
asac_i think we can justify to not let koffice stuff in the gnome template folder00:00
seb128but I can see that quickly turning into a mess00:00
seb128and to be honest I've a clean menu there I'm using00:00
asac_right. but we can focus on most common use-cases to unbreak the situation00:00
asac_and push back the other cases until there is a real solutino00:00
seb128and I would be able to be able to keep it this way without having to use dpkg-divert00:00
seb128ie I don't use openoffice and I don't want my menu cluttered with 6 office templates00:01
seb128I guess I would be happy if we have an easy way to opt out of things00:01
asac_i wouldnt allow all openoffice apps to install templats i guess ... just odt document, and maybe a spreadsheet and a presentation00:02
seb128so maybe not install templates with packages but have a default ubuntu-templates00:02
asac_yeah ... but opting out without editor is hard00:02
seb128I would remove ubuntu-templates and be fine with it00:02
asac_seb128: we could require packages to ship templates in a -templates package which is a recommends00:02
seb128I don't really like adding extra binaries though00:02
asac_or we must make the template mechanism sensible on whether the binary referred to exist00:03
seb128the apt index takes long enough to download and that clutter the package management tools00:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asaci think the apt index can be ignored. that will be like 10 packages in karmic at max and then maybe 10 more later00:03
asacanyway ;)00:03
asacneeds some thinking and brain-baking00:04
seb128I would be in favor of an ubuntu-templates for now00:04
seb128which would be part of the default install with a fixed set of templates00:04
seb128and easy to uninstall for users00:04
asacseb128: i like ubuntu-templates, but we need to hide templates that dont have a binary00:04
seb128it's not too intrusive and replies to the first need00:04
seb128well that should be easy enough to do from nautilus00:04
seb128or do we need to do that? nautilus will suggest to install the required software when trying to open one00:05
asacseb128: how does that work? do templates have a dedicated mime-type?00:05
asace.g. application/odt-template-openoffice ?00:06
seb128no, they are normal files00:06
seb128copy a file in ~/Templates00:06
seb128it will be added to the menu00:06
asacyes. but how does it detect which package to install?00:06
seb128and using the menu item will copy the file where you are00:06
seb128nautilus knows the mimetype00:07
asacright. thats what i mean00:07
seb128and gnome-app-install has a mapping of mimetypes and softwares00:07
asacthere are special mimetypes for templates of a certain app00:07
asacbut i think that wouldnt help00:07
asacbecause the automatic install feature doesnt reduce the amount of menu items00:07
asacbut the amount of packges being installed00:08
asacyou want the other way around00:08
asacpotentially more packages with templates installed than listed00:08
seb128well, I want an ubuntu-templates which I can uninstall if I want to manage my templates myself ;-)00:08
seb128'night everybody00:24
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: i suppose you did not see bug 399046 before starting to update cheese, no?00:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399046 in cheese "Please sponsor version 2.27.4 in karmic (dup-of: 399056)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39904600:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399056 in cheese "Update to 2.27.4" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39905600:31
robert_ancellAmpelbein, sorry didn't see that.  Have you done the work?00:32
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: but you can do it if you want since someone duped the report anyways.00:32
Ampelbeini'm at building it00:33
robert_ancellAmpelbein, there are changes that StevenK didn't commit so I'm adding those now too00:33
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: ok, then you do the update.00:33
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: add x11proto-core-dev to build-dep and pass --enable-mmkeys to configure to build with multimediakeys-support enabled.00:34
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: oh, and build-dep on docbook-utils, too. otherwise the documentation-build will fail with "unable to parse en_GB/cheese.xml"00:43
robert_ancellAmpelbein, thanks, I've pushed to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/cheese/ubuntu/, please check if it looks ok00:45
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: i think rarian-compat is not needed as a build-dep, we build with disable-scrollkeeper anyway.00:49
robert_ancellAmpelbein, right.  Why do we disable scrollkeeper?00:50
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: and in regard of bug 345772 i chose to not build the non-hildon packages with hildon on lpia.00:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345772 in cheese "lpia package built with hildon support while there is a separate hildon package" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34577200:50
robert_ancellAmpelbein, ok I'm reading that line a couple of times to get it.  So many double negatives :)00:53
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: scrollkeeper is of no use on the buildd's as far as i can tell. it's database get's purged after every build.00:54
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: sorry, i'm no native speaker ;-)00:54
robert_ancellI mean bug 345772 - you say that snippet should be there?00:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345772 in cheese "lpia package built with hildon support while there is a separate hildon package" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34577200:56
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: no, i meant that should be gone. so that ONLY the -hildon packages get hildon support.00:57
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: with that snippet the "normal" packages on lpia are built with hildon.00:57
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: and i think that's wrong (as stated by the bug reporter)00:57
robert_ancellAmpelbein, I see.  I'll make that change too00:58
blaine00Hello everyone!00:59
TheMusorobert_ancell: Hey there. How was your trip?00:59
robert_ancellTheMuso, hey yourself.  The trip was really good.  Got to meet up with a bunch of GNOME people01:00
DPicCan somebody help move Empathy dependencies to main and change the desktop seed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-farsight/+bug/38889801:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 388898 in telepathy-farsight "Move Empathy Dependencies to Main and Update Desktop Seed" [High,Fix released]01:10
robert_ancellTheMuso, Luke, are you going to do gnome-media today?  I have a patch in bug 299642 that I want to put in01:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299642 in gnome-media "Microphone Capture ALWAYS muted" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29964201:32
TheMusorobert_ancell: I've just uploaded it. When I see announcements go out of a morning I start working on them right away.01:36
robert_ancellTheMuso, ok01:36
TheMusoIf its in bzr when I get to uploading the package, i will go in then.01:36
robert_ancellI'm negotiating with upstream about it at the moment01:37
TheMusoaho ok01:37
TheMusoWell put it in bzr when ready, and feel free to prod me if you want it uploaded sooner than the next point release.01:38
TheMusoActually, more to the point, I start working on package updates as soon as I see the listed as uploads on the gnome-ftp list.01:40
pittiGood morning07:09
JonDoe297pitti: good morning :)07:10
TheMusoMorning pitti.07:15
pittirobert_ancell: is nautilus ready for sponsoring? I just uploaded a 2.27.2 followup with a dependency fix07:48
robert_ancellmorning pitti, yes, please sponsor07:49
pittirobert_ancell: good morning!07:49
pittiI wonder why it isn't on http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/index.html07:50
robert_ancellpitti, did you see the blueprint I opened for a new gdmsetup (https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-gdmconfig)07:50
pittirobert_ancell: I didn't, I just heared that yuo want to work on it (*applauds*)07:50
robert_ancellguess the page hasn't updated yet?  It shows up in http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/versions.html07:51
pittirobert_ancell: the bug would have been enough, but I don't mind having a blueprint; accepted for karmic07:51
robert_ancellrick wanted it blueprinted07:52
robert_ancellpitti, I'm doing the gvfs package - how did you do the 90_relibtoolize.patch? Mine is being difficult...07:56
pittirobert_ancell: with quilt?07:56
robert_ancelldid you run autoreconf or gnome-autogen.sh?07:56
pittirobert_ancell: btw, the patches might not apply any more; I recently updated the gphoto port upstream, but hasn't been applied yet07:57
pittiso if you wish, I can do the update07:57
pittithen I'd replace the patches with the current versions, etc.07:57
pittirobert_ancell: I always use autoreconf -fvi07:57
pittithat worked last time07:57
robert_ancellpitti, I'm half-way through it.  Seems ok apart from autoreconf.  3 of the patches went upstream07:57
pittiI'm bugging davidz to commit the other ones as well07:58
pittirobert_ancell: AFAIR, I pushed up to the previous patch, cp -r gvfs-... gvfs-....new, cd gvfs-....new, autoreconf -fvi, cd .., diff -Nur gvfs-... gvfs-....new > /tmp/p, cd to the original one, mv /tmp/p debian/patches/90_relibtoolize.patch07:59
pittigo quilt07:59
robert_ancellThe -fvi works well, it doesn't add all the extra files you get without it08:00
pittimvo: btw, do you have any Python programs that talk to policykit? I ported jockey yesterday, so that might help you08:50
pittiit's delightful, actually; rip out all the stuff from the client side, and just adapt the server side check a bit08:51
mvopitti: yeah, system-service-d is one - I have a look at your commit :)08:55
mvopitti: did you had a chance to check my apport branch yet?08:55
pittimvo: ah, I wanted to ask you about that08:56
pittimvo: the diff looks weird, it adds all the debian stuff08:57
pittibut I guess launchpad just got confused and diffed your branch against trunk instead of the ubuntu branch08:57
pittior you branched off the ubuntu branch instead of trunk08:57
mvopitti: most likely, I did the work against the ubuntu branch I think08:57
pittieither way, I'll sort it out08:57
pittisome stuff needs to go to trunk, some is ubuntu specific08:58
* mvo nods08:58
pittimvo: you locally tested the retracing stuff, I guess08:58
pittimvo: great work, btw!08:58
mvowell, to the extend I know about it :)08:58
pittiI wouldn't have known how to handle kernel crashdumps08:58
mvonot the magic database08:58
mvome neither (until I looked into it)08:58
mvobut its a pretty elegant thing and crash (the kernel debugger thing) is pretty amazing08:59
pittimvo: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejockey-hackers/jockey/trunk/revision/562 FYI08:59
pittimvo: did you update apport/report.py, crash_signature() for kernel crashes? so that auto-duplication works?09:00
mvopitti: thanks for the diff, that looks pretty tame, I have ubuntu-system-service and aptdaemon on the porting list09:00
mvopitti: no, but I can do that today (updating crash_signature)09:01
pittimvo: indeed, most of it is easy; only difficulty was to find out the incantation of CheckAuthorization()09:01
mvoit will currently just not to signature checks because there is no executablepath09:01
pittimvo: would be great if you could add a "typical" output to test_crash_signature() to the test suite09:02
mvoI guess that is ok-ish at this point because linux-crashdump is not instaled by default so we probably get few reports09:02
pittiah, I see09:02
pittiso it should not do that exepath check for ProblemType: Kernel09:02
mvopitti: yeah, I read over the new code yesterday briefly and found dict a bit odd :)09:02
mvopitti: yeah09:03
pittimvo: it's much nicer with libpolkit, but with raw D-BUS API it looks like that now09:03
pittimvo: mainly because you can identify processes by other stuff than pid nowadays09:03
mvopitti: I will add a test and the check_signature today, if the add_os_info() bit in the client could be merged then we can declare the lcient as ready, its the only piece that is missing there09:04
* mvo nods09:04
pittimvo: can do09:04
mvopitti: thanks, I knew the branch had some warts, but I wanted to pass it along so that you can check and see if it fits into the general direction :)09:05
didrocksmorning o/10:08
chrisccoulsongood morning didrocks10:09
didrockshey chrisccoulson10:10
seb128good morning everybody10:21
seb128hey pitti!10:23
seb128how is everybody going today?10:23
seb128pitti, dunno if you read that but I dropped you a note saying that you can do the gvfs update if you want yesterday10:23
