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isamarhi folks00:36
isamarneeding a hand with custom install cd and ubuntu installer..00:36
isamarit's freezing when loading bash package.00:36
isamarno sure but looks like libncurses is not being loaded for some reason...00:36
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DPicCan somebody help move Empathy dependencies to main and change the desktop seed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-farsight/+bug/38889801:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 388898 in telepathy-farsight "Move Empathy Dependencies to Main and Update Desktop Seed" [High,Fix released]01:10
Caesardtchen: ping?01:13
CaesarWhy did you mark bug 192590 as "Fix Released"?01:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 192590 in graphviz "dotty hangs" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19259001:13
CaesarI see no evidence of this being the case for Hardy01:13
AmpelbeinCaesar: it is "Fix Released" because it is fixed in the development version, karmic koala. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for info on how to request an update for previous versions of ubuntu.01:17
CaesarAmpelbein: did you look at the bug in question?01:18
ScottKCaesar: What bug it is doesn't change the fact that Hardy isn't relevant for marking a bug fix released.01:19
CaesarScottK: I suspect we're in violent agreement here01:19
CaesarBasically it looks like someone was preparing an SRU, possibly went dark, and then in the meantime someone marked the bug as Fixed01:20
CaesarMeanwhile, down on the Hardy ranch, the bug is still very much alive and well01:20
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AmpelbeinCaesar: the debdiff was submitted when hardy was still in development, there were some problems with it and the patch submitter didn't bother to do the changes requested. So now it's still broken in hardy, there you are right. If you want it fixed, I'm afraid you'll have to request a SRU.01:25
CaesarRight then01:26
* Caesar digs out his SRU-making pants01:26
AmpelbeinCaesar: you can check with one of the team members on irc first to see If they are likely to approve it: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+members01:27
billybigrigdoes anyone know why the nvidia module won't build in dkms? i compiled the daily kernel from linus's tree...and installed the headers, source, and image, but dkms won't build the nvidia module01:28
Ampelbeinbillybigrig: any error message?01:28
Ampelbeinbillybigrig: care to share it?01:28
billybigrigsudo dkms add -m nvidia -v 185.18.14 -k 2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.1301:28
billybigrigerr whoops01:29
billybigrigya i care to share gimme a sec :P01:29
billybigrigError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.13 (x86_64)01:29
billybigrigand then says consult make.log01:29
billybigrigso it says...01:29
billybigrig*** Unable to determine the target kernel version. *** make: *** [select_makefile] Error 101:30
billybigrigsudo dkms build -m nvidia -v 185.18.14 -k 2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.1301:30
billybigrigthat is the command i tried01:30
TheMusobillybigrig: How did you install the kernel headers, and where did you put them?01:30
TheMusobillybigrig: How did you build the kernel?01:31
billybigrigCONCURRENCY_LEVEL=3 time fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd -append-to-version=-billybigrigger-07.13 kernel_image kernel_headers kernel_source > ~/make.log 2>&1 && git reset --hard origin/master && git clean -xdf && git pull01:31
billybigrigfrom a git clone of linus's tree01:32
TheMusoAnd you only had one headers package get built? Did that package create a build symbolic link in /lib/modules/kernelversion?01:32
billybigrigbillybigrigger@cabo:/lib/modules/2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.13/build$ ls01:33
billybigrigyou want to see the list?01:34
TheMusoIs there a symbolic link called build there?01:34
TheMusoIf not, create a symbolic link called build, which links back to the headers directory for the kernel in /usr/src01:35
billybigrigim in build01:35
billybigrigbillybigrigger@cabo:/lib/modules/2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.13$ ls01:36
billybigrigbuild is cyan colored when i ls01:36
billybigrigim pretty sure thats a symlink isn't it?01:36
billybigriglrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     30 2009-07-13 16:40 build -> /home/billybigrigger/linux-2.601:36
billybigrigyeah so thats right01:36
TheMusoOk. Where did the headers package install the header files? In /usr/src?01:37
TheMusoI suggest changing the build symlink to point to that directory where the headers are instead.01:38
billybigrigsudo rm build && sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.13/ build01:45
billybigrigor is it build /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.13/01:45
billybigrigand i guess it would be build/ right?01:46
TheMusono the former is correct01:46
TheMusoThe /  is not needed01:46
billybigrigso /usr/src/xxxxx build01:48
billybigriglrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     55 2009-07-13 18:48 build -> /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.13/01:48
TheMusoman ln for more info01:48
TheMusoyep that looks fine01:48
TheMusonow try and run the dkms command again01:48
billybigrigthanks TheMuso01:53
billybigrignvidia, 185.18.14, 2.6.31-rc2-billybigrigger-07.13, x86_64: installed01:53
billybigrigis there a way to re-build all dkms modules?01:53
billybigrigi have a few and would rather not do them manually01:53
billybigriga bunch of vbox stuff01:54
