
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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=== Claudinux_One is now known as Claudinux
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
freeflying@schedule shanghai10:01
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
* persia peers about11:05
TheMusoNo amachu yet.11:05
czajkowskipersia: aloha there11:05
persiahey czajkowski11:05
freeflyingpersia: hi dude11:06
persiaevening freeflying11:06
TheMusoDoesn't appear amachu is even online yet.11:13
persiaWell, perhaps we oughtn't wait just on amachu.11:16
persiaelky, lifeless You about?11:16
lifelessI am11:20
lifelessand have been11:21
persiaThat's 3.  We just need an elky or an amachu.11:21
lifelesslifeless without : doesn't hightlight :P11:21
elkyo hai11:21
persiaAh. good.  Despite the absence of our fearless leader, I believe we have quorum.11:22
persiarobert_ancell, You're up first.  Please introduce yourself.11:22
robert_ancellok, my name is Robert. I'm based in Sydney11:22
robert_ancellI've been using Debian since ~2000 and Ubuntu since warty11:23
robert_ancellI'm the gcalctool maintainer and a GNOME games developer11:23
robert_ancellI've been working for Canonical for the last three months packaging and bugfixing gnome11:23
robert_ancellAnd  I'm here to apply for Ubuntu membership11:24
lifelessI'd like to note that we're the *community* membership board11:25
lifelessso our assessment is going to be focusing on community contributions more than purely technical ones11:25
TheMusoI've been thinking that starting out as a universe contributor, even though you aren't one technically, may be a better bet.11:25
persiarobert_ancell, Do you have contributions other than just bug triage and uploads?11:25
lifelessif most of your stuff is technical, MOTU may be a better way to go11:25
robert_ancellpersia, that would be the majority of my contributions.11:26
persiaI think I'll agree with previous statements than that you would be better reviewed as a candidate for Contributing Developer11:27
robert_ancellMy main motivation for membership has been to get syndicated on Planet Ubuntu so I can better communicate with the community (I am currently on Planet GNOME)11:27
lifelessrobert_ancell: membership via MOTU is still membership11:28
lifelessrobert_ancell: and will permit that11:28
persiaAnd the MOTU Council is likely in a better position to review your integration with the developer segment of the community.11:29
lifelessnext ;)11:30
robert_ancellok, thanks11:30
persiaOK.  PmDematagoda, please introduce yourself.11:30
PmDematagodapersia: well my name is Pramod Dematagoda11:32
PmDematagodapersia: Im from Sri Lanka11:32
PmDematagodaI just finished school11:32
PmDematagodabeen using Ubuntu since about 3 years ago if I remember correctly11:32
PmDematagodaIve mostly helped around with support on Ubuntu Forums, where I am a moderator11:32
PmDematagodaIve also helped on Launchpad, though not to a degree as great as Ive done on Ubuntu Forums11:33
PmDematagodaand I also do help a little bit here and there in bug reports, testing and translations11:33
PmDematagodaIm 18 years of age btw :)11:33
PmDematagodaand my intentions are to start programming on Linux so that I may help the community even more11:34
PmDematagodaIve already gained a bit of experience on programming in C and using technologies like DBus and DeviceKit11:34
PmDematagodaalso I would like to help improve the situation of the usage of Linux here locally in Sri Lanka11:35
PmDematagodathough I still have yet to establish connections with any LUGs as of yet11:35
PmDematagodaand yeah, thats covers my introduction :)11:35
PmDematagodais any more required?11:35
persiaNo, although we may have questions as we review the wiki page and other resources11:36
PmDematagodaah, ok :)11:36
persiaPmDematagoda, Your forums activity is fairly high (seems to overage > 10 posts a day for the past couple years).  Are there any particular areas of the forums in which you are more active, or any specific work you've done to help shape the forums or forum content?11:38
PmDematagodapersia: well, in my beginning days, I used to frequent the Absolute Beginner Talk, General Help and Installation & Upgrades section11:38
PmDematagodabut now I have also expanded into the Programming Talk section and the development sections too whenever I can11:39
PmDematagodaabout forum content, I have made a few how-tos and such, but they are not as much as the support Ive provided11:39
PmDematagodaone how-to I created is the one on how to use Magic SysRq keys, although I havent updated that in a while11:40
PmDematagodaand I think that is the only how-to Ive created..11:40
PmDematagodabut I do take part in discussions where decisions need to be taken on certain issues in the forums11:40
elkyyou seem to have learned alot since august 07 anyway11:40
PmDematagodathat's in the staff forum, which is probably not visible :)11:41
PmDematagodaelky: yeah, my interest in Linux really helped11:41
PmDematagodabasically I was a Windows nut until my install got terrible, then I loaded up Ubuntu Feisty in the form of Ubuntu Ultimate and it really caught my attention11:41
TheMusoDo you have anybody here to support your work at this meeting today?11:44
PmDematagodawell, there is Pricey, nhandler, but they seem to be away11:45
persiaI'm +1 on the application.  Long history, testimonials from two current Ubuntu Members, member of Forums Staff.11:49
lifeless+1 too11:50
elky+1 three11:50
persiaCongratulations PmDematagoda, and welcome.11:52
PmDematagodapersia: thank you very much :)11:52
freeflyingPmDematagoda: congrats11:52
PmDematagodaeveryone :)11:52
PmDematagodafreeflying: thank you :)11:52
PmDematagodabeen waiting months for this, great feeling indeed :)11:52
persiaSo, who volunteers to be acting secretary this week (update wiki page, do launchpad-fu, send mail, etc.)11:52
lifelessgreat point persia. I volunteer you.11:52
lifeless(If only cause its earlier in your evening)11:53
PmDematagodathank you again to all, damn, so happy :)11:53
persialifeless, OK (although it's only 06:53 here, so if it's evening, it's kinda late)11:54
lifelesswhere are you atm?11:54
persiaAnything else anyone want to raise, or shall we meet again on the 28th?11:54
persialifeless, UTC-4 (although I'll be back to the lovely positive lands next week)11:54
lifelesseast coast?11:54
lifelessand we'll let you go get brekkie11:55
persiaRIght then.  Adjourned.11:56
TheMusonothing to raise here, sorry, had to tend a sick family member.11:56
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MootBotMeeting started at 08:00. The chair is mcasadevall.14:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:00
mcasadevall[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009071414:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009071414:00
mcasadevall[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap14:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap14:00
mcasadevallWho's here?14:01
* StevenK isn't14:01
* bjf waves14:01
* ogra stals StevenK's joke and stands14:02
ogra*strands ... GAH14:02
* mcasadevall wants wubi on ARM14:02
ogramcasadevall, only if you can test it under wine on arm :P14:03
mcasadevallogra, I could use winelib ...14:03
* ogra doubts that would work14:03
mcasadevallogra, you'd be suprised/scared14:03
* GrueMaster mumbles incoherently. 14:03
mcasadevalllool, dyfet GrueMaster ping14:04
mcasadevallplars, ping14:04
StevenKogra: Fail14:04
plarssorta here14:06
plarsat a conference also14:06
ograexcuses excuses14:06
ogramcasadevall, read your calendar, lool is on holiday14:06
mcasadevallalright then14:07
mcasadevalllets get started14:07
plarsogra: there's no excuse for me14:07
ogracelebrating past countrywide violence14:07
mcasadevall[topic] Action Item Review14:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review14:07
mcasadevallNCommander to investigate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vnc4/+bug/338148 (co)14:07
MootBotNew Topic: #14:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 338148 in vnc4 "Needs new version from Debian: fails to build with removal of mesa-swx11-source" [High,Triaged]14:07
mcasadevallwell, that makes that easy14:07
mcasadevall[topic] Specification review14:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Specification review14:08
* ogra suggests to sort by asignee14:08
plarsgood idea14:08
mcasadevall[topic] paulliu's specifications14:08
