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neureis someone running linux in qemu here by any chance?)10:17
loolneure: We do from time to time11:15
looldoko: Thanks for the upstart -fPIE hint; it's good enough for now to not build the testsuite with -fPIE on armel11:16
neuredo you have real hw also?11:19
neurein case someone can try11:19
neurethe thing just hangs in qemu :/11:19
neureim trying to figure out why, but I've got no good clues yet11:20
loolneure: It works on x86 and not on armel?11:56
loolneure: It hangs because you still have a thread running (the forever one); it needs to leave its loop and pthread_join11:57
loolOr you need to cancel it11:58
loolI don't think you strictly need to join it before exiting; I guess it's like free-ing memory before exit11:58
neurethe thing is12:06
neurepthread_create doesn't return12:06
neureit works on x8612:06
neureand on armel.. it works if you run with gdb12:06
neurewithout gdb pthread_create doesn't return12:06
loolneure: It works for me12:14
loolentering forever12:14
loolpthread_create done12:14
loolpthread_detach done12:14
loolcalling pthread_detach() ok12:14
neurein what system?12:14
loolOn an imx51 Babbage board running armel12:14
neurethis seems to be qemu problem :/12:14
loolneure: What output do you get under qemu?12:17
neureonly the first two lines12:17
neureif i run with gdb, it does all, which I find a bit strange12:18
amitkogra: lool: any recipes to use the ethernet port on B2 to download kernels?12:27
ograif you still use redboot it should work through http12:28
ograour uboot-imx we'll use doesnt have networking support (though its likely faster to just cp the kernel to /boot on the SD anyway)12:29
amitkogra: I shouldn't be using redboot? u-boot port is fully working now?13:03
ograapart from networking13:04
amitkogra: i just need something faster and more reliable than xmodem13:06
ograuboot should work, but wait for NCommander to get up to confirm and being able to give you instructions13:07
ogradue to the fact that i dont have a B2 anymore i cant help much13:07
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loolamitk: Things like:13:11
loolip_address -l -h
loolload -r -v -b 0x00f00000 -m http /initrd13:11
loolload -r -v -b 0x00200000 -m http /vmlinux13:11
loolamitk: But this is for another board13:11
loolamitk: -l is the local IP address, -h the server address13:11
loolamitk: You need to load the kernel last13:11
loolamitk: You can find the addresses where to load stuff with fis list13:12
amitklool: any special config for the http server?13:13
amitk-h is the server IP, I assume13:13
loolamitk: Well just make sure you can get stuff using just the IP address13:14
looli.e. that wget http://x.y.z.w/foo works13:14
loolamitk: 14:11 < lool> amitk: -l is the local IP address, -h the server address13:14
loolYes it's only IP; there's no DNS13:14
amitkok, thanks lool13:14
loolamitk: That said, I think it didn't work for me on B1 or B2 with latest redboot; perhaps you're lucky and it does; I think you might have to set the MAC address or BOOTP on startup or something like that in "fconfig", otherwise the NIC might not be initializes13:15
loolThe ethernet driver used to be buggy with very old redboots on B1, but worked good enough for TFTP13:16
neurei tried clone and it behaves exactly like pthread_create13:16
neurei dont even need to create thread13:30
neurejust doing for(;;){} in one program totally blocks for example doing anything in the file system13:30
neureeven with nice -n 1913:30
suihkulokkineure: what libc/userland do you have?13:32
neurethis is standard debian lenny13:32
neureLinux debian-armel 2.6.26-1-versatile #1 Sun Mar 15 05:49:36 UTC 2009 armv5tejl GNU/Linux13:33
neureseems like qemu somehow breaks the scheduler :/13:35
neurei wonder if there is any way to improve it13:35
amitklool: RedBoot> ip_address13:50
amitkSorry, networking is not available.13:50
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neure2.6.26 has CFS, right?14:04
