
AzzcoAudio problems.. Phonon works, normal alsa apps does not. OSS works without software mixing and pulseaudio only makes static. Can someone help me?00:21
ryan23hi again00:31
ryan23can anybody tell my why I cannot rename any links on my desktop?00:32
ryan23any op here?00:34
Piciryan23: hm?00:35
PiciWhats up?00:35
ryan23I just need a little help - if I click right on any link and choose rename - I can rename the link but after I hit enter it goes back to the original name on the link00:35
PiciDo you have permissions to change these files?00:36
ryan23any ideas for a workaround - cause on my other sys the renaming works just fine :/00:36
ryan23well I made the links so I guess I should be the owner?00:36
PiciDid you make them using sudo?00:36
ryan23no I just pulled them from the start menu to the desktop via drag and drop00:37
PiciIf you're using KDE then I'm afraid I probably can't be of much help.  I'm a gnomey person.00:37
ryan23I am looking at the properties right now and you are right - they say user:root group:root00:37
Piciaha, then they are owned by root.00:38
ryan23how can I change this00:38
ryan23the best would be for all icons in a row00:38
ryan23-icons +links00:38
PiciIf you know what location they are in you can sudo chown $USER:$USER the files00:39
ryan23missing operand..00:41
ryan23well thanks pici I guess I am on the right way now00:43
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venky80please vote if you like http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=62447&p=82921#p8292100:55
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chuckgKubuntu 64/HP Elitebook 2530p: Having problems with shut down...it hangs. Anyone have some ideas?02:01
chuckgKubuntu 64/HP Elitebook 2530p: Having problems with shut down...it hangs. Anyone have some ideas?02:05
barrapontohey guys, how do i update to 4.3?02:09
Ulricwhat channel should I go to to ask about getting my Creatve X-Fi to work?02:10
DrknezzHi guys! Is there anything like fsck.ntfs ???02:47
corchkdsk innit?02:48
DrknezzWindows won't boot :(02:49
corit's in ntfsprogs, if that's still around these days02:50
Drknezzcor: ntfsck is planned for future02:50
Drknezzcor: Their wiki says so02:50
Drknezzcor: http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsck02:51
corduinno how I checked them then., I had to do that a couple of years back.02:51
corI remmebr having to install ntfs itself, but that's included these days02:52
corheh, cool page - it says use chkdisk!02:52
Drknezzcor: :( ntfsresize says the partition is fine, but im getting tons of ATA errors at boot-time, im using a live-usb02:53
* cor just made it up02:53
corwhat sort of errors exactly?02:53
corI get ata errors at bootup, but thet aren't really errors just kernel drivers I don't need, I guess02:54
coranother reason I'm right now building a new kernel02:55
Drknezzcor: GParted told me the disk had bad sectors02:55
Drknezzcor: And SMART tools confirmed it :(02:56
corouch. better mark them out, and get the data off asap02:56
NotSureis anyone here02:59
NotSureI cant see my partitions on the gd02:59
cormaybe there are none02:59
NotSurelinux ubuntu xp and mint02:59
NotSuregrub boot03:00
NotSureI am in kubuntu but cannot see into the others03:00
corwhat are you using to "see" them?03:00
corand they are mounted, right?03:00
NotSuredont know03:01
NotSurehow to mount03:01
corman fstab03:01
coror use mount command directly (as root)03:01
Waistlesshi, basic question.. how do I get plasma widgets to show up only in one workspace?03:03
burn_i have removed the trash bin from the desktop, where can i find it? kubuntu 9.0403:10
burn_ok found it :D03:11
Waistlesslol, well done03:11
DrknezzI have a cool trick for all kinds of plasma issues: rm .kde/share/config/plasma* && killall plasma && plasma :D03:14
Waistlesslol, well it wont help with what Im trying, that'll be great if they get messed up though :P03:15
Waistlessthat happens a lot03:15
=== jonathan__ is now known as eagles0513875
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:36
eagles0513875hey guys has kde 4.2.2 been pushed to backports for intrepid?03:41
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jthomas_hi all03:41
eagles0513875jthomas_: = jonthechidna03:42
jthomas_I just used partition magoc to create a backup partition, that worked, so then I chose to install another operating system, so I did that and it resized my partitions and made a new 40gb one03:42
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eagles0513875nm ignore my comment03:42
Arv3nalong with a 500mb swap03:42
Arv3nso I rebooted after doing all that and then it said "no bootable device" or something like that03:43
eagles0513875Arv3n: how much ram do you have03:43
eagles0513875!hi | Drknezz03:43
ubottuDrknezz: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:43
Arv3nso then I installed kubuntu on those two partitions,now I get grub, and I get an XP entry in grub.03:43
DrknezzAnyone knows how cna i expand my casper-rw file WITHOUT losing all my changes?03:43
Arv3nbut when I try and boot it it just reboots because of missing files.03:43
Arv3nit actually gets pasting the loading screen (the xp logo) then a new black screen pops up and reboots automaticlaly03:44
Arv3nCan anyone help?03:44
Arv3ni don't usually dual boot.03:44
sven_oostenbrinkIm using kopete and I have a webcam.. I can configure it, see myself, etc. okay.. now Im in a chat and I want to enable the webcam and see the other one but how do I do that? I dont see any option for it!!03:56
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sven_oostenbrinkIm using kopete and I have a webcam.. I can configure it, see myself, etc. okay.. now Im in a chat and I want to enable the webcam and see the other one but how do I do that? I dont see any option for it!!04:12
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daveguycould you suggest a step-by-step walkthru of reinstalling kubuntu w/o using fdisk? I had video kernel mismatch (resolved), and have prevented my username from logging into KDE4 graphically... only @ prompt.  I think KDE4 may have been partially uninstalled, i've used aptitude to repair.  could i maybe just reinstall KDE4, where could I find out how?04:23
supergearyou could probably reinstall kde404:27
supergeartry and find out04:27
darkhammwhy synaptic don't have an undo command, providing to uninstall software in a big number of packages (like kde) ????05:13
ner0xWhat is the usual p2p client for kubuntu?05:23
darknessor like limewire?05:31
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P05:34
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anonimous_he means hui05:51
anonimous_nothing else05:52
ner0xdarkness: Something like limewire.05:56
ner0xbut not limewire. :)05:56
darknessner0x, I don't think there is one05:57
ner0xThere has to be.05:57
ner0xI know mldonkey, but it's not working properly.05:57
darknessThere is no "usual" p2p app for kde, although there are some made for kde.05:59
darknessApollon is one of them05:59
darknessThere's also one called qtella05:59
darknessIf you don't mind using java, you can use frostwire06:00
ner0xHm.. I'd like to steer clear of java if I can. :)06:02
Gumbyhi all. can anyone tell me if Akregator is still the rss client to use in conjunction with kontact or is it something new now?  Its been awhile since I've messed with rss feeds and if I recall correctly Akregator as a kontact plugin left a bit to be desired06:30
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italomaiahi! How do i use flash with opera 10 in kubuntu?07:00
KA|||AKi need an advice07:02
KA|||AKat installation of kubuntu 9.03 it was sheduled to set up a bootloader at another one HDD. So after the installation have been completed i lost everything on the drive.07:04
KA|||AKThó file system was not changed and it is NTFS now07:04
KA|||AKare there ways to recover back my  data on it?07:05
stefanocome si fa per non far vedere le icone sul desktop di kde?07:41
jussi01!it | stefano07:47
ubottustefano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)07:47
fedelhi everybody...I've been having a problem with my wireless connection in KDE07:57
fedelI used to use gnome...07:58
fedelbut I change to KDe few days ago07:58
fedelthe problem is....07:58
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fedelI've installed a widget to manage my connections...07:59
fedelbut it don't save the connection's configuration07:59
MehrabI've changed my system to login automatically (from system settings), but after that I can't login to my desktop and it just goes to command line08:04
gennaroHey guy, did you know the Kubuntu/Ubuntu italian channel? (Sorry for my bad English)08:05
fedelgennaro: Are you talking with me?08:06
gennarowhit all08:07
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:09
DaskreeCH_Mehrab: If you take it off does it work again?08:10
DaskreeCH_fedel: Which widget?08:10
fedelDeskreeCH_: I think it's called Manage Network Connections08:12
Mehrabgennaro: try #ubuntu-it08:13
MehrabDaskreeCH_: I don't know. how should I turn it off through command line?08:13
fedelI've used Gnome before (my kubuntu was ubuntu)08:13
DaskreeCH_Mehrab: You don't need to login on the command line and run startx08:14
DaskreeCH_fedel: That's a nice way of putting it :)08:14
DaskreeCH_fedel: You are connecting to Wifi?08:15
DaskreeCH_Kubunut 9.04 ?08:15
MehrabDaskreeCH_: OK, I'm going to try it. thanks08:15
DaskreeCH_Mehrab: Also install irssi :)08:15
fedelDaskreeCH_: at first I installed kde08:15
MehrabDaskreeCH_: what is that for?08:15
fedelDaskreeCH_: after I installed kubuntu-desktop08:16
