
=== asac_ is now known as asac
neversfeldeif someone from the MOTU SRU team is present, it would be great if you could have a look at bug #22153100:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221531 in kopete-plugin-thinklight "Thinklight doesn't blink because /proc/acpi/ibm/thinklight has wrong permissions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22153100:08
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_AndrewHow do I change the version number on a library? The library i'm packing has the format libname.so.0.0.0 but I need it to be libname.so.2.2.201:06
RAOF_Andrew: Messing with libtool is the answer.  You're the author of libname? :)01:11
_AndrewNot the upstream, just putting the package together for the first time01:12
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stochasticdoes anyone in here know how to hook into the pbuilder system  (i.e. able to execute commands in the build environment) should the build fail?04:49
nhandlerstochastic: You can try the C10shell script in the Kubuntu pbuilder-hooks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks/files04:53
nhandlerThat will drop you to a shell inside the chroot if the build fails04:53
stochasticI have that script already but I don't remember how to invoke it04:53
nhandlerstochastic: If you have your pbuilderrc file setup properly, the script will be run whenever a build fails, you shouldn't need to call it manually or anything like that04:55
stochasticnhandler, this is my pbuilderrc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/217511/ is there anything missing?04:57
nhandlerstochastic: Yes, you need to set HOOKDIR: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks/annotate/head%3A/README04:58
stochasticnhandler, thanks.04:59
nhandlerYou are welcome stochastic05:00
stochasticanyone want to do a REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/a2jmidid05:24
mr_spot_fabrice_sp, are you here? i have uploaded a new version of my package, but i'm not sure how to address your third point. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pulseaudio-mixer-applet05:28
fabrice_spmr_spot_, yes. Let me check05:28
fabrice_spfor the third point, it seems ok as it is now. I'll have another look to see if I detect more errors05:29
mr_spot_thanks :)05:29
fabrice_spstochastic, did you notice you still have a lintian warning?05:39
fabrice_spa warning I mean. About missing a copy of the licence in the upstream tarball05:40
stochasticthe license is there, it just has a bad name gpl2.txt05:41
fabrice_spstochastic, why is it build depending on python and not on python-dev ?05:51
stochasticfabrice_sp, hmm, I'll adjust that and let you know05:57
fabrice_spok. Anyway I have more comments, so please wait :-)05:58
fabrice_spI see: it's normal as the 'executables' are python scripts. Even the build scripts are in python :-/06:00
fabrice_spstochastic, ^06:00
stochasticwell the build is successful with python-dev in pbuilder06:01
fabrice_spyeah, but you don't really need it06:01
stochasticbut it was also successful with python06:01
fabrice_spI'm no python guru, but I think in that case, build dependency on python is ok (as well as run dependency)06:03
wgrantpython-dev is not needed if it's purely Python.06:05
wgrantpython-dev is almost exclusively used for building C extensions.06:05
fabrice_spthanks wgrant ! stochastic ^06:06
stochasticyes, good to know.06:06
fabrice_spHow can I know why a -dev package is pulled in sid and not in karmic?  the rdepends does not work very well with build dependencies06:17
fabrice_spwhen building a package, I mean06:18
\shfabrice_sp: why should this not work very well?06:22
fabrice_sp\sh, I'll check again, but last time I used rdepends on a -dev package, I didn't get all the build dependencies06:22
\shfabrice_sp: sometimes another -dev package is pulled in through a another package...sometimes you need to go down the chain ;)06:23
\sh-dev packages are handled the very same as other packages..so depends or rdepends should work on them as usual...06:24
fabrice_sp\sh, "sometimes you need to go down the chain" is what I wanted to avoid :-D06:24
fabrice_spok: I'll build the package within a clean chroot and see why it's not installed06:24
stochasticfabrice_sp, how detailed should the man pages be for a2jmidid?  that app is quite simple.06:32
