
aleksiocan anyone help me with ffmpeg?00:00
syslq78fwaokda, nohup programname00:00
k5ehxhello, KB1JWQ00:00
KB1JWQmcphail: Some systems will kill any backgrounded task opened within a specific terminal when that terminal dies.00:00
khazilOkay: there's certainly no reason not to use proprietary drivers, but charging for something that's included in Windows drivers is a little... questionable00:00
KB1JWQk5ehx: Helo.00:00
syslq78fwaokda,  nohup tells app to ignore sighup signal00:00
rpx__anyone that is good with alsa?00:00
fwaokdamcphail, didn't work :(00:00
Apollo2366mcphail, is there a guide to using ardour?00:00
k5ehxanybody have pointers on troubleshooting Xorg startups? I seem to have the right module loaded in the kernel, but I don't really know how to deal with modules / drivers in xorg00:01
Okaykhazil, yeah, I read about some alternatives, but they seem to all have downsides to them00:01
KB1JWQfwaokda: As I said, run it inside of a screen session.  You can reattach later with screen -x00:01
skellingtonmcphail: im on an asus eeepc 1000ha with an hdd, not an ssd. i was really just wondering what applications i could remove to speed up my boot even more. (it's faster than winxp as it is)00:01
mcphailApollo2366: yes - tutorial on the web page. It is a complex and powerful piece of kit00:01
KB1JWQk5ehx: The X log is your friend.00:01
mazda01anyone else use phpmyadmin in jaunty and got it working?00:01
fwaokdasyslq78, doing 'nohup command' seemed to work thanks00:01
khazilOkay: it's probably impossible to work around kernel software00:01
mcphailskellington: for a start, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to remove the countdown from the grub menu00:02
syslq78fwaokda, you can also suspend it with ctrl+z, than put it to background with bg and use disown -h job_id to detach it from parent process, if it's already running00:02
k5ehxKB1JWQ: yeah, it's not being very friendly though. Just says "saw signal 11" and has "intel_drv" in the traceback.00:02
syslq78fwaokda, np00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssl00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openssl00:02
Ramonster!open ssl00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about open ssl00:02
skellingtonmcphail: did that already.00:02
* laclasse has fruit pastilles00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lib00:02
Socahlaclasse, should esd-common be related to almost whole gnome?00:02
ekaswapon problem??00:02
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:02
laclasseSocah, esd = Enlightment Sound Daemon00:03
mcphailskellington: the eeebuntu forums have a few tips on speeding up boot. Will probably apply to ubuntu as well00:03
taviHey all: I'm having an issue with dual displays in ubuntu. When I try to drag a window to my 2nd screen, it stops at the edge and doesn't let me fully utilize it. Any suggestions?00:03
jdudeskiI'm trying to fix the intel video bug and I've got the instructions, but I just can't get to anywhere to fix it... GDM freezes, none of the grub boot options which are useful are getting me to any shell I can carry out the commands... Anyone know of any way to get around the freeze on boot? The guide I'm trying to follow is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058200:03
k5ehxjdudeski: I think that's what is happening to me, maybe00:03
skellingtonmcphail: ill have a gander, may have a fix for my wpa problem as well. one more question, is xfce faster than gnome?00:03
jdudeskik5ehx: likely, you have intel onboard?00:03
RamonsterI get this error when I try ./configure... checking for ssl... configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries, what ssl libs do I need... got OpenSSL..? :)00:03
k5ehxjdudeski: it's a notebook, 945GM or some such00:04
jdudeskiXFCE is faster than gnome, yes skellington00:04
aleksiomore than 1000 users online and nobody knows nothing about ffmpeg?00:04
laclasseSocah, esd is dated ...it uses OSS ... so esd works with also only across the oss compat module: asoundconf set-oss PARAMETER00:04
Okaykhazil, guess I should have installed a windows partition huh?00:04
jdudeskiyeah k5ehx, you're bitten by the bug00:04
mcphailskellington: not really. You can strip gnome down and it will run almost as fast00:04
k5ehxaleksio: use avidemux00:04
EvelinaThank you all! I got my cron job and rtcwake working as it should. At least it seem to work! Thanks for all help.00:04
cuddlefishTavi: you have tried all the screen edges?00:04
KB1JWQRamonster: Source build isn't really the ubuntu way.00:04
nsadminwhere's k5land?00:04
k5ehxnsadmin: oklahoma here, tulsa00:04
arandHow do I send two notifications that will stack (both shows simultaneously) using notify-sedn from CLI?00:04
aleksiok5ehx: tnx, i'll try it00:04
laclasseSocah, but not sure if e17 doe not use it00:04
skellingtonalright guys, thanks00:04
khazilOkay: Or just pay for software that works00:04
KB1JWQRamonster: What're you trying to install?00:04
jdudeskik5ehx: freeze up on boot? can't get to anywhere to fix it?00:04
khazilOkay: alternatively, you can buy hardware that works00:04
tavicuddlefish: Yeah, it's the correct edge becuaes it's dragging onto the second screen partially. But it's acting like it's not really dual display--it also isnt letting me right click on the Desktop of the 2nd display00:05
RamonsterKBIJWQ: Arcemu core; a WoW Private Server :P00:05
nsadminso also say texas, arizona and NM?00:05
khazilOkay: is this a parallel port printer, or USB?00:05
RamonsterKBIJWQ: Their IRC Isnt realy helpfull tho00:05
Okayit's usb00:05
KB1JWQRamonster: That's a 1, not an I in my nick.00:05
cuddlefishAnd there's only one mouse pointer? (Just trying to rule out all the noob questions)00:05
KB1JWQRamonster: And yeah, good luck with that. :)00:06
khazilOkay: then you can use Sun's proprietary (but free) xVM, run windows and pass through the printer driver00:06
hilltophelp please: what is Super in the hot keys?  Thanks00:06
RamonsterKB1JWQ: im sorry :P00:06
Picihilltop: Generally the 'windows' key00:06
Okaykhazil, okay. I'll go give that a try00:06
KB1JWQRamonster: Mistype someone's nick and they don't get flagged; they'll miss your post in a busy channel like this. Type the first couple letters than hit tab, it'll autocomplete.00:06
Okaykhazil, is it guaranteed to work though?00:06
FloridaGuydoes ubuntu have a gui to configure the display....like in mandriva...and in fedora there is yum install config-display00:07
hilltopOh, great. My old thinkpad has no window key.  Thanks pici00:07
RamonsterKB1JWQ, ah.. thanks.. Knew it was something with tab but just couldnt figure it out :P00:07
Apollo2366mcphail, Ok, I've been looking for it, but I don't see it anywhere00:07
khazilOkay: It's non-trivial though, not guaranteed, and not convenient00:07
stroyanRamonster: You may want "sudo apt-get install libssl-dev".00:07
aleksiok5ehx: avidemux can work with mkv files?00:07
khazilOkay: I take it this printer is too new to send to the junk heap, but too old to return00:07
Ramonsterstroyan, libssl-dev is already the newest version.00:08
k5ehxaleksio: I believe it uses ffmpeg00:08
Okaykhazil, you got that right00:08
mcphailApollo2366: http://ardour.org/files/manual/index.html00:08
k5ehxaleksio: but it's a lot easier to use if it does00:08
Apollo2366mcphail, thanks00:08
aleksiok5ehx: thank you00:08
Ramonsterstroyan, this is a new error.. the -lcompat works now :P But then this showed up :(00:08
rpx__help to debug alsa -- no sound gives good karma (http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e8be8c6ba3f70045bb1bd35954b3aa70f8d71725)00:09
erikk71how do change the time so thats its not in military time00:09
khazilOkay: can you try using the mp160 drivers first, to see if that's acceptable?00:09
nsadminno sound gives good karma?00:09
laclasseFloridaGuy, no need to install here. Just go to System -> Preferences -> Display00:09
Ramonsterstroyan, this is the output i get: checking for ssl... configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries00:09
rpx__nsadmin: no sound gives peace but no karma... do you know how to read that url (http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e8be8c6ba3f70045bb1bd35954b3aa70f8d71725)00:10
FloridaGuylaclasse, that dont work for me...i need to get more res then what that shows00:10
khazilOkay: do you happen to have an ancient machine you could use as a Windows printer server?00:11
nsadminthe http is the protocol... the www.alsa-project.org is the machine...00:11
bastidrazorRamonster, libssl0.9.8 if you're on an updated jaunty00:11
Okaykhazil, no. that's not a possibility00:11
laclasseFloridaGuy, what gfx card/monitor dos you have, what can it do and what does default ubuntu does?00:11
Ramonsterbastidrazor: libssl0.9.8 is already the newest version.00:12
rpx__nsadmin: hehe, true.. so they recommended on the help pages for sound debuging to run a script to produce this page... unfort. I am not able to find the problem00:12
hilltopThere seem to be two virtual desktops show at foot of screen How do I set up more, like 4?  Thanks00:12
erikk71how i fix the time it keeps showing it in military time00:12
Okaykhazil, maybe i'll just use turboprint's trial for 30 days and then uninstall then reinstall00:12
nsadminrpx__: oh, it's the output of the script... show that url on #alsa00:12
Mike_lifeguardWhenever I unplug my laptop, it suspends. How can I change that behaviour?00:12
RamonsterIsnt there a way to find out what libs you need?00:12
laclasseRamonster, if you are trying to build something install the dev packages00:13
Shazburghilltop: Right click on it and go to Preferences.00:13
rpx__nsadmin: I tried but no one there :(00:13
nsadminRamonster that's what package dependencies are for00:13
laclasseRamonster, you need "libssl-dev" it seems00:13
FloridaGuylaclasse,  i have nvidia g6....im useing my polaroid tv with monitor on it...ubuntu only wants to give 1040 on res..when in mandriva i can get 1280/104000:13
LurkersAHey all. Just put a new install of Jaunty on a Laptop to replace the intrepid instance. Put it into standby before, and now it no longer realizes it has a built in keyboard or trackpad. Logging in with an external keyboard resulted in a comment by X.org saying it had reset to default instance. Google has a few examples of this on ubuntu forums but no solutions. ideas?00:14
laclasseFloridaGuy, prop nvidia drivers installed?00:14
Lenaud01anyone here use synce?00:14
khazilOkay: yeah, you might as well just do that, but it definitely won't be that easy to clean up00:14
Ramonsterlaclasse, libssl-dev is already the newest version.00:14
cuddlefishhilltop: right click on them, Preferences.00:14
stroyanRamonster: This page lists dependencies- http://www.arcemu.info/wiki/index.php?title=Compiling:_Linux   But libssl-dev should be resolving the current configure error.00:14
khazilOkay: OSS4 used to let you do that (before it was open sourced)00:14
Lenaud01FloridaGuy, you get evolution working00:15
laclasseRamonster, tell WoW their configure script sucks ;-)00:15
cuddlefish<censored> Don't you hate it when you forget to SCROLL DOWN?00:15
Ramonsterstroyan: I already got libssl-dev, updated and all00:15
Shazburgcuddlefish: Happens to the best of us, mate.00:15
Apollo2366mcphail, I'm having the exact same problem as I was with audacity. I'm attempting to simply combine two .wav files with a little bit of silence in between them. I do this and it plays wonderfully in the editor, but when I export, the file will not play in any application.00:15
erikk71how do i fix the time in ubuntu00:15
FloridaGuyLenaud01, never used evolution00:15
cuddlefishErikk, what desktop enviroment are you using?00:16
nsadminwhat time is it in ubuntu?00:16
Lenaud01what you use synce for00:16
Ramonsterlaclasse, will do :P00:16
stroyanRamonster: You will need to delve into exactly what the configure script is looking for.  It isn't explaining its needs very well.00:16
erikk71its in military time format00:16
laclasseFloridaGuy, please report a bug if you can. You can i guess force the coonfig in Xorg (/etc/X11/xorg.conf), google for xorg.conf and you will find examples. But its interesting that it is not detected00:16
Ramonsterstroyan, got all those files00:16
cuddlefisherikk71: go to #xubuntu00:16
bastidrazorerikk71, try #xubuntu00:16
laclasseFloridaGuy, is the Tv recent? maybe the EID db is not up to date00:17
FloridaGuylaclasse, thats why i was woundering if ubuntu had a gui for configure it00:17
Ramonsterstroyan: this is the ./configure: ./configure prefix=/home/arcemu/server --enable-lua-scripting --enable-collision --enable-debug00:18
khazilOkay: next time check out openprinting's database, "paperweights" are clearly labeled00:18
FloridaGuylaclasse, every other distro it works great in00:18
bastidrazorFloridaGuy, you said a nVidia card right? gksudo nvidia-settings will give you a gui00:18
FloridaGuyits about 2 yrs old00:18
laclasseFloridaGuy, not to manually assign resolution no, and the more we go, the more things will get auto detected, as devices become a bit more clever.00:18
syslq78Anyone having weird VLC behaviour while resizing version 1.0.0?00:18
laclasseFloridaGuy, hence why i insist on filing a bug00:19
Okaykhazil, okay. thanks a lot00:19
FloridaGuygota go shampo some carpet00:19
laclasseFloridaGuy, or maybe try karmic, just for curiosity00:19
r3l1cpidgin question here. Transparent chat window? Any ideas?00:19
stroyanRamonster: Try "bash -x ./configure prefix=/home/arcemu/server --enable-lua-scripting --enable-collision --enable-debug" and see what it is really doing.00:19
EvelinaWill a root cron job be run even if I haven't logged in as an user on Ubuntu Server?00:19
Reidanyone have any experience with madwifi drivers and atheros?00:19
laclasseEvelina, yes00:20
EvelinaI mean when I start up Ubuntu Server I get to the login prompt. Will a scheduled corn job be run as root even if I am not logged into any account?00:20
nsadminEvelina And so will a non-root cron job00:20
laclasseThats what Cron does, and there is even anacron to run missed cron jobs while your computer is off.00:20
mcphailEvelina: yes00:20
Ramonsterstroyan, you want me to copy the full output?00:20
EvelinaOk, so it ok to stay at the login prompt?00:20
mcphailEvelina: yes00:21
Socahlaclasse, my solution: I went to package manager... showed all installed packages, and made "reinstall" for all. In fact, it hanged on bash and stopped, but after reboot, and editing again modprobe.d/alsa-sound.conf with proper options for my card, everything is back to normal00:21
EvelinaOk, I have got an answer.00:21
nsadmindepends on what you mean by "ok"00:21
Socahlaclasse, pretty stupid and simple, but worked00:21
laclasseSocah, err00:21
stroyanYou could pastebin the last few lines.  Or read it yourself.00:21
StrangeCharm__how can i see what services are running on what sockets on my machine?00:21
laclasseSocah, glad you have sound00:21
Socahlaclasse, thank you for your help and time00:21
hilltopcuddlefish, OK got it.  Thanks00:21
khazilStrangeCharm__: "netstat"00:22
EvelinaThank you answering my question. Nice to hear I don't have to login.00:22
StrangeCharm__cheers khazil00:22
syslq78Evelina, yeah, you dont have to be loged in in order for coronjobs to be executed00:22
nsadminEvelina: is it critical this cron job runs?00:22
khazilStrangeCharm__: actually, netstat -l for listeners (servers)00:22
Evelinasyslq78: Yeah, hehe, I got it. ;)00:22
StrangeCharm__khazil-  i was going to say, that's giving me streams, thanks again00:23
laclasseSocah, np00:23
Evelinansadmin: Nah, I won't say it's critical but I want it to be run so it will be bad if it won't. Not critical but well at least not good, why?00:23
nsadminoh, so that's what you mean by "OK"00:24
syslq78Evelina, that's true for all systems really including ms windows00:25
r3l1cI can run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in one command. Is there a way to skip the sudo apt-get the second time and use "&& upgrade"? I can write a scripr but is there anything built in?00:25
justfilI can't play sound simultaneously in firefox and Decibel audio player.00:26
Ramonsterstroyan, did you get my PM?00:26
StrangeCharm__khazil-  any way of saying which processes are listening to those sockets?00:26
Evelinasyslq78: Ok, well I just wanted to be sure.00:26
khazilr3l1c: that's not how && works00:26
stroyanRamonster: yes00:26
nsadminwell let's put it this way... I think you can run a periodic script in windows... the mechanism is not called cron and doesn't work like it00:26
r3l1cso what are the possibilites. When I run the first command khazil it does work00:27
khazilStrangeCharm__: usually you can tell, but let me check00:27
ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:28
nsadminwhether it's good or bad it works different is a subjective value judgement00:28
khazilStrangeCharm__: netstat -lp00:28
syslq78 ActionParsnip yo yo yo t00:28
ActionParsnipsyslq78: your typing as drunk as i feel00:28
StrangeCharm__thansk khazil00:28
EvelinaI won't hurt removing the graphics card and the display from the server? I am going to use ssh to remote control the server.00:29
syslq78ActionParsnip, nah, but I'm doing something else while typing00:29
ActionParsnipsyslq78: gotcha00:29
EvelinaThe fan at the graphics card is not working so I'm planning to remove the card to avoid getting some overheating.00:29
khazilEvelina: there is no onboard graphics?00:29
nsadminEvelina: give it a shot... I would imagine the system would get confused (but I don't think permanent damage would happen)00:30
nsadminreplace it with a cheap console-only card00:30
khazilare there systems which refuse to post without graphics card?00:30
Evelinakhazil: I donät know actually. I don't want to use a display anyway, it's good enough using reote control. But will it give me any problem booting Ubntu without any display and graphics card, any error message etc?00:31
owen1how to find my harddrive rpm from terminal?00:31
syslq78Evelina, just replace the fan :)00:31
laclasseEvelina, it won't at all. All my boxes are headless. no need gfx card at all.00:31
syslq78owen1, hdparm00:31
Ramonsterstroyan, got anything yet?00:31
owen1syslq78: thanks00:31
nsadminEvelina: probably you want to arrange a serial console before you try that00:31
Evelinasyslq78: Yeah, but I'm goint to remote control the server using ssh so I didn't bother. But if the system may be confused then I may reconsider my decision.00:31
stroyanRamonster: The configure script may be caching bad results from earlier.  You could restart from autoreconf, or start over in a new directory.00:32
Evelinansadmin: Serial console? What's that?00:32
syslq78Evelina, well I dont think it will be confused00:32
Ramonsterstroyan, restarted about 5 times now :P00:32
mazda01anyone else use phpmyadmin in jaunty and got it working?00:32
syslq78Evelina, hmm, non ethernet network (non tcp/ip one too) just a peer-peer with data flow00:32
syslq78Evelina, it's used to configure switches sometimes etc00:32
StarmanHi guys. I've done some google searching, but I can't find any info on embedding a terminal into my top panel. Like a little persistant box I can type commands into00:33
stroyanRamonster: It is time for me to go eat.00:33
khazilSerial console will allow you to access it if something happens which prevents you from ssh'ing in00:33
nsadminEvelina: there used to be no video cards... computers had large banks of serial ports and that's how they talked00:33
Ramonsterstroyan, bon a petit ;)00:33
syslq78Evelina, nothing should happen if you remove you grapichs card and boot system00:33
Ramonsterstroyan, thanks for your time00:33
syslq78Well except you wont be eable to plug in monitor00:33
nsadminwell you can plug it in... but it won't do anything :)00:34
syslq78nsadmin, we still use serial connections at work, not very often but ... :)00:34
syslq78nsadmin, yeah :)00:34
StarmanDoes anyone know how I can embed one like that?00:34
=== name is now known as Guest61010
nsadminJamesHoldsworth: any relation to Allan?00:34
indubitableHello, I just tried to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 via network. When I restarted my system after the upgrade tool finished its work, the login screen froze after about a minute. Subsequent reboots and attempts to work through the console resulted in a complete system freeze after about 1 minute. I am using a Radeon 9800 video card -- is there some kind of issue with the driver or with X that is causing these system freezes? What should I 00:35
woodworkerhow much extra space should you leave when you are using usb creator to make your instal persistant?00:36
gogetawoodworker: the more the better00:36
Evelinasyslq78: Ok, well, I'm going to start the server two times a day, running some scripts using a cron job, then suspend until nex time the server shall boot. I'm going to let it run by itself every day whitout my interaction. Maybe I'm going to log in by ssh to do some modifications.00:36
gogetawoodworker: extra space = storage00:36
woodworkergogeta: 2.0 gb or more?00:37
Evelinasyslq78: Therefore I donät need a graphics card or a display.00:37
gogetawoodworker: as i said more the better00:37
gogetawoodworker: thats going t be your extra storage00:38
owen1syslq78:is it somewhere here? hdparm -I /dev/sda00:39
Freelancerhey, is there a solution to use the Iphone on Ubuntu ?00:39
gogetaFreelancer: wine + itunes?00:39
StarmanDoes anyone know what I'm talking about?00:39
syslq78owen1, dunno, read man hdparm, I dont use it really, I did few times but I forgot00:40
owen1syslq78: sure00:40
Freelancergogeta, wine doesn't support usb devices for itunes, does it..00:40
Freelancergogeta > it's said on ubuntu forums :S00:40
mezquitaleanyone that's ever edited videos can tell me which one you prefer and why, kino or cinelerra??00:40
RamonsterI get this error when I try ./configure... checking for ssl... configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries, what ssl libs do I need... got OpenSSL..? :)00:40
indubitableDoes anyone know of problems with the Radeon 9800 series under 9.04?00:40
jribRamonster: what are you compiling?00:41
OkayI installed turboprint using ./setup,but how do i uninstall it? it's not in synaptic manager or add/remove00:41
gogetaFreelancer: it says it does00:41
Ramonsterjrib, arcemu; wow private server00:41
lolcashMy mouse jumps all over the screen. Just started today after upgrading to 9.04. Some how It did this while on firefox and now firefox is almost 100% transparent. Anybody know how to fix this?00:41
jribOkay: you need to contact turboprint about that or check its documentation00:41
gogetaFreelancer: http://www.downloadsquad.com/2008/03/04/itunes-syncing-now-works-in-linux-with-wine/00:41
jrib!compile > Ramonster00:41
ubottuRamonster, please see my private message00:42
mazda01anyone else use phpmyadmin in jaunty and got it working?00:42
jribRamonster: headers for compiling are in packages that end in -dev00:42
mazda01i installed phpmyadmin in jaunty and created the symlink to /var/www/ but when I use firefox and type in localhost/phpmyadmin it asks about either opening or saving a phtml file. here's the screenshot. http://img12.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2nrk.png00:42
gogetaFreelancer: thata was 2 hyears ago00:42
indubitableIs there some kind of safe default video driver that I can configure Xorg to use in lieu of whatever it automatically loads for Radeon video cards?00:43
gogetaFreelancer: your right its does not sync with 8.200:43
Freelancergogeta > I tried with playonlinux and it really doesnt work ?!00:43
gpprineANyone out there with IBM server and SAS tape drive exp. 10/400:43
jmigelindubitable: VESA driver00:43
woodworkerWhen I do a live install usb creator  - when I boot from the usb drive will all my setting be lost in the next rebot....... I added 4.5 gb of extra space.  Is there anything u must to do make it persistant00:43
Freelancergogeta hmmm so I should search a previous version of Itunes00:44
indubitablejmigel: How can I configure Xorg so it uses that?00:44
syslq78Evelina, are you studying informatics or something? We dont see a lot of girls / women setting up *nix servers ? <-- if that's no secret00:44
rww!es | perruchito00:44
ubottuperruchito: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:44
perruchitook sorry00:44
Flannelsyslq78: Er, excuse me?00:44
BlizzerandHow do I import the Open office key via termial in ubuntu00:44
gogetaFreelancer: http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3375400:45
jmigelindubitable what version of ubuntu are you using?00:45
indubitablejmigel: I just upgraded to 9.0400:45
syslq78Flannel, you're excused00:45
jmigelindubitable sorry pal the screwed it all around now, i dont know how to change those settings in 9.0400:46
Evelinasyslq78: Yeah, I'm studying computers at university in Sweden. It's my 1st year.00:46
Flannelsyslq78: How is your previous question relevant whatsoever?00:46
indubitablejmigel: I agree, it's pretty screwed up.00:46
gogetaFreelancer: jailbroken can by synced wireless all i found00:46
syslq78Flannel, related to what?00:46
syslq78Evelina, cool00:47
jmigelindubitable used to be you just edit the xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 but for me anyway now its blank and its all done somewhere else00:47
justfilDid someone noticed in firefox awesomebar there is bright blue links? O_O i liked the darkgreen better ;/00:47
Radtoosyslq78: Theres' quite many women but this is #ubuntu-offtopic stuff...?00:47
jmigelindubitable im pretty sure you can google your way to a howto00:47
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indubitablejmigel: That was my first thought, but when I loaded it up in vi, it was like 10 lines of vague information.00:48
BlizzerandHow do I import the Open office key via termial in ubuntu00:48
BlizzerandPlease help???00:48
Freelancergogeta > arf...00:48
syslq78Radtoo, tech skills I have, I need social skills00:48
RadtooBlizzerand: open office... key?00:48
BlizzerandRadtoo : Yeah PPA key00:48
jmigelindubitable ya if i wanted to have no idea what was going on and couldnt change anything id just run windows...00:49
syslq78Blizzerand, sudo apt-key add ?00:49
syslq78Blizzerand, you can just use gui too00:49
syslq78Since you're installing open office I guess you have x00:50
RadtooBlizzerand: ahuh, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA <- theres multiple ways00:50
DVA5912How can i go about manualy turning on status lights on my laptop? such as the wife, bluetooth etc00:50
woodworkerIs there anything you need to do after using usb creator to make 9.04 persistant???  I left 4.5 gb of extra space.00:50
Blizzerandsyslq78 : Sorry already tried gui . I cannot find any files in my home directory00:50
Lloyd_Pughhi there. i have recently put UNR on my net book (acer aspire one) it was great, but today when i turned it on. it asks me to put in my user and password(as normal) and then nothing else loads :( no taskbar, it will let me move my mouse around. can anyone help me please?00:51
Mike_lifeguardWhenever I unplug my laptop, it suspends. How can I change that behaviour?00:51
gogetaFreelancer: err virtualbox 3 and a xp vmware install lol00:51
moymoywoodworker: nope, there's nothing else you need to do.. but keep in mind that the usb boot up disk will no longer work when you change system settings like user accounts00:51
host47hi, someone using Mutt +  GPG? I'm having a little trouble00:51
moymoyMike_lifeguard: have you looked in the gnome-powermanager app?00:52
Mike_lifeguardmoymoy: Yes, I didn't see a setting for this.00:52
DVA5912is there a file that controls the leds? like there are files frot the cpu and stuff?00:52
woodworkermoymoy:  can you put that one in idiot terms..... that is kinda what I am at this point00:52
moymoyMike_lifeguard: i don't know then.. i don't normally use a laptop00:52
owen1i replaced my old nvidia with geforce 6200 AGP. do i need to change my bios to AGP?00:52
Evelinasyslq78: Yeah, it's fun to play with Linux.00:52
Mike_lifeguardmoymoy: Yeah, I double-checked, there is no such setting there.00:53
gogetaowen1: yes some bios do need to be switched00:53
Evelinasyslq78: To learn more about servers and networks.00:53
hipitihopanyone here using virtualbox regularly ? I'm running 2.2.4 and want to upgrade to latest 3.0.200:53
edbianDVA5912: Simply put.  "Probably".  I don't know what they would be called or how to find them out or anything else about it.  But udev's job is to make a file for every device and place them all in /dev00:53
moymoyMike_lifeguard: you're making a usb bootup disk right?00:53
edbianDVA5912: If an appropriate driver cannot be found however a file will not be made.00:53
gogetahipitihop: so upgarde lol00:53
hilltopin crunchbang, what keyboard is used. I can't make pipe character00:53
Mike_lifeguardmoymoy: uh, no. When I unplug my laptop it suspends.00:54
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)00:54
woodworkerevelina:  fyi it worked00:54
Flannelhilltop: ^00:54
owen1gogeta: interesting. it's working now even though my bios is set to pci. is it possible?00:54
DVA5912edbian: thats more information than i had. The light did come on a couple of minutes ago but then i went into hibernation and it didnt come back on.00:54
syslq78Evelina, yeah, it rocks, it follows good *nix design philosophy and it does not cover up details so in any case you benefit with general computing knowledge far superior than fanboys usually have00:54
Oceanichipitihop, you can download the newest virtualbox from www.virtualbox.org00:54
moymoyMike_lifeguard: oops lol highlighted to the wrong person, sorry00:54
owen1gogeta: or i didn't read the bios correctly.00:54
gogetaowen1: yes soem bios auto switch00:54
edbianDVA5912: Good luck!00:54
Mike_lifeguardmoymoy: np00:54
owen1gogeta: thanks00:54
syslq78Evelina, not to mention that there are quite some very highly payed it job's for it in sysadmin / engineering area00:55
hilltopFlannel, not working for me.00:55
moymoyMike_lifeguard: and i'm sorry i can't help you.. but does gnome always complain about your battery being low?00:55
gogetasyslq78: whers my high pay sysadmin job00:55
Mike_lifeguardmoymoy: nope00:55
Flannelhilltop: Er, what?  Ask in #crunchbang /join #crunchbang00:56
DVA5912ok so its on now. for some reason. I pressed the fn key and wifi button two times and it came on. what does that mean? can i fix it now that it does come on?00:56
Mike_lifeguardmoymoy: I've found #ubuntu-laptop ... it's rather desolate, but maybe I'll find someone there who can help. Thanks anyways00:56
moymoyMike_lifeguard: alright, good luck!00:56
syslq78gogeta, dunno, you should know that00:56
Lloyd_Pughhiya i have recently put UNR on my net book (acer aspire one) it was great, but today when i turned it on nothing loads :( no taskbar, it will let me move my mouse around but thats it. can anyone help me please?00:56
hilltopFlannel, thanks00:56
hipitihopOceanic: thanks and it also appears in the repos, so appears in synaptic just not sure if I need to remove 2.2 first and if I should expect any problems00:56
syslq78gogeta, my pay is not gold mine but far from being bad00:56
khazilmoymoy: does the laptop not charge?00:57
edbianLloyd_Pugh: Can you open a terminal with alt + F2 ?00:57
khazilmoymoy: or is it simply incorrect measurement?00:57
Lloyd_Pughwill try now :)00:57
syslq78gogeta, it depends on how good you are, this area also got populated with server market share gain00:57
Oceanichipitihop, you'll need to remove your current one first, there should be no problems, i don't think you even need a restart, keep us posted :D00:57
Lloyd_Pughedbian no i cant, i can bring up a small menu when i right click00:58
edbianWhat does menu say?00:58
moymoykhazil: everything seems to be working fine.. the laptop just suspends it self when you unplug it...... actually this isn't even my problem.. it's Mike_lifeguard, and he's still in this channel.. but you can look for him in #ubuntu-laptop00:58
yowshi1why are there components of ubuntu eating up ram but not letting any of it go?00:58
hipitihopOceanic: will do thanks.00:58
Lloyd_Pughwith stuff like "creat document, launcer, folder" change desktop backround(nothing usefull in there though00:58
moymoyyowshi1: what components? memory leaks need to be reported..00:58
jmigelanyone know the channel for psubuntu?00:59
moymoyyowshi1: type `top` into terminal and press SHIFT+M00:59
yowshi1moymoy: at-spi-registryd xorg and nautilus all seem to be taking up more memory now then my last reboot00:59
StrangeCharm__yowshi1-  are they doing more stuff?01:00
edbianLloyd_Pugh: Have you tried simply restarting?  It might be a fluke01:01
moymoyyowshi1: that's the gnome-accessibility service daemon, do you need it running?01:01
yowshi1StrangeCharm__: i dont know what at-spi-registryd does xorg aint doing much more now then when i rebooted, i think anyway and i only have one more folder open now then when i rebooted so i dont know about nautilus either01:01
Lloyd_PughI have restarted about 4 times now01:01
yowshi1moymoy: no i dont think i do01:01
CorpXmy vnc is broken01:01
CorpXi can move the mouse around, but it doesnt update01:01
StrangeCharm__yowshi1-  how much more memory are they using?01:01
Evelinasyslq78: Well, I have a lot to learn before I get a job as an sys admin. :)01:02
dephiancewhere's the place to go after I install 9.10 and want to find bug info?01:02
stillinbetaCan I mount /home/user on its own partition?01:02
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yowshi1StrangeCharm__: alot more they were using very little on reboot now exorg is using almost 150megs and at-spi is using almost 300 megs01:02
Joe_If I leave evolution running for a while, it won't check email (gets stuck, just says Waiting...) unless I close it and reopen... anyway to fix that?01:02
Evelinasyslq78: Well, it's 02:00 in my country. I have to go to bed now. Good night and thanks for all help!01:03
Joe_normally have to force it closed too01:03
moymoyyowshi1: then you can go ahead and disable it if you want..and kill it.  It's really not needed, and how much RAM is Xorg using?01:03
KrOlinpeople i got a problem wit my repos... dont let me do nothin wit my pacs01:03
Evelinabye bye01:03
KB1JWQKrOlin: Errors to a pastebin?01:03
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yowshi1moymoy: 143 megs01:04
Ddordawhen i try to enter my ubuntu server VM not by the VM i'm requested to enter username and password. how do i know these?01:04
edbianWhat is the new method to quickly log out?  (used to be ctrl + alt + backspace)01:04
StrangeCharm__yowshi1-  well, that is a fair bit01:05
yowshi1StrangeCharm__:  moymoy my system slowly eats up memory i usually wind up having to reboot nafter a couple days because i wont have the ram or swap left to do anything01:05
moymoyyowshi1: wow.. that isn't normal.. are you running any graphic intensive things? i remember gnome-do screwed around with Xorg a lot01:05
arandedbian: can use alt+sysrq+k01:05
arand!dontzap | edbian01:06
ubottuedbian: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.01:06
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eddyeoqin what format does a portable hard drive have to be to be able to use it in usb startup disc creator01:06
edbianThanks guys!01:06
StrangeCharm__yowshi1-  option 1) keep rebooting, but report the problem. option 2) buy a medium-sided fast disk, and use that as swap01:06
yowshi1moymoy: no i am not running gnome-do01:06
KB1JWQKrOlin: Don't PM me with ubuntu questions, please.01:06
Ddordawhen i try to enter my ubuntu server VM not by the VM i'm requested to enter username and password. how do i know these?01:07
yowshi1StrangeCharm__: i would honestly prefer to not use a flash disk as a swap drive they have a max write limit you know01:07
KB1JWQDdorda: You should have set them at install time?01:07
woodworkerne one here know anything about hosting moodle through 9.04? - I am an amature in need of help for a school project.....01:07
KB1JWQDdorda: You're not running a LiveCD as the VM are you01:07
DdordaKB1JWQ: no01:07
StrangeCharm__yowshi1-  i don't think you should use a flash disk, a fast magnetic disk was my suggestion01:08
KB1JWQDdorda: Then user add $usernake; passwd $username sets that up.01:08
DdordaKB1JWQ: i tried my username and password, and it didn;t work01:08
KB1JWQer, useradd rather.01:08
yowshi1StrangeCharm__: ah i dont have one of those handy heh01:08
DdordaKB1JWQ: thank. i will try it out01:08
moymoyKB1JWQ: isn't it adduser?01:08
KB1JWQmoymoy: Depends upon distro. :)01:09
dephianceis anyone running 9.10 and vmplayer?  Mouse and keyboard are not cooperating with my install01:09
StrangeCharm__yowshi1-  that's inconvenient01:09
DdordaKB1JWQ: can you give me ex. for the commands?01:09
moymoyKB1JWQ: gotcha ;)01:09
KB1JWQDdorda: I just did.01:09
StrangeCharm__what command will give me a list of all users01:09
KB1JWQStrangeCharm__: cat /etc/passwd01:09
revloStrangeCharm__: getent passewd01:09
moymoyyowshi1: for now, you can always setup a cronjob to automatically kill and reload the apps that eat up your RAM01:09
revloStrangeCharm__: getent passwd01:10
moymoyyowshi1: it may get annoying at times when things unexpectedly close, but it's faster than a reboot01:10
KB1JWQrevlo: You're right; that works better in LDAP environments too. :)01:10
yowshi1moymoy: how do i setup a cron job?01:10
KB1JWQmoymoy: That's... a horrible idea. :)01:10
fwaokdaIs there any way to add folders to my "Places" section of my menu in ubuntu?01:10
yowshi1moymoy: and ione of the programmes is xorg that wouldrequie a reboot01:10
Travisivarthi, I was wondering if pulseaudio will do USB audio out, to a reciever. I'm looking at a reciever in which this is the main selling point, but don't exactly know if it is fully possible. Looked around on Google, and found very little evidence pointing to either no, or yes. If anyone knows, it would be extremely helpful, Thanks.01:11
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moymoyyowshi1: if you do a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart, it'll restart xorg i believe01:11
revloKB1JWQ: its unix - there is alway more then 1 possibility todo one thing :-)01:11
KB1JWQrevlo: Hey, now-- Linux isn't  Unix. :)01:12
moymoyKB1JWQ: you're right... xD but i use it on the evolution-data-server .. it eats up RAM like no other.. and it pops up everytime i click on the calener applet! waah!01:12
woodworkerHi,  setting up moodle and in moodle docs it says to "Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file. Remove the # mark on lines 22 and 38 to enable access to the universe package source and universe security updates. You will need to re-enter your account password when sudo asks for it. "01:12
woodworkeris this needed01:12
Doc-SaintlyHow do i list all drives attached to the computer in bash? LSHW is crashing at SCSI01:12
KB1JWQwoodworker: They'd know, wouldn't they?01:13
revloKB1JWQ: actually gnu is not unix but is linux gnu?01:13
KB1JWQwoodworker: Try it and see...01:13
linxehrevlo: obviously...01:13
KB1JWQrevlo: No, Linux and GNU are two distinct things.  Granted, without GNU you've got "a kernel and nothing else" but... :)01:13
anom01yis there any way to test my cups configuration than the "print test page". I have a remote printer that is installed to Windows XP, and I am trying to configure cups (localhost:631) to print to it.01:13
moymoyDoc-Saintly: try `sudo blkid`01:13
linxehLinux is a GNU product01:13
Spirits-Sightany one able help get my cell phone to work with activesync through vbox on my ubuntu system01:13
revloKB1JWQ: heh you have Hurd :-)01:13
anom01yit shows it is added in the printers sections, and that it is "idle, accepting jobs"01:13
woodworkerkb1jwq..... just an amature really with no clue what I am doing here..... just checking if this is going to cause me huge problems...... the tutorial is for 8.04lts server...... I am using 9.04 desktop01:13
jrib!repos > woodworker01:14
ubottuwoodworker, please see my private message01:14
anom01ybut the test page does not work, and there are no errors01:14
jribwoodworker: you can pastebin your current /etc/apt/sources.list and I will tell you if you need to do anything if you wish01:14
jrib!pastebin > woodworker01:14
jribfwaokda: you can add a bookmark in nautilus.  The location should then be added to your Places menu01:14
Doc-SaintlyWell it would appear that something is making my system not work. any of the things i try to list the hardware just crash01:15
fwaokdajrib, how do i add a bookmark in nautilus? (sry still getting the hang of ubuntu :[ )01:15
jribfwaokda: check the menus at the top.  If it isn't obvious, let me know and I'll open up nautilus01:15
arandfwaokda: right-click on folder? I think.01:16
fwaokdajrib, oh nautilus is the file browser thing gotcha thanks01:16
jribfwaokda: yep :)01:16
moymoyDoc-Saintly: even just `mount` doesn't work?01:17
arandfwaokda: disregard that, instead, drag a folder to the bookmarks section in nautilus01:17
jribDoc-Saintly: or « sudo fdisk -l » depending on what you mean01:17
woodworkerjrib:  fyi  I am not currently on a linux system I am flipping between two computers.....01:17
fwaokdaarand, oh thanks that works even better01:18
fwaokdaarand, well faster01:18
jribwoodworker: ok.  If you read the documentation ubottu gave you though, you'll understand what the point of that step was.  Then it should make more sense to you01:18
Doc-Saintlymoymoy: i haven't tried mount, i don't know which device it is, i'm trying to get a listing, the type lshw shows is nice but i'd like it a ilttle more cut down and only hd's01:18
arandfwaokda: jrib: just to clarify, when I said "disregard that" I was referring to my previous comment, not yours jrib :)01:19
moymoyDoc-Saintly: you want all the hardware or just the harddrives and such?01:19
Doc-Saintlymoymoy: just the harddrives01:20
dephiancemy windows key stopped working after upgrading to 9.1001:20
Doc-Saintlybasically, storage devices ;)01:20
Susanna777i need some help01:20
yigalI'm trying to build wget on SunOS as a non-privelaged user anyone know if I should be able to do this?01:20
* jrib eases trigger off ban button, I know arand :)01:20
moymoyDoc-Saintly: try `sudo fdisk -l` and if that doesn't work, try `sudo blkid` again.. if not, then try `mount` .. that's all i can think of right now01:21
Susanna777i have ubuntu 9.04 but i installed the netbook remix manager to try it out, decided i didn't like and uninstalled it01:21
Doc-Saintlywell it seems the bigger problem is that something chokes my system up every time it goes looking at hardware01:21
Susanna777i thought i uninstalled everything01:21
Susanna777but my windows are still appearing full screen01:21
Susanna777i don't know how to change it back01:22
Spirits-Sightanyone have idea of how I can get activesync to work and pick up my cell phone,  I am using linux (ubuntu) with windows xp in the vbox?01:22
Doc-Saintlyergh. brb01:22
=== Bawksy is now known as SierraSixSeven
Okayhow do i go to /usr/bin?01:23
jribOkay: why?01:23
RadtooSpirits-Sight: synce is your best bet but I think bluetooth usually works better.01:23
Okaybecause i installed a program that wrote files to that directory01:23
prince_jammysOkay: you mean change your current directory to /usr/bin in a terminal?01:23
jribOkay: ok, that's bad practice.  You know how to prevent that in the future?01:24
Okayprince_jammys, no, navigating to it01:24
Okayjrib, how can i prevent it in the future?01:24
prince_jammysmost packages that install an executable will put it in /usr/bin01:24
jribOkay: well you try to install programs only from the repositories01:24
Spirits-SightRadtoo: I sadly need use activesync as I am making a changeo t hte cell phone HardSPL and don't want to have any issues as if I do it will / could mess the phone01:24
Okayjrib, well, that program wasn't in repositories01:25
jribOkay: If you *must* install something outside the repositories, install it to /usr/local/01:25
moymoySusanna777: is it your screen resolution?01:25
RadtooSpirits-Sight: well, try synce. I cannot guarantee in any way this works though as the vendor of the original activesync doesn't care about allowing you to use linux, so its a reverse engineered piece of software.01:25
Susanna777the window border is gone01:26
Okayjrib, Installation for LPR/LPRng spooler (TP_CUPS=0)01:26
OkayConfiguration files will go to.. /etc/turboprint01:26
OkayShared files will go to......... /usr/share/turboprint01:26
OkayExecutable files will go to..... /usr/bin01:26
OkayLogfiles files will go to....... /var/log01:26
FloodBot3Okay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:26
OkayDocumentation will go to........ /usr/share/turboprint/doc01:26
Susanna777i can't get it back01:26
ILMAN5i want to install  Borland Turbo C/C++ Lite01:26
Spirits-Sightits called synce?  where could I find this please PM link thanks01:26
JamesHoldsworthHi everyone, I have a general computing question, and don't know if there's a better suited area for this, but here it goes. What on earth is the point of setting up a server?01:26
prince_jammysOkay: and now you're trying to delete those files? What are you trying to do?01:26
jribOkay: Did you check turboprint documentation for uninstallation instructions yet?01:27
moymoySusanna777: try pressing F11 (at least that's the fullscreen toggle on my desktop)01:27
ILMAN5i want to install  Borland Turbo C/C++ Lite01:27
funcky1!force i38601:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about force i38601:27
quesoI would like to format my usb thumb drive. What filesystem is most appropriate for this?  I'd like the drive to be accessible in OS X and Windows.01:27
Okayprince_jammys, yeah, I'm trying to delete all those now01:27
RadtooSpirits-Sight: http://www.synce.org/moin/01:27
jribILMAN5: why?01:27
JamesHoldsworthqueso, try FAT.01:27
ILMAN5i need this compiler01:27
RadtooILMAN5: can lazarus do the job?01:27
funcky1how do you force i386 architecture01:27
jribILMAN5: you cannot use gcc?01:27
Okayjrib, yes, they say to cd to folder and ./uninstall but that doesn't do anything for me01:27
quesoJamesHoldsworth: Just plain FAT? Not VFAT or FAT32? :)01:27
Susanna777moymoy,  that goes completely full screen, no panel01:27
ILMAN5I Need! this compiler!01:27
jribOkay: pastebin01:27
StrangeCharm__JamesHoldsworth-  if you don't know, then you don't need to. if you ever find the need, then you'll set up a server to do that specific thing, however, you may find http://lifehacker.com/tag/home-server/ interesting01:28
JamesHoldsworthI'd use just Fat. most USB's use fat01:28
ILMAN5i have just bought a whole book about it01:28
jribILMAN5: do you know what gcc is?01:28
ILMAN5its another compiler..01:28
RadtooILMAN5: http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/01:28
quesoJamesHoldsworth: Great, thanks for the help! ;)01:28
JamesHoldsworthLol, I know I don't need to, I was just wondering what was the point. And Queso, no problem.01:28
Okayjrib, yeah, I'll remember to use it next time01:28
ILMAN5Radtoo ?01:28
jribILMAN5: *the* compiler for free software.  Personally, I don't see a reason not to use it if you are learning C or C++ (which it sounds like what you are doing)01:28
quesoJamesHoldsworth: Reason I ask is because a co-worker recommended ufs and now I can't access the drive, lol01:29
moymoySusanna777: is the ubuntu-netbook-remix-default-settings uninstalled? you can also try a dpkg-reconfigure on it01:29
funcky1how do you force i386 architecture?01:29
jribOkay: no, I mean pastebin what you are doing and the output01:29
ILMAN5i have just bought a whole book about it!!01:29
StrangeCharm__JamesHoldsworth-  if you don't use my name when talking to me, i probably won't see your message01:29
KB1JWQILMAN5: Specfic to that compiler?  Doubhtful.01:29
funcky1i would google but i dont know what to google01:29
Susanna777moymoy,  yes the default settings are uninstallled01:29
KB1JWQILMAN5: C is C, C++ is C++. :)01:29
StrangeCharm__JamesHoldsworth-  you may also find http://lifehacker.com/303421/top-10-ways-to-put-your-remote-server-to-good-use particularly enleightening01:29
arandfuncky1: when, where? (dpkg --force architecture -i package.deb)01:29
ILMAN5i know01:29
ILMAN5i have an XP PC01:30
jribILMAN5: this is *ubuntu* support01:30
arandfuncky1: correction: dpkg --force-architecture -i package.deb01:30
ILMAN5but its my sister, i cant use it01:30
ILMAN5i can*01:30
Okayjrib, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/218426/01:30
ILMAN5but i want to run it on ubuntu01:30
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jrib!enter | ILMAN501:30
ubottuILMAN5: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:30
moymoySusanna777: try installing the desktop-switcher and see what happens, from the description, it seems like it allows you to switch from netbook to desktop view01:30
RadtooKB1JWQ: Well the codegear compiler is a bit different than gcc... I worked for 'em after all. :)01:30
funcky1what do you mean "when where?"01:30
ILMAN5all right!01:30
dephiancehow do I map the windows keys to open the main menu if gnome keyboard shortcuts isn't recognizing the windows key?01:30
leverageCan someone help me install a game?01:30
jribOkay: what did you run to get that?01:30
KB1JWQRadtoo: Sure, but at a "learning to code" level? :)01:30
KB1JWQILMAN5: I'd run it inside of a virtualized XP instance and call it good.01:31
RadtooKB1JWQ: nope, not that. Its standard c indeed. all that would change is a handful of flags for linking or such.01:31
quesois FAT16 the same as FAT?01:31
Okayjrib, I've already uninstalled and that's the only way I can figure out how to delete those files01:31
Radtooqueso: its a specific variant of FAT01:31
ILMAN5can u help me with this on private?01:31
jribOkay: it claims it's already uninstalled but left files there?  Are you sure those files don't belong to something else?01:31
jrib!pm | ILMAN501:31
ubottuILMAN5: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:31
Okayjrib, I used sudo su first, cuz it needs root. then I navigated to the folder and used ./setup01:31
Radtooqueso: there's also fat32 and such.01:31
panfistmx__is there a command line alternative to gopchop ? gopchop crashes for me every time i load a file01:31
KB1JWQILMAN5: Not for free. I have a dayjob.01:31
quesoRadtoo: Hmm, okay.  Which should I use for a USB thumb drive?01:32
jribOkay: right.  How about the uninstall procedure?01:32
Okayjrib, i'm 100% sure01:32
Susanna777moymoy,  i've reinstalled the desktop switcher what do i do now?01:32
ILMAN5only 3 minuts01:32
arandqueso: there's FAT16 and FAT32, afaik01:32
Radtooqueso: if its not used with very old devices, just use fat32.01:32
Okayjrib, kay: it claims it's already uninstalled but left files there?  Are you sure those files don't belong to something else?01:32
Okayjrib, woops. Configuration file etc/turboprint/system.cfg not found!01:33
bastidrazorOkay,  probably sudo apt-get autoremove01:33
Radtooarand: there's even fat 12 bit but thats sorta something no one would ever use anymore :)01:33
Doc-SaintlyIs there another command to halt the current command? Ctrl+c doesn't seem to do it01:33
Okayjrib, that's what it says01:33
jribOkay: pastebin (commands and output)01:33
StrangeCharm__squid seems to be dying after a couple of seconds. any ideas why?01:33
KB1JWQRadtoo: Sounds like a fun weekend project. :-p01:33
jribDoc-Saintly: ctrl-\ sends sigquit (iirc)01:33
KB1JWQStrangeCharm__: Have you checked the logs?01:33
Okayjrib, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/218428/01:34
jribOkay: cd /, then try again01:34
Okaybastidrazor, won't that remove some .debs that I need?01:34
StrangeCharm__KB1JWQ-  i'm looking now, but there's a lot of them01:34
leveragetrying to get this to work on the latest ubuntu. cant figure it out http://necrofamicon.com/Tendrils/01:34
jribOkay: for future reference, use « sudo -i » instead of « sudo su »01:34
KB1JWQStrangeCharm__: Try using tail; it'll show you the last ten lines by default.01:34
Okayjrib, why is that?01:35
Doc-Saintlyif a drive is not mounted is it safe to unplug it? Or is there an extra step?01:35
Okayjrib, yeah, gives me the same message as that last pastebin01:35
quesoRadtoo: Great, thanks :)01:35
jribOkay: safer environment for one01:35
moymoySusanna777: sorry, i was digging through gconf to see if there was a setting to help fix your problem.. check your application menus and such for the desktop-switcher..01:35
jribOkay: pastebin please... anytime you run something, pastebin01:36
Susanna777moymoy,  i found it but it still not working right01:36
Radtooqueso: np. by the way, if you only want to use it with linux the linux native filesystems are even better choices... but only if you only want to use it with linux :)01:36
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Susanna777i can't access applications anymore01:36
Okayjrib, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/218428/01:36
KB1JWQRadtoo: Not sure I'd agree; I'm not a fan of ext$ on USB drives.01:36
quesoRadtoo: Thanks for the tip -- but I'm using it to transfer files from my old OS X laptop01:36
Okayjrib, it just gives me the same thing01:36
jribOkay: you didn't cd /...01:37
KB1JWQWe need a better universal filesystem than FAT. :-/01:37
Okaycd / = cd home?01:37
StrangeCharm__KB1JWQ-  well, looks like i found the problem- FATAL: The url_rewriter helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!01:37
jribOkay: anyway, check whether /etc/turboprint/system.cfg exists first01:37
KB1JWQAnd no, UFS is NOT the solution.01:37
KB1JWQStrangeCharm__: That'd be the problem.01:37
StrangeCharm__Okay-  no, it does not01:37
Okayjrib, how do i check?01:37
arandOkay: nope / is the absolute root of filessytem01:37
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RadtooKB1JWQ: its not like fat is better than these two either though >P01:37
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jribOkay: ls /etc/turboprint/system.cfg01:37
Susanna777moymoy, there's not menu anymore or anyway to log out or anything, i'm going to do a reset01:37
StrangeCharm__KB1JWQ-  now i just need to find a solution...01:38
mazda01anyone know why jaunty phpmyadmin doesn't work?01:38
KB1JWQRadtoo: The use case that worries me is "someone is running late and snatches the drive out without unmounting it first."  FAT tends to live through that fairly well, anything with an EXT journal on it kinda doesn't.01:38
mazda01i installed phpmyadmin in jaunty and created the symlink to /var/www/ but when I use firefox and type in localhost/phpmyadmin it asks about either opening or saving a phtml file. here's the screenshot. http://img12.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2nrk.png01:38
arandOkay: /home/username or just ~ would be your home (also just cd will get you home as well)01:38
FloodBot3mazda01: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:38
jrib!lamp > mazda0101:38
ubottumazda01, please see my private message01:38
Okayjrib, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/218432/01:38
jribmazda01: read and follow the troubleshooting steps for that issue with php on that wiki page01:38
KB1JWQmazda01: Yeah, you didn't set a php handler in your apache configuration from the sound of it.01:39
llI have seen many, many crashed fat32 usb sticks from people yanking them out01:39
RadtooKB1JWQ: it only does with the file system check, otherwise its about as endangered as ext or udf. and ye I tried it a lot. :P01:39
llso if by "fairly well" you mean "sometimes dies" then okay01:39
mazda01KB1JWQ, shouldn't that be done by default when I install apache?01:39
jribOkay: erm okay.  Well you do just have to delete stuff manually I guess.  Or why not contact turboprint for support...?  rm is the delete command in the terminal01:39
mazda01FloodBot1, please help me understand what I did wrong. I didn't think I was flooding anything. I merely posted a question.01:40
KB1JWQmazda01: Not necessarily.01:40
jribmazda01: one question = one line please01:40
KB1JWQmazda01: Note the "bot" part of FloodBot's nickname.01:40
Okayjrib, all turboprint tells you is to use ./uninstall once you get into that folder01:40
musicgeek1Hello, is there a easy way to speedup software downloads (ie adding new/ faster repositories)?01:40
Okayjrib, someone said that manually deleting the folder will delete that program01:40
jribmazda01: weird that he triggered on 2 lines though.  bug01:40
mazda01KB1JWQ, that seems sort of weird. how would the average user know that they have to do all this configuring of apache just to get it to work? I will check out the wiki. thank you01:40
jribOkay: what folder...?01:40
llmusicgeek1: I found that different times of the day you can replace the country codes for faster download01:41
KB1JWQmazda01: The second part of your line answered the first part.01:41
KB1JWQRTFM. :-)01:41
llmusicgeek1: for instance, middle of the day in us, ch (switzerland) is faster than us. Opposite at night.01:41
stillinbetaI'm working on mounting /home/user on a seperate partition. I have the fstab set up properly, but when I go to chown it, I get "Operation not Permitted", even though I'm root.01:41
mazda01jrib, if I have a long statement how could I possibly get it on one line?01:41
musicgeek1II: makes sense.  I'll try that.  THanks!01:41
jribmazda01: you summarize it and pastebin relevant details01:41
RadtooKB1JWQ: besides the more important thing than the fs would be to inform the user what likely hasnt been written or broken since he yankd out the drive :>01:41
mazda01KB1JWQ, yeah i know. i figured he was bot but I thought I'd try01:41
stillinbetaAny way to force chown to perform the change, or know why it's being denied?01:41
Okayjrib, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/218433/   i just need to know how to navigate there01:41
mazda01jrib, ok. sorry01:42
KB1JWQstillinbeta: Pastebin that; I'm curious to see it.01:42
jribmazda01: no need to apologize :)01:42
jribOkay: WHERE?01:42
Okaythe /etc folder01:42
stillinbetaKB1JWQ: pastebin what, the error, the fstab ?01:42
mafrenAnybody here used greenos ?01:42
jribOkay: cd /etc/01:42
jrib!who | Okay01:42
ubottuOkay: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gos01:42
KB1JWQstillinbeta: All of them. :)01:42
Guest61010is there a way to start updataing ubutu from the command prompt ?01:43
KB1JWQstillinbeta: and an ls -al $MOUNTPOINT01:43
Shadow__Xhello everyone i am 3 problems one is that the back button on my mouse isnt working another is that the caps lock light on my mac keyboard isnt working and finally when i have my usb hub connected ubuntu doesnt want to boot01:43
jrib!apt > Guest6101001:43
ubottuGuest61010, please see my private message01:43
Shadow__Xi have*01:43
Okayjrib, can you navigate to it without the terminal01:43
moymoyGuest61010: sudo aptitude update .. then sudo aptitude safe-upgrade01:43
KB1JWQShadow__X: Three problems, one answer: I blame the USB hub.01:43
jribOkay: only if you promise to be careful and close it after you delete what you want to delete: gksudo nautilus01:43
KB1JWQShadow__X: You may be oversaturating the USB bus; try a powered hub?01:44
mazda01i set brasero to always open the audio cd creator when  a blank cd is inserted and now I want to change it back so I get a prompt. anyone know where to fix this?01:44
Okayjrib, someone earlier mentioned that sudo apt-get autoremove works?01:44
Shadow__XKB1JWQ, fine except the keyboard and mouse issues persist without the hub and it used to work on ubuntu 8.10 perfectly fine01:44
woodworkerne one wanna help a newbie set up wireless network01:45
jribOkay: apt only knows about things you install using apt.  You didn't use apt for turboprint01:45
stillinbetaKB1JWQ: alright, this'll be tricky. I can't have both X and that setup right now :-/01:45
arandmazda01: nautilus preferences, media01:45
mazda01KB1JWQ, i just made sure that libapache2-mod-php5 is installed and it it. I still can't fuigure out why phpmyadmin isn't working.01:46
Okayjrib, I'll just forget it. thanks for all your help man01:46
KB1JWQstillinbeta: Urm... do this in a terminal window.01:46
jribmazda01: did you follow the other troubleshooting steps as well?01:46
mazda01KB1JWQ, I don't see how the second line answered the question in line 1 though? I still need help please01:46
KB1JWQCopy and paste, the end.01:46
KB1JWQmazda01: Read the documentation. :)01:46
jribOkay: did you delete the files successfully?  It's trivial using gksudo nautilus01:46
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:46
avinashserver irc.freenode.org01:47
arandwoodworker: ask a question which people may answer, normally there's no private assistance..01:47
Okayjrib, it said there was no external monitor01:47
joeborderI need some help with my sound, can anybody point me in the right direction01:47
Shadow__XKB1JWQ, any ideas?01:47
Okayjrib, lol01:47
jribOkay: get out of sudo su...01:47
Okayjrib, i'm already out.01:48
Socahjoeborder, more details?01:48
jribOkay: then run the command I gave you01:48
woodworkerarand:  I guess I dont really know what to ask.... I cant get it to work01:48
mazda01arand, within nautilus preferences, Media, everything is already set to "Ask what to do". So that's not it. any other suggestions01:48
arandmazda01: Then I don't know.01:48
Okayjrib, i see it now. i was in wrong directory01:48
arandmazda01: Is the "never prompt..." option unticked there as well?01:49
geent1Hello there join the #flossk01:49
StrangeCharm__my squid is creashing because "FATAL: The url_rewriter helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!01:49
StrangeCharm__" how can i resolve this?01:49
stillinbetaKB1JWQ: pastebin and lynx don't play well.01:50
DekkoHello ... just wondering what I can do to get back my icons in the Fast-user-switching applet? (the one with shutdown in it etc) - mucked about with some themes, and now the icons aren't there.... help please?01:50
Susanna777moymoy, i got it to work, thanks for the help01:50
joeborderSocah, i was trying to update my existing sound drivers to be able to change between jack states on my soundcard as it only plays from the rear, i found the drivers i use for windows and there was linux support so i followed the steps and installed it. At the end of it my speakers werent picked up at all and now my sound is completely gone. Im trying to find out if i can restore to my old drivers01:50
godmodeyou guys i got a problem :(01:51
moymoySusanna777: oooh nice, how did you get it to work?01:51
Socahjoeborder, ok, what's ur sound card?01:51
mazda01arand, it is but it's not checked.01:51
pedro3005does anyone know how to prevent GNOME from putting a icon in your desktop everytime you mount something?01:51
Okayjrib, I guess nothing about turboprint is there. then why is it listed in the preferences and administration tabs?01:52
Susanna777moymoy, the desktop switcher fixed it01:52
arandwoodworker: What have you done so far, what exactly are you trying to acheive, what instructuions have you followed (or do you want links to..?)?? etc. etc., without that info people won't be able to help you...01:52
jribOkay: try 'killall gnome-panel' and see if it goes away (will restart your panel)01:52
Shadow__Xhello everyone i am having 3 problems one is that the back button on my mouse isnt working another is that the caps lock light on my mac keyboard isnt working and finally when i have my usb hub connected ubuntu doesnt want to boot this exact setup worked in 8.10 and i noticed these issues after an update on 9.0401:52
Susanna777moymoy, i had to restart the computer though01:52
moymoySusanna777: ahh, good =p glad i could help01:52
StrangeCharm__my squid is creashing because- FATAL: The url_rewriter helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!, what can i do to resolve this?01:53
joebordersocah, ive been trying to find that out, from what i can tell it looks like "nVidia corp mcp73 high def audio (rev1)"01:53
godmodei was upgrading all the software on ubuntu and when it was done.. it restarted but now, i can only log in and after the only thing that appears is a background screen and the mouse pointer...ubuntu wont load :(01:53
Okayjrib, it's not in the panels. its under system>preferences and system>administration01:53
woodworkerarand  I have put in my ssid, authetication method and network key..... then when I go back it shows wireless connection with a colun then to the right is says never in the network connection box01:53
jribOkay: it will reload your menu01:54
ZivBk1I hope this isn't a common problem, but why does the login screen have a different (wrong) refresh rate than the grub and boot progress screen and the after login desktop screen?  And how do I change it for just the login screen?01:54
jribOkay: it will reload your menu01:54
SensivaI am using Ubuntu Hardy 64, I wonder why Firefox is using 50% of my CPU?01:54
stillinbetaKB1JWQ: pastebin.com/m6d0932a601:54
Socahjoeborder, is it laptop?01:54
joebordersocah, no its a desktop01:54
stillinbetaKB1JWQ: that's fstab01:54
stillinbetaI'll be right back, need to reboot.01:54
arandwoodworker: that means it HAS never been connected, YET.01:54
Socahjoeborder, card is integrated?01:55
Okayjrib, "try 'killall gnome-panel' and see if it goes away" using that?01:55
joebordersocah, it looks that way yes01:55
jribOkay: yeah01:55
Socahjoeborder, ok, open terminal, type lspci, try to find a name of your audio device01:55
woodworkerarand........ why would it have changed my network key...... b/c after setting all that up.... I cant go anywhere on the internet01:55
thomsonwhat is the partition editor that is used in the ubuntu install?01:55
Socahjoeborder, and copy it there01:55
Guest61010any suggestions on how I can fix my sound /01:55
Socahthomson, fdisk?01:56
woodworkerarand..... I am using a live bood from usb device01:56
Socahthomson, but you should use gparted01:56
joebordersocah, 00:09.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP73 High Definition Audio (rev a1)01:56
=== keanu is now known as [keanu]
thomsonSocah: ok01:56
Okayjrib, no. its still there for some reason01:57
arandwoodworker: changed network key? Do you mean it has worked before?01:57
ZivBk1How do I change the refresh rate for the login screen?01:57
jribOkay: check /usr/share/applications/  (this is the problem with software installed without apt)01:57
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Socahjoeborder, first of all, open terminal type alsamixer and check if all channels are over 80% and don't have "M" letter in the begging of sound bar01:58
woodworkerarandno.. but when I opened it back up the network key was really long...... it asks me to create default keying - what is this01:58
thomsonSocah: so download and put gparted onto a usb thumb drive?01:58
bruenigPROTOP: update-desktop-database is useful01:58
Okayjrib, yeah, they're both there01:59
Socahthomson, as far as I know, there is even gparted livecd, or liveusb - check google01:59
Okayjrib, i can just safely delete them?01:59
jribOkay: yes01:59
joebordersocah, alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory.01:59
woodworkerarand no.. but when I opened it back up the network key was really long...... it asks me to create default keying - what is this02:00
CleanLaundryWhen trying to install a windows program, i get an error stating I do not own /home/justin/.wine ?02:00
Okayjrib, yeah, that got rid of it forever! I'm never installing stuff like that again02:00
jribOkay: cool02:01
Okaythanks a lot jrib. I waste like half of you day. Thank you very much for helping me02:01
woodworkerarand sorry it is create default keyring02:01
=== _drtroll is now known as drtroll
jribOkay: it's okay, I finished a script in the meantime :)02:01
CleanLaundryactually the error is " Unable to find a volume for file extraction. Please verify that you have proper permissions."02:01
behnamsyanptic says there is an error with the package alsa-driver-linuxant.  this might have happened after my roomie upgraded his kernel 2 weeks ago?  anyways, his sound doesnt work.  i can't get this package to  install or uninstal.  there has to be a way around it?02:01
arandwoodworker: the key, if you view it, normally changes to a different encoding (HEX, instead of plain-text ASCii, why I do not know...) , the keyring is a password to ensure that only certain users on the machine can access the wireless, if you do not need that safety precation, it can be left empty (sorry, delayed answer, had to type a lot...)02:01
Socahjoeborder, I had same problem few hours ago... I suggest you installing newest alsa first (1.0.20). Follow this guide: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2009/05/09/upgrade-alsa-1020-on-ubuntu-jaunty-904/02:01
behnamE: alsa-driver-linuxant: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 202:02
Okayjrib, have fun with that script. I'll see you around. :)02:02
mazda01KB1JWQ, now it says I don't have permission to access this page. can you please help?02:02
Shadow__Xhello everyone i am having 3 problems one is that the back button on my mouse isnt working another is that the caps lock light on my mac keyboard isnt working and finally when i have my usb hub connected ubuntu doesnt want to boot this exact setup worked in 8.10 and i noticed these issues after an update on 9.0402:02
KB1JWQ!lamp > mazda0102:02
ubottumazda01, please see my private message02:02
joebordersocah, thanks ill have a try02:02
KB1JWQmazda01: Seriously.  Go read, follow the steps it outlines.02:02
woodworkerarand that is fine no worries........ ok I have my ssid which in windows is just my name... and I have my network key typed in with the wpa authentication type02:03
Socahjoeborder, after you are done, you could try to join #alsa channel, and ask for help - they know more about alsa, also they have a script that you will run, and it will tell them more details that can help you. It will be much faster, than asking 100 questions and guessing - good luck02:03
joebordersocah, thanks for all the help02:03
mazda01KB1JWQ, i believe I have. I just can't believe there's this much config to get something that seems so easy to work. it seems like i have to know how to build a website just to use phpmyadmin.02:03
bruenigbehnam: that is a bug in apt. One I pointed out 4 years ago but no one cares about. What you will have to do is remove the prerm script.02:04
Socahjoeborder, no problem :)02:04
bruenigbehnam: find /var | grep prerm should show you where it is02:04
KB1JWQmazda01: Heh, phpmyadmin is a relatively involved web application.02:04
KB1JWQmazda01: If setting it up is too daunting, I'm not sure what you expect it to be able to do for you; I just access mysql via the CLI.02:05
bruenigphpmyadmin is obnoxious, just run your own mysql queries02:05
bruenigit is so much easier02:05
bruenigKB1JWQ: that way is easier though really02:05
behnambruenig: thanks, what does that script do?02:05
bruenigbehnam: probably calls rmmod02:05
bruenignonetheless, delete that nonsense02:05
woodworkerarand now when I try to connect to hidden wireless connection it comes up and puts everything in but imidately pops up and says disconnected from wireless network02:05
jribbehnam: probably makes sense to read it instead of just deleting it02:06
behnambruenig: i found this... /var/lib/dpkg/info/alsa-driver-linuxant.prerm     ok, i'll read it, and rename it02:06
bruenigit really doesn't need to exist at all, you can delete files in linux when they are opened02:06
bruenigwhy the prerm02:06
bruenigstupid debian nonsense02:06
thomsonwould it be best to create all my partitions by booting from the gparted live cd first, or install windows and use the windows partition manager to create the windows partition then when i install ubuntu create the rest of the partitions?02:07
Shadow__XKB1JWQ, even without the hub the problem still remains02:07
thomsonthis is to dual boot btw02:07
jribbruenig: it's a packager's decision.  Presumably, it serves a purpose02:07
stillinb1taKB1JWQ:  drwxrwx--- 14 root plugdev 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 sib02:07
arandwoodworker: does it say anything more?02:07
bruenigjrib: the packaging guidelines tell you to do it though02:07
Shadow__XKB1JWQ, also this exact setup worked in 8.1002:07
bruenigthey tell you to stop daemons, etc.02:07
jribbruenig: only if you need to do something preremoval, sure02:07
stillinb1taKB1JWQ: chown: changing ownership of `/home/sib': Operation not permitted02:07
=== funcky1 is now known as hastig
bruenigjrib: no they say specifically that if it is a daemon, you must call it to be stopped. But this is silly, what if trying to stop it creates a nonzero exit?02:08
jribbruenig: that's a policy decision I bet, not a technical one02:08
woodworkerarand as soon as I hit connect button it pops up in the top right wireless network 1 - disconnected - you are now disconnected......... then the window disappears02:08
bruenignow I have to go jack around in /var, that is not user-friendly02:08
duvnellI just installed a sound card.. lspci shows it.. it's an older PCI Turtle Beach au8830.. the snd_au8830 module and its dependancies loaded by themselves at boot, but there are no alsa devices shown by aplay -L  ... what should I do next.. ubuntu 8.04 btw02:09
behnamjrib, bruenig, i renamed it, should i restart?02:09
bruenigjrib: it is a policy decision yeah. It is short-sighted though and they refuse to do anything about it. But whatever.02:09
mazda01KB1JWQ, I have tried that but I don't know all the mysql command to show privileges and create tables and whatnot. I'll keep reading I guess. I am sure I'll figure it out sooner or later. it'll just take me hours instead of minutes if you could tell me what to do. gotta go. thanks anyway.02:09
jribbruenig: it could handle failure more gracefully for sure02:09
KB1JWQstillinb1ta: Well duh.02:09
arandwoodworker: if you have the network preferences set-up and "connect automatically" enable you shouldn't need to use "connect to hidden"...02:09
bruenigeverytime I come in here, there is someone with that problem though02:09
KB1JWQstillinb1ta: It has to belong to its user if it's set as their homedir. :)02:09
bruenigbehnam: just remove the package now02:09
geent1join #flossk02:09
bruenigby the way, renaming it is the same thing as deleting it02:09
stillinb1taKB1JWQ: that's what the second error was.02:09
woodworkerarand...... yes they are, but I dont know why it isnt connecting02:09
bruenigas far as the apt-get remove is concerned02:09
behnamprobably completely remove it02:09
stillinb1taThe outpot of my attempted chown02:09
* KB1JWQ retreats to #postfix02:10
behnamcomplete removal?02:10
bruenigbehnam: probably doesn't matter02:10
bruenigbut sure02:10
arandwoodworker: I'm not really sure what to do, we could try doing some stuff in terminal, you got a terminal up?02:10
=== ThomasHC is now known as tcx
hastighow the f#$@ do you get the newest version of flash to work on 64 bit jaunty?02:10
woodworkerarand:  a what....... sorry I am a very green newbie02:11
Shadow__Xanyone know how to fix the problems i am having02:11
jribhastig: copy the libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ and restart your browser?  I assume you are using the 64bit version of flash02:11
KB1JWQmazda01: I'm sure I could set it up faster than you.  But doing it yourself 1. will teach you what you're doing better than having me do it for you, and 2. I don't recall you paying me to do your job for you. :-D02:11
arandwoodworker: menu  applications > accessories > terminal02:11
jribShadow__X: yes02:11
arandsudo iwlist wlan0 scanning essid ***02:11
hastigwhoops i meant JAVA02:12
Shadow__Xjrib, really that would be great could you tell me how02:12
hastig64 bit JAVA02:12
jrib!helpme | Shadow__X02:12
ubottuShadow__X: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience02:12
behnambruenig, jrib, ok, it removed, now i want to reinstall it.  because i need alsa to work.02:12
woodworkerarand:  thanks........ how do I know whether the mode on my wireless connection is infastructure or ad-hoc02:12
jribShadow__X: I have no idea what your issue is after reading what you said02:12
bruenigbehnam: removing and reinstalling a package is pretty silly02:12
bruenigjust so you know02:12
PaCcO`XS`help me pls02:12
behnambruenig: i figure it might have gotten screwed in the installation somehow?02:13
jribhastig: what is wrong with the version in the repostories that is painless to install?02:13
bruenigbehnam: probably not02:13
arandwoodworker: One thing that's I've found useful, just for poking the wireless to get it going is the command  "sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning essid ***" Where *** is your ssid02:13
woodworkerarand: I now have terminal open02:13
jrib!ask | PaCcO`XS`02:13
ubottuPaCcO`XS`: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:13
behnamyou think it probably just didnt work?02:13
hastigjrib there is a version in the repositories?02:13
jrib!java > hastig02:13
ubottuhastig, please see my private message02:13
PaCcO`XS`jrib my tar block zero02:14
jribPaCcO`XS`: your tar block zero? what?02:14
arandwoodworker: normally infrastructure, if you have an access point/router of some kind, not just a net setup between computers02:14
hastigjrib i meant sun java not iced tea02:14
PaCcO`XS`jrib can u expalin me please when i try tu tar zip file i have this message zero ...02:14
jribhastig: that's fine, read ubottu's link02:15
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jrib!pastebin | PaCcO`XS`02:15
ubottuPaCcO`XS`: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:15
woodworkerok....... it told me invalid scanning option02:15
woodworkerarand: ok....... it told me invalid scanning option02:15
soreauPaCcO`XS`: Pastebin the error message you're receiving02:15
sonyiki opo02:16
PaCcO`XS`nik ma vie m3akom02:17
thomsonis 8.10 capable of reading and writing from ntfs?02:17
jribthomson: yes02:18
arandwoodworker: hmm, does your network show up if you do just "sudo iwlist scan"02:18
jrib!english | PaCcO`XS`02:18
ubottuPaCcO`XS`: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:18
soreauwoodworker: What is your wifi listed as in the output of 'iwconfig'?02:18
genii!id | sony02:18
ubottusony: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia02:18
behnamjrib, bruenig, his audio was screwed, and i saw that bad package, what can i do?  i figure he needs that package for alsa to work.  i think alsa got screwed when he upgraded his kernel.  or mabye he went in and edited some files without knowing what he was doing02:18
bruenigit was probably the kernel update02:19
bruenigI don't know though, I don't use alsa02:19
woodworkerarand yea it says wlan0  network is down...... I was just using it in windowns02:19
jribbehnam: check if it works with the old kernel?02:19
woodworkersoreau I dont know what you mean....... I am very green to this ubuntu and linux thing sorry02:19
behnamjrib, bruenig, yeah maybe i should roll the kernel back?  sound did work on the previous version in grub02:20
soreauwoodworker: Ok, what are you trying to ultimately accomplish?02:20
=== Twilo|away is now known as Twilo
woodworkerultimately host a moodle site with my laptop booted from a usb bootable disk....... right now trying to get wireless network connection so I can access the internet02:21
behnamis it bad to roll the kernel back?  can i even do that?02:21
woodworkersoreau: ultimately host a moodle site with my laptop booted from a usb bootable disk....... right now trying to get wireless network connection so I can access the internet02:21
hastigjrib ubottu's message was unhelpful02:22
hastigthere is only 32bit sun java jre02:22
jribhastig: pastebin02:22
soreauwoodworker: Assuming you have no ethernet connection option and you're using wifi, what is your wifi hardware listed as in the output of 'lspci'?02:22
woodworkerarnd it also said interface does not support scanning then it said network is down02:22
hastigpaste bin what????02:22
jribhastig: more specifically, pastebin: sudo apt-get install the-package-ubottu-told-you-about02:22
hastigi just went to synaptic and found that it only came in the 32 bit variety jrib02:23
woodworkersoreau.... I do have ethernet available...... and I am not sure what the second part means.....02:23
jribhastig: that's not true.02:23
neko_hastig: what package02:23
hastigneko_: sun java jre02:24
jribhastig: see for yourself: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/sun-java6-bin02:24
soreauwoodworker: So why don't you just plug the ethernet cable into your laptop?02:24
neko_so your saying you need 64 bit sun java jre?02:24
arandwoodworker: try "iwconfig" to make sure we are using the right name for the wireless interface wlan0 or othewise02:24
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:24
neko_ok lets get oldskool02:24
woodworkerarand ok........ it says essid: " "02:25
thomsonshould i go with 8.10 or 9.04 ?02:25
neko_sun java jre 64bit jaunty02:25
jribthomson: 9.0402:25
neko_thats all you need to know there02:25
neko_you can even feel lucky if you like02:25
neko_first try btw02:25
jribneko_: ubottu already provided the answer02:25
woodworkersoreau because when I want to get on the net I dont want to be stranded to the cable, but it may come to that02:25
neko_jrib: which i spit out02:26
neko_ /made it spit/02:26
liculi'm looking for a job. can anyone help me?02:26
jrib!ot | licul02:26
ubottulicul: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:26
soreauwoodworker: Alright, so your drivers are probably working if 'iwlist scan' shows your AP02:26
jribhastig: were you able to install it?02:27
woodworkersoreau AP?02:27
Shadow__Xi just tried xev and imwheel -c and it doesnt detect my mouse's side buttons02:27
soreauwoodworker: Yes, AP = Access Point02:27
jribShadow__X: ubuntu version?02:27
neko_anyway anyone got nvidia and 1080p and flash working with zero tearing?02:27
arandwoodworker: so that would be a hidden w-l net.... and if you instead do "sudo iwlist ### scanning essid ***" where again ### is the name of your interface we got from iwconfig (standard wlan0 or ath0) and *** is the essid for your hiden network.02:28
jexdnon-ubuntu related question - if i want to get to somewhere like #zune, what server do i need to be on? just looking for guidance sorry this is the wrong channel02:28
Shadow__Xjrib, 9.04 except i wasnt having these issues untill i updated afew days ago02:28
woodworkersoreau :  all it shows is interface doesn not support scanning : network is down next to wlan002:28
hastigjrib still on it02:28
jribShadow__X: make sure evdev is getting used by reading /var/log/Xorg.0.log (don't know a better way)02:28
neko_jexd: all channels are on all servers; try #freenode for network support02:28
jribhastig: let me know if you have questions02:28
jexdneko: thanks. that answers it02:28
[rainman]can anyone help me02:28
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jrib!ask | [rainman]02:29
ubottu[rainman]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:29
arandwoodworker: ah, if that is what iwconfig says the drivers might, be troubling, would be my guess...02:29
soreauwoodworker: Ok, try bringing it up with 'sudo ifup wlan0'02:29
neko_jexd: np02:29
[rainman]im having a hard time connecting my ubuntu to a windows shared printer02:29
woodworkerarand when I type that in it give me > right below the line02:30
BePhantomsoreau, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up02:30
soreauwoodworker: Do Ctrl+C. You typed it in with an odd character, probably a stray ''02:30
soreauBePhantom: Doesn't ifup do the same thing?02:30
moymoy[rainman]: in your browser, try going to localhost:631/admin02:30
BePhantomsoreau, don't know :P02:30
arandwoodworker: hum, you should not use any quotation marks or parenthesis or otherwise in these commands02:31
soreauBePhantom: Well then why are you telling me... nm02:31
racecar56i'm using virtualbox ose and i have a problem, should i ask here or #vbox?02:31
racecar56and i didn't compile it myself, it was repos02:31
woodworkersoreau it says ignoring unknow interface wlan0=wlan002:31
woodworkerarand: I am out of that now02:31
hipitihopOceanic: yup removal of 2.2.4 and install of 3.0.2 of virtualbox went without hitch. thanks.02:31
woodworkerarand soreau : yes I did my ssid is Dan's02:32
soreauwoodworker: What is your interface listed as in the output of 'iwconfig'?02:32
Interphaseis anyone else here unable to load hulu vidoes in firefox with jaunty?02:33
soreauInterphase: Yea, why?02:33
Shadow__Xjrib, for some reason xorg.0.log seems to point that  it detects my mouse as being a 5 button when its a 7 button it has back and forward buttons02:34
woodworkersoreau: sorry again?  what are you looking for I have the sudo iwconfig up....... wlan0 is the only thing that has anything up02:34
Interphasesoreau, I was hoping to fix it02:34
soreauInterphase: Des youtube and other flash work for you?02:34
StrangeCharm__Interphase-  have you got flash?02:34
Interphasesoreau, yes, youtube and other flash works02:34
jribShadow__X: did you determine if evdev is being used?02:34
soreauwoodworker: Type 'iwconfig' without quotes in your terminal, press enter and pastebin the output02:35
woodworkerarand could my problem be my ssid having an "   '    " in it02:35
StrangeCharm__Interphase-  are you in the USA? What does the 'not working' look like?02:35
switch10_does anybody here use devede's gui to convert avi to dvd?02:35
soreauInterphase: Huh, that's weird. In what way does it fail?02:35
switch10_im trying it out now02:35
woodworkersoreau....... I can type them...... I am not on the same computer02:35
InterphaseStrangeCharm__, I am in California.02:35
Guest61010hi, I'm having issues with my sound, anyone able to help me?02:35
arandwoodworker: possible.02:35
InterphaseIt loads the whole page but the part where the video should be remains blank02:35
Shadow__Xjrib, yes i see things like this in the log (**) Option "xkb_rules" "evdev"02:35
Shadow__X(**) Mitsumi Electric Apple Extended USB Keyboard: xkb_rules: "evdev"02:35
soreauwoodworker: Ok, well just make sure it's in fact showing 'wlan0' or 'ath0'..02:36
dreamywhere is the ftp server home directory ?02:36
StrangeCharm__Interphase-  blank or black? what sort of menu do you get on a right-click?02:36
dreamyin linux..02:36
soreauwoodworker: Just tell us the interface names02:36
StrangeCharm__dreamy-  what ftp server are you using?02:36
dreamyi cant remeber .. tftphpa ?02:37
InterphaseStiletto, it is black like the black on either side of the video. I get a small menu when I right click02:37
jribShadow__X: it may say that but sometimes later say something went wrong02:37
dreamytftpd h** somth02:37
Interphase'copy, select all, view selection source, properties'02:37
arandwoodworker: then I think you'll have to use \' everytime you type the essid, to avoid the special meaning " ' " has in the terminal (bash)02:37
Interphaseproperties just yields 'Language: english"02:37
StrangeCharm__dreamy, check that. also, when you say 'home directory' are you referring to the directory that a user is given when they log into the server?02:38
woodworkersoreau:  lo    -   eth0  -   wmaster0   -       wlan0      -     pan 0       - is that what you want02:38
dreamyStrangeCharm__: i think used that when i had to set  a server to boot from lan im not shure if its the same02:38
arandwoodworker: hopefully it would not affect the configs in network-manager, accepting ' alright, but you never know...02:38
Shadow__Xjrib, so then what do you suggest me do02:38
dreamyStrangeCharm__: anywhere .. where the remote guest gets into02:38
soreauwoodworker: Yea, so wlan0 is in fact your wifi interface. Does 'iwlist scan wlan0' not work?02:38
woodworkerarand:  do i need to force the   '   in my network ssid when I set it up?02:39
StrangeCharm__dreamy, that's set on a per-user basis, often with a deafult. check your conf file, or edit the settings?02:39
Interphaseoi, anyone know anything about hulu?02:39
soreauwoodworker: Sorry, got that mixed up. It's actually 'iwlist wlan0 scan'02:39
InterphaseStrangeCharm__, it is black like the black on either side of the where the video should be02:39
Interphasethe menu is small, not like the normal one02:39
dreamyStrangeCharm__: i can only access trougth the browser usign ftp:// and the dir is empty02:39
dreamyno pass asked02:39
moymoyGuest61010: tell us what your problem is02:40
StrangeCharm__Interphase-  does the right-click menu indicate that you're clicking a flash object, or what?02:40
woodworkersoreau:  no it says unknow command 'wlan0' check iwlist -- help02:40
arandwoodworker: possibly, I really have no idea on that...02:40
soreauwoodworker: Yea, because I got it backward. It's supposed to be 'iwlist wlan0 scan'02:40
dreamyStrangeCharm__: where is a dir called pub ? you know ?02:41
StrangeCharm__dreamy, you'll have to log into the server, physically, or with ssh or similar to make those changes02:41
zcat[1]my gwibber has been broken for months now. 'unknown protocol' error on both twitter and identica nobody else seems to have the same problem. removing it, removing all the config and reinstalling doesn't seem to fix the problem. Anyone?02:41
lpsmithI've been having trouble that sporadically I lose sound and have to reboot to get it back02:41
lpsmithis there a way I can reset the sound driver in the kernel?02:41
woodworkersoreau interface doesnt support scanning:  network is down02:41
jigphello guys what is the best laptop builtin with camera that is very compatible to ubuntu9.04?is it ok toshiba?02:42
soreauwoodworker: Alright, try bringing it up with 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up'02:42
InterphaseStrangeCharm__, no, but when I 'view object source' it is all full of stuff about javascript needing to be enabled and flash installed02:42
KB1JWQjigp: Macbook Pro.02:42
StrangeCharm__Interphase-  because that's the default text that appears if you can't render the appropriate objects02:43
dreamyStrangeCharm__:  ok.. but then a question about somth a bit different , when doing ssh (ip name) on my local newtork i get no user name asked .. i just have to type a passwrord i dont know wich02:43
moymoyInterphase: are you using firefox? i've heard hulu having problems with firefox because of another browser that was spoofing as firefox they were trying to block02:43
Interphasemoymoy, yes, I am using firefox02:44
woodworkersoreau:  SI0CIFFLAGS: No such file or directory02:44
Interphasewhat should I try instead?02:44
ILMAN5oh no02:44
soreauwoodworker: Well that's not good. What is your wifi card listed as in the output of 'lspci'?02:44
ILMAN5its in Hebrew02:44
moymoyInterphase: could try epiphany-browser02:44
jigphello guys.is toshiba core2duo with builtin camera good for ubuntu9.04?all works?including webcam builtin?02:45
Zzeissjigp: well, Macbook Pro mostly works.  Suspend to disk works, but RAM hibernate doesn't (the video never unfreezes).  Nor is the video chipset supported in anything better than VESA mode.  (I know, I have one and have tried both the closed-source nvidia driver (may those ****wads burn in hell forever) and the open-source nouveau driver... neither works.  At all.02:45
switch10_hulu still works on my ff02:45
soreauInterphase: hulu's working here in FF on jaunty02:45
Interphasesoreau, what have you done to make that reality02:45
=== tinhtan_ is now known as nhanquy
kad_hey need help what is the name of the file where i can config the IRQ coz i got conflict between my sound card and ethernet! thx02:45
switch10_im on intrepid and my firefox hulu is fine02:45
switch10_just checked02:45
woodworkersoreau FireWire (IEEE1394): Ricoh Co Ltd R5C552 IEEE 1394 Controller (rev 01)02:46
soreauInterphase: Nothing really. Just installed flashplugin-nonfree, that's it02:46
soreauwoodworker: Is it an eeepc?02:46
Interphasesoreau, so did I02:46
StrangeCharm__dreamy you need to specify the username at the command, like ssh username@host02:47
soreauInterphase: Maybe a silly question, but did you restart FF since then?02:47
Interphasesoreau, I thought I did02:47
Interphasemoymoy, epiphany has the same problem02:47
soreauInterphase: Well try restarting it again maybe02:47
woodworkersoreau:  sorry hang on........ that is wrong.........   02:09.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corparation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)02:47
Interphasesoreau, I did, same problem02:48
InterphaseI have super adblock plus, but it is disabled on www.hulu.com02:48
soreauwoodworker: Ah, that sounds more like it ;)02:48
Interphaseand epiphany has the same problem as ff02:48
woodworkersoreau...... sorry new to this stuff02:48
soreauInterphase: Try turning off the adblocker to see if that's still causing the problem02:48
Seven-7I think something I've set in my network settings may be slowing down my internet connection, anyway to reset changes I've made?02:48
moymoyInterphase:  only hulu doesn work? what about youtube?02:49
Interphasemoymoy, youtube works02:49
Interphasealbiet, the buttons look a little buggy02:49
soreauwoodworker: That's ok. So you have a Broadcom chipset which should be using the bcm drivers.. but I don't know much more about them. I'm used to atheros chipsets. You can see which module it's loaded with 'lsmod | grep bcm' though02:49
Erekoseeasy question: which Ubuntu version is the latest LTS02:49
PiciErekose: Hardy Heron 8.0402:50
Erekosety Pici02:50
dreamyStrangeCharm__: :ok thanks02:50
woodworkersoreau: ok sure02:51
arandwoodworker: just a huch here... If you do "sudo ifconfig eth0" what does it say? (just to test if the error might be elsewhere) If there is no output that's cool.02:51
[rainman]after going in my browser what's next?02:51