billybigriglike how dkms does its post-inst stuff after a kernel image install, where is that script located?01:54
billybigrigcan't i just run that?01:54
TheMusobillybigrig: I don't know how thats done sorry.02:00
TheMusoman dkms may tell you however.02:00
billybigrigstill cant boot that kernel02:01
TheMusobillybigrig: ah "sudo /etc/init.d/dkms_autoinstaller start kernelversion"02:02
TheMusoshould do it02:03
sleepsterI just need a kernel with CONFIG_HZ = 1000... I am using ubuntu server and the default kernel is set to CONFIG_HZ = 100... is there a pre-built kernel I could use with this option?03:50
sleepsteror is there a way to use ubuntu server with the desktop kernel installed?03:51
ScottKYou can install the desktop kernel and use it, but that's a support question and not a development question.03:51
sleepsterScottK: ah.. okaythanks03:53
ScottKLovely.  Reliable and repeatable OOo crash in a document that has business sensitive stuff in it so I can't use it for a bug report ....04:06
StevenKScottK: But that's how it always happens ...04:09
ScottKRight.  It's not like I'm suprised.04:10
ScottKIt's one of these fill-in the form and you can't change all these parts and it must be just so work document that is exactly the kind of thing that would be bugged.04:11
lifelessmorale of the story, don't use Oo. for anything you care about?04:11
ScottKWhat's your alternative that handles MS Office file formats?04:11
ScottKEverything else I know of sucks even more.04:12
StevenKI didn't think abiword or gnumeric handled the embedded stuff?04:12
ScottKI don't think so.04:12
ScottKKwrite neither.04:13
ScottKFor a while I tried including an ODF copy with the MS Office copy of stuff I sent to customers to raise awareness.  Then $LARGE_CORPORATION's spam filter decided ODF was dangerous and must be blocked.04:18
ScottKI had a nice chat with their mail admins, but their spam filtering software was proprietary so all they could do is file a bug with the vendor.04:19
ScottKSo then I decided not getting fired for not sending stuff was more important than raising awareness.04:19
pamDoes anyone know where is the official ISO build described? I need to test some changes to isolinux (assuming the karmic iso uses karmic's isolinux).05:30
dholbachgood morning06:49
JonDoe297dholbach: good morning :)06:51
dholbachhey JonDoe29706:51
pittiGood morning07:07
pittiNCommander: retracer> just launchpadlib crashing with HTTP 500 errors a lot07:07
StevenKpitti: UNR (and Ubuntu) livefs builds are broken due to brasero and nautilus-cd-burner Conflict'ing, halp?07:08
pittislangasek: re-added; hm07:11
pittiStevenK: hm, drop n-c-d?07:12
pittiStevenK: I think it was done as an upgrade cleanup07:13
StevenKpitti: We don't seed n-c-d07:14
StevenKpiA nautilus             Recommends nautilus-cd-burner | brasero (>= 2.26)07:15
StevenKAnd I think germinate will always jump for the first07:15
pittiStevenK: ah, I guess the ubuntu desktop seeds seed brasero earlier than nautilus or so07:16
pittiStevenK: where did you see this, BTW?07:17
pittihttp://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/karmic/ubuntu/latest/livecd-20090713-i386.out is differntly broken07:17
pittihttp://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/karmic/ubuntu/latest/livecd-20090714-armel.out is an evolution thingy07:17
pittiany/all desync, as it looks?07:18
pittiinteresting, _all_ arches have a different failure07:18
StevenKYeah, Ubuntu i386 hasn't tried yet07:18
StevenKpi  ubuntu-netbook-remix Recommends rhythmbox07:18
StevenKpi  rhythmbox            Depends    libbrasero-media0 (>= 0.9.1)07:18
StevenKpiA libbrasero-media0    Recommends brasero07:18
pittiso is this since yesterday then?07:18
pittibrasero was added ages ago07:19
StevenKRight, so UNR should seed brasero, too?07:19
StevenKI don't think that makes sense.07:19
pittiStevenK: oh, did you already NBS out libsgutils{1,2}?07:20
StevenKpitti: I've not done NBS in a week or so07:20
pittiI did the transition yesterday, but no NBSing yet07:20
pittiStevenK: we could just flip around the nautilus dep07:20
StevenKpitti: That works07:21
* pitti uploads07:21
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* \sh should write a rant about klibc's ipconfig dhcp crap inside initramfs while using real network switches and not soho cheap table switches from netgear07:39
pittikirkland: thanks muchly, this is so much better now07:47
* mneptok is about to fly to Armonk and set IBM on fire07:51
macoquestion: if i have a debdiff for a package waiting for sponsorship to close one bug and i have another bug in that package that i want to fix, should i do the debdiff for this bug against the currently-in-karmic version or against the one that's waiting for sponsorship?07:52
mneptokand not happy, warming Yule log fire. ANGRY BALROG MOUTH FIRE!07:52
macoor just put one debdiff to do both?07:53
\shmaco: do one debdiff to do both...add both (LP: #<bugno>) to the changelog in the debdiff07:55
macook. ive been told before one bug per upload so wasnt sure07:55
\shmaco: TBH i don't think there is a policy or rule...but could be wrong..07:57
macoim gonna guess it was just a housekeeping thing. and with quilt, youve got plenty of housekeeping07:58
maco:( lp timing out07:59
\shmaco: btw...I added some links about the cult of virgin mary to mdzs blog .. just waiting until he moderates his comment area07:59
dholbachrobert_ancell: you writing a gdm replacement? pitti said so! :)08:00
pitti... configuration :)08:01
dholbachthat's going to be headline news tomorrow08:01
* robert_ancell feels thrown to the wolves :)08:01
\shit's all about marketing ;)08:02
robert_ancellI've got the GUI mocked up and know the config to change.  The difficulty is navigating the policykit/dbus/... in between08:02