RoAkSoAxAnyone willing to take a look to: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-gmail-notifier please?06:34
fabrice_spstochastic, it should details the options, and their meaning06:39
fabrice_spif no opptions,06:39
fabrice_spthen put it06:39
fabrice_spRoAkSoAx, from what I've seen, make some cleaning in your debian/rules (a lot of unnecessary comments), only put one line in your changelog06:48
fabrice_spif you want, I can have a better look this afternoon, when I'm back from work06:49
dholbachgood morning06:49
fabrice_sphey dholbach !06:49
RoAkSoAxmorning dholbach06:49
dholbachheya fabrice_sp06:49
ajmitchhi dholbach06:49
dholbachhey RoAkSoAx, ajmitch06:49
dholbachhow are you guys doing?06:49
RoAkSoAxfabrice_sp, you mean on line as in only Initial Release (LP: #XXX) ?06:50
RoAkSoAxdholbach, pretty good06:50
fabrice_spdholbach, good. A bit hot here (37ºC yesterday), but fine :-) And you?06:50
fabrice_spRoAkSoAx, yes06:51
StevenKfabrice_sp: Send some here?06:51
fabrice_spStevenK, lol. I can try, but it will be difficult :-D06:51
dholbachgood good, slowly waking up and reviewing a bunch of patches06:51
RoAkSoAxfabrice_sp, ok ;)06:52
ajmitchdholbach: I see that noone has stepped forward for the motu-release role, perhaps the MC should make a mention of it, if it's open for nominations?06:52
* ajmitch can't remember how many people are meant to be on there, or if it matters06:52
dholbachprobably a good idea06:53
* RoAkSoAx goes to sleep06:56
RoAkSoAxnight all06:56
fabrice_spsweet dream RoAkSoAx :-)06:56
RoAkSoAxthanks fabrice_sp06:56
iulianHeya dholbach!06:57
dholbachhey iulian06:57
\sh#undef DAY "24h" \n #define DAY "48h"06:58
StevenK#ifdef DAY \n #undef DAY \n #endif \n #define DAY 48 * HOUR06:59
\shif [ ! -z $MANAGEMENT ] ; then for i in $MANAGEMENT ; do killall -9 $i ; done echo "Work Really, Really Done!" ; fi07:02
StevenK\sh: done ; echo ...07:04
\shStevenK: fixing, thx ;)07:04
* StevenK grins07:04
StevenKif [ -n "$MANAGMENT" ];07:04
StevenK$MANAGEMENT # damn it07:04
StevenKIn fact, for i in "" is a no-op, anyway07:05
StevenK... I thought07:05
fabrice_spStevenK, I was thinking that you need to sleep, and found that: "Wedontsleep.org is Steve Kowalik's vanity domain."07:07
StevenKfabrice_sp: Why? It's 4pm. :-P07:07
StevenKYeah, I need to fix that page.07:07
fabrice_spmy bad! lol07:08
\shWhy oh Why is nobody believing people, who are in this crappy network business for round about 20 years, that big big big big network hardware can't be delivered in 1 week. And if it's delivered in 1 week, then something really really really bad is happening, e.g. delivering a big big big network hardware which was already used and broken...07:10
\shnow, I have to kill my distributor, delay our project, and redo all the setup, great. Thx $MANAGEMENT, for telling us that we're too pessimistic and that we don't have a clue...07:12
\shsomewhere I read in the newspaper that swearing should ease pain...looks like I have to go to my $manager and swear a bit to ease my stomach ulcer07:16
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hhbi have a question about versioning of custom packages in ppa's: the launchpad site tells me to increment the version, and append ~ppaN~jaunty108:33
hhbnow, if everybody does that, all modifications of a given package will have an identical name, won't they?08:33
hhbor did i misinterpret the "ppa" string, and it should actually be ~name_of_my_ppa_repo1~jaunty1 ?08:34
RAOFThey'll all have an identical name; they're the same source package.08:34
RAOFThey'll _also_ have identical versions if two people have followed this versioning scheme, but why would that be a problem?08:34
hhbthey are different versions of the same source package. say i have 5 ppa's in my sources.list, and 3 of them have differently modified versions of the "nautilus" package08:35
hhbif they're all called the same, that sounds like a lot of confusion08:35
hhbi see many teams actually changed the appendix string "ppa" to something representing their repo or user-id. that sounds like a good idea.08:44
gaspahhb: you can do as you like. you can even use + instead of ~ ... even if it's not a very good idea... but it depends from the use you do of your ppa...08:46
=== AnAnt___ is now known as AnAnt
hhbgaspa: ~ means "rating down", + means "rating up"?08:48
gaspaalmost everything else than '~' means 'rating up' :P08:49
RAOFhhb: ~ means "character that sorts before any other substring, even the empty substring"08:49
