
PliskHi! :) I'd like to offer a sponsorship to the active developers of Edubunty. anyone from devs here now ?03:12
Plisks/i'd like/i want/03:14
sbalneavEvening all03:14
sbalneavPlisk: ?03:15
Plisksbalneav: Hi03:15
Plisksbalneav: what have you question about ?03:16
sbalneavDefine "sponsorship"03:16
Pliski want to see contributions so far for active developers and pay them for the work they done so far. also i want to pay them for any further active work on the Edubunty03:17
Pliskother questions ?03:20
sbalneavAnd you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart, or do you have an agenda you're looking for?03:21
sbalneavSpeaking only for myself, but as a developer, IMHO, what we need is more developers, not more money :)03:22
PliskOut of the goodness of your heart - you're right. You can read up more about my intensions here http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/90brb/creating_a_company_to_develop_maintain_and/c0b1ce203:23
PliskWell, i can give what i can - energy(money).03:24
sbalneavWell, speaking for myself, I'm happy to keep plugging along under my own steam.  However, you might get other responses by posting to the mailing list.03:27
sbalneavYou say you have a company set up for this.  URL?03:27
PliskShould i write to edubuntu-devel with this ?03:28
PliskAbout company - well, it is being created now. But after talking there on reddit with Svenstaro i don't know now whether i'll need any URL or company at all or i can just send money with paypal to devs and thats all.03:29
sbalneavPlisk: Well, you'd probably get the most responses on the edubuntu-devel list.03:33
Pliskokay, thank you. i'll post there03:34
Pliskdone :)03:45
acp_hi, Im using Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS03:58
acp_can I download Ubuntu 9.04 Educational Addon ?03:58
sbalneavacp_: You can, but you also have to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 as well.04:35
acp_ok thanks05:43
phurlhi all07:39
phurlanyone want to come to our conference about edubuntu on august 29/3007:40
phurl#flossk channel07:40
pygisbalneav, poke09:32
SvenstaroPlisk, are you here?13:46
phurlanyone want to come to our conference about edubuntu on august 29/3013:50
SvenstaroWhere's that?13:51
phurlPrishtina, Kosovo #flossk13:52
phurli mean the conference is about floss in general13:52
phurland we would like people to talk abot edbuntu13:52
Ahmuck-Jracp i wouldn't14:36
sbalneavGood Morninging Edubuntu-land14:39
highvoltagehey there sbalneav15:47
Svenstar0sbalneav, are you there?15:49
Svenstar0highvoltage, have you seen "Plisk" talk around here?16:02
highvoltageSvenstar0: he last talked here at 2:45 UTC16:08
Svenstar0Oh I see16:10
Svenstar0Is his IRC user name "Plisk" as well?16:10
Ahmuck-Jrwhen is the meeting?16:25
highvoltageSvenstar0: 04:10 -!- Plisk [n=Plisk@] has joined #edubuntu16:25
highvoltageAhmuck-Jr: 19:00 UTC16:26
sbalneavSvenstar0: yes16:31
sbalneavSvenstar0: You rang?16:32
Svenstar0Did you talk to "Plisk"?16:33
sbalneavLast night I did, yes.16:34
Svenstar0I urge you to be careful with that guy.16:35
_UsUrPeR_hey all16:35
sbalneavI wasn't biting.16:35
Svenstar0He is in some kind of "do-good" cult aka Scientology.16:35
_UsUrPeR_I need some italc help. Is this the right place?16:36
_UsUrPeR_oh hi scott :)16:36
sbalneavHe seemed to want to give money away as part of some new "company" he's formed.  No idea what for, no registered company, etc.16:36
sbalneavIt didn't seem legit to me, so I told him I wasn't interested.  Told him if he wanted to make the offer, the mailing list was probably the best place for it.16:37
sbalneavMe, I have no real desire to get paid for what I do with LTSP/Edubuntu.  I do it for a different set of reasons :)16:37
sbalneavHow do you know he's a Scieno?16:38
Svenstar0Seems like the same kind of "crazy" to me.16:39
sbalneavWell, I wouldn't accuse anyone of being anything unless you have proof :)  But I will say the offer didn't seem.... too serious.  I'll leave it at that :)16:39
sbalneavThat's his picasa gallery16:55
Svenstar0Have a look at his reddit comments, I think that says it all: http://www.reddit.com/user/plisk17:41
Svenstar0sbalneav, You are a Sabayon developer, aren't you?17:43
Svenstar0It's been stalled for some time and hasn't ever worked for me. Is that improving? (no offense, really)17:43
_UsUrPeR_Am I in the right place for some iTalc support questions?18:02
Lns_UsUrPeR_, stgraber would be the one to ask for that...might wanna try #ltsp too though he's here18:03
Lns(or at least in the chan)18:03
_UsUrPeR_yeah, I have been. He's pretty busy at a conference at the moment18:03
Lns_UsUrPeR_, so you were talking about possibly contributing to tcm the other day, then disappeared... :)18:04
_UsUrPeR_lns: I am still interested.18:06
Lns_UsUrPeR_, cool! do you have an idea of what you'd like to do to help out?18:06
_UsUrPeR_unfortunately, my present employers were not interested :(18:07
_UsUrPeR_I can gurantee you that I will be able to help out18:07
_UsUrPeR_just not at this precise moment18:07
_UsUrPeR_I am still interested in helping out though18:08
Lnsno worries, i appreciate it!18:08
LnsJust lemme know if there's anything I can do18:08
_UsUrPeR_will do18:08
Lnsmeeting here in ~1hr right?18:08
* _UsUrPeR_ points to himself18:10
Lnsoh..no i was asking anyone..i think there is...i think..18:17
LnsAnyone know the state of GCompris suite for LTSP networks? Does it work very well? I know a couple of years ago it was fairly flaky (crashes often)18:23
|TrustyLiebowitzwhat IRC programs do you guys like for ubuntu?18:44
Lns|TrustyLiebowitz, xchat works well18:45
Lnsif you want a more command-line driven approach to irc, there's always bitchx18:46
|TrustyLiebowitzI am using kvirc at the moment. Was the first thing I saw18:48
|TrustyLiebowitzNot so much into command line stuff18:48
|TrustyLiebowitzjust comming over from windows where I used to use Mirc18:48
|TrustyLiebowitzbut pretty much doen with windows18:48
Lns|TrustyLiebowitz, try XChat out. It's a lot like mirc18:52
sbalneavSvenstar0: I'm not a developer, but I'm trying to fix it so that it works for us :)19:09
* Lns looks around....meeting?19:11
sbalneavThat on now?19:15
sbalneavLooks like there's some global jam thing going on in #ubuntu-meeting19:16
alkisgIsn't the meeting at 19:00 UTC?19:16
* Lns tries to figure out if it's 19:00 utc..heh19:18
alkisgLns, date -u19:18
alkisgsbalneav: I, too, am unable to start sabayon - with your ppa in my sources. Does it start for you?19:18
dgroosHi All19:20
dgroosMeeting today?19:20
dgroosNot on the fridge?19:20
Lnsaaaaaaaaah, 1hr19:21
Lnsstupid daylight savings =19:21
