=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-dinner === matsubara-dinner is now known as matsubara [02:58] sinzui: I don't think bug #397398 is a duplicate of the usual one - in that bug the user wanted it to be in Russia, but the timezone is wrong. [02:58] Malone bug 397398 in launchpad-registry "Wrong user timezone (Saratov) (dup-of: 387738)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/397398 [02:58] Malone bug 387738 in launchpad-registry "Launchpad refuses to believe that I don't live in Russia, near the Kazakhstan border." [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/387738 [02:59] wgrant: I think it is because smara is were others were ending up [02:59] sinzui: Ah. [03:00] However we did just change the pytz lib, I should double check the date. There were two days of wierdness during the transition [03:08] I wonder if people will complain is I create the tag "ml-archive-sucks" [03:10] sinzui: mars says to talk to you about +series [03:10] yes [03:10] this is me, talking to you:) [03:10] I've filed a bug [03:10] I don't mean to be overly negative, but its nearly unusable at the moment. [03:11] Wow for me it went from a wasted click to at least a report that something is happening [03:11] wasted click? [03:12] we may have very different understandings of what I'm intending to ask about [03:12] Any time I was taken to a series page, I had to find a link to a page that would let me perform an action or learn about what was happening. The series page was not a good tool. [03:12] How can I make the series page a good tool? [03:12] sinzui: I would love a ml-archive-sucks tag, if it means the archives might eventually be less utterly sucky. [03:13] so there are two things, both similar. Perhaps I should file two bugs [03:13] firstly, can I ask you to have a look at [03:13] https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/ [03:13] there is a funny stick figure about half way down labelled 'bzr.dev' [03:14] oh yes the timeline that never shows more than one line of development [03:15] It gets bigger in the new page design [03:15] lifeless: Bug #398705? [03:15] Malone bug 398705 in launchpad-registry "Unobvious that timeline graph is scrollable" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/398705 [03:16] I know that its scrollable. its just _painful_ to scroll on a thumbpad [03:16] I asked edwin to try putting borders on it that beuno would like [03:16] on a 125x125 dpi screen [03:16] click, drag about an inch [03:16] release go back, repeat [03:16] personally, I'd much rather not have to scroll at all [03:16] That sucks [03:17] that list of series seems truncated anyway, so why not truncate a little more and at the same time make the canvas taller [03:17] vertical space is cheap [03:19] Well it will be taller. I think we need to convey that the widget is a viewport [03:20] should I file a bug about this aspect? I haven't so far [03:21] definitely! [03:21] Edwin is work on a bug to improve the UI. As asked edwin to take wgrant's bug into consideration. [03:22] bug filed [03:22] secondly [03:22] thanks [03:22] have a look at https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+series [03:23] remember - trackpad user [03:23] I do have cheap vertical scrolling (of the whole page) [03:23] ha ha [03:23] my window is about 900 pixels wide [03:23] I will show that to Edwin and Martin [03:24] mine is 800 [03:24] Does that one show inactive milestones too? [03:24] The one on +index doesn't. [03:25] This one show obsolete series at 50% opacity [03:26] I think I need to restart the discussion about sane zoom on load. I seeing this makes me think I was right [03:26] I'd like to note that *I don't care about the graph* [03:27] it can jump off a cliff and I'll never regret its passing [03:27] * _thumper_ wonders if the william grant showing up on my Facebook suggestions is wgrant === _thumper_ is now known as thumper [03:27] lifeless: I can create a [X] Display timelines check box. That is how I got the maps off my pages [03:27] thumper: Could be. I have a few Launchpadders. [03:27] sinzui: I love timelines. That isn't a timeline :) [03:28] sinzui: or should I say, I love vertically presented regular text and markup timelines [03:28] understood [03:28] wgrant: University of Melbourne '10 [03:28] ? [03:28] thumper: That would be me indeed. [03:28] ok, so two bugs filed. Let me know if you need more details on either. [03:28] :) [03:29] The current one also isn't a timeline, since it doesn't show things relative to time. [03:29] Milestones, releases and series are equally spaced. [03:29] With no regard to time. [03:29] So bzr.dev seems to have all the latest milestones. [03:30] wgrant: and you can image why we did that given bzr's series [03:31] sinzui: If everything was positioned by time, it could be a very wide but fairly short graph that was able to be zoomed sanely. [03:33] oh, kfogel filed one of the the ml-archive bugs. I'm definitely using the new tag [03:34] I've been wondering for a while if you've been wanting to minimise adoption of LP mailing lists. [03:34] The archives are... suboptimal. [03:34] Non-members cannot subscribe. [03:34] wgrant: \o/ [03:35] Message acceptance policies are unconfigurable. [03:35] Subjects are mangled. [03:35] (unconfigurably) [03:35] That is one of my points why it sucks, along with it does not integrate lp objects so I cannot link in and out of it [03:35] They could easily be very awesome, but they are not! [03:36] I cannot forward a message to my inbox so that I can reply (even if I am not a member of the list because I have good standing) [03:36] This standing thing also isn't documented anywhere except bugs, is it? [03:37] wgrant: We were going to create our own, or improve pipermail to rock. but we had two days, so we used MHonarc [03:38] sinzui: But MHonarc can do better than that... [03:38] kfogel: It can. [03:39] wgrant: kfogel looked into making some improvement. It can do better. [03:39] sinzui: This is good. [03:39] The lp-users archives are pretty terrible to use. [03:40] What is changing in the 3.0 UI? [03:41] We are reintroducing side portlets to emphasise activity. There are not many concrete examples of this [03:41] We want to show that things are happening on launchpad, commits, messages, subscribers, changes. And the side portlets can have actions that create these activities [03:42] But didn't you just try to kill all of the portlets? [03:42] Ah, good. That is one area in which Launchpad is really lacking. [03:42] We did, beuno likes them. He thinks they failed because they did not have strong rules of what they could contain or set users expectation about what they could do [03:43] links are still moving into the page [03:43] We are putting all the developers on updating all the pages to ensure we don't have any more 0, 1, and 2 ui pages left [03:45] wgrant: We want to improve the breadcrumbs and tabs, but we do not have any design and sope set for that yet. I think many pages will look a lot like the 2.0 pages. [03:46] Even completing the 2.0 UI would make things much better... [03:46] It's all pretty inconsistent now. [03:47] yep. I need to send an email asking for consistent heading/title rules. === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk [04:24] Since you're moving launchpad-loggerhead into the launchpad tree, are you not removing codehosting at all? [04:35] wgrant: there's a bug and a branch for the ml improvements [04:35] when I get off the phone I'll find the bug number === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara === danilos is now known as danilo-food === danilo-food is now known as danilos === henninge_ is now known as henninge === matsubara_ is now known as matsubara-lunch [19:45] hey matsubara-lunch, maybe you might get wgrant to review https://dev.launchpad.net/BugTriage/Draft and provide input? [19:46] Ursinha probably should have a run through too if she hasn't already [19:46] * Ursinha looks === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara [20:26] good idea joey [20:26] matsubara: only in that he's had some recent experience :-) [20:27] matsubara: you did good work on both the original and now this version so... might as well share! === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk