
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
EruditeHermitfta: hi, did you ever try o3d?10:15
asacEruditeHermit: his GPU doesnt work with it10:16
asacsame for me10:17
EruditeHermitwhat GPUs do you guys have?10:17
asacintel and ati10:17
asacand he has nvidia ;)10:17
EruditeHermitI thought nvidia would workr10:17
asacmaybe the non free driver?10:17
asaci dont think he uses non-free stuff10:17
EruditeHermitoh I see10:18
asacintel must work10:18
asacif that doesnt work, the plugin is useless10:18
EruditeHermitintel cards suck10:18
asacwell. intel has at least the best drivers10:18
EruditeHermitfor 3D?10:18
EruditeHermitbest open source drivers10:18
asacmeaning: if o3d only works with proprietary nvidia thats pretty useless for linux10:18
EruditeHermitwell thats the case10:19
EruditeHermitit probably needs OpenGL 2.110:19
asacEruditeHermit: i would say that intel drivers are best for 3d. the card might not be as powerful, but in general the driveres are the best we have10:19
EruditeHermitthey are the best open source drivers yes10:19
EruditeHermitthe proprietary drivers are better drivers10:19
EruditeHermitbut they are proprietary10:19
asacfglrx never had compositing ... until they dropped support for my card completel10:20
EruditeHermitfglrx is actually pretty good on newer cards10:20
EruditeHermitI have an HD485010:20
EruditeHermitbut I also have a radeon 960010:21
EruditeHermitso I know how that goes10:21
asacwell its a shame. my card isnt really that old its a X1950 ... still support is dropped10:22
EruditeHermitbut back to the point10:22
EruditeHermito3d is a 3D plugin10:22
EruditeHermitif the drivers don't have 3d, its not o3d's fault10:22
EruditeHermitand the gallium drivers will have OpenGL 2.1 support and will probably be usable by years end10:22
asacintel has 3d support, doesnt it?10:23
EruditeHermitOpenGL 2.0 GLSL 1.1010:23
EruditeHermitnot OpenGL 2.1 GLSL 1.20 +10:23
EruditeHermitwhich is what o3d requires I think10:23
asacthen o3d shouldnt depend on that high requirements10:24
asacwhat does it do that justifies so high bars?10:24
EruditeHermitits not actually that high10:24
asacis it Quake 5?10:24
EruditeHermitpretty much any game since 200310:24
asacso OpenGL 2.0 is what intel supports on its hardfware?10:24
EruditeHermitas of now10:24
asacor is that a driver problem?=10:24
EruditeHermitdriver problem10:25
EruditeHermitthe hardware can do 2.110:25
asacwhat a mess10:25
EruditeHermitwhat card do you have?10:25
EruditeHermitGMA 3100 +?10:25
EruditeHermitthat can do 2.110:25
asacno GMA 3100 has no free drivers either, does it?10:25
asacisnt that the poulsbo crap?10:25
EruditeHermityeah it does10:25
asacthen i mixed that up10:25
EruditeHermitthat is GMA 50010:25
EruditeHermitGMA 3100 is 965 I think10:26
EruditeHermit965 is the chipset10:26
EruditeHermitGMA 3100 is the card on that chipset10:26
EruditeHermitI THINK10:26
EruditeHermitnot sure though10:26
asaci dont think so10:26
asaci thought the cards were really called 3x00010:26
asacat least i was looking into buying a motherboard with one of the 3x000 series10:26
asacbut i have no clue ;)10:26
asacbetter ask one of our X guys10:26
EruditeHermitI'm right10:27
EruditeHermit965 is the chipset10:27
EruditeHermitthe card is called GMA 3100 if mobility10:27
EruditeHermitor GMA 3000 if desktop10:27
EruditeHermitGMA X310010:27
EruditeHermitGMA X300010:27
EruditeHermitmy bad10:28
EruditeHermitbut yes10:28
asac00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)10:28
asacthats what it tells me10:28
EruditeHermitok from wikipedia10:28
EruditeHermitThe GMA X3100 is the mobile version of the GMA X3000 used in the Intel GL960 and GM965 chipsets.10:28
asacoh cool10:28
asacso great10:28
EruditeHermitand those can do OpenGL 2.110:29
EruditeHermitinfact hang on a sec10:29
asaci can dump my ati card in the river then and buy a motherboard with that one integrated i guess10:29
asachavent seen a standalone card for intel yet10:29
EruditeHermitwell don't dump the ATI card in the river10:29
EruditeHermitI wonder10:29
EruditeHermitcan you try something for me?10:29
asacits X1950 ... and its really useless10:29
asacbefore hardy all was fine ... since then i cannot play any of my shooters10:29
EruditeHermitgive it 3-6 months and it will have OpenGL 2.1+ drivers10:30
asacunreal/quake, even ET Wolfenstein didnt work with fglrx we had in hardy10:30
EruditeHermitbut the open source drivers will be ready by then10:30
asacEruditeHermit: well. upstream folks always tell me that my card supports compiz with ati driver10:30
asacbut it doesnt10:30
EruditeHermityeah it does10:30
asacthen they wonder .. hmm ... but all 5x0 are supported10:30
asacthen i show them the output and they say ... oh its probably one for those not supported ;)10:31
EruditeHermitfile a bug10:31
EruditeHermitit should work10:31
EruditeHermitjoin #radeon a minute will you?10:31
asacyeah. thtas what bryce and timo tell me for two cycles now ;)10:31
EruditeHermitthe bug needs to be filed at bugs.freedesktop.org10:32
asacyeah. i will do that in 5 minutes ... have to get coffee and turn my system on10:32
EruditeHermitwell on your intel box, want to try something?10:32
EruditeHermitlet me try it on my box10:32
EruditeHermitasac: when you get back, what happens when you boot the ati machine with the ati driver and type glxinfo10:40
EruditeHermitcan you pastebin the output?10:40
asacEruditeHermit: glxinfo | pastebinit10:42
asaclspci  | grep ATI | pastebinit10:42
EruditeHermitcompiz should work10:42
EruditeHermitwhat happens when you try?10:42
asacEruditeHermit: it complains that software rasterizer something10:43
asacEruditeHermit: have to chat with some customer for a bit ... bbiw10:43
EruditeHermitasac: try it again and paste the output to me10:46
EruditeHermitasac: also when yuo get a chance. Check to see if you have any fglrx packages stll installed10:47
EruditeHermitand purge them10:47
asacEruditeHermit: i already checked for fglrx a bunch of time.10:51
asacits not there ... no left-overs; nothing :)10:51
asacand yes, i had fglrx left-overs at some point, but the xperience was really worse10:51
EruditeHermitso what heppens when you try compiz now?10:51
asacEruditeHermit: let me run it again10:51
asaccompiz --replace it is right?10:52
EruditeHermitshould be10:52
EruditeHermitrun it from desktop appearance in gnome10:52
EruditeHermitsystem-->preferences-->Appearance-->Visual effects10:53
EruditeHermittry that first since it might set some env variables and run it10:53
asacEruditeHermit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/217749/10:53
asacEruditeHermit: i am sure visual effects doesnt enable it ... i tried it recently again (once a month i hope for a fix )10:53
asacis there any output you expect?10:53
asacit tells me "desktop effects couldnt be enabled"10:54
asacany log i should paste?10:55
EruditeHermitone sec10:55
asaci think i even tried to force compiz at some point10:55
asacbut it was like 1 frame per second ... and all white10:55
asaci can also join #radeon if thats better10:55
asacEruditeHermit: ^^10:55
EruditeHermityou may want to ask them in there too10:55