sbalneavalkisg: It does for me, but if it doesn't start for you, that's a problem.19:21
dgroosRight!  Thanks19:21
alkisgsbalneav: whenever you have the time / mood for it, I'm up for debugging...19:22
sbalneavI've got one other person who it doesn't start for, but I've got a couple of people who it DOES start for, so still more work to be done.19:22
dgroosLns: thanks for the page you created on your site explaining about the benefits of thin clients--I'm just linking someone to it on an e-mail I'm sending :)19:23
Lnsdgroos, Glad to hear others are seeing it :)19:23
LnsRight now I'm adding a "Featured Educational Applications" section19:23
* alkisg is debianizing about 10 Gb of windows-based educational apps this summer.. wine and flash, mostly. If anyone's in a similar position, I'd be glad to change notes :)19:24
Lnsalkisg, debianizing? you mean just getting them to work under wine?19:26
alkisgYes, but also installing for all users and creating menus etc19:26
alkisgSo e.g. if I was to debianize office, I would also associate the .doc extension to open in word etc19:26
alkisg(all that inside the .deb file, nothing done manually)19:27
alkisgYeah I hope these wine devs make it easier some day :)19:29
Lnsno i meant about debianizing ms office ;)19:29
alkisgAh, I think that's done already with wine-doors?19:29
highvoltageI don't think you can debianize windows software really19:30
highvoltageor at least wine programs, I don't think you can do system-wide installations yet19:30
alkisghighvoltage: I've already done it for some of them19:30
highvoltagealkisg: how does that work?19:31
alkisgI use a common read-only system.reg file, and I put the package files in /usr/share/package19:32
alkisgPer-user registry is still kept in ~/.wine19:32
alkisgI'll write a how-to when I'm done with it; I just wanted to exchange notes with anyone that tried something similar...19:33
alkisgFor extension association I use a wrapper script in /usr/bin/package19:35
Lnswell, this really would be a big step forward with windows only edu apps...19:36
LaserJockhello Edubuntu land!19:43
sbalneavGreetings, Denizen of LaserLand.19:45
* Lns greets LaserJock 19:45
LaserJockis the meeting going to be in here or #ubuntu-meeting?19:55
highvoltageLaserJock: #ubuntu-meeting19:55
highvoltageEdubuntu meeting about to start in #ubuntu-meeting20:00
svenstaroOh hi, meeting already started?20:09
alkisgsvenstaro: it's in #ubuntu-meeting20:10
ballIs there an Edubuntu mailing list?20:17
ball(if so, where do I sign up?)20:17
|TrustyLiebowitzwhat are meetings about?20:31
|TrustyLiebowitzubuntu annonymous? :D20:32
sbalneav|TrustyLiebowitz: working on edubuntu20:46
Ahmuck-Jredubuntu anonymous :D20:52
|TrustyLiebowitz"Hi my name is Trusty and I have been off winblows for 48 hours now. I just wanna say thanks for all the support and you guys are really great! (Cries)"20:53
|TrustyLiebowitzSince I basicly know nothing, I'll jus tsit over her ein the corner an crack jokes every so often20:54
Ahmuck-Jr|TrustyLiebowitz: really?20:54
|TrustyLiebowitzreally which? That I don't know anything or been off windcrows for 48 hours? Or that I am the problem child in the corner? Answer to all is yes though :)20:56
Ahmuck-Jr:) ... good to see you in the linux community.  i hope you find us well, and not to cranky each morning :)20:56
|TrustyLiebowitzif Lns is a good gauge, I like you guys jsut fine20:57
|TrustyLiebowitzso if ya get sick of me it's his fault that I stayed :D20:58
LaserJockmhall119|work: I'm curious, did you look at Edubuntu before starting Qimo and if so what reasons did  you have for not using it?21:01
mhall119|workI did21:02
mhall119|workMy concerns were that there wasn't a LiveCD, and the interface didn't seem like it would work for my 3 year old21:02
mhall119|workbefore I made Qimo, I made my son a regular Ubuntu install with customized panels very similar to how they are in Qimo21:02
mhall119|workand it worked very well for him (still does, really)21:03
LaserJockwell, those are the sorts of things we're aiming to fix21:05
LaserJockthe LiveCD thing is a real problem21:06
LaserJockwe just can't fit *everything* on a single CD21:06
Ahmuck-Jrwell, that i agree21:06
mhall119|workyeah, I know, I had to strip stuff out of Xubuntu to make Qimo fit21:06
mhall119|workI think I have 1MB of room left on the ISO21:06
Ahmuck-Jrwould edubuntu be able to list a set of programs that can be used in ubuntu that may not be gpl?21:06
LaserJockAhmuck-Jr: how do you mean?21:07
svenstaroI still can't believe that a decision to go from CD to DVD can be so hard.21:08
Ahmuck-Jrthere are programs outside of gpl that work for kids.  our kids self sleect21:08
svenstaroAll Edubuntu stuff would fit comfortably onto a DVD21:08
LaserJocksvenstaro: it's not21:08
LaserJocksvenstaro: the actual decision took about 10 min. :-)21:09
Ahmuck-Jri'm not talking about setting programs on a cd, but a recommended list.21:09
svenstaroWell, LaserJock, HAS it actually been decided then?21:09
svenstaroSo that I might at last start work after 3 months of waiting21:10
LaserJockI emailed that 2-3 times over the last month21:10
svenstaroSo we're going DVD?21:10
highvoltageAhmuck-Jr: a list shouldn't be a problem at all21:10
LaserJocksvenstaro: if people will work to make it happen, yes. We got the go-ahead from the Technical Board21:10
highvoltageAhmuck-Jr: and even non-free things can go into the repositories, there's multiverse for that21:10
sbalneavThe problem21:11
sbalneavas always21:11
mhall119|worka list wouldn't be a problem, but distribution of certain closed-source programs is21:11
svenstaroLaserJock: It doesn't take a genius nor a large amount of work to combine the ubuntu and edubuntu preseeds :/21:11
sbalneavPRODCE THE DVD :)21:11
LaserJockAhmuck-Jr: I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for21:11
LaserJocksvenstaro: no, it just takes coordination with the Ubuntu Release and CDImage Teams21:11
highvoltageLaserJock: so, let's get this started21:12
mhall119|workLaserJock: there isn't a way to automate the merging?21:12
highvoltagestgraber: I sense you popping in21:12
LaserJockmhall119|work: it's not really the merging21:12
svenstaroHow are we on the documentation? Is anybody actually going to clean it up?21:12
LaserJockmhall119|work: we need to coordinate with the Release/CDImage team to get the build running and cdimage.ubuntu.com updated21:13
mhall119|worksvenstaro: is there a roadmap for what needs to be cleaned up and how?21:13
mhall119|workLaserJock: oh right, you've for official images21:13
svenstaroJust make it consistent with upstream and see if stuff tested for old ubuntu releases still works.21:13