macoi didnt break quilt this time :D08:06
* TheMuso kicks speech-dispatcher's autotools files where it hurts most, and leaves it for tomorrow. :)08:09
StevenKmaco: Are you sure?08:10
macoStevenK, yes. quilt informed me that my patch level was wrong (forgot to add little a/ and b/ to --- and +++ lines) and then i push -a'd and it was happy08:11
macoi even remembered the QUILT_PATCHES env var08:11
StevenKquilt always curls up into a little ball when I mistreat it08:11
macoive been actively using quilt for the last 2 weeks, so its soaking in08:13
macothough ive only got the routine down for quilt import so far. havent tried the start quilt, edit things, stop quilt thing yet08:14
StevenKAll this mentioning of quilt is making me want to sob08:14
macowhat if its the kind little amish women sew?08:14
macoi can go grab my needlecraft stuff to trick your brain...08:15
StevenKmaco: I wasn't aware you were Amish08:15
* StevenK hides08:15
macomy facebook profile used to list Amish as my religion08:15
macoa scarily large number of folks believed it08:16
\shtwitter, facebook, youtube what product comes next to steal important life and working time08:19
macois youtube newer than facebook?08:20
macowait, twitter too?08:20
\shin the beginning there was usenet ,-)08:20
macohmm on the hundred papercuts thing. if youre just reporting a bug so youll have something to hang the debdiff on, is it worth marking it as a papercut?08:21
pittimaco: just subscribe sponsors, FWIW08:34
pittimaco: the papercut queue is pretty full, and IIRC David asked not to add more08:34
macopitti, ok thanks08:36
sbeattiemaco: a friend of mine lists his religion on facebook as chaotic good.08:47
macohey mine currently says Church of Vi08:48
macoone friend asked what about my Pastafarianism. i said "polytheism"08:48
cjwatsonpam: I just keep some canned runes around derived from how the CD image building stuff works ...09:11
cjwatsonsudo mkisofs -r -V 'Ubuntu 9.10 i386' -o karmic-alternate-i386-hacked.iso -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table new-i38609:11
ograpitti, my powermanager tends to crash after some time, is there a known bug for this ?09:22
pittiogra: not to me, but I'm not regularly following them09:23
ograhmm, k09:23
pittiogra: yesterday's update fixed a bug which made gpm crash when the battery got full09:23
ograah, that might be it, though i rarely unplug at home and didnt actually monitor when exactly its happening ...09:24
ograi have the brightness applet in my panel and notice that it is crossed out in the morning usually until i fire up the power prefs09:25
ogranothing intresting in .xsession-errors ...09:26
liw.xsession-errors is a sucky logging facility...09:26
pittiogra: no apport crash either?09:26
ogra(it would reallly help to have timestamps in that file)09:26
ogranope, no apport09:27
pittiogra: but perhaps it's fixed with yesterday's update09:27
liwogra, http://blog.liw.fi/posts/userlog/ :)09:27
* ogra runs an upgrade and will watch if it occurs again tomorrow morning09:28
ograliw, :)09:28
ograliw, sounds like something to spec next UDS to me09:29
ograthough i would be happy already if we had timestamps09:29
macopitti, where does jockey get the text it displays explaining the driver it's offering?09:32
maco(i see you in (C) line)09:34
maconevermind. i figured it out.09:41
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pittimaco: ok :)09:54
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ograseb128, did you upload gtk and the apps out of order again ?10:22
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:22
ogra  gnome-icon-theme: Depends: libgtk2.0-bin but it is not going to be installed10:22
ograis what i see on armel10:22
seb128there is no order, gtk didn't change abi or soname or anything10:22
ograhmm, strange10:22
seb128well that probably means that gtk didn't build on armel10:22
ograi'll try a give back of evo and friends10:23
pittiarch all/any desync10:23
seb128and arch any and all binaries are out of sync10:23
ograit isnt on the ftbfs list, i think its just a timing issue10:23
* ogra gives back gtkhtml10:23
* ogra grumbles at whoever gave back mesa on armel 10:47
dholbachjames_w: did you say you have a fix for the harvest-django filter problem?10:56
james_wdholbach: a partial one11:02
james_wI have a better idea though11:02
Keybukheh, I can't seem to edit bug titles in LP today11:02
dholbachjames_w: I was just thinking "having the fix/workaround in trunk already would make testing and playing with it more interesting" :)11:04
james_wok, ok :-)11:04
ograhmm, why is pbuilder attempted to be built on the ports arches ?11:12
ograPackage: pbuilder11:12
ograArchitecture: all11:12
QuintasanHow should I deal with package that uses a src directory? When you untar the package there is only install.sh src/ and README. Pbuilder complains about missing CMakeLists.txt.11:14
cjwatsonerr that depends on what's in src/ :-)11:16
cjwatsonbasically your debian/rules build needs to do whatever the package says needs to be done to build its source code11:16
cjwatsonthere are no fixed rules11:16
ograoh, hmm11:16
ograPackage: pbuilder-uml11:17
ograArchitecture: i386 amd6411:17
Quintasancjwatson: it's a plasmoid, I use pkg-kde-tools for compiling it. I think DEB_SRCDIR = src might solve it11:17
* ogra wonders why armel isnt respecting "Architecture: i386 amd64" in the control file11:20
cjwatsonogra: Packages-arch-specific controls what is *attempted*. if debian/control forbids it then of course it will fail11:21
ogracjwatson, well, it even attempts to build pbuilder-uml in a local build11:21
ogra(on armel)11:21
ogra"Architecture: i386 amd64" should prevent that, shouldnt it ?11:22