EruditeHermitand file a bug report10:56
EruditeHermitbecause its really strange10:56
EruditeHermitasac: btw do you have that intel card?10:57
asacwhich one?10:57
EruditeHermitGMA 310010:57
asacthe one i pasted? yes, i pasted it live10:57
EruditeHermitcan you try something for me?10:58
EruditeHermitso that we can see if o3d works?10:58
asac11:28 < asac> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller  (rev 0c)10:58
bluekujagood morning10:58
asacEruditeHermit: i can check the dailies again if you want10:58
EruditeHermitasac: can you install xorg-edgers PPA?10:58
asacEruditeHermit: but i probably cannot build the beast with the non-existing time i currently have ;)10:58
asacEruditeHermit: for ati?10:58
asacor intel?10:58
EruditeHermitit has Mesa which gives your card OpenGL 2.1 support10:58
asacEruditeHermit: ok, so dailies with o3d + edgets might work?10:59
asaci will check that later then10:59
asachi bluekuja10:59
asacneed to finish some stuff11:00
bluekujaasac, hello :)11:00
EruditeHermitasac: is it jaunty you are using?11:00
EruditeHermitasac: or karmic?11:00
EruditeHermitwell ok I'll let you go11:01
EruditeHermitI have to sleep anyhow11:01
EruditeHermitwe'll pick this up tomorrow if you are about and have time11:01
asacEruditeHermit: karmic11:04
EruditeHermityeah it will probably work with edgers11:05
EruditeHermitthough someone I am talking with says its unstable11:05
EruditeHermitso maybe just to test you can do it11:05
EruditeHermitbut revert back to karmic mesa once we're done11:05
EruditeHermitmesa 7.6 adds the OpenGL 2.1 support11:05
EruditeHermitkarmic has mesa 7.511:05
wizkoderhy everybody11:06
EruditeHermitasac: gnight11:07
wizkoderI am trying around with songbird as the new amarok is still very buggy. is it possible to have an icon in the tray? anybody knows this program?11:11
asacwizkoder: the songbird guy usually here, isnt here right now11:13
asacwizkoder: but we are usually dealing with ubuntu specific things here11:13
asacso maybe check the upstream #songbird channel ... if there is any ;)11:13
wizkoderthere is none :-(11:13
wizkoderBut I use ubuntu .-)11:13
asacirc.mozilla.org, #songbird11:14
asacthere is one11:14
asacpretty crowded even11:14
asacwizkoder: yeah. but you are not using our builds, do you?11:14
asacanyway, thats an upstream issue in general i would think, so better ask there. If you could keep us updated on what they say that would be precious11:15
wizkoderdidn't find it in the repos. have kubuntu hardy here at work11:15
asacwe have no official builds11:15
asacanyway, ask in #songbird on irc.mozilla.org server11:15
gnomefreakwhere are sound files kept?12:28
asacgnomefreak: somewhere in /usr/share ;)12:29
gnomefreakasac: thanks. tbird3 doesnt have a default sound it seems just a system beep12:30
asacgnomefreak: yeah. i think tbird needs canberra support12:30
asaci guess they dont have that yet12:30
asacthough its in the xulrunner they use12:30
asacso maybe its just a configuration thing12:30
asacmaybe its only on trunk, that would mean that tbird 3.1 should have it12:31
gnomefreakwe already have support for canberra as i recall maybe xulrunner doesnt support it?12:31
asacgnomefreak: i thought it was on 1.9.1 ... 1.9.2 definitly supports it (thats what i just said)12:32
ftaasac, o3d works for me on nvidia 32.12:32
asacfta: good ;)12:32
asacfta: so intel might work with edgers12:32
ftaintel x64 fails because of this:12:33
ftalibGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/tls/i965_dri.so12:33
ftalibGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so12:33
ftalibGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)12:33
ftalibGL error: unable to load driver: i965_dri.so12:33
ftalibGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/tls/swrast_dri.so12:33
ftalibGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so12:33
ftalibGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)12:33
ftalibGL error: unable to load driver: swrast_dri.so12:33
ftalibGL error: reverting to indirect rendering12:33
asacyeah. but it doesnt work on 32 bit from what he told anyway12:34
asacfta: intel doesnt have opengl 2.1 support12:35
asacin fact only nvidia and fglrx support that atm12:35
asacthats what he just told me12:36
gnomefreakall graphic drivers have problems (not all of each type but each has some bugs. nvidiia 173 drivers are broken 180 has issues. dont remember ati but they were having issues as of last week. and people have said intel has alot of them atm12:36
asacand he didnt sound he didnt know what he is talking about ;)12:36
gnomefreakmaybe thats why :)12:36
asache said that my ati card would get support for opengl 2.1 in 3-6 month ;) (open source driver)12:36
asacthats supposed to be the time when i can play quake and friends ;)12:37
ftai've been told the intel guys are working to make o3d work with their chipsets12:37
asacfta: yes. they are working on opengl 2.1 support. the mesa you need is in the xorg-edgers ppa12:37
asacbut its not in karmic12:37
asac12:04 < EruditeHermit> yeah it will probably work with edgers12:37
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> though someone I am talking with says its unstable12:37
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> so maybe just to test you can do it12:37
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> but revert back to karmic mesa once we're done12:37
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> mesa 7.6 adds the OpenGL 2.1 support12:37
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> karmic has mesa 7.512:38
asac12:04 < EruditeHermit> yeah it will probably work with edgers12:38
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> though someone I am talking with says its unstable12:38
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> so maybe just to test you can do it12:38
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> but revert back to karmic mesa once we're done12:38
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> mesa 7.6 adds the OpenGL 2.1 support12:38
asac12:05 < EruditeHermit> karmic has mesa 7.512:38
asacdouble paste. sorr12:38
* asac blames his mouse12:38
asaci plan to try the edgers ppa later today or tomorrow12:39
gnomefreakproblem i had was reverting back to karmics X packages12:39
asacgnomefreak: with edgers?12:39
gnomefreakasac: nvidia support still was broken as of last week12:39
asacin karmic?12:39
asaci thin fta runs it properly12:39
gnomefreakdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu karmic main12:39
gnomefreakasac: yeah12:39
asacfta: are you using backport modules for you nc10 wifi?12:40
asaca friend complained about low throughput in jaunty12:40
gnomefreaknvidia 173 drivers didnt work with it. IIRC 180 was fixed in karmic and PPA at one point but karmic still has issues12:40
gnomefreak173 == legacy as of Karmic so i guess it has something to do with downgrade. upstream drivers work great though12:42
ftai use 18012:42
gnomefreakill be back in a few12:42
ftaasac, i don't run edger on this laptop (dell). and i'm not sure it will help with the ia32 issues12:57