highvoltagesvenstaro: we hope so21:13
svenstaroLaserJock: So I'll just send you the preseeds and we're done?21:14
svenstaroIt's really just a list with package names in it.21:14
mhall119|worksvenstaro: I ask because if there's something to point people in the right direction, it could be done as part of the Ubuntu Global Jam21:14
LaserJocksvenstaro: no, not exactly21:14
highvoltagesvenstaro: I can assure you LaserJock understands what preseeds look like21:14
LaserJocksvenstaro: once the DVD builds are up and running it's just a matter of tweaking the DVD seed21:14
LaserJockbut we need to get the initial boot-strapping going21:15
highvoltageLaserJock: cant we just start off with having a DVD with ubuntu-desktop and the edubuntu metapackages, at least to begin with, and then take it from there?21:15
LaserJockso emailing colin watson to get him (or send him a patch) to make Edubuntu build off of a new "dvd" seed21:15
mhall119|workdo any of you guys know what changes are going to happen in the liveCD images?  I heard at SELF that aufs is being dropped21:15
svenstaroI still don't get the problem, then. It seems like the problem is purely bureaucratic.21:15
LaserJocksvenstaro: well, it does take some work, and work from very busy people21:16
LaserJockbut yeah, it shouldn't be a huge deal21:16
LaserJock*but* somebody needs to do it and I'm not that somebody21:16
LaserJockI have ~ 2 days to finish my PhD and I'm defending in ~ 1 week21:16
highvoltageLaserJock: would I be able to do it? I mean, as a non-motu/non-core-dev, would I be able to e-mail Colin and just ask him?21:17
highvoltageLaserJock: ok I'll do it tomorrow morning then21:17
LaserJockjust say per the TB discussion Edubuntu is going to move to a DVD21:17
LaserJockand ask if he can make the changes or if he's to busy would he take a patch21:17
LaserJockif he needs a patch I *might* have a little time to help21:18
highvoltagewill do21:18
Ahmuck-JrLaserJock: from a classroom instructor's point of view, i'm looking to go to a website, see what programs are available, some simple setup instructions for putting either a ubuntu server or ltsp server in the classroom, take all my 2003 or 2000 computers and connect them and have working pc's that my kids can use21:18
LaserJockbut it would be waaaay faster to have him do it as he wrote the thing21:18
LaserJockAhmuck-Jr: right, but what does the GPL have to do with it?21:18
Ahmuck-JrLaserJock: if your phd is coming up, i'd concentrate on that21:18
highvoltageLaserJock: ok, I'll try to use that factor to convince him to do it21:18
LaserJockI am, believe me21:18
LaserJockok, so for the very first thing I'd just copy the Ubuntu DVD seed and make sure we get an Ubuntu DVD out21:19
LaserJockthen we can start modifying things21:19
LaserJockthe modifying might be fun for people actually21:19
LaserJockbut we need to get the daily builds going in the first place21:20
LaserJockand then the release team needs to know that we're ditching the Addon Cd and doing the DVD21:20
Michelle_QimoHi everyone, just got the notice that mhall119|work asked me to join21:20
highvoltageLaserJock: I have an employee that I could make test edubuntu images at least once a week as part of his job21:20
highvoltageMichelle_Qimo: and thank you for joining!21:20
mhall119|workhey, everyone, Michelle_Qimo is my wife, we're the dynamic duo of Qimo21:20
LaserJockand we need an Edubuntu Release Coordinator, I would perhaps suggest having stgraber or the EC for that21:21
highvoltageMichelle_Qimo: nice to meet you21:21
LaserJockMichelle_Qimo: hi21:21
Michelle_Qimohi highvoltage and LaserJock.  Thanks for having me!21:21
highvoltageLaserJock: I'm very much in favour of stgraber, and I'd take some mentoring from him as well if he's willing, so that I know how to do it as well21:21
highvoltageLaserJock: I noticed a question mark next to your name on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseManifest21:22
LaserJockit just takes somebody to give the go-ahead that things are tested and OK and most importantly somebody who can get ahold of people if something goes wrong21:22
highvoltageLaserJock: if stgraber agrees, can we put his name up for there to mdz?21:22
LaserJockhighvoltage: exactly21:22
LaserJockyep, that's what I'm hoping for21:22
LaserJockbut I don't want to overload him21:22
sbalneavbrb, workping21:23
highvoltageMichelle_Qimo: we've been thinking of getting in touch with the two of you to get some (or even all) of your work into the Ubuntu archives21:23
LaserJockbut he's got lots of testing experience (having largely written the testing website) so I think it should be fairly easy for him21:23
highvoltageMichelle_Qimo: we happened to run into mhall119|work while having our meeting just a few minutes ago, so we're happy that there was some chance in our favour there21:23
highvoltageLaserJock: that's encouraging21:24
mhall119|workhighvoltage: if you can help me with the XFCE/XDG stuff, I think I can make .Deb packages of everything custom in Qimo21:24
Michelle_Qimohe was saying that youguys can help him out a bit.21:24
Michelle_Qimothat's awesome, and I'm so thankful21:24
highvoltageLaserJock: I was thinking throughout this week that we might have to drop the dvd install disc for thise release, I wasn't very comfortable with the idea for karmic since the beginning, but I think I have more confidence in it now21:24
highvoltageLaserJock: I don't think we would've stood a chance this release without having stgraber around21:25
highvoltagemhall119|work: great, are you usually on-line this time of the day?21:25
LaserJockI *think* it should be pretty straightfoward to do Ubuntu DVD+Edu apps for Karmic21:25
mhall119|worksometimes I have to look like I'm working though21:25
LaserJockI'm concerned with our ability to sync with the Ubuntu DVD though21:25
mhall119|workI leave this nick running 24/7 though, so it'll probably stay in here21:25
LaserJockin terms of installer bugs, etc. we have to stick *real* close21:26
highvoltagemhall119|work: ok, ping me tomorrow (or any other time you're on again and have some time), we'll go through it21:26
Michelle_QimoI'm usually around, though, I'll stay in as well.21:26
mhall119|workthanks highvoltage21:26
highvoltageLaserJock: can you help me clear up some ignorance here...21:27
LaserJockunless I'm similarly ignorant ;-)21:27
highvoltageLaserJock: will we need to specify the meta-packages that we also want on the dvd, or will he just include the current seeds for the packages on the current edubuntu disc?21:28
LaserJockwhat we'll have is a specific DVD seed21:28