pittiseb128: oh, I woudl have, but seems that robert_ancell beat me to it10:23
* pitti isn't really used to IRC notes, sorry10:24
seb128ok, if you want to look at it and sponsor then10:24
seb128since there is lot of your changes there10:24
pittiyes, I will10:24
pittiyeah, sorry for those10:24
seb128pitti, it's not an IRC "note", it's just me writting "pitti: something" on this channel ;-)10:24
seb128I'm not sure how much you read highlights in the morning10:24
pittiseb128: hm, didn't see that; I did read overnight scrollback, I guess I just missed it10:24
seb128pitti, you managed to build the new nautilus without the new gvfs?10:27
pittiyes, it just built10:28
pittiperhaps not correctly then?10:28
pittiit also built on LP10:28
pittiif it conditionally enables new features, then we shuold bump the build dep10:28
* pitti drops other work and sponsors gvfs now10:29
didrockshello seb12810:29
seb128pitti, it relies on gvfs changes to work correctly I think but that might not be at build time10:29
pittihm, "oops"10:30
seb128pitti, not sure how it will work on the old gvfs10:30
pittiI didn't test it extensively TBH10:30
seb128lut didrocks10:30
pittihey didrocks10:30
didrockshey pitti10:30
seb128pitti, no worry, it might work fine the changelog just suggests it use the new gvfs changes10:31
seb128where would be the fun without some karmic breakages ;-)10:31
pittiseb128: we should definitively build it again then, with a bumped b-dep10:31
pittithe new features sound interesting10:32
seb128pitti, well it might not test a build time but rather use that over dbus at run time10:32
pittitoo bad that the gphoto port didn't make it into 1.3.210:32
seb128distro patch it?10:32
pittiah, I see10:32
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, pitti. good morning :)10:32
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:32
pittiseb128: we already do10:32
pittibut requires this silly 90_relibtoolize.patch10:33
pittiseb128: btw, any idea why we have this 01_maintainer_mode.patch thing?10:33
seb128to avoid random autotools trying to be clever and running again at build time10:33
pittiE: gvfs source: quilt-series-references-non-existent-patch 02-cdda-backend-support-and-prefer-gudev.patch10:34
pittirobert_ancell: ^ *cough* :0)10:34
chrisccoulsonpitti - i had to do the same to tracker too. sometimes the autotools update only alters the timestamp of some files without adjusting their contents, and those files drop off the patch10:35
pittiok, thanks10:36
seb128pitti, it's just a way to say "don't try to be clever and run autotools at build time even if timestamp changed"10:38
seb128pitti, otherwise you can get racy timestamp changes between patches and the build running autoreconf when it should not10:39
* pitti wants a quilt-update-autoreconf-patch10:41
seb128lool has a such script and there is a quilt patch for that in the debian bts too10:42
seb128we should make cdbs-edit-patch work on quilt packages10:43
robert_ancellgrr quilt10:47
pittirobert_ancell: don't worry, fixed; I also updated the gphoto patches while I was at it10:47
robert_ancellpitti, weird, it built for me using bzr-buildpackage10:47
pittiperhaps quilt ignores missing patches10:47
seb128it does10:48
seb128those not listed in the series are just not applied10:48
pittithat's a bug..10:48
pittiseb128: no, I meant patches that do appear in series which are missing10:48
robert_ancellpitti, was there a problem with the gphoto patches?  They seemed to apply fine10:48
pittirobert_ancell: no, not a problem, but I rewrote them last weekend based on some feedback from David10:48
seb128hey robert_ancell btw ;-)10:48
robert_ancellseb128, hey seb10:49
seb128robert_ancell, did you manage to adjust back to your timezone?10:49
robert_ancellbtw can someone drop into #ubuntu-meeting in 10 mins to support me for ubuntu membership?10:50
seb128robert_ancell, I'm there now10:50
seb128robert_ancell, not running for motu yet?10:50
robert_ancellBack to Sydney time.  Was a little tired Sunday night but pretty much ok today10:51
* pitti joins and fetches his fanboy equipment10:51
pittiI need to run out in some 20 mins, though10:51
robert_ancellseb128, I was thinking about it but you guys are doing a fine job there :)  I think my return rate on my packages update is getting sufficiently low to go for that next10:52
seb128robert_ancell, being motu will not give you extra access for main packages anyway10:52
seb128ie we will still need to sponsor your changes10:52
seb128but that's one step on the main uploader way ;-)10:53
robert_ancellsure, then no rush10:53
didrockspitti: not sure you read yesterday my demand for reviewing the setup.py for quickly package10:54
pittiseb128, robert_ancell: can you wave this around in the meeting? http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/robert-ancell-fanboying.txt.asc10:56
pittisince I might have gone when it's your turn10:56
robert_ancellpitti, thanks10:56
* pitti hugs robert_ancell10:57
* robert_ancell hugs pitti10:57
pittididrocks: oh, that looks complex10:58
pittididrocks: you don't want to use DistUtilsExtra.auto?10:58
robert_ancellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/versions.html is a field of mushrooms :)10:58
seb128robert_ancell, thanks to you :-p10:58
pittididrocks: you could probably drop all the list_files() etc. functions, and move completion/bash/quickly to etc/bash_completion.d/quickly10:59
pittigvfs uploaded, BTW10:59
seb128thanks pitti robert_ancell ;-)11:00
pittididrocks: of course you are welcome to write your own build system, but in the interest of dogfooding and DistUtilsExtra.auto testing I'd be interested in how it works for you11:00
didrockspitti: do you have any doc on it? (documentation on distutils is well hidden)? :)11:01
pittididrocks: see python -c 'import DistUtilsExtra.auto; help(DistUtilsExtra.auto)'11:01
didrockspitti: thanks. I'm giving a look at it. Will it resolve my issue with po/ directory?11:01
pittididrocks: it's pretty sparse, admittedly; but it gives you the supported file types and their expected extensions/locations11:01
pittiwhat's the issue?11:02
pittididrocks: you don't need LINGUAS and POTFILES.in with that either11:02
pittididrocks: and MANIFEST.in11:02
pittieww, Makefile?11:02
pittiyou should drop that11:02
didrockspitti: I had to list po/ directory in setup.py an in MANIFEST.in to have it copied in ./setup.py sdist, but then, I have it in /usr/po when installing :/11:03
pittididrocks: you'd need to move templates/ to data/templates, I guess (then it will land in /usr/share/quickly/templates/)11:03
didrockspitti: yes, my work there is to change the Makefile into a working setup.py :)11:03
pittididrocks: yeah; just throw away all that stuff :)11:03
didrocksok, noted. I'm giving a try to that11:03
pittididrocks: you should reorganize the source tree to have a dir per package (quickly/, already done), and data/* (-> /usr/share/quickly/), and etc/* (-> /etc/)11:04
pittipo files, manifest, packages, etc. is all auto-handled11:04
pittididrocks: if you rename src/quickly to ./quickly or bin/quickly, it'll be auto-handled, too (see above help)11:04
didrockspitti: ok, let me try that and I will fire you with questions if it doesn't work :) Thanks pitti!11:05
pittididrocks: yes, please do11:05
pittididrocks: in general, if you need _anything_ except setup.py with author/project name, etc., I consider that a bug in distutils-extra11:05
pittididrocks: i. e. no scripts, data_files, packages, MANIFEST.in, POTFILES.in, etc.11:06
didrockspitti: ok. I will list that. is there any backport for Distutilsextra.auto for jaunty?11:06
didrocks(I will list if I need extra files)11:06
pittididrocks: https://edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/ppa11:06
didrocksperfect, I know what will take my afternoon then ;)11:07
pittiI'm off for some errands and lunch then11:07
didrockspitti: have a good lunch and thanks again11:07
pittiI need back a working washing machine soon, after all11:07
pittididrocks: have fun!11:08
didrockssure ^^11:08
seb128pitti, see you later11:08
loolpitti: I didn't check recently but quilt used to fail when a patch was missing11:14
looldidrocks: http://people.dooz.org/~lool/debian/differ is a script to record a patch; it uses git or bzr to import your current tree, when you're done exit the shell it created and it will output a patch (unless you exit the shell with an error)11:15
didrockslool: great, very handy, thanks. I will test it. But the patch thingy was for chrisccoulson I guess :)11:16
loolchrisccoulson: ^  :-)11:17
chrisccoulsoni think it was for robert_ancell actually11:17
chrisccoulsoni can't remember now11:17
loolrobert_ancell: ^  :-)11:17
didrockslool: pitti: FYI, I tested to add a unexisting patch to the series, quilt doesn't fail11:17
loolrobert_ancell: Don't forget to tell me that the patch thingie was actually for someone else11:17
chrisccoulsonthanks anyway look - looks very useful :)11:17
pittididrocks: that's bad11:17
pittimajor trap for not applying patches due to typos, etc.11:18
chrisccoulsonlook -> lool. d'oh!11:18
didrocksthis can be a easy thing to fix. Added to my todo list :)11:18
looldquilt push -a || echo error11:18
loolPatch foo does not exist11:18
loolApplication de foo11:18
loolIt does fail11:18
loolThat's with 0.46-711:18
looldidrocks: How did you test that?11:19
didrockslool: quilt push -a and I have 0.46-611:19
didrocksI see that the patch does not exist, but it applies the first one and exit with 011:19
loollet me try with a valid patch first11:20
looldidrocks: Indeed; if it has a valid patch first, it doesn't fail11:20
loolOh sorry it does11:20
loolPatch foo does not exist11:20
loolApplication de bar11:20
loolLe patch bar semble vide. Il a été appliqué.11:20
loolApplication de foo11:20
lool=> error11:20
didrocksstrange, I tested before a valid patch, and it fails and then, reverted back to my first test case and it exited with error now :/11:21
didrocksI don't understand what happened the first time11:21
pittireally off now, bbl11:26
seb128robert_ancell, ok, seems you will have to run for motu anyway11:30
robert_ancellseb128, ok, that makes sense.  Based on the Wiki I wasn't aware membership = "community membership".  There are so many levels :)11:31
seb128I think there is somewhat a fail in the current membership structure though11:31
seb128yeah me neither, I didn't go through all those things I was there before11:31
robert_ancellseb128, ok, I've followed the MOTU membership details on the Wiki and it links back to the original Membership page!!11:33
Laneyit's the same pretty much, except you get interviewed by the motu council instead of a membership board11:36
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mvoseb128: do we need further coordination for the gnome-control-center polkit1 migration? I ported ubuntu-system-service now and our patches inside g-c-c - can I upload this or is there other stuff pending?12:38
YokoZarseb128: regarding templates, forgive me if this has been brought up before, but has it been discussed whether users actually expect to interact with templates through the filesystem at all?  It seems very strange to me that ~/Templates isn't a hidden folder, as I suspect many users just see it as a weird empty default directory rather than a place to navigate to and place files12:51
seb128mvo, talk to chriscoulson when he's around he's working on the g-c-c 2.27 update12:54
seb128YokoZar, what do you mean exactly?12:55
seb128YokoZar, ie what else would you suggest?12:55
mvoseb128: ok12:55
seb128we could probably display a banner in the templates directory to indicate how to use it12:55
YokoZarseb128: that was my thought12:55
seb128that's orthogonal to the system templates issue though12:56
YokoZarseb128: But then I thought that if you add or remove templates, you currently do this by adding and deleting files from a folder that you interact with in nautilus.  But most other configuration of this sort we use control panels and such12:56
YokoZarSo i don't think that the whole "moving files around" matches user expectations for people that want to mess with templates; worse, since it's user visible, the ~/Templates folder can clutter the home directory12:57
YokoZarIt might be worthwhile to have a way of deactivating systemwide templates from an individual user perspective as well, but that would mean being able to "delete" templates from ~/Templates that aren't actual files there12:58
seb128all that seems orthogonal to the launchpad bug12:59
seb128I've no strong opinion either way, it's far from being perfect and patches are welcome12:59
seb128but it just re-enforce what I was saying, that needs design decisions before starting just adding random templates to fix the issue12:59
YokoZarYeah true12:59