hhbokay, thanks08:49
hhbwhat could it mean if dput gives me: Config error: hb_gnome must have an incoming directory set08:54
hhbi do have a ~/.dput.cf with an incoming line, according to https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA08:54
StevenKPastebin your .dput.cf?08:55
hhboh, never mind08:55
hhbi spelled it "incomming" in the .dput.cf file. sorry for the noise08:55
RAOFIf anyone's around, I'd quite like a bit of a review of a new nouveau-kernel-source package; I'll be basically what's in the xorg-edgers/nouveau PPA, and the packaging branch can be nabbed from lp:~xorg-edgers/nouveau/edgers-ppa-kernel-source09:03
StevenKRAOF: You will be?09:03
RAOFI will be what?09:03
mr_spot_must be squishy inside a .deb :p09:03
RAOFStevenK: gnome-do's currently sitting at #7 in the pkg-cli-apps sponsoring queue.  Tell me if you'd like to be impatient and have it uploaded to Ubuntu first.09:05
stochasticcan anyone point me to a concise introduction to writing man pages?09:09
dholbachwe should have a session at UDW about writing manpages!09:11
gaspadholbach: hi, can you take a look at this:09:12
slytherinasac: Just FYI ... I fixed eclipse FTBFS. Eclipse currently has its own copy of swt-gtk. But as per the last changelog entry by doko, he plans to make eclipse build-dep/dep on the libraries in repos.09:27
asacslytherin: does eclipse depend on xul 1.9 now?09:33
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slytherinasac: let me check. Didn't pay attention to that part.09:50
asacslytherin: its mui important09:51
asacslytherin: if its not going for 1.9 we will remove eclipse soon from the archive09:51
asaci think 3.4 should work with 1.9 at least though09:51
asacslytherin: does it depend on libxul-dev or xulrunner-dev ?09:52
asaclibxul-dev is the forbidden one ;)09:52
asac+  pkg-config, ant-optional (>= 1.6.5-3), firefox-dev09:54
asacwhat the hell is that09:54
slytherinasac: I just fixed the FTBFS. I neither created the package nor did the major update in karmic.09:55
asacslytherin: thats ok. can you please change that to xulrunner-dev and see whats going on?09:56
asacslytherin: i mean. firefox-dev doesnt even exist in the archive afaik09:56
asacit exists09:56
asacbut it doesnt ship anything09:57
asacnor does it depend on xulrunner-dev09:57
asacso maybe its not needed at all09:57
asacslytherin: wanna check that?09:57
slytherinasac: I will try in evening. I haven't yet tried to build it on my machine. I used PPA to quickly try the FTBFS fix.09:59
slytherinAnd I would love to hear doko's comments about his plan to update/modify the package before I do any major changes.10:01
asacslytherin: he did the upload just so that this process gets started10:02
asacslytherin: afaik, the idea was to make it fail to build so someone either picks it up or we drop it from archive10:02
slytherinasac: :-)10:07
slytherinI will see what I can do. First thing is to use swt-gtk from archive.10:07
asacslytherin: bug 35296810:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352968 in pcmanx-gtk2 "remove xulrunner 1.8 and all left over rdepend binaries from karmic archive." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35296810:07
asacassigned to you10:08
asacthat has really highest prio10:08
asacotherwise eclipse really gets removed ;)10:08
sebnerasac: ping :D10:08
sebnerasac: maybe wrong chan but patching firefox(3.6) fixes the issue!10:09
asacsebner: you mean copying the stub?10:09
sebnerasac: patch > ff3.6/debian/patches10:10
asacsebner: did you try to copy the stub?10:10
asacsebner: otherwise i would think that the patch didnt change a thing and the rebuild did just that for you10:10
sebnerasac: at least here copying didn't do it10:11
asacsebner: check out the build log. it builds jemalloc, but it doesnt link it anywhere10:14
asacsebner: you sure you copied the stub to right place? ;)10:14
sebnerasac: bah, don't annoy me after I got it working :P10:14
asaccp /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9.2a1pre/bin/xulrunner-stub ../../dist/bin/firefox-3.610:15
asacthats what the build does10:15
asacsebner: heh.10:15
asacsebner: please give me the patch or suggest a merge to the xulrunner-1.9.2.head branch10:16
asacsebner: we can then see if next daily automatically fixes it10:16
asacif not, we can also add it to firefox-3.610:16
asacbut i would hope thats not needed10:16