LaserJockthat pulls in from the various other seeds21:28
LaserJockso the disc is built from 1 seed, but that seed can inherit from other seeds21:29
svenstaroWill a new package be required for the live LTSP?21:30
svenstaroOr will it just be put in place on there?21:30
LaserJockI'm not sure about live LTSP21:30
LaserJockwe might have to skip that for Karmic21:30
svenstaroWell it's not exactly magic.21:31
LaserJockno, but seeing as we're not far from Feature Freeze and we don't even have a DVD yet ...21:31
svenstaroHas anything been decided that concerns actual user experience?21:32
highvoltageLaserJock: I thought I told you about live LTSP before, we decided we'll just make a how-to for that, so it will simply be a piece of documentation21:33
LaserJocksvenstaro: I haven't seen much of *anything* really decided21:33
LaserJocklots of ideas21:33
LaserJockbut a bit light on implementation21:33
LaserJock*other than* highvoltage here has been doing a bit of packaging!21:34
svenstaroOkay, well. My sommer break is starting tomorrow. Apart from my other projects I'll have lots of time.21:34
svenstaroIs there anything that I should be working on?21:35
LaserJocksvenstaro: well, you had interest in docs, right?21:35
highvoltagesvenstaro: and do you have any web/wiki skills as well?21:36
svenstaroActually, no. I'm mainly interested in user experience but I think I'd be able to do pretty much everything that needs work.21:36
svenstaroIf I can recall correctly, I have already given you guys my skills once or twice. Anyhow, my skills are: medium C++, medium-high Python, all kinds of CMS and wiki, pretty much anything required.21:37
svenstaroI'd actually be highly interested in doing training videos for the live DVD and for the website that address actual use cases but I don't know your stance on that.21:38
Ahmuck-Jri'm intersted in your "user" ideas21:38
LaserJockI think our stance has been that we'd be excited to have training videos21:38
svenstaroI can also work on Sabayon or Pessulus if needed. My main goal is making Edubuntu LTSP available to a *real* school environment, maintained by a teacher.21:39
LaserJocksvenstaro: well, then I think we all have a shared goal then :-)21:39
svenstaroLaserJock: I'm not so sure. From my earlier discussions I somehow still have a "ring" that LTSP lost some value.21:40
mhall119|workis anyone here (besides me) from Florida?21:40
svenstaroOr at least interest among the Edubuntu project.21:40
highvoltagesvenstaro: sbalneav could use a hand on sabayon, and pessulus work would also be good21:40
highvoltagemhall119|work: I assume Michelle_Qimo is as well :)21:40
mhall119|workwell yes21:40
Ahmuck-Jri don't think it's lost it's value or it's interest, but perhaps it's focus21:40
Ahmuck-Jrqimo in florida ?!21:40
mhall119|workAhmuck-Jr: yup21:40
mhall119|workwell, Qimo is global now, be he started in Florida21:41
LaserJocksvenstaro: what does LTSP have to do with it?21:41
mhall119|workWe're planning on doing an LTSP lab in August down here, for a children's home21:41
svenstarohighvoltage: LaserJock: How would I best make a decision for Edubuntu and be sure that my work is actually included? The interest on the mailing list was low for the things I wanted to talk about.21:41
Ahmuck-Jrmhall119|work: i'm interested in your work, very interested21:41
LaserJocksvenstaro: it may not be that it's a lack of interest21:42
mhall119|workAhmuck-Jr: thanks21:42
LaserJockfor me the problem is that we have some real pressing issues21:42
mhall119|workAhmuck-Jr: do you have any questions about it?21:42
highvoltagesvenstaro: there's also some scepticism sometimes when people make lots of big promises21:42
svenstaroLaserJock: I think that LTSP is of major importance because of its centralism and maintainability.21:42
LaserJockand as much as I have a lot of grand ideas, I have to look at what we can do for Karmic to keep things alive21:42
LaserJocksvenstaro: sure, but LTSP != Education either21:42
Ahmuck-Jrwhen you do the lab, i'm interested in following your progress, and would be willing to work with you.  work problems out, etc.21:42
svenstaroI'm not making big promises at all, I'm trying to make big goals but I can't get people to agree.21:43
LaserJocksvenstaro: LTSP is a tool and a major piece of the Edubuntu puzzle21:43
mhall119|worksvenstaro: I can tell you that LTSP's bigged point for me is using old, discarded computers as thin clients21:43
Ahmuck-Jri agree with Laserjock, he's trying ot hit distro release schedules21:43
highvoltagesvenstaro: if you have an idea, come talk about it in an edubuntu meeting with myself, LaserJock and stgraber. We should be able to tell you if it's suitable for inclusion in the archives21:43
LaserJockbut we shifted from developing LTSP as upstreams to now being a consumer of LTSP21:43
LaserJockthat doesn't mean we care about LTSP less21:43
Ahmuck-Jrhas edubuntu and ltsp sepereated?21:44
alkisgEducation = Ubuntu in education. Among other software, LTSP is also used in Education. So if svenstaro can integrate LTSP in the Ubuntu DVD in time for Karmic, where's the problem? It'll help a lot of teachers...21:44
svenstaroLaserJock: That's fine but I still think that Edubuntu should try to integrate with LTSP as best as it can if the user decides to use that.21:44
LaserJockbut our focus went from "how do we be the best LTSP distro?" to "how do we be the best education distro?"21:44
highvoltageAhmuck-Jr: well, they're still connected21:44
highvoltageAhmuck-Jr: but it was never a single project21:44
Ahmuck-Jrwere not working togather?21:44
LaserJockwell, LTSP is software, just like any other21:44
highvoltageAhmuck-Jr: both sbalneav and stgraber are LTSP upstream people21:44
Ahmuck-Jri'll put forth a question proposed by others in the past.  schoolbuntu?21:44
mhall119|workisn't LTSP part of the standard Ubuntu alt-cd image?21:44
highvoltageAhmuck-Jr: so LTSP and Edubuntu *definitely* has strong links21:44
LaserJockmhall119|work: yep21:45
Ahmuck-Jrhighvoltage: yep, i'm familiar with sbalneav and stgraber21:45
mhall119|workLaserJock: so is there much more work to have it working in Edubuntu's image?21:45
svenstaroAhmuck-Jr: Actually, I wanted to start my own Ubuntu fork as Schoolbuntu but people in this channel told me to hold it.21:45
LaserJockmhall119|work: having what working? LTSP?21:46
Ahmuck-Jrit's my observation that edubuntu see's itself as ubuntu with edu apps, rather than ubuntu in the classroom21:46
svenstaroSo what contexts is Edubuntu now meant to be used in if not classrooms?21:46
LaserJockmhall119|work: no, we shouldn't really have to do much of anything21:46
