
james_w"This is an easy way to check out a particular version without having to make up a name for the new branch. You can still create a new branch (or tag) for this version later if you decide to."00:00
james_wBUT HOW DO I DO THAT???00:00
lifelessjames_w: context?00:01
* SamB suspects jelmer of knowing the answer00:01
lifelessjames_w: oh, fail ;)00:01
* SamB suspected that even without context00:01
SamBjames_w: are you talking about vanilla git or bzr-git?00:01
james_wjust git00:02
SamBoh, well, first of all, why not ask in #git?00:02
SamBsecondly I believe it's just "git checkout -b branchname sha1" if you want to check out this new branch00:03
lifelessbecause its not as entertaining?00:03
james_wI wasn't asking so much as venting00:03
mwhudsonhey, if someone will tell me if my diagnosis in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/400003 is correct, i'll fix the bug00:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 400003 in bzr "readv(directory, ...) blows up in strange way" [Undecided,New]00:49
lifelessmwhudson: shallowly, it seems ok to 'fix' it by implementing seek00:54
mwhudsonlifeless: when you say shallowly do you mean simply "i haven't thought about it hard" or "if i thought about it hard i have this niggling feeling i'd have a different answer" ?00:56
lifelessI'm curious why its blowing up here and not other places we might use it00:57
lifelessand I haven't thought hard or even looked at the code to try to answer that00:57
lifelessIf I knew *why* I might be able to answer ehther I'd have a different answer or not00:58
mwhudsonfair enough01:02
pooliemwhudson: when you file bugs please mark them confirmed and have a stab at setting the priority01:14
poolieit avoids roundtrips01:14
poolieeven if we sometimes want to change the prioritiy01:14
pooliei realize not every team does it that way01:14
mwhudsonpoolie: ok01:14
mwhudsoni don't think i can set the priority01:14
poolieoh that sucks a bit01:14
poolieyou can join ~bzr if you want though?01:14
mwhudsoni guess i should01:15
mwhudsonpoolie: i think you need to add me?01:16
pooliei'll warn you, you will get more bug spam01:17
pooliebut probably less than you get from lp01:17
poolieor should i say regarding lp01:17
* igc kicks off performance test to check whether proposed inv-delta checks make much difference or not01:35
igclifeless: ^^^. I'm still going over the dirstate.py and inventory.py changes in your patch. All the rest is ok by me.01:36
* Luke-Jr_ spams jelmer with https://code.launchpad.net/~luke-jr/bzr-svn/0.6-WildcardLayout-get_tag_path-basic/+merge/885801:44
=== Luke-Jr_ is now known as Luke-Jr
lifelessigc: thanks01:46
pooliemwhudson: oh also, not to be picky, but you can do better as far as titles02:04
mwhudsonpoolie: probably02:04
mwhudsoni actually had a far more specific title at first, and then tried to step back to describing the problem, not my presumed solution02:05
pooliebut great work on the bug number :)02:05
spivOk, I think I have no test failures finally.02:08
poolienirvana :)02:11
mneptoknammo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhasa :)02:23
spivpoolie: inventory-delta branch sent to lp for review.  If you would like something to occupy your afternoon... ;)03:41
lifelessspiv: hai; I can has review then?03:46
igclifeless: some feedback re your patch ...03:47
lifelessigc: yup03:47
igcon OOo, simple commit time goes from 1.8s to 3.3s03:47
lifelessah, apply-delta03:47
igc2. the test suite is failing too03:47
lifelessI ran the full suite on ec2 :(03:48
lifelesscould you get me the failing test names?03:48
spivlifeless: sure, but after I get some lunch!03:48
lifelessigc: so, that could be in create_by_delta *or* in dirstate's update_basis_by_delta, both of which change03:48
lifelessigc: is the 'simple commit' adding a file or just changing something?03:49
igclifeless: http://pastebin.com/d7954f8c603:49
igclifeless: changing a committed file03:49
igclifeless: the test suite hung completely btw in test_get_nested_trees03:50
igclifeless: I'll try it again03:50
lifelessI'll see if I can get a handle on it; but I may need you to get an lsprof of the commit time before and after03:50
lifelessto see which of the appliers is regressing03:50
