
mwhudsonoo, the excitement00:17
jmlone day soon, the number of bugs on Launchpad will exceed the population of Tasmania00:22
wgrantAhaha. Who did that?00:22
wgrant(filed it as private)00:22
ajmitchthat's nasty00:23
jmlwasn't me!00:23
ajmitchjml: I thought it passed that mark a few years ago?00:23
micahgok, how long till 500k :)00:29
micahgajmitch: 497,312 according to wikipedia (Mar 2008)00:31
ajmitchmicahg: I'm sure there can't be that many real people there, they all tend to leave :)00:31
mwhudsonheh heh00:39
james_wbug 4000000:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 40000 in evince "scroll bar obscured in fullscreen mode" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4000000:44
james_wbug 40000000:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400000 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40000000:45
james_wthat's better :-)00:45
wgrantA sad fate for such a round bug number.00:48
wgrantBeing automatically rejected.00:48
ajmitchwgrant: Please make sure bug 500000 is suitable00:58
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 500000 could not be found00:58
jmlLaunchpad bug 500000 in launchpad "Launchpad is *too* awesome." [Undecided,Wontfix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50000001:00
ubottuError: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0x5cbb128> bug 500000 not found01:00
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 500000 could not be found01:00
compengi`i created a branch on launchpad, and created the same folders names, though when i try to push, it tells me, bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: why?01:02
wgrantcompengi`: What is it saying isn't a branch?01:03
wgrantAnd what command are you running?01:04
compengi`bzr push lp:~compengi/+junk/Cirssi01:04
compengi`i created ~/+junk/Cirssi/ folders in my home too01:04
wgrantAh, you didn't have to do that.01:05
wgrantYou just had to create a branch in a directory somewhere, using 'bzr init'.01:05
wgrantYou might want to look at https://help.launchpad.net/Code01:05
wgrantAnd I must now go and work out why we have suddenly got no water.01:06
* wgrant vanishes.01:06
compengi`okay.. i deleted that directory and created my own. i did 'bzr init' then 'bzr add file' and tried to push: bzr push lp:~compengi/+junk/Cirssi , i recieved an error01:08
compengi`bzr: ERROR: Target directory lp:~compengi/+junk/Cirssi already exists, but does not have a valid .bzr directory. Supply --use-existing-dir to push there anyway.01:09
wgrantcompengi`: Aha. You didn't actually need to create trhe branch explicitly on Launchpad - you could have just pushed.01:09
compengi`i see01:09
wgrantSo do as it says now - pass --use-existing-dir01:09
compengi` lp:~compengi/+junk/Cirssi      2  Mature    2009-07-16 02:11:07 CEST01:13
compengi`2 minutes ago This branch is empty.01:13
wgrantIs that unexpected?01:14
compengi`i added a file01:15
compengi`pushed, then it says the branch is empty01:15
wgrantDid you bzr add, bzr commit, then push?01:15
compengi`just tried with commit01:16
wgrantThere it is.01:16
wgrantYou probably want to 'bzr whoami "Your Name <email@address>"' so your commits show up as being done by you.01:17
thewrathhey ugys01:58
thewrathist here a way i can download a certain bzr branch01:59
lifelessone hopes so, that is the point of bzr02:00
thewrathhow do i do that02:00
thewrathis my question02:00
thewrathi knowh ow to get the current version02:00
lifelesshow are you doing that?02:01
thewrathbzr branch lp:mikesats02:01
lifelessthat downloads the branch02:01
lifelessif you look at a branch on launchpad - say https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/1.1702:01
lifelessit has instructions - look for 'get this branch'02:02
thewrathGet this branch:                        bzr branch lp:mikesats02:02
thewraththat only gets the current version correct or am i wrong02:03
lifelessWhat do you mean by 'current version'02:03
thewraththe latest02:03
lifelessyou're wrong02:03
lifelessit copies all the history02:03
thewraththe latest is 16 i want 1402:03
thewrathhow would i get version 1402:04
wgrantbzr revert -r1402:06
thewrathdoesnt export work?02:07
wgrantIf you want to export it, export would work.02:08
compengi`thanks wgrant02:09
* wgrant likes bug #40002703:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400027 in launchpad-code "Auto-update preview diff on source push" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40002703:26
wgrantBut hmm, which one is the preview diff?03:26
thumperwgrant: abentley and I are discussing code review workflows03:37
thumperwgrant: the preview diff is the "merge outcome" if it happened now03:38
thumperwgrant: we have another bug to rename it to show "merge outcome"03:39