mhall119|workif it's already working in Ubuntu 9.10, what needs to be done for it to work in Edubuntu?21:46
mhall119|workokay, it sounded like it was going to be an issue21:46
LaserJocksvenstaro: home computers for pre-school kids, Universities21:46
highvoltagemhall119|work: it's incredibly easy to include on alternate CD builds21:46
Ahmuck-Jrfrom what i can tell, edubuntu is home based rather than school based21:46
Ahmuck-JrLaserJock: i don't see it bieng used in universites21:47
LaserJockEdubuntu is *education* based21:47
highvoltagemhall119|work: but afaik not yet on casper/ubiquity discs21:47
mhall119|workoh, I see21:47
highvoltagemhall119|work: and the majority of the edubuntu users have stressed the importance of a GUI installer21:47
mhall119|workAhmuck-Jr: Qimo is very home-based, edubuntu has much more school-based stuff than we do21:47
svenstaroI would argue that there's more education going on in a school environment than in pre-school kindergardens or at home.21:47
svenstaroUniversities surely wouldn't use a desktop based solution.21:47
LaserJockwhy not?21:48
Ahmuck-Jrmhall119|work: i'll take a look at Qimo ... i'm interested in seeing what apps you've found to work21:48
svenstaroBecause it'd be a huge pain to manage.21:48
LaserJockwhat I'm trying to get at is I don't know why we're limiting ourselves21:48
mhall119|workhighvoltage: I think for LTSP it would be less of an issue, people who can't make it through an ncurses installer won't likely be wiring up computer labs with thin clients either21:48
LaserJocksvenstaro: they do it already21:48
mhall119|workAhmuck-Jr: mostly the same as Edubuntu has21:48
alkisgmhall119|work: no special wiring is needed for live LTSP21:48
highvoltagemhall119|work: heh, you'd be surprised :)21:48
svenstaroLaserJock: I'm not saying to limit ourselves at all! I'm only saying that we should work out exact use cases and address them technically, for example in the installer "What do you want to use Edubuntu for?"21:49
mhall119|workalkisg: you need clients, right?21:49
Ahmuck-Jrsvenstaro: sorta, there are pre-schools that would love the software and measuring sucess in pre-school is just as important if not more so21:49
alkisgmhall119|work: yeah, but labs tend to have PCs in them (=clients :))21:49
LaserJocksvenstaro: right, well, that's certainly something we can look into21:49
mhall119|workAhmuck-Jr: agreed, we put out first Qimo computers into a preschool21:49
mhall119|workpreschool is a very good place to start with educational software21:50
svenstaroI think that if Edubuntu wants to be nothing specific again but "just a bunch of apps and maybe some inconsistent docs" then it hasn't moved one bit into the right direction, at least from my perspective.21:50
highvoltagemhall119|work: I think it's worth mentioning that we don't specifically want to bring qimo into edubuntu as such, what we would like to do more specifically is make the qimo desktop easily available for ubuntu users21:50
mhall119|workalkisg: do you need to configure the clients to network boot?21:50
Michelle_Qimohighvoltage: that sounds like a good plan21:50
mhall119|worklast time I did network booting, there was a lot of configuration on the clients21:50
highvoltagemhall119|work: it would also make sense to distribute the qimo packages on the edubuntu discs since we share so much packages in common, it would allow anyone with an edubuntu disc at hand to install qimo from it as well21:50
alkisgmhall119|work: that's not wiring. Anyone can insert a floppy or cd. No settings are required.21:51
mhall119|workhighvoltage: I like that idea, we've had multiple ubuntu users wanting to install just the Qimo interface21:51
highvoltageMichelle_Qimo: sorry I should probably highlight you as well!21:51
LaserJocksvenstaro: the problem is it takes time21:51
LaserJocksvenstaro: nobody want it to just be Ubuntu+a few edu apps21:51
Michelle_Qimohighvoltage: oh, no, I'm reading along, trying to keep up.21:51
mhall119|workalkisg: it must have gotten easier since I did it then21:51
alkisgProbably :)21:51
highvoltageMichelle_Qimo: heh, yes the channel is quite a bit more noisier than it usually is tonight :)21:52
mhall119|workalkisg: PXE boot just about drove me mad at one point21:52
LaserJocksvenstaro: but we've been close to the edge of death here as a project and so the primary focus needs to be on doing some CPR :-)21:52
alkisgmhall119|work: nah, it's a piece of cake now, it can even work with existing dhcp servers already present on the lab.21:52
mhall119|workalkisg: I may come ask you questions too, when I'm setting up my lap21:53
svenstaroConsidering all that has been said, then, would it still be a stupid idea to have "Schoolbuntu", Linux distribution specialized for efficient usage in educational institutions?21:53
mhall119|workI have a bunch of old dells without hard drives21:54
mhall119|workthat I want to use as clients21:54
highvoltagemhall119|work: we understand that an automated LTSP environment is a high priority, it's certainly not something we're going to ignore, I can at least assure you of that21:54
LaserJocksvenstaro: why, Edubuntu would just be Schoolbuntu+21:54
LaserJockwe just need to get things going here and have people pitching to help21:54
LaserJockEdubuntu wants to be focused on schools21:54
mhall119|worksvenstaro: what would you need in schoolbuntu that isn't in edubuntu?21:55
svenstaroLaserJock: Okay, then. It may sound tedious but I'll repeat: How can I be sure that my contributions will be included? Whom do I talk to then, anyhow?21:55
LaserJocksvenstaro: just start making contributions21:55
mhall119|workcan you do what we're talking about doing with Qimo, and just having it available as an extra installable option?21:55
LaserJockthere's really not a gatekeeper here21:55
LaserJockwe can advice, discuss, etc.21:55
LaserJockbut if you want to clean up the wiki, go for it!21:55
highvoltagesvenstaro: I told you before, if you want to be as sure as you can be *before* you actually contribute, bring it up at one of our weekly meetings and we'd be able to give you a good idea21:56
LaserJockif you want to fix bugs, go for it!21:56
LaserJockhighvoltage: +121:56
LaserJockif unsure, just ask21:56
mhall119|workis edubuntu in launchpad?21:56
svenstaroGood, I want to fork the installer and address specific use case using the then new Edubuntu installer.21:56
mhall119|workwhich installer?21:57
LaserJocksvenstaro: I would talk to Colin Watson or one of the other installer maintainers about the things you want to do21:57
LaserJocksvenstaro: I think there's even an #ubuntu-installer21:57
