
KillMeNowand that machines is pointed to what DNS resolver?  i use opendns for my resolver00:00
KillMeNoweven on my own servers00:00
KillMeNowbut i don't run external / internal views00:00
KillMeNowand i'm running a chrooted bind00:00
n8boundsi have my own root server outside this subnet i've been using00:00
n8boundsor the att nameservers directly, via dig or nslookup00:00
KillMeNowhowever, my IP space is owned by my ISP00:01
n8boundsmust be nice, not having to bother with in-addr.arpa zones ;)00:01
KillMeNowso any reverse stuff they deal with00:01
KillMeNowwell they are basically just like any other zone00:01
n8boundsyes, exactly00:01
KillMeNowand it makes my life easier to not run internal / external views00:02
KillMeNowalso i have a MS DNS running for all the windows clients here00:03
KillMeNowso internally i don't need one00:03
n8boundsI run my MS DNS zones in bind9 :D00:03
n8boundsthat was a bit tricky ;)00:03
KillMeNowyou having MS DNS pull from the bind9 server?00:04
n8boundsi have a 2003 (R2) MSAD setup here00:04
n8boundswith a few hundred clients and a few dozen MS servers00:04
n8boundsand all DNS is done on bind9+ubuntu00:04
n8boundsincluding the MS AD zones00:05
n8boundswith dynamic updates + dhcp3 and all that00:05
n8boundsyeah, i was sick of maintaining two widly different name server types00:05
KillMeNow133.82.145.12.in-addr.arpa. 83964 IN    CNAME   133.128/
KillMeNowwhen i dig ptr00:06
n8boundsyeah, thats when you dug against opendns00:06
KillMeNowit looks like you should be trying to serve up 133.128/28.82.145.in-addr.arpa.00:06
KillMeNowyes, but that's what MOST ppl will be doing00:06
KillMeNowchecking against their resolver00:06
n8boundsheh, good point00:07
n8boundsi agree with you, you must be on to that00:07
KillMeNowso when i check, my resolver says "Hey, go check whoever has  133.128/
n8boundsbut ATT provisioned me  128/
n8boundsplus, i dont own the network.... i dont even know why there are two numbers in the last octet there00:08
KillMeNowahhhah!  128/ 0 IN     A
n8boundsi own the
KillMeNowso when i dig on 133.128/ that is my response...  the A record is
KillMeNowahh NM00:10
n8boundsFriend, i'm afraid thats just the hit-servfail at opendns00:10
KillMeNowthe is opendns00:10
KillMeNowso they cnamed the 133.128/ to 128/
n8boundsso what does  133.128/ even mean00:11
n8boundsthere's one too many sets of numbers there00:11
KillMeNowthat's the original CNAME00:11
KillMeNowso when i do a host i get this response: is an alias for 132.128/
n8boundsi feel thats just more opendns trickery00:13
n8boundswhen i do it (outside), i get SERVFAIL00:13
KillMeNowwhich then leads me to ask, dig 132.128/
KillMeNowwhich then tells me that is 128/
KillMeNowyea, and then i get no servers could be reached00:13
KillMeNowbut since ATT owns that block, they had to CNAME the reverse to you00:14
n8boundswhich is why i was digging my ns directly from the outside to troubleshoot this00:14
n8boundsand since even that was failing00:14
n8boundsi didnt see the point in trying to troubleshoot the resolution of the same fail through opendns or other roots00:15
KillMeNowyep, but my thinking is what if they messed up the cname mapping00:15
n8boundsso we're back to page 1, where by all accounts, this should be working00:15
n8boundsits possible00:16
KillMeNowyea, i think you should only have to have the 128/ zone file served00:16
n8boundswould my bind server fail to act authoritatively in that case?00:16
KillMeNowwell, when we ask it using DIG, and you've told it that it's the master, and the SOA points to your DNS to be authoritative i would say it shouldn't00:17
KillMeNowin your zone file, move the NS    ns.epescarriers.com to the top of the list00:19
KillMeNowyou have the att.net servers listed first00:19
KillMeNowi'm wondering if it reads those top down as ordered list00:19
KillMeNowand i would go back to your original config00:19
KillMeNowand shouldn't this be uncommented:  ;$ORIGIN 128/
KillMeNowrather than $ORIGIN 128-
n8boundsyou are very thorough. i really appreciate all your effort here00:21
n8boundslets try that now..00:21
KillMeNowwell, it seems that if everyone in the world is looking for 128/ that's what you should be serving up00:22
n8boundsokay, its replying with SERVFAIL still, but its acting as if I'm requesting recursion, which I shouldnt be00:23
KillMeNowand it's still loading the zone as expected w/o errors in syslog?00:23
n8boundsi tried reversing the order of Mark Andrews' example also00:24
KillMeNownope, seems to be working for me now00:24
KillMeNowone sec, lemme verify00:24
n8boundsdig @ns.epescarriers.com -x  still fails hard00:25
KillMeNowyea dig is giving me the SOA now00:25
KillMeNowbloody hell00:26
howiehas anyone setup asterisk on ubuntu server?00:26