YokoZarWell the launchpad bug is kinda broad ("difficult to use") -- it sure would be convenient if we could put templates into packages and install them by default, that way the odd user that installs 3 word processors and also uses templates all the time could deactivate them13:00
seb128would you split those packages by formats, ie template for word editors, templates for images, etc?13:01
seb128and what would you do when a template is installed but not matching software?13:01
YokoZarWell if the template were part of the matching software package that wouldn't be an issue (thinking of open office here...could be done with depends on the template package)13:02
seb128YokoZar, still, do you split templates by function then, template-work, template-oocal, template-abiword, template-java?13:03
YokoZarHonestly I think user testing will reveal that we likely only need a very small number of templates; users may make lots of use of right click->create empty office document, but when they want to make an image they'll instead open gimp and start working until they have something to save13:04
YokoZarBut I was thinking template-odt that then depends on openoffice | koffice and such13:05
YokoZarand install that in a central place (not the user home folder) so that when they upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 they'll get the template without having their home folder mangled13:06
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asacdbus-daemon loops and consumes ~20% of CPU here - constantly ... ouch13:06
YokoZarThen all we need is a convenient way for users to remove/deactivate templates: my suggestion is to right click the context menu and delete it13:07
seb128YokoZar, the issue is that once you have that in place people will want templates for abiword, and for oocal and for presentations, and for zip and for etc13:07
asaci guess the dbus problem is caused by indicator-applet which also eats lots of CPU all the time13:07
asacand gconfd is also looping13:07
YokoZarseb128: yup, and our design team can then test and figure out which of those we actually need and should have ubuntu-desktop depend on13:07
seb128YokoZar, the design team will not state on that, some users might uninstall openoffice and use abiword which shouldn't those get templates?13:08
* mvo takes gcalctool and brasero from the sponsoring queue13:08
seb128YokoZar, why java programmers should not be able to get a template?13:08
seb128mvo, thanks13:08
asaci dont think the design team input is valuable for deciding which templates to display13:09
seb128right, me neither13:09
YokoZarI see what you mean13:09
asacdesign team is for design issues and not the instance we ask for input on everything we haven't found a consent yet13:09
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YokoZarMy expectation is that templates for a program will come when I install that program, if they're going to come at all13:10
asacwe already had all those things discussed yesterday13:10
YokoZarfair enough13:10
asaclook at 23:1813:11
asacit continues the next day13:11
seb128I commented on the bug with a summary13:11
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
asacso about 00:08 we have more or less reached a consent13:12
seb128we should split the bug anyway13:12
seb128adding a cluebar in the templates directory is not controversial13:12
asacseb128: i have another idea though. we could let apps ship their template to a system place13:12
seb128then we need discussion on how we ship templates, if those are shared between desktop, etc13:12
asacseb128: and make nautilus-templates-support which then just creates a link to the right dir to enable the system templates13:12
asacseb128: you could remove nautilus-templates-support to get rid of templates13:12
asacto prevent general clutter in the system menu, we can use policy13:13
asacjust a slight variation compared to what you suggested with ubuntu-templates package13:13
asacmaybe a compromise?13:13
seb128asac, we could also have a gconf key to enable system templates13:14
asacyes. depends on which level we want to approach this13:14
asacpackaging or code13:14
seb128so the users who find those too cluttered could dnd the ones they want to their user dir and turn the key off to stop using the default list13:14
seb128easy to pick some in the system dir and turn off the dir use13:14
asacright. if that works for you we can do the gconf key. but then we could also do a gconf key that allows you to disable a few ;)13:15
seb128anyway I think there is enough variant to justify a spec or a mailing list or meeting topic13:15
YokoZaragreed seb12813:15
YokoZarIt sounds like once we have system/user templates together, and the user disabling system templates, the whole deleting/adding files to ~/Templates metaphor breaks down13:16
asacseb128: i would think we should prepare a mail with the proposed solutions ... its probably a topc where a meeting discussion out of the blue would lead to an unqualified decision13:16
asaclots of thoughts would get repeated et al13:16
asacor lets make a wiki page out of it ... which could become a spec13:16
seb128we should start with list discussions13:16
asacand then post the content to list13:17
seb128and maybe discuss in a meeting once discussion is over13:17
asacreach consent based on list discussion13:17
YokoZarWould it be appropriate to have a context-menu in the context menu (as in right click->create document->hover over office writer document->right click THAT->remove template)13:17
YokoZarI don't know if we do this anywhere else13:17
asacseb128: so how about setting up a wiki page where we list the suggested approaches with Pros/Cons13:17
asacseb128: and once everyone has added his ideas there we sent that to mailing list?13:17
seb128asac, sounds good to me13:17
asacYokoZar: i dont think that would be a good user experience13:18
seb128YokoZar, right click is not discoverable and should not be the only way to do something13:18
YokoZarof course13:18
asacYokoZar: the final solution would be a template editor that you can probably open from that menu13:18
asace.g. (edit ...)13:18
asacbut we are currently not looking to implement the full solution in karmic ... we want something pragmatic13:18
asacthat we can do now13:19
YokoZarBut if we have that we don't need ~/Templates user-visible anyway13:19
asacYokoZar: why? users might also want to add new templates13:19
YokoZarinstead we could have ~/.templates I mean13:19
asactemplate editr == similar to menu editor for gnome menu13:19
YokoZarAnd users would get to it by clicking that edit button13:19
asace.g. you can remove/add system/user installed ones13:19
seb128would you move music to .music too because rhythmbox handle it in a transparent way?13:19
asacYokoZar: it would open a nautilus folder?13:19
seb128and Desktop to .desktop?13:20
asacYokoZar: i would rather think that you see in the dialog the currently available templates and can disable/enable them13:20
seb128I don't think we win anything to move everything to hidden directories13:20
YokoZarseb128: I'm talking specifically about ~/Templates here, not the rest13:20
asaci think the user Templates is a good place to store new stuff ... but it shoudlnt be the primary way to configure this13:20
asacits just the place to dump new user-specific templates13:20
YokoZarBecause I don't think users go into the templates directory at all13:21
seb128those who know about it do13:21
asacYokoZar: well. most likely because its completely dubious what kind of files to add there13:21
asacwhich is why apps should ship their templates and then users can enable/disable them in the document folder ;)13:21
asacYokoZar: i am not sure if the menu editor should also allow to add new user defined ones. if it does, it definitly should suggest Templates13:22
asacmenu/template editor13:22
YokoZarUsing the menu editor as an example...we do keep the menu in a hidden folder13:22
asacyeah. but imo everything that isnt in Places menu is hidden anyway13:22
asacthats the primary view on file system for a user13:22
asaceverything else is advanced13:23
YokoZarwell different degrees of hidden13:23
YokoZarsince we do have places->home13:23
asacright. but for the normal user the unix "hidden" feature doesnt really matter - unless he has absolutely no reason to go there, which isnt the case for Templates imo (e.g. the user might want to add stuff there)13:23
YokoZarIt's not something you do often though.  And the first place you look will probably be right click->create document->edit...13:24
YokoZarso if that just opened the hidden folder it'd be fine13:24
asacmaybe. i dont really care. but i dont see a strong point to hide it13:24
asacits not something the user shouldn touch at all13:25
YokoZarI'm more interested in the users that don't care to edit it but instead have this visible folder in their home directory annoying them13:25
asacYokoZar: how many folders do we have in HOME in a default install?13:25
asacTemplates/ Desktop/ Video/ Music/ ?13:26
asacwhat else?13:26
YokoZarasac: examples13:26
YokoZarNevermind that "Templates" and "Examples" sound very similar13:26
artirasac: Documents, DOwnloads13:26
asacYokoZar: yeah. so when we hide the Templates stuff we also need to add a Preferences -> entry13:27
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artirand Public13:27
asacor is there no other way to say "new document" than right clicking in nautilus?13:27
YokoZarPretty sure right clicking in nautilus is the only way to see that, so if the configuration was there (and only there) it'd be fine13:27
asacYokoZar: its also in File menu in nautilus13:28
YokoZarWell the edit... could go there too13:28
asacanyway. i dont think that the editor is something we have the resources to do in karmic13:28
asacso we need an intermediate solution ;)13:28
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YokoZarMy intermediate solution is to ship a couple of open office templates and then talk about the editor at UDS13:29
seb128karmic solution: add a system dir, a gconf key to not use it and some templates in an ubuntu-templates13:30
asacYokoZar: our solution was to ship a couple of templates + allow users to easily disable system templates (either remove package or gconf) and also hid templates where  the binary is not installed13:30
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YokoZarI don't think we'll end up with clutter until after we have a few templates in a shipping release ;)13:30
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seb128we will get annoyed users and maintainers if we add briefly something and start breaking it from the moment they start adding things there13:31
asacwe can set a policy13:31
seb128we should better have a clear plan from the start13:31
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seb128asac, btw did the gtk update fix your daily xulrunner build?13:36
asacseb128: our dailies run at 170013:36
asac(our time zone)13:36
seb128ok, you didn't do a give back to the build?13:36
asacbut i would think13:36
seb128alright, let me know if you still get an issue today13:37
asacalso xulrunner trunk wasnt affected, so its seemed the single header problem is already solved there13:37
asacit was just 1.9.1 (ffox 3.5) breaking13:37
asacYokoZar: seb128 ^^ if you have more suggestsions or more variants, please add them accordingly13:42
seb128asac, will do13:43
YokoZarWill do, thanks asac13:43
asacseb128: i think your current suggestion should match Plan B ;)13:43
asacindicator-applet still goes mad13:44
asac10036 asac      20   0  280m  54m  10m S   23  2.7 201:23.50 indicator-apple13:45
seb128talk to tedg when he's around13:45
asacyeah. just wonder if want to keep this process running any longer13:45
seb128do you do any use of it?13:45
asaci mean for debugging purpose13:46
asacit shows me when there are gwibber notifications13:46
asaclike 100 ;)13:46
seb128attach gdb to it to make it stop and keep it this way until tedg is around? ;-)13:46
asacif i click on it, it just opens gwibber ... not even selects the right tab/messages13:46
asacguess i need -dbgsym then ;)13:46
asacbut good idea13:47
asacseems its because indicator messages add a timeout and then never cancel that timeout13:55
asacso i probably have a few hundred messages still waking up every 60 seconds13:56
asacfolks, remember that C is not python and you have to cleanup ;)13:56
asacstill even without indicator consuming cycles, dbus-daemon keeps on looping13:57
asaclet me listen to dbus messages to see whats going on13:57
asacouch seems like there is a fight over the SessionManager ownership going on13:58
chrisccoulsonwhat messages are you seeing asac?14:00
asachmm its not a fight over name ownership, but zillions of ClientAdded invocations14:00
chrisccoulsonyou havent just enabled compiz by any chance have you?14:00
pittiseb128: Robert is an Ubuntu member now?14:01
asacat least this log explains why dbus-daemon and gconfd are going mad here14:01
seb128pitti, no, they bounced him back to mc because he did mostly technical contributions14:01