cjwatsonogra: should it?11:23
ograi would expect it to :)11:23
cjwatsonyou expect wrong :)11:23
cjwatsonogra: whether a source package attempts to build one of its binary packages is controlled entirely by debian/rules, not by debian/control11:24
cjwatsonafter all it's just what debian/rules build / binary depend on11:24
ograwell, all pbuilder-uml stiff is in binary-arch11:24
ograwhile all the rest is in binary-indep11:24
ogradoesnt seem wrong to me11:25
cjwatsonso why should it magically not get built then?11:25
cjwatsona -B build basically just does debian/rules build && fakeroot debian/rules binary-arch11:25
cjwatsonif the package wants to do things only on certain architectures, it needs to conditionalise that in debian/rules11:26
ograhmm, wouldnt it make more sense to check the control file ?11:26
cjwatsonmaybe if we were doing it from scratch; but it's not done that way now11:27
ograif its not Architecture all or any at least11:27
ogra       -s, --same-arch11:37
ogra           This is a smarter version of the -a flag, that is used in some rare circumstances. It understands that if the control file lists "Architecture: i386" for the11:37
ogra           package, the package should not be acted on on other architectures. So this flag makes the command act on all "Architecture: any" packages, as well as on any11:37
ogra           packages that have the current architecture explicitly specified.  Contrast to the -a flag, which makes the command work on all packages that are not architecture11:37
ogra           independent.11:37
ogracjwatson, ^^^11:37
ograthen i dont understand the debhelper manpage11:37
ogra(pbuilder uses "dh_builddeb -s" for binary-arch11:38
ogra(well, it uses -s not only for builddeb but for all commands)11:40
ograi wonder if that flag not doing what is described is a fallout of the --dpkg-print-architecture change in dpkg11:42
cjwatsonogra: that causes *those specific debhelper commands* to act on the named packages11:57
cjwatsonogra: why don't you use DH_VERBOSE=1 so you can see exactly what's going on?11:57
cjwatsonyou seem to be blaming the tools, which IME is usually a mistake11:57
* ogra does so ... but the code didnt change, the tools did though11:57
cjwatsonthey aren't perfect but it's not usually a good bet for a first guess11:57
cjwatsonBTW, why is it a problem for pbuilder to harmlessly fail to build on non-x86 architectures?11:59
cjwatsonyou can just ignore it11:59
ograit fills up my ftbfs list ...11:59
cjwatsonyou can still just ignore it :)11:59
ograjust sense of cleanness :)11:59
cjwatsonpbuilder-uml is listed in Packages-arch-specific, so it's probably a Soyuz bug that it's tried12:01
ograwel, my local system doesnt have PAS12:02
cjwatsonthen it'll fail on your local system. big deal :)12:03
ograif i want to roll pbuilder here from source it fails12:03
ograwell, it actually doesnt because it calls arch-indep first if built locally, so i get my pbuilder deb ...12:03
cjwatsonBTW it can't possibly be fallout from the dpkg change you mention12:05
cjwatson1) debhelper uses dpkg-architecture not dpkg --print-installation-architecture 2) dpkg --print-installation-architecture just prints a warning to stderr and calls through to --print-architecture12:06
ograyep, i just looked at Dh_Lib.pm12:06
cjwatsondebuild -b -aarmel works here12:07
cjwatsonbunch of whining from dh_* -s but that's all12:07
cjwatsonyou aren't using -B are you?12:07
ograno, and debuild -b -aarmel fails here on my amel machine12:09
ograoh, wait, it fails on signing not due to -s12:12
ograok, now i'm completely confused12:13
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ograKeybuk, ...12:42
ogra * Starting kernel event manager...                                                                                                                                                 error getting signalfd12:42
ogra                                                                                                                                                                             [fail]12:42
ograinvoke-rc.d: initscript udev, action "restart" failed.12:42
ograKeybuk, thats what i get on armel with a dist-upgrade12:42
Keybuknext time we announce a new port of Ubuntu, let's find an architecture that the kernel really supports12:44
Keybuklike m68k or something12:45
KeybukI assume that ARM has "forgotten" to implement signalfd() or something12:45
ograwell, the boards i have all only have a 2.6.26 binary kernel atm12:45
ograno source ... whats the kernel option that creates signalfd ?12:46
Keybukyeah that probably won't work anyway12:46
KeybukI think the syscall changed in 2.6.2712:46
ograi though it changed post .2512:46
Keybukthere's no kernel config12:46
ograoh, k12:46
* ogra just saw bug 39718712:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397187 in ubuntu-on-ec2 "[karmic] udev requires new kernel, breaks on EC2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39718712:46
Keybukoh, heh12:47
Keybukyeah see my comment there too12:47
ograso i'm not alone12:47
ogradoes upstart *already* use it in 0.6 ?12:47
Keybukyes, but not for anything critical12:47
ograi'll try to downgrade udev then until we finally get something usable from the kernel team12:48
Keybuka bug fix going into 0.6.1 makes it use it for critical things though12:48
ograthough i bet that will cause other issues12:48
ogragrmbl, why isnt signalfd mentioned anywhere in the udev changelog12:56
ograhow am i supposed to find out which is the last version i can use :(12:57
ograpitti, oh ... Jul 14 13:55:41 osiris kernel: [98748.268006] <6>gnome-power-man[23647]: segfault at 838b0c24 ip 004b0701 sp bfc7ba60 error 6 in libc-2.9.so[43f000+15c000]13:02
