
=== deserted__ is now known as deserted
adhemarI have a problem with Ubuntu One: i can't access my folders trough the 'Go to Web' option.11:09
adhemarI'am on Kubuntu11:09
teknicoadhemar, it works for me, it runs Konqueror on https://ubuntuone.com/files/11:39
teknicooh, he's gone already11:39
facundobatistaHola a todos13:22
* jblount scowls at the sun13:26
jblountMEETIN BEGINS15:01
jblountor MEETING BEGINS15:01
dobeyjblount: in the south, the G is silent15:02
vdsdobey: so it will be meetin beins ? :)15:02
jblountstatik: ?, rodrigo_: ?15:02
teknicoin Florence, the C is silent15:02
jblountvds: You!15:03
vdsDONE: worked on funambol ds config nearly done, need to fix some detail before I propose it, planning session with the other guys of the team.15:03
vdsTODO: finish this branch15:03
vdsBLOCKED: no15:03
dobeyvds: indeed15:03
vdsjblount: your turn15:03
jblountDONE: some email content stuff, some javascript bug triage15:03
jblountTODO: finish upgrade path stuff, ping urbanape about path to js freedom15:03
jblountBLOCKED: nossir15:03
jblounturbanape: tagged!15:03
urbanapeDONE: Gained more context for new files UI. Still filled with twisty little passages, all alike.15:03
urbanapeTODO: More of the same. Put together the start of a Makefile for Bindwood, stealing some of the linty goodness from ubunet, and provide for .xpi building and dev linking.15:03
urbanape(SUN)BLOCK: SPF 70. It's a beautiful day outside.15:03
urbanapeCardinalFang: The comfy chair, if you please15:03
CardinalFangDONE: Helped figure out Spawning and how we can use it.15:04
CardinalFangTODO: Bastille Day!  On-call review.  Write Spawning factory that reads our config/ and uses LAZR to load and configure middleware.15:04
CardinalFangBLOCKED: No.15:04
CardinalFang>>> mtg.pop()  ->  'dobey'15:04
dobeyDONE: MIR wiki page updates, Tarmac branch to use preserver reviewers for a branch15:04
dobeyTODO: Finish setup.py removal, UL/DL status notifications, syncdaemon start-up error reporting15:04
dobeyBLCK: None.15:04
dobeyteknico: ciao15:04
teknicoDONE: planning session for w13, fixed an error in contacts web UI tests, refactored the createCouchContacts.py script15:04
teknicoTODO: adding more contacts web UI tests15:04
teknicoBLOCKED: nothing15:04
teknicoNEXT: statik15:04
statikDONE: worked on spawning for WSGI (finally got working packages in the PPA). Updated packages for simplesettings and functest in REVU. A few code reviews.15:04
statikTODO: Publish desktop-contacts python module. Make an ubuntu package for lp:bindwood. Maybe make a package for desktopcouch if chad is still busy with wsgi. Several 1:1 phone calls.15:04
statikBLCK: None.15:04
statikrodrigo_, your turn15:04
rodrigo_DONE: tried to do some more tomboy syncing testing, but make start is failing for me. Integrated couchdb-glib and evo-couchdb in code review. Package newest tomboy (jaunty failed, so that's missing)15:04
rodrigo_TODO: tomboy sync testing, more evo-couchdb work to make it store the UUIDs of email and postal addresses and phones15:05
rodrigo_BLOCKED: postgres seems borked in karmic, at least for me, which makes start not work15:05
rodrigo_no more me's AFAICS15:06
* CardinalFang uploads severl photos to Flickr, "Ubuntu Artwork".15:06
statikheh, urbanape i just made a branch that builds an xpi file. maybe we can share?15:06
rodrigo_is anyone running karmic?15:06
statikrodrigo_, i am15:06
jblounturbanape: I just guilted pfibiger into reviewing that bindwood branch, you should totally bother him about it in a few hours.15:06
rodrigo_statik: what version of postgres do you have installed?15:06
rodrigo_statik: I've got 8.3 but pg_config says it's 8.415:06
urbanapejblount: thanks15:07
rodrigo_statik: and so fails when trying to run commands in /usr/lib/postgres/$version15:07
statikrodrigo_, i have postgresql-8.3 installed, and a separate packages postgresql-8.4 that is available for installation15:07
urbanapestatik: I was thinking also of adding a simple "make dev" that would create the bindwood@ubuntu.com file pointing to the src directory. That will be easier for developers so that changes are more easily updated.15:07
statikrodrigo_, i am seeing that pg_config reports 8.4 though15:08
rodrigo_statik: ah, I'll try installing the 8.4 packages then15:08
statikurbanape, that sounds great!15:08
statikurbanape, what i have so far is adapting the xpi build script from the ubufox package15:08
statikurbanape, i'll push it up for review and feel free to reject any of it depending on how well it meshes with what you have15:09
