
CIA-3partman-md: cjwatson * r934 auto-setup/ (5 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)00:31
CIA-3partman-md: Rearrange RAID configuration per the00:31
CIA-3partman-md: foundations-karmic-server-installer-improvements specification. Instead00:31
CIA-3partman-md: of requiring partitions to be set for use as RAID physical volumes00:31
CIA-3partman-md: first, we now offer all partitions that could be used as physical00:31
CIA-3partman-md: volumes, and automatically set them up that way on request. This allows00:31
CIA-3partman-md: us to offer our main menu option more or less all the time, and should00:31
shtylmanevand: I have been muking around with cleaning up the installer and I think I broke something on the kde side. After clicking next on the language screen it crashes...and syslog reports: debconf: DbDriver "targetdb": could not open /target/var/cache/debcond/config.dat ... any ideas as to what I might have done wrong? my cleanups arn't that dramatic so I am kinda lost with this debconf stuff, thanks...08:00
evandshtylman: is this with the latest ubiquity?  What version, specifically?08:03
shtylmanmaybe I havn't updated in a bit...08:04
shtylmanevand: oh I see...a bit has changed after the oem merge08:12
shtylmanI think I will just kill my changes and start afresh from that08:12
shtylmanevand: some of the oem merge changes actually did what I was doing so yea :)08:12
evandapologies.  I really need to get better at communicating what's going on with ubiquity development.  I emailed xivulon about the incoming merge, as I knew it directly affected what he was working on, but I didn't think to CC you.  I'll send such mails to ubuntu-installer@ next time.08:16
shtylmanevand: no worries :) I haven't had as much time (with my move to nyc and all) to keep up with the dev as a would have liked...but now I am more settled in and hopefully can get a hold of it08:18
evandshtylman: how is that going, by the way?  Are you in Manhattan or in the dark territory of of a surrounding borough?08:20
shtylmanevand: hahah...it went quite well. Started work on Monday (eats up ALOT of time) ... yea, I am in Manhattan...I avoided the dark territories :)08:21
evandxivulon: out of curiosity, why do you use Python 2.3 in Wubi, rather than Python 2.6?08:31
shtylmanevand: just a heads up on what my changes will entail... beyond the cosmetic things I showed you, I am migrating the sig/slot connect calls over to the new mechanism in pyqt4.5 and also cleaning up some of te codebase...08:31
evandgood deal08:32
evanddo you have this in a published branch?08:32
xivulonhi evand, because A) it leads to a smaller overall package B) there are issues with the distributions of some libraries in python 2.4+08:32
evandxivulon: can you elaborate on B?08:32
shtylmanevand: not yet... I did start a branch, but I am gonna delete it cause I am just gonna restart from the changes since oem-config merge... they arn't all that many yet or hard to do so hopefully I will have a new published branch soon08:33
evandshtylman: okay, thanks08:34
xivulonevand have to fetch the info, iirc newer versions are linked against msvcr*.dll, and I believe you cannot redistribute the CRT unless you are a visual studio licensee08:41
xivulonevand, compiling python + extensions in mingw32 should also do the trick08:51
xivulonevand: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.py2exe/65208:54
* evand reads up09:00
evandsurely if this was an issue, you would not be able to redistribute the Python for Windows installer, which I imagine would be a big deal.09:02
xivulonps in trunk I have created a new tool called pypack (out of pyinstaller), running that in wine with the target python version, it will convert a python script (entry point) into a self-contained directory with all required dependencies09:02
xivulonI think python devs have the license to redistribute msvcr*.dll, I do not own visual studio though09:02
xivulonand I did not know about the implications for you redistributing it, so I went the safe route, I tried python 2.3 and I saved quite some space, so I ended up sticking with that09:03
evandI'll have to do some more research on this09:06
xivulonMost annoying part of using 2.3 I found is lack of annotations and some modules (sets) have to be installed separately09:07
xivulonhave to go now, feel free to send me an email if you have other questions09:09
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3319 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity debian/changelog):10:47
CIA-3ubiquity: Restore autologin-disabling code from oem-config, corrected to work with10:47
CIA-3ubiquity: new gdm (LP: #395861).10:47
evandcjwatson: I just want to check with you before I start putting pieces into place.  Do you have any objections to a ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu package (in its own source package) that ubiquity-frontend-gtk depends on?  It's currently set up to provide ubiquity-slideshow, but I can't see that being necessary as putting a dependency on ubiquity-slideshow in ubiquity would require every frontend to provide a slideshow and I can't think of how we'd so12:49
evanderr nevermind on that not being necessary.  I missed the obvious case of the different slideshow packages needing to conflict.12:59
mterrycjwatson, whoops, didn't mean to drop a autologin-disabling section in the merge13:12
cjwatsonevand: it's fine by me13:14
cjwatsonmterry: no worries, just happened to notice it13:14
evandgood deal13:14
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3320 ubiquity/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Add support for ubiquity-slideshow.14:19
superm1okay so looks like if no slides are found, just hides the frame like before14:28
superm1sounds good to me14:29
cjwatsonmterry: I've reassigned all the open oem-config bugs to ubiquity, and tagged them 'oem-config'14:40
mterrycjwatson, hah.  I was just investigating how to do that via launchpadlib14:40
mterrycjwatson, saved me some trouble, thanks.  :)14:40
cjwatson(hmm, I may have accidentally reassigned duplicates too)14:40
cjwatsonmterry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219780/14:41
cjwatsonprobably want something like 'and not task.bug.duplicate_of' in there14:42
evand...829 open bugs... :-/14:42
mterrycjwatson, interesting.  that makes sense now that I see it, but I was wading through a bunch of docs to get there14:42
cjwatsonyeah, I've just been there before is all14:43
cjwatsonthe bug tagging trick is one you have to know - bug 25409114:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254091 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Intrepid] Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 Generates a corrupt screen with compiz enabled (dup-of: 245888)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25409114:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245888 in mesa "Intrepid, on latest updates (mesa updates - 7.1~rc1-0ubuntu1), compiz no longer works and gives white screen on login" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24588814:43
cjwatsonerr, what?14:43
cjwatsonbug 25490114:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254901 in launchpadlib "appending tags to bug.tags is not supported properly on lp_save()" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25490114:44
cjwatsontoday, launchpadlib let me do in about three or four hours what took me two full days last time I did it14:44
cjwatson(8.04.3 change summary)14:44
cjwatsonso it's well worth some investment in learning14:45
cjwatsonevand: yeah :-/14:45
* mterry gets a cjwatson-inspired email storm14:49
mterrycjwatson, oh, btw, I don't mean to be a pest, but I didn't get an ACK yesterday, so I'm pinging you again about it: Can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubiquity/translated-timezones/+merge/8698 when you have time and in particular, give me an OK or not on starting an MIR for python-pyicu14:50
cjwatsonok, I'll queue it up14:52
cjwatsonfrom what you've written, I suggest starting a MIR for pyicu anyway14:52
cjwatsonI can imagine using it somehow in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, for instance; there's a long-running bug in which people complain about the collation14:53
cjwatsonmterry: what's the one-liner for sorting a list of strings using pyicu then?15:02
mterrycjwatson, i missed your last comment about pyicu due to irc issues.  the question was, 'what's a one-liner for sorting with pyicu?'  let me grab that15:34
mterrycjwatson, well...  not really a one-liner.  what it does is gives us a 'collation key' for python's normal sort algorithms.  So doing 'self.collator.getCollationKey('goofy string').getByteArray()' gives a good collation key15:36
mterrycjwatson, but you first have to instantiate a collator with a certain locale15:37
mterry(persia, thanks for noting the missed question)  :)15:37
* persia lurks harder15:38
cjwatsonmterry: mm, I realised shortly after asking that I could have found the answer by looking through your merge request :)15:47
cjwatsonright, so it doesn't really help with the language question unfortunately since there is no preferred locale there15:48
mterrycjwatson, even instantiating with the C locale is fine there15:48
cjwatsonI mean I suppose we could just say sod-it and do Latin-alphabet sorting15:48
cjwatsonmm, sort of15:48
mterrycjwatson, it only uses the locale for special situations15:48
cjwatsonwhere does Čeština go?15:48
mterrycjwatson, there are several layers of collation15:48
mterrycjwatson, even in C, it will strip accents AFAIK15:49
cjwatsonor Қазақ for that matter15:49
mterryҚазақ is post-ASCII15:49
mterry(i.e. sorted after Z)15:49
cjwatsonthat's unfortunate15:49
mterry(As i recall)15:49
mterryI tested with sorting the language list15:49
cjwatsonit'd presumably mean that everything non-Latin gets punted to the end15:50
mterryBut it was strictly better than the current list.  :)15:50
mterryIn fact, yes15:50
mterryBut where would you sort them?  You can't really sort glyphs in the middle of Latin15:50
cjwatsonҚазақ oughta go with the Ks15:50
cjwatsonI dunno, it's all terribly subjective15:51
mterrycjwatson, the Unicode consortium has specs for this15:51
mterrycjwatson, and libicu tries to follow them15:51
mterrycjwatson, let me find the spec15:51
mterrycjwatson, http://unicode.org/reports/tr10/15:51
cjwatsonright, for locale-dependent collation15:53
mterrycjwatson, right.  but in the absence of a locale, I argue that applying 70% of the collation logic is better than the arbitrary order we have now15:54
cjwatsonnobody really designs for the case where you don't know the target language because (a) the best you can do is smelly heuristics and (b) it's very rare15:54
cjwatsonI'm happy for somebody to drop in a replacement collation order on the condition that if we ever get bugs about it I can assign them to that person. :)15:54
mterrycjwatson, unless you wanted to have sexy animation logic where we resort the list after selecting a language.  :)15:54
cjwatsonno, that'd definitely be confusing15:54
cjwatson"the thing I clicked on just ran away, help"15:55
mterrycjwatson, though, we do know the locale at that point.  It's 'C'.  :)15:55
cjwatsonyeah, I sort of meant a useful locale15:56
mterrycjwatson, well, I consider the current sorting as 'random'.  Having a sorting that at least puts most characters that look alike near each other will help people find their language.  Though there may be odd balls like your funky K15:59
mterrycjwatson, you can blame me when people complain15:59
mterryas you say, it's an inherently unsolvable problem16:00
mterryExhibit A in my 'what's wrong with the current sorting' is Finnish16:02
cjwatsonso let's go with it16:03
mterrycjwatson, one thing that may help is trying something like the LanguageOnly screen, where all languages fit on one screen16:04
mterrycjwatson, have we found that to be helpful?16:04
cjwatsonI don't really like it personally16:05
cjwatsonin the case of ubiquity I think the other information on the front page is useful to display, and aesthetically I just find the bare grid rather intimidating-looking16:05
cjwatsonit has an obvious scaling problem too - we add languages from time to time, not many but usually one or two a release16:06
mterryYeah....  And I would expect it to sort down first before sorting left-to-right.  But that's probably locale-dependent too16:06
cjwatsonwe do it that way largely because some OEMs complained that (IIRC) Chinese wasn't on the front page, but I can't say I like the results16:07
mterryThat's an interesting idea.  A good sorting in C locale might just be based on usage16:07
mterryWe have popcon data for that?16:07
mterryfor which language packs are installed...16:07
cjwatsonI'm not convinced Ubuntu popcon is what you might call accurate16:08
cjwatsonthere's some evidence of serious skew16:08
mterryen would probably give false positives.  and languages for where the popcon UI is not translated would have trouble16:08
mterrycjwatson, locale data for the firefox homepage?16:08
mterryfirefox sends it16:08
cjwatsonI don't think usage is a good sorting metric though16:08
cjwatsonthat requires a very very weird mindset on the part of users16:09
mterryhmm...  but we could have a sexy web 2.0 cloud of language names16:09
cjwatson"oh yeah, I think my language is about the twentieth most popular in the world"16:09
cjwatson... not happening :)16:09
cjwatsonI'd rather have a best-effort C sort with a few weird spots16:09
mterryyar, but it even with my sexy new sorting, they have to think 'hmm, I think english would sort me here'16:09
mterryWhich is something they're more used to, so...16:10
cjwatsonright, but at least A-Z sorting is fairly usual16:10
cjwatsonso it's only Czech, Kazakh, and the non-Latin ones who have to think16:10
cjwatsonwhich is still a lot but it's better than now16:10
mterryalright.  Well, first step is MIR16:10
cjwatsonand *definitely* better than it would be if we shuffled the order by speaker count16:10
cjwatsonI must admit python-pyicu seems like a lot of bytes for a smarter sort()16:11
