
ubottudragon_ called the ops in #ubuntu (Haner)01:08
Jordan_Ufloodbot seems to have dealt with ioerror in #ubuntu but just checking that a real op noticed that05:14
naliothJordan_U: do we know you?05:15
naliothyes, the troll got shown the door05:15
Jordan_Unalioth: No05:16
jussi01morning all07:58
Garyhehe, I said CoC08:23
Gary(morning btw)08:23
* jussi01 bites Gary08:25
Garynom nom08:33
* jussi01 bites mneptok.... BLEH... that doesnt taste like chicken :P09:04
mneptokjussi01: i taste of lutefisk and the grave09:05
mneptok(not that there's much difference between the two)09:05
Myrttiis it just me, or freenodes webchat, but I can't seem to get anything sensible out of ubottu09:39
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY09:39
Myrttiatleast in pm09:39
Myrtti[11:35] <Myrtti> ff-35 [11:35] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ff-3509:39
topyliyour query is different09:40
Myrtti[11:35] <Myrtti> ff35 [11:35] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know Myrtti09:40
Myrttishouldn't it, atleast in theory, answer to all factoids asked from it? or have I missed out on something?09:41
Myrttioh, it needs me to be on one channel with him?09:41
jussi01can someone give me some grep foo, caus I suck... I need to find a phrase, in a whole foilder of files...09:46
topyligrep "a phrase to find" /some/directory/*09:47
topylidoesn't work?09:47
Myrttifor file in /stack/of/hay/*;do grep needle $file;done09:49
jussi01ok, I figured it09:49
Myrttithat doesn't work either?09:49
jussi01I went to the folder and did: grep -i "no ping reply" *09:49
topyliah it's the -i09:50
topylincremental i guess09:50
elkybacta is on the prowl12:16
elkytopyli, no, case insensitive12:17
topylielky: hm?12:21
elkygrep -i12:21
topylii'm confusing it with -r(ecorusve) perhaps12:22
topylidunno, i always begin grepping by greppng the grep manual page :)12:23
elkyMyrtti, slightly addicted to irc?14:31
Myrttino, I'm just checking out what ubottu has to say about vnc and freenx, and I need to be on a channel to make it respond to me14:38
Myrttiand finding out wth Dell bleeps about14:43
Myrttielky: for fun and headbanging: http://myrtti.fi/blog/2009/07/14/after-work-beer/comment-page-1/#comment-176614:43
Myrttiit's all fine and nice comment until the last paragraph14:44
* elky huggles Myrtti14:45
Myrtti</3 burlap sacks14:45
PiciMyrtti: I thougt that was a great blog post. I read it earlier this morning, but havent a gotten a chance yet to comment to say how much I agree with you.14:47
* Pici reads the other comments now14:47
MyrttiI had an urge to make a comment about RMS and Planet Fedora upskirt and god knows what, but I think it's a point to move on14:51
ikoniaabout what ??14:55
ikoniaplanet fedora upskirt ????14:55
bazhangon a blog, upskirt photo14:56
ikoniaoh what ? a fedora box ??14:57
ikonia"of" what I mean14:57
* ikonia googles14:57
bazhangno, up a girl's skirt, planet fedora blog picture14:57
ikoniaI've just found a picture of a girl in a red/pink dress with her legs crossed on planet fedora14:58
elkyikonia, http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Planet_Fedora_up-skirting_photo14:58
ikoniayeah, thats the one I found15:00
ikoniared/pinky dress15:00
ikoniaone of the most pointless posts I've read15:00
elkyi still cant get over the idea that the guy even *thought* about pulling out a SLR15:01
ikoniayouthful talk15:02
ikoniaslr pointed at girls private parts on public transport = jail15:02
PiciI'm concerned about where this would ever be concidered normal behavior15:02
ikoniaPici: yeah, thats the odd "hey normal culture, let me publicise my fetish/perverted side"15:03
* Pici waves15:05
ikoniaconnection problems Nafallo ?15:20
Nafalloikonia: DDoS. it should be sorted now.15:20
ikoniaoh dear15:21
bazhangthat's grow as apple15:30
elkyhow do you figure that?15:31
ikoniaeducate me16:07