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auntieNeowhat are the chances of an arm build of mplayer? I'm about to file a bug, but I figured I'd ask here first in case someone can give me some insight into the state of ubuntu-arm and why mplayer hasn't been built yet16:46
ograthats the build log16:47
MartynauntieNeo : I have a very low priority bug to fix mplayer.  It's priority 617:07
MartynauntieNeo : Two codecs need porting, and they won't be easy to port17:07
auntieNeoMartyn: mmm... alright17:10
ograauntieNeo, and indeed patches accepted (as long as they dont break mplayer on the other arches)17:10
auntieNeoare they arm5 specific bugs? there's already an arm mplayer in debian...17:11
Martynogra : Jån Jørgensen is working on fixing vlc17:12
MartynauntieNeo: the debian mplayer was fixed by cutting out code17:12
Martynit 'runs but doesn't work"17:12
Martynor doesn't fully work17:12
MartynauntieNeo : VLC should work however17:13
ograbeyond that we target ARMv6 in ubuntu now17:13
MartynauntieNeo : So you're not without a video player :)17:13
ogratotem definately works atm17:13
auntieNeoI'm an mplayer kind of guy ;P17:13
ograwe definately focus in getting the default desktop 100% working17:13
ograwhich means gstreamer and its frontends will work17:14
ograif somone fixes other stuff or sends (or points to) patches nobody will stand in the way17:14
Martynogra : I found bugs with vfp and numerous other kernel bugs that cause OOPS and crashes in cortex-a917:15
Martynwe've got a lot of work17:15
Martynidle_pm is also broken17:15
ograon -a917:15
* ogra would be happy to have kernels for the arches we currently support first before even thinking about -a917:16
MartynI've also asked my boss, and ARM, and Canonical to help me give you all access to the PBX-a9's17:16
MartynIt's all parallel work.17:17
ogragetting these to work is hard enough atm17:17
MartynI'm already doing the heavy lifting on -A9, and have the entire dist working.  I'm working on an installer17:17
Martyninstalling onto a USB drive doesn't yet work,and I'm working on debugging the issue17:17
MartynI mounts the root fs, but then claims that init is killed17:18
neurebah who needs init anyway :D17:18
Martynconsidering I can't even get it to run /bin/sh ..17:19
Martynokay, off to work17:19
ograhmm, why does xplc build flawless on debian but not for us ?17:51
ograhttps://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?pkg=xplc;ver=0.3.13-2;arch=armel;stamp=1233251415 looks fine17:51
ograhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/28443749/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.xplc_0.3.13-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz doesnt17:51
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mcasadevallSarvatt, it started failing when they moved to lzma compression18:44
Sarvattthat wouldnt happen to have been between 6-30 and 7-07 would it? :D18:45
mcasadevallSarvatt, sounds about right18:46
mcasadevallSarvatt, as I previous said, I setup the launchpad-buildd code so I could reproduce the full environment (I thought we had a possible hang in pkgstriptranslations)18:47
mcasadevallSarvatt, but once the build timeout was bumped long enough, I had a successful build18:47
mcasadevallSarvatt, bbiab18:48
Sarvattthanks for the info!18:48
ograwe need to get you slower hardware !18:50
ograso it matches the buildds18:50
Sarvattis it me or did qemu-arm slow down 10x in the past 6 months? 5 minutes to set up openssh-server! (2.4ghz turion x2 on x64)19:08
* Sarvatt is scared to think how long mesa will take to build on a G119:12
mcasadevallogra, I just had a brainwave19:13
ograOMG !19:13
mcasadevall(yay for 20 minutes of doing something else to kickstart the brant)19:13
mcasadevallogra, question one, did we change GCC to use VFP this cycle?19:14
mcasadevalland if 1 is yes, has lzma been rebuilt since then19:14
ograi think 1 is yes19:14
ograand i dont know about 219:14
mcasadevallogra, of 2 is no, we might know why we're dealing with such epic slowness w/ lzma19:15
mcasadevallogra, no uploads since hardy19:16
mcasadevallogra, we *might* just have a winner19:16
ogratry a no change rebiuld19:16
ograor probably forst a local one :)19:16
mcasadevallogra, I just popped on rimu to test my theory19:16
mcasadevallogra, I'll rebuild lzma, then start a build of mesa with my lzma in the PATH19:17
ograindeed that sounds like a valid theory19:17
mcasadevallogra, cold water to the brain can do that :-)19:17
Sarvatt    CONFARGS += --with-arch=armv5t --with-tune=cortex-a819:17
Sarvatt    #CONFARGS += --with-float=softfp --with-fpu=vfp19:17
mcasadevallThat's ... odd19:18
Sarvattthats 4.4.0-8ubuntu219:18
mcasadevallI'm not sure if we're building with VFP or not now19:18
suihkulokkiSarvatt: ssh-server creates a ssh server key - and that depends on available entropy19:19
Sarvattit took 5 hours to set up a build-essential seed qemu image with ogra's script :(19:20
Sarvattand it deleted it after aparently, DOH!19:22
ograit creates a tgz if you dont tell it differently19:25
ograthats its main purpose19:25
mcasadevallogra, seems my theory is a bust :-/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/218187/19:25
Sarvattyeah i used --notarball19:25
mcasadevallogra, we're not build w/ VFP ...19:26
Sarvattsudo ./rootstock --fqdn qemu-test --login qemu --password qemupwd --notarball --imagesize 3G --seed build-essential,openssh-server19:26
ogramcasadevall, i thought we did already19:27
mcasadevallogra, doko says we're not19:28
ograoh, right, not before the new HW arrives i guess19:28
mcasadevallogra, ok, so lets see what sort of difference VFP makes19:29
suihkulokkifor lzma?19:29
suihkulokkiyou don't need testing to figure that out :)19:30
mcasadevallsuihkulokki, well, it might determine how we can easily fix out lzma makes ARM go *splat* boom19:31
ograSarvatt, well, that should keep an img file around19:31
mcasadevallsuihkulokki, -mfpu=vfp should do the trick, no?19:33
suihkulokkimcasadevall: I can save your time - vfp wil have 0, nada, nil, etc difference for lzma19:33
mcasadevallsuihkulokki, ?19:34
mcasadevallsuihkulokki, why?19:34
Sarvattlooks like it saved it to /tmp and got wiped on reboot, my mistake19:36
ograit should have copied it to your current dir though19:37
ogra    cp $IMAGENAME $DIR19:38
ogra    echo "I: Qemu image saved as $DIR/qemu-armel-$STAMP.img"19:38
suihkulokkimcasadevall: why do you think it would have any effect?19:38
ograDIR is $(pwd)19:38
mcasadevallsuihkulokki, I would think use of floating point operations would greatly speed up a compression engine written in C19:38
* ogra rushes out to the store19:39
Sarvattthats odd, it was a ntfs-3g mounted partition i did it in because i was out of space, maybe a permission problem or something19:40
suihkulokkimcasadevall: why would a lossless general purpose compressor use floats?19:41
mcasadevallsuihkulokki, indeed. so that theory is bunk19:59
mcasadevallsuihkulokki, Oh well. Got any good ideas short of creating a distlzma/distlzmad ;-)20:00
suihkulokkimcasadevall: I suggest reading http://tukaani.org/lzma/benchmarks and the repeating the relevant parts on arm and selecting then a lzma/gzip compression level that makes sense20:16
neurrei wonder if there are prebuilt images anywhere?20:36
ograthere are, for the imx51 architecture, nslu2 and qemu20:37
neurreoh great20:37
neurrehow come i failed to find them20:37
ograthe nslu2 one is a netboot one20:37
ograas well as the versatile20:38
neurrewhich one is good for qemu?20:38
neurreversatile netboot?20:39
neurremm how do i start this?21:19
neurreshould i do something like:21:35
neurreqemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-versatile -initrd initrd.gz -hda arm-rootfs.img -m 256 -append "root=/dev/sda mem=256M"21:35
neurreit worked21:38
neurrewell at least it booted21:39
neurreInstalling the base system21:46
neurrethis is going to take a while i guess21:47
neurrethat Installing the base system progress bar could use some calibration :)21:55
neurrebut i guess those are kind of hard21:56
neurreto get them right you'd need one calibration pass21:56
neurreawww this is really going to take a while21:59
neurreyou know net installer was not exactly 'prebuilt' i had in mind22:01
neurreand here i am talking to myself :D22:02
neurrebae system.. 50% :)22:08
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