DaskreeCH_Mehrab: You can get on here without using X08:16
fedelDaskreeCH_: Is it kubuntu?08:16
DaskreeCH_so if your GUI dies again You can just login here and ask for help08:16
MehrabDaskreeCH_: ok, thanks again08:16
DaskreeCH_fedel: Yes that works. Did you have backports turned on?08:16
DaskreeCH_Unsupported updates ?08:17
fedelDaskreeCH_: I don't know08:17
fedelDaskreeCH_: How could I verify?08:17
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fedelDaskreeCH_: backports ....sorry but what is that?08:18
DaskreeCH_fedel: ok easier question how do you feel about Unsupported software? :)08:19
fedelDaskreeCH_: it's not good08:20
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
DaskreeCH_fedel: Ah shame :)08:21
fedelDaskreeCH_: Ok...i've searched in google something about backports...Do I have to change the repository, don't I?08:22
DaskreeCH_fedel: Yes that would give you KDE 4.3 which has a nicer Network Widget and a nicer theme and ... well it's just nicer08:22
DaskreeCH_but if you want a lighter solution you can install wicd08:22
fedelDaskreeCH_: If install KDE 4.3 is better...it's ok08:23
fedelDaskreeCH_: but...humm...Should I search for what in google to learn how do it....08:24
fedelDaskreeCH_: install KDE 4.3 kubuntu?08:25
DaskreeCH_fedel: read http://kubuntu.org08:26
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fedelDaskreeCH_: I run apt-get update but in the end it returns an error08:35
fedelDaskreeCH_: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A08:35
DaskreeCH_fedel: Sorry I went to the kitchen that's fine08:45
DaskreeCH_Hi mehrab08:46
mehrabDaskreeCH_: hi, I couldn't remember what was your nickname08:47
mehrabDaskreeCH_: I've tried that command, but it seems the problem is something else08:48
DaskreeCH_mehrab: Ok well that solved that.08:49
DaskreeCH_Do you get an error?08:49
DaskreeCH_mehrab: Is this irssi by the way?08:49
mehrabDaskreeCH_: yes, this is the screenshot of the error: http://imagebin.ca/view/IlRNt6p.html08:49
mehrabDaskreeCH_: and this is my xorg.0.log file:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/219588/08:50
DaskreeCH_mehrab: Ha I guess you just did an update?08:50
DaskreeCH_try sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)08:51
mehrabDaskreeCH_: yes08:51
tweaker25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=fr&js=y&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ubuntu-fr.org%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fpid%3D2808462%23p2808462&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0=08:51
tweaker25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2808462#p280846208:51
tweaker25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=fr&js=y&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ubuntu-fr.org%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fpid%3D2808462%23p2808462&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0=08:51
tweaker25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2808462#p280846208:51
FloodBotK1tweaker25: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:51
tweaker25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=fr&js=y&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ubuntu-fr.org%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fpid%3D2808462%23p2808462&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0=08:51
mehrabDaskreeCH_: I try that and come back again08:53
DaskreeCH_mehrab: Again Irssi is quite helpful :)08:53
DaskreeCH_ you can start it with irssi -c irc.ubuntu.com08:54
DaskreeCH_When it starts type /join #kubuntu08:54
mehrabDaskreeCH_: ooops, I can't run that, cause I couldn't connect last time, I also have some problems with my connection08:54
DaskreeCH_Ah ok fine then :)08:54
mehrabDaskreeCH_: so I can't also run sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)08:55
modder25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=fr&js=y&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ubuntu-fr.org%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fpid%3D2808462%23p2808462&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0=08:56
modder25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2808462#p280846208:56
DaskreeCH_!fr || modder2508:56
ubottu| modder25: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr08:56
DaskreeCH_mehrab: Not quite as fine. Wireless connection ?08:56
mehrabDaskreeCH_: no, dsl (pppoe). the problem is when I had my desktop I couldn't connect through sudo pppoeconf unless I run konqueror and open a page and get a server not found error and then run sudo pppoeconf and connect08:58
modder25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=fr&js=y&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ubuntu-fr.org%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fpid%3D2808462%23p2808462&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0=08:58
modder25[03:35] <tweaker25> http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2808462#p280846208:58
DaskreeCH_mehrab: Think the same thing would work on the command line?08:59
mehrabDaskreeCH_: so in command line I can't connect :(08:59
DaskreeCH_w3m www.google.com08:59
mehrabDaskreeCH_: how should I run konqueror?08:59
mehrabDaskreeCH_:aha, let me try it. but I should say just konqueror could do that, not firefox for example.09:00
DaskreeCH_that's ... strange09:01
mehrabDaskreeCH_: yes, but just let me try09:01
DaskreeCH_well if you can run uname -r and you have a network or a USB drive you can get this fixed09:01
mehrabDaskreeCH_: OK, thank you very much09:02
=== giampaolo_ is now known as misterjemp
bageleaterhello! can someone help  me...I'm a frustrated (but nice!) newbie please!09:13
bageleaterI'm trying to install something, but it says I don't have python dependncies available!09:13
geniibageleater: Best to just describe a specific problem to the channel and then wait for someone to take it up09:13
bageleaterwhat do I do?09:13
mehrabDaskreeCH_: I came back again09:13
bageleaterjust did genii :)09:14
geniibageleater: You are installing this program from the Add/Remove Programs ?09:14
bageleaterwell I downloaded it from a google code project09:14
geniibageleater: This is the issue then09:15
mehrabDaskreeCH_: I just came back with kernel should I try that command here?09:15
bageleaterokay so I should add/remove then?09:15
geniibageleater: If the application is already available from standard repositories, always better to install from there first. From non-official repositories second, and last always from source code09:16
bageleaterokay when I try that this comes up...'The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!'09:16
bageleaterwhat does that mean?09:16
geniibageleater: That sounds like a familiar problem I've heard before... some time to look it up please09:17
bageleaterno problem, I've tried to find solutions with no luck, I can be patient09:18
geniibageleater: The issue is described at some length here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/272410 and still seems to exist in 9.04 when using kpackagekit. PErhaps try using aptitude or apt-get from in Konsole instead09:21
bageleaterokay help me get the command line file correctly09:22
bageleaterinstall apt-get program09:22
geniibageleater: First: sudo apt-get update     (this gets the newest list of apps)  then the: sudo apt-get install programname09:23
bageleaterworking on it, thanks for your help so far09:24
geniibageleater: No problem09:25
bageleaterokay genii weird issue I'm trying to install the latest java and a box comes up in terminal09:26
bageleaternow it asks me to read it (okay) but then how can I click 'ok'09:26
bageleaterperhaps I just close it?09:26
geniibageleater: Yes it needs user confirmation of their user agreement. Use tab to switch thru fields, Enter to select the field09:27
genii(does not resond to mouse actions, etc)09:27
bageleatergenii okay so far so good, let me see if it installed09:29
* genii makes more coffee09:29
bageleater(sigh) well I think it worked...but I need your help09:36
bageleaterI was wondering if there is a program that I could use that would encrypt a directory that is already there09:37
bageleaterI have some important documents on a thumb drive09:37
bageleaterideally it should be accessable via KDE09:37
leaf-sheepI loved how you use the word ideally.09:38
bageleaterthank you09:39
bageleaterI'm just a newbie figuring things out09:39
leaf-sheepNice. Oh I'm new to KDE too. :)09:40
geniibageleater: If it wasn't 4:40AM where I am I'd be more inclined to assist09:40
bageleaterI understand genii, thank you for your help! for me it's 11:40am09:40
bageleaterget some sleep!09:41
geniibageleater: The article here may give you some ideas: http://www.debuntu.org/2006/06/04/62-how-to-use-encrypted-directories-with-encfs-and-fuse09:41
saidhow i can make mp3-rm-... working in kubuntu09:41
saidhow i can make mp3-rm-... working in kubuntu09:45
geniisaid: There seems to be something on the subject here: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.misc/2006-09/msg00662.html09:46
geniiBasically it involves a two stage conversion there09:47
mehrabDaskreeCH_:I've run that command and everything is OK now. thanks alot09:50
saidthank you genii but I mean I need player supported the mp3-rm...etc, how i can get/find/download application and use it in kubuntu09:50
saidthank you genii but I mean I need player supported the mp3-rm...etc, how i can get/find/download application and use it in kubuntu09:53
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:53
geniiThe RestrictedFormats link above09:53
ViRii :-[09:56