urbanapeshould be just a matter of zipping up the contents and renaming the zip file .xpi15:09
urbanapewell, it was on my TODO, so I hadn't gotten to it yet. I'll just springboard off what you have.15:09
statikurbanape, one thing i'm not sure about, the build script wanted me to move the subdirs out of chrome/ and put them at the base level. i don't know whether that breaks anything15:10
urbanapedon't think you want to do that.15:10
urbanapeI'll take a look15:11
urbanapeah, I see.15:12
urbanapewell, that's all arbitrary. the chrome.manifest describes the layout of the content, locale, and skin directories.15:12
urbanapeso, yeah, that should be fine, as long as the manifest is updated to play along.15:12
statikyeah, i updated it15:12
statikurbanape: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~statik/bindwood/build-stuff/+merge/8750 for your enjoyment15:13
urbanapelooking now15:13
statikurbanape, once we are happy with that, i should be able to layer a debian package on top pretty easily15:13
statiki get an error message while running the build script though, while trying to copy one of the files. and i haven't yet tested that the generated XPI installs and works15:13
urbanapesounds like a good test case for review.15:15
statikah, the error message is just because we don't have any files in defaults to copy in15:17
statikprobably harmless15:17
urbanapebrb, rebootie15:23
statikurbanape, the xpi i built seems to be installing fine, but i don't see any records in my system couchdb. do i need to do anything special?15:34
urbanapehmm, it should be pushing on startup. Another of the things aquarius and I talked about was keeping the debug info, but only surfacing it on either a debug build or with some prefs or something.15:35
urbanapewe've stripped a lot of the debug logging out.15:36
motyRi have problem autorizing or adding my computer15:36
motyR"u1sync --authorize"    gives me   "Error: no display specified"15:37
motyRwhat can i do?15:37
statikhi SteveA: mentalguy just called me, and asked me to let everyone know that his cable modem is out again, but he isn't going to a coffee shop to get back online because the repairman is scheduled to arrive soon, and hopefully can fix the problem since it's happening while the repairman is there. he still wants to have his call with you today though.15:38
statikurbanape, will it push to the system couchdb i have running on the default port, or do i need to do something special? is there a couchdb log that i can look at to see if it even connected?15:39
urbanapeit does the dbus scan now, but should fall back on 598415:40
dobeymotyR: i presume the issue is that gnome-keyring wants to open a dialog to ask you the passphrase for your keyring, but it doesn't have an access to a display because $DISPLAY is unset in your environment15:42
motyRdobey, i'll check it, 10x15:43
motyRdobey, env | grep DISPL15:43
dobeymotyR: are you trying to run it over ssh?15:44
dobeymotyR: how are you running it?15:45
wzkubuntuone's icon is spinning all the time and i can't add my computer to it (running Jaunty x86_64).. help?15:45
motyRdobey, amm form the menu15:46
dobeymotyR: there is no menu item for u1sync15:46
motyRand "u1sync --authorize" from console15:46
motyRgives same error15:47
dobeyrunning ubuntuone-client-applet teslls you that "no display specified"?15:47
dobeyodd indeed15:48
dobeydoes the icon appear in the tray with ubuntuone-client-applet?15:48
motyRand i have no keyring for ubuntu one yet15:49
dobeyyou're using GNOME on Jaunty? or something else?15:49
dobeyhave you tried logging out and back in?15:50
motyRamm i've installed the app before i had the subscription if that helps15:51
dobeythat doesn't matter15:51
motyRi'll try that, couldnt hurt15:51
dobeyit seems like the problem is that the keyring daemon doens't know about the display15:51
motyRdobey, amm same error :/15:57
dobeymotyR: very weird. it's like your gnome-keyring daemon is getting started without knowing about the DISPLAY16:01
CardinalFangdobey: instead of os.uname() for puternames, I think platform.dist() is prettier.16:40
teknicoehi face, ;-) how do I restart the sync daemon, just for testing?17:01
teknicook, u1sdtool --quit17:18
verterokteknico: or just quit the applet, it should quit syncdaemon too17:20
teknicoverterok, it didn't, but then again I'm on KDE17:21
teknicomaybe that's the problem17:21
verterokteknico: it shouldn't be a problem, it's just a dbus call :/17:22
cliffbHi, quick question.  I'd like to report a minor bug in the web interface. All the bug links on the website direct me to the ubuntuone-client launchpad.  Should I put my bug there, or in the ubunet launchpad?17:23
