing the kernel?21:24
yofelyou didn't do somthing like compiling nvidiafb into the kernel or something like that?21:25
billybigrigError! DKMS tree does not contain: nvidia-2.6.31-rc3-billybigrigger-07-1421:25
yofelerr... you do the dkms build by hand?21:26
yofelthe command for that would be 'dkms build -k <kernel-version> -m nvidia -v <nvidia-version>'21:27
billybigrigsudo /etc/init.d/dkms_autostart start 2.6.31-rc3-billybigrigger-07-14 fails21:27
billybigrigError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.31-rc3-billybigrigger-07-14 (x86_64)21:28
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
billybigrigthis is from the make.log21:29
billybigrig*** Unable to determine the target kernel version. ***21:29
billybigrigmake: *** [select_makefile] Error 121:29
billybigrigsudo dkms build -k 2.6.31-rc3-billybigrigger-07-14 -m nvidia -v 185.18.1421:29
billybigrigafter that command21:29
billybigrigand i can tab complete the kernel version, module, and mod version21:30
yofelhm wait, that sounds familiar, now what was the reason for that again...21:31
Sarvatthmm that sounds like the problem with kernel-package 11.015 that i had to upgrade to 11.017 to fix21:34
billybigrigSarvatt: got my compile time down to 42 min :P21:35
billybigrigbut now i cant use it :P21:35
Sarvatti think it has something to do with your kernel versioning21:35
yofelhm, iirc when I compiled a kernel once I put it in some odd foldername in /usr/src that had nothing to do with the version number, and I think that's when I got that21:37
yofelbut that was quite a while ago so I don't remember it clearly21:38
Sarvattwhy dont you try calling it billybigrigger0714 or something instead of adding the extra dashes and dots to the different versions?21:39
billybigrignot dots21:40
billybigrigjust billybigrigger-07-1421:40
billybigrigok i could do that i guess21:40
Sarvatt(you had dots in a previous one is why i said that)21:42
billybigrigoh ya21:43
billybigrigok ill try it out21:43
MrStein1memtest86 does not react to ESC, is that known ? the other keys (c,space, numbers) work.21:44
Sarvattmake-kpkg is really touchy about those things, i dont know whats happening but i've always had to limit myself to just one thing after -21:45
* MrStein1 booted the alpha2 x86 cd21:45
Sarvatton append-to-version, dont get me started how many times i've screwed up things messing with debian= in /etc/kernel-pkg.conf21:46
MrStein1argh, launchpad is soo slow again ....21:47
yofelanybody an idea when the changelogs get synced?21:48
yofelE: Couldn't fetch URL http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/u/udev/udev_145-1/changelog21:48
yofelor does somebody else know why vol_id vanished from udev?21:49
yofelhi billybigrig21:54
yofelerr... let's try again21:54
yofelhi BUGabundo21:54
=== oldude67 is now known as oldude
BUGabundonew disk!! 1,5TiBs21:55
BUGabundoI wonder what I should put it on21:55
BUGabundoext2 or ext421:56
BUGabundotaking pictures of the setup too, on my new Revoltec case21:56
yofelwhat reason is there to use ext2?21:56
BUGabundohey akgraner21:56
BUGabundoits just a disk to use externally for LOTS of backups21:56
BUGabundoso ext2 _should be_ as fast as ext421:57
BUGabundojust not sure I need the jornaling to keep my data safe21:57
Sarvattthat was ages ago wasnt it yofel?21:57
BUGabundoalso, not sure the win driver for ext works with ext421:57
yofelBUGabundo: use journal-less ext4 if you have kernel >=2.6.2921:57
BUGabundoif not, I won't access it on  the wind PC21:57
BUGabundoyofel: _3121:57
billybigrigBUGabundo: i didn't take you for the windows type of guy21:58
yofelBUGabundo: then use ext4 without journal if you don't want one, but the overhead really isn't that big.21:58
BUGabundobillybigrig old pc. 512 mb of ram. hibernates in 6 sec, resumes in less then 1021:59
BUGabundocan't do that on Linux :((21:59
yofelBUGabundo: you might not have an ssd but this article from ted ts'o is still relevant if you want to know about journal overhead22:00