KillMeNow128/ 86400 IN SOA     ns.epescarriers.com. postmaster.epescarriers.com.00:26
KillMeNownot on ubuntu no00:26
KillMeNowi've got mine running CentOS00:26
KillMeNowhowever, check out Elastix00:27
howiecan i run it on ubuntu?>00:27
n8boundsim sure you can00:27
KillMeNowprobably, just not sure it's in the binary repo00:27
n8boundsbut a lot of people seem to like this http://www.askozia.com/pbx/00:27
n8bounds@KillMeNow what did you query exactly to get that answer?00:28
howieim have pass on the askozia00:28
KillMeNowmost ppl run TrixBox, but Elastix is a port of trixbox since Fonality are a bunch of puss brains00:29
KillMeNowcan i append stuff to your pastebin?00:29
n8boundsplease do00:29
n8boundsu on this one? http://pastebin.com/m678ec31b00:29
KillMeNowhope i didn't whack it all up00:32
KillMeNowbut there is the total response00:32
Speedy059Is there another command to download a http file without using "wget" ?00:33
KillMeNowsorry, i can't think of one off the top of my head00:34
KillMeNowdo you not have access to wget?00:34
n8boundsaxel is a good pkg00:35
Speedy059i do, just trying to troubleshoot something00:35
n8bounds@KillMeNow, I ammeded your ammendment00:35
n8boundsyeah... what is THAT about..?00:36
KillMeNowyea, mine was just a DIG on the 128/28 record, you were looking for the specific PTR within00:37
KillMeNowmine solidified that you ARE The SOA00:37
KillMeNowand that the SOA record is showing up as you put it in00:38
KillMeNow128/ 86400 IN SOA     ns.epescarriers.com. postmaster.epescarriers.com. 2009071318 14400 7200 2419200 8640000:38
n8boundsright, which Does make me happy00:38
n8boundsbut I cant reproduce that00:38
n8boundseven if I take your exact command00:38
n8boundsoh wait00:38
n8boundsim an idiot00:39
n8boundscheck this out00:39
n8boundsdig 128/ any @ns.epescarriers.com00:39
n8boundsthere's more data00:40
n8boundsfrom inside my zone file00:40
n8boundsit must be my zone file00:40
n8boundshere's my current zone file http://pastebin.com/mbffa1bb00:41
KillMeNowi just updated the last one with my DIG response00:41
n8boundsi must have overwrote it00:42
n8boundsrefresh it00:42
n8boundsi think i hit submit after you00:42
=== howie1 is now known as howie
n8boundsoh, thats why it changed the name00:42
KillMeNoware you catching any errors in syslog?00:44
KillMeNoware you getting servfail on my connects or is it giving you any error?00:44
KillMeNowor refused?00:44
n8boundsall the erros i got before we added Mark's setup are now missing00:44
n8boundsI'm still slaving the 82.145.12.IN-ADDR.ARPA domain from the F root server00:45
KillMeNowyea, i'm lost now...  you ARE serving up the 128/28.xxxxxxxx zone file, that is evident00:47
KillMeNowbut it's the bridge between the 128/28.xxxx zone to the that looks like it is failing00:48
n8boundsi just asked the F-Root about my subnet   dig 128/ @
n8boundsATT has the ENTIRE
n8boundsis that what you see?00:49
KillMeNowyea which is why they CNAME'd it to you00:49
KillMeNowi'm getting time out00:49
KillMeNowyes, ATT bought the subnet LONG ago00:50
n8boundsI had no idea. But this is pretty good proof :  host -vl
n8boundsi have an idea00:51
=== antdedyet_ is now known as antdedyet
n8boundsokay, this seems a little close00:55
n8boundscloser:   dig @ns.epescarriers.com00:55
=== howie1 is now known as howie
KillMeNowlittle closer i thin00:56
n8boundsokay, if I take out the zone "12.IN-ADDR.ARPA" IN { specification in my named.conf00:58
n8boundsi loose the SOA in the dig00:58
KillMeNowyea, i'm checking a couple things00:58
KillMeNowi think we're pretty close00:58
n8boundsthink I have to add every sub zone as a slave of ATT as well?00:59
KillMeNowa slave of ATT?00:59
KillMeNowyou're not pulling from them are you?00:59
n8boundsi mean, i am for the 12.IN-ADDR.ARPA00:59
KillMeNowyea, they are just CNAME'ing the subnet for you01:00
KillMeNowno, don't think so01:00
n8boundsbut i'm master for the 128/
KillMeNowyes, andthat's what you should be worried about01:00
KillMeNowand we get the response we expect for that zone01:00
n8boundsI dont think hosting a slave of 12.IN... is helpful in any way01:00
n8boundsit just masks the erros01:00
KillMeNowyea, i agree01:01
KillMeNowpastebin your config again pls01:03
KillMeNowyour current config01:03
n8boundsholy snap! i think it's going to start working: client view external: transfer of '128/': AXFR ended01:10
n8boundsthat client is the ATT secondary NS01:11
KillMeNowwhat did you change?01:11
KillMeNowyou can't see any of the changes i'm doing to the config can you?01:11
n8boundsyou took out the att ns es01:13
n8boundsand moved the origin up01:13
KillMeNowcause the att ns stuff isn't needed01:14
KillMeNowYOU are the authoritative server01:14
KillMeNowso only YOUR ns server should be listed in that zone01:14