MootBotNew Topic:  paulliu's specifications14:08
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-unr-karmic-application-res14:08
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-unr-karmic-application-res14:09
StevenKBut what do I do for the other 99% of the meeting?14:09
paulliuGood news is we have anjal packages now.14:09
ograwaking up ?14:09
StevenKWhy, it's 11pm14:09
paulliuBut not much progress this week because I'm busy at moblin packaging.14:09
ograoh, i thought 6am :)14:09
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-unr-karmic-connman14:09
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-unr-karmic-connman14:09
paulliuAnjal solves many issues for evolution.14:09
ograbut that was the other side of the world, i get it14:09
paulliuconnman - still testing with apps. Low progress.14:10
mcasadevall[topic] GrueMaster's specifications14:10
MootBotNew Topic:  GrueMaster's specifications14:10
plarspaulliu: so is anjal going to happen?14:10
mcasadevall[topic] karmic-lsb-compliance-testing14:10
MootBotNew Topic:  karmic-lsb-compliance-testing14:10
plarspaulliu: or are we still going to decide if that's going to be in UNR or not?14:10
paulliuplars: I hope it can be happened. We just need to add some new API into webkit and evolution.14:11
GrueMastermcasadevall: slow down.  one topic at a time.14:11
plarspaulliu: what will replace the other functionality from evolution?14:11
plarscalendar, contacts, etc?14:11
plarsiirc, anjal is email component only, correct?14:11
paulliuplars: Yes, it's only e-mail component.14:11
plarsor maybe that's a question coming up for GrueMaster :)14:12
ograseems to fit :)14:12
GrueMasterkarmic-lsb-compliance-testing:  Waiting on Alpha 3.  The testing only happens during iso testing.14:13
paulliuplars: Other components have to find a replacement.14:13
mcasadevall[topic] StevenK's specifications14:14
MootBotNew Topic:  StevenK's specifications14:14
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-unr-karmic-wubi14:14
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-unr-karmic-wubi14:14
ogramcasadevall, ??14:14
ograyou missed one from GrueMaster14:14
mcasadevallogra, its marked deferred14:14
GrueMasterHe always does.14:14
ograoh, why is it showing up on the list if its not for karmic14:14
mcasadevallIf the specification isn't actually deferred, then someone needs to update the status :-/14:15
StevenK-wubi is waiting for me to talk to the wubi guy14:15
GrueMasterTalk to davidm.  He's the boss.  I just work here.  :D14:15
ograGrueMaster, is mobile-unr-karmic-applications actually dead for karmic ?14:15
StevenKI know why the .disk/info parser breaks, and I have a patch14:16
ogradavidm, ^^^ ?14:16
davidmthe spec is dead, if we have specific apps we need a spec for the apps14:16
GrueMasternot that I know of.  Last I was told, pidgin is being swapped with Empathy, and there were a few other apps.  Banshee is still unknown, but looking doubtful.14:16
ograGrueMaster, probably unsubscribe yourself as asignee then14:16
plarssounds like we need one for anjal14:16
ograso it wont show up on the weekly list14:17
ograi guess lool will like if we keep the summary clean14:19
mcasadevall[topic] plar14:19
MootBotNew Topic:  plar14:19
mcasadevall[topic] plars's specifications14:19
MootBotNew Topic:  plars's specifications14:19
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-unr-karmic-compliance-autotesting14:19
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-unr-karmic-compliance-autotesting14:19
plarsI hit an issue with this14:19
plarsldtp is currently broken in karmic14:19
ogrause xautomation and scripts ?14:20
plarsthere's a bug in for it currently14:20
plarsogra: that's a possible backup plan, but would like to avoid it if at all possible14:20
ograyeah, its not beautoful indeed14:20
* ogra shuffles the keys on his kbd ...14:21
mcasadevall[topic] NCommander's specifications14:21
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander's specifications14:21
mcasadevall[topic] karmic-marvell-desktop14:21
MootBotNew Topic:  karmic-marvell-desktop14:21
mcasadevalloh wow14:21
mcasadevall[topic] plars's specifications14:21
MootBotNew Topic:  plars's specifications14:21
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-qa-karmic-arm14:21
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-qa-karmic-arm14:21
* ogra throws coffeebeans at mcasadevall 14:21
* mcasadevall falls over14:22
* ogra guesses thats blocked by not having images 14:22
plarsfor the arm one, no progress this week, for the unr one, I didn't mark it started (forgot) but I did  do some checkbox tests for it this week14:22
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
plarsto cover things like unr processes, and start with some rudimentary tests for apps14:22
mcasadevall[topic] ogra's specifications14:23
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra's specifications14:23
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-karmic-general-resolution-for-touchscreen-handling14:23
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-karmic-general-resolution-for-touchscreen-handling14:23
ograstill idling on that one14:23
ograso : not started14:23
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-arm-karmic-subarches-in-debian-cd14:24
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-arm-karmic-subarches-in-debian-cd14:24
ogranot started, waiting on uboot-imx which should be ready very soon thanks to mcasadevall14:24
ograbeyond that i'd like to have prototyping ready for A3, even though we cant test it14:25
ogranext ...14:25
* ogra twiddles tumbs 14:26
* ogra throws coffeebeans at mcasadevall 14:26
mcasadevallLP being stupid14:26
mcasadevall[topic] karmic-freescale-desktop14:27
MootBotNew Topic:  karmic-freescale-desktop14:27
* ogra throws coffeebeans at LP14:27
ogragood progress as far as i can tel without kernel14:27
mcasadevallOn a second note uboot-imx was uploaded yesterday14:27
ograworked a lot on the ftbfs list which showed various issues with packages14:27
mcasadevall(its sitting in the NEW queue)14:27
ogramcasadevall, ugh, with the broken synopsis and description ?14:28
ograand without the changes mentioned on revu ?14:28
mcasadevallogra, not quite as bad as the verison on REVU, but I accidently left the "the Das"14:28
ograupstart wasnt building, we had massive issues with binutils14:28
mcasadevallI can request a rejection and reupload if its a huge issue, else I'll fix it on the -0ubuntu2 upload14:28
ogralool and doko attacked both yesterday after i had poked around on them the whole weekend14:29
ograboth appear to be fixed14:29
ogralivefses for freescale images build14:29
ograstill a lot of ftbfs issues14:29
ograstill the timeout issues with various packages14:29
* bjf will be right back14:30
mcasadevallogra, the timeout was extended to 600 minutes14:30
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
ogra(though the timeout on the buildd seems to have been bumped to 10h)14:30
mcasadevallBut it wasn't long enough for mesa. A few of the previously FTBFSing KDE packages however now build)14:30
ograwhich results in all buildds blocking for 10h14:30
ograuntil it times out again14:30
ograwhich in turn blocks package builds massively now14:30
ograso we should discuss dropping lzma on armel imho14:30
ograbut thats for AOB ...14:31
mcasadevallogra, I don't think thats a proper solution to be honest14:31
ogradone with freescale14:31
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-arm-karmic-easy-redboot-management14:31
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-arm-karmic-easy-redboot-management14:31
ogramcasadevall, please put "solution for armel builder delays" to the AOB section14:31
ograthat spec might be obsolete with uboot14:32
* mcasadevall didn't realize what AOB was14:32
ogragiven that we dont need any redboot tools anymore and all of rdboot goes into pure maintenance with the switch to uboot14:32
ograi'll discuss with davidm offline if it can be dropped, uboot has al necessary tools in the archive already14:33
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-arm-karmic-offline-installer-gui14:33
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-arm-karmic-offline-installer-gui14:33
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
ogragood progress14:34
* bjf is back14:34
ograafter the switch to project-rootstock i actually had commits and patches from users already14:34
ograworking on a package14:34