sebnerasac: firefox-3.5 ~o~10:17
siretart`revu is going down for a few minutes...10:18
slytherinasac: when is llvm MIR likely to have a resolution (either yes or no). Openjdk is not installable on anything but i386 and amd64, because the arch:all components are not getting built.10:18
siretart`fan replacement10:18
sebnerasac: https://bug493541.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=386469 ;)10:19
asacslytherin: i think it will take a bit10:20
asacslytherin: why are arch:all components not built ... arent those build on i38610:21
slytherinasac: yes, they are supposed to, and i386 build is depwait on llvm10:24
slytherinasac: I guess the build dep was added before the MIR discussion started.10:24
hhbhow does authentification/signing of a ppa work? i am getting messages that my packages could not get authenticated, but i have done apt-key add on the ppa's key, and also called apt-get update10:30
asacslytherin: yes, thats doko10:42
slytherinhhb: when were the packages created in your PPA?10:45
hhbslytherin: an hour ago10:47
maxbhhb: Your PPA is not signed yet. It will be signed the next time you upload/copy/delete something in it. This is an annoyance of how Launchpad works for new PPAs10:48
maxbWhen you create your first PPA it has no key. The key is not generated until after it has a package in it. Signing then only happens when you change the PPA after the key has been generated. Bit of a bug, really10:49
hhbmaxb: ah, so the first upload is unsigned, but successive ones will be signed?10:49
hhbah, okay, good to know.10:49
maxbOr rather, the results of the first upload won't be signed until a subsequent change happens10:49
hhbthanks again :-)10:49
DktrKranzdholbach: you too a gtg user? ;)11:01
dholbachDktrKranz: yes - when is the new release coming out?11:01
dholbachDktrKranz: what about the couchdb backend?11:01
DktrKranzdholbach: already released, synced yesterday11:02
dholbachthat's why the German translations are so broken :)11:02
dholbachI was wondering already :)11:02
DktrKranzhttps://translations.launchpad.net/gtg/trunk/+pots/gtg/de/+translate :)11:03
* DktrKranz did Italian ones11:04
DktrKranzfor couchdb, I've seen some activities11:04
dholbachDktrKranz: fixed in trunk already11:04
dholbachgtg is really good stuff11:05
DktrKranzits maint is not so good ;)11:05
DktrKranz(Debian/Ubuntu one, of course)11:06
dholbachmove it to gnome's release schedule and release it ~every 2 weeks11:06
dpmDktrKranz: hi, regarding translations, I would suggest you to assign the translations to an existing translation group, so that a minimum quality can be ensured11:08
dpmDktrKranz: I'd suggest using the launchpad translators group -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators11:08
DktrKranzdpm: I'm not upstream developer, just Debian and Ubuntu packager/maintainer11:09
dpmDktrKranz: ah, ok, I'll have to talk to them, then :)11:09
DktrKranzbut I could ask them if they want to consider this11:09
dpmDktrKranz: sure, if you could contact them regarding this, this would be great. The main point is the quality of translations, as dholbach can tell you by experience in fixing them ;). They could use the Ubuntu translators group as well, but Launchpad translators might be more appropriate (only from a logical point of view). The only thing with the L-T group is that it is relatively new and it doesn't have as many teams as the U-T group11:16
DktrKranzI see11:16
dholbachsomebody translated "gtk-close" with "gtk-schließen" which is a bit unfortunate :)11:16
DktrKranzdpm: gtg is growing, and popcon on both Debian and Ubunto states so. They should benefit from that.11:17
dpmDktrKranz: yes, I myself have started to use it after dholbach kept telling me how good it was ;)11:20
slytherinhas anyone ever encountered a DVD that does not mount at all on Ubuntu?11:28
rawlerhey people!11:41
rawlerstill looking for Ubuntu-package of tetzle.. I've spent some time trying to get it through revu.. but just when it was done for approval, it seems it's already in debian..11:42
rawlerstill no Ubuntu package though.. what should I do?11:42
Laneyyou can request a sync after you check it works11:45
thermcould someone take a look at one of my packages? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/h2database http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/willuhnutil http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/willuhndatasource http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/swtcalendar (advocated on time)11:45