n8boundsbut all my other zones are that way01:14
n8boundsatt lets me use those two ns' as secondary slaves01:15
KillMeNowand now i read through some goodness in the Oriely book on Bind01:15
n8boundsfor the zones i have delegation for01:15
KillMeNowwell i didn't know that!01:15
n8boundsit should honestly work either way01:15
KillMeNowso those 2 suck off the ns.epescarriers.com ?01:15
KillMeNowhow long ago did ATT delegate authority for you?01:16
KillMeNowwell now i'm getting refused again on dig01:17
KillMeNowhey, look what i get now!01:18
KillMeNow; <<>> DiG 9.5.1-P2 <<>>
KillMeNow;; global options:  printcmd01:18
KillMeNow;; Got answer:01:18
KillMeNow;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 4686101:18
KillMeNow;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 001:18
KillMeNow;    IN      A01:18
KillMeNow;; ANSWER SECTION:01:18
KillMeNow133.82.145.12.in-addr.arpa. 79605 IN    CNAME   133.128/
KillMeNow133.128/ 86399 IN CNAME mail.epescarriers.com.01:18
KillMeNowmail.epescarriers.com.  3599    IN      A
KillMeNow;; Query time: 284 msec01:18
KillMeNow;; SERVER:
KillMeNow;; WHEN: Mon Jul 13 17:18:15 200901:19
KillMeNow;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 12001:19
KillMeNow132.82.145.12.in-addr.arpa is an alias for 132.128/
KillMeNow132.128/ domain name pointer mail-mx02.epescarriers.com.01:19
KillMeNowlooks like it's working now01:19
KillMeNowwell kinda01:20
KillMeNowlemme read that again01:20
KillMeNowyea, and now i'm still getting the refused error when i try to host or dig directly off your server01:22
n8boundsi wonder if i need these IN designators01:23
n8boundsyou think?01:26
KillMeNowwhich ones?01:26
KillMeNowfrom the edit i did?01:26
n8boundsin the PTR rr s01:26
KillMeNowyes, you need the IN     NS01:27
KillMeNowas for the pointers, i think those are OK too01:28
KillMeNowyou need the IN    PTR     <IPADDR> for the reverse01:28
KillMeNowhere is the rub as I read and understand it....  ATT creates a delegation called 132.128/
KillMeNowwhich is the CNAME'd to a delegation called 128/ which yours to SOA01:32
n8boundsim following..01:32
KillMeNowso in your zone file, you need to $origin 132.128/ no?01:33
KillMeNowit's like a chain no?01:33
n8boundsthat makes good sense!01:34
n8boundswe shall see01:34
n8boundszone 128/ loading from master file db.ext.ptr failed: not at top of zone01:34
n8boundsoops, i need to edit the named.confxxx01:35
KillMeNowyea, i'm gonna go feed my need for nicotine01:35
KillMeNowback in a min01:35
n8boundsits close to right01:46
n8boundsbut not quite01:46
n8boundsits good enough to get the deferred mail off my mail server01:46
n8boundsso im outa here01:46
n8boundsdrop me a line at n8bounds@gmail.com sometime01:46
n8boundsi owe you a beer if we're ever in the same zip code01:47
KillMeNowwell if you're in NC, i'm on the west coast01:47
KillMeNowbut yea, the part that is really making me get stumped is the host coming back to 132.128/
KillMeNowalmost seems like ATT has it borked on their end01:48
n8boundsi bet they have01:49
n8boundswouldn't be the first time01:49
n8boundsI'm in Greensboro01:49
n8boundsbut shoot me an email if you want01:49
KillMeNowPortland OR01:49
n8boundsI've been known for travelling01:49
n8boundsand thanks again01:49
KillMeNowemail sent01:50
KillMeNowC YA01:51
=== Kyon0 is now known as Kyon0`Away
=== s_markow_ is now known as s_markow
TimReichharthey guys can somebody point me the correct way to setup a streaming media server like for tv?04:50
TimReichhartI want to use ubuntu for OS04:51
EEoarQQ: Can you install PHP5 + Lighttpd without apache2?05:09
EEoarseems the synaptic pkg_mgr says no05:09
\shyou can't install mod_php5 and lighty05:09
EEoarI take it I would need to manually do it?05:09
\shyou need to install php5-fcgi + lighty05:09
\shsorry...php5-cgi (which is the fcgi binary)05:10
EEoarCan I do that even though I'm a bit of a lighty + php5 idiot?05:10
\shEEoar: if you can read the howto on lighttpd.org..you can do it as well05:10
\shsry..too early in the morning05:11
EEoarcool - when I try to remove libapache2-mod-php5 it insists on removing hp5... wtf?05:11
EEoarerr... hp5 = php5, sry05:11
\shthat's normal...:) just let it remove it, and install php5-cgi05:11
\shEEoar: http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/TutorialLighttpdAndPHP <- howto install php with lighty05:12
EEoar\sh: Thanks05:13
\shhttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/lighttpd-webserver-setup-with-php5-and-mysql-support.html <- another howto05:13
\shhttp://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/11/09/install-lighttpd-with-php-fastcgi-on-ubuntu-810/ <- Howto from Christer Edwards05:13
\shnow I really need to coffee and some nicotine05:14
EEoarI need a cup of coffee, some chocolate and I'm gonna get lighty workin!  I'm in need of phpProxy05:14