kad_hey need help what is the name of the file where i can config the IRQ coz i got conflict between my sound card and ethernet! thx02:51
woodworkerarand:  it says nothing02:52
woodworkerarand:  just another prompt02:52
arandwoodworker: okay, good, no problem on that side then.02:53
woodworkerarand ok good scared me02:53
woodworkerarand:  guess I should read the whole thing02:54
Interphasemoymoy, StrangeCharm__ you guys out of ideas about hulu?02:54
moymoyInterphase: hold on.. lemme get on hulu to see if it works for me02:54
kad_indoes = files ?02:54
arandwoodworker: did you try soreau 's command? are bcm module active?02:55
Interphasemoymoy, I am going to reboot02:55
woodworkerarand nope didnt see that02:55
jwfoxjrif I want to take my wired interface out of the control of NetworkManger I should define it /etc/network/interfaces correct?02:56
=== neoteny is now known as dodddummy
woodworkerarand soreau that just gave me another prompt02:56
iamslangoI accidentally deleted my /etc/apache.d/ENVVARS file02:57
arandwoodworker: ok, so it found nothing, presumably the bcm module is not loaded then...02:57
iamslangowhere can I get the default one again/02:57
soreauarand: I wonder which driver is providing wlan0 then02:57
woodworkerI assume the vertical line is above the back slash on a US keyboard02:57
soreauarand: He probably needs to unload whatever that would be and probe the bcm module (the broadcom driver module is 'bcmxxxx' or it at least has bcm in the name, right?)02:58
soreauwoodworker: Yes, that's it02:58
woodworkersoreau the device is a bcm430602:59
rootlinuxusr_Why would I get "unable to connect a socket (Connection refused)" when trying to git the kernel?02:59
Interphasemoymoy, does it work for you?02:59
woodworkersoreau thanks02:59
rootlinuxusr_also, dude.02:59
owen1is there something like stickiness for an app? i open pidgin and it appears in all my tags (awesome window manager)02:59
soreauwoodworker: lsmod alone would show you all of the loaded modules. The '| grep bcm' means it's piping the output through grep and only showing you modules with the letters 'bcm' in it02:59
woodworkersoreau can you narrow that down there are hundreds of things03:00
nztal-has anyone successfully defined a network device in /etc/network/interfaces, removed network-manager-gnome, and continued using dnsmasq for local dns cache ?  when i do that myself, i can connected to my router, but i do not retain any internet connectivity.  anyone have any ideas ?03:00
woodworkersoreau: ok hundreds is an exageration but there are alot03:01
arandsoreau: bcm203x would be my guess, as to what provides wlan0, no clue... kernel usually means I'm way to deep in, above my head...03:02
soreauwoodworker: Since there is no output, that is suspicious since you in fact have a wlan0 interface. Try loading one of the broadcom drivers with 'sudo modprobe bcm3510'03:02
soreauarand: Since he says it's a bcm4306 I'm gonna go with bcm3510 for now ;)03:02
soreauMaybe I should google what it's supposed to be :p03:03
Mouse<man_in_shack> Mouse, cdemu may help you....anybody hear of this?03:03
woodworkersoureau it just gave me another pompt03:03
soreauwoodworker: No output usually means success. Now try again with 'lsmod|Grep bcm' and check 'iwconfig' for any changes03:04
motohI'm having an annoyance with Ubuntu mounting my PSP as a read only filesystem.03:04
soreauwoodworker: The G in grep is supposed to be lower case03:04
woodworkersoreau ok it shows what we just loaded03:04
KB1JWQmotoh: So remount it rw.03:04
motohKB1JWQ: how do I do that and how do I make sure it does it automatically in the future?03:05
rootlinuxusr_modify /etc/fstab.03:05
nztal-jwfoxjr, yes /etc/network/interfaces is where you'd define a connection without network-manager-gnome or say, wicd03:06
soreauwoodworker: Basically, I think ubuntu loaded the wrong driver for your hardware03:06
motohDidn't work.03:06
woodworkersoreau:  ok let me try to connect03:06
woodworkersoreau:  it still shows the same thing when I try to connect to hidden network - and it is set to connect automatically03:07
wfiuewfewHi! My machine just crashed of overheating --- running Ubuntu. Its cpu was at 50C before the crash. Any ideas why and what is the max acceptable temp?03:07
moymoyInterphase: yup.. it's working for me.. are you on 64 bit?03:07
Interphasemoymoy, no03:08
InterphaseI am downloading boxee03:08
Interphasehopefully that will d it03:08
FloodBot3Interphase: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:08
woodworkersoureau:  should I have installed bcm 4306 instead of bcm 351003:08
soreauwoodworker: Well go ahead and unload the driver module with 'sudo rmmod bcm3510' so at least you know how to do this03:08
Interphaselol, I guess I type too quickly03:08
matt444what is the command to see what partitions I have?03:08
woodworkersoureau - ok gone03:09
soreauwoodworker: Well here on my jaunty machine there is only bcm203x, bcm3510 and bcm597403:09
soreauwoodworker: So you probably need to figure out which module it's incorrectly loaded, rmmod it and then probe the correct driver03:09
shane2peruRichardYu, hey are you the same fellow that helped me this AM with the gnome-power-manager-inhibt03:10
woodworkersoureau:  would that be the bcm4306 or would that be another one03:10
RichardYushane2peru, sorry I am not the person03:10
Out_Coldcan someone direct me to steps to install while booted in another host? I want to install a new ubuntu distro on live cd into lvms03:11
shane2peruRichardYu, ok, sorry to bug you then. :)03:11
soreauwoodworker: That I cannot tell you directly. I'd have to do some research on google to find out which is the correct driver for your hw03:11
wfiuewfewany ideas about cpu temp?03:11
woodworkersoureau:  bcm4306 is non existant03:11
Shadow__Xjrib, any ideas and sorry to keep bothering you it just seems like not alot of people know what i should do03:11
soreauwoodworker: Here on my jaunty machine there is only bcm203x, bcm3510 and bcm597403:11
Interphaseok, update on the flash thing for me03:12
woodworkersoureau:  yea that must be all there is on mine03:12
jwfoxjrnztal - thanks - so tired of having NM flip-flop when I change interfaces on my laptop03:12
moymoyInterphase: it works for me on epiphany .. gonna try on firefox03:12
Interphaseall flash object in my firefox always start as a big gray box with a gray play sign03:12
Interphaseand I have to click it to activate them03:12
philwhen I try to use www.picnik.com the flash player doesn't work, is there a know fix for this issue yet?03:12
Interphaseperhaps this is the problem?03:12
motohNo luck, still read only even for root.03:13
soreauwoodworker: But more importantly, you have to figure out which driver is providing the wlan0 interface you currently have because it is the wrong one (whatever it is)03:13
oldude67Interphase, do you have the gnash loaded as well?03:13
woodworkersoureau:  ok any ideas03:13
shane2peruif I can't ssh into my box, and it is froze up, although it is working, then I'm pretty much locked out?03:14
jigphello guys what is the best? DELL or Toshiba (with builtin camera) for ubuntu?thanks03:14
soreauwoodworker: And with that, I will also tell you that you can press the up button in your terminal to get to previously entered commands03:14
nztal-jwfoxjr, i recommend wicd for laptops.  if your accessing different AP's its easier on dns changes, at least at starbucks, it doesn't interfere with the different setups like network-manager-gnome does.  if you lose connectivity defining your /etc/network/interfaces file, you might want to make sure you have a wicd deb handy, just to get you back online03:14
Interphaseoldude67, no, what is gnash?03:14
soreauwoodworker: But unfortunately I am out of further ideas03:14
Mousecdemu....anybody know of this?03:14
switch10_jigp  both are equally good03:14
arandwoodworker: I'm gonna have to go, now, sorry. Found something which might help at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=816191 but not sure, otherwise googling BCM4306 and ubuntu (or linux) might give you some hints...03:14
soreaushane2peru: What makes you think it's working? Didn't you just say it's frozen?03:15
oldude67Interphase, dont worry about it if its not loaded dont loaded it has its own issues with the adobe flash03:15
switch10_jigp  look into hardware03:15
soreauInterphase: gnash is a free implementation of flash03:15
jigpKB1JWQ Zzeiss : sorry my client is not beeping me hehehehe. MACBOOK PRO?what is the model and how much is that?03:15
woodworkerarand:L  thanks03:15
shane2perusoreau, right, because I was running rsync and the ext usb hdd is still flashing, so, must be it is writing to it.03:15
Mousecdemu....anybody know about this I was told it might help me with copyright protections03:15
shane2perusoreau, however it doesn't respond to the keyboard, or mouse03:15
soreaushane2peru: Sounds like you should reboot it03:16
PeddyMouse, what are you trying to do?03:16
arandwoodworker: You might want to take your issue to the forums as well, people there might know more...03:16
Mousemake a game work in wine03:16
shane2perusoreau, also I can't ctrl alt F#03:16
Interphaseok, something really isn't working03:16
Zzeissjigp, KB1JWQ: The one I have is the Macbook 13".  It cost me around $1600 but that was months ago.  It works, but as I said, not *everything* works.03:16
soreaushane2peru: Yea, reboot it03:16
shane2perusoreau, I would really like to finish the backup process though03:16
Mousesadly I lost the disks so I had to redownload them03:16
woodworkersoreau:  I found thishttps:   //help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff  but doesnt make a lot of sense to me03:16
Jonathan__hi all03:16
Interphasebecause ff wont' load flash videos on bbc.co.uk or boxee.com03:16
nztal-jwfoxjr, i believe under ordinary circumstances and some good examples its not too difficult to lose connectivty, at least on all interfaces, but i've had some trouble using a local dns cache which wont allow me to access the internet, but will allow me to access the lan, but it helps to have something as backup, in case of the unforseeable03:16
PeddyMouse, what game is it? there's a WINE app database, and it lists compatiblity with certain games.03:16
Mouseit's down03:16
Mousethe game runs it just dosen't recognize the disk in the system03:17
Mousethey said to come here and ask about that thing03:17
Mousesaid it might help03:17
manbreadjmany many thanks to everyone (esp oldude67, prince_jammy, a couple of others i forgot) for helping me get my netbook running again! after years and years of crashing windows systems, I never even knew one could find this kind of help out there. thanks again!03:17
PeddyMouse, yeah I know it's down, but google's cache still has a copy :P03:17
motohI'm umable to get this thing to be read/write.03:17
jigpZzeiss : MACBOOK is a mac os?not good for ubuntu?im really confused03:17
Mousewell i was just in #winehq03:17
=== Jonathan__ is now known as Gwynned
Mousethey said come here and ask about cdemu03:17
Mousesaid it's a kernel mod that might help me03:17
andreEstou com problemas03:17
shane2peruMouse, you gotta love that kind of run around. :)03:18
wahyui'm indonesia03:18
Mouseshane2peru, I do03:18
PeddyMouse, run 'winecfg'. have a look in the 'Drives' tab.03:18
wahyui'm little to speak english03:18
Mousepedy been there done that03:18
PeddyMouse, what exactly isn't working? it sounds like a more complex issue03:18
jigpZzeiss : does ubuntu 9.04 works on MAC BOOK PRO? and that MAC BOOK PRO has builtin camera?03:18
ctmjr!in | wahyu03:18
ubottuwahyu: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India03:18
Zzeissjigp: Macbook is the hardware.  Specifically, the 13" macbook aluminium unibody.  It works OK; it's what I run, but not perfectly (my previous ancient 3 year old Dell actually did somewhat better )03:18
Mousepeddy it just dosen't realize the disk is mounted03:18
oldude67manbreadj, your quite welcom03:18
MouseI try to play it and it says "insert disk"03:18
PeddyMouse, what game is it?03:19
MouseI even tried to start it from the disk and it said "insert disk"03:19
Mousetemple of elemental evil03:19
shane2peruMouse is this a wine problem not reading the cd?03:19
wahyuits the game03:19
switch10_jigp  dont buy a mac and put linux on it.  you will be wasting your money03:19
jigpZzeiss : with builtin camera on your MAC BOOK PRO?03:19
Zzeissjigp: It MOSTLY works.  The camera works.  But suspend-to-RAM does not, and video works only in basic VESA mode (no 3D graphics)03:19
Mouseif I knew I could fix it shane2peru sadly i am not sure03:19
Mousewine should be readin git03:19
Mouseit see's the disk03:19
shane2peruMouse, I mean wine doesn't see the disk?03:19
MouseI think it might be the game03:20
Mousewine see's it03:20
Interphaseok, does anyone else get this big gray box with a play symbol in the middle instead of flash objects?03:20
Mousethey said it might be a copyrigth protection issue03:20
ZzeissWell, the macbook hardware is nice.  Very solid.  Real metal (not Dell insta-shatter plastic) and a tempered-glass screen.03:20
woodworkersoreau:  I am running 'sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter'  currently unpacking and installing....... it just returned an error code03:20
shane2peruMouse, ahh, if you can get your hands on a XP machine and give it a try, that would eliminate the doubt of the dist03:20
Gwynnedinterphase , try downloading adobe flash player 1003:20
Gwynnedor reinstal using synaptic03:20
woodworkersoreau:  this info is off  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81619103:20
Mouseyeah I can boot up a vm03:20
InterphaseGWild, I DEED03:20
moymoyInterphase: try uninstalling whatever flash plugin you're using and download from adobe's website, that's where i got mine from03:21
Mouseor just boot into my windows drive03:21
MouseI will mess with it later03:21
Gwynneddid any message appear?03:21
Mousegoing to hang out with my buddies03:21
shane2peruMouse that would be your best bet, to be sure the disk is good.03:21
Zzeissjigp: you should search google for it, there's a web page in the forums all about it.03:21
Mousewell it installed properly03:21
Mouseso I assume it would be good03:21
Mouseplus I have the iso mounted03:21
Mouseand it still wont work03:21
FireVaihi everyone03:21
FloodBot3Mouse: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:21
rellikanyone know anything about grub?  I've been using the default grub setup since install, but I put a new SATA HDD drive in yesterday (and didn't change any of the existing (IDE) drives)...  Now when I boot I get grub's 'Error 15' which apparently means it can't find the file on the disk..  I've been looking through some potential solutions online but haven't gotten one to work for me =/ ...  anybody have any ideas?03:21
motohI don't know how to get my PSP to be read-write on USB connection to Ubuntu, can someone guide me a bit?03:21
Gwynnedotherwise , try sudo apt get-install sun java03:21
pkhanHey guys.  Anyone know how to determine which repo owns a particular package?03:21
philmoymoy adobe's site download doesn't work well either, still have the "play" button or blank screen when trying to use anything with flash03:21
FireVaii'm trying to get firestarter firewall to start at boot.. is there an rc command for that03:21
PeddyMouse, can I PM you?03:21
MouseI have the iso mounted and the disk burned and neither work03:21
FireVaithink it has to be started as root03:22
shane2peruMouse, hmm, that is odd, seems as though it should work then, unless the disk is corrupted after the install thing03:22
jigpZzeiss where are you? can you give me your laptop?hehehehe03:22
oldude67Interphase, my only issue i had was with gnash loaded once i uninstalled it my flash worked with adobe03:22
moymoyphil: really? have you closed your browser yet?03:22
Mouseshane2peru, yeah maybe03:22
philmoymoy many times, restarted computer, no avail03:22
shane2peruMouse, wine does see it though?  I remember reading some time back about wine issues with accessing the cd03:22
FireVaitried to add it to startup apps.. but its not starting at boot03:22
shane2peruMouse, could be an old issue though03:23
soreauwoodworker: ndiswrapper is a utility to use wifi drivers designed for windows, in linux03:23
Mousebut if it was an acccess issue then it wouldn't of installed tho right?03:23
Interphaseok, I just ran ff in the command line and got a shitton of errors03:23
woodworkersoreau:  is this code going to require an internet connection03:23
shane2peruMouse, how did you install it?  via command line?03:23
oldude67Interphase, pastebin them03:23
soreauwoodworker: What code?03:23
FireVaihi soreau03:23
moymoyphil: restarting the computer is not nessecary .. but you need to restart your browser everytime you install a plugin.. i don't know why it doesn't work for you then.. are you using FF?03:23
woodworkersoreau:  sorry again - idiot terms03:23
Mousenah gui03:23
Mouseshane2peru, I use the gui03:23
woodworkersoreau:  sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter03:23
shane2peruMouse, you can install via the command, but after that, accessing the cd for actuall usage, is another thing, and sometimes causes problems03:23
andreOi nicoAMG03:24
Flannel!br | andre03:24
ubottuandre: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:24
soreauwoodworker: Even apt-get install <package> requires a working internet connection. I recommend always having linux connected to the net03:24
jigpswitch10_ Zzeiss : im not the one who will buy it.my friend want it.we are 4 users of ubuntu here in davao city.havent seen any people who use ubuntu.1 female and 3 boys.im the one who maintain their ubuntu for free coz they are my friends03:24
nicoAMGhi andre03:24
philmoymoy I did restart the browser, even found an older version of flash player, my updates today included an adobe update, however still nothing03:24
soreauhi FireVai03:24
woodworkersoreau:  it tries but says uable to resolve host address03:24
moymoyphil: not even youtube works?03:24
soreauwoodworker: Right, because you're not connected03:25
woodworkersoreau:  should I try plugging in hard wire to router03:25
philmoymoy, not sure of youtube, haven't tried, will try now, and let you know03:25
soreauwoodworker: Yes03:25
Interphaseoldude67, http://pastebin.ca/149536303:25
jigpswitch10_ Zzeiss they want DELL, Toshiba L300 or IBM.they want laptop for ubuntu9.04 that builtin camera would work.i also suggested your opinions about macbookpro hardware03:25
iamslangono, but seriously, how do I get my /etc/apache2/envvars file back?03:25
switch10_jigp  i would buy a pc.  they are cheaper and work just as good.  just my opinion.  i own a mac as well.03:25
WormikHi! I have done compiling FireFox 3.5 (for x86-64), but all sites think that it is not Firefox, it is Shiretoko/3.5. How Ubuntu maintainers fix this problem when build 64-bit firefix?03:25
philmoymoy ok youtube works fine, must be just the www.picnik.com site03:26
motohI need some help figuring out how to mount my PSP read and write, and make it do so automatically in the future.03:26
Wormikmotoh, Ubuntu see this like flash drive03:27
sys_ragewhat's another huge channel on freenode? testing an irc client03:27
moymoyphil: weird.. all flash works well for me03:27
oldude67Interphase, down at the bottom of the corner of ff does it have a lego looking block there?03:27
philmoymoy are you able to access and run www.picnik.com?03:27
woodworkersoreau: ok I think I have a hardwire connection now03:27
Wormiksys_rage, press "list of the channels"03:27
soreauwoodworker: Try 'ping google.com' to find out03:28
rellikanyone know anything about grub?  I've been using the default grub setup since install, but I put a new SATA HDD drive in yesterday (and didn't change any of the existing (IDE) drives)...  Now when I boot I get grub's 'Error 15' which apparently means it can't find the file on the disk..  I've been looking through some potential solutions online but haven't gotten one to work for me =/ ...  anybody have any ideas?03:28
jigpswitch10_ Zzeiss : their parents there in canada ask them what to buy.and my friends ask my opinion which laptop to buy with builtin camera/wireless and is good for ubuntu9.04 and the rest version of ubuntu.i couldnt give exact information which one to choose...any idea?03:28
motohWormik: Yes, but I don't know how to make it write capable.03:28
Interphaseoldude67, sure does03:28
moymoyphil: yes03:28
woodworkersoreau:looks like it it is sending me stuff03:28
oldude67Interphase, click on it03:28
pkhanHey guys.  Anyone know how to determine which repo owns a particular package?03:29
legend2440rellik: http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/grub-error-15-debianubuntu/03:29
jigpswitch10_ : but they go from another places so they cant bring the pc because is heavy03:29
quesoIn Nautilus, how do I change the toolbar preferences? (I want to only have Icons, not Icons & Text)03:29
wirechiefi wonder why scanning the mirrors takes so long when you install ubuntu03:29
soreauwoodworker: That means it's working. Now you can 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' to get your system fully updated, and apt-get install anything else you might need03:29
woodworkersoreau:  yes firefox goes to internet now and connect to google03:29
Interphaseoldude67, I did, I get "Plugins in use: Adobe Flash movie (application/x-shockwave)03:29
oldude67Interphase, tell it to use the flash that you want and restart firefox03:29
switch10_jigp  pc is a laptop03:29
Wormikmotoh, try sudo mkdir /media/PSP && sudo chown your_username:users /media/PSP && sudo chmod 755 /media/PSP && sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 -o users /media/PSP03:29
woodworkersoreau how do I stop the ping03:30
WormikHi! I have done compiling FireFox 3.5 (for x86-64), but all sites think that it is not Firefox, it is Shiretoko/3.5. How Ubuntu maintainers fix this problem when build 64-bit firefox?03:30
=== arturo is now known as void_main
soreauwoodworker: Ctrl+C03:30
philmoymoy I just tried again, I can get the fist page working, but when I click on "get started now" this is what comes up.. a blue box, blank page and in the address box this: http://www.picnik.com/soint2?dest=/app&cdn=true&svc_parameters=&svc_user_parameters=03:30
wirechiefdoes it look for that fastest out of the many mirrors ?03:30
oldude67Interphase, its saying you dont have swf which is shock wave i believe.03:30
woodworkersoreau:  Thanks03:30
soreauwoodworker: Ctrl+C typically stops the running process in your terminal03:30
Interphaseoldude67, that doesn't make sense, about:plugins says I do have shockwave flash03:30
jigpswitch10_ like what kind brand of laptop that have wireless/builtin camera good for ubuntu9.04 and ubuntu versions03:30
nztal-jigp, i can't say what the best laptop for jaunty might be, i've got a HP g60-249wm though, and it works great in jaunty, wireless and web cam, everything else works too, sounds works as well.  only thing that doesn't work is the wifi light is red instead of blue.03:31
woodworkersoreau:  getting updates03:31
switch10_jigp  go to www.tigerdirect.com  and look03:31
nztal-jigp, but wifi is fully functional regardless.03:31
behnamhi, i came on here an hour ago, because there was  a package that i couldnt install or uninstall, so i removed its prerm, but i think i want it back?  i put the prerm back and i can't install that package again.03:31
oldude67Interphase, well looking at the pastebin you sent that is the flash it is looking for...did you click on it and restart ff and see?03:31
motohThat's a bit closer, now I get permission denied.03:31
nztal-jigp, i picked up a refurbished one and saved some money on it03:31
rootlinuxusr_Where could I find the list of supported Webcams for 9.04?03:31
woodworkersoreau:  What do I have to do to make sure everything I am doing saves - I am running on usb boot with 4.5 gb of extra space when created03:32
jigpswitch10_ nztal-Zzeiss - nice brand that works on ubuntu 9.04 and other version and not so expensive03:32
behnamjigp, i wouldnt buy from tigerdirect, they're super shady03:33
soreauwoodworker: You're joking, right?03:33
soreauwoodworker: You mean, you're in a live session?03:33
wirechiefmust be a fly in the bug pool03:33
Interphaseoldude67, it says that flashplayer-ins03:33
legend2440pkhan: open synaptic>settings >preferences>columns and fonts tab  select Component and repos will be listed03:33
switch10_behnam  ive been buying from them for about 10 years and ive had no problems what so ever03:33
Interphasetaller is installed03:33
Interphasedid I not activate it?03:33
woodworkersoreau........ yea...... I told arand that03:33
nztal-jigp, ooh ok.  i'm not sure.  i got mine in special again it was also refurbished.  so i'm not sure about others.  i took a chance, and everything happened to just work.03:33
oldude67click on it03:33
oldude67Interphase, click on it and try again03:34
jigpswitch10_ nztal-Zzeiss behnam i installed ubuntu9.04 in my friend LENOVO gt3000 and all works wifi.but no builtin cam03:34
woodworkersoreau:  is that a problem?03:34
behnamswitch10 jigp i hear they're super bad with rebates03:35
iamslangono one is ever going to help me with my issue, are they?03:35
switch10_behnam  everybody is bad with rebates.  that is the individual company's anyways03:35
pkhanlegend2440, thanks!  Exactly what I needed!03:35
bobohey guys, how do i install unreal tournament 3, i have the CD for it03:35
soreauwoodworker: Just to be clear, you're using a usb stick or a usb external hard drive?03:36
woodworkersoreau stick because that is what I have right now03:36
jigpswitch10_ nztal-Zzeiss behnam thanks for the tips guys :) good morning03:36
lstarnesiamslango: it's probably in the apache2.2-common package (it might have a different name)03:36
soreauwoodworker: and did you install ubuntu to it?03:37
woodworkersoreau:  I used cd live session to use usb creator and left 4.5gb of extra space03:37
soreauwoodworker: I don't really know how that works. If you installed ubuntu on it, it should save settings but if it's just a live session you're in, settings will be erased when you reboot03:37
soreaubobo: Get the loki installer03:38
ctmjrbobo, does it have the linux instsller on the disk if not you need to download it03:38
bobohow and where? ive tried googling it03:39
woodworkersoreau:  Well supposedly this will work according to another user I talked to today - noone told me anything else I had to do to make this persistant03:39
bobonah, they didnt do that this time03:39
moymoysoreau: woodworker, Ubuntu comes with a tool specifically made to turn use LiveCDs to make the USB bootable, and it offers a "persistent" mode that saves any settings and installed apps... sadly though, if you change system settings like user password, it won't work03:39
woodworkersoreau:  I got all the upgrades03:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ut303:39
woodworkermoymoy:  I have changed any of that stuff03:39
ctmjrbobo, http://www.blog.highub.com/linux/install-and-play-unreal-tournament-on-ubuntu/03:39
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:40
Interphaseoldude67, it is like it is defaulting to swfdeg03:40
Interphaseeven thought adobe flash is installed03:40
boboctmjr: yeah i actually have that one, but when it says to mount the disc it is mounted and it doesnt work so this makes me think that thats for the FIRST unreal tournament03:40
woodworkersoreau:  does this mean anything to you?   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBroadcom#miniPCI03:41
soreauwoodworker: yes..03:41
woodworkersoreau:  good..... looks like jiberish to me03:42
ctmjrbobo, yea sorry just noticed that too now i feel bad so will keep looking03:42
bobonah nah its fine03:43
alpha[]hello, i am wanting to install xubuntu on a machine that only has SCSI discs. How would I go about installing the OS (since I can't see the HDD's)?03:43
oldude67Interphase, i know i fought this for aout 3 days before i finally got it to work..i think i uninstalled all of it threw synaptic and reloaded it.03:43
soreauwoodworker: That's kinda old but according to that you need to use bcm43XX-fwcutter with the BCM43xx driver (you have a bcm4306 rev 03)03:44
behnamhi, my sound is broken, doesn't work.  what is the basic troubleshooting?03:44
InterphaseI uninstalled swfdec03:44
PhrogzUbuntu server with 2GB physical RAM, and (atm) 1.5GB swap. Right now it's only using 512MB real RAM (1.5GB free) and, of course, 0 swap. Is there any reason, really, that I should bump my swap up to 2GB?03:44
PhrogzNo, I will not be hibernating.03:45
woodworkersoreau:  I just ran 'sudo apt-get install bcm4306-fwcutter' - it came up and said reading package lists error03:45
motohOk, I can't change owner on the PSP now.03:45
Interphaseoldude67, that did it03:45
oldude67Phrogz,depends on how muchyou want to do at one time03:45
InterphaseI had to uninstall swfdec, which didn't work03:46
oldude67Interphase, great glad it worked03:46
soreauwoodworker: Is that exactly what it said?03:46
m0r0nUbuntu is saying that my Flash drive is a Read-Only how can I fix that03:46
alpha[]m0r0n, what filesystem03:46
iamslangolstarnes, thanks for the response. I tried reinstalling that package. it put everything back except the envvars file03:46
soreaum0r0n: mount it rw03:46
woodworkersoreau:   E: write error - write (28 no space left on device_ E: IO error saving source cache  - E: the package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened03:46
oldude67Interphase, so what did you do to get it?03:46
fusionxtci have a huge problem ivolving a corrupted file while trying to update can someone please help03:46
lordlimecatSo I have ubuntu 8.04 installed in a dual boot, and I want to A) remove it, B) install ubuntu on a secondary hard drive, and C) still have windows XP bootable off of the first drive.  What is the best way to accomplish this, assuming I do not have an XP install disk?03:46
Phrogzoldude67 - I'm just about there now. This server has all the processes running that it will have.03:46
soreauwoodworker: Looks like your out of disc space03:46
Interphaseoldude67, I don't remember installing it, I think it came standard03:47
m0r0nalpha[]:  What? Still new to this soreau: Mount it how? After I plug it in I do what?03:47
lordlimecatI assume that if i wipe out ubuntu + boot partition off of the XP drive, grub will stop working03:47
oldude67Phrogz, well then let it run03:47
alpha[]m0r0n, is it FAT32 or NTFS03:47
oldude67Interphase, probably03:47
soreaum0r0n: He asked what filesystem like ntfs, ext3, fat32 etc03:47
Phrogzoldude67: sound advice. Thanks :)03:47
m0r0nOh right. Um I believe I formatted it in NTFS03:47
woodworkersoreau is it possible to be out of 4.5 gb without intalling anything or did I make my other space to great?  I wonder if it didnt delete my .iso file when I created the usb boot drive03:48
alpha[]if ntfs sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /path/to/disk /localpath03:48
m0r0nalpha[]:  Scratch that, it says msdos03:48
Interphaseyay! hulu works03:48
boboctmjr: hey that is the correct one, but for whatever reason, the program doesnt want to see my disc03:48
Interphaseand this explains why epiphany didn't work either03:48
alpha[]uhm, that isn't a filesystem - i believe that's the mbr type03:48
fusionxtcdoes anyone know how to help me out? i would like not to reformate my hdd and lose everything03:48
m0r0nalpha[]:  I don't mind re-formatting it so if it must be done, by all means tell me how to do so03:48
alpha[]oh, sure03:49
woodworkersoreau:  when I go to places- 4.5gb media - it shows I have 1.7 gb free space03:49
alpha[]an easy way is03:49
oldude67Interphase, great glad to hear it03:49
alpha[]apt-get install gparted03:49
alpha[]and use the gui03:49
oldude67fusionxtc, whats wrong?03:49
salvadorflhello i have a question , i am using ubuntu 9.04 and i am unable to record my voice andy idea?03:49
soreauwoodworker: Do 'df -h' in your terminal. Here my install is 4.1GB03:49
boboctmjr: i found another site which mite work http://www.xantaz.net/ut-99/how-install-unreal-tournament-ubuntu (youmight not care, idc)03:49
fusionxtci tried updating and while i was updating the system i lost connection to the interent this cause a corrupted file and now ubuntu does not boot correctly03:50
wizzo_fusionxtc: What is your trouble?03:50
alpha[]hate to bug the people currently aiding others, but in case it wasn't read:03:50
m0r0nalpha[]:  I tried looking into Add/Remove for it but I didn't find it03:50
soreauwoodworker: I don't know why else you would be getting those errors, they are not very typical and have something to do with the filesystem somehow03:50
alpha[]hello, i am wanting to install xubuntu on a machine that only has SCSI discs. How would I go about installing the OS (since I can't see the HDD's)?03:50
wizzo_fusionxtc: Just reinstall ubuntu03:50
fusionxtcwhen ubuntu boots it goes to a DOS looking screen03:50
chachinim back bishes03:50
lordlimecatWhats the best way to go from a 1-drive dualboot to a 2-drive dualboot, during a fresh install?03:50
alpha[]m0r0n, use terminal sudo apt-get install gparted03:50
oldude67fusionxtc, try opening a terminal and typing in sudo dpkg --configure -a03:50
m0r0nYa it just finished03:50
oldude67fusionxtc, see if there are errors which there probably are03:51
soreaufusionxtc: Did you try to finish the update from the terminal?03:51
fusionxtchow do i open terminal i cannot access ubuntu correctly03:51
soreaufusionxtc: Booting into recovery mode03:51
fusionxtc(i am another computer using vista)03:51
woodworkersourea: says 4.3 gb size   2.6 gb used   1.7gb avail   61% used03:51
salvadorfldoes any body can help me with my sound card?03:51
soreauwoodworker: Well those errors mean something is definitely wrong with the disc or filesystem03:52
fusionxtcthe recovery mode didnt work, i tried using the fsck task but it didnt help03:52
soreau! audio | salvadorfl03:52
ubottusalvadorfl: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:52
soreau! work | fusionxtc03:52
m0r0nalpha[]: What should I format it to, I want both Windows and Ubuntu to read and write03:52
ubottufusionxtc: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:52
oldude67fusionxtc, run the the dpkg repair03:52
wizzo_salvadorfl: What is your trouble with your soundcard?03:52
alpha[]m0r0n, FAT03:52
woodworkersoreau:  great..... so that command is correct to get the bcm and should fix the problem?03:52
salvadorfli want to record my voice with the microphone03:52
soreaum0r0n: ntfs should be fine03:52
lordlimecatwouldnt ntfs be better for windows/ ubuntu partitions?03:53
salvadorfli cant record my voice03:53
alpha[]FAT is much easier03:53
m0r0nsoreau:  I don't have that option right now it's grey alpha[]:  FAT16 or 3203:53
alpha[]since it's a falsh drive..03:53
AzizLighthi everybody03:53
lordlimecatoh flash drive lol03:53
soreauwoodworker: Well that command is to install something that's supposed to assist you in getting the wifi working. I'm not familiar with it03:53
fusionxtchow do i run dpkg repair task if all i can get past is the grub loader03:53
alpha[]FAT32 if > 2GB03:53
alpha[]FAT16 if <03:53
soreaum0r0n: fat32 then03:53
Ali_nzif i am remotely logged into a ubunutu box, and for some reason I get disconnected, how do I reconnect to the same "session"03:54
oldude67fusionxtc, hit the esc key03:54
woodworkersoreau:  I dont have a problem booting to cd and formating drive and increasing space if that will fix the problem, but I dont want to continue to chase my tail03:54
oldude67and go to recovery03:54
fusionxtchold on one sec i have to reboot and go into recovery mode03:54
PhrogzAli_nz - google for persistent session03:54
oldude67fusionxtc, yes03:54
Ali_nzPhrogz: roger-ta03:55
soreauwoodworker: Well I'm not sure what else to tell you then but those errors look to be pretty serious. I/O errors typically something's wrong with the device where the filesystem resides03:55
philmoymoy I uninstalled the flashplayer 10, tried the "sudo apt-get install flashplugin..." and got message saying newest version is installed. that website will won't get past the ble box, when I right click on it, I get the flash menu, playing/autoplay etc.. but thats it.03:55
lordlimecatanyone have any advice to offer on getting a dual-drive, dual boot set up?  Transitioning from a single-drive setup...03:55
oldude67fusionxtc, when it boots up hit the escape key and go to recovery and hit dpkg repair03:55
oldude67before grub loads03:55
fusionxtcoldude67, ohhh yea ive done that before tho and also fsck03:55
woodworkersoreau:  how can I format usb drive when I rebot?03:56
soreauwoodworker: I have no idea03:56
oldude67fusionxtc, then go to where it says internet connect with root access and do a sudo aptitude safe-upgrade03:56
fusionxtcwell i re did it and is already done, its back to the recovery mode options03:56
woodworkersoreau:  Will you be on for a while? if I try this?03:56
soreauwoodworker: I don't know what you're doing and I'm about to go to sleep here in a few, but plenty of other folks will be and you also have google ;)03:57
fusionxtcdo you mean netroot?03:57
dp924I'm having a problem after a recent update on my laptop where the sound quits working at login, what log file should i look for?03:57
oldude67fusionxtc, yes03:57
soreaum0r0n: Please use a pastebin service, not pm03:57
woodworkersoreau:  alright thanks for the help03:57
AzizLightI'm trying to resize a video with ffmpeg using this command: ffmpeg -i input.avi -s 320x240 output.avi but I always get an error saying that the codec for the output stream is unsupported..something is missing in the command, can someone help me pleasE?03:57
m0r0nPasebin service?03:57
fusionxtcok its doin a task now03:57
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:58
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit03:59
woodworkeranyone know how to format a usb device in ubuntu?03:59
m0r0nI'm doing that right now woodworker03:59
fusionxtcok i did the sudo aptitude safe-upgrade and asked me a question04:00
switch10_woodworker  gparted04:00
fusionxtcill hit yes04:00
m0r0nI don't know how to do this pastebin thing sorry, but that's the error I'm getting04:00
woodworkerm0r0n:  care to help me out04:00
ScottGDoes anyone here know what script atpitool -S runs or what runs when it comes out of a suspend or hibernate? I want to be able to run some things when I hibernate/suspend and when I come out of hibernate/suspend.04:00
PHISHIEwoodworker: USE GPARTED04:00
woodworkerswitch10_:  what is the entire code - kinda of a newbie idiot right now....... I need spoon fed04:00
PHISHIEsorry about caps =p04:00
m0r0nwoodworker: I'm getting help from others right now but do this sudo apt-get install gparted04:01
switch10_woodworker  sudo apt-get install gparted     use the gui04:01
oldude67fusionxtc, thats a good guess yes for a safe upgrade04:01
switch10_the gui is really easy04:01
fusionxtcnow its doin tasks04:01
oldude67fusionxtc, sorry bathroom called04:01
m0r0nswitch10_: I'm getting an error, mind diagnosing it?04:01
ubuntuhay alguien que hable español04:01
switch10_whats the error04:02
oldude67!es | ubuntu04:02
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:02
woodworkerswitch10_  what do you mean use the gui you mean after getting the apt?04:02
=== PHISHIE is now known as phishie
m0r0nswitch10_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/218508/04:02
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)04:02
Out_Coldcan someone direct me how to do an install from inside an already configured buntu?04:02
oldude67!hi | deusr04:02
ubottudeusr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:02
woodworkerphishie:  did you go to onu?04:02
fusionxtcits done doin tasks now just reboot?04:02
phishiewoodworker: just type gparted on the command line04:03
oldude67fusionxtc, that would be a good start04:03
phishiewoodworker: onu?04:03
oldude67fusionxtc, good luck04:03
=== ubuntu is now known as leo
fusionxtceep i hope it turns out well ^__^04:03
woodworkerphishie:  nm I knew a kid that had that last name I went to college with04:03
=== leo is now known as leok0rn
deusrTell me about a version of Skype 2, which works with the modem speed stream? And where I download the older version?04:03
phishiewoodworker: oh lol not me04:04
jdoghacker /whois04:04
dp924how do i shut down the running xserver from command line?04:04
BankHeaddon't know04:04
jdoghacker / whois04:04
fusionxtcit booted up the same way :/ all i can do is input codes like as if i were in terminal04:04
deusroldude67, ubottu ?04:04
woodworkerphishie:  gparted on command line by its self will format usb device even when running from live session04:04
oldude67deusr, no im not a bot...lol04:05
m0r0nswitch10_: Figure it out?04:05
phishiedp924: crtl-alt+f2 then type sudo killall gdm04:05
dp924thanks a bunch04:05
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oldude67deusr, ubottu is a bot that has some usefull info..04:05
ChocoboA question, can usb startup disk creator be used for other distros?04:05
boboanyone able to play UnrealTournament 3 ?04:05
phishiewoodworker: oops didn't know you are on live soz04:05
switch10_m0r0n  sorry i dont know what that error means i havent seen it.  maybe try formatting it as ntfs, then to fat 3204:06
deusroldude67, ok!04:06
oldude67bobo isnt that a windows game?04:06
M4rotkuhey guys, is there a command that i can use to get the temperature of a dvd drive?  assuming it's /dev/dvd04:06
phishiedp924: ctrl-alt+f7 to get back to X though =o04:06
m0r0nswitch10_:  As if right now everything is grey, I can't do anything04:06
ChocoboCan usb startup disk creator be used for other distros?04:06
deusroldude67, Tell me about a version of Skype 2, which works with the modem speed stream? And where I download the older version?04:06
boboits linux too04:06
fusionxtcoldude67 what do you think i should do now??04:06
boboall the unreals are04:06
switch10_m0r0n  it froze up for some reason04:06
oldude67fusionxtc, did you reboot?04:06
phishieChocobo: I'm not sure about that, but a good alternative would be unetbootin04:06
deusroldude67, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=762992&highlight=skype+%2B+speedstream04:07
fusionxtcoldude67: yes it booted the same way as before04:07
linuxuser600bobo: I think you can in wine, I haven't tried it04:07
Chocobounetbootin always gives me troubles04:07
oldude67fusionxtc and that is what?04:07
oldude67duesr, have you tried google and or cnet?04:07
phishieChocobo: hmmm, I see... didn't give me problems though.04:08
woodworkerphishie no prob...... I am trying to install to a usb device in order to run a moodle site from my laptop, but it is my wifes and I can only run ubuntu when I want to host the site....... it is a college project....... so I am trying to get loaded to usb device, but we think there is a problem with the device so I am reloading it, but want to format first04:08
fusionxtcoldude67: it boots into a DOS looking screen, black backround with white text. i can input codes like if i were in terminal04:08
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:08
dp924what if root user is even denied access to user configurations04:08
Chocobothanks though, i believe i will attempt it again04:08
moymoyphil: sorry, i can't help you, since my flash has always worked perfectly for me04:08
fusionxtcoldude67: i can also log in with my user name and password, its like if gnome doesnt work04:09
bobo!unreal tournament 304:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:09
oldude67fusionxtc, how long have you waited for that screen to leave before? at one time i waited about 5 mins but i am on an older machine04:09
ctmjrbobo`that site did not work either?04:09
=== iamcalledrob is now known as iamcalledrob|awa
fusionxtcoldude67: i left it on over night before and it doesnt go away04:09
oldude67have you tried the comand startx?04:09
oldude67fusionxtc,  have you tried the command startx?04:10
fusionxtcoldude67: no i havnt i dont know much of the commands04:10
fusionxtcoldude67: in the grub loader there are at least 5 different ubuntu 9.04's to select from with recovery modes04:11
woodworkerswitch10_:  how do I run apt once gotten04:11
phishiewoodworker: I have not much experience on that, might need other's help on that04:11
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit04:11
UbuTheUbiHey, I lost control of some files.. They have a lock emblem by them.. How do i regain control im a linux noobie04:11
UbuTheUbiit says that nobody/nogroup owns them04:11
woodworkerphishie thanks......... just need to format usb device right now04:11
UbuTheUbiI really just want to delete the folder04:11
oldude67fusionxtc, start at the top see if it boots normal if you get a command prompt type in startx04:12
dp924Ubutheubi: sudo rm04:12
phishiewoodworker: but aren't you running on a cd? I think using gparted would allow you to format just the usb device04:12
UbuTheUbiplease be as specific as possible so i dont sudo rm my entire hd :)04:12
UbuTheUbiterminal scares me04:12
fusionxtcoldude67: i tried the startx command and it brought me back to my normal ubuntu!04:12
woodworkerphishie:  you can answer me this....... do I have to have the colon after the user name for it to pop up the message to a user?04:12
dp924ubutheubi: sudo rm -r (name of the folder)04:12
switch10_woodworker  do you mean how do you run gparted?  type in gparted into the terminal.  its also under system>admin04:12
oldude67fusionxtc, and it wont load?04:13
UbuTheUbiok that was pretty simple lol04:13
dp924that will completely remove the folder and everything in it04:13
phishiewoodworker: yeap lol04:13
woodworkerphishie:  yea I am runing a cd, my concern is that gparted will format my harddrive as well - not wanted04:13
fusionxtcoldude67: the startx made it load04:13
oldude67fusionxtc, now do updates04:13
fusionxtcoldude67: just now alot of things are screwed up04:13
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.04:13
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:13
phishiewoodworker: you gotta make sure you choose the correct partition04:13
oldude67fusionxtc, what do you mean screwed up?04:14
fusionxtcoldude67: what would u recomend me using for updates so i do not get another corrupt file04:14
phishiewoodworker: most likely the size would tell you that, just be very careful04:14
Out_Coldcan someone direct me how to do an install from inside an already configured buntu?04:14
woodworkerphishie:  how do I find that out?04:14
switch10_woodworker  if you're on a live cd, you already have gparted04:14
holliwhat repo is adobe flash located in 9.04?04:14
woodworkerswitch10_:  yea I found that out.......04:14
oldude67fusionxtc, you didnt get a corrupt file you got interrupted. there is a diff...04:14
fusionxtcoldude67: screwed up meaning my apps didnt start up like avant04:14
Ali_nzhas anyone here encountered Ubunutu locking up? as in not even mouse works?04:14
woodworkerswitch10_:  I am currently opening the gui04:14
fusionxtcoldude67: ohhh i didnt know that04:15
m0r0nAnyone want to help me figure out Pastebin04:15
oldude67fusionxtc, open terminal and type in sudo aptitude update04:15
m0r0nAfter I upload it gives me no link (Screenshot one)04:15
UbuTheUbii think the deletes working its just blinking04:15
hollim0r0n: you copy and paste the link in the address bar04:15
shane2peruok, dose anyone here have extremely slow sata issues, and does anyone know of a fix?04:15
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
jussi01!info flashplugin-installer | holli04:15
ubottuholli: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 176 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)04:15
UbuTheUbiit was  alot of files04:15
woodworkerphishie:  so typing gparted in terminal window would open the gparted gui?04:15
m0r0nholli: I recieve no link04:15
oldude67fusionxtc, then type in sudo aptitude safe-upgrade again04:15
phishiewoodworker: in gparted, on the top right corner is a dropdown list, you should be able to find your usb device, look at the size04:15
UbuTheUbihow long should it take to delete 40 + gb of small files04:16
Ali_nzhas anyone here encountered Ubunutu locking up? as in not even mouse works? is there a log I can look at to try and see why?04:16
oldude67fusionxtc, when you lose internet it can mess alot up when making updates04:16
hollim0r0n: it doesn't give you a link you copy and paste it out of the address bar of your browser04:16
phishiewoodworker: yes you gotta be root though, type sudo gparted instead04:16
woodworkerphishie: Yea is is sda204:16
lasehopesinyouuim trying to get my keyboard to work with the volume, it was working until i restarted. How should i go about syncing the two so it controls the volume04:16
shane2peruI have been running rsync all day long to sync 156Gb of data to my external hdd, is that excessive, I mean literally all day long 8+ hours04:16
fusionxtcoldude67: yes so it seems04:16
m0r0nholli: It doesn't redirect me anywhere04:16
m0r0nIt goes back to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add04:16
linuxuser600Ali_nz: I have when full desktop effects and wine and virtual box is running at the same time04:17
woodworkerphishie:  ok I am there...... it only shows usb as 4.23 gb when it is an 8gb though04:17
fusionxtcoldude67: right now it looks like it is now install updates04:17
lasehopesinyouuanybody have an idea?04:17
hollim0r0n: use dpaste.com04:17
oldude67fusionxtc, good let it go04:17
ctmjrm0r0n, did ypu type in your name in the from box?04:17
dp924ubutheubi: it will take a few minutes to delete 40 gb04:17
oldude67fusionxtc, no harm no fowl04:17
Ali_nzlinuxuser600: sounds like you ran outta resources?04:17
UbuTheUbisee i run this command 'sudo rm -r Ivory\ Items ' .. the folder in the desktop actually shows up as 'Ivory Items' but in terminal the closest i could find was '04:17
fusionxtcoldude67: hahah good ^__^04:17
UbuTheUbiwas' ivory items'04:18
lasehopesinyouuubuntu = massive easy04:18
UbuTheUbii mean 'Ivory\ items'04:18
hollijussi01: thanks, too bad the official documentation does not provide that04:18
phishiewoodworker: hmm another thing you can check is the amount of space used on it just to make sure04:18
shane2peruok, does anyone here have extremely slow sata issues, and does anyone know of a fix?04:18
UbuTheUbiwhy does it show up with the backslash04:18
linuxuser600Ali_nz: haha yeah, i was just saying thats the only time it happens04:18
Ali_nzthere must be a system log of what it was doing when it froze?04:18
UbuTheUbicool its gone04:18
UbuTheUbidp924: Thanks04:18
dp924ubutheubi: '\ ' is a space in the terminal04:18
UbuTheUbigot ya.. appreciate it04:18
dp924no problem04:19
m0r0ndp924: Ya holli:I need to show a screen shot04:19
navatwoguys I need help, I currently have no panel or any other desktop objects04:19
woodworkerphishie:  I am going to fomat on my windows based machine first then put back in and see what happens04:19
navatwohow do I reload them?04:19
hollim0r0n: shouldn't need to, ask someone to tell you the command-line equivelent of what you are doing04:19
shane2perunavatwo, press alt F2 and type, killall gnome-panel04:19
hollim0r0n: people will be able to assist you better with terminal output than a screen shot04:19
oldude67navatwo, what were you doing when that happened?04:20
fusionxtcoldude67: still doing updates, whats the est time for this just wondering?04:20
shane2perunavatwo, it should reload itself04:20
phishiewoodworker: long as you know what you are doing =)04:20
hollim0r0n: whats the problem?04:20
m0r0nThere is no output I'm not doing anything code related04:20
navatwoshane2peru: k04:20
=== brian_ is now known as brian__
bobosstupid ut3 and no loki installer04:20
oldude67fusionxtc, depends on how long it was down before it got all of them it should show you.04:20
m0r0nGParted, I can't format anything, it's all grey04:20
woodworkerphishie:  window= my friend compared to this ubuntu, but I am trying04:20
hollim0r0n: you must not understand, you can do absolutly everything for a command line04:20
shane2peruI have been running rsync all day long to sync 156Gb of data to my external hdd, is that excessive, I mean literally all day long 8+ hours04:20
navatwoits comming :) thanks shane2peru04:20
shane2perunavatwo, no prob04:21
PleceboWhat messages should I look for in dmesg when a hard drive is failing?04:21
navatwodang.. still missing my name + login stuff..04:21
fusionxtcoldude67: haha 23min as of right now04:21
ctmjrAli_nz, look in /var/log  ker.log sys.log04:21
phishiewoodworker: to me, ubuntu is much better woot!04:21
m0r0nholli: Partitoin - Unallocated  File System - Unallocated Size - 15.78GB Used -- Unused -- Flags04:21
woodworkerphishie:  The unfamiliar is scary04:21
hollim0r0n: im guessing your trying to install ubuntu?04:21
oldude67fusionxtc, idk if you are on a dialup or a cable or what..so everything will very04:21
Drekiis anyone havving trouble connecting to keyserver.ubuntu.com?04:21
Ali_nzctmjr: ta04:21
m0r0nholli: No, just re-format that flash drive04:22
fusionxtcoldude67: would you suggest me restarting after update is complete?  and would i have o restart using the startx command everytime?04:22
hollim0r0n: what file format?04:22
fusionxtcoldude67: haha it might as well be dial up its wireless dsl04:22
=== brian_ is now known as Brians
oldude67fusionxtc, no it should boot normal and it will tell you if it should reboot but my guess is yes.04:22
woodworkerphishie:  That is interesting gparted is recognizing a second partition on my hard drive, but didnt recognice the usb device04:23
hollim0r0n: type sudo fdisk -l to find out the device name of the usb drive, it will look like: /dev/sdb104:23
lasehopesinyouuanybody know how to get screens on top and bottom in compiz04:23
m0r0nholli: I may have got something to work, one sec04:23
Briansanyone have a good way to have kde and gnome both installed without the apps merging04:23
phishiewoodworker: hmmm it could be that stick is goners...04:23
oldude67fusionxtc, when doing updates try to do them on a day or time that it wont get booted...or you will have lots of problems.04:23
hollim0r0n: then: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1    <----where /dev/sdb1 is your device name04:23
hollim0r0n: and your done04:23
fusionxtcoldude67: gotcha  thats for the info ^__^ im just hoping now everything will runn smooth, whats the difference with 9.04 anyway?04:23
fusionxtcoldude67: totaly noteded04:24
woodworkerphishie:  I just bought it...... and had an istall of ubuntu on it alrealy04:24
oldude67fusionxtc, lots of new hardware and stability with it...and i m hoping next upgrade is even better.04:24
fusionxtcoldude67: very good, is firefox still kina unreliable and same with flash?04:25
moymoyBrians: the apps will always merge.. what you can do is open up alacarte to edit your menus .. but otherwise, you can try installing on another partition or on a virtual machine04:25
phishiewoodworker: hmmm if gparted can't recognize it, then I cannot be of more help. And I am very unfamiliar with fdisk command.04:25
m0r0nholli: Contains a mounted file system04:25
phishiewoodworker: try plugging it out and back in and run gparted?04:25
hollim0r0n: sudo umount /dev/sdb104:26
hollim0r0n: again, replace /dev/sdb1 with whatever your usb drive is04:26
woodworkerphishie:  I am trying that - it is recognized in my places04:26
oldude67fusionxtc, ff is doing good...flash is set...just load it like it says and should be good...but im an opera fan so...04:26
m0r0nholli: Command not found04:26
hollim0r0n: you spelled it wrong, tab completion is your friend04:26
fusionxtcoldude67: i liked opera too, but its hard from me to convert when i was used to ff for soo long04:27
hollim0r0n: is umount NOT unmount04:27
m0r0nWoops, I put unmount04:27
m0r0nholli: mkfs.vfat: Device partition expected, not making filesystem on entire device '/d04:28
oldude67ok one and all im out have fun and good luck...happy hunting...and m$ sucks...have a nice day...:D04:28
Drekifusionxtc: oldude: i could never get used to another browser... firefox has it all..04:28
m0r0nev/sdg' (use -I to override)04:28
holliholli: you have to specify a number e.g.: /dev/sdb <-- the usb drive, /dev/sdb1 <--- a partition on the usb drive04:29
holliholli: you have to specify a partition04:29
DapsI have Samba installed, any ideas why I can't open the shared folders on my windows machine over the network??04:29
phishiewoodworker: i can't figure out how else to help....04:30
woodworkerphishie:  well it just locked up on me as it was scanning the device, so I am rebooting and trying again04:30
phishiewoodworker: let's hope that helps04:31
m0r0nholli: Thank you very much04:31
woodworkerphishie:  no kidding I am heading into hour 11 here with this system...... getting fustrated04:31
hollim0r0n: no problem04:31
fusionxtcoldude67: thank you for your help04:32
m0r0nI know this is illegal, but breaking DRM on videos, can anyone nudge me towards how to do so?04:32
Ali_nzctmjr: I got a syslog but not sys.log???04:33
phishiewoodworker: wait a minute, you have windows running, you could try formatting that stick with it04:33
=== forrestv is now known as forrest
woodworkerphishie: already did that04:33
hollim0r0n: if you are having trouble playing some media, you likely just lack codecs04:33
hollim0r0n: i recommend vlc because it comes with all the codecs you could ever need04:33
woodworkerphishie:  just now, do I not need to run gparted after doing that?04:33
holli!vlc | m0r0n04:33
ubottum0r0n: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs04:33
Ali_nzctmjr: and I have a kern.log and a kern.log.0 ??04:33
m0r0nholli: VLC say's it's DRM encoded04:34
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phishiewoodworker: wind0ze prolly broke it =S try it again? because i did that before and it worked04:34
woodworkerphishie:  well it just showed up on my desktop in ubuntu04:34
m0r0nholli: Actually, nevermind, it's a wmv and it's like bright coloured pixles all over the screen04:35
ctmjrAli_nz, well look in them and see if they have the info you need04:35
Ali_nzctmjr: will try - they are big files!!04:35
phishiewoodworker: nice04:35
woodworkerphishie:  I know right baby steps04:36
ctmjrAli_nz, should be close to the bottom04:36
Ali_nzyer they are04:36
phishiewoodworker: sorry but i gotta ask, but what was it that you wanted to do again?04:36
PleceboWhat messages should I look for in dmesg when a hard drive is failing?04:36
CoJaBo-Aztecm0r0n: DRM?04:37
m0r0nCoJaBo-Aztec: Just the fact that it's a wmv04:37
m0r0nI think that's screwing me over, what's a good converter?04:37
Pleceboor could someone take a look at this dmesg output and tell me if they can see why my had drive keeps dropping out of my raid array: http://pastebin.com/m4273cedd04:37
woodworkerphishie:  Install a usb boot.....persistent...... so I can host a moodle site, but I am using my wifes laptop therefore she doesnt want me to instal on harddrive, the goal is to host a moodle site with this when I boot from usb drive - it is a college project..... only need available when I want04:38
CoJaBo-Aztecm0r0n: Colored mess tends to mean its DRM.04:38
m0r0nCoJaBo-Aztec:  Oh, in that case, what should I do?04:38
woodworkerphishie:  Ok...... I got it in gparted...... It is showing 7.11gb fat32...... do I need to do anything 2 other partitions of 376mb04:39
CoJaBo-Aztecm0r0n: Demand a DRM-free version.04:39
CoJaBo-Aztecm0r0n: Where did you get the video?04:39
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phishiewoodworker: i gotta say i have no knowledge of a persistent usb boot, was never successful anyway. You may need 2 partitions in that usb drive though. read up how to do the persistent boot first before you start formatting...04:41
woodworkerphishie:  seems to me the 9.04 has the usb creator built in and shold work as long as you create enough extra space04:42
phishiewoodworker: yeap but that would be non persistent if you runt that as itself, if that hasn't changed.04:42
phishiewoodworker: runt/run*04:43
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:43
woodworkerphishie:  it shows in the creator..... I just crated 6.3gb of extra space for storing of documents and settings:=/ that is what it said..... whether it works I dont know04:44
phishieoh thanks jussi01!04:44
phishiewoodworker: try following the link ubottu gave above. that should work04:44
ctmjrm0r0n, alot of vids downloaded from torrent sites are junk files never meant to play just waste your bandwidth and time04:44
m0r0nFun fun fun.04:44
phishiewoodworker: of course follow the persistent version though04:45
yijuncould anyone tell me sabayon user default password04:45
woodworkerphishie:  yea it says it should be persistent04:46
phishiewoodworker: sounds great04:46
CoJaBo-Aztecm0r0n: Yeah, its a virus.04:48
m0r0nCoJaBo-Aztec: A virus from isohunt? Hmph. Are you sure? Nothing on Windows nor Ubuntu has been affected04:49
CoJaBo-Aztecm0r0n: 99% sure. It relies on the fact that MS-DRM service allows them to open a page in IE.04:49
mistergibsonI lost my desktop sound effects, anyone else run into this?04:49
nsadminis there a better way than "sudo bash"?04:50
TTxTdoes anybody know what architecture should I use for a AMD Sempron 2500+ with apt-build?04:50
inruinHi everyone!04:51
inruinim new to ubuntu and the linux os04:51
inruinI have read a bit on th gnu lic04:51
linuxuser600inruin: welcome to linux04:51
nsadminI'm telling someone they need to get logged in as postgres04:51
inruinand the freeware movement04:51
phishieuh huh04:52
Voidhola mongolitos04:52
fusionxtcso if anyone was reading before04:52
inruinthanx is that a bit?04:52
inruiner a bot?04:52
m0r0nMy printer keep getting a print command, but I never sent one04:52
CoJaBo-Aztecm0r0n: Most of them are just the same clip with a wide variety of names uploaded to tons of torrent sites, and most of them install at least Seekmo.04:52
fusionxtci did the update to fix how it was booting up04:52
fusionxtci now just re-entered ubuntu using the startx command04:52
TTxTdoes anybody know what architecture should I use for a AMD Sempron 2500+ with apt-build?04:52
nsadminnow THERE is a name for a bot!04:52
fusionxtchow do i get the computer so that i do not need to use the startx comman04:53
linuxuser600inruin: im a persom04:53
inruinso i booted ubuntu from my usb and the partition sizing went wrong04:53
inruinoh sorry04:53
inruin there04:53
m0r0nCoJaBo-Aztec: I never got a virus from isohunt this is a first. I guess they are slacking on security now04:53
linuxuser600 inruin: hi04:53
bobtthi i installed winxp and ubuntu and i tried downloading a file and it says my disc is full04:53
inruinHI! hehe04:53
nsadminfusionxtc: you don't have to use X... you could stay at the command line04:53
bobtthow can i check my partitions?04:54
phishiefusionxtc: a quick guess would be set the runlevel to 3?04:54
inruinI have the SAME QUESTION AS BOBTT04:54
inruinsorry for the caps04:54
fusionxtc phishie: what do u mean runlevel to 3?04:54
nsadminare the ubuntu runlevels different?04:55
[R]bobtt inruin: df04:55
fusionxtcphishie: what do u mean runlevels (newbie here)04:55
inruinim newb whatis df?04:55
[R]inruin: if you dont know waht a program is, you should read it's man page04:55
fusionxtcphishie: using the start command it tries to boot up now but it just stays at a blank screen04:55
fusionxtcphishie: it worked before.. :/04:56
inruinok I just had a question about partitioning04:56
phishiefusionxtc: for runlevels info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel.04:56
rudi_use gparted04:56
phishiefusionxtc: you just ran the startx command?04:56
bobtthave i incorrectly installed ubuntu?04:57
NerosHey... Anyone here able to help me get my tethering to work?04:57
fusionxtcyes and now it tries to boot up but just shows a blank screen04:57
Joe_to enable CUDA on the GTX 260 I have to use the 185 drivers?04:57
inruinok thanx rudi04:57
phishiefusionxtc: you may have changed the xorg config by any chance?04:58
Joe_tus10nxtc what's the problem?04:58
rudi_no problem04:58
Joe_ fusionxt: using two GPUs by chance?04:58
binarymutantwhat's the channel for Ubuntu One?04:59
karatekickz I installed swiftfox but it fails to start shows up in the tray and hangs can anyone help my firefox and shiretoko both work fine can anyone help?04:59
fusionxtcphishie: not that i know of, all i tried doing was updating the systems when my internet connection got interrupted and the install failed04:59
fusionxtcphishie: ever since then i havnt been able to boot correctly or at all04:59
bobtti cant install gparted theres not enough space lol05:00
bobtthow can i fix the problem?05:00
phishiefusionxtc: try booting ubuntu into recovery mode and 'try fixing' the xorg config from there. not sure if it will work, but that's the easiest i could think of no05:00
mook_ello people05:01
Nerosbobtt whats going on?05:01
phishieello mook05:01
fusionxtcphishie: thats what the guy before kinda wanted me to do05:01
NerosI think I may know whats up05:01
mook_um kinda needin help or a miracle one you choose05:01
Joe_ fusionxt: I had a problem like that (boots to a blank screen), I use two GPUs and found in Xorg.0.log it couldn't determine which was the primary card, just putting the busid in xorg.conf fixed it for me05:01
owen1 I have 'exec wbar & awesome' in .xinitrc.  i only see the wbar app in one of the monitors. how to make it show on the other as well. (i have X in each).05:01
bobttneros i installed winxp then ubuntu, let it manage the partitions and i think it might have messed up05:01
bobttit's apparently already run out of space05:02
fusionxtcphishie: then using the start command i was able to access ubuntu then i ran sudo aptitude safe-upgrade and then restarted the computer05:02
TarantulafudgeHey guys I'm having an issue. My executable file is in the same directory, but when I do ./server_linux it says No such file or directory...05:02
mook_bob thats the way i did it but im runing the nvidia 7300 gt05:02
fusionxtcphishie: the guy left that was helping me and when rebooting it didnt fix the problem05:02
[R]Tarantulafudge: what does 'ldd' say about the binary?05:02
Joe_Taran... chmod +x server_linux05:02
fusionxtcphishie: i just tried the fsck task in recovery mode05:03
bobttis there anything i can do to fix it?05:03
phishiefusionxtc: i'm afraid i can't think of anything to help but Joe_ might be able to help you on this if you have 2 GPUs05:03
Tarantulafudge[R]: it just says "not a dynamic executable"05:03
[R]Tarantulafudge: what does 'file' say about it?05:03
scribe05printing problem here. I can't print and my printers are not showing up in printer lists in such things as open office.  I try to print there and I only have generic printer listed.  Just this morning it was different05:03
Nerosanyone here a pppd god? Thing is I'm tethering my BlackBerry storm over bluetooth... I got the chat files and stuff off the ubuntu wiki and now when I do sudo pon verizon the phone connects but no network access but on the device it says Modem Mode Enabled. sudo poff causes it to go off...05:03
Tarantulafudge[R]: server_linux: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped05:03
fusionxtcphishie: im using vista on this computer right now05:04
Tarantulafudge[R]: I can read the file fine, I just can't run it05:04
[R]Tarantulafudge: read it?05:04
[R]Tarantulafudge: its a binary...05:04
Tarantulafudgelike with vim and cat05:04
nw-bhello, is it possible to connect a NAS HDD trough ethernet port at the same time I am accessing internet wirelessly?05:04
TarantulafudgeI can see that its there, and the data05:04
[R]Tarantulafudge: and uname -a?05:04
mook_how do i save my xconfig in a terinal ?05:05
TarantulafudgeLinux u15354299 #1 SMP Mon Jun 15 08:04:18 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:05
Tarantulafudgecould the 64bit be the problem?05:05
phishiefusionxtc: hmmm... I'm out of ideas.... *shrugs* im so sorry....05:05
[R]Tarantulafudge: do you have 386 glibc installed?05:05
fusionxtcphishie:sorry got disconnect05:06
Tarantulafudge[R]: I don't know, this is a fresh install of 8.0405:06
fusionxtcphishie: how would i switch a runlevel if that is the problem at hand?05:06
[R]Tarantulafudge: sounds like you probably don't05:07
Nerosso anyone here got dialup working in ubuntu :P mine connects but all my applications dont think theres a net connection05:07
Tarantulafudge[R]: so what should I do05:07
phishiefusionxtc: no that shouldn't be the problem, and i do realize that i can't do much to help you... i'm so sorry05:07
Tarantulafudgeinstall glibc386?05:07
fusionxtcphishie: thanks for try ^__^05:08
[R]Tarantulafudge: that might be a start05:08
Ali_nzi can swap a ubunutu hdd into a new pc and boot without reloading right?05:08
Dr_WillisAli_nz:  ive had mixxed succes with doing that.05:09
Dr_WillisAli_nz:  issues may be the video card and perhaps sound card.05:09
phishiefusionxtc: i try to help, but i'm no pro lol. i'm sure someone in here has the solution05:09
nw-banyone knows how to make the ethernet port work on an offline LAN network, while accessing internet wirelessly?05:09
nsadminbe careful... the ubunutu tribe does not like ubuntu... if you see a spear coming at you, duck!05:10
mazda01ok, im back. i have been up and down the darn wiki (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP) and i can not get phpmyadmin to work for the life of me. please help05:10
NerosI'm tethering my BlackBerry storm over bluetooth... I got the chat files and stuff off the ubuntu wiki and now when I do sudo pon verizon the phone connects but no network access but on the device it says Modem Mode Enabled. sudo poff causes it to go off...05:10
woodworkersoreau:  I got this stuff working....05:10
Ali_nzDr_Willis: yer well it aint workng so i think your right05:10
fusionxtci just dont know who would help me out, i feel like im being anoying but i cant find anything outthere05:10
soreauwoodworker: Cool05:11
Tarantulafudge[R]: I found a package for teamspeak instead05:11
SnakDocmazda01 you saying http://localhost/phpmyadmin doesn't work ?05:11
moymoyi mounted an sftp server on Gnome and it displays an icon on my Desktop .. but where does the sftp server actually mount to?05:12
woodworkersoreau:  reformat .... reinstall... download b43 package and add network!!  we are in business thanks for the help05:12
nw-busser, hello, I received help from you a couple of days ago on how to make a lan network between two computers using an ethernet port and a router, I dont know if you remeber me05:12
woodworkerphishie:  thanks for the help too05:12
[R]moymoy: ~/.gvfs05:12
ussernw-b, yea i remember something like that05:12
mazda01SnakDoc, correct. I am getting a weird popup about me saving or opening a phtml file. and yes, I have installed the libapache2-mod-php5 package and ran sudo a2enmod php5 and restarted apache2. any other thoughts?05:12
SnakDocmoymoy mount should either be /media or /mnt05:12
hellis22 /msg nickserv identify Gr3/-\tZ05:13
phishiewoodworker: np at all, i just hope i didn't waste your time05:13
moymoy[R]: i thought that was only for smb mounted shares.. ls'd ~/.gvfs but it was empty =\05:13
Neroshelliss22 lol05:13
LordLandonhellis22: you should change that now, probably05:13
fusionxtcJOE_ : could you help me out with this boot problem?05:13
[R]moymoy: its for evfertyhting virtual gnome mounts... and its not mounted if its empty05:13
woodworkerphishie:  nope it is all a learning experience, and this certainly has been one of those05:13
SnakDocmazda01 give me a min see what i can find for you took most my ideas away05:13
NerosAnyone here good with pppd?05:14
NerosI cant get it working right in 9.0405:14
mazda01SnakDoc, i know. I have been trying to solve this for the last 6 hours. reinstalling packages etc etc.05:14
phishiewoodworker: ^^05:14
Joe_fusionxt: Do you use multiple graphics cards?05:14
nw-busser, the thing is that now, I need to reconfigure it just to work with a NAS HDD via a offline router. Do you think you can help me? if you have time, I will give more details on pastebin05:14
fusionxtcthe computer is a laptop so im affraid not05:14
ussernw-b, whats an offline router?05:15
moymoy[R]: it's mounted.. i can access the files and perform tasks.. but the directories are empty?05:15
moymoy[R]: the .gvfs directory i mean05:15
nsadmina router that's on standby? not active? not passing traffic?05:15
nw-busser, I have a wireless router, but I do not have an ethernet port with internet connection. I only receive internet via wireless05:15
mazda01SnakDoc, nevermind. i just needed to clear firefox's cache. it's working. sorry05:15
nw-busser, that is what I mean with an offline router05:16
fusionxtc Joe_ : the computer is a laptop so im affraid not05:16
ussernw-b, right and your pc is sharing the wireless connection to the rest of the devices right?05:16
Joe_fusionxt: hmm, can you get to a command prompt?05:16
SnakDocmazda01 lol i just had something i was going to get you to try :P05:16
nw-busser, yea05:16
[R]moymoy: and you're sure you are doing the ls as the correct user?05:16
SnakDocmazda01 glade to see its working05:16
ussernw-b, whats up with the NAS then, is it on the same wired network the rest of the devices are?05:16
fusionxtcJoe_ : when i boot the computer it goes to a DOS looking screen, i can input commands like if it were terminal05:17
nw-busser, yeah05:17
mazda01SnakDoc, yeah me too. i was racking my brain. now I am trying to clean up a music library that spans 2 drives but there's duplicates. i am using fslint. have you ever used it?05:17
ussernw-b, but you cant access it?05:17
Joe_fusionxt: ok, look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if any errors show in there (EE)05:17
nw-busser, do not know how to configure it05:17
ussernw-b, the way i remember it you had to give everything a static ip, we set it up with right05:17
soreauwoodworker: no problem, glad you got it working05:17
SnakDocmazda01 no sure haven't was looking for something to do that :P lol just never got around to it05:18
nw-busser, well, it was
ussernw-b, those kinds of devices usually have a setup page, that you can access through you browser05:18
fusionxtchow do i look at it tho, just using the command prompt itself?05:18
nw-band for windows05:18
nw-busser, and for windows05:18
ussernw-b, im assuming NAS wants to receive the ip automatically but it cant or gets from your router, the router gives out ips from subnet05:19
fusionxtcJoe_ : how do i look at it tho, just using the command prompt itself?05:19
Joe_fusionxt: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE05:19
ussernw-b, you can either give the NAS the static ip or change your router settings to give out ip from range05:19
Joe_fusionxt: that should spit out any lines that have an error in them05:19
fusionxtcJoe_ : when i put it into the line for the code it said permission denied05:20
Joe_fusionxt: put sudo in front of it (will ask for password)05:20
nw-busser, I setup my NAS drive to work on on port 2405:20
ussernw-b, what i'd is temporarily disable the static ip on your windows box, see what ip router gives it, then if its 192.168.1.something go to your routers web page, usually and change the ip range that it gives out05:20
fusionxtcJoe_ : ohhhhh05:20
ussernw-b, NAS should be on the same subnet ie,
ussernw-b, if you can somehow change on the router to 192.168.0.something you should be set05:21
nw-busser, ok, I think I can make it happen05:21
nw-bthen I can access the drive via web browser?05:21
nw-busser, then I can access the drive via web browser?05:21
moymoy[R]: i'm doing ls as root on for the .gvfs directory on all the home folders05:22
nw-busser, I used to access the drive via Network connections, Windows Network, etc etc etc05:23
ussernw-b, no, if you give it ip from range it should work as before, what im saying NAS's routers etc all have some sort of config page that you can access from a browser05:23
fusionxtcdoesnt seem to be working05:23
[R]moymoy: only the user that owns the directory can ls it05:23
fusionxtcsudo /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:24
fusionxtcJoe_: /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:24
fusionxtcJoe_: sudo /var/log/Xorg.0.olg     correct?05:25
fusionxtcJoe_: log^^05:25
mazda01anyone know how to use fslint to remove all duplicate across 2 folder locations but keep a copy from one of the folders?05:25
Joe_fusionxt: cat /vat...05:25
nw-busser, ok, I see05:25
SETKEHusser: Not all NAS drive have a config page acessable through a router I have a buffalo linkstation and u have to install there software to manage it not use a browser05:25
fusionxtcJoe_:  cat/vat what is that?05:25
nw-busser, I am going to try, if I get problems, can I bother you again?05:25
Joe_fusionxt: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:26
Joe_fusionxt: cat is a command to display what is in the file05:26
fusionxtcJoe_:  ohhhhhhhhhh :P sorry05:26
richardcavellcat concatenates - joins together other files05:26
shaullxanyone have a script that displayes my sys info for xchat?05:26
sagredoyo yo yo what up greets all. I used the command umount /media/mydrivename and now when I plug the usb in/out the icon of the extenal HD does not show up. How can I get that to show up again?05:26
richardcavellsagredo: Plug it in and type mount /media/mydrivename05:27
richardcavellactually, sudo05:27
richardcavellsudo mount /media/mydrivename05:27
sagredomount: can't find /media/culp in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:27
sagredosudo mount /deb/sdb105:28
sagredomount: can't find /deb/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:28
richardcavellsagredo: is it plugged in05:28
fusionxtcJoe_:  sudo cat/var/log/Xorg.0.log    no such directory ?05:28
sagredorichardcavell: it is plugged in and on05:28
Joe_space between cat and /05:28
richardcavellsagredo: might need to mount it properly again05:28
fusionxtcJoe_:  yea i did05:28
sagredorichardcavell: how05:28
Joe_fusionxt: it will probably be long, but at the bottom there should be an error (if not use cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | more)05:28
fusionxtcJoe_:  ohhh wait05:29
shaullxanyone have a script that displayes my sys info for xchat?05:29
richardcavellie mount /dev/sdb /media/mydrivename05:29
mazda01fusionxtc, it should be; sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log. you're missing a space between cat and /var/05:29
richardcavellreplace sdb by whatever your drive device name is05:29
mazda01shaullx, which system info do you want to know?05:29
fusionxtcJoe_:  lol mazda01 got it05:29
mazda01anyone know how to use fslint to remove all duplicate across 2 folder locations but keep a copy from one of the folders?05:29
fusionxtcJoe_:  yes it ran thrrough the log05:29
shaullxcpu gpu hdd uptime stuff like that05:30
fusionxtcmazda01: lol thanks i just figured it out im an idiot05:30
PhrogzRunning postfix on ubuntu I get "501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax" for "RCPT TO: !@phrogz.net". Anyone know what config option I need to change to allow ! as an alias?05:30
Joe_fusionxt: was there any errors in there?  normally they start with (EE)05:30
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fusionxtci see (II) (--) (**) i do not see any (EE)05:31
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shaullxmazda01 u have any?05:31
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fusionxtcunless i can scroll up05:31
fusionxtcJoe_:  unless i can scroll upwards to see all the log05:31
sagredocan someone tell me the command05:31
mazda01shaullx, not really. i am asking what kind of info are you curious about?05:31
mazda01anyone know how to use fslint to remove all duplicate across 2 folder locations but keep a copy from one of the folders?05:31
Mikey^fusionxtc,  cat /var/log/Xorg.0/log | grep (EE)05:32
moymoysagredo: i'm gonna pm you05:32
sagredoin order to see what linux is doing when I cycle the connection an external usb hard drive05:32
shaullxmazda01 i told u cpu gpu hdd uptime stuff like that05:32
sagredomoymoy: sounds good05:32
Joe_fusionxt: put | more after the command05:32
Mikey^fusionxtc,  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep (EE)05:32
fusionxtcwas that key?05:32
fusionxtcwhats that key?05:33
Mikey^just run that05:33
shaullxso anyone have a sys info script for xchat?05:33
NerosI'm tethering my BlackBerry storm over bluetooth... I got the chat files and stuff off the ubuntu wiki and now when I do sudo pon verizon the phone connects but no network access but on the device it says Modem Mode Enabled. sudo poff causes it to go off...05:33
mazda01shaullx, no sorry. I know how to retrieve it all seperatly I think.05:33
NerosI'm tethering my BlackBerry storm over bluetooth... I got the chat files and stuff off the ubuntu wiki and now when I do sudo pon verizon the phone connects but no network access but on the device it says Modem Mode Enabled. sudo poff causes it to go off...05:34
fusionxtcJoe_:  syntax error near unexpected token ('05:34
Joe_fusionxt: try this, "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then do "pastebinit -i /var/log/Xorg.0.log" if it works should give you a URL, type that here (will put that log file on the internet so we can see it)05:34
gabe I'm trying to get help with vnc server. I've got it installed and ready to receive incoming connections, I've disabled the firewall in my PC and router and I still can't connect to the desktop computer. However, I can connect from the desktop to my lapton and both are in the same network. What's going on?05:34
Mikey^fusionxtc, why wont you try what I said05:35
shaullxit would've been alot easier with mirc >>05:35
Mikey^that will get you only the errors in the xorg log file05:35
FloodBot3cah_batang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
fusionxtcMikey^: i did try but it said here was a syntax error05:36
=== cah_batang is now known as cah
fusionxtcand the pastebinit command didnt work05:36
Mikey^fusionxtc, cat Xorg.0.log | grep EE05:36
gabe I'm trying to get help with vnc server. I've got it installed and ready to receive incoming connections, I've disabled the firewall in my PC and router and I still can't connect to the desktop computer. However, I can connect from the desktop to my lapton and both are in the same network. What's going on?05:36
mazda01gabe, have you forwarded the correct port in your router to the internal ip of the comuter you have the vncserver running on?05:36
Mikey^that should work05:36
gabeI haven't modified IP addresses... I only disabled the firewall on my desktop and the router. I can connect from desktop to laptop but not from laptop to desktop05:38
anesthesiaAww man...the harry potter movie (came out tonight) was already leaked at http://unitedworldcharity.org/Harry ...why must people ruin it?05:38
fusionxtck give me a sec05:38
fusionxtcMikey^: it tells me there is no such file or directory05:38
Mikey^get into /var/log05:39
fusionxtcit just says that its a directory05:39
Mikey^fusionxtc, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE05:40
fusionxtcwhat the hell is that thing in front of grep and after .log05:40
gabeI haven't modified IP addresses... I only disabled the firewall on my desktop and the router. I can connect from desktop to laptop but not from laptop to desktop05:40
Mikey^fusionxtc, just copy and paste it in your termina05:40
bullgard4[Irssi] '/connect irc.gimp.org' obtains: "Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.gimp.org port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:]" although ~/.irssi/config does not include the address What is the reason?05:41
Mikey^fusionxtc, its the pipe,05:41
noMasterhello. how I can switch off GDM autorun. What file I should edit?05:41
fusionxtci cant i can not access ubuntu, when my computer boots up it goes to a DOS looking screen05:41
fusionxtcim on another computer05:41
Mikey^noMaster, that is only possible if you are running ubuntu server edition05:41
fusionxtcas you type on this chat im typing into a terminal looking screen on my computer that does not work05:42
Mikey^I have tried it do it on ubuntu desktop edition but gdm just starts always.05:42
Mikey^fusionxtc, you can find that symbol along with \05:42
fusionxtcnothing starts on the computer05:42
Mikey^based on my keyboard layout05:42
Mikey^shift + \ = |05:43
noMasterI have installed Sugar Desktop Enviroment, and I need boot it from "Init 3". Is it possable?05:43
Mikey^but again thats based on your keyboard layout, just look for it on your keyboard05:43
noMasterI mean command line only05:43
Mikey^noMaster, no, gdm starts for all runlevels05:43
fusionxtcMikey^: now it says failed to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)05:44
Mikey^fusionxtc, there you go, thats your problem05:44
noMaster:( but thanks anyway05:44
Mikey^noMaster, try the server edition if you really need it05:44
Mikey^or goole05:44
dash_im getting errors about compiling drivers with a different version of gcc tyhan i comiled the kernel with05:44
Mikey^google :)05:44
fusionxtcMikey^: cools, ^_^ but how do i fix it when i cant access the computer05:44
dash_Linux version 2.6.28-13-generic (buildd@yellow) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) ) #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 22:12:12 UTC 200905:44
dash_gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4)05:44
Mikey^fusionxtc, what version of ubuntu are you using /05:45
dash_Driver "Realtek rtl8187" specified for installation.05:45
dash_Your current GCC version doesn't match the version your kernel was compiled with.05:45
dash_The build modules will probably not load into the running kernel.05:45
fwaokdaI've edited my ID3 tag info in rythmbox for my albums but when I've loaded them up in my Zune player on my windowsxp in vbox they're not changed... anyone know why? is there a plugin for rythmbox that can fix this for me?05:45
fusionxtcMikey^: i was using 8.10 and when trying to do the update to 9.04 all of this started to happen05:46
lstarnesdash_: what is the output of "gcc -v 2>&1 | grep version"?05:46
Mikey^fusionxtc, Oh05:46
mazda01anyone aware of how to get brasero from being the default action when I insert a blank cd-r? i have already checked nautilus preferences within media. everything still says, Ask what to do05:46
Mikey^fusionxtc, X was working fine on 8.10 ?05:46
fusionxtcMikey^: this is because an interruption in my internet causing the computer not to install the update correctly05:46
dash_gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4)05:46
dash_lstarnes ^^05:46
=== theonesym is now known as dominoman
Mikey^fusionxtc, you can continue the update, just type sudo apt-get upgrade05:47
fusionxtcMikey^: i had no problems what so ever intill trying to do this update05:47
lstarnesdash_: that looks like the right version of gcc05:47
fusionxtcMikey^: yea the last guy trying to help me told me to do sudo aptitude safe-install05:48
Mikey^fusionxtc, did you do that?05:48
fusionxtcMikey^: ok now its done05:48
fusionxtcMikey^: but its still saying the X driver EE05:48
fusionxtcsays 1 was not upgraded05:49
raygntrying to write a script that will pass a value to the passwd command05:49
fusionxtcMikey^:says that 1 was not upgraded05:49
Mikey^fusionxtc, do you have an Xorg.conf file ?05:49
Mikey^check in /etc/X11/05:49
safruhanihi, i use 8.10, oftenly see a process called "phy0", what does it do?why it is processing oftenly?05:49
mazda01anyone aware of how to get brasero from being the default action when I insert a blank cd-r? i have already checked nautilus preferences within media. everything still says, Ask what to do05:49
fusionxtcMikey^: i do not know what that is05:49
Mikey^fusionxtc, do ls /etc/X11/Xorg.cong05:50
fusionxtcMikey^: it says it is a directory05:50
fusionxtcMikey^: ok05:50
Mikey^fusionxtc, do ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:50
dash__lstarnes i just got booted for some reason did you respond?05:50
fusionxtcMikey^: says no such file05:50
bazi am trying to allow myself and userB on my desktop to be able to read and write files and folders to my ~/Pictures folder. I set the ownership of ~/Pictures as baz:userB (user:group) but when userB copies files into it those perms aren't respected and locked from me. How do you go about setting this up properly in linux?05:50
lstarnesdash__: nothing after sayinf that you appear to have the right version of gcc05:51
Mikey^fusionxtc, do this aptitude search nvidia05:51
dash_what should i do05:51
dash_i tried just compiling the driver itself05:51
dash_i got the same errors as i did in that compilation05:51
dash_am i still in here?05:51
FloodBot3dash_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:51
dash_i disconnected just now05:51
quizmeui/pygtk/python-gtk.sh: line 6: 12598 Segmentation fault      python "$IES4LINUX"/ui/pygtk/ies4linux-gtk.py  <--- what does this mean ?05:51
^EinsteinI'm having a discussion in #bash with some folks about screen and its arguments. What's changed about the behavior of the -R option in the Debian upstream repositories? It seems screen -R 1 2 3 tries to execute 2 without even checking for another instance of screen.05:51
quizmeshould i update my python ?05:51
Mikey^what is shown near nvidia-glx, do you see i or p ?05:51
quizmetrying to get IEs4Linux installed05:51
bullgard4[Irssi] '/connect irc.gimp.org' obtains: "Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.gimp.org port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:]" although ~/.irssi/config does not include the address What is the reason?05:51
inruindid rudi_ split?05:52
safruhaniand also this process "phy0" spends more system resources than lots of others...05:52
woodworker alright guys......... 9.04 used usb creator added 6.4 gb of space, changed some settings, and it isnt persistent......... all settings gone.... please help05:52
fusionxtcMikey^: it doesnt show either just EE then the description05:52
Mikey^fusionxtc, let me pm you05:53
bazhow do u give 2 users r/w access to a folder so that new files and folders created in it respect that access?05:53
ajax_I just got a new video card. Where can I find out if it is supported in the newest version of Ubuntu?05:53
raygnanyone now how to pass in a value to the passwd command05:53
raygnin other systems you can use --stdin but ubuntu does not have this option05:54
talltomWAis there a irc channel that would have information about how to get involved in development of ubuntu05:54
QrawlHello.  My Java stopped working .  How can I fix it05:55
cattellaris there a way to move up/down the menu's on gnome menu?05:55
safruhanicattellar: you can add these menus to the panel (which can move up/down)05:56
SnakDoci had idea jw if anyone has tried something like this was wanting to have 2 flash drives pluged in and running software raid 1 but be able to umount it and take one with me and use it on other pcs05:57
lwellstalltomWA: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#Channels05:57
woodworkerne one able to help.... have usb install of 9.04 and rebot lost all of my wireless settings?  obriously not persistent........ used usb creator05:57
safruhanicattellar: alt+f2 alacarte05:57
cattellarsafruhani, but thats not what Im looking for ... i want for example move the Wine menu to the bottom05:57
cattellarsafruhani, alacarte is not letting me move the menus05:57
SnakDocwas thinking maybe just sync ever hour in a cron job would be best05:57
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safruhanicattellar: yes u are right, i don't how ...05:58
safruhanicattellar: there is an alphabetical order05:59
cattellarnot really05:59
cattellarwine is on top05:59
cattellaras well as a new menu i created06:00
zarakolik_TÜRKÇE BİLEN BİRİ YOKMU!!06:00
dash_im missing sha.h htmac.h rc4.h aes.h...what should i get?06:00
fwaokdaCan anyone tell me of a plugin to work with rhythmbox that will allow me to edit my id3tags of my music?06:01
Dr_Willis!find sha.h06:01
raygnok just did "apt-get upgrade passwd" and now the whole system is being upgraded06:01
ubottuFile sha.h found in libcameleon-ocaml-dev, libcrypto++-dev, libgloox-dev, libgnet-dev, libnettle-dev (and 11 others)06:01
Dr_Willis!find aes.h06:01
ubottuFound: synaesthesia06:01
dash_im missing sha.h htmac.h rc4.h aes.h...what should i get?06:02
Dr_Willisdash_:  note the package listing the bot just gave to the 'find' commands...06:02
inruinthats a brain condition right ubottu?06:02
Dr_WillisFile sha.h found in libcameleon-ocaml-dev, libcrypto++-dev, libgloox-dev, libgnet-dev, libnettle-dev (and 11 others06:02
woodworkerhow do I make a usb install of 9.04 persistent06:03
QrawlHello.  My Java stopped working .  How can I fix it06:03
inruinwill gparted work while on windows vista?06:03
Dr_Williswoodworker:  i normally follow the guides at pendrivelinux.org - it works 'better' for me then the usb-creator tool does.06:04
dash_libcrypto! hurrah! my problems are solved! praise #ubuntu!06:04
Dr_Willisdash_:  i think the 'aptfile' command can also make that task easier06:04
cattellarQrawl, go to #java06:04
Dr_Willisor was it apt-file?06:04
raygnQrawl did stop in the system with GUI, browsers or both06:04
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install apt-file06:05
Dr_Willis!info apt-file06:05
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0 (jaunty), package size 25 kB, installed size 172 kB06:05
Qrawlraygn, it just stopped working . gui app06:05
Qrawlone day it was working , the next day no06:05
Qrawlraygn, I'll do more research on the web06:06
raygnhave you tried a website that uses java to see if those work06:06
Qrawllike what06:06
woodworkerDr_Willis:  I have already done usb creator........ ne ideas how to get this to be persistent ... lost all my wireless setting in reboot06:06
Dr_Williswoodworker:  did it save OTHER settings?06:07
Rob235hmm i thought i installed firefox 3.5 final but it still comes up as shiretoko, is that still a beta/06:07
Qrawlraygn, ty06:07
Dr_Williswoodworker:  and as i said. i have had much better luck with the directions on teh pendrivelinux page. ive notived the persistant stuff does not always work properly (for example with the nvidia drivers, it fails to make a proper xorg.conf for me)06:07
micahcan anyone please tell me how to update my video and graphics card?06:08
Qrawlraygn, yes that works06:08
woodworkerDr_Willis:  I dont believe I changed anything else......... it idint save my update to the drivers for the wireless card06:08
inruinI need some help partitioning my vista so I have mor space for my ubuntu06:08
lstarnesRob235: it's still firefox 3.5, but without the official branding06:08
woodworkerDr_Willis:  do you think it could just be a problem with the presistent in general or is there something I need to do?06:08
Qrawlraygn, I found a website that lists what to do.  I'll try that out06:09
Dr_Williswoodworker:  thats an issue i had. was that updated driver/configs did not get properly saved..  Try making some changes and see if it does save them.. ie: wallpaper, make some docs. so forth.06:09
raygnok cool06:09
inruinI am not sure  installed ubuntu correctly it seems all the installs i try to load on it get directed to my usb flash drive06:09
micah can anyone please tell me how to update my video and graphics card?06:09
woodworkerDr_Willis:  Damn that could be a pain in the butt06:10
Dr_Willisvideo AND graphics? :)06:10
nsadminmicah: turn the power off, pull the old card out, plug the new card in06:10
Dr_Williswoodworker:  no idea on the exact issues.. I DO know when i installed the nvidia drivers.. i had to tweak /etc/rc.local to   force the system to use the  proper xorg.conf06:10
micahno i dont have a card im look for an update i can download06:10
micahi dont have a nvidia driver06:11
nsadminif you've never done this, be CAREFUL you don't damage the slot06:11
inruinhelp please06:11
Dr_Willismicah:  everyone is stareing at you  wondering what you are really asking.. please clarify what you are wanting todo exactly.06:11
nsadminhe wants nvidia driever06:11
inruinget direct x06:11
mazda01inside System, Prefs, Removable Drives and Media, the media tab is missing in jaunty. anyone please help06:11
CHC apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS3206:12
micahlol sorry im new to all this, my games run slow and are glitchy and apps randomly close and someone said i need to pdate my graphics card06:12
CHCwhat do you think i should do about this?06:12
CHCi installed tshark and this happend :/06:12
micahi have a..... VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]06:13
fwaokdaanyone have slingplayer(slingbox) working under VirtualBox ???06:13
=== cpd is now known as bleah
woodworkerDr_Willis:  do you think those tweeks are the same for a bcm driver?06:15
micahany? help?06:15
raygnany scripters here that could help06:15
raygntrying to pass a value to the passwd command from a script06:16
Ali_nzif i am reinstalling ubuntu to a disk that has a existing installation, is there anything special I need to do?06:16
khelvanHello, I have a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000, and the logitech software for Windows allows me to do things like easily edit the white balance, color balance, add interesting effects such as sepia and black & white, and other fun features. Are there any webcam programs for Ubuntu (I'm on Jaunty) that do similar things, preferably with a GUI interface?06:16
micahAli_nz you have to install it on a fresh disk06:16
Dr_Williswoodworker:  no idea  - i dont recall trying the presistant save usb on my laptops.   i just had one made yp for my desktop as a 'rescue' system06:16
Ali_nzmicah: sure, but dont need to format the disk clean first?06:17
Dr_Willisraygn:  you could use the 'expect' scripting tool for that..06:17
Ali_nzmy install seems to be hanging just after where you pick english, then new install06:17
raygnis it command or gui06:17
micahAli_nz i dont really know i asked the same question once and thats what someone told me06:17
Dr_Willisraygn:  other then that.. not sure. 'scripting  password command' on google  may have better suggestions06:17
Dr_Willisraygn:  expect is an OLD SKOOL scripting tool06:18
Dr_Willis!info expect06:18
ubottuexpect (source: expect): A program that can automate interactive applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5.43.0-17 (jaunty), package size 308 kB, installed size 628 kB06:18
sparrHow does Update Manager know when an update requires a reboot, and how can I see that information when doing "apt-get upgrade"?06:18
raygnthis is the first passwd command I have seen that does not have a --stdin option06:18
micahany one here specialize on graphics cards?06:18
bazhow do i share my pics folder with another user on the same ubuntu box?06:18
raygnfor scripting it in a shell script06:18
Dr_Willisbaz:  you could set the permissions/modes on the directory to  somthing less locked down. (i forget the exact #'s to use)06:19
Dr_Willisbaz:  or make a public dir that all people can read/write to.06:19
bazDr_Willis, i tried setting it to me as owner and my gf as group owner but when new files are added they dont respect those perms06:19
Dr_Willisbaz:  shomthign ive rarely had to mess with.   mode 664 i think let other users access them.. Id have to double check06:20
bazDr_Willis, so it works greats for existing files but if i copy a new file in there it gets the perms baz:baz rather than inherit from its parent baz:adriana06:20
bullgard4[Irssi] '/connect irc.gimp.org' obtains: "Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.gimp.org port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:]" although ~/.irssi/config does not include the address What is the reason?06:21
Dr_Willisbaz:  644 let me copy stuff from my wifes home dir to my own.06:21
Dr_Willisbaz:  to create a file you set the modes on the directory  to like 77? i think06:21
miles_Does anyone here know a lot about using WUBI?06:22
miles_I want to use EXT4 as the default filesystem.06:22
LacobFWhy is Synaptic so jammed up whenever I reload?  It's just "Converting" for ages...06:23
mazda01inside System, Prefs, Removable Drives and Media, the media tab is missing in jaunty. anyone please help06:23
LacobFExample: Convert: cdparanoia 3.10.2+debian-506:23
miles_I have downloaded the daily cdimage for Karmic, and have tried to run WUBI.EXE from there.06:23
Dr_Willismiles_:  i honestly reccomend using virtualbox instead of wubi.  I see dozens of people in here with wubi issues every week.. and basically.. not a lot of peopel  who use ubuntu and know stuff.. use it.. so its hard to get support on.06:23
Flannelmiles_: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support, thanks.06:24
mazda01LacobF, have you tried to pick a server that's close to you instead of the default ubuntu server?06:24
Dr_Willismiles_:  karmic support in #ubuntu+1 also.. and i would DEFINATLY test it in virtualbox.. not a real system06:24
Dr_WillisAm i the only one that *shudders* when a someone starts a question  with "Im using Wubi and......"06:25
LacobFmazda01: no, let me try that06:25
Rob235ugh, why doesnt firefox 3.5 remember anything? it doesnt ask to remember passwords and i guess isnt saving any cookies06:28
jerbearI have my root filesystem encrypted (done by the installer). Does anyone know of a location where I can put a keyfile to unlock it automatically? I realize the security risk. This is temporary.06:28
The_Warlockanybody installed e17 on jaunty?06:28
fwaokdaI just installed amarok but now I want to get rid of it... I installed through the package manager but it also installed packages it needed... how can I uninstall those packages too?06:29
erosswhat's with all the security updates? I thought linux was secure06:30
bullgard4[Irssi] '/connect irc.gimp.org' obtains: "Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.gimp.org port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:]" although ~/.irssi/config does not include the address What is the reason?06:31
jerbearI have my root filesystem encrypted (done by the installer). Does anyone know of a location where I can put a keyfile to unlock it automatically? I realize the security risk. This is temporary.06:31
bullgard4eross: Linux is secure because of all the security updates.06:32
Ratapoilsome piece f software makes my caps lock and numlock blink. it interferes with my wrting06:32
Dr_WillisRatapoil:  thats weird.. ive never heard of softare toggling the numlock./capslock06:32
Ratapoilhow can I find what makes numlock blink and kill it06:32
MononaThe wired network connection on my desktop doesn't work.  The network manager says "Requesting a network address from the wired network...", and then it tells me "Connection Established," but Firefox can't load any webpages and apt-get can't get upgrades.  What do I need to look at to figure this out?06:32
SnakDoceross what os doesn't have updates ?06:33
nztalRatapoil, tleds06:33
RatapoilDr_Willis: very weird indeed. I thought it was hardware but it nly starts during the booting of gnome and it stops shorty after initiating shutdown06:33
CaneToad1anyone ever seen anything like this before with CD reading?  I get quite different content on a commercially produced DVD-ROM on linux.    http://www.aaa.net.au/campbell/cd/06:34
Ratapoilnot having a functionnal keyboard nterferes wth my wrk06:35
Ratapoili WISH I could reinstal the system but the retards at DELL put /home in the same partiton as / so I can't reinstall without loosng my 300GB data06:36
snitsMonona: does ifconfig show that the interface has an address? Perhaps it is not getting dns info06:36
jigphello guys i can set /away invisible in yahoo bitlbee.but how to set visible to selected ym id? thanks06:37
LacobFmazda01 I just selected the best one but it's still "Converting" whatever that means, and it's taking like 10 seconds between each thing06:38
C-S-BRatapoil: backup the home directory then format?06:38
Mononasnits: There's two parts to ifconfig, yes? Under lo, it lists inet addr:  Also, I set up OpenDNS, and it shows it under Network Settings.06:38
woodworkerDr_Willis:  none of that info saved upon rebot06:38
Ratapoil 06:39
fernoanybody know what it means when a "failsafe xterm session" is started when booting up? turned off my computer and now when i boot, gnome/ubuntu is broken06:39
snitsMonona: There should be an probably be an eth0 if it is a wired interface in the output of ifconfig. What are the contents of /etc/resolv.conf ?06:40
Ratapoil C-S-B THAT's what I'll do as soon as I get back home in a month, until then I'm stuck with an unusable keyboard06:40
mazda01LacobF, can you post a screenshot to imageshack.com so I can see what it's saying.06:40
mazda01inside System, Prefs, Removable Drives and Media, the media tab is missing in jaunty. anyone please help06:40
C-S-BRatapoil: maybe shrink the / partition, install your new os in the free space and mount your old partition as /home and delete the os files?06:41
LacobFHere's the output in terminal, Synaptic is just frozen: http://pastebin.com/d14ee90ef06:42
RatapoilC-S-B:  is that 100% safe?06:42
franciscoCan somebody help me? I have a sony vgn-cr220e with ubuntu jaunty and I cant find a way to make the internal mic work06:43
Mononasnits: Yes, there is also an eth0 in the output of ifconfig. No address there, though. /etc/resolv.conf has nameserver nameserver
C-S-BRatapoil: the resizing or the installing of an os on another partition?06:43
fusionxtcif i have  NVIDIA GeForce Go 7200 what driver do i download??06:43
fwaokdaI'm using dual monitors... but it seems everytime I open anything it goes to the second monitor first... how can I fix this?06:44
C-S-BRatapoil: Ive resized a lot of partitions with gparted including ntfs ones, and never had a problem so far. it's down to you at the end but I've never had a problem myself. ymmv06:44
LacobFAnd now it's got a few more listed, it seems to be going through all my apps...06:44
Ratapoilmaybe I'll have to do that, cause blinking numlcok is retarded06:45
C-S-BRatapoil: is an option at least...06:45
Ratapoiloption involving time and risk06:45
C-S-BRatapoil: which is fun! :)06:45
franciscoCan somebody help me? I have a sony vgn-cr220e with ubuntu jaunty and I cant find a way to make the internal mic work06:46
C-S-BRatapoil: the amount of sketchy hacks I've done to get a job done there and then without the proper tools that have suceeded make this look like a cakewalk06:46
Ratapoilwhat look lke a cakewalk?06:47
LacobFfrancisco: don't know, try a google search, found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96838106:47
C-S-BRatapoil: resizing the partition and installing an os.06:47
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Ratapoilis there a way to do a step-by-step bootup of x-server or gnome?06:47
fusionxtcif i have  NVIDIA GeForce Go 7200 what driver do i download??06:48
xTheGoat121xI'm looking to save space on a hard drive.. I have an SD card that is in the netbook at all times. What I'd like to do is move system folders from the SSD to the SD card, safely, without a reinstall... is there a way to do this?06:48
fusionxtcif i have  NVIDIA GeForce Go 7200 what driver do i download?? example nvidia-glx-18006:49
RatapoilC-S-B: well, I don't have spare time right now, I don't have empty DVD's, I dn't have a stable internet connection, I don't even have a home, so it makes extensive operations like that extremely unconvenient06:49
richardcavellxTheGoat121x: Yes there is06:50
C-S-BRatapoil: dont have a home? I'm imagining you hunched over an overturned bin with your laptop and a 3g card...06:50
LacobFfusionxtc just try that one, and if it don't work try a different one lol06:50
RatapoilC-S-B: I'm squatting here and there.06:51
xTheGoat121xrichardcavell, I wouldn't quite know what to search for on google... most of the things I've managed to come up with have left me feeling... uncomfortable. Can you recommend a walkthrough?06:51
richardcavellxTheGoat121x: mount the SD card, copy the selected folder to it, unmount the SD card, delete the folder from your hard disk, then mount the SD card in the filesystem06:51
fusionxtcLacobF: it seems that one is up to date and already installed06:52
richardcavellxTheGoat121x: I don't know of any simple walkthrough06:52
fusionxtcLacobF: but when trying to install it it says 1 was not upgraded i dont know what do do06:52
fusionxtcto do06:52
Ratapoilwell, gotta go to sleep. g'night guys06:52
fusionxtcLacobF: i cant access my computer it looks like terminal06:52
fusionxtcLacobF:  im on another computer06:53
LacobFmazda01 is there a reason synaptic is converting my apps?  I've searched google but can't find anything on it...I guess I'll let it run through, it's down to the letter K...hmm...06:53
LacobFfusionxtc: type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"06:54
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fernoanybody know what it means when a "failsafe xterm session" is started when booting up? turned off my computer and now when i boot, gnome/ubuntu is broken06:55
[R]ferno: means you broke something06:55
fusionxtcthats like the same error im getting06:56
fernowell yea, how do i go about figuring out what i broke06:56
fusionxtccause when installing my connection was interrupted06:56
Dr_Willisferno:  try running 'gnome-session' from the terminal.. also yoy may want to try a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' from the terminal06:56
Dr_Williscrashing during upgrades.. can be a pain. :(06:57
fusionxtcLacobF: i did the code and it said not starting gnome display manager (gdm);it is not the default display manager06:57
mazda01LacobF, i'd need to see a screenshot.06:58
mazda01inside System, Prefs, Removable Drives and Media, the media tab is missing in jaunty. anyone please help06:58
LacobFmazda01: Here's the output in terminal, Synaptic is just frozen: http://pastebin.com/d14ee90ef06:58
Dr_Willisgdm is the display manager normally ran as a service by default. If you install kdm, or some alternatives you will see that sort of message. because the gdm service command runs.. sees its not flagged as being the one to run by default.. so exits06:58
fwaokdamy monitor isn't picking up it's highest resolution in the display settings menu... how can i fix this?06:58
Dr_Willisfwaokda:  tell the channel your video card for starters and how its connected to the monitor.06:59
fwaokdaI used the janitor tool and I think if messed everything up :(06:59
fwaokdaDr_Willis, ATI Radeon 4850 HD06:59
Dr_Willisfwaokda:  i find that janotor tool to be the kind of thing that should of not been included06:59
fusionxtcLacobF: what should i do?07:00
Dr_Willisfwaokda:  it most likely removed your fglrx drivers - you could rerun the 'hardware drivers' tool and it may want to reinstall them07:00
``y7i just installed ubuntu on a machine that i already had ubuntu on. i switched out the hdds. ubuntu installs to the new hdd just fine, but when it goes to boot up, i get an error: "Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7"... "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition"... windows XP installs and boots up to this drive just fine. any ideas where i'm going wrong with ubuntu?07:00
fwaokdaDr_Willis, ya I know I thought it was gonna get rid of unused packages but boy was I wrong07:00
nanotubeheh, only < 1300 users... this place is getting quiet ;)07:00
Dr_Willisfwaokda:  it removes unofficial packages I think. :)  ive never really messed withit once i saw what it was wanting to remove07:00
* gimpy the newbie has rejoined07:00
mazda01LacobF, you don't run synaptic with sudo! you run it with gksudo. why are you starting it from the terminal anyway? Start it from the menu. when starting it from the menu, the command is: gksu --description /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop /usr/sbin/synaptic07:01
gimpyhi everyone, i'm a newbie but i have a very critical security related question : that startup image for jaunty is just so excellent, would anyone know where i can find it ( as jpg preferably ) , i feel so insecure that i can't have it as wallpaper ;)07:01
fwaokdaDr_Willis, well I didn't use hardware drivers tool instead I installed them manually from drivers @ ati.com07:01
fwaokdaDr_Willis, the ones in hardware drivers didn't work for me07:01
Dr_Willisfwaokda:  it wants to remove opera and a few other  not in the normal repos packages here..07:01
Dr_Willisfwaokda:  i would reinstall them from ati.com - if there was a kernel upgrade THAT would rewuire you to reinstall them from ati.com each time the kernel updates07:01
fusionxtcLacobF:  help?07:02
fwaokdaDr_Willis, ok I'll do a reinstall of them thanks07:02
Dr_Willisfwaokda:  that will be needed EACH time theres a kernel update.. most likely.. somthing to rember07:02
Interphasehey everyone, I discovered why VLC plays music so loud07:02
Interphaseit is because ubuntu is so quiet07:02
Interphasethey cancel out07:02
Dr_WillisInterphase:  becuse its so Leet! :)07:02
LacobFmazda01: I ran it in terminal so I could see what's going on, otherwise I just have a jammed synaptic for an hour, also that's the same output as apt-get update07:03
fwaokdaDr_Willis, ok thanks07:03
* gimpy is saddened that nobody bought into his pitiful joke... :(07:03
Dr_Willisgimpy:  run it in virtualbox and take a screen shot. ;P07:03
fusionxtcLacobF:  what should i do next?07:03
``y7i just installed ubuntu on a machine that i already had ubuntu on. i switched out the hdds. ubuntu installs to the new hdd just fine, but when it goes to boot up, i get an error: "Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7"... "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition"... windows XP installs and boots up to this drive just fine. any ideas where i'm going wrong with ubuntu?07:03
nanotubegimpy: "run sudo apt-get source usplash-theme-ubuntu"07:03
LacobFfusionxtc: don't know, never dealt with that, what's your display manager? see http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/70526-how-change-default-display-manager.html07:04
nanotubegimpy: that will download the source for the theme, as a tar.gz file - inside you'll find the png images.07:04
gimpynanotube: yey! great... thanks!07:04
mazda01LacobF, I am not sure what the convert thing is all about. i wish I could help07:04
CelrocHi all07:04
nanotubegimpy: np :)07:04
nanotube``y7: hmm... that's a weird one. tried reinstalling ubuntu? made sure the cd integrity check passes before installing?07:05
* gimpy is excited that he will soon find inner peace, cheers everyone!07:05
fusionxtcLacobF: i dont know, it shouldnt have changed all i did was upgrade to 9.0407:05
nanotubegimpy: :)07:05
``y7nanotube, yes. i've also tried debian and that fails as well. i'd guess it's an hdd issue, but it works fine with windows xp07:05
bullgard4[Irssi] '/connect irc.gimp.org' obtains: "Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.gimp.org port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:]" although ~/.irssi/config does not include the address What is the reason?07:06
CelrocI have a few GRUB questions for you guys07:07
bullgard4!ask | Celroc07:07
ubottuCelroc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:07
LacobFfusionxtc: I don't know what to do...07:07
lstarnesbullgard4: what is the output of /set hostname?07:07
CelrocOh. Ok. Thank you for letting me know07:08
LacobFmazda01: that's okay, I'll just let it finish and see what it says when it's done07:08
fusionxtcLacobF: using the link you gave me, i switched to GDM and it worked thank you!07:08
CelrocI installed Windows, and it overwritten the GRUB bootloader... how do I get it back? (My linux partition is /dev/sda2)07:09
bullgard4lstarnes: The output is: "[server];  hostname = "07:09
lstarnesbullgard4: do you get the same error message with any other servers?07:10
CelrocUh, also, I'm running as a LiveCD right now :-)07:10
fusionxtcLacobF: what should i do now that i have my display back, things are kinda funky07:10
nanotube``y7: hm, in that case, no idea...07:10
LacobFfusionxtc: oh goodie :P07:10
RxDxwhat program is better to virtualization? VMWare or VirtualBox?07:10
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:10
nanotube!mbr | Celroc07:10
ubottuCelroc: please see above07:10
LacobFfusionxtc: go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers07:11
mazda01inside System, Prefs, Removable Drives and Media, the media tab is missing in jaunty. anyone please help07:11
nanotubeCelroc: np :)07:11
stealth-I want to apply a patch to wine, but I need the source code. Can I just download the sourcecode, apply the patch, and make install or is there a easier way?07:11
fusionxtcLacobF: ok i did that07:11
nanotubeRxDx: well... i like virtualbox, fwiw... :)07:11
fusionxtcLacobF: then im guessing to activite what ever is recomended07:12
stealth-RxDx: its really a matter of opinion, I for one perfer virtualbox07:12
LacobFfusionxtc: yep07:12
klownis there a way to redirect my sound output when I plug in a usb headset?07:12
fusionxtcLacobF: then do i restart??07:12
nanotubeRxDx: so... two votes for vbox so far. :)07:12
LacobFfusionxtc: yeah it should say to07:12
RxDxhehe.. thanks :)07:12
nanotubeRxDx: if you don't need usb passthrough, can install vbox straight out of the repos, package "virtualbox-ose"07:13
RxDxthanks.. i need to reboot :)07:13
stealth-RxDx: its really a matter of opinion, I for one perfer virtualbox07:14
LacobFmazda01: what are you trying to do?07:14
SuspectZeroanyone know of an app that can auto tag mp3 files for me witht he correct song name and artist?07:14
stealth-I want to apply a patch to wine, but I need the source code. Can I just download the sourcecode, apply the patch, and make install or is there a easier way?07:14
josephdylandAny one know how to fix resolution at 1920x1080 with newest nvidia driver, the top tool bar doesnt fit screen properly. Ive tried 9.04 and 8.1007:15
lstarnesstealth-: applying the patch to the sources manually then compiling the sources is pretty much the only way07:15
[R]stealth-: you can make someone else do it07:15
nanotubestealth-: gotta grab the source and apply the patch.07:15
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bullgard4lstarnes: '/connect irc.gnome.org' obtains: "[gnome] -!- Irssi: Looking up irc.gnome.org; [gnome] -!- Irssi: Connecting to irc.gnome.org [] port 6667; [gnome] -!- Irssi: Connection to irc.gnome.org established; [gnome] !irc.gnome.org *** Looking up your hostname...; [gnome] !irc.gnome.org *** Checking Ident; [gnome] !irc.gnome.org *** Found your hostname;  [gnome] !irc.gnome.org *** No Ident response;  [gnome] -!- Welcome to 07:15
stealth-ugh, k. thanks07:15
nanotubestealth-: grabbing source is easy: sudo apt-get source wine07:15
lstarnesbullgard4: it looks like that connection worked07:15
stealth-nanotube: oh, cool. I didn't know it worked like that. Can I use "make install" to properly install it over my current wine?07:16
nanotubestealth-: and instead of make install, try "checkinstall". that will make a .deb package for you which you can install, so everything is still integrated with the package manager.07:16
bullgard4lstarnes: Yes. --  But this does not answer the question which I put at the outset.07:16
mazda01LacobF, i set brasero to open a audio project everytime I insert a blank cd-r and now I don't want that to happen anymore because brasero doesn't even work! I want rythmbox to open when I insert a blank cd but I can't find where to change the settings anymore in jaunty.07:16
=== azhang is now known as bugfly
klownjosephdyland: with my nvidia drivers, and my "monitor"(my tv), i had to set the resolution for it to work correctly.07:16
lstarnesbullgard4: I was trying to determine whether that server was the only one with the error07:16
stealth-nanotube: okay, ill do that07:16
stealth-nanotube: thanks, that really cleared things up :)07:16
nanotubestealth-: look at "checkinstall". make install will just overwrite a bunch of files, and apt-get/dpkg won't know about it.07:16
bullgard4lstarnes: Yes.07:17
nanotubestealth-: :)07:17
lstarnesbullgard4: it's likely being caused by a host binding setting with that server07:17
ArzosothHello, I have a graphics related question. I just put in a fresh install of jaunty- This machine has Intel 82845G (i845G/GL) integrated graphics but apparently is not using the driver (xorg.conf is completely blank). How do I get the intel drivers to work?07:17
josephdylandklown: Resolution is already set to 1920x1080, Is there any way to calibrate or something07:17
nanotubestealth-: gotta install it first with "sudo apt-get install checkinstall", btw.07:17
anilgI've multiple repositories in my sources.list.. how do I print the packages in one particular repository (say a launchpad ppa repo)?07:17
LacobFmazda01: go System > Preferences > Preferred Applications and look in the second tab07:17
klownjosephdyland: excuse me..wrong wording, i had to change the dpi to get it to fit on the screen.07:17
lstarnesbullgard4: check the section in the config file for irc.gimp.org and make sure there's nothing in the host setting07:17
LacobFwell wait07:18
stealth-nanotube: k07:18
mazda01LacobF, nope. that's already set to open rythmbox. I need to find the setting that tells brasero to open a audio project when I insert a blank cd07:18
klownis there a way to redirect my sound output when I plug in a usb headset?07:19
jorgenptI've got a machine that's booted to the live cd, where sshd has been installed and I have a sudo-able account. Can I somehow install the ubuntu system via the CLI?07:20
BysteI'm having trouble trying to install drivers from my Asus mobo, M4A78 Plus. Can someone help?07:20
SuspectZeroanyone know of an app that can auto tag mp3 files for me witht he correct song name and artist?07:20
Chapatiwow there are a lot of people in this chan07:20
klownSuspectZero: if you find out, please let me know as well.  I've been looking for the same thing.07:20
[R]Byste: "trouble" you say?07:21
jorgenptSuspectZero: Perhaps MusicBrainz Picard?07:21
SuspectZeroklown, well i was suggested 2 proggies for windows07:21
[R]SuspectZero: i use musicbrainz picard07:21
Bysteyeah :\07:21
SuspectZerojorgenpt, yea thts wht i was suggested but isnt that for windows?07:21
bullgard4lstarnes: I will check the irc.gimp.org section.07:21
jorgenptSuspectZero: No, it's multiplatform.07:21
BysteI'm getting errors trying to install the LAN driver07:21
SuspectZeroi'll try that now then07:21
jorgenptOtherwise I wouldn't suggest it in here. ;-)07:21
[R]Byste: what kind of crappy ethernet card do you have that the kernel doesnt support it07:22
Bystethere's a folder on the Asus CD for linux drivers, supposedly compatible with 2.6.x kernals07:22
nanotubeSuspectZero: easytag, maybe?07:22
SuspectZeroi'll check it out nanotube07:22
Bysteit's integrated on the MoBo, I'll recheck what it is exactly07:23
BysteBut could you hear me out first? I think the trouble is elsewhere07:24
Bysteso I used the GUI to copy the folder from the CD to my Desktop07:24
Bysteso I could get out of read-only mode and all07:25
BysteI opened up Terminal to follow instructions in the readme07:25
Bystethe driver was packed as tar, bz207:25
LacobFmazda01: in nautilus, go Edit > Preferences > Media07:25
BysteI extracted that just fine07:25
SuspectZeroone more thing, is there a way to share folders in ubuntu. i have a folder on pc B which is on the same network as this pc and i would like to access one of its folders.07:26
Bysteand then it instructed me to do a make command07:26
Bystemake clean modules07:26
ActionParsnip!samba | SuspectZero07:26
ubottuSuspectZero: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:26
Bystewhen I did that line, even with sudo, I got errors07:26
Bystedoes it matter where I have the files?07:27
Bystecan I run it from Desktop directory, or do I need to move the files to usr or something?07:27
SuspectZerowht if its not for windows ActionParsnip07:28
ActionParsnipByste: as long as you hve full access to the location, no07:28
SuspectZeroboth pcs are running ubuntu07:28
ActionParsnipSuspectZero: you can use nfs or sshfs if you want07:28
nanotubeSuspectZero: in that case, try openssh-server07:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about share07:28
nanotubecan use sftp to transfer files.07:28
Bysteso where do you reckon I'm getting these errors? Are the AM3 socket mobos not compatible?07:28
nomad77Byste:  you need to do a "make",then if no errors,"sudo make install"07:29
SuspectZeroActionParsnip, yea i already have ssh set up so i can control the box remotely07:29
phpgunneranyone know much about overclocking or a irc room for the subject?07:29
nomad77Byste: then sudo modprobe foo.ko most likely07:29
SuspectZeroi just want to access it like i do with my windows shares07:29
ActionParsnipSuspectZero: then you can use the same service to file share07:29
SuspectZerophpgunner, if u dont get any help here u can try #hardware or #freenode07:30
LacobFmazda01: does that work?07:30
mazda01LacobF, nope. already checked there. they all still say, "Ask what to do"07:30
mazda01LacobF, thanks for trying though. I have been in the gconf editor and everywhere. i can't seem to find the darn solution.07:30
SuspectZeroActionParsnip, got it07:31
LacobFmazda01: oh did you set it from inside brasero?07:32
ActionParsnipnp bro07:33
bullgard4lstarnes: There are 4 relevant sections in http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/395789/ . Which one do you mean?07:33
lstarnesbullgard4: the first one.  Try erasing the host line07:34
lstarnesbullgard4: after doing that, /reload07:34
pawanhow to install nvidia drivers07:34
pawani have geforce fx 520007:34
staticRailsI have problem with gconf07:35
staticRailscan anybody help?07:35
[R]staticRails: "problem" you say?07:35
Dr_Willisthe system-->admin-->hardware drivers tool - is normally used to inztall the nvidia drivers07:36
staticRailswhen i login07:36
mazda01LacobF, well, brasero used to come up and ask me what I wanted to do with the blank audio cd. I checked a box that said to open a audio project in brasero and I checked a box that said to never ask me again.  Now I want to change that. I can't find it!07:36
jbuhi all, when I do ctrl+alt+{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} it takes me to different CLIs, what is that?07:36
staticRailsthe login screen shows up again.07:36
staticRailsand it occurs over and over.07:36
Nick_Meisterhey guys how do i disable the annoying beep?07:37
staticRailswhen I login in to safe mode terminal07:37
[R]jbu: what do you mena 'what'07:37
jbu[R], I mean what is the significance07:37
Lartza_My FTP is extremely slow07:37
[R]jbu: significance?07:37
Nick_Meisterlike every time i want to shut down my computer it beeps, or if i backspace a bit too far it also beeps07:37
Dr_Willismazda01:  in teh nautilus file manager -> Edit -> perferances -> media tab.07:37
jbu[R], how is it different from opening up a terminal07:37
Lartza_I get something like 800kb-1,5Mb of transfer speed between my ubuntu and windows on LAN07:37
[R]jbu: its not really07:37
Lartza_Nick_Meister: Google it07:37
Dr_WillisNick_Meister:  several beeps can be turned off in different ways. - one way is the command 'xset b 0 0 0' (sets beeps volume to zero)07:38
=== cfelectro|away is now known as cfelectro
[R]jbu: excpet you can login as a differnet user07:38
LacobFmazda01: Perhaps check if there's anything to do with brasero in Services lol07:38
Dr_WillisNick_Meister:  also you could blacklist the pcspkr module - that shoul kill most beeps  (but not system sounds)07:38
Lartza_Nick_Meister: YOu need to blacklist some stuff07:38
LacobFNick_Meister disconnect the wire to the system beep if it's a desktop07:38
Lartza_Nick_Meister: Dr_Willis's stuff :)07:38
Nick_Meisterunfortunately its a laptop07:38
mazda01Dr_Willis, that's not it. how many time do I have to tell people this. the setting does not control what is occuring I have already checked that. thanks for trying though.07:38
mazda01LacobF, that's a thought. brb07:39
Nick_Meisterim gonna try to beep thing07:39
Nick_Meisteri mean the xset07:39
Nick_Meisterok it appears like it worked thanks07:39
Lartza_rmmod pcspkr07:39
Nick_Meisterdo i need to do that every time i log on then?07:39
Nick_Meisterthe xset thing07:39
Lartza_blacklist it07:39
mazda01LacobF, nope.07:39
Lartza_Yes you need to do that on every boot07:40
Lartza_BUt dr_willises is a roundaway solution07:40
Lartza_Remove the pcspkr module07:40
Nick_Meisterill just setup to run that command on startup07:40
Lartza_rmmod pcspkr07:40
Lartza_do that and then blacklist it07:40
staticRailsI have Jaunty installed. After logging in, the login screen shows up again. When I login in failsafe terminal the followin I encounter some error which is related to gConf.07:40
Dr_Willispcspkr module controlls the old fashioned 'beeps' that used to be made by the speakers on the motherboard. (rember those days?) :)07:41
staticRailsI have Jaunty installed. After logging in, the login screen shows up again. When I login in failsafe terminal I encounter some error which is related to gConf.  any idea...07:41
Nick_MeisterLartza_, how exactly do i blacklist? cause i ran that command07:41
Lartza_Dr_Willis: Thos beeps he is turning off07:41
Dr_WillisstaticRails:  try making a new user see if it works for them also?07:41
Dr_Willisblacklist is controlled by some file in /etc/ i forget what one07:41
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »07:41
Lartza_Nick_Meister: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklis07:41
Nick_Meisterok thanks07:42
Dr_WillisHmm.. to load in specific order.. someone was asking about that yesterday07:42
Lartza_Dr_Willis: What does the xset do?07:42
staticRailsDr_Willis: how I can make a new user without logging in?07:42
Lartza_staticRails: Yoy can't :)07:43
Dr_WillisstaticRails:  the console is our friend. :)07:43
Dr_WillisstaticRails:  alt-ctrl-f1, login,  sudo adduser billgates07:43
NeroonGood Morning07:43
NeroonAnyone here got a clue about fglrx driver?07:44
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staticRailsDr_Willis: thanks. I am trying it now..07:44
logankoesterWhat program cam i use to tweak the contrast/hue/etc on my webcam (for skype)?07:45
rhin0@ Neroon what distro are you running?07:45
Dr_WillisstaticRails:  if it works with the new user.. but not the old. its some config issue with the non-working user..07:45
fwaokdaCan someone help me try and repair my display settings? I have a Radeon 4850 card and have dual monitors setup.  I recently used "Computer Janitor" and it screwed everything up, i think. So I uninstalled (purged) all the ati packages I could think of and then reinstalled from scratch.  I've now managed to get the displays back up with one extended display BUT I can't get the full resolution of the main monitor only the resolution sett07:46
fwaokdaing prior to it.07:46
Lartza_So why is my ftp only around 1,5Mb(slower usually)07:46
bullgard4lstarnes: I deleted 'host = "MD97600" in ~/.irssi/config. I did /reload. I errorneously issued the command '/connect irc.gnome.org'. Irrsi connected me to irc.gnome.org and gave me the nickname bullgard5. I do not know how to undo this command. --  I issued the command '/connect irc.gimp.net'. It connected me to irc.gimp.net. Voila!  But it gave me the nickname bullgard6.07:46
rhin0did you try installing or running the ati settings under root?07:46
Lartza_Now it's 1,3Mb07:46
Lartza_Computers on a meter or so LAN cable, proftpd Ubuntu to Filezilla Windows07:47
lstarnesbullgard4: you can disconnect from a server using /disconnect irc.gnome.org and change your nick using /nick bullgard407:47
fwaokdarhin0, yes I still get an error for some reason when I try and open the superuser aticonfig from the menu (but before I never changed my settings from there only from sys>prefs>display)07:47
Neroon@rhin0 me?07:47
hilarywhy would X fail on one account on my machine07:47
hilaryI get mode not found when trying to login07:48
staticRailsDr_Willis: The problem doesn't solved... same issue for the new user.07:48
hilarybut other accounts work fine07:48
Lartza_hilary: You messed things up on your homefolder config files?07:48
hilarywhich config file07:48
Lartza_What is the last thing you did with the now non-working account07:48
hilaryand I don't recall editing any of them recently07:48
Lartza_Ok, what DID you do?07:48
el_rey_linkHola gente, que tal os va?07:49
staticRailsI have Jaunty installed. After logging in, the login screen shows up again. When I login in failsafe terminal I encounter some error which is related to gConf.  any idea...07:49
rhin0fwaokda, I have an nvidia card, but if it is the same, ati-settings manager as root, and overwrite the xconfg file after you change, and then log off and log on again for x to reset (or reset x on your own)07:49
staticRailsDr_Willis: The problem doesn't solved... same issue for the new user.07:49
wizzo_How late does this server run? 7 Days a week?07:49
hilaryI used the resolution gui to look at what resolutions were available, as I was only getting 800x600 on a thin client attached to the server07:49
rhin0@wizzo it actually closes in 10 minutes07:49
hilaryI didn't change anything though07:49
staticRailsI have Jaunty installed. After logging in, the login screen shows up again. When I login in failsafe terminal I encounter some error which is related to gConf.  any idea...07:50
Lartza_hilary: Hmm... I don't have much of idea07:50
nomad77!es | el_rey_li07:50
ubottuel_rey_li: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:50
Lartza_nomad77: He already left.........07:50
wizzo_rhin0: Is their other servers that run 24 hrs, 7 days a week?07:50
staticRailshow one can reinstall the gconf from the command line without newtork connection?07:50
Lartza_staticRails: Download the package with some other computer and usb it07:51
rhin0@wizzo: I was kidding, I would assume this runs as long as the interwebs are connected together07:51
staticRailsLartza_: I have live cd07:51
staticRailshow can I use it?07:51
wizzo_rhin0: I couldn't get online with it last night and I am just new within the last 2 weeks on here07:52
Lartza_staticRails: TO get the package from there? That is possible07:52
staticRailsLartza_: how?07:52
bullgard4lstarnes: '/nick bullgard4; [GIMPnet] -!- Nick bullgard4 is already in use'07:52
Lartza_staticRails: I am not sure how to setup it as package source, but you can browse the cd for the package07:52
Lartza_I could do it on gui07:52
Lartza_BUt just find the package from the cd07:52
nikolamHi, My Hardy is updating kernel and it asks me what to do about menu.lst.07:52
Boliceplease...how do I install flash cs3 in wine????07:52
rhin0wizzo: no ideas then, I just got on, maybe they were doing maintainence07:53
Lartza_Bolice: Normally07:53
wizzo_rhin0: Probably07:53
Interphasenikolam, have you edited menu.lst yourself ever?07:53
nikolamWhat option should I choose to preserve another ubuntu instalaltion that also boots from menu.lst?07:53
Lartza_Bolice: Like any windows program, you run the setup with wine07:53
Myx0x3is there an way in ubuntu to remove hangover?07:53
rhin0@Bolice: have you thought about installing Virtual Box and installing windows to run that, hell of a lot better than wine07:53
phoenixzIm using cp to copy a file from A to B but every time the file gets to B, its like 20KB shorter, nomatter what I try.. there is NO error, no disk full, nothing.. Isnt CP supposed to copy the file completely?? whats up here?07:53
nikolamInterphase, every time I update kernel, since 6.10 Interphase ...07:53
Lartza_rhin0: Or not, you need more powerful computer for that07:54
nikolamBecause kernel update messe menu.lst every time.07:54
Myx0x3nwm found! suso apt-get remove hangover07:54
Interphaseniko, what I did with that was save my old menu.lst, then copy/paste what I had edited into the new one07:54
Bolice<Lartza_>,i got an err.err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"ProcessPropertyFile.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017" returned 160307:54
Lartza_The setup gives that?07:54
Slartphoenixz: check the md5sums of the two files.. perhaps it's just a file system thing07:54
nikolamInterphase, I didi it 2, for 2 years And I am finally sick of it.07:54
Lartza_Are you sure your setup is not corrupted, if it's not it might need some settings changes or might not work at all.07:55
shaullxis there any good ftp gui client?07:55
Interphaselol, nikolam, it takes like 3 minutes07:55
nikolamI want kernel update that does not mess up other linux/ubuntu installations on machine.07:55
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd07:55
Bolice<rhin0>,thanks, but i didn't like vbox, I don't think it's quickly enough07:55
nikolamInterphase, Try it on 7 servers07:55
rhin0@Bolice, Lartza: depends on the specs of the computer, I run 2 gigs of ram and an old dual core and can run cs3 photoshop in virtual box on virtual xp07:55
shaullxnautilus is ftp client? :O07:55
Interphasenikolam, that does sound like it sucks07:55
Interphasethen I don't know07:55
nikolamQuestion is just what option to choose07:56
Lartza_But I have a semi-new singlecore with 2 gigs07:56
nikolamI have backup, Interphase  :)07:56
lstarnesbullgard4: that's most likely being caused by having another connection open on that network07:56
Lartza_Bolice: Flash CS3 Should work, badly07:56
staticRailshow one can reinstall the gconf from the command line without newtork connection?07:57
Lartza_Bolice: Installer was not tested, but properties and parameters panels are empty and other problems07:57
staticRailshow one can reinstall the gconf from the command line without newtork connection, but using the live cd?07:57
Lartza_Bolice: But F4 fixes the hidden panels07:57
Lartza_DOn't know why your installer fails, others say it is fine07:58
Lartza_Are you using what version of wine?07:58
Lartza_1.0.1 ir 1.1.25?07:58
bullgard4lstarnes:  '/disconnect irc.gnome.org; !- Irssi: Not connected to server'07:59
fwaokdais it possible to force a resolution to a monitor in the xorg.conf? The monitor supports a resolution but after every restart it reverts to a smaller resolution... ???07:59
logankoestercan anyone tell me how to re-enable ctrl+alt+backspace?07:59
Bolicebut <Lartza_>, Installer doesn't run07:59
lstarnes!dontzap | logankoester07:59
ubottulogankoester: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.07:59
Slartfwaokda: check in /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why it's not using the higher resolutions07:59
Lartza_Bolice: What wine version do you have?08:00
logankoesteris that decision likely to be reversed in the future?08:00
logankoesterit's ridiculous08:00
fwaokdaSlart, I don't know what to look for in this file :(08:00
nomad77logankoester: iirc /etc/sysctl.conf08:00
Lartza_Bolice: I can't really help much it sohuld work somehow08:00
Slartfwaokda: have you opened it? look for lines starting with (EE) or (WW).. those mean Error and Warning respectively08:01
staticRailshow one can reinstall the gconf from the command line without newtork connection, but using the live cd?08:01
Slartfwaokda: you can pastebin it and we can all have a look08:01
nomad77logankoester: kernel.sysrq = 108:01
fwaokdaSlart, http://pastebin.com/m33160f4f   --  thanks08:02
logankoesternomad77: i mean as a default08:02
Bolice<Lartza_>,thnks whatever08:02
logankoesterno distro using X should disable ctrl+alt+backspace08:02
lstarneslogankoester: I think you should blame the developers of Xorg for that08:03
logankoesterthat decision should be left to the X implementation08:03
nomad77oh sorry 3am here that was ctrl+alt+delete=reboot duh on me08:03
staticRailshow one can reinstall the gconf from the command line without newtork connection, but using the live cd?08:03
fwaokdaSlart, I can post the xorg.conf file if needed also...08:03
Slartfwaokda: sure08:03
fwaokdaSlart, http://pastebin.com/m472bdfe908:04
Slartfwaokda: what resolution do you want to use? what does it use when you reboot?08:05
wizzo_Hi, on my Ubuntu, I want to start all over: Uninstall it and reinstall it again. How do I go about doing this when It is on a partition of its own. My problem is, I don't have enough space to add some things on here08:05
nomad77logankoester: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html#more-142108:06
bullgard4lstarnes: '/help' lists 122 keywords. '/help <keyword>' prints the syntax of the <keyword> command but not the semantics (and in some cases a rudimentary semantics). Where can I find the semantics of the Irssi <keyword> commands?08:06
fwaokdaSlart, it keeps reverting to 1680x1050 (which is what the second monitor uses) but It is able and has used before the resolution 1920x108008:06
Slartfwaokda: that was the entire log file?08:06
lstarnesbullgard4: in many cases you can guess by the name08:07
gabkdllywizzo_: you might try booting into a live CD and resizing the partitions, after you have done a backup of course08:07
fwaokdaSlart, http://pastebin.com/m708c0e5708:07
wizzo_gabkdlly: How you do that?08:08
fwaokdaSlart, it said it has changed so there is the updated one after i reloaded it08:08
gabkdllywizzo_: look for "Partition Editor" under System08:08
fwaokdaSlart, I guess I could also change the settings and let it mess up and then repost the log after it messes up, if you want?08:08
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork08:08
wizzo_gabkdlly: I don't see that under System08:10
Slartfwaokda: this might be an ATI problem... you can see in the log file that it does detect that one monitor can do 1920x1080 and the other one 1400x1050 .. but then the log file ends before you can see anything about why it selects the video mode it does08:10
inktrimy ubuntu is sexy08:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:11
gabkdllywizzo_: I think it will be there once you boot into the live CD, it might be called gparted08:11
bullgard4lstarnes: My intelligence is insufficient to guess the semantics of commands like NETWORK, CHANNEL, SERVER although I am the holder of 6 patents for my company (an international concern) issued to major countries of the world. So I need it written down somewhere in order to read it and understand it. Where is it to be found?08:11
fwaokdaSlart, I just did something else let me see if it gave us more info08:11
lstarnesbullgard4: in some cases it isn't written down08:11
bullgard4lstarnes: I see.08:11
wizzo_Oh, close this and put the Original Ubuntu disk in and reboot and find it in there then?08:11
staticRailshow one can reinstall the gconf from the command line without newtork connection, but using the live cd?08:12
fwaokdaSlart, nope no new info08:12
staticRailshow one can reinstall the a package from the command line without newtork connection, but using the live cd?08:12
fwaokdaSlart, just had a thought though... I'm gonna try something and relog to see if it works08:12
staticRailshow one can reinstall a package from the command line without newtork connection, but using the live cd?08:12
gabkdllywizzo_: yes08:12
wizzo_gabkdlly: ok08:12
zydasHi all08:12
zydaswhere is turkish help room?08:13
nomad77bullgard4: irssi.org?08:13
nomad77!tr |zydas08:13
ubottuzydas: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.08:13
zydasthanks, but please turkish ubuntu channel link?08:14
lstarneszydas: #ubuntu-tr08:14
zydaslstarnes, Thank you verry much08:15
lstarneszydas: or, if you need an actual URL, irc://irc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-tr08:15
bullgard4nomad77: Your message is too short to be comprehensible.08:16
fwaokdaSlart, well now I have the proper resolution on one monitor but the second monitor isn't receiving a signal anymore... know of a way to fix that?08:17
nomad77bullgard4: documentation at http://irssi.org/08:17
Neroon@staticrails is your cdrom in your repository list?08:18
bullgard4nomad77: I had done much snooping in http://irssi.org/ and could not find the semantics of the 122 commands. Tell me, for example, where is the semantics of the /SERVER command to be found precisely.08:19
fwaokdaSlart, ok I have the proper 1920x1080 on the primary monitor, but the highest I can get to work on the secondary monitor is 1400x1050 it seems... no the highest which is 1680x105008:19
fwaokdaSlart, this gets stranger and stranger... now I tried to revert back to the 1680x1050 and now it works...08:20
der_Onhello. I've just dragged a folder in nautilus to the space where all mounted devices are listed and now it disappeard! Is there any chance that this folder still exists somewhere?08:20
fwaokdaSlart, I'm gonna try logging off and back on and seeing if it sticks08:20
nomad77i'd use /help server if you need more,then i don't know08:20
Joe_umm... I made a mistake when I edited visudo, now I can't sudo anything (to include getting back in there to fix the mistake)... what can I do?08:20
lstarnesbullgard4: I would suggest asking the developers to make more concise documentation, including full definitons of all semantics08:21
ActionParsnip1Joe_: boot to recovery root console and change it08:21
lstarnesbullgard4: however, for the average user, the current documentation is usually sufficient08:21
Joe_actionparsnip1 arg, was hoping something other than that... oh well, thanks08:21
bullgard4lstarnes: Is a Launchpad bug report the proper way to ask developers for a more concise Irssi documentation?08:22
lstarnesbullgard4: irssi's official website, http://irssi.org/, has the appropriate contact details somewhere08:23
lstarnesbullgard4: alternatively, you yourself could make more concise documentation08:23
bullgard4lstarnes: I noted times and again heated debates in the IRC channel #irssi about this issue.08:23
bullgard4lstarnes: I could do only guesswork as I do not know what the developer intended when he wrote the code.08:24
Brett1would someone help me enabling korean input on my computer, i have taken the steps i think should enable it, but i'm having problems08:25
ActionParsnip1!keyboard | Brett108:25
ubottuBrett1: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts08:25
lstarnesbullgard4: what was their response about the issue?08:26
denizwill the ati hd4850 video card work in ubuntu 8.04?08:26
bullgard4lstarnes: They usually referred to some HOWTOs.08:26
ActionParsnip1!hcl | deniz08:26
ubottudeniz: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:26
=== deniz is now known as Guest75519
EdgEyis it possible to change a partition's number without erasing it?08:27
EdgEyi want to change my /dev/sda2 to /dev/sda1 it's the only partition on the drive08:27
ActionParsnip1Guest75519: i'd say yes using the proprietary driver at www.ati.com08:27
staticRailsNeroon:  r u there???08:27
SlartEdgEy: I think those are in the order they appear on the drive08:27
Neroon@staticrails *nod*08:27
SlartEdgEy: afaik that's one of the reasons they are using uuids now08:28
EdgEyslart hm okay08:28
Brett1anyone willing to help me set up korean input?08:28
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko08:28
staticRailsNeroon: how one can reinstall a package from the command line without newtork connection, but using the bootable flash memory08:28
EdgEyi rearranged some partitions on one of my drives, and windows is now refusing to boot, i think it's looking at the wrong partition to boot from08:28
ActionParsnip1Brett1: may help08:28
der_Onhello. I've just dragged a folder in nautilus to the space where all mounted devices are listed and now it disappeard! Is there any chance that this folder still exists somewhere?08:28
neilHi, I was wondering if someone could help me with an issue using virtual box to run ubuntu08:28
EdgEyjust going to mess about with the boot.ini and try different numbers i guess08:28
SlartEdgEy: or.. wait.. you said it was the only partition on the drive? and still it's /dev/sda2 ?08:28
staticRailsNeroon: I wnat to reinstall gconf08:28
Neroon@staticrails i though you wanted to use the live cd?08:28
EdgEySlart well i probably have to reboot then, there was a /dev/sda1 i've deleted08:29
SlartEdgEy: ah... yes.. it might change when you reboot08:29
ActionParsnip1staticRails: so is the usb device the media you installed with?08:29
staticRailsNeroon: I can't login ActionParsnip1  ya08:29
staticRailsActionParsnip1: sorry.... yes08:29
Shazburgder_On: The file is on whatever device you dropped it onto.08:30
ActionParsnip1staticRails: then if you enable it as a repo in /etc/apt/sources.lst then it will be used. the top line references the installation media08:30
der_OnShazburg: and if i dropped it between two devices?08:30
staticRailsActionParsnip1: tkx08:30
Neroonactionparsnip1 saves me typing ;-)08:30
Shazburgder_On: It'll be on one of them. That behaviour is always a copy/move depending on the device.08:31
neilI still cannot get the display to work correctly, I only get a maximum resolution of 800x600 with a ratio of 4:3. I have tried running the guest additions for linux like someone in here suggested yesterday but it still won't work08:31
neilAnyone have any ideas?08:31
CorpXanyone know how to tell putty to start a new logfile to log stuff?08:32
Neroon@neil so the guest additions are installed?08:32
jeffwheelerI seem to remember some way of manipulating Xorg settings without editing xorg.conf itself; are there some XML files that can set values without having to create a specific xorg.conf?08:32
der_OnShazburg: what if i accidently dropped it onto trash and now if i want to open trash, it says: The folder contents could not be displayed.08:32
Neroon@neil hm08:32
Shazburgder_On: That would be a bad thing.08:32
staticRailsActionParsnip1: What should I write in this file?08:32
der_Onmaybe recovery?08:33
Shazburgder_On: What filesystem are you using?08:33
Bundestrojanerhow can i install an older version of nvidia-glx? the newest version in apt doesn't support geforce 408:33
Neroon@staticrails you shouldnt need to add anything. but the first line should be your install media08:33
ActionParsnip1CorpX: putty -log ~/newLogFileName08:33
der_OnShazburg: the folder was on an ntfs file-system08:33
Neroon@staticrails it might have an # in front of it08:33
Shazburgder_On: This might suck then. Hold on a sec.08:34
DaveTarmacHi folks - having a bit of a dumb morning, how do I create a tar.gz file that includes all files in a dir, including hidden files?08:34
neilI tried it yesterday and it allowed a a higher resolution but the aspect ratio wasn't correct to fit correctly on 15.5 inch wide screen correctly and when I reloaded unbuntu today it was back to normal with the maximum at 800x60008:34
SlartBundestrojaner: use the hardware drivers dialog thingy.. it has older versions as well08:34
der_OnShazburg: ive already opened the terminal and found out there is a ntfsundelete command. I think i need to unmount the drive first, cause it says that the drive is in use.08:34
ActionParsnip1staticRails: the top line shold mention the install media, uncomment it and save the new fike. then have the device attatched and run: sudo apt-get update08:34
DaveTarmacI tried "tar -czvf nameoffile.tar.gz ."08:34
CorpXActionParsnip1, i want to start a new log file in the middle of a session08:34
ActionParsnip1CorpX: man putty      is goooood :)08:34
billywow i like record my desktop :D08:34
spikemcchi ?08:35
ActionParsnip1CorpX: not sure then dude08:35
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:35
der_OnShazburg: i found it! it was on the same drive under .Trash-0/files08:35
billyi recorded 4 mins with music and it was only 15mb08:35
Shazburgder_On: Congratulations.08:35
DaveTarmacbut when I did that, it seemed to copy EVERY file and folder within the folder and prefix them with ._08:35
der_OnShazburg: it was my damn project folder!!! My heart nearly stopped08:36
der_OnShazburg: thank you anyway.08:36
ActionParsnip1der_On: couldve restored from backup if anything went wrong08:36
Shazburgder_On: I'll take a problem like this over a real one any day. For the future, take a look at TimeVault: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/15060008:36
spikemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/218658/ can you check theses errors I need numby package I think08:37
haanujmy 3D effects are not permanent plzz tell me what to do08:37
Revoanyone know how to remove all proxy settings that where set in gnome prefs from ubuntu from SSH command line only?08:38
Flannelspikemcc: try sudo apt-get install python-numpy08:38
ActionParsnip1Revo: if you run:   echo $http_proxy08:39
neilI'm sorry to go on about this but has anyone got any ideas on why the resolution isn't working. It's just that I am looking to move to a linux OS permanently but I want to try using it on my windows system first and I really can't use it properly if I only have a small window sized display08:39
ShazburgDaveTarmac: tar cfv test.tar test/08:39
ActionParsnip1Revo: does it show08:39
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Will grab everything in the directory, including hidden files.08:39
dsotrhey guys, once I found a website about command line - programs, does anybody know it, I can't remember the website address...08:39
ActionParsnip1neil: what is the output of:   lspci | grep -i vga08:39
fwaokdahow can i find all the ATi packages I have installed so I can remove them all?08:39
DaveTarmacShazburg: will it include JUST the contents on the directory, or the directory itself?08:40
ActionParsnip1fwaokda: dpkg -l | grep -i ati | less08:40
jigphello bitlbee users..how to visible in a particular person using yahoo...08:40
haanujhey HELP me plzzz08:40
Flanneldsotr: There's lots of websites about command line programs.  Anything in particular you can remember about it? what was it for? etc?08:40
ActionParsnip1fwaokda: will help08:40
ShazburgDaveTarmac: The directory itself, and it's contents.08:40
Neroon@neil sorry, but i don't know about ubuntu in a virtual machine08:40
ActionParsnip1!ask | haanuj08:41
ubottuhaanuj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:41
dsotrFlannel: I think there was "cli" in the name :)08:41
neil@ActionParsnip1sorry totally new to learning PCs in depth and don't exactly understand the latter part of your question08:41
fwaokdaActionParsnip1, is there a way i can write that to a file so i can see all of it at once?08:41
neil@Neroon Thank you anyway08:41
DaveTarmacShazburg: is there a way to get it to do jsut the contents, only I'm moving the files to a web server and I'd rather not extract them and then copy them all to the root dir08:41
haanuji have a problem with 3D effects. that's not permanent08:41
Flannelfwaokda: instead of | less, do > file08:41
dsotrFlannel: can you point me to one of them anyways? they may have a link to the one I'm looking for08:42
Flannelfwaokda: so, dpkg -l | grep -i ati > file.txt08:42
Flanneldsotr: What are you looking to learn on this website?08:42
ActionParsnip1fwaokda: sure, instead of ' | less' change it to ' > ~/output.txt'08:42
dsotrFlannel: a nice command-line music player, like xmms08:42
ActionParsnip1fwaokda: dpkg -l | grep ati > ~/stuff.txt08:42
ActionParsnip1neil: its a command line command, run i in terminal08:43
fwaokdaActionParsnip1, Flannel, thanks08:43
ActionParsnip1fwaokda: 'ati' is fairly common in the english language08:43
ActionParsnip1fwaokda: if you want, you can grep it again to reduce results08:43
haanujplzzz HELP me08:44
fwaokdaActionParsnip1, well i purged quite a few packages(?) already that were ati packages but I still see menu shortcuts and stuff so im wondering if i got everything08:45
Slart!details | haanuj08:45
ubottuhaanuj: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:45
fwaokdaActionParsnip1, this is the only thing I see possibly related to ATi, ii  fglrx-modaliases                           2:8.620-0ubuntu1                               Identifiers supported by the ATI graphics dr08:45
fwaokdaActionParsnip1, think it is safe to remove that?08:45
ActionParsnip1not sure, i dont buy ati cards so i'm not the guy to ask08:46
neil@ActionParsnip1 It says: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter08:46
fwaokdaActionParsnip1, ok thanks08:46
fwaokdaActionParsnip1, think im gonna leave it and do my reinstall of the drivers now08:46
haanujevery time i do compiz then 3D effects come but after restarting it's gone       plzzz tell me what to do08:46
ActionParsnip1neil: ok, so its a virtualbox08:46
ActionParsnip1neil: have youinstalled the guest additions?08:46
neilyep, its sun virtual box and yes i have run the additions08:47
haanuj every time i do compiz then 3D effects come but after restarting it's gone       plzzz tell me what to do08:47
Slart!repeat | haanuj08:47
ubottuhaanuj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:47
haanuj every time i do compiz then 3D effects come but after restarting it's gone       plzzz tell me what to do08:48
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Still here?08:48
ActionParsnip1neil: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77775908:48
DaveTarmacShazburg: yeah mate08:48
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Okay, I think I got you covered.08:48
ActionParsnip1neil: edit your xorg.conf and make the display sections similar08:48
ShazburgDaveTarmac: tar cvf test.tar `ls -A1`08:48
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Those are backticks.08:48
ActionParsnip1neil: actually i'd just use the whole thing08:49
ActionParsnip1neil: your keyboard may be different (that example uses US layout, you can omit that line)08:49
ShazburgDaveTarmac: So that 'ls' will create a file list and tar will add them to the archive, recursively, with hidden files.08:49
DaveTarmacShazburg: ok, I'll give that a go, cheers08:49
ActionParsnip1neil: you will need    gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    to edit ti08:49
Neroon@haanuj can you deliver some more info, what and when works with your compiz?08:49
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Cheers.08:50
DaveTarmacShazburg: if I wanted to .gz that, I would add the 'z' flag, yeah?08:50
haanujNeroon : it's 3D effect problem.. whenever  i restart then 3D effects are gone....08:51
Neroon@haanuh so, you want to have compiz enabled every time you start X?08:52
Neroon@haanuj so, you want to have compiz enabled every time you start X?08:52
haanujNeroon: after doing "compiz" it's back.. everytime i do the same process08:52
rd1089hi, is it possible to set environment variables at startup/system boot?08:52
ShazburgDaveTarmac: tar zcvf test.tar.gz `ls -A1`08:53
DaveTarmacShazburg: did that, it started to zip the folder, then folders around it08:53
neil@Action Parsnip1 Still no luck, but to be honest I'm really not sure if I have did it correctly08:53
ActionParsnip1rd1089: you can add them to ~/.bashrc08:53
neilI am totally new to anything linux and these are the kind of things I hope to be learning08:54
ActionParsnip1neil: if you tab complete my name its easier, and it will highlight your text08:54
ActionParsnip1neil: you will learn08:54
ActionParsnip1neil: you need to get that text file as it is in the link i gave, then reboot. As long as you have the guest additions installed correctly then it will be fine08:55
ActionParsnip1neil: you needed to execute the .run file on the guest additions CD for your architecture08:55
zaphod_homehi, i've a problem with my whole system... it's a quad-core. when i'm doing heavy hdd load (copy GBs from sda1 to sdb1) systemload is going to 3.8 and i cant use the system any more. is there possibilty to speed this up?08:55
fwaokdaI just activateded the Restricted Drivers Ubuntu listed and my machine is running "sluggish" like its skipping. I tried to go to display settings and check the settings but all that comes up is the display settings window with a horizontal gereen bar inside it. Anyone know anything I can try???08:55
staticRailswhen I login the system takes me back to the login screen again and I receive the following error when i login in failafe terminal: : "An error occured while loading or saving config info for evolution-alarm-notify..."08:56
staticRailsis there any idea?08:56
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Not sure why. Here's how I tested it: http://pastie.org/54652708:57
ActionParsnip1staticRails: does it do it for all users?08:57
Slartzaphod_home: there's ionice08:57
neilActionParsnip1: I did the run for the additions and I have got the text file and I'm just gonna reboot see if that sorts it. Thank you and I will be back to et you know if I am up and running or not08:57
Slartzaphod_home: but I think it has to be run for each copy command08:57
staticRailsActionParsnip1: yes. I created a new user using command line. the result is same.08:58
ActionParsnip1staticRails: nice one08:58
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ActionParsnip1staticRails: if you log into command line then run: startx   is it ok?08:58
rd1089ActionParsnip1, i was looking for something that does not require the user to login08:58
anaxaAfter long search and digging i end up here for help with pulsaudio (in kde4). i keep having problems to disable the annoying POKE sound of some applications.08:59
ActionParsnip1rd1089: you can enable autologin. not very secure but its available08:59
zaphod_homehm, ionice doesn't change performance :-(09:00
zaphod_homebut thanks. didn no it09:00
rd1089ActionParsnip1, no i don;t want to enable autologin09:00
Slartzaphod_home: but it should make the computer usable while it is copying, if I understand that command correctly09:01
rd1089ActionParsnip1, i just want to be able to set env variables at startup.. to enable a program written in c work properly09:01
corey_Hi, I'm currently on a live cd and I have 9.04 installed on my disk. The issue is a new version of libglib2.0-0 was compiled which broke a symbol causing 90% of the applications to stop working (xserver being the important one). So I'm left at the terminal and I'm trying to revert to the old version of libglib2.0-0. Any helpful pointers?09:01
dsotrrd1089: you can put the line in /etc/rc.local so09:02
staticRailsActionParsnip1: "Fatal server error" server is already active for display 0"09:02
zaphod_homeyes... should ^^09:02
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Did that help?09:02
ActionParsnip1rd1089: you could add them to /etc/rc.local09:02
DaveTarmacShazburg: still did the same thing - probably OS X's quirkyness09:02
DaveTarmacthanks for the help anyway09:02
zaphod_homeionice -c3 -p10998 w/ 10998 is the PID of cp09:02
ActionParsnip1staticRails: try: sudo killall gdm    first09:03
corey_How can I remove a package without uninstalling it's dependencies?09:03
DaveTarmacI'm being lame now and trying to use CyberDuck's extract feature :(09:03
ActionParsnip1corey_: sudo apt-get --purge remove <package>09:03
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Oh! Yeah, OSX != Ubuntu. They have a different version of tar, so you'll get different behaviour.09:03
ActionParsnip1corey_: the deps will stay09:03
neilActionParsnip1: Nope, still no joy. To be honest, I'm feeling a bit crap because I feel like I'm bugging people, I feel like I should know the basics before I start asking for help but I can't start learning the basic until I can actually use my full screen.09:03
ActionParsnip1corey_: to remove the deps run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove09:03
Slartcorey_: apt-get remove/purge won't uninstall the dependencies09:04
DaveTarmacShazburg: yeah, I figured that much - thought I'd take a gamble though, how different can a tar command be?09:04
mjklHi.  I have a dual XP setup (Home 32bit & Pro 64bit).  I also want to install 9.04.  However, it only seems to recognise one XP install and want to put 9.04 after this, not at the end of the disk as required.  Any ideas?!09:04
DaveTarmacthat little exercise showed me!09:04
ActionParsnip1neil: its all learning dude, dont sweat it09:04
Veratyr9is there a program similar to netstumbler for linux?  i'm in an apartment that gets free wifi from the landlord, signal sucks and need to play around with the antenna watching the signal change in real time (rather than the overall average that the standard icon displays)09:04
ActionParsnip1neil: maybe someone in #vbox can help09:04
neilActionParnsip1: thanks for understaning09:04
Neroon@neil that's why people are here, to help and getting help09:04
corey_Great. Could I chroot to a different disk and run the package manager on that?09:04
ActionParsnip1neil: as you use the OS you will get better at it09:04
ActionParsnip1neil: just like i'm sure you are with microsoft products09:05
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Quite a bit. BSD vs GNU and all that. But looking at the man files for OSX ls and tar, I don't see a reason why you'd be having that problem.09:05
neilI'll give that a try. Thanks for at least for trying to solve my issue.09:05
DaveTarmacShazburg: probably one of those days09:05
neilthats part of the reason i thought id give linux a try i was getting bored of windows09:06
corey_Is it possible to modify packages on disk when I'm running from livecd?09:06
jamiewanneil: stay with it im new too and will never go back09:06
neilAnyway, thanks for the help. See ya.09:06
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Well, you can fight it and find a way to bend the shell to your will, or you can accept the default and live with the parent directory being in the tarball.09:06
ActionParsnip1corey_: you can install and uninstall packages like an installed system09:06
ActionParsnip1corey_: your "disk" space is limited to how much ram you have09:06
staticRailsActionParsnip1: a lengthy error...  the last line is : "xauth: error in locking authority file /home/username/.Xauthority09:06
ShazburgDaveTarmac: You could always extract it in /tmp, then move the files where you need them.09:07
DaveTarmacShazburg: I'll just live with it09:07
corey_ActionParsnip1: I am talking about a physical disk installed with ubuntu09:07
DaveTarmacmore than one way to skin a cat09:07
SlartActionParsnip1: I think he means "can I install stuff to the installed system on disk while using a live cd"09:07
corey_ActionParsnip1: this ubuntu has a broken symbol, I want to replace the package while on the livecd09:07
ActionParsnip1staticRails: ok, whats the output of:  ls -l ~/.Xauthority     ?09:07
Slartcorey_: how many packages are you looking at reinstalling? just one?09:08
ActionParsnip1corey_: you can chroot to the installed system09:08
staticRailsActionParsnip1: anothe line which i think may be useful: "failed to initialize GEM. Falling back to classic."09:08
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Quite so. Best of luck to you.09:08
corey_Slart: yes, one.09:08
DaveTarmacShazburg: thanks again09:08
staticRailsthe owner is root root09:08
ActionParsnip1staticRails: thats why09:08
staticRailsActionParsnip1: the owner is root root09:08
corey_ActionParsnip1: and once chroot'd any dpkg command will effect that system?09:08
Slartcorey_: either use chroot.. or just download the package and install it in recovery mode09:08
ActionParsnip1staticRails: have you been running   sudo gedit  and/or   sudo nautilus   ?09:09
staticRailsActionParsnip1: when?09:09
ActionParsnip1staticRails: when you had a desktop boot09:09
corey_Slart: actually, the package I want to overwrite with is from the livecd, where could I find the .deb?09:10
Slartcorey_: packages.ubuntu.com09:10
corey_Slart: so the packages on the livecd is obfuscated?09:10
Slartcorey_: I'm not sure of the structure of a live cd.. it should be on it somewhere.. but I have no idea where09:10
staticRailsActionParsnip1: I think it has crashed during the last night (when I was asleep in front of display.... lol)09:11
fwaokdamy xorg is running at 100% after installing the restricted drivers... is there a way i can end the process in ubuntu until I can download a fix I've found?09:11
shaullxis there a way to read my BIOS settings in linux?09:11
shaullxoutput them to a txt file i dont know something09:11
ActionParsnip1staticRails: if you run:   whoami    does it say root or your user name?09:12
staticRailsActionParsnip1: username09:12
shaullxanyone? please09:12
shaullxthat important :(09:12
ravinduIs that true Ubuntu jaunty does not support compiz fusion09:13
ActionParsnip1staticRails: ok then you have borked your ownerships. most likely by launching gui apps with sudo instead of gksudo09:13
Shazburgfwaokda: CTRL+ALT+F1 will drop you to another terminal and you can login, then drop to runlevel 3 from there.09:13
Shazburgshaullx: Nope.09:13
DaveTarmacShazburg: don't know if you're interested, but it turns out that in an archive, OS X creates an __MACOSX directory with a mirror of the archive inside it, funnily enough with ._ prefixed to the filenames09:13
ActionParsnip1staticRails: if you run:  sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/$USER09:13
Slartshaullx: I have no idea.. possibly you could get to the cmos somehow and download it.. but then you'd have to interpret it.. sounds hard and, honestly, kind of meaningless.. what are you trying to do?09:13
Shazburgshaullx: That sort of thing is up to your motherboard manufacturer.09:13
staticRailsActionParsnip1: definitely you are right... I hadn't used gksudo in my life... :o09:13
fwaokdaShazburg, I was with you until the runlevel3 part... is that a command I just type in?09:14
spikemcchi someone can help me make a shortcut to lauch a python script (fof game)09:14
ShazburgDaveTarmac: Fancy old Apple and their directory litter.09:14
ActionParsnip1staticRails: sudo is for command line commands ONLY, like apt-get, cp, mv, ln etc09:14
ActionParsnip1staticRails: gksudo is for GUI apps, like gedit, nautilus etc09:14
Shazburgfwaokda: You can. "sudo runlevel 3" should work.09:15
staticRailsActionParsnip1: ... thx. how can it be fixed?09:15
ActionParsnip1staticRails: if you use sudo for gui apps it doesnt set up the environment correctly and you get garbaged ownerships just like you are seeing09:15
fwaokdaShazburg, says "unkown"09:15
OpenBluntSurgryis there anyway to install ubuntu from live CD and keep my music I have now?09:15
fwaokdaShazburg, unknown rather09:15
ActionParsnip1staticRails: the command I gave, to chown your files back to your user09:15
Shazburgfwaokda: runlevel 3 means most of your daemons will run (if they're configured to do so), you'll have networking, and X won't start.09:16
Shazburgfwaokda: One sec.09:16
fwaokdaShazburg, seemed to do the trick though after alt f7'n back in thanks09:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel09:16
mjklHi.  I have a dual XP setup (Home 32bit & Pro 64bit).  I want to install 9.04 after XP64 (40GB free) but partitioner want to resize XP and install in the middle somewhere :-/ is that normal?09:16
SlartShazburg: I think ubuntu only uses runlevel 2 and 509:16
SlartShazburg: it's different from.. say Debian09:16
ActionParsnip1mjkl: if thats where the unallocated space is then its fine09:17
ravinduIs that true Ubuntu jaunty does not support compiz fusion??09:17
chartoinHi, I have an issue and the day has been really bad, can someone help me with ubuntu+windows MBR issue?09:17
Slart!runlevels | Shazburg09:17
ubottuShazburg: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.09:17
staticRailsActionParsnip1: new problem09:18
ravinducompiz -fusion no glx found09:18
OpenBluntSurgrychartoin whats the problem09:18
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ActionParsnip1ravindu: if you install compizconfig-settings-manager then you will get compiz09:18
chartointhanks for replying OpenBluntSurgry.09:18
chartoinHere is the problem09:18
ActionParsnip1ravindu: then you need to install video drivers09:18
chartoinI had windows/ubuntu 7.10 dual boot09:18
staticRailsActionParsnip1:  The last line of the lengthy error is: "xinint: connection to X server lost"09:18
ShazburgWell how about that.09:18
ravindui installed compiz setting manager and compiz icon09:18
mjklActionParsnip1: XP home & XP64 should be contiguous though?  With 40GB free after XP64.09:19
ActionParsnip1ravindu: if you dont have 3d accelleration, you can't run compiz09:19
chartoinsomething happened to windows ntfs filesystem and it wouldnt boot, I put in the win xp installation disk but it wouldnt boot09:19
spikemccneed help to complete frets on fire install by source with a mod09:19
ravindui install all nvvida drivers09:19
chartoinafter the press any key to continue...the screen went blank09:19
ravinducompiz worked in intrepid not for jaunty now09:20
Shazburgfwaokda: Did you see that about the runlevels in Ubuntu?09:20
OpenBluntSurgrywhat bootloader09:20
ActionParsnip1mjkl: if they are seperate boots it doesnt matter, the partitions for each individual boot should be contiguous09:20
joejcis there a channel for people that want to put linux on there routers?09:20
spikemccravindu try the drivers directly from nvidia09:20
chartoinI searched for this (googled) and found out that its an MBR problem09:20
induswho knows about tv tuner cards09:20
fwaokdaShazburg, thanks! :)09:20
chartointhe bootloader is GRUB09:20
Shazburgfwaokda: So just ignore what I said about runlevels. Glad you're working better.09:20
ravinduyes I tried drivers from nvidia also09:20
OpenBluntSurgryjoejc checkout dd-wrt.com09:20
spikemccdd-wrt joejc maybe09:20
induswho knows about tv tuner cards09:20
ActionParsnip1ravindu: if you run:   gksudo nvidia-settings   does it show the driver version and not show any error messages?09:20
watinoPlease someone: what's the package to install to get Hardware Driver Manager?09:20
chartoinOpenBluntSurgry, the bootloader is GRUB09:20
fwaokdaShazburg, yes thanks09:20
mjklActionParsnip1: ok, thanks!09:20
spikemccbut not all routers works ...09:20
induswatino: its already installed, its called jockey-gtk09:21
ravinduit shows no glx found with compiz -fusion command09:21
spikemccindus If you find help for that I need also09:21
jfj1hola alguien escribe en espanol09:21
chartoinOpenBluntSurgry, also I accedentally wiped my MBR using dd command and then got it back using the gpart command using knoppix live CD09:21
ActionParsnip1ravindu: does nvida-settings look ok?09:21
indusspikemcc: what help you need09:21
ravinduyes I'm sure09:21
ActionParsnip1!es | jfj109:21
ubottujfj1: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:21
chartoinOpenBluntSurgry, this is what happened today09:21
ActionParsnip1ravindu: can you use a pastebin and give us the output of:   compiz --replace09:22
watinoThank you Indus09:22
induswatino: welcome09:22
spikemccfor tv card I have to know how to make it work, mine as a driver included in the kernel09:22
chartoinOpenBluntSurgry, I found that when I wiped the MBR, the windows setup worked...but it didn't before or after09:22
ravindunot now I'm in office now any sugestions?09:22
CliffSMorning. Odd problem, wonder if anyone's seen it. 9.04 with metacity & FGLRX works fine BUT, on login if I drag a window on the screen, the entire machine crashes. After a few minutes, I can drag as much as I like, this only happens just after logging in.09:23
indusspikemcc: my tv card works with tvtime ,but myth tv wont tune as it doesnt have country specific frequency,tvtime is smart just tuned everything09:23
L33tHaxor666Hey peoples what is good09:23
staticRailsActionParsnip1:  the problem is not solved... when I changed the owner to my user. but when I try to login it takes me back to the login screen again...09:23
ActionParsnip1staticRails: ok, but you should be the owner of all files in your home folder09:23
L33tHaxor666I was wondering if anyone knows anything about widesrceen formatting09:23
L33tHaxor666i have spent the last 3 hours trying to figure this stuff out..09:24
chartoinActionParsnip1, can you help me?09:24
spikemccindus ok I will try when I got it back I lended it for a while to help a friend on vista 64 (outch the troll)09:24
indusActionParsnip1: now is that true?if you install something as root, its not the case09:24
chartoinActionParsnip1: can you help me?09:24
ActionParsnip1indus: all installs are as root09:24
ActionParsnip1!ask | chartoin09:24
ubottuchartoin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:24
L33tHaxor666damn u ubuntu09:24
indusActionParsnip1: third party installs do it sometims09:24
RevoActionParsnip1: sorry for the slow reply, echo $http_proxy does indeed return the proxy09:25
ravinduI will try what is your suggestion to do further?09:25
chartoinActionParsnip1: windows setup goes blank ofter "press any key to continue" because of MBR issue09:25
ActionParsnip1indus: then the file will not be in any other place other than home as users only have write access to their home folder in a standard install09:25
ActionParsnip1chartoin: ask in ##windows then09:25
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: Hell of a nick you have there. What isn't working?09:26
indusActionParsnip1: i remember when i installed quake4,it gave root permissions to quake4 folder in home, i changed it back though09:26
L33tHaxor666 well i dont have any widescreen resolution09:26
chartoinActionParsnip1: thank you.09:26
L33tHaxor666and i cant seem to find the right cmds09:26
ActionParsnip1indus: the home folder is made for user data, you probably ran the installer as root and then told it to install to your user area09:26
neilActionParnsip1: Just to let you know I now have a full screen ubuntu. Also, to give you a bit of a laugh. The reason for it not working cos some numpty didn't realise that the update manager hadn't been ran.09:26
L33tHaxor666i have an i96509:26
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: What resolution are you going for?09:26
L33tHaxor666vaio fz240e09:26
indusActionParsnip1: yep09:27
L33tHaxor666that wide one09:27
L33tHaxor666that one is wide right09:27
RamonsterI get this error when trying to ./configure on ubuntu: checking for ssl... configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries09:27
ActionParsnip1indus: then the crated files will be owned by root as the app running was running as root. if you'd ran it as yourself the files would be owned b you09:27
L33tHaxor666im newbie from windows09:27
indusActionParsnip1: ya i know,but i couldrun the game just fine09:28
L33tHaxor666i ran all the updates09:28
ActionParsnip1indus: maybe it was chmodded a+x ;)09:28
L33tHaxor666have new spiffy splash screens and everything09:28
indusActionParsnip1:no it already had those permissions09:28
staticRailsActionParsnip1:  I changed the owner of the home directory using -R option... the problem persists.09:29
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: Please preface my name when you write back. Get's crowded in here. Okay, well you need to know what your monitor's max resolution is first.09:29
indusActionParsnip1: i had to change ownership of hidden quake folder to me as nvidia wont load drivers09:29
ActionParsnip1indus: exactly, so although owned by root, every man and his dog has access09:29
L33tHaxor666shazburg: let me look it up09:29
staticRailsActionParsnip1: Yesterday I tried to install my vga driver. it is onboard and my mainboard is intel09:30
indusstaticRails: well,i believe your driver is automatically installed ,why would you need to install it again?09:30
neilNow that I'm up and running I was wondering if someone could recommend a good place to start learning about linux/ubuntu from scratch.09:30
longsleepanyone knows how device mapper table entries are added on boot up (i ignore a certain device in udev but its still added to the table)09:31
indusneil: use the forums ,its great09:31
Shazburgneil: http://gentoo.org09:31
staticRailsindus: Just to upgrade it or... I don't know...09:31
L33tHaxor666shazburg: 15.4" WXGA LCD XBRITE ECO (Resolution: 1280 x 800 pixels09:31
indusneil: also,google is great09:31
staticRailsindus: any idea about my problem?09:32
ActionParsnip1neil: as is ask.com  msn.com  yahoo.com09:32
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: Are you running non-free video drivers? ie NVidia or ATI?09:32
indusstaticRails: could you tell me the problem again please09:32
L33tHaxor666Shazburg: how would i tell09:33
Neroonneil: or try ubuntuforums.org09:33
L33tHaxor666shazburg: i have an i965, so i dont think so09:33
neilIndus: Spot on. Thanks. Same to you Shazburg.  And ActionParsnip1  and Neroon. I'm now gonna try and learn the basics so i don't feel as much as a numpty. :)09:33
ravinduIs there any people who work in ubuntu server edition to get xen and backup like solution on it?09:33
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neilLaters all09:33
L33tHaxor666the screen looks good, so got black bars on the sides09:33
staticRailsindus: when I login ... the I am taken back to the login screen again ....09:33
L33tHaxor666. just*09:33
indusstaticRails: hmm difficult to diagnose,can u paste the output of dmesg09:34
linuxboyhi, I have a strange problem with the gnome panel. I set up everything in the position that I want, but after a few reboots it changes order. how do I fix this?09:34
staticRailsindus: I have both gnome and kde... it happens in both of them09:34
spikemccsomeone can help me to convert a folder that come from a source to put installed on usr like normal apps with a shortcut on the gnome menu ?09:34
staticRailsindus: what is dmesg?09:35
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: Go to "System > Preferences > Display" What do you see?09:35
fwaokda_I finally got my restricted drivers for my display to cooperate... only thing left is my main display in display properties doesn't show it's max resolution of 1920(?)x1080... anyone have any ideas on how i can fix this? I am using dual monitors btw and the second monitor has a resolution of 1680x1050 (which is what they are both currently set at) ???09:35
ActionParsnip1staticRails: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; dmesg | pastebinit09:35
indusstaticRails: its aa bunch of messages the kernel spits out on loading the OS,what loaded what didnot errors etc09:35
spikemccthe app work as a python script ...09:35
NeroonstaticRails: anything in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?09:36
L33tHaxor6661024x768 (4:3)09:36
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: you can use xorg.conf to specify weird resolutions09:36
L33tHaxor666thats the highest09:36
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: And it won't let you select the resolution you want, correct?09:37
fwaokda_ActionParsnip1, is there a howto somewhere that will explain to me how to edit it?09:37
L33tHaxor666shazburg: nope09:37
L33tHaxor666shazburg: thats the highest09:37
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: if you search round the web you can find example files09:37
L33tHaxor666i looked online and found out about xorg09:37
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: sec09:37
L33tHaxor666but i dont know what to type09:37
fwaokda_ActionParsnip1, ok ty09:37
L33tHaxor666i know dos09:38
pawanvuze cant update09:38
staticRailsindus: the Xorg.0.log contains a very lengthy text09:38
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: Open Terminal, and type "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf". Copy the output and pastie it (http://pastie.org)09:38
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: here's mine: http://pastebin.com/f16fa7b2f09:38
L33tHaxor666let me try that09:38
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: i need to specify a lot in mine as I use an old CRT monitor09:38
fwaokda_ActionParsnip1, ahh ok09:38
RamonsterI get this error when trying to ./configure on ubuntu: checking for ssl... configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries09:38
indusstaticRails: yeah iam like a driver who always opens the bonnet and looks under the hood,even though i dont know what iam looking for09:39
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: so i have to specify refresh rates etc so I can get a full display09:39
ravinduwhy it shows glx not found when $compiz -fusion09:39
indusstaticRails: but do paste both dmesg and xorg.log09:39
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: as my monitor doesnt talk back to my video card when its asked09:39
pawanupdate directory /usr/share/vuze isint writable09:39
b1n42yhi all, cant run k3b in normal user but able to via su, throws cannot create directory errors via normal user,suggestions?09:39
ActionParsnip1pawan: does it exist?09:39
indusActionParsnip1: crt's are not old :D I use a 17 inch one09:39
BoohbahRamonster: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev09:40
ActionParsnip1indus: its not a fancy flat screen though like all the cool kids have09:40
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:40
RamonsterBoohbah, got that 109:40
ActionParsnip1indus: ;)09:40
indusActionParsnip1: i need a big lcd soon as they are as good as CRT's now09:40
fwaokda_What do i do to fix an error about a public key after adding two lines into my software sources?09:40
L33tHaxor666SHAZburg: thats not working09:41
pawani cant update vuze09:41
indusActionParsnip1: also,IPTV is on the horizon in india, and i got a tv tuner card installed,so thats great09:41
L33tHaxor666Shazburg: did u type-o09:41
staticRailsindus: it is on another computer... that doesn't working and i can just work in command line. it is not coonected to the net. so I can't paste the messages.09:41
indusstaticRails: thats bad09:41
L33tHaxor666cat /etc/X11/xorg.con09:41
indusstaticRails: which intel driver did you install09:41
ravinduActionParsnip1-why it shows glx not found when $compiz -fusion09:41
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" with an "f"09:42
staticRailsindus:during the system load... I just receive one fail.. which I think that is normal09:42
ActionParsnip1ravindu: can you put the output of the command on a pastebin so we can see it09:42
NeroonL33tHaxor666: xorg.conf09:42
ActionParsnip1ravindu: compiz --replace09:42
staticRailsindus:  that is for kvm module.09:42
ActionParsnip1!paste | ravindu09:42
ubotturavindu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:42
b1n42ypawan: i think vuze requires write permissions on a certain directory, find out which one and change permissions09:43
ravinduI'm not with my ubuntu machine now even I can not launch xbmc It asks for OpenGL support09:43
indusravindu: also in terminal  have you done .... glxinfo | grep render09:43
L33tHaxor666shazburg cat: /etc/x11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory09:43
FlannelL33tHaxor666: X11 not x1109:43
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" with an "f"09:43
L33tHaxor666cps matter09:43
indusstaticRails: i dont know what is kvm,btw which intel driver did you install? what onboard card is it?09:43
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: Always.09:44
staticRailsindus: the command i ran is "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4f191a5a8844c542"09:44
indusstaticRails: huh ,are you using a PPA?09:44
ravinduthanx indus , ActionParsnip1 I'll try and come back with more details.09:44
staticRailsindus: the mainboard is dg31pr09:44
L33tHaxor666wow pastie is cool09:44
ravinduThis Channel is great my second time.09:44
L33tHaxor666shazburg: http://pastie.org/54655209:45
b1n42yso how do i give k3b permissions for creating folders09:45
indusstaticRails: can i see dmesg output pelase09:45
ActionParsnip1b1n42y: depends where they are to be made09:45
b1n42yActionParsnip1: home folder09:45
indusstaticRails: seems like a good mobo for linux09:46
ActionParsnip1b1n42y: then if you run it as you then it can make folders, as you are the owner and the app is running as you09:46
leaf-sheepI take it that cryptsetup (crypto_LUKS) does not work on KDE4? I plugged in the external HDD. It shows up. I toggle the HDD and it prompts me for password. I type in. Nothing. Repeat. Nothing. Repeat.09:46
=== eXtra_Rice|wAla is now known as jilbert
L33tHaxor666(>")>  UBUNTU  <("<)09:46
staticRailsindus: I haven't pastebinit installed and also am not able to install it now. coz I don't have any connection on the ubuntu pc...09:47
b1n42yActionParsnip1: well im logged in as myself non root run k3b and it fails at above task, i run it as root and its happy09:47
DVA5912anyone know why google earth is so slow? It wasnt this slow in windows09:47
indus!paste | staticRails09:47
ubottustaticRails: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:47
DVA5912Its it the opengl thing?09:47
indusstaticRails: aah where is that pc now/?09:47
L33tHaxor666they need something better then xorg i think09:47
indusanyone knows anything about lirc with tvtime?09:48
ActionParsnip1b1n42y: launch k3b from terminal, see what is output09:48
DVA5912wow my cpu just went ape wall because of google earth09:48
indusActionParsnip1: b1n42y he probably installed from some where else09:48
staticRailsindus: i am using another pc now. the problematic pc is here to.. but not connected09:48
indusDVA5912: Well, google earth freezes for me09:49
b1n42yActionParsnip1: already done that, thats why Im saying it fails creating folders in home09:49
yurikoleshow to use amd64 flash in azureus09:49
L33tHaxor666the i965 is made nvidia i think09:49
fwaokda_ActionParsnip1, here is my xorg.conf file... I don't see where to put my resolution though -- http://pastebin.com/m4c48e25f -- I thought perhaps I just need to change the virtual resolution thats there but what would be the virtual resolution for 1920x1080 & 1650x1050 ?09:49
yurikolesin amd64 azureus ofcoourse09:49
indusstaticRails: hmm press ctl-alt-f1 in that pc and go to console09:49
DVA5912indus: hmmm. This is just one more reason for me to have to go back to windows. i use google earth alot09:49
ActionParsnip1b1n42y: ok try this: ls -la ~/ | grep root | less09:49
indusDVA5912: yeah why u a spy? :P09:49
ActionParsnip1b1n42y: do any files show?09:49
staticRailsindus: I am there09:49
* DVA5912 whistles 09:49
indusstaticRails: what happens when you type startx09:50
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: line 34 in that pastebin, if you look at mine you can compare09:50
staticRailsindus: "server is already active for display 0"09:50
indusstaticRails: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:51
c_nickis there a community for finance n stock market oriented stuff09:51
b1n42yActionParsnip1: 2 - Adobe reader.desktop and .kde09:51
fwaokda_ActionParsnip1, you don't have a part in yours labeled, "Viewport" that i see09:51
staticRailsindus: stopping ... [ok]09:52
moymoyhey all.. anyone awakee?09:52
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: its not that EXACT line, its just in that subsection09:52
chartoindoes ubuntu 9.04 have a command line version of choosing monitor resolution and frequency?09:52
indusstaticRails: ok now type startx09:52
ActionParsnip1chartoin: xrandr09:52
moymoyanyone here using the nfs-kernel-server?09:52
indusstaticRails: sorry, that same command but now say start09:52
indusstaticRails: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:52
fwaokda_ActionParsnip1, your subsection only has "Depth 24" in it...09:52
staticRailsindus: I typed: startx....  halted..09:53
DVA5912so just to be clear directX is totaly un avalible in ubuntu?09:53
dsotrchartoin: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:53
indusstaticRails: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:53
chartoinalso ubuntu 8.10 installation live CD doesnt work in my pc...I get the ubuntu loading screen and then it restarts09:53
L33tHaxor666you guys got my hopes up09:53
staticRailsindus: let me reset it.09:53
chartoindsotr, that command has only keyboard setting starting from 8.1009:54
ActionParsnip1fwaokda_: ok here's a better one: http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/archive/index.php/t-847670.html09:55
progre55hi people! I have just downloaded some fonts, but how to install them? :) they a just a bunch of .ttf files..09:55
staticRailsindus: I have the login screen now09:55
ActionParsnip1!fonts | progre5509:55
ubottuprogre55: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:55
fwaokda_ActionParsnip1, edited it gonna go try it out brb09:55
Ademanis there a command or something to tell if my laptop is acpi or apm? (can it be both? basically i want to know if i can get rid of apmd from my init)09:56
L33tHaxor666OK i need xorg helps09:56
moymoyanyone here using the nfs-kernel-server?09:56
L33tHaxor666they is xorg not have a config vi?09:56
staticRailsindus: I stopped the gdm and the restarted it using the command you gave me... now I have the login screen09:56
b1n42yfirefox 50-66 % cpu usage with 60 tabs boooo09:57
L33tHaxor666I WANT CONFIG VI09:57
progre55ActionParsnip1, thanks )09:57
dsotrchartoin: mmm, then try  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg :)09:58
staticRailsActionParsnip1: r tu there ?09:58
b1n42y(18:56:15) ActionParsnip1 left the room.09:58
PeteinI have a directory with many other directories with images(jpg). How can i create a dir in each directory with the name Images and put all the jpgs there?09:58
CybertinusI'm looking at the blueman page at launchpad.net. But I can't seam to find the URL and stuff to add Blueman to my repositories so I can install it. Where on that page do I find the URL for synaptic?09:58
pawanvuze cant update09:58
pawandirectory isint writable09:58
b1n42ypawan: make it writable09:59
staticRailsindus: r u there??09:59
moymoypawan: getting vuze to update isn't worth the work.. the version in the repos is out of date.. just get vuze from their website09:59
L33tHaxor666dsotr: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure must be run as root09:59
b1n42ypawan: well i go gksu nautilus in terminal then properties09:59
chartoindsotr, here is the wierd thing. My ubuntu 8.10 installatio cd worked only once a long while ago when i didn't know about the command you agve me and I gave up and installed 7.10 instead. Now the SAME 8.10 live cd doesnt work..09:59
b1n42ypawan: but im sure theres a chmod command for it10:00
dsotrL33tHaxor666: yep10:00
chartoindsotr, it restarts after it enters the ubuntu loading screen10:00
L33tHaxor666dsotr: how do i run it as root?10:00
moymoyL33tHaxor666: sudo10:01
b1n42ypawan:  moymoy has a point i'd even go getdeb10:01
chartoinL33tHaxor666,prefix your command by "sudo "10:01
dsotrchartoin: on the same machine you mean?10:01
dsotrL33tHaxor666: type sudo in front of it :)10:01
chartoindsotr, yes on the same machine10:01
b1n42ypawan: as in www.getbed10:01
b1n42ypawan: erm www.getbed.something10:02
moymoyb1n42y: rofl!10:02
L33tHaxor666chartoin: xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration10:02
L33tHaxor666   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009071505015410:02
dsotrchartoin: I'm puzzled, It shouldn0e behave like that10:02
moymoyi wish they would finish playdeb.net already!10:02
spikemcchow do you put dual-screens settings on hardy ?10:02
chartoindsotr, frankly i am puzzled too. I dont know what to do...10:03
staticRailsindus: .... I am waiting...10:03
dsotrchartoin: try to check the xorg.conf file while you are running the live cd10:03
L33tHaxor666i hope ur not talking about me10:03
indusstaticRails: sorry was away10:03
staticRailsindus: nop10:03
chartoindsotr, I can only do that if it actually loads the live cd10:03
moymoyanyone here have NFS exports on their desktops?10:03
dsotrL33tHaxor666: that's what the command is supposed to do, overwrites the previous xorg configuration10:04
staticRailsindus: thx for comming bakc... I was disappinted ...10:04
indusstaticRails: do a safe login ,check options at left corner10:04
spikemccouou ?10:04
=== mr is now known as Guest53634
L33tHaxor666whats sudo mean?10:04
indus!SUDO | L33tHaxor66610:04
ubottuL33tHaxor666: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)10:04
chartoinL33tHaxor666, super user do10:04
Neroonsubstitute user do afaik10:04
NeroonL33tHaxor666:  substitute user do afaik10:04
ikoniaL33tHaxor666: please control your language10:05
indus!language | L33tHaxor66610:05
ubottuL33tHaxor666: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:05
staticRailsindus: failsafe gnome or terminal?10:05
chartoinL33tHaxor666, dont get confused..it just means do the command as a super user10:05
indusstaticRails: failsafe10:05
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: If that reconfig doesn't work, here is an xorg conf for you: http://pastie.org/54656210:06
induschartoin: use gksu for graphical apps and sudo for command line10:06
crimzorHow do I add a certificate authority to the list of trusted certificate authorities in Ubuntu? I need to have my entire server (not just the web browser) to accept my self signed cert.10:06
spikemcchey how do I can put dual screens setting on hardy10:06
dsotrchartoin: I don't remember if you can start the live cd in non-graphics mode10:06
staticRailsindus: I have to failsafe options: failsafe GNOME and failsafe Terminal10:06
indusstaticRails: falsafe gnome :)10:06
spikemccAti software don't do it as I like ...10:06
chartoindsotr, what should I be looking for in the xorg.conf?10:06
staticRailsindus: halted10:07
Neroonspikemcc: welcome to the club ... had some troubles the last 4 days with ati10:07
spikemccand resolution app don't work at all for the 2nd screen10:07
indusdsotr: chartoin it can be started in safe graphics mode, the alternate cd installer gives you text mode installation10:07
chartoinspikemcc, ATI and Linux are not friends10:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualscreens10:07
Neroonspikemcc: but it is possible10:07
gabkdllyspikemcc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo10:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualmonitors10:07
spikemccAti work perfect on 8.04 LTS man10:07
L33tHaxor666now...how do i enter that10:08
spikemccdon't touch a non LTS ubuntu that's all10:08
indusstaticRails: hmm10:08
Neroonspikemcc: I do have 8.04 here and it was a pain you know where10:08
L33tHaxor666Shazburg: how would i put this into the xorg10:08
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: But from the looks of it, you are going to need a lot more help than we can provide. Linux isn't for the feint of heart. While Ubuntu does it's best to make the experience as safe and friendly as possible, you have the misfortune of using a somewhat unusual laptop for your first venture. Be ready to read alot and see if you can find a local LUG (Linux Users Group)10:09
indusstaticRails: have you done any messing aroundwiththat pc?10:09
AndorinMuting from the keyboard no longer works, even when I change the shortcut. Help?10:09
=== NANA is now known as Guest13712
richardcavellwhy is anyone using a non-current release? The only good reasons are if you're on non-Intel hardware, you have an old computer, or you are doing something that's mission-critical10:09
chartoindsotr, what should I be looking for in xorg.conf?10:09
staticRailsindus: the only thing I think may caused problem is installing vga drvieer...10:10
spikemccuse the ati catalyst 9.4 and it work for me10:10
Neroonspikemcc: so you want 2 separate X on each monitor?10:10
L33tHaxor666I just need to know how to enter this last config10:10
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: You can use whatever editor you choose. gedit will likely be easiest. Run "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig". Then run "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and paste the new config in.10:10
L33tHaxor666COME ON...come on10:10
L33tHaxor666like regedit10:10
indusstaticRails: how did u install it if you dont have a net conection10:10
staticRailsindus: when I use failsafe terminal I am able to run firefox nautilus and so on...10:10
staticRailsI had...10:10
dsotrchartoin: check if the configuration differs from the one you've got working on 7.1010:10
indusstaticRails: firefox from a terminal? how10:10
spikemccjust do all the things of the doc even the stuff for troubleshooting10:10
chartoindsotr, okay I will10:11
staticRailsindus: everything was go ... till the morning.10:11
Neroonspikemcc: sure, use the 9.4 with a x1650. And good luck, since they dont work together10:11
staticRailsindus: failsafe terminal10:11
spikemccjust the max resolution of each screen will be enough10:11
indusstaticRails: why exactly did you install the intel vga?10:11
staticRailsindus: when I use failsafe terminal the xwindo is loaded..10:11
ShazburgL33tHaxor666: Your impatience and petulance is wearing. There is no regedit. Everything you know about Windows: chuck it.10:11
NeroonShazburg: he's kinda annoying ...10:12
spikemccx1650 but I got an ati readeon xpress 1150 256Mo laptop10:12
BoohbahShazburg: what about gconf?10:12
BoohbahL33tHaxor666: http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/10:12
L33tHaxor666Shazburg: dont worry, ill grow on you (like fugus)10:12
staticRailsindus: I had noting im my hardware list. taught it may be better to install it...10:12
AndorinMuting from the keyboard no longer works, even when I change the shortcut. Help?10:12
ShazburgBoohbah: his monitor is kinda funky and doesn't auto-detect.10:13
grawityShazburg: registry = gconf. shortcuts = launchers. taskbar = panels. and so on ;)10:13
indusstaticRails: intel drivers are open source, hardware drivers only lists proprietary devices10:13
staticRailsindus: I had no problem with it.10:13
joejccould i use a modem to connect to dsl?10:13
grawityjoejc: only if the modem supports DSL.10:13
dsotr!search audio*10:13
ShazburgMaybe I'm just in the wrong channel.10:13
indusstaticRails: just do this when you have internet, sudo apt-get reinstall xserver-xorg-intel10:13
joejchow much would one that does cost?10:13
staticRailsindus: a very expensive experience...10:13
indusstaticRails: just hook this internet to that pc and do it10:14
staticRailsindus: is it possible to have internet when i am in termianl...10:14
Paddy_NIstaticRails: no reason why not10:14
AndorinOkay, what the deuce. Repeatedly pressing the key for fun got it to work once out of maybe fifty presses.10:15
joejcwhere would i buy a pci modem that supports dsl?10:15
NeroonstaticRails: of course it is10:15
indusstaticRails: of course10:15
staticRailsindus: i have internet... how I can have internet on that pc?10:15
RamonsterI get this error when trying to ./configure on ubuntu: checking for ssl... configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries10:16
indusstaticRails: just connect network cable there and you got it10:16
indusstaticRails: just do this when you have internet, sudo apt-get reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel10:16
AndorinI don't know how, but "Mute" is just NOT working. The system detects that I press the key, but it's not doing anything.10:16
AndorinSomebody please advise.10:16
indusstaticRails: also first do sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg10:16
moymoystaticRails: if you have your internet configuration in your /etc/rc.local file, then you'll have internet on startup, in the terminal10:16
chartoindsotr, 7.10 is now an old release right?10:16
staticRailsindus: it is wireless.. adn the usb card is connected to the case..10:16
chartoindsotr, how do I change the repos?10:16
dsotrchartoin: y10:16
indusstaticRails: thats ok,if it was working before,it will work now10:16
moymoyAndorin: does the volume icon change when you press the button?10:16
Andorinmoymoy: Nope.10:17
indusmoymoy: hello10:17
dsotrchartoin: do you want to upgrade it to another version?10:17
moymoyindus: hey indus10:17
dsotr!search upgrade10:17
ubottuFound: upgrade, tb1.5*, brokenmsn, alternate-#kubuntu, koffice, feisty, dist-upgrade, alternate, upgrading, update10:17
indusiam here at odd hours :D10:17
staticRailsindus: ping www.yahoo.com => "unknown host ...10:17
moymoyindus: what file system are you using? i had data loss when i had to force shutdown my computer =[ .. you're just a lucky guy10:17
chartoindsotr, I will do that a little later10:18
indusstaticRails: its wireless, takes a min to start10:18
chartoindsotr,  maybe like tomorrow, right now I want to download a partition manager to ubuntu 7.10 and apt-get doesn't seem to work10:18
L33tHaxor666SHAZBURG: I Put in your info?10:18
moymoyAndorin: are you on a laptop? what kind?10:18
L33tHaxor666Do i need to restart opr something?10:18
staticRailsindus:  it is 5 minute it is on....10:18
ikoniachartoin: 7.10 has been end of lifed, and the repos are now in the "old-release" server10:18
L33tHaxor666i pressed save10:18
ikoniachartoin: you'll probably need to update your sources.list10:19
dsotrchartoin: the repos are located in /etc/apt/sources.list10:19
Andorinmoymoy: Nope, on my PC. Though Mute stopped working on my laptop quite some time ago. PC is an HP Pavilion a6512p running Jaunty.10:19
indusstaticRails: hmm ok use a wired cable10:19
chartoindsotr, how do I update the sources.list?10:19
indusstaticRails: best is.. use live cd ,boot up,install the packages and you will be fine10:19
dsotrchartoin: but to repartition you hdd I'd suggest using the live distro GParted10:19
ikoniachartoin: open it with a text editor, or use the software sources editor gui10:19
indusdsotr: gparted is also present on the live cd10:19
RamonsterI get this error when trying to ./configure on ubuntu: checking for ssl... configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries10:20
grawityRamonster: you need libssl-dev, I think.10:20
ikoniaRamonster: you need the ssl libraraies from the development package - what are you trying to build ?10:20
dsotrindus: ups :)10:20
chartoindsotr, I'll use the live cd10:20
moymoyAndorin: sorry .. i was just interested in your problem.. didn't actually know how to fix it.. althought it might be that the kernel doesn't support the hardware (extra buttons your computer has)10:20
dsotr!dist-upgrade | chartoin10:20
ubottuchartoin: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:20
Ramonstergrawity: got that one\10:20
NeroonL33tHaxor666: Shazburg has left the channel10:20
chartoinikonia, what do I change in the sources  list?10:20
Ramonsterikonia, trying to build arcemu10:20
indusdsotr: but you are right too, gparted has an iso for doing cool stuff10:20
staticRailsindus: is it possible to boot from live and install something on installed ubuntu??10:20
ikonia!info arcemu10:20
ubottuPackage arcemu does not exist in jaunty10:20
Andorinmoymoy: It was working earlier.10:20
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:20
L33tHaxor666i mean10:21
L33tHaxor666poo poo10:21
indusstaticRails: of course it is10:21
Andorinmoymoy: And it doesn't work even if I set the shortcut to something like Alt+M.10:21
ikoniachartoin: change the hostname of the releases to be old-releases.ubuntu.com10:21
ikoniachartoin: then do apt-get update10:21
moymoyAndorin: are you using the right sound mixer? accidentally switched by any chance?10:21
ikoniachartoin: so the hostname for each repo should be "old-releases.ubuntu.com"10:22
Andorinmoymoy: How do I check?10:22
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staticRailsindus:  can't we use the packages on the live to install it?10:22
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L33tHaxor666Do i need to restart to get this to work10:22
indusstaticRails: i dont understand10:22
L33tHaxor666anyone know10:22
indusL33tHaxor666: when i doubt,restart :)10:23
indusL33tHaxor666: when in doubt,restart :)10:23
staticRailsindus: I mean isn't x-server available on the live cd? and if it is can't we install that without having internet connection?10:23
moymoyAndorin: you can go to the sound preferences and there are various things you can test.. and also test the volume slider controls.. because that's what your keyboard is controlling right? is it controlling MASTER?10:23
staticRailsindus: I am on with the live version.10:24
indusstaticRails: yes ok10:24
indusstaticRails: you need to point the installer to the live cd package10:24
Andorinmoymoy: I can right-click the Volume icon in the panel and hit Preferences... it is indeed set to Master.10:24
indusstaticRails: go to synaptic and add the cd i guess10:25
Andorinmoymoy: I also can't think of anything I've done today that would change anything regarding my volume.10:25
moymoyAndorin: okay.. does the volume slider work to change your volume?10:25
Andorinmoymoy: Yup. And the Volume Up/Down keys on my keyboard work. Just not Mute.10:25
staticRailsindus: ok... the live cd is up and I also have internet connection. how I am able to tell him the location of the installed version of ubuntu.... (10:26
moymoyAndorin: that's so strange.. all the keyboard commands should be controlling the same thing.. i'm assuming you set with the "keyboard shortcuts" in preferences?10:26
moymoyAndorin: have you tried logging out and back in?10:26
L33tHaxor666YOU GUYS DID IT10:26
indusstaticRails: go to synaptic> repositories and add the cd10:27
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L33tHaxor666my whole screen is working...10:27
Andorinmoymoy: Yes, I did. The default is the Mute key and I even tried changing the shortcut. Doesn't work. No, I haven't tried logging out.10:27
L33tHaxor666ubuntu is my new OS10:27
moymoyL33tHaxor666: what was your problem anyway?10:27
L33tHaxor666I couldnt get high resolution support10:27
moymoyAndorin: give it a shot.. let's see what happens when GNOME reloads10:27
Andorinmoymoy: K, brb.10:28
dsotraps ncmpc10:28
moymoyL33tHaxor666: how high is your resolution?10:28
staticRailsindus: my question is not to use cd as a repository... I am asking you how to tell the live running os to install the x-server org package for my installed version of ubuntu10:28
RamonsterI get this error when trying to ./configure on ubuntu: checking for ssl... configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries - what could this be since im almost sure I got the right ssl libs :s10:28
L33tHaxor666now its at 1280 by 800, i couldnt get any wide screen10:28
indusstaticRails: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg?10:28
L33tHaxor666add lines with gedit10:29
L33tHaxor666was how10:29
indusstaticRails: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core , sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel10:29
moymoyL33tHaxor666: 1680x1050  xD10:29
staticRailsindus: it is trying to install on the live version.....10:30
L33tHaxor666show off10:30
owen1how to run an app on boot, in a specific monitor (I have 2)?10:30
Neroonanyone know why the network loses connection to the router (lan) after a while?10:30
owen1i have it in .xinit rc, before starting my wm, but it only shows in one of my monitores.10:30
indusstaticRails: ya wait i min10:30
moymoyL33tHaxor666: i'm just happy, this monitor came with DELL for a good price!10:30
hantuhey my mbr has moved to my usb stick and not my hd10:30
indusstaticRails: hmm what do you mean live version? its a cd10:30
indusstaticRails: but i get your point10:30
L33tHaxor666u got hdmi?10:31
hantuhow do i change it bace10:31
awakehi everyone, i wanted to use the script in this thread > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=451344&page=2 to spin down my external hard drive, but i have a different ext hard drive and it has 2 partitions10:31
staticRailsindus: you get?10:31
to_how can I know my private ip address?10:31
awakewill the script still work?10:31
phishieto_: ifcongif /all10:32
L33tHaxor666no hdmi huh :D10:32
phishieto_: ifconfig /all10:32
grawityto_: ifconfig -a10:32
grawityphishie: /all is on WIndows.10:32
NeroonNeed help, network loses connection to router after a while (LAN). Even network restart doesnt help10:32
Andorinmoymoy: Still doesn't work.10:32
kke_truecrypt says unable to create loop device when trying to mount, any ideas?10:33
phishieifconfig would do lol10:33
indusstaticRails: not sure how we can do this10:33
indusstaticRails: i suggest you boot normally and install from command line, network should work10:33
to_phishie: grawity: but can't see any address like 192.168.x.x in, why?10:33
indusstaticRails: ok wait hold on10:34
staticRailsindus: ok. I 'll try10:34
indusstaticRails: reinstall :)10:34
grawityto_: you probably don't have one.10:34
moymoyAndorin: sorry dude, i don't know what the problem is.. since everything else seems to work fine10:34
phishiemaybe you are connected directly?10:34
staticRailsindus: reinstall what?10:35
indusstaticRails: ubuntu10:35
Andorinmoymoy: Thanks anyway for trying; I'm going to register on the forums and post my question there.10:35
indusstaticRails: but nvm, try booting normally and network should work,its not depending on GUI10:35
indusstaticRails: why dont you try failsafe terminal then?10:36
staticRailsindus: reinstall a fresh ubuntu???10:36
staticRailsindus: i used it.. i don't have any connection in that.10:36
mzzso how do I get a list of the roots used by apt-get autoremove? deborphan -a is close, but seems to treat suggests and recommends identically.10:36
indusstaticRails: you said x works with failsafe,then shouldnt you be able to install packages10:36
mzz(either gui or cli is fine)10:36
moymoyindus: i thought on a standard ubuntu installation, the networking is handled by GNOME, so one has to at least log into a gnome session to get networking ready10:36
to_phishie: grawity: yes, should be that, but in this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/dns-configuration.html , they have as IP for their server, so what do I set for it if I havent a such address?10:37
indusmoymoy: nope10:37
staticRailsindus: there is no connection in failsafe.10:37
indusstaticRails: hmm10:37
mzzmoymoy: I haven't used them, but I'm pretty sure networkmanager has a cli interface too10:37
indusmoymoy: networking is a service started on boot time10:37
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indusmoymoy: gui makes it easy to configure of course, imagine entering ip addresses without a gui :)10:37
moymoyindus: when boot up, ping'ing google results in the host not resolving (before i log in to GNOME) .. but now i have my configuration in my rc.local file10:38
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gsneddersHey, I'm using BitlBee, yet the init script isn't starting it as the bitlbee user10:38
indusmoymoy: hmm you probably trying before networking has started,but yes probably that rc.local has some settings10:39
indusmoymoy: but i think that too is read before gdm loads up10:39
devilneed to install gcc java on ubuntu.10:39
indusdevil: sudo apt-get install gcc10:40
mzzooh, apt has python bindings. Perhaps those can tell me.10:40
indusdevil: which java. there are quite a few10:40
moymoyindus: yup, it is.. maybe it was just a kink left from my upgrade from 8.10.. but i did a fresh install with a 9.04 minimal CD and networking works after boot, even before i login through gdm .. but i edited my rc.local file because i wanted a static LAN ip10:40
devilindus: i have downloded gcc C++ compiler .10:41
indusmoymoy: ya think about ubuntu servers, they dont have gdm :)networking depending on gui wil kill the whole concept10:41
indusdevil: ok and?10:42
indusdevil: why download when you can install from synaptic10:42
indusdevil: main menu> system>administration>synaptic10:42
devilindus: its because i dnt have a hard disk and i am booting ubuntu via usb .10:42
viseHi.. why is my overal download speed in Transmission double that of the only torrent im downloading? The torrent shows 8 kB/s (only torrent) and the overall speed is 16 kB/s.. why so?10:42
indusdevil: ok and?10:43
Slartvise: overall=upload+download? just a guess10:43
devilindus: hence i am looking forward to get all the necessary packages on the usb and install them each time i log on10:43
vadiaudio not working help me plz10:44
indusdevil: hmm that way, check packages.ubuntu.com10:44
viseOops.. sorry.. So why is the torrent download speed less than the total download speed on Transmission? The only torrent i am downloading shows 8 kB/s and the overall is 16 kB/s.. Theres no upload taking place...10:44
indusdevil: you want to download the binaries then install on some other system?10:44
moymoyvise: the overall accounts for protocol traffic also.. because your client has to communicate with the tracker as well as all of the peers you're connected to10:44
indusi hate torrents, i get the worst speeds with them10:45
vadiaudio promblem in 9.04 is a bug ?10:45
moymoyvise: also.. what kind of internet do you have? is 16kb/s normal for you?10:45
devilindus: hmm yes .10:45
bullgard4Where can I find a definition of the term 'host bridge'? (lspci uses it.)10:45
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!10:45
visemoymoy, Okay, but in utorrent on windows, there is not much difference in the two rates...10:45
visemoymoy, Yes 17 is normal...10:45
gsneddersHow can I find out what user a daemon is running as?10:46
indusdevil: use the firefox ubuntu package search tool in location bar10:46
devilindus: tell me.. i have downloded  files .. a tar.bz2 and tar.gz  can i use apt-get to install the package10:46
moymoyvise: utorrent is probably much better at handling connections.. not that transmission isn't a great client also.. i personally use Deluge, and it maxes out my bandwidth10:46
grawitygsnedders: "ps u"10:46
visemoymoy, Il try Deluge...10:46
Nameless_aumoymoy: what is ur opinion on ktorrent?10:47
indusdevil: nope apt get is only for deb files but no problem, you can install tar files from the system by untarring them10:47
moymoyindus: always maxes out my bandwidth =] .. even if there're like 5 seeds, within those 5 seeds lurks some kind soul that has an upload rate of 70kb/s10:47
indusdevil: umm i mean10:47
visemoymoy, What speed do you get.. just curious..10:47
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moymoyvise: 110-140kb/s10:47
indusmoymoy: actually, i have tried last 10 years and still dont know how to use a torrent10:47
visemoymoy, Ah good.. I must upgrade this ** connection.. :)10:48
CybertinusI'm running Ubuntu 9.04 on my Eee 901. I installed a PPA for Blueman. Then the package manager did a little wierd (Synaptic didn't want to start, the update manager didn't want to install updates) so I rebooted Ubuntu. And now X doesn't want to start :(. And there is nothing wierd in /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:48
moymoyNameless_au: ktorrent is a good client.. and has lots of features(that i don't use) so that's why i went with Deluge... (plus kde apps look bad on gnome)10:48
Cybertinushow could I see why X isn't starting?10:48
indusdevil: tar xzvf <filename> for gz extentions10:48
pinoyskullanybody> i have a file...   file A contains 1 2 3 4 5     then file B contains 1 2 3 4 5 6     i want to compare file A and B then the difference will be outputted to file C10:49
devilindus: ok ill try10:49
grawityindus: tar xvf is enough, tar autodetects everything now.10:49
grawitypinoyskull: "diff fileA fileB > fileC" ?10:49
indusgrawity: ok cool, when did that happen10:49
grawityindus: long ago10:49
pinoyskullgrawity:  hmmm, that simple?10:49
pinoyskullill try that10:49
moymoyCybertinus: have you tried reconfiguring X? .. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:49
moymoyvise: what kind of connection do you have? dialup?10:50
Cybertinusmoymoy: running that now10:50
indusdevil: ok so you got that?10:51
pinoyskullgrawity:  is there a way to sanitize diff output? like removing the codes10:51
moymoyindus: so many great torrent guides out there..10:51
indusCybertinus: check /var/log/Xorg.log10:51
devilindus: i gave the comm tar xf <archive name>.tar  it isnt ble to find the file10:51
moymoyindus: he said nothing weird showed up in there10:52
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indusmoymoy: huh what? who said?10:52
moymoyindus: Cybertinus said.10:52
indusdevil: try tar xvf <filename>10:52
indusdevil: is the file on the desktop?10:52
indusdevil: then first cd Desktop, then command10:53
awakei have an external hd connected via firewire. after i unmount both partitions, the drive is still spinning, how can i spin down the hard drive?10:53
devilindis" tell me how to copy the file from usb to desktop.. i am unable to execute the cp command10:53
awakei've tried sdparm but i get permission denied error10:53
indusdevil: u using live usb right?10:53
hrgahow to check which OpenGL extensions are supported?10:53
Slartawake: tried using sdparm with sudo?10:53
indusdevil: i mean.... live cd or how exactlyt are you online now?10:54
devilindus: yes i\live session through usb  ubuntu 9.0410:54
awakeSlart, oh it worked, thanks a lot :)10:54
Slartawake: you're welcome10:54
indusdevil: ok then ,hmm i havent booted usb before,but iam sure you can copy files there10:54
indusdevil: just right click on that file? copy to usb or something?10:55
mzzhrga: try "glxinfo"10:55
Cybertinusmoymoy: thnx, sort of :). I reconfigured xserver-xorg, and now I see the normal login again :D10:55
Cybertinusmoymoy: only it chrashes as soon as I press a key :p10:55
indusstaticRails: hi hi hi i forgot that simple step10:55
devilindus: theres the problem..iam able to access it through terminal only.10:56
indusstaticRails: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorf10:56
moymoyCybertinus: hmm maybe reconfigure the keyboard input also .. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-input-kbd10:56
indusstaticRails: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:56
staticRailsindus: ok10:56
indusdevil: cp <filename> <location>10:56
devilindus: lemme see10:57
staticRailsindus: you mean I run this instruction when I run live ubuntu?10:57
indusdevil: can u tell me the output of mount10:57
staticRailsindus: you mean I run this instruction when I run live ubuntu?10:58
indusstaticRails: no10:58
devilindus: i gave the command sudo cp <filename> /desktop...no error but the file isnt there10:58
indusstaticRails: normal boot, then just say yes no etc10:58
indusdevil: you need to copy the file from desktop to the usb drive iam i correct?10:59
devilindus: yes  via comand line10:59
indusdevil: right now , do u see the files on your desktop? or you dont have a display?10:59
Cybertinusmoymoy: I haven't reconfigured the keyboard input yet, but now I have the following lines in /var/log/Xorg.0.log: "(EE) Error compiling keymap (server-0)" and "(EE) XKB: Couldn't compile keymap" and "(WW) Couldn't load CXKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap"10:59
devilindus: no there r not there.11:00
indusdevil: do ls -l11:00
indusdevil: do u have a graphical session now? or you in some black screen11:01
devilindus: no its not there on dektop11:01
devilindus: i have the graphical interface11:01
crimzorDoes Firefox use /usr/share/ca-certificates as a list of trusted authorities?11:02
grawityProbably not, but try it anyway11:03
crimzorOk does not.11:03
storrwhat is the story of cron on ubuntu11:04
Balahi anybody tel me how to install beryl emarald theme on ubuntu 9.0411:04
devilindus: is the comand sudo cp <filename> \Desktop correct?11:04
moymoyCybertinus: anything in  /var/log/gdm.log? .. or kdm if that's what you're using11:05
grawitydevil: it's sudo cp <filename> ~/Desktop11:05
Balahi friends11:06
devil<grawity> thnx a ton to u ...thnx to indus as well11:06
Balaneed ur help for install emerald theme11:06
moymoyCybertinus: anything in  /var/log/gdm.log? .. or kdm if that's what you're using11:06
Cybertinusmoymoy: I'm using gdm11:06
Cybertinusmoymoy: there is something there11:06
moymoyCybertinus: any errors?11:07
Cybertinusmoymoy: yeah11:07
Cybertinusmoymoy: let me see how I'm gonna get them online11:07
moymoyCybertinus: can you pm them?11:08
bullgard4Where can I find a definition of the term 'host bridge'? (lspci uses it.)11:08
qe2eqeWhen I move a hardrive from one computer to another, what should I do for smooth operation?11:08
Balamoymoy how to install emerald theme on 9.04 ubuntu11:08
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.11:08
Cybertinusmoymoy: no. The computer running Ubuntu isn't the computer I'm using to IRC ;)11:08
Balamoymoy yeah11:08
Cybertinusmoymoy: but I've found a way. I'll let you know when they are online ;)11:09
moymoyCybertinus: oh... then pastebin it xD.. you got me, i'm sleepy11:09
Balamoymoy do u know how to install that one?11:10
moymoyBala: why do you want emerald?11:11
Balai don't knw abt emerald yaar i'm newbie11:11
devilgrawity: now the file has been copied to dektop..i am using the command sudo apt-get install <filename>..but it isnt working.. am i dng something wrong.. the file has .tzr.bz2 extension11:11
indusso did the devil get help ? :)11:11
indusbrb smoke11:11
Balaberyl emerald theme moymoy11:11
moymoyBala: you can install emerald using synaptic.. but i'd recommend sticking with the default (metacity)11:12
grawitydevil: apt-get only installs packages from repositories11:12
moymoyBala: but if you really want to install emerald, then `sudo aptitude install emerald` in the terminal11:12
mobi-sheep.bashrc does not depends on distros, right?11:12
grawitydevil: and .tar.bz2 archives have to be uncompressed with tar xvf <filename>11:12
grawitymobi-sheep: should not11:12
devilindus: yes but no..!!11:12
indusdevil: grawity why did u copy the file from home folder to desktop btw?11:12
oldude67devil, plus you will need build essentials for that as well.11:13
indusanyways u learnt a command so thats nice11:13
grawityindus: he wanted to.11:13
grawityindus: either that, or someone told him to.11:13
Cybertinusmoymoy: I've put in on a pastebin :). http://pastebin.org/166211:13
devilindus: i thought installaton would work that way so i asked grawity11:14
BlindbladeHey guys I have a bit of a lame question.11:14
Cybertinusmoymoy: this is the file /var/log/gdm/:0.log11:14
erUSUL!ask | Blindblade11:14
ubottuBlindblade: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:14
BlindbladeAh i see thanks.11:14
Balamoymoy ok thanks11:14
devilgrawity: so will after uncompressing the installation work?  itwas much easier in windows..!!!11:15
* grawity sighs and leaves.11:15
moymoyCybertinus: PM me11:15
Cybertinusmoymoy: ok11:15
erUSULdevil: what are you trying to install ?11:15
BlindbladeWell, I've installed ubuntu then vista.. all that has happened.. and i dont know how to figure out where the vista partition is on my drive so I can add it to the grub. I remember doing it off a live cd with some utility though having problems with my dvd drive at the moment.11:15
mzzBlindblade: err, does that mean you can still boot into ubuntu but not vista?11:16
oldude67Blindblade, you installed ubuntu then vista?11:16
erUSULBlindblade: just look at « sudo fdisk -l » output (or paste it in pastebin)11:16
mzzBlindblade: if you can still get into ubuntu you should be able to just edit grub's menu.lst from there11:16
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devilerUSUL: i wish to install java and c++ COMPILERS using usb ...11:16
mzzBlindblade: (it's harder if vista boots but ubuntu does not)11:16
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Balamoymoy how to install icons i downloaded11:16
Blindbladeyes oldude67 and mzz11:17
erUSULdevil: using usb ? in a computer without internet conection ?11:17
yomanI want to make a backup and reformat my partitions to create new ones but should I use tar?11:17
devilerUSUL: i have gcc java and c++ compilers in 4 file 2 .tar.gz  and  .tzr.bz211:17
erUSUL!software | devil11:18
ubottudevil: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents11:18
Blindbladethank you very much. found it. thanks for the help.11:18
BalaerUSUL how to install icon themes?11:18
erUSULdevil: just go to aplications>add/remove and install from there11:18
yomanwhy gparted does not show me partitions?11:18
yomanneither the livecd11:18
erUSULBala: drag and drop the tar.gz over the change icon theme window11:18
erUSULdevil: installing from source is not recomendez11:19
erUSULdevil: installing from source is not recomended11:19
BalaerUSUL that icon only also i did that shown not valid themes11:19
Miloshello. I have one problem. When my Ubuntu is starting, I get some error msgs saying that X server already started on screen :0 and it tries then screen :1. That happens every time I turn my computer on. Anybody can help me with this one?11:19
gabkdllyyoman: you probably have not selected the device. Look in the upper right hand corner of the window11:19
MilosAnd yes, when I login, it says that my screen isn`t composited...11:19
* mzz is currently in the process of proving synaptic is not idiot-proof: marking a bazillion packages "Automatically installed" is pretty glacial11:19
Milosmzz: hi!11:19
jribmzz: what?11:20
mzzMilos: are you actually running two servers11:20
mzzMilos: (check in top or system-monitor or something)11:20
Milosmzz: Yes, but how can I fix that so next time I start my computer it starts only one instance?11:21
mzzjrib: trying to accomplish the equivalent of a gentoo "world file": a list of everything I've explicitly installed. Unfortunately it looks like the entire base system was explicitly installed, so I'm throwing out all "explicitly installed" marks and starting over11:21
mzzMilos: well, if you really *are* running two servers you should figure out where they're both starting from.11:21
BalaerUSUL that file name is Black_Mac_Icons_by_Jameshardy88.gz11:21
mzzMilos: did you do anything unusual that might explain why you're getting two of them?11:21
jribmzz: erm, ok.  Why don't you just subtract all of the dependencies of ubuntu-desktop from your list?11:22
mzzjrib: why is that easier and how do I do it?11:22
Milosmzz: nothing but starting Ubuntu in live mode(from a install CD)11:22
mzzMilos: you mean you're currently booted off a livecd, not an installed system?11:22
jribmzz: apt will probably tell you you don't need stuff because you didn't explicitly install it when you actually do need it; don't know offhand11:23
MilosNope, now I`m on system(HDD). But this problem started to happen after I logged in with live CD11:23
mzzjrib: basically if deborphan -a actually worked I'd use that, but it seems to get "Recommends" and "Suggests" mixed up11:23
henke123can you get help here even if you run eeebuntu?11:23
mzzjrib: so it misses things like mercurial which I explicitly installed) which has a dependency loop with mercurial-common11:24
L33tHaxor666can anyone tell me what ubuntu feisty is?11:24
=== Rob83 is now known as RobRokken
mzzL33tHaxor666: an oldish version of ubuntu11:24
Miloscodename for a version11:24
oldude67!feisty | L33tHaxor66611:24
ubottuL33tHaxor666: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.11:24
jribmzz: does apt-get autoremove not work?11:24
RobRokkenholy crap theres a lot of people in here11:25
jribmzz: never mind, you have a different purpose right?11:25
mzzjrib: I want a list of its roots, basically.11:25
RobRokkenhello btw :)11:25
mzzjrib: unfortunately deborphan does not seem to use the same criteria autoremove uses.11:25
jribmzz: ok, I can think of one way to get the list: from a pristine new install11:25
oldude67henke123, not if you dont ask, but is there not a channel for eeebuntu?11:25
RobRokkenAny of you recording using Reaper?11:26
mzzjrib: I'm just doing it the other way around now: mark everything auto-installed, then mark stuff manually installed until autoremove doesn't want to remove anything.11:26
mzzjrib: shouldn't be too hard.11:26
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jribmzz: nope, not too hard, but backup what you change at least in case I am correct about my warning above11:26
mzzjrib: which one?11:26
jribmzz: apt will probably tell you you don't need stuff because you didn't explicitly install it when you actually do need it; don't know offhand11:27
RobRokkenGot wubi fired up right now :)11:27
mzzjrib: I'll sanitycheck its decisions, don't worry. And even if I screw up: this is a scratch install.11:27
henke123i cant get my wireless to work with my eeebuntu, i use wicd manager and i can see my network but i cant connect to it. It fails all the time, anyone has any ideas?11:27
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jribmzz: out of curiousity what purpose does this serve?11:28
mzzjrib: I want a list of stuff I've manually installed for easier maintenance (both so I can install the same stuff on other systems and so I know what to remove to reclaim disk space)11:28
dstaubsaugerhi, i have the /var/www of my jaunty server mountet on my intrepid desktop via sshfs. in the intrepid machine, nautilus shows 0b free space in the folder and its subfolders, and when i try to copy files there, i get an error. i can still "copy" files by doing "touch ./destination" and "cat /source/file > ./destination". how can i fix that error?11:28
RobRokkendamnit, my cd drive is dead, is there a way to install 64studio without a dvd ?11:30
RobRokkenI liked what I've seen with the live cd11:30
staticRailsr u there?11:31
dstaubsaugerRobRokken: a) get a new cd drive | b) try making a bootable usb stick | c) use their channel to ask11:32
indusyeah yeah yeah11:32
indusstaticRails: yes sir11:32
RobRokkenBut their channel has 4 people in it lol... :(11:32
staticRailsindus: :) seems here is your home11:32
indusfeels nice to be among good helpful people11:33
Milosmzz: it looks like it tries to start x server again when it`s starting login manager11:33
RobRokkenthank you, I have a usb stick but its not bootable .... ahhh well.. sorry to bother you..11:33
Milosthat might be it...11:33
b1n42yis anyone having issues with firefox 3.5 consuming vasts amounts of resources ?11:33
staticRailsindus: I am running with command line and online.11:33
dstaubsaugerRobRokken: you need a new cd drive anyway :P11:33
indusstaticRails: you have internet on that pc? good11:33
mzzMilos: well, obviously the login manager is going to start *one* server. I'd be more interested in what's starting the other (unless it's starting two...)11:33
RobRokkenhahah! yeah, i guess, i should stop being lazy and go buy a damn dvd drive right!! Time I upgrade to dvd anyway ;)11:33
staticRailsindus: I issued the command : "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"11:34
Milosmzz: in system monitor I see only one Xorg process11:34
staticRailsindus: about 6 windows with ok button. all of them was fro keyboard setting11:35
Milosand one x session manager11:35
indusstaticRails: didnt get anything to configure display? hmm i think they changed somethings in that command11:36
staticRailsindus: after finishing: "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibliy customised configuration file backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf....."11:36
vadiI am new to ubuntu, audio is not working. I tried many instructions from web still no audio please help me. http://paste.ubuntu.com/218789/11:36
indusstaticRails: ya thats normal warning11:36
staticRailsindus: how about reinstalling vga driver11:36
indusstaticRails: so do u have internet in taht pc?11:36
indusstaticRails: ok then sudo dpkg -reinstall xserver-xorg11:38
henke123i cant get my wireless to work with my eeebuntu, i use wicd manager and i can see my network but i cant connect to it. It fails all the time, anyone has any ideas?11:38
BlindbladeIs it okay to type the output of commands here in public or rather not?11:38
BlindbladeJust need ot for a bit of help.11:38
indus!paste | Blindblade11:38
ubottuBlindblade: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:38
vadi I am new to ubuntu, audio is not working. I tried many instructions from web still no audio please help me. http://paste.ubuntu.com/218789/11:38
indusvadi: what happens when you click on sound icon on panel11:39
vadiIndus, When i click sound icon all the volume bar goes up and down and in the end every things goes to mute11:40
staticRailsindus: the command is not correct11:40
vadiIndus: When i click sound icon all the volume bar goes up and down and in the end every things goes to mute11:40
indusstaticRails: ok then sudo dpkg -i xserver-xorg11:41
BlindbladeOkay, so my problem is: I've installed ubuntu, then vista, wanting to boot into vista via grub now and cant find to set my grub up properly to boot from my vista partition. My output is posted here http://paste.ubuntu.com/218792/11:41
indusvadi: can u post a screenshot of that11:41
indus!paste | vadi11:41
ubottuvadi: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:41
indusBlindblade: you are always required to first install windows, then ubuntu on top of it11:42
indusBlindblade: because windows overwrites teh MBR(Master boot recor)11:42
oldude67indus, Blindblade thats what i was thinking11:42
BlindbladeI know it's better to do that, but I also know it's possible to boot Windows from grub.11:43
indusBlindblade: np, just boot up a live cd and come back, we ll help you11:43
khelvanBlindblade - I have a link for you, hold on11:43
Paddy_NIBlindblade: http://apcmag.com/howto_home.htm11:43
BlindbladeAlright, thanks.11:43
staticRailsindus: this command worked: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg and the output is 0upgraded, 0 newly installed and 0 to remove11:43
Paddy_NIcheck out the dual booting guide on that link I gave Blindblade11:43
indusstaticRails: ya but did it install anything , nope11:44
khelvanBlindblade - video tutorial on just this subject, made by a beautiful girl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtBBl6HvdpM11:44
khelvanThat should help you.11:44
BlindbladeI actually used the apc mag guide to do this ;) My only problem is I can't figure out which mapping to use in menu.lst for   (hd1,1) or (hd0,1) etc etc.11:44
tofixhello all , i have some issue with Xen11:45
vadiindus:http://imagebin.org/55983 - Please  check the screen shot11:45
tofixi made a bond that enslave 2 eth in active backup mode , and i bridge it ;11:45
khelvanAhh, well, I'm not sure it is in-depth enough for that.11:45
indusstaticRails: sudo apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xorg11:45
tofixeverything seems fine11:45
tofix until i want to shut or restart one of the vm,on this time xend takes 100%CPU and i can't have any return from any xm command11:45
tofixi run xen 3.3 , on a 2.6.27 , i  can do everything i want with xm tools, create list... until i try to destroy or shutdown or reboot a VM, then i loose communication with hypervisor11:45
Exilehey guys does anyone know why firefox 3.5 isnt being installed via the repository?11:45
indusvadi: select alsa mixer from devices11:45
Paddy_NI!firefox-3.5 | Exile11:46
ubottuExile: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY11:46
indusExile: install the package firefox-3.5 it coexists with older ff 3.011:46
staticRailsindus: how to reinstal gconf11:46
indusstaticRails: gconf? why11:47
vadiindus: you need screen shot from alsa mixer11:47
indusvadi: sure11:47
indusstaticRails: sudo apt-get --reinstall xserver-xorg11:47
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:47
andrey_всем привет11:48
ActionParsnipis there a 64bit netbook remix iso? or a way o get a 64bit kernel on it?11:48
staticRailsindus: when i loged in the failsafe... it saied it can't load some configuration files.11:48
ActionParsnip!ru | andrey_11:48
ubottuandrey_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:48
indusstaticRails: nvm all that, did u reinstall xorg?11:49
vadiindus: http://imagebin.org/55984 - screen shot from alsa mixer11:49
staticRailsindus: ya.11:49
indusstaticRails: also sudo apt-get --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel11:49
ActionParsnipyou mean     sudo apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xorg-video-intel11:49
indusvadi: well,looks fine and not muted,so logout and login again11:49
tadohey everybody! i have a problem with my wireless: i'm connected and suddenly i can't browse or do anything, even if the icon in tray says i'm online. this especially happens when a consistent amount of data is transfered (downloads, updates, you tube...). the problem is that my laptop on other networks works smoothly, as well as other laptops on my own network! anybody could help? it's extremely annoying!11:50
indusActionParsnip: yeah yeah ok ok11:50
indusActionParsnip: man pages dont list typing install again so...11:50
staticRailsindus: installed11:50
vadiIndus: ok i will be back11:50
indusok good11:50
ActionParsniptado: get connected again, when it drops again run: dmesg | tail11:50
indusstaticRails: now try logging in11:50
ActionParsniptado: should give a clue11:51
indusstaticRails: also this time i want dmesg11:51
tadoActionParsnip: only after it drops?11:51
ActionParsniptado: yes so we can see the system messages and it should show why it dropped11:51
staticRailsindus: a problem: it said there is a problem with the driver and a report is shown in a text mode window11:51
indusstaticRails: good , paste the message11:52
tadoActionParsnip: cool, i'll make it drop. (just going on you tube..). it might take a couple of minutes before i'm in here again. soon11:52
staticRailsi am typeing on another pc...11:52
ActionParsniptado: np, we just need the info :)11:52
staticRailsindus: x.org x server 1.6.2 release date 2009-7-7 \ x protocol verstion 11 ....11:53
indusstaticRails: that doesnt look like an error11:53
staticRailsindus: "not starting x display manager (slim); it is not the default display manageer.11:54
indusstaticRails: hmm never heard of taht before11:54
indusstaticRails: give me dmesg11:54
tado1ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/218799/11:54
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ActionParsniptado1: iwl3945: Microcode SW error detected.  Restarting 0x82000008.    is the issue11:56
ActionParsniptado1: you need to find what it means11:56
tado1ActionParsnip: thought so... :) you have any clue?11:56
staticRailsindus: give me the instruction for dmesg again11:57
indusin terminal type dmesg11:57
ActionParsniptado1: http://intellinuxwireless.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=159311:57
ActionParsniptado1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/22613411:57
ActionParsniptado1: seems common, i think you may need a different firmware from what i'm reading but i am unsure of what or where11:58
staticRailsindus: i restarted the pc. a blue text screen with a gray window is shown11:59
tado1ActionParnisp: all right. thanks a lot. i'll read through it and see what comes out. i'm not particularly good in understanding these bug pages, but i reckon i'll have to!11:59
Armageddonanyone got any idea on how to fix this error ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/218803/11:59
* mzz groans, now mercurial/mercurial-common *still* stay installed for no reason...11:59
indusstaticRails: whats in the text, and why arent you giving me dmesg11:59
Exileok can I install firefox 3.5 thats not called 'Shiretoko'. The reason I dont want to install this version is It completely shortcircuits the package manager which means that you will have to install future updates independently of the rest of the system. also When Ubuntu gets upgraded, it's very likely this firefox installation will stop working as it depends on libraries that will have changed version.11:59
staticRailsindus: the message: "ailed to start the x server (your graphical interface). it is likely that it is not set up correctly whould you like view the ...."11:59
indusExile: it doesnt shortcircuit the package manager12:00
Exileso I will get all updates?12:00
otto_teikhi, I may somebody help me in ubuntu?12:00
mzzExile: shiretoko installed through apt is quite safe updates-wise12:00
indusExile: its officiallyt available from repos andwill co exist with existing one, and both will get updates12:00
RyuSlashHello everyone12:00
indusstaticRails: i need dmesg , i wont repeat it again12:00
indus!who | Exile12:01
ubottuExile: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:01
mzzExile: what's not safe is grabbing a shiretoko build from ftp.mozilla.org and installing it system-wide12:01
CapeONE.join #linux12:01
staticRailsindus: I am chatting with another pc . and don't know how to connect to irc channel in a text mode of that pc. help me to connect from that pc to irc and help me to paste the dmseg for you.12:01
Armageddoni got an error when i use apt-get update, can anyone help ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/218803/12:01
indusstaticRails: aah12:01
ArmageddonstaticRails: use irssi !12:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about irssc12:01
allan_hello all12:01
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen12:01
indusActionParsnip: whats taht irc command line thing called12:02
ActionParsnipExile: if you install 3.5 from repos you will have 3.0 and 3.5 side by side12:02
indusArmageddon: thanks man12:02
Armageddonindus: yw dude :)12:02
ActionParsnipindus: can you expand please12:02
indusActionParsnip: nvm12:02
ArmageddonstaticRails: sudo apt-get install irssi | then irssi to open it and /server irc.ubuntu.com to connect here :)12:02
allan_i have a problem12:02
Exilemzz: what do I do instead?12:03
cemchi. is there a good reminder app for gnome?12:03
indusstaticRails: also if u dont have gui,then u cant paste it either12:03
ActionParsniptado1: you could set the link speed lower in the interim12:03
mzzExile: as mentioned above: use your favorite apt frontend to install shiretoko12:03
Armageddonindus: yes he can :/12:03
demogorgon15anyone here uses cbt nuggets?12:03
ActionParsniptado1: set it to say 12M and it may bail less12:03
Exilemzz: apt-cache showpkg firefox-3.5 shows 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 which I think is a beta12:03
demogorgon15how do you open the hta files in ubuntu12:03
indusArmageddon: how? no browser. ,12:03
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone for some reason my sound will work to play a couple songs or in a few videos and then all of sudden it will just get staticy and then go completly silent. I have a **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****12:03
fuzzybunny69ycard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC262 Analog [ALC262 Analog]12:03
fuzzybunny69y  Subdevices: 1/112:03
fuzzybunny69y  Subdevice #0: subdevice #012:03
FloodBot3fuzzybunny69y: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:03
Armageddonindus: he can use links12:03
indusArmageddon: pastebininit12:04
Armageddonindus: sudo apt-get install links12:04
indusArmageddon: ok just tell him12:04
tado1ActionParsnip: how or where do i set that?12:04
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions12:04
Armageddonindus: what;s his nick again ? :S12:04
ubottuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead12:04
mzzExile: that's the jaunty version, the jaunty-updates one is 3.5 final. Try "apt-cache policy firefox-3.5"12:04
ArmageddonstaticRails: sudo apt-get install links | once you have it do "links paste.ubuntu.com" and paste it there12:04
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:04
oldude67!hi | allan12:04
ubottuallan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:04
ArmageddonstaticRails: select to copy and click on both mouse clicks to paste :)12:05
allan_i have a gaming problem12:05
mzzArmageddon: or use pastebinit, it's pretty nice if you're on the cli12:05
oldude67!ask | allan12:05
ubottuallan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:05
staticRailsArmageddon: thx12:05
allan_can you help12:05
indusallan_: what kind12:05
Armageddonmzz: he doesnt have GUI and i dont know what's pastebinit12:05
staticRailsindus: I cant exit iriss12:05
ArmageddonstaticRails: yw :)12:05
ArmageddonstaticRails: /exit12:05
allan_well i cant run doom3 in native installation12:05
ActionParsniptado1: sudo iwconfig <wifi device name> rate 12M    (e.g.  sudo iwconfig eth1 rate 12M)12:06
giacoI need help from one of you to make a complete checkup of my system regarding video acceleration & flash player ( that's incredibly choppy ), please contact me in private, or here12:06
indusallan_: go ahead12:06
allan_cant open in full screen12:06
Armageddonindus: can you help me out ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/218803/12:06
mzzArmageddon: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /path/to/some/file12:06
ActionParsnipallan_: have you installed video drivers?12:06
staticRailsArmageddon: how to copy it ?12:06
ArmageddonstaticRails: select12:06
indusActionParsnip: cant run doom 3 without it :)12:06
mzzArmageddon: if I had to guess I'd say broken mirror or broken proxy between you and the mirror12:07
emilienBonjour a tous12:07
allan_thats work ok i can run Quake 2 in wine good12:07
ArmageddonstaticRails: to paste, use double mouse clicks (right and left at the same time)12:07
ActionParsnipallan_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Doom312:07
indusaah ok he said he cant run12:07
ActionParsnipindus: exactly, start with the basics12:07
bazhangemilien, #ubuntu-fr pour francais12:07
Armageddonmzz: how can i fix it ?12:07
indusallan_: what graphics card do u have12:07
staticRailsArmageddon: i am in text mode... how I can copy in text mode?12:07
allan_just cant open native games in fulls screen opengl that is12:07
mzzArmageddon: depends on which it is. If it's not a proxy simply retrying later may fix it. But do seek a second opinion, I'm pretty new to apt still.12:07
staticRailsArmageddon: I don't have mouse in text omde12:07
indusallan_:in terminal output of glxinfo | grep render12:07
ArmageddonstaticRails: oh wait ! there was a way :/12:07
allan_any suggestion12:07
indus!who | allan_12:07
ubottuallan_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:07
tofixhello all , i have some issue with Xen, i use 3.3 on a 2.6.27,... i enslave 2 eth in a bond0 that i bridge to xenbr0, no problem with this... with xen tools i can create and start as needed, but each time i try to shut or reboot or even destroy a domain,  the dom0 cpu load go to 100% and the communication with hypervisor seems to be closed , an idea ?12:07
mzzstaticRails: what are you trying to paste(bin)?12:07
Armageddonmzz: thanks12:08
lex1serious trouble with ubuntu 9.04 on a acer aspire 5672 wlmi12:08
allan_oh ok12:08
lex1i cant boot properly12:08
ActionParsnipallan_: maybe  doom3 --fullscreen12:08
staticRailsmzz:  dmesg12:08
mzzstaticRails: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; dmesg | pastebinit12:08
Cubehey, im having troubles compiling NEWSBEUTER on ubuntu 810, it says i dont have sqlite3 to compile it BUT I DO!12:09
lex1after the splash screen i get a black screen with some shizzle on (graphic errors)12:09
indusstaticRails: yah directly paste from command line i suppose12:09
tadoActionParnsnip: same same...12:09
ActionParsnipallan_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2549012:09
jrib!compile > Cube12:09
allan_allan@Morphus1:~$ glxinfo | grep render12:09
ubottuCube, please see my private message12:09
allan_direct rendering: Yes12:09
allan_OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 387012:09
allan_    GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color,12:09
FloodBot3allan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:09
Armageddonmzz: its not a proxy, its a broken mirror i guess ! and its been that way for a long time12:09
indusArmageddon: whats ur error12:09
mzzCube: you're probably missing sqlite3-dev12:09
Armageddonindus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/218803/12:09
tadoActionParsnip: same same12:09
Exilemzz: cheers that done the trick!12:09
ActionParsniptado: try 1M just to test12:09
mzzCube: or libsqlite3-dev even12:09
Cubemzz: ye. and i typed in sudo12:09
Cubethere you go12:09
indusArmageddon: did u mess with your sources list?12:09
Cubethanks mzz12:09
FloodBot3Cube: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:10
Armageddonindus: no12:10
indusArmageddon: or use custom ppa?12:10
staticRailsindus: http://pastebin.com/f55324e8712:10
Exilemzz: so the updates should defiantly come thru the usual channels? I wont need to install manually?12:10
Armageddonindus: maybe12:10
lex1how can i start ubuntu without my graphic drivers ?12:10
indusallan_: yes allan?12:10
Armageddonindus: the second one yes !12:10
allan_allan@Morphus1:~$ glxinfo | grep render12:10
allan_direct rendering: Yes12:10
allan_OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 387012:10
allan_    GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color,12:10
FloodBot3allan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:10
staticRailsArmageddon: \http://pastebin.com/f55324e8712:10
allan_i did that and thats is indus12:10
ArmageddonstaticRails: lemme checl12:10
indusallan_: aah ok so 3d is enabled12:10
bazhangallan_, paste.ubuntu.com with errors NOT here12:10
mzzExile: as long as you install through apt (apt-get, synaptic, aptitude, whatever) and don't add any stupid repos to sources.list then sure, updates will come in automatically12:10
staticRailsArmageddon:  you know my problem?12:10
lex1i cant start ubuntu :( plz help12:10
mzzExile: this definitely includes firefox-3.5 from the ubuntu repos12:11
indusallan_: always paste the output then give us the url here12:11
ArmageddonstaticRails: no12:11
mzzExile: (why do you think this is not the case?)12:11
indus!paste | allan_12:11
ubottuallan_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:11
indusallan_: run doom 3 from terminal12:11
allan_Ok indus12:11
lex1after the splash screen i get a black screen with red and green lines on it12:11
Armageddonindus: here's staticRails pastebin :P http://pastebin.com/f55324e8712:11
jribCube: why are you compiling it at all? newsbeuter is in the repositories12:11
indusArmageddon: you solve it :P12:11
ActionParsniptado1: i guess it still sucks12:11
gabkdllylex1: try the alternate cd12:11
mzzjrib: heh, good point, I should've checked for that12:11
Cubejrib: lol the 0.9 version or something? they're already at 2.012:11
Armageddonindus: no idea what's his problem lol12:12
Kartagishow can I solve http://pastebin.com/m3786cf56 without rebooting?12:12
lex1alternate cd ?12:12
tado1ActionParsnip: good guess _)12:12
allan_allan@Morphus1:~$ doom312:12
allan_DOOM linux-x86 Jan 16 2007 21:58:0212:12
allan_found interface lo - loopback12:12
allan_found interface wlan0 -
allan_------ Initializing File System ------12:12
FloodBot3allan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:12
allan_Loaded pk4 /usr/local/games/doom3/base/game01.pk4 with checksum 0x51c6981f12:12
lex1i can boot from a live cd normal12:12
bazhanglex1, text based installer12:12
Armageddonallan_: use pastebin next time12:12
ActionParsnipallan_: use the pastebin12:12
lex1well i dont want to reinstall all that12:12
nibbler_Kartagis: /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart, maybe rmmod/modprobe the drivers for your audiohardware? (just guessing)12:12
indussexy dmesg :)12:12
bazhanglex1, try restarting in safe mode12:13
lex1doesnt work too12:13
ActionParsnipallan_: insteaad of putting the text in here and scrolling the channel, put the text in the pastebin then give us the link to the new page you are taken to12:13
mzzKartagis: err, I'm pretty sure pulse normally runs as "you", not systemwide12:13
Exilemzz: I'm not sure, the version I installed the way you suggested is still named Shiretoko and there is no update option under help in firefox.12:13
lex1tried ...generic-11 and 1312:13
lex1both dont work12:13
ActionParsnipallan_: this will allow you to give multiple lines of textwithouot ruining everyones irc experience12:13
bazhanglex1, what errors do you get restarting in safe mode; be very clear as 'doesn't work is too vague12:13
Cubemzz: ok how can i get libcurl!?12:13
Exilemzz: its probably fine just want to make sure12:13
mzzKartagis: so I wouldn't use the /etc/init.d/ script for it, I'd check if the user instance crashed or didn't start12:13
lex1i dont get any error message :(12:13
ActionParsniptado1: ok use the command to set it back to 54M12:14
indusallan_: when you go to paste.ubuntu.com you will see a text box , paste the output there, write your name and click on send, then you will get a new page with a url, give us just the url here12:14
tado1ActionParsnip: done already12:14
Kartagismzz, it must have crashed, because it was working this morning12:14
=== Fallenou_ is now known as Fallenou
lex1it's just an black screen with grphic "errors" on it12:14
lex1e.g red lines12:14
ArmageddonCube: sudo apt-get install libcurl312:14
bazhanglex1, so you are able to successfully start in safe mode then12:14
mzzCube: recommend you at least try the packaged version first, as mentioned by jrib (I see 1.3, there may be a ppa with a more recent version). If you insist on compiling: apt-cache search libcurl, the relevant -dev package should be listed.12:15
nibbler_bazhang: safemoe is without X?12:15
lex1... i can start it but after the ubuntu start (splash screen) i get a black screen12:15
bazhangnibbler_, without the drivers, vesa12:15
indusstaticRails: aah the intel 915 chipset12:15
mzzKartagis: check if it's not running or if the connection's refused for some other reason. If it's not running: restart it. Forgot how, but it may be as simple as "pulseaudio" in a terminal.12:15
Cubemzz: where would that ppa be?12:15
ActionParsniplex1: can you press alt+f2 to get a dialogue box up?12:15
lex1it worked yesterday :(12:15
indusallan_: did u start doom3 in terminal?12:15
mzzCube: there's a search function for ppas, which in turn you can search for via google :)12:15
ActionParsniplex1: does it happen if you log in as another user?12:16
bazhanglex1, what video card, what driver and how installed; include my nick in your response12:16
lex1i cant log in12:16
lex1Radeon X1600 (in a acer aspire), driver installed via sudo12:16
induslex1: use the person's nick in your answer or question so that it will highlight for that user12:16
jribCube: apt-get build-dep newsbeuter will install the build dependencies for the newsbeuter package fwiw, but finding a ppa would be preferrable to compiling12:16
induslex1: like this12:16
lex1but the driver was for a X1400 :(12:17
lex1indus, kk12:17
FloodBot3indus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:17
staticRailsindus: what should i do?12:17
indusfloodbot muted me :P12:17
=== Odo is now known as Odo081
ActionParsniplex1: you can log in to root recovery mode add use the adduser command ;)12:17
Cubejrib: ok. but i cant find any ppa with some decent version - maybe im not searching the right way?12:17
lex1bazhang: how can i un-install a graphic driver without logging into the system12:18
lex1bazhang: from a live system on the same pc12:18
indusstaticRails: now what is the status? did u get some graphical scrren?12:18
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy12:18
indusallan_: is your problem solved?12:18
ActionParsniplex1: i told you, boot to recovery mode root console12:19
lex1root console and than ?12:19
lex1actionParsnip: i am sorry but i am a linux nOOb12:19
jribCube: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=newsbeuter12:19
ActionParsniplex1: make a new user using adduser12:19
Cubejrib: gracias12:19
ActionParsniplex1: if you can't log in as that user, boot to root console again then uninstall the driver12:20
lex1so i just write in the console (root-consol) adduser ?12:20
giuseppe_join #ubuntu12:20
ActionParsniplex1: well no, you need to specify a new user name12:20
lex1nice thx12:20
ActionParsniplex1: e.g.   adduser failsafe    will create a new user named filsafe12:20
giuseppe_hi there is someone can help me \.912:20
lex1actionparsnap: you made my day :D12:21
ActionParsniplex1: you will then need to run: passwd failsafe    to set the password (if adduser doesnt make you set it)12:21
ActionParsniplex1: you can have any username you like except the ones that already exist12:21
FreshPiesAin't nothin quite like a fresh pie12:21
=== Odo081 is now known as Odo
giuseppe_guys someone is capable to resolve a problem with wireless on eeepc12:21
ActionParsnipFreshPies: is it fresh fish pie12:22
bazhang!ot > FreshPies12:22
ubottuFreshPies, please see my private message12:22
FreshPiesOh ok12:22
ActionParsnipgiuseppe_: ask the room, it will reply if it can12:22
FreshPiesI thought this was a food channel12:22
FreshPiesisn't ubuntu like a kind of gumbo?12:22
maddieanyone alive in here?12:22
oldude67FreshPies, google it12:22
ActionParsnipFreshPies: its an african word meaning "together"12:22
bazhangFreshPies, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic12:23
misfitx7you mean gum-ball?12:23
indusmaddie: iam12:23
maddieI am so effin bored12:23
=== piju_ is now known as piju
ActionParsnipmaddie: play tux racer ;)12:24
jribmaddie: learn something new...12:24
maddiewhats that?\12:24
allan_No problem still12:24
ActionParsnipmaddie: a cool game12:24
FreshPiesmaddie: sometimse when i'm bored, i bake pies12:24
jribFreshPies: do you have a question about Ubuntu?12:24
maddiejust wanted to maybe chat...new to the whole linux thing12:24
FreshPiesno, i'm just here to help12:25
jribmaddie: #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting12:25
indusso all are in the mood for off topic12:25
maddieI type that in?12:25
ActionParsnipmaddie: this is support, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic12:25
jribmaddie: you type: /join #ubuntu-offtopic12:25
Supersaiyan_IVmaddie, it's difficult to chat in here, as there's 1354 user heres12:25
ActionParsnip!hi | vasser12:26
ubottuvasser: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:26
vasseri wish to install ubuntu using WUBI, is it possible to use ext4 as the FS inside wubi ?12:26
=== c is now known as charitwo
Supersaiyan_IVinteresting question12:26
maddienot sure it worked12:26
vasseralso, will it even make a difference ?12:27
maddieapparently I am clueless12:27
jribmaddie: you can probably just right click on the word #ubuntu-offtopic and hit join channel12:28
ActionParsnipvasser: should be, ext4 is faster but i don't personally use it due to the reports of data loss early on.12:28
ActionParsnipmaddie: we all are :)12:28
allan_indus http://paste.ubuntu.com/218827/12:28
vasserit is not safe ?12:28
allan_indus are you there12:29
ActionParsnipvasser: the early design was with hard shutdowns. ive not read the latest12:30
ActionParsnipvasser: it will be defaul in karmic which is out in october12:30
vassergood to know, thanks ActionParsnip12:30
allan_indus is this a hard one to fix12:31
Supersaiyan_IVvasser, http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#For_people_who_are_running_Ubuntu don't think you can use it within wubi, you could mount a ext4 disk from wubi though12:32
roberto_what i have to put in menu.lst to use kernel 2.6.28-14-generic ? grazie:)12:33
Blindbladeto no avail12:33
b1n42ylex1: vt?12:33
Blindbladelooks like editting menu.lst does nothing12:33
vasseris it possible to convert ext3 to ext4 after installing ubuntu ?12:34
allan_hello indus12:34
b1n42yvasser: yes but u will lose some ext4 benefits12:35
roberto_I don't know what to write in the file12:35
b1n42yvasser: which u probably wont care for12:35
vasserwhich benefits, for example ?12:35
alteregoai am looking for quato12:35
ActionParsnipBlindblade: you need to run  sudo update-grub after editting it12:36
Blindbladeoh dammit.12:36
BlindbladeI feel like a moron. thanks A12:36
ActionParsnipvasser: you can convert ext3 to 4 but you dont get all the benefits of ext412:36
alteregoai have to find quato12:36
b1n42yvasser: i cant remember, server related i think, larger fs support for one i think12:36
oldude67Blindblade, this is the reason that they say to run windows first then ubuntu. its easier12:36
ActionParsnip!grub | Blindblade12:37
ubottuBlindblade: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:37
ActionParsnipBlindblade: the documentation is pretty good for grub12:37
BlindbladeI know oldude67. Figured my problem though, thanks to ActionParsnip.12:37
b1n42yvasser: its probably better to wait till october when its been tested etc it will be default in koala12:37
BlindbladeTHanks guys, I might be back.12:37
vasserwill do, thanks, b1n42y12:37
ActionParsnipoldude67: or just omit the windows install all together, super easy ;)12:37
alteregoavasser: wait till a online fraggles are out for ext412:37
oldude67ActionParsnip, now your talking...hate windows12:38
shaullxhow to install adobe flash player on 64bit?12:38
shaullxand why can't i see any menu in my firefox (they are there i just can't see them)12:38
vasserthanks for all the help, bye now12:38
alteregoaask them to write a 64bit version for flash12:38
ActionParsnipoldude67: don't hate it, I just realise that linux does everything that windows can do (well, for my needs anyhoo)12:39
shaullxna i rather get another quick term solution:)12:39
ActionParsnipshaullx: you can install the flashpluin-installer package12:39
tadoActionParsnip: i followed this, and with the following command it seems to work!12:39
tadoActionParsnip: echo -e 'alias wlan0 iwl3945 \noptions iwl3945 disable_hw_scan=1' > /etc/modprobe.d/iwl394512:40
ActionParsnipshaullx: or you can download the 64bit .so from adobe and put it in your plugins folder12:40
Until_It_SleepsIt is alright to leave your computer on 24/7?12:40
shaullxwitch one is better?12:40
ActionParsniptado: nice one bro :D12:40
tadoActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82029712:40
Until_It_Sleeps...or is ##hardware a better question for this?12:40
Until_It_Sleepserm, a better channel*12:40
ActionParsnipUntil_It_Sleeps: i do. my file server has little over 3 years uptime12:40
oldude67Until_It_Sleeps, mine runs 24/712:40
tadoActionParsnip: thanks a lot again. this definitely made my day!12:40
ActionParsniptado: np man12:41
Until_It_SleepsActionParsnip: Well, with servers, it's only natural that they run 24/7. I'm talking about desktops and the like...12:41
ActionParsnipshaullx: i use the 64bit one, its beta but runs really well12:41
ActionParsnipUntil_It_Sleeps: no difference, its just a pc12:41
oldude67Until_It_Sleeps, mine is a desktop as well12:41
alteregoai am looking for douglas quaid12:41
ActionParsnipUntil_It_Sleeps: in fact its ancient (P3 500 CPU, 128Mb RAM)12:41
RandomTimeUntil_It_Sleeps: It's ok to leave your computer on 24/7 - Linux works much better 24/7 than Windows (windows likes to reset and get slow)12:41
b1n42yhow can i get a cpu load over time for one pid12:42
lex1how can i uninstall a driver when it'S not a proprietary driver ?12:42
KC|worki am quaid12:42
alteregoalinux has a monolithic kernel, its obsolete12:42
ActionParsniplex1: how did you install it?12:42
alteregoai hope the hurd project goes to ubuntu12:42
lex1actionPar: via sudo i think12:42
lex1actionPar: yeah with the terminal12:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:43
ActionParsniplex1: using the repos?12:43
* Until_It_Sleeps wishes his group could get the C++ version of his Wikipedia program completed faster, then he would migrate to Windows without hesitation.12:43
Until_It_Sleepsmigrate to Linux*12:43
b1n42ycan i have a command that will enable me to track cpu load for one process please12:43
ActionParsnipalteregoa: its worked since the 70s and works very well12:44
lex1ActionPar: omg i am a total nOOb i use linux for 2 days now...12:44
Until_It_SleepsSee, I get confused 30 minutes after I wake up... :P12:44
ActionParsnipb1n42y: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50913812:44
ActionParsniplex1: did you use apt-get install?12:44
lex1cant remember12:45
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
b1n42yActionParsnip: thanks, btw i love how the new notifications work with pidgin12:45
ActionParsnipb1n42y: i turn those off, very annoying12:45
indusallan_: hi12:45
induswas afk12:45
bullgard4How is 'host bridge' definiert? (It is used in lspci.)12:45
lex1ActionPar: yep i used apt get12:46
ActionParsniplex1: then you can remove it with: sudo apt-get --purge remove <pakage name here>12:46
indusallan_: does doom3 have any display options inside? resolutions etc?12:46
indusallan_: i have quake 4 and it has the same options12:46
ActionParsnipallan_: doom3 runs amazingly under wine if all else fails12:46
b1n42yActionParsnip: well when you replied how would i have known that or for that matter how would you know if someone responded to you ?12:47
bullgard4How is 'host bridge' defined? (It is used in lspci.)12:47
ActionParsnipb1n42y: the icon in the task bar turns into a smiley yellow face from green12:47
allan_indus well it does but it dont display long engough12:47
lex1ActionPar: how do i now the pakage name :(12:47
ActionParsnipb1n42y: thats enough notification for me12:47
indusallan_: what do you mean?12:47
ActionParsniplex1: what video card is it for?12:48
deanyand it also flashes the taskbar when im in another desktop12:48
b1n42yActionParsnip: haha but i just read both your messages whilst checking out the thread you pointed me to12:48
lex1Radeon X140012:48
ActionParsniplex1: or you can run:  history | grep install      may show you12:48
allan_well installed doom3 in native files but it just flashed the screen and that it12:48
deanyI dont like the notify system..it shows for few seconds and then doesnt... least iif ive gone away I come back and see my taskbar flash and my icon in tray smiling still.12:48
allan_so i cant get to the options12:48
lex1ActionParcnip: i get: 2 history | grep install12:49
ActionParsnipb1n42y: i just dont like stuff popping up and trying to grab my attention. I'll do it when i'm ready not because some intransient occurance happened.12:49
falserg/55984 - screen shot from alsa mixer [05:49] [false(+ei)] [6:Freenode/#ubuntu(+JLcfnt)] [Act: 5,7,8]12:49
lex1but i am in  a live system atm....12:49
ActionParsniplex1: does one look like the driver you installed?12:49
lex1i only see: 2 history | grep install12:49
lex1Atcion: nothing more just that line12:50
ActionParsniplex1: i see12:50
ActionParsniplex1: then try:    dpkg -l | grep ati | grep video12:50
ActionParsniplex1: once you know the package name you can wrench it out12:50
lex1ActionParsnip: ii  xserver-xorg-video-ati                     1:6.12.1-0ubuntu2                 X.Org X server -- ATI display driver wrapper12:51
ActionParsniplex1: does that sound riht to you?12:51
lex1ActionParsnip: it does ;)12:51
b1n42yActionParsnip: ye im like that as well, hate ads on internet, TV and OS's that bug me, im just saying i think as far as pidgin integration its a +, each to their own though, now stop replying coz you're popping up in the top right hand corner whilst im trying to decypher this code on the thread LOL12:52
ActionParsniplex1: then run:   sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-ati12:52
lex1allready did :D12:52
ActionParsniplex1: top man12:52
lex1reboot now, cya in a bit12:52
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
b1n42yActionParsnip: i need that over time, im seeing how firefox behaves without flash coz 60 tabs with java turned on is killing this 1.7ghz tablet12:56
ActionParsnipb1n42y: well yeah, firefox sucks at ram too12:57
b1n42yit looks like disabling java has decreased cpu usage by 40% to 20% from 60%12:58
ActionParsnipb1n42y: try a lighter DE too like LXDE or xfce to save more cpu12:58
CrAzYoNiHi all12:58
chrissmithyHi hope some one can help I am trying to get my usb mf627 modem working have tried doing whats reccomended in the forums to no avail12:58
indusActionParsnip: firefox 3.5 is much better12:58
CrAzYoNiI'm using Postfix under Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty, 32 bits12:58
ActionParsnipindus: yeah, gonna compile it when i get in12:59
b1n42yActionParsnip: do yo have an alternative ? i've got 2gb so ram isnt so much of an issue but i cant have 700mhz + going to web browser ...12:59
ActionParsnipchrissmithy: does it show up in lsusb12:59
CrAzYoNiI noticed that the outputted options related to /etc/init.d/postfix are not match to the script code options.12:59
chrissmithyno it doesnt12:59
ActionParsnipb1n42y: firepup, swiftfox12:59
CrAzYoNiFor example /etc/init.d/postfix does not show status as an option, though it is exist in the script source code.12:59
falseAnyone lead me in the right direction to activate my internet and touchpad switch keys?12:59
ActionParsnipchrissmithy: ok, disconnect the device, wait 10 seconds, connect the device, wait 10 seconds, then run:  dmesg | tail13:00
b1n42yActionParsnip: thanks, midori no good, opera's pluginwrapper is probably worse than ff3.5 so ill try your suggestions13:00
ActionParsnipb1n42y: theres one i can never spell...kazenchaze13:00
ActionParsnipb1n42y: its the default in fluxbuntu :)13:00
b1n42yye that one crashes13:00
b1n42yoh fluxbuntu... hmmm13:01
chrissmithyActionParsnip: thanks I will give that a go13:01
Chiselhuk_Plus1Hi, what program can I use to make backup copies of my bought dvd's? I am using Ubuntu Hardy.13:01
ActionParsnipchrissmithy: make sure it is powered too ;)13:01
jrib!dvd | Chiselhuk_Plus113:01
ubottuChiselhuk_Plus1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:01
b1n42yChiselhuk_Plus1: brasero ?13:01
chrissmithyActionParsnip: it is it just sits there with its green light on :)13:01
SlartChiselhuk_Plus1: k9copy is one13:02
cycrosismare the aus servers diwb13:02
cycrosismare the australian servers down*13:02
Slart!info k9copy | Chiselhuk_Plus113:02
ubottuChiselhuk_Plus1: k9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.3.0-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1555 kB, installed size 3364 kB13:02
Chiselhuk_Plus1b1n42y: Didn't work! :(13:02
b1n42yActionParsnip: btw do DE take that much cpu ? isnt it the realted software that comes packaged with them13:02
ActionParsnipb1n42y: bit of both really13:03
b1n42yChiselhuk_Plus1: why ?13:03
Chiselhuk_Plus1Thanks guys!13:03
cycrosismm:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)13:03
cycrosismFailed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/source/Sources  Could not connect to au.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)13:03
cycrosismis it me or is it the australian servers?13:04
ActionParsnipcycrosism: The connection was refused when attempting to contact au.archive.ubuntu.com.13:04
Slartcycrosism: that server doesn't respon for me neither13:04
ActionParsnipcycrosism: i'd say it was down13:04
b1n42ySlart: i usually dont suggest packages from other de's, its all good but13:04
cycrosismwhen will they be back up do you recon?13:04
ActionParsnipcycrosism: later is all we can really say13:04
cycrosismkk, ty :D13:04
lex1didnt work13:04
b1n42ycycrosism: whats happening ? i get my updates from OZ13:05
cycrosismbln42y i think the australian servers are down or something13:05
cycrosismb1n42y, **13:05
b1n42yoh, try aarnet13:05
ActionParsnip!ask | Aureo13:06
ubottuAureo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:06
cycrosismI'll just wait till the're back up13:06
lex1ActionParsnip: ;( it didnt work13:06
b1n42yits in the sources and its the quickest for me anyway13:06
ActionParsniplex1: try booting to recovery again but dont choose root, select fix graphics13:06
Aureoi cant seen the amsn on synaptic13:06
cycrosismb1n42y, do you mean http://oz.archive.ubuntu.com/13:06
ActionParsnipAureo: sudo apt-get install amsn13:07
ActionParsnipAureo: does that work13:07
Aureoportuguese ?13:07
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:07
ActionParsnipAureo: its a terminal command13:07
b1n42ycycrosism: um, im talking about repos what are you talking about ? are you talking to me?13:07
cycrosismwait i think its back up13:07
limpchey guys. trying to install adobe air on ubuntu 9.0413:07
limpcinstaller installed fine but cant seem to run any .air apps. anyone else having that issue?13:08
limpcor had.13:08
cycrosismHey I think the server is back up  http://au.archive.ubuntu.com13:08
lex1ActionParsnip: http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/9mbx-1q-jpg.html 13:10
b1n42ycycrosism: i was referring to ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/13:10
lex1thats the "error" i got13:10
lex1it's just a small part of the screen13:10
cycrosismb1n42y, doesnt matter, the server is back up13:10
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:10
Until_It_Sleeps:O net splitz13:11
cycrosismuber net split13:11
b1n42yhey did you see that netsplit13:11
b1n42ythat was awesome13:11
oldude67welcome back everyone..lol13:12
lex1actionparsnip: http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/9mbx-1q-jpg.html  WHATS THAT SHIT13:12
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b1n42yi thinks thats lex taking a photo of his screen ?13:14
limpcwow. them some big pixels13:14
Supersaiyan_IVlex1, I had the same problem13:14
b1n42ylimpc: thats what i thought13:14
ufddoes anyone know why google earth always crashes on 904 ? thanks13:14
lex1it's just a small part of the screen lol13:14
b1n42yufd: compiz ?13:15
Slartufd: no, but you might be able to tell us if you run it in a terminal13:15
Supersaiyan_IVlex1, it occurred because i wanted to change the standard terminal resolution, and it adjusted the splash screen to that, and it fukd up13:15
zaphod_homewhen i shut down ubuntu, my screen breaks completly...13:15
ufdi have got compiz but its not running at the mo13:15
lex1supersaiyan_IV: how did you fix it ?13:15
ufdwhat would i need to type in terminal13:15
limpcufd - works fine here13:15
Supersaiyan_IVlex1, now I have turned off the splash screen completely, and im running 1024x768 terminal resolution13:15
Slartmyself: reason for posting that?13:16
b1n42yufd: run it from terminal like slart saif13:16
myselfslart im sorry13:16
ufdslart saif13:16
ufdok 1 sec13:16
lex1supersayain_IV: the thing is i get the normal splash screen and AFTER that i get this error13:16
b1n42ytry googl +tab13:16
ufdcommand not found it says13:17
ufdslart saif or googl +tab13:17
Supersaiyan_IVlex1, yeah same, only the logout screen or boot screen was bad13:17
b1n42ythe second and use the key not type tab13:17
Slartufd: huh? I'm supposed to be able to decrypt that?13:17
ufdthats what you told me to type13:17
Supersaiyan_IVlex1, if you install startupmanager you will have a nice gui to manipulate the splash13:18
Slart!who ufd13:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who ufd13:18
Slart!who | ufd13:18
ubottuufd: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:18
limpcanyone here using adobe air on 9.04?13:18
limpci cant seem to install .air apps - AIR itself installed fine.13:18
limpcbut when i run .air installs, nothing happns. no installer opens, no error messages, no errors in logfiles, nothing13:19
ufd!slart ok13:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about slart ok13:19
b1n42yufd: slart is a name of a person here, type google followed by the tab key to give you a list of all possible commands that start with google13:19
Slartufd: no, don't use the !.. just my name (if you're talking to me)13:19
blind|melon|chitHi :> I'm experiencing multiple problems with the Java plugin in Firefox 3.5...whereas it used to work perfectly, now even simple 2d applets cause graphics corruption and require a restart of the X server to resolve :/13:20
ufdslart is it google tab13:20
blind|melon|chitThe same plugin still works fine with the earlier, default version of Firefox13:20
Slartufd: ask the one who told you.. it wasn't me13:20
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b1n42yufd: do you know where your tab key is13:20
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ufdbin42y in term it says google-earth/ when i press tab key13:21
b1n42yufd: sometimes represented but to arrows going in opposite directions if it doesnt have TAB written on it13:21
ufdbin42y i know thw tab key13:22
b1n42yufd: ok thats the commad to run it13:22
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:22
JGodboutCan someone give me a list of all the MSN clients which support viewing another persons webcam?13:22
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:22
JGodboutI know aMSN works, but it would be cool if I had some others that worked13:22
ufdbin42y it says google-earth/: is a directory13:23
b1n42yufd: so you are sure that its the only thing you get when you type google and tab13:23
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ufdbin42y absolutely13:24
b1n42yufd: for me googleearth bring it up13:24
user__how can I get my sony vaio's motion eye webcam to work under ubuntu?13:24
JGodboutWhat are all of the Ubuntu MSN clients that support viewing webcam?13:25
SchizoidCan anyone tell me which package contains the standard xlock program?13:25
NarpiKopete support webcam13:25
Slart!find xlock13:25
ubottuFound: libposixlock-ruby, libposixlock-ruby1.8, xlockmore, xlockmore-gl13:25
tudonJGodbout:  and Amsn13:25
ufdbin42y earlier after i first installed it i had to delete a file in its dir to stop it from crashing after startup, it worked, but it still seems to have problems from a video level (i think)13:25
JGodboutOk thanks13:25
Schizoidwoah Slart. My xlock program seems to have disappeared, and xlockmore is certainly not it13:26
user__my webcam is not recognized by amsn13:26
JGodboutYeah, aMSN hasn't been working too well for me13:26
JGodboutso i was lookign for some alternatives13:26
ufdbin42y i'll try google tab again13:26
