
kwwiigood morning all09:46
mat_thi everyone10:30
psyke83kwwii: I found an issue with the gtk-button size change in the theme. I filed it as: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/40037120:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 400371 in gnome-panel "Notification area of gnome-panel derives application icon size from theme's gtk-icon-sizes -> gtk-button definition incorrectly." [Undecided,New]20:21
psyke83you may want to subscribe as well20:21
psyke83it seems that the theme icon fallbacks aren't working correctly for some applications20:22
SiDi407 photos in flickr !20:22
SiDiA few of them are really bad tho :P20:28
SiDikwwii: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bestofbenni/3016432034/in/pool-ubuntu-artwork should this be in the pool ? :/20:29
thorwilsure, it's great. i'm just missing the compiz dodecahedron!!20:34
thorwilthis one really embodies the spirit of ubuntu: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29212301@N00/207589257/in/pool-ubuntu-artwork20:35
SiDiCircle of humans : http://www.flickr.com/photos/arghmonkey/2284729781/in/pool-ubuntu-artwork thorwil :D20:40
thorwilexceptional: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23890584@N08/2600640149/sizes/l/in/pool-556923@N24/  shame for the limited resolution20:43
SiDithorwil: apparently its because non-pro accounts cant upload bigger photos :P21:02
thorwilevolution is so nice to me: Error while Storing folder 'Inbox', Error while Generating message list, Error while fetching mail21:05
thorwilall at the same time21:05
Lithium_Rain Haha21:05
Lithium_Rainat least it *works* for you21:05
thorwilreason for the first 2 is the system partition is full. just sucks that evolution can't just report that!21:07
SiDithorwil: not the app's job :D21:07
Lithium_Rainthey don't pay it enough to care :P21:08
thorwilalready freed more than 500 MB by deleting stuff in .thumbnails ...21:09
Lithium_RainCleaned out the temp folders, right?21:10
thorwilLithium_Rain: no. .thumbnails is in your home dir21:10
Lithium_RainNo, I know,21:10
Lithium_RainI mean,21:10
Lithium_Rainyou've ALSO cleaned out tmp? :P21:10
* Lithium_Rain isn't completely thick :D21:11
thorwilgood night!21:15

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