teddy_Does NGINX work with PHP5 ?05:15
\shteddy_: google's your friend :) http://www.howtoforge.com/nginx_php5_fast_cgi_xcache_ubuntu7.0405:18
EEoardoes Samba SERVER have a GUI front-end somewhere?05:46
jmarsdenEEoar: SWAT is a web based front end to configuring Samba...05:54
EEoaroops... yea I saw that too05:55
jmarsdenSWAT: Samba Web Administration Tool.  package name swat05:58
jmarsdenI don't use it, but it exists and seems to be close to what you are looking for.05:59
EEoarOK, thank you05:59
jmarsdenNo problem.06:00
EEoaryou guys in Ubuntu land are extremely helpful - this has been a nice transition from the world of Windows to Ubuntu (desktop & server)06:00
EEoarnow to read and get lighty + PHP5 installed and workin' and life will be good06:00
ShazburgI'm looking for a finger to point me in the right direction. I've got my preseed and it's working like a dream. I'm launching from a CD and would like to turn off the language prompt when the installer menu loads so it will timeout and launch my default. Any ideas what I'm missing?06:44
whalesaladHey guys, where is the default logrotate crontab stuff? I can't seem to find it anywhere06:46
twbwhalesalad: /etc/cron.d/logrotate?06:47
whalesaladNot in there =/06:48
whalesaladoh hai btw, heh06:48
twb$ apt-file show logrotate | grep cron06:48
twblogrotate: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate06:48
whalesaladRunning 8.1006:48
whalesaladapt-file command not found06:49
Shazburgwhalesalad: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate ?06:52
ShazburgDoh, just realized that's what twb put06:53
whalesalad'tis nowhere to be found =/06:53
ShazburgI looked up the package files on the site.06:53
twbwhalesalad: your installation is damaged, then06:54
whalesaladtwb: any idea on how to fix things?06:54
Shazburgwhalesalad: agreed. It should be there: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/logrotate/filelist06:54
whalesaladI'm an idiot. I didn't realize you needed to install logrotate. It's installed now,and the files exist. Sorry to bug guys, thanks for the help06:55
Shazburgwhalesalad: Between you and me, I'll take that kind of problem over a real one any day.06:57
ballI should probably try Ubuntu Server on this box07:07
AnirbanWhen I am trying to install ufw by "sudo apt-get install ufw" having following error : http://pastebin.ca/149442808:23
_rubencould try sudo apt-get install -f .. to clean up any issues with apt08:25
sandstromI have a VPS where one process (in some circumstances) uses too much memory and gets killed (SIG TERM) by Virtuozzo. Is there a way to remedy this, eg. by setting a cap on memory on my machine, or on separate processes? http://maxgarrick.com/understanding-openvz-resource-limits/#comments09:39
henkjan_sandstrom: man limits.conf09:52
sandstromhenkjan_: thanks! is data (maximum data size), memlock (maximum locked-in-memory address space) or as (address space limit) the memory limit?09:55
BilgeDoesn't Ubuntu ship with some tools to make automatic rotation of a series of files easier?11:38
BilgeSuch as a rolling backup by keeping only the last n number of days11:38
BilgeI know it has something like this for log files, but I don't know if it is general enough to use for any series of files, or what it was called11:38
alexmBilge: logrotate can be used for that11:40
BilgeAh yes that was it11:40
alexmbut maybe rdiff-backup etc. are better for the job11:41
BilgeI wrote my own incremental backup12:02
BilgeUsing `find`12:02
BilgeIn bash script12:02
alexmusing your own tools has some pros (it can be fun and you learn a lot) but the cons are worth considering too (i.e. maintainability)12:06
BilgeOnly weakness at the moment is that if you include some new files at a later stage, the same date/time tests are applied to them and unless they were created on the same day they were added to the backup list, they won't be included12:07
BilgeIf that makes any sense12:07
BilgeSo it needs to scan all of the backups for a given period to determine if they have been backed up before or not12:08
BilgeI see rdiff-backup does have an include/exclude system, but I can't see how to define an increment period12:08
BilgeIn my script I take a snapshot on the first of every month and subsequently perform incremental backups for the rest of that month only12:09
BilgeMy script also supports simulated runs and other handy features :)12:09
BilgeBut the real reason I wrote it is because I didn't research existing tools beforehand12:10
alexmthere's plenty of backup tools, using your own is fine as long as you're happy with it12:14
Bilgerdiff doesn't seem to compress backups either12:16
BilgeAll mine are .tar.bz2'd12:16
BilgeSo I'm not regretting writing my own at this point12:16