ograand started fiddling with glade to get a good gui for the initial setup14:34
ogradone :)14:35
mcasadevall[topic] mcasadevall's specs14:36
MootBotNew Topic:  mcasadevall's specs14:36
mcasadevall[topic] mobile-arm-karmic-softboot-loader14:36
MootBotNew Topic:  mobile-arm-karmic-softboot-loader14:36
mcasadevallNo progress14:36
mcasadevall[topic] karmic-marvell-desktop14:36
MootBotNew Topic:  karmic-marvell-desktop14:36
mcasadevallGot hardware, brought it up the u-boot prompt, and we got a source drop, which is now being merged into the kernel. Dep-wait on subarchies in d-i however. Still requires d-i porting14:36
ograis it being merged ?14:37
mcasadevallogra, what is?14:37
ograo thought all ressources are on the imx stuff14:37
ograkernel patches14:37
ograbjf, ^^^ ?14:37
mcasadevallogra, I believe the drop we got was .3014:37
ogramcasadevall, i just said that i thought marvell was waiting on imx51 to be done because everyone is busy with that14:38
ograno matter what the patch revision is :)14:38
bjfogra, I am working on getting a git repo setup for Marvell so they can push their patches into it14:38
ograso nothing is being merged atm14:39
bjfI believe the patch drop we got from Marvell was just a preliminary drop and not one they expected us to apply14:39
bjfogra, that is correct14:39
ograthats what i ment14:39
ograwe're in idle state there14:39
mcasadevallDo we want to review the unassigned specs?14:40
ograbeyond that the board spills segfaults across the board if you try to build anything on it14:40
bjfi'm waiting on more info back from Marvell devs needed to setup their accounts and the git repo14:40
ograbut the whole desktop works14:40
* ogra wishes for some better framebuffer modes in the driver so he doesnt need to use a second monitor14:41
mcasadevall[topic] Any Other Business14:42
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business14:42
ograwell :)14:42
ograwhat do we do with the armel buildds ?14:42
ograif you let three packages with the timeout issue build you essentially put out all buildds for 10h14:42
ogratonight someone gave back mesa which then blocked a full buildd for 10h14:43
mcasadevallogra, there was a long discussion with IS on this14:43
* mcasadevall did that *cough*14:43
ograi'm a bit scared we have someone giving back three at the same time14:43
ograwhich kills the buildfarm for us14:43
ogra(at least for 10h)14:44
mcasadevallTHere isn't a great solution for this problem14:44
mcasadevallI don't think we want to loose lzma compression though, even though image size is less of a concern for us than other architectures14:44
ograi cant belive that it takes mesa 10h to zip the ddebs14:44
mcasadevallogra, its the -dbgs, and it makes sense. If you have 100-200MB of binary debug symbols, its going to take ages to crunch down to 33MB14:45
ograi still doubt it is actually caused by lzma and would like to see deeper research from IS on whats actually happening14:45
mcasadevallogra, I can ask them to relook into it, but I setup launchpad-buildd on an ARM board, and ran a few of the failing builds myself14:45
mcasadevallGIven enough time, they do succeed.14:45
ograyes, but we will run into issues with that14:46
ograblocking buildds for 10h or more (if we bump it even more) will definately get in our way14:46
mcasadevallogra, I realize that, but only a vast minority of builds will block and timeout like that14:47
ograhave you looked at http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ ?14:47
ogracurrently the whole of kde sits there14:47
mcasadevallogra, due to qt4-x11, yes :-/14:48
ograthat will take us out of business for a week14:48
ograeven if only half of the kde packages have the timeout issue14:48
mcasadevallWe're dealing with an architecture that is vastly underpowered unfortunately. I don't have a good solution on this one.14:49
mcasadevallEven if we remove lzma compression, its a stopgap measure at best14:49
ograwell, dropping lzma would be one14:49
mcasadevallMaybe we need something like distlzma for armel :-P14:49
ogranot a good one, not a beautiful one ... but it would get us back to jaunty buildspeed14:50
ograwhich was slow anyway already14:50
mcasadevallIf we're going to go that route, then I would like to see it be an official policy :-/14:50
ograi dont want to see openoffic being uploaded in the current state14:50
mcasadevall(and then we modify debhelper(?) to ignore the lzma flag on ARM vs. having to edit every package)14:50
ograindeed, it would need a well thought out solution14:51
mcasadevalloffloading the lzma compression might be a viable solution14:51
ograi'm just saying that the current situation is bloking us14:51
mcasadevallNot sure how IS will like it14:51
mcasadevallogra, no, I agree. the buildd timeout bump was a stopgap measure at best, it didn't solve the underlying problem14:52
ograi know there is HW coming for new buildds14:52
ograbut its not sure when and how fast it will be there14:52
mcasadevallIts slower in terms of raw muscle.14:52
ograpretty much the same14:52
ograbut USB disks14:52
mcasadevallI thought the boards we were looking at were 800Mhz14:52
mcasadevallYeah, now THAT is going to hurt14:53
ograanyway, we wont come to a conclusion now14:53
ogralets monitor the issue and put it on the agenda for next week14:53
mcasadevall[action] ogra and NCommander to confer on lzma compression issues on armel buildds14:53
MootBotACTION received:  ogra and NCommander to confer on lzma compression issues on armel buildds14:53
ograi'd really like to hear lool about it14:54
mcasadevallI'm going to end the meeting14:55
* mcasadevall looks left and right14:55
mcasadevallAnyone have anything else?14:55
MootBotMeeting finished at 08:56.14:56
cjwatsonmdz,Keybuk: TB?15:00
mdzcjwatson: here15:00
mdzwhose turn is it to chair?15:00
mdz(not me)15:00
Keybukmine I think15:00
mdzwe selected somebody at the end of the last meeting15:00
mdzKeybuk: ok, all yours15:01
KeybukDeveloper application board (ScottJamesRemnant)15:01
mdzKeybuk: mootbot?15:01
Keybukmdz: I can never drive the damned thing15:01
Keybukand spend half the meeting looking up its commands15:01
mdzok, if you prefer to email out the log, that's fine with me15:01
Keybukerr, I don't keep logs ;)15:02
MootBotMeeting started at 09:02. The chair is Keybuk.15:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:02
KeybukI can't seem to see minutes from the previous meeting?15:02
Keybuk[TOPIC] Developer application board (ScottJamesRemnant)15:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Developer application board (ScottJamesRemnant)15:02
KeybukColin replied to my mail yesterday with a few suggestions for updates15:03
mdzKeybuk: I emailed them to -devel-announce, want me to forward you a copy?15:03
Keybukmdz: ah, so you did, just not ubuntu-devel15:03
cjwatsonin my traditional "the meeting's tomorrow, hmm, what have I forgotten to do"15:03
Keybukmdz: did you have a chance to read through his proposed edits?15:03
mdzKeybuk: I believe cjwatson and I have both supported the general proposal, and just made some suggestions regarding the details15:04
mdzwhat has sabdfl said?15:04
Keybukindeed, I want to make sure we're all happy with the text15:04
Keybukmdz: "+1" was his only reply15:04
Keybukthe next step would appear to be sending the mail to the Community Council15:04
Keybukfor their rubber stamp15:05
cjwatsonwere the edits I suggested OK, or do we want to adjust them a bit here?15:05
Keybukcjwatson: I thought they were fine15:05
mdzKeybuk: I haven't seen a complete, revised version of the text, but was OK with everything what has been proposed in the thread15:05
mdzI'm happy for you to incorporate those bits and send it out15:05
Keybukmdz: the revised text would be my "Updated text" mail, with the suggested replacement paragraph from Colin15:06
Keybukso we should send it to the CC15:06
KeybukI guess we should wait for them to acknowledge it, and give them a chance to object15:06
mdzKeybuk: I don't see that mail15:06
cjwatsonCC motu-council, perhaps, to give them a chance to comment too?15:06
Keybukmdz: you _replied_ to that mail ;)15:06
Keybukcjwatson: indeed15:06
cjwatsonafter all, the intent is that ultimately they will be directly affected15:06
mdzweird, it's not in my received mail archive15:07
Keybukassuming there are no objections, we'll come back to this topic at the next meeting to enact the changes15:07
mdzI only have "Developer application board"15:07
Keybukmdz: it's in that thread15:07