GarpQuestion: How can I get back to KDE-3.5 under Jaunty ? Thanks10:01
geniiGarp: There is no officially sanctioned 3.5/9.04 distribution, 8.04 was the last to have KDE 3. However, pearson computing has a cd image and repository of this combo. Not supported here if you have problems with it, however10:03
Garpgenii: thanks.10:03
vltHello. Where can I find out more about yesterday's kernel update (2.6.24-24.55 to 2.6.24.-24.56)?10:04
titsmcgeewhats the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu10:10
titsmcgeeIm new to it10:10
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:25
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:26
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=== desudesudesu is now known as desu
[-Haza-]Afternoon folks. How do i set my KDE 4.2.2 NOT to share a single taskbar over mutiple desktops?12:19
[-Haza-]i remember it being something in the taskbar settings but i don't seem to have as many options for the taskbar as i do on my other Kubuntu installation12:20
Ouarzabonjour à tous12:20
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:20
Ouarzaj'ai un souci, tous les liens dans amsn, IRC, et autre ne fonctionne plus quand je clic dessus12:20
Ouarzadsl !12:20
tsimpson[-Haza-]: right click the task bar/task manager -> task manager settings -> Only show tasks from the current desktop12:21
[-Haza-]tsimpson: See im not seeing those options :(12:23
tsimpsonit's there in 4.2.2, I had it enabled12:25
[-Haza-]tsimpson: Hmm12:27
[-Haza-]Is there another way to get to the task manager settings?12:27
[-Haza-]other than right clicking the taskbar?12:27
tsimpsonthe only other way I know is from the text config ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc12:29
[-Haza-]tsimpson: I'll have a look12:31
cinexmy ssh tunnel isn't loading nay webpages12:31
cinexany idea why that would happen ?12:31
Davieycinex: Is this your box you are tunnelling through?12:32
[-Haza-]tsimpson: Any idea what value im looking for?12:32
cinexmy wifes :D12:33
Davieycinex: The reason i ask, it's quite common for people to switch off tunnel12:33
DavieyI imagine she hasn't :)12:33
cinexi dont think i have either12:33
cinexssh -D 55555 user@ip -p port12:33
cinexthats right isnt it ?12:34
Davieycinex: What error are you getting in the terminal running the ssh session?12:34
cinexno error. just a bblank web page12:34
DavieyThen set firefox to use SOCKS5, localhost port 5555512:34
cinexohhh ok12:34
cinexi set http12:34
Davieyahh, now you know :)12:34
cinexmeh, im leaking dns requests12:35
Davieycinex: That is default behaviour for firefox12:36
cinexcan I change it Daviey12:36
Davieycinex: yes12:36
Davieycinex: go to "about:config" in the address bar for firefox12:37
Davieyfollow the health warning :)12:37
Davieycinex: change the setting "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" to true12:38
DavieyI'm pretty sure you then need to restart firefox, not certain though12:38
tsimpson[-Haza-]: look for "plugin=tasks" and the heading above it, (like "[Containments][2][Applets][4]"), then look for that heading ending with "[Configuration]", or else add it. then you should add "showOnlyCurrentDesktop=true" under that12:39
cinextahts worked :)12:39
Davieywin \o/12:39
tsimpson[-Haza-]: eg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219699/12:39
darkmilliancan any one help me?12:40
[-Haza-]tsimpson: Cheers mate. I'll have a look for that12:40
cinexhi darkmillian12:40
[-Haza-]darkmillian: Probably not12:40
[-Haza-]darkmillian: I afraid so..12:40
darkmilliani will got ask at #ubuntu then.12:41
[-Haza-]darkmillian: I would just ask a real question instead of "can anyone help me?"12:42
[-Haza-]It would be crazy for people to respond with "Yes!! i can help you darkmillian!" :)12:42
darkmillianok enough with this...12:42
darkmillianany way12:43
darkmilliani have  kubuntu 9.0412:43
darkmillianand i facing with 2 problem12:43
darkmillian1st after migrate to ext 412:43
reficmy firefox-3.5 has been crashing a lot lately, any idea where I could start digging the cause of it?12:43
darkmilliansome of my app make the whole system hang12:44
cinexrefic: open firefox with the konsole and check for errors when it crashes12:44
vltHello. Where can I find out more about yesterday's kernel update (2.6.24-24.55 to 2.6.24.-24.56)?12:44
darkmillianand dolphin extremely slow12:44
reficcinex: hey, good idea :) thanks12:44
bazhangvlt, in karmic?12:44
darkmillianafter i make a new user the dolphin problem solved but some app still make my  system hang after a while12:44
bazhangvlt, this is intrepid then?12:45
darkmillian2nd 1 can't login kubuntu .when ever i log in a message pop-up and say "/home/millian is full kubuntu can not start" or something similar but when i put the live-CD in and find that my home still got 30+GB free i'm using Kubuntu 9.04 -64-bit12:47
darkmillianbefore this i tried to copy a file into my home and it said my home is full12:47
darkmillianany 1 might a solution to this?12:49
cinexdarkmillian: how big is your home parition ?12:51
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darkmillianabout 46GB12:51
cinexd -h12:52
cinexwill tell u how full it is12:52
cinexyour recycle bin might need emptying too12:52
cinexdf -h12:52
darkmilliani only used 11GB12:53
tsimpsonvlt: look at the changelog with "aptitude changelog linux-image-2.6.24-24-generic" or at http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux/linux_2.6.24-24.56/changelog12:53
cinexand it says it is full ?12:53
darkmilliani still got  alot free space left12:53
torPlease prompt Russian  the help channel12:53
cinexare all the other drives empty?12:53
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tsimpson!ru | Guest5372912:53
ubottuGuest53729: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:53
eagles0513875touche tsimpson :)12:53
cinexdunno darkmillian12:55
cinexyou tryed googling around ?12:55
darkmilliannot yet but  ..12:55
darkmilliani guess the only resurt is somethign about a real full  drives12:55
cinexgoogle the error message12:56
cinexnormally takes u straight to an answer12:56
ryannapart from kvpnc, are there any suggested vpn gui's for use in KDE4?12:57
kaIs it possible to convert my /home from ext3 to ext4? If so how?13:00
ryannconvert the file system?13:01
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karyann: Yes13:02
ryannka: have you bothered to google it?13:02
ryannka: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/04/how-to-convert-your-ext3-partition-to.html13:02
karyann; Hm strange I couldn't find anything. I must have borked the spelling...13:03
administrator_Hello!!!    :)13:09
DTi'm in the middle of setting up a kqemu virtual windize, but i don't have enough space left on my primary partition to put the size VM i want13:46
DTis where a way to put it on a different partition?13:46
bazhangDT, windows?13:47
DTno, windoze :P13:47
DTotherwise, yes13:47
bazhangas in the Microsoft OS?13:47
DTdid you happen to read my question?13:48
DTi have that already, i need to know how to put it on a different partition13:49
eagles0513875hey guys has kde 4.2.2 been pushed to backports for intrepid13:50
omnipotentduoDoes anyone else have the problem of after umounting a usb or a cd/dvd in dolphin you show mounted?13:51
DTin kde4 or 3 omnipotentduo13:51
omnipotentduokde 413:51
DTyeah, i've noticed that13:51
omnipotentduobut its not on my Archlinux box13:51
DTdoesn't do it on my KDE3 either13:51
DTdoesn't seem to harm anything so i just ignore it13:52
omnipotentduoits annoying more than anything13:52
DTdo you use the device gadget?13:52
omnipotentduoyeah, think that might have something to do with it?13:53
DTyeah, disable it and see what happend13:53
DTi noticed mine doesn't do it when that's off13:53
omnipotentduokinda worked i am still staring at a umounted disk but it cleared my USB's13:54
omnipotentduoso has anyone messed with KDEmod on ubuntu?13:56
zopiacHow do i disable the wallet? I hate that thing...13:58
Daylawhat can i do if kmix wont load14:05
frederickhello everybody...14:10
frederickanyone of you ever worked with tictacphoto.com for your photo's? i have a question about it..14:10
Daylakmix wont load for me... any suggestions14:16
Daylawont load from terminal either14:16
BluesKajDayla, make sure alsa-utils is installed14:19
frederickhow come's a program has the intention to start in wine, but doesn't finalise the startup?14:19
Daylayeah its there14:19
bazhangfrederick, which program14:20
frederickthe tictacphoto program14:20
frederickto make photoalbums...14:20
bazhangwhat does the appdb say14:20
frederickdoesn't find a thing14:21
bazhangand #winehq ? what do they say14:22
fredericki'm going to check it out...14:22
bazhangwhy not use a native linux app for that14:22
fredericki tried pixum but i have my doub's about it14:23
darthanubisRC2 plasma-desktop crashes and will not restart unless ~/.kde is deleted14:25
frederickby the way, kde 4.2.4 is that one a stable release?14:25
darthanubisWorks fine until I setup plasma widgets to my liking. After 48hrs it crashes and will not start again14:25
darthanubisfrederick: yes14:25
fredericknice, going to update :-)14:25
frederickhow can i see the version of my kde in fact? i'm a linux newbie, good huh? :-)14:26
Jarredif im making my own linux do i have to download all 20 KDE packages and install them to use the KDE environment14:26
bazhangJarred, your own distro? like a remastered version?14:27
Jarredwell i was thinking of a remastered one but i think ill be making my own now using LFS, Linux from Scratch14:27
bazhangthen that is not on topic here14:28
bazhangyou should ask in the linux from scratch channel for example14:28