asacbut the ia32 issue doesnt matter if it doesnt work anyway ;)12:57
asacwhy cant o3d be built with 64-bit?12:57
ftabecause it uses v812:58
ftait ships v812:58
ftav8 is making some progress toward native x64 though12:58
gnomefreakok 1. what is o3d. 2. as32 seems to have issues for a while (the libs at least)13:02
gnomefreakdamnit you know what i mean13:02
asacfta: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libselinux/2.0.82-1ubuntu213:03
asacso hurry before something else fails ,)13:04
ftagnomefreak, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-webtech/+archive/o3d-daily13:04
gnomefreakthe intel drivers are for 910 or all?13:04
asacdont know that ;)13:05
asacah karmic13:05
asaci dont know13:05
asaccheckout the pool ;)13:05
asacor the ppa page13:05
gnomefreaksomeone asked me so i figured i ask since we were on this topic a little while ago :)13:05
gnomefreakthanks looking at the LP page13:07
gnomefreakwhy doesnt tbird build same time as FF in daily PPA13:08
gnomefreakthat looks like its a good idea. lets see if 173 works with it :)13:09
gnomefreakok so the example page for o3d requires o3d (not helpful if you want to see them before installing it13:12
gnomefreakfta: thanks, looking13:14
gnomefreakoh this is nice13:16
gnomefreakok it doesnt work with 173 i guess13:24
gnomefreakonly 6200 and up it seems. i dont want to buy anohter card (they are not exactly ceep anymore)13:26
gnomefreaktigerdirect == compusa now?13:28
gnomefreakcan i get a divorce before im married :(13:38
gnomefreakhmmm 6200 is not too badly  $35.99-59.9913:42
gnomefreakasac: did you push fixed ubufox to Karmic?13:48
* gnomefreak thinks it might still be broken13:48
asacgnomefreak: i uploaded it yes. not sure if you already got it13:49
asacit works with 3.0/3.5 and 3.613:49
asacfor me here ;)13:49
gnomefreakasac: someone says launching 3.5 fails but using tbird to launch it it works13:49
gnomefreaki asked him to join me here but i doubt it :)13:50
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: hi13:50
Le-Chuck_ITAhi :)13:50
gnomefreakasac: disabling ubufox fixed it.13:50
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: what version of ubufox are you running?13:51
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak:  0.713:51
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: apt-cache policy ubufox13:51
Le-Chuck_ITAbut launching firefox from my custom script also showed the buttons13:51
Le-Chuck_ITAI am so puzzled13:51
gnomefreakasac: 0.7-0ubuntu1 is not the fixed one is it?13:52
gnomefreakalthough i have no issues here13:52
* gnomefreak needs to find a changelog command :)13:52
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: ok I can confirm that firefox-3.5 is not opening if launched from thunderbird, while firefox 3.0 does13:54
Le-Chuck_ITAI still think it's a script problem13:54
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: your custom script i cant help with but i remember we updated ubufox to support 3.5 and it was pushed but we may not have it yet13:54
Le-Chuck_ITAthe only argument passed is the url13:54
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: no it's not my custom script13:54
Le-Chuck_ITAit's yours :)13:54
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: it works launching ff-3.5 alone but using tbird it doesnt?13:55
Le-Chuck_ITAI don't understand why, but if launched from thunderbird 3, firefox 3.5 does not open, firefox 3.0 does, and using the command line, it works13:55
Le-Chuck_ITA(last thing answers your question)13:55
Le-Chuck_ITAit must be some environment variable not cleaned up13:56
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: look in system>preferences>defaul apps and see if you 3.0 is set to default. it is by default since its still in archives13:56
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: I have put ff 3.5 in my default apps13:56
Le-Chuck_ITAif I put 3.0 there it works13:56
Le-Chuck_ITA(but it is ff 3.0 indeed)13:56
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: two days ago it worked, I put the full path there13:57
Le-Chuck_ITAI am using karmic so I suspect some recent upgrade13:57
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: i as revall 3.5 hasnt been updated in repos13:57
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: apt-cache show firefox-3.5 :)13:57
gnomefreakat least not in a week13:57
Le-Chuck_ITAah ok13:57
Le-Chuck_ITAit must be a quarrel with tb13:58
Le-Chuck_ITAin any case13:58
gnomefreakyeah it hasnt been updated since final13:58
Le-Chuck_ITAidea, will diff the two envs13:58
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: 3.0 from daily repos?13:58
Le-Chuck_ITAno from the websit13:58
gnomefreaktbird-3.0 from daily?13:58
Le-Chuck_ITAtb 3.0 b113:58
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: well that could be an issue all on its own.13:59
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: firefox should open!13:59
gnomefreakmine works fine from daily :) but i dont suggest running it13:59
Le-Chuck_ITAbut as they have many things in common13:59
Le-Chuck_ITAit may be some MOZILLA_* environment variable13:59
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: running 3.5 from CLI works? clicking on icon works?13:59
Le-Chuck_ITAyes and yes13:59
Le-Chuck_ITAeven dragging the link from tb on the icon works :)14:00
gnomefreakwhat tbird is set as default?14:00
gnomefreakif 3.0 what custom command did you use?14:00
Le-Chuck_ITAI diffed the environments14:00
Le-Chuck_ITAthere are way too many library paths and MOZILLA-something environment variables set from thunderbird14:00
gnomefreak3.0~b3~hg20090712r3055 works here14:01
Le-Chuck_ITAthe ff-3.5 script should clean the variables in any case14:01
* gnomefreak blames the upstream build :)14:01
Le-Chuck_ITAI don't remember what is the proper way, though14:01
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: i have a feeling using our build will fix it. but you may want to just download the .deb and install it instead of adding daily repos to sources.llist14:02
Le-Chuck_ITAgnomefreak: I want to try to fix the karmic version and report the bug14:02
gnomefreakasac: do you remember what you did to sunbird debian/rules to help clean up the nobinonly crap? i can look but was hoping you remember ;)14:03
Le-Chuck_ITA"> MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/home/vincenzo/local-programs/thunderbird14:03
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's surely the problem14:03
Le-Chuck_ITAdamn thunderbird14:03
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: without using script does it all work good?14:03
* gnomefreak goes to look at what he did 14:04
* gnomefreak thought we use get-orig-source but could be wrong 14:04
gnomefreakoh crap14:05
gnomefreakasac: we still use update-orig for sunbird?14:05
asacgnomefreak: you said it was broken, right?14:07
gnomefreakasac: looking at changes you made in r -116 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/sunbird/ubuntu-0.x.9.10/revision/116 but i am gonna try something14:07
gnomefreakasac: gedt-orig-source fails14:07