alexmwe also used our own scripts plus tar and dd with DAT tapes at work, then omniback with DLT, then legato with LTO2 and now we use bacula with LTO312:18
BilgeAlso, even though I can specify directories to include/exclude, my script also accepts a list of specific files piped to stdin, so I can build a complex search list using the full power of `find` with it12:18
alexmBilge: maybe you should package it and make it publicly available ;)12:18
alexmwhat works for you may work for others too12:19
BilgeIt is pretty good :312:19
BilgeBut it's not totally configurable12:19
BilgeFor example you cannot redefine the snapshot period, it's fixed at one month at the moment12:19
BilgeYou're obviously working for a pretty big company if you can afford to do tape backups and have resources to spare on revamping your backup strategy so often12:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #399248 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39924812:46
alexmBilge: i'm working at a big university department and the revamping usually happens when tapes become too small to fit all the users data12:51
=== Kyon0`Away is now known as Kyon0
uvirtbotNew bug: #395428 in samba (main) "Panic or segfault in Samba (dup-of: 388483)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39542813:26
* jmartelatpapirux is back (gone 02:25:39)13:43
* jmartelatpapirux has a doubt.13:46
jmartelatpapiruxAre the script-kiddies a serious problem?13:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #399282 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39928214:09
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=== scfh_ is now known as scfh
anirban anybody plz look after my problem plz plz .  error code : http://pastebin.ca/149472815:48
=== jorge_ is now known as jcastro
ttxslight overrun of the TB meeting... Team meeting in #ubuntu-meeting starting in a few minutes.16:05
acalvoI've a bunch of computers and printers, and I'd like to manage them using some kind of GUI or WEBUI. I've trying to find any solution that stores all this information under a PDC, but without much success. Does anybody know something that might help? Thanks16:11
alexmacalvo: what do you mean by managing? keeping an inventory?16:25
acalvoalexm, sort of, being able to see some relevant information, such as IP, MAC address, etc... and apply configuration per IP or per MAC16:34
alexmok, i see16:34
alexmthere are a few solutions out there whose name i don't remember right now, give me a few minutes16:35
acalvook, thank you so much16:35
alexmaptitude search inventory gave me ocsinventory-server16:37
acalvommm ok, I've used that16:37
acalvobut I need to deploy an agent on every computer16:37
acalvoI thought something more automated, and maybe integrated with LDAP16:37
acalvoregister a computer/printer, make its attributes, fill them and so on16:37
acalvousing a DHCP server, for example16:38
alexmacalvo: i found glpi but i'm afraid isn't doing all you'd like to16:42
acalvoare you doing a research thru all ubuntu's repository?16:43
alexmmaybe even less than ocsinventory16:43
acalvodon't worry then, I was hoping that somebody had had the same problem as I do and found a solution16:43
acalvoI'll try again with ocsinventory!!16:43
alexmi'm looking package.ubuntu.com/ocsinventory-server related packages and also in packages.debian.org16:43
acalvothank you very much!!!16:43
alexmthere was something else, if i remember or find it i'll let you know16:44
acalvothank you!16:44
alexmacalvo: i found quite a few entries in sourceforge.net... select systems administration category and then search for inventory16:51
alexmthe one i had in mind before is freenac (now opennac, i think): http://freenac.net/ and https://sourceforge.net/projects/opennac/16:52
alexmwe use openvmps at work to access control to our ciscos, and this one seems a good candidate to upgrade our current network database16:53
resnoI just installed Nagios from source and it looks awesome. Is it better to do that or to use the Ubuntu Nagios2 package?16:57
ttxresno: it's better to use Ubuntu nagios3 package.16:58
ttx(depending on the Ubuntu version you run, of course)16:58
alexmnagios3 is available since intrepid16:58
resnoI see thanks.16:59
J_5Anyone have a good link for a "how to" on installing nagios on Ubuntu 9.04?17:06
Jeeves_'apt-get install nagios3'17:08
Jeeves_'cd /etc/nagios3'17:08
Jeeves_Edit away :)17:08
J_5That's all there is too it?17:08
Jeeves_there might be some extra packages17:09
J_5hmm, ok :)17:09
Jeeves_'apt-cache search nagios'17:09
Jeeves_You may find other interesting packages17:09
J_5I need apache and php also, right?17:09
Jeeves_nagios-snmp-plugins, nagios-plugins*17:10
Jeeves_apache yes, php no17:10
Jeeves_but if thats needed, the package will take it along17:10