Narpii'm looking for someone who had install Heroes III on his computer, can you help me ?13:26
SlartSchizoid: what is it? a screensaver?13:26
SchizoidSlart it just blanks X and then you have to enter a password to get back in. xlockmore does the same thing, it just isn't the same as whatever was originally installed with xubuntu13:27
Schizoidi have no idea where it went13:27
SlartSchizoid: can't really help you with that.. never really messed with that part of xubuntu13:28
Schizoidyeah, no worries. THank you13:28
b1n42yufd: ok, well i was going to get you to delete that file, let me turn compiz on and see if it crashes for me13:28
tumii66I'm installing ubuntu, should I install 32-bit or 64 ( i have used it for some time)?13:28
podman99ahey all ... what permission code would this be... (i.e. 755) -rwxrwxrwt13:28
Slarttumii66: how much memory do you have?13:29
tumii66Slart: 2GB13:29
Slarttumii66: I would go with 32-bit then13:29
tumii66Slart: okay :) thanks13:29
Slarttumii66: you're welcome13:29
drewbyhow do I add a lang to gedit?13:29
drewbyhow do I add a lang to gedit for syntax hilighting?13:30
MaT-dgtumii66: there are no downsides on 64bit you now13:30
tumii66MaT-dg: does 64-bit run 32-bit software (ex. after compiling)?13:30
MaT-dgtumii66: yes, I've yet have to see the first program that doesn't run here13:31
b1n42yufd: ?13:31
Slarttumii66: yes, it does... the problem is that if you want to run 32bit firefox, for example, you need 32bit versions of all the libraries that firefox uses13:31
tumii66Slart: can I install 32-bit software (ex. Firefox) from command line? (is there such a command 'sudo apt-get install firefox-32bit' or so)?13:32
Slarttumii66: the only software I've run into that didn't work on 64bit was a firefox plugin for doing my taxes online.. that was 32bit only, proprietary and very very annoying.. so it might not be a loss after all13:32
oldude67Slart, so a simple apt-get firefox wouldnt work?13:32
MaT-dgSlart: tumii66: but  why should you want to run 32bit FF when there is a native 64bit client wich is installed by default. There is no 32bit FF on a fresh ubuntu 64bit install13:32
Schizoid!find xflock413:32
Slarttumii66: not that easy.. no13:32
ubottuFile xflock4 found in xfce4-utils13:32
tumii66Slart, then i just get 32-bit :p13:33
SlartMaT-dg: to run my annoying 32 bit plugin so I can do my taxes online? =)13:33
Slarttumii66: the advantages of 64bit are limited to some special cases.. the disadvantages are almost even more limited13:33
tumii66Slart: Okay13:34
Slarttumii66: go with 32-bit now and when you reinstall ubuntu 10.4 you can give 64bit a try =)13:34
MaT-dgSlart: ah well, I have to use windows and IE to do my taxes online, but that doesn't stop me from using ubuntu 64 bot for everything else13:35
tumii66Slart: why 10.4? o.O13:35
Slartoldude67: I don't understand.. you mean to install the 32bit version of firefox? if you run apt-get on a 64bit system it will install the 64 bit version13:35
tumii66Slart: I mean, why wait so long?13:35
HalabundOn Windows, I use WinDjView for viewing djvu files.  It allows creating bookmarks to different views of the document, so I can flip between the views quickly.  Is there a viewer with similar capabilities for Ubuntu?  (It would be best if there were something that can do this for PDFs as well!)13:35
Slarttumii66: hehe.. no special reason.. I usually reinstall every third ubuntu version or so.. then upgrade in between13:36
tumii66Slart: okay lol13:36
JGodboutIs there some sort of graphical tool to modify a keyboard layout?13:36
SlartMaT-dg: I use a 32-bit vm myself.. haven't used 32bit firefox since adobe started releasing flash for 64bit13:36
Slartxmodmap, JGodbout13:37
SlartJGodbout: oh.. sorry.. graphical.. no idea then13:37
MaT-dgSlart: actually I doubt that when a government doesn't have 64bit support today they will have it in 201013:37
SlartMaT-dg: true..13:37
JGodboutMeh, I will try that anyway13:37
JGodboutWho needs a GUI? Not me.13:37
indusstaticRails: hi any luck?13:38
indusmmm 10.0413:39
induscant wait for that beauty13:39
tumii66what special will 10.04 be ?13:40
tudonin the future you will need a gui to get into not having a gui :D :O13:40
induswell its four digit number :)13:40
indus1 0 0 413:40
tumii66indus, lo13:40
papuli need gmcs.13:40
indusso who is stuc kwith what problem here13:41
ActionParsnipindus: i kinda am13:41
limpcnm figured out the issue13:42
limpcapparently AIR != 64 bit.  gay13:42
indusActionParsnip: whats up13:42
indusActionParsnip: your problem must be complicated :)13:42
indusi like the easy ones13:42
ActionParsnipindus: is it possible to get a 64bit kernel in the netbook remix without first installing ubuntu then installing the frontend?13:42
ActionParsnipindus: like a 64bit netook remix13:42
indusActionParsnip: isnt there a unr 64 available?13:43
indusgartral: hello13:43
gartralwhere do I go to point out that packages should have regular merges?13:43
papul__i need gmcs13:44
ActionParsnipnot sure, i just like the system as its light but wondered if there was ar 64bit version. ive not seen one as all netbooks afaik are 32bit13:44
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ActionParsnip!info gmcs13:44
ubottuPackage gmcs does not exist in jaunty13:44
matrix_hi i am isntalling a langauge program from usb drive the program i am running with wine now its installin on C drive where will this programm be13:44
gartral!info gmacs13:44
ubottuPackage gmacs does not exist in jaunty13:44
papul__not gmacs gmcs13:44
matrix_the file is install .exe13:44
papul__configure: error: gmcs Not found13:45
indusActionParsnip: hmm well,not sure what you want to do here,you want to use the netbook remix kernel and compile for your system? then add the frontend?13:45
ActionParsnipindus: thats what i thought, oh well13:45
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gartralActionParsnip: 64 bit netbooks exist, there rare, but I know someone who has one13:46
spectacularwhat's happened to xorg.conf ?  what file is being used instead, please?13:46
meteor``whenever i open any drives or removeable media, ubuntu creates a shortcut for it on desktop. How can i make it off?13:46
C-S-BLOL @ online java based ms office proficiency test telling my netbook doesnt meet it's requirements...lol firefox 3 not supported(it says i need firefox 2+), i dont have ssl(wtf?) but ammusingly my resolution which is below there requirements, gets the thumbs up! :/13:46
gartralwhere do I go to point out that packages should have regular merges?13:47
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, ubuntu is nowadays made to run without a xorg.conf13:47
jribgartral: what do you mean exactly?13:48
gartraljrib: a dauntingly HUGE number of games in repos arn't supported by their respective dev teams anymore... three that i can name Ottomh are Wormux, Hedgewars, and warzone2100... NONE of these will connect too the networked game servers because the repo versions are Out-Of-Date13:49
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i just installed ubuntu 9.x on two machines -- an oldish dell latitude laptop, and a brand-new eee pc.  Both seem to work very nicely, including having working wireless which i didnt have back when i was in debian.  one problem that i find is that when i try to watch video in youtube in firefox, it's very very slow and jumpy and kinda freezes the browser/computer a bit.  googling, they suggest changing something in the xorg.conf file13:50
spectacular but there's nothing in it at all.13:50
jribgartral: check if they have been backported, file bugs, feel free to help out :)13:50
jrib!backports > gartral13:50
ubottugartral, please see my private message13:50
jrib!bugs > gartral13:50
sky_1whats command for showing HW ?13:50
C-S-Bspectacular: flash videos?13:50
jribsky_1: HW?13:50
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, do you have proprietary drivers installed on both?13:50
trashbargspectacular, try X -configure13:51
jribsky_1: lshw13:51
sky_1thank you13:51
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, C-S-B :  i installed the flashplugin-nonfree thing with apt-get13:51
sky_1bad command13:51
C-S-Bspectacular: id read about installing flash, once done properly it will be fine-i doubt you'll need to mess with xorg13:51
jribsky_1: then be more specific13:51
gartraljrib: Jaunty *started out* with these OOD packages.. they arent bugs, there poor package selection on cononicals part... my system is so %10 pathetic i cant even run git reliably13:51
tudonC-S-B:  sounds scary an online ms test .   lets call it voluntary spyware ?13:51
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, i see, but the gfx cards, do they have their vendors' drivers? eg nvidia/intel drivers13:51
n00minfresh u9 install, gets to gdm, once password is entered -- hangs. hit power switch, gdm shuts down graphcially, correctly.13:52
sky_1i want show hw components13:52
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i don't know, not sure how to check or install them13:52
C-S-Btudon: lol, i cant be bothered with it and im not installing something i dont need to comply13:52
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jribgartral: I don't see how you claim that a package not working because the version in the repository is out of date, is not a bug...13:52
jribspectacular: yes.  lshw13:52
jribsky_1: yes.  lshw13:52
tudonsky_1 :   dmidecode13:52
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, type glxinfo in a terminal13:53
b1n42yActionParsnip: fluxbuntu last release was in 2007 sometime... maybe ill run it VB in new bandwidth month13:53
gartraljrib wormux throws "This version is not supported for online play... download a ner version at www.wormux.org13:53
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, if it says ati/nvidia/intel it should be good13:53
jribgartral: yes, file a bug13:53
xyz_testhi all13:53
ActionParsnipb1n42y: it uses standard repos so can be upgraded13:53
erisolhow do you exit the x server?13:54
jriberisol: why?13:54
ActionParsnipb1n42y: you will need to install one of the desktop metapackages on it though13:54
sky_1etc/init.d/xdm exit13:54
tudonif zapp is disabled.  you can close the process also with htop13:54
dattai installed apache, mysql, php on ubuntu but looking at the size of it want to uninstall it13:54
erisoljrib: well, every once in a while, ubuntu hangs and I'm wondering if the keyboard shortcut could fix it13:54
dattahow can i unistall all the packages and clear up the space that it is taking (more than 150 megs)13:54
xyz_testapt-get clear cache ?13:55
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:55
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, if you have the Mesa driver, then we'll download latest drivers, if you already have proprietary drivers I'll find you a xorg13:55
tudonyes with no zapp.   newbies are forced down the command line road to restart x .. nice?13:55
b1n42yActionParsnip: like xfce or lxde, but dont tell me its like arch, im not new to linux 8 months or so and forever learning13:55
jribtudon: no they aren't13:55
tudonwhat then?13:55
ActionParsnipdatta: sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove13:55
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i will put the results of that glx command in pastebin13:55
tudoni mean if it hangs13:55
jribtudon: there's a sysrq key combination13:56
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, perfect :)13:56
tudona new key combination ?13:56
ActionParsnipb1n42y: no its a full desktop, just that the update manager is retarded and looks for the packages ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop13:56
sky_1erisol: etc/init.d/xdm stop13:56
erisoldatta: try sudo apt-get remove, or sudo apt-get purge13:56
giacoto reinstall the kernel image is "apt-get --reinstall install linux-generic" right?13:56
giacobecause /boot remains empty13:56
jribtudon: yes13:56
gartraljrib: would you like to help too?13:56
ActionParsnipb1n42y: fluxbuntu doesnt come with one so you have to install it to get upgrades13:57
tudonso ctrl alt backspace is disabled. what is it now?13:57
erisolsky_1: the only problem with that is that all I can do is move my mouse13:57
jribgartral: no, I don't have enough time to help as much as I would like to on the software I do use unfortunately13:57
ActionParsnip!dontzap | tudon13:57
ubottutudon: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.13:57
b1n42yActionParsnip: I C13:57
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, http://pastebin.ca/149572213:57
b1n42yActionParsnip: thanks for the heads up13:57
devil_wish to run c++ on ubuntu. also i want to install it on another system not having internet? what to do>13:58
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, is that the netbook?13:58
sky_1erisol: how you can write text ? O_o13:58
ActionParsnipb1n42y: its not a bad system and fluxbox is awesome13:58
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, this is the dell.  same problem on both, i figure the same solution will fix both13:58
tudoni know how to reanable it. but i thought he meant there is a new combination.13:58
erisolsky_1: not right now, but it happens frequently enough and I was wondering if restarting x could help13:58
ActionParsnipdevil_: install build essential on the system with web, then copy the deb files from /var/cache/apt13:58
sky_1erisol: it should13:58
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, youtube etc worked perfectly on the dell in debian.  the eee pc is new so this is its first OS13:58
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, lspci | grep VGA13:59
ActionParsniptudon: its alt+sysrq+k13:59
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Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, type that, and paste me what gfx card you have13:59
erisolsky_1: so, if I run dontzap --disable, which key code is it? and what is sysrq?13:59
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]13:59
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, thx13:59
ActionParsniperisol: its the old skool CTRL+ALT+backspace, like it should be :)13:59
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, on the eeepc it's an Intel Mobile 945GME14:00
jriberisol: look at the top right of your keyboard14:00
ActionParsniperisol: sysrq == printscreen key14:00
sky_1ActionParsnip: he can work only with mouse14:00
tudonsysrq is the super key?14:00
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, i see, go to system → administration → hardware drivers14:00
sky_1erisol: you should make script for restarting X if you can work only with mouse then14:00
erisolsky_1: no, that is just the only visible sign that my computer is working14:00
ActionParsnipsky_1: thats gonna be a tough one to get round ;)14:00
b1n42yActionParsnip: only thing is irc channel is dead so if i ever had any problems i'd have to come here and annoy YOU14:00
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, is there an option for enabling a graphics driver?14:01
meteor``whenever i open any drives or removeable media, ubuntu creates a shortcut for it on desktop. How can i make it off?14:01
erisolsky_1: I'm saying that I can't click anything or switch windows, etc14:01
ActionParsnipb1n42y: theres #fluxbox too14:01
sky_1erisol: ohh14:01
erisolI'll try the ctrl-alt-backspace again14:01
ActionParsnipb1n42y: fluxbox has a tonne of online docs tooo14:01
gartraljrib: will the fact that ive started useing PPAs for some games affect the bug reports?14:01
erisolif it works, I won't be back for a bit ;)14:01
richardcavellAny xmodmap experts here today?14:01
richardcavellI want to assign a key on my keyboard as the control key by doing: xmodmap -e "keycode 133 = Control_R", but it doesn't work14:02
spectaculari dont have 'hardware drivers' under system > administration14:02
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, ^14:02
jribgartral: well you shouldn't file bugs against the packages in PPAs, you should file them against the packages in the repositories that exhibit the problem14:02
erisol_ok, it worked14:03
Ratapoilany idea why CTRL ALT Backspace doesn't work14:03
gartraljrib: the ONLY problem these games are having, is that their too old~14:03
jribgartral: ok, file the bug then14:03
gartral!dontzap | Ratapoil14:03
ubottuRatapoil: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.14:03
erisol_Ratapoil: try sudo apt-get install dontzap, and then sudo dontzap --disable14:03
ForeverSmurfis there a difference between debootstrap-udeb_1.0.13~jaunty1_all.udeb and debootstrap_1.0.13~jaunty1_all.deb14:03
ForeverSmurfI am doing a remote server installation14:03
indusRatapoil: use alt-sysrq-K14:04
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular,  i see14:04
gartraljrib: I dont see why i have too file 100+ bug reports just to bring the attention of the devs too the new versions of the games14:04
indusRatapoil: keys changed now14:04
erisol_what's the keyboard shortcut for quitting to terminal?14:04
indusgartral: which games?14:04
C-S-Berisol ctrl+d14:04
induserisol_: crl-alt-f114:04
Ratapoilwhat's sysrq?14:04
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, do, sudo apt-get install envyng-core14:04
indusRatapoil: that printscrn button14:04
C-S-Berisol_: sorry, that closes a term14:05
=== erisol_ is now known as erisol
isaac_ya me fui14:05
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jribgartral: you are exaggerating I am sure... bug reports are how you notify devs of problems, I'm not sure what you want me to tell you14:05
Shubuntuhey does anyone know how to set up a vpn server on ubuntu and have a windows machine connect to it?14:05
Mikey^Is there a program that i can use to send a fax ?14:05
Ratapoilwhich app might contr6l triggering of numlock and scrolllock?14:05
timahvo1Ratapoil: or stick Option "DontZap" "False" in server seciton of xorg.conf if you have one14:05
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, then run envyng in the CLI interface, because thats the only one supported in latest ubuntu, envyng -t14:05
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, on both, right?  done.14:05
gartralindus jrib as far as I can tell... its EVERY game in the repos... none that i havent gotten PPAs for will connect too their respective servers... i mean NONE14:06
industhat dont zap option dont work well and screws my x server14:06
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, then install the recommended ATI driver14:06
jribgartral: if that's really true then file a bug stating that14:06
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, this is for the dell only, right?14:06
indusgartral: which games from repo u play? nexuiz? that game is too bad on system even though it aint that nice looking14:06
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, yes, the intel will come later14:07
klownis there a way to redirect my sound output when I plug in a usb headset?14:07
erisolis there a keyboard shortcut to open a new terminal?14:07
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, it's downloading...14:07
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, :)14:07
induserisol: yes ctl-shift-tab14:07
induserisol: and for new terminal window ctl-shift-N14:08
spectacular(btw ubuntu seems to be working so beautifully on the eee pc... and it's so nice to have working wireless!  and the webcam in skype!  i used to have to double-boot into awful windoze for those things)14:08
ActionParsnipklown: its essentially a usb soundcard, you can use sound options to select the device14:08
sky_1yes he is14:09
indusits great OS, as stable if not more than ubuntu14:09
tudonit is EVIL14:09
ActionParsnipspectacular: same with the aspire one, 100% works out of the box14:09
sky_1indus: ok now die or leave14:09
ActionParsnipindus: im with you dude14:09
erisolindus: thanks14:09
klownActionParsnip: I'm trying to find a way I don't have to select the device.  When I plug in the usb headset, it selects it for me, and reverts back when the headset is removed.14:09
staticRails_indus: sorry I was away14:09
methwhat is the equivalant of inittab file ? i need to make a script startup after gdm has start14:09
jrib!upstart | meth14:10
ubottumeth: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:10
indusActionParsnip: thanks man14:10
ActionParsnipklown: you'd have to make a process to test your system to see if the device has been attatched then switch it if its seen14:10
gartralindus: thats one, Saurbraten is another... followed by warsow, warmux, Hedgewars, warzone2100, Arkhart, BZFlag, Spring RTS, Dopewars, Lincity NG, Scorched 3d, Tremulous, and vega strike... those are all i have installed that either completely dont work, in only partially work due to newer versions being released14:10
jribmeth: don't see what inittab has to do with what you want though14:10
ActionParsnipindus: if windows suits your needs use it, if linux fits the need, use that14:10
methi want to seee the defaultrun level and other settings14:11
staticRails_ActionParsnip: do you remember my issue?14:11
ActionParsnipindus: penumbra demo is awesome, urban terror if you like CounterStrike14:11
erisolhow do I get gsynaptics to work? It keeps complaining that SHMconfig needs to be set to true in xorg.conf, but I've already done that and it still doesn't work14:11
ActionParsnipstaticRails_: not in detail14:11
sky_1leave windows vs linux spamm14:11
mobi-sheep!boot | meth14:11
ubottumeth: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:11
klownActionParsnip: Can you give me something a little more specific..I don't mind looking it up, but I doubt I'll find much looking up "attached processes".14:11
jribmeth: runlevels 2-5 are identical by default on ubuntu/debian.  What "other things"?14:11
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, it's now installing initial module14:11
staticRails_ActionParsnip: I reinstalled the intel vga driver.14:11
methdude i just want to look at it14:12
jribmeth: look at what...?14:12
methi know how inittab works14:12
meththere is no inittab now14:12
methi have no idea how upstart works14:12
k0ppim looking for libgtk2.16.0, aptitude is complaining about it.  can anyone assist me in finding it.. ive looked everywhere.  either a .deb or tarball woudl be great14:12
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, it wants me to restart the computer.  shall i?14:12
jribmeth: yes, read the link ubottu gave you14:12
tudonurban terror is fun.14:12
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, aight :) yes do so14:12
tudonbut you can not lean14:12
staticRails_ActionParsnip: the result is a blue screen with a gray message.14:12
MylesmadnessI can not get java working from inside firefox14:12
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Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, let's see if it works, [Radeon Mobility 7500] is a really old one14:12
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, ok brb14:12
staticRails_ActionParsnip: the message is: "failed to start the x server, your graphical interface..."14:12
ActionParsnipklown: well when you attatch it you will get an extra entry in /dev. It may be the same each time so you can simply have a process running:   file /dev/<whatever it is>  if its not there, it will fail. If it returns true then run a command to switch the device14:12
ForeverSmurfare there any other server installation options available. I am having no joy with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH14:13
ActionParsnipstaticRails_: ah yes14:13
tudonnext month a new wulfenstein game will be out and with a linux version avail i think14:13
staticRails_ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/f55324e8714:13
gartralindus: out of those.. ive had to go and install PPAs for warzone2100, Hedgewars, Warsow, and Saurbraten too play online14:13
staticRails_ActionParsnip: it is the dmesg14:13
klownActionParsnip: I think I understand.  I'll try some stuff.  Thank you.14:13
rexes13hey there14:14
indusgartral: hmm cant really expect much from devs, its all hobby projects mostly14:14
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i'm online on the eee pc now.  gnome wont start after the reboot14:14
tras3howto install oracle on ubuntu 8.04.114:14
ActionParsnipgartral: warzone is in the normal repo14:14
ActionParsnip!info warzone210014:14
ubottuwarzone2100 (source: warzone2100): 3D real time strategy game. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-1 (jaunty), package size 978 kB, installed size 2556 kB14:14
magnetrontras3: please call the oracle support line. thank you.14:14
spectacular(on the dell)14:15
methgod forbid i want to know how my system works14:15
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, ok, that means ati has taken away support for that gfx card14:15
erisolis there a way to apt install for just my user, so I don't neet do use sudo?14:15
gartralActionParsnip: yes.. i know... but the version in repos is out of date, and you cant play online with it... ALL the games i mentioned are in repos, and ALL the games i mentioned are out of date in repos14:15
rexes13hey there i am new14:15
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, envyng -t then choose uninstall ati driver14:15
ActionParsnipstaticRails_: we need the output of /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:15
rexes13and i have a question14:15
ActionParsnipgartral: fair point14:15
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, press ctrl+alt+F1 to enter the terminal14:16
rexes13how can i get administrative previleges?14:16
ActionParsnipgartral: mind you i was playing warzone 2100 in 1998 or so14:16
jrib!sudo > rexes1314:16
ubotturexes13, please see my private message14:16
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, press ctrl+alt+F2 works aswell14:16
gartralActionParsnip: me too :) i had the playstation version14:16
ActionParsniprexes13: if you run the command   groups   and you are in the admin group, you have admin priveledges via sudo and gksudo14:16
ActionParsnipgartral: weird how it can be out of date for such an old game ;)14:16
rexes13forgot to mension14:17
rexes13i mean in gnome14:17
erisolActionParsnip: what does gksudo do?14:17
rexes13not via a terminal14:17
rexes13i knew the way via terminal14:17
ActionParsniperisol: its for running gui apps with elevated priveledges14:17
indusgartral: maybe a launchpad bug saying to integrate latest patches to repos will be well accepted14:17
ActionParsniprexes13: its still sudo for command line apps and gksudo for graphical apps14:17
staticRails_ActionParsnip: how can i send it to pastebin using command line ?14:18
indusgartral: for games i mean14:18
rexes13i wanna move an image to /boot and i cant14:18
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, it's possible to get a proprietary driver for your card, but it requires an older kernel release, so it'll become unstable14:18
ActionParsnipstaticRails_: pastebinit <filename>14:18
sky_1rexes13: why you move it to /boot ?14:18
jrib!synaptics > erisol14:18
ubottuerisol, please see my private message14:18
sky_1rexes13: you need root privileges14:18
gartralindus: that i goint to be seen as the largest pain theve ever had too deal with, we are literally talking 100+ games14:18
rexes13to make my Grub loader look a little bit better14:18
indusgartral: hmm maybe if i become a package maintainer, it will make it 99 games :)14:19
bazhanggartral, please file a bug; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic14:19
zaphod_home@rexes13: gksudo --> app= nautilus14:19
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sky_1rexes13: easiest way is download startupmanager14:19
sonypaulpeterhi guys , i need some help with installing nautilus.14:19
sky_1rexes13: repo14:19
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, for the eee pc there's a guide here http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu:eeexubuntu:compiz_on_eeexubunto14:19
rexes13sudo apt-get install startupmanager???14:19
indussonypaulpeter: hmm install nautilus?14:19
zaphod_homeor use xterm and type $sudo su14:19
sky_1rexes13: sure14:19
bazhangsonypaulpeter, nautilus is standard, unless you are not in Gnome14:19
staticRails_ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/fd0cbf4514:19
rexes13ok ty for ya help14:19
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, ok i'm back in gnome14:19
sonypaulpeterim in gnome14:20
sky_1rexes13: command line version is -> as root cd to /boot and then cp file there14:20
bazhangsonypaulpeter, then nautilus is there already14:20
erisolhow do I find out my current x display information?14:20
gartralbazhang: read back, i wasn't talking about 3rd party games, what i said is Ubuntu relavent14:20
ActionParsnipuse sudo -i   instead of sudo su14:20
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* UIS|Class is now away: Class14:20
rexes13ty mate14:20
jussi01zaphod_home: sudo -i rather than sudo su14:20
rexes13and last14:21
sonypaulpeteryes. i did a upgrade and after that my nautilus is not running. cant re-install. getting dependency errors14:21
rexes13where can i access it from?14:21
sky_1rexes13: dont understand question14:21
b1n42yActionParsnip: ahh fluxbox, i have been here before, its funny swiftfox seems to be the only thing running cpu wise if you know what i mean, and i rember i did like the look of it just need to learn how to use it, if its functional i think i might stick with it14:21
zaphod_homesudo su workes as well...14:21
ActionParsnipb1n42y: it has amazing hotkey support14:21
b1n42yActionParsnip: you mean shortcuts or Fn keys?14:22
rexes13sky_1: i mean where i can access the startupmanager??14:22
sonypaulpeterbazhang, can i paste output here?14:22
sky_1rexes13: if downloaded it then type to consol -> startupmanager14:22
sky_1sonypaulpeter: no pastebin it14:22
bazhangsonypaulpeter, paste.ubuntu.com14:22
ActionParsnipb1n42y: shortcut combinatins, you can map (for example) CTRL+ALT+T to a virtual F key (Like F14) then you assign F14 to whatever you like14:23
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i dont have eeexubuntu, just regular ubuntu14:24
b1n42yshit i just right clicked on clock and the menu wont disappear lol14:24
sonypaulpeterbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/218924/14:24
ActionParsnipstaticRails_: looks like the last few lines are interesting: intel(0): drmDropMaster failed: Invalid argument14:24
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, you think i should roll back the dell to hardy or something?14:25
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, xubuntu is optional14:25
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/mobility-radeon-7500-ati-drivers-3.7.6-x-4.3-down...-156858/14:25
MylesmadnessI can not get java working from inside firefox. I have sun-java6-bin sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin14:25
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, found some info on getting the dell working14:25
sky_1sonypaulpeter: try sudo apt-get install nautilus*14:25
rexes13ty guys....c yaz around again...gonna do some translation of upstream in Greek14:25
bazhangsonypaulpeter, what version of ubuntu is this? and are you using some 3rd party repos or PPA's?14:26
qqq999anyone in here use virtualization frequently? was wondering what they found better between VirtualBox and VMWare Workstation14:26
zenlunaticqqq999, xen14:26
rexes13I use veryoften Virtual Box14:26
MylesmadnessI can not get java working from inside firefox. I have sun-java6-bin sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin14:26
blind|melon|chitMylesmadness: I'm guessing it's not working in Firefox 3.514:27
qqq999I'm running XP atm, found that workstation had a hard time with bridged networking (so I had to use NAT)14:27
indusMylesmadness: u using 64 bit?14:27
Mylesmadnessindus, nope14:27
sonypaulpeterim using hardy14:27
sonypaulpeterppa's of few players14:27
bazhangsonypaulpeter, please paste.ubuntu.com of your sources.list14:27
indusMylesmadness: sudo update-alternatives --config java14:27
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, if you reverted the dell to ubuntu 6.06 or earlier there would be no problem http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/14:27
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, otherwise you'd have to use the opensource drivers, which are buggy14:28
Mylesmadnessindus, There is no program which provides java.14:28
MylesmadnessNothing to configure.14:28
xyz_testconfigure nothing then14:28
qqq999so for those who use virtualbox, is there a way to possibly share an entire drive via Shared Folder (I'm assuming samba would be kinda slow even though it's LAN)14:28
rohanwhen is the next ubuntu LTS release?14:28
rohanis 9.10 LTS?14:28
jrib!lts | rohan14:28
ubotturohan: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04)14:28
indusMylesmadness: u sure java is installed?14:28
sky_1Supersaiyan_IV: vesa driver should work ?14:28
bazhangrohan, 10.04 possibly14:28
rohanjrib: doesn't help.14:28
jribrohan: noticed.14:28
sonypaulpeterbazhang how can i copy source list?14:28
Supersaiyan_IVsky_1, for DRI?14:29
Mylesmadnessindus, Yeah14:29
indusrohan: 10.04 is LTS but might be deffered14:29
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, the dell had ubuntu 8.04 i think on it for a while and no problems.  then i had to replace its harddrive, which is why i did the new install.  should i put it back to ubuntu 8 then?  or use the opensource stuff?14:29
indusMylesmadness: reinstall it then or use openjdk14:29
xyz_testjust try it yourself kind a stufff14:29
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, i see, Mesa will do, it's no big deal really14:29
rohanindus: deffered? why?14:29
bazhangsonypaulpeter, cat /etc/apt/sources.list ---> paste.ubuntu.com or install pastebinit and use the | pastebinit after the initial command shown14:29
indusanyone knows how to configure a remote for tv time?14:29
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, and i would like to keep the wireless working14:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lirc14:30
bazhang!info lirc14:30
indusrohan: i said it might be,depending on gnome versions etc14:30
ubottulirc (source: lirc): infra-red remote control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.4a-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 477 kB, installed size 2140 kB14:30
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, but if you want official ati drivers you need to revert due to lacking kernel support, and ati ditching yout card support14:30
rohanindus: ok.14:30
xyz_testremote for tv time ?14:30
blind|melon|chitIs there any way I can switch the Java plugin used by default from the IcedTea version to the official Sun Java version?14:30
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, let's try mesa14:30
indusbazhang: thanks, yes its working ,but some buttoms wont work /or i need to configure14:30
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, type glxinfo, i think you have mesa14:30
blind|melon|chitThe icedtea plugin is giving me graphics corruption in Firefox 3.514:30
indusblind|melon|chit: yes type this sudo update-alternatives --config java14:31
indusxyz_test: yes14:31
blind|melon|chitindus: I tried that, but that only changed the version of "java" that runs, not the plugin, as far as I can tell14:31
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, does it still say 'direct rendering: Yes' ?14:31
blind|melon|chitindus: i.e. if i run java -version now it states that it's the official sun version, the plugin is still icedtea14:31
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, yes14:32
rohani have installed ubuntu 9.04 on a remote server. however, now i want to downgrade it to 8.04 because it is LTS. what is my best option? i don't want to again go to the physical server14:32
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, good, it wont get better than that14:32
jribrohan: no options then14:32
rohanjrib: i can't remotely install over ssh?14:32
bazhangsonypaulpeter, apart from having around 30 PPA's the fact that some of them debian ones are likely the cause of your issues14:33
jribrohan: you need to reinstall14:33
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, as for the eee pc follow the tutorial in the ling, just ignore all the xubuntu stuff14:33
rohanjrib: yes, i want to do that. i know that downgrading isn't possible.14:33
richardcavellIs there a quick and easy way to change the user id of a given user so that all his owned files and folders stay attached to him?14:33
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sonypaulpeterbazhang, how can i fix it?14:33
jrib!install > rohan14:34
ubotturohan, please see my private message14:34
lee__how to join pple on other channels14:34
LordLandonrichardcavell: change a user's login name?14:34
richardcavellLordLandon: No, change his user id14:34
jribrohan: it would probably be much easier to have physical access but there may be some option for you on that wiki page14:34
Sirisian|WorkI'm trying to grep my whole HD and put all the results in a folder. What am I doing wrong. It puts one line in the file and then the rest to the console. grep -r -i repair / > /tmp/foo14:34
richardcavellLordLandon: The number.14:34
bazhangsonypaulpeter, first comment out the debian repos, and try again; with that many possible conflict vectors you'll need to gradually weed it out14:34
sonypaulpeterall of them?14:35
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, ok i'll work on the eeepc.  you think i should give up on the dell?14:35
Munirhello gurus14:35
indusblind|melon|chit: then remove the iced tea plugin/also i think there is a setting in firefox to change it14:35
bazhangsonypaulpeter, the debian ones? there are only two or so that I can see14:35
qqq999zenlunatic: I'm assuming Xen differs from regular virtualization solutions.... I'm envisioning the following use-case scenario: *nix os base for the majority of my computer use, then booting up an XP machine, transferring resources almost entirely to it for the purpose of gaming. is it possible or feasible?14:35
Munirwhat is the best tool for software developement in Linux14:35
jwfoxjrdoes anyone know of a good program to use to mulitplex multiple live audio streams into one?14:35
jribrohan: don't forget to setup ssh before loading the new install14:35
LordLandonrichardcavell: create a new user and chown everything14:35
b1n42yActionParsnip: it seems more responsive thats for sure, but i dont have my gnome weather etc but i guess you can get all that stuff working, do you use it yourself ?14:35
richardcavellLordLandon: There's no other way?14:36
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, the gfx card has completely phased out driver support, and the driver you have now gives you 3d rendering and dri for video playback, which is excellent as it is14:36
sonypaulpeterbazhang, should i remove them all?14:36
ActionParsnipb1n42y: on laptops, yes14:36
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, are you running 64bit or 32?14:36
jwfoxjrbasically I have 3 icecast streams that I want to multiplex together14:36
rohanjrib: thanks14:36
ActionParsnipb1n42y: you can run the gnome weather if you want14:36
rohanhow long are non-LTS releases supported for?14:37
jribrohan: 18 months14:37
erUSULMunir: what language ?14:37
LordLandonrichardcavell: it's an easy way...14:37
erUSULqqq999: winXP can not run on xen14:37
richardcavellLordLandon: There has to be an easier way14:37
beningwhat the program to run PS one on ubuntu14:37
LordLandonrichardcavell: the FS stores user permisions by the UID, so you'd have to change those anyway.14:37
bazhangsonypaulpeter, you can open the list with gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and place a # in front of the lenny/debian repos lines, then save and exit; sudo apt-get update and try again to install nautilus14:37
rohanjrib: ok, ty14:37
plutxiiwanted to know if anyone used moblock or knew how to change which lists you use post install, i know there was that initial selection, but now i can't modify.14:38
LordLandonrichardcavell: an easier way is not changing the UID.14:38
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i assume it's 3214:38
ActionParsniprohan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS14:38
erUSULMunir: i mean what programming language you use/develop in14:38
LordLandonrichardcavell: actually...14:39
LordLandonrichardcavell: usermod can do it.14:39
MunirerUSUL: currentlly i am developer of asp.net14:39
Muniri want to switch from windows to linux14:39
coz_guys I noticed that the sg3-uitls pacakge in jaunty is version 1.24-2  I need a version .xx or higher...anyway of upgrading that?14:39
LordLandonrichardcavell: usermod -u, oddly enough does the chown on the user's home dir.14:39
ForeverSmurfis there a ubuntu server channel?14:39
LordLandonrichardcavell: not on files outside of it though.14:39
qqq999erUSUL: thanks, I see... I guess no one has really tackled the gaming from a linux base problem, then?  I've tried wine, but it really doesn't cut it14:39
coz_I need version 3.xx or higher14:39
erUSULMunir: then try monodevelop... is an ide for mono a free implementatio of .net for linux it includes asp.net iirc14:39
erUSUL!info monodevelop | Munir14:39
ubottuMunir: monodevelop (source: monodevelop): Development Environment for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 4085 kB, installed size 13292 kB14:39
LordLandoncoz_: compile it yourself?14:40
induscoz_: you can always download from the developer website no?14:40
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coz_ok guys thanks14:40
indus!iirc > indus14:40
ubottuindus, please see my private message14:40
erUSULqqq999: recent versions of VBox come with acceletrated opengl so maybe it is posible to run some games in a winXP install on virtualbox14:40
ActionParsnipForeverSmurf: here will support server14:40
erUSUL!vbox | qqq99914:40
ubottuqqq999: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:40
legend2440ForeverSmurf: yes  #ubuntu-server14:41
ActionParsnipqqq999: some apps have native installers, some have loki installers14:41
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matrix_hey i installed a language program from usb the file was setup.exe everthing went fine i run program but i dont have sound i get error no media found iam on ubuntu linux using wine14:42
MunirerUSUL: is there any link you recomend me to read14:42
erUSULMunir: about mono ? linux programming in general ? there a re a lot of resources in internet just google around14:43
Picimatrix_: Those sort of questions are better answered in #winehq14:43
DungeI'm trying to recompile the linux kernel in EABI mode from provided sources, I get to a point where it say "arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc: not found" . This is the Cross-compiler. I found out that I could add emdebian.org to apt-get list and get it if I were on a Debian box, but what if I'm on Ubuntu??14:43
erUSULMunir: http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page14:44
ActionParsnipmatrix_: i'd check the appdb14:44
matrix_actionparsip:whats that14:44
* blind|melon|chit doesn't understand Mono, is it really used that frequently on production servers or just for simple desktop apps?14:44
richardcavellI just did sudo usermod -u 999 richard    and now when I type 'id' I still get 100014:45
Dungeor what was the channel specialized in cross-compile?14:45
Severity1lfs cross compiler?14:46
ActionParsnip!appdb | matrix_14:46
ubottumatrix_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:46
Dungenah not linux from scratch14:47
LordLandonrichardcavell: sure you're looking at uid, not gid? Worked for me.14:47
Severity1Dunge, ahhh nvm, i dont really know any channels here for crosscompiling14:47
DungeI know I once ended up on one14:47
Severity1but lfs has some materials regarding cross compiling14:47
sonypaulpeterbazhang, its still same14:48
blind|melon|chitindus: I'll try that out...in the meantime would it be safe to simply make a symbolic link to the proper plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins?14:48
richardcavellLordLandon: uid=1000 gid=1000(richard) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),106(lpadmin),121(admin),122(sambashare),1000(richard)14:48
indusblind|melon|chit: hmm safe sure but not sure if taht works14:48
bazhangsonypaulpeter, what happens when you try to open your home folder from Places menu14:48
LordLandonrichardcavell: perhaps you can't do it on a logged in user.14:48
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vvvvI installed grub on a usb flash drive and i am trying to let it boot the installer with preseed file, which are both on the flashdrive. loading installer works fine. but it doesn't want to load the preseed.14:49
indusblind|melon|chit: good lucks14:49
dreamydoes anyone know is the new sis drivers support for ubuntu ? in this case de 672fx14:49
Guest80127umm..what is this irc chat about14:49
richardcavellLordLandon: man usermod says you can't change the name of a logged in user14:49
sonypaulpeterbazhang easytag 2.1.4 is opening14:49
bazhangGuest80127, Ubuntu support channel14:49
vvvvi use this: kernel/jaunty/ubuntu-installer/i386/linux root=UUID=38a5477a-b0f7-4737-9114-cb1a138fc590 preseed/file=/preseed/test.txt14:49
blind|melon|chitindus: Hmm, well what would be the best thing to do, copy the actual plugin directly in there? All the other plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins are symbolic links14:50
bazhangsonypaulpeter, from Home Folder under Places Menu --> easytag app opens?14:50
LordLandonrichardcavell: try doing it on a user that isn't logged in.14:50
indusblind|melon|chit: no dont copy directly14:50
richardcavellLordLandon: I only have two - myself and root. How do I run it when I'm not logged in?14:50
indusblind|melon|chit: use the symlink14:50
LordLandonrichardcavell: make another user? Log in as root?14:50
sonypaulpeterbazhang, yea it is.14:51
richardcavellLordLandon: How do I log in as root when I don't know the password? Ubuntu scrambles the root password by default14:51
Sirisian|WorkWhy does grep throw so many permission denies and recursive errors when it's seaching?14:51
LordLandonrichardcavell: reset the password to something?14:51
jribSirisian|Work: because you don't have permission probably.  What are you searching exactly?14:51
richardcavellSirisian|Work: You need to use sudo if you want it to have full access to your files14:51
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bazhangsonypaulpeter, what about simply typing :  nautilus in the terminal what does it do14:51
Sirisian|Workjrib, grep -r -i repair / > /tmp/foo14:52
richardcavellLordLandon: I suppose I can create a dummy user14:52
Sirisian|Workjrib, I'm running as root.14:52
LordLandonrichardcavell: sudo passwd14:52
richardcavellLordLandon: And then log in as root from the login window?14:52
ActionParsnipLordLandon: don't advise users how to reduce their system security14:52
LordLandonrichardcavell: and sudo passwd -l after you're done, to disable the account again.14:52
jribSirisian|Work: pastebin14:52
sonypaulpeterbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/218955/14:52
LordLandonActionParsnip: see previous line14:52
ActionParsnipLordLandon: just use sudo -i14:52
ActionParsnipLordLandon: significantly quicker and easier14:53
LordLandonActionParsnip: he wants to change the uid of his account...14:53
LordLandonActionParsnip: so he has to not be logged into it14:53
bazhangsonypaulpeter, why or when did you uninstall nautilus14:53
ActionParsnipLordLandon: i'd do it in a root recovery console14:53
richardcavellLordLandon: and ActionParsnip: I'm thinking I should create a new user, restart and log in as that, and that sudo from that new account14:53
richardcavellActionParsnip: Do you mean the bottom option on the menu.lst screen?14:54
sonypaulpeterbazhang, i didnt uninstall. just upgraded when prompted to14:54
sonypaulpeterbazhang. just few mins14:54
ugliefrogsomeone say hello to me so i can test notification..... having issues tryong to work them out :) one or two is all i need14:54
richardcavellugliefrog: Hello14:54
buronasdoes anyone know of a good boot disk for partitioning?14:54
LordLandonrichardcavell: more like 1) create new user 2) add to sudo 3) log out 4) log in as new user 5) do uid thing14:54
Ranakahhello ugliefrog14:54
Sirisian|Workjrib, http://pastebin.com/m6c63874d14:54
ActionParsniprichardcavell: whatever line recovery mode is on, then select root14:55
richardcavellLordLandon: I like parsnip's idea more14:55
ugliefrogthanks but no luck....back to the forums thanks14:55
khelvanHi, I'm fed up with Vuze and have installed Transmission, but I was in the middle of a large torrent download. Can anyone tell me where Vuze stores .torrent files so that I can resume the download with Transmission?14:55
LordLandonrichardcavell: i like not restarting my 'puter to run a command14:55
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MidnightDevilhi, i need an alternative for windows "RoyalTS" for linux... anyone knows any?14:56
richardcavellLordLandon: I don't think I have a choice. I can't be logged in when I run it14:56
jribSirisian|Work: just don't grep sys14:56
ActionParsnipMidnightDevil: rdesktop14:56
sonypaulpeterbazhang, is there any way to fix this?14:56
LordLandonrichardcavell: you have three choices14:56
MidnightDevilyea but thats doesnt show a server list in a centralized way14:56
LordLandonrichardcavell: 1) login as root 2) login as different sudoer 3) reboot into recovery console14:56
ActionParsnipMidnightDevil: i don't know of one that can connect to multiple servers like royal ts14:56
jribSirisian|Work: or ignore the errors since it doesn't matter anyway14:56
ActionParsnipMidnightDevil: but rdesktop can be used to connect to rdp services14:57
bazhangsonypaulpeter, I cannot imagine what would remove nautilus during an upgrade14:57
BoohbahMidnightDevil: freenx, tightvnc14:57
Sirisian|Workjrib, Is there a way to output the output to one folder and the error output to dev null?14:57
legend2440khelvan: /home/yourusername/.azureus/torrents14:57
richardcavellLordLandon: and ActionParsnip: Recovery console seems the most elegant way. I'm actually putting together instructions for Ubuntu newbies, so it needs to be idiotproof14:57
jribSirisian|Work: command > stdout 2> stderr14:57
Sirisian|Workoh cool thanks14:57
sonypaulpeterbazhang, its ok. i ll try some way out. thanks for your time14:57
LordLandonrichardcavell: O.o what ubuntu newbies need to change their uid?14:57
richardcavellLordLandon: I maintain instructions for setting up Ubuntu on Macs. Many Mac owners try to keep OS X. Their userid on OS X is often 500, while on Ubuntu it's 1000. They have to change their userid to access their home partition on OS X.14:58
ActionParsnipLordLandon: was kinda thinking that. ive never had to do it14:58
sonypaulpeterbye all14:58
LordLandonrichardcavell: hmm o.O14:59
richardcavellLordLandon: They have to do it or else they can't access their files on the OS X partition.14:59
richardcavellfrom ubuntu, I mean14:59
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khelvanlegend2440 - thanks15:00
richardcavellLordLandon: In my /etc/passwd file, it has this line: richard:x:999:1000:Richard Cavell,,,:/home/richard:/bin/bash What does this mean?15:02
richardcavellThe 999 appeared after I did sudo usermod -u 999 richard15:02
LordLandonrichardcavell: that your uid is 99915:02
wezzie1954Hi. Can anyone help me get my sound back? I've just done a kernel upgrade and all my sound has gone!15:02
richardcavellLordLandon: But I type id and it says 100015:02
richardcavellLordLandon: Maybe I need to reboot15:03
buronassoo does anyone know of a good boot disk for partitioning?15:03
LordLandonrichardcavell: do ls -l ~15:03
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LordLandonDo you own all the files in your homedir?15:03
ubuntuislovedcan someone tell me if the 9.04 has the real cisco built in the kernel15:03
richardcavellLordLandon: Yep15:03
LordLandonrichardcavell: then it got changed to 999..15:04
richardcavellLordLandon: richard richard all the way down15:04
LordLandonrichardcavell: restart x.15:04
LordLandonrichardcavell: or  do an id from a tty15:04
richardcavellLordLandon: Stay online, I'm going to reboot15:04
* LordLandon sighs15:04
LordLandonPeople shouldn't be this reboot happy |=15:04
ugliefroghello ugliefrog:15:05
ugliefrogcant say hello to self i guess15:05
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mazda01LacobF, well, brasero used to come up and ask me what I wanted to do with the blank audio cd. I checked a box that said to open a audio project in brasero and I checked a box that said to never ask me again.  Now I want to change that. I can't find it!15:06
mazda01Problem here folks. brasero used to come up and ask me what I wanted to do with the blank audio cd. I checked a box that said to open a audio project in brasero and I checked a box that said to never ask me again.  Now I want to change that. I can't find it!15:06
Avalon1epitelous ta katafera telika htan sto xeri mou kalimera15:07
Pici!gr | Avalon115:07
ubottuAvalon1: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:07
richardcavellLordLandon: I'm back15:08
Avalon1thanck you bye15:08
LordLandonrichardcavell: for future references, you don't need to be so reboot-happy with linux. The only time you should be rebooting completely is for a kernel upgrade, or if it's irreprably unresponsive.15:08
LordLandonrichardcavell: anyway. did it work?15:08
richardcavellYes, that's what it needed15:08
richardcavellOr I could have restarted X15:09
richardcavellbut my ctrl+alt+backspace is disabled15:09
slaytonwhat are the available podcast clients available in the Jaunty repos15:09
LordLandonrichardcavell: loging out restarts X; /etc/init.d/gdm restart restarts x...15:09
Shubuntuanyone gonna help me with pptpd in jaunty?15:09
vadiSince i installed ubuntu 9.04 i having problem with audio (sometime working sometime not) is this normal for version 9.04. Please note i did clean install not any upgrade15:09
richardcavellLordLandon: For some reason my terminal won't start after I've done usermod15:10
LordLandonrichardcavell: ctrl+alt+f115:10
LordLandonrichardcavell: and it didn't start *because* you did the uid thing, probably.15:10
richardcavellDoesn't work. My F1 is a hotkey for brightness controls15:10
LordLandonrichardcavell: ctrl+alt+f215:11
vadiSince i installed ubuntu 9.04 i having problem with audio (sometime working sometime not) is this normal for version 9.04. Please note i did clean install not any upgrade. Any idea plz15:11
richardcavellLordLandon: No, my Fx keys are all hotkeys for my MacBook15:11
LordLandonrichardcavell: so don't hold down the fn button.15:11
EtherNet-hello everyone15:11
Slartvadi: I wouldn't say normal.. no15:11
richardcavellLordLandon: I'm not holding it down15:11
richardcavellLordLandon: Hang on, I have to reboot again15:11
* LordLandon sighs15:11
EtherNet-anyone know what could be happening.... I hibernate the laptop and it seems to do it alright, but when I turn on the machine it doesn't boot from the image that hibernate has generated15:11
max_klemenI have a question about large ubuntu deployments, someone could help me?15:12
vadislart: I was using version 8.04 it was very nice no problem with audio15:12
marcelohi guys... i have a problem, my ubuntu is a dns server. I have to flush the dns but nscd doesnt exist... how do i flush this cache?15:13
max_klemenI have to do a deployment o ubuntu  of around 50 pcs on a public organization15:14
richardcavellLordLandon: I'm back15:14
richardcavellLordLandon: Reboot seems to be necessary on my machine15:15
omarHello which ubuntu version best to install ?15:15
vigo!best | omar15:15
ubottuomar: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:15
frostburnmax_klemen, go on15:15
max_klemenI don't know exacltly wich are the advantages of installinf LTS version 8.04 in this case15:15
zamujmarcelo: hi guys... i have a problem, my ubuntu is a dns server. I have to flush the dns but nscd doesnt exist... how do i flush this cache?15:16
max_klemenor the 9.04 version for full drivers support15:16
omarvigo: advice me15:16
max_klemenwhat do you think15:16
legend2440mazda01: open nautilus then edit>preferences>media where it says other media in dropdown box select  blank CD and select  Action15:16
vadiOmar: i am using verison 9.04 and have problem with audio and sometime pc is very slow15:17
richardcavellLordLandon: I still can't access my files on the other partition. Does this mean I need to change the gid as well?15:17
vigoomar: There is no best, there is recommended , that is the way I would go, if your box has X mem and X space and is XX years old or new, then there are a few options.15:17
progre55you guys know any free online file uploaders?15:17
bazhang!ot | progre5515:17
ubottuprogre55: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:17
frostburnmax_klemen, lts is good if you don't plan on upgrading your systems for long periods of time.  If i were doing a large installation like you, i'd probably use the latest version and plan upgrades every 6 months, a year at most.  Are all these installations on the same hardware, or all different kinds?15:18
omarvigo : I have laptop vaio with 250 Gb hdd + 4Gb of ram15:18
indusvadi: hi15:18
indusvadi: still notsolved?15:18
vadiIndus: Hi15:18
max_klementhe same hard, mainly15:18
richardcavellomar: What's your processor?15:18
indusvadi did u try what i told u? change to alsa?15:18
vigoomar: Most laptops use Xubuntu, the XFCE is very resource light. oh, ok, mostly home use or are you inclined to media applications?15:18
vadiIndus: No,15:18
omarrichardcavell, core 2duo 2Ghz15:19
mazda01legend2440, thanks, but that's not it. That dialog box all says, "Ask what to do" already. It's a setting somewhere else. ANy other thoughts?15:19
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richardcavellomar: You're sure it's Core 2 Duo and not Core Duo?15:19
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whileimhereHi is there a better cdr burner than k3b or brasero15:19
vadiindus: i tried it was working then when i restart again its not working15:19
omarrichardcavell, core 2 duo15:19
toriqhi, anyone here have an old PC using s3 savage 4 graphic card? Mine cannot display resolution above 800x600 in Jaunty. I faced this kind of problem back then on Feisty and solved it. But I can't remember the workaround. I think it's related to xorg.conf setting? I searched around the forum and didn't find any clue.15:19
indusvadi: hmm15:19
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max_klemenbut what is then the advantage of the Long Time Support then?15:19
richardcavellomar:  Your computer can handle the current distro, which is 9.04. You can choose 32 or 64 bit.15:20
vadiIndus: Its not possible to install drivers from Via for sound, like installing in windows15:20
richardcavellomar: I'm using the plain distro on a laptop and it works fine.15:20
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indusvadi: no need of installing anything, its already done via some modules15:20
omarrichardcavell, its possible for exemple to install ubuntu on the external hdd N15:20
gartralalright... I installed a new sound card today... and I went into BIOS disabled the internl, came back into Ubuntu annnd the volume control applet in gnome panel has gone AWOL15:20
indusvadi: dont try installing any 'driver' in ubuntu> its all handled auto15:20
richardcavellomar: Yes, you can install Ubuntu on an external HDD15:21
vigoomar: I agree with richardcavell. 9 would work fine.15:21
indusvadi: and VIA definitely has drivers loaded already its open source15:21
vadiIndus: I didn't install anything till now15:21
indusvadi: dont ,just tell me what motherboard is it15:21
frostburnmax_klemen, then that gives you the best opportunity to test an upgrade before distributing to many machines.  LTS means that patches will be delivered for 3 years after the initial release.  You'll be able to use version 8.04 until april 2011 with all updates.    The alternative is to do a full upgrade every 6 months to a newer version.15:21
porter1Anyone know where Evolution stores its data? I've tried deleting .evoution in my home folder?15:21
indusvadi: you do hear sound dont you?15:22
omarrichardcavell, I have do that in my desktop but the problem my desktop always need external hdd to load grub15:22
mazda01legend2440, before jaunty, I saw a command in system, prefs, removable drives and media, there used to be a storage tab and an option for blank cd or blank dvd but it's gone in jaunty now. I  still have it my upgraded machine from mythbuntu hardy heron. it's /usr/lib/thunar-volman/thunar-volman-settings but a brand new jaunty install doesn't have this program so I am not sure where brasero has this setting checked. brasero opens a data cd15:22
mazda01 project automatically when I insert a blank cd and I don't want that.15:22
vadiIndus: gigabyte15:22
wrwarwickdoes anyone have any luck with the exchange mapi plugin for evolution?15:22
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indusvadi: ok you chagned to alsa andit got reset to oss again?15:22
omarrichardcavell, its possible for exeple let windows load grub in the internal hdd instead of external one ?15:23
vadiIndus: I think no15:23
indusvadi: go to preferences>sound15:23
vadiindus: ok15:23
richardcavellomar: I don't understand your question15:23
omarrichardcavell, ok look15:23
indusvadi: select alsa15:23
rhosigmadoesn anyon e use MuSE??15:23
LordLandonrichardcavell: how is the other partition mounted?15:24
johaneHi huys15:24
max_klemenok, thanks so much, frostburn15:24
johaneHi guys:)15:24
LordLandonrichardcavell: what's it's entry in 'mount'?15:24
hemanth!hi | johane15:24
vadiIndus: Where in sound events15:24
ubottujohane: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:24
=== bloupotlood is now known as bluegoon
richardcavellLordLandon: Mounted as "/media/OS X"15:24
indusvadi: devices15:24
LordLandonrichardcavell: what's it's entry in 'mount'?15:24
Goldy`in simple terms, is Ubuntu 9.x less stable than older versions?15:24
vigomazda01: Did you want to set a different application as the default CD/DVD application?15:24
bluegoonHi guys, user reporting alot of screen tearing artifacts across screen using a Jaunty installation, any clues/15:24
* johane is wandering if there is eny ubuntu dev:)15:25
vadiindus: i will give screen shot15:25
bluegoonrichardcavell: Howdy Richard :)15:25
richardcavellbluegoon: Hi15:25
richardcavellGoldy`: No it's not15:25
legend2440mazda01: your usining thunar?15:25
Goldy`richardcavell, it isn't? so you're saying it is (as stable/more stable)?15:25
richardcavellLordLandon: it's mounted as "media/OS X"15:26
richardcavellGoldy`: Solid as a rock for me15:26
richardcavellOther users seem to say the same15:26
pratik_narainhello everyone15:26
omarrichardcavell, right now I have windiows installed in my laptop I would like to install ubuntu on my external hdd , I am already dod that in my desktop I cannot boot windows without the external HDD because the desktop need external hdd to load grub then chose the system ubunto or windows15:26
indusGoldy`: yes its not as stable as 8.0415:26
pratik_naraini am on jaunty15:26
vadiindus: http://imagebin.org/5599915:26
indusGoldy`: for me atleast15:26
omarrichardcavell, I afriad same problem being happen in my laptop15:26
richardcavellomar: sounds like you want to install grub on your internal hard disk15:26
bluegoonWould screen artifacts be an indication of hardware incompatability??15:26
indusvadi: play test15:27
Goldy`my question is, IN COMPARISON, is a user looking for stability better off using, say, 8.04 than 9.04?15:27
bluegoonProbably right?15:27
omarrichardcavell, yes15:27
indusvadi: hear?15:27
traeanyone have a music player they like better than rhythmbox?  (and I don't mean xmms or any of those type things)15:27
omarrichardcavell, but windows15:27
richardcavellomar: So go ahead and do that. It's not a problem15:27
industrae: try banshee15:27
richardcavellGRUB can load Windows15:27
indus!info banshee15:27
vadiindus: nothing15:27
ubottubanshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-3ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 2672 kB, installed size 9084 kB15:27
omarrichardcavell, is there some version for windows ?15:27
bluegoonDamn onboard graphics, now I have to install a perfectly nice 8400GS in a Telesales machine..15:27
richardcavellomar: Normal GRUB can load Windows15:27
indusvadi: check volume icon on panel is not muted15:27
pratik_naraintouchpad problem anyone there to help15:27
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:27
traeindus, kk15:28
Dungeseriously what does ubuntu have better than debian? I installed both and they have the same application, same packages possible to get, and debian allow for easier work with multi-architecture (arm and such)15:28
vadiindus: no i set it for 10015:28
omarrichardcavell, yes but I have grub installed on my external hdd that I have installed ubuntu , I cannot load windows without connecting the external hdd on my desktop15:28
vadiindus: can you connect my desktop and check what is the problem15:28
richardcavellDunge: They are pretty similar. Not much point in having both installed.15:28
vadiindus:  plz15:28
indusvadi: u sure your sound jacks are not connected to headphone etc15:28
mazda01legend2440, mythbuntu hardy heron did.15:28
richardcavellDunge: Ubuntu has regular release cycle and the loss of other architectures might be seen as a good thing.15:28
frostburnDunge, community support and ubuntu actively develops on user interface15:28
traeindus, I used musikcube on windows and it's nice and minimalistic15:29
indusvadi: how do i connect to your desktop15:29
BobikI'll think about it15:29
vadiindus: if i log in to windows i hear sound so sound jack is not a problem15:29
richardcavellomar: What I'm saying is you want to install grub to your internal hard disk and then you won't have that problem15:29
indusvadi: ok15:29
henrifromtexahomis there a utility to move a program window from one monitor to the other in a  dual monitor setup?15:29
johanevadi:What sound card you have?15:29
vadiindus: like team viewer in windows doesn't exsist any software15:29
richardcavellomar: Or what you could do is change your BIOS boot order so that it auto boots from external hard disk if present, then internal hard disk. And reinstall Windows boot loader.15:29
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vadiindus: on board sound card - from via15:30
omarrichardcavell, when I install grub on my internal hdd I am never need to connect external hdd to my desktop for load windows15:30
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indusvadi: i think johane asked it15:30
WazzzaaaHow can I permanently change the ssh login message? (such that it isn't reset after a reboot) ??15:30
johanevadi:Means you habe big problems:P15:30
gartralvadi: is this a laptop or desktop?15:30
indusok i gtg cu in 30 min15:30
LordLandonWazzzaaa: the motd?15:30
johanelinux has some problems with via15:30
mazda01legend2440, I said I upgraded from mythbuntu hardy heron to jaunty ubuntu. the remenants of mythbuntu stuff must still be installed and upgraded. the box I am having the issue on is a fresh install of jaunty so no thunar. i want to get that darn brasero popup again when I insert a blank cd-r but instead it automagically opens a data cd project. i have to close brasero everytime I insert a blank cd-r and I don't want to have to do that. ge15:30
mazda01t it?15:30
vadigartral: desktop15:30
WazzzaaaLordLandon: motd resets after reboot15:31
indusvadi: i have to go, gartral might help15:31
indusgood luck and bye all15:31
vadiindus: thanks15:31
richardcavellomar: Correct. But I reckon a better option is to alter your BIOS boot order.15:31
gartralvadi: do you have both a PCI and an intergrated card?15:31
matrix_have anyone installed eurotalk15:31
LordLandonWazzzaaa: change /etc/motd.tail15:31
vadigartral: no only intergrated15:32
omarrichardcavell, when I disconnect my E Hdd I have grub error show up so I need to connect  E hdd to reload the desktop then full grub menu show up to chose the system15:32
LordLandonWazzzaaa: there's a script that runs on boot that rewrites /etc/motd15:32
vadigartral: but i have tv turner card (MSI)15:32
Wazzzaaathnx LordLandon, you know what script? Or where the script is triggered?15:32
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gartralvadi: does said tv tuner have a built-in sound card?15:32
LordLandonWazzzaaa: uhh15:32
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omarrichardcavell, but this will not apply when I desconnect the HDD should load the windows directly without showing up any error ,15:33
LordLandonWazzzaaa:  grep motd /etc/init.d/*15:33
vadigartral: if i plug directly to tv card when i play tv i can hear15:33
Wazzzaaayeah, thnx LordLandon15:33
Wazzzaaafound it15:33
gartralvadi: so it does have a sound jack on the card?15:34
vadigartral: yes15:34
richardcavellomar: Your best option is to reinstall the Windows boot loader then alter your BIOS options so that it will boot from external hard disk before internal hard disk15:34
hemanthcoolbhavi: you there15:34
gartralvadi: with the headphones still in said card, can you hear any music player or play youtube vids and hear them?15:34
omarrichardcavell, I will trying thank you15:35
richardcavellomar: good luck due15:35
coolbhavihemanth, yes15:35
vadigartral: i cannot hear anything from youtube or anything15:35
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gartralvadi: from either port?15:35
richardcavellLordLandon: I have a problem now mate.15:36
vadiwait i will check15:36
vadigartral: wait i will check  please15:36
LordLandonrichardcavell: sup?15:36
gartralno prob vadi :)15:36
vadigartral: i need to reboot brb back in 2 mins15:36
richardcavellLordLandon: I've successfully altered my group id and user id to match that of my OS X partition. And when I type 'ls -l' on the OS X partition it gives me 'richard richard' for owner and group for all the regular files. But I still can't cd into the home directory15:37
pgquileshow do I cahnge the default runlevel? I've tried creating a /etc/inittab with content 'id:3:initdefault:' (as the upstart FAQ advises) but it still boots in runlevel 5. Do I need to run any command after creating /etc/inittab ?15:37
LordLandonrichardcavell: what does it say?15:37
gartralvadi: I'll be timing you ;)15:37
richardcavellPermission denied15:37
jribpgquiles: why do you want to change it?  And why is it booting to 5?  2 is default15:37
LordLandonrichardcavell: did you give me the output of 'mount' for that partition?15:37
matrix_have anyone installed eurotalk15:37
erisolis it possible to inject a cd from the commandline, as opposed to just ejecting it?15:37
richardcavellLordLandon: What do you want me to type at command line?15:38
LordLandonrichardcavell: 'mount'15:38
Slarterisol: isn't there a switch for eject?15:38
LordLandonrichardcavell: also ls -ld /media/OS\ X15:38
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows15:38
pgquilesjrib: I want to boot in console, not X15:38
LordLandonrichardcavell: and ls -ld [your home dir that you can't cd to]15:38
erisolSlart, oh wait, I think there is15:39
jribpgquiles: runlevels 2-5 are identical by default in ubuntu/debian though15:39
richardcavellLordLandon: Hang on let me reboot cos it seems to fix things15:39
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erisolis there a way to just cat the man page as opposed to using the man  viewer?15:40
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pgquilesjrib: huh? a few years ago, 2 meant multiuser without network, 3 multiuser with network, 4 was unused and 5 was multiuser with network and X :-?15:41
jribpgquiles: not in debian15:41
jribpgquiles: anyway, do you want to boot to "no X" permanently?15:42
richardcavellLordLandon: I'm back15:42
pgquilesjrib: es15:42
pgquilesjrib: yes15:42
jribpgquiles: just stop the gdm service from starting on runlevel 215:42
BryantosAnyone else have a G1 and is on irc with it right now?15:42
jribpgquiles: I'm assuming you made a mistake before when you said your machine is booting to runlevel 5 and that it actually boots to 215:43
pgquilesjrib: how do I do that? remove execute permissions from /etc/rc2.d/gdm ?15:43
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richardcavellLordLandon: Okay, rebooting fixed everything, Lord. It works like a charm now. I can access my OS X directory from within Ubuntu.15:43
jribpgquiles: you can use sysv-rc-conf15:43
richardcavellLordLandon: For the record, (and cos I know this channel's being logged) I'll tell you the correct commands15:43
richardcavellsudo groupmod -g 501 richard15:43
pgquilesjrib: yes, it's booting on runlevel 2. Back in the time, when I started using Debian (about 10 years ago :-) ), "boot with X" was runlevel 515:44
pgquilesthat's why I assumed I was booting in runlevel 515:44
richardcavell(where 501 is the group on my OS X partition and richard is my Ubuntu username15:44
richardcavelland sudo usermod -u 501 -g 501 richard15:44
richardcavellLordLandon: simple as that. But you have to reboot15:44
jribpgquiles: oh.  Since I've used debian (much more recently, their policy has been to make 2-5 identical).  I didn't know that it used to be different15:44
LordLandonrichardcavell: more like log in and out.15:45
richardcavellLordLandon: Well I don't have a login window so for me it's reboot15:45
jriberisol: man foobar | col -b15:45
Iceman_B|SSHdoes anyone know how to mount a win2k8 share from the command line? I want to make a hdd dump via "dd" over the network15:45
LordLandonrichardcavell: well, as long as it works for you, and you're happy.15:45
gartralvadi: I see your back :)15:45
vadigartral: I removed the Tv card15:45
richardcavellLordLandon: You're not patronising me are you :)15:45
gartralvadi: ......... why?15:46
pgquilesjrib: thank you15:46
LordLandonrichardcavell: q=15:46
richardcavellLordLandon: Only remaining issue is that usermod -u changes ownership of all files in home directory, but it doesn't change group. Still, that doesn't affect whether I can open them15:46
vadigartral: to fix this sound problem.15:46
jribpgquiles: no problem15:46
alff21do we know is winetrincks?15:46
erisoljrib, thanks15:47
gartralvadi: well you completely botched the test i wanted you to do...15:47
LordLandonrichardcavell: easy to fix, if you want.15:47
vadigartral: oh no problem i can put it back15:47
richardcavellLordLandon: I'm thinking chgrp ~ -R richard15:47
richardcavellis that right?15:47
LordLandonrichardcavell: except the ~ goes at the end.15:47
vadigartral: brb15:47
benediktI have a router that servers about 700 clients. Is there a more user friendly tool than tcpdump to analyze netowrk traffic? E.g. finding out who manged to get the virus that booms out spam endlessly15:47
strep_hi everyone! im using jaunty and when i drag & drop a file into a folder on the destop, this file doesn't disappear from desktop.. anybody knows how to change this? gracias15:48
richardcavellLordLandon: Yep. They're all mine now!15:48
jribbenedikt: wireshark maybe?15:48
LordLandonrichardcavell: (=15:48
benediktjrib: preferrably gui-less..15:48
richardcavellLordLandon: And I can operate the OS X partition as easily as the Ubuntu partition now15:49
LordLandonrichardcavell: k (=15:49
cambazzhello. how do I downgrade to the latest system upgrade15:49
jribbenedikt: only know of tcpdump... tshark turns up in google but I've never used it15:50
richardcavellLordLandon: Have you seen my Ubuntu installation instructions for n00bs? It's here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119229615:50
cambazzubuntu made an update of the system, and now my development environment is crashing.15:50
Slartcambazz: you can't, afaik15:50
richardcavellLordLandon: For Intel Mac owners. I want it to be bullet-proof, so I need to think long and hard about what I write there.15:50
LordLandonrichardcavell: i'm at work mate.15:50
cambazzSlart: how can I know what was changed in the latest upgrade15:50
LordLandoncambazz: start with what's crashing15:51
Slartcambazz: I think apt has a log somewhere in /var/log, but I'm not sure15:51
richardcavellLordLandon: That's okay. I have the instructions here and I'll add them to my instructions now.15:51
LordLandonrichardcavell: k15:51
vadiGartral: I am back with TV card15:52
richardcavellLordLandon: Thanks for help.  Ciao.15:52
gartralvadi: ok, now do you have the tv tuner plugged in and in ubuntu?15:52
vadigartral: yes15:52
cambazzSlart: well it installed java 6 update 1415:53
gartralvadi: open rythmbox (or your prefered audio player) and start playing something, leaving it play well you check the output port of both your intergrated sound card and the tvcard15:53
cambazzand i need to downgrade java 6 update 1315:53
vadigartral: ok vlc is running and no noise15:54
gartralvadi: out of either sound port? also, doe your system have forward facing ports?15:55
TheBaseDoes anybody know a program to easily build simple websites?15:55
cadman21Can help me with getting a BELKIN wireless G desktop card to work on 9.04?15:55
TheBase'Cause I can't stand to type all the HTML15:55
vadigartral: could be please give me an example for forward facing ports15:56
gartralvadi: headphone port on the front of your computer15:56
ojiihi all, how can i start bash to already be in a certain folder (other than home) and that it doesn't show the very long path where it starts on the left side?15:56
vadigartral: yes i have15:57
Slartojii: there are switches/parameters you can use.. man bash would be a good start15:57
Slartojii: or man gnome-terminal if you're looking to start a visible terminal15:57
legend2440!kompozer | TheBase15:57
ubottuTheBase: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.15:57
gartralvadi: ahh... check them too15:57
Severity1gnome-terminal --working-directory=/home/ojii/Desktop --geometry=51x4315:58
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ojiiSeverity1: I'm using the bash terminal from within eclipse, so pretty sure gnome-terminal won't wrok15:58
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vadi gartral: still the same no music (this is my TV card -http://eu.msi.com/uploads/prod_a24187f2a4f95b1f71c387bf1c811ba1.jpg)15:59
gartralvadi: check your forward ports, please15:59
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vadigartral: I checked still the same15:59
cadman21Can anyone help me get a BELKIN wireless G desktop card working on Ubuntu 9.04?16:00
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Severity1well i believe you can prettymuch use the same idea on that16:00
gartralvadi: ok... can you run lspci and pastebin the output? (PLEASE use pastebin, and dont paste into the channel)16:00
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mazda01legend2440, before jaunty, I saw a command in system, prefs, removable drives and media, there used to be a storage tab and an option for blank cd or blank dvd but it's gone in jaunty now. I  still have it my upgraded machine from mythbuntu hardy heron. it's /usr/lib/thunar-volman/thunar-volman-settings but a brand new jaunty install doesn't have this program so I am not sure where brasero has this setting checked. brasero opens a data cd16:00
mazda01 project automatically when I insert a blank cd and I don't want that.16:00
traebanshee won't let me just drag and drop music from a folder to it.16:01
henrifromtexhomai am not  able to activate twin view ina  dual monitor setup16:01
henrifromtexhomai get  a  faild to set meta someing error message16:01
henrifromtexhomameta mode16:02
LordLandontrae: exaile is great.16:02
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henrifromtexhomait is   nvidia  softwar e16:02
TheBaselegend2440, thanks16:02
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traeLordLandon, I'll give it a whirl16:02
henrifromtexhomaany common causes to interfere with twinview?16:02
sunnyhey guys i can use some help with my new linux... i need to install the ubuntu server edition on top of my ubuntu desktop so i can run a web server from my local PC can anyone help?16:03
A|iI just tried mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda by mistake (I meant sdb), I have /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2, it seems sda1 and sda2 are not formatted and the data is there, but did I lose my mbr now? would it my linux reboot now?16:03
gartralsunny: you dont need too install both16:03
Slartsunny: you don't need the server edition to run services.. just install apache on your desktop machine16:03
gartralsunny do a google search for Ubuntu LAMP16:03
Slart!lamp | sunny16:03
ubottusunny: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:03
sunnybut what about the DNS information and all an i do all that from LAMP?16:04
ojiiSlart: the man page is 5000 lines and just made my head explode16:04
traeLordLandon, perfect mate....  that's a keeper.16:04
gartralSlart: someone should correct that factoid.. its... confusing16:04
Slartsunny: what dns stuff are you talking about?16:04
amikropHello. How can I unlock my public ssh key on login?16:04
mazda01when I insert a blank cd-r, brasero always starts up a data cd project and I don't want that anymore. how do I change that?16:04
vadigartral: http://pastebin.org/169316:05
Slartojii: mm.. there is *a lot* of information in that man page..16:05
sunnymy website url needs to have DNS information how would i be able to set that up so it points to my box16:05
amikropI mean, automatically unlock my ssh key on login.16:05
sunnythrough lamp i mean16:05
Slartojii: let me have a look at it16:05
Slartsunny: that's usually not done on your machine.. but on your internet providers dns16:05
vadiGartral: http://pastebin.org/169316:06
ugliefrogIn firefox i keep gettinh "Please get Adobe Flash Player to display this content" I have it ! sometime it works and sometimes it dont. Whats the fix16:06
sunnyo soo contact my net provider then... gotcha thanks bud :)16:06
beilardhey, when i try to replace kwin with compiz-fusion with "compiz --replace" it tells me that i do not have XGL and then it seg faults, what can i do?16:06
sunnyverizon would be really pissed i called lol16:06
gartralvadi: I ee one slight hangup... your audio card is reported as a Via HDAC... im not sure how linux handles HDACs..16:07
napzterhello guys how can I, see all the processes in my UBUNTU and Stop a specific process just like Ctrl-Alt-Delete in Windows?16:07
trashbargnapzter: ps(1), top(1), kill(1), killall(1)16:08
oldude67napzter, open terminal and type in ps -e16:08
vadiGartral: so is it not possible to fix ?16:08
gartralvadi: looking into that now16:08
beilardnapzter: install htop "sudo apt-get install htop" and then run htop in the terminal16:08
vadigartral:ok i am waiting for your advice16:09
gartralvadi: does aplay -l16:09
napzterso how can i kill the firefox result= 9415 ?        00:00:00 firefox16:09
gartralvadi: does aplay -l do anything*16:09
trashbargnapzter: kill 941516:09
trashbargnapzter, or killall firefox16:10
napztertrashbarg: no changes...16:10
beilardnapzter: killall firefox-bin16:10
staticRailsi want to reinstall gconf... how to do it?16:10
gartralnapzter: kill -9 941516:10
jribstaticRails: why ?16:10
beilardnapzter: or killall firefox16:10
vadigartral : http://pastebin.org/1695 (aplay -l)16:10
staticRailsjrib: I have some error messages which points it.16:11
jribstaticRails: ok.  But what would reinstalling it do?16:11
erxini heard there is a special firefox for your hardware, is this true ?16:11
jribstaticRails: you should just share your error message and ask for help with that instead16:11
gartralvadi: lol.. please plug your speakers into the audio out on your soundcard and run that again, its an audio test :)16:11
xcesarfrancoxHi everyone, does anybody know how to recover a NickServ password?16:11
LordLandonerxin: it's a lie.16:12
staticRailsjrib: it is about 12 hours that I am sharing the error messages here...16:12
cfmHi all - I have a Pentium D machine running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.  "uname -p" reports "unknown" for the processor type.  I have some software that appears to rely on this returning x86. Any idea why I'm getting "unknown"?16:12
staticRailsjrib: I had just one problem. I think they are more than 3 now...16:12
beilardextor: there is swiftfox which is optimized for your processor16:13
staticRailsjrib: the first problem which had occured after some works to solve other problems is:16:13
erxinI have standard firefox 3.0.1 on my ubuntu, i have updated to 3.5 the named changed to shiretoko 3.5, there are 2 version firefox 3.5 and the secure version does anyone have experience , do i need to remove the old firefox ? is shiretoko the latest one ?16:13
staticRailsjrib: http://pastebin.com/f55324e8716:13
delusion42Can someone help an Ubuntu/MySQL/ODBC noob get a working ODBC connection via unixODBC? I've edited /etc/odbcinst.ini with what I believe are the correct settings, but get "odbcinst: SQLInstallDriverEx failed with Invalid install path" when I attempt to install the driver16:14
staticRailsjrib: the problem with my vga16:14
FireVaigood day everyone....16:14
gartralerxin: firefox-3.5 can coexist with the "stable" one just fine16:14
vadigartral: my speaker is allready pluged and same output like before16:14
staticRailsjrib: r u there ? and can u help ?16:14
FireVaii just did a system update.. now i have several lines at the top of my desktop and my taskbar is kinda messed up.. any ideas how to fix this?16:14
LordLandonFireVai: does restarting X help?16:15
jribstaticRails: you have managed to confuse me.  How is gconf related to what you have pastebinned?16:15
FireVaiLordLandon:  i restarted pc 3x16:15
vadigartral: You there16:16
delusion42Asked another way, does anyone have any experience setting up MySQL + ODBC under Ubuntu that might be able to answer some questions?16:16
LordLandonFireVai: ah. That's no fun then.16:16
staticRailsjrib: gconf was the first problem... and I do agree with you that this pastebin doesn't have anything with that.16:16
gartralvadi: ok.. run pkill pulseaudio; sleep 2; pulseaudio -vv and then alsamixer -Dhw and try playing something16:16
Iceman_B|SSHhow do I mount a win2k8 share ?16:16
gartralvadi: yes, Im not going anywhere, you just need too have a little patience :)16:17
cfmIgnore my question - looks like it#s intended behaviour in Ubuntu.  Will have to pursue with software vendor.16:17
jribstaticRails: here is what you have to do.  Pick one problem.  Pastebin relevant information (logs, error messages, etc.).  Ask the channel your question on one line and link to the pastebin16:17
FireVaiok well no worries.. i'm reinstalling in a cpl days.. so maybe that will fix it16:17
staticRailsjrib: thx16:17
erxinsynaptic dont find swiftbox , do i need to update my reposities16:18
Slartojii: hmm.. no luck so far.. one would think this would be easy16:18
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs16:19
SlurpeeWhen I receive DHCP, DNS is never setup.  I always have to manually enter nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf16:19
CodeFireanybody thr??16:19
Slurpeeit is really annoying because when I show up at a wifi network....I have to guess which is the AP or router which can do DNS for me.16:19
CodeFireCan anybody tell me how to set DPI while using KDE Environment16:19
ojiiexactly Slart... was a bit disappointed. i'd have expected something like: /bin/bash "/my/working/dir"16:19
CodeFireI mean in KDE env16:19
EloffI set desktop effects to None, and the screen goes completely black except for a small strip of color near the top16:20
Eloffhow can I recover my system now?16:20
Eloff(tried rebooting, but it kept the settings)16:20
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jsteelWhen I use kexec on 9.04, the network interfaces aren't detected. What the heck?!?!?!!?16:21
staticRailsanyone can help to reinstall the gconf?  I issued the command "sudo apt-get install --reinstall gconf" and I received "E: couldn't find package gconf"16:21
CodeFirelogin in recovery mode16:21
CodeFirei mean boot16:21
vadigartral: when i run this command (pkill pulseaudio; sleep 2; pulseaudio -vv) will it take some time to finish the process16:21
CodeFirethen simply16:21
CodeFiretype rm -rf .*16:21
Guest82599@jsteel i think /etc/network/interfaces is bypassed from 8.10 onwards16:21
CodeFirethat will make settings to default16:21
gartralvadi: uhh.. no.. it *should* be near instentanious16:21
Pici!who | CodeFire16:22
ubottuCodeFire: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:22
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i set up that compiz stuff like you said (on the eee) but it still didnt fix the firefox youtube problem.  what else can i do?  any way to be able to try the xorg.conf fix that i see when i google?16:22
bobohey all, i wanna back up my quake 4 dvd, and when i copy it with AcetonelISO, it says i'll need a no-dvd crack for it, whats that mean?16:22
boboQuake 4 game that is16:22
staticRailsanyone can help to reinstall the gconf?  I issued the command "sudo apt-get install --reinstall gconf" and I received "E: couldn't find package gconf"16:22
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:22
Eloffwhere is the display settings stored for jaunty?16:22
CodeFire!tab Eloff i can help16:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:22
viseHi.. I just installed this tiny 3d game called "Trigger".. But when i start it from the console, it says that the X11 driver is not configured for opengl, and exits... any ideas?16:23
PiciCodeFire: It means your tab key on your keyboard...16:23
gartralvadi: ok, go ahead and kill that terminal window16:23
Eloffhi CodeFire, I'd really appreciate that, thanks :)16:23
staticRailsanyone can help to reinstall the gconf?  I issued the command "sudo apt-get install --reinstall gconf" and I received "E: couldn't find package gconf"16:23
trashbargojii, something like /bin/bash -c "cd /your/dir ; /bin/bash" should work16:23
vadigartral: ok i did16:23
bazhangstaticRails, gconf2?16:24
CodeFireEloff, you can restore all display settings and others too by logging to root using recovery moe16:24
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, this isnt' just a little annoyance, youtube virtually does not work at all.   it barely doesnt show anything and really screws up the sound16:24
jribstaticRails: why are you ignoring what I told you?  Reinstalling gconf is unlikely to do anything16:24
gartralvadi: ok pkill pulseaudio and then pulseaudio -vv16:24
Slartojii: it seems that doing "bash --noprofile --norc --login" will at least not change directory to your home folder but stay in the current one..16:24
bobostaticRails: http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/16:24
EloffI'm in recovery mode now16:24
CodeFireEloff, and type rm -rf .* in terminal16:24
staticRailsbazhang: ya or every verstion.16:24
jsteeldoes anybody use kexec on jaunty?16:24
viseanybody knows what "X11 driver needs to be configured for openGL" means?16:24
Guest82599nick vic16:24
CodeFireEloff, >> remember to put that "."16:24
jribEloff: be careful.  That deletes ALL settings16:24
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visewhich is an SDL error16:24
staticRailsbazhang: the latest version.16:25
Eloffthat's maybe a little harsh for me16:25
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vadiwhen i run  pulseaudio -vv it stopped on I: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink auto_null idle for too long, suspending ...16:25
jrib!fixres > Eloff16:25
ubottuEloff, please see my private message16:25
EloffI just want to edit or remove the display settings file16:25
bazhangstaticRails, gconf2 is the package I am assuming16:25
bazhangstaticRails, unless you mean gconf-editor16:26
EloffAh I think that will do the trick, thanks jrib16:26
staticRailsbazhang: gconf216:26
vic_____so I finally upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 last night16:26
bazhangstaticRails, so install it16:26
vic_____and now going from 8.10 to 9.0416:26
ojiithanks Slart and trashbarg, a combination of that worked16:27
PicistaticRails: Why do you need to reinstall gconf? Reinstalling things in Linux rarely changes things.16:27
gartralvadi: ok... that means the system cant find a driver... go into Applications>Administration>Hardware Drivers and see if anything comes up (you will see one for your gfz card maybe one for tv tuner, and shoulld be one for audio16:27
vic_____curious to see if any of you guys encountered any issues with the upgrade process16:27
ojiiSlart, trashbarg : /bin/bash -c "cd /home/jonas/django_projects/mysite ; bash --noprofile --norc --login" did the job16:27
Slartojii: ah.. nice..16:27
twig11I've installed a bible study program called xiphos which installs bibles, commentaries, and other books as modules either in /home/"user"/.sword for a single user or in /usr/bin/sword for all users. The xiphos GUI provides the option to do either, but installing into /usr/bin requires root privileges, so the option is disabled unless you're running as root or other users are allowed write privileges to /usr/bin. How do I allow r16:28
fccftwit11: add sudo to the install script16:29
dsdeizhow do i check for the dependencies of a package?16:29
twig11fccf: I have no idea how to do that.16:29
Picidsdeiz: apt-cache show packagename   or apt-cache depends packagename16:29
