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Ampelbeinbtm: did you get a mail with questions to be answered?00:09
btmAmpelbein: I answered all of the questions in an email sent to 'ubuntu-bugcontrol@lists.launchpad.net' on 2009-04-02 as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl00:10
btmsomeone just pm'd me and said they'll fix it in a day or two though.00:11
Ampelbeinbtm: could you resend your bugcontrol application?00:15
Ampelbeinbdmurray: could you have a look at btm's question?00:15
Ampelbeinthe one regarding membership that is.00:15
btmAmpelbein: bdmurray said they would today or tomorrow.00:15
bdmurrayI've found his application and will address it asap.00:16
Ampelbeinbdmurray: oh, ok,00:18
hggdhhum. I do not remember seeing it -- mebbe good ol' Evo was in one of its bad days00:38
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hggdhbtm: I already sent a first answer to your application. I am soory it took us so long02:30
hggdhI mean I am not soory, but sorry ;-)02:30
andresmujica909  bugs left for 40000003:13
micahgandresmujica: Ubuntu itself has already passed 300k03:14
andresmujicathat's right!! those 400k includes several projects...03:15
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andresmujicai was looking for the amount..03:20
micahgkeep in mind, that includes private bugs, the newsletter still shows <300k03:21
andresmujicahow many bugs are at the Red Hat BTS ?03:22
andresmujicai mean, how do we compare against other distro trakers..03:22
micahgidk, mozilla and debian recently hit 500k03:22
micahgyou can';t really03:22
micahgred hat is > 500k03:23
micahgbut they've all been around a lot longer03:23
bcurtiswxanyone know where i can get the newest kernel in a PPA?03:26
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andresmujicadownload and install.. i've always go that way..03:26
bcurtiswxi guess i will03:26
andresmujicain fact, i believe there's no a proper PPA for mainline...03:26
bcurtiswxjust dl im guessing then03:27
micahgis it ok to dup kernel install bugs with the same cause?03:27
bcurtiswxsame kernel?03:28
andresmujicayeap the kernel-ppa is not a proper repo.. i believe is an script uploading the builds03:28
andresmujicatheoretically the kernel bugs are duped according to HW.. but it depends, if it's the same kernel and same cause, it's a dupe03:29
micahgthe install is failing03:29
micahgsame error code03:29
andresmujicaprobably same bug03:31
micahgwell, I duped them03:31
micahgare hugdays on vacation?03:33
andresmujicahee tomorrow should be one...03:33
andresmujicai believe pedro is on vacation..03:33
micahgI thought they were on Thursday?03:34
andresmujicaohh yes..03:36
dholbachgood morning06:49
thekorngood morning07:38
markbI have a bug that should be changed to wish list at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/39861513:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 398615 in totem "H.264-decoder not available for totem when playing a mp4-file." [Undecided,New]13:13
pedro_markb, sounds like a gstreamer issue rather than totem13:14
pedro_and probably the plugin is available out there, had you tried to reproduce it?13:15
markbno i havent, ill have a look into it some more13:17
pedro_ok, thanks you :-)13:18
UnderSampledhello, I get WARNING at /build/builddd/linux-2.6.28/kernal/smo.c:333 smo_function_mask+0x1d4/0x1e0()13:44
UnderSampledWhenever I boot into 9.04, whether that mean into a live cd, the 'check disk for errors', or after upgrading 8.10 to 9.04 after a fresh install13:44
UnderSampledoh, and the capslock and scrolllock keys blink at a constant rate13:44
UnderSampledAny Ideas?13:45
hggdhUnderSampled: if caps/scroll lock are blinking, then your kernel went down14:15
UnderSampledhggdh: thats good to know. I think I understood that much based on the warning14:17
UnderSampledbut it's still helpfull.14:17
UnderSampledhggdh: I've been trying at #ubuntu-kernel but nobody has answed me14:18
PiciUnderSampled: I saw ;)14:20
UnderSampledPici: he he. I didn't know that you were here :)14:21
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hggdhUnderSampled: when the kernel panics, something is written on TTY114:47
hggdhif this happens during the boot, you can edit the boot commands and take out splash and quiet14:48
jjessedon't cry14:48
hggdhUnderSampled: sorry, not splash, but usplash14:49
UnderSampledhggdh: do I have to use the live cd for that? I don't have much control over it14:51
UnderSampledhggdh: Is there a way to copy all the text on the screen besides typing it up?14:58
kklimondaUnderSampled: you can make a photo14:59
hggdhUnderSampled: when the liveCD boots, you should be put under lilo/grub control for a brief moment (at least, this is what I would expect)15:00
hggdhUnderSampled: but kklimonda is correct -- you can take a picture of the terminal15:01
UnderSampledhggdh as in physical camera?15:10
kklimondaUnderSampled: yes15:14
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UnderSampledPici, hggdh: here is a picture of my kernel panic: http://yfrog.com/5fdumpij15:54
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hggdhUnderSampled: the stacktrace does not seem complete -- at the first line at the bottom, we see a call to 'die'. there is probably a second screen following this one16:00
hggdhUnderSampled: this is enough to open a bug on this, I think16:00
hggdhand get back to #ubuntu-kernel and poke them again16:01