verterokteknico: if the share was created via webui, yes. there is no notifications between webui/storage server17:23
verterokteknico: but there is no need to restart to refresh the shares, just do:  u1sdtool --refresh-shares ;)17:23
verterokcliffb: don't know for sure, so file it in ubuntuone-client :)17:24
teknicoverterok, great, thanks, I hadn't noticed that one17:24
cliffbverterok: k, thanks.  :-)17:25
cliffbverterok: Actually, your chat with teknico prompts another question.  I don't seem to be able to click the Sharing tab on the web interface.  Is sharing currently disabled, or is there a different way to share?17:26
verterokcliffb: depends on the context, only folders can be shared17:26
cliffbverterok: Ah, that explains it!  Thanks.17:27
verterokcliffb: np :)17:27
=== wozkol is now known as wzk
dobeyclearly the web ui needs to show the sharing tab in reference to the folder the selected file is in, rather than being disabled17:30
jblountdobey: That kind of makes sense, although it would have to be clear that it's referencing the surrounding folder.18:13
dobeyjblount: well disabling or hiding it doesn't make sense. it is VERY difficult to get the selection back to only being on the folder18:15
jblountdobey: That might be the true problem, but I agree mostly about dealing with the surrounding folder.18:16
pfibigerdobey i think we considered that, but didn't want people to believe they were sharing only a file, but end up sharing an entire folder.18:16
pfibigerat least, when disabled, it could open and say "you can only share folders. select a folder to share" or something18:16
dobeyit really should behave more like nautilus18:18
verterokdobey: don't know about trying to make it like a desktop app. it's a web ui, it shoulld behave more like a web ui file browser, a good one :)18:20
dobeyeh, well a file browser is a file browser. it doesn't matter if it's on the web or on the desktop18:21
dobeyperhaps the sharing tab is just the wrong answer and it should have a label bar at the top of the files list, like we have in nautilus for the ubuntu one folders18:22
dobeyand it can have a [share this folder] button or something18:22
verterokdobey: yes it matter,  one is a desktop app, the other is a web page ;)18:22
verterokdobey: I think the new ui is doing something like that18:22
dobeyverterok: that doesn't give one the right to make inconsistent/broken UI :)18:22
dobeywell then, all the more reason to get it done and deployed :)18:23
verterokdobey: absolutely no! I fully agrre that it should be better18:23
verterokdobey: I'm just thinking loud: IMO, trying to mimic desktop apps in the web is a dead end18:24
dobeythe UI should be as consistent as possible. there are different ways that people use nautilus on the desktop even.18:24
dobeyverterok: i didn't say mimic18:24
dobeyverterok: i said behave more consistently18:24
* jblount hugs verterok 18:24
jblountmimicing the desktop is a bad idea (but I see that dobey didn't say that)18:25
* verterok blushes18:25
dobeythe web and desktop are both dead ends. mobile devices and services are where the money is :)18:25
jblountdobey: I don't want the money, give me something useful. :)18:25
rmcbrideyou young whippersnappers and your fancy graphics. telnet, ftp and gopher FTW!18:26
verterokdobey: hah! :)18:26
dobeyjblount: you can exchange money for goods and services... like hipster music albums and beer18:26
* rmcbride looks around for his cane and his medication18:26
dobeyhrmm, firefox actually takes longer to quit than to start up18:27
dobeyhow quaint18:27
=== facundobatista_ is now known as facundobatista
jblountdobey: Apparently I'm a hippy (currently trying out the "don't shave until you look like a hobo" look) so no need for money. ;)18:33
pfibigerjblount: you are a 'hippie', or you can be 'hippy'18:35
pfibigeryour choice :)18:35
rmcbridejblount: I just orderd this shirt from woot! last night: http://s3.amazonaws.com/wootsaleimages/The_Filthy_Hippies287Detail.png18:36
JamalFanaianjblount: haha, that site has funny shirts18:39
jblountJamalFanaian: Agreed.18:39
dobeyo/~ livin the hobo life, cuttin with my hobo knife o/~18:40
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philsfhow can I configure ubuntu one applet? I can't find any preferences menu or window, and it seems not to know my login credentials19:09
x2mirkohi, i've got some problems installing the client. mainly, the link which should add the PPA to my sources list does not work. Can anyone tell me which PPA to add to my sources?19:10