yofelBUGabundo: http://thunk.org/tytso/blog/2009/03/01/ssds-journaling-and-noatimerelatime/22:00
BUGabundono time to read it ehhe22:01
BUGabundowant to do FRESH install tonigh22:01
BUGabundowoot single partition on ext4 with swap on file22:01
yofelerr, no separate root and home?22:02
BUGabundoyou don't need that since hardy22:03
BUGabundothe installer can erase system files, keeping userland safe22:03
BUGabundoand then putting new files on disk22:03
BUGabundoError while creating partition table.22:04
BUGabundowell its starting nicelly22:04
eagles0513875install jaunty and upgrade to karmic22:04
yofelBUGabundo: what did you use?22:04
eagles0513875i have been hearing alot of people having installation issues of cd and what not22:04
BUGabundoJul 14 22:04:44 blubug kernel: [ 1712.414294] ata4: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps22:04
BUGabundoJul 14 22:04:44 blubug kernel: [ 1712.414299] ata4: hard resetting link22:04
BUGabundoyofel: gparted22:04
yofelok, thats bad...22:05
BUGabundoeither the disk is faulty or the case doesn't like it, on e-sata22:05
Sarvattdid you leave the sata 1.5 jumper enabled on the drive by any chance? :D22:05
yofeldidn't have that since one of my drives just thought it would shut down while I'm working on it *-.-22:05
* BUGabundo checks connections22:05
yofeland it had NTFS to boot22:06
BUGabundoSarvatt: didn't touch it! can that be it ?22:06
yofelso I had to boot windows to get the fs fixed -.-22:06
syn-ackhi guys22:06
BUGabundoSarvatt: no jumper on the disk22:06
yofelsyn-ack: hi22:06
BUGabundohey syn-ack. long time no see22:06
yofelBUGabundo: what's the rest of the ata error?22:06
syn-ackBUGabundo: Its only been like half a day or so. :P22:07
syn-ackBUGabundo: Got a bunch of IRL stuff going on... Funerals and such so yeah22:07
BUGabundoI think this is a power prob. I don't listen to the disk spin up :((22:08
eagles0513875yofel: you might wanna try the widget again seems like there is an update for dhcp322:08
eagles0513875BUGabundo: whats ur psu rated at22:08
yofeleagles0513875: actually a reboot fixed it22:08
syn-ackQuestion is the UbuntuOne going to help me with trying to get the app working on karmic if I go in there and bug them?22:08
eagles0513875im noticing alot of rebooting as well as fsck in init 1 fixes alot of stuff22:09
syn-ackWill they say "juanty only?"22:09
syn-ackif not, I'll download all the source and shit and fix it on my own, I was just curious if you guys had any idea22:10
BUGabundook disk is now spining, plugged e-sata22:11
BUGabundologs look ok22:11
BUGabundorestarting gparted22:11
yofelsyn-ack: I'm running u1 here on karmic, what's your problem?22:11
billybigrigBUGabundo: what kinda drive?22:11
syn-ackyofel: it doesnt seem to install. At all.22:11
syn-ackI saw the bug about hitting install twice, did that and it still doesnt show up in my menus22:12
syn-ackyofel: Whats the actual executable of it called?22:12
yofelsyn-ack: what version do you try to install? mine is: 0.90.3+r77-0ubuntu1~ppa1~karmic22:12
BUGabundobillybigrig seagate sata 7200rps 32m cache 1,5TB (base 10)22:12
BUGabundoeagles0513875: psu !?22:12
BUGabundosyn-ack: U1 works on Karmic22:12
billybigrigBUGabundo: you have it in 3.0gbps mode now?22:13
BUGabundonot sure22:14
BUGabundoJul 14 22:11:30 blubug kernel: [ 2118.232066] ata4: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 310)22:14
billybigrigcheck your bios?22:14
BUGabundoDisk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table22:14
BUGabundoDisk /dev/sdb: 1500.3 GB, 1500301910016 bytes22:14
syn-ackyofel: what is the name of the executable?22:14
yofelsyn-ack: ubuntuone-client-applet22:15
syn-ackyofel: I dont have it... let me check the repos....22:15
yofelsyn-ack: what does 'apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client' tell you?22:17
syn-ackInstalled: 0.90.3-0ubuntu122:18
BUGabundosyn-ack: ask on #ubuntu-one22:18
BUGabundobut you need TWO packages22:18