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fccfWe have been at this for three days, West Virginia University (repo maintainer) is currently working on getting their Jaunty Rollout ready for their fall semester... Problem occurrs with installing subversion... showing no sutible installation candidate, yet I have used the sources.list that the maintainer is using and have no problem installing subversion... this is happening across multiple machines for no apparent reason... I am u17:39
hggdhfccf: I am not sure what the problem would be, since subversion is on Jaunty/main17:50
fccfhggdh: it exists, I have downloaded it from the university's server, yet apt is telling him that there is no installation candidate17:52
hggdhfccf: it is there indeed: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/subversion17:55
hggdhfccf: please run 'apt-cache policy subversion', and pastebin the output17:55
fccfhggdh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/218112/18:02
hggdhfccf: this is weird. Can you please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?18:04
sportman1280hgghd: sources are the same.  except. we changed them to the main repo.  repo, does not seem to matter18:06
sportman1280hgghd: same thing happens with both18:07
hggdhfccf: please have a look at http://mirror.lcsee.wvu.edu/ubuntu/pool/main/s/subversion/ I do not see the Janty svn there18:08
hggdhand compare with http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/subversion/18:11
sportman1280hggdh: they look the same to me18:12
hggdhsportman1280: where is subversion 1.5.4 on WVU repository?18:12
sportman1280hggdh: http://mirror.lcsee.wvu.edu/ubuntu/pool/main/s/subversion/subversion_1.5.4dfsg1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb18:13
hggdhdarn! Must have me eyes looked at18:14
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sportman1280hggdh: haha its cool.  im just super frustrated and fccf has been super kind to help out18:14
sportman1280hggdh: but now were both stuck hah18:14
hggdhwell. not completely18:16
hggdhlemme fire off a VM image I have of Jaunty18:16
fccfhggdh: I have one running and I used his sources.list18:16
hggdhand what happens? Same issue?18:17
fccfno issue on my end ... it works here ... doesn't for sportman128018:17
sportman1280which is the confusing part18:19
hggdhyeah. So we *know* something is wrong, we just do not know what, right now18:19
hggdhsportman1280: can you please run 'apt-cache policy subversion' and pastebin the output?18:20
sportman1280what put up was my policy statement18:20
fccf218112 came from sportman18:20
hggdhah, this was yours, sorry. This output is slightly hosed18:21
hggdhsportman1280: and you ran 'sudo apt-get update'?18:21
sportman1280hggdh: yep. slightly :-P18:21
sportman1280hggdh: yes sir :) 20,000 times18:21
sportman1280we update hourly via cron job18:22
fccfthis is my pastebin for policy ... http://pastebin.com/f3d90dee18:22
sportman1280hggdh: also this is not one machine. it is every machine we setup. :(18:23
sportman1280hggdh: they start with the mirror.lcsee.wvu.edu mirror, but even when i change it to main. nothing changes :(18:23
hggdhthis is really weird. I am starting to think your packages lists are hosed18:24
hggdhsportman1280: and you are running Jaunty right now, correct?18:25
sportman1280hggdh: yep. im in jaunty.18:25
sportman1280hggdh: subversion related packages are the only thing found not working so far18:25
sportman1280hggdh: we have access to the mirror, though we just rsynced with ubuntu servers last night18:25
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hggdhand no errors were reported on rsync?18:26
sportman1280not that i saw18:27
fccfhggdh: sportman1280: I just updated my VM and reinstalled subversion from the wvu.edu server ... which means there is no problem there18:30
hggdhsportman1280: fccf: I am sorry to say beats me. I think it is time to open a bug...18:35
sportman1280hggdh: damn lol18:37
fccfhggdh: I'm still not convinced that it is a bug .. we are using the same sourceslist and the same package list, yet he cannot install subversion18:37
hggdhfccf: I think something is hosed on the initial install18:39
hggdhsince you did not install Jaunty from WVU, you do not have ut18:39
sportman1280hggdh: when you say the initial install. you mean the base system?18:40
hggdhmvo, if available might help18:40
sportman1280is that a person?18:41
hggdhjust pinged him ;-)18:41
sportman1280thank you :)18:41
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charles_hey, anyone from bug control could set a importance of bug 399455 to "Wishlist"?21:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 399455 in transmission "allow to copy file names from torrent file list view" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39945521:50
pedro_charles_: done21:53
charles_thanks pedro_21:53
pedro_you're welcome21:54
bdmurraypedro_: hi!21:54
pedro_hello bdmurray!21:54
bdmurraypedro_: My locations list in my gnome panel is quite long now and I can't see all of them.  Do you know how I can work around this?21:59
pedro_bdmurray: mm nope, there's no workaround for that AFAIK22:06
pedro_hey BUGabundo22:06
pedro_other than just remove a couple to make it fit the screen size, would be pretty good to have a scroll there though22:07
BUGabundohey pedro_22:11
bdmurraypedro_: yeah, that would help22:11
micahgping bdmurray re private bugs23:45

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