asacchrisccoulson: i tried to enable it yeah14:01
seb128pitti, ie he's going to apply for motu now14:01
asacchrisccoulson: it didnt work though ;)14:01
asacknown bug?14:01
chrisccoulsonasac - that's a metacity bug14:01
chrisccoulsoni'll dig out the number14:01
chrisccoulson1 sec14:01
asacdo you have the id?14:01
pittiseb128: ah, ok; so member is for non-technical contributions now?14:02
seb128pitti, right14:02
didrockspitti: are you now the happy owner of a new washing machine?14:02
chrisccoulsonasac - bug 38968614:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389686 in metacity "compiz --replace fails to kill metacity, resulting in cpu overload" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38968614:02
seb128pitti, dholbach said that the mc is better placed to judge techical work and to apply for motu directly there14:02
pittididrocks: yes, we needed to buy a longer hose pipe; it's running now for the first time14:03
asacchrisccoulson: great. can i recover without restarting X?14:04
asaclet me kill the older process14:05
chrisccoulsonasac - if you do "killall metacity" just at the right time, you will get the rogue respawned process to exit properly14:05
asacchrisccoulson: it worked. i had to kill the --replace process14:05
didrockspitti: hum, I debugged the packaged distutilsextra version before seing that the fix is already in trunk :/14:06
didrocksthe good news is that my fix is exactly the code in trunk, so :)14:06
asacheh. so now i have 99% CPU by indicator-applet ;)14:07
asacgood ... but i think i understand that problem14:07
chrisccoulsonthat's ok, it's nothing too important now ;)14:08
pittiRiddell: hmm, is /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu still the KDE method du jour to run a program as root?14:08
pittiRiddell: "/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu id" does nothing (neither with running a terminal, or something); it prompts me for my password, then closes the dialog, and exits14:08
pittididrocks: heh; which?14:08
didrockspitti: src_all used in __gtkbuilder, which causes some troubles if data/ contains some ui files14:09
didrocks(you looked into src_all and remove the files from src list, where they don't exist)14:10
pittididrocks: ah, right14:10
didrockswell, another error. I guess I will package the trunk to avoid double efforts14:10
pittididrocks: latest trunk is already uploaded to karmic and sid14:11
pitti(from this morning)14:11
didrockspitti: yes, but my desktop is jaunty. Is it just a rebuild question?14:11
pittididrocks: please file bugs for stuff that doesn't work (I also want to add test cases for those bugs)14:11
pittididrocks: oh, right14:11
* pitti updates PPA14:11
didrocksthanks :)14:11
chrisccoulsonsomeone else is still running jaunty? ;)14:12
didrockschrisccoulson: it's better when you are giving regular presentation as I did last week :)14:13
pittididrocks: you should add a distutils version check like in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejockey-hackers/jockey/trunk/annotate/head%3A/setup.py14:13
pittiassert DistUtilsExtra.auto.__version__ >= '2.4', 'needs DistUtilsExtra.auto >= 2.4'14:13
didrockspitti: ok. I add it14:14
pittididrocks: 2.4 uploaded to my PPA, thanks14:14
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, i'm still running it too. i havent found time to upgrade it yet, and if it works as well as it does in a VM, then i should probably wait a bit ;)14:14
didrockspitti: ok, I just wait for it to build and we will see what happen :)14:14
didrockschrisccoulson: ahah ^^14:15
pittiRiddell: ah, apparently doesn't search $PATH or so; works now14:20
LaneyAaron posted his gcds slides: http://abock.org/2009/07/14/exciting-updates-on-the-road-to-banshee-2-014:22
pittididrocks: meh, backports failed; 2.4~jaunty << 2.4~ubuntu, bah14:34
didrockspitti: arf, that's why I didn't see it building in your ppa14:35
didrocksI can branch, ./setup.py sdist and then build14:35
pittididrocks: uploaded again14:36
pittididrocks: you can just build it locally, sure14:36
didrockspitti: ok, thanks. I will wait then :)14:36
pittibzr get lp:~python-distutils-extra-hackers/python-distutils-extra/debian14:36
pittiand then just debuild -us -uc -b14:36
didrocksoh, easier than what I was doing :)14:37
pittididrocks: that's why we package stuff :) (debian/ FTW)14:39
didrockspitti: hum, I have an error in the automatic testsuite, let me check14:41
pittididrocks: do you have the build deps installed?14:41
pitti(check with deblean)14:41
pittididrocks: the test suite uses two unrelated python modules14:41
didrocksxml.parsers.expat is one of them?14:41
pittiseems I suck and forgot to add that as a build dep then?14:43
didrockspitti: I used build deps to install them, but the one on jaunty. I have to check with the one you provided14:44
didrocksno error in debclean14:44
pittididrocks: ah no, python2.6 includes expat14:44
didrockspitti: that's what I see. But it's installed on my system in _xmlplus/parser/expat.py14:45
didrocksand not xml/parsers/expat.py14:45
didrocksno, sorry, I have xml/parsers/expat.py14:45
pittididrocks: what's the error that it shows?14:46
didrockspitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/217954/14:46
pittididrocks: package/test suite built fine on karmic, anyway: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29003079/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.python-distutils-extra_2.4_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz14:46
didrockspitti: ok. I suck somewhere, so…14:47
pittididrocks: interesting; it considers xml.parser.expat an external module14:47
pittididrocks: hang on, don't touch anything14:47
didrocksreq = [prop.split(' ', 1)[1] for prop in egg if prop.startswith('Requires: ')]. Ok, so, you check in the egg file apparently14:48
pittipython -c "print __import__('xml.parsers.expat').__file__"14:49
pittididrocks: ^ what does that show for you?14:49
pitti/usr/lib/python2.6/xml/__init__.pyc for me14:49
didrocksthat's bad :/14:50
didrocksI have a module that interfere…14:50
pittiso apparently you have a python module installed which overrides the internal one or so?14:50
pittihm; for the test suite it's probably ok to fail in that case14:51
didrocksyes, seems raisonnable14:51
pittior I use a differnet module which doesn't have reimplementations14:51
pittididrocks: anyway, built fine in jaunty ppa14:51
pittididrocks: just go ahead and dist-upgrade, it's published14:51
didrockspitti: thanks, should be easier for testing with a good version14:52
didrocks(it build successfully, when this module dismissed)14:52
didrocksok, I still have the same error when trying to ./setup.py sdist for quickly but now, I know that's in trunk and can try to fix it :)14:55
* didrocks fires up pdb14:56
kenvandinedidrocks, try out epdb :)14:58
didrockskenvandine: never try, what does it bring?14:58
kenvandinethe enhanced python debugger14:58
kenvandinecommand completion, etc14:58
* kenvandine is going to try to get it into universe :)14:59
didrocksgreat, let's have a look. Thanks :)14:59
kenvandineit doesn't make me want to dig my eyes out like pdb does :)14:59
didrockspitti: the error is in distutils itself (http://paste.ubuntu.com/217970/). I'm not sure that I know enough about distutils to be able to debug it myself. Do you want me to open a bug (I have can push the branch somewhere)? Strange also that the modules in quickly/ prints an error.15:09
pittididrocks: right, python modules can't have dashes15:09
pittididrocks: seems distutils-auto picks up too much15:09
pittididrocks: can you please create a bug with the reproducer?15:09
djsiegel_pitti: is it true that we have 20mb of GIMP documentation on the live CD? I've heard concerns about shipping the karmic desktop backgrounds, and if we could jettison GIMP documentation for pretty desktop photos, I think that's a pretty easy choice to make.15:10
pittidjsiegel_: yes, we have 20 MB of gimp documentation15:11
pittidjsiegel_: but no, we can't add 20 MB of photos15:11
pittidjsiegel_: OLS needs to add half a dozen MB for new karmic stuff, empathy needs a lot as well, and we need to put back some langpacks15:12
djsiegel_great, that's not what I am suggestion15:12
djsiegel_we will likely want to include 4 or 5 photos15:12
pittidjsiegel_: but we can certainly negotiate for another MB :)15:12
djsiegel_how do you recommend we do it?15:12
djsiegel_sorry for my lack of knowledge about this, but is there a general solution for including more stuff that can't fit on the liveCD?15:13
djsiegel_like a package that is downloaded during install?15:13
pittiunfortunately not15:13
djsiegel_very interesting15:13
pittiwe have some special magic for translations, but not for features (that's deliberate)15:14
pittidjsiegel_: I recommend to talk to kwwii to have it added to the ubuntu-wallpapers package15:14
djsiegel_it's deliberate because we believe limiting the install by the constraint of CD size "keeps us honest"?15:14
pittipretty much, yes15:15
pittihaving a lean and mean install which fits on one CD is quite an important design goal15:15
pittiand keeps us from piling up more and more cruft15:15
djsiegel_for sure15:15
pittidjsiegel_: so, the karmic artwork will definitively change, and improving is is great15:16
pittidjsiegel_: I'm just afraid we can't affort 20 MB :)15:16
djsiegel_but, if we can't get 10 or 20 HD wallpapers in the install, something has to change15:16
djsiegel_I'm not sure how we'll do it15:16
* hyperair grumbles about bzr and stupid rich-root compatibility issues with do-core's repository.15:16
djsiegel_but to say "we will never go over 700mb" is dogmatic15:16
pittidjsiegel_: why would we need 20 HD wallpapers in a default install?15:17
djsiegel_we could all cut off one hand, and we would write much leaner, cleaner, faster, more bug-free code15:17
pittithat sounds like bloat (the kind we want to avoid)15:17
pittidjsiegel_: easy enough to have them in the archive, of course, for people who want them15:17
djsiegel_pitti: I am just saying, if it came to something like that15:17
pittiheh, let's hope it won't :)15:18
djsiegel_I am interested in delivering a great out-of-the-box experience15:18
djsiegel_even if we have to fake it with a download15:18
djsiegel_part of the great experience is beautiful wallpapers that are easy to access15:18
djsiegel_they can be in the archive15:18
djsiegel_but they have to be discoverable15:18
djsiegel_Windows 7 and Mac OS X ship about 50 large wallpapers each15:18
pittithere could be a button "Find more..." which takes you to the app center with a pre-made search for wallpaper packages or somethign such?15:19
djsiegel_if we don't have them, it looks pretty bad (I am not saying we have to do everything they do, of course)15:19
djsiegel_pitti: yeah, something like that15:19
pittiright, but they need an entire DVD to just ship the bare OS15:19
pittieven though we do offer DVDs, they aren't very popular15:19
pittibecause they are just too big15:19
djsiegel_well, hopefully that will change15:20
djsiegel_who know where we'll be in 5 years15:20
djsiegel_a DVD could take two minutes to download15:20
pittisure, eventually the world's bandwidth will grow15:20
mvopitti: the crash_signature is added now, I have not seen enough real world crashes to know if its good as it is, but I think we can easily refine it when we get more experience15:21
pittimvo: thanks; the main point is that crash_signature() derives a meaningful signature from a kernel crash report (i. e. doesn't stumble over ExecutablePath, or alwasys return empty string, or so)15:21
djsiegel_but I am questioning the CD size constraint... The discipline it imposes certainly is good, but that's not the only way to be disciplined, and at seems like a lot of time and energy (money) is spent assembling the 700mb jigsaw puzzle each cycle15:21
djsiegel_It would be really nice to have a bit more flexibility15:22
pittimvo: GIGO applies, obviously :) (but that's not something the test suite focuses on)15:22
djsiegel_yes, it could lead to a slippery slope15:22
djsiegel_or it could not15:22
pittidjsiegel_: we already discussed that a lot, really15:22
pittibut so far we have always managed15:22
djsiegel_I would just love to be able to ship 10 great wallpapers and a hi-def icon theme without too much trouble15:23
pittibut indeed, we do have to spend lots of work on removing cruft15:23
pittibut that's not solely for the benefit of CD size, it also helps us to maintain a healthy system15:23
pittieverythign that's on the CD also needs to be supported, maintained, debugged, etc.15:23
mvopitti: sure :)15:23
* mvo ticks another item off his gtg list15:24
djsiegel_no, I think the CD limit is great15:24
pittimvo: \o/15:24
djsiegel_but there are downsides, and the design team is wondering how we design around them15:24
djsiegel_see the designers quitting Google15:24