BUGabundo the client and client-gnome22:18
syn-ackBUGabundo: Yeah, Im discovering that now22:18
syn-ackthanks for the help22:18
billybigrighow much storage does u1 give you?22:19
billybigrigmaybe i should try it out22:19
BUGabundo2G free22:19
BUGabundowanna an invite?22:19
BUGabundoI must be the person to have sent more invites LOL22:19
BUGabundoabout 20022:19
syn-ackThats what the problem was. I had the client but not the gnome tools22:19
BUGabundobillybigrig PVT your email22:19
BUGabundobut you will have to wait for me to finish this22:19
syn-ackBUGabundo: Thanks for the invite then. :D22:19
syn-ackyou probably approved me this morning22:20
BUGabundosyn-ack: ahah you were one of them?22:20
BUGabundonope. not me22:20
syn-ackBUGabundo: aye22:20
BUGabundoI don't approve anything22:20
syn-ackaha! workie workie22:21
BUGabundothis is takinggggg toooo longggggg22:21
BUGabundoxfs is soooo much faster creating volumes22:21
syn-ackBUGabundo: than?22:22
* yofel wants btrfs with transparent compression :/22:22
BUGabundosyn-ack: then what?22:22
syn-ackBUGabundo: Faster than what at creating volumes?22:22
BUGabundothen I'll need to rsync /etc /home exclude .crypt (on encfs22:23
BUGabundosyn-ack: xfs is much faster then ext22:23
yofelwell, ext[234] do take ages to write those inode tables...22:23
syn-ackBUGabundo: I used to use XFS exclusivly till ext4 came along and I thought I'd give it a try22:23
Sarvattoh man, you use dm-crypt too?! you just like using everything possible just because its there to break things dont you BUGabundo? :D22:24
yofelwell, now that e4defrag seems to get usable I prefer it over XFS22:24
SwedeMikeI prefer tried and tested filesystems... like xfs.22:25
BUGabundoyreah me too22:26
BUGabundothis laptop is / ext3 10GBs22:26
BUGabundoand home on XFS22:26
BUGabundono prob on xfs_check 300GiBs ULTRA FAST22:26
BUGabundoSarvatt: nope. I use encfs! been using it since gutsy22:26
BUGabundothen it broke and I (temporarly) lost  access to all my data22:26
BUGabundohad to boot old livecd to decrypt and encrypt on new format :(22:26
BUGabundoSwedeMike: xfs suffers from most probs ext4 suffers22:26
BUGabundoon what it depends on the time to write to disk22:26
BUGabundoeven worse, since ext4 is beeing activly patched and xfs only gets _some_ backports latter on22:27
SwedeMikeat least the code has long time exposure to real life.22:27
BUGabundoI wonder if colin did any progress on swap on file22:27
BUGabundoI'll be testing it till the end of the devel cycle22:27
BUGabundoso I HOPE it works, or I'm leaft without swap22:28
BUGabundolet me go nag him22:28
MrSteinThe timezone selection in installer is still scheisse. Worth reporting ? I believe this was reported 1 or 2 releases ago.... :-(22:30
Sarvatti've been using a swap file since jaunty with no problems (but i have no use for hibernation)22:30
BUGabundoSarvatt: but I do22:30
BUGabundoMrStein: yeah I did a VB install today with daily, and my time zone was 1h ahead :(22:31
syn-ackI barely have a swap22:31
BUGabundoI have 8GiBs of it22:32
syn-ackOn a notebook?22:32
BUGabundo4G of RAM22:33
BUGabundoso 2x that22:33
yofelwhy that?22:34
billybigrigthe 2x ram for swap is not needed anymore BUGabundo22:34
syn-ackthats the golden rule22:34
billybigrigthat's old school, where systems only had 512mb - 1gb of ram22:34
billybigrig8 gb of swap is wayyyyy tooo much :P22:34
yofelI have 4GiB RAM on my notebook too with 4,5GiB swap for when I use hibernate sometimes22:34
yofelbut more is just waste of disk space22:34
syn-ackleave BUGabundo alone, he's hardcore. :p22:35
BUGabundocjwaton says he has no idea on how swap on file is right now or if it works :((22:35
BUGabundobillybigrig care to let me know how to put 4G or FULL RAM into disk?22:35
syn-ackthe only reason I only have 100 megs instead of 1 gig is that I forgot a zero. :p22:35
BUGabundotry to use my email client22:35
BUGabundoand see it SUCK 1G or ram22:35
BUGabundoand another for pidgin22:35