philsfthis is what I get when I open the applet from the command line http://paste.ubuntu.com/218176/19:11
philsfx2mirko, the link should download a deb package19:12
jblountverterok: Hi! Will you build a gtk lp frontend ? please?19:14
x2mirkophilsf: right. it does. I can even install it, but it does not add anything to my sources.19:15
philsfx2mirko, then the link works. how exactly did you find that it didn't add anything, after you installed it?19:17
x2mirkowell, i've checked my third-party-sources19:18
x2mirkonothing new in there19:19
verterokjblount: lo que? whaat?19:19
verterokjblount: gtk?19:19
pfibigerx2mirko: it is added in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:20
jblountverterok: You are smart with the LP api, I hate adding one tag to multiple bugs, it's so slow, so I want a small gtk front end. pfibiger wants it to, but he's scared to ask you :)19:20
pfibigerubuntuone.list and ubuntuone-sources.list19:20
verterokjblount: heh19:21
pfibigerphilsf: this is the bug you're experiencing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/37608719:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 376087 in ubuntuone-client "the application don't starts (the ubuntu-one icon on the ubuntu bar doesn't appears)" [Undecided,Triaged]19:21
verterokjblount: I'm not a gtk guy, but I think there is a project that is a lp frontend19:22
verterokjblount: only to edit tags?19:22
x2mirkofound it. ok. next problem: the next link REALLY does not work :D (the "install" one) - clicking it just does exactly nothing (i've read the note and tried clicking it twice, but it does not work)19:22
verterokjblount: only to edit bugs?19:22
verterokjblount: I could do it qt19:22
philsfpfibiger, it seems so, thanks. Differently from the title, my applet starts, with a disconnected status19:23
verterokjblount: or I can teach hal to do that (more karma to verterok :p )19:23
pfibigerphilsf: it looks like it might be a firefox location issue19:23
jblountverterok: heh, you should teak hal to do it! that would be fun :)19:23
philsfpfibiger, hmm, I'm using FF3.5, could it be it?19:23
jblountverterok: like this " hal <search team on lp showing some bugs> <new-tag-name> "19:24
pfibigerphilsf: possibly. how did you install ff3.5?19:24
pfibigerphilsf: do you still have ff3 installed?19:24
philsfpfibiger, from the repo. I'm using Jaunty19:24
philsfpfibiger, I still have 3.0, yes19:24
pfibigertry making 3.0 your default browser for right now19:25
pfibigerand see if it connects correctly19:25
philsfpfibiger,  wow, I don't remember logging in u1 from ff3, but somehow it got logged. I thought the cookies were separated in different dirs19:27
pfibigerphilsf: are you able to log in now?19:28
philsfpfibiger, no, same error from the applet19:29
dobeyphilsf: the error is UnknownLoginError?19:34
philsfdobey, yes, it is19:34
pfibigeroh, i was thrown by the warning. sorry.19:35
dobeyyeah, the deprecation warnings are annoying19:35
pfibigerdobey: would it make sense to blow away his oauth token, see if that helps?19:35
dobeyi don't think he has one19:36
dobeysince that error is from the oauth token getting code19:36
philsfdobey, so, how do I configure the applet to know my login?19:36
dobeyphilsf: are you behind a proxy?19:37
philsfdobey, no19:38
philsfdobey, this is the bug that caused my problems Bug #36903819:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369038 in ubuntuone-client "xdg-open fails to launch browser" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36903819:41
philsfI'll subscribe to it, and wait19:42
philsfdobey, how exactly does the u1 authenticate? does it read cookies from the firefox profile dir?19:44
statikhurrah, a couchdb editing widget from rickspencer! https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rick-rickspencer3/desktopcouch/couchwidget/+merge/876819:45
dobeyphilsf: i thought you said you were getting UnknownLoginError?19:46
dobeyphilsf: what error are you getting *exactly*?19:46
philsfdobey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/218176/19:47
dobeyphilsf: ok, that is not the browser failing to start then :)19:47
philsfdobey, no :)19:48
philsfbut this happened before. I never got through step 4, in the tutorial19:48
dobeyyes, but there are many things that could go wrong19:49
philsfI thought missing step 4 was the cause of this login problem, since I didn't add my computer to the conf19:49
dobeyi should just smack aquarius19:49
dobeybecause UnknownLoginError is totally misleading19:50
