
mwhudsonif you ever ever ever think that you should design a publishing system where AttributeError turns into some kind of not found error, please stop right there02:13
wgrantmwhudson: Be thankful you have an object publishing system, and not some horrid URL-regex-matcher.02:24
mwhudsonwgrant: this is true02:24
mwhudsonbut then at least programming errors would look like programming errors02:24
rockstarmwhudson, are you talking about TraversalError?02:26
mwhudsonrockstar: why, yes i am!02:27
rockstarmwhudson, the benefit of obscure exceptions like that is that curse words get SO creative, it's almost worth having the obscurity.  :)02:28
mwhudsonyes, it's all an experiment to see if my rage can get hot enough to burn all the way through the earth's crust02:28
mwhudson(not this time; must try harder)02:28
rockstarWell, if you manage to put a whole through the earth, it would might make travelling to sprints a little easier.02:30
jmlQuick! Fetch me my unobtanium armor!02:34
lifelessOne word.02:34
thumpernot acquisition!02:34
mwhudsonlifeless: well yes, i would hope we'd have learnt the lesson a mere 10 years later02:36
rockstarI just realized that I misspelled "hole"  I used to not have these issues until we published that writing style guide.  I think it broke me.02:36
mwhudson(about, what, 15% we've been programming _at all_ as a race?)02:37
lifelessstyle guides are overrated02:37
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