gnomefreakbut if we are still using update-orig than i need to test (has to remember how to use it) ;)14:07
gnomefreakwell it seems we use update-orig still but damnit still fails14:08
gnomefreakno lied same error. smoke than work on this14:09
gnomefreakasac: missing rule to make. i cant see why the line you removed would make that fail14:10
Le-Chuck_ITAI quit for today14:14
gnomefreakLe-Chuck_ITA: ok14:16
* gnomefreak wonders if source is used with update14:16
gnomefreakmaybe ill get up with reed and he can give me a hand on the m-d work14:17
gnomefreakbefore the 27th14:18
gnomefreakasac: is there a reason we are using include $(CURDIR)/debian/cdbs-rules/debhelper.mk and not include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk in sunbird14:20
asacgnomefreak: yes. we have patched it14:22
asacto allow filtering files depending on the package name14:22
asacwe use that for gnome support stuff14:23
gnomefreakasac: but only in sunbird?14:23
gnomefreakseamonkey is include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk14:23
gnomefreakok none of my hacks are inclusing in branch. i dont see anything that we changed that would throw this error. there is a rule to make it. i wonder if this is due to the 0.9 move14:25
asacgnomefreak: if seamonke doesnt use it, then yeah. most likely seamonkey dosent have a special gnome-support package14:25
gnomefreakthe following makes me think that:14:25
gnomefreakmake: *** No rule to make target `lightning-sunbird-0.9-source.tar.bz2', needed by `lightning-sunbird-0.9+nobinonly-source.tar.bz2'.  Stop.14:25
bluekujaasac, any news?14:26
asacgnomefreak: i dont even know what your error is14:26
gnomefreakasac: ^^^14:26
asacbluekuja: asking wont make things faster14:26
bluekujaasac, I know14:26
bluekujaasac, I don't see the time to have them in14:27
bluekujathat's all14:27
asacit will be done. more i cant tell14:27
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you here?14:28
* gnomefreak has idea14:28
bluekujaasac, owk14:28
asacgnomefreak: can you send me a dent please (just something)14:30
asacgnomefreak: you need to put the lightning-sunbird-0.9-source.tar.bz2 in the top level dir before running get-orig-source most likely14:30
asaci dont think we implemented anything smarter for sunbird14:30
gnomefreakasac: that would be bad to do14:30
gnomefreakasac: yeah give me a minute14:30
gnomefreakasac: but that might be right14:31
asacgnomefreak: just download the bz2 and put it in top level of your branch14:31
asacyou can remove it right after it produced the orig for you14:31
asacof course no need to commit it ... it just needs to be whereeve you run the get-orig-source in14:31
eagles0513875hey gnomefreak14:31
eagles0513875whats up14:31
gnomefreakeagles0513875: hey. i think we found the issue :)14:32
eagles0513875whats wrong with the widget14:32
gnomefreakasac: ok sent dent14:33
gnomefreakeagles0513875: what widget?14:33
eagles0513875the plasma-widget-network-manager14:33
gnomefreakoh that14:33
eagles0513875u talking about something else14:34
gnomefreakeagles0513875: yeah14:34
eagles0513875what was the other issue14:34
gnomefreakeagles0513875: sunbird problem i wanted you to test but asac reminded me of something i long forgot14:34
eagles0513875let me know when ya ready for me to test it14:35
asacgnomefreak: did you really dent something?14:44
asacwith @asac ?14:44
asacgnomefreak: can you reply to some dent i made?14:44
gnomefreakasac: thinking about needing the source is a bad idea. 1. we cant use ours (why want to) and upstream is named wrong and need lightning too?14:44
gnomefreakasac: i did14:44
gnomefreakasac: the dent about ubufox 0.814:44
asachmm ... didnt show up yet in gwibber. guess i have to wait14:45
gnomefreakalso with hg system you cant just download the tarball anyway14:45
gnomefreakit didnt show up here either :( let me try again maybe you changed your name14:45
asacgnomefreak: you didnt: http://identi.ca/gnomefreak14:45
gnomefreakfor some reason it wasnt asac it was asacac or something14:45
asacgnomefreak: that would be on twitter, but it isnt: http://twitter.com/gnomefreak14:46
asacgnomefreak: please reply on identica using the web interface maybe ;14:46
gnomefreakok will try14:46
gnomefreakok sent and it shows up on you web page14:49
gnomefreakwhy the fuck didnt it work from gwibber than :(14:49
gnomefreakoh maybe yours was a twitter and i changed the nick to asac ha i think i understand now.14:51
* eagles0513875 thinks operator error replace operator gnomefreak :P14:52
gnomefreakasac: next time you post something let me know i want to try something. that may also be the reason for someone else not getting dent from me14:52
gnomefreakuse same names and this problem goes away14:52
asacgnomefreak: well tell that the twitter user not-using my nick asac14:53
asacits an abandoned account, but still they dont free it as it seems14:53
asacgnomefreak: ok thanks. it worked14:54
gnomefreakasac: ok cool just reply to it i want to test something here to see if it was me14:54
asacgnomefreak: no i already saw that it was you ;)14:55
gnomefreakasac: using tar.bz is really not working. something is wrong here14:55
gnomefreakoh damn14:55
gnomefreaki used the .gz that we upload since we dont push a .bz14:55
asacgnomefreak: i said: put the bz2 in the top level dir and then run get-orig-source to produce a orig.tar.gz out of it14:56
asacmaybe you need to put it in parent dir even14:57
gnomefreakasac: cant. there is no bz2 anywhere14:57
asacgnomefreak: there is upstream one14:57
asacidea is that you just put the upstram one there14:57
gnomefreakasac: not that i saw.14:57
asacthen the get-orig-source wont work as it is i am sure14:58
asacgnomefreak: http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/lightning/releases/0.9/source/14:58
gnomefreakasac: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird/ doesnt have one14:58
asacwell dont look there14:58
asaclook on ftp ;)14:58
gnomefreaki thought ftp wasnt being used due to hg?14:59
asacas i said, we dont support hg in sunbird package yet14:59
asacjust the upstream tarballs15:00
asacand no. mozilla does all releases through ftp15:00
asacits just that we want dailes and snapshots before they release for most packages15:00
asacthats why we doi it15:00
gnomefreakasac: that explains why i cant get 1.0 source15:00
* eagles0513875 sits quietly and watches the discussion15:00
gnomefreakthat is gonna need alot of work to get it to use hg15:01
eagles0513875dont mean to interrupt is there firefox source code available so i could compile it from source15:01
gnomefreaknot sure its worth it since sunbird is being dropped15:01
gnomefreakeagles0513875: our repos15:01
gnomefreakeagles0513875: hg for nightly ftp for released15:01
gnomefreakpick one15:01
eagles0513875nothing from upstream itself15:01
gnomefreakeagles0513875: http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/15:02
eagles0513875ty gnomefreak15:02
gnomefreakeagles0513875: np but 3.6 isnt there15:02
eagles0513875doesnt matter 3.5 source from upstream will work for me15:02