mterryyeah, but icu is already on cd for openoffice16:11
cjwatsonI wonder if we could do a reasonable job in less space given the limited input data16:11
mterrypython-pyicu itself is a small addition16:11
cjwatsonit's >200KB - not huge but not that trivial either16:11
cjwatsonif it'd be really hard to do a decent job independently, I'll defer16:12
mterrycjwatson, we could hardcode it.  we could strip accents, but unless we hardcoded list of accents, we'd need to get that from *some* library16:12
mterrycjwatson, if language list doesn't change unless we hear about it, hardcode might not be the worst16:12
mterrybut...  i want icu for sorting country list anyway16:12
mterryso it's already there16:13
mterryand that should take into account the locale, which we definitely don't' want to reimplement16:13
cjwatsonI don't really want to hardcode as such16:13
cjwatsonwe hear about changes, but we have to sort the list in several places, so my gut feel is that hardcoding would get out of date16:14
mterryIs there an issue with adding python-pyicu to the CD in terms of size?16:15
cjwatsonthere's always a size issue with adding things to the CD :-/16:16
cjwatsonit won't be the worst offender, but it'll crowd out part of a language pack or so16:16
cjwatsonalways tradeoffs16:16
rbelemhi all, i'm trying to build an iso with ubuntu-cdimage. i need to find out if $(BASEDIR)/tasks/auto/$(IMAGE_TYPE)/$(PROJECT)/$(DIST)/MASTER something creates this or should i create this file manually16:53
cjwatsonrbelem: update-tasks creates that16:58
cjwatsonrbelem: well, update-tasks copies it into place - the file itself is written by make-master-task, called by germinate-to-tasks16:59
rbelemcjwatson, nice! Are there other commands should i run before build-image-set?17:02
cjwatsonbuild-image-set should already call those things for you ...17:03
cjwatsonand it should be fine on its own although we generally run it via one of the cron.* wrappers17:03
rbelemcjwatson, hum... i will check what i'm doing wrong17:04
rbelemcjwatson, thanks for your help :-)17:04
evandmpt: Regarding your most recent comment on bug 154506, the text as of today's live CD is "Install Ubuntu 9.10".  Would you suggest I change this to "Install Ubuntu 9.10 Permanently"?17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 154506 in hundredpapercuts "Ubuntu LiveCD "Install" icon confusing" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15450617:35
mptevand, wellllll, it occurred to me a couple of years later that "permanently" is a strong word :-)17:36
mptso I thought maybe "Install Ubuntu on this computer"17:36
evandthe tricky thing about that is that A) it's really long and B) you might be installing to a USB disk17:37
mptyou can do that?17:37
mptWhy wouldn't you be using usb-creator to do that?17:37
evandthey don't do exactly the same thing17:38
evandusb-creator puts the live media on a usb disk.  You can have persistent storage, but as a file that serves as a copy-on-write layer.17:39
evandinstalling via ubiquity means that all writes go straight to the filesystem, there is no pristine copy of ubuntu with a layer of changes on top of it like there is with the live media17:40
mptWhat's "a copy-on-write layer"?17:41
cjwatsonpersistent storage (i.e. doesn't go away on reboot). It's OK for a while and for quick demonstrations and the like, but it has some weird properties so you wouldn't want to use it long-term17:42
cjwatsonin particular if you upgrade the system you will run out of space on the stick eventually - when upgrading system files it never frees the storage used for them at the start of the stick17:43
mptI had no idea that using usb-creator was not the recommended way of setting up a USB installation you plan to work from.17:43
cjwatsonusb-creator is best thought of as taking a live CD and putting it on a USB stick17:44
CIA-3ubiquity: superm1 * r3321 ubiquity/debian/ (oem-config-gtk.postrm oem-config-gtk.preinst changelog):17:44
CIA-3ubiquity: Divert the ubiquity-gtkui.desktop file when oem-config is installed as17:44
CIA-3ubiquity: oem-config now depends on ubiquity.17:44
evandname change ideas welcome :)17:44
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
evandI'm not convinced people care about treating a USB disk like a CD where the data goes away at the end17:44
evandwriting to a USB disk is pretty simple.  If they mess it up, they're probably willing to run the utility to write an image to it again17:45
mptevand, so would it be possible to make usb-creator set up Ubuntu on the USB device in the same way that Ubiquity does?17:45
cjwatsonsuperm1: eww. I wonder if we can do better than that.17:45