Jarredwell its KDE14:28
bazhangK Ubuntu14:28
Jarred-_- poo14:28
Daylaits just like a puzzle where the pieces are coming from different places14:28
bazhangdebian and Suse have KDE as well14:29
bazhang#kde perhaps14:29
JarredIsnt KDE enough of a topic here14:29
JarredHey theres a KDE channel14:29
sumanany evolution users here??14:29
bazhangyes there is14:30
frederickhmz, i don't find any gpg key for deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main?14:30
Jarredhey, has anyone orded a Kubuntu CD, and if so how long did it take to be delivered14:30
Mamarokxocolate: what is your problem?14:31
bazhanghttp://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg frederick this?14:31
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bazhangJarred, depends where you live, better to contact a loco and ask them for one14:32
MamarokJarred: shouldn't take long14:32
bazhangJarred, what country14:32
xocolateSo, I was using a monitor LCD 15" then I had to change it to a CRT monitor 15". The problem is: I can't change the resolution to 1024x768 in the CRT... I only get 800x60014:32
Jarredok, no point aking Australians cuz there all asleep, there all asleep in the Kubuntu-au channel -_-14:33
frederickbazhang: indeed, tnx a lot, now going to update, if i reboot see you later :-)14:33
Mamarokxocolate: and you are sure it supports a higher resolution?14:33
bazhangJarred, just post a message there and wait for it14:33
xocolateIf I run Windows the CRT runs on 1024x768 normally14:33
Jarredi cant be botered waiting, i hat IRC14:34
Mamarok!resolution | xocolate14:34
ubottuxocolate: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:34
Mamarokyou should check that link, the second one14:34
xocolateI will try it...14:34
shrinianyone using kblogger?14:35
shriniI get authentication error in kblogger. need help14:36
sumantoday, the send/receive button is not active in evolution.. anyone had a similar situation?14:37
frederickare there some important sources that are marked as 'must have'?14:41
jeiworthsources as in repositories?14:42
jeiworthwell, one i always add is the medibuntu-repos14:44
jeiworththen i have the google repo to keep google earth up to date automatically14:45
jeiworthand being somewhat of a version fetishist i usually add some launchpad ppa's14:45
frederickthe google repo i don't have, and i have a problem with the virtualbox repo, there is an update ready, but the update is blocked14:46
omnipotentduoalways medbuntu, especially if you are rocking 64bit version14:46
frederickstill 32bit here... :p14:47
frederickmedbuntu = medibuntu?14:47
bazhangmedibuntu.org frederick14:47
fredericki'll check14:48
bazhanginstructions on the site14:48
frederickmy first impressions here and in my kubuntu are great so far :-)14:48
DTalmost got my Windoze XD vm runnning....if only my install disk was screwed up -_-14:48
jeiworthDT: well, get hold of a decentralized backup then ;)14:49
DTalread burning a disk....14:49
* DT says nothing more on the matter14:50
omnipotentduoubuntu is the easiest of all the distro's to install and sue14:50
DTi like kubuntu better...but that's only cause KDE14:50
DTtho i also use Xfce too14:51
DThaet GNOME tho14:51
jeiworthomnipotentduo: well, that is being subjective, but it holds much truth. although i might want to try latest suse, my last was 7.3:-D14:51
omnipotentduokde 4.2 is the greatest, on my play box i am trying to get Chakra but my installer keeps crashing14:51
DTi hae to admit that KDE4.2 hs been nothing but problems from me14:51
omnipotentduoand i couldnt get my xorg to work right trying to do arch so i went live >>14:52
DTcrashes often, runs slow....14:52
DTit finally currupted itself on day -_-14:52
frederickthe only problem i have here is the ati radeon... sometimes my screen flashes when starting something, especcialy wine program14:52
omnipotentduokde on my ubuntu has been fine. kde live on Chakra not so14:52
jeiworthomnipotentduo: then you'll be even happier with 4.3, it totally rocks :)14:52
omnipotentduojeiworth: is it more stable?14:53
DTi got a gforce, have all kinda of issues tho14:53
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jeiworthomnipotentduo: well, didnt have probpems with 4.2 so can't really say, so far it hasn't crashed or frozen itself14:54
DTdisk burned, on my way to installing windoze VM14:54
jeiworthi have intel14:54
omnipotentduoDT: i think that is the standard now a days, either nvidea or ATI, and ATI is even harder to work with on kde from my experience14:54
* jeiworth hopes intel will finally fix those performance issues :-/14:54
DTmy old comp (the one i'm using now) has the KDE 4 beta and never had a problem with it14:55
DTtook me forever to kubuntu 6.10 set up, but been easy as pie since then14:55
DTand i have an ATI card14:55
omnipotentduoi had 3.5 on my laptop w/ an ati and had nothing but problems14:55
omnipotentduobut my xwife has it now so WOOT14:55
omnipotentduogave me an excuse to get my monster heh14:56
jeiworthi had an ati 9800pro with kde 3.5 and no problems14:56
DTit took me about a month to get it all sorted out, but from then out i never had a problem14:56
omnipotentduoback in a sec going to get more green tea14:56
frederickbut i saw there were problems with the sxerver?14:56
* DT shrugs14:57
jeiworthfrederick: have you tried deactivating desktop effects before starting a (n opengl) game?14:57
frederickno let's try14:58
jeiworthjust press <alt>-<shift>-F1214:58
frederickstill have it on wine15:00
jeiworthbtw, anyone know how to reactivate sound output? i have spontaneous issues when i put my lap into suspend by closing the lid and then rewake it, sometimes sound  doesn't work :-/ i tried the olde sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart but i think with kde 4 and introduction of pulseaudio that might not be enough15:00
DTi would'nt know, when mine goes in to suspend, x crashes and i can't get it out of suspend -_-15:01
jeiworthDT: oops, what model?15:01
DTcompaq something or other15:01
jeiworthDT: hmm checked for bios update? i know for certain that hp (which is now  owner of compaq) released various bios upgrades for their laps to correct acpi implementation, i was suffering from a similar problem on my hp pavilion dv5 (SATA could not be reinitialized)15:03
DThmm...no actually i didn't15:03
DTwill do tat f i ever manage to get kubuntu back on it15:03
jeiworthDT: well, might be worth a try ;)15:03
DTever CD i download fails to install -_-15:04
jeiworthDT: is it old? i mean OLD?15:04
DTno, brandnew15:04
DTvista premuim (haet...) 64bit AMD15:05
omnipotentduowhich version kubuntu you download?15:06
jeiworthDT: sounds bad, i'd go looking for bios and cd/dvd-drive firmware upgrades15:06
DTi tried the CDs on different computer, all of the fail, must by my inter net coonection or something15:06
jeiworthDT: but it boots correctly from cd? and also, have you tried using the disk verification on the setup screen?15:07
DTi torrented one, gonna try it when i finishes15:07
omnipotentduoareyou downloading on a wireless connection?15:07
jeiworthor the burner?15:07
DTthe most recent disk never makes it to the setup screen15:07
DTand yes, it does boot from CD, it did when i installed 9.04 fine15:07
DTstill does fro the 9.04 disk, but don't want that15:07
DTand yes, over wireless15:08
omnipotentduothat's your problem15:08
DTworked fine for the 9.04 disk15:08
Captain_Haddockdo the checksum verification in the installer15:08
DTcan't get to it half the time15:08
jeiworthi am always download over wireless, never had a problem15:08
omnipotentduowhen downloading ISO's you (like anythingelse) get fragmented packets15:08
DTthe other half of the time if won't burn the disk at all15:08
Captain_Haddockand switch your CD / CD drive / cables etc.15:09
omnipotentduoi have never had luck downloading iso's over wireless15:09
Captain_Haddockyou could even try burning the CD ISO to DVD (worked for me)15:09
DThmm..might try to CD to DVD thing15:09
DTgonna try my torrented iso first tho15:09
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:09
DTit check out fine in windows15:10
Captain_Haddockand run the memtest as well, if you get to it.15:10
firecrotchif the md5 is correct, then there was no problem with the download15:10
Captain_Haddock(you can download memtest separately as well if you need)15:10
jeiworthDT: and just to rule out the simple things, you are burning the iso as iso and not burning the iso-file on the disc, right? ;oP15:10
DTyes :P15:11
DTit starts to boot, but never finishes15:11
jeiworthDT: well, you never know... ;)15:11
omnipotentduoif that didn't work do you have access to a hardwire connection?15:11
DTmy first question for eletronic problems: "is it turned on?"15:11
DTlast resort tho15:11
firecrotchDT: Your burning program should have a utility to check that the disc was burned correctly15:11
jeiworth"yes" - turn it off then - "ah, now it works"15:12
DTit does and it says it is15:12
DTheh no, if i get yes the next questions is "is it plugged in?:15:12
jeiworthsounds like bios/acpi mischief to meee15:12
DTwill fiddle see what happens15:12
omnipotentduoi had the same problem when i was trying to get it up on my toughbook, but when i downloaded via hardwire the problem went away15:13
omnipotentduodunno but linux you fart the wrong direction 10 years before you install you get a problem15:13
jeiworthDT: i recommend you watch more it crowd ;)15:14
Captain_HaddockThose problems only occur with DDL... not torrents... and if the md5 checks out.. then it should be fine.15:14
Yagamiwhy isnt there kdelibs-experimental on kubuntu karmic ?15:14