thumperwgrant: right now the preview diff is only updated by the mad script03:39
wgrantthumper: So the preview diff is the one that's linked to, and the review diff is the one displayed?03:40
wgrantWhich means that the most obvious diff will only be updated on resubmit?03:41
thumperwgrant: we also filed bugs about how to best display these03:41
thumperwe want to show bot03:41
thumperbut in a nice sensible way03:41
thumperwgrant: and we are going to make resubmit nicer :)03:42
phurlhi all05:26
phurlwhy do i have junk in my branch name?05:26
mwhudsonbecause it's not associated with a project05:28
mwhudsonit's in the spirit of http://www.samba.org/junkcode/05:28
mwhudson... which seems to be misconfigured ...05:28
phurlmwhudson, fair enough!05:28
phurldefine : series ? is that like 9.04 9.08?05:34
phurldefine : driver ? is that like  project manager?05:34
wgrantphurl: A release series is something like 1.x - it might have 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 releases under it.05:41
wgrantAnd a driver is basically the project manager, yes.05:41
phurlwgrant, thanks05:41
pooliethumper: want to talk about lca?06:15
thumperpoolie: yes, give me 2 minutes06:17
thumperpoolie: skype or pots?06:23
poolieskype's good with me06:23
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didrockshi guys08:58
didrocksis there a way to get an url for a project/person having the project or person object using launchpadlib (I just get the +api/ url)?08:59
wgrantdidrocks: Not at the moment.08:59
wgrantdidrocks: Although you can easily create them, of course.09:00
didrockswgrant: yes, I made a function for that. But well, having a real method is always because in case of changes :)09:00
wgrantdidrocks: There's a bug filed somewhere for a general solution to that problem.09:00
didrockswgrant: oh? let me search that09:01
wgrantBug #31669409:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316694 in launchpadlib "Add web_link property to resources" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31669409:01
wgrantAlthough that's not a launchpadlib bug.09:02
wgrantI thought there was another one.09:02
* wgrant googles further.09:02
wgrantleonardr has half a fix already in lazr.restful.09:03
didrockshum, I may have a look at his code, so09:04
didrocksoh, btw, I didn't check that yet but if you know, which kind of interaction can we have with ppa? only read one, creation, put a package in it (or we have to use dput)?09:05
wgrantdidrocks: At the moment you can't upload packages through the API.09:07
wgrantdidrocks: lazr.restful is server-side - the web URL is something that needs implementing on the Launchpad end.09:07
didrockswgrant: oh ok, I was thinking you were talking for some kind of generic code for dealing with such server and such, gessing the real url. Ok, I'm subscribed to the bug. Thanks :)09:09
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=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gmb | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
=== sladen_ is now known as sladen
mptgmb / BjornT: Based on comments in the bug report I think bug 204980 should be ranked a bit higher-importance than it is11:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204980 in malone "bug contacts should be able to unsubscribe from implicit subscriptions" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20498011:26
* gmb ooks11:26
gmbmpt, BjornT: I agree, this is obviously making life hard for upstreams. I'll re-prioritise it.11:33
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davidstraussOur git import keeps failing: https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/openlibrary/trunk14:24
bacgmb: ^^14:35
* gmb looks14:37
gmbdavidstrauss: I'm just trying to clone the repository locally; if that succeeds I'll get someone from our codehosting team to take a look at your problem for you. Please bear with me...14:44
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
gmbdavidstrauss: Okay, I've managed to clone that locally. I'm going to speak to our codehosting guys.14:59
davidstraussgmb: thanks14:59
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
abentleydavidstrauss: Hi there, I'm one of their codehosting guys.15:01
davidstraussabentley: Hi Aaron. :-)15:02
abentleydavidstrauss: From looking at the log, this seems to be a bug in bzr-git: NotImplementedError: <function import_git_submodule at 0x90040d4>15:02
davidstraussabentley: yes15:02
abentleydavidstrauss: The project you're importing uses submodules?15:09
abentleydavidstrauss: I think bzr-git won't support that until Nested Trees are implemented.15:10
davidstraussabentley: Apparently OL does15:11
abentleydavidstrauss: jelmer in $bzr is the main (only?) author of bzr-git, so I've pinged him.15:12