mvopitti: I have not added a test for the vmcore retrace, I have no good idea yet how that could be done, my .crash file is some hunderts of megs :/15:25
djsiegel_Google optimizes everything, even design15:25
djsiegel_the designers found it too constraining, and some had to quit15:25
pittimvo: apport-retrace currently doesn't have full test cases, for reasons like that15:25
pittimvo: if you tested it with a real crash file and apport-retrace, and it worked, that's fine for now15:25
pittimvo: however, the test suite shouldn't have a pre-made .crash file anyway15:25
djsiegel_the notorious examples of Google changing hues and cutting 500bytes to save a datacenter, but corrupting a design15:26
mvopitti: yes, works on my test machine15:26
pittimvo: it should generate a kernel core dump itself15:26
mvopitti: right, generating it on the fly needs a reboot15:26
pittimvo: similarly, the apport tests start a program (cat or so), let it segfault, run apport on it, etc.15:26
mvopitti: because it loads the crash kernel when the real one panics15:26
pittimvo: right, with the kernel that's kinda tricky :)15:26
mvopitti: yeah, I like this approach for the normal segfauls :)15:26
pittidjsiegel_: well, but "good" design is certainly not "20 wallapers" or "30 login themes", but "one really good one which makes a great default"?15:27
pittiwe don't ship 20 webbrowsers or 10 music players either, we select the best and install it by default15:28
pittiand whoever wants somethign else is free to install it15:28
djsiegel_pitti: that's not the point, and we aren't going to decide what is good design and what is bad here and now15:28
djsiegel_I am just talking about design team leeway15:28
djsiegel_20 web browsers is strawman for 20 wallpapers15:28
pittidjsiegel_: right, I'm just a bit confused why CD space is related to being able to do design work?15:28
mvoit would be fun to generate a test using kvm - it would have to build (and cache) a image via ububuntu-vm-builder and then use the montior io interface to send a sysreq-c - plus a way to get the crash file off the image again and the hunderts of megs big linux-image-debug .. probably a bit too much overkill15:28
pittimvo: uh, that'd take a while15:29
mvoyeah :/15:29
djsiegel_pitti: because design work creates what you call "cruft" and the design team calls "art" -- do you see how that could be a problem for us?15:29
pittidjsiegel_: not really, I'm afraid15:29
djsiegel_pitti: ok15:30
pittiso far, the design team reviewed applications, workflows, how to work with the desktop, etc.15:30
didrockspitti: bug #399324 when you will have some time15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399324 in python-distutils-extra "Can't package everything in data/" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39932415:30
pittidjsiegel_: of course producing artwork is an important piece in that puzzle15:30
pittidjsiegel_: but shipping dozens of wallpapers isn't going to improve the user experience more than shipping one really good one and e. g. making the desktop appear in the user's language, and shipping the apps that people need15:31
pittii. e. we need to give all the components an appropriate amount of space15:31
pittiand having little of that forces us to avoid duplication15:32
pittidjsiegel_: and honestly, 3 wallpapers are fine; but I do consider 20 wallpapers "cruft"15:32
djsiegel_pitti: but who decides that?15:32
djsiegel_pitti: the desktop team are the gatekeepers15:33
pittidjsiegel_: nobody alone, really15:33
djsiegel_It's fine that 20 wallpapers are cruft to you, but what if user testing shows that users love pretty wallpapers in the default install?15:33
pittiit's working together and planning releases, and knowing the fundamental constraints15:34
djsiegel_I just want to find out how we can accommodate that with the CD size constraint.15:34
djsiegel_Please don't tell me that users are wrong, or I'm not a good designer and I should pick 3 wallpapers :)15:34
djsiegel_I am just giving a hypothetical example15:34
djsiegel_well, quasi-hypothetical15:34
pittidjsiegel_: if we can prove that users are fine with having 20 wallpapers and no webbrowser or instant messager, or wahtever, fine for me :)15:34
dpmdjsiegel_: users also like to have the CD in their language.15:35
djsiegel_we need to think outside the 700mb constraint now15:35
pittidjsiegel_: as I said, nothign wrong with an "install more..." button15:35
pittiwe have plenty of space on archive.u.c. for downloading15:35
ccheneymaking it easy to download 'official' wallpapers in the change desktop background app might help resolve the space vs number of wallpapers available?15:36
pittibut the entire idea of Ubuntu is to provide one good solution for every problem by default, instead of 20 and have the user figure it out15:36
djsiegel_please don't get hung up on the wallpapers example15:36
djsiegel_I am more interested in downloading in the abstract case15:36
artirdjsiegel_: the next step is a 1gb image that fits in a pendrive, but the desktop team said not yet...15:36
pittiartir: that's primarily an issue with mirror space, but that's a separate problem15:37
kwwiias long as the wallpapers are downloaded after installation automatically there shouldn't be that much a problem, or?15:37
pittidjsiegel_: well, it doesn't even need to be that explicit15:37
pittiyou could ship thumbnails, and download it on the fly if needed, etc.15:37
kwwiiincluding extra wallpapers has been one of the top requests for a couple of years15:37
pittibut really, half the users will just use a picture of their own anyway, etc.15:38
djsiegel_pitti: are you sure? you have that data?15:39
djsiegel_it would be useful for us15:39
* ccheney thinks having really nice standard set of backgrounds would be useful15:39
kwwiiI think that has been the case in the past because we didn't include any extra wallpapers :p15:39
djsiegel_kwwii: I like the idea of an RSS-backed wallpaper thingie15:39
djsiegel_and displaying thumbnails like pitti suggests15:39
kwwiidjsiegel_: indeed, it also allows us to include as many as we want and to update them as they come in15:39
djsiegel_we could have wallpaper channels15:39
djsiegel_pulled live from flickr or something15:40
kwwiikinda like "hot new stuff" or whatever it is called15:40
ccheneykwwii: i'm sure lots of people used the picture of the month backgrounds, heh15:41
kwwiigotta run...bye15:41
ccheneyreintroducing something like that with non-offensive material might resolve this issue?15:41
pittianyway, if there's large demand for it then we can certainly find a solution15:42
pittibut "we want to add this" always needs to be accompanied by "we throw out that instead"15:43
seb128we are always challenging the CD limits and having translations is probably higher on the usefulness list15:43
seb128auto download things from internet is nice theorically but has lot of issue in practice15:44
pittiwe temporarily removed all of them until we resolve the overflow15:44
ccheneyauto download can't be fully auto due to costs and speed of internet in various places15:44
* kklimonda misses the idea from first ubuntu releases i.e. wallpaper of the month or whatever it was called ;)15:44
pittikklimonda: that was a neat idea indeed15:45
ccheneysomething like that might work out well since each wallpaper package could be relatively small15:45
pittiit was just a metapackage, and the actual wallpapers came through -updates15:45
pitti(the first was already there, of course)15:45
ccheneyalso doing it via packages might work better than pulling directly from the net for cases where computers either don't have net access or are heavily firewalled, etc15:47
pitticcheney: oh, that's out of question, sure15:47
pittiwell, a "find more..." button doesn't necessarily need packags, but everything (semi-) auto-installed, like "monthly wallpaper" needs to be packaged15:48
* ccheney hopes the caffeine kicks in soon, he has a full day of meetings15:49
pittidjsiegel_: wallpaper channel sounds like a great idea; with "channel" being different topics, like "flowers", "scifi", "kwwii", etc.?15:49
djsiegel_or your facebook friends15:53
pittithat indeed sounds like an opportunity - use the flickr stream of a friend of your's as background :)15:55
* pitti is clearly too web 2.0 ignorant to consider all that, it seems15:56
=== jorge_ is now known as jcastro
pittijcastro: hey, how's it going?16:00
jcastrohi pitti!16:01
seb128hey jcastro16:01
djsiegel_pitti ccheney: I made a script to download and set a new wallpaper from the ubuntu artwork flickr pool every hour: http://hpaste.org/fastcgi/hpaste.fcgi/view?id=6952#a695216:09
djsiegel_not ready for general consumption yet, but fyi16:10
mvojames_w: pardon my question, but where are all the imported branches hosted? I want to work on python-central from the latest upload16:24
james_wmvo: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-central if they exist already16:25
mvoaha, thanks - so not all is there yet?16:26
mvoand I was wondering if I'm just blind :)16:26
* mvo uses the good old bzr init ; bzr add16:26
mptmvo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppCenter#available17:09
=== macvr is now known as mac_v
waltersKeybuk: around?17:17
Keybukwalters: yup17:19
waltersKeybuk: i'm a bit unsure about defaulting to -1 for reply timeout...17:19
waltersKeybuk: or hmm wait nevermind that's just the limit, right?17:20
Keybukwalters: that's just the maximum limit, right17:20
Keybukthe default is still 15s17:20
waltersgot it, ok17:20
waltersso i can nuke this fedora patch then17:21
Keybukwhat was the fedora patch?17:21
waltersupped it to 6 hours17:21
Keybukdbus/dbus-connection-internal.h:#define _DBUS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE (25 * 1000)17:21
Keybukstill 25s17:21
KeybukI removed the 6 hour clamp as well, that was just bad math on Havoc's part ;)17:22
Keybukso the default timeout when -1 is given remains as 25s17:22
Keybukbut you can now pass a value from 0 (timeout immediately) to INT_MAX (never timeout)17:22
Keybukwithout it getting clamped to 6 hours, or anything else17:22
waltersKeybuk: yep, makes sense, i'd just confused myself for a min17:24
rickspencer3team meeting in 2 minutes17:28
* kenvandine is here17:29
* bryce here too17:29
rickspencer3mpt saw the word "meeting" and ran17:29
rickspencer3everybody ready?17:30
* ArneGoetje is here17:30
* awe is here17:31
rickspencer3I believe seb128 is on holiday17:31
pittihey all17:31
seb128(I'm around but might not stay for the whole meeting though)17:31
pittiyeah, seb128 celebrates the Bastille revolution, I think17:31
seb128pitti, indeed ;-)17:31
rickspencer3he celebrates it by coming to work on his holiday?17:31
* rickspencer3 taps gavel17:31
rickspencer3 starting with actions from two weeks ago17:32
rickspencer3kenvandine: what is the eta for FUSA?17:32
pittirickspencer3: (FYI, I copied the relevant actions to last week's report)17:32
kenvandinerickspencer3, ted couldn't give an eta yet, he said all the features are implemented and not ready to ship17:32
kenvandinetold me to try it on from source, but i couldn't find it on LP17:33
kenvandinehe is on vacation this week, i will mail him17:33
rickspencer3ok, we can carry that over17:33
rickspencer3I think the "install and try gdm" is no longer relevant17:33
pittieveryone should have it now, indeed17:34
rickspencer3thanks for getting than in seb128, and thanks for helping with bugs pitti17:34
rickspencer3bryce: are we still expecting to have X pretty much "in" for alpha three, so we stop using edgers?17:35
rickspencer3This refers to: ACTION: All: run edgers until alpha 3, and then disable (if currently running or otherwise interested)17:35
tkamppeterYes, my gdm looks ugly now and I get some message after logging in, but this is already reported.17:35
rickspencer3tkamppeter: thanks17:36
rickspencer3k, moving along ...17:36
rickspencer3# ACTION: ALL: install mozilla security update, report problems to asac17:37
brycerickspencer3, that's correct17:37
asacrickspencer3: that was ment to be "please enable security PPA permanently - e.g. not an instant action"17:37
brycerickspencer3, although scuttlebutt is that xserver 1.7 is behind schedule upstream so YMMV17:37
asaceven though we have new 3.0 bits in there yet17:37
pittibryce: how's ati KMS coming along? ISTR it was disabled by default in one of the recent kernel uploads?17:37
pittiasac: does that apply to karmic as well?17:38
asacwe prepublish karmic bits there too17:38
asacso testing that helps catching regressions17:38
brycepitti, I  didn't hear about that, but the first 2.6.31 kernel was a bit rocky for us17:38
pittiasac: it's not feasible/practical to upload them to karmic straight instead?17:39
brycecurrently what we're using xorg-edgers for is testing out the -ati kms stuff17:39
pittiah, so that should have it? nice17:39
pittiI'll test it on my wife's computer soon17:39
asacpitti: in general we are not allowed to ship releases before mozilla releases them17:39