yofelthe only things that eat up ram here are ffx kvm and gnome-do(memleak)22:36
BUGabundohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/218330/ gparted log woot22:37
yofelat least suspend and hibernate actually *work* on my thinkpad now with karmic, and I've been using ubuntu on it since gutsy22:37
BUGabundono mem leak for me up until now22:38
BUGabundothe only one I know of is a µblog purple plugin for pidin22:38
BUGabundoSarvatt: can you test hibernate right now?22:38
yofelBUGabundo: I once found gnome-do using 1.6g RES - that's a memleak for me22:39
BUGabundomaybe a bad plygin?22:39
BUGabundotry to remove them and enable one at a time22:39
BUGabundoI don't so it can be some plugin you have and I don't22:39
BUGabundoor 32 vs 64 bits22:40
BUGabundo /dev/sdb1               1      182401  1465136001   83  Linux22:40
BUGabundonow the rsync22:40
yofelwell, I'll try that and report the results tomorrow I guess22:41
BUGabundorsync -vrhP --stats22:41
BUGabundotomorrow will be a bit to late for me22:41
BUGabundosent 56.01M bytes  received 48.06K bytes  3.62M bytes/sec22:42
yofelBUGabundo: it's not like gnome-do reaches 1g ram usage within minutes :P22:42
BUGabundogotta love rsync22:42
BUGabundo23571 bugabund 122m  23m 381m  20   0 S  0.5  3.1   0:58.69 /usr/bin/cli /usr/lib/gnome-do/Do.exe22:43
BUGabundowhat's yours?22:43
BUGabundohow do I exclude a path from rsycn? I don't want to rsync my .crypt dir22:44
yofel23019 yofel     20   0  564m 271m  23m S    0  6.8   0:19.85 gnome-do22:44
Sarvattinvoke-rc.d: initscript bluetooth, action "stop" failed.22:45
Sarvattdpkg: warning: old pre-removal script returned error exit status 122:45
Sarvattdpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...22:45
Sarvattinvoke-rc.d: initscript bluetooth, action "stop" failed.22:45
BUGabundoSarvatt: ahaah22:45
BUGabundo(nautilus:501): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Unable to connect to the running instance, aborting.22:47
BUGabundocan't open nautilus with sudo22:48
Sarvattwhy you trying to open nautilus with sudo?22:49
Sarvatthmm works here22:50
MrSteinOn what is the keyboard layout suggestion in installation step 3 based ?22:50
BUGabundoSarvatt: worse: as root22:52
MrSteinJesus, there is a bug on every page of the installer.... :-p22:52
MrSteinstep 3 : the world map is too small to make accurate selection, especiall in dense areas, like Europe22:53
MrSteinstep 4: is suggests USA kbd layout, even if other layout is used in the country selected in step 322:54
MrSteinstep 5 : there is a warning icon (triangle with exclamation sign), but no explanation, what it is warning about22:54
MrStein(I did not reach step 6 yet)22:54
billybigrigBUGabundo: did you send me an invite to u1?22:55
yofelwasn't the keyboard preselect based on what language you choosed when booting the live image?22:55
BUGabundodarn... can't make rsync exclude22:55
BUGabundobillybigrig not yet22:55
billybigrigBUGabundo: no worries22:55
BUGabundodoing it now22:56
billybigrigdont worry22:56
billybigrigis u1 installed via ppa or what?22:56
BUGabundowill I try to figure why --exclude=/home/bugabundo/.crypt doesn't work :(22:56
BUGabundoboth aways22:56
yofeldon't remember which page it was, but I don't quite get why ubiquity whows 2 partition graphs on the partitioning page22:57
BUGabundoeither PPA ( best way to get karmic one )22:57
BUGabundoot their site, with apt-url and you get jaunty one22:57
BUGabundothat works the same22:57
BUGabundobillybigrig sent! welcome to the cloud22:58
billybigrigBUGabundo: thanks :P22:58
BUGabundocome on! all this ppl here at least one KNOWS how to exclude from rsync22:59
billybigrigSarvatt: thats what i get23:06
billybigrigwhy does it appened -billybigrigger0714 twice?23:06
catharcystubuntu karmic keeps rejecting my pasword when i run update manager23:07
catharcystso i can't update using the gui23:07
yofelcatharcyst: when did you last install updates?23:07
catharcystyesterday i believe yofel23:08