dobeyit seems to raise that exception when there is an issue getting the request token from the server (not the access token or anything else)19:50
statikok, but wait to smack him until after oscon, we want him charming and charismatic for his oscon talk19:51
dobeyphilsf: at the end of your ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log file, is there a line that reads something like: "There was some unknown login error" ?19:55
* philsf checks19:59
dobeyphilsf: cool, can you pastebin that bit of the log?20:02
philsfit's followed by '(60, 'server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt')'20:02
dobeyah ha20:02
dobeyoh fun20:03
pfibigerwe should see if he has the godaddy ca file installed correctly.20:03
philsfthe contents of an error session: http://paste.ubuntu.com/218229/20:03
dobeyphilsf: do you have /etc/ssl/certs/Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem on your system?20:05
philsfyup /etc/ssl/certs/Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem -> /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.crt20:06
dobeyphilsf: if you run "sudo update-ca-certificates" and then run the ubuntuone-client-applet again, do you get the same error?20:07
philsfsame error20:08
philsf2009-07-14 16:08:09,771:771.941900253 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth There was some unknown login error '(60, 'server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt')'20:08
pfibigerdobey: shouldn't he be looking for the Ubuntuone-*.pems20:11
dobeypfibiger: oauthdesktop doesn't use them afaik20:12
pfibigerwell, i was looking for where oauthdesktop was getting its ssl context20:14
dobeypfibiger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/218239/20:14
dobeypfibiger: that's the relevant piece of code20:14
dobeyi would be quite happy to get rid of pycurl20:14
pfibigerand it doesn't appear to be in that code, so maybe it's getting it elsewhere, where we do use them?20:14
dobeywe don't in oauthdesktop afaik20:14
pfibigerah ok20:15
dobeythis specific task uses pycurl, which handles ssl stuff20:15
pfibigerso, this is an another artifact of our somewhat janky ssl cert20:16
pfibigerthat needs both of those CA files, one of which doesn't come w/ ubuntu20:16
dobeybut i would expect this to fail for everyone if that was the case20:16
pfibigerdobey: looks like LP has the issue too? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/31105320:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 311053 in bzr "pycurl SSL certificate error against https://code.launchpad.net/ (dup-of: 311247)" [High,Confirmed]20:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 311247 in bzr "bzr get https* fails in jaunty due to ca-certificates, probably due to no gpg-key verified" [Undecided,New]20:16
pfibigerdobey: i dunno how pycurl handles exploring for CA certs20:17
dobeyi think it uses the "don't ask, don't tell" method20:18
pfibigercould it be that he didn't get the certs installed, and for most people it discovers our certificates we install?20:18
dobeyi doubt it20:18
dobeythe client wouldn't get that far if storageprotocol was missing20:18
dobeywould get an ImportError instead20:18
philsfdo you guys want me to post these informations I gave here to a bug (new or otherwise)?20:18
dobeyis the most relevant bug for us20:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 376087 in ubuntuone-client "the application don't starts (the ubuntu-one icon on the ubuntu bar doesn't appears)" [Undecided,Triaged]20:19
* dobey changes the summary to make more sense20:20
pfibigerdobey: we can feed pycurl our CA files, but like you said, it makes no sense that he'd see this problem and everyone wouldn't.20:20
dobeypfibiger: can we do the same with urllib2?20:21
dobeypfibiger: i have a feeling some of these occurances might be due to proxy requirements, or people hitting the server at odd times and got HTTP 500 back or something20:22
pfibigerto move to, or because use that someplace else?20:22
statikhey urbanape, how did my branch for building the XPI look? anything I should change?20:22
urbanapeThere were a few things that needed tweaking. That build script JARs up everything, which I gather from the moz dev crowd is fine and dandy.20:23
dobeypfibiger: i don't think it makes sense for us to use pycurl for only this one piece of code when python comes with urllib2 (which we are using elsewhere as well), and we also use twisted20:23
dobeypfibiger: how many HTTP libs do we need? :)20:23
pfibigerfair enough20:23
dobeyi think aq used it because it was simple and it worked20:23
statikurbanape, are you merging that branch into your own and making the changes there, or should I change things in my branch and get it landed?20:23
dobeyat least, in his testing of that piece of code20:24
urbanapeThe dbus.sh script isn't technically chrome, so shouldn't live in the chrome dir, but should be peer with, say, install.rdf. Beyond that, I'm trying to figure out why the couch queries, while providing most of their information, don't actually seem to be providing the URIs to query locally.20:24
pfibigerphilsf: just out of curiosity, in /etc/ssl/certs20:24
urbanapestatik: yeah, I'm working locally on a branch pulled from yours20:24
pfibigerdo you have any files like UbuntuOne-*.pem20:24
urbanapeI've merged everything up to your branch back to trunk20:24
philsfpfibiger, UbuntuOne-Go_Daddy_CA.pem and UbuntUbuntuOne-Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pemuOne-Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem20:24
philsfregular files, not links20:24
pfibigeryes ok.20:25
philsfsorry ]UbuntuOne-Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem20:25
statikhey chad, can you review rickspencers couch widget branch? I just did one review on it, and i'd like to get it landed today if possible20:25
pfibigerphilsf: thanks. dobey was right, that's not the issue.20:25
statikurbanape: ok. the only reason i'm asking is because i'd like to make the debian package, and i want to base it on something stable20:25
philsfso, what should I post to that report, if anything?20:26
urbanapegotcha. lemme check in what I've got (just added some more debugging stuff and the aforementioned organization.20:26
dobeyphilsf: the one line with the SSL verification error from the log is sufficient20:26
philsfthe log excerpt? I think the applet error is the same20:26
statikCardinalFang: sorry, i asked you about a review above ^ but forgot to use your nick20:27
urbanapestatik: lp:~urbanape/bindwood/xpi-refinement20:29
statikurbanape, thanks!20:30
urbanapeI'll propose it for merge, and if you'd like, you can ditch yours (mine includes your changes)20:30
dobeypyflakes is pretty nutty too20:33
* dobey hangs pyflakes and pylint and lowers them very slowly into a pool of sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads20:33
dobeywhy isn't there a SANE lint checker for python code? eh?20:34
CardinalFangstatik: Of review, also,   [""] * 2020:34
statikmm, cool20:34
statikurbanape, yeah i'll drop mine now20:35
verterokurbanape: hal isn't here :)20:46
urbanapesilly bot. Can't count on him for anything. Prolly off killing the rest of the crew in hibernation.20:47
urbanapeoh, duh. Also, welcome to freenode, Mr. Bir.20:49
jblounturbanape: hilarious. +1220:51
CardinalFangurbanape: We decided your name is pronounced ur-ba-nah'-pay.  KTHX.20:54
urbanapemy license plate is URBNAPE. Some lady once stopped me and tried to decipher it as an acronym. "yoU aRe BeiN' A Perfect Example?"20:56
urbanape"Yup, that's right."20:56
statikfor the second time in my life i just wrote the test before the bugfix20:57
statiki didn't hate it20:58
rmcbridestatik: now you're cooking with gas, sir20:58
dobeytests are hard20:59
statikand now i finally hit the postgres-8.4 problems rodrigo was talking about this morning21:01
solexious|netbkI have folders marked .conflict , how should I resolve it?21:06
solexious|netbkThey should be removed....21:07
jblountChipaca: ^^ Can't solexious|netbk just removes these?21:07
verteroksolexious|netbk: folders/files with .conflict are the local versions, depends on what you want to do :)21:08
Chipacasolexious|netbk: usually, the .conflict file is the one you actually *don't* want to lose21:08
Chipacasolexious|netbk: (yes, there is a bug in the client right now that has it create more than necessary of those) (working on it atm)21:08
Chipacasolexious|netbk: but in any case, I say again: the .conflcit file is almost certainly the version you want to *keep*21:09
solexious|netbkI moved folders around on my main box, now this one has the new folder locations, and the old locations are maked with the .conflict21:09
Chipacasolexious|netbk: the client seems to think you modified the folders in some way, and it wasn't able to 'push' the changes to the server before the server told it there were newer versions available21:11
solexious|netbkChipaca, Ok, well will make a backup and remove them, and see what happens21:14
solexious|netbkHow often is the main mapnik rendered now?23:14
solexious|netbkoops, wrong channel23:14

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