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think mdz means a complete, revised version *including* my replacement paragraph15:07
KeybukDate: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 10:59:43 +010015:07
cjwatsonbut I don't think it matters if we are agreed anyway15:07
dholbachmotu-council@lists.ubuntu.com is a public list, dunno if that's your intent15:07
dholbachis there any more details about the developer application board?15:07
Keybukdholbach: at this point, I think we're more than happy for our plans to be public :-)15:07
mdzKeybuk: oh, I thought you meant a newer email entitled "Updated text". never mind.15:08
Keybukok, so15:08
Keybuk[ACTION] Keybuk to finalise text and send to CC and MOTU Council for review, objections and approval15:08
MootBotACTION received:  Keybuk to finalise text and send to CC and MOTU Council for review, objections and approval15:08
Keybuk[AGREED] revisit at next meeting15:09
MootBotAGREED received:  revisit at next meeting15:09
Keybuk[TOPIC] Archive reorganisation (ColinWatson)15:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Archive reorganisation (ColinWatson)15:09
cjwatsonthe current steps on the plan are:15:09
cjwatson(a) the developer application board (above)15:09
cjwatson(b) the actual package set contents15:09
cjwatsonKeybuk and dholbach gave feedback on the sketch autogeneration I did15:09
* dholbach gave some confused comments. :-)15:09
cjwatsonI'm happy to look at splitting stuff out from core as time goes on but would like to get what I have into LP anyway, if there are no other objections to the general structure15:10
cjwatsonhowever, there is some temporary blockage on the LP side; the packageset table needs to be attached to distroseries15:10
cjwatsonI've had a phone call with Julian Edwards and others about that and they're taking action15:10
cjwatsonother than that, we are more or less ready to start interviewing developers whose permissions might want to change in the new world order15:11
cjwatsondholbach: do you want me to start sending those out next week, given that you're on holiday?15:11
cjwatsonideally, I would be able to CC the new developer application board :-)15:12
dholbachcjwatson: that'd be great - if there's anything else I can help with (I know it's probably not going to be much), please let me know15:12
cjwatsonbut from the above it looks like that will probably not quite be set up next week15:12
cjwatsonso I'll just direct replies to technical-board@, I think15:12
cjwatsonI'll edit that a bit to reflect the work I've done on defining the initial package sets15:14
mdzcjwatson: so next steps are: DAB (as above), and get Launchpad ready15:14
cjwatsonmdz: do you have any feedback on the initial set layout I proposed?15:14
mdzcjwatson: I didn't see it until today, so I haven't read it yet15:14
mdzcjwatson: do you want my input before you proceed (modulo LP), or just to keep me informed?15:15
cjwatsonI'd like your input15:15
cjwatsonas a sanity check if nothing else15:15
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mdzI'll take an action to do that15:15
cjwatsonI have nothing else on this topic for this meeting15:16
mdzKeybuk: ?15:16
Keybuk[ACTION] mdz to provide input on proposed package sets15:17
MootBotACTION received:  mdz to provide input on proposed package sets15:17
Keybuk[ACTION] cjwatson to begin interviewing developers whose permissions might change15:17
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to begin interviewing developers whose permissions might change15:17
Keybukthat's right?15:17
Keybuk[TOPIC] Patent policy (JonoBacon)15:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Patent policy (JonoBacon)15:17
Keybukjono: !15:17
jonoI wanted to check in on the status of the patent policy with the TB15:18
jonohas this been finalized and approved?15:18
mdzsabdfl: scrollback emailed15:18
mdzjono: who have you received feedback from so far (or not)?15:18
mdzI've lost track15:19
cjwatsonI gave feedback yesterday15:19
cjwatsonmostly approving but with some wording suggestions for change of emphasis15:19
jonofeedback from cjwatson mdz Keybuk15:19
Keybukjono: from that, it looked like mdz had a few text-related suggestions that could warrant a redraft15:19
Keybuklikewise cjwatson?15:19
mdzjono: I replied with some comments (24 Jun), including questions which I think still need answering15:20
jonook great15:20
mdzjono: did you receive those OK?15:20
jonoare there any other topics regarding the policy that we would like to discuss here?15:20
jonomdz, yes, sorry, my mail is a little jumbled after the GCDS15:20
mdzok, so action for jono to review and incorporate the feedback so far15:21
mdzand also for sabdfl to review and give feedback15:21
jonoyep, I will have that ready for the next meeting15:21
mdzjono: if you could send it by next Tuesday, then we will have time to review it so we can vote at the next meeting. is that workable?15:21
Keybuk[ACTION] jono to update proposed patent policy text15:21
MootBotACTION received:  jono to update proposed patent policy text15:21
Keybuk[ACTION] sabdfl to provide feedback15:21
MootBotACTION received:  sabdfl to provide feedback15:21
jonomdz, sounds good15:21
Keybukok, great15:22
Keybuk[TOPIC] Select a chair for the next meeting15:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Select a chair for the next meeting15:22
Keybukcjwatson: looks like it's your turn ?15:22
Keybukhowever it does occur during Debconf15:22
cjwatsonmy turn, yes15:22
Keybukok, guess that's agreed ;)15:23
Keybuk[AGREED] cjwatson will chair the next meeting15:23
MootBotAGREED received:  cjwatson will chair the next meeting15:23
Keybuk[TOPIC] AOB15:23
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:23
Keybuk(I didn't see any applications pending review)15:23
mdzI have one item15:23
Keybukmdz: yup?15:23
mdzI've been trying to facilitate getting a release manifest assembled15:24
mdzfor 9.1015:24
mdzwhich details exactly what the release deliverables are, who is responsible for them, where they will be hosted and served, where they are announced, etc.15:24
mdzthere are still quite a few question marks on it, and some things which aren't yet signed off (robbiew is helping)15:25
mdzI'd like to solicit comment from the TB regarding the overall effort, and filling in any of the question marks15:25
cjwatsonI think I wrote the original draft of that so any question marks there are things I didn't know :-)15:26
mdzand also to make folks aware that this exists as a tool for coordinating work15:26
sabdflthe manifest is likely to grow a Moblin edition15:27
mdzcjwatson: was putting the add-on back onto releases a conscious choice?15:28
sabdflalongside Xubuntu etc - cdimage, rather than releases.ubuntu.com15:28
Keybukit seems generally reasonable15:28
cjwatsonmdz: accident, I think15:28
cjwatsonthat should say cdimage15:28
mdzcjwatson: has there been a conversation between the server and release teams about how we'll get the AMIs onto EC2?15:28
cjwatsonor possibly the original draft predated that move15:28
mdzwill that be part of the publishing process or a separate manual step?15:28
mdzcjwatson: agreed and edited15:29
cjwatsonmdz: soren is taking care of that independently, as far as I know, and has been working with the IS team15:29
cjwatsongiven that they're built on a separate host, I explicitly don't want to have to indirect the publishing through antimony15:29
mdzcjwatson: are you OK with that, or is it better to centralize as many of those steps as possible within the release team so we don't block?15:29
cjwatsonhowever, the last communication with the IS team was that the hostname would be ec2-image.ubuntu.com?15:29
cjwatsonso I think that needs to be changed in light of our last conversation on the subject?15:29
cjwatsonmdz: I'm OK with it, until such time as the image building is moved under the control of the cdimage team; I don't see a rush to do that15:30
mdzcjwatson: I've asked that it be changed, yes (in fact I did so before that request went in, but the message didn't get to all the right folks)15:30
cjwatsonmdz: is that request in the form of an RT ticket?15:30
mdzcjwatson: no15:30
mdzjust mail in the thread15:30
cjwatsondo we have a naming consensus, so that we can file a ticket?15:30
mdzbest suggestions so far were "uec" and "cloud"15:31
mdzsabdfl: any preference?15:31
mdzcjwatson: could you fill in the announcement column to reflect what we did for 9.04, as a starting point?15:32
cjwatsonok, will do15:32
sabdflwould be my preference15:32
cjwatsoncloud-image.ubuntu.com, then?15:32
cjwatsonI'll ask soren to file that, as he also needs to change the actual image file names15:33
sabdflmdz is explaining the need for a separate domain to me15:33
mdzsee above: <cjwatson> given that they're built on a separate host, I explicitly don't want to have to indirect the publishing through antimony15:34
sabdflgo with cloud-image, but please plan to consolidate the images around releases.ubuntu.com15:34
cjwatsonthe need is that it is currently not integrated into the regular cdimage build setup and it is hard to do so in the short term because the build process requires root15:34
sabdflif we can't do that for 9.10 then fine, cloud-image. is ok15:34
mdzsabdfl: what I've asked is that they are presented alongside the ISOs on www.ubuntu.com/download15:34
mdz"I want server edition" -> "metal or cloud?" -> etc.15:34
cjwatsonI can also put a link on releases.ubuntu.com if necessary15:34
cjwatsonI agree that the separation is suboptimal15:35
sabdflwe need to get that straightened out for 10.0415:35
mdzthe cloud bits are available on EC2 (here's a list of AMIs) or for UEC (here's a download)15:35
cjwatsonsabdfl: ack15:36
Keybuk[TOPIC] Tech Board membership15:36
MootBotNew Topic:  Tech Board membership15:36
Keybukmy membership expires again shortly after the next meeting15:36
Keybukand mdz's membership expires as well15:37
Keybukat UDS, we discussed increasing the number15:37
Keybuksabdfl: ?15:37
sabdflaiee :-)15:37
sabdflon the CC we've decided to have a two-yearly election15:37
sabdflwe want 12 candidates for 8 seats15:37
KeybukI would be in favour of the same system for the TB15:38
sabdfli'm happy to try that15:38
Keybukare candidates nominating themselves, or selected?15:38
sabdfldholbach is gathering nominations for the CC15:38
sabdflself, me, CC, others, nominations can come from anywhere15:38
Keybuksabdfl: can people self-nominate?15:38
sabdflKeybuk: sure15:39
dholbachKeybuk: yes15:39
nhandlerJust a suggestion, it might be beneficial to hold off on any TB election until after the CC elections15:39
Keybuksabdfl: it seems appropriate that cjwatson should receive the nominations, as the only member whose seat is not about to expire?15:40
sabdfl+1, Keybuk, but how does cjwatson feel about that?15:41
Keybukcjwatson: ?15:42
cjwatsonI guess I'm OK with that, although presumably I would essentially be passing them straight over to sabdfl15:42
cjwatsonam I expected to do some vetting?15:42
sabdflno, we can do that in the TB15:42
cjwatsonand/or to actively go out seeking nominations?15:42
Keybukcould we not simply ask people to mail the nomination to the mailing list?15:43
cjwatsonnhandler: why? (I'm not opposed, just curious)15:43
Keybukwhat kind of numbers for the board should we target?  should we match the CC's 12 nominations for 8 seats?15:43
nhandlercjwatson: It might cause an issue if for instance some person is only interested in serving on one council or the other. If they were to make it on the CC, they might not want to be on the TB15:44
Keybuknhandler: the CC and TB attract a very different kind of person, and are quite different in responsibility15:44
Keybukor should be aim for a smaller number (6 seats?)15:44
nhandlerKeybuk: The responsibilities are different, but I think some people could be qualified to serve on either of the councils15:45
cjwatsonnhandler: as the only person other than sabdfl who's ever sat on both (not concurrently!) I can see why that would be the case, but I think it's reasonable to ask people to choose15:46
mdzsabdfl: your TB membership does not have an expiration date; is that intentional?15:46
cjwatsonthink of it a different way - it would suck if you got onto the CC when you really wanted to work on the TB, only to find out that there were TB elections a month later :-)15:46
nhandlercjwatson: I just think it would be easier for them to choose after knowing whether or not they make it on the CC15:46
sabdflmdz: yes, i don't mind stepping down if that's appropriate15:46
cjwatsonwhat's the expected timeframe for the CC elections?15:47
sabdflwe set a six week schedule for the CC, iirc. dholbach?15:48
Keybuktwo weeks for nominations, four for voting?15:48
nhandlerKeybuk: There is a period in there for confirming nominations and generating the short list as well15:49
KeybukI'd say we should15:49
cjwatsonthat would basically mean extending Keybuk and mdz's memberships by ... what, fourteen weeks or so?15:49
Keybuk- announce for nominations today, received at the TB mailing list15:49
Keybuk- receive nominations by the next TB meeting in two weeks time15:49
dholbachsabdfl: what nhandler said - I'll send out an email about the exact schedule RSN15:49
Keybuk- announce voting at the TB meeting after that (11/8)15:50
Keybuk- announce membership at the TB meeting after that (25/8)15:50
Keybukdoes that sound reasonable?15:50
Keybuksabdfl, mdz, cjwatson?15:50
cjwatsonnhandler: TBH, I think the sort of person who would be flexible enough to actually serve (as opposed to just apply) for either the CC or the TB would be easily confirmed for either, and so having them choose up-front is in practice not much different15:50
sabdflKeybuk: +115:50
cjwatsonperhaps we should mention it in the nomination papers though15:51
cjwatsonKeybuk: +115:51
sabdflnhandler: i think it's a reasonable concern, but we're able to resolve it during the nominations gathering process15:51
mdzKeybuk: seems a bit slow, but if it's the best we can do, I'm ok with it15:51
cjwatsonerr, "announce membership"?15:51
cjwatsonas in that's the end of the vote?15:51
mdzcjwatson: that's a 2 week voting period15:51
cjwatsonright. I'm OK with that15:51
Keybuktwo week nomination, two week deliberation and two week voting15:51
Keybukeach one terminating before a TB meeting15:51
Keybukwhat about numbers?15:52
Keybukis 8 too large for the TB?15:52
Keybukwe currently have 4 seats15:52
cjwatsonit'd be a bit of a shift in style, but I think 8 is at the upper end of OK15:52
mdzthat would mean 4 new slots15:52
Keybukcjwatson's expires in 201115:52
KeybukMark's does not expire15:53
cjwatsonmore than that would run into committee syndrome I think15:53
mdzI agree with cjwatson15:53
Keybukmine has long expired, and I have indicated that I would prefer to vacate my seat and nominate myself for re-election to give others a chance15:53
mdzI think 6 would be sufficient, but definitely no more than 815:53
Keybukand mdz's expires in a few weeks15:53
KeybukI think 6 sounds right15:53
cjwatsoncompromise on 7? :-) I'd like to err on the slightly larger side if possible to allow room for more non-Canonical participation15:54
KeybukI'd be ok with 715:54
cjwatsonsabdfl: ?15:55
persiaIs that 7 additional, or 7 total?15:55
sabdfli'm happy with 6 or 7, but not with growing quorum15:55
Keybukpersia: total15:55
mdzif we open up 4 seats, we will be obliged to fill 4 seats, and I think it would be difficult to identify, discuss and vote in that many qualified folks in one go15:56
sabdfli.e. if we grow the TB, let's not also make it harder to have quorum15:56
Keybukso we would be electing 5 seats, how many nominations should we accept?  8 sounds right for that number15:56
cjwatsonquorum is currently two isn't it?15:56
cjwatsonor do you mean growing the percentage?15:56
sabdfl2-3 would be fine15:57
Keybukmdz: what kind of numbers do you think are right?15:57
sabdfl4 would be difficult15:57
mdzKeybuk: I suggest 615:57
cjwatsonso how about total 6 quorum 3?15:57
mdzquorum is currently 215:57
cjwatsonatm we seem to have 3 pretty routinely15:57
mdzI think 3/6 is reasonable, but would like to understand sabdfl's concern better15:58
cjwatsonso I *think* that would work out OK, although it would depend on timezones of the new members15:58
mdzI have to go to another meeting in 60 seconds though15:58
cjwatsonwe're lucky to have all the board members in the same timezone just now15:58
Keybukcan I just confirm which seats are up?15:58
KeybukI know mine is15:58
KeybukI'm unsure as to whether mdz's is - or whether yours will auto-renew15:58
Keybukand I assume sabdfl's isn't?15:58
sabdfl3/6-7 would be fine for me too15:58
Keybuksounds like we agree on 6 seats with a Q of 315:59
sabdflon the CC we put the whole lot up :-)15:59
mdzKeybuk: mine is expiring according to LP15:59
Keybuksabdfl: it seems unfair to force cjwatson to be elected twice in the same year ;)15:59