Yagamiits it already on kdelibs ?15:14
DTwell, it's not my priority right now, need windoze XD up and running on this comp for work reasons15:15
BluesKajYagami, ask on #ubuntu+115:15
YagamiBluesKaj: even about kdelibs ? kde ? wont they get mad ?15:15
BluesKajnot if it's about karmic , someone might know the answer15:16
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Smurphyayone has his MX700 Logitech Desktop Cordless (Keyboard/Mouse) combination runnign correctly under 9.04 ?15:23
mobi-sheepWhat is best Mount-ISO tool in KDE?15:27
fkmHi there :-) I'm trying to compile Psi-0.13 and get the following error from the psimedia configure script:15:27
fkmError: need gstreamer >= 0.10.22!15:27
fkmWhat package would I need to satisfy this dependency?15:28
fkmI seem to have to core files: libgstreamer0.10-0 is already the newest version.15:28
jeiworthmobi-sheep: i use acetone15:28
mobi-sheepjeiworth: Is it in repos?15:30
jeiworthnot sure, got mine from getdeb.org15:31
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=== frederick is now known as FlipStonE
FlipStonEhello again, the kde 4.3, is it safe yet to use?15:37
FlipStonEi guess not15:38
omnipotentduokde 4.2 beta 2 was safe to use15:38
omnipotentduoi hear 4.3 is even safer15:38
phhFlipStonE: on my current distribution it works really well15:38
FlipStonEhmz, and if it fails, can i go back to this kde 4.2.4?15:39
omnipotentduowhat so you use phh15:39
omnipotentduoshould but you might have to do it via another virtual terminal15:39
omnipotentduophh, what distro do you use?15:40
phhmandriva, but out of topic15:40
vltbazhang: The changelog you reccommended says "Rebuild of 2.6.24-24.54 with 2.6.24-24.55 security release applied15:40
vltWhat does that mean? What security release?15:41
darthanubisFlipStonE: Never ask if a release candidate is "safe" for use. What answer do you think you will get? Most will tell you the RELEASED FINAL VERSION is the one if you are looking for "safety".15:42
darthanubisDo people EVER stop asking that question?15:42
FlipStonEdarthanubis: ok, you have no auto-reply? :p15:43
omnipotentduothe only safe version i use are alpha's haha15:43
darthanubisFlipStonE: I need one just for that;) But seriously, I use it, and it seems like either I broke plasma-desktop with some widgets it did not like, or plasma-desktop is more buggy than in RC1.15:43
FlipStonEok, i'll wait :-)15:44
darthanubisI'd play with it more, but I'm off to work.15:44
FlipStonEok, have a nice day :-)15:44
darthanubisFlipStonE: why wait, use it, and help report bugs, so that the final will be all that you would like and expect out of a FINISHED DE?15:45
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FlipStonEdarthanubis: that would be nice on a test system, but this is my main computer, and thats the only one i have, so i''l wait :-)15:45
darthanubisIt won't break your system15:46
The-Jesusyup, just reported one on amarok, can't edit tags on the collection viewpane, only on the playlist15:46
darthanubisI have LXDE installed, and am using it now until I delete my ~/.kde folder and log back into KDE15:46
The-Jesuslotsa time to play currently - broken leg =(15:47
ryannapart from kvpnc, are there any suggested vpn gui's for use in KDE4?15:48
rob__Does anyone know of a repository that has a backport of slepc-3.0 for jaunty?15:50
Gargoyle76Does anyone know how to get bitpim to talk to my phone?15:50
Gargoyle76it can see the port and even what type of port; also the availabilty of the port...but no joy15:51
Gargoyle76try to download anything from the phone...it crashes the program15:52
pushraxDoes anyone here use Akregator?15:53
saidhello. plz i need learn more about kubuntu (network..system...terminal.. who can give me link to downlod pdf books)15:55
jeiworthryann: the kde 4 networkmanager now has vpn support integrated also for openvpn, but it seems it doesn't have suid bit set to make it work? not sure, i still have to start openvpn with sudo15:56
saidhello. plz i need learn more about kubuntu (network..system...terminal.. who can give me link to downlod pdf books15:56
jeiworthrob__: try getdeb.org (or google :)) if not, compile it yourself and install it with checkinstall to build a deb and integrate it into the package management15:57
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ryannjeiworth:  i stopped using the networkmanager because of the plasmoid issues (until stable).  i've switched to wicd.15:58
saidhello. plz i need learn more about kubuntu (network..system...terminal.. who can give me link to downlod pdf books15:58
The-Jesussaid> dunno about kubuntu specific, try linux bible on google, or for a thorough starter guide - http://kubuntuguide.org/Jaunty15:59
rob__jeiworth:  Is it safe to install the Karmic version in Jaunty, or would I just be better off building it myself?15:59
jeiworthryann: kk, heard about that, dont have any issues with current 4.3rc3 though (appart from the openvpn thing)16:01
jeiworthrob__: hmm i'd rather build it, surely karmic has a different version of glibc16:02
rob__jeiworth: Thanks.  However, I'm familiar with building slepc, but not packaging it into a deb and putting it in the package system.  What's the right way to do that?16:03
jeiworthrob__: well, first you have to install the checkinstall package ;) the compile and installation procedure is straight forward:./configure && make && sudo checkinstall <-- so you basically just replace the install with checkinstall16:05
jeiworthrob__: checkinstall will then try to read various information like version, etc. and you might have to fill out some information manually16:06
ryannjeiworth:  do you use wireless?16:06
jeiworthryann: yes, i do, a lot actually16:06
ryannif i manually stuck to plasma-widget-networkmanagement_0.1~svn951801-1_i386 i was fine16:06
ryannbut any update to that package in the repository broke WPA16:07
jeiworthhmmnot sure what version i have, i have updates and backports from kubuntu launchpad ppa in my repos, where can i check the network manager version? i once had a problem though when they pushed out a kernel update before the restricted modules update so i was without wlan 1-2 days16:09
jeiworthnow it works just fine with wep and wpa1+216:10
pushraxDoes anyone here use Akregator?16:11
jeiworthpushrax: yes16:11
pushraxjeiworth: cna you tell me if your links in the contents of RSS feeds are going through goggle freeproxy feature?16:12
zipitogood day16:12
jeiworthpushrax: uuuhm say what? *fg* how do i check that?16:12
pushraxjeiworth: I want direct links in the content tand they are for some reason on my machine using goggle16:13
pushraxjeiworth: look in a feed item.  the infot hat displays for a news item may have a url in the html.  if the url goggle based?16:13
jeiworthpushrax: when you press "complete story" or what?16:14
zipitomine kubuntu runs some kind strange:   when it boots it plays the default sound of kde, then - no other sound could be played (not from system events, not from amarok, not from dragonplayer) :(16:14
pushraxjeiworth: have you got any rss feeds added?  if so click on, then click one of their subs items.  int he content do the url's have google as their link?16:15
pushraxjeiworth: all my links are using goggle proxy, which I'm totally angry about.  I don't want google having any access to what I do.16:15
jeiworthpushrax: i have lots of rss feeds and none of the links inside are google based16:15
pushraxjeiworth: oh ok, it must be the newer version as I am running karmic koala kubuntu16:16
pushraxjeiworth: many thanks for your time...!!!16:16
jeiworthpushrax: np, verify that in #ubuntu+1 plz16:16
jeiworthi wouldn't like that either16:17
pushraxjeiworth: ok wll get back to you on it if you don't see it yourself.16:17
jeiworthokeee brb, off for smokes...16:17
jeiworthpushrax: thx!16:17
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MatisseI need to use some scientific software, which is only available for windoze. what do I have to do, that installing windoze doesn't corrupt my system? I've heard, that the boot manager is deleted...16:24
pushraxjeiworth: I just noticed it's not all feeds, but a majority in my list.  Maybe the goggle rss feature is popular with hosts?  'Feedburner' is their feature.16:25
pushraxjeiworth: I didn't egt an answer in the other channel.  Anyway I'll keep checking it to see if it's my machine, or akregator or my rss choices.  Cheers.16:26
pavelovichI also do not know how to make I need on top of that16:27
pavelovichho is russian or french ?16:27
pushraxMatisse: most scienfici software, especially testing software requires timings.  So probbaly better to use on designed for system.16:28
firecrotchMatisse: you'll have to reinstall GRUB if you install Windows after installing Linux16:28
firecrotch!fixmbr | Matisse16:28
ubottuMatisse: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:28
Captain_Haddock!wine | Matisse16:29
ubottuMatisse: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:29
MatisseCaptain_Haddock, wine doesnt execute the setup file correct16:32
pavelovichHow they make to engrave an image on a CD with kubuntu 9.04?16:33
Matisse!fr | pavelovich16:34
ubottupavelovich: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:34
Matisse!ru | pavelovich16:34
ubottupavelovich: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:34
jeiworth<pushrax> jeiworth: I just noticed it's not all feeds, but a majority in my list.  Maybe the goggle rss feature is popular with hosts?  'Feedburner' is their feature. <--  could be, give me an example and i'll try it here in jaunty16:35
Matissefirecrotch, thx16:36
jeiworthMatisse: tried running it under wine?16:39