fccfdsdeiz - rdepends packagename16:29
fccftwig11: when installing xiphos, did you use an install script?16:30
Picifccf: That is for reverse dependencies16:30
vadigartral: in hardware drivers i see only my nvidia card16:30
twig11fccf: No. sudo apt-get install xiphos16:30
Pirate_Hunterwhat is the package called that has the function command 'locate'?16:30
aggieI need to patch something on this URL http://people.ubuntu.com/~apw/lp314928-jaunty/0001-UBUNTU-SAUCE-drm-i915-Set-up-an-MTRR-covering-the-GT.patch16:30
aggieJust don't know hat to do16:30
fccfPici: u'r right16:30
gartralvadi: alright.... let me do some more reseach16:31
dsdeizPici: nice thanks mate..16:31
apwaggie, what you trying to do?16:31
vadigartral: ok i will wait16:31
staticRailsthis is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log => http://pastebin.com/f165ba75f   I have problem with my vga. I didn't have any problem with it till yesterday. but some changes broke it.16:31
aggieapw, Trying to fix a intel prob16:31
apwyep i know the patch i ported it16:32
staticRailsthis is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log => http://pastebin.com/f165ba75f   I have problem with my vga. I didn't have any problem with it till yesterday. but some changes broke it.  the vga is onboard and the MB is Intel dg31pr16:32
aggieapw, how do I aply it?16:32
fccftwig11: if you did that then it should have installed to /usr/bin .. if it ended up in ~/.sword, then I'm confused16:32
apwaggie, which kernel do you ahv16:32
apwwant to apply it to16:32
aggieapw, Linux 2.6.30-020630rc2-generic16:33
jsteelWhen I use kexec on jaunty, the network interfaces aren't detected. Does anybody use kexec on jaunty?16:33
apwaggie, why that specific release?16:33
gartralvadi: go into your mixer and make sure the sound is up and your not piping through spdif16:33
apwaggie, if you can run that one why not run the latest mainline kernel which would include the fix?16:34
aggieapw, that's what I installed16:34
gartral!info teatime16:34
ubottuteatime (source: teatime): Gnome Panel applet to reminds you when your tea is ready. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-6 (jaunty), package size 404 kB, installed size 708 kB16:34
apwaggie, thats == what ?16:34
twig11fccf: You install the book modules afterward from the app GUI. I do anyhow. Their documentation says they haven't implemented the ability to install modules with root privileges because implementation is different in different distros. So you either have to run the app while logged in as root or change permissions on /usr/bin.16:34
aggieapw, sorry, that's the kernel I installed :)16:35
erxinhow can i increase the volume in ubuntu ?16:35
apwaggie, ok lets startt again, thats a well old page ... so which actual issue are you hitting?16:35
vadigartral: i get error if i run alsamixer16:35
twig11fccf: That should have read "you either have to install the modules while logged in as root"16:36
gartralvadi: whats the error?16:36
vadigartral:alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument16:36
fccfso run sudo xiphos or better yet gksudo xiphos to run the program as root to install the modules then close and restart16:36
aggieapw, I'm trying to to get Ubuntu to work with a brookdale 82845g/GL intel video driver16:36
aggieapw,  If I move a window arround it delays16:36
aggieapw, like when you finish solitaire in windows16:37
vadigartral: now alsamixer command is working and everything is 100% up16:37
twig11fccf: does gksudo work on any GUI app?16:38
apwwell rather than including 2.6.30-rc2 which is well old you might as well pick up 2.6.31-rc3 and that should have the mtrr fix you are trying to get16:38
dsdeizhow to disable screen from sleeping?16:38
fccftwig11: yep, for the most part16:38
visedsdeiz, Power options in preferences in system16:38
rickardis there any way I can access smb://rickard01/backup/ from the shell?16:39
apwand i would recommend instead of taking random packages from debian and expecting it to work you might want to try the packages in the x-edgers PPA16:39
CodeFireHOW can i change DPI in KDE environment???16:39
twig11fccf: Thanks, I'll try that.16:39
gartralvadi: check your preferences and make sure everything is shown, then re check that everything is both up, and *any* boxes pertaining to SPDIF are UNchecked\16:39
dsdeizvise: is it possible using the terminal? :S16:39
TwoToneSpiritCan anybody suggest a streaming video server for Ubuntu?  I don't really know how it works and how it interacts with the rest of LAMP.16:40
BrixSathello how do i port forward onm iptables?16:40
visedsdeiz, No idea..16:40
visedsdeiz, Google?16:40
aggieapw, sorry man, I'm a regular noob eventhough I've been working with Ubuntu since 4 years now. But what you're saying is hocus pocus for me16:40
fccfTwoToneSpirt: Flumotion is what I use ... there is also a LAMP stack running next to it16:40
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dsdeizvise: is the correct term "sleep" hehehe16:41
apwaggie, the page you are following pulls all random crap from other distros together into your machine16:41
fccfTwoToneSpirit: you will want to use the flumotion debs from their repository16:41
unoprickard, smbclient16:41
visedsdeiz, Yes.. why do you want to do it from the terminal?16:41
apwaggie, thats a recipie for pain in the future.  i would tend to say if you have something which doesn't work X wise then the first thing to do is to talk to the people on #ubuntu-x and see what they think16:41
aggieapw,  I got that part16:41
TwoToneSpiritfccf: Right on, thanks.  What do you like about it?  What exactly does it do that simply hosting an FLV and a flash player won't?16:42
aggiewill do16:42
gartralvadi: beyond that.. if you still cant get sound out of your system, I recommend filling a bug report asking that Ubuntu Devs to impliment the newest drivers for sound, as it seems your hitting a snare, a nasty one: the drivers arent included in the kernal16:42
aggieapw, thanks for the help16:42
apwaggie, they have a repository for backports for X stuff called X-edgers, which is all new but built specifically for ubuntu systems16:42
apwwhich at least are meant to work together, so that might be a better step one, but i would ask before bunging on a load of stuff at random ... scarey16:43
apwthose pages should have a life of a few days really, given they have 'the latest is' written in them16:43
vadigartral: please check the screen shot (http://imagebin.org/56006) everything is good16:43
vadigartral: so its a bug16:43
TetracommIs it worth it to bother making rescue floppies anymore?16:44
jribTetracomm: no16:44
PiciTetracomm: None of the computers I use even have a floppy drive anymore.16:44
hantuhey i just installed bt4 on usb but it has deleated the mbr on my hard drive for ubuntu is there any way i can get my mbr back??16:44
klownpeople still have floppy drives?16:44
TetracommI still have one. :)16:44
fccfTwoToneSpirit: Firstly, it will do both VOD or Live stream, and it has it's own java virtual machine that is the player... it streams Theora Encoded OGG Video and can support 1000 simultainous users... and it is free... nice UI as well, uses gstreamer, and my streaming audio server has been running for 35 days without reboot16:44
gartralvadi: it looks that way, but in your sound preferences window, hit ctrl-p and make sure all your options are checked16:44
Trijntjei have a floppy on an old pc16:45
progre55hi people! does anyone know what engine to install to add transparency support to themes? cause I have installed a theme that is supposed to fade windows when not active, but it's not working.. appreciate any help16:45
sharrellsorry to bother you guys, I haven't been able to google this, but what does LUM stand for?16:45
fccfsharrell: do you mean LVM?16:46
Paavi2_0progre55: are you using gnome?16:46
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, ok, did you install flashplayer, or did firefox do that automatically?16:46
sharrellfccf: nope, I mean LUM, it has to do with kernel packaging, I am on a mailinglist16:46
sharrellfccf: and I heard it htere16:46
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i installed flashplugin16:46
cycrosismhow do i set a password to root - there is none set yet16:47
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, try uninstalling it16:47
Paavi2_0sharrell: maybe license use management?16:47
camtsharrell: license use management?16:47
visecycrosism, sudo passwd16:47
Slart!root | cycrosism16:47
ubottucycrosism: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:47
Slart!supportroot | vise16:47
ubottuvise: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)16:47
progre55Paavi2_0, hep16:47
cycrosismumm i know16:47
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, though i did that after already noticing the problem, thinking it might help.  it made no difference with or withuot it16:47
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:47
fccfsharrell: I think it is Linux Ubuntu Modules .. could be wrong16:47
cycrosismthats why isaid there is none yet]16:47
viseSlart, Ok ok.. sorry :)16:47
klownsharrell: also look at http://www.datastat.com/sysadminjournal/netware/lum.html16:47
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, try installing flashplugin-nonfree instead of the installer one16:47
cycrosismty vise16:48
Paavi2_0progre55: lucky guess: compiz-fusion16:48
visecycrosism, There is.. it is hidden...16:48
TwoToneSpiritfccf: sold :-)  Thank you very much16:48
visecycrosism, No dont try that...16:48
Picivise, cycrosism: not hidden, locked.16:48
cycrosismvise, dont try what? i said thank you16:48
progre55Paavi2_0, but I do have compiz, and I have set it to normal.. or should I customize it?16:48
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, that's the one i have16:48
visecycrosism, Setting the root password16:48
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, ok16:48
cycrosismI just did set it16:48
fccfTwoToneSpirit: just remember to install from flumotion's repository... they work, the ubuntu repos are not so well maintained16:49
Paavi2_0progre55: guess so, almost everything needs to bee configured16:49
vise!supportroot | cycrosism16:49
ubottucycrosism: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)16:49
progre55Paavi2_0, got it. thanks man16:49
Hylianhello, i have gparted installed, and ntfsprogs, but gparted still doesn't give me the ntfs format option...??16:49
cycrosismvise, could of told me that bfore16:49
Paavi2_0progre55: is the theme you're using an emerald theme?16:49
vadigartral: its still the same. Well i think version 9.04 is not a good version for my pc16:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:49
visecycrosism, Someone did.. you didnt see!16:49
cycrosismunfortunalty i dont happen to be at my computer 24/7 to give people help on it16:49
Paavi2_0progre55: ...or just a gtk theme?16:50
progre55Paavi2_0, no, it's a gtk2x theme..16:50
vic_____no man its the other way around16:50
vadigartral: may be i should install 8.0416:50
knihtis there a way to add a wordwrap button to gedit (perhaps a plugin?) so I can toggle wrapping per document?16:50
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, this could be a bug, go to youtube, run your video, then run your mouse over the video16:50
aggieapw, no one on x-ubuntu, can you just tell me how to apply the patches?16:50
SingAlongI'm not able to play VCD format .dat files in linux16:51
apwaggie, the patch you pointed me to is one of mine, rather than try and apply that to -rc2 i would recommend you use the mainline kernel for 2.6.31-rc3 which has that fix already16:51
SingAlongubuntu version 9.0416:51
Drakeson`how can I trigger the equivalent of dpkg-reconfigure -plow  with aptitude install ?16:51
gruntIs there a lib32 of libXinerama.so.1: for x86_64 ubuntu?16:52
vic_____are u using vlc?16:52
aggieapw,  where doi I get that?16:52
vic_____and have all the codecs16:52
apwaggie, same place you to the other one16:52
Agionhi, would anyone want to help me configure my X? I'd really appreciate that!16:53
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, also, are you sure your powermanager hasnt downlclocked your processor? look at the output from 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'16:53
bazhangSingAlong, did you install all the necessary codecs?16:53
apwaggie, the mainline builds archive16:53
SingAlongvic_____: I tried VLC, Xine and Mplayer. Mplayer starts and then there's an error16:53
SingAlongbazhang: Yes I did.16:53
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras and a package from medibuntu.org SingAlong ?16:53
SingAlongbazhang: how do I enable that repo?16:53
aggieapw, thnx16:53
viseHow do i configure my intel gm965 driver (dell insp. 1525) for opengl to do gaming?16:54
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, you should also have eeepc-acpi-scripts installed on your laptop16:54
SingAlongbazhang: I installed stuff via synaptic16:54
bazhangSingAlong, no need for the repo, just the w32codecs.deb16:54
cambazzhello. how do I install sun java6 with apt get but the previous version16:54
SingAlongbazhang: I tried doing sudo apt-get install w32codecs16:54
erUSULvise: it shoud be configured for that by default but ...16:54
Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, there are a few nice eee pc tools in the repo's, just search 'eee'16:54
erUSUL!intel | vise16:54
ubottuvise: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.16:54
SingAlongbazhang: but it says that the pkg has been removed or is obselete and hence not found16:54
bazhangSingAlong, if you visit medibuntu.org they have instructions on the site16:55
staticRailsthis is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log => http://pastebin.com/f165ba75f   I have problem with my vga. I didn't have any problem with it till yesterday. but some changes broke it.  the vga is onboard and the MB is Intel dg31pr16:55
viseerUSUL, intrepid?16:55
vic_____hey singalong16:55
vadibye bye ubuntu for ever16:55
erUSULvise: in intrepid there is no such problems afaik so it should work out of the box16:55
fccfanother happy customer16:55
SingAlongvic_____: thanks bazhang thanks16:55
SingAlongvadi: bye bye?16:55
viseerUSUL, A game called "trigger" gives an error16:55
staticRailsthis is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log => http://pastebin.com/f165ba75f   I have problem with my vga. I didn't have any problem with it till yesterday. but some changes broke it.  the vga is onboard and the MB is Intel dg31pr16:56
vic_____You really love that game eh?16:56
staticRailsANY IDEA???16:56
staticRailsthis is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log => http://pastebin.com/f165ba75f   I have problem with my vga. I didn't have any problem with it till yesterday. but some changes broke it.  the vga is onboard and the MB is Intel dg31pr. ANY IDEA???16:58
erUSULvise: what error ?16:58
spectacularSupersaiyan_IV, i got disconnected for a sec. did i miss anything?16:59
vic_____staticRails what changes did you make to the system?16:59
vic_____does it work in recovery mode?17:00
SingAlongbazhang: I followed the instructions and added the repos.17:00
vic_____would you be able to diff your xorg.conf files?17:00
bazhangSingAlong, okay, you can do that too17:00
Hylianhey guys, is there a way to get system info from the live cd?17:00
SingAlongbazhang: Now SHould I install w32codecs or w64codecs?17:00
bazhangSingAlong, though in this case you could simply download the .deb package17:00
SingAlongbazhang: I'm running a 64bit ubuntu17:00
vic_____no w32codecs is old stuff17:00
vic_____you need the gstreamer plugins17:00
bazhangSingAlong, w64 of course17:00
staticRailsvic_____: I thing reinstalling the vga driver caused the problem17:01
vic_____afaik anyways17:01
bazhangvic_____, he has all the restricted-extras already though17:01
Hyliangstreamer is nice unless you want to watch advd17:01
vic_____i see17:01
[gloom]hi there17:01
spreeIf I can run 64-bit ubuntu, i can reinstall and run 32 bit ubuntu on the same machine, correct? I am getting rather sick and tired of selective compatibility issues with 3rd party proprietary software17:01
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Supersaiyan_IVspectacular, pm17:01
bazhangspree, sure you can, with a reinstall17:02
staticRailsvic_____: the recovery mode is working and I am in its menu now17:02
mrdarkhello all. i could use some assistance with running a vpn server on ubuntu 8.04.2, clients can connect and get an ip and do internal things but can't get anything on the outside (internet)17:02
bazhangspree, back up first of course17:02
logankoesteris the firefox package 3.5 in the repository yet?17:02
bazhanglogankoester, yes17:02
Pici!ff35 | logankoester yes17:02
ubottulogankoester yes: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:02
snarksterim trying to compile libroadnav0.19 i do ./configure and then make and it responds with no make file found. isnt configure supposed to configure the makefile?17:02
[gloom]is it possible to use kismet with a Dell1395 wireless card (BCM4312) using the "wl" driver??? What should I use as the source type in the kismet.conf file??17:02
logankoesterbazhang your answer conflicts with ubottu's17:03
vic_____hey staticrails, try this link17:03
Hyliansay is there a way to get system specs from the ubuntu live cd, something like sysinfo for windows17:03
vic_____it talks about rolling back vga deivers17:03
logankoesteri'm not asking about the firefox-3.5 package17:03
bazhanglogankoester, err not really no17:03
Picilogankoester: It sounded like you were.17:03
staticRailsvic_____: ok17:03
SingAlongbazhang: it plays fine now thanks17:03
Picilogankoester: Can you explain what you're looking for?17:04
vic_____solid :D17:04
bazhangSingAlong, great17:04
navatwoall of my desktop icons are gone, how would I get them back?17:04
logankoesterPici: presumably the firefox package will be firefox-3.5 at some point17:04
spreebazhang good to hear. I have an ancient Automatix install on here anyway that there's no way to get rid of without a reinstall. It's about time. Plus, so many things have been a hack to get to work it's really annoying and there's stability issues with things like flash and its oss variants, google earth, and google gears. definitely time for a fresh install.17:04
bazhangin Karmic logankoester official branding17:04
Picilogankoester: Not in Jaunty.  It will set in the next version of Ubuntu though.17:05
logankoesterthat's the answer i was looking for17:05
navatwoall of my desktop icons are gone, how would I get them back?17:05
mrxyzHow do I turn all lines in a text file into only one long line?17:05
bazhangnavatwo, app launchers?17:06
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navatwobazhang: no like the desktop itself, all my folders etc that are usually there, they aren't17:06
tharveyrecently updated to 9.04 and have been happy for a few days, yesterday an update came through for dbus and after the required reboot system hangs right after login with black screen - any ideas?17:06
navatwothey are when I browse to them, but not otherwise17:06
vic_____mrxyz: sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n/" "/;ta' -e 'P;D' inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt17:07
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gartralI wish people wouldn be so uick to dismiss linux as a failure17:07
Picigartral: #ubuntu-offtopic please17:08
njhlinux is a failure :)17:08
staticRailsvic_____: all the hints there needs gdm started...17:08
pipegeekIt seems like OpenOffice.org in jaunty can't open Microsoft Office 2003 XML files17:08
pipegeekis this the case?17:08
pipegeekand if so, how do I get them to open?17:08
pipegeekis there an open source office program that *does* speak office 2003 xml?17:08
staticRailsvic_____: my problem is the gdm... it is not starting at all17:08
fccf!enter | pipegeek17:09
ubottupipegeek: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:09
vic_____i see, you are in recovery mode right now17:09
navatwoall of my desktop icons are gone, how would I get them back?17:09
vic_____and is x running?17:09
cdavisI installed open-vm-tools and it broke eth0, if I reboot, /etc/init.d/udev restart and then restart networking it will work again, but a simple reboot won't work?17:09
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zenwrylyI can't figure out how to turn on the serial bluetooth service.  I think  it used to be in the bluetooth preferences.  Any clues?17:09
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brahlecan somebody please tell me how to change the ugly panels?17:10
brahle[i am a noob]17:11
vic_____staticrails I have an idea : try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:11
njhbrahle: ugly panels?17:11
Hyliananyone here use xsane? how do you control the quality, i know my device has several scan options for quality.17:11
BABERhow can make tar archive from 2 dir ? i use this command tar zxvf test.tar.gz kav 123  is this true?17:11
vic_____this will launch the xorg configuration that you first did when you installed ubuntu17:11
mrdarkbrahle, you can download a large variety of themes from gnome-look.org, or use preinstalled themes by clicking system/preferences/appearance.17:11
staticRailsvic_____: I have tried it before17:11
brahlenjh: you know, the the two rows on the top and the bottom of the screen17:11
mestnytar -czvf dir1 dir217:11
njhBABER: no, x means extract17:11
gartralHylian: i havent used xsane in years, but man xsane should help you out17:12
njhbrahle: right click on them?17:12
mrxyzvic_____: Thank you, I will try it out.17:12
BABERnjh: what's true?17:12
njhBABER: you want czf tarfile.tgz file file17:12
brahlemrdark, yeah, i'm aware of that page17:12
njhI think that is sufficient17:12
staticRailsvic_____: ... but I think there is a problem with thiss.17:12
navatwoall my desktop icons are gone after gnome-panel crashed. Anyone have any ideas on how to get them back?17:13
brahlenjh, that just allows me to change color.17:13
Hylianok ill try that, but i looked before and it mostly covered operations, i know how to use the program, i just want to control quality, ill look again though... thanx17:13
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mestnyBABER: thats right: tar -czvf dir1 dir217:13
vic_____what do you mean?17:13
njhBABER: there is also append 'a' which adds to the end17:13
njhbrahle: your question is too vague17:13
brahlei would like to have something like a mac-os x launcher17:13
njhbrahle: ah, no idea then17:14
bazhangbrahle, a dock?17:14
staticRailsvic_____:  all the messages I receive when I try this command are related to keyboard... maybe they are between 5 to 10.17:14
gartralbrahle: its called a dock17:14
njhbrahle: you might try system->preferences->appearance17:14
gartral!dock | brahle17:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dock17:14
staticRailsvic_____:  and I just select ok..17:14
brahleok... i know it's called a dock...17:14
brahlei actually installed AWN but don't know how to start it...17:14
mestnybrahle: try this: http://www.kimchikid.com/blog/2008/04/06/how-to-make-a-gorgeus-and-cool-desktop-for-your-ubuntu-linux-machine-in-30-minutes/17:15
vic_____maybe its a hardware issue, maybe try a different keyboard?17:15
bazhangbrahle, cairo-dock, avant-window-navigator are two17:15
gartralbrahle: you need too enable compiz too use AWN17:15
brahlegartral, did that17:15
gartralbrahle: hit alt-f2 and run AWN17:15
erxini want to use a dock, i have a few options, the most i liked is Cairo and Avant which one is better ?17:15
gartralactually awn17:15
Pici!best | erxin17:16
ubottuerxin: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:16
brahlegartal: thank you very much! :)17:16
erxinPici: thanks :)17:16
gartralerxin: awn has the drawback of you can only use it on the bottom of your screen17:16
vic_____!sucks | vic17:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks17:16
dreamythere the new sis drivers .. does anyone care?17:16
brahleto start it up wen linux starts, i just add it in startup applications, right?17:17
vic_____!"eat vic" | vic17:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eat vic"17:17
Pici!botabuse | vic_____17:17
ubottuvic_____: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:17
erxinoke another question, i have installed the cairo dock in the bottom, but there is also a gnome dock, how do i remove the gnome dock in the bottom ?17:17
vic_____lol thanks17:17
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vic_____it is pretty cool though, it's been a while for my in IRC17:18
brahlethank you everyone17:18
mrxyzHow do I rid of all space before the lines in a text file? I want to remove all blank space so that the text is to the left in my text file?17:18
vic_____do you want to remove all space or just the space to the left of the lines17:19
jribmrxyz: spaces or whitespace?17:19
SETKEHerxin: Just uncheck the package synaptic17:19
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kf6I am a new to the Ubuntu world, I am assuming there is no iTunes package for non-windows or non-mac machines, is this correct? any ideas for substitutes?17:19
mestnyтест русского языка17:19
fccf!ru | mestny17:20
ubottumestny: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:20
Guest49419what's a ubuntu?17:20
jrib!ubuntu | Guest4941917:20
ubottuGuest49419: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:20
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:20
jrib!music | kf617:20
gst-kapshow do i udate to firefox 3.5 ?17:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about music17:20
erxinI cant browse my sony usb mp3player, it is mounted i choose for browse files, it is empty17:20
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:20
XcellstaticRails-   maybe try this?   http://www.watchingthenet.com/restore-panels-in-ubuntu-back-to-their-default-settings.html17:20
jrib!players | kf617:20
ubottukf6: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:20
leaf-sheep!itunes | kf617:21
ubottukf6: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee17:21
jribmrxyz: hello?17:21
kf6ubottu: thanks, i will give it a try17:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:21
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Guest49419guys i have a problem...i can't seem to get internet working...for example this link....is it broken or is it just me? jiraiya.sannin.mybrute.com17:21
leaf-sheeperxin: Try Ctrl + H (to toggle on hidden folders)17:21
unopmrxyz, perhaps you should give us an example of what you want on the !pastebin ?17:22
mrxyzjrib: Well, i don't know, but the text isnät aligned to the left, some whit space or spaces is on the left before each line.17:22
erxini tried CTRL + H, no change17:22
mrxyzunop: Yes, I will.17:22
vic_____the link is working fine17:22
unopmrxyz, try this.  sed 's/^[\ \t]//g' /path/to/your/file17:23
erxinwhen i plugin the mp3player, the screen asks me if i want to open it with rhytmbox music player17:23
brahlehow do i install fonts in ubuntu?17:23
erxini choose open with nautils, and then i get empty screen17:23
Pici!fonts > brahle17:23
ubottubrahle, please see my private message17:23
leaf-sheep!font | brahle17:23
ubottubrahle: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer17:24
=== m is now known as manuK
viseAlright.. every game is giving the same trouble.. "X11 driver not configured with opengl", in intrepid.. What to do? (Intel GM965-- dell inspiron 1525)17:24
mrxyzunop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219092/17:24
erxinI get this message on the top, "These files are on a Digital Music Player"17:24
cdavispcnet32 doesn't seem to be loading at boot, I have to restart udev to get it to load.  Where do I need to put that so it loads at boot time?17:24
jribmrxyz: sed 's/^\s*//'17:24
mrxyzunop: I replaced all the lines with only one single line and the line breaks switched to " " instead. But I don't want all the white space before the " ". I want my text aligned to the left.17:25
jribmrxyz: erm, how did you remove the newlines then?  We should do that correctly to start off17:26
sean2009i have just downloaded some c source code. itry to compile it with gcc main.c but it says can't find allegro.h. anyone help me.??17:26
=== manuK is now known as m4nu
mrxyzjrib: That didn't really help. The command you gave me did this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219099/17:27
staticRails_my ubuntu is messed up... I want to install a new verstion. where is the downloaded packages are cached? I want to copy them and use them in my new installation.17:27
Doc-SaintlyDoes anyone have a guide for starting the xterminal login remotely? I'm logged in through SSH, but can't VNC in. I've seen various "guides" on how to do this but they all involve installing a different vnc server. This seems like a waste because ubuntu already has one if it supports it when logged in.17:27
vic_____try this : sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n/""/;ta' -e 'P;D' inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt17:27
vic_____I threw a space in there17:27
jribmrxyz: yeah, it removes whitespace at the beginning of a line (which is not what you want, but will be what you want once we start over and remove the newlines correctly).  Eww.  Just do this: tr -d '\n' < file_with_new_lines > file_joined17:28
mrxyzWell, I'm looking for a method to cut out all text inside the description tags in a feed, then I want each description on it's own line so that I can parse it into a feed I'm trying to build.17:28
fccfDoc-Saintly: consider doing ssh -X17:28
Doc-Saintlyfccf: can you elaborate? I'm using putty to ssh in.17:29
jribmrxyz: ok, never mind all of what you are doing then.  Just use grep.17:29
staticRails__my ubuntu is messed up... I want to install a new verstion. where is the downloaded packages are cached? I want to copy them and use them in my new installation.  AnY IdeA???17:29
mrxyzjrib: Hehe, ok, but I want grep to plave each description on a new line so that I can read the descriptions line by line afterward in a loop.17:30
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:30
fccfDoc-Saintly: I use UltraVNC from windows to connect to vino - the ubuntu desktop standard VNC server .... not sure what you are getting at .. or need to do17:30
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:30
staticRails__my ubuntu is messed up... I want to install a new verstion. where is the downloaded packages are cached? I want to copy them and use them in my new installation.  AnY IdeA???17:30
leaf-sheepstaticRails__: You can use "sudo aptitude download <xyz>"17:31
Doc-Saintlyfccf: I do the same. maybe i'm not understanding what ssh -X is, or whether i can do it with putty17:31
legend2440staticRails__: /var/cache/apt/archives17:31
vic_____staticrails what you can do is zip up your home folder and put it in a separate data partition17:31
staticRails__leaf-sheep: I don't want to download again... I want to use the downloaded packages.17:31
fccfstaticRails__: downloaded packages are cached in /var/cache/apt/archives ... but they will only work for the version you currently have ... another option is aptoncd17:31
vic_____then just reinstall ubuntu17:32
Doc-Saintlyfccf: I use ultravnc as well, but the vnc server doesn't start up on my machine until someone physically logs in to the machine, ssh'ing doesn't cut it it seems17:32
mrxyzjrib: Like this: <description>bla bla bla</description> then on nex line <description>another bla bla</description> and so on.17:32
erxini need help, i still cant browse my files on my digital mp3 player, i get an empty screen with a text on the top, these files are located on your digital mp3 player17:32
jribmrxyz: well it depends on what the original file looks like.  If you want to explore, continue with your method.  You should be able to delete newlines and remove initial whitespace without issues now17:32
mrxyzjrib: Well, ok, I'll give it a try!17:33
fccfDoc-Saintly: ssh -X is tunneling X over ssh ... and is very difficult to do in windows .. if you have the resources you could do it in a virtual machine on windows17:33
lord_hypnosi have a problem: i cant access some sites. for example http://accessallareas.org/ … someone got advice?17:33
vic_____hey so im upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04, was wondering if anyone  here had issues with the upgrade17:33
staticRails__I booted with the live verstion. the system doesn't alow me to copy the home folder of my previous installation.... what can I do?17:33
Doc-Saintlyfccf: that's what I thought. Yea i'm stuck with vnc, but i find it hard to believe there's not a way to make the already installed server run with an ssh login instead of installing a secondary server17:34
vic_____staticrails, try sudo cp17:34
Picivic_____: Are you having an issue? Have you read the release notes?17:34
vic_____No issue as such just wanted to do a survey17:34
jribmrxyz: I'm sure there are tools written to search xml much more easily as well17:34
erUSULlord_hypnos: try this « echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling » then try to access the site again17:34
staticRails__I booted with the live verstion. the system doesn't alow me to copy the home folder of my previous installation.... what can I do?  ANY IDEA???17:35
vic_____something or the other always goes wrong, I'm just preparing myself mentally17:35
Picivic_____: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes would be the best place to look.17:35
Doc-Saintlyjrib: if it helps at all, i've done it to 3 diff computers no problem, and about 10 times on a VM.17:35
gartralhow can i tell what program is keeping a drive from being unmounted?17:35
vic_____well the release notes didnt say that the network manager would fail to manage my ethernet card17:35
jribgartral: lsof17:35
fccfDoc-Saintly: the already installed server was meant for support/learning purposes, cause by default it is a shared screen, wasn't really meant for admin... although I use it everyday for that17:35
Picigartral: lsof | grep /path/to/drive17:35
mrxyzjrib: Yeah, I have found xmlstarlet, but I don't knoe how to get it do what I want.17:35
vic_____they also didn't say that the keyring manager would ask for my password everytime I logged in17:35
jribmrxyz: oh17:36
salil_Is there no way i can try to configure my intel GM965 for openGL? OpenGL works perfectly on windows for this card...17:36
Doc-Saintlyfccf: I don't mind if it's a shared screen, i would probably prefer it activate a screen on the server and move the cursor around on it etc.17:36
vic_____they also omitted to mention that session settings aren't saved when you logout but that's fixed in jaunty17:36
n0gearhmmm how do i start the nomachine(NX) server?17:36
jribmrxyz: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-starlet.html looks like a neat tutorial17:36
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gartralPici: says xmms2d is using the drive, but I know i cleared the list17:36
staticRails__I booted with the live verstion. the system doesn't alow me to copy the home folder of my previous installation.... what can I do?  ANY IDEA???17:36
rafaelHi, I need an advice using deve. Is this the right channel to ask? I could not find anyone in #devede ...17:37
hareldvdTrying to install gnome-commander from source code, when I run /.configure I get an error "checking if glib >= 2.6.0 exists... configure: error: no" Which package am I missing?17:37
Doc-SaintlystaticRails__: i'm sure there's an error message associated with it. sharing that might help17:37
erUSULlord_hypnos: then revert the change « echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling »17:37
jribhareldvd: gnome-commander is in the repositories isn't it?17:37
hareldvdjrib, newer version.17:37
erisolis there a simple command for deactivating my wireless network? I have a function key on my laptop keyboard that's supposed to do that, but I don't know what to attach it to as a keyboard shortcut17:37
bobohow do i install enemy territory: quake wars?17:37
fccfDoc-Saintly: best bet would to be to leave the remote machine logged in ... just use lock screen when you leave ... when you logon via VNC the machine will come out of lock and be visible until you logout17:37
BABERwhat command can find files  format?17:37
jrib!compile > hareldvd17:37
ubottuhareldvd, please see my private message17:38
FrEaKmAn_hi, any ideas why "free -mt" is saying that I have ~1100mb used while System Monitor -> Resources says ~230mb?17:38
rafaelI have ripped an DVD and I want to add my own subtitles. I have 4 vob files, but only one srt. Should I add this srt in every one of them in DVD. or do I need to cut the srt in 4 pieces and add each one correspondly?17:38
scott_ino_does anyone know where i can find a Scribus-ng rc3 .deb???\17:38
fccfFrEaKmAn_: free -mt isn't accounting for cache17:38
wesside_apt-get install MYFACE17:38
erUSULscott_ino_: maybe in getdeb.com ?17:39
FrEaKmAn_fccf, what do you mean?17:39
lord_hypnosi have a problem: i cant access some sites. for example http://accessallareas.org/ … someone got advice?17:39
FrEaKmAn_fccf, what about details gained with "top"17:39
unopmrxyz, so you want each <description> tag and its contents on a separate line?17:39
boboubuntu says that i have almost 80gb of storage taken up on my comp, even though I KNOW i dont have 80gb taken up, what gives?17:39
fccfFrEaKmAn_: top tells you everything you would want to know17:39
scott_ino_erUSUL, ty but i think they only have stable versions...17:40
L3dPlatedLinuxOK this is my issue I have gnome running and thats the way I like it so the little kde apps the better but with that said zI have to use ktorrent cause its the one I like and think it better then the others but one thing is it doesnt adhere to my color settings I need due to vision issue to have very little white on the screen so everything is black bg and green font ( no neo jokes please) so how would i get ktorrent that way with out having to inst17:40
L3dPlatedLinuxall all of kde?17:40
BABERwhat command can understand files format?17:40
erisolbobo, what does df say?17:40
FrEaKmAn_fccf, and top says I have ~1200mb ram used17:40
jribBABER: like « file » or do you mean something else?17:40
Kennie`bobo: in console17:40
cadman21where can I download ndiswrapper?17:40
andy_#join ubuntu-cn17:40
bobohold on17:40
jrib!wifi > cadman2117:40
ubottucadman21, please see my private message17:40
Kennie`df -h for better ouput :p17:40
fccfFrEaKmAn_: it will also tell you that some of that is cache ... right?17:40
boboFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on17:40
bobo/dev/sda1            148095836 101576100  38996900  73% /17:40
bobotmpfs                   995212         0    995212   0% /lib/init/rw17:40
bobovarrun                  995212       208    995004   1% /var/run17:40
bobovarlock                 995212         0    995212   0% /var/lock17:40
FloodBot2bobo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:40
boboudev                    995212       152    995060   1% /dev17:40
BABERjrib: for exampe an avi file17:41
erisolcadman21, it should be a package you can download with synaptic17:41
jribBABER: what about it?  Does the « file » command do what you want?17:41
Kennie`bobo: df -h on a pastebin please17:41
TheBaseIs there a GUI for diff? Something like Eclipse's Subversion comparison window.17:41
boboyeah, sry17:41
jribTheBase: meld, kdiff, vimdiff....17:41
bobodidnt know about ahat17:41
erUSULTheBase: there are many17:41
FrozenFireI'm just installing the 2.6.28-14 kernel update right now. For some reason, it has hung at init-ramfs17:41
FrozenFireHow do I recover?17:41
BABERjrib: command which tell me what17:42
erUSULTheBase: xxdiff; tkdiff plus jrib sugestions17:42
jribBABER: the command is: file17:42
andy_join #ubuntu-cn17:42
jribandy_: /join #ubuntu-cn17:42
bobook df -h http://paste.ubuntu.com/219106/17:42
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BABERjrib:this ? file name_of_file ?17:42
andy_jrib:thank you17:42
TheBasechoices, choices, too many choices :) Thanks17:42
jribBABER: try17:43
nanneshi all17:43
nannesI've a question17:43
erisolis there a way to have a "disable wireless" keyboard shortcut?17:43
boboKennie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219106/17:43
mrxyzunop: Yes, I want each description tag on it's own line. That's right!17:43
nannesI use ubuntu server17:43
nanneswho can help me?17:43
unopmrxyz, see this then.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/219107/17:44
Kennie`bobo: you have 97 GB in your / in use... you sure you have no big files somewhere?17:44
Eber-JimmyHi, I'm looking for TV / Video Broadcasting Software for live streaming. That said, I do not Icecast or something but Peercast direction Wirecast http://www.telestream.net/wire-cast/overview.htm who is known as good for Linux / Ubuntu17:44
Graviton!question | nannes17:44
ubottunannes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:44
mrxyzunop: Interesting!17:44
fccfEber-Jimmy: you want Flumotion ... Trust Me17:44
nannesook sorry!  :)17:44
mrxyzunop: I will try it right now!17:44
nannesafter the installation (of ubuntu server)17:45
nannesi opened /etc/passwd17:45
unopmrxyz, one tag seems out of place .. maybe it was in the input text that way17:45
boboKennie: i mean i have like 6 movies, but they only add up to 5gb or something (avi format)17:45
bobothose are probably my biggest files17:46
nannesand saw many users that I didn't create!! (so there are by default)17:46
legend2440bobo: i would check  /var/cache/apt/archives and see if it has a bunch of deb files in there. if it does then in terminal   sudo apt-get clean  will remove them17:46
nannesexcuse me for the bad english17:46
Eber-Jimmyfccf: Flumotion?17:46
roracleOkay, I have flash 10 installed, and I have heard that we shouldn't use it.  however, i take pics online with my integrated webcam and flash can't access the camera.  I have tried going to adobe's flash settings web site, and it still doesn't allow the camera on other sites.  how can i fix this problem?17:46
Kennie`bobo: you could check if there are any big files with find / -size +50000017:46
leaf-sheepbobo: Use Disk Usage Analyzer -- It can help you figure out which folder takes up the most spaces and etc.17:46
nannesfor example IRC, (and I don't remember the others)17:46
fccf!info flumotion | Eber-Jimmy17:46
mrxyzunop: I got this error message: Unmatched ( in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/( <-- HERE <description/ at -e line 3.17:46
ubottuEber-Jimmy: flumotion (source: flumotion): Fluendo Streaming Server - manager, worker and admin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-3.1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 584 kB, installed size 3864 kB17:46
bobolegend2440: will sudo apt-get clean delete anything i dont want it to delete?17:47
nannescan I delete them without have any problem?17:47
fccfEber-Jimmy: you will want to use the flumotion repository server though .. ubuntu's don't seem to work17:47
mrxyzunop: I tried running this command line: lynx -source http://www.expressen.se/1.573280?standAlone=true | awk '/<description>/,/<\/description\>/' | xargs perl -0lpe 's/>\n(\n*\s*)/>/g;' -e 's/\s+/ /g;' -e 's/(<description/\n$1/g' > outputfile.txt17:47
legend2440bobo: no they are deb files you have already downloaded and installed17:47
Eber-JimmyNo i search nein suche kein Streaming-Server17:47
Eber-JimmyxD no search no streaming server17:47
mrxyzunop: And I also tried this: lynx -source http://www.expressen.se/1.573280?standAlone=true | awk '/<description>/,/<\/description\>/' | perl -0lpe 's/>\n(\n*\s*)/>/g;' -e 's/\s+/ /g;' -e 's/(<description/\n$1/g' > outputfile.txt17:47
nannesheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp me pleasee17:47
mrxyzwithout the xargs.17:48
fccfEber-Jimmy: english please17:48
Eber-JimmyI search not a streaming server software17:48
bazhangnannes, repeat your question, all on ONE line, and be patient.17:48
salil_OpenGL X11 configuration for Intel GM965. All games are giving errors since they cannot set a video mode. No solution?17:48
poboy975hi I'm running jaunty on a laptop and am having some usb issues. My usb mass storage hd is not mounting. my usb flash is fine. but reading forums talks about ehci_hcd and when I modprobe that its not found17:48
MaarekStelenannes: please specify your issue.  I missed your post17:48
leaf-sheepnannes: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/understanding-etcpasswd-file-format/17:49
sunnythis is soo messed up i called my net provider for some help setting up DNS and they said they will delete my account if i run a web server17:49
nannesafter the installation (of ubuntu server) I opened /etc/passwd nannes: and I saw a lot of users that I didn't create!! (so there are by default)17:49
poolfoolHylian: define system info?17:49
nannesthe question is: can I delete them?17:49
Eber-JimmyI am looking for a kind of live-production software. So when I receive signals from the cameras can select any Verteilserver to go and where I also flashes and so on can insert17:49
nannesafter the installation (of ubuntu server) I opened /etc/passwd nannes: and I saw a lot of users that I didn't create!! (so there are by default)17:49
nannesthe question is: can I delete them? (without having any problem!)17:49
bobonah, it didnt do anything legends17:49
fccfEber-Jimmy: buy a tricaster17:50
MaarekStelenannes: yes, leave those unless it's specified by /home17:50
Eber-Jimmysomething like Adobe Premiere, but stop for live stream (video) and for Linux17:50
Eber-JimmyTricaster for linux?17:50
MaarekStelenannes: you can scroll through and find yours at /home/nannes or whatever your user is.  if you DON'T want a user, than remove through the system admin section17:50
unopmrxyz, it's missing a closing bracket.  try this.  perl -0lpe 's/>\n(\n*\s*)/>/g;' -e 's/\s+/ /g;' -e 's/(<description)/\n$1/g'17:51
nanneswhat? maarekStele I'm not from england17:51
nannesexplain you better17:51
poboy975here is my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/219113/17:51
MaarekStelenannes: open the users and groups program from the system > administration menu17:51
MaarekSteleit'll list the actual users.  The rest are for system programs17:52
nannesIt's ubuntu server! No SHELL !!17:52
nannesNO GUI !!17:52
nannesonly shell17:52
nannesUSERDEL ?17:52
MaarekStelenannes: gotcha... just go into /home17:52
MaarekStelenannes: ls and see if there's anyone else there17:52
Doc-Saintlyfccf: that works until I remotely run an update and restart it.17:53
boboso i used disk analyzer and i deleted a bunch of stuff, but i still only have 50g  left out of over 100gb+ disk space17:53
slonbghi. i have ubuntu 9.04, and sshd running. i can login to the machine from the local net, but i can not from internet. the port is forwarded, the initial handshake happens - i.e. i get the "authentication of host can't be established" is displayed, and the fingerprint, so it communicates. but immediately when i type "yes" and add it to known hosts, it says connection closed. any idea what to...17:53
nannesno, there's only my user directory17:53
slonbg...look for? i did not find any specific instructions to limit the logins to int. net only.17:53
salil_what does compiz --replace do?17:53
roracleAdobe Flash Player for Linux 10, help article online says to not use it.  Another article said to use the control panel at Adobe's site, and THAT doesn't work either.  Do the open source flash players allow for webcam and microphone access?  It worked once on faceinhole.com and it hasn't worked since then.  Any suggestions on how to access my webcam and mic via flash?17:53
MaarekStelenannes: than you're fine... the other names in the passwd file are for system logins and datapassing17:54
glitsj16salil_: that launches compiz and replaces your running window manager17:54
salil_glitsj16, What if compiz is already running?17:54
Eber-JimmyIs Tricaster for Linux/Ubuntu?17:54
=== Twilo is now known as Twilo|away
glitsj16salil_: then you wouldn't need that command17:54
fccfDoc-Saintly: why don't you have it auto-login and lock17:55
Doc-Saintlyfccf: probably because i don't know how to do that either ;)17:55
MaarekStelenannes: to remove the user just type userdel and the user name17:55
poboy975hello I'm having usb issues. here is dmesg of when I plug usb external hard drive in. ehci errors, but modprobe says no ehci installed17:55
salil_glitsj16, Any idea why OpenGL video mode setting won't work on my GM965 intel card? Is there some X11 configuration i could try?17:55
mrxyzunop: I got it working, thanks!17:55
MaarekStelenannes: also, get VIM, it'll help you with editing files better than nano: sudo apt-get install vim-full17:55
nannesMaarekStele: and can anyone with phisic acces to pc have the login with one of them? and what kind of priviledges could he take?17:56
boboit says that i have 95.5 gb used in disk analyzer, but i definitely dont!17:56
boboi have two hard drives17:56
FlannelMaarekStele, nannes: Unless you also want gvim, you just want to install "vim"17:56
MaarekStelenannes: unless if you leave your command line open and walk away, no one can gain access17:56
nannesWhat are "system logins and data passing" ?? MareekStele17:56
glitsj16salil_: i believe there were known issues with intel cards on jaunty17:56
fccfDoc-Saintly: look here http://www.watchingthenet.com/how-to-enable-automati-logon-in-ubuntu-or-kubuntu.html17:57
bobooh thats why, ok im not sure if i can see my second hard drive, how do i add that to my linux partition17:57
nannesno you didn't understand what I asked you17:57
salil_glitsj16, I am on intrepid.. I am afraid that indicates that even if i upgrade to jaunty, i can't do gaming.. isn't it?17:57
nannes1 - I have logoff17:57
TrollyHEY FRESH UBUNTUS! Whats up with you???17:57
MaarekStelenannes: one of the lines in passwd contain proxy used for the proxy connection if your server is a proxy server, things like that... they're all protocol17:57
TrollyYeah! Reggae!17:57
anirbanHow to create swap memory in Ubuntu ?17:57
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Flannelnannes, MaarekStele: It's entirely likely that you don't want vim though.  nano is a perfectly fine editor.17:57
nalysGreetings, I've installed the flashplugin-nonfree, though I still can't access webpages using flash with firefox. I've tried with Opera, same thing. What can I try? Or what did I forget to do? Thanks.17:57
salil_anirban, It is done at install time...17:57
e-xHi all17:57
TrollyEverything upbounched with YOU?17:58
bazhang!ot > Trolly17:58
ubottuTrolly, please see my private message17:58
MaarekSteleFlannel: vi or vim is handy due to the preset color coding... you would have to create a config file for nano.  I use both, but finding vi/vim much better for editing17:58
Icaru5nalys: go to add/remove and search for macromedia17:58
legend2440bobo: in Disk analyzer click   edit>preferences and click box next to the partition with mountpoint   / so it checks only that one17:58
anirbansalil_ : I have heard something like vm.swapiness ??17:58
TrollyShould I sing a song for you?17:58
glitsj16salil_: chances are the issues are already solved for jaunty, you might need to activate a PPA repo but it's not sure17:58
nannes1 - I have logoff17:58
nannes2 - I go out for a walk17:58
nannes3 -  can anyone go to pc and have the login with one of them? and what kind of priviledges could he take?17:58
TrollyWait a moment...17:58
FlannelMaarekStele: Except when you're brand new and then have to learn how to use vim.  There's no reason to suggest vim to a new user, they've got enough on their plate as is.17:59
MaarekStelenannes: no.. they need your login since you're the only user17:59
nannesbut in passwd file17:59
nannesthey appear17:59
salil_anirban, That is to configure the swapping policy.. Not to create/modify the swap area which is actually a partition on the disk...17:59
MaarekSteleFlannel: true... I used nano when first downloaded Ubuntu17:59
Eber-JimmyTrolly looool17:59
Picinannes: What accounts are you talking about? Please don't use the enter key so much.17:59
manlinuxhi , where i can find mean : http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/07/correct-spelling-from-linux-command-line/17:59
nalysIcaru5: thanks for the answer, but macromedia is installed already.17:59
fccfnannes: those are system users .. you cannot login with them17:59
Flannelnannes: There are more users that are used by the system.  They don't have logins that people can use17:59
switch10__When converting an avi to DVD, devede doesn't sync up the video and audio very well. Anyone know what I can do?18:00
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glitsj16salil_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/new-intel-graphics-drivers-for-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty.html might have more detailed info18:00
nalysIcaru5: I mean the macormedia flash plugin18:00
Icaru5nalys: remove it and get it from the add/remove18:00
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salil_glitsj16, I just compiled a test program using GL and GLU libraries (mesa stuff) and the program works perfectly in windowed mode with OpenGL.. can i force games to run in windowed mode?18:00
ohemgyhi i just want to ask if it is true that portable clamwin can run in ubuntu through WINE??thank you18:00
anirbansalil_ : Then how to have some paging file in Ubuntu. I am running out of dedicated RAM . I am on a VPS18:01
gletobOk so I saw a thread in the forums a week ago that showed how to update 9.04 to kernel 2.6.30 now I can't find that thread. Anyone know where it is?18:01
glitsj16salil_: i'm afraid i don't know anything about games on linux18:01
nannesok perfect. Now: I don't want those services... (for example irc, there is also a user called irc)... can I delete them with userdel or they haven't considered as normal users??18:01
fccfohemgy: probably: but you would only be able to run AV on the wine C:\ directory .. it wouldn't be able to scan your ubuntu machine18:02
salil_anirban, You will have to create a separate partition on your disk depending on your RAm and format it as "linux swap" or any name by which your formatting program, say gparted refers to a swap partition. Then, IMHO linux should automatically find and use that.18:02
roracleAdobe Flash Player for Linux 10, help article online says to not use it.  Another article said to use the control panel at Adobe's site, and THAT doesn't work either.  Do the open source flash players allow for webcam and microphone access?  It worked once on faceinhole.com and it hasn't worked since then.  Any suggestions on how to access my webcam and mic via flash?18:02
salil_Whats a 'VPS'?18:02
MaarekStelenannes: irc is not a normal user and does not have a login18:02
dAnonI've got a very special question, whenever you click some browse button, for example in internet browser to choose some photo you can't preview it, is there any way of getting such preview? In windows xp you could see thumbnails or miniatures18:02
ohemgyfccf: why is that?18:03
MaarekStelenannes: your the only user.18:03
Houba1986hey, i have a question. i'm trying to copy folder contents from a folder on my desktop to usr/lib folder, but i keep getting permission denied. how do i change that? i am using ubuntu 9.0418:03
MaarekSteleHouba1986: add sudo in front of the copy command18:03
salil_dAnon, If the program supports, it is shown. For example, the "Change desktop background" in preferences shows you thumbnails.18:03
Severity1bobo, by any chance did you have virtualbox installed?18:03
PiciMaarekStele, nannes; But that doesn't mean that you can go ahead and delete all the other ones. Those may be used by system services.18:03
phisher1he's probably using nautilus18:04
MaarekStelePici nannes: I said not to18:04
Houba1986MaarekStele: but it's a lot of files, so i was wondering if theres a way to copy them all at once?18:04
Eber-JimmyTRICAST broadcast would be but there is also the only software without hardware???? Find it a bit too expensive (11.900$18:04
_alkekshi_hi. could someone tell me that what is the easiest way to get samba working?18:04
j0vePici: you just took all the fun out of watching that exchange18:04
mikeledario c 6?18:04
MaarekSteleHouba1986: sudo cp *.*18:04
nannesIs my english awful?? or can you figure?18:04
nalysIcaru5: Still can't access flash pages. Some videos work some don't, but I think that's because it's still using the open player, there's this gray play button on every video...18:05
PiciEber-Jimmy: I don't understand what you are asking.18:05
fccfohemgy: wine only has access to the windows resources... it really has nothing to do with the linux filesystem18:05
gletobOk so I saw a thread in the forums a week ago that showed how to update 9.04 to kernel 2.6.30 now I can't find that thread. Anyone know where it is?18:05
phisher1Houba1986: you could gksu nautilus or cp -R dirname/* /new/dir18:05
nannesPici: and if I dont' want those services?18:05
phisher1and sudo cp *.* is not wise as it only copy files/dirs with a dot in the name18:05
Houba1986MaarekStele: so i type in sudo  cp *first folder*.*usr/lib*18:05
Icaru5nalys: can you view youtue/18:05
Picinannes: Then you should either disable them or uninstall them.18:06
Icaru5nalys: can you view youtube?18:06
phisher1cp -R /first/* /usr/lib18:06
MaarekSteleHouba1986: look at what phisher1 said... cp -R dirname/* /new/dir18:06
tel0hi all, anybody knows when Firefox 3.5 will looks like real Firefox 3.5 in official repo? =)18:06
Picinannes: You can use the package 'bum' to help manage your boot processes.18:06
Eber-JimmyPici: I am looking for a live (video) broadcast software (no hardware ala TRICAST broadcast) and for Ubuntu18:06
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roracleso nobody knows anything about webcam and mic allowance in Adobe?18:06
MaarekSteletel0: mine looks like a real repo18:06
Picitel0: Not until the next version of Ubuntu.18:06
Pici!ff35 | tel018:06
ubottutel0: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY18:06
solexious|netbkWhere is java located in ubuntu?18:06
kris_Hi. Perusing my logs, and I get an alarmist, "TCP: Treason uncloaked!" message. My research has revealed that it may be just a bug, or it may be an attack. Thoughts, please? TIA.18:06
IgorKhi guys. need help. i've installed new ethernet card into my PC with Ububnru server 8.04. And I think Ubuntu doesn't see this card. How can i know is ubuntu see it or not?18:07
Severity1bobo try installing bleachbit and have it clean your system18:07
nalysyes, but not pages with flash navigation.18:07
aimtrainerhey! any chance this: http://www.logilink.org/showproduct/WL0063.htm works with ubuntu .. or linux in general?18:07
erikk71hi all18:07
nalysIcaru5: yes, but not pages with flash navigation.18:07
mikelec 6?18:07
tel0thank you18:07
ohemgyfccf: but it is possible?i min it can detect viruses?18:07
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erikk71can someone tell how to install firefox 3.518:07
bazhangerikk71, from synaptic or the command line18:08
erikk71command line18:08
Icaru5nalys: download the latest tar of flash plugin.18:08
j0veerikk71: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5?18:08
kris_!ff35 | erikk7118:08
ubottuerikk71: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY18:08
bazhangsudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 erikk7118:08
fccfohemgy: it can detect viruses in your wine install only... won't give you any help in ubuland ... although clamav is available for ubuntu18:09
solexious|netbkWhere is java located in ubuntu?18:09
MaarekStelesolexious|netbk: it's not, use add/remove to install it18:09
bazhangrambo, /join #ubuntu-cn18:09
linduxedhow would i do "cp /home/linduxed/"everything-but-foobar" /media/disk"?18:09
fccfsolexious|netbk: here /usr/bin/java here /etc/java here  /usr/share/java and here /usr/share/man/man1/java.1.gz18:10
Eber-Jimmyi need help!18:10
bazhangrambo, /join #ubuntu-cn18:10
fccf!cn | rambo18:10
ubotturambo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:10
solexious|netbkfccf, thanks18:10
bazhangEber-Jimmy, then ask a question, all on ONE line18:11
fccfsolexious|netbk: that command is "whereis java"18:11
fccf!jp | rambo18:11
ubotturambo: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい18:11
bazhangrambo, English here18:11
Eber-JimmyI am looking for a live (video) broadcast software (no hardware as TRICAST broadcast) and for Ubuntu18:11
bazhangrambo, Chinese in #ubuntu-cn18:11
kris_Hi. Perusing my logs, and I get an alarmist, "TCP: Treason uncloaked!" message. My research has revealed that it may be just a bug, or it may be an attack. Thoughts, please? TIA.18:12
ramboI'm sorry,I know.18:12
fccf!ko | rambo18:12
ubotturambo: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko18:12
erikk71thank u18:12
Picifccf: Its not korean or japanese.18:12
bazhangit's Chinese18:12
ealserv78Looking for some insite with trying to install ubuntu 8 or 9 on a xfxboard18:12
ramboBut Where is #ubuntu -cn>?18:12
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:12
Picirambo: /join #ubuntu-cn18:12
bazhangrambo, here on freenode:  type this------>  /join #ubuntu-cn18:13
linduxedhow would i do "cp /home/linduxed/"everything-but-foobar" /media/disk"?18:13
solexious|netbkfccf, aah, used locate and that was a world of pain18:13
Eber-JimmyI am looking for a live (video) broadcast software (no hardware as TRICAST broadcast) and for Ubuntu18:13
woodworkerworking on setting up a moodle site and need help with a step on the tutorial I am not sure what to do18:14
bazhangEber-Jimmy, do you have Ubuntu installed?18:14
ealserv78are some harddare setups just not capable of recieving a Ubuntu installation?18:14
roothey guys does anyone knows how to setup on ubuntu?18:14
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Guest926hey guys does anyone knows how to setup dual screen on ubuntu?18:14
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Eber-Jimmyi have ubuntu18:14
bazhangEber-Jimmy, what version of Ubuntu18:14
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bazhangEber-Jimmy, have you check flumotion yet?18:15
ealserv78i have been tryin to get away from microsoft and try ubuntu but my pc doesnt seem to take it. all methods end in being stuck at busybox.18:15
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fccfroot: it is very dangerous to be logged into irc as root for one... LOGOUT and Change your login name18:15
Eber-JimmyI search no Streaming Server18:15
Icaru5Guest926: you can do it via the menu18:15
Eber-Jimmyi search Live-Production-Software18:15
Sunny_fccf: me?18:15
woodworkerIt is trying to edit a line in the postgresql8.318:15
fccfSunny_: yes, you are also running irc as root ... bad idea18:16
mattockhi, any ideas why my Macbook 1,1 battery is drained to 0% in a few days on Ubuntu 9.04 + standard kernel (uname -a:  "Linux macbook 2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP")18:16
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mattockI remember old kernel bugs that cause this, but this one is new18:16
Doc-Saintlyfccf: any idea how to do this from the commandline? I don't have gui access atm18:16
nalysIcaru5: Ok. I uninstalled the previously installed flash plugin with Add/Remove, downloaded the tar from the official website, installed it for firefox, still've got the same problem...18:17
fccfDoc-Saintly: give me a min18:17
mattockoops, "drained to 0% in _hibernation_"18:17
bazhangEber-Jimmy, streaming from where18:17
woodworkerany ideas how to do this 'Edit the file '/etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf' and on line 79 change the words ident sameuser to md5. '18:17
Icaru5nalys: is your browser uptodate?18:17
mazda01i am trying to connect to a jailbroken iphone with gftp. it only allows me to enter 1 password but i have a passphrased key in ~/.ssh/. so i need to enter that but then I need to also enter the root password for the iphone. any suggestions? I need a winscp alternate for ubuntun i think.18:17
Sub-Zero5When i try and change the permissons of a folder, logged in as either my normal user or root it doesnt work, when i i go back to change the permissons again it the same as before?18:18
mazda01Sub-Zero5, you need to be logged in as root or use sudo to change permissions of a folder that you don't own18:18
nalysIcaru5: yes. must be.18:18
bazhangGuest54477, /join #ubuntu-tr18:18
woodworkersoreau:  would you mind helping me out with one more thing?18:19
Sunny_fccf: yea sorry about that mate just got on root for a few mins and lost track while working.. however how can i setup duel screen with ubuntu? im really confused cuz the ATI Catalyst Control Center JUST wont let me18:19
Icaru5nalys: is the website your viewing broke?18:19
Icaru5nalys: what pages dont work?18:20
erisolok, I've tried several times but gsynaptics still complains that SHMConfig is not set to true18:20
ubuntunewbieI need help , I cannot print things18:20
ubuntunewbiethere's no printer driver for my printer18:20
bazhangubuntunewbie, which printer; make and model18:20
Eber-Jimmybazhang: I'm working on. Means I produce a live stream only for Ubuntu I lack the appropriate software something like Wirecast: http://www.telestream.net/wire-cast/overview.htm18:20
j0nranyone able to shed some light on getting a netgear pcmcia wireless card working?18:21
leaf-sheepmazda01: winscp = scp ?18:21
ubuntunewbiebazhang: canon inkjet pixma 258018:21
nalysI've tried several. But why is firefox still using the open player?18:21
j0nrI have installed the drivers using ndiswrapper...but i think wpa_supplicant and ndiswrapper dont like each other (or something to that effect)18:21
ubuntunewbiebazhang: canon inkjet pixma ip258018:21
erisolI'm not even sure i've been editing the proper config files. I've edited xorg.conf in /etc/X11, but nothing was in the file before I edited it. I also followed the directions on Ubuntu's synaptics touchpad page, but that didn't work either18:21
j0nrit tries to connect but then keeps returning to the authentication dialog box18:21
bazhangubuntunewbie, did you check the linux compatible printer list yet?18:21
mazda01ubuntunewbie, i am in the same boat. i have a lexmark and there's no linux drivers so I print things in linux to a pdf and then open my windows machine and print the pdf18:21
nalysIcaru5: I've tried several, but why is ff still using the open player for, say, youtube?18:21
Icaru5nalys: you can change how firefox interacts with content. have you changed any settings?18:22
mazda01leaf-sheep, i am looking for a gui. i know about scp but it's a cli not a gui.18:22
fccfDoc-Saintly: autologin link... http://hungrycoder.xenexbd.com/tutorial/auto-login-gnome-in-fedora-ubuntu.html locking script ... http://www.samlesher.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-auto-login-and-lock-screen18:22
ubuntunewbiebazhang: when I plugin the printer it automatic finds a driver but they recommend a ip2000 driver to me , so I just installed .But it can't print at all18:22
nalysIcaru5: not yet, I'm going to look what I can do there.18:22
owner_any one can help me about aircrack?18:22
Icaru5nalys: edit/preferences18:22
leaf-sheepmazda01: scp is rather easy to use IMO.18:23
fccfSunny_: are you running catalyst as root?18:23
bazhangowner_, /join #aircrack18:23
ubuntunewbiebazhang: I went and check the driver should be pixma ip2500 not the ip200018:23
mazda01leaf-sheep, well I am trying to transfer music to my iphone from within ubuntu. i would just like a gui and not cli.18:23
nalysIcaru5: Ok, thanks.18:24
Eber-JimmyI'm working on. Means I produce a live stream only for Ubuntu I lack the appropriate software something like Wirecast: http://www.telestream.net/wire-cast/overview.htm18:24
bazhangubuntunewbie, checked at the linux printing site?18:24
bazhanghttp://linuxprinting.org ubuntunewbie18:24
deanymazda01, nautilus - File - Connect to server18:24
mazda01leaf-sheep, what i don't get is that i have a passphrase key in ~/.ssh so everytime I want to log into a ssh server I have to enter my passphrase when I don;t even need to, the ssh server only needs a password not the passphrase,18:24
Sub-Zero5Lastly, why is their big spaces between the writing in terminal? screenshot > http://h.imagehost.org/0251/Screenshot.png18:24
tharveyis there any way to fdisk/sfdisk a removable storage device without automounter auto mounting the partitions when the operation is complete?  I'm looking for a way to do it without altering the users gnome-volume-manager configuration or /etc/fstab18:24
erisoljrib, what do I do if the Synaptics how-to you sent me didn't work?18:25
Sunny_fccf: yes for now but ill be going in my other account soon as i fix this display problem18:25
amedeoi'm using opera, and i can't find the flash player version for watching videos on youtube... hwo can help me?18:25
leaf-sheepmazda01: You sure you set it up right? :o18:25
Sunny_fccf: sorry for delay my computer screen messed up18:25
kyjaI dont think php5 is running with my apache2. what can I do? am I missing something? and is there a gui for apache?18:25
Eber-Jimmy I'm working on. Means I produce a live stream only for Ubuntu I lack the appropriate software something like Wirecast: http://www.telestream.net/wire-cast/overview.htm18:25
leaf-sheepmazda01: Also, I'm not sure if this would works for you.  Filezilla or sshfs?18:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about idiot18:25
owner_any one can help me about aircrack?18:26
=== Icaru5 is now known as DrBenway
leaf-sheepmazda01: Nautilus have -- Connect to Server -- feature.  You try that?18:26
mazda01leaf-sheep, i will lokk into those. I actually just got into the iphone with nautilus, connect to server. it does ask me for both passwords.18:26
fccfEber-Jimmy: you should stop now ... nothing exists in ubuntu for what you are talking about ... wirecast is $500... you want free .. write some software18:26
skellingtonhi guys. i tried out moblin the other day and hated it. but it had one redeeming quality: its could connect to wpa secured networks out of the box. how come ubuntu cant do that?18:26
owner_any one can help me about aircrack?18:27
erisolskellington, what computer did you try it on?18:27
j0veowner_: you were told to join #aircrack18:27
woodworkerEdit the file '/etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf' and on line 79 change the words ident sameuser to md5.18:27
leaf-sheepowner_: #remote-exploit will serve better to your needs.18:27
erUSULskellington: it does for me18:27
woodworkerne one care to help me with this18:27
ZackLastly, why is their big spaces between the writing in terminal? screenshot > http://h.imagehost.org/0251/Screenshot.png18:27
Eber-Jimmyfccf: can not only cost money but in Ubuntu to use. Wirecast is available only for Windows and Mac OS18:27
skellingtonerisol: asus eeepc 1000ha, wireless card athero 570018:27
erUSULwoodworker: you do not know how to edit the file ?18:27
DrBenwayeepc here!!!18:27
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC18:28
amedeoi'm using opera, and i can't find the flash player version for watching videos on youtube... hwo can help me?18:28
woodworkererUSUL: no clue.... new to this....18:28
ubuntunewbiebazhang: http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP2500 , It said recommended driver to canon website18:28
erisolskellington, hmm, I don't know anything about the eepc. I'm on a dell mini 10 though, and currently using 9.04 over wireless ;)18:28
leaf-sheepmazda01: You set up passwordless ssh from what guide?18:28
kyjais there a way for me to test if php5 is working with my apache2 and if not start it?18:28
mazda01leaf-sheep, now the next issue. how can I change the default behavior after inserting a blank cd-r? currently brasero opens a data cd project and I don't want that anymore.18:28
fccfwoodworker: why are you using postgres for moodle when it runs fine in mysql18:28
Sunny_kyja: http://localhost18:29
erUSULwoodworker: you prefer a graphical editor ? « gksudo gedit /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf » and do whatever edits you need18:29
erisolkyja, it should be listed under mods enabled18:29
erUSUL!lamp | kyja18:29
ubottukyja: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:29
Spad-XIIIkyja: to test it write a little php file in /var/www ? to enable it, i'm also figuring out to do that18:29
mazda01leaf-sheep, i didn't setup passwordless ssh. I setup ssh with a private key so I need to enter a passphrase18:29
kyjaoooh lamp is the cure18:29
leaf-sheepmazda01: Ahh. Make a new private key.  This time, leave passphrase blank.18:29
skellingtonk thanks guys18:29
ubuntunewbiebazhang: went to the webiste and download but how to install ?18:29
woodworkerfccf:  just following the tutorial I have .... omg...... no I realize what it meant...... I already have mysql set up...... know how to get postsql off? or will it affect anything18:29
gruntIs there an alternative to proftpd? since it is broken in karmic...18:30
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP18:30
erisolkyja, if you don't have php5 already, it should be in a package that you can get via synaptic or apt-get18:30
fccfwoodworker: you can leave postgres there if you want .. or remove it with synaptic18:30
woodworkerfccf:  synaptic?18:30
erUSUL!software | woodworker18:31
ubottuwoodworker: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:31
fccfwoodworker: synaptic package manager18:31
mazda01leaf-sheep, no way! i don't want someone hacking my ssh server and getting access to my server!18:31
erisolwoodworker, it's the package manager that ubuntu uses18:31
ubuntunewbiebazhang: I choose linux http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010456.asp and downloaded a tgz file and inside there are 2 files18:31
Spad-XIIIskellington: i got my wpa-wireless working by installing linux-backports-modules-jaunty .. was trying to get it working for a week, installing that package made it work first time after a reboot18:31
erisolwoodworker, you can find it under System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager18:31
leaf-sheepmazda01: Lol.  It only works if that someone have the said key.18:31
skellingtonhmm that seems more logical. my wireless works for wep, just not wpa.18:32
leaf-sheepmazda01: You generate a new key, you send a copy of the key to your phone.  Then that phone can access in your server without password / passphrase.18:33
skellingtonspad: can you tell me where exactly you found it?18:33
Spad-XIIIskellington: i had a wpa connection on a different location (different router) just never with my own .. wireless worked just fine, but not wpa .. installing the package did the trick (wpa2 still doesn't work though)18:33
j0nranyone able to assist with the netgear18:33
ZackLastly, why is their big spaces between the writing in terminal? screenshot > http://h.imagehost.org/0251/Screenshot.png18:33
erisolmazda01, when you're using ssh and you have a key, it always asks you for the passphrase of the key instead of the password18:33
erisolmazda01, if you want to avoid typing your passphrase all the time, check out ssh-agent18:33
Ealserv78Ummm Hello!?18:34
mazda01leaf-sheep, oh yeah, that's true.18:34
Zackerisol: lolers weird, im having trouble getting a public key to work, how does ssh agent work?18:34
mazda01erisol, i will look into ssh-agent. thanks18:34
skellingtonspad: why doesnt wpa2 work?18:34
erisolZack, what's your problem?18:34
Spad-XIIIskellington: after a few days of googling and reading old forum posts (2004 to 2007) nothing worked, but this site listed the tip: http://wireless.kernel.org/18:34
fccfEber-Jimmy: I know of no solution that does what you want in linux... if you would like to write one .. thats on you18:34
Spad-XIIIskellington: no clue why wpa2 doesn't work .. when i set my router to both wpa2/wpa, it won't connect .. when i set it to wpa only, it works first try18:35
j0nrSpad-XIII: i am having problems with wpa_supplicant, netgear pcmcia wireless card... is this related?18:35
Zackerisol: trying to login to ssh without putting in a password, ive followed 3 tutriols but it still doesnt work18:35
mazda01leaf-sheep, now the next issue. how can I change the default behavior after inserting a blank cd-r? currently brasero opens a data cd project and I don't want that anymore.18:35
JamesHoldsworthHello everyone, quick Ubuntu Server question. I installed UbuntuServer9.04, ran getapt and all that and got Xubuntu's Gui running on it, this is all on an 80GB IDE HD, but later I plugged my 250 gig SATA to it. For some reason it's not detecting it at all. Normally, as on my normal ubuntu machine, other partitions (it's all a 320gbdrive on my laptop) are listed as mountable drives. Why isn't my server desktop pickuing up the sata18:35
erisolZack, does ssh with the passphrase work?18:35
amedeoi'm using opera, and i can't find the flash player version for watching videos on youtube... hwo can help me?18:35
UnderSampledCan I auto hide two panels with the same trigger, to make them act as though they were the same?18:35
skellingtondarn. i think mine might be both..18:35
ubuntunewbiebazhang: how to install ?18:35
Zackdont know what you mean erisol18:35
skellingtonmaybe thats my problem18:35
Eber-Jimmyfccf: gmpf18:35
skellingtonbut ill try this out.18:35
Ealserv78I'm trying to install Ubuntu (8 or 9) on my setup "athlon quad core, xfxgeforce 8200 MB, and a Geforce 9800GT PCIx. I keep gettin stuck at busy box interface. Any ideas :(18:36
erisolI mean, does ssh work at all ;)18:36
skellingtonthe site wont open for me18:36
JamesHoldsworthEalserv, try doing a disk check before you install.18:36
ubuntunewbiewhat is the different between Fedora Core 6 and openSUSE 10.2 ???18:36
woodworkerfccf: Thanks18:36
Spad-XIIIskellington: check the backports package and see if it works .. can always uninstall it or reconfigure/tweak your router (perhaps)18:36
Ealserv78yes and it leaves me at busy box. and tried a reburn.18:36
owen1how to tell an app to start on specipic monitor? -display is not available for every app.18:36
woodworkerersoi: thanks18:36
erUSULubuntunewbie: different distros no covered/supported here18:36
fccfJamesHoldsworth: try adding all-ide-generic to your grub boot line ... guessing your sata controller is running in IDE mode18:36
JamesHoldsworthit's in the beginning menu, where you can say "Install ubuntu, try ubuntu without any change," etc18:36
leaf-sheepmazda01: You use Gnome (Nautilus)?18:36
woodworkererUSUL: thanks18:36
DrBenwayZack: are you logging in from across the internet or your workstation/18:36
erUSULubuntunewbie: ask in their respective channels forums18:37
camtowen1: Check out devilspie18:37
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: ??18:37
erUSULwoodworker: no problem18:37
Zackdrbenway workstation18:37
JamesHoldsworthHow do I do that?18:37
Spad-XIIIskellington: i did a fresh net-install of ubuntu and first thing i did after completion was install the package, wireless worked right away18:37
owen1camt: even if i don't use gnome/kde/xfce? i use awesome18:37
JamesHoldsworthfccf, sorry how do i do that?18:37
DrBenwaywhat command are you using?18:37
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I downloaded a printer driver but at the manual only show this OS for installation18:37
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I dont know how to install at ubuntu18:37
Ealserv78i can try that with no changes. if it helps when tryin to install  ver. 9 busy box said that ubuntu had complications communcating with my board and to complain to my vendor.18:37
skellingtonokeedokee thanks18:37
erisolZack, if your public key works then the next step is to start ssh-agent. The command is "eval `ssh-agent`" on the command line18:37
erUSULubuntunewbie: you usually use the ppd file18:38
leaf-sheepmazda01: Open any Nautilus folder.  Check out Preferences under "Media" tab.18:38
erisolZack, note that those are backquotes, found on the same key as the tilde18:38
Spad-XIIIj0nr: i haven't messed with wpa_supplicant .. or rather, i couldn't get anything with it working .. and my wireless isn't a pcmcia card .. other than that, i've been running ubuntu for almost a week now :)18:38
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: ppd file ? what is that ?18:38
erisolZack, after ssh-agent has started, run ssh-add18:38
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: the driver Idownloaded got .rpm18:38
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I dont know how to install18:38
fccfJamesHoldsworth: lets start here ... www.ubuntupocketguide.com18:38
owen1camt: DISPLAY=:0.1 conky  works for me18:39
camtowen1: I only have experience with it in Gnome, so it may not work for you18:39
erisolZack, it will ask you which keys you want added, and then their passphrases. After you've done that, it should be able to connect to a remote server without requiring the passphrase again18:39
mazda01leaf-sheep, nope. i already checked that. it's still set to "ask what to do". there is some config somewhere telling brasero to open a data cd project after I enter a blank cd-r. just not sure where that config is.18:39
erUSULubuntunewbie: are you sure your printer is not listed in the supported printers? in System>Adminstration>Printers18:39
Spad-XIIIj0nr: there might be something interesting on http://wireless.kernel.org/ .. you'll have to check for yourself though, i'm still new to ubuntu and linux in general18:39
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: It recommend me to install ip2000 driver but my printer is model ip2580  using ip2500 driver18:40
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: the driver wans't there18:40
quizmewhen a user writes a file, the permissions are defaulted to 755.  Is there a way to change the default to 775?18:40
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: Now I am printer configuration , make a model change.I can't find ip2500 printer model18:41
leaf-sheepmazda01: I'm trying to find it for you.18:41
c0nn3xHi. I need some help!  I have no sound on my laptop Toshiba satelite p100 186. "Can you help ore dir to help?" Sry but a damn noobi in ubuntu 9.04/ linux. Many thanks ;)18:41
erUSULubuntunewbie: well i can see them here in my install18:41
erUSULubuntunewbie: pixma ip2000 under canon18:41
erUSULubuntunewbie: i'm in jaunty18:42
snewpc0nn3x: just try to maximize all the volume controls and make sure there's no muted on those controls18:43
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I am on hardy , I saw pixma ip2000 too but my driver should be ip250018:43
=== Idl3r is now known as Guest9395
woodworkercan anyone tell me what is wrong with this line: 'sudo apt-get install ntp-simple openssh-server unattended-upgrades'  says it cant find pacage ntp-simple18:43
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: It doesn't print , i tried it yesterday18:43
mrxyzOh, I can't get this right.18:43
c0nn3xsnewp K cheers18:43
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: downloaded the file which is 2007 but dont know how to install http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010456.asp18:44
j0vewoodworker: well, there is no ntp-simple in my synaptic, and I have quite a few third party ppa's enabled18:44
snewpwoodworker: try sudo apt-get search ntp-simple, if there's no result then remove that one18:44
fccfwoodworker: there is no ntp-simple .. install ntp and ntpdate18:44
erisolquizme, look into umask18:44
mrxyzIs there any way to move each description-tag in a text file to a new file so that every desvription-tag will go to it's own file? I mean, how do I only get say number 5 of a tag? Not all similar tags, only one of the tags.18:45
erisolquizme, you should be able to put a line like "umask=002" in /etc/profile to make the default last across sessions18:45
woodworkerfccf:  'sudo apt-get install ntp'  and 'sudo apt-get install ntpudate18:45
erisolquizme, otherwise you can just type umask in on your terminal each time18:46
snewpwoodworker: sudo apt-get ntp ntpupdate18:46
fccfwoodworker: or just sudo apt-get install ntp ntpdate18:46
snewpwoodworker: sudo apt-get ntp ntpdate18:46
c0nn3xsnewp, No inprovment.18:46
fccfsnewp: install?18:46
erisolfccf, do you have any experience with Synaptics touch pads?18:46
snewpheh, sorry typo .. yep install18:47
fccferisol: only that they usually work18:47
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wildc4rdevenin' all18:47
erisolfccf, it works, but I'm trying to install gsynaptics and it complains that SHMConfig has not been enabled18:47
leaf-sheepmazda01: Find it yet?18:47
woodworkerfccf: it says couldnt find pacage utpudate18:47
SolarWari'm trying to write a udev rule, I can change the group of the device, however i cannot change the mode of the device: http://pastebin.com/m3a2e3cf118:48
erisolfccf, except that I've followed several methods of enabling it, and none have worked so far18:48
snewpc0nn3x: try to check System > Preference >Sound18:48
erUSULubuntunewbie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59268518:48
mrxyzunop: Isn't a ) missing in the code you gave me?18:48
snewpwoodworker: i do believe it's ntpdate not utpudate18:48
Spad-XIIIerisol: checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad ?18:48
mrxyzunop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219107/18:48
fccfwoodworker: utpudate??? huh18:48
mazda01leaf-sheep, thanks. i have looked in gconf and I just can't find it. i have even looked at gnome default actions.18:49
fccferisol: I'd have a look around the forums18:49
unopmrxyz, yes indeed, i did post a correction soon after18:49
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I found that link too at ubuntu forum , maybe that time there's no driver for ip2500.18:49
mrxyzunop: Alright, I will look for it.18:49
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: but now I saw at canon website but dont know how to install18:49
UnderSampledA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.18:49
woodworkerfccf:  sorry couldnt find package ntpudate18:49
unopmrxyz, <unop> mrxyz, it's missing a closing bracket.  try this.  perl -0lpe 's/>\n(\n*\s*)/>/g;' -e 's/\s+/ /g;' -e 's/(<description)/\n$1/g'18:49
erisolSpad-XIII, yes, I tried that, but SHMConfig still claims to be disabled18:50
erUSULubuntunewbie: the threath gives ( alittle bit involved i have to admit) intructions to install the drivers... you need to add a repo and convert some rpm's to deb...18:50
mrxyzunop: Thanks.18:50
fccfwoodworker: looks like a typo ... ntpdate is the package18:50
gruntftpd features no daemon?!18:50
woodworkerfccf: yea.......18:50
Spad-XIIIerisol: hmm, that's odd .. i haven't tried this yet (it's on my todo-list :)) .. did you try restarting gnome or reboot ?18:50
woodworkersnewp:  thanks18:50
Spad-XIIIerisol: i guessing logging out and back in would work as well18:50
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I super newbie , i dont even understand what they said.... :-(18:51
erisolSpad-XIII, yes, I've rebooted several times since I made the change mentioned on the Enable SHMConfig page18:51
erisolSpad-XIII, I also followed other directions for modifying xorg.conf; could they be conflicting?18:51
cadman21erisol:do you know what the package might be called?18:51
erisolcadman21, which package?18:52
Spad-XIIIerisol: very odd .. i have no clue .. i'm still new to ubuntu .. this site is still on my todo-list18:52
cadman21erisol:the one for BELKIN wireless G card drivers?18:52
ubuntuislovedcan someone tell me if the 9.04 has the real cisco built in the kernel or does it use vpnc to connect18:53
woodworkerne ideas why it cant find aspell-fr and aspell-en in this line?     'sudo apt-get install unzip zip aspell-en aspell-fr aspell-de aspell-es'18:53
mrxyzunop: Your pearl code does something to the text. Some characters changes and when I try to open the file I saved then I only see strange characters.18:53
mgolischubuntuisloved: ?18:53
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, just wondering if it's a real cisco built in or not18:53
mgolischubuntuisloved: it doenst come with any vpn client18:53
erUSULubuntunewbie: well what can i said... is not easy but you are stuck with your printer...18:53
mrxyzunop: I use your code and then send it to a new file with "your pearl code" outputfile.txt > newfile.txt18:54
unopmrxyz, hmm, it shouldn't .. can you paste some of newfile.txt on a pastebin?18:54
mgolischubuntuisloved: but you can install vpnc from the repos or compile the cisco one from source18:54
c0nn3xsnewp, Okay check for ? in System > Preference >Sound :)18:54
mrxyzunop: Yes, I'll.18:54
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, I know but you can install on 9.04 the vpnc-network manager module or such18:54
snewpwoodworker: try apt-get search aspell18:54
notdarkyetanyone know where i could find information on writing software for the new notification manager?18:54
fccfwoodworker: no idea .. pretty standard packages18:54
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: :'-(18:54
notdarkyetor documentation for it?18:54
quizmeerisol: thank you18:54
bazhangsnewp, that is apt-cache search18:54
mgolischubuntuisloved: i just use vpnc, it works flawless for me18:54
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, I keep getting disconnected on idle18:55
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, I also use vpnc right now18:55
snewpbazhang: sorry i'm referring to aptitude .. lol .. i'm not using apt-get .. thanks for the headsup18:55
iplaythisgameI need to be able to connect to specific computers in my home network from outside through the net.  What other options are there than port forwarding or vpn18:55
fccf!patience | notdarkyet18:55
ubottunotdarkyet: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:55
mrxyzunop: The newfile.txt look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219164/18:55
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I still dont understand what does it said on the manual for the driver I had downloaded http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010456.asp18:55
Picinotdarkyet: You'll want to look at the libnotify packages.18:55
cadman21Can anyone help me with drivers for a Belkin wireless G desktop card?18:55
snewpc0nn3x: try to test your sound from there18:55
fccf!ndis | cadman2118:55
ubottucadman21: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:55
notdarkyetPici: ok, hmm where might i find that?18:56
Picinotdarkyet: In our package repositories.18:56
mrxyzunop: But when I don't save to a file and instead see it in Terminal, then the text looks almost fine, except for some characters.18:56
mgolischubuntuisloved: we have some old pix, i had problems with vpnc at first, it somehow killed the tunnel all the time, i think that was a result of some buggy dead peer detection code in vpnc, once i disabled that feature it worked well for me18:56
notdarkyetPici: ok thanks, checking it out now18:56
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, damn yes my network admin at work uses pix he loves them18:57
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, how do i disable that dead peer connection18:57
DarkMage26I wanted to know how to update grub with the new kernel headers. I'm stuck on 2.6.28-11 and want the new ones to show in grub automatically. Any one able to help???18:57
quizmesudo chmod -R g+ws .   <--- what does the "s" do ?18:57
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: can you help me reading the file ?18:58
mike_shi...i want to connect my acer aspire 1694wlmi (ubuntu 9.04) via s-video to my tv to watch videos and dvds...i have an ati mobility x700 graphiccard installed! i found a lot of infos...but all seemed very complex...is there a simple way?? ;-)18:58
erUSULubuntunewbie: what file ?18:58
fccfmike_s: see atitvout18:58
erisolcadman21, what computer is this for?18:58
fccf!atitvout | mike_s18:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atitvout18:58
mike_salright...lets try! :-)18:59
mrxyzunop: This will give me correct code: perl -0lpe 's/>\n(\n*\s*)/>/g;' -e 's/\s+/ /g;' -e 's/(<description)/\n$1/g' outputfile.txt18:59
mgolischubuntuisloved: you can start vpnc with --dpd-idle 0 to disable dead peer detection18:59
mrxyzunop: But this doesn't: perl -0lpe 's/>\n(\n*\s*)/>/g;' -e 's/\s+/ /g;' -e 's/(<description)/\n$1/g' outputfile.txt > newfile.txt18:59
unopmrxyz, wow, it;'s like the language has changed completely? it looks chinese now18:59
iplaythisgameI need to be able to connect to different computers via ssh/ftp in my home network from outside through the net.  What other options are there than port forwarding or vpn18:59
mgolischubuntuisloved: there is also a config variable for that you can set in your config file18:59
fccf!info atitvout | mike_s18:59
ubottumike_s: atitvout (source: atitvout): ATI TV Out Support Program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-12ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 92 kB (Only available for i386 ia64)18:59
mrxyzunop: The laste line gives me the result in the pastebin.18:59
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, thanks man I'm gonna try it18:59
woodworkersnewp:  it says that is invalid operation search18:59
mrxyzunop: Yeah, I don't understand what have happened.19:00
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: .rpm19:00
snewpwoodworker: i'm sorry it's sudo apt-cache search aspell .. as what fccp said that it's a standard package. it should be there19:00