cjwatsonI abstain from this debate :-)15:59
Keybuksabdfl: it's up to you, we're just about out of time16:00
mdzKeybuk: agreed, I see no reason for cjwatson's term to be cut short16:00
Keybukand I think we should have a plan now16:00
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sabdfli agree!16:00
Keybuksabdfl: will your seat be up for nomination or will you retain it?16:00
sabdflif you're all willing to stand for election, let's say cjwatson sits tight, and the rest is an open field16:00
Keybukso that's 5 seats16:01
sabdfli'm thinking16:01
sabdfli don't mind stepping down, if that will help. i know that my daily involvement in the platform is limited16:01
sabdflif it's useful to have me on the TB, i'm happy to stay16:02
Keybuksabdfl: that is completely up to you16:02
sabdflalright, i'm delighted to appoint myself again ;-)16:02
cjwatson(appoint or nominate?)16:03
Keybuk(apologies to the server team)16:03
Keybuksabdfl: ?16:04
cjwatsonI think we'll have to cut short there; why don't we confirm the final details by mail?16:05
Keybukindeed, it sounds like there's some over-the-desk action happening16:05
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:05.16:05
ttxok, who is here for the server team meeting ?16:06
Keybukttx: apologies16:06
ttxKeybuk: no problem !16:06
sommerhey all16:06
ttxYour regular host, the incredibly entertaining mathiaz, is stuck in another meeting.16:07
ttxok, let's go.16:08
MootBotMeeting started at 10:08. The chair is ttx.16:08
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:08
ttxToday's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:09
ttxLast week minutes:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2009070716:09
ttx[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:09
ttxI can't find any ACTION points in last week meeting minutes, so that should be short16:10
ttxUnless someone has a comment about last week meeting ?16:10
ttxthen... we should proceed to...16:11
ttx[TOPIC] Roadmap16:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Roadmap16:11
DavieyThe agenda is somewhat thin, no?16:11
ttxDaviey: you can see through it.16:11
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ttxOur Roadmap page still looks a little outdated and jaunty16:12
kirklandoh, jaunty :-)16:13
ttxWe still need to have that discussion on how to best refresh it, but I prefer to have this discussion with mathiaz around, since he designed the current one16:13
ttxso we'll pass.16:14
ttxand replace that with kirkland's interesting topic from last week meeting...16:14
ttx[TOPIC] Name one cool Ubuntu thing you did last week16:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Name one cool Ubuntu thing you did last week16:15
ttx(an Ubuntu Server thing, pereferably)16:15
Daviey"I went shopping and i bought a.."16:15
ttxDaviey: 19U rack full of blades ?16:16
* sommer setup drbd in a soon-to-be-production environment (on hardy though)... it was cool to me anyway :)16:16
kirklandttx: I released PowerNap -- part of our cloud power management solution16:17
* alexm reviewed karmic serverguide section about monitoring16:17
* sommer cheers alexm16:17
RoAkSoAxI've been testing Pacemaker-Heartbeat clusters and fixing a couple bugs, and I should be doing a call for testing :). After that I'll be preparing HowTo's on how to integrate it with DRBD :)16:17
ttxok, on my side, I took pictures of koalas during my vacation week.16:17
ttxhe definitely looked karmic.16:18
alexmsommer: :-)16:18
ttxand was eating fresh eucalyptus leaves.16:18
ttxanyone else ?16:18
* alexm installed -proposed kvm-84 in jaunty16:19
ttxalexm: great ! how did that go ?16:19
alexmseems to be working fine for me16:19
* kirkland cheers alexm!16:19
* kirkland could really use help getting some verification on 4 bugs a jaunty-proposed kvm-84 fixes16:19
alexmhowever, i couldn't provide much feedback on all the bugs listed by kirkland16:19
kirklandalexm: verified one of them, thanks!16:20
kirklandi need to move those 4 to verification-done, to get kvm-84 into hardy backports16:20
alexmsome of them are quite specific scenarios16:20
pace_t_zului've been working on libposix16:20
pace_t_zuluand i'm interested in packaging skia for ubuntu16:20
kirklandunfortunately, i think most of my kvm testers are just happy running the kvm's i've been providing in ppa's16:20
* ttx looks up skia16:21
alexmkirkland: there are a couple of reporters willing to test the -proposed ones next week or so16:21
ttxpace_t_zulu: doesn't look like very server-ish16:22
pace_t_zuluttx: no it isn't16:22
ttxok, anyone else with cool stuff to report ?16:22
ttxlet's open the bar for general discussion then.16:23
ttx[TOPIC] Open Discussion16:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion16:23
ttxanyone has soething they want to bring up ? Or July is just too hot ?16:25
alexmanyone attended to Gran Canaria Desktop Summit?16:26
ttxalexm: nobody from the sever team, I think16:27
ttxserver, even16:27
kirklandalexm: mdz did;  he wrote about it in his blog16:27
alexmi'm not sure if there was any session server-related, being desktop summit16:27
alexmi was just curious16:27
ttxit is very desktop-focused.16:27
alexmkirkland: thanks, i'll take a look16:27
DavieyI can't help but think the server team should be more involved with SRU bugs related to server packages..16:28
DavieyBug #394696 is really "bugging" me16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394696 in apache2-mpm-itk "Please rebuild apache2-mpm-itk [Hardy] to handle updated apache source" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39469616:28
ttxDaviey: excellent subject, thanks16:28
Davieyand the motu-sru team is *three* people16:28
ttxWe definitely could do a better job at tracking server SRUs16:28
alexmwould it help having apache2-mpm-itk in main?16:29
ttxtracking candidates and pushing accepted ones to completion16:30
DavieyI don't think it really needs to be in main TBH16:30
DavieyI think server *related* packages matter to the server team, no matter where they are..16:30
alexmsure, good point16:31
ttxI think discussion on server SRU tracking deserves some preparation and a full agenda point16:31
Davieyttx: agreed16:31
ttxthough for the particular bug you mention, it needs to be fixed asap16:31
ttxDaviey: but it is blocked on motu-sru afaict16:32
Davieyttx: We should perhaps raise the discussion with motu(-sru) about how best to help aswell.16:32
ttxDaviey: this bug could use a proper SRU request, though it's quite simple16:33
ttx(step 2 in Procedure at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates)16:33
ttxanyway, we cannot subsitute ourselves to motu-sru16:34
ttxbut tracking SRU candidates and having a regular server team meeting agenda point to review them, yes.16:34
ttxACTION: ttx to add SRU tracking to next meeting agenda16:35
ttx[ACTION] ttx to add SRU tracking to next meeting agenda16:35
MootBotACTION received:  ttx to add SRU tracking to next meeting agenda16:35
ttxivoks: o/16:36
ivokshi all16:36
Davieyttx: thanks16:36
pace_t_zuluhi ivoks16:36
ttxanything else someone wants to mention before we wrap up ?16:36
ograicecubes for everyone !16:37
ttxivoks: something you wanted to talk about ?16:38
ivoksnot really16:38
ttxokay then16:38
ttx[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time16:38
MootBotNew Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time16:38
ttxnext week, same place, same time ?16:38
ttxI think we have a reasonably good attendance with this timing.16:39
ivoksand nothing else works... :)16:39
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:40.16:40
sommerthanks ttx16:40
ttxThanks everyone16:40
pace_t_zuluthanks for chairing ttx16:50
alexmthank you all16:54
=== vorian is now known as OldSchool
amitkHola everybody! We are about to start the kernel team meeting.18:00
amitkRoll Call18:01
* bjf is here18:01
* jjohansen present18:01
* apw enters stage left18:01
* manjo waves his arm18:01
* smb enters right18:01
* cking_ here18:01
* apw crashes into smb18:01
* ogasawara waves18:01
amitkI guess that's everybody18:02
* manjo insures himself against apw18:02
amitkFirst of all, welcome ogasawara (officially now part of the kernel team)18:02
* manjo welcomes ogasawara 18:03
amitkogasawara has already been our QA champion for a while18:03
* jjohansen welcomes ogasawara18:03
MootBotMeeting started at 12:03. The chair is amitk.18:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:03