J_5Hmm, ok thanks. Looks like I have my afternoon project17:13
dayowhich command-line mail tool to u use, for automated mails from your server services, e.g. your proxy sending a mail to you.17:13
alexmJ_5: nagios and munin are documented on karmic serverguide17:17
alexmyou can get the latest version with bzr branch lp:ubuntu-docs17:18
alexmlet me know if you need help building the html files17:18
ejathow about nagiosql ?anyone try to package it ?17:19
J_5how to do I see what "security update" my box needs before I install them?17:27
alexmJ_5: you mean which version is going to be installed?17:28
alexmapt-cache policy nagios317:28
Pirate_Hunteranyone here familiar with ispconfig or knows where i can get help with it?17:47
Pirate_Hunteranyone here familiar with ispconfig or knows where i can get help with it?17:49
shivekis the command  "sudo dkvg reconfig ddclient"  correct ?17:49
Pirate_Hunterthe rest i aint too sure17:52
Pirate_Hunterisnt it dhclient?17:52
resnoPirate_Hunter: I remember finding a link on linux forums. Its a few years old at this point. Try googling it.17:52
Pirate_Hunterresno, link about what, my problem and a few year old, how few?17:53
resnoPirate_Hunter: Let me see if I can pull it up.17:54
Pirate_Hunterresno, my problem is that i have compiled it succesfully but get connection refused in browser its the second time17:55
shivekpirate-hunter: let me check17:55
resnoPirate_Hunter: oh, I thought you were asking a question about getting it installed and configured.17:56
Pirate_Hunterresno, sorry shouldve stated that from the begining but would you be able to help i dont know what is the problem17:57
resnoPirate_Hunter: might it be a firewall issue?17:57
Pirate_Hunterresno, clean install no firewall on not even ufw17:57
Pirate_Hunternot yet anyway17:57
resnois the server running?17:58
resnoi mean, ispconfig server running17:58
resnotry running /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server start17:58
Pirate_Hunter8.04 follwed the tut from here (http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts-p7) and the homesite (http://www.ispconfig.org/manual_installation.htm)17:59
resnoPirate_Hunter: which version of ispconfig are you running?17:59
shivekI have converted my pc into a web server. Now how to add files and all ?18:00
Pirate_Hunterispc 218:00
shivekPirate_Hunter: Is it for me (shivek)18:00
Pirate_Hunternope my last post was for resno18:01
Pirate_Hunterresno, any idea?18:02
resnoPirate_Hunter: the guide says its for 318:02
resnoshivek: scp-secure copy paste or ftp18:03
Pirate_Hunterthere is for 2 & 3 you have to find the right one18:03
shivekresno : It isn't ftp. But I don't know about scp.18:04
resnoYou are asking how to add files. there are two methods- ftp or scp. SCP you need to install on your server.18:05
shivekresno: I meant webpages.18:05
shivekNot files18:06
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
Pirate_Hunter my problem is that i have compiled ispconfig succesfully but get connection refused in browser its the second time can someone help me sort this out18:07
shivekpirate_hunter:  I don't know about your problem but can you tell me how to upload webpages on my website.18:08
shivekI meant server18:09
Pirate_Hunterif you done it right like resno stated ftp or scp you really should investigate how to do so online specially how the server works, your one to say the least18:10
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
resnoPirate_Hunter: are you still having problems?18:19
Pirate_Hunterresno, yup no clue how to identify the problem syslog gives me nothing18:20
resnoPirate_Hunter: did you try post 8118:20
Pirate_Hunterresno, is that a command?18:20
resnoPirate_Hunter: No, my mistake. when you access it in your browser, what port are you using?18:21
Pirate_Hunterresno, 81 just like the default18:21
resnoPirate_Hunter: issue this command in terminal iptables -L18:22
resnopaste the output here: http://dpaste.com/18:23
Pirate_Hunterresno, http://dpaste.com/67087/18:24
resnois that the complete file?18:25
Pirate_Hunterresno, yup that is all youll get18:25
resnoTry issuing this command: /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server start18:27
Pirate_Hunter/root/ispconfig/httpd/bin/apachectl startssl: httpd (pid 4961) already running18:29
Pirate_Hunterits already running on the system yet I cant login or even access the page18:29
Pirate_Hunterresno, i can post my syslog maybe it will make more senser18:30
Pirate_Hunterto you18:30
resnoPost it on dpaste.com, I am no expert.18:31
resnoYou are using the 8.04 server and not 9.04 right?18:32
Pirate_Hunterresno, lol yup 8.0418:33
Pirate_Hunterresno, http://pastebin.com/f23677da018:33
Pirate_Hunterresno, not sure of what to make of this xubuntu-server /USR/SBIN/CRON[7442]: (root) CMD (/root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/check_services.php &> /dev/null), why would it be null18:36
resnois this on an internal network? behind a router?18:37
Pirate_Hunterresno, its one of my  box connected through a hub to the router, why you ask?18:38
resnoPirate_Hunter: Is its IP
Pirate_Hunterresno, yup18:39
Pirate_Hunterresno, didnt think syslog would divulge that18:39
resnoPirate_Hunter: surprise, surprise. line 400518:39
resnoPirate_Hunter: try
Pirate_Hunterresno, ahhhhhh still can you figure anything out why its being blocked18:40
resnodid the address above work?18:41
Pirate_Hunterresno, oh ddint check one sec18:43
thierryhi, can anyone point me some ressource to setup apache2 to the right userdir?18:44
Pirate_Hunterresno, no msg - access denied to port 53 of .... the address us a network port which is normally used for purposes other than web browsing. The request has been cancelled for your protection18:45
Pirate_Hunterresno, yah the system has ports which are closed but i need the ispc port to work18:45
resnoPirate_Hunter: not sure, where to go..18:45
resnoi didnt see the port running on file, so i guessed at trying that one18:46
Pirate_Hunterresno, awww :'( apparently this was supposed to be easy to follow giving me more of a headache and they dont even have an irc :/18:46
resnoPirate_Hunter: only suggestion i have is to uninstall and reinstall18:47
Pirate_Hunterresno, oh for fudge sake there irc is on invite only i mean wat de fudge18:48
Pirate_Hunterresno, this si the second time installing it while following there guides18:48
firecrotchPirate_Hunter: Still having troubles with ISPConfig?18:49
Pirate_Hunterfirecrotch, yup cant make tails out of the thing why would it refuse the connection when it installed properly18:50
firecrotchI probably asked this last time, but did you try accessing the page locally?18:51
cemchi. where can i change the number of minute a sudo password is remembered?18:52
cemcnumber of minutes*18:52
Pirate_Hunterfirecrotch, how would i access locally you mean on the actual box than yes its the second install also ive changed from https to http18:53
firecrotchPirate_Hunter: From a browser on the machine running ISPConfig18:54
Pirate_Hunterfirecrotch, i did that is were i try to access it from and the connection is refused and i ahve no clue why, havent found a log for ispc yet which can actually help18:55
firecrotchah alright18:56
Pirate_Hunterfirecrotch, any ideas their irc is invite only so i wont be gaining access any time soon18:59
firecrotchPirate_Hunter: Firewall on the machine blocking the connection?19:00
Pirate_Hunterfirecrotch, covered that and no clean install no firewall currently running19:00
Pirate_Hunterfirecrotch, would my router be blocking the connection would i need to do anything to it?19:02
firecrotchPirate_Hunter:  Router shouldn't be involved at all if you're accessing it from the same machine19:03
resnoPirate_Hunter: if you are accessing it from within the same network that wouldnt be ap roblem19:03
resnofirecrotch: how would open a browser on a server?19:03
firecrotchresno:  Some people install a GUI on their servers.  Or links19:03
resnofirecrotch: ah, i see.19:04
Pirate_Hunterresno, default install of icwm and epiphany-browser nothing else for me keep it simple and no gdm etc19:04
Pirate_Hunterfirecrotch, i use w3m no point installing extra packages still geting used to it19:05
firecrotchUbuntu Server needs a nice default GUI with similar tools to what Windows SBS has19:05
resnofirecrotch: ive actually always liked not having a gui...19:05
firecrotchresno: I like it too, but it would make it easier to replace windows with ubuntu-server for a lot of sysadmins19:06
bogeyd6i dont think it would19:07
bogeyd6windows server active directory19:07
firecrotchwhat about AD?19:08
bogeyd6wrong windows boys, soz19:08
firecrotchah lol19:08
Pirate_Hunterno one here can help me?19:08
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, what is the question?19:11
Pirate_Hunterbogeyd6, ispconfig wont connect through on port 81 as connection is being refused19:14
bogeyd6it probably is being refused19:14
bogeyd6you opened up the firewall ?19:14
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, "/etc/init.d/ispconfig_server start"    and then a "netstat -tap"19:17
Pirate_Hunterno firewall running at the moment, cant go into their irc cause its invite only, no logs stating the problem, compiled correctly but browser feature wont work19:17
Pirate_Hunterbogeyd6, http://pastebin.com/f7ae9d12719:18
bogeyd6lemme finish up a windows-server guy19:20
bogeyd6another exchange problem solved19:29
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, how do you have your ispconfig logging configured19:31