Matissewine doesnt execute the setup file correct16:39
firecrotchMatisse: Have you checked appdb.winehq.org to see if they have a way to get it to work?16:40
Matisseno, I'll have a look16:40
jeiworthMatisse: do you get an error?16:41
Matissejeiworth, it says something about changing the installation, but not about installing16:41
Dario_AndresAnyone using KDE4.3rc2 is suffering a bug : "no tasks in taskbar" ?16:42
jeiworthMatisse: well, the exact text might  shed some light, maybe its  missing some vba dll or .net or wants to run under a specific windows version16:44
Matissejeiworth, it is the wrong setup dialog, not a error message16:44
jeiworthMatisse: kk, for me the wrong dialogue _is_ the error...16:47
=== ricardo_ is now known as Pornoman
Matisseactually, it works. "changing the installation" can also also start a installation it seems :)16:47
=== awidegreen__ is now known as awidegreen
Matissethis is great, no need to use windoze!16:49
Matissethx guys for pushing me into the right direction16:49
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:49
=== reinho268 is now known as reinhold
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:58
jeiworthMatisse: you're welcome ;)16:58
rob__jeiworth:  I've been following your instructions.  However, checkinstall seems to fail during one of the steps "Building file list... FAILED!"17:07
rob__jeiworth: any idea why?17:07
jeiworthrob__: hmm lets see if i remember correctly, you could try a sudo checkinstall --scripts17:08
rob__jeiworth: hrmm... unrecognized option17:09
jeiworthrob__: try sudo checkinstall --inspect17:10
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
jeiworthrob__: checkinstall --help is always good ;)17:10
rob__jeiworth: ok, it syas their are no files in the list of package files!17:11
jeiworthrob__: ok, that's a new one.. it compiled ok?17:11
rob__jeiworth: it compiled without error; this is very strange17:12
jeiworthrob__: humm well, you could try a sudo make install to see if the normal procedure would work17:13
c_anthony07morning/afternoon all17:16
rob__jeiworth:  I figured it out.  There was a temp file causing some sort of confilclt.  It works now; thanks for your help!17:19
jeiworthrob__: great! yw17:19
c_anthony07Can someone link me to information about Radeon drivers?17:21
c_anthony07I saw the link yesterday but was too busy trying to get Kubuntu installed17:22
Dragnslcr!ati | c_anthony0717:23
ubottuc_anthony07: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:23
c_anthony07Thanks Dragnslcr17:26
c_anthony07hmm...ok so how do I get back to the GUI? or did I open the wrong type of command terminal?17:31
c_anthony07I hit ctrl+alt+F217:31
c_anthony07x.x I hate being a newb.17:31
phhdo alt-f717:31
c_anthony07phh> You rock.17:31
c_anthony07blank screen...17:32
nicolasto speak in french17:35
BluesKaj!fr | nicolas17:36
ubottunicolas: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:36
=== kb is now known as Guest55142
DaskreeCHc_anthony07: for Alt+F7?17:40
DaskreeCHwhat were you doing before that?17:40
Dragnslcrc_anthony07- ctrl-alt-fN brings you to different terminals. 1-6 are normally just a shell, while 7 is your normal X session17:51
Jack8899-2How can i restart pulseaudio?17:52
phhpulseaudio --kill ; pulseaudio17:52
Jack8899-2phh; it says E: pid.c: Daemon already running.17:53
Jack8899-2E: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() fehlgeschlagen.17:53
phhkillall -9 pulseaudio ; pulseaudio then17:54
Jack8899-2phh: the same error17:54
phhno permission denied ?17:55
Jack8899-2do i have to add su ?17:55
Jack8899-2it doesnt say anything about permissions17:55
phhsudo's needed only if it gives you an error17:55
phhwell, then i don't know17:56
Jack8899-2phh: it says E: core-util.c: Home directory /home/kenny not ours.17:56
Jack8899-2E: main.c: Failed to kill daemon: Permission denied17:56
phhwhat  command did you type exactly ?17:57
Jack8899-2sudo pulseaudio --kill ; pulseaudio17:57
phhah that one.17:57
Jack8899-2phh: http://pastebin.com/m303683a517:59
phhyou created your user by hand ?18:00
Jack8899-2phh: no, by installation18:00
c_anthony07So...I'm 0 for 3 today on locking up KDE.18:03
* c_anthony07 goes AFK while desktop reboots18:04
DaskreeCHc_anthony07: So you've tried to lock up KDE 3 times and lost? \o/18:10
c_anthony07well, 3 for 3 I guess18:11
c_anthony07It wouldn't even load this last time.18:12
* c_anthony07 reboots again18:12
c_anthony07ok so I've made it to where the system won't even boot fully.18:15
c_anthony07It gets to the globe on the splash screen and just stops.18:15
c_anthony07oiy x.x18:15
c_anthony07is there a command I can put in to reset everything back to the defaults?18:19
c_anthony07All I was doing was trying to change my desktop theme...sheesh18:19
c_anthony07ok so reinstalling now.18:28
leaf-sheepNot funny at all. :(18:31
velezovandodoes the "place in system tray" option apply only to kde4 apps?18:36
BluesKajvelezovando, no it applies to any app listed in the k-menu18:43
=== darkness is now known as darkness_s
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
MadAGuwhy when i change my mouse theme some cursors from the default oxygen theme remains?19:02
ricky_1966hi everybody19:03
sven_oostenbrinkHi there, Im using kopete (KDE 4.3 beta) and I want to use a webcam. I connecte the webcam, in the kopete configuration I can see the image from the webcam, so it works.. Then I am talking with somebody (who is on MS MSN) and I want to see that persons webcam and I want that person to see mine but.. there are no controls to do so.. nothing, they cant see mine, I cant see theirs.. How do I do this in kopete??19:04
sven_oostenbrinkHi ricky_1966.. Whats your question?19:05
ricky_1966i've a little problem with bluetooth and my phonr19:06
ricky_1966sorry phone19:06
ricky_1966can you help me ?19:07
Out_Coldanyone still using kde3? i am not seeing where the option is to change default web browsers19:07
ricky_1966with the graphic toolkuts, I can't find, my phone19:07
ricky_1966if i try with konsole19:08
ricky_1966i'be to reser the hci019:08
ricky_1966*reset, and toolkit19:08
ricky_1966but I don't know hoto to pairing and make other function19:09
ricky_1966*how to19:10
sven_oostenbrinkHi there, Im using kopete (KDE 4.3 beta) and I want to use a webcam. I connecte the webcam, in the kopete configuration I can see the image from the webcam, so it works.. Then I am talking with somebody (who is on MS MSN) and I want to see that persons webcam and I want that person to see mine but.. there are no controls to do so.. nothing, they cant see mine, I cant see theirs.. How do I do this in kopete??19:10
sven_oostenbrinkricky_1966: sorry, don't know bluetooth19:10
ricky_1966ok, tks19:10
Mamarokricky_1966: so far there is a bug in the bluetooth stack, you can only send files in one direction19:11
ricky_1966Mamarok: how ?19:23
Mamarokricky_1966: well, it depends, seems not to be the same for all people19:23
MamarokI can send to the phone but not receive, for others it's the other way round19:24
ricky_1966listen what happen on my system19:24
ricky_1966first, with graphicall toolkits it's impossible to find phone19:24
ricky_1966on konsole, I reste the hci0, with sudo hciconfig hci0 reset19:25
hrabHello, is there a specific channel for talking about kubuntu 9.10?19:25
Picihrab: #ubuntu+119:25
ricky_1966and witj hcitools scan I find the phone...19:25
ricky_1966well and now ??? what I've to do ?19:26
Mamarokyou need to pair the devices, on either side19:26
ricky_1966how ?19:27
Mamarokwhich means both have to be set to discoverable19:27
Mamarokricky_1966: did you check those links:19:27
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup19:27
ricky_1966ok, stay tune, I'm going to read and after if I've problem I can't call YOu ?19:28
pm2Hello - I'm using Kernel 2.6.28 on Kubuntu 9.04 on an Acer laptop.  I'm having a strange problem with the computer will freeze for a few seconds every couple minutes.  The "freeze" involves being unable to switch windows, enter text into textboxes, click buttons, etc.  The mouse cursor is able move, though, and the numlock and capslock lights respond.19:28
pm2Output from dmesg is here: http://dpaste.com/67901/ -- any thoughts on how to fix this?19:28
Mamarokricky_1966: just ask in this channel19:29
=== desudesudesu is now known as desu
dwarder__what do you play on lunux, i have got intel built-in notebook 3d video card (sony vayo notebook), on window i can play counter-strike rather fast19:32
toniilinux ain't a gaming OS, yet.19:35
toniithough some games work rather ok with Cedega/Whine19:35
toniiehm, WINE19:35
dwarder__tonii: i remember there was quake 319:36
dwarder__for linux19:36
dwarder__because of code opening?19:36
toniihm, could be. I don't game that much now days.19:37
toniiI know some games are ported for Linux19:37
toniiAlien Arena (or something like that) have I read about in the news.19:37
* dwarder__ reads http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Quake319:39
* dwarder__ installing alien-arena19:43
dwarder__evil brainy aliens :-O http://stopgame.ru/files/screenshots/9414/alien_arena_2008-6.jpg19:45
=== harjot_ is now known as harjot
DaskreeCHdwarder__: http://hapypenguin.org20:04
DaskreeCHdwarder__: Also #gametome IRC chan20:05
xainIs there a command to have Grub search partitions for boot sectors?20:05
DaskreeCHGrub is the boot sector20:10
DaskreeCH!grub | xain This might help20:11
ubottuxain This might help: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:11
xainI am actually trying to manually add osx to grub.20:11
xainI think i found it.20:11
xainNot sure.20:11