lifelessheh those deltas are bogus03:50
igclifeless: thanks. I haven't tried to see how reproducible the issue is03:51
lifelessif the applier were to choose to apply the second component first it would end up deleting03:51
lifelessso - thats good to know, its an existing bug I suspect, and really quite a bad one ;)03:51
igclifeless: long live defensive programming!03:52
igclifeless: some other quick feedback ...03:53
igcthe while in update_minimal will loop forever?03:53
igcthe messages in dirstate._apply_removal ...03:54
igc1. should the first 2 be exactly the same text?03:54
igc2. "wrong has wrong id" in the 3rd message03:55
igcman I *hate* reviewing dirstate changes :-(03:55
lifelessigc: perhaps those three are best done via a pastebin of the diff with notes04:01
lifelessor a reply to the merge proposal04:02
igclifeless: also http://pastebin.com/d3591816604:03
* SamB wishes somebody would vote for http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3CE1MQZOB-0003MV-Id%40hydrogen%3E -- perhaps jelmer?04:14
igclifeless: commit of whole tree with one file changed04:19
igccommit of a single file is 73+ seconds04:19
igcSamB: jelmer is having a life this week IIUIC - attending some concert event or something like that04:20
lifelessigc: yup, thats what we're aiming at to fix;)04:20
SamBigc: noooo! that's impossible!04:20
SamByou killed my father!04:21
igcSamB: I am your ... - um, no I'm not04:21
* SamB thinks yoda ought to have warned anakin about self-fulfilling prophecies ...04:27
JoaoJoaoDoes --no-trees and lightweight checkouts work flawlessly on Windows?04:43
lifelesspoolie: ciao, see you tomorrow06:35
lifelessigc: I'm essentially waiting on lsprof before-after for the bad case to progress that branch.06:35
spivlifeless: did you see my approve for ~lifeless/bzr/bug-216541, btw?06:36
igclifeless: ok. I'll collect some data for you06:36
lifelessspiv: thanks06:36
spiv(i.e. fire it at PQM kthxbye :)06:36
lifelessdoing now :)06:36
lifelessthen going for the day (\o/ starting at 6:30)06:37
lifelesshmm, technically I'm finishing late as per :P06:37
lifelessigc: to be clear, I'll fix the test fallout, but I don't know where to go with the perf overhead as there are two delta applications made, and in theory a new file should be slower than a mutation to an existing :)06:38
igclifeless: I'll dig and add the profiles to the associated bug06:40
lifelessigc: thanks06:40
vilahi all07:05
igchi vila!07:06
igclifeless: done07:06
=== h4ck3rm1k3 is now known as phurl
spivWow PQM is slow these days.08:12
spivIt's been on the same branch for nearly two hours, I think.08:13
spiv(and making progress)08:13
dashmaybe it's making /real sure/08:13
spivOh, there we go, one of my branches passed.  I guess it was already onto the second branch.08:24
spivSo probably it's "only" an hour for a branch to land.08:25
spivAh well.08:26
lifelessspiv: argh; NEWS conflict with your branch :(08:56
spivlifeless: :(08:58
spivlifeless: that's what you get for taking credit for your work!08:58
spivlifeless: fwiw, the branch of mine currently playing on PQM doesn't add a NEWS entry (it's pretty trivial)09:03
lifelessgood to know thanks09:03
* igc dinner09:05
spivIf PQM showed the diffstat of merges in its queue it might help people spot potential conflicts... *handwave*09:17
awilkins_Offtopic : can you mount a subfolder of a filesystem?09:49
=== awilkins_ is now known as awilkins
awilkinse.g. - I have a FS that is a "home" folder, but I want to mount a subfolder of it on another system - a softlink isn't working 100% well because when applications are in the folder they see the path through the mountpoint and not the softlink09:51
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fullermdawilkins: You may find it under the heading of 'nullfs'.09:55
awilkinsfullermd: Aha, that sounds rather like something useful, ta09:56
fullermd(an additional way of faking it if performance/quirks/etc aren't fatal is via NFS mounting it over loopback)09:57
lifelessawilkins: what os?09:58
awilkinslifeless: Ubuntu Jaunty09:59
lifelessso you have (say) /home as a fs, and want to mount /home/foo at /bar?09:59
lifelessor are you actually talking about network sharing?10:00
awilkinslifeless: I have an external HD with an home folder in it and I currently link a subfolder of that to the same subfolder in my desktop home folder at home10:00
awilkinsI boot from the external HD and work from it when I'm in the office10:01
awilkinsThe problem is that Eclipse adds projects with a path of "/media/tachikoma-home/adrian/...." instead of "/home/adrian/....." when I'm using it via the softlink10:01
lifelessso on your home machine10:02
lifelessrather than symlinking10:02
lifelessdo a bind mount10:02
lifelessmount --bind olddir newdir10:02
awilkinsAha, yes, that's just what I want10:02
lifeless(after mounting it)10:02
awilkinsI'm disappointed that didn't show up for googling "mount subfolder of filesystem"10:03
lifelessyou should blog about it10:03
lifelessso that it can10:03
* fullermd adds that to his mental list of 'other names for nullfs'.10:04
awilkinsExcellent, not as automatic as a softlink but it actually works properly10:06
awilkinsHate to say it, not as easy as Windows drive letters (although I usually need a drive-letter manager service for similar reasons)10:08
lifelessyou should be able to hook it into the automount stuff10:08
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
maploinhi! Is there a way to undo an `unshelve` command?14:49
spivmaploin: only by doing shelve again.14:50
spivSo if the change you unshelved is mixed up with other changes you'll have to manually pick them apart again.14:51
maploinyeah, that's what I was afraid of :(14:52
maplointhanks, spiv14:52
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
abentleyjelmer: ping15:08
=== ja1 is now known as jam
awilkinsHhm, since shelve is based on tree transforms now, there's no reason why you couldn't have an "undo shelve" option15:39
awilkinsIt calculates tree transforms and persists them when you shelve stuff, therefore it could also persist treetransforms that it was unshelving, so you could reverse them if required15:40
pdragonis tortoisebzr supposed to work on mapped drives in windows? I have a branch on a mapped drive and when I right click to bring up the menu, I have none of the bzr options15:42
pdragonjust get the Help, Settings, About options15:43
pdragonnothing else15:43
awilkinspdragon: By default it's configured not to examine .bzr folders on network drives, for performance reasons15:44
awilkinspdragon: You can change that in the settinsg15:45
pdragonahh ok15:45
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pdragonawilkins: thanks, that was it15:46
pdragonand i see what you mean :)15:47
awilkinspdragon: I confess I don't use it ; I'm happy enough just using a Powershell and spawning the qbzr dialogs from there if I want them15:48
awilkinsI've actually uninstalled it because I have some horrific bzr trees on my drive and it thrases rather15:48
pdragonyeah, well, I'm introducing version control to a place where it's never been used before15:49
pdragonso trying to start out one something very easy15:49
awilkinsI know the feeling15:49
pdragonjust version controlling different websites in different folders15:49
pdragonno branching or anything.15:49
awilkinsAs long as it isn't visual sourcesafe15:50
awilkinsTortoiseSVN is very mature and usable by the nontechnical15:50
pdragonoh nope... will be all bzr15:50
awilkinsI can understand that15:50
pdragoni've been using tortoisebzr for my own project for a while, learning how to use it15:51
pdragonfinally had some crap happen at work where i've got them convinced version control is a good idea :)15:51
pdragonbut, need to keep it stupid simple to start15:51
awilkinsHeavyweight checkouts and a central server :-)15:52
pdragonyeah, i'm starting even simpler. just version controlling our local copy of the website15:55
pdragonit's only 3 people15:55
pdragonwill work up to checkouts later :)15:56
awilkinsEditing live websites can only lead you to ruin :-)15:57
=== Pilky_ is now known as Pilky
pdragonoh it's not editing it live16:02
pdragonit's editing our local copy16:02
pdragonwhich then gets pushed to the server16:02
pdragoni versioned our local copy16:02
awilkinsAh, this is the folder on the network share16:02
jampdragon: sorry, I'm back. Wireless failure...16:03