eagles0513875not really after the bleeding edge stuff thats still in dev more just having the code to compile for my hardware more like it15:03
gnomefreakasac: let me know if you get that dent15:03
gnomefreakeagles0513875: cool15:03
eagles0513875gnomefreak: are you having issues when rebooting where it doesnt even allow you to choose a kernel. cuz the only way for me to choose a kernel is if i shutdown then restart it15:04
gnomefreakso i wait for 1.0 release (whatever final will be named than test it15:04
gnomefreakeagles0513875: nope15:04
eagles0513875so your setup lets you see the grub menu15:04
gnomefreakoh well that i couldnt tell you but as of a few days ago no i wasnt having that problem15:04
gnomefreakeagles0513875: i will test when i find out the problem in sunbird. hopfully this works15:05
eagles0513875hummm strange since upgrading from jaunty 64 to karmic 64bit i have always had this issue15:05
gnomefreakok why is gwibber posting to twitter if i dont have twitter enabled to be posted to15:05
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you are using grub115:06
gnomefreakgrub 0.97 or whatever?15:06
eagles0513875ahhhhh so should i run grub-install again15:06
gnomefreaki never got grub2 on upgrade15:06
gnomefreakasac: ok sunbird is ready to be pushed than. no changes needed for get-orig15:07
eagles0513875would me installing grub2 automatically remove grub115:07
eagles0513875nm answered my own question15:08
eagles0513875lets see if this fixes it or i screw up my whole install15:08
gnomefreakeagles0513875: not sure. i reinstalled to get grub2 but installing grub2 didnt rtemove 1 in jaunty IIRC15:08
* gnomefreak thinks option 2 but i hope not15:08
gnomefreakget doesnt work :(15:08
gnomefreakasac: ok update-orig works in sunbird15:09
eagles0513875gnomefreak: i think that was fixed cuz on what would be installed and what would be removed grub was gonna be removed15:09
eagles0513875lets see15:09
eagles0513875rebooting now to see what i brok15:09
gnomefreakeagles0513875: good luck15:09
eagles0513875strange still nothing but for some reason the other day i had to boot into single user mode and it seems to constantly boot into run level one for some reason15:10
eagles0513875i still dont have an option to esc into the grub menu though15:12
gnomefreakeagles0513875: make sure upstrart is still held back15:12
* gnomefreak smoke + phone15:12
eagles0513875asac: there seems to be a rather serious problem in ubuntu+115:14
eagles0513875live cd and net install of karmic not sure if thats ur department or not15:15
eagles0513875grub seems to be working15:15
eagles0513875grub2 alot more colorful then grub115:15
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
asacthats usually not my topic ...whats the problem?15:16
gnomefreakeagles0513875: i have a feeling you removed something needed if you dist-upgraded to karmic15:17
gnomefreakupstart wouldnt cause your issue but maybe a dep did15:17
eagles0513875possibly grub 2 is now installed but seems to be reading from the hdd excessivly15:17
eagles0513875asac: the problem is someone is trying to get karmic installed15:17
eagles0513875upgrading from jaunty to karmic didnt work for him and live cd and net install failed in the same way15:17
eagles0513875not sure about the details though15:18
asaceagles0513875: thats none of my business ;)15:18
eagles0513875asac: gotcha someone else to the rescue15:18
gnomefreakgrub2 is nicer but still dont have theme support15:18
eagles0513875im not worried about that now15:18
eagles0513875i have no way to get onto my system now :(15:18
asaceagles0513875: so its you who has the problem?15:18
eagles0513875no someone else in ubuntu+115:19
eagles0513875but now im having an issue with grub 2 not booting for me15:19
asacok ... well i dont know and have no time ;)15:19
gnomefreakeagles0513875: clean install :) use atlternate installer it works. well encryption failed during install but everything  else works15:19
asaceagles0513875: i think thats what users call for if they go for karmic now. he needs to file a bug15:19
gnomefreakwhy is gwibber broken damnit15:19
eagles0513875good lord that took a while but now its booting15:20
asacgnomefreak: which version?15:20
gnomefreak1.2.0~bzr349-0ubuntu1~daily1 asac15:20
gnomefreaki know its a daily15:20
asacthts ok15:20
asacgnomefreak: how is it broken?15:20
gnomefreakasac: wont let me post to identca even though its the only one i have enabed to post to15:21
asacgnomefreak: if you right click on the text input field is "identica" checked?15:22
asacgnomefreak: also, do you see errors on the terminal?15:22
gnomefreakasac: yes only one that is checked15:23
gnomefreakasac: no15:23
asacwhat happens if you post?15:23
gnomefreaklet me check if i can post to asac15:24
gnomefreakbut last time it didnt work15:24
gnomefreakasac: that is why you didnt get it15:24
asacsometimes identica is a problem in itself e.g. server bustage15:24
gnomefreakasac: web UI worked15:24
gnomefreakasac: its only sending to you that is broken :)15:26
gnomefreakasac: asac is you ident nick right?15:26
eagles0513875we talking a widget that sends messages to people here15:26
gnomefreakasacasa is your twitter nick but sending to asac fails15:26
gnomefreakeagles0513875: gwibber15:26
gnomefreakfirefox reached 971 million downloads15:27
eagles0513875if you want to see if the same issue exists with me ill install it after installing some updates15:27
eagles0513875on kubuntu15:27
gnomefreakeagles0513875: make an identca account and try to sedn to asac let me know if it posts15:27
gnomefreakisnt chmod 777 everyone can run write exec?15:29
gnomefreakupdating my iso atm since everything but m-d is done on my end maybe ill work on SM 2.1 but would rather fix 2.0 first and i cant :(15:30
gnomefreakif i had 20+ hours i would grab the dvd image15:31
gnomefreakalthough i hear its pretty much just lang packs that are added15:31
eagles0513875gnomefreak: why download something that big when you can install from repos15:32
gnomefreakeagles0513875: to test it15:32
eagles0513875to test the installation process15:32
* gnomefreak likes my script for updating my ISO and grabbing iso's :)15:32
gnomefreakeagles0513875: yes15:32
gnomefreakbut im sure smae problems as live cd15:33
gnomefreakshit what happened to gwibber :(15:34
gnomefreakok tbird-3 sound works i just need to find something alot better to play15:36
eagles0513875hehe play a good song15:37
gnomefreaknoo good sound choices that i have found15:37
eagles0513875gnomefreak: is gwibber version 1.2.0~bzr346-0ubuntu115:37
eagles0513875gnomefreak: how bout some guns and roses sweet child of mine15:38
gnomefreaktbird-3 doesnt play mp3s just .wav15:38
eagles0513875would it play something off u tube15:38
gnomefreakeagles0513875: any .wav i would think but not sure15:39
gnomefreakright now its freezing up for some damn reason im only running gwibber irssi and tbird i killed the iso update15:39
gnomefreakeagles0513875: ill test reboot now. maybe something mem related15:40
eagles0513875mem related in what sense15:40
gnomefreakoh its gwibber i think but lets reboot and see if i can15:40
eagles0513875humm guess gnomefreak fell overboard15:48