=== aaroncampbell__ is now known as AaronCampbell
DaskreeCHXain ugh you want rEFIt20:18
* dwarder__ played alien-arena20:22
* dwarder__ slow20:22
dwarder__DaskreeCH: thanks20:23
* dwarder__ satisfyed his game addiction20:23
=== alberto is now known as Guest52581
Guest52581hola alguien puede darme el link del canal de hispanohablantes??20:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr20:34
Guest52581thaks :D20:34
leaf-sheepLanguages. We don't understand. Emotions, we understood. o.O20:36
DaskreeCHdwarder__: Might want to tweak Videocard drivers :)20:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:37
* leaf-sheep jots down something on his notebook.20:37
Guest52581code install aMSN ....... terminal???20:46
JontheEchidnasudo apt-get install amsn20:47
Guest52581thanks!!!!!!!!! :D20:48
=== derrick__ is now known as D-Master
uzmanplease help me! i was install Kubuntu jaunty. But my intel ICH 9 sound card is not runing.20:52
uzman please help me! i was install Kubuntu jaunty. But my intel ICH 9 sound card is not running.20:53
DaskreeCHuzman: Is it detected ?20:54
uzmanit is detected my sound card20:54
uzmanbut i dont hear  any soun20:56
DaskreeCHuzman: is the sound muted? that happens sometimes on install20:57
uzmanits always mute20:58
uzmanThe world is not hear me:(20:59
DaskreeCHuzman: you turned up all the sliders in kmix ?21:04
uzmanalready i dont install kmix21:05
DaskreeCHuzman: oh? it should be installed by default21:05
DaskreeCHHow did you manange to install without kmix?21:06
uzmani manage it, gnome sound manager21:06
DaskreeCHwell if that works for you21:07
velezovandohe might be running two sound managers21:07
uzmanno only one21:07
uzmanbut i install pulse21:07
uzmanpulse is running now21:07
c_anthony07how do I install new themes for KDE? I click the install button and it does nothing.21:08
uzmanAranizda hic bizim oralardan kimse yokmu21:14
uzmanhay amina koyayiim ya koca dunyada tek basima kaldim iimi21:15
=== uzman is now known as uzman_
uzman_siktiklerim ne yarak gibi yaziyonuz la21:16
DaskreeCHuzman_: ?21:18
motuzman_, ne var ulan?21:19
motproblemin ne yahu?21:19
motniye kufur ediyon burda ya21:19
Xnet0im sorry, i dont understand?21:19
motXnet0, he was whining tha there was nobody in here to help him21:20
uzman_of mot of21:20
uzman_yahu sesi calismio bu meretin21:20
motand crying that he's the only person around, and then got pissed that nickserv changed his name.21:20
Xnet0mot: i can see why lol? German i believe?21:20
motXnet0, turkish21:20
uzman_ya mot sen nereden ograndin birader bole guzel ingilizceyi21:20
Xnet0mot: aaah i see21:20
motuzman_, burada ingilizce konusuruz21:20
motuzman_, yari turk yari amerikaliyim21:21
Xnet0this is quite entertaining.21:21
Xnet0but very hard to understand21:21
motuzman_, #debian-tr kanal da var21:21
uzman_hadi ya21:21
uzman_pm attim sana mot kardes21:22
motproblemin falan var mi?21:22
Xnet0um yes... how are you??21:22
uzman_valla bu sesi acamiorum ben21:22
motXnet0, one sec21:22
uzman_daha dogrusu21:22
motuzman_, hic acmiyor mu?21:22
uzman_hic ses gelmio21:23
mothmm hangisi kubuntu kullaniyon?21:23
uzman_9.04 jaunty21:23
uzman_ses kartim intel hda ich 921:23
motses kartin hangisi?21:23
mothmmm benim de intel hda benim icin normalde calisiyor21:24
velezovandothe irony is that one is more likely to find someone to help out (or someone at all) here than on the localised support channels - and in your language21:24
motalsa install ettin mi?21:24
uzman_ben dvd den yukledim pc net dergisi vermisti21:24
uzman_evet alsa yuklu21:24
motvelezovando, there's no turkish kubuntu channel.21:24
uzman_pulse yuklu defalarca yeniden silip yukledim21:24
motuzman_, alsa-driver, alsa-lib, ve alsa-utils mi ekledin mi?21:24
uzman_hepsi yuklu21:25
motpulseaudio sil21:25
uzman_gorebiliom sinaptikten21:25
uzman_onuda sildim yine duzelmedi21:25
uzman_pulsei sildim yine yukledim21:25
mothaha yine sil ya21:25
motpulseaudio bok gibi21:25
motalsa-driver hala var mi?21:25
motfolder'e gec21:26
motsonra `sudo ./configure ; sudo make ; sudo make install` (` bu seysiz)21:26
motsonra reboot yapip geri gel21:27
uzman_evet yapiom suan saol kanki21:27
motbirsey degil21:27
uzman_sen neredesin suan maerika?21:28
motama ankara'da yasardim21:28
uzman_cok hos21:28
motehh soyle boyle21:28
uzman_bende keciorendeyim suan21:28
uzman_ufuktepede oturuyom21:28
motliseden mezun oldugum amerika'ya geri gidip universite basladim21:28
motufuktepe istanbul'dami?21:28
uzman_en iyisini yapmissin kanki ben21:29
uzman_yok keciorende21:29
uzman_baglum taraflari21:29
mothaha pardon ya turkce az kotu oluyor21:29
motamerika normalda pratik yapamiyom21:29
uzman_bende marmarada okuyom21:29
motannem ile tek21:29
mothangi bolumdesin?21:29
uzman_iktisat okuyom ben21:30
motguzel ya21:30
motbilgisayar muhendislik okudum21:30
motyeni mezun oldum mayis'ta21:30
uzman_bitti yani21:30
uzman_hayirli olsun sevindim hep hayalimdi, sen gerceklestirmisiin21:30
uzman_nasil bir duygu acaba21:31
motinanilmaz ya21:31
uzman_tahmin edebiliorum21:31
uzman_bu arada ben ali21:31
motben tom21:31
=== alsuren_ is now known as alsuren
motcompile bitti mi?21:32
uzman_memnun oldum kardes21:32
motproblem falan atti mi?21:32
uzman_suan tamam gibi ama sinaptik bise download edio21:32
uzman_onu bekliom21:32
uzman_en son ne zaman geldin21:32
uzman_tr ye21:32
mot2 yil once21:32
motannem gecen ay gitti21:33
uzman_hımmm bende istanbulda okuyom ankarada oturuyom iste21:33
motizmir'e ve ankara'ya21:33
motufuktepe'de yasiyorsun dimi?21:33
moto ankara'da mi? hic duymadim21:33
uzman_keciorene bagli21:33
motben gaziosmanpasa yastim21:33
uzman_evet ankarada senatoryumun hemen ustu21:33
mothayir ankara'da21:34
uzman_istanbulu gordun deilmi21:34
uzman_guzeldir istanbul21:34
motgaziosmanpasa pembe kosk'un yakinda21:34
uzman_oralarda fena deil21:35
firecrotchHow did I get into #kubuntu-de ?21:35
motistanbul en sevdegim sehir dunyada21:35
motfirecrotch, it's turkish, not german.21:35
uzman_istanbul guzel tabi21:35
=== rafael_carreras_ is now known as rafael_carreras
c_anthony07the system just told me I need to fork... what does that mean?21:35
mothaha it's no biggie21:35
motuzman_, tunali'ya hic gidermisin?21:35
motmisir biliyon mu?21:35
uzman_her mekana takilirim orada21:35
firecrotchc_anthony07: what exactly does is say, and what are you trying to do?21:35
uzman_evet atistiriom ara ara21:36
motheh sanslisin ya21:36
uzman_harika oluyo21:36
motmisir'i cok ozluyom21:36
uzman_gelirsen beklerim21:36
uzman_ev tuttuk burada21:36
mothaha param varsaydim...21:36
c_anthony07was installing a software package, and one of the dependencies failed to install. Something about the backend failed to synchronize...you need to fork!21:36
dwarder__DaskreeCH: tweaking intel videocard is ungrateful exercize21:36
uzman_burada para cok lazim degil bedava yasioz21:37
motsinaptik sey bitti mi?21:37
dwarder__how come my keyboard just stoped working in kubuntu?21:38
uzman_yok devam edio ya burada  hizlar cok yavas21:38
uzman_indirme hizi filan21:38
uzman_amerika ha vay be21:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is21:39
motgelecek ay deniz kuvvetlerine gidiyom21:39
c_anthony07"The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!" is what it's telling me21:40
dwarder__speak english pleas21:40
c_anthony07what's this mean?21:40
uzman_guzel hayirli olsun21:40
motdwarder__, you'll live, i'm trying to help the guy.21:40
motuzman_, sagol21:40
uzman_bahriyeli olacaksin yani21:41
uzman_bahriyeli = denizci21:41
motbahriyeli mi?21:41
motsubay egitim okula gidiyom21:41
motus navy officer candidate school yani21:41
uzman_neden havaciligi tercih etmedin,21:41
uzman_ben hava harp okuluna baslamistim21:42
uzman_f 16 pilotu olacaktim21:42
uzman_ama fiziksel bir sorundan dolayı devam eemedim21:42
MamarokEnglish, p'lease!21:42
motbabam ve buyukbabam deniz kuvvetlerde oldu21:42
motMamarok, relax, i'm trying to help the guy i'm almost done. calm down.21:43
Mamarokuzman_: this is an English only channel!21:43
uzman_Tanri onlarla olsun21:43
Mamarokmot: then take it to a PM, not here21:43
DaskreeCHfirecrotch: It's ubunt-tr21:43
uzman_pm den devam edlimmi21:43
mot1 saniye21:43
uzman_bunlar bizi kovacak21:43
DaskreeCHc_anthony07: Which package?21:43
DaskreeCHdwarder__: perhaps21:44
c_anthony07DaskreeCH: It's happened on about 3 now, and just when I'm browsing through packages to install.21:44
DaskreeCH!tr | uzman_ & mot We appreciate the spirit but it's very difficult to help others if you keep doing that21:44
ubottuuzman_ & mot We appreciate the spirit but it's very difficult to help others if you keep doing that: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:44
DaskreeCHc_anthony07: how are you installing?21:45
c_anthony07Through the system settings add and remove software21:49
DaskreeCHc_anthony07: Ah sounds like a bug in the software. Did the package install anyway?21:56
Guest52581stupid ñoños22:06
c_anthony07DaskreeCH: yeah, it did22:07
DaskreeCHc_anthony07: Hmm ok22:09
=== william is now known as Guest49840
=== testtest is now known as seda__20
x_linkIs it possible to install VLC 1.0 in Hardy?22:34
DaskreeCHx_link: Yes!22:36
x_linkDaskreeCH: Alright, would you like to tell me how?22:37
DaskreeCHx_link: Not from the Repos however :-|22:37
x_linkI'm still on Kubuntu Hardy because of KDE4, I didn't like it at all.22:37
x_linkBut I miss the newer packages =)22:37
x_linkDaskreeCH: That part I understood =)22:37
DaskreeCH!kde3 | x_link22:38
ubottux_link: Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page22:39
firecrotchI don't think that there is a VLC 1.0 package for hardy, actually.  The latest one in the c-korn ppa is .9.922:39