bluekujahi thekorn11:50
bluekuja* therm11:51
bluekujathekorn, sorry, wrong ping ;)11:51
simon-oHi, which files do I have to attach to a bug, when I updated an package? The diff.gz and .dsc file?12:05
bluekujasimon-o, explain better12:05
bluekujasimon-o, what do you mean with "Updated a package?"12:05
bluekujasimon-o, you made a new release?12:06
simon-obluekuja: yes, I updated an existing package to a new version. Like outlined in the PackageUpdate wiki page12:06
bluekujasimon-o, attach .dsc, .diff.gz and the orig if you didnt make a watch file12:07
gesergaspa: check the tooltip for a version at http://members.ping.de/~mb/ubuntu/build_status/12:08
AnAntis there a dh --with java or so ?12:08
simon-obluekuja: thanks12:10
bluekujasimon-o, np, then subscribe u-u-s12:11
slytherinAnAnt: it depends on what you want to do12:12
AnAntslytherin: ok, I want to make a package for java software12:13
AnAntdh 7 doesn't automatically call jh_exec I think , right ?12:13
slytherinsimon-o: attach .diff.gz. If upstream tar ball needs modification then it is expected that get-orig-source handles that.12:13
AnAntand jd_depends12:13
wgrantgaspa, geser: UW run with Changed-By just finished.12:13
slytherinAnAnt: how about use havahelper12:13
slytherinI mean javahelper12:14
AnAntslytherin: if I use javahelper with dh 7, will it automatically call those ?12:14
simon-oslytherin: ok, so just .diff.gz and .dsc but not orig.tar.gz?12:14
slytherinAnAnt: I have no idea about dh7. I use cdbs for java apps/libs12:15
slytherinsimon-o: only .diff.gz. .dsc will be regenerated by sponsorer12:15
simon-oslytherin: ok, thanks. I'll do that12:16
slytherinAnAnt_:  I have no idea about dh7. I use cdbs for java apps/libs12:17
AnAnt__slytherin: if I use javahelper with dh 7, will it automatically call jh_exec & jh_depends ?12:19
slytherinAnAnt__: I have no idea about dh7. I use cdbs for java apps/libs.12:19
slytherinAnAnt__: which app are you working on?12:22
AnAnt__slytherin: monajat12:22
AnAnt__slytherin: remember it ? you're onkarshinde, right ?12:22
slytherinAnAnt__: That is almost done I guess. I need to advocate it. I lost the track in jaunty cycle12:22
AnAnt__AnAnt__: new upstream release12:23
slytherinAnAnt__: 1.2?12:23
AnAnt___I got a bad internet today12:23
=== AnAnt___ is now known as AnAnt
slytherinAnAnt: This is not the first time. :-)12:24
slytherinAnAnt: What is new in 1.2?12:24
AnAntjust some cleanups12:25
slytherinAnAnt: Did you guys consider using a font family instead of a specific font which comes only in msttcorefonts package?12:25
AnAntslytherin: I'm not the upstream, he's busy12:26
AnAntslytherin: personally I wish this app is converted to python or so12:26
AnAntslytherin: and that we use the notification system instead12:26
slytherinAnAnt: If you are working on the package, you might want to patch it for font at least.12:26
slytherinAnAnt: That will keep package in universe, otherwise it will go to multiverse.12:27
AnAntslytherin: well, I tried to that, but it looks horrible, the text gets clipped somehow12:27
AnAntslytherin: it seems more complex than just changing the font name12:28
slytherinAnAnt: Really? For me it looked better with default 'Sans' font.12:28
AnAntslytherin: the font itself maybe is cool, but the problem was with text clipping, I should give it another shot though12:29
slytherinAnAnt: By the way, if you are not changing the font, change the dependency of msttcorefonts to ttf-mscorefonts-installer12:31
AnAntthat would make it in universe ?12:31
slytherinAnAnt: Nope. It will still be in multiverse. It is just that the package name has changed.12:32
AnAntbtw, why is msttcorefonts in non-free ? it doesn't contain non-free fonts, it just downloads them, right ?12:32
slytherinAnAnt: It downloads non-free fonts.12:33
AnAntslytherin: so ?12:33
AnAntslytherin: if I got use wget to download non-free stuff, that doesn't make wget non-free, does it ?12:34
slytherinAnAnt: This is not about using it to download. The package itself, at the time of installation, downloads non-free stuff and installs it.12:34
slytherinAnAnt: Similar to flashplugin-nonfree12:35
AnAntI see12:35
slytherinAnAnt: Another thing you may want to try is fonts from ttf-liberation package. It tries to provide drop in replacement for MS fonts. And the package is in universe.12:35