jamso much pain... :)16:05
* fullermd makes a note to buy jam some wires for Christmas.16:05
awilkinsDoes LP accept/work well with --2a branches?16:28
pdragonwoo... got the web developer using it and he likes it :)16:29
awilkinsThere's a fairly awesome git/ruby-on-rails video that demonstrates branching that might impress him more...16:30
awilkinsBut I can't find it16:31
pdragonoh trust me... branching is more than these guys want to deal with now since it's such a small team16:33
pdragonthey're just interested in a file change history at this point16:33
pdragonour problem is our website is hosted by a third party that does a lot of the behind the scenes stuff on their end since they host all our data (real estate company)16:35
pdragonthey're not "supposed" to touch our stuff without talking to us first. but they keep doing it. and they will not share their versioning history with us. so now, we've got a way to keep track of all changes16:36
pdragonit's a shitty system, yeah, but it's what we've got to deal with :/16:36
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pdragonthanks for the help awilkins. later16:53
cody-somervilleoh hai17:20
cody-somervilleI broke bzr17:20
javeI'm having a problem with following the emacs bzr repos, which is experimental19:20
javenow I get: bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified.19:20
javehow can I extract the changes I made to a branch in a patch?19:21
javemy local branch is called xwidget19:21
fullermd. ..20:35
_oggyhi all. i need to version control a PHP script. it's part of a project whose repository directory is outside of Apache's DocumentRoot. obviously i'd like to track the "live" version of the script instead of copying back and forth. is there a way to do that?20:45
rockstar_oggy, well, ideally, you aren't making "live" changes, so you can just push of upload.20:52
rockstar_oggy, but sometimes you need to.  I push the branch to a neutral location, and have the document root be a checkout of the branch.  Then I update and commit as needed.20:53
_oggyrockstar: perhaps i didn't explain very clearly. the PHP script is on my box, so it's not "live" in a "deployment" sense, rather "live" in the sense of "i can see the effects of changes i make"20:55
_oggyhowever i'd like to make it a part of a (mostly non-PHP) repo which lives outside of DocumentRoot, so i can share it with other people20:56
rockstar_oggy, symlinks.20:56
_oggyrockstar: doesn't bzr then just track the symlink, instead of file contents?20:57
rockstar_oggy, put the symlink in your documentroot, have it pointing to the file in your branch.20:58
rockstarSorry for the ambiguity.20:58
fullermdWhy would you want it to be part of something that [I assume, from it being elsewhere] isn't part of the same project?20:59
_oggyrockstar: yeah, but i have to set up PHP (or Apache? forgot which) to allow execution outside the DocumentRoot20:59
_oggyrockstar: not that it wouldn't work, i was just hoping for something more elegant :)21:00
rockstar_oggy, just set up up to follow symlinks.21:00
rockstarAs long as it knows to follow the symlink, you shouldn't have any problems with where the file actually is.  Apache won't differentiate between an actual file in DocumentRoot and a symlink to a file outside DocumentRoot.21:01
_oggyfullermd: it is a part of the project, but the project is mostly non-PHP, so it doesn't make sense to put it inside of DocumentRoot21:01
_oggyrockstar: yeah, i know. thanks. i was just hoping there was a way to tell bazar to track the symlink directory content instead of tracking the symlink itself21:02
fullermdWell, I always just use Makefiles to deploy into docroots.  But that's deployment, for dev I always just have symlinks into the working branch anyway.  's simpler.21:04
_oggyfullermd: yeah, it probably makes more sense that way anyhow21:05
=== ja1 is now known as jam
asabilhi all21:16
pygihi asabil21:16
asabilhey pygi21:16
pygihow are you doing enemy?21:16
asabilenemy ?21:17
pygithat's a joke21:18
javeis there some way to extract all changes to a branch as a patch?21:22
awilkinsjave: bzr diff -r ancestor:../my-pappa21:26
javethe ancestor is corrupt21:27