highvoltagesvenstaro: ok, you probably realise that that's quite risky and that you'll have to address quite a few issues if you definitely want it included21:57
svenstaroI don't think the bureaucracy is encouraging.21:57
LaserJockwhat bureaucracy?21:57
LaserJockwe're essentially a meritocracy here, if the work has technical merit it will be looked at21:58
svenstaroWell, normally I'd create my own big project, a whole fork, realise Edubuntu the way I think it should be done and have everybody pull back to trunk what they think is good idea.21:58
LaserJockbut you have to recognize that a forked installer is very difficult to maintain at the standards we need21:58
Ahmuck-Jractually, it doesn't have to be ltsp even.  it could be stand alone, drives cloned at night, with centralized login and centralized storage, windows apps usable, etc.21:59
svenstaroBut realistically, I can't do it because I can't even roll my own images to start with.21:59
highvoltagesvenstaro: I think you'll need to look into that21:59
LaserJocksvenstaro: are you talking about  ubiquity or the debian installer?21:59
highvoltagesvenstaro: because understanding how an image is put together is absolutely critical if you even want to touch installer work21:59
svenstaroLaserJock: I think Ubiquity would be more appropiate to modify since we're targeting teachers who could watch videos while installing if that is feasible from a DVD.22:00
mhall119|worksvenstaro: why can't you roll your own images?22:00
highvoltagesvenstaro: the ubiquity team is already working on that22:00
mhall119|workI know they're putting some kind of a "tour" function into Ubuquity22:01
LaserJocksvenstaro: I think ubiquity is supposed to have some level of "plugability"22:01
mhall119|workI've made changes to Ubiquity before, it's not real complex22:01
highvoltagesvenstaro: they're going to include webkit-gtk support which will theoretically allow you to include flash videos in the installer22:01
LaserJockideally what I'd like to be able to do is just insert the "Edubuntu" stuff as "plugins" to ubiquity and not fork at all22:01
svenstaroUgh, flash videos. C'mon, we're trying to liberate schools.22:01
highvoltagesvenstaro: it would be quite a waste if you spend time implementing something that is already being implemented by the installer team, don't you think?22:01
svenstaroLaserJock: IS it pluggable in trunk right now?22:02
LaserJocksvenstaro: I *think* so but I don't know 100%22:02
highvoltagesvenstaro: fine, html <video> tags then22:02
LaserJockthat's why i'd suggest talking to cjwatson or #ubuntu-installer22:02
mhall119|workit's python and GTK, you could always include a gstreamer based player22:02
LaserJockI just don't know off hand what the "state of the art" in Ubiquity is22:02
highvoltageubiquity has plenty of support for hooks and inserting custom scripts and stuff22:03
svenstaroIf I am to write that hypotethical plugin, let's decide on the use cases: Workstation, LTSP Server, LTSP Cluster Support Server, Home computer, ...?22:03
highvoltageI honestly can't see any need for edubuntu at present to make even the slightest change to ubiquity22:03
svenstarohighvoltage: Good then, I wasn't eager to fork it but I didn't know it was made so comfortable for plugins.22:04
highvoltagesvenstaro: do you know how ubiquity currently installs a casper image?22:04
Ahmuck-Jrmhall119|work: keep me posted.  i'm working with 9.04 currently and would hope i had some hard knocks in the process i could spare you from.  need an e-mail?22:04
svenstaroNo, but I rolled a few custom Ubuntu's once by manually doing the casper process.22:04
alkisgThat plugin-based "select role to setup" that svenstaro proposed is a great idea, I think...22:05
mhall119|workAhmuck-Jr: are you usually in here?22:05
Ahmuck-Jryep, usually22:05
mhall119|workok, I'll come find you then22:05
Ahmuck-Jrbeen participating more in channel #ltsp22:05
mhall119|workQImo 1 is based on Xubuntu 8.10, 2 is gonig to be based on 9.1022:05
LaserJockhighvoltage: I see a need for some Edubuntu-specific questions in Ubiquity22:05
highvoltagesvenstaro: ok, so you know that ubiquity pretty much copies everything in there over to the target system, and then afterwards it removes the packages that shouldn't be there based on the manifest22:05
LaserJockhighvoltage: I don't know yet how we're going to manage edu app installation22:06
* mhall119|work has too many IRC windows22:06
highvoltagesvenstaro: I think you should try to at least work with the ubuntu-installer team somewhat to find the best ways to implement your ideas22:06
LaserJockhighvoltage: so we're going to have to decide, I think, between installing no edu apps or installing all edu apps22:06
highvoltagesvenstaro: more to protect you from doing things that may be easily done with existing things in the installer tools22:06
mhall119|workLaserJock: you could add a screen to Ubiquity, kind of tasksel like, to pick them22:07
alkisgIt could be possible that the same dvd contained /dist/ and /pool/ and was able to install roles *after* the initial installation...22:07
LaserJockalkisg: that's what I'm thinking22:07
alkisg(the non-live ones, at least...)22:07
LaserJockI was thinking of installing an "Education Software Installer" in the Administration menu22:08
svenstaroDo we in principle agree then that there should be different profiles for installation?22:08
mhall119|workalkisg: is that how Ubuntu Server does it?22:08
highvoltageLaserJock: well, the build systems do support having a casper image and seperate .deb files, so we could have the dvd not install all of the edu stuff, and then have gnome-app-install run from the /target chroot as a post-inst hook in ubiquity22:08
alkisgmhall119|work: I don't know, I've never used Ubuntu server22:08
mhall119|workalkisg: I seem to remember it installs first, then asks if you want LAMP, OpenSSH, etc22:08
highvoltageLaserJock: not that I'm saying it should work exactly like that, but I think there are ways of doing it but we should get to the nitty gritty of that later22:08
alkisgI've no idea :22:08
LaserJocksvenstaro: of course, I'm not sure what exactly they should be  or when exactly they should be presented, but having installation profiles is a long-time Edubuntu thing22:08
highvoltagesvenstaro: yep, I think we do22:09
LaserJockwe used to have Classroom Server and Workstation22:09
svenstaroLaserJock: Why have they never een implemented?22:09
svenstaroHave they not been maintained?22:09
LaserJocksvenstaro: because we went to the Addon CD thing and LTSP moved to the Ubuntu Alternate CD22:10
LaserJockit just messed everything up22:10