AnAntwhat if a package optionally downloads & install a non-free file during install, does that make it non-free ?12:36
slytherinAnAnt: yes.12:36
* slytherin will be back later.12:37
=== AnAnt_ is now known as AnAnt
gaspageser: cool :)13:17
gaspageser: I'd like a smaller timeout, but it neeeds some js magic, I guess...13:19
Laneydo I need a revu to upload a package that's in Debian NEW?13:20
LaneyNEW source, that is13:20
slytherinLaney: it is preferred. The package being in NEW does not mean it is error free. :-)13:21
AnAntslytherin: btw, any news on the velocity issue ?13:21
slytherinAnAnt: I added a comment already. I believe a new version is uploaded to experimental.13:22
Laneyslytherin: I'd need one review, and the DD who sponsored has done one...13:22
Laneybut sure I don't mind13:22
slytherinLaney: Is the DD also Ubuntu motu?13:22
Laneynot sure13:23
LaneyI think we've taken this to mean an advocation before, but can't remember13:23
slytherinLaney: if that is case then sure go ahead. But I don't know of any such case before.13:24
slytherinUnless you are talking about mono uploads13:24
gesergaspa: yes, right now it's just the title attribute for the link13:25
AnAntslytherin: nothing in experimental yet, but I saw your reply now, thanks13:26
AnAntslytherin: regarding your ttf-liberation suggestion, that require that I change the font name from Arial  ?13:29
slytherinAnAnt: Yes.13:29
AnAntslytherin: to LiberationSerif-Regular ?13:29
AnAntor LiberationSerif ?13:30
slytherinAnAnt: That you will have to check. I have not actually used fonts form ttf-liberation13:30
slytherinAnAnt: Regarding velocity, the package is updated in pkg-java svn. SHould be uploaded soon.13:30
AnAntslytherin: Hmm, I don't think I need to change the font name, I see this in /etc/fonts/conf.avail/91-liberation.conf13:31
slytherinAnAnt: great, you may just need to change the dependency then13:32
AnAntI hope so13:33
slytherinTheMuso: ping13:48
slytherinTheMuso: http://paste.ubuntu.com/217917/14:00
AnAntslytherin: it works fine indeed14:01
AnAntslytherin: thanks14:01
slytherinAnAnt: Cool.14:01
AnAntslytherin: uploaded to REVU14:18
slytherinAnAnt: I will check in evening.14:18
AnAntslytherin: ok, thanks14:19
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
bluekujaany revu admin around?14:38
nhandlerbluekuja: What do you need?14:40
bluekujanhandler, can you please update my profile from contributor to reviewer please?14:40
bluekujanhandler, ty14:41
nhandlerbluekuja: Done14:42
bluekujanhandler, thanks a lot14:42
nhandlerbluekuja: Now, get reviewing ;)14:42
mr_spot_ooh ooh do me! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pulseaudio-mixer-applet14:42
bluekujanhandler, lol, yeah :D14:42
bluekujamr_spot_, yeah, let me see14:43
=== aboudreault is now known as AlanB
bddebianHeya gang14:48
nhandlerHey bddebian14:48
bddebianHi nhandler14:49
Laneyall ok?14:49
LaneyI'm feeling the pain of Gentoo users atm14:49
Laneycompiling texlive on my mac :(14:49
hyperairLaney: the difference is that they enjoy the pain =p14:53
_andrewould anybody like to review a few revu packages?14:53
Laneythey do, crazy masochists14:54
Laneybuilding ghostscript now...14:55
* Laney thinks he won't be going home in 2 hours14:55
hyperair_andre: the current Standards-Version is
slytherinmr_spot_: forgot to make a screenshot for you.14:59
_andrehyperair: that's what dh_make put there for me... should just rebuilding with the newer version be ok?15:01
mr_spot_slytherin, is this the one you were talking about? http://imagebin.org/5589115:04
slytherinmr_spot_: right15:04
hyperair_andre: dh_make's outdated. just bump it up, shouldn't cause any damage. for more information see /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz15:07
mr_spot_slytherin, a couple of differences i can spot are that gnome-volume-control-pulse only lets you deal with one input and one output device volume at a time, you can't move individual streams to different devices, and changing the default will reset the volume of the selected device15:09
slytherinmr_spot_: Ok. I don't have multiple sound cards/devices at home, so I can't comment on that.15:11
mr_spot_last point is not cool, i just blasted myself while wearing earphones :/15:11
mr_spot_in its favour, it has a vumeter for the input tab and an option for system event sounds15:12