erUSUL!rpm | ubuntunewbie19:00
ubottuubuntunewbie: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)19:00
unopmrxyz, ok, gimme a few seconds - i think i might know19:00
* joejc gives unop19:00
JBauerHi. My hidden TrueCrypt volume is damaged and I don't know how to recover some data. Please, urgent help!19:00
boss667you know any spanish channel?19:00
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, since your so well educated let me ask do you also ever get issues with /etc/resolv.conf not returning back to default before vpn19:01
fccf!es | boss66719:01
ubottuboss667: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:01
woodworkersnewp:  can i just install the whole aspell package rather than just certain parts of it as the tutorial says19:01
erUSULubuntunewbie: as you can see you can conver it to deb and install it. they do that in the threath among other things19:01
n0gearJBauer: try runnnig spinrite6.0 on it? might help19:01
unopjoejc, ?19:01
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, it doesnt happen all the time just some times19:01
daftykinsanyone happen to know what/why Irssi was updated on ubuntu server 8.04 LTS within the last couple of days?19:01
gruntubuntu is so slow, compared to gentoo or archlinux19:01
JBauerI am kind n00b19:01
snewpwoodworker: that's still ok19:01
gruntfeels like kernel ticks 10 per second, 10hz19:02
cornerstonegood afternoon, all19:02
ubuntuislovedgrunt, no gnome is slower19:02
gruntaudio lags19:02
mrxyzunop: I'm trying to write a script that will filter rss feeds. I'm don't want to use Yahoo Pipes.19:02
n0gearJBauer: how is it damaged?19:02
woodworkersnewp:  there is no -fr or -es.... is this going to affect the running of my moodle site?19:02
mgolischubuntuisloved: i have it very often, that after i vpnc-disconnect it doenst revert back to the old resolv.conf19:02
unopmrxyz, are you piping to perl from awk still?19:02
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: ummm , I know nothing about converting , I am stuck , what is alien ?19:02
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, yes have you found a fix for that19:02
mgolischubuntuisloved: but i was yet too lazy to look for a solution19:02
=== UIS|Class is now known as Until_It_Sleeps
* Until_It_Sleeps is back from: Class (been away for 4h 42m)19:02
ubuntuislovedmgolisch, hhaha19:02
fccfdaffykins: look here http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/i/irssi/irssi_0.8.12-3ubuntu3.1/changelog19:02
snewpwoodworker: if your site will support fr and es .. i think yes19:03
JBauern0gear, i think i wrote som data on outer volume19:03
erUSULubuntunewbie: alien is program that can convert and rpm file to a deb file one you can install in ubuntu19:03
JBauern0gear And now it won't mount on linux19:03
mrxyzunop: Therefore I'm planning to send title, links, descriptions to a file each, then grep all lines containing my keyword and the responding lines in the other text files, then send all to a new file that contains my own filtered feed.19:03
n0gearso u overwrote the hidden volume a bit?19:03
woodworkersnewp:  I dont understand19:03
unopmrxyz, have a try at this.  perl -0lpe -e 'binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");' -e 's/>\n(\n*\s*)/>/g;' -e 's/\s+/ /g;' -e 's/(<description)/\n$1/g'19:03
c0nn3xsnewp, How Long is the test normal? bin testing for 5min ;)19:04
JBauern0gear: it says  mount: you must specify the filesystem type19:04
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mrxyzunop: Allright, I'll.19:04
DarkMage26I wanted to know how to update grub with the new kernel headers. I'm stuck on 2.6.28-11 and want the new ones to show in grub automatically. Update-grub doesn't find the new kernels and I know I have kernel 2.6.28-14. Can anyone help me???19:04
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: oh ,19:04
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I can't find the file at the guide19:04
erUSULwhat file ?19:04
n0gearJBauer: is it on linux or on windows partition?19:04
snewpwoodworker: -fr and -es .. french and spanish respectively ... i'm not sure what your website is19:04
BilgeHow can I check what packages another package depends on?19:04
woodworkersnewp:  are these spell checkers for different languages.......... oh...... that wont matter I am in us19:04
JBauern0gear it's on NTFS. but i'm using linux now19:05
snewpwoodworker: if you are in US .. then it doesnt matter :)19:05
mrxyzunop: I got these error messages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219171/19:05
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: With synaptic, I installed19:05
Doc-Saintlyfccf: i found it out19:05
FloodBot3Doc-Saintly: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59268519:05
fccfDoc-Saintly: I thought I gave you the link19:05
unopmrxyz, oops, sorry.  perl -0lpe 'BEGIN{ binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); }' -e 's/>\n(\n*\s*)/>/g;' -e 's/\s+/ /g;' -e 's/(<description)/\n$1/g'19:06
n0gearok. mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/*** /home*19:06
snewpc0nn3x: can't you hear a sound? it's something like a humming sound?19:06
* LLStarks is using X-Sys v2.2.0 (http://dev.gentoo.org/~chainsaw/xsys)19:06
c0nn3xsnewp, no sound what so ever.19:07
snewpc0nn3x: did you click on the volume control? if so, try checking all the device on the drop down menu and make sure all are set to its maximum level and none is muted19:08
kf6can i move a firefox profile from ms vista box to ubuntu box?19:09
fccfDoc-Saintly: I did I did @ 10:22 am PST autologin link... http://hungrycoder.xenexbd.com/tutorial/auto-login-gnome-in-fedora-ubuntu.html locking script ... http://www.samlesher.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-auto-login-and-lock-screen19:09
erisolc0nn3x, what computer/sound card are you using?19:09
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n0gearJBauer: any luck?19:09
JBauern0gear, not really19:10
c0nn3xerisol, snd-hda-intel i think19:10
JBauertell me please, step by step...19:10
unopkf6, i guess you can, yes19:10
erisolc0nn3x, I had some problems with that on my netbook too19:11
mrxyzunop: No, still "chinese".19:11
crom09hello, i have a problem with my mic19:11
djznwhich is the BEST video graphic vendor towards linux distributions... nVidia? AMD-ATI? or Intel ?19:11
erisolc0nn3x, have you tried alsamixer on the command line?19:11
crom09it seems to work (i can hear myself) but i can not record19:11
crom09any help?19:11
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/35452419:11
unopmrxyz, what's the full and exact command you are using, i could try it here.19:11
c0nn3xsnewp, non works error audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.19:11
kf6unop: the file structure of the folder from vista will work on a linux system??19:11
sebsebsebdjzn: Intel graphics usually bad,   ATI  have good Linux support I think,   Nividia  have pretty good Linux support, only thing is though that their drivers are propritary and closed source19:11
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c0nn3xerisol, alsamixer ?19:12
araizenhi everyone19:12
araizenevolution keeps bugging me about the password for the default keyring19:12
sebsebseb!intel >  djzn19:12
ubottudjzn, please see my private message19:12
araizenbut i never set up a password for that that I know of and my regular password for my user doesn't work19:12
erisolc0nn3x run that in the terminal19:12
snewpc0nn3x: yeah try alsamixer as what erisol said19:12
araizenhow can I set that up or get rid of that prompt?19:12
n0gearJBauer: do u know which partition u need to mount to get it working?19:12
unopkf6, if i recall correctly, the structures are almost identical - except with one or two files that are not important19:13
c0nn3xerisol, okay19:13
djznwhat about ATI graphics, are they open source or closed just like nvidia?19:13
mazda01leaf-sheep, i got it. i just hold shift when I insert a blank disc and then I can uncheck the box that says to perform this action everytime. goggle saved the day.19:13
crom09I'm not able to record with my mic, can anybody help?19:13
c0nn3xerisol, temial op19:13
kf6unop:  cool, thanks for info, i will give it a shot19:13
sebsebseb!ati >  djzn19:13
ubottudjzn, please see my private message19:13
erxini cant mount my mtp mp3 player, i found a solution to get it work, i need to kill the process "hald" and then mount my mp3 player, this works, but i want to automate this command, how can i make a bin file, with automatic sudo without logging in19:13
FrozeLTurkiye ?19:13
Pici!tr | FrozeL19:13
ubottuFrozeL: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:13
unopmrxyz, also, what do you use to view the contents of this file? an editor?19:13
sebsebsebdjzn: oh yeah and with  Nividia the drivers have to be installed from the Ubuntu repo, or bad things can happen19:13
callum_HI EVERYONE!19:14
JBauern0gear, so i've mounted my hidden volume now, checking at Filesystem -> Do not mount. It shows the capacity of volume, algorithms used but can't access it19:14
Picicallum_: #debian19:14
rhin0@ callum, this is ubuntu, join #debian19:14
djznsebsebseb: i am looking for a mobo, am thinking of these AMD-ATI chipsets, are they any good ?19:14
erUSULubuntunewbie: you filed the bugreport ?19:14
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: no ,19:15
callum_actually no.19:15
callum_I was looking for someone named EDBIAN19:15
sebsebsebdjzn: ATI  catalyzst drivers or something, people had issues with, when it came to Ubuntu19:15
callum_:) Thanks X I am in Ubuntu I have 9.0419:15
c0nn3xerisol, ALSA lib dlmisc.c:108:(snd_dlsym_verify) unable to verify version for symbol _snd_ctl_pulse_open19:15
c0nn3xALSA lib control.c:714:(snd_ctl_open_conf) symbol _snd_ctl_pulse_open is not defined inside (null)19:15
c0nn3xalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device or address19:15
sebsebsebdjzn: Nividia are one of the best  when it comes to  graphics card support and Linux, even though their  drivers are closed19:15
callum_Anyways I was just wanting to know is there a iPhone 3G Application Manager for Ubuntu?19:15
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: went and google ,just direct to you that the person is also using the way from ubuntu thread but doesn't work19:15
c0nn3xIs what im geting19:15
djznsebsebseb: i currently have a nvidia chipset, it works quite well.. but i was wondering if i am missing something about ati / amd19:16
erUSUL ubuntunewbie it worked for the people in the threath19:16
sebsebsebdjzn: I have used  Nivida  with Linux since  before Ubuntu,  so  2004,  and not had issues19:16
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mrxyzunop: Yes, I used gedit to view the file.19:16
unopmrxyz, hmm, have you tried another editor? nano or cat perhaps?19:17
c0nn3xerisol, do i need to install something ?19:17
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: not sure , but I worry it will mess up printing problem19:17
djznso the ATI has a 'open' branch then?19:17
sebsebsebdjzn: Fedora  Core 2 and 4 on old computer with Nividia  no problems,  Ubuntu for a bit on that one,    and then this later computer with of  course a later Nivida card and no problems.19:17
mrxyzunop: I have found a cli feed reader that I'm goint to read about. It may solve my problem without all problem. I'll stop searching for a solution on this problem until I have checked outher options.19:17
fccf!caps | callum_19:18
ubottucallum_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:18
QxGYHi guys, I am able to wget the package files from my repository but apt-get doesn't seem to work ( its stuck at 0% ) Is this any configuration issue ?19:18
callum_!capps fccf19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about capps fccf19:18
mrxyzunop: I'll try another editor, then I will go on searching for another solution.19:18
unopmrxyz, ok, but i suspect gedit is the culprit here19:18
djznsebsebseb: ATI has a branch for open drivers, right, and then a commercial closed source drivers branch?19:18
rhin0@ QxGY: try using sudo aptitude19:18
n0gearJBauer: sorry couldnt reproduce your problem :( Just ask again, hopefully someone else can help19:18
frostburncallum_, an iphone application to do what, exactly? that's like saying is there an iphone app for windows19:18
mrxyzunop: You're right. The file seem to be correct using nano editor instead of gedit.19:18
QxGYrhin0: sudo aptitude too, is stuck at 0%19:19
callum_Frostburn: to sync music and photos maybe19:19
FrozeLu yazma olm :@19:19
Pici!tr | DorukhaN19:19
ubottuDorukhaN: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:19
fccfcallum_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone19:19
sebsebsebdjzn: closed source is bad,  generally  really  most closed source programs are bad, because of the vender lock in and all that,  visit gnu.org and then go to philosphey section for more info if interested.   However  for  Nivida graphics card i'll make an exception   from using the  closed source  drivers and  knowing they tend to work well on Linux.19:19
unopmrxyz, you should file a bug for gedit then19:19
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:19
frostburncallum_, you can sync photos using the usb cable, music is only done through itunes19:19
QxGYrhin0: but i am able to download that specific .deb from the repository using wget19:19
djznsebsebseb: but you're then telling me that ATI is open source, but not so good?19:20
mrxyzunop: Great, I have a couple of alternatives right now. I'll see what kind of solution will do the job.19:20
sebsebsebdjzn: I think with Nivida and Linux  though,   the issues will come, if  your using a really old graphics card,   or  you got something way to fancy.19:20
erisolc0nn3x what audio mixer are you using to control volume?19:20
JBauern0gear, thanks a lot anyway. hope i'll get it in the end19:20
darrobhi, is somebody here using cmus? i can't seem to get it to play m4a files. i did faad and the other dependencies that are listed on the website.19:20
rhin0QxGY: not sure then, I tend to avoid apt-get if possible and download the latest .deb from the source for latest build19:20
sebsebsebdjzn: well people have had issues with all of them,  Intel,  AMD,  Nivida, etc,  but generally  Nivida works well on Linux,  as for ATI  I haven't used them for graphics as far as I know19:20
mrxyzunop: Yeah, maybe I'll. I have to buy some food now. Be back later today.19:20
mrxyzunop: Thank you for all help!19:21
unopmrxyz, ok cool :)19:21
sebsebsebdjzn: or is the other computer ATI hmm19:21
ronniehoodnvidia ->vdpau !!!19:21
djznsebsebseb: i have also used the downloadable nvidia stock driver in linux and worked quite well....19:21
c0nn3xerisol, Conexant CX20551?19:21
woodworkeronce you edit something in sudo nano how do you get out?19:21
sebsebsebdjzn: well  with Ubuntu getting the driver directly from  Nivida tends to mess things up19:21
unopwoodworker, ctrl+x i think19:21
erisolare you using pulse audio or alsa?19:22
fccfwoodworker ... Ctrl-O to save Ctrl-x to exit19:22
sebsebsebdjzn: hence why  I sadi to get from the repo earlier19:22
c0nn3xerisol,  some oss mixer19:22
sebsebsebdjzn: well I have said  what I can say basically so,  you could always  Google for more info,  or  go to  ##linux  the general Linux channel and find out more there19:22
c0nn3xerisol, i can use alsa if its whats working19:23
c0nn3xerisol, dont mind my english19:24
QxGYis there any way I can see more verbose results of apt-get, so I can figure out where exactly its stuck?19:24
sebsebsebdjzn: oh yeah  your questions are about Hardware and Linux so ##hardware makes sense19:25
c0nn3xerisol, ill set it too HDA intel Alsa mixer19:25
woodworkerwhen I do ifconfig and go to the internet addr: on another computer........ moodle tutorial says to continue moodle install, but all my browser says is 'it work's!'  any ideas?19:25
c0nn3xerisol, still no sound.19:26
unopwoodworker, you probably have to navigate to a special directory like  http://address/moodle19:26
unopwoodworker, if not, try restarting apache.  sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart19:27
morenojeehello....I want to know the command line for checking DVD/CD media for read errors....anyone suggests19:27
wizzoHow do I Uninstall Ubuntu (Take that GRUB off) so I can reinstall it inside of my windows Vista?19:27
woodworkerunop: thanks...... it didnt say that on my tutorial19:27
unopwoodworker, i'm only guessing tho.19:28
sebsebsebwizzo: you used Wubi?19:28
woodworkerunop:  it worked19:28
unopwoodworker, nice19:28
erxini have mounted the same device twice on my desktop, i cant unmount them now, anyone a solution ?19:28
MK13erxin, what errors are you getting?19:28
henuxdo you know how to install the non-OSE virtualbox in ubuntu, the one which supports USB ports? there seems to only be virtualbox-ose package in the repos19:29
woodworkerhow can I find out what my MySQL database usename, password, and database are?19:29
wizzosebsebseb: How do you use Wubi?19:29
sebsebsebhenux: get it from http://www.virtualbox.org for Linux hsots19:29
MK13henux, you can get the .deb for ubuntu from the website19:29
sebsebsebwizzo: what did you mean Ubuntu inside WIndows?19:29
erxinMK13 : i use dutch ubuntu, but the translation is like this, "it seems like the device is mounted more times, unable to umount"19:30
fccfwoodworker: when you installed mysql it asked you for a root password19:30
erisolc0nn3x sorry, I my computer froze and I had to reboot19:30
woodworkerfccf:  I know that password19:30
woodworkerfccf it says would not connect to the data base you specified......19:31
c0nn3xerisol, np. good your back :)19:31
MK13erxin, can you unmount by usin 'sudo umount /mountpoint' in stead of device name?19:31
fccfwoodworker: the easy way is use user root19:31
sebsebseb!details |  wizzo19:31
ubottuwizzo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:31
MrSteinHi! How to change the host/computer name ? The wiki instructions to go into menu System -> Administration -> Networking does not work, since there is no System -> Administration -> Networking menu ...19:31
woodworkerfccf:  thanks19:31
unopMK13, yes19:31
sebsebsebwizzo: Why do you want to get rid of  Grub?  and you made it sound like you  have Ubuntu inside Windows with Wubi?19:31
c0nn3xerisol, Im so green too ubuntu19:31
erxinMK13 : it worked to unmount from terminal thanks19:32
MK13erxin, no prob19:32
wizzosebsebseb: Before I updated my computer and installed Vista, that was the way I had it installed and was able to add on things. This time I installed it from the original disc and on its own partition and am not able to add on things. The Grub loads first when I 1st boot, and am not sure on it.19:32
sebsebsebwizzo: you installed Ubuntu from inside Vista,  by the sounds of it, which means you used Wubi19:32
MK13unop, i was trying to help someone that mounted a device twice by mistake19:32
kkerwinHi. Perusing my logs, and I get an alarmist, "TCP: Treason uncloaked!" message. My research has revealed that it may be just a bug, or it may be an attack. Thoughts, please? TIA.19:32
unopMK13, oh, my bad19:32
unop!hostname > MrStein19:33
ubottuMrStein, please see my private message19:33
sebsebsebwizzo: ok which OS are you on now?19:33
MK13unop, no problem, it was good to know it was atleast possible19:33
wizzoVista, I don't have XP on anymore19:33
sebsebsebwizzo: sounds like the partitions may have gone wrong,  leaving you with not enough space to install stuff19:33
MrSteinunop: yep, that is waht I said. That menu does not exist (in 8.04)19:33
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erisolit's ok, we're all at different levels of new ;)19:33
erisolI'm here asking some questions myself19:34
erisoler, that was to c0nn3x19:34
sebsebseberisol: some of us are  far from new19:34
woodworkerhow can I make my moodle directory writeable or how can I copy a code into the root directory manually...... remember I am on 2 different computers19:34
c0nn3xokay ;)19:34
DungeHow do I get the cross-compiler package g++-4.3-arm-linux-gnueabi on ubuntu? I tried adding the emdebian address to apt-get source list, but it tells me "Depends: libgomp1 (>= 4.3.2-1.1) but 4.3.2-1ubuntu12 is to be installed" .. Which is the same version but ubuntu instead of Debian19:34
unopMrStein, use the alternative way ubottu suggests then19:34
wizzosebsebseb: Right. I went in to increase the partitions and don't see it in there. Just 1 partition, main one19:34
fccfersol: been doing this for 4 years ... I can't consider myself new anymore19:34
hackelDoes anyone know of a push gmail checker? (one that does not poll but just keeps an open connection like IMAP IDLE)19:34
erisolsebsebseb, fccf, I doubt you would claim to know *everything* about ubuntu or linux19:35
sebsebsebwizzo: and you let  the installer resize Vista maybe, which can cause dataloss hmm19:35
fccfwoodworker: sudo chown www-data www-data /var/www/moodle -R19:35
unopwoodworker, you want to copy something from one computer to another?19:35
wizzosebsebseb: I just want to uninstall Ubuntu and start all over fresh19:35
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fccferisol: I wish I knew everything19:35
wizzosebsebseb: yea19:35
fccfwoodworker: sorry thats sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/moodle -R19:35
sebsebsebwizzo: why Windows on there by the way?  gaming?19:35
MaT-dgcan I have mulitple instaces of tomem movie player?19:35
c0nn3xerisol, Ill try some thinks thanks for the help ;)19:36
sebsebsebwizzo: really  should use Vista's  partition resize to resize it,  or dataloss can happen as I said19:36
sebsebsebpartition resizer19:36
wizzosebsebseb: Basically, it doesn't matter. Which is better? Then so I have room to add on things from Ubuntu19:36
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a514Hi firestarter is blocking my wireless connection ? How do i fix that19:36
woodworkerfccf:  in the tutorial it was www-data.www-data  will that make a difference?19:36
sebsebsebwizzo: I think just got to get your partitions sorted out probably19:37
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unopwoodworker, same difference19:37
wizzosebsebseb: I really don't have much data on here except email19:37
fccfwoodworker normally it uses the :19:37
jwerthHey, folks! I was wondering if anyone kows where the config file is for touchpads in Ubuntu? Specifically I'm using notebook remix - I'm trying to add something to its multitouch support19:37
MK13is there a way to keep ubuntu from anwsering ping requests?19:37
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=== Twilo is now known as Twilo|away
wizzosebsebseb: Then how do I go about doing that.19:37
jwerthMK13: Well, you can block the ports using iptables19:37
sebsebsebwizzo: Want to sort Ubuntu out and get rid of Vista maybe?   or  with enough RAM,   have a virtual machine of it,    unless your doing say 3D gaming or some such19:38
sebsebsebwizzo: go on the Ubuntu Live CD19:38
MK13jwerth, kk, and i think xorg handles mice19:38
TitanioVGood morning here. Is there someone familiar with nVidia troubles?19:38
sebsebsebwizzo: and come back here19:38
wizzosebsebseb: No! I still want my VISTA on here19:38
sebsebsebwizzo: that's what I thought19:38
unopwoodworker, but you shouldn't do that if you can help it .. it allows the webserver to write to those directories - which is not good news for security.19:38
sebsebsebwizzo: oh maybe it's worth taking a look at the  vista partition resizer19:39
erisolc0nn3x: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:39
wizzosebsebseb: I have others that use my computer and they would be lost if I did that19:39
woodworkerunop:  I had to do it..... this is just for a class project then the actuall site construction will be hosted on the school server19:39
erisolc0nn3x specifically: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base19:39
jwerthxorg.conf doesn't appear to be what controls touchpad behavior19:39
wizzosebsebseb: ok, How do I do it?19:39
sebsebsebwizzo:   that vista icon instead of a start button19:39
erisolc0nn3x: options snd-hda-intel model=MODEL19:39
sebsebsebwizzo: right click my computer19:39
stewDunge: 4.3.2-1.1 is not the same version as 4.3.2-1ubuntu12 as far as dpkg is concerned, 4.3.2-1ubuntu12 < 4.3.2-1.1 ; its not recommended to install debian packages onto a ubuntu install and vice versa19:39
unopwoodworker, ok, just keeping you aware19:40
fccfunop: moodle needs to be able to write to it's filesystem19:40
sebsebsebwizzo: system managment or something.   I am on Ubuntu having fun with virtual machines :)19:40
Dungestew : ok,..... is there an ubuntu version of gcc-eabi?19:40
woodworkerunop:  can I take that off once I am done setting up?  or will that keep me from editing my site19:40
wizzosebsebseb: I am in Ubuntu now, not Vista19:40
sebsebsebwizzo: oh ok19:41
stewDunge: i dont' know19:41
sebsebsebwizzo: it dosan't come by default hmm19:41
sebsebsebwizzo: the partition editor19:41
=== Twilo|away is now known as Twilo
TitanioVGood morning here. Is there someone familiar with nVidia troubles? Or maybe with DVI connectors.19:41
unopwoodworker, i dunno really, not sure about how moodle works, as i said "if you can help it .. "19:41
c0nn3xerisol, Okay ill try thanks19:41
sebsebsebwizzo: or  graphical programs that show the free space19:41
wizzosebsebseb: yes19:41
sebsebsebwizzo: it's there on the  Live CD though the partition editor, but you can try installing.   open the terminal  sudo apt-get install gparted19:41
MK13sebsebseb, it is manage(ment) from the right click menu :)19:41
wizzosebsebseb: Can you do it in Ubuntu? Resize the partitions?19:41
sebsebsebwizzo: not the running Ubuntu partition, you need the Live CD for that19:42
sebsebsebMK13: ok well turns out he is on Ubuntu anyway :)19:42
erisolc0nn3x you will need to reboot after you do that19:42
wizzosebsebseb: I am running it now,  sudo apt-get install gparted19:42
fccfwoodworker: moodle is inheirently reasonably secure, if you want to lock it down .. that is ok... but some folders need to remain writealbe19:43
woodworkerfccf:  that is cool just learning19:43
DungeSo.... where's the place for cross-compiler package on ubuntu? Anyone? There's no EmUbuntu repository or something??19:43
wizzosebsebseb: Now what?19:43
sebsebseb!screenshot |  wizzo19:43
ubottuwizzo: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.19:43
diffredequivalent of #include <GL/glut.h> in a cpp file in Ubuntu?19:43
AgionHi. I can't open my cd-rom device! It just physically won't open even if I press it to.. any help?19:44
space_cadethelp i can't run gparted19:44
MK13does anyone here have the agere dialup modem working in an acer 4520 (or in any computer at all) i am currently looking at the modem how-to on ubuntu's wiki19:44
sebsebsebwizzo: after opening the program of course  system > administaration > partition editor19:44
fccfAgion: type sudo eject at terminal19:44
ricardo_sudo gparted19:44
Agionthanks fccf19:44
sebsebsebRichiH_: gksudo for graphical apps19:44
space_cadethelp i can't sudo gparted19:44
linduxedwhy cant i have sound from two sources at a time....19:44
space_cadetit opens then closes19:44
sebsebsebspace_cadet: gksudo gparted19:44
fccf!cz | kuba_19:44
ubottukuba_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.19:44
space_cadetthat didn't help19:45
sebsebsebspace_cadet: is it installed?19:45
space_cadetand it opens but closes19:45
sebsebsebspace_cadet: system > adminstaration > partition editor19:45
space_cadetdon't you think I already tried that?19:45
sebsebsebspace_cadet: well you can try qtparted instead if you want, it's a KDE app though, so  if it's the first one you have installed, it will want to put a bit of KDE stuff on as well19:45
wizzosebsebseb: I have it open, now what?19:46
space_cadetlemmie wait till the updates are done19:46
sebsebsebwizzo: screenshot19:46
space_cadetthen i'll test gparted19:46
=== SimonimNetz is now known as SimonimNetz|afk
ohir__!pl | kuba_19:46
ubottukuba_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl19:46
sebsebsebwizzo:  http://imageshack.us19:47
wizzosebsebseb: How do I do that from Imagebin19:47
space_cadetE: Couldn't find package qtparted19:47
sebsebsebwizzo: just upload to the site I gave19:47
sebsebsebwizzo: and get me the link19:47
DungeSo.... where's the place for cross-compiler package on ubuntu? EmDebian equivalent? There's no EmUbuntu repository or something??19:48
c0nn3xerisol, model=MODEL ? Ore model=toshiba ?19:48
wizzosebsebseb: So you want a copy of my desktop where it shows the partitons? If so, how do I get that and paste it in there from the desktop?19:49
Agionhow can I mount a cd?19:49
sebsebsebwizzo: press  print screen  or  prtsc sys rq  when  it's showing on the screen, that button should be on the  very top right of your keyboard19:49
space_cadethere:  sebsebseb http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/219193/19:49
space_cadetthat's what happens when i gksudo gparted19:50
LordLandonspace_cadet: O=19:50
space_cadetand i'm assuming that's what happens when I ubuntu >system > administration > partition editor19:50
space_cadetcause it acts the same19:50
fwaokda:( everytime I think I can make a complete switch to Ubuntu I end up have a couple of things that just don't allow me too /cry19:51
erisolc0nn3x, definitely not model=MODEL. I used model=basic, but try model=toshiba19:51
woodworkerthanks to all of you who helped........ you guys are amazing!!!!:-D19:51
TitanioVMy problem is: My Ubuntu 9.04 (and earliers) recognize only 1280x1024 as native resolution of my FullHD monitor through DVI. Can I get max resolution?19:51
keglevichone question...in ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition...how is it possible to disable those annoying update notifications which are displayed each time when I login via SSH terminal? (updates like: xx system updates, xx security updates available)...how to disable that notification?!19:51
fccffwaokda:  O:-) often expierence the same thing myself19:51
sebsebsebspace_cadet: yeah looks odd19:51
space_cadetheh heh19:51
wizzosebsebseb: Ok, I clicked on Host it after putting it in there19:52
space_cadeti unplug my ipod and it works fine19:52
wizzosebsebseb: Now what?19:52
sebsebsebwizzo: get me the link19:52
fccfwoodworker: no problem ... I trust you have moodle running then?19:52
sebsebsebspace_cadet: well some where will be  gparted's  program user data as well19:52
fwaokdafccf, yerp looks as if I'm going to have to dualboot since VBox won't solve my problems - sux19:52
sebsebsebspace_cadet: you know about the hidden folders in home right?19:52
woodworkerfccf:  yes I have my site up!!! after about 20 hours19:52
alteregoa!seen quato19:53
t0mmywso a few minutes ago my ubuntu 8.10 desktop went a little nuts and now I can't get X/gnome running properly.  I just get a blank white screen with the arrow cursor.  any ideas what happened?19:53
ubottuI have no seen command19:53
fccffwaokda: why cannot you run ubuntu in vbox?19:53
space_cadetsebsebseb, well i unplug my newly fdisked ipod, and it works19:53
space_cadetthen in plug it back in and rescan drives and it's broke again19:53
space_cadetguess i'm gonna have to umm play with it?19:53
sebsebsebspace_cadet: you can try qtparted as well19:53
sebsebsebspace_cadet: as I already said19:53
c0nn3xerisol, okay19:53
space_cadetcan't install it19:54
space_cadetit don't exist19:54
fwaokdafccf, nah I'm using ubuntu running windowxp in vbox.. but I can't get bluray drive to work in vbox :(19:54
wizzosebsebseb: Is that what you wanted?19:54
alteregoaa fantspastic image19:54
sebsebseb!find qtparted19:54
ubottuFile qtparted found in fvwm-crystal19:54
sebsebseb!info qtparted19:54
ubottuPackage qtparted does not exist in jaunty19:54
woodworkerfccf:  now for the fun part...... shut down the ubuntu and see if it is really persistent....... I tested with my wireless setting and it saved so wish me luck19:54
sebsebsebspace_cadet: hmm19:54
wizzosebsebseb: What is that other program, pastebin or something like that19:54
space_cadetone sec...19:54
sebsebsebwizzo: that's for text19:54
space_cadetok a 40 gb ipod is coming back as 7 gb19:55
space_cadethow do i write all zeros to a disk?19:55
wizzosebsebseb: Did you get what you wanted? http://img406.imageshack.us/content.php?page=done&l=img406/27/screenshot1iom.png19:55
space_cadetof /dev/null some crap?19:55
fccffwaokda: and i trust you have read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD19:55
sebsebsebspace_cadet: that's weird it does exist, and it should be in the repo,  I  look in synaptic for it and can't find it19:55
LordLandonspace_cadet: cat /dev/zero > /dev/[that disk]19:55
t0mmywspace_cadet: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda, where sda is the name of your disk19:56
TitanioVInsisting. My problem is: My Ubuntu 9.04 (and earliers) recognize only 1280x1024 as native resolution of my FullHD monitor through DVI. Can I get max resolution?19:56
woodworkerfccf:  any words of advice for that19:56
stewspace_cadet: "cp /dev/zero /dev/whatever" but be careful taht you are writing zeros to the correct device, of course19:56
sebsebsebwizzo: yeah, but  space_cadet19:56
mobi-sheepTitanioV: What's the resolution of your monitor? It only can go up to that resolution.19:56
fwaokdafccf, ya from what I was told and could make out is that that works for very FEW disks and for the ones it does its a annoying process to get them going.19:56
fccfwoodworker: um good luck ... moodle should work fine ... wireless.. again good luck19:56
mrxyzHow can I get the line number at the same time I match an expression with grep?19:56
wizzosebsebseb: What is space_cadet?19:57
TitanioVmobi-sheep: 1920X108019:57
woodworkerfccf:  the wireless worked fine last time on restart19:57
mobi-sheepmrxyz: grep --help should tell you.19:57
t0mmywanyone know why all of a sudden gnome would stop working and just display a blank white page with a cursor?19:57
stewmrxyz: with -n19:57
space_cadetwizzo, me :)19:57
tbtrojHow can I have Audacious "skip taskbar"/"skip pager" in GNOME? (Ubuntu 9.04)19:57
mrxyzstew: That easy. Ok, I'll give it a try.19:57
sebsebsebwizzo: hmm  at your screenshot19:57
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Gnome? You enabled the hardware drivers?19:57
sebsebsebwizzo: have you taken a screenshot before? :D19:57
=== RichiH_ is now known as RichiH
sebsebsebwizzo: I can only see a useless section of gparted on  the one you uploaded, try again19:58
wizzosebsebseb: No, first time I have done this19:58
fccffwaokda: yeah .. sometimes linux is a little behind when it comes to decoding of DRM material ...19:58
streblonoob alert question: just installed 9.04, and i made my password too strong to remember, so im locked out of my box. what do i do?19:58
TitanioVmobi-sheep: Yes, Gnome. Drivers are working very fine and showing effects.19:58
sebsebsebstreblo: that's easy to solve19:58
fwaokdafccf, i blame windoze ;)19:58
streblosebsebseb: great19:58
fccffwaokda: I blame US copyright office and the Media Industry19:59
sebsebsebstreblo: re boot, get the boot loader.   press esc I think it is for longer time,  since by default it's only showing for like 3 seconds19:59
mobi-sheepTitanioV: You could try configuring it manually.19:59
mobi-sheep!x | TitanioV19:59
ubottuTitanioV: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:59
sebsebsebstreblo: go into recovery mode,  get the root shell,  and then   put in:   passwd username19:59
sebsebsebstreblo: and put in a new password19:59
arandstreblo: weep. :) No, but you can choose rescue mode (or something like that when you boot, to get root console and you can change passwords there)19:59
TitanioVmobi-sheep: I tried putting Modes: , but I think it was wrong. :P19:59
TitanioVubottu: Watching your link19:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:59
mobi-sheepTitanioV: In Xorg.conf?20:00
TitanioVmobi-sheep: Yes, Xorg.conf. I battled against him many times before.20:00
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Care to pastebin the Xorg?20:00
sebsebsebwizzo: upload a new one, where I can see the whole of gparted20:00
TitanioVmobi-sheep: I warn you that it's a bit empty, but going!20:01
=== Aureo is now known as sei
=== sei is now known as AuReo
wizzosebsebseb: My computer is asking me to update on the update manager. Should I do that yet? Or wait20:01
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Btw, Nvidia or ATI?  Model?20:01
sebsebsebwizzo: don't do that yet20:01
ClouseHi all, just trying to work out how to boot ubuntu 9.04 to text only as I have completly screwed my graphics driver20:01
TitanioVmobi-sheep: nVidia GeForce FX 5500.20:02
sebsebsebClouse: don't need to do that20:02
fccfClouse: press esc at first boot and go into recovery mode20:02
sebsebsebClouse: yep what he said, and then do xfix20:02
c0nn3xerisol, Thanks for your help.. ill try later20:02
TitanioVmobi-sheep: Section "Monitor"20:02
TitanioVIdentifier"Configured Monitor"20:02
TitanioVSection "Screen"20:02
TitanioVIdentifier"Default Screen"20:02
FloodBot3TitanioV: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
TitanioVMonitor"Configured Monitor"20:02
streblothanks sebsebseb20:02
sebsebsebstreblo: np :)20:02
mobi-sheep!pastebin | TitanioV20:02
ubottuTitanioV: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:02
ClouseOk am trying now thanks20:02
sebsebsebstreblo: remember letters and numbers at least for your password,  and ideally a hardware firewall whatever OS your running,  so one in a router should do it20:03
rickardCan I use sudo in a shell script to automate a command..   I mean.. can I pass username password as parameters with sudo?20:03
TitanioVmobi-sheep: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219198/   d'oh! :*)20:03
wizzosebsebseb: http://img32.imageshack.us/content.php?page=done&l=img32/360/screenshotcni.png20:04
unoprickard, yes, but you don't want that - any person who can read the script can discover those credentials20:04
ScuniziI added the ppa & gpgkey for Inkscape to my sources.  After refreshing and looking in synaptic I see only one reference for inkscape. Shouldn't there be 2?  One representing the ubuntu supplied package and one for the PPA?20:05
Clousesebsebseb: do you mean at grub boot menu?20:05
wizzosebsebseb: I sent it to you again after doing it a 2nd time20:05
unoprickard, what you can do tho is get sudo to not prompt for a password for a set of commands.  see the /etc/sudoers file and man 5 sudoers20:05
rickardunop: How do I solve it?.. I need to mount a SMB share.. but I don´t wanna use fstab.. just mount -> copy -> umount20:05
pratik_naraincan fspot detect laptop webcams20:05
sebsebsebwizzo: that's a screenshot of your IRC client, not gparted20:05
sebsebsebwizzo: it needs to show on screen when you press the button20:06
fccfScunizi: it will only show one.. the latest version20:06
woodworkerfccf:  so I shut down and restart...... I goback to my 192.***.*.* and it says page not found.. did I just lose everything?20:06
ph8is nautilus deprecated in jaunty?20:06
Piciph8: no.20:06
ph8shame :/20:06
wizzosebsebseb: I hit printscreen and saved it to desktop20:06
ph8it never seems to improve20:06
sebsebsebClouse: yes Grub20:06
ph8i thought there was dolphin or something20:06
Pirate_Hunterhow do i create my domain name on my server, I dont fully understand but is the domain the same as the hostname?20:06
fccfwoodworker: probably not ... your ip may have changed though20:06
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Be patient. :)20:06
Scunizifccf: so if I was to turn off the ppa and refresh I'd get the ubuntu supplied version?20:07
Piciph8: Thats for KDE. Nautilus is the default Gnome file manager20:07
fccfScunizi: yep20:07
Scunizifccf: thanks.20:07
wizzosebsebseb: THen you want fullscreen?20:07
woodworkerfccf:  I check that with ifconfig it is still
sebsebsebwizzo: open the file up before uploading even, so you can see what you took a screenshot of20:07
fccfwoodworker: try localhost20:07
sebsebsebwizzo: I want  gparted I don't care about the other stuff20:08
TitanioVmobi-sheep: Some suggestions to add more resolutions, and get them to work?20:08
woodworkerfccf:  huh?20:08
fccfwoodworker: localhost/moodle - in firefox on the server20:08
mobi-sheepTitanioV: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting%20resolution%20changes%20in%20xorg.conf20:08
=== Enk is now known as Enkz
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Look at "Setting Resolution Changes in Xorg.conf and the other one down below (Resolution lower than expected).20:09
Pirate_Hunterhow do i create my domain name on my server, I dont fully understand but is the domain the same as the hostname?20:09
Clousesebsebseb: I have a problem with that sorry but I edited my grub menu.list a while back and now I only have the normal ubuntu listing and my old xp listing, so what should I do now?20:09
TitanioVmobi-sheep: Wow! It changes with every version. :P20:09
sebsebsebClouse: you can add back recovery mode20:10
owen1which bar should i use to control my alsamixer? master or PCM?20:10
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Er... ? :o20:10
arandrickard: I'm not sure it's the *recommended* way to do things, but have a look at the manual: man sudo ...specifically the -S option20:10
fccfClouse: what version of ubuntu?20:10
TitanioVmobi-sheep: I think that should be enough. I was barely lost. Ubuntu via VGA was playing fool with me before. Thank you!20:10
Clousesebsebseb: Cool that is what I have been googleing20:10
woodworkerfccf: /moodle not found20:10
Clousefccf: 9.0420:10
sebsebsebClouse: you can't log into Ubuntu at all, because  the graphics driver messed up yes?20:10
mobi-sheepTitanioV: You're using VGA/DVI?20:11
fccfwoodworker: wierd ... um check if apache is running ... System>Admin>services20:11
SlavyaninПРивет народ20:11
TitanioVmobi-sheep: Right now DVI. My new monitor has it, and I'm trying to enjoy it.20:11
sebsebsebClouse: before recovery mode, we all used Live CD's to fix stuff like that,  so I hope you got one still20:11
mobi-sheepTitanioV: You said it changed?20:12
Clousesebsebseb: Yes, I have been hit with the ATI GPU issuse and in my atemps to get OpenGL going I have totaly screwd it20:12
fccfClouse: you can still get to recovery mode .. hold on while I check something20:12
sebsebsebClouse: oh and had a guy earlier asking about what was the best graphics card20:12
sebsebsebClouse: I wasn't sure what to say about ATI20:13
Clousefccf: Thanks20:13
woodworkerfccf:  apache2 webserver is there20:13
arand!ru | Slavyanin20:13
ubottuSlavyanin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:13
Pirate_Hunterhow do i create my domain name on my server, I dont fully understand but is the domain the same as the hostname?20:13
sebsebsebClouse: best graphics card for Linux that was20:13
Clousesebsebseb: Not will 9.04 it would seem20:13
sebsebsebwizzo: any luck?20:13
wizzosebsebseb: If this isn't what you want, then I am not sure how to do it.  http://img41.imageshack.us/content.php?page=done&l=img41/307/screenshotzti.png20:13
TitanioVmobi-sheep: Nah, forget it. I was just telling about past. In earlier versions of Ubuntu, when installing nVidia drivers, my earlier screen (only VGA) couldn't show its max resolution (the same one), or it showed just black, and I played a lot with xorg.conf without success. Just a chronicle.20:14
laegwhat terminal client do i use on ububuntu can to access the cosnole port of a cisco 2600?20:14
wizzosebsebseb: I know it sayslike Direct link to image or Short link to image20:14
fccfClouse: do esc @ startup ... and change 'ro quiet splash' on the boot line to 'ro single' this will temporarly enable recovery mode20:14
fhClientHi, all.  I started an upgrade from Ubuntu 7.x to 8.04, and localedef for en_US.UTF-8 has been running for almost 48 hours now, using a constant 5.6% of system memory and all available CPU power.  any suggestions?  do i just have to wait??20:14
sebsebsebwizzo: that is what I wanted, and it is what I thought20:15
TitanioVmobi-sheep: But I'm reading the page you linked. It sems useful and all. :)20:15
sebsebsebwizzo: to small partition for Ubuntu20:15
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Try this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/219209/20:15
fccfwoodworker: and if you just do localhost in firefox??20:15
Clousesebsebseb: I have many live CDs here but when I boot them I can not access any of my partitions20:15
wizzosebsebseb: Ok, I just made it full screen and then saved it20:15
sebsebsebClouse: you should be able  to20:15
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Hold on.  Mistakes.20:15
wizzosebsebseb: So, now what I do to resize20:15
sebsebsebClouse: mount the Ubuntu partition graphically,  or  use some command not sure what20:15
Clousesebsebseb: I have never had this happen before20:16
TitanioVmobi-sheep: That's my pastebin. X-D20:16
sebsebsebClouse: if you install drivers from outside the Ubuntu repo, bad things can happen20:16
mobi-sheepTitanioV: No it ain't. :o  http://paste.ubuntu.com/219210/20:16
woodworkerfccf:  it brings up my page20:16
keglevichone question...in ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition...how is it possible to disable those annoying update notifications which are displayed each time when I login via SSH terminal? (updates like: xx system updates, xx security updates available)...how to disable that notification?!20:16
wizzosebsebseb: Reaize on partitions or what is next to do?20:16
tbtrojHow can I have Audacious "skip taskbar"/"skip pager" in GNOME? (Ubuntu 9.04)20:16
sebsebsebwizzo: I have done this before, helped people with this kind of thing20:16
fccfwoodworker: moodle?20:16
wizzosebsebseb: I mean resize20:16
strangedaze32can someone help explain how to pull network drivers from the 8.04 install cd for my new install.20:16
Clousesebsebseb: Yes I know about mounting from the comand line I do it all the time20:16
wizzosebsebseb: ok20:16
woodworkerfccf:  yea20:16
sebsebsebwizzo: I'll get to that, but first,  I am curious,  how exactly did you install Ubuntu?20:17
strangedaze32or just help install my broadcom b4320:17
mobi-sheep!x | TitanioV (Restart your X).20:17
ubottuTitanioV (Restart your X).: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:17
Clousesebsebseb: Thats what has happen! lesson leard20:17
TitanioVmobi-sheep: Just adding HorizSync and VertRefresh?20:17
fccfwoodworker: so hmmm ... and doing from the other machine does nothing?20:17
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Seems like it.  Yes.20:17
woodworkerfccf:  it show the 'it works'20:17
strangedaze32b43-fwcutter isn't working, says E: returns nothing20:17
Clousefccf: Thanks I will give that a try20:17
sebsebsebClouse: there's alt something and you  get a shell,  mabye that's what fccf was thinking of20:17
maximumbobHow can I figure out which device points to the mouse I'm using? I have a touchpad and a USB mouse, and I need to invert the USB mouse's axes in xorg.conf.20:18
sebsebsebClouse: ,but easier to use the Live CD I expect20:18
wizzosebsebseb: With the original disc that Ubuntu sent me, I picked the Install Ubuntu from the disc, I think the 2 or 3 choice down on the list20:18
TitanioVmobi-sheep: All right. Thank you again and keep up the good work. ^^20:18
camtmaximumbob: ls -l /dev/input/by-id20:18
sebsebsebwizzo: did it ever resize Vista?20:18
fccfsebsebseb: CTRL-ALT-F1 gives shell but only if X hasn't compeltly locked up the system20:18
mobi-sheepTitanioV: Well -- Not yet -- until it works.20:18
strangedaze32no one? wow this irc channel moves fast. is there a network branch?20:18
sebsebsebwizzo: it dosn't look like it has resized Vista20:18
TitanioVubottu: Thanks for your help, too. :D20:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:18
TitanioVubottu: Who cares?20:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Who cares?20:18
maximumbobcamt: thanks a lot20:19
wizzosebsebseb: I don't think so20:19
fhClientHi, all.  I started an upgrade from Ubuntu 7.x to 8.04, and localedef for en_US.UTF-8 has been running for almost 48 hours now, using a constant 5.6% of system memory and all available CPU power.  any suggestions?  do i just have to wait??20:19
woodworkerfccf:  I just hit refresh ........... it is there now20:19
Clousesebsebseb: This Live CD will not mount the ubuntu partition.20:19
fccfstrangedaze32: nope, ... do sudo apt-get b43-fwcutter20:19
mobi-sheepCurious -- How long does dd generally take? and is there a /var/log/ for activities on dd?20:19
sebsebsebwizzo: sorting out your partitons is pretty simple.20:19
sebsebsebfccf  can you hopefuly help  Clouse ?20:19
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
woodworkerfccf:  but I cant get to the log in page because it takes me to
sebsebsebwizzo: do you understand gparted though? can you see what has happended for yourself?20:20
wizzosebsebseb: No, it is new to me20:20
fccfClouse: reboot ... the ESC to the grub menu page ... press e to edit the line and do what I said20:20
DarkMage26I'm looking for a good music player that has a built in equalizer with presets (eg. Rock, Rap....). Any one know of anything??20:20
wizzosebsebseb: 1st time using it20:20
tbtrojDarkMage26, Audacious but you have to download the Winamp presets.20:20
sebsebsebwizzo: yeah  you seemed pretty new, since you coudn't even screenshot,  altough that's pretty common  in Windows as well20:21
sebsebsebwizzo: for people to do screenshots20:21
fccfwoodworker: edit /var/www/moodle/configuration.php ... make the configs point to the right place20:21
DarkMage26tbtroj: I had problems with it freezing my system before. Anything else?20:21
Clousefccf: Yar trying that now20:21
sebsebsebwizzo: I just want to explain something, before  helping with those partitions properly and so.  Do you know what a file system is?  e.g.  NTFS  or Fat32 in Windows?20:21
wizzosebsebseb: Let me ask one question, would it been better to format my HD as FAT 32 Instead of NTFS before installing my VISTA?20:21
woodworkerfccf:  so sudo nano.......... the file directory you said?20:21
tbtrojDarkMage26, XMMS2 is what Audacious is based off of, and supports presets.20:22
DarkMage26tbtroj: thanks20:22
fccfwoodworker: whereever the moodle config is20:22
fhClientwizzo: i don't think vista supports fat3220:22
mobi-sheepwizzo: You can't.20:22
wizzosebsebseb: Some. I was just asking you about that?20:22
sebsebsebwizzo: uh no,  Vista uses NTFS :)  in fact it uses a slightly later version than XP.  XP is  NTFS version 4 and Vista is NTFS version 5 if I have this correct20:22
mlissnerI'm trying to recover some data from a drive after it was dropped, and I am getting input/output errors. I looked around, but I can't find a way to make the process work better. Does anybody know a way to copy files that will skip errors?20:22
wizzosebsebseb: Ok20:22
sebsebsebwizzo: that is also why people should really resize Vista,  with  it's resizer20:22
mlissnerMy current strategy is scp, which eventually moves past them, but it's pretty laggy.20:22
sebsebsebwizzo: resizing XP partitions with Gparted no problem20:23
woodworkerthat came up blank20:23
wizzosebsebseb: The Manager?20:23
sagredohi. I'm trying to mount an external hard drive. I used umount /media/thedrivename, then tried to remount with 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/thedrivename', which fails20:23
sebsebsebwizzo: you will boot up Vista,  to  resize it20:23
fccfwoodworker: cd into the moodle directory and do an ls to find the config file20:23
wizzosebsebseb: Ok, how you go about doing it with Gparted then?20:23
sebsebsebwizzo: your not going to  use  Gparted to resize Vista20:23
th0rsagredo: is the drive in fstab?20:24
sebsebsebwizzo: I wanted the screenshot so I could see your partitions properly20:24
Dr_WillisIve found the vista and windows 7 tools (in windows) to be faster in resizeing ntfs.20:24
sagredoth0r: how do I check20:24
mobi-sheepsagredo: Check dmesg to see if it's same partition sdb120:24
wizzosebsebseb: Oh, then your saying to reboot in Vista and do it20:24
Clousefccf: Thank you spot on! Now should I try xfix or should I do something else?20:24
woodworkerfccf:  sorry over my head still20:24
keglevichone question...in ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition...how is it possible to disable those annoying update notifications which are displayed each time when I login via SSH terminal? (updates like: xx system updates, xx security updates available)...how to disable that notification?!20:24
fccfClouse: start with the xfix20:24
th0rsagredo: what kind of drive is it? do you know the format of the drive?20:24
Dr_Williswizzo:  i found the vista tool to resize a ntfs in like 1/4 the time it took ubuntu do to it.20:24
fccfwoodworker: pm me20:24
sebsebsebwizzo: yes,  but  I want to say something else,  give you a little tip for the future,  as in  the end of October, when  Ubuntu 9.10 comes out20:24
wizzosebsebseb: So, I can't resize here in Ubuntu?20:24
gletobAnyone know how to get X working on a ATI 3D Rage IIc20:24
sagredontfs, but it worked fine for read/write houndreds of time before I tried unmounted it20:25
JuoNhow i can patch my driver?20:25
Clousefccf: Cool will do and thanks again20:25
DungeWhere do I specify header include path inside an C++ Anjuta project? For some reason including <gtkmm.h> find it and it works, but inside that .h file it try to include <giomm.h> (which I have) and say "no such file or directory"20:25
Dr_WillisJuoN:  be more specific to the channel please.20:25
Dr_Willisnever mind...20:25
=== Enkz0rz is now known as Enkz
wizzosebsebseb: Yea, then what?20:25
th0rsagredo: if it is a usb drive just unplug it and plug it in again20:25
HaymakerI recently created a swap partition on my hard drive, how do I get my system to use it, my sys monitor says i dont have a swap drive yet20:25
Dr_WillisHaymaker:  put an entry in /etc/fstab for it.20:26
sagredo[55728.163955] usb-storage: device scan complete20:26
mobi-sheepOwners: Hello Juon. :)20:26
sebsebsebwizzo: by default  Ubuntu is using the Ext3 file system, as you can see for yourself,  but   the next version is  using the faster  Ext4 file system by default, but that means people have to clean install for full support.  and it could be used now for 9.04, but some think it's not stable enough yet  or whatever20:26
Haymakerok thanks20:26
sagredoth0r: that was the first thing I tried, no luck20:26
mobi-sheepOwners: Talk here.20:26
mobi-sheep!pm > Owners20:26
ubottuOwners, please see my private message20:26
wizzosebsebseb: In other words, it is a beta version right now.20:26
fhClientDuring a distribution upgrade, is localedef supposed to take over 48 hours?20:27
sebsebsebwizzo: and the conversion isn't perfect Ext3 to Ext4.   that stuff make sense?20:27
Dr_WillisfhClient:  no - somthing has crashed.20:27
sebsebsebwizzo: no  the file system is stable really now,  just not quite in Ubuntu 9.04 or something20:27
ShinkaI don't remember the command to set Sun instead of openJDK for Java dev.20:27
fhClientDr_Willis: any suggestions about recovering?20:27
Dr_WillisfhClient:  or you are an a 286 machine.20:27
Ownersmobi-sheep: how to patch my driver?20:27
sebsebsebwizzo: ,because of the kernel 9.04 uses and so on20:27
canadaI need some help.  My firefox has lost all its bookmarks, Nothing new enters into the history, Many website buttons do not work and I cannot go backwards or forwards.  Cannot even log onto launchpad to report the bug.  Firefox 3.0.1120:27
Ownersi`am using b4320:27
Dr_WillisfhClient:  no idea. i always do clean installs..i never (or rarely) upgrade20:27
fhClientDr_Willis: Athlon 64, a gig of ram :)20:27
th0rsagredo: do an 'ls -' /media' in a terminal and see if there is a mount point for the drive. If it is a usb drive you will need to make a mount point for it somewhere for the time being20:27
Ownersand i want to patch the driver20:27
fhClientDr_Willis: Yep, today i came equipped to just back up, wipe, and fresh install 9.04.  TY20:28
sebsebsebwizzo: resizing Ext3 in Ubuntu no problem,  resizing Ext4 in Ubuntu,  I am not so sure about that,  after  reading stuff in the release notes20:28
frostburncanada, did you try moving your firefox profile folder?20:28
Clousefccf: nope still crazy pixel acction all over the screen and no login window20:28
sebsebseb!notes |  wizzo20:28
ubottuwizzo: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes20:28
wizzosebsebseb: So what is the next thing to do here?20:28
Clousefccf: What do you think I should do now?20:28
mobi-sheepOwners: Kernel?20:28
sebsebsebwizzo: your going to boot up Vista, and resize there20:28
canadaFrostburn   no I have not20:28
wizzoubottu: ok20:28
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:28
th0rsagr....that should have been 'ls -l /media'20:29
sebsebseb!bot |  wizzo20:29
ubottuwizzo: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:29
Ownersmobi-sheep: 2.6.28-13-generic20:29
wizzosebsebseb: Ok20:29
mobi-sheepOwners: You want to patch something to your kernel?20:29
sebsebseb!thanks |  wizzo20:29
ubottuwizzo: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:29
mobi-sheep!kernel | Owners20:29
ubottuOwners: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:29
mobi-sheep!kernel > Owners20:29
ubottuOwners, please see my private message20:29
mobi-sheep!stages > Owners20:29
frostburncanada, you may also want to check out mozilla weave, they offer a bookmark syncing service akin to what google sync did before they nixed the project for 3.020:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about giomm20:30
wizzosebsebseb: So, reboot Vista and goto the manager and resize there , but I am not sure what to resize too on it for the Ubuntu20:30
sebsebsebwizzo: you will come back  to the channel when your on Vista, and we continue20:30
fccfClouse: get to a terminal and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg20:30
wizzosebsebseb: What is a bot?20:30
sebsebsebwizzo: it's a  computer program for the channel20:31
fccfClouse: in your case no sudo cause you will be root at the recovery console20:31
maximumbobI'm having issues getting a secondary mouse configured. I added an 'inputdevice' entry to my xorg.conf. The option "Device" I specfied is correct - cat /dev/input/js0 outputs when I move the mouse.20:31
sebsebsebwizzo: with useful information20:31
sebsebsebwizzo: and people trigger it,  so it says stuff20:31
wizzosebsebseb: oh20:31
Ownersmobi-sheep: i must to compile?20:31
maximumbobBut nothing changes when I use it. (I set optino "InvX" "on")20:31
sebsebseb!bot |  wizzo20:31
Ownersmobi-sheep: how to compile ?20:31
ubottuwizzo: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:31
mobi-sheepOwners: It's all in the links.20:32
Klownyi am not overly fond of wine lol20:32
wizzosebsebseb: what I need to resize it too?20:32
sebsebsebwizzo: and the channel operators can edit and add factoids to it20:32
sebsebsebwizzo: i'll explain once your on Vista, and you came back here20:32
Clousefccf: Great! that is the command I have seen form googleing but I just haven't been able to get in to a terminal as root to try it out20:32
fccfClouse: and you fixed your server?20:33
mordocaiI have dual screens and wish to have two different firefox instances open, one on each screen. I'm using seperate x screens, and when i try to open a firefox one screen, then another one on the other i get: "Firefox is already running, but is not responding..."20:33
sebsebsebKlowny: don't like Wine :)  yeah should run  native  Linux stuff  only  or firstly :)  really20:33
Klownyi feel that way too sebsebseb20:33
Clousefccf: Not quite there yer20:33
Klownyhey is the google OS going to be linux?20:33
Klownyi imagine it will be but just wondering20:34
canadafrostburn, the bookmarks isnt a big deal, just the first symptom noticed.  Where is the profile folder i should move?20:34
sebsebsebKlowny:  yes it will be  a Linux distribution20:34
wizzosebsebseb: How you goint to do that when I have Vista and not you with me unless your taking about a chat program20:34
sebsebsebwizzo: oh I see you don't have a IRC client on Vista20:34
Klownyi bet it will be nice20:34
maximumbobI'm having issues getting a secondary mouse configured. I added an 'inputdevice' entry to my xorg.conf. The option "Device" I specfied is correct - cat /dev/input/js0 outputs when I move the mouse, but nothing changes when I use it after restarting X. (I set option "InvX" "on")20:34
sebsebsebwizzo: are you running FIrefox on Vista?20:34
Klownybut i will be weary of it... big companies can sometimes be a bad thing 'cough' microsoft20:34
wizzosebsebseb: No, how is that setup? Firefox20:34
Klownywhich don't get me wrong windows xp was nice, i liked it, still like it but with the introduction of windows vista it made me die a little inside20:35
wizzosebsebseb: I have Firefox20:35
sebsebsebwizzo: ok do you know how to install an add on for Firefox?20:35
wizzosebsebseb: Yes I do.20:35
fccfClouse: well .. we have made a dent at least20:35
sebsebsebwizzo: install chatzilla and come back to this  channel  using that20:35
wizzosebsebseb: so it is called IRC client20:35
Clousefccf: Yep all thanks to you and sebsebseb!20:35
wizzooh, yea I have heard of that before20:36
sebsebsebwizzo: chatzilla is one of many IRC programs20:36
Klownykinda sad that google chrome os is going to be mainly for netbooks20:36
sebsebsebwizzo: xchat 2 for Windows if you want a more proper IRC program on there20:36
sebsebsebwizzo: ,but chatzilla is fine for this20:36
wizzosebsebseb: ok, see you in bit20:36
fccfKlowny: not true20:36
=== Aru30 is now known as Aureo
joshuajonahCan i get UNR support here?20:37
camtmaximumbob: Does it work without the InvX option?20:37
maximumbobcamt: I don't know - how can I tell? It works without the whole block... it just uses the default.20:37
sebsebsebjoshuajonah: yep20:37
sourjuicewhat does one do after creating a partition on an SD disk with gparted (i think i need to make a partition table but have ubuntu and no plans to use MSDOS)? i plan to use it as a liveCD through netbootin. is there a linux table preferred?20:37
sebsebsebjoshuajonah: not from me though20:38
joshuajonahI'm trying the live cd (well, usb) version before i install, but it's asking for a username and password, what is the default?20:38
sebsebsebjoshuajonah: weird, but I guess try Ubuntu and Ubuntu20:38
gartralalright... im having a SUS day.. whats the command too monitor my fans' rpms?20:38
maximumbobcamt: http://pastebin.com/m2063dc2620:38
joshuajonahnopers, I've tried with no pass, everything i can think of.20:38
camtmaximumbob: Okay one sec, let me have a look20:39
matrix_hey guys i installed eurotalk application learn italian, the sound its not working, when i run the other application learn french the sound works does this mean there is a bug on the application 1, iam on ubuntu using wine20:39
joshuajonahwell, this sucks20:39
unitxtFlash keep crashing Firefox on Ubunutu 9.04. In fact, it will not even play Flash most of the time. Does anyone know if there is a fix for this?20:39
poke`Hello, I have a question regarding IPTables; I followed the basic instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo but now, after adding the last drop line to it, iptables blocks nearly all communication (for example apt-get doesn't work any longer). My current iptables settings output is the following: http://pastebin.com/dbfd8f6320:39
joshuajonahAny other live cd recommendations?20:39
sebsebsebmatrix_: hmm20:40
joshuajonahis there somewhere i can download an 8.10 unr version?20:40
Irreduc_iPodjoshuajonah: SLAX20:40
sagredoyo I need to add an external harddrive to my fstab, who can help me pwn this?20:40
joshuajonahi was thinking maybe xubuntu20:40
sebsebsebmatrix_: the application itself is  probably  ok,  if  it's running on Windows20:41
gartralalright... im having a SUS day.. whats the command too monitor my fans' speed?20:41
dayo!fstab | sagredo20:41
ubottusagredo: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:41
fccfjoshuajonah: 9.04 is the only available UNR version20:41
sebsebsebmatrix_: Wine is pretty good, but far from perfect,  certain apps just work, others need configuring20:41
sagredodayo: thanks I'm there20:41
Clousefccf: I am Back. so how do I get from the Recovery menu to terminal as root so I can unlesh that command?20:42
sebsebsebmatrix_: How much RAM do you have?  ,because with enough you can run Windows inside Ubuntu in a virtual machine,   not that good for 3D gaming, but  for your app  it will be good20:42
joshuajonahi can't get the damn install to work, I've tried making the usb stick from OSX, another ubuntu machine, windows, nothing will let it install, it justs hangs at "loading"20:42
Clousefccf: Sorry i see silly question20:42
fccfClouse: at recovery menu use the root menu option20:42
fccfClouse: ok you got it20:42
matrix_sebsebseb:iam using pentium 4, and i have 1gb ram20:42
dayosagredo: i've got an apple timecapsule mounted as external hd like so:20:42
sebsebsebmatrix_: that will do it20:43
=== ohir__ is now known as ohir
dayosagredo: // /media/capsule cifs rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077720:43
dayosagredo: that's in /etc/fstab20:43
sebsebsebmatrix_: well XP and  a few other versions, not sure about Vista20:43
sebsebsebmatrix_: as much as I like virtual machines though20:43
sebsebsebmatrix_: they should really be a last resort when it comes to Windows programs, before doing a psyical boot20:43
sebsebsebmatrix_: if the vm won't cut it20:43
dayosagredo: u create the mount point on your desktop/laptop, which in my case is /media/capsule and then mount your ext into /media/capsule20:44
sebsebsebmatrix_: XP,  Windows 7 RC,   etc etc,  should all run in VM on your computer, not sure about Vista20:44
sagredodayo: I'll give it a shot20:44
Clousefccf: thats weird it's not excepting my root password20:44
sagredodayo: makes sense to me, thanks my friend20:44
sebsebsebmatrix_: try #winehq  they may have some ideas on how to get your program to work properly in Wine20:45
DekkoHello :) I have setup my computer to run 2 monitors as "separate X desktops" which works fine, I can move the mouse between them.... BUT I can not drag windows between them.... what gives? :) I didn't like the Twinview thing where the desktop was stretched across either.20:45
matrix_but the application learn french works with sound why this learn italian its not working20:45
dayosagredo: u're welcome :-)20:45
sebsebsebmatrix_: try #winehq20:45
notdarkyethey anyone know how to autoload an applet in the bar on the program launch? similar to how rhythmbox and pidgen do it20:45
Clousefccf: Any ideas?20:46
sagredodayo: after editing fstab need I restart the machine? is there a command to remount everything?20:46
dayosagredo: sudo mount -a20:46
Clousefccf: It's the same password as when I do sudo right?20:47
notdarkyetor could you point me somewhere to look? the gtk room was empty20:47
camtmaximumbob: sorry for the delay, caught some boss aggro20:47
urkoHello. I am using ati radeon 9600pro graphic aclerator and I am wondering if it si supportet under jaunty and I need link how to manually install dem? Thnx20:47
sagredo[57007.862001]  CIFS VFS: No username specified20:47
sagredo[57007.862013]  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -2220:47
maximumbobcamt: np20:47
sagredodayo: ^20:47
Dekkocould someone help me with this? :)20:47
DekkoI want to output VLC video to the second monitor :)20:47
Clousefccf: Cos I never my root login in ubuntu20:47
dayosagredo: can u post the line u added to /etc/fstab20:47
rohani have both -server and -generic kernels installed on my system, hence both are shown in grub menu. however, i want only the -server one to be shown, yet i don't want to uninstall -generic, it might come in handy sometime. how do i do that?20:47
ShinkaHow can I set Sun Java as my default Java environment ?20:47
dayorohan: edit menu.lst20:48
fccfClouse: you shouldn't need a root password for recovery mode ... unless you actually set the root password20:48
rohanShinka: sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun20:48
Shinkarohan: thank you very much20:48
rohandayo: i can edit it manually, but it will just get overwritten during the next update-grub.20:48
rohanShinka: np20:49
Nitsugarohan, see the commented section above the kernels, there are some handy options20:49
sagredodayo: I used exactly what you posted, except I named it /media/<myname>20:49
Clousefccf: well now I am stuffed20:50
camtmaximumbob: did you say this was a secondary mouse?20:50
dayosagredo: the first part of what i posted needs to be customized, too. when u type   fdisk -l   it gives u the device name of the ext hd. that's what u put in the first part of the line in /etc/fstab20:50
Shinkarohan: It does seem to work when I use the command, but do I need to restart my computer or do something else ? I tried to run NetBeans and it doesn't work (openJDK is uninstalled)20:50
sagredodayo: duh20:50
urkoHello. I am using ati radeon 9600pro graphic aclerator and I am wondering if it si supportet under jaunty and I need link how to manually install dem? Thnx20:50
sagredodayo: thanks again20:50
dayosagredo: u're welcome20:51
rohanNitsuga: what i think might be useful is "howmany=1", but no other optoin to ignore a kernel as such20:51
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rohanShinka: that should set sun java to be the default even if you have openjdk installed alongside. a reboot should not be required, logout and log back in, that might help.20:51
brentv911What is the easiest way to connect Ubuntu to a windows remote desktop20:51
sagredodayo: returns this now: 57287.864885] CIFS: UNC Path does not begin with // or \\20:51
sagredo[57287.864896]  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -2220:52
snarksterhas anyone used roadnav and come up with getting alot fo errors?20:52
dayohang on20:52
NitsugaI have a new computer where i'm going to install Windows (games beat me :P) and some linux distribution, and I need a modern filesystem (Not a ten-years-old one like NTFS) which both system can access (I don't really need writing in windows, just reading). Some ideas?20:52
snarksterit continues telling me that it can not find my states DECI infomation20:52
snarksternitsuga good luck20:53
poke`No idea about iptables? :/20:53
maximumbobcamt: sorry I didn't see your message! This is a usb-attached touchscreen monitor. The system sees it as a usb mouse on /dev/input/js020:53
snarksterman iptables20:53
sebsebsebNitsuga: best to not let Windows read your Linux partitions, unless they are only a data partiton to share between  the two20:54
Nitsugasnarkster, thank you20:54
kyjaok so please tell me how to create a new user account onto sql20:54
sebsebseb!ext3 |  Nitsuga20:54
ubottuNitsuga: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org20:54
Nitsugasebsebseb, yes, only data partition20:54
snarkstermysql admin20:54
brentv911also is there a way to connect ubuntu to a windows domain20:54
poke`my problem is that my configuration blocks all connections (except for the implicitly allowed ones), so I cannot use apt-get or such if I keep the drop line in it.. http://pastebin.com/dbfd8f6320:54
sebsebsebNitsuga: and the next Ubuntu  will be using Ext4 by default :)  which means people have to clean install for full support, but   reading that file system from Windows, I don't think can be done at the moment20:55
sagredoalright ubuntu gurus, my usb external hard drive worked a million times, I run the umount /media/culp (the default name ubuntu found), and now I cannot get it to reconnect. Help!20:55
Nitsugasebsebseb, las time i tried with that i coudn't use it20:55
sebsebsebNitsuga: also  it's optional in 9.0420:55
jthomashi all, how do i create a global command?20:55
Nitsugait said that it only support 128-byte inode size or something like that20:55
jthomase.g. i have a file called ./webtest.sh20:55
kalaghanhow do I find the current color-depth? I remember there was some command ...bpp...?20:55
jthomasand i need a symlink that works across the shell20:55
sebsebsebNitsuga: Ext3  data partition to share between the two that makes sense20:55
kyjathx snarkster. installing now :)20:55
camtmaximumbob: okay, can you show me the output of ls -l /dev/input/by-id?20:55
sebsebsebNitsuga: and you can use Ext4 for the rest if you want20:55
jthomasi thought i need to create a symlink in /usr/bin20:55
rohanNitsuga: i'd suggest fat, if it didn't have the 4gb limit. fat is the most compatible fs.20:55
jthomasbut i don't think that worked20:55
jribjthomas: use /usr/local/bin/20:56
Nitsugasebsebseb, yes, but the ext2fs driver for windows didn't worked for me20:56
snarksterif you want windows to read your partition and have linux read your partitions then youll have to use fat32 or ntfs20:56
maximumbobcamt: http://pastebin.com/m3a2c32320:56
sebsebsebrohan Nitsuga  don't use Fat,  NTFS is better, and  Ubuntu can read and write to it no problem, as long as Windows shut it down properly20:56
ClouseSo, anyone heard any news about ATI GPUs on 9.04?20:56
Nitsugait said that the partition sould have been formated with a 128-byte inode size20:56
snarksterthere is a module you can get for windows that allows reading ext3 partitons but no writing20:56
sagredojthomas: # Alias definitions.20:56
sagredo# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like20:56
sagredo# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.20:56
dayosagredo: try    mount /dev/yourExtHD_DeviceName /media/<yourMountPoint>    and then   sudo mount -a20:56
Shinkarohan; That's annoying, NetBeans just won't work without openJDK, i just reinstalled it and now it works fine.20:56
maximumbobcamt: and there's very obvious output if I 'cat /dev/input/js0' when I use the touchscreen20:57
snarksteroh and the ext3 reading module is really really slow20:57
sebsebsebNitsuga: well  you can use NTFS for the data partition then, but for Linux partitions it would be better to use Ext3 or Ext4 or some other Linux file system20:57
sagredodayo: I get a bug20:57
Shinkarohan: even though sun is now supposed to be the default20:57
dayosagredo: first remove the line u added in /etc/fstab20:57
kalaghanhow do I find the current color-depth? I remember there was some command ...bpp...?20:57
sagredodayo: k20:57
Nitsugasebsebseb, noway i'm using FAT, y will have HD movies there. And i want a modern fliesystem if it's possible20:57
gletobAnyone know how to get X working on a ATI 3D Rage IIc20:57
sebsebsebNitsuga: yes I said not to use  Fat, and NTFS is modern for Windows20:57
snarksterntfs modern. LOL20:58
glitsj16kalaghan: xrandr will output current resolution20:58
pelle_khey, if i have any technical questions regarding libapt/apt-get/aptitude, where should i go?20:58
sagredomount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so20:58
m0r0nWhat's an alternative for Amarok?20:58
spreeFAT sucks. Really sucks.20:58
jribkalaghan: xdpyinfo will tell you20:58
m0r0nspree: Why's that?20:58
snarksteryah it does.20:58
sebsebsebNitsuga: Vista and I guess Windows 7 have  NTFS version  5  (if I have the numbers correc ),   but  that means gparted can't just resize or dataloss might happen,  and XP and 2000 have NTFS 420:58
Neroscan anyone here help me with Ubuntu 9.04 Persistent off a USB drive with Hirens Boot CD too?20:58
snarksteralternative for amarok? LOL20:58
spreeFAT is prone to unrecoverable errors, takes up more space, does not retain security information, cannot be encrypted20:58
sagredodayo: that's what running mount returns20:58
maximumbobcamt: Just tried using 'event7' instead of 'js0' - no change20:58
ShinkaSomeone has an idea how to make Sun's Java work on Ubuntu ?20:58
jthomassagredo: thanks, what's the format for bash_alises20:58
dayosagredo: what do syslog and dmesg say?20:59
spreem0r0n Don't use FAT. or FAT32.20:59
sebsebsebNTFS is modern for Microsoft :D  they were going to have a later file system in Vista,  Windows FS or something, but that idea got scrapped20:59
jrib!java > Shinka20:59
ubottuShinka, please see my private message20:59
m0r0nsnarkster: I need something that doesn't suck pretty much20:59
snarkstershinka just install the deb file. sun-java620:59
spreeNTFS5 is modern for microsoft. NTFS4 is native to NT.20:59
kalaghanshinka: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk20:59
JohnGalt./whois johngalt20:59
ShinkaAlready done20:59
m0r0nspree: I'm usingFAT32 for my flash drive and I managed to get .9gb  extra.... somehow20:59
matrix_how do i run programs from terminal for wine20:59
spreeyeah there is a new filesystem coming out called WinFS20:59
sebsebsebNitsuga: Linux file systems are better than Windows file systems :)20:59
camtmaximumbob: it seems that it sees the touchscreen as a joystick instead of a mouse, not sure what to do about that20:59
jrib!wine > matrix_20:59
ubottumatrix_, please see my private message20:59
spreebut i don't know much about it yet20:59
spreeNever use FAT.21:00
Nitsugasebsebseb, yes, i see21:00
snarksterim out21:00
kalaghanShinka: then it works.21:00
Clousefccf: My bad, finaly got it, I remember I had started to setup a root account but didn't finish it and also my lappy's CAPS Lock light doesn't come on any more.21:00
Nitsugai thing i'm using ext4 for the data partition21:00
maximumbobcamt: found this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/adding-usb-joystick-as-2nd-x11-pointer-449434/21:00
Nitsugacat windows > hell21:00
sebsebsebNitsuga: why share data with Windows hmm, in fact why dual boot Windows?   with enough RAM you can virtual machine Windows,  it won't be that good for 3D gaming though or no good at all,  but other stuff it will be good21:00
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Shinkakalaghan: No. I tried to make Netbeans work, but I can't run it unless openJDK is also installed.21:00
sebsebsebNitsuga: well and you don't do CAD or something in a vm21:00
sagredo[56538.275232] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk21:00
sagredo[56538.275393] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 021:00
sagredo[57007.862001]  CIFS VFS: No username specified21:00
sagredo[57007.862013]  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -2221:00
sagredo[57287.864885] CIFS: UNC Path does not begin with // or \\21:00
FloodBot3sagredo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
sagredo[57287.864896]  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -2221:00
m0r0nSo what's a good music player, that gives lyrics also21:00
sagredom0r0n: songbird or nothing21:01
kalaghanShinka: that doesn't mean that the jdk doesn't work. it means you are not able to use it properly.21:01
Nitsugasebsebseb, because windows is for 3D games21:01
jthomassagredo: what's the format for .bash_aliases?21:01
sebsebsebNitsuga: ok Windows is for 3D games, and  Linux distro is for your data  :)  problem solved21:01
Shinkakalaghan: Well then, does somebody know how to use it properly ?21:01
sebsebsebNitsuga: in fact raelly you should have an external hard disk or something, and backup data there,  internal hard disks and such can just fail21:01
Nitsugasebsebseb, yes, i think21:01
=== DFarmer_ is now known as DFarmer
mercutio22alright, I have two computers using the evolution email client, is it possible for them to share the same inbox in a way that every chance is shared, say if I mark a message as "to do", when I open evolution in the second pc the msg is labeled accordingly?21:02
Clousefccf: Are you still there?21:02
sagredojthomas: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-89732.html21:02
Nitsugasebsebseb, i have all that data duplied in a notebook21:02
Nitsugaboth PC and notebook has a 1TB disk21:02
spreeYeah, songbird is pretty cool if the plugins work21:02
camtmaximumbob: have you installed any joystick related packages? i.e. xserver-xorg-input-joystick?21:02
sebsebsebNitsuga: only thing with Ubuntu is it's default Ext3 file system in  9.04,   with  Ext4 as the default in next version,   but also an optional file system for 9.04,  and already the default in distros such as Fedora 1121:02
dayosagredo: have a look if this helps u: http://is.gd/1A3vE21:02
pasteeateris there a difference between using "bash script.sh" and "./script.sh"?21:02
maximumbobcamt: I'll check21:02
Nitsugasebsebseb, ok, problem solved21:02
kalaghanShinka: you definitely don't get it running if you don't learn to describe error messages.21:02
sagredodayo: reading21:03
sebsebsebNitsuga: and people have to clean install,   to  get full Ext4 support, since the Ext3 to Ext4  conversion isn't  good enough21:03
jribpasteeater: yes21:03
m0r0nsagredo: Songbird = looks exactly like iTunes, gross. But anyways does that give you the lyrics?21:03
Nitsuga"leave Windows with his ulgy and crappy filesystem21:03
Clousefccf: run that comand and I got an xserver-xorg postinst waring21:03
bastidrazorm0r0n, rhythmbox also gives lyrics in a plugin.21:03
Nitsugam0r0n, I like banshee21:03
fccfClouse: would you pastebin that warning21:03
maximumbobcamt: installing now21:03
spreelyrics don't do much for me, i listen to electronic music21:03
Nitsugait isn't bloated (like songbird) and it's featurefull21:03
glitsj16m0r0n: plenty of options there ... try a search in synaptic and look around the project website for detaisl on features (i like MPD with a nice client like gmpc, very lightweight and performant)21:03
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Phil_Ewerthello together, on my dell-notebook with an intel G945 graphics-processor running  jaunty,I  get an "(EE) intel(0): failed to set tiling on front buffer : rejected by kernel" and it boots in only 1024x768. I did an extensive search, but there are different such problems for different distros with different solutions. Can anybody suggest help ?21:04
jribpasteeater: ./foo.sh executes the file.  If the file starts with #!/bin/bash, then bash will interpret it, but not otherwise.  On the other hand, « bash foo.sh » tells bash to interpret foo.sh.21:04
abhi_Hi, anyone using dell studio laptop ubuntu 9.04?21:04
Clousefccf: Sorry what does pastebin mean?21:04
Nitsugawell, thak your sebsebseb, i have to go21:04
Nitsuga*thank you21:04
sebsebsebm0r0n  Nitsuaga,   I  like Banshee,  even though it's mono, and there is FUD about mono on the net21:04
maximumbobcamt: done so21:04
camtmaximumbob: there is also a package 'joystick' which includes some tools for joystick calibration21:04
spreeNitsuga To that, i remind you we're running Ubuntu here, not Slackware. lots of us are running our OS on beefed up workstations that can handle extra features.21:04
AlanWhy isn't firefox 3.5 packaged as nicely as 3.0?  it seems to be making a right mess of the font rendering, using the wrong DPI and the wrong smoothing...21:04
Shinkakalaghan: I have no error message to describe, when I try to get NetBeans running it just won't run (unless openJDK is installed of course). And I can clearly see that all the packages for Sun Java are installed.21:04
fccf!paste | Clouse21:05
ubottuClouse: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:05
pelle_khey, if i have any technical questions regarding libapt/apt-get/aptitude, where should i go?21:05
mobi-sheepAlan: Not security matter.  It'll be branded in Karmic.21:05
Phil_Ewertabhi_: I use an Dell Inspiron 640m with 9.0421:05
spreepelle_k Just ask the question.21:05
m0r0nsebsebseb: mono all the time? and what do you mean by " there is FUD about mono on the net" I can make it stereo?21:05
jribpelle_k: we'll tell you to go somewhere else if it's not appropriate, don't worry :)21:05
Nitsugaspree, anyway, i like banshee21:05
Alanmobi-sheep: i see, so i'll need to wait several months for a ff 3.5 that doesn't look like crap, or do it myself? :(21:05
camtAlan: trying removing ~/.fonts.conf and restarting Firefox to fix the font smoothing21:05
glitsj16pelle_k: plenty of daily apt/aptitude (dpkg) users here, try your question i'd say21:05
Nitsugaand i hate bloated software21:06
sebsebsebm0r0n: some people think Mono is bad, because  it's  basically the open source version of  Microsoft .NET21:06
mobi-sheepAlan: It seems fine to me here. :o21:06
jpdssebsebseb: It isn't.21:06
spreem0r0n mono is a cross-platform, open-source .NET development framework.21:06
Alanmobi-sheep: are you using the default font smoothing and DPI?21:06
sagredodayo: nothing21:06
jpdssebsebseb: And you believe everything on the interests? o_O21:06
sebsebsebjpds: of course not21:06
mobi-sheepAlan: I'll believe so.  I think default @ 96.21:07
abhi_Phil_Ewert, : is every work fine.. because i am facing problem with brightness buttons... It works intermettently.. can u please help me21:07
sebsebsebjpds: ,but I do like my Linux article and such reading,   Linux really is so much more than just Ubuntu :)21:07
maximumbobcamt: 'jstest /dev/input/js0' worked great... but it still isn't inverted. Unless there's a 'jscal' option? checking...21:07
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abhi_Phil_Ewert, : is everything work fine.. because i am facing problem with brightness buttons... It works intermettently.. can u please help me21:07
Alanmobi-sheep: ah, i use 75dpi with "best contrast" smoothing :(21:07
jpdssebsebseb: http://port25.technet.com/archive/2009/07/06/the-ecma-c-and-cli-standards.aspx21:07
m0r0nsebsebseb: spree:  Ah, thanks and I'm running banshee right now, seems like something I can like eventually how do I get the lyrics plugin?21:07
dayosagredo: well,that's all i've got on this, unfortunately :-(21:07
Alancamt: i don't have a ~/.fonts.conf21:07
saschahlmaximumbob: the xserver-xorg-input-joystick package can invert21:07
Phil_EwertPlease again my question : on my dell-notebook with an intel G945 graphics-processor running jaunty,I get an "(EE) intel(0): failed to set tiling on front buffer : rejected by kernel" and it boots in only 1024x768. I did an extensive search, but there are different such problems for different distros with different solutions. Can anybody suggest help ?21:07
pelle_kAllright guys. Here we go. I'm trying to find out how to list *deliberately* installed packages. However, for some reason, packages that are installed as dependencies seem so be marked as "automatically installed: no". I'm just trying to find out the rationale/reason for that.21:07
dayosagredo: maybe also ask in #linux21:07
sagredodayo: thanks again dude21:07
sebsebsebwizzo50: your back?21:08
maximumbobsaschahl: what command is associated with it?21:08
dayosagredo: u're welcome. sorry i wasn't able to help.21:08
Phil_Ewertabhi_:  it works absolutely fine. Don't have clue , what could be a problem ;o(21:08
lu6ciferSynaptic says I have ncurses installed, but when I run a simple "Hello world" program, I get error messages...any help?21:08
Nitsugapelle_k, if you installed it via synaptic or apt-get they don't get marked as installe das dependency21:08
saschahlmaximumbob: read man joystick, you might need to add some configuration lines to your xorg.conf21:08
camtmaximumbob: jscal looks to uave a -u option that might do that for you21:08
jribpelle_k: were you here earlier asking about this?21:08
Nitsugasynaptic marks for synaptic, apt get marcks for apt get21:08
jpdsspree: And Mono is not .NET, it's an implementation of the C# language.21:08
jrib!compile > lu6cifer21:09
ubottulu6cifer, please see my private message21:09
abhi_Phil_Ewert, :which version of ubuntu are u using?21:09
Nitsugaone aptitude to rule them all ;)21:09
jriblu6cifer: did you install the corresponding -dev packages?21:09
lu6ciferjrib: yes21:09
jriblu6cifer: pastebin21:09
pelle_kjrib, yes i was. still searching for an answer...21:09
camtmaximumbob: but yeah man joystick looks like it has some info on editing xorg.conf as well21:09
markus___Does anyone here know if it's possible for any program in ubuntu to detect what's playing in Spotify running under Wine?21:09
lu6ciferjrib: what do you mean pastebin?21:09
jribpelle_k: but I take it you do not like my earlier suggestion of just subtracting out the dependencies of ubuntu-desktop?21:09
jrib!pastebin | lu6cifer21:09
ubottulu6cifer: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:09
Phil_Ewertabhi_: 9.04 as I said. It should work fine, sry !21:10
spreejpds Fascinating, because I quoted verbatim the title of the mono project homepage. but hey, you being completely and totally wrong is no big deal.21:10
mobi-sheepWhich filesystems makes more sense for pure data storage? (ie non-system).  ext2 or ext3?21:10
maximumbobcamt: I'm checking that out... something like 'Option "MapAxis1" "mode=relative axis=-1x" or something21:10
Clousefccf: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009071606013221:10
erUSULmobi-sheep: ext321:10
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pelle_kNitsuga, any reason for that behaviour? How *do* you install packages, and have the dependencies marked properly, as installed as "automatically"?21:10
MarkussssDoes anyone here know if it's possible for any program in ubuntu to detect what's playing in Spotify running under Wine?21:10
Clousefccf: thats all it is21:10
spreejpds Please refrain from posting wrong information in the future though to encourage quality chat.21:10
jdumobi-sheep, ext3 is safer because it journals21:10
mobi-sheeperUSUL: Why?  It's journaled -- Something not necessary?21:10
fccfClouse: that's fine .. do that and reboot21:11
jpdsspree: Sorry, was reading Wikipedia.21:11
camtmaximumbob: ok, i think you're on the right track now.  the previous xorg.conf edits would have affected a mouse, not a joystick.21:11
spreejpds: There you go.21:11
mobi-sheepWell... ext2 = less read/write.  Hmmm.21:11
abhi_Phil_Ewert, : u are lucky. I am struggling to get my buttons to work seamlessly.21:11
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erUSULmobi-sheep: why you say journaling is not neccesary ? ext3 is better in other ways too?21:11
maximumbobcamt: thanks for help21:12
pasteeaterjrib: i see.  about what i thought.  thanks.21:12
Klownyi agree with you seb but windows is the standard21:12
camtcamt: np, good luck with it21:12
Clousefccf: I think it is just telling me that it detected a possible custom config  and overwrit is anyway but also backed it up21:12
m0r0nCan anyone tell me where to get the lyrics extension, I googled it without any result that helped21:12
Klownywoah i was scrolled way up there lol21:12
spreeKlowny the standard what?21:12
camtmaximumbob: typo there, good luck21:12
Clousefccf: Roger that will do21:12
mobi-sheeperUSUL: Just figuring out... Well, if it's for data storage.  Would it need to be checked?  Probably not lot of benefits as there are no writing to it.  But yeah, I'll go with ext3.21:12
Klownythe standard as far as OS's go spree i was repsonding to someone that posted long long ago21:12
Klownyi thought it was recent lol21:12
=== meteor`` is now known as StormAtRest
pelle_kjrib, i've tried. it's a mess. i can't figure out where to begin. The problems seems to be the inconsistency, because some packages have it's dependencied marked correctly as automatically installed, while with some packages, they are not. I dont know whats causing this, and how to handle that if i'm iterating over ALL packages. Further more, meta-packages, tasks and virtual packages just makes it so much harder... :/21:13
abhi_is there any link from where i can download drivers for DELL STUDIO laptops...21:13
LordNUnivcan someone help me install the real cdrtools package instead of the useless wodim package which doesn't work?21:13
spreeKlowny windows is not the standard by any means. It's only the most popular. If you want standards, look at the Dept of Defense and their evals of the different operating systems.21:13
AlanNeedsHelpAnyone got any idea why, when I start Ubuntu (either from the Live CD, or from a full install) the desktop doesn't appear?  I just get a lot of corruption.  Everything seems to run okay, just no desktop!21:13
Klownywell spree what i mean is21:13
jribpelle_k: can you give an example of a package that has pulled in deps and not had the deps marked as automatically installed?21:14
Klownythere isn't exactly gaming companies designing for linux lol21:14
spreeKlowny just what do you mean?21:14
spreeKlowny Wrong again21:14
Klownyspree how so?21:14
pelle_kjrib, brb, gonna find you a nice example...21:14
Clousefccf: Wow still the same issue, damn I really thought that was going to work for a minite there21:14
Dr_Willisi can think of.. err... 1 game that came out with a linxu client recently.. (Savage 2)21:15
LolzManok i somethimes use ubuntu, default on laptop is vista, and i have 2gb ram, vista is sorta slow, so im thinking that its just the resource-hogging vista, so i used ubuntu and it is also very slow, what would be causing this?21:15
notlisteningHi, I am using the proprietry driver from ATI the lastest version I am using the proposed updates and keep getting kernel updates do i need to reinstall the driver over each kernel that i run as they seem to break compiz21:15
KlownyDr_Willis: exactly my point, now how many windows lol21:15
camtthe savage 2 people are releasing another game with a linux client, heroes of newerth21:15
Klownyi'm not saying windows is better21:16
spreeKlowny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_gaming#Commercial_games  <-- Klowny, being misinformed doesn't mean that you are stupid, but please refrain from making false statements.21:16
Klownybut it's mainstream21:16
StormAtResttell me a good FPS game21:16
fccfClouse: try CTRL-ALT-F121:16
Klownyit's not a false statement windows is mainstream for games21:16