svenstaroAh. That honestly was the worst decision and almost the last nail in Edubuntu's preliminary coffin so far, in my opinion.22:10
LaserJockwell, we really didn't have much of a choice at the time22:10
alkisgIf someone makes e.g. a package that installs a role, how can he include it to edubuntu - I mean it won't even be in universe...22:10
mhall119|workLTSP needed to be in the Ubuntu images22:10
LaserJockbut yeah, it didn't work out as well as we'd have liked22:11
Ahmuck-Jrmhall119|work: i just noticed a vdi22:11
sbalneavNice to say, but with only one person actually working on the distro images, a bootable disk was unmaintanable.22:11
mhall119|workAhmuck-Jr: of Qimo?22:11
sbalneavSo it was a decistion that had to be made.22:11
LaserJockalkisg: how do you mean?22:11
mhall119|workokay, I'm heading home22:12
mhall119|worktalk to you guys later22:12
mhall119|workand thanks for bringing me in22:12
highvoltagebye mhall119|work! thanks for dropping in22:12
highvoltageLaserJock: not sure how long I'll be able to stay awake either22:12
svenstaroCan anybody get me up to speed about the Ubuntu live cd technical background? Is it using Aufs2 and Squashfs?22:12
LaserJocksquashfs I know it has used22:13
highvoltageLaserJock: I'll ping colin tomorrow morning on IRC and have a quick chat, then I'll send him an e-mail as a formality22:13
LaserJockI'm not sure on the technical stuff22:13
LaserJockhighvoltage: good, thanks22:13
highvoltageLaserJock: we're still in a very tight spot, of course, but I think we're more or less steering into course at least22:13
highvoltageLaserJock: with some clever manuevering we might just have a nice 9.10 release yet22:14
svenstaroWhom do I bug to pull my repo on launchpad when I'm done?22:14
alkisgLaserJock: suppose that I create a package that when it's installed it setups an LTSP server specialized for schools with mixed windows/ltsp environments. Or LDAP. Or whatever. How would this package fit to edubuntu, since it won't even be in universe?22:14
LaserJocksvenstaro: pull what repo?22:15
LaserJockalkisg: why wouldn't it be in Universe?22:15
svenstaroalkisg: Why couldn't you just put that package into the repo? It would be a critical Edubuntu package, after all.22:15
alkisgLaserJock: so the formal way would be for me to become a motu and try to get it into Universe, before it goes into Edubuntu?22:15
highvoltagesvenstaro: start by putting it into a PPA, then it can at least be tested and reviewed.22:15
LaserJockright now we have the following installable tasks "Edubuntu Desktop", "Edubuntu KDE Desktop", "Edubuntu Server"22:15
svenstaroLaserJock: I have my launchpad account and I can create multiple projects on that one as you know. When I want something to included in Edubuntu officially, I need to bug someone with the powa to pull it in.22:16
LaserJockalkisg: you don't have to be a MOTU no, you just need to get 2 MOTUs to sign off on it22:16
LaserJocksvenstaro: right now myself and stgraber have access rights22:16
Ahmuck-Jrsomething i'd like to add, for junior high, high school, i noticed software the other day for "ear training" and "note reading" for music.  i haven't had time to look at these, but did not notice them in edubuntu. i may have missed them however22:17
svenstaroUh, that's quite a high bus factor. Anyhow, will it be enough if I bug the mailing list, you guys test my PPA, sign it off and pull it in?22:17
highvoltagealkisg: I've had my first package approved last week, my second one just yesterday, the reviewers are quite efficient, both my packages got approved the same day I uploaded them to revu22:17
highvoltagealkisg: so you can actually get quite far without being a motu22:17
Michelle_QimoAhmuck-Jr: we've actually looked at those apps, they're quite good22:17
alkisgLaserJock, highvoltage: Right. So every role would need to go to universe with the usual ways before it's considered for inclusion for edubuntu, did I understand it correctly?22:17
alkisg(role = edubuntu installation role, task, package ...)22:18
highvoltagealkisg: yes, as with any official ubuntu-based system22:18
LaserJockalkisg: not necessarily22:18
LaserJockI mean, the way we define those roles is by seeds22:18
LaserJockthey *do* end up as .debs but they'd likely be from an existing source package22:18
LaserJockso no need to get them "approved" really22:18
highvoltagewhich would still need to be in the archives22:18
Ahmuck-JrMichelle_Qimo: another app you might be intersted in is anki22:19
alkisgOK, got it, thanks22:19
LaserJockit would just go through binary NEW, which is pretty trivial22:19
svenstaroHow can I run a trivial script on the live DVD to events like start up and shut down? Do I actually need to create a package just to get the data in?22:19
Michelle_QimoAhmuck-Jr: I will certainly look into it!22:19
LaserJocksvenstaro: until a couple weeks ago it was just myself that had upload/commit rights :(22:20
highvoltagesvenstaro: yes, but that's easy22:20
highvoltagesvenstaro: it would just be a usual package that calls update-rc.d in postinst/postrm. if it's only ever going to be on the livecd then it goes into the initramfs22:21
LaserJockyou guys might also have noticed that Edubuntu is no longer required to build from Main22:21
LaserJocki.e. we can include Universe packages on the DVD22:21
alkisgYeah, that was a great decision :)22:21
Ahmuck-JrMichelle_Qimo: another app is "World of Goo" ... it teaches physics (sorta) while having gameplay.  It's a pay program.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Goo22:22
svenstaroWhy can't it all be KISS :/22:22
highvoltagesvenstaro: it's more or less as simple as it can be at the moment22:23
svenstaroAhmuck-Jr: That game is excellent but do we want kids playing that game all along?22:23
Ahmuck-JrMichelle_Qimo: i find kids learn well intuativly sometimes when they don't know they are learning.  other times, the gameplay gets in the way22:23
LaserJockso right now we've got 4 app bundles, ubuntu-edu-{preschool,primary,secondary,tertiary} and 3 meta packages, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-kde, and edubuntu-server22:23
svenstaroAhmuck-Jr: Also the EU probably wouldn't like Edubuntu praising a single commercial game.22:23
highvoltagesvenstaro: you can't really put together a system as big as ubuntu together cowboy-style, there has to be proper ways to do things to keep it maintainable22:23
Ahmuck-Jrsvenstaro: imho, if you can get kids to connect the world of goo with popsicle sticks i don't have an issue with them playing games22:23
alkisgLaserJock: it would be nice if those app bundles were selectable from within ubiquity22:23
alkisg(even if it results in a post-install task)22:24