ograjust found that by accident in my /var/log/messages13:02
seb128ogra, use apport to send a bug?13:02
seb128ogra, just mentionning a crash on IRC without any detail is of no real use13:02
ograseb128, i'm not up to date with my system yet, i was following up on an earlier conversation13:03
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ograbah i was to fast giving back evolution-exchange ...13:26
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mterryevand, again thanks for the catch.  No summary is normal for me, coming from oem-config land.  :)  I merged your patch13:40
Keybukjames_w: how would I make lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/upstart/ubuntu be the "Ubuntu" branch (lp:ubuntu/karmic/upstart) ?13:42
james_wKeybuk: I can do that for you13:42
james_whowever, I'm wary to make *that* branch the one to use given a couple of LP bugs we have at the moment13:43
james_wI can push it to another location and make that lp:ubuntu/karmic/upstart13:44
evandmterry:  great!  I think given cjwatson's recent comment on the merge page, we're ready.13:44
james_wor we can wait for LP to be fixed instead13:44
evandI've added you to the installer team, so you'll be able to commit directly to trunk now13:44
* mterry is nervous anyway13:45
james_walso, would we be able to resurrect branches for < karmic?13:45
mterryevand, is there a test suite for the installer that the branch has been run through, or can be run through?13:45
evandnope, but patches welcome for that13:45
mterryevand, oh, thanks for the team add13:45
mterryevand, heh13:45
evandit is something we have on the horizon, but neither Colin nor myself have found time to write it13:45
mterryevand, maybe I could look into that.  I have some experience with ldtp13:46
evandmterry: any effort you can make on that would be hugely appreciated13:46
mterryevand, OK, well, I'll merge this branch, and keep an eye out for bugs reported, I guess13:47
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pittiogra: can you please enable apport then (/etc/default/apport) and send a crash report? thanks!13:58
ograpitti, will do if it turns up with the upgrade, sorry i'm to busy today to donate time to that atm13:59
pittiogra: no prob, just enable apport and let it sort out itself :)13:59
Keybukjames_w: don't mind if you need to move the branch, the lp:ubuntu/... URL is better ;)14:13
Keybukjames_w: there's no real ubuntu/jaunty branches - while there was something in bzr, it actually was buggered up and missing all the changes14:14
Keybukjust the changelog entries14:14
james_wKeybuk: ok, I could do that14:20
james_wnot having the branches available is a bit of an annoyance14:20
Keybukjames_w: they never really existed properly - you could do an auto-import of them if you liked14:21
james_wplus, it would currently take away your ability to write to the branch14:22
james_wwhich I imagine would be a pain for you?14:22
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Keybukjames_w: err14:24
Keybukit would be kinda helpful to write to the branch :p14:24
Keybukwhy wouldn't I be able to?14:24
james_wbecause the move would be out of the namespace of a team that you are a member of14:25
Keybukso who can commit to lp:ubuntu/... branches?14:25
Keybukshouldn't that be developers?14:25
james_wwe are waiting on LP to make the permissions for official branches match the uploaders14:25
james_wyes, it should be14:25
james_wit is not currently14:25
Keybukoh, who is it currently?14:26
james_wand due to the other LP bug I mentioned, the branches can only be owned by the team we are using for "special" privileges14:26
james_wit's a team called ~ubuntu-branches14:26
james_wit's members are me and jml IIRC14:26
james_wand Colin actually14:26
Keybukthe lp:ubuntu/ namespace is really just read-only right now?14:27
james_wbut that will be changing real soon now14:27
cjwatsonwhat's the schedule for that bugfix anyway? it's been on the cards for ages14:27
Keybukso I don't want to move the upstart/ubuntu branch there, because the whole point is people commit to it? :P14:27
james_wI'm not sure, it doesn't have a milestone yet IIRC14:27
cjwatsonwe need to sit on jml about that14:27
cjwatsonor possibly thumper14:27
james_wKeybuk: yeah, but we can move it once that is fixed14:27
Keybukwhen that bug is fixed, does it just become an alias?14:28
Keybukor will it still involve "moving" the branch?14:28
james_wbug 34776814:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347768 in launchpad-code "Allow anyone with upload rights to write to a package branch" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34776814:29
james_wthe lp:ubuntu/... thing is an alias14:29
james_whowever, you can't currently ask which branch that points to using the API without it crashing14:30
james_wso there is currently a hard-coded assumption that it is the branches owned by ~ubuntu-branches with a particular name14:30
james_wso once that is fixed we can just make the alias point to the ~ubuntu-core-dev branch if we like14:31
Keybukwould the same work for lp:debian/14:31
Keybukit might be nice for mbiebl to be able to have br branch lp:debian/sid/upstart for the Debian branch he maintains14:31
james_whowever, we may want to move it anyway, so that it is a "package branch"14:31
james_wit will work for Debian14:31
cjwatsonjames_w: where would LP get information about who can upload to the Debian branches?14:34
cjwatsonI suppose we could import the Debian keyring but I wasn't aware that we were doing that14:34
james_wI assume it will have "branch owner, plus those able to upload to the Debian archive through LP"14:34
* cjwatson comments on 34776814:34