Pirate_Hunterbogeyd6, there is no such thing at least not one that i read while installing it19:32
Pirate_Hunterbogeyd6, if there is its being logged somewhere that i dont know19:32
bogeyd6oh ok good19:32
bogeyd6do you use root or sudo?19:33
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, do you use root or sudo19:35
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, ispconfig logs are usually in /var/log19:35
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, you need to tail the apache error log or the ispconfig log while you are trying to connect to figure out the problem19:35
bogeyd6anyways, im outta here for the day. got a business trip schedule to put together19:35
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, There are logs in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig.log, the webserver log is under /root/ispconfig19:36
bogeyd6good luck19:36
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, known working instructions to install from scratch at http://www.ispconfig.org/docs/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.04.txt19:36
bogeyd6works on 8.04.1 also19:37
bogeyd6does not work on 919:37
Pirate_Hunterbogeyd6, ive been using this tut http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts-p7 and the installl manual from the home site if it still doesnt work im thinking w**19:38
sivelhey guys.  I noticed a blog post about creating a PHP PPA.  Has one been created yet?19:40
sivellooking for PHP 5.3 packages to test an applications compatibility19:40
bogeyd6Pirate_Hunter, those howto forge tutorials are notorious for having problems, especially with the customization they do19:40
ballooozasivel: hi again\19:40
sivelballoooza: hey ;)19:41
sivelBTW, this is the post I was referring to http://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/2009/07/09/server-team-20090707-meeting-minutes/19:41
siveltrying to install in jaunty btw19:41
Pirate_Hunterbogeyd6, yup it seems so might unninstall and do it again but not today considering how long it has taken to put this up19:41
ballooozasivel: I guess php5.3 has been out for years, so there seems to be little rush to change (I am allways one for the latest and greatest, and somthing that has been out for years, and is not int eh latest repositorys is certainly wierd)19:42
sivelballoooza: it was actually just released not long ago19:43
sivelJune 30, 200919:43
sivelabout 2 weeks ago19:43
ballooozasivel: wow, I did not realize that, I thought had not released anything for years (like the last thing was almoest 2 years ago) two weeks is short for somthing, I would wait for 10.04 ubuntu server, I only use LTS for server19:50
balloooza10.04 will likely have php 5.3, probobly not karmic, but you never know19:50
sivelaccording to the meeting from last week it will likely be added to karmic19:51
sivel"It was decided to push 5.3 into a PPA to get wider testing from the Ubuntu community. Once the suhosin patch is ported to 5.3 and enabled in the build 5.3 can be uploaded to karmic."19:51
=== edsoncanto is now known as Edson
ballooozaGreat, karmic is  coming soon (compared to 10.04) Sorry for the incorrect information, I have not read any server news lately, I just use what ubuntu has, and do not realy care what version is in the .* place, but 5.2 >5.3 seems like many new features19:53
=== Edson is now known as edson
Tumiehi, i'm using apache2 , and i want to enable mod_rewrite,, but i've no idea, how i need to do that,21:04
BilgeOn, the plus side, at least you have mastered, commas21:04
Tumiei'm using too much, i know..21:05
Bilgesudo a2enmod rewrite21:05
KillMeNowTumie, make sure you read up on creating the rewrite rules with the VIrtual Host block21:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #399459 in open-iscsi (main) "open-iscsi in hardy fails to install in pbuilder as a build-dependency" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39945921:28
zetanuxiis there a GUI for 9.04, or is it all command line?21:37
rsrhow can I see what time cron executes its daily scripts?21:37
rsrzetanuxi: If you want a gui you have to install ubuntu-desktop21:37
rsrdefault install has no gui21:37
zetanuxirsr: is that an aptitude install? or do i have to build the server from the desktop version?21:38
rsrits an aptitude install21:38
rsralthoug I use apt-get21:38
zetanuxirsr: thank you! thats a huge help.21:39
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
uvirtbotNew bug: #394398 in open-iscsi (main) "Logic to determine expected number of running session wrong (regression in hardy's open-iscsi 2.0.865-1ubuntu3.1)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39439822:31
=== Shazburg_ is now known as Shazburg

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