x_linkDaskreeCH: I tried that version, but I couldn't write 3 swedish letters.22:43
DaskreeCHfirecrotch: Doesn't mean he can't install it22:43
DaskreeCHassuming x_link is a he :)22:43
x_linkI'm a shemale.22:43
DaskreeCHx_link: Hmm did you file a bug ?22:43
x_linkDaskreeCH: Dooh..I forgot =)22:43
DaskreeCHhow do you refer to that?22:43
x_linkDaskreeCH: I didn't think of it.22:44
DaskreeCHx_link: contacting the develiper might have had that fixed in a few hours22:44
x_linkDaskreeCH: Okey, I will try to install that version again to see.22:44
DaskreeCHx_link: MIght want to contact them first? :-)22:46
x_linkDaskreeCH: I will do that.22:47
DaskreeCHWhat didn't you like about KDE 4 btw ?22:47
x_linkDaskreeCH: Where can I find a developer?22:47
x_linkDaskreeCH: My english isn't that goood, just so you know.22:47
DaskreeCHx_link: If you can bear it so can I22:48
x_linkDaskreeCH: They removed kedit, kview...and then som other small stuff.22:48
x_linkDaskreeCH: I'm to used to KDE3 as well.22:48
x_linkSo it's hardy to change.22:48
DaskreeCHI guess fair enough. If you look at the site that Ubottu gave you it has contact information22:48
ryan__hi there22:49
x_linkDaskreeCH: Thanks alot for your help!22:50
x_linkNow I have to go to bed, must go to work in a couple of hours =/22:50
x_linkTake care everybody!22:50
x_linkGood night22:50
ryan__simple little question - I am installing the ATI Drivers right now and now it wants the jaunty cd in the /cdrom/ folder I can acess the cdrom perfectly but the cdrom folder is empty in dolphin any suggestions?22:51
ryan__is there any short command that links the cdrom folder to the device?22:52
DaskreeCHGood night x_link22:52
EagleScreenryan__: disable jaunty CD-ROM as repository22:52
DaskreeCHryan__: What?22:52
EagleScreenand use Internet repositories22:52
ryan__the installer wants to start downloading the rep but then asks for the cd22:52
EagleScreenAlt+F2 -> kdesudo software-properties-kde22:53
DaskreeCHryan__: What version of Kubuntu are you using?22:53
EagleScreenafter it go to Third party software and disable jaunty CD-rOM22:54
ryan__thanks EagleScreen - this could work :D22:54
ryan__strange why does it start a package install now EagleScreen?22:56
EagleScreenin order to reload the packages database22:56
ryan__it stopped with an error :/22:57
EagleScreencopy the error to pastebin and share it here22:57
ryan__the screen with the error closed within seconds - something like "access error"22:58
ryan__but! the ati driver is downloading now :D22:58
EagleScreengood luck23:00
EagleScreenare you isntalling ATI driver from "Hardware Drivers" application?23:00
ryan__I just dowloaded the driver from the ati page23:00
ryan__and using a beginners manual23:01
ryan__I tried envyng but it crashed during the process23:01
EagleScreenryan__: you are trying to install the fglrx driver xorg, it is already in Kubuntu23:03
ryan__I did not know that23:03
EagleScreenopen your favorite package manager23:03
ryan__synaptic is open now23:04
EagleScreenand install xorg-driver-fglrx23:05
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EagleScreeninstall also fglrx-kernel-source and fglrx-amdcccle23:06
EagleScreenfglrx-kernel-source should be build automagically with DKMS23:06
ryan__it this bedder than using the six deb files the ati installer just created?23:06
EagleScreenyou cna check the driver version, if it is the same is better this way23:07
EagleScreenthis way should be easier23:08
ryan__the versions seem to be the same - so you suggest using the package manager instead of the deb files - right?23:08
ryan__thanks I'll stick to your suggestion :)23:09
EagleScreenyou are going to install the driver for xorg and kernel for fglrx (ATI propietary)23:09
EagleScreenlater you may have to configure your X server to use fglrx driver23:10
ryan__installing xorg-driver-fglrx the package manager also selected the kernel source and the amdcccle - thats all I need right?23:11
EagleScreenI think yes23:11
ryan__installation done - without any errors23:13
ryan__guess I need to configure it now..23:13
EagleScreencould you see if DKMS built the fglrx-kernel-source?23:14
ryan__It build23:14
ryan__oh no23:15
ryan__sudo aticonfig --initial returned: aticonfig: No supported adapters detected23:15
EagleScreenwhat is your model?23:16
ryan__ati radeon mobility 960023:16
ryan__very old btw.23:16
DaskreeCHryan__: You'd probably have to reboot or manually add the module23:16
DaskreeCHryan__: It's correct then you need the radeon drivere23:16
ryan__shall I reboot?23:17
DaskreeCHryan__: You may want to set yourself ot have the radeon driver first :)23:17
ryan__I do not know how to set the driver manually..23:18
ryan__I am also scared cause many ppl told me wrong drivers can screw up the whole system23:18
EagleScreenryan__: if your system cannot start after rebooting, use Ubuntu reocvery mode and choose the option to fix X server23:19
gorgonizerhello I am running Jaunty 64 bit and all it realistically does is crash.  The whole system locks up, is anyone else experiencing this issue?23:19
EagleScreenryan__: check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file23:20
DaskreeCHryan__: ha ha depends on what you called screwed. It's pretty hard to screw up linux23:20
ryan__oh do not say that23:21
ryan__the config files can be screwed pretty easy23:21
DaskreeCHX. yeah you can screw X up with a batted eye and flash of leg23:21
ryan__as KDE can23:21
DaskreeCH but That's not the end of the world23:21
ryan__no its not23:21
DaskreeCHryan__: Yeah but that doesn't screw up >*linux*<23:21
ryan__but I am growing hair on my teeth right now ya know :D23:21
DaskreeCHryan__: In fact. Lets install irssi now :)23:22
ryan__is that not another irc client?23:22
DaskreeCHyes it is but you'll thank me in time23:22
ryan__but all I need ...is here23:22
DaskreeCHryan__: do you know about ttys ?23:23
ryan__nope not yet23:23
ryan__whats that?23:23
EagleScreentty is a terminal that runs out of X session23:23
leaf-sheephttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_device_for_the_deaf ? :)23:24
DaskreeCHryan__: Ok well linux provides virtual terminals that you can almost treat as different computers running on the same kernel23:24
EagleScreenpress Ctrl+Alt+F1 to fo to tty1, press Alt+F7 to go back to X session23:24
DaskreeCHYou are given 8 by default and the GUI uses one23:24
DaskreeCHIf you press alt+ctrl+F1 you go to Tty 1 Alt+ctrl+F2 for tty 2 press alt+Ctrl+F7 for GUI again23:24
DaskreeCHryan__: If you like you can try that23:25
EagleScreenyeah in a tty you can use the computer: install packages, edit config files... with X server crashed23:26
DaskreeCHryan__: Hello ?23:26
DaskreeCHI think he may be lost :)23:27
leaf-sheepHe's stuck in virtual tty? :)23:27
leaf-sheepEagleScreen: You gave him wrong commnad.23:28
EagleScreenwhich one?23:28
leaf-sheep"press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to fo to tty1, press Alt+F7 to go back to X session"23:28
leaf-sheepNo CTRL.  <_<23:28
EagleScreenCtrl is needed to go from X to tty23:29
leaf-sheepEagleScreen: Missing CTRL.*23:29
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.23:29
leaf-sheepNevermind. :X23:29
leaf-sheepMy condolences. :)23:30
EagleScreenok dont worry23:30
guianey cabrones23:30
guiancomerme el pijote23:30
leaf-sheepRyan reboot, eh?23:30
guianwindows rulez, linux sucks23:30
EagleScreenkick guian!23:31
leaf-sheepguian: Hooray for uneducated people. :)23:31
DaskreeCHguian: Grand. I guess you have no need to be here then unless you are looking for help?23:31
guiani i..... i heman23:31
EagleScreenguian eres un mamonazo23:32
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DaskreeCHEagleScreen: Missed!23:35
ryan23I guess my linux is screwed now - at least x is23:46
ryan23after the reboot all the stuff on screen was just a huge gfx error23:46
ryan23I put the kubuntu install cd in the drive and tried to find the repair option but the help file says there is no dedicated repair on the cd :/23:47
yannick__quelqu un parle francais23:47
ryan23EagleScreen could you please help me to reset x to the old configuration23:47
yannick__j ai un souci avec ma carte wifi olitec enfin plutot avec son driver23:48
yannick__si quelqu un pourais me dire comment faire fonctioner ma carte wifi et et ainsi je pourais rebrancher ma xbox au reseau sa serais simpas merci d avance23:48
ryan23after the boot I also tried to press STRG+ALT+F1 or F2 to get into tty1 - but no response - just the gfx errors on screen23:49
yannick__please I speak no good english but I wanna install a driver for my olitec usb stick 802.11g can you help me please23:51
ryan23any help? I am ryan_ btw.23:52
BluesKajyannick__, install wicd , it works with USB WiFi23:54
ryan23guess all I need is a way to boot into terminal instead of x23:55
yannick__oki I try23:55
BluesKaj!info wicd23:55
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB23:55
vivek_apcan someone help me with the following install error: libqt4-dbg: Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4.5.1-1~ppa1~jaunty1) but 4.5.1-1ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1 is to be installed23:56
yannick__oki thank I install this package23:56
ryan23can no one tell me how to boot into tty1 or konsole :/23:57
aru_sryan: what do you mean "boot into"?23:57
aru_stry the safe/recovery mode option from grub23:58
ryan23in the command line mode?23:58
velezovandovivek, you need to enable the backports repository23:58
vivek_apI have http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu enabled23:59

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