james_wwhich will be no-one14:34
cjwatsonuploading to the Debian archive through LP would be a pretty odd thing to do :)14:35
james_wso only the owner will have write access14:35
james_wwhich I think is ok14:35
Keybukthat's kinda boring14:58
Keybukbzr commit --fixes=lp:NNNNNN14:58
Keybukdoesn't mark the bug as "Fix Committed"14:58
Keybukand links to the branch, not the revision14:58
kirklandKeybuk: yeah, i've been disappoitned with --fixes too15:00
kirklandKeybuk: i filed a bug asking bzr/lp to scan the contents of the commit message for "fixes LP: #NNNNNN", because I always mention it there, but always forget it at --fixes15:00
cjwatsonFWIW debcommit does scan the changelog for LP: so in cases where you use that it works15:01
Ngwhat handles mounting USB devices these days (in karmic, i.e. what should I call ubuntu-bug on?)15:04
pittiNg: hm, nautilus, gvfs, and devicekit-disks, depending on what kind of operation15:08
Nghrm. my phone presents a PTP interface and each time I plug it in I get asked if I want to run f-spot (which is fine). If I don't click Unmount in that dialog and just hit cancel and later unplug the phone nautilus still thinks it has a "Digital Camera (usb:000,007)" device attached. Over the course of the day I end up with about 10 in there15:09
pittiNg: sounds like gvfs then15:10
pitticould be my bug, I recently did the porting to gudev; can you please assign it to me?15:11
Ngpitti: sure, thanks15:15
Ngpitti: bug #39932015:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399320 in gvfs "[karmic] PTP devices not auto-unmounting on USB disconnect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39932015:15
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slytherinCan any of the archive admins clear excalibur-logkit (source) from queue?16:01
james_wslytherin: review or reject?16:02
slytherinjames_w: review16:02
slytherinclear as in 'give go ahead'.16:03
james_wslytherin: has it been in before as avalon?16:06
slytherinjames_w: it was in as liblogkit-java16:06
slytherinjames_w: I intend to eventually migrate all r-deps of liblogkit-java to this package because this is the last stable version of the library.16:08
james_wslytherin: accepted16:09
james_wslytherin: note that debian/copyright doesn't conform to dep-5 by my reading16:10
slytherinjames_w: really? I thought it ddid. I wrote it from scratch.16:12
james_wjust small things16:12
james_we.g. it specifies Apache, you used Apache-2.016:12
james_wand a strict reading would suggest your Files: * stanza needs to duplicate the statement about common-licenses16:13
james_wor use a standalone license section16:13
slytherinoh, ok. I will correct it if I need to upload again.16:13
slytherinjames_w: Do you mind reviewing the binary as well? It's arch:all package.16:22
james_wis it through already?16:22
james_woh yeah16:23
slytherinjames_w: yes, even I was surprised.16:23
slytherinjames_w: Got to go. See you later. Thanks for quick review.16:35
mrecHi, does anyone know why I cannot use LD_PRELOAD to intercept stat()?16:52
Keybukmrec: because it's morally wrong16:52
Keybukand are you sure it's stat() you want to intercept, not stat64(), fstat(), lstat(),e tc.16:53
mrecKeybuk: why should it be wrong?16:53
mrecstrace says stat .. although I'll check16:54
Keybukstrace tells you underlying syscalls16:55
mrecI think almost everything works except stat on ubuntu for some reason16:55
KeybukLD_PRELOAD intercepts glbc library calls16:55
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ionglbc – is that a fork of glbt?16:57
mrecthe reason why I need to intercept stat() is I have a usb TV driver written in userspace working across all systems the only reason why it doesn't work with some legacy applications is that they use some kind of stat()16:58
mrecthe performance is quite good 21 mbyte/second16:58
mrecthe driver also includes a reimplementation of the linuxdvb and video4linux API so it's compatible with legacy apps16:59
mrectvtime works without any problem16:59
mrecwithout the need of a kerneldriver17:03
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Keybukcjwatson: I don't have a GIT branch for your util-linux changes? :)17:18
vadi2Hi. In regards to the openjdk news for 9.04, is the certified package already in?17:21
cjwatsonKeybuk: I sent a patch, and IIRC you said on IRC at the time you would be happy to wrangle it into git for me17:22
Keybukcjwatson: did I?  ok :)17:22
Keybukwe're friends, I won't make you use GIT unnecessarily17:22
Keybukcjwatson: unrelated question17:23
Keybukcontains "sbin"17:24
Keybukbut isn't in GIT, is that necessary?17:24
Keybukapparently Lamont uploaded to fix that17:25
Keybukbut doesn't appear to has pushed17:25
Keybuklamont: ?17:25
cjwatsonKeybuk: yeah, it is17:25
Keybukoh, no17:25
Keybuk"git fetch lamont"17:25
cjwatsonI certainly remember that coming up ...17:25
cjwatsonand I think that's why the ln in debian/rules now has a trailing slash17:25
Keybukno, that didn't do it17:25
cjwatsonbecause if that isn't there, then you get an executable called "/sbin" ...17:25
Keybukoh, no, I see17:26
cjwatsonif you can point me to the right branch, I can do a git format-patch for you17:26
Keybukgit checkout lamont/ubuntu/stable/v2.1517:26
Keybukgit checkout -b ubuntu/stable/v2.1517:26
cjwatsonI imagine the changelog in the bug is out of date17:26
cjwatsonI have no lamont/ubuntu/stable/v2.15 branch here ...17:27
cjwatsonbranches should have URLs, damnit. hate17:27
* cjwatson tries re-cloning17:28
KeybukI've pushed that17:29
cjwatsonwhat's the rune to set up automatic tracking for your branch, given a clone of git://git.debian.org/users/lamont/util-linux.git ?17:29
Keybukgit remote add lamont git://...17:29