Dr_WillisI have serverl comercial linux games from years past.. and.. sadly most of them dont work  on newer disrtos21:16
Clousefccf: OK21:16
StormAtRestI wish, companies should start making games for Ubuntu.21:16
erUSULnotlistening: depends on how you installed the drivers ... did you used the ati installer or used System>Admin..>Hardware Drivers21:16
bastidrazorStormAtRest, quake.. open arena.21:16
Klownystorm it would be nice21:17
m0r0nAnyone know how to work Bashee well?21:17
notlisteningerUSUL, -, ati installer21:17
spreeKlowny Yes it is a false statement. Console is mainstream for games.21:17
Clousefccf: Is there a comand that can whipe out all GPU settings and set them back to default?21:17
fccfClouse: I trust you got to a terminal?21:17
erUSULnotlistening: then the reinstall everytime a new kernel is relesed is necesary afaik21:17
spreeKlowny please refrain from continuing to make false statements based on opinion. Do some research and come back.21:18
Clousefccf: Yes just going back there now21:18
Klownyspree no research is needed to see what pc games are being developed for and vast majority is for windows21:18
Seven-7I'm getting this strange error when I use APT-GET AUTOREMOVE: http://pastie.org/54726921:18
notlisteningerUSUL, thanks that makes sense now thinking about it what a right royal pain but the fixes are worth it21:18
Clousefccf: back in terminal as root21:18
aboSamoorHi, guys where can I find a tutorial for booting over network on jaunty, I googled it but there are many websites with many ways, I am asking if you know any tested way ?21:18
* Dr_Willis waits for the OT warnings to come in.21:18
fccfClouse: first things first ... you need pastebinit.... sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:19
jribDr_Willis: you read my mind!21:19
Dr_WillisaboSamoor:  you mean seting up a Jaunty server to boot other machiens (to jaunty)21:19
spreeKlowny You've changed your position 3 times now to reflect something you consider more true. Please take it to someplace more relevant like #politics21:19
jrib!ot | spree, Klowny21:19
ubottuspree, Klowny: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:19
SidGBFtherea red-named link '.#CoacherTitle.php -> root@here.20547' how to remove it?21:19
spreeKlowny yes, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic21:20
Dr_Willisjrib:  that will show them.21:20
aboSamoorDr_Willis, I want to install jaunty on other machines which don't have CD readers21:20
spreeKlowny You are allowed to be wrong all you want in there.21:20
Clousefccf: OK I'd better go out and get into netroot and plug a cable in, one moment21:20
Dr_WillisaboSamoor:  just installing should be doable.. (never done it however)  most of the sites im seeing are a little old.21:21
fccfClouse: being connected is a prerequisite21:21
Dr_Willis!install | aboSamoor21:21
ubottuaboSamoor: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:21
notlisteningIs there a good guide for configuring ubuntu to run from  a SSD?21:22
Dr_WillisaboSamoor:  i just use flash-drive installers now a days21:22
Clousefccf: :)21:22
Seven-7Anyone understand the error I'm getting? http://pastie.org/54726921:23
BitWraithwould the "versatile" kernel work on ARM hardware, or just ARM Qemu? If so, which hardware specifically?21:23
aboSamoorDr_Willis, it is much better do you know any way to add support to USB booting to the bios ?21:23
LolzMandoes anyone have any idea why ubuntu would eb slow with 2gb ram?21:23
Clousefccf: ok pastebinnt is installed21:23
switch10__LolzMan: do you have compiz and a bunch of other stuff running?21:24
m0r0nLolzMan: Maybe it's the processor? What do you have21:24
fccfClouse: sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit -- and give me the url21:24
Dr_WillisaboSamoor:  if your pc cant boot a flash drive.. well...  not sur what you want to do then..  you cant boot from cd or usb?21:24
amedeo_i can't see videos on youtube with opera... can someone help me?21:24
LolzMani have what every the default is and pretty much only ff21:24
Curtis_Bwould you consider a departure to be a time or a place21:24
Clousefccf: Cool21:25
LolzManproc is an amd 64 athlon x221:25
fccfSeven-7: run that with sudo21:25
Seven-7fccf: Uh, it's in root.21:26
Seven-7fccf: Do I really have to use SUDO inside root?21:26
Clousefccf: I can't get the pipe key to work?21:26
ikoniaSeven-7: in root ?21:27
BitWraithLolzMan, usually if linux seems slow the graphics driver is to blame. what graphics card?21:27
fccfSeven-7: whoops ... didn't see that right away ...21:27
switch10__LolzMan: that's plenty fast21:27
bastidrazorClouse, you can do it with pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:27
ScuniziCurtis_B: verb21:27
pelle_kjrib, actually. i was wrong. sort of. new "Recommends", are installed as "automatically installed: no". I think i have to file a bug report about that. I seem to recall reading they did that so people could remove certain child packages without calling the dependency resolver to remove the package the got child installed.21:28
fccfClouse: do what bastidrazor said21:28
Clousebastidrazor: thanks21:28
Clousefccf: sure21:28
jribpelle_k: I see21:28
khaled_hi everybody21:29
danlis there a way to unroll all the changes you've made to ubuntu?21:29
Dr_Willisdanl:  not very esaially..21:29
Dr_Willisdanl:  normally its not needed21:29
danlI have a vps that started at 500mb and now is over 1gb and I want to reset... but my vps host page is messed up and for some reason ubuntu 9.04 is not an option right now21:30
Clousefccf: pastebin.com/f7b87813a21:30
yogaI install firefox-3.5, but it's not,  it's Shiretoko Preview Browser, How do I install Fixfox verison 3.5?21:30
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY21:31
maximumbobcamt: I've made some progress - it uses it like a joystick now. But there's some major 'drifting' and it won't uninvert. It was better before when it thought it was a mouse.21:31
fccfClouse: as expected ... now I'll need the output of dmesg and lspci if you can muster it21:32
Clousefccf: I sure can21:32
tanner_i have a question21:32
Scuniziyoga: Shiretoko is the code name for FF3.5  it's beta21:32
fccf!ask | tanner_21:32
ubottutanner_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:32
amedeo_i can't see videos on youtube with opera... can someone help me?21:33
Dr_Willisseems to be some critical security bug in FF 3.5 also. :()  guess we will be gettting a 3.5.01 soon :)21:33
tanner_how do i connect my xubuntu 9.04 to wireless internet i have linksys wusb54gsc21:33
Dr_Willisif ya want to read about  it  (i just heard about it ) --> http://blog.mozilla.com/security/2009/07/14/critical-javascript-vulnerability-in-firefox-35/21:33
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L33Thaxor666yo peepos21:34
yogaScunizi: So the Shiretoko that I just installed is still beta?21:34
tanner_how do i connect my xubuntu 9.04 to wireless internet i have linksys wusb54gsc21:34
tanner_how do i connect my xubuntu 9.04 to wireless internet i have linksys wusb54gsc21:35
Dr_Willis!wireless | tanner_21:35
ubottutanner_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:35
troubledhey guys, your community manager, Jono Bacon, is just going live with Randal Schwartz for FLOSS Weekly at http://live.twit.tv/ to cover BZFlag today. Tune in for video, or use icecast to listen to the audio at twit.am/listen (winamp, vlc etc). enjoy!21:35
cortanner_ it should happen automatically - check your router DHCP settings21:35
L33Thaxor666install flash21:35
ikoniatanner_: please don't spam here21:35
ikoniaL33Thaxor666: pardon?21:36
tanner_ok i wont any more21:36
ikoniatanner_: sorry21:36
maximumbobcamt: Aha.21:36
ikoniatanner_: that wasn't for you21:36
camtmaximumbob: I like Ahas.21:36
ikoniatroubled: please don't spam stuff like that21:36
tanner_oh lol21:36
ikoniatanner_: my apologies, I was talking to troubled21:36
maximumbobcamt: bad aha, will explain:21:36
L33Thaxor666he said he cant see video21:36
maximumbobcamt: It _is_ using it like a joystick. So if I click far away from the center, it 'moves' faster. But if I click near the center of the screen, it is still. Imagine where I click where you have angled and held the joystick.21:37
arthurhIs there an apt meta package of sorts that only installs security updates from the cli?21:38
marcmsg nickserv marc emilyrz121:38
maximumbobcamt: you know, it might be the 'relative' option I used. Perhaps I need 'absolute'. There wasn't any explanation for that optipn in man joystick.21:38
arthurhor how would one go about just applying security updates to installed packages21:38
Clousefccf: Sorry I don't know where dmesg is, is it also a .conf file?21:38
ikoniaarthurh: they get offered to you out of the security repo21:38
camtmaximumbob: that sounds like it's worth a shot. inversion works though?21:38
amedeo_on my opera i cant watch youtube videos, but i have the plug-in... what can i do?21:38
arthurhikonia: so, just apply all updates available in the security repository by disabling other repos?21:39
ikoniaarthurh: no,21:39
racecar56why does my power button seem to turn off the computer like i unplugged it?21:39
maximumbobcamt: No21:39
ikoniaarthurh: the security updates are part of the normal update process21:39
Dr_WillisOpera here also - dosent seem to play flash videos.. even tho it does say the plugin is installed.21:39
maximumbobcamt: except in 'jstest' the numbers show the inversion, but not the result21:39
corracecar56 you can set that in the power settings21:39
racecar56cor, ?21:40
maximumbobcamt: some success! It no longer drifts - absolute was the answer to that. Now I just have to force the inversion.21:40
fccfClouse type dmesg into term21:40
corthere's got to be a config for the power button event somewhere. Configure that.21:40
arthurhikonia: but I ONLY want to install security updates to installed packages, and of course their dependencies -- but I don't want to upgrade any packages that exist for the sake of upgrading --21:40
racecar56cor, i looked at my power management thing and it says if i press power button, ask21:41
ikoniaarthurh: that's not how it works, it only offers updates+security updates for installed packages21:41
ikoniaarthurh: it won't update something you don't have installed21:41
[keanu]is there a known memory leak with vlc 1.0.0?21:41
racecar56cor, but i had that set and it still goes off like i unplugged it21:41
racecar56cor, it's a really old computer though21:41
racecar56cor, but in windoze at the day i used it the power button works fine21:42
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corperhaps your error logs have more details, maybe a driver issue. maybe your BIOS forces it.21:42
[keanu]i'm using vlc 1.0.0 from the PPAs, and it appears that it eats through all of my memory21:42
Clousefccf: Yep did that and it came up and went by really fast21:42
racecar56cor, well, the bios dosen't seem to have an option O_o21:42
fccfClouse: thats what I need to read21:43
BitWraithevery time gdm starts I get a curses page with an Ok button taht says that an internal error occurred. Where can I find a more detailed description of this error? I looked in /var/log but I don't see anything relevant in Xorg's logs.21:43
[keanu]with firefox, xchat, terminal, vlc, pulseaudio volume control open, i ran a while loop to append the output of 'free' to a log every tenth of a second - at one point, both my 2.5GB of physical ram, and my 2GB of swap were wiped21:43
Jlone_laptopanyone know why my download rate seems realy slow?21:43
Clousefssf: I figured that but I don't know what directory it lives in21:43
unitxtwow, Flash has totally broke Firefox on 9.04. Anyone know of a fix for this?21:44
bastidrazorBitWraith, possibly in ~/.xsession-errors21:44
Jlone_laptoponly does it in ubuntu, if i boot into windows its fine21:44
arthurhikonia: I understand that -- but let's say I have package A, version 1.  Package B, Version 1 both installed.  Package A was upgraded in the repo to version 2 for a feature standpoint, Package B has a security update to version 1.1 no more -- there's no way to just upgrade package B via some type of meta package or similar while ignoring package A that has only a new release for feature additions?21:44
Clousefccf: I tryed to nano it but got nothing21:44
ikoniaarthurh: versions don't get updated like that, it's bug fixes normally, and security updates21:44
arthurhwow, that was some load of crap that came out of my fingers -- but you get it21:44
ikoniaarthurh: let ubuntu manage your updates21:44
racecar56cor, looked in dmesg but apparently i don't see anything bad21:44
arthurhikonia yeah, during install of Ubuntu server I did choose to not have it apply updates and security updates automagically21:45
fccfClouse: i'd have you pipe dmesg to pastebinit but you can't pipe can you?21:45
arthurhikonia: I'm not sure that was the most wise choice21:45
mzuverinkI have a Happaugh 850 USBWintv-hvr, but everything look for /dev/video0, I can even find when it register when I plug it in, any help out there?21:45
ikoniaarthurh: let it apply updates - they are bug fixes, not major package updates21:45
corracecar56, I still haven't manahged to get my Satellite to sleep or hibernate in the Jaunty, so I'm not really the man to ask!21:45
racecar56cor, hey, i looked again and i see something....21:45
corhit me!21:45
Clousefccf: I will try again21:46
racecar56cor, "The chipset may have PM-Timer Bug. Due to workarounds for a bug, this clock source is slow. If you are sure your timer does not have this bug, please use "acpi_pm_good" to disable the workaround"21:46
racecar56cor, i don't know if this would do it but it looks funny21:46
Clousefccf: that it so wired the pipe key just wont work21:46
BitWraithI took another look in /var/log and I found the error, although I'm sure sure how to correct it.21:47
racecar56cor, i guess i should add acpi_pm_good to some file?21:47
arthurhikonia: thanks for the insight21:47
BitWraith"Saw signal 11: Server aborting."21:48
racecar56cor, "HPET not enabled in BIOS. You might try hpet=force boot option"21:48
corisn't it a flag?21:48
racecar56cor, interesting... hmmmm21:48
L33Thaxor666dude how do tell if your running in 64bits?21:49
racecar56L33Thaxor666, uname -a21:49
cori.e. add to your boot command. don't quote me on that - I'm only going by what you tell me!21:49
racecar56L33Thaxor666, if you see "x86_64" you're on 64bit21:49
fccfClouse: how bout pasting a pipe?21:49
corin 64 bits, I like that21:49
guntbertClouse: if you pipe key doesn't work you still can type "command > some.file, and the pastebin that file21:49
racecar56cor, i guess that would be in /boot/grub/menu.lst21:49
guntbertClouse: without the " :-)21:50
mzuverinkHow do you make a hard link?21:50
L33Thaxor666i dont see it...21:50
fccfClouse ... dmesg > dmesg.test   ... then pastebinit dmesg.test21:50
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L33Thaxor666that means i install 32 bits right?21:50
corman ln21:50
mzuverinkman ln21:51
markw_anyone loose their "wrapped-passphrase" encrypted private home directory on an upgrade?21:51
_gpg_I would like to know if some one has already made a lie ubuntu CD (or a qemu) with an LTTNG preinstalled21:51
th0rmarkl_: why...did you find one?21:51
Clousefccf: Of course save the output fist and then pastebin it, one moment21:51
racecar56Clouse, or pastebinit (haha)21:52
crom09hello, i've got some audio problems, can someone help me?21:52
markw_th0r: no, have a broken login.  apparently it won't decrypt the ecryptfs for a user.21:52
racecar56crom09, k21:52
racecar56crom09, what seems to be wrong21:52
crom09it's with the mic21:52
racecar56crom09, k21:52
crom09it seems to work, that is if i talk i hear myself on the speakers21:53
crom09however, i can't record or use voice chat21:53
markw_th0r: so if they login, their "desktop" hangs.  It's got a passphrase error in the logs.21:53
racecar56crom09, i have a similar problem21:53
jwfoxjrdoes anyone know if icecast can multiplex muliple incoming streams? I have 3 incoming streams that I want to output as one21:53
tanner_im having troble with my wireless internet any 1 able to go step by step with me?21:53
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racecar56crom09, any audio that happens to be playing when i record, it records that even if i don't have speakers hooked up O_o21:53
ikoniatanner_: follow the guide posted to you21:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wirless21:53
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:53
crom09racecar56, well, that's a step better than me21:54
Clouseguntbert: thanks also21:54
racecar56crom09, k21:54
tanner_iit did not help me21:54
crom09racecar56, at least you can record domething21:54
racecar56crom09, no i cant21:54
th0rmarkw_: I never trusted that encfs...always use truecrypt instead. It doesn't encrypt the home directory, but it will keep everying inside safe21:54
racecar56crom09, if i don't have audio playing it don't record anything21:54
guntbertClouse: np :-)21:54
racecar56crom09, if audio is playing even with no speakers, it records it21:55
FairFightHey, im trying to get libapache-mod-perl but i get this message when trying to apt-get install it: Package libapache-mod-perl is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:55
markw_th0r: I do the whole disk.21:55
FairFightwhat can i do?21:55
L33Thaxor666after all this im going to have to reinstall21:55
crom09racecar56, so you say if you play an mp3 and start recording you record the music?21:55
guntbertmsg ubottu info libapache-mod-perl21:55
racecar56crom09, no21:55
L33Thaxor666im running i686 on an multicore21:55
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markw_th0r: but 9.04 asks if you want to "encrypt" so he encrypted, now it won't let him decrypt.21:56
rudidoes anyone know how to get compiz working again in 9.04 if you have intel integrated graphics21:56
racecar56crom09, i using audacity, for example, i am recording on another track to existing ogg audio21:56
rudiback when i was on feisty it worked great21:56
racecar56crom09, then the dumb thing records what plays21:56
guntbert!info libapache2-mod-perl2 | FairFight21:56
ubottuFairFight: libapache2-mod-perl2 (source: libapache2-mod-perl2): Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.4-5ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1091 kB, installed size 3764 kB21:56
L33Thaxor666u guys are going to have to show me all about xorg again in a few weeks21:57
racecar56FairFight, apt-cache search libapache-mod-perl21:57
racecar56FairFight, that could help21:57
racecar56FairFight, wait nvm21:57
crom09racecar56, so any advice for me?21:57
racecar56crom09, i don't really know21:57
gastaufdemasthi @ll21:57
racecar56crom09, try the back mic port?21:57
racecar56crom09, the front ports i find unreliable21:57
FairFightoh, thanks guntbert21:57
Clousefccf: OK finerly, f5220f31521:58
rudidoes anyone know how to get compiz working again in 9.04 if you have intel integrated graphics21:58
guntbertFairFight: np :-)21:58
guntbert!welcome | gastaufdemast21:58
ubottugastaufdemast: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.21:58
crom09racecar56, !!21:58
maximumbobcamt: it seems to pick and choose the arguments I give it. :-/ There is a difference between "relative" and "absolute", and if I use "xz" and "xy" instead of "x" and "y". But I even swapped x and y to no effect! :-/21:59
crom09racecar56, no i don't hear myself but i can record21:59
racecar56crom09, k21:59
amaretto4ucan someone help me to install GRUB from flasg drive?21:59
guntbertmaximumbob: wrong channel? :-)21:59
fccfClouse: still need lspci ... same process21:59
crom09racecar56, well this awkward but, well, if it works...22:00
crom09racecar56, thx22:00
maximumbobguntbert: no - we've been discussing it. Pointing devices on ubuntu.22:00
Irreduc_iPod#math please22:00
racecar56crom09, k22:00
maximumbobHah I see how that can be perceived as a math thing :P. Configuring X to use a touchscreen that thinks it's a joystick as a mouse.22:00
Clousefccf: And lspci; f46ae3daf22:00
guntbertmaximumbob: sorry then, didn't see that :-)22:00
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maximumbobguntbert: you can help if you want :p22:01
maximumbobthanks for volunteering22:01
guntbertmaximumbob: what do you need?22:01
maximumbobguntbert: I have a touchscreen that works out of the box as a mouse in ubuntu.... but both the X and Y axes are invertex. Bottom left maps to top right actual.22:01
maximumbobguntbert: So I've been configuring it in xorg.conf but it seems to ignore the options that invert the axes22:02
jozpalaznHi. Sometimes with an MP3 player or other USB 2.0 device, things transfer really fast for a little bit, and then it slows down _a lot_. Why does this happen? It happens in either direction, copying from or to device.22:02
Guest82874On my current network I can do only limited internet stuff like pings and IRC but, no apt-gets or browsing. Any idea as to what would cause this?22:03
skellingtonhey guys. i love ubuntu but i have a serious problem with it. why cant i connect to wifi? whenever i type in the pass for wpa router, it just spits the hex back out at me. i dont like to bring up other distros, but moblin had wifi working out of the box. ive tried everything, and i dont know what to do. any ideas?22:03
guntbertmaximumbob: oh ... sorry, I seldom needed to touch xorg.conf since I use ubuntu - and never with a touchscreen - so no ideas :-(22:03
gastaufdemastmaximumbob - have u tried to start a ubuntu live-cd to find out if it works out-of-the-box?22:04
maximumbobgastaufdemast: This is a brand new ubuntu install and it was inverted, and it's also inverted on 2 windows systems I've tried22:04
maximumbobI'll paste my xorg.conf22:04
richdfHi! I'm after some assistance for removing an error message which appears every time I login. I'm running Jaunty. Error is "CPU frequency scaling unsupported".22:05
racecar56richdf, im a bios tweaker and i get that all the time22:05
racecar56richdf, see if resetting the bios options helps22:05
fccfClouse: you are running jaunty right?22:05
gastaufdemastmaximumbob - sorry, never had a touch screen, but maybe a hardware problem?22:05
Slartrichdf: cpu frequency scaling is when your processor is downclocked when there's nothing to do.. a power saving mechanism.. not sure why it isn't supported though.. what processor are you using?22:05
Clousefccf: Yes22:05
Hrenohey, is there a way to split one partition into more without GParted? I've defraged already, using win xp22:06
maximumbobgastaufdemast: I have two of these touchscreens and have the exact same issue22:06
markw_Ok, it looks like a bug with the password changing utility.22:06
maximumbobgastaufdemast: http://pastebin.com/m43bbbdc5 if it's enlightening at all22:06
SlartHreno: I don't think any app can "split" partitions.. shrink and create a new one though... that might work22:06
HrenoSlart, that's what I want, yeah22:06
markw_he changed his password and the wrapper for his ecryptfs didn't get updated to the new password.22:06
Clousefccf: But after I get through this I am going back to 8.1 so I can have some openGL goodness22:06
SnakDocis there a defrag app for ubuntu ?22:06
SlartHreno: you can use fdisk, gparted, parted or any number of those kinds of apps22:07
kevin34ditemi che ci sono italiani :)22:07
fccfClouse: from what I can tell your card is supprted by the xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd driver ... of course you would also need fglrx and perhaps some others ... I hope this helps22:07
kevin34che spettacolo....22:07
SlartSnakDoc: nope.. not for ext2/3 at least22:07
HrenoSlart, yeah, but I think I have to use a CD for that. is there possibly to do that inside of win xp?22:07
SlartSnakDoc: but as long as you keep at least 20% free space on the drive fragmentation shouldn't be a problem22:07
SnakDocSlart was wanting it for external has ntfs on it22:07
LolzMansorry bout, loss the connection22:07
gastaufdemastmaximumbob - have u tried to turn -x and -y to x and y ?22:08
SlartHreno: you would have to ask in a windows channel about that.. try ##windows22:08
LolzManBitWraith: the graphics card is an ati radeon.22:08
SlartSnakDoc: nope.. nothing to defrag ntfs volumes in linux22:08
tanner_i need help with my wirless network i have linksys card will anyone go threw step by step?22:08
HrenoSlart, kk, just thought if someone new here22:08
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richdfHi Slart & racecar56, it only started after I added CPU Freq Scaling Mon to Panel (in attempt to monitor cpu use - my mistake!!) removed from panel but error keeps returning on login. any ideas which config files to check? cpu info to folow next22:08
SlartHreno: no worries22:08
Slartrichdf: don't paste it to the channel22:09
SnakDocslart ok just will have to take in other room to do every so often :P lol22:09
Guest82874On my current network I can do only limited internet stuff like pings and IRC but, no apt-gets or browsing. Any idea as to what would cause this?22:09
maximumbobgastaufdemast: I've tried every combination you can imagine... + and -, even swapped and used both letters at a time. Added a number. Nothing changes anything. Though changing 'absolute' to 'relative' makes a difference so I know the configuration has some effect.22:09
Slartrichdf: use a pastebin22:09
tanner_i need help with my wirless network i have linksys card will anyone go threw step by step?22:09
LolzManis that what is causing the problem22:09
Slartrichdf: no idea really..22:09
LolzManit has updated drivers22:09
Clousefccf: Yes it does very much, thankyou very much once again, is there a sire you can direct me to with a bit more info or maybe even a bit step by step acction, sorry but I am stil a liunx newbe22:09
tanner_i need help with my wirless network i have linksys card will anyone go threw step by step?22:09
firecrotchGuest82874: Something must be blocking HTTP connections / port 80?22:09
richdfslart, pastebin? please advise (sorry for ignorance)22:09
tanner_i need help with my wirless network i have linksys card will anyone go threw step by step?22:09
tanner_i need help with my wirless network i have linksys card will anyone go threw step by step?22:09
Slart!pastebin | richdf22:09
tanner_i need help with my wirless network i have linksys card will anyone go threw step by step?22:09
tanner_i need help with my wirless network i have linksys card will anyone go threw step by step?22:09
FloodBot3tanner_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:09
alteregoadashslot comments are closed22:09
ubotturichdf: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:09
gastaufdemastmaximumbob - also tried to delete the "-"22:10
Slarttanner_: way to make sure *everyone* will ignore you22:10
alteregoai think tanner has a repeated retard problem22:10
firecrotchcould be a buggy client, you know...22:10
richdfthanks, I'll get back shortly22:11
r4banhello everyone, my FF 3.5 just crashes and dissappears for no reason, how do i go about in troubleshooting this?22:11
dewmanor has never took the time to read the rules......22:11
maximumbobgastaufdemast: I just realized that now when I hover the mouse over a scrollbar it scrolls up! no matter what.22:11
Guest82874firecrotch: Thats what I thought but, wouldnt "ping google.com" use port 80 at least for the DNS lookup?22:11
firecrotchGuest82874: Nope, DNS uses a different port22:11
tanner_i need help step by step with my wireless card for xubuntu 9.04 (jaunty)22:11
fccfClouse: try here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1170212 or here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46724722:11
dewmanI always ping google...... ;-)22:11
firecrotchGuest82874: udp 53 for DNS :)22:11
tanner_i need help step by step with my wireless card for xubuntu 9.04 (jaunty)  will anyone help me???22:12
Guest82874dewman: I am trying to break that habit and ping cnn.com since its shorter22:12
firecrotch!ask > tanner_22:12
ubottutanner_, please see my private message22:12
Slarttanner_: if you keep spamming the channel you will get kicked out of here22:12
Guest82874firecrotch: does "apt-get" use port 80?22:12
Slarttanner_: if you don't get an answer just repeat your question.. BUT wait at least 15 minutes before repeating it.. at least 15 minutes22:12
guntbertmaximumbob: in some forum I found the line  Option "MapAxis2" "mode=absolute deadzone=0 axis=-1y" - did you try that too?22:12
richdfcpu info in pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/219296/22:13
firecrotchGuest82874: Yes, it uses standard HTTP connections on port 80, as far as I know22:13
maximumbobguntbert: I'll try re-adding the deadzone spec22:13
Slartrichdf: hmm.. Celerons should support frequency scaling... odd22:13
Guest82874firecrotch: How do I test this? I suppose I need one more port 80 thing and another non-port 80 thing22:14
guntbertmaximumbob: I was looking at "=-1y" instead of "=-y"22:14
Slartrichdf: I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot this one.. frequency scaling usually "just works" for me.. perhaps someone else has an idea22:14
FairFightCan anyone help me? I've found a script on the internet http://pastebin.com/d6d6ea8b9 and i've installed libapache2-mod-perl2 - but now it gives this error: http://pastebin.com/d24c0fa0222:14
rootlinuxusrWhy would a machine with ubuntu server installed report in 'ifconfig22:14
gastaufdemastguntbert / maximumbob - why does it have to be "=-y" instead of "=y" ???22:14
rootlinuxusrWhy would a machine with ubuntu server installed report in 'ifconfig' that it has an IP address - but not be able to ping anything other than localhost?22:15
Guest82874How do I find out if a port (specifically port 80) is blocked?22:15
Slartrootlinuxusr: routing problems perhaps.. you can see the routing settings if you type "route" in a terminal22:15
maximumbobgstaufdemast: I need to _invert_ the axis. setting as just =y would be the same as the touchscreen reported22:15
r4bandoes anyone know where i can find firefox's error messages? sort of like window$ minidumps22:15
SnakDocrootlinuxusr the ip info correct ?22:15
Slartr4ban: try running it from a terminal.. not sure if firefox keeps logs somewhere22:16
firecrotchGuest82874: Is this on a network at work or something?22:16
maximumbobgstaufdemart, guntbert: Well I was able to get rid of the autoscrolling by setting the third axis to none instead of defaulting it. (It is the pressure and by default is mapped to the scrollwheel)22:16
guntbertgastaufdemast: no idea :-), I supposed it has to do with reverting up/down but you might have a very good point there - maximumbob don't you think?22:16
dunksrootlinuxusr: gateway set correctly?22:16
Guest82874firecrotch: In my win2k3 net admin class22:16
richdfslart: Thanks, I had assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that it it was not supported. Now that you have suggested that it might/should work, I'll dig around & try suggestions from other forums - sick of laptop getting damn hot!!22:16
r4banthank Slart ibarfast22:16
Guest82874firecrotch: college not HS22:17
rootlinuxusrSelf assigned via 'ifconfig eth0'. Why would the route be wrong this computer is on the same network setup? Gateway is setup correctly.22:17
firecrotchGuest82874: Ask the instructor?22:17
Slartrichdf: hehe.. understandable.. you might want to check in synaptic.. there are some tools for frequency scaling you can install22:17
maximumbobgstaufdemart, guntbert: the '-' is part of the joystick docs... you have axis=(-|+)(0-9)*(x|y)22:17
celsinI have a problem22:17
maximumbobgstaufdemart, guntbert: in fact the number can be a decimal22:17
Slartr4ban: you're welcome (yes.. Douglas Adams ruined my childhood) =)22:17
fccf!ask | celsin22:17
ubottucelsin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:17
celsini am spanish, my english is a bit bad22:17
firecrotchGuest82874: It sounds like you might have to authenticate with some kind of proxy or something.22:17
Guest82874firecrotch: ATM it is lecture time but, during break a few min ago I told him22:17
richdfdoes anyone have any suggestions for viewing cpu (%) in panel? Thanks22:17
erUSUL!es | celsin22:17
ubottucelsin: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:17
Slart!es | celsin22:17
iceroothow to block access from a ip for apache WITHOUT iptables?22:18
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.522:18
icerootand without ufw22:18
Guest82874firecrotch: How would I confirm this?22:18
rootlinuxusrIt says unknown host www.google.com or unknown host 192.168.1.x22:18
fretegi_part_3hey guys22:18
unopiceroot, see /etc/hosts.allow and hosts.deny22:18
guntbertmaximumbob: ok, as I have really no experience in this field I#ll keep quiet from now on :-))22:18
fretegi_part_3how can i see if i have java, and if so what version i have?22:18
Slartcelsin: but you're welcome to stay here too.. I think few people in here have english as their mother tounge22:18
icerootunop: this is also for apache? i thought its only for ssh22:18
firecrotchGuest82874: Try this: wget http://www.google.com   then open the file that it saves - it should give you whatever the actual error code you're getting is, if you're getting something other than a timeout22:19
maximumbobguntbert: I guess the most infuriating issue here is that it uses SOME of my options but not the ones that really matter!. Thanks for the help though.22:19
unopiceroot, oh no, it's for all TCP (and UDP?)22:19
icerootunop: very nice, thx22:19
jerbearI have an encrypted root filesystem (done with the installer). Is there anywhere that I can put a keyfile so that I don't have to type in a password at boot? I realize this is a security risk, but it is temporary.22:19
Zabaddahi everyone, i have an installing problem on the latest ubuntu, i get to the boot menu but then i get this error http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q122/zabadda/13072009308.jpg22:19
Mike94287For some reason Skype isn't working correctly for me. After about five minutes into running it, it freezes up and I am forced to force quit it. When I try to restart it I get an error and the only way to fix that is to delete the .Skype folder in my home directory.22:19
celsini was installed ubuntu 9.04 but my wifi doesn't run, the wep key doesn't connect22:19
celsinthe wep key connect in windows but in linux no22:19
SlartMike94287: I'd say that is the normal way for Skype to work =)22:20
firecrotchZabadda: You've got a bad CD, reburn at a lower speed22:20
Zabaddai tried 3 CDs and a USB key22:20
Guest82874firecrotch: it stops when it gets to "Connecting to www.google.com|Some sort of IP|:80..."22:20
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celsinthe web  key is a hexadecimal 128bits22:20
firecrotchZabadda: also make sure that your download of the ISO was good - i.e. check the md5sum of the file22:20
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guntbert!md5sum | Zabadda (a lower speed will not necessarily help)22:21
ubottuZabadda (a lower speed will not necessarily help): To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more22:21
JuJuBeeWhat port number is fish:// using ?22:21
firecrotchGuest82874: You probably have to be authenticated to the school's domain or something22:21
celsinhelpme!! please22:21
icerootunop: if the attacker is shown with a domain in apache-logs. is it ok to put his ip-adress in /etc/hosts.deny  so is ubuntu resolving the domain to an ip or must i use the domain the attacker is using?22:21
Slartcelsin: can't help you with that, sorry.. you can type !wifi here in the channel to get some information from the bot about wireless things..22:21
Guest82874firecrotch: I have used my laptop here many times with very few problems22:21
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:21
kalcifurgot a question, i have a usb floppy drive i would like to mount and use, i plugged it in, what do i need to do to actually mount it and use it? i thought something like mount /media/floppy0 but i have no idea where the device file is anyone have any idea?22:22
Slartcelsin: and try to avoid adding "Help me!" "pretty pretty please" and so on.. it just makes the channel hard to read22:22
unopiceroot, well, the address of a domain could change, could it not? best to use the domain name where you can22:22
lianimatorI installed gcc-3.4 (I have 4.3.2 also). but in 3.4, it says I don't have C++ compiler. but I have cpp-3.4 installed.22:22
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Mike94287Slart: It used to work normally but then this started happening a few months ago and up until now I just stopped using Skype however I want to start using it again.22:22
firecrotchGuest82874: Without authenticating at all?22:22
Guest96213does anyone know how to unzip  a  .zip file from the terminal ?22:22
leaf-sheepGuest96213: unzip lol.zip22:22
firecrotchGuest96213: unzip file.zip22:23
celsinSlart, i don't compraind very well the english sorry22:23
Guest96213pretty simple then22:23
icerootunop: domainname = containing ip static.88-198-3-10.clients.your-server.de22:23
FloodBot3Guest96213: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
SlartMike94287: I just spent the afternoon fighting with Skype.. it now just refuses to use my microphone for sound input.. I've basically given up on Skype.. I'm just waiting for them to release a new version22:23
maximumboblinanimator: cpp is a c preprocessor, g++ is the gnu c++ compiler.22:23
icerootunop: also http://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_88.198.3.1022:23
Slartcelsin: no worries. I understood your question. I don't know the answer though22:23
Guest96213sorry im new to this22:23
Mike94287Slart: Do you know when that is and where I can get the current latest version?22:23
Guest82874firecrotch: IDK I would just click firefox and thats all22:24
SlartMike94287: they have a linux version on their site.. but it's getting kind of old now.. I have no idea when they are going to release a new one22:24
zlatkoanyone can help abut using different desktops (w/ different icons on each desktop & different wallpapers etc.) in Ubuntu 9.0422:25
intelhi all22:25
unopiceroot, well, use both then, no?22:25
Mike94287Slart: Yeah the last time I saw it, it said 8.04. Well thanks anyway.22:25
firecrotchGuest82874: Should you be... you know... messing with win2k3 in your win2k3 class? lol22:25
icerootunop: yeah, best idea :)22:25
jerbearI have an encrypted root filesystem (done with the installer). Is there anywhere that I can put a keyfile so that I don't have to type in a password at boot? I realize this is a security risk, but it is temporary.22:25
transMIssioni send my hdd to standby with hdparm but they always wake up after a minute. WHY?22:25
maximumboblianimator: cpp is a c preprocessor, g++ is the gnu c++ compiler.22:25
pehdenanyone know how to install jwm from barebones ubuntu22:26
gastaufdemastmaximumbob - have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=579155&page=3  - something about MaxX and MaxY maybe?22:26
intelhow to change dns i want to use opendns22:26
doobiedoo42what free RPG or MMORPG games can i play with ubuntu?22:26
transMIssionman my hdd alyway spins up for a mintue and then down again...22:27
leaf-sheepjerbear: LET ME GOOGLE IT FOR YOU.  BRB.22:27
leaf-sheepjerbear: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto3#encrypting%20with%20keyfiles :)22:27
elena09Do you happen to know if the bug related to excessive heat versus excessive parking of the hard disk in laptops has been solved in Ubuntu 9.04 or newer?22:27
doobiedoo42anything besides warcraft22:27
pehdenanyone know how to install jwm from barebones ubuntu22:28
transMIssiondoobiedoo42: warcraft works (with wine)22:28
CatEateri'm running vbox on windows and i have ubuntu 9.04 in the guest machine, and i can't get it to run at 1024x600 fullscreen, but i installed the vbox additions package, what next?22:28
gastaufdemastmaximumbob - have u seen this:  http://www.elotouch.com/files/install/elo_linux_usb_driver_v3.1_installation_instructions.txt22:29
sebsebsebCatEater: Windows as host hmm, better the other way round :)   unless your 3D Wndows  gaming or some such22:29
doobiedoo42any other rpg games besides warcraft that work with ubuntu?22:29
maximumbobgastaufdemast: From that first link I found this [1]. And I did see that, but it mixes some GPL and non GPL stuff which Ubuntu forbids since 8.04. [1] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EloTouchScreen22:30
Out_Colddoobiedoo42, a quick search will show you a handful of open source rpgs22:30
CatEatersebsebseb: laptop has funny drivers, and i haven't switched from windows yet, so i have to do a windows host :(22:30
aboSamoorI am trying to start a dhcp server and I get this error "Not configured to listen on any interfaces!" ?22:30
sebsebsebCatEater: you could dual boot, have you tried doing that on there?22:30
lianimatormaximumbob: thanks for the tip! I guess g++-3.4 is no longer in the repo. "has no install candidate"22:30
sebsebsebCatEater: funny drivers?22:30
CatEateri haven't booted this machine in 2 months22:31
sebsebseb!dualboot |  CatEater22:31
ubottuCatEater: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:31
CatEateri just hibernate, i have all the stuff i was running22:31
rootlinuxusrIs there anyway I can set the IP, netmask, and gateway from terminal?22:31
pehdenanyone know how to install jwm from barebones ubuntu :((22:31
Out_Coldrootlinuxusr, man ifconfig22:31
CatEaterif i have to shut down my host machine, i won't do the procedure22:31
Out_Coldlaundry time..22:32
transMIssiondoobiedoo42: well google "free rpg linux" or search synaptics22:32
Guest82874firecrotch: Yes, I would be but, I dont feel like triple booting my laptop so that means I need vmplayer22:32
=== wad_ is now known as wad
mac9416Hello, what can I use to convert a pdf to a png?22:33
pehdenwow must be noobs in here22:34
pehdeni installed jwm but it wont loaD22:34
wadWhen I use CTL-ALT-L to lock my computer, my screen saver launches. When I tap the space bar, the screen saver pauses for between 55 and 62 seconds, before offering my a place to enter my password to unlock the machine. Any of you folks seen this behavior?22:34
fretegi_part_3hey we all start somewhere22:34
zlatkoplease help regarding using different desktops (w/ different icons on each desktop & different wallpapers etc.) in Ubuntu 9.0422:34
mac9416wad, never seen that. Have you filed a bug?22:35
guntbert!noob | gangsterlicious: neither22:35
ubottugangsterlicious: neither: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.22:35
firecrotchpehden: how did you install it?  Did you add an entry for it to /usr/share/xsession ?22:35
wadmac9416: Nope. So far I've just been annoyed. :)22:35
pehdenthat would be what i need to do now22:36
fretegi_part_3how do i see a list of software like java, that is installed?22:36
wadIt only happens when I use one of the fancy screensavers, so I think it must be related to my video driver. *shrug*22:36
firecrotchpehden: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174188  It's old but I don't see why it wouldn't work22:36
oyvind__hmm in the lastest version. If i choose to run ubuntu "side by side" in the installer .. what does it do when i comes to partitioning.. .i didnt get any more questions afterwards22:37
guntbertfretegi_part_3: open synaptic or Applications/AddRemove22:37
mac9416wad, maybe. Have you updated (I hate it when people ask me that)22:37
fretegi_part_3does ubuntu come with java in it?22:37
pehdenthanks fire22:37
elena09Do you happen to know if the bug related to excessive heat versus excessive parking of the hard disk in laptops has been solved in Ubuntu 9.04 or newer?22:37
thiebaudefretegi_part_3: no22:37
=== deanz is now known as Guest92951
gastaufdemastmaximumbob - how about adding a line "" Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 768  ""  in the server section?22:37
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
elena09Do you happen to know if the bug related to excessive heat versus excessive parking of the hard disk in laptops has been solved in Ubuntu 9.04 or newer?22:37
elena09Do you happen to know if the bug related to excessive heat versus excessive parking of the hard disk in laptops has been solved in Ubuntu 9.04 or newer?22:38
wadmac9416: Yes, I put in the very latest driver. So recent, it's not in the distro yet.22:38
firecrotchpehden: no problem :-) Just please refrain from the namecalling, mmkay?22:38
elena09Do you happen to know if the bug related to excessive heat versus excessive parking of the hard disk in laptops has been solved in Ubuntu 9.04 or newer?22:38
wadmac9416, before I put this driver in, I could't even use any 3-d screen savers. Too slow.22:38
guntbert!repeat | elena0922:38
ubottuelena09: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:38
pehdeni mean i was kool about it for about 10 minuts22:38
fretegi_part_3and it is obtainable through repositories, dont hafta go to java site?22:38
elena09Do you happen to know if the bug related to excessive heat versus excessive parking of the hard disk in laptops has been solved in Ubuntu 9.04 or newer?22:38
mac9416wad, yeah. Well, that is singular. :-( File a bug and see what happens.22:38
lianimatorhow do I install g++-3.4 from deb? it won't install since it needs gcc-3.4-base. and the base won't install because a later version is installed. I tried removing gcc-4.3-base, but I get "You are about to do something potentially harmful." I'd rather not type 'Yes, do as I say!'22:39
maximumbobgastaufdemast: I'm following the wiki entry I linked you atm...22:39
wadmac9416, wow... I've never files a bug for Linux before.22:39
thiebaudefretegi_part_3: i dont get it from stnaptic22:39
erUSULlianimator: sudo aptitude install gcc-3.422:39
fretegi_part_3lol so then go to the site?22:40
Pulsehello, where are the encrypted files kept if I chose to use encrypted home folder?22:40
lianimatorerUSUL: I have gcc-3.4, what I need is the C++ compiler g++-3.422:40
IdleOneinstall build-essential22:40
mac9416wad, I've only ever filed one, but I forgot how. You'll file it with Ubuntu, I believe in launchpad.net. I'll try and get ubottu to tell us how...22:40
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:40
thiebaudefretegi_part_3: i search in google, install java for ubuntu 9.0422:40
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:40
fretegi_part_3k thnx22:41
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory22:41
thiebaudebut there is a link also22:41
wadmac9416, thanks!22:41
mac9416wad, np :-)22:41
fccflianimator: strange ... do you have the updates repository enabled ... and things need to be updated to get things installed properly22:43
PulseI'd like to backup the encrypted version of files... where are the encrypted files kept if I chose to use encrypted home folder at installation time?22:43
=== amir_ is now known as Guest59660
Fish-Faceanyone know how to get blender running properly in jaunty? (it's a common problem, but I can't find a solution to it short of running it in software rendering mode)22:43
lianimatorfccf: I downloaded the deb of g++ 3.4.. not from repo. not sure if I should download from repo..22:44
maximumbobgastaufdemast: that's if I want a separate 'workspace'... I just need a clone of screen 022:44
spikemccyo bitches I need help a little ...22:44
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:44
firecrotch!language | spikemcc22:44
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:44
ubottuspikemcc: please see above22:45
fccflianimator: if you have the updates repository enabled the repo version should install, provided you apt-get update22:45
thiebaudethanks firecrotch22:45
spikemccubottu shut up22:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shut up22:45
emanuelei know i have windows xp in my box on hd(1,4) but how can i know what is the hd(?,?) of my linux partition ?22:45
Clousefccf: thanky you very much once again fccf thanks to you I am now back up and running and more importanly have learn just that much more about linux.22:45
Pulseis it possible to backup the encrypted version of my home directory?22:45
fccfClouse: Glad I could help22:45
KB1JWQPulse: Sure, as a block device.22:45
lianimatorfccf: I'm trying to install an older version next to my current one, possible?22:46
PulseKB1JWQ: can I do that in sbackup?22:46
KB1JWQPulse: No clue, never used it.22:46
r3l1cPulse: yes22:46
guntbert!attitude | spikemcc22:46
ubottuspikemcc: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:46
nbieanyone know how can i put in a FIFO or LIST signals() thats i cant attend at X moment ? im in ansi c unbutu.. (I dont find helpers in programming channels)22:46
fccflianimator: definatly not reccommended ... prolly not possible22:46
Pulser3l1c: where is the encrypted version of my home directoy?22:46
r3l1cMounted when you log on I think22:47
Pulser3l1c: you mean encrypted version cannot be backed up when I am logged in22:47
r3l1cPulse:  oh you want to copy the whole encrypted /home22:47
spikemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/219315/ 3 xorgs for my laptop the last one is mine actually but the graphic part is bugged so I wanna use a free driver to get it working ...22:47
r3l1cas it is encrypted?22:47
Pulser3l1c: yes22:47
guntbertlianimator: why do you need an old version of g++?22:48
Pulser3l1c: because otherwise there would be no point in encrypting it at the first place, no?22:48
r3l1cLog in as another user Pulse ... Give that user group rights to Pulse's files and then sbackup... But if you want to encrypt the day there are better tools... Are you saving to an external?22:48
gastaufdemastmaximumbob - maybe you need a calibration with a tool like http://touchcal.sourceforge.net/   ? sry, no ideas...22:49
r3l1cday = data22:49
maximumbobI'll check it out22:49
Pulser3l1c: no, local22:49
spikemcchey !!!22:49
FloodBot3spikemcc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:49
r3l1cPulse:  lemme think for a minute22:50
Pulser3l1c: I'd like to have incremental backup capability, somewhat similar to time machine thing in macintosh22:50
maximumbobI don't really get those people... do they really think they're going to be helped?22:50
transMIssionfloodbot test22:50
lianimatorguntbert: I have some homework I'm working on in cygwin on XP in vbox.. which isn't that convenient for me. when I try to compile on Ubuntu, I get some linking errors.. I asked in ##C++ but they say my code is wrong22:50
transMIssionfloodbot test22:50
transMIssionfloodbot test22:50
FloodBot3transMIssion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:50
thiebaudespikemcc: you got alot of things in there22:50
firecrotchmaximumbob: they think that we'll help them in order to get them out of our hair quicker22:50
jribtransMIssion: don't do that please22:50
lianimatorguntbert: oh and, the gcc version in cygwin is 3.4.422:50
maximumbobfirecrotch: fortunately for us, someone invented the idea of 'banning' a while back22:51
* transMIssion waving at jrib22:51
gOLDfeeshwhey I have a question about wireless.. I have lke 3 wireless cards. 2 dongles and one pci card. I tried a dongle in.. I'm able to scan the network.. and when I try and connect, it just gets stuck at trying to connect22:51
r3l1cPulse:  something about that sounds off... Are you staying log in as the user that is encrypted... Locking the screen?22:51
firecrotchmaximumbob: probably sees that there are no ops22:52
Pulser3l1c: no i log out at nightas22:52
jribspikemcc: you should ask a question (one time) on a single line to give some context to your pastebin22:52
gOLDfeeshtwo dongles are: dlink one has is a realtek driver (rt73) and the others are ipraw22:52
r3l1cBut you keep the system running?22:52
Pulser3l1c: yes22:52
guntbertlianimator: still: I suppose if your code keeps "to the standard" - errors are errors in any version - so cances are good that if your code compiles in 4.3 it will also in 3.422:53
Pulser3l1c: but I think the backup system will have to be able to backup whether I am logged in or out22:53
gOLDfeeshTexas Instrument ACX 100 22Mbps Wireless Interface22:53
transMIssionjrib: how many lines can you post before you are banned?22:53
gOLDfeesh!pastebin > transMIssion22:53
ubottutransMIssion, please see my private message22:53
jiffeanyone used gfs on vmware4?22:53
jribtransMIssion: not sure,22:53
lianimatorguntbert: my situation is it compiles in 3.4 (cygwin) but not 4.3 on Ubuntu. :(22:54
r3l1cCreate a truecrypt volume. Excryption is only going to help you if someone snatches the drive or if you shut down when the fuzz is coming, thats if they don't have a canister of liquid nitrogen22:54
r3l1cput the truecrypt volume at /var/encbackup and mount it on logon.22:54
r3l1cor startup22:55
transMIssiongOLDfeesh: i know. was just impressed by the cool floodbot22:55
r3l1cso when you pull the pluf the hold volume is encrypted22:55
r3l1cpluf = plug22:55
aboSamoorcan anyone help me to setup tftp server ?22:55
guntbertlianimator: ouch!22:55
transMIssionaboSamoor: î would google first...22:55
jribI have http://pastebin.com/f4ff6ead3 in ~/.xmodmaprc and ~/.xprofile contains "xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc > ZZ_THIS_WAS_EXECUTED" (which gets executed on login).  I am starting xmonad through gdm.  After xmonad starts, I notice that my xmodmap has not taken affect.  However, running "xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc" works fine.  Ideas?22:56
LongbowSirany one good with graphic problems?22:56
aboSamoortransMIssion,  I have been googling for 40 minutes22:56
transMIssionaboSamoor: k dud was just thinkin...22:56
Pulser3l1c: I thought ubuntu was using truecrypt by default22:57
=== natschil_ is now known as natschil
guntbertlianimator: but you should get you code to compile on a recent version anyways - so improve your code :-)22:57
gastaufdemastLongbowSir - just ask, someone might answer...22:57
guntbert*your code22:58
transMIssionaboSamoor: found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FtpServer22:58
StrangeCharmhow do i make a program run automatically on startup22:58
fccf!anyone | gOLDfeesh22:58
ubottugOLDfeesh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:58
bastidrazor!startup | StrangeCharm for gnome22:58
ubottuStrangeCharm for gnome: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:58
LongbowSirI can't get the screen resolution to change from 800X400 when using a nvdia graphics card and a Samsung 2233 wide screen22:58
StrangeCharmbastidrazor-  no, not for gnome, on an x-less system22:59
fccf!boot | StrangeCharm22:59
ubottuStrangeCharm: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:59
aboSamoortransMIssion, I setup the file /etc/default/tftp-hpa and starting the process does not give any result, no process created and no listening port !22:59
gOLDfeeshfccf don't start that..22:59
jribregarding my xmodmap issue: gnome-settings-daemon was stupidly reverting my changes22:59
icerootwhich permission (user:group) is apache using to create a log?  root:root  or wwwdata:wwwdata?23:00
fccfgOLDfeesh: don't come in here with unsupported hardware, stop buying junk23:00
gOLDfeeshSomething's buggy with the terminal too.. on live CD apparently, you can't use modeprob23:00
lianimatorguntbert: I wish I could.. but it's actually code provide by my teacher. I hate working on programming homework in cygwin/windows23:00
gastaufdemastLongbowSir - which driver is installed? nv? or Nvidia?23:00
LongbowSirnvidia driver is installed23:00
caricklianimator: what language is this/23:00
glitsj16aboSamoor: there might be a separate tftp config file in /etc somewhere, at least that's usually the case (never used tftp personally)23:01
bastidrazorgOLDfeesh, modeprob is not a command23:01
r3l1cPulse:  sorry I got pulled away... Use the volume for your backup destination.23:01
neurei just tried to install kubuntu from usb but i didnt get far, i got Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!23:01
neurepretty much around 4.1something23:01
neureany ideas?23:01
lianimatorcarick: C++23:01
spikemcchey are you jerks or what ?23:01
lstarnesspikemcc: what do you want us to do with that?  You keep pasting that link without any other info23:01
spikemccwhen I give info you don't help more23:02
caricklianimator: no english23:02
fccfspikemcc: no you are ... we need details and you not to use explicitives relating to dogs23:02
transMIssionaboSamoor: sry mate. no idea. Hang on there :-)23:02
mrxyzunop: Are you there?23:02
lianimatorcarick: ha-ha23:02
caricklianimator: jk, and what happens when you try to compile, sorry hopping in late23:02
gastaufdemastLongbowSir - tried the Nvidia X Driver Settings in your menu?23:02
lstarnesspikemcc: what is the problem what you are having with that xorg config? (yes, I read the paste)23:02
Pulser3l1c: you mean backup the decrypted version but into an encrypted volume?23:02
VikOlliverVRML viewers for VRML V2.0 - do we have one?23:03
meteor``Is thr any firewall type thing in Ubuntu?23:03
LongbowSiryes I did ,when the machine boots up the graphics are correct,but once teh home screen comes up then it reverts to the 800X400 !23:03
lstarnesmeteor``: yes23:03
bastidrazorLongbowSir, gksudo nvidia-settings .. when done making changes be sure to save to X. restart X and you've hopefully done what you need23:03
guntbertlianimator: if you want to talk about the code - we could do it over in ##C++ - as its a bit off tpoic here23:03
transMIssiongOLDfeesh: how can i send messages by ubottu?23:03
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist23:03
lstarnes!firewall | meteor``23:04
ubottumeteor``: please see above23:04
spikemccmy xorg.conf is the 3rd one and the graphic setup don't work, it broken when I installed my 2nd monitor ... ati catalyst 9.4 driver on hardy 64 ...23:04
maximumbobAnyone know why when compiling something I get 'stdscr undelcared'? I have installed ncurses5-dev23:04
lianimatorcarick: situation is: my teacher provided the makefile and skeleton files to compile a scanner using flex. the error is "extern __FILE__ *fin"23:04
lstarnesspikemcc: where did you get the driver from?23:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:04
maximumbobnm got it23:05
LongbowSirI know this seems like a dumb question ...How do I save to X ?23:05
fccf!msgthebot | transMIssion23:05
ubottutransMIssion: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:05
=== fmartin is now known as Kanario
spikemccbut it was working well before so I want to put back an open source driver until I reinstall catalyst driver later ...23:05
lianimatorguntbert: I've tried in ##C++, unresolved. so I just wanna try the same version which worked23:05
mrxyzunop: I have a problem. The code yuo gave me doesn't cut the line after the </description> at the end of the line. Some extra code is still there. I have the <description>...</descripion> at a line each, but then there are some code afterwards. I don't want that. I want the pearl script to only put <description>bla bla</description> on each row, not any other tags afterward on each line.23:05
LongbowSiror will that be an option??23:05
fccfand for all you noob's www.ubuntupocketguide.com23:05
lianimatorHow can two debs be installed which depend on each other?23:05
transMIssion!msgthebot | fccf  does this work?23:06
ubottufccf  does this work?: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:06
lstarnesspikemcc: you're not using the restricted drivers from ubuntu's repos?23:06
fccftransMIssion: yes23:06
lstarneslianimator: install them at the same time23:06
thiebaudefccf: that was an excellent read23:06
transMIssionfccf: nice :-D23:06
filosoficCan anyone let me know an IRC chat room for Firefox-3.5 problems on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala?  Keep getting a "Firefox-3.5 is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox-3.5 process, or restart your system." error.23:06
lstarneslianimator: e.g. sudo dpkg -i file1.deb file2.deb23:06
maximumbobWhy did 'ctrl-alt-backspace' to kill X get removed from ubuntu? :-/ It hasn't ever worked on any of my ubuntu systems23:06
fccf!karmic filosofic23:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:06
lstarnes!dontzap | maximumbob23:06
ubottumaximumbob: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.23:06
fccf!karmic | filosofic23:06
ubottufilosofic: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:06
carickfilosofic: ls -A in your home directory23:06
lianimatorlstarnes: th23:06
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)23:06
KB1JWQfilosofic: ps aux | grep firefox; kill that process.  Try it then.23:07
guntbertlianimator: ok, just from your last statement I guess I couldn't be of much help there (I expected something basic) -  sorry23:07
spikemccno the repo driver is too outdated for me23:07
maximumboblstarnes: tahaa - never knew that existed. thanks.23:07
lstarnesspikemcc: we only officially support the drivers in the repos23:07
_gpg_Is it possible to get linux kernel 2.6.27+ for ubuntu hardy please ?23:07
soreaulstarnes: Doesn't dontzap just add the DontZap option to the server flags section of xorg.conf?23:07
lstarnessoreau: I'm not sure23:07
VikOlliverubottu, What does ubuntu have for a VRML 2.0 viewer?23:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:07
neko_er wrong chan23:07
spikemccI just want my xorg to work with an open source driver as it was working at the first setup23:07
fccf_gpg_ perhaps in ppa23:08
spikemccuntil I put back the official catalyst driver ...23:08
_gpg_fccf, i'm searching, thank you23:08
lianimatorHow do I install 3 debs, but one needs to be configured first?23:08
eupatorhello people!23:08
transMIssioneupator: hello you!23:08
lstarnesspikemcc: was it working before you installed the 2nd monitor?23:09
bastidrazorlianimator, sudo dpkg -i file.deb  .. then do the next then the next23:09
gOLDfeeshAlright, so I don't have the internet on my computer, (the one I'm trying to install Linux on) and I'm trying to setup my wireless.23:09
kainhi all, wondering if anyone knew how to fix this problem i'm having : Using PDF edit, I open a .pdf and want to underline some words in it, when i try this, i get error :Error.Exception in ContentStream.replace : Document is read-only?23:09
spikemccyes perfectly with catalyst 9.423:09
gastaufdemast!night | transMIssion23:09
ubottutransMIssion: It's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds.  This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question.  Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake.  This is particularly true in the quieter channels.23:09
lianimatorbastidrazor: e.g. A depend on B, B on A; but A needs to be configured for B to install..23:10
gastaufdemast*lol* ubottu23:10
filosoficthanx all....23:10
spikemccI just as missed luck with the config of the second monitor23:10
gOLDfeeshI have a DWL-G122 (Dlink) and the original "Texas Instrument ACX 100 22Mbps Wireless Interface" that's on the computer anyone able to help me get Wireless working?23:10
meteor``thanx, I got firestarter. :)23:10
carickfilosofic: you there?23:10
eupatorwhat analog of visual studio exist for ubuntu?23:10
lstarnesspikemcc: what exactly is broken about the current setup?23:10
spikemccgOLDfeesh: ndiswrapper in the doc23:10
gOLDfeesheupator you can try Mono Develop..23:11
gOLDfeeshspikemcc ndiswrapper says "command not found"23:11
maximumbobI can't believe I've spent over 5 hours trying to flip the X and Y axes on an input device and made exactly zero progress. I figured this would be trivially easy in Linux.23:11
gOLDfeeshmeteor`` to be completely honest, I don't know if they fixed firestarter or not.. but it just caused nothing but more issues for me when I tried it23:11
spikemccI don't know but xorg is now reconfigurated with mesa I think23:11
gOLDfeeshgufw is pretty deent though..23:11
lstarnesspikemcc: what about it isn't working right?23:11
meteor``I should try gufw then.23:11
spikemccso now I get only 800x600 it's hard23:12
=== howie1 is now known as howie
spikemccmy monitor is on 1280x800 normaly23:12
eupatorgOLDfeesh, can I install it via apt?23:12
gOLDfeesheupator yes23:12
gOLDfeeshmeteor`` I was using ubuntu hardy at that time.. they seemed to have fixed a lot with jaunty23:12
eupatorgOLDfeesh, 10x a lot!23:12
lstarnesspikemcc: other than onlt having 800x600, can you still use both monitors?23:12
bastidrazorlianimator, the command is still the same. dpkg -i file.deb then do the same to the 2nd deb.23:12
spikemccdon't know I want my 1280x800 back23:13
spikemccthat will be enough for me ...23:13
lstarnesspikemcc: are you still using both monitors, or are you just using one?23:13
wizzosebsebseb: ok, here I am.23:13
meteor``I started the firewall.23:14
spectaculari put netbook remix onto an eee pc.  it has a funny desktop -- UNR. i want to switch it to the normal gnome look and behavior.  how would i do that?  apt-get install gnome?23:14
bastidrazorspectacular, ubuntu-desktop23:14
meteor``it should be running in the background? or it gets closed when i click the 'x' button?23:14
dayoin my /var23:15
lstarnesmeteor``: it's in the background23:15
lianimatorbastidrazor: I still get dependency error no matter how I order them.23:15
bastidrazorlianimator, install the dependencies it needs then.23:15
dayoin my /var/log/auth.log i have periodic appearances of this:  sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=username ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/port   what does it mean?23:15
spikemccI miss my 1280x800 help me a little23:15
lstarnesspikemcc: I'm trying.  Please be patient23:15
Zaqqis there a setfsb utility in ubuntu? i wish to lower the cpu speed on my netbook23:16
spikemccany driver that work will do ... ati open source driver maybe23:16
lianimatorbastidrazor: that's the thing. it's a chiicken and egg problem23:16
caricklianimator: what too things are you trying to .deb23:16
gastaufdemastspikemcc - what happens when you start your system with a live-cd?23:16
lstarnesspikemcc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution might have some information that can help you with fixing the resolution23:16
r3l1cwho currently has a man page open?23:17
guntbertr3l1c: why?23:17
spikemccthe live cd always worked perfectly any distro23:17
r3l1cguntbert:  just curious23:17
lianimatorcarick: trying to install g++-3.4 and libstdc++6-dev23:17
gastaufdemastspikemcc - ok, did you compare the xorg.conf files?23:18
guntbertr3l1c: then its off-topic here :-)23:18
spikemccah man just fucking codes you don't have better ?23:18
spikemccnot really23:18
r3l1comg, I come in here and help everyday and I can't ask a question? really?23:18
guntbert!ohmy | spikemcc23:18
ubottuspikemcc: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:18
lstarnesr3l1c: you asked a question23:18
caricklianimator: im pretty sure g++ is part of gcc23:18
spikemcccause they the ati driver and I just want the open source one23:18
lianimatorreally gotta sleep. thanks for help..23:18
gastaufdemastspikemcc - can you copy the xorg.conf from the live-cd on the hdd?23:18
r3l1cwith out get crap for it23:19
spikemccI don't know how ...23:19
lstarnesr3l1c: my answer to it is no23:19
r3l1cnevermind... not worth it.. sorry for being off topic23:19
lianimatorI'm 4 hours past my daily workrave-limit... that's 9 hours of computing.23:19
jaredI cannot download any torrents or my wifi disconnects23:19
lstarnesspikemcc: looking at the most recent xorg config, I didn't see any modelines in it23:19
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daniel29how can i create a virtual machine from a real (windows or linux) installation?23:19
=== Guest68969 is now known as daycreature
Alek_86hello all23:20
funkyHatdaniel29: clonezilla or ghost or something perhaps23:20
fccfdaniel29: you might want to ask your question in #vbox23:20
gOLDfeeshfollowed the steps at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209315 and still no internet23:20
daniel29funkyHat: i need a virtual machine that i can execute later23:20
kyjafirefox wants to download PHTML instead of run it server side. php is working. so I dont know what this is23:20
spikemccI just need a decent default driver and to keep other parts of my xorg.conf ...23:20
funkyHatdaniel29: or you might be able to mount a real hard disk partition as a virtual drive, but not sure if that's what you want23:20
Alek_86I installed FGLRX 9.3 Ati driver, and now xorg process is using almost 100% cpu :( How can I fix that?23:20
=== _taa is now known as _Taa_
daycreatureWhenever I attempt to download a torrent using ANY client (does not seem to matter which), it downloads for a few minutes and then my wifi disconnects. The ONLY way I am able to regain connection is by resetting the computer. What can I do to fix this?23:21
=== _Taa_ is now known as _taa_
funkyHatdaniel29: not sure what you mean by "execute later"23:21
r3l1cI have found times when apache and firefox just try to download php files, anyone know why?23:21
spikemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/219315/ my current xorg.conf is the 3rd one ...23:21
daniel29funkyHat: execute as a virtual machine23:21
funkyHatdaniel29: right, so my first suggestion is probably better then23:21
spikemccthe others are just xorg.conf of differents ubuntu with the same hardware ...23:22
r3l1cyes glitsj16?23:22
glitsj16you need to activate the PHP module23:22
funkyHatr3l1c: problems with apache's config, if it's not set up to execute php it will just serve the file23:22
erUSULdaycreature: looks like a bug in the wifi driver (kernel)23:22
r3l1cok... thanks23:22
erUSUL!bugs | daycreature23:22
ubottudaycreature: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:22
kyjaso there is another php module to do PHTML ?23:22
gOLDfeeshfollowed the steps at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209315 and still no internet any suggestions?23:22
buckyr3l1c: you have to set the mime type for .php in apache.conf and  restart apache.. there's a line you uncomment23:22
daycreatureerUSUL if I file a bug will that mean someone will get back to me?23:23
erUSULdaycreature: probably;23:23
funcky1why is copying and pasting from error windows to other applications like gedit or firefox not working?23:23
daycreatureAlright, and what do I put for <package>23:23
megatronsorry to but in, but, anyone got a link to a noob how-to for an apache web server on ubuntu.....?23:24
erUSULfuncky1: not even middle click ?23:24
carickfuncky1: try highligh and middle click23:24
funcky1ive tried23:24
carickfuncky1: try again23:24
epicreviewshey how do you install an icon set?23:24
carickepicreviews: you copy the files23:24
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)23:24
guntbert!lamp | megatron23:25
ubottumegatron: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:25
funcky1yup, doesnt work23:25
=== Azeem is now known as moymoy
epicreviewsthat bot thing was worthless23:26
funcky1why is copying and pasting from error windows to other applications like gedit or firefox not working?23:26
jribfuncky1: how are you copying?23:27
r3l1clibapach-mod-php5 ? This one? glitsj1623:27
epicreviewsI downloaded an icon set from gnome-looks I believe, and I would like to install it23:27
funcky1ctrl +c23:27
jribepicreviews: system -> preferences -> appearance23:27
lstarnesspikemcc: other than through xrandr and adding modelines to xorg.conf, I'm out of ideas23:27
jribfuncky1: do you select the text first?  Can you right click on it?23:27
soreaufuncky1: Is it actually showing the text highlighted?23:27
funcky1yes, yes23:27
VikOlliverHi folks, any idea what I can use to view VRML 2.0 files?23:27
epicreviewsok what after "appearance"?23:27
jribfuncky1: you were asked 3 questions...23:28
epicreviewsnote the icon set is on my desktop23:28
glitsj16r311c: yes, after installing that, did you activate it? you'll need the "sudo a2enmod php5" command to do that23:28
jrib!who | funcky123:28
ubottufuncky1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:28
funcky1jrib: yes, yes23:28
funcky1soreau: yes23:28
jribfuncky1: can you use "copy" on your menu?23:28
r3l1cglitsj16:  no not yet I just went looking to find out which module to load.23:28
epicreviewsjrib, what after appearance?23:28
funcky1jrib: yes23:28
moymoyepicreviews: go to the theme manager and drag the set into the theme manager23:28
GuidoVbHi everybody, i'm testing karmic koala, I found a bug that it's in Fix Commited status but i can't find the fix, who can help me please? Thanks!23:28
carickepicreviews: what format is it in23:28
r3l1cI will do it later... Time for ribs!23:29
jribfuncky1: and does that fail as well?23:29
funcky1yes jrib23:29
jribepicreviews: "Install..."23:29
jribfuncky1: don't know then23:29
mickster04can someone who has youtube working go on this site and tell me what flash it says u have? im trouble shooting http://supportdetails.com/23:29
epicreviewsI got it, the drag and drop worked for me, thanks all23:29
soreaufuncky1: Highlight / Middle Click fails as well?23:29
jrib!flash > mickster0423:29
ubottumickster04, please see my private message23:29
guntbert!karmic | GuidoVb23:29
ubottuGuidoVb: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:29
lstarnesGuidoVb: iirc, once the fix reaches the released status you should get it23:29
funcky1soreau: yes23:29
glitsj16r311c: okay, it's not very well documented, but the comand is mentioned in the general help on LAMP installs (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Installing%20PHP%205)23:29
jribmickster04: (that site is useless, it says "10")23:30
soreaufuncky1: Sounds like something's funcky with your system then23:30
mickster04kribjri for me it says 923:30
mickster04jrib,  for me it says 923:30
bastidrazormickster04, that is rather cool site. 64bit jaunty here.. using flash 1023:30
funcky1soreau: like what?23:30
jribfuncky1: let's see... does your clipboard change to nothing if you had something in it previously, or does it remain the same23:31
epicreviewsok I also have a bigger problem23:31
mickster04i looked in my plugins and theres shockwave flash at that version number23:31
soreaufuncky1: No idea. I think the clipboard is just a buffer in memory, so it should be working23:31
jribmickster04: yes, but what flash are you using?  Pastebin about:config from your browser23:31
mickster04i dunno how to update it23:31
_PiLoT_does ubuntu ever need defragging?23:31
jrib_PiLoT_: ~no23:31
funcky1jrib: how do i view the clipboard?23:31
fccf_PiLoT_: no23:31
mickster04jrib, which bit do u want23:31
GuidoVbthanks everybody! going to #ubuntu+123:31
jribfuncky1: paste it somewhere is the easy way23:31
glitsj16_PiLoT_: it all depends on the filsesystem you use23:32
jribmickster04: all of it23:32
jrib!pastebin > mickster0423:32
ubottumickster04, please see my private message23:32
_PiLoT_as in?23:32
epicreviewsI installed a malfunctioning package, and I don't know how to uninstall it, I'm getting errors all over the place. It is a private package my friend wanted me to try23:32
jribepicreviews: pastebin23:32
fccfepicreviews: how was it installed?23:32
funcky1what does "somewhere the easy way" mean, jrib?23:32
epicreviewspackage manager, fccf23:32
glitsj16_PiLoT_: xfs has auto-defrag features for one, ext2 and ext3 don't23:32
BarqersCan someone help me?23:32
soreauepicreviews: sudo apt-get remove <package name>23:32
jribfuncky1: (pasting it somewhere) is the easy way23:32
erUSUL!anyone | Barqers23:33
ubottuBarqers: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:33
fccfepicreviews: than it should be removable from the package manager23:33
epicreviewsdoesn't work soreau, it's that screwed up23:33
soreauBarqers: Not if you don't ask your question23:33
soreau! work | epicreviews23:33
ubottuepicreviews: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:33
_PiLoT_im on ext323:33
spikemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/219315/ my xorg.conf is the 3rd can you help me repair it for catalyst 9.4 on hardy 64 with two monitors ??? it crashed when I setup the 2nd monitor ... the other xorg.conf use the same hardware to help a little for the repair ... open source driver could do for a little time also ...23:33
soreauepicreviews: Pastebin the failed output23:33
epicreviewsthat method doesn't solve the problem23:33
mickster04jrib, how do i select all of it?23:33
funcky1jrib: but i cant paste it somewhere23:33
jribmickster04: ctrl-a?23:34
jribfuncky1: why not...?23:34
mickster04jrib, nope23:34
_PiLoT_how would i know if my ubuntu partition is being bad???23:34
gruntHow can I set my world region to US in crda, there should be a config file for crda in /etc like in other distros, what I'm I missing?23:34
jribmickster04: drag your mouse from the top to bottom?23:34
mickster04jrib, nada:(23:34
spikemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/219315/ my xorg.conf is the 3rd can you help me repair it for catalyst 9.4 on hardy 64 with two monitors ??? it crashed when I setup the 2nd monitor ... the other xorg.conf use the same hardware to help a little for the repair ... open source driver could do for a little time also ...23:34
jribmickster04: erm...23:35
glitsj16_PiLoT_: http://sharevm.wordpress.com/2008/12/16/435/ has some things you can check23:35
BarqersI own a business and my system which records all data is located in an Acess file database. I use *.asp files which go through IIS 7 in windows vista. However, this OS extremely slows down my system, and I wanted to move to Linux as my OS. However, I was wondering if I can setup ASP on Ubuntu. Not to serve over the internet, only within my network. Such as the web address "http://localhost:8080" sort of thing. How would I setup this und23:35
Barqerser Ubuntu?23:35
funcky1jrib as i said before, i cant copy from the error windows23:35
mickster04jrib, i downloaded flash 1- an installed it:/23:35
gartralhow do I get Nautilus to NOT show the "These Files..."bars on the top of the folder veiw?23:35
jfj1si eso23:35
mickster04jrib, install_flash_player_10_linux.deb from the adobe site23:35
erUSULBarqers: mono is a .Net implementation fro linux that supports asp.net23:35
jribfuncky1: here is what I am asking you to do: 1. copy something that you know works (for example this sentence).  2.  Paste it somewhere to verify it is in your clipboard.  3.  Try to copy your error message.  4.  Then press paste again and report what happens.  Does it still have the original sentence or is it now blank?  Also, see what "middle click" pastes23:36
dayoin my /var/log/auth.log i have periodic appearances of this:  sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=username ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/port   what does it mean?23:36
jribmickster04: I need to see the about:config output23:36
mickster04well easier said than done, what are you looiking for?23:36
BarqerserUSUL: I was reading about that, Mono, XSP Program. But I heard it does not work with *.asp files? Only *.aspX files?23:36
epicreviewsAll: output from uninstall: http://pastebin.ca/149629223:36
mickster04jrib, well easier said than done, what are you looiking for?23:36
jribdayo: my guess (check your cron): the automatic apt update23:37
erUSULBarqers: may be true. old asp is not suported only asp.net23:37
jribmickster04: everything that says flash or shockwave23:37
AkkarinMoin :D23:37
jribI don't understand how you cannot copy it23:37
epicreviewsand I've tried reinstalling the package, the package installer doesn't like it, says it might be corrupted (which it's not) or something else23:37
jribmickster04: oh, wait, I do.  It's completely my mistake, sorry.  I meant about:plugins23:37
Akkarincan everyone tell me how i can open a new window list? i've closed the list at the bottom of the screen -.-23:38
McPeterspikemcc, please stop pv now !!23:38
funcky1after copying the error message i am unable to paste *anything* jrib23:38
glitsj16Barqers: http://www.blogternals.com/2009/05/02/ubuntu-jaunty-jackalope-php-aspnet-side-by-side-with-apache2/ might be of interest23:38
edbianAkkarin: Right click on the panel and "add to panel"  Then choose window list23:38
erUSULAkkarin: add the windows list applet to the panel23:38
edbianAkkarin: :)23:38
gartralAkkarin: make a new panel, and then add window list too it23:38
jribfuncky1: you mean copy and paste ceases to function or just that when you paste immediately after, it pastes nothing?23:38
mickster04jrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/219348/23:39
funcky1jrib: i mean paste is not an option23:39
jribmickster04: remove swfdec23:39
gartralhow do I get Nautilus to NOT show the "These Files..."bars on the top of the folder veiw?23:39
jribfuncky1: interesting23:39
Koltorquick question, I'm running 9.04 and Grub2, I need to install windows xp on another partition and am assuming it will screw up grub. I know if i were using grub1 i could fix it with the live cd, what can I do to fix grub2 after i install xp?23:39
funcky1jrib: it is grayed out23:39
Akkarinhm i don't know how i can make a new panel ^^23:39
mickster04frib__, how? i can disable it in the plugin manager23:39
jribfuncky1: what program is this exactly that throws the error?23:39
moymoygartral: i don't even know what you're talking about23:39
frib__mickster04: sorry, i'm totally out of context23:40
gartralAkkarin: right click the panel you do have and Make New Panel23:40
Akkarinoh thanx xD23:40
jribmickster04: I would just remove all of the swfdec packages you have installed.  You can also use that firefox plugin manager, but I'm not familiar with it23:40
mickster04frib__, sorry wring person23:40
funcky1any program that throws an error and in several types of error window formats. also update manager's error window.23:40
funcky1jrib: any program that throws an error and in several types of error window formats. also update manager's error window.23:41
epicreviewscan I manually delete an installed package and any/all entries for it?23:41
Barqersglitsj16: Thank you very much, I will check it out.23:41
bjorkintoshthere's definitely something wrong with ubuntu...23:41
jribfuncky1: can you give me one example that is easy for me to replicate here?23:41
glitsj16Koltor: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide has the details23:41
mickster04jrib, will get right bac to u then23:41
gartralmoymoy: I have a DAP plugged in, and when i brose the folder it mounts too, it says in these obnoxiously huge bars "These files are on a Picture CD" and "These files are on a digital audio player" the first is wrong, the second is obvious23:41
moymoyepicreviews: you might break the package manager though23:41
Akkarinit works :D23:41
Koltorthanks glitsj1623:41
BarqerserUSUL: Thank you for your help. I'll research Mono and see if it will support *.asp!23:41
bjorkintoshthis machine is an ancient mac with debian running on it. nothing crashes on it ever.23:41
epicreviewsmoymoy, nothing else I can do, already broken23:41
bjorkintoshubuntu on the other hand crashes firefox seemingly 23 quadrillion times a day!23:42
epicreviewsI need to fix this, I REALLY don't want to do a reinstall23:42
bjorkintoshis there something i ought to be looking for?23:42
erUSULBarqers: ok; good luck23:42
dayojrib: u were right, it's apt. thank u.23:42
StrangeCharmwhat's a good place to put installed programs?23:42
jribbjorkintosh: you could file a bug and provide debugging information if you wish23:42
edbianepicreviews: To remove a package completely run sudo apt-get purge <packagename>23:42
jrib!debug > bjorkintosh23:42
ubottubjorkintosh, please see my private message23:42
StrangeCharmalso, what's the difference between /bin and /sbin23:42
glitsj16bjorkintosh: any errors thrown when firefox crashes?23:42
edbianbjorkintosh: Debian is great isn't it! :)23:42
bjorkintoshjrib, when it's crashing, everything freezes and i can't do anything at all!23:42
bruenigedbian: calm down23:43
epicreviewsedbian, I guess I'm screwed then because I remember doing that and it failed23:43
jribbjorkintosh: what video drivers?23:43
moymoyepicreviews: what error messages do you get?23:43
edbianStrangeCharm: /bin is system binaries.  /sbin is binaries that can only be run as root.23:43
erUSULStrangeCharm: sbin holds binaries only intended for root to run23:43
jrib!lfs > StrangeCharm23:43
bjorkintoshjrib, it's an old machine from 2005.23:43
ubottuStrangeCharm, please see my private message23:43
frib__StrangeCharm: /bin are usually static binaries23:43
mickster04jrib, you legend!!23:43
bjorkintoshnever had problems with it until now.23:43
mickster04just gona check youtube works23:43
jrib!fhs > StrangeCharm23:43
funcky1jrib: like i said it just comes up in dialogue windows23:43
* jrib wonders how that happened23:43
brueniglfs is linux from scratch, what is this ubottu heresy?23:43
edbianepicreviews: Do you remember any errors it threw?  What exactly is your problem?23:43
epicreviewsedbian: E: The package portos-archive-keyring needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.23:43
jribbruenig: I was 2 for 3!23:43
erUSULbruenig: linux standar base --> lfs23:44
l33tHAXOR6669why is my wlan light blinking like crazy?23:44
l33tHAXOR6669it should be solid23:44
bruenigepicreviews: apt-get update23:44
mickster04jrib, awesome man, ill remember that one!23:44
jribStrangeCharm: ignore ubottu's first message of course...23:44
StrangeCharmthanks for those explanations and links, edbian erUSUL frib__ jrib23:44
gartralmoymoy: here have a screen shot http://imagebin.org/5605523:44
mickster04cookie | jrib23:44
edbianepicreviews: Is that dpkg saying it can't find an archive?  Or is that you.23:44
mickster04!cookie | jrib23:44
ubottujrib: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:44
epicreviewsthat's dpkg23:44
mickster04jrib, thats been doin my head in for ages!!!!23:44
moymoygartral: i just inserted a CD and i know what you're talking about23:45
edbianepicreviews: Odd.  Try using the CD as a repo?23:45
l33tHAXOR6669anyone here work for ubuntu, or are we just users?23:45
edbianepicreviews: Although I'm not sure that package is on the CD at all.23:45
moymoygartral: that sucks... but not much i can do for you23:45
jrib!ot | l33tHAXOR666923:45
ubottul33tHAXOR6669: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:45
epicreviewsedbian, it's not an official .deb file I installed23:45
notRootI am trying to install VMware Player but, I dont know which to download. My choices are .rpm and .bundle23:45
gartralmoymoy: yea... how do I get them too go away... and never rear there ugliness ever again?23:45
epicreviewsI'm aware of my past mistakes, I'm trying to undo them23:45
edbianepicreviews: Can you sudo dpkg-reconfigure <packagename> ??23:45
jribfuncky1: ok, but it might be helpful for me to tell you if it happens here as well23:45
bruenigepicreviews: dpkg -r --force-all portos-archive-keyring23:46
phixI am having issues getting an Upsonic DS1000 UPS working in Ubuntu23:46
bjorkintoshi really wish i'd split my disk into partitions from the beginning...23:46
phixany one had experience with this device?23:46
l33tHAXOR6669stupid wlan lights....i guess ill know all the packets coing into my pc23:46
StrangeCharmso, jrib, the best place to put a piece of software that i have download and compile myself is /opt ?23:46
bjorkintoshreplacing this ... crap with plain old debian would have been a snap.23:46
notRootphix: what kind of problems?23:46
moymoygartral: i don't know.. i have that problem myself.. but i did take out all the buttons and left the location bar to make nautilus look a bit nicer23:46
bruenigStrangeCharm: just make a deb out of it23:46
jribStrangeCharm: well I like /usr/local/ for unixy software and /opt for "other" stuff23:46
gartral!attitude | bjorkintosh23:46
ubottubjorkintosh: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:47
notRootI am trying to install VMware Player but, I dont know which to download. My choices are .rpm and .bundle23:47
bjorkintosheh. i know.23:47
epicreviewsedbian and bruenig, both commands failed23:47
jrib!vmware > notRoot23:47
ubottunotRoot, please see my private message23:47
bjorkintoshi'm terribly frustrated is all.23:47
gartralmoymoy: i use the buttons daily, but these dumby bars are really getting on my nerves23:47
zanberdohoping for some help with a problem I'm having with mail. specifically I have a server which I have configured with postfix and mailx. Postfix has been configured for local only mail, but when I send mail to myself and check it with mail I find nothing waiting. I'm not that familiar with diagnosing this (it's always just worked on other servers).23:47
bruenigepicreviews: what it say23:47
epicreviewsbruenig: dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove portos-archive-keyring, only the config23:48
epicreviews files of which are on the system.  Use --purge to remove them too.23:48
StrangeCharmbruenig-  that's beyond my level of expertise. also, i don't have all the 'twiddly bits' like the /etc/init.d script, or getting it to run at boot sorted yet, in fact, i was looking for somewhere to put it long-term *before* i wrote those23:48
notRootjrib: My proff uses VMware and I need to be 100% that he will be able to run my files at the end of term23:48
jribnotRoot: I understand, was ubottu's link not helpful?  He should have sent you instructions23:49
bruenigStrangeCharm: deb is probably the hardest package format to make of any, but it is still doable23:49
erUSUL!checkinstall | StrangeCharm23:49
ubottuStrangeCharm: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!23:49
epicreviewsbruenig, any other suggestions?23:49
epicreviewsor anyone actually, I'm guessing a complete reinstall of Ubuntu will be neccessary23:50
gastaufdemastbye @ll23:50
notRootjrib: eh... it offered alternatives but, I must use VMware. If I cant use VMware I will have to use an OS so terrible I will not speak of it23:50
jribnotRoot: ubottu also gave you a link23:50
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware23:50
bruenigepicreviews: deb is fickle, I would mess around in /var to get rid of all the stuff myself23:51
erUSULnotRoot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware23:51
buckyepicreviews: portos-archive-keyring isn't even in the repos for jaunty.. where did you get it?23:51
gartralmoymoy: I have a DAP plugged in, and when i brose the folder it mounts too, it says in these obnoxiously huge bars "These files are on a Picture CD" and "These files are on a digital audio player" the first is wrong, the second is obvious23:51
gartralsorry moymoy23:51
epicreviewsbruenig, would you consider using remote control to do it for me?23:51
notRootjrib: Ohh23:51
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:51
jribepicreviews: I wouldn't recommend giving anyone on irc access to your computer23:51
epicreviewsbucky, I got it from a friend, we were working on something, he encoded the .deb wrong. We all make mistakes, just trying to fix it23:52
gartralOK I have a DAP plugged in, and when i browse the folder it mounts too, it says in these obnoxiously huge bars "These files are on a Picture CD" and "These files are on a digital audio player" the first is wrong, the second is obvious heres a screen shot http://imagebin.org/56055 how do i get them to gtfa23:52
epicreviewsjrib: they don't know my sudo password, so I'm good23:52
jribepicreviews: in that case how would the person accomplish anything?23:52
epicreviewsI would type the pass jrib... but only when it's safe to.23:53
jribepicreviews: you're free to ignore my advice, but it's not a good idea23:53
jribepicreviews: fwiw bruenig is a regular23:54
epicreviewsjrib, it's either remote control or kill Ubuntu23:54
=== Akkarin|B is now known as Akkarin
moymoyepicreviews: sudo rm -v /var/lib/dpkg/info/portos-archive-keyring*  .. then do the same thing here  sudo rm -v /var/cache/apt/archives/portos-archive-keyring* .. then go to synaptic and purge that program23:54
fccfepicreviews: I'd give remote a try if you like ... I am extremly fast at figuring things out23:54
bruenigmoymoy is ruining my fun23:55
moymoybruenig: lol you're sshing his computer?23:55
bruenignah, I just ignored him when he said to remote, but still23:56
epicreviewsmoymoy your method failed as well23:56
epicreviews"no such file or directory"23:56
moymoyfor which command?23:56
moymoyepic for which command?23:56
spikemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/219366/ here are xorg.conf to help me reconfigurate mine ... 1st and 2nd are for the same hardware as me, 3rd is my xorg.conf but graphic part is bugged and the last one is another hardware setup xorg.conf but with mesa open source driver to help me reconfigurate my xorg.conf with that open source driver23:56
moymoyepicreviews: for which command?23:57
spikemcccan you help me make a new xorg.conf that will work well ?23:57
epicreviewsmoymoy: BOTH23:57
StrangeCharmhow are init.d scripts constructed?23:58
buckyStrangeCharm: with an editor23:58
bruenigStrangeCharm: vim!23:58
moymoyepicreviews: has to be in there if you installed with a deb23:58
StrangeCharmbucky-  thanks for that :p is there a ref document for their structure23:58
jribStrangeCharm: take a look at /etc/init.d/skeleton23:59
epicreviewsmoymoy... remember this isn't official and it went buggy23:59
bruenigStrangeCharm: just take a look at the ones in /etc/init.d23:59
bruenigshould respond to start,restart,stop23:59
bruenigmaybe reload too?23:59
bruenigwho knows23:59
StrangeCharmbruenig-  i obviously use xemacs, because it's a superior editor in every way :p23:59
erUSULStrangeCharm: /etc/init.d/skeleton <<< this is an example23:59
StrangeCharmthanks jrib23:59
* jrib regrets helping the heathen23:59

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