eagles0513875gnomefreak: thought you broke ur system15:57
gnomefreakno just wrong buttons being hit15:57
gnomefreaki think i found out the freezing bug. just need to hope tbird has a safe-mode15:59
eagles0513875guessing no replication of my issue16:01
gnomefreakyep i fixed it16:01
gnomefreakasac: tbird-3 seems to freeze when using a sound file other than default sound for new mail16:01
gnomefreaks/fixed/worked around16:02
gnomefreakoh this is not good sounding :( "writing a replacement of gdm"16:04
eagles0513875that doesnt sound good at all16:06
gnomefreak> Also, there seems to be no real way to change settings with the new GDM.16:07
gnomefreak... and that one. Robert Ancell recently mentioned that he wants to16:07
gnomefreaklook into writing a replacement for the new gdm.16:07
eagles0513875man thats gotta be tricky16:12
eagles0513875gnomefreak: question becomes how versed with x is this guy16:12
gnomefreakeagles0513875: doht know who he is. i know martin but the guy working on replacemtn i dont know16:13
eagles0513875thats gonna be interesting  to see his undertaking of rewriting gdm16:14
gnomefreaknot rewritting but writing a replacemtn for gdm16:17
gnomefreak!info ubufox hardy16:32
ubottuubufox (source: ubufox): Ubuntu Firefox specific configuration defaults and apt support. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 39 kB, installed size 220 kB16:32
gnomefreakasac: ubufox 0.8 will not get fixes anymore right?16:55
asacgnomefreak: why do you think? its still 0.8a116:56
gnomefreakasac: not in hardy16:56
asacso we are open for fixes ... if there is anything that is broken - even more so16:56
asacgnomefreak: ubufox 0.5 wont get fixes unless they are really severe16:56
asacbut i cant believe there are any ... otherwise we probably would have heard of them16:57
gnomefreaki dont remember bug # but its fixed in 0.8 that much i remember16:57
gnomefreakasac: wheni see it again ill let you know16:58
asacprobably. 0.8 is definitly better than 0.8 ;)16:59
asacerr than 0.516:59
gnomefreakasac: but we cant justify backporting 0.8 (at least i cant)17:01
asacgnomefreak: backport should be possible. but i wont do it. someone needs to do that from the community17:03
asacgnomefreak: if there are serious issues, we can address them individually - but as i said, i dont think there are any17:03
gnomefreaksaok i will keep eyes open but most 0.5 bugs were fixed in later versions17:03
gnomefreakasac: you opened a bug about removing 3.0 from deps for ubufox. we shouldnt do that until 3.0 is removed from repos17:04
* gnomefreak goes to do something for lunch. getting kind of tired. i also dread trying to fix m-d, there is no *easy* fix for it that i have thought of 17:10
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
* asac goes outside for a bit18:23
* gnomefreak goes for the rest of day i think, im getting really tried and to the point of not wanting to do anything18:25
gnomefreakasac: have fun :)18:26
asacgnomefreak: ok18:26
asacgnomefreak: about ubufox. its about the recommends vs suggests18:26
asaci think18:26
asacnot about treating ffox 3 different vs 3.518:27
asacgnomefreak: so you are blocked on m-d?18:27
gnomefreakdrop 3.0 from deps should fix the issue18:27
asacwhat kind of help do you need to get unblocked?18:27
gnomefreakasac: oh yeah18:27
gnomefreakasac: i need to fix for sm2 but keep the 2.1  sunbird 1.0b* but sunbird can wait.18:28
asacgnomefreak: ok so you want support sm2 and 2.1 and sunbird 1.0?18:29
gnomefreakasac: im hoping SM is just link location change and sunbird would need a full re-write most like;y18:29
asacthanks. cant promise anything. have you started to do some work i could look at ?18:29
gnomefreakasac: yes right now the 2.0...conf has changed to 2.1 but not by us so i think link for 2.0 changed18:30
asacdo we already have branches for sm 2.0 and sm 2.1 ?18:30
gnomefreakasac: not yet i tried a few things but nothing i kept18:30
gnomefreakasac: not 2.1 yet was hoping to fix 2.0 first but need an updated tarball18:30
gnomefreaki will work on 2.1 maybe the next few days18:31
gnomefreakasac: since they are all using generic hg link i didnt see a way to adjust it. for SM2/2.1 atleast.18:32
gnomefreakah yes adding git and (dont remember other one) to depends was another thought i had since git is needed to use it :) but thatsd simple shit ;)18:33
asacgnomefreak: ok thanks18:37
gnomefreakasac: np18:39
gnomefreakasac: thanks for looking into it if time allows18:39
sebnerasac: did you include the patch already in the mozilla-daily repo?18:40
asacsebner: no18:51
asacsebner: request a merge ;) ... is probably fastest18:51
asaci failed on that18:51
sebnerasac: merge? I'll post a debdiff! :D18:51
sebnerasac: oldschool ftw!18:57
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
gnomefreakasac: im adding a real quick fix to sunbird should be done in like 3 minutes so whne you get to it19:03
gnomefreakok that was easy enough. another bug down19:09
sebnerasac: should I file the bug against ff3.6?19:10
asacsebner: no. thats why a debdiff is suboptimal ;)19:10
asacsebner: post it somewhere19:10
asacsebner: please name the patch like bzXXXXX_attXXXXXX19:10
asaclike the other patches19:10
asace.g. bug number and attachment number19:10
sebnerasac: grr19:10
asaclike all the others you see ther19:10
sebnerasac: versionsnumber? or should I ignore changelog?19:17
sebnerasac: well not writing a changelog entry is bad so what versionsnumber :)19:19
gnomefreaksebner: dch -i?19:20
sebnergnomefreak: I dunno if they want a  ..nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1ubuntu119:20
asacsebner: the topmost changelog entry is probably UNRELEASED19:20
gnomefreakwell for daily that wont work19:20
asacsebner: so add your new entry there to the bottom19:20
asacwith your name like the other names19:20
sebnerasac: karmic is top and no names at the botton O_o19:21
asacsebner: work on the branches19:21
gnomefreakok branch is updating and im done for the day. anything else in sunbird needs to be fixed let me know tomorrow or by email :)19:22
asacsebner: there are names, like [ Alexander Sack ... ]19:23
sebnerasac: weird. But I have currently is http://paste.ubuntu.com/218184/19:24
asacsebner: dont add a new changelog entry19:24
asacput it in the other19:24
asacyou should really work on branches19:25
asacdebdiffs just cause extra load ;)19:25
asacsebner: jsut give me the patch with the proper filename19:25
sebnerasac: I should use epiphany to avoid problems and work :P19:26
asacepiphany wont crash less19:26
* asac waits for patch to commit it19:26
gnomefreakepiphany has problems too ;)19:26
gnomefreakok down to only upstart being held back :) now im gone for the rest of day19:27
asacthat one?19:28
sebnerasac: sec19:28
sebnerasac: ok. Now I totally f*cked up everything :\19:29
asacsebner: its ok19:29
asaci pick it now19:29
sebnerasac: bah, all my hard work gone and extra work for you. Worst case19:29
asacsebner: no. the hard work was testing it19:29
asacthanks for that19:29