LaserJockI suggest as a first step to get a DVD that works and to get the available meta-packages/task in good shape22:24
Michelle_Qimogame playing has it's place.  incorporating intuitive learning into game play is so important, and yet difficult.22:24
svenstarohighvoltage: Actually, I'm using Aufs2 overlays for my own distribution and while it of course isn't as big as Edubuntu, it does quite a lot of magic and I don't need a billion of packages (overhead!) but can just go, modify a confic file, bake the iso, done!22:24
Ahmuck-Jrsvenstaro: anytime you can get a child to apply learning with real world techniques, then it's a go.  do you know that children learn things really well with songs?22:24
LaserJocksvenstaro: right, but from our perspective we should never have to touch the actual build process22:25
LaserJocksvenstaro: all we have to do is upload a package22:25
highvoltagesvenstaro: and when someone needs to take that project over from you one day, they wouldn't know which files you have touched or modified22:25
Michelle_QimoAhmuck-Jr: there are whole sets of language-learning tools that are set to song22:25
LaserJockwhich is significantly more maintainable22:25
Michelle_Qimowe have the French set22:25
Ahmuck-Jrsvenstaro: there are other more advanced phyics games out there as well22:25
Ahmuck-JrMichelle_Qimo: in linux ?22:25
Ahmuck-Jri'd like a link22:25
Michelle_Qimono, unfortunately, not linux-based22:25
Michelle_Qimoactually car-stereo based.22:25
highvoltageMichelle_Qimo: heh22:26
svenstarohighvoltage: Yes they would, because the config files are an overlay that gets layered on top of the base system so that you effectively have only around 10 configs in there and they are all documented :)22:26
Michelle_QimoI'd *love* to have something for the Qimo machines that sets language learning to music22:26
Ahmuck-Jrbbl, need to see the doc22:26
svenstaroAhmuck-Jr: What open source physics game is there that compares to World Of Goo?22:26
LaserJockhave you guys used brainstorm.ubuntu.com ?22:28
svenstaroOf course22:28
sbalneavOK, heading home for the day.22:28
sbalneavSee you all later.22:28
LaserJockthere are sections on brainstorm for Edubuntu and Education22:29
LaserJockI would highly encourage people to use them22:29
LaserJocksbalneav: cya22:29
svenstaroOh, that's another thing: I *really* think Edubuntu forums should be separate from the other official *buntus because the use case is *entirely* different.22:29
svenstaroEdubuntu questions usually get flooded by Ubuntu questions too fast for Edubuntu people to even find that thread.22:30
LaserJockwell, we don't exactly have a forum period22:30
LaserJockI had the Education & Science section of the Ubuntu Forums created to give some space22:30
LaserJockbut honestly I'm not sure we're big enough to warrant a forum22:31
LaserJockcould be in the future if things take off it would be sensible to do22:31
LaserJockbut right now I think it might be "yet another thing we have to maintain"22:32
LaserJockunfortunately that's the way a lot of things are right now :(22:32
LaserJockwe need some critical mass of contributors22:33
svenstaroI wouldn't mind hosting a forum.22:33
LaserJockyou could put it up as a discussion topic at the next meeting22:35
LaserJockright now I'm personally more interesting in getting a product worth supporting than support resources per se22:35
LaserJockbut that's sort of my bias22:35
Michelle_QimoI don't know what, if anything, I can contribute (my technical skills are minimal at best), but should anything come up that I can help with, please don't hesitate to let me know?22:38
svenstaroMichelle_Qimo: w22:38
svenstaroMichelle_Qimo: Write a user's experience analysis, for example.22:39
LaserJockMichelle_Qimo: what kind of stuff do you do?22:39
LaserJockany art, writing, marketing ... ?22:39
Michelle_QimoLaserJock: I'm an english major.  :-)  Most of what I do is advocacy & promotion, writing, etc.22:39
LaserJockoh, excellent22:39
LaserJockI'm about as far from an english major as you can get22:40
Michelle_Qimocertainly willing to jump on board with technical writing, etc.22:40
LaserJocksomething that I feel we've *really* been missing is some nice, usable, documentation for the educational apps themselves22:40
Michelle_Qimooh, absolutely!22:40
LaserJocksomething along the lines of for a parent or teacher22:41
Michelle_QimoWe've actually been talking about putting together a manual for the apps that we send out with Qimo.  I'd *certainly* be onboard for that22:41
LaserJocklike, we just shove apps at them22:41
Michelle_Qimothat's the truth.  Here ya go, have fun...  well, that doesn't work so well sometimes22:41
LaserJockbut we don't really give them much info22:41
LaserJockI think that would be an excellent contribution22:42
Michelle_Qimoif a one-app-at-a-time schedule works well for you all, I'm more than willing22:42
LaserJockwhatever you'd like22:42
Michelle_Qimois there a standard apps list?22:43
LaserJockone sec22:43
LaserJockMichelle_Qimo: http://www.edubuntu.org/applications/8.10 is the best we have right now22:43
Ahmuck-JrMichelle_Qimo: i was thinking, if you had an idea what type of song/language things you might want, i've got a few muscian song writing friends and composers that might be able to put something togather.  however the programming would have to be for someone else22:44
Ahmuck-JrLaserJock: isn't that a list that nubae put toghater?22:44
LaserJockwe don't seem to have one for 9.0422:44
Michelle_QimoAhmuck-Jr: I will think on it22:44
Michelle_QimoLaserJock: I will take a look.  It gives me a starting point, at any rate22:45
svenstaroI've gotta run guys. Can we decide on so much that I will try to split up the Edubuntu installer to (using plugins if possible) to different installation profiles?22:45
LaserJocksvenstaro: as a first step here's what I'd do, I'd talk with #ubuntu-installer about what the current abilities of Ubiqiuty are regarding plugins22:46
LaserJocksvenstaro: and then report back with a plan to edubuntu-devel22:46
LaserJockif we can do it without forking Ubiquity altogether and just adding in some hooks somewhere then I'm certainly all for it22:47
LaserJockwe have some "profiles" already we can use22:47
LaserJockand we can expand those, especially regarding LTSP22:47
LaserJockI've gotta run too22:48
LaserJockor else the PhD won't happen :-)22:48
LaserJockonce I've moved to Boston and have the Air Force thing figured out hopefully I'll be able to do some actual work22:49
LaserJockprobably for karmic+122:49
svenstaroI'll be gone as well guys, bye.22:58

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