cjwatsonsuperm1: (and can we have consistent formatting in scripts please?)17:45
mptOr is that effectively equivalent to just using Ubiquity?17:45
superm1cjwatson, oh my mistake on the formatting. bad copy paste job. will clean up17:46
cjwatsonsuperm1: I assume you're trying to arrange for ubiquity not to be visible in the applications menu at the configuration stage17:46
mptevand, ok, usb-creator perhaps should include a one-sentence disclaimer about that under the radio button for storing your data on the USB disk17:46
cjwatsonsuperm1: maybe the answer is to get round to having oem-config remove itself17:47
superm1cjwatson, no i was actually referring to the installed system17:47
cjwatsonsuperm1: though I agree the diversions are ok for the moment17:47
evandmpt: though we could preseed some assumptions, like the choices available for formatting the disk (just blow it away, people don't dual boot on usb disks, for example).17:47
superm1cjwatson, but that is the proper solution i agree17:47
mptevand, I can't suggest a wording for that right now, partly because I don't fully understand the issue, and partly because I have a headache17:47
cjwatsonsuperm1: what's the distinction between installed system and configuration stage?17:47
cjwatsonI meant configuration stage as in when the end user gets oem-config presented to them17:48
superm1cjwatson, oh i suppose they are identical, you're right.  at first i thought you meant configuration stage as when the system was getting installed17:48
cjwatsonsuperm1: hmm, I'm not sure the semantics of that diversion are quite right - should it remove the diversion on upgrade too?17:48
* cjwatson squints at policy17:48
superm1that would be version dependent I suppose17:49
evandmpt, cjwatson: "In time this space will run out and further changes will no longer be saved." ?17:49
superm1IE you want the diversion to go away at version 2.0.0 or so, then you'll remove it on upgrade with that version17:49
cjwatsonwell, no, it's better for the previous version's postrm to do it17:49
evanderr will not be saved17:49
cjwatsonsuperm1: any reason not to do the diversions unconditionally in preinst/postrm?17:50
mptevand, I have the niggling feeling that the sheer variety of ways of installing Ubuntu makes the average process more difficult than it could be17:50
mptbut anyway17:50
cjwatsonIan told me once that the maintainer scripts were designed such that common cases could usually be run unconditionally17:50
evandmpt: that's been an increasing concern of mine17:50
evandfortunately colinux didn't happen, but the list is still too long17:50
superm1cjwatson, no particular reason I can think of.  just thinking back and i've always seen it ran only in case statements17:50
mptevand, so is it that the your-stuff area is write-only, space used by deleted files isn't reallocated?17:51
mpt(on USB sticks with usb-creator)17:51
evandmpt: that's my understanding.17:51
cjwatsonmm, a lot of people overconditionalise maintscripts, and hardly anyone gets the rollback cases right17:51
cjwatsonlet's see, preinst install/upgrade you clearly want to add the diversion17:51
cjwatsonpreinst abort-upgrade is error unwind from postrm upgrade so needs to undo whatever postrm upgrade does17:52
superm1or abort-install in that case too i suppose17:53
cjwatsonno preinst abort-install17:53
cjwatsonpostrm upgrade goes after preinst upgrade, so ok that shouldn't remove the diversion17:53
superm1oh i was thinking of postrm abort-install. where's that cheat sheet at... oh yeah http://women.debian.org/wiki/English/MaintainerScripts17:54
cjwatsonhmm. ok. I think you're right that it has to be conditional.17:55
cjwatsonunfortunate, that does indeed mean it'll need a version guard to remove it later17:55
cjwatsonwhich is sort of a shame because it never goes away17:55
cjwatsonoh well17:55
CIA-3ubiquity: superm1 * r3322 ubiquity/debian/oem-config-gtk.postrm: clean up formatting from previous commit17:56
mptevand, so maybe something like "Deleting files from this area will not increase space available."17:56
mpter, "space available" -> "available space"17:56
mpt(reinsert headache disclaimer here)17:57
cjwatsondeleting files from the persistent area will increase available space17:57
mptThen what doesn't?17:58
cjwatsonreplacing files in the non-persistent area with files in the persistent area will decrease available space more than intuition would predict17:58
cjwatsondeleting files in the non-persistent area will not increase available space17:58
mptah, so this is mainly about updates and installing new packages?17:58
cjwatsonmostly, yeah17:58
mptWhereas if you choose "Discarded on shutdown..." you can't install updates or new packages at all?17:59