asacbzr commit -m '* bmo: #493541 - fix a crash which occurs switching flash videos to fullscreen mode; we cherry pick a patch from bugzilla; thanks to Stephan Ebner for spotting and testing this patch - add debian/patches/bz493541_att386469_fix_flash_fullscreen_crash.patch - update debian/patches/series'19:29
asacCommitting to: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/xulrunner/xulrunner-1.9.2.head/19:30
asacmodified debian/changelog19:30
asacadded debian/patches/bz493541_att386469_fix_flash_fullscreen_crash.patch19:30
asacmodified debian/patches/series19:30
asacsebner: or did you need to adjust the patch?19:30
sebnerasac: that was yesterday. not remembering anymore ;)19:30
sebnerasac: nope. applied19:30
asacCommitted revision 474.19:30
* sebner adds mozilla-daily repo19:31
sebnerasac: if it works with 1.9.2 we have to check if for 1.9.1 too19:32
EruditeHermitasac: hey19:33
asacsebner: 1.9.1 crashes for you?19:34
sebnerasac: sure. I told you I happens with ff3.5 and later confirmed it with ff3.6 :P19:35
sebner*i = it19:35
asaci think we shouldnt add it to ffox 3.5 for now though. not until upstream has it in trunk baking for a while though19:36
asacat least ;)19:36
EruditeHermitasac: did you get a chance to test o3d with the new mesa?19:39
EruditeHermitasac: it just worked for me with software rendering which has OGL 2.1 support19:42
micahgasac: we seem to keep running into trouble if pepole install more than one version of flash19:43
micahgcan we make the flash packages conflict with each other?19:44
micahg*type of flash plugin19:44
asacmicahg: is the problem that the plugin switcher does not work or that they dont discover it?19:45
micahgdo you have to activate teh plugin switcher or does it automatically only enable one plugin?19:46
micahgit seems like Firefox is trying to use both19:46
micahgwhen one is removed, it starts working19:46
asacor maybe they dont even realize that their plugin isnt adobe flash?19:46
micahgI don't think that's it19:46
asacmicahg: well. the order which is choosen as default is somewhat random if i am not mistaken.19:47
micahgbut maybe the secondary plugin is incompatible with the flash site they are viewing?19:47
asacso that may confuse them19:47
asacmicahg: so here is what i am thinking ...19:48
asacthere are a few problems imo.19:48
asac1. why did the user install multiple plugins in the first place19:48
asac2. why does the user not notice that he isnt using the adobe flashplugin (even though i at least installed a different flashplayer explicitly)19:48
asac3. if they notice its different, why dont they either find the switcher or get the idea of uninstalling the second flashplayer they installed19:49
micahgwell, in general in Ubuntu, as long as packages don't conflict, there ususally isn't a reservation against installing multiple types of something19:50
asaci dont know how to answer that. i mean, assume we conflict the packages, now they do 1. .... then they are not really better off19:50
micahgI like the idea of the plugin switcher19:51
micahgbut FF still seems to try to load both and use both19:51
asacbecause they dont understand that they are not using adobe flashplugin at all (and think its broken) - aka 219:51
micahgat least for flash19:51
micahgI have a user who just uninstalled a plugin and it works fine19:51
asacor because they dont find the switcher (which is where they could also install a different flashplugin)19:51
micahgI'll have the user test further19:51
asacor they dont even understand that installing/removing packages might fix such a situation19:52
micahgswitcher is in ubufox .7 and up, right?19:52
asaci added it in intrepid i think19:52
asacthats .6 iirc19:52
micahgah, .6 then19:52
micahgalso, can I backport for myself ubufox .8, that is, will it compile in jaunty?19:52
asacso one major use-case why we did the switcher is to allow users to run a free flashplayer and if they need it switch to the proprietary one19:53
asacmicahg: just checkout the branch, run sh build.sh ... and install the .xpi19:53
asacjust remember that the .xpi will always own the system installed extension, so if you forget aobu it you might not get any updates at all ;)19:54
micahgthat's why I figured I'd just backport the extension19:54
micahgthat way, when I upgrade to karmic19:54
micahgit'll be automatic19:54
asacEruditeHermit: so i should test even ati with new mesa?19:54
EruditeHermitasac: no, only intel will work19:55
asacmicahg: you can even install the deb directly19:55
EruditeHermitasac: you can test it with the software renderer on ati19:55
asacno need to backport19:55
EruditeHermitasac: if you are interested I can tell you how19:55
asacEruditeHermit: thats what i ment. software renderer should work ... does that also require new mesa?19:55
EruditeHermitit works with any mesa19:56
asacEruditeHermit: which edgers should i enable?19:56
asac   Radeon crack - mesa testing19:56
asacthat one?19:56
EruditeHermitok for radeon, you don't need to enable any edgers; you can do it using mesa software rendering19:57
EruditeHermitto do this19:57
EruditeHermitfrom a terminal type19:57
EruditeHermitLIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true firefox19:57
EruditeHermitonce firefox has started go to an o3d demo and run it19:58
EruditeHermitassuming that you have o3d-plugin installed19:58
EruditeHermitfor intel19:58
EruditeHermitget mesa package from here19:58
EruditeHermitfor karmic19:58
EruditeHermitlibgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri packages19:59
EruditeHermitthen reboot and check glxinfo to see that it shows OpenGL 2.1 capability19:59
EruditeHermitthen start firefox and visit an o3d page19:59
asaci am _supposed_ to run edgers ppa20:01
asacso i am installing it everywhere now first20:01
asacwish me luck ;)20:01
EruditeHermitasac: you can run edgers PPA, but what I do is download the packages individually and install them20:05
EruditeHermitasac: that way, when something breaks, I can revert it easily20:05
EruditeHermitasac: I was told that new mesa on intel is buggy so you want to be able to downgrade it after we are done testing20:05
asacEruditeHermit: i am voluntold to run edgers ... so no downgrading for me ;)20:12
EruditeHermitasac: =p20:12
asacwgere is o3d example page again?20:20
asacgot it20:21
asaclocks up browser on amd6420:21
EruditeHermitit won't work on amd6420:23
EruditeHermitits a 32bit only binary20:23
ftait should20:23
EruditeHermitfta: doesn't work so well20:23
EruditeHermitI tried it20:23
asac2.1 Mesa 7.6-devel20:23
EruditeHermitmy new machine is amd6420:23
EruditeHermitso I had issues with it too20:24
EruditeHermitasac: got a 32bit install on the intel box?20:24
ftafor me, it's just a matter of libgl not able to get 32bit dri libs, hence no direct rendering20:24
asacEruditeHermit: yes. for me its the right combination20:27
asacati is on 6420:27
asacEruditeHermit: why doesnt nsp work with the plugin?20:27
asacEruditeHermit: please fix it ;)20:27
EruditeHermitwell it didn't work for me20:27
EruditeHermitasac: so the intel box worked?20:28
ftaEruditeHermit, just curious... why such a sudden interest in o3d? i packaged it several weeks ago, noone seemed interested?20:29
ftaare you upstream or something? ;)20:30