BUGabundocatharcyst: known bug23:09
yofelthere was some breakage in libgksu yesterday iirc, so check if you get an update for libgksu in terminal23:09
catharcystok will do thanks yofel23:10
BUGabundocatharcyst: and remember your mirror may still be behind main23:11
catharcystapparently i dont have libgksu23:11
BUGabundoso check your sources and versions available23:11
catharcystk BUGabundo23:11
BUGabundowith apt-cache policy libgksu23:11
billybigrigstupd dkms23:12
billybigrigi still can't build that nvidia module23:12
billybigrigsame error23:12
catharcystnot available23:12
yofelcatharcyst: libgksu2-023:13
catharcystyofel that fixed it23:16
catharcystthanks a lot23:16
Q-FUNKabout bug #399482 the real issue is that prerm doesn't have any case/esac loop to catch dpkg commands (upgrade|failed-upgrade, etc.)23:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399482 in bluez "bluez: upgrade from 4.45-0ubuntu1 to 4.45-0ubuntu2 fails" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39948223:17
BUGabundoglad I haven't done todays updates23:18
Q-FUNKit indeed seems to have been a messy one23:18
Q-FUNKnothing major, but somewhat hasty packaging, for some packages23:19
=== catharcyst is now known as seeds
BUGabundoQ-FUNK: and I know you did it23:19
syn-ackspeaking of which23:20
* syn-ack downloads the dailies23:20
syn-ackfrom yesterday. heh23:21
BUGabundoI just do my rsyncs from daily images23:22
BUGabundousually I get 100-150MiBs23:22
Q-FUNKBUGabundo: :D23:23
Q-FUNKnah, but I've been quite busy with 'ubuntu-bug'23:24
BUGabundoyeah I would love to have the time for it23:24
Q-FUNKhere, it's just that I have one host running karmic, mostly because I need to anticipate for possible showstoppers that would break support for Geode-based hardware23:26
BUGabundoI know23:26
BUGabundothat's a good thing23:26
BUGabundoif *everyone* tested their prob *early* many would be in good state on release23:26
BUGabundoor not..... we would be overworked23:27
Q-FUNKI just happen to catch unreleated issues whenever 'upgrade-system' drags in broken packages, at which point I go 'ubuntu-bug' trigger happy. ;)23:27
Q-FUNKtesting early is easy enough.  the difficulty is testing, only to find that whatever package you reported against has been rebased with a newer release.  then, often, people are simply asked to try the new one, instead of anyone bothering with the initial bug report.23:29
MrSteinalpha2 does not boot on my PC, thanks good, otherwise I would be testing it til the morning (it is midnight here) :-)23:33
billybigrigBUGabundo: get your webcam working yeT?23:33
syn-ackalright, upload the rebuild of bluez already. :P23:33
BUGabundomiss match with gspca23:34
Q-FUNKsyn-ack: funny you mention that one. filed two bugs against it today :)23:34
syn-ackaye, I saw 'em. :P23:34
BUGabundoI give you guys a single change to guess what's taking longer on my rsync to a new disk ! ahah23:36
BUGabundono one will get it23:36
Q-FUNKdisk writes?23:41
syn-ackQ-FUNK: I was expecting the bluez bug since I knew about it going into it, its the bugs that I dont know about that worry me. :P23:43
billybigriganyone have any good suggestions for hosting bootcharts? like a decent front end php script or something similar?23:46
BUGabundoI just upload my png to my zenphoto galery on my server23:47
BUGabundoyou can even use dropbox to share it23:47
billybigrigi got nothing on my server23:47
billybigrigplain jane apache23:47
billybigrigzenphoto gallery, maybe ill check that out23:47
syn-ackHow long does it take the updated package take to actually propagate through the update system before its available for download from the repo network?23:49
syn-ackI'd assume its a matter of hours, no?23:49
BUGabundoor less23:49
BUGabundodepends on the package and load on the builders23:50
syn-ackw00t. Uncle Milty's on Little House23:51
* syn-ack loves Uncle Milty. One of the best actors of all time...23:51

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