asacto avoid confusion i dont do that anymore17:40
pittiasac: I see; so they are fine with PPAs then?17:40
asacthats ok. just should stay out of anything that is official17:40
rickspencer3okay, so please, everyone get the mozilla security ppa set up by next week17:41
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to review how paper cut effort is working for the team next week17:41
rickspencer3this seems to be going fairly well17:41
rickspencer3though it seems that many of the paper cuts are indeed more like stab wounds, as expected17:42
pitti^ for a reason17:42
rickspencer3please contact me outside the meeting if there are concerns, or we can discuss after the meeting17:42
pittimany of those are open for months/years _because_ they aren't trivial to solve :)17:42
pittibut great to hear the progress there (also djsiegel_'s last report, that sounded pretty good)17:42
rickspencer3right, though some of them seem like they get endless debate17:42
rickspencer3that is not really needed17:42
pittisure, GUI issues are very prone to bikeshedding after all :/17:43
asaci think that papercuts should be vetted to be real papercuts by the platform team and not the design team. design team should suggest them not decide which get approved (but thats a discussion for later)17:43
* rickspencer3 doesn't want to open a can of works now17:43
bryceI noticed a lot need design decisions made (like for wording, or to select between several suggested solutions), that I didn't feel qualified to make a decision on17:43
* pitti hands rickspencer3 a worm17:43
* asac is happy he got his line out ;)17:43
rickspencer3okay, I feel that we are making good progress ... and that if we ever repeat the effort, we will have some good process improvements17:44
rickspencer3so that's the "previous actions" section17:44
rickspencer3next is status reports17:44
rickspencer3kenvandine: care to add anything to your very familiar looking status section?17:45
kenvandinewell the partner update should cover it :)17:45
rickspencer3sorry ... I just meant, do you have any comments aside from what is on the wiki?17:46
kenvandineoh, no :)17:46
rickspencer3I like the way you have the seven buckets for the OLS team, it would be good if we could do something like that for the DXE team17:46
pittikenvandine: oh, I didn't see MIR bugs for ubuntuone-*?17:46
asackenvandine: "firefox bookmarks syncing " -> is that something that is run in firefox?17:46
* kenvandine is a little concerned with getting these new packages reviewed, etc17:46
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to help create buckets for DXE team17:46
kenvandinepitti, they are there :)17:47
kenvandineasac, an extension17:47
kenvandinewell, syncing happens in u1/couchdb17:47
asackenvandine: you guys should really talk to me more ... you plan to do really many things with firefox i dont know about et17:47
kenvandinebut there is an extension that integrates with it17:47
pittikenvandine: good to know, I didn't get mail about it, weird17:47
kenvandineasac, sorry... there is a blueprint :)17:47
kenvandineasac, steveA demoed it last week17:47
pittikenvandine: ooh - these are against projects, not ubuntu packges, that's why17:47
asackenvandine: well, if you dont communicat we will not be able to ship it17:48
kenvandineasac, i am trying to keep you guys in the loop here17:48
rickspencer3ACTION: kenvandine to facilitate discussion between SteveA and asac regarding firefox extension17:48
asackenvandine: ok thanks17:48
kenvandineasac, it has been on that status table for a few weeks now17:48
rickspencer3asac: I thought SteveA did mention this to you ... I fear that I must have dropped the ball17:48
kenvandinei should have singled you out though, sorry17:48
asacrickspencer3: there was some remote talk at some point. but nothing concrete17:48
rickspencer3I think it must have been my fault for not bringing it up after one of our desktop integration calls17:49
* rickspencer3 administers self-dope slap17:49
pittikenvandine: fixed MIR bugs, will get to them ASAP17:50
rickspencer3kenvandine: pitti: I'm a little concerned that pitti did not see mail about the MIR17:50
kenvandinepitti, rock!17:50
pittirickspencer3: as I said, they were reported against upstream projects (where MIR doesn't make sense), my filter doesn't jump on those17:50
pittiMIR is for ubuntu packages17:50
pittifixed now17:50
pitti(the bugs)17:50
kenvandinepitti, we can't assign them to ubuntu source packages until they are in ubuntu :)17:51
asackenvandine: you cannot file MIRs for packages that are not in the archive imo17:51
pittikenvandine: right, that's a feature17:51
rickspencer3kenvandine: you said you were concerned about getting everything reviewed, is there anything we should be doing to help?17:51
asacthey should be first in universe17:51
kenvandineasac, yeah... we did the MIRs in parallel17:51
kenvandinewhile they were in REVU17:51
kenvandinerickspencer3, not yet... i need to get them in REVU first.. i will ping people individual for help as needed17:52
kenvandinei just worry if it takes as long as u1 did17:52
* rickspencer3 nods17:52
kenvandinepitti, MIRs for couchdb and it's deps should come this week17:52
kenvandinejust fyi17:52
pittiwe worked out a new process in the MIR team17:53
pittito get them processed in a better/faster way17:53
asaccouchdb still has the problem with libmozjs.so17:53
kenvandineanything i should change in my process?17:53
kenvandineasac, yeah...17:53
pittikenvandine: not really, please just make sure that they are against ubuntu packages17:53
asackenvandine: please dont file MIRs before thy are packaged17:53
pittikenvandine: the change was internal (I'm the gatekeeper now and distribute MIR reviewers by assignment)17:53
kenvandinei just won't create the bug reports17:53
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine17:54
rickspencer3I believe that Riddell is recovering from desktop summit, so not expecting a Kubuntu update17:54
rickspencer3just a quick update on quickly17:54
rickspencer3I think it is close to "feature complete" ... I will schedule a meeting to discuss release plans for it17:54
rickspencer3let me know if you want to attend that meeting17:54
rickspencer3we'll discuss feature prioritization, getting it into the archives, etc...17:55
rickspencer3I was in meetings all day, so I haven't had a chance to look at activity reports, but I presume they are all on the wiki or in my mail box17:55
didrocks(for quickly: I still have little feature to implement on release command and distutilsextra.auto to make it works)17:56
* asac coughs17:56
rickspencer3thanks didrocks17:56
rickspencer3btw, on a total side note .. python-distutils-extra is very cool17:57
rickspencer3thanks pitti17:57
kenvandinerickspencer3, ++17:57
pittithanks :)17:57
kenvandinepitti, it does rock17:57
kenvandinepitti, i showed it off at desktop summit :)17:57
rickspencer3okay, so we have some Karmic targeted bugs, please be mindful of them if they are assigned to you17:58
rickspencer3next is discussion section17:58
* rickspencer3 hands mic to pitti for empathy in alpha 3 discussion17:58
kenvandinepitti, papyon is in debian NEW still17:58
kenvandineand ted is still reviewing the indicator patch17:58
pittiright, so we are currently a bit blocked by a pymsn fork17:58
pittiI wondered whether we should wait until it's all resolved, to deliver the "full" experience17:59
pittior temporarily drop the butterfly recommends, and get it into the dailes right now17:59
pittiand add butterfly (MSN) when it's ready17:59
* kenvandine votes for shipping without17:59
seb128drop the recommends it works fine with haze17:59
* rickspencer3 votes for shipping early and often17:59
pittifor CD size calculation, and general testing it would be nice to get it in ASAP17:59
pittiseb128: even better then18:00
pittiseb128: -haze is libpurple?18:00
seb128you will get msn by libpurple18:00
pittiok, seems pretty much unanimous?18:00
seb128which works fine18:00
kenvandinepitti, do you agree the empathy human theme belongs in ubuntu-artwork?18:00
* rickspencer3 thinks kenvandine is obsessed with empathy human theme18:00
kenvandinei think that was kwwii's preference18:00
* kenvandine wants to deliver the experience :)18:00
seb128is empathy built with webkit now?18:01
seb128and without geolocation?18:01
kenvandinei don't think it is in karmic18:01
pittiapparently not?18:01
seb128should it?18:01
* kenvandine thinks so, webkit that is18:01
kenvandinenot geoloc18:01
pittioh, it is built with webkit indeed18:02
pittiI keep forgetting that it's in main :)18:02
rickspencer3uh ... does building with webkit impact the accessibility?18:02
* rickspencer3 assumes the answer is a simple "no"18:02
kenvandineso the adium support is much better in trunk... so 2.27.4 will be better18:02
seb128dunno but GNOME is actively discussing the topic18:03
seb128they revisit webkit by default for 2.2818:03
kenvandinerickspencer3, well, that is only chat itself18:03
pittiok, so I'll re-add empathy to the seeds, and check how tomorrow's CD will break :)18:03
kenvandinenot sure if a11y matter in that context18:03
seb128seems many issue have been fixed and they are trying to aim at having it for 2.2818:03
kenvandinei guess it does for screen readers, etc18:03
kenvandinegood question18:03
rickspencer3could someone please confirm that building with webkit does not impact accessibility?18:04
* kenvandine doesn't know much about a11y18:04
seb128best way to know is to upload and wait for bugs18:04
rickspencer3or to be clearer, that it is accessible if built with web kit18:04
seb128that would be a question for themuso rather18:04
pittimight be a question for TheMuso in the eastern edition?18:05
rickspencer3ok, I can buy that18:05
rickspencer3I'll mention it to TheMuso as well18:05
pittiit is built with webkit already18:05
rickspencer3however, I think we should all be mindful of accessibility in all our deciscions18:05
pittiI wonder why, though, it doesn't look very HTMLish?18:05
rickspencer3it's a requirement, not a "nice to have"18:05
kenvandineit is far better with 2.27.4... i can't wait for it to be released :)18:05
pittiIOW, what does empathy use webkit for in the first place? just text markup?18:05
kenvandinepitti, it supports adium themes18:05
seb128rickspencer3, as said GNOME discuss webkit for 2.28 now18:05
rickspencer3I'm sure it's fine, I just hear "webkit" and think "inaccesible"18:05
kenvandinepopular on other platforms18:06
kenvandinerenders the chats nicer18:06
seb128I would tend to follow them they will not switch if it's not ready for accessibility too18:06
rickspencer3seb128: ack18:06
rickspencer3let's move on ...18:06
rickspencer3asac: bluetooth?18:06
asacso we are close to the point where we want to decide which bluetooth frontend to use for karmic18:06
asacand later18:06
asacgnome-bluetooth and blueman18:07
asaci got a bunch of user feedback and did upstream discussion18:07
pittido we have a kind of feature comparison sheet?18:07
asacand will prepare the facts for next weeks18:07
asacfor this week i would like to ask anyone to use both: gnome-bleutooth and blueman18:07
asac(if possible)18:07
asacso you have an opinion on your own18:07
pittiIIRC g-b was "lean and easy", and blueman "very functional, and advanced"? is that a valid coarse categorization?18:07
asacalso please file bugs and push them to me so we can probe how responsive upstream is in general18:08
seb128gnome-bluetooth will be discussed this week for GNOME 2.2818:08
* pitti can try file sync, but not much else, it's the only kind of device I have18:08
asacpitti: try them and decide if thats the categorization you would assign to them ;)18:08
pittiasac: roget18:08
pittiroger, too18:08
asacfor me there is nothing easier in g-bt18:08
seb128has blueman a fixed schedule for new versions, good translations, etc?18:09
* seb128 needs to get a bluetooth device to play with those18:09
asacthey are not a GNOME project. but i guess they will cooperate18:09
asacbut we can talk about the details next week18:09
rickspencer3ACTION: everyone try both bluetooth front ends, report experience to asac next team meeting18:10
rickspencer3thanks asac18:10
rickspencer3that's everything on the agenda18:10
rickspencer3any other business?18:10
rickspencer3ok ... I think Karmic is really shaping up nicely18:11
rickspencer3I'd like to throw some kudos to bryce for doing a great job with X and managing x bugs so far this release18:11
rickspencer3also, the kubuntu team is creating a kubuntu netbook version, this should be very cool18:12
rickspencer3meeting adjourned?18:12
seb128thanks everybody18:12
* kenvandine is testing bluetooth... wishing the G1 supported file transfer18:13
pittithanks everyone18:13
awesee ya18:13
* seb128 goes back to celebrating the national holiday18:13
* rickspencer3 taps gavel18:13
rickspencer3bye bye seb12818:13
pittikenvandine: I'm using my old Nokia for that18:13
asacthanks seb12818:13