Keybukthough it's not automatic17:29
Keybukyou have to "fetch"17:29
ionAh, high-resolution versions. Awesome. http://videos.ubuntu.com/uds/karmic/plenary_1/18:04
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pittibazaar.launchpad.net, where are you?18:06
cjwatsonKeybuk: I'm thoroughly confused about what branch that is18:10
cjwatsonKeybuk: it claims to be an Ubuntu branch, but the differences between the version I uploaded and it look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/218119/18:10
cjwatsonKeybuk: am I being stupid?18:11
Keybukthat looks like you've diffed Ubuntu and Debian18:13
Keybukthere are three GIT repos18:13
Keybukorigin - this is Karel's upstream repo18:13
Keybuklamont - this is Lamont's repo on git.debian.org18:13
Keybukkeybuk - this is my repo on kernel.ubuntu.com18:13
Keybukeach contains many branches18:13
Keybukmaster - trunk line of development18:13
Keybukstable/v2.XX - stable release line18:14
Keybukand there's a waterfall between them18:14
Keybukso origin/master is merged into lamont/master to form the Debian package18:14
Keybukand that is merged into keybuk/master to form my copy of the Debian package18:14
Keybukand then merged into keybuk/ubuntu/master to form the Ubuntu package18:14
Keybukie. keybuk/master is Debian, not Ubuntu18:15
Keybukorigin/stable/v2.15 -> lamont/stable/v2.15 -> keybuk/stable/v2.15 -> keybuk/ubuntu/stable/v2.1518:15
Keybukand you'll find there's a lamont/ubuntu/stable/v2.15 as well18:15
Keybukso basically, depending who did the last upload18:15
Keybuklamont/* or keybuk/* may actually contain the current Debian and/or Ubuntu packages18:15
KeybukI wish to note that this madness WAS NOT MY IDEA18:16
cjwatsonKeybuk: I'm diffing the last upload with ubuntu/stable/v2.15 in your repo18:21
Keybukcjwatson: the HEAD of my repo, or the release tag?18:22
cjwatson'git checkout keybuk/ubuntu/stable/v2.15'18:22
Keybukthat makes sense18:22
cjwatson'git checkout -b ubuntu/stable/v2.15'18:22
KeybukI'm updating to 2.15.118:22
Keybukalong with merging back the hwclock stuff into Debian18:22
Keybukthat's the patch I applied from you18:24
cjwatsonright, that looked correct for the Ubuntu branch18:25
cjwatsonFSVO "the"18:25
Keybukso what you're seeing is just me resolving some differences between Ubuntu and Debian18:26
Keybukie. trailing / on dirs and such18:26
Sarvattyuck, timeout increase on arm wasnt enough for mesa18:34
SarvattSession terminated, killing shell...make: *** [binary-arch] Terminated  ...killed. Build killed with signal 15 after 600 minutes of inactivity18:34
ograSarvatt, pleasedont give it back, it hogs a buildd for 10h :)18:35
ogramcasadevall made that mistake already18:36
Sarvattthe only change between that one and the previous that worked is in a driver that doesnt build on arm, must be something in the build environment that broke18:36
mcasadevallSarvatt, its lzma compression18:36
mcasadevallSarvatt, it takes too long and the build times out18:36
mcasadevallSarvatt, we're debating on what to do about it, some packages should now build with the longer timeout, mesa non-withstanding18:37
ogramcasadevall, can you fire off a local mesa build if you go to bed or something ? so we can see if it actually finishes if there is no timeout (and prefix it with "time" to see how long it took)18:37
mcasadevallogra, I run launchpad-buildd to determine it to rule out any issues with translation stripping and friends.18:38
ograi would do it here but dont have a trustworthy build system atm18:38
Sarvattsomewhere between june 30th and july 7th lzma started being a problem then?18:38
mcasadevallSarvatt, I'm not sure what caused it initially; but the lzma compresison of large -dbg packages causes huge amounts of issues18:38
mcasadevallSarvatt, hence why KDE is completely FTBFS ATM18:38
SarvattFinished: 2009-06-30 (took 3 hours, 44 minutes, 41.0 seconds)18:39
Sarvattnothing changed besides an added patch that only touches a driver that doesnt build on arm18:40
Sarvattthats really odd18:41
mcasadevallSarvatt, when I did test builds on my local hardware, no issues. Its dying during compression18:41
Sarvattdid KDE start failing to build on arm at a certain date or has it always?18:43
ogra.oO( we should probably be on #ubuntu-arm with that conversation )18:44
nelhageDoes anyone have thoughts on bug #399368? In particular, it seems to me the new version pushed today is an example of an issue it's not really worth requesting a reboot for, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something.18:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399368 in dbus "dbus should not require a reboot on every upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39936818:53
ebroderDo you strictly need a reboot to restart dbus? I don't think you do for, e.g., a gdm-less system18:56
ebroder(Of course, I don't get popups about needing to reboot my gdm-less systems)18:56
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mcasadevalldoko, ping?19:19
dokomcasadevall: ?19:24
mcasadevalldoko, are we building with VFP by default for GCC?19:24
dokomcasadevall: no19:25
mcasadevalldoko, I thought we decided to make that change at the start of the cycle19:26
mcasadevalldoko, what compiler flag will get me VFP enabled?19:26
dokomcasadevall: -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp (and maybe you should add -march=armv7 -mtune=cortex-a8)19:39
slytherincjwatson: Does this approach ok to you to workaround build failures on powerpc - http://paste.ubuntu.com/217917/19:48
cjwatsonslytherin: it's being fixed on the buildd side, according to infinity19:50
cjwatsonso no, I don't think that workaround is OK19:50