awilkinsjave: You need to know the revision it was branched from them21:27
awilkinsbzr diff -r n..  # where n is the revision21:27
javethe branch was merged several times from upstream21:28
awilkinsjave: It'll be the last merged revision then21:28
awilkinsjave: Assuming you didn't cherrypick21:28
javeno cherrypicking21:29
javeis it really "bzr diff -r n.." ? cant find that syntax in the manual?21:30
awilkinsbzr help diff ; bzr help revisionspec21:32
awilkinsHmm, I could be wrong about the range part21:33
mgedminhow can I ask bzr from a shell script whether my working tree is clean?21:33
flacosteanyone aware that the bzr nightly packages are not installable on hardy?21:35
asabilmgedmin: bzr status ?21:35
mgedminit returns the same exit code in both cases21:35
flacostethey depends on python-central >= 0.6.7 and 0.6.5 is available in hardy21:36
mgedminI could play with grep, but I'm afraid of misundestandings21:36
fullermdWell, depending on exactly what you mean by 'clean', it should have NO output at all.21:36
mgedmingood idea21:37
mgedminI probably want to stop if there are unversioned files21:37
fullermdAn alternative would be using version-info21:37
mgedminbzr version-info --check-clean is what I was looking for, thanks!21:40
zsquarepluscis there a restricted shell like thing to install as shell for an user, so that he can only do bzr+ssh? or maybe something similar to mercurial-server21:48
rockyjelmer: is there anyway to instruct bzr-svn to not try and figure out the tags/branches layout of an svn repo?21:49
garyvdmzsquareplusc: bzr shell from plugin "bzrtools"21:54
zsquarepluscgaryvdm: thanks. now that's a name that is easy to search in google ;-) heh21:55
zsquarepluschm. but bzr shell -> ls shows all files on the disk. not really "restricted"21:57
jelmerrocky: why would you want to do that?22:01
rockyjelmer: because this particular svn repo i'm dealing with doesn't have tags/branches folders and blocks access further up which means bzr-svn barfs with 40322:01
fullermdbzr shell isn't anything restricted, it's just a shortcut for running commands.22:04
fullermdYou can limit what commands can be run with various ssh keys somehow...22:04
jelmerrocky: I'd argue that bzr-svn sould handle the 40322:06
jelmerrocky: you can also specify a manual repository layout22:06
rockywell i'm not really arguing anything, but i do think it's a little odd that bzr-svn depends on finding a svn layout22:06
jelmerrocky: what's odd about that?22:09
jelmerrocky: the alternative is requiring users to specify a repository layout manually always22:09
rockyi guess22:09
rockyjelmer: how do i do it manually btw?22:10
lifelessjam: could I bother you for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/bug-395556/+merge/8857 again please22:11
jamlifeless: you are doing "from copy import deepcopy" but it doesn't look like you are using it22:30
jamlifeless: and you update the comment, but again, it isn't accurate now22:30
jamlifeless: weird, the code review page you linked doesn't actually give me the ability to review it....22:32
jammaybe because of a text conflict?22:32
jamor maybe the ui just changed22:33
jamsince it still has the "review or comment" link, I guess22:33
emmajanepoolie, ping?22:34
lifelessjam: oh doh, thanks for the catch on th ecomment22:43
lifelessand import22:43
jamlifeless: I've got a bit more22:43
jamsending it as a real review22:43
lifelessthis at least passes all commit tests22:43
lifelessthe other win shoved a different test out22:43
jamlifeless: review sent22:44
jamyou also have ".decode('utf')" in the new tracing code22:44
jamrather than 'utf8'22:44
lifelessblah, thats shoddy of me22:44
jamand a code comment that says "we update an iterator" when you are popping an entry out of the list22:44
jamI don't see anything done to an iterator22:44
mwhudsonjam: you have seen my lazy-import aware pyflakes?22:45
jammwhudson: other than hearing a while back that it existed, I haven't really done anything with it22:46
mwhudsonjam: just because you said22:46
mwhudsonAs near as I can tell, you don't use deepcopy anymore so you don't need to import it22:46
mwhudson+from copy import deepcopy22:46
jammwhudson: :) but does it work on patches I read via HTTP?22:47
mwhudsonjam: ah, no22:47