pittikenvandine: OTOH, with "on air", and wifi, and direct SD cardr access, who needs BTW :)18:13
pittiBT, I mean18:13
kenvandinepitti, hehe... yeah... but for testing18:13
pittiaah, bazaar.lp.net is back18:13
* pitti switches seeds18:13
kenvandinei really want to test bluetooth headset18:13
chrisccoulsonobex is one thing i miss on the G1 too18:14
kenvandinei have a friend that tried jaunty and the only problem he hit was setting up his bluetooth headphones18:14
kenvandineso went back to mac for now18:14
pittikenvandine: uploading empathy now, and ubuntu-meta18:17
pittikenvandine: hm, you saw the libgupnp-igd task in bug 388898? not sure whether we want/need that18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388898 in telepathy-farsight "Move Empathy Dependencies to Main and Update Desktop Seed" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38889818:20
kenvandinepitti, yeah... not sure about that18:21
* pitti -> dinner18:21
kenvandinei agree it might be nice18:21
kenvandinebut not sure we should jump through hoops for it18:21
brycewhoa, ajaxy popups for setting status and importance in launchpad.  sweet!18:22
* asac goes outside for a bit18:23
brycehrm, unfortunately now the bug title ajaxy editing seems busted18:24
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i worked on the gnome-session update last night. upstream have added a change to the gnome-wm script to launch gtk-window-decorator before compiz now18:31
chrisccoulsonis that actually necessary?18:31
chrisccoulsonthe only reason i ask is because if i run gnome-wm without compoisting now, it crashes X when trying to start gtk-window-decorator18:32
asacawe: you think you might find to bump the connman trees today? i would really love to get them up ;)18:41
aweasac: yes, i'll do them when i get back from my voice lesson18:41
asacits just a changelog bump i would think18:41
asacok thanks18:42
awealthough actually maybe i can get 'em done before...18:42
asac(... and a quick test)18:42
asaceven better :-P18:42
aweby the way, did i propose the correct branch for my scan now merge?18:42
asacawe: good question. at least i didnt get a mail ;)18:51
asaclet me check18:51
asacawe: yeah. seems its right. though i would have hoped for trunk patch ;)18:52
asacawe: [C. Scott Ananian <cscott@litl.com>]18:53
awehe's the author of the patch?  was i wrong to credit him like that in the changelog?18:53
asacyou usually dont use that in the changelog if you take patches ... its used to mark who added the change to the branch18:53
asaclike: you18:53
asacinstead you use something like:18:53
asac * patch by XXXX to fix YYYY18:53
asacawe: and we usually have no empty line after it18:54
asacawe: its ok. i can fix it while merging18:54
asacawe: does the package build with that patch?18:55
aweso for the trunk patch, i need to branch trunk, and push a new topic branch based on that, correct?18:56
aweasac: yes, it builds18:56
asacok thanks18:56
* awe deserve a slap if it doesn't18:56
asacawe: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~network-manager/network-manager/ubuntu.head18:57
asacthats the trunk branch18:57
aweone last question... for connman, i'm doing the same thing... pushing a topic branch that's been updated & tested and proposing a merge with your branches, correct?18:57
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asacawe: ack18:58
asacawe: i would think that for both branches picking the latest git sounds good. if the last commits appear to be intrusive, go for the tags18:58
seb128chrisccoulson, no idea but maybe mvo has an opinion18:59
chrisccoulsonthanks seb12819:05
mvochrisccoulson: hey, I'm back19:29
mvochrisccoulson: gtk-window-decorator should not be needed, its started automatically by compiz19:29
mvochrisccoulson: I have a pending update for gnome-control-center that ports it to use the new polkit-1 ubuntu-system-service - are you working on a update there or can/should I just upload?19:30
mvochrisccoulson: its all in bzr already19:30
djsiegel_seb128: Hey Seb, which project does this affect? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/39590519:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 395905 in hundredpapercuts ""System->About Ubuntu" should more directly display version information" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:43
asacbryce: whats the state on the (supposely newer) mesa pkg in edgers? is that something we should still test?19:44
asac(sorry if that was answered in meeting)19:45
pittiasac: AFAIUI, we should test edgers until alpha319:50
pittiseb128: taking gnome-session sponsoring, ok with you?19:58
pitti(the xubuntu guys crave for that)19:58
seb128pitti, sure, I decided to not do uploads today since I'm not supposed to work ;-)20:19
pittiseb128: right, sorry; forgot20:19
pittiI do the g-c-c one now, then versions.html is again mushroom free20:19
seb128pitti, ok, g-c-c is to sponsor now? I didn't know that chrisccoulson managed to get it done20:20
pittibug 39381520:20
seb128pitti, see mvo's comment one hour ago though, might need merging before upload20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393815 in gnome-control-center "Update to 2.27.3" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39381520:20
pittihm, that's two weeks old already20:20
pittioh, there's no branch/patch on that one20:21
seb128pitti, right, opening bugs = claiming work20:21
pittiah, stupid me20:21
seb128pitti, the sponsor team is not subscribed yet20:21
pittiso, versions.html de-mushroomified then20:21
seb128pitti, you rock!20:21
seb128djsiegel_, the ubuntu documentation, they provide the content of about ubuntu20:22
djsiegel_great, thanks, seb12820:22
seb128mvo, I would say upload your g-c-c changes, the new version is blocked on a new libgnomekbd using the new libxklavier20:23
bryceasac, it is a git snapshot heading towards the 7.6.0 release, which we do intend to pull in once it's available20:26
pittimvo: can it be that you forgot to drop the libpolkit-gnome-dev b-dep? (otherwise that patching makes little sense)20:28
bryceasac, in theory it should be reasonably stable, I don't know of major problems with it.20:28
asacbryce: i am still hoping for compiz on my special R580 card ... could the radeon mesa crack ppa be something for me?20:28
bryceof course, mesa git can be hit and miss, so be aware of that when updating20:28
pittioh jeez, g-c-c is using libhal-dev as well?20:28
asachopefully not at runtime ;)20:29
bryceasac, indeed it could be; a lot of what's being staged and focused on in xorg-edgers is new -ati functionality20:29
bryceprimarily we're focusing on the kms bits, but I would expect glx fixes to be included as well20:29
asacbryce: is that what brings opengl 2.1 hardware accell for my ati card :-P20:29
* asac hopes to be able to play real games again ;) with ati20:30
seb128pitti, libhal is used only to build the non pulse capplet apparently which we said we would stop doing this cycle20:30
pittiseb128: any idea what g-c-c's 96_build_sound_capplet.patch is? upstream g-c-c dosen't use hal any more20:30
mvopitti: drop b-d in g-c-c ? thats quite possible :/20:30
bryceasac, did you file a bug report on the problem you're having?  I can do a quick follow up on it right now20:30
seb128pitti, feel free to drop the non pulse change now20:31
pittiseb128: it's not installed/used any more?20:31
seb128pitti, what? well we decided to not make pulse mandatory in jaunty20:31
asacbryce: which package should i file it against?20:31
asacdirectly in bugs.freedesktop?20:31
bryceasac, xserver-xorg-video-ati20:31
pittiseb128: right, I remember; I mean, the current one is the pulse one?20:31
seb128pitti, we also said at uds that karmic was the good cycle to follow upstream and make pulse a requirement20:31
seb128pitti, yes, current GNOME is pulse only20:32
bryceasac, I can take care of forwarding it upstream for you20:32
pittiseb128: I'd love to drop that patch (both for being intrusive and backporting upstream-removed stuff, and for dropping hal), I'm just not entirely sure what would break with it20:32
seb128pitti, the patch is to build the old codebase which uses gstreamer20:32
pittiseb128: yay20:32
bryceasac, do 'ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-ati' and give me the bug ID and I'll forward it along from there20:32
pittihooray for droppping 300 kB patches20:32
seb128pitti, it will force you to use pulse to have a working GNOME mixer20:32
asacbryce: what does that attach?20:32
seb128pitti, which is what upstream do since 2.2620:32
bryceasac, bunch of stuff... Xorg.0.log, xorg.conf, lspci -vvnn, dmesg, xdpyinfo, etc.20:33
chrisccoulsonhey mvo, sorry, i went for dinner. i'll remove gtk-window-decorator from the gnome-wm script then20:33
mvochrisccoulson: thanks, np20:33
* seb128 looks at the g-c-c list of patch way too many there20:33
pittimvo: so, seems I need to touch that package anyway; want me to drop that build dep for you, drop that other sttuff and then test/build/upload?20:33
mvopitti: please do20:34
seb128mvo, next tarball will use gtkbuilder rather than glade I will make you update your glade changes ;-)20:34
mvopitti: if you touch it anyway20:34
asacbryce: too bad. now i am on ppa it doesnt allow it to be submitted20:34
asac(not a genuine ubuntu package)20:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 / pitti - i'm still working on g-c-c. as you already pointed out, it's blocked on libgnomekbd though20:34
* mvo goes on a *long* vacaton20:34
seb128mvo, nice try!20:34
chrisccoulsong-c-c is quite a bit of work with all them patches20:34
brycewell, file a bug manually and attach those things; I'll ask for anything beyond that which may prove useful20:34
asacbryce: doesnt that invalidate the whole purpose of that ppa ;)20:34
pittichrisccoulson: right, was just confused20:34
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm a bit confused now ;)20:34
pittimvo: sure, doing20:34
asacpitti: can i force ubnutu-bug?20:34
bryceasac, erm sorta yeah20:34
pittiasac: to do what?20:35
asacit says "not a genuiine ubuntu package"20:35
mvopitti: thanks! I20:35
asacseems it says that because its from a ppa20:35
chrisccoulsonso, there is a new upload porting it to polkit-1 now is there?20:35
asaclet me check if i mistyped the name ;)20:35
pittiasac: hm, not that easily right now; edit /usr/share/pyshared/apport/ui.py and drop the check from thread_collect_info() (line 52 to 62)20:36
pittiseb128, mvo: oh, while I'm at it, I'll transition it to new libxklavier-dev20:36
seb128pitti, \o/20:37
seb128pitti, don't bother backporting changes though since we will update soon20:38
pittiseb128: I hope it will just work (-dev name change)20:38
seb128chrisccoulson, svu seems to not be around I would backport the libgnomekbd changes required20:38
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no problem20:38
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the patch will also force a SO version change too20:40
seb128chrisccoulson, do a git snapshot then20:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, that might be best20:41
pittiseb128: and you, go watch a movie or have some ice cream or so :)20:42
pitti/kick seb128 holiday!!!20:42
seb128pitti, right, you should that too, it's over work hours in any case ;-)20:42
seb128we usually have fireworks today20:43
pittiheh, ok; right after bending g-c-c to my will20:43
seb128but it's rainy again today, neither is not too nice this year20:43
chrisccoulsonheh, i come home from work and all you guys disappear ;)20:44
* pitti watches chrisccoulson sing "♩ Stand by me! ♫"20:45
brycechrisccoulson, I'll keep ya company, I still got 5 hrs left in my day ;-)20:45
chrisccoulsonthanks bryce:)20:45
ccheneybryce: who is the current amd video guy?20:45
ccheneybryce: er for ubuntu20:45
bryceccheney, -fglrx or -ati?20:45
asacbryce: after some fighting i came up with bug 399451 ;)20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399451 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "ati R580 - Aug 2009 & compiz still does not work for me" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39945120:45
bryceasac, thanks20:46
asaci tried to be funny in title ... didnt know what you wanted  there ;)20:46
bryceccheney, depends on the issue... packaging problem, or driver bug?20:46
ccheneybryce: i guess both20:46
ccheneybryce: it came up in a discussion i am in20:46
bryceccheney, for fglrx packaging issues, superm1 would be the guru to talk to20:46
ccheneyit was mentioned superm1 used to be but may not be anymore20:46
brycefor definite bugs, I have other contacts20:47
bryceasac, thanks this looks good20:48
ccheneybryce: oh btw are than any xorg plans to support multiple video devices switching like in the new intel cpus or eg thinkpads?20:48
bryceccheney, yeah some of that is starting to filter in20:48
ccheneybryce: ok20:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - just looking at the gnome-wm script. it seems overly complicated ;)20:48