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_andrehyperair: should i change the version to ubuntu2?15:18
hyperair_andre: no.15:19
hyperair_andre: only change the version number if it has already been uploaded into ubuntu (or debian)15:19
hyperairor a PPA15:19
_andrei'm uploading the updated packages15:19
slytherinmr_spot_: My only concern is that we should not have two packages with exactly same functionality.15:19
mr_spot_slytherin, that's understandable15:20
thermcould someone take a look at one of my packages, please?15:27
thermhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/swtcalendar (advocated on time)15:28
hyperairdescriptions would be nice =)15:31
slytherinhyperair: you canread them on revu. :-P15:34
_andrehyperair: i've uploaded the packages with the correct Standards-Version15:34
hyperairslytherin: yeah but i'm lazy.15:34
hyperairin any case i have to go out anyway =p15:35
slytherinhyperair: any plan to update remuco in Debian and fix the dependency problem that is preventing transition to testing?15:35
hyperairslytherin: eh what?15:35
hyperairslytherin: there's a new upstream release sitting around waiting for a sponsor.15:36
hyperairslytherin: what dependency problem?15:36
slytherinhyperair: amarok dependency is unsatisfiable15:36
hyperairoh that.15:36
hyperaircan't exactly fix that can i?15:37
hyperairremuco-amarok doesn't work with an amarok lower than 215:37
* hyperair bbl15:37
slytherinhyperair: you can disable the package until amarok 2 actually enters in unstable.15:37
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* Laney eyes the new proposed application process16:16
sebnerLaney: debian -> ubuntu ftw! :D16:17
Laneysee motu-council@16:17
Laneysebner: you confuse me16:18
directhexhe's good at that16:23
DktrKranzpoor sebner :(16:27
RoAkSoAxheya guys, can anyone could please review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-gmail-notifier please?16:31
cpscottiRoAkSoAx: isn't debian/changelog supposed to solely report the LP bug #?16:34
Laneynot neccessarily16:34
* Laney is a fan of detailed changelogs16:34
cpscottiI agree16:35
cpscottiI'm also a fan of them16:35
cpscottibut I was told that the debian/changelog of a package at revu should just cite the LP bug #16:35
RoAkSoAxme too, though in this case I'm not sure if those other changes should be listed.16:35
LaneyI don't see why that should be the case16:36
Laneyif there's something interesting or unusual then it could be listed in the initial entry16:36
LaneyI'm thinking mainly patches16:36
LaneyRoAkSoAx: Although in this case I think they look a little strange (surely everything is 'added' if there was nothing there before)16:37
LaneyI wouldn't mention those16:37
RoAkSoAxwell I'll have to change it then16:37
RoAkSoAxthanks :)16:37
=== vorian is now known as OldSchool
RoAkSoAxCan anyone review/advocate http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-gmail-notifier please??17:17
thebishopI just heard about the One Hundred Paper Cuts project.  How is development organized on this?17:17
thebishopRoAkSoAx, is this implemented as an applet?17:18
RoAkSoAxthebishop, yes it has been implemented as an applet17:20
thebishopRoAkSoAx, and you want this to be part of the default install?17:20
RoAkSoAxthebishop, no. I just want it to be reviewed and advocated so that It get uploaded to the repos17:20
dholbachnhandler :-)17:28
dholbachnhandler: you totally deserved it :)17:47
chrisccoulsonhi dholbach17:49
dholbachhey chrisccoulson17:49
chrisccoulsoni'll answer the behind MOTU interview questions soon ;)17:49
chrisccoulsoni haven't forgotten about it yet17:49
sebnerchrisccoulson for interview \o/17:51
dholbachchrisccoulson: ROCK :)17:53
dholbachno worries17:53
dholbachthere's a few people who are much later with it than you are :)17:53
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RoAkSoAxCan anyone please review/advocate: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-gmail-notifier18:18
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slytheringeser: Just FYI ... excalibur-logkit build successfully on buildd. :-)19:42
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rawlerLaney: I've quickly tested the package from debian (tetzle).. it checks out.. now where do I enter a sync request?21:32
Laneyrawler: there is a wiki page, hang on21:32
rawlercool.. looking at it now..21:33
gaspaLaney: just you.. :P21:34