cjwatsonit'd be a lot of work (a) to do it (b) to revert it later19:50
slytherincjwatson: Ok. If it is being worked on then I have no problem.19:51
cjwatsonthe bug is apparently that the powerpc buildds are still on a dapper base system, unlike other architectures19:51
slytherinI thought it was too much work to fix on buildd side.19:51
cjwatsoninfinity seemed to reckon it was tractable in sbuild19:51
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cjwatsonhe didn't elaborate on how19:53
infinityThe "when" is more important than the "how", really.19:54
infinityAnd I tihnk I'm going to have to make time to do it this week.19:54
slytherininfinity: I wish I could help anyway, but I have no idea about sbuild.19:54
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ccheneycjwatson: ping, germinate 1.16 in bzr is listed as released 2009-06-17 but its not in karmic yet?21:14
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jmlcjwatson, I'm going to start working on it today22:16
cjwatsonccheney: odd, I don't know what happened to it. I've reuploaded it to Debian22:17
cjwatsonjml: thanks22:17
jmlcjwatson, I've wanted to do it earlier, but I've been thwarted at every turn.22:18
jmlmostly by prep for open sourcing Launchpad.22:18
cjwatsonjml: a worthy cause, I'll admit ;)22:21
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BUGabundois Colin around? wanna ask him about swap on file22:28
BUGabundoclean install and I'll be testing it on karmic22:29
BUGabundocjwatson: ping ^^^^^^^22:30
cjwatsonBUGabundo: no progress on implementation yet22:33
BUGabundobut will it work?22:33
BUGabundoit is usable cjwatson?22:33
BUGabundowill I be able to hibernate?22:33
cjwatsonit is not implemented yet22:33
cjwatsonthere has been *no progress*22:33
cjwatsonit's targeted for a later milestone in karmic, not the one currently in preparation22:34
BUGabundoI know I read it22:34
cjwatsonwe are working on other things right now22:34
BUGabundobut what was/is the current state?22:34
cjwatsonI have no idea22:34
cjwatsonI have not looked at it beyond what I did to write up the specification22:34
BUGabundoI'll be using22:36
BUGabundohope I don't mess it much22:36
BUGabundocjwatson: if you need further testing along the cycle ping me on #ubuntu+1 or identica22:36
cjwatsonabsolutely everyone with new installs will be using it once implemented22:38
cjwatsonso we should get a fair bit of testing, I'd expect ;-)22:38
BUGabundowell count on early testing on my side22:39
BUGabundobut I guess no need to file bugs22:39
BUGabundountil you start to touch it22:39
cjwatsonthe spec isn't even owned by me ...22:41
cjwatsonAssignee:      Scott James Remnant22:41
ccheneycjwatson: thanks22:56
BUGabundohey ccheney22:57
billybigrigcan someone in here help me?23:19
billybigrigi had a problem with the daily kernel and dkms yesterday23:19
* BUGabundo hides23:19
billybigrigand i forgot the fix for it23:19
billybigrigdkms won't build23:19
billybigrigbillybigrigger@cabo:/var/lib/dkms/nvidia/185.18.14/build should be a symlink to /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.31-rc3-billybigrigger071423:20
billybigrigcorrect? to get my nvidia module to build in dkms?23:20
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/23:24
cjwatsonccheney: making its way into karmic now23:26
puffHey, I have an odd question that's fairly arcane (I think), where does suspend-to-disk save its data?  Does it use the swap partition?23:27
cjwatsonyes, that's right23:28
puffcjwatson: Really?  Ah, good... then making my laptop's swap partition extra-large actually was a good idea.23:28
puffI have been saying, for some time, "I have this feelnig that suspend-to-disk uses swap, so I make it alrge" band I thought, you know, I really should maybe, y'know ASK somebody who might KNOW.23:29
BUGabundopuff: swap23:30
BUGabundoOr eventually swap on file23:30
bardyrHey, where can i find the blueprint/specification template?23:30
puffThanks muchly.23:30
BUGabundothat's what brought me here tonight ahah23:30
cjwatsonbardyr: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecTemplate23:30
bardyrcjwatson, Thanks23:30
cjwatsonDocumentation/power/swsusp-and-swap-files.txt in the kernel source describes how things are meant to work when you're using a swap file23:31
cjwatson(which is why I'm not worried about it, it's clearly been thought about it so at worst whoever's implementing proper swap file support gets to fix a few bugs)23:31
cjwatsons/thought about it/thought about/23:31
cjwatson... and implement some little helper tool to go in the initramfs, possibly23:32
cjwatsonpuff: for suspend-to-disk to work, you do indeed need swap >= RAM23:33
BUGabundoyeah cjwatson23:33
BUGabundoI do know that as swap it works very well since gutsy23:33
BUGabundobut what may break is hibernate (or better, resume)23:33
cjwatsonlike I say, it probably needs some work in the initramfs; but the presence of kernel documentation makes me confident that it's possible without too much difficulty23:34
puffcjwatson: Again, much thanks,a dding that detail to my notes.23:34
BUGabundoand since I use that a lot, I would like to have it on a working state, even if with _some_ bugs23:34
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puffcjwatson: swsusp-and-swap-files.txt, what would be the normal place an ubuntu user should look for that?  The linux kernel doc website or is there somewhere in a  normal ubuntu install (I don't see it in /usr/share/doc)?23:38
* BUGabundo wanna know too :)23:39
* BUGabundo checks23:40
cjwatsonpuff: it'll be in the linux-doc(whatever) package23:52
cjwatsonlinux-doc-2.6.28 on jaunty, plain old linux-doc from karmic on23:52
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