asacEruditeHermit: i am upgrading to edgers right now and then have to check if i stil lhave the plugin installed20:31
EruditeHermitfta: nope, I have been interested for a while, I just didn't know anyone packaged it20:31
EruditeHermitfta: yeah I found it a few days ago20:32
EruditeHermitfta: I am interested because I have been working on something that could use it20:32
EruditeHermitor I want to use it to do something20:33
ftahm, ok20:33
EruditeHermitis a better description20:33
EruditeHermitfta: if you can tell me how to get it working on 64bit20:33
EruditeHermitthen I would really appreciate it20:34
EruditeHermitotherwise I have to reinstall20:34
ftathe ppa is supposed to work out of the box, but as i said, there are issues with ia32libs shipping a libgl that is not able to get the 32bit libdri, even if it's installed20:35
ftawe have the same problem with gtk and other libs20:35
EruditeHermitis that fixable do you think?20:36
ftai'm in contact with the upstream dev working on the linux side of o3d, we'll try to sort that out asap20:36
EruditeHermitcan they not just make a 64bit version?20:36
ftanot until v8 is 64bit ready20:37
ftav8 is the javascript engine, also used in chrome/chromium20:37
EruditeHermitare they working on that?20:37
ftait's in progress20:38
EruditeHermithow close to done?20:38
ftaand o3d will be native in chromium, not a plugin20:38
ftano idea, the -dev ml is open20:39
EruditeHermitfta: have you written any demos?20:39
ftano, google provides plenty already20:39
EruditeHermitbut I was wondering if you had any experiences20:40
EruditeHermitif it was easy or not20:40
ftanone whatsoever20:40
EruditeHermitwell I have to go now for an hour20:40
EruditeHermitasac: I'll be back in an hour or so20:40
EruditeHermitlet me know how it goes20:40
asaci have to fight some ubuntu-bug thing right now20:42
asacto get my ati bug submitted ;)20:42
asacfta: so o3d doesnt work here21:15
asacLoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/32/libnpo3dautoplugin.so [libCg.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]21:15
asacfta: oh the plugin is lacking an rpath?21:16
asachmm ld.so.conf.d21:17
asacugly isnt it?21:17
asacanyway rebooting ....21:17
asacworked and crashed the browser quick ;)21:19
asacfta: you added stuff to ld.so.conf21:35
asacand didnt use -rpath21:35
asaci dont think that ld.so.conf is really right21:35
ftadebian says rpath is evil21:36
asacit basically means that anyone can use those libs ... which are in pkglibdir, because they probably are not supposed to use21:36
asacby others21:36
ftathose libs should be system libs anyway21:36
asacfta: then they should be shipped and properly versioned and abi/api tracked21:36
asacif thats not possible because upstream has no policy its good for pkglibdir imo21:37
ftai'm getting tired of so many packages rejected because of that reason, noone is helping :(21:39
asachelping on what?21:47
asacwhat this takes is serious upstream evangilism21:47
asacthis cant be fixed in ubuntu21:47
asacand then moving step by step21:48
asacits also an upstream thing. upstream deliberately picks up new upstream lib features even though that might not even be needed21:49
asacwe have to teach them to be more thoughtfully when they think about picking new upstream library21:49
asacat least that is my opinion21:49
asacif they cannot do it, that means that the libs are not yet in a stable enough state for the distro21:50
asacand we need to duplicate21:50
asaclibs ... and statically link them in21:50
BUGabundobrand new 1.5TiB disk22:02
BUGabundofresh install planed for tonigh22:02
ftadh_install: xulrunner-1.9.2-dev missing files (debian/tmp/usr/{include,share/idl}/xulrunner-1.9*/T[a-df-zA-Z]*), aborting22:10
ftamake: *** [binary-post-install/xulrunner-1.9.2] Error 122:10
micahgasac: looks like we'll get a chance to update  the firefox 3.5 packages soon22:33
micahgI'm sure you've seen the reports already22:36
asacmicahg: i got info about that firedrill yeah22:50
fta   354  23:36   bzr bdm22:51
fta   355  23:44   date22:51
fta8 minutes just to reach the patches :(22:51
asacmicahg: did we get bugs about that already?22:56
micahgasac: no bug yet23:10
micahgI was going to open one when the CVE came out23:10
asacwhere did you get that info through?23:10
micahgMozilla Security Blog, Secunia,  US-CERT, SANS23:11
asacok great.23:11
micahgjust trying to keep on top of things :)23:11
* micahg is subscribed to too many blogs23:12
ftaasac, $ bzr alias bdm23:14
ftabzr alias bdm="bd --merge --dont-purge --result-dir=../build-area --orig-dir=../tarballs/"23:14
BUGabundomicahg: how many is too many?23:14
BUGabundoI'm on 80023:14
BUGabundojust on LP. now add gnome, kde, pidgin, etc23:14
micahg97 Active feeds including Planet Debian, Planet Mozilla, and Planet Ubuntu23:16
fta(firefox-3.6:17939): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_weak_unref: couldn't find weak ref 0x40686b0(0xa42dd800)23:16
BUGabundofeeds or bugs?23:16
micahgnot bugs23:16
BUGabundocause I have like 300 feeds23:16
BUGabundowith 5 plantes23:16
BUGabundo8 foruns23:17
BUGabundo12 bots23:17
micahgI'm subscribed to 500 actuve bugs23:17
BUGabundovia feeds???23:17
BUGabundoI just do it for MY own NEW bugs LOL23:17
* BUGabundo is getting confused by micahg who keeps forgeting I'm blond23:17
micahgI have over 48k unread feed entries23:17
BUGabundoI manage to get all my labels empty TWICE this month23:18
BUGabundoother then Planets23:18
BUGabundomany of them still above 1000+23:18
BUGabundomicahg: wanna exchange shared feeds?23:19
micahgno, I don't use a feed sharing service23:19
micahgI use the Brief FIrefox Addon :)23:19
BUGabundoyou don't Social Network :(23:19
BUGabundowant mine never the less?23:19
BUGabundoits usually calm, unless I have the time to read it23:20
BUGabundoit usually I don't23:20
micahgno thanks, I'm already on feed overload23:20
micahgand the only social networking I do is for business on LinkedIn23:20
BUGabundoFrom your  265  subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read   5,693  items, starred  1  items, shared  906  items,  and emailed  0  items.23:20
BUGabundomicahg: in any case, I'll leave it to you so you can check it out and _maybe_ add it eheh http://feeds.bugabundo.net/BUGabundo-sharedfeed23:23
micahgIs this Portuguese?23:25
BUGabundosome are23:25
BUGabundoothers english23:25
BUGabundoI guess one of this days I'll have to pipe it and make two new ones23:26
BUGabundoI already have like 8 feeds23:26
BUGabundothis is fun. i *almost* caught my feeds the other day eheh http://Ꚙ.sl.pt23:28
ftai want this http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/07/3d-css-transforms-available-in-leopard-via-webkit-nightlies.ars23:39
micahgasac: shouldn't bug 365965 be in ff3.5 as well?23:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365965 in ubufox "[MASTER] Firefox3.5 recommends ubufox but should suggest ubufox" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36596523:46
micahgor only in ff3.5?23:47
EruditeHermitasac: hey23:52
EruditeHermitfta: hi23:52

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