gaspaLaney: have you idea of why happens this kind of fail? ->21:35
gaspa http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28420177/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.haskell-regex-base_0.93.1-3.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:35
Laneyhugs works?21:37
Laneytried it locally?21:37
gaspaI saw only that log.21:38
gaspa( i have another similar on my ppa for haskell-http )21:38
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=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
evanrmurphyFollowing the KVM installation guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation), I tried "egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo", but got no printout. Could someone confirm please that this means KVM is not an option on my machine, and that I should try an alternative like VirtualBox?22:11
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ajmitchevanrmurphy: no, I think that's missing something22:14
ajmitchust looking for which flag it is here (core 2 duo)22:14
ajmitchevanrmurphy: I can't spot it, but give kvm a try anyway, it works for me :)22:16
evanrmurphyajmitch: Thanks for your response. So you also get no printout from the egrep command, but KVM works for you?22:16
ajmitchevanrmurphy: yes22:17
evanrmurphyajmitch: Thanks, maybe I'll give it a try. :)22:18
ajmitchI think it may be a different flag on newer CPUs22:18
* ajmitch could be completely wrong, of course22:20
evanrmurphyDo I risk ruining my system if I try to install a paravirtualized VM and it turns out my machine can't support it?22:47
evanrmurphy(Trying to set up KVM now.)22:48
pochuwhy would you?22:48
evanrmurphypochu: Is your question: Why would I install it? or Why would I risk ruining my system?22:57
pochuevanrmurphy: why would it break23:01
evanrmurphypochu: I'm not sure if it would, but everything I'm reading about KVM suggests that VT extensions are prerequisite. For instance: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/FAQ#What_do_I_need_to_use_kvm.3F23:02
evanrmurphyAnd the help documentation reads, "A paravirtualized VM requires a specially modified kernel. If you choose paravirtualized, you must make sure this specially modified kernel is available for the operating system you wish to install."23:03
azeem_evanrmurphy: so worest case is it doesn't work23:04
binarymutantThis package I'm working on doesn't have an install target in the makefile, what can I do?  :/23:06
azeem_binarymutant: you could fix the upstream makefile and submit a patc23:06
evanrmurphyazeem_, pochu: I guess I would need more assurance of that (like the kind I'm getting from the fine people of #ubuntu-motu :D). It's my understanding that a paravirtualized machine gives direct access to the hardware, so I'm not sure I want to risk it since I can see now that http://ark.intel.com/VTList.aspx has informed me my processor doesn't support VT.23:06
azeem_so don't23:06
pochuevanrmurphy: try #ubuntu-server, but we give NO WARRANTIES, so in the end you will have to do at your own risk, if you decide to try anything23:12
pochuevanrmurphy: this is the wrong channel for such questions anyway23:13
micahgping ajmitch23:36
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ajmitchmicahg: yes?23:37
micahgcan I talk to you about a changelog in here?23:37
ajmitchyou can23:38
micahgok, I noticed for the latest phpmyadmin upload for karmic, an LP bug # was left out23:38
ajmitchit was a sync iirc, so the changelog wasn't touched23:39
micahgah, so debian changelogs have LP #s?23:39
ajmitchif the debian maintainer puts them in23:40
micahgvery cool23:40
ajmitchwhich one was missed from the changelog?23:40
micahgso, can they have debian and LP #s in the same line?23:41
micahgbug 357334 was the same as debian bug 53489423:41
ajmitchyes, they can23:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357334 in phpmyadmin "ucf debconf conflict" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35733423:41
ubottuDebian bug 534894 in phpmyadmin "use --debconf-ok when calling ucf" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/53489423:41
ajmitchok, it can be closed manually then23:41
micahgok, should I mark Fix Released with the version?23:42
micahgthanks ajmitch23:43
ajmitchno problem, always good to see more bugs closed :)23:44
micahgyep :)23:44
=== Effexor is now known as vorian

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