AnMasterum a bug in launchpad. Check the "milestones and releases" in https://launchpad.net/cfunge/trunk ? Why is there "" after the last one...15:40
AnMasterI never entered any code name for any of them...15:40
AnMasterso clearly there should be "" for all or for none15:40
AnMasterwhich launchpad project to report this to?15:41
abentleyAnMaster: registry15:43
AnMasterhm ok15:43
AnMasterabentley, why does launchpad occasionally pop up an JavaScript alert() style window saying "0error retrieving data"?15:45
AnMasterI think I clicked "back" button before it happened the first time, the next time I clicked the bugs link on https://launchpad.net/launchpad-registry while the page was still loading. Unable to reproduce most of the time.15:46
abentleyAnMaster: I don't know.  I haven't seen that.15:46
AnMasterand where on earth should I report it?15:46
abentleyAnMaster: If you don't know, report it on Launchpad, and we'll reassign it.15:47
AnMasterabentley, I can't even reliably reproduce it...15:47
dpmdanilo__: regarding the list of KDE packages with new languages in LP, there were a few with no known plural form in LP, which you told me it will have to be set manually in LP. I'm assuming this will not stop the languages being used correctly in the language packs. If it's not like this, how can we set the plural forms in LP. Can I just find them out, make a list and someone from the LP translations team set them up?15:52
dpmRiddell: ^15:52
AnMasterabentley, will line breaks be preserved in bug reports? I don't usually use launchpad for bugs15:52
AnMasterbasically I'm asking for <pre>15:53
abentleyAnMaster: line breaks are preserved.15:53
AnMasterabentley, spaces?15:53
abentleyAnMaster: There may be additional text wrapping.  I don't know.15:53
danilo__dpm: yeah, that would work; just get Plural-Forms header out of PO files and that should work; KDE used to have that hard-coded in kdelibs, but not sure if that's true anymore (wouldn't make sense now that they are using generic gettext files)15:54
abentleyAnMaster: I believe spaces are preserved.15:54
AnMasterabentley, as in mono-space formatted text table looking correct I mean15:54
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AnMasterhm probably not since the input field doesn't use monospace...15:54
abentleyAnMaster: If you exceed 72 char width, I don't know what the generated emails will look like.15:55
dpmdanilos: ok, I'll prepare that list, but in the meantime, as long as the plural forms are not set in LP, will there be any problem in using those languages in the distro (i.e. in langpacks)?15:56
AnMasterabentley, it ate the spaces in the listing in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/400268 meh15:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 400268 in launchpad-registry "No code name for a release results in empty quotes in release listing for SOME releases." [Undecided,New]15:57
AnMasterUbuntu bug?15:58
AnMasterisn't that going a bit too far :P15:58
AnMasterabentley, by the way, for launchpad-code, how long is the average time for someone replying to a question?15:59
AnMasterdays or weeks?15:59
abentleyAnMaster: The spaces are preserved, they're just not displayed :-P15:59
AnMasterabentley, ah, sounds like another bug heh15:59
abentleyAnMaster: Days.16:00
danilosdpm: I am not completely sure, people will not be able to translate, but I am not certain about PO files and whether we regenerate plural-forms header (I think we do, so we will have problems)16:00
AnMasterabentley, a question, is it just my browser, or does the graph thingy for lp:efunge on https://code.launchpad.net/~anmaster extend over the text for "lp:~anmaster/efunge/supervisor-tree"? And does only first branch have such graph?16:02
* AnMaster wonders if he should report some bug there16:02
adiroibandanilos: also, for the plural-forms from po files are replaced with the plural form from the LP database?16:02
abentleyAnMaster: In my browser, only the descenders overlap.  In project pages, only the development focus gets a sparkline.16:03
danilosadiroiban: they are, because PO files can have different slightly incompatible plural forms, and we normalize them to the one in our DB (i.e. plural form 0 and 1 could be inverted)16:08
adiroibanyes, that was my guess.16:09
AnMasterabentley, hm..16:24
AnMasterabentley, "descenders"? I'm not sure what you mean?16:24
AnMasterthe blue text below?16:24
abentleyLetters that descend below the baseline, such as lowercase "g" and "y".16:25
AnMasterah ok16:25
AnMasterabentley, may I ask which browser (and version) you use?16:25
abentleyAnMaster: Firefox 3.0.1116:26
AnMasterhuh, same as me then16:26
AnMasterhow strange16:26
abentleyAnMaster: Maybe different zoom settings?16:26
AnMasterabentley, "normal zoom" here16:26