* ccheney imagines nvidia will be a problem for that situation20:48
chrisccoulsoni notice it sets the gconf key /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current with the WM that it loads20:49
bryceso far it's mostly been fixing issues so at least those configs don't break horribly.  Actual real support is still wip-ish I think20:49
seb128chrisccoulson, it's there to work with any wm basically20:49
chrisccoulsonbut the value of that key doesn't seem to be used anywhere20:49
bryceasac, could you try one more thing real quick?  Try mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig and restart X, and post the Xorg.0.log from that20:50
bryceasac, reason being is I notice you have AIGLX turned off, which affects mesa20:50
bryceasac, these days you can largely run -ati with no xorg.conf and stuff should just work.  xorg.conf is needed really only for working around problems now20:51
pittiseb128: meh, indeed, xklavier 4.0 doesn't work; reverting to 1220:54
chrisccoulsonwhat's not working?20:56
pittibuilding our current g-c-c with libxklavier 4.0; needs newer upstream release20:56
chrisccoulsonah, ok20:56
pittibut that'll fix itself over time, no need to waste time on backporting (patch alone doesn't work)20:56
seb128we are blocking on chrisccoulson to get the update done20:56
chrisccoulsonyeah, it might be worth just merging the changes in to the update i'm doing20:57
chrisccoulsonthen i'll update libgnomekbd20:57
chrisccoulsonand do it all in one go ;)20:57
chrisccoulsonbtw, i just pushed another gnome-session change to not run gtk-window-decorator from gnome-wm. it causes X to crash here ;)20:57
seb128X crashing is an xorg bug20:58
seb128whatever the decorator is doing X should not crash20:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, thats true. but i commented on the changelog - running gtk-window-decorator direclty bypasses the sanity checks that compiz normally does before deciding if it can run or not20:58
chrisccoulsoneg, checking for blacklisted hardware20:58
chrisccoulsonmvo - your g-c-c work only ports the existing ubuntu changes to polkit-1 right?21:08
mvochrisccoulson: yes21:08
mvochrisccoulson: the remaining bits are "just" gconf-defaults, right?21:08
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, i think so. fedora has a patch for the remaining bits, but it's based against 2.26.021:09
chrisccoulsoni'll try and get that in to this release as well, otherwise it will be a bit of a mess;)21:09
pittichrisccoulson: so, g-c-c is de-PKified now21:20
pittioh, oops21:20
chrisccoulsonnot quite ;)21:20
pittichrisccoulson: right, I'll let you do the remaining bits then21:20
asacbryce: ok checking21:20
chrisccoulsonthanks. i'll hopefully get that finished tonight as long as i can get it to build with relative ease;)21:21
pittiwell, *shrug*, it's karmic21:21
chrisccoulsonall the patches apply now, so thats a start;)21:21
asacbryce: not sure if it changed anything. i saw that i still have .failsafe files lying around21:23
asaccould those be a problem too?21:23
brycenot likely21:24
brycethey can be safely deleted though21:24
asacok just to be sure, let me remove them21:24
asacbryce: ok restarted even without failsafe. now i should attach xorg 0 log?21:25
bryceasac, yep21:25
bryceasac, also re-try starting compiz with this non-xorg.conf config, and post the output from that as I *think* it will be different21:25
asacit is different. yeah21:26
asacgetting that now21:26
pittigood night everyone!21:27
asacbryce: added info21:28
asacpitti: 'night21:28
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
bryceasac, excellent thanks21:29
asacChecking for Xgl: not present.21:29
asac/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Could not acquire compositing manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"21:29
asac/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.021:29
asacthat sounds bad ;)21:29
chrisccoulsoni never realised gnome-appearance-properties had the ability to set the default system theme21:30
brycebut now sounds like a solid bug we can send upstream :-)21:30
asacwhat is that weird output at the end ;)?21:30
chrisccoulsoni've never seen the button for that in ubuntu21:30
asacbryce: but i see a regression now for my games. previously i could start them, they were just sooooo slow that you couldnt even move the mouse21:32
asacnow they fail21:32
bryceasac, well my wild guess at this point is that -ati is not implementing some compositing primitive yet on R580, and it's buggering up compiz.  I know some of the 5xx 3d support is still WIPish.21:32
asacbryce: do you know what those "Slow" things mean in glxinfo ?21:32
bryceasac, yeah that's because in the former case you were using software rendering, whereas now with this config it's trying to use hardware accelerated 3d, but something's busted21:32
asacbryce: the slow was there too21:33
bryceasac, no, I should find out though21:33
asac   visual  x  bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav21:33
asac id dep cl sp sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat21:33
asac0x62  0 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None21:33
asac0x63  0 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  0 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Slow21:33
asaccaveat Slow .... I agree ;)21:33
* chrisccoulson must remember to bzr add new files before running bzr bd-do21:34
asacchrisccoulson: yeah. and you cannot bzr rm files without committing ;)21:35
asacthat busts everything  - at least for me21:35
chrisccoulsoni thought you had to bzr rm files before committing?21:35
bryceasac, fwiw, my system also shows similar info - None/Slow/None/Slow21:36
bryceasac, I'll find out what that means21:36
asacsomeone said to me it really means that you dont get good performance ;)21:37
asacbut that might just be false perception ;)21:37
asaclet meknow21:37
brycehere we are - <agd5f> bryce: that it's likely not accelerated21:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - some of this fedora patch must apply to a patch that was already fedora specific i think21:40
chrisccoulsoni didn't think our gnome-appearance-properties capplet has support for setting system theme :-/21:41
chrisccoulsonit would be nice to have that though - it would mean people could set their GDM theme21:41
asacanyone else sees that stuff all the time when logging in?21:41
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah21:41
asacit starte with new gdm for me21:41
chrisccoulsonmy next task is to remove that dialog from metacity;)21:41
asaci thought it was too obvious to not go away automatically ;)21:41
asacah good. so its worked on.21:42
asaci was just not patient enough ;)21:42
chrisccoulsonthe underlying issue is that the greeter doesn't tell the WM it's client ID, which means metacity cant save it's position21:42
chrisccoulsonits not important enough to bug users about though, and will appear for any application that doesn't support session saving21:42
chrisccoulsonso, i'm going to remove the dialog and convert it to a g_warning or somethingh21:43
chrisccoulsonbut GDM should still be fixed too;)21:43
asacchrisccoulson: is the gdm bug filed upstream?21:46
asacif its going to be fixed i dont mind keeping it ;)21:46
chrisccoulsonthe GDM bug is on LP somewhere, but i'm not sure if it is upstream21:46
asaci just dont want to see that still in beta or something ;)21:46
chrisccoulsonthe fact that GDM doesn't play nice is a non-issue really, as there's not really any state for the WM to save in the greeter21:47
chrisccoulsonbut the dialog should dissappear regardless21:47
chrisccoulsonyou will get the dialog for anything that doesn;t connect to the session manager, eg xterm21:47
chrisccoulsonit's really annoying ;)21:47
bryceasac, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2276921:49
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22769 in Driver/Radeon "[R580] Compiz fails to start - "Could not acquire compositing manager selection"" [Normal,New]21:49
asacbryce: will you ping me if they need something or want me to test something?21:51
asaci have problems with my bugzilla bugmail21:51
bryceasac, sure I'll try to remember21:51
asacmeaning: i probably wont see what is coming ;)21:51
asaceven if subscribed ;)21:51
bryceusually I just have people sub to the upstream bug21:51
asacwell. thats because i havent found time to fix my filters21:51
waltersasac: if the radeon drivers you're using aren't DRI2 there can only be one accelerated client at a time21:52
asacand i get too many bugs from bugzilla21:52
waltersasac: so if you're running compiz, any GL using app will be indirect21:52
asacnot that the situation is new ;)21:52
brycewalters, I don't think that's the problem here21:52
asacwalters: hmm. how can i find out which app occupies the slot?21:52
asaci dont have anything accellerated running here atm i think21:53
bryceasac, as long as you're running only one xserver instance the 2nd accelerated client issue doesn't apply21:53
asacbryce: ok. even if i run a 3d app somewhere?21:54
* asac notices that this doesnt make much sense ;)21:54
bryceas long as it runs from your primary X session it should work21:54
asaci only have one monitor and one x session afaik21:54
bryceif you did a guest login or set up a second X session on one of the other vts or was doing something with virtualization, then it'd matter21:55
bryceyeah that's what I thought.  that configuration should work properly21:55
superm1ccheney, if you've got packaging bugs for fglrx point me at them, if they are driver bugs, bryce has other contacts22:11
ccheneysuperm1: ok22:12
asacbryce: hero man ;)22:17
bryceasac, :-)22:20
bryceasac, so is compiz working ok now?  3d games?22:20
asac3d games i doubt ... let me check22:20
asacat least edgers broke them more than before22:21
asaccompiz is great ;)22:21
asacthats what i get now22:22
asacpreviously it started and it was just way slow22:22
asacERROR: couldn't create font (glGenLists)22:22
asaclet me check if openarena works at least still22:22
bryceasac, ok well at least one problem solved so far :-)22:22
asac(that one worked good before)22:22
brycewhat is that pastebin output from?  Compiz or a game?22:23
asacbryce: thats what i get for enemy territory - wolfenstein (pretty old on win it has pentium with 600Mhz minimum requirement) ... think its quake 3 engine22:24
bryceasac, ok22:30
asaclet me check a few more ;)22:30
bryceasac, those kinds of errors often indicate API/ABI incompatibilities with the X server22:30
brycemaybe the game just needs a rebuild against the newer xserver/kernel?22:31
asacbryce: well. i am quite sure this didnt happen before edgers upgrade ;)22:31
asacwhich i did today (psst)22:32
asacunreal2004 actually runs22:32
asacits just flickering all the time22:32
asaclike there is no vsync22:32
ftagrr, another crash of evolution today, the 1st was when i was idle (so no action from me), the last when asking the spell checker to fix a word :(22:32
asacbryce: any idea if i can do something in X settings about vsync?22:35
bryceasac, hmm22:35
bryceis it just in the one game?22:36
bryceare you running it full screen or windowed?22:36
asacbryce: first full screen, then windowed (so i could chat here)22:37
asaci changed the option in UT2004.ini to UseVSync=True ... but that didnt have any impact22:37
asacso i guess its a driver thing22:37
asactoo bad. the mouse and all was quite usable ;)22:37
asacbut all the quake and enemy territory stuff doesnt start anymore ... though it did before. not sure how to best downgrade now to non edgers to verify22:38
asacoh forums say the flickering might be because compiz is enabled22:39
* asac checks22:39
bryceyeah I'd probably still shut off compiz when playing games.  It *should* work, but that's a combination that kind of pushes the tech quite a bit ;-)22:40
bryceasac, for downgrading, I typically comment out the xorg-edgers stuff in apt, then force installation of the specific karmic version of the driver and xserver, and typically everything else gets downgraded properly22:42
brycehmm, we probably need a documented method for doing this22:42
asacbryce: heh. so i managed to start a game, but then mouse stopped working. but its promissing22:47
asaconly problem is that now - even after relogging in - compiz is broken again ;)22:47
asacbut i guess a reboot will do:)22:47
asaclet me check the driver/xserver downgrade trick22:48
asacwell. lets do that tomorrow ,)22:48
asacthanks a lot22:48
asactoday is a good day ;)22:48
asacbryce: i noticed that the #radeon channel is pretty full of people.23:07
asacbryce: is that a pure community effort or are ati folks working on that driver too?23:08
bryceasac, mixture.  adg5f is amd, as is one other guy.  Most of the active people on the channel are redhatters23:11
asacheh ok. but still amd is in there thats good23:20

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