Picipoof! you're educated.16:19
bazhangabout what?16:19
Picidunno. I just waved the magic wand.16:20
vorianold school16:55
=== vorian is now known as OldSchool
bazhangbetter than botswarm16:56
bazhanga PM seems to have calmed ilman from his !enter and !ot17:43
tsimpsonwhat do we think of changing !dapper to "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions"?17:49
bazhangnice :)17:49
* tsimpson goes ahead and changes it17:50
tsimpson!no dapper is <reply> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions17:50
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson17:50
tsimpsondesktop dapper users should now be encouraged to upgrade to upgrade to hardy+17:51
FlannelIf they're still on Dapper, they'll likely want to upgrade to just hardy (and then to 10.04 in two years or so)17:56
PiciI had updated the dapper factoid to include the fact about the july 14th EOL18:06
PiciI think I'll make a factoid with the dapper server packages when I find the list later18:08
* genii makes more coffee18:16
FlannelPici: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/dapper/supported.txt18:18
geniiSo Dapper is moved now into old-releases ?18:19
FlannelNo.... hmmm18:20
FlannelIt's just the desktop that's lost support.  The server stuff is still up, which I imagine means they'll keep the whole thing in regular archives18:20
geniiAh, OK18:20
Flanneleven if the other stuff doesn't get updated18:21
FlannelThat'll make it easier for people who fell off the truck to upgrade too (not that that's a reason, but a happy side effect) for the next two years18:21
geniiI still have 2 servers which run 6.06.2 or so18:22
FlannelUpgrade to hardy was painless for me.18:24
FlannelI cleared out three days for issues, didn't have any... oh, I suppose svn/apache doesn't list multiple archives properly (SVNParentPath), which I haven't really put time into fixing, but...18:24
PiciI'm running Jaunty here on my Linode. Its all my own personal stuff, so I don't mind being somewhat bleeding edge.18:29
bazhangfinally got an answer from Toxbot ; he is a human, not a bot after all18:41
bazhanghad to camp out in #ubuntu-in for two days but he finally responded18:42
Flannelsilly hoo-mans18:44
* genii thinks about the bazhang-stalkbot18:45
geniibazhang: Well, you *DID* camp out for a couple days to see if the user was real or not... ;)18:47
bazhanggenii, good point :)18:47
bazhanggot rocketlauncher in PM18:57
bazhangunpleasant fellow18:57
PiciYes, I can see that.18:58
geniiDamn. Wasn't paying attention then I see in backscroll his multi-line diss. 18:58
bazhanghmm refuses to read the guidelines; a bit rude in PM. will see what happens here19:00
=== OldSchool is now known as FurieuxV
=== FurieuxV is now known as Effexor
jwfoxjrcan someone test me please. I've already upgraded my linksys ver 5.0 router to the latest firmware available from the vendor.21:11
Flanneljwfoxjr: Floodbots can do that in -read-topic, and looks like they have.21:14
Flanneljwfoxjr: If you wouldn't mind doing it again, that'd be the easiest way21:16
ubottuascheel called the ops in #ubuntu (fridgos)21:20
=== SWAT_ is now known as SWAT
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (Zweistein)23:24
Seeker`k1l: how can we help you?23:26
k1lhi there, im form the german ops team. we just the user Zweistein earlier the day, because he is a troll. 23:26
k1ljust for your information because some user asked in the german support channel to talk to Zweistein to stop speaking in here23:27
k1lbut i saw u solved it already:) bb23:28
Seeker`can someone join #ubuntu-scribes so I can test something?23:29
Seeker`thanks nalioth, Pici23:34
SiDiHi people; Is this the good place for questions about ubottu ?23:44
=== Effexor is now known as vorian
PiciSiDi: Regarding the plugins or what?23:56

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