abentleyAnMaster: same here.16:27
* AnMaster takes a screenshot16:27
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gmb | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
gmbGah. Fail.16:31
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
AnMasterabentley, this is what it looks like for me: http://imgur.com/8a0yW.png16:32
AnMaster(minus the blurring of other tabs and bookmarks of course)16:32
abentleyAnMaster: It could be because your fonts are smaller than mine.16:34
AnMasterabentley, sounds like the CSS on launchpad fails. I guess I should report a bug. Which launchpad project this time?16:35
abentleyAnMaster: launchpad-code16:35
abentleyAnMaster: I changed my fonts to be closer to yours, but couldn't reproduce the problem.16:36
AnMasterhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/383924 "Sparklines displayed over row below in Opera"16:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 383924 in launchpad-code "Sparklines displayed over row below in Opera" [Medium,Triaged]16:37
AnMasterabentley, hm ok. I don't run Unbuntu (probably unusual for someone in here) so maybe different settings when building stuff like freetype or whatever. Don't know if FreeBSD uses other options than Ubuntu16:38
AnMasterum am I still connected? Seems I'm timing out from freenode16:39
AnMasterhm... 40 seconds lag. :/16:39
AnMasterabentley, btw about font, I have bitstream vera sans, 14 pt by default, and set to never less than 1116:43
abentleyAnMaster: If you remove the restriction on minimum font size, does the problem go away?16:45
abentleyAnMaster: The font in your sparkline does look bigger than mine.16:46
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bdmurrayWhat's the best way to query for bugs based off date created / in numerical order?  I don't want the date the task was created.17:05
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kikobdmurray, just order by ID?17:18
bdmurraykiko: right but that's not really an option in the api or the web search17:19
kikobdmurray, you sure it's not an option in the API?17:19
kikoin the web search it is indeed not an option, interesting17:19
bdmurraykiko: well order_by isn't defined anywhere afaik but someone told be it took the same options as the web ui17:20
kikobdmurray, hmm, I think it doesn't17:21
kikolook at the source17:21
intellectronicabdmurray, kiko: it does take exactly the same options as the web ui17:23
bdmurraythanks somebody!17:23
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funkyHatWhat does "Fix Committed" mean in launchpad? I'm lookin at #354605 which says Fix Committed for pidgin (Ubuntu) but I am still experiencing the bug17:30
intellectronicafunkyHat: it means that the fix was completed and in is now in the source tree of the product, but not yet released to users17:31
kklimondafunkyHat: in case of ubuntu packages fix commited mean that changes will be uploaded soon to repository or were already uploaded to -proposed in case of SRU17:33
tanir_bdhello! I have a question regarding launchpad translation... is there any one from the team?17:33
henningetanir_bd: almost gone ... Is it a quick one? ;-)17:34
funkyHatintellectronica: kklimonda: thanks, so I should wait until it says Fix Released before I bother testing it again?17:35
* funkyHat hopes it gets uploaded soon17:35
tanir_bdhenninge: lol.. yah.. is there any application by which i can submit the changes directly without going to launchpad website?17:35
intellectronicafunkyHat: exactly17:36
tanir_bdam i alive in the room? :-S17:38
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henningetanir_bd: yes, you are. I am fixing my dinner ... ;)17:42
tanjir_bdhenninge: sorry... take your time :)17:43
henningetanir_bd: I am checking something about your question17:43
henningetanjir_bd: np, I didn't have to answer, did I?17:43
tanjir_bdhenninge: thanks... lol.. nope.. i can do further research or you can show me the right room for this ans.. :-$17:43
henningetanjir_bd: no, you are right here. Hang on!17:44
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tanjir_bdhenninge: :D17:44
henningetanjir_bd: found it!17:45
henningetanjir_bd: here is a script my collegue Jeroen wrote for that purpose:17:46
tanjir_bdhenninge: awesome... :D... thanks a lot.. that is what i was looking for :)17:46
henningetanjir_bd: np17:47
tanjir_bdhenninge: i appreciate your help... have a nice dinner... :)17:47
tanjir_bdgood night17:47
henningetanjir_bd: my pleasure and thank you!17:47
henningegood night17:47
thekornhi, is there a way to update the diff which is shown on the bottom of a merge proposal?18:20
intellectronicathekorn: yes, if you use bzr send to create the mp you can tell it what diff to use18:24