amitk[TOPIC] Open Action Items: "(apw) update status page for kernel-karmic-kernel-decision-session"18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Action Items: "(apw) update status page for kernel-karmic-kernel-decision-session"18:04
apwdone i believe18:04
amitkThere was a related action for bjf to remove this from the list of blueprints that I've already done18:04
amitk[TOPIC] Open Action Items: "(jjohansen) to issue AA pull request"18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Action Items: "(jjohansen) to issue AA pull request"18:04
apwyep, and its pulled into the current karmic kernel18:05
amitkmoving onto the status of Karmic18:05
amitk[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:05
amitk[TOPIC] Karmic Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs)18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Karmic Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs)18:05
amitkogasawara, apw?18:05
ogasawaraRelease meeting bugs and status are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:06
ogasawaraCurrentely there are no RC Milestoned Bugs for Alpha318:06
ogasawaraRelease Targeted bugs are at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/linux18:06
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
amitk[TOPIC] Karmic Release Status: Milestoned Features18:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Karmic Release Status: Milestoned Features18:06
ogasawaraI think those are at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/karmic-alpha-318:06
* manjo goes to pick up fedex... board is here 18:07
amitk[LINK] https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/karmic-alpha-318:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/karmic-alpha-318:07
amitkBlueprints then...18:07
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling18:07
ogasawaraRunning the kernel arsenal scripts is showing good progress. . .18:07
ogasawaraWeekly summary: down 58 Open bugs, down 143 New bugs, up 42 Fix Released bugs18:07
ogasawaraI'm loosly tracking overall progress at http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/qapkgstatus/linux18:07
ogasawaraamitk: done18:08
amitkogasawara: should this be removed from the list of blueprints?18:08
apwits starting to sound like the work is now 'business as usual' to me18:09
apwand perhaps the general improvements can be reported in the bug stats section ?18:09
ogasawaraamitk: like apw said, it's more of a routine maintenance now18:09
ogasawaraamitk: so I say remove it and I'll report updates when needed18:09
apwogasawara, do we want to maek the blueprint complete too?18:09
ogasawaraapw: let me review first to make sure it's complete18:10
amitk[ACTION] (amitk) Remove Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling from list18:10
MootBotACTION received:  (amitk) Remove Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling from list18:10
amitk[ACTION] (apw, ogasawara) Mark Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling as complete18:10
MootBotACTION received:  (apw, ogasawara) Mark Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling as complete18:10
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-hwdb-workshop18:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-hwdb-workshop18:10
ogasawaraI've been following up with Abel re bug 338772 and bug 39931918:10
ogasawaraAbel and the Launchpad team are still working out the details for pushing the scripts to a central project repo18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338772 in checkbox "Data from `lshw` should be submitted to Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33877218:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399319 in checkbox "Remove the HAL dependency from Launchpad HWDB and checkbox " [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39931918:10
ogasawaraamitk: should hopefully know more next week about the project repo.  that's it for now.18:11
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-kms18:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-kms18:11
apwKarmic rebased to -rc3 which brings a slew of i915 updates for KMS.  ATI is still not supported in userspace.  Testing continues with x-edgers.18:11
amitkAny idea if ATI support will appear before A4?18:12
apwin userspace, not sure yet.  on my list to sync with them to find out18:12
bjfapw, what's the story on Nvidia?18:12
apwwe're not expecting anything for nvidia for .31, nouveau is too new there18:13
apwwe are likely to offer it through x-edgers in the meantime18:13
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-new-kernel-on-lts18:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-new-kernel-on-lts18:13
apwthat is rtg, i believe its not moved much since last week18:13
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-review-of-non-upstreamed-code18:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-review-of-non-upstreamed-code18:13
smbOngoing, in rogress18:13
smbprogress even18:14
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-android18:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-android18:14
amitkbjf: know anything?18:14
bjfstalled waiting on resources18:14
bjfthis is in cooloney's hands now and he's helping with imx5118:15
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-sponsoring-staging-drivers18:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-sponsoring-staging-drivers18:15
apwthis one is on hold18:15
smbI guess nothing new, yeah18:15
apwpending resource being available when the rest of the tasks are done18:15
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-ssd18:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-ssd18:16
apwi think that is complete from our point of view18:16
cking_that's complete. I needed to send an Email around, I forgot :-(18:16
apwi think i expected it going off the list this week18:16
* cking_ too18:16
apwaction that cking_ on it :)18:16
amitk[ACTION] (cking) to send email about Blueprints: kernel-karmic-ssd18:17
MootBotACTION received:  (cking) to send email about Blueprints: kernel-karmic-ssd18:17
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-suspend-resume18:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-suspend-resume18:17
amitkmanjo: ?18:17
manjonothing on that yet18:18
apwhe has been working on the review of ubuntu/ so that ones behind it18:18
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-wifi18:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-wifi18:18
manjoI will be doing a session on it in atlanta linux fest18:18
manjoand at the sprint to see how kms works18:18
manjoin karmic18:18
apwi think that is rtg also, so not sure of wifi status18:18
manjowrt to suspend/resume18:18
amitkack manjo18:19
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-better-power-mgt18:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-better-power-mgt18:19
amitkthat is stalled on me18:19
amitkawaiting resources, that is18:19
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-flavours18:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-flavours18:19
* apw checks 18:20
smbIsn' that already closed?18:20
amitkit should be, but isn't marked on the Status page18:20
apwamitk, action me to clean up the status page pls18:20
amitk[ACTION] (apw) clean up status of Blueprints: kernel-karmic-flavours18:21
MootBotACTION received:  (apw) clean up status of Blueprints: kernel-karmic-flavours18:21
amitk[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-config-rework18:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-config-rework18:21
amitkThis should be closed too18:21
apwok that one is officially complete18:21
apwi need to get pete to sync the status into the blueprints18:21
bjfamitk, that wasn't on the meeting agenda18:21
apwwill do that as part of the previous action18:22
amitkbjf: I guess I didn't edit your mootbot runes correctly :)18:22
amitk[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: AppArmor18:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: AppArmor18:22
amitkjjohansen: great work!18:22
apwthe current karmic kernels contain this in a ready to test state18:23
jjohansen:) can I sleep now ;)18:23
apwsome small regression remain and are being worked18:23
amitkwhat is the upstream status?18:23
jjohansencurrently there is a regression in the clone test18:23
amitkjjohansen: not yet, till we get this upstream ;-p18:23
amitkhas anything been posted to lkml?18:24
