[00:26] doctormo: did you see the email re: meeting yesterday ? [00:30] bodhi_zazen: Yes, good news, things got sorted out :-) [00:30] bodhi_zazen: anything extra? [00:30] no [00:30] I wanted to ask you, are you interested in helping develop membership criteria ? [00:31] Otherwise I will work on it and present a rough draft for revision [00:33] Oh and I'm lit in the middle of sysadmin class :-D [00:34] bodhi_zazen: I can help, what do you need? drafting? [00:55] np, can talk later, I am also busy ATM [00:56] ideas / suggestions re mebmership criteria and categories (general membership, teachers, admin, students, content contributors, etc). [03:36] The class went well [03:36] http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/ubuntu-system-admin-class-command-line-basics/ <- video will be up when production tools work === doctormo_ is now known as doctormo [18:56] can anyone help with a hd mounting problem ?