thekornintellectronica, ok, but I cannot update an existing diff, right? (created a merge proposal some time ago, found a bug in the proposed branch, fixed it -> show new diff)18:28
intellectronicathekorn: no, i don't think you can18:29
intellectronicarockstar: do you know? ^^^^^18:29
thekornso my only option seems to be to delete the old proposal and create a new one18:29
rockstarthekorn, no.  It's a review diff.  There is another diff, called the PreviewDiff, which can be updated with lp:mad18:30
rockstarthekorn, we have plans to have the previewdiff be a little more prominent.18:30
thekornok, thanks18:31
* thekorn is confused by preview diff and review diff18:31
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=== thou_ is now known as thou
jenredhave a question about merging branches on lp (read docs)21:39
jenredit looks like I have to do the merge from the command line correct?21:40
jenredis there anyway to send a merge command without pulling the separate branches down locally?21:40
joshmarshallHey all -- I keep getting a Launchpad connection problem while trying to browse the Storm source code.22:03
joshmarshallIt says drop a line in here if it keeps happening, so I'm just complying. :)22:03
thumperjoshmarshall: which url?22:13
thumperjenred: not right now22:13
mm-mysqlstatik: Any idea what launchpad is using for their sparklines?22:30
wgrantbigjools: I see you're going to get rid of +copy-packages from the primary archive. Please don't.22:39
wgrantIt worked fine last month, and is pretty useful.22:39
wgrantFor example, I was going to use it later today.22:39
bigjoolsit's not supposed to be there22:39
bigjoolsit's a back door22:40
wgrantWhy should it be removed?22:40
bigjoolseventually there will be proper API support22:40
bigjoolsthe template it uses is designed for PPAs, not something as massive as the main archive22:40
bigjoolswe're shaking out a few API permissioning issues, then syncSource will work for you22:41
wgrantbigjools: syncSource from the primary archive doesn't work at the moment?22:42
bigjoolsfrom, yes, to, no22:42
wgrantI don't care about to.22:42
wgrantAt the moment.22:42
bigjoolsbut the piece of work that cprov just finished sends syncSource copies to the main archive via the upload queue, we'll be using it initially for a small set of users like the security team22:43
wgrantBut the use to which I was going to put /ubuntu/+archive/primary/+copy-packages today was copying libjs-jquery-ui (only in Karmic) into Hardy in one of my PPAs, as a software rollout needs it. Now I'll have to mangle version numbers and upload. I've also seen a number of users use it to get debhelper 7 into Hardy in their PPAs, without having to allow building from Backports for all distroseries.22:45
bigjoolswhy can't you use the api to do that?22:46
wgrantI could.22:47
wgrantBut I've never had to before, as the web UI worked fine.22:47
wgrantSo you're right, it's not too bad.22:47
bigjoolsthat page is not linked to from anywhere, it's entirely unsupported and leaves OOPSes behind22:47
wgrantI haven't seen it OOPS (apart from timeouts) before now.22:48
bigjoolsyes, it times out a lot :)22:48
bigjoolsand adds a load on our db server that I don't want22:48
bigjoolsso please spread the word that we have this really cool api thing22:50
bigjoolsand we'll look into adding a web ui that works much better22:50
micahgcan I build a debian (not ubuntu) package in a ppa?22:52
bigjoolsmicahg: no, we don't support deban PPAs right now, maybe at some point22:53
bigjoolsdebian, even22:53
micahgok, do you know if there's an open bug?22:53
bigjoolsyes, there is one22:53
wgrantBug #18856422:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188564 in soyuz "Build also packages for Debian in PPA's" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18856422:53
micahgI subscribed :)22:54
AskHLHi.  I want to upload a tar.gz of my project as a download, which I am technically capable of doing by checking out the code, removing *all* the hidden .bzr files (sooner or later I'll make an error when doing that) and then making the file.  This seems like an awfully manual procedure.  Is there some kind of 'Just make the darn tarball' button which I am missing?  Surely other people must be facing the same issue.23:38
mwhudsonAskHL: bzr export --format tgz lp:whatever23:40
mwhudsonAskHL: bzr export --format tgz whatever-0.0.0.tgz lp:whatever23:40
mwhudsonyou still have to upload it though, it would be nice to make this slicker23:40
AskHLSo this will create the tarball in the workdir?23:41
AskHLdownloading from lp23:41
mwhudsonif you have the branch on disk you can of course use that rather than lp23:41
AskHLThat's magnificent.  Thank you mwhudson!23:41
mwhudsonAskHL: bzr help export for more details23:42
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