mwhudsonyou could probably write a thing that automatically reported flakes on proposed reviews using the api...22:48
KhaZThis is a bit of an odd question, but I'm finding bzr st to be pretty slow on my system (cygwin on WinXP).  I do have a lot of files in this depot however, so I'm not sure if there's much that can be done, but I'd be interested to hear if there's any 'tricks' to speed it up?22:49
jamKhaZ: don't use cygwin22:49
jamuse the win32 port directly22:49
zsquarepluscKhaZ: did you compare with a native python + bzr?22:49
jamlast I checked it was ~2x faster22:49
jamcygwin adds a *lot* of per-path overhead22:50
KhaZHuh, OK.  I'd like to try that.  Would it make a difference if I call the native binary from within cygwin?22:50
jamand status has to hit every path in your tree22:50
jamKhaZ: I do it all the time22:50
KhaZAh, I see.  So perhaps even running within cygwin would be slow.22:50
jamnative win3222:50
KhaZReally?  but running the native app within cygwin; wouldn't the same pathing routines be called?  Well, maybe not now that I think about it.22:50
jamdoesn't have to ask the cygwin.dll to translate the path22:50
KhaZI guess it calls win32 api's directly rather than cygwin's emu layer.22:51
KhaZRight.  OK, I'll see about switching.  I don't need to re-init my depot, do I?22:51
KhaZAlright.  I'll just wait for this crazy slow commit to finish.22:51
jamthe only thing that might effect you is if you were using symlinks or executable bits22:51
KhaZNope.  this is a windows app, so I'm "lucky" that way.22:51
jamKhaZ: "time /bin/python bzr st" on my machine is 1.5s, "time bzr st" (native) is 0.421s22:52
jamNot perfectly apples-to-apples22:52
jambut > 2x22:52
pooliehello emmajane, hello jam22:56
emmajanepoolie, hey :)22:56
emmajanepoolie, have you got a minute or two for a PM?22:56
KhaZOh, neat.  And I don't need a native version of bzr, but a native version of python?  Is that right?23:01
jamKhaZ: there are a lot of ways to do it, but if you have the native  python executable you can run from there23:03
lifelessjam: how much longer are you around?23:03
jamhowever, it also sounds like you might not be running with the compiled extensions23:03
jamwhich is another big win23:03
jamlifeless: just about to leave23:03
jamIf you want, we can talk via phone23:03
lifelessjam: I am hoping to land this patch is all23:05
lifelessjam: I've replied to the review23:05
lifelessI need about 5 minutes to make the last tweak I realised that would make it better23:06
KhaZWhat would you call the different methods of talking to remote bzr depots?  'transports'?  (I'm talking about things like bzr+ssh, etc).23:28
KhaZI'm trying to look up the different tyeps to pick the best one for my sitaution.23:28
KhaZMan, my typing is swill today.23:28
lifelessbzr help urlsepec23:30
lifelessbzr help urlspec23:30
KhaZAh; thanks.23:30
fullermdlifeless: BTW, I got a few minutes to try fiddling with libcpuinfo build...23:31
fullermdI had to make some tweaks I don't entirely understand to configure.ac to get it as far as running configure.23:32
lifelessfullermd: thanks23:33
fullermdHow do I test the language bindings?23:33
* fullermd doesn't see a counterpart to the bin/p_count23:34
fullermdlifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220120/23:35
fullermd(LT_* just got passed straight through as text, which blew up when running ./configure.  automake got cranky without the AC_PROG)23:36
lifelesswhat version of libtool and autoconf do you have?23:36
fullermdLooks like it would be using ac 2.62, am 1.10.1, lt 1.5.2623:37
lifelessI think it needs lt 2* for the new syntax23:38
lifelesswhich builds a lot faster23:38
fullermdMmm.  Not even a port for lt 2.23:39
lifelessseriously? its up to 2.2.x these days23:39
fullermdNyet, only 15.23:39
lifelessfeel like some yak shaving?23:40
fullermdWhoops, afk, I have to clean my hair and rearrange my underwear drawer.23:41
lifelesslol, ciao23:41
KhaZAlright, can anyone recommend the easiest urlspec to use with Windows users who prefer stuff to 'just work'?  I'm thinking of something like samba shares and just file://.... Is that rife with problems?23:59

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