mptor, you can, but they get discarded on shutdown too?17:59
mptIf so, that makes this much simpler18:01
cjwatsonright, the latter18:05
cjwatsonturns out people do want to upgrade the live USB stick quite often, we found out about this when a casper bug broke kernel upgrades a bit ...18:05
mptevand, so I suggest changing "documents and settings will be:" to "documents, settings, and new or updated software will be:"18:06
mptAnd now I'm going home, I'll read scrollback tomorrow if you have questions18:06
mpthm, actually, no, I'm taking this notebook home with me, but I'll be online in a couple of hours or so18:07
evandsorry, was on the phone18:08
rbelemcjwatson, i was debugging to discover where the problem was and i found out that the seeds list are not being populated18:11
rbelemcjwatson, i made this change http://paste.ubuntu.com/219926/ to exit when this is the case18:12
rbelemcjwatson, do you have any clues about why this is happening18:13
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
cjwatsonrbelem: dunno, run list-seeds under sh -x maybe?19:05
rbelemcjwatson, in fact the problem is not in list-seeds but in germinate. it is generating the structure file without entries on the installer.19:27
cjwatsonmight depend on what seeds you point it at ...19:28
cjwatsonthat stuff has been stable for us for a long time19:28
rbelemi'm using ubuntu.karmic and platform.karmic19:29
cjwatsoncan you pastebin the entire contents of the structure file it generates? or is it literally empty?19:30
rbelemcjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/219980/19:36
cjwatsonwell that looks fine19:36
cjwatsoninstaller isn't supposed to have any dependencies19:36
cjwatsonwhat does 'list-seeds /path/to/that/structure/file installer' say?19:37
rbelemcjwatson, it is returning nothing19:38
cjwatsonoh, I know19:38
cjwatsonyou aren't using one of those cron.* wrappers as I suggested, and nor are you setting any of the environment variables they set19:38
cjwatsonif you want to produce an install CD (text installer), you need to set CDIMAGE_INSTALL=1 in the environment19:39
rbelemi'm running the following line19:40
rbelemLOCAL_SEEDS=file:///home/rodrigo/devel/ubuntu/seeds/ CDIMAGE_ROOT=`pwd` PROJECT=ubuntu CAPPROJECT=Ubuntu DIST=karmic ARCHES=i386 CDIMAGE_NOSYNC=1 IMAGE_TYPE=daily build-image-set daily19:40
cjwatsonyou should use 'for-project ubuntu build-image-set daily' rather than setting PROJECT and CAPPROJECT; and add CDIMAGE_INSTALL=1 to that19:40
cjwatsonoh and you don't need to set IMAGE_TYPE=daily, the fact that you're running 'build-image-set daily' implies that19:41
cjwatsonyou could just use cron.daily, that'd be easier19:41
cjwatsonLOCAL_SEEDS=file:///home/rodrigo/devel/ubuntu/seeds/ CDIMAGE_ROOT=`pwd` DIST=karmic ARCHES=i386 CDIMAGE_NOSYNC=1 for-project ubuntu cron.daily19:42
rbelemcjwatson, nice! :-) i will try this right now19:42
rbelemcjwatson, it is working! \o/19:45
rbelemcjwatson, i'm writing a script using debmirror to reduce the disk usage. Do you think this might be interesting to add to the mainline?19:49
cjwatsonsure, potentially19:52
rbelemcjwatson, neat! i will finish it and put it in my branch19:54
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r162 ubuntu/ (7 files in 3 dirs): merge from Debian 13220:57
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Debian: HTTP Error 404: No such bug (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=132;mbox=yes)20:57
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r163 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 132ubuntu120:59
CIA-3partman-target: cjwatson * r769 ubuntu/ (16 files in 6 dirs): merge from Debian 6121:17
CIA-3partman-target: cjwatson * r770 ubuntu/debian/changelog: merge from Debian 6221:38
CIA-3partman-target: cjwatson * r771 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 62ubuntu121:41
svenstaroHey there, can you guys tell me how "pluggable" Ubiquity is as it stands?22:06
svenstaroAs in, can I write a plugin to support different installation profiles? Does it support tours already?22:09
cody-somervillesvenstaro, It is but not as "pluggable" as plain debian-installer23:10
CIA-3partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1221 ubuntu/lib/lvm-base.sh: honour partman locking when checking freeness23:34
CIA-3partman-md: cjwatson * r935 auto-setup/lib/md-base.sh: honour partman locking when checking freeness23:35
CIA-3partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1222 ubuntu/lib/lvm-base.sh: mkdir -p in pv_prepare, just to be safe23:38
CIA-3partman-md: cjwatson * r936 auto-setup/lib/md-base.sh: mkdir -p in md_prepare, just to be safe23:38

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