jjohansenI haven't done anything with upstream yet, just focused on the regressions18:24
apwi assume that we will be aiming to have it upstream in time for the kernel LL is cut from18:24
amitkthanks jjohansen18:25
amitk[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: ARM-Freescale18:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: ARM-Freescale18:25
bjfthe saga continues, we are now getting support from Freescale so we hope to see some progress this week, manjo is the new man on the spot18:25
manjoI built the bjf kernel18:25
* pgraner tags manjo and shouts your it!18:25
manjocurrenly building amitk 's kernel18:25
manjowaiting on a board18:26
amitkI've got a minimal imx51 kernel ported to 2.6.31-rc compiling18:26
smbWe need to decide one more thing and I get the topic branch into clean state18:26
manjoand will check with anmar on a date & time I can be onsite18:26
bjflots of Jaunty SRU work going on as well w.r.t. imx5118:26
manjoI talked to onsite rep and he is ready to go18:26
smberr, wrong kernel I guess18:26
amitkand this one uses the in-kernel file structure, APIs, etc.18:26
amitk[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Reintegrate Ports18:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Reintegrate Ports18:27
amitkapw: can we mark this completed?18:27
apwthat one is complete.  we wanted to drop that one from the agenda18:27
amitk[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Grub218:27
amitksame with this?18:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Grub218:28
apwyep, thats complete18:28
amitk[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others18:28
smb* Dapper:   2.6.15-54.77 (security)18:28
smb* Hardy:    2.6.24-24.55 (security)18:28
smb            2.6.24-24.56 (proposed+security)[7] with 3/11 verifications18:28
smb* Intrepid: 2.6.27-14.35 (security)18:28
smb            2.6.27-14.36 (proposed+security)[7] with 5/24 verifications18:28
smb            LRM 2.6.27-14.20 (proposed)[25] with 1/2 verifications.18:28
smb            Verification for LRM should be complete now, but I just updated18:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others18:28
smb            the report today.18:28
smb* Jaunty:   2.6.28-13.45 (security)18:28
smb            2.6.28-14.46 (proposed)[6] with 0/15 verifications18:28
smb            LRM 2.6.28-14.18 (proposed)[6]18:28
smb            LBM 2.6.28-14.15 (proposed)[6]18:28
smb            LRM and LBM are rebuilds with bumped ABI, the kernel contains an18:28
smb            import from upstream stable and should be tested well.18:28
amitkefficient as always smb :)18:29
smbI love to be :)18:29
amitk[TOPIC] Status: Karmic18:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Karmic18:29
apwThe karmic kernel is now rebased to 2.6.31-rc3 (2.6.31-3.19).  Carries a large DRM delta, and some ext4 patches.  Also carries aufs2 for testing.  Finally it carries AppArmour (disabled) for testing.18:29
amitkHave we triggered a lot of kerneloops reports?18:30
cking_how do we test AppArmour if it's disabled?18:30
jjohansenuse security=apparmor18:30
apwnot seen anyything specific for kernel oops18:30
amitkcurious about the uptake of alphas18:30
apwwe have a lot of people who were reporting bugs, and we are seeing a steep rise18:31
apwin regression-potential bugs, so someone is testing18:31
apwogasawara, any feel for how much bug traffic we have?18:31
cking_any particular kinds of regressions worth mentioning?18:31
smbfailed to boot?18:31
ogasawaraapw: http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/qapkgstatus/linux might give a rough idea18:32
apwwe've had a number of booting issues with specifici hardware, worst in -rc118:32
apwthings are looking better, but still wobbly18:32
smbalso wireless and rfkill inparticular seemed to be an issue18:32
apwyeah lots of fallout from the rfkill re-work ...18:33
amitkMoving on...18:33
amitk[TOPIC] Status: ARM18:33
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: ARM18:33
amitkbjf: anything else to add?18:33
bjfjust more Jaunty SRU work being done18:33
amitk[TOPIC] Status: Netbook18:34
bjfmore of Hugh's team getting involved (imx51 is really sucking up resources)18:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Netbook18:34
smbI'd say we are close there for the first step18:34
smbbug as bjf says there are more to come18:34
apwnetbook: we pushed and updated jaunty netbook tree for testing18:35
amitkis OEM the primary customer?18:35
apwwe are moving to a specific flavour for netbook sometime this week, config issues allowing18:35
apwthere is likely to be a karmic one shortly also18:35
cking_amitk, yep18:35
aweapw: unlike last time, i'm going to push this version into our repo this afternoon...18:35
apwawe excellent, let me know how it fairs18:36
aweapw: so should have testing status for you next week18:36
cking_awe, that's good18:36
amitk[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions18:36
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions18:36
ogasawaraThere were 5 regression-potential bugs added to the list this week and 1 regression-release.18:36
ogasawaraAll have already been commented on by a member of the kernel team.18:36
ogasawaraAs mentioned above, boot failures and rfkill types of issues18:36
apwwe are struggling a bit to cope with the bug load right now, with so much resoruce being sucked up18:37
amitkand it will only get worse once we hit beta, I guess18:37
* apw shudders18:38
smbAs always any help is welcome ;-)18:38
amitk[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report18:38
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report18:38
manjoalso some drivers in staging might need to be moved to latest version... rt2x00 for instanace18:38
ogasawaraBug day stats are as follows:18:38
ogasawaraBug Day Stats - Kernel Devs18:38
ogasawaraFix Released    5 (↑5)18:38
ogasawaraFix Committed   0 (↑0)18:38
ogasawaraWon't Fix   3 (↑3)18:38
ogasawaraInvalid 5 (↑5)18:38
ogasawaraReassigned  0 (↑0)18:38
ogasawaraIn Progress 2 (↑2)18:38
ogasawaraIncomplete  79 (↑79)18:38
ogasawaraTriaged 21 (↓10)18:38
ogasawaraConfirmed   25 (↓10)18:38
ogasawaraNew 80 (↓74)18:38
ogasawaraBug Day Stats - Community18:38
ogasawaraFix Released    1 (↑1)18:38
ogasawaraFix Committed   0 (↑0)18:38
ogasawaraWon't Fix   1 (↑1)18:38
ogasawaraInvalid 1 (↑1)18:38
ogasawaraReassigned  0 (↑0)18:38
ogasawaraIn Progress 1 (↑1)18:39
ogasawaraIncomplete  5 (↑5)18:39
ogasawaraTriaged 40 (↓10)18:39
ogasawaraConfirmed   0 (↑0)18:39
ogasawaraNew 1 (↑1)18:39
ogasawaraOf course I want to give a big thank you to Andres Mujica and JFo for helping out last week!18:39
ogasawaraI'd also like to point out that JFo even tackled a list of 30 additional bugs I gave him.18:39
ogasawaraThe next bug day will be next Tues 21 July.  We're going to target the backlog of bugs on the weekly kernel buglist.18:39
amitkThanks Andres and JFo18:39
apwyep big thanks both18:39
amitkThanks ogasawara18:39
amitk[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?18:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?18:39
apwi'd call that a no18:40
amitkgoing once18:40
amitkgoing twice..18:40
apwsold to the man in the hat18:40
amitkMoving on to our favourite topic...18:41
amitk[TOPIC] Next Meeting Chair Selection18:41
MootBotNew Topic:  Next Meeting Chair Selection18:41
manjowho is next on the list ?18:41
bjfapw is next18:41
apwi believe that its me18:41
apwack, should be ok for me next week18:41
manjoare we going by irc nics ?18:41
amitk[ACTION] (apw) is chair for next meeting18:41
MootBotACTION received:  (apw) is chair for next meeting18:41
amitkThat's all folks!18:41
amitkThank you18:41
amitkAnd have a good day/night18:42
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:42.18:42
* apw trips off stage right18:42
* smb follows18:42
* amitk stumbles off18:42
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=== OldSchool is now known as FurieuxV
=== FurieuxV is now known as Effexor
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
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=== Effexor is now known as vorian
Kangarooohello what date it is by ubuntu calendar?23:58
nhandler23:00 UTC Kangarooo23:58
bodhi_zazenis everyone here ?23:59
MootBotMeeting started at 17:59. The chair is bodhi_zazen.23:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]23:59
bodhi_zazenAgenda :23:59
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings23:59

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